Telecom SudParis


Telecom SudParis
International Student Guide
Are you ready for the IT world?
2010-2011 Edition
Telecom SudParis
EdiTorial .......................................................................................................................................... 1
a ShorT dEScriPTion of TElEcom SudPariS ............................................................................................ 2
inTErnaTional ExPEriEncE .................................................................................................................... 3
WElcom: inTEgraTE yourSElf inTo ThE STudEnT communiTy........................................................................ 4
your PrinciPalS inTErlocuTorS on camPuS ............................................................................................ 4
SchEdulE for 2010-2011 .................................................................................................................. 5
rESEarch acTiviTiES in TElEcom SudPariS .............................................................................................. 6
ElEcTionS .......................................................................................................................................... 8
inTErnShiP hunTing ............................................................................................................................ 9
Student life
adminiSTraTivE and Social lifE............................................................................................................ 12
adminiSTraTivE ProcEdurES To bE PErformEd uPon your arrival ............................................................ 13
STudEnT Social SEcuriTy and volunTary hEalTh inSurancE .................................................................... 14
inSurancES ...................................................................................................................................... 15
TElEPhonE ...................................................................................................................................... 16
oPEning a bank accounT .................................................................................................................... 17
TuiTion fEES .................................................................................................................................... 18
infirmary ........................................................................................................................................ 22
PrEvEnTivE mEdicinE .......................................................................................................................... 22
The campus resources
Informatics .................................................................................................................................... 28
The multimedia library .................................................................................................................. 28
The RITS... A user’s guide .............................................................................................................. 29
Accomodation: la MAISEL .............................................................................................................. 30
community life
Students associations .................................................................................................................... 32
Before you leave ............................................................................................................................ 34
hoW To gET To ThE camPuS .................................................................................................................. 36
maP and rEr ExiT ............................................................................................................................ 41
camPuS maP ...................................................................................................................................... 43
in caSE of EmErgEncy ........................................................................................................................ 44
inSTrucTionS in caSE of firE (ExcErPT) ................................................................................................ 45
hElPful WEbSiTES.............................................................................................................................. 45
hElPful numbErS .............................................................................................................................. 45
Welcome to the Telecom SudParis campus!
It’s our great pleasure to welcome you within the student community of Telecom
SudParis - whether you’re here as part of an exchange program, for a dual
degree or a Master of Science.
Many of you have left your job and your family to come and study at Telecom
SudParis. We are aware that this must have been a difficult decision for you to take, so we hope
that this experience will be rewarding and worthwhile, from an academic point of view as well
as in human terms.
Qualifications and certificates are most certainly important, but we don’t think education should
be restricted to diplomas. In a broad sense, education is about acquiring knowledge, developing
skills, attitudes and qualities that cannot be easily tested - enthusiasm, commitment, honesty,
and a sense of priority, self-confidence and open-mindedness. We hope that our multi-cultural
community will help you understand the meaning of the term “citizen of the world”. We hope
that this immersion among different nationalities, cultures and languages will leave you with a
deeper understanding and respect of others. In certain situations, - either professional or
personal - we should remember that difference does not equate with a vision of right and wrong
and that things can be done and actions interpreted in many different ways. We hope that you
will benefit from this experience, learn from cultural differences, and develop skills sought after
by multinational companies.
This guide is designed to help you discover your new environment and provide you with important
information to facilitate your integration in France and on campus, so you should always keep
it within reach. Please feel free to contact the international office if you need further details.
Enjoy your stay!
Roisin Donohoe
Director of international programs
Telecom SudParis
a short description of Telecom SudParis
Telecom SudParis is a member of the Institut
Telecom, and is under the leadership of the
French ministry of economy, finance and
It’s a public higher education and research
institution, and one of the best IT-oriented
public schools for budding engineers. So are
you ready for the IT world?
In view of the numerous industrial, economical and social challenges with which we
are confronted in this era of technological
development, companies expect the graduates from Telecom SudParis to be creative
and skilled enough to conceive groundbreaking products and services.
Throughout your curriculum, project
management and innovation will be the
themes emphasized by the professors in
Telecom SudParis.
This synergy is not restricted to schools
relationships; it is the backbone for the
whole organization of academic paths, study
methods within interdisciplinary teams,
research topics, the development of ongoing
vocational training modules and partnerships with various industrialists, as well as
community organizers.
You want to relax, have fun and broaden your
knowledge? There are some 54 associations
and clubs on the campus - all managed by
the Student Union.
Thanks to the Théâtre de l’Agora and the
national conservatory of music, there is a
vigorous cultural life in Evry, a town which
also happens to be one of the most verdant
in France, with 543,6 acres of open spaces,
including the banks of the Seine.
For over 30 years, Telecom SudParis has
shared a 14,8 acre campus with Telecom
Ecole de Management.
• Over 900 students
• 106 professor-researchers
• 7 research and training
• 2 laboratories “CNRS
approved”: UMR 5157 and
UMR 4581
• 4 Specialized Masters
• 6 Masters of Science
• 4 joint accreditation
arrangements for research
• 170 Ph. D. students
• 262 participating companies
• 89 international academic
• 50 different nationalities on
• 1 junior enterprise
• 1 student radio
• 54 student associations and
international Experience
Department of international relations
You need to know something? You should ask the staff of the department of international relations, they’ll try their best to answer your questions and help you with administrative procedures
during the school year: registration, getting a visa, insurances…
Your Interlocutors in the International Office:
roisin donohoe
Director of International
01 60 76 42 32
DIR 205
laura landes
Recruitment and foreign
students monitoring officer
01 60 76 42 26
DIR 212
françois Simon
Post-graduate Programs officer
01 60 76 46 31
valérie votte
Master and Masters of Science
01 60 76 40 20
DIR 07
mélanie blanchard
International agreements and
exchanges officer
01 60 76 40 68 / 06 81 53 37 39
DIR 209
Welcom: integrate yourself into the student community
“Welcom” is a Student Union club whose aim is to welcome foreign students and help them with
their everyday life in the community. Upon your arrival on the campus, some of your fellow
students will help you settle down.
