PDF Dossier


PDF Dossier
From Darwin to Broome, embark aboard L’Austral for an 11-day
expedition cruise. At around two-thirds the size of France,
Kimberley is one of the last unspoiled regions on the planet. In
one of the most picturesque parts of the region, the Hunter
River, you will see wild mangrove forests where salt water
crocodiles live along with many species of birds. The highpoint
of this cruise will undoubtedly be the discovery of the King
George River and the majestic Twin Falls, the highest falls in
Western Australia. You will also visit Collier Bay, where you will
be able to admire the Montgomery Reef, home to vast expanses
of lagoons and immense coral reefs. L’Austral will also take you
as far as the Buccaneer Archipelago, whose coast is one of the
most spectacular in the entire region. With their falls, abrupt
gorges, savannah, calm waters and desolate mountain chains,
the wild lands of Kimberley are the promise of an exceptional
adventure. Please Note: Group transfer from ship to airport or
hotel is included. For guests on afternoon flights, enjoy time at
leisure in the center of town before your transfer to the airport.
Day 1 - Darwin (Australia)
Capital of the Northern Territory, Darwin stands on the shores of the Timor Sea
on Australia’s North Coast. Its lush urban areas exude a tropical, multicultural
atmosphere. You can also soak up aboriginal culture at the Museum and Art
Gallery of the Northern Territory or take in colonial heritage as you walk the
historical discovery trail around the harbour. Pristine nature surrounds Darwin
with waterfalls and virgin forests welcoming you to Litchfield National Park.
Days 2 & 3 - Koolama Bay and King George River Falls
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com
Koolama Bay was formerly known as Rulhieres Bay prior to 1942 when the
state ship Koolama was beached at the location after being attacked by
Japanese bombers from Kupang. The King George River flows into the
Southern end of the bay. Koolama bay has historic significance as a World
War II site, indicating the impact of World War II in north-west Western
Australia and the strategic significance of shipping and the north-west port of
Wyndham. It is also the site of the first aerial attack by Japanese forces in the
Kimberley area. The MV Koolama stranding site and survivor camp at Koolama
Bay and Pangali Cove is significant to the Kwini people who helped the 180
passengers and crew reach safety. You will be transferred ashore to Pangali
cove where youi can take a short walk through mangroves and across a
shallow creek to the site of the Koolama survivors’ camp. If wind, tides and
time permit you might also undertake a short zodiac tour into tranquil coves.
The journey up the King George River is nothing short of breathtaking. The
80m high sides of the gorge display varying degrees of weathering of the
ancient Warton sandstone. The colours and textures of the gorge change with
the light as you travel further up the river. The reds, pinks and oranges within
the sandstones, together with the weathering and erosion patterns give a
continual changing wallpaper of passing scenery that is simply stunning. The
journey culminates at the King George twin falls, the highest single-drop falls
in the whole of the Kimberley (80m or 260ft). Fed by wet season run-off the
level of water cascading over the falls varies from year to year. For many, the
trip up the King George River is the highlight of their Kimberley coast
experience. You will have the choice of undertaking a tender or zodiac tour to
the foot of the twin falls. Tours vary in length so you may choose how long you
wish to spend in the gorge. Accompanied by your expert expedition team learn
all about the stunning geological formations and wildlife that resides within
the gorge. For guests looking for a bit more adventure and with a very high
level of fitness, take a hike to the top of the falls and have the opportunity to
enjoy the views and a swim. This is a very steep, difficult hike with lots of
loose uneven ground and large boulders to scramble over.
Day 4 - Vansittart Bay (Australia)
Captain Phillip Parker King named Vansittart Bay after the longest serving
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nicholas Vansittart and Jar Island after Malay
earthenware jar fragments he found on the beach in 1819. Jar Island contains
ancient rock art galleries depicting the Gwion Gwion style unique to the
Kimberley region. Mainly neglected by, or unknown to, the early European
researchers of Aboriginal culture in the Kimberley in favour of the dominant
and more dramatic Wandjina art, Gwion Gwion art has in recent years gained
world prominence. It was originally named “Bradshaw” style after the exploring
pastoralist Joseph Bradshaw who first recorded these enigmatic human figures
near the Roe River in 1891. Amongst the many different stylistic variations,
the most recognised are the classic Tasselled and Sash Bradshaw figures.
