Building Inspections
Building Inspections
Building Inspections Jim Kessler Building Official Corey Murpher Permit Technician/Inspector Schedule Inspections (507) 645-3021 (507) 645-3004 (507) 645-3004 Deck Information .. ............. INCLUDES 2007 CODE CHANGES! Building permits are required for all decks that are attached to the home, are 30 inches or more ab ove grade or those us ed as landings. This includes new construction, additions, alteration , repair, moving or demolishing. Important items to consider include: • required inspections ............................................................................................................... p. 2 • deck location , stairs ............................. ... .......................................... ......... .... .. .. .. ....... ... ......... p. 3 • guard rail , handrail. ............... ....................... ....... ... ............. ...... ... .................. ......................... p. 4 • sizing deck footings, joists & beams ............ .............................. .................... .................... pp. 7-9 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING WHEN APPLYING FOR YOUR PERMIT: I I. Completed permit application form (included on the last page of this packet). 2. Completed Residential Property Owner Waiver (included in thi s packet) if the owner is the permitee. 3. Two copies of the following building plans (Minn. Rules [MR] 1300.0130): (See below for detailed plan requirements.) A. Site plan B. Floor plan C. Elevation plan I BUILDING PLANS MUST SHOW THE FOLLOWING: I. Site plan showing: A. Property address. B. Complete property drawn to sca le according to an accurate boundary line survey. (lfno property corner markers are visible, a celtificate of survey r--'S"'A:-::M'O':P"'L-=EC:S"'IT::':E=-PO::LA=-.:,:"'N====: DlMlNSION may be required .) Demolition: indicate structures to be demol~ _AO.:,"_ - - - - - N-t~ ished and the size and locat ion of structures that are to remain. "§ OIMCIISION I GlAIlAGIii Size and location of ex isting buildings and proposed construction. I ~ , C. D. Set bac k s f rom a II property I·Illes 0 t' a II eXl.stlllg . an d propose d '.":', . " '''.'''1 . ....''''rJI PROo,·O,.u~re I ~>', ,-:-_-{ , structure(s). ~ I .'\ 1 -YIiI: E. F. G. Any easements on the propelty. Septic system area and well s if applicable. Designation of side street for corner lot projects. (The Building Official may waive or mod ify the requirement for a site plan when warranted.) ~ I EI(lGTlNO IiONE : ~ I ~ Ii : ,,,,..' X- • - - - ;';'';;L;;;'-- CURB CUT This handout corresponds to th e 2006 In ternational Re sidential Code (IRC) as ado pted in Minnesota Rules (MR), Chapter 1309 and applies to the construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair and use of any detached one- and two-family dwellings as well as townhouses not more th an three stories high. Other applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Northfield also apply. 2. SAMPLE FLOOR PLAN Floor plan showing: A. Proposed deck size. B. Type (grade and species) of lumber to be used. C. Size and spacing of floor joists. D. Size and type of decking material. E. Size and direction of beams. F. Size, location and spacing of posts. G. Size, location and spacing offootings. EXISTING HOME 3. Scale=X SAMPLE ELEVATION Elevation plan showing: A. Height of structure from grade. B. Size and depth of footings C. Guard height and spacing D. Stairway rise and run and handrail height. E. Clearance of over-head wires A 4·INCH SPHERE CANNOT PASS 10' MINIMUM RAILING THROUGH. CLEARANCE HEIGHT HEIGHT _ _ _ ABOVE SCALE l=X GRADE '--++i~=~u..- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS TO BE OBTAINED AS THEY APPLY DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DECK: It is the responsibility of the party doing the work to make arrangements with the building department for inspections (Minnesota Rules [MR] 1300.021 0): I. Footing Inspection Prior to the placement of any concrete, after footing holes are dug. 2. Framing Inspection To be made after all framing, blocking, and bracing are in place and prior to covering the construction so as to remain accessible for inspection. This inspection can be completed at the time of the final inspection if all palts of the framing will be visible and accessible. 3. Final Inspection To be made upon completion of the deck and finish grading. r:lTI ~ Know what's below. Call beforeyuu dig. CALL 811 AT LEAST 2 FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. www.caI/ OR www.gopherstateonecal/.org 2/15 I THE DECK MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CODE PROVISIONS: I. Uncovered decks may project into an y front, side or rear required setback a distance not to exceed 4 feet (Faribault Unified Development Ordinance, Appendix B, Section 6- 120). A setba ck of 10 feet is required between the deck and any accessory structures such as garages and sheds (Section 6-180). 2. When locating a deck, care must be given to the location of existing gas and electric meters, wells, and septic systems. These may need to be relocated to allow for construction of the deck. Septic systems and wells may be difficult to relocate, requiring an alternative location for the de ck. Prior to pI acement of any deck that will interfere with these areas, contact the Building Codes Department. 3. Decks over emergency escape (egress) windows must be a min. 36 inch over grade (lRC R310.S). 4. Overhead power lines (service drop condu ctors) must be locat ed a mini mum of 10 feet above decks and platforms (N ational Electrical Code 230.24). Existing lines may need to be raised if a new deck is constructed beneath them. S. A deck is requir cd to ha ve min. 42 inch deep frost footings if attached to the house or other stru cture with frost footings (MR 1309.0403). 6. Decks need to be designed for a 40 pound per square foot live load and balconies to a 60 pound per square foot live load (M R 1309.0301). (If a screen porch or 3-season porch might be constructed in the future on the deck platform, special setback and design requirements should be considered.) 7. Ledger boards must be positive ly anchored to the house (when not free-standing) and des igned for both vertical and lateral loads (IRC RS02.2.2). The use oft oenails or nails subje ct to with drawal is prohibited. 8. Every joist a nd beam must be supported b y at Ie ast I Y2 inches of wood or metal at each end. Otherwise approved joist hangers must be installed (IRC RS02.6). /,-Sldlng ........ '.}'" .......,A// / ___ Shealhlng /' , / r - F l a S h for / , 2x rim joist __ .. h=;:::::''::':C=_'Oo-='~~· --+--'~'':::':' " ,I ~ ~i waler lightness ~Decklng t ¢- 1\) _ _ -"-,,.-- - - <- 2x pressure treated ledger I==~::o!-I" ;; \ ' - - - - Minimum 18 gao U-Iype Joist hanger. Follow manufacturer's Installation Instructions 9. Joists should not overhang beams (cantilever) by more than two feet, nor should beams overhan g posts by more than on e foot unless a spe cial design is approved. Connections to the house framing must be designed and constructed to resist uplift resulting from the full live load (40 pst') acting on the cantilevered portion of the deck (IRC RS02.2.2). 10. If the deck has a stairway, it must not be less than 36 inches in width. Stairways must be constructed with a 7 %-inch maximum rise (height) and a I O-inch minimum run (depth). The tread ris e and tread run ma y not vary over the length of the stairs by more than % inch. The code also requires illumination at all stairways (lRC R311. S). 