Playbill - Running To Places


Playbill - Running To Places
Our Dear Audience,
Welcome to Disney’s The Little Mermaid! We’re thrilled that you’re here with us.
I love community theatre. It’s where I grew up, and it has so much to do with the person I
am today. Some people hear “community theatre” and think “amateur hour.” It conjures
images of non-serious people throwing things together on a lark.
If you’re here, chances are you know better. We know that community theatre is so much
more than that. Indeed, our community is rich with professionals who exercise their
considerable skills to create something so much more than the sum of its already
remarkable parts. Take Deb and Jim Drew. (Please! Good one, eh, Jim?) The Drews are
professional architects and artists who took a completely empty room and created a theatre
from scratch – on time and under budget!
But in addition to their incredible vision and technical skill, they know how to put the
“community” in community theatre – leading groups of untrained volunteers and teaching
construction techniques so that young people and their families can have a sense of
ownership and pride for the production in ways that go far deeper than the performance
itself. The Drews’ commitment to this ideal is the reason they sit on the R2P board, offering
practical knowledge while helping steer our vision and keeping us true to our mission of
serving our community’s children.
I’m so proud and grateful for this company in so many ways. Thanks to you for being a part
of it, too. On behalf of the entire Running to Places family – thank you, and enjoy the show!
Joey Steinhagen, Artistic Director
Ariel ..................................................................................................................... Sierra Stallman
Eric......................................................................................................................... Jasper Fearon
Sebastian ............................................................................................................. Addy Whitener
Flounder ............................................................................................................... Nico Sawester
Scuttle ........................................................................................................................ Emma Ellis
Triton .................................................................................................................... Ari Cummings
Ursula ...................................................................................................................Alyssa Salerno
Flotsam ................................................................................................................. Riley Kwortnik
Jetsam ............................................................................................................... Kayla Markwardt
Grimsby ....................................................................................................................... Nick Mras
Aquata ................................................................................................................Natalie Boucher
Andrina ....................................................................................................................Marnie Perry
Arista ................................................................................................................. Elsbeth O’Toole
Antina ................................................................................................................. Madelyn Kilmer
Adela ................................................................................................................... Dani Copeland
Allana ....................................................................................................................... Riley Simon
Pilot ....................................................................................................................... Thomas Birch
Windward ................................................................................................... Lena Kennell-Ramsey
Leeward ......................................................................................................... Brooklyn McCosco
Abby Leonard*+
Alana Craib*#@
Anna Corrine Howly#@
Antonio Daniel Cuevas*#+
Blythe Hodgson#+
Brooklyn McCosco*+
Carys Banford*#@
Ellie Howell*#@
Elliott Nelson*+
Emily Phillips*@
Eon Rappaport*+
Franny Lux*+
James Schultz*+
Jemma Andersen#+
Julia Guest*@
Julian Speight*#+
Kate Wyly*#@
Kii Kinsella*+
Kyleigh Baird*+
Leila Frost#@
Lena Kennell-Ramsey*@
Magda Smith*#@
Maya Blanchard*+
Mei Braun*@
Noa Shapiro-Tamir*#@
Rebecca Gates-Lupton*+
Rowan Banford*#@
Simone Stevens*@
Sophia Mras*#+
Sophia Viscuso*+
Thomas Birch*+
Wilson Boyce*+
Xander Dawson*+
*Sailor #Seagull @Maid +Chef
Director.............................................................................................................. Joey Steinhagen
Music Director....................................................................................................... Jeremy Pletter
Choreographer........................................................................................................ Kelly Jackson
Set Designer .........................................................................................................Deborah Drew
Costume Designer ...................................................................................................... Liz Woods
Lighting Designer .................................................................................................. Evan Hawkins
Properties Master ...................................................................................................... Janet Olsen
Set Construction Engineer ............................................................................................. Jim Drew
Production Manager/Sound Designer................................................................... Dan Paolangeli
Stage Manager ...................................................................................................... Caitlin Mallory
Assistant Stage Managers .......................................... Julia Machlin, Max Avramis, Michael Sloan
Light Board Op .........................................................................................................Noel Bentley
Sound Board Op ................................................................................................ Kendra Walkuski
Spot Ops ................................................................................. Roman Predmore, Wallace Alpern
Props Assistant .......................................................................................................... Cole Janda
Costume Crew ................................... Laurie Cuomo, Leslie Schultz, Nancy Braun, Uniit Carruyo
Finance Assistant ............................................................................................... Nancy Schrempf
Conductor ............................................................................................................. Jeremy Pletter
Keyboard ................................................................................................... Richard Montgomery
Violin 1 ................................................................................................................... Hallie Malina
Violin 2 ........................................................................................... Ana Luisa Brady Mccullough
Flute ....................................................................................................................... Jessica Smith
Trumpet ..................................................................................................................... Alex Miller
Bass ........................................................................................................................ Nora Murphy
Drums ....................................................................................................................... Tuli Kuckes
Deborah Drew, Dick Furnas, Heidi Goldstein, Jim Drew, Kati Torello, Kendall Carpenter, Lilly
Westbrook, Linda Harris. Ex Officio: Jack Goldstein, Jerry Dietz
Steve Yaple and Newfield High School Theatre; Matt Dobush, Sandy Sherwood, Bob McMahon,
Mary Kay Hickey, and Dryden High School Theatre; The State Theatre of Ithaca, Barny Cole and
Calf Audio; Gina Speno, Shanoah Ward, Beth, Chad, Tim, and The Shops at Ithaca Mall; TST
BOCES; Ithaca Ballet; Ithaca High School and Boynton Middle School Drama Departments, Sue
Dinapoli; CIAO! Restaurant and Mark Campagnolo; the families and friends of the company
members who drove, built, painted, sewed, and so much more to help make this show happen.
