2015 National Executive Committee Minutes


2015 National Executive Committee Minutes
8:00 AM, Friday, March 6, 2015
ARLINGTON, VA 22202-3505
Phone: 703-920-3230
Commander David BUCHANAN Called to Order the meeting at 8:10am.
The PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commander David BUCHANAN with all joining in.
The OPENING PRAYER was given by Chaplain Jim PEDONE.
The reading of the PREAMBLE was done by Vice Commander Jon SCOTT.
A SIGN-IN SHEET was passed around for all in attendance to sign. Sheet is attached to the Minute’s
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS was conducted by Commander BUCHANAN in the absence of the
National Secretary Mel RAMIGE, who is having some health issues with a total knee replacement. The
Roll Call sheet is attached to the notes.
A Quorum could not be established, therefore the 10 National Executive Committee members present
agreed to accept all in attendance as a quorum and the body was authorized to conduct any business that
might come before it.
One-third (1/3) of the elected members of the National Executive Committee, including the elective officers
referred by the National Convention to the National Executive Committee for appointment and the National
(Departmental) Executive Committeeperson shall constitute a quorum, however, in the absence of a majority of
the National District Commanders, the presence of the appointed Officers of the National Executive Committee,
each appointive office counting as one (1) each, and Past National Commanders present, as Life Members of the
National Executive Committee, counting one (1) each regardless of the number of terms served, may be used in
determining the required number for a quorum.
National Cmdr. ---------------DAVID BUCHANAN
Oral and written report, attached
Nat’l V. Cmdr. At Large ----JON SCOTT
Oral and written report, attached
Vice Cmdr. SCOTT spoke about the SEABEE Ball, All Seabee Reunion in Gulfport, working with
SC District Cmdr. Troy BRANCH in relocating members of deactivated Islands, the Island X-1,
Gulfport donation for building the new nsva.org website, the coming Dedications of the SEABEE
Monument in every National Cemetery’s Monument in Natchez on March 28, 2015 and Corinth, MS
after that, and the start of a fund building program for a SEABEE Monument for the new National
Cemetery in MS.
Secretary -------------------------MEL RAMIGE
National Treasurer--------------JERRY SCHMUCK
Not in attendance, report submitted
Oral and written report, attached
There was some discussion and an error was pointed out in the income portion of the report. National
Treasurer Jerry SCHMUCK quickly explained the error and corrected the report.
A MOTION was made by John HILLYER, III and was seconded by PNC Jerry LANDCASTLE to
accept the Treasurer’s report as amended.
By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays. This motion was accepted.
Treasurer Jerry SCHMUCK asked for clarification on an invoice presented by PNC LANDCASTLE
regarding the meeting room rental. There seemed to be a $20.00 discrepancy and PNC
LANDCASTLE immediately checked it out and the difference was found to be taxes as PNC
LANDCASLE had expected. The paper trail is complete to everyone’s satisfaction.
It was mentioned at this time in the meeting that the two (2) remaining issues of the CAN DO
Magazine will be available to be download electronically from the NavySVA Website www.nsva.org
as voted on in the 2014 Convention and Reunion.
NE DISTRICT---------------------JOHN CUBIT
NC DISTRICT---------------------MIKE SCOTT
SC DISTRICT---------------------TROY BRANCH
NW DISTRICT--------------------RALPH BEAN
SE DISTRICT--------------------- DONNIE DOUGLAS
SW DISTRICT---------------------KEN WARD
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
2012-2014---------------------------JERRY LANDCASTLE
PNC LANDCASTLE reported on his efforts in setting up this meeting and working with the VDNC.
2010-2012---------------------------CARL BARRETT
Not in attendance, no report submitted
2008-2010---------------------------BEAR HOLLAND
Not in attendance, no report submitted
2006-2008---------------------------DAVID BUCHANAN
Report submitted
2004-2006---------------------------JIM WHITE
Not in attendance, no report submitted
1996-1998---------------------------ED JONES
Not in attendance, no report submitted
1990-1992---------------------------NORM HILL
Not in attendance, no report submitted
1989-1990---------------------------DON CLAY
Not in attendance, no report submitted
1976-1977---------------------------DICK GROVE
Not in attendance, no report submitted
1975-1976---------------------------DICK WRIGHT
Not in attendance, no report submitted
2 YR.----------------------------------BOB MAGIC
2 YR.----------------------------------BURTON MOLLOHAN
1 YR.----------------------------------PHIL JUSTIN
1 YR.----------------------------------JOSEPH MILLETTE
1 YR.----------------------------------NORMAND O. DUPUIS
CHAPLAIN--------------------------JIM PEDONE
HISTORIAN-------------------------RANDY JUDD
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, no report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
No report required, see Chairman report
No report required, see Chairman report
John DEVER stated that after checking with several Insurance Companies, it is recommended that
each individual Island seek their own insurance in their respective areas.
