Robert Hill - World of Dance Magazine


Robert Hill - World of Dance Magazine
The Gateway to Florida’s Dance World!
of l o r i d a
Robert Hill
Orlando Ballet
Person of Interest
Tai White
Meditation & More
How to choose your
perfect pair of tap shoes
Surviving Your Summer Program
Summer Camps & Intensives
Promoting, Supporting and Preserving the Art of Dance in Florida
The Dance Magazine of Florida
5 Break a Leg
Editor’s Note
7 Highlights
Dance Inspiration
8 Dance Highlights
What’s going on in Florida’s Dance
11 Shoe shopping
How to choose your tap shoes
13 Personal Fitness
Surviving your summer program
14 Health & Wellness
Meditation & More
16 Students corner
Rizing Starz
18 Robert Hill & Orlando Ballet
Beyond Ballet”We are a movement”
22 Accolades
Celebrating our students
23 The Dance Society
Florida Youth Dance Gala
24 Special Listings
Summer Camps & Intensives
26 Calendar of Events
March - May 2014
28 Community Resource Guide
29 Dance Directory
30 Person of Interest
Tai White
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Karina Felix Fedele
Congratulations on a great informative outlet for local dancers in Florida!
The Dance Magazine of Florida is an honest and fantastic publication
that supports all dance organizations in Florida and keeps us informed of
what is going on in our Sunshine State. Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida is
proud to be featured in your magazine.
Keep up the wonderful work !! Can’t miss an issue !!
~Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, Ruby Romero-Issaev, Marketing Director,
North Miami, Fl.
The Dance Magazine of Florida is a publication striving to provide
current information to the Florida dance community regarding
performances, workshops, competitions and special dance events.
DMF makes every effort to request updates and input from Florida dance
schools and performing arts organizations, so that all will be included.
With email blasts, DMF stays connected to our dance community,
offering an additional avenue for the information to be distributed.
Great job DMF – keep it up!
~Boca Ballet Theatre , Dan Guin, Executive Director, Boca Raton, Fl.
This magazine is a great way to find out everything that is happening
throughout our state. The reasonable prices for advertising makes it easier
for some of the smaller companies and training schools unable to
advertise in national magazines. We have gotten great response for our
programming through this magazine especially for our summer intensives. Dancers from outside of the state have also used this magazine to
find out about Florida opportunities; workshops, intensives, auditions…
~ Florida Dance Theatre, Carol Krajacic Erkes, Executive Artistic
Director and Founder, Lakeland, Fl
Love the magazine! We are always so excited to receive our copies. They
go right out of the box and right onto our counter! Every customer that
sees the magazine wants one and we run out quickly! The amount of
information packed in every issue is astonishing. This is a real “go to”
publication for the serious dancer! ~ Stephanie Lee, Naples Dance Supply,
Naples, Fl
I just wanted to write you to express my gratitude for giving the
studio and I the wonderful opportunity of being in your magazine. My
phone is ringing off the hook with parents and students that are so excited
about the article. Many friends of our students are showering them with
compliments because of the article and their pictures in the magazine!
Thank you again, I absolutely love the way the article turned out and
Kenny is very grateful for the photo credit for the March/April Issue/
Cover. I would like to congratulate you and wish you and The Dance
Magazine of Florida continued success.
~ Chelsea Nasby, Director Ballet East [formerly Susan Lyle Studios],
Greenacres, FL
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Luigi Fedele
Cheryl Dunn-Bychek
Staff Writers
Jenne Vermes Langer
Kate Corallo
Krystina Alexis
Ad Designer
Joey Bucheck III
Staff Photographer
Neil Cohen
Neil Cohen Photographies
Sales Team
Karina Felix Fedele - General
Krystina Alexis - Jacksonville Area
To contact us:
1310 Isleworth Court
Royal Palm Beach, Fl., 33411
561-792-4924 (w)| 561-317-8751(c)
Facebook: DanceMagazineFlorida
Twitter: DanceMagFlorida
The goal of TDMF is:
To recognize and acknowledge the importance of our
dance studios: the foundation of all dancers.
To Support, Promote and Preserve
Dance Developments in Florida.
To highlight the efforts of Studio Owners, Teachers, Dancers, Students, Choreographers, Performing Art Schools, Theatres and all in the
dance-related world
To share all dance events, performances, auditions, festivals, educational material, health issues, and art appreciation through this
publication, weekly email news blast, Calendar of Events, Mark Your
Calendar, Facebook, Twitter and Blogs; exposing and creating public
appreciation & support.