For a smoother integration, the club will organise numerous events: discovery nights, French
culture nights, outings in Paris and cultural visits...
your Principal interlocutors on campus
Pierre rolin
vincent rigaut
Representative of Télécom
& Management Alumni
claude villard
Dean of Studies for the
engineering education program
Sébastien cauwet
Telecom SudParis Contractors
roisin donohoe
Director of International
Sylvie dumas
Public relations and internship
christian camilleri
President of the association
MAISEL (student residence)
dominique lebrun
Restaurant manager
michèle Peinado
Coordinator of the French as a
foreign language program (FLE)
Eric collery
Computer Services and Audio
Visual Engineering officer
michèle grandjean
damien canivez
Audio Visual officer
Stéphane dehors
Physical education Coordinator
Schedule for 2010 - 2011
Engineering Program
EI2 1st semester
EI2 2nd semester
EI3 1st semester
EI3 2nd semester
Master of Science 1st semester
French courses
Courses begin
Courses end
Master of Science 2nd semester
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 (P.M.)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday June 24, 2011
Friday, September 3, 2010
September 6 – 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Friday, January 28, 2011
February 8 – 12, 2011
Monday, March 7 Friday, June 24, 2011
Master of Science 3rd semester
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Friday, January 28, 2011
holidays (except for internship students)
Toussaint (except MSc, 3A)
Monday 25 - Friday 29 (inclusive) October 2010
Monday 20 - Friday 31 (inclusive) December 2010
Monday 14 – Friday 18 (inclusive) February 2011
Monday 18 – Monday 25 April (inclusive, Easter Monday), 2011
bank holidays
All Saints’ Day
Extended weekend
Easter Day
National Labor Day
Armistice Day
Ascension Thursday
Whit Monday
National Holiday
Feast of the Assumption
November 1st, 2010
November 11-12, 2010
April 25, 2011
May 1st, 2011
May 8, 2011
June 2-3, 2011
June 13, 2011
July 14, 2011
August 15, 2011
community Events
BDE campaign
Telecommunications Forum
Ski trip
February 3–6, 2011
February 10, 2011
March 21-22, 2011
research activities in Telecom SudParis
research activities are closely related to pedagogy, for training and research are constantly
stimulated by one another, and these activities increasingly reflect the needs of modern
corporate environments.
Within the Telecom SudParis departments, research activities are carried out by all the
professors-researchers. a great number of Ph. d. students participate in the research under
the supervision of researchers.
The principal fields of research activities have been organized into clusters:
Each field is composed of research projects, with two unchanging horizontal activities: applied
mathematics and security.
N.B.: Secretariats are open from 8:45 5:30 P.M., and closed at lunchtime.
research at Telecom SudParis
• Director of Research and Doctoral
Djamal Zeghlache
• Secrétariat: Xayplathi Lyfoung
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 60 76 42 79
Office: DIR 220
umr cnrS/Télécom SudParis 5157
Samovar (Shared Services, Architectures,
Modelling, Validation, Network Administration)
• UMR SAMOVAR officer:
Monique Becker
Office: DIR 210
instruction and research departments
arTEmiS (Advanced Research & TEchniques
for Multidimensional Imaging Systems):
Multimedia Images Sciences and
• Head of Department:
Pierre Rolin
• Secretariat: Evelyne Taroni
Office: C204
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 60 76 46 36
ciTi (Communication, Images and Data Processing): Adaptive systems, statistical image,
architecture, video and algorithm processing
• Head of Department:
Wojciech Pieczynski
• Secretariat: Julie Bonnet
Office: D 203
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 60 76 44 34
EPh (Electronics and PHysics): Optics, Optoelectronics, Intermedia, VLSI and Proximity
Communication, Data Surfing
• Head of Department:
Badr-eddine Benkelfat
• Secretariat: Patricia Fixot
Office: A311
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 60 76 44 32
inf (Informatics): Programming and
execution of contestant environments;
database, shared systems
• Head of Department:
Bruno Defude
• Secretariat: Brigitte Houassine
Office: D302
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 60 76 47 82
lor (Software - Networks): Administration,
Networks and Services Management and
Integration (AGIRS), Software Software and
Protocol Design (SPD), Protocols and
Services Validation (PSV) and Informatics
Network and Protocols (INP).
• Head of Department:
Ana Cavalli
• Secretariat: Brigitte Laurent
Office: D106
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 60 76 47 22
rS2m (Mobile Network and Multimedia
Services): Mobility and Security; Multimedia
Services Architecture; Network Algorithms;
Dynamic Cooperation and Adaptation of
Surrounding Mobile Network.
• Head of Department:
Djamal Zeghlache
• Secretariat: Valérie Mateus
Office: A 104
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 60 76 41 45
rST (Telecommunication Networks and
Services): Design, network planning and
securisation, mobile radio, bandwidth
• Head of Department:
Hervé Debard
• Secretariat: Françoise Abad
Office: D 107
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 60 76 47 24
Elections take place in early November each
Students from both schools are invited to
vote, to elect several Institut Telecom Board
representatives, Telecom & Management
SudParis representatives, Research
committee representatives and Education
committee representatives.
The public institution is administered by the
Institut Telecom Board, whose representatives decide on the budget, the strategic
focus of the Institut Telecom and other
schools, the development of management
regulations, tuition fees, scholarships,
investment files, real estate patterns…
The Telecom & Management SudParis
council representatives deliberate on the
school development plan, the budget,
courses development, teaching methods,
research and professional training…
The research committee representatives
develop the guiding principles of research
policies for Telecom & Management
The Education committee representatives
(from both schools) are responsible for
decisions on every aspect of school life
(including degree admissions), educational
development, individual situations, courses
and programs…
Students from each program should be
involved in these decision-making bodies;
this is an important part of school life.
You may apply to become a representative as
of the beginning of October.
internship hunting
For most of you, a six month internship validates
the completion of your academic program.
You may spend your internship:
• in our research laboratories: get in
touch with your professors and program coordinator soon, to get to know
the opportunities that may turn into an
• in a company: get in touch with the
internship department as soon as possible.
internship department
office: a06
The Telecommunications Forum represents
an opportunity for you to meet professionals;
it will take place on February 10, 2011.
About a hundred companies specializing in
various fields such as finance, informatics,
telecommunications or even the automobile
industry, will be onsite to meet you and study
potential internship opportunities.
By appointment only, Sylvie and Françoise
can individually help you approach companies in a successful way.
Some companies post their internship offers
on this website:
your interlocutors:
Sylvie dumas
Public relations and professional
training officer.
Tel. 01 60 76 40 10
Pointers for you to get the internship of your
Start prospecting early!
In November, start editing your CV to begin
your search effectively in January!
françoise guiheneuc
Postgraduate internships and
companies-campus relationship
planning officer.
Tel. 01 60 76 42 09
Meetings with company representatives
(over 200 partnerships including 25 % non
ICT companies) will be planned on a regular
basis, on the campus, at their headquarters
or during professional events.
Throughout the year, we recommend you attend CV and cover letter editing workshops,
so carefully read Françoise Guiheunec
emails, you’ll discover the activities we have
planned for you.
TElEcom & managEmEnT alumni
office: amphi 4 (forum)
The Telecom SudParis former student
association can also help you look for an
internship; they’ll put you in touch withgraduates working in the field you’re interested in.
your interlocutors:
vincent rigaut
Tel. 01 60 76 43 55
Simone ronjon
Careers officer
Tel. 01 60 76 43 50
a unique and diverse network
Established in 1981, the TELECOM &
MANAGEMENT alumni association purpose
is to serve all graduates from both the
Engineering school, Telecom SudParis, and
the Business school, Telecom Ecole de
This dynamic network gathers more than
10 000 professional members acting in the
fields of Information and Communication
Technologies and Services, and spanning
across all industries that make use of ICT.
a vocation
• To actively represent all of both
schools in the world.
• To undertake any measures deemed
necessary to promote and support the
diplomas awarded both schools.
• To remain informed on any technical,
economic or social issues affecting the
ICT and business sectors.
• To contribute to support and promotion of research in the ICT and business sectors.
• To provide assistance with work placement and career planning to alumni,
and to follow and assist them in their
personal and professional development.
