COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL CABLE INSTALLATION COMPONENTS TOOLS AND TESTING EQUIPMENT NETWORKING AND COMPUTER PRODUCTS SURVEILLANCE AND SECURITY AUDIO-VIDEO CONNECTIVITY HOME THEATER COMPONENTS PURCHASING GUIDE September 2011 Page B Teledata Express Contents VOICE & DATA CABLE Terms & Conditions 2-3 CL2/CL3 CABLE 4 SPEAKER WIRE & CONNECTORS 5 COAX CABLES & CONNECTORS 6-7 KEYSTONE JACKS & INSERTS 8-9 WALL PLATES & HOUSINGS WALL PLATE MOUNTING PATCH CABLES CONNECTORS PATCH PANELS RACK DRAWERS 9-10 11 12-13 14 15-16 16 RACKS, BRACKETS & CABINETS 17-18 CABLE MANAGEMENT 19-22 RACEWAY 23 SALES POLICY WHOLESALE ONLY. Teledata Express sells wholesale only to qualified installers and other resellers. Possession of price lists or other literature or access to our website does not constitute the right to purchase from Teledata Express. MINIMUM ORDERS / SMALL ORDERS. Minimum order amount is $20.00. An additional small order charge of $5.00 will be added to all orders under $80.00. SAMPLE REQUESTS. All samples will be invoiced plus shipping charges. PRICING POLICY DELIVERED PRICING. Shipping is included in all catalog prices. Teledata Express will choose the carrier on all orders. Criteria for carrier selection will be fastest service and lowest cost. FOB TELEDATA PRICING. To calculate prices, divide catalog prices by 1.05. FOB shipments will be made freight collect on the carrier of your choice. VOLUME DISCOUNTS. Most items are subject to dollar volume discounts on a per order basis (See Price List). Items ordered not subject to dollar volume discounts WILL be counted as part of the total to determine the volume discount level. PRICE CHANGES. Prices are subject to change without notice. PAYMENT TERMS (1) 2% Discount is allowed for prepayments; (2) There are no surcharges or discounts allowed on credit card payments; (3) Open credit terms are 2% ten days, Net 30 days; (4) COD shipments - the COD fee charged by the freight carrier will be added to all COD shipments. CREDIT CARDS. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover will be accepted. Charges to credit cards will be made at the time of shipment. TERMINAL BLOCK SYSTEMS 24-25 TELEPHONY 26-27 OPEN CREDIT. An open credit line may be established by submitting a credit application to Teledata Express. All applications must be signed by an authorized person. Credit applications will be approved or denied within 10 days of receipt. POWER SURGE PROTECTION 28-32 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS STRUCTURED WIRING 33 Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Please confirm spicifications at time of purchase. FIBER OPTIC 34-39 SHIPPING POLICY TOOLS & ACCESSORIES 40-54 SAME DAY SHIPPING. Orders received by 3:00 pm Central time will be shipped the same day. SPECO SPEAKERS 55-56 BACK ORDERS. Unshipped merchandise from an original order will be shipped when available within 30 days. Merchandise not shipped within 30 days will be cancelled. ALARM PRODUCTS 56-57 FREIGHT POLICY SECURITY CAMERAS & ACCESSORIES 58-64 DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER (DVR) 61 POWER OVER ETHERNET (POE) 63 WIRED & WIRELSS NETWORKING 65-72 KVM SWITCHES 73 I/O CONTROLLER CARDS 73 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES & PARTS 74 COMPUTER CABLES & ADAPTERS 75-78 AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS 79-83 AUDIO & VIDEO ACCESSORIES 84-88 TV & PROJECTOR MOUNTS 89-93 FREIGHT DAMAGE. If your shipment arrives damaged in transit, it is generally best to refuse it. If you accept delivery make sure you note the damage on the delivery record signed by the driver. Notify Teledata Express immediately to arrange for carrier inspection and/or pick up of damaged merchandise. If you do not notify Teledata Express within 10 days, any damage claim will not be allowed. Note: On freight collect shipments the merchandise becomes yours when the carrier picks it up and you will have to file any claims for damage inflicted by the carrier. RETURNS POLICY RETURNED GOODS AUTHORIZATION. No shipment will be accepted for credit consideration without our prearranged authorization. Our returned goods authorization (RGA) number MUST accompany all return shipments. All returns must be prepaid freight. For speedy processing, please have the original invoice number when asking for an RGA , and include a copy with the return shipment. 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. Any normally inventoried product purchased from Teledata Express may be returned within 30 days of invoice date for full credit/refund, no questions asked. Simply follow Returned Goods procedures for fast, easy 100% satisfaction. No credit will be allowed for damaged goods. WARRANTY POLICY Business Hours Monday - Friday 7:00 AM CST to 5:30 PM CST Order by phone: 1-866-296-2880 DROP SHIPMENTS. Drop shipment service to your customers or job sites is available. However, an authorized person must be available to sign for the delivery at the drop ship location. Fax: 1-866-872-6098 e-mail: sales@teledataexpress.com Or order online at: teledataexpress.com (password required) WARRANTY. Products sold by Teledata Express are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service to the extent of the manufacturers express warranties or for one year, whichever is greater. Liability to Teledata Express and remedies to the customer are limited solely to repair, replacement or credit at our sole discretion. Alleged defective merchandise must be returned freight paid at buyers expense, following RGA procedures, to Teledata Express for warranty consideration. This warranty extends to the original purchaser only. Extended warranty available - please call for information. DISCLAIMER. This warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of any other warranty express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Teledata express shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequential or incidental damages, including but not limited to labor costs or loss of profits arising in connection with the use of or inability to use products purchased from Teledata Express. Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 1 September 2011 Catalog 110 Block 25 110 Block Surge Protector 32 110 Patch Cables 12, 25 25 Pair Jumpers, Pigtails 25 3.5MM Cables & Adapters 83 3.5mm Connectors 5, 9 5-Pin Surge Protection Modules 32 66 Block 24 66 Block Surge Protection 31-32 A AC Power Modules 28 Access Points, Wireless 65-66 Adapter Panel, Fiber 37 Adapter Tabs, Racks 17 Adapter, Power 28 ADSL Filter 26 ADSL Modem Router 68 ADSL Router 65-66, 68-69 ADSL Router Wireless 65-66, 68 Alarm Products 56-57 Amphenol Connectors 24 Amplifiers 33 Anaerobic Adhesive 43 Antenna 67-68 Audio Cables & Adapters 82-83 Audio Module 33 Audio/Video Wall Plates 86-87 B Baluns, Video & Power 63 Banana Jacks 5, 9 Battery Backup 29 B-Connectors 14 Binding Post Inserts 9 Binding Posts 5 Biscuit Jacks 10, 27 Blade, Punch Tool 40 Blank Patch Panels 16 BNC Adapters 79 BNC Coax Patch Cables 79 BNC Connectors 7 BNC to VGA Converter 85 Boots, Patch Cable 13 Box Cameras 60 Box Eliminators 11 Bracket, 66 Block 24 Brackets 17, 24 Bridge Clips 24 Bridle Rings 21 Broadband Router 68-69 Building Entrance Surge Protector30-32 Bulk Wire Wall Plates 87 Bullet Cameras 59 Bullnose Wall Plates 87 Butt Set 46, 48 Byte Brothers Tools 45 C Cabinet Fan 18 Cabinets 18 Cable Caddy 54 Cable Clamps 22 Cable Cutters 41-43 Cable Hangers 20-22 Cable Installation Supplies 54 Cable Management 19-23, 33 Cable Pulling Lubricant 54 Cable Pulling String 54 Cable Reel Holder 54 Cable Router 65-66, 68-69 Cable Stripper 41-43 Cable Tie Anchor 20, 22 Cable Ties 22 Cage Nuts 18 Camera Accessories 60-64 Camera Lenses 60 Camera Mounts 62 Camera Power Units 64 Camera Tester 49 Camera, Wireless 72 Cameras 58-60, 72 Can Wrench 51 Cantilever Shelves 20 Carbide Scribe 43 Card Reader 74 CAT 3 Cable 2 CAT 3 Jacks 8 CAT 3 Jumpers, Pigtails 25 CAT 3 Patch Panels 16, 24 CAT 5E Cable 3 CAT 5E Jacks 8 INDEX CAT 5E Modules 33 CAT 5E Patch Cables 12 CAT 5E Patch Panels 15, 17 CAT 5E Plugs 13-14 CAT 6 Cable 3 CAT 6 Jacks 8 CAT 6 Patch Cables 13 CAT 6 Patch Panels 15, 17 CAT 6 Plugs 13-14 CAT 6A Patch Cables 13 CATV Cable 6 CCTV Testers 49 Ceiling TV Mount 89 CL2/CL3 Cables 4 CL2/CL3 Fire Alarm Wire 4 Cleaning Wipes 88 Coax Cables 6 Coax Connectors 7 Coax Crimp Tool 42 Coax Grounding Blocks 31 Coax Inserts 9 Coax Mapper 47 Coax Splitter Modules 33 Coax Splitters 7 Coax Stripper 41-43 Coax Surge Suppressor 28 Coax Tester 45, 47, 49 Coax Tool Kits 44, 46 Coax Wall Jacks 27 Coax Wall Plates 87 Component Cables & Adapters 82 Component to HDMI Converter 84 Component Wall Mount Shelves 92 Component Wall Plates 87 Composite Cables & Adapters 80 Compression Fittings 7 Compression Tools 42 Computer Accessories 73-74 Computer Components 73-74 Concealed Cameras 58 Conduit Measure Tap 54 Contacts, Alarm 56-57 Control Cable 4 Control Card 73 Cord, Phone 26 Couplers 8, 14 Crimp Tools 42-43 Crimp-On Plugs 8, 13-14 Cross Connect Wire 24 Cross Patch Cables 12 Cutter, Cable 41-43 D Data Cable 2-3 Day/Night Cameras 58-60, 72 Decora Wall Plates 10 Demarc Box 24 Desktop TV Mount 89 Diagonal Cutter 43, 51 Direct Burial Cable 2-3 DisplayPort Cables & Adapters 81 DLS Splitter 26 Dome Camera 58 Drawers 16 Drill/Driver Kit 51 D-Ring Panel 19 D-Rings 21 Drive Rings 21 Drop Front Cabinets 18 DSL Filter 26 DSL Router 65-66, 68-69 DVD Writers CALL DVI Cables & Adapters 77 DVI Wall Plates 87 DVR's 61 E Electrical Tape 54 Electrician Scissors 41, 43 Electronic Cleaning Wipes 88 Enclosures 24, 33, 36 Ethernet Cable 2-3 Ethernet over Powerline 72 EZ Mod Crimper 42 EZ-Plugs 14 F F Connector Inserts F Connector Splitters F Connectors F Type Adapters F Type Coaxial Cables 9 7, 33-34 7 79 79 F Wall Jacks 27 Face Plates 9-10, 18, 27, 86-87 Fans 18 Fast Ethernet Adapter 71 Fiber Adapter Module GBIC 37, 72 Fiber Adapter Panel 37 Fiber Boxes 36 Fiber Connectors 37-38 Fiber Crimp Tool 43 Fiber Enclosures 36 Fiber Epoxy 43 Fiber Fan Out 37 Fiber Fish 50 Fiber Inserts 9 Fiber Jumpers 34-35 Fiber Media Converters 36 Fiber Optic 34-39, 43-44 Fiber Optic Cable 34-35 Fiber Optic Jumpers 34-35 Fiber Optic Tools 43-44 Fiber Splice Enclosures 36 Fiber Stripper, Cutter 43 Finger Duct 18-19 Fire Alarm Cable 4 Fire Barrier Caulk 54 Fish Tape 50 Fishing Tool 50, 56-57 Floor Cabinets 18 Floor Rack 17 Four Post Rack 17 G Gas 5-Pin Surge Modules 32 GBIC 37, 72 Gigabit Network Adapter 71 Gigabit PCI Card 71 Gigabit Switch 69-70 Gigabit Uplink Switch 69-71 Glass Front Cabinets 18 Gopher Pole 50 Greenlee Tools 48-49, 51 Grounding Blocks 31 Grounding Devices 29-32 H Handset Cords 26 Hanging Phone Plates 9, 27 Hanging Wall Plates 9, 27 Hard Drives CALL HDMI Cables & Adapters 81 HDMI Converters 84 HDMI Keystone Inserts 9 HDMI Repeater/Extender 84 HDMI Splitter 84 HDMI Switch 84 HDMI Wall Plates 87 Hidden Cameras 58 High Gain Wireless Adapter 65-67 High Power Wireless Access Point 66 High Power Wireless Adapter 66 Hinged Brackets 17 Home Theater Wall Plates 86 Home Wiring Modules 33 Hook & Loop 22 Horns 55-56 I I/O Cards 73 Impact Tools 40 Indoor Antenna 67 Indoor/Outdoor Speaker Wire 5 Infrared Remote Control Kit 88 In-Wall Boxes 33 IP Cameras 59, 72 J Jacks J-Hooks Jumper Rings Junction Box Junction Box Eliminators K 8 21 19 11 11 Kevlar Scissors 43 Keyboard Shelf 20 Keyboards 74 Keystone Inserts 8-9 Keystone Jack Punch Down 40 Keystone Jacks 8 Keystone Jacks & Inserts 8-9 Keystone Wall Plate 9-10, 27 KVM Switch 73 L Ladder Rack LAN Cable Tester LAN Cables LAN Rover LAN Rover Pro Lenses, Cameras Line Cords Loctite Loop Hangers Lubricants 18 45-49 2-3 47 47 60 26 43 20 54 M Managed Gigabit Switch Managed Switch Matrix Switch Media Converters Microphones Mini GBIC Mini Keyboard Modem, 56K Internal Modem/Router ADSL Modular Plug Crimp Tool Modular Plugs Modular Port Adapters Monitor, Camera Test Mono Cables & Adapters Mounting Brackets Mounts, Cameras Mouse Multimedia Composite Multimedia Wall Plates Multiplexers N N PCI Adapter N Router N USB Adapter Network Adapters Networking Tools Notebook Adapter 65-66 65 65-66 65-67, 71 40-42, 45-49 65-67 O Omni Antenna Optical Digital Audio Cables Optical Mouse Outdoor Access Point Outdoor Antenna Outdoor CAT 5e P Patch Cable Couplers Patch Cables Patch Panel Mounting Legs Patch Panels PC Components Phone Cord Swivel Phone Jacks Phone Plates Plastic Slotted Duct Pliers POE POE Injector POE Splitter POE Switch Power Baluns Power Limited Cable Power Modules Power Over Ethernet Power Strips/Surge Power Supplies Power Units, Cameras Powerline Adapter Print Server Projection Screen Projector Accessories Projector Mounts PS/2 KVM Switch Pulling String Pulling Tools Punch Down Tools R 69 69 84 37, 60 60 37, 72 74 71 68 42 13-14 14, 78 49 83 17, 88-93 62 74 3, 6 86-87 62 67 82 74 66 67-68 3 8, 14 12-13 16 15 73-74 26 27 27 18-19 51 63 63 63 71 63 4 69 63, 71 28-29 29, 74 64 72 72 93 93 93 73 54 50-51 40 Raceway 23 Rack Accessories 16-20 Rack Adapter Tabs 17 Rack Drawers 16 Rack Mount Fiber Enclosures 36 Rack Mount Panels 16, 36 Rack Mount Power Strips 28 Rack Mount Surge Strips 28 Rack Shelves 17, 20 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Rackmount Switch 69-71 Racks 17 Racks Screws 18 Rack-to- Wall 18 RCA Component Cables & Adapters 82 RCA Composite Cables & Adapters80 RCA Connectors 5, 7 RCA Inserts 9 RCA Stereo Cables 82-83 Recessed Contacts 57 Recessed Mounting Bracket 11 Recessed Wall Box 93 Relay Racks 17 RESI Tester 46 RG59 Coax 6 RG59 Connectors 7 RG59 Crimper 42 RG6 Connectors 7 RG6 Crimper 42 RJ11-12 Couplers 14 RJ11-12 Crimp Tool 42 RJ11-12 Plugs 13-14 RJ11-12 Splitters 26 RJ11-12 Wall Jack 27 RJ22 Plugs 13-14 RJ45 Plugs 13-14 RJ45 Splitters 26 Router 65-66, 68-69 RS232 to RS485 Converter 64 S Scissors 41, 43 Scotch Lock Crimp Tool 42 Scotch Locks 14 Screw Driver 51 Security & Alarm Speakers 56-57 Security Cameras 58-60 Security Modules 33 Security Sleeve Tool 51 SERIAL Cables & Adapters 78 Sheer Sound 5 Shelves 17, 20, 92 Shielded Patch Cables 12-13 Shielded Patch Panels 15 Siamese Cable 6 Slotted Duct 18-19 Solid State 5-Pin Surge Modules 32 Speaker Mounts 88 Speaker Wall Plates 86 Speaker Wire 5 Speaker Wire & Connectors 5 Speakers & Horns 55-56, 59, 61 Speco 55-56 Splice Lock Crimp Tool 42 Splice Locks 14 Splice Trays 36 Splitters 7, 26, 33, 84-85 Splitters, BNC 60 SS Wall Plates 9-10 Stainless Stell Wall Plates 87 Stereo Cables & Adapters 82-83 Strain Relief Boots 13 Stripper, Cable 41-43 Structured Wiring Modules 33 Surface Housings 10, 27 Surface Mount Contacts 51, 57 Surge Protection 28-32 Surge Supressors 28-32 Surveillance Cameras 58-60 SVGA Cables & Adapters 76 SVGA Converters 84-85 SVGA Extender 85 SVGA Splitters 85 SVGA to HDMI Converter 84 SVGA Wall Plates 87 S-Video Cables & Adapters 80 S-Video Inserts 9 Switch 69-71 Switch, Gigabit 69-70 Switch, KVM 73 Switch, Managed 70 Switch, Unmanaged 70-71 T Telco Patch Panels Telephone Biscuit Jack Telephone Cords Telephone Jacks 16, 24 27 26 27 Telephone Line Coupler 26 Telephone Plates 27 Telephone Surface Housings 27 Telephone Surge Protectors 28-32 Telephone Wire 26 Telephony 26-27 Terminal Block Systems 24-25 Tester, Fiber Continuity 43 Testing Tools 44-49 Test-Um Testing Tools 46-47 Threadlock Connectors 38 Tone & Probe Kits 45-46, 48, 53 Tone Generator 45-48 Tool Carriers & Accessories 52-53 Tool Kits 44 Tools & Supplies 40-54 TOSlink Cables & Adapters 82 TP-LINK 65-72 Tripod Projection Screen 93 Trunk Cable 2-3 TV Mount Accessories 93 TV Mounts 89-92 TV Stand 92 U Unicam Connectors UPS Batter Backup USB Adapters USB Cables & Adapters USB Card USB Hub USB Inserts USB KVM Switch USB Print Server USB Wireless V Validator Velcro Vented Shelves Vertical Cable Management VGA Cables & Adapters VGA Converters VGA Extender VGA Splitters VGA Wall Plates Video Baluns Video Modules Voice & Data Cable Voice Modules Volume Controls 38 29 65-67 75 73 74 9 73 72 65-67 47 22 20 19 76 84-85 85 85 87 63 33 2-3 33 85 W Wall Boxes 24, 33, 36, 93 Wall Clips 22 Wall Jacks 27 Wall Mount Boxes 24, 33, 36, 93 Wall Mount Brackets 17-18 Wall Mount Racks 17 Wall Plate Mounts 11 Wall Plate, Home Theater 86-87 Wall Plates 9-10, 18, 27, 86-87 Wall Tap 28, 69, 93 Waterproof Compression Tool 42 Waterproof Connectors 7 Web Smart Switch 70 Wire Finder 49 Wire Pulling Lubricant 54 Wire Pulling Tools 50-51 Wire Reel Holder 54 Wire Spools 22 Wire Ties 22 Wire, Telephone 26 Wireless Access Point 65-66 Wireless ADSL Router 65-66, 68 Wireless Antenna 67-68 Wireless Camera 72 Wireless N Adapters 65-66 Wireless N Products 65-66 Wireless N Router 65-66 Wireless PCI Adapter 65-67 Wireless Print Server 72 Wireless Products 65-68, 72 Wireless Router 65-66, 68 Wireless USB Adapter 65-67 Z Zip Wire 5 Page 2 Teledata Express VOICE & DATA CABLE Rest assured, that any Lan Cable you buy from Teledata Express is “Top of the Line”. Simply put, we only sell the best. All ourTeledata Express and other cable is listed for safety and verified for performance by UL and / or ETL. Plus inspectors regularly visit the IS09200 rated factories to ensure that the cable you get is the same quality they tested. Category Cable, UTP • Solid Copper Conductors • UTP & STP • Ultra smooth jacket • Bright Colors • Whites Color-Striped • Remaining Length Printed With outstanding covers and remarkable flexibility, our cable is easy to pull. Twisted pairs are brightly colored and distinguishable at a glance, whites are striped to match corresponding color pairs, and length is printed every two feet. Easy strip ripcord comes standard. Of course all of out cable meets or exceeds applicable standards for both safety and performance. CAT 3 CABLE Standards • UL or ETL Listed • UL and/or ETL Verified to Category 3 • NEMA WC 63.1 Applications • Voice/Telephone • 100 Base-VG • ATM PMD 155 Mbps • Fast Ethernet: 10 Base-T, 100 Base-T4, 100 Base-X • 4/16 Mbps Token Ring • ANSI X3T9.5 TP-PMD (FDDI) BRANDS MAY VARY Riser (PVC), Cat 3 Part # Color Description Each 100132 GY 101130 GY WH 100136 GY 100139 GY 100139/500 GY 100139/250 GY 100139/Ft. GY 100140/Ft GY 100140/250 GY 100140/500 GY 100141/Ft GY 100141/250 GY 100141/500 GY Cat 3, 2 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000' Cat 3, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000', HoldKey Cat 3, 6 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000' Cat 3, 25 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000' Cat 3, 25 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 500' Cat 3, 25 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 250' Cat 3, 25 Pair, UTP CMR Solid Per foot Cat 3, 50 Pair, UTP CMR Solid Per foot Cat 3, 50 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 250' Cat 3, 50 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 500' Cat 3, 100 Pair, UTP CMR Solid Per foot Cat 3, 100 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 250' Cat 3, 100 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 500' See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List STOCK COLORS & BRANDS MAY VARY Plenum, (CMP) Cat 3 Part # Color Description Each 101330X WH ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Cat 3, 4 Pair, UTP Plenum Solid 1000' 25, 50, 100 Pair Cat 3 Plenum ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Available - Please Call for Pricing Available - Please Call for Pricing VOICE GRADE DIRECT BURIAL ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each PE 89 Burial 22 AWG or 24 AWG, 6, 12, 25, 50 , 100 Pair w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order Available - Please Call for Pricing Order online at: TeledataExpress.com • • • • • • Ripcord Standard UL and / or ETL Listed UL and/or ETL Verified ANSI ISO9002 Exceeds TIA/EIA Standards September 2011 Catalog CAT 5E CABLE • • • • Page 3 VOICE & DATA CABLE Gigabit Ethernet • 1000 Base-T • 4 Mbps Token Ring (IEEE 802.5) T1 • Broad Band Video • 100 Base-VG (IEEE 802.12) ISDN • ATM 155 Mbps • ANSI X3T9.5 TP-PMD (FDDI) 10 Base-T, 100 Base-T4, and 100 Base-X Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) Riser CAT 5e - CMR (PVC), Each Part # Color Description ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 101150 BL GY WH Cat 5e, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000'See Price List BK YL RD 101150-R BL WH YL Cat 5e, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000', Reel in a BoxSee Price List 101151-S GY Cat 5e, 4 Pair, Shielded (OAS) CMR Solid 1000'See Price List 101154 BL WH Cat 5e 350 MHz, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000'See Price List Riser - CMR (PVC) Indoor / Outdoor Weather resistant PVC jacket with UV inhibitors. Resists cracking and peeling from long term sun NOT FOR BURIAL. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT exposure. NOT WATERPROOF Each Part # Color Description 101152 101153 BG BK BK Each Part # Color Description Each Part # Color Description 101905 Each Part # Color Description BK BK Each Part # Color Description 100159 BL 100159FT BL 100160 GY STOCK COLORS & BRANDS MAY VARY CAT 6 CABLE • 622 Mbps ATM • 10 Base-T, 100 Base-T4, and 100 Base-X Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) • 4 Mbps Token Ring (IEEE 802.5) • Improved bandwidth and signalto-noise ratio over Cat 5e Each Description 101160 BL GN GY WH YL 101160-R WH 101164 BL WH 101161-S BL BL WH BL WH Each Description Cat 6, 4 Pair, UTP Plenum Solid 1000' Cat 6E 550 MHz, 4 Pair, UTP Plenum Solid 1000' Direct Burial, Cat 6e Each Part # Color Description BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Cat 6e, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000' Cat 6, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000', Reel in a Box Cat 6E, 550 MHz, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000' Cat 6, 4 Pair, Shielded (OAS) CMR Solid 1000' Plenum, Cat 6, Cat 6e Part # Color ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List See Price ListBL Riser 6, Cat 6e (PVC), Cat Part # Color ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Cat 5, 25 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000' Cat 5, 25 Pair, UTP CMR Solid Per Foot Cat 5e 25 Pair CMR Solid 1000" • Gigabit Ethernet • Broad Band Video • 100 Mbps TPDDI • Base-T 191160 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Cat 5e, 4 Pair, UTP Direct Burial Solid 1000'See Price List Cat 5e, 4 Pair, UTP Direct Burial Solid 1000' - SHIELDED See Price List Trunk/Backbone Cable 101360 101364 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order BL GY WH, Cat 5e 350 MHz, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Stranded 1000'See Price List BK YL GN OR PR RD Direct Burial, Cat 5e 191151 191152S w/ $750 Order BL WH YL Cat 5e, 4 Pair, UTP Plenum Solid 1000'See Price List BL WH Cat 5e 350MHz, 4 Pair, UTP Plenum Solid 1000'See Price List Stranded, Cat 5e (For Patch Cables) w/$500 Order CAT 5e, 4 Pair, UTP CMR Solid 1000' I/O w/UV ProtectionSee Price List CAT 5e, 4 Pair, STP CMR Solid 1000' I/O w/UV Protection, (OAS) ShieldedSee Price List Plenum - CMP CAT 5e 101350 101354 w/$250 Order See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Cat 6e, 4 Pair, UTP Direct Burial Solid 1000', UV ResistantSee Price List CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL MULTIMEDIA COMPOSITE SEE COAX CABLE PAGE 6 Page 4 Teledata Express CL2/CL3 CABLE CL2 Unshielded Riser (PVC) Standards: • UL Listed • CL2 rated to 150 volts • CL3 rated to 300 volts Applications: • Audio and Intercom • Security Systems • Power Limited Circuits • Industrial Control Systems • Signaling • Tray Cable Applications CL2 Unshielded Riser (PVC) Part # Color Description ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 154672 BL GN GY CL2R Unshielded, Stranded 22/2, 1000' YL WH 154573 WH CL2R Unshielded, Solid 22/2, 1000' 154674 GN WH CL2R Unshielded, Stranded 22/4, 1000' 154574 BL GN CL2R Unshielded, Solid 22/4, 1000' GY WH See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List CL3 Unshielded Riser (PVC) ASK ABOUT AVAILABILITY OF 500 FT. LENGTHS BRANDS MAY VARY ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description 155573 155552 155554 155556 155542 155544 155532 GY GY GY GY GY GY GY CL3R Unshielded, Stranded 22/6, 1000' CL3R Unshielded, Stranded 18/2, 1000' CL3R Unshielded, Stranded 18/4, 1000' CL3R Unshielded, Stranded 18/6, 1000' CL3R Unshielded, Stranded 16/2, 1000' CL3R Unshielded, Stranded 16/4, 1000' CL3R Unshielded, Stranded 14/2, 1000' Part # Color Description WH WH WH WH WH WH WH CL3P Unshielded, Stranded 22/2, 1000' CL3P Unshielded, Stranded 22/4, 1000' CL3P Unshielded, Stranded 18/2, 1000' CL3P Unshielded, Stranded 18/4, 1000' CL3P Unshielded, Stranded 16/2, 1000' CL3P Unshielded, Stranded 16/4, 1000' CL3P Unshielded, Stranded 14/2, 1000' • UL Listed power limited fire alarm cable in accordance with NEC 760. Applications ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List Call for Price Fire Alarm Shielded Riser (PVC) ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 158752 158742 158744 158732 RD RD RD RD FPLR OAS w/ drain, Solid 18/2, 1000' FPLR OAS w/ drain, Solid 16/2, 1000' FPLR OAS w/ drain, Solid 16/4, 1000' FPLR OAS w/ drain, Solid 14/2, 1000' See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List CL2R Unshielded, Stranded 18/2, 1000' CL2R Unshielded, Stranded 18/4, 1000' CL2R Unshielded, Stranded 16/2, 1000' CL2R Unshielded, Stranded 16/4, 1000' CL2R Unshielded, Stranded 14/2, 1000' See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List CL2R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 22/2, 1000' CL2R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 22/4, 1000' CL2R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 18/2, 1000' CL2R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 18/4, 1000' CL2R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 16/2, 1000' CL2R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 16/4, 1000' See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List CL2 Shielded Riser (PVC) Part # Color Description 154772 154774 154752 154754 154742 154744 GY GY GY GY GY GY CL3 Shielded Riser (PVC) Color GY GY GY GY GY GY GY ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Description CL3R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 22/2, 1000' CL3R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 22/4, 1000' CL3R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 22/6, 1000' CL3R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 18/2, 1000' CL3R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 18/4, 1000' CL3R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 16/2, 1000' CL3R OAS w/ drain, Stranded 16/4, 1000' Part # See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Color Description 156472 156474 156452 156454 156442 156456 WH WH WH WH WH WH CL3P OAS w/ drain, Stranded 22/2, 1000' CL3P OAS w/ drain, Stranded 22/4, 1000' CL3P OAS w/ drain, Stranded 18/2, 1000' CL3P OAS w/ drain, Stranded 18/4, 1000' CL3P OAS w/ drain, Stranded 16/2, 1000' CL3P OAS w/ drain, Stranded 18/6, 1000' See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List ASK ABOUT AVAILABILITY OF 500 FT. LENGTHS • Fire Alarm • Other Fire Protective Circuits • Security Systems • Industrial Control Systems Fire Alarm Unshielded Riser (PVC) 158674 RD FPLR Unshielded, Solid, 22/4, 1000' 158652 RD FPLR Unshielded, Solid, 18/2, 1000' 158654 RD FPLR Unshielded, Solid, 18/4, 1000' 158642 RD FPLR Unshielded, Solid, 16/2, 1000' 158644 RD FPLR Unshielded, Solid, 16/4, 1000' 158632 RD FPLR Unshielded, Solid, 14/2, 1000' FPLR - 500 Ft. Sections are often available GY GY GY GY GY CL3 Shielded Plenum See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List FIRE ALARM WIRE Standards 154652 154654 154642 154644 154632 155472 155474 155476 155452 155454 155442 155444 CL3 Unshielded Plenum ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 156572 156574 156552 156554 156542 156544 156532 Color Description Part # See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # • Smoke Detectors • Audio and Intercom • Signaling Brands May Vary Fire Alarm Unshielded Plenum ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 159652 159654 159642 159644 159632 RD RD RD RD RD FPLP Unshielded, Solid 18/2, 1000' FPLP Unshielded, Solid 18/4, 1000' FPLP Unshielded, Solid 16/2, 1000' FPLP Unshielded, Solid 16/4, 1000' FPLP Unshielded, Solid 14/2, 1000' See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List Fire Alarm Shielded Plenum ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 159752 159754 159742 159732 159734 RD RD RD RD RD FPLP OAS w/ drain, Solid 18/2, 1000' FPLP OAS w/ drain, Solid 18/4, 1000' FPLP OAS w/ drain, Solid 16/2, 1000' FPLP OAS w/ drain, Solid 14/2, 1000' FPLP OAS w/ drain, Solid 14/4, 1000' Order online at: TeledataExpress.com See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List September 2011 Catalog Premium Speaker Wire Page 5 SPEAKER WIRE / CONNECTORS Indoor/Outdoor Speaker Wire Part # ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Description Order Order Order Color 150012 WH 150012WH/250 WH 150012WH/500 WH 150014 BL 150014BL/250 BL 150014BL/500 BL 150028WH/100 WH 150028WH/250 WH 150028WH/500 WH 150028WH/1000 WH 150031WH/100 WH 150031WH/250 WH 150031WH/500 WH • Sheer Sound brand • Indoor/Outdoor • UV Resistant • Direct Burial Grade • Made in the USA Why is strand count important? A higher strand count means happier customers who will provide you with repeat and referral business. Blow them away with great sound, and they will always come back to you. Plus, you'll be the installer that their friends seek out when they hear your customer's impressive new system. When a signal travels down a length of speaker wire to your customer's speakers, it is transmitted around the diameters of each strand. A greater number of strands means a greater number of diameters. This allows the transmission of a stronger signal and improves overall Part # sound clarity. Standard speaker wire consists of only 150022 19 strands. 150022PR/250 150024BL/100 150024BL/250 150024BL/500 Sheer Sound 65 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 16/2, 1000' See Price List Sheer Sound 65 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 16/2, 250' See Price List Sheer Sound 65 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 16/2, 500' See Price List Sheer Sound 65 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 16/4, 1000' See Price List Sheer Sound 65 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 16/4, 250' See Price List Sheer Sound 65 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 16/4, 500' See Price List Sheer Sound 105 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 12/2, 100' See Price List Sheer Sound 105 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 12/2, 250' See Price List Sheer Sound 105 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 12/2, 500' See Price List Sheer Sound 105 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 12/2, 1000' See Price List Sheer Sound 105 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 12/4, 100' Normally Available See Price List Sheer Sound 105 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 12/4, 250' Normally Available See Price List Sheer Sound 105 Strand CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 12/4, 500' Normally Available See Price List Indoor/Outdoor Speaker Wire with Oxygen Free Copper ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Color Description PR PR BL BL BL WH WH WH WH WH Sheer Sound 105 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 14/2, 500' Sheer Sound 105 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 14/2, 250' Sheer Sound 105 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 14/4, 100' Sheer Sound 105 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 14/4, 250' Sheer Sound 105 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor/Outdoor 14/4, 500' See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List Indoor Speaker Wire with Oxygen Free Copper FREIGHT ALL PRICES INCLUDE Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Color Description Order Order Order 150034/100 150034/250 150034/500 150042/500 150043/500 150044/500 150045/500 150034 Indoor Zip Wire Solderless Screw → Terminal 108402X Banana Jack Binding Post 102608 RCA Jack/Jack 108402-2 RCA Jack/Jack Hexnut Keystone Insert Plastic Bracket RCA Plug Metallic Handle Part # * 108402 * 108402-1 * 108402-2 WH WH WH WH Sheer Sound 413 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor 10/2, Zip Wire 100' Sheer Sound 413 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor 10/2, Zip Wire 250' Sheer Sound 413 Strand OFC CL3, Indoor 10/2, Zip Wire 500' CL3R 16/2 OFC 65 Strand Inwall 500' CL3R 16/4 OFC 65 Strand Inwall 500' CL3R 14/2 OFC 105 Strand Inwall 500' CL3R 14/4 OFC 105 Strand Inwall 500' Color Description Speaker Wire Solder Connectors 108670 RCA Panel Mount Jack Part # 108275 108273 108274 108290 108670 108674 108290 108672 3.5mm Stereo Plug Banana Jack Panel Mount 108281 108283 108280 Banana Plug by Binding Post Part # 102608IV 102608WH 108280 108674 108672 108281 108283 Each Color Description w/$250 Order w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order 1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 1.71 1.63 1.58 Call 1.67 for Pricing 1.71866-296-2880 1.67 1.63 1.58 1.83 1.78 1.74 1.69 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Code RD BK RD BK RCA Jack Plastic Handle Solder RCA Jack Metallic Handle Solder RCA Plug Metallic Handle Solder 3.5mm Stereo Plug Metal Handle Solder RCA Panel Mount Jack Solder Speaker Wire Connectors Banana Jack w/Binding Post Panel Mount See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List Code RD BK 5 Way Binding Post Banana Jack (FXF) Color Coded Panel/Insert Mount RD WH RCA Jack/Jack Hex Panel Mount, Color Coded - Gold RD WH RCA Jack/"F"F - Hex Panel Mount, Color Coded - Gold 102606 AL IV WH Hexnut Keystone Insert Plastic Bracket * Mount in Keystone insert bracket or decora face plate inserts 108274 108273 CL CL CL BL BL BL BL Speaker Wire Connectors Hex Panel Mount ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Banana Jack & Binding Post Insert 108402-1 102606 Part # Color Description 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.83 Call for Pricing 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.40866-296-2880 0.39 0.38 0.37 1.06 1.03 1.01 0.98 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Code RD RD RD RD RD RD RD BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Keystone Insert, Banana Jack/Binding Post, Color Coded Keystone Insert, Banana Jack/Binding Post, Color Coded Banana Plug to Binding Post Stackable Gold Plated, Color Coded Banana Jack with Binding Post Panel Mount Bananna Jack Panel Mount Banana Plug to Binding Post (PAIR)Gold Open, Red & Black Banana Plug to Binding Post (PAIR)Gold Closed, Red & Black CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 1.71 1.67 1.63 1.58 1.71 1.67 1.63 1.58 1.99 1.94 1.89 1.84 Call for Pricing 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.37 0.30866-296-2880 0.29 0.28 0.28 1.90 1.83 1.81 1.76 1.90 1.83 1.81 1.76 Page 6 Teledata Express COAXIAL CABLE Standards: • UL or ETL Listed Applications as marked: NOTE: FOR COAX JUMPERS & EXTENDERS SEE AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS SECTION • CATV (Cable Television) • SATV (Satellite Television - Sweep-tested to 3GHz) • CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) We work hard everyday to provide you with the best value in coaxial cable. We don’t cut corners by carrying cheap coax that has not been verified to applicable standards, and we negotiate hard with our manufacturers to keep prices down. Brands May Vary Plus, we build relationships with a variety of brands to keep the quality and pricing of our coax consistent. That means you won’t be faced with surprises when it comes time for installation or billing. More examples of the great VALUE of dealing with Teledata Express. RG-6 Non-Plenum, Each Part # Color Description 140116 140117 140165 BK WH RG6 60% Alm Braid, 3 GHz, CMR, CATV/SATV 1000' BK RG6 60% Alm Braid, 3 GHz, SCC, CM, CATV/SATV 1000' BK RG6 QuadShield, 3 GHz, CMR, CATV/SATV 1000' Plenum, RG-6 Each Part # Color Description 140130 WH 140130/500 WH 140150 WH 140152 WH RG6 60% Alm Braid, Plenum, CATV 1000' REEL RG6 60% Alm Braid, Plenum, CATV 500' REEL RG6 Quad Shield, Plenum, CCS, CATV 1000' RG6 Quad Shield, Plenum, SCC, CATV 1000' Direct Burial, RG-6 Each Part # Color Description 140145 140147 BK BK RG6 60% Alm Braid, Direct Burial, CATV 1000' RG6 Quad Shield, Direct Burial, CATV 1000' RG 59 Non-Plenum for CATV and SATV Each Part # Color Description 140420 140470 BK YL RG59 60% Alm Braid, CM, CATV 1000' RG59 Serial Digital, 3 GHz, CM, CATV/SATV 1000' RG 59 Non-Plenum for CCTV Each Part # Color Description 140490 140550R 140550/500-R 1405552 1405552/500 BK WH BK WH BK WH BK WH BK WH RG59 95% Cpr Braid, CM, CCTV 1000' RG59 95% Cpr Braid + 18/2 Control Wire, CMR, CCTV 1000' RG59 95% Cpr Braid + 18/2 Control Wire, CMR, CCTV 500' RG59 95% Cpr Braid + 18/2 Control Wire, CM, RG59 BC 1000' RG59 95% Cpr Braid + 18/2 Control Wire, CM, RG59 BC 500' RG 59 Plenum for CCTV Each Part # Color Description 140492 140540 140540/500 WH WH WH RG59 95% Cpr Braid, Plenum, CCTV 1000' RG59 95% Cpr Braid + 18/2 Control Wire, CMR, CCTV Plenum 1000' RG59 95% Cpr Braid + 18/2 Control Wire, CMR, CCTV Plenum 500' Multimedia Composite Each Part # Color Description 140910BK/500-R BK Mult. Media Composite: (1) RG6 QuadShield + (1) Cat 5e, 4 Pair 140930BK/500-R BK Mult. Media Composite: (2) RG6 QuadShield + (1) Cat 5e, 4 Pair 140940BK/500-R BK Mult. Media Composite: (2) RG6 QuadShield + (2) Cat 5e, 4 Pair ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List See Price List 140165BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List 140116BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List 140490BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List See Price List 140550BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List Call For Pricing Call For Pricing ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order See Price List See Price List See Price List Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 140940BK Page 7 September 2011 Catalog COAX SPLITTERS AND CONNECTORS Coax Splitters Part # Description 108612 108613 108614 108616 108618 249300 249302 249304 249305 249306 249307 108632 108634 108612 Coax Splitter, 2 Way, 900 mhz Coax Splitter, 3 Way, 900 mhz Coax Splitter, 4 Way, 900 mhz Coax Splitter, 6 Way, 900 mhz Coax Splitter, 8 Way, 900 mhz "F" Splitter, 2 Way, 1GHz, 130dB 5.2dB "F" Splitter, 3 Way, 1GHz, 130dB 4.2dB "F" Splitter, 4 Way, 1GHz, 130dB 8.2dB "F" Splitter, 6 Way, 1GHz, 130dB 11.5dB "F" Splitter, 8 Way, 1GHz, 130dB 12.5dB "F" Splitter, 8 Way, 2GHz, 18dB 18dB Splitter, 2 Way, 2.4 GHZ 2.4dB "F" Splitter, 4 Way, 2.4 GHZ 11dB ALL PWR PASS 0.58 .57 .55 .54 0.68 .66 .65 .63 0.80 .78 .76 .74 1.90 1.85 1.81 1.76 2.15 2.10 2.04 1.99 2.58 2.52 2.45 2.39 Call for Pricing 3.98 3.88 3.78 3.68 866-296-2880 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.79 7.00 6.83 6.65 6.48 7.70 7.51 7.32 7.12 12.9012.58 12.26 11.93 1.90 1.85 1.81 1.76 3.12 3.04 2.96 2.89 108618 108616 108634 RG-6 Short One Piece Crimp-On F Connector, Male RG-6 One Piece Crimp-On Waterproof F Connector, Male RG-6 Standard One Piece Crimp-On F Connector, Male RG-6 Crimp-On F Connector, Male RG-6 Crimp-On F Connector, QuadShield, Male RG-6 Twist-On F Connector, Male RG-6 Push-On F Connector, Male BNC Connector (3 Ferrule) Crimp-On RG-6 Twist-On BNC Connector, Male RG-6 Crimp-On BNC Connector, Male, 2 Piece RG-6 Crimp-On BNC Connector, Male, 3 Piece RG-6 Quadshield Compression F Connector, Male RG-6 Tapered Connector F Compression RG-6 Waterproof F Connector, Male, Compression RG-6 Waterproof F Connector, Male, Compression T & B RG-6 Waterproof F Connector, QuadShield, Male, Compression RG-6 Waterproof F Connector, Female, Compression RG-6 Waterproof F Connector, QuadShield, Female, Compression RG-6 Waterproof BNC Connector, Male, Compression RG-6 Waterproof BNC Connector, Female, Compression RG-6 Waterproof RCA Connector, Male, Compression RG-6 Waterproof RCA Connector, QuadShield, Male, Compression RG-6 Waterproof RCA Connector, Female, Compression RG-6 Waterproof RCA Connector, QuadShield, Female, Compression RG-59 Crimp-On F Connector, Male, 1 Piece RG-59 Crimp-On F Connector, Male, 2 Piece RG-59 Twist-On F Connector, Male RG-59 Push-On F Connector, Male RG-59 Twist-On BNC Connector, Male RG-59 Plenum Crimp-On BNC (use 108172M-T) RG-59 Crimp-On BNC Connector, Male, 2 Piece BNC Connector (3 Ferrule) Crimp-On RG-59 Plenum Crimp-On BNC Female, 2 Piece RG-59 Crimp-On BNC Connector, Female, 2 Piece RG-59 Twist-On RCA Connector, Male, Compression RG-59 Waterproof F Connector, Male, Compression RG-59 "F" Male Compression/RG6 Plenum RG-59 Waterproof BNC Connector, Male, Compression RG-59 Waterproof BNC Connector, Female, Compression RG-59 Waterproof RCA Connector, Male, Compression RG-59 Waterproof RCA Connector, Female, Compression 249302 249306 249307 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order w/$500 Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order w/$500 Order 108172M-T Ferrules to fit RG6/RG59, Plenum /non Plenum plus RG58-RG8X 108101MX 108101M 108154M 108174M 108102 108122 108101M-WP 108104M 108111M 108120M 108152M 108172MX 108109M 108129M 108172F 108171F w/ $750 Order 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.82 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.82 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.82 Call0.97 for Pricing 0.99 0.95 0.92 0.99 866-296-2880 0.97 0.95 0.92 0.67 0.65 0.64 0.62 0.69 0.67 0.66 0.64 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 1.79 1.75 1.70 1.66 1.79 1.75 1.70 1.66 1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 1.49 1.45 1.42 1.38 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 249304 CALL FOR Mini RG59 CONNECTORS w/ $750 Order 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.65 0.63 0.62 0.60 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.82 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.65 0.63 0.62 0.60 for Pricing 0.53Call 0.52 0.50 0.49 0.32 866-296-2880 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.59 0.58 0.56 0.55 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.69 0.67 0.66 0.64 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.82 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.82 1.49 1.45 1.42 1.38 1.49 1.45 1.42 1.38 1.10 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.10 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.20 1.17 1.14 1.11 1.20 1.17 1.14 1.11 Part # Description Each 108120M 108122M 108124M 108129M 108174M 108171M 108172MX 108172M-T 108171F 108172F 108229M 108127M 108127M T&B 108177M 108177F 108227M 108227F 249305 108632 Part # Description Each RG-59 Coax Connectors 249300 108614 RG-6 Coax Connectors 108101M 108101M-WP 108101MX 108102M 108111M 108104M 108109M 108172M-T 108154M 108152M 108153M 108117MX 108107MX 108107M 108107M-T&B 108117M 108107F 108117F 108157M 108157F 108207M 108217M 108207F 108217F 130 dB RFI Shielding 108613 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Insertion Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Loss Order Order Order 108107M 108117M 108117MX 108153M 108107MX NOTE: FOR COAX COUPLERS & ADAPTERS GO TO AUDIO/VIDEO CABLE AND ADAPTER SECTION. 