Overture.................................................................................................................. Orchestra
Scene 1: The Water’s Surface
The World Above .............................................................................................................. Ariel
Fathoms Below ................................................................... Pilot, Sailors, Prince Eric, Grimsby
Scene 2: King Triton’s Court
Daughters of Triton................................................................................................. Mersisters
If Only (Triton’s Lament) ........................................................................................King Triton
Scene 3: Ursula’s Lair
Daddy’s Little Angel ........................................................................... Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam
Scene 4: Ariel’s Grotto
Part of Your World ........................................................................................................... Ariel
Scene 5: The Ship, The Beach
The Storm .....................................................................................................................Sailors
Part of Your World (Reprise) ............................................................................................. Ariel
Scene 6: The Mersisters’ “Girl Cave”
She’s In Love ........................................................................................... Mersisters, Flounder
Scene 7: The Beach
Her Voice.................................................................................................................Prince Eric
Scene 8: The Seafloor
Under the Sea................................................................................... Sebastian, Sea Creatures
Scene 9: Ariel’s Grotto
If Only (Ariel’s Lament) .................................................................................................... Ariel
Sweet Child .................................................................................................... Flotsam, Jetsam
Scene 10: Ursula’s Lair
Poor Unfortunate Souls ................................................................................................. Ursula
~ There will be a fifteen-minute intermission. ~
Entr’acte ................................................................................................................. Orchestra
Scene 1: The Beach
Positoovity ...................................................................................................... Scuttle, Seagulls
Scene 2: King Triton’s Court
Scene 3: The Palace, Ariel’s Chambers
Beyond My Wildest Dreams ....................................................................Ariel, Maids, Grimsby
Scene 4: The Palace Kitchen
Les Poissons ............................................................................................................ Chef Louis
Scene 5: The Palace Banquet Hall
Les Poissons (Reprise) ................................................................................... Chef Louis, Chefs
Scene 6: The Palace Ballroom
One Step Closer .......................................................................................................Prince Eric
Scene 7: Ursula’s Lair
Daddy’s Little Angel (Reprise) ............................................................. Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam
Scene 8: The Bay
Kiss the Girl ................................................................................... Sebastian, Scuttle, Animals
Scene 9: King Triton’s Court
Scene 10: Ariels’ Chambers / The Ship / King Triton’s Court
If Only (Quartet) ........................................................ Ariel, Prince Eric, Sebastian, King Triton
Scene 11: The Palace Ballroom
The Contest .............................................................................................. Grimsby, Princesses
Scene 12: Ursula’s Lair
Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise) ................................................................................... Ursula
Scene 13: The Beach
Finale Ultimo ............................................................. King Triton, Ariel, Prince Eric, Ensemble
ABBY LEONARD (Ensemble) is pleased to be making her Running to Places debut. Neville
Longbottom from Harry Potter, Cisco Raymon from the Flash, Peregrin Took from Lord of the
rings, and Weasly Crusher from Star Trek Next Generation. She would like to thank Camilla from
the Ithaca Youth Bureau.
ADDY WHITENER (Sebastian) is in 8th grade at Dryden Middle School and is so excited to be
playing “Sebastian” in her second show with Running to Places! She was previously in The
Wizard of Oz as a part of the ensemble. Other shows include Into the Woods (Little Red
Riding Hood), Annie Jr. (Annie), and The Music Man (Ensemble), all with Dryden Middle/High
School. In her spare time, Addy enjoys singing off key in the shower, running track, eating a
lot of food, and playing/cuddling with her dog. Addy also dances at Ithaca Ballet, although
she is not very good. She would like to thank Joey, Jeremy, Kelly, and everyone who helped
to make this show possible, as well as her friends inside and outside of the show. Last but
not least, Addy would like to thank her parents and brother for the taxi service and for
helping her run lines. “Enjoy the show!”
