Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex
Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex
The =-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex KWAN-FU REX SHEUa AND JOHN P. BLASSb Dementia Research Service, Burke Medical Research Institute,Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 785 Mamaroneck Avenue,White Plains, New York 10605, USA ABSTRACT: The =-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDHC) is an important mitochondrial constituent, and deficiency of KGDHC is associated with a number of neurological disorders. KGDHC is composed of three proteins, each encoded on a different and well-characterized gene. The sequences of the human proteins are known. The organization of the proteins into a large, ordered multienzyme complex (a “metabolon”) has been well studied in prokaryotic and eukaryotic species. KGDHC catalyzes a critical step in the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle, which is also a step in the metabolism of the potentially excitotoxic neurotransmitter glutamate. A number of metabolites modify the activity of KGDHC, including inactivation by 4-hydroxynonenal and other reactive oxygen species (ROS). In human brain, the activity of KGDHC is lower than that of any other enzyme of energy metabolism, including phosphofructokinase, aconitase, and the electron transport complexes. Deficiencies of KGDHC are likely to impair brain energy metabolism and therefore brain function, and lead to manifestations of brain disease. In general, the clinical manifestations of KGDHC deficiency relate to the severity of the deficiency. Several such disorders have been recognized: infantile lactic acidosis, psychomotor retardation in childhood, intermittent neuropsychiatric disease with ataxia and other motor manifestations, Friedreich’s and other spinocerebellar ataxias, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A KGDHC gene has been associated with the first two and last two of these disorders. KGDHC is not uniformly distributed in human brain, and the neurons that appear selectively vulnerable in human temporal cortex in AD are enriched in KGDHC. We hypothesize that variations in KGDHC that are not deleterious during reproductive life become deleterious with aging, perhaps by predisposing this mitochondrial metabolon to oxidative damage. INTRODUCTION The α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDHC) is a well-characterized mitochondrial component that has been found to be abnormal in a number of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). KGDHC is a component of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle. The step it catalyzes is also important in the removal of glutamate, a potentially excitotoxic neurotransmitter. The discussion below reviews the normal genetics and biochemistry of KGDHC and then the evidence that KGDHC is involved in several diseases including AD. aDeceased. bPhone: 914-597-2359 or 914-597-2356; fax: 914-597-2757. e-mail: 61 62 ANNALS NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TABLE 1. Genes for human KGDHCa Component E1k E2k E2k E3 aSee Name of Gene Location Size (approx.) Exons Introns OGDH DLST pseudogene DLD 7p13-14 14q24.3 1p31 7q31-32 85 kb 23 kb 2.3kb 20 kb 22 15 1 14 21 14 0 13 text for references. GENETICS OF KGDHC Studies, notably by Lester Reed and his colleagues1–4 and others5 demonstrated that KGDHC consists of three proteins arranged in a complex array. In humans and other mammals, each of these proteins is coded on a separate gene (TABLE 1). The genes for these enzyme proteins have been characterized in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, but the discussion below concentrates on the human genes. This is done partly for reasons of space and partly because the human genes and proteins are of most interest for human neurodegenerative diseases. The thiamine-pyrophosphate–containing protein that interacts directly with the α-ketoglutarate substrate is 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (E1k). It is encoded on the OGDH gene, which is located on chromosome 7p13-p14. The core protein, dihydrolipoyl succinyl transferase (E2k) is encoded on the DLST gene, which in humans is located on chromosome 14q24.3. The dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase component (E3) is encoded on the DLD gene, which