trooper news - Oregon State Police Officers Association
trooper news - Oregon State Police Officers Association
OSPOA MONTHLY TROOPER NEWS MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM Official Publication of the Oregon State Police Officers’ Association Trooper News News, Information, Features, Opinions, and Letters Related to Law Enforcement Albany Area Command Office Selected as OSP DUII Agency of the Year at DUII Training Conference Troopers of the OSP Albany Command office with Lieutenant Mazour and Sergeant Iwai flanked by Troy Costales, ODOT Safety Division Administrator, and Oregon State Representative Jim Thompson. Oregon State Police troopers of the Albany deterring impaired driving in Oregon during Agency of the Year award for the Oregon State Area Command office received the DUII En- 2012. A municipal, a county, and a state police Police (OSP) is the OSP Albany Area Command forcement Agency of the Year award in honor agency were selected from nominations for office. Under the direction of Lieutenant Dave of their outstanding efforts to keep impaired law enforcement agencies that have shown Mazour, the office's two sergeants and 10 drivers off the road, making our roadways saf- notable improvements in impaired driving troopers arrested 218 impaired drivers dur- er places to travel. enforcement while taking a proactive, lead- ing 2012, a 39 percent increase from 2011 and During the 2013 annual DUII Multi-Dis- ership role in their communities. The Oregon an 83 percent increase from 2010. During the ciplinary Impaired Driving Training Confer- State Police office or work site selected must year, two troopers at the OSP Albany office ence held April 26 - 27 in Bend, the Oregon also have demonstrated a willingness to ag- received training for Drug Recognition Expert DUII Multi-Disciplinary Training Task Force gressively train and encourage its officers to (DRE) certification. The office's three DREs ac- presented its annual awards of excellence to enforce DUII and drug-impaired driving laws counted for 27 DRE evaluations. Impaired driv- various organizations, groups, and individu- with a proactive approach to deterring DUII. als who made significant contributions to Selected to receive the 2012 DUII Enforcement See ALBANY, Page 10 PAGE 2 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS President’s Post senior Trooper Darrin Phillips This month I want to comment on some but immediately jumped in as worksite rep events that I witnessed recently. As all of after the shooting occurred. I knew that you know, I respond to all shootings that Jed had done the right things when the occur throughout the year if they involve involved sergeant recounted to me how a member. Last Friday night, I responded Jed removed the sergeant from a decision- to the Bend Area Command office to assist making/leadership role and placed him into with our first shooting involving one of our the role of an officer who had just been in- newest members who happens to be a ser- volved in a critical incident. It is not easy to geant. convince a trooper to relinquish control of a scene, even harder when dealing with a The first thing that struck me was how genuinely happy the particular sergeant sergeant. Great job, Jed! was to be represented during this ordeal, as were all of the troops that were directly office and watched troopers, involved and involved. I knew that there was a strong non-involved, filter in and out, I really got desire within the sergeants’ group to get the feeling that they were there for each this exact type of coverage to help them other. I was also very happy to see the two through critical incidents, but it was clear troopers who were directly involved in the that the involvement of the Association shooting but did not fire their weapons gave everyone a great deal of confidence were treated exactly like the officer who that they would be taken care of. had fired his weapon. Everyone immedi- One of the other things that I observed ately realized that they were every bit as in- and was impressed with was the quality of volved and needed the same consideration. our worksite reps and how they handled A critical incident is a critical incident; ev- this situation. Jed Rzegocki was not only eryone needs to be looked after. involved in the initial pursuit of the suspect As I sat back at the Bend Area Command sponse from the Department. As always, Major Hampton was present and doing everything he could to make sure the troops got what they needed. Anyone who has ever worked with Major Hampton knows that he is all about taking care of his people, and he did. Thank God that the good guys won. Good job, everyone. Until next time, take care of each other. Darrin Lastly, I was proud to see a strong re- OSP Troopers