April 2016 Messenger - Church of the Covenant


April 2016 Messenger - Church of the Covenant
Newsletter of The Church of the Covenant
The Messenger
April 2016
Dr. Stuart D. Broberg
Pastor, Head of Staff
724-222-0190 x 117
Stacy Phillips
Director of Christian Ed.
724-222-0190 x 115
Don Nixon
Director of Spiritual Development
724-222-0190 x111
Debi Nicolella
Church Administrator
724-222-0190 x 112
Anthony J. Nicolella, CPA
Financial Administrator
Darla Pepper-Miller
Director of Music Ministry
724-222-0190 x 118
Ralph Farabee
Maintenance Supervisor
724-222-0190 x 119
Cyndi Barney
Church Sexton
724-222-0190 x 119
Camille Braun
Pre-School Director
724-222-0190 x 121
Debbie Miles
9:43 Music Coordinator
Dona C. Hamilton
Administrative Assistant
724-222-0190 x 112
Rev. Randall V. Boyer
Associate Pastor Emeritus
The Church
of the Covenant
267 East Beau St.
Washington, PA 15301
Worship Services
Sundays: 8:30, 9:43 & 11:00
Adult Sunday School
9:30 & 11 am
Children’s Church 9:45 am
Children’s Sunday School 11 am
Church Office Hours
Mon.-Fri. 9:00a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
April 2016
Dear friends:
I am about to leave for a one week Mission Trip to LaCroix, Haiti and to work with Pastor Pierre
at the New Testament Mission there, April 2-9th. I ask you to please pray for me and the rest of
the team while there. Haiti is a beautiful land of stark contrasts. The people are wonderful
although the land is currently in severe drought where there has been little rain for almost two
I recently saw a picture taken from the roof of the New Testament Mission, one taken a year ago
when I was there, and another taken more recently. Its contrast is shocking. The recent one
depicts a dry and almost desert-like scene. There is no water. Because there is no water, there is
no food. Because there is no food, many people are starving. A country, in the best of times that
manages bare subsistence, is now held in the grip of a life-threatening, death-inducing drought.
Into this bleak picture comes the wonderful and life-giving work of Pastor Pierre and the New
Testament Mission. Wherever you go where the Mission is, there is green (from wells they have
dug) and health clinics (so the people look healthier than in other areas) and well-fed, healthy
children packed into New Testament Mission schools, having a chance at a better life.
Your gifts to The Church of the Covenant help to make this possible.
Through last year’s Haiti Spaghetti Dinner some $4,600+ dollars have been donated recently
to the Mission to provide rice and beans for the people ($100 feeds a Haitian family for a
month). We will distribute $3,000 worth of rice and beans while there.
Most of the 3,500 students in the New Testament Mission Schools are sponsored through the
Haiti Child Sponsorship Program. They receive a good meal every day. Our church has
about 100 children that we sponsor (costing $60 per quarter or $240 per year) –Thank
you to those individuals who help keep the effects of the drought at bay for 100 of these
The Mission Committee through the Mission Budget has donated $1,000 at the end of 2015,
plus $500 toward Rice and Beans purchase, plus $500 for Bibles for Haiti. These are
your mission dollars at work.
Also, individuals from our church have donated approximately $1,000 for Bibles for Haiti,
with a goal that each of the 3,500 students will receive a Bible when we are there.
“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.”
So we are giving both rice and beans and also the Bible as the Word of God. These two things
taken together feed the people, both spiritually and physically.
Thank you for your prayers, support and love. AND, if I may ask, please let us all unite our
hearts in prayer that the rains will come, and that God will provide the Living Water from heaven
that will make Haiti green again.
Dr. Stu Broberg
P.S. If you would be willing to pray for the prayer needs of Haiti and for the team while we are
there, please give your email address to the church office and it will be added to the Prayer Blog
from Haiti. We will give you periodic updates while we are there. God bless!
The Messenger
April 2016
United With the Church Triumphant
Estella M. Franks
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Judith V. Merzi
Thomas & Rachel Gladden
Colleen B. Nicholls
Glenna Pratt
Melvin H. Perry
Organ Fund
David & Judy Perry
John C. Williamson, Sr.