ALANA CRAIB (Ensemble) is excited to be performing in her 8th Running to Places show, and
her 1st show in the Sears Theater! You may have recently seen her as Kathy in R2P's
Company earlier this year. She also recently played the role of Emma in a student-written
show about LBTQ issues, called The Young Queers Strike Back. Favorite past roles include
Marcy Park (25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee) with LACS Drama, Sebastian (12th
Night) with LACS Shakespeare Company, Belinda Mathieson (Daisy Pulls it Off) with R2P,
Balthasar/Friar (Much Ado About Nothing) with LACS Shakespeare Company and Link Larkin
(Hairspray) with LACS Drama. Alana would like to thank the beautiful cast, the crew. Joey
and Jeremy, her best friend and her parents. Please enjoy the show!
ANNA CORRINE HOWLEY (Ensemble) is making her Running to Places debut. She is a seventh
grader at Covenant Love Community School. She has performed a number of roles in her church
and school productions. In her spare time, Anna Corrine enjoys playing the guitar and clarinet.
She would like to thank her family for their encouragement and support.
ARI CUMMINGS (King Triton) is a freshman at Ithaca High School and is thrilled about playing the
part of King Triton. This is Ari's 4th year and 7th show with Running to Places. Ari was recently in
13 the Musical as the role of Brett and in Aladdin Jr. as Aladdin at Dewitt Middle School. Ari also
rows for Cascadilla Boat Club and is a part of Vitamin L singing chorus. Ari would like to thank
Joey, Jeremy, Kelly, and everyone that helped out with this show. Enjoy the show!
BROOKLYN MCCOSCO (Ensemble) loves singing and dancing – Running to Places is perfect for
her! She was in a couple of musicals in her school. She enjoys R2P very much – she's always
wanted to be in something like this. She would like to thank her family for all of their
support. Enjoy the show!
CAITLIN MALLORY (Stage Manager) is excited to be taking on a slightly different role with R2P. She
has been a company member since 7th grade and is currently a junior at LACS. Caitlin has
previously done work on costumes for R2P's A Christmas Carol and Fiddler on the Roof. She has
been seen on stage in Little Women (Marmee), Crazy for You (Tess), Company (Joanne), and
many others. She also has acted in and directed both plays and musicals at LACS, such as 25th
Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Director/Choreographer), Romeo and Juliet (Director/Juliet),
The Tempest (Director/Miranda) and many more. “Huge thanks to the wonderful cast for making
this process fun and easy! Thank you to Joey, Jeremy, Dan, Julia, Max, and Michael for so much
help and support!” Enjoy the show!
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CARYS BANFORD (Ensemble) is very exited to be making an appearance in her second Running to
Places show! She was in R2P's Wizard of Oz last spring (and played a Munchkin etc.) She has
loved working with the cast and crew creating this show, and she would like to thank Joey and
Jeremy for being amazing and making every rehearsal super fun! When she is not at R2P, Carys
likes to read, sing, eat, do photography, and hang out with her friends. Thank you so much for
coming – I hope that you think this show is fabulous!
DANI COPELAND (Adella) is a seventh grader at Dewitt Middle School and is so excited to be
in her second Running to Places show. You may have previously seen her in Mary Poppins at
Ithaca High School as a member of the ensemble, as Jaybird and the Blizzard Soloist in
Dewitt Middle School's production of Honk, and as Margie in the Hangar Theatre's
production of Bye Bye Birdie. Dani was also the 2015 recipient of the Erin Aljoe Schlather
Inspiration Award. She loves to sing, read, and hang out with friends. Dani would like to
thank her mother for driving her to places, Kelly, Jeremy, Joey, Liz, Loie, Julia, Caitlin, and
her friends for putting up with her. Enjoy the show!
DEBORAH DREW (Resident Set Designer) has been designing sets for student productions since
1999. She joined the R2P family in 2013 and currently sits on the R2P Board of Directors. Deb
received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Roger Williams College (University) in Bristol,
RI. She works with her husband James, in their home business, “The Architects Drew” based in
Dryden, NY. The Architects Drew design custom homes, as well as small commercial projects.
Deb has enjoyed working with the R2P production team as well as the serving on the Board.
Deb has enjoyed getting to know the students of R2P through the last two seasons. Some of
her favorite set designs include, Seussical, Fiddler on the Roof, Little Women and 13 with R2P
and Oliver!, Pirates of Penzance, Blythe Spirit, The Music Man, On the Town, Romeo & Juliet,
Guys and Dolls, and Grease with Dryden Drama Club. Deb and Jim are happy to have a new
construction studio in Danby to accommodate the mission of collaboration with students,
parents and design team to produce professional youth theater in Tompkins County.
