sorted by defendant
sorted by defendant
CP40/ 1076 Hilary 1533 by Vance Mead For text see Image Side County Plea Plaintiffs 3980 f Shrops debt 3925 f Nhants 5089 f 5357 d Oxon Warks 5100 f Surrey 4662 f Sussex 4147 f London 5563 d London 5121 f London 4419 f Derbs 5978 d Bucks 5467 d 4315 f London Yorks 5470 d Hunts 4069 f London 4269 f Wilts 5177 f Dorset 5701 d Yorks 4629 f Warks Leveson, James, esq Defendants A Bolas, John, of Bolas, husbandman; Kylford, Thomas, of Hopton, husbandman A Bowars, Richard, of Treporten, Thomas, merchant Northampton, draper; Duddyngton, debt of Germany Margaret, of Northampton, widow A Dene, Margaret, of Parva detinue charter A Dene, Robert Guytyng, Glos, widow Nele, Richard, esq A Dene, William A Gate, John, of Apse, trespass: close Stakford, Thomas husbandman Mascall, Richard, of A Godyshalffe, John, of Horsham, debt Wevelysfeld mercer A Riele, Thomas, of Ledys, Yorks, Brokebanke, Christopher, of clothier; Eton, Richard, of Ledys, debt Bishops Lenn, merchant clothier A Riele, Thomas, of Ledys, Yorks, Brokebanke, Christopher, of clothier; Eton, Richard, of Ledys, Bishops Lenn, merchant clothier A Ryeley, Thomas, of Ledys, Brokebanke, Christopher, of Yorks, clothier; Hetton, Richard, of debt Kings Lenn, merchant Ledys, clothier Stokwyth, Humphrey; Cade, Abbott, William, of Chesterfeld, debt John butcher Abbott, William, of Thornton, chaplain; Wylson, Robert, of Tyrell, Humphrey, esq Thornton, husbandman Myldmale, William, of London, Abell, Edmund, of Colne, Essex, draper yeoman debt Frank, Thomas, clerk Abott, John, of Leverton, chaplain Abraham, Robert, of Hamerton, Bevell, Elizabeth husbandman Baylly, Robert, of London, Abry, Thomas, of Taunton, Soms, debt barber merchant Haynes, John, of Trowbrigge, Abrye, Richard, of Hardyngton, clothmaker, executor of; Middx, gent, executrix of; (Abrey, debt (Haynes, Thomas) Katherine, of Hardyngton, widow) Acremon, Robert, of Waldyche, husbandman; Acreman, Henry, of Waldyche, husbandman; Acreman, Stephen, of Waldyche, trespass: close Chard, William husbandman Acres, Christopher, of Cawode, Aclome, John, esq yeoman Smyth, Walter, esq; quid juris clamat Schocbyro(?), William, gent Acres, Robert Newton, Peter, knight, executors of; (Newton, Matilda, widow, Newton, Arthur, esq) Acton, Thomas, of Acton Scott, gent; Colle, Edmund, Salop, esq; Acton, Edmund, of Longnor, gent Adame, John, of Brandon Fery, yeoman; Warne, Thomas, of Brandon Fery, yeoman Adame, John, of Brandon Fery, yeoman; Warne, Thomas, of Brandon Fery, yeoman Adamps, John, of Brocton, Longforth, husbandman 5400 d Shrops 4468 f Suff 5329 d Suff Cotton, Alice, widow 5402 d Shrops 4350 f Devon debt Lawley, Richard Predyaux, Richard, of Tavystoke, executors of; Adams, Henry, of Fordyngbrygge, (Servyngton, John; Agnes his Hants, yeoman; Wylliams, John, of wife) Launceston, Cornw, merchant Adams, John, of Styvynage, Herts, shoemaker; Barefote, Nicholas, junior, of Styvynage, husbandman debt Cotton, Alice, widow 4399 f Norf debt Gottes, Robert 4363 f Soms assumpsit Lane, John 4345 f 4547 f Soms debt Nhants replevin 5166 f London debt 5631 d 4690 f Norf Wilts 5168 f London debt 4476 f 4884 f 3973 f 3933 f 5559 d 5127 f ejectment Wyke, Richard, of Wynnyscombe, yeoman Garret, John Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Pratt, John, gent Lovell, William Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Adams, Richard, of Axbrige, tucker Adams, Robert, of Maxmyll, Wynnyscombe, husbandman; Houper, William, Adams, Thomas; Belche, John Adamson, William, of Weveton, Norf, mariner Adelf, Thomas, of Welle, Cams, butcher; Mareys, John, of Dounham Market, laborer; Adelf, Hamon, of Welle, husbandman Adlam, George Adrianson, Cornelius, of Bishops Lenn, shoemaker Adys, John, senior, of Weston Herefs debt Grenowe, Hugh under Penyard, husbandman Adys, Robert, of Kyngeslane, husbandman; Wiche, John, of Herefs trespass: taking Corbet, George Kyngeslane, laborer Agard, Thomas, of Salford, Leics, Staffs debt Salt, Richard gent Agard, Thomas, of Salforth, Leics, merchant of the staple; Prest, Hugh, of Cathorp juxta Leddenham, husbandman; Figg, Lincs debt Blak, John Arthur, of Ancastre, innholder Agard, Thomas, of Scalforth, Leics, Gresham, Richard, of London, gent; Stevynson, John, of Hohgan, London mercer Lincs, chaplain Agard, Thomas, of Scalforth, Leics, Gresham, Richard, of London, gent; Stevynson, John, of London debt mercer Hohgham, Lincs, chaplain 4626 f London debt 6360 d London 4563 f London debt 4619 f Sussex trespass Beckyth alias Smyth, Hugh, merchant of the staple, executors of; (Somerset, Rose, widow; Smyth, John) Agard, Thomas, of Skalford, Leics, merchant of the staple Agard, Thomas, of Stalforth, Leics, gent; Stevynson, John, of Hohgham, Lincs, chaplain Gressham, Richard, of London, mercer Inglysse, Michael, of London, alderman and merchant of the Agarde, Thomas, of Scalforth, staple Leics, merchant of the staple Midmore, Elias 6227 d Norf Rede, Robert 4517 f Norf defamation Sheryngham, Denis 5085 f Cornw debt 4397 f Norwich debt execution 5187 f Suff debt Rice, George Parys, John, of Norwich, merchant Dyke, Thomas, of Stoke juxta Clare, administrator of; (Dyke, Thomas) 4901 f Norf debt Bole, Robert 5563 d London 5127 f London debt 5560 d London Brokebanke, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Guibon, Thomas, of West Lenn, Norf, esq, son of Guibon, George, executors of; (Lomnor, Edmund; Rose his wife) Guybon, Thomas, of Westlenn, Norf, esq, son of Guybon, George, executors of; (Lomnor, Edmund; Rose his wife) 5124 f London debt Brokebanke, Christopher, of Kings Lenn, merchant 6033 d 4913 f London Norf debt Rempnam, Thomas Fermour, Henry, knight Akehurst, Thomas, of Helynglyghe, husbandman; Joan his wife Akers, John, of Seggeford, husbandman; Gogney, Thomas, of Seggeford, husbandman; Elyot, Thomas, of Eton, husbandman Akres, John, of Hendolneston, husbandman; Yarham, Nicholas, of Hendolneston, carpenter Alan, Odo, of Mychell, cordwainer Albryte, Robert, of Ipswich, water bailiff Alby, Thomas, of Stoke juxta Clare, laborer; Brewster, Thomas, of Sokte CLare, laborer Alcok, John, of Est Rudham, husbandman; Myllys, Isabel, of Est Rudham, widow Alcok, John, of Ledys, Yorks, clothier; Alcok, Thomas, of Ledys, clerk; Alcok, Ralph, of Ledys, yeoman Alcok, John, of Ledys, Yorks, clothmaker Alcok, John, of Ledys, Yorks, clothmaker Alcoke, John, of Ledys, Yorks, clothier; Alcoke, Thomas, of Ledys, clerk; Alcoke, Ralph, of Ledys, yeoman Alder, Richard, of Waybrydge, Surrey, bargeman; Claverley, Walter, of Waybrydge, laborer Alderton, Robert, of Salle, gent 4036 f Suff 5383 d Lincs 4910 f Norf defamation 4507 f Essex common recovery 6159 d Middx 5866 d 5225 f Middx Devon 5498 d London 5165 f London debt 5165 f London debt Aldows, William, of Fresyngfeld, husbanmdman, executor of; (Aldows, Thomas, of Fresyngfeld, Storour, John, of Fresyngfeld husbandman) Aldus, Thomas, of Belton, Bernard, Thomas husbandman Alee, Thomas, of Wyllyngton, Dyge, Alice husbandman Cawston, Thomas; Bullok, John, junior; Sayer, Philip; Sayer, John; Doner or Dover, John; Scott, Robert Alen, John Cawston, Thomas; Bolok, John, junior; Sayer, Philip; Sayer, John; Boner, John; Scotte, Robert Alen, John, of Raylegh, Essex, gent Norwich, Robert, knight, Chief Justice Alen, John, of Raylegh, Essex, gent Hone, Robert Alen, Richard, of Clehydon, clerk Chamber, Geoffrey, of Alen, Thomas, of the king's London, gent household, gent Howard, Thomas, Duke of Alens, John, of Southreps, Norf, Norfolk, treasurer yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Alenser, John, of Southreps, Norf, Norfolk, treasurer yeoman 4405 f Kent Boleyn, Thomas, Earl of Wiltshire 4497 f London debt Wylford, Peter, esq 6044 d Norf Stowe, Richard 5025 f London debt 5468 d London 6449 d Kent 4664 f 5255 f Sussex debt Suff debt Halle, Francis, esq Hopkyns, Robert, of Hambury, administratrix of; (Hopkyns, Aleyn, Roger, of London, Alice, widow) haberdasher Aleyn, Roger, of Stapleherst, chapman; White, David, of Sherham, clothman; Polley, Robert, of Magna Waltam, Essex, chapman; Marton, Thomas, of Lane, John, of London, grocer Sedyngbourne, tailor Alfrey, Edmund, of Est Grenested, Stempe, John, of gent; Agnes his wife, widow of Southover(?) juxta Lewes Pers, Richard Bumpsted, William Alkyn, Thomas, of Mutford, clerk debt debt Aleson, Christopher, of Penseherst, weaver; Hothelye, Henry, of Lye juxta Tunnbrege, husbandman Alexander, Charles, of Kenton, Devon, clerk Aleyn, Margaret, of Erleham juxta Norwich, widow Aleyn, Richard, of Grantham, Lincs, mercer; Pattyson, William, of Grantham, butcher; Herbert, Richard, of Grantham, husbandman; A Merys, William, of Grantham, tallow chandler 5467 d 6040 d 5436 d 4325 f 6223 d 5808 d 4282 f 4247 f Hampton, William, of London, skinner, executors of; (Myldnall, William; Joan his London wife) Alle, John, of Rochester, mercer Almon, John, executors of; (Banes, Thomas, of Warbulton, Sussex, Surrey Godard, John gent; Alice his wife) Alone, John, of Debenham, Suff Thowaytys, William, gent husbandman Alott, John, of Wentworth, laborer; Smyth, Richard, of Doncaster, butcher; Porter, John, of Arksey, Yorks debt Fletcher, Richard husbandman Deye, Richard, of Swanton Alpe, Thomas, of Donham Parva, Norf Morley yeoman Alsopp, John, of Parva Chester, Roucetour Abbey, William, yeoman; Alsopp, John, of Derbs abbot of Oxnaston, husbandman Alwey, William, of Comerwell, carpenter; Collett, John, of Wilts trespass: close Button, William Wraxsall, laborer Alwyn, John, of Great Yarmouth, Norf debt Baret, John anchor smith 6024 d Sussex 4869 f Cornw Fenys, Giles, esq Alye, Thomas, of Rype, butcher; Drue, Thomas, of Rype, yeoman; Tayllour, Richard, of Rype, laborer; Skynner, John, of Rype, grazier; Stubley, Richard, of Rype, laborer; Arowsmyth, Richard, of Rype, painter; Lulham, John, of Rype, thatcher; Hook, Richard, of Laughton, laborer; Hook, David, of Laughton, mercer Alyn, Robert, senior, of St Wynnowe, husbandman; Alyn, Robert, junior, of St Wynnowe, husbandman; Prior, Robert, of St Wynnowe, husbandman; Alyn, Matilda, of St Wynnowe, spinster 6021 d trespass: close Croker, Edward Hopkyns, Robert, of Hanbury, account as administratrix of; (Hopkyns, Alyn, Roger, of London, Staffs receiver Alice, widow) haberdasher Alynson, Christopher, of Nhants debt Gedney, Thomas Peterborough, waterman Ames, John, of Cranebroke, Kent Davy, Thomas clothmaker 5217 f Norf 5875 d Herefs 4772 f 3989 f assumpsit Wyndham, Edmund, esq Hakluyt, Thomas, gent; Arnold, John, esq; Hakluyt, Walter, clerk; Brotton, Thomas, gent; Barneby, Thomas, gent Amfleys, Robert, of Bishops Lenn, merchant; Margaret his wife Amyas, Thomas, gent 3939 f Lincs 5517 d Norf 5335 d Norwich 4496 f Norwich debt 5640 d Norwich 6507 d Suff 6408 d Beds 5998 d Kent 5987 d Devon debt Oxon 4919 f Norwich debt 4903 f Norwich debt Norf Amygerd, Thomas, of Hecham, Suff, yeoman; Walthewe, Thomas, of Boston, fishmonger Amys, Edward, senior, of Barton juxta Beston, husbandman; Amys, Edward, junior, of Barton juxta Cok, John Beston, worsted weaver Woode, Edmund, of Norwich, Amys, Richard, of Netesherd, grocer worsted weaver Sywhat, Nicholas, of Norwich, Amys, Richard, of Netisherd, alderman worsted weaver Bacon, Geoffrey, of Norwich, Amys, Richard, of Netyshede, sherman worsted weaver Anderson, John, of Wykhambroke, smith; Mason, Hugh, of Bury St Edmunds, sawyer; Skepper, John, of Stradyshull, carpenter; Cutmay, Wurlyche, John, of John, of Wykhambroke, laborer; Wykhambroke, yeoman, Cutmay, John, of Stradyshull, executor of; (Wurlyche, John) thatcher Hewett, Robert, of Andrewe, John, of Bletnesham, Felmershame, husbandman yeoman Andrewe, Richard, of Challok, husbandman; Andrewe, John, of Morrys, Richard Nonyngton, husbandman Andrewe, Simon, of Hevyrtre, Parson, William merchant 6408 d 4928 f Pelles, William, vicar of Pynchebek, alias rector of Ruskyngton debt 4391 f Norwich debt 5150 f London debt Andrewes, Thomas, of Chepyng Norton, yeoman; Norlond, Robert, Byllyng, William, of Dadyngton of Chepyng Norton, glover Jannys, Robert, of Norwich, alderman, executors of; (Sywhat, Nicholas; Wood, Andrewes, William, of Susted, Edmund; Rogers, William; merchant; Stuard, Nicholas, of Trace, John) Well, merchant Andrews, Robert, of Martham, yeoman; Wetherbye, Thomas, of Gysslyng, carpenter; Overende, Robert, of Bishops Lenn, tiler; Styward, Augustine, of Shyngelwode, Richard, of Norwich, Norwich, alderman yeoman Haw, James Jannys, Robert, of Norwich, alderman, executors of; (Sywhat, Nicholas; Wood, Edmund; Rogers, William; Tracy, John) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Andrews, Thomas, of Grasham, husbandman; Pertree, John, of Sheryngham, smith; Glover, Robert, of Crowmer, wax chandler Andrews, William, of Susted, merchant; Stuard, Nicholas, of Well, merchant Andrewys, Robert, of Mertham, Norf, yeoman 4629 f Worcs 6388 d Herts 4933 f Norf 5009 f Middx trespass Gower, William, esq; Gower, Francis; Newdyk, Robert Dyxton, William, of Walden, dyer debt Yong, Richard 6428 d trespass: close Rustico, Nicholas Haghmond Abbey, Thomas, Shrops debt abbot of Aspull, Thomas, rector of West Horsley; Jale, Lewis, rector of Shepertone and Surrey debt rector of Grefford Aspull, Thomas, rector of West Horsly; Yale, Lewis, rector of Shepertone, farmer Surrey of Grefford rectory 5396 d Staffs 6147 d London 4640 f London debt 4976 f Glos 3978 f 4648 f 6145 d London trespass: park Androwys, William, of Hanbury, gent; Sye, Thomas, of Selley, yeoman; Joan his wife Annable, John, of Asshewell, fuller; Bruett, Henry, of Asshewell, yeoman Anyson alias Crabe, Thomas, of Elmerton, husbandman; Everard, John, of Susted, husbandman; Baxter alias Conant, William, of Metton, clerk; Byrcheham, Andrew, of Hycheham, husbandman ap Ryce, William, of Strond, sheather ap Dio, David ap Llewellan, of Wilcote, miller ap Edward, Griffin, of Quenyshope, North Wales, gent ap Edward, Griffin, of Quenyshope, North Wales, gent ap John, Robert, of Chester, Forster, Robert mercer ap Mered, Jenn Lloid, of Doss, March of Wales, merchant; Lloid, Robert, of Doss, gent; Lloid, John, of Doss, gent; Lloid, Edward, of Doss, gent; ap Rice, Richard Vicham, of Doss, gent; Irlond, Vesey, John, Bishop of randel, of Doss, gent; Vicham, Exeter; Denton, James, clerk; John ap David, of Doss, mercer; Port, John, knight; Bromley, Swynton, Richard, of Doss, George; Russell, John; sherman; ap gruffyth, Lewis, of Sneyde, Richard, esq Doss, weaver ap Meryke, John, of Tyntarn, March of West Wales, yeoman; Harry, Vyall, Thomas, of London, Walter, of Uske, March of West fishmonger, administrator of; Wales, yeoman; ap Thomas, Paul, (Spereman, Robert) of Uske, yeoman ap Morgan, John, of Tormerton, gent; Weryat, John, of Chepyng Poyntz, Nicholas, esq Sudbury, cordwainer Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Devereux, Walter, knight, Lord Ferrers; Denton, James, clerk; Bromley, George; Russell, John, esq ap Morice, Robert, of Chirke, March of Wales, gent; ap Lluwellan, Robert, of Chirke, gent; Treve, John, of Oswestre, Wales, gent; Treve, William, of Oswestre, gent; ap William, Richard, ap Mered, of Oswestre, yeoman 4824 f London debt Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Devereux, Walter, knight, Lord Ferrers; Denton, James, clerk; Crofte, Edward, knight; Bromley, George, esq 6217 d Herefs 6093 d London 6364 d London Home, Thomas Barde, William, of London, fishmonger Bard, William, of London, fishmonger 4598 f London debt Kery, Thomas 4597 f London debt Kery, Thomas, of London, salter 6492 d Bristol Barley, Roger; Julia his wife 6592 d London 4831 f London debt Hennage, Thomas, esq Hughes, John, of London, gent 4170 f Middx 6201 d Worcs 3931 f Lincs trespass 5060 f Essex defamation 5515 d Essex 4103 f Essex debt 4103 f Essex debt 4915 f Norf debt 6223 d Norf 5535 d Norwich 4867 f Worcs 6376 d Herts debt debt ap Rece, Jenn ap James, of Blethvagh, March of Wales, gent; ap Rece, Mered, of Mellenith, Wales, gent; ap Rece, John ap James, of Cloun, Wales, gent ap Thomas, Roger, of Pyckersley, laborer; Hyll, Thomas, of Monysley, laborer; Chorgan, William, of Monysley, husbandman; Walker, Roger, of Pyckersley, laborer Aphowell, Lewis, of Iselton, Middx, yeoman Aphowell, Lewis, of Isleton, Middx, yeoman Apowell, David, of Magna Tey, Essex,clerk Apowell, David, parson of Magna Tey, Essex; Brandeley, Richard, of Holborne St Andrew, gent Appowell, Adam, of Gloucester, draper Appowell, John, of London, mercer Appowelle, Fulk, of London, draper Appryce, Joan, of Westminster, Collyns, William singlewoman Worcester Cathedral, William, Appryce, Robert, of Hallowe, prior of husbandman Appulton, George, of South Tompson, William Somercott, husbandman Appulton, Henry, of Sowthe Baker, John, chaplain Bemflyte, gent Gille, John, gent; Canon, Appylford, John, senior, of George Thaxsted, draper Gille, John, gent; Canon, Appylford, William, junior, of George Thaxsted, draper Gille, John, gent; Canon, Appylford, William, senior, of George Thaxsted, draper Apryse, Hugh, of Est Todenham, tailor; Apryse, David, of Whynbergh, tailor; Bukke, John, of Broun, Richard Est Todenham, husbandman Arcall alias Antyngham, John, of Feke, William Antyngham, husbandman Albon, Henry, of Norwich, Arcall, John, of Swafeld, grocer husbandman Smyth, William, executors of; (Smyth, Thomas; Burneford, Arche, John, of Harvyngton, John) husbandman Archer, Richard, of Hatfeld Mery, John, gent Bishops, yeoman 6092 d Middx 6314 d Essex 5990 d London 6182 d Glos 4745 f Middx 6323 d Essex 6026 d Kent 4280 f Hants debt 4668 f Kent debt 6009 d Surrey 5347 d London 4791 f Surrey debt Gresham, Richard, of London, Archer, Richard, of Tameworth, mercer Warks, esq Ardeley, William, of Mulsham, carpenter; Peche, William, of Mulsham, laborer; Peche, John, of Wylton, Robert Mulsham, laborer Ardern, Thomas, of Aston, Warks, esq; Nansegles, John, of Plumsted, John Rydstanne, Essex, gent Ardway, Richard, of Gloucester, Morton, Thomas butcher Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Ardyson, George, of London, Jerusalem in England merchant stranger Armested, Wiklliam, of Barkyng, Campion, John baker Armestronge, Barnaby, of Cobham, Worsoppe, John; Goodyere, yeoman; Armestronge, John, of Henry Cobham, yeoman Flemmyng, John, of Newport, Arney, John, of Whippyngham, Isle Isle of Wight, merchant of Wight, gent Arnold, John, of Barmyng, Wallett, Lewis husbandman Arnold, John, of Bokam Magna, Elyat, John husbandman Arnold, John, of Cranebroke, Kent, clothier; Dense, Richard, of Cranebroke, clothier; Lancastre, John, of Cranebroke, weaver; Joan his wife; Russell, Robert, of Shorham, Kent, clothier; Joan his Colyer, Robert wife trespass: close Gilberd, John 6378 d Essex Sander, John 5191 f Suff debt Dey, John 4271 f Hants debt Nutkyn, John 5700 d York Fairefax, William Arnold, Richard, of Lethered, laborer; Amfrey, Thomas, of Lethered, laborer; Crocher, John, of Lethered, laborer; Hyll, William, of Lethered, laborer; Gose, Henry, of Asshested, laborer; White, William, of Asshested, laborer; Arnold, Walter, of Mikilham, laborer Arogon, Robert, of Coxsall, sherman; Strett, Richard, of Coxsall, fuller; Harrye, John, of Coxsall, husbandman; Bruere, John, of Magna Tey, husbandman Arowsmyth, William, of Stanton, shoemaker Arthur, John, of St Marybourne, clerk Arthyngton, John, of Wolston, yeoman 6250 d Norf 4830 f London debt Broun, Stephen Merkenfeld, Numan, knight, executor of; (Merkenfeld, Thomas, esq) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn 5687 d Yorks 5917 d Cams Dyer, William 4636 f Devon 5987 d Devon Hunt, Thomas 4636 f Devon Bricnoll, John, of Exeter, mercer 4052 f London debt 6528 d London 5347 d debt debt London Buller, John Amadas, John Hamond, Robert, of London, woodmonger Haselwod, Joan, widow Arundell, John, of London, esq Arundell, John, of London, gent; Vernon, Robert, of London, gent; Holt, Alan, of Boterwyke, Lincs, gent; Carter, Henry, of London, yeoman; Carter, Philip, of London, yeoman; Chamberleyn, Edward, of Wodstok, Oxon knight Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Nevell, Thomas, knight; Norwyche, Robert, knight, chief justice Arundell, Thomas, of London, esq; Holgyll, William, of London, clerk; Redmayn, Richard, of Harwod, Yorks, esq Haselwode, Joan, widow Enys, Christine, widow 6492 d Bristol Gornaye, John 4634 f Herefs London debt Artson, Herman, of Bishops Lenn, merchant, and of Dordright, Holland Artwyke, Edward, of Cambridge, clerk; Hopwood, Ralph, of Teversham, clerk; Carowe, John, of Teversham, husbandman Arundell, John, junior, of Lanheron, Cornw, esq Arundell, John, junior, of Lanheron, Cornw, esq Arundell, John, junior, of Lanheron, Cornw, esq, son of Arundell, John, knight Arundell, John, of Lanheron, Cornw, esq, son of Arundell, John, knight Cole, Richard London debt Cornw 5237 f Arton, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Arundell, John, of London, gent; Vernon, Robert, of London, gent; Holt, Alan, of Botherwyke, Lincs, gent; Carter, Henry, of London, yeoman; Carter, Philip, of London, yeoman; Chamberleyn, Edward, of Wodstoke, Oxon, knight Arundell, John, of Treryce, esq Arundell, John, of Trerys, Cornw, esq Arundell, Richard, of Castell Frome, yeoman 4434 f 5971 d debt Arton alias Athure, Christopher, of Lucham, innkeeper; Gore, Thurstan, of Parva Walsyngham, innholder; grene, Richard, of Parva Walsyngham, butcher London debt Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Nevell, Thomas, knight; Norwyche, Robert, knight, chief justice Arundell, Thomas, of London, esq; Holgyll, William, of London, clerk; Redmayn, Richard, of Harwod, Yorks, esq London debt Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Nevell, Thomas, knight; Norwyche, Robert, knight, chief justice Arundell, Thomas, of London, esq; Holgyll, William, of London, clerk; Redmayn, Richard, of Harwod, Yorks, esq London debt Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Paulett, William, knight Arundell, Thomas, of London, esq; Strangways, James, of Haddesley, Yorks, knight; Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Arundell, Thomas, of London, esq; Strangways, James, of Haddesley, Yorks, knight; Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Arundell, Thomas, of London, esq; Strangways, James, of Haddesley, Yorks, knight; Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq 6555 d London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight 4535 f Bucks replevin Arundell, Thomas, of London, esq; Strangways, James, of Haddesley, Yorks, knight; Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq Asbroke, William; Asbroke, Nicholas 4459 f Yorks covenant 4647 f Sussex debt 5251 f 5251 f 5279 f 6551 d 6554 d Ive, John Brydlyngton Monastery, William, prior of Hall, Robert, of Hastyng, esq 6238 d Norf 4899 f Norf 5694 d Yorks 6047 d Middx 5800 d Derbs Willughby, George, esq Foliambe, Geoffrey or Godfrey, of Walton, knight 5656 d Bucks Goderd, John 5881 d Sussex Tyndall, Edmund; Helyar, Robert debt Miller, Thomas Water, John, of Lyne, merchant Smetheley, Richard, of Brantyngham, esq Asby, Elias, of Catfosse, gent Ascheborneham, Thomas, of Gestlyng, gent Ascheton, Geoffrey, of Tychewell, clerk; Glavyn, William, of Bishops Lenn, worsted weaver; Hemmesby, Thomas, of Worsted, worsted weaver Ascheton, Geoffrey, parish priest of Tychewell Ascowe, Edward, of South Cave, gent Ascugh, William, of Stalyngborne, Lincs, knight Asshe, Ralph, of Chesterfeld, dyer Asshebroke, William, of Chepyng Wycombe, butcher Assheburnham, William, of Assheburnham, esq; Brown, John, of Bryghtlyng, husbandman Bummur, William; Agnes his wife 4464 f Kent concord 6375 d Herts 5282 f London 4813 f London 4071 f London 3924 f Rutland 6275 d London Copcote, Richard Lyster, Richard, chief baron of the Exchequer; Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Mordaunt; Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Asshelyn, Walter, of London, debt of the chamber pewterer Assheton, Christopher, of debt Awdelett, John, of Abendon Abendon, Berks, woollen draper Assheton, Christopher, of debt Mayeny, John; Leticia his wife Abyngton, Berks, yeoman Asshewell, Robert, of Hamuldon, trespass: close Reynys, Michael husbandman FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert, esq, attorney general of Asshowe, Lawrence, of Urdsall, Lancaster; Lambert, John, Lancs, gent; Duncalf, Reginald, of receiver Manchester, Lancs, gent 4204 f Berks 5337 d Herts 4766 f Kent Papworth, Edmund Astell, William, of Basselden, husbandman; Bucke, William, of Basselden, laborer; Astell, Henry, of Steteley, laborer; Astell, John, junior, of Steteley, laborer; Astell, Richard, of Steteley, laborer Astry, Richard, of St Albans, yeoman; Serley, John, of Edworth, Beds, husbandman Sharnewell, Henry at Millys, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Abery, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Aleyn, Charles, of Gillyngham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman; Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Godfray, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Charlys, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman trespass: close Emerey, Nicholas trespass: assault Asshedon, Henry Assheford, James, of St Albans, innholder 6095 d 4756 f 6104 d Kent Kent Kent trespass: assault Fyllok, Robert at Millys, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Abery, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillyngham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman; Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Godffrey, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Cherlys, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman Jakson, John at Millys, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Abery, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillyngham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman; Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Godfray, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Charlys, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman Thornton, John at Millys, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Abery, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillyngham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman; Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Godffrey, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Cherlys, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman 4084 f London debt 5820 d London Chircheman, Thomas, of St Mary, Bramley, Middx, fisherman, executors of; (Welfell, Robert; Theobalda his wife) Chirchman, Thomas, of Bramley St Mary, Middx, fisherman, executors of; (Welsett, Robert; Theobalda his wife) 5707 d Yorks Glaisdale, John 6333 d Cams Godewyn, John 5483 d London Hardy, John, of London, alderman 5792 d Notts Skrymsher, William 5116 f Kent 5996 d Surrey 4463 f Yorks trespass: close Curror, Peter 4910 f Norf debt 5695 d Yorks Wylshere, William Nostell Priory, Alvered, prior of 6019 d Kent Fylpott, Robert 4078 f London debt Champneys, John 4126 f Kent Marten, Richard 5494 d London 4680 f Kent trespass covenant Marten, Alice, widow Bromhall, Hugh, of Abyngworthe, fuller Parnel, John, of London, draper debt Haresfeld, Thomas at Noke alias Osborne, John, of Est Tylbury, Essex, husbandman at Noke alias Osborne, John, of Est Tylbury, Essex, husbandman Athewyk, Henry, of Arksey, husbandman; Hanson, John, of Eland, yeoman; Colle, William, of Wathe, yeoman; Wellis, Philip, of Barnburgh, yeoman Atkyn, John, of Haselyngfeld, fouler; Atkyn, Richard, of Haselyngfeld, husbandman Atkyn, William, of Barton on Humber, Lincs, yeoman; Browne, William, of Lough, Lincs, yeoman Atkynson, Thomas, of Kylvyngton, husbandman; Havise his wife Atlease, Edward, of Kennygnton, laborer Atlee, Humphrey, of Abyngworth, yeoman Atlynson, William, of Felysclyft, laborer Atmere, Thomas, of Lonf STratton, husbandman Attorton, Henry, of Bramham, yeoman Attyn, Robert, of Charyng, "ryppyer"; Norronton, Richard, of Sheldewyche, carpenter Atwell, Henry, of Exeter, gent; Charrelton, Roger, of Wallyngton, Essex, gent; Bynder, John, of Banbury, Oxford, blacksmith Atwodde, Reginald; Margaret his wife Atwode, Edward, of Arnesey, Middx, gent; ap Howell, Lewis, of Islyngton, yeoman; Averey, Thomas, of Highgate, brewer; Wilson, Ralph, of Harnesey, yeoman; Wright, David, of Harnesey, yeoman Atwode, Henry, of Separdyswold, husbandman 4442 f London debt 5094 f Beds 6106 d Nhants 4720 f Surrey debt defamation Atwyll, Henry, of Exeter, gent; Charelton, Roger, of Wellyngton, Essex, gent; Bynder, John, of Danbury, Essex, blacksmith Champneys, John Aucton, Thomas, executors of; (Malden, William; Gylmyn, Thomas) Aucton, Elizabeth, of Hotton, widow Austen, Robert, of Olney, Bucks, Empson, Thomas, esq husbandman Austen, Robert, of Suthwerk, Cokkys, John, junior capper 5619 d Norf Potter, John 5686 d Yorks Grenewod, Robert 4418 f Warks debt Ratclyff, Roger, esq 4650 f Surrey debt 4630 f Kent debt 6462 d London 6461 d London 3935 f Lincs debt Egglisfeld, Richard Speyte, Thomas, of London, merchant tailor Weston, Richard, knight, subtreasurer Weston, Richard, knight, subtreasurer Dyon, John, executrix of; (Dyon, Margaret, widow) 5790 d Sussex 4590 f Suff debt Sherlay, Thomas, esq Fekeys, Thomas, of Styston, executors of; (Hyll, Philip; Joan his wife) 4999 f Essex debt Reynold, William 4018 f Suff debt Bradwey, Robert 4893 f Cornw trespass: close Quyckbone, Peter, clerk 6113 d Middx Carvanell, John, clerk 5375 d Lincs Mariot, John Austen, Thomas, of West Rudham, yeoman; Jamesson, John, of Myleham, husbandman; Markoll, John, of Myleham, "scrager" Austwyke, John, of Pountfret, mercer Averey, William, of Pakwood, yeoman; Averey, Thomas, of Knoll, yeoman Avery, John, of Southwerk, laborer Aware, Robert, of Cranebroke, clothman Awdley, Richard, of Bright Helmyston, Sussex, yeoman Awdley, Thomas, of Lewes, Sussex, innholder Awnchevyn, Robert, of Fulletby, gent Awod, John, of Shermonbury, laborer Awood, Robert, of May Waldyngfeld Awood, William, of Waltamstowe, husbandman; Frend, Robert, of Albys Warley, husbandman; Spender, Thomas, of Southe Bemeflete, husbandman Awsten, John, of Stowmarket, weaver; Padnall, John, of Stowmarket, butcher; Calowe, John, of Stowmarket, woodsetter; Pykerell, Marion, of Stowmarket, widow Axforthe, Thomas, of Boyte Flemyng, glover Aylewarde, John, of London, haberdasher Aylward, Lawrence, of Flete, laborer 6345 d Willoughby, Christopher, knight London 6379 d Cumber Huddelston, John 4448 f Cumber trespass: park Huddelston, John, esq 4448 f Cumber trespass: park Huddelston, John, esq 4086 f Middx Wyllughby, George, esq 4612 f Nhants debt Mannyng, John 5412 d Nhants Mannyng, John 4354 f Dorset 6589 d London 5005 f Essex debt Beryett, Robert Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Paulet, William, knight, general receiver of wards Upcher, Edward, of Bures St Mary, yeoman 4663 f Kent trespass: close Guldeford, George, esq 5007 f Middx debt debt Barlowe, John, dean of Westbury College, Glos Aylward, Thomas, of Roughton, Norf, yeoman Ayscoo, Egewin(?), of Broughton Ulverston, Lancs, yeoman; Ayscoo, Christopher, of Broughton Ulverston, yeoman; William, Christopher, of Broughton Ulverston, yeoman; Assheburn, Thomas, of Broughton Ulverston, laborer; William, Hugh, of Broughton Ulverston, yeoman Ayscoo, Egewin(?), of Broughton, Lancs, yeoman; Ayscoo, Christopher, of Broughton, yeoman; Ayscoo, William, of Broughton, yeoman; Aysheburn, Thomas, of Broughton, laborer; Ayscoo, Hugh, of Broughton, yeoman Ayscoo, Egewin(?), of Broughton, Lancs, yeoman; Ayscoo, Christopher, of Broughton, yeoman; Ayscoo, William, of Broughton, yeoman; Aysheburn, Thomas, of Broughton, laborer; Ayscoo, Hugh, of Broughton, yeoman Ayscugh, of Stalyngborne, Lincs, knight Bab, Richard, of Benenden, Kent, clothier; Day, Stephen, of Bedynden, Kent, clothier; Coveney, John, of Maydeston, Kent, clothier; Baldwyn, George, of Lenam, Kent, clothier Bab, Richard, of Benenden, Kent, clothier; Day, Stephen, of Bedynden, Kent, clothier; Coveney, John, of Maydeston, Kent, clothier; Bawdwyn, George, of Lenam, Kent, clothier Babstok, John, of Stratton, husbandman Babyngton, Anthony, of Dethyk, Derbs, knight Badcok, John, of Wormyngford, husbandman Badcoke, John, of Hawkehurst, yeoman Badger, Roger, of Hanley Castell, Worcs, yeoman; Lawton, John, of Hanley Castell, yeoman 5669 d 6519 d Jeffrey, Walter, clerk, executor of; (Wodland, William) Hayes, Mark Wilts Soms Badnam, Roger, of Kyngeston St Michael, yeoman Bagewyll, John 6432 d Devon Heyes, Mark, churchwarden of Wynesham 6208 d Herefs Biryton, Thomas, gent 5737 d Devon Loveys, Humphrey Bagewyll, John, of Wynesham, baker; Houper, David, of Wynesham, husbandman; Houper, James, of Wynesham, tucker; Bagge, John, of Wynesham, husbandman; Kyng, Hugh, of Wynesham, husbandman Bagge, Thomas, of Hereford, smith; Beth, Matthew, of Magna Dewchurch, husbandman; Gryffyth, Philip, of Magna Dewchurche, talor; A Godishale, John, of Lorport, husbandman Baggebear, Robert, of Braston, clerk Bagnald, Roger Bagnald, John, of Newcastle under Lyme, yeoman; Rane, John, of Newcastle under Lyme, sherman; Harryson, William, of of Newcastle under Lyme, saddler, executor of; (Harryson, Randolph, of Newcastle under Lyme, saddler) 3981 f Staffs debt Adams, John, of Streton on Dounesmore 5404 d Staffs 3981 f 5393 d Staffs Staffs 4050 f London debt 4974 f Cornw 5403 d Shrops Hatton, William 5601 d Glos 5682 d Yorks Randolff, Richard Berne, Henry; Margaret his wife debt debt Trymell, Roger Bromley, William Botry, William, of London, mercer Colleford, John; Blanche his wife Bagnald, John, of Newcastle under Lyme, yeoman; Rane, John, of Newcastle under Lyme, sherman; Herryson, William, of Newcastle under Lyme, saddler; Hasylwodde, John, of Chaddesley Corbett, Worcs, yeoman; Hyll, Thomas, of Browme, laborer; Pachet, John, of Bell Broghton, yeoman Bagnald, John, of Newcastle, yeoman; Bagnald, Randolph, of Newcastle, yeoman Bagott, Lewis, of Blyffeld, knight Bailly, Giles, executors of; (Tayler, Robert, of London, goldsmith; Margery his wife) Bake, John, of Lanraake, husbandman; Joan his wife Baker, Agnes, of Wenlok, widow; Stone, John, of Wenlok, husbandman; Elizabeth his wife Baker, Agnes, of Wynchecombe, widow; Baker, Richard, of Wynchecombe, groom Baker, Alexander; Elizabeth his wife 6534 d Norf 6233 d Norf 6389 d Essex 4979 f Wilts Dalton, John Holme Abbey, William, abbot of debt Baker, Edward, of North Walsham, mercer Baker, John, of Norwich, gent Baker, Robert Baker, John, of Upminster, laborer Marten, Thomas, of Salisbury, Baker, Thomas, of Honyngton, merchant clerk 6235 d Norf 6387 d Essex 5695 d Yorks 4219 f 5194 f Norf Suff 5436 d Suff Baker, William, junior, of Methewold, yeoman; Keteryngham, William, of Methewold, smith; Smythe, Richard, of West Walton, husbandman; Delffe, Thomas, of West Walton, parish clerk; Grene, Thomas, of Thetford, yeoman; Rede, Richard, of Wysbyche, Abbot, William, of Islyngton, gent or brewer husbandman Baker, William, of Brendwode, Sorell, Thomas innholder Nostell Priory, Alvered, prior of Baker, William, of Fenton, yeoman Hertstong, William, yeoman, executors of; (Feke, William; Hamond, William) Bakon, Henry, of Eggefeld, clerk Bakon, John, of CLare Bakon, John, of London, mercer Gylbert, Richard, of Bakon, Thomas, of Russhemer, Somersham, yeoman husbandman 5395 d Staffs Hyll, Richard 5434 d Suff 3937 f Lincs 4617 f Kent 4455 f Yorks 5984 d Bucks 5610 d Wilts 4143 f Notts Balarde, John, of Wall, bead maker Baldon, Robert of Naylond, yeoman; Reyneham, Stephen, of Spencer, Richard Naylond, clothmaker Baldware, Robert, of Gedney, debt Partriche, John, gent yeoman Knyght, Anthony, of Baldwyn, George, of Leneham, debt Canterbury, grocer clothier Baldwyn, Henry, of Walles, laborer; trespass: close Melton, John, knight Joan his wife Baldwyn, Hugh, of Magna Gardener, John Missenden, husbandman Balfrount, Robert, of Hodgis, William, clerk Haytredesbury, clerk Styrley, Nicholas, of Lyndeby, Ball, Henry, of Horsley, Derbs, debt esq scythe smith 6314 d 5808 d 4924 f Essex Derbs Norf Rutland, John Lowe, Vincent trespass: close Karvyle, Humphrey 5724 d Devon debt debt Whiddon, John, tailor Ball, John, of Walden, sawyer; Nichollys, John, of Walden, draper Balle, Cecilia Balle, Robert, of Rowton Holme Balsdon, John, of Honyton, butcher 5184 f 5192 f Dorset trespass: close Beddyscombe, John Daundy, Robert, of Ipswich, merchant 5780 d Suff debt Coventr y debt Coventr y 4308 f Yorks trespass Turnour, Robert 4308 f Yorks trespass 4227 f Norf debt Turnour, Robert Clerke, Thomas, of Banham; Clarke, John, his father 4422 f 5902 d Yorks 5807 d Derbs 5426 d Yorks 5352 d Hants 4878 f Cornw 6210 d Cornw 5177 f Dorset 5375 d Lincs 3918 f Middx debt 4899 f Norf debt Humfrey, Richard Humfrey, Richard Vavasour, Peter, knight Babyngton, Rowland, of Atlowe debt debt Balston, Robert, of Symondysborow, husbandman; Howe, Thomas, of Symondysborow, shepherd Balyman, Thomas, of Haston juxta Parham, yeoman; Bokenham, Richard, of Wykham Markett, mercer; Fryer, Richard, of Stratford juxta Denhale, merchant Banaster, Adam, of Croston, Lancs, chapman Banaster, Adam, of Croxton, Lancs, chapman Banbery, Thomas, of Barmebye on the More, husbandman Banbery, Thomas, of Barmebye on the More, husbandman Bangot, John, of Banham, husbandman Banke, William, of Baddysworth, gent; Banke, Thomas, of Baddysworth, chaplain; Banke, William, of Baddysworth, chaplain; Banke, John, of Baddysworth, chaplain; Bolland, Robert, of Baddysworth, yeoman; Watlyn, Robert, of Upton, yeoman; Jenet, Thomas, of Pontefract, yeoman Bankys, George, of Thurbaston, yeoman Bankys, Thomas, of Baddysworth, chaplain Fletcher, Thomas Chepyngall, John, executors of; (Theire, Thomas; Joan his Bansall, John, of Hertley Wyntney, wife) clerk Bant, Stephen, of Alternon, gent; Quyckbone, Peter, of Bofflemmyng, Eggecombe, Peter, knight clerk Bant, Stephen, of Alternon, yeoman; Frysecke, Thomas, of Alternon, husbandman; Parnell, Belly, William Thomas, of Alternon, laborer Barbor, Richard, of Bere Regis, husbandman; Cosyn, Richard, of Hatter, Richard, chaplain Askeryswell, chaplain Barbore alias Parysshe, John, of Borowe in the Marshe, butcher; Mathewe, Robert, of Borowe in the Rutter, Robert Marshe, butcher Barbour, Richard, of Old Braynford, Raunce, John brewer Barbour, Thomas, of Goderston, Hewar, Roger shepherd 6406 d Oxon 4759 f Hants 6249 d Norf 5270 f London debt debt Barcott, Thomas, of Cawseham, Awdelett, John, of Habenden clothmaker Wylson, Robert, vicar of Bardolff, Thomas, of Newport, Isle Carysbroke, Isle of Wight of Wight, chaplain Baret, Thomas, of Sowthe Pykenham, husbandman; Lovegold, Ralph, of North Englysshe, William, of Asshyll Pykenham, husbandman Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Barett, Christopher, of Takele, Mordaunt husbandman 5768 d Norf Wryght, John 4935 f Norf debt 4574 f Kent common recovery Wryght, John Sakevyle, John, esq; Seyntleger, Anthony, esq; Wylforth, Thomas, esq; Lynche, William; Barre, Richard; Taylour, Richard; Reymes, John 4198 f Herefs debt Parkar, Thomas, clerk 4964 f Soms replevin 5455 d Suff 5061 f Essex 4447 f London debt 4914 f Norf debt 4621 f Norf trespass and contempt 5949 d London 4018 f Suff debt debt Barett, George, of Saham Tony, butcher; Stede, John, of Houghton, husbandman; Ussher, Thomas, of Craneworth, husbandman Barett, George, of Saham Tony, butcher; Ussher, Thomas, of Craneworth, husbandman; Stede, John, of Houghton, husbandman Barham, Thomas; Barham, James, his son Barkeley, James, of Wynterborn, Glos, gent Barkeley, Richard, gent; Barkeley, Phyllyppe, William James, gent; Hill, Maurice, yeoman Smyth, John, of Long Melford, Barker, John, of Long Melford, draper yeoman Barker, Nicholas, of Depden, husbandman; Brond, John, of Thaxsted, laborer; Burd, Robert, of Chelmysford, shoemaker; Aree alias Goldsmythe, William, of Smythe, John, of Thaxsted Walden, goldsmith Barker, Richard, of Fottes Crey, Kent, tailor; Gibson alias Tayllor, Ley, John, of London, gent Richard, of Fottes Crey, yeoman Barker, Richard, of Hoo juxta Est Fermour, Henry, knight Derham, yeoman Barker, Richard, of Hoo juxta Est Derham, yeoman; Anne his wife; Johnson, John, of Hoo juxta Est Derham, shepherd; Radclyff, Margaret, of Hoo juxta Est Derham, Fulburne, Thomas spinster Barker, Robert, of Fottes Crey, Ley, John, of London, gent Kent, tailor Barker, Robert, of Melford, fuller; Colman, Robert, of Melford, clothmaker; Kendall, Thomas, of How, Thomas, senior, tailor Melford, bricklayer 3929 f Norf concord Shelton, John, knight Grene, Thomas, clerk, executor of Grene, Christopher, of Aketon, yeoman executor of; (Grene, Thomas) 6508 d Suff 5446 d Suff 4533 f London debt 6313 d London 6288 d 4466 f Middx Kent 6552 d London Hennage, Thomas, esq 6552 d London Hennage, Thomas, esq 6553 d London 5968 d Norf Hennage, Thomas, esq Clere, Robert, knight, executrix of; (Clere, Alice, widow) 6411 d Berks Awdelett, John, of esq 5363 d Lincs Mundy, Roland 5658 d Bucks 4056 f London debt Byrche, John Chapman, John, yeoman of the crown 6380 d Herts Austen, John 4906 f Norf 3989 f Nhants debt 4634 f Soms trespass 4439 f Warks debt 5487 d Middx 6043 d Middx 5489 d London Pryste, William Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester Bucland, John, of Shepton Malet, Soms, clothier, executrix of; (Bucland, Joan, widow) 6373 d Devon Copleston, Thomas concord debt Hutton, Henry Pagit, Robert, of London, alderman and merchant Eyre, Edmund, of Bubnell, gent Weston, William, prior of St John of Jerusalem hospital Haynes, John; Joan his wife Holle, Thomas Blenkho, Thomas Cory, John, executors of; (Hervy, Richard; Eleanor his wife) Barker, Thomas Barker, Thomas, of Melford, fuller; Herte, John, junior, of Wethershade, laborer; Apylthweyth, John, of Stoke Assh, singleman, executor of; (Lynge, John, of Wynston, glover) Barker, William, of Lavenham, butcher; Fentforth, Thomas, of Clare, weaver Barker, William, of York, alderman and merchant Barley, Arthur, of Barley, Derbs, esq Barly, Richard, of St Johns Street, London Barlyng, George Barnabe, Thomas, of London, haberdasher Barnabe, Thomas, of London, haberdasher Barnabe, Thomas, of London, haberdasher Barnard, Philip, of Akenham, Suff, gent Barnard, Richard, of Haddynham, yeoman Barnard, Richard, of Wytton, husbandman Barnard, Welias, of Magna Marlowe, laborer Barne, John, of Ratclyff, Middx, gent Barne, Miles, of Haddham Parva, draper Barne, Nicholas, of Cossey, husbandman Barnesdale, Roger, of Barton, Oxon, butcher Barnesley, Richard, of Burley, husbandman Barnesley, Roger, of Westcott, Oxon, butcher Barnewell Priory, Cams, prior of Barnewell Priory, Cams, prior of Barnys, William, of London, merchant tailor Baron, William, of Plympton Earl, mercer 5230 f Bucks 3998 f Nhants trespass: close Griffith, Thomas, esq Wylloughby, Henry, of Middelton, knight, executors of; (Wylloughby, John, knight; FitzHerbert, Anthony, knight, justice; Willloughby, Edward, knight; Perrott, Robert, Barons, Thomas, of Ellynger, Warks debt chaplain) Hants, clerk 4958 f debt Cave, Anthony Barons alias Barnes, Richard, of Thornton, smith; Walcote, John, of Stony Stratford, smith; Brydgewater, Thomas, of Stony Stratford, smith Barons, Thomas, of Carleton, husbandman Barr, John, of Seton, Holdernes, husbandman; Hobson, Thomas, of Seton, laborer; Wodmanse, Richard, of Atwyke, thatcher; Dell, William, of Arom, husbandman; Lepyngton, William, of Borton Flemmyng, husbandman Barret, Thomas, of Wantage, laborer; Barret, Walter, of Wantage, laborer Barrett, Thomas, of Wantage, laborer; Barrett, Walter, of Wantage, laborer 5428 d Yorks Danby, William 6381 d Berks Pateshale, Richard 5844 d Berks Pateshale, Richard 4363 f Soms 5823 d Shrops 4989 f London debt 6466 d London 5470 d Middx Pechyn, John, of Sheringham, Norf, worsted weaver Barsby, John, of Tanton, innkeeper Barston, Thomas, of Dymmoke, Blyke, Giles Glos, gent Bartelott, Thomas, of Chichester, Sussex, gent; Norton, William, of Priour, John, of White London, haberdasher; Roos, John, Rodyng, Essex, esq of London, gent Howard, Thomas, Duke of Bartley, Thomas, of Great Norfolk, treasurer of England Yarmouth, merchant Barton alias Berdon, Robert, of Charterhouse Priory, London, Holborne, innholder; Balle, Henry, John, prior of of Holborne, yeoman 4463 f Westm or debt Rokeby, William; Anne his wife, formerly Browham, Anne Barton, Anne, of Ormysyde, widow debt 5278 f London debt 5440 d 6031 d 6130 d Suff London London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Barton, Griffin, of Englefeld, Berks; Thomas, knight, justice; Wyllestot, William, of Paulett, William, knight Tydemarsshe, Berks, gent Barton, John, of Glemsford, Kyng, John husbandman Godale, John Barton, William, clerk Goodale, John, attorney Barton, William, clerk 5533 d Sussex Crowche, John 4867 f Worcs 4060 f London debt 4482 f Beds debt execution 6208 d 4464 f Herefs Herefs concord 4911 f Norf debt 4116 f Norf account debt Cockys, William, of Morten, Castell Barward, Richard, of Burwasshe, husbandman Barwyke, Thomas, of Stoke on Severne, husbandman; Barwyke, William, of Stoke on Severne, husbandman; Payns, Robert, of Stoke on Severne, tailor Bowlok, William, administrator Basford, Christopher, of London, of; (Wylscha, Henry, clerk) mercer Baskervile, Richard, of Lempster, Bently, Thomas Herefs, gent Baskervyle, Richard, of Tomkyns, James Leomynstre, gent Scull, Thomas Baskervyle, Thomas Gegebald, Nicholas, of Catfeld, executor of; (Pynchemore, William, of Litle Baspole, Ralph, of Cattefeld, Hautboys) husbandman Baspole, Richard, husbandman; Clerk, William, of Catfeld, worsted Rust, George, clerk weaver 6494 d Gegebald, Nicholas, executor of; (Pynchemore, William, of Baspole, Richard, of Cattefeld, Norf Lytle Hautboys, gent) husbandman Basse, John, junior, of Northe Yorks trespass: close Gybson, Philip Dalton, husbandman Basset, John, junior, of London, gent; Cradok, John, of Bristol, London Rede, Richad grocer Basset, Richard, of Exeter, Trappes, Robert, of London, goldsmith; Cotton, William, of London debt goldsmith Exeter, goldsmith Bassett, William, of Marke, chaplain; Lane, Peter, of Overwere, Soms Walrond, Humphrey clerk 4635 f Notts replevin Lownde, John 4660 f Kent debt Borham, David 6498 d Dorset Mervyn, John, esq 5527 d Norf Belys, Edmund Norwich Salter, Henry, of Norwich, alderman, executrix of; (Salter, Anice, widow) 6240 d 5079 f 6367 d 4990 f 5783 d Bassett, William; Bassett, Edward; Rydley, Thomas; Pykaver, Robert Bassoke, John, of Cranebroke, fuller; Herryngden, Richard, of Cranebroke, clothier; Leede, James, of Stapleherst, clothier; A Mownt, Simon, of Godmarsham, carpenter; Robynson, William, of Bromfeld, husbandman Basyng, Richard, of Bradford Peverell, miller Batche, Thomas, of Hoo, husbandman Bately, Thomas, of West Bradenham, husbandman; Wakefeld, Andrew, of Parva Walsyngham, smith Flyxston Priory, Elizabeth, prioress of Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman Hoskyns, John, prior of Fyssherton Aunger Priory Bateman, Thomas, of Flyxston, gent 5359 d Suff 4123 f Norwich debt 5669 d Wilts 4966 f Norf 5479 d London 5369 d Lincs Bathe, John, of Norwich, tailor Baunfeld, Thomas, of Hardyngton, Soms, esq Bawgyoon, William, of Watton, Danby, Thomas, of Weston husbandman Bawtre, Edward, of Boston, gent, Sutton, William, executors of; executors of; (Quadryng, William, (Littilbury, John, esq; Meeres, of Irby juxta Braytoft, Linics, esq; Roger, gent; Byssyt, Martin, Newcome, Brian, of Sallowby, clerk) Lincs, gent) Bawtre, John, of Whaplod, husbandman; Stokkes, John, of Prykfeld, Edward Whaplod, husbandman 5442 d Suff Baynhame, Robert; Wyngfeld, Anthony, knight; FitzWyllyam, William, knight; Waldegrave, William, esq; Wentworth, Eobert, esq; Busshoppe, Robert, gent; Ogle, Richard, Baxster, John, of Bury St gent; Robyns, William, gent Edmunds, scrivener 5442 d Suff Nytyngale, William 4371 f Essex debt Clerke, John, of London, draper 5234 f Glos debt Morton, Rowland 4273 f Wilts debt Tayler, William 4617 f Norf debt Halman, Edward 5372 d Lincs 6311 d London 4318 f Yorks debt Hornclyf, John Waren, Ralph, of London, alderman trespass: close Lokey, Nicholas Baxster, William, of Kersey, laborer Baylle, Robert, of Parva Bardeffelde, smith; Tomson, William, of High Ester, smith; Myllyan, Nicholas, of Haverell, Suff, smith Bayly, Richard, of Crome Symondys, Worcs, husbandman; Shawe, John, of Dymmocke, yeoman Bayly, William, of Holt, husbandman Baylye, Thomas, of Bytteryng Parva, butcher, executor of; (Baylye, William, of West Bradenham, butcher) Bayn, Andrew, of Markyt Rasyn, shoemaker; Bayn, William, of Markyt Rasyn, saddler Baynard, Richard, of Lackham, Wilts, gent; Long, Henry, of Fuxston, Wilts, knight; Parys, John, of Munmouth, March of Wales, merchant; Brudenell, Edmund, of Chalfont St Peter, Bucks, esq Baynbryge, William, of Allerton, laborer 5386 d Lincs 4989 f London debt 3951 f Lincs 6025 d Sussex 4882 f Herefs debt 4356 f 5984 d 5984 d Devon Derbs Derbs debt 4451 f 5837 d Cumber trespass Norf 4492 f Suff 6169 d Middx 6301 d Devon 6402 d Beds 6043 d Sussex 5088 f Beds debt 3983 f 4467 f Staffs Suff 4617 f Norf debt concord trespass and contempt debt common recovery Baynthorp, Roger, of Whaplot, clerk; Thakker, John, of Whaplot, Arnold, Richard; Wilson, John yeoman Baynton, Richard, of Braylys, Burley, Thomas, clerk Warks, chaplain Baynton, Richard, of Whitton, Langley, Peter husbandman Baysey, James, of Chichester, Bradshawe, James cordwainer Rudhale, John, executors of; Bayton, John, of Brampton, (Rudhale, Anne, widow; husbandman; Tayllour, James, of Barton, Griffin) Brampton, husbandman Strobryge, Robert; Thomasine Beare, George, of Plympton St his wife Mary, capper Caryngton, Mathew Beaucheve Abbey, John, abbot of Grymbald, Ellen, widow Beaucheve Abbey, John, abbot of Beauley, Lancelot, of Eskot, gent; Atkynson, Robert, of Eskott, yeoman; Atkyn, Robert, of Eskott, Dacre, William, knight, Lord yeoman; Richardson, Richard, of Dacre Caldybek, yeoman Beaupre, Nicholas, esq Beaupre, Edmund, esq Spelman, John, knight; Hobart, Henry, esq; Heydon, Richard, esq; Beaupre, Nicholas; Fyncham, Simon, gent; Seffold, John; Rudlond, John Beaupre, Edmund, esq Spelman, John, knight; Hobert, Henry, esq; Haydon, Richard, esq; Beaupre, Nicholas; Fyncham, Simon, gent; Seffold, John; Rudlonde, Beawpre, Edmund, of John Dechyngham, Norf, esq Bebyche, John, of Kyngys Karswyll, Hyll, John husbandman Becham, William, of Eton, Barleman, John husbandman Becheley, John, of Cukkefeld, Plumpsted, Richard husbandman Foster, Richard, of Lytlyngton, executors of; (Julyan, Thomas; Foster, Margaret, Bedcott, John, of Lytlyngton, widow) husbandman Bedyll, John, of Kele, gent; Chyckyn, John, of Betteley, yeoman; Birdeley, Thomas, of Holdyche, yeoman; Coke, William, Delves, Henry, esq of Drayton, butcher Horne, Robert Bedyngfeld, Thomas, knight Bedys, John, of Norwich, Dukworth, Alexander, clerk bladesmith 5999 d 5151 f 4900 f 5324 d 6198 d 4812 f 4141 f 6161 d 4428 f 5973 d 5749 d 3891 f 5437 d 4913 f 5192 f 6321 d 5360 d 4797 f 3979 f Seymour, Edward, knight; Hutton, Thomas; Moyle, Kent Thomas; Barlee, William, esq Beer, John, of Dartford, gent Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Beke, Thomas, of Manchester, London debt Bishops Lenn Lancs, merchant Bekham, Anthony, of Norf trespass: close Mason, William Hyndryngham, husbandman Hykll, Henry, sergeant at arms, executrix of; (Hyll, Joan, Devon widow) Bekkett, Roger, of London, gent Cornw Trevuwyth, Thomas Bekyll, John Hants debt execution Ryther, John Bekynsale, John Moundeford, Francis, esq; Bokenham, Thomas, esq; Dereham, Thomas, esq; Grey, Fulk, gent; Moundeford, common Osbert, gent; Shuldham, Norf recovery John, gent Bekyswell, John Moundeford, Francis, esq; Bokyngham, Thomas, esq; Dereham, Thomas, esq; Grey, Fulk, gent; Moundeford, Osbert, gent; Shuldham, Bekyswell, John, of Bekyswell, Middx John, gent Norf, gent Belbero Monastery, Leics, Thomas, Notting Mellors, Thomas, of prior of; Tabram, Thomas, of ham debt Nottingham, alderman Norton Coknay, gent Suff Coddenham, Thomas, gent Bele, John; Baker, Robert Bele, William; More, Robert; Oke, Soms Ivery, John Barnard Grevyll, Edward, knight, administrator of; (Grevyle, Belknap, Alice, of Weston, Warks, Middx debt John, esq) widow Belle, John, of Framyngham, Suff Aldhous, Robert shoemaker Belle, John, of Saham Tony, butcher; Watson, Thomas, of Swaffham Market, haberdasher; Cressy, John, of Swaffham Market, haberdasher; Browyng, William, of Norf debt Halle, John Sloley, husbandman Bemond, John, of Bungey, husbandman; Waren, Robert, of Suff debt Johnson, Alice, widow Sybeton, husbandman Bemond, Robert, of Stodeham, carpenter; Brewer, William, of Herts Halle, Thomas Gaddesden Magna, husbandman Bemond, Robert, of Stodham, Herts Weller, Richard carpenter Norf debt Dengayn, Henry Bemont, John, of Brunsted, clerk Shrops waste Lawley, Richard Benbowe, Thomas Bendebowe, Richard, of Stoke on Terne, husbandman; Porter, John, of Stoke on Terne, husbandman Benet alias Shethe, Thomas, of Hengrave, Suff, husbandman Benet, Benedict 5354 d Shrops Deyke, Humphrey 4743 f 5951 d London debt Kent 5837 d Sussex 6513 d Devon 6513 d Devon 6209 d Herefs Blaunchard, George Thaccher, Thomas Parson, Thomas; Margaret his wife, daughter of Agate, Roger Benet, John Crosse, Robert, of Tyverton, Benet, John, of Crukehorne, Soms, senior merchant Benet, John, of Crukehorne, Soms, Whytyng, William, of merchant; Bury, Elias, of Tyverton, Kentysbeare, merchant merchant Benet, Resum, of Homlacy, Bromwyche, Thomas husbandman 4750 f London debt 5919 d London 4139 f London debt 5478 d London 5096 f Berks debt Merchant, John, of London, merchant tailor Paletyn, John, of London, goldsmith Busby, John, of Burforde, executors of; (Pynne, Thomas, gent; Elizabeth his wife) Benet, John, of London, grocer Awdelett, John, of Barton juxta Abenden, esq London debt 5591 d Wilts 4541 f 3965 f 3965 f Kent Lincs Lincs debt replevin replevin 6207 d Cornw 4669 f Kent Croke, Robert Leffe, John, master of All trespass: close Saints College, Maydeston Suff Benet, William, of Redborowe, Glos, clothier Benet, William, rector of Corseley, Wilts Benett, John, of Newbery, clothier; Pratty, Robert,of Chedylworth, husbandman Screvyn, Thomas, of London, salter, executor of; (Walles, Benett, Robert, of New Wyndesore, Richard, of London, salter) Berks, gent or brewer Benger, John, of Alton, Button, William husbandman 4539 f 5433 d Benet, Robert, of New Wyndesore, Berks, gent or brewer Benet, William, of Hastyngys, Sussex, yeoman Clerk, Robert Mercer, John Mercer, John Blakman, Robert Bengowre, Richard, of Dovar, clerk Bennet, William, of Holbech Bennet, William, of Holbech Benocke, John, of Mynster, yeoman; Pollye, Richard, of Mynster, husbandman Benskyn, Roger, of Wyttersham, husbandman Benson, Leonard, of Stowmarket, smith; Wyndowte, John, of Bardewell, yeoman; Clerke, William, of Magna Hornyngeserth, husbandman; Hawkyn, Edmund, of Bury St Edmunds, haberdasher; Charke, John, of Newmarket, smith 5991 d London 4271 f Hants 4319 f Yorks 4495 f Bentley, John, of Upoterye, clerk Bentley, Thomas, of Dunstable, Beds, yeoman Benton, Christopher, of Fakenham, Norf debt Speke, Edward, husbandman dyer Benton, Christopher, of Fakenham, dyer; Paynot, John, of Skulthorp, baker; Heward, John, of Norf Spek, Edward Fakenham, shoemaker Benyamyn, John, of Fokyngton, husbandman; Custrell, Agnes, of Hethefeld, widow; Selherst, Margaret, of Hethfeld, widow; Andrewe, George, of Hethfeld, Sussex trespass Bannester, John, esq laborer Berdall, William, of Eggestowe, Derbs trespass: taking Cruch, John North Wynfeld, husbandman Berde, William, of Failley, Bucks Berde, Matilda, widow husbandman 5927 d 4902 f 6249 d 3931 f 4430 f 5658 d Dey, Henry Benson, Thomas, of Kynges Langley, Herts, yeoman; Nelson, Thomas, of Abbottes Langley, Herts, yeoman Bensted, William, of Chydden, husbandman debt Coope, Stephen, gent trespass: close Bentley, Richard account as Swan, William, clerk, executor Devon receiver of; (Browne, John) Mildnale, William, of London, London draper 5329 d Hants 5245 f London debt 6558 d London 5732 d Devon 4826 f London debt 5155 f London debt Bulle, Thomas, gent, son of Bulle, John Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Morcome, John, executors of; (Cavell, Richard; Thomasine his wife) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer 5534 d Derbs Busby, Thomas 4269 f Wilts debt Toker, Richard 4611 f Wilts debt Toker, Richard 5725 d Devon Prust, Hugh Bentley, Edward, of Shelffe, collier Berkeley, William, esq; Bulkeley, Robert, esq; Mattestone, Thomas, esq; Ryngewode, John, esq; Bulkeley, Charles, esq; Guldeforde, Stephen; Clerke, John Berne, John, of Great Yarmouth, merchant Berne, John, of Great Yarmouth, merchant Bert, Hugh, of Kyrton, butcher Bertley alias Wexham, Thomas, of Yarmouth, merchant Bertley alias Wexham, Thomas, of Yermouth, Norf, merchant Berysford, John, of Bradley Asshe, gent Besaunte, John, of Bere, Dorset, husbandman Besaunte, John, of Bere, Dorset, husbandman Besconby, Thomas, of Kylkehaunton, Cornw, husbandman 4885 f 5661 d Cornw Wilts debt Trengoff, Henry, gent Machyn, Thomas 4304 f Yorks debt Symson, William, of Halyfax 4330 f Soms trespass: close 4926 f Norf debt 5848 d Suff 6542 d Devon 5620 d Norf 5189 f Suff trespass: close 4216 f Norf debt 4648 f Surrey debt 5049 f 4582 f London debt trespass: Kent assault 5644 d Norf 6063 d Warks 4272 f 4770 f Wilts trespass: close Newcas tle on Tyne trespass: close 5111 f Kent 4184 f London debt 4118 f Middx 4883 f Herefs 3940 f Lincs 5714 d Yorks debt Bessard, Thomas, of St Maryewyke, husbandman Best, Edmund Best, Richard, of Ovenden, clothier Bether, Walter, of Hengstrige, Rogers, Edward, esq "cornhoker" Styward, Augustine, of Beton, Edmund, of Norwich, organ Norwich, alderman maker Benyngfeld, Thomas, knight; Bette, Robert, of Bardwell, Alice his wife husbandman Betty, William, of Torriton Magna, Cole, Thomas chaplain Bettys, James, of Westwyke, Aleyn, John, of Lammes worsted weaver Dertford Priory, Kent, prioress Bettys, Richard, of Wasshebrooke, of yeoman Watson, Richard; Gybson, Bettys, Thomas, senior, of Great William Yarmouth, merchant Beulley or Benlley, Thomas, of Hynd, Robert, of London, Dunstable, Beds, gent; Dynsey, haberdasher John, of Bedford, husbandman Melton, John, of Aston, Yorks, Bevar, William, of Kyngesclere, knight Hants, yeoman Beveryche, John, of Farneborough, Stake, John pulter Bevys, John, of Wechyngham St Beles, Edmund Faith, husbandman Bewffo, John, of Empscott, esq, executrix of; (Beawfo, Elizabeth, of Ferrers, Edward, knight Mylverton, widow) Bewley, Ambrose, of Al Cannyngys, Wylkys, John husbandman Davell, Robert, Master of Hospital of Virgin Mary, West Bewyk, Andrew, of Newcastle on Spytall Tyne, merchant Bewyk, Peter, of Newcastle on Turnbull, Thomas Tyne, merchant Beyn, Brian, rector of Kylvyngton, Brabyn, William, clerk Yorks Beynam, Thomas, of Iron Acton, Pymme, Thomas, gent Glos, clothier Beysey, Richard, of Bromyord, Smyth, Richard laborer debt trespass: killing animal account as bailiff Clerk, Albrida, widow Birde, Edward, of Lincoln, yeoman Birde, Robert, of Essyngton, husbandman; Byrd, William, of Essyngton, husbandman; Byrde, Stephen, of Domlaton, husbandman; Tomson, John, of Essyngton, husbandman; Yonge, Stafford, Henry, Lord Stafford George, of Essyngton, miller 5361 d Lincs 4849 f London debt Beyston, John Brereton, William, groom of the chamber 5733 d Devon Holbeme, John 6039 d Marsshe, James 5918 d Kent Notting ham Rowse, Thomas Birkys, John, of Pynchebek, husbandman; Austen, Richard, of Multon, husbandman Biron, John, of Colwike, Notts, Notts, knight Blacall, John, of Litelhempston, butcher Blachynden, Edward; Herying, Robert Blakden, Ralph, of Gryngley; Margaret his wife 6495 d Soms huett, Andrew Blake, John, of Wellyngton, laborer 6408 d Berks Vachell, Thomas, gent 6038 d Kent Rogers, William 6193 d Worcs Guibbs, Robert 5064 f Herts 3919 f London debt Carre, John 6398 d Cornw Kyllyowe, Edmund 6210 d Cornw Kyllyowe, Edmund 4322 f Yorks 6276 d London 4256 f Bucks 6260 d Norf 4134 f Suff trespass: close Hawkyn, John debt debt common recovery Milforth, Thomas FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster; Conyngisby, John, esq, receiver general; Wygston, Roger, esq, receiver Gybson, George, executors of; (Moyser, William; Joan his wife) Wryght, John, of Massyngham Magna, shepherd Blomevyle, John, clerk; Woodhous, Henry, clerk; Sherebroke, Cuthbert Blake, Robert, of Redyng, clothier; Clerke, Richard, of redyng, baker Blakman, Edmund, of Shorham, husbandman Blankett, Richard, of Bromesgrove, miller; Hancok, Richard, of Bromesgrove, tanner; Palmer, William, of Caldecott Hill, husbandman; Hemmyng, William, of Haseler, Warks, husbandman; Hemmyng, Robert, of Haseler, husbandman Blaunchesflower, Thomas, of Storford, tiler Bleke, Thomas, of Mettecomb, Dorset, butcher; Aysshe, William, of Compton Abbas, Dorset, yeoman Blenett, John, of John, of Michiell Stowe, husbandman Blevett, John, of Mychyell, husbandman Blewytt, Thomas, of Medley, shoemaker; Ward, Robert, of Medlay, yeoman Blokke, Thomas, of Tutbury, Staffs, yeoman; Alkoke, John, of Hanbury, Staffs, yeoman Blokley alias Adkyns, Thomas, of Bukyngham, yeoman Blomefeld, George, of Dunham Parva, husbandman Blomevyle, Edward, esq 4834 f 4466 f 3973 f Middx Suff Staffs 3973 f Staffs 5185 f Staffs 5394 d Staffs 4587 f Derbs 4588 f Leics 4845 f Middx Blomevyle, John, clerk; recognisance, Wodhous, Henry, clerk; writ of entry Sherebroke, Cuthbert concord Blomevyle, Edward, esq replevin Morley, Thomas Gem, John; Grene, Andrew; Morley, Thomas; Stybbys, replevin John Burton on Trent Abbey, trespass: close William, abbot of Burton on Trent Abbey, William, abbot of Tyrrell, John, of Heron, esq; Broun, John, esq; Fermour, common Richard; Broun, William; recovery Blount, Walter Tyrrell, John, of Heron, esq; Broun, John, esq; Fermour, common Richard; Broun, William; recovery Blount, Walter recognisance, writ of entry Tyrrell, John, of Heron, esq; Broun, John, of London, esq; Fermour, Richard; Broun, William; Blount, Walter Tyrrell, John, of Heron, esq; Broun, John, of London, esq; Fermour, Richard; Broun, William; Blount, Walter 4845 f Middx recognisance, writ of entry 4439 f Warks debt 4624 f London debt 4416 f Warks 5912 d Norf 4023 f Suff 6504 d Suff 4106 f Norf 5415 d Staffs Yardeley, Hugh Bowthe, Humphrey, of Whitmore, Staffs, gent trespass: taking Veysey, William, gent Wryght, John, of Massyngham Magna, shepherd Ravyn, Thomas, senior, of debt Nedeham Markett Jacob, Thomas covenant Browne, John Ward, Edmund Blomevyle, Edward, of Newton Fletman, Norf, esq Blomevyle, John, clerk Blount, John Blount, John, gent Blount, John, of Burton on Trent, gent Blount, John, of Burton on Trent, gent Blount, William, knight Blount, William, knight Blount, William, knight, Lord Mountioy Blount, William, knight, Lord Mountioy Blounte, Thomas, of Pollesworth, husbandman Blounte, Walter, of Blounte Hall, Staffs, gent Blounte, William, of Barsewell, husbandman Blumfeld, George, of Dunham Parva, husbandman Blyaunt, Richard, of Ryngsell, esq Blyaunt, Richard, of Ryngsell, gent; Pole, Anthony, of Brysett, gent; Laundy, Thomas, of Ryngsell, yeoman; Felde, John, of Ryngsell, husbandman; Busshe, Walter, of Ryngsell, yeoman Blyaunt, Richard, of Ryngsell, Suff, esq Blythe, Henry; Margery his wife; Flynt, Joan 6232 d Norf Clerke, John 5109 f Devon debt Burdon, Nicholas 4341 f Devon debt Burdon, Nicholas 5086 f Herefs trespass: close Habyngton, Richard, senior 4670 f Sussex debt 4996 f London debt 4974 f Cornw 5524 d Kent 6502 d 6086 d Suff Lincs 6152 d London Elys, John, junior Fyssher, William trespass: close Kendall, William, esq trespass: abduction concord 3932 f 3928 f Lincs Surrey 4437 f London debt 4726 f London debt 4202 f 5815 d Kent Warks 5714 d Yorks 5868 d 4547 f Devon Bucks 6355 d London 6404 d Oxon debt replevin Upton, Stephen Wylson, Richard; Agnes his wife Ladde, John Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk Spaldyng Priory, Thomas, prior of Posyer, William Smyth, William, of London, mercer Abram, Thomas, senior, of London, leather seller Blythe, Robert, of Colney, laborer; Bolton, John, of Bowthorp, smith; Shymmyng, John, of Heverlond, laborer Bobych, William, of Thornbury, husbandman Bobych, William, of Thornbury, husbandman; Sperke, Humphrey, of Rattre, butcher Bocher, Roger, of Ersett, cooper; Agnes his wife; Bocher, Thomas, of Ersett, cooper Bocher, Thomas, of Ponte Robert, shoemaker Bockay, James, rector of Hartley, Hants; Barley, Reginald, of West Shyrbourne, Hants, yeoman Boddy, John, of Lanrack, laborer; Dony(?), John, of Quethyacke, husbandman; Symon, John, of Quethyacke, tanner Bodyll, William, of Osprynge, husbandman Bogas, William, of Edwardstone, clothmaker Bogge, William Boice, Thomas, of Ipswich, mariner Boland, Richard, of Pynchebek, husbandman Boleney, James Boleyn, Edward, of Brakynessh, Norf, knight Boleyn, Edward, of London, knight Bolle, Richard, of Chartham, ap Res, Griffin, gent husbandman Ferrers, Edward, knight Bolt, William, of Leicester, gent Bolton Priory, Richard, prior of; Gascoigne, William, senior, Redmayn, Richard, esq; Clerk, knight Thomas, chaplain Boly, Walter, of Lytelhempston, butcher; Cole, Roger, of Hurberton, butcher; Wyllyng, Robert, of Ford, John Hurberton, butcher Abbott, William Bonam, John; Brokell, Richard Hampton, William, of London, Bonam, Thomas, of Detford, Kent, skinner, executors of; yeoman; Andrewes, William, (Myldnall, William; Joan his senior, of Lytyll Mondon, Herts, wife) yeoman Hyde, William, of Densworth, esq; Apowell, Edmund, of Bonar, Thomas, of Henton, New Wyndesore husbandman Morland, George, Bonde, James, of Wynterborne, churchwarden of Wynterborne husbandman Bonde, John, of London, gent; Preste, John, of London, Canuncle, John, of Est grocer Grenewyche, Kent, yeoman Bonde, John, of London, gent; Preste, John, of London, Canuncle, John, of Est grocer Grenewyche, Kent, yeoman 6194 d Glos 4148 f London debt 5019 f London debt 5718 d Soms 5751 d Soms Bythemor, Richard Macys, Robert, clerk, executor of; (Hawkyns, Robert) 5761 d Essex Barkley, Michael, gent 5983 d Oxon 5611 d 5746 d 4149 f Beds Devon Devon debt 5220 f Norf debt 6276 d London 4900 f Norwich debt 6390 d Essex 5531 d Kent 4122 f London debt 4913 f Norf debt Bonde, John, of South Brent, clerk Bondvylle, Guy, of Woode, Knolle, gent Bonefaunt, Anthony, of London, haberdasher Lupton, Thomas; Bradshawe, Henry; Bosse, John; FitzWater, Richard; Smyth, Boner, Thomas, of Henton, Lawrence; Stevyns, John husbandman Bonham, Thomas, of Newport Grove, Henry; Page, Richard Panell, Bucks, husbandman Fonell, Thomas, esq Bonvyle, Humphrey, esq Hull, John, gent Bonyfaunt, John, of exeter, gent Myght, Hugh, of Necton, Bonyng, Robert, of Necton, husbandman, executor of; husbandman; Akyrley, Richard, of (Stele, Henry) Houghton, husbandman FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster; Conyngisby, John, Booby, Robert, of Myrchyngton, esq, receiver general; Staffs, yeoman; Burdon, William, of Wigston, Roger, esq, receiver Merchinton, yeoman Borell, Stephen, of Wymondham, yeoman; Mundy, John, of Magna Fermour, Henry, knight Byrcham, husbandman Borford, Peter, of Berkyng, butcher; Grey, Thomas, of London, Burford, John, of Berkyng, grocer husbandman Borne, James, of Newenham, Castlok, William, of husbandman, bailiff of archbishop Faversham, beer brewer of Canterbury Borough, Henry, of the Cardinal's househld, gent, executrix of; Gryslyng, William, of London, (Borough, Katherine, of London, mercer widow) Borough, John, of Water Lambeth, Surrey, yeoman; Harlewyn, John, of Fakenham, yeoman; Alee, Edward, of Bokenham, Kent, gent; Lancastr, Christine, of Feltewell, Richard, chaplain of Westminster, widow and St Paul, London embroiderer 4709 f Borough, Ralph, of Kyngisclere, Hants, yeoman; Donce, Richard, of Tuke, Brian, knight; Englefeld, Morecourte, Hants, gent; Mondy, Thomas, knight, justice; William, of Colberton, Hants, London debt Paulett, William, knight yeoman Powdyche, John, chaplain; Wellys, Thomas, gent; Bateman, Richard, of Marmondefen; Oldmedowe, Borough, Thomas, of Upwell, Norf Godfrey Cams, laborer Wynter, Thomas, clerk, London debt archdeaconry of Richemond Borowe, Henry, of York, tailor Howard, Thomas, Duke of Borrowe, William of Great London Norfolk, treasurer of England Yarmouth, merchant Nykolys, Reginald, executor Borthey, Alexander, of Borthey Cornw debt of; (Nycholas, Otho) Bruyn, St Guedreo, gent Bosewe, John, of Farnburowgh, Herts trespass: close Nedam, James Kent, collier Ravyn, Thomas, senior, of Suff Nedeham Markett Bossale, Robert, of Ryngsell, clerk Cornw John, Margaret; Harry, Alice Bostawen, John Bosytheown, John, of St Mewen, husbandman; Laa, Richard, of St Blasyn, husbandman; Benet, Richard, of St Blasyn, husbandman; Kerne, John, senior, of Luxilian, husbandman; Roger, Walter, of St Sampson, Benet, John, of Brodecke, husbandman; Nuttell, Robert, of executor of; (Benet, John, Lostwythyell, laborer; Knyght, John, Cornw chaplain) of Bodmyn, butcher Kellyfet, Thomas, of London, Boteler, John, abbot of Real Valle London merchant tailor Abbey, Cheshire Staffs trespass: close Rigeley, William Bothe, William, of Heyhed, gent Bothomley, Robert, of Stoke juxta Notts debt Palmer, Nicholas Newark, husbandman Botolf, Robert, of London, Botolf, John, of Hemysby, Norf, London debt grocer gent Botolff, Robert, of London, Botolff, John, of Hemysby, Norf, London grocer gent Botrell, Thomas, of Edelmeton, Middx Atwodd, Edward, gent gent Palmer, Ralph, rector of Botsweyn, John, of Leysstoft, Suff, Norf Hedneham baker Robynson, George, of Bottler, John, of Wulverhampton, London debt London, mercer STaffs, mercer Botwyn, John, of Lowestofte, Bumpsted, William; Wyllet, baker; Drower, Thomas, of Suff Robert Lowestofte, merchant Boughton, William, of Newbolte, Middx debt Ulveston or Ulneston, John Warks, esq; Elizabeth his wife 5348 d Chamber, John, dean of Bound, John, of Est Grenewiche, College of St Mary and St Kent, gent, son of Bounde, William, Stephen, Westminster Palace of Thorp, Surrey, gent 5139 f 6258 d 5254 f 6463 d 4879 f 5065 f 5453 d 5972 d 6297 d 5787 d 4001 f 4440 f 4074 f 5811 d 6520 d 6252 d 5098 f 6501 d London 6120 d London 5428 d Yorks 4378 f 6518 d Norf Devon debt 4638 f Surrey trespass 5466 d Suff Chamber, John, dean of Bound, John, of Est Grenewiche, College of St Mary and St Kent, gent, son of Bounde, William, Stephen, Westminster Palace of Thorp, Surrey, gent Boundfeld, William, of Hornesey, Hornclyff, Robert shoemaker Bourdon, Henry, of Rowghtwell, Nhants, innkeeper; Croxton, James, of Sutton, Lincs, Leyghton, Thomas, of Bishop husbandman; Leder, Thomas, of Lyne Thorneham, smith Seyntclere, John Boureman, John Bourghchyer, John, knight, Lord Nerners; Waverley Abbey, John, Owen, David, knight abbot of Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Bourghchyer, John, of Thomas, esq) Westminster, knight, Lord Berners 6516 d Soms 5986 d Suff 3964 f Lincs 6531 d London Rolle, George, gent London Bowdon, William, of Chelmesford, Essex, haberdasher; Myldmay, Core, John, of London, grocer John, of Chelmesford, apothecary 5341 d London Bowdon, William, of Chelmesford, haberdasher; Myldmay, John, of Core, John, of London, grocer Chelmesford, apothecary 6370 d London Lye, William, of London, haberdasher 6363 d debt Philips, Thomas Dogett, Richard, of Grotton, clothier More, Robert, vicar of Donyngton, administratrix of; (Whalley, Alice, widow) Bovett, Peter, of Byndam, Dorset, miller; Rayson, Thomas, of Stoke under Hamdon, husbandman; Bradfford, Thomas, of Ilchester, miller; Wallys, Willliam, of Stoke under Hamdon, husbandman; Harrys, John, of Mylton, Dorset, husbandman Bovylle, Richard, of London, merchant Bovyngton, Richard, of Aylesbury, Bucks, husbandman Bowde, William, of Southanton, Devon, tucker; Peerson, John, junior, of Westhorp, Suff, brickmaker; Lelgrave, William, of London, gent Bowdon, William, of Chelmysford, Essex, haberdasher 5657 d 5679 d 4467 f 4309 f 5669 d 5241 f 5837 d 5911 d 6297 d 4654 f 5660 d 5487 d 4787 f 5048 f 4428 f Bowelles, John, of Princes Rysborough, mercer; Skytwell, Edmund, of Princes Rysborough, Bucks Hales, Richard butcher Bowes, Christopher, of Angram Yorks Barbone, Robert, clerk Graunge, yeoman Yorks concord Huddeswell, Christopher Bowes, Richard, esq Bowley, Brian, of Abberforth, Yorks trespass: close Copley, John yeoman Bowman, Thomas, of Deverell Langbrygge, yeoman; Dowdale, John, of of Deverell Langbrygge, Wilts Barter, Robert smith Bowmer, William, of London, knight; Delaryver, Thomas, of Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Bransby, Yorks, esq; of the chamber; Englefeld, Strangwysshe, Richard, of Soreby, Thomas, knight, justice; Yorks, esq; Fox, James, of Soreby, London debt Paulett, William, knight gent Rogerson, Robert; Juliana his Kent wife Bowrman, Willam Bowryng, Thomas, of Dypford, Devon Cholgewyche, Elias husbandman Bowyer, John, of Penryn, Cornw Gabrygan, John, gent husbandman Bowyer, John, of Petworth, gent; Skynner, Richard, of Horsham, Sussex trespass: taking Robkyn, George smith Boyde, William, of Edyngton, Wilts Lambe, Aldelum husbandman Boyghay, Robert, of Alfreton, Notts, husbandman; Mary his wife, alias Style, William, of Revell, Mary, of Baysforth, Notts, Middx Westminster, innholder widow Grene, John, executors of; (Jones, Thomas; Elizabeth his Boyse, Richard, parson of St Mary Soms debt wife) at Porte, Bristol Gest, Thomas, of London, Boyvyll, Richard, of London, London debt draper merchant tailor Brabazon, John, of Wolston, Notting Whetell, Thomas, of Estwell; Warks, gent, son of Brabazon, ham debt Agnes his wife William, of Estwell, esq 5115 f Hunts 5833 d Staffs 5699 d York debt Blasseton, Marmaduke, of Cambridge, gent, executors of (Thomson, Edward, of Bracy, Richard, of Cambridge, Cambridge; Margery his wife) draper Bradbury, Roger, of Elford, husbandman; Russell, William, of Wistowe, John, of Tamworth Yoxall, butcher Bradford, Bartholomew, of Bormeton, Northumb, gent; Bradford, Rowland, of Toggilhall, Lawson, George, knight Northumb, gent 5013 f London debt Folyngton, William, of London, Bradford, Brian, of Standeley, draper Yorks, gent 4265 f Bucks London, John, warden of St trespass: close Mary College, Oxford 3893 f Bucks trespass: close London, John, clerk 5082 f Suff debt 4722 f Cornw Buknam, Richard Donacome, John; Hillary his wife, widow of Trotte, Bartholomew Bradford, Thomas, of Nasshe, Whaddon, husbandman; Daunser, Richard, of Nasshe, Whaddon, husbandman; Kyng, Thomas, of Nasshe, Whaddon, husbandman; Missenden, Thomas, of Nasshe, Whaddon, husbandman; Wyndelborowe, Thomas, of Nasshe, Whaddon, husbandman Bradford, Thomas, of Nasshe, Whaddon, husbandman; Kyng, Thomas, of Nasshe, Whaddon, husbandman; Myssenden, Thomas, of Nasshe, Whaddon Bradlawe alias Jacobbe, Joan, of Wykham Markett, widow; Bradlawe alias Jacobbe, John, of Wykham Markett, husbandman; Game, William, of Yoxford, husbandman; Nicoll, Robert, of Yoxford, husbandman Bradley, John; Joan his wife 6293 d Notts 5141 f London debt Bradley, Thomas, of North Muskeham, husbandman; Walker, John, of North Muskeham, clerk; Rote, Thomas, of North Atkynson, John, of North Muskeham, yeoman Muskeham, pewterer Bradshagh, Thomas, of Bewsey, Lyster, Richard, chief baron of Lancs, gent; Wyrsley, Thomas, of the Exchequer Knottyshall, Suff, yeoman Staffs Normelsell alias Normansell, Richard, of Weston, miller 3969 f Staffs debt Normelsell alias Normansell, Richard, of Weston, miller 4027 f Suff debt May, John 5189 f 6118 d Suff Herts debt Waren alias Baker, John, of Sudbury, grocer Clerke, George 5836 d Bradshawe, Henry, of Donyngton, Salop, husbandman; Smyth, John, of Muckelston, Salop, husbandman Bradshawe, Henry, of Donyngton, Salop, husbandman; Smyth, John, of Muckulston, Salop, husbandman Bradwaye, William, of Stowmarkett, innkeeper Bragge, Nicholas, of Belcham Wyllyam, Essex, yeoman; Abbott, John, of Magna Ornard, yeoman; Parker, Ralph, of Magna Ornard, husbandman Bramfeld, John 4859 f Glos debt 4853 f London debt 6176 d London 5614 d London Hoskyns, Henry Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Scrase alias Hyde, John, of London, vingtner, executor of; (Hilton, Richard, of London, vintner) Bramfeld, William, of Cheltenham, yeoman; Browne, John, of Stonehouse, clerk; Bateman, Lawrence, of Kyrby Kendall, Westmor, draper; Waveley, Thomas, of Cukelady, Wilts, yeoman; Corke, Richard, of Cukelady, shoemaker Brampton, Robert, of Hyllyngton, Norf, gent Brampton, Thomas, of Hyllyngton, gent Bramston, Roger, of London, clerk 4097 f Strase alias Hyde, of London, vintner, executor of; (Hylton, London debt Richard, of london, vintner) Bramston, Roger, of London, clerk Bran(?), Robert, executors of; Birdlyngton Priory, William, (Syssell, David, of Witham, Lincs, Yorks debt prior of yeoman; Mary his wife) Branche, Edward, of Harham, Norf Glover, William turner Yorks replevin Knarisburghe, Richard Brande, John; Haye, William Brandon, Edmund, of Byker, Lincs assumpsit Thakker, John husbandman Branker, Thomas, of Thornton, Dorset debt Lovell, William husbandman Branston, Richard, of Sprongston, Suff Spryng, John, esq husbandman Grey, John, of Horsham St Brasfeld, John, of Spyxwyth, Norf Faith, gent husbandman Brasfyld, William, of Homyngton, husbandman; Brasfyld, Nicholas, of Homyngton, husbandman; Basselyn, Edmund, of Homyngton, Wilts trespass: close Lane, John husbandman Sheryngham, Robert, of Old Brassefeld, John, of Spyxworth, Norf debt Walsyngham husbandman 5076 f Herts 5763 d 5028 f 4192 f 6254 d 4293 f 3910 f 5183 f 6502 d 5986 d 3923 f debt Ponchon, William Braughyng, Richard, of Ware, gent Herts Punchon, William 6452 d London Hales, Christopher 6453 d London Hales, Christopher Braughyng, Richard, of Ware, gent Bray, Edmund, knight, of Eton, Beds, Lord Braye Bray, Edmund, knight, of Eton, Beds, Lord Braye 4137 f Suff 6411 d Berks common recovery 4821 f 6302 d London debt Devon 4650 f Sussex debt 5274 f London debt 5275 f London debt 6446 d London 5867 d Norwich 6424 d Devon 4085 f London debt 5081 f Suff 6333 d Cams 4873 f Cornw 5849 d Cornw 5943 d 6397 d Essex Cornw 4873 f Cornw 5775 d Essex 5551 d Lincs 5482 d London 5384 d Lincs debt execution debt account as bailiff Browne, Mathew, knight; Gulford, Edward, knight; Gage, John, knight; Sherley, Richard, knight; Gulford, George, esq; Browne, Henry, esq; Sherley, Thomas, esq; Andrews, Richard, esq; Bray, Reginald, esq Bray, Edward, knight Mathewe, John, vicar of Hanyngdon Bray, John, of Shrevenham, gent Valentyne, John; Bucok, Richard, collectors of customs Braye, Richard, of Gret Wakeryng, and subsidies at Ipswich Essex, mariner Marrys, Francis Brayne, Philip, of Exeter, tailor Bredman, Robert, vicar of Edsawe, John Fetilworth Weston, Richard, knight, Bredon, Andrew, of Pecham, under-treasurer Sussex, yeoman Weston, Richard, knight, Bredon, John, of Peccham, under-treasurer Sussex, yeoman Owen, David, chaplain of Brekenden, William, of Tenterden, Shyryngtons