Intervene in a Kidnapping in Progress on Interstate 5 Near Woodburn A woman and her six-year-old child are a women in the vehicle was trying to get out No one was hurt during the ordeal. alive and well today due to the efforts of the while it was moving and that she had held Charles Kicinski was lodged on the listed OSP. On May 3rd, 2013, Oregon State Police up a sign for other motorists to see that read, charges in the Marion County Jail. troopers arrested Charles M. Kicinski, age 38, "Call 9-1-1." of Winchester, Oregon, for Kidnapping in the 2nd Degree times two and Unlawful Posses- ed vehicle--a 1997 Ford sport utility vehicle- sion of a Firearm. -on Interstate 5 at milepost 275. The troopers took the suspect, Charles M. Kicinski, into At approximately 5:30 p.m., troopers from Troopers located and stopped the report- the Salem Area Command responded to a custody without incident. call of a person throwing items out of a ve- The victims were identified as the sus- hicle that was northbound on Interstate 5 pect's wife, Gloria S. Kicinski, age 30, of Win- near Woodburn. There were also reports that chester, Oregon, and her minor child, age 6. PAGE 3 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS Caffeine Break: Do You Know These Troopers? Your Trooper News editor stopped for a cof- brief coffee break. The first person to email us! Email your answer to troopernews@ospoa. fee at Starbucks in Keizer Station and had the their correct names, left to right, will receive com. chance to meet these four troopers having a a Starbucks card for one caffeinated treat on US Marshal's Pacific NW Violent Offender Task Force, Including OSP, Apprehends Ohio Home Invasion Fugitive On March 30, 2013, at 4:52 a.m., the Madi- of the suspects was identified as Zachary T. on foot and a short foot chase ensued. Davis Davis, age 24, of Columbus, Ohio. was ultimately caught but resisted arrest. He vestigated a home invasion robbery in which On May 7, an Aggravated Burglary war- was subdued by Task Force members and the homeowner was assaulted with a bat and rant was issued for Davis with a nationwide was taken into custody. A small amount of his ten-year-old daughter was thought to pursuit radius, pending the probable filing of methamphetamine, heroin, and prescription have been kidnapped. additional charges of Aggravated Robbery, pills were found on Davis's person. Davis was Madison County deputies learned that Felonious Assault, and Kidnapping. It is fur- lodged at Marion County Jail and is pending three masked men, armed with two hand- ther noted that various felony warrants were extradition back to Ohio. guns and a baseball bat, entered the resi- also pending on Davis for the Ohio counties dence and assaulted the homeowner, ul- of Franklin and Delaware. len items is asked to call Lieutenant Semler timately sending him to the hospital. His with the Madison County Sheriff's Office at daughter was located unharmed at the resi- County Sheriff's Office provided information (614) 348-8072. dence and the three masked men got away that Davis was in Salem, Oregon, prompting The Pacific Northwest Violent Offender with several valuables. a call to the US Marshal's Office for assistance Task Force is comprised of members of nu- son County Sheriff's Office, London, Ohio, in- In April, a public service announcement Subsequent investigation by the Madison Anyone with information about the sto- in the apprehension of Mr. Davis. merous local law enforcement agencies, in- was aired in Ohio, along with a new reward cluding the Oregon State Police. offer of $10,000 for anyone providing infor- Marshals Pacific Northwest Violent Offender mation leading to the arrest and conviction Task Force located Davis at the Motel 6 in of person(s) responsible for this crime. One Salem. Upon contact with officers, Davis fled On May 9, members of the United States PAGE 4 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS A Message from the Vice President Senior Trooper Mark Banks Over the last couple of months, I have troopers that approach me with questions sergeants to discuss the process of bar- been working with the sergeants’ bargain- about how sergeants will merge into the gaining them into our contract. There are ing team to bargain the sergeants back general membership contract. Many of a lot of unanswered questions about how into our contract. For the sworn members these members I’ve seen in different plac- all of this will pan out when the contract is of our association, this could be one of the es throughout our careers, and they have signed. Questions are coming from both biggest positive changes since the ser- never publicly discussed the idea of pro- sides--our current members as well as the geants left the association. motion. Some have even declared