Reference Manual


Reference Manual
SIP Softphone
Reference Manual
1.1 – ed1
The last update of this manual is available at:
© 2003, 2014 by M2MSOFT, All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be used or reproduced in
any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written
permission of M2MSOFT. Specifications subject to change without notice.
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PRESENTATION OF THE WIZIN SOFTPHONE ............................................................................................ 5
FIRST STEPS ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 DEMO ACCOUNT ON M2MSOFT SERVER ................................................................................................................ 7
2.1.1 What can I do with my demo account? ................................................................................................ 8
MAIN MENU ........................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 Accounts ............................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.2 Media .................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Messaging .......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.4 Advanced ............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.1.5 Configuration submenu ...................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 HELP ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 ABOUT .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 QUIT ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
WIZIN WITH TELEPHONE MODE ............................................................................................................ 15
4.1 TELEPHONE MODE ........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 HISTORY (CALLS) ............................................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.1 Explanation of icons ............................................................................................................................ 16
4.2.2 Clean history ....................................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 DIRECTORY (CALLS) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.3.1 Research on the directory ................................................................................................................... 17
4.3.2 Add or delete a contact ...................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.3 Call a contact from the directory ........................................................................................................ 18
4.4 DISCOVERY (CALLS) .......................................................................................................................................... 19
4.4.1 Accept discovery ................................................................................................................................. 20
4.4.2 Call another WiZiN .............................................................................................................................. 21
4.5 ENTERPRISE FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.5.1 Place an outgoing call......................................................................................................................... 22
4.5.2 Accept an incoming call ...................................................................................................................... 23
4.5.3 Connected call..................................................................................................................................... 24
4.5.4 Transfers and conferences .................................................................................................................. 25 Blind transfer ................................................................................................................................................ 26 Transfer ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 Conference ................................................................................................................................................... 28
WIZIN WITH MESSAGE MODE ............................................................................................................... 29
5.1 ACCESS TO THE MESSAGES ................................................................................................................................. 29
5.1.1 Explanation of the icons ..................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 MESSAGES (SMS) MODE .................................................................................................................................. 30
5.3 HISTORY (MESSAGES) ....................................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.1 Explanation of icons ............................................................................................................................ 31
5.4 DIRECTORY (MESSAGES).................................................................................................................................... 32
5.5 DISCOVERY (MESSAGES).................................................................................................................................... 33
5.6 SEND AND RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES ..................................................................................................................... 34
5.6.1 Send a text message ........................................................................................................................... 34
5.2.2 Receive a text message ....................................................................................................................... 35
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5.7 MESSAGES (VOICE MESSAGES) MODE .................................................................................................................. 36
5.7.1 Pre-requisite ....................................................................................................................................... 36
5.7.2 Voice messages’ notice ....................................................................................................................... 37
5.8 ADVANCED SERVICES OF MESSAGING ................................................................................................................... 38
5.8.1 Voice messaging recovery in WiZiN .................................................................................................... 39
5.8.2 Configuration of the Personal Assistant ............................................................................................. 41
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1. Presentation of the WiZiN softphone
WiZiN is a smart SIP softphone compatible with Android platforms (smartphones, tablets)
version 2.1 level 7 and more.
It is possible to establish/receive calls and messages by being connected to a SIP account
(private company or public service provider).
Calls/sms messages between ‘WiZiNs’ are totally free, calls/sms from WiZiN to fix or mobile
phones are defined by the service providers’ costs.
As a real relay of your company phone, WiZiN can establish conferences, transfers, has an
access to your voice messaging, sending/receiving text messages (sms) with a link to your
professional directory and you personal contacts.
WiZiN exists in two different versions; the basic one (downloadable on the Google Play
Store) and the pro one (apk file from M2Msoft). In this manual, the screenshots are made
from pro and basic versions of WiZiN with Samsung, S3 and Galaxy Tab 2 and a HTC One.
In its basic version, the user can see all the functionalities with a limited access for some of
them. The following tab shows the technical characteristics of the versions (red for basic,
yellow for the pro).
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2. First steps
Download WiZiN on its
basic version on the
Google Play Store
WiZiN can be used
straight away thanks to
its demo account linked
to the M2Msoft server.
A unique number is
dedicated to call the
other WiZiNs.
