The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Program Sessions presented in foreign languages and Japanese Keynote Address Day 1 Sep.11 13:30-15:00 10102 SL001 Social Pain and Social Reward Geoff MacDonald (University of Toronto) Atsushi Shimotomai (Senshu University) Chair: Machia Okubo (Senshu University) Invited Address by: Introduced by: Day 1 Sep.11 16:00-17:30 10203 SL002 Combining Brain Imaging, Neurophysiologic Techniques and Noninvasive Brain Stimulation to Understand A Changing Brain Invited Address by: Alvaro Pascual-Leone (Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School) Introduced by: Chair: Shinsuke Shimojo (California Institute of Technology) Ishikane Hiroshi (Senshu University) Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-11:30 10102 SL003 Social Cognition and the Human Brain Ralph Adolphs (California Institute of Technology) Masamichi Sakagami (Tamagawa University) Chair: Machia Okubo (Senshu University) Invited Address by: Introduced by: Day 2 Sep.12 16:00-17:30 10301 SL005 The Mirror Neuron Mechanism and Its Role in Understanding Others Invited Address by: Chair: Giacomo Rizzolatti (Universita di Parma) Akira Murata (Kinki University) -I- プログラム_英.indb 1 2012/09/07 11:10:29 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Symposium offered in collaboration with The Japanese Psychological Association and Korean Psychological Society Day 3 Sep.13 13:00-15:00 10102 JPAS003 Disaster and Psychology Korean Psychological Association The Japanese Psychological Association (Toyo University) Chair: Kiyoshi Ando (Toyo University) Speaker: Hea-Young Oh# (Korea Youth Counseling Institute) Speaker: Ryu-yeon Ahn# (Seoul National University Hospital; Hallym Organizer: University & Gangwon-do Psychological Support Center for Disaster Survivors) Kazuya Nakayachi (Dosisha University) Keizo Mizuta (Shokei Gakuin University) Discussant: Kikuyo Aoki (Ochanomizu University) Speaker: Speaker: -II- プログラム_英.indb 2 2012/09/07 11:10:29 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Symposium Day 1 Sep.11 13:00-15:00 S004 Emotion and Social Decision-making 10215 Masamichi Sakagami (Tamagawa University) Atsushi Iriki# (Riken) Chair: Atsushi Iriki# (Riken) Chair: Masamichi Sakagami (Tamagawa University) Speaker: Ralph Adolphs# (California Institute of Technology) Speaker: Kazuo Okanoya (University of Tokyo) Speaker: Toshio Yamagishi (Tamagawa University) Speaker: Hidehiko Takahashi# (Kyoto University) Discussant: Kaoru Sekiyama (Kumamoto University) Discussant: Tatsuya Kameda (Hokkaido University) Discussant: Shin'ya Nishida (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) Organizer: Organizer: Day 2 Sep.12 13:00-15:00 S006 Sensory substitution and mutisensory integration - concerning the brain plasticity 10214 Shinsuke Shimojo (California Institute of Technology) Shinsuke Shimojo# (California Institute of Technology) Speaker: Makoto Miyazaki# (Yamaguchi University) Speaker: Yoichi Sugita# (Waseda University) Speaker: Shinsuke Shimojo# (California Institute of Technology) Speaker: Alvaro Pascual-Leone# (Harvard Medical School) Organizer: Chair: Day 3 Sep.13 13:00-15:00 S009 Prediction and Creation: Basis of Model-based Decision-making Process 10202 Kenji Doya (OIST) Masamichi Sakagami (Tamagawa University) Chair: Masamichi Sakagami (Tamagawa University) Chair: Kenji Doya# (OIST) Speaker: Kenji Doya# (OIST) Speaker: Mutsumi Imai (Keio University) Speaker: Rufin Vogels# (University of Leuven) Speaker: Masamichi Sakagami (Tamagawa University) Speaker: Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Kyoto University) Discussant: Masako Jitsumori (Chiba University) Discussant: Masaki Tomonaga (Kyoto University) Organizer: Organizer: -III- プログラム_英.indb 3 2012/09/07 11:10:29 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Workshop Day 1 Sep.11 10:00-12:00 WS008 Beyond truth and falsity (1): New paradigm of reasoning research 10306 Ikuko Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Masasi Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Organizer: Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University) Chair: Ikuko Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Speaker: David Over# (Durham University) Speaker: Jean Baratgin# (Universite Paris 8) Speaker: Hiroko Nakamura (Nagoya University) Discussant: Ken Manktelow# (University of Wolverhampton) Discussant: Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University) Organizer: Organizer: Day 1 Sep.11 13:00-15:00 WS023 Beyond truth and falsity (2): Void value in causal inference and abduction 10310 Masasi Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Ikuko Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Organizer: Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University) Chair: Masasi Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Speaker: Ikuko Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Speaker: Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University) Speaker: Tatsuji Takahashi (Tokyo Denki University) Speaker: Junki Yokokawa# (Tokyo Denki University) Discussant: David Over# (Durham University) Discussant: Yoshimasa Majima (Hokusei Gakuen University) Discussant: Yoshiko Arai (Osaka City University) Organizer: Organizer: -IV- プログラム_英.indb 4 2012/09/07 11:10:30 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association All of the Poster Presentations are found on the following pages. PLACE: Room 92A, 92B, 92C, 92D 1AM: 1PM: 1EV: 2AM: 2PM: 2EV: 3AM: 3PM: Day & Times Sep. 11 10:00-12:00 Sep. 11 13:00-15:00 Sep. 11 15:30-17:30 Sep. 12 10:00-12:00 Sep. 12 13:00-15:00 Sep. 12 15:30-17:30 Sep. 13 10:00-12:00 Sep. 13 13:00-15:00 Division Index Theory・Method ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1 Personality・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 Society・Culture ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 6 Clinical Disorder ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 22 Crime・Delinquency ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 37 Mathematics・Statistics ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 40 Physiology・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 41 Sense・Perception ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 44 Cognition ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 49 Learning ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 62 Memory ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 63 Language・Thinking ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 68 Emotion・Motivation ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 71 Behavior ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 76 Development ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 77 Education ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 88 Industry・Traffic・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 96 Sports・Health ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 99 Gender ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 101 Environment ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 102 -V- プログラム_英.indb 5 2012/09/07 11:10:30 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Theory・Method Poster Presentation Theory・Method Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92A 1EVA01 The idea of listening is derived from a chorus of music in The Book of Odes. ○YOSHIHISA HAMAMURA (National Defense 1EVA02 Parochial Pavlovian Village and its funny people ○Makoto Yamaguchi (.) 1EVA03 Noken intelligence scale ○TOMOKO SUZUKI (Yokohama National University) 1EVA04 Why do people ask why ?: Theories and models of meaning-seeking ○Yu Urata (Kyoto University) 1EVA05 A Study on Body and Personality ○Shinichi Takeda (Tokai University) 1EVA06 Multiple measurements of emotion using a multiple mood scale; Construction of 2 short version scales ○Takafumi Wakita (Kansai University) 1EVA07 The Emergence of Psychological Thought of Yujiro Motora ○Yuko Suzuki (Ritsumeikan University) 1EVA08 The relation of Psychology of religion, Buddhist Psychology and Zen Psychology ○Hiroki Kato (Komazawa University) 1EVA09 Longitudinal Disaster Revitalization Studies with a “Revitalization Curve”(1) Academy) ○TAKUMI MIYAMOTO (Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University) 1EVA10 New Review of“The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change (C.R.Rogers 1957)”-3- ○Junko Izumino (Gunma University Graduate School 1EVA11 The presentation and using of classical experimental psychological equipments: The current and feature situation in Taiwan. ○Shojiro Sakurai (Kaohsiung Medical University) 1EVA12 The linkage between psychological distance and evaluation of group deviants ○Mami MUTO (Graduate School of Human Sciences, of Medicine) Osaka University) Naoki KUGIHARA (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) (1) プログラム_英.indb 1 2012/09/07 11:10:30 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Personality Personality Day 1 Sep.11 10:00-12:00 92D The relationship between Ego states based on Transactional Analysis Theory and Big Five personality traits ○Hitomi Saito (Tokyo University and Graduate School Concurrent Validity of the Personality Traits of Big Five in the Short Form:Validation by Joint Factor Analysis and Extension Factor Analysis with NEO-FFI ○Rie Yamamoto (Job Stress Research Laboratory (Non Kazuaki Shimizu (Kansai University) 1AMD03 Validity of the Japanese version of Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI-J)(1): Relations between TIPI-J and NEO-FFI ○Atsushi Oshio (Waseda University) Shingo Abe (Baika Women's University) Pino Cutrone# (Nagasaki University) 1AMD04 ○Shingo Abe Atsushi Oshio Pino Cutrone# 1AMD05 Correlation between OBS and Other Basic/Content Scales of MMPI-2 with Special Reference to Pt. ○Shota Kasai (Bunri University of Hospitality) Yukiko Mino (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) Takaki Makino (University of Tokyo) 1AMD06 Correlation of Pd scale with content and supplementary scales in MMPI-2 ○Yukiko Mino (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) Takaki Makino (University of Tokyo) Shota Kasai (Bunri University of Hospitality) 1AMD07 Clinical Scale for Psychopathic Deviate in MMPI-2 Restructured Form ○Takaki Makino (IIS, the University of Tokyo) Shota Kasai (Bunri University of Hospitality) Yukiko Mino (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) 1AMD08 Rorshach Content Analysis by the Method of MVAS ○TOSHIKO MONZEN (MONZEN Research Institute) 1AMD09 Examination of self-affirmation scales(1) ○michihiro tanaka (Saitama Gakuen University) 1AMD10 The Ego-defense Styles and Personality Styles ○Kiyoshi Nakazawa (KwanseiGakuinUniversity) 1AMD11 Development of Cooperativeness Scale ○Maine Tobari (Bunkyo University) Tomoko Oyama (Shirayuri College) Toshimoto Shuto (Saitama University) Ayano Kimura (Showa Women's University) Fumiko Nao# (Bunkyo University) 1AMD12 Development of scale to measure the feeling of being understood by others ○RIE NISHIWAKI (Graduated school of humanities , Development of Shinayakasa Scale for Children and Students ○tomoya imura (Hiroshima University) Tazuko Aoki (Hiroshima University) Youichirou Nonaka (Hyougo University of Teacher 1AMD01 1AMD02 1AMD13 of Social Welfare) Suguru SATO (Doshisha University) Profit Organization)) Konan University) Yoshikazu Fukui (Konan University) Education) 1AMD14 Validation of Shinayakasa Scale for Children and Students (2) ○Tazuko Aoki (Hiroshima University) Tomoya Imura (Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education) Youichiro Nonaka (Hyougo University of Teacher Education) (2) プログラム_英.indb 2 2012/09/07 11:10:31 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Personality 1AMD15 ○Tomofumi Owada (Kansai University of Social Development of the scale of service-seeking orientation in a college life (2) Welfare) Tomohiro Suzuki (Tokyo Future University) Motoko Kawata# (University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences) Day 1 Sep.11 13:00-15:00 92D 1PMD01 Effects of internal working models of attachment on facial cognition. ○Yoshihiro Shima (Kagoshima University) Yoshikazu Fukui (Konan University) 1PMD02 Relationships between Personality traits and change of affective states caused by listening to music ○Akira Nakamura (Chiba University of Commerce) Yoichiro Sagara (Chiba University of Commerce) 1PMD03 The Relationship of Personality and Detection Ability of Dichotically-presented Words and Emotions ○Chihiro Itoi (Graduate school of Chuo-University) Akira Midorikawa (Chuo-University) 1PMD04 Wanting and linking aspects of trait curiosity: Questionnaire measurement of individual differences. ○kazuji nishikawa (Graduate School of 1PMD05 Influence the motivation system on the past success recognition. ○Makoto Kawashima (Graduate School of Education, Psychology,Kansai University) Shinshu University) Fumito Takahashi (Faculty of Education, Shinshu University) 1PMD06 A study on the current image of shyness ○Tsutomu Fujii (Gakushuin University / Center for Research and Educational Testing) Takafumi Sawaumi (The University of Tokyo / Center for Research and Educational Testing) Atsushi Aikawa (Tokyo Gakugei University / Center for Research and Educational Testing) 1PMD07 An experimental study on interpersonal impressions of shy people: Focus on positive aspects of shy people ○Takafumi Sawaumi (Graduate School of Humanities 1PMD08 Pitfalls of positive thinking-ism (4): What s the good of positive thinking-ism? and Sociology, The University of Tokyo / Center for Research and Educational Testing (CRET)) Tsutomu Fujii (Faculty of Letters, Gakushuin University / Center for Research and Educational Testing (CRET)) Atsushi Aikawa (The Department of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University / Center for Research and Educational Testing (CRET)) ○Reiko Nakama (Hyogo University of Teacher Education) Atsushi Oshio (Waseda University) 1PMD09 Relationships between undervaluing others and negative view of society. ○Hideshi Kodaira (Nihon Fukushi University) 1PMD10 Perception and frequency of whispering during university lectures: focusing on noise sensitivity and friendship. ○Michiko Miyahara (Ritsumeikan University) 1PMD11 Effects of emotional intelligence on inhibiting revenge after ostracism ○Yuki Nozaki (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University) Masuo Koyasu (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University) (3) プログラム_英.indb 3 2012/09/07 11:10:32 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Personality 1PMD12 The relationships of social norms, moral cognition, and Standard for Public Scale in adolescent ○Aya FUJISAWA (kamakura women's university) 1PMD13 Drinking among Minors and Young Adults: Focusing on the Interrelations among Sensation Seeking. Self Control, and Peers Drinking ○Yuki Shibata (Osaka University of Commerce) 1PMD14 Why is it hard to discard? ○Takeshi Hashimoto (Shizuoka University) Jun Ode (Shizuoka University) 1PMD15 Relation of self-acceptance in loneliness and friendship ○Kaori Suzuki (Kanazawa University Graduate School) 1PMD16 The effect of self-concept clarity on mental health stability ○Yuko Tokunaga (Okayama university) Takashi Horiuchi (Okayama university) 1PMD17 The influence of meaning making following stressful life experience on self-concept (2) ○Ryo Horita (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Masashi Sugie (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) 1PMD18 Differences between positive ideal-selves and negative ideal-selves ○Ukyo Komaki (Yokohama National University) 1PMD19 The relation of between perfectionism and selfdisgust ○Rei Nishimura (Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku Univ.) Kenji Shimizu (Faculty of arts, Shinshu Univ.) Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92B 1EVB01 The investigation on the increase-decrease factor in obsessive-compulsive tendency ○Kenji Shimizu (Shinshu University) Hisayo Shimizu (Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University) Hirofumi Kawabe (Nishikyushu University Junior College) 1EVB02 Moderate Effect of Attention on the Relationship between Psychopathy and Empathy ○Ayame Tamura (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University.) Keiji Takata (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University.) Yoshinori Sugiura (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University.) Jun Moriya (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. / Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Yoshitake Takebayashi (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University.) Keisuke Tanaka (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University.) 1EVB03 An influence of Effortful Control on empathy ○asumi fujimoto (mimasaka university) 1EVB04 Personality traits related to reality monitoring error in daily life measured by the Reality Monitoring Error Questionnaire ○Hajime Tanabe (Shizuoka Univ.) Shunki Oka# (Shizuoka Univ.) Eriko Nakata (Kansai Univ.) 1EVB05 Influence of depression and effect of post-learning acute stress on memory ○Mingming Lin (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science / The University of Tokyo) Yoshihiko Tanno (The University of Tokyo) (4) プログラム_英.indb 4 2012/09/07 11:10:32 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Personality 1EVB06 The effect of procrastination and self- worth on depression -Including procrastination frequency- ○Yukiko Yamashita (Graduate School of Humanities, Konan University) Yoshikazu Fukui (Konan University) cognitive appraisal of emotional dependency (amae) and stress coping in hypervigilant narscissitic personality ○katsuyoshi sato (Graduate School of Integrated Arts 1EVB08 Comparison with Cognitive Style using by MBSS and resilience ○Yasuko Sato (kyouto bunkyou daigaku) Masatoshi Kawai (Mukogawa Women’s University,) 1EVB09 Innate/acquired resilience factors and coping with psychological hurt: A study of individual differences in coping and support seeking ○Mari Hirano (Graduate School of Education, 1EVB10 The effect of aggression and resilience to loneliness at the under graduate student. ○arisa onoda (Graduate School of Clinical 1EVB07 and Sciences Hiroshima University) makoto iwanaga (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Hiroshima University) University of Tokyo) Psychology,Beppu Univ.) Jumpei Yajima (Graduate School of Clinical Psychology,Beppu Univ.) Effects of resilience in an interpersonal situation on the influences facial expression ○Shinichiro Sera (Graduate School of Integrated Arts 1EVB12 An attempt to measure the individual differences in three types of coping humor: Avoidance, aggression and perspective taking. ○Kohei Yoshida (Kansai University) Toshihiko Amemiya (Kansai University) 1EVB13 The relationship between life aniety and aggression behavior ○Yoshihisa Fujii (Iwate University) 1EVB14 Relationship between temperamental traits and behavioral traits in impulsiveness ○mariko kobashi (Graduate School of Psychology, 1EVB11 and Science, Hiroshima Univercity) Makoto Iwanaga (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Science, Hiroshima Univercity) 1EVB15 A study of assertive behavior of senior person Rissho University) Masanori Ida (Rissho University) ○Kenji Suganuma (Seitoku University) Yukiko Osada (Seitoku University) Keiko Shirasaki (Seitoku University) Yuka Sekiguchi (Seitoku University) Kazue Inami (Tokyo Fuji University) Eri Yoshizawa (Aoyama Gakuin University) (5) プログラム_英.indb 5 2012/09/07 11:10:33 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture Society・Culture Day 1 Sep.11 10:00-12:00 92B 1AMB01 The Influence of coping style on mental health ○Masahiro Takamoto (University of Tsukuba) Atsushi Aikawa (Tokyo Gakugei University) 1AMB02 Investigation on Smoking Behavior as Facilitative Factors of Stress Coping and Communication – Influence of Nicotine Dependence and Smoking Years - ○Kyosuke Tskeno (Bunkyougakuin University 1AMB03 Reliability and validity of the Interpersonal Stress Response Scale ○sachiko takahashi (Graduate School of 1AMB04 The relationship between orientations and stress ○Michiko Kumano (Osaka Ohtani University) 1AMB05 The relationship between the cognition of interpersonal environment about child-rearing, mental adaptation of caregivers and parental attitude. ○Takashi Nishimura (Hiroshima International Graduate School) Takefumi Kobayashi (Bunkyogakuin University) Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) University) Kaichiro Furutani (Hijiyama University) Toshihiko Souma (Hiroshima University) Takami Naganuma# (Hiroshima International University) Hiroyuki Uchida# (Osaka Univeristy) 1AMB06 Parenting stress in mothers and their evaluation of fathers child care involvement ○Arata Nishio (Konan Women's University) Haruno Yamashita# (Hirota Kindergarten) 1AMB07 Family Communication Patterns and Social Support Seeking: A Japan-U.S. comparison ○Satoshi Moriizumi (Nanzan Junior College) 1AMB08 Comparisons between urban and rural areas on child- animal relations ○Bao Di (tokyo university of agriculture and 1AMB09 An exploratory study of social exchange index for close relationship: Using comparative analysis ○Takuhiro Ozawa (Senshu University) Atsushi Shimotomai (Senshu University) 1AMB10 Irreplaceability and Non-Reciprocal Altruism in Same-Sex Friendships 2 ○Hiroshi Shimizu (Hiroshima University) 1AMB11 A study of the behavior of leaving them alone in friendship of undergraduates. ○Akiyuki NAGAI (Graduate School of letters, Chuo 1AMB12 Categories and planar distribution of functions demanded for close interpersonal relationship in adolescence ○Manabu Fujimoto (Kurume University) 1AMB13 Effects of Self-Monitoring and friendship styles on life satisfaction among university students ○Rei Saika (Graduate School of Contemporary technology) Naoko Koda (Tokyo university of agriculture and technology) Univ.) Psychology, Rikkyo Univ.) Takayo Inoue (Meijigakuin Univ.) Takashi Oguchi (Rikkyo Univ.) 1AMB14 Attachment and behaviors to a stranger in adolescence (2) ○Taizo Okajima (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) Emiko Katsurada (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) 1AMB15 True appearance of today s adolescents (6): Relations between the number of friends and needs for friands, friendship satisfaction. ○Asami Watanabe (Toyo Eiwa University) Miho Ichimura (Toyo University) Hiroaki Tanno (Tokyo University of Social Welfare) (6) プログラム_英.indb 6 2012/09/07 11:10:33 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 1AMB16 True appearance of today s adolescents(7): Relation between self-valuation and self-esteem and assumed competence ○Miho Ichimura (Toyo University) Hiroaki Tanno (Tokyo University of Social Welfare) Asami Watanabe (Toyo Eiwa University) 1AMB17 True appearance of todays adolescents ○Hiroaki Tanno (Tokyo University of Social Welfare, Department of Psychology) Asami Watanabe (Toyo Eiwa University) Miho Ichimura (Toyo University) 1AMB18 Effect of experiences of club activity and part-time job on communication skills. ○Naohiro Obata (Hokkaido University) 1AMB19 Perception and evaluation of communication skills in group discussion ○Misako Nambu (Future University Hakodate) 1AMB20 The Influence of Conversation Style to Audience in Open Communication ○Takao FUNATO (Graduate School of Environmental Studies Nagoya university) Koji Hasegawa (Shinshu University) Tetsuo Naito (Fukushima College) Minoru Karasawa (Graduate School of Environmental Studies Nagoya university) 1AMB21 Redevelopment of privacy consciousness scale ○Naoya Tabata (Tokiwa University) Hirotsune Sato (University of Tsukuba) 1AMB22 Does restrictive composition policy affect password creation behavior? ○Masaru Takahashi (Saitama Institute of Technology) Takashi Ueda (Waseda University) 1AMB23 Inferences from risk communication: Implicature and the right of involvement ○Shinichiro Okamoto (Aichi Gakuin University) Toshiko Kikkawa (Keio University) 1AMB24 Consciousness for the communication-RYOKU by the service. ○Kazumi Ogawa (Aichi Shukutoku University) 1AMB25 Influences of Sense of Coherence on social skills ○Hiroko Fujisato (University of Tsukuba) 1AMB26 The influence of reassurance seeking and social motivation on provision and receipt of social support ○Koji Hasegawa (Shinshu University) 1AMB27 The effects of intimacy on the synchrony of body movements (2) ○Masayuki Hasegawa (Faculty of Human Studies, 1AMB28 A preliminary study about making eye contact measured by eye tracker system ○Taichi Kusayama (Teikyo University) Tomoe HAYAKAWA (Teikyo University) 1AMB29 Nonverbal communication of pharmacist III – Effects of eye contact on an impression of pharmacists – ○Katsuyoshi Kawasaki (Hoshi University) Hirohiko Uchimura# (Hoshi University) Taichi Kusayama (Teikyo University) Satoshi Furukara (Kunitachi College of Music) 1AMB30 Influence that listener s facial expression and eye contact exerts on talker s mind ○asahi morishita (N/A) 1AMB31 The Influence of NVC Skills Training on Social Skill ○Yukino Tsuchiya (Graduate School of Education, 1AMB32 The effects of humor on persuasion Taisho Univ.) Tomoko Hasegawa (Faculty of Human Studies, Taisho Univ.) Psychology, and Human Studies, Aoyama Gakuin University) Kenji Endo (College of Education, Psychology, and Human Studies, Aoyama Gakuin University) ○Akinori Sakai (Graduate School of education, Tokyo Gakugei Univ.) (7) プログラム_英.indb 7 2012/09/07 11:10:34 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 1AMB33 The study of interpersonal communication channel in face-to-face persuasive interaction 1AMB34 The Influence of Politeness on Excuse Maker ○Hitomi Yokoyama (Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University) Ikuo Daibo (School of Motivation and Behavioral Sciences, Tokyo Future University) ○jonatan eto (Nagoya University Graduate School of Environmental Studies) Kenji Shimizu (Shinshu University) Tetsuo Naito (Fukushima College) Minoru Karasawa (Nagoya University Graduate School of Environmental Studies) 1AMB35 Attitudes toward help seeking and the process to choose a help-giver ○Jin Ota (Baika University) Shingo Abe (Baika University) 1AMB36 Entrustment of personal dreams to the others I: To whom do undergraduate students entrust their personal goals ○Hiroyuki Shimizu (Kobe Gakuin University) Yoko Ishino (Shimane University) 1AMB37 Entrustment of personal dreams to the others II: Using a structural equation modeling ○Yoko ISHINO (Shimane University) Hiroyuki Shimizu (Kobe Gakuin University) Day 1 Sep.11 13:00-15:00 92B 1PMB01 The psychological effect of the free study support for the children of needy family ○Takahiro Yoshizumi (Chubu university) 1PMB02 Suicidal ideation and reciprocity of social support in local residents ○MIYUKI AIBA (Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba) Hirokazu Tachikawa# (Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba) Yutaka Matsui (Faculty of Human, University of Tsukuba) Yoshiharu Fukuoka (Faculty of Health and Welfare Services Administration, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) 1PMB03 The level of Public Familiarity with the Act on Assistance Dogs for Persons with Disabilities, and Acceptance of Assistance Dogs. ○Kumiko Matsunaka (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) Naoko Koda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) 1PMB04 Support for people who left rehabilitation facilities -issue of solidary death- ○naoko horie (nara medical university) 1PMB05 Understanding the Interplay ofAge and Education on Psychological Well-Being ○Mayumi Karasawa (TokyoWoman' sChiristianUniversity) juri sugino (graduateschooloftokyowoman' schristianuniversity) 1PMB06 The Relationships among Psychological Factors on Subjective Well-being ○Masao Saeki (Keio University) Rika Hasunuma# (Keio University) Takashi Maeno# (Keio University) 1PMB07 Study of image about good society ○Junko Takeuchi (Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Masatoshi Imaseki (Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Takashi Ideno (Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Kazuhisa Takemura (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) (8) プログラム_英.indb 8 2012/09/07 11:10:35 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 1PMB08 Development of the Image of Society Scale ○yuji kanemasa (Department of Psychology, Otemon 1PMB09 Social consideration and participation in society ○Tasuku Igarashi (Hokkai Gakuen University) 1PMB10 The effect of social capital on cooperative behavior among students in the faculty ○akiko Manseki (Osaka Prefecture University) 1PMB11 Future time perspective of Japanese university students: How students envision themselves five and ten years into the future ○Yumi Shimojima (School of Health Sciences, Kyorin 1PMB12 The change of undergraduates time attitude toward their future. ○Mai Sato (Waseda University) 1PMB13 University student s preference on job finding: Using paired comparison and monitoring information acquisition method ○Shigetaka OKUBO (Meiji Univ. / Waseda Univ.) Takashi IDENO (Waseda Univ.) Kazuhisa TAKEMURA (Waseda Univ.) 1PMB14 A pilot study for freshman s social orientation and overseas orientation ○Naoya Takahashi (Faculty of Psychology, Rissho Gakuin University) University) University) Yumiko Kamise (Faculty of Psychology, Rissho University) 1PMB15 1PMB16 A Study of University Students Social Wisdom and Associated Factores Relevance of the Frustration and Social Wisdom in Adolescence ○Kiyoko Ishikawa (Tokyo University of Social Welfare) Yuko Yajima (Tokyo University of Social Welfare) Miki Fukuda (Tokyo University of Social Welfare) ○Yuko Yajima (Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare) Kiyoko Ishikawa (Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare) 1PMB17 A qualitative study of“Receiving Forgiveness”in adolescence ○Motoi Ogawa (Yokohama National University) Hideaki Takagi (Yokohama National University) 1PMB18 Cross-national insights on love and communication in intimate relationship for adolescents in Japan and Brazil ○Yayoi Watanabe (Housei University) Ana Paula Martins Gouveia# (San Paul University) 1PMB19 The Relationship of Praise Seeking, Rejection Avoidance Needs of Undergraduate Students and Perceived Social Power from Parents ○Misako Mitsumura (Graduate School of 1PMB20 The Influence of Daily Hassles and Uplifts on the Feeling of Trust in University, Students ○Yuki Kinpara (Graduate School of Human and Social 1PMB21 The categorical study for cognitive social capital among university students ○Haga Michimasa (Graduate School of Literature and Psychological & Physical Science, Aichi Gakuin Univ.) Hiroto Takagi (Aichi Gakuin Univ.) Studies, Saitama Institute of Technology) Hideaki Horoiwa (Division of Psychology, Saitama Institute of Technology) Social Sciences) Takanobu Matsuura (Faculty of Psychology, Rissho University) Itsuki Yamakawa (Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences) Yui Motoyama (Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences) Shinji Sakamoto (College of Humanities and Sciences) 1PMB22 Construction of the daily life interests scale for the youth ○Harumi Muroyama (The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training) Tamayu Fukamachi (The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training) (9) プログラム_英.indb 9 2012/09/07 11:10:35 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 1PMB23 ○Tamayu Fukamachi (The Japan Institute for Labour A preliminary study for a revision of a computerized career self-assessment system for the youth Harumi Muroyama (The Japan Institute for Labour 1PMB24 Scale Construction for Career ○yan li (Sesen University) 1PMB25 Views on the Balance of Work and Life by Teachers and Parents Reexamination of Parenting and the Balance of Work and Life (2) ○HIROKO OHMORI (Bukkyo-U) Jin Ota 1PMB26 The effect of anti-inequality and notion of gender differences on causal attribution for employment status of Japanese young men ○Chitose Oishi (Tokyo Women's College/Junior 1PMB27 The relationship between gaze time and the degree of subjective attention to recruitment information. ○Yusuke Naganuma (Waseda University) Shinsaku Matsumoto# (The Japan Institute for Labor 1PMB28 PAC Analysis concerning the Leadership on a Manager who works for a subsidiary as Temporary transfer (Shukko) ○satomi ishibashi (Shibaura Institute of Technology) Tetsuo Naito (Fukushima College) 1PMB29 life career resilience (1) ○Miho Takahashi (the University of Tokyo) kazuko isidu (Komazawa Women's University) shinichiro morita (Kitasato University) 1PMB30 Life career resilience(2): Comparison of junior and senior high school students using a life career resilience scale ○Kazuko Ishidu (Komazawa Woman's University) Shinichiro Morita (Kitasato University) Miho Takahashi (The University of Tokyo) 1PMB31 Personal growth following confession of love: Failure versus success (1) ○Makoto Nakayama (Nagoya University) Toshikazu Yoshida (Nagoya University) 1PMB32 When the Athletes thrive in their career crisis ○Kazuho Yamaura (Ritsumeikan University) 1PMB33 Causes and Consequences of Social Support during Basketball Games ○Satoko Yuo (Japan Society for the Promotion of 1PMB34 Why do spectators go to the ballpark? A survey in liaison with a professional baseball team Policy and Training) Policy and Training) College of Physical Education) Policy and Training) Science; Nagoya University) Toshikazu Yoshida (Nagoya University) ○Takashi Murakami (Chukyo University) Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-12:00 92B 2AMB01 Strategic Self-Presentation and Perceived Fashion Risk ○Kenji Endo (Aoyama Gakuin University) 2AMB02 The Correlation Between The Consciousness to Clothing and Self-A study of a possibility of rising interest in clothing having a positive effect on self- ○shoko Ichikawa(Mukaigawa)Shoko (Kansai 2AMB03 The effect of rejection avoidance need and an audience on negative affect to a speech task ○Eri Yoshizawa (Aoyama Gakuin University) 2AMB04 Self-acknowledgement as a moderator of selffocused attention ○Takashi Oguchi (Rikkyo University) MIHO NAKAJIMA# (Rikkyo University) 2AMB05 The effects of acquaintance s existence and cultural view of self on cognitive dissonance ○Masahiro SAITOU (Graduate school of University of International Studies) Education,Tokyo Gakugei Univ) Hisashi Uebuchi (Tokyo Gakugei University) (10) プログラム_英.indb 10 2012/09/07 11:10:36 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 2AMB06 The role of concerning for self and learning at college on training for childcare workers ○Saeko Shitara (Kanto Junior College) 2AMB07 The effect of leg-to-body ratio (LBR) on attractiveness of body shape (2) ○Satoru Kiire (Graduate School of Humanities Hosei Effects of acquisition of an attractive personality on others impressions. ○Aya Fujihira (Graduate School of Human Science, 2AMB08 University) Keita Ochi (Hosei University Faculty of Letters) Bunkyo Univ.) Akiko Kamada (Faculty of Human Science, Bunkyo Univ.) 2AMB09 Self-reported comfort in outperforming others, and intention of appeasing and avoiding the outperformed person ○Shunsuke Shimoda (21st Human Interaction Research 2AMB10 Intervening effects of fear of success on the relationship between sense of normality and emotional reactions ○Norihiro Kuroishi (Japan Professional School of 2AMB11 The relations between interpersonal attraction and similarity of personality ○Naoki Kajihara (Japan Women's University) Kazuko Kajihara (Gion Elementary School) 2AMB12 Effects of over-adaptation and listeners attitude on utterance inhibition. ○Aya MURASE (Bunkyocho Clinic) Takeshi Hashimoto (Faculty of Humanities and Relational norms and responses to rejection: Communal and