is on chromosome 7q31.1-7q32. The Human OGDH Gene The human OGDH gene has been characterized by Koike and coworkers.6 The gene is large—approximately 85 kb. It is located on chromosome 7p13-p14. There are 22 exons. A consensus thiamin diphosphate (TDP) binding region is present. The 5’-flanking region of the OGDH gene contains an inverted GC box but no TATA or CAAT boxes.7 The −53 to −44 and −33 to −24 regions are associated with positive regulation and the −93 to −84 sequences to negative regulation. Promotor activity is upregulated by the substrate, α-ketoglutarate, and by a combination of α-ketoglutarate and its transamination product, the neurotransmitter amino acid glutamate.6,8 There are two 10-bp cis acting elements (−53 to −44 and −33 to −24) and two transacting elements (−536 to −496 and −93 to −84). An as-yet-unidentified nuclear factor binds to nt −63 to −24. These findings are consistent with the OGDH having characteristics of both a housekeeping and an inducible enzyme. Although thiamine diphosphate is a cofactor for the enzyme encoded on OGDH, thiamine deficiency did not lower the levels of the mRNA for this component in several tissue culture systems.9 The Human DLST Gene The human DLST gene and a pseudogene have been described by Nakano and coworkers.10 The gene is approximately 23 kb long. There are 15 exons varying in length from 34 to 1552 bp, and 14 introns varying in length from 127 to 3961 bp. SHEU & BLASS: =-KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX 63 The sequence of the human gene showed minor variations from that of the previously published cDNAs.11,12 This variation is in accordance with direct demonstration of polymorphic variations in the human DLST gene, in several populations.13–18 Intron 1 is G+C rich. The sequence encoded by exons 8 and 9 encodes the region from part of the inner core-catalytic domain to part of the lipoyl domain. Human DLST, like that from other mammals, does not contain the consensus sequence found in other organisms for binding the other two gene products in KGDHC (namely the E1k and E3 proteins; see below). A single transcription initiation site was found for DLST.10 The promotor-regulatory region contained a TCAAT sequence (−374 to −370) but no TATA box. Possible binding sites were found for Sp1 (−25 to −20), cAMP receptor AP-2 (−426 to −420), and for glucocorticoid-responsive elements (−526 to −520). Southern blotting revealed a single functional DLST gene. A pseudogene of DLST has also been found, on chromosome 1p31.10,19 The pseudogene has 93%10–99%19 homology with the actual gene. The pseudogene is transcribed.10,19 Whether the pseduogene is partially translated has not been studied in detail, nor has its potential role in physiology or pathology.10,19,20 Specifically, there are no studies to determine if the product of the “pseudogene” might play a role in determining the binding of E3 to the E2k core of KGDHC, similar to the role played by “protein X” in the PDHC complex.21 The E2k pseudogene can be a source of artifacts in studies, leading for instance to the finding of “apparent” mutations due to simultaneous PCR amplification of both the gene and the pseudogene. More recent studies utilize PCR primers that include enough intronic sequence to preclude effectively the coamplification of the pseudogene.14,15 The Human DLD Gene The human DLD gene has been characterized by Feigenbaum and Robinson.22 It is approximately 20 kb long and contains 14 exons, which vary from 69 to 780 bp in length. The 13 introns vary greatly in size, from 93 bp to 7.0 kb. In the gene itself, the FAD functional domain (aa residues 8–38) is encoded on exons 3–4, including the pyrophosphate binding loop and redox-active cystein groups (aa 45 and 50). The NAD-binding domain (aa residues 180–210) is encoded by exons 8–10. The consensus sequence (aa 125–201) spans exons 8 and 9.23 The proposed active proton acceptor/donor, histidine residue 452, is on exon 13. Exons 13 and 14 encode a region important for enzyme activity and for the binding of dihydrolipoamide. Reverse transcription revealed three or more transcription initiation sites.22 All of these are upstream of the published cDNA sequences.24,25 It is not certain how many of the three potential transcription products are functionally important, and whether or not they are all edited to the