Mission Program
Memorial Fund
Linda & Robert Williams
Martin P. Halpern
John W. McCreight
Memorial Fund
Organ Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Sara E. Smith
Bob, Mary, & Katie Wichterman
The Ladies’ Luncheon Group
John & Kay Cary
William & Helen Henning
Ron & Peg Wallace
Chuck & Nancy Neff
Jane Goddard
Glenna Pratt
Jim Jennifer Blakeslee
James & Nancy Proudfit
Linda Marie Sanek
Gerard & Nancy Weiss
Ronald R. Cochran
Memorial Fund
Organ Fund
John & Emma Lee McMurtry
Barbara J. Collins
James R. Grimm
Memorial Fund
Dr. Tom Green, D.M.D.
Memorial Fund
Falconi Toyota Motors, Inc.
Memorial Fund
Alan & Donna Ferris
Memorial Fund
Ronald & Virginia Ranone
Memorial Fund
Mary Jane Smith
Lawrence R. Falvo
Organ Fund
William & Barbara Payne
Adam Denmead
Harrell Denmead
Eugene Foster
Terri Grantz
Estella M. Franks (member) died on Monday, February
22, 2016. The funeral service was held on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Piatt and Barnhill Funeral Home
with Rev. Stuart D. Broberg officiating. Interment followed at the Washington Cemetery, Washington, PA.
John Crawford Williamson, Sr. (member) died Sunday,
February 28, 2016. The funeral service was held on Saturday, March 7, 2016 at the Church of the Covenant with
Rev. Stuart D. Broberg officiating. Interment followed at
the Jefferson memorial Park, Pleasant Hill, PA.
John Wallace McCreight (member) died Thursday,
March 3, 2016. The funeral service was held on Tuesday,
March 8, 2016 at the Church of the Covenant with Rev.
Stuart D. Broberg officiating. Interment followed at the
Washington Cemetery, Washington, PA.
James R. Grimm (member) died Thursday, March 10,
2016. The funeral service was held on Monday March 14,
2016 at Piatt and Barnhill Funeral Home with Rev. Stuart
d. Broberg officiating. Interment followed at the Washington Cemetery, Washington, PA.
Carol W. Choma (member) died March 18, 2016. The
Funeral service was held on Saturday, March 26, 2016 at
Warchol Funeral Home with Pastor Duncan McLellan
officiating. Interment followed at the Holy Virgin Russian
Orthodox Church Cemetery, Greentree, PA
Wilma Fisher Beeghly (member) died Thursday, March
24, 2016. Memorial Services will be held at a later date.
Arrangements are entrusted to William G. Neal Funeral
Homes Ltd.
Sunday, March 20, 2016, Nathan Ronald Burchett
(1/19/05), Patrick Grayson Burchett (10/29/09),
Ryand Wesley Burchett (10/29/09) and Maxwell
Robert Burchett (8/12/11), were baptized at the
11:00am worship service with Dr. Stuart Broberg officiating. All four are sons of Nica Louise Burchett,
and grandsons of Del and Patty Mounts.
MESSENGER Is April 15th.
The Messenger
April 2016
April 3, 2016
Guest Pastor: Pastor Rick Fisher
(He is part of the Prayer Summit & Movement)
No communion served
8:30 and 943
Luke 9: 28-36
11:00 a.m.
The Mountain Anthems sing the service
(Mennonite Church singing acapella singing group)
Pastor Rick Fisher preaches the first two services. He will be speaking the prior day at a Prayer Event held
at The Church of the Covenant. This is part of the Prayer Summit and Movement in the Pittsburgh area.
The Mountain Anthems, a favorite of our church, return to sing the 11:00 a.m. service. This is an acapella
Mennonite singing group from Maryland. We are grateful for them coming and sharing their gifts of music
with us.
April 10, 2016
Don Nixon, preaching
April 17, 2016
Isaiah 40: 28-31
“They who wait for the Lord shall renew their
strength...” v. 31
Don’t seize the moment, let
the moment be seized by God.