a strong entering sergeants. Many of the questions What our members need to know is that desire not to promote. have to do with subjects of bargaining and we have assembled a bargaining team with However, bringing sergeants back into are not appropriate for me to address in a strong background in the sworn divisions the Association has changed attitudes this publication. However, I am willing to of the department. The team has a clear about that position. The old attitude of take any phone calls from the member- idea of what they want to see in a contract “Why would anyone want to take a sig- ship as we go forward with this process. I while being fair to the department, current nificant pay cut for more responsibility?” is expect to receive many calls in the coming members of the Association, taxpayers, and shifting. The new attitude I see developing months, and I welcome them. My cellular the employees they supervise. I feel that is that anyone with enough time in to pro- phone number is available at Dispatch or management has approached the process mote probably needs to start looking at ap- on the OSPOA website. with an equal attitude of fairness. plying for sergeant vacancies as they open because it’s going to be competitive. One of the things I’ve found most in- teresting about the sergeants coming As I have traveled around the state, back is the number of troopers and senior I’ve made an effort to meet with available Mark Banks Former OSP Employee Pleads Guilty to Official Misconduct in Clackamas County Circuit Court Investigation Continues into an OSP OfficerInvolved Shooting An Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper re- the department will thoroughly investigate signed after he pleaded guilty to an Official allegations of improper conduct by any em- On May 3, 2013, at approximately 6:40 Misconduct Charge in Clackamas County Cir- ployee and pursue prosecution when it in- p.m., OSP troopers were involved in a pursuit cuit Court. volves criminal conduct. in the Scappoose area. At the conclusion of "All members of the Oregon State Police the pursuit, an adult female suspect was re- modified duty in March, pending an investi- are given a high level of trust and are held to portedly shot by an OSP officer. The involved gation into misconduct. a very high standard for personal and profes- OSP officer was not injured. Cortez pleaded guilty to one count of sional conduct," Evans said. "We won't accept The Columbia County Sherriff's Office, first-degree official misconduct. He was sen- any criminal conduct, and when supported with the assistance of the Columbia County tenced to seven days in jail, 12 months' pro- by facts and evidence will pursue prosecu- Major Crimes Team, is the lead in the investi- bation, fines, and other conditions set by the tion for such acts." gation. court. Cortez had been with Oregon State Po- should be referred to the Clackamas County lice since 2007 and was assigned to the Port- District Attorney's Office for Chief Deputy land Area Command for his entire tenure District Attorney Greg Horner. Jose Cortez, age 37, was placed on paid, with OSP. His plea came after an investigation by the Oregon State Police Office of Professional Standards, with the help of the Clackamas County District Attorney's Office. OSP Superintendent Richard Evans said Any further questions regarding the case Any questions can be referred to the Co- lumbia County Sheriff’s Office. PAGE 5 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS OSP Arrest Klamath Falls Man on Charges Related to Sex Abuse Investigation Second Annual Fallen Trooper Memorial Run Approaches! A dangerous sexual predator was appre- der 12 years of age when the alleged crimes hended by Oregon State Police (OSP) Crimi- began. nal Investigation Division detectives this month. Detectives arrested a Klamath Falls search warrant was served at his residence. man on charges related to a sexual abuse in- Detectives found at least 12 separate visual vestigation. recordings of children involved in sexually According to Sergeant Robert Fenner, on explicit conduct. Additional digital media May 9, 2013, OSP detectives arrested Ronny was seized and more charges are expected Alan Rykbost, age 50, from Klamath Falls, and after the images and recordings are ana- and come on out for the second annual Fallen Trooper Memorial Run on June 2, 2013, at Champoeg State Park. There are courses of 10k and 5k for adults who wish to run or walk, a 2K course for children, and a 20K course for the CrossFit Team Challenge. More information about registration, fees, and course maps can be obtained at http:// Fallen_Trooper_Memorial. html. All proceeds go to the construction of the Oregon State Police Fallen Trooper Memorial. lodged him at the Klamath County