Appointed Jan.2015
Vice Cmdr. Jon SCOTT did fill in some information on the 2015 National Convention and Reunion
to be held in Branson, MO from September 17-20, 2015. There are presently (9) guests registered.
This is an all-inclusive Hotel.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP--------------------JOE SCOTT
PUBLICATIONS-------------------------R0BERT GERMINSKI
RESOLUTIONS--------------------------JOHN CUBIT
INTERNET--------------------------------JON SCOTT
Not in attendance, report submitted
Nothing to report
Not in attendance, report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
Report discussed
Internet Chairman Jon SCOTT explained about the Internet and his search for a replacement as
Internet Chairman. Internet receives approximately 75 e-mails per month, nearly 3,700 visitors in
the last 3 months, 5,000+- viewers to “GuestBook”.
Jim PEDONE asked about special program to enable people with sight disabilities to be able to
enlarge the picture on the screen. Jon SCOTT is checking on the possibility.
FINANCE---------------------------------JERRY SCHMUCK Report Discussed
MEMBERSHIP---------------------------DANNY WEST
Not in attendance, report submitted
M-A-A--------------------------------------NICHOLAS MARSCHHAUSER
No Report
REGISTERED AGENT-----------------DAVE RUDOLPH Not in attendance, report submitted
FLORIDA---------------------------------BOB MAGIC
ILLINOIS---------------------------------TED BRODT
INDIANA---------------------------------DANNY WEST
Not in attendance, report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
MISSISSIPPI-----------------------------JOE SCOTT
NEW YORK------------------------------JOHN CUBIT
OHIO---------------------------------------PAT LEIHER
WASHINGTON--------------------------GEORGE DODGE
Not in attendance, report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
Not in attendance, report submitted
Brief oral report about X-1 Springfield,
MA deactivating.
1. Report from Past National Commander Jerry LANDCASTLE on the sales of the Coins. (See Post
Convention Meeting Minutes, National Convention in Fort Lauderdale, FL, For the Good of the Order,
page 35).
PNC Jerry LANDCASTLE read and presented his 2015 report regarding the SEABEE Coins and after
discussion he passed the stewardship of the coins on to Jerry SCHMUCK until such time when a
determination can be made on who should be handling this publicity fund. The books were audited for
this fund and found to be accurate.
1. Resolutions to be presented:
A-2015 submitted by
This Resolution was read and discussed and determined to be correct as far as Tom MARONE has
written it. The National Executive Committee voted, with the exception of one vote, to deny
Resolution in its current format. Tom MARONE has identified the problem but has
provide the Executive Committee with the proper verbiage he is looking for to correct
it, therefore
the Resolution is being returned to Tom MARONE so he may complete the final phase
correct language to be included into the Constitution. The Resolution will be reviewed by the
Resolution Committee on receipt and a final determination will be made.
This resolution will remain active until Tom MARONE responds.
There was a MOTION made by John HILLYER III and seconded by Nick MARSCHHAUSER
to recommend that the General membership (Convention) deny this Resolution as written but leave it
open for the author to complete.
By a voice vote, one nay, remainder ayes. This motion was approved.
B-2015 submitted by Norman DUPUIS, RE: Charitable Assistance Committee.
This Resolution was read and discussed and it was the decision of the Executive Committee to
deny it in the form of a resolution but consider it as a recommendation.
Normand DUPUIS will be appointed Chairman of a Feasibility Study Committee, soliciting the
Committee members in a number he thinks adequate up to (5) and bring to the National Convention
and Reunion as an in depth report on the manpower, materials, financial availability, successes and
problems of any other similar programs, and any other pertinent information needed to implement
this program. A letter will be sent to Normand DUPUIS.
There was a MOTION made by Roger MINER and seconded by Charlie COFFIN to send this
Resolution to the National Convention with the recommendation it be denied in its present form, but
could be considered as a recommendation.
By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved.
C-2015 submitted by Joe SCOTT, RE: use of LM Funds. Tabled until after lunch.