Patience in prayer; waiting for
God to act and remaining quiet
until He does. Book by Andrew
April 24, 2016
Psalm 63: 1-4 & Psalm 42: 1-5
“My soul thirsts for thee...” Psalm 63: 1
When God is present and active
there is life; when God is not
sought, there is wasteland.
Where are the dry places in our
Lives? The example of Haiti.
May 1, 2016
Matthew 11: 25-30
“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”
Matthew 11: 30
Cast your burdens on the cross.
Why do we think we can carry
the burdens of life on our own?
May 8, 2016
Mothers Day
Proverbs 4: 1-13 & 4: 23
“Keep your heart...for from it flow the springs
of life.” Proverbs 4: 23
How wise our Mother’s have
become over time. The wisdom
of love a Mother imparts to her
Special activities and special music for Mothers Day. Come, honor our mothers, by giving thanks to God for
May 15, 2016
Endowment Sunday
Ministry of Music
I Peter 1 3-9
“an inheritance which is imperishable...” v. 4
We thank the saints who have
gone before us and for the
legacy of what they cherished
which continues forever.
The Messenger
April 2016
Hands and Hearts announces
Saturday May 7th
presented by UPMC Mercy Parish Nurse and Health Ministry Program
The workshop will be from 9:30am until 12:30pm in the Dining Room of the Church of the Covenant. It is designed
for Elders, Deacons, Hands and Hearts Committee, Ministry Team and anyone else in the congregation and community interested in visitation or caring of the sick and homebound.
Speakers: Amy B. Armanious, RN, DNP, MSOL, FCN and Sr. Rebecca Nolan
During the workshop you will learn and reflect upon the following:
Outreach to the sick and homebound
Understanding how illness affects the body, mind and spirit
How to bring hope and encouragement
Communication skills
Making spirituality a part of the visit
Comforting in time of grieving
There is no cost to attend the program. A continental breakfast will be served.
For any questions, please contact Linda Grimm at 724-263-7911
This amazing Christian a cappella music
group of mixed voices from Grantsville,
Maryland, will return to our church for a
concert on Sunday, April 3, at the
11:00 A.M. service. This wonderful
group visited us in 2014, and presented a
beautiful concert of well-known hymns
and songs. Please plan to attend this
special service!
My name is Linda Grimm and some of you know that I have
been a long time member of this church and a registered nurse
for 39 years. I am blessed to be starting a Parish Nurse Program
under the direction of the Hands and Hearts Committee. I was
commissioned in 2012 as a Parish Nurse by UPMC Mercy
Health Ministry and Parish Nurse Program and was recently
approved by Session to begin this volunteer position. My job
description includes assisting in visitation of the homebound and
those recently discharged from the hospital or skilled facility,
providing health and wellness promotion, and assisting people to
understand and effectively use health care and social service
systems all in a confidential manner. I will have regular office
hours on Sunday mornings; please watch future Messengers and
bulletins for further information as I ease into my position over
the next few months. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to
contact me at 724-263-7911.
During the vigil, many individuals, including the staff of the church, the members of the church, those currently on the
FOC prayer chain, people in the military, and world, national and local leaders were offered up in prayer throughout
the day.
A total of 52 individuals spent time praying in the Rusch Chapel sometime between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Five others requested materials so that they could pray at home.
35 people attended the noon service (which included Communion) led by The Reverend Kay Balderose. 36
went to the luncheon in the small dining room following the service to enjoy delicious sandwiches, macaroni salad,
fresh fruit and cookies. Peg Caesber did a great job of organizing this time for fellowship.
It is hoped that at the end of the day, each person who made an effort to take part in the vigil found it
meaningful. Kim O’Donnell was the very capable chairperson.
The Messenger
April 2016
Pray Pittsburgh sponsored the Three Rivers Prayer Summit last September that created the model for our
own Covenant Prayer Summit here on the first and third Sundays at 6:00 pm. We will be hosting Prayer
Leadership Training on Saturday, April 2 from 9:00 am until Noon. Richard Blackaby and Rick Fisher
from Blackaby Ministries International will be leading that training. Rick Fisher will
also be preaching at The Church of the Covenant on that Sunday, April 3 at the 8:30 and
9:43 services. Please mark your calendars for this weekend!
