3rd Quarter 2006


3rd Quarter 2006
Where We Live on the Etch!
Volume 19 • Issue 138 • 3rd Quarter 2006
A quarterly publication for the customers and friends of Owosso Graphic Arts, Inc.
From Owosso
Our 8th Annual Baseball Outing had a Hawaiian theme this year… complete with a couple grass skirts that made their way through the crowd.
The baseball outing was the final event for our Associate Appreciation Week. Over 200 family members and friends joined in the fun
as we watched the Lansing Lugnuts win the game 7-1.
This year we collected toys prior to boarding the busses for the TOYS FOR TOTS campaign and received
over 100 toys and $75 cash to purchase more toys.
Everyone’s generosity was greatly appreciated.
Our roaming photographers captured everyone
on camera—we hope you enjoy sharing in our fun.
OWOSSO Associates are listed in Turquoise Blue.
Jake is ready to hula
Jeremy collected
a lot of leis throughout
the evening
Craig & Joe were the
first to wear the
hula skirts... they
really enjoyed this!
Chloe, E
Sami, A ee,
nnie & C
ting rea
dy to ha men getnd out
(Right) We collected Toys for Tots prior to boarding the bus
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 •Owosso
Graphic Arts 800-444-5552
Gone to the Dogs...
We received a letter from one of our readers after he found his dog,
Nappy, perusing The Owosso Journal! Gerald Jlung from The Four
Dogs Press in Harahan, Louisiana tells us that not only can Nappy
read, he can read upside down! Thanks, Gerald, for the great photo!
“We also have some part-time positions
available for people who only want to
Aubrey, Tammy, Robin, Richard, Joe Holden, Diwork 60 or 80 hours a week.”
Sue, Gay Oliver, Katelyn & Jenna
ane, Karen, Mike, Mike, Carla, Patrick, Brendon,
BJ, Aubrey, Tracey, Dave
Kevin McAvoy, Donna & Hannah
Kara, Mike, Caleigh, Beth, Mark, Carmen,
Emilee, Jeff, Jeremy, Dottie Roy, Sami
ie, Connie &
on, Brian, Jack
Jerry Voight, R
Craig Ellenberg
Lloyd, Joyce, Joyce, Darrel Frederick, Debbi, Keith, Mark,
Terry, Rachelle, Russ
John, Steve, Travis, Brett, Randy,
Amy, Tina Davis, Terry, Patti, Alice,
Tyler, Bob, Alexis, Bonnie, Steven,
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owossographic.com
FSEA Gold Leaf Awards
The Foil Stamping & Embossing Association (FSEA)
Gold Leaf Awards competition needs YOUR entry! Every
year three levels of recognition—gold, silver and bronze
are awarded in several different categories for outstanding foil stamping and embossing.
$100 Credit to
We know first hand the outstanding work that our customers are producing and we want you to be recognized
for it! Here’s our offer: For every entry that used an
OWOSSO die, we’ll pay your entry fee. And, if your entry
wins either gold, silver or bronze at next year’s judging
we’ll credit your account $100.
account if you win
Gold, Silver or Bronze
with an
To participate go to the FSEA Website at www.fsea.com.
Print out the Rules and Entry Form for the Gold Leaf
Awards. Complete the entry form, mark it “BILL OWOSSO
your finished piece to the address on the form.
Ed, Marie, Mike, Nate, Evan, Cheryl & Brian
Wants & Sales
Jordan, Adriana, Lauren, Jillian, Macy, Missy,
Jeff, Doug, Jake Gadd, Marcia, Tina, Ed,
The Golding Jobber, Boston, Massachusetts. This
press appears to be a
No. 6 Platen Printing
Press made in Boston.
The advertisement in the
book Catalogue of Nineteenth Century Printing
Presses by Harold E.
Sterne states that this
press “is unsurpassed by
any job press built.”
Gay Oliver & Nate
To run your classified ad, simply The next issue of
submit your copy
The Owosso Journal
by November 15th of 2006
will be published in
4th Quarter 2006.
151 N Delaney Rd.
Owosso, MI 48867
The condition of this
press is good. Please
CALL ED ALLYN 8456792051
rison at Historic PalVERIZON.NET
myra (315) 597-6981
or bjfhpinc@rochester.
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owossographic.com
sociate News
News Associate
of the
Justin Pardee
Mike Law
Justin joined the OWOSMike joined the OWOSSO team in
SO team last November
June of this year. Mike is continuing
and works in our shipping
to train in various departments and
department proofing the
is an asset wherever we put him.
hundreds of dies that we
After graduating from Owosso High
ship out every day.
School he went straight to work
Justin enjoys anything
for General Motors for the next 28
to do with the outdoors,
riding and racing dirt bikes years and retired from there this
year. “Coming to Owosso Graphic
and flying RC planes with
Arts has been very exciting for me,
his Dad on the weekends.