same form before translation. In the promotor region of DLD,22,26 a CAAT box-like sequence was found (–129 to –124), as was a possible CREB site (−106 to −101). No TATA box was found.26 The existence of an Sp1 site is debated.22,26 NRF-1, an enhancing element upstream of subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase and other nuclear-encoded mitochondrial enzymes, was identified at −89.22 The sequence from −1262 through −1252 matches that for a negative regulatory element (NRE) for the human insulin gene.22 Deletion of an element from −1223 to −769 increased expression of a reporter gene ligated to the DLD promotor-regulatory region.26 These findings are consistent with the DLD 64 ANNALS NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TABLE 2. Proteins of Human KGDHC Component E1k E2k E3 Name EC Number Amino Acids Leader (AA) 2-oxoglutarate decar- EC boxylase (2-oxoacid decarboxylase) dihydrolipoamide EC succinyltransferase dihydrolipoamide EC dehydrogenase Cofactors 962 40 thiamine diphosphate 453 ? 464 35 thioctic acid, coenzyme A FAD, NAD(H) promotor having housekeeping and facultative characteristics. The effects of physiological or pathological states on the transcription of DLD have not been described in detail in the mammalian brain. STRUCTURE OF KGDHC The biochemistry of KGDHC is complex. KGDHC can correctly be thought of as an enzyme, as a complex composed of three different enzymes, and as a submitochondrial particle (i.e., a “metabolon”). As expected, KGDHC varies in primary sequence and structure between bacteria and mammals and to a lesser extent among mammals. The following discussion concentrates on human KGDHC, since that complex is particularly relevant for human diseases. Where human data is unavailable, information on the complex from other large mammals is used . The three enzyme proteins that make up the complex are conveniently referred to as E1k, E2k, and E3 (TABLE 2). The cDNA for each of the human enzymes has been isolated and sequenced, so that the amino acid sequence (primary structure) for each protein is known. E1k is 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase, and is also referred to as 2oxoacid decarboxylase (EC The human protein contains 962 amino acids linked to a 40-amino acid leader sequence.6–8 E2k is dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase, also referred to as dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (EC The human protein is 453 amino acids long,10 but the leader sequence is not well defined. E3 is dihydroplipoamide dehydrogenase (EC The human protein is 464 amino acids long, linked to a 35-amino acid leader sequence. The primary structure (amino acid sequence) has >95% homology with the reported amino acid sequence of pig heart E3.24,25 E1k and E2k are specific for KGDHC. E3, however, is a component not only of KGDHC but also of the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDHC) and branched-chain dehydrogenase (BCDHC) complexes and of the glycine cleavage system.27 After salt-induced dissociation of E3 from the E1k/E2k complex, the E3 from the same species as the E1k/E2k core is much more effective in reconstituting KGDHC activity than that from other species; for instance, bovine E3 to bovine E1k/E2k is much more effective than pig E3 or yeast E3 to bovine E1k/E2k.21 This observation is surprising, because of the high sequence homology among mammalian E3s.21 The structure of human KGDHC has not been studied in detail, but is believed by analogy to resemble that of other mammals. The core of mammalian KGDHC is composed of 24 E2k (transacylase) units arranged as a cube with octahedral (432) symmetry.28 The structure and mechanism of action of the bacterial E2k core has SHEU & BLASS: =-KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX 65 been worked out in detail.29–31 E1k and E3 units adhere, noncovalently, to the E2k core. In mammalian KGDHC, some studies suggest that the E1k protein appears to bind more tightly to the E2k core than does the E3 protein.28 Other studies suggest that single copies of E1 and E3 form homodimers by a high-affinity reaction, with the homodimers binding to the E2k core through the N-terminal region of E1.28,32 Human E2k lacks the consensus binding domains for E1 and E3 that have been identified in other mammalian E2ks,10,11 and the mechanism of association of the three proteins in human KGDHC has not yet been specified. ENZYMOLOGY OF KGDHC AND ITS COMPONENTS The overall reaction catalyzed by KGDHC is: −O − 2CCH2CH2COCO2 + CoASH + NAD+α −O2CCH2CH2CO−ScoA + CO2 + NADH + H+ where −O2CCH2CH2COCO2− is α-ketoglutarate, CoASH is reduced coenzyme A, and −O2CCH2CH2COSCoA is succinyl-coenzymeA (FIG . 