List of Appendices
List of Appendices
! List of Appendices Appendix 1 2004 160 !" Highlights of Events 2004 Appendix 2 166 !"#$% List of Judges and Judicial Officers Appendix 3 171 ! Structure of Courts Appendix 4 172 !"#$!%&!'( Membership List of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission Appendix 5 173 !"#$%&$'( Membership List of the Court Users' Committees Appendix 6 177 !"#$%&#'(#)* Membership List of the Judicial Studies Board Appendix 7 179 !"#$!%&'L !"#$ Training Activities Organised/Co-ordinated by the Judicial Studies Board Appendix 8 185 OMMPOMMQ !"#$%&'L Number of Visits and Visitors to the Judiciary in 2003-2004 Appendix 9 186 2003-2004 !"#$%&'() Expenditure and Revenue of the Judiciary for 2003-2004 Appendix 10 187 !"#$%&! Organisation of the Judiciary Administration ! Appendix 11 188 !"# $%&' Number of Complaints Against Judges and Judicial Officers ! Appendix 12 189 !"#$%&'( Number of Complaints Against the Judiciary Administration List of Appendices 159 = Appendix 1 OMMQ !" Highlights of Events 2004 January NO !"# $%& OMMQ !"# The Chief Justice declared opening of the 2004 Legal Year !"#$%& '()*+,- ./01234-56789 The term of office of the Rt Hon The Lord Hoffmann, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal from other common law jurisdictions, was extended for a period of three years !"#$%&'()*+,- Gordon Flake !"#$% Mr Gordon Flake, Executive Director of Mansfield Centre for Pacific Affairs, USA, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NP !"#$%&'() Serge Brammertz !"#$% Dr Serge Brammertz, Deputy Prosecutor of International Criminal Court, the Netherlands, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary =February NM !"#$%&'()*+ Christophe A. Bernasconi !"#$% Dr Christophe A. Bernasconi, First Secretary of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the Netherlands, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NP !"#$%&'()*+,,-./!01,*23 Mr Liu Zhenmin, Director-General of the Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary !"#$%&'()*+ NN !"#$%&'( An 11-member delegation of the Association of Shenzhen Judges, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NV !"# $%&'()*+,-./012 $345678&9 The Hon Mr Justice Bokhary, Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal, delivered the Inaugural Jerome Chan Memorial Lecture at the University of Hong Kong =March 160 P !"#$%&'()*+, !"#$ The Working Party on Civil Justice Reform released its Final Report Q !"#$%&' Robert McLeod !"#$% Mr Robert McLeod, Chairman of New Zealand Business Roundtable, New Zealand, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NN !"#$%&&' bK Leo Milonas !"#$ Judge E. Leo Milonas, President of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, USA, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 NV !"# $%&'() *+,-./012 !"#$ !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()*+,- ./0 123456'()70*89:;<=#$ !" The Chief Justice accepted the recommendations made by the Working Party on Civil Justice Reform in its Final Report, and established a Steering Committee on Civil Justice Reform under the Chairmanship of the Hon Mr Justice Ma, the Chief Judge of the High Court, to take overall charge of the implementation of the recommendations OVJPM !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123)*456789-. !"#$% e-Appointment Booking Service for litigants of Labour Tribunal and e-Hearing Date Enquiry Services for all levels of courts (except the Obscene Articles Tribunal) were launched !"#$%& !'( NN !"#$%&' An 11-member delegation from the Supreme People’s Court of the People's Republic of China visited the Hong Kong Judiciary April O !"#$%&'()*+,-./01.2.3 Mr Robert Ching Tang, S.C. was appointed as Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court OS !"#$%&' Legislative Council Members visited the Hong Kong Judiciary PMKQJUKR !"# $%&'()*!+, $-./0#123 45!67(89:;<=> The Chief Justice had meetings with Law Lords in London and attended Lord Millett's Lincoln's Inn Grand Night. May NO !"#$%&'( !)*+ ,-./01)23 An eight-member delegation from the Jiangmen Intermediate People's Court, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NR !"#$%&'()*+,-*./0 Senior Counsel Admission Ceremony was held at Technology Court, High Court NSJNU NV !"# $%&'(#)*+,-./0123456NT !"#$%&'('=J !"