letter from the executive director - Literacy Volunteers of Monmouth


letter from the executive director - Literacy Volunteers of Monmouth
Literacy Volunteers of Monmouth County
A Pro Literacy America Affiliate
Changing lives through literacy……..that is what 1,828
volunteer tutors, working through nineteen affiliates under
the guidance of our state literacy organization, Literacy
Volunteers of New Jersey, do.
We recently held our annual fundraising dinner, “Color
Your World with Literacy”, at which Greta and Niko Suvasi,
students of tutor, Carole Dougher, were our guest speakers.
Literacy has definitely changed their lives.
Immigrating from Albania, Greta and Niko knew very little
English when they arrived in the United States. They
contacted our organization and were matched with their
tutor, Carole Dougher. Working with Carole over a period
of 9 years they went from knowing very little English to
learning enough English to obtain their U.S. Citizenship
last April. In addition to this accomplishment Niko was
able to get his CDL (Commercial Drivers License) and
obtain a better job while Greta has enrolled in classes at
Brookdale Community College to further her education.
Literacy has and is changing their lives.
For many of our adults their literacy accomplishments may
seem small to us but they are huge to the students.
The moment when an adult student learns how to blend
two consonants in order to pronounce words gives them
the confidence to keep on learning how to read. Learning
how to put words together in order to write a complete
sentence is monumental for someone whose reading and
writing comprehension level is below a fourth grade level.
For the immigrants that we provide literacy services to
(from 39 different countries in 2009 alone) the ability to
speak English well enough to be understood is a goal worth
pursuing. English literacy skills help them contribute to
their communities, communicate with employers,
co-workers, school personnel and health care givers and it
provides them with the skills to change their lives. With
support and encouragement from their tutors all of our
students are making progress and their lives are changing.
Along with their students our tutors also feel that their lives
have been changed and enriched through the time they
spend volunteering to help their students. By working
with adult students in one-to-one, small groups or in our
English as a Second Language (ESL) classrooms our tutors
are changing lives. Join us for a very rewarding experience
and change a life through literacy!
Rebecca Lucas
“Literacy arouses hopes, not only in society as a whole but also in the
individual who is striving for fulfillment, happiness and personal benefit by learning how to read and write. Literacy...means far more than
learning how to read and write....The aim is to transmit...knowledge
and promote social participation."
UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg, Germany
The students listed below are waiting to be matched with a
tutor. Many have been on our list for quite some time but all
are committed to improving their English literacy skills. If
you have not tutored for a while or if you have time to help
another student, please contact the office so we can match
Basic Literacy Students Waiting for a Tutor:
Conley (59) resides in Aberdeen. He is a beginning reader and he is
available to meet a tutor most evenings after 6:30 p.m. He does not have
Nicholas (22) lives in Neptune and would like a tutor to help him with
reading and reading comprehension skills. Nicholas reads at a 2nd grade
level and previously worked with another LVMC tutor before she stopped
tutoring. Nicholas does not have transportation but he can meet a tutor
most weekdays early afternoon or after 5 p.m.
Cesar (41) is originally from Portugal but now resides in Long Branch.
Cesar is a beginning reader who has been attending our “Read to Succeed”
program on Monday evenings and although he is a beginning reader he
has been making steady progress. Cesar does not have transportation but
he is available to meet with a tutor most days and evenings.
Melvina (40) is from Asbury Park and she would like a tutor to help her
with basic reading in order for her to pursue getting her GED. She does not
have transportation but she can meet with a tutor in the morning or
afternoon, Monday through Thursday.
Gregory (34) is originally from Jamaica but currently resides in Long
Branch. Gregory is a beginning reader who needs help with reading,
writing and spelling. He is available to meet a tutor Monday, Tuesday or
Friday after 5 p.m.
Aaron (24) is from Bradley Beach and currently reads at a 4th grade level.
He needs to improve his reading and reading comprehension skills in order
to get his GED. He has some difficulties with speech but they do not
prevent him from being a good student. He is available to meet with a
tutor Monday and Friday and in the mornings on other days.
Julius (31) is from Asbury Park. He currently is in a rehab program and he
would like to improve all of his reading skills. He does not have transportation. Evenings are the best time to meet with him.
Michael (51) is from Asbury Park and he would like to meet with a tutor to
improve his reading, writing and reading comprehension skills. He does
not have transportation but is available to meet with a tutor between 9 and
Noon, Thursday and Friday.