BREAK FOR LUNCH at 12:00+/- and reconvene at 1:00pm.
This resolution was read and discussed in depth and it was the decision of the Executive Committee
that this resolution could not be approved as written.
There was a MOTION by Jerry SCHMUCK and seconded by Jerry LANDCASTLE to deny this
Resolution as presented.
By a voice vote (1) nay and the remainder were ayes this motion was approved to be sent to the
National Convention with the recommendation to deny this resolution as presented. This motion was
Jerry LANCASTLE announced that NAVFAC questioned the condition of the Memorial Site for the
Service on Saturday and it was the decision of the Executive Committee that the NavySVA would
present our wreath at the Memorial as planned at 11:00am, Saturday, 7 March 2015 even if the
ceremony was canceled.
D#1-2015 submitted by Frank STULIC, RE: Change to Membership Dues.
This Resolution was read and discussed in depth and it was the decision of the Executive Committee
that this Resolution not be approved since the dues format was just adjusted.
There was a MOTION made by Charlie COFFIN and seconded Jerry LANDCASTLE that this
Resolution be sent to the National Convention with a recommendation from the National Executive
Committee to disapprove.
By a voice vote ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved to be sent to the National
Convention with the recommendation to deny this Resolution. This motion was approved.
D#2-2015 submitted by Frank STULIC, RE: Requirement for PO Boxes for all Islands.
This Resolution was read and discussed in depth and it was the decision of the Executive Committee
that this Resolution not be approved since it is not feasible to dictate how the Islands operate their
mailing duties.
There was a MOTION made by Jon SCOTT and seconded Jerry LANDCASTLE that this
Resolution be sent to the National Convention with a recommendation from the National Executive
Committee to disapprove.
By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved to be sent to the National
Convention with the recommendation to deny this Resolution.
D#3-2015 submitted by Frank STULIC, RE: Islands to look for more permanent meeting
This Resolution was read and discussed in depth and it was the decision of the National Executive
Committee that this Resolution not be approved since the Island should determine the place for their
There was a MOTION made by John HILLYER, III and seconded by Jerry LANDCASTLE that
this Resolution be sent to the National Convention with a recommendation from the National
Executive Committee to disapprove.
By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved to be sent to the National
Convention with the recommendation to deny this Resolution.
All three (3) Resolutions were deemed to be good suggestions but were not workable Resolutions.
E---2015 submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: NavySVA to SVA
This Resolution was read by Jon SCOTT, the submitter, and explained in depth for the change to
“Standardize” the Constitution, By-laws and Standing Rules document.
There was a MOTION made by Charlie COFFIN and seconded Jim PEDONE that this Resolution
sent to the National Convention with a recommendation from the National Executive
By a voice vote, mostly ayes and (2) nays, this motion was approved to be sent to the National
Convention with the recommendation for approval.
F----2015 submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: Establish Resolution Response
This Resolution was read by Jon Scott, the submitter, and explained in depth for members
submitting Resolutions to get notification upon receipt, within (7) days of the Mid-year Meeting,
notification Post Mid-Year Meeting, and the outcome of the vote and the rights of the
member under Standing Rule 7, Rules of Order governing the Convention.
After much discussion this Resolution was thought to be better served as a DIRECTIVE instead
of a Resolution. Jon SCOTT agreed with the recommendation and rescinded his Resolution.
There was a MOTION made by Jerry LANDCASTLE and seconded John HILLYER, III that this
Resolution be sent to the National Convention with a recommendation from the National Executive
Committee to Disapprove.
By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved to be sent to the National
Convention with the recommendation for disapproval.
Note: This motion was seconded by Jim FUREY, but not being a member of the Executive
Committee, Jim FUREY did not have voting rights and John HILLYER, III was heard making the
second also.
submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: Comprehensive Duties of Office
This Resolution was read by Jon SCOTT, the submitter, and explained that many Officers and
members do not know exactly what their duties are and there should be an explanation in writing
what is expected of each of them.
This Resolution is intended to make the Chairman of the respective Offices of the National
Executive Committee take responsibility for the Office they were elected or appointed to and not
having the National Secretary or someone else take up the task left undone.
There was a MOTION made by Jerry SCHMUCK and seconded Roger MINER that this
Resolution be sent to the National Convention with a recommendation from the National Executive
Committee to approve as written.