• To provide assistance in preparing recent graduates for their future professional careers and in their job
• To provide moral, social and financial
assistance to students throughout
their period of study.
Association is at the centre of exchanges
between the schools, its graduates, presentday students and companies.
TElEcom & managEmEnT alumni around
the world
For more than 25 years, the activities of the
served to enhance the international reputation of their school.
Today, present and appreciated in more than
70 countries, they form an active network
with representatives throughout the world.
Student life
administrative and social life
Throughout the school year, the “Vie Scolaire” service will be the administrative service whose staff give aid to newly arrived
students, by listening and advising, helping
with the registration, tuition fees and social
security, student voluntary health insurance
company subscription forms, and by checking out compulsory personal liabilities, insurances, lodging…
The “Vie Scolaire” service can also help you
look for accommodation (contact Maisel and
external partners).
Inside the administration building – Ground
floor (rooms 06-07-08).
your interlocutors
christian camilleri
Head of the service, he handles
all the scholarship requests and
can advise you on numerous
Tel. 01 60 76 42 11
Emilie kubas
Initial Training
Tel. 01 60 76 40 26
valérie votte
Master of Science
Tel. 01 60 76 40 20
opening hours
• September 1 – 30:
From Monday to Friday: 9:00 A.M.– noon /
1:30 P.M. – 3 P.M.
• The rest of the year:
From Monday to Friday: 9:00 A.M.– noon /
1:30 P.M. – 5 P.M.
You may also send an email to the “Vie Scolaire”
We will use your email whenever we need to get
in touch with you or to pass on information, so
check out your email inbox regularly.
N.B.: So that we can easily get in touch with you,
you should update your information (French
mobile number, personal email address…) in
your GASPAR* account.
you will start off your school year with a
training course on our information
system tool, gaSPar.
administrative procedures to be performed
upon your arrival
Upon your arrival in France, you will have to
proceed with the following:
• Administrative registration
• Opening a bank account
• Subscription to personal liability insurance
• Subscription to a voluntary health
• Payment for the tuition and social
other registrations
security fees (depending on the case).
• Opening of an electronic account and
data update within GASPAR
• Insurance subscription for your
MAISEL accommodation
• Getting a French phone number
To that end, you should provide us with the
following documents:
Eu student
non Eu student
r1 photo (Surname, First
Name and Academic program year written overleaf)
rpassport copy
rbirth certificate copy
rparents address
rphone number
rprogramme taken ( l a n guage included)
r1 photo (Surname, First
Name and Academic Program year written overleaf)
rpassport copy
rvisa copy
rbirth certificate copy
rparents address
rphone number
rprogramme taken ( l a n guage included)
rCopy of European social
security card
Administrative Registration
You should return your completed registration form before the date indicated on your
Delivery of enrollment certifications, student
cards, payment certificates, social security
certificates of affiliation:
rfor an exchange < 3 months:
If you have delivered your completed form
within the deadline, you should receive these
documents before the end of the first school
Your personal information will appear on
your diploma, so we recommend you check
the veracity of the documents received and
inform us if there’s a mistake.
Student social security and voluntary health insurance
Student social security is compulsory for all
students from 16-28 years old.
LMDE or SMEREP are organizations that
specialize in the student regime, you should
choose one of these social security centers,
and indicate it on the 2nd page of your registration form:
• Centre 601: La Mutuelle Des Etudiants
• Centre 617: SMEREP.
Both organizations provide voluntary health
insurance solutions as well.
Should you need a more specific voluntary
health insurance, you should contact:
• The “Vie Scolaire” service
• Or send a letter with all the documents
included with your registration form
• Or with the LMDE / SMEREP staff, on
the first day of school.
Along with your affiliation request, you
should join a check in keeping with the offer
you have chosen, made out to La Mutuelle
des Etudiants or SMEREP. The checks will be
cashed one week later at the earliest.
Mutual Insurance Price List 2010-2011:
• lmdE
Major problems LMDE: 60 € per year
Intermediate care: 90 € par year
All care: 201 € par year
Packages: 330 € per year
Optimum packages LMDE: 564 €
per year
Plus LMDE: 40 €
• SmErEP
Indispensable / Essential: 92 € per year
Médiane / Median: 240 €
Optimale / Optimum: 528 € per year
Pack SMEREP: 27 € per year
Forfait “Vivre sa vie” / Package “live your
life”: 30 € per year
Forfait “Santé bien-être” / Package
“Health and wellness”: 42 € per year
The LMDE and SMEREP staff will be on the
campus every Tuesday from noon to 2 P.M.
and from September to October, then once a
The LMDE staff will be onsite on Mondays
and Tuesdays, from 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
and 2:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M., and Wednesdays,
from 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., in Evry University, Maupertuis building, ground floor.
The SMEREP staff will be in Evry University
(room BW 19, from Monday until Friday,
9:00 A.M.– 4:45 P.M.).
Students who are more than 28 years old
should affiliate with a private voluntary
health insurance.
▪ ACS / Students aid:
Package A 309 € per year
Package B 500 € per year
Package C 712 € per year
You may register online:
carte de Séjour
Personal liability
Personal liability covers an obligation to
compensate for any damage caused to
others. Your personal liability insurance is
your guarantee against personal injury,
material and financial damages you may
cause to others, but not to yourself.
To stay over 3 months in France (or other
Shengen countries) it is important to obtain
a residential permit. In France, this permit is
called “carte de séjour”. Telecom SudParis
will help you with the administrative procedures. Students must provide the following
documents and have a medical check. The
residential permit will be renewed yearly.
There is no personal liability insurance as
such; it is included in your Comprehensive
Accommodation insurance.
Comprehensive Accommodation insurance
You don’t necessarily have to insure your accommodation, but we strongly recommend
you protect your commodities against fire,
theft, as well as damages that could occur at
your neighbors’ place (water damage for
We have established a preferential partnership with AXA Assurances. They should be on
the campus during the integration week,
then from September until the end of
October, every Thursday from noon until
2 P.M., then once a month.
AXA Assurances Comprehensive Accommodation insurance 43 € / year for 2 rooms
maximum (2009-2010 cost).
• Passport (Original and copy).
• Birth Certificate (translated in French
and certified)
• Copy of your Student visa
• 4 Photos with white fund, of dimensions 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
• Copy of your inscription certificate
• Revenue certificate
• Domicile certificate (Attestation
• If you’re married:
- Copy of the marriage certificate.
- Passport of the spouse (Original y
viSa validation
Students will get a one year visa. Upon
arrival in France, you will need to validate
this visa in the OFII (French Office for Immigration and Integration).
Telecom SudParis international Office will
take care of sending your papers to the OFII
and you will then receive convocation for its
getting internet access in
your room
MINET is the association managing the
installation and maintenance of Internet
service in the MAISEL. To get Internet access
in your room, you will have to subscribe to
the association. To do this, you will just need
to provide your Telecom SudParis’ e-mail
account and pay about 60 Euros.
if you live on the campus: (buildings u1, u2,
u3, u4, u5).
When you’re in your flat, you’ll be automatically connected to a private line, on which
you can receive external calls.