108107F 108117F 108157F 108157M 108217 108227M 108207F 108217F 108227F Page 8 Teledata Express KEYSTONE JACKS These Keystone style jacks are designed to fit our wall plates and surface mount housings. They also interchange with many other industry brands. Choose from a wide variety of colors to code your jobs precisely. Cat 3 Jacks Cat 3 Jacks ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 102630 102636 102637 102637 102637N 102638 102638N WH IV BK WH IV WH IV BK AL BR WH IV AL BK WH Cat 3 Jack, RJ12/RJ11, Toolless Cat 3 Jack, RJ45, RJ12/RJ11 6-in-a-row Cat 3 Jack, RJ12/RJ11, 110 Punch Down Cat 3 Jack, RJ12/RJ11, 110 Punch Down Cat 3 Jack, RJ12/RJ11, 110 Punch Down, Narrow, Not UL Listed Cat 3 Jack, RJ45, 110 Punch Down Cat 3 Jack, RJ45, 110 Punch Down, Narrow w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 2.15 2.10 1.02 1.99 1.61 1.57 1.49 Call for 1.53 Pricing 2.09 2.04 1.99 1.93 1.61 866-296-2880 1.57 1.53 1.49 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 About our Premium Cat 5e and Cat 6 jacks: Our premium CAT 5E and CAT 6 Jacks provide enough head room to make it easy to meet installed testing standards. Better jacks simply do not exist. • UL Listed • Phosphor bronze terminations • ETL Verified • 50 microns gold over nickel plating on contacts • Dual T568A and T568B wiring options • Air tight seal when terminated 102637N back Cat 5e Jacks 102650 Premium Cat 5e Jacks 102637 102636 102652 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 102650 BL WH IV BK BL Cat 5e Jack, RJ45, 110 Punch Down 2.48 2.42 2.36 2.29 GN GY OR RD YL 102650 AL BR Cat 5e Jack, RJ45, 110 Punch Down 3.10 3.02 2.95 2.87 for Pricing 102652 BL WH IV OR Cat 5e Jack, RJ45, 180° Termination, 110 Punch Down 3.10 Call 3.02 2.95 2.87 102654 BL WH IV OR RD Cat 5e Jack, RJ45, 8 in a Row Termination, 110 Punch Down 3.10 866-296-2880 3.02 2.95 2.87 102651S SL Cat 5e Jack, RJ45, Shielded, 110 Punch Down 3.10 3.02 2.95 2.87 102656 BL WH IV OR Cat 5e Jack, RJ45, , 110 Toolless 4x4 2.48 2.42 2.36 2.29 102656S SL BL Cat 5e Jack, RJ45, , Shielded Toolless 2.90 2.83 2.76 2.68 Premium Cat 6 Jacks 102651S Cat 6 Jacks 102662 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 102660 WH IV BK BL GN RD OR YL 102661 SL 102662 WH BL 102662S SL 102663 WH BL 102654 Cat 6 Jack, RJ45, 110 Punch Down 3.20 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order 3.12 3.04 w/ $750 Order 2.96 Cat 6 Jack, RJ45, 110 Punch Down, (Shielded) 3.80 Call 3.71for Pricing 3.61 3.52 Cat 6 Jack, RJ45, 180° Termination, 110 Punch Down 3.59 866-296-2880 3.50 3.41 3.32 Cat 6 Jack, RJ45, 180° Termination, 110 Punch Down, (Shielded)3.90 3.80 3.71 3.61 Cat 6 Jack, RJ45, 110 Toolless 3.20 3.12 3.04 2.96 Standard Cat 5E Jack All of our Standard CAT 5E and CAT 6 Jacks pass both Channel and Permanent link standards tests. • UL Listed • Phosphor bronze terminations Standard CAT 5E Jacks • 50 microns gold over nickel plating on contacts • 568BTermination Pattern BL WH IV OR Standard CAT 5E Jack - RJ45, 110 Punch Down 568B Only 1.70 Standard CAT 6 Jacks BL WH IV OR w/$250 Order 1.66 w/$500 Order 1.62 Standard CAT 6 Jack - RJ45, 110 Punch Down 568B Only 2.10 w/$250 Order 2.05 w/$500 Order 2.00 Each Part # Color Description WH BK WH BK Coupler Keystone Cat 5E Coupler Keystone Cat 6 2.10 2.70 w/$250 Order 2.04 2.63 w/$500 Order 1.99 2.56 102699 102604 WH IV BK Bezel Adaptor RJ45 to RJ12/RJ11 Dust Cover for RJ45 Jack, 50 Pack 0.18 17.95 w/$250 Order 0.18 17.50 w/ $750 Order w/ $750 Order 102640 1.94 1.94 2.50 w/$500 w/ $750 866-296-2880 Order Order 0.17 17.05 RJ45 Keystone Coupler Call for Pricing for Pricing Jack Accessories ALL PRICESCall INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 102666 1.57 Call for Pricing RJ45 Keystone CouplersALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 102640 122642 Standard Cat 6 Jack w/ $750 Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 102666 102653 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 102653 102663 102660 0.17 16.60 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 102642 Accessories 102699 102604 Page 9 September 2011 Catalog KEYSTONE INSERTS - WALL PLATES Coax Keystone Inserts Coax Jacks ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 102601 102601 102601 102603 Coax F Jack Pass Thru Coax F Jack Pass Thru Coax BNC Jack Pass Thru 1.20 1.17 1.14 1.11 Call for Pricing 1.36 1.23 1.20 1.17 1.36 866-296-2880 1.23 1.20 1.17 S Video Keystone Inserts 102610 102603 WH IV BK AL BR WH IV 102612 102610 102612 WH S Video Jack, (FXF) Pass Thru 1.90 WH IV AL S Video Jack by 110 Punch 2.70 RCA Keystone Inserts ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description 102602 WH 102602AL RD 102602IV RD 102602WH RD IV WH YL WH YL BL GR WH YL BL GR RCA Jack, Nickel Plated Color-Coded RCA Jack, Gold Plated Color-Coded RCA Jack, Gold Plated Color-Coded RCA Jack, Gold Plated Each Order w/$250 Order 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 w/$500 Order w/ $750 Color Code 102608IV RD BK 102608WH RD BK Description Each Banana Jacks/Binding Post Inserts, Gold Plated Banana Jacks/Binding Post Inserts, Gold Plated Blank Inserts Each Description Part # Color 102605 WH IV 102605 AL BK BR GY Blank Insert Blank Insert 0.18 0.21 1.71 1.71 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order 1.67 w/ $750 Order 1.63 102606 WH 108402 RD 108402-1 RD 108402-2 RD 102602 Banana Solderless Screw → by Binding Terminal Post 1.58 Call for Pricing 1.67 1.63 1.58 0.18 0.17 Each 102614 WH IV Each Description HDMI Insert (1.3) F X F 7.50 102602 Color-Coded RCA Jack, Gold Plated 102608 Red 0.17 Call for 0.20 Pricing 0.20 0.19 IV AL Unloaded Hexnut Insert Bracket BK Banana Jack/Binding Post Fits 102606 WH RCA Jack/Jack Hex Panel Mount, Color Coded-Gold WH RCA Jack/"F"F - Hex Panel Mount, Color Coded-Gold Part # Color 1.76 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order HDMI Keystone Insert 1.81 Nickle Plated w/$250 Order w/$500 Order 102606 102605 Hex Panel Components ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description 1.85 Call for2.57 Pricing 2.63 2.50 RCA 1.17 1.14 1.11 Call for 1.27 1.24Pricing 1.20 1.27 1.24 1.20 866-296-2880 1.27 1.24 1.20 Binding Post Banana Inserts ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description w/ $750 Order 0.39 0.38 0.37 0.36 for Pricing 1.60 Call 1.56 1.52 1.48 1.20 866-296-2880 1.17 1.14 1.11 1.38 1.35 1.31 1.28 108402 Gold Color-Coded ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 108402-1 RCA Jack/Jack 102620 102614 7.13 6.94 Call7.31 for Pricing 108402-2 RCA Jack/”F” Jack Fiber Optic Keystone Inserts ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color 102620 102621 102622 102626 WH WH WH WH IV IV IV IV Each Description Fiber Insert ST to ST Fiber Insert SC to SC Fiber Insert SC to ST Fiber Insert LC to LC Duplex 2.15 2.15 2.15 4.20 USB KEYSTONE INSERT Part # Color 102615 WH IV w/$250 Order w/$500 Order 102626 2.10 2.04 1.99 Call for Pricing 2.10 2.04 1.99 2.10 2.04 1.99 866-296-2880 4.10 3.99 3.89 102615 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Description Order Order Order 5.30Call 5.17for5.04 4.90 Pricing USB Insert "A" FxF w/ $750 Order 102621 3.5MM STEREO KEYSTONE INSERT Part # Color 102607 WH IV 102607 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Description Order Order Order 3.5 Stereo FxF 5.30 4.90 Call5.17 for 5.04 Pricing Keystone Hanging Phone Wall Plate, Stainless Steel Recessed with steel hanging pins These wall plates offer an economical way to install hanging phones that require Cat. 5E or Cat. 6 connections, such as new VOIP models. They accept only standard 90° RJ45 Keystone jacks. Each Part # Description 102199SS Stainless Steel Keystone Hanging Wall Plate CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 3.77 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 3.68 for 3.58 Call Pricing 3.49 Page 10 Teledata Express WALL PLATES & SURFACE MOUNT HOUSINGS Wall Plates See Also Telephony Wall and Surface Jacks Pages 26-27 Reliable, durable, and attractive flush mounted wall plates are available in a variety of colors and styles to suit your needs and to create the professional look you want. Ports are compatible with most brands of Keystone style jacks Standard Wall Plates 102101WH 102102IV Double Gang Wall Plates 102103BK 102104BR Stainless Steel Wall Plates 102152 102154 102156 102106AL 102134WH 102136BG with Hex Panel Pass Through Hole Wall Plates with Station ID 102060WH 10212XDXX 10212XSXX 102121WH 102123IV ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 10210X WH 10210X GY BK 10212XDXX WH 10213X WH 102139 WH 102060 WH 10215X SL IV Wall Plate, Flush Face, Single Gang 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 Ports BR AL Wall Plate, Flush Face, Single Gang 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 Ports IV AL Wall Plate with Station ID, 3/8" ID, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 Ports IV Wall Plate, Flush Face, Double Gang 4 or 6 Ports Wall Plate, Flush Face, Double Gang 12 Port IV AL Wall Plate, Flush Face, Single Gang with Coax Pass Through Hole Stainless Steel Wall Plate, Flush Face, Single Gang 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 Ports Decora Trim Rings and Inserts 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.78 1.07 1.05 1.02 .99 .96 .94 .92 .89 Call for Pricing USE DECORA 866-296-2880 2.15 2.10 2.04 1.99 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.42 2.99 2.92 2.84 2.77 Keystone Insert Multimedia Hex Panel Inserts Blank Insert 2 Keystone + VGA Insert 102143AL 102243WH 102244AL 102250IV 102144VGA-2 Decora trim rings and inserts offer maximum flexibility to your installation. Decora parts are compatible with the decora styles of most other brands. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 102144VGA-2WH 102144VGA-4WH 102143-X WH 10224X WH 102250 WH 102146 WH 102147 WH IV AL IV AL IV AL IV IV IV AL IV AL Decora Insert 2 Keystone + VGA Decora Insert 4 Keystone + VGA Keystone Decora Plate Insert 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 Ports Hex Panel Decora Plate Insert 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 Holes Blank Decora Plate Insert Decora Style Trim Ring, Single Gang Decora Style Trim Ring, Double Gang 7.40 7.21 7.03 6.84 8.50 8.29 8.07 7.86 0.66 0.64 0.63 0.61 Call for Pricing 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.83 866-296-2880 0.65 0.63 0.62 0.60 0.42 0.41 0.40 0.39 0.70 0.68 0.67 0.65 Decora Trim Rings 102146IV Surface Mount Housings ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order WH IV Surface Mount Housing, 1or 2 Ports WH IV Premium Surface Mount Housing, 4 Ports WH IV Premium Surface Mount Housing, 6 Ports 102147WH Surface Mount Housings For use with Keystone jacks and snap-in modules. 10230X 102304 102306 102146AL 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.89 Call for Pricing 3.00 2.93 2.85 2.78 866-296-2880 3.60 3.51 3.42 3.33 Surface Mount Housing For “8 in a row” Jacks 10230X Premium Surface Mount Housings For all Keystone Jacks & Multimedia Inserts. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 102302D WH IV Surface Housing For 8 in a row Jacks or 4X4 Jacks, 2 Port 102304D WH IV Surface Housing For 8 in a row Jacks or 4X4 Jacks, 4 Port 102306D WH IV Surface Housing For 8 in a row Jacks or 4X4 Jacks, 6 Port 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.76 Call for Pricing 2.70 2.63 2.56 2.50 866-296-2880 3.60 3.51 3.42 3.33 102304 Surface Jack Boxes Like our surface mount housings, but pre-installed with termination-ready Cat 5e ports. Surface Mount Jack Boxes ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 102311 102312 102313 102341 102341S 102344 WH IV Surface Jack Box, Loaded with RJ45 Cat 5e, 1 Port WH IV Surface Jack Box, Loaded with RJ45 Cat 5e, 2 Ports WH Combo Surface Jack, Loaded with RJ12 & RJ45 Cat 5e, 2 Ports IV Surface Jack Box, Loaded with RJ31X (Security) Cat 5e, 1 Port, 8P8C IV Surface Jack Box, Loaded with RJ31X (Security) RJ11, 1 Port, IV Surface Jack Box, Loaded with RJ48X (T1) Cat 5e, 1 Port 2.66 2.59 2.53 2.46 3.86 3.76 3.67 3.57 Call3.68 for 3.58 Pricing 3.77 3.49 2.66866-296-2880 2.59 2.53 2.46 2.66 2.59 2.53 2.46 2.09 2.04 1.99 1.93 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 102302D 10231X September 2011 Catalog Page 11 WALL PLATE MOUNTING Junction Boxes and Eliminators 102196 102195 102196 102190 102190C 102190XC 102190S 102192 102192C 102195 WH IV SL SL SL SL SL SL WH Junction Box, Plastic, Single Gang Junction Box Eliminator, Steel, Single Gang Junction Box Eliminator, Steel, Single Gang, Caddy Brand Junction Box Eliminator, Steel, Single Gang, Ridged Junction Box Eliminator, Stud Mount, Steel, Single Gang, Caddy Brand Junction Box Eliminator, Steel, Double Gang Junction Box Eliminator, Steel, Double Gang, Caddy Brand Junction Box Eliminator, Plastic, Single Gang 1.35 1.32 1.28 1.25 1.07 1.04 1.02 0.99 1.71 1.67 1.62 1.58 Call 0.94 for Pricing 0.96 0.91 0.89 1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 866-296-2880 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 1.83 1.78 1.74 1.69 1.29 1.26 1.22 1.19 102190S 102192 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 102192C 102190C 102190XC 102190 Low Voltage Non-Metallic Mounting Brackets For New Construction • Permits use of 3/4” EMT • Works with 1/2” to 3/4” Drywall 102193NC 102194NC Nail on For New Construction Nails parked in place saves time. Built-In Cable Tie Loop 102193NCN 102194NCN For Existing Construction • Adjusts to fit 1/4” to 1” thick • Is own cut out template • Wiring flips up for secure mount 102192AP 102190AP Screw on For New Construction Screws parked in place saves time. Built-In Cable Tie Loop 102194NCS 102193NCS ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 102190AP Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, Single Gang 1.07 1.04 1.02 0.99 102192AP Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, Double Gang 1.43 1.39 1.36 1.32 102193NC Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, New Construction, Single Gang 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.79 Call for 1.36 Pricing 102194NC Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, New Construction, Double Gang 1.43 1.39 1.32 102193NCN Nail on Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, New Construction, Single Gang 0.53 866-296-2880 0.52 0.50 0.44 102194NCN Nail on Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, New Construction, Double Gang 1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 102193NCSB Screw on Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, New Construction, Single Gang 1.29 1.26 1.23 1.19 102194NCS Screw on Low Voltage Mounting Bracket, New Construction, Double Gang B1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 Recessed Indoor In Box 3-Gang 102187-3WH Non-metallic Recessed Box New or Existing Construction. Arlington's recessed indoor IN BOX™ for indoor use, allows flat screen TVs, furniture and countertop items to be mounted or placed flush against the wall. Made of sturdy, non-metallic materials, these boxes are recessed so plugs and/or connectors stay inside without extending past the wall. Paintable white trim plate covers edges of cut wall surface. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 4-Gang 102187-4WH 102187-2WH 102187-3WH 102187-4WH CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Recessed Box 2-Gang Recessed Box 3-Gang Recessed Box 4-Gang 12.90 12.58 11.87 11.93 Call for Pricing 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 866-296-2880 15.40 15.01 14.63 14.24 Page 12 Teledata Express PATCH CABLES All Teledata patch cords are built to TEST. The cable is 100% stranded copper and the plugs have a full 50µ (micron) Gold plating. • UL/CUL listed ROHS Compliant • Exceed ANSI/TIA-568-2 Standards • Stranded 100% Copper Cable • Full 50µ Gold Plated Contacts Cat 5e Patch Cables 350MHz ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 101951 101952 101952.5 101953 101954 101955 101956 101957 101959 101958 101950 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BL BL BL GN BL GN BL GN BL GN BL GN BL GN BL GN BL GN BL GN WH GN WH GN w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 12" 0.97 0.95 0.92 0.90 GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 18" 1.05 1.02 1.00 0.97 GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 2' 1.05 1.02 1.00 0.97 GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 3' 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.06 GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 5' 1.35 1.32 1.28 1.25 Call for Pricing GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 7' 1.55 1.51 1.47 1.43 866-296-2880 GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 10' 1.85 1.80 1.76 1.71 GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 15' 2.35 2.29 2.23 2.17 GY OR RD WH YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 25' 3.85 3.75 3.66 3.56 RD YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 50' 6.85 6.68 6.51 6.34 GY YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Patch Cable, 100' 11.80 11.51 11.21 10.91 Bootless Cat 5e Patch Cables 350MHz ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 101942 101943 101944 101945 BK BL GY RD Cat 5e 350 MHz Bootless Patch Cable, 2' BK BL GY YL Cat 5e 350 MHz Bootless Patch Cable, 3' BK BL GY Cat 5e 350 MHz Bootless Patch Cable, 5' BL GY Cat 5e 350 MHz Bootless Patch Cable, 7' 0.63 0.74 0.89 0.95 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 0.61 0.60 0.58 0.93 0.90 0.88 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order Call Pricing0.68 0.72for 0.70 0.87 0.85 0.82 866-296-2880 Cat 5e Cross (A-B) Patch Cables 350MHz ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 101982 101983 101984 101985 101986 101987 101988 101989 101980 101981 RD RD GY RD GY RD GY RD GY RD GY RD GY GY GY GY Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 12" Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 3' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 5' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 7' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 10' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 15' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 25' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 50' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 100' Cat 5e 350 MHz Cross (A-B) Patch Cable, 200' 1.00 0.98 0.95 0.93 1.13 1.10 1.07 1.05 1.37 1.34 1.30 1.27 1.55 1.51 1.47 1.43 for Pricing 1.85 Call 1.80 1.76 1.71 2.35 866-296-2880 2.29 2.23 2.17 3.35 3.27 3.18 3.10 5.85 5.70 5.56 5.41 10.85 10.58 10.31 10.04 20.32 19.81 19.30 18.80 Cat 5e Shielded Patch Cables 350MHz ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 101931 101932 101933 101934 101935 101936 101937 GY GY GY GY GY GY GY Cat 5e 350 MHz Shielded Patch Cable, 12" Cat 5e 350 MHz Shielded Patch Cable, 2' Cat 5e 350 MHz Shielded Patch Cable, 3' Cat 5e 350 MHz Shielded Patch Cable, 5' Cat 5e 350 MHz Shielded Patch Cable, 7' Cat 5e 350 MHz Shielded Patch Cable, 10' Cat 5e 350 MHz Shielded Patch Cable, 15' 110 Patch Cables w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 2.20 2.15 2.09 2.04 2.40 2.34 2.28 2.22 2.60 2.54 2.41 Call for 2.47 Pricing 3.20 3.12 3.04 2.96 3.60 866-296-2880 3.51 3.42 3.33 4.20 4.10 3.99 3.89 5.40 5.27 5.13 5.00 110 Patch Cords ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 104505/1M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 1m 104505/2M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 2m 104507/1M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 1m 104507/2M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 2m 104515/1M 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 1m 104515/2M 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 2m 104517/1M 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 1m 104517/2M 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 2m w/$250 Order 4.20 4.10 3.99 3.89 4.62 4.50 4.39 4.27 5.67 5.53 5.39 5.24 Call6.14 for 5.99 Pricing 6.30 5.83 3.99 3.89 3.79 3.69 866-296-2880 4.93 4.81 4.68 4.56 4.94 4.82 4.69 4.57 5.04 4.91 4.79 4.66 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 104501/1M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 1m 7.24 7.06 6.88 6.70 104501/2M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 2m 7.94 7.74 7.54 7.34 104501/3M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 3m 8.64 8.42 8.21 7.99 104501/5M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 5m 9.98 9.73 9.48 9.23 Call13.14 for 12.81 Pricing 104501/10M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 10m 13.48 12.47 104510/1M 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 1m 4.44 4.33 4.22 4.11 866-296-2880 104510/2M 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 2m 5.24 5.11 4.98 4.85 104510/3M 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 3m 5.98 5.83 5.68 5.53 104510/5M 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 5m 7.58 7.39 7.20 7.01 104510/10M 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 10m 11.58 11.29 11.00 10.71 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 13 September 2011 Catalog PATCH CABLES All Teledata patch cords are built to TEST. The cable is 100% stranded copper and the plugs have a full 50µ (micron) Gold plating. • UL/CUL listed ROHS Compliant • Exceed ANSI/TIA-568-2 Standards • Stranded 100% Copper Cable • Full 50µ Gold Plated Contacts Cat 6 Patch Cables 550MHz Part # Color Description 101961 101962 101962.5 101963 101964 101965 101966 101967 101968 101969 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL GY GY GN GN GN GN GN GN GN GN GN RD WH YL GY RD WH RD WH RD WH RD WH RD WH RD WH YL YL GY YL GY YL GY YL GY YL GY YL GY YL GY Cat 6 Patch Cable, 12" Cat 6 Patch Cable, 18" Cat 6 Patch Cable, 2' Cat 6 Patch Cable, 3' Cat 6 Patch Cable, 5' Cat 6 Patch Cable, 7' Cat 6 Patch Cable, 10' Cat 6 Patch Cable, 15' Cat 6 Patch Cable, 25' Cat 6 Patch Cable, 50' ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Order w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 1.90 2.05 2.15 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.55 4.55 6.55 11.55 1.85 1.81 1.76 2.00 1.95 1.90 2.10 2.04 1.99 2.19 2.14 2.08 2.58Call for 2.52 Pricing 2.45 2.97 866-296-2880 2.90 2.82 3.46 3.37 3.28 4.44 4.32 4.21 6.39 6.22 6.06 11.26 10.97 10.68 Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cables 550MHz ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 101972 101973 101974 101975 101976 101977 101978 GY GY GY GY GY GY GY Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cable, 2' Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cable, 3' Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cable, 5' Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cable, 7' Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cable, 10' Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cable, 15' Cat 6 Shielded Patch Cable, 25' Cat 6A Patch Cables Built for 10G Systems 3.20 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.20 6.80 9.60 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 101963A 101964A 101965A 101966A 101967A 101968A BL BL BL BL BL BL GY GY GY GY GY GY Cat 6A Patch Cable, 3' Cat 6A Patch Cable, 5' Cat 6A Patch Cable, 7' Cat 6A Patch Cable, 10' Cat 6A Patch Cable, 15' Cat 6A Patch Cable, 25' Strain Relief Boots 3.20 3.76 4.50 5.60 6.80 9.60 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 3.12 3.04 2.96 3.67 3.57 3.48 4.39for 4.27 4.16 Call Pricing 5.46 5.32 5.18 866-296-2880 6.63 6.46 6.29 9.36 9.12 8.88 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 108795 BK BL GN IV RD WH YL Strain Relief Boots with Ears, Bag of 100 3.12 3.04 2.96 3.51 3.42 3.33 4.10 3.99 3.89 Call for Pricing 4.68 4.56 4.44 866-296-2880 5.07 4.94 4.81 6.63 6.46 6.29 9.36 9.12 8.88 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 9.00Call 8.78 8.55 8.33 for Pricing Crimp-On Connector Plugs ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108705 CL RJ45 (8P8C) for Stranded Cable, Bag of 100 108705S CL RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded for Stranded Cable, Bag of 50 108710 CL RJ45 (8P8C) for Solid Cable, Bag of 100 108710S CL RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded for Solid Cable, Bag of 50 108700 CL RJ45 (8P8C) Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar for Solid Cable, Bag of 50 108702 CL RJ45 (8P8C) Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar and Round Hole for Stranded Cable, Bag of 50 108700S CL RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar for Solid Cable, Bag of 50 108702S CL RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar for Stranded Cable, Bag of 50 108715 CL RJ12 (6P6C) for Round Cable, Bag of 100 108720 CL RJ12 (6P6C) for Flat Cable, Bag of 100 108721/100CL RJ11 (6P4C) for Flat Cable, Bag of 100 108716/100CL RJ11 (6P4C) for Round Cable, Bag of 100 108722 CL RJ22 (4P4C) for Flat Cable, Bag of 100 108724 CL RJ22 (4P4C) for Round Cable, Bag of 100 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 12.24 11.93 11.63 11.32 19.50 19.02 18.53 18.04 16.80 16.38 15.96 15.54 19.50 19.01 18.53 18.04 15.75 15.36 14.96 14.57 15.75 15.36 14.96 14.57 for23.75 Pricing 25.00Call 24.38 23.13 25.00 866-296-2880 24.38 23.75 23.13 12.24 11.93 11.63 11.32 12.60 12.29 11.97 11.66 11.60 11.31 11.02 10.73 11.40 11.12 10.83 10.55 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 Page 14 CONNECTORS AND ADAPTERS Teledata Express CAT 5E RJ45 Crimp-On Connector Plugs (Patch Cord Plugs) ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108705 108705S 108710 108710S CL CL CL CL Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) for Stranded Cable, Bag of 100 Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded for Stranded Cable, Bag of 50 Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) for Solid Cable, Bag of 100 Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded for Solid Cable, Bag of 50 12.24 11.93 11.63 11.32 Call19.01 for Pricing 19.50 18.53 18.04 16.80866-296-2880 16.38 15.96 15.54 19.50 19.01 18.53 18.04 Cat 6 RJ45 Crimp-On Connector Plugs (Patch Cord Plugs) ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108700 CL 108702 CL 108700S CL 108702S CL Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar for Solid Cable, Bag of 50 Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar and Round Hole for Stranded Cable, Bag of 50 Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar for Solid Cable, Bag of 50 Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ45 (8P8C) Shielded Cat 6 with Pre-Insert Bar for Stranded Cable, Bag of 50 15.75 15.36 14.96 14.57 15.75 15.36 14.96 14.57 Call for Pricing 25.00866-296-2880 24.38 23.75 23.13 25.00 24.38 23.75 23.13 RJ12/RJ11 Crimp-On Connector Plugs See EZ-PLUG CRIMPER Page 42 (Line Cord Plugs) ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108715/100 CL Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ12 (6P6C) for Round Cable, Bag of 100 108720 CL Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ12 (6P6C) for Flat Cable, Bag of 100 108721/100 CL Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ11 (6P4C) for Flat Cable, Bag of 100 108716/100 CL Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ11 (6P4C) for Round Cable, Bag of 100 12.24 11.93 11.63 11.32 12.60 12.29 11.97 11.66 Call for Pricing 11.40 11.12 10.83 10.55 866-296-2880 11.40 11.12 10.83 10.55 RJ22 Crimp-On Connector Plugs (Handset Cord Plugs) ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108722 CL 108724 CL Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ22 (4P4C) 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 Call for Pricing for Flat Cable, Bag of 100 Crimp-On Connector Plugs, RJ22 (4P4C) 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 866-296-2880 for Round Cable, Bag of 100 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order Adapter, F-DB25 to F-RJ45 Adapter, M-DB25 to F-RJ45 Adapter, F-DB9 to F-RJ45 Adapter, M-DB9 to F-RJ45 Adapter, F-DB15 to F-RJ45 Adapter, M-DB15 to F-RJ45 Adapter, F-DB9 to F-RJ12 Adapter, M-DB9 to F-RJ12 Adapter, F-DB25 to F-RJ12 Adapter, M-DB25 to F-RJ12 108315 UG & UR (19-26AWG) UB & UY (22-26AWG) 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 Call 1.15 for Pricing 1.18 1.12 1.09 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 866-296-2880 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 Splice Lock Pliers See Page 42 108310 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108310 108315 108320 108322 YL RD GN BL ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108710P 108700P 108710S-EZ EZ-PLUG Cat5e EZ-PLUG Cat6 EZ-PLUG Cat5e Cat5e/Cat6 Shielded Couplers Splice Locks 108710S-EZ .71 .69 .67 .66 Call for Pricing .81 .79 .77 .75 866-296-2880 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 108902 Modular Port Adapters 503184 503185 503180 503181 503188 503189 503170 503171 503175 503176 108710P PLATINUM TOOLS EZ-PLUGS UY Splice Locks, 2 Wire, Box of 100 UR Splice Locks, 3 Wire, Box of 100 UG Tap Connectors, 2 Wire, Box of 100 UB Tap Connectors, 2 Wire, Box of 100 7.50 7.31 7.13 6.94 Call 8.78 for Pricing 9.00 8.55 8.33 13.50866-296-2880 13.16 12.83 12.49 7.03 6.85 6.68 6.50 108900 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 108900 108901 108902 106964 106965 WH WH WH WH WH Line Coupler, RJ45, Certified Cat 5e Line Coupler, RJ45, Certified Cat 6 Line Coupler, RJ45, (8P8C) Telephone Line Coupler, RJ12/RJ11 Telephone Line Coupler, RJ12/RJ12 3.66 3.57 3.48 3.39 3.99 3.89 3.79 3.69 Call for Pricing 0.62 0.60 0.59 0.57 866-296-2880 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.29 B Connectors ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 108350/100 BL B Connectors, Blue Gel, Pack of 100 3.50 3.41 3.33 3.24 108350/1000 BL B Connectors, Blue Gel, Pack of 1000 32.00 31.20 30.40 29.60 108350/100 WH B Connectors, White, Pack of 100 3.10 2.95 2.87 Call 3.02 for Pricing 108350/1000 WH B Connectors, White, Pack of 1000 28.00 27.30 26.60 25.90 866-296-2880 108352/100 BL Mini B Connectors, Blue Gel, Pack of 100 3.15 3.07 2.99 2.91 108352/100 WH Mini B Connectors, White, Pack of 100 2.50 2.44 2.38 2.31 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 15 September 2011 Catalog PATCH PANELS Cat 5e & Cat 6 Premium Patch Panels Our Premium Cat 5e and Cat 6 Patch Panels with improved terminal block are designed with extra "head room" to make it easy to pass post installation standards tests. • 110 IDC (punch down) type termination • 50 microns gold over nickel plating on contacts • 16 gauge power coated steel • Includes detachable cable management rings • T568A and T568B dual wiring options • Fits EIA standard 19 inch rack • UL Certified Cat 5e Premium Patch Panels ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 12 Port Mini Patch Panel 12 Port Patch Panel 103110 BK 103112 BK 103116 BK 103124 BK 103132 BK 103148 BK 103196 BK 103006 103110 103112 Cat 5e Patch Panel, 12 port, Mini 10" with Bracket 36.00 Cat 5e Patch Panel, 12 port, Standard 19", 1U 36.00 Cat 5e Patch Panel, 16 port, Standard 19", 1U 43.00 Cat 5e Patch Panel, 24 port, Standard 19", 1U 49.00 Cat 5e Patch Panel, 32 port, Standard 19", 2U 76.00 Cat 5e Patch Panel, 48 port, Standard 19", 2U 97.00 Cat 5e Patch Panel, 96 port, Standard 19", 4U 186.00 Termination Cover CAT5-CAT6 0.12 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order w/$1000 Order 35.10 34.20 33.30 35.10 34.20 33.30 41.93 40.85 39.78 Call for Pricing 47.78 46.55 45.33 74.10 72.20 70.30 866-296-2880 94.58 92.15 89.73 87.30 181.35 176.70 172.05 167.40 0.12 0.11 0.11 - Cat 5e Shielded Premium Patch Panels 24 Port Patch Panel 103124 Part # ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Color Description 103108S BK Cat 5e Shielded Patch Panel, 8 port, Standard 19", 1U 103124S BK Cat 5e Shielded Patch Panel, 24 port, Standard 19", 1U Cat 6 Premium Patch Panels 48 Port Patch Panel 103148 Each Part # Color Description 103610 103612 103616 103624 103632 103648 103696 103648 48 Port Patch Panel BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Cat 6 Patch Panel, 12 port, Mini 10" with Bracket Cat 6 Patch Panel, 12 port, Standard 19", 1U Cat 6 Patch Panel, 16 port, Standard 19", 1U Cat 6 Patch Panel, 24 port, Standard 19", 1U Cat 6 Patch Panel, 32 port, Standard 19", 2U Cat 6 Patch Panel, 48 port, Standard 19", 2U Cat 6 Patch Panel, 96 port, Standard 19", 4U 43.00 44.00 56.00 59.40 90.00 113.00 210.00 Cat 6 Shielded Patch Panels Each Part # Color Description 103696 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 38.80 37.05 36.86 35.89 Call for Pricing 89.60 87.36 85.12 82.88 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 w/$1000 Order Order Order Order 41.93 40.85 39.78 42.90 41.80 40.70 54.60 53.20 51.80 Call for Pricing 57.92 56.43 54.95 866-296-2880 87.75 85.50 83.25 81.00 110.18 107.35 104.53 101.70 204.75 199.50 194.25 189.00 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 w/$1000 Order Order Order Order 103608S BK Cat 6 Shielded Patch Panel, 8 Port, Standard 19", 1U 44.00 42.90 41.80 40.70 Call for Pricing 103616S BK Cat 6 Shielded Patch Panel, 16 port, Standard 19", 1U 80.00 78.00 76.00 74.00 866-296-2880 103624S BK Cat 6 Shielded Patch Panel, 24 port, Standard 19", 1U 99.00 96.53 94.05 91.58 89.10 96 Port Patch Panel Standard Cat 5e & Cat 6 Patch Panels All of our "Standard" Cat 5e & Cat 6 Patch Panels will pass Linkware permanent link channel tests and are UL and/or ETL verified to EIA/TIA Standards. Standard Cat 5e Patch Panels Part # 103210 103212 103224 103248 BK BK BK BK Cat 5e Patch Panel, 12 port, 10" Mini Cat 5e Patch Panel, 12 port, 19" 1U Cat 5e Patch Panel, 24 port, 19" 1U Cat 5e Patch Panel, 48 port, 19" 2U Standard Cat 6 Patch Panels 103224 PICTURED Part # 1032710 1032712 1032724 1032748 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Color Description Cat 6 Patch Panel, 12 port, 10" Mini Cat 6 Patch Panel, 12 port, 19" 1U Cat 6 Patch Panel, 24 port, 19" 1U Cat 6 Patch Panel, 48 port, 19" 2U CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 29.00 28.28 27.55 26.83 30.00 29.25 27.75 Call for 28.50 Pricing 43.00866-296-2880 41.93 40.85 39.78 84.00 81.90 79.80 77.70 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Color Description BK BK BK BK w/$250 Order w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 38.00 37.05 36.10 35.15 39.00 38.03 36.07 Call for 37.05 Pricing 59.00866-296-2880 57.53 56.05 54.57 98.00 95.55 93.10 90.65 Page 16 Teledata Express PATCH PANELS Telco Patch Panels 103054 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 103054 BK Telco 6P2C Patch Panel, Centronics In/Out, 25 Pair, Wall Mount Blank Patch Panels 54.60 103016 103012 103048 Part # Color Description Each 103012 103016 103024 103048 BK BK BK BK 53.24 51.87 50.51 Call for Pricing Blank Patch Panel, 12 port, Standard 19", 1U Blank Patch Panel, 16 port, Standard 19", 1U Blank Patch Panel, 24 port, Standard 19", 2U Blank Patch Panel, 48 port, Standard 19", 3U ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 103024 6.40 6.24 6.08 5.92 7.40 Call7.22 7.03 6.85 for Pricing 10.80 866-296-2880 10.53 10.26 9.99 15.10 14.72 14.35 13.97 Blank Patch Panels with Support Bracket ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 103016S for Pricing 103016S BK Blank Patch Panel with Support Bracket, 16 port, 1U 12.50Call 12.19 11.88 11.56 103024S BK Blank Patch Panel with Support Bracket, 24 port, 1U 14.50 866-296-2880 14.14 13.78 13.41 103006 Patch Panel Accessories BLANK PANEL SUPPORT CLOSEUP ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 103006 WH Patch Panel Termination Covers 0.12 Patch Panel Cable Support Bar 0.12for 0.11 0.11 Call Pricing Each Color Description Part # 120123 120123 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order 6.80 6.46 6.29 Call 6.63 for Pricing BK Cable Tie Anchor Bar, 19" x 1U, "T" Style Quick-Snap Patch Panel Mounting Legs Perfect for mounting a 19 inch 12 port patch panel directly to the wall. Patch panel snaps into place. 103005 Quick-Snap Patch Panel Mounting legs ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 103005 BK 6.83 6.32 Call6.66 for 6.49 Pricing Patch Panel Mounting Legs, 1.75" H x 2.5" D (1U) "T" Style Cable Tie Bar w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order DRAWERS Rackmount Locking Drawers Our rackmount locking drawers are built for maximum durability, security and privacy. These units fit any 19" rack, cabinet or rack case with standard EIA spacing. • Heavy gauge cold rolled steel • Black powder coated • Locking feature (2 keys) • Recessed handle • 14" Deep • Hardware included Part # Color Description Each 120251BK 120252BK 120253BK 120253BK BK BK BK BK Black Locking Drawer, 1U Black Locking Drawer, 2U Black Locking Drawer, 3U Black Locking Drawer, 4U ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 120251BK 54.00 52.65 51.30 49.95 for Pricing 64.80Call 58.44 61.56 59.94 78.00 866-296-2880 76.05 74.10 72.15 86.00 83.85 81.70 79.55 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 120252BK ” e “T le Ti Cab Page 17 September 2011 Catalog RACKS AND BRACKETS Standing Racks 120025 Four Post Standing Rack* • Black, powder-coat aluminum • Drilled front and back • Heavy-duty yet lightweight ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120010 BK 120020 BK 120002-2U BK 120002-3U BK 120006 BK 120026 BK 120022 BK (45U) Open Rack, 84" H x 19" W x 15" D (3" D Rails) (45U) Open Rack, 84" H x 23" W x 15" D (3" D Rails) NEW 2U Rack Adapter Taps, 23" to 19", 2U NEW 3U Rack Adapter Taps, 23" to 19", 3U NEW (28U) Open Rack, 56" H x 19" W x 15" D Four Post Rack, 84" H x 19" W (45U) Adjustable Depth 24"-36" in 1/2" Increments Four Post Rack, 44" H x 19" W (22U) Adjustable Depth 24"-36" 127.50 124.31 121.13 117.94 151.00 147.23 143.45 139.68 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 10.70Call 10.43 10.17 9.90 for Pricing 118.80 866-296-2880 115.83 112.86 109.89 324.00 315.90 307.80 299.70 237.80 231.86 225.91 219.97 120010 19' NEW Adapter Taps 23" to 19" NEW 120020 23" 120002-3U Standing Rack* *Rack only. Panels are shown for demonstration purposes only. Wall Mount Racks • 80 lbs. weight capacity • 180º positive stop • “Stay-open” hinge pins • Swings open left or right • Minimal assembly required • EIA spacing with 12-24 threaded holes per EIA/TIA 310-D 120048 120048D 120049 120051 Part # Color 120048 120049 120051 120048D 120171V BK BK BK BK BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Description Order Wall Mount Swing Out Rack, 24" H x 20.5" W x 18" D (12U) Wall Mount Swing Out Rack, 40" H x 20.5" W x 18" D (20U) Wall Mount Swing Out Rack, 50" H x 20.5" W x 18" D (25U) Wall Mount Swing Rack, 24" H x 20.5" W x 25" D (12U) Vented Shelf for Four Post Rack, Adjustable Mounting, 24" D x 17.25" W Order Order 151.20 147.42 143.64 139.86 172.80 168.48 164.16 159.84 Call for Pricing 189.00 184.28 179.55 174.83 866-296-2880 172.80 168.48 164.16 159.84 75.00 73.13 71.25 69.38 120171V Vented Shelf 120111 Hinged Brackets • All steel construction • Heavy gauge 120119 • Black powder coat finish Each Part # Color Description 120105 120106 120107 120111 120112 120114 120119 120117 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Extendable Hinged Bracket, 1.75" H x 19" W x (9" - 13") D (1U) Extendable Hinged Bracket, 3.5" H x 19" W x (9" - 13") D (2U) Extendable Hinged Bracket, 7" H x 19" W x (9" - 13") D (4U) Wall Mount Hinged Bracket, 1.75" H x 19" W x 6" D (1U) Wall Mount Hinged Bracket, 3.5" H x 19" W x 6" D (2U) Wall Mount Hinged Bracket, 7" H x 19" W x 6" D (4U) Wall Mount Hinged Bracket, 7" H x 19" W x 12" D (4U) Wall Mount Hinged Bracket, 10" H x 19" W x 12" D (6U) 20.30 28.00 38.90 16.70 20.40 29.00 38.80 46.40 Tilt Down Brackets Each Part # Color Description 120104 BK Wall Mount Tilt Down Bracket, 7" H x 19" W x 15" D (4U - 2U Tilt) 68.60 A LL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 120105 Extendable 9” to 13” 19.79 19.29 18.78 27.30 26.60 25.90 37.93 36.96 35.98 Call 16.28for Pricing 15.87 15.45 19.89 19.38 18.87 866-296-2880 28.28 27.55 26.83 37.83 36.86 35.89 45.24 44.08 42.92 A LL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 66.89for Pricing 65.17 63.46 Call CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Tilt Down Bracket 120104 Page 18 Teledata Express WALL MOUNT CABINETS Drop Front Cabinet Drop Front Cabinet •• Wall Mount Cabinet •• Easy Drop Front Access •• Standard 19” EIA Spacing with 12-24 Threaded Holes 120040 Each Part # Color Description 120040 BK Wall Mount Drop Front Cabinet , 17" H x 20" W x 12" D (8U) 108.00 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 105.30 102.60 Call for Pricing 99.90 Glass Front Wall Cabinet • 120mm x 120mm x 38mm • Ball Bearing • 115 Volt • With Power Cord • Complies with ANSI/EIA RS310-D • Lockable Removable Side Panels • Compatible with 19” ET52 Standard • Top & Bottom Cable Entrance • Lockable Swing Out Glass Front • 120mm 115 Volt Fan Included. 120087 120088 Open Side Back View Part # Each Color Description 120053GX 120054GX 120057GX 120058GX 120087 120088 BK BK BK BK BK BK (6U) Cabinet/wFan - 21 W x 14 H X 18 D (9U) Cabinet/wFan - 21 W x 19.5 H X 18 D (12U) Cabinet/wFan - 21 W x 24.5 H X 24 D (15U) Cabinet/wFan - 21 W x 30 H X 24 D 120MM Fan 110 V - (2) Prong Plug 120MM Fan 115 V - (3) Prong Plug 223.00 245.00 324.00 363.00 20.40 24.00 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 217.43 211.85 238.88 232.75 Call for Pricing 315.90 307.80 353.93 344.85 866-296-2880 19.89 19.38 23.40 22.80 LOCKING FLOOR CABINETS 19" Standard Locking Floor Cabinets MODERN STYLISH APPEARANCE - RUGGED & DURABLE - 19" STANDARD • • • • • Steel mesh front door for maximum ventilation Quick release removable vented side panels Split vented steel rear door Large cable entry with rubber protector Adjustable feet and universal castors • • • • Dual fans installed, space for two more Black powder coat finish Heavy gauge SBCC cold rolled steel Degreased - pickled - dip-coat primed Part # Each Color Description 120078BK 120079BK BK BK 40U, 23.5" W - 77" H - 23.5" D 40U, 23.5" W - 77" H - 31.5" D 745.00 854.00 206.28 226.63 299.70 335.78 18.87 22.20 Inside View DIMENSIONS: •120078BK - 40U 23.5" W - 77" H - 23.5" D •120079BK - 40U 23.5" W - 77" H - 31.5" D •(2) 120V Fans included •Assembly Required ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 726.38 707.75 Call for Pricing 789.95 811.30 689.13 789.95 RACK & CABINET SCREWS & NUTS Part # ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Color Description Order Order Order 103004/20 103003/20 12/24 Rack Screw with Nylon Washer (20 Pack) M6 Square Hole Cage Nut & Screw (20 Pack) LADDER RACK •• Wall Support Brackets •• J-Bolt Kits •• Ladder to Rack Mount Kit •• Splice Kit •• Foot Kits •• Cable Ratainers •• 90° Radius •• Ceiling Mount Kits 3.00 2.93 2.85 2.78 Call for Pricing 8.60 8.39 8.17 7.96 103003 (20 Pack) LADDER RACK AND ACCESSORIES IN STOCK CALL FOR QUOTES Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 103004 (20 Pack) Page 19 September 2011 Catalog ON RACK MANAGEMENT Jumper Rings ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each 120155 120156 120192 120192 BK 120190 BK Jumper Rings, 3' x 1.75", Square Type Jumper Rings, 3' x 1.75", Rounded Type w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.23 Call for Pricing 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.21 Flat Panels 120190 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order Pass Through Panel 120155V 120156V • Steel construction • 3 Slots 120159 120155 BK 120155V BK 120156 BK 120156V BK 120159 BK Blank Panel, 19" x 1U Vented Blank Panel, 19" x 1U Blank Panel, 19" x 2U Vented Blank Panel, 19" x 2U Pass Through Panel, 19" x 1U 5.90 5.75 5.60 5.46 6.00 5.85 5.70 5.55 Call for Pricing 6.90 6.73 6.56 6.38 866-296-2880 6.60 6.44 6.27 6.11 7.60 7.41 7.22 7.03 D-Ring Panels 120143 120131 Metal D-Ring Unimounts (Self-mount) • Includes 5 D-Rings with mounting screws • D-Rings mountable on front or back • Assembly Required • Steel construction 120136 Fixed Metal D-Ring Panels • Four Slip Clip D-Rings fixed on front • No assembly required • Steel construction Plastic Open D-Ring w/ Pass Through • Five open D-Rings fixed on front • Snap-on cover • Front to back 4-slot pass through ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 120131 120132 120136 120137 120143 BK BK BK BK BK Metal D-Ring Unimount 19" x 1U, Black Metal D-Ring Unimount 19" x 2U, Black Metal D-Ring Fixed Mount 19" x 1U, Black Metal D-Ring Fixed Mount 19" x 2U, Black Plastic D-Ring Snap Cover w/ Pass Through, 19" x 1U, Black 11.60 11.31 11.02 10.91 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 Call for Pricing 14.00 13.65 13.30 12.95 866-296-2880 16.20 15.80 15.39 14.99 14.50 14.14 13.78 13.41 Plastic Slotted Duct (Finger Duct) • Snap-on Cover • Small-sized slots • Plastic construction for optional break-outs • Front load • Dual, front and back load, models 120343 120340 Plastic Slotted Finger Duct Panels ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each 120146 120147 120341 120340 120345 120343 120344 120230 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK 14.80 14.43 14.06 13.69 21.00 20.48 19.95 19.43 43.00 41.93 40.85 39.78 32.00 29.60 29.60 Call for30.42 Pricing 36.00866-296-2880 35.10 34.20 33.30 14.80 14.43 14.06 13.69 21.00 20.48 19.95 19.43 59.40 57.92 56.43 54.95 Plastic Slotted Duct Vertical Management NOTE: 120207 is the same as 120204 except it has mounting tabs on both sides for 120204 Oval Plastic Slotted joining two side by side racks. Duct Side Mount 120240 120042 Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 2" Depth Front x 1U, Slotted Open Base Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 3" Depth Front x 2U, Slotted Open Base Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 4" Depth Front, 2" Depth Back x 1U Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 2" Depth Both Sides x 2U Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 3" Depth Both Sides x 2U Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 2" Depth x 1U, Soild Base Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 3" Depth Front x 2U, Soild Base Plastic Slotted Finger Duct, 19" x 3" Depth Front, 5" Depth Back x 2U w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 120206 Plastic Slotted Duct Single Sided, Side Mount ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 120240 120204 120206 120207 BK BK BK BK Vertical Slotted Duct, 3" x 3", 36" Height Vertical Slotted Duct, 4" x 5" Both Sides, 83" Height Vertical Slotted Duct, 4" x 5" Front Only, 83" Height Vertical Slotted Duct, 4" x 5" Both Sides, Rack Joining, 83" Height CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 54.00 52.65 51.30 49.95 182.00 177.45 172.90 168.35 Call for Pricing 97.00866-296-2880 94.58 92.15 89.72 193.00 188.18 183.35 178.53 Page 20 Teledata Express ON RACK MANAGEMENT Shelves • Utility Shelves • Heavy-duty Steel Construction • Many styles available • Solid or Vented 120161 120164 Heavy Duty Shelf 120168V Vented Center Mount Shelf 120168 Center Mount Shelf 120161V 120169E 120170V 120170 (not vented) A LL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120161 120161V 120162 120162V 120164 120164V 120166E 120166EV 120168 120168V 120169E 120170 120170V 120179 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Standard Shelf, 19" x 10" x 1U 18.30 17.84 17.39 16.93 Standard Shelf, 19" x 10" x 1U Vented 21.60 21.06 20.52 19.98 Standard Shelf, 19" x 10" x 2U 23.20 22.62 22.04 21.46 Standard Shelf, 19" x 10" x 2U Vented 25.90 25.25 24.61 23.96 Heavy Duty Standard Shelf, 19" x 10" x 4U 30.00 29.25 28.50 27.75 Heavy Duty Standard Shelf, 19" x 10" x 4U Vented 32.00 31.20 30.40 29.60 Call for Pricing Utility Shelf, 19" x 15" x 2U 30.20 29.45 28.69 27.94 Vented Utility Shelf, 19" x 15" x 2U 33.50866-296-2880 32.67 31.83 30.99 Center Mount Shelf, 19" x 22" x 2U 45.00 43.88 42.75 41.63 Center Mount Shelf, 19" x 22" x 2U 52.00 50.70 49.40 48.10 Center Mount Shelf, 19" x 23" x 2U Heavy Duty 53.00 51.68 50.35 49.03 Extra Heavy Duty Center Mount Shelf, 19" x 25" x 2U 54.00 52.65 51.30 49.95 Extra Heavy Duty Center Mount Shelf, 19" x 25" x 2U Vented 58.00 56.55 55.10 53.65 Console Unit, Monitor and Sliding Keyboard Shelf with Flip-out Mouse Pad 120.00 117.00 114.00 111.00 120166E 120166EV 120179 Monitor and Keyboard Shelf Console Unit Support Bar with “T” Style Cable Tie Anchor ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order “T” STYLE 120123 BK 6.80Call 6.63for 6.47 6.31 Pricing Cable Tie Anchor Bar, 19" x 1U, "T" Style 120123 OFF RACK CABLE MANAGEMENT Loop Hangers And Hooks Holds up to a 5" diameter bundle of Cat 5 or fiber optic cable! MODEL LOOP SIZE # CAT 5 CABLES TL20 TL25 TL50 2" 2-1/2" 5" 60 100 300 PATENTED LOAD RATING 25 25 75 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Model Description Order Order Order TL20 Cable Support Loop, 2" TL25 Cable Support Loop, 2 1/2" TL50 Cable Support Loop, 5" (TL50 shown) Listed for use in environmental air handling spaces per 2005 NEC code requirements 300-22(c). Features and Benefits • Easy to use... cheaper than trays E170558 LR49636 • Flexible and non-metallic • Holds 2” to 5” diameter bundle of CAT 5 or fiber optic cable...without damaging the cable • Versatile mounting.... rotates to any angle • TL25 Holds the same amount of cable as the J-hook, at half the cost 120800 120801 120802 Single Hanger 1. Single LOOP mounted parallel to beam. 2. Single LOOP mounted perpendicular to bean 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.42 Call for Pricing 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.82 866-296-2880 3.70 3.61 3.52 3.42 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Multiple Hangers 3. Stacked ---perpendicular mounting 4. Stacked --- parallel mounting (TL50 shown) Page 21 September 2011 Catalog OFF RACK CABLE MANAGEMENT Aluminum D-Rings J-Hook Cable Hangers 120860 120852 120850 with Screw-Type Beam Clamps J-Hook with Screw-Type Beam Clamp ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120850 120852 120860 SL D-Ring, Aluminum, 1 7/16" X 2" SL D-Ring, Aluminum, 3" X 3" SL D-Ring, Aluminum, 5" X 3.25" 1.60 1.56 1.43 1.48 Call for Pricing 1.93 1.88 1.83 1.79 2.58866-296-2880 2.52 2.45 2.39 120860-P Plastic D-Rings 120850-P ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120995 120930 120931 120932 120852-P SL SL SL SL J-Hook Pulley Kits ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120850-P