By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved to be sent to the National
Convention with the recommendation for approval.
submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: Elimination of NIAL
This Resolution was read by Jon SCOTT, the submitter, to transfer members from NIAL to Islands
nearest their address on record. Out of Country members would be sent to Port Hueneme on the
West Coast and members living in the East would be sent to an East Coast Island.
After much discussion there was a MOTION made by Nick MARSCHHAUSER and seconded by
Roger MINER that this Resolution to eliminate the NIAL and all parts of it be sent to the
National Convention with a recommendation for approval.
By a voice vote (3) nays and the remainder ayes. This motion was approved to be sent to the
National Convention.
Status of the Project to Honor our Medal of Honor Recipient Marvin G. SHIELDS at a Ceremony to
held on June 10, 2015.
A fund raiser is underway, by PNC Jerry LANDCASTLE, to increase the current amount of the
NavySVA named Scholarship #2 Marvin G. SHIELDS from the original $7,000.00 to the $50,000.00
current value of SMSA Scholarships.
Checks are being written wrong on the Pay To line and need to be returned for reissue. The correct
on the Pay To line is SMSA or Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association. The National
Secretary is
handling all communications for this project.
PNC Jerry LANDCASTLE read and submitted a written copy of his report which is attached to the
It was discussed that the coins could be given to Island X-1, Gulfport for the NavySVA Ship’s Store but
this service, the Ship’s Store, is a voluntary convenience from Island X-1, Gulfport and not a subsidized
Ship’s Store by the NavySVA so the coins would have to be sold to Island X-1 so the NavySVA could
recover their investment.
PNC LANDCASTLE has turned over the books of this program to be audited and will mail all
remaining coins and money in the account to Jerry SCHMUCK until it can be determined who should
administer this program.
4. Jon SCOTT’S suggestion to direct Life Membership Chairman Joe SCOTT to proceed in transferring
Life Members from the many deactivated Islands and place them in Islands closest to their home
on record. A definite procedure needs to be written and followed to transfer members.
LM Chairman will:
A. Send letter informing the member of his transfer.
B. Contact Island he is transferring the member to with all information for file being: Name,
address, phone number, E-mail address if applicable, and Units of Affiliation.
C. Provide the National Secretary a list of transfers to update his roster via a transfer form.
After discussion, a MOTION was made by Jim PEDONE and seconded by Joe MILLETTE to
have the Life Membership Chairman handle the transfer of ALL Life Members from ALL of the
deactivated Islands on record and follow the procedure as outlined above.
By a voice vote, All Ayes and no nays, this motion was approved and should take effect immediately.
This does not need to go before the National Convention for approval.
Jon SCOTT request information on the two (2) wreath laying ceremonies held in Washington, DC,
one in March and the other in November.
A. Has a memorandum of understanding or a memorandum of agreement ever been drafted and
signed by all parties? The National Treasurer informed me that the CEC/Seabee Historical
Foundation did
provide a check for $800.00 for their portion of this endeavor, however; the other
Organizations have not contributed to the best of my knowledge.
Reply: NAVFAC found the money last year to finance the November ceremony and for the 2015
March ceremony. The CEC/ Historical did send money and part of the money was used to buy the
Korean War Veterans Wreath with the remainder being held in escrow.
B. Recommend that either a Memorandum of Understanding or a Memorandum of Agreement
is drafted and approved by the National Counselors or the National Registered Agent that holds all
parties accountable for the funds required to carry out these two celebrations annually.
document should also appoint which Organization is responsible for which duties to carry out each
Reply: There is no MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) or anything in writing with NAVFAC,
SMSA , Seabee Historical Foundation, NavySVA or the Korean War Veterans. This is a good
suggestion for a time when it is needed.
Jon SCOTT suggestion: For several years the topic of the 1-800 telephone has been brought up and
who should have control of the phone. No one has followed up on this.
The phone number cost approximately $1600.00 a year/ or $133.33 per month. As reported by the
National Secretary in numerous Mid-Year Meetings and annual Convention reports, this number
receives about 45 - 50 calls per month. This equates to an average cost of $2.94 per call.
Discontinue the 1-800 number and service. At least look into a dedicated number via mobile plan
that would be much cheaper and can be transferred when new elections are held. It is not cost
effective to maintain this phone. !
Action on this issue was handled at the 2014 Convention and the only action at this Mid-year
Meeting was to refer it to the Finance and Budget Committee for review.
Jon SCOTT also had the following suggestions:
CAN DO advertising can be done. Suggestion was pulled from conversation.