exchange norms. ○Genta Miyazaki (Osaka City University, Urban- 2AMB13 Center, Toyo University) Education) Yoriko Sano (Seisen Jogakuin College) Social Sciences, Shizuoka University) Culture research center) Tomoko Ikegami (Graduate school of literature and human sciences, Osaka City University) 2AMB14 Gay men s narratives of gay social norm negotiation in New York City ○Brian R. Davis (City University of New York) 2AMB15 The Potential for Use of the Narrative-Practice: For Mental-Support by Cosmetics. ○Ayae Kido (Ritsumeikan University) 2AMB16 Is an informant who describes other s negative trait perceived as having the trait? : Spontaneous trait transference among fifth-graders and undergraduates ○Yuki Shimizu (Faculty of Education, Saitama 2AMB17 The mediating effect of age on the relationship between physical attractiveness and cooperative behavior ○Mizuho Shinada (Graduate School of Humanities and University) Sociology, University of Tokyo) Toshio Yamagishi (Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute) 2AMB18 Does physical attractiveness stereotype in male really exist? ○Koji TODA (Hokkaido University of Education) 2AMB19 Effects of Gender Stereotypes on Negative Impressions of a Person ○Ai Matsuo (Graduate School of Comprehensive 2AMB20 2AMB21 Human Sciences) Fujio Yoshida (Tokyo Seitoku University) Relationship between degree of establishment of subtypes and paradoxical effects of stereotype suppression ○Mana Yamamoto (Graduate School of Literature and The fragrance of fabric softener affects on formation of impression for the person. ○Mitsue Kanda (Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Social Sciences, Nihon University) Takashi Oka (College of Humanities and Sciences , Nihon University) Tohoku University) Miki Ohwaku# (LION Co Ltd) Nobuyuki Sakai (Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University) (11) プログラム_英.indb 11 2012/09/07 11:10:37 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 2AMB22 Physical temperature effects on impression formation: I think you are a cold person if my hands get warm ○Tomoko Oe (Teikyo University) 2AMB23 How much rejection risk do people feel if their opposite-sex partners evaluate them negatively? ○Junichi Taniguchi (Department of Psychology, 2AMB24 The Effect of Common Japanese Honorifics on Impression Formation: Presented along with the Same Average Face ○Genji Sugamura (Kansai University) Ryutaro Higuchi (Graduate School of Psychology, 2AMB25 Generalization of the mere exposure effect based on handwriting ○Naoaki Kawakami (University of Tsukuba) Tadashi Kikuchi (University of Tsukuba) Fujio Yoshida (Tokyo Seitoku University) 2AMB26 Do we feel comfortable about“being touched”? (1): Focusing on gender difference and closeness of relationships ○Keiko OMORI (Kanagawa University) Yuka Igarashi (Kanagawa University / Tokyo Tezukayama University) Kansai University) Metropolitan University) Hiromi Wake (Kanagawa University) Yukio Itsukushima (Nihon University) Do we feel comfortable about“being touched”? (2): Focusing on meaning of touch for body site ○Yuka Igarashi (Kanagawa university / Tokyo 2AMB28 Factor structure of social support for promotionfocused and prevention-focused goals scale ○Ryosuke Asano (Japan Society for the Promotion of 2AMB29 The effects of mortality salience on stereotyping of undergraduates on the basis of academic status ○Makoto Numazaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Kunio Ishii (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Kumiko Takabayashi (Hitotsubashi University) Kenji Hanita (Hitotsubashi University) 2AMB30 Romantic relationship unstable although love is high ○sho kataoka (The institute of Comparison Studies of 2AMB31 Changes of experimence rates of dating behaviors in university students ○Yasumasa Kosaka (Wako University) 2AMB32 Psychological Changes by Romantic Love among university students ○Machiko Takahashi (University of Tsukuba) 2AMB33 A basic research on the unfaithful love of contemporary adolescence in Japan (4) ○Koshi Makino (Setsunan University) 2AMB34 Ego vulnerability and fanship for a Visual-kei fan. ○Azusa Fukumori (Ochanomizu University) Mika Omori (Ochanomizu University) 2AMB35 Fujyoshi and Bizarre love stories ○Shigeyuki Yamaoka (SEITOKU University 2AMB27 Metropolitan University) Keiko Omori (Kanagawa university) Hiromi Wake (Kanagawa university) Yukio Itsukushima (Nihon University) Science, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University) Toshikazu Yoshida (Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University) Internaitonal Cultures and Societies, Kurume University) Naoko Sonoda (The institute of Comparison Studies of Internaitonal Cultures and Societies, Kurume University) Depertment of Psychology) (12) プログラム_英.indb 12 2012/09/07 11:10:37 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture Day 2 Sep.12 13:00-15:00 92B 2PMB01 A locational difference in the evaluation of rumortweets about the Great Japan Earthquake and their criticisms ○Yuuko Tanaka (Stevens Institute of Technology) Yasuaki Sakamoto# (Stevens Institute of Technology) Yasushi Michita (Faculty of Education, University of Ryukyus) Toshihiko Matsuka (Faculty of Letters, Chiba University) 2PMB02 Positive and negative attitudes toward microblog after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami ○Terumasa Kogure (Center for Regional Affairs, 2PMB03 Development of Community Disaster Prevention SNS System: An Examination of Pre-disaster Information Sharing ○Naohiro Yoshiyama (Oita Prefectural College of Arts Fukushima University) and Culture) Tatsuya Kikuchi# (Digitalbank Co.Ltd.) Kazuyoshi Korida# (Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture) Yuki Shibata (Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture) Masaya Takahashi# (Saitama University) Makiko Takenaka# (Oita University) 2PMB04 Trust of anonymous BBS in earthquake disaster ○Takashi Tsuzuki (Department of Psychology, Rikkyo University) Manabu Kikuchi (Department of Psychology, Rikkyo University) Genki Chiba (Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University) Masashi Soma (Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University) Yuichi Hashimoto# (Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University) 2PMB05 Improvement of the information service for passengers against an earthquake disaster (1) ○Fumitoshi Kikuchi (Railway Technical Research Institute) Kana Yamauchi (Railway Technical Research Institute) Akiko Murakoshi (Railway Technical Research Institute) Ayano Saito# (Railway Technical Research Institute) Kohei Fujinami# (Railway Technical Research Institute) koji Omino# (Railway Technical Research Institute) 2PMB06 mprovement of the information service for passengers against an earthquake disaster (2) ○KANA YAMAUCHI (Railway Technical Resarach Institute) Fumitoshi Kikuchi (Railway Technical Resarach Institute) Akiko Murakoshi (Railway Technical Resarach Institute) FUJINAMI Kohei# (Railway Technical Resarach Institute) SAITO Ayano# (Railway Technical Resarach Institute) OMINO Koji# (Railway Technical Resarach Institute) 2PMB07 Determinants of disaster awareness and disaster prevention action of the metropolitan area university students- Examined after six months from the occurrence off The Earthquake of Pacific of Tohoku- ○YUTAKA SHIMIZU (SHOWA WOMEN'S 2PMB08 Undergraduates outlook on life after 2011 Tohoku earthquake (1). ○Kazuyo Kino (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University) Tomoki Ohashi (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University) Mitsukazu Matsuura (Miyagi Gakuin Women's UNIVERSITY) University) (13) プログラム_英.indb 13 2012/09/07 11:10:38 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 2PMB09 How did the 2011 Tohoku earthquake change the reaction to the risk involved event?1(1) ○Yuki Minegishi (Sendai development consultation support center) Tomoki OHASHI (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University) How did the 2011 Tohoku earthquake change the reaction to the risk involved event?(2) ○Tomoki Ohashi (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University) Yuki MINEGISHI (Sendai development consultation 2PMB11 The change of anxiety after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (1) ○Kazuya Nakayachi (Doshisha University) 2PMB12 Factor of the support activity for the stricken area of the South Kanto resident ○youichi yamamoto (University of Tsukuba) Seonyoung Yoo (University of Tsukuba) Kako Inoue (Yokohama National University) Yutaka Matsui (University of Tsukuba) 2PMB13 The exploratory study of donation behavior ○Takanari Tomono (Miyagi Gakuin Women's 2PMB14 The effect of parenting attitudes over the intent of helping behavior. ○nobutaka itakura (Hiroshima International Univ) Takashi Nishimura (Hiroshima International Univ.) Kaichiro Furutani (Hijiyama Univ.) Toshihiko Souma (Hiroshima Univ.) 2PMB15 Affective Forecasting and Interest in Natural Disasters ○Masayo Noda (Kinjo Gakuin University) 2PMB16 Relationships between Diurnal Variations in MicroBlogging and the Users Baseline Mood ○Masashi Komori (Osaka Electro-Communication 2PMB17 A simulation study about the influence that Internet gives the public opinion formation ○Hao Shen (Ritsumeikan University) 2PMB18 The relationships between the problematic behaviors on Internet and the traits of Internet users (3) ○Youichi Nishimura (Hokuriku Gakuin University) 2PMB19 Effects of experiences in the virtual world of an Online game on real interpersonal relations ○Keisuke Takada (Graduate School of Sociology, 2PMB20 The Study of risk perception of mobile phone use in school pupils ○Kaichiro Furutani (Hijiyama University) Atsushi Hikita# (Hiroshima University) Shinji Ishii (Hijiyama University) 2PMB21 Effects of video game use on critical thinking disposition ○REIKO ANDO (Kinjo Gakuin Univ.) Masami Ikeda (Jumonji Univ.) 2PMB22 Psychological process of cyber-bullying; From the viewpoint of cognition to online abuse. ○Kei Fuji (University of Tsukuba) Fujio Yoshida (Tokyo Seitoku University) 2PMB23 The effects of adolescents exposure to sexual contents in the Internet on sexual experiences ○Megumi Kashibuchi (University of Tsukuba) Reiko Ando (Kinjo Gakuin University) Kanae Suzuki (University of Tsukuba) Ayuchi Kumazaki (Ochanomizu University) Rui Katsura (Ochanomizu University) Akira Sakamoto (Ochanomizu University) 2PMB24 Content analysis of depiction of dating violence in comic magazines ○Miyoko Ui (Tamagawa University) Junko Miyamae (Kagawa University) Hitomi Terashima (University of Tsukuba) Megumi Matsui (Okayama University) Midori Takezawa (University of Toyama) 2PMB25 Media usage and images of foreign people ○Isao Sakuma (Bunkyo University) 2PMB10 support center) University) University) Asako Miura (Kwansei Gakuin University) Chukyo Univ.) (14) プログラム_英.indb 14 2012/09/07 11:10:39 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 2PMB26 Facial expressions and displays of tastes: a comparison between Japanese and Chinese ○KIYOSHI MAIYA (Kobe University, Institute for Promotion of Higher Education) Mikako Yuba (Graduate School of Kobe University, Inter-cultural studies) 2PMB27 2PMB28 Kikokushijo s attitude toward the home country and the host counrty: Changes of behavioral attitude and attitudinal type The influence of seasonal changes on the mental health of Japanese living abroad ○Nanae Kojima (Health Service Center, Hiroshima University) Hiromi Fukada (Faculty of Human Science, Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University) ○Yumiko KURATA (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University) Shinobu Nomura (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University) 2PMB29 2PMB30 A pragmatic analysis of dialogues between Japanese students and non-native speakers whose L1 is Chinese. ○Yi Kan (Graduate School of Social Studies, Doshisha Study on the decoding of the masking smile: comparison between Japanese and Chinese ○Mikako Yuba (Kobe University-Graduate School of Univ.) Tomoyoshi Inoue (Doshisha University) Inter-Cultural Studies) Ikuo Daibo (Tokyo Future University School of Motivation and Behavioral Sciences) Kiyoshi Maiya (Kobe University-Graduate School of Inter-Cultural Studies) 2PMB31 What are the differences of self-presentation to strangers between Japanese and Chinese people? ○Masanori Kimura (Kobe College) Xinhua Mao (Kobe Gakuin University) 2PMB32 Comparison of ego states between college students from China and Japanese college students ○Naoki Shibahara (Kinki Welfare University) Masao Endo (Kinki Welfare University) Hisao Ishii (Kinki Welfare University) 2PMB33 Japanese social skills performance and adjustment in Japanese students: As contrasting group of cultural distance of interpersonal behavior in international students ○tomoko tanaka (Okayama University) Yuri Okunishi# (Osaka University) 2PMB34 The continuing effect to Japanese undergraduates from a Chinese cultural SST programs ○XINHUA MAO (kobe gakuin univ) Masanori Kimura (Kobe college) 2PMB35 Receptive Attitudes toward Different Cultures and Friendship ○KIYOSHI SENSUI (IKUEI JUNIOR COLLEGE) Nobuo Koike (IKUEI JUNIOR COLLEGE) 2PMB36 Comparative Study of Juvenile Probation System between Japan and the United Kingdom ○Miho Kosuge (Kanto Region Psychologist 2PMB37 Actual self and ideal self among Japanese and American: Focusing on the culturally shared beliefs ○HIROFUMI HASHIMOTO (JSPS Research Fellow 2PMB38 Attitudes toward Patriotism, Nationalism, Internationalism and Multiculturalism ○Aekyoung Kim (Nagoya Gakuin University) Kenichi Kubota (Nagoya City University) 2PMB39 The Relationship between Delusional Ideation, Religiosity, and Critical Thinking ○AIRI SHIRASAKI (Graduate School of Psychology, The differences of forgiveness expression in the New Testament ○Nami Takata (Graduate School of Psychology, 2PMB40 Association) (PD)) Kansai Univ.) Genji Sugamura (Faculty of Letters, Kansai Univ.) Kurume university) Koji Kosugi (Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University) (15) プログラム_英.indb 15 2012/09/07 11:10:39 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture Day 3 Sep.13 10:00-12:00 92B Change of Oculomotor Control by Adapting Typical Japanese and American Scenes ○Yoshiyuki Ueda (Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto 3AMB02 An experimental study of preference construction using a perceptual judgment task.(2) ○Takashi IDENO (Graduate School of Waseda Univ.) Mikiya Hayashi (Meisei Univ.) Takayuki Sakagami (Keio Univ.) Satoshi Fujii (Kyoto Univ.) Shigetaka Okubo (Graduate School of Waseda Univ.) Yuki Tamari (Graduate School of Waseda Univ.) Tsuyoshi Hatori (Ehime Univ.) Kazuhisa Takemura (Waseda Univ.) 3AMB03 Indirect effects of ease of retrieval and the moderating role of cognitive-load ○Ryo Orita (Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan 3AMB01 University) Asuka Komiya (Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University) University) Yasuki Yagi (College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University) 3AMB04 Regulatory focus and time estimation: The moderating effect of deadline proximity. ○Yuka Ozaki (Tokai University) Osamu Higuchi (Hitotsubashi University) 3AMB05 Effect of Temporal Distance on Compromise Effect (2) ○shuji suzuki (Hokkai Gakuen University) 3AMB06 Relevance between accuracy of duration prediction and metacognition ○Masako Tanaka (The University of Tokyo, Graduate 3AMB07 The effect of narrative transportation on attitude about narrative theme. ○Megumi Komori (Hitotsubashi University) 3AMB08 Influence of indirect association on evaluation of words -Using the mediated priming paradigm- ○Shintaro Kanai (Graduate School of Letters, Arts, and School of Education) Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Takashi Ideno (Graduate School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Mariko Nakayama (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Mikiya Hayashi (Meisei Univ.) Kazuhisa Takemura (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Development of Japanese version of TALE Scale and Investigation of reliability and validity ○Tsutomu OCHIAI (Graduate School of Contemporary 3AMB10 Effects of rumination and reflection on depression through the recall of autobiographical memory ○Atsushi Kawakubo (Graduate School of 3AMB11 Can every positive experience lead to a positive prediction? ○Yoshitsugu Fujishima (Showa Women's University) 3AMB12 The effect of sense-making of negative experience on retroactive pessimism ○Ema Kuwayama (Hitotsubashi University) Koji Murata (Hitotsubashi University) 3AMB13 Looking for emotionally positive or negative events consciously causes implicit attitude formation (2). ○Mikiya Hayashi (Meisei University) 3AMB14 Effect of subliminal priming on evaluation of nonsense figures ○Masatoshi Imaseki (Graduate School of Waseda) Mariko Nakayama (Waseda University) Takashi Ideno (Graduate School of Waseda) Mikiya Hayashi (Meisei University) Kazuhisa Takemura (Waseda University) 3AMB09 Psychology,Rikkyo University) Takashi Oguchi (Rikkyo University) Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University) Takashi Oguchi (Rikkyo University) (16) プログラム_英.indb 16 2012/09/07 11:10:40 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 3AMB15 Testing Effects of Elderly Priming on Behaviour by a Double-blind Method ○Yo NAKAWKAE (Sophia University) Masanori Takezawa (Sophia University) 3AMB16 Emotion judgment of Audiovisual Stimuli Representing different Emotions from Faces and Voices ○Sachiko Takagi (Graduate School of Humanities and 3AMB17 Investigation of what kind of emotional episode people tend to talk about Sciences, Tokyo Woman's Christian UNIV.) Kenichi Tabei (Graduate School of Medicine, Mie Univ.) Akihiro Tanaka (Department of Psychology, Tokyo Woman's Christian Univ.) ○Yukako Hasegawa (Graduate school of human sciences, Sophia University.) Masanori Takezawa (Faculty of human sciences, Sophia University) 3AMB18 The relationship between the trait of anger rumination and aggression ○Taketoshi Hatta (Gifu University of Medical Science) Junko Hatta (Aichi Gakuin University) 3AMB19 The effect of social exclusion on facial expression recognition. -Exclusion makes sad face unlikable.- ○Masato Nunoi (Kyoto University) Satoshi Nakashima (Kyoto University) Sakiko Yoshikawa (Kyoto University) 3AMB20 An exploratory study of emotional experiences and utilization of“Riaju” ○Takuya Kuroda (Graduate School of Comprehensive 3AMB21 Relation to score of empathic scale and selection of empathic subjects. Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba.) Satoshi Mochizuki (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba.) ○Takuya Nakatsuma (Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan University.) Tatsuya Sato (College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University.) 3AMB22 Development of the empathy scale for driving behavior ○Shigehito Tanida (Taisho University) Yukiko Nishizaki (Nissan Research Center, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd) Toshio Yamagishi (Tamagawa University) ○Michiko Koizumi (Graduate School of Education, 3AMB23 The ability of judgment about other s altruism in preschool children 3AMB24 Relation between deception detection ability and autism spectrum. ○Kazune Saito (Graduate School of Human Science, Sex differences in relation to Empathy and Social behavior ○yuka sato (Graduate School of Human Sciences, 3AMB25 Hokkaido University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Socience) Haruto Takagishi# (Japan Society for the Promotion of Socience / The University of Tokyo) Hiroyuki Okada# (Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute) Bunkyo Univ.) Hitoshi Okada (Bunkyo Univ.) Akiko Kamada (Bunkyo Univ.) Waseda Univ.) Shoji IMAI (Faculty of Human Care, Nagoya Univ. of Arts and Sciences) Yuka MIKAKE# (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Hiroaki KUMANO (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) 3AMB26 Does empathy increase the probability of a draw? ○Masashi Kushizaki (Kansai University) 3AMB27 Does a letter-writing task enhance empathy toward others as out-group members? ○Jun Numata (Doshisha University) (17) プログラム_英.indb 17 2012/09/07 11:10:41 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 3AMB28 The better-than-average effect and the level of abstraction in the comparison ○Nobutoshi Okubo (Transdisciplinary Initiative for Eco-Philosophy, Toyo University) Shunsuke Shimoda (21st Century Human Interaction Research Center, Toyo University) 3AMB29 Culture and the development of values: An examination using children colorings ○Keiko Ishii (Kobe University) Rie Toriyama (University of Toronto) Nicholas Rule# (University of Toronto) 3AMB30 Development of attitudes towards paranormal phenomena: Attitudes towards paranormal phenomena(28) ○Eiko Koshiro (University of the Sacred Heart) Hiroyuki SAKATA (Osaka Shoin Women’s University) Masahiro KAWAKAMI (Osaka Shoin Women’s University) 3AMB31 Constructing attitudes towards paranormal phenomena scale (APPle) short edition (1): Attitudes towards Paranormal Phenomena (29) ○Hiroyuki Sakata (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) Masahiro Kawakami (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) Eiko Koshiro (Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of the Sacred Heart) 3AMB32 Constructing attitudes towards paranormal phenomena scale (APPle) short edition (2): Attitudes towards Paranormal Phenomena (30) ○Masahiro Kawakami (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) Eiko Koshiro (Faculty of Liberal Arts, Univ. of the Sacred Heart) Hiroyuki Sakata (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) Day 3 Sep.13 13:00-15:00 92B 3PMB01 Impacts of Essentialist Beliefs and Intragroup Respect on outgroup Attitudes ○Nobuko Asai (Kyoto-Bunkyo University) Ken-ichi Ohbuchi (Tohoku University) 3PMB02 The In- Versus Out-Group Status of Descriptive Norms and Its Effects on Behavioral Intentions ○Asami Ohji (Graduate School of Environmental Effects of Perceived Status Difference on In-group/ Out-group Fvoritism ○tomoyuki kobayashi (Graduate School of Psychology Studies, Nagoya University) Masahiro Ishida (Faculty of Public Policy, Kyoto Prefectural University) 3PMB03 Doshisha University) masanori oikawa (Doshisha University Faculty of Psychology) 3PMB04 Consistency of the group identification in affiliation groups, and group-self-representation. ○Daisuke Akasu (The Institute of Comparative Studies 3PMB05 The relationship of loneliness, self-esteem and group identity ○Tomoko Matsui (Osaka University) Yoshiko Nitta# (Osaka University) Jun Nakahara (Osaka University) 3PMB06 Development of Values of intergroup hierarchy scale. ○Hitomi Sugiura (Hiroshima University / JSPS 3PMB07 Factors regulating solidarity of athletic clubs ○Hitoshi Yoshimura (Kochi Gakuen College) 3PMB08 The function of university club activities events ○HARUKI TAKADA (Graduate School of of International Cultures and Socities KURUME University) Research fellow) Hiroshi Simizu (Hiroshima University) Kiriko Sakata (Hiroshima University) Comprehensive Human Schiences, University of Tsukuba) (18) プログラム_英.indb 18 2012/09/07 11:10:41 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 3PMB09 The influence of in-group norms of lying on group coherence ○Yasashi Shinohara (The university of Tokyo, 3PMB10 Psychophysiological responses to unfair offers from in-group and out-group ○Asako TOYAMA (Graduate School of Environmental Department of psychology, Graduate school of humanities and sociology) Yohtaro Takano (The university of Tokyo, Department of psychology, Graduate school of humanities and sociology) Gen Ito (The university of Tokyo, Department of psychology, Graduate school of humanities and sociology) Studies, Nagoya Univ.) Hideki Ohira (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya Univ.) 3PMB11 Principles guiding behavior, frequencies of rulebreaking, and adjustments. ○Takuhiko DEGUCHI (Nara University of Education) 3PMB12 Distributive behavior in Simulated Society ○Masayo Yamamoto (Jinai Univ) Ichiro Fukuda (Setsunan Univ) Jun Shimizu (Konan weman's Univ) 3PMB13 Coevolution between pathogen prevalence and fear of evaluation ○YUTAKA HORITA (Sophia University, Faculty of 3PMB14 The influence factors of chronic victimization of dating violence: From the perspective of social isolation and loneliness ○Takashi Arai (Otemon Gakuin University) Emi Miura (University of Tsukuba) Fujio Yoshida (Tokyo Seitoku University) 3PMB15 Effects of act and actor s character on moral judgments. ○Wataru Kajiwara (Graduate School of Letters, Human Sciences / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Masanori Takezawa (Sophia University, Faculty of Human Sciences) Ritsumeikan Univ) Masasi Hattori (Ritsumeikan Univ) 3PMB16 A Theory of Terrorism as Social Psychological Seduced Violence by ABCD and H manipulation ○Kimiaki Nishida (Faculty of Psychology, Rissho 3PMB17 Making Japanese version of Pretrial Juror Attitudes Questionnaire: Investigating its internal structure and validity ○Masahiro FUJITA (Kansai University) 3PMB18 The effect of dehumanizing defendants on perceived rehabilitation possibility ○Saori Tsukamoto (Nagoya University, JSPS) Minoru Karasawa (Nagoya University) 3PMB19 The Effects of Account-giving and Benefits for Victims on Moral Judgments ○Jinmin Wang (Chiba Institute of Science) 3PMB20 Attitudes towards dog droppings around the farmland ○ryohei Koga (Tokyo University of Agriculture and 3PMB21 A Study on the Components of Socially Just Situations ○Shinsuke Nakamura (Kansai University) Yukio Morikami (Osaka International University) Seiichiro~ Nishisako (Soai University) Takashi Kuwabara (Kansai University) 3PMB22 The Effect of Printed Descriptive Norm Information on Safety Belt Use by Backseat Passengers ○Aya Takagi (Chiba Institute of Technology) Haruka Koike (Takada Junior College) Masakazu Ando (Chiba Institute of Technology) Mitsutaka Kitaori (Kinjo Gakuin University) 3PMB23 US-Japan differences in preference for a gamble in a roulette paradigm ○Asuka Komiya (Kobe University) motoki watabe (Waseda University) takashi kusumi (Kyoto University) University) Technology) naoko Koda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) (19) プログラム_英.indb 19 2012/09/07 11:10:42 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 3PMB24 The Link between Mood-Swings and ThoughtAction Turnabouts in Retail Shopping and Computer Mediated Gambling ○Marco Narducci (International Christian University) Mikitoshi Isozaki (International Christian University) 3PMB25 The effects of narcissism on expected costs and benefits of consultation ○Shiori Ibaraki (Graduate School of Comprehensive 3PMB26 An attempt to develop a scale of money beliefs ○Nobuko Watanabe (University of Tsukuba) 3PMB27 Attempt of the investigation on the perspective from limited resources ○Koshi Murakami (Kobe Yamate University) 3PMB28 A study of decision making style and consumer behavior (1) ○mieko akiyama (Bunkyo University) mari tanaka (Tokyo Seitoku University) akiko kamada (Bunkyo University) 3PMB29 A study of decision making style and consumer behavior (2). ○Akiko Kamada (Bunkyo University) Mieko Akiyama (Bunkyo University) Mari Tanaka (Tokyo Seitoku University) 3PMB30 A study of decision making style and consumer behavior (3). ○Mari Tanaka (Tokyo Seitoku University) Akiko Kamada (Bunkyo University) Mieko Akiyama (Bunkyo University) 3PMB31 Nostalgia as a resource against existential threat in middle age ○Yasuko Murakami (N/A) Eriko Kudo (School of Arts and Sciences, Tokyo 3PMB32 Work-family conflict and work-family facilitation among middle-aged and elderly ○Makiko Tomida (National Center for Geriatrics and 3PMB33 Relationship between food cravings for specific foods and eating of the specific foods ○Sakura Komatsu (Organization for Advanced 3PMB34 Research on Dietary Life Style (13)-A development of Dietary Life Style Scale and an analysis of Dietary Life Style Type for middle age- ○Rie Kawano (Mejiro University) Shozo Shibuya (Mejiro University) Atsuko Onodera (Mejiro University) Chitose Nishikawa (Mejiro University) 3PMB35 Research on Dietary Life Style (14) - The relationships between Middle-aged Dietary Life Style Type and Persistence to Eating - ○Chitose Nishikawa (Mejiro University) Shozo Shibuya (Mejiro University) Atsuko Onodera (Mejiro University) Rie Kawano (Mejiro University) 3PMB36 Research on Dietary Life Style(15)-The relationships between the work life balance and the Dietary Life Style- ○atsuko onodera (Mejiro University) Shozo Shibuya (Mejiro University) Rie Kawano (Mejiro University) Chitose Nishikawa (Mejiro University) Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Hajime Aoyagi (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University) Woman’s Christian University) Gerontology/Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya Univ.) Yukiko Nishita (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Chikako Tange (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Fujiko Ando (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology / Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Aichi Shukutoku Univ.) Hiroshi Shimokata (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Research and Education, Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha University) (20) プログラム_英.indb 20 2012/09/07 11:10:43 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Society・Culture 3PMB37 The relationship between eating style and social support among the elderly ○Hikaru OBA (Tayuraka Club) Haruka Takano (Child-Family Support Center of Chiyoda) Yuji Takano (NTT communication science laboratories) Rui Nouchi (Tohoku University) Aki Shimanouchi (Gunma university of health and welfare) Aya Toyoshima (Graduated school of Osaka Uiversity) Shinichi Sato (Osaka University) 3PMB38 The relationship between scenes and usage of food and beverages: Analysis by text mining on sentences in free description ○Daiki Sawai (Graduate School of Human 3PMB39 The Influence of Involvement on Place Brand Cognition ○Yasuto Hayashi (Shinshu University Industrial Comprehensive Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Idealab Inc.) Liaison Office) (21) プログラム_英.indb 21 2012/09/07 11:10:43 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder Clinical・Disorder Day 1 Sep.11 10:00-12:00 92C Examining the change of cortisol in depression and chronic fatigue syndrome patients by recovering program ○Sanae Fukuda (Osaka City University) Jungo Shigeta (Akebonoki,Mental Clinic) Nagami Makiko (Akebonoki,Mental Clinic / Kansai 1AMC02 Classification of depression by fMRI using machine learning ○Shinpei Yoshimura (Hiroshima University / JSPS) 1AMC03 Relation between depression and attention control function in junior high school students and college students. ○Yuko Nishi (Graduate School of Human Sciences 1AMC01 University of Welfare Science) WASEDA Univ.) Shoji IMAI (Nagoya Univ. of Arts and Sciences) Chizuko IMAI (Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences WASEDA Univ.) Yusuke KANAYAMA# (Graduate School of Human Sciences WASEDA Univ.) Hiroaki KUMANO (Faculty of Human Sciences WASEDA Univ.) 1AMC04 Internal-external attentional shift in dysphoria ○Ayako Isato (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Haruki Nishimura (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Satoshi Mochizuki (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) ○Haruki Nishimura (Graduate School of 1AMC05 Control of interference during working memory updating on high ruminators 1AMC06 Functions of autobiographical memory in depression and narcissism ○Kyoko Tagami (Hirosaki University) 1AMC07 The effect of depression on recognition facial expression ○Akane Sue (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) Tetsuro Mino (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) 1AMC08 Suppression intention induces intrusive thoughts in dysphoric individuals ○Yosuke Hattori (Japan Society for the Promotion of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Ayako Isato (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Satoshi Mochizuki (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Science (The University of Tokyo)) Jun Kawaguchi (Nagoya University) 1AMC09 Is overgeneral autobiographical memory observed in dysphoric group? ○Noboru Matsumoto (Graduate School of 1AMC10 Mood changes over the course of the Depressive Rumination Interview Task ○Akira Hasegawa (Faculty of Human Relations, Tokai 1AMC11 Aspects of patient that have difference in subjective evaluation and objective evaluation ○Shizuka Kawamoto (Ritsumeikan University) Takuya Watanabe (Ritsumeikan University) 1AMC12 Statistical analysis of the relationship between depressive scale and anxiety inventory of outpatients with mental health problems ○Shuhei Miyata (Shinshinkai Medical Group) Maiko OTSUKA# (Shinshinkai Medical Group) Toru FUJIWARA# (Shinshinkai Medical Group) Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Keita Ochi (Hosei University) Gakuin University) (22) プログラム_英.indb 22 2012/09/07 11:10:44 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 1AMC13 Body state Coloring Diagram Method Psychological effects to depression - ○Noriko KONNO (Tokyo Denki University) 1AMC14 The relationship between the past self-image and current depressive state ○Yoshitaka Konno (Faculty of Human Sciences, Bunkyo University) Nobuyo Yosikawa (Faculty of Human Sciences, Bunkyo University) 1AMC15 The effect on depression by type of coping and type of gender ○Yutarou Kanno (Graduate School of literature and social sciences, Nihon Univ.) Ritsuko TSUGAWA (Collage of humanities and sciences,Nihon Univ.) 1AMC16 Correlation between depression and effortful control is mediated by need for cognition. ○Yuki Nishiguchi (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) Keisuke Takano (Graduate School for Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon University) Yoshihiko Tanno (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) 1AMC17 The association among depression, positive life events and negative life events ○Keisuke Yamatsuta (SANNO University) Megumi Oikawa (Tokyo Gakugei University) Shinji Sakamoto (Nihon University) Taku Ito (Meiji Gakuin University) Masayuki Nishikawa# (Otsuma Women's University) 1AMC18 Social support, negative life events, and depressive symptoms in early adolescence ○Mami Tanaka (Chiba University) 1AMC19 The Relation between Narcissistic“Amae” ,Trait Guilt,and Depression ○Masanori Kimiya (Graduate School of literature and social sciences, Nihon Univ.) Ritsuko Tsugawa (College of humanities and sciences, Nihon Univ.) 1AMC20 Verbal aggression in students with characteristics of borderline personality, narcissistic personality, and depression ○Tsunemoto Suzuki (Komazawa University) Hidetaka Kamiya (Komazawa University) 1AMC21 A Study of the Relationship Between a Tendency of Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and the Coping Responses to the Symptoms ○mariko kobayashi (Graduate School of Psychology Tokyo Seitoku University) asami komazawa# (Graduate School of Psychology Tokyo Seitoku University) haruka ryuzaki# (Graduate School of Psychology Tokyo Seitoku University) kenichi asano (Research Center for Child Mental Development, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University) 1AMC22 Effects of reassurance seeking on mental health among university students ○Kazuaki Abe (The Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University) Junko Kawahito (Faculty of Human Cultures and Sciences, Fukuyama University) Yasumasa Otsuka (The Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University) 1AMC23 The effects of a psycho-educational