Stephen Castles - The University of Sydney


Stephen Castles - The University of Sydney
Stephen Castles
Room 111 RC Mills Building
+61-2-9351 2641
Research Chair in Sociology
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Research Interests On 1 September 2009, Stephen Castles took up an appointment as Research Chair in
Sociology at the University of Sydney. He is a sociologist and political economist, and works
on international migration dynamics, global governance, multiculturalism, transnationalism,
migration and development, and regional migration trends in Africa, Asia and Europe. His
research and publications have made an influential contribution to the development of
interdisciplinary migration research for many years.
Stephen Castles’ main activity at the University of Sydney is an ARC-funded research project
on Social Transformation and International Migration in the 21st Century, with fieldwork in
Australia, Ghana, Mexico and the Republic of Korea. This five-year project will re-examine
the theoretical and methodological basis of international migration research. Policy-makers
and scholars concerned with migration often see it as abnormal and inherently problematic,
and seek strategies to reduce movements. By contrast, the starting point for this project is the
assumption that human mobility is a normal part of social life. At times of rapid change, such
as the current epoch of accelerated globalisation, international migration tends to grow in
volume and to become increasingly important as a factor helping to reshape societies.
Migration should therefore by seen not just as a result of change nor a cause of change, but as
an integral part of social transformation processes.
Stephen Castles was Professor of Migration and Refugee Studies, and Director of the
International Migration Institute (IMI), at the University of Oxford until August 2009. He
remains Associate director of the IMI, and will take part in several IMI research projects that
link up with the topic of his Sydney-based research. From 2001-2006, he was Director of the
Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University.
Stephen Castles studied sociology at Frankfurt am Main, and took an MA and DPhil at the
University of Sussex. He was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in
Australia in 1997. He has carried out research on migration and multicultural societies in
Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. He has also been involved in community education work
in the UK and Southern Africa. Castles taught Sociology and Political Economy at the
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main from 1972-85. From 1986 to 2000 he was Professor of
Sociology and Director of the Centre for Multicultural Studies (1986-96) and then Director of
the Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies, at the University of Wollongong,
Australia. From 1994 to 2001, Castles helped establish and coordinate the UNESCO-MOST
Asia Pacific Migration Research Network. He has been an advisor to the Australian and
British Governments, and has worked for the ILO, the IOM, the European Union and other
international bodies.
Selected Research Grants ARC Discovery Grant (2009-13) ‘Social Transformation and International Migration in the
21st Century’, University of Sydney, Chief Investigator ($448,000)
Boeing Corporation and Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2008-11), ‘Global
Migration Futures: Towards a Comprehensive Perspective’, Senior Researcher (US$200,000
and Euros 200,000)
NORFACE Transnational Research Programme (2009-12) ‘THEMIS: Theorizing the
Evolution of European Migration Systems’, Senior Researcher (Euros 2m).
Volkswagen Foundation (2007-10), ‘TRAMO: Transnational Migrant Organisations’, Senior
Researcher and leader of UK team (Euros 155,000 for UK case study).
UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (2003-08), grant to establish and run the
Centre for Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), co-applicant and Principal Researcher
(4m pounds)
ARC Key Centre of Research and Teaching Grant (1998-2001): ‘Key Centre for Asia Pacific
Social Transformation Studies’, Universities of Wollongong and Newcastle, Director
Visiting Positions Western Societies Program, Cornell University, 1988
European University Institute, Florence, 1991
Centre d' Études et de Recherches Internationales (CERI), Sciences Po, Paris, 1995
Centre for Migration Studies, University of Sussex, 1998-2000
Polson Institute for Global Development, Cornell University, September 2005
University of Sydney, Department of Sociology, 2007 and 2008
Other Offices Editorial board member of: Journal of Refugee Studies (Oxford); Ethnic and Racial Studies (London);
Ethnicities (London); International Migration Review (New York); Migration (Berlin); Diaspora (New
York); Journal of Intercultural Studies (Melbourne), Global Networks (Oxford); Journal of Ethnic and
Migration Studies, University of Sussex, UK, Asian Population Studies, National University of Singapore.
Member of Academic Senate, University of Wollongong
Member of the National Population Council of Australia
Member of the Illawarra Regional Advisory Committee to the New South Wales
Ethnic Affairs Commission
1989 to 1996
Member of the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research
Advisory Board; Chair 1994-96
1994 to 1997
Member of the Australian National Multicultural Advisory Council
Director, Secretariat, Asia Pacific Migration Research Network, UNESCO
Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Program
From 2000
Member of the Metropolis Project International Steering Committee
Chair of the UK Home Office Advisory Panel on County Information (APCI).
Publications Books: authored and co-­‐authored Castles, S. and Kosack, G. 1973 (second edition 1985). Immigrant Workers and Class Structure in
Western Europe. London: Oxford University Press.