By creating a new
account linked to the
enterprise server or the
service provider, the user
has access to all the
advanced functionalities
of WiZiN.
Contact the sales
department of M2Msoft
to discover the pro
version by calling
+33 561 595 150.
The basic version of WiZiN is downloadable from the Google Play Store whereas the pro
version can only be installed through M2Msoft.
2.1 Demo account on M2Msoft server
When WiZiN is downloaded (pro and basic versions), a demo account is already configured in
the general parameters. The softphone can be used directly.
M2Msoft has configured all the parameters that cannot be modified by the user.
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2.1.1 What can I do with my demo account?
The demo account aims to send or receive calls, text messages (sms) with other WiZiN users
through the M2Msoft server. It is not possible to call outside (only SIP-SIP communications).
The calls are limited to 60 seconds each with the basic version, and are unlimited with the
pro one. To call with no limitation of time in the basic version (with or without demo
account) it is possible via the point-to-point mode (see §4.4).
To get more information about the demo account, click on the link at the bottom of the
‘Settings’ interface (see below).
2.2 New account (SIP account linked to a private company or a
public service provider)
In order to counter the limitations of the demo account, the WiZiN user can create as many
new profiles as he wishes, for a pro or personal use. (See §3.1.1).
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3. Main menu
3.1 Settings
3.1.1 Accounts
To create a new account and be connected to another server than M2Msoft’s (defined by
default in the demo account), the following steps have to be followed.
For more details concerning the connection to the IPBX of a company, see with the network
administrator or with the service provider for a connection to the internet box at home.
From the main interface of
WiZiN (pro and basic), click
on the button ‘Menu’ of
the smartphone or the
tablet. Three choices are
offered: press on
From the current profile, click
on the arrow in the right
corner (see the yellow circle)
to open other existing
profiles or to create a new
one. In that case, click on
‘New profile…’.
From the ‘Settings’ menu,
click on ‘Accounts’.
On the bottom of the screen,
the name of the selected
account is displayed. Before
any changes, the demo
account is pre selected.
Fill in the following fields:
Account name: name of the account. By
default it is alias@server:port
Server IP: domain or server name (IP server
or SIP domain)
Server port: listening SIP port (5060 =
Alias: phone number
SIP login: login of the SIP account
SIP password: password of the SIP account
TTL: Expiry time of the SIP account (120 by
SIP transport: UDP or TCP (TLS to come)
All of these information are provided by the
service provider or the network
administrator in the enterprise.
Once all the fields are filled in, click on
‘Terminate’ to validate or on ‘Erase’ to
delete the profile.
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3.1.2 Media
In the screen n°2, the media menu is displayed.
The following fields have to be filled in:
DTMF: SIPinfo or RFC 2833 (more often it is the RFC 2833).
Codecs 1,2 and 3: it is possible to choose the order of the codecs to be used. The codec 1
goes on priority. If any codec has been elected on positions 2 and 3, only the codec 1 will be
taken into account. WiZiN handles the following codecs: G711A, G711U, G722 and G729 (on
on the Pro version) and iLBC soon.
PKTime: packet time interval (20 to 60 ms).
To validate the changing, click on ‘TERMINATE’.
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3.1.3 Messaging
In the screen n°2, the messaging menu is displayed.
The following fields have to be filled in:
Msg phone number: Number to call to consult the messaging server (by filling this field, a
subscription to the messaging notifications MWI is automatically done).
The following parameters can only be used via the M5000 messaging server by M2Msoft to
read the voice mails on the data channel and to have access to the Personal Assistant.
Msg server address: IP address of the messaging server (or domain name).
Msg server port: Listening port of the messaging server (8072 by default).
Msg user login and password: Parameters of connection to the M5000 server by M2Msoft.
To validate the changing, click on ‘TERMINATE’.
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3.1.4 Advanced
In the screen n°2, the advanced menu is displayed.
The following fields have to be filled in:
Registration: Three choices are offered; Auto / Manual /Pt-to-Pt (Point-to-point).
The registration in the ‘Auto’ mode allows to be registered the whole time on the latest
selected account as soon as the application is opened.
The ‘Manual’ mode allows to be connected on demand by clicking on ‘Register’ or
‘Unregister’*. The ‘Pt-to-Pt’ mode is useful for communications between WiZiNs only (on the
same network).