Jail on the lyzed. following charges: Sexual Abuse 1, Unlawful Sexual Pen- * 12 counts Sexual Abuse 1 etration 1, and Sodomy 1 are all Measure 11 * 12 counts of Unlawful Sexual Penetration 1 crimes. Under Oregon's "Jessica's Law," adults * 12 counts of Sodomy 1 convicted of Sodomy 1 or Unlawful Sexual * 12 counts Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse Penetration 1 are subject to a mandatory 1 minimum 25 year prison sentence. Put on your running shoes Rykbost is alleged to have committed the After Rykbost was taken into custody, a Anyone with information related to this crimes of Sexual Abuse 1, Unlawful Sexual case is encouraged to contact OSP detec- Penetration 1 and Sodomy 1 between 2000 tives by calling OSP's Southern Command and 2007. The victim was related to Rykbost Center at (541) 883-5711 or OSP's Klamath at the time of the alleged crimes and was un- Falls Area Command at (541) 883-5713. OSP Artist’s Corner Lunch Time Tablecloth K-9 Vehicle Artist: Senior Trooper Greg Walker PAGE 6 MAY 2013 OSPOA TROOPER NEWS WWW.OSPOA.COM PAGE 7 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS Driver Attempts to Elude State Troopers on I-84 near Pendleton, Crashes and Is Caught on Foot On May 8, 2013, a trooper from the Pend- leton Area Command attempted to stop a white 1999 Oldsmobile Alero on Interstate 84 at milepost 206 for passing other vehicles on the right shoulder and speeding at 115 mph. The driver of the vehicle, Zechariah I. Ayers, age 27, from Pendleton, failed to stop and proceeded to attempt to elude troopers for 36 minutes and over 50 miles until he crashed his vehicle on private property off of US Highway 37 at milepost 8.5. Subsequently, his vehicle caught fire and Ayers fled on foot. A passenger in the vehicle remained with the vehicle and cooperated with troopers. Ayers was soon caught by troopers on foot, arrested, and lodged in jail. Ayers was charged with Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangerment, Felony Attempt to Elude-Vehicle, Mis- pull the burning vehicle out of the brush and demeanor Attempt to Elude-foot, Failure to into a gravel lot where it burned, preventing Perform Duties of a Driver, Property Damage, the fire from spreading to the brush. and Criminal Mischief II. The property owner, troopers, and deputies were able to quickly Umatilla County Sheriff’s deputies and the residents at Cold Springs Ranch. Pendleton Area troopers were assisted by OSP Accepting Applications for Lateral and Entry Level Recruit Troopers Oregon State Police (OSP) will be accept- Applicants are urged to prepare before- tionnaire, and any required attachments. ing applications to hire another group for hand for the application process and Entry lateral and entry level recruit trooper posi- Level Testing. Historically, half of all appli- portunity employer and strongly encourag- tions starting April 29, 2013, using the State cants fail the physical fitness portion of the es women and minorities to apply. If you are of Oregon's E-Recruit electronic application entry level testing process. To help prepare interested in a challenging career to make system. The recruitment is necessary as OSP for the testing process, applicants can see Oregon a safe place to live while providing continues moving forward with hiring to fill their age group and gender physical fitness you with a lifetime of memories, then con- vacant positions during the next year be- standards as well as watch associated videos sider applying with the Oregon State Police. cause many long-time troopers have retired demonstrating proper testing performance Information about our agency, the different over the last few years. on the 'Trooper Testing Information' link lo- opportunities that are available, how our Persons interested in applying should cated at Additionally, hiring process works, and updates to our start the process now by going to the Ore- applicants can review sample questions to hiring process can be found at www.osp- gon State Police recruiting website at www. help prepare for the written portion of the The website helps inter- testing phase. ested applicants learn about the application can be directed to the OSP Recruitment Unit process and what it takes to successfully entry level opportunity they have been apply, and clearly understand our qualifica- looking for can create an account now by tions and what it will take to get prepared building a profile following the instructions for required Entry Level Testing scheduled detailed on the website. The complete appli- June 8 - 9 at the Oregon Public Safety Acad- cation for employment is comprised of the emy in Salem. E-Recruit profile, the supplemental ques- Those who believe this is the lateral or The Oregon State Police is an equal op- Questions about