By default, only free calls with people living
on the campus are authorized.
If you wish to activate your line to give external phone calls – which will be charged -, you
should ask the MAISEL’s reception desk staff.
You are to settle your payment with MAISEL’s
reception desk staff, you’ll get a receipt once
your payment is settled, and you can receive
your phone bill upon request. We recommend you settle your payment on receipt of
your bill, your line might be suspended if
your communications add up to more than
115 € and if you don’t pay in time.
if you live in building u6 (outside the
You have to choose an operator to connect
your line, or get a cell phone account.
Cell phone accounts are divided into two
groups: binding contracts for a year or two,
and prepaid SIM cards which you can reload
at any time. Operators will provide you with
a mobile phone - free of charge or for a
modest price – whose price is proportional
to the value of the binding contract.
In France, there are three different mobile
network operators: Bouygues Telecom,
Orange and SFR, and several mobile virtual
network operators (MVNO) sell prepaid
phone cards, which they buy from network
operators at wholesale price. MVNOs:
Auchan mobile, Bouygues Télécom, Breizh
mobile, Carrefour Mobile, Casino Mobile,
Coriolis, Débitel, E.Leclerc Mobile, Fnac mobile, M6 mobile, Neuf mobile, NRJ mobile,
Orange SFR, Télé 2 mobile, Universal Mobile,
Virgin mobile, Ten and TF1 mobile... etc
You can compare prices on this website:
opening a bank account
To open a bank account, you should provide
the banker with the following supporting
rA valid ID (ID card, passport, resident
card) with a photo.
rA MAISEL contract or a proof of
Telecom SudParis has established a preferential partnership with Société Générale.
Their staff should be on the campus during
the first week of school, they could help you
open an account.
They’ll be on duty on Thursdays, from 1 – 2
P.M., throughout the school year (except for
holidays and bank holidays).
Société générale
1 rue Montespan
91000 Evry
Tel : 01 60 77 13 46
Alternative bank:
bnP Paribas
2 immeuble des Mazières
91000 Evry
Tel : 08 20 82 00 01
Tuition fees
Besides tuition fees, student social security
fees (198 € in 2009/2010), voluntary health
insurance fees (see Voluntary health Insurances indicative pricelist), which is optional
but recommended, you will also have
various expenses throughout the school
• a monthly rent from 373 to 532 euros.
You may benefit from accommodation
allowance (ALS or APL).
— ALS : from 96,91 € up to 112,66 € *
— APL : from 156,93 € up to 248,67 €
* indicative prices
N.B.: to benefit from APL or ALS, you
should submit a file first. You can get the file
from the MAISEL staff as soon as you have
found accommodation.
To ensure you get an allowance, we
strongly recommend you process with
the renewal of your residence permit as
soon as possible.
• MAISEL subscription charges: 150
euros (non-reimbursed).
• A 470 euros deposit, reimbursed upon
student’s departure.
• Extra charge for accommodation insurance and personal liability: 50 € for
a school year (addresses of insurance
agents available in the “Vie Scolaire”
service) minimum.
• Transport Imagin’R card, students
under 26 years of age can use public
transport throughout Ile-de-France,
from zone 1 to 5: 640 € per year (70 €
per month) in 2010.
Don’t forget the miscellaneous budget
(school supplies, clothes, sporting and associative life).
Additional information is detailed in the table below:
1 payment
per year
Flight tickets and holidays
1 800 €
1 800 €
1 800 €
250 €
250 €
250 €
School stationary
300 €
500 €
700 €
66 €
88 €
110 €
Compulsory medical
(regularization process)
55 €
55 €
55 €
SS for non European
200 €
400 €
400 €
Optional complementary
insurance (recommended)
180 €
360 €
360 €
Computer Hardware
Health care
22 € la
living expenses
Housing deposit
470 €
470 €
470 €
Yearly subscription fees
150 €
300 €
5 400 €
8 100 €
10 800 €
Maisel - Housing
Insurance and civil
liability (compulsory)
50 €
100 €
100 €
Yearly cleaning (at the
end of the stay)
30 €
30 €
30 €
Maisel Rent
(most expensive one)
450 €
Meals on campus 3,10
euros (lunch and dinner)
3,10 €
118 €
1 414 €
2 124 €
2 832 €
Meals during week-ends
20 €
160 €
1 920 €
2 880 €
3 840 €
(1) reimbursed if the room is correct
1 payment
per year
70 €
560 €
840 €
1 330 €
Cultural visits, trips...
70 €
560 €
840 €
1 680€
Internet connexion
in room
140 €
140 €
Deposit for connexion
50 €
* Tuition Fees non included
868 €
13 525 €
19 277 € 25 197 €
Preventive medicine
opening hours: 8:45 a.m.– 5:30 P.m
office: ground floor of the restaurant
nurse: michèle grandjean
Phone: 01 60 76 43 73
A doctor should be on the campus every
Thursday from 9:00 A.M.– 4 P.M. You should
ask the nurse if you want to make an
appointment for:
The nurse provides first aid care in strict
confidence, as well as specialized, interpersonal and educational care, and a meticulous follow-up.
Should the need arise, she can refer you to
the right healthcare organization. She’ll be
at your service if you have any questions or
problems concerning:
• Study difficulties
• Systematic examinations for all freshers: each student should attend an examination, at least once during his or
her first school year. On the day of your
doctor’s appointment, which you may
make upon request, you should bring
your health record with you.
• Issuing of a medical certificate for
sport practice.
• Should the need arise, vaccination
monito-ring and booster doses.
• Everyday life
• Alcohol, tobacco
• Drug addiction
• Loneliness
• Contraception, STD, acute or chronic
She can provide you with crutches, which
should be taken back to the infirmary when
they are no longer necessary.
Throughout the school year, she will also
collaborate with student associations, to
develop projects related to education, health
(sleep, nutrition, stress, aid, contraception,
sport accidents, alcohol and addictions, etc).
The aim is to plan preventive campaigns and
to improve student life.
• GP consultations (nonprescription
Care of disabled students or students
suffering from a chronic disease.
These services are FREE OF CHARGE and
included in the tuition fees. Medical examinations should take place in the infirmary.
medical care outside
regular office hours
healthcare reimbursement
procedures in france
Medical care structures near the campus
Hôpital Sud Francilien
31 rue du Pont Amar Courcouronnes
Tel. 01 69 13 60 00
59 bd Henri Dunant
91106 Corbeil-Essonnes Cedex
Tel. 01 69 13 60 00
A form should be filled by your nominated
treating doctor, and returned to the Social
Private clinics:
Centre médico – chirurgical et obstétrical
(surgical and obstetrical care)
(Clinique du Mousseau)
2 - 4, avenue des Mousseaux
Tel. 01 60 90 10 10
Clinique de l’Essonne
Bd des champs Elysées
Tel. 01 60 87 86 00
You may download the special n°12485 Cerfa
form (Déclaration de choix du médecin traitant) here:, or get it from the
You should fill out the form with the doctor
on the first occasion (he or she doesn’t have
to be the campus doctor). Don’t make
unnecessary appointments; you should wait
until you have a good reason to visit the
A duly filled out form should be sent to your
social security organism (LMDE or
If possible, you should always visit your
nominated treating doctor, should the need
arise, he’ll refer you to specialized doctors.
