Valga county - Valgamaa Arenguagentuur
Valga county - Valgamaa Arenguagentuur
Valga county - Southern gate of Estonia Estonia is the heart of the Baltic Sea. Small country but big punch! Area 45,227 km2 (similar in size to Denmark or the Netherlands) Population 1.34 million (68% Estonians, 25 % Russians) Capital Tallinn (403,000) Official language Estonian (belongs to Fenno-Ugric language group, similar to Finnish language) Currency Euro Time Zone GMT+2 Member of EU and NATO since 2004 Member of Schengen zone since 2007 Country credit ratings Fitch A+ S&P AAMoody’s A1 Valga County/ Valgamaa • • • • • Population: 30 158 (01.03.2012), Population Density: 15,3 inhabitants/ km², Size: 2 046,49km², 4,5% of the total territory of Estonia, 13 municipalities - 2 towns, 11 rural municipalities The biggest municipality and administrative centre - Valga town, 13 563 (01.05.2012) inhabitants (Source: Rahvastikuregister and Valga Maavalitsus) Valga County – location and accessibility • • • • • • • • • Tallinn Airport – 250km, Tartu Airport – 80km, Riga Airport and Port, 165km Pärnu Port – 145km Helsinki – 300km, Russian border – 95km, Sankt-Peterburg – 410km, Berlin – 970km Directly on the border of the Latvian Republic Mixed Valga county OTEPÄÄ region Traditional MULGIMAA Friendly twin-town VALGA-VALKA Traditional VANA VÕROMAA Tolerant • • • • • • • • • • • Valga county Estonians Russians Ukrainians Latvians Byelorussians Finns Gypsies Lithuanians Germans Poles Tatars 6 Strengths of the Valga county: • Geographical position – logistically good location, close to Latvian and Russian market. • Good accessibility - Valga is a junction of inernational roads (Via Baltica) and railways (Rail Baltica), good network of roads in whole county. • Labour force availability including Latvian labour force. Valga twin-town Valka has population of 6000 people, the whole Valka region up to 32 000 which forms a good source for labour and sales. • Cheap labour - brutto income in Valga county was on the 1312th place among 15 Estonian counties. • Free trade Zone in Valga town. • Free and unused industrial land exists • Industrial parks development (2 industrial parks are been developed – 1 in county center Valga, another in Tõrva town). Valga county in general terms • Traditional industries are food and wood industry, agricultural production, metal industry. • There are 1856 companies registered in Valga county. 30% of all companies in Valga County are registred in Valga, 17% in Otepää municipality and 17% in Tõrva town and in its surrounding municipality Helme. Free trade Zone in Valga town The main activity – rendering of customs and warehouse services to the goods delivered to the Free zone from the EU and exported to the third countries, no need to pay VAT. ERTS Group provides neutralization of the documents, readdressing of goods, changing the plan of railcar movement order to reduce cost of the railway freight. Vocational education • Valga County Vocational Training Center (VKOK) in Valga arranges vocational training for car mechanic, social worker, home servicing specialist, cook, logistics customer service specialist, shop assistant, log house constructor, garments tailor and joiner. It is possible to get training in welding. • Tartu Vocational Education Center (TKHK) in Tartu arranges vocational training in fields of metal work and machinery, incl locksmith, welding, mechatronics, electrician. Biggest companies in Valga County Aclima Ltd - sports-underwear factory; located in Valga Moon Ltd – shoe-facotory, both – own brand and subcontracting; 70 employees Valga Gomab Ltd – 256 employees, timber furniture producer; located in Valga Atria Estonia Ltd – 70 employees, meat processing factory; located in Valga UPM Kymmene Otepää Ltd – 170 employees, ply-wood producer; located in Otepää municipality Meat Industry Edgar Ltd – 27 employees, high quality meatproducts; located in Otepää municipality Meat Industry Oskar Ltd - 17 employees, high quality meatproducts; located in Otepää municipality Skan Holtz Helme Ltd – 70 employees, log-house-producer; located in Helme municipality Jumek Ltd – 110 employees, timber furniture; located in Puka municipality Biggest companies in Valga County Ritsu Ltd - 80 employees, log-house-producer; located in Helme municipality EHA Metalli- ja puidutooted – 50 employees, trailers, containers, located in Valga. Moodul Ltd, 50 employees, metal/ steel constructions for building industry, containers, subcontracting; located in Valga Otepää Metall Ltd– 20 employees; steel constructions and containers, subcontracting; located in Otepää community Otolux Ltd– 44 employees; containers, hunting equipment; located in Tõlliste municipality Sanwood Ltd - 114 employees, timber furniture; located in Sangaste municipality Valga Ferrum Ltd– 26 employees; production and assembly of machines made of metal/ steel, subconrtacting; located in Valga Techne Töökoda Ltd– 22 employees; replacement parts for vehicles in agricultural industry, subcontracting; located in Otepää Labour market in Valga county Average gross monthly wage Registered unemployment rate in labour force Labour force aged 16 - pension age Valga county Estonia 733 euros 916 eurot IV quarter 2012 9,1% 5,7% 31.12.2013 12 600 651 700 2013 average Data of Labour market in Valga county % of GDP 2009 Value 2009 9,4% 14,2 mln € Secondary sector 30,9% 46,4 mln € Tertiary sector 59,6% 89,4 mln € Primary sector • Rising primary sector • Declining service sector • Volatile industry sector - dependence of situation in the countries of export Source:Valga county entrepreneurship