Publishing important educational information that benefits all interested parties; parents, students, teachers and the general public.
Studio Owners: Sharing studio management skills, retianing current
students while attracting new students.
Studio Teachers: Sharing information and resources.
K-12 Teachers: K-12 Public schools, Private schools and performing
arts schools
Dance Students: Interesting articles for all ages.
Proffesors: Dance Proffesors at colleges and Univerities
Dance Majors/Minors: Dancers looking into furthering their dance
education in Florida, through seminars, workshops and majoring in
dance programs at Colleges and Universities.
Parents: Parents ages between 24-50 Educated &
Affluent, looking for the best studio fit for their child.
Theatres: Theatres and Performing Arts Venues in promoting their
Everyone: The Community at Large interested in the development
and continuing education of dance in Florida.
This publication is distributed to dance studios, theatres, dancewear
stores, schools, colleges, univerisities and individual subscribers all
over the state of Florida.
Break-a-Leg | E d ito r ’s N ote
Greetings Dance Aficionados
I sent out several emails, many came back with responses and many also
did not reach their destination for whatever reason. I urge you to add us to your
mailing list and inbox so you do not miss out on any opportunities The Dance
Magazine of Florida has to offer.
Along with the listing of summer intensives, is Dr. Kathleen Davenport take
on “Surviving your Summer Programs”. The Vivacious Voracious Vegan Kate is
reminding us that there are other ways of taking care of our health with, “Meditation & More”. And my Tap aficionada dancer/writer Jenne is giving us a crash
course on choosing the right Tap shoes just for you.
This issues main feature is on Robert Hill & Orlando Ballet, both celebrating
a milestone in their respective paths. Olivia Gale did a wonderful job of sharing
both, person and company, with such details. The person of interest is Tai White:
what an aspiring young man!
Photo by Neil Cohen
Sign up on our new website and we’ll be able to include you in our specials.
This month we have a listing of Summer Dance Intensives and camps for
your easy browsing. Also our listing of events and performances these months
are extensive and I want to thank all that participated either in our surveys and
information requests.
Karina Felix Fedele
I wish you all a successful recital/performance season and I’d like to congratulate all the students that have been accepted in one or other prestigious school
of their choices for their summer training.
As you know this magazine is here for you, the dance community, and only
with your input and support we can continue to take Florida’s Dance World to the
next level.
I hope you enjoy this issue and I would like to invite you to go to our new website and share your thoughts under Testimonials. I appreciate you.
Now dance on ………….
Karina Felix Fedele
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
The Dance Magazine of Florida - January/February 2014
Dance is an art,
paint your dream and follow it”.
DANCER: Kassi Abreu
PHOTO: Neil Cohen Photography
~Steven Thompson~
What’s going on in Florida’s Dance Communities!
Stars of American Ballet in concert with
Boca Ballet Theatre
Performance and Benefit Dinner
Boca Raton - An opportunity to catch the dance and
then dine with the dancers!
This one-night-only performance at the Countess
de Hoernle Theatre at Spanish River High School
features Daniel Ulbricht, New York City Ballet Principal Dancer and Founder of Stars of American Ballet.
Ulbricht brings his troupe to join forces with Boca
Ballet Theatre, showcasing top notch choreography.
NYCB dancers Megan Fairchild, Robert Fairchild,
Tiler Peck, Andrew Veyette, and Lauren Lovette are
scheduled to perform.
Boca Ballet Theatre dancers will perform Voyage
Classique, choreographed by Dan Guin. Influenced
by 19th century classicism, Voyage Classique is
performed in classical tutus and features music excerpts from Leo Delibes’ full-length ballet La Source.
The nature of this special evening corresponds directly with Boca Ballet Theatre’s goal to provide an
opportunity for the
new generation of
aspiring dancers
to perform with
merging the stars
of today with the
stars of tomorrow.
following the perDaniel Ulbricht and Lauren Lovette in Jewels Rubies; © The George Balanchine Trust Photo formance, “Turn-
out for the Stars” at The Seagate Beach Club in
Delray Beach for a benefit dinner honoring ballet’s
greatest artists of
Join Daniel
Ulbricht and the
dancers for cocktails and oceanfront
special guest Emcee, Steven Caras,
former New York
City Ballet Dancer Ashley Bouder and Matthew Dibble in
Stars and Stripes ©
and subject of the The George
Balanchine Trust Photo
Emmy Award-winning documentary, Steven Caras: See Them Dance,
and Honorary Event Chair, Elizabeth Dudley.