ELLIE HOWELL (Ensemble) is a freshman at Lansing High School and thrilled to be performing
with Running to Places for the first time. She has been in several musicals with Lansing
Middle School and was most recently in The Addams Family as the “Bride Ancestor” with
Lansing High School. Ellie would like to thank her family for being so helpful and
supportive, and she hopes you enjoy the show!
ELLIOTT NELSON (Ensemble) is very excited to be in his first R2P show. He is a sixth grader at
Boynton Middle School in Ithaca, and he was seen most recently on tech crew for their The
Lion King, Jr. musical. In his free time, he likes to hang out with his friends and family, act,
play basketball, play trombone, and read. He would like to thank Ithaca Mall for letting R2P
use the Sears store and thank his parents for giving him rides to rehearsals. He hopes you
enjoy the show!
ELSBETH O’TOOLE (Arista) Is delighted to be in her third show with Running to Places. In the past,
you might have seen her as “Margy” in Crazy for You with Running to Places, or as “Ugly” in Honk
at Dewitt. During her free time, she enjoys singing, dancing and hanging with friends. Lastly,
she wants to thank her parents for driving her to rehearsal. She also wants to thank Joey, Jeremy,
Kelly and the entire cast and crew for making this show so fun!!!!!! So enjoy the show!!!!!!!!!
EMILY PHILLIPS is excited to be in her first Running to Places show. She has preformed in every
available musical in the Lansing school district for the past six years as no one of any particular
interest. When not performing, she can generally be found with her nose in a book, singing in
chorus, or playing flute. She would like to thank her family for getting her to rehearsals,
especially her mother, who asked to be especially thanked. She hopes you enjoy the show!
EMMA ELLIS (Scuttle) is in 9th grade at Ithaca High School, and is thrilled to be in her 8th Running
to Places production. Her favorite roles so far have been “Ms. Brill” in Mary Poppins (with Ithaca
High School), “The Cowardly Lion” in The Wizard of Oz; “Molly” in 13! The Musical; “Fluff” in
Honk! (all with Running to Places), and “Laozi” in Mulan (with Boynton Middle School). When not
on the stage, Emma can usually be found sleeping, eating, singing, playing ukulele, or spending
time with her friends. She would like to thank this wonderful cast and crew for keeping her full of
“positoovity”. She would also like to thank her parents for being constant chauffeurs to and from
rehearsals. She would like to thank her voice teacher, Sharon, and all of her other mentors for
helping her be a “part of this world”. Enjoy the show!
FRANNY LUX (Ensemble) is excited to be making her R2P debut. She is an 8th grader at Lehman
Alternative Community School. Some of her past shows with LACS drama include Willy Wonka Jr.
(“Charlie Bucket”), and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (“Chip Tolentino”). She is
also a part of the LACS Shakespeare Company and past shows with them include Twelfth Night
(“Captain/Curio”) and The Tempest (“Sebastian”). In her free time, Franny enjoys reading and
hanging out with friends. “Thank you to Joey, Jeremy, Caitlin and the ASMs” Enjoy the show!
JAMES DREW, AIA (Resident Set Construction Engineer) has enjoyed being with the R2P family the
last 2 seasons. Jim also contributes as a Board of Directors member. Jim is the Work Environment
Health and Safety Coordinator for TST BOCES. Jim is a Registered Architect and runs his homebased business, “The Architects Drew” with his wife Deborah in Dryden, NY. Jim helps keep the
sets easy to construct, which keeps the actors and crew safe and also translates to easy and
painless strikes as we “run to places”. He was instrumental in obtaining a construction studio for
R2P to help us continue our mission of great accessible youth theatre in Tompkins County!
JASPER FEARON (Eric) is happy to be participating in his third Running to Places show. He has
played Simba/Mufasa in the Boynton Middle School Production of “the Lion King Jr”, and Evan in a
Running to Places production of “13 the Musical”. When Jasper is not acting, he is singing in his
band “the MonkeySquids”. He would like to thank Deb and Jim Drew for building us a theater.
Enjoy the show!
JEMMA ANDERSEN (Ensemble) is a 6th grader at Boynton Middle School. This is the first musical
she has been in at R2P. She was in the Boynton production of The Lion King and the IHS
production of Mary Poppins. She loves singing and dancing. She is a dancer at Armstrong School
of Dance. She had so much fun working on The Little Mermaid with all the amazing actors.
Jemma would like to thank all the directors, the cast, the crew, and her family for making this
experience so wonderful for her! Enjoy the show!