Chantry Kent, yeoman Brown, Robert, of Norwich, Bremer, Nicholas, of Bungey, Suff, mercer mercer Amydas, John; Master, Brent alias Stevyn, Thomas, of Walter; Master, Thomas Calstok, Cornw, franklyn Brereton, John, of London, clerk, Melsham, John, of London, master of St Barts Hospital, West gent Smithfeld Harvy, John, of Sudbury, Breten, John, of Hadley, merchant, clothmaker, executor of; executor of; (Breten, John, of (Harvy, Elizabeth, widow) Hadley, clothmaker) Breten, William, of Dullyngham, Lynton, Elizabeth, widow clerk Breton, John William, of Helston John, Henry, chaplain Burgh, weaver Breton, John William, of Helston John, Henry, chaplain Burgh, weaver Brett, Denise, widow, executor of; (Wryght, John, of Brendwod, Newland, Joan, widow brewer) Beamond, Henry, esq Brette, John, of St Vepe, yeoman Beamont, Henry, esq Brette, John, of St Vepe, yeoman Bretten, John, of Est Barthold, Suff, Bocher, John butcher Croyland Abbey, John, abbot Bretten, William, parson of Toft St of Guthlac Johnson, Richard, of London, Brewerton, John, master of St yeoman Barts Hospital, West Smythfeld Roos, Richard; Francis his Brewster, John, of Willoughby juxta wife Alford, carpenter 4831 f London debt 6003 d Kent 5174 f London debt 5118 f London debt execution 4908 f Norf 5737 d Devon 5970 d London debt Hughes, John, of London, gent Brian, Francis, of Est Grenewyche, Kent, knight Hayns, George Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Lok, William, of London, mercer Brigges, Edward, of Detford, smith Bright, Walter, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, mariner Brikehed, Gilbert, of Wakefeld, Yorks, clothman Marsham, James Byrtfyld, John, chaplain Dadyngton, Robert, of London, administrator of; (Gressent, William, of London, haberdasher) 5800 d Derbs Cruch, Stephen 5031 f London debt Aleyn, John, knight, of London, alderman 6396 d Yorks 4962 f Middx 4719 f 4466 f 4466 f 6376 d 4991 f debt Crawe, John; Crawe, William Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England Goryng, William, knight; Covert, Richard, esq; Sussex trespass: close Greneway, William Walsyngham, John; Anne his Warks concord wife Hoo, Richard; Katherine his wife; Walsyngham, John; Warks concord Anne his wife Moreton, Richard, administrator of; (Whitehande, Herts Henry) Bolte, Robert, of London, London debt mercer Britiff, John, junior, of Bysteley juxta Amerynghale, husbandman; Brytiff, Robert, of Fornesett, husbandman; Wale, Andrew, of Framyngham, husbandman; John, of Framyngham, husbandman Broche, William, of Swembrege, yeoman Brodde, John, of Stowe Magna, Hunts, yeoman Brodehurst, Thurstan, of Over Haddon, husbandman; Hochynson, Edmund, of Over Haddon, husbandman; Smyth, Nicholas, of Over Haddon, husbandman Broderar, William, of Great Yarmouth, yeoman; Jurden, Richard, of Marbulton, Sussex, clothier; Hamond, John, of Bydenden, Kent, clothier; Gryse, Gilbert, of Great Yarmouth, yeoman Brodyng, William, of Beverley, tanner; Crawe, Thomas, of Beverley, yeoman Broke, Henry, of London, gent Broke, John, of Uckefeld, laborer; Wood, William, of Uckefild, laborer; Duplake, Alexander, of Isfeld, laborer; Nocke, William, of Parva Horsted, minstrell Broke, Ralph Broke, Ralph; Elizabeth his wife Broke, Thomas, of Rugge, clerk Broke, William, of Okyngham, Berks, yeoman 5008 f Middx 3915 f Suff 4056 f London 5339 d 3901 f Staffs Leics 6255 d Norf 3928 f Surrey 4674 f Kent 4892 f Herefs 5471 d London 4054 f Hunts 4650 f Sussex 6329 d Hunts 6322 d Essex 4668 f Kent 6291 d London 5097 f Surrey 4996 f London 5824 d Cumber Brokeshawe, Leonard, of Linclon, Sylvester, Thomas, master of barber; Foote, John, of St Cornelius Guild, Westminster, weaver; Wyllasyll, Westminster; Hays, Henry; Henry, of Ryssheton, Lancs, Creketoft, William, wardens of yeoman; Docworth, Thomas, of debt St Cornelius Guild Ryssheton, yeoman Spryng, Thomas, of Lavenham, gent, executor of; Broket, Edward, of Whethampsted, debt (Jermyn, Thomas, esq) Herts, esq Brokyng, William, of London, gent; Davy, Thomas, of Crambroke, debt Lewkenor, John, gent Kent, yeoman Brokys, William, of Burton on Trent, Foster, John image maker replevin Turvile, William, knight Brokysby, Richard Brome, William, of Multon, Bredlaugh, Edmund carpenter Felipp, William; Alice his wife, daughter of Westbroke, concord William Bromham, William Bromley, William, of Wadehurst, debt Kyng, John Sussex, husbandman Monyngton, John; Elizabeth partition his wife Bromwyche, Ralph; Joan his wife Bromwyche, William, of Fyllyppes Harford, Thomas Norton, Soms, clerk Andrew, John; Andrew, debt Matthew Brond, John, of St Neots, baker Bronde, Thomas, of trespass: close Perus, William; Alice his wife Rumbaldyswyke, husbandman Broode, John, of Stewe Longa, Maye, John yeoman Cowyk, William, of London, gent Brooke, Edward, of Maylond, clerk Broughton, John, junior, of Apuldre, debt Colyer, Thomas tailor More, Thomas, knight, chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster; Audley, Thomas, attorney general Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law Bound, William, executors of; (Wellys, Thomas; Margaret Broun, John, of Brundewood, debt his wife) Essex, gent Broun, John, of London, gent; Broun, Alexander, of London, debt Perkyn, Miles skinner Denton, Leonard; Katherine his wife Broun, Richard 4165 f Norf debt 4074 f London debt Bubbyng, John Aleyn, John, of Thetforde, Norf, gent Broun, Richard, of Boyton, yeoman Broun, Robert, of Gosbek, Suff, gent 4901 f Norf debt 6501 d Suff 3966 f Lincs 4377 f Norwich debt 5873 d Middx 4484 f Suff 5367 d Lincs 5976 d Derbs 4015 f Suff debt 4962 f Essex debt 4571 f London debt 5483 d London Man, Richard Bodley, Thomas, of Sowthweld, clerk Debanke, John, rector of Ratlesden Styrley, Miles, of London, mercer 5338 d Beds Elvestowe Abbey, abbess of 4897 f Norf 5973 d 6209 d Surrey Herefs Astabell, James Atkynson, Robert 6376 d Essex Starlyng, John 5371 d Lincs FitzWilliam, John 4080 f Middx replevin debt debt Wode, Thomas Broun, Robert, of Norwich, yeoman; Churche, Thomas, of Rollesby, husbandman; Dorman, Margery, of Rollesby, widow Broun, Thomas, of Pakefeld, mariner Tyllyngham, Thomas, senior Tyndall, William; Skypwyth, William, esq; Littelbury, John, esq; Caywode, William; Wh(?), Richard Broun, William, clerk Broun, William, of Long Stratton, butcher; Dene, John, of Norwich, Rede, Edward, of Norwich, worsted weaver; Prent, Nicholas, of alderman Aylesham, chapman Osboldston, Alexander, Broune, Ewan, of Assheton under knight; Tyldisley, Thurstan Lyne, Lancs, gent Daundy, Robert Burde, John, of Torpell, Ufford, Nhants, esq; Matilda his wife Bagshawe, Thomas, of Ryge, Derbs, gent Atmere, John, of Brandon Fery, merchant trespass: close Wodgat, John Brown, Edmund, of Barkyng, smith Brown, John, of Weston, husbandman Brown, Nicholas, of Marshe, Derbs, gent Brown, Richard, of Bures, shoemaker; Roo, William, of Bures, butcher Browne, John, of Brendwode, gent Browne, Oliver, of Ratlesdon, Suff, rector of Compton, Sussex Browne, Richard, of Pole, Dorset, mercer Browne, Richard, vicar of Stranhouse, Glos Browne, Robert, of Wetyng, husbandman; Mychell, William, of Wetyng, husbandman; Bettys, Thomas, of Ramsey, Hunts, yeoman; Isak, William, of Sporle, husbandman Browne, Roger, of London, mercer Browne, Roger, of Rosse, mercer Browne, Stephen, of Dedham, yeoman; Mannyng, John, of Bury St Edmunds, yeoman Browne, William, of Skydbroke, husbandman Brownfeld, Roger, of West Drayton, gent; Huchyn, William, of West Drayton, husbandman; Salthuns, Thomas, of West Drayton, tailor; Grene, Hugh, of West Drayton, husbandman 4404 f Middx 6354 d London Whyte, Thomas, of London, merchant tailor 5014 f London debt Whyte, Thomas, of London, merchant tailor 5738 d Dorset White, Thomas, of Pole, merchant; Stocker, Thomas, of Pole, merchant 6540 d 4070 f Devon Cams 4969 f London debt 4632 f London debt 5355 d 5332 d 5090 f 3913 f 5631 d 5157 f 5562 d 6219 d 6010 d 5702 d 4468 f trespass: close Wodgat, John debt Fulford, John, clerk, executor of; (Vernay, Richard, gent) Coke, John, of Sharshill More, Thomas, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Audley, Thomas, esq, attorney general, Duchy of Lancaster Brownfeld, Roger, of West Drayton, gent; Salthous, Thomas, of West Drayton, tailor; Grene, Hugh, of West Drayton, husbandman; Huchyn, William, of West Drayton, husbandman Bruche, Richard, of Bruche, Lancs, esq; Halford, George, of Marsshden, Cheshire, gent Bruche, Richard,of Bruche, Lancs, esq; Rysley, Richard, of Wulwyche, Kent, esq Bruer, John, of Charde, Soms, mercer; Trott, John, of Meriott, Soms, mercer; Trewhere alias Spycer, John, of Maydynnewton, mercer Brusy, John, of Tamerton, yeoman Bruyde, John, of Soham, drover Bryan, Francis, of Est Grenewych, Kent, knight Fyloll, Jasper, of London, gent Bryan, Francis, of London, knight Bryan, Thomas, of Barton on Humber, Lincs, gent; Ketchyn, William, of Colby, Lincs, Holmle, William, of York, corn husbandman; Thever, John, of York merchant Saxby, Lincs, husbandman Yate, Simon, of Hyworth, Brydley, Thomas, junior, of Glos Wilts, woolman Estynton, clothier Brygeman, John, of Oxford, mercer; Wylmote, Henry, of Oxford, Oxon trespass: close Wodleffe, John butcher Brygger, William, of Willtham, Sussex trespass: close Purthyng, William laborer Goggeney, Richard, of Bryght, Christopher, of East Norf Snoryng Parva Barsham, hair maker Howard, Thomas, Duke of Bryght, Walter, of Cley juxta Mare, London debt Norfolk, treasurer Norf, mariner Lock, Robert, of London, Brykehed, Gilbert, of Wakefeld, London mercer Yorks, clothman Byrde, Richard, of Wolverley, Brysshewode, Richard, of Worcs husbandman Kedermynster, capper Brystowe, Richard, of Wotton, Surrey Owton, David, knight husbandman Bubwith, Walter, of Bubwith juxta Nostell Priory, Alvered, prior Pountfret, yeoman; Wylcokkys, Yorks of Thomas, of Okynshay, yeoman Bubwyth, Walter, of Pounfret, Berks debt Whyttyls, Thomas Yorks, gent 4201 f Devon 5200 f Soms 4164 f London debt Nall alias Heynoll, Henry Bud, William, of Topsam, merchant Budde, Margaret, of Wellyngton, widow Budde, William, of Toppysham, Devon, merchant London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Bugby, John, of Agarsley, Derbs, gent; Knyght, Roger, of London, gent; Benden, Thomas, of Bodham, Sussex, gent London debt Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Paulett, William, knight Bugby, John, of Agarsley, Derbs, gent; Knyght, Roger, of London, gent; Benden, Thomas, of Bodiam, Sussex, gent London debt Lincs Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Paulett, William, knight Styrtyvaunt, Lawrence Bugby, John, of Agarsley, Derbs, gent; Knyght, Roger, of London, gent; Benden, Thomas, of Bodiam, Sussex, gent Bukbery, Robert 6555 d 5237 f 5251 f 5359 d debt account as receiver Clatworthy att Helth alias Clatfford, John, of Molten 4148 f London debt 6411 d 3907 f Berks Suff debt 4617 f Kent trespass 6342 d London 4763 f 5834 d 6265 d Lincs debt Nhants Leics 4994 f London debt 5997 d Sussex 5412 d Nhants 5499 d Hunts 6410 d Berks 5579 d Norf Kyngeman, John Rowlet, Ralph; Bull, Nicholas; Bukkeley alias Bulkeley, John, of Averell, Henry, wardens of Byrswellgarth, Holdernes, Yorks, Goldsmiths Guild goldsmith Bukler, Thomas, of Sandhurst, Chalfount, William, gent tailor Hawes, John Bukoke, Richard, of London, gent Bulfynche, John, of Elmested, Hardes, Thomas, esq husbandman Rowlet, Ralph; Bull, Nicholas; Averell, Henry, wardens of Bulkeley, John, of Bysswellgarth, Goldsmiths Guild Yorks, goldsmith Bulkyn, John, of Keston, Hunts, Foster, Adam, of Yaxley, gent yeoman Hele, William Bull, Edmund Villers, Christopher, esq Bull, John, of Sewstern, yeoman Bull, William, of Prykelwell, Essex, yeoman, trumpeter of the King's house; Williamson, George, of Lygh juxta Tombrigge, Kent, Nicolson, Christopher, of yeoman; Mason, John, of London, merchant tailor Chichester, clerk Bullacre, Richard, of Amburley, Dawtrey, John, knight gent Bulle, Thomas, of Wykeley, Andrewe, John, of Keteryng husbandman Megg, Thomas, esq; Bulleyn, William, of Fenstanton, Twyforde, Edward, gent smith Bullock, John, of New Wyndesore, Hunderell, John, clerk stationer Cantrell, Ralph; Benett, Henry; Benett, Edmund Bullok, John 6171 d Middx 4300 f Yorks 5190 f Suff Cantrell, Ralph; Benett, Henry; Benett, Edmund Fairfax, Thomas, sergeant at cessavit law Kempe, John; Selvester, William; Heyward, William; trespass: close Man, Thomas; Gold, William 4010 f Suff Kempe, John; Solvester, William; Heyward, William; trespass: close Man, Thomas; Gold, William 4323 f York debt 4819 f London debt 6143 d London 6144 d London 4083 f London debt 5416 d Staffs 5625 d Norwich 5785 d Middx 5460 d Suff 6312 d London 4014 f Suff Bulloke, John; Bulloke, Agnes Bullyng, Christopher, of Tuddenham, yeoman Bullyng, Chrostopher, of Tuddehnam, yeoman; Horseham, Robert, of Tuddenham, yeoman; Elizabeth his wife Palmes, Nicholas Bulmer, Robert, of Levenyng, gent Bulmer, William, of Wylton in Cleveland, Yorks, executors of; Hasylwodde, John, of London, (Bulmer, Ralph, of Marwyke, Yorks, gent; de Caruges, Philip, of knight; Bulmer, William, of Elden, London, gent Durham, knight) Bulmer, William, of Wylton, Cleveland, knight, execugtors of; Hasylwodde, John, of London, (Bulmer, Ralph, of Marwyke, Yorks, gent; de Caruges, Philip, of knight; Bulmer, William, of London, gent Elbenden, Durham, knight) Bulmer, William, of Wylton, Cleveland, knight, execugtors of; Hasylwodde, John, of London, (Bulmer, Ralph, of Marwyke, Yorks, gent; de Caruges, Philip, of knight; Bulmer, William, of London, gent Elbenden, Durham, knight) Bulvan, Thomas, of Cold Norton, Wade, Robert, of Althorn Essex, yeoman Rugge, Richard Rogers, William, of Norwich, grocer debt Bullok, John Bulwardyne, William, of Hethton, Salop, yeoman; Whorwood, Henry, of Babyngton, husbandman Bulwer, Roger, of Woodallyng, yeoman Bumpstede, Robert, of Westminster, gent; Kayle, Richard, Cooke, Paul, of Westminster, of London, vintner; Sudbury, gent Edward, of London, pinner Fastolfe, Thomas, of Bungey, gent, executor of; (Fastolfe, John, junior, gent) Bungey Priory, Cecilia, prioress of Bunse, John, of Otterndon, Kent, husbandman; Rasell, John, of Walsyngham, William, gent Westwell, Kent Buntyng, John, of Bury St Edmunds, parchment maker; Hervy, Edmund; of Bury St Godard, William, of Bury, Edmunds, limeburner; Brown, yeoman; Agnes his wife William, of Cokfeld, carpenter 4907 f Norf trespass: close Goslyng, Robert 5081 f Suff debt 5332 d Glos 4263 f Bucks debt 5609 d 4359 f Middx Devon debt 4907 f Norf Fulmerston, Richard, gent Wykys, Nicholas, esq Bryne, John Goryng, William, knight Kyrkeham, Joan, widow Lome, Simon; Palmer, William; Tery, Edmund; trespass: close Clarke, Ralph Buntyng, Robert, senior, of Framlyngham, husbandman; Buntyng, Robert, junior, of Framlyngham, husbandman; Rychres, Henry, of Framlyngham, laborer Burbank, Hugh, of Tunstall, chaplain Burcombe, John, of Bodyngton, husbandman Burdeaux, John, of Nuport Paynell, shoemaker Burdeth alias Burdok, Henry, of Wotton, Surrey, yeoman Burell, Robert, of Holbeton, esq Burger, Simon, of Cawston, husbandman; Isabel his wife 4654 f Surrey 6338 d London Burgh, Anthony, of London, draper; Burgh, William, of London, gent; Bottrell, Thomas, of Edmonton, Hasylwood, John, of Waltham Middx, gent; Harrys, John, of Holy Cross, Essex, gent Wooxbrege, Middx, gent Burgh, Peter, of Est Hawkeswell, Yorks, gent; Chamber, Henry, of Thornton Steward, Yorks, yeoman; Thursby, Richard, of North Duffeld, Maunsell, William, gent Yorks, gent Lincs Wright, Richard, of Trosstrope, yeoman, executors of; (Wright, James, Burgh, Robert, of Barnalby, clerk; Wright, Thomas) merchant of the staple London debt More, Thomas, knight; Nevile, Burgh, Thomas, of Gaynesborowe, Thomas, knight; Tuke, Brian, Lincs, knight; Hennage, Robert, of knight London, gent London debt Burghe, Peter, of Est Hawkeswell, Yorks, gent; Chamber, Henry, of Thornton Steward, Yorks, yeoman; Thuresby, Richard, of North Duffeld, Yorks, gent 5363 d 5139 f 3899 f debt Maunsell, William, gent Ryperose, Elizabeth, abbess trespass: close of Rumsey Abbey 4273 f Wilts 5371 d Lincs Colston, Giles 5400 d Shrops Mytton, Richard, esq Burgys, Henry, of West Assheton, butcher; Magott, Andrew, of Hylperton, husbandman; Aylyn, Richard, of West Assheton, husbandman; Vare, John, of North Bradley, carpenter Burkell, Robert, of Grylthorp, husbandman Burley, Hugh, of Malast, Ponseburye, gent 5395 d Staffs 5424 d Yorks Burn, Thomas, of Chesterton, Fytton, Randolph, gent; yeoman; Whythall, Robert, of Moreton, John, gent Bygnall, husbandman Burnand, John, of Knaresburgh, Soulby, George, of Ellerton on gent; Donyngton, John, of Swale, gent Eskerigg, gent 5989 d London 4636 f Notts replevin 4634 f Cornw debt 4610 f Yorks 5712 d Yorks 4018 f Suff debt 5187 f Suff debt 5190 f 4417 f 4464 f Suff Warks Devon debt debt concord 5797 d 5199 f Warks Devon debt Burneby, Robert, of London, gent; Appryce, William; Styke, John; Chapleyn, William; Turney, Robert; Chamberleyn, John; Burde, Edward; Court, Daniel; Frankelyn, John; Bysseley, William; Gresseley, Anthony; Villers, Leonard; Bedyk, Richard; Bradshawe, Richard; Sheffeld, Robert; Ardyngton, Henry; Morley, William; Wentworth, John; Elerith, Richard; Stepynton, John; Bothe, Bulstrod, Richard, principal of John; Hutton, John; Stybbyng, Clementys Inne Anthony; Gay, Humphrey; et al Thomson, George; Brokelsby, Robert Burrell, Nicholas Burrowe, John, of Cardenham, Lyttelston, John merchant Clifford, Henry, Earl of Burton, George, of Threpland, Cumberland Burnsall, yeoman Clifford, George, Earl of Burton, George, of Trepland, Cumberland Burnsall, yeoman Smyth, John, of Long Melford, Burton, John, of Long Melford, draper yeoman Burton, John, of Long Melford, Smyth, Richard, of Long yeoman; Jermyn, John, of Melford, clothmaker Stansted, yeoman Burton, John, of Melford, yeoman; Aleyn, Hugh, of Brendylly, baker; Gosse, Robert, of Parva Waldyngfeld, husbandman; Rutlande, Robert, of Myldyng, Hamond, Jonn husbandman Boughton, Henry, gent Burton, John, of Rokeby, butcher Davy, John; Avice his wife Bury, John, of Colaton, esq Ingram, John Busby, Richard, of Long Compton, husbandman; Hewes, John, of Long Compton, husbandman; Dey, Richard, of Long Compton, laborer; Puller, George, of Todnam, Glos, husbandman Hargest, Walter Busby, Robert of Chypyng Norton, Oxon, yeoman; Baskerfeld, Richard, of Wodford, Nhants, gent 4506 f 5720 d 4315 f 4520 f 5927 d 5706 d 5899 d 5057 f 5398 d 5481 d 4971 f 5013 f 6258 d 4467 f 5244 f 4422 f 5021 f London debt Kyrton, Stephen; Margaret his wife, widow of Nychilbe, John, of London, merchant of the staple, administrator of Jenyns, Stephen, of London, Busby, Robert, of Chepyng Norton, alderman Oxon, yeoman or wool gatherer Busby, Robert, of Chepyng Norton, Oxon, yeoman; Baskerfield, Devon Hargest, Walter Richard, of Wodford, Nhants, gent Pacok, John, of Whitby; Buschell, George, of Whitby, Yorks debt Newton, George, of Whitby merchant Busent, John, of Blake Toryton, husbandman; Parys, John, of Devon trespass: close Ford, John Southlewe, husbandman Cley, John, clerk; Sewster, Busshe, William, of Steple Mordon, Cams John; Cley, John, junior husbandman Busshell, George, of Whitby, Yorks Whitby Abbey, John, abbot of merchant Bustard, Thomas, of Coventry, Bristol Rowley, William vintner Harvy, John, administrators of; (Harvy, Joan, widow; Butland, Roger, of Ware, tallow Herts debt Harvy, John) chandler Butler, John, of Wolverhampton, mercer; Russheton, John, of Bradeley, yeoman; Fernehall, Staffs Gravenour, John Richard, of Covon, husbandman Butler, John, of Wolverhampton, London Kyrton, Stephen Staffs, chapman More, Thomas, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Audley, Thomas, esq, attorney general, Duchy Butler, Philip, of Watton A Stone, London debt of Lancaster Herts, esq Alyn, Roger, of London, Butoler, Thomas, of London, London debt haberdasher haberdasher Butt, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, Alysaunder, John, of Bishops wax chandler; White, John, of Lenn, yeoman, executor of; Bishops Lenn, butcher; Screvyn, Norf (Alysaunder, Robert) John, of Bishops Lenn, sherman Nele, Thomas; Cecila his wife; Norf concord Benett, Alice, widow Butt, William Butt, William, of Myddelton, Norf, London debt Greves, Thomas gent Butteler, John, of Wolverhampton, Staffs, mercer; Raskel, Coventr Marler, William, of Coventry, Christopher, of Bromesgrove, y debt grocer Worcs, chapman Butterfeld, Henry, of Uork, Myddylton, Peter, esq; innholder; Barton, John, of London debt Newton, Miles, gent Whenby, Yorks, esq 5805 d Leics 5048 f London 4945 f London 4320 f Yorks 4687 f Glos 4859 f Glos 4860 f Glos 4244 f Norf 5996 d Sussex 5029 f London 4629 f Worcs 3980 f Shrops 4911 f Norf 5050 f Cams 4653 f Kent 4440 f Notts 5710 d York 4323 f York Smyth, Richard, of Wylloughby Waterles, executors of; (Marston, John; Margaret his wife; Smyth, Thomas) Button, John, of Kymcote, yeoman Amourson, Richard, of debt London, mercer Button, John, of London, chaplain More, William, of London, debt gent Button, William, of London, gent Bybbe, William, of Tonesbury(?), debt Levett, William clerk Bydfeld, Thomas, of Tewkesbury, debt Bell, Thomas, mercer innholder Byglyn, John, of Tredyngton, husbandman; Page, John, of Cleve, butcher; Ferant, Walter, of debt Hobbys, William Cheltanham, butcher Byglyn, Thomas, of Tredyngton, debt Laughlyn, Christopher husbandman Byham, Richard, of Downham debt Halman, Thomas Market, tanner Bykner, Richard, of Slafham, Holt alias Clerk, William husbandman Gressent, William, of London, Bykson, John, of Coventry, debt haberdasher chapman Wylson, Henry, of Kyrkeby, Kendall, executors of; (Wylson, Miles; Wylson, Bylford, Thomas, of Bedwarden, debt Edward) vintner Bylly, John, of Wenlok, trespass: close Lakyn, William husbandman Bylney, James, of Becclys, clerk; Thrower, Henry, of Halys, husbandman; Hyll, William, of debt Tebold, John Halys, husbandman Merymouth, Robert, of Bylyngey, Gilbert, of Caxton, debt Harston, husbandman yeoman Byng, Richard, of Chartham, trespass: close Ledys Priory, Arthur, prior of husbandman trespass: close Foster, Robert Asheley, Henry; Pulleyn, George trespass: close Marshall, Thomas Byngham, Ralph, of North Muskham, gent; Rote, Thomas, of North Muskham, yeoman; Atkynson, John, of North Muskham, butcher; Grene, Robert, of North Muskham, husbandman; Grene, John, of Norwell, husbandman; Merewether, Thomas, of Batheley, laborer Byngley, John, of Carlton, Worcs, esq; Sharpe, William, of Carlton, gent Bynkys, Richard, of Bisshop Burton, yeoman; Gybson, George, of Bisshop Burton, gent 4002 f Bynley, John, of Castell Heye, Robynson, George, of Staffs, gent; Pole, Arthur, of London debt London, mercer Langley, Derbs, yeoman Byrch, John; Cheselitte(?), John; Soms trespass Wyke, Humphrey Baker, William Heth, Richard, prior of Tutbury Byrche, Richard, of Wetton, Staffs trespass: close Monastery husbandman 5521 d Norf 3996 f Staffs 5055 f London debt 6301 d Devon 5035 f 4638 f 5913 d 5410 d 4419 f 5125 f 4755 f 4857 f 5776 d 3988 f 4919 f 5778 d Harvy, Thomas, yeoman trespass: assault Kempson, Thomas Meredith, Philip, of London, mercer Byrche, Robert, of Eye, Suff, draper Byrde, Henry, of Walsall, husbandman; Margaret his wife; Byrde, Robert, of Walsall, laborer; Byrde, Elizabeth, of Walsall, spinster; Denston, Dorothy, of Walsall, widow Byrde, John, administrators of; (Erbery alias Ewbery, Thomas, of Botcom, Soms, clothier; Alice his wife) Byrde, William, of Brodeclyfe, butcher; Payne, William, of Cumery, husbandman Mouncys, Alice Norrys, Henry; Norwich, Robert, knight; Englefeld, Thomas, knight; Longe, Richard, esq; Benger, Robert, Surrey gent Byrke, Anthony Byrkes, John, of Apedale, husbandman; Byrkes, Robert, of Apedale, laborer; Byrkes, William, of Apedale, laborer; Cowall, Henry, of Chesterton, husbandman; Burne, Roger, of Chesterton, Staffs Sheffeld, Margaret, widow husbandman Byrkys, Henry, of Chesterfeld, Derbs trespass: close Laurence, William shoemaker Oxenbrigge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, Byrt, William, of Crendon, Bucks, London debt clerk) yeoman Oxenbrygge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, Byrt, William, of Crendon, Bucks, London debt clerk) yeoman Byrton, Richard, of Wotton Glos debt Apperry, John, yeoman Underwode, weaver Notting Wolley, John, of Nottingham, Byrtwysell, Richard, of Huncote, ham bellfounder Lancs, yeoman Bysley, John, of Ayston, Nhants trespass: taking Abell, William husbandman Bysshop, John, of Southwold, Suff, Broun, Robert, of Norwich, merchant; Halle, John, of Norwich, Norwich debt mercer baker Bysshop, John, of Suthwold, Suff, Broun, Robert, of Norwich, merchant; Holle, John, of Norwich, Norwich mercer baker 4906 f Norf entry cui in vita 5233 f Glos trespass: close Carpenter, Geoffrey 6325 d Cams Lyn, Thomas London debt Byxson, John, of Coventry, mercer; Bawmeford, Thomas, of Hatcorne, Kent, chapman; Hoket, John, of Sudbury, Suff, capper; Congraff, Edward, of Shrewsbury, mercer, executor of; (Congraff, John, of Core, John, of London, grocer Pancriche, Staffs, gent) 5341 d London Byxson, John, of Coventry, mercer; Bawmeford, Thomas, of Hatcorne, Kent, chapman; Hokett, John, of Sudbury, capper; Congraff, Edward, of Shrewsbury, mercer, executor of; (Congraff, John, of Core, John, of London, grocer Pancriche, Staffs, gent) 4174 f Crown assize of novel disseisin 4871 f Worcs debt 5985 d Notts 5985 d Notts 5359 d Herts 5976 d Bucks 4864 f Worcs debt 4870 f Glos 4344 f Devon 5726 d Devon Burdon, William 5993 d Sussex Dawtrey, John, knight 5704 d Yorks Deane, William 5712 d Yorks Bland, John 5037 f Lovyle, John; Rose his wife Bysshop, Richard; Fyrmage, Richard Bysshoppe, William, of Hardewyk, husbandman Byworth, Robert, of Wytsforth, yeoman Garratt, William, clerk; Byrde, John; Mason, Stephen Jenyns, Robert, of Westyncote; Lyghtfute, William, of Bredon Cachemede, John; Gyll, William; Carpenter, Edward debt Cacher, Walter, of Elmeley Castell, husbandman Caddall, George, of Mysterton, Byllesby, Andrew, knight yeoman Caddall, George, of Mysterton, Byllesby, Andrew, knight yeoman Cade, Thomas, of St Albans, clerk; Notley Abbey, Richard, abbot Garrard, Thomas, of Swell, Glos, of yeoman Cade, Thomas, of St Albans, clerk; Notley Abbey, Richard, abbot Garrard, Thomas, of Swell, Glos, of yeoman Calfehill, Humphrey, of Ludlowe, Russell, John, esq Salop, gent Calfyll, John, of Cirencester, Waxman, John cordwainer debt Seyntleger, George, knight Callard, John, of St Gyllys, yeoman Callow, William, of Honyton, tucker; Vyldewe, William, of Chymley, tucker Callowe, Edward, of Wasshyngton, husbandman Calverd, Robert, of Redmare, yeoman; Calverd, William, of Redmare, yeoman Calverley, Robert, of Barwyke, yeoman; Calverley, Thomas, of Branbow, gent 5712 d Yorks 4656 f Sussex incitement 4975 f Cornw 5896 d Norf 5839 d Norf 6250 d Norf 6531 d London 6328 d Cams 5286 f Mugeley, Richard; Belhowse, Robert; Bollyng, Christopher, son of Bollyng, Constantine Calverley, Walter, knight Calvyll, John, of Jevyngton, Wynswyth, John, junior husbandman Calwaye, "Labellum", of St Calwaye, John Columpne the Over, gent Caly, Thomas, of Becclys, Suff, Fraunces, John butcher Rudland alias Mathew, John; Matilda his wife Calybut, John, gent Calybut, Thomas, of Barton, husbandman; Taversham, John, of Alpe, Thomas Pykenhamwade, innholder Pryar, William, executors of; (Johnson, Robert; Magdalen his wife) Thurlowe, Nicholas; Lylly, Thomas 5765 d Norf Jenyn, Richard Alpe, Thomas, of Dunham Parva, gent 6338 d London Jenney, Christopher, sergeant Candeler, Robert, of at law; Elizabeth his wife Pekynhamwade, Norf, innholder 6324 d Middx Sylvester, Thomas, master of St Margaret Hospital, Westminster; Hays, Henry; Croketofte, William, wardens of the hospital 4674 f 4353 f Sussex trespass: close Fry, Robert trespass: Dorset assault Petvyn, Walter 6105 d London 5145 f writing Camerleyn, Christopher, executor of; (Camerleyn, Thomas, of Estham, Essex, yeoman) Campyon, John, of Thryplowe, husbandman Camys, William, of Souoth Wokyngton, Essex, husbandman Candeler, Robert, of Ayshyll, husbandman London debt 6459 d London 5214 f London debt Husee, John, senior Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, John) Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, John) Prestlande, Lancelot; Agnes his wife Cantrell, Ralph, of Thorp, Norf, gent; Haynes, Edward, of Hasilbiche, Nhants, yeoman; Pestell, William, of London, merchant tailor; ap henry, Evan, of Landylawaver, South Wales, gent Caplyn, Thomas, of Pagham, husbandman Carant, William, of Tomer, knight Carant, William, of Tomer, Soms, knight Carewe, Edmund, of Monysotery, Devon, knight; Carewe, Thomas, of Byckley, Devon, esq; Champernon, Philip, of Modbery, Devon, esq Carewe, Edmund, of Monysotery, Devon, knight; Carewe, Thomas, of Byckley, Devon, esq; Champernon, Philip, of Modbery, Devon, esq Carewe, Gawin, of Suthwerk, esq 4823 f London debt 5139 f London debt 5735 d Devon Lucas, Thomas, esq, administrators of; (Grenefeld, Carewe, John, of Anthony, Cornw, John, esq; Lucas, John, gent) esq Carewe, Nicholas, of Bedyngton, Hales, Christopher Surrey, knight Marshe, John, of Stoke Canon Carewe, Thomas, of Bykelegh, esq Oxon Woodward, Thomas, of Oxford, gent 6554 d London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight 6533 d Norf 5659 d Wilts 4678 f Kent 5448 d Suff 4319 f Yorks 6371 d London 5201 f Soms 5741 d Devon 5856 d Oxwyk, John Wyllyams, William, of Salisbury, draper debt Culpeper, Alexander, of Begbury, knight debt Tasburgh, John, esq Wentworth, Thomas, of Wentworth, esq Lang, Robert, of London, stockfishmonger debt Walker, William, clerk Hayman, John 4616 f 4027 f Devon Suff trespass debt Lake, Robert; Turner, John Wyth, John, of Bylston, tiler 5401 d 5201 f Nhants Soms debt Walker, Nicholas Lews, John, rector of Brene 6391 d Essex Bedell, Richard 6392 d Essex Parker, Robert Carleton, John, of Ippyng, Essex, gent, receiver general for Manners, Thomas, Earl of Rutland Carne, Edward, of London, clerk; Bassett, John, of London, gent; Jonys, William, of St Hillary, Glamorgan, yeoman Carpender, John, of Dowton, husbandman Carpenter, Richard, of Shaftsbury, Dorset, innholder Carpenter, Robert, of Parva Charte, husbandman; Carpenter, John, of Parva Charte, husbandman Carpys alias Frencheman, Peter, of Bungey, engraver Carre, William, of Byrley Edge, Ecclesfeld, yeoman Carre, William, of Newcastle on Tyne, merchant; Carre, Thomas, of Newlande, Northumb, gent; Reveley, Ralph, of Beryngton, Northumb, gent Carselegh, John, of Wellys, chaplain Carslak, William, of Knoweston, husbandman Carslake, Joan, of Halberton, widow; Carslake, John, of Halberton, groom; Carslake, Edward, of Halberton, groom; Parker, John, of Halberton, husbandman; Vycary, Humphrey, of Butterlegh, husbandman Carter, Henry, of Bylston, laborer Carter, Henry, of Gretton, husbandman Carter, James, of Brene, clerk Carter, John, of Chelmysford, wheelwright; Maryon, Thomas, of Chelmysford, wheelwright Carter, John, of Henyngham Sybbyll, yeoman 4052 f London debt 5368 d Lincs 6396 d Yorks 5562 d London 6441 d London Carter, John, of Wyllysborough, Kent, yeoman; Tylden, Richard, of Draner, Stephen, of Wyllysborough, yeoman; Walton, Crambroke William, of Wyllysborough, yeoman Carter, Richard, of Swynneshed, millwright; Domysday, John, of Chaters, Richard Donyngton, husbandman Carter, Richard, of Brandeleyng, Richard, gent Whetherhenwyke, clerk Carter, Robert, of Westminster, Gresham, Richard, of London, clerk; Capell, Maurice, of Devizes, mercer Wilts, clothmaker Carter, Robert, of Westminster, Gresham, Richard, of London, clerk; Capell, Maurice, of Devizes, mercer Wilts, clothmaker 5975 d Warks Palmer, Elizabeth, widow 6547 d Cornw 5058 f Herts Sheperd, Henry debt 4281 f Wilts debt 6249 d Norf 4931 f Norf debt 4927 f Norf debt 4066 f London debt 3962 f Lincs 4132 f London debt debt Rogers, John Carter, Thomas, of Knolle, yeoman Carthewe, John, of Tregasake Wartha, yeoman; Cokke, Thomas, of Tregasake Wartha, husbandman Carvell, John, of Hertford, mercer; Catysby, John, of Hertford, husbandman; Valentyn, William, of Hertford, husbandman Huls, Thomas, prebendary of Salisbury Cathedral, executors of; (Hylley, Richard, clerk; Chafyn, Thomas) Cary, Thomas, of Chylton, esq Castellton, Robert, of Long Folser, Robert Stratton, butcher Castelton alias Castelyn, Robert, of Reve, Thomas Long Stratton, butcher Castelton, Nicholas, of Long Stratton, butcher; Trewe, Thomas, of Toppecrofte, cooper; Sewall, Richard, of Multon, husbandman; Grante, Richard, of Saxlyngham, Dawes, John, of Thurston husbandman Smyth, John, of London, mercer, administrators of; (More, William; Agnes his wife) Broune, John, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Howntley, Henry, of Haddenham, Bucks, merchant Catlyn, Robert, of London, mercer; Flemyng, Thomas, of Dover, gent; Vyncent, Robert, of Mallyng, Kent, yeoman; Myddelton, John, of Bathe, Soms, clothier; Bywater, Geoffrey, of Trapston, Nhants, yeoman Catlyn, Robert, of Markyt Depyng, innholder Catte, Thomas, of Cranebroke, Kent, clothier 6265 d Norf Gresham, Richard, of London, mercer Cause, Gregory, of Norwich, gent 6093 d London Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk 4380 f Herts 6422 d London 5717 d Devon 4951 f London debt 6533 d Norf 6318 d Essex 4005 f Yorks 4554 f 6271 d Sussex forcible entry Dorset 4629 f London debt 6108 d London 4627 f Norf 5952 d Derbs debt trespass: free warren trespass Cave, Peter, of London, draper; Clarke, William, of London, skinner Cavendysshe, George, of Dunstaple, beds, gent; Tyssedale, Grene, Thomas, of St Albans, Thomas, of Burford, Oxon, clerk haberdasher Caverton, George, of London, yeoman, servant to Hastynge, William; Meryng, William, of Westminster, gent; Waren, Richard, of London, esq; Brewett, Botry, William, of London, Richard, of Magna Canfeld, Essex, mercer yeoman Cawcy, Walter, of Atheryngton, Furlong, Matthew husbandman FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert, Cawode, Richard, of Parton, Lancs, esq, attorney general, Duchy yeoman; Wilson, Richard, of of Lancaster; Lambert, Goosnargh, yeoman; Typpyng, Robert, receiver Lawrence, of Goosnargh, yeoman Cawston, John, of Lachyngdon, Clere, Thomas, esq; Jermy, Essex, yeoman; Baker, Thomas, of Edward, gent Hamfeld, Essex, yeoman Cawston, Robert, of Tyllyngham, laborer; Tayllour, William, of Whyte, Alice, executor of; Southmynster, laborer; Glover, (Hochyn, Henry) John, of Southmynster, laborer Cawton, Thomas, of Thriske, Strangweys, James, knight yeoman Cayne, John, of Wynsore, Berks, butcher; Webbe, Robert, of Wynsore, yeoman; Tryppe, Henry, of Wynsore, yeoman; Danson, William, of Wynsore, yeoman; Cayne, Robert, of Chyltyngton, butcher; Cayne, William, of Stone, Robert Chyltyngton, butcher Smyth, Richard, clerk Cerne Abbey, Thomas, abbot of Cachemayde, John, of Chabo, Anthony, of London, London, merchant tailor surgeon Exenbrigge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, Chabo, Anthony, of London, clerk) surgeon Atmere, John; Talbott, Lewis; Chadwell, William, of Upwell, Fludde, Thomas husbandman Chalysworth, Nicholas, of Bray, Nicholas Whitfeldhurst, husbandman 4680 f 5829 d 4704 f 4319 f 5247 f 4114 f 5803 4157 4157 4156 d f f f Kent debt Cumber Smyth, William Irby, Anthony; Irby, William; Patenson, Richard; Stodard, John Newman, John; Bryghtred, Sussex trespass: close William Gyllyott, Paul, executors of; (Gylmyn, William; Agnes his Yorks debt wife) Howard, Thomas, Duke of London debt Norfolk, treasurer of England Watton, George, of Kent debt Kelvenden, Essex, gent Notting ham Leke, John, esq Nhants replevin Brawne, John Nhants replevin Palmer, Robert Nhants replevin Palmer, Thomas 5045 f London debt 5105 f London debt 6455 d London Chamber, Peter, of Hadle, Essex, husbandman; Bocher, John, of Danbery, Essex, husbandman; Anderson alias Taylour, William, of Westham, Essex, husbandman; Knyghtbregge, Thomas, of Magna Bersted, Essex, yeoman; Parker, William, of Magna Bersted, yeoman Chamber, Robert, of Reybycote, Holme Caltrane, yeoman; Chamber, Robert, of Highlawes, Holme Caltrane, yeoman; Chamber, Robert, of Wowsty, Holme Caltrane, yeoman Chamber, Thomas, of Laughton, gent; Hoke, Richard, of Laughton, husbandman; Puppe, Peter, of Laughton, husbandman; Turle, Andrew, of Lytlyngton, husbandman; Judde, Thomas, of Lytlyngton, husbandman Chamber, Thomas, of Pekkerryng, chapman Chamber, Thomas, of Waldersweke, Suff, fishmonger Chamber, William, of Fryndysbery, yeoman Chamberlayn, Edward, of Notyngham, yeoman Chamberleyn, Edward Chamberleyn, Edward Chamberleyn, Edward Chamberleyn, Edward, of Wodestok, Oxon, knight; Anderson, William, of Newton, Yorks, yeoman; Kyrkeham, George, of Warmyngton, Nhants, Waren, Ralph, of London, esq, executor of; (Kyrkeham, alderman Robert, of Warmyngton, esq) Chamberleyn, Edward, of Wodestok, Oxon, knight; Zouch, David, of Est Grenewich, Kent, Gresham, Richard, of London, gent; Bouth, Nicholas, of mercer Saxlyngton, Norf, clerk Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, Chamberleyn, Edward, of John) Wodestoke, Oxon, knight 5142 f London debt Hales, Christopher Chamberleyn, Edward, of Wodestoke, Oxon, knight; Kylvyngton, William, of Stonbrygge, Beds, gent 5560 d London 5213 f London debt 5449 d Suff Chamberleyn, Edward, of Wodstok, Oxon, knight; Zouch, David, of Est Gresham, Richard, of London, Grenewich, Kent, gent; Bouth, mercer Nicholas, of Saxlyngton, Norf, clerk Chamberleyn, Edward, of Woodstok, Oxon, knight; Chamberleyn, John, of Woodstok, Gueron, Balthasar, of London, gent; Catlyff, Thomas, of surgeon Woodstok, gent Chamberleyn, John, of Ocolt, palemaker; Bryche alias Bryge, Tasburgh, John, esq Robert, of Ocolt, palemaker 3990 f Nhants debt Grene, Thomas, of Eggecott, Chamberleyn, Robert, of laborer Cottysbyche, Leics, husbandman 5961 d Nhants Grene, Thomas, of Eygecott, laborer Chamberleyn, Robert, of Cottysbyche, Leics, husbandman 4662 f Surrey Peerson, Edmund, vicar of Ebbysham 5525 d Surrey Chapman, Henry, of Ewell, smith; Wade, Robert, of Ebbysham, clerk Chapman, John, of Battersey, yeoman of the crown 5762 d debt Morton, Thomas Norf 5007 f Middx trespass: assault 5217 f Norf debt 5738 d Devon 6347 d London 6333 d Cams 4491 f Kent 6317 d Essex 6025 d Surrey debt Chapman, John, of Dysse, husbandman; Chapman, Thomas, of Dysse, husbandman; Carman, Byllyngforth, Edmund, esq John, of Thetford, butcher Chapman, John, of Stepneth, Clerk, John; Joan his wife carpenter; Joan his wife Chapman, William, of Parva Calver, Nicholas Walsyngham, mercer Chappelyn, John, of Bryxam, groom; Upton, Thomas, of Lake, John Bryxham, groom Chare, John, of Bryngton, Nhants, Gyfford, Edward, of Bryngton, husbandman; Terrye, Henry, of gent Bryngton, husbandman Archer, John, of Newmarket, Charke, Robert, of Saxton, Suff, baker husbandman Watton, George, of Charles, William, of Gyllyngham, Kelvenden, Essex, yeoman yeoman Dexwell, Roger, yeoman of Charwell, John, of Hertfordstok, the crown husbandman Chatborne, John, of Croydon, wheeler; Hatton, Robert, of Croydon, laborer; Wynkyll, John, of Croydon, baker; Maye, William, of Chapman, Thomas Croydon, haberdasher Kyng, William,of London, carpenter, executors of; (Stelecragge, Francis; Elizabeth his wife) 4070 f London debt 6237 d Norf 6172 d London 4093 f Crown Kyng, Thomas Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Clyfton, Robert; Wyllughby, Richard 6501 d Suff Losse, Richard 4010 f Suff 6485 d London 6472 d London 5171 f London debt Bryon, John, of Bramefyld Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn 5323 d Sussex Crouche, John 5846 d 4748 f 6408 d Suff Notting ham debt Beds Clerke, Thomas Quernby, Nicholas, of Nottingham, bellfounder Crowche, Thomas 6232 d Norf 4937 f Middx 4171 f Devon 4336 f Devon 6225 d Norf 4279 f Hants debt Chaundeler, Richard, of Woneherst, Surrey, yeoman Chaundeler, Thomas, of Caston, husbandman Chavyngton, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Chaworth, Thomas, knight; Isabel his wife Chekley, John, of Becclys, collar maker; Bartram, William, of Becclys, tanner Chelston alias Crowe, Thomas, junior, of Yoxford, tanner Cheseborough, Stephen, of Bishops Lenn, mariner Cheseborough, Stephen, of Bishops Lenn, shipmaster Cheseburgh, Stephen, of Bishops Lenn, mariner Cheseman, Thomas, of Hethefeld, husbandman Chesewright, Thomas, of Fordham, Cams, yeoman Chesshyre, Roger, of Eyton, Wellyngton, Salop, yeoman Chester, John, of Lucton, glover Chestyn, Ralph, of Hoo, husbandman Pratte, Geoffrey Pyne, John, of London, scrivener, son of Pyne, Roger, of Plymouth, Devon, executors of; (Hert, Richard; Cheveley, Luke, of Cheveley, debt Joan his wife) Cams, gent Cholewyche, Elias, of Dypford, debt Bowryng, Thomas husbandman Chubbe, John, of Kyngysbrigge, husbandman; Chubbe, John, trespass: close Hancok, Thomas junior, of Kyngysbrigge, groom Chunne, John, of Killyngton, yeoman; Awsten, Thomas, of Bedyngfeld, Edmund, knight Harpley, yeoman Churcheyard, John, of Warnford, trespass: close Lacy, John husbandman 5831 d Yorks 5716 d Soms 6416 d London 4474 f Beds 5838 d Herts Chyld, William, of Wakefeld, Byrkhede, John, of Wakefeld, executors of; (Hole, John, of merchant Wakefeld, smith; Elizabeth his wife) Chypet, Robert, of Northover, Master, Thomas, clerk husbandman forcible entry Chyttynden, Robert, of Parva Chart, Kent, clothier; Turke, Stephen, of Smerden, Kent, tailor; Hygdon, Thomas, of London, Calcrofte, John, of Kyngsmoth juxta grocer Aysford, Jent, husbandman Clark, William, of Nether Dean, ale brewer; Nott, Edward, of Kymbolton, Hunts, laborer; Bulle, Richard, of Kymbolton, ploughwright; Sheperd, John, of Rayner, John Tylbroke, husbandman Roo, William; Ellen his wife; Kyrby, William; Joan his wife Clarke, George 4355 f Clarke, John, of Shytlyngton, fisher; Dee(?), John, of Shytlyngton, husbandman; Horley, Walter, of Potton, husbandman; Butteler, Beds debt Welche, William John, of Potton, husbandman Clarke, Thomas, of Monks Bucks trespass: close Wyndesore, William, esq Rysborough, husbandman Clarke, Thomas, of Todyngton, butcher; Dermer, John, administrators of; (Woode, Richard, of Luton, husbandman; Beds debt Smyth, Ralph Alice his wife) Clarke, William, of Hoo, Fyske, Nicholas, of Est husbandman; Wryght, Hillary, of Derham, executors of; (Fyske, Longham, husbandman; Elizabeth, widow; Fyske, Netherwode, Robert, of Longham, Norwich John; Parysshe, John) husbandman Clascock, Thomas, of Hatfeld Essex debt Clascok, John Regis, butcher Clascok, John, of Bompsted at Tower, husbandman; Ferye, Thomas, of Bumsted at Tower, Essex debt Chapman,. William husbandman Wylkyns, Ralph, of Norwich, Claxston, William, of Norwich, Norwich debt alderman mercer Clayton, Richard, of Yngelston, London debt Gunttar, Philip Essex, innholder Wyllesdon, Thomas, executrix of; (Wyllesdon, Beatrice, Devon debt widow) Cleeve Abbey, William, abbot of 5956 d Hants 5094 f 3893 f 4474 f 6229 d 5062 f 5073 f 4215 f 4604 f Inwode, Peter, of Andever Clement, John, of Andever, tanner 4338 f Dorset debt 5476 d London 4395 f Norwich debt 6244 d Norwich Whyte, Thomas Webbe, Richard, of London, grocer Bacon, Geoffrey, of Norwich, sherman Jannys, Robert, of Norwich, alderman, executors of; (Sywhat, Nicholas; Wood, Edmund; Rogers, William; Trace, John) 6246 d Norwich Albon, Henry, of Norwich, grocer 5349 d Norf 4919 f Norwich debt 4391 f 6247 d Norwich debt Norf 5183 f Bristol 4153 f London debt Sadler, Robert Lamberd, Nicholas, of London, alderman 4744 f Middx defamation Copwod, John 5206 f Middx case Copwoode, John 6388 d Essex 5067 f Essex debt Spencer, William 4889 f Cornw debt Corner, Remfrey 4534 f Leics debt Villers, Christopher, esq 3924 f Rutland debt Permeter, John 4022 f Suff Bedyngfeld, Edmund, knight debt Hawe, James, gent Bacon, Geoffrey, of Norwich, sherman Jannys, Robert, of Norwich, alderman, executors of; (Sywhat, Nicholas; Wood, Edmund; Rogers, William; Tracy, John) Mayhan, Robert Clayborn, Thomas debt Clement, William, of Wilton, clothier; Udale, Nicholas, of Mylborneporte, Soms, yeoman; Nicholas, William, of Shaftesbury, smith; Gapputhe, John, of Shaftesbury, mercer; Bregis, Simon, of Uryn Courtney, husbandnan Clere, Edmund, of Norwich, gent Clere, Edmund, of Stokysby, esq Clere, Edmund, of Stokysby, esq; Funteyn, John, of Salle, yeoman; Reynold, Edmund, executor of; (Reynold, William, of Lyngwod, smith) Clere, Edmund, of Stokysby, esq; Wale, John, of Tybenham, husbandman Clere, Edmund, of Stokysby, gent; Inglowes, Thomas, of Suffeld, gent Clere, Edmund, of Stokyshe, esq Clere, Edward, of Stokysby, esq; Funteyn, John, of Salle, yeoman; Reynoldys, Edmund, executor of; (Reynoldys, William, of Lyngwod, smith) Clere, John, esq Clere, Robert, of Bristol, merchant Clere, Stephen, of Kyngeston on Hull, merchant Clerk, Henry, of Whetston, carpenter Clerk, Henry, of Whetston, carpenter Clerk, John, of Kelden, turner; Furton, Simon, of Mgna Byrche, yeoman; Roo, Hugh, of Feryng, husbandman Clerk, Nicholas, of Borley, plough wright Clerk, Richard, of Helston Burgh, holy water clerk Clerk, Richard, of Melton, yeoman Clerk, Richard, of North Luffenam, butcher Clerk, Thomas, of Bresworth, yeoman; Jesopp, Edmund, of Okolt, butcher; Pankell, William, rector of Thoryngton 5983 d Berks 3967 f Lincs 4267 f Bucks 5337 d Herts 6170 d Middx 5864 d Suff Becke, Edmund, chaplain, administrator of; (Bateman, Robert) debt forcible entry Esterby, Simon Carter, Nicholas Chapell, William Higham, Clement, gent; Griffith, Edward, gent; Lamberte, John, gent; Rokewod, Nicholas, gent Hygham, Clement, gent; Gryffyth, Edward, gent; Lambarte, John, gent; Rokewode, Nicholas, gent 6055 d Norwich Cause, Gregory, of Norwich 6285 d Middx Copwod, John 4862 f Herefs debt Welshe, Hugh 6215 d Cornw Marke, William 4008 f Yorks 5062 f Essex 5443 d Suff 4642 f London debt Harvy, Thomas, of Chylton Marlar alias Marland, William, of London, mercer, executors of; (Trappes, Robert; Joan his wife) 6388 d Essex Saunder, John, of Coggessall 5443 d Suff Busshe, Thomas debt Wilkynson, John Dalymer, John; Dalamer, Robert; Dalamer, Richard; Hunte, Richard; Sottell, trespass: close William Clerk, Thomas, of Elmedon, Nhants, yeoman Clerk, Thomas, of Waynflet, glover; Walys, Thomas, of Waynflet, husbandman Clerk, William, of Magna Kymbell, yeoman; Bowyer, William, of Parva Kymbell, yeoman; Eston, William, of Parva Kymbell, yeoman Clerke alias Sprynghold, William, of Sanderugge, husbandman Clerke, Arthur, gent; Bell, William Clerke, Arthur, gent; Bell, William Clerke, Edmund, of Norwich, executors of; (Man, John, of Norwich, merchant; Joan his wife) Clerke, Henry, of Whetston, carpenter Clerke, James, of Bodenham, jusbandman; Tewe, Richard, of Bradwardyd, husbandman; Hoskyns, Richard, of Felton, husbandman Clerke, Joan, of Lyskerd, widow; Syller, Walter, of Lyskerd, laborer Clerke, John, of Braywell, husbandman Clerke, John, of Esse, husbandman Clerke, Nicholas, of Borley, Essex, ploughwright Clerke, Richard, of London, merchant of the staple; Brudenell, Edmund, of Chalfount St Peter, Bucks, esq Clerke, Simon, of Feryng, fuller; Miles, Robert, of Magna Coggessall, grocer Clerke, Thomas, senior, executor of; (Clerke, Thomas, junior, of Bures, mercer); Lacy, John, executrix of; (Lacy, Isabel, of Bures, widow) 4300 f Yorks 5518 d Essex Bette, Henry 5806 d Leics Hochynson, William, clerk 3920 f Norf 6330 d London cessavit Fairfax, Thomas, sergeant at law debt Bungey, Thomas Byllyng, William, of Dadyngton Clerke, Thomas; Clerke, Ellen, widow Clerke, William, of Dagnam, husbandman Clerke, William, of Suddyngton, husbandman Clerke, William, of Swanton Morley, shepherd Clerke, William, of Tyshoo, Warks, husbandman; Rymell, Richard, of Tyshoo, husbandman; Hychman, Robert, of Tyshoo, husbandman; Geffreys, John, of Tyshoo, husbandman; Grene, John, of Tyshoo, husbandman Clerkson, Michael, of Laxston, Notts, gent; Jakson, Charles, of Snyterall, Yorks, gent; Lawe, Robert, of Cerleby, Notts, gent; Skireber(?), Humphrey, of Wentworth, Yorks, gent Clerves, Herbert, of Powyk, gent; Blyssert, William, of Aston Somervyle, Glos, husbandman 3972 f Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Paulet, William, knight; Dauntesey, London John, knight Darston, John, esq, executors of; (Derston, George; Martyn, Worcs Nicholas) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Howard, Thomas, Earl of Surrey, treasurer; Bourchier, John, knight, Lord FitzWaren; Elizabeth his wife, formerly Wyndham, Elizabeth, Cleveland, Henry, of Malden, Norf debt widow Essex, draper Cley, Ralph, of St Ives, Hunts, Water, John, of Bishops Lenn, husbandman; Marten, John, of St Norf merchant Ives, husbandman Cleyton, Hugh, Onneley, yeoman; Corke, John, of Mere, yeoman; Rope, Thomas, of Wybbunbury, Staffs trespass: close Howell, William Cheshire, yeoman 4310 f Yorks 4373 f Lincs 6589 d 5331 d 4381 f 5349 d 4973 f 5478 d trespass: close Whitley, John trespass: close Jakson, William FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Connyngisby, John, esq, receiver general; Wigston, Roger, esq, receiver London debt of Tutbury Covel, Anthony, esq, executrix London of; (Covel, Agnes) Cleyton, John, of Cleyton, yeoman Cleyton, John, of Donyngton, husbandman Cleyton, Stephen, of Newcastle, Staffs, yeoman; Cleyton, Thomas, of Newcastle, yeoman; Kandale, John, of Newcastle, yeoman Clibourn, Robert, of Clibourn, Westmor, gent 4083 f London debt 5982 d Suff 4026 f Suff debt 4026 f Suff debt 6448 d Kent 4028 f Suff debt Clokedayer, Hans, of Est Gybson, Thomas, of London, Grenewiche, Kent, armorer; barber surgeon, executors of; Warner, Thomas, of Pollam, Herts, (Pyreson, John, scrivener; yeoman, servant of Russell, Elizabeth his wife) Thomas, knight Smyth, Thomas, Long Clopton, William, of Lyston, Essex, Melfordde, clothmaker esq Smyth, Thomas, of Long Clopton, William, of Lyston, Essex, Mellfordde, clothmaker esq Smyth, Thomas, of Long Clopton, William, of Lyston, Essex, Mellfordde, clothmaker esq Close, John, of Aylesford, husbandman; Sayer, Stephen, of Buntyng, James Aylesford, sayer Closse, Edward, of Parva Ocley, Sabyn, William, Ipswich, esq Nhants, clerk Gybson, Thomas, of London, barber surgeon, executors of; (Pyreson, John, scrivener; Elizabeth his wife) 5812 d London 4821 f London debt 4589 f London debt 4538 f Nhants debt Cloukedayer, Hans, of Est Grenewiche, Kent, armorer; Warner, Thomas, of Pellam, Herts, yeoman Cloune, John, of Cloune, March of Wales, gent; ap Thomas, Walter, Vesey, John, Bishop of of Norton, March of Wales; ap Exeter; Denton, James, clerk; Rece, Rece ap Mered, of Port, John, knight; Bromley, Myllyneth, Wales; ap Rece, John, George, esq of Cloun, Wales Sparre, Richard, of London, grocer Clowes, Edward, of London, clerk Clowes, Edward, of Okeley Parva, Cave, Richard, esq clerk 4412 f Notts debt Stanysbury, Thomas, parson of All Saints 4632 f Devon trespass 6378 d Essex Pollard, George St Mary Hospital, Bishops Gate, London, William, prior of 5882 d Herefs Peek, Edward 5249 f London debt Nevile, Thomas, knight; Wyatt, Henry, knight 5250 f 4615 f London debt Middx concord Nevile, Thomas, knight; Wyatt, Henry, knight Brocas, Thomas Clowys, Edward, of Latull Okeley, Nhants, parson of Lytull Okeley Clyff, John, of Merton, husbandman Clyffe, Simon, Danbury, laborer; Banbrygge, Reginald, of Danberye, laborer Clyfford Priory, March of Wales, prior of Clyfford, Henry, Earl of Cumberland; Wharton, Thomas, of Wharton, Westmor, esq; Blynkynsop, Thomas, of Helbek, Westmor, esq Clyfford, Henry, Earl of Cumberland; Wharton, Thomas, of Wharton, Westmor, esq; Blynkynsop, Thomas, of Helbek, Westmor, esq Clyfford, John 6091 d 6451 d 6451 d 6451 d 5138 f Kent Mascall, John Clyfford, Nicholas, of Chart juxta Sutton Valance, gent; Parke, William, of Chart juxta Sutton Valance, husbandman London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Clyfford, Thomas, of Berwyke, March of Scotland, knight; Brakenbere, Anthony, of Seleby, Yorks, esq London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Clyfford, Thomas, of Berwyke, March of Scotland, knight; Brakenbere, Anthony, of Seleby, Yorks, esq London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Paulett, William; Dauntesey, John, knight Doyle, Henry, gent; Veysy, Robert; Veysy, Thomas Cheynye, Thomas, knight, seneschal of Myddelton hundred Cocke, Anthony 4168 f London debt common Suff recovery 4681 f 5325 d Kent Bucks 6240 d Norf Grote, Edmund 4056 f London debt Hykman, Henry, clerk debt 4088 f Middx debt 5616 d Norf 4124 f Norf debt 4098 f Norf debt 5622 d Norf 6241 d Norf Muriell, Edward Clyfford, Thomas, of London, knight; Darcy, Arthur, of London, knight Clyfford, Thomas, of London, knight; Darcy, Arthur, of London, knight Clyfton, Richard; Ascheton, Richard Cobbe, Clement, of Stapleherst, beer brewer or horse courser Cocke, Nicholas, of Bekynsfeld Cocke, Seaman, of Hengham, shoemaker; Pylgryme, John, of Hengham, butcher Cockys, William, of Northampton, clerk Cocle, Thomas, of Derysley, Glos, clothman; Meyowe, Thomas, of Wrysley, Glos, clothman Codlyng, Thomas, junior, of Est Derham, husbandman Leyton, William Wrenne, John, of Drynkeston, executor of; (Wrenne, Coggell, Richard, of Olde Christopher) Bokenham, husbandman Hertstong, William, yeoman, executors of; (Feke, William; Hamond, William) Cok, Edward, of Westwyke, clerk Cok, John, of Westwyk, worsted Grosse, John, esq weaver Brownyng, Thomas, of Castelacre, mercer, executors of; (Patryk, Richard, clerk; Canteley, John; Katherine his Cok, Richard, of Norwich, worsted wife) weaver 4220 f Norf debt Brownyng, Thomas, of Castelacre, mercer, executors of; (Partryke, Richard, clerk; Canteley, John; Katherine his Cok, William, of Norwich, worsted wife) weaver Welles, Richard; Leder, Oliver; Jefson, William; Gyll, John 5355 d Derbs 4685 f Middx 5974 d Devon 5117 f Surrey 5343 d Surrey 6536 d Norf 6330 d London 4062 f London debt 4441 f Notts 4564 f Rutland debt 6567 d London 6547 d Herefs 4674 f Kent 6508 d Suff debt debt debt debt Cokayn, Henry, of Kynwolmarshe, gent; Hewett, John, of Todewyke, Yorks, yeoman Thomkyns, Roger, of Bysshop Coke, Andrew of St Mary Matselon Hytchenton, Warks, "greyser" without Algate, butcher Coke, John, of Aunton Jefford, Bray, Edmund, of Bray, knight husbandman Coke, John, of London, butcher; Jove, John, of Southflete, Kent, Cokkys, John, junior, of butcher; Howchyn, Robert, of London, leather seller Graveshend, butcher Coke, John, of London, butcher; Jove, John, of Southflete, Kent, Cokkys, John, junior, of butcher; Howchyn, Robert, of London, leather seller Graveshend, Kent, butcher Coke, Ralph, of Asshyll, clerk; Wurlyche, John, of Mason, William, of Ryffham, Wykhambroke, Suff haberdasher or harborman Coke, Ralph, of Houghton Bourman, Thomas, yeoman Conquest, Beds, clerk Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, Coke, Richard, of Haveryng atte sergeant at law; Leason, Boure, Essex, gent; Brereton, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, William, of Longdon, knight; Thomas, esq) Brereton, William, esq Coke, Richard, of Newerk on Trent, Hopkynson, Henry baker Coke, Robert, of Rokyngham, Parmetour, John Nhants, butcher Laurence, Oliver, gent, collector of customs and subsidies at Pole; Knyght, Coke, Robert, of Rye, Sussex, William, constable innholder Coke, Roger, of Bromyard, Habyngton, Richard, senior husbandman Coke, Sampson, of Mexsted, Pratt, William yeoman Coke, Thomas, of Downham, shepherd; Yong, John, of Downham, shepherd; Hawke, Aleyn, John, senior; Aleyn, Richard, of Wangford, John, junior husbandman 5825 d Yorks 3922 f Hants 6378 d Essex 6501 d 4006 f Askeley, Henry trespass: taking Lancaster, Hugh Brydlyngton Priory, William, prior of Coke, William, of Farley, yeoman; Barkett, William, of Farley, yeoman Coke, William, of Speton, Yorks, yeoman Pyke, John Coker, William, of Becclys, freemason; Woode, Richard, of Ilketishale St Andrew, husbandman Grenewod, Robert Cokeson, Richard, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Amebler, Lawrence, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Garre, Ralph, of Dareton, Durham, yeoman; Sayvell, John, of Eland, gent; Natclyff, John, of Newhall, gent; Storres, John, of Walton, yeoman Holme Abbey, William, abbot of Cokke, Christopher, of Westwyke, clerk; Cook, Richard, senior, of North Walsham, husbandman; Styward, Thomas, of North Walsham, husbandman; Wellys, John, of North Walsham, laborer Suff Yorks 6234 d Norf 5958 d Westm or 5226 f Devon 5842 d Suff 6126 d London 6445 d London 3998 f Staffs 5492 d London Coke, Thomas, of Newbold, clerk; Jacson, Richard, of Gateforth, husbandman; Gyles, Thomas, of Magna Dryffeld, yeoman debt debt debt Cooke, Richard, of Baulton, Lancs, husbandman; Cookke, Cokke, John, of Lyeche, John, of Repton, Yorks husbandman Cokke, Robert, of Tallaton, Smyth, Robert husbandman Cherche, Thomas, of Bury St Edmunds, bellfounder, executors of; (Styllyard, Robert, clerk; Wyborowe, William; Reve, Roger; Cokkeswete, John, of Claveryng, Margaret his wife) Essex, yeoman Ardeson, George, of London, Cokkys, John, junior, of Suthwerk, merchant leather seller Coxton, Vincent, of London, Cokkys, John, junior, of Suthwerk, skinner leather seller Cokkys, John, of Clent, drover; Nall, Edward, of Weddesbury, Chyp, Roger drover Coxton, Vincent, of London, Cokkys, John, senior, of Suthwerk, skinner leather seller Heyes, Mark, churchwarden of Wynesham Broke, George, of Cobham, knight Knechebull, Richard, of Sellyng, executor of; (Wolett, Roger, of Sellyng juxta Monketon Horton) Reve, John, of Exeter, merchant 6432 d Devon 5360 d Kent 4494 f Kent debt 4341 f Devon debt 4064 f London debt 5996 d Sussex 5615 d London 4490 f Kent debt Castlok, William 4028 f 4984 f Suff Devon debt replevin Lucas, John Dygon, John 5980 d Devon 5218 f Norf 6248 d Norf 4629 f Worcs 6206 d Cornw 6213 d Worcs Tremorkyn, John Careles, William, of Lye, husbandman 5655 d Bucks Carter, Nicholas Wryght, Robert, of London, tiler Jurden, John Coxton, Vincent, of London, draper Mayne, John debt Cosly, Thomas Flouredew, John trespass Hanbury, Anthony Cokkys, Roger, of Wynesham, husbandman; Kyng, Elias, of Wynesham, laborer; Paine(?), John, of Wynesham, laborer; Clotery, Thomas, of Wynesham, yeoman Cokkys, Thomas Cokkys, Thomas, of Tylmanston, gent Cokkys, William, of Beer Regis, Dorset, merchant Cokkys, William, of London, chantry priest of St Mary Wolnothes Cokshote, Alan, of Haylesham, husbandman; Walcok, John, of Est Deane, husbandman Cokye, John, senior, of Suthwerk, leather seller Colbrond, Richard, of St John, Isle of Thanet, husbandman Colby, Thomas, of Cotton, husbandman Cole, John Cole, John, of Slade; Hulland, Thomas, senior; Frynd, Richard Colenson, Ralph, of Est Rudham, husbandman; Anne his wife, formerly Hows, Anne, of Est Rudham, widow Coleyner, John, of Bokenham, shoemaker; Runuhale, John, of Mulberton, smith Collard, Richard, of Stoke Prior, husbandman; Moy, William, of Stoke Prior, husbandman; Lambard, Giles, of Hanbury, husbandman Colle, William, of Lyskerde, butcher; Braye, Thomas, of Lyskerde, miller; Bathe, John, of St Germayn, husbandman Colles, William Collett, William, junior, of Wendover, butcher; Cokkys, Roger, of Aylesbury, butcher; Cokkys, William, of Aylesbury, butcher; Goodwyn, John, of Aylesbury, butcher 5986 d Suff Rabett, Reginald, gent; Rows, William, knight; Bakun, Thomas, esq; Bakun, John, gent; Rabett, William, of Donewich; Rabett, William 5986 d Suff Rabett, Reginald, gent 3911 f Sussex trespass Rede, Richard; A Broke, Richard 5341 d Sussex Rede, Richard; A Broke, Richard 6404 d Oxon Bulstrode, Margaret, widow 4269 f Wilts 6017 d Kent 5581 d debt Warks Colman, William Collett, William, of Westylton, laborer; Collett, Thomas, of Westylton, laborer; Collett, Robert, of Westylton, laborer Collett, William, senior, of Westylton, yeoman; Dowe, John, of Donewich, husbandman; Collett, William, junior, of Westylton, husbandman Collyngham, Geoffrey, of Fryston, yeoman; Collyngham, Robert, of Fryston, yeoman Collyngham, Geoffrey, of Fryston, yeoman; Collyngham, Robert, of Fryston, yeoman Collys, John, of Sybberd, husbandman Colbrand, George Colman, John, of Helmerton, clerk Colman, Sampson; Christine his wife; Coker, Ralph Vale, John; Hawkys, William Colmer, John, of Lychefeld, Staffs, clerk; Rogers, John, of Dyretend, lorimer; Broke, Ralph, of Dyretend, scythe smith; Watheways, Nicholas, of Bordesley, "prinder" 5093 f Beds 6374 d Herts 3966 f Lincs 5397 d 5834 d Staffs York Colsell, Thomas, of Stoke Hamond, Bucks, yeoman; Heryng, Fowk, of Tommys, Thomas, executors Newenton Purcell, Bucks, of; (Boston, John; Joan his husbandman; Thommys, Lewis, of wife) Leyghton Bosard, butcher Colt, John, of Parva Mundon, husbandman; Auncell alias Dewke, William, of Benyngton, maltman; Cheperfold, John, of Enfeld, Middx, Gaylour, George maltman Alanson, Robert, of Lincoln, Colton, Hugh, of Ledys, Yorks, alderman wooldriver Colwiche, Thomas; Colwiche, Colwiche, Edward, son of Christopher Colwiche, George Bekerton, John Colyar, John, of York, pewterer 6547 d 5681 d Herefs York Smyth, Walter Bekerton, John 4079 f London debt 4136 f London debt debt debt Bowyer, Thomas, of London, grocer Howntley, Henry, of Haddenham, Bucks, merchant Colyer, John, of Hoppeley, yeoman Colyer, John, of York, pewterer Colyer, Robert, of Cranebrok, Kent, clothier; Geffrey, William, of Goodherst, Kent, clothman Colyer, Roger, of Cranebroke, Kent, clothmaker Rede, Richard; Broke, Richard Tunkys, Richard 5533 d 5402 d Sussex Shrops 4317 f Yorks 4456 f Cumber covenant 6239 d Norf 5115 f Dorset debt 5052 f Cams debt 5438 d Suff 3989 f Nhants debt 5352 d Wilts debt Swyft, Robert Colyngham, Geoffrey, of Friston, yeoman; Collyngham, Roger, of Friston, husbandman Colyns, John, of Byterley, clerk Colynson, Ralph, of Wath, yeoman; Pigeden, Henry, of Goldthorpe, yeoman Colynson, Robert, of Penreth, barker Burham, Christopher, gent Thyrlowe, Hugh; Reymys, Oliver; Jenyson, Thomas; Thyrlowe, Thomas; Thyrlowe, Comar, Geoffrey, of Burnham William Sutton, husbandman Combe, William, of Orchard, husbandman; Rydowt, Thomas, of Hargrove, husbandman; Moryn, Romayn, Nicholas John, of Shirbourne, tailor Combys, John, of Stokequey, gent; Wyndlowe, Robert, of Parva Baker, John Abyngton, husbandman Comerlond, John, of Becclys, ploughwright; Fakoner, Walter, of Snape, husbandman; Joyner, Robert, of Hasylwode, Palmer, Robert husbandman Compton, John, of Hylmorton, Haddon, Thomas Warks, yeoman Compton, John, of Pole, Dorset, Catcott, William merchant 5250 f London 4944 f 5839 d Yorks Yorks 4209 f London 4209 f London 5023 f London 5041 f London 4008 f Yorks Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, Heron, John, knight, executor of London, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, debt of; (Fouler, Thomas) of London, esq) Concet, Reginald, of Heneden, trespass: close Benger, Robert shomemaker Portyngton, Thomas, esq Consent, Reginald Parnell, John, of London, Considue, Richard, of Edmonton, debt draper Middx, yeoman Parnell, John, of London, Considue, Richard, of Edmonton, debt draper Middx, yeoman Parnell, John, of London, Considue, Richard, of Edmonton, debt draper Middx, yeoman Parnell, John, of London, Considue, Richard, of Edmonton, debt draper Middx, yeoman St Oswald Nostell Priory, prior Constable, John, of Burton debt of Constable, knight 4323 f York debt 5356 d York Ashton, Ellen, of Barleburgh, Derbs, widow Edgore, Edward Constable, Ralph, of Catfosse, esq; Asby, Elias, of Catfosse, gent Constable, Stephen, of Catfosse, Holderness, gent; Asheby, Elias, of Catfosse, gent Malton Priory, Ryedale, William, prior of Armyn, John, of London, merchant tailor 5708 d Yorks 5471 d London 3936 f Lincs debt 4348 f Soms debt 5697 d Yorks 5839 d Norf 5632 d Norf 4847 f London debt 5163 f London debt 6155 d London 6438 d London 4728 f London debt 5016 f Cams Constable, Thomas Conway, John, of London, gent Conyars, Simon, of Danby on Yore, Yorks, esq; Wandysford, Christopher, of Kirtlyngton, Yorks, Sayntpoll, John, of Snarforde, esq; Preston, Arthur, of Bilburgh, esq Yorks, esq Conybeare, John, of Wevelyscove, Chapman, James husbandman Conyers, Cuthbert, of Layton, Elwyke, John Durham, esq Flyyte, Thomas; Alice his wife Vowell, Richard, prior of Walsyngham Priory Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Guibon, Thomas, of West Lenn, Norf, esq, son of Guibon, George, executors of; (Lomner, Edmund; Rose his wife) Guybon, Thomas, esq, son of Guybon, Thomas, executors of; (Lomnor, Edmund; Rose his wife) trespass: close Quy, Alexander Conyngesby, William, esq Coo alias Dockyng, William, of Magna Snoryng, yeoman Coo, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, esq Coo, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, esq Coo, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, esq Coo, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, gent; Etgode, William, of Qwaplode, Lincs, butcher Coo, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, gent; Etgose, William, of Ewarlbe, Lincs Coo, Thomas, of Meldereth, husbandman 5113 f Surrey 5104 f London debt Doughey, Thomas, of London, stockfishmonger; Bolter, John, of London, goldsmith Corbet, Roger, of Lynchelade, esq 3903 f Essex debt Cartwryght, Thomas, of Sybyll Cooke, Henry, of Otton Belcham, Hedyngham, singleman husbandman 4370 f 4229 f Essex Norf debt, vacated debt 6330 d London debt Cartwryght, Thomas, of Sybyll Hedyngham, singleman Ollerhed, Hugh, chaplain Boreman, Thomas, of Harrow of the Hyll Coo, William, of Magna Snoryng, Norf, yeoman Coodyffe, Robert, of Chesham, Bucks, gent Cooke, Henry, of Otton Belcham, husbandman Cooke, Ralph, of Asshehyll, clerk Cooke, Ralph, of Houghton Conquest, Beds, clerk 5231 f Beds 5496 d London 4902 f Norf 6259 d Norf 4209 f London debt 5034 f London debt 6548 d Middx 5278 f London debt Muryell, Edward Wyat, Henry, knight; Lyster, Richard, knight, Chief Baron of the Exchequer 4268 f Bucks debt Mayne, Richard 3895 f Bucks debt Lee, Thomas 3917 f Devon debt 5550 d Devon 5681 d Yorks Hoppyng, Richard Hurst, William, of Exeter, merchant of Husseborn Terrant, husbandman 5681 d Yorks Tempast, Richard, knight 5694 d Yorks Tempast, Richard, knight Copleston, Charles, of Bykton, gent Copley, William, of Sprodburgh, gent Copley, William, of Sprodburgh, gent Copley, William, of Sprodburgh, gent Saunders, Richard Coplond, Thomas, of Agmondesham, butcher; Kent, John, of Redyng, Berks, clothier; Dover, Richard, of Aylesbury, smith; Grey, Thomas, of Redyng, Berks, butcher; Gold, John, of Laurens Waltham, Berks, butcher 4267 f Bucks debt Coveyn, William, clerk Cooke, Ralph, of North Pyckenham, Norf, clerk Cooke, Richard, of Rye, Sussex, merchant; White, Robert, of Hethfeld, Sussex, weaver; Harryngton, Robert, of Batell, Sussex, fuller; Rookys, Richard, of Sheryngton, Beds, yeoman; Everet, Richard, of Shenton, Leics, yeoman Cooke, William, of Dyrsyngham, butcher; Beelys, Robert, of Seggeford, husbandman; Wroxham, John, of Hecham, husbandman Cooke, William, of Wesenham, husbandman; Cooke, Thomas, of Reynham, yeoman; Wryght, William, of Beeston juxta Mileham, butcher; Bokenham, Walter, of Sowth Ryngham, husbandman; Fyssche, Rowland, of Tyttleshale, innkeeper Cookeson, George, of Hamuldone, Hants, clerk Cookeson, George, vicar of Hambldone, Hants Coole, Thomas, of Dorysley, Glos, clothman; Mayowe, Thomas, of Dorysley, clothman Cope, Stephen, of Bodehampton, Hants, esq; Westbroke, William, of Godalmyn, Surrey, gent Copelond, Thomas, of Agmondesham, butcher Copland, Thomas, of Agmondesham, butcher Copleston, Charles, of Bycketon, esq Colyer, Robert debt debt Ruste, John Potter, John Cookys, Robert, of London, salter Cockys, Robert, of London, salter 5720 d Devon Wanell, Thomas 4660 f Kent debt 5016 f Cams 4042 f Suff 4030 f 5456 d Suff Suff trespass: taking Godfrey, Richard Seynt Jermyn, Christopher, esq; Hobart, Miles, esq; Ellen trespass: close his wife Seynt Jermyn, Christopher, esq; Hobart, Miles, esq; Ellen forcible entry his wife Yaxlee, Anthony 4677 f Surrey debt 4081 f Middx debt 3976 f Staffs trespass: close Gravenour, John 5120 f Hunts debt 6506 d Suff 4483 f Bucks 6312 d Cams 4020 f Suff 4684 f Wilts Rychemond, Paul Multon, Robert Norris, Christina, of St Martin in the Fields, Charing Cross, widow Kyng, William Ogelsthorp, Nicholas debt execution Clyfford, Ellen, widow Kyng, William Coppleston, Nicholas, of Tyverton, gent; Sowdon, Thomas, of Kyrton, husbandman Coppyn, John, of St Lawrence, Isle of Thanet, husbandman; Goteham, Richard, of Nether Hardres, collier Coppynford, Henry, of Molton, Suff, clerk; Miller, Robert, of Molton, yeoman Coppyng, John, of Burgat, clerk Coppyng, John, of Burgat, clerk; Underwode, Robert, of Burgate, husbandman Coppyng, John, of Burgate, clerk Copwode, Ralph, of Suthwarke St Margaret, skinner(?) Copwood, John, of Tartarige, Herts, gent Corbet, Michael, of Wolverhampton, gent; Corbet, Richard, of Wolverhampton, gent; Hosyer, John, of Wolverhampton, husbandman Corbet, William, of St Neots, husbandman; Baxster, John, of Eton, Beds, butcher Corbett, Christopher, of Sudbery, tailor Corbett, Roger, of Lynchelade, esq Corbett, William, of St Neots, husbandman; Baxster, John, of Eton, Beds, butcher Corbold, Peter, of Warlyngworth, butcher debt Raff, Edward forcible entry Baynton, Edward, knight; Yorke, Thomas; Warner, Henry; Wrangton, Thomas, Leder, Oliver; Trappys, Robert Cordery, Thomas, of Chuyt, gent 6502 d Suff Lockewoode, Leonard 4058 f London debt Wythypoll, Paul Cordy, Robert, of Bylston, laborer; Hamond, Hugh, of Brettenham, husbandman; Ruddesdale, Richard, of Mildyng, husbandman Corlakar, Charles, of Suthwerk, joiner 6442 d London 5266 f Kent 5859 d Suff Botry, William, of London, mercer debt execution Broke, Thomas, esq Sydey, William, of Bures St Mary, yeoman 4068 f London debt Garrard, John, of London, grocer 5072 f Essex Wentworthe, Roger, esq 6044 d debt Middx Zouche, George, esq Revett, John; Typsheth, Robert; Norman, William Brett 4113 f Norf common recovery 5191 f Suff debt 6536 d Norf 4347 f Devon debt 4418 f Warks debt 4686 f 4088 f Cornw Middx Ratclyff, Roger, esq Courtenay, Henry, Marquess of Exeter trespass: close Sharp, Robert 4926 f Norf defamation Barker, Edward Kyrke, Gilbert Bartylmewe, John Cornewall, Thomas, of Burforth, salop, knight; Pultney, Thomas, of Misterton, Leics, knight; Brudenell, Robert, knight, Chief Justice, executors of; (Brudenell, Thomas, of London, gent; Brudenell, Anthony, of London, mercer) Cornewell, John, esq; Elizabeth his wife, formerly Broke, Elizabeth, of Cobham, widow of Broke, Thomas, knight Cornewell, John, of Stebbyng, Essex, gent Cornewell, John, of Stebbyng, Essex, gent; Smyth, John, of Greane, Kent, clerk; Berwyk, John, of Suthwerke, tailor; Savage, George, of Westminster, yeoman Cornewell, John, of Stebbyng, gent; Reynold, George, laborer; Wythers, Robert, of Wodham Ferreys, husbandman Cornewell, Thomas, of Burford, Herefs, knight; Damport, Nicholas, of Haryngworthe, Nhants, gent Cornwaleys, John, knight; Bedyngfeld, Edmund, knight Cornwayle, John, of Haveryll, yeoman Cornys, William, of North Walsham, sherman; Ponyon, Thomas, of Worsted, raffman; Wyne, John, of Worsted, smith Cornysshe, Thomas, of Northam, yeoman; Tyler, Robert, of Tawnton, Soms, yeoman; Forth, Thomas, of Curry Ryvell, Soms, yeoman; Whyte, William, of Wytherigge, yeoman Corvysar, Thomas, of Solyhull, yeoman; Howyns, William, of Byknell, yeoman Coryton, Peter, of South Newton, gent Cosby, Ellen, of Strowde, widow Cosson, William, of Snyterley, mariner Leygh, Robert, of London, mercer 6418 d London 6261 d Norf 6436 d London Appulby, John, of Houghton Dormer, Michael, of London, mercer 6419 d Surrey Hampden, Richard, gent 6051 d London 4008 f Yorks Ferrers, Edward, knight Drax, Thomas, doctor of theology 4930 f Norf 4877 f Cornw debt Coston, Thomas, of Bristol, chapman; Lyons, John, of Burford, Oxon, chapman; Cowper, James, of Est Barsham, Norf, chapman; Cowper, William, of Fenne Stratford, Bucks, chapman Cosyn, Richard, of Northcreke, husbandman; Tompson, Robert, of Magna Snoryng, husbandman; Holby, Robert, of Parva Snoryng, husbandman; Froste, William, of Howghton juxta Walsyngham, husbandman; Cosyn, Robert, of Northcreke, husbabndman Cottesmore, John, of Baldwyn Bryghtwell, Oxon, esq Cottesmore, John, of Baldwyn Bryghtwell, Oxon, gent Cotton, William, of Oxnothe, Kent, esq Cottysford, Johm, of Oxford, clerk Cotys, John, of Cley juxta Mare, debt Shaxton, Thomas, of Bathele husbandman Couche, Edmund, of Lanyvet, husbandman; Bray, William, junior, trespass: close Brodley, John; Joan his wife of Bodmyn, glover 4904 f Norwich debt 5775 d Norwich Curat, John, of Norwich, alderman and notary public Parys, John, of Norwich, mercer 6310 d London Towneshend, Roger, knight 6013 d Kent Vydean, Vincent 4897 f Norf 4633 f Middx trespass: taking Wynter, Henry Blokley, Richard, of Kynfare, Staffs, tanner, executor of; debt (Blokley, Roger) 4291 f Yorks debt Goldsmyth, William Counstable, Richard, of Hale, husbandman; Bayle, Robert, of Melton Magna, husbandman; Palmer, John, of Southstede, clerk Cove, Robert, of Becclys, Suff, gent Cove, Robert, of Becclys, Suff, gent; Sherman, Thomas, of Yaxley, Suff, gent; Payne, John, of Elme, Cams, yeoman; Clerke, Thomas, of of Wysbyche, Cams, draper; Walsyngham, Andrew, of Upwell, Cams, yeoman; Folsham, Richard, of Outwell, Norf, brewer Coveney, Richard, of Maydeston, mason Cowgate, Thomas, of Styskey, husbandman Cowley, Thomas, of Alderley, Staffs, grasier Cowper, John, of Bilsdall, yeoman 4389 f Norwich debt Wylkyns, Ralph, of Norwich, alderman 4917 f Norwich debt Wylkyns, Ralph, of Norwich, alderman 6326 d Middx Stokwood, Edward, of St Martins in the Fields, draper 5697 d Yorks Gascoigne, William, knight 6412 d Middx Yelome, Robert 6015 d Kent Nuttyng, Patrick 5865 d Herefs Whytyng, James 4660 f Kent 6332 d Hunts Wardeboys, John, abbot of Ramesey Abbey 6384 d 6026 d Essex Kent Ebden, William Bolde, Stephen 5361 d Lincs Carter, Christopher 6304 d London Parnell, John, of London draper 5980 d Cornw Tredeneck, William 4676 f Kent debt debt Pende, Stephen Standysshe, Christopher Cowper, Nicholas, of Dysse, draper; Colman, Thomas, of Dysse, husbandman Cowper, Nicholas, of Dysse, draper; Colman, Thomas, of Dysse, husbandman Cowper, Richard, of Angmaryng, Sussex, yeoman; Rede, Leonard, of St Clement Danes, London, gent; Hepburn, John, of London, cooper; Tydder, John, of Sowthwerk, yeoman; Curson, Ralph, of London, clothworker; Sharyngton, William, of London, gent; Cocke, Thomas, of London, caterer Cowper, Richard, of Est Kesewyk, husbandman Cowper, Robert, of Ratflyff, brewer; Calverley, Thomas, of Ratclyff, baker; Butler, William, of Chartham, Kent, mercer; Mores, John, of Feversham, Kent, bargeman Cowper, Roger, of Appuldore, mercer; Byssoppynden, Thomas, of Appuldore, tailor Cowper, Roger, of Grendon Warrand, laborer; Corbet, John, of Bromyard, laborer; Kenyet, Thomas, of Grendon Warrand, laborer; Horwood, William, of Grendon Warrand, laborer Cowper, Thomas, of Maydeston, fishmonger; Elnott, William, of Maydeston, fuller Cowper, William, of Over, yeoman, executrix of; (Cowper, Joan, of Ovar, Cams, widow) Cowper, William, of Walden, mercer Cowretope, George Coxson, John, of Burgh in the Marshe, husbandman Crabe, John, of Worcester, draper; Botrell, Thomas, of Edmonton, Middx, gent Cragowe, Richard, of Trecan, husbandman; Serell, John, of Treyre, husbandman; Hobbe, Richard, of Carwen, husbandman; Hamly, Henry, of Trefrawell, yeoman Crane, George, of Old Bokyngham, Norf, tailor 5981 d Suff 3967 f Lincs 5181 f Soms 4788 f 6372 d debt Kene, Robert, gent Dawson, William, of Flete, executors of; (Blakborn, William; Clerk, Lawrence; White, John; Elizabeth his wife) trespass: close Meryett, Richard Heron, John, of London, mercer, executor of; (Heron, London debt Thomas, esq) Botry, William, of London, London mercer 5472 d London 6304 d London 6380 d Herts 4197 f Soms 5580 d Soms 4934 f Norf 6226 d Norf 4995 f Cams 5015 f Hunts Richemod, John Barlee, William, vicar of Dagham Blaunche, Joan, widow, executors of; (Walsshe, Thomas; Lynsted, Edmund) Crane, John, of Thrandeston, husbandman Crane, Robert, of Flete, husbandman Crane, Thomas, of Lytelton, husbandman Crane, William, of Est Grenewyche, Kent, gent Crane, William, of London, gent Cranfeld, John, junior, of Ware, Herts, pewterer; Blukbank, Robert, of Melton, Leics, pewterer; Hodson, Leonard, of Amptell, Beds, brasier Cranmer, Edward, of Hadlegh, Essex, husbandman; Cranmer, John, of Hadlegh, husbandman Cranwell, Thomas, of Wymondley, yeoman; Margaret his wife Crase, John, of Frome Selwod, gent; Elyott, John, of Frome Selwod, mercer; Gorge, John, of Frome Selwod, tucker; Bellowe, Henry, of Frome Selwod, husbandman; Walter, John, of trespass: close Jurden, Edward Frome Selwod, smith Crasse, John, of Frome Selwod, gent; Below, Henry, of Frome Selwod, husbandman, husbandman; Jefferey, Thomas, of Frome Selwod, wire drawer; Yeman, William, of Frome Selwod, Waynter(?), Walter husbandman Crathorn, William, of Reyngham St debt Cleydon, Stephen Mary, husbandman Colson, John, of Tid St Giles, Crathorne, William, of Lytlem Cams Donham, husbandman Cray, John, of Ely, waterman; Reyner, John, of Sutton, Isle of Ely, husbandman; Coke, John, of Ely, waterman; Judderell, John, executor of; (Bake, John, of Sutton, husbandman; Smyth, William, of debt Palmer, Bartholomew Sutton, husbandman) Cray, John, senior, of St Ives, waterman; Palmer, Bartholomew, of St Ives, chandler; Craye, John, debt Seymer, William of Ely, Cams, waterman 5370 d Lincs Cressy, Robert 3899 f Glos 6327 d Middx 3937 f Lincs debt 4934 f Norf debt 4632 f London detinue 5659 d Hants 5774 d Norwich 6244 d Norwich 5544 d vacated trespass Cressy, Brian, of Wrightluld, Gosberkirke, yeoman Crewe, John, of Bytton, husbandman Crede, Thomas Byluper(?), Robert, executors of; (Reynoldys, William; Crewgh, Harman, of St Martin juxta Agnes his wife) Charyng Crosse, shoemaker Crispe, Thomas, of London, merchant, executrix of; (Crispe, Briane, Thomas, gent Anne, of London, widow) Croche, Henry, of Hakeford, executor of; (Sekker, Richard, of Crabbe, William Gresnall, husbandman) Croche, William, of Ingleston, Drewes, John, esq Soms, gent Crocker, John, of Over Wallop, husbandman; Pyckernell, Agnes, of Sheppard, John Over Wallop, widow Soterton, John, of Norwich, Croft, William, of Great Yarmouth, mercer laborer Sotteren, John, of Norwich, Crofte, William, of Great Yarmouth, mercer laborer 4627 f Buttery, William Crofton, Robert; Haws, Thomas Gresham, Richard; Buttery, Middx William Crofton, Robert; Haws, Thomas recognisance, Gressham, Richard; Butterey, Middx writ of entry William Crofton, Robert; Haws, Thomas Croftys, John, of Wodorowe, husbandman; Suger, Roger, of Notts trespass: close Sterley, John Wodborowe, husbandman Croke, Robert, of Leskerd, gent; Vyan, Nicholas John, of Cornw trespass: close de Veer, John, Earl of Oxford Cambourne, yeoman Goddyng, John, clerk, Crome, Benedict, of Heydon, executor of; (Goddyng, butcher; Harvy, John, of Refeham, Norf debt William) stainer Crosby, Richard, of