program on the rumination ○Daiji Nishikawa (Graduate School of Contemporary Culture, Hjiyama University) Miki Matsunaga (Faculty of Contemporary Culture, Hijiyama University) Kaichiro Furutani (Faculty of Contemporary Culture, Hijiyama University) 1AMC24 1AMC25 Effects of rumination and reflection on the relationship between achievement domain stress and depression Correlations between negative automatic thoughts and positive automatic thoughts at different occasions ○Masaki MORI (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo) Yoshihiko Tanno (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo) ○Toshiyuki Yoshida (International University of Health and Welfare) (23) プログラム_英.indb 23 2012/09/07 11:10:45 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 1AMC26 Effects of psychoeducational activities of suicide prevention by distributing a series of leaflets (1) ○Eriko Tanaka (The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nihon University) Shiho Takizawa (Hachinohe University) Shinji Sakamoto (Nihon University) ○Shimako Nishiyama (Department of Neuropsychiatry, 1AMC27 Efficacy of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for workers 1AMC28 Efficacy of brief cognitive behavioral group therapy for workers: an investigation of mood change in the program ○Kei Matsumoto (Academic Foundations Programs, 1AMC29 Personality differences in alexithymia by the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) ○Mayumi Ueno (National Center of Neurology and 1AMC30 Effect of alexithymia on activation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ○Yuki MITSUYAMA (Graduate School of Human University of Toyama Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences) Kei Matsumoto (Academic Foundations Programs, Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Yasuko Muranaka (Department of Neuropsychiatry, University of Toyama Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences) Akira Takinami# (Toyama city public Health Center) Mie Matsui (Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Toyama) Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Shimako Nishiyama (Department of Neuropsychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine and Phamaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama) Yasuko Muranaka (Department of Neuropsychiatry, Toyama University Hospital) Kenji Takinami# (Toyama city public Health Cneter) Mie Matsui (Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Toyama) Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health) Hiroe Kikuchi# (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health) Tetsuya Ando# (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health) Yoshiya Moriguchi# (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health) Motonari Maeda (Joshibi University of Art and Design) Gen Komaki# (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health) Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Yuka Miyake# (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Shoji Imai (Faculty of Human Care, Nagoya Univ. of Arts and Sciences) Hiroaki Kumano (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Shinobu Nomura (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) 1AMC31 The Effects of Child Abuse and Anxiety Sensitivity on Dissociative Tendency ○Yoshikazu Fukui (Konan University) Kunio Miyamoto (Tokai-gakuin University) Hideka Nishimura (Apple Clinic) Takaharu Fuwa (Nozomi Support Center for the Developmentally Disabled) 1AMC32 A list of illness narrative documents of people with schizophrenia ○Tomoe Kodaira (Seirei Christopher University) Takehiko Ito (Wako University) (24) プログラム_英.indb 24 2012/09/07 11:10:45 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 1AMC33 Introduction to life-support in psychiatric day care ○kaoru kujirai (tokorozawa mental clinic) Kanako Hirata (tokorozawa mental clinic) Megumi Usami (tokorozawa mental clinic) 1AMC34 Researching to life-skill of schizophrenia in psychiatric day care ○Kanako Hirata (Tokorozawa Mental Clinic) Megumi Usami (Tokorozawa Mental Clinic) Kaoru Kujirai (Tokorozawa Mental Clinic) 1AMC35 Difference of life skill assessment between member and staff in psychiatric day care ○megumi usami (Tokorozawa Mental Clinic) Kaoru KUJIRAI (Tokorozawa Mental Clinic) Kanako HIRATA (Tokorozawa Mental Clinic) 1AMC36 Coping Behavior and Psychological Health in Young Adult Breast Cancer Patients Experiencing Appearance Changes ○Keiko Nozawa (college of aesthetics) Miho Ichimura(Abe) (Toyo Univ.) Hiroyuki Konno (Mejiro Univ.) 1AMC37 Psychological traits and psychological distress in breast cancer patients about 1 year after surgery ○Yuki Nakatani (Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato University) Yumi Iwamitsu (Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato University) Masaru Kuranami# (School of Medicine, Kitasato University) Hiroe Shikanai (Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato University) Kenji Yamamoto (School of Medicine, Kitasato University) Masahiko Watanabe# (School of Medicine, Kitasato University) Hitoshi Miyaoka (School of Medicine, Kitasato University) ○Seiichi Tatematsu (Department of Medical 1AMC38 Preoperative psychological reactions of renal transplant recipients 1AMC39 Effects of role models on Posttraumatic Growth: Focusing on rumination after loss experience ○Hiromi Kuroda (Faculty of Integrated Arts and Relations between acquirement from loss and making sense of death. ○Ryutaro Higuchi (Graduate School of Psychology, Kansai University) Hiromi IKEUCHI# (Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University) Takuro TOMITA (Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University) Psychology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato Univ.) Yumi Iwamitsu (Department of Medical Psychology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato Univ.) Kenji Yamamoto (Department of Psychiatry, Kitasato Univ., School of Medicine) Kazunari Yoshida# (Department of Urology, Kitasato Univ., School of Medicine) Hitoshi Miyaoka (Department of Psychiatry, Kitasato Univ., School of Medicine) Sciences, Univ. of Tokushima) Takaki Fukumori (Institute of Socio-Arts and Sciences, Univ. of Tokushima) 1AMC40 Day 1 Sep.11 13:00-15:00 92C 1PMC01 The relationship of some types of self-esteem and personality disorder tendency ○Reiko Ichikawa (University of Tsukuba) Satoshi Mochizuki (University of Tsukuba) 1PMC02 Influence of self-esteem on the intention of seeking help from psychiatry of University students. ○Harumi Koike (Nagoya University) Yoshimi Ito (Nagoya University) 1PMC03 The relationship between mentalization and aggression in adolescents. ○Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tokyo-Seitoku University) (25) プログラム_英.indb 25 2012/09/07 11:10:46 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder ○kanae itagaki (Graduate School of Comprehensive 1PMC04 Investigation of the Factors generating persecutory ideation in non-clinical populations 1PMC05 A study of actual condition of Dating Violence (6): The relation with the reasons and the effects on their relationships ○Midori Takezawa (University of Toyama) Hitomi Terashima (University of Tsukuba) Junko Miyamae (Kagawa University) Miyoko Ui (Tamagawa University) Megumi Matsui (Okayama University) 1PMC06 A study of actual condition of Dating Violence (7): The relation with relationship length and offending or victimizing behavior ○Megumi Matsui (Okayama University) Junko Miyamae (Kagawa University) Hitomi Terashima (University of Tsukuba) Miyoko Ui (Tamagawa University) Midori Takezawa (University of Toyama) 1PMC07 A process of change in counseling to a male DV batterer. ○Kanji Tanaka (University of the Ryukyus) 1PMC08 Will an Error in Human Perception Occur in an Intimate Relationship? Perspective-Taking on Help-Seeking Behavior ○YASUKO TAKEGAHARA (Graduate School of 1PMC09 The analysis of the effect of Coping for Resilience:using asThe General Health Questionnaire28 an mental health index ○Shogo Fujimoto (Higasimurayama welfare facilities) Ritsuko Tsugawa (Nihon University) 1PMC10 The Relationships between the utilization of the Internet and psychological wellness from results of Internet survey ○Nobuaki Takahashi (Kwansei Gakuin University) Yukihisa Minoura (Kwansei Gakuin University) Ken'ichi Narita (Kwansei Gakuin University) 1PMC11 Images for Self and Close Others Depend on State of Mental Health: The research based on the complete state model for mental health ○Yoshiyuki Tanaka (Kyoto Tachibana University) Yasuhiko Ohsawa (Tokyo University of Social 1PMC12 Features of Memory Recall Depend on State of Mental Health Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Sanae Aoki (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Toshiki Ogawa (the Open University of Japan) Education, Tohoku University) Hideo Ambo (Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University) Welfare) Koichi Kato (Tokyo University of Social Welfare) ○yasuhiko oosawa (tokyo university and graduate school of social welfare) koichi kato (tokyo university and graduate school of social welfare) yoshiyuki tanaka 1PMC13 The effect of Self Work intended to be improvement of Subjective Well-being:The difference of Subjective Well-being by the his/her state of Sense of Coherence ○Mika Shiraishi (Katsunan Education Office) Yoshiyuki Tanaka (Kyoto Tachibana University) Ayumi Fusejima (Kurume University) 1PMC14 The effect mechanism of problem solving therapy for the return-to-work ○Hiroko Motooka (Kansai University of Welfare 1PMC15 Relationship between sleeping time, sleep quality and mental health ○Akira Matsubara (Graduate School of Psychology, Sciences) Kurume University) Akira Tsuda (Department of Psychology, Kurume University) Jumpei Yajima (Department of Human Studies, Beppu University) Hisayoshi Okamura (Cognitive and Molecular Research Institute of Brain Diseases, Kurume University) Kengo Mihara (Graduate School of Psychology, Kurume University) (26) プログラム_英.indb 26 2012/09/07 11:10:47 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 1PMC16 Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia and Nightmare: Application of Stimulus Control, Brief relaxation and Cognitive Therapy ○Eiko Matsuda (Department of Psychology and 1PMC17 Study of cognitive remediation therapy with a focus on multiple domain ○TAKURO NAKATSUBO (Shukutoku University) 1PMC18 Effects on Stress Reduction and Self-focus attention of Regulative Music Therapy ○TOMOKO KUNIYOSHI (KOBE COLLEGE) 1PMC19 The role of observer verbalization and others verbalization in modeling of the acquiring a counseling skill ○Hayato Kawagoshi (Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha 1PMC20 Development of Attitudes toward Ambiguity in Psychotherapy Scale ○Sayako Nishimura (Kyoto university of education) 1PMC21 Study of factors practitioners of psychology interview ○Hideaki Kato (Ministry of Defense, Ground Self- 1PMC22 A influence on a result of psychological tests which carried out in their own home ○MITSUHIRO TANJI (Hanazono University) 1PMC23 Relationship between personality and psychological experiences through group sandplay ○Naoko Okamoto (Facluty of Letters, Ritsumeikan 1PMC24 Modification of negative self-image through Dohsa-method based desensitization (Tokeaidesensitization) ○yuka sakai (Graduate School of Human Sciences, 1PMC25 Effects of humor therapy on state anxiety, mood and facial expressions ○Manami Taguchi (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Masao Oumi (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) 1PMC26 The Effect of Religious Tendency and Critical Thinking on Predicting the Outcome of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Stress Inoculation Training ○kumiko kato (Graduate School of Psychology, Kansai 1PMC27 Japanese Near-Death Experience ○Mika Iwasaki (Graduate School of Information and 1PMC28 The Counseling and Buddhism of the Clinic ○Hisao Tomohisa (Ryukoku Univ.) Kazuhiro Shigenoi (Ryukoku Univ.) Hironori Komasa (Ryukoku Univ.) Taro Akada (Ryukoku Univ.) 1PMC29 Horticultural therapy for women with mild-PTSD: An intervention study ○Yuka Kotozaki (Tohoku Univ) Tsuyoshi Araki (Tohoku Univ) Ryuta Kawashima# (Tohoku Univ) 1PMC30 Sleep problems among university students in Miyagi prefecture eight months after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake ○Toshihiko Sato (Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University) Hideo Ambo (Tohoku University) 1PMC31 PTG Studies of East Japan Earthquake-TsunamiNuc Disaster (1) ○manami ozaki (Sagami women's University) Tetsuo Onodera (Rissho University) Takehiko Ito (Wako University) 1PMC32 PTG studies of East Japan earthquake-TsunamiNuc disaster (2) ○Tetsuo Onodera (Rissyo University) Manami Ozaki (Sagami Women’s University) Takehiko Ito (Wako University) Humanities, Faculty of Sociology, Edogawa University) University) Hiroko Sugiwaka (Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha University) Defense Forse, Engaru Station, Department of health) Univ.) Bunkyo Univ.) yoshitaka konno (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Bunkyo Univ.) Univ.) Yusuke Murakami (Graduate School of Psychology, Kansai Univ.) Genji Sugamura (Faculty of Letters, Kansai Univ.) Communication, Meiji Univ.) (27) プログラム_英.indb 27 2012/09/07 11:10:47 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 1PMC33 Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and determminants in the residents in the South Kanto area following the Great East Japan Earthquake ○Seonyoung YOO (Graduate school of Comprehensive 1PMC34 The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Children s Mental Health5-Factors affecting children s psychological problems- ○Katsumi Tokuda (University of Tsukuba) Tomomi Mizuno (University of Tsukuba) Arisa Nishidate (University of Toyama) 1PMC35 The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Children s Mental Health 6-Parents Responses to children after the earthquake- ○Tomomi Mizuno (University of Tsukuba) Katsumi Tokuda (University of Tsukuba) Arisa Nishidate (University of Toyama) 1PMC36 Disaster support and suicide prevention ○Kenji Kawano (National center of neurology and Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Yutaka MATSUI (Graduate school of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) psychiatry) Keisuke Shiraga (National center of neurology and psychiatry) 1PMC37 ○Keisuke Shiraga (National center for neurology and Disaster support and suicide prevention psychiatry) Kenji Kawano (National center for neurology and psychiatry) 1PMC38 1PMC39 The Tohoku Earthquake and critical incident stress of journalists (3): Coverage and news reporting activities and subjective symptoms from Questionnaire survey with newspaper companies in the disaster area Analysis of the Critical Incident Stress in police officers at disaster relief scene ○Yoshiharu Fukuoka (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Naoya Takahashi (Rissho University) Yutaka Matsui (University of Tsukuba) Kiyoshi Ando (Toyo University) Kako Inoue (Yokohama National University) Miho Hatanaka (Meijo University) ○Takaaki Taguchi (Kanagawa Prefectural Police Health Care Center) Keiko Kurihara (Kanagawa Prefectural Police Health Care Center) Chie Nagano (Kanagawa Prefectural Police Health Care Center) 1PMC40 1PMC41 Some inquiries about natural disasters in Sanpachi, Aomori, of the Great East Japan Earthquake: Based on the Investigation to Local University Students. ○Michihiko Kanachi (Hachinohe University) Margarita Foster (Hachinohe University) Toshiteru Hatayama (Professor Emeritus, Hachinohe Children s Stress Reactions under Tohoku Earthquake 2011 ○Fumio Yamada (Osaka University of Human University) Sciences) Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92C 1EVC01 Characterristics of category generation in middleage adults with AD/HD symptoms ○RYUSUKE SAKUMA (Shirayuri Collage, Graduate School of Liberal Arts) Masako Yamashita (Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Sciences) Katsuya Tandoh (St Catherine University) Kazunori Hanyu (Nihon University) Kazue Igarashi# (Shirayuri Collage, Graduate School of Liberal Arts) (28) プログラム_英.indb 28 2012/09/07 11:10:48 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder ○Hiroko Ichikawa (Research and Development 1EVC02 Hemodynamic response to facial expressions in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(AD/HD) 1EVC03 Automatism versus intention on the autism echolalia and vocal imitation observed in normal children A consideration from Jacksonistic point of view ○Toshiya Kayamura (mukogawa women's university) Tomoko Kayamura (nara women's university) 1EVC04 The ability to recognize facial expressions by children with autism spectrum disorders ○Nanako Kajita (Hijiyama University) kozue sawada (Hiroshima Higher Brain Function Initiative, Chuo University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Emi Nakato (National Institute for Physiological Sciences) Keiichi Shimamura# (Dokkyo Medical University) Yuiko Sakuta (Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University) So Kanazawa (Faculty of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Japan Women’s University) K.Masami Yamaguchi (Department of Psychology, Chuo University) Ryoichi Sakuta# (Dokkyo Medical University) Center) yukari hashimoto (Fukuyama University) masaharu maruishi# (Prefectural University of Hiroshima) hiroshi yoshida (Hijiyama University) ○Arata Sasaki (Faculty of Health and Welfare, 1EVC05 The analysis of the antecedents and consequences of panic behaviors of an adult with autism 1EVC06 Visual Search for Illusory Contour Figures in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders ○Miho Yoshimoto (Ninoshima Gakuen) Makoto Miyatani (Graduate School of Education, 1EVC07 A study on the Assertion of Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Frustrating Situations ○Hideo Sakurai (Kansai University of Welfare Scienses) Moeko KAWAI (Kansai University of Welfare Scienses) 1EVC08 Dvelopmental characteristics of aquisition of“thory of mind”in child suffering from PDD -in relation to others- ○Himiko Ozawa (Kyushu Women's Junior College) 1EVC09 A Study of Correlation between Autism Spectrum, Self-Monitoring Scale, and 2D:4D Ratio ○Jun Yoshimoto (Universal Communication Research Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Takeshi Yamamura (ASAHIGAWASO) Hiroshima Univ.) Institute, NICT) Etsuo MIZUKAMI# (Universal Communication Research Institute, NICT) 1EVC10 Age-related change of saccadic reaction time in persons with intellectual disabilities ○Koichi Haishi (Joetsu University of Education) Hideyuki Okuzumi (Tokyo Gakugei University) 1EVC11 Study of possible relation between birth weights and developmental states in children with developmental disorders ○Kazuyuki Sakatsume (Faculty of Education and 1EVC12 The effects of the supporter s attitude in a small group on `independence and `collaboration of the child with developmental disability ○aiko hirosawa (fukui university) tomohiro takezawa (NIVR) sakiko ogoshi (fukui university / JSPS) 1EVC13 A psychological assistance of developmental disordered children in comprehending sentences. ○Atsuko Mukai (Otsuma Women's University) Hisae Ito (Keisen University) 1EVC14 Cognitive Changes of Parents Who Have Children with Developmental Disorders ○Chika Nagaoka (Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto Integrated Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Univ.) (29) プログラム_英.indb 29 2012/09/07 11:10:49 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 1EVC15 Expectations for the course and future effects of hand treatment with aroma that target parents and supporters of the chiidren with developmental disabilities ○Emiko Yokokura (Oasis Kanagawa NPO Association of Developmental Disabilities) Yoriko Yamada (Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University) Yasushige Fujihira (Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University) 1EVC16 Developing a stress management program for parents who have children with developmental disabilities. ○Rui Kawauchi (surugadai university) Minoru Nagasaku (surugadai university) 1EVC17 A Report of Perception of Difficulties of Nursery School Teachers involved in the care of Developmental disorder children ○Hironori Komasa (Ryukoku Univ.) Kazuhiro Shigenoi (Ryukoku Univ.) Taro Akada (Ryukoku Univ.) Hisao Tomohisa (Ryukoku Univ.) 1EVC18 Development of in-service training programs for nursery teachers of young children with developmental disabilities ○Taishi Takezawa (Institute for Developmental Research) Kokoro Shiota (Aichi Support Center for Persons with Developmental Disorders) Kazuo Tamai# (Aichi Support Center for Persons with Developmental Disorders) 1EVC19 Research on Understanding of the Developmental Supports through the Team Approach among Support Professionals in Nursery Teacher ○Kazuhiro Shigenoi (RYUKOKU UNIVERSITY) Hironori Komasa (RYUKOKU UNIVERSITY) Taro Akada (RYUKOKU UNIVERSITY) Hisao Tomohisa (RYUKOKU UNIVERSITY) 1EVC20 Linguistic aspects in a case of Gogi aphasia ○KIYOMI YABU (Takahashi Neurosurgical Hospital) Jun-ichi Abe (Hokkaido University) 1EVC21 Cost performance of cognitive rehabilitation. ○Takahiro Goto (Caress Sapporo Tokeidai memorial 1EVC22 Is“reading mind in the eyes”impaired in Parkinson s disease? ○natsuko tsuruya (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Mutsutaka Kobayakawa (Tamagawa University) Mitsuru Kawamura# (School of Medicine, Showa hospital) University) 1EVC23 Difference in COGNISTAT performance between dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer type ○Yukio Tsuchida (Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido Univ.) Shin Nakagawa# (Graduate school of Medicine, Hokkaido Univ.) 1EVC24 Non-pharmacological therapy intervention for mild dementia patient: Shiawase program ○eiko kawaguchi (NTT Medical Center Tokyo) 1EVC25 Correlation between intelligence and memory in normal elderly Japanese subjects ○Norio Murayama (Kitasato university) Shinsai SASAKI (Nihon University) Tadashi ENDO (Nagano University) 1EVC26 The effect of cognitive rehabilitation for schizophrenia ○Daisuke Haruna (Goryokai Medical Corporation) 1EVC27 The stress life events that hearing-impaired people experiance in daily life ○Noriko Katsuya (Aoyama Gakuin University) 1EVC28 Relationship between glare disabilities and preference of contrast polarity for people with low vision ○Yasushi Nakano (Keio University) Tetsuya ARAI (Kanagawa Univ.) Kensuke Oshima (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) Ataru Yoshino (Meisei Univ.) Toshinori Hanai (Meisei Univ.) Tsutomu Kusano (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology) 1EVC29 The Effect of the Evening Support for the DeafBlind at a Training Cemter. ○Yayoi Kitamura (National Rehabilitation Center) (30) プログラム_英.indb 30 2012/09/07 11:10:49 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 1EVC30 Psychosocial distress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis ○Hiroe Shikanai (Graduated School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato University) Yumi Iwamitsu (Graduated School of Medical Sciences, Kitasato University) Day 3 Sep.13 10:00-12:00 92C 3AMC01 Sustainable psychoeducation to prevent psychological distress and behavioral problems among elementary school children ○Mikayo Ando (Okayama University) 3AMC02 The causal factors of school refusal among preschool and early school children. ○Minako Deno (Correspondence Division Musashino University) Shinji Yamagata (National Center for Unversity Entrance Examinations) Keiko Fujisawa (Keio Unversity) Kunitake Suzuki (Osaka University of Human Sciences) Yusuke Takahashi (Kyoto University) Juko Ando (Keio Unversity) 3AMC03 Past, Present, Future of the School-refusal Experienced ○Minako Ito (Keio University) 3AMC04 Experiences and Coping Strategies on the School Environment among Sexual Minority Youth ○sachiko shojima (National Center of Neurology and 3AMC05 Mental Health of Adolescents in the Foot-andMouth Disease Affected Areas in Miyazaki ○Hiroshi Sato (Kansai University) Motohiro Sakai (University of Tokushima) Miyuki Sato# (Kyoto University of Education) Hisayo Shimizu (University of Hiroshima) Miki Toyama (University of Tsukuba) 3AMC06 The relationship between self-disclosure and family ties in adolescents ○Satomi Kondo (Japan Lutheran College Graduate Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health / Japan Society for the Promotion of Scienc, research fellow) School of Integrated Human Studies) Eriko Takagi# (Japan Lutheran College) 3AMC07 The Effects of a Parents-Child Relationship in Infancy on Adolescent Resilience. ○TAKAHIRO TAMURA (Naruto University of 3AMC08 The Relation between Adolescents Sense of Mental Adaptation and their Perception and Response to Interparental Conflict ○yuuki sakakibara (Graduate School of Clinical 3AMC09 The influence of the three-dimensional selfregulation and the identification to the group on ○Kazuko Miyoshi (SEITOKU UNIVERSITY) 3AMC10 The association of drawing place in a society in the university and the feelings state. ○Mizuki Fukunaga (Graduate School of Literature and 3AMC11 Associations of optimism and coping strategies among university students ○shizuka nakamura (Hiroshima University) Yasumasa Otsuka (Hiroshima University) 3AMC12 The relationship between university student s friendship style and the formation and maintenance of relations: Focusing on care to friendship behavior. ○Fumiko Mitsuno (Graduate School of Human Life Education) Psycology,Beppu Univ.) Sumiko Ishikawa (Graduate School of Clinical Psycology,Beppu Univ.) Social Science,Nihon Univ.) Masao Yokota (College of Humanities and Sciences,Nihon Univ.) Sciences, Showa Women's University) Shuzo IMAJO (Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University) (31) プログラム_英.indb 31 2012/09/07 11:10:50 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 3AMC13 The Effects of Fresh men s Shyness on the Change of Adjustment to their University ○Satomi Sekiguchi (Tochigi Rehabilitation Center) Ayumi Fusejima (Kurume University) Yoshiyuki Tanaka (Kyoto Tachibana University) 3AMC14 Relationship adolescent SOC and love ○Tomoko Sato (Kawamura Gakuen Woman's Univ.) Asami Sato (Kawamura Gakuen Woman's Univ.) Yu Tanaka (Kawamura Gakuen Woman's Univ.) 3AMC15 The Influence of Self-esteem on the Sence of Adaptation in Adolescence ○Shintaro Fujimoto (Graduate School of Clinicalphycology,Beppu Univ.) Sumiko Ishikawa (The department Human Sience, Beppu Univ.) 3AMC16 On relation between narcissistic tendency, anthropophobic tendency, and negative intent interpretations in interpersonal conflict situations ○Naoki Aizawa (Kobe University) 3AMC17 Allocation of Attentional Resources in Undergraduate Student with Social Anxiety ○Sachie Yamada (Iwate Prefectural University) 3AMC18 The relation between social anxiety and difficulty in disengaging attention from socially threatening stimuli ○Mitsuhiro MIYAMAE (Graduate School of 3AMC19 Effects of a program to reduce social anxiety based on the Control Theory ○Takanobu Matsuura (Rissho University) Shinji Sakamoto (Nihon University) 3AMC20 Implicit and explicit self-esteem in paranoia ○Hisamitsu Tsuda (Aichi Gakusen University) 3AMC21 Mind-wandering and individual difference in worry ○Yudai Iijima (The University of Tokyo / Japan Society Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba.) Satoshi Mochizuki (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba.) for the Promotion of Science) Yoshihiko Tanno (The University of Tokyo) 3AMC22 Examination of anxiety and the evasion action in the social situation with the strain of the tendency to irritable bowel syndrome ○YOICHI SEKI (Graduate school Psychology Tokyo Seitoku University) Takuya Iida (Graduate school Psychology Tokyo Seitoku University) Yuko Ikeda (Graduate school Psychology Tokyo Seitoku University) Keiko Ohtsu (Graduate school Psychology Tokyo Seitoku University) Kenichi Asano (Reserch Center for Child Mental Development,Graduate School of Medicine,Chiba University) 3AMC23 Examination about relationship between onset and anxiety in patients with atopic dermatitis. 3AMC24 Psychological Training of Communication Ability for Japanese Young People ○Mika Himachi (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Human Cultures and Sciences, Fukuyama University) Isa Okajima (Neuropsychiatric Research Institute / Tokyo Medical University) Makoto Hashiro# (Hashiro Clinic Dermatology and Psychosomatics) Yuji Sakano (School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido) ○Haruo Okabayashi (University of Yamanashi) (32) プログラム_英.indb 32 2012/09/07 11:10:51 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 3AMC25 Analysis of University Students Attitude to Self-disclosure in Practical Training at Medical Institution(1) ○YUKO TAKEI (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Yuri Nakamura (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Manabu Mizuko (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Kenji Takao (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Yumiko Okumura (Tezukayama Univercity) Norihito Yamada# (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare / Kawasaki Medical School) 3AMC26 Analysis of University Students Attitude to Self-disclosure in Practical Training at Medical Institution (2) ○Yuri Nakamura (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Yuko TAKEI (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Manabu MIZUKO (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Kenji TAKAO (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Yumiko OKUMURA (Tezukayama University) Norihito YAMADA# (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare / Kawasaki Medical School) 3AMC27 A Study of Clinical Psychology Trainees Difficulties and Copings about Joining a Group Therapy at a Hospital: How trainees can learn to behave in multidisciplinary fields? ○ryu kawasaki (Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo) Mari Hirano (Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo) Jun Kashihara (Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo) Haruhiko Shimoyama (Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo) 3AMC28 Understanding the current situation of School counselor in Japan. ○Mai konno (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University Counseling room) Tomoki Ohashi (Miyagi Gakuin Women's University Counseling room) 3AMC29 Burnout among workers supporting development of children (II): Professional discipline, age and gender of the workers ○Junichiro Okubo (Tezukayama University) 3AMC30 The Relationship between Work Life Events of Human Care Service Professionals and Depression ○Hiromichi Morimoto (Kawasaki College of Allied 3AMC31 A study of Parenting Support Activities of District Welfare Commissioners(3) ○Junko Miyamae (Kagawa University) 3AMC32 The Burningout of the Staffs working in Residential Care Institution for Children and the Related factors ○Akie Tamaji (Graduate School of Human Relations, 3AMC33 The effects of nurses work-life balance on burnout ○kayoko ogino (Kanagawa university) koichiro inaki (nagano university) kazuyo kitaoka (kanazawa medeical university) shinya masuda (keio university) 3AMC34 The Examination of the Difference of Psychological Stress Responses and Quality of Life in Nurses Coping Style Using Cluster Analysis. ○Jun Kakuta (Mutsu General Hospital) Mika Himachi (Department of Psychology, Fukuyama Close relationships for institutionalized children ○ayako kin (Graduate School of Human-Environment 3AMC35 Health Professions) Hisao Osada (J. F. Oberlin University) Tokai Gakuin University) kunio miyamoto (Department of Human Relations,Tokai Gakuin University) University) Studies, Kyushu Univ.) reiji sasaki (Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu Univ.) (33) プログラム_英.indb 33 2012/09/07 11:10:52 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 3AMC36 Development of home caregivers event stressors scale ○SAORI MATSUURA (Graduate School of Human 3AMC37 Required Skills for Case Work Professionals Working in Communities ○Yumi Shindo (NLI Research Institute, Graduate 3AMC38 Relation between the high quality of empathy of care worker and their burnout ○Setsu Kitamura (Nihon University) Katsuo NAITO (Nihon University) 3AMC39 A Study of teacher s job satisfaction and burnout syndrome ○megumi kawahara (Kibi International Univ) Yuko Miyamoto (Kibi International Univ) Hideo Tsugawa (School of Psychology,Kibi Sciences, Osaka University of Economics) Kengo Tanaka (Faculty of Business Administration, Osaka University of Economics) School of Public Management, Waseda Univ.) International Univ) Day 3 Sep.13 13:00-15:00 92C 3PMC01 Maintenance of wakefulness on person with severe motor and intellectual disabilities ○Etsuko Hayashi (Saitama Prefectural University) Takenobu Oishi (T-time Psycho Lab) Yu Tanaka (Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University) Hideoki Tada (Hakuo University) Rumiko Kato# (National Hospital Organization East 3PMC02 Developmental test battery for infants using preferential looking method(1) ○aya nakajima (chuo university) sou kanazawa (Japan Women's Univ.) masami yamaguchi (Chuo Univ.) hifumi tsubokura# (Hiroshima City Treatment and Saitama Hospital) Education Center) miho yoshimoto (Ninoshima Gakuen) yasushi fujii# (Graduate School of Teacher Education, Teikyo Univ.) 3PMC03 Developmental test battery for infants using preferential looking method (2) ○So Kanazawa (Japan Woemen's University) Aya Nakajima (Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University) K.Masami Yamaguchi (Chuo University) Hifumi Tsubokura# (Hiroshima City Treatment and Education Center) Miho Yoshimoto (Ninoshima Gakuen) Yasushi Fujii# (Graduate School of Teacher Education, Teikyo University) Longitudinal Assessment of Mental Development in Children with Arachnoid cyct at the University Hospital ○Kazue Saito (Dept. of Pediatrics, The Jikei Univ. 3PMC05 A Study of Psychological Assessment in Developmental Disorder Children (6) -A Relation between Measures of WISC-4 and WISC-3”Mazes” - ○Yoshiharu Ohshima (Kyoto Prefectural Rihabilitation 3PMC06 An attempt to make an explanatory leaflet about WISC-IV ○NAOHIRO HIRATA (Mizuhomachikyouikusoudann 3PMC07 Profiles of WAIS-3 in mood disorder and schizophrenia ○MIZUHO NAMEKAWA (Graduate School of 3PMC04 School of Medicine) Hiroyuki Ida# (Dept. of Pediatrics, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine) Hospital for Mentally & Physically Disabled) sitsu) Literature and Social Science, Nihon Univ) MASAO YOKOTA (college of Humanities and Sciences Nihon Univ.) (34) プログラム_英.indb 34 2012/09/07 11:10:52 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder ○Ayako Kumagai (Graduate School of Comprehensive 3PMC08 Relationships between psychological characteristics measured by MMPI and eye gaze perception 3PMC09 Baum test of cases in early childhood with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorders visiting a psychiatric clinic ○Ritsuko Kubo (Makihara clinic) Hiroyuki Makihara# (Makihara clinic) 3PMC10 A Psychological Analysis of the Graffiti ○Mitsuto Koyama (Fuji Women's University) 3PMC11 Image analysis of Tree test using Fourier transform ○Yuhan Wang (Department of Psychology,Waseda Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Satoshi Mochizuki (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) University) Osamu Matsumura (Department of Psychology,Waseda University) Yumi Iwamitu (Graduate school of Medical Sciences, Kitasato University) Kazuhisa Takemura (Department of Psychology,Waseda University) 3PMC12 Warming-up Scale for Protagonist