GY D-Ring, Plastic, 2" 120852-P GY D-Ring, Plastic, 3" 120860-P GY D-Ring, Plastic, 5" 1.50 1.46 1.42 1.38 Call for Pricing 1.83 1.78 1.74 1.69 1.90866-296-2880 1.85 1.81 1.76 D-Rings ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description Each Part # Color Description 120850A BK D-Ring, 2.25" X 2" Wiring Space 120852A BK D-Ring, 3.25" X 3.25" Wiring Space 120860A BK D-Ring, 3.25" X 5" Wiring Space Bridle Rings 120824 1.29 1.26 1.23 1.19 Call for Pricing 1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 1.90866-296-2880 1.85 1.81 1.76 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.89 Call0.62 for 0.61 Pricing 0.64 0.59 1.97866-296-2880 1.92 1.87 1.82 3.65 3.56 3.47 3.38 120812 Drive Rings 120814 120819 120816 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order Drive Ring, Zinc, 1/2" Drive Ring, Zinc, 5/8" Drive Ring, Zinc, 7/8" Drive Ring, Zinc, 1.25" J-Hook Cable Hangers with Hammer-On Beam Clamps ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120844 Each Part # Color Description SL Bridle Ring, Zinc Wood Screw Thread, 2" SL Bridle Ring, Zinc 1/4-20 Thread, 2" SL Bridle Ring, Zinc 1/4-20 Thread, 4" SL Bridle Ring with Harness, Zinc 1/4-20 Thread, 2" 109400 SL/YL Pulley Kit, 2" J-Hook with Beam Clamp 24.40 23.79 23.18 22.57 and Reusable Pulley, Holds 20 4Pr Cables Call for Pricing 109402 SL/YL Pulley Kit, 4" J-Hook with Beam Clamp 29.10 28.37 27.65 26.92 866-296-2880 and Reusable Pulley, Holds 40 4Pr Cables 120940 120941 120942 120836 SL SL SL SL ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description ·Non Conductive ·Smooth Surface ·For Easy Wire Management 120812 120814 120816 120819 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.69 Call2.62 for 2.56 Pricing 2.69 2.49 4.09866-296-2880 3.99 3.89 3.78 4.30 4.19 4.09 3.98 ·Frees up "second man" on cable pulling ·Accepts up to 20 or 40 Pair cables ·Complies with the TIA standard requirement by minimizing the pull force on the cable ·Maintains proper bend radius and protects cable during the installation ·Includes J-hook, pin, wheel and retainer, link, and beam clamp ·When the job is complete, the pulley and pin assembly can be removed leaving the J-hook as a cable support ·Pulley components can be reused on our other 2" J-hooks 120824 120834 120836 120844 Screw-Type Beam Clamp, Without J-Hook J-Hook with Screw-Type BC, 3/4" Loop J-Hook with Screw-Type BC, 1 5/16" Loop J-Hook with Screw-Type BC, 2" Loop 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.16 Call0.17 for 0.16 Pricing 0.17 0.16 0.28866-296-2880 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.52 0.51 0.49 0.48 SL J-Hook with Hammer-On BC 3/4" Loop SL J-Hook with Hammer-On BC 1 5/16" Loop SL J-Hook with Hammer-On BC 2" Loop 2.37 2.31 2.25 2.19 Call for Pricing 3.10 3.02 2.95 2.87 866-296-2880 3.55 3.46 3.37 3.29 J-Hook with Batwing Wire Clip ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120950 SL 1 5/16" Loop J-Hook with 1/4" Batwing Wire Clip 3.23 3.15 3.07 2.99 Call for Pricing 120951 SL 2" Loop J-Hook with 1/4" Batwing Wire Clip 3.70 3.61 3.52 3.42 866-296-2880 120952 SL 2" Loop J-Hook with 3/8" Batwing Wire Clip 3.70 3.61 3.52 3.42 J-Hook Cable Hangers ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120905 120910 120915 120920 SL SL SL SL CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL J-Hook, J-Hook, J-Hook, J-Hook, .75" Loop 1.3" Loop 2" Loop 4" Loop 1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 Call for 2.14 Pricing 2.25 2.19 2.08 2.90866-296-2880 2.83 2.76 2.68 5.30 5.17 5.04 4.90 Page 22 OFF RACK CABLE MANAGEMENT Teledata Express Wire Distribution Spools Wire Distribution Spools with Wood Screw Cable Clamps Nylon Cable Ties ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Wall Clips Nail On Wire Distribution Spools 110011 Grip-Clip Mounting Clips Screw Type Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 120890 WH Wire Distribution Spool without Wood Screw 120892 WH Wire Distribution Spool with Wood Screw 1.00 0.98 0.95 0.93 Call for Pricing 1.05 1.02 1.00 0.97 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order WH WH WH WH WH WH Cable Clamps, Bag of 100, 3/16" Cable Clamps, Bag of 100, 1/4" Cable Clamps, Bag of 100, 3/8" Cable Clamps, Bag of 100, 1/2" Cable Clamps, Bag of 100, 3/4" Cable Clamps, Bag of 100, 1" 2.73 2.66 2.59 2.53 3.78 3.69 3.59 3.50 Call4.10 for Pricing 4.20 3.99 3.89 5.04 4.91 4.79 4.66 866-296-2880 5.88 5.73 5.59 5.44 7.14 6.96 6.78 6.60 Wall Clips - Nail On ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 110005 BK WH 3/4" x 6mm , Bag of 100 110010 BK WH 3/4" x 7mm , Bag of 100 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 Call for Pricing 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 Grip-Clip Mounting Clips Screw Type ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 110011 BK GY Grip Clip w/UV, Bag of 100 110012 BK GY Grip Clip w/UV, Bag of 100 DUAL 5.38 5.25 5.11 4.98 Call for Pricing 5.94 5.79 5.64 5.49 1CAA06XX/100 1CAD08.8WH/100 1CAD08.8WH/1000 1CAG07.5WH/100 1CAG07.5WH/1000 1CAG11.2WH/100 1CAG11.2WH/1000 1CAG14.5WH/100 1CAJ08WH/100 1CAJ14WH/100 1CAJ18WH/100 1CAM24WH/100 1CAM24WH/50 1CAM36WH/100 1CAM36WH/50 Cable Clamps 120790 120791 120792 120793 120794 120795 1CAA04XX/100 BK BL GN Cable Ties, 4", 18 lb, Bag of 100 OR WH YL BL GN Cable Ties, 6", 18 lb, Bag of 100 OR YL WH Cable Ties, 8.8", 40 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 8.8", 40 lb, Bag of 1000 WH Cable Ties, 7.5", 50 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 7.5", 50 lb, Bag of 1000 WH Cable Ties, 11.2", 50 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 11.2", 50 lb, Bag of 1000 WH Cable Ties, 14.5", 50 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 8", 120 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 14", 120 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 18", 120 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 24", 175 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 24", 175 lb, Bag of 50 WH Cable Ties, 36", 175 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, 36", 175 lb, Bag of 50 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.74 1.38 1.35 1.31 1.28 1.90 1.85 1.81 1.76 18.00 17.55 17.10 16.65 2.40 2.34 2.28 2.22 22.00 21.45 20.90 20.35 3.90 3.80 3.71 3.61 Call for Pricing 37.00 36.08 35.15 34.23 866-296-2880 4.40 4.29 4.18 4.07 5.48 5.34 5.21 5.07 9.20 8.97 8.74 8.51 11.00 10.73 10.45 10.18 14.00 13.65 13.30 12.95 7.00 6.83 6.65 6.48 17.00 16.58 16.15 15.73 8.50 8.29 8.08 7.86 UV Rated Cable Ties ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 1CBD08.8BK/100 1CBD08.8BK/1000 1CBG07.5BK/100 1CBG07.5BK/1000 1CBG11.2BK/100 1CBG11.2BK/1000 1CBG14.5BK/100 1CBJ08BK/100 1CBJ14BK/100 1CBM36BK/100 1CBM36BK/50 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Cable Ties, UV, 8.8", 40 lb, Bag of 100 Cable Ties, UV, 8.8", 40 lb, Bag of 1000 Cable Ties, UV, 7.5", 50 lb, Bag of 100 Cable Ties, UV, 7.5", 50 lb, Bag of 1000 Cable Ties, UV, 11.2", 50 lb, Bag of 100 Cable Ties, UV, 11.2", 50 lb, Bag of 1000 Cable Ties, UV, 14.5", 50 lb, Bag of 100 Cable Ties, UV, 8", 120 lb, Bag of 100 Cable Ties, UV, 14", 120 lb, Bag of 100 Cable Ties, UV, 36", 175 lb, Bag of 100 Cable Ties, UV, 36", 175 lb, Bag of 50 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 19.00 18.53 18.05 17.58 2.50 2.44 2.38 2.31 23.80 23.21 22.61 22.02 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 Call for Pricing 38.00 37.05 36.10 35.15 866-296-2880 4.70 4.58 4.47 4.35 5.50 5.36 5.23 5.09 9.00 8.78 8.55 8.33 17.20 16.77 16.34 15.91 8.80 8.58 8.36 8.14 Cable Ties with Mounting Heads ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order Cable Tie Mounting Saddles Cable Tie Mounting SaddlesALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120781 WH Cable Tie Mounting Saddle, Screw Mount, 3mm, Bag of 100 2.89 2.82 2.75 2.67 Call for Pricing 120782 WH Cable Tie Mounting Saddle, Screw Mount, 3.4mm, Bag of 100 3.55 3.46 3.37 3.28 866-296-2880 120783 WH Cable Tie Mounting Saddle, Screw Mount, 6mm, Bag of 100 5.40 5.27 5.13 5.00 Bulk Hook and Loop Cable Ties 25m (82Ft.) Rolls 5M & 10M ROLLS COMING SOON Call for pricing ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 120704P BK 1/2" Hook and Loop Cable Ties, 82' Roll 120705P BK 3/4" Hook and Loop Cable Ties, 82' Roll 120706P BK 1" Hook and Loop Cable Ties, 82' Roll 15.00 14.6314.25 13.88 Call for Pricing 22.05 21.5020.95 20.40 866-296-2880 27.30 26.6225.94 25.25 1CMC06WH/100 WH 1CMG08WH/100 BKWH 1CMG16WH/100 WH 1CMJ14WH/100 WH 1CMJ14WH/50 WH Cable Ties, Mount Head, 6", 30 lb, Bag of 100 2.20 2.15 2.09 2.04 Cable Ties, Mount Head, 8", 50 lb, Bag of 100 2.80 2.73 2.66 2.59 Call for Pricing Cable Ties, Mount Head, 16", 50 lb, Bag of 100 4.60 4.49 4.37 4.26 866-296-2880 Cable Ties, Mount Head, 14", 120 lb, Bag of 10013.00 12.68 12.35 12.03 Cable Ties, Mount Head, 14", 120 lb, Bag of 50 6.60 6.44 6.27 6.11 Cable Ties with ID ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 1CIA04WH/100 1CIA08WH/100 WH Cable Ties, ID, 4", 18 lb, Bag of 100 WH Cable Ties, ID, 8", 18 lb, Bag of 100 w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 Call 3.00 for 2.93 Pricing 2.86 2.78 Plenum Cable TiesALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 1CPG11RD/50 Cable Ties, Plenum, 11", 40 lb, Bag of 50 1CPG11RD/100 Cable Ties, Plenum, 11", 40 lb, Bag of 100 w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 18.00 17.55 46.55 45.33 Call for Pricing 34.00 33.15 32.32 31.51 Cable Tie Install Gun · For ties up to 50lbs (4.8 mm) · Fasten & Automatic Cut · Adjustable Bundle Pressure ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 1CT00L/M Metal Cable Tie Install Gun Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 16.20 14.99 Call15.8015.39 for Pricing Page 23 September 2011 Catalog End Cap Inside Corner Tee Fitting Joint Cover Raceway RACEWAY Size Change Adapter Ceiling Entry Outside Corner *Our standard stock color is Office White (OW). This is the color shown in the photos on this page. Raceway in regular white and ivory is available for order by request. Raceway Multipacks Part # 120405 OW Raceway 20 Pack (120' total, 3/4"x1/2"x6' sections), 3/4" 119.30 116.32 113.34 110.35 Call for Pricing 120410 OW Raceway 20 Pack (120' total, 1 1/4"x3/4"x6' sections), 1 1/4" 184.80 180.18 175.56 170.94 866-296-2880 120415 OW Raceway 20 Pack (120' total, 1 3/4"x1"x6' sections), 1 3/4" 279.54 272.55 265.56 258.58 Individual Raceway Sections* ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Flat Elbow Part # ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order OW OW OW OW OW OW OW Tee Fitting 10 Pack, 3/4" Joint Cover 10 Pack, 3/4" Inside Corner 10 Pack, 3/4" Outside Corner 10 Pack, 3/4" Flat Elbow 10 Pack, 3/4" End Cap 10 Pack, 3/4" Ceiling Entry 10 Pack, 3/4" 19.40 18.92 18.43 17.95 10.31 10.05 9.80 9.54 15.52 15.13 14.74 14.36 Call for Pricing 17.48 17.05 16.61 16.17 17.12 866-296-2880 16.69 16.26 15.83 10.31 10.05 9.80 9.54 11.63 11.34 11.05 10.76 1 1/4” Raceway Component Multipacks ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120442 120450 120458 120466 120474 120482 120510 OW OW OW OW OW OW OW Tee Fitting 10 Pack, 1 1/4" Joint Cover 10 Pack, 1 1/4" Inside Corner 10 Pack, 1 1/4" Outside Corner 10 Pack, 1 1/4" Flat Elbow 10 Pack, 1 1/4" End Cap 10 Pack, 1 1/4" Ceiling Entry 10 Pack, 1 1/4" 23.81 23.22 22.62 22.03 13.90 13.55 13.21 12.86 19.05 18.57 18.09 17.62 Call for Pricing 20.08 19.57 19.07 18.57 20.08 866-296-2880 19.57 19.07 18.57 13.89 13.54 13.20 12.85 14.82 14.45 14.07 13.70 1 3/4” Raceway Component Multipacks ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120444 120452 120460 120468 120476 120484 120512 OW OW OW OW OW OW OW Tee Fitting 10 Pack, 1 3/4" Joint Cover 10 Pack, 1 3/4" Inside Corner 10 Pack, 1 3/4" Outside Corner 10 Pack, 1 3/4" Flat Elbow 10 Pack, 1 3/4" End Cap 10 Pack, 1 3/4" Ceiling Entry 10 Pack, 1 3/4" 25.14 24.51 23.88 23.25 16.94 16.51 16.09 15.67 21.17 20.64 20.11 19.58 Call for Pricing 21.17 20.64 20.11 19.58 21.97 866-296-2880 21.42 20.87 20.32 16.94 16.51 16.09 15.67 14.82 14.45 14.07 13.70 Raceway Components Fitting All Sizes Single surface mount box will accommodate any single gang face plate. Dual surface mount box will accommodate any double gang face plate. Knockouts on 4 sides. Includes base, top and mounting screws. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120502 120518 120520 Each Color Description w/$250 w/$500 Order Order w/ $750 Order 120405-1 OW Raceway Single Section (3/4"x1/2"x6' section), 3/4" 7.83 7.64 7.44 7.25 Call for Pricing 120410-1 OW Raceway Single Section (1 1/4"x3/4"x6' section), 1 1/4" 12.15 11.84 11.54 11.24 866-296-2880 120415-1 OW Raceway Single Section (1 3/4"x1"x6' section), 1 3/4" 18.46 18.00 17.54 17.07 *Shipping surcharge per individual section equals $25 divided by total number of individual sections being ordered. 3/4” Raceway Component Multipacks 120440 120448 120456 120464 120472 120480 120508 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Color Description OW Wall Entry Fitting 7.28 7.09 6.91 6.73 Call for Pricing OW Raceway Surface Box, Single Gang 4.13 4.02 3.92 3.82 866-296-2880 OW Raceway Surface Box, Dual Gang 5.33 5.20 5.07 4.93 3/4” Raceway Individual Components Each Part # Color Description 120440E 120448E 120456E 120464E 120472E 120480E 120508E OW OW OW OW OW OW OW Tee Fitting, 3/4" Joint Cover, 3/4" Inside Corner, 3/4" Outside Corner, 3/4" Flat Elbow, 3/4" End Cap, 3/4" Ceiling Entry, 3/4" ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 2.36 2.30 2.24 2.19 1.27 1.24 1.21 1.18 1.94 1.89 1.85 1.80 Call for Pricing 2.18 2.13 2.07 2.02 2.18 866-296-2880 2.13 2.07 2.02 1.27 1.24 1.21 1.18 1.46 1.42 1.39 1.35 1 1/4” Raceway Individual Components Each Part # Color Description 120442E 120450E 120458E 120466E 120474E 120482E 120510E OW OW OW OW OW OW OW Tee Fitting, 1 1/4" Joint Cover, 1 1/4" Inside Corner, 1 1/4" Outside Corner, 1 1/4" Flat Elbow, 1 1/4" End Cap, 1 1/4" Ceiling Entry, 1 1/4" ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 2.91 2.84 2.76 2.69 1.72 1.68 1.64 1.59 2.37 2.31 2.25 2.20 Call for Pricing 2.52 2.46 2.39 2.33 2.52 866-296-2880 2.46 2.39 2.33 1.72 1.68 1.64 1.59 1.85 1.80 1.76 1.71 1 3/4” Raceway Individual Components Each Part # Color Description 120444E 120452E 120460E 120468E 120476E 120484E 120512E OW OW OW OW OW OW OW Tee Fitting, 1 3/4" Joint Cover, 1 3/4" Inside Corner, 1 3/4" Outside Corner, 1 3/4" Flat Elbow, 1 3/4" End Cap, 1 3/4" Ceiling Entry, 1 3/4" ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 3.17 3.09 3.01 2.93 2.12 2.07 2.01 1.96 2.65 2.58 2.51 2.45 Call for Pricing 2.65 2.58 2.51 2.45 2.65 866-296-2880 2.58 2.51 2.45 2.12 2.07 2.01 1.96 1.85 1.80 1.76 1.71 Raceway Size Change Adapter Multipacks ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 120488 OW Size Change Adapter 10 Pack, 3/4" to 1 1/4" 11.63 11.34 11.05 10.76 Call for Pricing 120490 OW Size Change Adapter 10 Pack, 3/4" to 1 3/4" 13.76 13.41 13.07 12.72 866-296-2880 120492 OW Size Change Adapter 10 Pack, 1 1/4" to 1 3/4" 18.01 17.56 17.11 16.66 Raceway Individual Size Change Adapters ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 120488E OW Size Change Adapter, 3/4" to 1 1/4" 1.46 1.42 1.39 1.35 Call for Pricing 120490E OW Size Change Adapter, 3/4" to 1 3/4" 1.72 1.68 1.64 1.59 866-296-2880 120492E OW Size Change Adapter, 1 1/4" to 1 3/4" 2.26 2.20 2.14 2.09 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 24 Teledata Express TERMINAL BLOCK SYSTEMS Cross Connect Wire ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 100020 BL Cross Connect Wire, 24/2, 1 Pair, 1000' 100025 BL/OR Cross Connect Wire, 24/4, 2 Pair, 1000' Cross Connect Wire See Price List See Price List Demarc Boxes ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 103930 GY Wall Mount Plastic Demarc Box, 10" H x 10" W x 4.5" D 12.80 12.48 12.16 11.84 Call for Pricing 103935 GY Wall Mount Plastic Demarc Box, 8" H x 5" W x 2.2" D 4.80 4.68 4.56 4.44 866-296-2880 103937 GY Wall Mount Plastic Demarc Box, 9.5" H x 6.5" W x 3.25" D 6.04 5.84 5.74 5.59 Wall Mount Plastic Demarc Box 66 Blocks • Designed for high speed voice and data transfer. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 104204 WH WH * 104205 104260 WH 104204S WH 104209S WH 104241C WH 104245C WH Premium 66 Block, 50 Pair 66 Block, 25 Pair 66 Block with 12 RJ45 Siemon, 6 each side 66 Block, 50 Pair, Siemon* 66 Block, 50 Pair with Bracket, Siemon 66 Block, with Cover, 50 Pair Prewired to 1 Female Amphenol/Centronics (RJ21) 66 Block, with Cover, 50 Pair Prewired to 2 Female Amphenols/Centronics (RJ21) 7.40 7.22 7.03 6.85 7.40 7.22 7.03 6.85 89.00 86.78 84.55 82.33 9.60 9.12 8.88 Call9.36 for Pricing 10.40 10.14 9.88 9.62 866-296-2880 27.00 26.33 25.65 24.98 104241C 104245C 89B Bracket 38.90 37.93 36.96 35.99 * 25 Pair 66 Blocks are in one side out the other. No Bridge Clips Required! 66 Block Accessories 66 Block 120990 Bridge Clips 89D Bracket 104994 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 104203 OR 120990 SL 104201 WH 104201BWH 104202 WH 104994 WH 66 Block Hinged Cover for 104205 ONLY 2.56 2.50 2.43 2.37 Bridge Clips, Bag of 50 3.89 3.79 3.70 3.60 Call for Pricing 89D (Standard) Bracket for 66 Block, 50 Pair 1.45 1.41 1.38 1.34 89B Bracket for 66 Block, 50 Pair 1.79866-296-2880 1.75 1.70 1.66 Cover for 66 Block, 50 Pair (snap on) 1.45 1.41 1.38 1.34 Adapter Tap 8 Postion 11.80 11.51 11.21 10.92 Fits 104205 ONLY RJ21 Amphenol/Centronics 50 Pin (25 Pair) Ends Each Part # Color Description 104290 BK 104294 BK RJ21 Amphenol/Centronics 50 Pin (25 Pair) Cable End, 90°, Male RJ21 Amphenol/Centronics 50 Pin (25 Pair) Cable End, 90°, Female ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 2.73 2.66 2.59 2.53 Call for Pricing 2.73866-296-2880 2.66 2.59 2.53 104260 Snap On 66 Block Cover 104202 RJ21 Amphenol/Centronics 50 Pin (25 Pair) Gender Changers ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 104280 BK 104282 BK RJ21 Amphenol/Centronics 50 Pin (25 Pair) Gender Changer, MxM, Changes F to M RJ21 Amphenol/Centronics 50 Pin (25 Pair) Gender Changer, FxF, Changes M to F 10.70 10.44 10.17 9.90 Call for Pricing 9.60866-296-2880 9.36 9.12 8.88 Amphenol/Centronics RJ21 Plugs Telco Amphenol Patch PanelsALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 103054 BK Telco Patch Panel, Centronics In/Out, 25 Port, Wall Mount w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 57.60 56.16 54.71 53.28 Call for Pricing Amphenol/Centronics RJ21 Gender Changers Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 103054 Hinged Cover 104203 Page 25 September 2011 Catalog TERMINAL BLOCK SYSTEMS Jumpers, 25 Pair, Male to Female Pigtails & Jumpers 104326 104331 104336 104341 104346 104351 Jumpers Pigtails GY GY GY GY GY GY Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Female, 6' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Female, 10' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Female, 15' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Female, 20' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Female, 25' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Female, 50' Jumpers, 25 Pair, Male to Male ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description GY GY GY GY Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male, 6' Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male, 10' Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male, 15' Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male, 25' w/$250 Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description GY GY GY GY w/ $750 Order 10.56 10.30 10.03 9.77 Call12.66 for 12.33 Pricing 12.98 12.01 17.16 16.73 16.30 15.87 866-296-2880 25.30 24.67 24.04 23.40 Pigtails, 25 Pair, Female 104426 104431 104436 104446 w/$500 Order Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female, 6' Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female, 10' Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female, 15' Pigtail, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female, 25' w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 10.56 10.30 10.03 9.77 Call12.66 for 12.33 Pricing 12.98 12.01 17.16 16.73 16.30 15.87 866-296-2880 25.30 24.67 24.04 23.40 104325 104330 104335 104340 104345 104352 GY GY GY GY GY GY Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Male, 6' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Male, 10' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Male, 15' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Male, 20' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Male, 25' Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Male to Male, 50' w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 12.98 12.66 12.33 12.01 17.38 16.95 16.51 16.08 Call21.24 for 20.69 Pricing 21.78 20.15 25.30 24.67 24.04 23.40 866-296-2880 30.36 29.60 28.84 28.08 50.82 49.55 48.28 47.01 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description Pigtails, 25 Pair, Male 104425 104430 104435 104445 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 12.98 12.66 12.33 12.01 17.38 16.95 16.51 16.08 Call21.24 for Pricing 21.78 20.69 20.15 25.30 24.67 24.04 23.40 866-296-2880 30.36 29.60 28.84 28.08 50.82 49.55 48.28 47.01 Jumpers, 25 Pair, Female to Female ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 104327 104332 104337 104342 104347 104350 GY GY GY GY GY GY w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female to Female, 6' 12.98 12.66 12.33 12.01 Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female to Female, 10' 17.38 16.95 16.51 16.08 Call21.24 for 20.69 Pricing Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female to Female, 15' 21.78 20.15 Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female to Female, 20' 25.30 24.67 24.04 23.40 866-296-2880 Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female to Female, 25' 30.36 29.60 28.84 28.08 Jumper, Cat 3, 25 Pair, Female to Female, 50' 50.82 49.55 48.28 47.01 110 Blocks · Designed for high speed voice and data transfer · Includes labels and label covers ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 104005 WH 104020 WH 104025 WH 104030 WH 104020R WH 104025R WH 110 Block, 50 Pair with Leg Brackets 110 Block, 100 Pair with Leg Brackets 110 Block, 200 Pair with Leg Brackets 110 Block, 300 Pair with Leg Brackets Rack Mount 110 Block, 100 Pair, 19" x 1U Rack Mount 110 Block, 200 Pair, 19" x 2U 110 Block Kits w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 8.83 8.61 8.39 8.17 15.28 14.90 14.52 14.13 22.05 21.50 20.40 Call for 20.95 Pricing 34.65 33.78 32.92 32.05 866-296-2880 18.90 18.43 17.96 17.48 33.60 32.76 31.92 31.08 50 Pair 110 Block with Legs Rack Mount 110 Block Part # Color Description 104125 104150 WH WH 110 Block Kit, 50 Pair with Leg Brackets Includes 12 Wafers, 4 Pair and 2 Wafers, 5 Pair 110 Block Kit, 100 Pair with Leg Brackets Includes 24 Wafers, 4 Pair and 4 Wafers, 5 Pair Each 18.75 36.41 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 18.28 Call 35.50 17.81 17.34 for34.59 Pricing33.68 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 110 Block Wafers (Terminal Blocks) 110 Patch Cords 100 Pair 110 Block with Legs 110 Block Wafers 110 Patch Cords Each Part # Color Description 104040 104040/10 104050 104050/10 WH WH WH WH 110 Block Wafer, 4 Pair 110 Block Wafer, 4 Pair, Bag of 10 110 Block Wafer, 5 Pair 110 Block Wafer, 5 Pair, Bag of 10 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 7.35 6.80 Call7.17 for 6.98 Pricing 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.83 866-296-2880 8.61 8.39 8.18 7.96 110 Block Accessories ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 104505/1M 104505/2M 104507/1M 104507/2M 104515/1M 104515/2M 104517/1M 104517/2M 104501/1M 104501/2M 104501/3M 104501/5M 104501/10M 104510/1M 104510/2M 104510/3M 104510/5M 104510/10M 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 1m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 2m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 1m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 2m 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 1m 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 1 Pair, 2m 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 1m 110 to RJ11 Patch Cable, 2 Pair, 2m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 1m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 2m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 3m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 5m 110 to 110 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 10m 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 1m 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 2m 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 3m 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 5m 110 to RJ45 Patch Cable, 4 Pair, 10m 4.20 4.10 3.99 3.89 4.62 4.50 4.39 4.27 5.67 5.53 5.39 5.24 6.30 6.14 5.99 5.83 3.99 3.89 3.79 3.69 4.93 4.81 4.68 4.56 4.94 4.82 4.69 4.57 5.04 4.91 4.79 4.66 Call7.06 for Pricing 7.24 6.88 6.70 7.94 7.74 7.54 7.34 866-296-2880 8.64 8.42 8.21 7.99 9.98 9.73 9.48 9.23 13.48 13.14 12.81 12.47 4.44 4.33 4.22 4.11 5.24 5.11 4.98 4.85 5.98 5.83 5.68 5.53 7.58 7.39 7.20 7.01 11.58 11.29 11.00 10.71 110 Block ID Strips ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 104000 CL 110 Block Clear ID Strip Covers, 2.31 2.25 2.19 2.14 6 Pack (Fits 104001) Call for Pricing 104001 WH 110 Block ID Strips, 6 Pack (Fits 104000) 1.14 1.11 1.08 1.05 866-296-2880 104090RWH Rack Mount 110 Block Cable Management, 19" x 1U 6.97 6.80 6.62 6.45 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 26 Teledata Express TELEPHONY Flat Telephone Wire • Flat • 4C • 26 AWG ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 106105 106110 106112 106115 IV WH IV SL SL Flat Telephone Wire, 26/4 500' Flat Telephone Wire, 26/4 1000' Flat Telephone Wire, 28/4 1000' Flat Telephone Wire, 26/4 1000' UL Listed Line Cords (Wall to Phone) w/$250 Order IV BK SL WH IV BK SL WH IV BK SL • 6P6C ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 0.53 1.05 1.61 • 6P4C/RJ11 Line Cord RJ11, Silver Satin, 7' Line Cord RJ11, Silver Satin, 14' Line Cord RJ11, Silver Satin, 25' Telephone Handset Cords • 4P4C • Coiled 0.37 0.58 0.96 WH IV BK WH BK WH IV BK WH IV BK Coiled Telephone Handset Cord, RJ22, 7' Coiled Telephone Handset Cord, RJ22, 10' Coiled Telephone Handset Cord, RJ22, 15' Coiled Telephone Handset Cord, RJ22, 25' 0.52 0.74 0.98 1.49 Line Cord Coupler, 1 Female to 1 Female, RJ11 Line Cord Coupler, 1 Female to 1 Female, RJ12 Line Cord Coupler, 1 Female to 1 Female, RJ45 0.31 0.31 0.62 0.49 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 0.36 0.35 0.34 Call for Pricing 0.57 0.55 0.54 866-296-2880 0.93 0.91 0.89 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 0.51 0.49 1.45 1.42 0.48 0.68 0.91 1.38 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.57 Call for Pricing 0.30 0.29 866-296-2880 0.60 0.59 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description BK CL 0.50 Telephone Handset Swivel Twistop - BLACK Telephone Handset Swivel Twistop - CLEAR 2.04 2.04 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 2.00 1.94 1.89 1.89 Call for Pricing 2.00 1.94 Telephone Line Splitters 106970 Phone Cord Swivel-Twistop • Plugs directly into handset to prevent cord tangling • Increases durability and extends life of handset cords • Smooth swivel action • Attractive design ADSL Splitter Filter ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description IV Line Splitter, 1 Male 4-Pin to 2 Female 2-Pin WH IV Port Splitter, 1 Male to 2 Female, RJ12/RJ11 WH IV Port Splitter, 1 Female to 2 Female, RJ12/RJ11 WH IV Port Splitter, 1 Female to 2 Female, RJ45 0.90 0.50 0.53 0.88 DSL Filters w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.86 0.84 0.81 ADSL Modem/Phone Filter Splitter DSL Inline Filter, 1 Jack DSL Inline Filter, 2 Jacks 3.00 2.50 4.00 Place before ADSL modem to split and filter all phones from DSL. Call Pricing 0.49 for0.48 0.46 0.52 0.50 0.49 866-296-2880 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description TL-ADSL-SPLIT 108889 WH 108890 WH 106971 Line Splitter • Converts one line into two Port Splitter • Converts one port into two identical ports • Plugs directly into jack or inline coupler 106959 106951 106960 106961 Telephone Line Couplers ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Telephone Accessories 106971 106970 0.52 Call for Pricing 1.02 1.00 0.97 866-296-2880 1.57 1.53 1.49 Call 0.72for Pricing 0.70 0.96 0.93 866-296-2880 Each Part # Color Description WH WH WH w/ $750 Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Line Cord Couplers 106964 106965 108902 w/$500 Order (Phone to Handset) Each Part # Color Description 106282 106284 106288 106290 w/$250 Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 103195SL SL 103197SL SL 103198SL SL 13.86 26.83 CALL FOR PRICING CALL FOR PRICING Standard Line Cord, RJ12/RJ11, 2 Meter - 6.5' Standard Line Cord, RJ12/RJ11, 5 Meter - 14' Standard Line Cord, RJ12/RJ11, 8 Meter - 25' Line Cords (Wall to Phone) w/ $750 Order Call 14.63for Pricing 14.25 28.28 27.55 866-296-2880 15.00 29.00 Each Part # Color Description 106183 106189 106193 w/$500 Order w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 2.93 2.85 2.78 2.31 3.70 Call for Pricing 2.44 2.38 866-296-2880 3.90 3.80 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com tl-adsl-splt DSL Filter 108889 Page 27 September 2011 Catalog TELEPHONY Telephone Surface Housings • Three sizes available • Screw terminals • Both Adhesive and hardware mounts included ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 106415 106420 106415 102313 106420 WH IV Telephone Surface Housing, RJ11, 1 Port WH IV Telephone Surface Housing, Mini, RJ11, 2 Port WH Combo Surface Housing,CAT 5E & RJ12 .48 .47 .46 .44 Call for Pricing .56 .55 .53 .52 866-296-2880 3.77 3.68 3.58 3.49 Hanging Phone Wall Plates Hanging Phone Wall Plates 6P4C RJ11 6P6C RJ12 106306SS 106306IV ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 106305 WH IV 106306 WH IV 106306SS SL Hanging Phone Wall Plate, RJ11, 1 Port Hanging Phone Wall Plate, RJ12/RJ11, 1 Port Hanging Phone Wall Plate, Steel, RJ12/RJ11, 1 Port .85 1.02 3.68 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order .83 .81 .79 Call for Pricing 0.99 0.97 0.94 866-296-2880 3.59 3.50 3.40 Keystone Hanging Phone Wall Plate, Stainless Steel Recessed with steel hanging pins These wall plates offer an economical way to install hanging phones that require Cat. 5E or Cat 6 connections, such as new VOIP models. They accept only standard 90° RJ45 Keystone jacks. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 102199SS 102199SS Stainless Steel Keystone Hanging Wall Plate w/$250 Order 3.77 w/$500 Order 3.68for Pricing 3.58 Call w/ $750 Order 3.49 Smooth Telephone Wall Jacks • One-piece construction • Standard size • Screw terminals • Mounting hardware included Smooth Wall Jacks ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 106365 106366 106360 106361 WH WH WH WH IV AL IV AL IV IV Telephone Wall Jack, Smooth, RJ11, 1 Port Telephone Wall Jack, Smooth, RJ11, 2 Port Telephone Wall Jack, Smooth, RJ12, 1 Port Telephone Wall Jack, Smooth, RJ12, 2 Port 0.55 0.72 0.63 0.85 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order 0.54 0.52 Call 0.70 for Pricing 0.68 0.61 0.60 866-296-2880 0.83 0.81 w/ $750 Order 0.51 0.67 0.58 0.79 Smooth Coax Wall Jacks 106366IV 106365WH • One-piece construction • Standard size • Easy screw-on termination • Mounting hardware included ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 106390 WH IV AL Coax F Wall Jack, Smooth, 1 Port 106392 WH IV AL Coax F and Telephone Wall Jack, Smooth, 2 Port (1 Coax, 1 RJ12) 106393 WH IV AL Coax F Wall Jack, Smooth, 2 Port w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 0.69 0.97 0.67 Call 0.95 0.66 0.64 Pricing 0.92 0.90 0.94 0.92 0.89 for 866-296-2880 0.87 3GHz Smooth Coax Wall Jacks 106392IV 106396 106390WH 106395 • One-piece construction • Standard size • Easy screw-on termination • Mounting hardware included ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 106395 106396 106397 WH IV WH IV WH IV 3GHz Coax "F" Jack, 1 Port 3GHz Coax "F" and Telephone Jack, (1 Coax + 1 RJ11) 3GHz Coax "F" Jack, 2 Port CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL .89 1.07 1.07 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order .87 .85 .82 Call for Pricing 1.04 1.02 .99 866-296-2880 1.04 1.02 .99 Page 28 POWER AND SURGE STRIPS Teledata Express Rack Mount Power Strips 20 Outlet 19” Rack Mount Power Strip 12 Outlet 19” Rack Mount Surge Protected Power Strip Ideal for distributing UPS or generator power in rack enclosures or network closets. Safety cover prevents accidental turn off. •• 20 Receptacles (10 Front - 10 Rear) •• 15 Ft. Rear Exit Cord •• 60 Hz , 15 Amp, 120V •• 5-15 (15A Molded Plug & Outlet 120V) 260920 Surge Protected Power Strips This power strip provides network grade AC surge suppression with EMI/RFI noise filtering. •• 12 Receptacles (2 Front - 10 Rear) •• 15 Ft. Rear Exit Cord •• 60 Hz , 15 Amp, 120V •• 5-15 (15A, 120V) molded plug & outlet Suppression AC: 120V RMS Clamping/1800 Joules/60,000 Amps 260930 8 Outlet Surge Protector with Fax/Modem Protection 8 Outlet Surge Protector with Telephone/Network & Coax Protection AC Protection: 330V Clamping 1140 JOULES DISPLACEMENT •• Fax/Modem Protection 400V Clamping EMI/RFI Filtering 106 JOULES DISPLACEMENT • 60 Hz , 15 Amp, 125V AC Protection: 330V Clamping 3150 JOULES DISPLACEMENT •• Fax/Modem Protection 400V Clamping •• Max Current 58,500 Amp •• EMI/RFI Filtering •• 60 Hz , 15 Amp, 125V •• 6 Ft. Power cord 260729 Transformer Spacing 260731 Transformer Spacing 6 Outlet Surge Protector • 90 Joules Dissipation • 3-ft. 14/3 AWG cord • Lighted ON/OFF with circuit breaker • 125V/15A 260739 6 Outlet Surge Protector Wall Tap •• Protected outlets swivel 90° side-to-side •• 6 Rotating outlets •• Protects equipment while managing & organizing cords off the floor & in tight spaces •• 2100 Joules surge protection 6 Outlet Surge Protector • 750 Joules Surge Dissipation • 4-ft. 14/3 AWG cord • Lighted ON/OFF with circuit breaker • 125V/15A • EMI/RFI filters • Child proof sliding outlets 260735 260740 Surge Protected Wall Tap •• 750 Joules surge portection •• 15 AMP/120 Volt •• Filters up to 20db EMI/RFI Noice •• For Appliance or Basic Electronics 7 Outlet Surge with Telephone & Coaxial Protection •• 7 Outlets •• 1500 Joules •• Coaxial cable, DBS & phone protection with splitter •• 1 Transformer-spaced outlet •• Rotating safety covers •• Surge Status indicator •• Noise filter •• Power switch with circuit breaker •• Includes 3-ft RG6 cable & 6-ft. telephone cord •• 6-ft. cord with 45˚ flat-profile plug 260733 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 260748 260920 260930 260729 260731 260748 260735 260733 260739 260740 Rack Mount Power Strip, 20 Outlet Rack Mount Surge Strip, 12 Outlet, 1800 Joules Surge Strip, 8 Outlet w/Fax/Modem, 1140 Joules Surge Strip, 8 Outlet w/Fax/Modem-Coax, 3150 Joules Surge Strip, 7 Outlet w/Coax & Phone, 1500 Joules Surge Tap, 6 Outlet, 2100 Joules Surge Tap, 3 Outlet, 750 Joules Surge Strip, 6 Outlet, 90 Joules Surge Strip, 6 Outlet, 750 Joules Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 53.40 52.06 50.73 49.71 59.40 58.02 46.43 54.95 19.40 18.92 18.43 17.95 28.00 27.30 26.60 25.90 Call for Pricing 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 866-296-2880 13.40 13.55 13.21 12.86 4.60 4.48 4.37 4.25 4.60 4.48 4.37 4.25 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 Page 29 September 2011 Catalog UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY/BATTERy BACKUP Powercom ups Features common to all powercom ups units •• Wave Form - Simulated Sine Wave •• Energy Saving “Sleep” Mode •• Lightning / Surge Protection 480 Joules •• Input Protection •• Telephone / Modem / Net Protection RJ11/ RJ45 •• Short Circuit and Overload Protection •• Transfer Time to Battery 2.4 Milsec Black Knight Pro •• •• •• •• •• •• Automatic Testing RS232 Smart Communication Port (DB9) UPSMON Plus Monitoring Software Battery Backup Alarm Battery Low Alarm Overload Protection Alarm •• Advanced battery management (ABM technology) •• Tel/Modem internet surge suppression •• Smart RS-232 communication port •• Automatically charging when UPS off •• Records history of power failure events •• Back up, on-line, battery status, • power status display by software •• Schedule shutdown & reboot •• Line interactive design •• Boost and buck AVR (Auto voltage regulation) •• Fully digitized microprocessor controlled •• Energy saving function (UPS green mode) •• 50/60Hz frequency auto sensing and selection •• Cold start function (DC power on) •• Lightning and surge protection •• Short circuit and overload protection Each Part # Description 260637 260639 260640 260645 BNT-600AP 600VA BNT-800AP 800VA BNT-1000CSU 1000VA BNT-1500AP 1500VA 86.40 100.00 168.00 200.00 kING pRO UPS •• Line interactive design •• Fully digitized microprocessor controlled •• Tel/modem internet surge suppression •• Boost and buck AVR •• EMI/RFI noise filter •• Surge protection output for critical load •• On-line, back up, battery status LED •• Lightning and surge protection •• Short circuit and overload protection •• 50/60Hz frequency auto sensing 84.24 82.08 195.00 190.00 97.50 95.00 Call for Pricing 163.80 159.60 866-296-2880 KIN-1000 APRM, 1000VA RACKMOUNT, 1U KIN-1500 APRM, 1500VA RACKMOUNT, 2U KIN-2200 APRM, 2200VA RACKMOUNT, 3U KIN-2200 APR, 2200VA KIN-3000 APRM, 3000VA RACKMOUNT, 3U 264.00 291.00 382.00 324.00 553.00 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 157.40 150.80 144.20 283.73 276.45 269.18 Call for362.90 Pricing 372.45 353.35 866-296-2880 315.90 307.80 299.70 539.17 525.35 511.52 500VA Offline Battery Backup Power Management Software Included AC INPUT • AC Input Voltage 100V +20% / -15% at line input, 110V / 115V +/- 20% at line input • AC Input Frequency 50 or 60 Hz+/-10% (auto sensing) OUTPUT • Output Capacity 500VA; Output By Pass Capacity 400VA • 3 UPS Sockets and 1 Bypass Socket • Output Voltage On Battery Simulated sine wave at 100V • or 110V/115V or 200V/240V +/- 5% • Output Transfer Time 2/4 milliseconds, including detection time PROTECTION • Overload: UPS automatic shutdown if overload exceeds 105% of nominal at 20 sec, 120% at 10 sec, and 130% at 3 sec • Unit: Fuse for overload & short circuit protection • Short: Protection UPS output cut off immediately Each Part # Description 260634 Offline Battery Backup 500MA 79.92 92.50 155.40 185.00 •• Advanced battery management (ABM) •• Energy saving (UPS sleep mode) •• Smart RS-232 communication port •• AVR boost & buck LED •• Cold start (DC power on) •• Automatically charging when UPS off •• Records history of power failure events •• Schedule shutdown & reboot •• Back up, on-line, battery status, power status display by software •• Hot swappable battery by users Each Part # Description 260640RM 260645RM 260652RM 260652 260660RM ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 59.40 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 57.92 for56.43 54.95 Call Pricing CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL BATTERY • Battery Type Sealed, Maintenance-free lead acid, • with 3 - 6 years typical lifetime • Battery Typical 4 hours • Battery Protection Automatic self-test & over • discharge protection, short circuit protection by fuse • Weight lbs 12.9lb (5.9 kgs) • Dimension inch 9.8"x8"x2" (250x200x50 mm) ALARMS • Battery Backup: Slow beeping sound every 4 seconds • Battery Low: Rapid beeping sound every second • Overload: Continue beeping sound, Overload LED always On • Battery 105% load: Continue beeping sound every 4 seconds • Interface Dry Contact: Sends battery low & power failure signals, and receives shutdown signal from computer • Interface RS-232: Detect battery low, Schedule UPS on/off, • AC input/output power status display Page 30 Teledata Express SURGE & GROUNDING PRIMARY series surgegate ac protection base units (Formerly Towermax) approved Common Features & Specifications •• AC Protection for Telecom Systems •• Expandable Protection with SurgeGate Modules •• Eight Foot Power Cord - Right Angle Plug •• Thermal Fusing •• Over-Voltage Shutoff 147V & 87V •• Initial Clamping Level 200V peak •• SurgeGate Plus Circuitry •• Diagnostic Indicator Lights •• Mounting Brackets Included •• Catastrophic Surge Circuit •• Under-Voltage Shutoff 87V & 8V •• Response Time 1-5 Seconds •• Four Switched AC Outlets •• IMI / RFI Noise Filtration -5-dB •• Rated 120V - 15A •• Peak Impulse Current 52,000 A •• Single Pulse Dissipation - 1650 Joules •• UL1449 Rating 330V Telco Circuit Protection (M8COM-60 Only) Built-in TELCO Protection •• Telephone Protection for four voice or DSL Lines •• T1 Protection for one T1 or LL Line •• LAN Protection for one 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet Line •• Signal Perfect Circuitry •• Fuseless Auto-Resettable •• Clamping Level 260V •• Response Time 1-5 Nanoseconds •• Termination RJ11/RJ45 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description 260404 260408 260418 Base Units - Add Modules for Additional Protections 260404 WH 260408 WH 260418 WH SurgeGate Base Unit M4KSU, 4 AC Outlets SurgeGate Base Unit M8KSU-60, 8 AC Outlets SurgeGate Base Unit M8COM-60, 8 AC Outlets w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 49.60 48.36 47.12 45.88 Call for Pricing 65.80 64.16 62.51 60.86 866-296-2880 118.80 115.83 112.86 109.89 surgegate series modular protection - expandable system protection Analog Station SET and Central Office Protectors - UL LISTED SECONDARY ٭Auto Resetting Technology - PTC Auto Resetting Resistors open when surge occurs, but unlike fuses they close when the surge is past meaning less downtime and fewer service calls. Common Features & Specifications •• Signal Perfect Circuitry •• Auto Resetting PTC - 160 mA (8-10ohms) •• Clamping Level - 260V (T-R, T-G, R-G) • Response Time 1-5 Nanoseconds • Capacitance <50pF • Suppressor Modes - Metallic & Longitudinal •• For use with or without SurgeGate AC Base Units •• Signal Line Surge Protection 260414 Protects up to 4 lines using RJ14 Connectors 260422 260415 260435 260437 260413 Protects 4 lines using RJ11 / RJ45 Connectors AVAYA approved Protects 25 Central Office Lines using 50 Pin (RJ21X) Amphenol Connectors AVAYA approved Protects 25 2 wire digital station or 12- 4 wire digital station using 50 Pin, RJ21 (Amphenol) Connectors High-Speed Digital T1 or Leased Line Protector Protects 4 wires, 2 pairs per jack using RJ48C or RJ48S 260421 Protects up to 4 lines using 110 punch input / output or 110 input and 4 RJ-11 out or 110 input and 2 RJ45 output AVAYA approved Protects up to 8 lines using two 110 punchdown input and output AVAYA approved Each Part # Description All modules can be used with or without SurgeGate Base Units 260414 260415 260421 260422 260435 260437 260413 Teleco Module, MC04 Teleco Module, MC04X4 - 60 Teleco Module, MC04110 Teleco Module, MC08110 Teleco Module , MC025 - 60 Teleco Module, MDS25 Teleco (TI) Module, MLLT1 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 44.20 53.80 54.00 63.00 188.00 188.00 52.40 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 42.89 41.99 40.89 52.46 51.11 49.76 52.65 51.30 49.95 Call for Pricing 62.01 60.42 58.83 866-296-2880 183.30 178.60 173.90 183.30 178.60 173.90 51.09 50.28 48.47 Page 31 September 2011 Catalog SURGE & GROUNDING SurgeGate Building Entrance Protection (Formerly Towermax) Use between building as a building entrance protector or in a hostile industrial application as an isolated loop protector Common Features & Specifications •• UL Listed for Primary (497) and Isolated Loop (497B) Applications •• Exceeds TIA/EIA 568 and 758 Performance Standards •• Signal Perfect Circuitry •• Fuseless / Auto Resettable •• Response Time 1-5 Nanoseconds •• Capacitance - 20pF 260450 Protects 4-Pairs CAT5 using 110 Punchdown 16V Clamping 260454 Protects 4-Pairs CAT5 using 110 Punchdown 75V Clamping All modules can be used with or without SurgeGate Base Units Each Part # Description 260450 260454 260470 260474 260460 Module CAT 5- LAN Module CAT 5- 75 Module CAT 6- LAN Module CAT 6- 75 Module CAT 5- POE ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 84.20 82.10 79.99 77.89 84.20 82.10 79.99 77.89 Call for Pricing 96.20 93.80 91.39 88.99 866-296-2880 96.20 93.80 91.39 88.99 84.20 82.10 79.99 77.89 260460 Protects 4-Pairs CAT5 using 110 Punchdown 16V Clamping Data 62C Clamping Power 260470 260474 Protects 4-Pairs CAT6 using 110 Punchdown 16V Clamping Protects 4-Pairs CAT6 using 110 Punchdown 75V Clamping Surge Proctection ultralinx 66 Block Ideal for Retrofit Applications - just remove the bridging clips from the block and replace them with the UltraLinx Protector, add the ground connection and the pair is protected! •• Signal Perfect Circuitry Features & Specifications • • Auto-Resettable • • Streamlined InstallationEliminate redundant •• Dual Indicator Lights—Protection OK and •• Protects 2-Wire, 1 Pair cross-connects by adding protection directly Ground Connection OK at the 66 Block. Press fit protectors to the block and •• Solid-state Protection—Provides the fastest response to attach the ground bar to the protectors. A Screw transient voltage (1–5 nanoseconds) by quickly diverting Ground Lug also is required. (MGBSGL-1) damaging surges to ground and resetting. •• Sneak Current Protection - Protects against •• Single Pair Protection—Scale the fires caused by overloads and power crosses. protection to the system size. Protect• •• Cost Savings - Eliminate expensive five-pin blocks. only the lines requiring protection. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 260505 260503 260510 260515 260549 UP3B-235, 235V TELCOM (UL-Primary/Secondary) 350 mA Fuse, 235V Clamping UP3H-75, 75V T1, ISDN (UL Secondary) 160mA PTC, 75V Clamping UP3P-75, 75V Telco (UL Secondary) 160mA PTC, 75V Clamping UP3P-235, 235V Telco (UL-Secondary) 160mA PTC, 235V Clamping MGBSGL-1 Ground Bar 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 Call for Pricing 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 866-296-2880 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 10.40 10.14 9.98 9.62 Grounding Bridge in Zinc and Bronze Arlington’s heavy-duty Grounding Bridge provides reliable intersystem bonding between power and communication grounding systems. They have four termination points; one more than required by 250.94 of the 2008 NEC. Cover Available in zinc (260831) and bronze (260832), this new Grounding multiple hookups • Included of communications systems; telephone, CATV or satellite • For indoor or outdoor use • Fast, simple installation • Easy access for inspections • For good looks – textured, paintable plastic cover included • Intersystem Bonding and Grounding Conductors: All accommodate #14 to #4 copper or aluminum, solid or stranded Grounding Electrode Conductor or Equipment Grounding Conductor: 260831 GB5 and GBB5 accept #6 to #2. All can be used with copper or aluminum, solid or stranded. Each Part # Description 260831 Zinc Grounding Bridge 260832 Bronze Grounding Bridge (Zinc) ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 8.60 Call 8.39 8.17 9.96 for Pricing 15.00 866-296-2880 14.63 14.25 13.88 260832 (Bronze) CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 260549 Multiple Ground Bar and Screw Ground Lug for use with UltraLinx 66 Block Protectors Scored for easy breaking Page 32 Teledata Express SURGE PROTECTION & GROUNDING Primary Building Entrance Terminals These building entrance terminals are used as a Primary connectivity protector but can be used as secondary protection where low voltage circuits are required. They provide protection for communication equipment and circuits exposed to harmful transient voltage surges and “sneak currents” which are introduced into telecommunication lines by AC induction, direct power crosses or lightning. Units consist of a rugged epoxy powder coated housing, a protection field and incoming / outgoing cross connect field. A grounding system line protection is provided through industry standard 5-pin protection modules. NOTE: 5 Pin modules are sold separately. 260130/66 260136/66C 260132/66 66 block in/out terminals Each Part # Description 260130/66 260131/66 260132/66 260134/66C 260136/66C 6 Pair- 66 Block 12 Pair- 66 Block 25 Pair- 66 Block 50 Pair- 66 Block w/cover and splice chamber 100 Pair- 66 Block w/cover and splice chamber ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 70.00 68.25 66.50 64.75 103.60 101.01 98.42 95.83 Call for Pricing 115.60 112.71 109.82 106.93 866-296-2880 276.00 269.10 262.20 255.30 430.00 419.25 408.50 397.75 BRANDS MAY VARY 110 block in/out high density terminals 260132/110 Each Part # Description 260134/110C 260134/110 260120/110 260132/110 260134/110 260134/110C 260136/110 260136/110C 6 Pair - 110 Block 25 Pair- 110 Block 50 Pair- 110 Block 50 Pair- 110 Block w/cover and splice chamber 100 Pair- 110 Block 100 Pair- 110 Block w/cover and splice chamber ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 70.00 68.25 66.50 64.75 115.60 112.71 109.82 106.93 for Pricing 307.00 Call 299.33 291.65 283.98 317.00 866-296-2880 309.08 301.15 293.23 420.00 409.50 399.00 388.50 457.00 445.58 434.15 422.73 BRANDS MAY VARY Standard 5-Pin Surge Protection Modules Gas Modules The balanced gas tube 5-pin modules are designed to be “always on” protecting the infrastructure but at the same time allowing the telecom network to operate at maximum without signal degradation. They provide excellent transient and power fault protection for standard analog telephone lines. They are well suited to applications requiring heavy duty current handling. Gas modules are available with or without 150 mA resetting technology (PTC). Digital Modules 260136/110C The asymmetrical operation of the 5-pin solid state module is designed to be always onprotecting the telecom infrastructure. It is suitable for high speed networks particularly ADSL applications that utilize a high voltage differential between two sides of a circuit in normal operation. Digital / solid state modules are superior to gas in speed of response due to repeated tripping within rated limits. An internal fail-safe mechanism permanently grounds the module under sustained high current conditions to protect personnel and equipment. What is PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient)? PTC refers to materials that have an increase in electrical resistance as their temperature rises. As their temperature rises in a “surge”, the resistance increases and allows less current to flow thereby protecting equipment. When the surge passes the temperature falls and the PTC “fuse” automatically resets allowing normal operation. Each Part # Description 260131/66 260136/110 BRANDS MAY VARY 260300 260301 260302 260327 260325 260330 Gas (3B1E) 350V Gas (3B1E) 350V Surplus Solid State (3B1S) 300V Surplus Solid State (4B1S) 230V Solid State (4B1FS) 240V W/PTC Solid State (4B3S-75) 75V W/PTC Order online at: TeledataExpress.com ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 3.20 3.12 3.04 2.96 2.70 2.63 2.56 2.50 3.00Call 2.93 2.85 2.77 for Pricing 4.20 866-296-2880 4.10 3.99 3.89 4.60 4.49 4.37 4.26 4.96 4.84 4.71 4.59 SURPLUS GAS MODULES AVAILABLE CALL FOR PRICE AND AVAILABILITY Page 33 September 2011 Catalog STRUCTURED WIRING Inwall Boxes ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 103902 103904 103906 WH Inwall Box w/ Locking Hinged Door, 18" H x 14" W x 4" D 44.20 43.10 41.99 40.89 Call for Pricing WH Inwall Box w/ Locking Hinged Door, 28" H x 14" W x 4" D 78.80 76.83 74.86 72.89 866-296-2880 WH Inwall Box w/ Locking Hinged Door, 48" H x 14" W x 4" D 129.00 125.78 122.55 119.33 Replacement Door Assemblies for Inwall Boxes ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 103902/D WH Door Assembly for 103902 103904/D WH Door Assembly for 103904 18.80 18.33 17.86 17.39 Call for Pricing 25.80 25.16 24.51 23.87 Voice - Data - Audio Distribution Modules All Modules include attached brackets for installation into standard structured wiring wall boxes. Boxes and Brackets are compitable with most brands. 249110 VOICE MODULE Distributes up to 4 incoming lines to up to 8 stations. 110 Punchdown in and out. Includes RJ31X Jack for security system priority. Includes RJ45 expansion port. 249117 VOICE MODULE Distributes up to 4 incoming lines to up to 8 stations. 110 Punchdown in and out. Includes RJ45 expansion port. 249121 VOICE MODULE Distributes up to 4 incoming lines to up to 10 stations. 110 Punchdown in - RJ45 out. Includes RJ31X Jack for security system priority. Includes RJ45 expansion port. 249119 VOICE MODULE Distributes up to 4 incoming lines to up to 8 stations. 110 Punchdown in and out. 249108 VIDEO MODULE CATV Splitter - splits incoming signal to up to 8 stations. "F" connectors in and out. 1GHz-130dB. 249107 AUDIO MODULE Distributes incoming audio to up to 6 stations. Has screw terminal wire connectors In and Out Modules are available without brackets. Call! ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 249114 CAT5e MODULE Centrally terminates data wires from 8 locations for distribution to hubs, switches, routers, etc. 110 Punchdown in - RJ45 out. 249327 DISTRIBUTION AMPLIFIER (UL) Amplifies UHF/VHF, 54-890MHz, 25dB Gain Module Accessories Part # Description 249003/50 249004/50 249005 249109 249123 249197 Mounting Screws, Nickel, 50 Pack Mounting Screws, Black, 50 Pack Push Rivets for Brackets, 25 Pack Bracket for Coax Modules - Most will fit Bracket for Voice and Data Modules Universal Bracket for Router - Switch Coupler 249110 249117 249119 249121 249114 249108 249107 249327 8 Bridged 110 Connections + RJ31X Security, with Bracket 1 (In) x 8 (Out) 110 Connections + Expansion Jack, with Bracket 1 (In) x 9 (Out) Bridged 110 Connections, with Bracket 1 (In) 110 Con x 10 (Out) RJ45 + Expan Jack + RJ31X Security, w/Bracket 8 110 Connections x 8 RJ45 Cat 5e, with Bracket CATV Splitter, 8-way, with Bracket, 1GHz, 130 dB 1 (In) x 6 (Out) Audio Module Distribution Amplifier, UHF/VHF, 54-890MHz, 25dB Gain 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 14.00 13.65 13.30 12.95 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 14.60 13.87 13.51 Call14.24 for Pricing 16.00866-296-2880 15.60 15.20 14.80 12.00 11.70 11.40 11.10 21.50 20.96 20.42 19.89 10.60 10.34 10.07 9.81 249123 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 0.75 1.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 5.00 0.73 0.71 0.69 1.46 1.43 1.39 Call Pricing 2.44 for 2.38 2.31 1.95 1.90 1.85 866-296-2880 1.95 1.90 1.85 4.87 4.75 4.62 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 249109 249197 Page 34 Teledata Express FIBER OPTIC CABLE Indoor/Outdoor Tight Buffered Riser Indoor/Outdoor fiber streamlines installation and reduces costs by eliminating the need for outside to inside connections. It reaches as far as needed into a building for final termination. Fewer connections means greater reliability. • • • • • 62.5/125 μm Multimode (UL) OFNR (Riser Rated) Indoor/Outdoor Tight Buffered Color coded strands for easy ID Dry super absorbent ploymers eliminate water migration into cable • UV Resistant • Rip cord standard • Suitable for lashed aerial, burial in conduit and indoor riser ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 160100/1000 160100/500 160100/FT 160116/1000 160116/500 160116FT 160143/1000 160143/500 160143/FT 6 STRAND MULTI MODE Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, 1000' Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, 500' Indoor/Outdoor - - Tight Buffered, Per Ft. 12 STRAND MULTI MODE Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, 1000' Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, 500' Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, Per Ft. 24 STRAND MULTI MODE Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, 1000' Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, 500' Indoor/Outdoor - Tight Buffered, Per Ft. Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Outside Plant Loose Tube Armored Single Jacket Single Armor Armored loose tube fiber with dry core water barriers are preferred by installers. Corregated steel armor reduces cost on longer runs. • 62.5/125 μm Multimode • Corregated steel armor provides crush resistance and rodent protection • UV resistant jacket • Color coded strands for easy ID • Rip cord standard • Dry core swellable binders • Suitable for lashed aerial, direct burial or burial in conduit ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 160105/1000 160105/500 160105/FT 160119/1000 160119/500 160119/FT 160142/1000 160142/1000 160142/1000 6 STRAND MULTI MODE Armored (SJSA), 1000' Armored (SJSA), 500' Armored (SJSA), Per Ft. 12 STRAND MULTI MODE Armored (SJSA), 1000' Armored (SJSA), 500' Armored (SJSA), Per Ft. 24 STRAND MULTI MODE Armored (SJSA), 1000' Armored (SJSA), 500' Armored (SJSA), Per Ft. Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing Call For Pricing We have many Fiber Optic Cables in stock or available to ship from manufacturers. Singlemode Duplex Jumpers ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order Singlemode Duplex SC-SC Jumpers 161203/1m YL 161203/2m YL 161203/3m YL 161203/5m YL 161203/10mYL Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 1 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 2 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 3 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 5 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 10 meter 11.00 10.73 11.40 11.12 11.90 11.60 12.80 12.48 15.60 15.21 161201/1m 161201/2m 161201/3m 161201/5m Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 1 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 2 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 3 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 5 meter 10.90 10.08 Call10.63 for 10.36 Pricing 11.40 11.12 10.83 10.55 866-296-2880 11.80 11.51 11.21 10.92 12.80 12.48 12.16 11.84 Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 1 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 2 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 3 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 5 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 10 meter 17.00 16.58 17.80 17.35 18.30 17.84 19.40 18.92 21.00 20.48 Singlemode Duplex ST-ST Jumpers YL YL YL YL Singlemode Duplex SC-LC Jumpers 161204/1m YL 161204/2m YL 161204/3m YL 161204/5m YL 161204/10mYL 10.45 10.83 11.31 12.16 14.82 16.15 16.91 17.39 18.43 19.95 10.18 10.55 11.01 11.84 14.43 15.73 16.47 16.93 17.95 19.43 Singlemode Duplex LC-ST Jumpers 161205/1m YL 161205/2m YL 161205/3m YL 161205/5m YL 161205/10mYL Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-ST Jumper, 1 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-ST Jumper, 2 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-ST Jumper, 3 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-ST Jumper, 5 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-ST Jumper, 10 meter 17.00 16.58 17.80 17.35 18.30 17.84 19.40 18.92 21.00 20.48 16.15 16.91 17.39 18.43 19.95 15.73 16.47 16.93 17.95 19.43 Singlemode Duplex SC-ST Jumpers 161202/1m YL 161202/2m YL 161202/3m YL 161202/5m YL 161202/10mYL Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 1 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 2 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 3 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 5 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 10 meter 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 11.40 11.12 10.83 10.55 Call for Pricing 12.00 11.70 11.40 11.10 866-296-2880 13.20 12.87 12.54 12.21 15.60 15.21 14.82 14.43 Singlemode Duplex LC-LC Jumpers 161206/1m YL 161206/2m YL 161206/3m YL 161206/5m YL 161206/10m YL Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 1 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 2 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 3 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 5 meter Singlemode Duplex 9/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 10 meter Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 20.00 19.50 20.60 20.09 21.00 20.48 22.00 21.45 24.00 23.40 19.00 19.57 19.95 20.90 22.80 18.50 19.06 19.43 20.35 22.20 September 2011 Catalog Page 35 FIBER OPTIC JUMPERS Multimode Duplex Jumpers 62.5 Microns ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order Multimode Duplex ST-LC Jumpers 162207/1m 162207/2m 162207/3m 162207/5m 162207/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 10 meter 10.40 10.14 9.88 9.62 11.40 11.12 10.83 10.55 Call for Pricing 12.20 11.90 11.59 11.29 866-296-2880 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 16.40 15.99 15.58 15.17 Multimode Duplex SC-LC Jumpers ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order Multimode Duplex SC-SC Jumpers 162203/1m 162203/2m 162203/3m 162203/5m 162203/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 10 meter 8.00 7.80 7.60 7.40 9.00 8.78 8.55 8.33 Call for Pricing 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 866-296-2880 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 14.60 14.24 13.87 13.51 Multimode Duplex SC-ST Jumpers 162202/1m 162202/2m 162202/3m 162202/5m 162202/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 10 meter 7.20 7.02 6.84 6.66 8.30 8.09 7.89 7.68 Call for Pricing 8.90 8.68 8.46 8.23 866-296-2880 10.60 10.34 10.07 9.81 13.80 13.46 13.11 12.77 Multimode Duplex ST-ST Jumpers 162201/1m 162201/2m 162201/3m 162201/5m 162201/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 10 meter 6.60 6.44 6.27 6.11 7.60 7.41 7.22 7.03 Call for Pricing 8.60 8.39 8.17 7.96 866-296-2880 10.20 9.95 9.69 9.44 13.20 12.87 12.54 12.21 162208/1m 162208/2m 162208/3m 162208/5m 162208/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 10 meter 13.20 12.87 12.54 12.21 14.00 13.65 13.30 12.95 Call for Pricing 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 866-296-2880 16.40 15.99 15.58 15.17 19.00 18.53 18.05 17.58 Multimode Duplex LC-LC Jumpers 162206/1m 162206/2m 162206/3m 162206/5m 162206/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um,LC-LC Jumper, 10 meter 15.40 15.02 14.63 14.25 16.20 15.80 15.39 14.99 Call for Pricing 16.60 16.19 15.77 15.36 866-296-2880 17.60 17.16 16.72 16.28 20.80 20.28 19.76 19.24 Multimode Duplex SC-MTRJ Jumpers 162204/1m OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-MTRJ Jumper, 1 meter 10.00 9.75 9.50 9.25 Call for Pricing 162204/2m OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-MTRJ Jumper, 2 meter 11.60 11.31 11.02 10.73 866-296-2880 162204/3m OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, SC-MTRJ Jumper, 3 meter 12.60 12.29 11.97 11.66 Multimode Duplex ST-MTRJ Jumpers 162205/1m 162205/2m 162205/3m 162205/5m 162205/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-MTRJ Jumper, 1 meter 10.00 9.75 9.50 9.25 Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-MTRJ Jumper, 2 meter 11.60 11.31 11.02 10.73 Call for Pricing Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-MTRJ Jumper, 3 meter 12.60 12.29 11.97 11.66 866-296-2880 Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-MTRJ Jumper, 5 meter 14.50 14.14 13.78 13.41 Multimode Duplex 62.5/125um, ST-MTRJ Jumper, 10 meter19.00 18.53 18.05 17.58 Multimode Duplex Jumpers 50 Mircrons Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order Multimode Duplex SC-SC Jumpers Multimode Duplex ST-LC Jumpers ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 162223/1m 162223/2m 162223/3m 162223/5m 162223/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-SC Jumper, 10 meter 8.00 7.80 7.60 7.40 9.00 8.78 8.55 8.33 Call for Pricing 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 866-296-2880 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 14.60 14.24 13.87 13.51 Multimode Duplex SC-ST Jumpers 162222/1m 162222/2m 162222/3m 162222/5m 162222/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-ST Jumper, 10 meter 7.20 7.02 6.84 6.66 8.30 8.09 7.89 7.68 Call for Pricing 8.90 8.68 8.46 8.23 866-296-2880 10.60 10.34 10.07 9.81 13.80 13.46 13.11 12.77 Multimode Duplex ST-ST Jumpers 162221/1m 162221/2m 162221/3m 162221/5m 162221/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-ST Jumper, 10 meter 6.60 6.44 6.27 6.11 7.60 7.41 7.22 7.03 Call for Pricing 8.60 8.39 8.17 7.96 866-296-2880 10.20 9.95 9.69 9.44 13.20 12.87 12.54 12.21 162227/1m 162227/2m 162227/3m 162227/5m 162227/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, ST-LC Jumper, 10 meter 10.40 10.14 9.88 9.62 11.40 11.12 10.83 10.55 Call for Pricing 12.20 11.90 11.59 11.29 866-296-2880 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 16.40 15.99 15.58 15.17 Multimode Duplex SC-LC Jumpers 162228/1m 162228/2m 162228/3m 162228/5m 162228/10m OR OR OR OR OR Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, SC-LC Jumper, 10 meter 13.20 12.87 12.54 12.21 14.00 13.65 13.30 12.95 Call for Pricing 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 866-296-2880 16.40 15.99 15.58 15.17 19.00 18.53 18.05 17.58 Multimode Duplex LC-LC Jumpers 162226/1m 162226/2m 162226/3m 162226/5m 162226/10m OR OR OR OR OR CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Multimode Duplex 50/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 1 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 2 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 3 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um, LC-LC Jumper, 5 meter Multimode Duplex 50/125um,LC-LC Jumper, 10 meter 15.40 15.02 14.63 14.25 16.20 15.80 15.39 14.99 Call for Pricing 16.60 16.19 15.77 15.36 866-296-2880 17.60 17.16 16.72 16.28 20.80 20.28 19.76 19.24 Page 36 Teledata Express Fiber optic ENCLOSURES/SPLICE TRAYS Rack Mount Enclosures Shown with loaded panels - panels and splice trays not included Swing-out Style 16 Gauge Powder Coated Steel 163180 1 Rack Unit 2 Panel capacity 2 (163199) splice tray capacity 1.7" H x 17" W x 11" D Slide-out Style 163188 2 Rack Unit 4 Panel capacity 2 (163196) splice tray capacity 3.5" H x 17" W x 11" D Slide-out Removable Top Style 16 Gauge Powder Coated Steel 163187 2 Rack Unit 4 Panel capacity 2 (163199) splice tray capacity 3.5" H x 17" W x 11" D 163178 1 Rack Unit 3 Panel capacity 1 (163196) splice tray capacity 1.75" H x 17" W x 14" D 163184R 3 Rack Unit .06" Powder coated alum 6 Panel capacity 3 (163196) splice tray capacity 5.25" H x 17" W x 14" D Each Part # Color Description 163180 163187 163178 163179 163188 163184R 163174 Rack Mount Accessories 163174 1 Rack Unit Panel Holder Powder coated steel Holds three adapter panels Wall Mount Enclosures 163179 2 Rack Unit 6 Panel capacity 3 (163196) splice tray capacity 3.55" H x 17" W x 14" D BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Rack Mount, Swing Out Door, 1U Rack Mount, Swing Out Door, 2U Rack Mount, Slide Out Door, 1U Rack Mount, Slide Out Door, 2U Rack Mount, Slide Out Door, 2U Rack Mount, Slide Out Door, 3U 1U Panel Holder ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 99.00 96.52 94.05 91.57 138.00 134.55 131.10 127.65 147.00 143.32 139.65 135.97 Call for Pricing 191.00 186.22 181.45 176.67 866-296-2880 172.00 167.70 163.40 159.10 202.00 196.95 191.90 186.85 14.80 14.43 14.06 13.69 Shown with loaded panels panels and splice trays not included Single Outer Door Style 16 Gauge Powder Coated Steel 163168 • 2 Panel capacity • 2 (163199) splice tray capacity • 9.2"H x 13"W x 3.5"D 163169 • 4 Panel capacity • 4 (163199) splice tray capacity • 11.5"H x 13"W x 3.5"D 163158 • Includes • 1 Fiber Spool • 1 Panel capacity • 2 (163199) splice tray capacity • 6.3"H x 5.5"W x 1.57"D 163159 • Includes (12) Single Splice Holder • 1 Panel capacity • 4 (163199) splice tray capacity • 6.3"H x 5.5"W x 1.57"D Splice Trays 163161 • Inner • Locking Door • 2 Panel capacity • 2 (163199) splice • tray capacity • 10.2"H x 12"W x 3.5"D ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order Each Part # Color Description 163168 163169 163161 163164 163158 163159 BK BK BK BK BK BK Wall Mount, Wall Mount, Wall Mount, Wall Mount, Wall Mount, Wall Mount, 1 Door, 2 Panel 1 Door, 4 Panel 1 + 1 Door, 2 Panel 1 + 1 Door, 4 Panel 1 Door, 1 Panel w/spool 1 Door, 1 Panel w/splice holder w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 57.60 56.16 54.72 53.28 70.00 68.25 66.50 64.75 Call76.83 for Pricing 78.80 67.26 72.89 86.40866-296-2880 84.24 82.08 79.92 48.40 47.19 45.98 44.77 43.20 42.12 41.04 39.96 StarFighter 1120-MiniButt 163199 163196 • 12 Single • Fusion Splice Tray • Aluminum • 6.5"H x 4.75"W x 1.5"D • 24 Single Fusion Splice Tray • Aluminum • 11.75"H x 4"W x 5"D ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 163199 12 Single Fusion Splice Tray 163196 24 Single Fusion Splice Tray 163164 • Inner • Locking Door • 4 Panel capacity • 4 (163199) splice tray capacity • 12"H x 12"W x 3.5"D 21.60 21.06 20.52 19.98 Call for Pricing 25.40 24.76 24.13 23.49 • Designed for low count splicing in areas where space is a constraint. • Integrated gasket to prevent ingress of water but allow ease of access • Supports butt and inline configurations • Up to 4 cable entries with cable OD 0.3”to 0.63” • Suitable for above or below grade installation • Integrated “F” pressure testing valve and ground lugs • Up to 24 single fusion or 48 mass fibers • Equipped with all parts for normal splicing • 164005 includes one163199 Splice Tray ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 164005 Splice Closure MiniButt with splice tray Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 147.00 143.32 135.98 Call for139.65 Pricing Page 37 September 2011 Catalog FIBER OPTIC PANELS/CONNECTORS Fiber Optic Adaptor Panels These standard fiber panels fit all fiber enclosurers in this catalog as well as other compliant brands. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 163107 Each Part # Color Description 163100 163106 163109 163107 163108 163110 163116 163111 163117 163113 163119 163115 163118 163105 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Blank Insert Panel Multimode ST, 6 Connector Panel Singlemode ST, 6 Connector Panel Multimode SC, 6 Connector Panel Singlemode SC, 6 Connector Panel Multimode ST, 8 Connector Panel Singlemode ST, 8 Connector Panel Multimode SC, 8 Connector Panel Singlemode SC, 8 Connector Panel Multimode SC, 12 Connector Panel Singlemode SC, 12 Connector Panel Multimode ST, 12 Connector Panel Singlemode ST, 12 Connector Panel Multimode LC, 12 Connector Panel 163106 163109 163105 3.70 3.61 3.52 3.42 18.69 18.23 17.67 17.28 21.40 20.86 20.33 19.79 18.69 18.23 17.67 17.28 24.00 23.40 22.80 22.20 23.53 22.94 22.35 21.77 Call26.32 for 25.65 Pricing 27.00 24.97 25.94866-296-2880 25.30 24.64 23.99 32.00 31.20 30.40 29.60 38.80 37.83 36.86 35.89 46.80 45.63 44.46 43.29 32.00 31.20 30.40 29.60 37.20 36.27 35.34 34.41 26.80 26.13 25.46 24.79 163108 163111 163110 163116 163115 163118 163113 163117 163119 Fiber Fan Out Kit Each Part # Description 167906 Fiber Fan Out Kit, 6 Strand, 25" 167912 Fiber Fan Out Kit, 12 Strand, 25" 21.40 24.85 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 20.87 24.23 20.33 23.61 19.80 22.99 Call for Pricing Fast Ethernet Media Converters •• Complies with 802.3u 10/100 Base - TX 100 Base - FX Standards. •• Provide Switch Configuration of Half-Duplex / Full Duplex transfer mode for FX Port. •• Converts 100 Base - FX Fiber to 100 Base TX Copper or Vice Versa •• Power supply included 251000 Gigabit Media Converters •• Works at 1000Mbps in Full-Duplex mode for both TX port and FX port •• Supports auto MID/MID-X for TX port •• Provides switch configuration of Force/Auto transfer mode for FX port •• Extends fiber distance up to 550m Multimode-15KM Singlemode •• Easy-to-view LED indicators provide status to monitor network activity easily •• SC Fiber Port •• External power supply included 251022 BRANDS MAY VARY Part # ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Order Order Order 251000 Fiber Converter, Multimode ST, 2Km 251001 Fiber Converter, Multimode SC, 2Km 251009 Fiber Connector, Single Mode SC, 20Km 251022 Gigabit Fiber Converter, Multimode SC 251024 Gigabit Fiber Converter, Singlemode SC 251020 Gigabit 1000 Base-T MiniGbic Converter 251030 MiniGbic, Multimode Duplex LC, 550m 251035 MiniGbic, Single Mode Duplex LC, 10Km 167912 68.00 66.20 64.60 62.80 49.95 48.70 47.45 46.20 59.95 58.45 56.96 55.45 81.00 78.98 74.93 Call for 76.95 Pricing 97.00 94.58 92.15 89.73 866-296-2880 54.00 52.65 51.30 49.95 64.80 63.18 61.56 59.94 70.00 68.25 66.50 64.75 ↑ SFP-MiniGBIC 251020 Port CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 251030 •• Converts 1000 Base-T (Gigbit Ethernet) to SFP (MiniGBIC) Fiber Slot and vice versa •• Requires MiniGBIC Transceiver to convert to Fiber •• Designed for use with Multi-mode or Single Mode Fiber depending on which MiniGBIC is used •• Power supply included Page 38 Teledata Express FIBER OPTIC CONNECTORS ST Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 162401 162403 162407 162409 BK BK YL YL ST Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 3mm Cable ST Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 0.9mm Cable ST Connector, Singlemode Crimp, for 3mm Cable ST Connector, Singlemode Crimp, for 0.9mm Cable 1.92 1.87 1.82 1.78 Pricing 1.99Call 1.94for1.89 1.84 3.30 866-296-2880 3.22 3.14 3.05 3.30 3.22 3.14 3.05 ST Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished SC Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 162411 162413 162415 162417 BK BK BL BL SC Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 3mm Cable, Ivory Housing SC Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 0.9mm Cable, Ivory Housing SC Connector, Singlemode Crimp, for 3mm Cable, Blue Housing SC Connector, Singlemode Crimp, for 0.9mm Cable, Blue Housing 2.25 2.19 2.14 2.08 for2.14 Pricing 2.25Call 2.19 2.08 3.72 866-296-2880 3.63 3.53 3.44 3.72 3.63 3.53 3.44 SC Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished SC Duplex Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 162423 RD/BK 162425 BL SC Duplex Connector, Multimode Crimp, 4.85 4.73 4.61 4.49 for 3mm Cable, Blue Housing Call for Pricing SC Duplex Connector, Singlemode Crimp, 4.85 866-296-2880 4.73 4.61 4.49 for 3mm Cable, Blue Housing SC Duplex Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished LC Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 162451 162453 162455 162457 162459 162461 WH WH WH WH WH WH LC Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 3mm Cable, Ivory Housing LC Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 0.9mm Cable, Ivory Housing LC Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 2mm Cable, Ivory Housing LC Connector, Singlemode, Crimp, for 3mm Cable, Blue Housing LC Connector, Singlemode, Crimp, for 0.9mm Cable, Blue Housing LC Connector, Singlemode, Crimp, for 2mm Cable, Blue Housing 5.40 5.27 5.13 5.00 5.40 5.27 5.13 5.00 for 5.13 Pricing 5.40Call 5.27 5.00 5.85 866-296-2880 5.70 5.56 5.41 5.85 5.70 5.56 5.41 5.85 5.70 5.56 5.41 LC Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished LC Duplex Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 162463 162465 162467 162469 WH WH WH WH LC Duplex Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 3mm Cable LC Duplex Connector, Multimode, Crimp, for 2mm Cable LC Duplex Connector, Singlemode, Crimp, for 3mm Cable LC Duplex Connector, Singlemode, Crimp, for 2mm Cable 7.50 7.31 7.13 6.94 for7.13 Pricing 7.50Call 7.31 6.94 8.75 866-296-2880 8.53 8.31 8.09 8.75 8.53 8.31 8.09 Leviton Threadlock Fiber Optic Connectors LC Duplex Fiber Optic Connectors, Polished Leviton Threadlock Connectors are reusable and field installable. No Proprietary tools, heat or epoxy required. They feature silicone snap-on sleeves for easy installation Part # Order 163220 163210 Description Order Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 12.40 12.09 11.78 11.47 Call for Pricing 12.40 12.09 11.78 11.47 Leviton Threadlock Fiber Optic Connector, Multimode SC Leviton Threadlock Fiber Optic Connector, Multimode ST Corning Unicam Fiber Optic Connectors 163220 163210 Corning Unicam connectors are ideal for fiber field installation. With no epoxy and no polishing installing Unicam connectors saves time and money. Requires proprietary tool. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 163224 Unicam Fiber Optic Connector, Multimode SC 163225 Unicam Fiber Optic Connector, Multimode ST w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 12.80 12.48 12.16 11.84 Call for Pricing 12.80 12.48 12.16 11.84 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 163224 Page 39 September 2011 Catalog ST to ST Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type FIBER OPTIC ADAPTERS ST to ST Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 162503 BG 162507 BL ST to ST Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type ST to ST, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Flange Type ST to ST, Singlemode, Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type 1.70 2.60 ST to ST Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 162509 BG 162511 BL FC to FC Fiber Optic Adapters, Thread Type ST to ST, Duplex, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Flange Type ST to ST, Duplex, Singlemode, Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type 1.70 2.90 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order SC to SC, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Flange Type SC to SC, Singlemode Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type SC to SC, Angled Polish, Singlemode Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type 1.70 3.80 3.90 1.57 3.80 3.71 3.61 2.73 2.66 2.59 4.10 3.99 3.89 Call for Pricing 4.10 3.99 3.89 866-296-2880 LC to LC Fiber Optic Adapters LC to LC, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Square Type LC to LC, Singlemode, Zirconia Sleeve, Square Type 2.00 4.20 LC to LC Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters Each Part # Color Description 162545 BG 162547 BL LC to LC, Duplex, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Square Type LC to LC, Duplex, Singlemode, Zirconia Sleeve, Square Type 3.80 7.50 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 1.95 1.90 1.85 Call for Pricing 4.10 3.99 3.89 866-296-2880 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 3.71 3.61 3.52 Call for Pricing 7.31 7.13 6.94 866-296-2880 ST to SC Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type Each Part # Color Description ST to SC Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type 1.62 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 162549 BG 162551 BL ST to SC Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type 1.66 Call for Pricing 3.71 3.61 3.52 866-296-2880 SC to SC Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type Each Part # Color Description LC to LC Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters, Square Type Call1.66 for Pricing 1.62 1.57 866-296-2880 2.83 2.76 2.68 SC to SC Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type 162521 BG SC to SC, Duplex, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Flange Type 2.80 162523 BL SC to SC, Duplex, Singlemode, Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type 4.20 162525 GN SC to SC, Angled Polish, Duplex, Singlemode Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type 4.20 LC to LC Fiber Optic Adapters, Square Type Call2.15 for Pricing 2.09 2.04 866-296-2880 5.66 5.51 5.37 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 162515 BG 162517 BL 162519 GN SC to SC Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type 2.20 5.80 ST to ST Fiber Optic Adapters, Thread Type 162501 ST to ST, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Thread Type 162505 ST to ST, Singlemode, Zirconia Sleeve, Thread Type SC to SC Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type Call1.66 for Pricing 1.62 1.57 866-296-2880 2.54 2.47 2.41 162481 BG 162483 BL ST to SC, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Flange Type ST to SC, Singlemode Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type 1.40 2.50 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 1.37 1.33 1.30 Call for Pricing 2.44 2.38 2.31 866-296-2880 ST to SC Duplex Fiber Optic Adapters, Flange Type Each Part # Color Description 162485 BG 162487 BL ST to SC, Duplex, Multimode, Phosphor Bronze Sleeve, Flange Type ST to SC, Duplex, Singlemode, Zirconia Sleeve, Flange Type CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 2.50 3.80 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Call for Pricing 2.44 2.38 2.31 3.71 3.61 3.52 866-296-2880 Page 40 Teledata Express TOOLS MultiPunch Impact Tools •• One side seats and cuts wires; the other side seats wires only •• Ergonomically ridged handle •• Soft rubber comfort grip •• Heel block with blades is replaceable and reversible •• Less than 9 kilograms of force required to operate tool ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 109101 109102 109103 109113 109114 109118 4 Pair Multipunch With Blade 5 Pair Multipunch With Blade 8-In-A-Row Multipunch With Blade Replacement Head For 109101 Replacement Head For 109102 Replacement Head For 109103 47.25 46.07 44.89 43.71 47.25 46.07 44.89 43.71 Call45.24 for 44.08 Pricing 46.40 42.92 15.40866-296-2880 15.02 14.63 14.25 15.40 15.02 14.63 14.20 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 5 PAIR HEAD 4 PAIR HEAD 4 PAIR HEAD FOR 8-IN-A-ROW MODULAR JACK SEATS ALL 8 WIRES IN ONE EASY STROKE •• Seats 4 or 5 wire pairs on patch panel or terminal block at the same time •• Suitable for both cable side and cross-connect side terminal blocks Punch/Impact Tools Punch Down Tool •• Seats wires and cuts off wire ends •• Adjustable impact pressure •• Quick dial blade storage release •• Sure-lock blade holder •• Built-in storage for extra blade •• 110 blade included 4 Wire Punch Tool 109106 Premium Punch Down Tool 109115 •• Seats wires and cuts off wire ends •• Adjustable impact pressure •• Quick dial blade storage release •• Sure-lock blade holder •• Built-in storage for extra blade •• Built-in insertion tool •• Built-in extractor hook •• Ergonomically shaped handle •• Soft rubber comfort grip •• Combination 66/110 blade included 109105 Rep la cem ent Bla Each Part # Description 4 Wire Punch Tool •• Impact one side of a jack in one stroke, (2-pairs) •• Designed to fit most popular •• Teledata Express jacks CAT3 CAT5E - CAT6 •• Adjustable impact pressure •• Built-in hook/spludger for tracing & removing wires •• Saves Time - Saves Money 109105Punch Down Tool with 110 Blade 109106Premium Punch Down Tool with Combo 66/110 Blade 1091154 Wire Punch Tool with Head 24.80 32.40 41.00 de ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 24.18 Call for23.56 Pricing22.94 31.59 30.98 866-296-2880 29.97 39.68 38.95 37.93 Replacement Blades 109108 109110 109112 109109 109111 109116 66 Blade for Punch Down Tool 109105 or 109106 110 Blade for Punch Down Tool 109105 or 109106 Krone Blade for Punch Down Tool 109105 or 109106 Dual Blades 66/110 For 109105 or 109106 Bix Blade For 109105 or 109106 4 Wire Replacement Head Fits 109115 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 7.35 7.35 7.95 7.95 17.95 15.00 7.17 6.98 6.80 7.17 6.98 6.80 7.75 for Pricing 7.55 7.35 Call 7.75 7.55 7.35 866-296-2880 17.56 17.05 16.60 14.63 14.25 13.88 Page 41 September 2011 Catalog TOOLS Strong and durable, our professional grade tools are tough enough to withstand year after year of heavy use everyday. Most are constructed of solid low carbon steel, and have a resilient black oxide finish. They’ll not only work hard for you many years down the road, but they’ll look good too. Cut/Strip Tools Cable Cutting and Stripping Tool Wire Stripper/Cutter Strips wire from 10 to 30 AWG 109119 Economical But Not Flimsy Punch/Strip Tool •• Simple 110 insertion tool built-in 109125 Electrician’s Scissors •• Scissors for snipping category cables & stripping insulation. •• Ergonomic design makes these scissors comfortable to any size hand to use & operate smoothly •• Serrated blades for easy cuts •• 24/22 wire strippers built into blade 109151 109120 109145 Strips •• Strips jacket & inner conductor in one operation •• Stripping distance 1/4” 109167 Coax Stripper •• Strips RG6, RG59, RG58, RG62, and RG174 •• Two blade model stripsjacket only 1/4” •• Three blade model strips jacket 1/4” and braid 1/4” 3 Blade Strip 109176 109179 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 109120 109119 109125 109151 109176 109179 109145 109167 1091T01 1091T03 1091T10 1091T11 1091T13 1091T15 Cable Cutting Tool Cable Cutting and Stripping Tool Economical Punch/Strip Tool Electrician's Scissors Coax Stripper 2 Blade Model Coax Stripper 3 Blade Model LAN Cable Cutter/Stripper Coax Cable Stripper Wire Stripper/Cutter Data Sure Strip Cutter Stripper Dual-Contour Round Cutter 8 AWG Cable Cutter Heavy Duty Cable Cutter Countour Round Cutter6AWG 1091T03 •• Cuts solid or stranded cable up to AWG6 •• Precise and effortless cuts. •• Round cutting minimizes cable deforming. •• Optimized for 4pair UTP and RG58, RG59, RG6/RG6Q Coax. 1091T10 8 AWG Cable Cutter RG59, 62, 6, 11, 213, 8 2 Blade Strip Multi-purpose cutter and stripper for data, telephone and network installations. Works with Cat3, Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6 shielded and non-shielded cable. Cuts and strips multiple cable types: •• 4-, 6- & 8-conductor •• 25-pair data and telephone cables •• Multi-conductor round cable bundles with a maximum diameter of .5" •• 14-8 AWG wire Dual-Contour Round Cutter Cuts & Strips Round Cable Including irregular and out of shape •• UTP / STP LAN Cable •• Multi Conductor 1/8” to 3/8” •• Adjustment for cable size 1091T01 Data Sure Strip Cutter Stripper Cable Cutting Tool •• Curved blade slices cleanly and easily through cables •• Low carbon steel construction •• Black oxide finish •• Comfort grip handle •• Cuts wires up to .42 inches or 10.7 millimeters •• Spring action handle with convenient chain catch •• Strips 10-18 AWG solid, 12-20 AWG stranded •• Cuts #6-32 and #8-32 screws Length: 7-3/8in •• Strips the outer jacket off both solid and stranded wire •• Machined stripping stations with a positive stop provide precise stripping diameters •• Long curved cutter blades reduce force required by 25% and can cut NM in a single cut •• Lock tab protects cutting edges during storage •• Pliers nose for working with small nuts and pulling wire •• Opening stop prevents spring from disengaging •• Easy-to-read printing •• Cuts screws 5.80 5.66 5.51 5.37 5.20 5.07 4.94 4.81 3.90 3.80 3.71 3.61 17.12 16.69 16.26 15.84 10.50 10.24 9.98 9.71 12.80 12.48 12.16 11.84 12.80 12.16 11.84 Call12.48 for Pricing 8.60 8.39 8.17 7.96 866-296-2880 20.40 19.89 19.38 18.87 23.20 22.62 22.04 21.46 21.40 20.87 20.33 19.80 25.80 25.16 24.51 23.87 33.40 32.57 31.73 30.90 21.4 20.87 20.33 19.80 •• Designed to cut solid, stranded wire up to 8 AWG and multi-conductor cable up to ½” •• Curved cutting blades ensure an easy cut •• Heat-treated for long life •• Stamped and precision ground from high-carbon tool steel •• Return spring •• Locking latch 1091T11 Heavy Duty Cable Cutter •• Easily cuts heavier copper and aluminum cables up to 2" (100 pair) •• Plastic-coated, high-leverage 9 1/4" handles for easier cuts •• Heat-treated for long life •• Made of heavy-duty forged steel •• Precision ground, shear action, curved cutting blades •• Rust-resistant black oxide finish •• Made in the USA 1091T13 Contour Round Cutter •• Cuts solid or stranded cable up to AWG 6 •• Precise and effortless cuts •• Round cutting minimizes cable deforming •• Optimized for 25pair UTP, RG7/RG11 Coax CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 1091T15 Page 42 Teledata Express TOOLS Crimp/Compression Tools •Hardened Low Carbon Steel • Black Oxide Finish • Comfort Grip Handles Modular Plug Crimp Tool Pro’s Choice •• Cuts, Strips, and Crimps •• 8P8C (RJ-45), 4P4C (RJ-11/RJ-12) and 4P2C •• Ratchet Action •• Length: 9 inches Coax Side Load Waterproof Connector Compression Tool (F, RCA, BNC) •• Crimps Only •• RG59, RG6 •• “F”, BNC, RCA •• Adjustable Length 109171 109122 Coax Top Load Waterproof Connector Compression Tool (F, RCA, BNC) Modular Crimping Tool •• Cuts, Strips, and Crimps •• For use with modular/shielded plugs •• 8P8C (RJ-45), 4P4C (RJ-11/RJ-12) and 4P2C •• Ratchet Action •• Length: 7 1/2 inches 109169 •• Cuts & Crimps •• RG58, 59, 62, 6, “F”, BNC, RCA •• Adjustable Length •• Ratchet Action 109121 Economy Crimpers Cuts, Strips, and Crimps 109128 - 4P4C & 4P2C 109130 - 6P6C (RJ12) 6P4C (RJ11), 6P2C 109131 - 8P8C (RJ45) • Length: 8 inches 109128 109130 109131 EZ MOD Crimper These high quality crimp tools quickly crimp and cut the wires of EZ-RJ45 connectors in a simple cycle. They work with most other brands of RJ45 connectors. The EZ-Pro model also crimps and cuts RJ11/12 connectors. 109174 • Cuts & Crimps • RG58, 59, 62, 6, “F”, BNC, RCA • Not Adjustable • Ratchet Action 109172RG-11 •• Cuts & Crimps •• RG11, “F” Connectors •• Adjustable Length •• Ratchet Action Professional Coax/RF Crimping Tools EZ-RJ Pro Crimper 109123A Cuts, Strips, and Crimps EZRJ45 Crimper 109123 109173 - Crimps RG 59, 62, 6 HEX DIE .324”, .255”, .068” 109134 Splice Lock Pliers •• Handy crimp tool for UY, UG and UR wire splices. •• Insulated handles. •• Side cutter. •• Crimp stop to prevent over crimping 109136 109173 109180 109180 - Crimps RG 59, 6, 11, 213” HEX DIE .448”, .322”, .213” Ratchet Crimping Tool For RF Connectors Multi Connector Crimp Tool Computer Pins & Sockets, D-Sub 26-28 AWG Wire Butt-Insulated Connectors, 22-26 AWG Wire Telephone Spade Lugs, 22-26 AWG Wire Non-Insulated Connectors, 22-26 AWG Wire Non-Insulated Connectors, 14-18 AWG Wire Non-Insulated Terminals, 5.5 SQ., 10-14 AWG Wire Non-Insulated Terminals, 2 SQ., 16-18 AWG Wire Non-Insulated Terminals, 0.35 SQ., 20-22 AWG Wire LEVER ACTION Crimps RG 58, 59, 62, 6, BELDEN 8279 109170 HEX DIE SET .319”, .256”, .212”, .068” ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 109122 Crimp Tool (RJ45, RJ11, RJ12), Ratchet Action 109121 Crimp Tool, 8P8C (RJ45) or 4P4C (RJ11/RJ12) 109128 Crimp Tool, 4P4C, Cuts, Strips & Crimps 109130 Crimp Tool, 6P6C (RJ12) 6P4C (RJ11), 6P2C 109131 Crimp Tool, 8P8C (RJ45) 109123 EZ Mod RJ45 Crimper 109123A EZ Mod RJ Pro Crimper 109134 Multi Connector Crimp Tool 109136 Splice Lock Pliers 109171 Coax Side Load Waterproof Compression Tool (F, RCA, BNC) 109169 Coax Top Load Waterproof Compression Tool with Adjustable Length (F, RCA, BNC) 109174 Coax Top Load Waterproof Compression Tool (F, RCA, BNC) 109172/RG11 Coax Compression Tool for RG11 (F) 109170 Coax Crimp Tool (RG6, RG59, RG58, RG62), Ratchet Action 109173 Prof. Coax Crimp Tool (RG6, RG59,RG62), Lever Action 109180 Prof. Coax Crimp Tool (RG6, RG59, RG11), Lever Action Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 28.35 27.64 26.93 26.22 24.80 24.18 23.56 22.94 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 59.40 57.91 56.43 54.94 75.60 73.71 71.82 69.93 10.80 10.53 9.99 Call for 10.26 Pricing 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 27.00866-296-2880 26.33 25.65 24.98 49.90 48.65 47.41 46.16 42.00 48.60 19.49 15.00 15.00 40.95 47.38 19.00 14.63 14.63 39.90 46.17 18.51 14.25 14.25 38.85 44.95 18.03 13.86 13.86 Page 43 September 2011 Catalog TOOLS Fiber Optic Tools Carbide Scribe The 167897X pocket light source uses a krypton bulb to provide a brilliant, pre-focused white light that is easily detected up to 2,000 meters (6,560 feet). Distinct in any operational network, you can never confuse this light source with operational LED circuit tags or active lasers. The 167897X is also ideal for checking the continuity of cable that is still on the reel. Since most fiber reels are 1,000 meters or less, this could easily be the only tool you need to check spooled or pulled cable. The unique ferrule grip design will center and securely hold any ST/SC/FC connector style as well as bare fiber with no special adapters or beam focusing required. 167883 Kevlar Cutter Fiber Optic Long Range Continuity Tester 167897X Fiber Optic Inspection Scope (100x) 167886 Fiber Optic Crimp Tool Standard flat plate 100 power fiber optic inspection scope for ST/SC/FC connector styles designed by fiber experts. The flat head adapter allows user to view both the core and cladding as separate distinct layers with a straight on view down the fiber. With the appropriate adapter, this microscope is capable of viewing nearly every connector in existence today, including all small form factor connectors styles. 