Rick Fisher Bio
Rick Fisher serves as Vice President for Blackaby Ministries International. He and his
wife Debbie, live in Easley, South Carolina and have two daughters, Jamie and Betsy,
sons-in-law Rob and Lucas, and five grandchildren – Thomas, Ashley, Jase and
Leighton and Gray.
Rick earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Gardner Webb University and a Master’s of Religious Education from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has
served 30+ years of ministry in the local church (18 years of that as Senior
Pastor) and has been part of the BMI team since 2011.
Rick is available to churches, associations, corporations with focuses in the areas of spiritual leadership,
leadership development, revival/awakening, prayer/prayer ministry and other ministry related areas.
You're a twenty-something to forty-something man of God. Come and join us on Sunday, April 3 at 6:00 pm for
a time of worship, music and mostly prayer. We beYou have a career that is building and demands diligence
lieve that God wants to heal people and wants us to
on your part. You have a young family that seems to
require every spare moment when you're not working. And seek him as we have never done before. Your life
yet you realize that the Kingdom of God is probably some- will surely be changed and we'll be asking God to
thing deserving of your involvement. How do you do that? change many other lives as well.
Please join us! Come to the other Covenant Prayer
Give us one hour on Saturday, April 16 in the Dining
Summits on the following dates
Room at church. Come for breakfast at 8:00 am and we
• April 17th, May 1st and 15th
will address how you can be a player in advancing God's
Kingdom even in this season of life where time seems to be Connect with the larger prayer movement in the Pittsat a premium.
burgh area through PRAY PITTSWatch God make a way for your significant contribution to BURGH
building His Kingdom here on earth. The world desperately Praypittsburgh.com
needs men that will make their stand with Christ.
Reserve your space with Don Nixon (412-480-5895) or
There are citywide prayer
Steve Antoinette (724-255-6515).
gatherings on the 11th day of each month.
Our 2016 Confirmation class is nearing the halfway point of its journey. We have two experiences in the month of April. On Saturday, April 16 we will be doing a mini-mission trip to Washington Christian Outreach to better understand what it means to put
feet to our faith. We're not sure exactly what kind of work we'll be doing (It depends on the current needs there.), but we will
have the opportunity to serve people as Jesus taught and showed us.
Then on April 30 we will be back at The Church of the Covenant where Pastor Stu will teach us about the "three C's" of being
Presbyterian. Those are that we are Confessional, Connectional and Covenantal. He actually turns it into a game show....no fear
of dry theology here!
Those involved are Bella Armstrong, Todd Bright, Colton Clingermanstang, Sam Halulko, Seth Sumney, Carter Thompson, Nate
Weaver and Madi Zajdel. We look forward to how God is developing these young people into His disciples for the Kingdom!
The Messenger
April 2016
Women of The Church of the Covenant and
friends, please join us April 15 and 16, 2016, for a
faith-filled getaway at beautiful Sandscrest Retreat
Center in Wheeling, WV. The annual Women’s
Retreat will feature Donna Bussey of the Washington City Mission. Her program is entitled Amazing
Grace. The cost of the overnight retreat is $88.00,
$10.00 of which will be paid by the Presbyterian
Women of the Church of the Covenant. Your total
cost is $78. Contact Connie Hornickel at 724-2287985 by Monday, April 11, 2016, to reserve a
It's that time again to create a new Church Directory for
2016 !!!! We are using Life Touch, the same company
that produced our last quality directory.
Photography dates are Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 21 & 22 from 2-9 pm and April 23 10 am - 5
pm and the following weekend Thursday & Friday, April 29 & 29 2-9 pm and Saturday 10-5.
Sign up sheets are in the Welcome Center. Each family
photographed will receive a free directory, a free 8x10
family portrait as well as a $10 coupon for additional
photos purchased. Seniors, military and first responders will receive a 20 % discount on portrait orders.
Save the Date: The Spring Gathering of PresbyteIt's a great opportunity to celebrate our wonderrian Women will be held Thursday, April 21,
ful church family and a useful tool for keeping in
2016 from 3-7 PM in the Chapel of the Presbytetouch. Any questions, call the church office (724-222rian SeniorCare complex.