Boca Ballet Theatre in concert with the Stars of
American Ballet, Wednesday, March 5, 2014 @
7:30pm, Spanish River High School’s Countess de
Hoernle Theatre, Boca Raton
Performance tickets are $35.
“Turn-out for the Stars” Benefit Dinner Immediately
following the performance. The Seagate Beach Club,
Delray Beach. Tickets for dinner are sold separately.
Very limited seating. Cocktail attire.
Proceeds benefit Boca Ballet Theatre.
For tickets and more information, please call
561.995.0709 or visit
“Breakout in April”
Coral Springs- April can be a great time of
year for all things fresh and new…how about
a new dance competition. It’s called “Breakout”
and it’s sponsored by Florida Dance Masters.
“Breakout” is held at the Marriott Golf and Convention Center in Coral Springs from April 25
through April 27.
Cash awards are a special feature, along
with the always treasured trophies and special
awards. Florida Dance Masters holds classes
at this April convention and guest teachers will
Ballet—Manny Castro, Tap—Edwin Holland
Jazz—Melody Lacayanga, Hip Hop—Tawana
Competitors are not required to take classes; however, the classes are available to both
members and non-members. At their November convention in Orlando, Florida Dance Masters crowned their 2013 Miss & Mr. Dance, Jr.
Miss & Mr. Dance, and Florida’s female and
male Rising and Twinkling Star. To register, go
online to and find out
all about this teacher-centered organization,
directed by teachers for teachers.
“You are unique,
and if that is not fulfilled,
then something has been lost.”
- Martha Graham
Elemental Body Alignment System
Jacksonville - The Alius Dance School and EBAS Center Jax introduces the
Elemental Body Alignment System (EBAS) as a cross training methodology
now available for dancers in the State of Florida. The system is good for all
ages, whether the dancer be at the beginning of their training, or already begun/sustained a professional career in
dance. EBAS provides a dancer tools to create space
within the pathways of the body and locate the smaller
intrinsic muscles of the body increasing balance and stability.
The Elemental Body Alignment System (EBAS) is a
series of exercises designed for structural integrity and
supported range of motion. Through anchoring and initiating movements via the pelvis, the body discovers its ability to efficiently articulate movement through experiential
The work deepens the students understanding of where
movement comes from, how to align the body and to build
a physical consciousness of open pathways of energy for movement. The
system helps the learner to override the central nervous system creating new
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
neuromuscular firings supporting a greater understanding of sensorial technique.
EBAS was developed by Scott Putnam a dancer recovering from a serious
injury as a response to his need to sustain the healing he received by a technique
called Global Postural Repositioning. He, with a group of
women from Chicago developed the series of stretch and
strength exercises. Mr. Putnam, who resides in Richmond,
VA, began certifying instructors 2 years ago. Jacksonville,
FL now has two certified instructors: Alexa Mieses and
Alexia Adcock-Stanford.
The Alius Dance School will be offering a workshop April
5th, 2014 from 2-4pm. Its information is relevant for all dancers of all ages across our state.
Our mission of Alius Dance School is to combine this
knowledge of EBAS into a classical curriculum of training to
produce young dancers with a greater understanding of how
to sustain a longer professional career or simply maintain a
healthy lifestyle.
For a direct link to more information on EBAS, you can research it at: www.
What’s going on in Florida’s Dance Communities!
Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida
presents Dr. Ouch,
A Fun Ballet for the Whole Family!
Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida continues its 20132014 Season with the presentation of the popular
and fun ballet Doctor Ouch! which is part of a series
for the enjoyment of the whole family,
Doctor Ouch! Is a story based on the poems of
Korney Chukovsky, a renowned Russian author of
children’s poetry, who by his inventiveness and his
particular rhymes has been compared to the American author Theodor Seuss Geisel, creator Dr. Seuss
and Hugh Lofting creator of the popular Dr. Doolittle.
This ballet, with music by I. Morozov and choreography by Master Vladimir Issaev, artistic director of
the company, tells the story of a doctor who cures
animals. The adventures begin when he receives
the news that the monkeys in Africa are very sick.
