

VOLUME 52, Issue 5
Dear Carmel Catholic Families,
With spring officially a week away, we await warmer temperatures,
melted snow piles and the sight of daffodils!
Archbishop Cupich’s “flash” visit to our school on February 5 will
certainly be one of my fondest memories of the school year. His simple
manner and enjoyable banter with our students, for the hour he was on
campus, was extraordinary. I relish his comment within the first five
minutes of his arrival, that it was evident “that our students liked each other.”
Many thanks for all your efforts for another successful Street Scenes! We are grateful for all the
ways you supported the event from helping your student solicit ads for our book, to volunteering
with set-up, staffing stations during the event and cleaning-up after the event. During those two
nights, over 4,700 people walked our streets, enjoyed food and drink, visited the show rooms
and many music venues and watched our spectacular student show.
Special thanks to our chair couple, Bob and Briar Knudson, who, with our stalwart directors,
orchestrated the event and approximately 1,000 volunteers. Thanks to each of you who
participated in some way; it is a labor intensive production, but one that gives birth to new
friendships, community building and a valuable source of revenue ($376,404) for our operating
Dr. Brad Bonham, our next president, will begin a transitioning process with our Board of
Directors and me in the next three months. Since he is completing his responsibilities as
principal at St. John Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio, his time on campus will be sporadic
until he begins officially on July 1, 2015. I will continue in my role as interim president through
June 30, 2015.
When we return from spring break, we will be emerged in the celebration of Holy Week. On
Holy Thursday, April 2, at 9:25 a.m., our students will pray and act out the 14 Stations of the
Cross with music, dance and dramatic expression. Know that you are invited to join us as our
community prepares for the Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday, entering
into the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, the most sacred time of our Church year.
Let us remember in our prayers the families of Philip Carrano, loving father of Ela Carrano ’18;
Edward Sheehy, father of John (Sherry), CCHS Business Manager, and grandfather of Krista
’06 and Erin ’08 Sheehy; and Russell Krichbaum, Sr., father of Eileen (Steve) De Spain, CCHS
Administrative Assistant, President’s Office, and grandfather of Matt De Spain ’04.
Happy Lent! Blessed Easter!
Sr. Mary Frances McLaughlin BVM
Colloquium\n, pl: an academic meeting at which information is given on a topic or related topics with questions answered related to them.
Mark Your Calendars!
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Friends,
Turnabout dance,
7:30 p.m., Salvi Arena
Parents’ Association
meeting, 7 p.m.,
Board Room
Parent-to-Parent meeting,
7 p.m., South Conference
Spring Break, offices closed
Stations of the Cross,
9:25 a.m., Salvi Arena
Good Friday, no school,
offices closed
Easter Monday, no school,
offices closed
Faculty In-Service,
no classes, offices open
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Father/Daughter Dance,
7:30 p.m., Cafeteria
Mother/Son Celebration,
10:30 a.m., Auditorium/
Sophomore Unity
Ceremony, 2:15 p.m.,
Parent-to-Parent meeting,
7 p.m., South Conference
ACT exam at Carmel
Parents’ Association
meeting, 7 p.m.,
Board Room
Spring Musical,
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Jazz percussion concert,
7 p.m., Auditorium
Walkathon, noon dismissal,
offices open 7:30 a.m . –
2 p.m.
Honors assembly for
underclassmen, 2 p.m.,
Spring choral concert,
7 p.m., Auditorium
Spring instrumental
concert, 7 p.m., Auditorium
Happy almost spring! While I know our students enjoyed
our unplanned days off thanks to Mother Nature, we
are all very happy that the temperature will reach 50
degrees this week as winter appears behind us. With
the change in season come all of the things that second
semester brings: Mother/Daughter Brunch, Mother/Son Celebration, prom,
Walkathon, A.P. exams, honors assemblies, Baccalaureate Mass, and ultimately
– graduation.
We have spoken amongst each other as a faculty and staff a lot this year
about our senior class. So much about this group of young men and women
embodies what is central to our school community. Their achievements go
well beyond academics, athletics, music, drama, or any of the other ways they
have made our school proud through their accomplishments. To be sure, this
class has produced a number of such success stories, but our pride in them
finds its root much deeper than that.
The Class of 2015 makes us proud for the people that they are. Their kindness,
their generosity, their camaraderie, their humor and their dedication to our
community serve as an example for all of our students. The character of this
senior class manifests itself in small gestures – notes on lockers, making sure
younger students are not alone at lunch, cheerfulness in their daily interactions
and always greeting visitors with a smile and an offer of assistance. These
actions are seminal to the school community we hold so dear at Carmel; it is
from these small acts that the more publicly praiseworthy behaviors we observe
so often in our students are born.