#$%&'()*+, The Hon Mr Justice Ma, the Chief Judge of the High Court, attended the 17th ICCA Conference on "New Horizon in International Commercial Arbitration and Beyond" in Beijing, the People's Republic of China !"#$%&'( )*+,-%&./ An eight-member delegation from the Ministry of Justice, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary N Appendix 1 161 = Appendix 1 OMMQ !" Highlights of Events 2004 !"# $%&'(#)*+,-./012345*6 $78 The Hon Mr Justice Ma, the Chief Judge of the High Court, attended the Chinese and Foreign Judges' Meeting in Beijing, the People's Republic of China 21 !"# $%&'() *+,-./012345 The Chief Justice delivered a speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Conference on Legal Education in Greater China !"#$%"&'() NQ !"#$%&' A 14-member delegation from the Legal and Judicial Training Centre, Macau, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary !"#$$%&'()*+, -./012&34 A five-member delegation from the National Judges College, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary 31.5-4.6 !"# $ %&'()*+,-./012345 PU !"#$%%& The Hon Mr Justice Waung, Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court, attended the Comite Maritime International 38th Conference in Vancouver, Canada =June 162 7 !"# $%&'()*+,-./0123456789 !:;<=>? The Chief Justice announced his decision to set up a working party to study the solicitors' rights of audience in the higher courts 10 !"#$%&'( !)* NQ !"#$%&' A 14-member delegation from the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary 21 !"#$%&'() !*+, -./012*34 A nine-member delegation from the Chongqing Higher People's Court, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary 24 !"#$%&'()* The Working Party on Solicitors' Rights of Audience was appointed 24-25 !"#$%&'() !*+, -./012*34 A seven-member delegation from the People's High Court of Fujian Province, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary 25 !"#$%&'()*+ ,-./0()12 A four-member delegation from Nanjing Justice Bureau, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary 30 !"#$%&'()*+, The Report of the Working Party on the Review of the Labour Tribunal was published !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 =July U !"#$%&'( )*+,-./01 A seven-member delegation from the Ministry of Commerce, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary V !"#$%& '()*"+,- ./0123456 !789:;<=>?@ !"#$%&'()*+,The Rt Hon Sir Ivor Richardson, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal from other common law jurisdictions, gave a talk at High Court on "The New Zealand Bill of Rights: Experience and Potential" NO !"#$%&'()*+,-"./ Mr Nobuaki Iwai, Counsellor of Cabinet Legislation Bureau, Japan, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NQ !"#$%&'()* !+, NM !"#$%&' A 10-member delegation from the People's Court of Luohu District, Shenzhen City, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary OV !"#$%&'()*+,-./ OV !"#$%&' A 29-member delegation of Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar of the National Committee on United States-China Relations, USA, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary =August O !"#$%&'()* !+,- ./0123+45 A seven-member delegation from the People's Court of Luohu District, Shenzhen City, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary VJNP !"# $ %&'()*+,-./0123456+,-.7 !589 $: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 1234567 The Hon Mr Justice Pang visited the Technology Court at the Western Australia Supreme Court in Perth concerning the use of electronic documents in court proceedings NP !"!#$%& !'()*+, PS !"#$%&' A 36-member delegation from the Justice Official Training Institute, Office of Justice Affairs of the Ministry of Justice, Thailand, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary OS !"#$%&'()*+,#-. A six-member delegation from the Supreme Court of Singapore visited the Hong Kong Judiciary =September O !"#$%&'() !*+,%&'-./01) !*+1PT !"#$% A 37-member delegation from the Higher People's Court of Guangdong Province and Intermediate People's Courts of cities of Guangdong Province, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary N Appendix 1 163 = Appendix 1 OMMQ !" Highlights of Events 2004 NP !"# PP !"#$%&' A 33-member delegation of Sri Lankan Judges visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NT !"