JEREMY PLETTER (Resident Music Director) is the resident music director at R2P. Previous shows as
Music Director with this company include Seussical, A Christmas Carol, and Into the Woods –
along with every show of the past two seasons. In addition, Jeremy was seen on stage with R2P in
Urinetown, Guys and Dolls, Little Shop of Horrors, and more. He also was in the Ithaca College
Main Stage production of The Magic Flute. “Thank you all for coming and enjoy the show.”
JOEY STEINHAGEN (Artistic Director/Resident Director) grew up doing community theatre in a
company that was surely the spiritual ancestor of Running to Places. He founded R2P in 2007 as
a way to bring together the many passionate and talented young people of this area so they
could create theatre, develop life skills, and make some of the best friendships of their lives –
much as he did when he was young. He has been teaching, acting in, and directing theatre for
young people throughout Tompkins County since 1993, and received his BFA in Acting from
Ithaca College in 1996. Over the years, he has directed musicals and plays at Ithaca and Dryden
High Schools; Dryden, Boynton, and DeWitt Middle Schools; the Northern Lights Learning Center;
and the Hangar Theatre’s Kiddstuff series. Joey has taught acting at Ithaca College, Cornell,
SUNY Cortland, Hangar Theatre’s Next Generation program, and the Ithaca Youth Bureau. As an
actor, he has appeared in many productions with the Kitchen Theatre Company, most recently in
Peter and the Starcatcher as Mrs. Bumbrake, Teacher, and Mutey. He is grateful to his beautiful
fiancé Uniit for all of her love, patience, and support, and would like to give a special shout-out
to his crazy and wonderful boys, Aram and Kii.
JULIA MACHLIN (Assistant Stage Manager) is pleased to be working on her 10th R2P production!
You may have seen her before as a snobby school girl in Daisy Pulls It Off or backstage as
Assistant Stage Manager in 13! When not rehearsing with R2P, Julia rehearses with the Ithaca
Children's Choir Chorale, the Ithaca High School Concert choir, and IHS Women's Choir. She
enjoys singing along to Hamilton, spending time with friends and family, and self-deprecating
jokes. Julia would like to thank the entire cast for being wonderful to work with, the entire
production and stage management team for being a pleasure to work with, and Anthony Ramos
for being the ultimate inspiration. “Thank you for joining us under the sea, and enjoy the show!
JULIA ROSE GUEST (Ensemble), a middle school student at EAC Montessori of Ithaca, is excited to
be part of Running to Places’ production of the “The Little Mermaid.” Julia has been acting in film
& television since she was 3 years old. She recently finishing her 12th film “Anomie” produced by
The Studio at Ithaca College. She also stars in local television commercials & in church plays. Julia
loves to perform as a singer. She is a member of All County Chorus and a NYSSMA soloist. Julia
also plays piano and guitar. When she is not performing, she enjoys reading, skiing, gymnastics
and listening to music. Julia continuously works to one-day grace the Broadway stage. Her role
models are Kristen Chenoweth, India Menzel and her vocal coach, Krista Easton.
JULIAN SPEIGHT (Ensemble), a sixth grader at Dryden, has always been a dramatic young man. His
first production was Romeo and Juliet at the Ithaca Youth Bureau where he starred as “Romeo” at
the age of seven. This past year, he played “Rooster” in Dryden's production of Annie, Jr. This is
Julian's first R2P production. He has loved every minute of rehearsal and wants to thank the
stage managers for all their hard work. Julian also gives a shout out to his family, his new
friends, Joey and “Kevin.” He hopes you enjoy the show!
KATE WYLY (Ensemble) is thrilled to be in her 4th R2P show! You might have seen her last year as
Toto in “The Wizard of Oz.” She is home schooled in 8th grade and spends most of her time on
music (violin, piano, and choir). In her free time, Kate loves to explore the outdoor world. She
would like to thank her family for always running her to places and the outstanding directors,
cast, and everyone else who made this show possible! Enjoy “The Little Mermaid!”
KAYLA MARKWARDT (Jetsam) is an 8th grader at DeWitt Middle School and is super happy to be in
her second R2P show! Last season she was in R2P's The Wizard of Oz (Scarecrow). She has been
in DeWitt's 13 (Eddie/Malcolm), Aladdin (Genie), and Honk! JR. (Cat). Kayla also appeared in The
Kitchen Theatre's The Physics Fair as Callie. She would like to thank everyone who has made this
show fantastic, especially her slimy friend Riley for being the most wonderful Flotsy.