Catfosse, Yorks Hornby, Martin laborer Hughes, John, of London, London debt gent Crosse, Henry, of London, clerk trespass: Crosse, Richard, of Plymptre, Devon assault Crosse, Walter husbandman Crosweler, Richard, of West Hants debt Warner, Henry Thysted, clerk 5087 f Crowche, John, of Hexston, Herts, Bleverhayset, John, executors husbandman; Coffeley, Henry, of of; (Grey, Henry, knight; Seynt Hexston, husbandman; Dey, Jermyn, Christopher) Richard, of Hexston, husbandman 5576 d 4839 f 4412 f 4878 f 4908 f 5710 d 4831 f 5226 f 6207 d Beds Cornw debt Downe, Richard Crowdacotte, John, of Launceston, yeoman; Marman, Richard, of Launceston, cordwainer; Comer, Thomas, of Launceston, mercer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Bosome, John, esq, patron of Wyssyngset St Mary 6487 d London 6490 d London 4239 f Norf 6504 d Suff 5054 f Middx 6073 d Middx 4984 f Devon 6020 d Kent 5202 f Devon replevin Bagbeare, Robert 4335 f Soms debt Rychardys, John 6242 d Norf Humfrey, Henry 5664 d Hants 4119 f Essex 6163 d Middx Grene, John, clerk Hynde, John, sergeant at law; Noke, Robert, clerk; Lyndesell, Richard Hynde, John, sergeant at law; Noke, Robert, clerk; Lyndsell, Richard 4666 f Surrey debt Owen, David, knight 5119 f Soms debt Sariant, William 4329 f 3942 f Soms Lincs debt Sariant, William trespass: close Roberd, John 5706 d 4460 f Yorks York debt bery, Christopher Edgore, Edward, gent 5261 f Norf debt Hobart, Henry, esq 6226 d Norf 5216 f Norf debt debt debt Owner, Ralph Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England Weston, William, prior of St John of Jerusalem hospital Dycher, William, clerk Pelsott, William common recovery Leme, William, clerk debt Chamber, Thomas Crowde, Richard, of Cromor, Norf, merchant Crowde, Richard, of Cromor, Norf, yeoman Crowe, John, rector of Wyssyngset St Mary Crowe, John, senior, of Yoxford, tanner; Crowe, John, junior, of Yoxford, tanner Crowe, Thomas, of Boston, Lincs, chaplain Crowe, Thomas, of Boston, Lincs, chaplain Crugge, Roger, of Otery St Mary, clerk Cruttynden, John, of Hadlowe, husbandman; Turke, John, of Merworth, husbandman Cruys, John; Halse, William; Adams, William Crystofer, Philip, of Shepton Malet, husbandman Cubyte, Robert, of Martham, yeoman; Harvy, Robert, of Refeham, stainer; Kente, John, of Attylburgh, husbandman; Bacon, Henry, of Thornage, clerk Cukson, George, of Handmeldon, clerk Culpeper, Alexander, knight; Constance his wife Culpeper, Alexander, knight; Constance his wife Cunell alias Cunwell, John, of Suthwerk, tailor Cure, John, of Maydon Bradeley, Wilts, husbandman Cure, John, of Maydon Bradley, Wilts, husbandman Cure, Thomas, of Flete, clerk Curle, Thomas, of Grynton, chapman; Carter, George, of Arkyndale, laborer Curson, Robert, of London, gent Curson, William, of Garbottesham, clerk Curtes, Edmund, of Hyklyng, husbandman Curteys, William, of Byrlyngham St Edmund, clerk 4921 f Norf 6559 d 6527 d London London 4014 f Suff 5189 f 6316 d Suff Essex 4433 f Leics 6258 d Norf 4890 f Cornw 4695 f 4480 f Worcs Worcs debt Burrowe, John Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Pole, Oliver debt Blakman, Robert Cusshone, Thomas, of Hethersett, husbandman; Cusshone, Roger, of Hethersett, husbandman; Cusshone, Emma, of Hethersett, widow Cutbert, John, of Great Yarmouth, mariner Cuthauke, John, of London, clerk Cutler, John, of Mildenhale, smith; Anderson, John, of Wyckhambroke, smith; Holdernesse, William, of Bury St Edmunds, smith; Chaundler, John, of Newmarket, husbandman; Prior, Robert, of Burwell, Cams, shoemaker Goodwyn, Robert Frohoke alias Frogge, John Cutt, Robert, of Banbury, Oxon, yeoman; Styward, Nicholas, of Kerby, Essex, yeoman; Bettys, William, of Bramford, husbandman; Frelove, Stephen, of Ipswich, beer brewer; Katherine his wife Cutte, John debt Herell, Walter Dabrigecourt, John; Peesgrave, William; Brooke, Robert, clerk; Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln Daby, Paul, of Swaffham Markett, husbandman; Mynnes, John, of Est Laxham, husbandman; Cootys, William, of Parva Fransham, husbandman Dadowe, Henry, executors of; (Dadowe, William; Laa, Richard, Leticia his wife) trespass: close Hunt, Richard Dalamare, Margery, of Eldersfeld, widow; Dyall, William, of Eldersfeld, yeoman; Mody, Henry, of Eldersfeld, husbandman; Kockshote, Richard, of Eldersfeld, husbandman; Hawkys, John, of Eldersfeld, husbandman; Surmond, William, of Eldersfeld, husbandman debt execution Dalby, Richard, of Detford, Kent, yeoman; Dalby, John, of Detford, waterman; ap Thomas, Thomas, of Evesham, barber; Denton, Richard, of Evesham, tailor; ap Thomas, William, of Bengeworthe, laborer quare impedit Crown Payn, Walter waste Ordryche, John 4020 f Suff debt Tyrell, Robert 6224 d Norf 5490 d London 3997 f Shrops trespass 5963 d Shrops 4456 f 3945 f Cumber debt account as Lincs receiver 5387 d Lincs Hulton, George Celston, Robert, gent, executor of; (Portyngton, Thomas) 5942 d Suff Vesey, Thomas 5519 d Suff Whyted, Thomas, clerk 4343 f Devon 5186 f Dorset Langewade, Robert Woodall, John; Crawley,Robert debt Dalowe, John Trollop, John; Milward, Humphrey Chamber, Thomas, of Wolstye, yeoman Courteney, William, knight 5143 f trespass: close Underhyll, John, clerk Woode, Robert; Lambert, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Kyngeston London debt on Hull 4068 f London debt 4621 f Norf 5965 d Surrey 4625 f Essex 6453 d London debt trespass and contempt Hollys, William, of London, alderman Payn, Walter Wraye, Philip, son of Wray, Richard Draper, William, gent Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, John) Dale, Ralph, of Myldenhale, husbandman; Melton, William, of Berton Myllys, husbandman; Colyn, Thomas, of Watlysfeld, miller; Maryett, John, of Mildenhale, husbandman Dale, William, prior of Heryngflete Priory, Suff Dalog, James, of Lewtes Wenden, essex, yeoman Dalowe, Humphrey, of Kynlet, husbandman Dalowe, Thomas, of Kynlet, shoemaker Dalston, Thomas, of Dalston, gent Dalton, Richard, of Donyngton, husbandman Daltre, George, of Hawkbarowe, gent; Harryes, William, of Hull, merchant of the staple Damsell, Robert, of Flowton, husbandman; Damsell, John, of Flowton, husbandman Danbery, John, of Walden, Essex, yeoman Danelys, William, of Melborowe, husbandman; Bonvese, Andrew, of Kyngysbrygge, merchant Danyell, John, of Bemyster, yeoman Danyell, John, of Kyngeston on Hull, merchant Danyell, John, of Kyngeston on Hull, merchant; Brokyngdyn, William, of Crambroke, Kent, clothmaker; Ware, John, of Crambroke, clothmaker Danyell, Ralph, of Swaffham Markett, gent Darcy, Thomas, knight, Lord Darcy Darcy, Thomas, of Hyesterne, esq; Antony, Richard, of Earls Colne, gent; Tye, Richard, of Colchester, mariner Darcy, Thomas, of Westminster, knight; Constable, Robert, of Holme, Yorks, knight 4798 f Sussex debt Covert, Richard, of Slagham, esq 4069 f London debt Garrard, John, of London, grocer Darkenoll, Robert, of Canterbury, gent, son of Darkenoll, Robert, of Pensehurst, gent, and Joan his wife Darknall, Robert, of Canterbury, esq; Cornewell, John, of Stebbyng, Essex, gent; Seesle alias Zyesley, Richard, of Sevenok, Kent, chapman Darkyn, John, of Fordham, Cams, husbandman; Sesen, John, of Haveryll, yeoman; Newport, Robert, of Ketton, husbandman; Harryson, Thomas, of Ketton, pedder Darrell, Anne, of Charte Parva, Kent, widow 5188 f Suff 5501 d London Person, William, of Talow Wrattyng, husbandman Blaketon, Humphrey, of London, merchant tailor 4542 f Warks debt Wylloughby, Henry, of Middelton, Warks, knight, executors of; (Wylloughby, John, knight; FitzHerbert, Anthony, knight, Justice; Wylloughby, Edward, knight; Perrot, Robert, chaplain) 3943 f Lincs debt Curson, Richard 6202 d Cornw Bray, Robert 6202 d Cornw Bray, Robert 3930 f Staffs trespass 4887 f Herefs dower 5473 d Cams Craweley, Thomas 5730 d Soms Burdnys, John debt Corbyn, Richard Palmer, Richard; Matilda his wife, widow of Dalamare, Nicholas Darrell, Marmaduke, of Pagham, Sussex, gent Darwyn, John, of Kelstren, husbandman; Enderby, Robert, of Wykam, husbandman Daryte, John, senior, of St Clere, husbandman; Joan his wife; Daryte, John, junior, of St Clere, husbandman Daryte, John, senior, of St Clere, husbandman; Joan his wife; Daryte, John, junior, of St Clere, husbandman Dasshewen, John, senior, of Mayre, husbandman; Dasshewen, Thomas, of Enveld, chaplain; Dasshewen, John, junior, of Morff, husbandman Daunce, John; Joan his wife; Archard, Richard; Matilda his wife Daunt, Robert, of Stapleford, yeoman; Sturmyn, John, of Fulmer, poulter; Thriplowe, John, of Ikylton, laborer David, John, of Churchill, chaplain; Moseley, Henry, of Hutton, chaplain; Forde, Henry, of Combysbury, husbandman; Wattys, John, of Combysbury, husbandman Goderic, Anne, prioress of Grenefeld Priory 5365 d Lincs 4896 f Herefs trespass: close Reed, Henry 4935 f Norf trespass: close Brampton, Thomas David, William, of Alford, barber Davies, Thomas, of Elton Bishop, yeoman Davy, Adam, of Westwynch, carpenter Davy, John, of Holton, husbandman; Wynter, William, of Holton, husbandman; Fox, William, of Sotherton, husbandman Davy, John, of Redreth, laborer; Croughton, Thomas, of Redreth, laborer; Paynter, William, of Redreth, laborer 4024 f Suff debt Fuylhowse, Richard 4974 f Cornw trespass: assault Goldesmyth, John 6004 d Sussex 5528 d Norwich Jeffrey, John Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman 4917 f Norwich debt Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman 6533 d Norf 5649 d 5841 d Bucks Suff Payn, Walter Mundy, Thomas; Stone, Thomas; Rouland, Thomas Sharpe, Edward 4639 f Sussex trespass Dunstall, John Davy, Katherine, of Norwich, widow Davy, Katherine, of Norwich, widow; Bache, John, of Norwich, tailor; Warde, Nicholas, of Ocley, Suff, yeoman Davy, Paul, of Swafham Market, fishmonger Davy, Reginald, of Hamilden, husbandman Davy, Richard, of Norwich, grocer Davy, Stephen, junior, of West Grynsted, husbandman; Davy, Matilda, of West Grynsted, spinster; Alye, Alice, of West Grynsted, spinster Davy, Thomas, of Cranebroke, Kent, merchant; Con(?), Katherine, of Cranebroke, widow; Colyer, Henry, of Marden, Kent, weaver 4083 f London debt Colyer, Robert 4084 f London debt 6110 d 4636 f London Suff debt 6445 d London Cokkys, John, clerk Cokkys, John, clerk, doctor of law Danyell, Hugh, gent Byllyng, William, of Dadyngton, Oxon, merchant at Calais 6239 3992 5414 3991 Norf Nhants replevin Nhants Nhants replevin Jernegan, John, esq Goodgame, William Goodman, John Kyslyngebery, Richard 4253 f Oxon Wenman, Richard 6404 d Oxon d f d f debt Wenman, Richard Davy, John, of Rype, yeoman Davy, Thomas, of London, mercer Davy, Thomas, of London, mercer Davy, Thomas, of Melford, pedder Davy, William, of Redyng, Berks, clothier Davy, William, of Tofte Monks, yeoman Davye, Benedict Davye, Benedict Davye, Benedict Davys, Richard, of Strodewater, Glos, clothier Davys, Richard, of Strodewater, Hampnet, Glos, clothier 4977 f 6223 d 5484 d 3930 f Alyes, Ralph Dawbeney, Francis, of Blakenawton, husbandman; Baylly, John, of Boughton, husbandman Norf Davy, Gregory, of Gunthorp, gent Dawbeney, Henry, of Scharyngton, gent; Lomnour, Thomas, of Scharyngton, gent; Bakon, Henry, of Thornage, clerk; Mathewe, John, of Clay juxta Mare, husbandman London Dawbney, Thomas, of Scharyngton, esq, executors of; (Dawbeney, Giles, clerk; Dawbeney, William, gent) Dawbeney, Henry, of Sharyngton, Norf, gent; Schaxton, Thomas, junior, of Bathele, Norf, husbandman Sussex trespass Dawe, John, of Burwasshe, tanner; Colman, Maurice, of Burwasshe, husbandman; Awyke, Christopher, Cade, Richard; Cade, William of Burwasshe, husbandman Worcs debt 5205 f Soms debt 5977 d London 4627 f London debt Meker, Thomas Elmytt, John, rector of St Martin, Ironmonger Lane, administrator of; (Page, Christopher; Sherman, Richard; Joan his wife) Elmytt, John, rector of St Martin, Ironmonger Lane, administrators of; (Page, Christopher, of Roughan, Lincs; Sherman, Richard; Joan his wife) 4346 f 5926 d 3891 f Soms Essex Essex debt debt Glastonbury Abbey, Richard, abbot of Adys, Richard Adys, Richard 4909 f Norf debt Prymerose, Henry 4307 f Yorks trespass: close Dyxson, William Dawe, Thomas, of Drayton, husbandman; Barowe, John, of Henton, husbandman; Rede, John, of Kyngesbery, husbandman Dawes, Isabel, of London, widow of Dawes, Thomas, of London, grocer Dawes, Isabel, of London, widow of Dawes, Thomas, of London, grocer Dawkyns, John, of Babcare, yeoman; Huchyns, John, of Martoke, husbandman; Michell, Richard, of Long Sutton, yeoman; Wall, John, of Myddylsewy, husbandman; Browne, John, of Quene Camell, yeoman Dawson, John Dawson, John, of Walden, hosier Dawson, Richard, of Worsted, worsted weaver; Bedlem, John, of Martham, shoemaker; Rokland, Robert, of Worsted, laborer Dawson, Stephen, of Rypon, clerk 4665 f Surrey 5694 d Yorks debt Crosse, John, of Suthwerk, brewer Dawson, Thomas, of Suthwerk, gent; Burdett, William, of Suthwerk, gent; Clyfford, "Nandum", of Suthwerk; Heth, John, of Camberwell, husbandman Sylston, John Dawtre, Robert, of Full Sutton, gent Dayly, William, of London, merchant; Page, Hugh, of Exeter, chapman; Kay, John, of South Pederton, Soms, chapman; Lorker, Thomas, of Wynchester, chapman; Collys, Richard, of Taunton, Soms, chapman Dayman, John, of Wydwarry, husbandman; Balston, John, senior, of Honyton, butcher; Blasyar, Nicholas, of Honyton, mason 4988 f London debt Colsell, William, of London, mercer 5227 f Devon Crosse, Michael defamation 5139 f London debt 6017 d 5706 d 5706 d Surrey Yorks Yorks de Bard, John Francis, of London, merchant; de Bard, Remer, Bett, James, gent, collector of merchant of Florence; Robynson, customs and subsidies at Richard, of Londern, embroiderer; Southampton Cokyn, John, of London, grocer de la Barre, Peter, of Suthwerk, Dewnale, Peter, clerk "capthykker" Barton, Ralph Deane, John, of Middelam, clerk Tyrgose, Hugh Deane, John, of Middelam, clerk 5064 f Herts trespass: close Ibgrave, William, gent 6335 d London Case, William 5698 d Yorks Awbrey, Robert 4871 f Walton, John 5957 d Worcs debt Northu mb 6358 d 5840 d London Suff 4351 f Devon Johnson, Charles Dekyn, Ralph, of Langley Abbots, husbandman; Smythe, John, of Langley Abbots, smith; Heyvard, Alexander, of Langley Abbots, tailor; Bokmaster, Robert, of Langley Abbots, husbandman Denbande, Robert, of Stowy, Soms, yeoman Denby, Robert, of Kesburgh, butcher Denson, John, of bewedeley, Salop, fuller Dent, John, of Newcastell, yeoman Denton, Thomas, of London, gent; Garrad, John, of London, Denton, George, of Horvelyn, grocer Lincs, gent Lee, John Deny, John Denys, John, executors of; (Dolff, Denys, William, son of Denys, Thomas, of Thornerton, John husbandman; Joan his wife) 4909 f Norf Bysshop, Richard; Fyrmyge, Richard; Bysshop, William; Kytbard, Richard 5701 d Yorks Mennell, William 6204 d 5373 d Cornw Lincs Joce, John Aleyn, Thomas 5934 d Worcs Hyll, Humphrey 6504 d Suff Hawkyn, John 5447 d Suff 5020 f London debt Braye, William Bradshawe, Elias, of Chichester, Sussex 6447 d Kent Terrey, Thomas 4374 f Herts 5385 d Lincs 6244 d Norwich Coke, Thomas Jannys, Robert, of Norwich, alderman, executors of; (Sywhat, Nicholas; Wood, Edmund; Rogers, William; Trace, John) 5424 d Yorks Aleyn, Ralph, clerk 4599 f Leics debt Sherard, Richard 3914 f Surrey debt Wagham, Reginald 4336 f Soms debt Hodsen, William, clerk debt Ellys, Richard Denys, John, of Byrlyngham, husbandman; Grene, Robert, of Byrlyngham, husbandman Denys, John, of Hunton, husbandman Denys, Richard, of Tresawell, husbandman; Thomas, Benedict, executor of; (John, Thomas, of Pennans) Depyng, John, of Grantam, baker Derby, Thomas, of Chaddyswyche, nailer; Bromwythe, John, of Chaddyswyche, nailer; Welsche, Richard, of Chaddyswyche, laborer; Taye, John, of Bromesgrove, laborer; Rogers, Walter, of Kemsey, laborer Deresley, Walter, of Cowlynge, yeoman Derhaugh, Edmund, of Bradfeld, husbandman Deril, Marmaduke, of Bowley, Sussex, gent Derley, John, of Bederysden, "rypyer"; Lorkyn, William, of Lummyng, carpenter; Clowte, William, of Tyseherst, Sussex, cherman; Alcoke, William, of Cranebroke, tailor; Atnasshe, Stephen, of Lamberherst, "rypyer" Derlonde, William, of Canterbury, tailor, son of Elizabeth, daughter of Dryver, Robert, son of Dryver, William Derlyng, Simon, of Pychebek, husbandman Derne, John, of great Yarmouth, merchant Dernebroke, John, of Pateleybryg, husbandman Derneley, Thomas, rector of Edmondthorp Derrell, William, of Wannesworth, yeoman; Wyat, William, of Moretelake, yeoman Derrell, William, of Wolwade, yeoman 4752 f Norf trespass: assault Dethyk, John, of Bychamwell, gent; Dethyk, William, of Bychamwell, gent; Harvy, Thomas, of Bychamwell, shepard; Atkynson, Robert, of Holmehall, laborer; Detyk, Geoffrey, of Bychamwell, laborer; Wilkyns, John, of Jenney, Christopher, sergeant Bychamwell, husbandman; Senell, at law Walter, of Sporle, laborer 4993 f London debt Waren, Ralph, of London, alderman 5562 d London Bothe, John, of London, merchant tailor 5043 f London debt Bothe, John, of London, merchant Devenysshe, Richard, of Hampnett, Sussex, gent; Devenysshe, Thomas, of Hampnett, gent Devenysshe, Richard, of Havynglee, Sussex, esq; Longforth, Robert, of Longforth, Derbs, knight; Legh, Ralph, of Legh, Cheshire, gent Devenysshe, Richard, of Havynglee, Sussex, esq; Longforth, Robert, of Longforth, Derbs, knight; Legh, Robert, of Legh, Cheshire, gent 3944 f Lincs debt Clerke, Thomas Devys, Christopher, of Burne, miller 3941 f Lincs trespass: taking Shipton, Robert 4873 f Cornw trespass: close Croppe, John 4115 f Norf debt Devys, Christopher, of Burne, miller Dewayn, William, of St Nyott, husbandman Dey, Richard, of Dunham St Margaret, yeoman debt debt Gottys, Richard, of Riburgh Metcalfe, Ralph, executors of; (Vaughan, Thomas; Palmer, John) Carter, Richard, clerk Arthur, Thomas 4109 f 4335 f 5718 d Norf Soms Soms 5448 d Suff Johnson, Ortus 6229 d Norwich Curat, John, of Norwich, alderman 3921 f Norf debt Lawes, Eustace Dey, Richard, of Swanton Morley, husbandman Dey, Thomas, of Lockyn, clerk Dey, Thomas, of Lockyng, clerk Dey, Thomas, of Pakefeld, yeoman Dey, Thomas, of Reymerston, husbandman; Synggylwood, Richard, of Norwich, yeoman; Barlowe, William, parson of Magna Cressyngham; Calbayt, James, of Wrennyngham, clerk Dey, Thomas, of Roymerston, husbandman; Grene, Henry, of Craneworth, husbandman; Sparowe, John, of Matyshale, husbandman FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Connyngisby, John, esq, receiver general; Wigston, Roger, esq, receiver of Tutbury 4972 f London debt 5804 d Derbs 4410 f Notts 5432 d Suff 4526 f Norf trespass: close Jeffres, David 3910 f Lincs forcible entry Blak, John 4923 f Norf debt Malster, Robert 5641 d Norf Skynner, Thomas, clerk 5888 d Norf Symondys, Ralph 6546 d Glos Yernold, Richard debt Gell, Roger Elton, John, parson of Staunton Downyng, Robert 4067 f London debt Leveson, James, of Wollerhampton, Staffs, esq, receiver general of Tuchett, John, Lord Awdeley 6379 d Essex Bonour, Thomas 6012 d Kent Jeffereson, John, clerk Deyn, James, bailiff of Wirkysworthe, Derbs, yeoman; Bikley, John, of Castell Hey, Staffs, gent; Worthe, John, of Chesterfeld, Derbs, yeoman Deyne, James, of Wyrkesworth, yeoman Deyne, John, of Staunton, chaplain Deynes, James, of Lavenham, dyer; Mudde, Robert, of Watfeld, husbandman; Janyng, Thomas, of Bretenham, cooper; Wright, Thomas, of Bylston, yeoman Deynt, John, of Hornyng, husbandman Dixson, Thomas, of Cathorp juxta Leddenham, husbandman Dobbys, Robert, of Marham, husbandman Dobbys, Thomas, of Barford, yeoman, executrix of; (Dobbis, Andrea, of Wymondham, widow) Dobido, William, of Holt, shepherd Dobyns, Guy, junior, of Newent, yeoman Dod, William, of Lofford, Salop, gent; Harrys, William, of Marchunley, husbandman; Harrys, Thomas, of Marchunley, husbandman; Down, Thomas, Longford, husbandman; Down, Roger, of Wykyshill, husbandman Dodd, Thomas, of Harewiche, mariner; Brode, Thomas, of Harwiche, mariner; Rygeley, Thomas, of Harwiche, mariner Dodde, John, of Braborn, husbandman 5973 d Vernon, John, esq; Newporte, Thomas, esq; Arnewey, Shrops William; Horde, Humphrey Dodde, John, of Petesey, gent Shrops Calcot, Thomas, of Calcot Dodde, John, of Petsey, gent Dodde, William, of Lofford, gent; Pete, Richard, of Weston, Hednet, Shrops trespass: close Gratwode, John husbandman Payne, John, executors of; Devon (Darke, John; Ibota his wife) Doderigge, John, of Kyrton, weaver 6019 d Kent 5986 d 5416 d 3995 f Fyssher, John Dodge, John, of Hadlowe, yeoman 4395 f Norf debt 3987 f Nhants debt 6227 d Norf 6020 d Kent 5225 f Devon 5719 d Soms 5785 d London 4656 f Sussex debt 5742 d Devon 5690 d Yorks 5959 d Yorks 4724 f Glos 5475 d London 6454 d London Waren, Nicholas Cave, Anthony, merchant of the staple Bond, John Dokett, William, of London, grover, executors of; (Doughtye, Thomas, of London, stockfishmonger; Agnes his wife) debt debt Dodman, Hugh, of Norwich, caryer Dodmere, Thomas, of London, gent, merchant of the staple Dokett, Robert, of Sybton, Suff, court holder Dokett, William, of Leicester, clerk Dolkear, John, of Colyton, merchant; Tyrlyng, John, of Sherman, John, senior Colyton, merchant Dolyng, Nicholas, of Congesbury, husbandman; Buscell, William, of Banwell, husbandman; Hayne, John, of Banwell, husbandman; Ewyn alias Thomas, John, of Banwell, husbandman; Crays, John, of Banwell, husbandman; Buscell, Robert, of Banwell, husbandman; Selson, John, of Banwell, husbandman; Willyng, John, of Banwell, husbandman; Thormynton, Roger, prior of Sawyerd, John, of Banwell, Worspryng Priory husbandman Domeley, Thomas, of London, West, Henry, of London, gent skinner Domrell, Thomas, of Portyslade, Vynall, William husbandman Maynard, John, of Exeter, Donell, John, vicar of Quene mercer Camell, Soms Donkeles, Elizabeth, of Tymbyll, widow of Donkeles, Thomas, of Tymbyll; Donkeles, John, of Clapham, Christopher, esq Tymbull, laborer Donkeles, Elizabeth, of Tymbyll, widow of Donkeles, Thomas, of Tymbyll; Donkeles, John, of Clapham, Christopher, esq Tymbull, laborer Donne, Thomas, of Cirencester, Tykell, Thomas, clerk draper Donyngton, Thomas, clerk, administrators of; (Donyngton, John, of Eskrygge, Yorks, gent; Hamond, Anthony, of Selby, Yorks, de Vyvald, Anthony, merchant gent; Burnand, John, of of Janna Knaresborough, Yorks, gent) Dookwray, John, executor of Dookwray, Thomas, prior of St John of Jerusalem Priory, executor Wyat, Henry, knight, treasurer of; (Hutton, Thomas, of Harreton, of the chamber Cams, esq) 3922 f Hants debt 4614 f Soms concord 5419 d Staffs Hart, William 5438 d Suff Dogett, Richard 5089 f Oxon debt 3930 f Kent debt 5370 d Lincs Edryche, Thomas Horton Priory, Richard, prior of Bull, Robert, senior, of Swynneshed, executors of; (Bull, Joan, widow; Dale, Gilbert, of Boston) 6493 d Soms Wode, John; Morley, John 4334 f Soms 6492 d Bristol 4379 f Essex 5932 d Devon 4984 f 6504 d Devon Suff debt 4333 f Soms 5073 f Essex trespass: close Hody, William Upcher, Edward; Porter, debt Richard 6237 d debt Devon 5724 d Devon Maynard, John Pace, Thomas trespass: close Kent, Ellen, widow Hurst, William Norf 5198 f Hall, John Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland debt Newton, John Rabett, William, gent Meller, Robert Newcomb, Richard, administrator of; (Fursse, Nicholas) Macrell, Richard Froggys, George; Katherine his wife; Tayler, John; Mett, Nicholas; Fitzwater, John; trespass: close Alyn, Robert 4682 f Kent 3989 f Nhants debt Saunders, William, esq Doore, John, of Newport, Isle of Wight, glover Dormer, Michael Doryngton, John, of Stafford, draper Doslay, Thomas, of Naylond, fuller; Fenor, Thomas, of Wyston, husbandman; Lovell, James, of Magna Horkysley, Essex, husbandman Douney alias Marche, John, of Chynnore, husbandman; Taylour, Robert, of Towerse, Bucks, husbandman Douney, Robert, of Wittresham, carpenter Dove, Thomas, of St Ives, Hunts, roper Dovehill, Bernard, of Old Clyef, merchant Dovell alias Dovehyll, Barnard, of Clyffe, yeoman Dovell, William, abbot of Cleffe Abbey, Soms Dow, John, of Chelmesford, baker Dowdeney, John, of Uffecollump, husbandman Dowdeney, William, of Uffecollump, husbandman Dowe, John, of Dunwich, yeoman Dowe, Maurice, of Canyngton, barber Dowe, Thomas, of Borley, laborer Dowffeld, John, of St Katherine by the Tower, London, beer brewer; Nytyngale, Thomas, of Newton juxta Castell Rysyng, husbandman Downe, Hugh, of Yernyscomb, weaver Downe, William, of Upton Hyllyng, husbandman Downes, Robert, of Claveryng, Essex, clerk; Downes, Richard, of Hythe, yeoman; Hamond, John, of Newyngton juxta Hythe, husbandman Downhale, Thomas, of Geddyngton, gent 5444 d Suff Hardgrey, William 5444 d Suff 4343 f Devon 5822 d Cams 4431 f Derbs Hardgrey, William Glawyn, Glota(?); Glawyn, Wylmota Funston, Henry, of Woddytton, yeoman Mereman, Elizabeth, of Denbysall, widow 6302 d Devon Rascheley, Roger, clerk 5392 d Staffs Robynson, George 5721 d Devon Lympeney, Robert 4440 f Notts 5238 f 6550 d 4156 f 4337 f 4273 f 6521 d 6008 d 4915 f 4338 f 3910 f debt replevin debt London debt Wylbore, Robert Downyng, John, of Erswell, husbandman Downyng, John, of Erswell, husbandman Downyscomb, John, of Brodford, husbandman Dowse, Henry, of Parva Everisdon, yeoman Dracote, Mark Drake, John, of Collerygge, husbandman Drake, John, of Tomworth, butcher Drake, William, senior, of Rewe, husbandman Draper, William, of Est Drayton, glover Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Draper, William, of Est Paulett, William, knight Grenewhyche, Kent, gent Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Draper, William, of Est London Paulett, William, knight Grenewyche, Kent, gent Nobull, John, of Lacok, Wilts clothier Drewe, Matilda, widow Drewe, Robert, of Radypoll, Dorset debt Bonde, William yeoman Drewett, Walter, of Bradford, Wilts debt Gyes, Thomas husbandman Darnold, Edith, of London, Dreyser, John, prior of Holy Cross London widow Friary, London Dreyson, Thomas, of Chart juxta Sutton Valance, husbandman; Rogers, Ralph, of West Weell, gent; Dreyson, William, of Hothfeld, Kent Pende, Stephen, gent cordwainer Drory, William, of Watlyngton, husbandman; Jonys, Henry, of Outhwell, carpenter; Dolyvale, John, of Stow Bardolff, husbandman; Kyng, John, of West Dereham, husbandman; Morys, account as John, of Daunham Hith, Norf receiver Gawsell, Richard, esq husbandman customs and Drue, Robert, junior, Cawsewey, Dorset services Richardys, John husbandman Spaldyng Priory, Thomas, Drury, John, junior, of Spaldyng, Lincs trespass: close prior of husbandman 4607 f Staffs debt 5366 d Lincs Egmanton, Christopher 4654 f account as Sussex receiver Smyth, Thomas 6085 d Leics Catton, Henry, chaplain 6018 d Kent Marten, Alice, widow 5614 d London 4904 f Norwich debt 6412 d Hunts Hollyngshedd, Ralph, gent Duckyt, William, of Leicester, clerk Duddyston, Richard, of Kennyngton, husbandman; at Lease, Edward, of Kennyngton, laborer Duffeld, Barnard, of Cleffe St Mary, Soms, chapman; Coke, Ralph, of Asshyll, Norf, clerk; R(?), William, of Wyndebor, Bucks, husbandman; Collet, John, of London, Steventon, Thomas, of Towne mercer Mallen, Kent, chapman Duffeld, John, of London, mercer; Palmer, Robert, of Norwich, Jay, John, of St Katherine by the mercer Tower, London, shipmaster Duffeld, Paul, of Myldenale, Suff, Doraunt, John, of Hemyngford husbandman; Tyrell, Robert, of Abbot, husbandman Myldenale, innholder Collet, John, of London, mercer 6350 d London 5106 f London debt 5794 d Leics 4320 f Yorks 5806 d Leics Halmer, John St Mary de Pre Abbey, Leicester, Richard, abbot of Ode alias Wode, Richard, of London, ironmonger Wygston, William, junior; Wase, John; Davy, John 5017 f London debt Tukker, William 5726 d Devon Burnebery, John, gent debt Drury, John, of Besthorp, Norf, gent; Wympyll, of Ely, Cams, yeoman; Bulle, Thomas, of Wekeley, Nhants, husbandman; Cray, William, of Hadnam, Cams, husbandman Drynkall, John, of Waterton, husbandman Drynker, John, of Battayle, beer brewer Duffelde, Barnard, of Cliffe St Mary, Soms, chapman; Cooke, Ralph, of Ayshill, Norf, clerk; Reyner, William, of Wendever, Bucks, husbandman; Stevenson, Thomas, of Towne Mallyng, Kent, chapman Duke, Roger, of Hynderclay juxta Bodysdale, Suff, yeoman Dukket, George, of Leicester, yeoman Dunche, John, of Sweslynge, Suff, yeoman Dunham, Edward, of Longborough, innholder Dunne, Thomas, of Cisseter, Glos, clothman; Davy, William, of Redyng, Berks, clothier; barcott, Thomas, of Kyngesclere, Hants, yeoman; Mochell, Roger, of Topsham, Devon, merchant; Newton, Robert, of Dorchester, Dorset, chapman Dunsecombe, John, of Bradeford, husbandman 5402 d Shrops 5536 d Norf 6395 d Yorks 6062 d Sussex 4523 f Norf 6247 d Norf 5474 d London 5322 d Worcs 4163 f London debt 6498 d Dorset 5569 d Staffs 4371 f Essex Corbet, Roger, esq Gront, Richard; Jenyson, Thomas; Harydaunce, John; Doraunt, Robert; Brenytour, John Aldburgh, Richard, esq Fenys, Giles, esq; Sondys, Anthony; Darell, Thomas; Stolyon, John, junior trespass: taking Robart, Richard, clerk debt, vacated Dunton, Thomas, of London, laborer Duntwhayte, William, of Marton, husbandman Durrant, William, of Burwasshe, laborer; Godfrey, John, of Hotheley, laborer Dussyng, Robert, of Burnham Thorp, clerk; Ferdyng, Edmund, of Burnham Thorp, husbandman Dussyng, Thomas, of Kyrke Bybedon, husbandman Abbottys, Edmund Pert, Thomas, clerk, master of the prerogative, administrators of; (Parker, Dutton, Peter, of Hatton, Cheshire, Thomas; Mary his wife, alias knight; Juliana his wife, alias Orrell, Mary) Patmer, Juliana, of London, widow Dyall, William, of Eldesfeld, Hunt, Richard yeoman Askewe, Christopher, of Dyer, John, of Prestene, Salop, London, alderman clothman Dyer, John, of Wotton juxta Sherborne, butcher; Wryght, William, of Wotton, butcher; Prynse, William, of Woland, butcher; Dey, Richard, of Henton, Dey, Thomas miller Dygby, William, esq, administrator of; (Dygby, John, of Lubbenham, Ruggeley, Humphrey esq) May, John, of Stysted 6323 d Essex 4923 f Norf 4902 f Norf 5666 d Wilts Sloper, Nicholas 4619 f Wilts Button, William, attorney debt account as receiver Dunsterfelde, John, of Warrenshall, gent May, John, of Stysted Robson, Geoffrey, of Lavenham, Suff, sherman Dey, John Dyglott, John, of Pedmarsshe, smith; Leffyngwell, Thomas, of Pedmarsshe, husbandman; Sewall, John, of Alberston, husbandman Dyglott, John, of Pedmersshe, smith; Leffyngwell, Thomas, of Pedmerssh, husbandman; Sewall, John, of Alberston, husbandman Dygonson, Thomas, of Walsyngham Magna, yeoman Dykynson, John, of North Elyngham, tailor Dymers, Christopher, of Mylton, yeoman Dymershe, Christopher, ; Hardyng, Richard 6431 d Kent 4680 f Kent Joyes, Harman debt Joyes, Harmon Dymmok, Edmund, of Wykeham Norwode, carpenter; Brykkett, Hugh, of Wykeham Norwode; Haddon, Robert, of Browdon, Surrey, laborer; Waker, John, of Bedyngton, husbandman Dymmok, Edmund, of Wykham Norwod, carpenter; Brykket, Hugh, of Wykham Norwod, husbandman; Haddon, Robert, of Croydon, Surrey, laborer; Waker, John, of Bodyngton, husbandman 4662 f Dymmok, Humphrey, junior, of Wover, Warks, gent; Gayler, Richard, of Coventry, mercer; Barford, Thomas, of Northampton, gent; Broun, William, esq, Coventr Banwell, William, executor of; executors of; (Dymmok, Humphrey, y debt (Cokyn, William) of Wover, esq; Christine his wife) Dyneley, John, of Askrig, chaplain; Pykbuske, Thomas, of Brynton, yeoman; Metcalfe, Richard, of Askrig, yeoman; Kyng, John, of Yorks Bowre, John, chaplain Allerton, yeoman Dertford Priory, Elizabeth, Dynes, William, of Dertford, Kent trespass: close prioress of husbandman 5731 d Soms 4423 f 5695 d 6162 d Middx 5113 f Surrey 5677 d Yorks 5380 d Lincs 3916 f Devon Dirdo, John, executors of; Dynghurst, John, of South Brent, (Ware, John; Emota his wife) yeoman debt debt 6028 d Kent 6490 d London 4920 f Norwich debt Maplysden, Gervais; Patynden, Lawrence; Hobert, Robert; Padyan, John Hynd, Robert, of London, haberdasher Staden, Hugh; Knotton, Richard; Goldthorp, Richard Louth Parke Abbey, George, abbot of Stracche, Peter, of Exeter, goldsmith Eadmede, Lawrence Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Grene, Robert, of Norwich, alderman Dyngylden, John, of Rolvynden, Kent, clothier Dynsey, John, of Bedford, husbandman Dyson, Thomas, of Rawmershe, husbandman Dyttelsey alias Mylner, John, of Louth, miller Dyxston, John, of Exeter, fuller Eadmede, Robert, of Horsmonden, ploughwright; Eadmede, Thomas, of Horsmonden, husbandman; Murrey, Henry, of Horsmonden, wheelwright; Robertes, John, of Brancheley, yeoman Echard, Thomas, of Great Yarmouth, merchant Ede, William, of Swafham, baker 5807 d Derbs 5847 d Oxon 6543 d Oxon 6410 d Berks 4567 f Oxon debt 5230 f Bucks debt 5648 d Oxon 5854 d Oxon 6386 d Oxon 5853 d Oxon 6386 d Oxon 6532 d London 6570 d Suff 5458 d Suff 4760 f Oxon 5814 d Warks 5969 d Kent 6306 d Cams 6325 d Middx 5732 d Devon debt Edeson, Peter, of Barleborough, husbandman; Bosseaur, John, of Wood, John Barleborough, laborer Audelett, John, of Abyndon, Edmondys, John, of Kencote, esq yeoman Edmondys, John, of Kencote, Awdelett, John, of Abyndon yeoman Edmondys, Roger, of Burford, Test, Giles husbandman Hoggys, William; Jonson, Edmondys, Roger, of Burford, Robert, of bailiff of Burford yeoman Edmundys, John, of Kencote, Oxon, yeoman; Boteler, Robert, of Solihull, Warks, yeoman; Boston, John, of Wynslowe, Shyngesby, Thomas, of gent Swanborne, gent Edmundys, Roger, of Burford, Hannys, Richard husbandman Edmundys, Roger, of Burford, Hannys, Richard husbandman Edmundys, Roger, of Burford, Hannys, Richard husbandman Edmundys, Roger, of Burford, Test, Giles husbandman Edmundys, Roger, of Burford, Test, Giles husbandman Edriche, Stephen, of Newporte Ponde, Essex, miller; Haberd, Thomas, of Chesthunt, Middx, mealman; Milward, Richard, of Jenour, Robert, gent London, draper Edward, Andrew, of Felsham, Grome, Robert, of Lavenham husbandman Edward, Andrew, of Felsham, Symond, John husbandman Edwardes, William, rector of Oseney Abbey, John, abbot of Bukkenhull Wyllyngton, William, of Edwards, Nicholas, of Wygenton, Barcheston, gent Oxon, gent Edwardys alias Teysherst, William, Edyn, William, gent rector of Horsmonden Hert, Richard; Joan his wife, former wife of Pyne, John, Edwardys, David, of Cambridge, gent gent, physician Edwardys, John, of Hendon, husbandman, executors of; Weston, William, prior of St (Barbour, Roger, of Hendon, John of Jerusalem hospital husbandman; Felicia his wife) Kayns, Humphrey, esq; Wod, Edye alias gay, William, of Alexander, esq Brussheford, husbandman 5809 d Derbs 6005 d Sussex 4822 f London debt 6143 d London 4452 f Staffs 5701 d Yorks 6124 d Bramyll, Thomas debt execution Berks 5929 d Berks 4636 f Devon Hyggons, Edward, master of Holy Trinity College, Arundell Norwyche, Robert, knight, Chief Justice; Nevile, Thomas, knight; Tuke, Brian, knight Roys, John, son of Roys,William Page, Hugh, of Exeter, mercer Lincoln 5779 d Leics 5659 d Hants 5367 d Lincs 4605 f London debt 4656 f Sussex debt 4287 f Wilts debt Elder, Thomas, of Est Henred, husbandman; Joan his wife; Roys, Henry, of Midlay, Oxon, yeoman Elder, Thomas, of Est Henred, husbandman; Joan his wife; Roys, Henry, of Midlay, Oxon, yeoman Elforde, Elias, of Shyttystor, tinner Ellerker, Ralph, junior, of Burstwyk, Yorks, knight; Goldewell, John, of Burstwyk, gent Ellowe, Edmund, of Brynghurst, Waldram, Thomas clerk Ellys, William, of Grewell, dyer; Style, Thomas, of Grewell, Parrys, John clothmaker Elmesley, William, of Spyttelgate, Blewett, John mason Pelter, Richard, of London, Elmyston, John, of Raynham, Kent, brewer yeoman Elsbury, Edward, of Steynyng, A Woode, Richard laborer Marten, Thomas, of Salisbury, Elson, John, of Barwyke St James, merchant husbandman Alanson, Robert, of Lincoln, jeweler 5389 d Egerton, Richard, of Rydley, Cheshire, esq Lucas, Thomas, esq, administrators of; (Grenefeld, Eggecombe, Peter, of Stonehouse, John, esq; Lucas, John, gent) Devon, knight Eggylston, John, of Cranebroke, Cokke, William Kent, butcher Eglysfeld, Joan, of Dyreham, Palmes, William Cumber, widow Roys, John debt Effens, Robert, of Wenstur, husbandman; Beystowe, John, of Wenstur, husbandman; Brednour, Henry, of Newe Byggyng, husbandman; Knollus, William, of Brassyngton, husbandman; Aleyn, Robert, of Alderwaslee, husbandman Egerley, David, of Westbourn, clerk; Perkys, Richard, of Westbourn, husbandman; Fayremaner, William, of Westbourn, husbandman; Say, John, of Westbourn, husbandman; Trynslowe, Thomas, of Arundell, laborer More, Thomas, knight, chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster 6577 d London 5222 f Glos trespass: close Huddelston, John, esq 3934 f Lincs debt Michelson, Alexander 4923 f Norf debt 5253 f London debt 5633 d Norf Manser, John Wynter, Thomas, clerk, archdeaconry of Richemond Plum, Robert, of Ovyngton, clerk 5220 f 5629 d Norf Norf 5822 d London 6025 d 6554 d 4331 f 4355 f 5191 f 3955 f 5724 d 3987 f 6590 d Surrey debt Can, Robert Plume, Robert, clerk Collyng, Edward, of London, fishmonger Elston, Humphrey, of Berwyke St James, Wilts, yeoman; Coke, Christopher, of Hyghelyre, Wilts, yeoman Elton, Humphrey, of Prestbury, gent; Halway, Richard; Smart, Richard; Stevyns, William; Forke, Thomas; Bacon, Alexander; Newman, Robert; Walter, Richard; Hoggys, John, of Prestbury, husbandman Elvyshe, John, of Ludfurth, husbandman Elward, Adam, Darsyngham, clerk Elwold, Robert, of York, merchant Elwyn, Brian, of Marton, husbandman Elwyn, Brian, of Thraxton, husbandman; Batellye, Thomas, of Bradnam, husbandman Elwyn, of Merton, husbandman Elyard, Edward, of Sandwich, Kent, merchant Elyatt, John, of Elsham, husbandman; Westram, of Elsham, laborer; Wattys, Thomas, of Elsham, laborer; Elyott, William, of Elsham, laborer; Elyott, Nicholas, of Elsham, laborer Rykman, John Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer London of the chamber Elyet, Thomas, of London, knight Elyott, John, of Rynmore, Devon trespass: close Meye, John husbandman Elyott, Richard, of Sandfford, husbandman; Mortymer, Roger, of Devon trespass: close Squyre, William Sandford, husbandman Elys, Thomas, of Sybeton, husbandman; Page, Alan, of Suff debt Barker, Edmund Wodbrege, shoemaker Ferne, William; Grantham, Emerson, Thomas, of Thoresway, Lincs debt William husbandman Devon Hyll, Agnes, widow Emott, Edmund Blymkowe, Thomas, of Emson, Thomas, of Est Neston, Nhants debt Marston, yeoman esq Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Emson, Thomas, of Est Neston, London Thomas, esq) Nhants, esq Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) 6454 d London 4903 f Norwich debt 4471 f Bucks 6517 d Devon 5109 f Devon debt 4615 f Wilts concord Chown, John, of Colbroke, Colompton, husbandman FitzJames, Thomas, esq; Mary his wife 6069 d Surrey 4268 f Bucks debt Bray, Richard Lewen, Thomas, of London, ironmonger 5727 d Devon 5967 d Kent 6515 d 4228 f Soms Norf replevin Croker, Alice Chapleyn, Simon, of Sythyngbourn, administrator of; (Chapleyn, William) Turner, William, clerk, executors of; (Hychyns, William; Hill, Simon) Fermour, Henry, knight 5112 f Sussex debt Copley, William, gent 4647 f Copley, William, gent 3978 f 5702 d Sussex debt account as Shrops bailiff Yorks 6192 d Worcs Bartlet, Edmund debt Fermour, Henry, knight Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln Chown, John, of Colbroke, Colompton, husbandman Broke, John Salmon, John Emson, Thomas, of Est Neston, Nhants, esq; Haryngton, John, of Exton, Rutland, esq; Emson, John, of Bramleteth, Sussex, gent Englysshe, John, of Norwich, raffman; Grove, William, of Norwich, carpenter Ensyng, Robert, of Wymondham, Norf, gent Erle, Humphrey, of Brodnynche, yeoman; Twygge, John, of Bradnynche Erle, Humphrey, of Brodnynche, yeoman; Twygge, John, of Brodnynche, yeoman Erley, John, esq Erley, Thomas, of Kyngeston on Thames, mercer Est, Robert, of Saundeston, smith Estbroke, Robert, of Hatherley, carpenter Estlond, William, of Sythyngbourn, laborer Estmett, Richard, of Henytrigge, clerk Eston, Edward, gent Eston, John, of Alberton, husbandman; Est, Henry, of Swavesey, gent, executor of; (Est, Thomas, of Swavesey, Cams, gent) Eston, John, of Alberton, husbandman; Este, Henry, of Swavesey, gent, executor of; (Este, Thomas, of Swavesey, Cams, gent) Estop, John, of Dawley, yeoman Estwod, Christopher Etkyns, Richard, of Bewdeley, wheeler; Saunders, Thomas, of Castel Morton, husbandman; Bevys, Richard, of Castel Morton, laborer 5108 f London 3969 f 5908 d Staffs Glouce ster Glouce ster 3977 f Shrops 3956 f Lincs 4619 f Devon 4853 f London 4519 f Norf 5283 f London 5884 d Norf 4901 f Norf 5801 d Warks 4694 f Essex 4519 f Norf 5367 d Lincs 4128 f Eure, Ralph, of Scarborough, Yorks, esq; Cockes, John, of Botry, William, of London, London, merchant tailor; Lucas, debt mercer John, of London, gent Eusour, Thomas, of Tamworth, drover; Repyngton, John, of trespass Cumberford, Thomas, esq Tamworth, husbandman St Oswald Priory, Gloucester, Evans, David, of Gloucester, debt William prior of shoemaker St Oswald Regis Priory, Evans, David, of Gloucester, William, prior of shoemaker Evans, William, of Wem, debt Mylward, Humphrey husbandman; Agnes his wife Eve, Simon, of High Toynton, husbandman; Millesent, Thomas, of High Toynton, husbandman; Broket, John, of High Toynton, husbandman; Myntyng, John, of trespass: High Toynton, husbandman; conspiracy, Myntyng, Thomas, of High Wylson, Thomas, of Hornecastell, close Toynton, husbandman husbandman Evelyng, William, of Hurberton, debt Byrdewode, Nicholas tucker Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Everand, William, of Bishops Lenn, debt Bishops Lenn merchant Everard, Henry, of Felmyngham, debt Here, Edward butcher Lyster, Richard, chief baron of the Exchequer; Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Mordaunt; Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer debt of the chamber Everard, John, of London, pewterer Everard, John, of Susted, Garvett, John, of Susted husbandman Everard, John, of Systed, debt Wyndham, Edmund, esq husbandman Everard, Richard, of Shenston, Trye, Thomas, esq Leics, yeoman Everard, Richard, of Waltham, yeoman; Knyght, Thomas, of Billerica, yeoman; Brok, John, of trespass: close Scott, Walter Parva Lighes, yeoman Everard, Robert, of Felmyngham, debt Here, Edward butcher Wodefurth, Richard, of Everard, Thomas, of Pykworth, Skendelby, gent yeoman 5137 f London debt 3922 f Hants debt Tuke, Brian, knight; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Paulett, William, knight Blunt, Thomas, executors of; (Jeffrey, Richard; Joan his wife) Evers, Ralph, of Wytton, Yorks, esq; Copyndale, Edmund, of Howson, Yorks, esq Everton, Thomas, of Ryngewood, miller 4677 f Kent debt 5494 d London Hill, William, merchant of the staple 6378 d Essex Crofte, Thomas 6318 d Essex Fan, Richard 4345 f 4342 f Soms Devon debt land 3948 f Lincs debt 5779 d Norf Cobbe, Clement Ewyn, John, of Banwell, husbandman; Dollyng, Nicholas, of Banwell, husbandman; Mannyng, William, of Banwell, husbandman; Whight, Nicholas, of Banwell, tailor; Ratcliff, Nicholas, of Banwell, tailor Exeter, mayor and bailiffs of Wells Cathedral, dean and chapter of Hille, Giles, esq Warener, Brian, executors of; (Maydenwell, John; Joan his Eyer, Edward, of Hornecastell, wife) clerk Eyer, Robert, of Banham, husbandman; Clarke, John, of James, William Multon, husbandman 4623 f Soms trespass 4162 f Derbs 4414 f Leics trespass: taking Parker, Thomas Staunton, William, esq, executors of; (Knyghtly, Richard, esq; Hasylrygg, debt Robert) 5434 d Suff Egle, William 5973 d Devon Dowdeney, John 4040 f Suff debt Everynden, Richard, of Benynden, clothmaker; Hoberd, William, of Benynden, beer brewer Evyat(?) alias Blakehed, of London, merchant of the staple; Hoth, Thomas, of London, leather seller; Goodboroughe, Stephen, of London, salter; Bendbowe, William, of London, brewer Ewen, William, of Thaxsted, husbandman Eweyn, William, of Thaxsted, husbandman Awdeley, John, esq Swyck, Richard Eyer, Robert, of Wullavyngton, husbandman; Eyer, John, of Wullavyngton, baker; Pople, John, of Wullavyngton, husbandman; Syngilday, Thomas, of Wullavyngton, husbandman Eyre, Robert, of Chesterfeld, clerk Eyton alias Taylor, John, of Stoughton Grange, yeoman Facon, John, of Borley, Essex, husbandman; Cryspe, Edward, of Borley, husbandman; Clerke, Nicholas, of Borley, ploughwright; Clerke, John, of Lavenham, "caryer"; Awode, John, of Felsham, laborer Facy, John, of Uffeculme, yeoman Falke, John, of North Cove, husbandman 4210 f London debt 5041 f London debt 4881 f Herefs defamation 5090 f Oxon debt 4406 f London debt 4951 f 4531 f 4009 f 5426 d 4072 f 5722 d 5782 d 4985 f 4762 f 5221 f 6140 d Falley, George, of Edelmeton, Middx, yeoman, son of Falley, Alice, daughter of Campe, John, Parnell, John, of London, maltman; Bottrell, Thomas, of draper Edelmeton, gent Falley, George, of Edelmeton, Middx, yeoman, son of Falley, Alice, daughter of Campe, John, Parnell, John, of London, maltman; Bottrell, Thomas, of draper Edelmeton, gent Farley, Humphrey, of Upledon, husbandman; Farley, John, of Welyngton, husbandman; Hadworthe, Alexander, of Welyngton, husbandman; Farley, Thomas, of Welyngton, laborer; Farley, Roger, of Welyngton, Thynche, Thomas laborer Farmour, Thomas, of Bradwell, Rede, Thomas, of Abyngdon, carpenter; A Wodde, John, of gent Watlyngton, yeoman Faryngton, Charles, of Faryngton, Filmore, Joan, widow Devon, esq FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert, esq, attorney general, Duchy of Lancaster; Towneley, John, Faryngton, Henry, of Faryngton, London debt of Towneley, Lancs, knight Lancs, esq Fastyngdyche, William, of Oburndencourt, smith; Margaret his Bucks debt Donton, Gregory wife Fawcet, James, of Cawtley, husbandman; Fawcet, Henry, of Yorks trespass: close Middylton, John Methwayte, husbandman Fawcet, John, of Moosehouse, Yorks Fawsett, Hugh Sedbarre, yeoman Fawne, Robert, of Eynsbury, Hunts, London debt Stanyngys, Walter, esq haberdasher Fawyn, Stephen, of Costome Dorset Pounde, Roger Abbots, husbandman Fayrefyld, Thomas, of Overhaddon, husbandman; Margery his wife; Fayrefyld, William, of Overhaddon, Derbs Sutton, Thomas laborer Fayreman, Richard, of Baldyche, Devon trespass: close Prynse, William tanner Federsnall, William, of Lincs debt Prestman, William, of Fresby Hamryngham, husbandman Fekett, William, of Watton, Norf debt Chylderhowse, William husbandman Feld, Thomas, of Old Wyndesore, Berks Studde, John husbandman trespass and contempt 3911 f Berks 5337 d Herts 4996 f London debt 4511 f Suff Fyssher, William, clerk Pulham, George, gent; Elizabeth his wife; Yaxlee, trespass: close Richard, gent 6255 d 5256 f Norf Suff debt 4927 f Norf debt 3941 f Lincs trespass: close Burdon, William 4657 f 3929 f Sussex trespass: taking Thacher, Thomas Norwyche, Robert, knight, Chief Justice; Tyrell, John, Kent knight Norwyche, Robert, knight, Chief Justice; Tyrell, John, Kent knight Tyrrell, Humphrey, esq; Joan Nhants concord his wife 4329 f 5628 d Soms Norf debt 4245 f Norf trespass: taking Eston, Edward, gent 4245 f Norf trespass: close Eston, Edward, gent 5880 d 5880 d Sudde, John Vernon, John, of London, capper Plomsted, Reginald Kempe, William, clerk Roper, Robert, of Hoxne, executors of; (Remchyng, John; Joan his wife) Ruswell, Adam Eston, Edward, gent 4970 f London debt Cussyn, Edmund, of Norwich, goldsmith, administrator of; (Cause, Gregory) More, Thomas, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Audley, Thomas, esq, attorney general, Duchy of Lancaster 5234 f Glos Walshe, Maurice, esq 4992 f London detinue charter assumpsit Feld, Thomas, of Old Wyndesore, husbandman Feld, Thomas, of Weston, husbandman Felder, William, of Peterfeld, Hants, husbandman Felgate, John, of Yaxlee, gent Feltam, John, of Snetesham, chaplain Felton, Thomas, of Playford, esq Feltwell, John, of Byllyngforthe, pewterer; Vere, John, of Skole, husbandman Fen, Richard, of Halton juxta Spillesby, husbandman Fenell, John, of Estbourne, yeoman; Banaster, Philip, of Estbourne, yeoman; Feyrall, William, of Estbourne, yeoman Fenys, Edward, Lord Clynton and Say Fenys, Edward, Lord Clynton and Say Fermer, Richard Fermor, Thomas, of Kytysford, husbandman; Reve, Thomas, of Chedder, husbandman Fermour, Henry, knight Fermour, Henry, of Est Barseham, knight Fermour, Henry, of Est Barseham, knight Fermour, Henry, of Est Barsham, Norf, knight; Godsale, Thomas, of Norwich, esq Fermour, Richard, of London, grocer Ferre, James, of Wodehouse, yeoman 6402 d 5701 d Bleverhassett, John, executors of; (Grey, Henry, knight; Seynt Jermyn, Christopher) Symson, William, of Halyfax Beds Yorks 4678 f Kent trespass and contempt 5022 f Middx debt 4731 f Middx debt 4429 f Derbs trespass: close Sutton, Thomas 6533 d Norf 5838 d Essex Shelton, John, knight Walter, John, gent; Ellen his wife 5894 d Kent Brandon, Charles, Duke, of Suffolk; Varney, John, esq 5994 d Kent Sharnewell, Henry Strawston, John Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England Ferrer, Alexander, of Carleton, husbandman; Olney, Henry, of Southhill, laborer; Carpenter, Simon, Southhill, carpenter; Smyth, William, of Southhill, husbandman; Ploghwryte, Richard, of Southhill, ploughwright Ferror, Brian, of Halyfax, clothier Ferthyng, John, of London, mercer; Bulkley, Richard, of Mepeham, husbandman; Bulkley, Thomas, of Mepeham, husbandman Fetiplace, Edward, of Samford, Oxon, esq; Fetiplace, William, of Maydencote, Berks, gent Fetyplace, William, of Maydencote, Berks, gent Feyrefyld, Thomas, of Overhaddon, husbandman; Margery his wife; Feyrefeld, William, of Overhaddon, laborer Feyt, Roger, of Dykylburgh, husbandman Ficche, William Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester; Godley, William; Bodley, Elias, clerk; Terell, Humphrey, esq; Harlston, Clement, esq; Aleghe, Robert Fissher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Godffrey, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Cherlys, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; att Myllys, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Abery, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillyngham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman Fissher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Godffrey, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Cherlys, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; att Myllys, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Abery, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillyngham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman 5995 d Kent 4466 f Lincs concord 4730 f Middx debt 4464 f 4464 f 4464 f Sussex concord Hants concord Kent concord 4768 f Notts debt 5978 d Soms 4833 f Middx 5543 d Wilts 5700 d York 5147 f London debt 3984 f Staffs 5486 d London 4353 f Dorset 4323 f York recognisance, writ of entry debt debt Thornton, John Decunson, Richard; Margaret his wife Fissher, Robert Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Fitiplace, Edward, of Samford, Jerusalem in England Oxon, esq Broun, Henry, esq Broun, Henry, esq Broun, Henry, esq Willoughby, Henry, knight, executors of; (Willoughby, John, knight; FitzHerbert, Anthony, knight, Justice; Willoughby, Edward, knight; Perrot, Robert, chaplain) Bonvile, Guy; Elizabeth his wife, widow of Buller, Alexander, esq Erley, John, esq; Balfront, Robert, clerk Erley, John, esq; Balfront, Robert, clerk Strey, Thomas, esq, executors of; (Strey, Robert, clerk; Ellys, Thomas; Frobyser, Francis; Hobson, John) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Byeford, John Abbys, James, of Naylond, clothier FitzHerbert, John FitzHerbert, John FitzHerbert, John FitzHerbert, Robert, of Derby, gent FitzJames, John, knight; Horsey, John, esq; FitzJames, John, esq; FitzJames, Aldred, gent; Bayly, John, gent; Mewes, John, gent FitzJames, Thomas, esq; Mary his wife FitzJames, Thomas, esq; Mary his wife FitzWilliam, John, of Sprotburgh, gent Flemyn, William, of Weveton, Norf, mariner Flemyng, Richard, of Bruwode, clerk Fletcher, John, of Southampton, merchant Huchyns, John Fletcher, John, of Stokelond, clerk Nunne Appulton Priory, Anne Fletcher, Robert, of Appulton, trespass: close prioress of husbandman Tutboll, William; Ellesdon, Thomas, wardens of guild of St Mary, Lyme Regis Rede, Edward 5693 d Flete, John, of Pudelhenton, pardoner Flotman, Edmund, laborer Flowke, Richard, senior, of Glos trespass: close Chamber, Thomas Derhurst, husbandman Fludde, Simon, of Wulpytt, Suff Lynge, Lawrence, of Haughle husbandman Flude, Humphrey, of Caurse, March of Wales, gent; ap Jenkyn, Humphrey ap Howell, of Town Merioneth, Wakes, esq; Vaugham, John ap Howell, of Lauthleyn, Merioneth, Wales, esq; Goughe, Roger, of Mersche, Salop, gent; ap Owen, Griffin ap Jenan, of Pole, London debt Brereton, William, knight Wales, yeoman Hennege, George, dean of Flynt, Oliver, vicar of Chesterfeld, Lincs Lincoln Cathedral Derbs Hertley, Adam, of Chichester, Flynt, Thomas, of Chichester St Sussex debt mercer Sepulchre, merchant Basford, Edward, executors of; (Hogeson, John; Joan his Flynte, Oliver, of Chesterfeld, Yorks wife) Derbs, clerk 5351 d Hants Jeffrey, Richard 5361 d Lincs Carter, Christopher 5368 d Lincs Temper, homas 5091 f Berks 6189 d Worcs 4353 f 6533 d 4871 f 5438 d 4996 f 5921 d 3913 f Dorset Norf debt debt formadon descender ejectment Clerke, Richard Tewkesbury Abbey, Henry, abbot of Fobbe, John, of Orby, husbandman Fobbe, John, of Orby, husbandman; Willowes, John, of Hoggesthorpe, husbandman Folbrook, Richard, of Milton, husbandman Folyat, Francis, of Pyrton, esq 4498 f 4879 f Devon Cornw 6424 d Devon 4361 f Devon replevin Boly, Walter 4361 f 5747 d Devon Devon replevin Cole, Roger Busett, John; Parys, John Ford, John, of Ayssheberton Ford, John, of Bodmyn, tiler Ford, John, of Bykley, tucker; Ford, William, of Bykley, tucker Ford, John; Cullyng, Thomas; Wydecomb, Robert Ford, John; Cullyng, Thomas; Wydecomb, Robert Ford, John; Northlegh, Robert 5969 d 4432 f Devon Notting ham debt Notting ham debt 5782 d Leics Austen, Richard Mellours, Thomas, of Nottingham, alderman Mellours, Thomas, of Nottingham, alderman Waryng, William, of Melton Mowbray, merchant of the staple Forde, John, of Byckeley, yeoman Forde, Richard, of Grantham, Lincs, mercer Forde, Richard, of Grantham, Lincs, mercer Forde, Richard, of Grantham, Lincs, mercer; Seymar, John, of Repynghall, Lincs, yeoman 4432 f Seyntclere, John Opye, Thomas, junior Hurste, William, of Exeter, merchant Flyntt, Thomas, of Chichester St Barholomew, Sussex, fishmonger 5795 d Waryng, William, of Melton Mowbray, merchant of the staple Leics 5362 d Lincs Tailer, Robert 5526 d Devon Codner, William 5497 d London Bradbury, Henry 4913 f Norf 4658 f Sussex debt Harsell, Thomas 6588 d London Norwyche, Robert, knight, Justice; Nevile, Thomas, knight; Tuke, Brian, knight 6316 d Essex 5131 f London debt execution debt Feltewell, Richard, clerk 5102 f London debt execution Cooke, Thomas Tototh, Vincent, rector of Byrton, Lincs, executor of; (Sapcott, Henry) Tototh, Vincent, rector of Byrton, Lincs, executor of; (Sapcott, Henry) 4936 f 6305 d 6158 d Norf debt London Middx Vynsent, Henry, of Westfyld Prestgrave, William, gent Irby, Anthony; Ogle, Richard 5077 f Yorks 3932 f Lincs 5763 d Norf trespass: close Gascoigne, William, knight Jetur, Richard, of Wiberton, executors of; (Jetur, John, of Lewstoft; Jetur, Matilda, trespass: taking widow) Boty, Richard, of Fornesett, yeoman Forde, Richard, of Grantham, Lincs, mercer; Seymar, John, of Repynghall, Lincs, yeoman Forde, Richard, of Grantham, mercer; Burton, John, of Grantham, husbandman; Frankelyn, Richard, of Grantham, yeoman Forde, Vitallus, of Exeter, yeoman; Crokhyll, William, of Kyngescarswyll, husbandman; Will, Thomas, of Kyngescarswyll, yeoman Forde, William, of London, founder Forge, Thomas, of London, girdler; Smyth, John, of London, merchant haberdasher Forster, Christopher, of Torryng, clerk; Marche, Alice, of Torryng, widow; Tanner, John, of Torryng, laborer Forster, Humphrey, of Aldermaston, Berks, esq; Wentworth, Thomas, of London, knight; Stoner, Walter, of Rotherfeld Pyppard, Oxon, knight Forster, Nicholas, of Parva Wakeryng, husbandman Forth, Richard, of Grantham, Lincs, mercer Forth, Robert, of Grantham, Lincs, chaplain Forthe, William, of Wynbarowe, painter; Clyppyn, John, of Wynbarowe, husbandman; Webstar, John, of Wynbarowe, clerk; Vynsent, Walter, of Est Derham, husbandman; Batelly, William, of Westfeld, tanner Fostaylf, George, of London, gent Foster, George Foster, John, of Harwod, laborer; Fletcher, William, of Harwod, laborer; Tynkler, Thomas, of Harwod, laborer Foster, John, of Leke, yeoman Foster, Nicholas, of Banburgh, yeoman 5071 f Essex trespass: assault 3921 f Norf debt Reymer, Thomas, of Sloley 4861 f 4656 f Herefs Kent debt debt Tomkyns, James Dygons, Richard 5992 d Kent Wylmesherst, John, senior 4755 f London debt Vaughan, William, clerk 6414 d London Vaughan, William, clerk 4907 f Norf debt debt Shyngwell, Robert; Joan his wife Brown, John, of Yarmouth Grome, Robert, of Laneham, clothier Foster, Reginald, of Westham, laborer; Elizabeth his wife Foster, Robert, of Westwyke, worsted weaver; Bolte, Stephen, of Scoryston, worsted weaver; Dykkys, John, of Worsted, worsted weaver Fote, Walter, of Madley, husbandman; Nycols, Thomas, of Bylwyn, husbandman; Howe, Henry, of Rosse Forden, husbandman; Tyler, Richard, of Tredynhill, husbandman Foule, John, of Hallyng, gent Foulle, Bartholomew, of Gowdeherst, scythe smith Fowler, Thomas, of Bugbroke, Nhants, gent Fowler, Thomas, of Bugbroke, Nhants, gent Fowler, William, of Great yarmouth, baker Fowques, John, senior, of Bretenham, husbandman; Brundesche, William, of Felsham, husbandman; Brondesche, Thomas, of Bylston, clothmaker Fox, Joan, of Overswell, spinster; Story, John, of Overswell, laborer; Hope, John, of Overswell, laborer; Sambache, John, of Overswell, laborer; Hill, Roger, of Overswell, laborer Fox, John, of Sheryngham, mariner; Alexander, Thomas, of Sheryngham, mariner Fox, William, of Barstable, baker Foxe, Thomas 5193 f Suff 6400 d Glos 5219 f 5724 d 4426 f Norf Devon Leics 4795 f London Pontesbury, Edward, clerk 6513 d Devon Seller, John, of Exeter 6517 d Devon Seller, John, of Exeter Foxford, Richard, of London, clerk; Stokesley, John, Bishop of London Franke, John, of Taunton, merchant Franke, John, of Taunton, merchant 5703 d Yorks 5977 d Essex 4628 f Essex Altham, William Alen, John, Archbishop of Dublin Alen, John, Archbishop of Dublin Franke, William, of Ledes, yeoman Frankelyn, Richard, of Bynkenell, Wilts, yeoman Frankelyn, Richard, of Bynknell, Wilts, yeoman Crown trespass: free warren waste debt Ryshebroke, John Thornton, Henry, esq Langton, George 6411 d Berks Augustyn, Christopher, of Abyntowne, gent 6535 d Norf Gedney, Francis 6236 d Norf 6236 d Norf 6226 d Norf 6402 d Beds 6231 d Norf 6166 d Middx 5229 f Bucks 4888 f Worcs 5361 d Lincs Franklen, Hugh, of Westminster, yeoman; Fyssher, John, of Webley, Herefs, clerk; Beche, Edmund, of Swynbreke, Oxon, miller; Burton, Nicholas, of Bybere, Glos, yemoan Frany, John, of Barneham Brome, smith; Runhale, John, of Mulkeberton, smith; Garne, Thomas, of Carbroke, husbandman; Wakton, Walter, of Asshehill, tailor; Newton, John, of Lavenham, Suff, mercer Frary, John, junior, of Magna Wychyngham, husbandman; Frary, Robert, of Magna Wychyngham, husbandman; Alen, Robert, of Metteshale, husbandman; Parymont, John, of Est Derham, Hamond, Thomas, senior, of husbandman; Wattys, Simon, of Wychyngham Hakforthe, thatcher Frary, Richard, of Magna Hamond, Thomas Wychyngham, husbandman Frary, Robert, of Magna Wytchyngham, husbandman; Frary, John, of Magna Barker, John Wytchyngham, husbandman Mousedale, Robert; Elizabeth Fraunceys, Thomas, of Roxton, his wife yeoman Fraunceys, Thomas, of Tylney, husbandman; Boston alias Tyler, Hoberd, Walter, esq Thomas, of Tylney, husbandman Syddenham, John, junior, esq; Rogers, Edward, esq; Buller, Richard, clerk; Syddenham, William, gent; Buller, Thomas, gent Fre, John, gent debt debt Fillippes, William Newport, Richard, senior Robert, William Free, John, of Wendover, husbandman; Bovyndon, Richard, of Aylesbury, shoemaker Freman, John, of Tredyngton, yeoman; Halle, John, of Baggotys Moreton, Warks, husbandman; Halle, Thomas, of Baggotys Moreton, husbandman; Robage, John, of Almany, Herefs, husbandman; Wyns, John, of Droytwyche, tanner; Best, Henry, of Coderich, husbandman Freman, William, of Holbych, husbandman; Cramper, John, of Holbech, husbandman Frenche, Robert, of Chetynglygh, yeoman Frend, Richard, of Westham, carpenter Frensshe, Richard, of Maydeston, gent Frent, John, of Barmyngham, Suff, yeoman Frent, John, of Barnyngham, Suff, yeoman Frere, William, of Thorpe, husbandman 4655 f Sussex trespass: close Smyth, Richard 4522 f Essex 6015 d Kent Lukyn, Geoffrey Fyssher, Robert; Parker, John; Coveney, Richard 5510 d Norf Mundys, John 5967 d Norf Hals, William, gent 5376 d Lincs Upton, Nicholas 5369 d Lincs Bull, Robert, senior, of Swynneshed, executors of; (Bull, Joan, widow; Dale, Gilbert, of Boston) 5340 d Norf Kingsto n on Hull Kingsto n on Hull debt Rede, Richard Frerneff, William, of Swynneshed, husbandman; Proctour, Lambert, of Swynneshed, husbandman; Ellys, John, of Swynneshed, yeoman Freston, John, of Yaxley, Hunts, yeoman Roy, William Freston, Stephen, of Sherbourne, husbandman 6497 d Freston, Stephen, of Sherbourne, Yorks, husbandman Frome, William, of Torleton, Wilts trespass: close Davys, Henry Rodmarten, Glos, yeoman Frost, George, of Horsplye, Thyrlowe, Hugh, of Burnham, husbandman; Comar, Geoffrey, of Norf Ulope Burnham Sutton, husbandman Fry, William, of Barnesley, Glos, London debt Nethewey, John gent Syddenham, John, junior, esq; Rogers, Edward, esq; Buller, Richard, clerk; Syddenham, William, gent; Buller, Thomas, Soms gent Frye, John, gent Frye, Walter, of Tarrant Gunvill, Dorset Assheley, Henry, esq husbandman 5225 f Devon Hone, Robert Frye, William, of Opsham, cooper 4579 f Sussex defamation Deryk, Cornelius Frynd, William, of Chichester, clerk 4646 f Sussex defamation Deryk, Cornelius Frynd, William, of Chichester, clerk Horsfall, Thomas, administrator of; (Buny, Richard) Fryston, Stephen, of Sherbourne, husbandman; Robson, Thomas, of Heksham, Northumb, draper; Robson, William, of Heksham, draper; Lough, John, administrator of; (Lough, Thomas, of Morhousis juxta browham, Westmor, draper) 5709 d 4608 f 4270 f 6240 d 5013 f 5876 d 4307 f Yorks debt debt debt Roy, William 5435 d Suff 5067 f Essex debt 4096 f Norf debt Heron, William, gent Coke, William, of Brynton, ploughwright forcible entry Towneshend, Roger, knight; Shelton, John, knight; Paston, William, knight; Heydon, John, knight; Boleyn, James, knight; le Strange, Thomas, knight; Southwell, Richard, esq; Holdyche, Robert, esq; Fulburne, Thomas, of Swanton Wyndham, Edmund, esq; Morley, husbandman; Walby, Wotton, John, esq William, of Swanton Morley, baker 4927 f Norf Heron, William Fryth, Thomas, of Naylond, clothmaker; Mondys, John, of Magna Bardfeld, Essex, jeweler; Marshall, William, of Melford, clothmaker; Waspe, Nicholas, of Cavyndysshe, smith Frythe, Thomas, of Hebreege, clothmaker; Hudson, Richard, of Manytre, mariner debt Scotte, Hugh Fukke, John, of Stodey, smith Fulham, Nicholas, of Chigwell, husbandman; Frend, Richard, of Magna Warley, brickmaker; Fowler, Ralph, of Dagnam, butcher; Bell, Thomas, of Southewell, laborer Fulke, John, of Stodey, smith; Gobet, Richard, of Dykylburgh, smith; Adams, Thomas, of Mattyshale, smith Fuller, John, of Stowebedon, husbandman; Elflete, John, of Walton Markett, carpenter Fuller, Robert, of Bredgeham, husbandman; Saham, Edward, of Eye, Suff, tailor Fuller, Simon, of Ipswich, beer brewer 4999 f Essex 4900 f Norwich debt Homerston, John 6253 d Norf Garrard, John 5981 d Norf 4828 f London debt 4558 f London debt 5889 d London 5214 f London 6333 d Cams 5732 d Devon Warner, Robert Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Gresham, Richard, of London, mercer Fuller, Thomas, of London, mercer Fuller, William, of Pritelwell, Essex, Garlond, William yeoman Fuller, William, of Pryttylwell, Garlond, William, gent Essex, yeoman Fulwell, Stephen, of Lynton, Nynge, William yeoman Furler, Roger, of Hatherley, Wode, Alexander husbandman 6374 d Herts 4328 f Yorks debt 4553 f Yorks debt 5322 d Devon Lympeny, Robert 6070 d Devon Lympany, Robert 5179 f Soms 5992 d Kent 3981 f Staffs dower 5063 f Herts debt 5227 f Devon waste 4340 f Devon waste, vacated 3986 f Nhants debt 4620 f Essex trespass 4277 f Hants debt debt Halfhyde, John Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Bytford, John Furley, Robert, of Foxston, Cams, gusbandman; Crosse, Thomas, of Buntyngford, shoemaker; Andrewe, John, junior, of Parva Munden, husbandman, son of Andrewe, William; Heyer, John, of Lyttlyngton, Cams, husbandman; Busshe, John, junior, of Steple Morden, Cams, husbandman Furnes Abbey, Lancs, Roger, abbot of Furnes Abbey, Lancs, Roger, abbot of Fursdon, Richard, of Sylverton, husbandman; Drue, john, of Paynbury, husbandman; Butte, John, of Bradnynch, husbandman Fursedon, Richard, of Sylverton, husbandman Fychote, John, of Stokursey, yeoman Draner, Stephen, of Fygge, John, of Eggerton, tanner; Cranebroke Lovelett, William, of Mylton, butcher Broke, Joan, widow of Broke, Robert Fyld, Elizabeth, widow Fylde, John, of Weston, butcher; Gayler, George, of Yerdley, Snagge, Thomas yeoman Sydenham, John; Sydenham, Fylmer, Christopher, of Rockbeyr, William husbandman Fylmer, Christopher, of Rockbeyr, Sydenham, William husbandman Rayner, Robert, draper; Rodys, Richard, of London, Fynche, Nicholas, of Aynho, woolman merchant of the staple Fynche, Thomas, of Theydon Aleyn, John Mount, yeoman Howlys, William, senior, executors of; (Howlys, Fynche, William, prior of Bremmor Thomas; Howlys, John) Monastery 4602 f Fyncheley, John, of Uttoxatur, Staffs, courser; Stratyn, John, senior, of Uttoxatur, husbandman; Hopkyns, Robert, of Hanbury, Deyvell, John, of Rokeby, Warks, administratrix of; (Hopkyns, courser; Fenton, Richard, of London debt Alice, widow) Makeley, Derbs, gent Fyndern, George, of Fyndern, Derbs, esq; Ardern, Robert, of Yoksall, Staffsgent; Columbell, Tuke, Brian, knight; Englefeld, George, of Derley, Derbs, gent; Thomas, knight, justice; Nowell, Andrew, of Whitwell, London debt Paulett, William, knight Rutland, gent Fyndern, John, of Somerby, Leics trespass: close Olyver, Richard husbandman 5486 d London Maynard, John, of London, mercer Fyske, William, of Swaffame, Norf, chapman; Holland, John, junior, of Est Grenewiche, Kent, yeoman of the guard; Brewerton, John, of Brewerton, Cheshire, gent 4629 f Norf Lawes, Thomas Fysshe, Adam, of Congham, tanner 5123 f 5140 f 5193 f Suff 6411 d Berks 4652 f Kent debt debt Sabyn, William Barton, Walter trespass: assault Fillok, Robert Fysshe, John, of Stowmarkett, yeoman; Symond, Thomas, of Wodbregge, mercer; Pulford, John, of Watfeld, husbandman; Bettys, Robert, of Aldham, husbandman Fyssher, John, of Henley on Thames, Oxon, butcher; Sulham, William, of Stratford Mortemer, husbandman; Mone, Nicholas, of Shaperygge, Wilts, husbandman; Parker, Nicholas, of Hurst, husbandman Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Godfrey, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Charlys, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; at Myllys, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Avery, John, of Gillingham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillingham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillingham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillingham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillingham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman 4729 f Kent trespass: assault Fyllok, Robert 4729 f Kent trespass: assault Inkson, John 4652 f Kent trespass: assault Jakson, John 4729 f Kent trespass: assault Sharnewell, Henry Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Godfrey, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Charlys, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; at Myllys, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Avery, John, of Gillimgham, waterman Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Godfrey, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Charlys, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; at Myllys, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Avery, John, of Gillimgham, waterman Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Godfrey, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Charlys, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; at Myllys, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Avery, John, of Gillingham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillingham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillingham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillingham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillingham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Godfrey, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; Charlys, William, of Gillingham, yeoman; at Myllys, John, of Gillingham, yeoman; Avery, John, of Gillimgham, waterman 6072 d Kent Thornton, John 6007 d Kent Johnson, John 6197 d Cornw 4649 f Surrey 4646 f Surrey 4076 f 4438 f 5390 d 5375 d 5365 d 3948 f 4646 f 6320 d 5325 d 4645 f Frye, William trespass: close Bromfeld, David Fyssher, John, of Maydestone, gent; Joye, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Maunser, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Godffrey, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Cherlys, William, of Gillyngham, yeoman; att Myllys, John, of Gillyngham, yeoman; Abery, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Aleyn, Cornelius, of Gillyngham, waterman; Lewegrene, Nicholas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Coksege, John, of Gillyngham, waterman; Pollen, Thomas, of Gillyngham, waterman; Smyth, William, of Maydestone, yeoman Fyssher, John, of Wyngham, yeoman; Westerholt, Roger, parson of Barston; Hawlett, Richard, of Herne, husbandman Fyssher, Richard, of St Neote, smith; Colefurd, John, of Cokennecke, laborer; Tome, John, of St Austell, merchant; Raw, John, of St Columbe the Over, smith Fyssher, Robert, of Horley, husbandman trespass: close Skynner, John, senior Fyssher, Robert, of Horley, laborer Jakeson, Thomas, of London, London debt baker Fyssher, Robert, of London, baker Fyssher, Robert, of Pakwode, shoemaker; Byssell, John, of Warks forcible entry Reyves, Thomas Barswell, husbandman Lincs Axholme Priory, prior of Fyssher, William Fyssher, William, of Knottyngley, Lincs Axholme Priory, prior of Yorks, yeoman Fytlyng, John, of Goxhill, Lincs Butler, John husbandman Thornton Abbey, John, abbot Fytlyng, John, of Goxhyll, Lincs trespass: close of husbandman Fytzwaren, Stephen, rector of Surrey debt Wayneslond, William Lymmesfeld Gabriell, Alice, of Rygge, widow; Fynche, John, of Hatfeld, Sopwell Priory, Anne, prioress husbandman; Broke, Thomas, of Herts of Rygge, husbandman Gadbury, Edmund, of Wynslowe, Bucks Poynour, Thomas innholder St Mary Overy Priory, Southwerk, Bartholomew, Gadbury, Robert, of Southwerk, Surrey trespass: close prior of ironmonger 6004 d Sussex 4923 f Norf 4638 f 4082 f 4444 f 5181 f 5061 f 4393 f 5398 d Onley, Thomas Gadd, William, of Pulbrowe, weaver; Bysshopp, Richard, of Stopham, husbandman trespass: close Pygott, John, senior, gent Galle, Thomas, of Southlenn, baker Gamage, Thomas, of London, Glos debt Kemys, Arthur, esq knight account as Gamond, Robert, of Brampton, London receiver Peterson, Leonard Hunts, tanner account as Gamond, Robert, of Brampton, London receiver Peterson, Leonard Hunts, tanner Soms trespass: close Patvyn, Walter Garant, William, of Tomer, knight Garard, William, of Manytre, Essex debt Merven, John butcher Gardener, Joan, of Bedford, widow of Gardener, Thomas, of Bedford; Upton, John, of Ulnehalle, Warks debt Theylesford Monastery husbandman Holenshed, John, Gardener, Ralph, of Maclesfeld, administratrix of; (Holenshed, Cheshire, yeoman; Holenshed, Staffs Marion) John, of Maclesfeld, yeoman 5816 d Notts 4621 f Surrey 5100 f London debt Hedworth, Ralph, clerk, executor of; (Farnham, Robert) Halle, Thomas; Worsford, John Barde, William, of London, fishmonger 6006 d Surrey Alby, Henry 3923 f Hants 5694 d Yorks Calverley, Walter, knight 5773 d Norwich Skynner, Thomas, clerk 4919 f Norwich debt Skynner, Thomas, clerk trespass and contempt trespass: close Smyth, Thomas Gardener, William, of Normanton, husbandman; Mercer, Richard, of Magna Leke, husbandman; Bayly, Nicholas, of Sutton Bonyngton, husbandman; Byrde, John, of Magna Leke, husbandman Gardiner, John, of Rusper, Sussex, yeoman Gardiner, Richard, of Barnet, Herts, innholder Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester; Skyte, Thomas; Slyfeld, Henry, clerk Garett, Thomas, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Garet, Andrew, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Serell, John, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Porter, Thomas, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Clerk, John, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Garett, William, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Coke, Peter, of Ovyngton, husbandman Garforth, Richard, of Steton, yeoman Garne, Robert, of Barford, husbandman Garne, Robert, of Barford, husbandman; Dobbys, Thomas, of Barford, yeoman, executors of; (Dobbys, Andrea, of Wymondham, widow; Seman, Robert, of Wymondham, draper) 5528 d Norf 4621 f Suff debt 4929 f Norf debt 6168 d Middx 4205 f Glos 6380 d Herefs 4315 f Yorks common recovery debt 4079 f London debt 6254 d Norf 5477 d London 4623 f York 5733 d Devon 6460 d London 6460 d London 3893 f Bucks 5654 d Bucks 6225 d Norf 6054 d Cumber 4043 f Suff Joby, Robert; Barbour alias Garnysshe, John, gent; Wyard, Bannok, William John, of Forncett Grome, Robert, of Lavenham, clothmaker Garrard, John, of Sudbury, yeoman Garrard, Thomas, of Great Coke, William Yarmouth, tailor Whitrason, Henry, of London, gent; Kydson, Thomas; Danyell, James Garret, Richard; Joan his wife Whitrason, Henry; Kydson, Thomas; Danyell, James Garrett, Richard; Joan his wife Garrewey, James, of Hereford, chapman; Garrewey, Thomas, of Poll, John; Morys, John Webley, yeoman Garth, John, of Roth, Swaldaill, Metcalf, James, knight yeoman Bowyer, Thomas, of London, grocer Garton, William, of Byllyngeshurst, Sussex, clothier; Fry, Thomas, of Petworth, Sussex, clothier, executrix of; (Fry, Eleanor, of Petworth, widow) Garton, William, of Great Yarmouth, mariner Rede, Thomas Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Gascoign, William, senior, of Thomas, esq) Gawthorp, Yorks, knight debt debt debt Leghe, William, esq Gascoigne, William, of Burnby, esq Gaskyn, William, of Bryddestowe, laborer; Dollyng, Stephen, of Soper, John Bryddestowe, laborer Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Gate, John, of High Easter, Essex, of the chamber esq Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Gate, John, of High Easter, Essex, of the chamber esq Gate, William, of Chessham, Cooke, Thomas butcher Hode, John, of Rekemerseworth, executors of; (Spone, William; Joan his Gate, William, of Chessham, wife) laborer Gateley, Thomas, of Grymston, Hawleygh, Thomas yeoman Gattyskerth, Thomas, of Waynthayte, husbandman; Gattyskerth, Robert, of Gattyskerth, Joan, widow Waynthayte, husbandman Gatys, John, of Malden, Essex, Waller, William, esq yeoman 5218 f Norf debt Hare, William 3918 f Middx debt Walles, Richard 4696 f Sussex replevin debt Dobill, Walter 4019 f Suff Hudson, John, clerk 5704 d Yorks 3929 f Kent 6536 d Norf Johnson, John 5814 d Warks Ayre, John 4865 f Worcs Robynson, William concord debt Guldeford, Edward, knight Lyndon, John 5198 f Devon debt 4886 f Cornw trespass: close Lower, William, esq 6398 d Cornw Lower, William, esq 5185 f Staffs 6542 d Devon replevin Merwod, Baldwin, esq Blount, John, gent Snellyng, Robert 5085 f Cornw trespass: imprisonment 4666 f Surrey debt 5045 f London trespass: close Benger, Robert 4775 f London debt Trefusez, John Alyn, John Gaye, Robert, of Swanton Abbot, worsted weaver; Andrews, Thomas, of North Walsham, husbandman; Oldman, Henry, of Norwich, freshwater fisher Gaynes, Thomas, of Kentyshtowne, tailor Gaynesford, Nicholas; Shelley, Richard, gent; Michelborne, John Gebon, Henry, of Hecham, tailor; Wode, Thomas, of Hecham, husbandman; Seman, John, of Drenkston, husbandman; Fuller, Richard, of Nedgyng, husbandman Gebon, John, of Stokesley, butcher; Bartram, James, of Stokesley, chaplain Gebon, Robert, of Rolvynden, clothier Gedge, James, of Tharston, husbandman or stainer; Brette, William, of Bunwell, husbandman Gee, William, of Lemyngton Hastynge, husbandman Geest, John, of Norsfeld, husbandman; Lowe, John, of Norsfeld, husbandman; Lowe, Cornelius, of Norsfeld, husbandman; Welsheman, Lewis, of Norton Regis, laborer Gefford, John, senior, of Norton, Soms, yeoman; Gefford, Richard, of Wellyngton, Soms, husbandman Geffrey, John, of St Wynnowe, laborer Geffrey, John, of St Wynnowe, laborer Gem, John; Grene, Andrew; Morley, Thomas; Soubbys, John Genyngys, John, of Orston, fisher George, Thomas, of Trurue, weaver; Sadley, William, of Trurue, mercer Gere, Thomas, of Suthwerke, yeoman Gerge, Thomas, of Huggs(?), Yorks, yeoman Patmer, Henry, of London, draper, executors of; (Dutton, Germayn, Simon, of Stony Peter, knight; Juliana his wife) Stratford, Bucks, glover Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Gerves, John, of Bishops Lenn, vintner Gery, John, of Sharnebroke, husbandman Gery, Richard, of Launceston St Thomas, husbandman; Beatren(?), Thomas, of Launceston St Thomas, laborer Geyse, Thomas, of Deverell, Wilts, clothman Gibson alias Scrope, Robert, of Horncastell, yeoman Gibson, John, of Beston juxta Mare, miller 6473 d London 5088 f Beds 6294 d Cornw 4757 f London debt 5367 d Lincs 6227 d 5709 d Norf Kingsto n on Hull 5180 f Soms 4632 f 4467 f Devon Soms 6370 d London 5188 f Suff 6011 d Kent French, Robert 5641 d Norwich Osborn, Nicholas 5437 d Suff Hacon, Simon 6000 d Kent 4984 f Devon replevin 4225 f Norf forcible entry at Wood, Lawrence Hawkyns, Joan, widow, executors of; (Whyker, Henry; Glastonbury Abbey, Richard, abbot Chanon, John) of; Rede, John; Maryk, Ralph Glaven, William, of Slowley, worsted weaver; Chyrche, Richard, of Northe Walsham, laborer; Alice his wife; Richeman, John, of North Walsham, laborer; Myllyngton, Robert, of Swafeld, yeoman; Neve, John, of Bradfeld, laborer; Caster, Paston, William, knight; Joan, of Great Yarmouth, spinster; Baspole, Ralph; Hardyngham, Tolle, Robert, of Worsted, Thomas shoemaker trespass: close Butler, George St Stephen, Launceston Priory, John Smyth, William, of London, grocer Feld, Nicholas Hodson, Richard, prior of Beston St Mary Caterall, William FitzAlan, William, Earl of Arundell debt concord debt Maior, Thomas Speke, John, gent Colsell, William, of London, mercer Skelton, John, executors of; (Clarke, Thomas; Tame, Henry) Gibson, William, of Hornecastell, Lincs, yeoman Gilberd, George, of