11. A landing is required at the top and bottom of the stairs ( IRC R31I.S.4). It shall be as wide as the stairway and at least 36 in ches (3') measured in the dire ction of travel (see illustration on following page). T MAX RISE 7l1., IN. I 12. A guard rail is required on all decks that are 30 inches or more above grade (IRC R312). Such guard shall be at least 36 inches in height. Open guardrails shall have intermediate rails or an ornamental pattern such t hat a 4 -inch diCannot pass 4" sphere ameter sphe re cannot pass between bal us-ters or through, i.e. op en sp ace the- bottom rail and floor between balusters must be less than 4 inches. Guardrail- Min. Hnndrail- Required 011 one side of stairs with 4 or more risers 34" - Open sides 0 f stairs with a total rise of mol' e tha n 30 inches abov e grade shall have guards not less than 34 inches in heig ht measured vert ically from each tread nosin g and shall not allow a sphere 4% inches to pass through. 13. 38" ,bove "'~-~~2~ r 36" height where deck flOOf exceeds 30 ft above grade 1 Cannot pass S" sphere through triangle formed by ri!Jef, tread and bottom rail tanding Grippablc handrails are required on at least 0 ne side of all st airways having 4 or mor e risers (lRC R311.5.6). The handrail must be continuous for the len gth of the stairs an d allow min. I Y, inches space between the rail and the wall or other obstructions. The handrail ends shall return into the newel posts or a wall. The handrail size must meet one of the following: --)/ C H/INDRAtL THAT IS NOT CI'<tCUU\R MUST HAVE APERIMf;TL:B OF 4 IN. F HANDRAIL W1TH CIRCuLAH Type I (c ross section perimeter less than 6\4 inches): See diagram fo r requirements -7. 11/4IN.MIN.l2IN.MAX DIAMETER ] ----Tr ,,- --.""".~".""~- .. ,,-,,., CIRCULAR. HANDRA!l MINI6'J" IN, MAX WITt-IA MAXIMUM CROSS SECTlQN DIMtNSION Of 1 1/. INCHES r-- 1", IN,-, -------- --, II{ll~t 001 IN "~Oll)s'/ 'Lr - I ~ NONC!RCLJLAR HANOf{AIL )iAND!M.1L, PEHIMETER:> 6114 IN. Type II (c ross sec tion pe rimeter greater tha n 6\4 inc hes): A graspable finger recess must be provided on both sides of the pr ofile a nd mee t the dime nsions in the dia gram -7. 4/1) 14. Include detail for atta ching deck at cantilevered floor framing. HOUSE CANTILEVER SPAN f 12" MIN. LEDGER ~ (CANTILEVER) ~ ~ PROJECTS BEYOND ~ ~ ~ II "~ HOUSE FOUNDATION~"" 1I:ij I g DotBLE II I ORr lPLE tlST I I I 8 II 15. Flashing is required wh ere the deck connects to wood-frame construction (MR 1309.0703). Approved corrosion-resistant flashing shall be applied shingle-fashion in such a manner to prevent water entering the building's structural framin g components. The flashing must ex tend to the surface of the ex terior wall finish. 16. The following materials may be used as deck components when exposed to the weather (for example posts, beams, joists, ledger and decking (IRC R319)): A. Approved wood with natural resistance to decay such as redwood or cedar. Cedar or redwood posts need an 8-inch separation from the ground. B. Approved treated wood. Columns or posts in contact with the ground or embedded in concrete, earth or masonry must be of special pressure treated wood approved for ground contact. C. Other rna terials suc has composite pia stics tha t ha ve pr ior a pproval from the Building Code s Department. ( Plastic/composite de cking must carry a n ICC-ES evaluation report. A list 0 f approved manufacturers and the corr esponding repotts are included on pa ges II and 12 of this packet.) 17. Recent chan ges in the chem icals used i n the manu fact ure of pressure-treated wood require ca reful consideration when choosing connectors, anchors and fasteners. The use of chromated copper arsenate, also known as CCA, h as been ph ased out and the most common new tr eatments approved for ou tdoor use are alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) and copper azole. According to the lumber and fastene r industry, the newer ch emicals bein g used to treat the wood approved fo r outdoor use ar e conside rably more corrosive than those previously treated with CCA and therefore require special hardware as well as greater care in the selection of materials that may come in contact with the wood. The fastener industry has indicated that some of the hardware currently on the market will fail prematurely with some of the new treatments. Particular attention needs to be paid to the grade marks on the lumber and verify that proper hardware (e.g. hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel) is compatible with the patticular treatment of the lumber. This not only applies to deck boards but sill plates, ledger boards and posts as well. The code references the American Wood Pr eservers Association THE AWPB QUALITY MARK A YEAROFTREATMENT ( information on this issue . Pa rticular attention .('. shoul d a Iso be ma de to the manu,a cturer's 111stallation instructions for the hardware. Questions should be dire eted to your wood and fastener supplier or the Building Official. -l:,---"i-----!-----r--.-----jE 0GIR'O"U'NDD'"'''' ······11. w p . _LP-22: ONTACTi,' . "u .".C '.~) i ."."-1°-"..'"'_......,.... D" ABC '1.2'~G90~~ESERVING! • :r ; "'--1;;;/'-'] B. ~:O~~R~OOD.PRESERVERSBUREAU c. THEPR'SERVAnv, U"D 'OR TREATMENT D. THE APPlICIIBLF. AMERICAN WOOD PRESERVERS BUREAU aUALrlYSTANDARD F:'. i~~~~~~!~g~~~~TAGENCYSUPERV!SING F. PROPER EXPOSURE CONDITIONS G. TREATING COMPANY AND PlANT LOCATION H. DRY OR KOAT W APPLICABLE G 5!l5 I SAMPLE DECK CONSTRUCTION RAIL BALUSTER - 30' -MlmffiW'l1 Less than 4" 4. ~lI,m:, Sia;mioM(.)~I~~ ,~ ..... - ",!'I~~:<",:"""~.• ~.,:,,,..a;,:.'"'!,""."',~ BEAM JOIST (BEST) See 8 tMflJ lind .. MANUFACTURED BEAM SUPPORT FCorl11g TiJoJ.;! See Jc>ISI Span r.hI> OECKING J 6' « I... SpIY) ,'1lI)(j U 0.'" 1 S' Sym Z' 1'.01l'£ Anrs/..~S' in bi;11flJ must t~ Ollif{ iJ .SU{}f!O!t Ali' t~d1tj$ at 2 or mote ffi'eInOOis s)"KI)/ 00 :.-LEDGER fkll1e-d UJg€!'.tne< Wifh 2 (DrtS of 16dNdfj:; ~J ALTERNATE ,('··O.C. BEAM POST :.fl'/ q. '. :.' . . -L'.IYIYl'- T,~ I.m,,,, POST- M~fh"t)Urrt !.W/M,inmwm (4X6'" ex6} Treated for ground Cc . ; • a~~?);~~q· Wa;h,,, S-M1t1' 91Z~ 89 joists fnsluJI L!r9 SCf1!\~ Ihat pijn~lr-8t~ 1 ! (0{ mlnirn ....m Inlo (\ffi j ti st l..'i wall studs.. iMinimum I'NO ~t' Lag: Sc,,,'NS f6', ' ,'>, . . ""er, NOTE; contact .JbJliJ hdllgetS fTftlst fJe c..orr~"t 51.nt tOt' jOist s/,re uS<!<!, BUILOING - ALTERNATE BEAM (GOOD) Pm« ~( + opprGvT-d lsstsfliif _ _ _ GRAOE 2" Minimum footing projection on all sides .... , ~+.+ l AL TERNA TE FOOTING CONCRETE PIER FOOTING I . 42" ~ BACKFILL MATERIAL Minimum Mlnmufi'; a..!:~- WOOD POST . Treated for ground contact ......,.;..;.- POURED CONCRETE FOOTING t I 'sb!? far..(e lor ~0\1(l!l'1 Slz~ 15 SIZING DECK COMPONENTS - REFER TO TABLES FOR JOIST, BEAM AND FOOTING SIZE REQUIREMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES. Example 1: a = 12'; Post Spacing = 8' Use the Maximum Joist Spans table to find the acceptable joist sizes for a 12' span based on the sp ecies of lumber your suppli er offers, e.g. Southern Pine 2x8s spaced at 16" on center (O.C.). Use the Beam and Footing Sizes table and find the 8' post spacing column. With a 12' total joist len gth, the be am may be ei ther two 2x 8s or two 2xlOs depending on wood used. The footing diameter at the base must be a minimum of 14" for each corner post and 19" for all intermediate posts. Example 2: a = 8', b = 2'; Post Spacing = 10' Use "a" to determine joist size and "a" + "2b" to determine beam and footing sizes. The length of "b" is restricted by both the length of "a" and the size of the joists. '-. , b • 8 , Example 3: Refer to the Maximum Joist Spans table. For an 8' joist span, 2x8s from any species could be used with 24" O.c. spacing. For sizing the beam, use ajoist length of 12' (8' + 4') and a post spacing of 10'. The Beam and Footing Sizes table indicates that the beam may be either two 2x I Os or two 2x 12s, depending on the wood species used. Th e footing diameter at the base must be a minimum of 15" for each corner post and 21" for all intermediate posts. a = 6', b = 7'; Post Spacing = 9' Use ",," or "b ", whichever is greater, to determine joist size. Use "a" + "b" to determine the size of Beam 1 and the post footing size for the footings supporting Beam 1. Use jOist length "b" to determine both the size of Beam 2 and the post(ooting size for the posts supporting Beam 2. a ,, 0 b 0 ,~~;~,~;~ a.am1 .... , ", Beam 2:- I L Joist size is de termined by usin g the Ion gest span joist ( 7'). Th e Maximum Joist Spans table indicates that 2x6s spaced at 24" O.C. would be adequ ate for this span. For Beam I and foot in gs, use a joist leng th of 13' (6' + 7 ') and a post spac ing of9'. The Beam and Footing Sizes table indicates that the beam may be two 2x lOs or two 2x 12s depending on the wood speci es used. The footing diameters for Beam I posts shall be a minimum of 15" for the corner (outside) posts and 21 for all intermediate posts. 