KELLY JACKSON became a Certified Dance Masters of America instructor in 1986. Since then
she has shared her love of Dance and Theatre with numerous companies throughout New
York State. She has choreographed Crazy for You, Damn Yankees, Anything Goes, Grease,
Camelot, Kiss Me Kate, South Pacific and Funny Girl, just to name a few. Several of Kelly’s
students have gone onto professional careers with The New York City Rockettes, Walt
Disney World Company and performing in Las Vegas. Many others have chosen to own and
operate their own Dance Studios within the United States. In 2014 Kelly joined the R2P
Family and choreographed Once Upon a Mattress, then The Wizard of Oz the following
season. She is beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to assist with Disney’s The Little
Mermaid, since she loves all things Disney. When Kelly is not sharing her vast knowledge of
Dance, she is an Assistance Vice President at Tompkins Trust Company. Kelly would like to
thank the Tompkins Trust Company for encouraging their employees to become involved in
their communities, and for all of the support they give the Arts in our Community.
KII KINSELLA (Ensemble) Kii Kinsella is so excited to be in his first play with Running to
Places! He has previously been seen as “The Child” in Ithaca Opera’s Don Giovanni,
“Frederic” in an adaptation of The Pirates of Penzance at the BJM Library, and has been “Bob”
in The Kitchen Theatre’s I Have a Song to Sing, O!. In his free time, Kii likes to write scripts
and rehearse lines. He would like to thank his mom and dad for being so supportive with
his current and future acting career, and he would like to thank Joey for being a great
director. He would also like to give a special shout-out to Hannah, Aram, Sadie, Blythe, and
Asher. Without further ado, he would like you to enjoy the show!
KYLEIGH BAIRD (Ensemble) is happy to be in her second R2P show. She has been ensemble in The
Wizard of Oz with R2P. She enjoys gaming, reading, and other activities. Hope you like the show!
LEILA FROST (Ensemble) is 14. She goes to Tburg Middle School and is proud to be in her first
Running to Places show! Leila's favorite sport is Roller Derby, she loves horses, and she is a good
friend because she is writing in her own bio that her friend Abby is 13 and she is homeschooled
and forgot to put it in her own bio. Leila also loves to dance, swim, and is a CIT. Leila is so
excited to be back in the Ithaca area to perform with R2P! Her previous experience in front of an
audience includes Bells & Motley at the Sterling Renaissance Festival, comedies at The Red
House, many choir concerts as well as “Cosette” from Les Mis and “Christine Daae” from Phantom
of the Opera. Leila also loves traveling, horseback riding and her junior roller derby team.
LENA KENNELL (Ensemble) is an eighth grade student at Newfield Middle School. She is elated
to be participating in The Little Mermaid. It’s a wonderful show, and she has enjoyed
working with such a talented cast. Lena has previously acted in Newfield Middle School’s
Seussical Jr., Once on This Island Jr., and Lion King Jr. She also participated in Newfield High
School’s High School Musical (“High School Musical” actually being the name of the show).
Lena is incredibly grateful to the entire production team as their tireless effort and support
kept this show together. Her parents also deserve a “thank you” for hauling her to rehearsal
and compassionately encouraging her.
LIZ WOODS (Costume Designer) has enjoyed costumes and visual confectionery for as long as she
can remember. This year, she is delighted to be a part of the cheerful and dynamic Running to
Places team! Liz is the owner of Fine Character, a shop where she creates historical and
imaginative costumes and bespoke clothing. She has a background in mechanical engineering
and fine art, which led to work at Walt Disney Imagineering creating special effects and robotics.
MADELYN KILMER (ATINA) is thrilled to be making her Running to Places debut. She is an eighth
grader at Homer Jr. High School. Madelyn has been active in drama and chorus since
kindergarten. She has been seen in the Homer Jr. High production of Legally Blonde, Jr. as
“Vivienne” and High School Musical, Jr. as “Gabriella Montez”. She also appeared in the Phillips
Free Library production of Holka Polka as “Brenda”. Madelyn participated in NYSSMA, All County
Choir and was selected to be part of the Area All State Choir. She was also awarded the Norma B.
Lockey Music Award at school. Madelyn would like to thank her family for all of their support.
MAGDA SMITH (Ensemble) is enthused to be in another Running to Places show. She is currently in
eighth grade at Lehman Alternative Community School. Favorite past theatre experiences include
LACS's 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre), R2P’s
Seussical, Best of Broadway, and Daisy Pulls it Off, Lord Voldemort in the Northern Lights
Learning Center’s production of A Very Potter Musical, and Thing 11 in the Hangar Theatre's
production of Seussical. Magda enjoys reading novels and manga volumes, hanging out and
having discussions with her friends, writing, and generally being nerdy. She would like to thank
the people who helped transport her to and from rehearsal, and her mom for being awesome.
Magda hopes you like the show!