These extremely ornamented naturalistic human figures characteristically seem
to float with bent knees & pointed toes across the hard grained sandstone
rock faces of innumerable galleries. Often a dark mulberry hue, they are
stained indelibly into the rock surface forming a negative-like image devoid of
pigment, indicating great age. They bear strong similarities to the early
dynamic figures in Arnhem Land which are dated at around 20,000 years
before present (BP). Little dating has been done on the Gwion Gwion art so
far, however samples taken from a fossilised wasp nest adjacent to a
tasselled figure dated by Bert Roberts in 1996 estimate them to be older than
17,000 years. It is generally thought that this art may extend back to over
30,000 years BP and represent the first wave of seagoing colonisers of the
Australian continent. As it is, these are the oldest detailed depiction of human
figures in the world and their detailed array of ornaments, weapons and
accruements provides a fascinating insight into a rich early culture whose
legacy has extended to the current Aboriginal culture across Australia. You will
be transferred ashore and undertake a short relatively easy walk to a number
of overhangs and caves that display the various styles of Gwion Gwion rock
art. Some of the cave entrances are narrow and require good flexibility and full
movement of joints.
Day 5 - Hunter River & Mitchell Falls (Australia)
Arguably one of the most scenic parts of the Kimberley coast, Prince Frederick
Harbour and the Hunter River are lined with ancient rainforest pockets, pristine
mangroves and mosaic sandstone cliffs. The Kimberley coast contains more
than a quarter of the world’s mangrove species, and some of the largest
stands of mangroves in Australia. They are considered to be some of the most
pristine mangrove forests in the world, forming closed forests in discontinuous
chains along thousands of kilometres. The mangrove forests of Prince
Frederick Harbour contain up to 18 different mangrove species, supporting a
rich and diverse fauna. The sandstone escarpment at the river mouth, known
as “kampamantiya” to the traditional custodians rises over 200 metres high
before giving way to extensive mud banks and mangrove forests lining the
Hunter River and its tributaries. Guarding the entrance to the river is
“Wunumpurramarra”, also known as Naturalists Island. Please note that
Mitchell Falls and the Mitchell River system are only accessible via the
optional helicopter tour. The included portion of today’s expedition focuses on
the Hunter River system and its mangroves, geology, crocodiles and bird life.
You will undertake zodiac tours of the mangrove environments in the lower
reaches of the Hunter River and Porosus creek. The Expedition Team will share
their knowledge as you explore the area keeping a constant lookout for
wildlife. Stunning geology can be found near the opening of the Hunter River
and the mangroves of Porosus Creek are home to saltwater crocodiles.
Day 6 - Freshwater Cove (Australia)
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com
Wijingarra Bard Bard (Freshwater Cove): the home of the Northern Quoll and
the Black Headed Python, lies in the heartland of Worrorra country. It is a
special place to the Worrorra people and provides a unique opportunity for
visitors to hear the stories of the Lalai (creation) and gain an understanding of
how country and culture intertwine in this beautiful landscape. Worrorra are
saltwater people, whose country stretches from Cone Bay on the Northern end
of King Sound along the West Kimberley Coast to the lower reaches of the
Prince Regent River. They are a proud people that have returned to their
country after being displaced during the Second World War. Along with the
Ngarinyin and Wunambal tribes, they are part of the shared Wandjina culture
and belief system. The Wandjina is their supreme spiritual being who created
the landscape during Lalai (creation time). Wallungunder, the Boss Wandjina,
came from the Milky Way to create the earth and the people. Wijingarra Bard
Bard is home to a number of significant rock art galleries including cyclone
cave where guests will be captivated by the rock art and the fascinating story
of the Eye of the Sea. "For us to share our past, present and future with you
makes us proud, our old people are happy to know that we are on our country
and keeping the culture alive. It is important for us to walk into the future and
provide a sustainable future for our younger people that embraces our
heritage and culture and keeps it alive." – Donny Woolagoodja 2010 You will
be transferred ashore by the ship’s zodiacs for a wet landing onto a sandy
beach. Take part in a traditional ochre “Welcome to Country”: where you will
be introduced to the area and learn the cultural history of Wijingarra Bard
Bard. You will then be guided on a bush walk to various significant sites in the
area, including cyclone cave. On returning to the beach, enjoy some
refreshments and meet with the artists and peruse their paintings. These are
available for purchase from the artists. Before being farewelled with a
traditional smoking ceremony on the beach.