He also loves to go to the says Law. I’m learning a lot and feel
proud to be part of the team. This
Upper Peninsula here in
is a very personable company, and
Michigan and spend time
with his grandparents and I’m enjoying the change.”
Hey Jerry...
thinks he’s
your hair looks
June 2006-Kevin McAvoy
Years with OGA: 8
What Craig Ellenberg, VP of Production had
to say:
“Kevin’s attention to detail has helped
OWOSSO reduce errors in all areas he
works in, as well as keeping up quality standards by always closely checking all dies
and paperwork. Kevin is very acceptable
to change and is always willing to try new
things to improve our process. Kevin’s good
nature has made him a great person to
work with and he gets along with everybody.
He is a person you can always count on to
be there early or late when ever needed.”
July 2006-Phillip Henn
Years with OGA: 37
Phillip is dedicated, versatile, and pays atpostention to details. He takes the
to make sure he produces a quality
product--he takes pride in his work. Phil is
also known for always having a good story
to tell.
August 2006-The OWOSSO Team
368 years of combined dedication to
Lori Mills, Vickie, Jackie Pospisil,
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owossographic.com
Associate Anniversary Breakfast
News Associate News Associate News Associ
Dottie Roy, Joe Holden, Gay Oliver, Kathy Wilson, Scott Curtis, Craig Ellenberg,
Jerry Voight
OWOSSO held their annual Associate Anniversary Breakfast on August 25th to
honor Associates with milestone anniversaries. The breakfast was part of a weeklong Associate Appreciation celebration to
thank all Associates for their dedication
every day, all year long.
Justin Pardee,
Delores & Greg
Honored at the breakfast were Gaydene
Oliver with 30 years; Dottie Roy, Scott
Curtis and Dave Redmond with 5 years.
The week ended with OWOSSO’s 8th Annual Baseball Outing to the Lansing Lugnuts
with over 200 family members and friends
joining in the fun.
Jeremy, Beth, Brody, Little Jeremy, Bailey,
Bill, Deegan, Joey Hickmott, Trish, Bretlyn,
Chris Sommer
(our UPS drive
Tim, Chris, Beth, Kathy Wilson, Dawn, Chloe, Gabby, Annie, Paul & Matt
r) and family
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owossographic.com
Avoiding The Order Delay Creeps
This is a repeat from our Fall 2003 issue. Kathleen Mahoney just has a knack for writing
humorous articles that still get the point across.
Ah! Halloween! Even better than the candy and outrageous costumes is the fact
that it keeps the retailers from putting out the Christmas items right next to the
swimwear closeouts in September. Without this simple little holiday we would be subjected to four solid months of the Nutcracker Suite and Grandma Got Run Over…oh,
you know the rest.
OWOSSO is already getting a taste of the holidays. From now until the middle of December,
we will be into our busiest season. With over 90% of our orders coming via e-mail, our list of
daily jobs is getting longer everyday.
Because of the increase in work and our commitment to providing the best possible dies
available in the shortest amount of time, any glitch in the system causes problems. In order
to keep all things running smoothly and with no orders delayed, we are repeating some tips
that will keep your order from being set aside, waiting for spare time for one of us to call you
and work out a problem. It’s like the frying pan you burned your potatoes in: it gets saved
until last, because you know you can wash all the other dishes in the same amount of time
it will take to scrub that one thing clean. We’d feel pretty bad if we ran out of time and had
to let your order soak overnight!
1. Be sure your artwork is correct before you send it. Don’t let the 10:00am EST cut off
frighten you into sending bad artwork. If a bad file is sent well before the cut off time, it can
be corrected by naming the new file the same as the bad one so it will replace it in your folder
on our server. If it was sent close to the deadline or later, give us a “heads up” call.
2. Be sure to send us the faxes! They need to arrive here by 10:00am EST also. E-mail should
be for file transfer only; any order info should be on your order form. Please don’t forget to
fax the hard copy of your artwork.
3. To keep your e-mail from being tossed out with the junk e-mails, please remember to put
your company name in the subject area of your message. We have successfully avoided many
of the virus problems by not opening any suspicious messages, but we have unwittingly deleted legitimate orders that were not recognized as such. Account numbers, PO numbers,
and names of files all have a place on your order form. The only helpful thing besides your
company name is a tiny message in the e-mail body that gives us a contact name and a
phone number in case the faxes never show up.
4. Allow two days for anything copper, fiberglass, or OWOSSO Released Coated.
5. Sign up to have UPS or FedEx notify you via e-mail when we ship a package to you. If
you have not received this message within two days, give us a call. Rarely do orders take
more than two days for us to complete. Just e-mail us at engraver@owossographic.
com and ask that we enter your e-mail address for shipment notification.
We would love nothing better than to treat every customer to a
sweet die ordering experience. Following these few tips should keep you from being creeped out by delayed orders, and we’ll
save all the tricks for our co-workers!