4For Beam 2 and footin gs use ajoist leng th of 7' and post spacin g of9 '. The beam ma y be two 2x8s or two 2x10s depending on the wood species used. Th e footing diameters for Beam 2 must be a minimu m of 12" for the corner posts and 16" for all intermediate posts. IMPORTANT NOTE: If adding a screen porch or 3-season porch on the deck platform may be a future consideration, please note the following: • Setbacks for porches are not the same as setbacks for decks. • Footing and posts are located at the edges of the deck (no cantilevers) and sized appropriately. 7/15 MAXIMUM JOIST SPANS (A 2-FOOT CANTILEVER CAN BE ADDED) SEE NEXT PAGE FOR BEAM AND FOOTING SIZES Table assumes on No.2 or better wood grades. Naturally decay resistant or treated for weather and/or ground exposure. (Design load = 40 psf LL + 10 psf DL, Deflection = Ll360) Species or Group Southern Pine Douglas Fir-Larch Douglas Fir-South Hem-Fir Spruce- Pine-Fir Western Woods ffiTI ~ 2x6 spacing in center 12" 16" 2x8 spacing on center 12" I 16" 10'-4" 9'-5" 13'-8" 12'_5" 17'-5" 15'·10" 21'.2 11 18'.10 11 10'-9" 9'-9" 14'-2" 12'-7" 17'-9" \5'-5" 20'-7" 17'_10 11 9'-9" 8'-10" 12'-\0" 11'-8" 16'-5 11 14'-11 " 19'·11 " 17'·7" 10'-0" 9'-111 13'-2" 12'_0n 16'-10" 15'.2 11 20'_4" 17'-7" 10'-3" 9'-4" 13'-6" 12'-3" 17'-3" 15'-5" 20'-7" 17'-10" 9'-2" 8'-4" 12'·1 " 11'-0" 15'-5" 13'·6" 18'·1 " 15'-8" Knowwhars below. Call before you dig. CALL 2 x 10 spacing on center 12" I 16" 2 x 12 spacing on center 16" 12" 811 AT LEAST 2 FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. www.caIl811. com 0 R I BEAM AND FOOTING SIZES Species or Group 6' 7' 8' 9' .... Q) > ~ oS! :g10' nI <.l Cl C "'C ..211 ' <.l C .. ::=. .r:. Cl C Q) ..J .... '0 ..., 12' I/) 13' 14' 15' 16' Post Spacing 4' (1) 2x6 (1) 2x6 (1) 2x6 Western Woods 1 (1) 2x6 Corner Footing 8 Intermediate Footing 10 (1) 2x6 Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir (1) 2x6 Southern Pine (1) 2x6 Western Woods 1 (1) 2x6 Corner Footing 8 Intermediate FootinQ 11 Douglas Fir-Larch (1) 2x6 Hem-Fir (1) 2x6 Douglas Fir·Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate FootinQ Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate Footing Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate Footing Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate Fooling Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate FootinQ Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate FootinQ Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate FootinQ Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate FootinQ Douglas Fir-Larch Hem-Fir Southern Pine Western Woods Corner Footing Intermediate Footing gl2X6 1 2x6 8 12 (1) 2x6 (1) 2x8 2X6 1 2x6 9 12 (1) 2x6 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x6 (1) 2x6 9 13 (1) 2x6 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x6 (2) 2x6 9 13 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x8 (2) 2x6 10 14 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x8 m 5' (1) 2x6 (1) 2x6 (1) 2x6 2x6 8 12 (1) 2x6 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x6 2x6 9 12 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x6 1 (2) 2x6 9 13 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x8 (1) 2x6 i (2) 2x6 10 13 (1) 2x8 (2) 2x6 (1) 2x6 1 (1) 2x6 10 14 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 1 (2) 2x6 10 15 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 1 (2) 2x6 11 15 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 il) il) g~ 2x8 I ~~~2 2x6 2x6 10 14 (1) 2x8 (2) 2x6 11 16 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 I (2) 2x8 12 16 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 1 (2) 2x8 12 17 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x6 1 (2) 2x8 12 17 2 2x6 g~ 2x8 2 2x6 10 14 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 1 12i 2x6 11 15 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 ~~~ 2x6 2 2x6 11 15 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11 ' 12' (1) 2x8 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x12 (1) 2x8 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x12 (2) 2x8 (1) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 1 (1) 2x8 (2) 2x8 1 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x8 1 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 1 (2) 2x12 12 9 10 10 12 13 11 13 14 14 16 17 18 15 (1) 2x8 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x12 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl 0 (2) 2x12 (2) 2x12 (1)2x8 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (1) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 1 (1) 2x8 (2) 2x8 1 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 1 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl 0 1 (2) 2x12 10 11 12 13 10 12 13 18 13 14 15 16 17 19 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x12 (2) 2x12 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl 0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x12 (3) 2xl 0 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x6 2 2x8 2xl0 1 (2)2xl0 (2) 2xl0 1 (3) 2x10 I (2) 2x8 1 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 ~~~ 13 10 11 12 12 13 14 16 18 19 14 15 17 20 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x12 (3) 2xl0 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x6 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2x12 (2) 2x12 (3) 2xl0 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x8 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x6 (2) 2x8 (2) 2xl0 (2) 2xl 0 (2) 2x12 ~~~ 2x8 1 12i 2x8 (2i 2xl0 2 2xl0 I (2i 2xl0 i3i 2xl0 1(3) 2xl0 . 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Not all products are approved for use on stairs. International Code Council-Evaluation Services Visit for latest updates Contact the Building Official for new listings. Product Name Manufacturer Ev A.E.R.T. Choicedek Decking Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc. Andersen Corp. Engineered Decking Andersen Corp. Boardwalk Composite Lumber Certainteed Corp. Brock Deck & Triple Crown Fence Royal Crown Ltd. Bufftech Certain teed Corp. Carefree Decking System & Guardrail System U.S. Plastic Lumber Ltd. C-Clip Vinyl Deck System Kroy Building Products, Inc. CertainTeed PVC Deck Planks & Railing Systems Certainteed Corp. CorrectDeck Correct Bldg. Products Country Estate Railing System Nebraska Plastics, Inc. Crown Stock Fiberglass Column Crown Column & Millwork, LLC Deck Lok Royal Crown Limited Dream Deck & Dream Rail Thermal Industries, Inc. Endurance Railing System Railing Dynamics, Inc. eON 5/4" x 5% Deck Board & Bullnose Deck Board CPI Plastics Group Ltd Epoch Composite Lumber & Evergrain Decking Epoch Composite Products Evernew Certainteed Corp. EverX Wood Plastic Composite Deck Board UFP Ventures II, Inc. Evolve Lumber Plastic Decking Renew Plastics Fiberon Deck Boards & Fiberail Guardrail System Fiber Composites, LLC GeoDeck Decking & Railing System Kadant Composites, Inc. Kroy Vinyl Railing System Kroy Building Products, Inc. Lakeshore BlueLinx Corp. Liberty Decking _ _Outdoor Technologies, Inc. Life Long Composite Brite Manufacturing, Inc. Master Mark Rhino Composite Decking Monarch Decking Master Mark Plastic Products Green Tree Composites aluation Report NER-596 NER-614 NER-576 NER-705 NER-605 97-63.01 21-90 NER-605 NER-688 21-76 2405 ESR-1051 97-55 NER-701 ESR-1300 NER-630, ESR-1625 NER-605 NER-682 NER-702 22-41 21-71 