#$%&'()* !+, PM !"#$%&' A 30-member delegation from the People's Court of Bao An District, Shenzhen, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NVJOO !"# $%&'()*+,-.() !/01234 56789:;<=>? The Chief Justice led a Judiciary delegation to visit Beijing at the invitation of the Supreme People's Court, the People's Republic of China =October S !"#$%&'()*+,,-./01.2Helen Ginger Berrigan !"#$ Judge Helen Ginger Berrigan, Chief Judge of the US District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, New Orleans, USA, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NN !"#$%&'()*+, -. A six-member delegation of US Judges and lawyers visited the Hong Kong Judiciary OR !"#$% The Guide to Judicial Conduct was published =November N !"#$%&'(()*+,-'./012Worth MatraversPhillips !"# !"#$%&#'()*+,,- Edward Nally !"#$%&'()*+,A seven-member delegation led by the Rt Hon Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice and a three-member delegation led by Mr Edward Nally, President of the Law Society of England and Wales, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary O !"#$%&'(')*+,-./ 01234%&56 A six-member delegation led by Mr Duan Zhengkun, Vice Minister of Justice, the People’s Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary Q ! !"#$%&' Alasdair Fraser !"#$% Sir Alasdair Fraser, Director of Public Prosecutions, Northern Ireland, UK, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary V !"#$%& !'(()*+,-.'/012 345678'9: An eight-member delegation led by the Chief Justice Mr Xiao Yang, President of the Supreme People's Court, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NOJNP 164 =December !"# $ %&'()*+,-./012,3456789:";<,2 =>? !" The Hon Mr Justice Yeung JA attended a conference on the legal education in China over the past century held at the Zhongshan University, the People's Republic of China !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 NP !"#$%&'$( Sarath Nanda Silva !"#$% PQ !"#$%&' A 34-member delegation of Sri Lankan Judges led by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, the Hon Mr Sarath Nanda Silva, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NQ !"#$%& !'()*'(+,-./01 23456789: A three-member delegation led by Mr Wang Zhenchuan, Deputy Prosecutor-General, Supreme People's Procuratorate, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary NS !"#$%&"#'()*+,-."/0 A six-member delegation from the Base Court and the Administration Court, Macau, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary !"#$%$&'()*+,-./0123456 PR !"#$%&' A 35-member delegation from All-China Women's Federation, the People's Republic of China, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary ON !"#$%%&'()$*+,-$./ His Excellency Judge Shi Jiuyong, President, International Court of Justice, The Hague, the Netherlands, visited the Hong Kong Judiciary N Appendix 1 165 = Appendix 2 !"#$% List of Judges and Judicial Officers !=Court of Final Appeal !"# $ Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal !"#$ % Non-Permanent Judges of the Court of Final Appeal !" The Rt Hon Sir Thomas EICHELBAUM !"#$ The Hon Chief Justice Andrew LI Kwok-nang Sir Derek CONS !" The Rt Hon the Lord MILLETT ! Mr William James SILKE !" The Rt Hon the Lord WOOLF of Barnes !"# $ Permanent Judges of the Court of Final Appeal !" The Hon Mr Justice BOKHARY !" The Hon Mr Justice CHAN ! The Hon Mr Justice RIBEIRO !" Mr Kutlu Tekin FUAD !" Mr Philip Gerard CLOUGH !"I=GBS Sir Noel Plunkett POWER, GBS !"I=GBS Mr Gerald Paul NAZARETH, GBS !"I=GBS Mr John Barry MORTIMER, GBS !"I=GBM The Hon Henry Denis LITTON, GBM !" The Hon Sir Anthony MASON !" The Rt Hon the Lord COOKE of Thorndon !" H The Rt Hon the Lord NICHOLLS of Birkenhead+ !" The Rt Hon HOFFMANN the Lord !" The Hon Sir Gerard BRENNAN H 166 2004 N =Term of appointment expired in January 2004 !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 !" The Rt Hon the Lord SCOTT of Foscote !" The Rt Hon Sir Ivor RICHARDSON ! High Court !"# $ Chief Judge of the High Court !" The Hon Mr Justice YAM !" The Hon Mr Justice McMAHON !" The Hon Mr Justice MA !" The Hon Mr Justice WAUNG !" The Hon Mr Justice LAM !"# $ % Justices of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court !" The Hon Mr Justice BURRELL !" The Hon Mr Justice CHEUNG !"