*‘Manual’ mode:
By selecting this mode and from the main interface of WiZiN, the user will be disconnected
(‘Not registered’) and will have to force the connection by clicking on ‘Register’ (see the
yellow circle). On the opposite, click on ‘Unregister’ (work will all modes).
Local SIP port: Listening port local SIP (already filled in)
Local RTP port: Source port of the outgoing packets (already filled in)
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Display: Alphanumeric name that will be displayed in case of an incoming call or the
discovery mode (see §4.4) if it is unknown in the directory (see §4.3).
Accept discovery: To tick if the user wishes to be seen by the others on the discovery mode
(see §4.4).
Directory IP: Address and port of the professional directory (format server :port).
Private: Binary representation (for a ‘lab’ use, has to stay as it is).
3.1.5 Configuration submenu
From the Settings interface, by clicking on the MENU button of the device, the user gets the
backup/restore function.
The Backup/Restore function aims to save the current environment (all the profiles, the
selected profile ans the other configuration elements) in the sdcard.
The files of this directory will always be backuped in case of a reinstallation of new device.
3.2 Help
To access to the online user guide, the user can click on ‘Help’ or check the following
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3.3 About
3.4 Quit
Open the menu from the corresponding key on your device and click on ‘Quit’.
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4. WiZiN with telephone mode
4.1 Telephone mode
In the picture below, the ‘Telephone’ menu is selected. The icon becomes blue. This color
code is used all over the application.
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4.2 History (calls)
The history icon becomes blue.
The following picture gives an overview of the history.
4.2.1 Explanation of icons
Dial in
Dial out
Missed call
When the user clicks on a line in the history, a call is launched. In the whole app, if the
correspondent is known in the directory, his first name/last name are displayed aside of the
phone number. Otherwise it will be the ‘display’ only (see §3.1.4).
4.2.2 Clean history
Press on ‘Clear History’ to delete all the history and then ‘OK’ to confirm.
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4.3 Directory (calls)
The following picture shows the different icons on the directory interface.
4.3.1 Research on the directory
To search a contact in the directory (professional or personal), just dial the first letters of the
name in the dedicated space. The pages are only for the Professional directory.
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4.3.2 Add or delete a contact
This action has no link with the WiZiN app. Indeed, to delete a contact from the personal
directory (contacts of the phone or the sim card), it has to be done directly from the
‘Contacts’ app in the smartphone or the tablet.
For the professional directory, the adding or deleting of a contact from the database has to
be done directly in the IPBX (see with your system administrator).
4.3.3 Call a contact from the directory
Once a contact is selected from the directory, click on his name. A pop-up opens with the
phone number(s) of the contact (see below). Click on the number to call to start the call.
Mobile phone
Fix number
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4.4 Discovery (calls)
The menu ‘Discovery’ aims to find other WiZiN users in the same wifi network (no server,
point-to-point, see §3.3). The WiZiN application of the nework’s devices must be activated
and in a registered state (or on point-to-point mode, see §3.1.4).
The different WiZiNs on the network can call each other or send/receive text messages in an
unlimited way.
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4.4.1 Accept discovery
In order to be seen by other WiZiNs in the network, tick the corresponding box as below.
Besides, the wifi has to be active in the parameters and common to the one used by other
users (do not pick a hotspot for instance if others are connected to the local wifi).
In the ‘Settings’ menu, select
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Tick the box ‘Accept
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4.4.2 Call another WiZiN
Click on the discovery icon,
it becomes blue.
In the example, any other
user has been found on the
Click on ‘Refresh’ to find
other WiZiNs.
Click on the ’WiZiN line’ to
call; the call starts directly.
Les appels dans ce mode sont illimités, en version pro comme en version de base.
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4.5 Enterprise functions
4.5.1 Place an outgoing call
With the demo account or via a new account connected to a server, the user can establish
and receive calls. In case of ‘manual’ mode (see §3.1.4), make sure that the account is
When a dial out is established, WiZiN will show various status.
From the main interface
of WiZiN (pro and basic),
dial the phone number.
It is displayed in the
‘Number’ space. It is also
possible to select the
number to call from the
history, the discovery or
the directory.
The call starts: ‘TRYING’,
and ‘RINGING’ are
displayed on the screen.
In case of mistake, the
user reads ‘Not allocated’
(number unknown),
‘Busy’ (busy line), ‘Failed’
(server error), etc.
