Ancient and Historical Heritage of Iloilo City


Ancient and Historical Heritage of Iloilo City
Ancient and Historical
Heritage of Iloilo City
by Jeffrey Celiz
Iloilo City is indeed a repository of ancient and historical heritage. Every visitor
can not miss-out the iconic imagery that these structures impose on the viewers’
percep on. The mixture of its colonial past and western influence is a unique
feature of Iloilo City’s line-up of cultural and ar s c treasures.
Historical records a est to the fact that Iloilo City had been a prominent place
hos ng the religious-poli cal power of the Spanish Authority during the colonial
period. Of course we can’t deny the fact that the first poli cal structure of Spanish
Colonial Power in the en re Philippine Archipelago was established in the town
of Oton, Iloilo, (the site of first “Encomienda System”). So it is not surprising if a
lot of districts in Iloilo City had been adjunct of this Center of colonial poli cal
authority. Molo District and Jaro are the most commonly referred to as the place
of “Alcalde Mayor”.
Informa on & Contacts
Congressman, Lone District of Iloilo City
2/F Agriculturist Bldg.,Gen. Peralta St.
Brgy. Aduana, Iloilo City
Tel. No. (+6333) 336.84.42/300.30.23
City Mayor, Iloilo City
3/F Robinson’s Place, Iloilo City
Tel. No. (+6333) 337.00.85
Fax No. (+6333) 335.06.89
Execu ve Assistant for Economic
Promo ons
3/F Robinson’s Place, Iloilo City
Tel. No. (+6333) 336.38.53
Tourism Officer, Iloilo City
Dinagyang Lounge, Freedom Grandstand
Tel. No. (+6333) 336.75.72 / 336.34.39
Fax No. (+6333) 337.21.72
The famous Jaro Cathedral and the prominent Jaro Belfry across it are among
the monuments of religious heritage in Iloilo City. Un l today, Jaro Cathedral s ll
symbolizes and literally hosts the main Catholic Church’s hierarchical center of
authority. The Jaro Belfry survived a major earthquake disaster some me before
the outbreak of World War II. Presently , it is a symbol of strong colonial heritage
in the city.
Calle Real or the main downtown area of Iloilo City does not only host the
tradi onal trading bazaars of old entrepreneurial Chinese families. Old Spanish
Houses of the “illustrados” (the rich Spanish mes zo families) s ll adorn its far
end area along the road going to Plaza Libertad (JM Basa St.) These colonial
houses which age more than a century since they were first built have their
counterparts in the old mansions of the Mon nolas, and Lizares in Jaro District.
American influences can be seen all over the city, especially in Jaro district with
street names taken from former American presidents and dignitaries like Sco ,
Smith, Lincoln and Washington. The Philippine American Cemetery situated
along the main road of Commission Civil is a tes monial monument of a long
history of Filipino - American friendship. It is dis nguished as the only American
cemetery outside Luzon and Metro Manila. The Filipino - American cemetery is
considered one of the dis nct heritage in Iloilo City.
The glorious and colorful history of Iloilo City is more vividly preserved in the
monuments of heritage that con nue to amaze visitors who come to the city.
Wri en historical records may only possess the informa on of the past but they
can never take the place of living heritage as undying tes monies of a people,
their struggles, aspira ons, dreams and their cultural uniqueness. This is the
living tes mony of Iloilo City’s ancient and historical heritage.
Mayor’s Ho
Hotline: (+63)(33) 333.35.33 / 300.05.33
Emergency Assistance Numbers:
PP1 - City Proper
PP2 - La Paz District
PP3 - Jaro District
PP4 - Molo District
PP5 - Mandurriao District
PP6 - Arevalo District
Iloilo City Emergency Response Team
(24 hrs. emergency response service)
The Philippine American Cemetery
situated along the main road of
Commission Civil is a tes monial
monument of a long history of
Filipino - American friendship. It is
dis nguished as the only American
cemetery outside Luzon and Metro
Manila. The Filipino - American
cemetery is considered one of the
dis nct heritage in Iloilo City.
The stand-out Baroque architectural design of
Molo Church (St. Anne Parish) reflects the
dominant influence of Catholicism in Iloilo. From
an early place used to be known as a Chinese
Ghe o to the seat of Spanish
authority in the south western side of Iloilo,
Molo Church is astonishingly a surviving
heritage of Iloilo City. It resembles the deep spirituality of the Ilonggos and an enduring legacy of
majes c ar stry handed down from genera ons
to genera ons, from the
complexi es of a colonial past.
Sinamay House
Filipinos are fond of wearing their best clothing during special occasions: Wedding,
christening, Christmas, par es, or Sunday masses. The style and design is as important as the fabric used. One of Filipinos finest fabric is in Iloilo’s weaving
industry. These include
woven tex les from abaca
and pineapple, co on and
silk since the pre-Spanish
period. It was in the 19th
century when tex le produc on in Iloilo reached a
remarkable development
that it was referred to as
“the tex le center” of the
Although towards
the end of nineteenth
century, it has lost its
importance when it
became a sugar entry point in the region. Many Ilonggo entrepreneurs shi ed from
weaving to sugar produc on. And the sale of cheaper English co on materials
increased and later eliminated the local market of Iloilo’s tex le. Its dwindling
industry discouraged most Ilonggos to engage on it but to this day, it has survived
in the Arevalo Sinamay House, a true mark of unique Ilonggo culture and ingenuity.
Courtesy of: Wein P. Gadian
Photos by: Mark Vic Rejaba, Arnold Naldoza, Jr., Mark Anthony
Yap, Jose Roni Peñalosa, Erna Foerster, Iloilo City Cultural Heritage
Conserva on Council
Villa Lizares Mansion/
Angelicum School Iloilo
It was once the mansion and
villa of the Lizares
Family sold to the
Dominican Order of the
Philippines in the 1970s and
now the seat of Angelicum
School, a Catholic School run
by the Dominican Order of
Magdalena Jalandoni’s
Commission Civil St., Jaro,
Iloilo City contains collecons of Magdalena Jalandoni’s works – the 1st Republic
Cultural Heritage awardee in
Literature in 1969.
The famous Jaro Cathedral
is among the monuments
of religious heritage in Iloilo
City. Un l today, it stands
as an iconic symbol of the
strong influence of Catholic
faith among the Ilonggos. The
church houses the miraculous
statue of Our Lady of Candles
with its Feast Day being
celebrated every 2nd of
Nelly’s Garden
This grand mansion sits on the four-hectare property in Jaro. Built by Don
Vicente Lopez in 1928 and named a er his daughter Nelly. The Nelly’s
Garden exemplifies what the life of the rich and affluent sugar barons
Casa Mon nola y Sanson
The house is reminiscent of the Gaston
house in Silay, Negros Occidental. The
similari es can be explained by the fact
that most of the rich families of Iloilo, at
one point, all transferred to Bacolod,
ins gated largely by the spirit of
unionism that had workers clamoring
for reforms.
Sto. Niño de Arevalo Parish
Known as the flower capital of Iloilo, Villa de Arevalo is home to one of
the oldest churches where the 3rd oldest original Sto. Niño image in the
Philippines is enshrined. There are only three original images of the child
Jesus in the whole archipelago. The oldest is found in Cebu, which was
discovered by Legaspi in 1565, the other one in Tondo Church found in
1572 and the 3rd one is in Arevalo Church which was discovered in 1581.
Courtesy of:
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