research, 01.11.2011 Labour market in Valga county Bachelor’s studies 4% Vocational higher education 2% Master’s studies 1% No elementary education 1% Basic education 28% Secondary or/ and vocational education 64% 31.12.13 – 1151 unempoyment persons, rate 9,1% Labour market in Valga County 30.06.12 Higher fucntionaries, managers Armed forces Shop-floor Top specialists Middle specialists, technicians Office workers and clerks Service and sales workers Appliance and machine operators Skilled and handicraftsmen Agricultural, fishery skilled workers Väike-Laatsi Industrial Park in Valga town • Detailed plan has been approved by the town government autumn 2008 • Industrial and commercial land based on the detail plan • 60 ha lands with infrastructure accessibility • Power consumption 220 V and 380 V • Local heating • Water and sewerage • Existing enterprises in the industrial area: - Valga Moodul Ltd. – metal works - Eha Wood and Metal Works • Location close to the border of Estonia-Latvia, major highways (distance 3 km) and international railway station (distance 2 km) Väike-Laatsi Industrial Park in Valga town Väike-Laatsi Industrial Park in Valga town Väike-Laatsi Industrial Park in Valga town • Adventages of the industrial area: - Regional advantages: located close to Latvia and 95 km from Russian border - Transportation advantages: located close to major highways and international railway. - Low land price and rent • The industrial park is suitable for light and heavy manufacture, both for export and for mix of domestic and international sales. Tõrva Industrial Area, Tõrva town Activites since 2004 made by Tõrva Town Government • valid detailed plan • valid infrastructure construction plan • Cost-benefit analysis 2010-2020 • At the moment there are altogether 20 companies connected with wood, metal and sewing industry and trade-logistics – sewing (Hooviekspert Ltd, Saarepere Ltd), wood (Scandinavian Furniture Ltd, Rabatec Ltd), logistics (Heelix Grupp Ltd), trading (Vahtre VK Ltd, Nave Ltd) and metal (RS Motorsport Ltd) Tõrva Industrial Area, Tõrva town Tõrva Industrial Area, Tõrva town • Size of the industrial area is 14,5 hectares and includes 22 cadastral units (most of these are already built-up) • In the area can be hired existing buildings to start-up for action or use empty cadastral units to build new industrial buildings. • The existing boiler house has additional back-up connections for 2 MW • Electricity is in good condition (new substations) and has free capacity for new companies • Communications (water, canalization, telephone and Internet) are located in cadastral units • Routes are hard covered. Industrial landed property „Lekto“ • Location: Londi village, Karula parish – just beside the border of Valga town (6km from the town centre) • Register identification: 28901:002:018 • Area of the plot: 18,43ha • Water well, sewerage, electricity. • Partially built – building were initially meant for production of potato chips, which never happened. • This real estate has been used for production of pellets. Property in Puka municipality– furniture production unit/ Jumek Ltd • • • • • • • • • • Address: Suurefarmi, Plika village, Puka municipality 47 km from Tartu Land register no 60802:002:2201 Belongs to Jumek Ltd, furniture producer Area of the plot 5,38 ha 4 buildings with area of 3 400 m2, possiblity to expand. One building is renovated for furniture production. Different buildings are connected via galery which is also renovated. Renovated office zone with toilets and shower. Enough electricity power as there is trafo on the plot. Property in Puka municipality– furniture production unit/ Gomab Furniture Ltd • • • • • • • • • Address: Tööstuse 1, Puka hamlet 49 km from Tartu Land register no 60803:001:0860 Belongs to Gomab Furniture Ltd, furniture producer Factory buildings with useful/ production area of 3 045 m2 Area beneath buildings 6 308m2, area of total plot 30 711m2. Existing electricity affiliation. Water from own drilled well. Bio-pond for sewrage (owned by the municipality). Property in Puka municipality– furniture production unit/ Gomab Furniture Ltd Propery in Valga • • • • • • Address: Tranpordi 1, Valga Land register no: 85401:001:0131 Area of the plot 96 151 m2 Area beneath buildings 12 960 m2 Possiblity to enlarge. More information 04a2eba96bc134b32012e68c300 Property in Valga • • • • • • Address: Metsa 19, Valga Land register no: 85401:011:0390 Area of the plot 53 167 m2 Area beneath buildings 17 116 m2 Exist electricity, water sewerage More information about the buildings on the plot ageNr=2 Living enviroment in Valga county • There are 24 schools in Valga County from which there are 7 high schools/ gymnasiums and 13 elementary schools. • There are 3 health care centers in Valga County where people are provided with special and stationary health care (Valga Hospital, Tõrva Health Center and Otepää Health Center). • Winter capital Otepää has gained fame with its world class skiining possibilities and competitions. • Well-known and filled with visitors are also concerts held on the shores of lake Leigo, flying and airplaning days at Riidaja, the gatherings of old American cars in Valga and festivals held between two cities Valga and Valka. Valga county to visit 31 Valga county to enjoy Leigo Lake Music Festival 32 Valga county to live 70% condsider they are happy here Thank you! 33 Contact person Elo Mets Investor Consultant Valgamaa Arenguagentuur/ Valga County Developent Agency E-mail: Mob. +372 511 3932 Skype: elo.mets
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