Witcombe, gent; Ludlowe, Edward, of Purscawndell, Dorset, gent; Sydnam, John, of Lye, gent; Cuff, Robert, of Glastonbury, yeoman Gilbert, Baldwin, of Thorverton, husbandman; Nichola his wife Gilbert, Nicholas, gent Girlyng, John, of St Andrews, Suff, gent Gittowe alias Gryffethe, John, of Hornyngeserth Magna, clerk Gladon, Thomas, of Greay Yarmouth, mercer Glanvyld, Robert, of Heydon, surgeon Glasener, John, of Burgh Castle, husbandman Glasier, George, of Borden, husbandman; Turner, Thomas, of Rochester, mercer; Bodiam, Thomas, senior, of Merden, tanner; Philip, of Barsted, tailor 5073 f Essex debt 4302 f Yorks trespass: close Whelewright, Gilbert 4420 f Derbs trespass: close Barton, John 5427 d Yorks Slatter, Richard 6259 d 6193 d Norf Worcs Lawes, Thomas Baylley, Thomas 4386 f Essex debt Rochestre, William Hykman, Henry, clerk 4673 f Kent debt 5200 f Soms debt Goldyng, Thomas Fulford, Philip, knight, executors of; (Champernon, Philip, knight; Horsey, John) 4869 f Cornw debt Frye, William 6011 d Surrey Bever, William 6304 d London 5970 d Kent 5640 d Norwich Awdlett, John Serle, Thomas, of London, butcher; Somer, Thomas; Longman, William; Karkeke, William Grenewode, Thomas, of Norwich, grocer 6248 d Norf Walvet, Thomas Gle, Thomas, of Branktre, husbandman; Rochestre, Henry, of Lyez Magna, husbandman; Scotte, Henry, of Gosfeld, husbandman Gledhill, John, of South Owrom, yeoman; Hawme, John, of Barslande, laborer; Northclyff, Gilbert, of Barslande, laborer; Hawme, Richard, of Barslande, laborer; Wodehed, Thomas, of Barslande, yeoman; Firth, John, junior, of Barslande, yeoman; Rammesden, Geoffrey, of Barslande, yeoman; Hawme, Thomas, of Barslande, yeoman; Wormall, Brian, of Barslande, yeoman; Moldson, Seth, of Stayneland, yeoman Glossop, William, of Wyrkysworth, yeoman Glover, Bartholomew, of Halton, Craven, yeoman; Glover, William, of Halton, husbandman Glover, John, of Dyrsyngham, shepherd; Newman, Robert, of Flytcham, shepherd Glover, John, of Stokton, laborer Glover, Richard, of Parva Wakeryng, clerk; Wylde, William, of London, pewterer Glover, Thomas, of Maydeston, yeoman; Beke, Henry, of Gravysend, cooper; Gardener, Thomas, of Gravysend, shipwright Glyne, John, of Stoke, clerk Gobell, Thomas, executrix of; (Gobell, Emelina, of St Columbe the Over, widow) Godard, William, of Hampsted Norres, Berks, husbandman Goddard, George, of Hokeborn, Wilts, gent Godden, John, of Halstowe, husbandman; Stone, John, of London, yeoman Goddyng, Thomas, of Ranworth, yeoman Goderd, Henry, of Tyrryngton, husbandman 5438 d Suff Blevarhaysett, Edward, gent 5068 f Essex 6256 d Norf 5036 f London debt 6112 d London Byrde, William, clerk Browne, Charles, of London, mercer Aleyn, John, knight, of London, alderman 5406 d Staffs Robynson, George 5394 d 4903 f debt Staffs Sprott, Thomas, of Ashemerbroke, executrix of; (Sprott, Anne, widow) Norwich debt Styward, Augustine, of Norwich, alderman 6334 d London 5435 d Suff 5488 d London 4082 f London debt 4668 f Petche, Thomas Kent debt Godfrey, William, of Pyrlyston, Norf, glover Godsalf, Thomas, of Blakemore, laborer; Canyon, James, of Donton, husbandman; Stevyn, Thomas, of High Onger, husbandman Goggeney, William, of Holkam, roper Golde, Gervais, of Smerden, Kent, clothier Golde, Gervase, of Smarden, Kent, clothier Golson, Nicholas, of Drayton Basset, yeoman Golson, Nicholas, of Drayton Basset, yeoman, son of Golson, Peter, of Hopwas; Arderne, Robert, of Yoxhall, gent; Pakyngton, William, of Cannoke, yeoman Gonman, Henry, of Dysse, husbandman; Underwode, John, of Loppeham, husbandman Donyngton, Nicholas, of St Mary Wolnoth, London, goldsmith, administratrix of; Good, William, of Ilford, Essex, (Donyngton, Elizabeth, widow) yeoman Goodale, William, of Stoke juxta Neylond, husbandman; Glasewright, Roger, of Magna Plampyn, Thomas Waldyngfeld, clothmaker Stathom, Nicholas, of London, Goodborough, Martin, of mercer Wylmyngton, Kent, yeoman Goodboroughe, Stephen, of London, salter; Goodboroughe, Stathom, Nicholas, of London, Martin, of Wylmyngton, Kent, mercer yeoman Provest, Hugh 4865 f Worcs debt Cookyssey, John 4147 f Middx maritagium Wrothe, Robert 4728 f Middx maritagium Wrothe, Robert 5207 f Middx maritagium Wrothe, Wobert Goodburgh, Martin, of Wylmyngton, husbandman; Roughed, Thomas, of Goodham, husbandman Goodchepe, Richard, of Parshire, butcher; Byllyngton, george, of Grafton Fleford, clerk; hedy, John, of Pystleton(?), husbandman; Monmouth Priory, Richard, prior of Goodere, Francis, son of Goodere, Thomas Goodere, Francis, son of Goodere, Thomas Goodere, Francis, son of Goodere, Thomas 6343 d Middx Cowper, William 5754 d Herts 4617 f Kent Brooke, Thomas, clerk Willoughby, Thomas, sergeant at law; Rescue, Robert 4998 f Essex debt Goodgam, William, of Toucetur, Nhants, butcher Goodgame, Richard, of Hertford, husbandman; Wryght, John, of Abbott Walden, husbandman; Wales, Richard, of Todyngton, Beds, clockmaker; Style, Robert, of Tyngryff, yeoman Goodhewe, Richard, of Farnyngham, husbandman 4670 f Rave, Thomas, chaplain, Goodwyn, Thomas, of Bramefeld, executor of; (Warner, Robert) clerk Gooll, Thomas, of Weston, Lincs incitement Harrys, Beatrice, widow husbandman Goppe, Roger, of Chaddesley Corbet, smith; Bache, Richard, of Chaddesley Corbet, husbandman; Bache, John, of Chaddesley Worcs Harrys, Humphrey Corbet, smith Goppe, Roger, of Chaddesley Corbett, scythe smith; Borne, Thomas, Pursyll Grene, Browne, John, of Chaddesley husbandman; Pattryle, Richard, of Worcs debt Corbett, yeoman Hoo, husbandman Ghinnucci, Jerome, Bishop of Gorle, Richard, of Kemsey, Worcs trespass: close Worcester husbandman Gorman, John, of Estbourn, Sussex debt Ferall, William fisherman 6207 d Cornw 6568 d London 4452 f Staffs 5958 d Staffs 4147 f Bucks 5509 d Norf 5971 d York 5560 d London 6439 d London 5856 d Suff 3933 f 5847 d 4867 f 4872 f debt Arundell, John, of Treryse Laurence, Oliver, gent, collector of customs and subsidies at Pole; Knyght, William, constable debt Zouche, William Zouche, William quare impedit Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Mordaunt Norgate, Richard Bowes, Robert, esq; Lassels, Roger, esq Oxenbrygge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, clerk) Oxengrygge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, clerk) Bury St Edmunds Abbey, John, abbot of Gorney, John, of Bristol, merchant Gorre, Thomas, of Hastynge, Sussex, mariner Gorwey, William, of Walsall, yeoman Gorwey, William, of Walsall, yeoman Goryng Priory, prioress of; Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln Goslyng, Thomas, of Tunsted, husbandman Gower, Edward, of Stytnam, knight Gower, Robert, of Monks Rysborowgh, Bucks Gower, Robert, of Munkys Risborough, Bucks, yeoman Gowlesell, Thomas, of Wattelyngton, Norf, gent 4289 f 3948 f 5055 f 5411 d 5791 d 5648 d 6402 d 4263 f 3905 f 6331 d 5514 d 4880 f Yorks Gowtwayte, John, of Ryppon, yeoman debt Arton, Thomas Thorneton Abbey, John, abbot Lincs debt of Goxyll, John, husbandman account as Gr(?), Thomas, of Parva Stepyng, London receiver Harvy, Robert Lincs, chaplain St John Baptist Hospital, Gratwode, John, of Northampton, Nhants Northampton shoemaker Graunger, John, senior, of Mauncefeld, Shyrewood, yeoman; Graunger, John, junior, of Mauncefeld, husbandman; Newton, Thomas, of Mauncefeld, laborer; Harpar, Ralph, of Mauncefeld, miller; Tarrold, William, of Marston, Notts Langford, Thomas Lincs, gent Graunt, Thomas, of Gothorp, husbandman; Hall, Richard, of Gothorp, husbandman; Browne, Oxon Pereson, William William, of Gothorp, husbandman Graunte, William, of Bekelleswade, Beds Smyth, Robert butcher Grauntham, Christopher, of Heddesore, gent; Grauntham, Bucks trespass: taking Restwold, Edward Edward, of Heddesore, gent Grave, Robert, of Yardeley, Herts trespass: close Shepperd, John, senior husbandman Graveley, Arthur, of London, skinner; Blount, Thomas, of Hereford, gent; Chaveney, Ralph, London Wheler, John of London, yeoman Shrops Gravenour, William Gravenour, John Denys, William, executor of; Gregge, William, of Otteram, Cornw debt (Denys, Nicholas) husbandman Grendon, Richard, of Sheryngton, husbandman; Chybnall, Thomas, of Sheryngton, husbandman; Prior, John, of Sheryngton, husbandman; Overend, William, of Sheryngton, husbandman; Barbe, William, of Sheryngton, husbandman Grene, Edward, of Barkyng, laborer; Croxton, Thomas, of Ilford, yeoman; Gellam, Thomas, of Ilford, butcher 5976 d Bucks Rookys, Richard 6393 d Essex 5357 d Norf 5693 d Yorks 4151 f Yorks Broke, John Halesden, John; Alice his wife; Hamond, Elizabeth; Hamond, Agnes, daughters of Hamond, Robert Grene, John Holgill, William, parson of Gyesley Grene, John Holgyll, William, parson of Gyesley Grene, John waste 4565 f Herts defamation 6507 d Suff 5797 d Warks 6200 d Worcs 5627 d Norf 4325 f Yorks debt 4048 f Suff defamation 5617 d Norf 4963 f Middx 5671 d Wilts 4243 f Norf 5714 d Yorks debt debt Gardyner, Thomas Grene, John, of Harppden, yeoman Grene, John, of Tostoke, husbandman; Dollyng, William, of Newton, wheelwright; Maundevyle, Dollyng, Nicholas, of Newton, Robert, of Newton, husbandman; executor of; (Wage, John, of Newman, Edmund, of Hawley, Stowemarkett, yeoman) husbandman Carvanell, John, dean of St Mary College, Warwick Grene, John, of Warwich, chaplain Grene, Philip, of Upton Snodysbury, husbandman; Hyde, John, of Upton Snodysbury, husbandman; Solley, Ralph, of Witelady Aston, husbandman; Hedy, John, of Pepleton, Crossewell, Thomas husbandman Grene, Richard, of Parva Walsyngham, butcher; Hawker, Robert, of Parva Walsyngham, Turnour, Thomas butcher Grene, Robert, executors of; (Pykeryng, Richard, of Carleton, Ellys, Thomas yeoman; Joan his wife) Wright, Martin, of Becclys, Grene, Robert, of Becclys, tallow glasier chandler Grene, Robert, of Kemerley, husbandman; Edwardys, Robert, of Burgh juxta Whetacre, husbandman; Adams, Stephen, of Burgh juxta Whetacre, husbandman; Adams, Robert, of Rede, Thomas, clerk; Dale, Burgh juxta Whetacre, laborer; William, prior of St Alan Stone, William, of Whetacre, Priory; Hacon, John, gent; husbandman; Wundell, john, of Gonvyle, Richard, gent; Davy, Becclys, Siff, laborer; Burgeys, John; Eston, John; Heydon, John, of Burgh juxta Whetacre, John; Bayspole, John sawyer Halyngton, George, gent; Ayer, John, of London, gent Grene, Robert, of London, gent Grene, Thomas, of Barford St Hill, Richard Martin, husbandman Grene, Thomas, of South Creke, Stede, John, gent husbandman Grene, William, of Essyngton, husbandman; Peyrson, Robert, of Dymleton, husbandman; Tayler, John, of Holmton, fisherman; Ballysh, Stephen, of Holmton, Stafford, Henry, Lord Stafford fisherman 5027 f London debt 5613 d London 5734 d Devon 5752 d Essex Parnell, John, of London, draper Parnell, John, of London, draper Grene, William, of Islyngton, Middx, yeoman; Kefyll, John, of Dertford, Kent, yeoman; Palffreyman, John, of Newyngton Grene, Middx, yeoman; Tomson, John, of Stoke Newyngton, Middx, yeoman Grene, William, of Islyngton, Middx, yeoman; Ketyll, John, of Detford, Kent, yeoman; Palfreyman, John, of Newyngton Grene, Middx, yeoman; Tomson, John, of Stoke Newyngton, Middx, yeoman Grene, William, of Toryton Magna smith; Byrche, William, of Beaufford, smith Andrewe, John, junior Gadbury, Thomas, of London, goldsmith, executors of; (Trappys, Thomas, Joyce his Grenefeld, Edward, of Wotton wife) Underwood, Bucks, esq 6453 d 4331 f London Devon 5352 d Hants 6317 d Essex 6227 d Norf 4339 f Devon waste 4632 f Beds trespass and contempt 6308 d London 5974 d Worcs 5970 d London Grenehall, John, of Brandirlsome, Lancs, esq; Tempest, Nicholas, of Basthall, esq; Holte, Thomas, of Crestelhurst, Lancs, esq; Katerall, Thomas, of Mytton, Lancs, esq; Nutto, Thomas, of Totyngton, Lancs, gent; Garsyde, Hugh, Ewodde, Lancs, gent; Chadwyke, Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Richard, of Spotland, Lancs, gent; of the chamber; Dauntesey, Warberton, Thoms, of Rudleys, John; Paulett, William Lancs, gent Selake, Andrew Greneway, Joan, widow Greneway, John, of Basyngstoke, Bekynsawe, John wax chandler Grenyng, Christopher, of Keyns Colne Priory, Robert, prior of Colne, clerk Horsham Priory, Lancelot, Grenyng, Christopher, rector of prior of Coln Engayn, Essex Keyle, Thomas, of London, mercer; Elizabeth his wife Grete, William Greve, Henry, of Carleton, yeoman; Anne his wife; Greve or Grene, Richard, of Carleton, husbandman; Bonham, thomas; Burell, John Eleanor his wife Cutt, John, of the Middle Temple, gent Greve, Thomas, of London, gent Belknap, Alice, widow Nychyllys, John, of London, merchant of the staple, administrators of; (Kyrton, Stephen; Margaret his wife) Grevyll, John, of Mylcote, Warks, esq, son of Grevyll, Edward, knight Grevyll, John, of Mylcott, Warks, esq 5483 d London Busshe, John, of Northe Leyche, merchant of the staple 5369 d Lincs Gedney, John 5886 d Kingsto n on Hull Burrall, Thomas 5344 d Soms Hewys, John 6258 d Norf Clyfton, Robert 4472 f Bucks 6440 d Kent 5468 d London 4318 f Yorks defamation 3999 f Staffs dower 4373 f Essex debt Ryplyngham, Thomas Sutton, Cecilia, widow of Sutton, Edward, knight, Lord Dudley Smyth, John, of Westham, carpenter 3941 f Lincs debt Hornesey, Thomas 5707 d 6209 d Yorks Herefs 5615 d London 5968 d Norf 6506 d Suff Shotylworth, John Bromwyche, Thomas Antony, William, of London, brewer; Antony, Anthony, his son Clere, Robert, knight, executrix of; (Clere, Alice, widow) Leyston Abbey, George, abbot of 5672 d Hants Pace, Thomas 5064 f Herts 5138 f London debt Rosse, Richard Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Hales, Christopher, attorney general; Gruffyth, Edward, of Penryn, of Malett, Baldwin Carnarvan, North Wales, esq Norf Gryce, John, of Brokedysshe, gent; Large, Edward, of Netisherd, Bamond, Thomas, of Norwich, husbandman; Hemmyng, Robert, draper of Cryngelforth, carpenter 4921 f debt Lee, Robert, knight Grey, Nicholas Grey, Thomas, of London, grocer debt debt Grevyll, Robert, of Kyngeswood, Glos, gent; Holydaye, Thomas, of Kyngeswod, clothier Grey, Henry, of Somersby juxta Bagenderby, clerk Grey, John, clerk, executors of; (Gray, John, of Kelstrop, Lincs, clerk; Burgh, Willliam, of Kelstrop, yeoman; Joan his wife) Grey, John, of Donesford, husbandman Grey, John, of Gaywood, husbandman Grey, Reginald, of Kempston, Beds, gent Grey, Richard, of Bexley, Kent, yeoman Grey, Richard, of Nanby, Lincs, innholder Grey, Robert, of Brantyngham, husbandman Grey, Thomas Grey, William, of Dagnam, gent Grey, William, of Welton in the Marsh, husbandman; Wylson, Robert, of Welton in the Marsh, husbandman Grice, Oswald, of Snayth, yeoman Griffith, John, of Mordeford, smith Griffyth, John, of London, clerk; Griffytt, David, of London, draper Grise, Gilbert, of Great Yarmouth, gent Grose, William, of Kelsale, husbandman Grove, John, of New Lemyngton, smith; Burrard, Richard, of New Lemyngton, husbandman Grubbe, Henry, of Normymmes, collier Horssall, Thomas, administrator of; (Buny, Richard) Anthony, William, of London, brewer; Anthony, Anthony, his son 5712 d Yorks 6346 d London 6330 d London 5216 f Norf trespass 4857 f Glos 5219 f Norf trespass: close Style, John; Style, William Ward, Geoffrey, of Yaxley, debt Suff, yeoman Marsham, Elizabeth, of Norwich, widow Hulme Abbey, William, abbot of Sprott, Thomas, of Ashemerbroke, executrix of; (Sprott, Anne, widow) Gryce, Oswald, of Wakefeld, gent; Feld, John, of Wakefeld, weaver Gryffyth, John, of London, clerk; Gryffyth, David, of London, draper Gryme, Richard, of Norwich, innholder, executors of; (Spyrlyng, Robert, of Norwich, carpenter; More, Thomas, of Norwich, innholder; Avice his wife; Catlyn, Richard, of Norwich, mercer; Conye, Thomas, of Norwich, grocer) Gryme, Thomas, of Gymyngham, butcher Grymer, William, of Coderyngton, husbandman Grymston, William, of Banham, gent Gryswold, Richard, of Kelyngworth, Warks, gent; Gregory, John, of Stapenell, Derbs, husbandman; Vycars, John, of Walsall, lorimer Gudlad, Henry, of Chesham Magna, butcher Gudyelff, Robert, of Chesham, yeoman Gudyelff, Robert, of Chesham, yeoman 5394 d Staffs 4268 f Bucks debt Doncombe, Thomas 5090 f Bucks debt Hardyng, John 5232 f Bucks debt 5523 d Kent Hardyng, John Gebon, Robert, of Rolvynden, clothier; Gebon, John, of Rolvenden, clothier Guldeford, Edward, knight Middx recognisance, writ of entry 4142 f Kent common recovery 6329 d Hunts 6527 d London 5284 f Middx 4835 f debt Gebon, Robert, of Rolvynden, Kent, clothier; Gebon, John, of Rolvynden, Kent, clothier Guldeford, Edward, knight Maplisden, Gervais; Patynden, Lawrence; Hoberd, Robert; Padyam, John Guldeford, Edward, knight Guldeford, Edward, of Romden, Keche, John, innholder Kent, knight Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Unton, Thomas, esq; Leason, Guldeford, Henry, knight, executor Thomas, clerk) of; (Guldeford, Mark, of London) Guldeford, Henry, knight, executrix of( Guldeford, Mary, of London, Crown; Hales, Christopher widow) Guldeford, John, of Benenden, gent; Sampe, William, of London, wax chandler; Sampe, John, of London, fruiterer; Richardson, Nicholas, of London, cordwainer; Bromeley, John, of St Giles without Crepulgate, farrier London debt Bary, William, of London, mercer 4987 f London debt Cope, William, cofferer, Guldeford, Richard, knight, executors of; (Cope, Stephen, executor of; (Guldeford, Edward, of esq; Bustard, John) London, knight) 5900 d Glaven, William 5914 d Norf Westm or 4889 f Cornw trespass: close Lowre, Thomas 5394 d Staffs 4634 f Devon 5212 f 6512 d 6560 d replevin Devon Devon Devon Devon 5561 d Devon trespass Devon 5197 f Devon 6352 d London Abraham, Robert Guye, John, of Patsto, shoemaker Gwent, Richard, clerk; Russell, Walter; Bysshop, Thomas; Tayler alias Wilcokkys, Thomas Gybbes, Thomas, esq; Upton, Thomas; Farewell, John; Sparke, John Hole, John Gybbes, Thomas, Gybbes, William; Davels, John; Farewell, John; Sparke, John; Davy, John; Coke, Thomas; Byllysford, Alexander Hole, John Gybbes, Thomas, Gybbes, William; Davels, John; Farewell, John; Sparke, John; Davy, John; Coke, Thomas; Byllysford, Alexander Robynson, George Devon 6561 d 4634 f 5972 d 5744 d Thornburgh, Nicholas replevin Gunby, Richard, of Sloley, yeoman; Leny, William, of Worsted, yeoman Gurnell, Thomas, of Kentedale, draper Pyke, Edmund Ford, John Tuckfyld, John, tailor Husey, William, of Exeter, merchant Gybbes, Thomas, Gybbes, William; Davels, John; Farewell, John; Sparke, John; Davy, John; Coke, Thomas; Byllysford, Alexander Gybbes, Thomas, of Fenton, esq Gybbes, Thomas, of Fenton, esq Gybbes, Thomas, of Fenton, gent Ford, John Gybbes, Thomas, of Fenton, gent; Farewell, John, of Fenton, yeoman; Sparke, John, of Fenton, yeoman Pyke, Edmund Aleyn, John, knight, of London, alderman Gybbes, Thomas; Gybbes, William; Davels, John; Farewell, John; Sparke, John; Davy, John; Coke, Thomas; Byllysford, Alexander Gybbyns, Thomas, of Popynbery, Kent, clothier 5937 d London 4317 f Yorks trespass: close Gogeon, John 4928 f Norf debt 4290 f York Ley, John, of London, gent debt Wacy, John, clerk Good, John Sussex debt Tykeregge, Richard, executors of; (Tykeregge, Robert; Tykeregge, Alice) 5728 d Devon Coffyn, Richard, esq, executrix of; (Coffyn, James, widow(?)) 5047 f London debt 4654 f replevin Rolle, George, of London, gent Eryls, Robert; Wille, Roger; Nicholl, Robert, Hamond, John; Sauncder, Nicholas; Wille, John; Reymond, Thomas Newton, Matilda, widow 4624 f 6253 d Cornw Norf 5979 d Lincs marmyon, Edith, widow 6222 d Worcs Parkys, Thomas, clerk 3899 f Worcs 6232 d Norf 5093 f Beds 4595 f London debt Aleyn, Ralph 6017 d Kent 4640 f London debt Raynold, Thomas Roo, William, of London, haberdasher 3897 f Suff 4638 f Norf debt debt Parkys, Thomas, clerk Bache, John, of Norwich, tailor Zouche, Joan, prioress of Bosco juxta Markyate Priory trespass: taking Bobell, John Walman, Richard; Jamys, John; Downyng, Robert; Jamys, Thomas; Ropar, replevin Thomas Gybson alias Taylor, Richard, of Fottes Crey, Kent, yeoman Gybson, Henry, of Faceby, yeoman; Smyth, Thomas, of Faceby, yeoman Gybson, John, of West Walton, husbandman Gybson, Thomas, of Bolton Percy, husbandman; Doughty, John, of Bolton Percy, husbandman; Sharparrowe, William, of Bolton Percy, pardoner; Beyne, John, of Bolton Percy, husbandman; Smyth, John, of Appleton, husbandman Gybson, Thomas, of Lewes, surgeon; Adean, John, of Ifford, husbandman; Bredon, Alexander, of Glynde, husbandman Gyfford, Roger, of Westley, esq; Gyfford, Anne, of Brorthley, widow; Marke, Alice, of Westley, widow Gyfford, Thomas, of Northam, Devon, tailor; Bery, Anthony, of Braunton, Devon, gent; Payn, Francis, of London, gent Gyfford, Thomas; Coffyn, James; Prust, Hugh; Middelton, Thomas; Antron, William Gylder, Walter, of Dysse, barber Gyldon, Thomas, of Ryngysdon, gwent Gyldyng, John, of Helmeston, Glos, yeoman Gyldyng, John, of Hockyng, Helmeston, Glos, yeoman Gyle, John, of Norwich, sherman Gyles, George, of Parva Eversden, Cams Gyllam, Thomas, of Osweste, Salop, chapman Gynder, John, of Eleham, husbandman Gynne, Henry, of Stevenage, Herts, husbandman Gyppys, Robert, of Colynge, laborer Gyrthe, Michael 5075 f Herts 4855 f London debt 6482 d 5186 f 5986 d London Yorks debt Devon 4852 f London debt Crathorne, John Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Hall, Ralph Pomerey, Edward Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn 6332 d Hunts Gerard, Thomas 4893 f Herefs 4615 f Middx 5345 d Devon 4913 f Norf 6495 d Soms 5705 d Yorks debt trespass: close Guilliam, John Chalkehyll, William, senior; Chalkehyll, William, junior; Warner, Thomas; Joan his concord wife Strache, Peter, of Exeter, goldsmith debt 5703 d Yorks 5036 f London debt 5970 d Herts Gryme, Alice, widow Gyrton, Thomas, of Stortford, weaver; Gybbe, Richard, of Stortford, smith Gysborow, William, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Gysbrough, William, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Gysburgh Priory, James, prior of Gysky, Robert, of Tregney, gent Gyssborowe, William, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Gyttyns, William, of Bokworth, husbandman Habreale, John, of Habrehale, gent; Phelpottys, John, of Wetherismyll, miller Hadley, George, gent Hadley, Richard, of Wythecombe, Soms, gent; Swyfte, Richard, of Axmowthe, gent; Winston, Michael, of Porsmowth, merchant Hagthorp, Richard, of Letton, yeoman; Gaunte, John, of Letton, husbandman Foscu, Bartholomew, esq; Hadley, James, esq; Wode, Alexander, esq; Forde, John; Hake, Thomas, of Whytstanton, Bonfeld, John; Browne, John; husbandman; Trenchard, John, of Pomffrett, Thomas Whytstanton, husbandman Hakyn, William, of Helay, Massam, Kyng, Richard yeoman Conyers, Christopher, knight, Hakyn, William, of Helay, Massam, Lord Conyers, bailiff of yeoman; Kyng, Richard, of Richemond Leghton, Massam, yeoman Hale, John, of Kewe, Surrey, yeoman; Wyld, John, clerk, administrators of; (Wylde, Roger, of London, clerk; Wyld, Henry, of London, gent; Wyld, William, of Jenour, Robert London, gent) Scroggys, Thomas Halfhed alias Hawfeld, John, of Braughyng, yeoman; Clyfton, Thomas, of Pukkeryge, cordwainer 5361 d Haliday, Thomas, of Kyngeswood, Monoux, George, knight clothier Robyns, Margaret, former wife Hall, Anthony, executrix of; (Hall, Oxon debt of Hawker, Thomas Joan, of Swaford, widow) Lincs Millys, Henry Hall, Francis, of Grantham, esq Soms debt Purvyer, Walter, of Bokelond Hall, George, of Bristol, merchant Soms debt Purvyer, Walter, of Bowland Hall, George, of Bristol, merchant Machell, Ambrose; Machell, Cumber trespass: close Margaret Hall, George, of Lytyll Corbye, fuller Hall, John, of Colshyll, Herts, Bucks Hawtre, Edward, gent husbandman Kent Lucas, Robert; Joan his wife Hall, Robert Hall, Robert, of Gaynsburgh, Lincs Johnson, Roger yeoman 3931 f Lincs 6013 d Surrey Hunt, John 5792 d Notts Noddell, Oliver 4018 f 5828 d Suff Yorks debt 4984 f Devon trespass: close Lake, William 4870 f Glos debt Tracy, Richard 4866 f Worcs debt Harrys, Humphrey 5184 f Dorset trespass: close Way, Henry 4058 f 4255 5367 4330 5119 f d f f 4456 f 5655 d 5357 d account as London receiver trespass 5223 f Herefs forcible entry 4917 f Norwich debt Crathorn, Thomas Andrewe, William, junior Sonyar, Ralph Hall, Roger, of Saltfletby, yeoman Hall, Thomas, of Kyngeston on Thames, fuller Hall, William, of Bekyngham, yeoman; Hall, John, of Parva Markam, husbandman Halle, John, of Barnham St Gregory, husbandman Halle, John, of Mirfeld, miller Halle, John, of Shrogbroke, chaplain; More, John, of Shrogbroke, husbandman; Keman, William, of Shrogbroke, husbandman Halle, Richard, of Odyngton, husbandman; Hale, John, of Odyngton, husbandman Halle, William, of Bromesgrove, husbandman; Melley, Henry, of Haley Owen, Salop, yeoman; Fowke, Henry, of Bromesgrove, husbandman Hallet, Stephen, of Bykkeshey, Loder, husbandman Halleward, William, of Dockelowe, husbandman; Elizabeth his wife; Halleward, Cecilia, of Dockelowe, spinster; Halleward, Richard, of Dockelowe, laborer; Gesses, Cornewall, Joan, widow William, of Dockelowe, laborer Halman, Edward, of Howe, husbandman; Dey, John, of Gresnale, husbandman; Atley, Barker, Thomas; Baly, James, Thomas, of Longham, of Norwich, mercer husbandman 5769 d Norwich Barker, Thomas, of Norwich, mercer; Bayly, James, of Norwich, mercer 5967 d Norf Tyrrell, Robert 5225 f Devon 6330 d London debt 4161 f Herts debt 4666 f Surrey debt 5786 d Middx debt Hone, Robert Mody, William, of London, brewer Halman, Edward, of Howe, yeoman Hals, John, of Sydbury, gent; Hewe, John, of Jonyton, yeoman Halsall, Thomas, of Halsall, Lancs, esq Scroggys, Thomas Hampden, Richard, of Blechyngly, gent Halshed alias Hawfeld, John, of Braughyng, yeoman; Clyfton, Thomas, of Pukkerige, cordwainer Haltman, Edmund, vicar of Carsalton Pymme, Thomas, gent Halyday, Margery, of Stonehowse, Glos, widow; Halyday, Michael, of Stonehowse, clothier; Bennam, Thomas, of Iron Acton, Glos, clothier; Plumer, John, of Alderley, Glos, clothier 3918 f Middx 6396 d Yorks 5634 d Norf 4130 f London debt 4754 f London debt 6420 d London 5981 d Suff Rosse, Richard Russell, Thomas, gent; Austen, Thomas Nychyllys, John, of London, merchant of the staple, administrators of; (Kyrton, Stephen; Margaret his wife) Keyle, Thomas, of London, mercer Keyle, Thomas, of London, mercer Maddok, Nicholas, Wetheryngset, clerk 5613 d London Tull, Richard 4628 f Devon trespass Halman, Edward, of Howe, husbandman; Dey, John, of Gresnale, husbandman; Atley, William, of Longham, husbandman Pymme, Thomas, gent Cove, John Halyday, Margery, of Stonehowse, Glos, widow; Halyday, Michael, of Stonehowse, clothier; Beynam, Thomas, of Iron Acton, Glos, clothier; Plumer, John, of Aldrerly, Glos, clothier Halyday, Thomas, of Pountfret, butcher Halyday, Thomas, of West Rudham, tailor Halys, Marcel, of Runford, Essex, gent Hamden, John, of London, knight Hamden, John, of London, knight Hamelon, Richard, of Brokford, husbandman Hameton, Richard, of Basyngstoke, Hants, clothier Hamlyn, Thomas, of Exwyke, St Thomas Martyr, Exeter, husbandman 5066 f 4343 f 6493 d 3928 f 4683 f 5805 d 4875 f 4619 f 5189 f 3970 f 6349 d 4773 f 4438 f Burgoyn, John, gent; Lane, John; Lomney, Henry; Randall, James; Cosyn, Nicholas, of London, mercer; Hamond, Alexander, of London, Herts trespass: close Core, John, of London, grocer yeoman Hampton, Robert, of Kyrton, Devon debt Bussell, William yeoman Hamwod, John, of Taunton, mercer; Raynold, John, of Tylber, mercer; Elys, Richard, of Taunton, Catcat, William, executors of; yeoman; Cumere, Richard, of Soms (Eyer, William; Joan his wife) Somerton, mercer Grene, William, gent; Soms concord Katherine his wife Hanam, Ralph Hancok, Simon, of Smerden, husbandman; Ponet, Thomas, of Smerden, husbandman; Newlyn, William, of Smerden, husbandman; Glover, Robert, of Betresden, Kent debt Slepynden, John husbandman Hancokke, William, of Kegworth, husbandman; Whatton, Thomas, of Long Whatton, husbandman; Sutton, John, of Kegworth, Hedworth, Ralph, clerk, husbandman; Sutton, Robert, of executor of; (Farnham, Kegworth, husbandman; Olyver, Leics Robert) John, of Kegworth, husbandman Hancokys, Thomas, of Bromysgrove, tanner; Bulky, John, Worcs debt Horton, John of Dodyrhill, husbandman Handford, William, of Boryngton, husbandman; Handford, Oliver, of Boryngton, husbandman; trespass and Handford, John, of Boryngton, Devon contempt Handforde, John, clerk husbandman Hanford, Edmund, of Magna Suff debt Parker, Richard Thornham, cooper Hanley, Thomas, of Ellerton Grange, husbandman; Snelston, Thomas, of Callyngton, Salop, yeoman; Peyte, Richard, of Staffs debt Skrymsher, Thomas, gent Pyllesdon, Salop, husbandman Hanneton, Richard, of London Tull, Richard Basyngstoke, Hants, clothier Hansard, Henry, of Owresby, Kyrkby, gent; Spycer, William, of Cockyswold, shepherd; Conye, Lincs trespass: close Tyson, John Edward, of Cockyswold, laborer Hanson, Hugh, of Atherston, Warks debt Wode, Thomas sherman 4322 f Yorks debt 4575 f Cumber 5408 d Nhants Humfrey, Richard, esq 5960 d Nhants Humfrey, Richard, esq 4095 f Norf 6183 d Glos Cole, Robert 5974 d Norf defamation Kyng, Richard Petyr, William 4951 f London debt Bloffeld, William FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert, esq, attorney general, Duchy of Lancaster; Lambert, Robert, receiver 4191 f Suff Colvell, Francis 5885 d Wilts debt Androwe, William Hardegraves, George, of Rossendall, Lancs, yeoman; Gartsyde, Hugh, of Haselyngdon, Lancs, gent; Byrtwysell, John, of Haselyngdon, yeoman Hardhede, John, of Flockton, husbandman Hardyng, John, of Pytton, husbandman; Margery his wife; Ockebourn, Robert, of Pytton, laborer; Damerham, Thomas, of Pytton, laborer Hardyng, Thomas, of Houghton Regis, husbandman; Hardyng, William, of Houghton Regis, laborer Hardyng, William, of Lichefeld, capper Harecourt, Simon, of Staunton Harecourt, Oxon, knight; Cottesmore, Morgan, of Parva Mylton, Oxon, gent Hareley, Thomas, of Gokyngton, yeoman Harkole, John, of Antyngham, husbandman 5652 d Beds 3970 f Staffs 5324 d Middx 4871 f Worcs debt Geffreys, John 4100 f Norf debt 5159 f London debt Wodhous, Thomas, gent Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Harman, Deryk, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant debt Fossy, William; Clerk, John Kox, Alice, widow, executor of; (Weston, John) Hanson, John, of Eland, yeoman; Brodley, Robert, of Halyfax, yeoman; Denton, Edward, of Warley, sherman; Wilson(?), John, of Shelfe, weaver; Hayvey, Richard, of Ovynden, husbandman Hanson, Thomas, of Newcastle on Tyne Hanwell, William, of Parva Adyngton, clerk Hanwell, William, of Parva Adyngton, clerk Hanys, Richard, of Attilbrigge, innholder; Joan his wife; Hogge, Thomas, of Attilbrigge, laborer Harbart, John, of Ryppull, Worcs, husbandman; Branderd, James, of Upton on Severne, Worcs, husbandman; Hyche, Ralph, of Tewkesbury, husbandman Harbottell, Thomas, of Burnan Tofte, merchant Doyly, Thomas, gent common recovery Lyster, Richard, knight, Chief Baron of the Exchequer; Wyngfeld, Anthony, knight; Hopton, Arthur, knight; Glemham, John, knight; Wyngfeld, Humphrey, esq; Glemham, Christopher, esq; Glemham, Edward; Cosyn, Robert; Michell, James; Holt, Richard; Farlyan, John; Wyseman, Thomas, clerk; Garrard, Robert; Baron, Richard; Jaye, John; Reynold, Robert Harman, John Lister, Richard, knight, Chief Baron of the Exchequer; Wyngfeld, Anthony, knight; Hopton, Arthur, knight; Glemham, John, knight; Wyngfeld, Humphrey, esq; Glemham, Christopher, esq; Glemham, Edward; Cosyn, Robert; Michell, James; Holt, Richard; Farlyan, John; Weseman, Thomas, clerk; Garrard, Robert; Baron, Richard; Jaye, John; Reynold, Harman, John, of Tunstall, Suff, Robert esq 4111 f Suff 6164 d Middx 4357 f Devon replevin 4936 f Norf trespass: close Eston, Edward, gent 6535 d 5839 d Norf Cornw Downyng, William Combe, John 6322 d Essex Carter, John, of Colchester, carpenter; Eddy, John, of Colchester, cooper 4355 f Devon 5910 d Essex 6588 d London 6321 d Herts debt Brown, John Wode, Edmund Harneman, William; Baker, Henry Harny, Richard, of South Reyngham, husbandman; Bekke, Robert, of South Reyngham, laborer Harr, John, of Carbroke, husbandman Harreis, William, of Lyston Harry, Robert, of Wytham, fuller; Rand, George, of Boram, yeoman; Bastwyke, William, of Owltyng, yeoman Harry, Walter, of Tavestoke, butcher; Frankelyn, John, of Tavestoke, butcher; Drake, Thomas, of Tavestoke, smith Harryatt, William, of Chynkford, gent Soote, John, knight Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Paulet, Harrydon, Thomas, of London, William, knight; Dauntesey, knight, Lord Waux; Parr, William, of John, knight London, knight Harrye, John, of St Albans, butcher; Bell, Henry, of St Stephen, Bernard, William laborer 4882 f Cornw 6563 d trespass: close Hall, Robert Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, London John) 4188 f Sussex replevin 6391 d Essex Grene, John Lawrans, Thomas, of Falkeborne, yeoman 6182 d Glos Mynet, Henry 6046 d Herts Warner, William 4339 f Devon forcible entry Chamod, John; Watson, Owen, clerk 5061 f Essex debt Stonard, John, gent 5077 f Yorks trespass: close Harpyn, Robert 4925 f Norf trespass: taking Andrewe, John 4456 f Cumber trespass: close Barker, Isabel, widow 4672 f Kent 4342 f Devon Harrye, Robert, of St Meryn, husbandman; Jenkyn, John, senior, of St Meryn, husbandman; Jenkyn, John, junior, of St Meryn, husbandman; Kente, John, of St Meryn, husbandman; Stagemore, William, of St Meryn, husbandman; William, John, of St Meryn, husbandman; Pyper, Mark, of St Meryn, minstrell; Reskyen, John, of St Meryn, husbandman Harryngton, James, dean of York Cathedral; Coppley, Edward, of Doncaster, Yorks, esq Harrys alias Fuller, Thomas Harrys, John, of Bokkyng, laborer Harrys, John, of Quaddesley, husbandman Harrys, John, of St Albans, butcher Harrys, William, of Plynstok, esq; Dulyn, Edmund, of Newton Ferres, gent; Harward, Richard, of Tamerton, gent; Willoughby, Anthony, of Sandehyll, Hants, knight; Wadham, William, of Sandehyll, gent; Fragatt, John, of Sandehyll, groom; Bayly, William, of Sandehyll, yeoman; Whytyngestall, Robert, of Fordyngbrige, Hants, yeoman; Kyrton, Richard, of Fovente, Wilts, gent; Elston, Richard, of Wylton, Wilts, yeoman Harryson, John, of Waltham Holy Cross, carpenter Harryson, Robert, of Aberforth, laborer Harryson, Thomas, of Cokkesford, miller Harryson, William, of Skelton, gent Hart, George, of Parva Charte, debt Warde, John, of Parva Charte ropemaker Hart, Robert, of Hamme St George, butcher; Joan his wife; Puggesley, John, of Hamme St George, trespass: close Roo, William laborer 5671 d Wilts Underhill, John 4463 f Westm or debt Sare, William 4663 f Sussex debt 5837 d Kent 4025 f Suff 4997 f 5926 d 6387 d 6258 d 6216 d 5141 f Unkyll, William Brekynden, William, son of Brekynden, John Harte, John, of Trowbrydge, freemason Hartley, Henry, clerk, executors of; (Hilton, Thomas, of Burton, gent; Hartley, Miles, of Appulby, yeoman; Hilton, Florence, of Barton, spencer) Hartley, William, of Alyngbourne, husbandman Hartregge, Thomas Wryghte, William, of Rekynghale Inferior, chaplain Harvy, John, of Botysdale, gent Harvy, John, of Fynchyngfeld, laborer; Coo, William, of Fynchyngfeld, laborer; Cace, Browne, John, esq; Thomas, of Fynchyngfeld, laborer; Willenhale, Thomas; Rogers, Mascall, William, of Fynchyngfeld, Essex trespass: close Henry; Sydenham, William laborer Burgoyn, Christopher, of Long Cams Staunton Harvy, John, of Meldeborn, gent Harvy, Nicholas, of Magna Essex Agostylowe, Thomas Mapelsted, husbandman Harwyn, William, of Longham, Norf Bronde, Katherine, widow tanner Chapman, William; Margaret Herefs his wife Haryes, John Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Haryngton, James, dean of York Francis, knight; Carleton, Cathedral; Calverley, Walter, of London debt John) Calverley, Yorks, esq debt 5278 f London debt 5141 f London debt Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, John) Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, John) 4676 f Kent Denys, Roger 5682 d Yorks 4625 f Cornw debt Newell, Andrew; Dorothy his wife Godolham, William, esq; Myleton, John, esq Haryngton, James, dean of York Cathedral; Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, knight; Malory, John, junior, of Studley, Yorks, esq; Norton, John, of Remyston, Yorks, esq; Harthyngton, John, of Harwodde, Yorks, esq; Hamyrton, John, junior, of Hamyrton, Yorks, esq Haryngton, James, dean of York Cathedral; Ratclyff, Thomas, of Wymerley, Lancs, esq; Osboston, Alexander, of Osboston, Lancs, esq Haryngton, James, of Wymbleton, gent; Gold, Simon, of Fynnysbury, yeoman Haryngton, James; Conyers, Robert; Cooly, Anthony; Staveley, George; Cooly, John Haryngton, Richard, of Credyton, Devon, clerk 5213 f London debt 6497 d Dorset 5607 d Kent 4384 f Essex 4754 f London debt 3969 f Staffs 5688 d Yorks debt trespass Nasshe, Thomas, of London, Haryson, Edward, of Oxhill, Lincs, pasteler yeoman Hasard, Robert, junior, of Burpor, Charde, William merchant Hasell, John, of Chartham, ap Res, Griffin, gent husbandman Isak, Peter, of Glenysford, Hasill, William, of Leiham, Suff, Suff smith Hasilwode, William, of Newton, Salop, husbandman; Marrall, Kyddermyster, John, of Thomas, of Stapulford, London, merchant draper husbandman Hassuls, John, of Ibstons, yeoman; Farnehalgh, John, of Ibstones, Jenny, John laborer Hastynges, Robert, of Depedale, A Dale, Thomas, yeoman gent Botry, William, of London, mercer 4642 f London debt 5427 d Yorks 5845 d Suff Constable, Robert, knight Maas, William, of Bury, parchment maker, executor of; (Powle, Henry) 6434 d London Kyddermyster, John, of London, draper 5337 d Herts 5222 f Glos debt Hyll, Thomas, yeoman Steley, Margaret, widow, executor of; (Gylmayn, James) 4089 f Middx debt Holgill, William, clerk 5235 f Middx debt Holgyll, William, clerk 6073 d Middx Holgyll, William, clerk Hastyngges, William, of Wyngfeld, Derbs, gent; Lyell, Alice, of London, widow; Byggens, Arthur, of London, brewer; Pynner, William, of London, tallow chandler; Grome, Henry, of Sandforthbrett, Soms, yeoman Hastyngys, Brian, of Fenwyke, esq Hasyll, John, of Bury St Edmunds, butcher; Brown, William, of Cokfeld, carpenter Hasylwode, William, of Newton, Salop, husbandman; Marrall, Thomas, of Stapulford, Salop, husbandman Hatche, Robert, of Harrow on the Hill, Middx, yeoman Hathwey, John, of Horsley, husbandman Hatley, John, rector of Est Barnet, Herts; Hatley, Godfrey, of Copyll, Beds, yeoman; Gostewike, William, vicar of Leygerdys Assheby, Nhants Hatley, John, rector of Est Barnet, Herts; Hatley, Godfrey, of Copyll, Beds, yeoman; Gostewike, William, vicar of Leygerdys Assheby, Nhants Hatley, John, rector of Est Barnet, Herts; Hatley, Godfrey, of Copyll, Beds, yeoman; Gostewyke, William, vicar of Legerdys Assheby, Nhants 4322 f Yorks 5709 d Kingsto n on Hull trespass: close Whythes, Marmaduke Haven, John, of Saltflethaven, Bradley, Thomas, executor of; Lincs, yeoman; Bradley, Thomas, (Sylston, John) of Lowthe, Lincs, yeoman 5281 f London debt 6475 d London 6475 d London 5167 f London debt 5175 f London debt 5173 f London debt Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Paulett, William, knight Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn London debt Partrych, James, of London, administrator of; (Handeford, John) 6307 d London Partriche, James, of London, administrator of; (Handeford, John) 6241 d Norf 5161 f London debt 5739 d Dorset 5794 d Leics Stede, William, gent Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Abbotysburys Abbey, John, abbot of St Mary de Pre Abbey, Leicester, Richard, abbot of 6546 d Glouce ster Robertys, Thomas 4879 f Cornw 6215 d Cornw 4446 f Havelok, Thomas, of Thorpe Basset, husbandman defamation Burnard, John Notell, John Hawarde, Thomas, of Hereford, esq; Moreton, Roland, of Twynnyng, Glos, esq Hawe, James, of Felbryge, Norf, gent Hawe, James, of Felbryge, Norf, gent Hawe, James, of Felbrygge, Norf, gent Hawe, James, of Felbrygge, Norf, gent Hawe, James, of Felbrygge, Norf, gent Hawe, James, of Stevkey, Norf, gent; Parcelay alias Parckley, William, of Castelford, Lincs, merchant; Tasborowe, Robert, of Great Yarmouth, fishmonger Hawe, James, of Stewkey, Norf, gent; Parceley, William, of Castelford, Lincs, merchant; Tasborowe, Robert, of Grat Yarmouth, fishmonger Hawke, Giles, of Necton, yeoman; Smythe, William, of Dunham Magna, husbandman; Godfrey, William, of Magna Dunham, smith; Dowse, John, senior, of Sydestern, shepherd Hawke, James, of Felbrygge, Norf, gent Hawke, John, of Hawkechurche, husbandman Hawker, Henry, of Leicester, yeoman Hawkes, John, senior, of Gloucester, butcher; Ardwey, Richard, of Gloucester, butcher; Webley, Giles, of Brackworth, butcher Hawkyn, John, of Alternon, husbandman; Walkey, John, of Alternon, husbandman Hawkyn, Ralph, of Bodmyn, miller; Joan his wife 5833 d Hants Walter, Richard, clerk 5851 d Herts Rose, Edmund 4254 f Bucks debt 3912 f Oxon debt 4129 f Oxon debt 3983 f Staffs trespass: close Eliottys, Richard 5404 d Staffs Wylson, Robert Plummer, Alice, executor of; (Plummer, William) Plumer, Alice, executior of; (Plumer, William) Kymmersley, John Cutt, Robert, of Wolverhampton 3976 f Staffs debt 4933 f Norf 4035 f Suff trespass: close Sewall, Robert Brampton, William; Dekyk, debt John, gent 4362 f Devon replevin Adam, William 4984 f Devon replevin 5840 d Sussex Adam, William Broughton, John; Elizabeth his wife 5697 d Yorks 5438 d Suff 5147 f London debt 6238 d Norf Gargrave, Thomas, junior Radclyff, Thomas, of Framesden, esq, executors of; (Mannok, John, esq; Clerke, Robert) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Hawys, James Hawkyns, Henry, of Chichester, Sussex, clerk; White, Thomas, of Chichester, sawyer Hawkyns, John, of Langley Regis, husbandman Haworth, George, of Bylkyngham, clerk Hawten, Richard, of Fossecote, husbandman Hawton, Richard, of Fossecote, husbandman Hay, Edward, of Dorlaston, husbandman; Haye, John, of Bentley, laborer Hay, Hugh, of Gunston, husbandman Hay, John, of Bentley, yeoman; Smale, William, of Wolverhampton, dyer; Wall, Nicholas, of Wolverhampton, yeoman Hay, John, of Hemysby, husbandman Haydon, George, of Longham, Norf, esq Haydon, Thomas; Haydon, Agnes, widow; Yong, Thomas Haydon, Thomas; Haydon, Agnes, widow; Yong, Thomas Haye, William Haygh, Oliver, of Medhop, Bradfeld, husbandman; Coke, Robert, of Medhop, Bradfeld, husbandman; Ellys, Hugh, of Medhop, Bradfeld, husbandman; Wood, Richard, of Medhop, Bradfeld, slater; Strete, Nicholas, of Medhop, Bradfeld, husbandman Hayll, William, of Framysden, husbandman Haylle, William, of Cromor, Norf, merchant Haylys, Henry, of Cromer, administrators of; (Spenlove, Henry, of Cromer, yeoman; Katherine his wife); Malby, Joan, of Walsyngham, widow; Toly, Nicholas, of Aylsham, mercer; Aleyn, John, of Sythroppys, butcher 6302 d Devon Colwyll, Roger 4349 f Devon 5573 d Glos Arnold, John 6493 d Soms Crosse, William 3942 f Lincs trespass: close Bowcher, Arthur 5733 d Devon 3909 f Lincs debt Androwe, John, senior Colyn, John trespass: taking Thakker, John 4295 f York debt Lawson, George, knight 5093 f Beds waste Sammon, Robert 6320 d Herts 4645 f Surrey 6312 d Hunts Parre, Richard, clerk 5799 d Derbs 5479 d London Lowe, Anthony Goodman, Rowland, of London, merchant 5073 f Essex debt 4843 f Middx recognisance, writ of entry 5577 d Beds 6511 d Dorset Adam, Henry But, William, of Westnyng, Beds, gent; Cotton, William; Parys, Thomas Butte, William; Fitz, William; Parys, Thomas Ponde, John; Elizabeth his wife 4681 f Surrey Pomfret, Elizabeth, widow, executrix of Pomfrete, John, gent, executor of; (Muschamp, William, esq) 4903 f Norwich debt Causton, Thomas debt debt Baynes alias Hewster, John Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman Hayne, Baldwin, of Tawystocke, husbandman Hayne, Thomas, of Buklond Monks, tucker Haynes, Roger, of Weysbury, yeoman Haynes, William, of Wellys, butcher Haysyll, Thomas, of Nether Toynton, husbandman Healmere, Henry, of Otery St Mary, tucker; Colyn, John, of Parrys, husbandman Hedeley, John, of Tydde St Giles, Cams, mercer Hedlam, John, of Sutton Galtres, gent; Holme, William, of York, wax chandler; Bradford, John, of Heth, gent; Monketon, John, of Acom, husbandman; Lute, Brian, of York, gent; Saunderson, Thomas, of Huntyngton, husbandman Hedley alias Lychefeld, Thomas, of Rysley, tanner Hedyche, William, of Dengey, husbandman Hege, Roger, of Pontesbury, Salop, gent; Ryddell, Roger, of Byrmyngham, Warks, innholder Hellott, Geoffrey, of Elyngton, chaplain Hellott, William, of Allerwaslegh, husbandman Hemerston, John, of Norwich, grocer Hempsted, Thomas, of Bumsted at Tower, husbandman; Browne, William, of Bumsted at Tower, husbandman Hemyngton, John; Hemyngton, William Hemyngton, John; Hemyngton, William Henbury, Henry, of Shaftesbury, mercer Henbury, John, of Westminster, ale brewer; Lather, Edward, of Fullham, Middx, husbandman; Kyppyng, John, of Fullham, husbandman Hendry, Robert, of Norwich, mercer; Coltyng, Robert, of Norwich, grocer Hendry, Robert, of Norwich, mercer; Coltyng, Robert, of Norwich, grocer; Bustyng, John, of Marsham, worsted weaver 4904 f Norwich debt Haste, William 4877 f 4619 f Cornw Kent Hamley, William Philipp, Robert 5396 d Staffs 5201 f Soms 5413 d Nhants 6524 d London St Mary of Grace Priory, Northampton, prior of Goldewyn, William, of Wolwyche, Kent, administrator of; (Goldewyn, George, gent) 5820 d London Chapman, Thomas, chaplain, Heron, William, of Forth, executor of; (Chapman, John) Northumb, knight debt replevin Weston, John trespass: close Coke, Robert; Frye, William London 5714 d 5709 d Yorks Kingsto n on Hull 5368 d Lincs 4337 f Soms 6333 d Middx Atwood, Edward, gent 6410 d Berks Fordam, Stephen 5057 f Herts 5740 d 5671 d 6109 d Devon Wilts London 3931 f 3922 f defamation Sylston, John Herrys, William, of Kyngston on Hull, merchant Sowter, Thomas Hert, John, of Sutton, husbandman Shepard, Thomas, junior Herte, John, of Comberd, yeoman Hesell, John, of Godrest, Salop, yeoman Heskyns alias Fletcher, George, of Wantyng, fletcher Hesteler alias Egyngton, William, of Redbourn, courser Hesyde, Thomas, of Hatherley, carpenter Heth, Michael, of Oxford, gent Heth, Ralph, of London, butcher Hethe, Stephen, of Cokyngton, fisherman Hether, Richard, of Soca juxta Winchester, innholder debt Pye, Philip, clerk Jeston, Geoffrey; Agnes his wife Overton, Cuthlac Hartell, John Devon account Hert, John Hants debt Benne, John Surrey Herenden, Walter, of Maydeston, Kent, gent Chapman, Thomas, chaplain, Heron, William, of Forth, executor of; (Chepman, John) Northumb, knight Herreson, John, of Holmton, fisherman; Tendatt, John, of Holmton, fisherman; Scalys, John, Stafford, Henry, Lord Stafford of Holmton, fisherman 5347 d 4666 f Hendy, John, of St Mabyn, chaplain Hendy, William Hensdale, Gilbert, of Lychefeld, butcher Hensley, Robert, of Porlock, husbadman Henwode Priory, Warks, Joan, prioress of; Durrant, William, of Wolson, Warks, chaplain Wyndesore, Edmund, esq; trespass: close Stydolff, Thomas, esq Hethfeld, John, of Est Becheworth, husbandman; Bentley alias Shorham, Alexander, of Est Haworth, husbandman; Coke, John, of Est Becheworth, laborer 4309 f Yorks 6210 d Cornw 4311 f Yorks trespass: close Lokwode, Henry Gudolghann, John, esq trespass: close Broune, Robert 4323 f York trespass: close Sigwyk, Christopher 5083 f Cornw trespass: close Gudolghan, John, esq 4897 f Norf debt Smythe, William 4461 f Wilts debt Grevell, Robert 4003 f Yorks debt 5125 f London debt 5560 d London 3934 f Lincs 6183 d Glos 5485 d London 5085 f Suff 4991 f London debt Cause, Gregory, of Norwich, merchant 5213 f London debt Susshe, Henry debt debt Darewent, Richard, clerk; Darewent, William his brother Oxenbrigge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, clerk) Oxenbrygge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, clerk) Yong, Robert Hungerford, Anthony, of Down Amney, knight Haldysworth, Robert, clerk Brampton, William; Dekyk, John, gent Hetton, William, of Hoddersfeld, laborer; Denton, William, of Hoddersfeld, laborer; North, William, of Dalton, slater; Key, William, of Almonbury, yeoman; Key, John, of Almonbury, yeoman; Hanson, Robert, of Lokewode, tailor; Harrop, Christopher, of Almonbury, walker Hew, Richard, of St Boryan, fisher; Hewe, William, of St Boryan, fisher Heward, John, of Hensall, husbandman Hewbank, William, of York, tanner; Craven, Thomas, of York, yeoman; Plowman, Robert, of York, yeoman Hewe, Richard, of St Boryan, fisher; Hewe, William, of St Boryan, fisher Hewes, Ralph, of Systern, pulter; Clarke, Richard, of Brankaster, husbandman Hewes, Thomas, of Kyngeswood, smith, administratrix of; (Hewes, Grace, widow) Hewett, Thomas, of Walles, gent; Hewett, Frances, of Wales, gent, his son Hewster, John, of Hurlay, Berks, yeoman; Pennam, John, of Bysham, Berks, miller Hewster, John, of Hurley, Berks, yeoman; Pennam, John, of Bysham, Berks, miller Hewys, Henry, of Burrowe in the March, yeoman; West, John, of Lowthe, butcher; Tudbery, Barnard, of Markbye, husbandman; Plumton, Baldwin, of ANford, draper; Sever, Oliver, of Burrow in the Marsh, sawyer Hewys, John, of Wotton Under Egge, clothier Hey, Alan, of Witwel, Derbs, yeoman Heydon, George, of Longham, Norf, esq Heydon, Henry, of Thwayte, Norf, esq; Clere, Edmund, of Stokysby, Nof, esq Heydon, John, of Apsham, Devon, mariner 4344 5387 3964 3963 5387 f d f f d Devon Lincs Lincs Lincs Lincs debt 3963 f Lincs replevin 6296 d Cornw 6256 d Norf 3977 f Shrops 6233 d 6285 d Norf Glos 4883 f Herefs 5446 d Suff 4655 f Sussex 4644 f Surrey 4560 f Middx 4559 f Middx 5058 f Herts 5994 d 5730 d Sussex Soms 6381 d Herts 4403 f London replevin replevin Bradmere, John Burdon, William Cokkeshed, Thomas Couper, Roger Eger, John Wymbysshe, Martin, of Welton, gent Heydon, John, of Lymston, mariner; Howell, John, of Pyn, husbandman Heydon, William Heydon, William Heydon, William Heydon, William Heydon, William, gent Heye, John, of Terdewell, Weryn, Thomas husbandman Heyfeld, John, of Sheryngton, Berker, Thomas mariner Heynes, John, executors of; (Heynes, Thomas, of Chyldys Taylour, Humphrey; Matilda Arcall, husbandman; Heynes, Joan, debt his wife of Chyldys Arcall, widow) Heynes, John, of Colteshale, Brende, Robert laborer Arnold, John, esq Heynes, Roger Heynys, William, of Kyngston, husbandman; ap Rees, Morgan, of Dora, husbandman; Grove, Richard, of Kyngston, husbandman; Carwardyn, John, of debt ap Jenkyn, John Madley, husbandman Heyron, Thomas, of Gyslam, husbandman; Gryce alias Heynys, Henry, of Wangford, husbandman; Wright, Robert, of Hallisworth, Flyk, John smith Heyton, John, of New Shorham; Dunnyng, John, of old Shorham, debt Tylley, Thomas husbandman Heyton, Thomas, of Ewell, husbandman; Aglond, John, of Ewell, sawyer; Aglond, Thomas, senior, of Ewell, laborer; Aglond, Thomas, junior, of Ewell, laborer; trespass: close Merton Priory, John, prior of Grace, John, of Ewell, laborer Heyward, John, of Westminster, debt Jenyns, William butcher Heyward, John, of Westminster, debt Jenyns, William; Joan his wife butcher Highnone, John, of Walkerne, Halkys, James; Halkys, husbandman; Norres, John, of debt Elizabeth, widow Walkern, gent Hussey, Henry, esq; Michell, Hilder, Joan, of Kyngeston juxta Henry Lewes, widow Penney, Giles Hill, John, of Taunton, merchant Hill, Richard, of Hattfeld Bishop, husbandman; Pratte, John, of Fysshe, Thomas, gent Hattfeld Bishop, husbandman Prouz, Patrick, of London, Hill, Richard, of Lychefeld, Staffs, debt execution merchant tailor dyer 4075 f London debt 5821 d London 5181 f Soms 5837 d Suff 4525 f 4465 f Norf Norf 6210 d Cornw 6198 d Cornw debt concord 4267 f Bucks debt 5015 f Cams debt Hill, Richard, of Wylston, Soms, Aleyn, John, knight clerk Hill, Richard, of Wylston, Soms, Alyn, John, knight clerk Hill, Thomas, of Mellys, tucker; Sparke, John, of Kylmersdon, husbandman; Payn, William, of Kylmersdon, husbandman; Cabege, John, of Mellys, laborer; Bowre, William, executors of; Burges, John, of Hornyngysham, (Payn, William; Alice his wife) Wilts, husbandman Jenney, Robert, son of Jenney, William; Jenney, William Hobart, Henry, esq Purgold, Edmund, son of Purgold, John Hobart, Miles, esq Thorkyll, Francis Hobart, Miles, esq Hobbe, Richard, of Carwen, husbandman; Rayn, Richard, of Trehere, laborer; Hobbe, Thomas, of Bacadon, husbandman; Roger, Roger, of Tretherappe, Tredeneck, William husbandman Hobbe, Richard, of Carwen, husbandman; Wylton, John, of Fursden, husbandman; Rayn, Richard, of Treyere, husbandman; Serell, John, of Treyere, Rayn, John husbandman Hobbys, John, of Wedon, Hardwyk, husbandman; Hare, Robert, of Wyndover, husbandman Carter, Reginald Bury, John, of Cambridge, alderman, executor of; (Slegg, Hobbys, Robert, of Cambridge, Edward) gent Underwoode, Robert; Waller, Hobert, Miles, of Plumsted, Norf, George; Underwoode, esq; Pratyman, Thomas, of Cotton, Thomas; Grome, Thomas husbandman Hochyns, John, of Chylley, husbandman; Adams, John, of Wyllysseland, husbandman; Hayes, Mark Margaret his wife Hockerell, William, of Dreytewyche, Newport, George yeoman 5452 d Suff 6491 d Dorset 6192 d Worcs 4347 f Devon debt 5063 f Herts debt 5655 d Bucks 3912 f Bucks debt Hynde, William, administrator Hodder, John, of Whytchurche, of; (Voyse, Thomas) Dorset, yeoman Hoddysden, Roger, of Barnett, Everard, William yeoman Hodson, Edmund, of Hawrygge, Asshefeld, Christopher clerk Hodson, Roland, of Coblers, Hampden, John, knight Hampdon, husbandman debt Hodson, Roland, of Coblers, Hampden, John, knight Magna Hampdon, husbandman Hogekynson, Richard, of Hyll, John Wardelowe, husbandman Hogekynson, Thomas, son of Hogekynson, Thomas; Leche, Hogekynson, Richard Ralph, esq Hogeson, Richard, of Foster, Robert Homsyngowre, chaplain Browham, Christopher; Susan Hogeson, Richard, of Kyrkland, his wife husbandman Hogeson, Robert, of Horsyngton, Thomas, Robert waterman Hogeson, Robert, of Nottingham, Webster, Thomas saddler Issher, John, of London, Hogeson, Robert, of Riston, Yorks, barber gent 4193 f Bucks 5809 d Derbs 5984 d Derbs 5077 f Yorks 4449 f Cumber debt 3940 f Lincs 5568 d Rutland 4070 f 4569 f London debt formadon Yorks descender 5097 f Surrey debt Johnson, John, gent 4452 f Staffs debt execution 6281 d Wilts Savage, Roger Balfront, Robert, warden of Heightredesbury Almshouse 5959 d Yorks Wyberr, Thomas 6186 d Herefs Welshe, Hugh debt debt Constable, Robert 4861 f Herefs debt 4861 f Herefs trespass: close Byryton, William 6025 d Sussex 5618 d Norf 5187 f Suff 6202 d Cornw Wikys, Thomas Tayler, Thomas Potter, John account as bailiff 5017 f London debt 6096 d London Poley, Richard, gent Hogeson, Robert; Alice his wife Hogeson, Thomas, of Est Grenewiche, Kent, gent Hogette, Thomas, of Horburne, husbandman Hoggys, William, of Heightisbury, clerk Hoghton, John, of Thornton, gent; Colthurst, Henry, of Wadyngton, gent; Wadyngton, Edward, of Wadyngton, yeoman Hogys, John, of Pyrton, Stoke Edythe, husbandman Hogys, John, of Stoke Edythe, husbandman; Parkar, Thomas, of Leonales, yeoman; Aphoell, John, of Bromyord, carpenter; Holand, James, of Bodenham, yeoman Hogys, Thomas, of Warton, laborer; Lokyer, Henry, of Warton, laborer Hoke, John, of St Bartholemew, Chichester, butcher Hoke, Thomas, of Tetylsale, yeoman Hamley, John Hokkett, John, of Sudbury, pedder Hokkyn, William, of Eggleshall, husbandman; Hokkyn, Thomas, of Eggleshall, laborer Traves, John Baylly, Robert, of London, mercer Holand, Lawrence, of Nottingham, gent; Holland, Adam, of Arnold, Notts, yeoman of the crown Holand, Thomas, of London, haberdasher 5728 d Devon 5729 d Devon Drayton, William, of Exeterm, Holbeme, Christopher, of baker Kyngyscarswyll, gent Holbeme, William, of Stok Damerell, gent; Escot, John, of Eggecombe, Peter, knight Aixtony(?), clerk Cokyshed, John; Cokyshed, Anthony; Cokyshed, William Craycroft, Leonard; Cunstabull, Richard; Goodwyn, Henry, clerk; Gaunce, John; Watson, William 5740 d Devon 5389 d Lincs 4269 f Wilts 4746 f Herts 4016 f Suff 3928 f Suff 6196 d Cornw 4059 f London debt 4279 f Hants debt Holcomb, William, of Lyme Regis, Dorset, merchant; Roper, Richard, of Lyme Regis, merchant Holden, John, of Hoggesthorpe, husbandman Holder, Walter, of Lynam, husbandman Colman, William Woodlyff, William, of London, mercer; Maldon, John, basket Holder, William, of Chesthunt, trespass: close maker smith Holdernes, William, of Bury St Grome, Robert, of Lavenham, Edmunds, locksmith; Warner, debt clothier John, of Barowe, yeoman Rous, William, knight; Alice concord his wife Holdiche, John Holdyche, John, of Yewland Willoughby, Nicholas, esq Brydge, yeoman debt 6541 d Devon 4515 f Devon 4290 f Yorks 3919 f 6117 d London debt Notting ham 4930 f Norf debt account as receiver debt Holgyll, William, clerk Clerke, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells Hole, Christopher, of London, gent Hole, John, of Odyham, butcher Hole, William, of St Thomas Martyr, Exeter, yeoman; Martyn, Stephen, of South Tawton, tailor; Horne, Benedict, of South Tawton, shoemaker; Hole, Richard, of South Tawton, tucker; Segar, Babbe alias Hexte, John William, of South Tawton, laborer Holecombe, Charles, of Hole, Carsewell, John; Ellen his Branescombe, gent, executrix of; wife, formerly Rogers, Ellen; (Holecombe, Joan, of Strobrigge, Edmund Branescombe, widow) Holgayte, Thomas, of Puntfret, Grenewod, Robert mercer Holland, Hugh, Warbelyngton, Coops, Stephen Hants, yeoman Holland, Robert, of Kyddesley, Revell, Thomas, gent Derbs, yeoman Holle, John, of Norwich, baker; Baker, Edmund, of Norwich, Corpsty, Richard, of Norwich, innholder; Polle, Edmund, of mercer Suffeld, husbandman 5171 f London debt 4319 f Yorks 4941 f London debt 4977 f Worcs debt 4283 f Hants debt 5953 d London 4325 f Yorks 5438 d Suff 4911 f Norf debt 4217 f Norf debt 4121 f Heref 3954 f Lincs 6428 d Dorset 5177 f Dorset 3906 f Wilts debt debt Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Holley, John, of Ryngested, Norf, Bishops Lenn husbandman Holme, John, of Darfeld, Fletcher, William husbandman Holme, Stephen, of Mampchester, Faryngton, Henry, esq Lancs, gent Holounde, John, of Evesham, Saunderes, Philip yeoman Holwey, Robert, yeoman, bailiff of Lysle, Thomas, knight Fyncheden and Shelborne Page, William, of London, Holy Cross by the Tower Priory, draper London, prior of Home, John, of Sandall, dyer; Hanson, John, of Yeland, yeoman; Clatton, William, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Hanson, George, of Lokewood, yeoman; Grene, William, of Brygrode, yeoman; Neddere, Thomas, of Brygrode, yeoman; France, John, of Pymonde, Richard Hoddersfeld, yeoman Felgate, Thomas, of Honger, William, of Wetherden, Sprowston baker Hooke, Henry, of Tytleshale, husbandman; Large, Thomas, of Beeston juxta Myleham, butcher; Wryght, William, of Beeston, Crowe, Edmund husbandman Hooke, Henry, of Tyttelsale, Potter, John husbandman trespass: taking Fitizursshe, John Brymbold, Nicholas, of debt Braunston, yeoman Sts Mary, Stephen and Thomas Martyr Chapel, Westminster Palace, dean and chapter of Chapel of Sts Mary and Stephen, Westminster trespass: close Palace, dean and canons of debt execution Gorwey, Joan, widow Hope, Richard, of Bousbury, yeoman; Woodyend, Richard, of Upledon, husbandman; Lawrence, William, of Bousbury, laborer; Poyte, John, of Bousbury, butcher; Wade, Richard, of Frome Castle, husbandman Hope, William, of Claythorpe, yeoman Hoper, James, of West Chenett, Soms, cooper; Rauffe, Stephen, of Goscombe, husbandman Hoper, James, of West Chevell, Soms, cooper; Rauffe, Stephen, of Goscombe, husbandman Hoper, James, of Wotton Basset, tailor; Bey, George, of Wotton Basset, laborer; Bromston, William, of Wotton Basset, husbandman 5826 d Wilts Gorwey, Joan, widow 6514 d Devon Pytt, Nicholas 6208 d Herefs Lawrence, Peter 5687 d Yorks Metham, Thomas, esq 5717 d Devon May, Robert 5345 d Devon Peers, John 5400 d Shrops 5556 d 5802 d London Coventr y Freman, John Daulton, John, of London, grocer 5826 d Wilts Marlar, William Batte, Stephen 4879 f Cornw 6544 d Beds Potter, Richard 6376 d Herts Pygrym, Thomas 4617 f Kent 5272 f 5720 d 5548 d debt trespass London debt Devon Kent Somaster, William Helyer, John Woodde, Robert; Lambert, John, collectors of customs and subsidies at Kyngeston on Hull Rysedon, Nicholas Thorneton, John Hoper, James, of Wotton Basset, tailor; Boy, George, of Wotton Basset, laborer; Brumston, William, of Wotton Basset, husbandman Hoper, Robert, of Wellys, Soms, draper Hoper, William, of Hereford, brewer Hopkyn, John, of Honedon, yeoman Hopper, William, of Heighanton, husbandman; Parys, William, of Heighanton, barber; Callerd, John, of Jelys, gent Hoppyng, Richard, of Tyverton, yeoman Horde, Richard, of Lydley Heyes, husbandman; Reynoldys, Richard, of Longnor, laborer Horden, John, senior, of Byddenden, clothier Hordys, John, of Newecastell under Lynd, Staffs, chapman Hore, Anthony, of Whitterborne, Corsey, husbandman Horewell, Robert, of Hestoneforth, smith; Dyer alias Brendholme, Nicholas, of Hestoneforthe, dyer Horley, Walter, of Potton, husbandman Hormede, Thomas, of Ware, innholder; Gybson, John, of Wormeley, whip maker; Kyrby, John, of Stondon, tanner; Harrys, John, of Buntyngford, innholder Horne, Roger, of Kenardyngton, gent; Parnell, Edward, of Kenardyngton, husbandman; Parnell, John, of Kenardyngton, laborer Horne, Thomas, of Sandwiche, Kent, merchant Horne, William, of Germannyswode, husbandman; Joan his wife; Toly, William, of Germannynsweke, husbandman; Agnes his wife; Westcote, Richard, of Germannysweke, husbandman; Wode, John, of Coryton, tucker Horne, William; Joan his wife recognisance, writ of entry Thorneton, John, of Northflete, Kent, yeoman Kempe, John; Selvester, William, of Heyward, William; Gold, William Gylberd alias Webber, William, of Churstowe 4841 f Middx 6070 d Suff 4357 f Devon 5441 d Suff Nytyngale, William 5425 d 6022 d Yorks Kent 6019 d Kent Horsman, Edward John, Henry Harttereg, Richard, of Est Mallyng, yeoman 5670 d 4467 f 5975 d Wilts Soms Soms concord 4360 f Soms trespass: close Roynon, Thomas 6188 d 6090 d Worcs Devon 3917 f Devon debt Gawen, Thomas, esq Halse, Robert; Anne his wife Huntley, John, esq Mowsley, Edward, of Nether Clent, gent Carewe, William, knight debt Patrygge, John FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert, esq, attorney general, Duchy of Lancaster; Lambert, Robert, receiver 4952 f London debt 5686 d Yorks 4503 f Middx debt 4331 f Devon 4291 f York defamation account as receiver 4379 f Norf trespass: close Goslyng, Martin 5089 f Oxon debt 6458 d London Wylerr, Thomas, clerk Osboldston, Alexander, knight; Tyldysley, Thurstan, esq Frensshe, William Farefax, William, esq Cornhill, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Horne, William; Joan his wife Horseham, Robert, of Tudenham, yeoman Horsewell, James, of Plymmouthe, town clerk Horsewrethe, John, of Carsey, husbandman; Broke, John, of Lynsey, husbandman Horsmaan, Thomas, of Daloboweys, husbandman Horsmunden, John Horsmunden, John, of Gowdharst, yeoman Horssey, William, of Marten, gent Horssyngton, John Horsyngton, John Horsyngton, John, of Coston, husbandman Hortte, William, of Thycknor, Staffs, yeoman; Sparry, William, of Nether Clent, husbandman, executors of; (Brygge, William, of Clent, Staffs; Joan his wife) Horwyll, Robert; Horwyll, Walter Hosegood, John, of Marlegh, tailor Houghton, John, of Halton, Cheshire, yeoman; Colstansoke, Peter, of Whitley, Cheshire, gent; Bagerley, Richard, of Halton, shoemaker Houghton, John, Thorneton, gent; Colthurst, Henry, of Wadyngton, gent; Wadyngton, Edward, of Wadyngton, yeoman Houghton, Richard, of Lee, Lancs, knight House, Richard, of Kyngysbrigge, butcher; Joan his wife Housman, John, of Wolhous, yeoman Howard, Thomas, of Magna Porlond, husbandman Howberch, William, of Oxford, stationer Howchyns, Robert, of Great Yarmouth, mariner 5179 f Soms defamation Huyshe, John 6337 d Soms 4023 f Suff 5208 f London debt Ferrour, Thomas Fynche, William, prior of Bremore Priory 6224 d Norf Growte, Richard, of Fakenham, draper 3939 f Lincs 6011 d Kent Dod, Thomas 6491 d Dorset Haccer, Richard, chaplain Payne, Elizabeth debt incitement 4899 f Norf debt 6223 d Norf 5770 d Norwich 5371 d Lincs 4010 f Suff debt 5057 f Herts debt 5803 d Notting ham Man, John Howell, Hugh, of Kyngston juxta Taunton, husbandman; Bricam, John, of Kyngston juxta Taunton, husbandman Howell, John, of Chowstoke, butcher Howlborowe, Reginald, of Stoke Clare, laborer; Brett, John, of Ketton, husbandman Howles, William, of Bynbryge, Isle of Wight, husbandman Howlet, John, of Est Barsham, husbandman; Foekys, John, of Fakenham, husbandman; Carpenter, John, of Docketon, husbandman; Skottowe, Peter, of West Barsham, yeoman; Martyn, Alexander, of Harpeley, husbandman Howlet, Thomas, of Sutton, butcher Howlett, John, of Aynesford, husbandman Hownsell, William, of Symondsborowe, husbandman Howper, Ralph, of Tatersell, husbandman; Baxter, Robert, of Stanhowe, yeoman; Wryght, Thomas, of Morlle, husbandman; Ascheton, Geoffrey, of Tychewell, Howton, Thomas, of Anmer, chaplain; Goodys, Thomas, of clerk Massyngham Magna, husbandman Howse, Robert, of Bathele, Shaxton, Thomas; Houghton, husbandman; Howse, William, of Robert Bathele, husbandman Howshold, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, scrivener; Goldsmyth, Woode, Edmund, of Norwich, Thomas, of Wellys juxta Mare, grocer husbandman Howson, Richard, of Fokerby, Egmanton, Christopher Yorks, husbandman Howyn, William, of Fordeley, husbandman; Salcott, Hugh, of Howard, Thomas, senior, of Westleton, husbandman; Page, Medelton John, of Medylton, husbandman Hoye, Thomas, of Beryngton, maltman; Cokky, William, of Jakson, Thomas Nettyswell, Essex, woolman Penson, Robert, of London, "shymmer", executrix of; (Vincent, Thomasine, widow) Hubbert, John, of London, mercer 4038 f Suff 5736 d Devon 6065 d forcible entry Middx Coman, James Hubert, Miles, of Plumsted, Norf, esq; Lanham, Robert, of Burgate, husbandman Huchecocke, William, of Pylton, tucker Woodgatt, John Huchyn, William, of West Drayton, husbandman; Brownfeld, Roger, of West Drayton, gent; Salthous, Thomas, of West Drayton, tailor; Grene, Hugh, of West Drayton, husbandman Coppyng, John, rector of Burgate 4417 f Warks 5242 f London debt 4899 f Norf 4633 f Shrops land 6231 d Norf Hude, William, of Cleybroke, Leics, husbandman; Clarke, Richard, of Ansley, husbandman; Boll, John, of Bosworth, Leics, husbandman; Barbor, William, of Bentley, husbandman; Baddysley, Thomas, Sterke, Thomas of Nuneyton, wheeler Hudleston, Elizabeth, of Sawston, Cams, widow; Dudley, John, of Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Shefeld, Sussex, knight; Curwen, of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, of Sheryff Hutton, Yorks, Thomas, knight, justice; esq; Leyghton, John, of Stretton, Paulett, William, knight Salop, esq Hudmyn, Thomas, of Thetford, Nykke, Richard, Bishop of yeoman; Dawes, James, of Caston, Norwich husbandman Hudson, Richard; Anne his wife; Ive, John Prowde, John; Anne his wife Hudson, William, of Wynmondham, Ayer, John husbandman 6216 d Herefs Palmar, Richard; Matilda his wife, widow of Dalamere, Nicholas 4622 f Norf debt debt debt Yong, Richard 5398 d Staffs Cowley, Thomas 4603 f Sussex debt Garton, Thomas 3968 f Lincs Wylkynson, John 3928 f Coventr y concord 3965 f Lincs debt debt Hull, John, gent; Hopton, Edward, senior, gent; Wigmor, William, gent; Nichas, John, yeoman Hulliour, John, of Bishops Lenn, draper Hulmer, Humphrey, of Wolverhampton, husbandman; Wytley, William, of Wolverhampton, baker; Webbe, Nocholas, of Goddyshall, chaplain Humffrey, Reginald, of Pulburgh, husbandman; Humffrey, Edward, of Pulburgh, husbandman Humfrey, John, of Southwell, chaplain Burne, Henry, Cecilia his wife; Wall, John; Mary his wife Humfrey, Richard Hunston, Henry, of Walpole, Norf, Meres, Christopher, esq gent 3965 f 5431 d Lincs Suff 5672 d Hants 6227 d 6039 d Norf Kent Rever, Robert; Alice his wife Style, Nicholas, executor of; (Balam, Alexander) Weston, John, attorney 6191 d Worcs Dyson, Thomas 5518 d 5404 d 5410 d Essex Staffs Staffs 5239 f London debt 6457 d London Lukyng, Geoffrey Rugeley, William Rugeley, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England 4122 f 4329 f Sussex trespass: close Levet, John, esq Dobbys, Richard, of London, London debt skinner Lucas, Thomas, of London, esq, administrators of; (Grenefeld, John, esq; Lucas, Hunts John, gent) Huntyngdon Priory, Hugh, prior of Hurde, George, of Kyngsdon, yeoman; Adam, Richard, of Melbury Osmund, Dorset, clerk; Catell, William, of Bemyster, Soms trespass: taking Combe, Bartholomew Dorset, yeoman 5357 d Sussex Mascall, Richard 5720 d Devon Harper, Warren 4779 f 5500 d debt Meres, Christopher, esq Clerke, Walter Hunston, Henry, of Walpole, Norf, gent Hunt, John, of Hadley, barber Hunt, John, of Wardelcott, husbandman Hunt, Lawrence, of West Walton, husbandman Hunt, Richard, of London, mercer Hunt, Thomas, of Eggeoke, husbandman; Hunt, John, of Eggeoke, husbandman; Derby, William, of Eggeoke, husbandman; Derby, John, of Eggeoke, husbandman Hunt, Thomas, of Westham, carpenter Hunte, Henry, of Shenston, clerk Hunte, Henry, of Shenston, clerk Hunte, Thomas, of Great Yarmouth, merchant Hunte, Thomas, of Great Yarmouth, merchant Hunter, Thomas, of Parva Horsted, husbandman Huntyng, John, of Preston, Suff, mercer 5200 f Soms debt Graunt, John; Safyn, William 4355 f Devon debt Prust, Hugh 4807 f London debt Sole, Edward, of London, grocer 6452 d London Hales, Christopher Hurst, Robert, clerk Hurston, John, of West Ogewyll, husbandman Hurvord, John, of Lulluxborough, butcher; Hurvord, John, junior, of Lulluxborough, butcher; Borough, James, of Old Cleve, husbandman Husbond, John, of Hartlond, yeoman Huse, William, of Duffeld, Yorks, knight, executors of; (Huse, John, of Slyford, Lincs, knight; Huse, George, of Duffeld, esq) Husey, John, of Knoll, Kent, knight, Lord Husey; Husey, Robert, of Nocton, Lincs, esq 4764 f Suff debt 4618 f Suff detinue 6241 d Norf 5738 d Dorset 5426 d Yorks 5831 d 4305 f Yorks Yorks 5345 d Devon 5972 d Devon 4229 f Norf 3972 f Staffs Lucas, Thomas, esq, administrators of; (Grenefeld, Hussy, John, of London, knight, John, esq; Lucas, John, gent) Lord Hussy Hustyngys, Thomas, of Norton, Clerke, Walter yeoman Hustyns, William, of Coten, gent; Jermyngham, Thomas, of St Tolos, Barne, Thomas gent Hutchyn, John, of Lytellode, Soms, husbandman; Gentyll, William, of Payne, John Long Sutton, husbandman Hutchyn, Thomas, of Carleton, yeoman; Bek, John, of Pountfret, yeoman; Foge, Robert, of Snayth, yeoman; Foge, William, of Snayth, Gryce, Oswald yeoman Hutchyn, Thomas, of Wakefeld, clothier; Hemyngwey, Richard, of Wadeluffe, John, executors Halyfax, clothier; Hanson, John, of of; (Wadeluffe, Thomas, clerk; Eland, yeoman; Flatter, John, of Wadeluffe, Robert, clerk; Eland, clothier; Drake, Robert, of Wharton, William) Eland, clothier trespass: close Danby, Robert, esq Huton, Thomas, of Snape, fisher Huwyshe, John, of Honyton, Gale, Gilbert; Bodlegh, John innholder Huysshe, John, of Kyngston, Wolmanton, John; Isabel his Soms, gent; Hody, John, of wife Codelston, Soms, gent Hyanson, Thomas, of Pykenham debt Ollerhed, Hugh, chaplain Wade, clerk trespass: close Geywod, Robert 5333 d Leics Parmeter, John 4857 f Glos trespass: close Pers, Henry 5858 d Glos Pers, Henry Hychyns, William, of Busshoppys Offeley, husbandman; Vyse, Thomas, of Busshoppys Offeley, husbandman; Hatherton, Thomas, of Busshoppys Offeley, husbandman Hyckman, Richard, of Haloughton, yeoman; Vowe, William, of Haloughton, gent; Goodman, William, of Haloughton, husbandman, executors of; (Goodman, Alice, of Haloughton, widow; Goodman, Thomas, of Sutton, Nhants, husbandman) Hyckys, Thomas, of Tettebury, clothier Hyckys, Thomas, of Tettebury, clothier 4281 f Hants 4211 f 4628 f Oxon Coventr y debt Coventr y waste 5404 d Staffs 5835 d Shrops Fletcher, Hugh Skrymsher, Thomas; Slade, William 5976 d Bucks Spurk, Richard 5408 d Nhants 4282 f Wilts White, Thomas Page, Richard, prior of St Mary Virgin of Ederoc Monastery 4628 f 4064 f trespass: close Barkysdale, Robert Porter, John, of London, debt mercer debt London debt Stokes, William Stokes, William Hyde, Thomas, of Elyngham, husbandman; Prower, Thomas, of Harbrygge, husbandman; Prower, John, of Harbrygge, husbandman; Prower, Richard, of Harbrygge, husbandman Hyet, Thomas, of Wytney, clothier Hygenson, John, of Barkeswell, Warks, husbandman Hyggenson, John, of Barkeswell, Warks, husbandman Hyggyns, John, of Wolverhampton, butcher Hyggyns, William, of Aston, yeoman Hykbed, Richard, of Botyl Cleydon, husbandman Hyklyng, John, of Grenes Norton, gent Hykman, Richard, of Salisbury, draper; Cull(?), John, of Salisbury, merchant Hykman, Walter, of Chygwel, Essex, yeoman; Alice his wife, alias Champneys, John, of London, Bysmer, Alice, of Lamborn, Essex, alderman widow of Bysmer, William, gent 6448 d 5696 d Kent Yorks 4866 f Worcs debt Harrys, Humphrey Worcs common recovery Cookyssey, William; Dyngley, Thomas; Cookyssey, Walter; Wyatt, Roger Hyll, John; Margery his wife 4203 f 6235 d 6192 d Norf Worcs Tanner alias Smyth, Thomas Parkynson, Nicholas Hyknote, Robert, of Holyngbourne, chapman; Edmede, John, of Gowdeherst, tanner Hyley, John, of Aterclyff, yeoman Hyll, John, of Clent, Staffs, husbandman; Hawkys, Thomas, of Frankeley, husbandman; Hawkys, William, of Hales, Salop, husbandman Shardlowe, Thomas, of Shymplyng, esq Hyll, Nicholas, of Dykylburgh, roper; Harrold, Richard, of Beckelys, Suff, pedderman; Hancok, Miles, of Fasefeld, husbandman; Burges, Robert, of Foulburn, Cams, husbandman; Alpe, Thomas, of Thompson, turner Hunt, John Hyll, Richard, of Droytwyche, butcher; Malten, George, of Worcester, butcher; Hill, Nicholas, of Bromesgrove, butcher 4614 f Hyll, Robert, of Bromeby, Lincs trespass: close Wastelyn, John husbandman account as Hyll, Robert, of Corwode, Devon bailiff Bray, Edmund, of Bray, knight husbandman Burnell, Thomas, of London, Hyll, Robert, of West Drayton, London debt mercer Middx, husbandman Hyll, Simon, of Compton Dando, Soms, husbandman; Newman, London Bysse, John John, of Lytton, Soms, weaver Hylle, John, of Taynton Drewe, Devon Stabacke, Henry husbandman Culpeper, Alexander, knight; Essex concord Constance his wife Hynde, John, sergeant at law 5234 f Glos 3938 f 4778 f 4128 f 5819 d 5726 d 4320 f 5405 d 6158 d 5567 d 5246 f 6251 d 6503 d 5349 d 5765 d 5660 d 5211 f 4700 f debt Hyckes, Thomas, of Cromawll Hynde, Thomas, of Sodbury, dyer Hyns, John, executors of; (Hyns, Robert, of Pountfrett, fisher; Clerkson, John, of Pountfrett, Yorks debt Fayrefaire, William, clerk fisher) Hypkys, John, of Halysowen, Staffs Toukys, Humpgrey Salop, mercer Hyrne, Agnes, widow; Coppyng, Adam; Cecilia his wife; Downyng, Rakke, William, of Westofte, William; Alice his wife; Mannyng, Norf, husbandman; Drury, Richard; Katherine his wife; Clarke, Richard; Laxham, John, Thomas; Galle, William; Agnes his Middx senior; Clerk, John wife Hyrne, Agnes, widow; Coppyng, Adam; Cecilia his wife; Downyng, William; Alice his wife; Mannyng, Rakke, William; Drury, Richard; Katherine his wife; Clarke, Richard; Laxham, John, Thomas; Galle, William; Agnes his Norf senior; Clarke, John wife Howard, Thomas, Duke of Ilbard, William, of Great Yarmouth, London debt Norfolk, treasurer of England draper Ilberd, Henry, of Potter Heygham, Norf Palmer, Robert husbandman; Ellen his wife Ildred, Thomas, of Bury St Edmunds, draper; Ordell, Robert, of Bury St Edmunds, draper; Legge, Lawrence, of Munkyssylly, Suff Balkey, William yeoman Inglott, John, of Byrlyngham St Norf Gilbert, Richard Andrew, clerk Norf Hawe, James, gent Inglowe, Thomas, of Suffeld, gent Ingys, John, junior, of Wilts Hungerford, Walter, knight Haytresdesbury, yeoman Ingys, John, of Heytrysbury, Wilts, London debt Hungerford, Walter, knight yeoman Inkpett, Michael, of Elmested, husbandman; Inkpett, Peter, of Kent trespass: close Bulfynche, John Elmested, husbandman Broke, John, of London, mercer 4781 f London debt 3944 f Lincs 4927 f 4319 f Norf Yorks Gon, John, of Pynchebek, executor of; (Tylson, William) Ruston, Agnes, widow; trespass: close Ruston, Thomas debt Kyng, Edward 4419 f Notts debt 6231 d Norf debt Jakson, Andrew Skyppe, William 5426 d Yorks Gryce, Oswald 5469 d 5429 d Dery, John Trygott, Thomas, esq 5829 d Middx Yorks Westm or 6029 d Surrey Appulby, Alexander Cleyton, Sampson, of Suthwark, baker 4086 f Middx debt Waldram, Thomas, gent 4877 f Cornw trespass: close Arundell, John, knight Inskyp, John, vicar of Burwasshe, Sussex, executors of; (Welsshe, Thomas, of Icchyngham, Sussex, gent; Wyke, Henry, of Burwasshe, husbandman) Isaac, Henry, of Sutton, executor of; (Isaac, John, of Sutton, fisher) Isake, Richard, of Hyndolneston, husbandman; Isabel his wife Ive, John, of Garton, carpenter Ivee, William, of Codyngton, gent; Parker, John, of Newark, butcher; Burton, Richard, of Newarke, blacksmith; Waller, Rober, of Newarke, baker Ivery, Henry, of Magna Snoryng, thick wollen weaver; Lely, William, of Colney, husbandman; Halle, John, of Wynfarthyng, husbandman; Lawys, John, of Braken Esche, husbandman Iveson, Giles, of Sherrif Hutton, yeoman; Wilson, Peter, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Wilson, Miles, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Keys, Humphrey, of Hodderfeld, chaplain Jacket, William, of Iseldon, innholder; Spadman, Nicholas, of Iseldon, smith; Wryght, John, of Harnesey, laborer; Howe, Richard, of Iseldon, yeoman Jacson, Charles, of Snydall, gent Jacson, Thomas, of Bungate, yeoman Jakes, John, of Suthwark, joiner; Hobson, Thomas, of Reddereth, waterman; Barnes, Paine, of Blechynglye, baker; Bayly, Roger, of Suthwark, baker Jakes, Robert, of Bagworth, yeoman; Bony, Peter, of Evyngton, Leics, yeoman; Vowe, William, of Haloughton, Leics, gent; Smyth, William, of Haloughton, husbandman; Broun, John, of Haloughton, husbandman Jakkewilliam, John, of Trurue, tinner Jakson, George, of Bedaell, yeoman; Jakson, Joan, of Bedaell, widow; Parkynson, Christopher, of Dyxson, William Burnyston, yeoman Jakson, Peter, of York, merchant, executors of; (Jakson, Robert, of York, clerk; Jakson, James, of York, merchant; Jakson, Margaret, of York, singlewoman; Preston, Arthur, of Bilburgh, gent; Joan his Prest, John, of London, grocer wife) Jakson, Thomas, of Gountysthorp, Belgrave, William husbandman Jakson, William, of Asshborn, Lamkyn, Robert butcher Jakson, William, of Bratoft, freemason; Katherine his wife; Lyndley, Thomas; Agnes his Jakson, John, of Braytoft, laborer; wife; Lyndeley, Richard; Dalys, Thomas, of Tatersall, Lyndley, John; Lyndley, freemason; Wellys, William, of William; Coldcole, Brian tatersall, freemason Jakson, William, of Braytoft, freemason; Fobb, John, of Orby, husbandman; Moseley, Robert, of Sele, Robert Stepyng, shoemaker Hogeson, John, of York, Jakson, William, of Pynchburton, merchant yeoman Jakson, William, of Somersby juxta Haryman, Thomas Bagenderby, mason James alias Reskeyn, Richard, of Kemppe, John, gent St Tyssye, husbandman James alias Reskeyn, Richard, of Kemppe, John, gent St Tyssye, husbandman James, John, of Dorchester, Holwey, Thomas, of Bryxham Dorset, merchant James, John, of Stoke Hamonde, Pegge, William, gent