# The Hon Mrs Justice BOKHARY !" The Hon Mr Justice LUNN !" The Hon Mr Justice PANG !" The Hon Mr Justice BARMA !" The Hon Mr Justice STONE !" The Hon Mr Justice REYES ! The Hon Madam Justice BEESON !"I=p_p E OMMQ Q O F The Hon Mr Justice TANG, SBS (w.e.f. 2.4.2004) !"# The Hon Mr Justice STUARTMOORE, V-P !"# The Hon Mr Justice ROGERS, V-P !"#I=d_p E OMMQ N N !" !F The Hon Mr Justice WOO, GBS, V-P (appointed as V-P w.e.f. 1.1.2004) !" The Hon Mr Justice STOCK, JA !" The Hon Mrs Justice LE PICHON, JA !" The Hon Mr Justice CHEUNG, JA !" The Hon Mr Justice YEUNG, JA !" The Hon Madam Justice YUEN, JA !"# $ % Judges of the Court of First Instance of the High Court !" The Hon Mr Justice GALL !" The Hon Mr Justice NGUYEN !" The Hon Mr Justice HARTMANN ! The Hon Mr Justice SUFFIAD !" The Hon Mr Justice SAKHRANI !" #$% Registrar, High Court ! Mr CHAN Cheuk, Christopher !"#$ %&' Senior Deputy Registrar, High Court !" @ The Hon Mr Justice JACKSON# !" @ Mr WOOLLEY Edward Timothy Starbuck# !" The Hon Mr Justice LUGARMAWSON !"# $%& Deputy Registrars, High Court !" The Hon Mr Justice CHUNG !" The Hon Madam Justice CHU !" The Hon Mr Justice TONG !" The Hon Madam Justice KWAN !" Mr POON Shiu-chor !" Mr HO Chi-yin, Andy !" Ms KWAN Ka-ching, Betty !" Mr LUNG Kim-wan @ 2004 !=Retired in 2004 O Appendix 2 167 = Appendix 2 !"#$% List of Judges and Judicial Officers ! District Court !"#"$ Chief District Judge !" His Honour Judge SWEENEY !" His Honour Judge DAY ! His Honour Judge FUNG !" His Honour Judge CHAN !" Her Honour Judge POON ! " Judges of the District Court !" Her Honour Judge WONG !" Her Honour Judge YUEN ! His Honour Judge LONGLEY !" His Honour Judge TO !" His Honour Judge SAUNDERS !" Her Honour Judge CHUA !" Her Honour Judge BARNES !" His Honour Judge PANG !" His Honour Judge WONG !" His Honour Judge CHOW !" His Honour Judge GEISER !" Her Honour Judge CHAN !" His Honour Judge CARLSON !" His Honour Judge LOK !" His Honour Judge WHALEY !" His Honour Judge LINE !"# Her Honour Judge AU YEUNG !" His Honour Judge de SOUZA !" Her Honour Judge TOH !" His Honour Judge CHAN !" His Honour Judge GILL !" His Honour Judge YUNG !" Her Honour Judge NG !" His Honour Judge MUTTRIE !" His Honour Judge WRIGHT !" Her Honour Judge CHU !"=Lands Tribunal !"#$ Members, Lands Tribunal !" Mr LO Wai-kwong !" G Mr LAM Chiu-yeeG G OMMQ 168 !=Left service in 2004 !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 !"#$%& Magistrates' Courts and other Tribunals !"#$%& Magistrates' Courts and other Tribunals ! Chief Magistrate !" Mr LI Hon-leung, Patrick !"#$"#% Adjudicator, Small Claims Tribunal !"# Mrs LEE HO-SHING Helena Maria !" Principal Magistrates !" Mr JENKINS Michael Collier !" Mr CANDY Ian St. Clair !" Mr TALLENTIRE Garry !" Mr KWOK Wai-kin !" Mr JENKINS Timothy Simon !" Mr LIN Kam-hung, Ernest Michael ! Mr TONG Man !" Mr MA Hon-cheung, Andrew Magistrates ! Mr WHITE Peter Charles !" Mr LEUNG Wing-chung, Winston !" Ms LIVESEY Julia Mary !" Mr THOMAS David Ian ! Ms CHAINRAI Bina !" Ms LOH Lai-kuen, Eda !" Mr LI Wai-chi !" Mr CHEUNG Wai-tat, Ronald !" Mr WAHAB Abu Bakar bin !" Mr TSANG Fan-hoi, Thomas !" Mr LAU Wing-shing, Denis !"=G Mr TAM Hop-hon G !" Mr CHAN Pik-kiu, Michael !" Mr McNAIR Robert Bruce !" Mr WYETH Allan James !" Mr MIERCZAK Henry Anthony !" Mr YUEN Wai-ming, Anthony !" Mr DUFTON David John !" Mr CASEWELL Timothy Harry !" Miss D'ALMADA REMEDIOS Susana Maria !" Mr BROWNE Kevin Anthony !" Mr LAW Tak-chuen, Peter !" Mr CHOW Siu-wo, Anthony !" Mr YU Mun-kee, Roy !" Mr SMOUT Stephen !" Mr LAM Wai-kuen, Josiah !" Mr WONG Yat-ming, Michael !" Ms KOT Sin-yee, Angela !" Mr PANG Chung-ping !" Mr SHAM Siu-man G OMMQ !=Left service in 2004 O Appendix 2 169 = Appendix 2 !"#$% List of Judges and Judicial Officers !"#$%& Magistrates' Courts and other Tribunals !" Mr KWOK Kai-on, Anthony !" Mr HUI Ka-ho !" Miss YIM Shun-yee, Ada !" Mr YIP Chor-man, Eddie !" Mr WONG Kin-tong, Jack !" Mr POON Siu-tung !" Ms WOODCOCK Amanda Jane !" Ms WOO Huey-fang, Bernadette !" Mr KO King-sau, Justin !"# Mrs WU CHAU Yuen-man, Mary !" Mr KWANG Cheok-weung, Simon !" Mr AU Selwyn Hason, See-hin !" Mr WONG Sung-hau !" Mr YAU Chi-lap, Joseph !" Ms LO Kit-yee, Katherine !" Mr HUI Shiu-keung, Peter !" Mr WONG Yu-wing, Symon !" Ms CHOW Yin-chu, Merinda ! Ms CHAN Ling-ling, Tracy !" Mrs LEVY LAW Katina Suet-mui !" Mr CHAN Kam-cheong, Rickie !" Mr TAM Lee-cheung !" Mr CHAN Chan-kok !" Mr CHAN Hing-wai, Andrew !" Mr GLASS John Trevor !" Mr MACKINTOSH Colin Richard !" Mr LAM Kui-po, William !" Mr LEE Ka-chai, Lambert !" Mr YIU Fun-che, Frankie !" Mr NG Sing-wai, William !" Mr WONG King-wah !" Mr TAM Kwok-wah !" Mr CHAN Jong-herng, Johnny !" Miss CHING Adriana Noelle @ 2004 !