the application process at (503) 378-4175. PAGE 8 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS Trooper Events and Announcements Ronald J. Johnson April 28, 1943 – May 4, 2013 Three OSP Retirees Injured But Recovering from Traffic Crash Ronald Jerome Johnson, age 70, passed away May 4, 2013, peacefully at home. ford, Mike Hurley, and Terry’s son, Eric, were death of Richard W. "Dick" Tenderella. Dick Ron was born in 1943 in Park River, North returning from a golf outing at Eagle Crest died peacefully on April 11, 2013, at Maui Dakota. When Ron was 15 years old, his fam- on April 20, 2013, when their vehicle was in- Memorial Hospital in Wailuku, Hawaii. Dick ily relocated to Vancouver, Washington. After volved in a traffic crash. was 67 years old. Sandie Rossi, Dick's long- graduating high school, Ron worked for the Terry Bekkedahl and Gus Bradford were time companion, and his brother, Larry Ten- City of Vancouver and volunteered as a Clark hospitalized at Sacred Heart Medical Center derella, were with him at the hospital when County Deputy Sheriff. He married and had at Riverbend in Springfield, Oregon. Both he died. son David while in Vancouver. In 1974, Ron and suffered serious injuries. Terry suffered ex- his family moved to Ontario, Oregon, where he tensive injuries to the right side of his face on February 19 to have an aortic aneurysm became an Oregon state trooper. Son Randy and his right eye. Gus suffered chest injuries, repaired. Two additional aneurysms were was born in 1979. After retiring from the State plus left eye and cheek injuries. Mike Hurley discovered resulting in open heart surgery Police, Ron worked for Green Giant. received a broken thumb and minor injuries. on February 22. His post-operative progress Ron is survived by sons Randy and David, OSP Retirees Terry Bekkedahl, Gus Brad- Dick Tenderella Died April 11, 2013 We are deeply saddened to report the Dick had been admitted to the hospital Terry’s son, Eric, was not injured. was marked by periods of consciousness grandchildren Ethan and Madison, brothers Gus and Terry are very grateful for all the and hope for recovery, coupled with insur- Tom and Robert, and sister Lori. At his request, prayers and support they have received from mountable setbacks including cardiac arrest, no funeral services will be held. A celebration their many friends. Both of them are over- strokes, pneumonia and finally, incurable in- of his life will be held at a future date. whelmed by the events and are in need of fection. rest and recuperation. It is requested that you hold all phone calls and visits until they mated and his ashes spread over the ocean have had the necessary time to recover from in Oregon and Hawaii. their very serious injuries. Arrangements for memorial services in Terry remains hospitalized, most likely Oregon are pending consideration by his until sometime next week. He has under- family. A celebration of Dick's life is being gone reconstructive surgery on his cheek considered by Sandie in Hawaii. and eye socket. Condolences can be sent to: Larry Tenderella, 475 SE 35th Street, C-16, Noel J. Schar August 29, 1938 – April 20, 2013 Noel Schar died peacefully at 1:30 a.m. on April 20, 2013, after struggling for more than a decade with severe health problems. Noel is survived by his wife of 25 years, Nora (Polk) Schar, daughter Kristi (Lyle) Canida, son Scott Schar, grandson Travis Canida, granddaughter Ashley Canida, stepdaughter Lynette (Larry) Serna, and many others who loved him. Noel was born in 1938 and grew up on a small family farm near Silverton, Oregon. There, he developed an unshakable love for the unity of family. Noel was so much more than the things he did to make a living, but his loyalty to his commitments can be seen in his life's work. He was an Oregon state trooper for thirty years working out of the Milwaukie and Portland Offices. He was proud to be a state trooper. After See SCHAR, Page 9 Gus has been released from the hospital Per Dick's request, his body will be cre- to continue his recovery at home. Newport, OR 97365, and Sandie Rossi, P.O. Box 571, Kapaau, HI 96755 Cards may be sent to: Gus Bradford c/o Jim Tyrrell 1482 Skipanon Drive Corvallis, OR 97330 Terry Bekkedahl PO Box 1480 Veneta, OR 97487 PAGE 9 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS Trooper Events and Announcements SCHAR, continued from Page 8 retiring from the State Police, he continued in uniform as a Court Officer for the US District Retirements David Randall, Sergeant, Roseburg Greg Tullius, Senior Trooper, Lottery John Garlick, ISS8, LEDS A memorial service celebrating Noel's life was held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Silverton, Oregon, April 26, 2013. Excerpt from the obituary published in Statesman