Consider ON-LINE dues payment 2-3% fee per transaction. Jon will investigate further.
Consider coming up with a new Quad-Fold brochure.
Nick MARSCHHAUSER and the Department of New York are bidding for the 2016 Convention and Nick
is requesting old program books from previous Conventions to use as a guide for their book.
Island X-1, Greeneville, TN may possibly bid to hold a Convention 2016 or 2017.
John HILLYER III, Commander, Island X-11, Tampa asked the National Executive Committee to buy a
page ad at a cost of $80.00 dollars, in the upcoming 2014 Department of Florida Program book. The
Board thought it was a good idea but did not want to set a precedent so a hat was passed and donations were
raised for the program book. The National Treasurer Jerry SCHMUCK accepted the donation monies into
the National treasury and wrote Island X-11 a check for the $80.00 dollars and the left over donation money
is a line item in the budget.
With no further business to come before the National Executive Committee, Commander BUCHANAN
asked Chaplain Jim PEDONE for the CLOSING PRAYER.
While standing, all SALUTED THE FLAG.
A MOTION was made by several and seconded by many to ADJOURN THE MEETING.
By a voice vote ALL ayes and no nays, the motion carried and the Meeting was adjourned at approximately
2015 National Executive Committee Commander’s Report
Publication Chairperson-------------------------------Clinton “Andy” ANDERSON.
Constitution and By-Laws Chairperson-------------Charlie COFFIN. This Office was vacated by Commander
David J. BUCHANAN after the election. Charlie Coffin will serve until the next General Election.
Parliamentarian----------------Carl BARRETT
Chaplain-------------------------Jim PEDONE
Counselors-----------------------John DEVER
Service Officer-------------------David PHILLIPS
Historian--------------------------Randy JUDD
Master at arms-------------------Nick MARSCHHAUSER
To date I have made three more appointments to positions;
Parliamentarian Carl Barrett has asked to be relieved due to Department workloads. I asked Charlie Coffin if he
would be interested in filling this position as his wife, Elaine Coffin, is the National Auxiliary Parliamentarian, he
accepted and will serve until the next General election.
I was accepted to the Museum Advisory Council
We have finally been approached by a new member to Island X-1 Red Bank, NJ. to serve as Publications
Chairman (Editor) for the CAN DO magazine. I relied on Past Editor Andy Anderson to interview Mr. Robert
Germinski, and Andy assured me he had the credentials to handle the position. We will get acquainted more with
Mr. Germinski in the near future.
I was accepted to the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum Advisory council as National Commander. The inaugural
meeting of this Advisory Council was to be conducted at the Seabee Museum, on Friday, Jan. 30. I asked if
Commander Jim Parker of Island X-7 would represent the NavySVA as California is too far to travel for this
meeting. He accepted and attended the meeting.
I asked V. Commander Jon Scott to attend the Historical Foundation meeting in Gulfport, MS as this is his
hometown. These meetings are very important but cost prohibitive to attend because of the distance and length of
the meeting. Jon Scott’s report is included with the reports submitted.
I took all the notes at the Convention and Reunion and put them in order for the Minutes to be mailed out by the
National Secretary.
Did a lot of work on the E-Postcards with the National Secretary that needed to be returned by November 1,
I participated in the Veterans Day Ceremony’s in Washington, DC. As a speaker as well as a wreath presenter.
We hosted the annual Island X-23 Christmas party at our home with approximately 30 guest including members
of Island X-6 Spring Hill, FL. and attended Christmas parties for X-2 Lakeland ,FL. and Island X-6 Spring Hill,
I have worked on the SEABEE Monument in every National Cemetery project and have placed 3 more
Monuments including the one purchased by the National Auxiliary for Sarasota National Cemetery in Sarasota,
FL. These three Monuments should be delivered by this meeting.
I have had many phone and e-mail conversations with Department Commanders, members and members of the
Executive Committee about various topics from Conventions to disciplinary protocol.
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Vice Commander-At-Large
23416 Meaut Road
Pass Christian, MS 39571-9479
March 2, 2015
To: NSVA National Executive Committee
Members of the Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Inc
From: Jon S. Scott
The past months since the 2014 National Convention, I have kept myself rather busy. First off, I have been getting
up to speed with the workings of the National Office by reviewing the Constitution, By-Laws, Standing Rules and
the minutes of several past years’ Executive Committee meetings and National Conventions. From these
documents I have drafted several pieces of correspondence for consideration.