0190) or contact any member of the OAR committee.
Hello everyone,
Pastor Stu asked me if the rental properties were a profitable venture. I put together the following numbers to reflect how things were in the past and how they are tracking now.
$ 11,577.88
$ 14,916.86
$ -16,443.00
$ 12,593.92
$ 46,060.80
$ -3,842.48
These totals are net profit, the same number of properties were involved and we have done several capital improvements over the last four years. My door is always open, if you can find me, and I’m happy to
answer any questions.
Watch in next month’s Messenger for our parking lot repair plan.
Always serving,
The address is www.churchofthecov.org.
You can download the Messenger by going to the Newsletter
tab and then clicking on download the Messenger.
You can also read or view the Sunday Sermon from the
links on the home page as well as find daily devotions
and scripture readings. ~ Enjoy!
The Messenger
April 2016
Over the next few months the Mission Committee will use Mission Matters in the
Messenger to provide you with information about many of the excellent charities and causes
that the Church of the Covenant supports each year from its mission budget. Charities and
causes are endless; resources are not. So the Committee tries to direct our church’s limited
mission resources to people and organizations having not only a significant physical need,
but also a need to know they are being helped in the name of Jesus. Accordingly the
Committee wants you to be familiar with the organizations that benefit from our giving in
the hopes that you will provide feedback to us and also find ways to devote a small portion
of your time or talents to the matters of Mission in Church of the Covenant.
This month’s highlighted mission is Family Promise. Simply stated, Family Promise provides homeless
families with a meal and a clean, safe place to sleep at night. Family Promise participants are not
stragglers off the street; they are not dangerous, discourteous, or devious. They are families that are
thankful to have a place to stay and very grateful for the kindness the church provides to them.
The family groups in the Family Promise program have been screened in order to be admitted to the
program. The families must meet certain program requirements, must be employed or looking for work,
and may only stay in the program for a defined period of time or until they find permanent living arrangements.
The church hosts up to three families at a time for one week each quarter. Moreover, the church has
donated the house next door to support the Family Promise program. The families in the program use the
house during the day to take care of their children and as a base from which to get help in finding work or
a home of their own.
Our church supports its quarterly hosting responsibilities with volunteers from the church who perform
essential jobs that support our guests. Church volunteers provide meals, or spend a little time at the church
in the evening with the families, or some volunteers sleep in the church each night during the week when
guests are present. It all boils down to church members devoting a little time and effort to enable homeless mothers, fathers, and their children to have a safe place to rest as they try to get back on their feet.
Our church will host families again from May 8th to May 15th. Now that you know a little more about this
generous program, you may want to find out how you can volunteer to support the effort. In the Welcome
Center there will be opportunities to learn more about the program, or to volunteer to help, in the weeks
leading up to May 8th. Please give prayerful consideration to helping our church help people in need.
Family Promise is a mission that matters.
The Samaritan Care Center Food Distribution of
The Mission has an urgent need for these items:
Canned meats - especially chicken and tuna
Spaghetti sauce (no spaghetti at this time)
Ramen Noodles
Hamburger Helper and Tuna Helper
Chunky soups (these can make a meal)
Peanut butter
Canned fruit
Pancake mix (complete) and syrup
Donations can be taken to the City Mission
For prayer support or to join this ministry,
call the church office. Please contact the
Fellowship of Concern to give the names
of those who are in need of prayer for
health or other reasons. The names will
then be called or emailed to the church
members who pray daily for others.