MARNIE PERRY (Andrina) is happy to be in her second R2P show and her first show in the Sears
Theater. You may have seen her as a crow in Running to Places Production of the Wizard of Oz,
as Penny in the LACS production of Hairspray Jr., or as Olive in the LACS production of The 25th
Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Marnie would like to thank her parents for driving her to
Sears and putting up with her singing and dancing nonstop. Marnie would also like to thank the
cast and crew for being awesome and supportive. Enjoy the show!
MAYA BLANCHARD (Ensemble) is in 7th grade at Dewitt Middle school, and she is excited to be in
her first Running to Places show! She hopes to be in many more shows in the future. Maya's
hobbies include reading, writing, and being crazy with her friends. She would like to thank
everyone who helped put on this amazing show, and she hopes you enjoy it!
MEI BRAUN (Ensemble) is proud to be in her first Running to Places show! Mei helped
backstage at the Boynton Middle School production of The Lion King and is hoping to do so
again next year (in seventh grade). She is funny and light spirited, loves to swim, bake and
perform. Mei hopes you enjoy the show!
NATALIE (Aquata) is in 8th grade and is excited to be part of the Little Mermaid production! This
is her fourth show with Running to Places; she has previously held ensemble roles in Once Upon
A Mattress, Fiddler on the Roof, and the Wizard of Oz. She is especially excited to be in The Little
Mermaid because she has loved and enjoyed the story very much since a young age, and all of
the eccentric, fun characters. Enjoy the show!
NICK MRAS (Grimsby) is a freshman at Newfield High School and is extremely excited to be doing
his 6th show with Running to Places! You may remember him in Company (Larry), Crazy for You
(Custus) and 13 The Musical (Rabbi). In his spare time, Nick enjoys the drums, bass guitar, and
hanging out with family and friends. Enjoy the show!
NICO SAWESTER (Flounder) is an 8th grader in Trumansburg and loves acting, singing, parkour,
trampolines, video games, and baseball! This is his third R2P show – in addition to Flounder, he
has played “Tiny Tim” and “Mayor of Munchkinland.” He also has enjoyed participating in all his
school musicals, starting with Pinocchio (Pinocchio) in 3rd grade and most recently The Trials of
Alice in Wonderland (Cheshire Cat). Nico has acted in many Ithaca College student films as well.
He thanks his sister, Berkley, for getting him started in drama and singing, and his family for all
their support for his passion – especially his mom, who is great. Thank you, Joey and Jeremy, for
putting together this awesome show!
NOA SHAPIRO-TAMIR (Ensemble) is inquisitively excited to be trying out this new space, never too
happy to be running to new places for every show! Noa has been with R2P since 2013. Recent
shows including Crazy For You (Follies Girl), The Wizard of Oz (Glinda/Aunt Em), and various
technical roles. Noa is a 9th grader at LACS, where she has played many drunks with the LACS
Shakespeare Company (e.g. Stephano in The Tempest, etc. #comeseehamletandpericles2k16),
and was Stage Manager/Sound Board Op for the world premiere of The Young Queers Strike
Back, by Tamar Shapiro-Tamir. “Many thanks to all who made this show possible, from all the
butts in seats to the tireless work of our production team, and of course the wonderful cast.
Thanks for coming One Step Closer to the Fathoms Below!”
REBECCA GATES-LUPTON (Ensemble) is a homeschooled seventh grader and is excited to be making
her R2P debut. Her film credits include evil “Penelope” in CLOWN and a small role in I Hope You
Never Understand. When not on stage or on camera, she can be found drawing & reading (though
not at the same time), having fun in acting class, or working hard in Karate where she is sooooo
close to earning her blue belt. Rebecca would like to thank her parents, brother, and sister for their
tremendous love and support, and her mom and dad for lots of driving, too.
RILEY KWORTNIK (Flotsam) is thrilled to be part of this incredible performance with this even more
incredible cast. She is in 9th grade at Ithaca High School, and you may have seen her in various
Vitamin L concerts or working at the best ice cream shop in Ithaca, Sweet Melissa's. Riley enjoys
musical theatre, choir, and making people smile. You may have seen her in R2P's Annie as Molly
or in Dewitt Middle School's 13 as Archie. She would like to thank her friends, family, the cast
and crew, her choir director Kristin Zaryski and most of all – her brother Robbie for being the
greatest person ever. Enjoy the show!
RILEY MAE SIMON (Allana) is excited to be participating in her first Running to Places show. This is
her first musical in two years, since performing in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in seventh
grade. In her spare time, she enjoys knitting, watching anime, and sewing costumes. She can’t
wait to display all the hard work the cast put into this show!