1). The overall reaction is irreversible because of removal of the CO2 generated in the first, E1k-catalyzed step. E1k utilizes thiamine diphosphate (TDP) as a cofactor. The TDP is tightly but not covalently bound to this protein; it can be removed by treatment with first acid and then alkaline ammonium sulfate. E1k catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of αketoglutarate, and the subsequent binding of the resulting succinic acid fragment to a sulfur residue of a lipoic acid on E2k, with concomitant regeneration of the TDP on E1k. This reaction is physiologically irreversible, due to the diffusion away of the CO2 product. The core enzyme, E2k, catalyzes the transfer of the four carbon fragments from the TDP on E1k to coenzyme A, producing succinyl-CoA. It also transfers reducing equivalents to the flavoprotein moiety attached to the E3 protein. E2k contains one or more dihydrolipoic acid residues covalently bound in amide linkages to the amino groups of one or more lysines. This linkage provides a flexible arm about 140 µm long, which can rotate among the E1k, E2k, and E3 subunits, as a “swinging arm.” A “multiple random coupling mechanism” has been proposed, based on computer modeling of KGDHC from E. coli.29 E3 is a flavoprotein. It catalyzes the two-electron transfer of reducing equivalents from E2k to produce NADH and H+. Site-directed mutagenesis of human E3 has shown that lysine-54 (K54) is necessary for the the protein-FAD interaction and for the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme, and that glutamate-192 (E192) is involved in maintaining the appropriate orientation of K54 during catalysis.33 E3 can also act as a diaphorase, carrying out single-electron transfers from a variety of electron donors to a variety of electron acceptors.28 The R-enantiomer is >25-fold more active as a substrate than the S-enantiomer.34 The amount of E3 found in mitochondria typically exceeds the amount required for the activity of the intramitochondrial complexes of which it is known to be a part (namely, KGDHC, PDHC, BCDHC). This finding has led to speculation that E3 may also have other roles in the transfer of electrons among substrates within mitochondria28 including ascorbic acid35 and ubiquinone.36 E3 proteins isolated from pig heart and cow intestine bind to G4-DNA of tet- 66 ANNALS NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES FIGURE 1. The KGDHC reaction. The drawing illustrates the reaction catalyzed by KGDHC. For information about E1k, E2k, and E3, see T ABLE 2. (From Reed.1 Reprinted by permission.) rahymina thermophila.37 Binding of E3 to human or other mammalian DNA has not been described. E3 from yeast has been crystallized.38 The reactions catalyzed by E2k and E3 are reversible under physiological conditions and are influenced by the principles of mass action. Major factors controlling the activity of KGDHC are the CoASH/succinyl-CoA and the NAD+/NADH ratios. In addition, the concentration of divalent cations modulates the activity of KGDHC.39–41 Ca2+ (A50 = 1 µM) and Mg2+ (A50 = 25 µM) together synergisitcally reduced the Km for α-ketoglutarate by over 10-fold, from 4 ± 1 mM to 0.3 mM.39 These concentrations of the divalent cations can probably occur in mitochondria under pathological conditions.39,41 KGDHC activity is stimulated by decreases in pH within the physiological pH range, and is also enhanced by the peptide spermine.40 A number of inhibitors reduce the activity of KGDHC. Several reactive oxygen species (ROS) can inactivate the complex, including 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal,42,43 superoxide anion,44 generators of NO.,44,45 and hydrogen peroxide.46 Hydroxynonenal47 and perhaps hydrogen peroxide46 may reduce the activity of KGDHC relatively selectively compared to other mitochondrial components of energy metabolism. Inactivation of KGDHC by ROS including hydroxynonenal has been proposed to play a role in the increased sensitivity of aging tissues to ischemia-reperfusion