Castles, S. and Kosack, G. 1974a. L'Immigrazione operaia nelle aree forti d'Europa. Turin:
Castles, S. and Kosack, G. 1976. Immigrazione e Struttura di Classe in Europa Occidentale. Milan:
Franco Angeli Editore. (Italian translation of Immigrant Workers..)
Castles, S. and Wüstenberg, W. 1979. The Education of the Future: An Introduction to the Theory and
Practice of Socialist Education. London: Pluto Press.
Castles, S. and Wustenberg, W. 1982. La Educación del Futuro. México: Editorial Nueva Imagen.
(Spanish translation of The Education of the Future)
Castles, S. and Kosack, G. 1984a. Los Trabajadores Immigrantes y la Estructura de Clases en la
Europa Occidental. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. (Spanish translation of Immigrant
Castles, S., with Booth, H. and Wallace, T. 1984. Here for Good: Western Europe's New Ethnic
Minorities. London: Pluto Press.
Castles, S., with Booth, H. and Wallace, T. 1987. Migration and Rassismus in Westeuropa. Berlin:
Express Edition (German translation of Here for Good) .
Castles, S., Cope, B., Kalantzis, M. and Morrissey, M. 1988a. Mistaken Identity - Multiculturalism
and the Demise of Nationalism in Australia. Sydney: Pluto Press (second edition 1990, third
edition 1992).
Castles, S. 1989a. Migrant Workers and the Transformation of Western Societies. Ithaca: Cornell
Castles, S. and Miller, M. 1993. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the
Modern World. London: Macmillan.
Castles, S., Collins, J., Gibson, K., Alcorso, C. and Tait, D. 1995a. A Shop Full of Dreams: Ethnic
Small Business in Australia. Sydney: Pluto Press.
Castles, S. 1996a. The Age of Migration (Japanese Edition updated and with a new Preface):
Kokusai-imin no Jidai. Tokyo: Nagoya University Press.
Castles, S., Foster, W., Iredale, R. and Withers, G. 1998a. Immigration and Australia: Myths and
Realities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 1998. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the
Modern World. (second revised edition) London: Macmillan.
Castles, S. 2000b. Ethnicity and Globalization: From Migrant Worker to Transnational Citizen.
London: Sage.
Castles, S. and Davidson, A. 2000. Citizenship and Migration: Globalisation and the Politics of
Belonging. London: Macmillan.
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 2003. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the
Modern World. (third revised edition) Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan and
Guilford Books..
Castles, S. 2005a. Globalizaçao, Transnacionalismo e Novos Fluxos Migratoriós. Lisbon: Fim de
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 2005. La Era de la Migración: Movimentos Internacionales de Población
en el Mundo Moderno. Mexico D.F.: Miguel Angel Porrua (Spanish translation of the The Age of
Migration third edition).
Schierup, C.-U., Hansen, P. and Castles, S. 2006. Migration, Citizenship and the European Welfare
State: A European Dilemma. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 2008. The Age of Migration (Chinese translation) Taipei: Wunan Book
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 2008. The Age of Migration: (Turkish translation): Göçler Caği: Modern
Dünyada Uluslarasi Göç Hareketleri Translation of third edition of 2003. Istanbul: Bilgi
University Press.
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 2009. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the
Modern World. (fourth revised edition) Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan and
Guilford Books.
Books: edited
Castles, S., Alcorso, C., Rando, G. and Vasta, E. 1992b. Australia's Italians - culture and community
in a changing society. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Castles, S., Alcorso, C., Rando, G. and Vasta, E. 1992c. Italo-australiani: la popolazione di origine
italiana in Australia. Turin, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli.
Vasta, E. and Castles, S. 1996. The Teeth are Smiling: The Persistence of Racism in Multicultural
Australia. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Hirano, K., Castles, S. and Brownlee, P. 2000. Asian Migration and Settlement: Focus on Japan
(Special Issue of Asian and Pacific Migration Journal) Asian and Pacific Migration Journal.
Quezon City: Scalabrini Migration Center.
Iredale, R., Hawksley, C. and Castles, S. 2003. Migration in the Asia Pacific: Population, Settlement
and Citizenship Issues. Cheltenham and Northampton MA: Edward Elgar.
Castles, S. and Delgado Wise, R. 2007. Migracion y Desarollo: Perspectivas desde el Sur. Mexico
City: Angel Porrua
Castles, S. and Delgado Wise, R. 2008. Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South.
Geneva: International Organization for Migration
Book chapters
Castles, S. 1983a. 'Wie begegnen wir dem neuen Rassismus?' in Italiaander, R. (ed.) Fremde raus.
Frankfurt: Fischer.
Castles, S. 1984b. 'Racism and Repatriation; Europe's Ethnic Minorities' World View 1985. London:
Pluto Press.