During his journey, accompanied by several of his
animal friends, Dr. Ouch finds tropical birds and exotic species but also evil pirates that make the mission a difficult but quite funny adventure.
Dr. Ouch features dancers Kaori Fukui and Jun
Tanabe, Lillian Hill and Hernan Montenegro as the
exotic birds. They will be joined by the other 19 professional dancers from the company.
Ruby Romero, marketing director of Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, explains that the selection
of pieces for the whole family is part of an effort
to engage young audiences to attend ballet performances. “That’s one of our main objectives, to
educate new audiences, which is strengthened with
our community outreach programs such as Arts Ballet Goes to School and Dancing with Disabilities.”
Romero also let know that they offer a scholarship
program sponsored by Dr. Jules Oaklander, especially for boys.
Dr. Ouch’s costumes are designed by Jorge Gallardo. Additionally, in a constant search for innovation, this year Digital Media Design created special
visual effects and projections that will replace traditional curtains on stage.
Dr. Ouch:
Aventura Arts & Cultural Center
3385 NE 188th Street, Aventura, FL 33180 Phone: 954462-0222
Saturday, March 8, 2014 Time: 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 9, 2014. Time: 3:00 pm Tickets: $ 25.00
Broward Center for the Performing Arts - Amaturo Theater
201 SW Fifth Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312, Phone:
Saturday, March 15, 2014. Time: 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 16, 2014. Time: 3:00 pm Tickets: $ 25
For more information about any of the shows of the season, visit, or call (305) 948-4777.
Maltz Jupiter Theatre
announces 2014/15 season of shows,
Jupiter – Let the Maltz Jupiter Theatre spark your imagination next season!
The 2014/15 season will begin with The Foreigner (October 26 – November 9), an uproariously funny adventure set in a rural Georgia fishing lodge that follows a shy man who adopts a persona as a non-Englishspeaking foreigner. We continue with Fiddler on the Roof (December 2 – 21), the Tony Award®-winning
classic musical that follows dairyman Tevye as he fights to maintain his family and heritage. Next up in
The Wiz (January 13 - February 1), the spirited, rock gospel and soul Tony Award®-winning musical based
on the classic tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz – perfect for the entire family. Then join us for Glengarry
Glen Ross (February 8 – 22), David Mamet’s Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece about a group of toughtalking Chicago real estate agents who will do anything to close a deal. Our incredible season ends with a
four-week run of the Tony Award®-winning phenomenon Les Misérables (March 10 – April 5), an epic and
inspiring production not to be missed!
“The Maltz Jupiter Theatre has the power to spark your imagination, with incredible Broadway caliber
productions and events,” said Andrew Kato, the Theatre’s producing artistic director. “We invite everyone
to enjoy our blockbuster musicals, family entertainment, comedies and riveting dramas. We have also
selected a fantastic lineup of brand new limited engagements for our audiences to enjoy.”
Currently celebrating its 11th Season, the Theatre was recently nominated for 19 Carbonell Awards,
South Florida’s highest honor for artistic excellence. To celebrate and announce its 2014/15 season, the
Theatre held a cocktail party on February 10, featuring a unique photo opportunity for attendees: photos
with models from West Palm Beach-based Garbage Gone Glam, showcasing two extra-special dresses
tailored from Theatre marketing materials.
In addition to its season productions (not included in subscriptions), the Theatre will present an exciting
lineup of all-new limited engagements and several popular favorites. New shows include the unplugged
folk-rock duo White Acres (November 21), the American jazz fusion band Spyro Gyra (December 8), the
Motown group Forever Motown (February 27) and the high-energy Abba tribute Abbamania (February 23).
“Our Theatre has something for everyone with our new season of special events and concerts,” said
Jennifer Sardone-Shiner, the Theatre’s director of marketing. “In addition to popular annual favorites, we
have an entirely new lineup of brand new concerts, including the traditional Celtic music and dance of
Tony Kenny’s Christmastime in Ireland, the falsetto and smooth harmonies of the Atlantic City Boys and
the songbook of Frank Sinatra with Steve Lippia’s Centennial Sinatra Tribute.”
November will bring an extra-special benefit concert featuring Broadway icon and beloved singer, dancer, actor and Tony Award® winner Chita Rivera (November 15), who will leave audiences spellbound in
a musical journey back through her illustrious career featuring hits from West Side Story, Bye Bye Birdie,
Sweet Charity, Chicago, Kiss of the Spider Woman and Nine.