Bucks, gent James, Robert John, of Burnecons, John, William husbandman Jamesson, Bernard, of Parva Heydon, Henry, esq Snoryng, clerk Jamys, William, of Southampton, Bekyngham, John merchant 5683 d Yorks 5709 d York 5806 d Leics 5984 d Derbs 5382 d Lincs 5391 d Lincs 4004 f Yorks 5373 d Lincs 5511 d Cornw 6203 d Cornw 4357 f Devon 5360 d Herts 4480 f Cornw 3912 f Norf 4279 f Hants 6228 d Norf Purpoynt, John 5444 d Suff Symond, John 3989 f Nhants debt Cave, Richard 4613 f Nhants debt 4614 f Norf Cave, Richard Holdych, Thomas, esq; Elizabeth his wife debt debt account as bailiff debt account as receiver concord Jannys, Thomas, of Bylawgh, clerk Janyng, Thomas, of Hecham, husbandman Janyns, Richard, of Wedesbury, Staffs, clerk Janyns, Richard, of Wedesbury, Staffs, clerk Jarmy, John 4909 f Norf debt 4580 f Norf debt 4313 f York debt 4128 f Suff debt Jay, Robert, of Swanton Abbot, worsted weaver; Walsyngham, Robert, of North Walsham, husbandman; Monthorp, Edmund, of North Walsham, husbandman; Harward, Robert, of Boton, Bayly, William, of North Walsham, gent smith Jaye, Edmund, of Scothow, Lynge, Robert worsted weaver Salley Abbey, Thomas, abbot Jeffrason, Henry, of Oxeton, of yeoman Walgrave, William, knight, executors of; (Walgrave, Margery, widow; Walgrave, William) Jeffrey, John, of Cretyng, clerk Jeffrey, John, of Fuyston, yeoman; Wood, William, of Craghouse, yeoman; Bekwyth, Robert, of Dacar, yeoman; Haxby, Richard, of Herthwyth, yeoman; Harde(?), Miles, of Herthwyth, yeoman Jeffrey, John, of Sheller, husbandman Jefson, Leonard, of Nuport Panell, smith; Thibthorp, William, of Nuport Panell, dyer 4326 f Yorks defamation Chirden, Richard 5198 f Devon debt Hacche, Thomas, esq 6409 d Bucks 6235 d Norf 4270 f Wilts 5229 f Bucks Hollond, William Partryche, William, executors of; (Flouredewe, William; Jekke, Nicholas, administrator of; Agnes his wife) (Jekke, John, of Aslakton, yeoman) Jenens, Richard, prior of Mayden Bradley Monastery; Pedyll, Robert, debt Lambard, Christopher of Kevyll, weaver trespass: killing Jenkyns, Thomas, of Clyfton animal Bury, Richard Reynes, husbandman 5463 d Suff 4090 f London debt 5286 f Rabett, Reginald, gent writing Jenney, Anne, of Donwich, widow; Flete, John, of Donwich, innkeeper; Borne, William, of Donwich, laborer; Moore, William, of Westleton, husbandman Jenney, Christopher, of Cressyngham Magna, Norf, sergeant at law Roche, William, of London, draper Rookwood, Nicholas, gent; Rusburgh, Richard; Wykham, Jenney, Robert, son of Jenney, John Richard 6199 d Cornw 4935 f Norf 6390 d Essex 5504 d London 4311 f Yorks 5346 d Devon 5099 f London debt 4728 f London debt 5728 d Devon debt debt Jennyn, John, senior, of Helegan, husbandman; Jennyn, Stephen, of Helegan, laborer; John, John, junior, of Blyston, husbandman; Olyver, John, senior, of St Bruard, carpenter; Hawkyn, Thomas, of St Bruard, husbandman; Thome, Nicholas, of St Bruard, miller; Harvy, John, of St Bruard, Kemp, John, gent husbandman Jenyns, Richard, of Talley, Curtes, Thomas, of Cheshire, drover; Bulwar, Roger, of Walsyngham Wooddallyng, husbandman Jeppys alias Hochekyn, Thomas, of Trygge, John Arkesden, husbandman Roche, William, of London, Jermyn, Thomas, of Russhebroke, draper Suff, esq Jerves, Thomas, of Normanbye, Whalley, Christopher yeoman Jesse, John, of Mowsbury, husbandman; Jesse, Roger, of Newton Popelford, husbandman; Webber, Peter, of North Femoky, Hillyng, Benedict husbandman Jessun alias Jobson, John, of Manytre, Essex, yeoman; Baker, Robert, of Rumford, Essex, innholder; Clayton, James, of Totenham, Middx, innholder; Charle, John, of London, Huckyng, William, of Newenton, cooper Kent, yeoman Jobson, John, of Manytre, Essex, yeoman; Balor, Robert, of Rumford, Essex, innholder; Huckyng, Charle, John, of London, William, of Newenton, Kent, cooper yeoman Johnson, William, of Scorton, John, Robert, of Scorton, laborer husbandman 3932 f Brownyng, William, of Asshettisford, executrix of; Kent (Brownyng, Juliana, widow) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London Bishops Lenn Markham, Alexander, Lincs trespass: taking chaplain 5179 f Soms 6021 d 6154 d debt Pryver, Thomas Johnson alias Hayne, William, of Rye, Sussex, tailor; Boys, Robert, of Addysham, yeoman; Wyberd, john, of Smargat, husbandman Johnson, Adrian, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Johnson, George, of Stotter, wheelwright Johnson, Henry, of Norton St Philip, tanner 4418 f Notts 5426 d Yorks 5335 d Lincs 5362 d Lincs 5188 f Suff 3950 f Lincs 4351 f Devon 3949 f Lincs 5374 d Lincs 4908 f Norf 5777 d Lincs Johnson, John, of Elston, laborer; Wryghte, John, of Elston, husbandman; Walker, Thomas, of Elston, husbandman; Trewell, Parkar, Thomas, executors of; John, of Elston, husbandman; (Howseman, John, clerk; Hall, Wryghte, Thomas, of Elston, trespass: taking William) laborer Johnson, John, of Sherrif Hutton, yeoman; Page, John, of Emley, yeoman; Wylkynson, John, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Sele, John, of Grenewod, Robert Ledes, yeoman Fodrynghey, master and Johnson, Richard, of Grantham, college of yeoman Johnson, Richard, of Manthorp, husbandman; Twynse, Richard, of Manthorp, husbandman; Page, Tailer, Robert John, of Manthorp, husbandman Johnson, Robert, of barrough, debt Chyrche, Henry husbandman Glassen, Thomas, executrix Johnson, Robert, of Haber, parish debt of; (Glassen, Isabel, widow) clerk Johnson, Robert, of London, gent; Hyndre, John, of Liston, debt Jenyng, Richard husbandman; Elizabeth his wife Johnson, Robert, of Welton, laborer; Barbour alias Parishe, John, of Burgh in the Marsh, debt Pelson, Robert laborer Hornclyff, Robert, of London, Johnson, Roger, of Gaynesburgh, haberdasher yeoman Johnson, Thomas, of South trespass: close Brewer, Richard, clerk Walsham, husbandman Johnson, Thomas, of Stykfurth, Craycroft, John husbandman 3909 f Lincs debt Craycroft, John 4899 f 5838 d Norf Middx debt Lambard, Henry Colyns, William 4675 f Kent debt Warren, William 5970 d Kent 4458 f Yorks Warren, William trespass: taking Lawson, George, knight Johnson, Thomas, of Stykfurth, husbandman; Barret, Martin, of Kirkeby, husbandman; Strayles, Christopher, of Freston, merchant Johnson, Walter, of Walpole, husbandman; Love, Thomas, of Dounham Hyth, husbandman; Andrews, Richard, of Walpole, husbandman; Whelpesdale, Gilbert, of Walpole, husbandman Johnson, William Johnson, William, of Boughton Alluph, yeoman Johnson, William, of Boughton Alluph, yeoman Johnson, William, of Middylton on the Wold, clerk Joildewyn(?), Miles, of Magna Cawarn, husbandman; Colyns, Thomas, of Magna Cawarn, husbandmanHolder, John, of Mores alias Tayllour, Edward Magna Cawarn, laborer Jones, Geoffrey, of Rammesbury, Arche, Richard, clerk chaplain Tayler, Thomas, of Ablyngton, Jones, Henry, of Hallysbury, Wilts, husbandman clothier Jones, Thomas, of Rosse, Tethegy, Richard husbandman Jons, William, of Ramesbury, yeoman; Parrys, Edmund, of Ramesbury, yeoman; Bond, John, Yong, John of Fyfeld, husbandman 6184 d Herefs 5870 d Wilts 6195 d Glos 4884 f Herefs debt 4281 f Wilts debt 5003 f Herts Jonys, Morgan, executors of; (Lanternam Abbey, South Wales, abbot of; Robertys, trespass: taking Thomas; Blethyn, Lewis) 5967 d Suff 4881 f Herefs 5479 d Jonys, Anne, of Hertfordyngbury, widow Chapman, William Jonys, Hugh, of Hallysworth, draper London Mutton, Walter Best, Richard, of London, merchant tailor 4991 f 5000 f 6316 d London debt Essex debt Essex Barley, William, chaplain to the King Byrd, William Hamond, Richard 5001 f Essex Baron, Richard, gent 6214 d Cornw Ronell, John, of Dewstowe Jonys, Thomas, of Rosse, yeoman Josselyn, George, of Charyngton, Kent, chaplain Josselyn, John, of Est Grenewyche, Kent, esq; Grey, Reginald, of Kempston Bourne, Beds, gent Joyce, Robert, of Walden, carver Joyce, Robert, of Walden, carver Joyes, Robert, of Walden, carver; Seryche, John, of Wymbysshe, husbandman Judde, John, of Dewstowe, laborer; Alice his wife Poyntz, John, esq Judde, Thomas, of Wykford, gent; Harrys, William, of Mondon, gent; Aleyn, Thomas, of Rayleygh, gent; Grymell, Richard, of Rocheford, yeoman; Kempsall, John, of Wenyngton, husbandman 4997 f Essex debt debt debt 6536 d Norf Lawes, Eustace 6011 d Surrey Morer, Nicholas Jurdon, John, of Banburgh, husbandman; Jay, Nicholas, of Calton, husbandman; Cusshyn, Roger, of Hetherset, laborer; Lonne, Thomas, of Hetherset, tailor Jure, William, of Asshe, husbandman; Jure, Clement, of Asshe, laborer; Strete, Robert, of Asshe, laborer 5583 d York Chapman, Thomas 5948 d York Symkynson, Richard 5976 d 5358 d Leics Norf Kyllyngworth, Henry, of Garthorp Cobbe, William 6511 d Dorset 5957 d Wilts 4021 f Suff 6515 d Soms Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman Fitziames, John, junior, esq; Paulett, John, esq; Vowell, William; Ruynon, Thomas 6331 d Hunts Aprece, Robert 6235 d Norf 5218 f Norf Glover, Thomas Holy Trinity Priory, Norwich, William, prior of; Deyns, William Byngham, Robert Broune, William; Wymylton, William debt replevin 6324 d Middx 4623 f London debt Sylvester, Thomas, master of St Margaret Hospital, Westminster; Hays, Henry; Croketofte, William, wardens of the hospital Brooke, John, of London, mercer Jybbe, Luke; Notyngham, William; Harnes, John Jybbe, Luke; Notyngham, William; Harnes, John Kanderdey, Thomas, of Noseley, yeoman; Barre, John, of Noseley, yeoman Karvyle, Humphrey, esq Kaylewey, Peter, of Est Mapowder, gent; Alice his wife Kaylyng, Thomas, of Devises, baker Ke(?), John, of Becclys, mercer; Adams, Henry, of Norwich, millwright Kechyn, John, of Branott, husbandman Keesby, Richard, of Huntyngdon, fishmonger Kelarby, John, of South Lenn, brewer; Ellen his wife; Thompson, Thomas, of Wygnall St German, husbandman Kelle, Thomas Kelsall, William, of Hynton, Cams, husbandman; Goodfyld, Peter, of London, bricklayer; Rychemond, John, of London, bricklayer; Hare, Robert, of Wendover, Bucks; Gold, Richard, of Suthwarke, pewterer Kelsey, Gervais, Waltham Holy Cross, Herts, yeoman 6506 d Suff 4638 f Norf 6165 d Middx 4573 f Norf 4995 f London debt 4917 f Norwich debt Kingsto n on Hull debt Kingsto n on Hull 4608 f 5709 d 6389 d Essex 4024 f Suff Sharpe, Edward Moundeford, Francis, esq; Kersey, Robert Moundeford, Francis, esq; Kersey, Robert Kempe, Bartholomew, of Gyssyng, Norf, gent; Broke, Simon, of Eston juxta Letheryngham, gent; Nunne, Simon, of Rysanglys, gent; Debden, Gregory, of Brampton, yeoman; Nicoll, Anne, of Brundysshe, widow; Halle, Robert, of Codenham, clerk; Kene, William, of Gasbak, yeoman; Hert, Robert, of Hemyngston, husbandman; Hamond, Roger, of Stowe Markett, tanner; Cowper, Roger, of Bramford, husbandman; Barbour, John, of Lanham, yeoman; Warden, James, of Debynham, yeoman; Torold, John, of Parva Thornham, yeoman Kempe, John, of Attylborowgh, yeoman Kempe, Lewis, of Wykys, Essex, gent Kempe, Lewis, son of Kempe, Robert, esq; Kene, Robert, gent Westbury on Trym collegiate church, Glos, dean of Storke, George, of Est Denham, yeoman Kemys, Arthur, of Bristol, esq Kene, Robert, of Fraunston, Suff, gent Layche, Anthony, merchant Kenean or Kevean, William, of Prestwyche, Lancs, cornicer Lache, Anthony, merchant Kenean, William, of Prestweche, Lancs, corvesar Waller, John, attorney trespass common recovery Kent, Henry, of Beauchamp Othon, Goldyng, John, of Beauchamp yeoman; Gent, William, of St Paul, gent Beauchamp St Paul, husbandman debt Molyns, Alice, widow Kent, Henry, of Otton Beauchamp, Essex, husbandman 6010 d Surrey 5371 d Lincs Kent, John, of Beauchamp Othon, Essex, yeoman, executors of; (Kent, Henry, of Beauchamp Othon, husbandman; Kent, John, of Middelton, Essex, husbandman; Ryce, John, of Beauchamp Othon, husbandman; Agnes his wife; Apryce, Richard, of Holler, John, of Wallyngfeld, Suff, Sudbury(?), Suff, cordwainer, draper; Joan his wife; Lenton, executors of; (Emmys, John, of Beauchamp Othon, Nicholas; Alice his wife) husbandman; Agnes his wife) Kent, William, of Glamfordbridge, Pykyll, William smith Suff Kentt, Henry, of Otton Beauchamp, Essex, husbandman; Wellys, James, of Dalhame, husbandman; Reve, John, of Sudbury, horse Brother alias Goldyng, Roger, courser; Somer, John, executors of; (Brother, administratrix of; (Somer, Margaret, Richard; Pollerd, Robert; Alice of Sudbury, widow); Dasshe, John, his wife) of Sudbury, husbandman 5442 d 4682 f Kent debt Gybbys, John 5408 d Nhants Forest, Miles, gent 4900 f Norwich debt Hemmyng, Robert, of Norwich, alderman 4925 f Norwich debt Archer, Thomas 5080 f Yorks 3934 f trespass: close Cole, Stephen formadon Leics descender Draper, John account as London receiver Paget, William Josephe, John; Calverley, Robert; Tillyng, Robert; Lincs covenant Girlyng, Thomas 6447 d Dorset 4309 f Yorks 4133 f 5128 f Pere, William trespass: close Beamound, Ralph Kenyngton, James, of Lytleborn, joiner; Bolton, Thomas, of Sts Cosine and Damiane, husbandman Kesten, William, of Colyweston, slater Keswyck, William, of Parva Walsyngham, yeoman; Stapylforth, John, of Bishops Lenn, yeoman Ketryngham, Thomas, of Norwich, baker Kettylwod, Richard, of Skagylthorp, husbandman Ketylbye, John Ketyll, Richard, of London, clerk Key, Ellen, prioress of Styxwold Monastery Key, Richard, of Melbury Bubbe, husbandman Key, Richard, of Thornes, yeoman; Rokeley, Robert, of Horbury, yeoman 6497 d Keylewey, Thomas, of Sowerestoser, husbandman; Were, Hugh, of Kyngton, husbandman; Broke, Thomas, chantry priest Lucy his wife; Broke, Joan, of of Ensford, Wilts, executors Marnehull, widow; Talbott, John, of of; (Mumperson, Thomas, Marnehyll, husbandman; Joan his esq; Byrde, William) wife Dorset 3909 f 5014 f Lincs debt London debt 5430 d Suff 6569 d Suff 5218 f Norf 5397 d Staffs 4653 f 5705 d Kent debt debt Yorks 3958 f Lincs trespass: conspiracy, close 4324 f York debt Paryshe, John, of Lyne, Norf, husbandman, executors of; (Riselle, Thomas, clerk; Shallok, Andrew, of Boston; Humfrey, Thomas; Margaret Kighley, Roger, of Westborowe, his wife) yeoman Parnell, John Kite, John, Bishop of Carlisle Kitson, Thomas, of Hemgrave, mercer; Shethe, Thomas, of Lucas, Thomas Hemgrave, yeoman Kitson, Thomas, of Hemgrave, mercer; Shethe, Thomas, of Lucas, Thomas Hemgrave, yeoman Knapton, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, worsted weaver; Knapton, john, of Bishops Lenn, worsted weaver; Churche, Thomas, of Miller, Thomas Bishops Lenn, worsted weaver Knesall, William, of Burton on Trent, butcher; Bennett, John, of Rye, Sussex, baker; Assheby, William, of Chelaston, Derbs, gent; Colyer, Edward, of Chepyng Faryngdon, Berks, clerk; FitzHerbert, Nicholas, of Newton Regis, Warks, gent, administrators of; (Grymdiche, Randolph, of Clyfton Camvile, yeoman; Elizabeth Warde, Edmund, gent his wife) Kere, Margaret Knewe, Richard, of Pekham, wheeler; Skynner, John, senior, of Speldhurst, husbandman; Beche, William, of Etonbregge, miller Wilbore, Thomas Knoll, John, of Arksey, clerk; Meke, Thomas, of Arksey, husbandman Knolles, Henry, of Asgarby, husbandman; Deynes, William, of Hekyngton, yeoman; Sumpton, Lawkeland, Richard, chaplain Thomas, of Slefford, husbandman Knollys, Robert, of Barton, Lincs, yeoman; Marley, William, of Barton, merchant; Hall, Edward, of Barton, Holm, William cordwainer 5736 d 5280 f Devon Goodman, John, clerk Knyght, John, of Kyngisbrigge, tanner London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Paulett, William, knight Knyght, Roger, of Est Grenewyche, Kent, gent; Knyght, William, of Shrewsbury, gent; Bugby, John, of Agarsley, Staffs, gent 4636 f Devon trespass 4430 f Derbs debt 4046 f Suff debt 6156 d London 4011 f Suff 5907 d London 6181 d London 4929 f Norf 4901 f Norf 5365 d Lincs 4995 f 5803 d debt debt debt Cams debt Notting ham Knyght, William, of Cokebery, husbandman; Knyght, William, junior, of Cokebery, groom; Knyght, Stevyns, Thomasine, widow Humphrey, of Cokebery, groom Knyveton, John, of Mircaston, esq; Wodde, Thomas, of Ireton Wodde, husbandman, Chadwyk, Roger, of Holand, husbandman; Walles, Robert, of Myrcaston, husbandman; Wryde, Thomas, of Myrcaston, husbandman; Fletcher, Babyngton, Roland, of Atlowe, William, of Mylne Houses, gent husbandman Blyaunte, Richard, of Knyvett, Edmund, of Shelton, Norf, Ryngsall, esq esq Knyvett, John, of London, draper; ap Jenn, Nicholas, of Valle Crucis, North Wales, yeoman; Stacy, Thomas, of London, gent; Ardyngton, Robert, rector of South Ottryngton, Yorks; Foster, John, of Hewes, John, of London, gent Lede, Yorks, weaver Blyaunt, Richard, esq, of Ryngsall Knyvett, William, of London, esq Kobam, Thomas, of London, Hartell, John butcher Howard, Thomas, Duke of Koo, Christopher, of London, Norfolk merchant Kybard, Robert, of Broke, Doke, John, of Hemmysby; husbandman; Belounder, William, Smyth, Richard; Haye, John of Broke, husbandman Culham, Roger, executors of; (Codenham, John, master of theology; Styward, Augustine, of Norwich, alderman; Heye, Thomas, priest) Kyberd, Robert, of Broke, yeoman Kydde, Christopher, of Holbeche, Weller, Edmund butcher Hawkesby, Henry, o Pamesforth, yeoman Hesylryg, Robert, mayor of Nottingham Kydde, Thomas, of Soham, innkeeper; Mortymer, Robert, of Soham, freemason; Chesewryght, Thomas, of Fordam, yeoman Kyghtley, Roger, of Westnoro, Lincs, husbandman 5333 d 3901 f 4206 f 5824 d Leics Loryngton, Thomas trespass: assault Leics Sampson, John Northu mb trespass: taking Metford, Christopher Makereth, Richard; Mabel his Westm wife, widow of Robynson, Kylner, Nicholas, of Helsyngton, or Nicholas yeoman debt Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Denton, James, clerk; Crofte, Edward, knight; Kynaston, Ralph, of Lynyall, Salop, Bromley, George; Russell, gent; Kynaston, Thomas, of John; Snede, Richard, esq Elysmere, Wales, gent Kyng, John, of Aynesford, Kent, Norris, Henry, esq yeoman 4819 f London debt 5009 f Middx 5003 f Herts debt Jonys, Morgan, executors of; (Lanternam Abbey, South Wales, abbot of; Robertys, Thomas; Blethyn, Lewis) 4274 f Hants trespass: park Illyngworth, Thomas, gent 3912 f London trespass Punchyon, Stephen 4312 f Yorks debt 4868 f Worcs debt Boddes, Thomas Cockys, William, of Morten, Castell 4352 f 5530 d 3932 f 3924 f Kylborne, William, of Wymondham, husbandman Kylburne, William, of Wymondham, husbandman Kyllyngworth, John, of Lyttyll Benton, gent Kyng, John, of Hertfordyngbury, husbandman Kyng, John, of Upton, husbandman; Margery his wife Kyng, Margaret, of London St Sepulchre, widow; Stokdale, Elizabeth, of London St Sepulchre, singlewoman Kyng, Richard, of Masham, yeoman Kyng, Richard, of Stoke on Severne, husbandman Kyng, Thomas, executrix of; (Kyng, Devon debt Kyng, Richard Alice, of Rawysaysshe, widow) Paas, John, of Horkesley Kyng, William, of Boxford, Suff Magna, gent clothmaker Kyng, William, of Holbech, husbandman; Cramper, John, of Holbeche, husbandman; Mercer, John, of Holbeche, husbandman; Pynder, Richard, of Holbeche, fisher; Blysset, Thomas, senior, of Lincs trespass: close Calowe, William Holbeche, husbandman Kyng, William, of Ketton, yeoman; Hochyn, Robert, of Helpston, Nhants, yeoman; Smith, William, of Clyff, Nhants, yeoman; Brigeford, James, of Ketton, husbandman; Waller, John, of Ketton, Rutland trespass Breten, William; Joan his wife husbandman Kynge, William, of Drayton, yeoman; Blysse, John, of Daventre, husbandman; Capys, John, of Daventre, husbandman; Capys, Thomas, of Daventre, husbandman; Monford, John, of Daventre, husbandman Kynge, William, of Kymbalton, Hunts, yeoman Kynge, William, of Kymbalton, Hunts, yeoman Kyngeslande, Thomas, of Mawnshall, husbandman 3925 f Nhants debt 6414 d London Odell, Lawrence Gurnell, Robert, rector of Tylbroke, Beds 4755 f London debt Tylbroke, Beds, rector of 5540 d Herefs 5840 d Kent Morton, Rowland, esq Adam, Peter; Petronilla his wife 4073 f London debt Oxenbrydge, William, gent 4820 f London debt Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Devereux, Walter, knight, Lord Ferrers; Burnell, Peter, clerk; Port, John, knight; Bromley, George; Russell, John, esq 6316 d Essex Hunt, Alice, widow 4464 f Bucks 4493 f London debt 5837 d Kent 5755 d Lincs 4307 f Yorks debt 4314 f Yorks debt 6382 d Herts Thackam, Thomas; Katherine Kyppyng, Richard Bekyngham, John; Agnes his wife, formerly Palley, Agnes, of London, widow Kyppyng, Robert, of London, gent Pynden, William; Joan his wife; Fremlyn, Elizabeth Kyppys, Richard Kyrke, Richard, of Hornecastell, Hasyll, William, of Boston tanner Paulett, Richard; Copyndale, Edmund, esq Kyrke, Robert, of London, gent Poulett, Richard; Copyndale, Edmund, esq Kyrke, Robert, of London, gent Marchall, William, of Blackfriars Place, Dunstable, gent, executrix of; (Marchall, Kyrke, William, of Ampthill, Beds, Mary, widow) yeoman Yorks Carye, Richard, of Sandhall juxta Honedon, husbandman; Honedon, William, of Skelton juxta Honedon, waterman; Storye, Richard, of Skelton juxta Honedon, husbandman; Johnson, William, of Kyrkeby, William, of Honedon, Honedon, laborer tanner 5830 d concord Kyngesnothe, Henry Kyngeston, John, of Bodyam, Sussex, gent Kynnaston, Humphrey, of Stokke, Ellesmere, March of Wales, gent; Kynnaston, George, of Beteley, Salop, gent; ap Jenkyn, Humphrey ap Holl, of Mereonethe, Wales, gent; ap Mered, Jenn Lloyde, of Oswestre, Wales, gent Kynwelmarsshe, John, of Magna Dunmowe, gent, son of Kynwelmarsshe, Thomas 4921 f Norf Gymyngham, Katherine, trespass: close widow 4530 f Lincs replevin 5715 d 5965 d Soms Lincs Gun, John, of Dalby Numan, William, of Chatherhowse Whitham, yeoman Leigh, Thomas, esq Kyrkeman, Geoffrey, of Fylby, husbandman Kyrkstede Abbey, Richard, abbot of Kyrlewe, Richard, of Wanstrowe, husbandman; Capell, Richard, of Wanstrowe, husbandman Kyrton, William 4172 f Cornw debt Westm common or recovery 5178 f Dorset trespass: close Harman, Henry Kyttowe, William, of Morell, clerk; Estes, Richard, of Tregastocke, husbandman; Olyver, William, of Morrell, husbandman Laborne, James, knight; Dukket, Richard, esq Lacke, Richard, of Loder, husbandman 4317 f Yorks debt Lacok, John, of Tadcaster, plumber 4317 f 6023 d Yorks Surrey debt 4879 f Cornw debt 4028 f Suff debt 5239 f London debt Nycke, Richard, Bishop of Norwich Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England 3944 f Lincs Knolles, Henry; Sumpton, Thomas 6507 d Suff 4873 f 4627 f Norf 6464 d London 4672 f Kent 5756 d Herts debt Hockyn, Thomas Pykerynge, James, esq; Pykerynge, William, esq Lawson, George, knight Magnus, Thomas, clerk, master of St Leonard Hospital, York Copwold, Ralph Opye, John Fynys, John, esq debt Clerke, Robert, of Elme, Cams, executors of; (Payne, John, senior; Joan his wife) Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn trespass: close Hope, Ralph Serle, John, of Barkwey Lacok, John, of Tadcaster, plumber Lacy, John, of Suthwerk, skinner Lacy, Stephen, of St Erme, husbandman Lacye, Richard, of Hoxne, yeoman; Smyth, Richard, of Norwich, yeoman Ladde, Robert, of Great Yarmouth, yeoman Lakeland, Richard, of Gosberton, chaplain; Bell, Robert, of Ewardby, husbandman Laman, Robert, of Bylston, butcher; Newporte, John, of Stowmarkett, yeoman Lambard, Henry, of Owtwell, yeoman Lambard, William, of Wyffbyton, Norf, yeoman Lambe, Ralph, of Wodcherche, carpenter Lamkyn, Anthony, of Corney Bury, Leyston, husbandman; Fyssher, John, of Buntyngford, innholder; Skynner, Walter, of Buntyngford, glover; Hauke, Henry, of Borne, Cams, husbandman; Smyth, William, of Buklond, husbandman; Wode, William, of Totehill, Fartfeld, husbandman 5065 f Herts 5335 d Herts 5191 f Suff 6228 d Norf Mann, John 5801 d Leics Vam, Peter, clerk 5445 d Suff Halsted, Roger, yeoman 5445 d Suff 3934 f 4457 f 4457 f 4017 f 5061 f 5178 f 5180 f debt Gosson, Richard Gosson, Richard debt James, William Halsted, Roger, yeoman Beverely, Thomas, of Lowth, mercer, executor of; Lancaster, Thomas, of Hawham, Lincs debt (Bevereley, Richard) yeoman Barker, Thomas, executrix of; Cumber debt (Barker, Elizabeth) Lancaster, William, of Halclyff, gent Lancaster, William, of Hawtley, Cumber trespass: close Berker, Isabel, widow gent Lane, John, of Okley, fuller; Crowlande, Thomas, of Suff debt Harman, George Dikelborowe, Norf, yeoman Lane, John, of Sudbury, Suff, fuller; Thurston, Richard, of Sudbury, Essex debt Loveday, Thomas carpenter Soms debt Jenet, John Lane, Peter, of Overwere, clerk Soms debt Jenet, John Lane, Peter, of Overwere, clerk 4416 f Warks 4417 f Warks debt Puybbs(?), John 5011 f Carvanell, John, dean of college of St Mary, Warwick Parys, John, of Norwich, Norwich merchant More, Thomas, knight, chancellor of Duchy of London Lancaster More, Thomas, knight, chancellor of Duchy of London Lancaster Sawtry Abbey, Robert, abbot Hunts trespass: close of 5945 d Sussex 5884 d 6093 d 6576 d Lamkyn, Thomas, of Leyston, husbandman Lamkyn, Thomas, of leyston, husbandman Lamme, Robert, of South Elmham, husbandman Lamme, William, of Wymondham, gent; Potter, John, of Wotton, mercer Lancaster, John, orior of St John Baptist of Land, Leics Lancaster, Thomas, of Assheley, Cams, gent Lancaster, Thomas, of Assheley, Cams, gent debt Parson, John Lane, William, of Harselar, husbandman; Carles, John, of Stratford on Avon, husbandman; Samon, William, of Haselar, husbandman; Afeld, Ralph, of Haselar, husbandman; Hemmyng, John, of Haselar, husbandman Lane, William, of Hasler, husbandman; Ebrall, John, of Warwick, executors of; (Parkar, John, of Warwick, yeoman; Alice his wife) Langbak, William, of Great Yarmouth, keelman Langdon, Thomas, of Wolterton, Norf, gent Langdon, Thomas, of Wolterton, Norf, gent Lange, Richard, of Walton, husbandman Langford, James, junior, of Asshehurst, laborer 6392 d 4616 f Herts Devon 5732 d Devon 5499 d Middx 5983 d Notts 4909 f 4226 f Norf Norf 4915 f Norf 3907 f Suff 5373 d Lincs 4648 f Surrey 6426 d Surrey 6519 d Dorset 5353 d Staffs 5665 d Wilts 4897 f Norf 5080 f Yorks 6314 d Essex Langham, William, of Stortford, Robynson, Thomas, gent, executors of; (Apryse, executors of; (Halaby, John; Richard, of Farnham, Essex, gent; Joan his wife; Robynson, Shypshap, William, of Stortford, Edmund) butcher; Joan his wife) land Fitz, John, esq Langisford, Richard Langmede, Robert, of Tawton Hert, John Jeford, laborer Langton, William, of Horsed, Reynoldys, Roger Essex, gent Langwyth, Robert, of Carlton, Watson, Thomas husbandman Lansse, John, of Est Derham, carpenter; Wysse, John, of Est debt Fulborne, George Derham, smith replevin Wortham, William Lante, Christopher, clerk Large, William, of Est Derham, husbandman; Perymond, Geoffrey, Fyske, Nicholas, of Est of Est Derham, husbandman; Derham, executors of; (Fyske, Peke, John, of Est Derham, baker; Elizabeth; Fyske, John; Rose(?), William, of Est Derham, debt Parysh, John, of Norwich) husbandman Thomson, Edward, of Lark, Thomas, of Myldenhale, debt Cambridge, burgess merchant Larmoth, John, of Louth, glover; Richerdson, Thomas, of Louth, glover; Jakson, John, of Louth, Louth Parke Abbey, George, sawyer; Bell, John, of Louth, abbot of yeoman Bolter, John, of London, Laste, Thomas, of Newmarkett, debt goldsmith Cams, baker Bolter, John, of London, Laste, Thomas, of Newmarkett, goldsmith Cams, baker Lasy, John, executrix of; (Blacker, Agnes, of Wyke, Mylborne Port, Jenkyns, Henry, clerk Soms, widow) Lathbury, Arthur, of Merston, Derbs, yeoman; Lathbury, Thomas, Daventre, Thomas of Merston, yeoman Syngleton, William, of Lathnar, Edmund, of Marleborough, Abenden, Berks, pewterer pewterer Launde, William, of Teryngton, trespass: close Lawson, William husbandman Laungfeld, James, of Almunbury, clothier; Spyke, John, of Mirfeld, debt Hanson, George clothier Laurence alias Kyrton, Robert, of Wydford, laborer; Duffeld, John, of Aylnoth, William Magna Badowe, laborer 5204 f Soms debt 5204 f Soms debt 6186 d Herefs 4912 f Norf 6194 d Glos 4629 f 4618 f Norf Derbs debt land 4927 f Norf debt 5958 d Nhants 3986 f Nhants debt 6519 d Soms 4101 f Norf debt debt Trott, William Laurence alias Whoper, William, of Taunton, brewer; Laurence alias Whoper, John, of Cheddon, husbandman; Trowbrigge, John, of Lydyard Bishop, husbandman; Manshippe, Robert, of Gotehurst, husbandman Laurence alias Whoper, William, of Taunton, brewer; Trott, Thomas, of Asshe Priours, husbandman; Cornysshe, William, junior, of Hals, Trott, William husbandman Laurence, Peter, of Oldehill, embroiderer; Anne his wife; Serche, Thomas, of Oldehill, laborer; Elizabeth his wife; Duke, Kenyat alias Hope, William Thomas, of Oldehill, laborer Laurens, Richard, of Kyrkeby Came, husbandman; Coppyng, Thomas, of Kyrkeby Came, Bayspole, Thomas husbandman Westbury College, dean and Laurens, William of Westbury, chapter of husbandman Lavyle, William, of Wakton, Reve, Thomas yeoman Knyveton, Mattthew Lawe, Vincent Lawes, Thomas, of Thorp Market, husbandman; Dyght, Henry, of Hartstong, William, of Thorp Market, husbandman; Eggefeld, executors of; (Feke, Collys, Thomas, of Clay juxta Mare, William; Hamond, William) greemason Lawrence, Richard, of Wode, Anthony Northampton, husbandman Lawrence, Richard, of Wode, Anthony Northampton, innholder Lawrens, Robert, of Linsham, husbandman; Adams, William, of South Brent, husbandman; Burnett, Edmund, of Est Brent, husbandman; Dene, Robert, of Est Browne, John Brent, husbandman Laws, Thomas, of Drayton, Pratte, William, gent brickmaker 3941 f Lincs debt Tego, William 4023 f Suff assumpsit Barne, Ralph 5356 d York Danby, William, of Leke Layman, Richard, of Baston, laborer; Hareby, Thomas, of Baston, laborer; Tewson, Richard, of Haghton, Nhants, laborer Layssell, Thomas, of Brandon, carpenter; Sokerman, John, of Brandon, carpenter Layton, Thomas, of Thornton in le Strete, gent; Solley, Thomas, of Semer, Cleveland, husbandman 4922 f Norf debt 4849 f London debt Rust, John Brereton, William, groom of the chamber Lebold, John, of Swafham Market, skinner; Thyrlyng, Thomas, of Swafham, raffman Leche, Ralph, of Marton, Derbs, esq Leche, Thomas, of Hengham, husbandman; Ward, Richard, of Erpyngham, husbandman; Goderd, Robert, of South Reppys, husbandman; Grey, William, of North Reppys, husbandman Leche, William, of Prepundhurst(?), brickmaker Lecheland, Nicholas, of Colyton, merchant; Cornysshe, John, of Northam, yeoman; Hewyshe, John, of Honyton, yeoman Ledebeter, Thomas, of Holbeche, yeoman; Lene, Thomas, of Holbeche, laborer Leder, John, of Bury St Edmunds, tanner 5631 d Norf Janyn, William, chaplain 5040 f Sussex debt Holden, John 4347 f Devon debt Spurwey, Thomas 3965 f Lincs trespass 4624 f Suff debt 5752 d Essex 5012 f Cams 5388 d Lincs Dyker, Roger Lynge, William, of Widewell, husbandman Symondys, Ralph, of London, fishmonger Ledes Priory, Kent, Arthur, prior of Lee, Edmund, of Sofham Prior, Raynowe, John, husbandman gent; Agnes his wife Lee, Francis, of Moreton, More, Robert, clerk, Donyngton, Bucks; husbandman; administratrix of; (Whalley, Bonyngton, Richard, of Alysbury, Alice, widow) Bucks, shoemaker covenant 4868 f Worcs 5707 d Yorks Malett, Roger 5038 f Sussex debt Gratwyke, James 5741 d Devon Hexte, Thomas 4421 f 5346 d Derbs Devon 5957 d Staffs 4025 f Suff trespass: close Feld, John trespass: taking Rollesley, Christopher Bonfessor, Andrew Trafford, Edmund, esq debt Tomson, William, clerk Lee, John, of Norton, Regis, tailor; Lee, William, of Covyngton, Warks, tailor; Mounforth, Simon, of Bykneyll, Warks, gent Lee, Richard, of Altoftes, scythe smith Lee, Thomas, of Rype, husbandman Leed, John, of Athryngton, husbandman Leek, John, of Hasylland, esq; Gomell, Nicholas, of Chesterfeld, haberdasher; Shemeld, John, of Chesterfeld, walker Legh, John, of Thurstawe, gent Leghe, John, of Baguley, Cheshire, esq; Leghe, Robert, of Heghe Leghe, Cheshire, esq; Massy, James, of Sale, Cheshire, esq Leke, Reginald, of Wangford, husbandman; Jerard, John,of Barsham, husbandman 5793 d 4631 f Notts Derbs 4387 f Norwich debt 4918 f Norwich debt 4432 f Notts 5789 d London Leke, Thomas, of Brampton, Derbs, gent; Langforth, Thomas, of Monnsfeld, Sherwode, gent; Spalton, Ralph, of Teersall, Strelley, Nicholas, esq yeoman Brokehowse, William Leke, Thomas, of Brampton, gent Leke, Thomas, of Norwich, Rede, Edward, of Norwich, butcher; Crakelyng, Edmund, of alderman Norwich, butcher Leke, Thomas, of Norwich, Rede, Edward, of Norwich, butcher; Crokelyng, Edmund, of alderman Norwich, butcher Leke, William, of Marston, Lincs, Langford, Thomas gent Rote, John, gent, executor of; Lekenore, Roger, of Trotton, (Rote, William, clerk) Sussex, knight 6288 d London Tomson, Richard 5449 d Suff Brende, John, of Bungey trespass debt 6294 d Cornw Hellond, Richard 4259 f Bucks 5993 d Sussex Shosmyth, John, of Wyke 5639 d Norf Rust, John 6306 d Hunts Nicholas, Edward 6257 d Norf 5026 f Middx Doone, Henry Burnell, Thomas, of London, mercer 6422 d London Botry, William, of London, mercer 5739 d Dorset Dawbeney, Henry, knight 4982 f Hants trespass: taking Creswell, Thomas debt debt Walter, Richard, clerk Lelgrave, William, of London, gent Leman, John, of Harleston, Norf, chaplain; Codde, John, of Bungey, wax chandler; Sylke, Nicholas, of Becclys, butcher Lenne, John, of Northill, husbandman; Ludgar, William, of Lasaunt, husbandman; Colyn, Richard, of Quethyk, husbandman Leveroy, William, of Parva Marlowe, husbandman Levisheth, John, of Wadeherst, smith Levolde, John, of Swaffham Market, skinner Levynge, Thomas, of Stonley, husbandman; Couper, Robert, of Stonley, shepherd; Gylson, Robert, of Abbottesley, husbandman; Hogyn, Walter, of Abbottesley, husbandman Lewdy, Walter, of Aylesham, fuller; Harryson, William, of Aylesham, tailor Lewen, William, of West Drayton, husbandman Lewes, Edward, of Blokley, Worcs, chapman; Aylward, Thomas, of Roughton, Norf, yeoman; Mannyngham, John, of Shypden alias Crowmer, yeoman Lewes, John, rector of Bryan, Soms; Crise, Thomas, of Bryan, husbandman; Searde, Richard, of Barowgh, Soms, husbandman Lewkenore, Edmund, of Halfenakyd, Sussex, gent 3939 f Lincs trespass: close Kedby, Thomas 6251 d Norf 3953 f Lincs 4601 f London 5135 f London 5974 d Norf 5471 d London 5479 d London 5757 d Derbs 3948 f Lincs 6133 d London 4801 f London 6133 d London 5883 d Glos 6517 d Devon Tybot, Thomas Bremelcomb, Richard, chaplain; Rowsede, William; Herdon, John, of Hygh Bekyngton 5442 d Suff Heron, William 4804 f Kent Elwyn, Peter Lewyn, Robert, of Pynchebek, laborer; Tylson, Robert, of Spaldyng, cartwright Lewys, Robert, of Thyrnyng, husbandman waste Williams, David; Edith his wife Ley, John Leyghton, John, esq, administratrix Hunt, Richard, of London, of; (Leyghton, Joyce, of Stratton, debt mercer Salop, widow) Leyghton, Richard, of Stratton, Salop, gent; Smyth, Thomas, of Worcester, innholder; Frognall, Alexander, of London, esq; Cotton, Richard, of Whitchurche, Salop, chapman; Leyghton, John, of Stratton, esq, executrix of; Hunt, Richard, of London, (Leyghton, Joyce, of Stratton, debt mercer widow) Leyghton, Thomas, of Bishops Bloffeld, William Lenn, merchant Chertesey, Robert, of London, Leyke, John, of Aldewarke, Yorks, mercer esq Jakman, Thomas, executors Leyston Abbey, Suff, George, of; (Harper, William; Alice his abbot of; White, Robert, of wife) Blecheley, Bucks, chaplain Liegh, John, of Baguley, Cheshire, esq; Holland, Richard, of Denton, Lancs, esq; Warren, Henry, of Crafford, Edmund, esq Baguley, gent Lincoln, Thomas, of Westerkele, trespass: close Shawe, Gilbert husbandman Lloid, David ap Robert, of Cruffith, John Hopedale, March of Wales, debt Lloid, Edward, of Yale, March of debt Cruffith, John Wales, gent Lloid, John, of Yale, North Wales, Cruffith, John gent trespass Mylles, John Lluwellyn(?), James; Coke, William Locke, John Locke, William, of Barfold, clothmaker; Revett, Alice, of Melford, widow; Revett, William, of Melford, smith; Vycars, John, of Haverell, yeoman Lodynden, William, of Chepsted, yeoman; Tolye, John, of Chepsted, husbandman 5241 f London debt 6178 d London 5216 f Norf debt Logyns, Robert, of Est Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Grenewyche, Kent; Cokke, of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, of London, cooper; Thomas, knight, justice; Whetley, John, of London, Paulett, William, knight carpenter Howard, Thomas, Duke of Loksmyth, William, of Felbrige, Norfolk yeoman Aleyne, Henry, rector of Burgh juxta Aylsham; Aleyne, Richard, of Hannworth, Loksmyth, William, of Felbrygge, worsted weaver husbandman Roper, Thomas, of Bliclynge, husbandman Huchynson, Leonard, clerk, master of University College, Oxford Loksmythe, William, of Felbrygge, husbandman; Smyth, John, of Barnyngham, husbandman; Brady, William, of Aylesham, shoemaker; Crowe, John, of Est Derham, husbandman; Lest, Thomas, of Aylesham, husbandman 6251 d Norf 4255 f Oxon 6399 d Cornw 3921 f Norf 5429 d Yorks 4898 f Norf 5659 d Wilts 5631 d Norf 5199 f Devon trespass: close Holbeme, John, esq 4479 f Leics covenant Blounte, Walter, gent 5087 f Beds debt Gascoyne, William, knight Longe, John, junior, of Daccombe, husbandman; Margaret his wife Longevyle, John, of Wolverton, Bucks, knight Longevyle, John, of Wolverton, Bucks, knight 4152 f Bucks quare impedit Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Mordaunt Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln; Goryng Priory, prioress of 4152 f Bucks quare impedit Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Mordaunt Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln; Goryng Priory, prioress of debt Michell, John debt debt Lokyns, John, of St Mary Magdalene, Oxford, butxcher Lolly, John, of Marhasvean, gent; Alyn, "Edonem", of St Tenyder, cordwainer; Plomer, John, of Grampond, plumber Burry, John Londesdale, John, of Elsyng, tailor Atkynson, John; Margaret his wife, formerly wife of Londesdale, William Londesdale, Thomas Long, Richard, of Loddon, worsted Crabbe, William weaver Long, William, of Fresford, executors of; (Blagdon, William, of Phillippes Norton, Soms, clothier; Long, Thomas, of Trobryght Alice his wife) Long, William, of Hengham, carpenter; Ocle, Thomas, of Abell, Richard Hengham, mercer 5655 d Bucks 4663 f Kent 4827 f London debt 5167 f London debt 4027 f Suff 5662 d Hants 4155 f Staffs 5411 d Staffs 5087 f Beds debt debt forcible entry Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Mordaunt Dertford Priory, Elizabeth, prioress of Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Farmage, Edmund, of Leyston, executors of; (Michell, James; Joan his wife) Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln; Goryng Priory, prioress of Longman, Richard, of Cowlyng, yeoman Lonysson, William, of Bishops Lenn, goldsmith Lonysson, William, of Bishops Lenn, goldsmith Compleyn, Richard Looff, Richard, of Leyston, yeoman Lord, Richard, of Marchewod, husbandman Smyth, John Lorde, Humphrey, of Sudbury, Derbs, yeoman; Parker, Thomas, of Bradburne, Derbs, laborer; Hall, John, of Waterfall, husbandman; Kent, John, of Waterfall, husbandman; Blore, Nicholas, of Waterfall, husbandman; Blore, John, of Waterfall, husbandman Smyth, John trespass: close Potter, Richard Lorde, Humphrey, of Sudbury, Derbs, yeoman; Parker, Thomas, of Bradburne, Derbs, laborer; Hall, John, of Watersall, husbandman; Kent, John, of Watersall, husbandman; Blere, Nicholas, of Watersall, husbandman; Blore, John, of Watersall, husbandman Lorde, John, of Potton, husbandman; Wryght, John, of Potton, husbandman 4641 f London debt Whyte, William 6194 d Glos Weller, William Lorkyn, Thomas, of Winchester, mercer; Wayne, Richard, of Borton Echewordy, Lincs, chapman; Lynons, John, of Borvord, Oxon, chapman; Cane, William, of Charlebery, Oxon, chapman Lorwynche, John, of Cleve, yeoman; Page, John, of Cleve, butcher 4358 f Devon Reve, Nicholas Lorymore, Stephen, of Exeter, tailor Frere, Philip Lottesham, William, of Mydsomer Norton, husbamdman; Shepard alias Richeman, Thomas, of Babyngton, husbandman 4765 f Soms debt debt 5160 f London debt Whitton, Elizabeth, alias Brockham, Elizabeth, of Henley on Thames, widow, administrator of; (Whytton, Edmund) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn 6435 d Devon Assheryge, Thomas 4906 f Norf 4054 f 5938 d Cams forcible entry London 4199 f Oxon debt 4856 f London debt debt Holdyche, Robert, of Ranworthe, esq Parmenter, William; Hytchecoke, Richard; Dowe, Thomas Browne, Matthew, knight Louchman alias Lowzthman, William, of Henley on Thames, bargeman; Clakson, William, of Henley on Thames, bargeman Lounde, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, butcher Lounde, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, butcher Loune, Richard, of North Tawton, weaver Love, Andrew, of Hardyngham, husbandman, executors of; (Twaytys, Anthony, of of Hardyngham, gent; Hynde, John, of Est Derham, husbandman; Freser, John, of Est Derham, husbandman) Love, Robert, of Newmarket, barber; Ray, Robert, of Newmarket, Suff, husbandman Love, Thomas, of London, dyer Love, William, of Myddelton, husbandman; Nycoll, Robert, of Yoxforth, husbandman; Haunssell, John, of Darsham, husbandman 4024 f Suff 6421 d London Pegott, Robert, of Walberswyke, merchant Evelyn, Henry, of Rikmersworthe, Herts, yeoman 4754 f London debt Evelyn, Henry, of Lovell, Gregory, of Hardelyngton, Rymerswurth, Herts, yeoman Middx, gent 5413 d Nhants debt 4394 f Lincs debt 5136 f Soms debt 6180 d 4009 f London Yorks debt 6072 d Middx Cokke, Nicholas Beron, John, of Colwyck, Notts, knight; Suthworth, Thomas, of Blakeburne, Lancs, knight; Osbulston, Alexander, of Blakeburne, knight Tylly, Thomas, esq Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Frovister, Francis Burnell, Thomas, of London, mercer Lovell, Gregory, of Hardelyngton, Middx, gent Lovell, Richard, of Keteryng, tanner Lovett, Robert, of Nottingham, yeoman; Sponer, William, of Nottingham, mercer Loveys, Humphrey, of Blake Torington, Devon, gent Lovyse, William, of Bishops Lenn, goldsmith Lowe, John, of Whytgyft, yeoman Lowen, William, of West Drayton, husbandman 4666 f 5919 d Surrey forcible entry Notting ham 4410 f Notts debt 3927 f 5816 d York Notts debt 5801 d Warks 4037 f Suff debt 4513 f Wilts incitement 3979 f Shrops debt 6016 d Kent 6009 d Sussex 6016 d Kent 6522 d London 5198 f Devon 5985 d Suff 5985 d Suff 4985 f Devon 6546 d Glos 4281 f Wilts 5357 d Kent 4621 f Norf debt debt Loysshor(?), William, of Potenham, gent; Belyngherst, John, of Westbroke, William Redswold, husbandman Lucas, Richard, of Newark on Mellours, Thomas Trent, gent Lucas, Richard, of Newark, Notts, Cok, John gent Lucas, Richard, of Newark, Notts, Newton, Miles, gent gent Cok, John Lucas, Richard, of Newerk, gent Lucy, Thomas, knight, executors Braicebrige, Elizabeth, widow, of; (Colle, John, of London, clerk; executors of; (Morton, Daniel; Fermar, Richard, of London, Margaret his wife; Braicebrige, merchant; Verney, Richard, of Anne) London, esq; Elizabeth his wife) Ludkyn, Robert, of Long Mellford, How, Thomas, senior, tailor tailor Ludlowe, Thomas, of Latton, husbandman; Tommes, John, of Jeffreys, William Latton, husbandman Lues, Alan, of Wodhowsen, Moreton, Robert Shufnell, yeoman Lukas, John, of London, gent; Skotte, Thomas, of Hawkeherst, Honywod, John, junior, gent gent Lukke, John, of Wadeherst, Lukke, Richard husbandman Lukke, Walter, of Snodland, Crosse, John husbandman Nicolson, Christopher, of Lumley, George, of Lumley, Yorks, London, merchant tailor esq, son of Lumley, John Luscomb, Mark, of Charleton, husbandman; Peers, Roger, of Charleton, husbandman; Haredon, Robert, of Charleton, husbandman; Legh, William, of Charleton, Lake, Thomas, clerk; Gye, husbandman; Anger, John, of John; Cole, Richard Dodbroke, miller Hubbard, William, of Cheselford Luter alias Loker, William Garard, Robert; Thorn, Luter alias Loker, William, of Edward; Lovenesse, William Thelveton, Norf, yeoman Luxston, William, of Wynkeley, Wykes, John husbandman Scarnyng, Richard; Lye, Robert, of Lechelade, Westwood, Hugh husbandman Campeggio, Lawrence, trespass: close Bishop of Salisbury Offeley, Thomas; Joan his wife Molett, John, junior, of Newton, fleetman(?); debt Woodhous, Henry, clerk Lyght, Richard, of Whyght parish, yeoman; Ransome, William, of Whyght parish, husbandman Lymsey, John Lyncoln, Henry, of Forncett, husbandman 5802 d Coventr y 4059 f London debt 4237 f 5446 d Norf Suff forcible entry 4622 f Glos trespass Jones, Richard Lomnor, Henry, of London, grocer Lynde, William, of Coventry, innholder Lyne, Robert, of Bickliswade, Beds, chapman Skarburgh, John; Matilda his wife; Jay, Edmund; Agnes his wife; Heylesdon, Robert; Lyng, Robert, of Skoton, worsted Hagon, William; Bolt, William weaver Bumpsted, William Lyngath, Robert, of Orton, clerk Lynke, John, of Thornbury, yeoman; Butler, Thomas, of Barkeley, husbandman; Welssheman, Thomas, of Hylpes, John Berkeley, husbandman Lynkefeld, William, of Cranebroke, weaver; Lowden, Mathew, of Cranebroke, dyer; Penherst, John, of Netylsted, yeoman; Cole, John, of Stapulherst, laborer Lynley, Thomas, of Billesby juxta Alford, husbandman Lynsey, Richard, of Hemmesby, husbandman; Kyrke, Thomas, of Hemmesby, husbandman; Osborne, William, of Hemsby, husbandman; Porter, Thomas, of Wynterton, husbandman; Murrey, James, of Hemmesby, husbandman 6029 d Kent Cobbe, Clement 5376 d Lincs Purke, Richard 4382 f Norf debt 4568 f Oxon debt 5668 d Wilts Pytnam, Emma, widow 6233 d Norf Browse, Robert 6233 d 4461 f Norf Wilts 5214 f London debt Hody, William 5811 d London Hody, William Lyonese, John, of Burford, yeoman Lypeayte, John, of Hollanton, husbandman Lyster, Robert, of Hengham, husbandman Lyster, Robert, of Hengham, husbandman Lyte, Thomas, of Salisbury, gent Lyte, William, of Lyllesdon, Soms, gent Lyte, William, of Lyllesdon, Soms, gent Kent Stephynson, Hugh, gent Lytelgrome, John, senior, of Bromley, laborer; Bedyll, Thomas, of Farneburgh, coal driver; Brice, Robert, of Farrneburgh, coal driver London debt Lyttylcott, Michael, of London, goldsmith, executors of; (Flours, Thomas; Thomasine his wife) Lytilcot, John, of Canterbury, gent 5342 d 4052 f Chirche, Robert Hoggys, William; Jonson, Robert, of bailiff of Burford Gurney, Anthony, esq trespass: close Kaylwey, Robert, senior 4462 f 4424 f 5796 d Nhants debt Notts replevin Notts 5044 f 4802 f Surrey debt Westm or replevin 4450 f Cumber debt Machell, Guy Whelpdale, John, clerk, executor of; (Whelpdale, John) 4365 f Soms debt Bonvile, Guy 4320 f Yorks debt Blake, William, executrix of; (Blake, Joan) 5089 f Oxon debt Ewyle, John 3916 f Devon trespass: close Wodlegh, John 5179 f Bristol debt Smythe, John 5091 f Berks debt Umpton, Thomas, esq 4315 f Yorks debt 6431 d Kent 4674 f Kent 6073 d Middx Makerell, John, of Redyng, yeoman Malham, Lawrence, of Kyrkeby Overkay, pewterer; Elizabeth his wife, formely Dalton, Elizabeth, Rievall Abbey, Edward, abbot widow; Hyke, Robert, of of Hovyngham, husbandman Malham, William, rector of Pixe, Hugh, of Hithe, yeoman Dunchurche Malham, William, rector of Pixe, Hugh, of Hithe, yeoman Dymchurche Malhome, Christopher, Cathorp, Weston, William, prior of St Lincs, clerk; Shepard, Roland, of John of Jerusalem hospital London, merchant tailor Middx Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England Malhome, Christopher, of Cathorp, Lincs, clerk; Shepard, Roland, of London, merchant tailor Chyrden, Richard, gent Mallom, John, of Menwyth, yeoman; Wayte, John, of Barley; Skyff, Thomas, of Barre, yeoman; Jeffrey, John, of Finyston, yeoman: Bekwyth, Robert, of Dacar, yeoman; Wood, William, of Craghouse, yeoman; Bramley, Richard, of Harwyth, yeoman 5051 f 5711 d York debt debt Saunders, Lawrence, esq Sharpe, Robert Sharpe, Thomas Legh, Robert, of London, mercer Lytley, John, of Corston, Salop, gent; Lytley, Nicholas, of Coventry, capper Lyvesey, Edmund Lyvesey, Edmund M(?), John, of Guldeford, chapman Machell, Richard Machell, Thomas, of Torpenhowe Macy, Robert, clerk, executor of; (Hawkyns, Robert, of Hante Churche, yeoman) Maddeson, Richard, of Beverley, barker; Porter, Nicholas, of Beverley, carpenter; Pemose, John, of Stamforth Brygges, weaver; Person, William, of Stamforth Brygges, weaver Magettys, William, of Benyngton, Warks, husbandman Maior, Geoffrey, of Tatborn St Mary, husbandman Maior, John, abbot of Adelney, Soms 5711 d Yorks 6015 d Kent 5477 d Middx 5462 d Suff 6004 d 5699 d Sussex York 5009 f Middx 5710 d York 6505 d Suff 6584 d London 4218 f Norf 6484 d London 5339 d Kent 4633 f 3929 f Devon Kent 5745 d Devon 6395 d 4265 f Yorks Bucks 4158 f 5411 d debt assumpsit trespass concord replevin Malome, Miles, of Haverey Parke, Percy, Robert yeoman Malson, John, of Glassyngton, Pottet, John Glos, yeoman Bradshawe, Nicholas, clerk; Maltby, John, of Westminster St Columbell, George, of Blyton, Stephen, parson of Hemeswell, gent Lincs Man, George, of Strumpyshawe, Wulcy, Robert Norf, yeoman Man, Richard, of Henfeld, husbandman; Basset, Thomas, of Preston, weaver; Hammes, William, of West Grensted, husbandman; Hammes, Thomas, A Wode, Thomas of West Grensted, labofrer Staveley, Miles Man, William, of York, merchant Manary, Thomas, of Fernham, Braburn, William Surrey, sherman Mangham, John, of York, smith; Mangham, Alexander, of York, Warcop, Gabriel smith Mannyng, Thomas, of Hadley, yeoman; Rowe, John, of Stratford, Havyns, Robert clothmaker Woodde, Robert; Lambert, John, collectors of customs and subsidies at Kyngeston Mannynge, John, of Sandwyche, on Hull Kent, merchant Mannyngham, John, of Crowmer, Aylward, Thomas mercer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Manser, Nicholas, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn mariner Mantill, Richard, of Molasch, Pole, Robert, clerk laborer Manyfe, Thomas, of Combe Serell, Elias Ralegh, husbandman Guldeford, Edward, knight Maplisden, Gervais Mapowder, Richard, of Holseworthy, yeoman; Clyff, John, Ford, John of Martyn, yeoman Marcer, Thomas, of York, clerk; Burmand, John, of Knaresburgh, gent; Donnyngton, John, of Newburgh Priory, Robert, Eskrike, gent; Hawmond, Anthony, prior of of Skerdyngwell, gent Dormer, Michael Marchall, Richard, of Kymbell Foliambe, Godfrey, knight; Shawe, Richard, clerk; Baxter, Denis, clerk; Beeston, Roger; Marepullys, Philip, of Chesterfelde, Derbs trespass: close Shaa, Oliver cordwainer Maret, John, of Lydyngton, Rutland Watson, James woolman; Joan his wife 6267 d Suff Colman, John Markaunt, John, of Corsfeld, Codenham, mason Marke, Richard, of Aldeburgh juxta Burghbrig, yeoman; Marke, Edward, of Aldeburgh juxta Burghbrig, yeoman; Stage, Arthur, of Aldeburgh juxta Burghbrig, husbandman; Inchebalde, Ralph, of Mynskyp, husbandman; Stage, Leonard, of Burghbrig, fisher; Orun, John, senior, of Hundburton, husbandman; Orun, Robert, of Ellyngthorp, husbandman Markham, William, of Dunstable, Beds, gent; Nicolson, William, of Est Grenewyche, Kent, gent Markham, William, of Dunstable, Beds, gent; Nicolson, William, of Est Grenewyche, Kent, gent 5685 d Yorks 6563 d London 6564 d London Exilby, Thomas More, Thomas, knight; Nevyle, Thomas, knight; Tuke, Brian, knight More, Thomas, knight; Nevyle, Thomas, knight; Tuke, Brian, knight 4078 f London debt Maynard, John, of London, mercer; Hill, Richard, of London, mercer 4583 f Sussex debt 5491 d Marlar, William, of Coventry, merchant; Reynold, Walter, of Wilton, Wilts, clothman; Chapman, Richard, of Hertford, mercer Marlott, John, son of Marlott, Thomas, of Hechyngfeld, gent, executors of; (Mellersshe, William, Blykewelle, William, of Shyple, of Hascombe, Surrey, yeoman; yeoman Elizabeth hs wife) Smyth, John, of London, mercer, administrators of; (More, William; Agnes his wife) London Marschall, Thomas, of Cambridge, yeoman; Kemsey, Anthony, of London, mercer; Kyng, Alan, of Thaxsted, Essex, hat maker; Hynton, John, of London, mercer; Geffrey, Thomas, of London, gent 4458 f Yorks 3943 f Lincoln debt Gellys, Thomas Marschall, Thomas, of Estbourne, husbandman; Shafford, Roland, of Estburne, husbandman; Syggyston, Robert, of Southbourne, husbandman Marshall, William, of Lincoln, yeoman 4051 f London debt, vacated Cole, Arthur, clerk Marshall, William, of London, gent 6303 d London Cole, Arthur, clerk Marshall, William, of London, gent debt Lawson, George, knight 6242 d Norf 6007 d Kent Wolman, Thomas Dertford Priory, Elizabeth, prioress of 4405 f London debt Castlyn, William 6430 d Cams Lukyn, William, husbandman 4755 f London debt Guyes, George, merchant of the Stylyard 6439 d London 4337 f Dorset debt 4273 f Hants debt Guyes, George, of the Steelyard, Hanssa Merchant Elyott, Thomas, abbot of Bynedon Abbey Walwyn, Richard, son of Walwyn, Roger, of Synton, Worcs, gent 6328 d Cams Canon, George 5826 d Yorks Bewde, Robert 5773 d Norf Fytlyng, Bartholomew 3952 f Lincs 3929 f Sussex concord 6500 d Dorset 6513 d Devon 4625 f Wilts incitement cessavit Smyth, William Mitton, John; Margaret his wife Elyott, Thomas, abbot of Bynedon Abbey Marshe, Stephen, of Dykylbourgh, haberdasher; Morley, Katherine, of North Walsham, widow; Nele, Richard, of South Walsham, smith; Shreff, Andrew, of Acle, smith; Woodwerd, William of Horsham St Faith, yeoman Marshe, Thomas, of Copdokke, Suff, yeoman Marten, John, of Royston, Herts, yeoman of the guard Marten, John, of St Ives, Hunts, yeoman; Martymer, John, of Soham, bricklayer; Jacob, Thomas, of Iselham, husbandman Marten, John, of Sudbury, Suff, clothman; Wotton, Thomas, of Coventry, merchant; Sawnders, Edward, of London, girdler Marten, John, of Sudbury, Suff, clothman; Wotton, Thomas, of Coventry, merchant; Sawnders, Edward, of London, girdler Marten, Richard, rector of Wynfred Marten, William, of London, gent Marteyn, John, of Magna Abyngton, husbandman; Wynlove, Robert, of Parva Abyngton, husbandman; Mylsent, Thomas, of Lynton, yeoman; Orger, Alexander, of Badburham, husbandman; Brasyer, John, of Thriplowe, husbandman Marton, Christopher, of Clevelond, gent Martyn, Alexander, of Mateshale, husbandman Martyn, Joan, of Fryskeney, widow; Martyn, John, of Fryskeney, husbandman Martyn, Michael Martyn, Richard, rector of Wynfred, Martyn, Robert, of Sampfor Peverell, husbandman Nycoll, Christopher Salisbury Cathedral, dean and chapter of Martyn, Thomas 6223 d Norf 5183 f Dorset Boty, Richard 4847 f trespass: close Lovell, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London debt Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London debt Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London debt Bishops Lenn 4438 f Warks 6011 d Kent 5524 d Herefs 4898 f Norf debt 4477 f Suff debt 6251 d Norf 5835 d Shrops 5077 f Yorks 4829 f 5170 f 6177 d 3923 f 4236 f 4061 f debt Dey, Robert Dyne, John, of Maydeston, widow, executor of; (Hoker, John) Goodman, William, of Leominster, sherman Mason, John, executor of; (Mason, William) Bowghton, John; Margaret his wife, former wife of Wytton, John, of Colchester Mason, William Skrymsher, Thomas; Slade, William debt Martyn, Thomas, of Hopton, husbandman Martyn, William, of Terrant Gundevyle, husbandman Martyndale, Edward, of Burneham Market, Norf, merchant Martyndale, Edward, of Burneham Market, Norf, merchant Martyndale, Edward, of Burneham, Norf, merchant Marven, Thomas, of Wolvey, yeoman Maryham, Stephen, of Boughton Monchelsey, mason Mascold, Thomas, of Webley, mercer Mason, Alexander, of Hyndryng, husbandman Mason, Alice, of Lavenham, widow; Robson, Geoffrey, of Lavenham, sherman Mason, John, of Wychyngham, miller; Brykaunt, John, of Hakford, husbandman; Bettys, John, of Baldeswell, husbandman; Bettys, William, of Baldeswell, husbandman Mason, Richard, of Duddelbury, chaplain Mason, Thomas, of West Hadylsey, husbandman; Cowper, Edmund, of West Hadylsey, husbandman; Busby, John, of Holden, glover; Wilkynson, Peter, of Skelton, husbandman; Kyrkby, John, of Holden, tanner Asheley, Henry Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Mason, William, of Bishops Lenn, London Bishops Lenn merchant Mason, William, of Kyngysclere, Hants trespass: close Aborough, Ralph husbandman Salter, Anice, of Norwich, Mason, William, of Refeham, Norwich debt widow raffman Massaroso, Felix, of Tredyngton, London debt Barra, Philip Worcs, clerk debt Masshelyng, James, of Hadley, butcher; Basse, Walter, of Bylston, yeoman 4011 f Suff 4855 f London debt Wortham, John Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn 6261 d Norf Aleyn, Geoffrey, of Thetford, gent 5219 f Norf 6535 d Norf Rychers, Henry, esq 5730 d Soms 6122 d London 4345 f Soms debt 5088 f Beds debt 4682 f Sussex debt Chypper, Robert Dauntesey, William, merchant of the staple; Willyngton, William, merchant of the Mathewe, John, of Bradwell, staple Nhants, gent Mathewe, Lawrence, of Bruton, Samwyse, Robert husbandman Newnham priory, John, prior Mathewe, Simon, of Cambridge, of vicar of Prescott, Lancs Dureford Abbey, John, abbot Mathewe, Thomas, of Regate, of yeoman trespass: close Crofte, Richard, clerk 5705 d Yorks 4883 f Herefs Wilbore, Thomas Wormysley Priory, Roger, trespass: close prior of 4213 f Norf debt 4939 f London debt 4869 f Glos 5714 d Yorks Lyster, William 5485 d London Sherburn, Roger, esq 4993 f London debt Hont, Robert, of Molton Byrde, John Aleyn, John, knight, of London, alderman trespass: close Hyet, John Masson, William, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Massy, Robert, of Godmanchester, Hunts, husbandman; Borowgh, John, of Godmanchester, husbandman Master, Richard, of Marton, wheelwright; Manser, Richard, of Thompson, husbandman; Fawkener, Richard, of Wrentham St Lawrence, husbandman; Crofte, Thomas, of Methewold, husbandman; Nichol, Thomas, of Tetynton, husbandman Master, Simon, of Garbussham, smith; Lewyng, Thomas, of Garbussham, husbandman Master, Thomas, of North Over, clerk Mathewman, Robert, of Wath, husbandman; Handeley, Gilbert, of Conysburgh, husbandman; Smyth, John, of Sprodburgh, husbandman Mathowe, John, of Over Wormysley, husbandman Mathu, Peter, of Eggefeld, husbandman Matras, John, of Smarden, Kent, clothier Maulson, Thomas, of Rodley, husbandman; Maulson, John, of Rodley, husbandman Mawde, Edmund, of Larwode, yeoman; Wause, Thomas, of Harwode, yeoman Mawdesley, Christopher, of Chepyn, Lancs, yeoman Mawditt, Richard, of Exeter, merchant 4014 f Suff debt 4648 f Surrey debt 6382 d Herts 5404 d Staffs 4408 f London debt execution 6301 d Devon 6168 d 4467 f Middx Lincs 6231 d Norf 6450 d Kent 5408 d Nhants 4231 f Norwich debt 4865 f Worcs debt 4762 f Cornw debt concord Ray, John Doughty, Thomas, of London, Maxwell, George, of Wellys juxta stockfishmonger; Bolter, John, Mare, Norf, clerk; Coo, William, of of London, goldsmith Magna Snoryng, Norf, yeoman May, William, of Hoddesdon, Holwey, Andrew courser Mayden, Thomas, of Clyffe, Pery, John husbandman Maye, John, of Thetford, Norf, Harthyll, John mercer Maye, William, of Heghamtton, husbandman; Dune, Henry, of Pyttys, Philip Wethecomb, tinner Warmecombe, Richard; Mayhew, Thomas; Elizabeth his Capull, William; et al wife Worme, William Mayhewe, Thomas Tebold, John Collyn, William, rector of Kyngsdowne Johnson, William; Margaret his wife Curat, John, of Norwich, alderman and notary public Herefs Talbott, Gilbert, knight Croft, John, of Donheved, shoemaker Warmecombe, Richard; Capull, William; Gamond, James; Turnour, Walter 4951 f London debt FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert; Congyngisby, John; Byrnand, John, esq 5468 d London Holme, Thomas, vicar of Helpthorne 5070 f Herts 5487 d Middx 6548 d Middx 5931 d debt Mawnde, Edward, of Kentford, butcher; Clerk, Henry, of Assheley, Cams, smith Cok, William Thornton, Richard; Bolte, Hugh Thornton, Richard; Bolte, Hugh Maykyn, John, of Clyppysby, clerk Maykyn, Thomas, of Cockyng, Sussex, rector of Bepton Mayle, Thomas, of Irtlyngburgh, husbandman Mayne, Robert, of Hale, husbandman Maynewaryng, Randolph, of Wem, Salop, gent; Cotton, Thomas, of London, gent Mayowe, John, of Kylkyngton, yeoman Mayowe, Thomas; Elizabeth his wife Mayson, Thomas, of West Haddilsey, Yorks, yeoman; Couper, Edmund, of West Haddilsey, husbandman; Brodbelt, William, of West Haddilsey, yeoman Mayson, William, of York, merchant; Mayson, William, of Semer, York, husbandman; Kelk, Thomas, of Semer, yeoman Mayster, Robert, of Tunford, maltman; Fuller, Thomas, of Chesthunt, husbandman; Cressy, Robert, of Chesthunt, husbandman; Curle, William, of Wormyley, husbandman Mechell, Henry, of Malcombe Regis, Dorset, merchant Mechell, Henry, of Malcombe Regis, Dorset, merchant 4275 f Wilts trespass: assault 4159 f Lincs debt 5381 d Lincs 5684 d Yorks Bawdyng, Christopher Stratton, Margaret, administrators of; (Bunny, Richard; Wilson, Robert) 6034 d London Styrell, Nicholas 4021 f Suff debt Slade, Thomas Bandyng, Christopher Smyth, John 5212 f London debt Buttre, William, of London, mercer 4015 f Suff debt Balkey, Roger 5664 d Hants 3919 f Middx debt 4567 f Oxon debt Caylewey, John, knight Spycer, Henry, vicar of Methwold Hoggys, William; Jonson, Robert, of bailiff of Burford 4334 f Soms 6457 d 4838 f 4207 f 6447 d trespass: close Stowell, John, esq Howard, Thomas, Duke of London Norfolk, treasurer of England Bowyer, Thomas, of London, recognisance, grocer; Nattys, Thomas; Middx writ of entry Bowyer, Robert common Bowyer, Thomas; Wattys, Sussex recovery Thomas; Bowyer, Robert Meryell, John, junior, of Kent Stapleherst Mede, William, of Stratford, husbandman Medelton, Thomas, of Wynteryngham, gent Medilton, Thomas, of Wynteryngham, gent Medley, John, of Wakefeld, clothier Medley, John, of Wakefeld, Yorks, dyer Medue, William, of Alburgh, tailor; Browne, John, of Bawdesey, husbandman; Smyth, William, of Wodbrige, tailor; Jarnefeld, Robert, of Parham Haston, yeoman; Kerner, John, of Belyngys, husbandman Melton, John, of London, knight; Guldeforde, Edward, of London, knight; Rice, Alan, of London, gent; Fayreclyff, Richard, of London, gent Melton, William, of Merton Myllys, husbandman; Fryer, William, of Gaysley, husbandman; Potter, Roger, of Gaysley, husbandman; Helder, Robert, of Gaysley, husbandman Menestone, Richard, of Brodechalk, Wilts, husbandman; Hyckys, Henry, of Whyttysbury, Wilts, laborer Mercer, Robert, of Islyngton, chaplain of Reston, Norf Merett, William, of Burford, mercer Meriett, Richard, of Compton Doundon, husbandman; Meriett, John, junior, of Compton Doundon, husbandman Merley, George, of Walsyngham, Norf, yeoman Mery, William, of London; Herdys, Robert, of London Mery, William; Hardys, Robert Meryell, John, senior, of Heryettysham, miller 6206 d 6505 d 6407 d 5206 f 5843 d Cornw Michell, John, of Truru, merchant Suff Stebbyng, George, executrix of; (Stebbyng, Christine, widow) Oxon Busby, Richard 4005 f London debt Oxon trespass: free Yorks warren 6503 d Suff 4251 f Norf 5431 d Suff 4321 f Yorks 5389 d Lincs 5827 d Yorks 3921 f Norf 4347 f Devon Warley, Henry, executor of; (Warley, Thomas, gent) Cowper, William Strangweys, James, knight Barker, Roger dower Metcalf, Leonard; Agnes his wife Meryfeld, Thomas, of St Columpne the Over, yeoman; William, Nicholas Thomas, of St Daye, husbandman; Harry, John William, of St Boryan, husbandman; Pastowe, John, of St Moram, husbandman; Peryn, William, of St Columpne the Over, yeoman Meryman, Richard, rector of Chelmeton; Blythe, John, of Russhemer, husbandman; Corbold, John, of Westfeld, husbandman; Bacon, Thomas, of Russhemer, husbandman Meryman, Thomas, of Wytney, weaver; Franknell, Richard, of Spellesbury, parish clerk; Gryffe, Richard, of Southley, husbandman Meryng, Alexander, of London, gent; Juliana his wife, widow of Warley, Henry, of London, alderman Meryng, James, of Banbury, gent Meryngton, Thomas, of Osmoderley, yeoman Messelyng, James, of Hadley, butcher; Sparowe, Nicholas, of Hadley, smith; Pode, John, of Aldham, husbandman Metcalf, James, knight; Metcalf, Christopher, esq; Metcalf, Valentine; Walley, Christopher; Tyndall, John; Vender, Richard; Fetherston, Robert Lucas, Thomas, of esq, Metcalff, Nicholas, master of St administrators of; (Grenefeld, John Evangelist College, John, esq; Lucas, John, gent) Canterbury Metcalffe, William, of Sledaill, trespass: close Conyers, John, esq Wenssladaill, yeoman Metforthe, William, of Holbyche, Holt, Thomas carpenter Wyndyll, William, of Snayth, Methforthe, William, of Holbergh, merchant Lincs, carpenter Mewys, Geoffrey, of Northe Walsham, husbandman; Cokke, Thomas, of Werst Wykam, husbandman; Sylvern, John, of debt Rante, Christopher Paston, husbandman trespass: Meyger, William, of Bedysford, assault Lake, Richard merchant 4631 f Norf 6460 d London 5249 f London debt 6564 d London 6459 d London 6459 d London 6009 d Surrey 6039 d Kent 5716 d trespass Soms Felawe, John; Calthorp, Edward; Cantrell, Ralph; Barker, Thomas Fitziames, John, knight, Chief Justice; Port, John, knight, Justice Fitziames, John, knight, Chief Justice; Port, John, knight, Justice Fitziames, John, knight, Chief Justice; Port, John, knight, Justice Michell, John, of London, gent Michell, John, of London, gent; Chaloner, Lewis, of London, haberdasher Michell, John, of London, gent; Chaloner, Lewis, of London, haberdasher Michell, John, of London, gent; Fitziames, John, knight, Chief Michell, Thomas, of Worth, Justice; Port, John, knight, Sussex, gent; Lee, John, of Justice London, merchant tailor Michell, John, of London, gent; Fitziames, John, knight, Chief Michell, Thomas, of Worth, Justice; Port, John, knight, Sussex, gent; Lee, John, of Justice London, merchant tailor Michell, Ralph, of Eppysham, Peerson, Edmund, clerk husbandman Michell, Richard, of Parva Chart, Engeham, Richard, esq husbandman 4329 f Soms debt Master, Thomas, clerk Chaplyn, Robert, administrators of; (Bysse, Robert, clerk; Ferman, William) 4551 f Cornw defamation Tregyan, John, esq 6197 d Cornw 4925 f Norf 5103 f London debt Smyth, Henry Clavis, William, of London, draper 4310 f Yorks Brayton, John, of Normanton Frye, William debt debt Meyke, Thomas, of Wotton, husbandman; Gosselyng, John, of Wotton, husbandman Michell, Robert, of Meryett, baker; Hochyns, John, of Longlode, husbandman; Master, William, of Mylton, Martocke, husbandman; Chestwey, William, of Otcombe, clerk; Dawe, Thomas, of Dreyton, husbandman Michell, Robert, of Topysham, Devon, merchant; Speryng, James, of Daston, husbandman Michell, Thomas, of Crede, clerk; Alliys, Thomas, of Crede, husbandman Michell, Thomas, of St Wepe, husbandman Middelton, Alan, of Felmyngham, husbandman; Walsyngham, Robert, of North Walsham, husbandman; Skynner, John, of Bromeholme, husbandman; Hobson, Walter, of Hempsted, butcher Middelton, Ralph, of North Clyff, Yorks, gent Middylton, Christopher, of Balne, Snayth, yeoman; Middelton, Robert, of Pollyngton, yeoman 6310 d London 6582 d London 4087 f Middx 3975 f Staffs 4345 f Soms 5675 d Wilts 3973 f 5863 d Staffs Kent 5739 d Dorset 5449 d Suff 5204 f Soms 5736 d Devon 5659 d Wilts 4066 f 4635 f Power, Thomas, of London, grocer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Miller, Richard, of London, brewer; Selby, Thomas, of London, baker Bohun, Nicholas, gent Molle, Thomas, of Bungey, butcher Miller, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Millet, George, of Perywall, husbandman; Rede, Robert, of Perywell, laborer; Woste, Simon, of trespass: close Lyon, John Perywall, laborer Millward, John, of Handesworthe, husbandman; Warker, Thomas, of Handesworthe, husbandman; Persall, John, of Handesworthe, husbandman; Millward, Henry, of Aston Byrmyngham, Warks, debt Bolt, Thomas, of Northampton husbandman Mocke, Thomas, of South Pederton, fisher; Sallysbury, John, debt Yong, John of Bradford, glasier Mogerige, John, of Wynterbourne Stanter, Richard, gent Earls, clerk Hercy, John, esq; Moyle, Mogge, Thomas, of Lychefeld, debt Walter, esq tanner Webbe, Richard Mokett, Richard Mollan, John, of Pymperne, Padner, Thomas husbandman debt London debt Wilts replevin Mollens, Thomas, of Dunhed Mary, Wilts, husbandman; Folyet, John, of Mellys, husbandman; Pleasaunt, Henry, of Mellys, weaver; Totyll, John, of Lygh, husbandman; Bowre, William, executors of; Towker, John, of Kylmersdon, (Payn, William; Alice his wife) husbandman Pace, Chestry, executors of; (Rythe, Richard; Joan his Molton, Edward, of Plympton, wife) weaver Molton, Thomas, of Warmyster, Cavell, William husbandman Smyth, John, of London, mercer, administrators of; (More, William; Agnes his wife) Ryder, John Molyneux, Ralph, of London, fishmonger; Herenden, Walter, of Maydeston, Kent, gent; Symmys, Thomas, of Daventre, Nhants, innholder; Tyrrell, Jasper, of London, esq; Wey, William, of Redyng, Berks, capper Mompesson, Richard 5067 f Essex 6225 d Norf 4263 f Bucks debt 5713 d 4614 f Yorks Yorks concord 6508 d Suff 4214 f Norf 4680 f Kent 6373 d London 4883 f Herefs 4052 f 4280 f 4949 f 4905 f debt debt debt Mondys, John, of Magna Bradfeld, purser; Snellok, John, of Magna Bradfeld, laborer; Sabbyn, Richard, Sall, Richard of Magna Bradfeld, laborer Mone, John, of Reynham St Margaret, warrener; Johnson, Skyppon, Thomas William, of Est Derham, butcher Monke, William, of Scendley Twollyng, Westburt Farme, yeoman; Baggere, Thomas, of Scendley Twollyng, Westburt Farme, yeoman; London alias Pagnam, Henry, of Leighton Busard, Beds, glover; London alias Thomas, Edward, alias Pulter, Pagnam, John, of Fenny Stratford, of Fenny Stratford, pulter glover Monkton, William, of Graffton, husbandman; Birdsall, William, of Graffton, husbandman; Catton, John, of Graffton, husbandman; Precyns, Richard, of Graffton, husbandman; Wilson alias Johnson, James, of Allerton Wilkynson, John Malevere, yeoman Perpoynt, William Monoux, Thomas Cage, William, of Bere, Monoxe, Jumphrey, of Barton, yeoman Norf, gent Monyment, Thomas, of Fakenham, Growte, Richard, draper husbandman Graunte, Nicholas, of Akryse, administrator of; (Graunte, William, of Denton) Monyngton, Roger, of London, mercer trespass: close Biryton, William Monyn, John, esq, administrator of; (Monyn, John, of Lyden, gent) Monyngton, Richard, of Masyngton, Herefs, gent Monyngton, William, of Buttas, gent; Abalton, Edward, of Canonpewne, gent Lyttylcott, Michael, of London, goldsmith, executors of; (Flours, Thomas; Thomasine Moore, Thomas, of Mylplasshe, London debt his wife) Dorset, knight Morant alias Mundy, William, of Wilts trespass: close Lysley, Thomas, knight Cholwarton, Hants, yeoman Tame, Edmund, knight; Mordaunt, John, of Turvey, knight, Glos covenant Elizabeth his wife Lord Mordaunt Norf debt Crofte William, clerk More, Adam, of Dymchurche, Romney Marshe, Kent, clerk; Gaye, Thomas, of Dymchurche, gent; Best, Robert, of Dymchurche, yeoman; Malleham, William, of Dymchurche, clerk 4905 f Norf debt Croft, Richard, clerk 4637 f Soms trespass 4632 f Devon detinue 4544 f Berks debt 5842 d Berks Chaworth, John, esq Drew, John, rector of Bykley, executor of; (Styrry, Thomas, gent) St George Chapel, Windsor Castle, dean and canons of St George Chapel, Windsor Castle, dean and canons of 6217 d Herefs Walwyn, Richard, esq 5182 f Soms 4302 f Yorks 5698 d Yorks trespass: close Rysdon, William Lincs Husey, Robert, esq 5374 d Lincs Notting ham debt Notting ham debt Fletcher, Richard Mellours, Thomas, of Nottingham, alderman Mellours, Thomas, of Nottingham, alderman 4432 f More, John, of Bakewell, yeoman; Stapurchild, Philip, of Bakewell, husbandman; Game, Thomas, of Bakewell, husbandman; Wylmott, Roger, of Bakewell, husbandman; Browne, John, of Bakewell, husbandman; Coke, John, of Bakewell, husbandman; Bassett, John, of Bakewell, husbandman More, John, of Bradnynche, smith More, John, of Sherfyld on Lodon, Hants, gent More, John, of Sherfyld on Lodon, Hants, gent More, John, of Shirvyld, Hants, gent More, John, of Sokeursey, husbandman; Penbroke, Geoffrey, of Stokeursey, tanner; More, Robert, of Sokeursey, laborer; Bocher, Thomas, of Sokeursey, husbandman; Brase, Richard, of Sokeursey, laborer Middylton, Thomas, esq; Maleverer, Robert, esq; Thwayte, William, junior, esq; Waterton, Thomas, esq; trespass: close Wentworth, William, esq More, John, of Wombewell, tailor More, John, of Wombewell, tailor; Sodmonden, William, of Wombwell, Roger Wombewell, shoemaker 5372 d 4432 f More, Adam, of Westehethe, Kent, clerk; Bove, John, of Westehethe; Gylberde, Richard, of Burrough Marshe, Kent, yeoman; Chamber, John, of Burrough Marshe, Kent, yeoman More, Oliver, of Grantham, butcher; Forde, Richard, of Grantham, mercer; Merys, Richard, of Grantham, tallow chandler More, Oliver, of Grantham, butcher; Frankland, Richard, of Grantham, butcher More, Oliver, of Grantham, Lincs More, Oliver, of Grantham, Lincs 5102 f London debt execution Tototh, Vincent, rector of Byrton, Lincs, executor of; (Sapcott, Henry) 5980 d Devon Batyn, Humphrey 5189 f Suff debt Moore, Alice, of Ipswich, widow 4343 f Devon debt Yeo, Robert, of Shebbeer 6301 d Devon Hogge, John 6385 d 5328 d Essex 4589 f London debt Hanham, Peter, gent Wood, Anthony Sparre, Richard, of London, grocer 6266 d Surrey Kyng, John 6194 d Glos Berkeley, Richard, gent 4651 f Kent 3982 f Staffs 4000 f Staffs 5410 d 5185 f Staffs Staffs 6022 d 5970 d debt replevin More, Oliver, of Grantham, Lincs, butcher More, Richard, of Chepyng Norton, husbandman More, Richard, of Shippenham, Norf, yeoman; Howlyng, Thomas, of Shippenham, tanner More, Richard, of Torryton Magna, butcher; Cambrige, William, of Instawe, husbandman More, Richard, of Toryton Magna, butcher Mores, Richard, of Magna Bentley, mercer Mores, Richard, of Salford, clerk Moreton, Robert, of London, esq Moreton, William, esq; Carter, John; Edmond, Thomas Morgan, John, of Barkeley, tanner Morle, Lawrence, of Gowtherst, Roberth, Thomas yeoman, receiver of rents Burton Abbey, William, abbot Morley, Richard, of Burton of Trent, of yeoman Burton Abbey, William, abbot Morley, Richard, of Burton of Trent, of yeoman Burton on Trent Abbey, Morley, Richard, of Burton on William, abbot of Trent, yeoman Blount, John Morley, Thomas Kent Guldeford, John, esq; Mercer, George; Rammesden, John; Everynden, Walter, senior; Morleyn, Richard, of Benynden, Patynden,Thomas; Gebon, butcher; Morleyn, Philip, of John Benynden, laborer Kent Guldeford, John, esq; Mercer, George; Rammesden, John; Everynden, Walter, senior; Morleyn, Richard, of Benynden, Paynden,Thomas; Gebon, butcher; Morleyn, Philip, of John Benynden, laborer 5437 d Suff 5910 d Notts 6150 d 5220 f Notts Norf 3993 f Nhants debt replevin London, Edmund, of Norwich, executors of; (Albon, Henry; Mors, Thomas, of Buxelowe, Deyns, John; Agnes his wife) husbandman Morten, Robert, of Taversall, Crown chaplain Morten, Robert, of Taversall, Hales, Christopher chaplain Knyght, Robert Mortofte, John Morton, Richard, of Northampton, Bateman, John draper 3994 3915 6101 6292 f f d d 5191 f Nhants debt Dorset debt Oxon Oxon Hobbeson, Henry, executors of; (Bateman, Peter; Katherine his wife) Blagdon, Edward Wood, Anthony Wood, Anthony Suff Jakson, Simon debt 5101 f London debt 4182 f Kent 3971 f Staffs 5432 d Suff 3975 f Staffs 6470 d London 3972 f Staffs 5482 d London 5366 d Lincs 4381 f Norf 6035 d Surrey Plymley, Alexander, of London, mercer trespass: close Oxley, Simon, clerk debt debt debt debt Morton, Richard, of Northampton, draper Morys, John, of Sherborne, tailor Morys, Richard, of Salford, clerk Morys, Richard, of Salford, clerk Morys, Stephen, of Stoke juxta Clare, miller Mossok, John, of Gloucester, mercer; ap Hoell, Adam, of Gloucester, merchant tailor; Buclond, Richard, of Rosse, Herefs, yeoman Motte, Stephen, of Lynsted, husbandman Moundford, Thomas, of Watereyton, yeoman; Wylson, Thomas, of Stafford, capper; Lynehyll, Edward, of Uttoxatour, husbandman; Huntbache, Robert, of Ronton, husbandman; Hogeson, Starkey, Ralph John, of Haughton, husbandman Rede, William, senior, Mounford, Francis, of Feltwell, merchant Norf, esq Mounford, Thomas, of Water Eyton, yeoman; Alen, Roger, of Penkeriche, yeoman; Hay, Hugh, of Gunston, yeroman; Parker, Fpwke, Roger Mathew, of Chillington, yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Mounforth, Peter, of Cley juxta Norfolk, treasurer of England Mare, Norf, mariner Mountford, Thomas, of Watereyton, yeoman; Alyn, Roger, of Penkeryche, yeoman; Alyn, John, of Preston, yeoman; Brett, Randolp, of Aston, yeoman; Staundford, Thomas, executor Bowden, Stephen, of Dodyngton, of; (Staundford, William) husbandman Graunsell, John, of Brydport, merchant, executors of; (Charde, William; Joan his Moure, Thomas, of Melpleyssh, wife) Dorset, knight Moure, William, of Louth, miller; Bransmore, John, of Louth, husbandman; Nuttyng, William, of Hynd, Richard, of Louth, miller Louth, butcher Growte, Richard, draper Mower, John, junior Movement, Thomas, of Fakenham, husbandman; Dighton, Robert, of Fakenham, butcher; Benton, Christopher, of Fakenham, dyer Mower, John, senior, of Cranley, husbandman 4932 f Norf debt 4263 f Bucks debt 5069 f Herts debt 6003 d Kent 6013 d Kent 4872 f Worcs Quaryndon, William, senior Quaryndon, William, senior; Dawys, Richard Barry, Robert Mownteney, Christopher, of Threxton, gent Mowye, Giles, of Gaddysden Parva, Herts, tilemaker Mowyer, Giles, senior, of Gaddysden, tilemaker Moyse, John, of Brencheley, wheelwright Mugge, William, of Lamberherst, yeoman Parys, William Ghinnucci, Jerome, Bishop of trespass: close Worcester Muklowe, Richard, of Kemsey, gent 6027 d Kent 5904 4041 4041 4101 Nhants Suff covenant Suff trespass Suff detinue d f f f Plum, Robert, of Ovyngton, clerk Goldoke, William; Goldoke, John Selby, Henry; Mulsho, John, esq Pares alias Parissh, William Pares alias Parissh, William Pares alias Parissh, William Mullard, John, of Cobham, yeoman; Frankeleyne, Richard, of Cobham, yeoman; Money, Robert, of Cobham, yeoman; Roper, William, of Cobham, yeoman; Walcheman, John, of Cobham, yeoman; Woodyere, John, of Cobham, yeoman; Harman, John, of Cobham, yeoman; Woodyere, Edward, of Cobham, yeoman; Henham, Richard, of Cobham, husbandman; Henham, Edward, of Cobham, husbandman Mulsho, John Multon, John Multon, John Multon, John 5515 d Suff 5673 d Hants Pares alias Parysshe, William Multon, John Munday, Robert, of Husseborn Terrant, husbandman; Reve, Thomas, of Hussebourn Terrant, husbandman; Rombold, Richard, of Husseborn Terrant, husbandman; Batte, John, of Husseborn Terrant, Reed, John husbandman 5662 d Hants Mundey, Robert, of Hussebourn Terrant, husbandman; Reve, Thomas, of Hussebourn Terrant, husbandman; Rombold, Richard, of of Hussebourn Terrant, husbandman; Bett, John, of Hussebourn Terrant, husbandman 4056 f London debt 5248 f London debt Reed, John Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Upton, Thomas, esq; Leason, Thomas, clerk) Mundy, John, of London, knight Howard, Thomas, Duke of Munforth, Peter, of Clay juxta Mare, Norfolk, treasurer of England Norf, mariner 6010 d Surrey 4742 f London debt 4072 f London debt 5608 d London 4719 f Sussex case 6257 d Norf 4353 f Dorset debt Reynold, John 5109 f Soms 6294 d Cornw Lenne, William 5371 d Lincs Bee, Christopher 4640 f London debt Myddelton, Peter, gent 5181 f Soms 6473 d 5157 f 6173 d debt Mungy, Thomas, of Portesmoth, Hants, merchant; Parker, Henry, of Est Grenewiche, Kent, gentleman Abraham, Henry, usher to the King; Plankney, administrator of; (Kytto, John) Alexander, of Lincoln, gent Muscheham, William, of Camerwell, Surrey, esq; Anne his Lamberd, Walter, of London, wife, alias Geynesforth, Anne, goldsmith widow Grislyng, William, of London, Musgrave, William, of Ednell, mercer Cumber, knight Pakyngton, Robert, of Musgrave, William, of Harteley, London, mercer Westmor, knight