James (56) is from Brielle. James is a beginning reader who needs help
improving his reading and writing skills. He is available to meet with a
tutor in the Brielle Library and is flexible regarding meeting times and
ESL Students Waiting for a Tutor:
Yung Eun, “Sue”, (62) is from Korea and currently resides in Ocean. She
would like to improve her English conversation skills and she can meet with
a tutor in the evening between 6 and 8 p.m.. She speaks a little English but
she does not drive.
Isaac (39) is from Honduras and currently resides in Asbury Park. Isaac
wants to improve his English reading, writing and conversational English.
He has transportation and he can meet with a tutor on Friday evenings in
Asbury Park or Neptune.
Hortensia (43) is from Mexico but currently resides in Freehold. Hortensia
would like a tutor to help her improve her speaking, reading and writing
skills so that she can help her children with their schoolwork. Hortensia is
at a high-beginner/low intermediate level. She is available to meet with a
tutor at the Freehold borough library on Wednesdays between 8 am and 3
Irene (64) is from Ecuador and currently lives in Howell. Irene speaks at an
advanced level but would like help improving her writing skills. Irene
drives and she is available to meet with a tutor between 9 am and noon.
Jorge (38) is from Mexico but currently lives in Long Branch. Jorge wants to
improve his English literacy skills in speaking, reading and writing. Jorge
has only attended school through the 2nd grade. He is available to meet
with a tutor in Long Branch in the evenings after 6:30 p.m.
Flor (61) is originally from Colombia and currently resides in Eatontown.
Flor wants to improve her English reading and writing skills and she can
meet with a tutor on any day at any time.
German (33) is originally from Mexico but currently resides in Belmar. He
needs to learn to read and write the English language . German has no transportation and can meet with a tutor weekday mornings or weekend
afternoons and evenings.
Lino (50) is from Mexico but currently resides in Ocean. Lino needs help
with reading and writing English and he is available to meet with a tutor
after 7 p.m. He does not have transportation.
Leh (60) is originally from China but is currently living in Middletown. Leh
needs help improving her English literacy skills in speaking, reading and
writing. She has transportation and she can meet a tutor any day at any
Tawfik (32) is originally from Egypt but currently resides in Morganville.
Tawfik speaks English but he needs help with reading and writing. He has
transportation and can meet with a tutor between 10 am and noon, on any
Spring Tutor Trainings:
Literacy for Life Conference:
LVMC is offering two trainings this spring:
Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey will hold its’ annual
conference for tutors, staff, board members and students of
all LVNJ’s 19 affiliate organizations on Saturday, April 24,
2010 at the Conference Center at Montclair State University,
Montclair, NJ. This conference is open to all active LVMC
tutors, students and volunteers and will be held from 9:30 to
4:15. Many different workshops will be offered during this
all-day conference and we encourage tutors and students to
attend. Cost is $45 for tutors and $20 for students for the day
and includes the awards luncheon.
Training #1: will be held on Monday evenings beginning
March 22 and will run for 6 consecutive Mondays through
April 26. This training will be held in Long Branch, NJ at the
Brookdale Community College Higher Education Center
from 6 to 9 p.m. Certified tutor trainer, Amy Difilippo will be
conducting this training.
Training #2: will be held on 6 consecutive Wednesday
evenings beginning April 21 and will finish on June 2nd (no
class on May 26th). This training will be held at the Red
Bank Public Library in Red Bank, NJ from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Certified tutor-trainer, David Kuykendall will be conducting
this training.
Cost for either training is $45 which helps defray the cost of
books and materials. Interested adults (aged 18 years and
older who have graduated high school) are asked to contact
the office to register. Refresher courses are free to tutors who
have already completed the course.
Conversational English Facilitator Training:
Certified Tutor Trainer, Amy Difilippo will conduct a
facilitator training on Saturday, May 1st from 10 until 12:30 at
the Eastern Branch of the Monmouth County Library in
Shrewsbury, NJ for previously trained tutors who would like
to become facilitators of conversational English classes. We
have had many requests for these classes and LVMC needs to
train additional tutors to facilitate them. If you are interested
please contact the office to register. Cost for this training is
$10. Space is limited to 15.