22-33 NER-682 22-39 ESR-1278 (Solid), ESR-1279 (Hollow) ER-6134 ESR-1084 Continued on next page. 11115 Country Estate Railing System Perma-Deck Perma-Poly Lumber Plastic Decking Premier Composite Decking & Railing System Nebraska Plastics, Inc. (Rohlfing's) Plastiques Cascades, Inc. Renew Plastics Composatron Mfg., Inc. Presidio Vinyl Decking Procell Decking System Profection Deck Boards Pro Perfect Decking Quick Rail Synthetic Rail System Sheerline PVC Decking & Railing Teck Deck Flooring & Guardrail Systems Tek-Rail Vinyl Guardrail System Timberlast TimberTech Decking & Railing Trex Composite Lumber & Wood-polymer Composite Lumber Tri-Ex Composite Guardrail Ultradeck Veranda Weatherbest Composite Decking & Railing West Lumber Decking Xtendex Composite Decking & Guardrail System Yardcrafters Vinyl Railing Systems Westech Procell, LLC Fiber Composites, LLC Fiber Composites, LLC Dixie Pacific L.B. Plastics, Inc. Outdoor Technologies, Inc. Tek-Rail, Inc. Kroy Building Products TimberTech Limited Trex Company, Inc. 21-76 21-91 NER-702 NER-682 (Decking), NER-709 (Railing) NER-710 ESR-1667 22-41 22-41 22-22 NER-571 21-26 9850C NER-682 2325, ESR-1400 ER-5747, NER-508 Tri-Ex Composites, Inc. Midwest Mfg. Extrusion UFP Ventures II, Inc .. Louisiana-Pacific Corp. JRW-RDW, Inc. Composite Building Products Int'l., Inc. GSW Building Products 22-22 ESR-1674 NER-682 NER-603 2310 NER-695 NER-697 12/15 Northfield ~ ? Residential Decks Information Sheet Building Permits Required for any deck attached to a structure or any detached deck more than 30 inches above grade. Flashing All connections between deck and dwelling shall be weatherproof. Cuts in exterior finish shall be flashed. Setbacks A deck, earthwork, step, patio, free-standing solar device other than in a front setback, or other site design element that exceeds a height of 18 inches above the surrounding grade at anyone point shall be subject to minimum setback and build-la-line requirements established in the Land Development Code Nails and screws Use only stainless steel, high strength aluminium or hot-dipped galvanized. Wood required A deck, earthwork, step. patio, free-standing solar device other than in a front setback, or other site design element that is placed directly upon grade and does not exceed a height of 18 inches above the surrounding grade at anyone point shall be exempt from minimum setback and build-la-line requirements established in the Land Development Code. No portion ofa swimming pool, hot tub, spa, related deck, or re lated appurtenance shall be located beyond the front building setback line nor within any public or private utility and/or drainage easement or ingress or egress easement, and they shall also meet the following minimum setbacks: (a) Interior side or rear property line: five feet. (b) Corner side property line: 15 feet. All exposed wood is required to be approved wood with natural resistance to decay (redwood, cedar, etc.) or approved treated wood. This includes posts, beams, joists, decking and railings. Any composite or plastic decking materials must be approved by Building Inspection prior to installation. Stairs Minimum width is 36 inches. Maximum rise is 7-3/4 inches, minimum rise is 4 inches. Minimum run is 10 inches. Largest tread width or riser height shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. Maximum 4 inch opening at risers greater than 30 inches above grade. See Single-Family Stairways/Guards. Illumination Frost footings All exterior stairways shall be illuminated at the landing to the stairway. Illumination shall be controlled from inside the dwelling or automatically activated. Required for any deck attached to a dwelling, porch or garage that has frost footings. The minimum depth to the base of the footing is 42 inches. Handrails Live Load All decks shall be designed to support a minimum li ve load of 40 pounds per square foot. Guards/guardrails Required on all decks or stairs more than 30 inches above grade or a lower deck. See page four for illustration. Exception: On an open stairway, the triangular opening formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail must be sized so that a six inch sphere cannot pass through. Cantilevers: Overhanging joists Joists should not overhang beams by more than two feet, nor should beams overhang posts by more than one foot unless a special design is approved. The top shall be placed not less than 34 inches or more than 38 inches above the nosing of the treads. Stairways having four or more risers shall have at least one handrail with handrail ends returned or terminated in posts. Circu lar hand grips shall be between 1-114 inches to 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. See Single-Family Stairways/GlIards. Special design note Some designs may not be appropriate if a screen porch or 3season porch on the deck platform is a future consideration. Porch and deck setbacks are not the same. Footings inspection required before pouring concrete. Framing inspection required prior to decking if joists are less than 24 inches off the ground. Final inspection of completed work required. Framing Details Header beams and joists that frame into ledgers or beams shall be supported by approved framing anchors such as joist hangers. Comm unity Development Building and in spection 80 I Washington Street Northfield. MN 55057 PH 507-645-3004 FAX 507·645-3055 TrY 507-645-3030 Joist span Based on No.2 or better wood grades. (Design Load = 40#LL + 10#DL, Deflection= U3S0) Ponderosa pine 2xS Southern pine 12"OC IS"OC 24"OC 9·2 8-4 7·2 10-6 12"OC 2x8 12·1 11·0 9·0 13-8 2x12 18·1 15·8 12·10 19-1 16"OC Western cedar 24"OC 12"OC IS"OC 24"OC 9-4 7-7 8·10 8-0 7-0 11-10 9-8 11·8 10-7 9-2 16-6 13-6 18·1 16-0 13·0 Sample calculations for using joist span, beam size and footing size tables Case I solution: Refer to tables for joist, beam and footing size requirements. Example: a = 12 feet; Post spacing = 8 feet a Use the joist span table to find the acceptable joist sizes for a 12 foot span, 2x8s at 12 inches O.C., 2xl0s at 16 inches O.C. or 2x12s at 24 inches O.C. Use the Beam and footing sizes table and find the 8 foot post spacing column. With a 12 foot deck span, the beam may be either two 2x8s or two 2xl0s, depending on wood used. Depending on the type of soil, the footing diameter at the base must be a minimum of 12 inches, 10 inches or 9 inches for the corner post and 17 inches, 14 inches or 12 inches for all intermediate posts. Use "a "to determine joist size and "a"+ "2b"to determine beam and footing sizes. The length of "b"is restricted by both the length of "a"and the size of the joists. Case II solution: Example: a = 8 feet, b = 2 feet, Post spacing = 10 feet , b , a ', - ', Refer to the joist span table. For an 8 foot joist span, either 2x8s at 24 inches O.C. or 2x6s at 16 inches O.C are acceptable. For sizing the beam, use a joist length of 12 feet (8 feet + 4 feet) and a post spacing of 10 feet. The beam and footing sizes table indicates that the beam may be either two 2xl0s or two 2x12s, depending on wood used. Depending on the type of soil, the footing diameter at the base must be a minimum of 15 inches, 12 inches or 11 inches for the corner post and 20 inches, 17 inches or 15 inches for all intermediate posts. Note that because of the 2 foot cantilever all footing sizes were increased by 1 inches as required by footnote 2 at the end of the table. Use "a" or "b': whichever is greater, to determine joist size. Use "a" + "b" to determine the size of Beam 1. and the post footing size for the posts supporting Beam 1. Use joist length "b" to determine both the size of Beam 2 and the post footing size for the posts supporting Beam 2. Case III solution: a b' Beam 1 ... Beam 2 , _-I " Example: a = 6 feet, b = 7 feet, Post spacing = 9 feet Joist size is determined by using the longest span joist (7 feet). The joist span table indicates that 2x6s at 24" O.C. would be adequate for this span. For Beam 1 and