I realize that such homage to a senior class is often reserved for later in the
semester. However, I mention these things now as our seniors are entering
what for many high school students can be a perilous time with regard to
choices that they are presented with vis-à-vis prom, graduation parties and
spring break. As we help our students navigate this time, I would ask that all
of our parents please partner with us by minimizing as much as possible the
opportunities for destructive decisions. As often as they exhibit behavior to the
contrary, we have to be mindful that our students are still kids. They rely on
you, as their parents, to ensure that their environment is a safe one (even when
they do not realize that is what they want).
Thank you, Carmel parents. Thank you for bringing us such wonderful
students, thank you for entrusting them to us and thank you for all you do to
help foster their limitless futures.
Mark Ostap
Advancement News
Dear Friends,
With spring break nearly upon us I
am marveling at the plans already
being made for activities this summer
and even next school year. We
have already started to welcome
the students and families of the Class of 2019, and I was
glad for the opportunity to meet so many parents who are
eager to become involved in the Carmel community at our
Welcome Night at the end of February. Many new parents
completed Carmel’s Volunteer Interest Form, and I invite
you to consider volunteering in a classroom; helping to
plan Street Scenes; with athletics, music or drama; or with
one of the many other opportunities to build our Carmel
community. You may express your interest on our website
at Amanda Thomas, Carmel’s
new Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator, and I look
forward to meeting and working with you for the benefit of
our students.
Carmel has recently been added to the thousands of
schools and charities that are supported by the Amazon
Smile program where 5% of your Amazon purchases will
be donated to Carmel! Simply go to
the next time you are shopping online, search “Carmel
Mundelein” and select Carmel High School as your charity
of choice. Then shop just like you always do on Amazon.
Another fun way to support Carmel Catholic and our
tuition assistance fund is at the 2015 Carmel Catholic Golf
Classic. On June 8 we will return to Hawthorn Woods
Country Club for a great day of friends and fun on the
course. Throughout the day, we will honor Carmel’s 1975
Boys’ Golf Team on the 40th anniversary of their 3rd place
finish in the state tournament and hope to welcome many
alumni from the ‘70s who remember the team! Nongolfers are invited to join us for dinner and the auction
that will follow the afternoon round of golf. The auction
will feature many wonderful items for bidding, including
an on-campus parking spot for a student who is unlucky
in the parking lottery for 2015-16. All of the proceeds help
our students who receive tuition assistance to make their
Carmel education affordable for their family.
JUNE 8, 2015
I hope to see you soon, at the golf course or on campus!
Noelle Moore
Director of Institutional Advancement
Student Services News
Guidance department intern, Mina Figueroa, has designed an after school workshop for struggling students called the
Success Study Skills Group. This group will meet six times, and will discuss: time management, goal setting, skills to
improve classroom performance and test taking skills. Guidance counselors recommended students for this group which
runs from March 4-April 15.
Counselors have been busy welcoming the Class of 2019 to Carmel Catholic during evening conferences that
welcome parents and future freshmen to receive help with course selection. Through these meetings Carmel counselors
will familiarize parents with our curriculum and placements, while our new freshman and their counselors meet for the
first time.
Summer Canoe Trip
Every summer since the late sixties, CCHS students and faculty have traveled to
the Boundary Waters area of southern Ontario for a week-long wilderness ecoexperience. This year the summer canoe trip for CCHS students in 9th – 12th
grades will be July 17 – July 27 with Voyageur Wilderness Programme. You can
learn more about the outfitter at The cost of the trip is $1,425.00. This
amount covers coach bus travel to and from Canada, meals while on Voyageur
Island and in the wilderness, all camping equipment—canoe, paddle, camp
stove, cooking utensils, tent, sleeping bag, back pack, provincial park fees and a
naturalist guide for every three groups of students. In the wilderness, each group of
6-8 students will also be accompanied by a Carmel chaperone.
A reminder to the girls attending
Prom – as you begin the search for
the perfect Prom dress, remember
there are certain dress styles that are
not acceptable for Carmel Catholic
dances. These styles include any
handkerchief dress, one or twopiece bare midriff dresses, bare
side dresses, excessive side, front
or back slit dresses, or any bodice
wrap-around style, plunging neckline
dresses, backless dresses or sheer
fabric dresses. Modesty and good
taste are expected in any dress you
choose. If you come to Prom attired
in a dress that is inappropriate, you
will be asked to leave the dance.
Please do not put yourself in this
position by choosing a dress that
is not suitable for a high school
Since the trip crosses the border between two countries, a passport is
recommended. Find out more about required travel documents at
To reserve a place on the trip, complete a registration form and submit a $250
deposit by April 15. Payments made in full by March 31, will receive a $55
discount. Payment for the trip must be completed by May 15.