Back for its final performance, the Theatre will produce a contemporary retelling of the children’s classic
Alice in Wonderland with the spectacular family-friendly musical Through the Looking Glass (October 17)
and The Crucible (August 16), presented by local high school students as part of the Theatre’s Youth Artists’ Chair program.
It’s time to become a new subscriber or renew your season subscription to get the best seats available.
For more information on how to involve your school group, contact the Conservatory at (561) 575-2223 or
- Pre-Professional Ballet Master Class Jennifer Kronenberg
Sunday, March 16, 2014, 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm
The CEC Master Classes are for intermediate and advanced ballet students ages 11 and up.
Girls must have strong pointe work.
There is limited enrollment for the Master Class Series.
Admission is based on meeting qualifications, space availability, and the approval of the Director of the
program, Patricia Strauss. Pre-registration is required.
Pre-Professional Master Class Application
To apply for a Master Class, please email the above application form to
or call Isabel Chao at 305-227-1149 Ext. 316 M-F between 2:00pm and 6:30pm.
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Paris Ballet Conservatory
Bringing his incredible European background and vast experience
as an exceptional student, an international professional dancer and
exceptional master teacher, Founder and Director Jean-Hugues Feray
will bring to devoted and committed students the very best possible
training to become a professional dancer.
The Paris Ballet Conservatory, a NEW and ADDITIONAL division
of Paris Ballet and Dance, will offer an elite and extremely accelerated morning program geared for students who are home schooled.
From eleven to thirteen, and fourteen to pre-professional levels, this
program will be unique to Central and Northern Palm Beach County
and designed for the most advanced students -- who are truly serious
about their goals!
What’s going on in Florida’s Dance Communities!
Ramona de Saa, Legendary Master Teacher
of Cuban National Ballet School
to guest teach at Florida’s
Sarasota Cuban Ballet School
Summer Program 2014
Sarasota - The Sarasota Cuban Ballet School announces the legendary master teacher, Ramona de Saa, director of the National Ballet
School of Cuba will teach master classes for the last two weeks of its
Intermediate and Advanced Ballet Summer program. The program
will run for 6 weeks beginning June 23 – August 1, 2014.
As part of an historic, cultural exchange opportunity, Maestra de Saa
will bring 3 student couples from the Cuban National Ballet School to
participate in the summer program classes.
Classes planned are:
Advanced Technique | Advanced Pointe | Variations | Pas de Deux
| Modern/Contemporary | Pilates | Floor Barre | Various Master
Classes | Workshops
Students in Paris Ballet Conservatory will have many performance
opportunities. Boys Scholarships are always offered and girls scholarships will be available depending on levels, needs and “qualifications.”
Admission to the Conservatory is strictly by audition -- ONLY! Auditions will be announced. Paris Ballet Conservatory will have 501 (c)
(3) Non-Profit status. Donations towards scholarships, performances
and general operating expenses will be tax-deductible.
PARIS BALLET AND DANCE, 861 Jupiter Park Dr, suite F
Jupiter, fl, 33458. 561-308-8377
Plan on a simmering hot evening filled with pulsing beats when
Dance Alive National Ballet and the University of Florida Symphony
Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Raymond Chobaz join
together for an unforgettable evening of music and dance. On the
~ From the rhythm of Mexican composer Marquez’ Danzon to Ravel’s sensual masterpiece Bolero, choreography by Artistic Director
Kim Tuttle, you will find yourself captivated by the lush sounds of
Latin music and expressive and dynamic dance.
~ Renowned pianist Kevin Sharpe, winner of the International Bach
Competition, is piano soloist in Manual de Falla’s impressionistic
odyssey, Night in the Gardens of Spain, a world premier by resident choreographer Judy Skinner.
Dance Alive National Ballet Page 2
~ Set to a brilliant contemporary arrangement of Villa-Lobos Bachianas-Brasileiras #5, Brazilian choreographer Cristina Helena
brings a fresh and exotic approach to this well-known classic.
~ Guest vocalist and guitarist Welson Tremura performs the dramatic Los Hermanos, danced by the charismatic Andre Valladon.
~ And special guest choreographer Ani Collier, former Dance Alive
principal, creates her first major work on the company to the effervescent Batuque.
Tickets available at the studio and Phillips Center Box Office.
Call 371-2986 for information.