footings, use a joist length of 13 feet (6 feet + 7 feet) and a post spacing of 9 feet. The beam and footing sizes table indicates that the beam may be two 2xl0s or two 2x12s, depending on the wood used. Depending on the type of soil, the footing diameters for Beam 1 posts shall be 13 inches, 11 inches or 9 inches for the corner (outside) post and 19 inches, 15 inches or 13 inches for all intermediate posts. For Beam 2 and footings use a joist length of 7 feet and post spacing of 9 feet. The beam may be two 2x8s or two 2xl0s, depending on wood used. Depending on the type of soil, the footing diameters for Beam 2 shall be 10 inches, 8 inches or 7 inches for the corner posts, and 14 inches, 11 inches or 10 inches for all intermediate posts. web_53adeck pg 2 of 4 (OS/07) Beam and footing sizes Based on No, 2 or better Ponderosa Pine and Southern Pine Postspacin Southern Pine Beam Ponderosa Pine Beam S' Corner Footing Intermediate Footing 4' 5' S' 7' S' 9' 10' 11' 12' 13' 14' 1-2x6 1-2x6 l,2x6 1-2x6 l,2x6 1-2x8 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2-2xl0 3-2xl0 6 5 4 9 8 7 7 6 5 10 8 7 7 S 5 10 9 7 876 11 9 8 9 7 6 12 10 9 9 7 6 1310 9 10 8 7 14 11 10 2-2xB 2-2xl0 10 8 7 14 12 10 1-2x6 1-2x6 1-2x6 1-2x8 2-2x6 2-2xB 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2x8 2-2xl0 7 6 5 10 8 7 876 11 9 8 9 7 6 1210 9 9 8 7 13 11 9 10 8 7 14 11 10 1-2x6 1-2x6 1-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2x8 7 6 5 10 8 7 8 6 6 11 9 8 976 12 10 9 987 13 11 9 1-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x8 8 7 6 1210 8 Southern Pine Beam 1-2x6 Ponderosa Pine Beam 1-2x6 7' 7 5 5 Corner Footing Intermediate Footing 9 8 7 Southern Pine Beam Ponderosa Pine 8eam 8' Corner Footing Intermediate Footing Southern Pine Beam 1-2x6 Ponderosa Pine Beam 1-2x6 9' Corner Footing 7 6 5 Intermediate Footing 10 9 7 -'" .<: 01 ~ ..,.~ Southern Pine Beam 1-2x6 Ponderosa Pine 8eam 1-2x6 10' Corner Footing 8 6 6 Intermediate Footing 11 9 8 1-2x6 Southern Pine Beam Ponderosa Pine Beam 2-2x6 11' Corner Footing 876 Intermediate Footing 12 9 8 Southern Pine Beam 1-2x6 Ponderosa Pine Beam 2-2x6 12' Corner Footing 976 Intermediate Footing 1210 9 Southern Pine Beam 1-2x6 Ponderosa Pine Beam 2-2x6 13' Corner Footing 9 7 6 Intermediate Footing 1310 9 Southern Pine Beam 1-2x6 Ponderosa Pine Beam 2-2x6 14' Corner Footing 9 8 7 Intermediate Footing 13 11 9 2-2x6 Southern Pine Beam Ponderosa Pine Beam 2-2x6 15' Corner Footing 10 8 7 Intermediate Footing 14 11 10 Southern Pine 8eam 2·2x6 Ponderosa Pine 8eam 2-2x6 16' Corner Footing 10 8 7 Intermediate Footing 1411 10 10 9 7 151210 11 9 8 151311 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2-2xl0 3-2xl0 10 8 7 1512 10 11 9 8 15 13 11 11 9 8 1613 11 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 3-2xl0 10 8 7 14 1110 10 8 7 15 12 10 11 9 8 16 13 11 11 9 8 16 13 12 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2xlO 2-2x8 2-2'10 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 3-2xl0 976 1310 9 10 8 7 14 11 10 10 9 7 15 12 10 11 9 8 1613 11 1210 8 1714 12 12 10 9 171412 1310 9 181513 1-2x6 1-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2-2x12 3-2xl0 9 7 6 12 10 9 10 8 7 14 11 10 10 8 7 151210 11 9 8 1613 11 1210 8 17 14 ·12 1210 9 17 14 12 2-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 2-2x12 9 7 6 13 11 9 10 8 7 14 12 10 11 9 8 1512 10 12 9 8 1613 11 2-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 10 8 7 14 11 10 10 9 7 151210 2-2x6 2-2x6 1210 9 1714 12 2-2x12 3-2xl0 1210 9 171412 1310 9 1815 13 2-2x12 3-2xl0 2-2x12 3-2x12 11 9 8 161311 2-2x12 3-2xl0 1210 9 17 1412 2-2x12 3-2x12 13 11 9 18 15 13 3-2xl0 3-2x12 13 11 9 19 15 13 14 11 10 201614 2-2x12 3-2x12 3-2xl0 3-2x12 3-2xl0 Eng 8m 13 11 9 18 15 13 14 11 10 191614 141210 2016 14 2-2xlO 2-2x12 2-2x12 3-2,10 2-2x12 3-2x12 3-2xl0 3-2x12 1210 9 17 14 12 13 11 9 17 14 12 14 11 10 181513 1412 10 191614 15 12 10 2016 14 15 13 11 21 1715 2-2x8 2-2xlO 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2-2x10 2-2x12 2-2x12 3-2x12 3-2xl0 3-2x12 3-2xl0 EngBm 3-2x12 Eng 8m 11 9 8 1613 11 12 10 9 17 1412 1310 9 181513 1411 10 1916 14 14 12 10 201614 1512 10 211715 15 13 11 2218 15 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2x8 2-2x12 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2-2x12 3-2x12 3-2xl0 3-2x12 10 8 7 14 12 10 11 9 8 15 13 11 1210 8 171412 13 10 9 181513 13 11 9 191513 1412 10 2016 14 1512 10 21 1715 3-2x12 Eng 8m 16 13 11 231916 2-2x6 2-2x8 2-2x6 2·2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2xlO 2-2x12 2-2xl0 3-2xl0 2-2x12 3-2x12 3-2xl0 3-2x12 10 8 7 15 12 10 11 9 8 16 13 11 12 10 9 17 14 12 13 11 9 18 15 13 14 11 10 201614 15 12 10 21 17 15 1513 11 22 18 15 2-2x6 2-2x8 2·2x8 2-2xl0 2-2x12 2·2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 3-2xl0 3-2xlO 2-2x12 3-2x12 3·2xl0 3-2x12 11 9 8 15 12 11 1210 8 171412 1310 9 181513 14 11 10 191614 14 12 10 20 17 14 15 12 11 21 17 15 2-2x6 2-2x8 2·2x8 2-2x8 2-2xl0 2-2xl0 3-2xlO 2-2x12 2-2xl0 3-2xl0 11 9 8 16 13 11 12 10 9 171412 13 11 9 1815 13 14 1110 20 16 14 151210 21 17 15 Notes: d. 1513 11 221815 151210 21 17 15 3-2x12 Eng 8m 16 13 11 23 1816 3-2x12 Eng Bm 17 1412 24 1917 3-2x12 3-2x12 3-2x12 Eng 8m Eng Bm Eng Bm 1613 11 231816 17 14 12 24 19 17 17 1412 242017 EngBm Eng 8m 3-2x12 3-2x12 Eng Bm Eng Bm 16 13 11 22 18 16 17 14 12 231917 171412 2420 17 2-2x12 3-2x12 3-2xl0 3-2x12 3-2x12 Eng 8m 3-2x12 Eng 8m 16 13 11 2218 16 16 13 12 23 19 16 17 14 12 242017 18 15 13 2521 18 18 15 13 252118 Eng 8m Eng 8m 18 1513 26 21 18 Beam sizes indicated need not be altered. 1. Joist length is total length of joist, including any cantilevers. 2. When joist extends (cantilevers) beyond support beam by 18 inches ar more, add 1 inches to foating dimensians shown. 3. Requirements for future 3-season porches ar screen porches: a. Increase corner footing size shown by 90%. b. Increase center footing size shown by 55%. c. Locate all footings at extremities of deck (no cantilevers). 4. All footing sizes above are base diameters (in inches) and are listed for THREE SOIL TYPES: ------_._---_._._-------.--------Corner Footing Intermediate Footing CLAY SAND _._1r~VEL 10 8 7 14 11 10 web_53adeck P9 3 of 4 {O8/07} RAIL BALUSTER 36" Min. BEAMjg~~~~~~~~~--~JO~I~ST;-~D;E~CK~I~N~G~--~ (BEST) See Beam and Footing Table NOTES: Any splices MANUFACTURED BEAM SUPPORT over a support. All beams of 2 or . Joists restimBOTH l11embersof beam. more members shall be nailed together with 2 rows of 16d Nails at 16" D.C. _ d"i''!'!!J', POST -+I~-+I POST--i 16" or less Span: 1" and 5/4" OVer 16" Span: 2" ALTERNATE BEAM (BETTER) in beam must be 31/2" Minimum See Joist Span Table Two 1/2" carriage bolts wilh washers 51/2" Minimum (4X6 or 6X6) Same size as joists. Install lag screws that penetrate 11/2" minimum into rim joist or wall studs. (Minimum two 3/8" lag screws every 16") NOTE: JOist hangers must be correct size for joist size Pin or other approved fastener ---~ 31/2" Minimum N\ . ~ 42" BUILDING GRADE ~ '. .' .- • .• used. [:.