I represented the SVA at the fall meeting of the CEC/Seabee Historical Foundation and provided a brief report of
the highlights to the Commander. I have been keeping in contact with Bill Hilderbrand, president of the Historical
I met face to face with Troy Branch, South Central District Commander while he was on vacation in Pensacola,
FL. I turned over my records of that position and provided answers to questions.
I have had phone conversations with all the District Commanders, Membership Chairman, Life Membership
Chairman to periodically check in and see how things were going. I also talked with several members from
around the nation to see how “National” can better serve them, to gather ideas for improvement and to encourage
renewed participation in the organization and the National Convention.
I would like to bring to the attention of all, that ISLAND X-1, Gulfport, MS will be dedicating a Vietnam Seabee
Monument at the Mississippi Vietnam Veterans Memorial on March 7th. The monument lists all the Seabee
Commands that were attached to CBC Gulfport during the Vietnam Era. The media will be attending the
dedication. Also, Later in March, Island X-1, Gulfport will be dedicating the Seabee Monument in the National
Cemetery in Natchez, MS.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jon S. Scott
Vice Commander-At-Large
March 6, 2015
Mel Ramige, National Secretary
NavySVA National Executive Committee
Mid Year Report
1. Duties of Office:
a. To date, I have processed 246 transmittals that were submitted for 670 Members.
b. Processed 83 new Life Membership applications. These were sent to LM Chairman Joe Scott, who
does all the work to issue the LM Cards to the respective new Life Members.
c. We process the donations to SMSA, with letters of acknowledgement to each donor. For the record,
we started the donations for SMSA NavySVA Scholarship #25 on September 29, 2011, and as of
this date, we have received $26,619.02 toward the $50,000.00 required to fund that Scholarship.
We are also involved in processing donations to the Fallen Seabee Scholarship Fund (FSSF).
During this Fiscal Year 2014-15, to date we have contributed $2,292.34 toward the FSSF.
d. Requests for information and membership. I continue to send packets of information that contains
information about our Organization and an application out to any name that is given to me or to
those who have called on the 1-800 phone for information. I have written 24 letters during this Fiscal
Year, with 5 new Life Members having joined. Of these, 4 (23.5%) have been as a result of 1-800
calls, 1 (20%) was from e-mail contact.
e. The number of calls that I receive on the 1-800-SEABEE-5 phone remains the same, an average of
47 per month. The cost of maintaining the number is an average of $133.00 per
month. We should
consider whether there is a more efficient use for this expenditure.
I have assumed the duties of the Secretary of the NIAL on an interim basis.
g. I am helping on the project that PNC Jerry Landcastle has established to raise the value of
Marvin G. Shields SVA#2 Scholarship from the original value of $7,000.00 to the current
$50,000.00. Currently, the sum of $11,116.35 has been raised to add to the $7,000.00.
2. As of this date, we have 4,692 Members which is a decrease from the previous Fiscal Year 2014. Of
these 4,692, 747 are Annual Members and 3,945 are Life Members. There are 67 Members on the
current roster that have been reported as deceased. There are 3 of the 11 Departments that are
stagnant and we are working on deactivating them or revitalizing them.
3. I request that the National Executive Committee take action to secure a replacement for me.
Mel Ramige, National Secretary
Internet Committee Chairman
23416 Meaut Road
Pass Christian, MS 39571-9479
March 2, 2015
To: NSVA National Executive Committee
Members of the Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Inc
From: Jon S. Scott
The new website is up and running. As with any website, it is like a baby and takes a lot of attentions. An Average
of 75 emails and numerous calls per month are received or sent to keep it updated. The amount of correspondence
is trending lower as time goes by.
As of 3 March we have had 3869 visitors to the website and 4967 views of the NSVA Guest book. If you haven’t
had a chance to visit the website, I encourage you to spend a few minutes going through all the pages. We are still
working the improvements/additions to the SVA Officer’s page to allow a working site with a “question/answer”
blog page for use of all SVA Officers.
Funding received: $3000 from Island X-1, Gulfport, MS to fund the building of the Website.
Expenditures: $3450
$3000 - build website
$300 - hosting fee for 1 year (11/15/2014 – 11/14/2015)
$150 - Maintenance fee for 6 months (11/15/2014 – 5/14/2015)
Respectfully Submitted,
Jon S. Scott
Vice Commander-At-Large