injury.47,48 Treating E3 with ROS in the presence of myeloperoxidase reduces its activity as as a lipoamide dehydrogenase but increases its activity as a diaphorase.49 Methotrexate50 and some environmental toxins48 can reduce the activity of KGDHC. SHEU & BLASS: =-KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX 67 TABLE 3. Activities of enzymes of energy metabolism in human braina Glycolysis91 Hexokinase (soluble) Phosphohexose isomerase Phosphofructokinase Aldolase Triose phosphate isomerase Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase92 Phosphoglyceromutase Pyruvate kinase Lactate dehydrogenase Pyruvate Dehydrogenase53 39 581 9.9 35 7,472 17 414 703 662 11 Krebs Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Citrate synthetase93 Aconitase95 Isocitrate dehdrogenase (NAD-linked)94 KGDHC53 Succinic Dehydrogenase (Complex II)93 Fumarase96 Malate Dehydrogenase (NAD-linked)97 Electron Transport93 Complex I Complex II/III Complex IV 40 (120 in a biopsy sample94) 9 10 2.3 98 180 2,491 18.4 97.9 285 aValues are nmol/min/mg whole brain protein. Samples analyzed were usually from cerebral cortex. See references for details. TABLE 4. Relatively slow reactions of energy metabolism in human brain Enzyme(s) Activitya Glycolysis Phosphofructokinase Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 9.9 17 Pyruvate Oxidation Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex 11 Pathway Krebs Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Aconitase Isocitrate Dehydrogenase α-Ketoglutarate Deyhydrogenase Complex 8.8 10 2.3 Electron Transport 18 Complex I aActivity is in nmol/min/mg protein. Values for other enzymes of energy metabolism in human brain are at least an order of magnitude greater than for the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDHC). See TABLE 3 and the references therein for details. 68 ANNALS NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NEUROBIOLOGY OF KGDHC As far as is known, the proteins comprising KGDHC and the structure of the complex itself do not differ significantly among brain and other tissues. There is no evidence for brain-specific forms of KGDHC, at either the gene or protein levels. Therefore, conclusions drawn about the structure and regulation of KGDHC in other tissues are likely to apply to brain as well. The activity of KGDHC is relatively low compared to that of a number of other enzymes of oxidative/energy metabolism, in skeletal51 and heart52 muscle and in brain.53 In human brain, the values for KGDHC are lower than those for any other enzymes of energy metabolism, including other enzymes of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle (e.g., aconitase, PDHC), enzymes of glycolysis, and electron transport complexes (TABLES 3 and 4). The values for human brain are derived largely from human brain obtained at autopsy and are therefore subject to the inherent artifacts in chemical measurements on autopsy brain.54,55 Comparisons of activities of enzymes in large samples of brain and assayed under optimal conditions are potentially misleading if applied simplistically to analyses of brain metabolism. However, the comparison may be more interpretable when it is among “housekeeping” enzymes, which are believed to be present in all brain cells, as for the enzymes listed in TABLES 3 and 4. When the activities of such enzymes differ by orders of magnitude (e.g., KGDHC and enzymes of the electron transport chain) it is probably reasonable to assume that the activities of the enzymes with lower activity under forcing conditions are also lower under physiological conditions in the tissue being examined. KGDHC and other enzymes of energy metabolism are not, however, distributed uniformly among cell types in the nervous system or even among different groups of neurons.53,56–58 Cholinergic cells appear to be particularly rich in KGDHC58 and PDHC.56 Results for human brain are similar to but less extensive than those in rat brain (TABLE 5). As discussed below, neurons that are enriched in KGDHC may be selectively vulnerable in Alzheimer’s disease (TABLE 5). KGDHC IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES Deficiency of KGDHC activity has been recorded in a number of conditions—for instance, antibodies to mitochondrial components in biliary cirrhosis can include antibodies to KGDHC.59 However, deficiency