- Min. PIER ---+: FOOTING .. One 1/2" carriage bolt with washer if 2"X8" or ' - larger beam. " Two 5/a" bolts with washers through manufactured beam support. ALTERNATE FOOTING 1+-- BACKFILL MATERIAL . . WOOD POST t I See Table for Footing Size web_53adeck pg 4 of 4 (08107) POURED CONCRETE FOOTING Department of Labor and Industry Construction Codes and Licensing Division 443 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: (651) 284-5012 or 1-800-657-3944 TTY: (651) 297-4198 Fax: (651) 284-5749 The State of Minnesota adopts a set of construction standards known as the Minnesota State Building Codes (MSBC). The MSBC contains safety requirements relating to structure, mechanical, plumbing, energy, electrical, elevators, manufactured buildings and life safety. The information in this brochure is for general reference for residential construction projects. Contact your municipal building official regarding permits and specific code requirements for residential construction within your community. To confirm if your contractor is licensed in Minnesota contact the: Department of Labor and Industry Residential Building Contractors Phone: (651) 284-5069 or 1-800-657-3944 E-mail: Guidelines for planning the construction of a deck. Decks and platforms are required to meet the land-use requirements of the community’s zoning code. An important first step is to contact the local planning and zoning department with questions. A municipality may require permit fees, plan reviews and inspections Permit fees are established by the municipality. The plan review is done by the building official in order to spot potential problems or pitfalls that may arise. The building official may make notes on the plan for your use. Inspections are performed at various stages of construction to verify code compliance. Actual permit costs can be obtained by calling your local building inspection department with your estimated construction value. Your building inspector will need: 1. An application for permit. 2. A site plan or survey. 3. A deck plan with all applicable structural details. Required inspections 05-07 Gopher State One Call Call at least two full business days before you dig. Phone: 811 or (651) 454-0002 DECKS Building permits are required for all decks that are attached to the home or are 30 inches or more above grade. Decks and platforms not more than 30 inches above adjacent grade and not attached to a structure with frost footings, do not require a building permit and may require a zoning or land-use permit. 1. Footings: After the holes are dug, but prior to pouring of concrete! 2. Framing: To be made after framing is completed. This inspection can be completed at the time of the final inspection if all parts of the framing will be visible and accessible with prior approval of the building official. 3. Final: Is done after completion. Setbacks from property lines vary depending upon the city and zoning district your home is located in. Contact the building department in your community for the requirements in your location. This is an important first step in the planning for any deck project. Notice regarding pressure-treated wood When a pressure-preservative-treated wood is used, it must comply with the American Wood Preservers Association Ul Standard based on exposure (exterior) and use (above ground or ground contact). The lumber must bear the quality mark (stamp or end tag) of an approved inspection agency. Designers, builders and home owners need to verify that proper hardware (hangers, nails, brackets) are appropriate with the particular treatment of the lumber. This not only applies to decks utilizing these products, but sill plates and posts as well. Additional information is available online at OpinionDivisionBuilding.asp. General building code requirements The 2007 Minnesota State Building Code adopts the 2006 International Residential Code (2006 IRC). All "R" code references provided in this brochure pertain to the 2006 IRC. a. Footings must extend to frost depth (if attached to the house). b. Decks need to be designed for a 40-poundper-square-foot live load and balconies to a 60-pound-per-square-foot live load. Decks exposed to the weather must be constructed of approved wood with natural resistance to decay such as redwood, cedar or treated wood. Ledger boards must be bolted or lagged to the building and all connections between the deck and dwelling must be flashed. Before using alternative building products, check with your local building official. Construction Codes and Licensing minnesota department of labor & industry Permits c. Columns and posts in contact with the ground or embedded in concrete, earth or masonry must be of pressure-treated wood approved for ground contact. d. Cedar or redwood posts need an 8-inch separation from the ground. e. All decks, balconies or porches, open sides of landings and stairs that are more than 30 inches above grade or a floor below must be protected by a guard not less than 36 inches in height. Grade is measured at edge of structure. 2006 IRC guard opening limitations states required guard on open sides of stairways, raised floor areas, balconies and porches shall have intermediate rails or ornamental closures which do not allow passage of a sphere 4 inches (102mm) or more in diameter. Exceptions: 1. The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom rail of a guard at the open side of a stairway are permitted to be of such a size that a sphere 6 inches (152 mm) cannot pass through. 2. Openings for required guards on the sides of stair treads shall not allow a sphere 43/8 inches (107 mm) to pass through (R312.2). f. If a stairway is to be provided, it must be no less than 36 inches in width. Stairways may be constructed having an 73/4-inch-maximum rise (height) and a 10-inch-minimum run (length). The largest tread rise and tread run may not exceed the smallest corresponding tread rise or run by more than 3/8 inch. Stairway illumination is required by the code. Open risers are permitted, provided the opening between the treads does not permit the passage of a 4-inch-diameter sphere. g. Handrails are required on all stairways having four or more risers. All required handrails shall be of the following types or provide equivalent graspability. Sample site plan Alley The top of handrail must be not less than 34 inches nor more than 38 inches above the nosing (front edge) of treads and they must be returned to a wall or post. h. The electrical code requires overhead power lines to be located a minimum of 10 feet above decks and platforms. Existing lines may need to be raised if a new deck is to be installed beneath them. i. When locating a deck, care must be given to the location of outside gas and electric meters, wells and septic systems. These may need to be relocated to allow for construction of the deck. Septic systems and wells may be difficult to relocate, requiring an alternative location for the deck. Contact your local building department prior to placement of any deck that will interfere with these devices. j. Some communities use a remote outside water-meter-reading device that may need to be relocated to allow for construction of a deck. These devices must be relocated properly and may require special tools. Prior to placement of any deck that will interfere with the operation or accessibility of the reader, contact your local building department or water department to obtain information and procedures about relocating these devices. Note: For specific code requirements, please contact your local building department. Plans: Site, floor and elevation The text and sample drawings below show the minimum detail expected to ensure the permit process proceeds smoothly. Two sets of each site, floor and elevation plan are required. Plans do not need to be professionally drawn. Plans should include all of the information requested and drawn to scale. A certificate of survey or site plan should be drawn to scale that indicates the lot dimensions, the location and size of the existing structure(s) and the location and a size of the proposed structure. Indicate the setbacks from property lines of the existing and proposed structure(s). Include the septic system area and wells, if applicable. Floor plan 1. Proposed deck size. 2. Size and spacing of floor joists. 3. Size and type of decking material. 4. Size, type, location and spacing of posts. 