Day 7 - Montgomery Reef (Australia)
named by Phillip Parker King in recognition of Andrew Montgomery, the
surgeon on his 1821 voyage along the Kimberley coast. You will undertake a
zodiac expedition to the exposed reef system with its cascading mini-waterfalls
to witness the amazing tide induced phenomena first hand. Landing on the
reef is prohibited. The actual scale of the phenomena is strictly governed by
the tides on the day.
Day 8 - Talbot Bay & Horizontal Falls (Australia)
Adjoining the Buccaneer Archipelago to the north and Dugong Bay to the
south, Talbot Bay is defined by stunning geological features including the
“Horizontal Waterfalls” and the dramatic, vertiginous cliffs of Cyclone Creek.
Described by Sir David Attenborough as “One of the greatest wonders of the
natural world” it is an iconic location and one of the premier tourist attractions
of the West Kimberley. The Horizontal Waterfalls are a pair of stunning breaks
in the McLarty Range approximately 300m apart. The McLarty range itself is
approximately 1.8 billion years old, comprised of sandstone, quartzite,
siltstone, shale and dolomite with abundant stromatolites. The first and more
seaward of the gaps is approximately 25m wide, whilst the second gap is
approximately 15m wide. With massive tidal differences of up to 10.8m on a
spring tide in Talbot Bay, the Horizontal Waterfalls (technically termed “pinch
rapids”) are a natural phenomenon created as seawater builds up faster on
one side of the gaps than the other, creating a waterfall up to 4m high on a
King tide. With each change of tide the direction of the fall reverses, creating
vast tidal whirlpools on the outgoing side. You will undertake a zodiac
expedition to view the horizontal falls and the surrounding geological features
of Talbot bay and cyclone creek. The zodiac expedition does not pass through
the horizontal falls during strong flow. You may undertake an optional “fast
boat” ride through the falls to experience the thrill of this exhilarating ride.
Day 9 - Buccaneer archipelago (Australia)
The tidal movements in the Kimberley are nothing short of massive, in fact the
Kimberley has the third largest tidal range of anywhere on the planet.
Montgomery Reef is a spectacular example of the impact of these tides as the
entire reef appears to rise from the ocean on a falling tide. As the tide drops a
raging torrent of water cascades off the top of the reef. The phenomenon is
due to the tide dropping faster than the waters trapped on top of the reef can
escape. At just under 400km2 in size it is Australia’s largest inshore reef,
containing large areas of shallow lagoon, seagrass beds and corals. Lying to
the east, are the High Cliffy Islands. High Cliffy was once home to the
Yawijibaya people, who lived there for almost 7,000 years and were reputed
to be a physically superior tribe of Aboriginal people up to 7 feet tall. The
islanders travelled the tides and currents on traditional rafts, but soon after a
Pathé film crew filmed the islanders in 1929, the entire tribe of 300 people
disappeared without trace and without explanation. Montgomery Island was
Day 10 - The Lacepede Island (Australia)
The first European to sight the Islands was the Frenchman Nicolas Baudin in
1801. He named them in honour of French naturalist Bernard Germain de
Lacépède, who described several Australian fish species and wrote the first
treatise on cetaceans. The Lacepede Islands are a group of four islands lying
120km (75miles) to the northwest of Broome and separated from the
mainland by the Lacepede Channel. East, West, Middle and Sandy Islands are
all small, low spits of coarse sand and coral rubble, lying on top of a platform
reef and total 180.2ha. The islands are an A Class Nature Reserve
administered by the Department of Environment and Conservation. The
Islands are Western Australia’s most important breeding habitat for Green
Turtles (Chelonia mydas), and have been named by BirdLife International as
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com
an Important Bird Area (IBA) because they support over 1% of the world
populations of Brown Boobies and Roseate Terns. The breeding colony of