Castles, S. 1984c. 'Educational and occupational handicaps of ethnic minority youth in West
Germany'. Proceedings of the Standing Conference on the Sociology of Further
Castles, S. 1987a. 'Besuch in einem Einwanderungsland' in Biondi, F. (ed.) Land der Begrenzten
Möglichkeiten. Koln: Buchergilde Gutenberg.
Castles, S. 1989b. 'From Temporary Migration to Ethnic Minorities: The Federal Republic of
Germany' Migration, Ethnicity and Migration. Geelong: Deakin University.
Castles, S. 1989c. 'Migrant Employment and Training and Industry Restructuring' in Jupp, J. (ed.) The
Challenge of Diversity. Canberra: AGPS.
Castles, S. 1989d. 'Il mutamento demografico e lo sviluppo di una societa multiculturale in Australia'
Abitare Il Pianeta, Futuro demografico, migrazioni e tensioni etniche. Turin: Edizioni della
Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli.
Castles, S. 1989e. 'La politica sull'immigrazione in Australia' Quadro, Delle Politiche Immigratorie
Di Accesso Nei Paesi Europe. Turin: Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli.
Castles, S. 1990a. 'Sozialwissenschaften und ethnische Minderheiten in Australien' in Dittrich. E.J.
and Radtke, F.-O. (ed.) Ethnizität: Wissenschaft und Minderheiten. Opladen: Westdeutscher
Castles, S. 1991a. 'From migrant worker to ethnic entrepreneur' in Goodman, D., O'Hearn, D.J. and
Wallace-Crabbe, C. (eds.) Multicultural Australia: The Challenges of Change. Melbourne:
Castles, S. 1991b. 'Weltweite Arbeitsmigration, Neorassismus und der Niedergang des Nationalstaats'
in Bielefeld, U. (ed.) Das Eigene und das Fremde: Neuer Rassismus in der Alten Welt?
Hamburg: Junius Verlag GmbH.
Castles, S. 1992a. 'Australian multiculturalism: social policy and identity in a changing society' in
Freeman, G.P. and Jupp, J. (eds.) Nations of Immigrants: Australia, the United States and
International Migration. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Castles, S. 1992b. 'Globalisation of migration and the post-modern nation' in MacRobbie, A. (ed.)
Arrivals, Departures and Achievements. Canberra: Centre for Immigration and Multicultural
Castles, S. 1992c. 'Migrants and minorities in post-Keynsian capitalism: The German case' in Cross,
M. (ed.) Ethnic Minorities and Industrial Change in Europe and North America: Cambridge
University Press.
Castles, S., Rando, G. and Vasta, E. 1992a. 'Italo-Australians and Politics' in Castles, S., Alcorso, C.,
Rando, G. and Vasta, E. (eds.) Australia's Italians - culture and community in a changing
society. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Castles, S. 1993a. 'Migration and Minorities in Europe. Perspectives for the 1990s: Eleven
Hypotheses' in Wrench, J. and Solomos, J. (eds.) Racism and Migration in Western Europe.
Oxford: Berg.
Castles, S. 1993b. 'Migration und Rassismus in Europa' in Meinhardt, R. (ed.) Migration,
Einwanderungspolitik,ziviler Umgang mit ethnischen Minderheiten Hannover:
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten.
Castles, S. 1993c. 'Zeitalter der Migration: sieben Thesen zur Einwanderungspolitik' in
Niedersachsen, L. (ed.) Betrifft: Mehrheiten/Minderheiten. und Europaangelegenheiten:
Hannover: Ministerium für Bundes.
Castles, S. 1993d. 'Australian Multiculturalism' in Hellenic Studies Forum (ed.) Greeks in English
speaking Countries. Melbourne: Hellenic Studies Forum.
Castles, S. 1993e. 'La sociologie et la peur de "cultures incompatibles". Commentaires sur le rapport
Hoffmann-Nowotny' in Suisse, C.A. (ed.) Europe: Montrez patte blanche! Geneva: Centre
Europe: Tiers Monde.
Castles, S. 1993f. 'The "new" migration and Australian immigration policy' in Inglis, C.,
Gunasekaran, S., Sullivan, G. and Wu, Chung-Tong (ed.) Asians in Australia: the Dynamics of
Migration and Settlement. Singapore and Sydney: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Allen
and Unwin.
Castles, S. 1994a. 'Democracy and multicultural citizenship: Australian debates and their relevance
for Western Europe' 3-27 in Bauböck, R. (ed.) From Aliens to Citizens. Avebury: Aldershot.
Castles, S. 1994b. 'Italians in Australia: the Impact of a Recent Migration on the Culture and Society
of a Postcolonial Nation' 342-68 in Tomasi, L., Gastaldo., P. and Row, T. (ed.) The Columbus
People. New York: Centre for Migration Studies.