Musterden, Thomas, of Glynde, Bust, John yeoman Mychell, Christopher, of North Woodys, William Washam, worsted weaver Master, Thomas, clerk trespass: taking Knocke, James, clerk Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London debt Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London Bishops Lenn Mychell, Henry, of Melcome Regis, merchant, merchant; Holton, Robert, of Melcome Regis, tailor Mychell, Robert, of Meryett, baker; Hochyns, John, of Longlode, husbandman; Mayster, William, of Mylton, Martocke, husbandman; Chestwey, William, of Otcombe, clerk; Dawe, Thomas, of Dreyton, husbandman Mychell, Saweren, of St Tue, husbandman Myddilton, James, of Carleton, Yorks, husbandman Myddylwode, Roger, of Settryngton, Yorks, gent Myller, John, of Holcombe, husbandman; Brytten, John, of Stratton on Fosse, husbandman; Assheman, John, of Kylmyster, husbandman; Brenche, John, of Kylmyster, husbandman Myller, John, of Thorngham, Norf, yeoman Myller, Robert, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Myller, Robert, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Appowell, Lewis; Margaret his wife 4829 f London debt 6471 d London 6583 d London 6586 d London 5271 f London debt 5276 f London debt 5358 d Kent 5233 f Glos 5804 d Derbs Lee, Robert 5399 d Staffs Mynton, Thomas 5365 d Lincs Goderic, John, esq 4634 f trespass and Shrops contempt Cole, Edmund 4877 f Cornw Hawes, John 6198 d Cornw Trevuwyth, Thomas 6359 d Soms 5492 d London Quyrke, Robert Roberttes, Thomas, of Putteneth, Surrey, gent 4233 f Norf trespass: close Thompson, Edward 3960 f Lincs trespass: close Wilson, William trespass: close Aylworth, Anthony debt Myller, Robert, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Myller, Robert, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Myller, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Myller, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Myller, Thomas, of Bishops of Lenn, merchant Myller, Thomas, of Bishops of Lenn, merchant Myllys, Robert Mylton alias Haynes, John, of Bodyngton, husbandman Mynours, James, of Hanbury, Staffs, gent; Knyveton, Humphrey, of Hanbury, gent; White, Thomas, of Staunton, husbandman; Mylnar, William, of Eggylston, laborer; Cowleshawe, Ralph, of Rollesley, laborer Mynton, John, of Drayton, Salop, tanner; Aldersey, Hugh, of Chester, merchant; Amyon, William, of Chester, tanner Myntyng, John, of Toynton Superior, husbandman Mytton, Richard, of Shrewsbury, esq; Colfax, John, of Shrewsbury, sherman Nancarowe, John, of St Tewe, husbandman Nanscothan(?), John, of Porthea, merchant Napper, John, of Martoke, husbandman Nasshe, John, of Maldon, Essex, yeoman Nasshe, John, of Swaynesthorp, yeoman Nateby, William, of Lincoln Close, yeoman 4863 f Worcs 6383 d Herts 5562 d London debt Walforde, Richard Busshewe, John, of Farneborowe Brokebanke, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Sympson, Richard, of Attylburgh, husbandman; Reynold, Richard, of Attylburgh, yeoman; Reynhold, Simon, of Attylburgh, yeoman 6255 d Norf 5187 f Suff 4428 f Coventr y debt 6437 d London 5425 d Yorks 5276 f London debt 4920 f Norwich debt 4307 f Yorks debt debt Cowper, William Nele, William Nayler, George, of Stow on the Wold, Glos, butcher; Nayler, Thomas, of Stow on the Wold, butcher; Coppysson, William, of Fulbroke, Hampton, Warks, yeoman Nedam(?), James, of Northawe, gent; Grubbe, Robert, of Northawe, husbandman; Lowen, Robert, of Northawe, husbandman Neilson, Thomas, of Ledys, Yorks, chapman; Neilson, Robert, of Kendall, Yorks, chapman; Hardwyke, Ralph, of Rypon, Yorks, draper Nele, Robert, of Larlyng, husbandman; Nele, Oliver, of Snytterton, husbandman; Cocke, Ambrose, of Est Wrotham, husbandman Nele, Thomas, of Hunston, husbandman Nele, William, of Stone Stanton, Leics, gent; West, John, of Hulcotte, Eston, Nhants, husbandman; Pelle, Edward, of Dayntre, Nhants, mercer Nelson, Thomas, of Ledys, Yorks, chapman; Nelson, Robert, of Kendall, Yorks, chapman; Hardwyke, Ralph, of Rypon, Yorks, draper Brokebank, Christopher, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Atkynson, John; Margaret his wife, formerly wife of Londesdale, William Nelson, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Nesse, John, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Nestlyn, William, of Leystoft, Suff, Grave, Nicholas smith Nettylton, Hugh, of Birstall, husbandman; Seriauntson, John, of Ledes, merchant; Heton, Richard, Attorton, William of Ledys, laborer 4006 f Yorks debt Nayler, Richard 5011 f Hunts debt Hiche, William Nettylton, Robert, of Thornelleys, yeoman; Alott, Robert, of Bentley, yeoman; Bedford, John, of Dewysbury, executor of; (Bedford, Robert, of Dewysbury, yeoman) Neve, William, of Magna Paxton, husbandman 6551 d Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Nevell, John, John, of London, Thomas, knight, Justice; knight; Byron, John, of Colwyke, Paulett, William, knight Notts, knight London 5238 f London debt 4407 f London debt 4427 f Leics 4987 f London 6532 d 4279 f Middx Wilts 5699 d York 5692 d Yorks 5091 f Berks 4308 f Yorks 5733 d Devon 5418 d Nhants 6479 d London 6483 d London 6480 d London 4521 f Essex debt Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Nevell, John, of London, knight; Paulett, William, knight Askugh, William, of London, knight Nevell, John, of Mile Ende, Middx, knight; Cotton, John, of Shakelwell, Middx, gent; Mower, Lawrence, of Horndon on the Hill, Essex, yeoman; Bell, William, of Johnson, Cornelius Gravesend, Kent, tailor Gye, John Abram, Thomas, senior, of London, leather seller Wysshe, John, of London, founder Bekyngham, John Nevell, Thomas, of Knypton, clerk Nevile, John, of Milend, Middx, debt knight Neville, Ralph, Earl of Westmorland debt Nevyll, Humphrey, of Wilton, gent Nevyll, John, of Chette, knight; Metham, Thomas, of Hovedon, esq; Page, John, of Emley, yeoman; Wylkinson, John, of Grenewod, Robert Eland, gent Newarke, Roger, of Acome, esq, executors of; (Newarke, Isabel, of Wilson, John; Margaret his Acome, widow; Newarke, Thomas, wife of Acome, esq) Fymmer, Henry; Elizabeth his Newbery, John, of Ruscombe, trespass: close wife husbandman Wilson, Richard, prebendary of Palace Hall, college of debt Suthwell Newburgh Priory, Robert, prior of Newcomb, Richard, of Brode Wode, Alexander, esq Nymett, husbandman Newenham, Agnes, of Hasylbyche, Henson, Henry widow Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Newgate, John, of Holkam, Norf, Bishops Lenn yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Newgate, Robert, of Holkam, Norf, Bishops Lenn husbandman Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Newgate, Robert, of Holkam, Norf, Bishops Lenn yeoman Newland, William, of Shenfeld, debt Sampson, Stephen yeoman debt Reynold, William, of Holyngborne, Kent 5002 f Essex 5935 d Oxon 6245 d Norwich 4105 f Essex replevin Ferrour, Robert, of Norwich, alderman Thurlowe, Nicholas, of Triplowe 4388 f Norf debt Atle, William; Dey, John 6196 d Worcs 5252 f London debt 5860 d London Wyat, Henry, knight; Paulett, William, knight Bonvies, Anthony, merchant of Luca 6387 d Essex Veer, Thomas, esq Maryett, William Katherine, Queen Consort 5817 d Notts Parmentour, William 5457 d Suff Blyaunte, Richard, esq 4311 f Yorks 6203 d Cornw 5257 f Suff 6571 d Suff 4044 f Suff 6498 d Dorset 4355 f Devon trespass: close Arthyngton, Henry, esq Ronnell, Thomas debt Blyaunt, Richard, esq Blyaunt, Richard, esq debt Blyaunte, Richard, esq Preston, William, of Byrportt debt Falander, William Newman, John, junior, of Brentwood, gent; Chamberleyn, John, of Brentwoode, husbandman; Newman, John, senior, of Brentwoode, yeoman Newman, John, of Duckelton, husbandman Newman, Richard, of Worsted, husbandman; Bolton, William, of Garboldesham, gent; Gryse, William, of Great Yarmouth, gent; Bulwer, Roger, of Woodallyng, yeoman; Jameson, John, of Mylam, yeoman Newman, Thomas Newman, Thomas, of Shypdam, husbandman; Plowman, Robert, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Bateley, Thomas, of West Bradenham, husbandman Newport, George, of Droytwyche, clerk Newport, John, of Brugewater, Soms, merchant; Hyll, Roger, of Taunton, Soms, merchant; Tose, John, of Taunton, merchant Newtoke, Thomas, of Colchester, clothmaker Newton, Geoffrey, of Aldham, husbandman Newton, Geoffrey, of Kyrkeby, Asshefeld, husbandman; Horsley, Thomas, of Clyfton, husbandman Newton, Lawrence, of Baylsham, chaplain Newton, Randolph, of Bendegate, Rypon, mason Newton, Richard, of Eggleshalle, husbandman; Newton, John, of Eggleshalle, laborer Newton, Richard, of Heryngflete, gent Newton, Richard, of Heryngflete, gent Newton, Richard, of Heryngflete, gent Newton, Robert, of Dorchester, merchant Newton, William, of Paddystowe, Cornw, merchant 5210 f 6296 d London defamation Cornw 5342 d Kent 4266 f Bucks 6525 d London 4671 f Sussex debt 5116 f Sussex debt 4650 f Sussex debt 5800 d Derbs 4615 f Herts 5998 d Surrey 4685 f Essex debt 5059 f Essex debt 4634 f 5838 d Herefs Surrey debt debt concord Nicholas, William, of London, sergeant at mace; Marten, Thomas, of London, butcher; Sevaker, Henry, of London, joiner; Tylly, William, of London, barber; Jenyns, Thomas, of London, tallow Caldwall, Ralph chandler Stone, John Nicholl, Henry, of Pensos, gent Nicholl, Thomas, of Est Mallyng, laborer; Hodsoll, William, of Est Mallyng, laborer; Yate, John, of Est Mallyng, husbandman; Roger, Roger, of Est Mallyng, husbandman; Broke, John, of Est Mallyng, husbandman; Brabson, John, of Est Mallyng, husbandman; Odyarn, John, of Est Mallyng, husbandman; Tarse, Robert, of Offam, husbandman; Browne, George, of Aylesford, husbandman; Broune, John, of Dyrlyng, Catelyn, Hugh husbandman Nichollys, John, of Magna Brykhill, Bystok, William husbandman Nicholson, William, of London, sergeant at mace; Haslop, Caldwall, Ralph, attorney Thomas, of London, pinner Hasylden, Richard, executors Nicoll, John, of Est Grinsted, of; (Hasylden, Edward; yeoman, executrix of; (Nicoll, Joan, Hasylden, Joan) of Est Grensted, widow) Nicoll, Nicholas, vicar of Dorkyng, Surrey; Lussted, Edard, of Markewyke, Edward Dorkyng, yeoman Nicoll, Nicholas, vicar of Dorkyng; Lussted, Edward, of Dorkyng, Markewyke, Edward yeoman Nicolson, Thomas, of Weston on Hunt, Christopher, esq Trent, husbandman Moset, John; Margaret his wife Node, Joan, widow Noke, John, of Cambridge, Bolter, John, of London, innholder; Wellys, Thomas, of goldsmith Wysbyche, Cams, gent Stevyn, John, executors of; (Close, Stephen; Denise his Nordern, Robert, of Barkyng, wife) laborer Norgate, John, of Berkyng, laborer; Powlte, William, of Berkyng, fisher; Balkyn, John, of Berkyng, laborer; Ledys, John, of Berkyng, fisherman; Grene, Edward, of Huttofte, Richard Berkyng, laborer Norice, Edmund, of Hereford, Walwyn, Nicholas, clerk yeoman Byrke, Anthony Norres, Henry, esq 5222 f Glos 5760 d Herts 3949 f Lincs Norres, Hugh, of Cissetore, chapman debt Sewell, Richard Dadye, William, executors of; (Wolward, Thomas; Mabil his wife) Norres, John, of London, mercer Norreys, Gilbert, of Helpryngham, pinner; Baxster, Thomas, of trespass: close Baston, Richard Osburneby, husbandman 5211 f London debt 4349 f 4351 f 5746 d Devon Devon Devon 5508 d Devon 6149 d London 6149 d London Yonge, William, of Wyttnam, esq; executors of; (Audelet, Norreys, William, of Oxford, John, esq; Woodward, Lionel; mercer; Stonore, Walter, of Astley, Simon, clerk) Wardysbury, Bucks, knight Norrys, John, of Ayshe Reyney, Pawe, Philip, clerk yeoman Yard, William Northcote, William Hogge, Stephen Northlegh, Robert Northwode, Barnard, of Torryngton Blakmore, William Magna, yeoman Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq; Norton, John, of Clotherome, Yorks, esq; Malery, William, of Studley, Yorks, esq; Wansforth, Holgyll, William, clerk; Christopher, of Kyrklyngton, Yorks, Gascoyne, knight esq Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq; Norton, John, of Clotherome, Yorks, esq; Malery, William, of Studley, Yorks, esq; Wansforth, Holgyll, William, clerk; Christopher, of Kyrklyngton, Yorks, Gascoyne, knight esq London debt Holgyll, William, clerk; Gascoigne, William, knight 4825 f London debt Holgyll, William, clerk; Gascoigne, William, knight 5142 f London debt Hales, Christopher 5424 d Yorks Hopton, Ralph, esq 4825 f debt waste Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq; Norton, Richard, of Norton, esq; Norton, Henry, of Norton, esq Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, esq; Norton, Richard, of Norton, esq; Norton, Henry, of Norton, esq Norton, John, of Norton, Yorks, knight; Norton, John, of Norton, esq; Preston, Arthur, of Norton, gent Norton, Robert, of Parva Lepton, yeoman; Huchenson, Adam, of Parva Lepton, yeoman; Dranffeld, Robert, of Magna Lepton, yeoman; Dranffeld, William, of Magna Lepton, yeoman; Bynnys, Robert, of Magna Lepton, laborer; Beamond, John, of Magna Lepton, husbandman Norton, Robert, of Parva Lepton, yeoman; Huchenson, Adam, of Parva Lepton, yeoman; Dransfeld, Robert, of Magna Lepton, yeoman; Dransfeld, William, of Magna Lepton, yeoman; Bynys, Robert, of Magna Lepton, laborer; Beamond, John, of Magna Lepton, husbandman customs and services 4005 f Yorks 4415 f Notts 4488 f 4319 f 4368 f Norf Yorks Dorset 4981 f Wilts 6127 d Berks 4753 f Worcs Hopton, Ralph, esq Tego, Stephen; Alice his wife, formerly Folyatt, Alice, of Norton, Robert, of Romsey, Hants, debt London, widow yeoman Norwiche, Henry, of Rollesby, forcible entry Grymbyll, John husbandman debt Warcop, Leonard Nostell Priory, Alvered, prior of entry de quibus Goselyng, John, junior Notherell alias Spycer, John Notingham, William, of Amysbury, debt Wyndesore, Anthony, esq innholder Justice, William, senior, executor of; (Vachell, Notley Abbey, Bucks, Richard, Thomas, esq) abbot of Nott, Isabel, of Yarston, widow; Nott, Hugh, of Yarston, fletcher; Nott, Edward, of Yarston, weaver; trespass: close Child, Richard Nott, John, of Yarston, fletcher 4356 f Devon trespass: taking Chechester, John, esq 5626 d Norf Jameson, Barnard, clerk Nott, James, of Comb Ralegh, gent Novell, Richard, of Parva Snoryng, tailor 6146 d London 5053 f Middx 6073 d Middx 5053 f Middx 6072 d Middx Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs at Lynne Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England Weston, William, prior of St John of Jerusalem hospital Weston, William, prior of hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England Weston, William, prior of St John of Jerusalem hospital 6588 d London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Paulet, William, knight; Dauntesey, John, knight Nowell, Andrew, of Whawell, Rutland, gent; Fyndern, George, of Fyndern, Derbs, esq; Columbell, George, of Derley, Derbs, gent 4646 f Sussex debt 4754 f London debt 6420 d London Parkman, John Monmoth, Humphrey, of London, draper Monmouth, Humphrey, of London, draper Nower, Richard, of Stopham, gent Nowne, James, of Hadley, Suff, clothmaker Nowne, James, of Hadley, Suff, clothmaker debt debt Nowche, Francis, of Bishops Lenn, merchant, alias of Brabant Nowell, Andrew, of Dalby, Leics, gent Nowell, Andrew, of Dalby, Leics, gent Nowell, Andrew, of Rocheley, Leics, gent Nowell, Andrew, of Rocheley, Leics, gent 6390 d Essex 5193 f Suff 6204 d Cornw 5200 f Soms Horne, Henry, of London, grocer debt Symond, Robert Dewyn, Roger debt 4031 f Suff quare impedit 5408 d 5259 f Nhants Herefs waste 5838 d Middx 5357 d Norf Bateman, Christopher Vyncent, John, esq Mores, John Shelton, William, gent; Shelton, Jerome Pynnes, Robert, son of Pynnes, Thomas Bateman, Christopher Coby, Henry, of Southover juxta Lewes, executrix of; (Metcalff, Alice, widow) Nycke, Richard, Bishop of Norwich; Russhe, Thomas, esq; Freer, Robert; Goldyng, John, clerk Nycollys, Richard, of Barnak, husbandman Nycols, Richard Nyghtyngale, Nicholas Nykke, Richard, Bishop of Norwich Nykke, Richard, Bishop of Norwich; Russhe, Thomas, esq; Freer, Robert; Blodyng, John, clerk 4151 f Suff 5593 d Sussex 4913 f Norf 3929 f Beds 6019 d Kent 4692 f Kent 5357 d Middx 5673 d Hants Howles, Thomas, senior London debt Tuke, Brian, knight; Englefeld, Ogle, Cuthbert, parson of Stannop, Thomas, knight, justice; Northumb; Tempest, Nicholas, of Paulett, William, knight Basthall, Yorks, knight 5137 f quare impedit Shaplond, Marion, widow Nuce, Thomas, of Walden, chapman Nunne, George, of Halley, clothier; Thorpe, John, of Stowmarkett, yeoman; Skyrrell, Edmund, of Stowmarkett, smith Nunshylyn, John, of St Just in Penwith, husbandman Nurcombe, William, of Stoke, husbandman account as receiver Ferrour, Edmund Archer, Richard; Margaret his wife; Man, William; Agnes his concord wife Roydon, Thomas, esq; Walsyngham, William, gent; Selyard, John Roydon, Thomas; Walsyngham, William, gent; trespass: close Selyard, John Offeley, Thomas; Joan his wife 5137 f London debt 5497 d London Ocley, Richard, of Southover juxta Lewes, yeoman Ocley, Thomas, of Hengham, mercer Odell, Robert Odyern, Thomas, of Wyttresham, husbandman Odyern, Thomas, of Wyttresham, yeoman Offeley, John Oglander, George, of Breardyng, Isle of Wight, yeoman; Ednet, Robert, junior, of Breardyng, husbandman Tuke, Brian, knight; Englefeld, Ogle, Cuthbert, parson of Stannop, Thomas, knight, justice; Northumb; Tempest, Nicholas, of Paulett, William, knight Basthall, Yorks, knight Oglethorp, Thomas, of Dalesbury, Weryne, Ralph, gent Yorks, gent 5095 f Berks 4089 f Cams 5837 d Norf 4385 f Norwich debt execution 4235 f Norwich debt 6072 d Middx 5366 d Lincs 4264 f Bucks 5669 d Wilts 6206 d Cornw 4634 f Devon 5060 f Essex 5815 d Warks 4102 f Middx 3944 f Lincs 5434 d Suff 5729 d Devon debt account as bailiff debt Awdelett, John, of Abenden Okham, Nicholas, of Sandylford, clothman Laurence, John Okyns, Robert, of Dounham, clerk Bullok, Thomas; Margaret his wife Oldman, John Oldman, John, of Parva Grote, Richard, of Norwich Walsyngham, baker Salter, Henry, of Norwich, alderman, executrix of; Oldman, John, of Parva (Salter, Anice, widow) Walsyngham, baker Olyver, Edward, of Melborn, Cams, Butt, Thomas husbandman Olyver, Robert, of Waterton, Selby Abbey, Robert, abbot of yeoman Olyver, Thomas, of Whitchurche, smith; Isabellys alias Smyth, John, of Ellysborough, husbandman Felowe, Nicholas Browne, Roger, executors of; (Hoskyns, John, prior of Fyssherton Aunger Priory; Olyver, William, of Stepull Browne, Thomas) Langford, yeoman Opye, Thomas, junior, of Bodmyn, tanner; Reynowdyn, Nicholas, of Bodmyn, tanner; Harry, Joan, of Bodmyn, widow; Richemond, Richard, of Bodmyn, tanner; Dawe, Croke, Robert Richard, of Lawhytton, carpenter Moynes, Robert, executor of; Orenge, Richard, of Exeter, debt (Moynes, William, clerk) merchant Ores, John, of Thorp, husbandman; Money, John, of Thorp, laborer; Burne, Thomas, of Thorp, turner; Ovy, Margaret, of trespass: close Brewoode, John Thorp, widow Orewell, William, of Pakwood, yeoman; Flemyng, William, of Henley in Arden, yeoman; Cartwryght, Robert, of Magna Ratclyff, Roger, esq Brykell, Bucks, yeoman Orser, John, of St Mary Matsiliane, debt Laurence, Thomas Algate, potfounder Orwell, Christopher, of Lincoln, pardoner; Wyot, John, of Grymolby, Ascue, John, of Conyngesby, yeoman; Wyot, Robert, of debt mercer Grymolby, yeoman Osborn, Thomas, of Hadley, merchant; Goodale, William, of Symson, George Hygham, yeoman Osborne, James, of Abbotysham, Alyn, Robert, junior weaver 4898 f Norf debt 4933 f Norf trespass: close Eston, Edward, gent 5670 d Wilts Stumpe, William 5740 d Devon Morcombe, Richard 4450 f 5903 d Goche, John Cumber trespass: close Osmoderley, William Yorks Shotilworth, Thomas Osborne, Richard, of Kirby Bidon, husbandman; Hawke, William, of Swanton Novers, husbandman; Pedder, Thomas, of Swanton Novers, laborer Osbourn, John, of Est Brasham, yeoman; Hawke, Robert, of Est Barsham, yeoman Osbourn, William, of Scherston, husbandman; Hancokke, John, of Lukyngton, husbandman Osbourne, Thomas, of Bedyffor, yeoman Osmoderley, George, of Wharyygge, gent; Wylson, Richard, of Waverton, laborer; Jacson, William, of Waverton, laborer; Patenson, William, of Waverton, laborer; Plummer, John, of Waverton, laborer; Tymmer, John, of Wharygge, laborer; Turnbull, Richard, of Langrygge, laborer Otes, John, of Halyfax, yeoman 6074 d London 5705 d Yorks 6253 d Norf 5161 f London debt 6315 d Essex 5105 f London debt 5476 d London 5342 d Sussex 5728 d Devon 6094 d 4622 f Sussex Bucks replevin Heryson, George, of London, merchant tailor, executors of; Otwell, Thomas, of Colchester, (Yong, Thomas, of London, mercer, administrator of; (Rowse, "brawther", Katherine his wife) Robert, of Colchester, yeoman) Overend, George, of Kexby, Uqthrerd(?), Anthony yeoman Overende, William, of Bishops Lenn, merchant; Schavyngton, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, merchant; Eve, Thomas, of Terell, Robert Thetford, yeoman Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Overenden, William, of Bishops Bishops Lenn Lenn, tailor Overhall, Thomas, of Yeldam, Cleydon, John, clerk yeoman Jermyn, Luke, Hanse Oversall, Hugh, of Hull, Yorks, merchant merchant Jermyn, Luke, merchant of Oversall, Hugh, of Kyngeston on the Hansa Hull, merchant Owden, Richard, of Portslade, Wylson, John, clerk butcher Owen, David, of Ilfardecomb, Incledon, Thomas merchant Byrche, William, of London, Owen, Henry, of New Tymber, gent knight Bulstrode, Margaret, widow Owen, Jasper, esq 5056 f Sussex debt Empson, James Owen, Jasper, of Estborn, gent 6296 d 5987 d 4678 f Worcs Kent Kent 5428 d Yorks 4431 f Derbs 4091 f Norf 5122 f Kent 5478 d London 4661 f Kent 5802 d Notting ham replevin Mason, William, of London, tailor Mayowe, Thomas Mayiwe, Thomas Walton, John debt Kent, Nicholas Guybon, Thomas, of West Lenn, esq, son of Guybon, Gregory, of West Lenn, esq, executor of; (Moundeford, Francis; Lumnour, Edmund, debt esq; Rose his wife) Herenden, John; Southland, John; Robarde, Thomas, of trespass: close Stapleherst debt Oweyn, William, of St Clement Danes, London, butcher Owtred, John Owttred, John Oxinherd, Christopher, of Broughton, husbandman; Clough, Christopher, of Broughton, husbandman; Losthouse, Roger, of Broughton, husbandman Oxley, Richard, of Sealey, chaplain Pachet, Robert, of Watlyngton, carpenter Pachyng, Henry, of Gowdeherst, weaver Paddyam, Robert, of Ewhurst, Sussex, chapman; Lobys, Thomas, of Ludlowe, Salop, chapman; Browne, Robert, of Gowdehurst, Kent, cordwainer; Baker, John, of Court Upstrete, Kent, chapman; Style, John, of Towne Mallyng, Lane, John, of London, grocer Kent, innholder Padyam, John, of Fayrefeld, husbandman; Aborne, John, of Cheyne, Thomas, knight Brokeland, husbandman Page, Christopher, of Rughton, Quarneby, Nicholas, of Lincs, husbandman; Flemyng, Nottingham, bellfounder Henry, of Rughton, yeoman Page, Hugh, of Exeter, mercer; Stewkeley, Thomas, of Aston, Devon, knight; Borun, John, of Wyssyngsett, Norf, gent; Bowyer, John, of Lyke, Leics, yeoman 6310 d London Waren, Ralph, of London, alderman 5268 f London debt Alcok, Thomas, gent, collector Page, James, of London, of subsidies in Kent haberdasher 5268 f London debt 4953 f 3928 f Devon Surrey writ of right concord Alcok, Thomas, gent, collector of subsidies in Kent Austyne, James; Austyne, John; Pruston, Peter; Joan his wife Mongar, John; Joan his wife 4791 f 5263 f Devon Norf debt debt Bythemore, Richard, gent Heydon, Christopher, knight 6393 d Essex Barnabe, John, gent Page, James, of London, haberdasher Page, Nicholas Page, Nicholas Page, Nicholas, vicar of Buckfastleygh Page, Peter, of Saxthorp, clerk Page, Robert, of Aberton, husbandman 4385 f Essex 5444 d Suff 5444 d Suff 5217 f Norf account as bailiff debt Page, Robert, of Alberton, Barnabe, John, gent husbandman Page, Thomas, of Brandon Fery, Rows, John husbandman Page, Thomas, of Brandon Fery, Rows, John husbandman Pak, John, of Bongey, Suff, stainer; Elys, John, of Greston, Hagon, William, of Bungey, tanner; administratrix of; (Elys, Agnes, Worliche, John, of Ketylbergh, Suff, widow) yeoman 3968 f Lincs 3933 f Lincs Bull, Robert, of Swynneshed, executors of; (Bull, Joan, widow; Bull, Thomas; Dale, debt Gilbert, of Boston) Peterborough Abbey, John, trespass: close abbot of 3945 f Lincs debt 5707 d Yorks 4895 f Worcs 4908 f Norf Robynson alias Maltmaker, Roger Brown, Thomas trespass: close Morgan, John, esq Hildwell, Henry, of Cauntley, executor of; (Hildwell, debt Geoffrey) Wyndham, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Howard. Thomas, Duke of Norfold; Wyndham, George, clerk; Bouchier, John, knight, Lord FitzWaren; Elizabeth his wife) Porter, John Paky, William, of Swynneshed, butcher Paky, William, of Swynneshed, butcher Paky, William, of Swynneshed, butcher; Carter, Richard, of Swynneshed, millwright Paley, Thomas, of Saynton, yeoman Palmer, Ancretus, of Cumberton, yeoman Palmer, Henry, executor of; (Palmer, John, of Great Yarmouth, gent) Palmer, Henry, gent, executor of; (Palmer, John, of Great Yarmouth, gent) Palmer, John Palmer, John, of Aylesford, husbandman; Muknell, Robert, of Aylesford, laborer Palmer, John, of Aylysham, husbandman Palmer, John, of Lemyngton, Glos, esq 6250 d 4785 f Norf Essex 6450 d Kent Buntyng, James 5335 d Norwich Rogers, William 6304 d London 5797 d Warks 4082 f London debt Awdlett, John Spencer, Thomas, of Hodenhyll, esq, executors of; (Jenettys, Humphrey; Awdeley, John, esq; Margaret Palmer, John, of Lemyngton, Glos, his wife) esq Palmer, John, of Otford, Kent, gent; Petham, Alice, of Fremyngham, widow of Petham, William, of Fremyngham, gent; Gybson alias Tailler, John, of Fremyngham, Kent, yeoman; Philippa his wife, Stathum, Nicholas, of London, daughter of William and Alice mercer Petham replevin 4012 f Palmer, John, of Otford, Kent, gent; Petham, Alice, of Fremyngham, widow of Petham, William, of Fremyngham, gent; Gybson alias Taillor, John, of Fremyngham, Kent, yeoman; Philippa his wife, Stathom, Nicholas, of London, daughter of William and Alice London debt mercer Petham Palmer, John, of Parva Lemyngton, Herefs debt Baskervyle, James, esq Glos, esq Palmer, John, of Reddyswell, Essex debt Adam, William laborer de Vere, Elizabeth, Countess Essex of Oxford Palmer, Matthew, of Kyrby, mariner Palmer, Richard, of Carleton juxta Yorks trespass: close Eland, Elizabeth, widow Snayth, husbandman Palmer, Robert, vicar of Whitchurche, Bucks; Wylson, John, of Whitchurche, yeoman; More, Holand, Owen, esq, executors Otto, of Whitechurche, yeoman; of; (Rychardys, Griffin, esq; Long, Robert, of Weston Turvyle, Suff debt Etheldra his wife) Bucks, gent 5030 f Palmer, John, of London, Palmer, Thomas, of Skyrkby, Lincs, merchant tailor, administrator gent; Palmer, William, of Skyrkby, of; (Mundys, Richard) yeoman 5266 f 4514 f 5074 f 5761 d 4312 f London debt 5340 d London 6402 d Beds 5000 f Essex debt 4974 f 4321 f Cornw Yorks defamation debt 4315 f Yorks debt 4875 f Palmer, John, of London, Palmer, Thomas, of Skyrkby, Lincs, merchant tailor, administrator gent; Palmer, William, of Skyrkby, of; (Mundys, Richard) yeoman Pancost alias Spancost alias Knyght, William, of Tyngre, Sepuco, Thomas, of Rychemonde, yeoman husbandman Panymer, Robert, of Coggeshale, Peverell, Richard fuller Pape, Michael, of St Columbe the Nanstowen, Thomas Over, miller Nordaill, Henry Parcor, Giles, of Croft, clerk Parcoure, William, of Morton, yeoman; Dey, William, of Byland Abbey, John, abbot of Snyleswath, yeoman 6489 d trespass: taking Tolly, Robert Howard, Thomas, Duke of London debt Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of London Norfolk, treasurer of England 6002 d Kent 5175 f Worcs Munllard(?), John Pardo, Richard, of Ombersley, husbandman; Hemmyng, Thomas, of Ombersley, husbandman; Randoll, Philip, of Ombersley, husbandman; Hemmyng, John, of Ombersley, husbandman; Lambe, Philip, of Ombersley, husbandman Pares, John, of Norwich, merchant Pares, John, of Norwich, merchant Parke, Margaret, of London, widow 6328 d Cams 5713 d Yorks 5365 d Lincs 5967 d Suff 4144 f Oxon 6527 d London 6315 d Essex 6503 d Suff 5981 d 6017 d Norf Surrey common recovery Parke, Robert of Bishops Lenn, merchant; Savyngton, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, merchant; Halle, Raynold, John; Wryght, John William, of Bishops Lenn, draper Parke, Stephen, of Howden, Clydero, William butcher Parke, Thomas, prior of Elsham Benytt, Anne, widow Priory Kebbyll, John, of Stowmarkett, Parker, Edward, of Hawley, butcher husbandman Lee, Edward, Archbishop of York; Wythers, John, clerk; Parker, Henry, knight, Lord Morley; Scrybyn, Richard, clerk Alice his wife Parker, Henry, of Halyngbury Morley, Essex, knight, Lord Morley; Parker, George, of Halyngbury Morley, esq; Seynt John, Robynson, William, of Alexander, of Sabrigesworthe, London, saddler, executors of; Herts, esq; Combys, Thomas, of (Turpyn, Thomas; Joan his Writtell, Essex, gent; Par, William, wife) of Rokyngham, Nhants, knight Robynson, William, of London, saddler, executors of; (Turpyn, Thomas; Joan his Parker, Henry, of Helyngbury wife) Morley, knight Mannok, William, senior, of Parker, Henry, of Semer, Hadleigh, administrators of; husbandman; Payntour, Thomas, (Vaughan, Geoffrey; Margaret of Hadley, husbandman: Barker, his wife) Thomas, of Hadley, miller Symondys, John, of Parker, Henry, of Semere, Suff, Bretenham, husbandman husbandman Felder, John Parker, John 5799 d 4412 f Derbs Notts 5132 f London debt 4264 f Bucks 4026 f Suff Aleyn, Constance, widow 6384 d Essex 4818 f London debt Deke, John Bartilmewe, John; Goodwyn, William, portreeve of Bristol 4646 f Kent debt Parkhurst, John 5203 f Devon 6116 d Suff trespass: close Burdon, William Crane, Robert, of Chelton, gent 6025 d Surrey 4015 f Suff debt debt Hewet, Nicholas Brynkley, William Nicolson, Christopher, of London, merchant tailor Pynner, Peryn, of London, widow Smyth, Robert debt Newman, Thomas Parker, John, of Leyshalle, gent; Harryson, Thomas, of Barleborough, yeoman; Johnson, Thomas, of Barleborough, husbandman; Houghton, Nicholas, of Barleborough, husbandman; Houghton, Alexander, of Barleborough, husbandman; Johnson, Nicholas, of Barleborough, laborer; Hey, John, of Barleborough, husbandman; Bate, Robert, of Barleborough, plumber; Slater, Thomas, of Barleborough, husbandman; Machon, Peter, of Barleborough, husbandman; Machon, Nicholas, of Barleborough, husbandman; Hyll, Ralph, of Barleborough, husbandman; Hopkynson, Peter, of Barleborough, yeoman; Stele, William, of Barleborough, yeoman; Rebyngton, William, of Barleborough, yeoman Parker, John, of Newark, butcher Parker, John, of Norton, Derbs, gent Parker, John, of Woodbrigge, Suff, mariner Parker, Nicholas, of Iklyngton, laborer Parkyn, John, of Babyden, "wodwrynger"; Swyfte, Richard, of Bulmere, husbandman Parmat, William, of Wovar, Glos, gent Parnell, Edward, of Kenarton, butcher; Tylly, Christopher, of Leneham, butcher Parrys, John, of North Lew, carver; Parre, Peter, of Blake Toryton, mason Parrys, Robert, of London, clothworker Parson alias Glover, John, of Godalmyng, fuller Parson, Richard, of Bury St Edmunds, hatmaker; Barker, Richard, of Bury St Edmunds, yeoman; Aleyn, William, of Brandon Fery, yeoman; Turnour, Richard, of Brandon Fery, yeoman; Roo, Richard, of Brandon Fery, husbandman 6495 d Soms Bluett, Roger, of Eryngham, esq 5798 d Warks Huband, John forcible entry Partryck, John, of Carleton Rode, husbandman; Yongeman, William, Mey, Thomas of Carleton Rode, husbandman Partyk, Simon, of Fordham, Estfyld, John husbandman Parvyn, Robert, of Nortampton, Orpyn, Henry, of Strodewatter, glover; Neyle, Henry, of fuller Northampton, clothier 4221 f Norf 6384 d Essex 4857 f Glos 5724 d Devon Whiddon, John, tailor 6103 d Devon 6463 d London 4614 f Cams Whyddon, John, tailor Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Braughyng, Richard; Mabel his wife debt concord 5866 d Kent 5480 d London 4403 f London debt execution 5193 f Suff covenant 5229 f Bucks debt Grene, John 4623 f Wilts trespass 5897 d Norwich 4476 f Suff debt 3897 f Suff debt Parson, Thomas, of Churchestaunton, merchant Parsons, Hugh, of Purston, Nhants, gent Goldwell, John, of London, skinner Forth, Richard, of London, draper Spurdons, John, of Ipswich, freemason Byllyng, William, of Dadyngton, Oxon, merchant of the staple Parys, John, of Northe Legh, carver Parys, John, of Northe Lewe, carver Parys, John, of Norwich, merchant Parys, Philip, esq Parys, William, of Hothefeld, yeoman; Sole, John, of Hothefeld, laborer; Sole, Nicholas, of Hothefeld, laborer; Ewen, Peter, of Hothefeld, laborer; Crouche, William, of Asshetisford, yeoman Parys, William, of London, merchant tailor; Bramley, Randolph, of London, fishmonger Parys, William, of Portesmouth, Hants, merchant Pascall, William, of Magna Belynges, husbandman Paslowe, Miles, of London, draper Passhion, William, of Sheryngton, husbandman; Rendall, William, of Westodford, husbandman; Lambe, William, of Westodford, husbandman; Yong, Walter, of Westodford, tailor; Parfytt, John, of Marvyn, John, esq Estoodford, husbandman Paston, John, administrator of; Sotterton, John, of Norwich, (Phelippis, Robert, of Wursted, mercer baker) Pascall, Thomas, of Hadlegh, Paton, Robert, of Elmysset, weaver husbandman Patryk, Richard, rector of Magna Echyngham, Osbert, knight Dunham 6019 d Kent Johnson, Willam 6495 d Soms Strangweys, Giles, knight 4397 f Herts 6382 d Herts Bygge, John 6535 d Norf Sylesden, Thomas 5771 d Norwich Osborne, Nicholas 6243 d Norwich 6478 d London 5173 f London debt 6483 d London 5164 f 5990 d 5595 d London debt London Herts Osborne, Nicholas Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Kyngeston, William, knight Reyston, Robert 4960 f Devon Burdon, Nicholas 4427 f Leics 6229 d Norwich debt debt debt Bygge, John Pattysson, Thomas, of Newchurche, husbandman; Dodde, John, of Braborn, husbandman; Pawmer, William, of Assheford, yeoman Patwyn, Hugh, junior, of West Chynnoke, husbandman Patynden, Thomas, of Goodhurst, Kent, yeoman Patynden, Thomas, of Goodhurst, Kent, yeoman Pauleston, Abraham, of Bishops Lyn, merchant Pavyott, Henry, of Malden, Essex, gent; Elizabeth his wife; Noone, Francis, of Greys Inn, London, gent; Pary, Thomas, of Cossey, husbandman Pavyott, Henry, of Malden, Essex, gent; Elizabeth his wife; Noone, Francis, of Greys Inn, London, gent; Pary, Thomas, of Cossey, husbandman Pawe, John, of Blakeney, Norf, yeoman Pawe, John, of Blakney, Norf, yeoman Pawe, John, of Blakney, Norf, yeoman Pawe, John, of Snyterley, Norf, merchant Pawne, William, of London, gent Payn, John Payn, Richard, of Sourton, husbandman Rede, Ellen, executrix of Marten, John, of Leicester, Payn, Robert, of Sadyngton, administrator of; (Rede, John) yeoman Payn, William, of Bylaugh juxta Belyngford, yeoman, sibgleman; Parysshe, John, of Norwich, Goldwyn, George, of London, mercer yeoman 4618 f Sussex trespass Courtenay, Henry, Marquess of Exeter; Blount, William, of Mountioy, knight; Pawlett, William, knight; Bourcher, John, knight; Capell, Henry, esq; Wroth, Robert; Pawlett, George; Carleton, John; Barnes, William 3949 f Lincs Sutton, Nicholas 5980 d Cornw 4309 f Yorks 5363 d Lincs Ogle, Richard, gent 6499 d Devon Laurence, Oliver, gent 5446 d Suff Aylday alias Abbott, Robert Payne, John, of Fryston, husbandman; Mowre, John, of Estborn, husbandman; Ryman, William, of Estborn, fisherman; Mochegreve, Edward, of Estborn, husbandman; Candeler, John, of Estborn, surgeon; Hosteler, Arthur, of Horsemonceux, yeoman; Brykham, George, of Horsemonceux, yeoman; Leger, John, of fryston, laborer Payrke, Robert, of Neland, husbandman Pears, John, of Launceston, merchant Pease, Richard, of Wakefeld, butcher Pedder, Robert, of Pynchebek, husbandman Peers, William, of Melcombe Regis, merchant Peerson, Christopher, of Thorp St Peter, yeoman; Manby, Robert, of Marlysford, carpenter; Flete, Richard, of Marlysford, husbandman Cutt, Robert Fynes, Giles; Cheyney, Thomas; Darell, Thomas Peerson, William, of Belbroughton, Worcs, yeoman; Bradeley, John, of Pedmore, Worcs, yeoman; Hakett, Robert, of Sturbrygge, Worcs, yeoman; Gregory, George, of Kyddermyster, Worcs, innholder; Elcokke, Thomas, of Syrbrygge, mercer; Adenbroke, Thomas, of Olde Swynford, Worcs, yeoman Pekham, Richard, of Est Hothley, yeoman 3981 f Staffs 6264 d Sussex 5216 f Norf 5816 d Notts 5979 d Sussex 4702 f Middx debt Comer, Thomas debt debt Sugar, William debt Aleyn, Henry, clerk debt Knyfesmyth, Thomas Sakevile, John, esq; Gage, Edward, esq; Sakevyle, Richard, esq; Parker, John, of Wyllyngdon, gent; Theccher, John, gent; Burton, James, gent Drewe, Thomas; Katherine his wife, formerly Gaynesford, Katherine Pekke, John, of Norwich, innholder; Stanhough, John, of Bedyngham, husbandman; Croke, John, senior, of Kyrsted, husbandman Pele, Thomas, of Lanforthe, husbandman Pelham, William, of Laughton, knight Pelham, William, of Laughton, Sussex, knight 4651 f Surrey 4672 f Kent 3939 f Lincs 4509 f Herefs 5730 d Soms 4638 f Berks 6340 d London 6212 d 6283 d Cornw Essex 5071 f Essex 3936 f Lincs Chaffaunt, Robert, of London, Pell, Robert, of Godmanchester, debt vintner Hunts, husbandman Pelland, William, of Wodecherche, trespass: close Hope, Ralph husbandman Pelson, Robert, of Burgh in the debt Cracroft, John Marsh, husbandman Pembruge, Hugh, of Mawnshall debt Morton, Rowland, esq Gamage, gent Pen, William, of St Collys Cowme, Hayre, John yeoman Hulcott, John, esq; Huls, Richard, gent; Bacon, William, clerk; Hawkyns, William; Penbroke, John, of Weston, trespass Avyse, William husbandman Pener, Edward, of London, purser; Water, Henry, of Newbery, Berks, mercer; Spycer, William, of Borford, Oxon, mercer; Browne, Thomas, of Gloucester, clothier; Hewett, Thomas, executor of; Dowley, John, of Somersham, (Hewett, Margaret, widow) Cams, yeoman debt Trevery, Walter Appelton, Henry Stonar, John,of Lowghton, gent 4456 f trespass: taking Harryngton, John, esq Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London Bishops Lenn Conyers, Gregory, of Whitby, Yorks debt gent Dacre, William, knight, Lord Cumber debt Dacre 5829 d Cumber Hoddelston, John, esq 4987 f London debt Meynell, Robert 5251 f London debt Weston, Richard, knight; Wyat, Henry, knight 4771 f London debt Lok, William, of London, mercer 4088 f Middx debt Coxston, Vincent 4212 f Middx debt Coxton, Vincent 6481 d 4316 f Pentycost, John Nicholas, senior; Pentycost, John Nicholas, junior Penyfather, Thomas Peper, John, of Chepyng Onger, yeoman Peper, Richard, of Pynchebek, laborer; Leves, John, junior, of Pynchebek, husbandman Pepus, John, of South Creke, Norf, merchant Percy, Gregory, of Bilton, clerk, vicar of Borstall, Bucks Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland; Constable, Ralph, of Wresell, Yorks, esq; Worme, William, of Wresell, gent Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland; Weddell, Gilbert, of London, gent, cofferer of the earl Percy, Henry, of London, knight, Earl of Northumberland Percy, Henry, of London, knight, Earl of Northumberland 6395 d Yorks 4929 f Norf 6255 d Norf 6263 d London debt Cholmeley, Roger, knight Gryffyth, John, of Norwich, yeoman 4389 f Norwich debt Pykto, Thomas Brodman, Ambrose, sergeant at arms Devennysshe, Robert, of Southampton, merchant, executors of; (Osborne, Nicholas; Isabel his wife) Devennysshe, Robert, of Southampton, merchant, executors of; (Osborne, Nicholas; Isabel his wife) 4880 f Cornw debt Carmynowe, Nicholas, esq 6211 d Herefs 5163 f London debt Dora Abbey, John, abbot of Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer 6243 d Norwich 5264 f London debt 4850 f London debt 5145 f London debt Audeley, Thomas, Keeper of the Great Seal; More, Thomas, knight Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Percy, William, of Bisshop Burton, knight; Constable, Thomas, of Bisshop Burton, gent; Grey, William, of Routhe, husbandman; Gray, William, of Routhe, laborer; Gybson, Richard, of Stoke, fisher Percy, William, of Hempton, husbandman Percy, William, of Hempton, husbandman; Hervy, Robert, of Refham, stainer; Shreff, Andrew, of Acle, smith; Host, William, of Rynglond, hairman Percyvall, John, of London, gent Perett, Nicholas, of Lyme, Dorset, merchant; Segewyke, Nicholas, of Romesley, Hants, merchant Perett, Nicholas, of Lyme, Dorset, merchant; Segewyke, Nicholas, of Romessey, Hants, merchant Perkyn, Richard, of St Manduyt, shipmaster Perle, John, of Hereford, innholder; Grentham, John, of Hereford, sherman Pern, Christopher, of Basham, Norf, gent Perne, Christopher, of Blekeney, Norf, gent; Perne, Thomas, of Feversham, Kent, yeoman; Swaa, William, of Pedyng Norton, Norf, yeoman Perne, Christopher, of West Barsham, Norf, gent Perpount, William, of Holme Perounte, Notts, knight; Gerard, Thomas, of Bren, Lancs, knight; York, Thomas, of Helthorp, Wilts, esq; Hartwall, John, of Preston, Nhants, esq 5145 f 5146 f 6455 d 6456 d 6591 d London debt London debt London London London 6591 d London 5247 f London debt 6560 d London 4577 f Herefs debt Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Wenlond, John Perpount, William, of Holme Perounte, Notts, knight; Gerard, Thomas, of Bren, Lancs, knight; York, Thomas, of Helthorp, Wilts, esq; Hartwall, John, of Preston, Nhants, esq Perpount, William, of Holme Perounte, Notts, knight; Gerard, Thomas, of Bren, Lancs, knight; York, Thomas, of Helthorp, Wilts, esq; Hartwall, John, of Preston, Nhants, esq Perpounte, William, of Holme Perpounte, Notts, knight; Gerard, Thomas, of Bren, Lancs, knight; Yorke, Thomas, of Helthorp, Wilts, esq; Hartwall, John, of Preston, Nhants, esq Perpounte, William, of Holme Perpounte, Notts, knight; Gerard, Thomas, of Bren, Lancs, knight; Yorke, Thomas, of Helthorp, Wilts, esq; Hartwall, John, of Preston, Nhants, esq Perpounte, William, of Holme Perpounte, Notts, knight; Gerard, Thomas, of Bren, Lancs, knight; Yorke, Thomas, of Helthorp, Wilts, esq; Hartwall, John, of Preston, Nhants, esq Perpounte, William, of Holme Perpounte, Notts, knight; Gerard, Thomas, of Bren, Lancs, knight; Yorke, Thomas, of Helthorp, Wilts, esq; Hartwall, John, of Preston, Nhants, esq Pers, Joan, of Great Yarmouth, widow Pers, Joan, of Great Yarmouth, widow Pers, John, of Bellymare, Preston on Wye, husbandman 5715 d Soms Kenfeke, Henry 5661 d Wilts Blake, William 3916 f Devon 5742 d Devon 4357 f Devon 6003 d Kent Basse, Richard 5398 d Staffs Harrys, Humphrey 4997 f Essex debt Watkyns, Richard Franke, John debt Hurst, William Pers, John, of Brigwater, clerk; Maris, John, of Byr(?), Dorset, clerk Pers, William, of Warmyster, husbandman Person, Thomas, of Churchensford, merchant Person, William, of Sydbury, merchant Person, William, of Sydbury, merchant Pery, Edward, of Strode, baker; Juliana his wife Pery, John, of Areley, husbandman Pery, John, of Manewden, husbandman 5134 f trespass: close Josselyn, Thomas, esq Hemmyng, John, executors, of; (Hemmyng, Agnes, widow; Pery, William, junior, of London, London debt Hemmyng, Thomas) brewer 5733 d Devon 4915 f Norf 6233 d Norf 5074 f 6356 d 4269 f 5011 f 5849 d 5699 d 4885 f 6399 d Bydney, John debt Hothe, Richard Mowtyng, Thomas Peryham, Roger, of Exeter, baker Petours, William, of Attylbrygh, husbandman; Cotys, Robert, of Rynglond, husbandman Petyght, Richard, of Est Derham, husbandman Petytt, William, of Otton Beauchamp, husbandman; Pery, Robert, of Bulmer, husbandman; Brother alias Goldyng, Roger, Hynde, John, of Horkesley, glover; executors of; (Brother, Ellys, Thomas, of Lammershe, Richard; Pollard, Robert; Alice husbandman; Richardson, Robert, Essex debt his wife) of Balidon, sherman Peyrson, John, vicar of Styrborn, Yong, William, esq, executors Oxon; Raynard, Robert, of of; (Audelett, John, esq; Lewkener, Oxon, husbandman; Woodward, Lionel; Astley, Scollys, John, of Lewkener, London Simon, clerk) husbandman Peyrson, Robert, of Wroughton, Wilts debt Stevenys, Thomas yeoman Phelipp, John, of Herforth, Hunts debt Candeler, John husbandman Philippe, Thomas, of Plevynt, Cornw Lowre, William; Alice his wife husbandman York Lawson, George, knight Phillyson, William, of York, clerk Phylippe, Thomas, of Plenynt, Cornw trespass: close Lowre, William; Alice his wife husbandman Phyllyppe, Thomas, of Plenynt, Cornw Lowre, William; Alice his wife husbandman 5280 f London debt 4062 f London debt 6319 d Herts 5177 f Dorset 5722 d Dorset 5939 d Surrey 4279 f Hants 5663 d Hants 4057 f London debt 4905 f 5996 d 5997 d 5083 f 6203 d 6017 d waste debt Phylyp, John, of Pycton, Pembroke, Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Wales; Mathewe, George, of of the chamber; Englefeld, Yrader, Glamorgan, esq; Stradlyng, Thomas, knight, justice; Thomas, of Sayndoned, Paulett, William, knight Glamorgan, esq Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Phylyp, Richard, of London, gent Phylyp, Thomas, of Habyngton, Pygrym, Thomas Cams, husbandman Willoughby, Edward, knight; Anne his wife Pillard, William Pillard, William, of Whitechurche, Quykby, John husbandman Plankney, Alexander, of Lincoln, Gytto, John gent Grey, Thomas, Marquess of Dorset, executrix of; (Grey, Margaret, Marchioness of Plantagenet, Arthur, knight, Dorset) Viscount Lysle Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Plantagenett, Arthur, of London, Umpton, Thomas, esq) knight, Viscount Lisle Grey, Thomas, Marquess of Dorset, executrix of; (Grey, Margaret, Marchioness of Plantagynet, Arthur, knight, Dorset) Viscount Lysle Plat(?), John, of Shypdam, husbandman; Hubberd, John, of Shypdam, husbandman; Brunton, Aleyn, Thomas, executors of; John, of Hengham, thatcher; Dyker, Norf debt (Wryght, John; Fekes, Robert) John, of Northwold, husbandman Play, John, of Lyme, Dorset, merchant; Play, Richard, of Lyme, Sussex Dudman, Richard Dorset, merchant Play, John, of Lyme, Dorset, merchant; Play, Richard, of Lyme, Sussex Page, John Dorset, merchant Plewyse, Robert, of St Colan the Over, laborer; Dyer, Nicholas, of St Cornw trespass: close Trenowith, Paul Colan the Over, laborer Plewyse, Robert, of St Colan the Over, laborer; Dyer, Nicholas, of St Cornw Trenowyth, Paul Colan the Over, laborer Plogge, Richard, of Camerwell, Surrey Scott, John husbandman 4319 f Plome, Robert, of Ovyngton, clerk; Tryndyll, George, of Samtony, Norf trespass: close Can, Robert yeoman Plompton, William, of London, Plompton, Gilbert, rector of London debt fishmonger Stykford, Lincs Plompton, William, of London, Plompton, Gilbert, rector of London fishmonger Stykford, Lincs Plukwell, Richard, of Lymber Lincs Smyth, Thomas Magna, husbandman Pod, John, of Aldham, husbandman; Myssyng, William, of Sudbury, mason; Ludkyn, Robert, Suff Hoye, George of Melford, tailor Podde, John, of Aldham, Suff Stratford, John, of Hadley husbandman Poklyngton, Robert, of Bromby, Lincs Wastlyn, John thatcher trespass: killing Poklyngton, William, of Adlyngflett, Yorks animal Pynder, William husbandman 5454 d Suff Pole, Anthony, of Brisett, gent; Blyaunt, Richard, of Ryngsell, gent; Laundy, Thomas, of Ryngsell, yeoman; Felde, John, of Ryngsell, husbandman; Russhe, Walter, of Ryngsell, yeoman 4195 f Derbs common recovery 5669 d 4465 f Wilts Devon concord 4912 f 4104 f Norf Glos debt replevin 6194 d Glos 6154 d London 6172 d London 4848 f London debt 5159 f London debt 5220 f 4073 f 6303 d 5363 d 5434 d 5433 d 5389 d Jacob, Thomas Cokayn, Thomas, knight; Cokayne, Francis, esq; Lowe, Anthony; Cokayne, Edmund; Pole, German, esq; Lowe, Robert, Lowe, Andrew gent Pole, Leonard, of Saperton, Glos, Domynyke, William esq Davy, John; Avice his wife Pollard, Anthony, esq Pollard, John, of Thorp Abbot, thatcher; Gatys, Robert, of Preston, Isaac Byllyngforth, butcher Horne, Robert Polle, Thomas Polle, Thomas, of Durseley, Twesyll, George yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Pollesson, Sibran, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Pollesson, Sibran, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Pollson, Sibram, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Pollson, Sibram, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant 3977 f Shrops trespass: close Spencer, William 5963 d Shrops 6178 d London 5840 d Hants 4664 f Sussex debt 6523 d London 6388 d Essex 5335 d Norwich Polmer, Philip, of Newton, husbandman Polmer, Philip, of Newton, husbandman Polsson, Sibran, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Spencer, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk Broucham, William; Alice his wife; Felipp, William; Alice his wife Polsted, Henry Polyng, Richard, of Fetylworth, yeoman, executors of; (Quale, Robert, of Fetylworth, butcher; Holden, Richard Sybil his wife) Pomfret, Elizabeth, widow, executrix of Pomfret, John, of Westminster, gent, executor of; (Muschamp, William, of Camerwell, Sandford, John, gent Surrey, esq) Frohoke, John Salter, Henry, of Norwich, alderman, executrix of; (Salter, Anice, widow) Pomfret, Henry, of Walden, butcher 5557 d 5839 d Ponyon, Thomas, of North Walsham, raffeman Ponyon, Thomas, of North Walsham, raffman; Bately, Salter, Henry, of Norwich, Thomas, of West Bradenham, alderman, executrix of; husbandman; Wakefeld, Andrew, Norwich debt (Salter, Anice, widow) of Parva Walsyngham, smith Pope, John, of London, beer Oxon debt Carter, Robert, clerk brewer Popy, Robert, of Stuston, Suff trespass: park Cornwales, John, knight husbandman Pores, William, of Lathbury, husbandman; Knyght, John, of Bucks trespass: close Oarker, John Lathbury, husbandman Pagatte, John, executor of; Porter, Richard, of Banbury, Oxon, Nhants trespass: taking (Lucas, John) chaplain Pocok, John, of Newport, Isle Porter, William, of Newport, Isle of Hants debt of Wight, mercer Wight, mercer Porter, William, of Worcester, Worcs debt Acton, Thomas clothier recognisance, Portyngton, John, of Barneby upon Middx writ of entry Consent, Reginald; Redferne Dune, Yorks, esq Portyngton, Robert, of Amcotte, Lincs debt Anderson, William gent Concet, Reginald; Redferme, Yorks Humphrey Portyngton, Thomas, esq Lincs Sylstorn, Roger, gent Portyngton, Thomas, esq 5217 f Postyll, John, of Swanton Abbot, worsted weaver; Postyll, Richard, of Swanton Abbot, worsted weaver; Jaye alias Gaye, Robert, senior, of Swanton Abbot, worsted weaver 4919 f 4255 f 4020 f 4263 f 3988 f 4279 f 4875 f 4836 f 3938 f Norf debt Wymer, Margaret, of Aylsham, widow 6049 d Norf 6406 d Bucks 4071 f 6556 d 4476 f 5422 d 4420 f 5075 f 5129 f Lawes, Thomas, of Drayton Potter, John, of Wyssyngsett, yeoman Potter, Richard, of Fenny Stratford, draper; Thomasine his wife Potter, Stephen, of London, carpenter, executors of; (Potter, Rewley Abbey, Oxford, John, William, of London, carpenter; London debt abbot of Ellen his wife) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Pounder, Richard, of Ipswich, London Norfolk, treasurer of England merchant Powle, Robert, of Mildenhall, husbandman; Fowler, William, of Suff debt Cole, Richard Mildenhall, dyer Powys, Humphrey, of Collesam, Shrops Kynnaston, George, gent Ellesam, March of Wales, gent Pratt alias Dawse, John, of Magna Talbot, George, Earl of Appulby, Leics, chaplain; Shrewsbury; Hastynges, Homersley, Thomas, of Meysham, George, Earl of Huntyngton; chaplain; Gybbons, Robert, of Sacheverell, Richard, knight; Burton on Trent, Staffs, fletcher; trespass: free Wrottesley, Walter, esq; Browne, John, of Burton on Trent, Derbs warren Symondys, Humphrey, gent yeoman Pratt, William, of Parva Herts trespass: close Copcot, Richard Gaddesden, husbandman Pratt, William, rector of Canteley, Kyrke, Sybil, prioress of Norf; Wheteley, Richard, of Alveley, Middx debt Stratford at Bowe Priory Essex, gent Auste, Roger debt Leycetour, Thomas, of Cirencester, mercer 4486 f Glos 5612 d London Parnell, John, of London, draper 5033 f London debt Parnell, John, of London, draper 4115 f Norf Everard, John 4619 f 6213 d Sussex trespass Worcs Midmore, Elias Geffreys, Thomas 5066 f Herts Colle, Simon debt debt Pratte, William, of Crekelade, Wilts, husbandman; Herold, John, of Chepyng Sodbury, mercer; Mayho, Thomas, of Dursley, mercer Pratte, William, of Shettyswell, Warks, yeoman; Gardiner, Richard, of Shottewell, Wark, yeoman, executrix of; (Gardyner, Elizabeth, of Shottyswell, widow) Pratte, William, of Shottyswell, Warks, yeoman; Gardyner, Richard, of Shottyswell, yeoman, executrix of; (Gardyner, Elizabeth of Shottyswell, widow) Pratte, William, of Thurgarton, shoemaker Pratye, John, of Chedynglye, husbandman Pratye, John, of Yardeley, gent Preest, John, of Barkwey, butcher; Hemyngewey, Thomas, of Buntyngford, tailor; Besouth, William, of Yeredeley, laborer; Sered, Richard, of Broke Walden, Essex, laborer 6242 d Norf Rogers, William 4557 f 6212 d Norf Cornw 5011 f Hunts 5648 d Oxon Dorwall(?), Thomas 5490 d London Magnus, Thomas, clerk 3970 f Staffs debt 4867 f Worcs trespass: close Swyfte, Richard 4528 f Herefs trespass: taking Mynours, Roger 3927 f York debt 5334 d 4105 f Leics Essex replevin trespass: close Monoux, George, knight Prest, Simon Sawtry Abbey, Robert, abbot trespass: close of Wolryche, William Metcalff, Roger, gent 5492 d London Paynter, Thomas Everard, Richard Bucland, John, of Shapton Malet, Soms, clothier, executrix of; (Bucland, Joan, widow) Bucland, John, of Shepton Malet, Soms, clothier, executrix of; (Bucland, Joan, widow) 5735 d Devon Sherman, John, senior 5206 f London debt Rolle, George 6184 d Glos Stokys, John 4435 f London debt Prent, Nicholas, of Aylisham, mercer Prentyse, Thomas, of Mawdeleyn, yeoman; Pynder, Thomas, of Wygnall, shepherd Prest, Nicholas Prest, Richard, of Walton, husbandman Prest, Thomas, of CHarleton, husbandman Preston, Arthur, of Bilburgh, Yorks, gent Preston, Hugh, of Penkeryche, husbandman; Northall, John, of Swynforde, yeoman; Fletcher, Thomas, of Wrottesley, yeoman Preston, Robert, of Byrmyngeham, Warks, shoemaker; Simmond, George, of Byrmyngeham, shoemaker Probyn, Richard, of Trevasse, yeoman Proctour, Geoffrey, of Bordeley, gent, executors of; (Proctour, Richard, of Bordley, gent; Staveley, Miles, of Rypon Parke, gent; Staveley, John, of Rypon Parke, gent) Proctour, William, of Tong, laborer Prolle, John Prouz, Patrick, of London, merchant tailor Prouz, Patrick, of London, merchant tailor; Barnys, William, of London, merchant tailor Prust, Richard, of Cheryton Fitzpayn, chaplain Pudsey, Edmund, of Dertmouth, Devon, yeoman; Graynfeld, John, of Kensyngton, Middx, gent; Hewett, Nicholas, of Todwyk, yorks, gent; Smyth, Thomas, of Parys Garden, Suff, yeoman; Threlkyld, Martin, of Worcester, gent Puffe, William, of Amysbury, husbandman 6184 d 3974 f 4009 f 4325 f 5267 f 5674 d 4285 f 5067 f 4710 f 4273 f 5169 f 4026 f 3979 f 6260 d 6260 d Puffe, William, of Amysbury, husbandman; Streyt, William, of Amysbury, husbandman; Hyckys, John, of Amysbury, husbandman; Hall, Thomas, of Amysbury, husbandman; Sampson, Edward, Glos Holwey, John, senior of Amysbury, husbandman Puleson, William, of Lynchefeld, shoemaker; Stone, John, of Ruddyng, John, executors of; Walsall, lorimer; Hawlate, Stephen, (Grasbroke, John, of of Hondesworth, hoopmaker; Shenston, landlord; Ruddyng, Pyllesworth, John, of Lychefeld, Staffs debt Ellen, widow) yeoman Pulleyn, Thomas, of Camsall, Yorks debt Goldsmyth, William yeoman Pulleyn, Thomas, of Camsall, yeoman; Whitley, Thomas, of Yorks debt Hastynges, Brian, esq Camsell, yeoman Audeley, Thomas, Keeper of the Great Seal; FitzWilliam, Puncheon, William, of London, William, Chancellor, Duchy of gent; Watson, John, of London, London debt Lancaster innholder Bond, John, of Norton, Punter, John, of Hullavyngton, Wilts yeoman yeoman Bonde, John, of Norton, Punter, John, of Hullavyngton, Wilts debt yeoman yeoman Purcas, Roger, of Shalford, carpenter; Loveday, Thomas, of Essex debt Pawe, Thomas Est Ingthrop, carpenter Purcas, William, of Wethersfeld, husbandman; Turnour, Thomas, of Witham, innholder; Payne, John, of Essex forcible entry Bultell, John; Busshe, John Witham, palemaker Purnell, John, of Wutton Bassett, Wilts debt Grenehurst, Richard husbandman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London debt Bishops Lenn Purpet, John, of Norwich, merchant Purry, Edmund, of Woodbrigge, Suff debt Braye, Robert gent Purselowe, John, of Mylechop, husbandman; Gravenour, Humphrey, of Mylechop, husbandman; Elizabeth his wife; Nyxson, John, of Mylechop, husbandman; Bryde, Margaret, of Shrops trespass: close Clon, John; Joan his wife Egeton, widow Walepole, Thomas; Ramege, Purser, Oliver, of Sherewesbery, Norf Thomas Salop, draper Walpole, Thomas; Ramege, Purser, Oliver, of Sherwesbery, Norf Thomas Salop, draper 6261 d Norwich Code, Robert, prior of Penteney Priory 5374 d Lincs Storre, Oswald 6186 d Herefs Geffreys, Henry Lytleton, Thomas, esq Purser, Simon, of Sherwesbery, Salop, draper; Fermour, John, of North Pykenham, gent Puttrell, John, of Spaldyng, husbandman Pycher, Richard, of Cradeley, gent; Hancokys, Thomas, of Bromyard, husbandman; Gelton, John, of Esbache, husbandman Pycher, Thomas, of Powyk, gent; Richardson, John, of Churche Falford, Warks, miller; Daubeney, Francis, of Blaknawcton, husbandman; Avowne(?), Thomas, of Bengeworth, fuller Pye, John, of Rammesbury, yeoman; Lombe, John, of Myldenall, yeoman; Frankelyn, John, of Wutton Bassett, husbandman Pye, Richard, of West Retford, butcher 6190 d Worcs 4281 f Wilts debt Yong, John 4411 f Notts debt 5367 d Lincs 5983 d Yorks 6029 d Kent 6164 d Middx 5359 d Yorks 5671 d Wilts Wastness, George, esq Harcroft, Alice, widow, executor of; (Nodde, William, Pye, Thomas, of Lutton, Sutton, junior) butcher Pyerpoynt, William, of Holme, Notts, knight; Monoux, George, Edeson, Oliver knight Pyers, John, of Longfeld, husbandman; Swanne, Thomas, of Northflete, gent; Middelton, Tuttesham, John, gent William, of Nutsted, husbandman Waller, William, esq; Foster, Pyers, William, of Harwyche, William Essex, yeoman Beauchief Abbey, John, abbot Pygden, Henry, of Guldethorp, of husbandman Pyggott, William, of Crudwell, gent; Essex, Simon, clerk Margery his wife 4466 f Essex 4273 f Hants 6247 d Norf 5376 d Lincs 6023 d Surrey 4008 f Yorks concord Bisshop, Robert, Joan his wife Pyke, John Pyke, John, of Chorleton, trespass: close Lysle, Thomas, knight husbandman Pyke, John, of Est Todenham, Byllyngforth, Edmund, esq husbandman Pykell, John, of Leverton, Clymson, John husbandman Pynche, Thomas, of Suthwerk, tailor; Harlyng, Thomas, of Barmondesey, fellmonger; Harteswell, Thomas, of Newyngton, Knyghtley, William collier Pynder, Edmund, of Wymmersley, debt Helwes, Richard husbandman 4020 f Suff debt 6333 d Cams Dewys, John, chaplain 6269 d Cams Malory, Anthony, esq 3905 f Herts 5735 d Devon Bevys, Thomas 5329 d Suff 5663 d Hants 6436 d London Cotton, Alice, widow Coke, Thomas, executrix of; (Coke, Thomasine, widow) Forthe, Richard, of London, draper 6211 d Herefs Jeffreys, William 4283 f Hants debt Cutteras, John Anable, John Pyngyll, Thomas, of Haveryll, tailor; Heyward, Thomas, of Hunden, husbandman; Archer, John, of Newmarkett, Cams, baker Pynke, Thomas, of Bassyngborn, yeoman Pynke, Thomas, of Bassyngborn, yeoman Pynke, Thomas, of Basyngbourne, Cams, husbandman; Pokeryng, William, of London, schoolmaster; Loryng, John, of Henlowe, Beds, miller Pynson, William, of Bovy Tracy, yeoman Pyper, Robert, of Stecheforthe, Cams, miller Pystor, Robert, of Sombourn Regis, gent Pytcher, Edmund, of Hadley, Suff, innholder Pytcher, Richard, of Cradely, gent Pytler, William, of Bosyngton, husbandman; Pytler, Michael, of Bosyngton, husbandman 6021 d trespass: close Baker, Thomas Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Pyttowe, Thomas, of Walsyngham London Bishops Lenn Parva, Norfork, yeoman Querynden, Peter, of Rolvynden, Kent Asten, John clothmaker 6510 d London Roche, John, of London, draper 6204 d Cornw Axeford, Thomas 5740 d Devon 6309 d London 5131 f London debt 4309 f Yorks 6308 d London Hadley, James Gopserler, Lawrence, master of St Thomas Martyr Hospital, Quyntrell, Richard, of Lyskerd, London Cornw, yeoman Quyntyn, John, of Hadley, Suff, Roche, William, of London, clothier; Quyntyn, John, of Hadley, draper clothier Hetton, Edward, executor of; Qwhernby, Nicholas, of (Rolleston, Lionel) Nottingham, gent Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, John) Radclyff, Robert, Earl of Sussex 6467 d debt Qunytyne, John, of Hadley, clothier; Qunytyne, John, of Hadley, clothier Quyckbone, Peter, of Blowflemyng, clerk Quyke, John, of Fremyngton, husbandman 4742 f London debt 5400 d Shrops 4673 f 6516 d 4455 f 3903 f 5658 d 5049 f Oxenbrigge, John, clerk, executor of; (Denton, James, Radysh, Nicholas, of Wyndesore, clerk) Berks, yeoman Ragdon, Fulk, of Stonacton, Geselyng, Nicholas yeoman Rammysden, Ambrose, of Rolvynden, chapman; Turnar, Stephen, of Chepsted, Chevenyng, yeoman; Laurence, Robert, of Arundell, Sussex, chapman; Hykmote, Richard, of Hawkeherst, chapman; Hyllys, Nicholas, of Kent debt Lane, John, of London, grocer Chychester, Sussex, mason Randall, James, of Combe St Soms Roseter, Elizabeth, widow Nicholas, husbandman trespass: Randall, Thomas, of Hedeley, Yorks assault Oglethorp, Richard yeoman Randall, William, of Grantham, Lincs trespass: close Thimolby, John, knight husbandman Randelff, James, of Parva Bucks Godstowe Abbey, abbess of Missenden, husbandman Pagit, Robert, of London, Ranold, Robert, of Maydston, Kent, London debt alderman yeoman 6225 d Norf 5892 d Norf Skete, Nicholas, of Wykemer, executors of; (Barne, Thomas; Holle, William) Burman, Robert, of Hobbeys Magna worsted weaver 4212 f Yorks Smalpage, Thomas, of Wakefeld, Yorks, clothier, administratrix of; (Smalpage, Elizabeth, widow) 5249 f London debt Nevile, Thomas, knight; Wyatt, Henry, knight Middx Lucas, Thomas, esq, administrators of; (Grenefeld, Ratclyff, Margaret, Lady FitzWater, John, esq; Lucas, John, of of St Katherine by the Tower, London, gent) London, widow 4080 f 6426 d Middx 4335 f Soms 5602 d Kent debt execution debt debt Ransom, Thomas, of Alburgh, husbandman; Sarys, Alan, of Wykemer, husbandman Rant, Simon, of North Walsham, worsted weaver Rastell, John, of London, stationer Rastwold, Edward, of Hedsore, Bucks, esq; Chayne, John, of Drayton Bechampe, Bucks, esq Lucas, Thomas, esq, Ratclyff, Ratclyff, Lady FitzWater, administrators of; (Grenefeld, of St Katherine by the Tower, John, esq; Lucas, John, gent) widow Ratclyff, Richard, of Banwell, husbandman; Blandon, John, of Banwell, husbandman; Blandon, Gladwyn alias Hosyer, John Robert, of Banwell, husbandman Hubbard, Michael; Pyers, Rattell, Robert, senior; Isabel his Nicholas; Beverley, John wife 5015 f Cams 4755 f London debt 5559 d London 6346 d London Gryme, John Burnell, Thomas, of London, mercer Burnell, Thomas, of London, mercer Burnell, Thomas, of London, mercer 6204 d Cornw Thomas, William 5733 d Devon 4561 f Leics 5391 d Lincs 5680 d Yorks debt Wode, Alexander, esq Rawlyns, Robert; Rawlyns, Robert; Rawlyns, William; trespass: close Rawlyns, Thomas, senior grantham, Thomas Taylor, John account as bailiff Rawe, Robert, of Tetburne St Mary, chaplain; Wodelegh, John, of Tetburne St Mary, husbandman Rawlyns, Thomas, junior, of Wodhouse, husbandman Rawlynson, Richard, of Est Rasyn, glover Ray, Henry, of North Duffeld, husbandman Rayer, Richard, of Est Mallyng, shipwright; Joan his wife Raynardston, Anthony, of Southewerk, smith Raynesford, John, of Bradefeld, Essex, knight Raynold, Walter, of Wylton, Wilts, mercer Raynold, Walter, of Wylton, Wilts, mercer 4672 f Kent 6006 d Surrey Eyre, Thomas 4054 f London debt 4148 f London debt 6415 d London 5399 d Staffs Darnall, James Compton, John, of Pole, Dorset, merchant Compton, John, of Pole, merchant Mynton, John, executors of; (Mynton, Thomas; Grene, Thomas) 4274 f Hants debt Stokysley, John, Bishop of London, formerly rector of Brixton, Isle of Wight 4343 f Devon debt Frost, William Reddell, Roger, of Burmyngham, draper Rede, Ellen, widow, executrix of Rede, Robert, administrator of; (Heyward, Nicholas, of Exbury, Falley, husbandman) Rede, Henry, of Rowburgh, husbandman Crane, Robert, esq Rede, John, of Burys St Mary, yeoman; Alford, John, of Sudbury, tanner; Revett, Roger, of Melford, smith; Stakworth, Roger, of Melford, laborer; Emmys, John, of Sudbury, cordwainer 5190 f Suff debt Holland, Lawrence Raven, Arnold, of Burwell, husbandman; Norffolk, William, of Burwell, husbandman; Wylkyn alias Barker, John, of Burwell, laborer; Chomber, John, of Soham Prior, husbandman Ravenyng, Robert, of Odyndon, Oxon, gent Ravenyng, Robert, of Odyndon, Oxon, gent Ravenyng, Robert, of Odyndon, Oxon, gent Raw, Joan James Michael, widow, executrix of Rawe, James Michael, executor of; (Wallys, Philip, of Levant, glover) 5572 d London 4500 f London debt 4416 f Warks 5736 d Devon 4116 f Norf 5091 f Berks 6485 d London 4619 f Hants 5661 d Hants 6002 d 4644 f Sussex Surrey 4610 f Yorks 5059 f Essex 5738 d Devon 4352 f Devon 4921 f Norf 5964 d Shrops 6290 d Shrops 4532 f Shrops Fysshe, Leonard, administrator of; (Fysshe, Guy) Averell, Henry, of London, goldsmith Rede, Leonard, of Borstall, Bucks, esq Rede, Leonard, of Oxford, esq Rede, Maurice, of Bynton, yeoman, Grenefeld, Richard, esq, executors of; (Huchyn, John, of executor of; (Grenefeld, Chepyng Norton, Oxon, yeoman; debt Edward, esq) Joan his wife) Rede, Nicholas, of Wenbury, Plympton Priory, John, prior of yeoman Rede, Richard, of Catfeld, husbandman; Fenne, James, of trespass Fayreman, John Catfeld, husbandman Rede, Robert, of Burton, Shrynam, debt Gunter, Geoffrey husbandman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Rede, Robert, of Ryngsted, Norf, Bishops Lenn yeoman Rede, Thomas, of Borhaunt, trespass Holand, Hugh yeoman Rede, Thomas, of Borhaunt, Holland, Hugh yeoman Rede, Thomas, of Farneham, Justice, Thomas, clerk yeoman debt Hylton, William Rede, Thomas, of Farnham, fuller Darcy, George, knight; Darcy, Arthur, knight; Evers, Ralph, knight; Constable, Marmaduke, knight; Constable, William, knight; trespass: free Strangweys, Thomas, esq; warren Gryce, Thomas Rede, Thomas, of Seton, chaplain Rede, William, of Chelmysford, debt Williams, Joan, widow draper Rede, William, of Cornewode, Snellyne, William tinner Rede, William, of Cornwode, debt Snellyng, Robert yeoman Rede, William, of Hethersett, husbandman; Appulton, Thomas, of Hethersett, husbandman; Wylk, John, of Hethersett, husbandman; Rede, John, of Hethersett, trespass: close Burrowe, John husbandman Moreton, Robert, of Hawton, Redell, Roger, of Brymycham, gent Warks, gent Moreton, Robert, of Hawton, Redell, Roger, of Brymycham, gent Warks, gent Moreton, Robert, of Hawton, Redell, Roger, of Byrmycham, debt gent Warks, gent or draper 4467 f London Yorks replevin Westm or concord Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Amplesford, John Gascoynge, Marmaduke, esq; Joan his wife 5450 d Suff Hawkysby, Henry 6550 d 4009 f 6353 d London 3906 f Herts 6314 d Herts 4443 f London 5877 d London 5390 d Lincoln 5096 f Berks 3928 f Norf 4869 f Cornw Redhood alias Redwod, Thomas, of London, grocer; Lawrence, John, of Newyngton, Surrey, gent Redman, Thomas Redmayn, Richard, esq Redmer, William, of Exnyng, clerk Redmyan, Richard, of Levyns, Highmore, Lancelot, of Westmor, esq; Flemyng, Hugh, of Armaythnat, esq, executrix of; Rydale, Westmor, esq; Flemyng, (Highmore, Agnes, widow) Anthony, of Ridale, gent Reede, Robert, of Hoddysdon, debt Hunt, George butcher Reede, Thomas, of Hoddysdon, Benette, Thomas maltman Frestobalde, Francis, of Regalis Vallis Abbey, John, abbot debt execution Florence of Baynton, Agnes, widow; Barton, John, of London, Remyngton, Richard, of Kexby, brewer Yorks, yeoman Alanson, Robert, of Lincoln, Renold, Thomas, of East Barffold, jeweler Suff, clothier Repon, Thomas, of Newbery, debt Awdelett, John, of Abenden clothier Lounde, John, son of Lounde, concord William Reppes, Henry Restasa, William, of Trelean, husbandman; John, Richard, of Trelean, husbandman; John, Michael, of Trelean, husbandman; Tregennowe, Nicholas; Trelean, William, of Trelean, trespass: close Verian, Stephen husbandman 4586 f Cornw forcible entry 4467 f Norf concord 6408 d Berks 6307 d London Conlyng, William, esq Pecket, Thomas; Agnes his wife Reynold, William Wyssh, John, of London, merchant Retallek, Richard, of St Meryn, yeoman; Clemens, John, of St Meryn, husbandman; George, John, of St Meryn, husbandman; Hykke, Sampson, of St Meryn, husbandman; William, Benedict, of St Meryn, husbandman; Wethyell, John, senior, of St Meryn, husbandman; Kayser, John, of St Meryn, husbandman; Rawe, Thomas, of St Meryn, husbandman Reve alias Wolney, Thomas Reve, Andrew, of Redyng, butcher Revell, John, of Norwich, grocer 5439 d 4466 f 5357 d Suff Suff Suff concord Aleyn, Constance, widow of Aleyn, John, baron of the Exchequer Revet, John Hastyng, John, esq 6404 d Oxon Osney Abbey, John, abbot of 5841 d Suff Rabett, Reginald, gent 5436 d 5839 d Suff Norf 5358 d Soms 4916 f Norf 5980 d Devon 5451 d Suff 4055 f London debt Myller, John Fortescue, William, of Wode, esq, executors of; (Fortsecue, Robert, esq; Fortescue, Edward) Grome, Robert, of Lavenham, clothier Darnall, James, of Manytre, Essex, clothman 5191 f 4151 f 5220 f Suff Norf Norf debt replevin replevin Roo, Robert Bukke, William, of Bunwell Bukke, William, of Bunwell 5689 d 5334 d Yorks Leics 4658 f Kent debt Skrymsher, William; Elizabeth Parmeter, John Polley, John, senior, of Tudeley; Polley, Richard, of Tudeley 3910 f Lincs debt 5398 d Staffs 5080 f Yorks 6322 d Essex 6237 d Norf Heynes, Simon, president of Queens College, Cambridge Reymes, Francis, gent Bray, Edmud, knight, Lord Bray; Joan his wife debt Revell, Thomas, junior, of Dalham, husbandman Revet, Andrew Revet, John Rewley Abbey, Oxford, John, abbot of; Thomworth, James, monk; Harrys, William, of Erdyngton, husbandman; Malyett, William, of Erdyngton, laborer Reydon, Robert, of Wynston, yeoman Reygnold, George, of Bergholt, yeoman; Smyth, John, of Stutton, yeoman Reymes, John, gent Reymond, Robert Reymys, Oliver, of Burnham Westgate; Fontter, Nicholas, of Holme, husbandman Reynell, Walter, of Sherford, esq Reyner, John, of Bretenham, husbandman Reynesford, John, of Bradfeld, Essex, knight Reynold, of Fylstowe, husbandman; Curteyns, John, of Levyngton, husbandman Reynold, Simon Reynold, Simon Ricard, Thomas, of Hatfeld, gent Richard, husbandman Richarde, William, of Senoke, smith Farwhate alias Brigge, Richardson, Thomas, of Richard, of Leicester, mercer Billyngburgh, husbandman Rider, John, of Penkeryche, Meson, Thomas butcher Rigg, Thomas, of New Malton, trespass: close Carter, John cordwainer Robard, John, of London, saddler; Raynwyke, John, of London, brewer; Bayn, William, of London, mercer; Morye, Richard, of London, Turpyn, Thomas, gent lath seller Robart, Richard, of Burneham Dyssyng, Robert, clerk Sutton, clerk 5998 d 5494 d Kent Roberd, Thomas Roberd, Walter, of Gowdeherst, husbandman London Colyer, Thomas, of Cranebroke, executor of; (Colyer, Robert) Roberdys, Edmund, of Cranebroke, Kent, yeoman; Best, John, of Mersham, kent, yeoman; Baker, John, of Hallyng, Kent, tailor 4918 f Norwich debt Palmer, Robert, junior 4875 f Worcs Ree, John 6187 d Worcs 5358 d Lincs debt Ree, John, junior Hewar, Arthur; Tyndale, Humphrey account as receiver Robertson, Anthony Robertson, Lawrence, of Lutton Hirne, yeoman 3945 f Lincs 4465 f Sussex concord Burdevile, Henry 6211 d Herefs 5972 d Norf Bayly, William Melle, Robert; Canterell, Ralph; Reve, Thomas; Benet, Edmund Robsert, John; Elizabeth his wife 6394 d Yorks Pemberton, Thomas, knight Robson, William, of Thyrlby, roper 3930 f Surrey debt Heron, Thomas, esq 4003 f Yorks forcible entry Abbott, Alice, widow Robsone, John, of Croydon, barber Robuks, Edward, of Pountfrett, saddler; Abbott, William, of Pountfrett, yeoman; Abbott, Richard, of Pountfrett, chaplain 4811 f Hants replevin 6358 d London 5612 d London 4947 f Nhants replevin 4241 f Norf Quycke, John, of Basyngstoke Roby, Arthur; Fyssher, John Robyns, John, of Stowe Market, Suff, barber; Studde, Richard, of Stowe Market, cooper; Sterff, Halmer, John, of London Thomas, of Stowe Market, baker Robyns, John, of Stowmarkett, Suff, barber; Studde, Richard, of Stowmarkett, cooper; Sterff, Halmer, John, of London Thomas, of Stowmarkett, baker Robyns, Robert; Bradshawe, Verney, Richard James Broun, William; Dyn, Robert; Colman, William; Colyour, Robynson, Edward, of Norwich, John tailor forcible entry Uncle, Alice, widow Roberdys, John, of Sudbury, Suff, chapman; Grumme, Richard, of Worsted, worsted weaver; Hookyns, William, of London, grocer; Poynter, William, of Est Derham, mercer; Prent, Nicholas, of Ayllesham, husbandman Robertis, Richard, of Donnyngton, Lincs, husbandman Robertis, Richard, of Donyngton, Lincs, husbandman Robertys, Henry, gent Robertys, William, of Clehungre, chaplain; Geffreys, John, of Bourghill, husbandman; Holond, James, of Bodenham, yeoman 6306 d Cams Whitlokke, Thomas 6237 d Norf Myller, Robert 5764 d Norf 4325 f Yorks Bedyngfeld, Edmund, knight Ellys, Thomas, of Doncaster, merchant 6375 d Herts 4459 f Yorks debt 4321 f Yorks debt 6289 d Essex Trappes, Andrew 6541 d Devon Boway, Roger Robynson, William, of Magna Browghton, yeoman Roche, William, of Haveryng atte Bowre, husbandman Rochehey, Thomas, of Bycketon, clerk Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Paulett, William, knight Fynche, William, prior of Bremore Priory Rochester, Christopher, of Terlyng, Essex, esq; Brandely, Richard, of Fawburne, Essex, gent Rodeberd, John, of Bradyng, Isle of Wight, clerk debt Totenham, William 6453 d London 5208 f London debt Elwod, Robert Conyers, Christopher, administrators of; (Wylberfosse, Robert, Alice his wife) 5107 f London debt Fynch, William, prior of Bremore Priory 4661 f Kent Wyborne, William 5726 d Devon 4886 f Cornw 5071 f 5974 d Essex Yorks 5287 f 5353 d debt Cornysshe, Isota, widow trespass: taking Probes, Richard account as receiver Browne, John Hornclif, Robert writing Staffs Bysshopp, Thomas; Stapleton, William Cleyton, Thomas Robynson, John, of Brynkley, tailor Robynson, Richard, of Peterborowgh, Nhants, baker Robynson, Robert, of Acle, yeoman Robynson, Thomas, of Bawtre, yeoman Robynson, William, of Buntyngford, tailor Robynson, William, of Grenehowe, yeoman Rodeberd, John, of Bradynge, Isle of Wight, clerk; Hawles, Thomas, senior, of Bradynge, husbandman; Hawles, William, of Bynbrige, Isle of Wight, husbandman; Knyght, Robert,of Bynbrige, husbandman Roger, John, of Goodherst, smith; West, Lawrence, of Tunbrigge, smith; Portre, William, of Cranebroke, smith Roger, John, of Halwyll, chaplain; Cornysshe, Richard, of Halwyll, husbandman Roger, John, of Helston Burgh, tanner; John, Richard, of Helston Burgh, tanner; Richard, Thomas John, of Helston Burgh, cordwainer; Brokyar, John, of of Helston, cordwainer Roger, Robert, of Tendryng, butcher Roger, William, of Hedon, weaver Rogers, John, esq, son of Rogers, John, of Bryanston, Dorset, knight Rogers, Richard, of Heyhouse, yeoman 4138 f Norf trespass: park Braunche, John, gent 5205 f Soms debt Wastell, John debt Grey, Thomas, of London, grocer 5230 f Bucks 4669 f Kent debt 4644 f Surrey debt 5648 d Oxon 6032 d Suff 4839 f Middx 4117 f Suff Rogers, Stephen, of Taverham, husbandman Rogers, Thomas, of Pryde, husbandman; Milkehill, John, of Pryde, husbandman; Milnard, Simon, of Compton Marten, husbandman Rogers, William, of Magna Marlowe, capper; Rowland, John, of Magna Marlowe, fuller; Powell, Richard, of Henley on Thames, Oxon, yeoman; Morecocke, John, of Hadsworth, miller Dobson, Richard, of Dertford, yeoman, executors of; (More, Rogers, William, of Stone juxta William; Margaret his wife) Dertford, husbandman Rogers, William, of Sutton in Hone, Alye, Robert Kent, yeoman Rokeld, Robert, of Hamylden, Wolley, Thomas Bucks, husbandman Rokewod, Robert, of Stanyfeld, esq; Cowper, Thomas, of Hansted, yeoman; Brown, John; Brown, Robert; Brown, John; Janyng, John; Bullok, William; Ford, William; Bullok, William; Tyllott, Robert; Slypper, Henry, Slypper, Bartholomew; Braye, John; Goshawke, John; Hamond, John; Gardener, Thomas; Prykke, Robert recognisance, writ of entry Drury, Robert, knight Hobart, Henry, of Loddon, Norf, esq; Beaupre, Edmond, esq; Gryffyth, Edward, esq; Rokewode, Nicholas; Drury, Robert, esq; Heydon, Russeborough, Richard; Richard, esq Wykeham, John common recovery Hobart, Henry, esq; Beaupre, Edmund, esq; Gryffyth, Rokewode, Nicholas; Edward, esq; Drury, Robert, Russheborough, Richard; esq; Heydon, Richard, esq Wekeham, John Rolfe, Alice, of West Hanyngfeld, Essex, widow; Baker, Thomas, of West Hanyngfeld, husbandman Rolfe, Alice, of West Hanyngfeld, widow; Baker, Thomas, of West Hanyngfeld, husbandman 6549 d Middx Stanley, John, of St Clement without Temple Bar, London 5473 d Middx Stanley, John, of St Clement without Temple Bar, London London Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, Justice; Roll, George, of London, gent; Paulett, William, knight Wichelhalse, John, of London, gent 6590 d Horsyngton, John Rolles, William, of Elmeley Lovet, husbandman Romney, Thomas, of Shorham, butcher Romney, Thomas, of Stansted, yeoman Rondyll, John, of Taunton, Soms, merchant Ronell, Thomas, of St Kewe, husbandman; Spere, Thomas, of St Kewe, husbandman; Kastell, Richard, of Eggleshayle, husbandman Ronell, Thomas, of St Kewe, husbandman; Spere, Thomas, of St Kewe, husbandman; Kastell, Richard, of Eggleshayle, husbandman Ronon, Thomas, of Byckfold, Soms, esq Longe, Thomas Roo, Robert, of Naylond, butcher; Roo, William, of Naylond, butcher; Baker, William, of Naylond, mercer; Wynter, Henry, of Wormyngford, Essex, husbandman; Marten, John, of Wormyngford, husbandman 6191 d Worcs Smyth, Thomas 5862 d Kent Rogers, William 4668 f Kent 5733 d Devon 5222 f Cornw trespass: close Newton, Richard 4878 f Cornw trespass: close Tredenek, John 4089 f London debt trespass Wulcott, John, of Exeter 4016 f Suff 4840 f Middx 5603 d Kent 4457 f account as Cumber receiver 4809 f Surrey debt 4793 f Surrey debt 3914 f Surrey 6088 d 4873 f 5975 d 4478 f Hull, Richard debt recognisance, writ of entry Touneshende, Robert et al Touneshend, Roger, knight; Southwell, Richard; Touneshend, Robert; Southwell, Robert, esq Osmoderley, William Gardener, John, executors of; (Venables, Walter; Joan his wife) Venables, Walter; Joan his wife Gardener, John, executors of; (Venables, Walter; Joan his wife) Lye, William, of London, haberdasher Roper, Edward Roper, Edward, gent Roper, Edward, of Bromefeld, yeoman; Thornbrand, John, of Langryge, yeoman Ropley by Est, John, of Chedyngfeld, husbandman Ropley by Est, John, of Chedyngfeld, husbandman Ropley, John, of Chedyngfeld, husbandman Rose, Edward, of Stoke Neylond, London Suff, merchant Rosmeneves(?), Martin, of St Stythians, husbandman; Rosmeneves, Richard, of St Cornw debt Cosswarne, John Stythians, husbandman Pagenham, Henry, of Rosse, Edmund, of Amersham, Bucks Leyghton Bussard, Beds husbandman Parker, William, gent; Spycer Rotheram, Thomas, knight; Beds entry de quibus alias Hedder, John Daldurne, Robert debt 6245 d 4552 f Norwich Westm or Westm or 5973 d 4016 f Devon Suff 3971 f Staffs 5850 d Cornw 5878 d London 6260 d Norf 6427 d Surrey 3984 f Staffs 5987 d Middx 3930 f Derbs 4664 f Kent 5406 d Staffs 5915 d 4648 f 3929 f Surrey Suff 6502 d Suff 5718 d Soms Rotherford, Richard, of Rochester, Carre, Christopher, of