SIERRA STALLMANN (Ariel) is a freshman at Lansing High School and is delighted to be in her
fourth show with Running to Places! With Running to Places, she has previously been in Best
of Broadway, The Wizard of Oz, and 13 The Musical. With Lansing, she has been in Honk Jr.
(Ensemble), Once on This Island Jr. (Lead Story Teller), The Little Mermaid Jr. (Sebastian),
and The Addams Family (Wednesday). When Sierra is not in a show, you can find her playing
ice hockey, and playing percussion. She would like to thank Erica Steinhagen for preparing
her for this role. She would also like to thank Joey, Jeremy, Kelly and for everyone who made
this show possible and for slaying. Sierra had a blast rehearsing with this amazing cast. She
hopes you enjoy The Little Mermaid!
SOPHIA BOSWORTH VISCUSO (Ensemble) is excited to be in her first ever R2P show! She has been
involved in several Hangar Theatre thing-a-ma-jigs in past years and is enthusiastic to be on
stage again! Sophia is in seventh grade and homeschooled. She loves little kids and is currently
volunteering at a homeschool support program for young children. Sophia really enjoys music
and has been playing violin and recorder ever since she was little and is now also part of a
handbell choir. Sophia would like to thank her family and 5 jillion friends for being the wonderful
people they are! She hopes you enjoy the show!
SOPHIA MRAS: Sophia is in 7th grade at Newfield Middle School and is excited to be in her
2nd Running to Places show! Prior theatrical productions include Newfield’s Lion King
(Rafiki) and Once on This Island (Storyteller); Hangar Theatre’s Pirates of Penzance, The Wiz
and Bye Bye Birdie. Sophia would like to send a special thank you to her family and friends
for their support. Enjoy the show!
THOMAS BIRCH (Pilot) is thrilled to make his Running to Places debut. He has appeared as “Hugo
Peabody” in Bye Bye Birdie at the Hangar Theatre Next Generation Theatre. In Newfield, he was a
“Wildcat” in High School Musical, “Daniel” in Once On This Island, and “Yertle the Turtle” in
Seussical. When he is not on stage, you might find Thomas playing soccer or singing in choir.
Thomas would like to thank his friends, his parents, and his family for their support. He would
also like to thank everyone at R2P as well as all the parents who supported The Little Mermaid.
WILSON BOYCE (Ensemble) is in ninth grade at New Roots School and is very excited to be
making his debut in Running to Places. He has been in Groton Central School's production
of Beauty and the Beast as Chip, and in The Music Man – as well as smaller productions,
such as Mash (as Ho-Jon) and The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf (as the Town Crier). Wilson loves
doing biking, doing videography, doing his photography website, and loves buses and
trains. This is a very exciting year for Wilson.
XANDER DAWSON (Ensemble) is very excited to be in the production The Little Mermaid this year.
He has been in many plays. His favorites include Oliver, The Trials of Alice in Wonderland, The
Music Man and The Lady Pirates of Captain Bree. In this play, Xander plays a pirate and a clam.
Thank you to those who have supported us so far this season!
Won’t you please join them?
Friends ($1-$99)
Sharon Dittman
Erin and Ray Durkin
Sherri and Mike Ellis
Alice Churchill & John Vandenberg
Runners ($100­$249)
Alan Rose
Cindy Gordon
Diane & James Orcutt
Judith A Mendelson
Michael & Teri Niziol
Mihal Ronen
Nancy & George Schuler
Nancy & Peter Schrempf
Noemi Kraut
Racers ($250­$499)
J. Ellen Gainor & David Faulkner
Mark & Ingrid Zabel
Champions ($500-$999)
Elissa Cogan & Barry Chester
Joyce & Dan Frank
Ian Shapiro & Dalya Tamir
Laura Nelkin
Michael Charnoky
Marathoners ($1,000-$4,999)
Comey-Fitzgeral Family Foundation
Community Arts Partnership
Richard Furnas
Hess Legacy Fund
Brendan Wyly & Kristen Grace
Rawlings Contruction #
Savage Club of Ithaca *
Squeaky Clean Car Wash *
Tompkins Trust Company #
Ultra­Marathoners ($5,000 and Up)
Anonymous #
Community Foundation of Tompkins
CSP Management ^ +
Inn on Columbia +
Park Foundation
Purity Ice Cream +
^ Season Sponsor
+ Exclusive Show Sponsor
* Show Sponsor
# Scholarship Sponsor
This list is current through May 6, 2016. If we have made an error, please email and accept our sincere apologies.

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Playbill - Running To Places RUNNING TO PLACES BOARD OF DIRECTORS Deborah Drew, Dick Furnas, Heidi Goldstein, Jim Drew, Kati Torello, Kendall Carpenter, Lilly Westbrook, Linda Harris. Ex Officio: Jack Goldstein, Jerry Dietz

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