To register or receive more information, please contact Ms. Patty Van Spankeren at
Campus Ministry
The link to submit Christian Service hours for Semester 2 is live. All students received this link in their
Carmel email in February. Semester 2 Christian Service hours are due Monday, May 11.
Many local organizations and agencies have asked Carmel Catholic for volunteers! Check the
Christian Service page of Edline regularly for updates.
This summer, Campus Ministry is sponsoring a weekly day trip to Beacon Place in Waukegan. For
more information on the mission and work of this outstanding local organization, visit In addition to earning Christian Service hours for the 2015-2016 school year,
students will have the opportunity for communal learning and reflection on their experience as well as justice issues affecting
our community.
Contact Mrs. Kambra French with any questions at
Street Scenes
Street Scenes 2015 “Celebrated Superheroes” and was another great success!
Over 4,700 guests strolled the streets and together with the Ad Book, raised
$376,404 – the largest amount of money raised since 2008. Next year’s event
promises to top $10 million dollars raised since Street Scenes began.
Street Scenes rocked the school February 12 – 14 with 62 bands in 26 unique
rooms. Come join in the fun for next year! It takes over 1,000 volunteers to make
Street Scenes happen. We really need your help!
Next year’s theme is Street Scenes “Toasts Mardi Gras,” promising to be another
fun and colorful event. Be part of the action next year and volunteer.
Key volunteer positions are available:
• Volunteer Director
• Properties Director
• Recycling Director
• Ad Book Director
• Room Chairs
For more information, please contact:
Bob & Briar Knudson
General Chaircouple
CCHS Students to Participate in 36th Annual
Carmel Catholic High School’s 36th Annual Walkathon will take place on Friday,
May 1. Students will begin walking at approximately 8:30 a.m. The Walkathon
will be held rain or shine!
All Carmel students are required to participate in the 2015 Walkathon by securing
donations amounting to $75 or more on or before the day of the Walkathon. This
important fundraiser is used to purchase items or provide services for students
which may not be included in the annual budget.
More details regarding this year’s Walkathon will be distributed to students in their
homeroom on April 14.
Parking Applications for 2015-16
The link to parking applications for the 2015-16 school year will be emailed to
current sophomores (‘17) and juniors (‘16) on Monday, March 30. By April 10,
juniors (‘16) must complete their online application and turn in a $175 fee to
the business office to receive a space. Also by April 10, sophomores (‘17) must
complete their online application to be placed in the lottery, which will be held
after school on Wednesday, April 15 at 3 p.m. The sophomores (‘17) selected in
the lottery must turn in their $175 fee to the business office by May 1. All students
must complete the “Alive at 25” defensive driving program through the College
of Lake County to be eligible for a parking space. Students who have already
completed the “Alive at 25” program do not have to take the class again. “Alive at
25” information will be included in the March 30 email. Only one parking space
is allowed per family. Contact Mr. Nolan for more information at 847-388-3318
Carmel Bus
Carmel Catholic High School is
presenting six bus routes to the
surrounding communities for the
2015 - 2016 school year.
Route 1
• Pick-up at Transfiguration
Church at 7:05 a.m.
• Pick-up at St. Mary Church,
Fremont at 7:20 a.m. to Carmel
Route 2
• Pick-up at Barrington Metra
Station (Union Pacific
Northwest Line) at 6:50 a.m.
• Pick-up at St. Francis Church,
Lake Zurich at 7:05 a.m. to
Carmel Catholic
Route 3
• Pick-up at St. Raphael Church,
Antioch at 6:45 a.m.
• Pick-up at Prince of Peace
Church, Lake Villa at 7:00 a.m.
• Pick-up at St. Bede Church,
Ingleside at 7:15 a.m. to
Carmel Catholic
Route 4
• Pick-up at Our Lady of
Humility Church, Beach Park at
6:50 a.m.
• Pick-up at St. Patrick Church,
Wadsworth at 7:05 a.m.
• Pick-up at St. Paul Church,
Gurnee at 7:25 a.m. to Carmel
Route 5
• Pick-up at St. Mary, Buffalo
Grove at 7:00 a.m. to Carmel
Route 6
• Pick-up at West Lake Forest
Metra Station (Milwaukee
North Line) at 7:10 a.m. to
Carmel Catholic
Through April 30, an early
registration payment of $465 exists
for the Carmel bus routes.
All registrations and payments
received after April 30 will be $565.
For further information on bus
transportation, visit the finance page
on Edline, use the incoming freshmen
link at or
contact Mr. Jerry Rejc at 847-388-3442
Congratulations to Cameron
Schott ‘15 for receiving
first place in the Illinois Art
Education Association Student
Show. Cameron received
first place for his digital
architectural photograph
which will be in a traveling art
show until May of 2016. He
used an app on his Samsung
phone to recreate the image.