=Retired in 2004 170 !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 !" Mr YAU Tak-hong, Douglas !" Special Magistrates !" Mr WONG Suen-kin !" Mr HO Kang-kei, Daniel !" @ Mr LEUNG Chee-hung# !" Mr TAM Ka-huen !" Mr CHAN Yan-tong !" Mr CHAN Chi-kim !" Mr WONG Wai-kuen !" Mr WONG Kwok-fai, Raymond = Appendix 3 ! Structure of Courts ! Court of Final Appeal ! High Court ! Court of Appeal ! Court of First Instance ! !" District Court Lands Tribunal !" ! Labour Tribunal Magistrates' Courts !"#$ Eastern Small Claims Tribunal North KowloonG Kowloon City !"#$ Kwun Tong Obscene Articles Tsuen Wan Tribunal Fanling Shatin !"# Tuen Mun Coroner's Court G== OMMR N P !" To cease operation on 3.1.2005 P Appendix 3 171 = Appendix 4 !"#$!%&!'( Membership List of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission Chairman !"# $%&' The Honourable Mr Justice Andrew LI Kwok-nang Chief Justice, Court of Final Appeal Members !"# $%&' The Honourable Mr Justice Patrick CHAN Siu-oi Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice PANG Kin-kee Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court !"#$%&I=GBM , JP The Honourable Elsie LEUNG Oi-sie, GBM, JP Secretary for Justice !"#$%&'I=JP Miss Gladys Veronica LI Chi-hei, S.C., JP !"I=JP Mr Herbert TSOI Hak-kong, JP !"I GBS Dr Victor FUNG Kwok-king, GBS !"I=GBS, JP Mr CHAN Wing-kee, GBS, JP !"I=GBS, JP Professor CHANG Hsin-kang, GBS, JP Secretary 172 !"# OMMQ !"#$%&'() Mr Wilfred C K TSUI, Judiciary Administrator Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 Appendix 5 !"#$%&$'( Membership List of the Court Users' Committees !"#$%&' Civil Court Users' Committee Chairman !"# $%$&'() The Honourable Mr Justice ROGERS, VP Vice-President of the Court of Appeal of the High Court Members !"# $ %&'() The Honourable Madam Justice YUEN, JA Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court !"#$ !"#$%&' Mr Joseph FOK, S.C. Hong Kong Bar Association !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice LAM Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court !" !" Mr Denis BROCK Law Society of Hong Kong !"I=OBE, JP Mr John YEUNG, OBE, JP !"#"$%& His Honour Judge FUNG Chief District Judge !" #$%&' Mr CHAN Cheuk, Christopher Registrar, High Court !" EOMMQNOTF Mr Anthony WU Department of Justice (up to 7.12.2004) !" OMMQNOU Ms Ada CHUNG Department of Justice (w.e.f. 8.12.2004) !" !" Mr Andrew STABLES Legal Aid Department !" !"# Mrs Maria LAM Official Receiver's Office R Appendix 5 173 Appendix 5 !"#$%&$'( Membership List of the Court Users' Committees få=^ííÉåÇ~åÅÉ Miss Emma LAU Deputy Judiciary Administrator (Development) (up to 31.7.2004) !"#$E !F !" OMMQPNQ Mr WONG Siu-por Chief Judiciary Executive (Judicial Support) (up to 14.3.2004) !"#$%EF !" OMMQUOP Ms Sally WONG Deputy Judiciary Administrator (Development) (w.e.f. 23.8.2004) !"#$E !F !" OMMQPNR Ms Frieda LEUNG Chief Judiciary Executive (Judicial Support) (w.e.f. 15.3.2004) !"#$%EF !" OMMQTPN Secretary 174 !"# OMMQ !"#$%EFN !"# Mrs Anita LO Senior Judiciary Executive (Development)1 Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 !"#$%&' Criminal Court Users' Committee Chairman !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice PANG Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court Members !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice TONG Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court !" !" Mr Andrew P C LAM Law Society of Hong Kong !"# $ %&' The Honourable Mr Justice LUNN Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court !"I=OBE, CPM, JP Mr YEUNG Po-kwan, OBE, CPM, JP !"#"$%& His Honour Judge FUNG Chief District Judge !" #$%&' Mr CHAN Cheuk, Christopher Registrar, High Court !"#$ Mr Patrick LI Chief Magistrate !"#$ !"#$%&' !"#$%&' Mr Kevin ZERVOS, S.C. Department of Justice !" !" Ms Alice CHUNG Legal Aid Department !"# !" Miss Grace S WONG Duty Lawyer Service Mr WONG Man-kit, S.C. Hong Kong Bar Association ! `çJçéíÉÇ Members !" !" Mr I R MACKNESS Hong Kong Police Force ! !" Mr Gerry OSBORN Independent Commission Against Corruption R Appendix 5 175 Appendix 5 !"