Besides emergencies or evidence-based
diseases, if you don’t choose a nominated
treating doctor, or if you visit another doctor,
the reimbursement rate will be lower (16 €
instead of 19 €).
list of doctors
general Practitioners
(for information only, list of GPs near the
campus. A more detailed list is available at
the infirmary)
Bornsztein Nicole, Do Cao Chantal,
Langlois Pierre, Vovan Pierre
01 64 97 13 60
29 rue de l’Essonne • Les Aunettes
Rifle Sylvie
01 64 97 10 77
4 sq Camélinat • Les Epinettes
Martinez Marie Laure, Giraudon-Marty
01 60 79 24 00
15 allée Boissy d’Anglas • Les Aunettes
Sassoon Gisèle
01 60 77 84 02
12 cours Monseigneur Romero • 91000 Evry
Signorelli Laurent
01 60 77 18 47
8 rue Claude Debussy • 91000 Evry
You should get in touch with Michèle
Grandjean, she’ll refer you to the appropriate
Planning familial
01 60 79 41 35
(family planning)
11 bd de l’Europe, Immeuble Alpha
91000 Evry
Pharmacie des Epinettes
23, place de la commune
01 60 78 26 26
Open every day from 9:15 A.M.– 1:00 P.M.
and from 3:00 P.M. – 7:50 P.M.
(except on Monday mornings from
10:00 A.M.– 12:45 P.M.)
Should you need medical advice for a nonvital emergency situation, or outside medical
practices opening hours, you may phone
“SOS Médecin”, an emergency doctor will
see you : 36024 or 08 26 88 91 91.
Should you need advice or medical care, you
should check in the emergency service in a
hospital if there are no other options.
On-duty pharmacists / on-duty dentists
You should ask the police station staff in Evry
Tel. 01 60 76 70 00
Ophthalmologic emergency (Sunday and
bank holidays)
Tel. 01 60 75 18 25
We will do our best for you throughout your
curriculum, both on the level of physical
accessibility, as on the level of knowledge
To make your life easier in the year to come,
you should inform the “handicapped students” consultant once you’ve been admitted
to school:
Michèle Grandjean • Phone: 01 60 76 43 73
To obtain the handicapped student status,
you should consult the preventive medicine
service upon your arrival, they’ll establish a
medical certificate detailing the specific conditions to be taken into account.
Upon your arrival, you should get in touch
with the “handicapped students” consultant.
Michèle Grandjean • Phone: 01 60 76 43 73
When you first visit the Office Français de
l'Immigration et de l'Intégration (OFII /
French agency in charge of migration and
welcoming foreign people), their staff should
check your vaccination expiration dates.
If the latter have reached their date limit,
make an appointment with Michèle Grandjean as soon as possible: 01 60 76 43 73.
n.b.: french regulations are probably different from those in effect in your country.
The french law stipulates that diphtheria,
tetanus and polio vaccinations must be upto-date.
medical certificate
For any sports activity you would like to practice, you should provide us with a
medical certificate upon your arrival.
When the school year starts, you should
make an appointment with the campus practitioner through Michèle Grandjean.
Steps to be taken if a student has an accident
or is sick while on campus.
The french healthcare system
If you do not hold a European Health Insurance Card or the form required by a reciprocal agreement between your country of
origin and France, to obtain medical care and
adequate reimbursement, you must comply
with the medical consultation procedure.
• you must nominate your general Practitioner: your local sécurité sociale (French
National Health Insurance) office can provide you with the necessary form to be
filled in by the doctor you have selected.
Once the form is completed and signed by
your nominated General Practitioner, you
must send it back to your sécurité sociale
office. The GP will provide you with routine
medical treatment and refer you to a specialist when necessary. If you comply with
the consultation procedure, you’ll be fully
reimbursed and incur no financial penalties. However, a €1 fixed patient’s contribution is automatically deducted from
reimbursements for consultations or medical treatment provided by a doctor and for
diagnostic tests.
• if you do not nominate a gP: In a case of
non-compliance with the consultation procedure, you may consult any doctor but will
be reimbursed to a lesser extent by your
local sécurité sociale office. Moreover, the
specialist you consult may apply higher
fees and you’ll have to pay this “extra
charge” fully.
What happens when hospitalization is necessary?
If your condition requires hospitalization, you
may contact any state-run or private hospital
you choose. However, reimbursement by the
French National Health Insu-rance will be reduced if the private hospital's fees are not
government-regulated. Concerning hospitalization, 80 to 100 % of the rates esta-blished
by the French Sécurité Sociale will be covered. As a general rule, you will have to pay
the set patient’s contribution (Ticket modérateur), a set per diem hospital fee, the insured
patient’s co-payment of € 18, as well as costs
entailed by personal comfort ser-vices (a private room, for example).
What about medical treatment?
Prescription drugs are dispensed under the
doctor’s delegatory. You have to pay for your
medicine and hand your Carte Vitale (French
National Health Insurance Card) to the drugstore staff. You will be reimbursed on the basis
of 15%, 35%, 65% or 100 % of the medicine
price, depending on the category of drugs.
However, some medicines are not reimbursed
at all. Remember that every time you need
medical care, you have to pay first anyway.
french Securite Sociale does not reimburse
100% of healthcare, for optimal reimbursement, you need an additional health insurance policy (lmdE or SmErEP). brochures
are available at the School life service.
For example, if you consult a doctor who
prescribes medicine with a blue sticker (vignette) on the box, and which costs 50 €, the
sécurité sociale will reimburse 35% of the cost,
that is 17,50 €. If you have subscribed to a mutual insurance, you’ll be fully reimbursed.
The vitale card (carte vitale)
Firstly: Registration (immatriculation) handled by the school: documents required
(birth certificate translated in French, “carte
de séjour” available for the whole year), Secondly: you’ll receive a temporary number on
a paper card or paper attestation from LMDE
or SMEREP, Then you should filled in the
form and join a photograph (see the model
hereafter), and you’ll receive a card which
testifies you fit in the student social security
scheme. This card is called “carte vitale 2”.
Non-transferable, it must be handed to any
health professionals you may consult, and it
will allow you to be reimbursed more simply
and quickly. Copy of the request form “carte
vitale 2” hereafter.
How to receive the first reimbursement?
By post mail, you should send to the LMDE
or SMEREP office:
• A copy of your bank account number (RIB)
• A proof of affiliation to the social security
system delivered by the school
• A General Practitioner declaration filled in
by the nominated doctor
• The forms for your consultation fees
and/or medicines
SMEREP address:
16 Bld du Général Leclerc
92115 Clichy cedex
and to follow up the reimbursement process
LMDE address:
Remboursement direct Centre 601
93699 Pantin cedex
And to follow up the reimbursement process
The campus
Telecom SudParis is obviously a networked
place: among other local areas supporting
networks, fiber optic, hertzian and laser networks are operating on the campus.