of KGDHC is more characteristically associated with neurological syndromes. This association is not surprising, because of the second-to-second dependence of the function of the nervous system on oxidative metabolism. The neurological syndromes linked to KGDHC deficiency vary from deadly diseases of the neonatal period to chronic diseases of the elderly.60 Generally, the more severe the KGDHC deficiency, the earlier the onset and the more severe the clinical syndrome. This relationship between severity of defect and severity of syndrome often occurs in inborn errors of metabolism. Infantile Lactic Acidosis Infantile lactic acidosis with severe psychomotor retardation is characteristic of severe deficiencies of KGDHC.61–64 These unfortunate children typically die in in- SHEU & BLASS: =-KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX 69 TABLE 5. KGDHC and selective neuronal loss in Alzheimer temporal cortex a Controls Layer III NSE KGDHC Layer V NSE KGDHC Alzheimer’s 184 ± 11 161 ± 17 52 ± 6b 44 ± 6b 133 ± 16 118 ± 9 33 ± 4b 12 ± 1b,c aValues are mean number of intensely staining cells per mm2 for 10 fields counted per patient. NSE = neuron specific enolase, a conventional marker for neurons. bp < 0.001 vs . control. cp < 0.001 vs. number of NSE positive cells in AD cortex. (Ko, Sheu, Thaler, Markesbery & Blass, in preparation; see also Ref. 86.) fancy or even in utero. This syndrome can also be associated with other profound defects in the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle or other pathways of energy metabolism.65 The best described of these unfortunate children have a profound deficiency of E3, with a resultant combined deficiency of KGDHC, PDHC, and BCDHC.61–63 These children can be homozygous for mutations in DLD 62,63 or can be compound heterozygotes, inheriting different defective DLD genes from each of their parents.61 For instance, one compound heterozygote had a TACTAAC mutation in one gene and an R460G mutation in the other.61 Two Israeli patients with severe neonatal E3 deficiency had both a G229C and an insertion 105insA (Y35X) mutation.64 Complete or nearly complete E3 deficiency may be incompatible with life even in utero. Homozygous DLD knockout in transgenic mice leads to perigastrulation lethality.66 Psychomotor Retardation Psychomotor retardation in early childhood has been associated with somewhat milder deficiency of KGDHC.67,68 Enzyme assays have implicated the core, E2k component, but studies at the gene level have not been reported. Intermittent Psychomotor Symptoms Intermittent psychomotor symptoms occur in Ashkenazi Jews who have a relatively mild deficiency in E3.64 These children have intermittent attention deficit disorder with mild ataxia, incoordination, and hypotonic weakness. They have a single G229C mutation in DLD, without the additional insertion mutation in the Israeli patients with infantile lactic acidosis described above.64 Friedreich’s Ataxia Friedreich’s ataxia69 is associated with deficiencies of KGDHC.70 These patients develop ataxia and signs of damage to the long tracts of the spinal cord, with significant clinical manifestations typically beginning in adolescence or early adult life.70 The primary genetic defect is in the FRDA gene and is usually a GAA repeat.69 FRDA encodes the protein frataxin, which is involved in free radical (ROS) metabolism within the mitochondria. The Friedreich mutations can lead to inactivation of 70 ANNALS NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES a number of mitochondrial enzymes including aconitase.71 Deficiency of the E3 component of KGDHC in Friedreich’s ataxia was proposed in 1976, on the basis of a defect in both KGDHC and PDHC activity in cultured Friedreich fibroblasts.70 E3 deficiency has been directly confirmed in Friedreich brain.72 Other Spinocerebellar Ataxias A number of other spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are known.73 They involve varying mixtures of signs and symptoms associated with dysfunction of the spinal cord and cerebellum and sometimes other parts of the brains. The clinical syndromes (phenotypes) overlap among the known genotypes. The genetic abnormalities are pathologically elongated stretches of CAG repeats (CAGn) encoding elongated polyglutamine (Qn) sequences in proteins. The precise gene and encoded protein differ among the