Brown Boobies, of up to 18,000 breeding pairs, is possibly the largest in the
world. Up to 20,000 Roseate Terns have also been recorded there. Other birds
breeding on the islands include Masked Boobies, Australian Pelicans, Lesser
Frigatebirds, Eastern Reef Egrets, Silver Gulls, Crested, Bridled and Lesser
Crested Terns, Common Noddies, and Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers. Visiting
waders include Grey-tailed Tattlers, Ruddy Turnstones, Great Knots and
Greater Sand Plovers. Black rats were eradicated in 1986 leading to the
recolonization of the island by small terns. You will have the opportunity to
undertake a zodiac expedition in and around the islands to view the prolific
birdlife. There is also the chance to spot some of the large turtle population
that resides in the lagoon contained within the Islands. There will be no
landings as they are limited to 6 people at any one time (including guides).
Less disturbance of the nesting birds can be achieved by remaining in the
zodiacs and not landing.
Day 11 - Broome (Australia)
Disembarkation and coach transfer to a hotel where you will be able to enjoy
the public areas until your coach transfer to the airport.
Please Note:
Itineraries are subject to change.
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com
persons, is
Luxury Expedition / Cruise Ship
142 metres
264 (200 in Antarctica)
This superb mega-yacht with 132 cabins is the result of the
expertise of the Italian Fincantieri shipyard and French
sophistication, as interpreted by designer Jean-Philippe Nuel.
L'Austral has a unique atmosphere, a subtle blend of luxury,
intimacy and well-being.
A sleek silhouette softened by elegantly smooth contours and
large, arched windows opening up to the sea and the light: so
many features come together to give L'Austral her distinctive
shape. Precious materials, discreet elegance and a perfect
balance between chic and casual, combine to make you feel as
if you are on your own private yacht. A design blending tradition
and innovation, where a nautical mood has been subtly
recreated. Precious materials in smoothing neutral tones are
brought to life with splashes of cheerful reds. So many personal
touches create the spirit of a "private yacht".
Loyal to the great French tradition, the haute cuisine on board is
worthy of the finest restaurants, where discreet, attentive service
is the hallmark.
Our two restaurants welcome you for breakfasts, lunch and
dinner. The Gastronomic Restaurant, with a capacity of 268
situated on Le Liberte Deck and serves you French and
international cuisine accompagnied by fine wine. On the Grill
Restaurant, you will have the opportuniny to eat outside and
enjoy buffet lunch and themed dinner.
Life On Board
Whether you want to join other guests in the theatre or games
area (Wii™ consoles, etc), or relax on your own in a quiet corner
of the library, L'Austral has been designed to meet the needs of
every guest.
Everything has been done to preserve the independence of each
guest to suit their personal tastes: lounges for lectures and
shows, a spa in partnership with Sothys™, but also more
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com
intimate spaces such as the library and internet corner.
Comfortable cabins, nearly all with private balcony, are
available for families either as triples or as communicating
cabins. There is also a games area with Wii™ consoles,
children's menus, and a baby-sitting service. Just as if you were
on a private yacht, your time is your own to do as you please.
Fitted with the latest equipment (Kinesis Wall, running machine)
and in partnership with the famous Sothys™ brand, the Beauty
Centre on L'Austral welcomes you for some unforgettable
moments of relaxation and pampering (beauty treatments,
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com
Safety and port taxes 780 AUD pp
Optional extras & upgrades
Optional excursions and tours are available, please contact us for more
0800 945 3327 (within New Zealand) | +64 (0) 3 365 1355 | 1800 107 715 (within Australia)
info@wildearth-travel.com | wildearth-travel.com