5. Size and type of beams. Sample elevation plan Dimension Show beam size Proposed deck A 4-inch sphere cannot pass through Garage Show footing size and depth Existing home Dimension Driveway Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension 2. Type II. Handrails with a perimeter greater than 61/4 inches (160 mm) shall provide a graspable finger recess area on both sides of the profile. The finger recess shall begin within a distance of 3/4 inch (19 mm) measured vertically from the tallest portion of the profile and achieve a depth of at least 5/16 inch (8 mm) within 7/8 inch (22 mm) below the widest portion of the profile. This required depth shall continue for at least 3/8 inch (10 mm) to a level that is not less than 13/4 inches (45 mm) below the tallest portion of the profile. The minimum width of the handrail above the recess shall be 11/4 inches (32 mm) to a maximum of 23/4 inches (70 mm). Edges shall have a minimum radius of 0.01 inch (0.25 mm). (R311.5.6.3). Sample floor plan Dimension Dimension 1. Type I. Handrails with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of at least 11/4 inches (32 mm) and not greater than 2 inches (51 mm). If the handrail is not circular it shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4 inches (102 mm) and not greater than 61/4 inches (160 mm) with a maximum cross section of dimension of 21/4 inches (57 mm). Show post size and spacing Railing height Handrail height Show size and direction of decking Show joist size and spacing Show type of lumber Height above grade Rise Run Footing depth Existing home Curb cut Center line of street provide scale Ledger joist hanger 10 foot minimum clearance provide scale Exception: 43/8 inches per 2006 IRC, R312.2 provide scale Elevation plan 1. Height of structure from grade. 2. Size and depth of footings. 3. Guard height and spacing (if any). 4. Stairway rise or run and handrail height (if any). 5. Clearance of overhead wires (if applicable). Typical Deck Plan Review Comments The following comments are typical to any uncovered deck construction. All of the following items may not be applicable to your project. 1. Call for inspections a minimum of 24 hours in advance. The City will do everything possible to accommodate your schedule but inspections are on a first come basis. 2. Two sets of completed construction documents are required including a site plan or property survey at the time the permit application is submitted for review. The following information must be provided on the drawings: Size and type of material to be used (joist, beams, post) etc. Footing sizes and depth (see information below for frost depth), railing details (if applicable), Stair detail (rise, run, handrail and guardrail). 3. The inspections required for a deck are footing inspection, which is performed after the holes are dug and before the concrete is placed. The second is framing which is done after all the framing is done but before covering. The third is a final inspection when everything is complete. On most decks that are over 48” off the ground the framing and final can be performed at the same time as the inspector can see the framing from the ground. 4. Have the Permit Card and Job Site Plans available for the inspector at the site. 5. All footings must be a minimum of 42” deep and sized to support the design loads as shown on the approved plans. Please note the approved footing size may not be what was submitted. The bottom 8” to 14” of the footings should be flared to prevent uplift. 6. The minimum footing thickness at the bottom is 8” for footings up to 16” in diameter. For footings 17” to 20” in diameter the bottom thickness should be a minimum of 10”. For footings 21” through 30” in diameter the bottom should be a minimum thickness of 12” and footings over 31” in diameter the minimum thickness should be 14”. 7. The ledger at the house must be adequately attached to support the design loads. Typically a minimum of 2 rows of 3/8” galvanized lag or carriage bolts every 16” is required. The house construction will determine the correct attachment. Manufactured house rims may have a special attachment requirement. 8. The ledger must be flashed and sealed to prevent moisture entry. Ledgers must not be placed over the existing house siding. 9. Cantilevered floor systems in the existing house are typically not designed to support the weight of a deck. Additional footings and beams may be required for adequate support. 10. All beams are required to be two members. DO NOT bolt beams to the sides of a post. All beams must bear FULLY on the posts. See the handout for specifics. 11. If during construction the builder has additional questions the inspection division will review any questions or will come to the site to review site conditions and project changes. There is no additional fee for this service. Property Line Information The following are some tips on finding the iron survey stakes that mark your property lines: 1. Obtain a Certificate of Survey. The Building Inspection Department at City Hall has many surveys available. 2. Measure from the curb to where the property corners should be. This is the boulevard width and is typically 8-12 feet from the curb. The survey stakes are typically under the sod and you may have to dig for them. 3. Utility boxes (cable TV and electric) are typically on the property line or close to the property line. 4. Rent a metal detector to help you find the survey stakes that are buried. 5. Log on to Gopher State One Call, or call (651) 454-0002 to have your utility lines marked before digging. 6. Hire a surveyor to come out and survey your property. The City of Northfield does not have surveyors to perform this service. 7. Visit the county websites for more information: Rice County: Dakota County: CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY The City of Northfield will require Certificates of Survey with applications for building permits for new buildings, additions, attached or detached garages, or any alterations to the location or exterior dimensions of existing buildings. INFORMATION REQUIRED: The Certificate must be signed and dated by a land surveyor registered with the State of Minnesota and shall include the following minimum information: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) Location of property corners; Location of lot lines and of offset stakes set on lot lines along the front and rear of building extensions; Location of all drainage and utility easements; Location of setbacks; Location of driveways; Distance from buildings to lot lines; Existing elevations of buildings, lot corners, and top of curbs; Proposed house and floor elevations for top of foundation block, garage floor, and lowest level floor; Locations and ground elevations for the corners of buildings, located on adjacent parcels, which are nearest to the building for which the application for permit is being made; Legal description; Arrows showing direction of drainage; North directional arrow; Measurement scale; and Such other information as may be required by the Building Official and City Engineer to determine the effect of construction on drainage, easements, and lot lines, and to determine compliance with City ordinances, codes and regulations. EXCEPTIONS: 1) Generally, Certificate of Surveys will not be required for sheds, decks, and swimming pools; however, a site plan will be required that includes setbacks on all sides, a north arrow, location of adjacent streets, changes in drainage patterns, and address. 2) Any interior work or exterior work that does not alter the location or exterior dimensions of the existing buildings. 3) Permitted Encroachments as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the Northfield Ordinance Code. CONDITIONS FOR WAIVING A CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY: 1) The Building Official may waive the Certificate of Survey requirement for additions when a Certificate of Survey is on file with the City. 2) The Building Official may waive the survey requirements where it can be determined that the construction will have a minimum impact on drainage, easements and lot lines, and compliance with city ordinances, codes, and regulations, through other reasonable means. ADDRESS:_______________________________________________ DATE:_______________________ BUILDING PERMIT SITE PLAN MINIMUM SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Drawing must be to scale (1” = 30’) Indicate address or legal description Indicate lot dimensions Indicate all easements Indicate building setbacks Show building location on site plan I the undersigned state that this is a true and correct drawing of the property shown above and have included lot dimensions, easements, building location and other property restrictions as required. __________________________________________________ APPROVED:________________________________________ Date:___________________________ Zoning Administrator ~ (£111 ,~ Minnesota State Contractor License Law ~) ft;] ~ ~~ ~ tl@ ~~ eA ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Notice to Homeowners: Be Sure Your Contractor is Licensed M.