in Psychodrama ○Jnnichi Tanii (Japan Lutheran College) 3PMC13 Preliminary examination about the self-narratives classification in daily conversation ○AYAKA HATTORI (Graduate School of Human- 3PMC14 Factor structure of the Japanese version of Body Image Concern Inventory across the life-span ○Masanori Tanaka (Hirosaki University) 3PMC15 Development of Cognitive Appraisal Scale for Children and Evaluation of Reliability and Validity ○Shunsuke Koseki (Aichi University of Education) 3PMC16 Development of a scale to discriminate between overt compulsions and covert compulsions ○Hidenobu Oki (Graduate School of Integrated Arts Environment Studies, Kyushu University) and Sciences, Hiroshima University) Makoto Iwanaga (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University) 3PMC17 Examination of the self-help orientation scale: Relations to self esteem, self-concealment, and helpseeking preferences ○Jun Sato (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health 3PMC18 Developing a new inventory for defensive pessimism ○Yuka Sakurai (Graduate School of Surugadai 3PMC19 An examination of the test-retest reliability of the Emotion and Arousal Questionnaire developed to measure short-term and long-term psychological states ○Yayoi Oda (Toho University) Ruriko Takano (Shiseido Co., Ltd.) Tsuneyuki Abe (Tohoku University) Kenichi Kikuchi# (Toho University) 3PMC20 Attempt to Develop of the Life Graph Test for Adolescents ○Tomoyuki HIGASHI (kinan-Mental Medical Center) 3PMC21 Developing a Scale of Anticipated Costs and Benefits of Help-Seeking for University Students. ○Satoru Nagai (Rissho University) 3PMC22 A Causal Relationship between Hardiness and Family Functioning. ○Yuri Tajima (Tokyokasei University,The Graduate Sciences) University) Minoru Nagasaku (Surugadai Univ.) School of Humanities and Life Sciences) Satoru Nagai (Faculty of Psychology, Rissho University) 3PMC23 Development of interpersonal approaching/ distancing skills ○masakazu miyamoto (Gifu University, Department of Education) (35) プログラム_英.indb 35 2012/09/07 11:10:53 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Clinical・Disorder 3PMC24 The effect of tolerance of ambiguity in categorizing interpersonal information ○kaori yuyama (Sinnshu University) Hideaki Shimada (Shinshu University) 3PMC25 Adbandoned schema and self-monitoring is effect of agression to self ○misayo kitagawa (Tokaigakuin University) kentaro shirotsuki (Tokaigakuin University) hiroto fukushima (Tokaigakuin University) 3PMC26 Coping in a serious setback ○Kyoko Fujino (Waseda University, School of letters, 3PMC27 The effect of mindful observation on well-being: Moderation by attentional orienting ○KEIJI TAKATA (Graduate School of Integrated Arts 3PMC28 Influence of assertion style of anger evoking situations on mental health: Focusing on Anger coping behavior. ○Tomomi Igaki (Graduate School of Fukuyama 3PMC29 The relationships between attention control,shame,guilt and displaced aggression ○Motoko Saeki (Faculty of Psychology and Welfare, 3PMC30 Discussion on the effect of cognitive defusion by using the emotional stroop ○Mai Hamana (University of Tokyo) Fusako Koshikawa (Waseda University) Toshizumi Muta (Waseda University) 3PMC31 The role of punishment on decision making ○Mutsutaka Kobayakawa (Tamagawa University / arts and sciences) and Sciences of Hiroshima University) yoshinori sugiura (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences of Hiroshima University) jun moriya (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences of Hiroshima University / Ghent University / Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) yoshitake takebayashi (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences of Hiroshima University) keisuke tanaka (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences of Hiroshima University) ayame tamura (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences of Hiroshima University) University) Mika Himachi (Fukuyama University) Seitoku University) Showa University School of Medicine) Natsuko Tsuruya (Kanazawa Institute of Technology / Showa University School of Medicine) Mitsuru Kawamura# (Showa University School of Medicine) (36) プログラム_英.indb 36 2012/09/07 11:10:54 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Crime・Delinquency Crime・Delinquency Day 2 Sep.12 15:30-17:30 92D 2EVD01 The forgiveness for deviant behaviors occurred in the 2011 East Japan Earthquake 2EVD02 The characteristics of family functions among delinquent youth ○Juthatip Wiwattanapantuwong (Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University) Akio Honda (Faculty of General Welfare, Tohoku Fukushi University) Tsuneyuki Abe (Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University) ○Eriko Kuhara (National Research Institute of Police Science) Takayuki Miyadera (National Research Institute of Police Science) 2EVD03 Function of Distancing Skill in Juvenile Delinquency ○Yukako Ishii (Fuji Women's University) Toshihiko Endo (University of Tokyo) 2EVD04 Predicting criminal histories of serial residential burglars ○Shunpei Haginoya (Forensic Sci. Lab., Tochigi Pref. 2EVD05 Cyberstalking among collage students ○Takemi Mori (Iwaki Meisei Univ.) Rinako Okabe (Graduate school of Komazawa Police H.Q.) Woman's Univ.) 2EVD06 A preliminary study on the relationship of male s attitude toward victims of sexual crime to chikan and sexual harassment ○Kenji Omata (Surugadai University) 2EVD07 A study of psychopathy and empathy in university students ○Takeyuki OBA (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya Univ.) Yoshiko Nishimatsu# (Faculty of Psychology, Rissho Univ.) Hideki Ohira (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya Univ.) 2EVD08 The Relationship between Empathic Response in Sex Offence of Train Molester and Empathy ○KAZUTAKA NOMURA (Graduate School of 2EVD09 Prediction of the number of crime from the physical environment ○Takaaki Sirahama (Senshu-u University) Keita Ochi (Housei University) 2EVD10 An Field Experiment for Promoting Anti-PurseSnatching Covers on Bicycle Basket ○TAKAHITO SHIMADA (National Research 2EVD11 Applicability of Multivariate Hierarchical Linear Model to Concealed Information Test data. ○Yusuke Shibuya (Forensic Science Laboratory, Tottori Human sciences, Waseda Univ. / Oishi Clinic) AIKA TOMOTO# (Center for Forensic Mental Health, Chiba Univ.) SYUGO OBATA# (Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health of Welfare) HIRONORI SHIMADA (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Insutitute of Police Science) Takashi Arai (Faculty of Psychology, Otemon Gakuin University) Prefectural Police H.Q.) (37) プログラム_英.indb 37 2012/09/07 11:10:54 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Crime・Delinquency 2EVD12 Study of the item including“besides”in Concealed Information Test ○Takanori Suzuki (kanagawa pref. police scientific 2EVD13 The P300-based concealed information test: Simultaneous auditory and visual stimulus presentation ○yoko saragai (Joinus private nursery school children) Shinji Hira (Fukuyama University) 2EVD14 Effects of question type and camera perspective on evaluation of child testimony ○Makiko Naka (Hokkaido University) 2EVD15 Collecting psychological information of the deceased in the inquest of strangulation cases-basic study for psychological autopsy ○Shigeru Iriyama (ANA Airport Handling Co.,Ltd) 2EVD16 Prediction of a Victim-Offender Relationship in a Serial Murder Case ○Midori Sugiyama (Criminal Investigation Lab. 2EVD17 Police investigative interview perceived by child crime victims and their parents investigation Lab.) Fukushima Pref Police Department) Keita Ochi (Hosei University) ○Takayuki Miyadera (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kazumi Watanabe (National Research Institute of Police Science) Eriko Kuhara (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kaeko Yokota (National Research Institute of Police Science) Taeko Wachi (National Research Institute of Police Science) Hiroki Kuraishi (National Research Institute of Police Science) 2EVD18 ○KAZUMI WATANABE (National Research Institute Adult Crime Victims Perceptions of Police Investigative Interviewing of Police Science) Takayuki Miyadera (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kaeko Yokota (National Research Institute of Police Science) Taeko Wachi (National Research Institute of Police Science) Hiroki Kuraishi (National Research Institute of Police Science) Eriko Kuhara (National Research Institute of Police Science) 2EVD19 ○Hiroki Kuraishi (National Research Institute of Police The Anxiety on Interrogation Science) Taeko Wachi (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kaeko Yokota (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kazumi Watanabe (National Research Institute of Police Science) 2EVD20 ○Taeko Wachi (National Research Institute of Police Opinions of the interviewers regarding interrogation Science) Hiroki Kuraishi (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kaeko Yokota (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kazumi Watanabe (National Research Institute of Police Science) 2EVD21 Extension of a period of statute of limitations deter criminals from flee multilaterally. ○Tomomi HATANO (Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization) Tomomi TAKEZAWA (Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization) (38) プログラム_英.indb 38 2012/09/07 11:10:55 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Crime・Delinquency 2EVD22 The process of denying to impact on self sentencing decision by statements of the crime victim ○Yuko Shiraiwa (The University of Tokyo) KARASAWA Kaori (The University of Tokyo) 2EVD23 Influence of attitude to the criminal punishment on determination of the appropriate punishment : Development of Severe Punishment Orientation Scale ○Akira Itayama (Graduate School of Humanities and 2EVD24 Effects of quality of eyewitness testimony and empathy of lay judge on sentencing decision: From a perspective of lay judge system ○Kanae Nishi (Graduate School of Fukuyama Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University) University) Shinji Hira (Fukuyama University) (39) プログラム_英.indb 39 2012/09/07 11:10:55 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Mathematics・Statistics Mathematics・Statistics Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92A 1EVA13 An estimation of item social desirability on personality tests with Generalized Partial Credit Model. ○Masune Sukigara (Nagoya City University) 1EVA14 A Dreadful Secret of Pearson s r ○Kenpei Shiina (Waseda University) Yoshihiro Ouchi (Josai International University) Saori Kubo (Waseda University) Takashi Ueda (Waseda University) 1EVA15 Methods for Scale Revision by Extension Factor Analysis: Using estimates for factor scores, GramSchmidt orthonormalization and structural equation modeling ○Kazuaki Shimizu (Kansai University) 1EVA16 Modeling for Intra-individual Variability and Interindividual Difference by Multi-parson Simultaneous Dynamic Factor Analysis ○Hiroaki KONDA (Graduate School of Psychology, Fuzzy Canonical Correlation Analysis: An application for Fuzzy rating data of city impression ○DANFEI QIN (Graduate School of Letters,Arts and 1EVA17 Kansai University) Kazuaki Shimizu (Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University) Sciences Waseda University) Yuki Tamari (Graduate School of Letters,Arts and Sciences Waseda University) Kazuhisa Takemura (Faculty of Letters,Arts and Sciences Waseda University) 1EVA18 Principal component analysis of symbolic data ○Hisao Miyano (National Center for University Entrance Examinations) Sayaka Arai (National Center for University Entrance Examinations) 1EVA19 An effect of local dependence on item parameter estimation ○Naoya Todo (Graduate School of Education, The 1EVA20 Effects of Biases in Snowball Sampling ○Yasuharu Okamoto (Japan Women's University) 1EVA21 Asymptotic cumulants of the maximum likelihood estimator of ability in IRT ○Haruhiko Ogasawara (Otaru University of 1EVA22 An item response model for method of rank order ○Ikko Kawahashi (Center for Japanese-Language University of Tokyo) Commerce) Testing, The Japan Foundation) (40) プログラム_英.indb 40 2012/09/07 11:10:55 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Physiology Physiology Day 2 Sep.12 13:00-15:00 92A 2PMA01 The stress reduction effect by the background music ○Makoto Nakayama (Kansai university for 2PMA02 The effects of music on psychological and physiological stress. ○Mana NAKASHIMA (Graduate School of 2PMA03 Influence of stress in workplace on the body ○Chris Kosuke Yamada (Saga University) Yuichiro Eguchi# (Saga University) Yuichiro Sakamoto# (Saga University) Takashi Sugioka# (Saga University) 2PMA04 An examination of pro-homeostatic effect of music listening under stress ○so oiya (waseda university) yasuyuki fukukawa (faculty of letters, arts and 2PMA05 The effect of camphor essential oil that promote the recovery process from the psychobiological stress responses induced by mental stress testing ○Hisayoshi Okamura (Cognitive and molecular of 2PMA06 Stress response of musical performers at the concert: a study by using endocrine markers in saliva international studies) Environmental Studies, Nagoya Univ.) Naokuni Ebihara (Toyama Study Center, The Open University of Japan.) Hideki Ohira (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya Univ.) sciences, waseda university) Brain disease, Krume University) Akira Tsuda (Department of Psychology, Kurume University) Jumpei Yajima (Department of Human Studies, Beppu University) Akira Matsubara (Graduate School of Psychology, Kurume University) Kengo Mihara (Graduate School of Psychology, Kurume University) ○NAMIKO OGAWA (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Shuhei IZAWA (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan) Kenta KIMURA (Kwansei Gakuin University, Center for Applied Psychological Science) 2PMA07 Correlation between transition of salivary alphaamylase and efficacy of self-statement in speech. ○Takahiro Kunihashi (Graduate School of 2PMA08 CORTISOL DIURNAL RHYTHM AND EMOTIONAL MEMORY ○Mitsue Nagamine (National Defense Academy) 2PMA09 The influence of social rewards on human cognitive function. ○Shogo Kajimura (Graduate school of education, Environmental Studies, Nagoya University) Shinji Hira (Faculty of Human Cultures and Sciences, Fukuyama University) Hideki Ohira (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University) Kyoto University) michio nomura (Graduate school of education, Kyoto University) 2PMA10 Activation of right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during empathizing with other inhibits helping behavior. ○Toshiyuki Himichi (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University) Michio Nomura (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University) (41) プログラム_英.indb 41 2012/09/07 11:10:56 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Physiology 2PMA11 ○Tomohiro Takezawa (National Institute of Vocational Event-related potential study on humor comprehension Rehabilitation) Chihiro Nitta# (University of Fukui) Hisakazu Yanaka (Tottori University) Sakiko Ogoshi (University of Fukui / Restart Postdoctral Fellowship) Yoshinori Mitsuhashi (University of Fukui) 2PMA12 The relationship between figure perception and VEPs: Effects of figure form (34) ○Motoo Ito (Aichi Gakuin Unversity) 2PMA13 Top-down modulation on visual information processing due to stimulus-response mapping ○Kota Suzuki (National Institute of Mental Health, 2PMA14 Functional connectivity and phase synchrony between brain regions: analysis of a neural mass model ○Yuji Takeda (National Institute of Advanced Industrial 2PMA15 Changes of response patterns of normalized pulse volume in the Concealed Information Test ○Rieko Tominaga (Forensic Science Laboratory 2PMA16 Heart Rate Variability in the concealed information test with Lorenz Plot. National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP)) Haruo Shinoda (Department of psychology, Rissho University) Science and Technology) ,Hokkaido Prefectural Police Headquarters) shota yamamoto (Forensic Science Laboratory ,Hokkaido Prefectural Police Headquarters) ○Toshihiko Tateuchi (Forensic Science Laboratory, Chiba Prefectural Police H.Q.) Reiko Suzuki (Forensic Science Laboratory, Chiba Prefectural Police H.Q.) 2PMA17 2PMA18 Distinction between externally vs. internally guided decision-making: Meta-analytical comparisons Does sleep improve memory consolidation ? : The effect of daytime napping. ○Takashi Nakao (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University) Hideki Ohira (Nagoya University) Georg Northoff# (University of Ottawa) ○Yoshiharu HIROSHIGE (Faculty of Education, Fukuyama City University) Akiko Bandai# (Faculty of Regional Sciences, Tottori University) Daisuke Tanaka (Faculty of Regional Sciences, Tottori University) 2PMA19 The effects of sleeping hours and sleepiness on polygraph test. ○Takuro Otsuka (Forensic Science Laboratory, Hyogo Prefecture. Police H.Q.) Mitsuyoshi MIZUTANI (Forensic Science Laboratory, Hyogo Prefecture. Police H.Q.) 2PMA20 The transition of sedation degree in a standardized hypnotic induction situation ○Tomonori Adachi (Graduate School of Human 2PMA21 Coping Strategies for Insomnia among University Students ○Tomomi Karamatsu (Okayama University) Mikayo Ando (Okayama University) 2PMA22 Does the early CNV reflect the retrieval of time interval in the CNV paradigm? ○yoshiko mochizuki (Waseda University Sports Sciences, Osaka University / Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science) Aya Nakae (Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka university) Jun Sasaki (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Sciences Research Center) Keiko Ogawa (Hiroshima Univ.) Hiroshi Nittono (Hiroshima Univ.) Noriyoshi Takasawa (Edogawa Univ.) Katuo Yamazaki (Waseda Univ.) (42) プログラム_英.indb 42 2012/09/07 11:10:57 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Physiology 2PMA23 Factors involved in time perception (2) - based on controling metabolism- and emotion-factor- ○Shunya Omori (Bunkyo Gakuin University Graduate School of Human Studies) Takefumi Kobayashi (Faculty of Human Studies, Bunkyo Gakuin University) 2PMA24 Effects of hypothyroidism on divided attention in the rat ○yukina seto (Hokkaido university graduate school of letters) Hiromi Wada (Hokkaido university graduate school of letters) 2PMA25 The effect of chronic neonatal MK-801 treatment on sucrose preference in adult rats ○Hiroki FURUIE (Dept of Behav. Neurosci., Univ. of Tsukuba) Kazuo Yamada (Dept of Behav. Neurosci., Univ. of Tsukuba) Yukio Ichitani (Dept of Behav. Neurosci., Univ. of Tsukuba) (43) プログラム_英.indb 43 2012/09/07 11:10:57 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Sense・Perception Sense・Perception Day 1 Sep.11 10:00-12:00 92A 1AMA01 Psychological classification of the citrus fragrance. ○Tadayuki Wakata (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Miho Saito (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) 1AMA02 Contextual effects on the hedonic ratings of odors 1AMA03 Does repeated exposure to the component of odor mixture affect liking for the odor mixture? ○SHIORI NAKANO (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Saho Ayabe-Kanamura (Division of Psychology, University of Tsukuba) ○Midori Ogawa (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science, Tsukuba Univ.) Saho AYABE-KANAMURA (Division of Psychology, Tsukuba Univ.) 1AMA04 Study of tolerance level for pleasure of salt concentration ○TSUYOSHI HORIO (Faculty of Human Sciences, 1AMA05 Depression affects the sweet taste sense in female college students in their luteal phase ○MAKI WADA (College of Law, Nihon University) Masanori Nagai# (Yamananshi Institute of 1AMA06 A study on the sensory evalution of the pungent taste with“Wasabi”. ○MIWAKO KATO (Aichi Shukutoku University) 1AMA07 Discriminability of Tactile Bar when touching from the long axis direction ○Wataru Toyoda (Graduate of Human Sciences, Kansai University of International Studies) Environmental Sciences) Waseda University) Kentaro Saito# (Graduate of Human Sciences, Waseda University) Kouki Doi# (Department of Teacher Training and Information, National Institute of Special Needs Education) Hiroshi Fujimoto# (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University) 1AMA08 Is the hardness perception through the white cane influenced by the number of times to beat? ○Kiyohiko Nunokawa (School of Human and Social 1AMA09 Object Size affects Haotic Object Identification (2) ○Hidemi Komatsu (keio university) kenichiro kohara# (meisei university) naoe masuda (keio university) 1AMA10 Spatial updating of spatial representations made from haptic motion. ○Ryo Wako (Graduate School of Comprehensive Upper body position can affect tactile localization ○Koichi Shimono (Tokyo University Marince Science 1AMA11 Sciences, Tokyo International University) Human Science, Tsukuba Univ.) Saho Ayabe (Division of Psychology, Tsukuba Univ.) & Technology) Hiroyuki Egusa (Soai University) Atsuki Higashiyama (Ritsumei University) 1AMA12 The effect of hand-like tool use on plastisity of body representation. ○Reiko Enomoto (Senshu University) Seiji Yamagami (Senshu University) (44) プログラム_英.indb 44 2012/09/07 11:10:57 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Sense・Perception 1AMA13 Auditory feedback of actions recalibrates body representation ○Norimichi Kitagawa (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) Ana Tajadura-Jimenez# (NTT Communication Science Laboratories / Royal Holloway, University of London) Aleksander Väljamäe# (University of Graz) Iwaki Toshima# (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) Kimura Toshitaka# (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) Manos Tsakiris# (Royal Holloway, University of London) 1AMA14 Self-motion perception by wind ○Kayoko Murata (tokyo metropolitan university) Yoko Ozawa# (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Shigeru Ichihara (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 1AMA15 Relation between tapping and respiratory phase in the synchronous tapping to the periodic sound ○Sumiko Sumida (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima Univ.) Makoto Iwanaga (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima Univ.) 1AMA16 The influence of concomitant pitch perception on timing of a coincidence-anticipation timing task ○Toshinori Hanai (Meisei University) 1AMA17 Individual Differences in Imitation of Singing ○MIHO BAMBA (Graduate School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University) Nobuya Sato (School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University) 1AMA18 The effect of time frequency and visual task on time perception ○qiongyao shao (hokkaido university graduate school of letters) Yuya Maekawa# (hokkaido university graduate school of letters) Tadayuki Tayama (hokkaido university graduate school of letters) 1AMA19 Time Perception under Temporal-Frequency Adaptation ○tadayuki tayama (Hokaido University) Yuya Maekawa# (Hokaido University) Qiongyao Shao (Hokaido University) 1AMA20 Relations with time interval ratio and even interval. ○Taiga Tatsukawa (Meisei University) 1AMA21 An experimental study on the identity of events perceived in a series of motion-picture shots. ○Kiyoshige Suzuki (Rikkyo University) 1AMA22 Quantitative relationship between visual acuity and reading speed ○Koichi Oda (Tokyo Woman's Christian University) Madoka Ohnishi (Tokyo Woman's Christian 1AMA23 Contrast Detection Thresholds in Amblyopia under Monocular and Dichoptic Viewing ○Goro Maehara (Kanagawa University) 1AMA24 Visual acuity measured with Hiragana optotype ○HIDETSUGU KAWASHIMA (Orthoptics and 1AMA25 Is the mental number line hard-wired? A comparison of number-space interaction between blind and sighted subjects ○SHUICHIRO TAYA (Taisho University) Achille Pasqualotto# (Queen Mary, University of University) Vision Science Course, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Aichi Shukutoku Univ.) London) Michael J. Proulx# (Queen Mary, University of London) 1AMA26 The investigation of visuo-spatial number forms ○Daisuke Hamada (Graduate School of Psychology, Kansai University) Rikuko Sekiguchi (Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University) (45) プログラム_英.indb 45 2012/09/07 11:10:58 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Sense・Perception 1AMA27 The perceptual behaviors for size and shape in the restricted vision. ○Masaharu Sasaki (Hirosaki Gakuin University) Shuko Torii (University of Tokyo) 1AMA28 The minimal time required to process visual information in visual search task by gaze contingent visual masking ○Yasuhiro Seya (Department of Human & Computer 1AMA29 Influence of visual field restriction on jump in trampoline : Focusing on the vertical jump height ○Yusuke Sato (Nihon University) Shuko Torii (University of Tokyo) Masaharu Sasaki (Hirosaki Gakuin University) 1AMA30 The color preference for common object and color chart ○ASAKO KOBAYASHI (Hokkaido University Intelligence, Ritsumeikan University) Katsumi Watanabe (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) Graduate School of Letters) YASUHIRO KAWABATA (Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters) 1AMA31 Event-related potentials in judging color harmony/ disharmony ○Mitsuhiko Hanada (Future University Hakodate) 1AMA32 Effects of Hue-, Value-, Chroma-differences on Affections induced by Color-combinations ○kumiko miyata (Tokiwa Junior College) Tadasu Oyama (The Japanese Psychological 1AMA33 A study of Kansei communication by three-color combinations representing onomatopoeia ○Akiyo Makino (Nagoya University) Shin'ya Takahashi (Nagoya University) 1AMA34 Audiovisual integration in material perception ○Waka Fujisaki (National Institute of Advanced 1AMA35 Sound-contingent visual motion perception Association) Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)) Naokazu Goda# (National Institute for Physiological Science) Isamu Motoyoshi (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) Hidehiko Komatsu# (National Institute for Physiological Science) Shin'ya Nishida (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) ○Souta Hidaka (Department of Psychology, Rikkyo University) Wataru Teramoto (Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Muroran Institute University) Maori Kobayashi# (Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, Meiji University) Yoichi Sugita# (Department of Psychology, Waseda University) ○Seiichi Tsuinashi (Ritsumeikan University 1AMA36 Effects of pitch of line of sight and sidewalls on apparent vertical gradient of perspective road 1AMA37 Relative positions of two dots motion parallax works: Description with disparity gradients ○Soyogu Matusita (Ritsumeikan University) Hiroshi Ono# (York University) 1AMA38 Self-motion perception depends on velocity modulations of the object or background during the reaching task ○Tomoko Yonemura (Osaka university / JST-CREST) Taro Maeda# (Osaka university) Ritsumeikan-Global Innovation Research Organization) Akiyoshi Kitaoka (Ritsumeikan University Ritsumeikan-Global Innovation Research Organization) (46) プログラム_英.indb 46 2012/09/07 11:10:59 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Sense・Perception 1AMA39 Effects of distance between stimuli on motion illusion and motion capture in terms of oblique lines ○Makoto Ichikawa (Chiba University) Yuko Masakura (Tokyo University of Technology) 1AMA40 Effect of regularity of mask on Motion-Induced Blindness ○Masaharu Sato (Komazawa University) 1AMA41 The temporal limits for within-attribute object trackings determined by motion mechanisms ○Hidetoshi Kanaya (Graduate School of Humanities 1AMA42 Object-based spatial selection processes depend on task difficulty ○Ryuji Takeya (Hokkaido university) Tetsuko Kasai (Hokkaido university) 1AMA43 Grouping is unstable outside attentional focus ○Tomoe Inukai (Kobe Shinwa Women's University) Tomonari Shimomura (Chukyo University) 1AMA44 The effect of visual tracking on unintentional coordination ○Hiroki Takase (Shinshu University) Yuka Nakamura# (Shinshu University) Akira Imai (Shinshu University) 1AMA45 Differential phase-encoded method revealed cortical areas related to location of spatial attention: an fNIRS study ○Masamitsu Harasawa (Japan Broadcasting and Sociology, The University of Tokyo) Takao Sato (Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo) Corporation) Masanori NAMBU# (Toyohashi University of Technology) Michiteru Kitazaki (Toyohashi University of Technology) Hiroshi Ishikane (Senshu University) 1AMA46 Visual field asymmetry in effects of sound on attentional blink ○Yasuhiro Takeshima (Tohoku University / JSPS) Jiro Gyoba (Tohoku University) 1AMA47 A study on depth perception 6 ○masao ohta (professor emeritus of kanazawa 1AMA48 Depth contrast/assimilation observed through a stereoscope ○Raiten Taya (N/A) 1AMA49 Adaptation and aftereffect in the comparison of a pair of lines with a slight difference in length. ○Yasumasa Suto (Graduate School of Kinki University university) of Literature and Cultural Studies) Katsuya Nakatani (Kinki University) Nobutaka Endo (Kinki University) 1AMA50 The perception of relative distance depends on the size-ratio in photographs 2 ○Tomomi Takezawa(Hatano) (Ritsumeikan 1AMA51 The effect of texture density on the perception of relative height ○Junko Tozawa (Kawamura Gakuen Woman's 1AMA52 Effects of contrast polarity upon goodness and complexity of compound patterns ○Jiro HAMADA (Institute of Socio-Arts and Sciences, 1AMA53 The Synchronous Oscillation Hypothesis ○tamotsu sohmiya (Sohmiya Institute of Psychology) kazuko sohmiya# (Sohmiya Institute of Psychology) University) University) University of Tokushima) (47) プログラム_英.indb 47 2012/09/07 11:10:59 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Sense・Perception 1AMA54 Mapping the kinetic subjective and objective contours appearance using multidimensional scaling ○Tomohiro Masuda (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization) Kazuki SATO (Chuo University) Takuma Murakoshi (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization) Atsushi Kimura (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization / Tokyo Denki University) Nobu Shirai (Niigata University) So Kanazawa (Japan Women’s University) K.Masami Yamaguchi (Chuo University) Yuji Wada (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization) 1AMA55 Ambiguity of perception on spinning stimuli ○yin zhu (department of psychology, hokkaido university) Hiroaki ITOH (department of psychology, hokkaido university) Tadayuki TAYAMA (department of psychology, hokkaido university) 1AMA56 Measuring the Ponzo illusion in the perspective drawings. ○Akira Yamagami (Konan Women's University) 1AMA57 Delboeuf illusion investigated by the event-related potentials, IV: A study on the conditions of split and shortened outer circle ○Akira Imai (Faculty of Arts, Shinshu University) 1AMA58 External and internal factors in perception of Poggendorff illusion. ○Hisae Ito (Keisen university) 1AMA59 Identification of Human Gait from Point-Light Display of Walker ○Shigemasa Sumi (Keio University) 1AMA60 The perception of point-light-walker which pretends to walk on the puddles ○Ko Nakamura (Hokusei Gakuen University Junior 1AMA61 Non-retinotopic processing in humans vs. retinotopic processing in pigeons ○Sho Otaki (Kyoto University / JSPA) Sota Watanabe (JSPA / Osaka Kyoiku University) Kazuo Fujita (Kyoto University) 1AMA62 Reexamination of anger superiority effect in the visual search task: Effects of stimulus redundancy of distractors ○Takahiro Kirita (Iwate Prefectural University) 1AMA63 The anger superiority effect in children with and without autism ○Tomoko Isomura (Graduate school of Science, Kyoto 1AMA64 Relationship between the ability to recognize facial emotions and gaze behavior in aged people ○Yuki Inoue (Hijiyama University) Yohko MAKI# (Gunma University Graduate School College) Univ. / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Nobuo Masataka (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto Univ.) of Health Sciences) Haruyasu YAMAGUCHI# (Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences) Hirosi YOSHIDA (Hijiyama University) 1AMA65 Correlations between MMPI scales and presence in a virtual environment made of 360 degrees panoramic movies. ○hideichi miyano (Health Care and Security Center, Kiyotake Branch, University of Miyazaki) (48) プログラム_英.indb 48 2012/09/07 11:11:00 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition Cognition Day 2 Sep.12 13:00-15:00 92A 2PMA26 Discrimination of human gaze direction by chimpanzees ○Masaki Tomonaga (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto 2PMA27 The relationship between the distinctiveness and the spatial frequency ○Sakura Torii (Kobe Shoin Women's University) Akihiro Tada# (POLA Chemical Industries, Inc.) 2PMA28 Inference from unfamiliar voices to unfamiliar faces - influence of number of alternations-. ○Shunji Awazu (Jissen Women's University) 2PMA29 The Effects of Haptic Sensations on the Character Evaluation and Cognitive Flexibility ○Sayuri Honmoto (Graduate School of Psychology, 2PMA30 Quick Discrimination of Facial and Body Parts in a Person Having a Direct Gaze ○Yuki Miyazaki (School of Psychology, Chukyo University) 2PMA31 Gender differences in hemispheric dominance for facial expression recognition: using morphed facial expressions ○Hiroaki Ito (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University) Kansai University) Genji Sugamura (Faculty of Letters, Kansai University) Univ) Jun-ichi Abe (Hokkaido Univ) Tadayuki Tayama (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido Univ) 2PMA32 An ERP study on spatial frequency characteristic of dynamic facial expression processing. ○Motonobu Hidaka (Hokkaido University / Research Fellowships of JSPS) Harumitsu Murohashi (Faculity of Education, Hokkaido University) Takashi Morotomi (Faculity of Education, Hokkaido University) 2PMA33 Effects of speech rate on the impression of speech ○Kenji Yamasumi (Kyushu University of Nursing and 2PMA34 The effect of 3D display on object manipulation. ○Yoshiyuki Tamamiya (University of Tokyo) Kazuo Hiraki# (University of Tokyo) 2PMA35 Eye tracking using personal computer and USB camera: evaluation by measuring reaction time ○Hiroyuki Sogo (Faculty of Law and Letters, Ehime 2PMA36 Posture of a wide angle viewing image are influenced by angle of view? ○Mai Yamaguchi (Olympus Corporation) Mariko Shirai (Graduate of Doshisha University Social Welfare) University) Faculty of Psychology) Takayoshi Togino# (Olympus Corporation) Naoto Suzuki (Doshisha University Faculty of Psychology) 2PMA37 Aesthetic preference in spatial composition:effects of position,direction,and size on framing single objects ○Toshiko Mochizuki (Japan Women's University) Shiho Kawai# (49) プログラム_英.indb 49 2012/09/07 11:11:01 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 2PMA38 Information processing of virtual image under binocular and monocular observation (1): Distance perception based on sizes of virtual image and information contents in background ○Takahiko Kimura (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) Akihiko Kitamura (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Hiroshi Naito (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Kazumitsu Shinohara (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Takashi Sasaki# (Toshiba Cop. Corporate Research & Development Center) Haruhiko Okumura# (Toshiba Cop. Corporate Research & Development Center) 2PMA39 Information processing of virtual image under