Retriever Review - Rose City Labrador Retriever Club


Retriever Review - Rose City Labrador Retriever Club
Retriever Review
Founded 1975
Issue 3 ~ March 2015
Upcoming Events
March General Meeting: Held at
Meridian Park Hospital on Friday, March
20th at 7:30PM
Working Certificate Practice Day:
Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May
2nd, Elma, WA (details to come)
B-Match: Saturday May 16th,
Aurora, OR
Working Certificate: Saturday, May 30th,
Sauvie Island, OR
Hunt Test: Saturday July 4th & Sunday,
July 5th, Sauvie Island, OR
Specialty Show Brown Bag:
Thursday, July 9th, Champoeg Park, OR
Specialty Show plus Obedience
and Rally Trial: Friday July 10th and
Saturday, July 11th,
Champoeg Park, OR
Brags? News? Interesting articles?
Events? Great pictures for the
newsletter? Send them to Julie Marquis
Volunteering Opportunities
Please contact: Jeff Kennedy for the
2015 WC, Susan Huntzinger for the
2015 B Match, and Ellen Sparks and
Lizzie Moir for the 2015 Specialty
President’s Message
Beware the Ides of March – This phrase written by
Shakespeare is one I cannot directly relate to since for me,
March is the preamble to Spring; one of my favorite times of
year! It is the time to start wiping the mold off of our dogs and
getting outside for training and having fun.
Thoughts of all of the upcoming events are always exciting and
something to look forward to as the weather shifts between
Winter to Spring, and from Spring to Summer. I encourage
everyone to start marking your calendars! Speaking of which,
take a look at our new event calendar in this newsletter and let
our newsletter editor know if you have anything to add.
At the last meeting the club voted on creating a Facebook page
to be able to reach more people about our club and its events.
I want to thank Lizzie Moir for creating a lovely header and for
setting the group up. This group is currently a secret group and
only club members who request to be added will be able to see
posts or to make posts. We want to get a feel for how it is going
to be accepted and then the group page may go public, but with
all posts from nonmembers to be reviewed and approved by
the moderators, Lizzie Moir, Julie Marquis, and myself. If you
are on Facebook and have not received an invitation to join the
group, please contact Lizzie at, Julie
at, or myself at QRLabs@yahoo.
com. I want to firmly express that the group page is NOT for
advertising litters or stud dogs. It may be used for any other
correspondence such as upcoming events, brags, questions
about health issues in our dogs, etc. I want to also express
that any posts by members that the moderators feel are not
appropriate will be removed.
I have also decided to delete the current chat list. It has not
been working properly and is not being used as I had hoped.
After tax season is over I may attempt to set up a new one that
will work better for those members who are not on Facebook.
So, to end this message and return back to work, have a great
month of March and I hope to see you at the next meeting.
Your President,
Cindy Freeman
Meeting Minutes, February 20, 2015
Meeting called to order by Cindy at 7:05pm at Elmer’s Restaurant, Delta Park
Attendance: Cindy Freeman, Tracy Hildebrant, Lizzie Moir, Cathy Hakola, Betty Barkley, Marilyn Parker,
Jenny & Mark Bloom, and Lisa Cruanas
President’s Report
No report.
Vice President’s Report
No report
Secretary’s Report
No report.
Tracy moves not to read the minutes. Cathy 2nds. All approve.
Treasurer’s Report
No report.
Old (Unfinished) Business
HRT: Tracy to take care of notice from Department of Fish & Game about hunt test on Sauvie Island.
WC: Last Saturday in May. May 30, 2015, Sauvie Island
Specialty: Contact Ellen about paperwork sent in to AKC. Lisa made the motion to have Baray do everything
for the show. Lizzie seconded and all approved. Fiesta theme for the Brown Bag with a Taco Bar was
proposed. Volunteer(s) is/are needed to coordinate the breakfasts. Any questions please contact Lizzie.
B-Match: Please make note of the date change: May 16th, 2015. Location at Chambers residence.
Field Training Day: May 2, 2015 at Hakola’s residence after the Elma shows.
Sportsman Show: Discussion about the need for business cards and brochures to be available and passed
out at the Sportsman Show and Meet the Breed. Business cards have been designed and waiting to be
approved. A few informational flyers need to be made and others downloaded from LRC website. A Calendar
of Events should be available as well.