The main places where students can gather
have also been equipped with an 802.11g
wireless local area network (WLAN): the
forum, lecture halls, the multimedia library,
the administration building, and a part of the
10 rooms for practical work, equipped with
13 workstations, open 24/7 (except during
holidays when access is restricted), on the
ground floor of building B.
• Loan rules
The loan period may be prolonged once, if
another student has not reserved the documents.
Not returning a document within the specified time limit will lead to penalties:
Your loan allowance will be suspended until
you sort out your situation; the loan suspension period shall be equal to the number of
days delay.
Excerpt from the school rules and regulations:
“ The school shall award a diploma only to
students (…) in possession of a clearance
certificate (…) issued from the school
The multimedia library
The multimedia library places sciences,
telecommunications, management, language acquisition and cultural resources at
your disposal.
The librarians are here to ensure a customized research of documents, and to train
students in the use of media research tools.
The multimedia library information system
is comprehensive: a web-based catalog and
electronic resources (media portals and specialized database) both available within the
intranet and extranet networks (authentication required outside the campus).
• Conditions and rules for loan
Loan conditions
- 5 educational books for 3 weeks
- 5 books for 3 weeks
- 5 language-learning methods for 12
opening hours
Monday: 9:00 A.M.– 7:30 P.M.
Tuesday: 9:00 A.M.– 8:30 P.M.
Wednesday: 9:00 A.M.- 7:30 P.M.
Thursday: 9:00 A.M.- 8:30 P.M.
Friday: 9:00 A.M.- 7:30 P.M.
during holidays:
9:00 A.M.– 12:30 P.M. / 2:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
additional information and news here:
The riTS… a user’s guide
Having lunch and dining at the RITS is as
easy as 1,2,3, it only takes two steps: the
choice of your three courses and the
Most of the time, three different main
courses will be made available to you, as
well as various garnishes (starchy food,
vegetables), and a great variety of starters
and deserts.
At least two meat-based meals - including a
“Halal” meal - and one fish-based meal, a
diet menu and a pizza are available daily.
You may ask for eggs or ham if the menu
suggestions don’t match your nutritional
The restaurant can fix diet meals, however,
with a view toward avoiding waste, you
should consult the restaurant staff beforehand.
Cool water is available, other drinks are
Once you have chosen your three courses,
you should show your badge to the checkout
opening hours
Self -service
From Monday to Thursday: 11:30 A.M.– 1:30 P.M.
/ 7:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Friday 11:30 A.M.– 1:30 P.M. only
From Monday to Thursday: 8:00 A.M.– 4:50 P.M.
without intermission
Friday 8:00 A.M.– 3:30 P.M. without intermission
What you need to know about your account
and your badge:
The MAISEL members provide MAISELaccommotated students with a badge on
their first day of school, while day students
receive it from the Logistics service staff.
To benefit from student-rate meal vouchers
(3,10 € on September 1, 2008) if you don’t
have a badge, you must be able to prove you
are a student or a professor/researcher,
should it be otherwise, your meal tray will be
charged at full rate, that is 9,60 €.
The badge allows you to pay money into your
account. This can be done in two different ways:
• while checking out, you can pay money
into your account, cash or by check (to
the account of RITS)
• by credit card, with the automatic payment machine which is downstairs by
the restaurant entrance.
The base price is 3,10 € for students. Ten
points equal a three-course meal tray, which
you can choose at your convenience.
We strongly recommend a well-balanced
diet, that is the starter - main course cheese or/and desert set menu.
The foodstuff you choose should cost from 1
to 9 points.
• Starter – Hors d’oeuvre: 1 – 3 points
• Main course: 6 – 9 points
(9 for a sirloin steak – 3 for a garnish)
Cheese / dairy product: 1 – 3 point
Desert: 1 – 3 points
So for 10 points or less, you can have a basic
meal tray. Should you want extra foodstuff,
you will be charged 0,35 € for each additional
accomodation: la maisel
Evry RER station and town centre are a fiveminute walk from the MAISEL residence
halls, which are surrounded by a 14,8 acre
green open space campus. Essential facilities are close at hand, there are malls, movie
theatres and a theatre in Evry.
There are 710 rooms and studio flats for 6
residence halls. Five of these are on the
campus, and the other one is a ten-minute
walk from the campus to the town centre, at
le Clos de la Cathédrale. The rooms and
studio flats are all equipped with a high
bandwidth Internet connectivity access.
5 rue Charles Fourier
91011 Evry Cedex
Telephone: +33 (0)1 60 76 40 70
Fax: +33 (0)1 60 76 40 51
Community life
Students associations
There are sixty campus-based associations
managed by students from both schools.
Sports, cultural and logistics campus based
facilities are made available for any activity
planned by an association, and they can
benefit from the Student Life Committee’s
assistance (Commission Vie Etudiante) to
implement their projects. Each one of you
can already contribute to the life of an association and start developing projects.
• dolPh’inT
The Sailing Club members participate
in the boat race sponsored by SPI
Dauphine, the students French Cup,
Trophée des Caraïbes and EDHEC boat
race. They are the publishers of the
first and only national sailing magazine
written by students, ZEF’INT.
Below is a description of the most representative associations:
• bdE
The student union members coordinate the activities planned by clubs and
student associations as part of their
various projects. They plan trips and a
mass of activities throughout the
school year. Your membership shall be
established on the time spent abroad
pro rata basis.
• aiESEc
Throughout the school year, members
of the association will be here to receive foreign students working in local
companies. They organize lecture series and training seminars for students
who wish to pursue a career at a global
level – including subjects such as
“French culture and culture shock”.
• aSinT
The campus based sports association
participate in sporting events organized by the FNSU or “Grandes
• inT'ervenir
This campus based humanitarian
association was created in 1994, they
entrust global solidarity projects
to students (from both schools) concerned about humanitarian causes.
Thanks to the legal structure of the
association, which allows an in-depth
work to unfold over several years, it is
possible to carry through sustainable
humanitarian projects.
• inT’aid
A club whose members organize
remedial lessons as well as classes for
children who want to become familiar
with informatics tools. Classes take
place either in the town of Evry or on
• liTigE
Students first threw this dramatic interlude from the “Grandes Ecoles” ten
years ago. Eight student companies
from all four corners of France will be
under the spotlights for a whole week.
(For all publics).
• forum des Télécommunications
One of the first student recruitment
forums that was extended to other
European countries, by integrating
new services to traditional lines of
About a hundred companies and thousands of visitors will attend the forum:
this recruitment fair has become an
unmissable event for Services and ITC
professionals and students.
• SPrinT
One of the few Junior Enterprise which
offers companies the specific skills of
budding engineers and managers and
who aim to develop niches of excellence inside the school: services – information technology. Sprint is a
member of the Confédération Nationale des Juniors Entreprises (CNJE),
which constitutes a service quality
pledge in itself.
They received the “certification ISO
9001” in 2008, and the best French JE
award for Communication in 2009.
• TElEcom & management alumni
Telecom & MANAGEMENT alumni was
created in 1981, and its aim is to bring
together graduates from both schools.