Castles, S. 1995a. 'Contract labour migration' 510-15 in Cohen, R. (ed.) Cambridge Survey of World
Migration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Castles, S. 1995b. 'Causes and Consequences of Asia's New Migrations' 1-21 in Asian Research
Center for Migration (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Transnational
Migration. Bangkok: Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University.
Castles, S. 1996b. 'The racisms of globalisation' 12-45 in Vasta, E. and Castles, S. (eds.) The Teeth
are Smiling: The Pesistence of Racism in Multicultural Australia. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Castles, S. 1996c. 'A German Dilemma: Ethnic Identity and Citizenship' 169–86 in Fischer, G. (ed.)
Debating Enzensberger: ‘Great Migration’ and ‘Civil War’. Tübingen: Stauffenberg.
Castles, S. 1996d. 'Immigration and Multiculturalism in Australia' 251-271 in Bade, K.J. (ed.)
Migration - Ethnizität - Konflikt: Systemfragen und Fallstudien. Osnabrück: Universitätsverlag
Castles, S. 1996e. 'Dealing with Diversity: Proceedings of a Seminar held at the Centre for Court
Policy' 14-22 in Mohr, R. and Lloyd, S. (ed.) 'Public institutions and equality in a diverse
society'. Wollongong: University of Wollongong, Faculty of Law.
Castles, S. 1997a. 'Globalisation and the Ambiguities of National Citizenship: Migration, Ethnicity
and Citizenship' pp. 223–44 in Castles, S. and Spoonley, P. (eds.) Migration and Citizenship.
Auckland: Migration Research Network, APMRN UNESCO MOST, Massey University.
Castles, S. 1997b. 'Multicultural citizenship: the Australian experience' in Bader, V. (ed.) Citizenship
and Exclusion. London: Macmillan.
Castles, S. 1997c. 'The emergence of multicultural Wollongong' 205-216 in Hagan, J. and Wells, A
(ed.) A History of Wollongong. Wollongong: University of Wollongong Press.
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 1997. 'Die Formung der modernen Welt durch globale Migration. Eine
Geschichte der Wanderungsbewegungen bis 1945' in Pries, L. (ed.) Transnationale Migration
Soziale Welt - Sonderband 12. Baden-Baden: NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft.
Castles, S. 1998a. 'Einwanderung und Sozialpolitik in Australien' in Bommes, M. and Halfmann, J.
(eds.) Migration in nationalen Wohlfahrtstaaten: Theoretische und vegleichende
Untersuchungen. Osnabrück: Universitätsverlag Rasch.
Castles, S. 1998b. 'Globalisation and the ambiguities of national citizenship' in Bauböck, R. and
Rundle, J. (eds.) Blurred Boundaries. Aldershot: Avebury.
Castles, S. 1998c. 'The Process of Integration of Migrant Communities' 247-265 in United Nations
Population Division (ed.) Population Distribution and Migration. Santa Cruz, Bolivia: United
Pe-Pua, R., Mitchell, C., Castles, S. and Iredale, R. 1998. 'Astronaut families and parachute children:
Hong Kong immigrants in Australia' 279-97 in Sinn, E. (ed.) The last half century of Chinese
overseas. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Castles, S. 1999a. 'Globalisation, Multicultural Citizenship and Transnational Democracy' in Hage, G.
and Couch, R. (ed.) The Future of Australian Multiculturalism. Sydney: The Research Institute
for Humanities and Social Sciences.
Castles, S. 1999b. 'Development, Social Transformation and Globalisation' 1-18 in Mohannak, K.
(ed.) CAPSTRANS Working Paper No. 1. Wollongong: CAPSTRANS, University of
Castles, S. 1999c. 'Citizenship and the Other in the age of migration' 27-48 in Davidson, A. and
Weekley, K. (eds.) Globalization and Citizenship in the Asia-Pacific. London: Macmillan.
Castles, S. 1999d. 'Democracy and multiculturalism in Western Europe' in Holmes, L. and Murray, P.
(ed.) Citizenship and Identity in Europe. Hants, England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Castles, S. 2000d. 'The impacts of emigration on countries of origin' 45-56 in Yusuf, S., Wu, W. and
Evenett, S. (eds.) Local Dynamics in an Era of Globalization. New York: Oxford University
Press for the World Bank.
Castles, S. 2000e. 'The future of Australian citizenship in a globalising world' 119-134 in Rubenstein,
K. (ed.) Individual, Community, Nation: Fifty Years of Australian Citizenship. Melbourne:
Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Castles, S. and Vasta, E. 2000. 'Ethnicity in Australian Society' 114-38 in Najman, J. and Western, J.
(eds.) Sociology of Australian Society. Melbourne: Macmillan.
Zappalà, G. and Castles, S. 2000. 'Citizenship and immigration in Australia' 32-81 in Aleinikoff, T.A.
and Klusmeyer, D. (eds.) From Migrants to Citizens: Membership in a Changing World.
Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Castles, S. 2001a. 'Multiculturalism in Australia' 807-11 in Jupp, J. (ed.) The Australian People: an
Encyclopedia of the Nation, its People and their Origins. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Castles, S. 2001b. 'International migration and the nation-state in Asia' 178-201 in Siddique, M.A.B.
(ed.) International Migration in the 21st Century. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Castles, S. and Zappala, G. 2001. 'The rights and obligations of immigrant citizens and non-citizens in
Australia' in Kondo, A. (ed.) Citizenship in a Global World: Comparing Citizenship Rights for
Aliens. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Castles, S. 2002a. 'The international politics of forced migration' 172-92 in Leys, C. and Panitch, L.
(eds.) Fighting Identities: Race. Religion and Ethno-Nationalism. The Socialist Register 2003.
London: Merlin Press.
Castles, S. 2002b. 'Migration' 561-79 in Goldberg, D.T. and Solomos, J. (eds.) A Companion to Racial
and Ethnic Studies. Malden Mass. and Oxford: Blackwells.
Castles, S. 2003a. 'Migrant settlement, transnational communities and state strategies in the Asia
Pacific region' 3-26 in Iredale, R., Hawksley, C. and Castles, S. (eds.) Migration in the Asia
Pacific: Population, Settlement and Citizenship Issues. Cheltenham and Northampton MA:
Edward Elgar.
Castles, S. 2003b. 'Transnational communities: a new form of social relations under conditions of
globalization?' 429-45 in Reitz, J., G. (ed.) Host Societies and the Reception of Immigrants. La
Jolla, Ca.: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego.
Castles, S. 2004a. 'Migration, citizenship and education' 17-48 in Banks, J.A. (ed.) Diversity and
Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
Castles, S. 2004b. 'The myth of the controllability of difference: labour migration, transnational
communities and state strategies in the Asia-Pacific region' 3-26 in Yeoh, B.S.A. and Willis, K.
(eds.) State/Nation/Transnation: Perspectives on Transnationalism in the Asia-Pacific. London
and New York: Routledge.
Castles, S. 2004c. 'Globaliización e Inmigración' 33-56 in Aubarell, G. and Zapata-Barrero, R. (eds.)
Inmigración y Procesos de Cambio. Barcelona: Icaria Antrazyt/IEMed.
Castles, S. 2004d. 'The stranger from an international perspective: gobalisation, diversity and
citizenship' in Timmerman, C., Lodewyckx, I., Vanheule, D. and Wets, J. (eds.) Wanneer wordt
Vreemd, Vreemd? De Vreemde in Beeldvorming, Registratie en Beleid. Leuven: Acco.
Castles, S. and Loughna, S. 2004. 'Globalization, migration and asylum' 177-99 in George, V. and
Page, R. (eds.) Global Social Problems and Global Social Policy. Cambridge: Polity.
Castles, S. and Vasta, E. 2004. 'Australia: new conflicts around old dilemmas' 141-73 in Cornelius,
W., Tsuda, T., Martin, P.L. and Hollifield, J.F. (eds.) Controlling Immigration: A Global
Perspective. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press.
Castles, S. 2005b. 'Migration and community formation under conditions of globalization' in Kivisto,
P. (ed.) Incorporating Diversity: Rethinking Assimilation in a Multicultural Age. Boulder and
London: Paradigm.
Castles, S. 2005d. 'Multiculturalism' in Gibney, M.J. and Hansen, R. (eds.) Immigration and Asylum:
from 1900 to the Present. Santa Barbara Ca.: ABC Clio.
Castles, S. and Loughna, S. 2005. 'Trends in asylum migration to industrialized countries, 1990-2001'
39-69 in Borjas, G.J. and Crisp, J. (eds.) Poverty, International Migration and Asylum.
Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Castles, S. 2007. 'The factors that make and unmake migration policies' in Portes, A. and DeWind, J.
(eds.) Rethinking Migration: New Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. New York and
Oxford: Berghahn.
Castles, S. 2008. 'Comparing the experience of five major emigration countries' in Castles, S. and
Delgado Wise, R. (eds.) Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South. Geneva:
Castles, 2009. 'World population movements, diversity and education' in Banks, J. A. (ed.) Routledge
International Companion to Multicultural Education, New York and Oxford: Routledge
Journal articles
Castles, S. and Kosack, G. 1971. 'Immigrant workers and class structure in France'. Race 12:3.
Castles, S. 1972a. 'Gewerkschaften und Entwicklung in Asien'. Gewerkschaftllche Monatshefte 7.
Castles, S. 1972b. 'Some general features of migration to Western Europe'. New Community 1:3.
Castles, S. and Kosack, G. 1972b. 'The function of labour immigration in Western European
Capitalism'. New Left Review:73 July, 3-21.