binocular and monocular observation (2) ○Akihiko Kitamura (Dept. of Applied Cognitive 2PMA40 Effects of music listening on mood change ○Masato Ueno (Graduate School of Bunkyo Gakuin 2PMA41 Object orientation perception and scene context: the effect of scene familiarity ○Ryosuke Niimi (The University of Tokyo) Katsumi Watanabe (The University of Tokyo) 2PMA42 Raeding Wrods with Jubmled Charactres in Japnaese ○Kazuo Mori (TUAT) 2PMA43 The characteristics of P-S statistics in an animal detection task ○Hayaki Banno (Kyoto University, Graduate School of Psychology, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Hiroshi Naito (Dept. of Applied Cognitive Psychology, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Takahiko Kimura (Kansai University of Welfare Science) Kazumitsu Shinohara (Dept. of Applied Cognitive Psychology, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Takashi Sasaki# (Toshiba Corporate Research & Development Center) Haruhiko Okumura# (Toshiba Corporate Research & Development Center) University) Human and Environmental Studies) Jun Saiki (Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) 2PMA44 Music preference effects on evaluating sound quality ○Masaomi Oda (Ritsumeikan University) 2PMA45 Comparison of distributions of phonemic identification between synthesized speech and its analogs ○Tomoyuki Takayama (Kinki University) 2PMA46 The change detection to people by change blindness in children with autism ○Haruka Kimura (Yokohama Rehabilitation Center / 2PMA47 Effects of Picture and word on controlled semantic processing; Relationship between their variability and Autism-spectrum Quotient (AQ) ○akari izumi (Guraduate School of Education, Graduate School of Humanities, Komazawa University) Ayasa ANDO (Graduate School of Humanities, Komazawa University) Yoko NAGATA (Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University) Hokkaido Univ.) Harumitsu Murohashi (Faculty of Education, Hokkaido Univ.) (50) プログラム_英.indb 50 2012/09/07 11:11:01 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 2PMA48 Cognitive Influence of Concentric Visual Field on Speed and Accuracy for Visual Perception -Simulation of Normal Subjects ○Tomoe Hayakawa (Teikyo University / National 2PMA49 Attentional blink in diffuse axonal injury ○Rina Mitsuto (Hiroshima Higher Brain Function Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Yasushi Naruse# (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Yusuke Morito# (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Takashi Shinozaki# (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Hiroaki Umehara# (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Center) Kozue Sawada (Hiroshima Higher Brain Function Center) Yukari Hashimoto (Fukuyama University) Hiroshi Yoshida (Hijiyama University) 2PMA50 The influence of reading commentary on impression of paintings ○Kiyoe Cho (Graduate School of Psychology,Kurume 2PMA51 Unconscious body movement elicited during cognitive tasks performed with high arousal background music ○Yosuke TANI (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido 2PMA52 Associated Words and Recognition Process in Tactile System by Tactile Simuli ○Kazuhiko Yasaka (Graduate School of Integrated Arts 2PMA53 Action complimentarity in the joint Simon effect ○Akio Nishimura (JSPS (Sophia University)) Kazuhiko Yokosawa (The University of Tokyo) 2PMA54 Referentiality of direction cue affects Joint Simon effect ○Yumi Kimura (Aichi Shukutoku University) Kazuhito Yoshizaki (Dept. of Psychology, Aichi 2PMA55 Allocation of attention in mirrored space by using noise interference effects ○Hiroshi Naito (Osaka University) Takahiko Kimura (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) Kazumitsu Shinohara (Osaka University) Toshiaki Miura (Osaka University) 2PMA56 Relationships between cognition and motor imagery for the movement reproducibility ○Yasushige Fujihira (Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation 2PMA57 The Change detection by Change Blindness task in Children ○Ayasa Ando (Graduate School of humanities, University) University) Mayumi ADACHI (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University) and Sciences, Kochi medical school / Kochi school of allied health and medical professions) Tomoki Mori# (Atago Hospital) Hideto Kaba# (Kochi Medical School) Shukutoku Univ) University) Komazawa University) Haruka Kimura (Graduate School of humanities, Komazawa University / Yokohama Rehabilitation Center) Yoko Nagata (Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University) 2PMA58 Grapheme-color synesthesia is a spectrum phenomenon ○Michiko Asano (JSPS Research Fellow (PD) / Faculty 2PMA59 Stroop interference in spatial tasks ○Atsuko Ishio (Otemon Gakuin University) of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University) Kazuhiko Yokosawa (Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo) (51) プログラム_英.indb 51 2012/09/07 11:11:02 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 2PMA60 A preliminary study of sound-colour synesthesia by using dichotic listening method ○Kao Yamashita (Senshu University) Reiko Enomoto (Department of Psychology, Senshu University) Seiji Yamagami (Department of Psychology, Senshu University) 2PMA61 The effect of perceptual load on attentional blink. ○Hikaru Suzuki (Senshu university) Matia Okubo (Senshu university) 2PMA62 The focus of attention and the Stroop interference ○Yoshinori Shibasaki (Kurashiki Sakuyo University) Akira Yamazaki (Meiji Gakuin University) 2PMA63 Sustained attention to four locations disrupts concurrent subitizing ○Tomonari Shimomura (Chukyo University) Takatsune Kumada (RIKEN BSI-TOYOTA 2PMA64 Causes of misdirection in magic ○Marie Shoda (The University of Tokyo) Kazuhiko Yokosawa (The University of Tokyo) 2PMA65 Impression of the Social Event on Cover of Moving Objects ○Shoji Tsuchida (Meisei University) 2PMA66 The effect of left-right alignment of figures on the Ebbinghaus illusion. ○Ayako Saneyoshi (Teikyo University) 2PMA67 Activation levels of a question item in the concealed information test ○Tokihiro Ogawa (National Research Institute of Collaboration Center) Police Science) Izumi Matsuda (National Research Institute of Police Science) Michiko Tsuneoka (National Research Institute of Police Science) Day 3 Sep.13 10:00-12:00 92A 3AMA01 Relationship between computer-illiteracy and usability of video manual 3AMA02 Changing implicit cognition by repetition of the physical movement of approach or avoidance 2 ○Shinnosuke Tanaka (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Yoichi Watanabe (Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences, University of Yamagata) ○Rie Fujita (Graduate School of Education,Yamaguchi University) Yohei Okibayashi (Faculty of Education,Yamaguchi University) 3AMA03 The effect of recency between training and testing on superlearning effect of human. ○Kouji Urushihara (Health Sciences University of 3AMA04 The process of perceptual-motor translation in imitation of object manipulation (3) ○takashi mizuguchi (Shinshu University) 3AMA05 The effect of the working memory training in the duration judgments ○Yoshihiro Okazaki (Tokyo University/Research Hokkaido) fellowship division Japan society for the promotion of science) Yukio Tsuchida (Hokkaido University Graduate of Education) Tomomi Igaki (Fukuyama University Graduate of Human Science) Asami Iba (Fukuyama University Graduate of Human Science) Yoko Saragai (Fukuyama University Graduate of Human Science) Masamichi Yuzawa (Hiroshima University Graduate of Education) (52) プログラム_英.indb 52 2012/09/07 11:11:03 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3AMA06 An Attempt to Make the Visuospatial Working Memory Task ○Takashi Kanda (Graduate School of Psychology 3AMA07 Visuo-spatial working memory span of young adult eidetikers ○Ritsuko Shinbara (Graduate School of Letter, Assessment of cognitive load and the efficacy of modality effects. ○Akihiro Kobayashi (Senshu university graduate 3AMA09 The effects of task load and number of items on color change detection ○Michitaka Ohgishi (Kanazawa University) 3AMA10 The developmental change of priming effect: A preliminary examination of a priming task by children ○Aki AKAMINE (Nagoya University of Arts and Research Department, Rissho University.) Yutaka Yamamura (Faculty of Education, Teikyo University.) Masanori Ida (Faculty of Psychology, Rissho University.) Hokkaido University) Shinsuke Hishitani (Graduate School of Letter, Hokkaido University) 3AMA08 schools) Matia Okubo (Senshu university) Sciences) Fumi Ito (Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences) Masahito Sakakibara (Aichi Gakuin University) Mitsuro Kida (Aichi Gakuin University) ○Yoko Higuchi (Graduate School of Human and 3AMA11 Role of location and object identity in implicit learning of visual event sequences 3AMA12 A study of competition between haptic and visual storage capacities ○Taku Morimoto (Hokkaido University) 3AMA13 Learning to solve a problem through finding a hidden structure: Changes on learning processes by cognitive aging ○Etsuko, T. Harada (University of Tsukuba / JST- Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) Hirokazu Ogawa (Department of Integrated Psychological Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin University) Yoshiyuki Ueda (Kokoro research center, Kyoto University) Jun Saiki (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) RISTEX) Hirokazu Yamaguchi# (University of Tsukuba) Satoru Suto (Shizuoka University / JST-RISTEX) 3AMA14 The age differences in effects of implicit route guides for the Groton Maze Learning Task ○Satoru Suto (Shizuoka University) Etsuko Harada (University of Tsukuba) 3AMA15 Effects of subliminal priming on insight problem solving ○Masasi Hattori (Ritsumeikan University) Ryo Orita (Ritsumeikan University) 3AMA16 Simple heuristic and knowledge-based inference: Model comparisons ○Hidehito Honda (National Institute of Informatics) Toshihiko Matsuka (Chiba University) 3AMA17 The Effect of Physical Load to Cognitive Process in Inference ○KEIGA ABE (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) 3AMA18 Perceiving spatial representation of diagram: I. The influence of thinking style on problem solving with diagram ○Yuichi Wada (Tohoku University) Yuko Maie (Tohoku University) 3AMA19 Perceiving spatial representation of diagram: II. Do spatial diagram structure lead a specific mode of orienting attention? ○YUKO MAIE (Tohoku University) Yuichi Wada (Tohoku University) (53) プログラム_英.indb 53 2012/09/07 11:11:03 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3AMA20 ○Mai Hirata (Graduate School of Education,Yamaguchi The relationship between critical thinking disposition,ability,and belief biases University) Youhei Okibayashi (Faculty of Education,Yamaguchi University) 3AMA21 Verification of Validity of Metacognitive Inventory (Yoshino, et al., 2008) ○Iwao Yoshino (Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo) Takuya Miyazaki (Hokkaido University of Education Asahikawa) Koichi Kaketa (Hokkaido University of Education Asahikawa) Akihiko Asamura (Hokkai-Gakuen University) 3AMA22 An Analysis about Effects of the Individual s Cosmetic Behavior into the Images about Their Skin and Gender Differences ○Masako Yamada (SAITAMA Women's Junior 3AMA23 Do dogs recognize human reliability? ○Akiko Takaoka (Kyoto University) kazuo fujita (Kyoto University) 3AMA24 Do Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) use geometry and step in a spatial reorientation task? ○Toru Betsuyaku (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto College) University / JSPS) Kazuo Fujita (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) 3AMA25 Tactics in serial learning of Arabic numerals in mandrill monkeys ○Masayuki Tanaka (Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto 3AMA26 Metamemory in tufted capuchin monkeys for stimulus combinations of figure and position ○Kazuo Fujita (Kyoto University) 3AMA27 Infant Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) do not associate the motion of surrounding stimulus in recognizing the motion of target stimulus ○Sota Watanabe (Osaka Kyoiku University / JSPS) Masaki Tomonaga (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto Univerisity) University) Kazuo Fujita (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) 3AMA28 Chimpanzees understanding of causality of object movement ○Chizuko Murai (Brain science institute of Tamagawa Univ.) Masaki Tomonaga (Primate research institute of Kyoto Univ.) 3AMA29 Number of factors in recollective rating of an extraversion-introversion questionaire ○Masahiko Saito (Mimasaka University) 3AMA30 Cognitive function in healthy elderly: (3) story recall ○Yuko Ohgami (Wayo Women's University) Naoko Sakuma (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Hiroyuki Suzuki (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) 3AMA31 Study on accuracy of memory monitoring in elderly people ○Kouhei Masumoto (Kobe University) 3AMA32 Cognitive function in healthy elderly: (1) 5-year longitudinal study ○Naoko Sakuma (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Hiroyuki Suzuki (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Yuko Ohgami (Wayo Women's University) 3AMA33 Cognitive function in healthy elderly: (2) 5-year longitudinal study in word fluency ○Hiroyuki Suzuki (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontlogy) Naoko Sakuma (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontlogy) Yuko Ohgami (Wayo Women’s University) 3AMA34 Facilitation of Latencies in Order Judgment after Learning a Route with Turns ○Noboru Suto (Chiba University) (54) プログラム_英.indb 54 2012/09/07 11:11:04 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3AMA35 Japanese skilled typists without solid representation on keyboard layout ○Yuki Ashitaka (Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University) Hiroyuki Shimada (Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University) 3AMA36 Cancellation of Long-term Inattentional Blindness by Association ○Akira Takahashi (Faculty of Informatics) 3AMA37 Can we extend the Elman net? ○Shin-ichi Asakawa (Tokyo Woman's Christian 3AMA38 Homophony advantage and disadvantage in lexical decision tasks ○Yasushi Hino (Waseda University) Yuu Kusunose (Waseda University) 3AMA39 Discordant effect between context and prosody on detecting sarcastic intentions ○Tagiru Nakamura (Keio University) Tomoko Matsui (Tokyo Gakugei University) Akira Utsumi (The University of Electro- 3AMA40 Toward construction of semantic transparency database of two-kanji compound words (1). ○Hisashi Masuda (Hiroshima Shudo University) Terry Joyce (Tama University) Taeko Ogawa (Tokai Gakuin University) Chikako Fujita (Nanzan University) Masahiro Kawakami (Osaka Shoin Women's 3AMA41 Effects of phonological consistency and phonological typicality of kanji radical on the amount of priming. ○Chikako Fujita (Nanzan University) Hisashi Masuda 3AMA42 Influences on native language on individual differences in the use of visual and phonological codes ○Takao Matsui (Chubu University) Rika Mizuno (Chubu University) 3AMA43 The role of sensorimotor processing in the semantic processing of concrete words ○Masahiro Takamura (Hiroshima University) Shunsuke Hayashi (Hiroshima University) Makoto Miyatani (Hiroshima University) 3AMA44 Does the detection of mind wandering require attentional resources? ○Sho Otsuka (Department of School Psychology, 3AMA45 Cognitive Failures and Metacognitive Ability University) Communications) University) Graduate School of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University) Takahiro SEKIGUCHI (Department of Educational Psychology, Tokyo Gakugei University) ○Akihiko Asamura (Hokkai-Gakuen University) Koichi Kaketa (Hokkaido University of Education Asahikawa Campus) Takuya Miyazaki (Hokkaido University of Education Asahikawa Campus) Iwao Yoshino (Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo Campus) 3AMA46 Judgment of the shared attribute across artificial objects ○Tokuko Ogawa (Ritsumeikan University) 3AMA47 Development and validation of the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory ○Yoga Tokuyoshi (Tohoku University) Syoichi Iwasaki (Tohoku University) 3AMA48 Music and imagery(2): Effects of musical instrument and musical style. ○Etsuko Hoshino (Ueno Gakuen University) 3AMA49 Impact of cigarette craving on cognitive and motional functions ○Masao Ohmi (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) 3AMA50 Relationship between the ability to recognize facial emotions and gaze behavior ○Hiroshi Yoshida (Hijiyama University) (55) プログラム_英.indb 55 2012/09/07 11:11:05 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3AMA51 Relationship between perceived deceptiveness and sense of trust ○Akira Mukai (Takamatsu University) 3AMA52 Attachment style predicts the preference for male facial masculinity. ○Midori Takahashi (the University of Tokyo) 3AMA53 The relationship between music preferences and personality among university students ○Yuka Hirose (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima Univ.) Makoto Iwanaga (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima Univ.) Shoko Yasuda (Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha Univ.) 3AMA54 Assessing acute stress with the Switching Implicit Association Test ○Hirotsune Sato (University of Tsukuba) Jun-ichiro Kawahara (Chukyo University) 3AMA55 The effect of level of construal on terror management. ○Gen ITO (The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology) Yohtaro Takano (The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology) Yasashi Shinohara (The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology) 3AMA56 Limited Capacity for Emotional Information -fMRI Study with Cognitive Load- ○Takehiro Minamoto (Department of Psychology, 3AMA57 Autistic and depressive tendencies of university students and crying/laughing decision processes ○Hiroshi Arao (Hiroshima International University) Tatsuya Iwaki (Hiroshima International University) 3AMA58 The subliminal affective habituation eliminates the Inhibition of return. ○Megumi Haraguchi (Graduate School of Human- 3AMA59 The Effect of Self-esteem on Psychobiological Stress Response under Acute Stress Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) Mariko Osaka (Department of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Naoyuki Osaka (Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) Environment studies, Kyushu Univ. / Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Yuki Yamada (Research Institute for Time Studies, Yamaguchi Univ.) Yuji Hakoda (Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu Univ.) ○Kai Miyuki (graduate school of clinical psychology beppu univercity) Jumpei Yajima (graduate school of clinical psychology beppu univercity) 3AMA60 Effects of the gaze duration bias on the face preference. ○Kengo TANE (Graduate School of Sophia, Sophia Univ.) Chikashi Michimata (Sophia Univ.) 3AMA61 Mere exposure effect for partially occluded stimulus ○Akitoshi Tomita (Osaka University) Soyogu Matsushita (Ritsumeikan University) Kazunori Morikawa (Osaka University) 3AMA62 Applying the Multi-Axis Concentric Circle Scale to Research of the Time Recognition in Lifespan Development ○Hiroki Okuda (kinjo university) (56) プログラム_英.indb 56 2012/09/07 11:11:06 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3AMA63 A study of the relations between prefrontal cortex and cerebro-cerebeller function ○Takeshi Hatta (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) Chie Hotta (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) Taketoshi Hatta (Gifu University of Medical Sciences) Junko Hatta (Aichi Gakuin University) Emi Ito (Nagoya University) Akihiko Iwahara (Wakayama Prefectual Medical University) Naoko Nagahara (Osaka Health Sciences College) 3AMA64 The drawing development in infants: Analysis of closing-in phenomena for figures. ○Ichiro Sugishima (Jin-ai University) Ikumi Murakami# (Fujishimaen) 3AMA65 an experimental study on transfer of imagery manipulation ability -the case of abacus expert- ○shingo matsumoto (graduate school of letters hokkaido university) shinsuke hishitani (graduate school of letters hokkaido university) ○Yoshifumi Ikeda (Tokyo Gakugei University The 3AMA66 Inhibition and error correction in preschool and school-age children: analysis of Animal Size Test 3AMA67 Estimation for impression of modern ballet by amateur ○Yasuhiro Goto (Faculty of Psychology and Applied 3AMA68 The relationship between privacy preference in real world and self-disclosure on social media ○Hironari Nozaki (Aichi University of Education) Hidetsugu Tajika (Kobe Shinwa Women’s University) 3AMA69 Comparison of looking time between 3D and 2D pictures in the slide-show ○Soichiro Kawamura (Tottori College) United Graduate School of Education / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Hideyuki Okuzumi (Tokyo Gakugei University) Kohichi Haishi (Joetsu University of Education) Yoshio Kitajima (Chiba University) Communication, School of Humanities, Hokusei Gakuen University) Day 3 Sep.13 13:00-15:00 92A 3PMA01 The moderating effect of self-esteem on the relation between estimated consensus about one s opinion and depressive tendency ○Ayumi Kambara (Kansai University) Yumi Endo (Kansai University) 3PMA02 How much do you give to friend of your friend? : social discounting in n degree of separation ○Kuninori Nakamura (Faculty of Social innovation, 3PMA03 Cultural difference found by using face-voice stimuli in which different emotions are expressed ○Ken-ichi Tabei (Graduate School of Medicine, Mie Seijo University) Univ.) Sachiko Takagi (Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Tokyo Woman’s Christian Univ.) Akihiro Tanaka (Department of Psychology, Tokyo Woman’s Christian Univ.) 3PMA04 Do gaze cues enhance a norm consciousness in public space? ○Takahiro O~hara (Iwaki Meisei University) 3PMA05 Relationships between affects and traits read from neutral faces ○Atsunobu SUZUKI (Nagoya University) Nobuyuki Watanabe (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Ryuta Suzuki (Nihon University) Hiroyuki Yoshida (Tokiwa Junior College) Hiroshi Yamada (Nihon University) (57) プログラム_英.indb 57 2012/09/07 11:11:06 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3PMA06 Roles of vocal-tract size and fundamental frequencies in speaker recognition ○Teruhisa Uchida (the National Center for University 3PMA07 The effect of time pressure on use of external cue ○Takashi Matsuo (The University of Kitakyushu) 3PMA08 The relationship between reading speed of 4 frames manga and eye movement ○Keisaku Tamada (Graduate School of Human 3PMA09 Subjective evaluation of probability under uncertainty: Differences between events, effect of experience and illusion of control. ○Takayuki KUBOTA (Graduate School of Science and 3PMA10 Mock juror s evaluation about children s ability to testify and the effect of the Truth-Lie Discussion ○Ai Uemiya (Hokkaido University) Makiko Naka (Hokkaido University) Yuko Yamasaki (Ritsumeikan University) 3PMA11 Stimulus-response compatibility with foot operation: Experiment using Simon task ○FEI TIAN (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Entrance Examinations) Relations, KEIO University) Technology, Shizuoka University) Akira Takahashi (Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka University) Takeo Isarida (Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka University) Osaka Univ) Kazumitu Sinohara (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ) Influence of picture quality on waiting time satisfaction in streaming services ○Sumaru Niida (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. / 3PMA13 A psychological study of strong experiences induced by listening to music focusing on participants musical training ○Shoko Yasuda (Department of Culture and 3PMA14 the attentional control by emotional face on schizotypy ○Shiho Miyazawa (Tohoku University Graduate 3PMA15 The effect of illusion of transparency on social anxiety and Taijin Kyofusho dispositions. 3PMA12 University of Tsukuba) Etsuko Harada (University of Tsukuba) Information Science, Doshisha University) School of Medicine, Department of Biological Psychiatry) Megumi Sato (Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Science) Syoichi Iwasaki (Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Science) ○Hironobu Inoguchi (National Cancer Center Hospital.) Satoko Sasagawa (Faculty of Human Sciences, Mejiro University.) Cognitive biases for food and body in healthy females ○Moe Nagahata (Graduate School of Humanities, 3PMA17 Sensitivity of story memory task for cognitive aging: Standardization of WMS-R Logical Memory for Japanese people over 75. ○Naoko Kawano (Nagoya University Graduate School 3PMA18 Aggressive word processing in perspective-taking 3PMA19 The difference between genuine smile and forced smile on face recognition ○Kohichi Sayama (Otaru University of Commerce) 3PMA20 A survey of pain in dreams ○Hitoshi Okada (Bunkyo University) 3PMA16 Senshu Univ.) Hiroshi Ishikane (Graduate School of Humanities, Senshu Univ.) of Medicine / Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Mutsuo Ijuin (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) ○Michiko Tsuneoka (National Research Institute of Police Science / The University of Tokyo Graduate school of Human and Sociology) Takenori Kato# (The University of Tokyo Graduate school of Education) Yohtaro Takano (The University of Tokyo Graduate school of Human and Sociology) (58) プログラム_英.indb 58 2012/09/07 11:11:07 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3PMA21 Relationship between lucid dreaming and personal trait ○Madoka Takahara (Fukushima University) 3PMA22 A relationship between feeling-in and disposition in the viewers for images ○Yukiko OGAWA (HOSEI University) 3PMA23 Hemispheric processing of facial expressions in social anxiety ○Kenta Ishikawa (Graduate school Senshu university) Matia Okubo (Senshu university) 3PMA24 Stability for block-wise conflict adaptation of visual selectivity ○Kazuhito Yoshizaki (Aichi Shukutoku University) Kei Kuratomi (Graduate School of Psychology, Aichi 3PMA25 Location-based conflict frequency modulates global/local information processing ○Kei Kuratomi (Graduate School of Psychology, Aichi 3PMA26 Cognition and Action (11): The role of observer experience and expectations in the understanding of others actions. ○HIrofumi Saito (Nagoya University) Misato Oi (Nagoya University) 3PMA27 Formal voices might be less impressive ○Koji Kanda (Nagoya Institute of Technology) 3PMA28 Aged-related change of block-wise conflict adaptation effects ○Kasumi Ohkawa (Graduate School of Psychology, Shukutoku Univ./JSPS Research Fellow) Shukutoku University/JSPS Research Fellow) Kazuhito Yoshizaki (Dept. of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku University) Aichi Shukutoku Univ.) kazuhito Yoshizaki (Dept. of Psychology, Aichi shukutoku Univ.) kei Kuratomi (Graduate School of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku Univ. / JSPS Research Fellow) Yumi Kimura (Graduate School of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku Univ.) 3PMA29 A study on the size of the objects in visual symbols ○Kentaro Inomata (Graduate school of Psychology, 3PMA30 The effect of frame on impression of painting ○Naoko Kurikawa (Kobe Gakuin University) 3PMA31 The effect of location-based conflict frequency on attentional capture ○tsukasa taniyama (Graduate school of education, 3PMA32 implicit attitude toward chokolate and relations of the intake frequency ○sachiko yamanaka (ikenobo college) 3PMA33 The effects of selective attention on semantic processing: Evidence from event-related potentials ○Kimiko Kato (National Center for Geriatrics and Kansai University) Tokyo Gakugei Univ) Gerontology) Tsunetaka Okita (Department of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku Univ.) Kei Kuratomi (Graduate School of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku Univ. / JSPS Research Fellow) Yumi Kimura (Graduate School of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku Univ.) 3PMA34 The role of waist-to-hip ratio and body size in judgments of male attractiveness. ○Nanao Sayama (HOSEI univ) Keita Ochi (HOSEI univ) 3PMA35 The effects of menstrual cycle on gaze judgment ○Rutsuko Nagayama (Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin University) Junichiro Seyama (Tokyo University) 3PMA36 ○Misako Kimura (Hakodate Junior College) Miki Uetsuki (Hakodate Junior College) Do dolls resemble their makers? (59) プログラム_英.indb 59 2012/09/07 11:11:08 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3PMA37 Specific prediction formulae for color harmony and disharmony ○Takashi Ikeda (Osaka University) Mariko Osaka (Osaka University) Naoyuki Osaka (Kyoto University) 3PMA38 A Regret and Coping Types in Decision-making. ○Yurie Tajima (Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters) Yasuhiro Kawabata (Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters) Tetsuo Takigawa# (Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters) 3PMA39 Implicit and explicit sequence learning in a task containing two serial regularities ○Kaori Miyawaki (Waseda University) 3PMA40 Towards the Intuitive operation(2) ○Hiroyuki Sakurai (RISSHO University. Faculty of 3PMA41 Does reading difficulty in presbyopia differ for native and non-native words? ○shinji kawano (Kumamoto University) Tatsuhiko Tanaka# (Kyusyu University) Shuji Mori (Kyusyu University) Kaoru Sekiyama (Kumamoto University) 3PMA42 An ERP investigation of attentional control in the flanker task ○Kaoru Umebayashi (Gifu Women's University) Tsunetaka Okita (Aichi Shukutoku University) 3PMA43 Effects of the Listening Context on the Audience s Heart-rate Variability in the PIano Performance ○Haruka Shoda (Dept. of Psychology, Hokkaido Psychology) University, JSPS Research Fellow) Mayumi Adachi (Dept. of Psychology, Hokkaido University) 3PMA44 Relation between Psychological and Physiological Responses on Color Stimuli ○Mariko Mikumo (Baika Womens' University) 3PMA45 Individual difference of the Mental Workload observed by P300 ○Tatsufumi Fujii (GraduateSchool of Human Sciences, 3PMA46 An ERP study of features for personal identification using photograph and illustration of face. ○Hideaki Tanaka (Otemon Gakuin University) 3PMA47 Involvement of Executive Functions and Motivation in Sustained Visual Attention: An Event-related Potential Study ○Yuji Yamada (Hokkaido University) Tetsuko Kasai (Hokkaido University) Harumitsu Murohashi (Hokkaido University) 3PMA48 Effects of Lexicality and Reading Direction on Spatial Attention toward Character Strings ○Yasuko Okumura (Japan Society for the Promotion of OsakaUniv) Science (Hokkaido University)) Tetsuko Kasai (Hokkaido University) Ryuji Takeya (Hokkaido University) Harumitsu Murohashi (Hokkaido University) 3PMA49 Assessment of visual attentional state using eventrelated brain potentials: Can early deviant-related components be a measure for assessing the amount of attentional resources allocated to a task? ○Motohiro Kimura (National Institute of Advanced 3PMA50 An analysis of context effects in multi-attribute decision making by eye tracking ○itsuki chiba (Graduate School of Contemporary Industrial Science and Technology) Yuji Takeda (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Psychology, Rikkyo University) Takashi Tsuzuki (Rikkyo University) Masashi Soma (Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University) 3PMA51 The effects of CHRNA4 gene polymorphisms for visuo-spatial attention ○Yuichiro Kikuno (Kyoto University) Tetsuro Matsunaga# (Kyoto University) Jun Saiki (Kyoto University) 3PMA52 Noises distracting the reading task: Comparison among crowd, music, and talking ○Atsuki Higashiyama (Ritsumeikan University) Takashi Murakami (Ritsumeikan University) Keiko Sato# (Ritsumeikan University) (60) プログラム_英.indb 60 2012/09/07 11:11:09 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Cognition 3PMA53 ○Kayoko Ohtsu (Graduate School of Education, Learning Relative Locations in Regular or Irregular Updating Waseda University) Yoshihiro Oouchi (Josai International University) 3PMA54 Effect of finger pointing on error prevention during visual search for the name of medicine ○JUNKO MITOBE (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Takahiro Higuchi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 3PMA55 Automatic processing in handwritings - Imitation handwriting - ○Masaaki Ishikawa (Forensic Science Laboratory, Ishikawa Pref, Police H.Q.) Kouji Sugawa (Forensic Science Laboratory, Ishikawa Pref, Police H.Q.) Hideo Jingu (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) (61) プログラム_英.indb 61 2012/09/07 11:11:09 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Learning Learning Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-12:00 92A 2AMA01 Effects of feedback-timing on learning of handwriting inverted letters ○Keiko Hashimoto (Niigata Institute of Thchnology) Hajime Murakami (Niigata Institute of Thchnology) Kenichi Ito (Niigata Institute of Thchnology) 2AMA02 Methods of“addition”and“subtraction”used by young children during free play ○Shizuko Amaiwa (Kyoei University) 2AMA03 How Schemas and Automation Affect Observational Learning of Counseling Expertise ○Kenji Yokotani (Niigata Seiryo University) 2AMA04 The Effect of Learning Style to learning comprehension by multimedia materials ○Norihito OTSUKA (Graduate School of Human- 2AMA05 Corrective Feedback and Languaging -How do learners understand written corrective feedback on their English compositions?