Journal. Inspector Craig Flierl, Office of Profes- sional Standards, to Lieutenant, Training, Gaming & Employee Services New Hires Court, Oregon District. Promotions Robert Rector, Principal Executive Man- ager F, Communications Administra- tor, Southern Command Center Lynn Hume, Office Specialist 2, Fish & Wildlife, General Headquarters Andrew Mendenhall, Administrative Specialist 1, SOR, General Headquarters Reassignments Sergeant Jeff Lewis, Policy Develop- ment & Research, to Training & Policy, Gaming & Employee Services Departures Sergeant Ty Duby, Criminal, Baker City, to Patrol, Baker City Lieutenant Josh Brooks, Fish & Wildlife, NW Region, to Patrol, Salem Sergeant John Keeler, Patrol, Coos Bay, to Fish & Wildlife, Coos Bay Upcoming Events June 1, 2013 Chris Kaber and John Mogle Retirement Dinner, 5:00 p.m. Mikes Field House--Steens Sports Park, 4500 Foothills Blvd., Klamath Falls. Tickets are $15 adults/ $7.50 children (12 & under). RSVP by May 20 to Laurie Angrimson, SP Klamath Falls, (541) 883-5713 ext. 222 June 2, 2013 2nd Annual Fallen Trooper Memorial Run Champoeg State Park More information at June 11; September 10; December 10, 2013 Siuslaw Rod & Gun Club Contact Fred Ross at Florence Area HR-218 Qualifications, 1:00 p.m. June 17 - 21, 2013 Cow Camp Near Sisters, Oregon (same location as the last several years) Contact Gary Hayden at June 23, 2013 Julie Wilcox Retirement Gathering, 2:00 p.m. Crag Rat Hut, about five miles south of Hood River RSVP or questions to Julie at August 24, 2013 Superintendent’s Salute at Evergreen Air & Space Museum McMinnville, Oregon. More information to come in the near future. June 22, 2013 Celebration of Life for Donald Hale, 2:00 p.m. 7424 Jubil Lane SE, Salem, OR Contact Julia Hale at August 1, 2013 Dedication Ceremony for the Fallen Trooper Memorial Ceremony, afternoon and evening State Capitol Grounds, Salem, Oregon August 17, 2013 Foundation Benefit Poker Tournament and Casino Night, 5:00 p.m. Check-in, 6:00 p.m. Tournament Salem Convention Center, Salem, Oregon Contact Erin at (503) 393-6535 or register at PAGE 10 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS OSP Albany Sergeant Michael Iwai Receives the Senior Trooper Maria Mignano Dedication to Duty Award Sergeant Iwai and DUII Multi-Disciplinary Training Task Force Chair Robert Hayes. The OSPOA congratulates Sergeant Michael Iwai, the recipient of this year’s Senior Trooper Maria Mignano Dedication to Duty Award. During the 2013 annual DUII MultiDisciplinary Impaired Driving Training Conference held April 26 - 27, 2013, in Bend, the Oregon DUII Multi-Disciplinary Training Task Force presented their annual awards of excellence to various organizations, groups, and individuals who made a significant contribution to deterring impaired driving in Oregon during 2012. One of the special award categories is named in honor of Oregon State Police (OSP) Senior Trooper Maria Mignano who was dedicated to removing impaired drivers from our roadways and tragically lost her life in the line of duty in 2001. The Senior Trooper Maria Migna- Test (SFST) instructor and became a DRE in- no Dedication to Duty structor in 2002, providing countless hours Award is presented to of DUII-related training. During the last 13 a sworn police officer years, he has arrested over 700 DUII driv- who exemplified the ers and conducted or supervised more than behavior, dedication, 250 drug recognition evaluations. In 2008, and professionalism in Sergeant Iwai became Oregon's fourth Drug all aspects of impaired Evaluation and Classification Program (DECP) driving detection, ap- State Coordinator. In addition to managing prehension, and pros- the DECP program, he ensures Oregon's DREs ecution during the have the latest information and issue aware- individual's career. ness, stays on top of DUII-related court cases, This year's re- is always available as a resource for prosecu- cipient of the 2012 tors and law enforcement officers seeking Senior Trooper Maria advice and guidance, and has testified at the Mignano Oregon Legislature on DUII-related bills for Dedication to Duty Award is OSP both drugs and alcohol. Sergeant Michael Iwai (pronounced E-why). duties, Iwai is assigned as a Patrol Services Di- OSP Along with the State's DECP coordinator Superin- vision Sergeant at the Albany Area Command tendent Richard Evans office, which was announced as the OSP 2012 praised Sergeant Iwai for his commitment to DUII Enforcement Agency of the Year award being a proactive force to help prevent the selection. He is involved in many other ac- impact impaired drivers have on our com- tivities including: * Chair of the Oregon DRE munities. "Mike's drive is matched by few. Advisory Committee * Vice President of the His help to other law enforcement officers, Oregon