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To start a call, click on the
green phone.
When the correspondent
picks up, ‘CONNECTED’ and
the duration are displayed
under the number.
If he is in the directory, his
name and his picture are
displayed too (if filled in
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4.5.2 Accept an incoming call
In case of an incoming call,
the user sees the phone
number (alias), his name
(display if filled in earlier),
To pick up, click on the green
phone. To reject the call, click
on the red one.
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Once the call is picked
up, ‘CONNECTED’ and
the duration are
displayed under the
umber and the name of
the correspondent.
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4.5.3 Connected call
When a call is connected (established or received), different options are possible. The icons
are detailed below:
The following tab gives information about options. When an option is selected, the icon
becomes blue.
Put the call on hold/Take it back
Activate/Unactivate the micro
Activate/Unactivate the loud speaker
Display/Hide the dialler
Display/Hide the information of call
Access to the list of connected calls (transfers and conferences)
Hang up
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4.5.4 Transfers and conferences
By clicking on
, the user has access to advanced features: transfers of calls, blind or
not and conferences.
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With a blind transfer, the call is launched in every case, even if the correspondent doesn’t
answer or the line is busy.
WiZiN can make blind transfers because it is a multi lines softphone (3 lines for the basic
version and 8 in the pro one).
In case of an incoming
call, click on the green
phone to pick up.
The current call can be
transferred by clicking
on ‘Blind transfer’. If
various calls are
connected, tick the one
to transfer on the right
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The current call
appears in the
list. To hang up,
press ‘End’, to
go back to the
main interface,
press on ‘Back
to call’.
The call is connected.
Click on the list button
to access to the
advanced features.
WiZiN automatically opens the
calls menu. The user can dial
the number to which the
current call will be transferred
to. It can also be done from
the history, the discovery or
the directory.
As soon as the
transfer is
the user gets
back to the
main interface
of WiZiN.
© M2MSOFT 2003-2014– All rights reserved Transfer
A transfer is different from a blind transfer because the call is transmitted only if the
correspondent picks it up and accepts to receive it.
In case of a dial in
press on the
green phone to
pick up.
For the future
transfer, click on
+ to add a line.
In case of numerous
connected calls, tick the
boxes of the lines to
transfer and click on
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The call is
connected, click on
the list button to
access to the
advanced features.
opens the call
menu. The user can
dial the number,
search for a
contact in the
history, directory
or discovery.
The connected call
appears in the list. To
hang up press ‘End’,
to go back to the
main interface, click
on ‘Back to call’.
When the
correspondent picks up
(here 5051) the new call
is connected. This is the
consultation. The first
one is automatically put
on hold. To make the
transfer, the user has to
go back to the list
button (see yellow
As soon as the
transfer is
the user gets
back to the
main interface
of WiZiN.
© M2MSOFT 2003-2014– All rights reserved Conference
WiZiN is a real conferencing bridge on its own, in a local and mobile ways (until 8 lines in the
pro version).
The figure below shows the various steps to make a conference.
The call is
connected. Click
on the list button
on the right side.
The call can be
launched from the
dialer, the history,
the directory or
the discovery.
When the call is
connected, the
first one is
automatically on
The conference is
created (red
background). Click
on the button on
the left corner (see
the yellow circle) to
see the other
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It appears in the
list (green as
In order to make the
conference, other
correspondents have to
be called. Press on + to
call them.
Only on the pro
It is possible to
call other
correspondents to
join the
conference (same
principle as
The various calls are
displayed. Select the
ones that will be
joining the conference
(yellow circle) and click
on ‘Confer’.
To isolate a
participant from
the conference,
click on ‘Private’
(see the yellow
The button ‘Go back’
of the phone or the
tablet (yellow circle)
aims to go back to the
classic interface.
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5. WiZiN with Message mode
The WiZiN app enables to send/receive text messages and handle voice mails (only with the
M5000 messaging server of M2Msoft).
5.1 Access to the messages
5.1.1 Explanation of the icons
New message(s) received
No new message
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5.2 Messages (SMS) mode
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5.3 History (messages)
The following figure gives an overview of the WiZiN history on Message mode.
5.3.1 Explanation of icons
Message received
Message sent
Unread message
Acknowledgement of reception
From the history, it is possible to consult the saved messages. To delete them, click on one
and then ‘Delete’.