- ○Ryo Saito (Graduate School of Information Sciences, 2AMA06 Effect of outcome duration on illusion of control ○Mayuko Hori (Graduate School of Humanities, Environment Studies, Kyushu University) Manabu Kishi (Faculty of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University) Tohoku University) Kwansei Gakuin University) Keitaro Numata (Graduate School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Sadahiko Nakajima (School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University) 2AMA07 Outcome density bias in contingency judgment using the streamed-trial procedure ○Keitaro Numata (Graduate School of Humanities, 2AMA08 On preference pulse and redundant responses under discriminative Variable-ratio training in Wistar rats. ○Yosuke Hachiga (Keio University) Takayuki Sakagami (Keio University) 2AMA09 Schedule discrimination based on interresponse times proximal to reinforcement ○TAKAYUKI TANNO (KWANSEI GAKUIN 2AMA10 Food intake and water intake behaviour in a pigeon (Columba livia) under constant ambient temperature conditions (2) ○Ken'ichi Fuji (Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of 2AMA11 Effects of correction procedures on double alternation learning in pigeons ○Kyo~ichi Hiraoka (Faculty of Education, Hirosaki 2AMA12 Failure of directed forgetting in a resource reallocation experiment in rats ○Tohru Taniuchi (Kanazawa University) 2AMA13 Relationship between behavioral despair and cytokines in mice ○Nobutaka DOE (Kouiken Co., Ltd.) Kwansei Gakuin University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Mayuko Hori (Graduate School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University) Sadahiko Nakajima (School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University) UNIVERSITY / JSPS) TAKAYUKI SAKAGAMI (KEIO UNIVERSITY) Letters) University) (62) プログラム_英.indb 62 2012/09/07 11:11:10 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Memory Memory Day 1 Sep.11 13:00-15:00 92A 1PMA01 Effects of visual attention on visual short term memory encoding and maintenance ○Qi Li (Kyoto University) Jun Saiki (Kyoto University) 1PMA02 The influence of processing of tactile roughness on maintenance of spacial information ○Kohiti Ozawa (Graduate School of Education, Waseda 1PMA03 Does visual long-term memory improve change detection accuracy? ○Megumi Nishiyama (Graduate School of 1PMA04 Retroactive extrapolation in memory for pictures ○Yuji Hoshino (Ritsumeikan University) 1PMA05 Influences of study time on place context-dependent effects in free recall ○Takeo Isarida (Shizuoka University, Faculty of Univ.) Takashi Ueda (Waseda Univ.) Environment, Nagoya University) Jun Kawaguchi (Graduate School of Environment, Nagoya University) Informatics) Toshiko Isarida (Shizuoka Prefectural University, Shizuoka College) 1PMA06 Recognizing the“partial”information ○Tetsuji Hirano (Osaka University of Human Sciences) 1PMA07 Prevention of the Negative Suggestion Effect in Testing ○Takashi Kato (Kansai University) Koji Tanaka (Kansai University) 1PMA08 The effect of memory strategy on JOL. ○Kayoko Miura (University of Toyama / JSPS) Mie Matsui (University of Toyama) 1PMA09 Is it true that bilateral eye movements facilitate episodic memories? ○Shinji Kitagami (Nagoya University) Satoko Komatsu# (School of Informatics and Sciences, Nagoya University) Kenji Ikeda (Nagoya University) Tomoyo Takahashi (Nagoya University) 1PMA10 ○mitsuko hayashi (Hokkaido University of Education Hypermnesia of Merody HAKODATE) Eriko Kawasaki (Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University) 1PMA11 Examining roles of the picture s conceptually distinctive features for picture superiority effect ○Akihiro Asano (Chuo University) Muneyoshi Hyodo (Chuo University) 1PMA12 The Influence of Source-constrained Retrieval on Encoding of Foils for Recognition IV -Examination of Enactment and Levels of Processing Effects on Action Events- ○Daisuke CHO (Hosei University of Graduate School of Humanities) Tetsuya Fujita (Faculty of Letters Hosei University) 1PMA13 Precision of visual working memory for complex visual stimuli ○Hiroyuki Tsuda (Graduate School of Human and 1PMA14 Interaction between long-term associative memory and relational binding in working memory task ○Sachiko Takahama (Seisen University) 1PMA15 The influence of storage item sizes on working memory ○Kazunori Otsuka (University of Nagasaki) Makoto Miyatani (Hiroshima University) Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) Jun Saiki (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) (63) プログラム_英.indb 63 2012/09/07 11:11:10 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Memory 1PMA16 The effect of task-irrelevant and emotionally information on working memory and its age difference ○MAYA KATSUHARA (Kyoto University) Mariko Osaka (Osaka University) Naoyuki Osaka (Kyoto University) 1PMA17 The group differences of working memory on word recall with emotional values: assessing a metacognitive monitoring measurement ○Mie Komori (Senri Kinran University) 1PMA18 Subjective difficulty and metacomprehension; The effect of working memory, mental effort and subjective difficulty on metacomprehension accuracy ○Kenji Ikeda (Nagoya university / Japan Society for 1PMA19 Effects of retrieval practice after making the cognitive map on long-term rentention (1) ○hidetsugu tajika (Kobe Shinwa Women's University) Chie Hotta (Kansai University of SOcial) 1PMA20 Effects of retrieval practice after making the cognitive map on long-term retention (2) ○Chie Hotta (Kansai University of Social Welfare) Hidetsugu Tajika (Kobe Shinwa Women's University) 1PMA21 Near-infrared spectroscopy detects specific inferiorfrontal activation during visual memory tasks ○Mitsunobu Kunimi (National Center for Geriatrics 1PMA22 Does Phonological Length Influence Memory Span of Native Japanese Readers? ○Rika Mizuno (College of Humanities, Chubu Promotion of Science) Shinji Kitagami (Nagoya university) and Gerontology) University) Takao Matsui (College of Humanities, Chubu University) 1PMA23 Review of new scoring method for Japanese Reading Span Test ○Kaori ENDO (Graduate School of Human Sciences, 1PMA24 Testing semantic satiation effect with lexical ambiguity resolutions ○Kanetaka Mori (Graduate School of Humanities and 1PMA25 Development of consciousness about memory in young children: an examination by new metamemory tasks. ○Izumi Uehara (Ochanomizu University) 1PMA26 Effects of narrative text represented cultural meanings on adult age differences in strategies of memory process ○AYA HOSOKAWA (SENDAI SEIYO GAKUIN 1PMA27 Improvement in encoding by meta-memorial monitoring in acquisition phase. ○Takashi Yamane (Hiroshima Univ.) Kazumitsu Chujo (Hiroshima Univ.) 1PMA28 The influence of long-term learning and frequency attenuation on mere exposure ○Ken Matsuda (Yamaguchi University) Shin ISHIKAWA# (Yamaguchi University) Takashi KUSUMI (Kyoto University) 1PMA29 The age phase of autobiographical memory among university students ○Hiroko Shimoda (Kyoto University, graduate school Osaka University / JSPS Research Fellow) Mariko Osaka (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Social Science, Osaka Prefecture University) Ryuhay Hayashi (Faculty of Education, Osaka Kyoiku University) COLLEGE) of medicine) Yuji OKAMOTO# (Osaka University, graduate school of medicine) 1PMA30 Temporal evaluation of new student orientation predicts undergraduates university adjustment. ○Ryutaro Wakimoto (School of Information and 1PMA31 Affective quality of reminiscence and psychological well-being in old age XX ○NOMURA (Meiji Gakuin University) Communication, Meiji University) (64) プログラム_英.indb 64 2012/09/07 11:11:11 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Memory 1PMA32 The relationships among working memory, motor function, and mild cognitive impairment of older adults. ○Toshikazu Kawagoe (Kumamoto univiersity) Kaoru Sekiyama (Kumamoto univiersity) 1PMA33 The effect of cognitive function and the use of external aids for prospective memory ○Hiroki Yamane (Graduate School of Human Sciences Osaka University) Yasuyuki Gondo (Graduate School of Human Sciences Osaka University) Nozomi Renge (Graduate School of Maritime Sciences Kobe Univ.) Yoshiko Ishioka (Graduate School of Human Sciences Osaka University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) 1PMA34 Autobiographical memory and sensory cue-word in elderly people ○kyoko tanaka (Graduate School of Psychology, Kurume Univ.) Masahiro Haraguchi (Faculty of Literature, Kurume Univ.) Fumie Inatani (Faculty of Literature, Kurume Univ.) 1PMA35 Examining autobiographical memories cued by words and odors. ○Osamu Ishihara (Shizuoka University of Welfare) 1PMA36 The functions of involuntary autobiographical remembering cued by odor (2) ○Kohsuke Yamamoto (Nara University of Education) Tomonari Tomitaka (Kyoto College of Medical Science) Kentaro Inomata (Graduate school of Psychology, Kansai University) 1PMA37 Prospective memory in the everyday life and meta memory ○Yuko Une (Waseda University) 1PMA38 Processes of Retrieval and Recombination in Episodic Future Thinking ○Yuichi Ito (Nagoya University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Yosuke Hattori (The University of Tokyo / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Jun Kawaguchi (Nagoya University) 1PMA39 Function of recurrent involuntary autobiographical memories ○Shunji Kamiya (Faculty of Human Studies, Meijo 1PMA40 Comparison of emotion regulation in writing and remembering ○susumu ogawa (chuo university) Muneyoshi Hyodo (chuo university) 1PMA41 Age Difference of Effect of Emotional Valence on Implicit Memory ○Daisuke UENO (Osaka University) Yasuyuki GONDO (Osaka University) Shinichi SATO (Osaka University) 1PMA42 The influence of nostalgic feelings on amount of recall of autobiographical memory ○Shinya Takigawa (Kawasaki University of Medical 1PMA43 Duration of Unintentional Inhibition for Emotional Autobiographical Memories ○Yuka Fueta (Kyushu University) Yuji Hakoda (Kyushu University) 1PMA44 Change of emotional valence by intentional memory suppression ○Yoshiko Honma (Nagoya University) Jun Kawaguchi (Nagoya University) 1PMA45 Long term effect of 36 hours total sleep deprivation on emotional memory encoding - a pilot study. ○Kosuke Kaida (National Institute of Advanced 1PMA46 Relationship between autobiographical memories estimated by self or others and individual differences of self-esteem and interpersonal anxiety. ○Rikuko Sekiguchi (Kansai University) University) Welfare) Makiko Naka (Hokkaido University) Industrial Science and Technology) (65) プログラム_英.indb 65 2012/09/07 11:11:12 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Memory 1PMA47 Do self-rating questionnaires predict a prediction of task performance ?: Correlation study among sense of directin questionnaire, cognitive reflectionimpulsivity scale, and mental rotation task. ○Hiroyuki Kanashiki (KIO University) 1PMA48 Cognitive Traits Involved in Reality Monitoring Error Tendency ○Eriko Nakata (kansai University) Taisuke Morita (Tokyo University of Science) 1PMA49 Effects of intentional versus incidental learning on false recognition. ○Tomonori Nakayama (Chuo University) 1PMA50 False memories evoked by blood type stereotypes. ○Koichi Sato (Gunma University) Rika Hayashi# (Gunma University) Yui Yamazaki# (Gunma University) 1PMA51 The Correlation between anxiety and the creation of false memory ○MAYA OKADA (Kwansei Gakuin University 1PMA52 Retrieval-Induced Forgetting of Emotional False Memories ○Masanori Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo / 1PMA53 Reliability and Validity of the Recollection Vantage Point Scale of Those Who Experienced Non-Lethal Trauma Graduate School) Nobuya Sato (Kwansei Gakuin University) Japan society for the promotion of science) Yoshihiko Tanno (The University of Tokyo) ○Maya YAMAGUCHI (Graduate School of human sciences, Waseda Univ.) Shoji Imai (Faculty of Human Care, Nagoya Univ. of Arts and Sciences) Hiroaki Kumano (Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) 1PMA54 To separate relative judgments from absolute judgments decreases false identifications: In case of eyewitness identifications ○Hiroshi Miura (Graduate School of Human Relations, Keio University) Yuji Itoh (Faculty of Letters, Keio University) 1PMA55 Effects of leading questions on memory of a listen story ○Masako Itoh (Tokiwa University) 1PMA56 Self-choice effect on true memory and false memory with a recognition test 2 ○Yayoi Kawasaki (Nihon University) Yukio Itsukushima (Nihon University) Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University) 1PMA57 Influence of comparison and the levels of processing on memory. ○Mariko Ito (University of Tsukuba) Saho Ayabe (University of Tsukuba) 1PMA58 The effect of self-relevance on inhibitory control of memory ○Megumi Senda (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University) Jun Kawaguchi (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University) 1PMA59 Fitness-relevant processing does not enhance recall of personality trait words. ○Yukio MIZUHARA (Konan Women's University) 1PMA60 Effects of character trait descriptive adjectives in retrieval-induced forgetting ○Tetsuya Sakai (Shizuoka University) Takeo Isarida (Shizuoka University) 1PMA61 Spacing effect in incidental memory and autobiographical elaboration ○Hiroshi Toyota (Nara University of Education) 1PMA62 How the meaningfulness of spoken words affect the memory for the speaker? ○Yuta Sugino (Hokkaido univ.) Makiko Naka (Hokkaido univ.) 1PMA63 Repeated interviews by same interviewers or different interviewers ○Ayumi Inoue (Graduate School of letters, Hokkaido University) Makiko Naka (Graduate School of letters, Hokkaido University) (66) プログラム_英.indb 66 2012/09/07 11:11:12 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Memory 1PMA64 List method directed forgetting of faces ○Mika Itoh (Kyoto Koka Women's University) 1PMA65 Recollection is a factor of happy face superiority ○Sanae Asada (The Kitasato Institute, Kitasato 1PMA66 Effect of cogruity of impression for face and occupation on person memory ○Kayoko Kihara (Ritsumeikan University) Ryo Orita (Ritsumeikan University) University Hospital) (67) プログラム_英.indb 67 2012/09/07 11:11:13 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Language・Thinking Language・Thinking Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-12:00 92A 2AMA27 What is necessary to learn from regret in order to improve own behavior? ○Hideo Ueichi (University of Tsukuba) Kenji Tsuya# (RCC Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) 2AMA28 Improvement of the attitude toward asking questions through small group interaction ○Yasushi Michita (University of the Ryukyus) 2AMA29 Effects of Rhythm on Recitation(2) ○Yuki Fukuda (Hosei University) 2AMA30 On the Effect of both Formant Transition and VOT on the Perception of a Palatalized Consonant ○Michinao Matsui (Osaka Health Science University) 2AMA31 Motivation for irony production: Preliminary questionnaire survey ○Yoritaka Akimoto (Institute of Developing, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku Univ.) Shiho MIYAZAWA (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku Univ.) Motoaki SUGIURA (Institute of Developing, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku Univ.) Ryuta KAWASHIMA# (Institute of Developing, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku Univ.) 2AMA32 The Role of Covariation Information in Causal Structure Learning ○Motoyuki Saito (Kwansei Gakuin University) 2AMA33 Effects of subliminal presentation of solution on insight problem solving ○Hiroaki Suzuki (Aoyama Gakuin University) Haruaki Fukuda (RIKEN) Osamu Kumazawa# (Aoyama Gakuin University) 2AMA34 Masked priming effects of Katakana word-primes on identification of English word targets in a perceptual identification task ○Taeko Ogawa (Tokai Gakuin University) 2AMA35 Effects of Word Order and Case Role on Implicit Causality Bias ○Ryuta Iseki (RIKEN / Japan Society for the Promotion Reality of cognitive pregnance in Four-Card Problem ○akira nakagaki (Waseda University) Tomoko Itoh (Japan Society for the Promotion of 2AMA37 Differences in the cognitive changes related to the decision-making between the different information sequence. ○Masahiko Horiuchi (Komazawa University) 2AMA38 Indexing Five Dimensions in Animated Cartoon Understanding (2) ○Naochika Kajii (Hosei University Graduate School of 2AMA39 Frequency and effect of thought strategy in daily life ○Tomoe Nobata (Dokkyo Medical University) 2AMA40 The frequency in use of onomatopoeia in daily conversations ○Sachiko Hirata-Mogi (Japan Society for the 2AMA36 of Science / Kyoto University) Takashi Kusumi (Kyoto University) Science / Graduate School of Education, Waseda University) Humanities) Promotion of Science (the Univ. of Tokyo)) (68) プログラム_英.indb 68 2012/09/07 11:11:13 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Language・Thinking 2AMA41 2AMA42 2AMA43 2AMA44 Impression evaluation of text reading using a dynamic and interactive text display ○Miki Uetsuki (Hakodate Junior College) Kazushi Maruya# (NTT Communication Science Effects of comma insertion on reading syntactically ambiguous sentences in Japanese: Evidence from an eye-tracking experiment. ○Keiyu Niikuni (Graduate School of Information Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) Hideyuki Ando# (Graduate School of Information and Science Technology, Osaka University) Junji Watanabe# (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) Sciences, Tohoku University) Daichi Yasunaga (Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Masatoshi Koizumi# (Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University) Toshiaki Muramoto (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University) The effect of individual difference of narrative experiences on reading habits: an exploratory survey on working adults ○Hidekazu Osanai (Kyoto University / Japan Society Effects of native language and musical training for perception of Japanese geminates ○Mizuki Shingai (Graduate School of Social and for the Promotion of Science) Takashi Kusumi (Kyoto University) Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto Univ.) Makiko Sadakata# (Donders institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Centre for Cognition) Alex Brandmeyer# (Donders institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Centre for Cognition) Kaoru Sekiyama (Faculty of Letters, Kumamoto Univ.) 2AMA45 The effect of metaphor comprehension on rereading process. ○Tomohiro Taira (Osaka City University) 2AMA46 NIRS-eye-tracker concurrent measurement: individual differences in visuo-spatial processing when reading Japanese novels ○hiromitsu miyata (Keio University) Shigeru Watanabe (Keio University) Kazuhiro Ueda (The University of Tokyo) Toyofumi Sasaki# (NBS Japan Society of Speed Reading Education) Yasuyo Minagawa-Kawai# (Keio University) 2AMA47 Analogy use in collaborative text comprehension tasks(I). ○motoo mitsuda (north -asia University) 2AMA48 Effect of ambiguous expressions of the sentencefinal expression on the judgment of the degree of certainty ○Yoshiko Koizumi (SHOKEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY 2AMA49 An attempt of making Test for Creative Thinking (choice method version) ○Azusa TAKASHITA (Meisei University) Minoru KUME (I.C.A.) Makoto KUROIWA (Meisei University) Yoshihiko TERASAWA (Nihon Fukushi Kyoiku GRADUATE SCHOOL) Col.) Noriko IGA (Bunka Gakuen Univ.) 2AMA50 Effects of Common Ground and Stereotypes on Person Evaluation ○Yuri Suh (Graduate School of Environmental Studies / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Minoru Karasawa (Graduate School of Environmental Studies) (69) プログラム_英.indb 69 2012/09/07 11:11:14 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Language・Thinking 2AMA51 The influence of eyewitness attributes on lay judges credibility rating of eyewitness testimony ○Yasuyuki Nabata (Graduate school of Letters, 2AMA52 Difference of decision biases between high- and low- numeracy participants in Japan ○SUMIRE HIROTA (Tokyo City University) 2AMA53 The multi-simultaneous integration of subject and object noun schemas to verb schemas in sentence comprehension ○Daisuke Fujiki (Aichi University of Education) Hokkaido University / JSPS Research Fellow) Makiko Naka (Graduate school of Letters, Hokkaido University) (70) プログラム_英.indb 70 2012/09/07 11:11:14 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Emotion・Motivation Emotion・Motivation Day 2 Sep.12 15:30-17:30 92A 2EVA01 Assessing Several Dimensions of Secondary Control. ○Akiko Takemura (Hokkaido University) makiko naka (Hokkaido University) 2EVA02 Emotional Regulation Mediates Age Differences in Emotional Experience ○Takeshi Nakagawa (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ.) Yasuyuki Gondo (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ.) Yukie Masui (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Megumi Tabuchi (Department of Psychological Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) Yoshiko Ishioka (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ. / JSPS Fellow) Yukiko Tatsuhira (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ.) Marina Kozono (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ.) 2EVA03 Effects of competitive situation to stress and cognitions of demonstrating ability ○Yukako Nakano (Tohoku University) 2EVA04 A study on the evaluation of emotion among junior high school students(1) ○Yoshiyuki Shimoda (University of Toyama) Kenichiro Ishizu (University of Toyama) Masami Kashimura (University of Tsukuba) 2EVA05 A study on the evaluation of emotion among junior high school students(2). ○Kenichiro Ishizu (Faculty of Human Development, University of Toyama) Yoshiyuki Shimoda (Faculty of Human Development, University of Toyama) Masami Kashimura (Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba) 2EVA06 Effects of Classroom Climates on Students Academic and Career-related Motivation: From the Perspective of Self-determination Theory ○Harue Oi (Saitama University) Norihiro Kuroishi 2EVA07 The effect of achievement goals on temporal comparison ○Masaru Tokuoka (Graduate School of education, Hiroshima Unibersity) Kenichi Maeda (Graduate School of education, Hiroshima Unibersity) Relations of general achievement motivation and career decision-making self-efficacy. I. ○Tetsuya Fujita (Faculty of Letters, Hosei University) Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi (Hosei University Graduate Relations of general achievement motivation and career decision-making self-efficacy. II. ○Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi (Hosei University Graduate 2EVA10 Relationship between procrastination patterns, academic performance, and orientation about self-evaluation ○Shun Kohama (Graduate School of Comprehensive 2EVA11 The effects of a psycho-educational program on self-efficacy for coping with depression among female undergraduates (9): A difference of automatic thoughts in the level of selfpreoccupation. ○Megumi Oikawa (Tokyo Gakugei University) Akiko Kameyama (Nihon University) Shinji Sakamoto (Nihon University) 2EVA08 2EVA09 School of Humanities) School of Humanities) Tetsuya Fujita (Faculty of Letters, Hosei University) Human Science, University of Tsukuba) (71) プログラム_英.indb 71 2012/09/07 11:11:15 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Emotion・Motivation ○Akiko Kameyama (Institute of Humanities and Social 2EVA12 The effects of a psycho-educational program on self-efficacy for coping with depression among female undergraduates (10): The relationship between interpersonal self-efficacy and depression 2EVA13 Effects of the motive for going on to university on academic motivation: From the view point of time perspective 2EVA14 Effects of multiple goals on healthy eating behavior ○Takuya Yoshida (Tokaigakuin University) 2EVA15 Development of the revised version of Affective Audio-Visual Words List (AAVWL-R) (1) ○Noriko KUNUGIMOTO (University of East Asia) Naomi Dodo (Health Sciences University of 2EVA16 Development of the General Affect Scales for children (1) ○Miki Fukuda (Doshisha University) Yousuke Tezuka (Osaka University of Health and Sciences,College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon Univ) Megumi Oikawa (Faculty of Education, Tokyo Gakugei Univ.) Shinji Sakamoto (College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon Univ.) ○MANAMI YAMAMOTO (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science, University of Tsukuba) Miki Toyama (University of Tsukuba) Hokkaido) Sport Sciences) Naoto Suzuki (Doshisha University) 2EVA17 Development of the General Affect Scales for children (2): An experimental examination of construct validity ○Yousuke Tezuka (Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences) Miki Fukuda (Doshisha University) Naoto Suzuki (Doshisha University) 2EVA18 Construction of the Optimism and Pessimism Scale for Japanese ○Miki Toyama (University of Tsukuba) 2EVA19 Development of Japanese version of UCLA Loneliness Scale version3 ○Aya TOYOSHIMA (Osaka University) Shinichi SATO (Osaka University) 2EVA20 The structure of the social-oriented/individualoriented achievement motivation scales ○Tadahiro Ito (Gakushuin University) 2EVA21 Development of a scale for metamotivation ○Kenichi AKAMA (Kyotogakuen University) 2EVA22 Construction of life design scale (1) ○Toshio Watanabe (Keio University) 2EVA23 Development of the Japanese Version of the Relaxation Inventory ○Masahito Sakakibara (Aichi Gakuin University) Yasutaka TERAMOTO (Ninety-nine Plus Inc.) Iori TANI (Tokai Gakuen Universiy) 2EVA24 Positive emotion and eating behavior ○Kenji Kato (Tohoku Gakuin University) Keiko Otake (Kwansei Gakuin University) 2EVA25 Development of Six Factors Mindfulness Scale ○Manami Maekawa (Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Fusako Koshikawa (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda Univ.) 2EVA26 Effects of mindfulness techniques on depression ○Fusako Koshikawa (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Haruka Ochiai# (School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Waseda University) Shinichiro Saito (Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Manami Maekawa (Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) 2EVA27 Effects of a Mindfulness Program on Reducing Depressive symptoms (1) ○Ikuyo Kondo (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Naomi Shimazu (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Fusako Koshikawa (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) (72) プログラム_英.indb 72 2012/09/07 11:11:16 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Emotion・Motivation 2EVA28 Effects of a Mindfulness Program on Reducing Depressive symptoms (2) ○naomi shimazu (Waseda University Faculty of 2EVA29 A research on anger-eliciting situations and anger body sensations ○Misa Hirano (University of Tsukuba) Shintaro Yukawa (University of Tsukuba) 2EVA30 The effect of suppressing anger on strength and potentiality of anger. ○Yoshiko Kojima (Aichi University of Education) 2EVA31 What is“kireru”?(3) ○Yusuke Takehata (Community Care Center, Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences) ikuyo kondo (Waseda University Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences) fusako koshikawa (Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences) Komazawa University) Hidetaka Kamiya (Community Care Center, Komazawa University) 2EVA32 Analysis of elementary school students interpretation and condition of Kireru phenomenon ○ryoko nagaro (ueda womens junior college) 2EVA33 The classification and structure of situations eliciting sadness ○Mariko Shirai (Graduate School of Psychology,Doshisha University) naoto suzuki (Department of Psychology,Doshisha University) 2EVA34 Disgust sensitivity in“Hasu-colla”(photomontage of human body and lotus seeds) and other disgust elicitors. ○Yumiko Wada (Kyusyu Lutheran College) 2EVA35 Gender Differences in Motivational Activation Systems on Risky Behaviors ○Satoko Kurita (Osaka University of Economics) Lang Annie# (Indiana University, Bloomington) 2EVA36 Trait Guilt and the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study ○Akihiro Okada (Sapporo International University) 2EVA37 Emotional Dissimulation in Relationships with Friends. ○Toshio Shibata (Hokusei Gakuen Univerdity) 2EVA38 The Relationship of Affective state, risk perception and decision making. ○Shigetaka Sato (Graduate School of Toyo University) Hideya Kitamura (Kansai University) 2EVA39 The relationship between emotion regulation strategies and emotion evoked in speech presentation ○Keisuke Yamada (Faculty of Industrial Reserarches 2EVA40 The effect of regulating emotional expression on the others impressions of the conversation and Social Services, Tsukuba International University / Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Masashi Sugie (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) ○Motoko Noguchi (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University) Sakiko Yoshikawa (Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University) 2EVA41 Observer s behavioral responses to the person who express a feeling of embarrassment ○Tetsuya Fukuda (Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University) Masataka Higuchi (Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University) Hitomi Kuranaga (Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University) 2EVA42 ○Yumi INOUE (Graduate School of Social Sciences, The effect of attainability on envy Hitotsubashi University) Koji Murata (Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University) (73) プログラム_英.indb 73 2012/09/07 11:11:16 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Emotion・Motivation The Mood Congruency Effect on Recognition of Neutral Faces ○Ryota Tsutsui (Graduate School of Psychology, 2EVA44 Tolerance of the Uncertainty Necessary to Leave a Hesitation ○Masao Suzuki (Bunkyo University) 2EVA45 The effect of self-control behavior on employees burnout: Comparison based on autonomy ○Takayuki Goto (Graduation School of Education, 2EVA46 A Study of Making Scenarios for Enhancing Work Motivation (6): The differences of work values among types of employment ○Akihiko Tokaji (TOYO University) 2EVA47 Motivation for doing housework: Emotional change in housework ○Toshihiko Hayamizu (CHUBU UNIVERSITY) Naoko Aoki (FUJI WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY) Hideshi Kodaira (NIHON FUKUSHI UNIVERSITY) 2EVA48 Motivation for doing housework: Cognitive change in housework. ○Naoko Aoki (Fuji Women's University) Hideshi Kodaira (Nihon Fukushi University) Toshihiko Hayamizu (Chubu University) 2EVA49 The frequency of shame experiences and its structure (2) ○Shinobu Ikoma (Kawamura Gakuen Woman's 2EVA50 The relation between center-of-gravity agitation and anxiety feeling. ○Shinichiro Saito (Waseda Univ.) Fusako Koshikawa (Waseda Univ.) 2EVA51 Effects of self-instructions on increasing acceptance (3) ○Akio Matsumoto (Kitasato University) 2EVA52 The relations between emotion regulation and mental health ○Hana Hirai (Graduate School of Humanities, 2EVA53 Effects of structural writing about emotions on emotion-regulation and self-destructive thought ○Takaki Fukumori (Institute of Socio-Arts and 2EVA43 Kansai Univ.) Genji Sugamura (Faculty of Letters, Kansai Univ.) Kyoto University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Takashi Kusumi (Graduation School of Education, Kyoto University) University) Gakushuin University) Sciences, Univ. of Tokushima) Hiromi Kuroda (Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Univ. of Tokushima) Masami Kashimura (Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Tsukuba) 2EVA54 Emotional Intelligence and Autism-Spectrum Quotient ○Sahoko Komatsu (Kyushu University) Yuji Hakoda (Kyushu University) 2EVA55 Exploratory research on the advantages and the disadvantages of proving myself behavior. ○yuki sekiya (Department of Medicine, University of Tokyo) Masahiro Kodama (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Tsukuba University) 2EVA56 The relationship between the recovery from negative mood and the ability to control emotion ○Naohiro SAWADA (Graduate school of letters,Hokkaido University) Makiko Naka (Graduate school of letters,Hokkaido University) 2EVA57 The hard problem of consciousness from psychological view: The co-evolution of pleasure and motivation ○Kohei Nomura (Osaka University) 2EVA58 The effect of habitual smoking on health behavior and psychobiological responses ○jumpei yajima (Department of Human Studies, Beppu university) Hisayoshi Okamura (Cognitive and Molecular Research Institute of Brain Diseases, Kurume University) (74) プログラム_英.indb 74 2012/09/07 11:11:17 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Emotion・Motivation 2EVA59 Subjective sleep quality and cortisol awakening response in relation to tearing ○Kumi Hirokawa (Baika Women's University) Yasuko Omori (Jin-ai University) Noriko Chiaki (Jin-ai University) 2EVA60 Individual Differences of Salivary alpha-amylase 2 ○Naoko Obanawa Wright (Mukogawa Women's University) Masatoshi Kawai (Mukogawa Women's University) Hatsumi Yamamoto# (Mie Chuou Medical Center) 2EVA61 2EVA62 Does the Androstenol-inhaling effect change through menstrual cycle and by tactile information? The role of caudate nucleus for social motivation: Above average effect from self-monitoring ○Yuka Suzuki (The University of Tokyo / Japan Women’s University) Saho Ayabe (University of Tsukuba) Katsuyoshi Kawasaki (Hoshi University) Takamasa Koyama (Japan Women’s University) ○Ken Yaoi (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) Takehiro Minamoto (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) Naoyuki Osaka (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) Mariko Osaka (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) 2EVA63 A Survey of mood induction using music ○Yasuko Yasuda (Aichisukutoku) 2EVA64 Effects of background music on noises in hospital wards ○Junko Matsumoto (Nagano College of Nursing) 2EVA65 Effect of movie on affective value of music ○haruyuki ishikawa (Graduated School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) Fusako Koshikawa (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University) 2EVA66 Searching on emotion change by the contemporary dance viewing ○Yuki Tamura (WasedaUniversity human science) KOGURE Terumasa (Fukushima University human 2EVA67 The Effects of perception of finiteness and social value intention on evoking emotional responses of kandoh ○Juri Kato (Hitotsubashi University) Koji Murata (Hitotsubashi University) 2EVA68 The relationship between emotional responses associated with musical chills and overall emotional responses ○Kazuma Mori (Hiroshima University / Japan Society Two Dimensional Disposition of the“ki”words ○makoto masutani (keiwa College) 2EVA69 development) for Promotion of Science) Makoto Iwanaga (Hiroshima University) (75) プログラム_英.indb 75 2012/09/07 11:11:18 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Behavior Behavior Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-12:00 92A ○Miyuki Yasue (Graduate School of Integrated Arts 2AMA14 The environmental effect on exploratory behavior to novel objects in weaning rats 2AMA15 Behavioral development of common marmoset infants (Callithrix jacchus) 2AMA16 Developmental changes in context-specific usage of contact calls in Japanese macaques ○Noriko Katsu (Osaka University) Kazunori Yamada (Osaka University) Masayuki Nakamichi (Osaka University) 2AMA17 Maternal response to the injured infant in Japamese monkeys ○Masataka Ueno (Graduate School of Human Sciences and Social Sciences, Japan Women`s Univ.) Takamasa Koyama (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, Japan Women`s Univ.) ○Akiko Nakagami (Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya Univ. / National Institute of Neuroscience, NCNP) Noritaka Ichinohe# (National Institute of Neuroscience, NCNP) Nobuyuki Kawai (Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya Univ. / National Institute of Neuroscience, NCNP) / JSPS) Kazunori Yamada (Graduate School of Human Sciences) Masayuki Nakamichi (Graduate School of Human Sciences) ○Masahiro Shibasaki (Japan Society for the Promotion 2AMA18 Audio-visual matching in Japanese monkeys: Do alarm calls enhance to look at snake pictures? 