#$%&$'( Membership List of the Court Users' Committees få=^ííÉåÇ~åÅÉ !"#$%EF !" OMMQTPN Miss Emma LAU Deputy Judiciary Administrator (Development) (up to 31.7.2004) !"#$%EF !" OMMQUOP Ms Sally WONG Deputy Judiciary Administrator (Development) (w.e.f. 23.8.2004) pÉÅêÉí~êó 176 !"# OMMQ !"#$%&'()N !"# Mrs Anita LO Senior Judiciary Executive (Development)1 Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 !"#$% &'( !" OMMQPNQ Mr WONG Siu-por Chief Judiciary Executive (Judicial Support) (up to 14.3.2004) !"#$% &'( !" OMMQPNR Ms Frieda LEUNG Chief Judiciary Executive (Judicial Support) (w.e.f. 15.3.2004) ==Appendix 6 !"#$%&#'(#)* Membership List of the Judicial Studies Board Chairman !"# $%$&'() The Honourable Mr Justice WOO Vice-President of the Court of Appeal of the High Court Members !"# $%$&'() The Honourable Mr Justice STUART-MOORE Vice-President of the Court of Appeal of the High Court !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice STOCK Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice YEUNG Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice PANG Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court !"# $ %&'( The Honourable Mr Justice LUGAR-MAWSON Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court !"#$%&'() Mr Wilfred C K TSUI Judiciary Administrator !" #$%&' Mr Christopher C CHAN, Registrar, High Court !"#"$%& His Honour Judge FUNG Chief District Judge !"#$ Mr Patrick H L LI Chief Magistrate !"#$%&'() Mr Arthur Y S LUK, S.C. Department of Justice !"#$%& !"'()*+ Mr JAT Sew-tong, S.C. Hong Kong Bar Association S Appendix 6 177 ==Appendix 6 !"#$%&#'(#)* Membership List of the Judicial Studies Board !"#$%&' Mr Alex T H LAI Law Society of Hong Kong !"#$%& Mr Eric T M CHEUNG University of Hong Kong !"#$%&'() Mrs Myrette FOK City University of Hong Kong Secretary 178 !"# OMMQ !"#$E !"#F !" Mr William K F SUNG Chief Judiciary Executive (Judges and Judicial Officers) Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 ==Appendix 7 !"#$!%&'=L= !"#$ Training Activities Organised / Co-ordinated by the Judicial Studies Board Date Activity U=J=VKNKOMMQ G=J= !"#$%&!'()*+,-. *Conference on "Rights Protection, Dispute Resolution and Legal Culture" R=J=NOKOKOMMQ G !"#$%&'(ff *Training Packages on Domestic Violence Part II NMKOKOMMQ G !=J= !"#$%&'()*+,-. *Public Lecture on "Does Hong Kong Need a Planning and Environment Court?" NPKOKOMMQ G !=J= !"#$%&'()*+,-./012 *Public Lecture on "Law's Umpire: Are Judges Morally Accountable?" NVKOKOMMQ G=J !"#$#%&'()*+,*Lecture on "Justice and the Law: The Evolving Role of the Lawyer" =======ONKOKOMMQ G=J= !"#$% *Conference on "Refugee Law in Hong Kong" =OQKOKOMMQ =J= !"#$%&'( Seminar on "Environmental Protection Issues and Legislation" OUKOKOMMQ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 Visit to the Environmental Protection Department South East New Territories Landfill at Tseung Kwan O =RKPKOMMQ G !=J= !"#$%&'()*+ *Public Lecture on "International Treaties on Organised Crime" NNKPKOMMQ =J= ! "#$% Seminar on "A Brief Introduction to the Injunction System" NPKPKOMMQ =J= !"#$%&'() Seminar on "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" NRKP=J=UKQKOMMQ OMMQ !"#$%&'()*+ Tsinghua University Chinese Judgment Writing Course 2004 NTKPKOMMQ G=J= !"#$%&'()*+,!-%./0 *Lecture on "Differences between East and West Legal Cultures and their Impacts on the Legal System of China" T Appendix 7 179 ==Appendix 7 !"#$!%&'=L= !"#$ Training Activities Organised / Co-ordinated by the Judicial Studies Board Date OTKPKOMMQ Activity =J= !"# Seminar on "Technology Crime" G =J= !"#$%&'()*+(&,-. *Seminar on "Functional Constituencies: Public Perception and Influence on Legislation" NQKQKOMMQ G !=J= !"#$%&=J= !"# *Public Lecture on "Advocacy: Global Perspective - Local Directions" NRKQKOMMQ G !=J= !"#$%&'!(&)*=J= !"# *Public Lecture on "Internationalisation of Internal Legal Order (Domestic Law) - The Case of China" OPKQKOMMQ G=J=OMMQ !"#$%&'()* *Lecture on "Law Lectures for Practitioners 2004" UKRKOMMQ !"# Visit to Independent Commission Against Corruption NQ=J=NRKRKOMMQ G=J= !"#$%#&'(=J= !"#$%&'()*% ! *Conference on "Human Rights in Asia, France and the United States of America - A Comparative Empirical Study of Values, Institutions and Practices" NS=J=NUKRKOMMQ NT !"#$%&'('=J= !"