six spinocerebellar ataxias characterized so far.73 A variety of lines of evidence suggest that the CAGn/Qn diseases are associated with a “pathological gain of function” associated with the Qn expansions.74,75 In SCA type I, E2 was found to be decreased in cerebellar and frontal cortices.72 Studies several years ago suggested that loss of mitochondrial enzyme activities including PDHC and KGDHC is commonly found in SCAs,76,77 but extensive studies in patients whose defects have been defined at the gene level have not been done. The “toxin gain of function” of the Qn repeats may be mediated at least in part by aberrant transglutaminase-catalyzed reactions.74,75 Purified KGDHC is inactivated on incubation with transglutaminase and proteins containing pathologically long, but not normal length, Qn repeats.75 Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common disease of later life that impairs secondary motor function and often goes on to impair intelligence as well. The best known defect in energy metabolism is in complex I of the electron transport chain, which may be caused in some PD patients by a defect in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).78 Deficiency of KGDHC has been found in Japanese patients with PD, based on immunocytochemical studies.79 A genetic abnormality in the DLST gene, which encodes the core E2k component of KGDHC, has also been reported in Japanese patients.80 Attempted replications of these studies of KGDHC and DLST in PD in other populations have not been reported. The Parkinson syndrome can be induced by poisoning with the compound MPTP, which is converted in mitochondria to MPP+. MPP+ inhibits complex I of the electron transport chain but also inhibits KGDHC. The reTABLE 6. Association of the G19,117/C19,183 Allele of DLST with AD DLST Genotype Alzheimer Non-Alzheimer p G,C/G,C 21/43 (49%) 1/13 (8%) 0.019a G,C/x 45/98 (46%) 6/13 (46%) 0.779 Non-G,C 16/48 (33%) 2/10 (20%) 0.708 aOdds Ratio = 11.5; confidence intervals = 1.8 − 70.1. All patients in this series were positive for the ε-4 allele of the APOE gene. The presence or absence of Alzheimer’s disease was confirmed at autopsy in these subjects. See Sheu et a1.15 for original data. SHEU & BLASS: =-KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX 71 ported activity of KGDHC in human brain is about 10% of that of complex I (TABLES 3 and 4), suggesting that MPTP inhibition of KGDHC might be functionally more important than inhibition of complex I. Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease accounts for over 80% of dementia in older people.81 The classic pathological lesions visible under the light microscope are amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.82 Among the characteristic biochemical lesions are oxidative stress83 and deficiency of KGDHC.54,55,84,85 Reduction of KGDHC activity is as robust as the other lesions of AD brain, having been reported from at least four laboratories with no contravening reports.53–55,84,85 The reduction in KGDHC activity cannot be attributed hypoxia or to postmortem change.54,55 KGDHC is reduced in AD brain by −30% to −90%. Decreases in KGDHC activity of this magnitude can be expected to impair oxidative/energy metabolism significantly, since KGDHC appears to have the lowest activity of any enzyme in the major pathways of oxidative/energy metabolism, including the components of the electron transport chain (TABLES 3 and 4). Furthermore, neurons enriched in KGDHC appear to be selectively vulnerable in AD temporal cortex.53 Ko et al.86 showed that the selectively vulnerable neurons of layers III and V are enriched in KGDHC. In layer V, the loss of KGDHC neurons in AD was proportionally greater than the total loss of (NSE-staining) neurons, indicating selective loss of KGDHC-enriched cells within this layer (TABLE 5). These results support the assumption that mitochondrial damage in general and damage to KGDHC in human brain in particular may contribute to selective cell death.53,86 At least two mechanisms may contribute to the reduction of KGDHC activity in AD. A genetic component is implied by the finding that KGDHC deficiency persists in cultured skin fibroblasts from many but not all patients with AD.87 More direct evidence is that polymorphisms of the DLST gene, which encodes the core E2k protein of KGDHC, have been