Northumb, gent; Dent, John, of Newcastle on Tyne, merchant Newcastle on Tyne, gent Roulandson, John, of Qwynsell, Thornburgh, Nicholas yeoman Roulandson, Rowland, of debt Thornburgh, Nicholas Kentedale, chaplain Sture, Henry; Agnes his wife; Corkyke, William; Joan his Rous, Roger; Lappe, John, of wife; Hert, John Ugborough debt Leche, Edmund Rouse, Leonoard, of Eston, gent Roussell, Thomas, of Stafford, yeoman; Hydde, Thomas, of debt Walker, Humphrey Hartyngton, Derbs, yeoman Rove or Rone, senior, Richard, of Weryn, William Mylbroke, fisher Rowce, Henry, of London, Garlond, William scrivener Rowe, Robert, of Pulham St Mary, Arborowe, Robert thatcher Pomfrett, Elizabeth, widow, executrix of Atwell, John, executor of; (Muscamp, Rowis, John, of Northhall, Middx, William, esq) husbandman Rowle, Geoffrey, of Melton, trespass: close Rowle, John husbandman Rowlett, Ralph, of London, Blount, William, of Mountioy, goldwmith; Bowys, Martin, of knight London, goldsmith Rowley, John, of Asshebourne, butcher; Johnson, Robert, of trespass Jakson, William Asshebourn, smith Rowley, John, of Ereth, husbandman; Rygby, Nicholas, of Multan, Robert, of Otforde, Kyngesdowne juxta Dartford, debt executor of; (Multan, Robert) husbandman Rowley, Thomas, son of Rowley, Thomas of Heykeley, executors of; (Meire, Thomas, of Halhowson, chaplain; Hichecok, John, of Rowley, Thomas, of Heykeley, Shelton, husbandman; Margery his executor of; (Rowley, William) wife) debt concord Pomfrett, Elizabeth, widow, executrix of Attwell, John, of Westminster, gent, executor Rows, John, of Northhall, Middx, of; (Muschamp, William, esq) husbandman Trasy, George, esq Rows, Reginald, esq Rowse, Edmund, or Great Yarmouth, draper; Fox, Edmund, of Soterley, husbandman; Cove, More, Henry Edmund, of Trowse, Norf, butcher Rowsewell, Adam, of Westbury, Hogges, Walter yeoman 4596 f London debt Maynard, John 3969 f Staffs 4990 f London debt Babyngton, William, esq Mery, William, of London, grocer 4777 f Berks 6393 d 4424 f Essex Notts 5287 f 5837 d Suff 4545 f Wilts trespass trespass: close Roys, Henry Rowth, Thomas, of Bedford, chapman Roxcettur, Edward, Barneshurst, yeoman; Stokes, William, of Bloxwiche, husbandman; Rychardys, Robert, of Bloxwyche, lorimer Roye, William, of London, grocer Roys, John, of Est Henreth, yeoman; Yong, Edward, of Est Henreth, husbandman Roys, William, of Depden, husbandman; Sexten, Robert, of Radwynter, tilemaker; Ambrose, John, of Walden, chaplain; Edward, Richard, of Walden, gelder Royt, Thomas; Atkynson, John Ruckwood, Robert, of Stannyfeld, Suff, esq Awsten, William, chaplain Foster, Robert Cholmeley, Roger, sergeant indenture at law Gelgate, William; Margaret his wife Rudlond, John Rugge, Thomas, of Wynborne trespass: close Hopkyns, Thomas Stoke, husbandman replevin 3978 f Shrops debt 5273 f 4457 f London debt trespass: Cumber burning house 6028 d Kent 4478 f Shrops dower 5401 d Shrops 4968 f London debt 5823 d Shrops 6190 d Worcs 4670 f Sussex debt 4166 f Worcs debt Ruggeley, Humphrey, of Longdon, Staffs, gent; Bagshawe, Nicholas, of Farewell, Staffs, gent Horde, Richard Alcok, Thomas, gent, collector of customs and subsidies in Ruglay, John, of Sandwiche, Kent, Kent mariner Rumey, Robert, of Rawghtonhed, Rawbankys, Charles tailor Worsoppe, John; Gudyere, Russe, William, of Cobham, Henry yeoman Temple, Francis; Elizabeth his wife Russell, John Temple, Francis; Elizabeth his wife Russell, John More, Thomas, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Audley, Thomas, esq, attorney general, Duchy Russell, John, of Est Grenewych, of Lancaster Kent, knight Russell, John, of London, yeoman, Russell, John, of Sousey, son son of Russell, John, of Lyncheley, of Russell, Richard Nhants Russell, John, of Parshore, esq; Parshore Abbey, John, abbot Walton, Roger, of Parshore, of yeoman Russell, John, senior, of Estbourn, Fenell, Simon butcher Pobyten, John, abbot of Russell, John, vicar of Parshore St Parshore Andrew 5643 d Norf Reppys, Henry, of South Reppys, gent 6246 d Norwich Skyppe, William, of Norwich, beer brewer 4369 f Herts debt Clarke, Richard, of Assewell 3911 f Herts debt Clarke, Richard, of Assewell 5359 d Wilts 3988 f Nhants debt Westwood, Hugh Boydele, Hamlet, gent, executors of; (Bentley, Edmund; Petronilla his wife) 4152 f Suff quare impedit 5734 d Devon Drew, Richard 5750 d Soms 4019 f Suff Harrys, William Mowse, William, of Chellesworth, husbandman 6227 d Norf 3971 f 6285 d Staffs Dorset 5887 d Norf debt Bateman, Christopher Rochester, Richard trespass: taking Vernam, George Bukeler, John Hykkys, Thomas, of bavur 4875 f Worcs debt 4660 f Kent debt 4925 f Norwich forcible entry 4271 f Hants 5121 f London debt debt Russell, Robert, of Heigham, tanner Russell, Robert, of Heyham juxta Norwich, tanner; Hill, John, of Newton Flotman, husbandman; Goos, William, of Wynfarthyng, wheelwright; Kely, William, of Colney, husbandman Russell, Thomas, Brampton, Hunts, yeoman Russell, Thomas, of Brampton, Hunts, yeoman Russell, Thomas, of Parva Chelworthe, husbandman Russell, Thomas, rector of Cosgrave Russhe, Thomas, esq; Freer, Robert; Blodyng, John, clerk; Nykke, Richard, Bishop of Norwich Russwell, John, of Bradefford, Soms, husbandman Ruswell, Henry, of Hilffarryns, yeoman Rutteland, John, of Munkysylly, husbandman Rychardes, John, of Magna Walthon, Essex, yeoman Rychardson, John, of Thorpe Constantyne, husbandman; Rychardson, Robert, of Thorpe Constantyne, husbandman Rychardys, John Rychardys, John, of Parva Cressyngham, husbandman Rychardys, Richard, of Chaddesley Corbett, yeoman; Cole, Daniel, of Walderne, John Belbroughton, weaver Ryche, Robert, of Hunton, husbandman; Bukherst, John, of Leneham, husbandman; Dogett, Richard, of Maydeston, smith; Sewger, Walter, of Cranebroke, Borham, David fuller Rycheman, Richard, of Norwich, Bathcom, Thomas; Margaret worsted weaver; Broun, Robert, of his wife; Helme, James, esq Norwich, yeoman Netley Abbey, Thomas, abbot Rydeley, Thomas, of Northlyght, of Oxon, yeoman Ryeley, Thomas, of Ledys, Yorks, Brokebanke, Christopher, of clothier; Eton, Richard, of Ledys, Kings Lenn, merchant clothier 4283 f Hants debt Clerke, Arthur, gent 4749 f Suff debt Rygge, Anne, singlewoman 3912 f London debt Clyfford, Thomas, knight 6013 d Kent 5722 d Dorset 6511 d Dorset Dodye, John Webbe, William; Rowlyn, Reginald Collys, John, kinsman of Browne, John 5233 f Glos 5392 d Staffs Blount, Katherine, widow 5420 d Staffs Blount, Katherine, widow 6256 d Norf Pawe, John 4152 f trespass: free Rutland warren Zouche, John, Lord Zouche debt Kenton, Robert Rygby, Thomas, of Dogmansfeld, clerk Rygge, Robert, of Combes, yeoman Rygge, Roland, of Newbye, Westmor, yeoman Rykard, John, of Trosclypp, yeoman Ryke, Stephen, of Pole, mariner Rykman, John, of Wymbourn Mynster, dyer Rykman, Richard, of Cirencestre, dyer Ryley, Robert, of Bowseley, husbandman; Ryley, Roger, of Bowseley, husbandman; Bagshawe, Lawrence, of Hardyngysbothe, husbandman; Meller, George, of Hardyngysbothe, husbandman; Johnson, John, of Mosker, husbandman; Foge, Adam, of Stowe Cloghe, husbandman; Ryley, William, of Stowe Clogh, husbandman; Lumos(?), Oliver, of Lowe, husbandman; Rogers, John, of Lowe, husbandman; Bagshawe, William, of Lowe, husbandman; Witson, Nicholas, of Lowe, husbandman; Teneclyff, Thomas, of Lowe, husbandman Ryley, Robert, of Bowseley, husbandman; Ryley, Roger, of Bowseley, husbandman; Bagshawe, Lawrence, of Hardyngysbothe, husbandman; Meller, George, of Hardyngysbothe, husbandman; Johnson, John, of Mosker, husbandman; Foge, Adam, of Stowe Cloghe, husbandman; Ryley, William, of Stowe Clogh, husbandman; Lumos(?), Oliver, of Lowe, husbandman; Rogers, John, of Lowe, husbandman; Bagshawe, William, of Lowe, husbandman; Witson, Nicholas, of Lowe, husbandman; Teneclyff, Thomas, of Lowe, husbandman Ryngolde, John, of Sheryngton, husbandman Ryppynghale, Richard, of Baredon, yeoman 5079 f Yorks 5979 d 5344 d 5478 d Oxon London London 4047 f Suff debt Fryston, William Hukvale, Robert Mathewe, Richard Mathewe, Richard trespass: taking Calthorp, Philip 5184 f Dorset debt 5004 f Herts debt 4999 f Essex debt, vacated 6045 d Norf 4687 f Norf 6254 d Norf 5863 d Essex 5814 d Warks 5516 d Norwich 5412 d Nhants debt Sabyngton, William, executors of; (Cosyn, Thomas, of Fordyngton, Tynner, Stephen husbandman; Joan his wife) Sacke, John, of Harwiche, merchant; Jackson, John, of Dovercourth, husbandman; Fowcher, William, of Southwold, Suff, merchant; Fresyll, Thomas, of Richemond, John, of Donwich, Suff, yeoman; Akerye, Harwiche, merchant, executor Thomas, of Donwiche, merchant; of; (Richemond, John, of St Richemond, Thomas, of Magna Osithe) Helland, yeoman Sacke, John, of Harwiche, merchant; Jackson, John, of Dovercourth, husbandman; Fowcher, William, of Southwold, Suff, merchant; Richemond, Richemond, John, of Thomas, of Magna Helland, Harwiche, merchant, executor yeoman; Fresyll, Thomas, of of; (Richemond, John, of St Donwich, Suff, yeoman; Akerye, Osithe) Thomas, of Donwiche, merchant Saddler, Thomas, of Taverham, Rogers, Stephen husbandman Sadeler, Thomas, of Taverham, Rogers, Stephen husbandman Sadler, Nicholas, of Dylham, worsted weaver; Thruston, Matthew, of Worsted, worsted Woodhouse, Thomas, gent weaver Davy, Edward, of Kyrby, Sagor, John, of St Tosie, husbandman husbandman Salburge, Richard, rector of Lord, Richard, of Stratford on Adderston; Burleton, John, of Avon Netherton, Kydermyster, tanner Purpoynt, John, of Norwich, Sall, Richard, of Kyngston on Hull, merchant merchant Halton, John, of Banbury, Salman, William, of Kyng Sutton, Oxon, draper husbandman 3987 f Nhants debt Pytcharde, John 5061 f Essex Walshe, John debt Ryshworth, Christopher, of Adwyke, gent Ryton, John, abbot of Rewley Abbey, Oxford; Berrell, Robert, monk; Tomworth, James, monk Saby, John, of London, tiler Saby, Richard, of London, tyler Sabyn, William, of Ipswich, esq; Alice his wife Salmon, William, of Kynges Sutton, husbandman; Walker, Henry, of Kynges Sutton, husbandman Salows, Thomas, of Beamond, husbandman; Hewett, Robert, of Beamond, husbandman 4383 f Lincs 4903 f Norwich debt Sisson, John, of Louth; Upton, Nicholas, of Louth; Jakson, Thomas, of Marum; Daddy, Richard, rector of Stewton; More, John; Thomson alias Sadeler, John; Newton, William, of Lowth Wolmer, Francis, of Norwich, grocer 4638 f Norf Hewar, Thomas 5629 d Norf 4967 f Norf debt 4516 f Norf trespass: close Stone, John 4646 f Sussex trespass: close Cowper, John 6013 d Sussex Cowper, John 6192 d Worcs Bolt, Thomas debt trepass Wryght, John; Fekes, Robert 5069 f Herts debt 4349 f Devon debt 3903 f Essex debt execution 4105 f Essex debt 5979 d Lincs 4714 f Kent 6297 d Cornw 4758 f Warks debt Danby, Thomas, of Weston Salter, Henry, of Stykford, yeoman; Jewetson, Thomas, of Stykford, yeoman Salter, Ralph, of Sowth Wotton, gent Salter, Ralph, of Sowth Wotton, yeoman Salter, Thomas, of Watton Market, butcher Salter, Thomas, of Watton, butcher Salter, William, of Barford, husbandman; Katherine his wife Salter, William, senior, of Compton, husbandman; Salter, William, junior, of Compton, husbandman; Salter, Clement, of Compton, husbandman Salter, William, senior, of Compton, husbandman; Salter, William, junior, of Compton, husbandman; Salter, Clement, of Compton, husbandman Salwey, Thomas, of Lovyndon, husbandman; Salwey, Walter, of Lovyndon, husbandman; Horton, Edmund, of Lovyndon, husbandman; Joan his wife; Bolt, Alice, of Specheley, widow Samewell, Thomas, of Hexston, laborer; Pryor, Robert, of Hexston, maltman; Crowche, John, of Hexston, husbandman; Fawsed, Carter, Thomas John, of Hexston, chaplain Sydnor, Richard, archdeacon Samford, John, of Honytons Chlyst, of Totton husbandman Sammes, John, of Stanford, Eve, William butcher Sammes, John, of Tollesbury, Garlond, William, gent yeoman Knyght, Thomas, knight, executor of; (Cutler, Sammys, William, of Lincoln, Alexander, clerk) mercer Sampson, Henry, of Horsmonden, Baldocke, Thomas gent Kendall, William, esq trespass: taking Wythenall, Thomas Samwell, Anne, of Lyskerd, widow Samwell, Henry, of Stratforde on Avon, yeoman; Margaret his wife 4998 f Essex debt 5236 f London debt execution 6042 d London 6521 d London 5350 d Norf 6368 d London 5143 f London debt 4349 f Devon debt 4104 f Essex debt 5990 d London 4621 f Norf 5516 d Norf 6319 d Essex 6179 d London case Barnabe, John Docwray, John, or Temple Dynsley, Herts, esq, executors of; (Hutton, Thomas; Broket, Edward; Peryent, John) Docwray, John, esq, of Temple Dynsley, Herts, esq, executors of; (Hutton, Thomas; Brokett, Edward; Peryent, John) Sander, John, of Coggeshall, clothmaker; Taverner alias Bocher, William, of Magna Badowe, yeoman; Rolff, John, of Revenhall, yeoman; Bosom, John, of Wodham Water, esq Sandford, George, of Flower, Nhants, clerk Sandford, George, of Flowre, Nhants, clerk Sandys, Richard, of Vyne, Hants, knight; Poynter, Anthony, of Est Grenewyche, Kent, knight; Barley, Robynson, William, of William, of Dagenham, Essex, London, saddler, executors of; clerk; Worsop, John, of London, (Turpyn, Thomas; Joan his scrivener; Horwood, John, of wife) London, innholder Sapcottys, Richard, of Aylton, Hunts, esq; Aprece, Robert, of Spelman, John, knight, Washyngle, Hunts, esq; Foster, Justice; Nele, Richard Adam, of Yaxley, Hunts, gent Hollys, William, of London, alderman, merchant of the Satersthawate, George, of staple Lamforde Bryge, Lincs, dyer Woode, Robert; Lambert, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Kyngeston Saull, Richard, of Kyngeston on on Hull Hull, merchant Ryndall, William, executors of; Saunder, John, of Otery St Mary, (Mone, Thomas; Joan his butcher; Spycer, Henry, of Oterton, wife) clerk Saunder, William, of Chepyng Mapyll, Thomas Onger, husbandman Brugge, Giles, of London, Saunders, John, of Northampton, draper dyer Saunders, Robert, of Colton, Chamberleyn, Edward, knight husbandman Saunders, Robert, of Colton, husbandman; Carre, Andrew, of Grey, John, gent Colton, husbandman Saunders, William, of Magna Donmowe, husbandman; Whale, William, of Magna Donmowe, Kelyng, Robert yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Saunderson, Richard, Lynne, Norfolk merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Calcot, Thomas, of Calcot 5172 f London debt 6174 d London 6486 d London 4827 f 5402 d London debt Shrops 6151 d Glos 6200 d 4464 f Worcs Yorks concord 4186 f Oxon debt 5014 f London trespass: taking Mathewe, Richard 5871 d Cornw Norf 3940 f Lincs debt 4621 f Norf debt Saunderson, Richard, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Saunderson, Richard, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Saunderson, Richard, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Saundford, Ralph, of Stele, gent Savache, George, of Overswell, Butler, William, knight, of woolman, administrators of; (Fox, London, alderman; Agnes his William, of Overswell, yeoman; wife Joan his wife) Savage, Roger, of Belme Broughton, miller; Savage, John, of Belme Broughton, weaver; Wheler, Richard, of Belme Broughton, Conwey, Edward cooper Wentworth, John, esq Savell, Henry, esq Savell, Leonard, rector of Lewes St Robynson, Richard John, Sussex Pentyre, William, esq 6248 d Saunderson, Richard, of Bishops Lenn, merchant Savy, John, of London, tiler Sawdy, William, of Sowthe Pederwyn, husbandman; Gedy, William, of Sowthe Pederwyn, husbandman; Notell, William, of Sowthe Pederwyn, husbandman; Peke, John, of Sowthe Pederwyn, husbandman Sawer, Edmund, of Wymondham, glover; Parker, Thomasm, of Flouredew, John Wymondham, carpenter Sawer, Robert, of Thorp in the Parke, Thomas Falloes, husbandman Barker, Richard, of Hoo juxta Sawton, Richard, North Todenham, Est Derham, gent husbandman 4929 f Norf debt Harcroft, Richard, clerk 5079 f Yorks debt 4537 f London debt Gye, Richard Aleyn, John, knight, of London, alderman Sawton, Richard, of Thruxton, husbandman; Sawton, John, of Hokeryng, tailor; Gryme, Thomas, of Hokeryng, husbandman Saxton, Dominic, of Pountefract, butcher Saxton, Henry, abbot of Valedey Abbey, Lincoln 4936 f Norf 6496 d Soms 4367 f Devon 5473 d London 6234 d Norf 4891 f Herefs waste 4345 f Soms trespass: close Hygdone, Richard 6301 d Devon 5080 f Yorks debt 5063 f Herts debt 6334 d London 4708 f 5657 d Wilts Bucks 6247 d Norf 5352 d Hants 5840 d Oxon debt Say, John, of Saxlyngham, yeoman; Geffreys, William, of Wenhaston, Suff, butcher; More, Thomas, of Carleton, husbandman; Ryngar, John, of Wakton, laborer; Sharpe, Robert, of South Reve, Thomas Walsham, husbandman Taunton Priory, William, prior Sayer, William, of Dulverton, of husbandman debt Burdon, William Payne, John Blodyn, John, of Hyklyng, butcher Wormysley Priory, Roger, prior of Hacche, Thomas, esq debt Scooley, Thomas Whyte, Robert, prior of Royston Priory Wotton, Edmund, of London, mercer, executor of Hardyng, Robert, of London, goldsmith, executors of; (Gresham, John, of London, mercer; Warren, Ralph, of London, mercer) Sheppard, William, clerk Coller, Henry Saymer, John, of Honyton, tucker Sayntbarke, Henry, of Asshyngton, Soms, gent Scalon, Thomas, of Norwich, tanner; Reve, Henry, of Heygham juxta Norwich, tanner; Brown, John, of Heigham, tanner Scheter, John, of Kynges Pewen, husbandman Scheyth, Richard, of Samford juxta Shurbourne, husbandman; Huyt, Richard, of Samford juxta Shurbourne, husbandman; Clenche, Thomas, of Brodemerston, husbandman Scoce, Vincent, of Teyngmouth, yeoman Scoley, John, executor of; (Scoley, Robert, of South Hendley, husbandman) Scott, John, of Berkwey, husbandman Scott, John, of Camerwell, gent, executors of; (Scott, John, of Camerwell, Surrey, gent; Skynner, John, senior, of Reygate, Surrey, gent) Scotte, Henry, of Crudwell, yeoman Scotte, John Scotte, John, of Yempyngton, Cams, yeoman; Maryll, John, of Wodhouse, William, gent Burneham Bebdan, yeoman Cristchurche, William, prior of Scrag, Christopher, of Mottesfount, Mottesfount Priory husbandman Parker, Henry, knight, Lord Morley; Alice his wife; Parker, Henry Scryvyn, Richard, clerk Castelton, John, principal of Clyffordys Inne Scaman, Robert 5988 d 5365 d London Lincs 5194 f Suff debt White, William 4636 f Devon trespass 5664 d Hants 6225 d Norf 6249 d Norf 4022 f Suff Short, William Jamys, William, of Southampton, merchant Buntyng, John, of Wyghton, executors of; (Geggys, Robert; Joan his wife; Buntyng, Thomas) Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman Crane, Stephen, of Denham, rough mason 5981 d Soms 3935 f Lincs 5375 d Lincs 4921 f Norf 4011 f Suff debt Shakell, Agnes, widow Sedley, Peter, of London, gent; Ellys, William; Lowyk, Richard; Kennesman, Robert; Seyton, Robert; Alyn, Thomas; Josselyn, Thomas; Ellys, Anthony; Myllys, Thomas; Leyson, John; Kent, Thomas; Asshefeld, Edmund; Holte, John; Haryson, Thomas; Snede, Richard; Hennege, William; Chok, Francis; Filpott, Henry; Romsey, Richard; Asteley, Anthony; Bye, Robert; Kyrkeby, John; Combes, John; Pecke, Robert; Yonger, Richard; Lee, Thomas; Cave, Brian; Elryngton, Richard See, Richard, of Everby, gent Seffrey, William, of Parva Elyngham, Norf, husbandman Segard, John, of Barstable, tanner Segewyke, John, of Fareham, merchant Segurve(?), Robert, of Tylney, gent Selby, William, of Cryngelforde, shepherd Selff, Nicholas, of Denham, husbandman Seller, Richard, of Combe St Nicholas, husbandman; Shakell alias Mason, Elizabeth, of Henton St George, widow Moigne, Thomas; Eston, Alexander; Fresney, William; trespass: close Blawe, Thomas; Wright, Brian Sellers, Edward, of Sotby, laborer Sellers, John, of Boston, butcher; Thomas, of Est Kirkeby, butcher; Dynconson, Richard, of Gayton in Overey, John, of Conyngesby, Marsh, yeoman; Wiberd, Thomas, merchant of Conyngesby, butcher Seman, James, of Hakeforthe, husbandman; Fytlyng, Bartholomew, butcher; Ricall, debt Fedymont, Robert William, of Hengham, laborer Seman, Thomas, junior, of Chesten, husbandman; Smyth, John, of Hallesworth, saddler; Stevyns, William, of Huntyngfeld, debt Salman, Andrew smith 4269 f Wilts 5781 d Norf 4398 f Norf debt execution Reve, Thomas 4013 f Suff debt Rychardys, Griffin, esq 5095 f Bucks trespass: close Challey, Richard 5325 d Bucks Challey, Richard 4280 f Wilts trespass: close Gorwey, Joan, widow Byrde, William debt Fyloll, John, clerk, administrator of; (Willoughby, Edward, knight) Guyllon, Thomas, of Henny Magna, yeoman, executors of; (Lynton, Robert, rector of Henny Magna; Fyssher, William) 6318 d Essex 5063 f Herts debt Whyte, Robert, prior of Royston Priory 4933 f Norf debt Botolff, John, gent 4349 f Devon Saunder, Robert; Alice his trespass: close wife; Saunder, John 4029 f Suff debt 6547 d Herefs 3900 f Glos 4817 f London debt 5787 d Middx 4357 f Devon 5468 d London 4789 f London debt debt debt Barbour, John, of Ipswich, draper Milleward, William; Ashewell, William Barbour, Edward Seman, Thomas, of Calne, yeoman; Clytter, Christopher, of Henton, husbandman; Walter, Robert, of Henton, husbandman Sendell, Simon, of Long Stratton, husbandman Sendell, Simon, of Long Stratton, yeoman Sergeaunt, William, of Monks Rysborough, Bucks, yeoman; Clerk, John, of Monks Rysborough, husbandman Seriaunt, William, of Monks Rysborough, husbandman Seriaunt, William, of Monks Rysborough, husbandman Serne or Serve, John, of Ham, husbandman; Margery his wife Sewale, John, of Alphamston, husbandman, executor of; (Lane, John, of Balydon, clothmaker) Sewall, John, of London, girdler; Danbury, John, of Walden, Essex, yeoman Sewall, Robert, of Hemysby, husbandman Seward, Joan, of Otery St Mary, widow; Combe, John, of Otery St Mary, husbandman; Joan his wife Sexten, Thomas, of Laneham, clothmaker, executors of; (Syddeley, Martin, of Laneham, gent; Elizabeth his wife) Seycell, Robert, of Magna Marcle, yeoman Seymour, John, of White Cleve, Newland, miner(?) SeyntJohn, John, of Blettesho, Beds, knight Parr, William, knight Buk, Thomas, of London, merchant tailor, executors of; (Dakers, Henry; Rolle, George; Cheseman, Robert; Alice his wife) Seyntleger, George, knight Shabbetore, John, of Churstowe, Dyer, Matthew, chaplain chaplain Shale, William, of Falkeston, Isle of Clerke, Valentine Wight, yeoman of the crown Thistylthwayte, Alexander, of Shangilton, Thomas, of Shalborne, Wynterslowe, Wilts, gent Wilts, gent 4085 f London debt 5126 f London debt 6243 d Norwich 4467 f Herts 5968 d Norf Thystylthwayte, Alexander, of Shangilton, Thomas, of Shalborne, Wynterslowe, Wilts, gent Wilts, gent Shapp, Robert, of Isleton, Middx, Barde, William, of London, yeoman; Aphowell, Lewis, of fishmonger Iselton, yeoman Rogers, William concord Stokys, William; Joan his wife Sharnbroke, John Sharp, John, of Brakynesshe, Curson, John husbandman 6000 d Kent 6528 d Middx Newynden, James Barde, William, of London, fishmonger 5560 d London Bard, William, of London, fishmonger 4210 f London debt Parnell, John 4475 f Berks Awdelett, John, of Abendon 5023 f London debt Parnell, John 6543 d Berks Awdelett, John, of Abendon 5079 f Yorks 5388 d Lincs 5007 f Middx 5840 d Sussex 4624 f London debt 5646 d Oxon debt debt Shappyng, William, of Dykylbourgh, roper; Palmer, John, of Aylysham, husbandman; Thyrkhyll, William, of Norwich, upholsterer; Paston, John, administrator of; (Phelyppys, Robert, of Worsted, baker) Fryston, Robert Penman, John trespass: close Parnell, John Trowdys, John; Ellen his wife Gardyner, William, of London, grocer Lee, Knight; Lee, Anthony, esq; Knolles, Francis, esq; Eton, Richard Sharp, John, senior, of Smerden, clothier; Norton, John, of Smerden, laborer; Cheseman, John, of Smerden, laborer; Bourne, Robert, of Smerden, husbandman Sharp, Robert, of Isleton, Middx, yeoman Sharp, Robert, of Isleton, Middx, yeoman; Apphowell, Lewis, of Isleton, Middx, yeoman Sharpe, Edward, of Newbery, Berks, clothier Sharpe, Edward, of Newbery, tailor Sharpe, Edward, of Newberye, clothier Sharpe, Edward, of Newburo, tailor Sharpe, Henry, of Stanley, husbandman Sharpe, James, of Bever, pewterer Sharpe, John, of Newyngton Grene, yeoman Sharpe, Richard Sharpe, Robert, of Islyngton, yeoman Sharpe, Thomas, of Falley, Bucks, husbandman 6014 d Kent Upton, Stephen 4399 f Norwich debt 5158 f London debt 5080 f Yorks 5981 d Worcs Rogers, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Rede, Thomas, of Newcastle, merchant Elyottes, Richard; Joyce his wife, widow of Gest, Elias 5391 d Lincs Barwyk, Thomas 6547 d Herefs Hoper, William debt 6188 d Worcs 3908 f Surrey 4658 f Sussex debt 6348 d London 5144 f London debt Watkyns, John Triguram, John, archdeacon of Kenles Ensyng, Thomas, of Wynchelse Hasylwood, John, of London, merchant Woode, Robert; Lambert, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Kyngeston on Hull 5207 f Middx Chernok, Robert, gent 4656 f Surrey 6305 d London debt debt debt Mascall, John Pers, William, of Wellyngton Sharppe, Richard, of Esslyng, gent; Poynett, William, of Esslyng, husbandman; Bodyll, William, of Osprenche, husbandman; Jencokk, Lawrence, of Middelton juxta Sedyngborne, laborer; Nevyll, Cornelius, of Wye, tailor Sharpyng, William, of Dykylburgh, Roper; Thyrkyll, William, of Norwich, upholsterer Shavyngton, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, yeoman Shaw, John, of Barney Castell, smith Shawe, Thomas Shawe, William, of Repyngale, husbandman; Shawe, Richard, of Repyngale, husbandman; Shawe, Thomas, of Repyngale, husbandman; Richardson, Gervais, of Repyngale, minstrel; Cade, John, of Repyngale, husbandman; Kyrke, Thomas, of Repyngale, husbandman Shawyng, Anthony, of Magna Marcle, husbandman Shaylord, John, of Gosehill, husbandman; Broke, William, of Hymbleton, husbandman; Menske, Robert, of Hanbury, husbandman Shefeld, James, of Farnham, clerk Sheff, John, of Cranebroke, Kent, yeoman Sheffe, John, of Cranebroke, yeoman Sheffeld, Edmund, of Kyngeston on Hull, merchant Sheffeld, Thomas, of Tommysford, Beds, gent Shelley, William, of Bexley, Kent, gent, son of Shelley, John, of Alyngton, gent; Churche, Thomas, of Yearde, Kent, yeoman; Rolande, Thomas, of Bexley, miller Shelton, Henry, of Tetnoll, Staffs, carver 4441 f Notts 5803 d Notting ham 5398 d Staffs Denman, Thomas, of Ordsalle, gent Hedworth, Ralph, clerk, executor of; (Farnham, Robert) Russheton, Lewis; Margery his wife 6519 d Soms Wadham, Edward, knight 5408 d Nhants Haselwode, Joan, widow 4940 f Leics 5409 d Nhants 4861 f Herefs 3926 f Yorks 4430 f Derbs debt debt Villers, Christopher, esq debt Clerke, Elizabeth, widow Welford, Richard; Smyth, Hugh, clerk; Yedvyn, Walter Shemeld, William, of Parlethorp, yeoman; Strynger, Thomas, of Parlethorp, husbandman Shepard, Henry, of Nottingham, butcher Shepard, John, of Wolverhampton, cutler Shepard, Richard, of West Harptre, husbandman; Shepard, John, Horcote, husbandman; Milkyns, Thomas, of Henton Bluett, husbandman Shepard, Robert, of Wappenham, chaplain; Shepard, Richard, of Wappenham, laborer Shepardston, George, of Abketylby, yeoman Shepe, Robert, of Longthorpe, husbandman Sheperd, John, of Maurden, yeoman Middylton, Thomas, esq; Maleverer, Robert, esq; Thwayte, William, junior, esq; Sheperd, Thomas, of Wombewell, Waterton, Thomas, esq; husbandman; Sheperd, John, of trespass: close Wentworth, William, esq Wombewell, laborer Shepobothom, Edmund, of debt Newton, Thomas Warmeford, Staffs, husbandman Baron, Richard, gent Sheppard, John, of Magna Offeley, Herts, yeoman; Joyes, Robert, of Walden, carver; Seriche, John, of Wymbysshe, husbandman Sheppard, John, of Offeley, yeoman; Carter, William, of Offeley, laborer; Newman, John, of Offeley, laborer 6322 d Essex 4617 f Herts trespass and contempt 4465 f Beds concord Woodleyff, Richard; Hylder, Lawrence Staysmore, John, esq; Joan his wife 5001 f Essex debt Baron, Richard, gent debt Docwra, John, esq, executors of; (Hutton, Thomas; Brokett, Shepperd, John, of Offeley, Edward; Peryent, John) yeoman 5076 f Herts 6496 d Soms 3977 f Shrops waste 3931 f Notts trespass Shepparde, William Shepperd, John, of Magna Offeley, Herts, yeoman White, Patrick; Millett, William Shepperd, John, vicar of Warrell Sherard, Edward, of Shrewsbury, Arthur, Thomas sherman Sheref, William, of South Trolove, William Colyngham, husbandman Alden, Thomas Sherley, John, of London, esq; Chatfeld, Roger, of Iffeld, husbandman Sherpe, John, of Brantre, butcher; Bernard, Thomas, of Claveryng, yeoman; Fyggyn, Henry, of Brantre, laborer Sherwyn, Nicholas, of Carleton, colermaker; Wyarde, John, of Fornesett, husbandman Sherwyn, Nicholas, of Carleton, collar maker; Wyard, John, of Fornesett, husbandman Newport, Richard, junior Sheryff, Ralph, of Soderhill, husbandman; Iseland, Thomas, of Haddessore, husbandman; Johnson, Oliver, of Droytwyche, husbandman; Barbour, William, of Fekenham, husbandman; Bayly, Roger, of Stoke Prior, husbandman 4688 f Sussex trespass: close Levet, John, esq 6384 d Essex 3920 f Norf 5768 d Norf Heynes, Robert debt Alden, Thomas 6201 d Worcs 3967 f Lincs debt 4324 f York trespass: taking Stapleton, Brian, knight 4906 f Norf assumpsit 5449 d Suff 5704 d Yorks 4922 f Norf 5849 d Worcs 4901 f 4942 f Norf Suff 5638 d Norf Paxworth, Thomas Warner, Thomas Barne, Thomas Maunsell, William trespass: free warren debt replevin Byllyngforthe, Edmund Shipton, Robert, of Burne, yeoman Shipton, Thomas, of Knapton, husbandman; Shipton, Robert, of Rughford, husbandman Shortyng, Gilbert, of Hoo juxta Est Derham, carpenter; Chorold, John, of Est Derham, carpenter Shottysham, Thomas, of Lowestofte, butcher Shotylworth, John, of Wakefeld, weaver; Mores, John, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Haulle, John, of Wakefeld, yeoman; Smalpayge, Robert, of Wakefeld, yeoman Shreve, Andrew, of Caystre St Edmund, laborer; Potter, Richard, of Caystre St Edmund, laborer; Underwood, Richard, of Caystre St Edmund, laborer Shreyff, John, of Wychbold, husbandman; Bolton, Edward, of Fekenham, husbandman; Blanket, Newport, Richard, junior Thomas, of Bromesgrove, miller Shrieff, Andrew, of Aclee, smith; Wasney, Thomas, of Norwich, Colard, John, of Horsham St Faith, tailor brickmaker Grome, Roger Shukborow, John Boty, Richard, of Fornecet, Shymmyng, Thomas, of yeoman Baughburgh, husbandman 5695 d Yorks 5497 d London 5361 d Lincs 5816 d Notts 4032 f Suff 6026 d Surrey 6094 d Surrey 6218 d Cornw 4623 f London debt 5237 f London debt debt 6550 d London 3904 f Lincs debt 5096 f Berks debt 5701 d Yorks 6232 d Norf 5440 d Suff 5817 d Notts Shyreclyff, Alexander, of Ecclesfeld, yeoman; Wylde, Thomas, of Ecclesfeld, yeoman; Parker, Richard, of Ecclesfeld; Parkyn, Robert, of Ecclesfeld, Joan his wife yeoman Simondys, Brigit, of Suthwerk, Symondys, John, son of widow of Simonde, Edward, of Symondys, Edward Southwarke, mercer Skarlet, Thomas, of Holbych, husbandman; Derlyng, Thomas, of Robert, William Holbych, husbandman Skarpe, Thomas, of Skegbe, Spaynyng, Thomas husbandman Skeggys, Walter, of Brampton, Bohun, Nicholas, gent clerk Husse, Bartholomew; Margaret his wife Skerne, Augustine Husse, Bartholomew; Margaret his wife Skerne, Augustine Skevington, Thomas, Bishop of Bangor; Boterell, John, of St Kerevan, miller; Tauntor, William, of St Keveran, miller; Saundry, William, of St Keveran, husbandman; Fraunces, David; Huchyn, Richard; Kegurryke, Nicholas; Richard, Peter; Parker, Pascase; Pascowe, John; Trekewys, Reginald; William, Reskemer, John, esq Andrew John; Rawe, John Skevyngton, Leonard, of London, Dane, John; Banester, William esq Skevyngton, William, of Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Skevyngton, Leics, knight; of the chamber; Daunce, Skevyngton, Leonard, of John, knight Skevyngton, esq Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Skevynton, William, of Skevyngton, of the chamber; Daunce, Leics, knight; Skevygnton, John, knight Leonard, of Skevyngton, esq Sklater alias Capper, Thomas, of Crosse, Richard, of London Grantham, yeoman Awdelett, John, of Barton Skolles, John, of Lewkenore, Oxon, juxta Abenden, esq husbandman Skott, Thomas, of Wystowe, husbandman; Yong, Robert, of Cokson, Amery Westowe, carpenter Skotte, John, of Walton, husbandman; Sheperd, Peter; of Balam, Alexander Walton, husbandman Raye, John, of Denston, Skrevyn, Thomas, of yeoman Wykhambroke, husbandman Skrymshyre, William, of South Atkynson, Thomas Muskam, gent 6253 d Norf Parson, Gregory 5436 d Suff Mendham Priory, Thomas, Prior of 5485 d London Hull, William 6006 d Surrey Alby, Henry 5730 d Soms Glastonbury Abbey, Richard, abbot of 4298 f Yorks waste 5767 d 3965 f 3965 f Lincs Lincs Lincs replevin replevin 5946 d Vacate d 6004 d Sussex 5809 d Derbs 5812 d London 4728 f 6364 d 6438 d London debt London London Skulton, Nicholas, of Lyng, husbandman Skynner, Richard, of Ipswich, clothmaker; Mottys, William, of Thurleston, Norf, carpenter; Pyke, John, of Great Yarmouth, carpenter Skynner, William, of Oxsted, Kent, carpenter Skyte, Thomas; Slyfeld, Henry, clerk; Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester Slade, Hugh, of Chylteron Fagge, yeoman; Jenys, William, of Chilton Domer, yeoman; Huchyns, John Slak, William; Alice his wife; Slak, Panson, Nicholas George Slefford, Richard, of Eston juxta Staunford, Nhants, gent; Hodgeson, Thomas, of Keton, Russell, John, clerk, master of Rutland, yeoman; Thomson, Fodryngham College Robert, of Staunford, slater Clayre, Thomas Sleford, Richard Clayre, Thomas Sleford, Richard Slegg alias Huse, William, of Duffeld, Yorks, knight, administrators of; (Denbo, John, of Sutte, Edward, of London, Slyford, Lincs, knight; Ball, George, grocer of Duffeld, esq) Slutter, Richard, of Cokfeld, shoemaker; Serle, John, of Est Grensted, fletcher; Byrd, Thomas, Arnold, Peter of Fletchyng, mercer Smale, Robert, of Bollesover, Levers, George yeoman Smarte, John, of Spynamlond, Barkysdale, Thomas Berks, yeoman Guybon, Thomas, esq, son of Guybon, Thomas, executors of; (Lomnor, Edmund; Rose his wife) Guibon, Thomas, of West Lenn, Norf, esq, son of Guibon, George, executors of; (Lomner, Edmund; Rose his wife) Guibon, Thomas, of West Lenn, Norf, esq, son of Guibon, George, executors of; (Lomner, Edmund; Rose his wife) Smegeren(?), Richard, of Ledys, Yorks, clothmaker; Neilson, Thomas, of Ledes, clothmaker; Alcok, John, of Ledys, clothmaker Smegergyll, Richard, of Ledes, Yorks, clothier; Alcok, John, of Ledes, clothier; Nelson, Thomas, of Ledes, clothier Smegergyll, Richard, of Ledes, Yorks, clothier; Nelson, Thomas, of Ledes, clothmaker; Alcok, John, of Ledes, clothmaker 5559 d London Guybon, Thomas, of Westlenn, Norf, esq, son of Guybon, George, executors of; (Lomnor, Edmund; Rose his wife) 3990 f Nhants debt Newby, James, of Oundell, yeoman 6287 d Suff Rygge, Anne, singlewoman 5646 d Oxon Sharpe, John, of Burforde, innholder 6386 d Oxon Sharpe, John, of Burforde, innholder 4484 f Oxon 5992 d Sussex Comber, John 5424 d Yorks 5148 f London debt Kellett, Roger Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn 4248 f Norf Hawe, James, gent 4662 f Sussex debt 5229 f Bucks trespass: taking Sawyer, John 4632 f Devon trespass 4815 f Surrey 5330 d Suff trespass: close Thomas, Richard Dymmok, Robert, knight; Jenney, Christopher, esq; Combes, Thomas debt debt Sharpe, John, of Burford, innholder Offyngton, Robert Fynton, John Smegergyll, Richard, of Ledys, Yorks, clothier; Alcok, John, of Ledys, clothier; Neylson, Thomas, of Ledys, clothier Smerswete, Thomas, of Marche, Cams, brewer; Burton, Richard, rector of Lowsell, Suff; Rustonne, John, of Apthorp, butcher; Repon, Robert, of Oundell, tanner; Sympson, Christopher, of Calcotte, Hunts, clerk Smerthurst, James, of Stowmarket, clerk Smyth alias Cole, Richard, of Creke, Nhants, wool carrier; Grenewode, Robert, of Teuxbury, Glos, tucker; Seyntper, William, of London, merchant tailor Smyth alias Cole, Richard, of Creke, Nhants, wool carrier; Grenwoode, Robert, of Teuxbury, Glos, tucker; Seyntper, William, of London, merchant tailor Smyth alias Cole, Richard, of Creke, Nhants, woolcarrier; Grenwoode, Robert, of Teuxbury, Glos, tucker; Seyntper, William, of London, merchant tailor Smyth alias Tanner, Thomas, of Battle, mercer Smyth, Christopher, of New Burnholme, husbandman Smyth, Edmund, of Stanno, Norf, husbandman Smyth, John, junior, of Wytton, merchant Smyth, John, of Brodwater, husbandman; Bryggys, Thomas, of Shoreham, husbandman; Gossett, John, of Lewes, hatmaker; Thurston, Walter, of Wevelysfeld, tailor; Huttson, John, of Hamsey, husbandman Smyth, John, of Clyfton Reynes, husbandman Smyth, John, of Colompton, merchant; Lovet, William, of Townstall, butcher Smyth, John, of Hamme, husbandman Smyth, John, of Hychyn, Herts, gent; Peryent, Thomas, of Dyxwell, Herts, esq 4469 f Suff 5327 d Suff debt Dymmok, Robert, knight; Jenney, Christopher, sergeant at law; Richardys, Criffin, esq; Combes, Thomas Smyth, John, of Hychyn, Herts, gent; Peryent, Thomas, of Dyxwell, Herts, esq; Smyth, Thomas, of Hychyn, yeoman Smyth, John, of Hychyn, Herts, gent; Smalley, John, of London, innholder 4916 f Dymmok, Robert, knight; Richardys, Grifffin, esq Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London debt Bishops Lenn Smyth, John, of London, merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London Bishops Lenn Smyth, John, of London, merchant Smyth, John, of Northam, Sussex, Kent trespass: close Fynche, Herbert, gent laborer Kent Wellis, Thomas Smyth, John, of Sevenok, brewer Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Smyth, John, of Snelsham, Norf, London debt Bishops Lenn yeoman Smyth, John, of Stortford, butcher; Herts trespass: close Crathorne, John Margery his wife Smyth, John, of Thorneham, blacksmith; Grey, John, of Thorneham, clerk, executor of; (Bateman, William, of Magna Norf debt Myller, John Massyngham, husbandman) 5396 d Staffs 6181 d London 5522 d Norf 4614 f Kent 5169 f 6477 d 4653 f 6001 d 4851 f 5076 f Blount, Katherine, widow Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk Atkyns, John; Spendlove, Richard; Cokke, Thomas Barrett, James; Margaret his wife Smyth, John, of Watersall, yeoman Smyth, John, of Wynton, Norf, merchant Smyth, Katherine, of Wrennyngham, widow Yorks Wykersley, Margaret, widow, administrators of; (Grene, William; Elizabeth his wife) Smyth, Lawrence, of Otterclyffe, yeoman; Chaumber, William, of Darnall, yeoman 4609 f Yorks debt Wykersley, Margaret, widow, administrators of; (Grene, William; Elizabeth his wife) 4481 f Suff debt Wodeward, John Smyth, Lawrence, of Otterflyffe, yeoman; Chamber, William, of Darnall, yeoman Smyth, Leonard, of Fresyngfeld, engraver; Legate, Stephen, of South Elmeham, butcher; Acton, John, of Bungey, saddler 5448 d Suff Bradley, John Smyth, Peter, of Bungey, butcher 5693 d concord Smyth, Lawrence 4436 f London debt Laxton, William, of London, grocer 5493 d London Laxton, William, of London, grocer 6185 d Herefs Dora Abbey, John, abbot of 5976 d Suff Clopton, William, esq 5363 d Lincs Brond, Thomas 4281 f Wilts debt 4034 f Suff debt 5001 f Essex forcible entry 5187 f Suff debt 5069 f Herts debt 5377 d Lincs 3940 f 6152 d 6481 d Breyne, George Smyth, Peter, of Westchester, administrators of; (Hank or Hauk, Hugh, of Westchester, Cheshire, innholder; Joan his wife); Pycher, John, of Preston, Herefs, chapman Smyth, Peter, of Westchester, administrators of; (Hauke, Hugh, of Westchester, Cheshire, innholder; Joan his wife); Pycher, John, of Preston, Herefs, chapman Smyth, Richard, of Chapell Graunge, husbandman; ap Howell, John ap William, of Chapell Graunge, husbandman Smyth, Richard, of Long Melford, yeoman Smyth, Richard, of Welton, husbandman Smyth, Richard, of Weste Kynnet, husbandman Bayspole, Thomas, of Aldeby, executors of; (Bayspole, John; Bayspole, Thomas) Smyth, Robert, of Becclys, yeoman Smyth, Robert, of Brethenham, Suff, husbandman; Parke, Robert, of Gestyngthorp, husbandman; Barnard, Peter; Dyx, William; Barrell, Thomas, of Gestyngthorp, Tenant, Richard; Carter, John laborer Smyth, Robert, of Brettenham, husbandman; Bell, John, of Gyppyng, husbandman; Bode, John, of Drenkston, husbandman; Bode, John, of Wolpett, Seman, John husbandman Smyth, Robert, of Claveryng, Essex, butcher; Cotes, John, of Claveryng, smith; Carter, John, of Langley, Essex, husbandman; Carter, Richard, of Langley, Bradbury, Richard husbandman Selby Abbey, Robert, abbot of Smyth, Robert, of Estoft, yeoman Smyth, Robert, of Gunby, Lincs trespass: close Pratt, Thomas husbandman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Smyth, Robert, of Snesham, Norf, London Bishops Lenn yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Smyth, Robert, of Snetessham, London Bishops Lenn Norf, yeoman 3997 f Rutland trespass: close Belamy, Richard 4422 f Coventr y debt Waryn, Christopher, of Coventry, draper 5440 d Suff Wilson, Henry, clerk 6491 d 5798 d Dorset Warks Cowper, Robert Nuneton Priory, prioress of 4426 f Leics debt Peyke, Richard 6201 d Worcs 4053 f 5339 d London debt Staffs Blount, Walter, clerk Browne, Charles, of London, mercer Leveson, John 4013 f Suff debt Fyll, Edward 4683 f Surrey debt 4249 f Norf debt 4333 f Soms 6479 d 4923 f Norf debt Pryntesse, Thomas, of Wygenhalle, gent 3943 f Lincs waste Bleysby, Philip 4854 f Smyth, William, of Chadisley, scythe smith; Sturmy, Richard, of Chadysley, husbandman; Norrys, John, of Chadysley, husbandman; Wakemon, William, of Chadysley, husbandman Smyth, William, of Clathall, Herts, husbandman Smyth, William, of Kenvar, clerk Smyth, William, of Woodbrygge, tailor Smyth, William, of Wymbylton, yeoman; Charlton, Thomas, of Charlwod, husbandman Fylyan, Henry, of Totyngbek, carpenter Hertstong, William, of Eggefeld, yeoman, executors of; (Feke, William; Hamond, Smythe, James, of Cley juxta Mare, William) cooper trespass: close Arthur, Thomas, esq indebitatus Essex assumpsit Sander, John Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London debt Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London Bishops Lenn 5067 f Smyth, Robert, of Whytewell, laborer Smyth, Roger, of Assheburne, Derbs, dyer; Bagnall, Henry, of Assheborne, husbandman, his father-in-law Smyth, Roger, of Eston, tanner; Hardy, Richard, of Eston, tailor Smyth, Thomas, of Wynterburn Selston, smith; Tayler, Thomas, of Wynterburn Selston, smith; Bachyn, Robert, of Blanford Forum, butcher Smyth, Walter, of Sherforde, esq Smyth, William, of Asshewell, Herts, butcher Smythe, John, of Clopton, yeoman Smythe, John, of Halsted, fuller Smythe, John, of London, merchant Smythe, John, of Wyghton, Norf, yeoman Smythe, Nicholas, of Seggeforthe, husbandman; Bealys, Robert, of Seggeforthe, husbandman; Elgar, Robert, of Seggeforthe, husbandman Smythe, William, of Weyth, husbandman 4296 f Yorks 4308 f Yorks 5708 d Yorks 4059 f London 4232 f Norwich 5432 d Suff 4656 f Sussex 6043 d Herts 5353 d Rutland 4253 f Bucks 6176 d London 3986 f Nhants Smythson, Robert, of Huby, husbandman; Faceby, William, of Huby, husbandman; Elwold, defamation Key, Thomas Thomas, of Huby, tailor Snawsell, Seth, of Starlethorpe, trespass: close Wyndyll, William gent Snayth, William, of Feldhouses, Richardson, Thomas Marchland, husbandman Johnson, William, of London, Snedall, Margaret, of Hyllyngis debt skinner juxta Kyrton, Devon, widow Fyske, Nicholas, of Est Derham, executors of; (Fyske, Elizabeth, wife of Fyske, John, his son; Paryshe, John, of Snellyng, John, of Est Derham, debt Norwich) butcher Snellyng, John, of Whatfeld, husbandman; Baker, William, of Dey, William Edwardston, husbandman Snepp, Geoffrey, of Burwasshe, debt Upton, Henry husbandman Evans, John, of London, Snowe, Lawrence, of Gravenhurst, merchant tailor Beds, gent Snukstou(?), John, of Market Whythed, Richard Overton, husbandman Some, Robert, of Hardemede, debt Tryppe, John husbandman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Somer, John, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Somer, William, of Kyngesclyft, husbandman; Lawe, William, of Kyngesclyft, husbandman; Lawe, Robert, of Kyngesclyft, husbandman; Wyldebore, John, of debt Broun, John, esq Kyngesclyft, husbandman 6275 d Middx 4993 f London debt 5243 f London debt 5845 d Berks 5727 d Devon Marny, John, knight, executor of Marny, Henry, executor of; Somerset, Henry, Earl of (Bedyngfeld, Edmund, knight) Worcester Somerset, Henry, Earl of Waren, Ralph, of London, Worcester; Nelson, William, of alderman London, clerk and steward Wyatt, Henry, knight; Nevile, Somoersett, Henry, Earl of Thomas, knight Worcester Woodward, Lionel, of Abenden, gent Voyse, Joan, widow, administratrix of Voyse, Robert, administrator of; (Voyse, John) Soper, Christopher, of Newbery, sherman; Pynfold, William, of Abendon, butcher; Threloke, John, of Sutton Courtney, yeoman Soper, John,of Southbony, butcher 5202 f 5975 d 5857 d 5444 d 5357 d 6425 d 6557 d 4960 f 4632 f 4150 f 3931 f 3929 f 6520 d 5636 d 6182 d 5093 f 6391 d Soper, Richard, of Thrusshelton, Devon trespass: close Ruder, Rohn, junior husbandman Sourbe, William, of Northampton, Notts Awen, Hugh vicar of North Muskham Sowgate, Robert, of Combes, husbandman; Gardener, John, of Est Farlyng, Norf, husbandman; Awoode, Thomas, of Hecham, Suff Cowper, Richard husbandman Sowgate, Robert, of Combes, husbandman; Gardener, John, of Suff Cow, Richard Est Harlyng, Norf, husbandman Kent Roper, Edward, gent Sowthwell, Robert, esq Spare, Thomas, of Monkokhampton, yeoman; Wykes, Hore, William, senior; Joan Henry, of Monkokhampton, Devon his wife; Hore, William, junior yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Sparhawke, Alexander, of Ipswich, London Norfolk, treasurer of England yeoman Sparke, Humphrey, of Rattre, Devon debt Burdon, Nicholas butcher Speccot, Edmund, esq; Marke, Devon replevin Gyfford, Ibota, widow John Speccott, Edmund, esq; Marke, Devon replevin Longysford, Henry John Spede, Nicholas, of Bedeston, Derbs trespass James, Robert husbandman Michell, John, senior; Michell, Surrey concord Edmund, his son Spelman, John, knight Spelte, Philip, of Bemyster, husbandman; Spelte, John, of Bemyster, husbandman; Hunt alias Benett, John, of Bemyster, Dorset Trowet, John husbandman Norf Maunder, Richard Spence, William, of London, gent Spencer, John, junior, of Glos Harrys, John Hartherop, husbandman Broke, George, of Cobham, knight; Bray, Edward, knight; Spencer, Robert, of Blunham, gent; Bold, Tugerus, gent; ap Ryce, Spencer, John, of Stagedon, gent; Beds Robert, gent Slade, Richard, of London, gent Spencer, Robert, of Colchester, Essex Broke, Thomas mariner 5070 f Herts debt 4780 f Suff debt Harvy, Thomas Crane, Robert, of Chelton, gent Spencer, Thomas, of Enfeld, Middx, maltman; Lawe, William, of Enfeld, maltman; Havar, Robert, of Enfeld, maltman; May, William, of Enfeld, maltman; Jurdan, George, of Aldenham, maltman Spenser, James, of London, mercer 4210 f London debt 6366 d London 4412 f Notts 5349 d Norf 4387 f Norf Overton, Peter, of Westbury, yeoman Overton, Peter, of Westbury debt Fyssher, William Michilson, Andrew, of Cley debt Spenser, William, of Wytton, Salop, gent; Gough, Roger, of Merschet, Salop, yeoman; Barbure, William, of Yobulton, Salop, yeoman Spenser, William, of Wytton, Salop, gent; Gough, Roger, of Mersshe, Salop, yeoman; Barbure, William, of Yokylton, Salop, yeoman Sperke, Robert, of Est Retford, butcher; Johnson, James, of Mawsfeld Wodhowse, husbandman Spore, William, of Bechyngham, Notts, yeoman Spore, William, of Beckyngham, Notts, yeoman 4973 f London debt 4001 f Staffs dower Michelson, Andrew, of Cley FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Connyngisby, John, esq, receiver general; Wigston, Roger, esq, receiver of Tutbury Sprott, Anne, widow of Sprott, Thomas 5068 f Essex debt Preston, Lawrence 6295 d Cornw Brusshey, Richard 5364 d Lincs Upton, John 5406 d Staffs Spycer, Robert, of Newport, Salop, mercer; Benlowe, Thomas, of Newport, tanner; North, John, of Chypnall, Salop, husbandman; Horne, William; Nowell, Tewe, Humphrey, of Chypnall, James; Coton, William; Yong, husbandman; Godale, William, of James Chypnall, husbandman 4481 f Herefs debt 5718 d 4283 f Soms Hants 4341 f Devon 5024 f Devon Scheterven, William trespass: close Selwode, John Maior, Richard, executrix of; debt (Maior, Emma, widow) Maior, Richard, executrix of; debt (Maior, Emma, widow) Baker, William, clerk Sprot, Stephen, of Beaurepere, Derbs, yeoman; Mason, John, of Beaurepere, yeoman; Gibson, John, of Beaurepere, yeoman Sprott, Edward Spruce, John, of Walden, tailor; Davys, John, of Hunden, Suff, clerk Sprye, Oliver, of St German, weaver Spryng, Robert, of Parva Stepyng, fisher Spycer, Thomas, of Hereford, clerk Spyryng, John, of Taunton, butcher; Boreman, Nicholas, of Pytmyster, butcher; Dycher, William, of Taunton, butcher; Garlycke, Thomas, of West Hatche, butcher Squery, William, of London, gent Squyer, John, of Opsam, merchant Squyer, John, of Opsam, merchant 6099 d London 4767 f 4423 f London debt Coventr y debt 4991 f London debt Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Unton, Thomas, esq) Compton, William, knight, executors of; (Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Dauncy, John, knight; Chamber, John, clerk; Broun, Humphrey, sergeant at law; Leason, Thomas, clerk; Umpton, Thomas, esq) Smyth, Richard, vicar of Hawgham, Lincs Thorne, Joan, widow, executor of; (Thorne, Nicholas) 6396 d Yorks Shorthose, Anthony 4414 5681 4327 4619 5538 f d f f d Leics Yorks Yorks Kent Kent 5809 d Derbs 5051 f 3891 f debt waste trespass Parkar, Richard, clerk Stable, William Danby, Christopher, esq Gartford, William Gartford, William Mellour, William Middx Leics debt land 4976 f Worcs trespass: conspiracy taking 5678 d Yorks 5013 f 5741 d London debt Devon 5270 f London debt 6416 d 5600 d London 5965 d Hunts St Albans Abbey, Herts, Robert, abbot of St Albans Abbey, Robert, abbot of St Anne Carthusian Priory, Coventry, prior of St James Priory, Bristol, prior of St Mary Abbey, York, William, abbot of St Mary de Pratis, Leicester, Richard, abbot of Stable, John Stabler, Thomas Stace, John, of Galdyng, laborer Stace, John, of Galdyng, laborer Stafford, Alice, of Hardykwall, widow Chamber, John, dean St Mary, St Stephen the Martyr Stafford, Henry, of Sutton juxta College, Westminster Palace Dertford, Kent, gent Wyllenhale, Thomas Stafford, Humphrey, knight Stafford, Humphrey, of Wyford, Staffs, gent; Hypkes, Thomas, of Warley, laborer; Garbet, John, of Typton, Staffs, husbandman; Androwys, William, of Hanbury, gent; Stafford, Rowland, of Worcester, yeoman; Fryth, Melley, John Thomas, of Wyford, husbandman Stagg, Arthur, of Aldeburgh, Exilby, John husbandman Miller, Thomas, of Lyn, Norf, merchant Stainer, Thomas, of London, baker Tristram, John Stallyng alias Colman, Edmund Mordaunt, John, knight, Lord Standard, William, of Takele, Mordaunt Oxon, husbandman Kymwelmersshe, Richard, of Standyssh, James, of Duxbury, London, mercer Lancs, esq Wantesey, William Stanlake, John Swyfte, John; Anne his wife, kinswoman of Haryngton, James, knight Stanley, Thomas, Lord Mountegle Stanley, Thomas, of London, of Baddisworth, Yorks, clerk; Genyng, George, of Cambridge, yeoman Stanley, Thomas, of London, rector of Baddesworthe, Yorks; Lynsey, John, of Radley, Lincs, gent; Newman, William, of Stortford, Crowche, George, of London, husbandman, administratrix of; skinner; Hynton, William, of (Newman, Anne, of Stortford, London, skinner Herts, widow) Byllyng, Edward, of London, Stanley, William, of Otley, Yorks, wax chandler clerk Wright, Roger, of London, Stanley, William, rector of Elyngton, cellarer, executrix of; (Wright, Hunts; Sabe, Thomas, of Elyngton, Felicia, widow) husbandman Stansfeld, James, of Stansfeld, esq; Northclyf, Gilbert, of Barsland, laborer; Hawme, John, of Barsland, yeoman; Hawme, Richard, of Barsland, yeoman; Reyner, John, of Northland, yeoman; Hagh, Henry, of Northland, yeoman; Hagh, Edmund, of Northland, Waterhowse, John yeoman Spaldyng Priory, Thomas, prior of Stanwell, John, of Cowebyt, fisher Spark, John, junior, of Bury St Starff, Thomas, of Stowmarkett, Edmunds, weaver baker Starky, John, of Bloxhom, Lincs, yeoman; Starky, Richard, of Came, Robert Holhowse, yeoman; Amy his wife Broune, Orin, of London, mercer 6361 d London 6313 d London 4065 f London debt 4067 f London debt 5691 d Yorks 5369 d Lincs 5852 d Suff 4311 f Yorks 5839 d Suff 4837 f Middx 6160 d Middx 6161 d Middx 6162 d Middx forcible entry recognisance, writ of entry Bune, John; Margaret his wife Lyle, Thomas, knight; Hungerford, Anthony, knight; Nevyle, Thomas, esq; Danvers, William, esq; Worthe, George Lyle, Thomas, knight; Hungerford, Anthony, knight; Nevyle, Thomas, esq; Danvers, William, esq; Worthe, George Lyle, Thomas, knight; Hungerford, Anthony, knight; Nevyle, Thomas, esq; Danvers, William, esq; Worthe, George Lyle, Thomas, knight; Hungerford, Anthony, knight; Nevyle, Thomas, esq; Danvers, William, esq; Worthe, George Staunton, John Staveley, John, of Bygnell, Oxon, esq Staveley, John, of Bygnell, Oxon, esq Staveley, John, of Bygnell, Oxon, esq Staveley, John, of Bygnell, Oxon, esq Nicolson, Christopher, of London, merchant tailor Staverton, Richard, junior, of London, gent 6268 d London 4543 f Beds common recovery 4911 f Norf debt 4668 f Kent debt 5986 d Suff 6243 d Norwich 4623 f London debt Sheperd, William; Fitz, Simon Staysmore, John, esq Stede, John, of Asshyll, husbandman; Burton, John, of Gaunte, William Oxborowe, miller Hawkys, Richard, executors of; (Bulle, William; Alice his Stede, John, of Woldham, wife) husbandman Clerke, Walter, of Haddeley, Stede, William, of Magna clothier Fraunsham, Norf, gent Stele, John, of Bishops Lenn, mercer; Howssold, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, skinner; Runhale, Roger, of Smaleburgh, worsted weaver; Goldsmyth, Thomas, of Wellys juxta Mare, husbandman; Wode, Edmund, of Norwich, Amys, Richard, of Netesherd, grocer worsted weaver Store, John, of London, Stele, Richard, of Ditton, Cams, haberdasher chapman 5216 f Norf Stanley, Alan 6317 d Essex 4835 f 4885 f 4369 f 5606 d 4643 f 5079 f 6111 d debt Stele, William, of Thornam, butcher Stephen, Thomas, of Magna Hokley, husbandman; Boys, John, of Prytelwell, mariner Fuller, William Hynde, John, sergeant at law; recognisance, Rudson, Thomas; Wynde, Middx writ of entry Richard, gent Stephyn, John Stephyn, John, of St Enny, yeoman; Bersewe, Henry, of St Cornw trespass: close Trevek, John Tennyder, husbandman Stephyns, Thomas, of Goodester, Essex trespass: close Benson, Richard yeoman Stephyns, William, of Sow Gommer(?), husbandman; Byrde, Richard, of Sow Gommer, husbandman; Byrde, John, of Sow Gommer, husbandman; Affry, Hugh, of Sow Gommer, husbandman; Hugh, William, of Soms Selecke, Richard Sow Gommer, husbandman Bulstrod, Richard, principal of London debt Clements Inn Stephynson, John, of London, gent Sterke, Margaret, of Fytlyng, widow; Sperke, William, of Halssam, husbandman; Page, Newton, John, executrix of; Stephen, of Holyn, carpenter; Yorks debt (Newton, Cecilia, widow) Katherine hs wife Pyne, John, of London, scrivener, son of Pyne, Roger, executors of; (Hert, Richard; Sterne, John, junior, of London, Middx Joan his wife) gent 4467 f Herts 5703 d Yorks 5554 d Beds 6384 d Essex concord Gery, William, esq; Margaret his wife Johnson, Charles Hynde, John, sergeant at law; Rudston, Thomas; Wynde, Richard Stevyn alias Bocher, John Stevyn, Thomas, of Hye Onger, Bastewyke, Thomas husbandman 4255 f Oxon 6433 d London Fermer, Richard 5487 d London Fermer, Richard 5071 f Essex debt 4110 f Norf debt 4410 f Notts debt 3935 f Lincs debt 6488 d London 4058 f London debt 6496 d Soms 4617 f Kent 4316 f Yorks 6405 d 4638 f 6190 d 5520 d Sterne, John, senior Stevenson, Thomas, of Rychemonde, yeoman; Akyrke, Alan, of Rychemonde, yeoman debt debt and detinue Kele alias Kylhogg, John Cleydon, Richard Wren, John, of Drynkeston, executors of; (Wren, Christopher; Wren, Thomas) Stevyns, John, of Bledlowe, Bucks, husbandman; A Thame, John, junior, of Chymore, husbandman Stevyns, John, of Chynner, Oxon, yeoman; Stevyns, Robert, of Chynner, yeoman Stevyns, John, of Chynner, Oxon, yeoman; Stevyns, Robert, of Chynner, yeoman; Stevyns, William, of Chigenhale St James, husbandman; Brody, John, of Blakemore, husbandman Stevynson, Richard, of Long Stratton, yeoman Stevynton, Richard, of Est Leke, husbandman; Kensall, Thomas, of Crosby, Julian, rector of Leke Wysall, husbandman Garner, Hugh, executors of; (Lowe, William; Elizabeth his Steward, Robert, of Beysby, wife) husbandman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Stobbe, Andrew, of Norwich, Norfolk, treasurer of England merchant Haddok, William, mariner Taunton Priory, William, prior of Brooke, William, Abbot of Faversham Abbey, executors of; (Hancok, Simon; Margaret his wife) Stodard, John, of Cambridge, clerk Stoddon, William, of Dulverton, husbandman Stok, Thomas, of Sesalter, yeoman trespass: close Byland Abbey, John, abbot of Stokdaill, John, of Oldsted, gent Stokdale, Geoffrey, of Tame, Oxon, Bucks Boston, John chapman Stokes, John, of Abketylby, husbandman; Wright, William, of Leics trespass Shepardson, Robert Abketylby, carpenter Smyth, William, executors of; (Smyth, Thomas; Burneford, Stokes, William, of Fayrfford, Glos, Worcs John) husbandman Collyng, Edward, of London, Stokmede, William, of Dertford, London fishmonger Kent, baker 4074 f London debt 4012 f Suff 6205 d Cornw 4911 f Norf 6247 d Norf 4072 f London debt 4644 f Kent 6461 d London 5799 d Derbs 5377 d Lincs 6114 d Devon 5092 f Berks debt debt debt debt Stokmede, William, of Dertford, Collyng, Edward, of London, Kent, baker; Eliard, Edward, of fishmonger Sandwich, Kent, merchant Stokys, John, of Sannenwell, Middx, yeoman; Nycolson, Holand, Owen, esq, executors Stephen, of Daventre, Nhants, of; (Rychardys, Griffin, esq; husbandman; Dayes, Thomas, of Etheldra his wife) Drayton, Nhants, husbandman Stone, John, of St Muberiam(?), Nycoll, Henry gent Stone, John, of Trows, cooper; Denys, William, of North Todenham, husbandman; Teny, William of Swanton Morley, Davy, John shoemaker Stone, Thomas, of Redeham, Rysyng, William, of Redham carpenter Stoner, Walter, of Retherfeld Turpyn, Thomas, of London, Peppard, Oxon, knight; Faustere, gent John, of London, saddler Stonestrete, John, junior, of Ledes, Warner, Richard merchant Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Store, Humphrey, of Stanno, Norf, Bishops Lenn husbandman Storer, Robert, of Bealpere Lane, Lowe, Anthony husbandman Knollys, William, of Barton on Storre, Thomas, of Est Rasyn, Humber, draper glover Stors, Henry, of Newton Busshell, Bray, Edmund, of Bray, knight gent Redyng Abbey, Hugh, abbot of Stover, John, of Newbery, yeoman 5973 d Devon Coke, Robert; Katherine his wife; Mallett, Richard; Joan his wife 5740 d Devon Bodley, John, senior 5734 d Lotte, William 5802 d Devon Coventr y 5010 f Middx 5114 f London debt Thornhill, William 5440 d Suff Colman, Robert debt Strelley, Nicholas, esq Strangways, Codrens, of Qomall(?), Soms, gent Stowford, Stephen, of Abbotys Bekyngton, husbandman; Draper, John, of Mylton, husbandman Stracheley, Francis, of Stoke St James, gent Strang, John, of Colysford, butcher; Mabbe, John, of Ceton, butcher Strangways, James, of Harsey, Yorks, knight Strangways, William, of Hasylber, Dorset, esq Strangweys, Edward, of Gillingham, Dorset, gent Stranton, Robert, of Stoke, carpenter; Dasshe, John of Sudbury, husbandman; Bragge, Nicholas, of Beauchampe, Essex, husbandman 4938 f Kent Conyngesby, Humphrey, knight; Fairfax, Thomas; Tycheborne, Nicholas; Nowers, Edmund; Solley, Thomas; Engyll, Thomas, entry de cuibus clerk 4024 f Suff debt 4682 f Sussex debt Stratford Langhorn Abbey, William, abbot of Straunton, Robert, of Soke juxta Naylond, carpenter; Smyth, Thomas, of Newton, laborer Streter, Henry, of Kyrdeford, laborer 4540 f Kent Stretford Langthorn Abbey, Essex, William, abbot of 6026 d Kent 5782 d Notts 5847 d Worcs 5996 d Sussex 5671 d Wilts 6031 d Devon Barnard, John, junior Hobson, William Conyngesby, Humphrey, knight; Fairfax, Thomas; Tycheborne, Nicholas; Newers, Edmund; Solley, trespass: close Thomas; Engyll, Thomas Conyngesby, Humphrey, knight; Fayrfax, Thomas; Tytheborne, Nicholas; Nowers, Edmund; Solley, Thomas; Engyll, Thomas Banerotte, Richard, of Newark, gent Smyth, Thomas, of Cumberton Parva, clerk Garton, William, of Byllyngyshyrst Browne, Walter Ford, John, of Tudwyll; Seyntclere, John; Strowbrigge, John, senior Stretford Langthorn Abbey, Essex, William, abbot of Strett, William, of Retforth, butcher; Fyssher, William, of Retforth, butcher; Spark, Robert, of Retforth, butcher Strode, Thomas, of Gloucester, innholder Strodewyke, John, of Wysburgh Grene, yeoman Strong, William, of Cawlston, husbandman Strowbrigge, John, of Streteham Middx recognisance, writ of entry Ford, John, of Tudwyll, Devon, gent; Seyntclere, John; Strobryge, John, senior Strowbrygge, John, of Streteheyn 4698 f Suff common recovery Jenney, Christopher, sergeant at law; Wyndham, Edmund; Strurgyes, John; Joan his wife, Touneshend, Robert, esq daughter of Ratclyff, Geoffrey, esq 6024 d Surrey 4642 f 4315 f London debt Yorks debt 6357 d London 5068 f Essex 4846 f debt Borowe, Katherine, widow, Strykeland, Gervase, of Hersham, formerly Strykeland, Katherine Westmor, gent Strylley, Nicholas, of Strylley, Notts, Botry, William, of London, esq; Wylde, William, of mercer Coldysdowne, Surrey, gent Frank, Thomas, clerk Strynger, John, of Topclyff, clerk Stubbes, John of London, pulter; Newton, John, of London, Arnold, Roger, of Waltham Abbots, pulter Essex, tailor Stubbyng, John, of Bompsted Lawe, John Helion, husbandman 5073 f 5204 f Essex debt Lond, Thomas Stubbyng, John, of Helions Bumpsted, husbandman; Hempsted, Thomas, of Bumsted at Tower, brickmaker Studdon, Michael, of Westlymhe(?), husbandman; Studdon, Thomas, of Allered, shoemaker; Bery, Thomas, of Honycott, tailor; Horne, William, of Honycott, shoemaker; Kytnor alias Chybbet, William, of Honycott, husbandman; Kent, Thomas, of Honycott, husbandmanBoys alias Mayer, John, of Honycott, smith 5505 d trespass: close Rawell, John Pikerell, Thomas, of Norwich, Norwich alderman Sturgeis, John, of Craneworth, gent 6166 d Middx Jenney, Christopher, sergeant Sturges, John, of Craneworth, Norf, at law; Wyndeham, Edmund, gent; Joan his wife, daugher of esq; Touneshend, Robert, esq Ratclyff, Geoffrey, esq Middx recognisance, writ of entry Jenney, Christopher, sergeant Sturges, John, of Craneworth, Norf, at law; Wyndham, Edwund; gent; Joan his wife, daughter of Touneshend, Robert, esq Radclyffe, Jeffrey, esq 4699 f Norf common recovery 4616 f Middx replevin 5345 d Devon Kyrkeham, Nicholas 5635 d Norf Aleyn, Gregory 4702 f 5715 d Oxon Soms Turner, Richard; Elizabeth his wife, widow of Bayers, Thomas Blagdon, Roger 5645 d Norf Pratt, John 5672 d Hants Pace, Thomas 4441 f Notts debt Basset, William, esq 4460 f Yorks debt Byndlesse, Robert 4841 f Soms dower Jenney, Christopher, sergeant at law; Wyndham, Edmund; Sturgyes, John; Joan his wife, Touneshend, Robert, esq daughter of Ratclyff, Geoffrey, esq Canon, Lawrence; Edwyn, John; Hawkyn, John; Style, Richard; Maynard, Robert; Bocher, Robert Stuttesbery, John Stwcley, Thomas, of Aston, knight Styberd, John, of Knapton, husbandman; Kecham, Adam, of Knapton, husbandman Style, Richard; Joan his wife; Stokhall, Robert; Joan his wife; Wydmore, William; Elizabeth his wife; Chattall, John; Anne his wife Style, William, of Mellys, tucker Styward, Richard, of Outwell, yeoman Suckerman, Thomas, of Newport, Isle of Wight, butcher Sudbury, Thomas, of Knapthorp, husbandman; Dyconson, John, of Wynkbourn, husbandman; Robynson, Christopher, of Myddelthorp, husbandman Sugden, William, of Heyton, sherman FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster; Wrothe, Robert; Connyngisby, John; Byrnand, esq Thorne, Edward; Aylmer, Robert; Harlewyn, Robert Thorne, Edward; Aylmer, Robert; Harelewyn, Robert 6276 d London 4842 f Middx 5874 d Suff 6208 d Herefs 4411 f Notts 4670 f Sussex incitement Rawlynson, Brian 4670 f Sussex incitement Wryght, Henry 6519 d Soms Cocke, Robert 3976 f Staffs trespass: close Gravenour, John 4732 f Staffs writ of right 6182 d Glos Worlock, John 5794 d Leics Purfrey, John, esq, executor of; (Purfrey, Nicholas) 5788 d London Castlyn, William 5699 d York 5853 d Glos 4858 f Glos debt Lewes, John Mody, John, of Salisbury, mercer Mody, John, of Salisbury, merchant 4316 f Yorks debt 5253 f 4649 f 5079 f recognisance, writ of entry Pateshale, Roger trespass: killing Constable, John; Flowre, animal Thomas Cronkwall, Edward, clerk Sulby, Richard, of Wentbryg, Yorks, yeoman; Thawte, Richard, of Pountfret, Yorks, yeoman; Wilbore, Richard, of Pountfret, yeoman Sulyard, William Sulyard, William, esq Sumber, Walter, of Frome Bishop, husbandman Summer, John, of Granby, yeoman Susan, Thomas, of Wyllyngdon, husbandman; Fumell, Margaret, of Wyllyngton, singlewoman Susan, Thomas, of Wyllyngdon, husbandman; Funnell, Margaret, of Wyllyngton, singlewoman Sute, John, of Hill Bysshop, husbandman Suthwycke, Henry, of Totenhall Clericorum, clerk; Wollaston, of Totenhall Clericorum, clerk; Bayly, Elizabeth, of Totenhall Clericorum, spinster Suthwyke, Henry, clerk; Wightwyke, John, senior; Wylkys, Thomas Sutteler, Richard, of Frampton on Severne, innholder Sutton, Nicholas, esq, administrator of; (Sutton, Agnes, of Bowsworth, widow) Sutton, Nicholas, of Rye, Sussex, gent Sutton, Thomas, of Walton, yeoman Sutton, William, of Barkeley, innholder Sutton, William, of Barkeley, innholder Swall, Reginald, of Grynton, Swaldaill, gent Swallowe, William, rector of Danbywysk, Yorks Shawe, John Wynter, Thomas, clerk, London debt archdeaconry of Richemond Gaynesford, John, knight; Skynner, John, senior; Skinner, John, junior; Ynglers, Thomas; Bond, Robert; Swan, Thomas, of Reygate, Surrey trespass: close Hesaunt, Richard husbandman Swane, John, executors of; (Heyley, Richard, of Ovenden, Swane, Thomas, son of clothier; Smythis, Margaret, of Yorks debt Swane, Robert Remyngton, widow) Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Here, Thomas, of Worcester, shoemaker FitzWilliam, William, senior, knight 6153 d London 6187 d Worcs 6332 d Hunts 5703 d Yorks 6444 d London Wentworth, Thomas, esq Lawson, Robert, of Cranlyngton 6378 d Essex Medlem, John 5371 d Lincs Hylyerd, Christopher, esq 4299 f 5378 d 5699 d 5357 d Yorks trespass: close Hamerton, Stephen, esq Lincoln Wright, John Morys(?), Robert, of London, Surrey fishmonger Fayrfax, William, of Steton, York esq Soms Stanyng, Walter, esq 4934 f Norf 5695 d Yorks Leke, John 5661 d Hants Bulkeley, Charles 5941 d Essex Hussye, Thomas, gent 4333 f Soms 6425 d Soms 5182 f 4414 f Soms Leics 6517 d Devon 5895 d debt debt Larke, Thomas Popham, John Popham, John debt defamation Rowsewell, John, junior Walker, Hugh Whytyng, William, of Kentysbeare Swayne, John, of Massyngham Magna, Norf, yeoman Swaynwyke, Thomas, of Evesham, tailor Swetebon, Thomas, of Chery, yeoman Swyfte, Thomas, of Tynneslowe, gent Swynbourn, William, of Captheton, Northumb, esq Swynburne, Henry, of Alveley, butcher Swyne, Alan, of Fulstowe, husbandman Swyngilhyrst, Christopher, of Byrholme, Bolland, husbandman; Swyngilhyrst, John, of Byrholme, Bolland, husbandman; Bonde, Christopher, of Byrholme, Bolland, husbandman; Bonde, Thomas, of Byrholme, Bolland, husbandman; Swyngilhyrst, James, of Byrholme, Bolland, husbandman Swynneshede Abbey, abbot of Syberygh, John, of St Olav, Southwarke, chaplain Syddall, Robert, of Persally Graunge juxta Oxton, yeoman Sydney, William, knight Syer, John, of Garveston, husbandman; Stacy, John, of Garveston, husbandman Sykys, John, of Byllam, husbandman; Waynwright, Robert, of Swynton, yeoman Symes, Richard, of Houghton, husbandman Symkyns, William, of Lyston, yeoman Symmes, Nicholas, of Est Brent, husbandman; Coke, Richard, of Est Brent, husbandman Symmes, Nicholas, of Est Brynt, husbandman; Coke, Richard, of Est Brynt, husbandman Symmes, Robert, of West Hartre, laborer; Miller, John, of Est Hartre, husbandman Symmys, John, of Tylton, laborer Symmys, Richard, of Honyton, innholder; Calce, John, of Hanyton, innholder 5983 d Cornw 5152 f London debt 5153 f London debt 5153 f London debt 5154 f London debt 6465 d London 6469 d London 3936 f Lincs debt Trewhavons, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Irby, Anthony, gent Symon, John, of Helston Burgh, laborer; Trevenna, William, of Brede, laborer; Smyth, Robert, of Bolsythyn, smith Symonde, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symonde, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symonde, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symonde, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symonde, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symonde, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symondes, Robert, of Stowemarket, Suff, clothier Symondson, Richard, of Craykehalle Magna, husbandman; Mason, John, of Craykehalle Magna, husbandman; Jakson, John, of Craykehalle Magna, miller; Gyll, William, of Craykehalle Magna, husbandman; Clapham, John, of Craykehalle Magna, husbandman; Jakson, Robert, of Craykehalle Magna, husbandman Symondys, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symondys, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant 5976 d Yorks 5149 f London debt 6470 d London 5156 f London debt 6467 d London Smyth, John Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Bishops Lenn Worcs Symondys, Thomas, of Churchehill, husbandman; Downe, Richard, of Stoke Blysse, Herefs, husbandman; Nicollys, William, of Hanbury, smith; Wafforde, Francis, Richardys, Ralph, executors of Shrewsbury, husbandman; of; (Wilmottys, John; Joan his Broderer, John, of Bydford, Warks, wife) yemoan 6190 d 5818 d London Althford, Robert, of London, draper Symondys, Ralph, of Cley juxta Mare, Norf, merchant Symondys, Ralph, of Cley, Norf, merchant Sympson, Robert, of Southwerk, vintner; Peke, John, of Southwerk, woodmonger; Dale, Thomas, of Southwerk, shipwright 5481 d London Althford, Robert, of London, draper 6384 d Essex Fanne, Richard 4317 f Yorks trespass: assault 4317 f Yorks trespass: close Galowey, Ralph 4454 f Cumber debt Rybton, John 5697 d Yorks Proctour, John, clerk 4980 f Wilts Galowey, Ralph Sympson, Robert, of Southwerke, vintner; Peke, John, of Southweke, woodmonger; Dale, Thomas, of Southwerk, shipwright Symson, John, of Northeweld Basset, laborer; Shargatte, John, of Hygh Rothyng, laborer Symson, John, senior, of Helay, yeoman; Symson, John, junior, of Helay, yeoman; Place, Miles, of Helay, yeoman Symson, John, senior, of Helay, yeoman; Symson, John, junior, of Helay, yeoman; Place, Miles, of Helay, yeoman Symson, Richard, Yeerby, husbandman Symson, William, of Lynton, husbandman 6167 d Tyler, Roger Synd, Thomas, of Wylton, yeoman Marten, Thomas, of Salisbury, Syns, Thomas, of Bolbrygge, Wilts debt merchant husbandman Sytton, Anne, of Tybenham, spinster; Colman, Robert, of Tybenham, husbandman; Roper, John, of Tybenham, thatcher; Sutton, Thomas, of Tybenham, Tayllour, Robert, of laborer; Sutton, Robert, of Norf Tybenham, laborer Wodebryge, glover Tabour, John, of Yng Margarett, yeoman; Goodfellowe, William, of Essex Bolles, John, esq Yng Margerett, yeoman Grisling, William, of London, Tailboys, Elizabeth, of Keme, Lincs, London mercer widow Tailer, William, of South Kelsey, husbandman; Blithe, William, of Lincs trespass: close Ascugh, William, knight South Kelsey, laborer Yorks Buktroute, John Tailler, Henry, of Abberforth, clerk Tailler, Henry, of Haberforth, Yorks, Middx debt Buktrote, John clerk Weston, William, prior of St Taillour, John, of St Johns, London, Middx John of Jerusalem hospital chandler Weston, William, prior of St Taillour, John, of St Johns, London, Middx John of Jerusalem hospital chandler Forster, Thomas; Barowe, Kent John Taillour, Simon; Taillour, Thomas Forster, Thomas; Barowe, Middx John Taillour, Simon; Taillour, Thomas 5696 d Yorks 4978 f 6239 d 6390 d 6336 d 3949 f 5705 d 4086 f 6072 d 6339 d 6030 d debt Swyfte, Robert, of Rotherham Tailyour, John, of Sheffeld, mercer 4261 f Bucks 4292 f Yorks 5224 f Suff 5195 f Suff 5776 d Essex 3935 f Lincs 4401 f Lincs 5970 d Norf 5199 f Devon 6188 d Worcs 6188 d Worcs 6119 d London 5692 d Yorks 6245 d Norwich 3942 f Lincs 4257 f Bucks Takyll, Robert, of Blecheley, Fitzharberd, Anthony, knight, husbandman; Cheffeld, John, of justice; Cheyney, John, esq; Fenny Stratford, husbandman; Catisby, Anthony, esq; Lambard, Richard, of Parva Cheyney, Robert, esq; Pygott, Brekehill, smith; Borowe, John, of trespass: close Robert, gent Parva Brekehill, laborer Talbot, John, of Beverley, chaplain; Newton, Matthew, of Beverley, trespass: close Smetheley, Richard, esq chaplain Wode, William, of Fornham All Saints, husbandman; Nech, Thomas, rector of debt Fornham All Saints Talbott, John, of Tymoth, yeoman Wode, William, of Fornham All Saints, husbandman; Nech, Thomas, rector of Talbott, Thomas, of Bury St debt Fornham All Saints Edmunds, yeoman Talmache, Robert, of Strowte, Richard, clerk Helmyngham, Suff, gent Talmage, Hugh, of Ramsey, Hunts, gent; Barnard, William, of Keston, debt Foster, Adam, of Yaxley, gent Hunts, husbandman Talmage, Hugh, of Ramsey, Hunts, gent; Barnard, William, of Keston, debt Foster, Adam, of Yaxley, gent Hunts, husbandman Tanne, John; Tanne, Thomas; Bele, John; Ethelered his wife Tanne, Robert debt debt debt Tanner, Robert, of Plymothe, executors of; (Elyott, John, of Charleton, John, of Plymothe Plymouth, gent; Margaret his wife) Maxstoke Priory, William, prior of Tapley, William, vicar of Yardeley Maxstoke Priory, William, prior of Tapley, William, vicar of Yardeley Dudley, Thomas, of London, draper Tarry, John, of Beryton, Hants, dyer Tarte, Richard, of Huby, Brabon, Henry husbandman Tasburgh, John, of Wysset, Suff, gent; Andrewe, William, of Ryburgh, gent; Toke, John, of Belaugh juxta Byllyngford, husbandman; Alderton, Robert, of Salle, gent; Herward, Robert, of Potter, Margery, widow Alburgh, gent Tasker, Thomas, of Sutton, Sowter, John husbandman Graunge, William Tatnell, Thomas, of Pichelesthorn, husbandman; Purcas, William, of Pichelesthorn, husbandman; Dawbeney, John, of Pichelesthorn, husbandma'n 4022 f Taverner alias Bocher, William, of Essex Gosnold, Edmund Badowe Magna, husbandman Notting account as Taverner, Richard, of Nottingham, ham receiver Quarnby, Nicholas, gent clerk Gryslyng, William, of London, Taylboys, Elizabeth, of Kyme, London debt mercer Lincs, widow Tayler, James, of Ledbury, Herefs trespass: taking Sewart, John husbandman Tayler, Robert, of Tybnom, Norf trespass Sutton, Anne husbandman Champneys, Anthony; Wilts debt Appryse, Marion Tayler, Thomas, of Trebrygge, dyer Tayler, William, of Wellyngton, Shrops debt Colly, John tanner Whitfeld, Robert, of York, Tayllor, Henry, of Appilton of York alderman Wiske, smith Tayllour, Henry, of Bourton on Glos Grenewode, Robert Water Tayllour, Henry, of Burton on Water, yeoman, bailiff of Slaughter Glos Grenewode, Robert hundred Tayllour, Henry, of Burton on Water, yeoman, bailiff of Slaugter Glos debt Grenewode, Robert Hundred Tayllour, William, of Parva Cams Evers, William, clerk Wyllyngham, husbandman Wornehouse, John; Juliana Taylour, John, of Henham, Essex debt his wife summoner Taylour, Robert, of Towersey, husbandman; Stevyns, John, of Bucks debt Smyth, Lawrence Bledlowe, husbandman Taylour, Thomas, of Mockas, Herefs debt Wenlond, John husbandman Taylour, Thomas, of Mockas, Herefs debt Wenlond, John husbandman Lincs replevin Chambers, Robert Taylour, William Taylour, William, of Gasele, husbandman; Methew, Roger, of Barnham, chaplain; Wordeley, Poley, William, of Iklyngham, Thomas, of Tymworth, Suff debt gent husbandman 3895 f Bucks 5954 d Sussex Isted, Richard 6542 d Devon Bonde, Nicholas 6089 d 4549 f 4593 f 4800 f 4501 f 4273 f 3978 f 5710 d 6377 d 5858 d 4858 f 6306 d 5059 f 4266 f 4578 f 4581 f 3952 f assumpsit Goodall, John Tegge, Leonard, of Colbroke, smith Tekerygge, Richard, executors of; (Tekerygge, Alice, of Lewes, widow; Tekerygge, John, of Lewes, "rypyer") Tekyll, Thomas, of North Lewe, husbandman; Harrys, Robert, of North Lewe, husbandman; Polyn alias Browen, William, of North Lewe, husbandman; Style, John, of North Lewe, husbandman; Tekyll, Nicholas, of North Lewe, husbandman 6228 d Norf Baker, Martin; Cobbe, Geoffrey, gent; Myght, Geoffrey; Gatles, Thomas 6314 d Essex Couper, John 5280 f London debt 4952 f London debt Temest, Richard, of Bowlynghall, Yorks, knight; Tempest, Nicholas, of Bashall, Yorks, esq; Tempest, Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer Nicholas, of Tong, Yorks, esq; of the chamber; Dauntesey, Tempest, Tristram, of Newested, John, knight; Paulett, William, Yorks, esq; Banaster, Roger, of knight Walkyngton, Yorks, gent FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert, esq, attorney general, Duchy Tempest, Nicholas, of Bashall, of Lancaster; Lambert, Yorks, esq; Banaster, Nicholas, of Robert, receiver Alton, Lancs, esq 5280 f 4885 f 6397 d London debt Cornw debt Cornw Tuke, Brian, knight, treasurer of the chamber; Englefeld, Thomas, knight, justice; Paulett, William, knight Way, William Way, William 4612 f Nhants debt 5412 d Nhants 4271 f Hants debt 4883 f Herefs debt 5011 f Hunts debt 5741 d Devon Tele, Henry, of Hyllyngton, tailor; Margaret his wife Tele, John, of Hadleigh, shopwright; Cotell, William, of Leigh, shopwright Tempest, Nicholas, of Bashall, Yorks, esq; Garsted, Hugh, of Ewoode, Lancs, gent Terdre, John, of Terdre, yeoman Terdre, John, of Terdre, yeoman Terell, Robert, of Mildenhall, Suff, miller; reyneberd, John, of Mildenhall, butcher; Palton, Nicholas, of Meldenhall, Newby, James, of Oundell, husbandman; Bugge, John, of yeoman Mildenhall, husbandman Terell, Robert, of Myldenhale, Suff, miller; Reyneberd, John, of Mildenhale, butcher; palton, John, of Myldenhall, husbandman; Bugge, John, of Myldenhall, Newby, James, of Oundell husbandman Terry, John, of Havant, dyer; Legge, Robert, of Est Meen, Cresweller, Thomas, of Chichester, fuller Sussex, mercer Tewe, Roger, of Brocanton, husbandman; Tewe, William, of Brocanton, husbandman; Allen, Thomas, of Eton juxta Sexwas, husbandman; Brace, William, of Gebons, Thomas Pembruge, gent Texston, Richard, of Glatton, Sawtry Abbey, Robert, abbot husbandman; Rachell, Anthony, of of Glatton, tailor Taunton Priory, William, prior Thaccher, John, of Church of Taunton, husbandman 6514 d 6257 d 3938 f 5469 d 5359 d 5461 d 4375 f 5854 d 6545 d 4121 f 5994 d 6495 d 6214 d 4679 f Thaccher, John, of Churche Tawnton, husbandman; Manley, Robert, of Hemyock, hooper; Colyford, Thomas, of Coulmestoke, Devon Barnhows, John, esq yeoman Barne, Richard, of Norwich, Thacker, Constance, of Norwich, Norf butcher widow Croyland Abbey, John, abbot Thakker, John, of Whaplod, Lincs debt of; Wyngfeld, Robert butcher Thakker, William, of London, candlestick founder; Heyward, Henry, of Newyngton Town, laborer; Leyngys, William, of Kyngesland, yeoman; Tayler, Middx Dery, John Edward, of Moweswell, yeoman Thatcher, Thomas, of Ryngmere, Sussex Akherst, Edward gent Thetford, John, of Cavendysshe, Suff Fuller, John yeoman Thewys, John, of Wrentham, Suff, husbandman; Bartram, John, of Wrentham, carpenter; Cowper, Thomas, of Wrentham, carpenter; Oldryng, John, of Blyborough, Suff, husbandman; Fayerwether, William, of Wrentham, husbandman, administrator