167887 167891 Fiber Optic Stripper •• Equipped with three stripping guides •• 2mm for outer jacket •• 250um for buffer •• 125um for fiber •• Adjusting mechanism for stripping special gauges 200x Fiber Optic Inspection Scope • Selectable 160x, 180x, 200x zoom • 2 Easy Change Snap-In Scope Heads • Carrying Pouch Included • Complete Instruction Sheet 167888 167893 167816 167818 One WET One DRY 167835 167800 167837 Part # 167887 167888 167891 167893 167897X 167886 167883 167920 167800 167831 167832 167850 167851 167838 167815 167816 167818 167835 167837 167841 167842 167841 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Description Order Order Order Fiber Optic Crimp Tool, .137 Round, .137 Hex, .190 Round Fiber Optic Stripper Fiber Optic ST/SC/FC Inspection Scope (100x) Fiber Optic Inspection Scope (200x) Fiber Optic Long Range Continuity Tester Kevlar Cutter Carbide Scribe Pulling Eye Kit, 1-24 Fibers Syringe with Needle SC/FC Polish Disc ST Polish Disc Glass Working Pad Rubber Working Pad A/B Fast Epoxy Glue, 10ml Bottle ALUM Oxide Polishing Film, 0.5um Diamond Polishing Film, Purple, 1um Diamond Polishing Film, Brown, 6um Lint Free Wipe Paper, One WET + One DRY Cleanser, 20ml Bottle Loctite 680 Anaerobic Adhesive, 10 ML Loctite 7649 Primer, 4.5 ML 28.35 27.64 26.93 26.22 10.70 10.43 10.17 9.90 81.00 79.98 76.95 74.93 86.40 84.24 82.08 79.92 32.55 31.74 30.92 30.11 14.70 14.33 13.97 13.60 11.55 11.26 10.97 10.68 15.90 15.50 15.11 14.71 1.37 1.34 1.30 1.27 8.19 7.78 7.58 Call7.99 for Pricing 8.19 7.99 7.78 866-296-2880 7.58 3.90 3.80 3.70 3.52 5.90 5.75 5.61 5.45 3.15 3.07 2.99 2.91 1.50 1.46 1.43 1.39 5.00 4.87 4.75 4.62 5.00 4.87 4.75 4.62 1.36 1.33 1.30 1.26 .90 .88 .85 .83 18.20 17.74 17.29 16.83 15.00 14.62 14.25 13.87 167851 167850 Pulling Eye Kit CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 167842 Polish Disc 167920 167831 167832 Page 44 Teledata Express TOOLS Fiber Optic Tool Kit •• Carbide Scribe •• Syringe •• Stripper •• Cleanser •• A/B Fast Epoxy Glue •• ST Polish Disc •• SC Polish Disc •• Wiper Paper 167880 •• Kevlar Cutter •• Glass Working Pad •• Crimp Tool •• 6um Diamond Polish Film •• 1um Diamond Polish Film •• .05um Diamond Polish Film •• Rubber Working Pad •• Carrying Case 109090 Professional Networking Tool Kit •• Crimper: Ratchet Type, Crimps RJ45 8P8C, RJ12 6P6C, and RJ11 6P4C) •• Cable Stripper •• Cable Cutter •• Punch Down Tool •• 110 Blade •• (30) RJ45 8P8C Plugs •• (30) RJ11/RJ12 6P6C Plugs Professional Networking Tool Kit with 4P4C Crimp Tool 109091 •• Crimper: Ratchet Type, Crimps RJ45 8P8C, RJ12 6P6C, and RJ11 6P4C •• Crimper: Crimps RJ22 4P4C •• Punch Down Tool •• 110 Blade •• UTP/STP Cable and Flat Cable Stripper/Cutter •• Cable Cutter •• (40) RJ45 8P8C Plugs •• (40) RJ12 6P6C Plugs •• (40) RJ11/RJ22 4P4C Plugs Professional Coax Tool Kit 109097 •• Coax Crimper •• Coax Stripper •• Cable Cutter •• Die Set Includes dies for RG cable types as designated: 801C for 58, 59, 62, 6, and Belden 8279 801G for 58, 59, 62, 174, 140, and Fiber Optic 801J for 174, 178, 179, and Fiber Optic 801K for 8, 9, 11, 174, 316, and Belden 9913 •• Screw Driver Professional Coax Waterproof Connector Tool Kit •• Waterproof Connector Crimper •• Coax Stripper •• (16) F Connectors, RG6, QS •• 16) F Connectors, RG6, 60% •• (16) F Connectors, RG59, 60% •• (10) BNC Connectors, RG59 •• (10) BNC Connectors, RG6 •• (12) RCA Connectors, RG59, Red •• (12) RCA Connectors, RG59, White •• (12) RCA Connectors, RG59, Yellow Each Part # Description 109174K 109097 109090 109091 167880 109174K ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Professional Coax Waterproof Connector Tool Kit 108.00 105.30 102.60 99.90 Professional Coax Tool Kit 70.00 68.25 66.50 64.75 Call for Pricing Professional Networking Tool Kit 79.00 77.03 75.05 73.08 866-296-2880 Professional Networking Tool Kit with 4P4C Crimp Tool and Extra Connectors 86.00 83.85 81.70 79.55 Fiber Optic Tool Kit 125.00 121.88 118.75 115.63 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 45 September 2011 Catalog 109395 PERFORMANCE CERTIFY AND TROUBLESHOOT LAN HARDWARE AND CABLING (10MG, 100MB, GIGABIT) TOOLS The REAL WORLD CERTIFIER tests UTP cables and LAN devices for cable Type (Cat3, 5, 5E, 6) and speed 10MB, 100MB and 1000MB (GIGABIT). Also tests coax cable length, open, shorts and distance to fault. Stores the readings of 240 tests for later printing; Cables can be named on the fly before storing. FEATURES: KIT CONTENTS •• Performance certify and troubleshoot •• Speed tests (10MB, 100MB GIGABIT): all LAN hardware and cabling Real World Cert Level 1 (projected) •RWC1000 Main Unit •• Compatible with all 10MB, 100MB Real World Cert Level 2 (confirmed) •RWC1000 Remote Unit and GIGABIT networks! •• Cable typing (CAT 3, 5, 5E, 6) •Cat5e Patch Cables (2) •• Test existing cables for higher •• Displays Port speed, duplex, data levels •Protective case speed compatibility of all pairs, etc. (zippered) •• Identify excessively noisy cables •• Inline Port Mode (negotiated results) •Documentation tablet •• Decodes 10/100/GIF PCs, switches •"Passed" stickers (64) Port beacon (locate port) and hubs for advertising capabilities •9V Battery (2) •• Cable length (real 1 nanosecond TDR) •• Go "Inline" between two LAN devices •Instructional DVD •• Opens, shorts, split pairs, splits distance •Illustrated Users Manual •• NEXT, NEXT (FAR), Skew, Propagation delay and identify the negotiated speed •• Test 10/100GIGABIT PCs, switches •• Attenuation, Hot splits and hubs for adequate signal levels •• Multi-pair Toner/Probe •• Stores 250 tests for later printing The perfect tester for any toolbox. Performs a TIA568 test on Cat5e/6 network cable (RJ45) with instant PASS/FAIL results. Ruggedized and cushioned for toolbox use with a hidden drawer for remote storage. Includes a tone generator. Coax remote also included. •Tests both RJ45-CAT5/6 and coax cables. •Ruggedized for field use and toolbox. •PASS/FAIL results appear in one second •Each pair's status is highlighted •Complete TIA568 test performed. Continuity, opens / shorts, reversals and split pairs •Tone mode for tracing and troubleshooting •Auto-off (12 seconds) battery saver •Low battery indicator •Remote stores inside main unit 109355 •RJ45 Patch cord included •BNC adapter cable and BNC loop back remote included •Belt clip, batteries (9V) and pouch included The new way to test for voltage and power Detect network devices, phones and power (PoE) •Network devices: Indicates advertised speed and duplex and pairs •Phones: Indicates voltage amplitude and pairs used •Power (PoE): Indicates voltage amplitude 109389 (discovery and full), pairs used (end or mid span) 109390 with and watts (when connected inline) Tone Star Probe Interact with switches and PoE power systems •Force link button: Sends link pulses to prompt communication from network devices •Test PoE button: Simulates a VoIP phone or camera and prompts PoE power Connect "inline" Connect between 2 devices and pass through PoE power to the device allowing you to monitor an active system. Measure power draw of the PoE devise (in watts) Locate wires using tone (Tone Star only): Detect tone placed on the wires by the Power Panel main unit. 10/100/1000 BASE-T LAN Tests. The TVR10/100/1000 plugs into active hubs, switches and/or PCs to verify 10, 100 or 1000 Base-T operation. 109350 •• Verifies if PC is ON, if it appears as a PC and speed capabilities and duplex. •• Verifies if hub/switch is ON, if it appears as a hub/switch and speed capabilities and duplex. •• Goes inline between two devices to verify the negotiated speed and duplex of the link. •• Verifies hub/switch to hub/switch data transmission. •• Checks if straight thru or crossover patch cable is required. •• Finds speed bottlenecks on 10, 100 and 1000 Base-T LANs. •• Inline monitors LAN link to determine negotiated speed (between two devices). •• Detects PoE (Power over Ethernet) and indicates whether it is endspan or midspan. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 Order Order Each Part # Description 109395 109355 109389 109390 109350 109360 Real World Certifier Pocket Cat POE Power Panel POE Power Panel with Probe TVR10/100/1000 BASE-T LAN Tester Pro-Tone Tone and Probe Cable Testing •• Locates miswired cables. •• Locates missing cables. •• Locates cables that can not support 100 and 1000 Base-T operation (for LANs that require 4 pair wiring). •• Tests connection to hub/switch (pairs connected to hub/ switch). •• Tests connection to PC (pairs connected to hub/switch). •• Tests installed cables (pairs wired and type). •• Tests patch cables (pairs wired and type). •• Remote Probe helps locate and trace inactive cables. •• Remote Probe traces active cables connected to hubs/ switches and PC without interfering with LAN performance. •• Test and trace coax cable with RJ45 to coax adapters w/ $750 Order 475.40 439.75 451.63 439.75 53.90 52.55 51.21 49.86 151.20 147.42 143.64 139.86 Call for Pricing 192.20866-296-2880 187.40 182.59 177.79 192.20 187.40 82.59 177.79 82.00 79.95 77.90 75.85 •• Loud tone with filtering technology locates wires quickly •• Ultrabright LED on tip to see dark cables! •• Volume control and tone LED for controlled operation •• Insulated tip and "60Hz Present" warning LED for safety •• RJ11, RJ45 and insulated alligator clips for connection •• Powerful extra tests: voltage, polarity and continuity •• Pouch and 9V batteries included 109360 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 46 Teledata Express TOOLS Test-Um Testing Tools Resi-Talker Lil’ Buttie Ranger Lightweight Telephone Butt Set Kit The most powerful test set Test-Um builds, it incorporates a built-in amplified speaker, as well as new, advanced features unavailable on any other test set in the market •• DigiViewTM DTMF Decode that allows you to see the digits as a dial-out is in progress and capture those digits. •• ADLITM Auto Dial Line Identification - Inbound and outbound line identification with caller ID testing. •• TrafixguardTM Senses digital lines and identifies underand over-voltage conditions. Totally DSL safe! •• Insta-TalkTM Amplified Speaker with simultaneous intercom capability for talking while testing. •• Amplified Speaker with three volume levels 109025 •• Enhanced Memory Dialing - alpha and numeric capability •• Eight Number Memory LCD Display shows •• Tone and Pulse Dialing •• On-hook voltage •• Microphone Mute •• Number dialed •• Last Number Redial - 24 Digits •• Off-hook current •• Electronic Ringer •• Set-up information •• Amplified Line Monitor for volume levels •• Stored numbers comparable to “off hook” operation •• Battery condition •• Modular cord set attachment •• Continuous polarity •• Headset for hands-free use indication •• Auto power off eliminates dead batteries •• Caller ID •• Kit includes Lil’ Buttie Ranger, Headset, •• Call waiting / Caller ID Cable with Bed of Nails Clips, and •• Caller ID errors Belt Pack with D-Ring and Belt Loop Tone Tracer, Round and Paddle Tip TT100 Economical test set for basic telephone system work •• Tone and Pulse Dialing •• Microphone Mute •• Last Number Redial - 32 digits •• Continuous Line Polarity Indication (TALK or MONITOR) •• Electronic Ringer Amplified Line Monitor for volume levels comparable to “off hook” operation •• Modular Cord Set Attachment •• Low Battery Indicator •• Battery Powered Monitor Mode with auto power off on dead lines or when disconnected 109026 Lil’ Buttie Lightweight Telephone Butt Set Hands free test set with headset. At half the size and half the weight, the Lil’ Buttie sets a new standard in field test sets. •• Tone and Pulse Dialing •• Microphone Mute •• Last Number Redial — 32 Digits •• Continuous Line Polarity Indication (TALK or MONITOR) •• Electronic Ringer •• Amplified Line Monitor for volume levels comparable to “off hook”” operation •• Modular Cord Set Attachment •• Low Battery Indicator •• Headset Jack •• Battery Powered Monitor Mode with auto power off on dead lines or when disconnected 109020 Modtest Modular Adapter •• Dual Jacks for in-line testing without disconnecting equipment. •• Clearly marked for wall & line direction •• Angled copper contacts prevent alligator clips from coming off while testing •• Holes for easy probe insertion 109029-LB66 The Tone Tracer sets a new standard for field service professionals. Due to its slim, ergonomic design, as well as balanced weighting, the TT100 is the most comfortable tracer available. It can be used with either a wearable headset or a standard cell phone headset. Quick-change tips make for easier in-field use. Inlcudes low battery indicator 109030 High Power Tone and Trace Kit KP105 Turbo-Tone Generator TG201 The most powerful tone generator you can put in your pocket. The Turbo-ToneTM generates as much as 700% more power than standard tone generators! 109033 109035 and 109030 in a Cordura pouch. Trace-Rite Trace & Tone Detector Set TT250 Find cable in ceilings and behind walls. • Traces all kinds of cable - telephone, coax, CAT5e and CAT6. • Replaceable tone tips • Built-in tone generator with 2 tones and audio off feature 109035 109034 Resi-Tracer TT300 Resi-Tracer combines unique new features for tracing telephone, network, coax, and audio cable with special functions for finding and phasing speakers and testing telephone systems • Traces all types of cable: CAT5/6, telephone, coax • Audible and visual tone location indication • Senses Speaker Phasing when used with Resi-TonerTM • Traces coax cable on active systems to eliminate shutdowns • POTS testing with monitor mode and off-hook listening mode 109037 • Extra-long-distance capability. Detect tone up to 20 miles away • Constant amplitude output for 100% signal strength all the time, no signal decrease as battery discharges • Easily hear signal through walls and enclosures • Multiple tones and power levels for all applications CAT 5/6, signal wire, coax, telephone cable • Unbalanced tone mode for longer distances on CAT 5/6 cables • Auto-off for battery conservation • Full talk battery and constant polarity check included • Includes adapter cables with alligator clips and carrying case ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 109020P 109025 109026 109029-LB66 109029-LB68 109030 109033 109034 109035 109037 Lil' Buttie Pro Lightweight 183.60 179.01 174.42 169.83 Telephone Butt Set, LB200 Lil' Buttie Ranger Lightweight 252.00 245.70 239.40 233.10 Telephone Butt Set Kit, LB255 Resi-Talker, LB300 93.00 90.68 88.35 86.03 Modtest Adapter 6 Position 16.00 15.60 15.20 14.80 Call for Pricing Modtest Adapter 8 Position 16.00866-296-2880 15.60 15.20 14.80 Turbo-Tone Tone Generator, TG201 73.60 71.76 69.92 68.08 High Power Tone and Trace Kit, KP105 120.00 117.00 114.00 111.00 Trace and Tone Decector Set, TT250 47.00 45.83 44.65 43.48 Tone Tracer, Round and Paddle Tip, TT100 49.00 47.78 46.55 45.33 Resi-Tracer, TT300 85.00 82.88 80.75 78.63 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 47 September 2011 Catalog TOOLS Test-Um Testing Tools Validator-NT NT955 The new Validator-NT™ Ethernet System All-in-One Network Management Tool puts the power of network test and configuration in your hand at an affordable price. Validator-NT’s patented method of uploading and downloading information about cable tests and network configuration will help you gather the necessary information to manage your network easily, while documenting changes, upgrades or new configurations. Validator-NT measures and presents fast and clear SPEED and PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATION results up to 1 gigabit. Speed certification assures the cabling will do the job it is rated to do. Network components such as switches, hubs, routers and systems will then operate at maximum efficiency. Wire maps up to 8 locations with the network remote identifiers. The included powerful Plan-Um™ software ties together all 109002 the different cable criteria that are found in complex voice/data/video installations and presents concise information in printed reports, while storing data for future use. Simply layout your customer’s requirements in a matter of minutes, then define cable types and runs. Test/certify each cable run. Print the results and attach them to your invoice. Completing and billing a cable installation job has never been easier. LAN Rover Pro 109007 This high-performance length measurement CAT 5/6 tester identifies multiple faults clearly without interpretation for fast results; clear wiremapping form displayed on 2-line, 16-character LCD display; and measures cable length. • Measures cable length as a stand-alone function • Test for shorts, opens, miswires, reversals and split pairs • Identifies multiple faults clearly without interpretation • Clear wiremapping form displayed in 2-line, 16-character LCD display • Auto-off/Auto-on. Up to 10 times better battery life than other testers • One-ended testing with Pre-test mode for fast results • Built-in tone generator with selectable tones and pair capability Coax Mapper Designed for testing CATV and security camera coax connections and installations •• Finds and identifies multiple coax cables •• Includes 4 color-coded F-connectors and BNC adapters 109018 •• Built-in tone generator ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 109002 Validator-NT, NT955 109007 LAN Rover Pro, TP607 109005 LAN Rover, TP500 109018 Coax Mapper, CX200 109023 Testifier 109018TK Color Coded "F" Connector Kit For Coax Mapper w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 1675.00 1633.12 1591.25 1549.37 280.00 273.00 266.00 259.00 80.80 78.78 76.76 Call for Pricing 74.74 49.40 48.16 46.93 45.69 866-296-2880 90.70 88.43 86.17 83.90 10.00 9.75 9.50 9.25 • Validator NT™ Main Unit and Smart Remote • 2 lithium ion rechargeable long-life batteries • 2 AC adapter/charger units • Test Connectors o8-position shielded modular jack (data) o6-position modular jack (telephone) oF-coax (video), oDual banana jack (security, speaker, etc.) • USB cable assembly • 64MB Compact flash card • Plan-Um™ design layout software • Cable Certification Labels (roll of 100) • Set of 8 network remote identifiers • 2 Sacrificial Cable modules (RJ 45) • Deluxe carrying case with cushioned sides Testifier™ Cable Tester The Testifier™ cable tester provides full cable test and tone generation in one unit for telecom, datacom, and cable installers and technicians. The easy-to-use Testifier features one-button operation to initiate telco, network, and coax modes for diagnostic tests and results. The main unit includes built-in RJ11 and RJ45 jacks for testing 6-wire and 8-wire twisted pair and F-connector for testing coax. An integrated remote bay houses a detachable test remote with built-in RJ11 and RJ45 jacks and F-connector for coax. The field-proven Testifier cable tester detects shorts, opens, miswires, reversals, and split pair conditions and displays in wiremap format. The MAP ID function identifies multiple cables by displaying ID numbers of map-only remotes. Testifier displays PASS icon for correctly wired T568A/B and 6-pin telco cable. Tone generator mode sends any of four userselectable tones on all pin and pair combinations. 109023 FEATURES: •• LCD Display •• Easy Read Results •• Vuilt-in Remote •• Auto OFF •• Unbreakable Case 109018TK NT955 Package Contents LAN Rover TESTS: •• Networks Cable •• Coax •• Telephone •• Speaker Wire •• Security INCLUDES: •• Data/Network Wire Mapper •• Coax Cable Wire Mapper •• Telephone Wire Mapper •• Unterminated Speaker Wire Mapper •• 9 Volt Battery •• Cable test results displayed on main unit and remote unit, in less than 2 seconds after plugging in the cable •• Auto-on and auto-off when testing cables, just plug both ends into tester! •• Snap-together case for easy storage and convenient patch cable testing •• Tone generator mode for use with tone tracers, auto off •• Debug mode with from/to and failures for each pair •• Test for shorts, opens, miswires, reversals and split pairs 109005 Includes Pouch •• Battery low indicator CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 48 Teledata Express TOOLS greenlee - tempo tools PE830 Tele-Mate™ Pro Telephone Test Set Classic Tone and Probe Kit •• Complete telephone set with ringer •• Phone-to-phone intercom •• Modular or alligator clip connection •• LCD Display in English, Spanish or French •• Caller ID with name display •• Call waiting Caller ID •• Missed call indication •• Line voltage and current display •• High voltage detect and lockout •• High current detect and lockout •• Amplified loudspeaker line monitor •• Headset or handset operation •• Tone and pulse dialing •• Large10-location speed dialing memory •• Multi-memory redial Test Set with Adjustable Ringer •• Data Safe Monitor •• Water Proof Design •• Heat-treated for long life •• Ten # speed dial memory •• Last # Redial •• Precise hook flash •• Microphone Mute •• Audible & Visual Mode Indicators •• Polarity Test In any mode •• Quick Release Belt Clip •• Premium Corset with Bed-of-Nails and Piercing Pin Clips 109306 When it comes to wire identification, there’s no better tool to have than the 701K Classic Tone & Probe Kit, from the world’s largest manufacturer of tone & probe kits! This popular tone & probe kit is used by technicians everywhere to identify single conductors or cables within a bundle at a cross-connect point, or at remote ends. •• 77HP High Power Tone Generator •• 200 EP Inductive Amplifier •• Rugged, woven polyester 700C Dual Carrying Case •• Case fits up to 3” belt 109310 Professional Tone and Probe Kit Designed for the telecom professional, this kit is for use on single conductors, twisted pairs, coax cables and de-energized electrical wiring. •• Housings are drop-tested to ensure durability. •• Kit includes the 77GX Tone Generator and 200GX Inductive Aplifier in a rugged carrying case. PE961 109330 109333 Model PE961 Only •• Features DigiAlert over voltage alarm and lock out function to eliminate risk of damaging digital service lines. •• Full ADSL Compatibility C200 Series Inductive Amplifiers Model 200EP / 200FP Tone Probe Like our tone generators, Tempo’s inductive amplifiers are recognized as “Industry Standards” by field service professionals. Used in conjunction with any of their tone generators, their inductive amplifiers permit wire and cable identification without having to make direct metallic contact with the conductor. Powerful receiver gain permits accurate identification in even the most congested cable bundles and equipment rooms. Includes one each spare duckbill and metal tip. 109323 200EP & 200FP •• Powerful 2” speaker •• One-button Operation •• Adjustable Volume Control •• LED for visual signal strength indication •• Recessed on/off push button control to conserve battery life •• Battery Operated (9V not included) 200FP ONLY •• Powerful rear-fire speaker •• Noise Filtration •• Continuous-on Feature •• Five-minute Auto Shutoff & Low-battery Indicator •• Improved Tip Design for Better Reception and Risk of Shorting Terminals 109311 Cabling Pouch Designed to hold a complete set of wiring tools including: any (one) 77 Series Tone Generator, any (one) 200 Series Inductive Amplifier, a punchdown tool, a cabling knife and scissors. 109349 Classic 77 Series Tone Generators Permits technicians to identify the conductor within a bundle, at a crossconnect point or at the remote end. Can be used on twisted-pair wiring (telecom, datacom, etc.), single conductors, coaxial cables, de-energized AC wiring and most other wiring. FEATURES / SPECIFICATIONS •• 24” test leads (clips) •• Constant/warble tone •• Continuity testing 109314 •• Polarity testing •• Talk battery supply •• Line 1 modular test lead (RJ-11) •• 3-color LED (identifies AC ring voltage) •• Weather resistant design •• Bent nose clips with “bed-of-nails” penetrator (77HP/6A) •• Battery Operated (9V not included) 109316 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 109322 109306 Tele-Mate Pro Telephone Test Set 109330 Telephone Test Set (PE930) 109333 Test Set with Digalert (PE961) 109314 77HP Tone Generator 109316 77HP/6A Tone Generator 109310 Classic Tone and Probe Kit 109311 Professional Tone and Probe Kit 109310C Tone and Probe Carrying Case Only 109349 Cabling Pouch 109322 Inductive Amplifier (PE 200EP) 109323 Filter Probe (PE 200FP) Order online at: TeledataExpress.com w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 198.80 193.83 188.86 183.89 236.00 230.10 224.20 218.30 360.00 351.00 342.00 333.00 41.00 39.98 38.95 37.93 46.40 45.24 44.08 42.92 Call for Pricing 124.20 121.10 117.99 114.89 866-296-2880 145.80 142.16 138.51 134.87 17.00 16.58 16.15 15.73 41.00 39.98 38.95 37.92 77.70 75.76 73.82 71.88 135.00 131.63 128.25 124.88 Page 49 September 2011 Catalog TOOLS greenlee - tempo tools Wire Finder/Mini Locator 109342 •• Quick-change test leads for use in any industry, even international power outlets •• Voltage protection allows use on live AC circuits •• Automatic shutoff prevents accidental battery discharge Model 508S Wire Finder/Mini Locator is for technicians who occasionally need to locate buried or in-wall wiring but don’t require all the bells and whistles of a high priced cable locator. Its compact design doesn’t take up valuable truck space while easy-to-understand operations help avoid constantly referring to manuals. The 508S Wire Finder provides reliable results on buried cables to depths of 3 feet and lengths up to 1000 feet. The unit can even be used to determine the approximate depth of a wire or cable before you dig. Fully adjustable transmitter output and receiver gain improve system performance and locating accuracy. The 508S Wire Finder comes housed in a durable, molded carrying case with a quick reference operation guide on the inside of the lid. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 109342Wire Finder/Mini Locator 308.00 300.30 292.60 284.90 Call for Pricing Other Testing Tools Pro LAN Tester •• Includes Master and Remote •• Includes two DC-9V batteries •• RJ-45, RJ-45 Shielded, RJ-45 Keyed, RJ-12, RJ-12 DEC, RJ-11, BNC •• Finds open, shorted, crossed, reversed, transposed, and split non-pair wiring •• Remote box can be used to remotely test LAN cable up to 1,000 feet •• Can test for grounding Tests all the same functions of Pro LAN Tester except RJ45 Only 28.00 27.30 26.60 25.90 Call for Pricing 10.70 10.43 10.17 9.90 866-296-2880 14.05 13.65 13.30 12.95 CCTV tools TESTER KIT INCLUDES •Main Test Unit •UTP (RJ45) Tester Remote •RS485 Adapter •RS232 (D89 cable) •RS485 to alligator clip •Carrying pouch with shoulder strap •Instruction manual 2.8" CCTV Monitor and Video generator for testing cameras. • Test Video - The video signal and quality can be tested • PTZ Controls - has basic operating test of PTZ products Functions include pan/tilt, zoom, present setting and operation, speed adjustment. Communication via RS-232, RS-422 simplex and RS485 port. •Test for Direct & Cross cables, Continuity, Discontinuity, and Short on UTP cable •Video Signal Generating: Can output green, white, black and blue screens to test monitors or DVRs •RS485 Data Test: Test data sent from controlling device by displaying hexadecimal data content on the screen. •LED brightness, contrast, saturation adjustable •1 BNC in, 1 BNC out •3.7V Lithium battery - 11 hour life after full charge Each Part # Description 109910 199935 109925 109905 CCTV Cable Tester 3.5" TFT Monitor & Accessories 2.5 TFT Monitor 12V Battery Pack 183.00 108.00 75.40 31.00 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 178.42 173.85 169.27 Call for102.60 Pricing99.90 105.30 72.64 70.78 68.96 866-296-2880 30.23 29.45 •• Confirms DC continuity with loud audible tone and circuit-shorts with easy-to-read LED Indicator •• Quick Push-On Angle F-Connector •• Removable tone detector screws to base •• Rugged Anodized-Brass Construction •• Includes 12V battery and F81 adapter 109183 3.5" Testing Monitor CT100 Professional CCTV Tester 109910 109142 Coax Cable Continuity Tester 109140 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 109140 LAN Cable Continuity Tester 109142 Basic LAN Cable Tester 109183 Coax Cable Continuity Tester Basic LAN Cable Tester 28.68 Tests Video Performance Angle of View - Focus • 3.5" TFT Monitor • Pixel 480 x 360 • OSD Menu • Audio In and Out • LED light indicators • Operation Manual ACCESSORIES INCLUDED Adapter 109935 Wrist strap (4) AA batteries Wall mount AV-out 2.5" Economy Test Monitor •Includes 2.5" Monitor 480 x 340 Resolution •OSD Menu •Power Supply •Wrist Strap •BNC Cable 109925 Portable 12V Battery Pack •Handy for powering CCD cameras, wireless video receivers and portable LCD monitors. •Rechargeable 3 cell lithium •Battery capacity 1200 mA •Output 12V DC 1.5 A Max •Automatic low voltage shutoff •Power switch and status LED •Includes: 5ft DC power cord, UL power adapter, belt clip CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 109905 AV-in Page 50 Teledata Express TOOLS Pole Wire Pulling Tools Gopher Pole 109160 • Telescopes from 4’ to 22’ in a matter of seconds • Easy to handle in tight spots • No loose parts to fit together • Can push/pull wires over long spans, in suspended ceilings, sub-floors, crawl spaces, and attics • Constructed of durable, non-conductive fiberglass • Sturdy and lightweight • Highly visible color (white) • Positive lock system (won’t inadvertently collapse) The Gopher Pole weighs only four (4) pounds and collapses to 52”. It is also equipped with a hook/skid tip that is used to tie a wire into and push/pull wire over long spans and ceiling grids. The o-ring on the end cap can also push/pull wire. The Gopher Pole is a six (6) section tool with the #3 section being the smallest and the #8 section being the base (outside) section. The diameter of the #3 section is 11/16” and the diameter of the #8 base section is 1 5/8” 109251 109156 Telepole Telescoping Wire Puller 20’ • Telescopes to full length in seconds • Easy to handle in tight spots • Push or pull wires over long spans, suspended ceilings, crawl spaces & attics • Works great in factories and warehouses, work a 25’ ceiling without a ladder • Made of non-conductive Fiberglass for safety • Innovative lever lock system locks sections at any length • Sturdy, durable, and lightweight at 5 lb. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 109156 Telepole Telescoping Wire Puller, 20' Extended Length 132.00 128.70 125.40 122.10 for140.60 Pricing 109160 Gopher Pole Telescoping Wire Puller, 22' Extended Length148.00Call 144.30 136.90 109161BC Base Cap Assembly Golpher Pole 10.30 866-296-2880 10.04 9.79 9.53 109161HT Hook Tip Golpher Pole 9.40 9.17 8.93 8.70 Fiberfish II Kit • Non-conductive • Easy to handle in tight spots • Rods can be screwed together to make longer lengths for fishing wire in existing walls and attics or across drop ceilings Fiberfish Four Pack with Pouch • 4 - 3' fiberglass rods • 1 removable pulling tip • 1 fish hook • Packed in a handy vinyl pouch. Instructions for use printed on the back of the pouch. Perfect for small install jobs or beginners.Portable and convenient for professionals. Glowfish The same quality construction and durability you’ve come to expect from the Fiberfish in a new Glow in the Dark version! These rods actually glow, unlike some competitors, whose rods need an outside light source to “glo”. The clear carry case means the rods are always “charged” and ready to go. Fish Hook Tip 109246 109247 109248 Use to retrieve or snag wire & cable Pull Ring Tip 109260 Used to attach multiple wires for larger pulls. Wisp Head Tip Use over suspended ceilings, won’t catch on T-bars. Replacement Tips Tips for the end of the 3’ and 6’ FiberFish II rods Magnet Head Magnetic pick-up tool 109245 109244 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 109250GLO 109249 109251 109255 109260 109262 109250GLO 109251GLO 109255GLO 109270G 109272G 109244 109245 109246 109247 109248 109249 Fish Tape Wire Pulling Tools Fiberfish II Kit, 8 x 3' Sections (24' Total), 3/16" 71.00 69.23 67.45 65.68 Fiberfish II Kit, 5 x 6' Sections (30' Total), 3/16" 79.00 77.03 75.05 73.08 Fiberfish Four Pack with Pouch, 4 x 3' Sections (12' Total), 1/4" 32.00 31.20 30.40 29.60 Fiberfish Four Pack with Pouch, 4 x 3' Sections (12' Total), 3/16" 32.00 31.20 30.40 29.60 Glowfish II, 8 x 3' Sections (24' Total), 5/32" 72.00 70.20 68.40 66.60 Glowfish, 8 x 3' Sections (24' Total), 3/16" 80.00 78.00 76.00 74.00 Glowfish, 5 x 6' Sections (30' Total), 3/16" 88.00 83.60 81.40 Call85.80 for Pricing Glowfish Rod, 3/16" x 6', Bullnose-Bullnose 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 866-296-2880 Glowfish II Rod, 5/16" x 6', Bullnose-Bullnose 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 Replacement Tips 2.78 2.71 2.64 2.57 Magnet Head 11.00 10.73 10.45 10.18 Fish Hook Tip 11.00 10.73 10.45 10.18 Pull Ring Tip 3.00 2.93 2.85 2.78 Wisp Head Tip 13.00 12.68 12.35 12.03 Attachment Kit in Pouch 32.30 31.49 31.16 29.88 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 109270/50 109270/100 109270/200 109275/50 109275/100 109276/150 109276/200 Fish Tape, 1/8" Steel, 50' Length Fish Tape, 1/8" Steel, 100' Length Fish Tape, 1/8" Steel, 200' Length Fish Tape, 3.8mm Fiberglass, 50' Length Fish Tape, 3.8mm Fiberglass, 100' Length Fish Tape, 4.8mm Fiberglass, 150' Length Fish Tape, 4.8mm Fiberglass, 200' Length Order online at: TeledataExpress.com w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 22.00 21.45 20.90 20.35 35.00 34.13 33.25 32.38 54.00 52.65 51.30 49.95 Call for Pricing 55.00 53.63 52.25 50.88 82.00 866-296-2880 79.95 77.90 75.85 137.00 133.58 130.15 126.73 170.00 165.75 161.50 157.25 Page 51 September 2011 Catalog TOOLS Pulley Kit Wire Pulling Tools •• Frees up "second man" on cable pulling •• Accepts up to 20 4-Pair cables •• Complies with the TIA standard requirement by minimizing the pull force on the cable •• Maintains proper bend radius and protects cable during the installation •• Includes J-hook, pin, wheel and retainer, link, and beam clamp •• When the job is complete, the pulley and pin assembly can be removed leaving the J-hook as a cable support •• Pulley components can be reused on our other 2" J-hooks Each Part # Color Description 109400 SL/YL 109402 SL/YL Pulley Kit, 2" J-Hook with Beam Clamp and Reusable Pulley, Holds 20 4Pr Cables Pulley Kit, 4" J-Hook with Beam Clamp and Reusable Pulley, Holds 40 4Pr Cables 34.40 109400 J-Hook ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 29.10 33.54 32.68 31.82 Call for Pricing 28.37 27.65 26.97 866-296-2880 GREENLEE DRILL/DRIVER KIT 68 Piece Electrician's Drill/Driver Kit •• ¼” Quick Change technology. •• Professional grade driver bits. •• Titanium Nitride coated self-centering high speed drill bits. •• High quality shock resistant case stays intact even after accidental drops. •• Hammer drill rated carbide grade tips and hardened shank masonry drill bits. •• Hardened forged magnetic nut drivers fit most TapCon® fasteners. •• Quick release chuck with precise fit. •• Includes security bits that fit most security fasteners frequently used in public facilities. •• L 12.35" - W 10.75" - H 1.95" - W 2.35 lbs ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description 109630 60.40 Call 58.89 57.38 55.87 for Pricing Drill Driver Kit 68 PC. KIT INCLUDES •• bit holders •• masonry drill bits •• high speed titanium coated drill bits •• flat screwdriver bits •• hex screwdriver bits •• phillips screwdriver bits •• hex screwdriver bits •• square screwdriver bits •• torx screwdriver bits •• spanner security bits •• hex security bits •• torx security bits •• magnetic nut drivers •• square socket adapters and drill taps. Wrenches Security Sleeve Tool Can Wrench •• Precision Machined Nickel-Plated •• Steel Construction •• 7/16" socket ensures even pressure •• Sure Grip-End and Clip Ring for Increased Tightening Leverage •• Access telephone termination panels •• Durable, shock-resistant design •• 3/8" (9.5mm) & 7/16" (11mm) hex sockets to open panels 109127 109124 Each Part # Description 109124 Can Wrench, 3/8 x 7/16 109126 Can Wrench, 3/8 x 7/16 109127 Security Shield Tool for F Type Connector ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 12.40 12.09 11.78 11.47 Call for Pricing 17.20 16.77 16.34 15.91 866-296-2880 4.90 4.78 4.66 4.53 Other Tools 109126 109126 ONLY: Separate stripping cavities to strip PVC insulation from 22 and 24 AWG (.34 mm & .20 mm) telephone cable Diagonal Cutter Bent Nose Pliers 2 PC Offset Screw Driver Set ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 109602 Diagonal Cutter 109606 Bent Nose Pliars 109610 2 PC Offset Screw Driver Set 2.90 2.83 2.76 2.68 Call for Pricing 2.90 2.83 2.76 2.68 866-296-2880 2.50 2.44 2.38 2.31 109602 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 109606 109610 Page 52 TOOL CARRIERS & ACCESSORIES 8 Pocket Heavy-Duty Work Apron BlackBerry® iPhone® Holder • Heavy-Duty suede leather • 4 main nail and tool pockets • 3 Smaller pockets fit pliers, nail sets, pencils, etc. • Center pocket for tape measure, nails or other tools • Steel hammer loop • 2" Poly web belt with quick-release buckle • Fits waists sizes 29"-46" 109508 • Includes 3 convenient sizes and colors: • 9” x 7” (Tan), 7” x 6” (Black) & 6” x 5” (Tan). • Carry and organize all your miscellaneous parts, tools and accessories. 109513 • Durable clip hangs on tool belts, belt loops, etc. • Designed for cell phone and valuables, includes sleeves for credit and business cards, with mesh pocket for keys, change, earphones or Bluetooth® device. • Neoprene-padded cell phone holder, pocket flap with magnetic closure. • Webbing loop for mini flashlight, plus carabiner for keys. • Belt clip swivels to accommodate wearing on left or right side. • Magnet® close 109510 6 Pocket Electrical & Maintenance Tool Pouch Deluxe Cordless Drill Holster • Made of polyester fabric • Holds most brands of T-handle drills. • Multiple outlet pockets and sleeves for complete bit organization • Safety strap with quick-release buckle • Hook & loop backing to keep strap back when in use 109516 109514 • Durable 600D polyester construction. • Main zippered compartment with 7 internal pockets. • 2 External pockets and 5 web loops. • Carabiner for key chain, small tools, etc. 109518 109519 109520 9 Pocket Electrical/Maintenance Pouch ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order • Made of 600D polyester fabric and 1680D ballistic nylon binding. • 4 Large main pockets, 2 smaller pockets, and 4 large screwdriver holders. • Strap to hold electrical tape. • Metal tape clip and tool snap. • Pry bar or combination square holder. 11 Pocket Professional Electrician’s Pouch • Attach to belt with clip or belt loop. • Durable 600D polyester construction. • 3 Internal pocket sleeves & 6 external pockets. • Detachable electrical tape sling. 8 Pocket Heavy-Duty Work Apron BlackBerry® iPhone® Holder Personal Organizer 3 Multi-Purpose, Clip-On Zippered Bags Deluxe Cordless Drill Holster 6 Pocket Electrical & Maintenance Tool Pouch 9 Pocket Muti-Purpose "Carry-All" tool Pouch 10 Pocket Electrical Tool Pouch 9 Pocket Electrical/ Maintenance Pouch 11 Pocket Professional Electrician's Pouch 32 Pocket Socket/Tool RollPouch • Top Grain Leather • 1 Main molded deep pocket • 2 Front molded tool pockets • 2 Tapered screwdriver holders • Fits belts up to 2 3/4” wide • Leather holder fits up to 30’ measuring tape • Tape chain and metal tool clip 10 Pocket Electrical Tool Pouch 9 Pocket Muti-Purpose “Carry-All” Tool Pouch 109504 109508 109510 109513 109514 109516 109518 109519 109520 109521 109524 • Designed for PDA, BlackBerry®-style mobile device, or iPhone®, includes ear-bud pocket and sleeves for business cards, credit cards, pens or touch-screen stylus. • Belt clip swivels to accommodate wearing on left or right side. • Magnetic shut off feature • Velcro® close 3 Multi-Purpose, Clip-On Zippered Bags Personal Organizer Teledata Express 109521 29.95 29.20 28.45 27.70 12.25 11.94 11.64 11.33 16.29 15.88 15.46 15.07 8.20 8.00 7.79 7.59 19.95 19.45 18.95 18.45 Call for Pricing 21.29 20.76 20.23 19.69 866-296-2880 19.65 19.16 18.67 18.18 27.80 27.11 26.41 25.72 16.95 16.23 16.10 15.68 37.40 36.47 35.53 34.60 17.00 16.58 16.15 15.73 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com • Double layer of rugged, lightweight Cordura® Plus fabric. • 2 Large main pockets • 3 Smaller pockets • 6 Large screwdriver holders • Electrical tape chain and tool snap • Metal clip holds all measuring tape sizes 32 Pocket Socket/Tool RollPouch • Unique socket holder with hook and loop closure • Heavy-duty elastic strap keeps tools in place • Adjustable quick-release buckle fastens pouch when not in use • Carrying handle for easy transport 109524 Page 53 September 2011 Catalog TOOL CARRIERS & ACCESSORIES 15 Pocket, 16” Center Tray Tool Bag 20 Pocket - 12” Softsided Tool Box • 13 1/2” x 9” Multi-compartment plastic tray included, stored into middle compartment for easy access to the rest of bag contents. • 8 pockets outside and 7 inside to organize a wide range of tools and accessories. • Main pocket with web loops to accommodate large handle tools. • Extra padded carrying handles and adjustable shoulder strap. • Metal tool snap and electrical tape strap. • 16”L x 9”W x 9”H • 12 Multi-use outside pockets and 8 inside pockets to organize a wide range of tools and accessories. • Padded web carrying handle and adjustable shoulder strap. • 8” x 3” Multi-compartment plastic tray to organize small parts or accessories. • Screen mesh zippered pocket for easy view of pocket contents. • 12”L x 8 1/2”W x 14”H 109536 109534 23 Pocket Large Electrical and Maintenance Tool Carrier 23 Pocket-12” Standard BigMouth® Bag • 11” x 6” Multi-compartment plastic tray included that slides securely into bottom of tool carrier organizes small parts. • 16 Multi-use outside pockets and 7 inside to organize a wide range of tools and accessories. • Box shaped design prevents tipping. • Extra padded carrying handle and adjustable shoulder strap. • Large main divided pockets with elastic loops to accommodate large tools. • Electrical tape strap. • 11”L x 10”W x 19”H • 17 Multi-use pockets inside and 6 outside organize tools and accessories. • Opens wide for easy access to bag’s contents. • Padded reinforced web carrying handles. • 12”L x 8 1/2”W x 8”H 109538 109540 33 Pocket Small Tote Bag 43 Pocket Electrical & Maintenance Tool Carrier • 11 Multi-use pockets inside and 22 outside organize tools and accessories • Reinforced web handles • Reinforced bottom panel • 11"L x 4"W x 8"H • 7" x 5 1/2" multi-compartment plastic tray included. • 2 Window Pockets for easy view of pocket contents, one removable and one stationary. • Box-shaped design prevents tipping. • Pockets for drill bits and tips, cell phone, electrical tester, electrical tape strap, etc. • 23"L x 12"W x 15"H 109544 109546 22 Pocket Drawstring BucketBag • 6 Large compartments for organizing and stowing small parts • 16 Pockets outside for a variety of tools and accessories • Easy-lock/pushbutton-release drawstring system • "Soft" bottom, panel prevents tipping and spillins • 10" Round x 6" High 61 Pocket-In & Out Bucket Pockets 109552 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 109534 15 Pocket, 16” Center Tray Tool Bag 109536 20 Pocket - 12” Softsided Tool Box 37.10 37.10 36.17 36.17 35.25 34.32 35.25 34.32 109538 23 Pocket - 12" Standard BigMouth® Bag 22.60 22.04 21.47 20.91 109540 23 Pocket Large Electrical & Maintenance Tool Carrier 48.55 47.34 46.12 44.91 109544 33 Pocket Small Tote Bag 109546 43 Pocket Electrical & Maintenance Tool Carrier Call for Pricing 21.39 20.86 20.32 19.79 866-296-2880 58.00 56.55 7.88 7.68 109552 22 Pocket Drawstring BucketBag 18.95 18.48 18.00 17.53 109553 61 Pocket-In & Out Bucket Pockets 24.25 23.64 23.04 22.43 109551 EasySeat® 109553 55.10 53.65 7.49 7.29 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL EasySeat® • Made of durable, rugged, 600D Ripstop fabric. • 36 Triple row outside pockets, 25 double row inside pockets to organize a wide range of tools and accessories. • Drill holder with side release buckle security strap. • Designed to fit most standard 3 ½ to • 5 gallon buckets. 109551 • Turns standard 3 1/2 - 5 gallon bucket into comfortable seat • Grooved design channels away moisture • Durable, lightweight plastic Page 54 Teledata Express TOOLS Wire Carrying Tools Cable Caddy Folding Reel Holder Folding Reel Holder The Cable Reel Holder takes the hassle out of installing bulk cable. Pull cable conveniently and safely from a sturdy lightweight frame. Handles multiple spools on the 26” wide crossbar. 14” clearance from floor to crossbar. When not in use, the Cable Reel Holder folds flat for easy storage. Increases ease and efficiency of installing cables. •• Holds up to 1000’ cable reels •• Folds neatly for storage and transport •• Lightweight, Durable Steel Construction •• 20” (W) x 12” (H) x 18 1/2” (D) 109235 Folding Reel Holder 109233 Cable Caddy ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Part # Color Description 109233 109235 Cable Caddy 20" W x 12" H x 18 1/2" D 32.30 31.49 30.69 29.88 Call for Pricing Folding Reel Holder, 14" H x 26" W 65.00 63.38 61.75 60.13 cable installation supplies greenlee - string & Lubricants Poly Line Fiber-Gel Cable Pulling Lubricant Ready-to-use, pre-punched hole in lid with resealable cap. •• Use with power fishing systems directly from the container. •• Resists tangling when dispensing •• Rot and mildew resistant. •• Handy reusable plastic container •• Use to pull rope through conduit Synthetic gel is specially designed for lightweight fast pulling of fiber optic cables. •• Compatible with all cable jackets •• Cleans up easily •• Environmentally safe. •• Operating range from 32° - 190° F (0°C - 88°C) •• Compatible with pre-lubricated innerducts •• Dries slowly and leaves a long lasting lubricating film BREAKING PULL STRAIGHT OUT RED - 500 Lbs GREEN - 210 Lbs 109230 109228 Clear Lube 110420 •• Designed for use within electrical or datacom cable pulls. •• Clear and colorless for quick, easy clean-up. •• Environmentally safe, non-hazardous, 110405 non-toxic and non-corrosive. •• Easy to apply either by hand, brush or pump. •• Polymer base with no silicon additives. •• Three-year shelf life with no deterioration in lubricant. Greenlee Conduit Measuring Tape WATERPROOF Electrical Tape 109205 Electrical Tape Part # Description •• Fish and measure conduit runs in one operation •• Measurements printed every foot •• BREAKING STRENGTH 130 LBS ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Order w/$250 Order 109227 Poly Line 2200' , Red Tracer 109228 Poly Line 500', Green Tracer 109230 Poly Line 6500', Green Tracer 110405 Clear Lube pulling lubricant, 1 quart 110420 Fiber-Gel One Quart Squeeze Bottle 109295 Greenlee Conduit Measuring Tape, 3000' x 3/16" 109205 BK BL GN Electrical Tape, UL Approved, 3/4" x 66' RD WH YL 7MIL - PVC 109295 Conduit Measuring Tape w/$500 Order w/ $750 78.40 76.44 74.48 72.52 9.30 9.07 8.84 8.60 60.00 58.00 57.00 55.50 Call 7.41 for Pricing 7.60 7.22 7.03 10.90 10.62 10.35 10.08 866-296-2880 77.80 75.86 73.91 71.96 .96 .94 .91 .89 Fire Barrier Caulk 121021 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 121021 Fire Barrier Caulk, 10 oz, 3M Brand Order online at: TeledataExpress.com w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 21.60 21.06 20.52 19.98 Call for Pricing Page 55 September 2011 Catalog SPECO SPEAKERS 8" Weatherproof PA Speaker w/BRACKET + TRANSFORMER • Dimensions: 8" (Dia) x 11" (L) • Frequency Response: 250-15,000 Hz • Housing: Aluminum • Impedance: 8 Ohm • Max Power: 50 Watts • RMS Power: 30 Watts • Transformer: 70/25V • Transformer Taps: 25V 15, 10, 3.7 Watts • Transformer Taps: 70V 15, 10 , 5, 3, 1 Watt 6" Weatherproof aMPLIFIED PA Speaker 20 WATT WITH BRACKET, w/O TransformeR SPC15T 246401 30 Watt 4" x 6" Dual Tone Alarm Siren • 90° Degree Pivot Bracket Included • Housing: Weatherproof ABS plastic Cable concealed in Box Can be used as • Power: 6-12V DC a marine hailer • Power Rating: 30 Watts • Sensitivity: 120 dB • Size: 4"(H) x 6"(W) x 8"(D) • Dual Tone - Steady Sound & Warbling SA12RP 244260 8" 70/25v cEILING SPEAKER • Woofer: 8" Polypropylene with rubber surround • Tweeter: 3/4" Mylar dome tweeter • Frequency Response: 50Hz-20kHz • Max Power: 30 Watts RMS/ 60 Watts RMS • Sensitivity: 90 +/- 3dB • Impedance: 8 ohms • Selector Switch: 70/25 Volr • Transformer Settings: 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, and 8 ohms • Dimensions: 23" W x 23"H x 6"D • Weight: 7.1 lbs. • Accessories: 2' Drop-ceiling crossbar rail included SPCT8T 246630 G86TG G86TCG 246605 246605V with volume control Top hat for 8" Speaker Combinations The stackable top hat is heavy gauge steel constructed, which protects rear side of speakers from dirt, debris, or other disturbances. It can be used for a back box in ceilings and walls. It has an undercoating that eliminates any mechanical or acoustical resonance caused by vibration. It has rust preventative finish four combination knockouts. It includes 4 J-clips for screw mounting of baffles and perforated mounting straps for 8 inch speaker combinations. 