To eras the whole history, click on ‘Clear History’.
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5.4 Directory (messages)
The directory menu on message mode has the same interface than the one on Telephone
mode and it works the same way (see §4.3).
Nevertheless when a number is selected it directly goes on the field ‘To’.
Select a contact in the
directory (personal or
professional). Click on
the number (many are
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The number is
automatically added as an
addressee of the text
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5.5 Discovery (messages)
The discovery menu in message mode has the same interface than the one on telephone
mode (see §4.4).
Nevertheless when a WiZiN user is discovered on the network, it is directly copied in the
field ‘To’ of the message.
Start the discovery on
the network. Select
the one to whom the
text message has to be
The number directly goes
on the ‘To’ field as:
Click on the number to delete.
The pop up appears, click on
‘Yes’ to validate.
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5.6 Send and receive text messages
5.6.1 Send a text message
The figure below shows the steps to send a text message.
Go on the message
Put the cursor on ‘To’ to add
the number of the addressee.
The numeric keyboard
appears. They can also be
added from the directory, the
discovery or the history.
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Put the cursor on the space
‘Message to Send’. The keyboard
of the phone or tablet appears
automatically. Use the button
‘Clear’ to delete all quickly. It is
also possible to use the function
speech to write.
Click on the message icon to
send the message. If any
message has been written,
‘Message is Empty !’ is
displayed. If any addressee is
added; ’No recipient’
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5.2.2 Receive a text message
To see the unread message (in the Message menu) click on
In the message menu,
click on the red icon
(yellow circle).
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The message is opening.
It can be saved (Keep), it is
possible to reply to it (Reply) or
to delete it (Delete).
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5.7 Messages (voice messages) mode
5.7.1 Pre-requisite
To enjoy from this feature, the user has to fill in the number allocated to call its messaging
server and subscribe to the MWI (see §3.1.3).
In the ‘Settings’ menu,
click on ‘Messaging’.
Fill in the corresponding
number to consult the
messaging server.
The reading of voice messages on the device and the access to the Personal Assistant are
advanced features, only available via the M5000 messaging server by M2msoft.Contact our
sales department at
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5.7.2 Voice messages’ notice
The following example is done with a profile where only the field ‘Msg Phone nb’ is filled in
(see §3.1.3). The user cannot access to the advanced services of the messaging system.
From the main
interface of WiZiN (pro
and basic), an
indicator appears.
The voice mail reception
indicator is displayed on
the bottom of the interface
(see the yellow circle).
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The type of message is
written. Here it is a
voice mail. The number
is also written (if there
is more than 1).
By clicking on the previous icon,
WiZiN offers the following
choices: call the messaging
server to listen to the message
(‘Call to server’) or cancel it
(‘Cancel’). The option ‘Download
list’ can only be reached through
the M5000 server by M2Msoft.
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5.8 Advanced services of messaging
The following example has been done via an example that has filled in all the messaging
parameters linked to the M5000 server by M2Msoft. The user has access to the advanced
To reach those services, click on ‘Download list’ (only available if the messaging parameters
have been filled in; see on Menu>Setting>Messaging).
The user lands on a specific interface where the user has access to the list (saved and/or new
ones) and the Personal Assistant.
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5.8.1 Voice messaging recovery in WiZiN
Click on the option ‘Download list’ (only visible if the user has filled in the messaging
The icon
means that the user is in the downloaded voice messaging interface. In the
example below, the user has three new messages (yellow circle) but any saved message (‘0
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By clicking on a message, it is possible to listen to it directly in WiZiN.
The message is then colored in red (left column) and the action bar can be moved until the
desired time (right column).
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5.8.2 Configuration of the Personal Assistant
To access to the Personal Assistant, click on ‘Download list’ (only visible if the user has filled
in the advanced messaging parameters).
The set up of a Personal Assistant allows to go even further, offering various choices for the
caller when he’s leaving a message; be redirected on the mobile phone of his correspondent,
on a colleague’s phone or at the main switchboard.
The choices can be modified or suppressed at any time.
When the Personal Assistant is opened, the
what he prefers.
icon becomes blue. The user can define
To validate, click on ‘Apply’. To disable it, click on ‘Enabled’. To enable it again, click on
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