Prayer request forms are
available in each pew. Completed forms
may be placed in the offering basket on
The Messenger
April 2016
Friday, April 1
Exod. 13:1–2
1 Cor. 15:51–58
Luke 24:1–12
Sat., April 2
Exod. 13:17–14:4
2 Cor. 4:16–5:10
Mark 12:18–27
Sunday, April 3
Exod. 14:5–22
1 John 1:1–7
John 14:1–7
Monday, April 4
Exod. 14:21–31
1 Peter 1:1–12
John 14:(1–7) 8–17
Tuesday, April 5
Exod. 15:1–21
1 Peter 1:13–25
John 14:18–31
Wed., April 6
Exod. 15:22–16:10
1 Peter 2:1–10
John 15:1–11
Thursday, April 7
Exod. 16:10–22
1 Peter 2:11–3:12
John 15:12–27
Friday, April 8
Exod. 16:23–36
1 Peter 3:13–4:6
John 16:1–15
Saturday, April 9
Exod. 17:1–16
1 Peter 4:7–19
John 16:16–33
Sunday, April 10
Exod. 18:1–12
1 John 2:7–17
Mark 16:9–20
Monday, April 11
1 Peter 5:1–14
Matt. 3:1–6
Tuesday, April 12
Exod. 19:1–16
Col. 1:1–14
Matt. 3:7–12
Wed., April 13
Exod. 19:16–25
Col. 1:15–23
Matt. 3:13–17
Thursday, April 14
Exod. 20:1–21
Col. 1:24–2:7
Matt. 4:1–11
Friday, April 15
Exod. 24:1–18
Col. 2:8–23
Matt. 4:12–17
Saturday, April 16
Exod. 25:1–22
Col. 3:1–17
Matt. 4:18–25
Sunday, April 17
Exod. 28:1–4
1 John 2:18–29
Mark 6:30–44
Monday, April 18
Exod. 32:1–20
Col. 3:18–4:6
Matt. 5:1–10
Tuesday, April 19
Exod. 32:21–34
1 Thess. 1:1–10
Matt. 5:11–16
Wed., April 20
Exod. 33:1–23
1 Thess. 2:1–12
Matt. 5:17–20
Thursday, April 21
Exod. 34:1–17
1 Thess. 2:13–20
Matt. 5:21–26
Friday, April 22
Exod. 34:18–35
1 Thess. 3:1–13
Matt. 5:27–37
Saturday, April 23
Exod. 40:18–38
1 Thess. 4:1–12
Matt. 5:38–48
Monday, April 25
Lev. 16:1–19 1
Thess. 4:13–18
Matt. 6:1–6, 16–18
Tuesday, April 26
Lev. 16:20–34
1 Thess. 5:1–11
Matt. 6:7–15
Wed., April 27
Lev. 19:1–18
I Thess. 5:12–28
Matt. 6:19–24
Thursday, April 28
Lev. 19:26–37
2 Thess. 1:1–12
Matt. 6:25–34
Friday, April 29
Lev. 23:1–22
2 Thess. 2:1–17
Matt. 7:1–12
Saturday, April 30
Lev. 23:23–44
2 Thess. 3:1–18
Matt. 7:13–21
Hanas, Jean
Proudfit, William
Piatt, Barbara
Bernett, Nancy
Di Pietro, Joseph
Cole, Sarah
Miller, Macy
Baughman, Barbara
Silbaugh, Stephanie
Spiegel, Michael
Patton, Jessica
Knestrick, Debbie
Shipley, Rae Dawn
Ewing-Davis, Niki
Day, Lynn Marie
Scott, Caitlin
Barnickel, Jane
Yukish, Emily
Watson, Kenneth
Hamberger, MacKenzie
Clutter, Dominic
Sanders, Pat
Batove, April
Lapcevic, Danielle
McCarrell, Michelle
Pankoph, John
McNeel, MaryAnna
Bashioum, Ashley
Knight Tara
Donaldson, Betty
Knight, Christopher
Kepler, Susan
Bowen, Lorrene
Piatt, Jason
Smith, Lindsay
Phillips, Edward
Zuback, Cathy
Betzner, April
Keisling, Marian
Sukel, Donna
Kearns, Brooke
Devenney, April
Denmead, Denny
Phillips, Rachel
Little, James
Piatt, Jack
Kearns, Jessica
Nassar, Travis
Aloia, Steven
Koman, Norma
Spiegel, Stephen
Selvoski, Gabriela
Wagner, Jane
Jefferys, Joseph
Locy, Douglas
Strosser, Lucy
Warren, Dayne
Jones, Sarina
The Messenger
April 2016
Dedicated on 11/1/09 to the memory of Thomas Dorrington Carnahan II,
Thomas Dorrington Carnahan III, George Kirk Carnahan and to the glory of God.
Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm and Sunday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
The following books were donated to the library. The Library
Committee thanks the donors. All have been cataloged and are ready
to be checked out. The library is in Room 308, the first room on the
right as you enter the third floor hallway from the elevator. The card
catalog will help you to locate a book by author, title or subject.
The following gently used books were donated anonymously.
The Library Committee thanks the donors.
The Burning Room by Michael Connelly. LA detective Harry
Bosch (the main character in many of the author’s books) and
The following gently used books were donated by Connie
his new partner are given two cases to solve. One case focuses
Hornickel. (3 books)
on a murder victim that dies a decade after the actual crime and
Truman by David McCullough. The author received the Pulit- the second is an unsolved case that is 20 years old in which a
zer Prize for this complete biography of President Harry S. Tru- fire caused the death of several children. (The library has 3
man. The book covers the years from his birth until his death.
volumes of books by Connelly. Each volume contains 3 books.)
Many people who have read this book admit that they knew
very little about him as a person as well as the contributions that Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile. This is the true story of
he made to the U.S. and to the world as President. Truman was Charlie Wilson, a bachelor congressman from Texas whose funa man of integrity and one who will go down as one of our great loving exterior masked an extraordinary political mind and a
presidents. There were comments that the book is actually a
passion for the underdog. In the early 1980’s, the underdogs
page-turner because it’s so well written. (At the Truman White were the Afghan ‘freedom fighters’ whose country had been
House located in Key West, FL, one learns how beloved he was invaded by the Russians. This story is the key to understanding
by the press corps that accompanied him everywhere. Also, he two of the most important events of our time—the sudden colhas been ranked as the 6th greatest President of the U.S.)
lapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of militant Islam. (This
book was made into a movie of the same name starring Tom
Truth and Beauty: A Friendship by Ann Patchett. This work of
Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip Seymour Hoffman. It was
nonfiction describes a long friendship between the late Lucy
directed by Mike Nichols. It’s worth watching.)
Grealy and the author. They met in college and were friends for
over 20 years. Lucy was diagnosed with cancer as a child and
The Choice by Nicholas Sparks. The main character of this
radiation and chemotherapy would be a part of her life for many
novel is a bachelor named Travis Parker who feels that a serious
years. It’s the story of loving a person that you cannot save and
relationship would only cramp his style. A woman moves in
about loyalty throughout their friendship. (Bel Canto, another of
next door and all of a sudden, Travis is interested in getting to
Patchett’s books and one that won many awards is available in
know her. The theme of the story asks the question “How far
the library).
should you go to keep the hope of love alive?”
Annapolis by William Martin. This historical fiction novel foPassage Home by Alison McLeay. This is the tale of a woman
cuses on the members of two naval families through 8 generations from the time that Annapolis was first established up until who faces fame and notoriety, wealth and poverty, happiness
the war with Iraq. The men of both families became midshipand sorrow with spirit, courage and determination. It takes
men, commanders, spies and pilots. The book is described as an place in the 19th century in the U.S., Canada and England.
American odyssey, a grand tale of adventure and patriotism.
A Dublin Student Doctor by Patrick Taylor. This is another
This gently used book was donated by Linda Marriner.
book in the Irish Country Novel series. The main character of
Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson.
most of these stories is Dr. Fingal O’Reilly. The author thought
This recent best seller is a non-fiction account of what happened
that he would tell Fingal’s story starting when he became 18. It
to a luxury ocean liner that was sailing from New York to Livfollows his undergrad years, his internship in the town of Ballyerpool, England during the first year of WWI. The Lusitania
bucklebo and his Royal Naval service during WWII before bewas the fastest liner then in service and the captain felt that the
ginning his medical practice in the same town in which he inGermans would allow a civilian ship to pass by without inciterned. (The library has two other books from the series.
dent, a policy that had kept such ships safe from attack for a
They’re enjoyable reading.)
century. But the Germans had other ideas. The author does indepth research about all the parties involved in describing the
series of events. (Two books also written by the author, The
Devil in the White City and In the Garden of Beasts are also
available in the library.)
The Messenger
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