Castles, S. and Kosack, G. 1974b. 'How the trade unions try to control and integrate immigrant
workers in the German Federal Republic'. Race XV:4.
Castles, S. 1980a. 'The social time-bomb: education of an underclass in West Germany'. Race and
Class 21:4, 369-87.
Castles, S. and Ueberschlag, R. 1981. 'Freinet pedagogy'. Education with Production 1:1.
Castles, S. 1982. 'Education with production - learning from the Third World'. International Journal
of Educational Development 11:1.
Castles, S., van Rensburg, P. and Richer, P. 1982. 'The education of transition'. Prospects X11:4.
Castles, S. 1984d. 'Racism and politics in West Germany'. Race and Class XXV:3.
Castles, S. 1986. 'The guest-worker in Western Europe: an obituary'. International Migration Review
20:4, 761-78.
Castles, S. and Jakubowicz, A. 1987. 'The Inherent Subjectivity of the Apparently Objective in
Research on Ethnicity and Class'. Journal of Intercultural Studies 1/87.
Castles, S. and Jakubowicz, A. 1988c. 'Why Objectivity Need Not Lead to Understanding'. Journal of
Intercultural Studies 9:1.
Castles, S., Cope, B., Kalantzis, M. and Morrissey, M. 1988b. 'The Bicentenary and the Failure of
Australian Nationalism'. Race and Class 29.
Castles, S., Gibson, K., Collins, J., Tait, D. and Alcorso, C. 1989a. 'Understanding ethnic small
business: a case study of Marrickville’'. Australian Journal of Social Issues.
Collins, J. and Castles, S. 1991. 'Restructuring, migrant labour markets and small business in
Australia'. Migration 10.
Castles, S. 1991d. 'Italians in Australia: building a multicultural society on the Pacific rim'. Diaspora
Castles, S. 1992d. 'The Australian model of immigration and multiculturalism: is it applicable to
Europe?' International Migration Review 26:2, 549-567.
Castles, S. 1992e. 'L'Europe a-t-elle quelque chose à apprendre de l'Australie?' Hommes et Migrations
Castles, S. 1993g. 'Migration und Rassismus in Europa: zehn Thesen zur Einwanderungspolitik'.
Tübinger Termine56-62.
Castles, S., Hage, G. and Johnson, L. 1993. 'Ethnicity, Community and the Postmodern City'.
Communal/Plural 1.
Castles, S., Iredale, R. and Vasta, E. 1994. 'Australian immigration between globalisation and
recession'. International Migration Review 28:2370-83.
Castles, S. and Miller, M.J. 1994. 'The age of international migration'. The Urban Age 2:31-6.
Castles, S. 1995c. 'How nation-states respond to immigration and ethnic diversity'. New Community
21:3 293-308.
Castles, S. 1996g. 'Democracy and multiculturalism in Europe'. Journal of Area Studies 851-76.
Castles, S. 1997e. 'Multicultural citizenship: a response to the dilemma of globalisation and national
identity?' Journal of Intercultural Studies 18: 15-22.
Castles, S. 1997f. 'Australie: vers la fin du multiculturalisme?' Hommes et Migrations 1208 59-69.
Castles, S. 1998d. 'Globalization and migration: some pressing contradictions'. International Social
Science Journal:156, 179-86.
Castles, S. 1998e. 'The Challenge of Diversity: Integration and Pluralism in Societies of Immigration'.
Journal of Intercultural Studies 19:1, 105-113.
Castles, S. 1998f. 'New migrations in the Asia-Pacific region: a force for social and political change'.
International Social Science Journal:156 June, 215-28.
Castles, S. 1999e. 'International migration and the global agenda: reflections on the 1998 UN
Technical Symposium'. International Migration 37:1, 5-19.
Castles, S. 2000k. 'International migration at the beginning of the twenty-first century: global trends
and issues'. International Social Science Journal:165, 269-81.
Castles, S. 2001c. 'Studying social transformation'. International Political Science Review 22:1, 1332.
Castles, S. 2001d. 'Globalization and citizenship: an Australian Dilemma'. Patterns of Prejudice 35:1,
Zappalà, G. and Castles, S. 1999. 'Citizenship and Immigration in Australia'. Georgetown
Immigration Law Journal 13:2, 273-316.
Castles, S. 2002c. 'Estudar as Transformacoes Sociais'. Sociologia: Problemas e Praticas:40, 123-48.
Castles, S. 2002d. 'Migration and community formation under conditions of globalization'.
International Migration Review 36:4, 1143-1168.
Castles, S. 2003c. 'Jeraquías de ciudadanía en el nuevo orden global'. Anales de la Cátedra Francisco
Suárez:37, 9-33.
Castles, S. 2003d. 'Globalización y transnacionalismo: Implicaciones para la incorporación de
inmigrantes y para la ciudadanía'. Revista de Occidente:268, 22-44.