Fine Arts
Cameron Schott ‘15
IL Art Education Poster Contest Winner, Amanda Im ‘16
Congratulations to Elizabeth Erickson ’15 and Amanda Im
’16 for their winning poster designs.
The theme for this year’s Illinois Art Education poster
contest was “Illinois Eyes on Art.” The poster with their
designs will be distributed to all Illinois Art Education
Association members.
MR. CCHS 2015
Cameron also received a Gold Key in the Regional
Scholastic Art Show for his digital photograph, shown
above, which he enhanced in Adobe Photoshop.
IL Art Education Poster Contest Winner, Elizabeth Erickson ‘15
Ryan Kowalski ’15 earned the title of Mr. CCHS 2015.
IHSA Class 2A Regional Champions
113 pounds – Michael Tortorice ‘16
132 pounds – Kenny Barber ‘16
160 pounds – Nathan Morris ‘16
Sectional Champions
113 pounds – Michael Tortorice ‘16
160 pounds – Kenny Barber ‘16
Regional Champions – 13th
consecutive year
Tortorice ‘16
State Medalists
3rd place – 113 pounds – Michael Tortorice ‘16
6th place – 145 pounds – Anthony Swindell ‘15
Swindell ‘15
Christopher Duff ‘16 – All ESCC & Buffalo Wild Wings
December Athlete of the Month
Emma Rappe ’15 – Trib Local Athlete of the Month –
Mundelein All-Tournament Team
Samantha Lococo ‘17 – state qualifier
in vault, bars, floor, all around; placed
3rd in floor exercise and 11th in all
around; Buffalo Wild Wings January
Athlete of the Month
Emma Rappe ’15
The team is playing their
first state series game on
Saturday, March 14 at the
Edge West at 8:30 a.m. vs.
Naperville North.
Jimmy Dooley ‘16 came in 4th in
the 200 freestyle and 6th in the 100
freestyle at the IHSA sectional meet.
He placed 13th in the 200 breaststroke
at the state meet.
In February, Adam Stull ‘15 signed a letter of intent to play football at the
University of Dayton.
Mundelein Mayor’s Math Contest
On Sunday, March 8, approximately 90 CCHS students
competed in the second annual Mundelein Mayor’s Cup
Math Challenge. The contest is open to all students living
in or attending school within the village of Mundelein.
The competition divisions included: middle school (6th
– 8th grade); junior varsity (9th and 10th grades); varsity
(11th and 12th grades).
First, all students participated in an individual
competition. The top 10 finishers in each category
received a monetary scholarship. In the individual
William Heimberger ‘16, Annie Cebulski ‘15, Josh Gleason ‘15,
competition, Carmel mathletes earned an amazing
$3,475.00 in total scholarship money. Congratulations to Laura Matthews ‘15, Tom Trzupek ’16 and Mayor Steve Lentz
the following winners in each division:
Varsity Individual: Tom Trzupek ‘16 (2nd place, $750),
Corey May ‘16 (6th place, $250), William Heimberger ‘16
(7th place, $200) and Jong Son ‘16 (9th place, $100).
Junior Varsity Individual: Jason Hajduk ‘17 and Theresa
Thiel ‘18 (tie for 1st place, $625 each), Sarah Nelson
‘18 (3rd place, $300), Sammy Dickmann ‘17 (4th place,
$250), Tommy Lacher ‘17 (5th place, $200), Coral Wang
‘18 (8th place, $100) and Lauren Caffarelli ‘17 (9th place,
Then, the students combined to form six-person teams
attempting to win the traveling team trophy awarded to
the top school in each division.
Theresa Thiel ‘18, Sarah Nelson ‘18, Samantha Pokorny ‘17 and
Mayor Steve Lentz
This year the varsity team of Tom Trzupek ‘16, Laura Matthews ‘15, William Heimberger ‘16, Josh Gleason ‘15, Annie Cebulski
‘15 and Amulya Kandikonda ‘15 took home the first place trophy for the Corsairs. The junior varsity team of Theresa Thiel ‘18,
Sarah Nelson ‘18, Samantha Pokorny ‘17 and Jonathan Paulson ‘17 also took the top prize for Carmel.
November 14, 2015
Gala at Cuneo Mansion
20 15
e sti n
a tio n : R
Carmel Catholic High School
Proudly Presents
Winner of six
TONY Awards
Best Musical!
Students $6.00
Adults $12.00
New Music by Jeanine Tesori
Friday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 25 at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 p.m.
New Lyrics by Dick Scanlan
Book by Dick Scanlan and
Richard Henry Morris
Original Story and Screenplay by
Richard Morris
Order your tickets online at:
Or Call Our Ticket Hotline: 847-388-3450