2AMA19 Comparative Behavioral Study on Life Behavior of Wild Japanese Monkey and Human Behavior ○takao uehara (Nagano Prefectural College) 2AMA20 Effects of the latest experience and the timing of responding on the evaluation of happiness ○Shinya Masuda (Keio University) Takayuki Sakagami (Keio University) 2AMA21 Experimental study of reckless gambling behavior ○Takuhiro Takada (Graduate School of Comprehensive of Science (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)) hiroki koda# (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University) Human Sciences) Shintaro Yukawa (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) 2AMA22 Effect of Physical Activity to Smoking Withdrawal and Urge ○Hisashi Mitsuishi (Rikkyo University) 2AMA23 Effects of interaction on action disfluencies during lunch ○Naoya Hirose (Kyoto Notre Dame University) 2AMA24 The effect of goal setting on time management for research activity ○Masaki Saito (Graduate School of contemporary 2AMA25 Relationship between Own-body Perception and Sports Experience ○Satoru Ishikawa (Hokusei Gakuen University) 2AMA26 Extracting nonverbal behavior with automated tools: Comparison to event recorder and behavior rating ○Ken Fujiwara (Osaka University / Japan Society for psychology, Rikkyo University) the Promotion of Science) Ikuo Daibo (Tokyo Future University) (76) プログラム_英.indb 76 2012/09/07 11:11:18 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development Development Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92B 1EVB16 Psychosocial development in old age. ○Hitomi Gonoi (Bunkyo Gakuin University) Yoshiko Shimonaka (Bunkyo Gakuin University) 1EVB17 Middle-aged and Elderly People s Perception towards“Graves”in Japan: Decision-making Process about Their Own Graves as Part of Life Event (9) ○Kazue Inami (Tokyo Fuji University) Tomoaki Tabata (Tokyo Fuji University) Kaori Shinozaki# (Tokyo Fuji University) Jiro Tomioka# (Tokyo Fuji University) Hikaru Shimogaki (Japan College of Social Work) 1EVB18 The reciprocal effects of intelligence and depression among older adults: Cross-lagged effects model ○Yukiko Nishita (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Chikako Tange (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Makiko Tomida (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology / Nagoya University) Satomi Tsuboi (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Yasuyuki Fukukawa (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology / Waseda University) Fujiko Ando (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology / Aichi Shukutoku University) Hiroshi Shimokata (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) 1EVB19 Psychological influences of menopause on middleaged women, focusing on their consciousness about body image. ○yuka tanaka (Kinki Health Welfare University) 1EVB20 Features of Lifelong Development in Spatial Perspective Taking ○Masayuki Watanabe (Shiga University) 1EVB21 Influence of a speaker s usage of mental words on listeners: The examination of speakers age. ○MIZUE NAGATA (Jumonji University) 1EVB22 A Study on Risk Image ○Hanae Kosuge (DENNO.Co.,Ltd.) 1EVB23 A two-period comparison of perception and behaviours about self-regulation of driving among older adults ○Ritsu Kosuge (National Research Institute of Police Science) Goro Fujita (National Research Institute of Police Science) Kazuko Okamura (National Research Institute of Police Science) 1EVB24 Context effects in auditory discrimination on older adults ○Chie Obuchi (International University of Health and 1EVB25 Tendency of falling for fraud crimes and the future time perspective in elderly people ○satoshi watanabe (Akita Prefectural University) hirohide shibutani# (Aomori University) 1EVB26 Higher brain function and lifestyle activities in the middle and elderly people (4) ○Akihiko Iwahara (Wakayama Medical University) Naoko Nagahara (Osaka Health and Welfare Junior Welfare) College) Emi Ito (Nagoya University) Chie Hotta (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) Taketoshi Hatta (Gifu University of Medical Science) Junko Hatta (Aichi Gakuin University) Takeshi Hatta (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) (77) プログラム_英.indb 77 2012/09/07 11:11:19 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development 1EVB27 Relationship between leisure activities an mental/ physical health in elderly people ○naomi okamoto (Jin-ai university) kimiko mizukami (Jin-ai university) sakurako hasegawa (Institute for Developemental Research,Aichi Service Center) akiyoshi katada (Chubu Gakuin University) 1EVB28 Relationship between leisure activities and mental/ physical health in elderly people 1EVB29 The relationship between leisure activity and cognitive function for the older adults: from the SONIC study ○Kimiko Mizukami (Department of Psychology Faculty of Human studies Jin-ai University) Naomi Okamoto (Jin-ai University) Sakurako Hasegawa (Institute for Developmental Research, Aichi Human Service Center) Akiyoshi Katada (Chubu Gakuin University) ○MARINA KOZONO (Osaka University Graduate school of human sciences) Yasuyuki Gondo (Osaka University Graduate school of human sciences) Madoka Ogawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Yoshiko Ishioka (Osaka University Graduate school of human sciences / JSPS Fellow) Ryutaro Takahashi (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Yukie Masui (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Takeshi Nakagawa (Osaka University Graduate school of human sciences) Megumi Tabuchi (Department of Psychological Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin University) Yukiko Tatsuhira (Osaka University Graduate school of human sciences) 1EVB30 Improving quality of life for elderly people with computer: A causal model of the relationship among computer skills, attitudes toward PC, self-efficacy, and life-satisfaction. ○Kenichi Kono (Tohoku University) Yuichi Wada (Tohoku University) 1EVB31 Study on delay effect of the healthy elderly adult in the learning activity ○Qin Sun (Ritsumeikan University) Hajime Yoshida (Ritsumeikan University) Noniaki Tsuchida (Ritsumeikan University) Ichiro Ookawa (Tsukuba University) Nobuko Takahashi (Ritsumeikan University) Mariko Ishikawa (Ritsumeikan University) Masako Miyata (Ritsumeikan University) Masako Yoshimura (Ritsumeikan University) Yoshie Shakaguchi (Ritsumeikan University) 1EVB32 Relationship and discrepany between MoCA and MMSE in community-dwelling octogenarians ○Hiroki Inagaki (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology / Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Yasuyuki Gondo (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Yukie Masui (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Madoka Ogawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Takeshi Nakagawa (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Yoshiko Ishioka (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Yukiko Tatsuhira (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Ryutaro Takahashi (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) (78) プログラム_英.indb 78 2012/09/07 11:11:20 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development 1EVB33 Factors associated with gerotranscendence in community- dwelling older-adults focusing on age, physical conditions and social relationships: Using SONIC data ○Yukie Masui (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Takeshi Nakagawa (Osaka University) Yasuyuki Gondo (Osaka University) Madoka Ogawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Yoshiko Ishioka (Osaka University / JSPS Fellow) Yukiko Tatsuhira (Osaka University) Megumi Tabuchi (Kwansei Gakuin University) Hiroki Inagaki (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) Ryutaro Takahashi (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology) 1EVB34 A Study of Generativity among Three Generations ○yuko takahama (Ochanomizu University) Kotomi Kitamura (Osaka University of Human Science) Takayuki Sasaki (Osaka University of Commerce) Fumika Kimura (Edogawa University) 1EVB35 A Study of Generativity among Three Generations ○Kotomi Kitamura (Osaka University of Human Sciences) Yuko Takahama (Ochanomizu University) Takayuki Sasaki (Osaka University of Commerce) Fumika Kimura (Edogawa University) 1EVB36 A Study of Generativity among Three Generations (3) ○Takayuki Sasaki (Osaka University of Commerce) Yuko Takahama (Ochanomizu University) Kotomi Kitamura (Osaka University of Human Sciences) Fumika Kimura (Edogawa University) 1EVB37 A Study of Generativity among Three Generations ○Fumika Kimura (Edogawa University) Yuko Takahama (Ochanomizu University) Kotomi Kitamura (Osaka University of Human Sciences) Takayuki Sasaki (Osaka University of Commerce) 1EVB38 A Study on the Relationship between Generativity, Generative Act, and Psychological Well-being in Older Adults. ○Megumi Tabuchi (Kwansei Gakuin University) Takeshi Nakagawa (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Yasuyuki Gondo (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) 1EVB39 Relationship between critical thinking disposition, feeling of happiness, hardiness by generational comparison ○Yohei Okibayashi (Facalty of Education, Yamaguchi 1EVB40 Relation between textbook and changes in student s images of the elderly through lecture of Aging psychology (4) ○Yumiko Okumura (Tezukayama University) Junko Kuze (Nihon Fukushi University) 1EVB41 Changes in student s images of the elderly through lecture of Aging psychology (5) ○Junko KUZE (Nihon Fukushi University) Yumiko Okumura (Tezukayama University) University) Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-12:00 92C 2AMC01 Learning multiple labels in Japanese-learning 1-year-olds: Habituation studies ○Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) Toshiki Murase (Shimane University) 2AMC02 What makes possible for children to access their lexicon with pitch information? ○Hisako Yamamoto (Graduate School of Education, 2AMC03 The study of preschoolers outgoing behavior in free play situation ○Koichi Warabioka (Doshisha University) the University of Tokyo) (79) プログラム_英.indb 79 2012/09/07 11:11:21 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development 2AMC04 Japanese Children s Comprehension of Linguistic Register ○Toshiki Murase (Shimane University) 2AMC05 The relationships between lateralities of pointing movements, hand preferences, and neural response to speech stimuli. ○Kunitake Suzuki (Osaka University of Human The relationship between preschoolers performance on Bender Gestalt test and the drawing process ○Yuko Yato (Ritsumeikan University) Shohei HIROSE (Ritsumeikan University, Graduate 2AMC07 Anticipatory production and synchronization of upper limb movements of rhythmical“pat-a-cake” plays by children ○Chisato Yoshida (Osaka University) 2AMC08 1-year-olds know what others have experienced in joint engagement ○Ysushi Oyabu (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 2AMC06 Sciences) Juko Ando (Keio University) school of letters) Waseda Univ.) Natsumi Ishiwatari (Fan Factory Inc.) Yukako Mori (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Naoko Yamanaka (Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Kentaro Nakamura (Faculty of Management, Saitama Gakuen Univ.) 2AMC09 Social development of preschool children with imaginary companions ○Yuko Motoshima (Joetsu University of Education) Yusuke Moriguchi (Joetsu University of Education) Toshihiko Endo (Univerisity of Tokyo) 2AMC10 Young children s sensitivity to criticism: It depends on who is a criticizer ○Ai Mizokawa (Meiji Gakuin University) 2AMC11 Individual differences of social behaviors of 4 boys in the fourth year class ○Kazu Murata (Seitoku Universisity) Junko Sagara (Seitoku Universisity) 2AMC12 Attentional Bias for Threat and Temperament ○atsuko nakagawa (Graduate School of Humanities 2AMC13 A version of Stroop task for three-to-five-year olds ○Madoka Yano (Nagoya Women's University) Tomoko Fukita (Hirashiba Kindergarten) Yasuo Kojima (Chukyo University) Rie Mizuno (Chukyo University) 2AMC14 The Development of Effortful Control and Executive Function in Early Childhood ○Mitsuhiro Shimizu (Kawasaki University of Medical 2AMC15 Revision of a Self-Regulation Scale in Early Childhood ○Akiko Ohuchi (Tokiwa Junior College) 2AMC16 Self-regulation in 24-and 30-month-olds ○Aya Kutsuki (Kobe Shoin Women's University) Tamiko Ogura (Tezukayama Gakuin University) Shoji Itakura (Kyoto University) 2AMC17 Developmental changes of young children s self-assertion ○Shohei Hirose (Graduate School of letters , 2AMC18 Effects of the amount of reward and crying face: How five-year-old children distribute rewards? ○Kiyomi Tsutsu (Mimasaka University) and Social Sciences, Nagoya City University) Masune Sukigara (Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagoya City University) Welfare) Ritsumeikan University) (80) プログラム_英.indb 80 2012/09/07 11:11:21 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development ○katsuhiko ishikawa (Graduate School of Human- 2AMC19 How sincere self presentation by assailant effect on the evaluation of retributive justice? 2AMC20 the development of causal cognition in young children ○Yoshihiro Nagamori (Tohoku Bunkyo Junior College/ 2AMC21 How do young children understand the behavior of making secrets? ○nami tsukakoshi (University of Yamanashi) 2AMC22 The Relationship Between the Behavior of Telling a Lie and Conflict Ability in Young Children ○Mami Fujito (Graduate School of Letters, Ritsumeikan 2AMC23 The structure of semantic knowledge in young children s false memory. ○Kimiko Ikegami (Kanazawa University, Department Environment on Kyushu University) yuuya hiromasa# (EZAKI GURIKO. CO) taro murakami (Graduate School of HumanEnvironment on Kyushu University) nobushi matsushima# (Graduate School of HumanEnvironment on Kyushu University) kazuhide hashiya (Faculty of Human-Environment on Kyushu University) Graduate School of Education, Waseda University) Univ.) of Education) Eriko Ohdera# (Kanazawa University, Department of Education) 2AMC24 Development of intention judgment: Outcomebased judgment and positivity bias ○Tomomi Sato (Chubu University) 2AMC25 Children s understanding of behaviors and emotions in rule situations ○yuka suzuki (Graduate School of Education, Saitama 2AMC26 Explaining false beliefs in your own language ○Hiromi Tsuji (Osaka Shoin Women's University) 2AMC27 Surprising outcomes facilitate young children s false belief understanding ○Kensuke Sato (Graduate School of Education, The University) University of Tokyo) Wakako Sanefuji (United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka Univ) 2AMC28 Children s and adults identification accuracy: Comparison between simultaneous and elimination lineup procedures ○Tomoko Sugimura (Fukuoka University of Education) 2AMC29 One-Year-Old Proximity-Seeking Behavior in the Strange Situation: Its Links to Hours of Nonmaternal Care ○Tomotaka UMEMURA (University of Texas at 2AMC30 The study into the eating behavior of preschool children and their mothers (4) ○Tomoko Hasegawa (Taisho University) Ikko Kawahashi (The Japan Foundation) Sumio Imada (Hiroshima Shudo University) Shinji Tazaki (Hiroshima University) 2AMC31 Effect of Mother-Child Play on Child s Joint Attention and Language Development ○Ayumi Sato (Faculty of Medicine, Saga University) Ichiro Uchiyama (Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha Do the ages of infants affect the joint attention in mother-infant-sibling triad? ○Takeshi Kishimoto (University of the Sacred Heart) 2AMC32 Austin) Tatsuya Imai# (Nanzan University) University) (81) プログラム_英.indb 81 2012/09/07 11:11:22 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development Day 2 Sep.12 13:00-15:00 92C 2PMC01 The effect of motivation for learning and learning strategies on academic delay of gratification behavior ○Tetsuo OGAWAUCHI (Shokei University Junior 2PMC02 Reliability and validity of Children s Reports of Parental Behaior Inventory-30 ○Shoka Utsumi (Ochanomizu University) 2PMC03 Stability of Depression in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Cohort Study ○Hiroyuki Ito (Hamamatsu University School of College) Medicine) Wataru Noda (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine) Yoshihiro Tanaka (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine) Naoto Mochizuki (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine) Syunji Nakajima (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine) Masatsugu Tsujii (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine) 2PMC04 Narratives of Japanese elementary shcool children about a positive and a negative experience ○Tomoko Oyama (N/A) Makiko Naka (Hokkaido University Graduate School 2PMC05 Grasping of the situationand inferring others emotion between adult and child ○Aya Tsuchiya (Shirayuri College Graduate School of of Letters) Liberal Arts) Koji Takeuchi (Meisei University) Igarashi Kazue# (Shirayuri College Graduate School of Liberal Arts) 2PMC06 The change of children s utterance through the activity at“KidZania” ○Fumikazu Furumi (Kyoto University / Japan Society 2PMC07 Family dinner conversations about positive versus negative emotions:A case study ○miho iwata (Faculty of Education, Chiba University) 2PMC08 Children s emotional autonomy during their stay at home when adults are absent : Relationship with perceived family atmosphere ○Iwao Hashimoto (Ehime University) 2PMC09 factor structure of animism scale for children ○keiji sueda (kobe shinwa women's university) yuichi fujita# (Graduate school of osaka prefecture 2PMC10 Children s report for question of“roughly”and “exactly” for the Promotion of Science) university) ○shingo sasaki (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University) Makiko NAKA (Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University) 2PMC11 Birth Order and Menarche ○Toshihiko Hinobayashi (Osaka University) Mayuko Shimizu (Osaka University) Tadahiro Kanazawa (Osaka University) Seiki Akai (Osaka University) Tetsuhiro Minami (Koshien University) 2PMC12 Children s Sensitivity to nature ○Etsuko Togo (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) Hisako Tsuboi (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) Manami Tanaka# (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) Mitsuo Suzuki# (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) Yukiko Iso (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) 2PMC13 Reactions to physical disability: A comparison of Japanese and Chinese children ○Hirozumi Watanabe (Fukuyama City University) (82) プログラム_英.indb 82 2012/09/07 11:11:23 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development 2PMC14 A development of social interactions on intercultural communication: from the viewpoint of social interaction and improve communicative competence along with intercultural understanding ○Sakae Nakata (Sophia University) 2PMC15 The relationship between children s mathematical problem solving, working memory, and planning ability. ○Keito Nakamichi (Faculty of Education, Shizuoka 2PMC16 Relationship between academic achievement and working memory rating scale. ○Ryoji Nishiyama (Kwansei-Gakuin University) Yuki Dojo (Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Kobe 2PMC17 Academic Behavior of children with relatively poor working memory in regular classroom 2 ○Yuki Dojo (Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Kobe University) Gakuin University) Gakuin University) Ryoji Nishiyama (Graduate School of Humanities, Kwansei Gakuin University) 2PMC18 Effects of social support on parenting strain in mothers of low birth weight children ○Taku Sato (College of Humanities, Iwaki Meisei University) Rieko Takaya (Faculty of Human Development and Culture, Fukushima University) Akiko Harano (Faculty of Human Development and Culture, Fukushima University) Masako Tsurumaki (Faculty of Human Development and Culture, Fukushima University) ○Taro MURAKAMI (Graduate School of Human- 2PMC19 The strategies for reference assignment of children with developmental disorder. 2PMC20 A Difficult Child and Classmates ○Kazuo Ohno (Kamakura Women's University) 2PMC21 How is distress expressed in children with autism spectrum disorders? ○Jun Nakazawa (Chiba University) Esposito, G.# (RIKEN / University of Trento) Venuti, P.# (University of Trento) Bornstein, M. H.# (National Institute of Health) 2PMC22 Theory of mind and social inetractions in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders ○Shunichi Okamoto (osaka university) Tadahiro Kanazawa (osaka university) Motohiro Isaki (osaka university) Kenji Onishi (osaka university) Toshihiko Hinobayashi (osaka university) Takao Kagomoto# (Osaka Psychiatric Medical Environment Studies, KyushuUniv.) Kazuhide Hashiya (Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu-Univ.) Center) 2PMC23 2PMC24 A Case Study on Visual Supports for a Boy with Severe Autism: 1. Longitudinal Outcome for Five Years. A Case Study on Visual Supports for a Boy with Severe Autism: 2. Effect of PECS Training on Joint Attention Related Behaviors. ○Tadahiro Kanazawa (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Yuuya Nagai (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) ○Yuuya Nagai (Graduate School of Human Sciences Osaka University) Tadahiro Kanazawa (Graduate School of Human Sciences Osaka University) Toshihiko Hinobayashi (Graduate School of Human Sciences Osaka University) (83) プログラム_英.indb 83 2012/09/07 11:11:24 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development Day 2 Sep.12 15:30-17:30 92C 2EVC01 Developmental study on Japanese adolescents social behavior(82) ‒the time‒varying Depressive symptoms by their marital relationships ‒ ○Hiromitsu Inoue (Chiba Prefectural University of After School Life of High School Students and University Students ○Motoko Hasumi (Kawamuragakuen Woman's Health Sciences) Tatsuo Ujiie (Nagoya University) Katsumi Ninomiya (Aichi Gakuin University) Atsushi Igarashi (Fukushima University) Chika Yamamoto (College of Nagoya Bunri University) 2EVC02 University) Yasuko Kitahara (Kawamura-gakuen Woman's University) Kentaro Kawashima (Junior College department of Shokei University) Yoshihiro Asai (Kawamura-gakuen Woman's University) 2EVC03 Relations between Identity, Students Attitude toward their Classes, Motivation for Learning and Self-ratings of Learning ○Rumi Matsushima (Kyoto Notre Dame University) Hitomi Ozaki (Kyoto Notre Dame University) 2EVC04 Relations between Identity, Students Attitude toward University, Satisfaction to University and Activities considered important while at University ○Hitomi OZAKI (Kyoto Notredame University) Rumi MATSUSHIMA (Kyoto Notredame 2EVC05 Relation between sleep and narcissistic personality in university student s adaptability ○Atsushi IGARASHI (Fukushima University) 2EVC06 A Qualitative examination of meaning for relational aggression ○Chie Nakada (University of Tsukuba) Yoshikazu Hamaguchi (University of Tsukuba) 2EVC07 The influence of ideal others to identity of college students ○Naofumi TSUKADAIRA (Graduate School of 2EVC08 The Contribution of an“Ego-experience”to the Positive Attitude toward Life ○Yuko Amaya (Nagoya City University) 2EVC09 The loss of the value that a certain young man pursues and his indiscriminate blow impulse ○Sachio Miyano (Faculty of Management Information 2EVC10 Longitudinal analysis of relation to one s mother in life history described in adolescence and adaptation in adulthood ○Akiko Yamagishi (Juntendo University) 2EVC11 Expressions of fathers and mothers, their affect on daughters self-esteem. ○Hiromi Hirata (Kagawa Nutrition University) Yukiko OGAWA# (Kagawa Nutrition University) 2EVC12 Research on self-compassion and self-disgust in attachment styles ○Ikuo Ishimura (Tokyo Seitoku University) Kenji Hatori (Saitama Gakuen University) Kenichi Asano (Chiba University) Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tokyo Seitoku University) Toshiaki Nomura# (Nippon Medical School) Nozomi Sukigara# (Nippon Medical School) 2EVC13 Relationship between relational aggression and psychosocial adjustment (9)-Construction of multidimensional scales of relational aggression for workers(MRAS-W) ○Yoshikazu Hamaguchi (University of tsukuba) Shigeo Sakurai (University of tsukuba) Chiaki Kuwabara (Kanto Junior College) Saeko Shitara (Kanto Junior College) Yayoi Watanabe (Hosi University) University) Integrated Human Studies, Japan Lutheran College) Junichi TANII (Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Japan Lutheran College) Sciences Jobu University) (84) プログラム_英.indb 84 2012/09/07 11:11:24 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development ○Takeshi Fujiwara (Graduate school of Comprehensive 2EVC14 Relationship between relational aggression and psycho-social adjustment (10) 2EVC15 Genetic and environmental factors that influence adult attachment style (2) ○Hirokazu Taniguchi (Nagasaki University) Shota Nishitani# (Nagasaki University) 2EVC16 Influence of IWM for multiple attachment figures in middle childhood on self-esteem in adolescence ○Tatsuya Murakami (University of Tsukuba / Research 2EVC17 Research on self-acceptance of the person experienced of children s home entrance ○Chieko Shimada (N/A) Ethuko TOGO (Tokyo Future University) Satoshi IWASAKI (Tokyo Future University) 2EVC18 An Initial Validity Study of the Young Adult Wellness Scale ○Naoko Shimada (University of Tsukuba) Brett R. Nelson# (California State University, San 2EVC19 Evaluation of a career education program for sophomore students I ○Minoru Nagasaku (Surugadai University) Eiko Osaka (Surugadai University) Yuri Kitano (Graduate school of Surugadai Univ.) Shiro Iwakuma (Surugadai University) 2EVC20 Evaluation of a career education program for sophomore students II ○Yuri Kitano (Graduate school of Surugadai University) Minoru Nagasaku (Surugadai Univ.) Eiko Osaka (Surugadai Univ.) Shiro Iwakuma (Surugadai Univ.) 2EVC21 Influence of Nurturing Experiences on Nurturance of Students who Major in Childcare ○Naoko Tomiyama (Tokyo Seitoku University) 2EVC22 A study of the stress and the satisfaction of working of nursery school teachers ○So Omura (Tokoha Gakuen Junior College) 2EVC23 Effects of the cognition and the utilization of support resources on Japanese job-hunting(1) :A study of students who have just started job-hunting ○Masashi Mizuno (University of Tsukuba) Jun Sato (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health 2EVC24 What predicts marital satisfaction and well-being in working parents?: From the perspective of work to family spillover and relationship-focused coping ○Tai Kurosawa (Tohoku University / JSPS) Michiyo Kato (Tohoku University) 2EVC25 Career awareness of college students in the starting stage of career exploration activities ○Naoko Niimi (Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's 2EVC26 The effect of Practice Preschool Teaching on Career Choice ○miyoko araki (Shikoku University, Junior College) 2EVC27 The Effect of Birth Experience on Woman s Empathy. ○miho Tanaka (Graduate School of Human 2EVC28 What kind of support do mothers need? Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Ichirou Ohkawa (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Shintaro Yukawa (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Jun Sato (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences) Saeko Shitara (Kanto Junior College) Megumi Eguchi (Rissho University) Yoshikazu Hamaguchi (Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Shigeo Sakurai (University of Tsukuba) Bernardino) Sciences) University) Development and Environment, Kobe University) Wright Naoko Obanawa (Mukogawa Women's University) ○Noriko Kusakabe (Fukuyama University) (85) プログラム_英.indb 85 2012/09/07 11:11:25 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development 2EVC29 A comparison of regular employees, non-regular employees, and unemployed people using a positive view of work scale ○Shinichiro Morita (Kitasato University) Miho TAKAHASHI (The University of Tokyo) Kazuko ISHIDU (Komazawa Women’s University) 2EVC30 The role of Identity style for university students and adults. ○Wakaba Nishida (Graduate School of Education, Yamaguchi Univ.) Youhei Okibayashi (Department of Education, Yamaguchi Univ.) 2EVC31 The effect of activities of daily living and personal background factors to subjective well-being among Japanese elderly people ○Chikako Tange (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Yukiko Nishita (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Makiko Tomida (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology / Nagoya University) Satomi Tsuboi (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Yasuyuki Fukukawa (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology / Waseda University) Fujiko Ando (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology / Aichi Shukutoku University) Hiroshi Shimokata (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) Day 3 Sep.13 10:00-12:00 92D 3AMD01 Infants interpretation of a novel label presented in synchrony with object s movement. ○Yuka Ohtake (University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education) Etsuko Haryu (University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education) 3AMD02 The effects of gaze following on object learning in 12-month-old infants ○Yuko Okumura (Kyoto University / JSPS) Yasuhiro Kanakogi (The University of Tokyo) Shoji Itakura (Kyoto University) 3AMD03 The Emergence of Emotion and Visual Proprioception in the Slope ○Moeko Ueno (Doshisha University) Ichiro Uchiyama (Doshisha University) 3AMD04 Perceptual narrowing on face perception of infant ○Yuiko Sakuta (Chuo University) Kazuki Sato# (Chuo University) So Kanazawa (Japan Wemen's University) Masami Yamaguchi (Chuo University) 3AMD05 Infants catch adults eye and mind?:Relation between adults mind-mindedness and attention for infants ○Ikuko Shinohara (Aichi Shukutoku University) Yusuke Moriguchi (Joetsu University of Education) 3AMD06 Spontaneous matching of facial expressions with relevant types of music in 8-10 month old infants ○Kazuhide Hashiya (Faculty of Human-Environment 3AMD07 Infants categorization and vocabulary development ○Tamiko Ogura (Tezukayama University) Tamami MASUDA# (Tezukayama University) 3AMD08 Infant vocalization in vocal-overlapping interaction ○Yohko Shimada (Kyoto University) 3AMD09 Characteristics of gestures in infant of preverbal vocal period in home setting ○Sumika Miyatsu (N/A) 3AMD10 Factors which predict the occurrence of mothers attuned responses ○Shinsuke Kabaya (Graduate school of Education, The Studies, Kyushu University) Ryoko Tata# (Department of Education, Kyushu University) University of Tokyo) (86) プログラム_英.indb 86 2012/09/07 11:11:26 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Development 3AMD11 Expression of pride in mother-toddler cooperative task accomplishing ○Fumito Kawakami (The University of Tokyo (JSPS Research Fellow)) Kiyobumi Kawakami (University of the Sacred Heart) Masaki Tomonaga (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University) Takeshi Kishimoto (University of the Sacred Heart) Tetsuhiro Minami (Koshien College) Kiyoko Takai (Japan Women's University) 3AMD12 How does mother use the different strategy for directing attention of her child depending on language development? ○Miho Shizawa (Department of Human Health Sciences, Kyoto Univ.) Wakako Sanefuji (United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka Univ.) 3AMD13 Mothers perception of infants temperament: concerning for children s age ○Rie Mizuno (Chukyo University) Yasuo Kojima (Chukyo University) Tomoko Fukita (Hirashiba Kindergarten) Madoka Yano (Nagoya Women's University) Michiru Tsukada (Kobe Women's Junior College) 3AMD14 Infants temperament measured by experimental observation and mothers perception ○Tomoko Fukita (Hirashiba Kindergarten) Rie Mizuno (Chukyo University) Yasuo Kojima (Chukyo University) Madoka Yano (Nagoya Women's University) Michiru Tsukada (Kobe Women's Junior College) 3AMD15 Contact experiences with babies raise the evaluation of babies. ○Katsuya Nakatani (Kinki University) Tomohiro Nakagawa (Kinki University) Yasumasa Suto (Graduate School of Kinki University) 3AMD16 What children need for their normative development: 1.Voices of college students. ○Mika Hirai (Tokyo Jogakkan College) Yuko Kozaki (University of the Sacred Heart) Mai Hasegawa (University of the Sacred Heart) Keiko Takahashi (University of the Sacred Heart) 3AMD17 What children need for their normative development: 2 Voices of elderly people ○Yuko Kozaki (University of the Secred Heart) Mai Hasegawa (University of the Secred Heart) Mika Hirai (Tokyo Jogakkan College) Keiko Takahashi (University of the Secred Heart) 3AMD18 Accident prevention at home in families with infants ○Yasuo Kojima (Chukyo University) Rie Mizuno (Chukyo University) Tomoko Fukita (Hirashiba Kindergarten) Madoka Yano (Nagoya Women’s University) Michiru Tsukada (Kobe Women’s Junior College) (87) プログラム_英.indb 87 2012/09/07 11:11:26 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education Education Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92D Career awareness, adjustment, and perceived parent s expectation about development of junior high school students ○kenichi maeda (Graduate School of Education, 1EVD02 Learning supports for reading to learn the high school ethics textbook ○Hiroki Yamamoto (Ritsumeikan University) 1EVD03 Relationship of the error detection and a situation model in reading comprehension ○Eri Nishikaji (Osaka Prefecture University 1EVD01 Hiroshima University) Naoko Niimi (Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University) Department of Human Sciences) Masahiko Okamoto (Osaka Prefecture University Department of Human Sciences) 1EVD04 Change of perspectives on representations in ordinary life through production of their interests ○Futoshi Hiruma (Kansai University) 1EVD05 Explanation Generation Improves Metacomprehension Accuracy ○Tatsushi Fukaya (The University of Tokyo / Japan 1EVD06 Promoting Students Questioning Skill in University Class ○Yoshinori Oyama (Seigakuin University) 1EVD07 The relationship between emphasis on strategies of essay writing and text scoring ○Hideyuki Sakihama (Hannan University) 1EVD08 Factor Analysis and Item Response Theory (IRT) Analysis of Frequency in Use of Learning Strategies. ○Yuri Uesaka (The University of Tokyo) Masayuki Suzuki (The University of Tokyo) Shinichi Ichikawa (The University of Tokyo) 1EVD09 Graphophonological strategies for reading CVCC words by EFL Japanese ○Megumi Yamada (Hokkaido Pharmaceutical 1EVD10 Does exam making help students learning? ○Taichi Kishi (Toho University) Yukiko Yamada (Toho University) 1EVD11 The effect of cooperative reading in university class ○Yuichiro Hirayama (Tokyo Kasei University) 1EVD12 A Study of Effectiveness in Modified Group Learning for Japanese College Students ○Yutaka Hishimura (Hiroshima International Society for the Promotion of Science) University) University) Takayoshi Onodera (Hiroshima International University) 1EVD13 The relationship between English learners evaluation of CALL and their English proficiency ○Akira Harada (Otemon Gakuin University) Shoko Iwata# (Otemon Gakuin University) 1EVD14 Distance learning that fits to the life situation of students living in isolated islands. ○Masaaki Kurosu (The Open University of Japan) Ayako Hashizume# (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 1EVD15 University students epistemological beliefs about mathematics ○Miwa Inuzuka (Taisho University) 1EVD16 Relationships among achievement motive, selfefficacy, and test performance in an introductory statistics course ○Atsushi Terao (Aoyama Gakuin University) Noriko Todaka# (Aoyama Gakuin University) 1EVD17 Analysis of changing of learning strategy in e-learning in terms of Regulatory focus theory ○aya nodera (Nihon Fukushi University) (88) プログラム_英.indb 88 2012/09/07 11:11:27 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education 1EVD18 The use and the effect of ARS (Audience Response System) in the psychology class (1) ○Shinji Nagamine (Seirei Christopher University) Kuniko Takagi (Sizuoka University of Art and 1EVD19 The use and the effect of ARS (Audience Response System) in the psychology class (2) ○Kuniko Takagi (Sizuoka University of Art and 1EVD20 Teachers psychological literacy and needs in elementary and high schools ○Takashi Kusumi (Kyoto Uuniversity) Takahiro Hoshino (Nagoya Uuniversity) Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City Uuniversity) Makoto Masutani (Keiwa College) 1EVD21 Misconceptions about modern psychology among senior high school students: A comparison with first-year university students ○Tsunekazu KIJIMA (Hokuriku Gakuin University) Izuru Nose (Nippon Vet. and Life Sci. Univ.) Masako Yamashita (Tokyo Ariake Univ. of Med. and 1EVD22 image of psychology (4) ○satoshi iwasaki (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) megumi oohasi (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) etuko tougo (TOKYO FUTURE UNIVERSITY) 1EVD23 Relation of self-evaluation about the ability of bachelor s degree and university students attitudes toward their classes (2) ○Yuko Hagiyama (Graduate school of Psychological & Culture) Culture) shinji nagamine (Seirei Christopher University) Health Sci.) Physical Science) Kanako Sugiyama (Graduate school of Policy Studies) Katsumi Ninomiya (Department of Policy Studies) 1EVD24 1EVD25 Relation of self-evaluation about the ability of bacher s degree and university students attitudes toward their classes (3) ○Kanako Sugiyama (Aichi Gakuin University) Yuko Hagiyama (Aichi Gakuin University) Katsumi Ninomiya (Aichi Gakuin University Decision making process of the evaluators on evaluating the universities -Investigation of the evaluation reports- ○SUSUMU SHIBUI (Kagoshima University / Department of Policy Studies) NIAD-UE) Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-12:00 92D 2AMD01 Open Clinical Trial Testing of NES-typed SelfEvaluation for Elementary School Children ○kazuhiko mori (Akita university) 2AMD02 Research on intelligence and academic performance in childhood I: Change in intelligence and academic performance from 1st to 6th grade ○Tadayoshi Tsuzuki (Faculty ob Child Studies,Seitoku University) Junko Sagara (Faculty ob Child Studies,Seitoku University) Tomohiro Miyamoto (Faculty ob Child Studies,Seitoku University) Sanae Iechika# (Faculty ob Child Studies,Seitoku University) 2AMD03 Research on intelligence and academic performance in childhood (2): The relation between academic performance and interests ○junko sagara (seitoku unversity) Tadayoshi Tsuzuki (seitoku unversity) Tomohiro Miyamoto (seitoku unversity) Sanae Iechika# (seitoku unversity) 2AMD04 Research on intelligence and academic performance in childhood III: Relation between academic performance and competence ○tomohiro miyamoto (Seitoku University) Tadayoshi Tsuzuki (Seitoku University) Junko Sagara (Seitoku University) Sanae Iechika# (Seitoku University) 2AMD05 The Development of the Structures of First Grade Students Compositions ○Shiori SUMIYA (Joetsu University of Education) Mari IZUMI# (Kindergarten attached to Joetsu Univ. of Education) (89) プログラム_英.indb 89 2012/09/07 11:11:28 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education 2AMD06 The effects of check-list for learning-related behaviors on the self-regulated learning in later childhood (1): Exploring the patterns of learningrelated behaviors by growth mixture modeling ○Tatsuma Nakao (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus) Tomoyasu Nakamura (Faculty of Human- Environment Studies, Kyushu University) Tsuneo Shimabukuro (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus) The effects of check-list for learning-related behaviors on the self-regulated learning in later childhood (2): Continuative evaluation of learningrelated behaviors increased self-regulated learning ○Tsuneo Shimabukuro (Faculty of Education, 2AMD08 Examination on the factors affecting children s argumentative speech ○Ryosuke Onoda (Graduate School of Education, The 2AMD09 A study of educational support to children in orphanages ○Shoko Kunita (Chugoku Gakuen University) 2AMD10 Instructional Intervention based on Children s Thinking ○kazuhiro kuriyama (Aichi Unversity of Education) Hajime Yoshida 2AMD11 Relations between strategy uses in preparation, lecture, and review. ○Keita Shinogaya (Nihon University) Shinichi Ichikawa (Tokyo University) 2AMD12 The Model of English Learning Value of Japanese High School Students ○Takehiko Ito (The University of Tokyo) 2AMD13 Election of the ONOMATOPE used for the sensitivity evaluation in art appreciation ○Hiromi Sekiguchi (Oita Prefectural College of Arts 2AMD07 University of the Ryukyus) Tomoyasu Nakamura (Faculty of Human- Environment Studies, Kyushu University) Tatsuma Nakao (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus) University of Tokyo) and Culture) Day 2 Sep.12 13:00-15:00 92C 2PMC25 Regulatory fit in persuasive messages to young children: Relations with parenting style ○Hiroyuki Sasaki (Niigata Chuoh Junior College) Yoichiro Hayashi# (Hosei University) 2PMC26 The effects of SEL-8S program on elementary school students emotional intelligence and normative behavior ○Reizo Koizumi (Fukuoka University of Education) Yohei Yamada (Fukuoka University of Education) Yuji Hakoda (Kyushu University) Sahoko Komatsu (Kyushu University) 2PMC27 The effects of SEL-8S program on junior high school students emotional intelligence and normative behavior ○Yohei Yamada (Fukuoka University of Education) Reizo Koizumi (Fukuoka University of Education) Yuji Hakoda (Kyushu University) Sahoko Komatsu (Kyushu University) 2PMC28 The relationship between Depression and Anxiety and Social skills in children ○mikako kakihara (Graduate School of Fukuyama 2PMC29 The handmade toys method of Dr Shochi the practice in developing affective and learning ability. Univ) Mika Himachi (Fukuyama Univ) ○miyako okada (Three Years Old Education Society) Saburo Shochi (The Japanese Psychological Association) Yongning Song (Kyushu University) 2PMC30 Research on the balance of social skills, school stress and self-esteem in junior high school students. ○Emi YOSHIDA (Faculty of Human Development and 2PMC31 The relationship between student guidance and school adjustment ○Yasuyuki Kaneko (Chuo University) Education, Kobe Shinwa Women's University) (90) プログラム_英.indb 90 2012/09/07 11:11:29 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education 2PMC32 Attendance patterns of non-attendance students ○michiko tsutsui (Okayama Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities) Hideo Tsugawa (School of Psychology, Kibi International University) 2PMC33 Changes in Autonomous Motivation to Enter High School of Middle School students ○Yamada Tomoyuki (Machida Daiichi Junior high 2PMC34 A high school student s scholastic ability has a meaning which changes with grade ○miki terada (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and school) Sciences, Hiroshima University) Mitsuhiro Ura (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University) 2PMC35 Relationship between Values of a Test and the Method of Conducting a Test ○Masayuki Suzuki (The University of Tokyo/Japan 2PMC36 The effects of Internet use among high school students with cyberbullying experiences (3): Simple statistics of cyberbullying experience rates in a twowave mobile phone panel survey ○Kanae Suzuki (University of Tsukuba) Ayuchi Kumazaki (Ochanomizu University) Megumi Kashibuchi (University of Tsukuba) Yukiko Horiuchi (Ochanomizu University) Rui Katsura (Ochanomizu University) Akira Sakamoto (Ochanomizu University) 2PMC37 The effects of Internet use among high school students with cyberbullying experiences (4): Reasons for cyberbullying ○Yukiko Horiuchi (Ochanomizu University) Kanae Suzuki (University of Tsukuba) Ayuchi Kumazaki (Ochanomizu University) Megumi Kashibuchi (University of Tsukuba) Rui Katsura (Ochanomizu University) Akira Sakamoto (Ochanomizu University) 2PMC38 The effects of Internet use among high school students with cyberbullying experiences (3):Substantial investigation of ICT skills and netiquette ○Ayuchi Kumazaki (Ochanomizu University) Kanae Suzuki (University of Tsukuba) Megumi Kashibuchi (University of Tsukuba) Yukiko Horiuchi (Ochanomizu University) Rui Katsura (Ochanomizu University) Akira Sakamoto (Ochanomizu University) 2PMC39 A study of the peer counselor training program for high school students (1) ○Fumiko Nakamura (Wako University) Maiko Nakamura (University of the Sacred Heart) Kaoru Kimura (Graduate School of Chuo University) Hiroyuki Ogino# (Saitama Misato RHHP) 2PMC40 A study of the peer counselor training program for high school students ○Maiko Nakamura (University of the Sacred Heart) Fumiko Nakamura Kaoru Kimura Hiroyuki Ogino# 2PMC41 Research on client factor in educational counseling(2)-About the process to which client factors have on dissolution of a chief complaint and convergence of counseling needs- ○Mitsukuni Enomoto (Gumma Paz College) Society for the Promotion Science) Day 2 Sep.12 15:30-17:30 92B 2EVB01 Construction of Multidimensional Morality Scale ○Taichi Ishikawa (Environmental and Human Sciences, 2EVB02 Is it necessary to regulate intuitively when we judge moral situation? ○Tomoko Terai (Mukogawa Women's University) 2EVB03 Moral Value and Behavior of University Students(1) ○Takashi Takigasaki (Nippon Institute of Technology) Shinobu Sekimizu (Sagamihara Youth Counseling the graduate school of Meijo) Center) (91) プログラム_英.indb 91 2012/09/07 11:11:29 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education Moral Value and Behavior of University Students (2) ○Shinobu Sekimizu (Sagamihara Youth Counseling 2EVB05 How does the acceptance and possession of accurate legal and psychological knowledge affect the validity of lay judges legal judgments? ○Yuko Yamasaki (Ritsumeikan University) Chikage Ishizaki (Nagoya University) 2EVB06 Intervention effects in the classes of career education ○norihiro miho (Shimane University) 2EVB07 The relationship between employment anxiety and career decision-making self-efficacy ○Yuko Matsuda (Tokai Gakuin University) 2EVB08 Expectation of local employment and cognitive map ○Ikuo Suzuki (Aomori Public College) 2EVB09 Effects of sleep-wake pattern on psychological distress in new recruits ○Shoichi Asaoka (Department of Somnology, Tokyo 2EVB10 Development of Sense of Coherence through Job-Hunting in female college students 2EVB04 Center) Takashi Takigasaki (Nippon Institute of Technology) Medical University / Japan Somnology Center, Neuropsychiatric Research Institute) Yoko Komada (Department of Somnology, Tokyo Medical University / Japan Somnology Center, Neuropsychiatric Research Institute) Yuichi Inoue# (Department of Somnology, Tokyo Medical University / Japan Somnology Center, Neuropsychiatric Research Institute) ○Akiko Tago (Graduate School of Education, Waseda University) Masashi Hori# (Graduate School of Education, Waseda University) 2EVB11 A study on Fresher s Orientation Program (6) ○Yuko Sakuta (Osaka Shoin Women's University) Akira Okuda (Osaka Shoin Women's University) Masahiro Kawakami (Osaka Shoin Women's University) Hiroyuki Sakata (Osaka Shoin Women's University) 2EVB12 ○Masaaki Furuta (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma An Analysis of the Student s Evaluation of Freshman Orientation. Women's Univ.) Hiroko Nakamura (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya Univ.) Nanako Katsuki# (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) Michiko Kato (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) Masashi Tanaka (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) Masayuki Nishikawa# (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) Tetsuo Fukushima (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) Hiromoto Hori (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) Atsuko Mukai (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) Kaoru Yashiro (Faculty of Human Relations, Otsuma Women's Univ.) 2EVB13 Effect of psycho-education on improving the social support of college freshman ○Masashi Hori (Tohoku University) (92) プログラム_英.indb 92 2012/09/07 11:11:30 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education 2EVB14 Searching for The effective Identification-BoostProgram of University (3) ○Akira Okuda (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) Masahiro Kawakami (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) Hiroyuki Sakata (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) Yuko Sakuta (Faculty of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University) 2EVB15 What does university student expect in campus life? : Based on the questionnaire study in satisfaction of campus life ○Hiromi Wake (Kanagawa University) Keiko Omori (Kanagawa University) 2EVB16 Classification and comparison of the Ibasho concept ○Ayako Yamaguchi (Graduate School of Human and 2EVB17 Examination of the Check Evaluation Index of After school Room Reflecting Regionality ○Yasuko KITAHARA (Kawamura-Gakuen Woman's Social Studies, Saitama Institute of Technology) University) Motoko HASUMI (Kawamura-Gakuen Woman's University) Kentaro KAWASHIMA (Junior college department of Kounan Univ) Yoshihiro ASAI (Kawamura-Gakuen Woman's University) 2EVB18 The factors contributing to students comfort at college ○Saea Iida (Nagoya University) Kazumi Kohmura (Aichi Institute of Technology) 2EVB19 School connectedness of university students(2) ○Ayumi Takamoto (Graduate School of Psychology, Kibi International Univ.) Rika Hagiwara (Takata Clinic) Hideo Tsugawa (School of Psychology, Kibi International Univ.) 2EVB20 School connectedness of university students(3) ○Rika Hagiwara (Takata Clinic) Ayumi Takamoto (Graduate School of Psychology, Kibi International Univ.) Hideo Tsugawa (School of Psychology, Kibi International Univ.) 2EVB21 Development of screening test for psychological adjustment of university students (1) ○Kyoko Yamamoto (Kobe Gakuin University) Ikuko Fujishige# (Aichi Toho University) Shuji Honda (Naruto University of Education) Moritoshi Kido (Kobe Gakuin University) Masanori Kimura (Kobe Callege) Naoko Kurikawa (Kobe Gakuin University) Eiko Yamagami (Kobe Gakuin University) Hirofumi Koishi (Kobe Gakuin University) 2EVB22 Development of screening test for psychological adjustment of university students (2) ○Moritoshi Kido (Kobe Gakuin University) Ikuko Fujishige# (Aichi Toho University) Masanori Kimura (Kobe College) Naoko Kurikawa (Kobe Gakuin University) Eiko Yamagami (Kobe Gakuin University) Kyoko Yamamoto (Kobe Gakuin University) Hirofumi Koishi (Kobe Gakuin University) 2EVB23 Development of screening test for psychological adjustment of university students(3) ○eiko yamagami (kobegakuin university) Ikuko Fujishige# (Aichi Toho University) Shuji Honda (Naruto University of Education) Moritoshi Kido (kobegakuin university) Masanori Kimura (Kobe College) Naoko Kurikawa (kobegakuin university) Kyoko Yamamoto (kobegakuin university) Hirofumi Koishi (kobegakuin university) (93) プログラム_英.indb 93 2012/09/07 11:11:31 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education 2EVB24 The cognition of campus life and subjective health conditions in university students ○Seiro KAMEOKA (Kiryu University) Kaori HAYASHI# (Kiryu University) Hiromi KOIKE# (Kiryu University) Atsuko SAITO# (Kiryu University) 2EVB25 Development of Big Question Scale and Examination of the Reliability and Validity ○Yusuke Murakami (Graduate School of Psychology, Kansai University) Masashi Kushizaki (Faculty of Letters, Kansai University) 2EVB26 Psychological Independence and Agreeableness in the Relationship ○YASUYO NISHINO (Hiroshima Shudo University) 2EVB27 The influence of help-seeking preferences on stress responses ○masahiro honda (Hokkaido University of Education) 2EVB28 The Effect of Social Support among Friends on the Reasons for College Truancy and Dropout ○Mitsuru Ikeda (International Christian University) 2EVB29 The Effect of the Close Friendship with a Same-Sex Best Friend on the Emotional Empathy of Women University Students ○Mami Endo (Graduate School of Education, The 2EVB30 The Change of College Students View of Children for Ten Years ○Aya Fujita (Oita Prefectural College of Arts and 2EVB31 Relationship between Self-efficacy and Life Events among Undergraduate Students ○HIROTAKA KATSUOKA (Graduate School of 2EVB32 Effectiveness of Role Lettering for University Students-Assuming the career Situation- ○Ryuichi Sase (Osaka International University) 2EVB33 Experimental practice to nursing studens education by role lettering. ○Takenobu Ohishi (T-time Psychology Laboratory) 2EVB34 Effects of affective variations on images of self and others: The research with Structured Group Encounter ○Kunio Midzuno (Tezukayama University) Tooru Tazumi (Bunkyo University) Eiko Yoshikawa (Seisen University) Mariko Okitsu (Doshisha University) University of Tokyo) Culture) Human Sciences, Osaka University of Economics) Kengo Tanaka (Faculty of Business Administration, Osaka University of Economics) Day 3 Sep.13 13:00-15:00 92D 3PMD01 Research for faculties for classroom teachers in early childhood education ○Manami Akiyama (Sano college) 3PMD02 Teachers perceptions of difficult behaviors in nursery school children ○Yoshiki Aka (Graduate School of Contemporary Culture, Hijiyama University) Miki Matsunaga (Faculty of Contemporary Culture,Hijiyama University) 3PMD03 The view of the abuse in a childcare worker ○Koyuki Inaba (Institute of International &Proceeding 3PMD04 Effects of student s clothes for preschool teaching practices on impression formation (2) -Suitability as Preschool Teachers- ○Shunji Matsumura (Naruto University of Education) Akira Mukai (Takamatsu University) Takahiro Tamura (Naruto University of Education) 3PMD05 A study on guidance for practical training in nursery teacher education through a world cafe ○WAKAHO OTOYAMA (Graduate school of Education) Education Gunma Univ) (94) プログラム_英.indb 94 2012/09/07 11:11:32 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Education 3PMD06 Effects of Stress Management Education for College Students in Early Childhood Education ○Saori Terazono (kurashiki city college early child education and care) Yoichi Okutomi# (kurashiki city college early child education and care) Changes of students perceptions about counseling techniques for school nurses ○Naoko Koda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and 3PMD08 Awareness of Teachers for Education to Understand Special Needs of Developmental Disorders in Elementary School ○Arisa Nishidate (University of Toyama) Tomomi MIZUNO (University of Tsukuba) Katsumi TOKUDA (University of Tsukuba) 3PMD09 The relationship between childcare training students stress response and attitudes towards ambiguity ○Ippei Takenaka (Mukogawa Women's University) Natsuko Hara (Shujitsu University) 3PMD10 Integration of Teacher s Two Leaderships: Analysis of Her Perception of Pupils ○Yoko Yuge (Aichi University of Education) 3PMD11 Verbal response modes of male teachers and salesmen ○Ikuko Suzuki (Hamamatsu Gakuin University) 3PMD12 The interaction between teachers preferred teaching methodology and teachers aptitude ○Akio Suzuki (Toyo University) Shunji Awazu (Jissen Women’s University) 3PMD13 Teacher s Self-esteem and Educational Beliefs ○Hiroko Tomioka (Soka University) 3PMD14 The effect of clinical experience in teacher training program on desire to be a teacher by means of semi-structured interview and time-series analysis ○Hideaki Shimada (Shinshu University) Mieko Kiuchi# (Shinshu University) 3PMD07 Technology) Mari Nishimaki# (Kamakura Women's University) (95) プログラム_英.indb 95 2012/09/07 11:11:32 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Industry・Traffic Industry・Traffic Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92A 1EVA23 Relationship between teachers sick leave due to mental illness and workplace climate ○Ryuji TAKAHARA (International Economy and 1EVA24 Consciousness to a childcare person s traffic safety education system ○Tadanori Yamaguchi (narasaho college) 1EVA25 Associations between organizational characteristics and harassment in the workplace ○Takashi Haratani (National Institute of Occupational Work Research Institute) Health, Japan) Shuhei Izawa (National Institute of Occupational Health, Japan) Masao Tsuchiya (National Institute of Occupational Health, Japan) 1EVA26 Research on the skill of practicing the conference of care staff ○Tadashi Endo (NAGANO UNIVERSITY) Shinsai Sasaki (NIHON UNIVERSITY) Naomi Ebina (NIHON UNIVERSITY) Katsuo Naito (NIHON UNIVERSITY) Kiichi Nagashima (NIHON UNIVERSITY) 1EVA27 The sense and behavior of regionally produced and consumed in Hokkaido ○YASUHISA HAMA (Hokusei Gakuen University) 1EVA28 Relationship between Personality and Job factors in Service providers. ○REMI OHSHIMA (RIKKYO UNIVERSITY) Takashi OGUCHI (RIKKYO UNIVERSITY) 1EVA29 Effect of risk factor for incident of nursing practice ○Mami Yoshida (Osaka Prefecture University) 1EVA30 Perceived Responsibility for accidents: Walkers and Bicycles drivers case ○Kenji TAKAO (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Manabu Mizuko (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Yoshihiro Kanemitsu (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) 1EVA31 Are Managers of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Good Health ? ○Kengo Tanaka (Osaka University of Economics) 1EVA32 Efficiency and Innovation-oriented Work Attitudes and Environmental Traits. ○Chiaki Asai (Tokai University) 1EVA33 Comparison of effects of messages aiming at inhibiting intentional risky behaviors ○Midori Inaba (University of Electro-Communications) 1EVA34 Consideration of relapse of employees with mental disease -derived from the questionnaire to occupational health staff of Tokyo Metropolitan Government- ○miyama kinosihta (Mutual Benefit Association for Tokyo Metropolitan Government) rei okayasu (Mutual Benefit Association for Tokyo Metropolitan Government) yutaka yuasa (Mutual Benefit Association for Tokyo Metropolitan Government) 1EVA35 Support for workers to return to their workplaces with mental disease in Tokyo Metropolitan Government -Support Grpoup for workers on longtime absence- ○rei okayasu (Secretariat to Mutual Benefit Association for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Employees) Miyama Kinoshita (Secretariat to Mutual Benefit Association for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Employees) Yutaka Yuasa (Secretariat to Mutual Benefit Association for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Employees) (96) プログラム_英.indb 96 2012/09/07 11:11:33 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Industry・Traffic 1EVA36 Associations between psychosocial stress factors, stress symptoms and occupational accident in workplace: using a mediation analysis ○Masao Tsuchiya (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan) Shuhei Izawa (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan) Takashi Haratani (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan) 1EVA37 The effectiveness of mental health survey utilizing sense of coherence (SOC) in clinical psychology for industrial fields 1EVA38 Factors associating with recidivist vs. non-recidivist drink driving offenders ○Takayuki Iwayama (Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo Univ.) Megumi Narita# (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda Univ.) Yui Isobe# (Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo Univ.) Kumiko Miura# (Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo Univ.) ○Kazuko Okamura (National Research Institute of Police Science) Ritsu Kosuge (National Research Institute of Police Science) Goro Fujita (National Research Institute of Police Science) 1EVA39 Effects of career motivation and career goal setting on the job satisfaction ○riuko mori (RM Human Laboratories) 1EVA40 The research on usability of keys on PC keyboards by measurement of Event-Related Potential P300. ○Arata TOMIDA (College of Humanities, Iwaki Meisei University) Takahiro OHARA (College of Humanities, Iwaki Meisei University) 1EVA41 Multi-modal detection task as a measurement of mental workload caused by in-vehicle information systems ○Shuhei Yoshida (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Hiroshi Naito (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Kazumitsu Shinohara (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Takahiro Ishikawa# (DENSO CORPORATION) Kenji Ishida# (DENSO CORPORATION) 1EVA42 Effect of background speech sound on verbal information processing: Measurement by the N400 component of event-related potentials ○Shigeru Haga (Rikkyo University) 1EVA43 Risk perception on violation or risky behavior while riding a bicycle ○Manabu Mizuko (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Kenji Takao (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) Yoshihiro Kanemitsu (Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare) 1EVA44 Automotive pedal application and cognitive inhibition ○Kazumitsu Shinohara (Osaka University) Fei Tian (Osaka University) Takahiko Kimura (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) 1EVA45 A survey of seniors mobility and health condition to diffuse motor assisted bicycle ○shishin kawamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1EVA46 A Study on Cognitive Performance Task in Conjunction with Driving Behavior of Olders ○Kenta YAMADA (DENNOO.Co.,Ltd) Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering) Makiko Watanabe# (Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Administration) Miki Saijo (Tokyo Institute of Technology, International Student Center) (97) プログラム_英.indb 97 2012/09/07 11:11:33 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Industry・Traffic 1EVA47 Report Communication Mental Model of nursing students in the clinical practice ○Kyoko Morinaga (The University of Kitakyushu) Rie YOSHIDA# (Kenwakai College of Nursing) 1EVA48 A study on drivers meta-cognitive knowledge about their accident risk ○ERI MINAKATA (Graduate School of Humanities, Tezukayama University) Kazumi Renge (Faculty of Psychology, Tezukayama University) 1EVA49 Effects of emotion and work load on the lapse error occurring at the last phase of works. ○Kazusige Wada (Safety Research Institute, West Japan Railway Company) Mayuko Ueda (Safety Research Institute, West Japan Railway Company) 1EVA50 The relationship between the method of instructing job duties and the mental workload ○Masaru Hikono (Institete of nuclear safety system,Inc. 1EVA51 Explorative study of the action which arises by career-urgency ○Hiromi Ono (Graduate School of Comprehensive 1EVA52 Testing validation of the confirmation method to correct receipt of job instructions (1): The effect of read back ○MISATO WAKIYAMA (OSAKA UNIVERSITY) Yuko Matsui (Institute of Nuclear Safety System) Kazumitsu Shinohara (OSAKA UNIVERSITY) Masaru Hikono (Institute of Nuclear Safety System) Hiroshi Naito (OSAKA UNIVERSITY) 1EVA53 Testing validation of the method to confirm the correct receipt of job instructions(2) ○Yuko Matsui (Institute of Nuclear Safety System) Misato Wakiyama (Graduate School of Human / Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) hiroshi naito (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) kazumitsu shinohara (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Human Sciences , Tsukuba Univ.) Science, Osaka University) Kazumitsu Shinohara (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) Masaru Hikono (Institute of Nuclear Safety System) Hiroshi Naito (Graduate School of Human Science, Osaka University) 1EVA54 How do occupational images of an employee contribute for his/her occuaptional pride? ○Hana OYA (Rikkyo university) Shigeru Haga (Rikkyo university) 1EVA55 Cognitive emotion regulation and stress in the context of nurse-patient interaction ○Ryota Sakakibara (University of Tokyo) 1EVA56 Post Reinstatement Work Status of Employees who have taken medical leave due to mental health Disorders ○Yoko Sugimoto (Panasonic Health Care Center) (98) プログラム_英.indb 98 2012/09/07 11:11:34 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Sports・Health Sports・Health Day 1 Sep.11 15:30-17:30 92A 1EVA57 The effect of stress management behavior on life satisfaction and mental health in Chinese international students ○terumi matsuda (Kurume Univ.) Akira Tsuda (Kurume Univ.) Euiyeon Kim (Inha Univ.) 1EVA58 Stress and Positive Factors of High School Students ○TARO ONO (Kansai University of Welfare Sciences) 1EVA59 The study into the eating behavior of preschool children and their mothers (5) ○Shinji Tazaki (Hiroshima Univ.) Tomoko Hasegawa (Taisho Univ.) Sumio Imada (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.) 1EVA60 Effects of dispositional optimism on change of cognitive appraisals during the test situation. ○Noriko Aizawa (Ochanomizu University) Mika Omori (Ochanomizu University) 1EVA61 The relationship between the Type A behavior pattern and lifestyle-related disease in Japanese workers ○Sayaka Ogawa (Center for Health and Community Medicine, Nagasaki University.) Jun Tayama (Center for Health and Community Medicine, Nagasaki University.) Tatsuo Saigo (Center for Health and Community Medicine, Nagasaki University.) Hiroki Shinkawa# (Graduate School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido.) Tadaaki Tomiie (School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido., Department of Behavioral Medicine) Yuji Sakano (School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido., Department of Behavioral Medicine) 1EVA62 The relationship between the Type A behavior pattern and lifestyle-related disease in Japanese workers ○Jun Tayama (Center for Health and Community Medicine, Nagasaki University) Sayaka Ogawa (Center for Health and Community Medicine, Nagasaki University) Tatsuo Saigo (Center for Health and Community Medicine, Nagasaki University) Hiroki Shinkawa (Graduate School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido) Tadaaki Tomiie (School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido) Yuji Sakano (School of Psychological Science, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido) 1EVA63 ○Yoshifumi Hayashi (Faculty of Human Sciences, A memorable tourism experience Osaka International Univ.) Takehiro Fujihara (School of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) 1EVA64 The improvement in a performance and the recovery of subjective fatigue by active rest ○Asako Honda (Faculty of Applied Psychology, Tokyo 1EVA65 Estimation of Causal Effects Relationship between subjective well-being and mental illness symptoms on the complete state model ○Ayumi Fusejima (Kurume University Graduate 1EVA66 Relationships between mental health and QOL of college students Seitoku University) School of Psychology) Akira Tsuda (Kurume University) Yoshiyuki Tanaka (Kyoto Tachibana University) ○Yasutaka Omura (Omura clinical psychologist's office in Hiroshima) (99) プログラム_英.indb 99 2012/09/07 11:11:35 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Sports・Health 1EVA67 The relationship between social support and self-care intention in Japanese dialysis patients: associations with support-seek tendency. ○Nanako Nakamura (Center for Research on Human Development and Clinical Psychology, Hyogo Univ. of Teacher Education) Masako Miwa# (Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Nihon Univ. School of Medicine, Itabashi Hospital) Kei Hirai (Support office for large-scale education and research projects, Osaka Univ.) Day 3 Sep.13 13:00-15:00 92A 3PMA56 Study of the effects of anger expression on cardiovascular response to a stressful task: The effectiveness of anger control-out ○shunichi ishihara (Faculty of Human Sciences,Bunkyo 3PMA57 Effect of muscle tone and muscle relaxation on cardiac autonomic nervous activity ○Hideaki Takai (Graduate School of Health and Sport 3PMA58 The effect of anxiety sensitivity on the pain experience in the autonomic nervous response ○Naomi Dodo (Health Sciences University of 3PMA59 Examination of the sleep and food in connection with the health of a high school student s mind and body, and self-efficacy ○RIKA SAKAMOTO (Tsurugakehi senior high 3PMA60 Research on life events that cause mild decline of mental energy in daily life of university students ○Tomoko Yoshimoto (Ritsumeikan University) Masahiro Nakao (Osaka Ohtani University) 3PMA61 A classification of counterfactual thinking: In the simulated situation of failing a job-interview. ○kaori masamoto (Faculty of Human Sciences, University) Science, Nippon Sport Science University) Hokkaido) school) Matsuyama Shinonome College) Rieko NOGUCHI (Faculty of Human Sciences, Matsuyama Shinonome College) 3PMA62 Relation between counterfactual thinking and traits: In the simulated situation of failing a job-interview. ○Rieko NOGUCHI (Faculty of Human Sciences, Matsuyama Shinonome College) Kaori MASAMOTO (Faculty of Human Sciences, Matsuyama Shinonome College) 3PMA63 The difference in constructed model of medicine taking between drugs ○Hiroko Joo (Graduate School of Social System Studies, The University of Kitakyushu) Takashi Matsuo (Faculty of Humanities, The University of Kitakyusyu) 3PMA64 Association between subjective socioeconomic status and psychological health by inflammatory biomarker. ○Kaori Yamakawa (Nagoya University / Research 3PMA65 Ability requirements of a flight navigation task: Pilot study using F-JAS ○yuko aiba (Aeromedical Laboratory) Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Masahiro Matsunaga (National Institute for Physiological Sciences) Hideki Ohira (Nagoya University) (100) プログラム_英.indb 100 2012/09/07 11:11:36 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Gender Gender Day 2 Sep.12 13:00-15:00 92A 2PMA68 Marital relationship from a viewpoint of their affection and individuation ○Yuko Ito (Bunkyo Gakuin University) Junko Sagara (Seitoku University) 2PMA69 Attitudes towards gender roles among young children ○Toshihiro Yamazaki (National Hospital Organization) Junko Sagara (Faculty of Child Studies,Seitoku Classification of dating violence experiences in university students. ○Junko Ueno (Shitennoji University) Tomoko Matsunami (Mukogawa Women's 2PMA70 University) University) Atsuko Aono (Fukuyama University) Junko Akazawa (Jun-ai University) Atsuko Inosaki (The University of Tokushima) 2PMA71 A study on sexuality of“Fujyoshi” ○AYUMI TAHARA (Graduate school of Fukuyama 2PMA72 Sex Role Attitudes: Changes among College Students (2) ○Michiko Tsuge (Kitasato Univeristy) 2PMA73 Sense of fairness and multi-layered meaning on performing family work ○Akinobu Nameda (Ritsumeikan University) 2PMA74 The Relationship between Sexual victim and Gender ○Atsuko Inosaki (the university of tokushima) 2PMA75 Analysis of Interviews from Young Female Adults Who Aim to Becoming a Professional Musician: Gender aspects of Career Choice, Attitudes toward Marriage. ○Yuko Takechi (Kobe College) Yasuko Morinaga (Hiroshima University) University) (101) プログラム_英.indb 101 2012/09/07 11:11:36 The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Environment Environment Day 2 Sep.12 10:00-12:00 92A 2AMA54 Effects of characteristics of the graphic symbol on way-finding performance ○Masaaki INUI (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) Shoji Aono (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University) 2AMA55 Preparatory analysis on connectedness to nature of Japanese students ○Seiji Shibata (Sagami Women's University) 2AMA56 Determinants of cooperative factors in environmental volunteer group activities ○Nao Takahashi (Tokyo City University) mitsukiyo tani# (Hitachi,Ltd.) 2AMA57 The Relationship between Waste stations, social connections and feature of the areas ○Yasuhiro Mori (Hokkaido University) Susumu Ohnuma (Hokkaido University) 2AMA58 Eye-attractiveness of a“Triangle”is stronger than a“Circle”innately ○keiichi mittani (International Pacific University) 2AMA59 Effects of communication on the evaluation of life-environment sound ○Natsumi KAWAUCHI (Graduated School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ.) Shoji Aono (Graduated School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ.) 2AMA60 Sense of Navigation during Underwater Traveling ○Shinji Nakamura (Nihon Fukushi University) 2AMA61 The Effects of Background Music on the Patients Mood in the Waiting Space of Pharmacies ○Mari Yoshinaga (Showa Pharmaceutical University) Tomohiro Yoshida# (Showa Pharmaceutical University) (102) プログラム_英.indb 102 2012/09/07 11:11:36
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