associated with AD in Ashkenazi Jewish,15 mixed white American,14 Swedish,18 and one16 of two17 Japanese series studied (TABLE 6). The Swedish series include a population sample and a sample enriched in familial AD.18 However, the specific polymoprphisms associated with AD differ among the American, Swedish, and Japanese series. A plausibly pathogenetic mutation has not been defined, at least as yet. Secondary damage to KGDHC also appears to occur in AD, due to other mutations and particularly to oxidative stress. KGDHC is reduced in the brains of patients whose original lesion is the “Swedish” mutation in the APP gene.88 As discussed above, KGDHC is sensitive to reactive oxygen species, particularly to hydroxynonenal.42–47 Alzheimer brain is under oxidative stress, which appears to be an important part of the AD disease process.83 Oxidative stress may contribute to the reduction of KGDHC activity in AD. The genetic and nongenetic mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. A polymorphism (or mutation) in a gene encoding a KGDHC component may sensitize KGDHC to damage by free radicals. Indeed, other evidence indicates that DLST and APOE4 may interact in the causation of AD. In the molecular genetic studies in the USA and Sweden described above,14,15,18 the association of DLST with AD was significant only in the patients who were also APOE4 positive. Very recent data89 indicate that KGDHC deficiency correlates significantly better with clinical disability 72 ANNALS NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES than do plaques or tangles in patients who are APOE4 positive but not in those who are APOE4 negative. One may speculate that a “normal polymorphism” of KGDHC might contribute to the development of AD analogously to the way that the ε-4 allele of the APOE gene does.90 APOE4 has been proposed to be deleterious due to free radical mechanisms,90 and such mechanisms can also affect KGDHC. CONCLUSIONS KGDHC is a critical component of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle and of glutamate metabolism. It has been well studied at both the genetic and biochemical level. In human brain, KGDHC appears to have lower activity that do other enzymes of energy metabolism. KGDHC activity is an order of magnitude lower than that of complex I and over two orders of magnitude less than that of complex IV (TABLE 3). These data suggest that KGDHC is likely to have a high metabolic control coefficient for overall oxidative/energy metabolism—that is, to be a potentially “ratelimiting” enzyme. Conditions that impair KGDHC activity are therefore likely to impair oxidative/energy metabolism in human brain. Since the brain has a secondto-second dependence on flexible regulation of energy metabolism to maintain its function, impairments of KGDHC are likely to lead to brain dysfunction that manifests itself as disease of the brain. In fact, deficiency of KGDHC has been associated with a variety of neurological diseases, including disorders that have been shown to be associated with mutations in a gene encoding a component of KGDHC. In other disorders, deficiency of KGDHC appears to be part of the disease process. Because of its critical role in energy/oxidative metabolism, impairment of KGDHC activity in the human brain is unlikely to be innocuous. Even mild deficiency of KGDHC is likely to impair the ability of brain cells to mobilize energy to repair damage or otherwise respond to the physiological stresses inherent in living. The relatively mild deficiency of KGDHC associated with AD and perhaps with PD may result from a limitation on the ability of the affected brain cells to maintain homeostasis in the face of stressors accumulating over a lifetime. Further studies of KGDHC at the genetic, protein, and cellular levels appear warranted, particularly in relation to diseases of the nervous system. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by grants from the Overbrook Foundation, the Winifred Masterson Burke Relief Foundation, and the NIA (AG 09014, AG 14930). REFERENCES 1. REED , L.J. 1988. From lipoic acid to multi-enzyme complexes. Protein Sci. 7: 220– 224. 2. REED , L.J. & R.M. Oliver. 1982. Structure-function relationships in pyruvate and αketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 148: 231–241. 3. 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