\. Il'B; Know Your Rights The State of Minnesota has adopted a statewide "Contractor and Remodeler License Law." This law is designed to protect the consumer by requiring that contractors be licensed with the State. Contractors must apply to the State, post a bond, and show proof of insurance and competency. The law gives homeowners reasonable assurance that they are dealing with a reputable, professional contractor, and a place they can call to get general contractor information. Getting Information on a Contractor Contractors, with a few exceptions, who contract with a homeowner to perform home construction, remodeling, or repair, must be licensed with the Minnesota Department of Commerce. Homeowners can call the Commerce Department licensing Division at 651/296-6319 to obtain information on a specific contractor. Contractors must display their license number on their advertising and they must make it available to consumers. Building permits cannot be granted to contractors who are not properly licensed by the state. M.\. f''''U..... .J:c ~ ~ ~ Exceptions to Being Licensed State law exempts contractors who have gross annual receipts from the construction business of less than $15,000.00. Also exempt are some specialty contractors who perform only one specialty skill. The Commerce Department is attempting to gain further authority from the Legislature and hopes to license specialty contractors in the future. Homeowner Rights if a Contractor is Not Licensed If your contractor is required to be licensed by the State of Minnesota and you find that he/she is not, you may still have recourse under the law. Generally, the law provides that a contractor who is working in violation of the Minnesota State license Law has no lien rights and may not be able to enforce a contact signed with a homeowner. If you find yourself in this situation, you should consult with an attorney to get sound legal advice. You should never knowingly hire someone who is deliberately violating the State License Law. ~ ffiI lUI ~ Iill ~ Working on Your Own Home You can obtain permits to do work on your own home. The License Law was written to insure a reasonable degree of protection for you as the consumer of construction services, not to discourage homeowners from doing work on their own property. For your safety, building permits are required for most construction projects. (Permits are generally not required for painting, decorating, carpeting, or similar work.) For more information on State Licensing, contact the Builders Association of Minnesota at 800/654-7783 or 651/646-7959; or the Minnesota Department of Commerce at 800/657-3602 or 651/296-4026. ~ 'III ~ To Complete follow numbers. Work Permit Application Permit Type 801 Washington St, Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: 507-645-3004 Fax: 507-645-3055 Bldg Plbg Mech Permit Number (By City) Address of Project and/or Building Name 1 Building Owner name Address City State Zip Phone Applicant Name Address City State Zip Phone Contractor & License No. Address City State Zip Phone 2 3 4 5 Property Type 6 Classification of Work Dwelling (1 or 2 unit) Res. Multi (3 + attached) Townhouse Commercial Industrial Public Other 9 7 Building Construction Type New Alteration/Remodel Addition Repair Building Addition Garage Deck Porch Roof Siding Description of Work 8 Fire Sprinkler (existing) Pool Yes Demolition No Plumbing Sewer & Water Furnace/AC Replacement Mechanical / HVAC Other________________ 10 Valuation of Work Material & Labor (State of MN minimum Labor $10.00 per hr.) 11 Note: If commercial addition is over 500 SF Site plan review is required. Does applicant have knowledge of any of the following? Year structure was built? Lead paint Asbestos I hereby certify that I have examined this application and certify that the information contained therein is correct. If a permit is issued, I agree all work will be completed in conformance with all applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Northfield and the State of Minnesota. 12 Applicant Signature Date of Application Date Note to applicant and owner. This permit becomes null and void if work is not started within 180 days or if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work has started. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal, state or local law regulating the construction or performance of construction. Notice Inspections must be requested a minimum of one business day in advance. 507-645-3004 City use below this line City use below this line Approvals City use below this line Fee Calculation Engineering Date Permit Fee Other Fee Planning Date Plan Review Fee Other Fee Building Date State Surcharge SAC & WAC Comments to be added to permit: Total Fee Property Owner Waiver Minnesota State Contractor Licensing Requirements The purpose of this form is to have property owners acknowledge their responsibilities to the Minnesota Building Code, Zoning Ordinance, and to other applicable rules and regulations when they are acting as General Contractor in building projects. Property Address_______________________ Permit Number_________________________ Parcel Number_________________________ I understand that the State of Minnesota requires that all Residential Building Contractors, Remodelers, and Roofers, obtain a State License unless they qualify for a specific exemption from the licensing requirements. By signing this waiver, I attest to the fact that I am building or improving my property by myself. I claim to be exempt from the State License requirements because I am not in the business of building on speculation or for resale and this is the first residential structure that I have built or improved in the past 24 months. I acknowledge that because I do not have a State License, I forfeit any mechanic’s lien rights to which I may otherwise have been entitled under Minnesota State Statute 514.01. I acknowledge that I may be hiring independent contractors to perform certain aspects of the construction or improvement of this property. Some of these contractors may be required to be licensed by the State of Minnesota. I understand that unlicensed residential contracting, remodeling, and/or roofing activity is a misdemeanor under Minnesota State Statute 326.92, subdivision 1, and that I forfeit my rights to reimbursement from the Contractor’s Recovery Fund in the event that any contractors that I hire are unlicensed. I also acknowledge that as the contractor on this project, I am solely and personally responsible for any violations of the State Building Code and/or City Ordinances in connection with the work performed on this property. PLEASE RETURN THIS SIGNED WAIVER WITH THE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ______________________________________________________ Print Property Owner (Homeowner) ______________________________________________________ Signature of Property Owner (Homeowner) Date To determine whether a particular contractor is required to be licensed, or to check on licensing status of individual contractors, please call the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, Construction Codes and Licensing Division, at (651) 284-5012 or 1-800-657-3944 or visit the web site T:\WEBSITE DOCUMENTS 2012\BUILDING DOCUMENTS\Property Owner Waiver.docx