State Police Benevolent Association expert guidance during training and involve- * 1st Vice Chair of the International Associa- ment with committees and groups, and the tion of Chiefs of Police - DRE Section * OSP work that he does on the road to remove im- liaison to the Governor's Advisory Commit- paired drivers helps Oregon be a safer place tee on DUII. Sergeant Iwai, age 41, was a past to live and visit," said Evans. recipient of the DUII Multi-Disciplinary Train- Since joining OSP in 1997, Sergeant Iwai's ing Conference Task Force 2007 DUII Trainer compassion became apparent early in his ca- of the Year Award. In 2004, he also received reer when he became the first certified Drug special recognition from OSP when he was Recognition Expert (DRE) in Polk County presented with the Department's Harold R. after attending one of the state's first DRE Berg Lifesaving Award. schools. He is a Standardized Field Sobriety ALBANY continued from Page 1 ing enforcement is a priority for OSP, and the Attorney's Office to coordinate DUII and am thankful for the work by all our troopers, troopers assigned at the Albany office partici- related search warrant training. "The work day and night, trying to keep our roads safe," pate in all high-visibility enforcement efforts, of our troopers at the Albany office is reflec- said OSP Superintendent Richard Evans. The routinely conducting visible enforcement in tive of our mission throughout the state to previous winner in this category for two con- areas known to have higher rates of motor find impaired drivers on our roads before they secutive years was the OSP Springfield Area vehicle collisions. Additionally, these troop- are involved in a tragic crash. The special rec- Command office. ers work closely with the Linn County District ognition is appreciated and well-deserved. I PAGE 11 MAY 2013 WWW.OSPOA.COM OSPOA TROOPER NEWS A no t e f r o m t h e E d i t o r The Trooper News Wants to Publish Your Articles, Letters, and Photos Dawn Plechl While stopping in for my latte-at-Star- bucks habit this month, I was so happy to run into a few of our own Oregon state troop- statewide. ers taking a brief coffee break. Their picture from members and nonmembers alike. It is challenge to identify the troopers pictured. desired that articles be limited to approxi- I hope to cross paths with more of the OSP mately 500 words except by agreement with in this candid way and to feature photos the editor. You can also contact the editor throughout the upcoming summer months. about developing an idea you might have Please note the change in date for the that you would prefer assistance in writing. Benefit Poker Tournament and Casino Night to Saturday, August 17, 2013. It should be many of you there. If there is something you’d like to see in the monthly Trooper News, please contact me. I also look forward to including Letters to the Editor whenever you might feel inspired to submit them. The Trooper News is an official publication of the Oregon State Police Officers’ Association. It is produced monthly for active and retired OSPOA members. Submit articles to: Editor, Trooper News (503) 881-0283 a great event, and I look forward to seeing Articles, letters, and photo- graphs that are appropriate are accepted is featured in this month’s TN along with a This newspaper is your means of com- municating with other OSPOA members Articles and letters appearing herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the OSPOA, its officers, or its editor. Advertise in the Trooper News If your business is interested in advertis- ing in the Trooper News, please contact OSPOA offices at (503) 393-6535. Printed versions go out to all OSP troopers by mail and an online version of the newsletter appears each month on the OSPOA website. Contact OSPOA and Trooper News President Darrin Phillips Mark Banks Treasurer Devon Sommer Secretary Jim Ragon Region 1 Rep Tom Hatch Region 2 Rep Ray Stallsworth Region 3 Rep Robert Gorman Region 4 Rep Tim Thomas Region 5 Rep Stephanie Gourley Dawn Plechl Erin Reyes-Smith Vice President Editor, Trooper News Editor, Trooper Magazine OREGON STATE POLICE OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION 3905 River Road N, Suite B Keizer, OR 97303-4890 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 344 SALEM, OR DON’T MISS THE 2013 BASS BOAT! Enter for a chance to win a Bass Boat or $10,000 cash equivalent from California Casualty Hurry! YOUR ENTRY MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN JULY 12, 2013. OR GET $10,000 CASH! California Casualty... Providing Exclusive Auto and Home Protection for Our Nation’s Firefighters, Peace Officers, and EMTs To Enter, Visit: No quote or purchase necessary to enter. 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