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owossographic.com
is published quarterly
for the fun of it. We hope you enjoy perusing its
pages as much as we enjoy putting it together.
We only ask that you think of us the next time
you need brass, copper & magnesium photoengraved dies.Thanks!___3rd Qtr 2006
Design: Carrie Farr
Lots of help from: Kathy Wilson, Gaydene Oliver & Kathleen Mahoney
What is an OWOSSO? Well, besides being a neat
little town in Mid-Michigan, it’s home to America’s Largest Brass, Copper and Magnesium Photoengraver. We’ve
specialized for over 55 years in producing the highest
quality dies for the printing industry. We offer:
• Free technical support
• Free estimates
• Free electronic ordering
Holiday Schedule
November 23rd & 24th
We will be spending some time
with our families during these
days. Our answering system is
always on to take your messages,
and we will return your phone call
the next business day.
December 25th & 26th
Contact Us:
A Great Place to Visit...and Call Home!
VP of Production: Craig Ellenberg
Tech Support Manager: Joe Holden
Imaging Tech Support: Kathleen Mahoney, Andy Huff, Janeen Moskal & Cary Britten
VP of Customer Service: Kathy Wilson
Customer Service Specialists: Tina Davis, Lori Mills, Gaydene Oliver, Brandie Albring & Jackie Pospisil
Customer Service Billing: Stacy Davis
Customer Service Acc. Rec.: Dottie Roy
National Account Director: Doug Pendergast, 989-277-8369
Like other small communities, our hometown is unique. We thought
we’d share some of our area’s special events with you, just in case
you happen to be passing by. If you are in our neck of the woods, we
hope a stop at Owosso Graphic Arts is first on your list!
8 00-444-5552
Nat’l Acct Dir Email: dpendergast@owossographic.com
Business Fax: 989-723-5399
Business E-mail: engraver@owossographic.com
Ordering Fax: 989-725-8084
Ordering E-mail: imaging@owossographic.com
Web Site: www.owossographic.com
How are we doing?
Send us an E-mail, fax, or letter and let us
know what you would like to see in
The OWOSSO Journal.
Your thoughts about OWOSSO
are important to us __ Tell us! Thanks!
The Shiawassee County
Convention & Visitors
Bureau at 989-723-1199
would be happy to answer any questions about the following events, or transportation & accommodations. Please give
them a call!
Farmer’s Market
Every Saturday, May-October,
Downtown Owosso.
Cruise to the Castle Car Show
Annual event on the Saturday after Mother’s
Day, Downtown Owosso.
Owosso Amphitheater Summer
300 Block of Water Street.
Every Thursday & Sunday, June-August. All
concerts begin at 7:30pm. Lawn Seating
(bring a blanket or chair).
Fourth of July Family Day Celebration
McCurdy Park, Corunna. All day long activities,
entertainment & food.
Shiawassee County Fair
2900 E Hibbard Rd., Corunna. Held the first week in
North Pole Express
Thanksgiving weekend through mid December.
Passengers will board at the Steam Railroading
Institute’s Visitor Center in Owosso, Michigan.
Before departure, the North Pole Express train
arrives, pulled by the Pere Marquette No. 1225,
with lots of steam, bell
ringing and whistle blowing.
Hometown Holidays
Winter Festival
Day after Thanksgiving
through December 24.
Downtown Owosso.
Owosso Curwood Festival
This issue’s cover was foil stamped with an
OWOSSO magnesium die.
Foil provided by Nakai International, #73 Mosaic
Annual event on the 1st full weekend in
June. Parade, Raft Races and Arts & Craft
This festival bears the name of James Oliver
Curwood (1878-1927). Famed conservationist and author of 33 novels.
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owossographic.com
151 N. Delaney Rd.
Owosso, MI 48867
3rd Quarter 2006
Business Fax: (989) 723-5399
Business E-mail: engraver@owossographic.com
Ordering E-mail: imaging@owossographic.com
Ordering Fax: (989) 725-8084
Web Site: www.owossographic.com
In This Issue...
3rd Quarter 2006
4Gone to the Dogs
4Baseball Photo Fun
4Order Delay Creeps
Do you have a friend or co-worker who would enjoy this newsletter?
Please Pass It On!
Quality running low?
Try an OWOSSO die today and experience the difference of your quality on FULL!
Try your initial die order FREE! Choose from:
OWOSSO Release Coating; and Fiberglass Counter Dies.
Foil Stamping, Intaglio, Paper Embossing, Letterpress, Debossing, Rubber Stamp Masters, Fabric
Embossing, or Custom Applications
Up to 30 sq in
*Shipping not included
Any other Magnesium or Copper Photoengraving __
Male/Female Membrane Switch Overlay Embossing
Up to 20 sq in
Thermal Kiss-Cutting
Up to 250 sq in
*Free die offer does not include brass
Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owossographic.com