Tutor Appreciation Reception:
Our annual tutor appreciation event for tutors only will be
held on Saturday, March 27, from 10:30 until noon at the First
United Methodist Church, in Freehold, NJ. This is the event
when LVMC shows our appreciation for all of our active
tutors by providing an opportunity for tutors to get together
and share tutoring experiences, successes and problems
while enjoying a delicious brunch prepared by LVMC staff.
In addition, this is the time where we have our annual books
& materials raffle where tutors are given a sheet of raffle
tickets at no cost and they ‘take a chance’ on winning various
items. If you are actively tutoring please join us and either
call the office or email us to reserve a space.
Each year LVMC has had wonderful representation at
this conference. The workshops offered provide a great
opportunity to increase the tutoring skills of our tutors
while providing an opportunity for our students to meet
with other students and participate in workshops geared to
their literacy levels. For more information please contact
the office.
Stories from Our Students:
We are once again requesting all tutors to work with their
students on submitting written works for our annual
booklet which is presented to each tutor and student during
our Annual Recognition Dinner. Writings can consist of one
sentence to a paragraph and they do not have to be grammatically correct. This year we would like to encourage
students to write about their literacy goals; i.e. getting a job,
speaking better English, helping their children with school
work, getting their GED etc.. Tutors, we would also like to
hear from you regarding the positive aspects of your
volunteer tutoring. We need all of the ‘stories’ back to the
office by May 14th so that we have time to get the booklets
Annual Recognition Dinner:
“Save the Date”…..Wednesday, May 26, 2010 is when LVMC
will host our annual recognition dinner for tutors, students
and volunteers who have been actively involved with
LVMC from July 1, 2009. Any student, tutor or volunteer
who has compiled a minimum of 12 hours of tutoring or
volunteering is welcome to attend this event. Invitations
will be sent out the end of April.
Holiday Gift Wrapping
While this event took place several months ago we are ever
thankful to all of our ‘friends of literacy’ who volunteered
to wrap for LVMC during the past holiday season. We also
thank Marty Gilbert, manager of the Borders Bookstore in
Freehold, NJ for his continued support of literacy.
Special thanks to coordinators, Susan Kuykendall (she
coordinated the snowman soup and reindeer munch
making) and Anna Acevedo and Sarah Stewart who made
many, many phone calls soliciting volunteers and also
worked more than their share of shifts.
We would also like to thank the following ‘friends’ for
volunteering their time to help recruit new tutors and raise
money for LVMC’s programs while wrapping gifts. We could
not have done this without your donation of time:
Volunteer John Molta with board member Cathy Sims and her
husband, David
Volunteers Lubna Malik and Zinnia Rehman
Volunteers tutor Patricia Armhold with Valentyna Lozymu
Dee Vignone, Geri Surgent, Pat Keller, Beverly Guz, Ron &
Karen Topham, Kay Amoroso and family, Carley Ward, Tess
Leopold, Cheryl Sikora, Jose & Madeline Rivera, Carly Cioffi,
Lydia Diel, Sandra Whitehill, Donna Cook, Toni Berlow &
daughter, Joyce Wilson, Kevin Doherty, Christopher Heneley,
Carlos Perez, Susan & David Kuykendall, Joyce and Dorothy
Grogan, Tim Tierney, Lubna Malik, Zinnia Rehman,
Madeleine Alexander, Linda Stewart, Christopher Chrepta,
Carol Roche, Helen Hopkins, Suzann Cahill, Julie Richards,
Cindy Tammaro, Devon Tomasulo, Manny Alvarez,Isabel
Kupilik, Ted Nappi, Cathy Cofield and husband, Evelyn
Mendoza, Sally Hollyer, Mary Ann Seiber, Joan Gordon
Chuakay, James Brennan, Eileen Kane and students Diana,
Carlos and Maria, Monica Manning, Cathy Smith, Barbara
Sullivan, Betsy Peyton, Shubha Murti, Pam Slifer, Judith
Stanton, Janice Barrett, Joanne Smith, Patricia Armhold,
Valentina Lozyna, Chris and Steven Holmgren, Susan
George, Geoff Nishuira, Judy Alvarez, Janet O’Gorman,
Linda Aque, Nancy Bontempo, Carl & Arlene DeJura, Sandy
Henning, Claire Lonegan, Chris Vecere, Gail Deinhardt, Jane
Bazzoni, Edwina McDonough, Nancy Ricketts, Pat
Broderick, Erika Heiges & friend, Danielle, Carole Dougher,
Asmida Modi, Kathy Marchese, Kathy Ahmad, David Orgel,
Marilyn Reich, Andria Schanzer, Lynne Leimberg, Gayle
Cappozi, Carol Cuddy, Peter Reniers, Maya George, Amrita
George, Cathy, David, and Leia Sims, Rhoda and John Molta,
Eleanor Linley, Larry and Lois Benjamin, Laura Yudof, Gail
Kass, Lucy Rucker, Donna Sagar, and last but not least, Sarah
Stewart and Anna Acevedo.