246410 Weather-Resistant 3-Way Speakers with Transformer, w/BRACKET, BLACK OR White • Dimensions: 7 1/4" (H) x 4 1/2" (W) x 4 3/8" (D) • Frequency: Response 55 - 20,000 Hz. DMS3TS • Impedance: 8 Ohm 246625BK • Magnet: 10 oz. • Max Power: 50 Watts • Midrange: 2" • RMS Power: 30 Watts • Transformer: 70/25V • Transformer Taps: 15, 7.5, 4, 2, 1 Watt • Tweeter: 1" Mylar Dome • Woofer: 4" Polypropylene • Woofer: 4" Mica Woofer with Polypropylene Cone • Tweeter: .75" Silk Dome Tweeter • Frequency: Response 75Hz-20kHz • Watts: 25W RMS/40W max • No Transformer • Impedance: 8 Ohms • Dimensions: 6"W x 9.5"H x 6.5"D • Weight: 4.85 lbs DMS3TSW 246625WH SOLD IN PAIRS SP4AWEW 246648WH Woofer: 6.5" Polypropylene with Rubber Surround Tweeter: 1" Silk Dome Tweeter Frequency: 60Hz-20kHz Sensitivity: 90dB 1w/1m Wattage: 50 Watts RMS / 100 Watts Max. Dimensions:11" H X 7" W X 6 3/4" D Weight: 6.6lbs. each Impedance: 8 Ohm Transformer:70V (25W, 15W, 10W 5W, 2.5W & 8 Ohm) THE ENTIRE SPECO LINE IS AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL FOR PRICE & AVAILABILITY 246648 246698 SP4AWE 246648BK 6.5" All Weather Extreme Indoor/Outdoor Speaker w/Transformer Ceiling Support for 8” Speaker 23 ¾” x 14 3/8” The Speco Technologies TS8 is a steel, rust-resistant load bearing support for a loudspeaker assembly, specifically the Speco Technologies G86 series of speakers and the optional STH8 backcan, or other products of similar dimensions. The TS8 is intended to be used parallel to the floor plane in a suspended ceiling structure. ASPC-20 4" Enclosed Indoor/Outdoor Speakers - BLACK OR White 8" Speaker accessories 70/25V • Frequency Response: 85-15,000 Hz • Grille Diameter: 12" • Impedance: 8 Ohm • Magnet: 6 oz. • Max Power: 10 Watts • Speaker Depth: 3 1/4" • Transformer: Dual 70/25V, 5 Watt • Transformer Taps: 5, 2.5, 1, 0.5, 0.25 Watt • Woofer: 8" Dual Cone • Dimensions: 6" (Dia) x 6" (L) • Frequency Response: 500-5,000 Hz. • Input Impedance: 3 - 16 ohm • Max Power: 20 Watts • Speaker Impedance: 8 ohm • Supply Voltage: 10 - 16V DC required 246643 PAIR ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Color Description w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 246401 8" Weather PA Speaker 59.20 57.72 56.24 54.76 246410 6" Weatherproof Amplified PA Speaker 71.80 70.00 68.21 66.41 246625 BK WH Weather-Resistant 3-Way Speakers 54.00 52.65 51.30 49.95 246630 8" 70/25V Ceiling Tile Speaker 96.00 92.62 90.25 87.87 246648 BK WH 4" Enclosed Indor/Outdoor Speakers PAIR 97.20 94.77 92.34 89.91 Call for Pricing 246605 8" Speaker Combination 21.80 21.25 20.71 20.16 246605V 8" Speaker Combination 29.00866-296-2880 28.27 27.55 26.82 244260 30 Watt 4" X 6" Dual Tone Alarm Siren 21.50 20.96 20.42 19.89 246688 8" Speaker "Top Hat" 14.30 13.94 13.58 13.22 246698 8" Speaker Ceiling Support 9.40 9.16 8.93 8.69 246643 BK WH 6 1/2" Extreme Indoor/Outdoor Speaker 162.00 157.95 153.90 154.50 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 56 Teledata Express SPECO SPEAKERS speco Builder Series Speakers Designed to continue Speco Technologies' rich history of audio innovation, the Custom Builder Series Speakers have been created specifically for today's listening environments and lifestyles. Whether using them in the home or in the office, they will provide performance and reliability at an attractive price. • Compression moulded, mineral filled polymer cone woofers with rubber surround • Integrated c-clamp mounting system • Powder coated metal grille may be painted to match any decor • 8 Ohms impedance •• 6.5" Woofers •• 1/2" liquid cooled titanium dome tweeter in a zero diffraction pivoting island •• Frequency Response: 63Hz-21kHz •• 60 Watt maximum power handling •• Impedance: 8 Ohms •• Dimensions: 9" Diameter •• Mounting Dimensions: 7.5" Dia. Plastic enclosure back box offers extra component protection and consistent sound quality 246312 •• Polypropylene cone woofer/ mylar tweeter •• 35 Watt RMS/100 Watt max. •• Sensitivity: 90 dB (1W/1M) •• Frequency range: 65 - 20 kHz •• 9.5" Diameter x 5.5" D •• Mounting hole size: 8.06" Diameter 8" •• 8" Woofers •• 1/2" liquid cooled titanium dome tweeter in a zero diffraction pivoting island •• Frequency Response: 45Hz-21kHz •• 80 Watt maximum power handling •• Impedance: 8 Ohms •• Dimensions: 10.75" Diameter •• Mounting Dimensions: 9.5" Dia. 246302 • Required Bracket 246320 2-WAY IN-CEILING ENCLOSED SPEAKER SYSTEM 6.5" 8” IN-CEILING SpeakerS SOLD IN PAIRS 6” IN-CEILING SpeakerS SOLD IN PAIRS SOLD IN PAIRS 246304 • Required Bracket 246322 Required Bracket Sold In Pairs 246312 • Required Bracket 246324 246314 • Required Bracket 246326 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Description PRICE PER PAIR Each 246314 •• Polypropylene cone woofer/mylar tweeter •• 35 Watt RMS/100 Watt max. •• Sensitivity: 92 dB (1W/1M) •• Frequency range: 50 - 20 kHz •• 11" Diameter x 7" D •• Mounting hole size: 9.625" Diameter 246302 SPCBC6 6" In-Ceiling Speakers PAIR 246304 SPCBC8 8" In-Ceiling Speakers PAIR 246312 SP6ECS 6.5" 2-Way In-CeilingEnclosed Speaker System PAIR 246314 SP8ECS 8" 2-Way In-CeilingEnclosed Speaker System PAIR 246320 Bracket PAIR for SPCBC6 (246302) 246322 Bracket PAIR for SPCBC (246304) 246324 Bracket PAIR for SP6ECS (246312) 246326 Bracket PAIR for SP8ECS (246314) w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 58.00 56.55 55.10 53.65 83.60 81.51 79.42 72.33 90.00 87.75 85.90 83.25 95.00 87.88 Call92.63 for 90.25 Pricing 39.80 38.80 37.81 36.89 866-296-2880 39.80 38.80 37.81 36.89 39.80 38.80 37.81 36.89 39.80 38.80 37.81 36.89 ALARM PRODUCTS TANE SPEAKERS & HORNS 244282 Tane SIR 202 244290 Tane SPK 202 •• White ABS Plastic •• Input: 12V DC •• Range: 6-15V DC •• Operating Temp: -20 °C to 60°C •• Color: White • 5.2” dia x 5.90” L x 5.2”H Tane SIR 202 (244282) Self Contained Siren Horn •• Tone Frequency: •• Steady—1200HZ •• Warble—800HZ to 1200HZ •• 1 second ramp cycle •• Speaker Type: Dual Tone Siren Horn •• Sound Level: 115 dB •• Input Power: 15 Watts Max Tane SPK 202 (244290) Speaker / Horn •• Voice Coil Impedance - 60 OHM •• Speaker Type: Horn •• Sound Level: 115dB •• Input Power: 15 Watts Max •• Can be used as marine hailer Tane SIR 508 (244280) Electronic Siren Speaker/Horn •• Tone Frequency: Steady—1200HZ Warble—800HZ to 1200HZ 1 second ramp cycle •• Speaker Type: 30 Watt Dual Tone Siren Horn •• Current Draw: 1500mA @ 12v dc 244280 Tane SIR 508 244292 Tane SPK 508 Tane SPK 508 (244292) •• White ABS Plastic •• Input: 12V DC •• Range: 6-15V DC •• Operating Temp: -20 °C to 60°C • 5” dia x 8” L x 9”H •• •• •• •• Speaker / Horn Voice Coil Impedance - 80 OHM Speaker Type: Horn Sound Level: 120 dB Input Power: 30 Watts ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Speaker Horns can be used as Marine Hailers Part # Description Each w/$250 w/$500w/ $750 Order Order Order 244292 244290 244280 244282 TANE SPK 508 Speaker Horn TANE SPK 202 Speaker Horn TANE SIR 508 Siren Horn TANE SIR 202 Siren Horn Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 11.8011.51 11.21 10.92 6.40 6.24 6.08 5.92 Call for Pricing 11.8011.51 11.21 10.92 866-296-2880 6.40 6.24 6.08 5.92 Page 57 September 2011 Catalog ALARM PRODUCTS TANE ALARM PRODUCTS Tane uses a sensitive guaranteed “no stick” UL listed Rhodium Reed to attract the magnetic field. It’s protected by a crush resistant plastic housing. Recessed Contacts • Closed loop STB-10 (244010) • GAP .7” • Contact 3/8” x 3/4” • Magnet 3/8” x 3/4” STB-10 DM (244011) • GAP 1/2” • Contact: 3/8” x 3/4” • Magnet: 3/8” x 1/8 MINI-10 (244020) • GAP 1/2” • Contact 3/8” x 9/16” • Magnet 3/8” x 9/16” The “Stubby” recess is ideal for those who do not need to spend extra money on the Mini Recess. Ideal for tight fitting window frames where you can not drill a hole for magnet. Convex hole on magnet fits flat head screws flush! Shorter than all stubby contacts. Ideal for tight fit windows, thin door frames & excellent for security screens. SD-70 Tane - 3/4 TC (244082) STB-3/8 TC (244016) With Rare Earth Magnet (244017) (244080) • GAP 1/2” • Contact 3/4”x.84” • Magnet 3/4”x.84” • Steel Door • GAP 1” • Contact 3/4” x .85” • Magnet 3/4” x .85” • Steel Door Stubby Style - Rugged one piece construction. For fast and easy installations. For standard and tighter fitting applications. Long No soldering needed. leads bent to keep solder off the glass of the reed. Two Solder points on 22 AWG 7 stranded UL Wire COMMERCIAL CONTACTS SM-20 WG (244095W) • 2 1/2" WIDE GAP • Closed Loop 1 1/8" L x 5/8" H x 5/8" W Ideal for commercial or stall doors. Wide gap to insure against swinging. 18" 22 AWG Leads. SM-35 (244130) • GAP 1” L-W-H • 2 1/2” x 1/2” x 1/2” Standard Industry Size. Contact Includes spacers, screws, and cover - NO SEPARATE PARTS. Available in wide gap model. • GAP 5/8” • Contact 3/8” x .90” • Magnet 3/8” x 5/8” Shorter than all stubby contacts. Ideal for tight fit windows, thin door frames & excellent for security screens. MET-44 (244090) TANE-66 (244092) • Overhead Door Contact Small size with special pin that keeps cable in place forever. Adjustable “L” bracket, magnet can be installed 10 ways! Armored cable 18”. RB32 (244170) • Stamdard Size 3/4” x 1 5/8” This 3/4” roller reed ball contact uses a special compressed plastic ball to keep it dirt and paint resistant. Complete with Spacers and Screws •gap 1 1/2" •Track Mounted Contact For mounting on door tracks-”fork lifts can’t knock these off floors!” 4 way adjustable magnet bracket. Wider Gap for reduced false alarms. Easier install than standards overheads. TANE-22 TC (244162) Diameter 3/4” TANE-22 TC quick connect model for faster installations. Length 1 3/16” from Flange to end of terminals for TANE22TC. Complete with Spacer and Screws ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Color Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 244010 WH STB-10 244011 BRWH STB-10DM 244016 WH STB-3/8 TC 244017 WH STB-3/8 TC/RE 244020 WH MINI-10 244080 WH SD-70 244082 WH TANE 3/4 TC 244126 BRWH TANE 60QC 244090 MET-44 244092 TANE-66 244095 WH TANE SM-20WG 244130 BR WHSM35 244162 WH TANE-22 TC 244170 WH RB32 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.50 1.46 1.43 1.39 1.93 1.88 1.83 1.79 2.38 2.32 2.26 2.20 1.72 1.68 1.63 1.59 2.48 2.42 2.36 2.29 Call2.58 for Pricing 2.65 2.52 2.45 1.66 1.62 1.58 1.54 866-296-2880 10.36 10.10 9.84 9.58 16.70 16.28 15.87 15.45 4.96 4.84 4.71 4.59 1.50 1.46 1.43 1.39 2.15 2.10 2.04 1.99 2.25 2.19 2.14 2.08 Surface Mount Contacts FM102 TANE-60 QC (244126) (244062) • GAP 1” minimum L-W-H • 1.33” x .3” x .53” Flange Mount Contact & Magnet Side Leads. 18” Leads Special Adhesive CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL • GAP 3/4” min L-W-H • 2” x 1/4” x 3/8” Current - 1 Amp Screw Down or Super Adhesive. Break- a-way features for tight fit. Eliminates need for 6’ or 10’ Leads. Includes: Screws, Super Adhesive, breakaway mounting holes, & tape cover. Page 58 Bullet & Ir bullet CAMERAS • Mounting Brackets Not Included Unless Noted Teledata Express NOTE: Call For Information On DVR Systems & Capture Cards • 12VDC Power Supply Sold Seperately mini Bullet camera with mounting bracket ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Range Order Order Order 2BW2111/BKT 2BW3411BKT 2BW2111/BKT 2BW3411BKT 1/4" Sharp 1/4" Sony 420 420 3.6mm F 1.2 3.6mm F 1.2 1 0.5 Yes Yes N/A N/A 44.55 43.44 42.32 41.21 Call for Pricing 57.42 55.98 54.55 53.11 infrared waterproof bullet cameras 2BWI2104 2BW13502 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Range Order Order Order 2BWI3522 2BWI3782 2BWI2110/BKT 2BWI2104 1/4" Sharp 420 3.6mm F 1.2 0 Yes 65 FT 37.62 36.68 35.74 34.80 2BWI3502 1/3" Sony 420 3.6mm F 1.2 0 2BWI3522 1/3" Sharp 480 6.0mm F 1.2 0 Yes 65 FT 49.50 48.26 47.03 45.79 Yes 130 FT 53.46 52.12 50.79 49.45 2BWI3782 1/3" Sony 600 6.0mm F 1.2 2BWI3911 1/3" Sony 420 12mm F1.4 0 Yes 130 FT 77.22 75.29 73.36 71.43 0 Yes 130FT 66.33 64.67 63.01 61.36 2BWI3941 1/3" Sony 500 8mm 2BWI3951 1/3" Sony 500 4mm F1.4 0 Yes 130FT F1.4 0 Yes 130FT 2BWI7810 1/3" Sony 600 2BWI2110/BKT 1/4" Sharp 420 12.0mm F1.4 0 Yes 130FT 86.40 84.24 82.08 79.92 3.6mm F 1.2 0 Yes 32 FT 36.63 35.71 34.80 33.88 2BWI3505/BKT 1/3" Sony 2BWI3505/BKTWH 1/3" Sony 420 3.6mm F 1.2 0 Yes 98 FT 55.44 54.05 52.67 51.28 420 3.6mm F 1.2 0 Yes 98 FT 55.44 54.05 52.67 51.28 Call for Pricing 77.80 75.86 73.91 71.97 866-296-2880 77.80 75.86 73.91 71.97 2BWI3505/BKT infrared waterproof bullet cameras WITH VARIFOCAL LENS AND BRACKET ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Range Order Order Order 2BWI2204/BKT 2BWI3912V/BKT 2BWI3943V/BKT 2BWI3975V/BKT 2BWI2204/BKT 1/4" Sharp 420 4-9mm F 1.2 0 Yes 98 FT 62.37 60.81 59.25 57.69 2BWI3912V/BKT 1/3" Sony 420 4-9mm F 1.2 0 Yes 98 FT 75.24 73.36 71.48 69.60 2BWI3943V/BKT 1/3" Sony 500 4-9mm F 1.2 0 Yes 98 FT 85.14 2BWI3975V/BKT 1/3" Sony 600 4-9mm F 1.2 0 Yes 98 FT 101.97 2BW4410V/BKT 1/3" Sony 500 4-9mm F1.2 0 Yes 165 FT Call for Pricing 83.01 80.88 78.75 866-296-2880 99.42 96.87 94.32 92.07 89.77 87.47 85.16 IP CAMERAS 2IPBW4110 2IPBW4110W 2IPBW5110V 2IPDW5546V •• 1/4" CMOS •• Supports both WAN and LAN Viewing •• Real-Time video recording •• Motion detection •• Email notification •• Supports DynDNS •• IR distance 100 ft. •• Waterproof •• Weatherproof •• 1/3" Sony Super HDD •• 600 TVL •• Vari-focal lens 4-9mm •• Supports both WAN and LAN viewing •• IR Distance 130 ft. •• D1 Resolution For other IP Camers see TP-Link Section - Page 72 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 2IPBW4110 Wired 6mm Lens 480TVL 106.92 104.25 101.57 98.90 2IPBW4110W Wireless 6mm Lens 480TVL for Pricing 152.46Call 148.65 144.84 141.03 2IPBW5110V IP Camera Bullet Vari-Focal 215.82 866-296-2880 210.43 502.03 199.63 2IPDW5546V IP Camera Dome Vari-Focal 215.82 210.43 502.03 199.63 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 59 September 2011 Catalog NOTE: Call For Information On DVR Systems & Capture Cards DOME & concealed cameras • COLOR UNLESS Otherwise Noted • 12VDC Power Supply Sold Seperately indoor dome cameras ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Vandal Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Proof Range Order Order Order 2D2101 2D7201 2DI2206 2D7225V 2D7825V 1/4" Sharp 1/3" Sony 1/3" Sharp 1/3" Sony 1/3" Sony 420 500 420 420 540 3.6mm 3.6mm 3.6mm 3.5-8mm 3.5-8mm F1.2 F1.2 F1.2 F1.2 F1.2 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 No No No No No No No No No No N/A N/A 65FT N/A N/A 30.69 29.92 29.16 28.39 37.62 36.68 35.74 34.80 Call for Pricing 31.68 30.89 30.10 29.30 866-296-2880 61.38 59.85 58.31 56.78 79.20 77.22 75.24 73.26 2D2101 2D2201 2DI2206 2D7225V 2D7825V MINI DOME CAMERAs 2.5" 2DM3201 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Vandal Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Proof Range Order Order Order 2DM3201 2DM7201 1/4" Sharp 1/3" Sony 420 540 3.6mm 3.6mm F1.2 F1.2 0.5 1 No No No No for Pricing 28.71Call 27.99 27.27 26.56 62.37 866-296-2880 60.81 59.25 57.69 N/A N/A 2DM7201 OUTDOOR VANDAL RESISTaNT DOMES 2DMV7201 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Vandal Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Proof Range Order Order Order *2DMV3201 *2DMV7201 1/3" Sony 420 3.6mm F1.2 0.5 Yes Yes N/A 51.48 50.19 48.91 47.62 1/3" Sony 600 3.6mm F1.2 0.5 Yes 2DVI2208 1/4" Sharp 420 3.6mm F1.2 0 Yes Yes N/A 69.30 67.57 65.84 64.10 Yes 65ft 35.64 2DVI3210 1/3" Sony 420 3.6mm F1.2 0 34.75 33.86 32.97 Yes Yes 65ft 48.51 47.30 46.08 44.87 2DVI4052V 1/3" Sony 500 4-9mm F1.2 2DVI2208WH 1/4" Sharp 420 3.6mm F1.2 0 Yes Yes 98FT 81.18 79.15 0 Yes Yes 65ft 35.64 2DVI3210WH 1/3" Sony 420 3.6mm F1.2 0 Yes Yes 65ft 48.51 47.30 46.08 44.87 2DVI3610 1/3" Sony 600 3.6mm F1.2 0 Yes Yes 65ft 68.31 66.60 64.89 63.19 2DVI3610WH 1/3" Sony 2DVI3802V 1/3" Sony 600 3.6mm F1.2 0 Yes Yes 65ft 68.31 66.60 64.89 63.19 420 4-9mm F1.2 0 Yes Yes 98ft 68.31 2DVI6205V 1/3" Sony 66.60 64.89 63.19 600 4-9mm F1.2 0 Yes Yes 98ft 96.03 93.63 91.23 88.83 *Mini Dome Cameras 2DVI2208 2DVI3210 2DVI3610 2DVI3610WH 77.12 75.09 Call for Pricing 34.75 33.86 32.97 866-296-2880 2DVI2208WH 2DVI3210WH 2DVI3802V 2DVI6205V CONCEALED CAMERAS FIRE ALARM CONCEALED CAMERAs ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Vandal Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Proof Range Order Order Order 2DF420 1/3" Sony Super HAD 420 2DF480 1/3" Sony Super HAD 480 Fixed 3.6mm F 1.2 Fixed 3.6mm F 1.2 .8 .8 No No No No N/A N/A 2DF420 2DF480 45.30Call 44.17 41.90 for43.04 Pricing 78.80 866-296-2880 76.83 74.86 72.89 2P2301 PIN HOLE cameraS ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Vandal Water IR Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX Proof Proof Range Order Order Order 2P2301 2PP2310 1/3" Sony 1/3" Sony 420 420 3.7mm 3.7mm F1.2 F1.2 0.8 1 NO No No No N/A N/A CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL for Pricing 50.49 Call 49.23 47.97 46.70 41.58 866-296-2880 40.54 39.50 38.46 2PP2310 Page 60 Teledata Express Box CAMERAS Color Box Camera 2BX3501 2BX7401 NOTE: Call For Information On DVR Systems & Capture Cards ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Image Resolution Focal Aperture Min Ilumination Each Part # Sensor TV-Lines Length LUX 2BX3501 2BX7401 1/3" Sony Super HAD 1/3" Sony Super HAD 420 600 No Lens No Lens F 1.2 F 1.2 .5 1.01 Call for Pricing 43.68 42.56 866-296-2880 73.71 71.82 44.80 75.60 41.44 69.93 CAMERA LENSES CS Mount Fixed IRIS - Fixed Focal ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Each Part # Focal Length Sensor Aperture Iris Mode Mount 245830 245831 245834 245836 245838 245840 2.5 mm 2.8 mm 4 mm 6 mm 8 mm 12 mm 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 Manual Adjustable IRIS - VARIFOCAL F 1.4 F 1.4 F 1.2 F 1.2 F 1.2 F 1.2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed CS CS CS CS CS CS 2.8-12 mm 3.5-8 mm 6-15 mm 5-50 mm 6-60 mm 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 w/ $750 Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT F 1.4 F 1.4 F 1.4 F 1.4 F 1.4 Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual CS CS CS CS CS Auto IRIS - VARIFOCAL w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 24.80 24.18 23.66 22.94 14.50Call 14.14 13.78 13.41 for Pricing 17.50 17.06 16.63 16.19 866-296-2880 42.80 41.73 40.66 39.59 41.80 40.76 39.71 38.67 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Image Each Part # Focal Length Sensor Aperture Iris Mode Mount 245865 245866 245867 245871 245872 w/$500 Order 12.40 12.04 11.78 11.47 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 for Pricing 5.80Call5.66 5.51 5.37 5.80 866-296-2880 5.66 5.51 5.37 5.80 5.66 5.51 5.37 5.80 5.66 5.51 5.37 Image Each Part # Focal Length Sensor Aperture Iris Mode Mount 245850 245853 245856 245858 245860 w/$250 Order 2.8-12 mm 3.5-8 mm 6-15 mm 5-50 mm 6-60 mm 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 F 1.2 F 1.2 F 1.2 F 1.4 F 1.4 CD Drive CD Drive CD Drive CD Drive CD Drive CS CS CS CS CS w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 39.00 38.03 37.05 36.08 19.90Call 19.41 18.91 18.41 for Pricing 27.40 26.72 26.03 25.35 866-296-2880 49.90 48.65 47.41 46.16 49.90 48.65 47.41 46.16 VIDEO ACCESSORIES Microphone BNC to Fiber Converter •• All In One Audio Cable •• Built in amp & Mic •• Power Feed camera •• Uncompressed Video Transmission •• Works with single or multimode fiber •• Transmission distance up to 20km with singlemode fiber 251060 251065 2AS0002 Video Splitters ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Description Each 2AC0004 2AC0008 2AS0002 251060 251065 2AC0004 2AC0008 All In One Microphone BNC to Fiber Converter, 1 Channel BNC tp Fiber Converter, 4 Channel Video Splitter 1 In/ 4 Out, BNC Video Splitter 1 In/ 8 Out, BNC Order online at: TeledataExpress.com w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 9.65 9.41 9.17 8.92 144.80 141.18 137.56 133.94 Call for Pricing 262.60 256.04 249.47 242.91 866-296-2880 25.43 27.49 26.80 26.11 37.80 36.86 35.91 34.97 Page 61 September 2011 Catalog STAND ALONE H.264 DVR DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDERS All DVR’s on this page FEATURE: •• H.264 Compression. Ideal for Standalone DVR •• Remote view Via Network or Mobile Phone •• RS485 PTZ Control •• 6 Option Image Control •• VGA Output •• Talk Back Supportive •• Audio Compression G711A •• Multiple language selectable •• USB and network backup downloads 16 Channel All D1 with DVD Burner 245173 Items included with all DVRs •• Multiple control methods: front panel, remote controller, USB mouse, network •• Multiple recording modes: manual recording, scheduled, alarm, motion detection •• Pentaplex Function: LIVE display, recording, playback, back up and remote access •• Ethernet interface (RJ45) for remote monitoring, storage, playback setting and software upgrades •• Alarm Functions: screen image, e-mail, buzzer PTZ reset •• Supports simultaneous all channel playback •• Search by time, event, channel or information •• Recording 480 FPS D1 (720x480) 480 FPS CIF (360x240) •• Input: 16 Channel Video, 16 Channel Audio •• 16 Channel Loop Out •• 2 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network or DVD/RW •• 4 Sata Ports: Each Support 2 Terabyte Hard Drive or DVD/RW •• 3 USB Port with Backup and Mouse 16 Channel with DVD Burner 245172 8 Channel 8 Audio 245150 4 Channel All D1 4 Audio 245120 •• Recording 480 FPS CIF (360x240) 120 FPS D1 (720x480) •• Input: 16 Channel Video, 16 Channel Audio, •• Loop Output 16 Channel •• 2 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network or DVD/RW •• 4 Sata Ports: Each Support 2 Terabyte Hard Drive or DVD/RW •• 3 USB Port with Backup and Mouse •• Recording 240 FPS D1 ( 720x480) 240 FPS CIF (360x240) 2 D1, 6 CIF Limits •• Input: 8 Channel Video, 8 Channel Audio •• 1 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network •• 1 Sata Port: Supports 2 Terabyte Hard Drive •• 2 USB Port with Backup and Mouse •• Recording 120 FPS D1 ( 720x480) 120 FPS CIF (360x240) •• Input: 4 Channel Video, 4 Channel Audio •• 2 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network •• 1 Sata Port: Supports 2 Terabyte Hard Drive •• 2 USB Port with Backup and Mouse ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Description Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 245173 16 Channel All D1 with DVD Burner, Black 848.00 826.80 805.60 784.40 245152 8 Channel All D1 with DVD Burner, Black 627.00 611.33 595.65 579.98 245172 16 Channel with DVD Burner, Black 512.00 499.20 486.40 473.60 for Pricing 245171SL 16 Channel 4 Audio, Silver 208.00Call 202.80 197.60 192.40 245150 8 Channel 8 Audio, Black 150.00 866-296-2880 146.25 142.50 138.75 245142WH 8 Channel 1 Audio, White 126.00 122.85 119.70 116.55 245120 4 Channel All D1 4 Audio 126.00 122.85 119.70 116.55 245119WH 4 Channel All D1 1 Audio 97.00 94.58 92.15 89.73 8 Channel All D1 with DVD Burner •• Recording 240 FPS D1 (720x480) 240 FPS CIF (360x240) •• Input: 8 Channel Video, 8 Channel Audio •• 8 Channel Loop Out •• 2 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network or DVD/RW •• 4 Sata Ports: Each Support 2 Terabyte Hard Drive or DVD/RW •• 3 USB Port with Backup and Mouse 245152 16 Channel 4 Audio 245171SL 8 Channel 1 Audio 245142WH •• Recording 480 FPS CIF (360x240) •• Input: 16 Channel Video, 4 Channel Audio •• 1 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network •• 2 Sata Ports: Each Support 2 Terabyte Hard Drive •• 2 USB Port with Backup and Mouse •• Recording 240 FPS D1 ( 720x480) 240 FPS CIF (360x240) 2 D1, 6 CIF Limits •• Input: 8 Channel Video, 1 Channel Audio •• 1 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network •• 1 Sata Port: Supports 2 Terabyte Hard Drive •• 2 USB Port with Backup and Mouse 4 Channel All D1 1 Audio •• Recording 120 FPS D1 ( 720x480) 120 FPS CIF (360x240) •• Input: 4 Channel Video, 1 Channel Audio •• 2 BNC Out, VGA Out, 1 RCA Out •• Backup USB, Network •• 1 Sata Port: Supports 2 Terabyte Hard Drive •• 2 USB Port with Backup and Mouse 245119WH HARD DRIVES We have SATA Hard drives in stock for immediate shipment or to install in any DVR you purchase. Current prices are 500GB Uninstalled $58.00 Call for 1 Terabyte Uninstalled $78.00 Pricing 2 Terabyte Uninstalled $108.00 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Installed Installed Installed Prices are subject to frequent change. $68.00 Call for $88.00 Pricing $118.00 Page 62 Teledata Express CAMERA ACCESSORIES NOTE: Call For Information On DVR Systems & Capture Cards Camera MOUNTS 245912 245915 Part # Description 245901OW 245901BK 245911 245904 245913 245914 245906 245908 245910 245917 245922 245923 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Order w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order 245901OW Bracket, Full Tilt & Rotation (wall Or Ceiling) -1 Bolt Cam Mtg, Plastic, Off White 3.75 3.65 3.56 3.47 245901BK Bracket, Full Tilt & Rotation (wall Or Ceiling) -1 Bolt Cam Mtg, Plastic BlK 3.75 3.65 3.56 3.47 245904 Bracket, (wall Or Ceiling) 1 Bolt Camera Mount - 6", Alum 5.80 5.65 5.51 5.36 245906 Bracket, (wall Or Ceiling) 1 Bolt Camera Mount - 8", Alum 6.10 5.95 5.79 5.64 245908 Bracket, (wall Or Ceiling) L- Shape, 1 Bolt Camera Mount - 11", Alum 6.40 6.24 6.08 5.92 245910 Bracket, Camera, Articulated Arm - SS. Wall Or Ceiling -1 Bolt Bullet Mount 5.80 5.65 5.51 5.36 Call for Pricing 245911 Bracket Stylish Full Directional Aluminum 6.5" 8.60 8.39 8.17 7.96 245912 Bracket, Camera, HD Fixed Arm - Multiangle Housing Mtg - 6" 8.00 7.80 7.60 7.40 866-296-2880 245913 Bracket Full Directional Stainless Hand Fix 5.80 5.65 5.51 5.36 245914 Bracket for Pan Type Camera Or Housing w/ Tilt Adjust 2 Bolt - 11" 7.00 6.82 6.65 6.47 245915 Bracket for Camera Housing -Heavy Duty w/ Tilt Adjust 2 Bolt Mt. - 11" 9.00 8.77 8.55 8.32 245917 Bracket for Heavy PTZ Motor 2 Bolt Attch - Outdoor - 8" 12.90 12.58 12.26 11.93 245922 Wall Mount "L" Bracket for Dome Camera 12.90 12.58 12.26 11.93 245923 Wall Mount "L" Bracket for Dome Camera 12.90 12.58 12.26 11.93 Camera housings 245930 245932 245937 IR Illuminators 245935 245939 245410 245930 245932 245935 245937 245939 Basic Outdoor Alum -11.8 x 3.75 x 3.93 Outdoor w/Heater & Blower, Alum, 11.8" x 3.75" x 3.93" Outdoor Alum, SIDE OPEN, 14,6 x 4.5 x 4.5 Outdoor, Stylish Off White, SIDE OPEN, 8.85 x 5.3 x 4.0 Outdoor, Stylish Off White, SIDE OPEN, 15.7 x 5.3 x 4.0 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 43.00 41.93 40.88 39.78 Call for Pricing 19.20 18.72 18.24 17.76 29.00866-296-2880 28.,28 27.55 26.82 31.00 30.23 29.45 28.68 Part # Description 245415 245420 245430 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 245410 245415 245420 245430 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Order IR Illuminator,Stand Alone Waterproof, 33 Ft, Wht, 12Vdc IR Illuminator,Stand Alone Waterproof, 50 Ft, Blk, 12VDC IR Illuminator,Stand Alone Waterproof, 100 Ft, Blk, 12Vdc IR Illuminator,Stand Alone Waterproof, 200 Ft, Blk, 12Vdc w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 $19.80 19.31 18.81 18.32 for 25.46 Pricing $26.80Call 26.13 24.79 $36.80 866-296-2880 35.88 34.96 34.04 $68.90 67.18 65.46 63.73 MULTIPLEXERS (QUADS ) 8 - CHANNEL COLOR MULTIPLEXER 4 - CHANNEL COLOR MULTIPLEXER Main Features Main Features •• Adjustable saturation, contrast, color, HUE and sharpness. •• Connect the 1-8 line video signal of camera brightness. •• High definition: NTSC mode: 720*480 •• Multiple display mode: Eight pictures, four pictures, two pictures, single picture, PIP automatic inverting mode •• High performance picture frozen function, the area to zoom in can be selected •• The various fonts folded information: The title of camera, real time display and warning date / video / moving detecting information •• Four pictures and single picture mode recycle •• Multiple modes: Warning input, Video loss detection, moving detection can keep over 60 reports, the built in buzzer •• Remote control •• Power supply not included (249466R) Regulated 12V, 1Amp •• Zoom function •• OSD menu function •• Integrated Video motion alarm detectors, and video loss alarm •• On screen display includes time, date, alarm status and can adjust the location of the display •• Freeze the live picture or playback video •• Automatically change the mode of display •• Turn on or off the alarm function of each video picture •• Remote control •• Power supply not included (249466R) Regulated 12V, 1Amp Part # ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Description 2AM8-508H 249466R 2AM4-504B 249466R 8 Channel Color Multiplexer Power Supply 4 Channel Color Multiplexer Power Supply Order online at: TeledataExpress.com w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 63.60 62.01 60.42 58.83 8.60Call 8.38 8.17 7.95 for Pricing 54.00 866-296-2880 52.65 51.30 49.95 8.60 8.38 8.17 7.95 Page 63 September 2011 Catalog POWER OVER ETHERNET UNIVERSAL MIDSPAN POE SPLITTER This may be the only POE Splitter model you ever need! Just flip the switch to select usage with 802.3af standard power input device or with a non-standard device. Then choose the voltage you need for your camera or access point. It’s simple, it’s easy, it’s inexpensive. FEATURES / SPECIFICATIONS • 802.3af compliant mode selection for use with all compliant auto sensing power source devices. (POE embedded switches - POE Injectors etc.) 259010 • Select Non-Standard mode for use with non standard power input devices. • Input voltage (48V, 802.3af compliant) - (18V to 55V noncompliant.) • Switchable voltage choose 12V / 1 Amp, 9V / 1.2 Amp or 5V / 1.5 Amp • Includes Cat 5E patch cable and 2.5mm x 5.5mm DC power Cable POE POWER INJECTOR 802.3af compliant • 802.3af Compliant power supply equipment (PSE) • Injects 48V, 16W DC Power • Auto sensing power cutoff on open ports or non 802.3af end devices • Built-in 110V AC to DC power supply connector with over current & over 259030 voltage protection POE INJECTOR SPLITTER KIT Everything you need to economically supply DC power to remote access points, cameras or any other DC powered device when power outlets are not available. • Non 802.3af compliant 24 volt DC injector output with output choice per model DC 5V, 9V or 12V. • Includes - Switching power supply with cord, power injection module, power splitter module, power jumper cord (2.5mm x 5.5mm plug) CAT5e patch cord. • Both modules are wall mountable. 259340 259342 259345 Simple POE Injector/Splitter Kit This is a passive item meaning that input and output voltage are equal. Requires wall transformer for power input. 259040 Injector - RJ45 + Power In - RJ45 Out Splitter - RJ45 In - RJ45 + Power Out ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description note: 802.3af standard compliant power input devices will not supply power to non standard power splitters. NOTE: FOR POE SWITCH SEE TP-LINK "SWITCH" SECTION 259010 259030 259340 259342 259345 259040 Universal POE Data/ Power Splitter POE Power Injector 802.3 compliant 12 Volt POE Kit with Power Supply 9 Volt POE Kit with Power Supply 5Volt POE Kit with Power Supply Simple POE Injector + Splitter w/$250 Order w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order 16.00 15.60 15.20 14.80 21.60 21.06 20.52 19.98 Call28.28 for Pricing 29.00 27.55 26.83 29.00866-296-2880 28.28 27.55 26.83 29.00 28.28 27.55 26.83 4.80 4.68 4.56 4.44 BALUNS Passive Video Baluns (BNC) Convert balanced - two conductor (CAT 5e) signal into unbalanced one conductor (coax) signal or vice versa. Use between POE injector and monitor and/or between POE splitter and camera. Available with or without screw terminals and power transmission. Max distance over CAT5e - 1200 ft. color - 1800 ft. Blk/White To Camera 111328 To Monitor/DVR Passive Video Baluns Multichannel Convert balanced - two conductor (CAT 5e) signal into unbalanced one conductor (coax) signal or vice versa. Transmit video over phone cables, CAT5e or CAT6. 111300 Each 111325 111301 Pair Each Part # Description 111314 Pair 111315 111303 Pair Active Baluns Main Features • Color 2400 Meters • Black & White 3000 Meters 111320 RECEIVER TRANSMITTER ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order 111300Video Baluns RJ45 to BNC 5.20 5.07 4.94 4.81 111301Video Baluns RJ45 to BNC - Pair 9.60 9.36 9.12 8.88 111303Video Balun Terminal Block to BNC Pair 10.60 10.34 10.07 9.81 111314Video Baluns Screw Terminal to BNC Pair 10.60 10.34 10.07 9.81 111315Video Baluns Screw Terminal to BNC/w Cable 5.20 5.07 4.94 4.81 111328Video & Power RJ45 to BNC / Cable - Pair 14.00 13.65 13.30 12.95 Call for Pricing 1113204 Channel Passive Video Baluns 24.45 23.84 23.23 22.62 866-296-2880 11132516 Channel Passive Video Baluns 117.00 114.06 111.15 108.23 111350Active Transmitter (1) Channel Video 32.30 31.20 30.40 29.88 111351Active Receiver (1) Channel Video 30.30 29.54 28.79 28.03 111360Active Transmitter (4) Channel Video 92.00 89.70 87.40 85.10 111361Active Receiver (4) Channel Video 92.00 89.70 87.40 85.10 111375Active Receiver (16) Channel Video 214.00 208.65 203.30 197.95 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 64 Teledata Express power units NOTE: Call For Information On DVR Systems & Capture Cards BOX power units ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 249512/18 18 Channel 12 Vdc Central Power Supply, 12 AMP 64.80 63.18 61.56 59.94 Fused with LED power indicator, Metal Box 249525/18 18 Channel 24 VAC Central Power Supply, 12 AMP 86.00 83.85 81.70 79.55 Call for Pricing Fused with Power LED Indicator, Metal Box 249460 9 Channel 12 Vdc Central Power Supply, 9 AMP 54.00 866-296-2880 52.65 57.30 49.95 Fused with LED power indicator, Metal Box 249925/9 9 Channel 24 VAC 4 Amp Central Power Supply, 8 AMP 59.40 57.92 56.93 54.95 Fused with LED Indicator, Metal Box 249525 MULTI - CHANNEL POWER SUPPLIES ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 249484 power SUPPLIES 249484 Part # Description Power Supply, 5V DC 1AMP UL Regulated, 3.5 x 1.3 Plug Power Supply, 5V DC 2AMP UL Regulated, 5.5 x 2.1 Plug Power Supply, 9 V AC, 800 MA Power Supply, 12V DC 300 MA, UL Regulated, 5.5 x 2.1 Plug Power Supply, 12V DC 500 MA, UL Regulated, 5.5 x 2.1 Plug Power Supply, 12V DC 1 Amp, Regulated, 5.5 x 2.1 Plug Power Supply, 24V AC 10 VA (Screw Terminal Out) Power Supply, 24V AC 40 VA (Screw Terminal Out) Power Supply, 24VAC 50 VA (Screw Terminal Out) Each Order 5.40 5.90 5.40 5.90 8.05 8.60 6.20 10.20 11.90 w/$250 Order 270070F 270075 270079 270081 270050F 270070M 270081 270050M 270071M 249532 270040F 270040M 270050F 270050M 270055 270070M 270070F 270071M 270075/.5 270075/33 270075/100 270079/02 270079/03 270080/03 270080/06 270081/06 249532 w/$500 Order w/ $750 5.26 5.13 4.99 5.75 5.60 5.46 5.26 5.13 4.99 5.75 5.46 Call for 5.60 Pricing 7.85 7.65 7.45 866-296-2880 8.38 8.17 7.95 6.05 5.89 5.73 9.95 9.70 9.45 11.60 11.31 11.03 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 270055 w/ $750 Order ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT power adapter & Connectors 270040M w/$500 Order Central Power Supply Module - 4 channel 12VDC, 4 Ea 325 mA (2.1 x 5.5mm) output Cords, 17.20 16.77 16.34 15.91 Call for Pricing 110V Cord Included - UL Listed, Over Current protection/Auto load Distribution, Easier Cord Mgmt 249444 249445 249462 249448R 249450R 249466R 249491 249494 249495 270040F w/$250 Order w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order DC Cord "Y" Cable 1 Female to 2 Males, 1' 2.69 2.62 2.56 2.49 DC Cord "Y" Cable 1 Male to 2 Females 2.69 2.62 2.56 2.49 2.5 mm DC Connector FxF 1.31 1.28 1.24 1.21 2.5 mm DC Connector MxM 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.49 2.5 DC Connector Plug Only 0.89 0.88 0.84 0.82 DC Cord W/Jack and Screw Terminal 1.89 1.84 1.79 1.75 DC Cord W/Plug and Screw Terminal 1.80 1.76 1.71 1.67 DC Plug to Screw Terminal 1.40 1.36 1.33 1.29 Call for Pricing DC Extension Cable Plug/Jack .5 Ft. 2.31 2.25 2.19 2.14 DC Extension Cable Plug/Jack 33' 6.21 866-296-2880 6.05 5.90 5.74 DC Extension Cable Plug/Jack 100' 8.31 8.10 7.89 7.69 DC Power Cord Pigtail x Jack 2 Ft. 1.36 1.33 1.29 1.26 DC Power Cord Pigtail x Jack 3 Ft. 1.47 1.43 1.40 1.36 DC Power Cord Pigtail Plug (2.1 x 5..5 mm) 3 Ft. 1.03 1.00 0.98 0.95 DC Power Cord Pigtail Plug (2.1 x 5..5 mm) 6 Ft. 1.89 1.84 1.79 1.75 DC Power Cord Jummper Male x Make 6 Ft. 3.09 3.01 2.93 2.86 24 VAC to 12 VDC Converter, 1.5A 11.60 11.31 11.02 10.73 RS232 to RS485 CONVERTER PTZ INTERFACE ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 245925 RS232 to RS485 Converter Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 7.40 Call 7.21 7.03 6.84 for Pricing Page 65 September 2011 Catalog WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING WIRELESS LAN 300M Ultimate Wireless N Gigabit Router TL-WR1043ND Ultimate wireless N Gigabit Router, Atheros, 3T3R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n Draft 2.0, 802.11g/b, Built-in 4-port Gigabit Switch, with 3 detachable antennas 300M Advanced Wireless N Router Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 72.00 866-296-2880 70.20 68.40 66.60 Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-WR941ND Advanced wireless N Router, Atheros, 3T3R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n Draft 2.0, 802.11g/b, Built-in 4-port Switch, with 3 detachable antennas Call for Pricing 56.40 866-296-2880 54.99 53.58 52.17 300M Advanced Wireless N Adapter TL-WN951N Advanced wireless N PCI Adapter, Atheros, 3T3R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n Draft 2.0, 802.11g/b, with 3 detachable antennas 300M Wireless N Router TL-WR841ND Wireless N Router, Atheros, 2T2R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n Draft 2.0, 802.11g/b, Built-in 4-port Switch, with 2 detachable antennas 300M Wireless N Access Point TL-WA901ND 300Mbps Advanced Wireless N Access Point, Atheros Chipset, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, Passive PoE Supported, QSS Push Button, AP/Client/Bridge/Repeater, Multi-SSID, WMM, Ping Watchdog, with 3 4dbi detachable Antennas 300M Wireless N Adapter Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 36.86 35.91 34.97 866-296-2880 37.80 Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 48.17 46.93 45.70 866-296-2880 49.40 Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 52.65 51.30 49.95 866-296-2880 54.00 Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-WN851N Wireless N PCI Adapter, Atheros, 2T2R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n Draft 2.0, 802.11g/b, with 2 detachable antennas 31.20 866-296-2880 30.42 29.64 28.86 TL-WN821N Wireless N USB Adapter, Atheros chipset, 2T2R, 2.4Ghz, 802.11n Draft 2.0, 802.11g/b 25.80 Call for Pricing Call for Pricing 25.16 24.51 23.87 866-296-2880 300Mbps High Gain Wireless Adapter TL-WN822N 300Mbps High Gain Wireless N USB Adapter, Atheros, 2T2R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, QSS button, autorun utility, elegant desktop housing, Call for Pricing USB extension cable, 2 fixed antennas 31.70 866-296-2880 30.91 30.12 29.32 150M Wireless Lite-N Router TL-WR741ND 150M Wireless Lite-N Router, Atheros chipset, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, work with 802.11n product, compatible with 802.11g/b, integrated SPI firewall and access control, detachable antenna Each 34.50 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 33.64 32.78 31.91 866-296-2880 TL-WR740N 150M Wireless Lite N Router, Atheros chipset, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, work with 802.11n product, compatible with 802.11g/b, 4 10/100 LAN, 1 10/100 WAN, SPI firewall, autorun utility, fixed antenna Call for Pricing 32.40 866-296-2880 31.59 30.78 29.97 150M Wireless Lite N Access Point TL-WA701ND Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 150Mbps Wireless Lite N Access Point, Atheros,1T1R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, Passive PoE Supported, QSS Push Button, AP/Client/Bridge/Repeater, Multi-SSID, WMM, Ping Watchdog, with 1 4dbi detachable Antenna Call for Pricing CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 41.00 39.98 38.95 866-296-2880 37.93 Page 66 Teledata Express WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING WIRELESS LAN 150M Wireless Lite-N Adapter Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-WN721N 150M Wireless Lite-N USB Adapter, Atheros chipset, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, work with 802.11n product, compatible with 802.11g/b, support PSP X-Link 17.20 16.77 16.34 15.91 TL-WN723N 150Mbps Wireless USB Adapter, Mini Size, Realtek, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, QSS button, autorun utility, dimension: 36.8*17*8.4mm 23.20 22.62 22.04 21.46 21.40 20.87 20.33 19.80 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing TL-WN751ND 150Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter, Atheros, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, 866-296-2880 1 detachable antenna 27.40 26.72 26.03 25.35 TL-WN781ND 150Mbps Wireless Lite N PCI Express Adapter, Atheros chipset, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, compatible with 802.11n/g/b, 1 detachable antenna Each 150Mbps Wireless Range Extender TL-WA730RE 150Mbps Wireless Lite N Range Extender, Atheros, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, compatible with 802.11n/g/b, auto-extender button, AP & Range extender mode, autorun utility, with 1 4dbi detachable Antenna 34.40Call 33.54 32.68 31.82 for Pricing 150M High-Gain Wireless Adapter Each 866-296-2880 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-WN722N 150M Wireless Lite N High Gain USB Adapter, Atheros chipset, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, work with 802.11n product, compatible with 802.11g/b, 1 detachable antenna 23.60Call 23.01 22.42 21.83 for Pricing 150M High Power Wireless Adapter Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-WN7200ND 150Mbps High Power Wireless USB Adapter, Ralink, 1T1R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, High power up to 500mw, High receive sensitivity, QSS button, SoftAP, 1 5dBi detachable antenna, Compatible with 54Mbps Wireless G for Pricing 32.20 Call 31.40 30.59 29.79 54M Wireless Router (eXtended RangeTM ) Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-WR340G 54M Wireless Router, Atheros,2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, Built-in 4-port Switch, fixed Antenna 29.00 28.28 27.55 26.83 TL-WR340GD 54M Wireless Router, Atheros,2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, Built-in 4-port Switch, detachable Antenna 30.00 29.25 28.50 27.75 TL-WR541G 54M Wireless Router with eXtended RangeTM, Atheros,2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, Built-in 4-port Switch, IP QoS, with fixed Antenna Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 35.60 34.71 33.82 32.93 TL-WR543G 54M Wireless AP Client Router with eXtended RangeTM, Atheros, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, Built-in 4-port Switch, supports WISP, L2TP, Port-based QoS, with detachable Antenna 37.80 54M Wireless Access Point (eXtended Range TL-WA500G TM ) Each 34.97 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 54M High Power Wireless Access Point, 26dBm (400mw), Atheros, 2.4GHz 802.11g/b, 1 10/100 LAN, 1 detachable 4dBi antenna, passive PoE, WISP Client Router/AP/AP Client/ Repeater/Bridge/Multi-Bridge/AP Router, long distance transmission up to 50km. 48.60Call 47.39 46.17 44.96 for Pricing 54M High Power Wireless Outdoor Access Point (eXtended RangeTM ) Each TL-WA5210G 35.91 54M Wireless Access Point with eXtended RangeTM, Atheros, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, AP/AP Client/ Repeater/Bridge/Multi-Bridge, WDS, 35.60Call 34.71 33.82 32.93 Site Survey, passive PoE, with detachable Antenna for Pricing 54M High Power Wireless Access Point (eXtended RangeTM ) TL-WA5110G Each 36.86 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 54Mbps High Power Outdoor Access Point, WISP Client Router, up to 27dBm, Atheros, 2.4GHz 802.11g/b, High Sensitivity, Integrated 12dBi dual-polarized 76.00Call 74.10 72.20 70.30 directional antenna, Weather proof, Passive PoE, Status LED for Pricing Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 67 September 2011 Catalog WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING WIRELESS LAN 54M Wireless Adapter TL-WN310G 54M Wireless CardBus Adapter, Atheros chipset, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b 16.00 15.60 15.20 14.80 TL-WN350G 54M Wireless PCI Adapter, Atheros chipset, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, fixed antenna 15.00 14.63 14.25 13.88 TL-WN350GD 54M Wireless PCI Adapter, Atheros chipset, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, detachable antenna 16.00 TL-WN321G 54M Wireless USB Adapter,Ralink chipset, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, Soft AP, supports SONY PSP connection 16.00 TL-WN360G 54M Wireless mini PCI Adapter, Atheros,2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, with two Ultra-Mini SMT-GSC Antenna connectors 54M High-Gain Wireless Adapter TL-WN422G 54M High-Gain Wireless USB Adapter, Atheros chipset, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, 4dBi detachable antenna, Cradle Sold Separately USB Cradle UC100 TL-ANT2405C TL-ANT2408C TL-ANT2408CL TL-ANT2406A TL-ANT2409A TL-ANT2409B Call for Pricing 15.60 15.20 14.80 866-296-2880 16.00 Each Wireless Antenna & Accessories 15.20 14.80 15.60 15.20 14.80 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 19.40 866-296-2880 18.92 18.43 17.95 Each USB cradle, USB2.0 port, 1.5meters cable, USB cap holder, work with Wireless USB Adapter 15.60 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 6.24 6.08 866-296-2880 6.40 Each 5.92 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-ANT2405C 2.4GHz 5dBi Indoor Omni-directional Antenna, Cable length=1.3m, RP-SMA connector 10.40 10.14 9.88 9.62 TL-ANT2408C 2.4GHz 8dBi Indoor Omni-directional Desktop Antenna, Cable length=1.3m, RP-SMA connector 16.10 15.70 15.30 14.89 9.70 9.46 9.22 8.97 TL-ANT2408CL 2.4GHz 8dBi Indoor Omni-directional Antenna, RP-SMA Male connector, L Type, w/o cradle TL-ANT2406A 2.4GHz 6dBi Indoor Desktop Directional Antenna, Cable length=1.3m, RP-SMA connector 21.40 20.87 20.33 19.80 TL-ANT2409A 2.4GHz 9dBi Outdoor Directional Panel Antenna, Cable length=1m, RP-SMA connector 30.00 29.25 28.50 27.75 TL-ANT2409B 2.4GHz 9dBi Outdoor Directional Panel Antenna, Cable length=1m, N-type connector 30.00 29.25 28.50 27.75 TL-ANT2412D 2.4GHz 12dBi Outdoor Omni-directional Antenna, N-type connector 41.00 39.98 38.95 37.93 TL-ANT2415D 2.4GHz 15dBi Outdoor Omni-directional Antenna, Cable length=1.5m, N-type connector 56.00 54.60 53.20 51.80 TL-ANT2414A 2.4GHz 14dBi Outdoor Directional Panel Antenna, Cable length=1m, RP-SMA connector 62.60 61.04 59.47 57.91 TL-ANT2414B 2.4GHz 14dBi Outdoor Directional Panel Antenna, Cable length=1m, N-type connector 64.80 63.18 61.56 59.94 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 TL-ANT2412D TL-ANT2415D TL-ANT2414A TL-ANT2414B CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 68 Teledata Express WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING WIRELESS LAN Wireless Antenna & Accessories w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 56.00 54.60 53.20 51.80 TL-ANT24EC3S Low-loss Antenna Extension Cable, 2.4GHz, 3 meters Cable length, RP-SMA Male to Female connector 17.00 16.58 16.15 15.73 TL-ANT24EC5S Low-loss Antenna Extension Cable, 2.4GHz, 5 meters Cable length, RP-SMA Male to Female connector 19.40 18.92 18.43 17.95 TL-ANT24EC6N Low-loss Antenna Extension Cable, 2.4GHz, 6 meters KMS-400 Cable length, N-type Male to Female connector 28.00Call 27.30 26.60 25.90 for Pricing TL-ANT24EC12NLow-loss Antenna Extension Cable, 2.4GHz, 12 meters KMS-400 Cable length, N-type Male to Female connector 44.20 TL-ANT24PT Pigtail Cable, 2.4GHz, 50cm Cable length, N-type Male to RP-SMA Male connector Pigtail Cable, 2.4GHz, 3 meters Cable length, N-type Male to RP-SMA Male connector Surge Protector, 2.4GHz, N-type Male to Female connector TL-ANT2424B TL-ANT2424B TL-ANT24EC3S TL-ANT24EC5S TL-ANT24EC12N TL-ANT24EC6N TL-ANT24PT TL-ANT24PT3 TL-ANT24PT3 TL-ANT24SP TL-ANT24SP 2.4GHz 24dBi Outdoor Grid Antenna, N-type connector 3G ROUTER 3G Router TL-MR3420 TL-MR3220 ADSL 866-296-2880 43.10 41.99 40.89 10.60 10.34 10.07 9.81 17.20 16.77 16.34 15.91 21.60 21.06 20.52 19.98 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 52.65 51.30 49.95 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Each 300Mbps Wireless N 3G Router, Compatible with UMTS/HSPA/EVDO USB modem, 3G/WAN failover, 2T2R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, 54.00 2 detachable antennas Call for Pricing 150Mbps Wireless N 3G Router, Compatible with UMTS/HSPA/EVDO 866-296-2880 USB modem, 3G/WAN failover, 2T2R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, 48.60 47.39 46.17 44.96 1 detachable antennas ADSL2+ Router Each TD-8816 1 ethernet port ADSL2+ router with bridge and NAT router, Trendchip chipset, ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+, Annex A, with ADSL splitter 30.80Call 30.03 29.26 28.49 for Pricing TD-8817 1 ethernet port and 1 USB port ADSL2+ router with bridge and NAT router, Trendchip chipset, ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+, Annex A, with ADSL splitter 31.30 Call 30.52 29.74 28.95 for Pricing Wireless ADSL2+ Router ROUTER Each TD-W8901G 4-port 54M Wireless ADSL2+ router, Ralink + Trendchip chipset, ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+, Annex A, with ADSL splitter, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, detachable Antenna TD-W8960N 300M Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router, Broadcom chipset, 2T2R, 2.4GHz, 802.11n/g/b, ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+, Annex A, with ADSL splitter, 2 detachable Antennas SOHO Broadband Router Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 52.80 51.48 50.16 48.84 75.60 73.71 71.82 69.93 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Each TL-R402M 1 WAN port + 4 LAN ports, Cable/DSL Router for Home, Dial-on-demand, Firewall, DHCP, DMZ host, VPN pass-through, supports PPPoE, for Pricing Dynamic IP, Static IP, L2TP Internet Access 21.40Call20.87 20.33 19.80 TL-R460 1 WAN port + 4 LAN ports, Cable/DSL Router for Home and Small Office, Dial-on-demand, Advanced firewall, Parental control, DDNS, UPnP, 802.1X, DHCP, DMZ host, VPN pass-through, IP QoS, supports PPPoE, Dynamic IP, Static IP, L2TP, PPTP, BigPond Cable Internet Access 25.80 25.16 TL-R860 1 WAN port + 8 LAN ports, Cable/DSL Router for Small Office, Dial-on-demand, Advanced firewall, Parental control, DDNS, UPnP, 802.1X, DHCP, DMZ host, VPN pass-through, supports PPPoE, Dynamic IP, Static IP, L2TP, PPTP, BigPond Cable Internet Access 31.59 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 24.51 23.87 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 32.40 30.78 29.97 Page 69 September 2011 Catalog WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING ROUTER Load Balance Router Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-R470T+ 5-port Multi-WAN Router for Small Office and Net Cafe, Configurable Ports up to 4 WAN ports, Load Balance, Advanced firewall, Port Bandwidth Control, Port Mirror, DDNS, UPnP, VPN pass-through Call for Pricing 84.20 866-296-2880 82.10 79.99 77.89 TL-R480T+ 5-port Multi-WAN Router for Small and Medium Business, Configurable WAN/LAN Ports up to 4 WAN ports, 400MHz Networks Processor, Load Balance, Advanced firewall, Port Bandwidth Control, Port Mirror, DDNS, UPnP, VPN pass-through Call for Pricing 150.20 866-296-2880 146.45 142.69 138.94 TL-R4299G 2 WAN port + 8 LAN ports Router for Small and Medium Business, 7 Gigabit RJ45 LAN ports, 1 SFP fiber expansion slot, 533MHz Intel IXP Network Processor, Advanced firewall, Port Bandwidth Control, Port Mirror, Port-based Call for Pricing VLAN, DDNS, UPnP, 802.1X, VPN pass-through 288.60 866-296-2880 281.39 274.17 266.96 L2 Full Management Switch SWITCH Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-SG5426 26-port Pure-Gigabit fully Managed Switch. 