#$%&'()*+, 17th Internal Council for Commercial Arbitration Conference on "New Horizon in International Commercial Arbitration and Beyond" NTKRKOMMQ G=J= !"#$!"%&'()*+,-./ *Lecture on "The Principle of Sustainable Development in the Environmental Law and Policy of the United States" NUKRKOMMQ G !"#$%&'()*+,*Presentation on "Recent Legal Developments in International Finance" NVKRKOMMQ =J !"#$%&'( Seminar on "Police Digital Traffic Enforcement" !"# !$%& Chinese and Foreign Judges' Meeting 180 !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 Date Activity G !=J= !"#$%&'( *Public Lecture on "Executive Detention and the Judiciary" ORKRKOMMQ G =J= !"#$%&'()*+ *Seminar on "Copyright, Globalisation and Digital Networks" PNKRKOMMQ G !=J= !" ! #$%& '()=J Willoughby !"#$ *Public Lecture on "Tax avoidance, evasion, mitigation and planning - some wider implications of the Willoughby case" PNKR=J=QKSKOMMQ PU !"#$%%& Comite Maritime International 38th Conference NOKSKOMMQ !"#$%&'()*$% Visit to Begonia Road Juvenile Home and Ma Tau Wai Girls' Home NTKSKOMMQ G !=J= !"#$%&'()*+, *Public Lecture on "Rule of Law and Human Rights: What's the Relationship?" NUKSKOMMQ G =J= !"=J= !"#$ *Workshop on "One Dispute - Alternative Resolutions" TKTKOMMQ G=J=Three Rivers !"#$% *Talk on "Discovery after Three Rivers" VKTKOMMQ G=J= !"#$%&'()*+,-./01$2345$6 !"#$ *Talk on "The New Zealand Bill of Rights: Experience and Potential" by the Rt Hon Sir Ivor Richardson, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal NMKTKOMMQ G=J= !"#$%$&'( *Conference on "Functional Constituencies: Where to Now?" PNKTKOMMQ =J= !"#$%&'()*=J= !" Seminar for Tribunal Matters - "From Mediation to Complaint Sharing of Experience" OQ=J=OTKUKOMMQ !"#$%&'= !"#$%&'()* New Zealand Judgment Writing Programme (run by the New Zealand Institute of Legal Studies) PKVKOMMQ=J=RKPKOMMR !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 Course on Writing Judgments in Chinese (run by the City University of Hong Kong) T Appendix 7 181 ==Appendix 7 !"#$!%&'=L= !"#$ Training Activities Organised / Co-ordinated by the Judicial Studies Board Date 182 Activity NUKVKOMMQ G=J= !"#$%&'()*!+,*Conference on "Hong Kong's New Politics: A Post-Election Analysis" OMKVKOMMQ G !"#$%&'() *Public Lecture on "Learning from Enron" QKNMKOMMQ =J= !"#$%&'()*+ Seminar on "China Banking Liberalisation and Restructuring" RKNMKOMMQ =J= !"#$ !"#$% Seminar on "Recent Developments in US and European Securities Regulation" TKNMKOMMQ =J= !"#$% Seminar on "Strategic Trade Controls" UKNMKOMMQ G =J= !"#$%&'()*+ *Seminar on “Recent Developments in Chinese Criminal Procedure Law” NNKNMKOMMQ G =J= !"#$%&%'( *Seminar on “Jury Trials in the US Courts” NOKNMKOMMQ G !=J= !"#$=J= !"#$%&'()*+, *Public Lecture on “International Financial Regulation – Which Actors Drive the Rules in What Direction?” NQKNMKOMMQ G =J= !"# $%& *Seminar on “The Truth of the True Sale” ONKNMKOMMQ G !=J=ON !"#$%&'()*+,-./0"123 *Public Lecture on “The Role of the 21st Century Judge : Responding to the Challenges of a Changing World” OR=C=OUKNMKOMMQ GHochelagaOMMQ=J= !"#$%&'!()*+ *Hochelaga Lectures 2004 on “Rights in One Country : China and Hong Kong” OVKNM=J=NSKNOKOMMQ !"#$%&'()*+,-./ Course on Writing Judgments in Chinese (run by the University of Hong Kong) !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 Date Activity PMKNMKOMMQ !" Magistrates Conference VKNNKOMMQ G !"#$%&'()*+,=J= !"#$%&'() *Present and Future of Civil Law in Greater China – Conference on the 200th Anniversary of the French Civil Code NPKNNKOMMQ GOMMQArchbold !"# *Archbold Hong Kong Criminal Law Conference 2004 NSKNNKOMMQ G (First Strike) = !"#=L= !" *First Strike Workshop on “Animal Cruelty / Human Violence” OMKNNKOMMQ = !"#$!%&'()*+,-./0 Seminar on “Handy e-Tools for JJOs” OQKNNKOMMQ G != !"#$%&'()*+,!(-./01 *Public Lecture on “Reform in the NPC and Constitutional Development in China” ORKNNKOMMQ G != !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456 *Public Lecture on “Political Reform and Civil Society: Hong Kong’s Role within Greater China” G= !"#$%&' *Talk on “Directors’ Duties” OTKNNKOMMQ G= !"#$%&' *Conference on “Strengthening Political Parties in Hong Kong” PMKNNKOMMQ G != !"#$%&'(#)*+,"-%./012 *Public Lecture on “Democratic Decision Making as the First Principle of Contemporary Constitutionalism” NKNOKOMMQ G != ON !"