Jr. volunteers who wrapped with parents or other adults
Sofia Cioffi, Adele Leopold, Mariah Stewart, Rachel Stewart,
Kristen Sikora, Allison Sikora, Naomi Goldman and Aliya
Goldman, Isabel Kupilik, Kathleen Alvarez, Julia Nappi,
Kristina Nappi, Julia Bontempo, Avery Lucas, Sophie
Richards, Megan Kirkwood, Justine Alvarez, Lily Manoia,
Mallory Stanton,
LVMC recently held our annual fundraising dinner at
McLoone’s Supper Club in Asbury Park, NJ. This event
featured chance baskets, a ring-toss chance and a
wonderful live auction led by volunteer, Peder Hagberg,
which featured ethnic dinners prepared by staff and
‘friends of literacy’; sporting event tickets, along with a
once in a life-time opportunity for a walk-on movie part,
and a private tour of Google International, in NYC
complete with limo ride! Many thanks to everyone who
attended, donated, or sent in donations for this event.
Additional thank yous to: McLoone’s Supper Club, Kim
Davis, volunteer photographer, and to Koch Florist of
Middletown, NJ for our floral arrangement. All monies
raised through this event will go toward helping fund our
literacy programs throughout Monmouth County.
Attendees Robert and Eileen Kane with volunteer and
tutor, Daniel Koelhoffer
Director Rebecca Lucas with Tutor Trainer David Kuykendall
and his wife Susan who is LVMC's volunteer librarian
Junior Volunteers Kathleen Alvarez and Mariah Stewart with
Auctioneer Peder Hagberg and his wife, Erika
Auctioneer Peder Hagberg and his wife, Erika with committee
member Sarah Rossbach Fleming and her husband, Doug
Students Niko and Greta Suvasi with tutor, Carole Dougher
On Saturday, February 20th, sixteen tutors participated
in the Andragogy Workshop at the First United
Methodist Church in Freehold, NJ. After an engaging
ice-breaker, participants broke into small groups and
using a safari-based lesson plan they created activities for
different adult learning styles. We thank Jeanette Fraga,
tutor trainer from LV West Hudson for presenting this
workshop to our tutors.
Andragogy Workshop participating tutors
Maria, student of tutor, Dee Vignone has been working diligently on her reading
and writing skills and allowed us to share this written assignment with you:
in their
own words
"We all smile
in the same language".
“Moving to the United States was very challenging. First, I never finished school and I
couldn’t read and everything was so hard. Especially work and everyday living. I had
to get a license for work and driving but I able to live with God’s blessing. I went to
the Long Branch high school for information about going to school. They sent me to
the vocational school for help and then I started to go back and forth. It was very hard
because I couldn’t read so then they recommended me to a literacy program and I
started to go back and forth again. Then a teacher recommended me to learning center
when I was 38 year old. This was very challenging for me starting from scratch. One
day a week for five year, but with God’s help, I was able to accomplish so much and
I’m on my way to get my G.E.D. and more.”
Jungmi Oh’s and Sue Kelly’s Trip to the Mohonk Mountain Preserve
On October 14, 2009, Jungmi Oh, my learner from South Korea, and I took a day trip to
the Mohonk Mountain Preserve in the Catskills. The trip was run through Brookdale
Community College. On this crisp, sunny autumn day, aboard a beautiful, modern
bus, we headed to the mountains. Jungmi was so excited and happy, and we talked all
the way up and back, discussing similarities and differences in the landscapes of our
countries and other topics. She even understood the bus driver’s anecdotes which were
hilarious! Once we arrived, we enjoyed a wonderful, gourmet luncheon with about 8
other people of various ages at our table. Jungmi joined in the conversation easily and
was very comfortable in the group. After lunch, we did some shopping in the gift shop,
toured the amazing grounds and took a walk around the beautiful lake that was formed
by a glacier. Jungmi told me that she thought that this was the “most beautiful place in
America.” Jungmi has recently returned to South Korea and sent me this photograph
that will be a great memento of this memorable day.