26 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports including 4 SFP/RJ45 combo ports, Supports Port/Tag-based/Private/MAC/Protocol-based VLAN, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP V1/V2 Snooping, L2/L3/L4 Traffic Classification/ Priority Management, Rate Limiting, 802.1x, IEEE 802.3ad, L2/3/4 ACL, IP Clustering, Call for Pricing Port Mirroring, IP Source Guard, SSL, SSH, CLI, SNMP, RMON 474.00 866-296-2880 462.15 450.30 438.45 TL-SL5428E 24+4G Gigabit-Uplink fully Managed Switch, 24 10/100Mbps RJ45 ports, 4 Gigabit RJ45 ports with 2 combo SFP slots, Supports Port/Tag-based/voice/MAC-based/Protocol-Based VLAN, GVRP, MVR, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP V1/V2/V3 Snooping, COS, DSCP, Rate Limiting, 802.1x, IEEE 802.3ad, L2/3/4 ACL, IP Clustering, Port Mirroring, Call for Pricing IP Source Guard, SSL, SSH, CLI, SNMP, RMON 270.00866-296-2880 263.25 256.50 249.75 L2 Management Gigabit Switch Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 TL-SG3109 9-port Pure-Gigabit Managed Switch, 8 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port Mirror/Trunking, Port/Tag-based VLAN, Spanning Tree, 802.1X, IGMP Snooping, Console, Telnet, Web-based and SNMP management Call for Pricing 183.60 179.01 174.42 169.83 866-296-2880 TL-SG3216 16-port Pure-Gigabit L2 Managed Switch, 16 10/100/1000Mbps RJ45 ports including 2 combo SFP slots, Port/Tag/MAC/Voice/Protocol-based VLAN, GVRP, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP V1/V2/V3 Snooping, L2/L3/L4 Traffic Classification/ Priority Management, Rate Limiting, 802.1x, IEEE 802.3ad, L2/3/4 ACL, Port Mirroring, SSL, SSH, CLI, SNMP, RMON Call for Pricing 259.40 866-296-2880 252.92 246.43 239.95 TL-SG3424 24-port Pure-Gigabit L2 Managed Switch, 24 10/100/1000Mbps RJ45 ports including 4 combo SFP slots, Port/Tag/MAC/Voice/Protocol-based VLAN, GVRP, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP V1/V2/ V3 Snooping, L2/L3/L4Traffic Classification/ Priority Management, Rate Limiting, 802.1x, IEEE 802.3ad, L2/3/4 ACL, Port Mirroring, SSL, SSH, CLI, SNMP, RMON 367.00Call 357.83 348.65 339.48 for Pricing TL-SL3428 24+4G Gigabit-Uplink Managed Switch, 24 10/100M RJ45 ports, 2 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 2 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port Mirror/Trunking, Port/Tag-based VLAN, Spanning Tree, 802.1X, IGMP Snooping, Console, Telnet, Call for Pricing Web-based and SNMP management 258.00 866-296-2880 251.55 245.10 238.65 TL-SL3452 48+4G Gigabit-Uplink Managed Switch, 48 10/100M RJ45 ports, 2 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 2 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port Mirror/Trunking, Port/Tag-based VLAN, Spanning Tree, 802.1X, IGMP Snooping, Call for Pricing 420.00 866-296-2880 409.50 399.00 388.50 Console, Telnet, Web-based and SNMP management CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 70 Teledata Express WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING SWITCH Web Smart Pure-Gigabit Switch TL-SG2109WEB 9-port Pure-Gigabit Web Smart Switch, 8 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port/Tag-based VLAN, MAC address Binding, Priority, Port Mirror/Trunking, VCT, Call for Pricing Web-based configuration 129.60866-296-2880 126.36 123.12 119.88 TL-SG2216WEB 16-port Pure-Gigabit Web Smart Switch, 16 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 2 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port/Tag-based VLAN, MAC address Binding, Priority, Port Mirror/Trunking, VCT, Web-based configuration 237.80 231.86 225.91 219.97 Call for Pricing TL-SG2224WEB 24-port Pure-Gigabit Web Smart Switch, 24 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 2 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port/Tag-based VLAN, MAC address Binding, Priority, Port Mirror/Trunking, VCT, Call for Pricing 277.80 270.86 263.91 256.97 Web-based configuration Web Smart Gigabit-Uplink Switch TL-SL2210WEB 8+2G Gigabit-Uplink Web Smart Switch, 8 10/100M RJ45 ports, 1 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port/Tag-based VLAN, MAC address Binding, Priority, Port Mirror/Trunking, VCT, Web-based configuration Call89.51 for Pricing 91.80 87.21 84.92 TL-SL2218WEB 16+2G Gigabit-Uplink Web Smart Switch, 16 10/100M RJ45 ports, 1 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port/Tag-based VLAN, MAC address Binding, Priority, Port Mirror/Trunking, VCT, Web-based configuration 113.40 110.57 107.73 104.90 Call for Pricing TL-SL2428WEB 24+4G Gigabit-Uplink Web Smart Switch, 24 10/100M RJ45 ports, 2 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 2 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port/Tag-based VLAN, MAC address Binding, Priority, Port Mirror/Trunking, VCT, Web-based configuration 151.00Call 147.23 143.45 139.68 for Pricing TL-SL2452WEB 48+4G Gigabit-Uplink Web Smart Switch, 48 10/100M RJ45 ports, 2 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 2 SFP expansion slots supporting MiniGBIC modules, Port/Tag-based VLAN, MAC address Binding, Priority, Port Mirror/Trunking, VCT, Web-based configuration 255.00 248.63 242.25 235.88 Unmanaged Pure-Gigabit Switch TL-SG1005D 5-port Gigabit Switch, 5 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, plastic case 27.00 26.33 25.65 24.98 TL-SG1008D 8-port Gigabit Switch, 8 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, plastic case 39.80 38.81 37.81 36.82 TL-SG1016D 16-port Gigabit Desktop/Rackmount Switch, 16 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 13-inch steel case 97.00 94.58 92.15 89.73 TL-SG1024D 24-port Gigabit Desktop/Rackmount Switch, 24 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 13-inch steel case Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 135.00 131.63 128.25 124.88 TL-SG1016 16-port Gigabit Switch, 16 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1U 19-inch rack-mountable steel case 108.00 105.30 102.60 99.90 TL-SG1024 24-port Gigabit Switch, 24 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1U 19-inch rack-mountable steel case 145.00 141.38 137.75 134.13 TL-SG1048 48-port Gigabit Switch, 48 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1U 19-inch rack-mountable steel case 539.00 525.53 512.05 498.58 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 71 September 2011 Catalog WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING SWITCH Unmanaged Gigabit-Uplink Switch TL-SL1226 24+2G Gigabit Switch, 24 10/100M RJ45 ports, 2 Fixed 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, 1U 19-inch rack-mountable steel case 108.00 105.30 102.60 99.90 Unmanaged 10/100M Switch TL-SF1005D 5-port 10/100M mini Desktop Switch, 5 10/100M RJ45 ports, Plastic case 11.80 11.51 11.21 10.92 TL-SF1008D 8-port 10/100M mini Desktop Switch, 8 10/100M RJ45 ports, Plastic case 15.70 15.31 14.92 14.52 TL-SF1016D 16-port 10/100M Desktop Switch,16 10/100M RJ45 ports, Plastic case Call for Pricing 34.00 866-296-2880 33.15 32.30 31.45 TL-SF1016DS 16-port 10/100M Switch, 16 10/100M RJ45 ports, 1U 13-inch rack-mountable steel case 48.60 47.39 46.17 44.96 TL-SF1024 24-port 10/100M Switch, 24 10/100M RJ45 ports, 1U 19-inch rack-mountable steel case 59.40 57.92 56.43 54.95 139.00 135.53 132.05 128.58 TL-SF1048 48-port 10/100M Switch, 48 10/100M RJ45 ports, 1U 19-inch rack-mountable steel case PoE TL-SF1008P 8-port 10/100M PoE Switch, 8 10/100M RJ45 ports including 4 PoE ports, steel case See Also Page 63 For Other PoE Items (Power Over Ethernet) Call for Pricing 66.30 64.60 62.90 866-296-2880 68.00 NETWORK ADAPTER Gigabit Network Interface Card TG-3468 32-bit Gigabit PCIe Network Adapter, RealTek RTL8168B chipset, 10/100/1000Mbps Auto-Negotiation RJ45 port, Auto MDI/MDIX Call for Pricing 15.60 15.20 14.80 866-296-2880 16.00 TG-3269 32-bit Gigabit PCI Network Interface Card, RealTek RTL8169SC chipset, 10/100/1000Mbps Auto-Negotiation RJ45 port, Auto MDI/MDX 12.80 12.48 12.16 11.84 10/100M Network Interface Card TF-3239DL 10/100M PCI Network Interface Card, RealTek RTL8139D chip, RJ45 port, driver CD, retail package, without Bootrom socket Call for Pricing 6.83 6.65 866-296-2880 7.00 6.48 56K Modem TM-IP5600 56Kbps internal data/fax modem, Motorola chipset, PCI interface CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 10.00 9.75 9.50 9.25 Page 72 Teledata Express WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKING POWERLINE COMMUNICATION (Run your network on your pre-existing power circuit) Powerline Ethernet Adapter TL-PA211 200Mbps Powerline Ethernet Adapter, Plug(EU/UK/AU), Homeplug AV, Single Pack 50.70 49.43 48.17 46.90 TL-PS110P Single parallel port fast ethernet Print Server, supports E-mail Alert, Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) SMB and POST (Power On Self Test), print job log 43.00 41.93 40.85 39.78 TL-PS110U Single USB2.0 port fast ethernet Print Server, supports E-mail Alert, Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) SMB and POST (Power On Self Test), print job log 43.00 TL-PS310U Single USB2.0 port MFP Print and Storage server, compatible with most of MFP( Multi-function printer) and USB storage devices, supports 4-port USB hub extension, supports POST (Power On Self Test) and Firmware upgrade TL-WPS510U Wireless Print Server, single USB2.0 port, Atheros wireless, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, with detachable antenna PRINT SERVER (Share your printer on your network) Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 41.93 40.85 39.78 50.80 49.53 48.26 46.99 62.00 60.45 58.90 57.35 91.80 89.51 87.21 84.92 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA/IP CAMERA TL-SC3130 2-way audio surveillance camera, MPEG4&MJPEG dual stream, 3GPP compliant, Motion detection TL-SC3130G 54M Wireless 2-way audio surveillance camera, 2.4GHz, 802.11g/b, 866-296-2880 MPEG4&MJPEG dual stream, 3GPP compliant, Motion detection 116.60 113.69 110.77 107.86 TL-SC3171 Day/Night Surveillance Camera, 10 meters (32.8 feet) night vision distance, Industrial ICR (IR-Cut filter) mechanism, 640x480 resolution (0.3 Megapixel), CMOS sensor, Mobile View, Motion Detection, Frame rate at 30fps, 16-channel software 136.00Call 132.60 129.20 125.80 for Pricing TL-SC3171G 54Mbps Wireless Day/Night Surveillance Camera, 2.4GHz, 802.11b/g, 10 meters (32.8 feet) night vision distance, 640x480 resolution (0.3 Megapixel), CMOS sensor, Industrial ICR (IR-Cut filter) mechanism, Mobile View, 164.00Call 159.90 155.80 151.70 Motion Detection, Frame rate at up to 30fps, 16-channel software for Pricing TL-SC3430 Megapixel Surveillance Camera, Advanced 1.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor, H.264/MPEG-4/MJPEG, 2-way audio, 3G View, 16-channel software 153.00 149.18 145.35 141.53 TL-SC4171G Pan/Tilt Surveillance Camera, 54Mbps Wireless, 354 degree Pan, 125 degree Tilt, Day/night, 10-meter night vision, 0.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor, MPEG-4/MJPEG, 3G View, 16-channel software Call for Pricing Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 290.00 282.75 275.50 268.25 Mini-GBIC MODULES SFP Fiber Module (MiniGBIC) 251030 (TL-SM311LM) Gigabit SFP module, Multi-mode, MiniGBIC, LC interface, Up to 550/275m distance 251035 (TL-SM311LS) Gigabit SFP module, Single-mode, MiniGBIC, LC interface, Up to 10km distance Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 64.80 Call 63.18 61.56 59.94 for Pricing 78.00 866-296-2880 76.05 74.10 72.15 Page 73 September 2011 Catalog KVM SWITCHES 2 - port USB kvm switch USB KVM SWITCH 4 - port usb kvm switch •• 1920 x 1440 Max VGA Resolution •• Bandwidth 250 MHz •• LED Indicators which PC •• Hot Plug •• Energy Star ROHS Compliant 250218E Includes 2 (5FT) KVM Cables •• Includes KVM Cables 2 - port ps/2 kvm switch 250216T 250268E Includes 4 (5FT) KVM Cables 2 - port ps/2 cONSOLE KVM SWITch / WITH AUDIO & MIC •• 2 -Port KVM switch with VGA and PS/2 connection to computers •• Device monitoring with Auto-Scan and audible feedback •• High quality 2048x1536 resolution for a crisp display •• All required cabling included Each Part # Description 250216T 250218E 250214 250212 250210 250268E 250214 - PS/2 250212 - USB ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 2 - Port PS/2 KVM Switch With Cables 2 - Port USB KVM Switch With Cables 2 - Port PS/2 To PS/2 KVM Switch With Audio & Mic 2 - Port PS/2 To USB KVMm Switch With Audio & Mic 2 - Port PS/2 To Combo KVM Switch With Audio & Mic 4 - Port USB KVM Switch With Cables w/$250 w/$500 Order Order w/ $750 Order 26.90 26.23 25.56 24.88 25.80 25.16 24.51 23.87 Call for 30.72 Pricing 32.34 31.53 29.91 34.40 33.58 32.72 31.86 866-296-2880 33.39 32.56 31.72 30.89 32.00 31.20 30.40 29.60 250210 - COMBO 1 - PS/2 / 1- USB TO: CONSOLES - ALL MODELS PS/2 KEYBOARD & MOUSE, VGA, 3.5MM AUDIO & MIC. TO: PC - ALL MODELS VGA, 3.5MM AUDIO & MIC. TO PC: KEYBOARD & MOUSE PCI I/O CARDS (1) DB9 PORT PCI CARD PCI (1) PORT DB25 PRINTER CARD • (1) DB25 Printer Port • WIN 98SE/ME/2000/XP/DOS • WIN 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Linux/DOS 8I1DB9PCI ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Each 8I1DB9PCI $18.00 w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/$750 Order 17.55 17.10 Call for Pricing 16.65 (2) DB9 PORT PCI CARD • WIN 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Linux/DOS 8I2DB9PCI ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT 8iepp/ecn Part # Each 8iepp/ecn PCI COMBO DB9/DB25 CARD $15.20 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/$750 Order 14.82 14.44 Call for Pricing 14.06 PCI USB 2.0 CARD 8I4SIPPCI • (1) DB25 Printer Port • (2) DB9 Printer Port • WIN 98SE/ME/2000/XP/DOS ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT • 4 Type A USP Ports • 1 Internal Type A USB Port 8I5USB2PCI • WIN 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Order Order Order Part # Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Order Order Order Part # Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Order Order Order 8I2DB9PCI $17.20Call 16.77 16.34 15.91 for Pricing 8I4SIPPCI $20.40 19.89 19.38 18.87 Call for Pricing 8I5USB2PCI $9.60Call 9.36 9.12 8.88 for Pricing CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Page 74 Teledata Express KEYBOARDS / MICE 15.75" Roll out usb keyboard Usb optical mouse / ps/2 optical mouse ● Flexible / Roll Out Design ● Windows & Mac Compatible ● Washable / Dustproof ● USB ● 15.75 inches / .53 lbs 3K00012 For use on 19" racks POWER SUPPLIES 3U00050 - USB 3U00052 - PS/2 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Each 3K00012 Roll Out Keyboard - Black 3U00050 USB Optical Mouse 3U00052 PS/2 Optical Mouse w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Order Order Order 9.90 9.65 9.41 9.16 Call for Pricing 6.30 6.14 5.99 5.83 866-296-2880 6.30 6.14 5.99 5.83 450 WATT POWER SUPPLy / 550 WATT POWER SUPPLY •• (1) 20/24 Pin ATX Connection •• (4) 4-Pin Molex Connections •• (1) Floppy Connection •• (1) SATA Connection •• (2) 80mm Fans (3P02010 Only) •• (1) 6-Pin PCI Express Connection (3P02000 Only) ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Each 3P02000 3P02010 3P02000 3P02010 w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Order Order Order $24.00 23.40 22.80 22.20 Call for Pricing $25.60866-296-2880 24.96 24.32 23.68 450 Watt 550 Watt USB HUBS / CARD READERS desktop or internal 3.5" front panel usb 2.0 4 port hub 3HU00011 • Flexible design - Can be either mounted on 3.5" front panel or used as an external USB 2.0 hub box • USB 2.0 Compliant • Support 4 downstream ports • All 4 downstream ports supporting highspeed (480 Mbps), full-speed (12Mbps) and low-speed (1.5Mbps) transaction • LED indicator support for Power On and port enable • Support USB-Powered Mode only INTERNAL 3.5" FRONT PANEL CARD READER (usb 2.0) desktop or internal 3.5" front panel usb 3.0 4 port hub • Can be a standalone HUB or installed into a spare 3.5" front panel drive bay • 4 Downstream USB 3.0 Ports • Supports data transfer rates of USB 3.0 Super-Speed (5Gbps), USB 2.0 High-Speed (480Mbps), USB 2.0 Full-Speed (12Mpbs) and USB 2.0 Low-Speed (1.5Mpbs) • Backward compatibility with USB 2.0/USB 1.1-equipped computers and devices • Supports Self-powered and Bus-powered Mode • DC 5V transformer included 3HU00031 usb 2.0 4 port mini hub Compatible: 3CR00012 • CF I, CF II • MD • Mini CS with adapter • SD, SDHC, Micro CD • MMC, RS-MMC • MS, MS PRO, MS DUO, MS PRO DUO, M2 • T-Flash • X Card • Goes into the 3.5" floppy drive day on the desktop PC • 1 Extra USB v2.0 Port • LED Indicators • 6 Memory card slots • Connected to USB Internal 9-pin (or 10-pin) header on the motherboard • Powered by motherboard USB connection • 4 USB 2.0 Ports • Transfer Rate up to 480Mbps • ON/OFF Switch for Each USB Port • Built-in USB Cable (4") • Color: Black • Supports Mac and PC 3HU00041 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Part # Each w/$250 w/$500 w/$750 Order Order Order 3HU00011 3HU00041 3HU00031 3CR00012 USB INT/EXT 2.0 HUB USB HUB USB INT/EXT 3.0 HUB Internal Card Reader 13.40 9.10 34.00 12.80 13.06 12.73 12.40 12.48 12.16 11.84 8.87 for 8.65 8.42 Call Pricing 33.15 32.70 31.45 866-296-2880 HARD DRIVES AND DVD WRITERS IN STOCK CALL FOR PRICING Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 75 September 2011 Catalog COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL CABLES & ADAPTERS USB CABLES & ADAPTERS USB 2.0 - 480mbps - A Male/B Male - Beige Part # 500010/03BG 500010/06BG 500010/10BG 500010/15BG Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 USB 2.0 - 480mbps - A Male/A Female - Beige Part # 500020/03BG 500020/06BG 500020/10BG 500020/15BG Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 USB 2.0 - 480mbps - A Male/Micro-B Male - Black Part # 500013/03BK 500013/06BK 500013/10BK 500013/15BK Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 USB 2.0 - 480mbps - A Male/A Male - Beige Part # 500030/03BG 500030/06BG 500030/10BG 500030/15BG Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 USB 2.0 to Serial Active Converter Cable (DB9) USB 2.0 to Parallel Active Converter Cable (DB25) • USB 2.0 to Serial(DB9) • A male/DB9 male • Backwards compatible w/USB 1.1 • Supports RS-232 serial interface • Over 1 Mbps data transfer rate • Supports remote wake-up and power management • USB 2.0 to DB25 • A male/DB25 Female • Supports Mac OS8/OS9 • Active Converter - Single chip (ASIC) USB to Parallel communication • Supports Windows 98/Me and Windows 2000/XP • USB Printer Class Specification 1.0 compliant • IEEE-1284 1994 (bi-directional parallel interface) specification compliant • Plug & Play Part # 500037/06BK Length 6ft Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing USB to Parallel Print Converter Cable • Bi-directional printer cable • A male/CENTRONICS 36 male • Backwards compatible w/USB 1.1 • Fully compatible with all parallel printers • Plug & Play • Active Converter Part # 500039/06BK Length 6ft $250 $500 $750 Each 12.43 12.11 11.79 12.75Call for Pricing USB to IDE Adapter • USB 2.0 to IDE • A male/40pin female • 52x CD-ROM supported • USB 2.0 interface, 480Mbps high speed data transfer rate • Hard-disk, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, Combo device, DVD-RW supported Each $250 $500 $750 12.11 11.79 12.75 Call12.43 for Pricing Part # 500040/06CL Length 6ft $250 $500 $750 Each 12.11 11.79 12.75Call12.43 for Pricing USB Active Extender Cable • 6 Ft cable • 5 connectors - Mini A; Mini B; A male; A female; and B male • Change Connectors with ease • Premium 24K Gold Quick Connect Cable • Free Carrying Bag Length 6ft Length 6ft • AC power can be used with input voltage AC 90v-264v • Power Supply • Plug & Play USB 2.0 "5-in-1" Kit Part # 500045/06CL Part # 500038/06BK Each $250 $500 $750 8.17 7.96 8.60Call8.39 for Pricing USB to Ethernet Adapter Part # 500050/10MBK 500050/15MBK Length 33ft 49ft $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing USB to USB Adapters • USB 2.0 Compliant - 480 Mbps • TX/RX FIFO Management • USB A-Male to RJ45 Jack 503060 Part # 503060 Ends AM/RJ45 Each $250 $500 $750 15.59 15.19 14.79 15.99Call for Pricing 503005 503007 503010 503012 503014 503016 503018 503025 Part # 503005 503007 503010 503012 503014 503016 503018 503025 Ends A-M/M A-F/F AM/BF AF/BM AF/BF BM/BM BF/BF AF/Mini5pin M USB to PS/2 "Y" Cable • Compliant with USB HID Specifications • USB Bus Powered • Fully Compliant with PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse • Supports USB and PS/2 Plug and Play • Supports Windows 98/SE/ME/2000/XP/Mac OS9/OSX/Linux Part # 503070 503075 503076 Ends AM/(2) PS/2 F Each $250 $500 $750 6.56 6.38 6.90Call6.73 for Pricing USB to PS/2 Adapters (Green or Purple) Part # 503075 503076 Ends AM/PS/2 F AF/PS/2 M Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Page 76 Teledata Express COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL CABLES & ADAPTERS SVGA (HD15) CABLES & ADAPTERS SVGA CABLES Male/Female - BLACK SVGA CABLES Male/Male - BLACK Part # 500180/06BK 500180/10BK 500180/15BK 500180/25BK 500180/50BK 500180/75BK Ends HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M Length 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft 50ft 75ft Each $250 $500 $750 3.07 2.99 2.91 3.15 4.14 4.04 3.93 4.25 5.13 5.00 5.40Call5.27 for Pricing 8.00 7.79 7.59 8.20 866-296-2880 14.20 13.85 13.49 13.14 20.40 19.89 19.38 18.87 SVGA w/Ferrites MALE/MALE - Black Part # 500190/03BK 500190/06BK 500190/10BK 500190/15BK 500190/25BK 500190/50BK 500190/75BK 500190/X100BK Ends HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M HD15 M/M Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft 50ft 75ft 100ft Each $250 $500 $750 2.66 2.59 2.53 2.73 3.45 3.36 3.27 3.54 4.53 4.42 4.30 4.65 for Pricing 5.60 5.45 5.90Call5.75 8.58 8.36 8.14 8.80 866-296-2880 15.20 14.82 14.44 14.06 22.46 21.90 21.34 20.76 27.47 26.78 26.10 25.41 HD 24K Gold Component (RGB) Video SVGA x 3 RCA - BLACK Part # 500186/06BK 500186/12BK 500186/25BK Ends HD15 M, 3-RCA Plugs HD15 M, 3-RCA Plugs HD15 M, 3-RCA Plugs Length 6ft 12ft 25ft Each $250 $500 $750 9.17 8.70 9.40 Call9.17 for Pricing 9.99 10.80 10.53 10.53 18.92 18.92 17.95 19.40866-296-2880 Component Video SVGA x 5 RCA Plugs - BEIGE Part # 500196/06BG 500196/12BG 500196/25BG Ends HD15 M, 5-RCA Plugs HD15 M, 5-RCA Plugs HD15 M, 5-RCA Plugs Length 6ft 12ft 25ft Each $250 $500 $750 9.88 9.62 10.40 10.14 Call for Pricing 15.24 14.86 14.48 14.10 25.97 25.30 24.64 26.63866-296-2880 SVGA + 3.5mm - Male/Male Black Part # 500199/06BK 500199/10BK 500199/15BK 500199/25BK 500199/50BK 500199/75BK 500199/X100BK Ends M/M M/M M/M M/M M/M M/M M/M Length 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft 50ft 75ft 100ft Each $250 $500 $750 7.90 7.70 7.49 8.10 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 Call for Pricing 19.00 18.53 18.05 17.58 27.88 27.17 26.45 28.60 866-296-2880 36.30 35.39 34.57 33.58 43.10 42.02 40.95 39.87 VGA oVER eTHERNET extender ADAPTER Part # 503153 Ends HD15 to RJ45 M/F Each $250 $500 $750 4.08 3.98 4.30Call4.19 for Pricing SVGA TERMINAL BLOCKS 108420F 108420M Part # Ends 108420F SVGA Female to Terminal Block 108420M SVGA Male to Terminal Block Each $250 $500 $750 14.40 14.04 13.68 13.32 Call for Pricing 14.40 14.04 13.68 13.32 Part # 500185/03BK 500185/06BK 500185/10BK 500185/15BK 500185/25BK 500185/50BK 500185/75BK 500185/100BK Ends HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft 50ft 75ft 100ft Each $250 $500 $750 2.53 2.46 2.40 2.34 3.15 3.07 2.99 2.91 4.25 4.14 4.04 3.93 5.40Call5.27 5.13 5.00 for Pricing 8.20 866-296-2880 8.00 7.79 7.59 14.20 13.85 13.49 13.14 20.40 19.89 19.38 18.87 25.60 24.96 24.32 23.68 SVGA w/Ferrites MALE/FEMALE - Black Part # 500195/03BK 500195/06BK 500195/10BK 500195/15BK 500195/25BK 500195/50BK 500195/75BK 500195/X100BK Ends HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F HD15 M/F Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft 50ft 75ft 100ft Each $250 $500 $750 2.66 2.59 2.53 2.73 3.45 3.36 3.27 3.54 4.53 4.42 4.30 4.65 for Pricing 5.60 5.45 5.90Call5.75 8.58 8.36 8.14 8.80 866-296-2880 15.20 14.82 14.44 14.06 22.46 21.90 21.34 20.76 27.47 26.78 26.10 25.41 Component Video SVGA x 5 BNC w/Ferrites - Black Part # 500197/06BK 500197/10BK 500197/15BK 500197/25BK Ends HD15 M, 5-BNC M HD15 M, 5-BNC M HD15 M, 5-BNC M HD15 M, 5-BNC M Length 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft Each $250 $500 $750 8.39 8.17 7.96 8.60 Call10.53 for Pricing 10.26 9.99 10.80 13.41 13.06 12.72 13.75866-296-2880 22.20 21.64 21.09 20.54 DVI-A to SVGA w/Ferrites Male/Male - Black Part # 500215/01mBK 500215/02mBK 500215/03mBK 500215/05mBK Ends DVI-A M/HD15 M DVI-A M/HD15 M DVI-A M/HD15 M DVI-A M/HD15 M Length 1m 2m 3m 5m Each $250 $500 $750 5.85 5.70 5.55 6.00 for Pricing 7.41 7.22 7.80Call7.61 9.17 8.93 8.70 9.40 866-296-2880 10.80 10.53 10.26 9.99 SVGA ADAPTERS 503150 503175 503233 Part # 500175/BG 503150 503151 503152 503228 503230 503231 503233 503234 503235 503237 503228 503234 Description SVGA M/2 SVGA F HD15 F/HD15 F HD15 M/HD15 M HD15 M/HD15 F Mini-DVI M/SVGA F 6" ADPT DVI-AF/SVGA(HD15)M ADPT DVI-AM/SVGA(HD15)F ADPT DVI-I(SL)23pinF/SVGA(HD15)M ADPT DVI-I(DL)29pinM/SVGA(HD15)F ADPT DVI-I(DL)29pinM/SVGA(HD15)M ADPT DVI-I(DL)29pinF/SVGA(HD15)M Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 503230 503235 503231 503236 Each $250 $500 $750 2.42 2.36 2.29 2.48 1.68 1.63 1.59 1.72 1.68 1.63 1.59 1.72 1.88 1.83 1.79 1.93 13.25 12.92 12.59 12.26 Call for Pricing 2.92 2.84 2.77 2.99 2.92 2.84 2.77 2.99866-296-2880 4.73 4.60 4.49 4.85 5.02 4.89 4.76 5.15 5.78 5.63 5.49 5.93 5.78 5.63 5.49 5.93 Page 77 September 2011 Catalog COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL CABLES & ADAPTERS DVI CABLES & ADAPTERS DVI-A = ANALOG DVI-D = DIGITAL DVI-I = INTEGRATED (ANALOG & DIGITAL) SL = SINGLE LINK DL = DUAL LINK DVI-A = 17pins(12+5) DVI-D(SL) = 19pins(18+1) DVI-D(DL) = 25pins(24+1) DVI-I(SL) = 23pins(18+5) DVI-I(DL) = 29pins(24+5) DVI-A DVI-D (Dual Link) DVI-D (Single Link) DVI-I (Dual Link) DVI-I (Single Link) DVI-D (DL) GOLD - FERRITES - BLACK 24 AWG (25FT., 10m, 15m) Part # 500225/01mBK 500225/02mBK 500225/03mBK 500225/15BK 500225/25BK 500225/10mBK 500225/15mBK Ends DVI-D M/M DVI-D M/M DVI-D M/M DVI-D M/M DVI-D M/M DVI-D M/M DVI-D M/M Length 1m 2m 3m 15ft 25ft 10m 15m $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 DVI-I (DL) - GOLD - FERRITES BLACK Part # 500230/01mBK 500230/03mBK 500230/15BK Ends DVI-I M/M DVI-I M/M DVI-I M/M Length 1m 3m 15ft $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 DVI-A to SVGA FERRITES - BLACK Part # 500215/01mBK 500215/02mBK 500215/03mBK 500215/05mBK Ends DVI-A M/HD15 M DVI-A M/HD15 M DVI-A M/HD15 M DVI-A M/HD15 M Length 1m 2m 3m 5m $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 DVI to SVGA Adapters DVI-D (DL) GOLD - FERRITES - BLACK Part # 500226/02mBK 500226/03mBK 500226/15BK Ends DVI-D M/F DVI-D M/F DVI-D M/F Length 2m 3m 15ft $250 Each $500 HDMI to DVI-D (SL) GOLD FERRITES 24 AWG (10m, 15m) Part # 500235/01mBK 500235/02mBK 500235/03mBK 500235/04.5mBK 500235/10mBK 500235/15mBK Ends HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M Length 1m 2m 3m 4.5m 10m 15m $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 DVI to DVI adapters 503242 503244 503243 Part # 503242 503243 503244 503246 503248 503248 503247 503246 Description Each $250 $500 $750 ADPT DVI-D(DL) 25pinM/25pinF ADPT DVI-D(DL) 25pinF/25pinF Call for Pricing ADPT DVI-D(DL)25pinM/DVI-I(DL)25pinM 866-296-2880 ADPT DVI-D(DL)25pinF/DVI-I(DL)29pinM GENDER CHANGER DVI-I F/F DVI to HDMI ADAPTERS 503228 503230 503231 503233 503251 503271 503265 503234 Part # 503228 503230 503231 503233 503234 503235 503237 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 503235 Description Mini-DVI M / SVGA F ADPT DVI-AF/SVGA(HD15)M ADPT DVI-AM/SVGA(HD15)F ADPT DVI-I(SL)23pinF/SVGA(HD15)M ADPT DVI-I(DL)29pinM/SVGA(HD15)F ADPT DVI-I(DL)29pinM/SVGA(HD15)M ADPT DVI-I(DL)29pinF/ SVGA(HD15)M 503236 Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 503273 Part # 503274 503271 503275 503273 503251 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 503275 503274 Ends HDMI F/25pin F HDMI M/25pin M HDMI F/25pin M HDMI M/25pin F DFP 20pin F/19pin M Each $250 $500 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 $750 Page 78 Teledata Express COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL CABLES & ADAPTERS SERIAL (DB9) CABLES & ADAPTERS SERIAL Cables DB9 Pin 1-1 male/female - Beige SERIAL Cables DB9 Pin 1-1 male/male - Beige Part # 500300/03BG 500300/06BG 500300/10BG 500300/15BG 500300/25BG 500300/50BG Ends DB9 M/DB9 M DB9 M/DB9 M DB9 M/DB9 M DB9 M/DB9 M DB9 M/DB9 M DB9 M/DB9 M Length 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft 50ft Each $250 $500 $750 1.80 1.76 1.71 1.85 1.95 1.90 1.85 2.00 for Pricing 2.04 1.99 2.15Call2.10 3.12 3.04 2.96 3.20 866-296-2880 4.19 4.09 3.98 4.30 9.36 9.12 8.88 9.60 Part # 500305/01BG 500305/03BG 500305/06BG 500305/10BG 500305/15BG 500305/25BG 500305/50BG 500305/100BG SERIAL Cables DB9 Pin 1-1 female/female - Beige Part # 500310/06BG 500310/10BG 500310/25BG Ends DB9 F/DB9 F DB9 F/DB9 F DB9 F/DB9 F Length 6ft 10ft 25ft Each $250 $500 $750 1.90 1.85 2.00 Call1.95 for Pricing 2.10 2.04 1.99 2.15 5.22 5.08 4.95 5.35 866-296-2880 Ends DB9 M/DB9 M DB9 F/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F Part # 500312/01BG 500313/01BG Each $250 $500 $750 1.32 1.29 1.39 Call1.36 for Pricing 1.36 1.32 1.29 1.39 1.36 1.32 1.29 1.39 866-296-2880 MODULAR PORT ADPT DB9 to RJ12 (6C) Part # 503170 503171 Ends DB9 F/RJ12 Jack DB9 M/RJ12 Jack Length 1ft 3ft 6ft 10ft 15ft 25ft 50ft 100ft Each $250 $500 $750 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.65 1.76 1.71 1.67 1.80 1.95 1.90 1.85 2.00 for Pricing 2.04 1.99 2.15Call2.10 3.12 3.04 2.96 3.20 866-296-2880 4.19 4.09 3.98 4.30 9.36 9.12 8.88 9.60 17.50 17.06 16.63 16.19 SERIAL CABLES DB9 "Y" - BEIGE DB9 GENDER CHANGERS Part # 503130 503131 503132 Ends DB9 M/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F DB9 M/DB9 F Ends DB9 F/(2)DB9 M DB9 M/ (2)DB9 F Length 1ft 1ft Each $250 $500 $750 3.22 3.14 3.05 3.30 Call3.22 for Pricing 3.14 3.05 3.30 Serial Adapters DB9M to DB25F w/THUMB SCR. Part # 503120 503121 503122 503123 Ends DB9 M/DB25 F DB9 M/DB25 M DB9 F/DB25 F DB9 F/DB25 M $250 $500 $750 Each 1.25 1.22 1.18 1.28 for Pricing 1.25 1.22 1.18 1.28 Call 1.25 1.22 1.18 1.28 866-296-2880 1.25 1.22 1.18 1.28 MODULAR PORT ADPT DB9 to RJ45 Each $250 $500 $750 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 Call1.15 for Pricing 1.12 1.09 1.18 Part # 503180 503181 Ends DB9 F/RJ45 Jack DB9 M/RJ45 Jack $250 $500 $750 Each 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 Call for Pricing 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.18 ADDITIONAL IN-STOCK COMPUTER CABLES & ADAPTERS Cat 5e/6 Patch Cables - See Page 12-13 Firewire - Call for Availability HDMI - See Page 81 Internal PC Cables - Call for Availability KVM - Call for Availability Null Modem - Call for Availability Printer Cables - Call for Availability PS/2 - Call for Availability Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 79 September 2011 Catalog AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS BNC COAXIAL CABLES & ADAPTERS RG59/U GENERAL VIDEO - NICKEL CONNECTOR - BLACK Part # 500900/03BK 500900/06BK 500900/12BK 500900/25BK 500900/50BK Ends BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT 50 FT Each $250 $500 RG6/U GENERAL VIDEO - BRASS CONNECTOR - BLACK $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Part # 500905/03BK 500905/06BK 500905/12BK 500905/25BK 500905/50BK Ends BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG BNC PLUG/BNC PLUG Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT 50 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 BNC ADAPTERS Part # 503421 503430 503432 503434 503436 503438 503440 503442 503444 Description BNC JACK TO RCA PLUG UHF JACK TO BNC PLUG BNC COUPLER PLUG TO PLUG BNC TEE ADAPTER JACK X JACK X JACK BNC TEE ADAPTER JACK X PLUG X JACK BNC 90 DEGREE ADAPTER JACK X PLUG BNC COUPLER JACK TO JACK BNC COUPLER JACK TO JACK PANEL MT RCA JACK TO BNC PLUG Ends BNC FEMALE / RCA MALE UHF FEMALE / BNC MALE BNC MALE / BNC MALE JACK/JACK/JACK JACK/PLUG/JACK BNC MALE/BNC FEMALE BNC FEMALE/BNC FEMALE BNC FEMALE/BNC FEMALE RCA FEMALE/BNC MALE Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 503434 "F" CONNECTOR COAXIAL CABLES & ADAPTERS RG59/U GENERAL VIDEO - NICKEL CONNECTOR - BLACK Part # 500910/03BK 500910/06BK 500910/12BK 500910/25BK Ends "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 Ends "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Each $250 503432 503438 503436 503442 503440 503444 RG59/U GENERAL VIDEO - GOLD CONNECTOR - BLACK Part # 500911/03BK 500911/06BK 500911/12BK 500911/25BK Ends "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 RG6/U HIGH DEFINITION GOLD CONNECTOR - BLACK RG6/U HIGH DEFINITION NICKEL CONNECTOR - BLACK Part # 500925/03BK 500925/06BK 500925/12BK 500925/25BK 503430 503421 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Part # 500926/03BK 500926/06BK 500926/12BK 500926/18BK 500926/25BK Ends "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE "F" MALE/"F" MALE Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 18 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 A/V Cable - RG59 - RCA to "F" Nickel Connector - Black Part # 500960/06BK Ends "F" MALE/RCA PLUG "F" ADAPTERS Part # 503400 503401 503402 503403 503404 503408 503410 503412 503413 503414 503417 503418 503419 503420 503428 Length 6 FT Description "F" COUPLER, NI, M/M "F" COUPLER, NI, F/F "F" COUPLER, F-81, 1GHz, F/F "F" COUPLER, F-81, 3GHz, F/F "F'" COUPLER PANEL MOUNT F/F 3/8 " WASHER AND NUT FOR "F" "F" GOLD COUPLER F/F "F" JACK TO "F" QUICK PLUG, GOLD "F" JACK TO "F" QUICK PLUG, Ni "F" 90 degree ADAPTER M/F "F" PLUG to BNC JACK "F" JACK TO 3.5 MM MONO PLUG "F" Plug to RCA Jack "F" JACK TO RCA PLUG "F" JACK TO BNC PLUG Each $250 $500 $750 1.36 1.32 1.29 1.39Call for Pricing Ends Each $250 $500 $750 "F" M/M "F" F/F "F" F/F "F" F/F "F" F/F "F" F/F Call for Pricing "F" to QC F/M 866-296-2880 "F" to QC F/M "F" M/F "F" to BNC M/F "F" to 3.5 MM F/M "F" to RCA M/F "F" to RCA F/M "F" to BNC F/M CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 503400 503401 503402 503403 503404 503408 503410 503412 503413 503414 503417 503418 503419 503420 503428 Page 80 Teledata Express AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS COMPOSITE RCA CABLES & ADAPTERS A/V RG59 - RCA M/M - GOLD CONNECTORS - BLACK A/V RG59 - RCA M/M - NICKEL CONNECTORS - BLACK Part # 500965/06BK 500965/12BK 500965/25BK Ends RCA PLUG/RCA PLUG RCA PLUG/RCA PLUG RCA PLUG/RCA PLUG Length 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Part # 500975/06BK AV-MONO (VCRDUB CBL1+1) RCA GOLD CONNECTORS - BLACK Part # 501025/06BK 501025/12BK Ends RCA (1A+1V) M/M RCA (1A+1V) M/M Length 6 FT 12 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing Ends RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 18 FT 25 FT 50 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Ends MINIDIN 4+2 RCA M/M MINIDIN 4+2 RCA M/M Length 6 FT 12 FT $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing Part # 501000/06BK 501000/12BK Ends RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M Length 6 FT 12 FT $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing ULTRA A/V RCA (L-R+V) GOLD CONNECTORS - OXYGEN FREE COPPER Part # 501040/03BL 501040/06BL 501040/12BL 501040/25BL 501040/50BL Ends RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M RCA (2A+1V) M/M Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT 50 FT $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 RCA to RCA ADAPTERS S- VIDEO + RCA AUDIO (L-R) GOLD CONNECTORS - BLACK Part # 501110/06BK 501110/12BK Length 6 FT ECONOMY A/V RCA (L+R+V) NICKEL CONNECTORS A/V RCA(L-R+V) GOLD CONNECTORS Part # 501030/03BK 501030/06BK 501030/12BK 501030/18BK 501030/25BK 501030/50BK Ends RCA PLUG/RCA PLUG Each $250 $500 503450 $750 Call for Pricing Part # 503450 503452 503454 503456 503458 503452 503454 Description RCA COUPLER NICKEL RCA 90� ADAPTER RCA SPLITTER - GOLD RCA COUPLER NICKEL RCA COUPLER - GOLD 503458 503456 Ends M/M M/F 2 F/M F/F F/F $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 S-VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS S-VIDEO TO (2) RCA (L-R) GOLD Black S VIDEO CABLE M/M GOLD - Black Part # 501100/03BK 501100/06BK 501100/12BK 501100/25BK 501100/50BK 501100/75BK 501100/X100BK Ends MINI DIN4 M/M MINI DIN4 M/M MINI DIN4 M/M MINI DIN4 M/M MINI DIN4 M/M MINI DIN4 M/M MINI DIN4 M/M Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT 50 FT 75 FT 100 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Part # Ends 501111/12BK MINI DIN4 M /2 RCA M Length 12 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 S-VIDEO ADAPTERS Part # 503486 503488 503490 503492 503494 Description S-VIDEO JACK TO RCA JACK S-VIDEO PLUG TO RCA JACK S-VIDEO JACK TO RCA PLUG S-VIDEO PLUG TO RCA PLUG S-VIDEO JACK TO JACK Ends MINI-DIN4 FEMALE/RCA FEMALE MINI-DIN4 MALE/RCA FEMALE MINI-DIN4 FEMALE/RCA MALE MINI-DIN4 MALE/RCA MALE MINI-DIN4 FEMALE/MINI-DIN4 FEMALE Each $250 $500 $750 503486 503488 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 503490 503492 503494 Page 81 September 2011 Catalog AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS HDMI CABLES & ADAPTERS HDMI - 1.4V - 2160P MALE/MALE 24 AWG (25FT., 35Ft., 50Ft.) HDMI - 1.3V - 1080P - MALE/MALE 24 AWG (25Ft., 35ft, 50Ft.) Part # 500242/03BK 500242/06BK 500242/10BK 500242/15BK 500242/25BK 500242/35BK 500242/50BK Ends HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M Length 3' 6' 10' 15' 25' 35' 50' $250 Each $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Part # 500248/03BK 500248/06BK 500248/10BK 500248/15BK 500248/25BK 500248/35BK 500248/50BK Ends HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M HDMI M/M Ends HDMI M/Micro HMDI M HDMI M/Micro HMDI M HDMI M/Micro HMDI M Length 3' 6' 10' Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 HDMI to Mini HDMI - MALE/MALE Part # 500246/03BK 500246/06BK Ends HDMI M/Mini HDMI M HDMI M/Mini HDMI M $250 Each $500 $750 Ends HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M HDMI M/DVI-D M Length 1m 2m 3m 4.5m 10m 15m Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Ends HDMI MALE/FEMALE Each 5.25 $250 $500 4.99 Call5.12 for Pricing $750 4.86 HDMI to SVGA - MALE/MALE Part # 500237/06BK Ends HDMI M/SVGA M Length 6' $250 Each 8.58 8.80 Call for Part # 500239/05BK Ends Length HDMI M/SVGA M + 3 RCA 5' Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 503275 503271 Ends HDMI F/25pin F HDMI M/25pin M HDMI F/25pin M HDMI M/25pin F $750 $500 $750 8.36 8.14 Pricing Each $250 5.36 5.50Call for $500 $750 5.23 5.09 Pricing HDMI TO HDMI ADAPTERS 503274 503265 $500 HDMI to SVGA + 3 RCA (L+R+V) HDMI TO DVI ADAPTERS Part # 503274 503271 503275 503273 Part # 500244/08" Call for Pricing HDMI to DVI-D (SL) w/FERRITES 24 AWG (10m , 15m) Part # 500235/1mBK 500235/2mBK 500235/3mBK 500235/4.5mBK 500235/10mBK 500235/15mBK $250 Each HDMI - 1080P - PORT SAVER MALE/FEMALE HDMI to Micro HDMI - MALE/MALE Part # 500247/03BK 500247/06BK 500247/10BK Length 3' 6' 10' 15' 25' 35' 50' $250 Each 503273 $750 $500 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 503290 503279 503280 Part # 503279 503280 503281 503282 503283 503284 503285 503290 503281 503282 Ends HDMI F / Mini HDMI M HDMI F/F HDMI M/M HDMI M/F 90 HDMI M/F 90 HDMI F/F HDMI F / Micro HDMI M HDMI MALE/(2)FEMALE 503283 Each 503284 $250 $500 503285 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 DISPLAYPORT (DP) CABLES & ADAPTERS DISPLAY PORT TO HDMI MALE/MALE - BLACK DISPLAY PORT MALE/MALE - WHITE Part # 500260/03WH 500260/06WH 500260/10WH 500260/15WH Ends DP M/M DP M/M DP M/M DP M/M Length 3ft. 6ft. 10ft. 15ft. Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Part # 500270/03BK 500270/06BK 500270/10BK 500270/15BK DP & MINI DP ADAPTERS Part # 503291 503292 503294 503295 503296 Ends Each $250 $500 $750 DP M/HDMI F DP M/HDMI F Call for Pricing Mini DP M/HDMI F 866-296-2880 Mini DP M/VGA F Mini DP M/DP F Ends DP M/HDMI M DP M/HDMI M DP M/HDMI M DP M/HDMI M Length 3ft. 6ft. 10ft. 15ft. Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 503294 503291 503292 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 503295 503296 Page 82 Teledata Express AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS OPTICAL (TOSLINK) CABLES & ADAPTERS OPTICAL AUDIO + HD COMPONENT VIDEO (RGB) - 24K GOLD - IVORY Part # 501125/03IV 501125/06IV 501125/12IV Ends TOSLINK+ 3 RCA (RGB) M/M TOSLINK+ 3 RCA (RGB) M/M TOSLINK+ 3 RCA (RGB) M/M Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 TOSLINK ADAPTERS Part # Ends 503500 TOSLINK F/F 503502 TOSLINK to MINI-PLUG F/M Each $250 TOSLINK DIGITAL OPTICAL AUDIO - Black $500 $750 Call for Pricing Part # 501140/03BK 501140/06BK 501140/12BK 501140/20BK 501140/30BK 501140/50BK Ends TOSLINK M/M TOSLINK M/M TOSLINK M/M TOSLINK M/M TOSLINK M/M TOSLINK M/M Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 20 FT 30 FT 50 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 HD COMPONENT VIDEO (RGB) CABLES & ADAPTERS HD COMPONENT VIDEO 3 RCA (RGB) M/M OXYGEN FREE COPPER - IVORY Part # 501200/03IV 501200/06IV 501200/12IV 501200/25IV 501200/50IV 501200/75IV 501200/X100IV Ends 3 RCA (RGB) M/M 3 RCA (RGB) M/M 3 RCA (RGB) M/M 3 RCA (RGB) M/M 3 RCA (RGB) M/M 3 RCA (RGB) M/M 3 RCA (RGB) M/M Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT 50 FT 75 FT 100 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 HD COMPONENT VIDEO + LR AUDIO - 5 RCA (RGB + LR) Part # 501205/03IV 501205/06IV 501205/12IV 501205/25IV 501205/50IV 501205/75IV 501205/X100IV Ends 5 RCA (RGB + LR) M/M 5 RCA (RGB + LR) M/M 5 RCA (RGB + LR) M/M 5 RCA (RGB + LR) M/M 5 RCA (RGB + LR) M/M 5 RCA (RGB + LR) M/M 5 RCA (RGB + LR) M/M BNC HD COMPONENT (RGB) VIDEO (ULTRA) - IVORY Part # 501230/06IV 501230/12IV 501230/25IV Ends 3 BNC MALE/3 BNC MALE 3 BNC MALE/3 BNC MALE 3 BNC MALE/3 BNC MALE Length 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 Length Each $250 $500 $750 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT Call for Pricing 25 FT 866-296-2880 50 FT 75 FT 100 FT HD COMP VIDEO RCA to BNC (RGB) OFC- 24K GOLD - IVORY $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Part # 501231/06IV 501231/12IV 501231/25IV Ends 3 RCA MALE/3 BNC MALE 3 RCA MALE/3 BNC MALE 3 RCA MALE/3 BNC MALE Length 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Component RCA (RGB) ADAPTER Part # 503460 501205 Ends 3 RCA (RGB) F/F Description RGB COUPLER (RGB) Each $250 $500 $750 1.76 1.71 1.85Call1.80 for Pricing AUDIO CABLES & ADAPTERS AUDIO EXTENSION - RCA - NICKEL - BLACK ULTRA RCA - OXYGEN FREE COPPER - 24K GOLD - BLUE Part # 501555/03BL 501555/06BL 501555/12BL 501555/50BL Ends 1 RCA PLUG/1 RCA PLUG 1 RCA PLUG/1 RCA PLUG 1 RCA PLUG/1 RCA PLUG 1 RCA PLUG/1 RCA PLUG Length 3 FT 6FT 12 FT 50 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Part # 501550/06BK 501550/10BK 501551/06BK 501551/10BK 501551/25BK STEREO 2 RCA (L-R) OFC NICKEL - BLACK Part # 501560/03BK 501560/06BK 501560/12BK 501560/20BK 501560/25BK 501560/50BK Ends 2 RCA 2 RCA 2 RCA 2 RCA 2 RCA 2 RCA MALE/MALE MALE/MALE MALE/MALE MALE/MALE MALE/MALE MALE/MALE Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 20 FT 25 FT 50 FT Each $250 $500 Length 6 FT 10 FT 6 FT 10 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 STEREO 2 RCA (L-R) OFC - GOLD PLATED - BLACK $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Ends RCA JACK /RCA PLUG RCA JACK /RCA PLUG RCA PLUG/RCA PLUG RCA PLUG/RCA PLUG RCA PLUG/RCA PLUG Part # 501561/03BK 501561/06BK 501561/12BK 501561/25BK Ends 2 RCA MALE/MALE 2 RCA MALE/MALE 2 RCA MALE/MALE 2 RCA MALE/MALE Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Length 3 FT 6 FT 12 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Page 83 September 2011 Catalog AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS AUDIO CABLES & ADAPTERS (CONTINUED) ULTRA STEREO 2 RCA (L+R) OFC 24K GOLD - Blue Part # 501685/03BL 501685/06BL 501685/12BL 501685/25BL Ends 2 RCA 2 RCA 2 RCA 2 RCA MALE/MALE MALE/MALE MALE/MALE MALE/MALE Length 3 FT 6FT 12 FT 25 FT $250 Each PREMIUM 2 RCA (L-R) OFC - 24K GOLD - BLACK $500 $750 Part # 501650/03BK 501650/06BK 501650/12BK 501650/18BK 501650/25BK Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 STEREO EXTENSION 2 RCA (L-R) OFC - NICKEL - Black Part # Ends 501595/06BK 2 RCA MALE/FEMALE Length 6 FT Length 6 FT $250 Each 0.96Call0.94 for $500 $750 Part # 501725/06BK 501725/12BK 501725/25BK 501725/50BK 501725/100BK Ends 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST JACK 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST JACK 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST JACK 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST JACK 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST JACK Part # 501700/02BK 501700/06BK 501700/10BK Ends 3.5 MALE/MALE 3.5 MALE/MALE 3.5 MALE/MALE 0.91 0.89 Pricing 3.5MM STEREO PLUG TO JACK OFC - NICKEL - BLACK Length Each $250 $500 $750 6FT 12 FT Call for Pricing 25 FT 866-296-2880 50 FT 100 FT Length 3 FT 6FT 12 FT 18 FT 25 FT Each $250 $500 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 Length 2 FT 6FT 10 FT Each $250 $500 Description AUDIO RCA "Y" OFC Ni AUDIO RCA "Y" OFC Ni AUDIO RCA "Y" OFC Ni AUDIO RCA "Y" 3.5mm TO RCA OFC Ni AUDIO RCA "Y" 3.5mm TO RCA OFC Ni AUDIO RCA "Y" 3.5mm TO RCA OFC Ni AUDIO RCA "Y" 3.5mm TO RCA OFC Ni AUDIO RCA "Y" 3.5mm TO RCA OFC Ni AUDIO "Y" 3.5mm To 3.5mm OFC Ni AUDIO "Y" 3.5mm To 3.5mm OFC Ni AUDIO "Y" 1/4" TO RCA OFC Ni AUDIO "Y" 1/4" TO RCA OFC Ni AUDIO "Y" 1/4" TO RCA OFC Ni "Y" AUDIO ULTRA ADAPTER "Y" AUDIO ULTRA ADAPTER "Y" AUDIO ULTRA ADAPTER 3.5MM STEREO PLUG TO PLUG OFC - NICKEL - BLACK Part # 501720/02BK 501720/06BK 501720/12BK 501720/25BK 501720/50BK 501720/100BK Ends 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST PLUG 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST PLUG 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST PLUG 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST PLUG 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST PLUG 3.5MM ST PLUG/3.5MM ST PLUG Length Each $250 $500 $750 2 FT 6FT Call for Pricing 12 FT 25 FT 866-296-2880 50 FT 100 FT Ends RCA PLUG 2 RCA JACKS RCA PLUG 2 RCA PLUGS RCA JACK 2 RCA PLUGS 3.5 MM JACK 2 RCA PLUGS 3.5 MM PLUG 2 RCA PLUGS 3.5 MM PLUG 2 RCA PLUGS 3.5 MM PLUG 2 RCA JACKS 3.5 MM PLUG 2 RCA JACKS 3.5 MM JACK 2 3.5 MM PLUGS 3.5 MM PLUG 2 3.5 MM JACKS 1/4" ST PLUG/2 RCA PLUGS 1/4"MONO PLUG/2 RCA JACKS 1/4" ST PLUG/1/4" ST JACK 3.5MM ST PLUG/2 RCA PLUGS RCA PLUG/2 RCA JACKS RCA JACK/2 RCA PLUGS Length 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6 FT 6" 6 FT 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6 FT 6" 6" Each $250 $500 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 AUDIO ADAPTERS Part # 503462 503464 503466 503468 503470 503472 503474 503476 503480 503482 503484 Description 3.5mm STEREO JACK TO JACK RCA JACK TO 1/4" MONO PLUG RCA JACK TO 3.5MM MONO PLUG SPLIT 3.5MM STEREO Plug to 2 Jacks SPLIT 3.5MM ST PLUG to 2 - 1/4" JACKS SPLIT 1/4" ST PLUG to (2) 3.5MM ST JACK 1/4" ST JACK TO 3.5MM ST PLUG 3.5MM MONO JACK TO 1/4" MONO PLUG 3.5MM ST JACK TO 3.5MM MONO PLUG 1/4" MONO JACK TO 3.5MM PLUG RCA JACK TO 3.5MM MONO PLUG Each $250 $500 $750 503464 503462 503466 503468 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 $750 Call for Pricing 866-296-2880 AUDIO "Y' SPLITTER CABLES Part # 501500/.5-BK 501501/.5-BK 501502/.5-BK 501503/.5-BK 501504/.5-BK 501504/06-BK 501505/.5-BK 501505/06-BK 501506/.5-BK 501507/.5-BK 501515/.5BK 501516/.5BK 501517/.5BK 501525/06BL 501526/.5BL 501527/.5BL $750 3.5MM MONO - OFC - NICKEL - BLACK Each $250 $500 $750 1.23 1.19 1.29Call1.26 for Pricing 3.5MM TO RCA OFC NICKEL MONO - BLACK Part # Ends 501705/06BK 3.5 MM PLUG/RCAPLUG Ends 2 RCA MALE/MALE 2 RCA MALE/MALE 2 RCA MALE/MALE 2 RCA MALE/MALE 2 RCA MALE/MALE 503470 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 503474 503472 503480 503482 503476 503484 Page 84 Teledata Express AUDIO / VIDEO ACCESSORIES HDMI ACCESSORIES HDMI REPEATER - EXTENDER HDMI EXTENDERS OVER CAT5e/6 • Self-power active circuitry for fast & easy installations • HDCP compliant • Supports HD video up to 1080p • HDMI amplifier bandwidth : 1.65GHz • Input video signal: 1.2V p-p • HDMI input/output connector: Type A 19-pin • Input DDC signal: 5V p-p (TTL) • Power supply External 5V DC (sold separately part #249444) 301010 301035 - 3 Port 301037 - 5 Port HDMI SPLITTERS • Built-in amplifier • HDCP compliant • Supports deep color 36bit and signal retiming • Manual or remote selection (remote control included) • Power: DC5V (power supply included) • Metal case • HDMI cables not included • 3 in, 1 out (301035) • 5 in, 1 out (301037) 301040 - 2 PORT 301042 - 4 PORT HMDI MATRIX SWITCH - 4 X 2 301050 301075 • Supports HDTV / YPBPR • Supports HDTV and resolutions up to 1080p • HDMI & HDCP compliant • Input: YPbPr + SPDIF Digital Audio (RCA Coax) • Output: HDMI • HDMI Amplifier Bandwidth: 1.65Gpbs/165MHz • Power Supply: 5V DC included 301076 This device accepts both digital RGB and Component (YCBCr) video over HDMI. With this converter & switch you can hook up two HDMI devices (bluray, PS3, Xbox 360, etc.) and convert them to either a VGA or Component signal and display them on your TV or Projector that doesn't have an HDMI connection. You won't miss out on the high quality digital sound either as this unit also comes equipped with a digital audio output. You can switch back and forth between HDMI devices with a simple push of a button. 301080 REPLACEMENT POWER SUPPLIES: 5v (3.5 or 5.5mm) 249444 • Input: 100-240V - 50/60Hz • Output: DC 5V (1A) • Connector (Diameter): 3.5mm (outside) x 1.35mm (inside) • Input: 100-240V - 50/60Hz • Output: DC 5.6V 2000mA (2A) • Connector (Diameter): 5.5mm (outside) x 2.1mm (inside) • HDCP compliant • HDMI 1.3 compliant • Max single link range: 1600 x 1200, 1080P • DTV /HDTV up to 1600 x 1200, 60Hz up to 1080P • Operating frequency: up to 165MHz • Video Amplifier Bandwidth: 1.65Gpbs/165MHz • Resolutions (HDTV): 480i to 1080p • Installs in seconds, no need of setting HDMI TO VGA / COMPONENT CONVERTER & SWITCH Allows you to convert YPBPR HDTV sources to an HDMI display Encodes digital audio onto the video signal for HDMI video and audio 249445 • Resolution: 480i to 1080p • Video color format: 24bit/36bit • Audio format: LPCM. Dolby-AC3/DTS7.1/DSD • Data transfer speed: 10.2 Gbps • Input video signal: 5.0 V P-P • Full HD chain: 1080p cascade above 8 layers • Power: DC5V included • HDMI cables not included • 1 in, 2 out (301040) • 1 in, 4 out (301042) HDMI CONVERTER (VGA & STEREO TO HDMI) • Support HDMI 1.3b • HDCP Compliant • Supports Resolutions up to 1080p • 4 input, 2 output • The 2 HDMI output ports can be from the same or different sources • Manual or remote select source input signal to different sink • HDMI Repeater with Equalizer • Remote Control included • DC 5V power supply included HDMI CONVERTER (Component Video/RGB & Digital Audio to HDMI) 249444 - 3.5mm 249445 - 5.5mm 301024 - Up to 100' 301026 - Up to 180' Extend HDMI, 50 Ft. w/o External Power Extend HDMI, 140 Ft. with External Power HDMI SWITCH / SELECTOR • Resolution: 480i to 1080p • HDCP compliant • Video color format: Deep color 36 bit • Audio format: LPCM. Dolby-AC3/DTS7.1/DSD • Data transfer speed: 10.2 Gbps • Auto adjustment • Use 2 Cat.5e or Cat.6 cable (not included) • HDMI output cable length: max 15m (45ft.) • Optional power supply included • 301024 - Up to 100' • 301026 - Up to 180' • INPUTS: Two HDMI 1.3 Ports • OUTPUTS: VGA (unit comes with a VGA to Component Cable), 3.5mm (suitable for stereo or digital fiber optic mini toslink audio) • User can choose RGBHV or Component (YpbPr/ YCbCr) output with a switch • Compatible with both Non HDCP and HDCP devices • Connects to a display's VGA or Component Input. Each Part # Description 301010 301024 301026 301035 301037 301040 301042 301050 301075 301076 301080 249444 249445 HDMI Repeater - Extender HDMI Repeater / Extender Over Cat5e/6 HDMI Repeater / Extender Over Cat5e/6 HDMI Switch/ Selector, 3 Port HDMI Switch/ Selector, 5 Port HDMI Splitter, 2 Port HDMI Splitter, 4 Port HDMI Matrix Switch 4 x 2 VGA / Stereo To HDMI Component + SPDIF to HDMI Converter HDMI to VGA / Component Converter 3.5mm Power Supply - 5V, 1A 5.5mm Power Supply - 5.6V, 2A Order online at: TeledataExpress.com ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 19.50 19.01 18.52 18.04 40.95 39.93 38.90 37.88 59.65 58.16 56.67 55.18 27.80 27.10 26.41 25.71 31.80 31.00 30.21 29.41 42.95 41.88 40.80 39.73 Call for Pricing 62.15 60.60 59.04 57.49 78.00 866-296-2880 76.05 74.10 72.15 52.95 51.63 50.30 48.98 48.88 47.66 46.44 45.21 89.80 87.55 85.31 83.06 5.40 5.26 5.13 4.99 5.40 5.26 5.13 4.99 September 2011 Catalog VGA ACCESSORIES Page 85 AUDIO / VIDEO ACCESSORIES VGA EXTENDER OVER CAT5e/6 VGA SPLITTERS: 2, 4, or 8 Port Available The VGA Extender allows VGA video signals to be transmitted up to 980 Ft. • Extend VGA video and stereo signal up to 300m (980ft) over one UTP cat5e/6 • Adjust GAIN and PEAK to adapt for the different length of UTP cable (Phillips Screwdriver Required): GAIN: Brightness Adjustment PEAK: Skew Adjustment • Supports Resolutions from 640x480 up to 1920x1200 • Dual output at local unit: 1 x VGA output for local site, plus 1 x UTP output for remote site 302013 • Works with monitors, projectors, HDTVs, etc. • Input: VGA (female), Stereo Audio • Output: VGA (female), Stereo Audio, RJ45 • Package Contains: (1) Sender, (2) Receiver, (2) 5V DC Power Supply, (1) User's Manual Each Part # Description 302013 302019 302020 302022 302025 VGA Extender over Ethernet 2 Port VGA Splitter 4 Port VGA Splitter 8 Port VGA Splitter BNC to VGA Converter 302019 - 2 PORT 302020 - 4 PORT 302022 - 8 PORT VGA CONVERTER (BNC to VGA) • Convert BNC Video Output to VGA Display Monitor • Up to 1280x1024 Res. • Power Adapter Included ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 99.95 97.45 94.95 92.45 27.35 26.66 25.98 25.30 Call for Pricing 30.00 29.25 28.50 27.75 52.35 866-296-2880 51.04 49.73 48.42 42.20 41.14 40.09 39.03 • Supports 450 MHz video (-3dB) bandwidth • Enhances video signals for distance up to 65M • The video splitter can be daisy chain • All metal casing • Supports 2048 x 1536 at 60Hz • Ideal for video broadcasting: remote monitoring, presentations, educational facilities. • The video splitter has locking connector for cables. Allows one computer to provide simultaneous display • 1 in, 2 out (302019) • 1 in, 4 out (302020) • 1 in, 8 out (302022) 302025 VOLUME CONTROLS SLIDING VOLUME CONTROL ROTARY VOLUME CONTROL 301513 • Removable right angle solderless speaker terminals (Accepts up to 14 AWG wire) • Impedance Matching • 100 watts maximum peak power • 60 watts continuous power • 11-position • 39 dB attenuation • 1x, 2x, 4x and 8x settings • Non-shortIng design utilizes a "make before break" switch which protects your amplifier from receiving a damaging dead-short • Screws, color coded knob, included • Decora cover plate included • Color: White or Ivory available WEATHER PROOF VOLUME CONTROL 301517 301514 IN-WALL VOLUME CONTROL WITH IR RECEIVER • Weather-resistant box for outdoor use • Removable right angle solderless speaker terminals (Accepts up to 12 AWG wire) • Resistor-Based • 100 watts maximum peak power • 60 watts continuous power • 11-position • 36 dB attenuation • Non-shorting design utilizes a "make before break" switch which protects your amplifier from receiving a damaging dead-short • Screws, color coded knob, included • Decora cover plate included • Color: White ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 301513 IV 301514 IV 301517 301507 WH WH WH WH Rotary Volume Control Sliding Volume Control Weather Proof Volume Control Volume Control w/IR Receiver • Impedance Matching • 100 watts maximum peak power • 50 watts continuous power • 11-position • 39 dB attenuation • 1x, 2x, 4x and 8x settings • Removable right angle solderless speaker terminals • Non-shortIng design utilizes a "make before break" switch which protects your amplifier from receiving a damaging dead-short • Decora cover plate included • Color: White or Ivory available 29.40 28.66 27.93 27.19 Call for27.93 Pricing 29.40 28.66 27.19 44.90866-296-2880 43.77 42.65 41.53 59.00 57.52 56.05 54.57 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Features: • Stylish design; white color • Dual color LED. Green for system status and blue for talk back • Mounts easily in any J-box or P-ring • Rotary type control of volume level and speaker on/off • Impedance matching • Receives IR from many types of remotes • Large detachable speaker connections Specifications • Volume Control Component • Power Handling (/ch): 300 watts max; 1-- watts RMS continuous • Input Impedance: Config. to 1x, 2x, 4x or 8x impedance matching • Quick Connect Terminals: Accepts up to 12-gauge wire • Attenuation: 12 steps including off; total attenuation 54 dB • Frequency Response: 20 Hx ~ 20 kHz, +/- 2 dB at rated power • Mounting: fits most single-gang junction boxes • Dimensions: 70W x 114H x 103D (mm) • Weight: 475g (including infrared component) Infrared Component • Receiver Frequency: 34 kHz to 40 kHz • Transmit Frequency: 38 kHz • Range: On-Axis: 50 ft. 30 degree Off-Axis: 40 ft. • Main Power: 12VDC, 30mA max. • Status Power: 12VDC, 3mA max. • Wire Requirements: 2 twisted pairs, with or without shield Page 86 Teledata Express AUDIO / VIDEO ACCESSORIES HOME THEATER WALL PLATES 1 SPEAKER WALL PLATE 2 SPEAKER WALL PLATE • Single gang • (2) Gold Binding Post • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 3W1001 3W1002 6 SPEAKER WALL PLATE • Single gang • (10) Gold Binding Post • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 5.1 SPEAKER WALL PLATE 3W1006 3W1051 • Double gang • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire • (10) Gold binding posts / (2) RCA subwoofer jacks • Color-coded solderless posts for easy connection front & back • Gold plated for excellent sound performance • Fits on a dual gang J-box or dual low voltage mounting bracket • Available in Ivory or White • Color matching mounting screws included 102290 6.1 SPEAKER WALL PLATE 6.2 SPEAKER WALL PLATE • Double gang • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire • Color-coded solderless posts for easy connection front & back • Gold plated connectors for superior performance • Speaker wire connectors are 7/16" hex connector • (12) Gold binding posts / (2) RCA subwoofer jacks • Available in Ivory or White • Color matching mounting screws included • Double gang • (12) Gold Binding Post • (1) RCA subwoofer jacks • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 102292 7.1 SPEAKER WALL PLATE 7.2 SPEAKER WALL PLATE • Double gang • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire • Color-coded solderless posts for easy connection front & back • Gold plated connectors for superior performance • Speaker wire connectors are 7/16" hex connector • (14) Gold binding posts / (2) RCA subwoofer jacks • Available in Ivory or White • Color matching mounting screws included • Double gang • (14) Gold Binding Post • (1) RCA subwoofer jacks • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 3W1071 102294 7.2 SPEAKER WALL PLATE WITH BULK CABLE OPENING 102294-1 • Double gang • (12) Gold Binding Post • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 5.2 SPEAKER WALL PLATE • Double gang • (10) Gold Binding Post • (1) RCA subwoofer jacks • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 3W1061 • Single gang • (8) Gold Binding Post • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 3W1004 5 SPEAKER WALL PLATE 3W1005 4 SPEAKER WALL PLATE • Single gang • (4) Gold Binding Post • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description • Standard three gang size • (14) Gold binding posts / (2) RCA jacks • Inverted bulk cable opening for HDMI, DVI, and VGA cables • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire • Color-coded solderless posts for easy connection front & back • Available in Ivory or White • Color matching mounting screws included 102290 102292 102294 102294-I 3W1001 3W1002 3W1004 3W1005 3W1006 3W1051 3W1061 3W1071 IV WH 5.2 Speaker Wall Plate IV WH 6.2 Speaker Wall Plate IV WH 7.2 Speaker Wall Plate IV WH 7.2 Speaker Wall Plate W/ Bulk Cable Opening WH 1 Speaker Wall Plate WH 2 Speaker Wall Plate WH 4 Speaker Wall Plate WH 5 Speaker Wall Plate WH 6 Speaker Wall Plate WH 5.1 Speaker Wall Plate WH 6.1 Speaker Wall Plate WH 7.1 Speaker Wall Plate Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 20.40 19.89 19.38 18.87 24.40 23.79 23.18 6.10 31.30 30.52 29.73 28.95 37.80 36.86 35.91 34.97 4.25 4.14 4.04 3.93 7.49 7.11 6.93 Call7.30 for Pricing 10.70866-296-2880 10.43 10.16 9.89 11.80 11.50 11.21 10.91 17.20 16.77 16.34 15.91 16.20 15.79 15.39 14.98 20.60 20.08 19.57 19.05 26.95 26.28 23.32 24.93 September 2011 Catalog Page 87 AUDIO / VIDEO ACCESSORIES HOME THEATER WALL PLATES 8.2 SPEAKER WALL PLATE • Triple gang • (16) Gold Binding Post • (2) RCA subwoofer jacks • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 8.2 SPEAKER WALL PLATE WITH 2ND ZONE (2 CHANNEL) • 8.2 Speaker Configuration • 2 Channel Zone • 2 Binding post speaker terminals • 4 Gang size • White only 102298 3W1082 7.1 SPEAKER WALL PLATE WITH HDMI • Triple gang • (14) Gold Binding Post • (1) RCA subwoofer jacks • (1) HDMI Port • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 6.1 SPEAKER WALL PLATE WITH 2-HDMI • Triple gang • (12) Gold Binding Post • (1) RCA subwoofer jacks • (2) HDMI Ports F/F • Use spade lugs, banana plugs or bare wire • Accepts up to 14 awg speaker wire 3W1065 3W1075 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Color Description 3W1082 102298 3W1065 3W1075 WH WH WH WH 8.2 Speaker Wall Plate 8.2 Speaker Wall Plate with 2nd Zone 6.1 Speaker Wall Plate with 2 HDMI 7.1 Speaker Wall Plate with HDMI 27.00 26.32 25.65 24.97 Call50.50 for Pricing 51.80 49.21 47.91 29.00 28.27 27.55 26.82 866-296-2880 29.00 28.27 27.55 26.82 AUDIO / VIDEO WALL PLATES 102170 HDMI 102171 2 PORT HDMI 102173 HDMI & COAX 102176 102178 HDMI & Component Component & LR Audio ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 102170 WH HDMI Wall Plate 1 Port, 1.3 Compliant 7.50 7.31 7.12 6.94 102171 WH HDMI Wall Plate 2 Port, 1.3 Compliant 13.50 13.16 12.82 12.49 102173 WH HDMI + Coax 8.95 8.73 8.50 8.28 102176 WH HDMI & 3 RCA Wall Plate (RGB) 15.40 15.01 14.63 14.24 102178 WH Component & LR Stereo 7.50 7.31 7.12 6.94 3W2010 WH SVGA Wall Plate 7.40 7.21 7.03 6.84 3W2020 WH SVGA + 3.5mm Stereo Wall Plate 8.00 7.80 7.60 7.40 102151-VGA 1 Port S.S. Wall Plate (only) Call for Pricing VGA (HD15-DB9) 2.40 2.34 2.28 2.22 866-296-2880 102152-VGA 2 Port S.S. Wall Plate (only) VGA (HD15-DB9) 2.40 2.34 2.28 2.22 102151-DVI 1 Port S.S. Wall Plate (only) DVI 2.40 2.34 2.28 2.22 102152-DVI 2 Port S.S. Wall Plate (only) DVI 2.40 2.34 2.28 2.22 102158 2 Port S.S. Wall Plate (1) DVI & (1) VGA 2.42 2.36 2.30 2.24 1021411 WH IV Reversible Bulk Wire Plate, Single Gang 2.69 2.62 2.56 2.49 AL BK 1021421 WH IVK Reversible Bulk Wire Plate, Double Gang 3.99 3.89 3.79 3.69 AL BK 3W2010 VGA 3W2020 VGA & 3.5mm Stereo STAINLESS STEEL 102151-VGA 102152-VGA 102151-DVI 102158 For gender changers and port adapters to fit plates please see Audio/Video Cables & Adapters section DECORA STYLE 1021421 The decora style reversible nose plate allows you to fit cables through the port with installed fittings that are larger than the hole. The nose can be inside or outside the wall. CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 1021411 Page 88 AUDIO / VIDEO ACCESSORIES Teledata Express SPEAKER MOUNTS Wall or Ceiling Satellite Speaker Mounts These brackets can be mounted on the wall or ceiling. For ceiling applications these mounts come with a 2 1/4" extension. Made of durable injection molded, fiber resin reinforced polymer. Has multiple pivot points (tilt and swivel) that allow perfect directional aiming. Is designed to fit the widest possible selection of brands of speakers (that weigh less than 8lbs each) including: Bose® Denon® Infinity® JVC® Kenwood® Klipsch® Onkyo® Pioneer® Panasonic® Sony® Yamaha®. And most other brands of satellite surround sound speakers. CLEANING WIPES •• 2 Speaker Mounts •• Universal design fits most brands •• Simple, Tilt, Pivot, and Rotation Adjustment •• Easy installation •• Multi-segment design allows for variable configurations •• Mount hole width (centered) at both ends: 309500BK 309500WH 2 3/8" (Min Width 2", Max Width 2 3/4") •• Removable Arm Extension (2.25") •• Load Capacity: 8 lbs •• Key Hold Mounting ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT •• 2/4 Hole Mounting Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order •• Single Hole Mounting 309500 BK WH 2 Pack Wall or Ceiling Speaker Mounts 9.69 9.45 9.21 8.97 •• Available in Black or White Call9.45 for 9.21 Pricing 309500-1 BK WH Single Wall or Ceiling Speaker Mount - Each 5.57 8.97 Flat Screen Cleaning Wipes 109220 • Suited for use on LCD or Plasma TVs, phones, keyboards, MP3 players, etc. • Contains anti-static liquid which also disinfects the surface • Easy-to-use dispenser prevents them from drying • 100 sheets / Can • Sheet Size: 5.5" x 7" Each Part # Description 109220 LCD/Plasma Cleaning Wipes ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order 4.95Call 4.82 for 4.70 4.58 Pricing INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL KITS 301503 301502 POWER ADAPTER 301490 301504 301499 Kit Includes: 1 - IR Surface Mount 301490 1 - Single IR Emitter - 301502 1 - Double IR Emitter - 301503 1 - IR In-Wall Receiver - 301504 1 - Power Adapters Features • Six emmiter output connections • Convenient IR confirmation LED • Status power receptacle w/ LED indicator • Power receptacle with LED indicator • 3 conductor 1/8" receptacle to interface w/ different brands of freestanding IR receivers • Large detachable IR receiver connection • Compact size for mounting near audio equipment • Includes AC adapter Surface Mount IR Receiver (301490) Specifications Featues • Small surface mount design • Receives IR from many types of remotes Single IR Emitter (301502) Specifications • Cable Length: 10 feet • Connect plug: 3.5mm Mono mini-plug • Connections: Tip-Signal, Ring- Gnd • Wavelength: 940nm Double IR Emitter (301503) Specifications • Cable Length: 10 feet • Connect plug: 2 x 3.5mm Mono mini-plug • Connections: Tip-Signal, Ring- Gnd ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each Part # Description 301499 301502 301503 301504 301507 301490 IR Remote Control Kit Single IR Emitter Double IR Emitter IR Connecting Block In-Wall Volume Control W/IR Receiver Surface Mount IR Receiver w/$250 Order w/$500 Order w/ $750 Order 56.00 45.60 53.20 51.80 8.00 7.80 7.60 7.40 for Pricing 9.00Call8.77 8.55 8.32 33.20 866-296-2880 32.37 31.54 30.71 59.00 57.52 56.05 54.57 20.50 19.99 19.48 18.97 IN-WALL VOLUME CONTROL WITH IR RECEIVER Features: • Stylish design; white color • Dual color LED. Green for system status and blue for talk back • Mounts easily in any J-box or P-ring • Rotary type control of volume level and speaker on/off • Impedance matching • Receives IR from many types of remotes • Large detachable speaker connections 301507 Specifications • Volume Control Component • Power Handling (/ch): 300 watts max; 1-- watts RMS continuous • Input Impedance: Config. to 1x, 2x, 4x or 8x impedance matching • Quick Connect Terminals: Accepts up to 12-gauge wire • Attenuation: 12 steps including off; total attenuation 54 dB • Frequency Response: 20 Hx ~ 20 kHz, +/- 2 dB at rated power • Mounting: fits most single-gang junction boxes • Dimensions: 70W x 114H x 103D (mm) • Weight: 475g (including infrared component) Infrared Component • Receiver Frequency: 34 kHz to 40 kHz • Transmit Frequency: 38 kHz • Range: On-Axis: 50 ft. 30 degree Off-Axis: 40 ft. • Main Power: 12VDC, 30mA max. • Status Power: 12VDC, 3mA max. • Wire Requirements: 2 twisted pairs, with or without shield Order online at: TeledataExpress.com September 2011 Catalog TV MOUNTS Page 89 TV & PROJECTOR MOUNTS WHAT IS VESA? The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) has a set of standards for the manufacturing of flat screen televisions and PC monitors. Most manufacturers adhere to these standards. There are 4 mounting holes in the back of every TV. The distance in millimeters (mm) between these holes determines the VESA compatibility. The first number of the VESA measurement is the horizontal distance; the second the vertical distance. ALL OF OUR MOUNTS ARE VESA COMPATIBLE. Our TV mounts are built with several VESA patterns. The VESA pattern listed in the specifications will be the maximum VESA pattern the mount will accommodate. *Supported screen sizes are shown as guidance only. The screen size could be larger or smaller than the suggested size as long as the weight is within the limit and the VESA mounting pattern accommodates your TV. DESKTOP ARTICULATING, 10" - 23" 309000BK • 10 - 23 inch screen* • Tilt: -15 to +15 • Swivel: 180 degree • Extends 17.5" from pole when fully extended • Load Capacity: 33 lbs. • VESA: 75 x 75 / 100 x 100 • Clamp attaches to edge of desk CEILING MOUNT TILT / SWIVEL, 10" - 37" 309011SL 309011BK • 10 - 23 inch screen* • Tilt: -70 to +70 • Swivel: 180 degree • Load Capacity: 33 lbs. • Extends from 4" to 17.7" • VESA: 75 x 75 / 100 x 100 • Mounting Hardware Included ARTICULATING TILT / SWIVEL, 10" - 23" 309016BK • Attaches to smaller mounting plate • 23 - 42 inch screens* • VESA: Up to 400 x 200 309008BK CEILING MOUNT TILT/SWIVEL, 32" - 63" • 10 - 37 inch screen* • Tilt: -20 to +20 • Swivel: 90 degree left or right • Load Capacity: 66 lbs. • Adjustable pole: 20" to 33.5" • VESA: Up to 200 x 200 • Mounting Hardware Included • Available in Black and Silver ARTICULATING TILT / SWIVEL, 10" - 23" 309015BK VESA MOUNT ADAPTER PLATE 309012BK • 32 - 63 inch screen* • Tilt: -15 to +15 • Swivel: 360 degree • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • Adjustable pole: 41" to 64" • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 • Mounting Hardware Included ULTRA LOW PROFILE FIXED, 10" - 23" 309018SL 309018BK • 10 - 23 inch screen* • Load Capacity: 66 lbs. • TV to Wall: 0.6" • VESA: 50 x 50 / 75 x 75 / 100 x 100 • Mounting Hardware Included • Available in Black and Silver LOW PROFILE FIXED, 10" - 32" • 10 - 23 inch screen* • Tilt: -20 to +20 • Swivel: 180 degree • Load Capacity: 66 lbs. • TV to Wall: 4" - 18.5" • VESA: 50 x 50 / 75 x 75 / 100 x 100 • Cable Management Inlay System • Mounting Hardware Included 309028BK 309028SL • 10 - 32 inch screen* • Fixed Wall Mount • Load Capacity: 66 lbs. • Wall to TV: 1.2" • VESA: 75 x 75 / 100 x 100 / 200 x 100 • Mounting Hardware Included ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 309000 309008 309011 309012 309015 309016 309018 309028 309027 BK BK BK SL BK BK BK BK SL BK SL BK SL Desktop Articulating, 10" - 23" 30.95 30.18 29.41 28.63 VESA Mount Adapter Plate 11.89 11.60 11.30 11.00 Ceiling Mount Tilt / Swivel, 10" - 37" 30.25 29.50 28.74 27.99 Ceiling Mount Tilt/Swivel, 32" - 63" 75.65 73.76 71.87 69.97 Call for Pricing Articulating Tilt / Swivel, 10" - 23" 20.50 19.99 19.48 18.97 866-296-2880 Articulating Tilt / Swivel, 10" - 23" 22.00 21.45 20.90 20.35 Ultra Low Profile Fixed, 10" - 23" 9.65 9.41 9.17 8.93 Low Profile Fixed, 10" - 32" 11.30 11.02 10.75 10.46 Tilt / Swivel, 10" - 32" 13.99 13.64 13.29 12.94 TILT / SWIVEL, 10" - 32" 309027SL CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 309027BK • 10 - 32 inch screen* • Tilt: -20 to +20, Swivel: 90 degree • Load Capacity: 66 lbs. • TV to Wall: 3.5" • VESA: Up to 200 x 200 • Mounting Hardware Included • Available in Black and Silver Page 90 Teledata Express TV & PROJECTOR MOUNTS TV MOUNTS *Supported screen sizes are shown as guidance only. The screen size could be larger or smaller than the suggested size as long as the weight is within the limit and the VESA mounting pattern accommodates your TV. ARTICULATING TILT / SWIVEL, 17" - 37" 309025BK • 17 - 37 inch screen* • Tilt: -20 to +20 • Swivel: 180 degree • Extends from 3.9" to 18.5" • Load Capacity: 66 lbs. • VESA: Up to 200 x 200 • Cable Management Inlay System • Mounting Hardware Included ARTICULATING TILT / SWIVEL, 17" - 37" 309026BK • 17 - 37 inch screen* • Tilt: -20 to +20 • Swivel: 180 degree • Extends from 3.9" to 15.4" • Load Capacity: 66 lbs. • VESA: Up to 200 x 200 • Cable Management Rings • Mounting Hardware Included LOW PROFILE TILT, 17" - 37" LOW PROFILE TILT, 17" - 37" •17 - 37 inch screen* •Tilt: 10 degree downward •Load Capacity: 110 lbs. •Wall to TV: 1.53" • VESA: Up to 200 x 200 •Built-In Bubble Level •Mounting Hardware Included 309030BK •17 - 37 inch screen* •Tilt: 10 degree downward •Load Capacity: 165 lbs. •Wall to TV: 1.75" • VESA: Up to 200 x 200 •Built-In Bubble Level •Mounting Hardware Included 309029BK SUPER LOW PROFILE FIXED, 17" - 37" TILT, 23" - 42" • 17 - 37 inch screen* • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • Wall to TV: 0.75" • VESA: Up to 200 x 200 • Spring Lock System •Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included • 23 - 42 inch screen* • Tilt: 0 to 15 Degrees (Downward) • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • TV to Wall: 3.15" • VESA: Up to 400 x 200 • Mounting Hardware Included 309032BK 309031BK LOW PROFILE TILT, 23" - 42" •23 - 42 inch screen* •Tilt: 0 to +15 Degrees (Downward) •Load Capacity: 165 lbs. •TV to Wall: 1.81" • VESA: Up to 400 x 200 •Built-In Bubble Level •Mounting Hardware Included EXTREME LOW PROFILE FIXED, 17" - 42" 309033BK • 17 - 42 inch screen* • Load Capacity: 99 lbs. • Wall to TV: 0.32" • VESA: Up to 400 x 200 • Mounting Hardware Included 309034BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order LOW PROFILE TILT, 23" - 42" 309035BK •23 - 42 inch screen* •Tilt: 10 degree downward •Load Capacity: 110 lbs. •Wall to TV: 1.53" • VESA: Up to 400 x 200 •Built-In Bubble Level •Mounting Hardware Included 309025 309026 309029 309030 309031 309032 309033 309034 309035 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Articulating Tilt / Swivel, 17" - 37" Articulating Tilt / Swivel, 17" - 37" Low Profile Tilt, 17" - 37" Low Profile Tilt, 17" - 37" Super Low Profile Fixed, 17" - 37" Tilt, 23" - 42" Extreme Low Profile Fixed, 17" - 42" Low Profile Tilt, 23" - 42" Low Profile Tilt, 23" - 42" Order online at: TeledataExpress.com 29.15 28.43 27.70 26.97 31.25 30.47 29.69 28.91 19.80 19.31 18.81 18.32 23.80 23.21 22.61 22.01 Call for Pricing 24.80 24.18 23.56 20.17 866-296-2880 34.60 33.74 32.87 31.01 22.70 22.14 21.57 21.00 26.89 26.22 25.55 24.88 23.65 23.06 22.47 21.88 Page 91 September 2011 Catalog TV & PROJECTOR MOUNTS TV MOUNTS *Supported screen sizes are shown as guidance only. The screen size could be larger or smaller than the suggested size as long as the weight is within the limit and the VESA mounting pattern accommodates your TV. ARTICULATING TILT / SWIVEL, 23" - 42" 309036BK • 23 - 42 inch screen* • Tilt: 10 Degree Downward • Swivel: -90 to +90 degree • Load Capacity: 88 lbs. • TV to Wall: 3.7 - 22" • VESA: Up to 400 x 200 •Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included LOW PROFILE TILT, 32" - 60" 309038BK • 32 - 63 inch screen* • Tilt: 10 degree downward • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • TV to Wall: 1.75" • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 •Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included • 37 - 63 inch screen* • Fixed Wall Mount • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • TV to Wall: 0.75" • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 • Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Articulating Tilt / Swivel, 23" - 42" Low Profile Tilt, 23" - 47" Low Profile Tilt, 32" - 60" Low Profile Tilt, 32" - 60" Large Low Profile Tilt, 32" - 63" Large Articulating Corner Mount, 37" - 63" Super Low Profile Fixed, 37" - 63" Extreme Low Profile Fixed, 32" - 63" Large Articulating Tilt / Swivel, 37" - 63" 309039BK LARGE ARTICULATING CORNER MOUNT, 37" - 63" 309041BK • 37 - 63 inch screen* • Tilt: -15 to + 15 degree • Swivel: 60 degree • Load Capacity: 132 lbs. • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 • Corner Mount Design • Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included EXTREME LOW PROFILE FIXED, 32" - 63" • 32 - 63 inch screen* • Load Capacity: 143 lbs. • TV to Wall: 0.36" • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 • Mounting Hardware Included 309043BK 309036 309037 309038 309039 309040 309041 309042 309043 309044 • 32 - 60 inch screen* • Tilt: 10 Degree Downward • Load Capacity: 110 lbs. • VESA: Up to 600 x 400 •Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included • 32 - 60 inch screen* • Tilt: 10 Degree Downward • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • TV to Wall: 1.81" • VESA: Up to 600 x 400 •Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included SUPER LOW PROFILE FIXED, 37" - 63" 309042BK 309037BK • 23 - 47 inch screen* • Tilt: 10 Degree Downward • Load Capacity: 110 lbs. • TV to Wall: 1.73" • VESA: Up to 400 x 400 •Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included LOW PROFILE TILT, 32" - 60" LARGE LOW PROFILE TILT, 32" - 63" 309040BK LOW PROFILE TILT, 23" - 47" LARGE ARTICULATING TILT / SWIVEL, 37" - 63" 46.45 45.29 44.13 42.97 30.20 29.45 28.69 27.94 35.65 34.76 33.87 32.98 33.49 32.66 31.83 30.98 Call for Pricing 37.75 36.44 35.87 34.92 866-296-2880 88.60 86.39 84.17 81.96 31.29 30.51 29.73 28.95 25.90 25.26 24.61 23.96 68.59 66.88 65.16 63.45 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL 309044BK • 37 - 63 inch screen* • Tilt: 10 Degrees Downward • Swivel: -90 to +90 degree • Dual-Arm Construction • Load Capacity: 132 lbs. • Extends 3.7" to 18.7" • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 • Built-In Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included Page 92 Teledata Express TV & PROJECTOR MOUNTS TV MOUNTS *Supported screen sizes are shown as guidance only. The screen size could be larger or smaller than the suggested size as long as the weight is within the limit and the VESA mounting pattern accommodates your TV. ARTICULATING TILT/SWIVEL, 32" - 60" TILT, 42" - 65" • 32 - 60 inch screen* • Tilt: -15 to +5 Degrees • Extends 3.58" to 14.96" • VESA: Up to 600 x 400 • Dual Arm Construction • Load Capacity: 110 lbs. • Mounting Hardware Included 309045BK LARGE LOW PROFILE TILT, 42" - 65" • 42 - 65 inch screen* • Tilt: -0 to +15 Degrees • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • TV to Wall: 3.15" • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 • Mounting Hardware Included 309046BK EXTRA LARGE TILT, 42" - 70" • 42 - 60 inch screen* • Tilt: 10 degrees downward • Load Capacity: 110 lbs. • Wall to TV: 1.75" • VESA: Up to 800 x 400 • Built-in Bubble Level • Mounting Hardware Included 309047BK • 42 - 70 inch screen* • Tilt: -15 to +15 Degrees • Load Capacity: 165 lbs. • TV to Wall: 3.15" • VESA: Up to 800 x 600 • Mounting Hardware Included 309048BK COMPONENT WALL BRACKET • Mounts under your TV to hold your components (DVD Player, Cable Box, Wii, PS3, etc.) • Units will stack together so simply buy extra to accommodate multiple components. • Cable Management • Load Capacity: 55 lbs. • Dimensions: 7" x 14" x 12" (HxDxW) 309400BK DUAL COMPONENT SHELF WALL MOUNT COMPONENT SHELF WALL MOUNT 309419BK • Mounts under your TV to hold your components (DVD Player, Cable Box, etc.) • 6mm tempered glass shelf • Cable management • Shelf height adjustable DUAL COMPONENT SHELF WALL MOUNT • Mounts under your TV to hold your components (DVD Player, Cable Box, etc.) • (2) 6mm tempered glass shelf • Cable management • Shelf height adjustable • Mounts under your TV to hold your components (DVD Player, Cable Box, etc.) • (2) 6mm tempered glass shelf • Cable management 309420BK 309422BK 3 TIER GLASS TV STAND • For up to 50" screen • Dimensions: 47" x 16.5" x 20" (LxWxH) • Load Capacity: 110 lbs. 309430BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Description Order Order Order 309045 309046 309047 309048 309400 309419 309420 309422 309430 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK Articulating Tilt/Swivel, 32"-60" 61.55 60.01 58.47 56.93 Tilt 42" - 64" 45.70 44.56 43.41 42.27 Large Low Profile Tilt, 42"-65" 39.95 38.95 37.95 36.95 Extra Large Tilt, 42"-70" 63.79 62.19 60.60 59.00 Call for Pricing Component Wall Bracket 18.35 17.89 17.43 16.97 Component Shelf Wall Mount 32.40 866-296-2880 31.59 30.78 29.97 Dual Component Shelf Wall Mount 58.75 57.28 55.81 54.34 Dual Component Shelf Wall Mount 69.95 68.20 66.46 64.71 3 Tier Glass TV Stand 137.25 128.95 130.39 126.96 Order online at: TeledataExpress.com Page 93 September 2011 Catalog TV & PROJECTOR MOUNTS PROJECTOR MOUNTS CEILING MOUNT (MAX 44 LBS) CEILING MOUNT (MAX 22 LBS) •Steel construction •Universal Mounting with Four fully adjustable and extendable swing arms to accommodate various mounting patterns •Removable extension arm with variable height adjustment 120mm (4.7") and 430mm to 650mm (16.9" to 25.6") •15 degree tilt, pitch and yawl adjustment. •Mounting hardware included. •Maximum load weight 44lbs •Available in Black or White 309060BK Not compatible with: Epson PowerLite 83C or Hitachi CPX 206. 309070BK 309070WH 309062BK ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT Each w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Part # Color Description Order Order Order 309060 BK WH Universal Ceiling Projector Mount (44 lbs.) 309070 BK WH Universal Ceiling Projector Mount (22 lbs.) 309062 BK WH Universal Projector Wall Mount (44 lbs.) 309062WH 27.80 27.10 26.41 25.71 Call for Pricing 25.60 24.96 24.32 23.68 866-296-2880 27.80 27.11 26.41 25.72 TV & PROJECTOR MOUNT ACCESSORIES Recessed Indoor In Box 260733 Portable Tripod Projection Screen •• Non-metallic Recessed Box New or Existing Construction. •• Arlington's recessed indoor IN BOX™ for indoor use, allows flat screen TVs, furniture and countertop items to be mounted or placed flush against the wall. •• Made of sturdy, non-metallic materials, these boxes are recessed so plugs and/or connectors stay inside without extending past the wall. •• Paintable white trim plate covers edges of cut wall surface. ALL PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT w/$250 w/$500 w/ $750 Order Order Order Each Part # Description Recessed Box 2-Gang Recessed Box 3-Gang Recessed Box 4-Gang Surge Tap, 3 Outlet, 750 Joules Tripod Projection Screen - 67" Tripod Projection Screen - 80" Not compatible with: Epson PowerLite 83C or Hitachi CPX 206. Provide surge protection for your mounted equipment without having to use unsightly and bulky surge protected power strip, •• 750 Joules surge portection •• 15 AMP/120 Volt •• Filters up to 20db EMI/RFI Noice 4-Gang 102187-4WH 102187-2WH 102187-3WH 102187-4WH 260733 309381 309383 •• Wall Mounting Style Projector Mount •• Universal Mounting with four fully adjustable and extendable swing arms to accommodate various mounting patterns •• Fits projectors with mounting holes up to 11" apart •• Removable extension arms with variable length adjustment: 16.9" to 25.6" (430mm to 650mm) •• Steel Construction •• 15 degree tilt, pitch and yawl adjustment •• With cable management feature to hide unsightly cables •• Mounting Hardware Included •• Maximum load weight: 44lbs •• Wall plate dimensions: 4 inches x 4 inches •• Available in Black or White Surge Protected Wall Tap 3-Gang 102187-3WH Not compatible with: Epson PowerLite 83C or Hitachi CPX 206. WALL MOUNT (MAX 44 LBS) 309060WH •Steel construction •Universal Mounting with Three adjustable swing arms to suite a variety of different mounting patterns. •15 degree tilt and roll adjustment •360 degree rotation •6.7" drop from ceiling to top of projector •22lbs maximum load weight •Extension Arms Available (#309071) •Available in Black or White 12.90 12.58 11.87 11.93 13.60 13.26 12.92 12.58 Call15.01 for Pricing 15.40 14.63 14.24 4.60 4.48 4.37 4.25 866-296-2880 91.88 89.58 87.29 84.99 107.90 105.20 102.50 99.81 This tripod projection screen is perfect for business travel, show rooms, or watching movies. •• Tripod Projection Screen •• Folds up when not in use for easy portability •• 1:1 Aspect Ratio •• Matte White Screen with Black Border •• Gain: 1.0 •• Adjustable Height •• Viewing angle is adjustable •• Easy to setup •• #309381 - 67" Screen size (diagonal) 309381 •• #309383 - 80" Screen size (diagonal) 309383 CALL NOW! 866-296-2880 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL Communication, Networking, Security and Home Theater Components PERSONAL SERVICE There is no voice mail run-around at Teledata Express. Every call is answered by a real live friendly person whose only goal is to make you a satisfied customer. OUTSTANDING PRODUCTS Every product is manufactured to the highest level to meet or exceed applicable standards. Most products are independently verified and certified for both performance and safety. SAME DAY SHIPPING Right Now! Most items are in stock for same day shipping. Orders received by 3 p.m. CST are shipped the same day. UNMATCHED FILL RATE Not only do we ship same day - on the average we will ship 99% of everything you order the same day. Match That! DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR Why waste time and money running all over town when our price includes delivery to your door? There is no guessing about what your final total cost will be. COMPETITIVE PRICES Some suppliers offer great low prices but their products are inferior, others offer low price then gouge you with freight charges. No one matches our quality and our low prices. Phone: 866-296-2880 Fax: 866-872-6098 E-mail: sales@teledataexpress.com www.TeledataExpress.com Quick Reference VOICE & DATA CABLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 CL2/CL3 CABLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SPEAKER WIRE & CONNECTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 COAX CABLES & CONNECTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 KEYSTONE JACKS & INSERTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 WALL PLATES & HOUSINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 WALL PLATE MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PATCH CABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 CONNECTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PATCH PANELS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16 RACK DRAWERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 RACKS, BRACKETS & CABINETS. . . . . . . . . 17-18 CABLE MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22 RACEWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 TERMINAL BLOCK SYSTEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 TELEPHONY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 POWER SURGE PROTECTION. . . . . . . . . . . . 28-32 STRUCTURED WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 FIBER OPTIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-39 TOOLS & ACCESSORIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-54 SPECO SPEAKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-56 ALARM PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-57 SECURITY CAMERAS & ACCESSORIES. . . . 58-64 DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER (DVR). . . . . . . . . . . 61 POWER OVER ETHERNET (POE). . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 WIRED & WIRELSS NETWORKING. . . . . . . . 65-72 KVM SWITCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 I/O CONTROLLER CARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES & PARTS. . . . . . . . . 74 COMPUTER CABLES & ADAPTERS. . . . . . . . 75-78 AUDIO & VIDEO CABLES & ADAPTERS. . . . 79-83 AUDIO & VIDEO ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . 84-88 TV & PROJECTOR MOUNTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 89-93
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