Castles, S. 2003e. 'The international politics of forced migration'. Development 46:3, 11-20.
Castles, S. 2003f. 'Towards a sociology of forced migration and social transformation'. Sociology
37:1, 13-34.
Castles, S. 2004f. 'Las nuevas migraciones del continente asiático'. Migracion y Desarrollo:2, 115-27.
Castles, S. 2004g. 'Por Que Fracasan las Politicas Migratorias'. Revista Migraciones:15, 147-84.
Castles, S. 2004h. 'The factors that make and unmake migration policy'. International Migration
Review 38:3, 852-884.
Castles, S. 2004i. 'Why migration policies fail'. Ethnic and Racial Studies 27:2, 205-227.
Castles, S. 2005c. 'Warum Migrationspolitiken scheitern'. Peripherie 25:97/98, 10-34.
Castles, S. 2005d. 'Nation and empire: hierarchies of citizenship in the new global order'.
International Politics 42 203-224.
Castles, S. 2005b. 'Hierarchical citizenship in a world of unequal nation-states'. Political Science and
Castles, S. 2006b. 'Global perspectives on forced migration'. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 15
1: 7-28.
Castles, S. 2006c. 'Guestworkers in Europe: A Resurrection?' International Migration Review, 40:4,
Castles, S. 2007. 'Twenty-first century migration as a challenge to sociology'. Journal of Ethnic and
Migration Studies 33:3, 351-71.
Other articles
Castles, S. 1980b. 'Structural racism; ethnic minorities in Western Europe - paper for the World
Council of Churches consultation on Racism, Amsterdam 1980'. PCR Information 8.
Castles, S. 1983b. ' Rollenveränderung der Arbeitsemigranten im westdeutschen Kapitalismus'.
Widersprüche 9.
Castles, S. 1984e. 'Immigration and Racism in West Germany'. Race and Immigration - Runnymede
Bulletin 167.
Castles, S. 1984f. ' A Country of Immigration'. Australian Society 3:12.
Castles, S. 1987b. 'A New Agenda in Multiculturalism?' CHOMI Multicultural Australia Papers 61.
Castles, S. 1987c. 'Multiculturalism and Crisis'. Western Australians for Racial Equality, Towards a
Just Society: Facing Racism.
Castles, S. 1987d. 'Die Kommissionen fur Ethnischen Angelegenheiten in Australien'.
Informationsdienst zur Ausländerarbeit 4/87.
Castles, S. 1990b. 'German unification and the urge to forget'. Australian Society.
Castles, S. 1990c. 'Immigration and Multiculturalism: Perspectives for the 1990s'. Migration Action
Castles, S. 1991c. 'Strategies for improving community relations'. Migration Action XIII:1.
Castles, S. 1993h. 'Slutet för nationalstaten?' Invandrare & Minoriteter 2.
Castles, S. 1993i. 'Explaining racism in the New Germany'. Social Alternatives 12:1 April, 9-12.
Castles, S. 1997g. 'Asia-Pacific migration and emerging civil societies'. Asian Migrant 10:2 41-8.
Castles, S. 200l. 'Globalisation from below: migrants of the twenty-first century' Arena Magazine. 49,
November, 45-47.
Castles, S. 2008b. 'The politics of exclusion: asylum and the global order' Metropolis World Bulletin.
Reports and Working Papers
Bertelli, L., Castles, S., Cobby, N. and Coulthard, D. 1986. An Issue of Social Justice, Review of the
Victorian Ethnic Affairs Commission. Melbourne: Victorian Government.
Castles, S. and Mitchell, C. 1988. Submission Paper for the Women's Advisory Council to the
Committee of Enquiry into Recognition of Overseas Qualifications. Wollongong: Centre for
Multicultural Studies, University of Wollongong.
Castles, S. 1988a. 'Possible Social Impacts of Alternative Immigration Scenarios' Immigration: a
Commitment to Australia - Consultants' Report. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing
Castles, S., Morrissey, M. and Pinkstone, B. 1988c. Migrant Employment and Training and Industry
Restructuring. Canberra: Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Castles, S. 1988e. Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Skills, National Population Council
Working Party. Canberra: National Population Council.
Castles, S. 1989f. Restructuring, Migrant Labour Markets and Small Business, Occasional Paper No.
16. Wollongong: Centre for Multicultural Studies.
Castles, S., Alcorso, C., Mitchell, C. and Morrissey, M. 1989b. The Recognition of Overseas Trade
Qualifications. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
Mitchell, C., Tait, D. and Castles, S. 1990. The Recognition of Overseas Professional Qualifications.
Canberra: AGPS.
Cope, B., Castles, S. and Kalantzis, M. 1991. Immigration, Ethnic Conflicts and Social Cohesion.
Canberra: AGPS.