The association members:
• ensure that graduates find employment and keep an eye on their
career path,
• secure fairness and the good
reputation of diplomas,
• put forward jobs a work experience
offers, as well as theme nights.
contact :
Vincent Rigaut
Tel: 01 60 76 43 55
• and more:
IN’TV, Promo’INT, club sono, club
music, ciné-club, club bière, club
bourse, club robot, club radio …
before you leave
Two weeks before your departure:
get your report cards
To ensure you get your reports cards and
diploma, you should submit your updated
personal information (postal address and
email in particular).
For students who are here as part of an
exchange program, remember you should
sign your learning agreements and your
school-leaving certificates.
The outgoing inventory of fixtures
If you want to get your deposit back soon,
make an appointment with the MAISEL staff
once you know your departure date.
Most students leave the campus almost at
the same time, so we strongly recommend
you book your ticket early.
During the last week you spend here, you
• Close your bank account
• Return the books borrowed from the
multimedia library
• Use all the credit remaining on your
restaurant badge
• Terminate your phone contract
Have a safe trip home and all the best in your
personal and professional future!
how to get to the campus
access by road
From Paris, by the A6 motorway:
Follow the A6 motorway (20 km) and take the
Evry Centre exit.
Drive past the CNES, then straight across
boulevard de l’Europe (you should drive past
a Shell gas station and Evry 2 mall).
Right at the roundabout, drive past the préfecture and straight across boulevard de
500 m farther, there are traffic lights, turn
left after the Total gas station, then follow the
road signs "Institut National des Télécommunications".
From the East:
Follow the A4 motorway and take the A86
Maison-Alfort exit towards Lyon Evry, then
return on A6.
By the Nationale 7 highway:
Drive towards Evry and take the Bras de Fer/
Les Epinettes highway.
If you come from the South, turn left when
you have reached the traffic lights, and
straight across boulevard des Coquibus.
Turn right if you arrive from the North, turn
left when you have reached the traffic lights,
rue Charles Fourier.
By Francilienne highway (West):
Follow the Francilienne highway (20 km) and
take the Evry Centre exit.
When you have reached place des Grands
Hommes, you’ll see a cathedral on your right
and Evry-Courcouronnes train station on
your left.
Drive straight across boulevard des Coquibus, then turn left after the Total gas station (rue Charles Fourier).
By Francilienne highway (East):
Follow the Francilienne highway and take the
Evry Centre exit.
When you have reached the Nationale 7
highway, take the Bras de Fer / Les Epinettes
At the next traffic lights turn left, then
straight across the next traffic lights, and
turn right rue Charles Fourier.
by train
No matter where the train station you have
reached is located, you have to get to Gare de
Lyon Châtelet les Halles or Gare du Nord and
take the RER D (green line). There will be
several branch lines:
Do not take the RER towards Evry, but towards Evry-Courcouronnes, and get off the
train when you’ve reached Le Bras de Fer.
We are located in zone 5.
going to Paris from the campus
Take any RER with Destination
• chatelet
• gare de lyon
• villiers le bel - gonesse
map of the rEr d
Each train have a Code of four (4) letters, you
will learn to identify this trains. For example:
• The Train miPE, is in direction of
"Chatelet", and is the fastest one (in 37
min you will arrive to the destination)
• The Train voPa is in direction "Villiers
le Bel - Gonesse", and will stop at
every station (it will take 44 min to
arrive to Chatelet)
Trains frequency: one train each 30 min
coming back from Paris to the campus
You have to arrive either to CHATELET, GARE
Here, you have to find line RER D, direction:
• corbeil
• melun
• malesherbes
Every train in this direction and with a "P" in
the third (3) letter will take you to the campus, for example: riPE, biPE, ZiPE, TiPE,
roPo, ZoPo, etc.
You will learn also that each letter means
something*, in this case, the letter "P"
means that will pass through the branch of
Evry courcouronnES.
*Information for the Line RER D at "La ligne D du RER"
TimETablES of the rEr each day
For the timetable, you can take one of the
brochure in the train station or look on in
going to the airports
In Paris, there are 2 airports with intercontinental Airlines: Charles de Gaulle Airport
and Orly Airport.
"Fiches Horaires" or (from your
mobile phone go to or
From each of these airports, different transportations are available that imply diverse
Also from your mobile you can send an sms
to 41020 (one sms + 0,05), with "COURCOURONNES # GARE de LYON" and it will
give you the next trains in that direction.
going to Paris by night?
The last RER from Paris (GARE DE LYON) to
DE FER" are:
Also you can take the buS noctilien
From Paris to Evry Courcouronnes, you can
take the line n 144 from any of this Bus Stations from 1:00 am every one (1) hour until
4:00 am.
Gare de Lyon
1:23 am
1:30 am
1:35 am
From Châtelet it takes 1h25 to get to Evry.
by taxi
Charles de Gaulle Airport
Taking a taxi is usually the easiest way to get
to Evry with heavy suitcases but you should
take into account that it implies a minimum
of 150 euros.
If you’re more than 4 personas, each extra
person will be charged 20 euros and there is
an extra fee if you have more than 6 luggages.
Charles de Gaulle Airport has 3 terminals
divided in zones. Each zone has its own taxi
• terminal 1 exit 20, arrival floor
• terminal 2A & 2C exit 6
• terminal 2B & 2D exit 7
• terminal 2E & 2F exit 1
orly airport
Orly counts two different terminals: South
and West.
• In Orly South, taxis can be found at
exit L.
• In Orly West, taxis are at exit B.
Orly is the nearest airport from Evry, a fare
can be as cheap as 30 Euros but with traffic,
luggage and number of persons, you could
pay as much as 70 Euros.
by rEr + bus
Orly Sud and West
Duration: Two hours
Price: one way 18 €
Weekends and "Jours Feries"
1. Ticket Jeunes (for people younger
than 26 years old) - Zones 1-5 (Paris,
Evry): 6,85€
2. mobilis for everybody Zones 1-5
(Paris, Evry): 13,65€
Tickets Unite (From/to Paris - Evry)
1. One way: 5,15€
2. Book of 10 Tickets: 41,20€
You will need to take the RER and a Bus, it
will take you one hour to get to the airport:
• Train from Evry (courcouronnes or
Bras-de-fer) to Juvisy through RER D
• Bus 285 from Juvisy direction Villejuif/Louis Aragon to Orly sud.
1. imagine r (for students less than 26
years old)
2. for a Week (Semaine) (from Monday
to Sunday) or a month (Mois) (from the
1st to the last day of the month)
(see detailed prices, next page).
Price: 4 € - 3€
Train 2,20€ (book of 10 tickets: 17,60€)
Bus 1,80€ (book of 10 Tickets "t+": 12 €)
Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle
you will need to take the RER D and then the
From Evry to Châtelet through RER D
From Châtelet to CDG through RER B
navigo (intégrale)
60,40€ 617,10€
78,20€ 796,40€
95,50€ 972,40€
33,40€ 109,90€ 1 112,50 €
37,60€ 123,60€ 1 251,10 €
57,30€ 585,20€
72,50€ 739,20€
86,30€ 878,90€
97,70€ 993,30€
55,90€ 572,00€
69,00€ 704,00€
79,60€ 810,70€
55,70€ 569,80€
62,40€ 636,90€
54,90€ 561,00€
NOTE: If you are planning to go to Paris
one whole week (from Monday to Sunday), it
is better to take the navigo Semaine for
33,40 €.