Trailer: Lizzie makes a motion to pay the monthly fee storage WITHOUT signing a long term contract to get
it stored as soon as possible. Lisa 2nded. Tracy mentioned if someone had connections with a construction
supervisor a spot may be available in their fenced lot to store the trailer.
Trophies: Are new trophies needed? Other than crystal? Tabled for next meeting.
New Business
Catalog ad: Discussion about putting an ad in the CCLRC catalog. Lizzie made a motioned and Lisa
seconded to put an ad in CCLRC’s catalog. All approved.
Rescue: Discussion was started about RCLRC working with SPDR to support/start labrador rescue in the
Portland area.
FB Page: Betty moves we have a FB group with 2-3 FB group administrators. Lisa seconded it. All approved.
Lizzie will create the group as ‘secret’ so members must be invited to join and no one can find it by a search.
Lizzie, Cindy, and Julie will be admins. The group description will include that there will be no litter listing or
stud advertising allowed.
Meeting Minutes, February 20, 2015, continued
Yahoo Chat List: Cindy is going to scrap the list and try again.
1) Linda B Coogan, 2676 Del Sur Ct., Minden, NV 89423
Sponsored by Cindy Freeman & Lizzie Moir
Interested in show, obedience, rally, and agility.
1) Kristen Tarnowsk, 2) Todd Winders, and 3) Karl & Cindi Lasater
Betty motioned all members announced at the last meeting be accepted, Lisa seconded and all approved.
Marilyn made a motion to adjourn and Cathy seconded at 7:53pm.
The dogs were a big hit at this year’s Sportsmans Show in Portland!
Helpful Information for the Upcoming Show Season
Q. What is the difference between a match and a trial?
A. You earn points at a trial and a match is a practice trial.
Q. Where can I find more information about matches?
A. Your local dog training club, local kennel clubs, local instructors, and message groups such as
the Facebook page called NW Dog Events and Yahoo Group called NWDogActivities are a great
place to start.
Q. What is a picnic test?
A. A picnic test is a practice test that allows your dog to brush up on their retriever skills for duck
hunting or introduce your new puppy to birds. It is a great opportunity to learn and meet other dog
enthusiasts. Like a match, points are not earned at these events.
Upcoming Shows and Events
Please send upcoming event notices and corrections to the events list to the newsletter editor: Other than RCLRC events, postings are not confirmed.
Always confirm events!
Rose City Labrador Retriever Club (RCLRC) March General Meeting, Meridian Park Hospital, March 20
Seattle Kennel Club, Seattle WA, March 7-8, BaRay, closes Feb. 18
Mt. Hood Keeshond Club, March 14, closes Feb. 25
Greater Pacific Northwest Retriever Trial Club, Picnic Test, St. Louis Ponds, Gervais OR, March 14
Oregon Hunting Retriever Club (OHRC), picnic test, 26048 Reeder Road, Sauvie Island OR, March 15
RCLRC B-Match, May 16, Aurora, OR (includes general meeting and BBQ!)
Peninsula Dog Fanciers, Bremerton, WA, March 21-22, Onofrio, closes March 4
Chintimini Kennel Club, Albany OR, March 27-28-29, Onofrio, closes March 11
Lower Columbia Hunting Retriever Club (LCHRC) Gun Safety & Training Day, St. Helens OR, March 28
Washington State Obedience Training Club, Monroe WA, BayRay, March 28-29
Greater Pacific NW Retriever Trial Club, hunt test, St. Louis Ponds, Gervais, OR, March 16, closes March 28
OHRC, picnic test, West side Sauvie Island OR, April 11
Rogue Valley Retriever Club, hunt test, White City (Medford) OR, April 11
Ephrata-Moses Lake Kennel Club, Moses Lake WA, Apr 11-12, BaRay, closes March 25
OHRC, picnic test, West side Sauvie Island OR, April 18
Sherwood Dog Training Club, Canby OR, April 24-26, Sec. Jill Faulmann, closes April 8
LCHRC, picnic test, West side Sauvie Island OR, April 25
Walla Walla Kennel Club, Walla Walla WA, April 25-26, Onofrio, closes April 8
RCLRC Working Certificate Practice Day & BBQ, tentatively scheduled for May 2, Elma, WA
Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association (PSLRA), hunt test, Carnation WA, May 2-3
Rainier Hunting Retriever Club, hunt test, Carnation WA, May 9
Klamath Dog Fanciers, Klamath Falls OR, May 9-10, MBF, closes April 22
Salem Retriever Trial Club, hunt test, St. Louis Ponds, Gervais OR, May 16
Spokane Dog Training Club, Spokane WA, May 16-17, Sec. Dorothea Barrett, closes April 29
Mt. Baker Kennel Club, Redmond WA, May 16-17, BaRay, closes April 29
OHRC, double header hunt tests, East side Sauvie Island OR, May 22-25
LCHRC Picnic at West side Sauvie Island May 23
Spokane Kennel Club, Spokane WA, May 22-24, Onofrio, closes May 6
RCLRC Working Certificate, May 30, Sauvie Island, OR
Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club, Sequim WA, May 29-31, Event Sec. Sharon Johnson, closes May 18
Yakima Valley Kennel Club, Yakima WA, May 30-31, BaRay, closes May 13
Whistling Wings Hunting Retriever Club, hunt test, Carnation WA, June 6
Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers Puyallup WA, June 6, BaRay, closes May 20
Tacoma Kennel Club, Puyallup WA, June 7, BaRay, closes May 20
Glide Hunt Test, Glide OR, June 13
Emerald Valley Obedience Club, Eugene OR, June 13-14, Event Sec. Jill Faulmann, closes May 27
Clackamas Kennel Club, Canby OR, June 19-21, Onofrio, closes June 3
OHRC, picnic test, West side Sauvie Island OR, June 20
LCHRC, hunt test, East side Sauvie Island OR, June 20 -21
Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club, Redmond OR, June 26-28, Onofrio, closes June 10
Bell Vernon Kennel Association, Mt. Vernon WA, June 27-28, BaRay, closes June 10
RCLRC Hunt Test, July 4-5, Sauvie Island, OR
RCLRC Specialty Show Brown Bag, July 9, Champoeg Park, OR
RCLRC Specialty Show plus Obedience and Rally Trial, July 10-11, Champoeg Park, OR
Oregon Retriever Trial Club (ORTC), hunt test, East side Sauvie Island OR, July 11&12
ORTC, hunt test, St. Louis Ponds, Gervais OR, July 18
Rainier Hunting Retriever Club, hunt test, Carnation WA, Aug. 8
OHRC, hunt test, East side Sauvie Island OR, Aug. 15-16
Whistling Wings, hunt test, Carnation WA, Aug. 15
PSLRA, hunt test, Carnation WA, Aug 22
ORTC, hunt test, East side Sauvie Island OR, Sept. 18-20
Club Officers
President: Cindy Freeman
Vice President: Lisa Cruanas
Secretary: Lizzie Moir
Treasurer: Greg Huntzinger
Board Members
Barb Gilchrist
Tamaria Hartman
Julie Marquis
Jessica Smith
Committee Chairs
Jeff Kennedy: 2015 WC
Susan Huntzinger: 2015 B Match
Ellen Sparks and Lizzie Moir:
2015 Specialty
Tracy Hildebrandt and Barb Straus:
2015 Hunt Test
Litter Listings
Any member wishing to list a litter on either the website or in the
newsletter must provide paper copies of the following minimum
1. OFA hip certification for the sire and dam
2. OFA elbow certification for the sire and dam
3. Current (12 months) eye clearance (CERF) for the sire and
4. A check for $10.00
5. Contact information for the listing. This may contain one or
more of: a persons name, email address, telephone number,
and kennel name.
6. The choice of web listing, newsletter listing or both.
The member may include additional documentation for
certifications such as cardiac or EIC. All certifications
claimed must be documented. Litter listings will run two
months. The member may request one additional month
via email. At the end of the run-period the listing will be
removed without notice.
Send all information to: Greg Huntzinger, 30940 SW Riverlane
Road, West Linn, OR 97068.
Litter Referrals
Susan & Greg Huntzinger
(503) 655-9405
Susan Huntzinger
(503) 655-9405
Newsletter Editor
Julie Marquis
(503) 449-4914
Web Site
Greg Huntzinger: Webmaster
(503) 655-9405
Newsletter Guidelines: This newsletter is published monthly by the Rose City Labrador Retriever
Club a non-profit organization and issued to all members in good standing. Contributions for
publication and advertisements are welcome. Advertising rates are $25.00 per half page and $50.00
per whole page.
All submissions for publication are to be emailed to the editor by the 25th of
the month at