Castles, S. 1990d. Zuwanderung und Integration: Institutionelle Modelle für eine multikulturelle
Politik. Frankfurt: Amt für multikulturelle Angelegenheiten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.
Castles, S. 1990e. Programs to Counter Racist Violence: The International Experience: Human
Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission National Inquiry into Racist Violence.
Castles, S. 1990g. Racism and Racist Violence: Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission
National Inquiry into Racist Violence.
Castles, S. 1990h. Global Workforce, New Racism and the Declining Nation State, Occasional Paper
No. 24. Wollongong: Centre for Multicultural Studies.
Castles, S. 1990i. Labour Migration and the Trade Unions in Western Europe, Occasional Paper No.
18. Wollongong: Centre for Multicultural Studies.
Castles, S. 1991e. Issues for a Community Relations Strategy. Canberra: Department of Prime
Minister and Cabinet, Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Castles, S., Collins, J., Gibson, K., Tait, D. and Alcorso, C. 1991a. The Global Milkbar and the Local
Sweatshop: Ethnic Small Business and the Economic Restructuring of Sydney. Wollongong:
Centre for Multicultural Studies for the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Castles, S. 1992f. The Challenge of Multiculturalism: Global Changes and Australian Experiences.
Wollongong: Office of Multicultural Affairs and Centre for Multicultural Studies University of
Castles, S.R., Iredale, R. and Innes, J. 1992d. Serial Sponsorship: Immigration Policy and Human
Rights. Wollongong: Centre for Multicultural Studies.
Castles, S. 1993j. Globale Migration: Konsequenzen für westliche Gesellschaften IKUS Lectures.
Vienna: Institut für Kulturstudien.
Castles, S. 1993k. Migrant Incorporation in Highly Developed Countries: An International
Perspective, Occasional Paper No. 27. Wollongong: Centre for Multicultural Studies.
Castles, S. 1993l. The Concept of Equity: Office of Multicultural Affairs, Department of Prime
Minister and Cabinet.
Castles, S. 1993m. Racism: A Global Analysis. Occasional Paper no. 28: Centre for Multicultural
Studies, Wollongong.
Castles, S. 1994c. Access to Excellence: A Review of Issue affecting Artists and Arts from non-English
speaking Backgrounds. Canberra: Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Castles, S. 1995d. Multicultural Citizenship. Canberra: Parliamentary Research Service, Department
of the Parliamentary Library. Research Paper No.16,
Castles, S., Collins, J. and Vasta, E. 1995b. Australian Immigration: Multiculturalism, Ethnic
Diversity, Identity and the State. Sydney: Faculty of Business, University of Technology
(produced for the Centre d'Études et de Recherches Internationales Colloquium on the State and
Integration Strategies in Countries of Immigration, Paris, January 1995).
Pe-Pua, R., Mitchell, C., Iredale, R. and Castles, S. 1996. Astronaut Families and Parachute
Children: The Cycle of Migration between Hong Kong and Australia. Canberra: AGPS.
Mitchell, C., Zappalà, G. and Castles, S. 1998. Post 1947 migration to Australia and modes of sociopolitical mobilisation. Working Paper Number 4, Wollongong: Institute of Social Change and
Critical Inquiry, University of Wollongong.
Castles, S. 2000a. Migration as a Factor in Social Transformation in East Asia. Princeton NJ:
Princeton University.
Castles, S., Korac, M., Vasta, E. and Vertovec, S. 2003a. Integration: Mapping the Field, Vol. I:
Home Office.
Castles, S. 2004e. Confronting the Realities of Forced Migration: Migration Information Source.
Castles, S., Foster, W., Iredale, R. and Withers, G. 1997. Australia and Immigration: A Partnership A
Review of Research and Issues. Canberra: Housing Industry Association.
Castles, S. 2002e. Environmental Change and Forced Migration: Making Sense of the Debate.
Geneva: UNHCR. October.
Castles, S. and Loughna, S. 2003. Trends in Asylum Migration to Industrialized Countries 1990-2001.
Helsinki: World Institute for Development Economics Research. Discussion Paper, April.
Castles, S., Loughna, S. and Crawley, H. 2003b. States of Conflict: Causes and Patterns of Forced
Migration to the EU and Policy Responses. London: Institute of Public Policy Research.
Castles, S., Rogers, A., Vasta, E. and Vertovec, S. 2003c. Integration and Social Insertion of
Migrants. Brussels: European Commission DG Research. EUR 20641
Castles, S. and Van Hear, N. 2005. Developing DFID's Policy Approach to Refugees and Internally
Displaced Persons. Oxford: Refuge Studies Centre. Report to the Conflict and Humanitarian
Affairs Department.
Castles, S. 2006a. Back to the Future? Can Europe meet its Labour Needs through Temporary
Migration? in International Migration Institute (ed.) IMI Working Papers1 Oxford: IMI Oxford