#$%&'()#$%& *+, !"#$ *Public Lecture on “A Victorian Constitution in the 21st Century : The Origins of Australia’s Constitution and its Challenges Today” G !"#!$%!&'()*+,-./0123456 *Forum on “Looking at how domestic violence is dealt with through the cooperation of multi-professionals from the legislative, judicial and law enforcement perspectives” T Appendix 7 183 ==Appendix 7 !"#$!%&'=L= !"#$ Training Activities Organised / Co-ordinated by the Judicial Studies Board Date Activity QKNOKOMMQ !"#$% District Court Sentencing Conference Q=J=SKNOKOMMQ G = !"#!$%& *Workshop on “Refugee and Migrant Issues” VKNOKOMMQ G= !"#$%&' !()*+ !"#$%&'() *Lecture on ”Caveat Investor: The Emerging Law of Foreign Investment and the Settlement of Disputes under Investment Treaties” OOKNOKOMMQ G= !"#$%&'( !)*+ *Talk on “International Court of Justice and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes” G= !"#$%&' *Organised by Local Outside Organisations 184 !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 ==Appendix 8 OMMPOMMQ !"#$%&'L Number of Visits and Visitors to the Judiciary in 2003 and 2004 2003 Local ! No. of Visits Overseas Total !" VPM E~ë=~í=PM=pÉéíF 232 206 8 675 6 241 ! No. of Visits 31 37 ! No. of Visitors 394 462 ! No. of Visits 8 16 ! No. of Visitors 65 267 271 259 9 134 6 970 ! No. of Visitors ! The Mainland of China 2004 !=No. of Visits !=No. of Visitors Category of Visitors ! Number of Visitors 2003 2004 EVPMF (as at 30 Sept) !"#$ Judges and Legal Profession NQS PSN ! Government Officials 315 186 !" Students and Others 8 673 6 423 Total 9 134 6 970 U Appendix 8 185 ==Appendix 9 OMMPJOMMQ= !"#$%&'() Expenditure and Revenue of the Judiciary for 2003-2004 !"#$ Recurrent Account Expenditure 2003-2004 ($'000) ! Personal Emoluments 747,454 ! Departmental Expenses 175,998 ! Other Charges 6,110 Total 929,562 G RevenueG 2003-2004 ($'000) Fees & Charges 230,265 Fines 239,006 !" Forfeitures & Others 44,703 Total 513,974 G== !"#$"%& '(!") G Revenue collected by the Judiciary forms part of the Government's General Revenue 186 !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 = Appendix 10 !"#$%&! Organisation of the Judiciary Administration !"#$ !" Mr Wilfred Tsui Judiciary Administrator !"#$% ! !"OMMQTPN !"OMMQUOP Miss Emma Lau (up to 31.7.2004) Ms Sally Wong (w.e.f. 23.8.2004) Deputy Judiciary Administrator (Development) !"#$%& ! !" Miss Vega Wong Assistant Judiciary Administrator (Development) Development Division !"#$%"&'()* !"#$#% !"#$%&'"( ! Administrative assistance to the Chief Justice Policy reviews of court practices and rules Legislations which concern the Judiciary Press and public relations !"#$% ! !" Mr Augustine Cheng Deputy Judiciary Administrator (Operations) Operations Division ! ! ! ! ! ! Court registries Judicial support Court language Court orders Mediation service Legal reference Complaints !"#$%& ! !" Miss Florence Ho Assistant Judiciary Administrator (Corporate Services) !"#$%& !"# !" Mr WM Chu Assistant Judiciary Administrator (Quality) Corporate Services Division !" Quality Division !"#$%&'( ! ! Support for judicial training Human resources Finance Building General support ! ! ! Management review Management information Information technology NM Appendix 10 187 !==Appendix 11 !"# $%&' Number of Complaints Against Judges and Judicial Officers ! 2004 Nature of Complaints VPM Eìé=íç=PM=pÉéíÉãÄÉêF ENF !"#$ Complaints against judges' decisions 62 EOF !"#$ Complaints against judges' conduct 36 EPF !"#$%&#'()* Complaints against both the judicial decisions and the judge's conduct 33 Total 131 =kçíÉëW E~F EOF !"#$%&'()*!+,-)'(./0 Item (2) includes complaints concerning the handling of complaints by court leaders. 188 EÄF !"#NN !"#$%& The total includes 11 repeated complaints. EÅF !"#$OMMQ !VPM !"#$%QNM==NSP ! The total no. of cases disposed of by Judges and Judicial Officers in 2004 (up to 30 September) is 410 163. !"# OMMQ Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report 2004 !==Appendix 12 !"#$%&'( Number of Complaints Against the Judiciary Administration ! Nature of Complaints 2004 VPM (up to 30 September) L !"#$ Complaints about procedures 46 !"#$% Complaints about facilities 5 !"#$%&'() Complaints about the judicial support services 9 !"#$%&'( Complaints against staff of the Judiciary Administration 53 =Total 113 NO Appendix 12 189