Evry Downtown
Evry Downtown
Marne la Vallée
Les Épinettes
Les Aunettes
(follow the INT signs)
City of Evry
Access Map to
Télécom & Management SudParis
9 rue Charles Fourier
Town Hall
map and rEr exit
from « le bras de fer » to Telecom SudParis
When you arrive at «Bras de Fer», take the
left exit (to the street). Cross the street until
you reach the street light. Cross immediately
on the left and then take the right (you will
see a sign indicating INT). Follow the street
to the left.
Turn right (only direction available). Cross
the pedestrian walk 50 meters ahead of you,
get into the small tunnel in front of you. Once
you passed the tunnel, you will be in rue
Charles Fourier and will have reached the
Maisel. The campus is at the end of the road
on your right.
Lecture Halls
campus map
Rue Charles Fourier
in case of emergency
internal phone line
Medical emergency
01 60 76 43 73
Health and safety
01 60 76 40 18
Reception desk
01 60 76 40 40
Procedures outside office hours
Depending on the case, you should call the following emergency numbers:
Vital medical case
Emergency Service
15 or 112
Accidents involving injury
Fire, car accident
18 or 112
Theft, mugging
Should one of these emergency services intervene onsite, while you’re waiting for them:
Depending on the case, you should INFORM THE Campus or MAISEL SECURITY GUARD.
Problem occurring on the
Security guards
3517 or 01 60 76 47 00
Problems occurring in the
MAISEL premises
Security guards
Should the need arise, we can help you, so we would appreciate that you inform us of any accident or emergency hospitalization. You should send an email to the nurse ( or give Mélanie Blanchard a phone call: 06 81 53 37 39.
N.B.: In any case, you should never drive a wounded person to hospital on your own. Contact
the emergency service (firefighters 18) so as they can take the injured person to hospital, just
shortly after the accident has occurred.
instructions in case of fire (excerpt)
facilities location
instructions in case of an evacuation
On each floor of the teaching and research buildings, at both ends of the corridors, you will find:
• Instructions in case of a fire and a plan for
• Water based fire extinguishers, for class A
• Fire alarms (you need to break the glass) to
have the building evacuated;
• the meeting point location, in the event of an
A dual-tone fire alarm indicates that you must evacuate the building.
Wherever you are in the building, you are to evacuate under the supervision of a guide.
The evacuation should be a smooth process if you
follow the instructions.
The guide will tell you where the meeting point is
(it is also indicated in the instructions).
helpful websites
helpful numbers
Campus web site:
GASPAR, eLearning Environment (ENT, Environnement Numérique de Travail):
Institut TELECOM website:
Fondation TELECOM website:
Maisel website:
Graduates association website:
4373 or 3636
medical Emergencies
112 or 15
112 or 18
Security guards
(or 01 60 76 47 00 external line)
Campus security guard
32, rue Charles Fourier
3518 or 06 08 70 75 33
maiSEl security guard
campus security
If you’re not calling from the campus, add 01 60 76
before the following numbers
maiSEl guard (internal line 99)
Telecom management School
Telecom SudParis
School life
Social Worker
T&ma (ex inT diplômés)
4016 or 4000
4017 or 4110
health, Safety and Environment
4018 or 3518
Telecom SudParis is a state-funded graduate school for
engineers, accredited by the Commission des titres
d’ingénieurs. Its graduates have excellent skills in
information and communication science and technology
and real expertise in economic, social and environmental
fields. Telecom SudParis shares its campus with Telecom
Business School and has an important research centre in
the field of Information and Communication Science and
Technology (ICT). Telecom SudParis is part of the Institut
Telecom, a higher-education and research organization, a
European leader in ICT, along with Telecom ParisTech, Telecom Bretagne (Brittany), Telecom SudParis, two
subsidiaries, Telecom Lille1 (northern France) and EURECOM (French Riviera), and three associates, Telecom
Saint-Etienne, ENSPS of Strasbourg and Sup’Com of
Telecom SudParis
9 rue Charles Fourier 91011 Evry Cedex - France
Phone: +33 (0)1 60 76 40 26 - Fax: +33 (0)1 60 76 43 25
Towards high potential engineers
and future managers
Part of the leading group
of French engineering schools in IT
 4 engineering schools
Telecom ParisTech
Telecom Bretagne
Telecom SudParis
Telecom Lille 1
 1 Management school
Telecom Business School
 1 European Institute
On a unique « ITM » Campus
Telecom SudParis
& Telecom Business School
An IT & Management Synergy
Common campus
Common student projects
Common incubator
Easy access to Management
and Engineering faculty
 Important research
 40% International students
 60 Nationalities
MEng: a 3 year engineering program
(3 years)
Cycle 1 (2 years)
A multidisciplinary training program
team work
Responsible Engineers
Who are our international students?
South Am.
Northern Am.
MEng: Towards high potential engineers
and future managers
Four M2 courses in English
- Wireless Autonomous Networks
- Software Engineering for Smart
Devices (SES)
- High Tech Imaging (HTI)
- Electrical and Optical Engineering
6 Masters of Science programs
English (2 sem.), French (1 sem.)
- Automatic Data Processing
Thailand (AIT, 1st year), France (TSP, 2nd year)
- Communication Networks and Services
Bachelor Degree
Tuition Fees :
10,000€ for 2 years
100% English
- Electrical and Optical Engineering
- Software Engineering for Ambient Intelligence
- Computer and Communication Networks
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
6 Diverse Programs
French language courses
• Intensive 75h training before integration
• 3 to 6 hours/ week once classes start
 6-month internship in:
• a research lab
• a company
Leading to both professional life and PhD
Master of Science: 100% international
South Am.
Research at a glance
 Strengths
• 130 full-time researchers
• 7 research departments
 Main
research programs
- Mobile Communication Networks
- Autonomous and Spontaneous Networks
- Pervasive computing, middleware , object web, distributed systems
- Web and Information Systems
- Multimedia
- Information Society
- IT Applications and Uses
Industrial Partnerships
 FP7, European Projects (ITEA, CELTIC, …)
 National Projects (Ministry of Research, Ministry of
Industry …)
 Private Research contracts (cooperative & outsourced
 Corporate agreement with leading companies (Thales,
France Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent, …)
 Pôles de compétitivité (Technological/Business Clusters):
Cap Digital
Finance & Innovation
PhD Programs
 TELECOM SudParis proposes PhD with:
• Evry Val d’Essonne university (UEVE):
• Sciences & Engineering
• Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6)
• EDITE, Telecommunications & Electronics
• SMPC, Mathematics from Paris-Centre
A Common Alumni Association (T&MA)
 Located on campus and open every day
 Continuous link with alumni worldwide
 Regular interactions with students on
 Internship placements for students
 Career network for graduates
Telecom SudParis’ Strengths
Excellence in Information Technologies
Strong links with Telecom Business School...
... leading to an exceptional combination of skills in
Cross-cultural Management
Project and Business Management
Human Sciences
Need more information?
Visit our web sites
Contact us