Lance Orner, one of Literacy Volunteers of Monmouth
County’s most dedicated tutors died on January 2, 2010.
Lance was a basic literacy tutor and had been active for the
past three years. He leaves behind his wife, Betsy and his
daughter Leslie. In celebration of Lance’s life, memorials
were made in his name to LVMC by the following friends:
Paul & Dolores Katus
George & Mary Forshay
Cynthia & David Sunseri
Kathy & John Bouckley
Jill L. Katus
Sally & Gerald Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. David Frech
Mrs. Mary Frech
Ruth G. Folitz
Paul & Dolores Katus
Frank Hermo
Suzanne Lefebvre
Jennifer Katus Norland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frech
Sandra Conaway
Mel Clifford-Simko, an English literature and cinema
studies teacher at Middletown North High School and
beloved fiancée of Jeffrey Zotter, died on February 9, 2010 at
the age of 52. In celebration of Mel’s life donations were
made to LVMC in her honor by the following friends:
Jeffrey Zotter
Kathleen Dwyer
Geraldine Corvo
Carla Padvoiskis Family
Kathleen & George Gerardi
Mrs. Thomas Dougherty
Don & Jeanette Daestner
Grafton Suburban Credit
Union Joan & John Simko
John & Marilyn Smith
John Gabrilowicz
John Buran & Flushing Savings Bank
Stella Harbison, a staunch supporter of literacy recently
passed away and a donation has been made in her memory
by Raymond and Ursula Weber.
Donations to LVMC in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scoutelas were recently made by the following friends, Inger Maier
and Jennifer Anderson.
A birthday donation was recently made in honor of Sarah Stewart by friend, Lore Macdonald.
Thank you to the following people and companies who recently made donations to LVMC:
Tom White through the Exxon Mobil Foundation
Joyce Wilson through the Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sandlass
Serge & Carole Manni
Shubha & Krishna Murti
June Moser
Dean Dabrowski
Lorraine Kinsella
Susan Boser
William Sirnack
Maureen Berman
Cathy Smith
Tom & Nena Bernard
Richard Scudder
Joan & Robert Rechnitz
John Molta & Rhoda Sims
Peggy Sansone
Laura Kirkwood
Kathy Cofield
Frances Romeo
Carley Ward Adams
LVMC’s third quarter ends on March 31, 2010 but we
need your tutoring hours and student’s goals by March
20th for our reporting deadlines. Please submit them to
the office via our website link, via email, or via the postal
service. Submission of hours spent tutoring is crucial to
our organization to receive funding from our NJ
Department of Labor grant. The new tutor timesheet also
reflects literacy gains or goals met by your student so
please include these.
We need to know what your student is accomplishing and
we love to celebrate any of their successes in the Beacon.
Literacy Volunteers of Monmouth County
A Pro Literacy America Affiliate
A Publication of
Literacy Volunteers of Monmouth County
213 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ 07740
Phone: 732-571-0209 Fax: 732-571-2474
Email: lvmonmouth@brookdalecc.edu
Website: www.lvmonmouthnj.com
Rebecca Lucas, Executive Director
Susan George, Tutor - Learner Coordinator
Shubha Murti, ESL Assessor
Carol Roche, President
Manuel J. Alvarez, Esq, Vice President
Thomas J. White, Secretary
Ted Nappi, Treasurer
Catherine Amoroso, Certified Tutor Trainer
Dean Tomasulo Student Assessor
Carl DeJura Cathy Sims
Ron Topham, EdD
Chris Vecere
Sidney Crumwell, Student Member
Amy DiFilippo, Certified Tutor Trainer
David Kuykendall, Certified Tutor Trainer
Sherwin Klass Volunteer Graphic Designer
Larry Benjamin Volunteer Editor
Winter Tutor Trainees:
Back row: Vicki Thompson, Lynne Venetucci, Tutor-trainer
Amy DiFilippo, Daniel Proctor, Staci Triandafellow, Sandy Henning
and Medha Karmarkar
Front row: Harriet Madan, Patricia Caldwell and Judy Mikulak
Absent were: Shamoli Patel, David Myl, Mimose Volney and Andy Tepper
United Way
of Monmouth County
TTThank You to Boro Printing
for continuing to provide great service and printing
The Beacon at a discount.