of; (Barfote, John, of Wrentham, Norwich debt Cause, Gregory husbandman) Thistilwayt, John, of Aylesbury, executors of; (Staper, Christopher, of New Wyndesore, Berks, capper; Bucks Kyslyngbury, Joan, widow Anne his wife) Thomas, Humphrey, of Shrewsbury, clerk; Lyffe, John, of Oxford, yeoman; Knyght, Henry, Woodward, Robert, warden of esq, administratrix of; (Charleton, Oxon All Souls College, Oxford Alice, of Apley, widow) Foyster, George, of London, Thomas, Lewis, of Suthwerke, Surrey trespass: taking currier innholder Foyster, George, of London, Thomas, Lewis, of Suthwerke, Surrey currier innholder Shute, Richard; Trubody, Soms Thomas Thomas, Nicholas Thomas, Nicholas, of Ewenap, husbandman; Laundreth, John, of Ewenap, laborer; Roger, William, of Ewenap, laborer; Crowne, Cornw Budeckyssyde, Roger, esq Nicholas, of Mechishole, laborer Carewe, Nicholas, knight; Braye, Edward, knight; Sandys, Richard, knight; Thomas, of Rype, husbandman; Darrell, Thomas, esq; Fynche, Arrowsmyth, Robert, of Laughton, Sussex trespass: park Herbert, esq painter 6545 d Thomas, William, of St Mawgan, Cornw Polgrene, John husbandman Thomson, John, of Mersyde, Yorks trespass: close Metcalf, James, knight Swaldaill, yeoman Thomson, Thomas, of Lyston, Devon Adams, Henry chaplain Thomson, Thomas, of Lyston, Devon debt Cole, Peter chaplain Thorne, David, of Lytell Toryton, Devon Crawly, John crocker Thorne, Thomas, of Salisbury, London debt Harrys, David apothecary Thornes, Roger, of Shrewysbury, Middx Tyldysley, Thurstan, esq esq Thornes, Thomas, of Alburburye, Woodward, Robert, warden of Salop, gent; Burbage, John, of Oxon All Souls College, Oxford Upchurche, Kent, yeoman 4464 f Kent 6443 d London 5661 d Wilts 3924 f Rutland 4019 f Suff 4017 f Suff 6452 d London 5562 d London 5111 f London 5783 d Derbs 4429 f Derbs 6413 d Cams 4901 f Norf 4092 f Norf 4029 f Suff 5977 d 4315 f 5202 f 4349 f 6302 d 4064 f 5872 d concord Horne, William; Joan his wife Thorneton, John Thorp, William, of Chelmesford, Essex, innholder; Porter, Evan, of Coskam, Soms, clothier; Hawse, Roche, William, of London, William, of Seynt Mary Cray, Kent, draper tanner Thorpe, Henry, of Salisbury, Bekynham, John fishmonger Thorpe, Hugh, of Hokam, butcher; Pylkenton, Robert, of Hokam, trespass: close Trafford, Thomas husbandman Thorpe, John, of Stowmarket, debt Borowe, John yeoman Thorpe, John, of Stowmarket, yeoman; Dollyng, William, of debt Breggis, John Newton, wheelwright Throkmorton, George, of Westby, Bartholomew, Baron Coughton, Warks, knight, son of of the Exchequer, executor of; Throkmorton, Robert; Goodman, (Pavyer, William) Thomas, of Cleve, Glos Jenyn, William, of London, Thurgood, John, of Hycchyn, Herts, brewer maltman Jenyn, William, of London, Thurgood, John, of Hychyn, Herts, debt brewer maltman Thurland, Edmund, of Clifton, Kyrkby, Richard Notts, clerk Thurland, Edmund, of Clyfton, debt Kyrkby, Richard Notts, clerk Thurlond, Thomas, rector of Clyfton, Edmund Russhedon, Nhants Thurston, Matthew, of Worsted, debt Clere, John, esq worsted weaver Thurston, Matthew, of Worsted, debt Cutler, John, of Norwich worsted weaver Thurston, Robert, of Kelsall, debt Champnes, John, pewterer yeoman 3920 f Norf debt 4064 f London debt Hals, William, of Mountioye, esq Harrys, David Thurston, William, of Donewich, Suff, yeoman Thyngwall, Richard, of Bristol, yeoman Thyrkyll, James, of Norwuch, smith; Skyggys, Walter, of Brampton, Suff, chaplain; Edmondys, John, administrators of; (Graunte, John, of Wrentham, Suff, husbandman; Edona his wife) Todde, Miles, of Cotterdale, yeoman; Todde, William, of Cotterdale, yeoman 4376 f Norwich debt Cause, Gregory, of Norwich, merchant 4006 f Yorks debt Metcalff, John, of Hardray 3929 f Middx concord Goodyng, John; Alice his wife Todyngton, Thomas 3983 f 5962 d 5963 d Staffs debt Cumber Cumber Ryse, John Toft, Robert, of Bedyll, drover; Dey, Thomas, of Stafford, capper; Lewes, Thomas, of Mayford, yeoman; Hall, William, of Chebsey, yeoman; Cawardyne, Thomas, of Rydware, gent Goodlarn, Richard Toide, John, of Newbyggyng, husbandman; Wray, John, senior, of Newbyggyng, husbandman Goodlarn, Richard 3917 f Devon account as receiver 5198 f Devon debt 4329 f Soms debt 4017 f Suff 5349 d Norf 6308 d London Blynkensop, Robert Spyght, Thomas, merchant tailor 4592 f Cornw Reskymer, John 4416 f Warks 5922 d Oxon Haukerugge, Clarence Mayowe, Richard Horsyngton, John Bamber, William; Symond, trespass: close Thomas; Wright, John, clerk debt Crossowell, Thomas Cave, Thomas, esq Toide, John, of Newbyggyng, husbandman; Wray, John, senior, of Newbyggyng, husbandman Toker, Robert, of Sele Monks, husbandman Tokerman, Henry, of Fowey, Cornw, merchant Tokey, Edmund, of Axybrigge, husbandman; Jennyns, Roger, of Modford, clerk Toley, Henry, of Ipswich, merchant Toley, Henry, of Magna Frannsham, yeoman Toley, John, of London, clerk Tomkyn, John, of Trewarnaylle, of Lanant, merchant; Hampston, Thomas, of Lanant, surgeon; Reynold, Thomas, of Camelford, yeoman; Powle, Robert, of St Columbe le Over, yeoman Tomkyns, Robert, of Hychynton, husbandman Tomkyns, William, of Waterstok, carpenter 5713 d Yorks Waldby, William, esq 3903 f Norwich debt 5637 d Norf Parys, John, of Norwich, merchant Nesshe, John, of Swaynesthorp, yeoman 6521 d Cams Dendy, Robert 6522 d Cams 6175 d London 4041 f Suff 4454 f Yorks 4265 f Bucks 5400 d Shrops 5950 d Hunts 4909 f Norf 5359 d Staffs 5073 f Essex 5348 d London 4444 f London 5506 d Devon 6501 d Suff 4641 f London Tomlyn, Thomas, of Ynklett, yeoman Tomlynson, Christopher, of Great Yarmouth, glover; Marion his wife, formerly Eldryng, Marion, of Great Yarmouth Tompson, Edward, of Alby, yeoman Tompson, Edward, of Cambridge, baker Tompson, Edward, of Cambridge, baker Dendy, Robert Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Tompson, John, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn mariner Tompson, William, of Stocton, debt Leke, Alice, widow Norf, husbandman Tomson, Robert, of Aston, husbandman; Carre, Robert, of Aghton, husbandman; Sheffeld, John, of Broughton, Derbs, yeoman; Revyngton, Thomas, of Broughton, miller; Bell, John, of Broughton, turner; Hunt, John, of trespass: close Melton, John, knight Broughton, husbandman Skreven, Thomas, merchant Tomson, William, of Newport debt of the staple Panell, woolpacker Tonna, Roger, of Welskehampton, Tonna, Philip husbandman Tony, Thomas, of St Neots, Bulkeley, Robert, esq yeoman Toppes, Thomas, of North Walsham, baker; Chylde, William, of Asshemanhaugh, husbandman; Mathewe, John, of Sloley, debt Thakker, Nicholas husbandman Torner, Thomas, of Mlymhyll, Brereton, Richard, knight husbandman Tornour, John, of Halstede, Guyblon, Thomas, executor butcher; Shetylford, Robert, of debt of; (Lynton, Robert) Alphamston, husbandman Totehyll, William, of London, Throgmarton, William, clerk yeoman Totehyll, William, of London, debt Throkmarton, William, clerk yeoman Exeter Cathedral, dean and Totell, William, of Exeter, chapter of fishmonger Touneshend, John, of Becclys, butcher; Coke, John, of Becclys, butcher; Belle, John, of Becclys, Carvell, William, gent butcher Tournay, John, of Lincoln, esq; Waren, Ralph, of London, Blynde, William, of Wykeham debt alderman Markett, Suff, chapman Charnok, Thomas, executors of; (Hedyngley, Thomas; Elizabeth his wife) Tayler, Thomas, of Huntton, Essex, clerk Townsend, William, of Godmanchester, husbandman Toy, Thomas, of Envild, Staffs, husbandman Toy, Thomas, of Lutley, husbandman 6328 d Hunts 5539 d London 3975 f Staffs 6234 d Norf trespass: close Martyn, Agnes, widow Calle, John, gent; Woodhouse, Thomas, gent; Themylthorp, Robert, gent 4627 f Glos detinue 5762 d Norf 5499 d Hunts 6497 d Dorset 4636 f 4889 f Cornw Cornw 5983 d Cornw 5972 d Cornw 4817 f London debt 4616 f Cornw 6068 d Cornw Tracy, Richard, of Barnesley, gent Tram, Thomas, of Systrond, mercer; Johnson, Thomas, of Wolman, Thomas Wymondham, tiler Sawtrey Abbey, Robert, abbot Travell, Robert, of Sawtrey of Moignes, husbandman Travers, Nicholas, of Saltasshe, Gyle, Walter Cornw, gent Traves, Lawrence, of St Domynyck, Jentill, James, clerk clerk Lytell, John; Joan his wife Tredenek, William Trefusys, Thomas, of Trefusys, gent; Meliora his wife; Tresythny, Skewys, John, esq John, of Penrynborough, gent Tregean, John, of Truruburgh, merchant; Gardyn, Richard, of Wolvedon, groom; Hawys, John, of Alyn, Thomas Wolvedon, yeoman Lovell, Thomas, knight, executors of; (Paston, William, knight; Lovell, Francis, knight; Carleton, Treguram, John, of Cambridge, John) clerk Tregyan, John, of Goldon, St Pomery, Edward, knight Prebe(?), esq Tregyan, John, of Wolvedon, esq; Farneby, William, of Trurburgh, merchant; Resbryhye, John, of St Trescreyle(?), John Parvis, husbandman Cornw Treheneck, Thomas, of Treheneck, yeoman; Joan his wife; Treheneck, Thomasine, widow 6214 d 5084 f 6198 d Cornw Cornw 5448 d Suff debt dower trespass Huddelston, John, esq Kyllyowe, William, gent defamation Trace, Thomas, of Ingham, tailor Kyllyowe, William, ghent Roswarne, Stephen Walker, Roger Treheneck, Thomas, of Treheneck, yeoman; Joan his wife; Treheneck, Thomasine, widow Treskeward, Thomas Tresorer, John, of Flyxston, worsted weaver 6538 d Cornw 5983 d Cornw 6148 d London 4823 f London debt Trevelen, Richard, of Trevelen, gent; Coke, Stephen, of St Alen, husbandman; Coloryan, Thomas, of Gwernek, yeoman; Cubert, Thomas, of Gwernek, yeoman; Smyth, Stephen, of Gwernek, Lagharn, Stephen yeoman Newton, William; Vampage, Treveton, Thomas, of Padystowe, Richard merchant Trevour, Edward, of Oswestre, March of Wales, gent; Trevour, John, of Oswestre, gent; Trevour, William, of Oswestre, gent; Vesey, John, Bishop of Trevour, John Dee ap Robert, of Exeter; Denton, James, clerk; Oswestre, gent; Brereton, Port, John, knight; Crofte, Randolph, of Malpas, Cheshire, Edward, knight; Herbert, esq; Trevour, John ap Robert, of Richard, knight; Bromley, Chirke, gent; Hammer, William, of George; Russell, John, esq Chirke, gent Trevour, Edward, of Oswestre, March of Wales, gent; Trevour, William, of Oswestre, gent; Trevour, John, of Oswestre, gent; Vesey, John, Bishop of ap Guttyn, John ap David, of Exeter; Devereux, Walter, Oswestre, gent; ap Wylliam, John, knight, Lord Ferrers; Denton, ap Mered, of Oswestre, gent; ap James, clerk; Crofte, Edward, Wylliam, John, ap Mered, of knight; Bromley, George, esq Oswestre, yeoman 3905 f Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter; Denton, James, clerk; Crofte, Edward, knight; Herbert, Richard, knight; Trevour, John ap Robert, of Bromley, George; Russell, Chyrke, March of Wales, gent; London John; Snede, Richard, esq Hammer, William, of Chyrke, gent Trewarth, John Nycholl, senior, of St Quenappe, husbandman; Wyllyam, John, of Trewarth, Trevynse, Martin, of St husbandman; Thomas, John, of Cornw trespass: close Guenappe Talgonllowe, husbandman Trewe, Thomas, of Tompeston, Norf Manser alias Perte, Richard husbandman Devon replevin Crosse, John Tristram, John Tromme, Thomas, of Busshey, Herts debt Nycoll, John collier 4997 f Essex debt 3942 f Lincs debt 6145 d 4874 f 6230 d 4634 f 4181 f London debt Comffrett, William, of Stanted Mounfichett, husbandman Trott, John, of Rikkelyng, smith Isaac, Henry, of Tydde St Mary, executor of; (Isaac, Trouthe, Richard, of Spaldyng, John) yeoman Fyld, Henry, of Norton Regis, mercer; Lyndon, John, of Norton Regis, mercer Trowte, Humphrey, of Norfeld, Worcs, gent 4473 f Worcs debt 5837 d Suff 4194 f London debt 6129 d London 4265 f Bucks debt 4486 f Suff debt execution 5351 d Hants 5351 d Hants 4643 f London debt 4280 f Hants debt 3916 f Devon debt 4211 f Berks debt 4472 f Berks debt execution 5089 f Oxon debt 4639 f Staffs trespass 4844 f Middx recognisance, writ of entry 5558 d Westm or Harrys, Humphrey Hansleppe, Robert; Isabel his wife; Toller, John; Mary his wife; Man, Ambrose; Alice his wife Browne, George, prior of St Augustine Friary, London; Bellond, Edmund, friar, doctor of theology Wryght, Roger, of London, cellarer, executrix of; (Wright, Felicia, widow) Trowte, Humphrey, of Wordesley, Staffs, yeoman; Lowe, of Kynver, Staffs, capper; Seybryghte, William, of Kedermyster, husbandman; Heywod, John, executrix of; (Heywod, Alice, of Bromesgrove, widow) Troysse, Thomas Trye, Thomas, of Calongdon, Warks, gent Tryge, Henry, of Chesterfeld, Derbs, clerk Tryplate, William, of Marsshe, Mason, William husbandman Tryppe, John, of Thornham Magna, Sherman, Thomas, of Yaxlee yeoman Horne, Godfrey, of St Olav, Suthwerke, executors of; (Garett, Maurice, of London, Tuchett, John, of Stretham, Surrey, cutler; Eleanor his wife) knight, Lord Audeley Horne, Godfrey, of St Olav, Suthwerke, executors of; (Garett, Maurice, of London, Tuchett, John, of Stretham, Surrey, cutler; Eleanor his wife) knight, Lord Audeley Tuchett, John, of Wade, Hants, knight, Lord Audeley; Weldon, John, of Southampton, gent; Loveson, James, esq, Rychardson, Robert, of Wemme, merchant of the staple Hants, gent Erlysman, Thomas, clerk, Tuchyner, John, of Wyndesore, executor of; (Pocok, John) Berks, clerk Tudboll, William, of Lyme Regis, Gale, Gilbert; Bodlegh, John Dorset, merchant Tudwey, George, of New Askewe, James Wyndesore, chapman Tudwey, George, of New Askewe, James Wyndesore, chapman Garard, William, of Clepyng Lambourne, Berks Tufferey, of Clanfeld, husbandman Blount, Walter Gascoign, Willaim, junior, knight; Myddelton, William, knight;Plompton, William, esq; Gascoign, Henru, esq Gascoign, William, junior, knight; Middylton, William, knight; Plompton, William, esq; Gascoign, Henry, esq Tully, William, of Uttoxator, yeoman Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham; Redman, William, esq; Story, William, clerk Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham; Redman, William, esq; Story, William, clerk 4550 f 6497 d Yorks Dorset 6064 d Surrey 4307 f 5959 d 4335 f 6515 d 5412 d 5636 d 5952 d 5447 d 4224 f 3987 f 4004 f 4004 f 5412 d 6493 d entry sur disseisin Gascoynge, William, junior, knight; Middylton, William, knight; Plompton, William, esq; Gascoyngn, Henry, esq Huse, Thomas, esq Goodfeld, Peter; Margaret his wife; Sterne, John; Goodfeld, John Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham; Redman, William, esq; Story, William, clerk Turbervile, George, of Come, gent Turke, George, of London, salter; Agnes his wife Turneley, John, of Connesburgh Hagh, yeoman; Tryket, Thomas, of Waterhowse, John; Rotherham, dyer; Byrtryke, John, of Yorks debt Waterhowse, Robert, his son Rotherham, "frobissher" Turneley, John, of Connesburgh Hagh, yeoman; Turneley, John, of Connesburgh Hagh, yeoman; Tryket, Thomas, of Rotheram, Waterhowse, John; dyer; Byrtryke, John, of Rotheram, Yorks Waterhowse, Robert "frobyssher" Turner, John, of Domet, Soms trespass: close Pecher, William husbandman Turner, William, of Stalbrygge, Soms Hychyn, William; Hill, Simon husbandman Turner, William, of Towcestre, Nhants Blenkho, Thomas butcher Turnour, John, of Oxburgh, Norf Payn, John, of Carbrok yeoman Turnour, Nicholas, of Snelston, Warks Lont, Thurstan Derbs, chaplain Turnour, Philip, of Ixworth, sherman; Pannell, John, senior, of Pentlowe, Essex, yeoman; Parsey, John, of Otley, singleman; Rote, Thomas, of Cavendysshe, Suff Fuller, John carpenter Turnour, Thomas, of Parva Norf trespass: close Hawker, Robert Walsyngham, mercer trespass: free Nhants warren FitzWilliam, William, knight Turnour, William, of Belesoys, gent Turnour, William, of Millyngton, Yorks debt Slyngesby, Henry husbandman Turnour, William, of Millyngton, husbandman; Turnour, Lawrence, of Millyngton, husbandman; trespass: Turnour, Robert, of Geldale, Yorks assault Newlewe, Robert husbandman Turnour, William, of Towcestre, Nhants Munnyngys, Robert butcher Turpeny, Thomas, of Schepton Malet, mercer; Calowe, John, of Somerton, mercer; Gillyng, William, of Est Brent, husbandman; Gray, Catcall, William, executors of; William, of Stawston Drewe, Soms (Eyre, William; Joan his wife) husbandman 5795 d Leics Boney, Peter; Langley, Richard 6068 d Essex Wyseman, John, of Magna Waltham, yeoman 5984 d Glos Twesell, Thomas 5225 f Devon debt Whytehed, Robert Turvyle, William, knight Tusser, Roger, of London, gent; Woodde, Thomas, of London, yeoman; Helles, John, of Terlyng, yeoman Twesell, George, gent, son of Twesell, Robert Twigge, John, of Bradnynche, yeoman Twyford, Edward, gent, bailiff of St Etheldred, liberty of Bishop of Ely Twyn, Thomas, of London, barber surgeon Twynge, Robert, of Parva Walsyngham, Norf, pewterer Tydder, Elias, of Wantage, mercer Tye, John, of Alton Estbroke, brewer Tye, Robert, of Wutton Basset, clerk; Smeff alias Parker, John, of Wutton Basset, yeoman; Bromesden, William, of Wutton Basset, yeoman Tykkyns, Thomas, of Newcastle under Lyme, capper Tylby, Christopher, of Leneham, butcher 6087 d Suff 5551 d London 4989 f London debt Spark, John, junior, of Bury St Edmunds, weaver Lambard, Walter, of London, goldsmith Spendley, Robert, of London, goldsmith 5092 f Berks Burges, Henry, esq 6128 d Hants Thorp, John 5670 d Wilts Gorwey, Joan, widow 3976 f Staffs 6021 d Kent 5512 d Norf debt trespass: close Trymmell, Roger 5133 f London debt Buns, John Hertstong, William, of Eggefeld, yeoman, executors of; (Feke, William; Hamond, William) Pyne, John, of London, scrivener, son of Pyne, Roger, of Plymouth, Devon, executors of; (Hert, Richard; Joan his wife) 4074 f London debt Hunt, Richard 5758 d Norwich Cause, Gregory, of Norwich, mercer 5891 d Norwich 5468 d London Cause, Gregory, of Norwich, mercer Frampton, John, rector of Soocke Denys, Soms 5350 d Norf Hunston, Henry, gent Tyler, Henry, of Suffeld, ploughwright Tyler, John, of Coventry, yeoman; Hunt, Robert, of Twywell, Nhants, yeoman; Tyler, John, junior, of Yate, Glos, yeoman Tyler, William, of London, clothworker Tylles, Robert, of Carleton, gent, executors of; (Robynson, Robert, of London, sherman; Compton, John, of London, haberdasher; Agnes his wife) Tylles, Robert, of Carleton, gent, executors of; (Robynson, Robert, of London, sherman; Compton, John, of London, haberdasher; Agnes his wife) Tyltey Abbey, Essex, Roger, abbot of Tylton, William, of Kyngeston, Cams, husbandman 6009 d Sussex Warde, John 5623 d Norf Howse, Robert; Plesance, Robert 5065 f Herts replevin 4336 f Soms trespass: close Chaworth, John, esq Goodeyere, Walter 6231 d Norf Cotney, Roland, of Banham, clerk 6394 d Yorks Symson, Robert 6429 d Hunts 5905 d London 4427 f Leics 5766 d Lincs 4889 f Cornw Robyns, Richard, of Godmanchester, yeoman Keyle, Thomas, of London, mercer debt Garset, Ralph Bradley, Thomas trespass: close Hohn, Bartholomew 5759 d Notts Nostall Priory, Alvered, prior of 5624 d Norf Stede, John, gent 5009 f Middx debt Beamond, John 4438 f Warks debt Pype, Thomas Tyndall, Thomas, of Cokefeld, yeoman Tynkeler, Thomas, of Bathale, husbandman; Shaxton, Thomas, of Bathale, yeoman Tynny, Walter; Cooke alias Wheler, Thomas Tynt, William, of Bacwell, yeoman; Soilicett, Robert, of Backwell, laborer; Alen, Richard, of Backewell, husbandman; Personys, John, of Backewell, husbandman; Hilsey, Thomas, of Backewell, husbandman; Wedmore, Thomas, of Backwell, husbandman; Wall, John, of Backwell, husbandman; Vowlys, John, of Wynfrith, husbandman Typpyn, Robert, of Suffeld, chaplain, executor of; (Preston, John, of Estham, Essex, yeoman) Typpyn, Robert, of Thryske, chapman Tyrell, Robert, of Myldenale, Suff, innholder; Duffeld, Paul, of Myldenale, husbandman Tyrlyng, John, of Colleton, Soms, chapman Tyrpyn, William, executrix of; (Tyrpyn, Mary, of Knaptoft, widow) Tyson, Roger, of Grymmolby, husbandman; Whyte, John, of Grymmolby, husbandman; Sheffeld, William, Grymmolby, husbandman Udy, Michael, of Tregewen, husbandman; Udy, John, of Tregewen, husbandman Ughtred, Anthony, of Redehouse, Yorks, knight; Bankys, Richard, of Whyxley, Yorks, esq; Davell, George, of Cokewold, Yorks, gent; Bentley, George, of Radehouse, yeoman Ulfe, John, of South Creke, husbandman Underhill, Thomas, of London, goldsmith; Stokwood, Robert, of Endfeld, maltman Underwode, John, of Coton, yeoman 4972 f London debt 6505 d Suff 4453 f Wilts debt 5203 f Devon waste 5384 d Lincs 5464 d Suff 4039 f Suff debt 4555 f Middx debt 5731 d 4425 f Soms Notts replevin 5840 d 4760 f Berks Devon FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Connyngisby, John, esq, receiver general; Wigston, Roger, esq, receiver of Tutbury Farthyng, John, of London, merchant tailor Underwood, William, of Rodmayne, Staffs, yeoman; Leicestr, John, of Yoxall, Staffs, yeoman Ungar, Andrew, of Stowmarkett, mercer Webbe, William Uphill, Peter, of Honyngton, smith Wode, John Upton, John, senior; Elizabeth his wife; Upton, William; Upton, John reyne, John, clerk Urmeston, James, of Baston, gent Ussherwode, John, senior, of Butley Priory, Thomas, prior of Russhemere, yeoman Ussherwood, John, senior, Butley Priory, Thomas, prior of Russhemere, yeoman Strangwyche, Thomas, of Uvedale, Thomas, of Tychefeld, London, esq Hants, gent Vabehopkyng, David, of Rokysbrydge, yeoman; Baghe, Alen, John John, of Rokysbrydge, yeoman Sharpe, Robert vacated 6538 d 4863 f Kyrton, William; Joan his wife Vachell, Thomas, esq trespass: close Toker, Nicholas Valans, John, of Exilond, dyer Valgh, David ap Hugh, of Bishops Shrops ap Mathewe, Meredith Castle, yeoman Norf Payne, Walter Vans, Edward, of London, esq Glouce Vaughan, Maurice, of Gloucester, ster London, Thomas, of Bristol mercer Worcs debt Acton, Thomas, gent Vaus, Thomas, of London 5057 f Herts 5707 d Yorks 5402 d 6261 d 6382 d Herts 5801 d Warks 4505 f Warks 5430 d Suff debt Jakes, Thomas, junior Maunsell, William Vayle, John, of Aldenham, yeoman Veall, Richard, of Aldbrough, husbandman; Hikman, Robert, of Fyklyng, husbandman; Johnson, William, of Skyflyng, husbandman; Rede, William, of Tunstall, husbandman; Baynton, William, of Tunstall, husbandman Clerke alias Tayllour, Richard, Vele alias Abram, Thomas, of of Asshewell, draper Royston, yeoman Veners, John, of Wellesburn, yeoman; Goldsmyth, Peter, of Hawe, Richard, of Warwyke tachebroke, draper Venton, Richard, of Sheldon, trespass: close Cokys, William chaplain Ventoner, Rowland, of St Osithe, Swyntten, John, of Haldley, Essex, merchant; Sergeant, John, clothmaker of Lawsell, husbandman 4911 f 6237 d Norf debt Gryce, William, esq Baron, Ralph, of Brandon Ferry Norf 6157 d London Hales, Christopher 3986 f Nhants debt Thomas, Walter 5753 d Dacre, William, Lord Dacre 3989 f Nhants debt 5813 d Middx Smythe, John, gent Watson, Robert, abbot of Killeshull Abbey FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Wroth, Robert; Conyngisby, John; Byrnand, John, esq Burton on Trent Abbey, William, abbot of 4972 f London debt 5942 d Devon 4683 f Kent debt 4465 f Staffs concord 5639 d Norwich Blechynden, John Bold, Hugh, Cecilia his wife; Bold, Ralph, their son Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman 6516 d Soms Butler, Robert 5234 f Glos 5465 d Suff debt Walrond, Humphrey Norwiche, Robert, knight; Drury, Robert, knight; Stubbys, Edward Vere, Nicholas, of Skole, husbandman; Awoode, Richard, of Ilketshale, Suff, yeoman; Harward, Richard, of Beklys, Suff, fishmonger; Cooke, John, of Pyrleston alias Byllyngford, husbandman; Dele, John, of Pyrleston alias Byllyngford, husbandman Verlo, William, of Magna Cressyngham, prior of Bromehill Priory; Candeler, Robert, of Hale, husbandman Vernam, Richard; Rydley, John; Strandley, Henry; Whyte, Richard; Gurney, Henry; Lysle, Humphrey; Gyffyn, Richard; Wogatt, John; Frenche, Thomas; Croft, George; Marshall, Cuthbert; Standysshe, Christopher; Shepe, John; Gudneston, Thomas; Kentson, William; Wawyn, John; Vernam, Thomas, of Stachedon, Beds, yeoman Vernam, William, of Northborowe, yeoman Verney, Richard, of Est Neston, esq Vernon, George, parson of Wistanstowe, Salop Vernon, Richard, bailiff of Greisley Hundred, Derbs, yeoman; Dikynson, Thomas, bailiff of Uttoxatur, Derbs, yeoman Vernon, Richard, of Nethershele, Leics, gent Vertue, Robert, of Tonnbrigge, weaver Vesey, John, Bishop of Exeter Vewtre, John, of North Walsham, worsted weaver Veyle, Richard, of Wylscombe, husbandman; Edith his wife Veysey, Hugh, of Pockyll Church, clerk Veysey, Thomas, of Hadley, yeoman; Mullyngton, William, of Hadley, brickmaker; Seler, John, of Hadley, yeoman; Seler, Thomas, of Hadley, yeoman 6204 d Cornw 4077 f London debt 4078 f London debt 5806 d Leics 6369 d Middx 4863 f Worcs 6403 d Beds 5719 d Soms 6494 d Soms 4644 f Kent Perkyn, John Burley, Thomas, rector of Ayston, Rutland Burley, Thomas, rector of Ayston, Rutland Vos, John, of Govylyver, husbandman; Olyver, Roger, of Tregony, weaver; Jakwillyam, Tybot, of St Columbe the Over, husbandman; Jakwillyam, Benedict, of St Columbe the Over, husbandman; Frances, John, of St Kynwyn, executors of; (Treverff, Robert, of St Quenepp, husbandman; Agatha his wife) Vowe, William, of Alaton, Leics, gent Vowe, William, of Alaton, Leics, gent Fenton, John, of Staunford, Lincs, fishmonger Vowe, William, of Halowton, gent; Mytton, John, of Haloughton, yeoman; Hykman, Richard, of Halowton, husbandman Bydwell, Richard, treasurer debt Appowell, Clement, executor of; (Russell, John, esq) Plowryght, Thomas; Wels, William, of Dusntable husbandman Huysshe, John Walrond, Humphrey; Hayne, John debt Hyllys, Lawrence, of Feversham, merchant 4876 f Worcs debt Bulffynche, John, gent 5183 f 6192 d Bristol Worcs debt Gourney, John Leycroft, Thomas 6257 d Norf Jankynson, John, gent Vowell alias Fowell, Thomas, of Plymmouth, gent; Coryton, Peter, of Trencreke, Cornw, esq; Ive, Richard, of West Kyngton, Wilts, gent; Tregodeck, John, of Lawhere, Cornw, gent; Wylcockys, Adam, of Exeter, gent Vuett, Richard, of Mathon, yeoman; Hadwyke, Roger, of Bromyarde, Herefs, husbandman Vyes, John, of Dunstable, cordwainer Vyll, Walter, of Pytmyster, butcher Vyncent alias Garnesey, William, vicar of Creche Vyncent, Robert, of Towne Mallynge, fishmonger; Stevenson, Thomas, of Towne Mallyng, yeoman; Haywarde, John, of West Mawlyng, yeoman Vynder, James, of Acton Becham, cooper; Clerke, Richard, of Acton Becham, weaver Vyner, Richard, of Cicetter, Glos, innholder Vyns, John, Droytwyche, tanner Vynsen, Henry, of Westfeld, husbandman Houghton, Thomas, clerk Vyrdon, John, of Laneham, Suff, clothmaker; Warner, John, of Saham Tony, carpenter; Rykkys, John, of Yaxham, husbandman; Warde, John, of Wesenham, husbandman; Reve, Thomas, of Snetesham, yeoman Norf Dewes, William Wacy, Gilbert, of Tylney, yeoman 6537 d Norf Dewes, William 5654 d Bucks Heyer, Thomas 6002 d Kent Raynold, William, of Holyngborne Wacy, Gilbert, of Tylney, yeoman Wade, John, of Est Burnham, husbandman Wade, Thomas, of Wylmyngton, husbandman; Lambe, Robert, of Wylmyngton, husbandman; Hemest, Henry, of Hallyng, husbandman; Haverton, Richard, of St Margaret Hyllys juxta Dartforde, husbandman; Pycher, John, of Cokeston, husbandman, executrix of; (Pycher, Godelena, of Cokeston, widow) 4929 f Norf 6537 d 4706 f 6275 d 6563 d 4885 f 4562 f 5923 d 5071 f 6409 d Kent London debt trespass: close Love, John Wade, William, of Clyff, husbandman; Smyth, John, junior, of Clyff, husbandman; Lambe, William, of CLyff, husbandman Marny, John, knight, executor of Marny, Henry, executor of; Wadham, Nicholas, of London, (Bedyngfeld, Edmund, knight) knight Wadham, Nicholas, of Meryfeld, Lovell, Thomas, knight, Soms, knight; Bourchier, John, executors of; (Paston, knight, of Stowe, Soms, Lord William, knight; Lovell, FitzWaryn; Wadham Lawrence, of Francis, knight; Carleton, Meryfeld, esq; Warham, William, of London John) Casterton, Dorset, esq Wagge, John, of Lawanneke, Cornw trespass: close Crabbe, William; Olyver, John husbandman Wakefeld, Andrew, of Parva Norf debt Jekeler, Thomas Walsyngham, smith Wakefeld, Andrew, of Parva Norf Jekeler, Thomas Walsyngham, smith Walcok, Katherine, of Rayligh, widow; Swalowe, William, of Essex debt Lewgour, John Chelmysford, husbandman Waldern, William, of Pen, husbandman; Capull, William, of Burnham, laborer; Grene, William, of Wendover, tailor; Burford, Richard, of Chesham, carpenter; Wytney, Stephen, of Parva Bucks Wylcokkys, Walter Marlowe, laborer 4897 f Norf 6241 d Norf 4864 f Worcs 5409 d Nhants 5634 d Norf 4372 f Norf 6576 d London debt debt debt Wale, William, of Framyngham Pygott, husbandman; Wale, Andrew, of Framlyngham Earl, husbandman; Arboll, John, of Suffeld, husbandman; Brewster, Albon, Henry John, of Kyswyke, husbandman Stede, William, of Frannsham Walepole, Edward, of Howghton Magna,gent juxta Harpley, gent Bradeley, John, executors of; (Kempe, Richard; Bradeley, Walforde, Richard, of Emlode, Rose, widow) yeoman Billyng, William, of Dadyngton, Walker, Henry, of Kyngys Sutton, Oxon, gent yeoman Walker, Robert, of Thorpland, Smyth, John, junior husbandman Walker, Robert, of Thorpland, Keswyk, William, of yeoman; Manser, John, of Walsyngham Parva Warham, mariner FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor of Duchy of Walker, Robert, of Thorplond, Norf, Lancaster; Alberd, Thomas, yeoman; Edmonde, Richard, of receiver Fekenham, Norf, husbandman Walker, Roger, of Pyckesley, laborer; ap Thomas, Roger, of Pyckersley, laborer; Hyll, Thomas, of Monysley, laborer; Chorgan, William, of Monysley, husbandman Walker, Thomas, of Coventry, yeoman 6221 d Herefs Home, Thomas 5814 d Warks 5807 d Derbs Villers, Christopher, esq Babyngton, Rowland, of Atlowe 4080 f 5970 d Middx debt Nhants Newdegate, John, esq Mabbys, Henry 4865 f Worcs Goppe, Roger 4271 f 5373 d Hants Lincs 5065 f Herts 4127 f Essex 6487 d London 4529 f Worcs 6297 d Cornw Prideaux, Nicholas; Vyvyan, William Walle, John, of Bottley, clerk Waller, John, of Boston, laborer Waller, John, of Hankesworth, husbandman Waller, William, esq; Forster, William Waller, William, of Norwich, merchant Walles, Thomas, of Hagley, husbandman Wally, Stephen, of Hellond, laborer; Hokkyn, Nicholas, of Hellond, laborer; Luke, William, of Hellond, husbandman 6532 d London Reynold, Martin Walsche alias Edwarde, Robert, of Stapleford, Cams, husbandman debt trespass: assault debt common recovery debt Wateryng, John Palmer, Thomas Kyng, Thomas, of Asshewell, tailor Pyers, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Grove, Alice, widow Walker, William,of Derby, butcher Wallaston, John, of Rewyslyp, gent Walle, Edward Walle, John, of Alston, Warks, husbandman 5981 d Essex 4466 f Warks 5784 d Norf 4843 f Middx 6037 d Essex 5462 d Suff 6515 d Soms 5187 f Suff 6196 d Cornw 5967 d Norf 4222 f Norf debt 5179 f Bristol debt 6579 d Dorset 5723 d Dorset 3969 f Staffs 5613 d London 6344 d London 4650 f Surrey concord recognisance, writ of entry debt trespass debt Brown, William, of Berwyk, Walser, William, of Hyngham Toppisfeld, husbandman Sebbyll, husbandman Hoo, Richard; Katherine his wife; Broke, Ralph; Elizabeth his wife; Crowe, Robert; Joyce his wife Walsyngham, John; Anne his wife Walsyngham, Robert, of North Walsham, wool chapman; Brome, Robert, of Causton, smith; Hamond, Thomas, of Cokeman, John, of Wooddallyng, Wychyngham St Mary butcher Fycche, William, of Dunmow, Essex, yeoman; Bendebowes, Christopher, gent; Colyn, Nicholas Walter, John, gent Fycche, William; Bendelowe, Christopher, gent; Colyn, Nicholas Walter, John, gent Grome, Robert, of Lavenham, Walter, John, of Hepworth, clothmaker husbandman Walter, John, of Wotton, Fitziames, James, clerk husbandman Walter, Stephen, of Hadley, smith; Mollyngton, William, of Hadley, brickmaker; Teryngton, Robert, of Wyth, Thomas Hadley, carpenter Walter, Thomas, of St Stephyns, Hytchons, William husbandman Attmer, Ralph, of Thetford, Walter, William, of Swaffham yeoman Markett, husbandman Nykke, Richard, Bishop of Walter, William, of Swapham Norwich Markett, yeoman Walton, Henry, of Bristol, wire Jubbes, Thomas drawer Willoughby, Edward, knight; Walton, Robert, of Wodeland, Anne his wife usbandman Willoughby, Edward, knight; Walton, Robert, of Woodeland, Anne his wife husbandman Walton, Thomas, of Brigeforde, husbandman; Hert, Henry, of Tyll, John Brigeford, husbandman Walweyn, Nicholas, of Hereforde, Coxton, Vincent, of London clerk Walweyn, Nicholas, of Hereforde, Coxton, Vincent, of London clerk Bermondsey Abbey, Robert, Walys, Richard, of Farnyngham, abbot of Kent, husbandman 4333 f Soms forcible entry Broke, David 4907 f Norf trespass: close Oldman, Henry 5009 f Middx debt Vavasour, Peter, knight Walysshe, William, of Chustoke, husbandman; Grey, William, junior, of Stanton Weke, husbandman Wannocke, Thomas, of Lakenham, thatcher Warcop, Gabriel, of Thryske, Yorks, gent 5760 d Norf Wodward, John 4916 f Norf debt Wryght, Thomas 4916 f Norf debt Wryght, Thomas 6505 d Suff 5772 d Norwich 5333 d Leics Smyth, William Rede, Edward, of Norwich, alderman Villers, Christopher, esq Hennege, George, chaplain of Holy Trinity College and Warde, Stephen, of Obthorpe, Almshouse husbandman Warde, Thomas, of Fernham, husbandman; Payn, John, of Rykelyng, husbandman; Colyns, John, of Byrchaunger, Crathorn, John husbandman Warde, Thomas, of Southwerk, Glemham, John, knight butcher 3945 f Lincs customs and services 5072 f Essex debt 4636 f Suff debt 4060 f London debt Porte, John 6233 d Norf Ive, John 4627 f Middx account 4914 f Norf debt 5961 d Nhants 5408 d Nhants 3985 f trespass: free Nhants warren 5855 d Oxon Ward, Thomas, of Shymplyng, clerk; Randall, William, of Topcroft, butcher; Feltwell, John, of Byllyngforthe, pewterer Warde, John, of Wesenham, husbandman; Elwyn, John, of Wesenham, husbandman Warde, John, of Wesenham, laborer; Elwyn, John, of Wesenham, husbandman Warde, Nicholas, of Brokford, yeoman; Fitzharreys, William, of Ipswich, yeoman; Inkesorby, Andrew, of Chempton, yeoman; Holand, Thomas, of Saxymyndon, yeoman; Brown, Humphrey, of Saxmynsdon, gent Warde, Nicholas, of Ocley, Suff, yeoman Warde, Richard, of Shankton, yeoman and close keeper Ware, John, of Leicester, chapman Waren alias Hatter, John, of Brysyngham, husbandman Hungerford, Anothony, knight Waren, Richard, of London, gent Waren, Robert, of Burneham Westgate, smith; Englyshe, Richard, of Burneham Norton, miller; Langley, Ralph, of Ryngsted, clerk; Baker, John, of Thorneham, shepherd; Barne, Christopher, of Martyndale, Edward Reynham St Martin, husbandman Flecham, Nicholas, of Stowe, Waren, William, of Hynton, gent husbandman Fletham, Nicholas, of Stowe, Waren, William, of Hynton, gent husbandman Waren, William, of Hynton, husbandman; Petyvere, Patrick, of Barker, Fulk, esq Hynton, husbandman Warham, Hugh, of Croydon, Woodward, Thomas, of Surrey, gent; Brown, John, of Abyndon, Berks, gent Swyndon, Wilts, gent 4621 f 4422 f Norf detinue Coventr y Coventr y debt 5737 d Devon 5529 d Herefs 5781 d 5474 d Cams 4482 f Worcs 6186 d Worcs 6184 d 4464 f Glos Herefs 5659 d Hants debt concord Warles, William, of Est Walton, Palmer, John; Broune, Henry husbandman Ridell, Martin, of Coventry, Warley, Ralph, of Holborne, Staffs, mercer gent Ridell, Martin, of Coventry, Warley, Ralph, of Horborne, Staffs, mercer gent Warman, John, of Bamton, Pollard, Hugh husbandman Barrowe, Richard, esq; Philyppys, Richard, gent; Tomkyns, James; Crose, John Warmecombe, Richard Fabbe, Richard; Bemoond, Thomas; Byngham, Thomas, of Parva Wylbergham Porter, William, of Worcester, alderman Porter, William, of Worcester, alderman Huddelston, John Garwey, James Watt, Richard 4593 f Kent 5992 d Kent Wyngefyld, Robert, knight; Gaynesford, John, knight; Whettell, Richard, knight; Cornewales, John, knight; Sulyard, Eustace, gent; trespass: close Hawte, Edward, gent Fenys, Thomas, knight, Lord Dacre 5008 f Middx account as bailiff 6471 d London 4667 f Kent debt Warmyngiam, Henry, of Parva Wylberham, dyer Warmynster, VIncent, of Hereford, mercer Warmynster, Vincent, of Hereford, mercer Warne, Richard, of Snoweshill, husbandman Warnecombe, Richard Warner, James, of Lekford, husbandman Warner, John, of Rochester, merchant; Atterbery, John, of Strowde, yeoman; Warwyke, Matthew, of Strowde, carpenter; Hopper, John, of Rochester, laborer; Hopper, Thomas, of Rochester, laborer; Lockyngton, John, of Rochester, laborer; Thorpe, William, of Rochester, laborer Warner, John, of Rochester, yeoman Warner, Richard, of St Sepulchre, Champeney, Elizabeth, widow West Smythfeld, tailor Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Warner, Robert, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Warner, Thomas, of Chesylherst, husbandman; Edmede, George, of Yaldyng, husbandman; Germeyn, Thomas, of Mepeham, husbandman; Roberd, Stephen, of Gowdeherst, husbandman; Roberd, Walter, of Gowdeherst, Smyth, William husbandman 4131 f Nhants 4718 f Kent 5225 f Devon 5182 f Soms 4935 f Norf 4556 f Norf 6098 d Suff 5839 d Kent 6593 d London 6174 d London 6477 d London 6594 d London 5376 d Lincs 6216 d Herefs 6185 d 5700 d Herefs York 5832 d York Stafford, Humphrey, knight; Taylour, Lawrence, knight; Stafford, Humphrey, esq; Stafford, William, esq; Apryce, common Robert, esq; Marvyn, Hugh; recovery Forest, Miles; Bevyll, William Warner, Thomas; Watson, William Warnet, George, of Framfeld, Multon, Robert, of Otford, Sussex, gent, administratrix of; yeoman, executor of; (Multon, (Warnett, Margaret, of Otford, debt Robert) widow) Acourt, William; Agnes his Warre, John, of Church Tawnton, debt wife husbandman Warre, William, rector of debt Rysdon, William Otterhampton Waryn, Thomas, of Aldeburgh, trespass: close Gawdy, Thomas, senior husbandman Wasshyngton, George, of Brugh debt Fraunces, John juxta Whetacre, clerk Wasshyngton, George, of Burgh Hacon, John, gent juxta Westacre, clerk Monne, John; Margaret his wife Watear, William Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Water, John, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Water, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Water, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Water, Thomas, of Bishops Lenn, Bishops Lenn merchant Waterhouse, Richard, senior, of Halyfaxe, Yorks, clothier; Waterhouse, John, junior, of Halyfaxe, clothier; Waterhouse, Thurlebek, Robert John, senior, of Halyfaxe, clothier Waters, David ap Lewis, of ap Rees, John Thomas Dorston, husbandman Waters, David ap Lewis, of Griffyth, Thomas ap John Dorston, husbandman Thornton, Thomas Waterton, Robert, of Burn, knight Elwod, Robert, of York, merchant Waterton, Robert, of Burne, knight; Scott, Gilbert, of Newton, gent Wathe, John, of York, merchant; Nicolson, John, of York, tiler; Vanse, Nicholas, of York, tiler; Stagge, John, of York, carpenter; Staveley, John, of York, laborer; Watson, John, of York, tiler; Fowle, James, of York, carpenter; Hawle, Robert, of York, carpenter 5676 d York 4851 f London 6578 d London 5837 d Kent 5624 d Norwich 4917 f Norwich 4223 f Norwich 3998 f Nhants 6242 d Norwich 6295 d Cornw 5619 d 4151 f Norf Kent 5396 d Staffs Copyndale, Edmund Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at Watson, Edward, of Bishops Lenn, debt Bishops Lenn merchant Watson, Robert, of Wenden Magna, Essex, husbandman; Basse, William, of Spryngwell, Goddyer, Henry, yeoman Essex, husbandman Bak, John; Elizabeth his wife; Apantre, Thomas; Margaret his wife Watson, William Boxford, Richard, of Cryngelforth, shipper; Elizabeth his wife Watt, William, of Norwich, grocer Watt, William, of Norwich, grocer; Cutler, Henry, of Norwich, worsted Boxford, Richard, of weaver, executor of; (Thurston, Cryngelforth, shipper; Matthew, of Worsted, worsted debt Elizabeth his wife weaver) Jannys, Robert, of Norwich, alderman, executors of; (Sywhat, Nicholas; Wood, Edmund; Rogers, William; Wattys, John, of Great Yarmouth, debt Trace, John) worsted weaver Wattys, Thomas, of Brygstok, trespass: close Griffith, Thomas, esq husbandman Wattys, William, of Norwich, Cause, Gregory innholder; Mary his wife Waves, Henry, of Stethyans, laborer; John, Luke, of Stethyans, Harry, John husbandman Wayte, William, of Tytlershale, gent; Constable, Robert, Potter, John husbandman debt Whetenhall, William, esq Webb, William, of Detlyng, gent Webbe, John, of Morrey, Yoxhall, Fleccher, Richard husbandman Oxon Webbe, John, of Tytheryngton, Glos, clothier; Webbe, Thomas, of Iron Acton, Glos, weaver; Heynes, Thomas, of Iron Actoon, clothier; Hoper, Nicholas, of Rangeworthy, Glos, clothier; Samon, Thomas, of Braylys, Warks, glover 4470 f debt Busby, Richard, of Magna Tewe, yeoman 5059 f Essex debt 5407 d Staffs Gyfford, John, knight 5657 d Bucks 5087 f Beds Byrche, John Belfeld, Joan, administrator of; (Belfeld, William) 6001 d 4626 f Kent Glouce ster cessavit 4924 f Norf 4859 f Glos 6195 d Glos 6374 d Herts 5428 d Yorks debt Canon, George Webbe, Johnm of Assheton, husbandman; Clascok, John, of Staple Bumpsted, husbandman; Bocher, Thomas, of Sabrygesvorth, Herts, yeoman; Kyme, Henry, of Donmowe, fuller; Bate, Robert, of Magna Haylyngbury, chandler; Skylyngham, John, of Stortford, Herts, tailor Webbe, Richard, of Bloxwich, yeoman; Malpas, John, of Stafford, yeoman; Badeley, Thomas, of Gayton, yeoman; Aleyn, John, of Preston, yeoman; Mounford, Thomas, of Waterton, husbandman; Stere, Thomas, of Rigeley, husbandman Webbe, Richard, of Magna Marlowe, carpenter Webbe, Richard, of Stone, Bucks, yeoman Webbe, Richard, of Wroteham, miller Walker, Robert St Barts Hospital, Gloucester, Andrew, prior of Webbe, Robert Webbe, Robert, of Wyghton, debt Smythe, John shepherd Webbe, Thomas, of Alkertton, Estyngton, tucker; Freman, trespass: close Hoper, John Thomas, of Frowster, tucker Webbe, Thomas, of Estyngton, tucker; Freman, Thomas, of Hoper, John Frowceter, tucker Webbe, William, of Steple Morden, Cams, husbandman; Samon, Robert, of Stevenage, shoemaker; Okeley, William, of Graveley, butcher; Auncell alias Dewke, William, of Benyngton, maltman; Dukke, John, of Potton, Beds, Halfhyde, John butcher Webster, John, of Beverley, Crawe, John yeoman 5232 f Bucks trespass: close Blome, Roger 5967 d Norf Grave, William, clerk 5983 d Kent More, John Webster, William, of Blecheley, clerk; German, Simon, of Fenny Stratford, innholder; Purcell, William, of Blecheley, husbandman Weche, Thomas, of Mendham, gent Welbek, William, gent; Somer, Henry 5483 d London 4638 f Norf 5809 d Derbs 5069 f Herts Luce, Humphrey, of London, leatherseller trespass Glover, Thomas Nedam, Thomas trespass: close Copcot, Richard, gent 5012 f Hunts debt Palmer, Bartholomew 5843 d Oxon Reade, Thomas 6236 d 5192 f Norf Suff Cowper, Thomas Danyell, Hugh, gent More, Thomas, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Knyghtley, Edmund, sergant at law 5265 f London debt 3893 f Bucks 5103 f London debt 5162 f London debt Lane, Thomas Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer 6000 d Kent Forde, Stephen trespass: taking Lane, Thomas Welborn, Richard, of Pounffret, Yorks, chapman; Day, John, of Dancaster, Yorks, chapman Welby, Richard, of Bishops Lenn, yeoman; Kelarby, John, brewer; Oldman, John, brewer Weldon, Randolph, of Dowall, Hertyngton, yeoman; Weldon, George, of Dowall, Hertyngton, yeoman; Hethcote, Nicholas, of Harley, Hertyngton, yeoman; Hethcote, Arthur, of Harley, Hertyngton, yeoman; Hethcote, Matthew, junior, of Harley, Hertyngton Weller, Richard, of Gaddysden, cook; Pratt, William, of Gaddysden Parva, husbandman Welles, Simon, of Godmanchester, smith; Wild, John, of Godmanchester, husbandman; Pell, Robert, of Godmanchester, chandler; Philip, John, of Hertford, husbandman; Tawyer, Richard, of Fennestanton, tailor Wellys, John, of Watlyngton, yeoman; Cokkys, William, of Watlyngton, tailor Wellys, Richard, of Swanton Morley, worsted weaver; Brese, Reginald, of Hoo juxta Est Derham, tailor; Swanton, Henry, of North Elmham, butcher; Broun, Thomas, of Est Derham, minstrell; Clarke, William, of Swanton Morley, shepherd Wellys, Thomas, of Canam, clerk Wellys, Thomas, of London, gent; Puncheon, Thomas, of London, carpenter Wellysbourne, John, of Hychenden, gent Wellysburn, John, of Huchenden, Bucks, gent Welsshe, John,of Antyngham, Norf, gent Welsted, Roland, of Sevenok, tiler; Tebeney, Gregory, of Maydeston, laborer Willughby, Henry, knight, executors of; (Willughby, John, knight; FitzHerbert, Anthony, knight, justice; Willughby, Edward, knight; Perrot, Robert, chaplain) 4409 f Warks debt 4907 f Norf trespass: close Fordley, Gilbert 5991 d London Wodelond, Walter, gent Ellys, Alexander; Ellys, Alexander, junior Ellys, Alexander; Ellys, Thomas, junior Aprice, John Wenlok Monastery, Salop, John, prior of Wenne, John, of Erleham, carpenter; Wenne, Thomas, of Erleham, carpenter; Bekker, John, of Hoston St John, butcher Wenteworth, Anne, of Barowe, Suff, widow of Wentworth, Richard 4837 f Middx recognisance, writ of entry 5507 d 4752 f Yorks Essex replevin 5715 d Soms 5838 d Bucks 6596 d 5363 d Lincs 4401 f Coventr y debt 4833 f Middx recognisance, writ of entry 4146 f Lincs entry sur disseisin 5630 d Norf 5905 d London Nele, William Gleyn, William, of Louth, Lincs, mercer; Ratheby, William; Whalley, Robert; North, Thomas Gleyn, William; Ratheby, William; Whalley, Robert; North, Thomas Westacre Priory, William, prior of Keyle, Thomas, of London, mercer 6380 d Herts Hunt, George London Weston, John, of London, hosteler; Patmer, Henry, of London, Hetton, John, of Waltham Holy draper, executors of; (Dutton, Cross, Essex, gent; Cache, John, Peter, knight; Juliana his wife) junior, of London, haberdasher 5475 d Gold, John Fowler, John, son of Fowler, Richard, knight, and Juliana his wife Fowler, John, son of Fowler, Richard, knight, and Juliana his wife Ledebeter, Thomas Wentworth, Thomas, knight Wentworth, Thomas, knight Werall, John Wescot, Henry, of Meryott, husbandman; Michell, Thomas, of Meryot, laborer; Swayn, Thomas, of Meryot, laborer Wescott, Christopher Wescott, Christopher West, John, of Holbeche, laborer West, John, of Hulcote, Eston, Nhants, husbandman; Pelle, Edward, of Dayntre, Nhants, mercer West, William West, William Westbloke, William, of Southlenne, yeoman Westcombe, John, of Wellyngton, Soms, chapman Weste, John, of Ware, yeoman; Reve, Robert, of Hoddysden, butcher Weston, John, of Lynchefeld, tanner; Stafford, Humphrey, of Wyforth, gent; Butler, John, of Wolverhampton, mercer; Bathe, John, of Womburne, yeoman; Smalwode, John, of Peryhall, yeoman Weston, Thomas, of Iteham, gent Westowe, George, of St Mary Gate, York, laborer Westwood, John, of Devises, clothier; Smyth alias Baker, John, of Devises, clothoer Wether, Edmund, of Inkpen, husbandman; Wether, Roger, of Inkpen, husbandman Wetherfeld, Richard, of Wygenhall, laborer; Smythe, William, of Wygenhall, laborer Wever, Thomas, of Webley, husbandman Wever, William, of Cromor, Norf, mariner Wevyll, William, of Comb Ralegh, gent Wevyll, William, of Comb Ralegh, gent Whalley, John, of Newhouse, yeoman 3974 f 4664 f Staffs Kent debt debt Ruddyng, John, executors of; (Grasbroke, John, of Shenston, landlord; Ruddyng, Ellen, widow) Webbe, Brian 4003 f Yorks defamation Maunsell, William 6036 d Wilts 5091 f Berks 6249 d Norf 4881 f Herefs 6476 d London Harpley, Thomas Lanthome Priory, Gloucester, prior of Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England 5736 d Devon Rowclyff, Thomas 6518 d Devon 5703 d Yorks 5078 f Yorks account as bailiff 5130 f Middx debt Rowclyff, Thomas Jerevall Abbey, Robert, abbot of Fynes, Thomas, executors of; (Audeley, Philip; Joan his Wharton, Christopher, of Storton, wife) yeoman Wharton, Thomas, of Wharton Halle, Westmor, knight; Johnson, Thomas, of Lynley Halle, Yorks, Wentworthe, Thomas, knight gent 6196 d Worcs Katherine, Queen Consort 6189 d Worcs Weston, Robert 4923 f Norf debt Hewer, Arthur 5007 f Middx debt Bromewiche, Alice, widow Baylye, John debt debt Filoll, Hugh, administrator of; (Willoughby, Edward, knight) Wheler, Gilbert, of Drowyche, gent; Wheler, James, of Drowyche, clerk Wheler, John, of Throkmerton, husbandman; Bolte, John, of Clyfton juxta Severnstoke, husbandman; Rudhale, Alice, of Netherton, widow; Skylle, John, of Norton juxta Evesham, husbandman; Hopkyns, John, executors of; (Hopkyns, John, of Fladbury, husbandman; Hopkyns, Whelpdale, William, of Whalpole, yeoman, administratrix of; (Whelpdale, Joan, of Walpole, widow) Wheteley, John, of London, carpenter; Staunton, John, of St Mary at Strond, brewer 4332 f 5215 f 4617 f 5690 d 4591 f 4961 f 4832 f 6229 d 5389 d 5389 d 6245 d 4606 f 4721 f 5392 d 5406 d Wheton, Nicholas, of Talleton, Devon trespass: close Salter, John; Joan his wife husbandman; Marion his wife trespass: Wheyland, John, of St Clement Middx assault Wheteley, John Danes, yeoman Whipwand, William, of Gravesend, Kent debt Broun, Matthew, knight yeoman Yorks A Dale, Thomas, yeoman Whitby Abbey, John, abbot of White, John, of Brentwood, Essex, Norf assumpsit Marsham, Thomas, gent yeoman Whitehed, John, of Sampford Devon debt Burdon, Nicholas Courteney, husbandman Whiteland Abbey, South Wales, William, abbot of; Apholl, Reginald, rector of Lanvayth, North Wales; Lewys, David, of London, tailor; Collyns, Robert, vicar of Tenby, London debt Hewes, John, of London, gent Pembroke Whitemowth, Thomas, of Bury St Edmunds, yeoman; Baseley, of Bury St Edmunds, yeoman; Skotte, Franke, Robert, of Norwich, John, of Bury St Edmunds, coverlet Norwich fishmonger; Isabel his wife weaver Kele, Thomas, of Sallowby, Whitetuthe, Robert, of Sallowby, Lincs tailor husbandman Kele, Thomas, of Sallowby, Whitetuthe, Robert, of Sallowby, Lincs tailor husbandman Whitewood, Ralph, of Newcastle on Tyne, merchant; Kechyng, George, Norwich Carre, Christopher, merchant of Newcastle, keelman Whithed, Thomas, of Alcunbere, Holensed, William, of Hunts, husbandman; Humfrey, Buknam, executor of; Edmund, of Ely, Cams, Staffs debt (Holynshed, Ralph) husbandman Surrey replevin Baker, William Whitmore, Henry Whitmore, Thomas, of Hatton, Staffs Rogers, Richard husbandman Whitmore, Thomas, of Lichefeld, Staffs Barker, Richard baker 4783 f Staffs 5738 d Dorset debt Brereton, Ralph, esq, executors of; (Brereton, Joan, Whitney, Thomas, abbot of widow; Chidlowe, John, gent) Devlencresse Abbey Strangweys, Giles, knight Whitwode, Hugh, of Chetnall, tailor Noke, Robert Whyrlycane, Robert, of Hattefeld Regis, husbandman; Ray, George, of Hattefeld Regis, husbandman; Saltwell, John, of Farneham, husbandman; Josselyn, Richard, of Parva Halyngburye, husbandman 5062 f Essex debt 4233 f Norf Crofte, Richard, clerk; Wryght, Whytby, Robert, of Magna trespass: close John; Croft, John, clerk Carbroke, husbandman 5852 d Oxon 4253 f Oxon 5655 d Bucks Pagett, John debt 6205 d 6318 d Cornw Essex Pagott, John Hyll, Robert, of Wendover, husbandman Hellas, John Thomas; Tremoghe, John; Tresythyne, John; Innes, Thomas; Colroger, Thomas, churchwardens of Gluvers Wodland, Edward 4657 f Sussex debt Burnell, Richard 4357 f Devon trespass: close Frye, William 4678 f Kent debt Gooram, Thomas 3916 f Devon debt Knapman, William 5748 d Devon Knapman, William 6507 d Suff Hevenyngham, John, knight 5329 d Suff Blyaunt, Richard, esq 5843 d Suff Blyaunt, Richard, esq 6326 d Middx 6403 d Beds Waldram, Thomas, gent Bray, William, executor of; (Cokke, George) 5764 d Norf Dalamore, John 5793 d Notts Grascoke, Richard 5729 d Devon 4977 f Herefs 6514 d Devon 4999 f Essex Predaux, John, gent trespass: water diverted Baskervyle, James, esq Strete, William trespass: close Cocke, Thomas Whyte, James, of Long Compton, Warks, chaplain Whyte, James, of Long Compton, Warks, chaplain Whyte, John, of Addyngton, gent Whyte, John, of Bristol, bellfounder; Polmargh, Thomas, of Paddestowe, merchant; Hendra, William, of St Newlyn, husbandman Whyte, Richard Whyte, Richard, of Horsham, baker Whyte, Robert, of Kylmyngton, weaver Whyte, Thomas, of Saltwode, yeoman Whyte, Walter, of Throulegh, husbandman Whyte, Walter, of Throulegh, husbandman Whyte, William, of Fresyngfeld, clerk; Tatnell, John, of Fresyngfeld, laborer; Foster, Thomas, of Huntyngfeld, laborer; Stevyns, William, of Huntyngfeld, smith; Toclyff, Thomas, of Laxfeld, laborer Whyte, William, of Nedeham Markett, dyer Whyte, William, of Nedeham Markett, dyer Whyte, William, of Westminster, butcher; Watson, George, of Preston, Rutland, yeoman; Grene, Randolph, of Egill, Lincs, yeoman; Merye, Thomas, of Kyrkayreton, Derbs, husbandman Whytehed, Henry, of Bekeleswade, yeoman Whytehosse, John, of Castell Rysyng, miller Whytelom, John, of Westerayton, husbandman Whytknyght, William, senior, of Wellyngton, Soms, butcher Whytmey, James, of Brokbury, gent Whytmore, Robert, of Clehydon, husbandman Whytoppe, Thomas, of Hadley, husbandman 4426 f Leics 5245 f London debt 6558 d London 4877 f Cornw covenant 4324 f 4859 f York Glos debt replevin Whyttyngton, William, of Newboro, gent; Agard, Edmund, of Newboro, gent; Duffeld, John, of Newboro, Yate, John, chaplain yeoman Howard, Thomas, Duke of Whytyng, Thomas, of Great Norfolk, treasurer of England Yarmouth, mariner Howard, Thomas, Duke of Whytyng, Thomas, of Great Norfolk, treasurer of England Yarmouth, yeoman Whytyngton, William, of Pauntlegh, Killegrewe, John; Trewynnard, Glos, gent, son of Whytyngton, William John Wigley, John, of Worsfourth, Hogeson, John; Joan his wife Derbs, yeoman Horne, Robert Wikes, Nicholas, esq debt 5714 d 3936 f Yorks Lincs debt Wilkynson, Christopher, of Sutton, clerk; Ledys, Guy, of Sutton, gent; Damson, Andrew, of Sutton, yeoman; Clerk, Oswald, of Sutton, Swynne Priory, Ellen, prioress yeoman; Androson, Thomas, of of Sutton, yeoman White, Ralph, of Spaldyng Wille, Henry, of Talyngton, smyth 5096 f Berks debt Awdelett, John, esq Chapman, Henry, of Whaplod, executor of; (Chapman, John) Wulber, Nicholas, of London, merchant tailor Wulber, Nicholas, of London, merchant tailor Averell, Henry, of London, goldsmith William, John, of Asshbury, clerk; Clawen, Henry, of Asshbury, husbandman; Payne, Richard, of Sourton, husbandman; Whitebrede, John, of Sampford Courteney, husbandman; Colecote, Christine, of Shebbeare, widow William, Richard, of Bereferrers, Devon, husbandman Williams, William, of Salisbury, draper Williamson, James, of Walden, Essex, yeoman Williamson, James, of Walden, innholder Williamson, William, of Whaplod, fisher; Sleight, Henry, of Gedney, laborer Willoughby, Anthony, of Fordyngbrige, Wilts, knight Willoughby, Anthony, of Fordyngbrige, Wilts, knight Willoughby, Edward, of London, knight FitzHerbert, Anthony, knight, Justice; Cumberford, Thomas, esq; Comberford, Humphrey Halford, Ralph, gent; Fyssher, Richard, gent Willoughby, Fulk, of London, brewer Willoughby, George, gent; Barbor, John, yeoman 4341 f Devon 6296 d Cornw 4585 f Wilts 4060 f London debt Tuchett, John, knight Gardiner, Daniel, of Messyng, gent 5360 d Essex Eve, William 3933 f Lincs 5563 d London 5818 d London 5564 d London 5974 d Oxon 6170 d Middx debt Burdon, Nicholas Hellond, Richard debt debt William, David, of Redyng, clothier 4430 f Derbs trespass: close Sacheverell, Henry, knight 4283 f Hants debt 4754 f London debt 5076 f Herts 6491 d Dorset 5110 f Devon 4294 f Yorks debt debt Willoughby, Hugh, of Rysley, esq Willoughby, John, parson of Walrond, Humphrey Semble Wulber, Nicholas, of London, Willoughnby, Anthony, of merchant tailor Fordyngbryge, Wilts, knight Barley, Peter, of Cherfeld, Willowes, Thomas, of Royston, husbandman husbandman Corston, Thomas, abbot of Seron Abbey; Gylberd, Anthony; Cary, Walter, of Willughby, Anthony, of Sandehyll, Castelcary, Soms Hants, knight Willyam, John, of Asshbury, clerk; Glawen, Henry, of Asshbury, husbandman; Colcote, Christine, of Burdon, Nicholas Shebbeare, widow 5330 d Suff trespass: close Stable, John Holland, Owen, of Bukkyngham, esq, executors of; (Rychardys, Griffin, esq; Etheldra his wife, alias Holland, Andrea) 3941 f Lincs trespass: mill Foderby, Robert 3927 f York debt 5379 d Lincs Buny, Richard Brymbold, Nicholas, of Braunston, yeoman 3938 f Lincs debt 5700 d York Glym, Robert Woode, Nicholas, gent, executors of; (Hynde, John, sergeant at law; Scargyll, John; Elizabeth his wife) Strey, Thomas, esq, executors of; (Strey, Robert, clerk; Ellys, Thomas; Frobyser, Francis; Hobson, John) 6213 d Cornw Darre, Robert 5016 f Cams debt Wilson, Henry, of North Duffeld, yeoman; Smyth, Thomas, of North Duffeld, yeoman; Nicoll, John, of North Duffeld, yeoman; Ebbys, William, of North Duffeld, husbandman; Wande, Thomas, of North Duffeld, husbandman; Watkynson, William, of North Duffeld, husbandman; Rae, Henry, of North Duffeld, husbandman; Burnbye, Christopher, of North Duffeld, husbandman; Blaunsherd, Robert, of North Duffeld, husbandman Wilson, John, of Whytchurche, Bucks, yeoman; Brere, Richard, of Daventre, Nhants, horse courser Wilson, Robert, of Medderyngham, miller Wilson, Robert, of Wakefeld, merchant Wilson, Thomas, of Lincoln, gent or innholder Wilson, Thomas, of Sutton, yeoman Wingfeld, Anthony, of Ledryngham, Suff, knight; Wingfeld, Edmund, of London, gent Wirrall, John, of Doncaster, gent; Whalley, Christopher, of Dawby, gent Witheall, William Pers, tinner; Thomasine his wife 5472 d 4185 f London Surrey replevin 4180 f Yorks 5679 d Yorks 6465 d London 5151 f London 5155 f London 6308 d London 3913 f Sussex 4242 f Norf 4004 f Yorks 6434 d London 5961 d Wilts 3923 f Wilts Denys, Robert, of London, sherman Mabott, William Witton, John, of Est Church, Isle of Shepey, Kent, yeoman Wodclerk, Richard Rychardson, William; Wodd, Marmaduke; Morthyng, Henry, common clerk; Clevyng, Robert, clerk; recovery Morthyng, George Wodd, John Wodd, John, of Lepton; Blakeburn, Beamount, John, of Lepton Thomas Howard, Thomas, Duke of Woddowe, William, of Ingham, Norfolk, treasurer of England Norf, gent Howard, Thomas, Duke of Woddows, William, of Ingham, debt Norfolk, treasurer Norf, gent Howard, Thomas, Duke of Woddows, William, of Ingham, debt Norfolk, treasurer Norf, gent Wode, Humphrey, of Ludlowe, Salop, innholder; Hynley, Gilbert, of Treheyron, John, gent Habraham, Lancs, gent Shelley, Richard, of Peccham, debt gent Wode, Thomas, of Clayton, gent Wodehouse, John, of Breccles, trespass: close Crowe, John gent trespass: close Byngley, Richard debt debt Morryss, Richard Malmesbury Abbey, Richard, abbot of Malmesbury Abbey, Richard, abbot of 4933 f Norf Drynkemylke, John 5490 d London 6468 d London 5149 f London debt Broune, Richard, vicar of Burston, Kendale, Westmor Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer 5975 d Worcs Wodlond, John Wodehowse, Thomas, of Aston, "bowlker"; Yngley, Robert, of Braywell, husbandman; Sheperde, John, of Staynton, husbandman Wodeley, John, of Assheton, Essex, husbandman Wodereve, John, of Blakelond, yeoman Woderove, John, of Blaklond, yeoman Wodestoke, William, of Wetyng, tailor; Newall, Thomas, of Feltwell, husbandman; Cokoo, Thomas, of Wylton, butcher; Dykman, John, of Hokwold, husbandman; Porter, Nicholas, of Wetyng, husbandman Wodhous, Thomas, of Dalton, Lancs, yeoman; Jakson, John, of Burstone, Westmor, yeoman; Peerson, Thomas, of Burston, yeoman; Jacson, John, junior, of Burston, yeoman Wodhowe, William, of Ingham, Norf, gent Wodhows, William, of Ingham, Norf, gent Wodlond, Edward, of Hambury, ploughwright 4630 f Herts 5647 d Bucks trespass and contempt 5981 d Essex 5537 d Northu mb 4125 f Lincs common recovery 4145 f Essex common recovery 4173 f Yorks common recovery 5546 d Leics 5589 d York 4583 f Surrey 6035 d Worcs 5407 d Staffs 6007 d Kent 5331 d Glos 5424 d Yorks Knyghton, Thomas, senior, gent Weryne, Ralph Norwyche, Robert, knight, Justice; Hales, Christopher, esq; Whyte, Henry; Smyth, John, esq; Jenour, John, esq; Lewson, James Malyverey, William, knight; Norton, John, esq; Strangways, William, clerk Malyverey, William, knight; Norton, John, esq; Strangways, William, clerk Malyverey, William, knight; Norton, John, esq; Strangways, William, clerk Malyverey, William, knight; Norton, John, esq; Strangways, William, clerk Malyverey, William, knight; Norton, John, esq; Strangways, William, clerk Malyverey, William, knight; Norton, John, esq; Strangways, William, clerk trespass: close Browne, Matthew, knight Stokdale, John Stannford, Thomas, executor of; (Stannford, William) Cokkys, Thomas, gent, customs collector of Standewyche Barlowe, John, dean of Westbury on Tryme College 5362 d Lincs Pulleyn, Thomas; Mitton, Thomas Beron, John, of Colwyck, Notts, knight; Suthworth, Thomas, of Blakeburne, Lancs, knight; Osbulston, Alexander, of Blakeburne, knight 6407 d Oxon Goughe, John Wodlyff, Simon, of Amwell, husbandman; Wodlyff, William, of London, mercer; Oker, John, of London, yeoman; Hyll, Nicholas, of London, yeoman; Wodlyff, Simon, of Ware, laborer; Purse, Thomas, of Ware, husbandman Wodsall, Henry, of Symson, clerk Wodward, Thomas, of White Notley, husbandman; Swetyng, John, of White Notley, laborer Wodward, William, gent; Bate, William Wodward, William, gent; Bate, William, gent Wodward, William, gent; Bate, William, gent Wodward, William, gent; Bate, William, gent Wodward, William, gent; Bate, William, gent Wodward, William, gent; Bate, William, gent Woer, Christopher, of Lye, butcher Wolaston, Thomas, of Parshore, chaplain Wollascroft, William, of Brycheford, yeoman Wollet, Roger, of Elam, yeoman; Waren, John, of Dover, gent Wolleworth, Thomas, of Burseley, clothier Wolley, John, of Nottingham, bellfounder; Birche, James, of Nottingham, bellfounder Wolley, John, of Nottingham, bellfounder; Lovot, Robert, of Nottingham, yeoman; Sponor, William, of Nottingham, mercer Wolley, Thomas, of Henley on Thames, cooper 4135 f Oxon debt 6403 d 4008 f Beds Yorks debt 5792 d 3901 f Notts Leics replevin 5331 d Worcs 4011 f Suff 6051 d Suff 6255 d Norf 4033 f Suff debt 3943 f Lincs debt 4871 f Worcs debt 4502 f Sussex debt 4901 f Norf 5702 d Yorks 4619 f Surrey trespass and contempt Wolley, Thomas, of Henley on Belson, John Thames, maltman Bray, William; Colmorth, Wolmar, Robert, of Beleswade, William; Cokke, George husbandman Fulwood, Thomas Wood, John, of Wath(?), yeoman Wood, Thomas, of Gamston, Cade, John husbandman Turvile, William, knight Woode, Randolph Woode, Thomas, of Wyke juxta Newport, Richard, junior, gent Parshore, gent Talbott, Thomas, of Bury St Edmunds, yeoman; Talbott, Woode, William, of Fornham All John, of Tymoth, yeoman Saints, husbandman Talbott, Thomas, of Bury St Edmunds, yeoman; Talbott, Woode, William, of Fornham All John, of Tymoth, yeoman Saints, husbandman Woode, William, of Horsham St Lyng, John Faith, tailor Woodhouse, John, of Nedeham Market, gent; White, William, of Blyaunt, Richard, esq Nedeham Marker, dyer Woodock, Thomas, of Ensyngham, Cumber, husbandman; Myrns, Richard, of Ensyngham, husbandman; Bren, James, of Ensyngham, yeoman; Mylner, Brystoo, Robert; Lathys, William, of Ensyngham, Robert; Glasters, Roland husbandman Woodrose, John, of Staurbrygge, Gonson, John cooper Worde, John, of Fokyngton, Lewes, Elizabeth, widow husbandman Worme, John, of Aylesham, Clere, Robert husbandman Wormwall, John, of Akworth, Turner, John husbandman Worsfold, John, of Abyngeworthe, Gardyner, John husbandman 4169 f Soms common recovery Dormer, Michael; Wilkynson, William; Pakyngton, Robert 4383 f Lincs debt execution 4631 f Lincs debt Broune, Robert Godric, John, of Est Kyrkby, gent; Tupholme, John, of Boston; Overy, John, merchant of the staple 5613 d London Lond, Thomas 6336 d London Lond, Thomas 5552 d Nhants Cony, William covenant debt Worshopp, John; Buttrie, William Worsley, William, of Louth, goldsmith Worsley, William, of Louth, goldsmith Worsley, William, of Norwich, chapman Worsley, William, of Norwich, chapman Worsley, William, of Owndell, fishmonger; Burden, Henry, of Rowell, yeoman 4869 f Cornw debt 4972 f London debt 4332 f Devon 6252 d Norf 4081 f Middx debt 4352 f Devon assumpsit 3928 f Essex concord 5459 d Suff 6253 d Norf 3937 f Lincs debt 3959 f Lincs debt 3937 f Lincs debt 4284 f Hants debt 5651 d Beds 5469 d Middx assumpsit Worth, William, of CLay juxta Mare, Norf, gent Dalle, William FitzWilliam, William, knight, chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster; Connyngisby, John, esq, receiver general; Worthe, John, of Allerton, Derbs, Wigston, Roger, esq, receiver yeoman; Barnes, James, of Risley, of Tutbury Derbs, yeoman Worthe, Richard, of Axmyster, surgeon; Osborne, Richard, of Bonard, John Axmyster, surgeon Wotton, Agnes, of North Tuddenham, widow; Wotton, John, Lomnour, Edmund, esq of North Tuddenham, esq Anthony, William, of London, Wramp alias Warmp, John, of St brewer Mary le Strand, glasier Wrampe, John, of Stronde, Middx, Alfford, John; Gay, Richard glasier Tylle, Thomas; Anne his wife Duke, William, esq; Duke, John; Grey, Thomas, gent Wreight, John, maltgrinder Wrenne, Thomas, of Yaxlee, yeoman Wrenth, John, of Horsey, yeoman; Mann, John, of Great Yarmouth, butcher; Wryght, Richard, of Kyssynglond, Suff, butcher; Palmer, John, of Great Churche, Robert, of Hyklyng, Yarmouth, gent yeoman Wright, Robert, of Adelthorp, Ingolmels, husbandman; Wymbysshe, of Wynthorp, gent; Pelson, Robert, of Burgh in the Temper, Thomas, senior, Marsh, yeoman; Brewster, of executors of; (Curtes, Robert; Skegnes, husbandman; Feld, John, Walker, Robert) of Orby, laborer Smalley, Richard, of Welton in Wright, Robert, of Burgh in the the Marsh, yeoman Marsh, carpenter Wright, Thomas, of Tydde St Mary, Partriche, John carpenter Wroughton, Thomas, of Broughton, Lysle, Thomas, knight esq Marchall, William, of Blackfriars Place, Dunstable, gent, executrix of; (Marchall, Wryght alias Withe, John, of Mary, widow) Markeyate, Herts, husbandman Wryght, David, of Harnesey, laborer; Kent, Hugh, of Harnesey, laborer; Mold, William, Kent, Hugh, of Harnesey, laborer; Goldsmyth, Humphrey, of Wheston, butcher; Marshall, Lawrence, of Iseldon, Dery, John yeoman 4154 f Essex forcible entry 4935 f Norf debt Broune, John, esq; Fige, Peter, gent; Carowe, Thomas, senior; Carowe, William, junior; Luckyn, Thomas; Wryght, John, of Southwelde, Colford, William; Potter, John, butcher; Brewester, John, of Broke of Chygwell, husbandman Strete, Southwelde, tilemaker Wryght, Oliver, of Ryddellysworth, Dogas, Robert husbandman 5063 f Herts debt Tebold, Richard 4410 f Notts debt Holland, Peter 4915 f Norf debt Fulborne, Thomas, of Est Derham, husbandman 4160 f Lincs debt Trusse, Robert Wryght, Richard, of Ware, minstrell Wryght, Richard, of Wylloughby on the Wold, husbandman Wryght, Robert, of Hale, husbandman; Mason, Richard, of Hale, husbandman Wryght, Robert, of Horncastell, carpenter 3979 f Wryght, William, of Eversdon Parva, Cams, husbandman; David, Suff debt Clerke, Thomas, yeoman John, of Cambridge, husbandman Burton, Thomas, of Leicester, Wryght, William, of Gaddysby, London debt mercer Leics, husbandman Sylston, John, merchant of the London staple Wryght, William, of York, merchant Draughton, John, of London, mercer, executors of; (Tego, Stephen, of London, mercer; Wryghtyngton, Christopher, of Notts debt Alice his wife) Cambridge, apothecary or grocer Harrys, Thomas, of Codycote, Wryghtys, Ralph, of Kencam, Oxon debt Glos husbandman Devys, William, of North Wulcy, Robert, of Brecclys, Suff Tudenham, Norf yeoman Wurseley, Michael, of Newcastle under Lyme, mason; Burne, Richard, of Chesterton, husbandman; Cowall, Henry, of Chesterton, husbandman; Colclugh, Thomas, of Kele, Staffs debt Clayton, Thomas husbandman Wyam, Johnm, of Parva Herts trespass: close Copcot, Richard Gaddesden, chaplain Wyat, Alexander, of Mewey, Devon Austen, Richard yeoman Wyatt, Henry, of Heth, husbandman; Hychecokys, John, Shrops debt Wolriche, William of Chesterton, husbandman 4943 f Sussex debt 4675 f Kent 5423 d Shrops 5085 f 5029 f 6365 d 4414 f 5089 f 5967 d 3984 f 5075 f 5969 d debt Pay, William Cooretop, Peter, of Crandbrok, clothier Kynnaston, George, gent Wyatt, Richard, of Slendon, clerk Wycam, William, of Coventry, draper Wycherley, Richard, of Wycherley, gent 5827 d Wyclyff, Richard, of Hangtonfeld, Durham, esq; Joan his wife Yorks 5741 d Devon Ford, John 5798 d Warks 5383 d Lincs Mohun, Walter Peterburgh Abbey, John, abbot of 5069 f Herts 5039 f London debt White, Gregory, attorney 6257 d Norf 4905 f Norf 6534 d Norf Dythyke, Simon Chylderhowse, William; Munke, Thomas, of Saham Tony Cokke, Robert; Priour, John, clerk; Browne, Robert; Randys, William; Priour, William; Hunte, William; Hunte, Richard 5663 d Hants 5176 f London debt debt debt 4061 f London debt 6039 d Kent 5090 f Oxon 6007 d Kent 6541 d Devon debt Power, Thomas Bekynsawe, John Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, treasurer Udale, Robert, of London, goldsmith, administrator of; (Fyssher, Richard, of Canterbury) Wyclyff, William, of Scales, gent; Garehouse, Richard, of Thorpe, yeoman Wydecombe, William, of Holne, husbandman; Langdon, Elias, of Holme, husbandman; Hanworthy, John, of Northstoke, Holne, husbandman; Hanneworthy, Elias, of Buckfarelegh, husbandman Wyett, George, of Woycott, husbandman Wygan, William, of Blyburgh, yeoman Wyggen alias Bocher, Thomas, of Sabrydgeforthe, butcher Wyghman, Robert, of Ovyngton, Norf, husbandman; Hollys, Thomas, of Shypdam, Norf, husbandman; Downes, Robert, of London, grocer Wyght, John, of North Tuddenham, yeoman Wyghtman, Robert, junior, of Ovyngton, husbandman; Elwyn, Brian, of Ovyngton, husbandman Wygmore, Robert, of Tyvettishale, yeoman Wygmore, William, of Kongesclere, husbandman Wygnale, John, of Yermouth, mariner Wykes, Richard, of Bynden, Devon, gent, executors of; (Hays, Mark, of Trent, Soms, gent; Joan his wife) Wykham, John, of Barham, laborer; Ire, John, of Barham, laborer; Tooke, Stephen, of Dyggys, James, esq Barham, laborer Wykkys, John, of Evesham, Chamberlyn, Leonard, esq husbandman Wykys, John, of Buksted, Sussex, yeoman; Seston, John, of Lewes, Sussex, yeoman; Cowper, Thomas, of Mayedeston, Haryetsham, John, minister of fishmonger; Lyttell, John, of Holy Trinity, Modynden Hedcrone, tanner Wykys, Richard, of South Tawton, Wichehalse, William clerk 5992 d Kent Bennett, Richard 4148 f London debt Jenour, Robert Wylcokkys, Thomas, of East Sutton, tanner; Style, John, of Towne Mallyng, shoemaker Wylde, John, clerk, administrators of; (Hale, John, of Kewe, Surrey, yeoman; Wylde, Roger, of London, clerk; Wylde, Henry, of London, esq; Wylde, William, of London, gent) 5394 d Staffs Clerke, William, of Alderwas; Rocheforth, Thomas, of Lychefeld; Bromwyche, Thomas, of Honesworth Wyldecote, John, of Wolverhampton, yeoman, executors of; (Foster, Richard, of Wolverhampton, gent; Christine) 5363 d Lincs Clerke, Simon Wyles, William, of Gedney, laborer 6329 d 6417 d 5924 d Cams London Bucks 3930 f 4396 f Kent Lincs 6205 d Cornw 4259 f Bucks 5653 d Bucks 6406 d Bucks 5325 d 5594 d 4889 f 5118 f Rouse, William Tototh, Vincent, rector of Byrton, Lincs, executor of; (Sapcot, Henry) Bukmaster, Thomas debt debt Wylkyn alias Barker, John, of Burwell, husbandman; Roger, John, executors of; (Higham, John, of Burwell, yeoman; Joan his wife) Wylkynson, John, vicar of Grantham, Lincs Wylkys, Nicholas Bound, William; Alice his wife, daughter of Wombwell, Wyllard, William, of Lyghe juxta William, of Shepbourne, gent Tunbredge, yeoman Whyte, Ralph, of Spaldyng Wylle, Henry, of Talyngton, smith Wylle, William, of Lanteglys juxta Camelford, husbandman; Joan his wife; Davy, Thomas, of Lanteglys Fynche, Thomas juxta Camelford, tailor Nuport, Thomas; Manwaryng, Wyllett, Robert, of Parva Richard; Corbett, Roger; Herwoode, yeoman; Clyfford, Ellen, trespass: close Vernon, John of Queynton, widow Nuport, Thomas; Manwaryng, Wyllett, Robert, of Parva Richard; Corbett, Roger; Herwoode, yeoman; Clyfford, Ellen, Vernon, John of Queynton, widow Wyllett, Robert, of Parva Horwode, Thevall, John yeoman Nuport, Thomas; Wyllett, Robert, of Parva Horwood, Maynwaryng, Richard; yeoman; Clyfford, Ellen, of Bucks Corbett, Roger; Vernon, John Queynton, widow Wylliam, John, of St Mary Otery, Devon Stephyn, Michael weaver; Alice his wife Wylliam, John, of Trelaune Veur, Cornw trespass: close Skewys, John, esq husbandman Wylloughby, Christopher, of London debt execution Rous, William, knight Perham, Suff, knight 4272 f 6262 d 6272 d Wilts trespass: assault Cornw Cornw Somerford, John, gent Wylloughby, Henry, of Wyly, clerk Robart, Waren Wyllyam alias Powe, Alan, of Coswyn, husbandman; Waldon, Henry, of Trelyston, husbandman; Harryglover, James, of Drenecke Vean, husbandman Thomas, Richard Wyllyam alias Powe, Alan, of Coswyn, husbandman; Waldon, Henry, of Trelyston, husbandman; Harryglover, James, of Drenecke Vean, husbandman 4874 f Cornw trespass: close Michell, John, of St Collan Marten, Thomas, canon of Salisbury Cathedral, executors of; (Willoughby, Christopher, of Wilton; debt Marten, Hugh) 4272 f Wilts 6242 d Norf 3929 f Kent concord 4428 f Derbs trespass: close Knyveton, Mattthew, esq 6383 d Herts Newport, John 6383 d Herts Newport, John 5928 d Herts Belche, George 4413 f Notts debt Ascue, James 4897 f Norf debt Carr, Richard, of Southfeld 5998 d Surrey Forman, William, of London, haberdasher 6522 d Middx Atwode, Edward, gent Walter, John Maynell, Henry; Agnes his wife Wyllyam, Thomas, of St Peryn in the Sand, husbandman; Jennyng, Mark, of St Peryn in the Sand, husbandman; Phelyppe, John, of St Peryn in the Sand, husbandman; Gyllyn, Thomas, of St Peryn in the Sand, husbandman; Cardynall, John, of St Peryn in the Sand, husbandman Wyllyams alias Walshman, Thomas, of Wyly, husbandman Wyllymott, William, of Stowe, husbandman; Dawes, James, of Caston, husbandman; Becke, Thomas, of Thraxston, clerk; Mayer, Peter, of Carbroke, husbandman Wyllyn, James, clerk Wylshawe, Ralph, of Sturston, laborer Wylshere, Thomas, of Willyon, husbandman Wylshere, Thomas, of Wyllyon, husbandman Wylson, George, of Watford, miller Wylson, John, of Brampston, husbandman Wylson, John, of Thorp Markett, worsted weaver Wylson, Nicholas, of Feversham, Kent, painter; Boreham, David, of Maydeston, Kent, yeoman Wylson, Nicholas, of Wemslond, Salop, clerk 4831 f London debt Hewes, John, gent 6499 d Devon Bray, Thomas 6294 d Cornw 6326 d Middx 4627 f Glos debt debt Densell, John, sergeant at law; Harrys, John; Tubbe, John; Tubbe, George; Downe, Wymond, Robert, of Lanhydroke, Richard; Phylipp. John yeoman Wympull, Richard, of Amptill, Beds, Edwardys, William yeoman of the guard Huddelston, John, esq, son of Wynchecombe Abbey, Richard, Huddelston, John, knight abbot of Wynchelsey, Stephen, of Charleton, husbandman; Bastard, Roger, of Charleton, husbandman; Ford, William, of Charleton, husbandman; Wynchelsey, John, junior, of Charleton, husbandman; Lake, Thomas, chaplain; Gye, Pyers, Robert, of Charleton, John; Cole, Richard husbandman Wyncott, Thomas, of Bynton, Grevill, Robert, gent Warks, gent Sturgys, John; Joan his wife, daughter of Ratclyff, Geoffrey, esq Wyndham, Edmund, esq Wynger, Edward, of York, apothecary; Day, Thomas, of Wyttersham, Kent, mercer; Hopper, Alexander, of Stapleherst, Kent, Core, John, of London, grocer chapman Guybon, Thomas, of Westlenn, Norf, esq, son of Guybon, Gregory, of Westlenn, executors of; (Moundeford, Francis; Lomnor, Edmund; Rose his Wyngfeld, Thomas, of Magna wife) Dunham, gent Wyngor, Edward, of York, apothecary; Day, Thomas, of Wyttersham, Kent, mercer; Hopper, Alexander, of Stapleherst, Kent, Core, John, of London, grocer chapman 4343 f Devon 5040 f London debt 4614 f Suff 5341 d London 5893 d Norf 6362 d London 4186 f Sussex trespass: close Chamber, Robert 5840 d Suff 5441 d 5221 f Suff Norf 5766 d Lincs concord Wynson, Miles; Joan his wife debt Wylson, Richard, of London, brewer Wylston, John, junior, of Nymett Rowlond, husbandman Lynge, William Payn, Francis Thornton, Robert Wynnell, Martin, of Salerst, tailor; Couper, John, of Salerst, chandler Wynson, William Wynster, John, of Heryngeswell, husbandman Wynter, John, of Taterset, clerk Wyntham, Richard, of Crowle, Isle of Axhem, butcher 4413 f Notts 6248 d 6518 d Norf Devon 4438 f Warks 6182 d debt Wysse, Henry, of Newarke, executors of; (Hopkynson, Henry; Anne his wife) Doowray, Martin Wyse, Nicholas, executors of; (Parkar, John, of Newarke, husbandman; Alice his wife) Wyseman, Johnm, of Est Bradenham, yeoman; Wryght, Richard, of Hyngham, butcher Wysshe, John Wythers, Edmund, of Knoll, yeoman Cotton, Richard Wyttenstall, Anne, executrix of Wyttenstall, Thomas, of Coynton, administrator of; (Walgrave, Richard, of Blokley, gent) Fytlyng, Bartholomew Carswyll, John account as bailiff Glos 4266 f Bucks trespass: close Hampden, John, knight 3953 f Lincs 5728 d Devon trespass: taking Mason, William Pollard, Richard, gent; Rowekeley, Thomas, of Borynton 4045 f Suff 5371 d Lincs 4356 f Devon Wyttney, John, of Henton, Chinnor, husbandman; Rose, Christopher, of Henton, Chynnor, laborer Wytton, Richard, of Hornecastell, dyer Wyvell, William, of Combralegh, gent, son of Wyvyll, Thomas Wyxston, William, esq; Seynt Bures, Joan, widow of Bures, Jermyn, Christopher; FitzHugh, dower Robert, esq Thomas, gent Bellowe, John; Fetherstonhalfe, William, Yarburrow, Richard, of Tatsall, churchwarden of joiner; Welby, Robert, of Dokdyke, Hameryngham shipwright Yard, John, of Aysshe Raffe, yeoman; Snowe, John, of trespass: close Northcott, William Beggebroke, husbandman 4303 f Yorks debt 5754 d Lincs Harvy, Robert 6206 d Cornw 5353 d 5735 d Nhants Devon Down, Richard Worme, Lawrence, of Peterburough Tawton, John 5740 d Devon Northcott, William 4929 f Norf debt Iveson, John, of Skypton Elwyn, Peter Yates, William, of Thorneton, laborer; Sprotte, Lawrence, of Ynghilton, yeoman; Jacson, James, of Clapham, yeoman or innkeeper Yatys, John, of Parva Stepyng, husbandman Yealton, John, of St Jolce(?), tailor; Jule, Thomas, of Trevybyn, husbandman Yearwell, William, of Overton Longfeld, Hunts, husbandman Yeo, Robert, of Sheftebeare, gent Yerd, John, of Aysshe Raffe, yeoman Yerham, Nicholas, of Hyndolneston, husbandman 4527 f 3979 f Herefs trespass: taking Mynours, Roger 4321 f Shrops trespass: close Hyggyns, Peter Hagneby Abbey, Edmund, Lincs abbot of Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Pace, John, collector of customs and subsidies at London Bishops Lenn Conyers, Christopher, administrators of; (Wylberfosse, Robert, Alice Yorks debt his wife) 4671 f Sussex debt Baron, Robert 4487 f Worcs debt Sheldon, Ralph, esq 4863 f Worcs debt Sheldon, Ralph, esq 3967 f Lincs incitement Esterby, Simon 5575 d 6474 d 3961 f Lincs 4615 f Devon trespass: close Clerke, Simon Zowche, John, knight, Lord concord Zowche Yerworthe, William, of Parva Dewchurche, yeoman; Come, Philip, of Parva Dewchurche, laborer; Wilcoke, Roger, of Parva Dewchurche, laborer; Koybe(?), Richard, of Parva Dewchurche, laborer Yong, David, of More, gent; Yattys, Christopher, of More, laborer; Yong, Matthew, of More, laborer; Yong, Thomas, of More, gent; Wever, John, of More, laborer Yong, John, of Louth, shoemaker Yong, John, of Thorngham, Norf, husbandman Yong, Oliver, of Pychethorp, husbandman; Layton, Thomas, of Saxhoo, gent Yong, Richard, of Buksted, "repyer" Yorke, John, of Assheby de la Zouche, Leics, butcher; Kent, Richard, of Worcester, butcher Yorke, John, of Assheby de la Zouche, Leics, butcher; Kent, Richard, of Worcester, butcher Yorkshire, Thomas, of Friskeney, husbandman; Gote, Hugh, of Friskeney, husbandman Ysmay, Robert, of Gedney, husbandman; Pye, Robert, of Gedney, husbandman; Some, Robert, of Gedney, yeoman; Mariot, John, of Gedney, butcher; Thorne, John, of Gedney, shepherd Zowche, John, son of Lord Zowche
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