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
During our trip to Cuba in 2007 & 2008
circle L -R: Director Cuban Ballet School, Ms Ramona De Saa,
Karina Felix Fedele (Publisher DMF), Sergio Fedele, Kiara Fedele
“This has been a dream of ours, to bring my teacher over here to our
school. She is the teacher who has taught all of the Cuban ballet stars,”
says Ariel Serrano, co-­‐founder of the Sarasota Cuban Ballet School
and past student of Maestra De Saa. “To us, Ramona is the mother of
the Cuban Ballet School, as Alicia Alonso and Fernando Alonzo are
to the Cuban National Ballet Company.”
The program will also bring in Cuban trained guest teachers from
the Bellas Artes de Monterrey, Mexico to compliment the school instructors who teach in the tradition of the Cuban technique, known
for its beauty, strength and precision and all trained by Cuban ballet
Maestra de Saa.
Recipient of the Outstanding School Award in 2013 from the Youth
America Grand Prix, the Sarasota Cuban Ballet School has seen remarkable recognition since opening a few years ago. The school is
expecting to train serious minded ballet students from around the
United States who understand the benefits of the Cuban teaching
style and most notably Maestra De Saa.
“This year’s summer intensive will consist of three levels, advanced,
intermediate and beginner,” says Serrano. “Training 6 days per week
they will be exposed to 5 hours of rigorous dance training daily. Beginner students will train 4 hours per day, 5 days per week.”
The 6 week course will end with two public performances on August
1, 2014 at the Sarasota Opera House. An evening gala will showcase
advanced students and the Cuban student performers, who are their
country’s top dancers.
For more information on The Sarasota Cuban Ballet School please call
941-­‐365-­‐8400 or visit the website at
Staff Writer | Jenne Vermes
How to choose your
perfect pair of tap shoes
“High Volume” Shoe Shopping
Miller & Bens
ap shoes come in all different forms: high the Bloch “TapFlex” and the Leo’s LS3007L
heels, flats, hard shank, split sole, hard toe, soft are available as a slip-on (without laces) shoe.
leather upper, etc. There are so many differ- Heeled shoes and Mary Janes typically come
ent styles, materials and even colors to choose with a buckle, but some heeled shoes are availfrom, that finding the right pair for you might able with laces, such as the Miller and Ben
be tougher than you think. Luckily, tap shoes “Broadway Diva” are designed with laces like
can at least be categorized in a way that helps an oxford but with the high, narrow heel. You
you see the similarities and differences among can also find shoes with a solid hard shank sole,
which provide durability and stability, or shoes
all the options there are available to you.
There are many varieties within the variety of with a soft sole or split sole (no shank), which
tap shoes you can find today. One of the
most basic differences you’ll find is flat
Leo slip on
vs. heeled tap shoes. Most flat tap shoes
are available in oxford or Mary Jane styles
and typically include a wide heel that is
approximately 1 inch high. Heeled shoes Jason Samual Smith
Capezio slip on
often have a narrow heel that can range
from 1 to as much as 5 inches, depending
Tap flex
on the dancer’s needs. Oxford-style shoes
typically produce deeper, louder sound and
are more articulate for fast tapping, while
White k360
heeled shoes provide lighter sounds and
So Danca
cleaner leg lines.
Another aspect of tap shoes that varies is
Manhattan Extreme
the material it’s made from. Most tap shoes
come in standard leather, whether flat or
heeled. Some shoes can be found in patBloch Mary Jane
ent leather and even some can be found
in alternative materials like canvas and
suede. You can also choose how heavy or light are beneficial for those tappers who prefer flexyour shoes are built with some varieties. Pro- ibility in the arch of the shoe for tricks like toe
fessional grade oxford shoes like the Capezio stands.
Some shoes can even be customized with
K360 and the Miller and Ben “Jazz Tap” and
“Triple Threat” can be built with thicker plat- colors, patterns and accents. K360s are availforms on the toe and heel, which help create able in a variety of build-up options and buyers
more sound resonance and a deeper tone when can choose to order them in non-neutral colors
the shoe strikes the floor. Shoes made with a such as hot pink and lime green if they want.
thinner platform will have a lighter and more The same can be said for Miller and Ben shoes,
which in addition to customizable color can
treble-quality timbre.
If an oxford-style is chosen, one then has to also be ordered in various patterns and textures
consider the various options that can be found like metallic, snake skin and alligator.
Now that you have a sense of how many vawithin that sub-category. Some oxford-style
tap shoes such as the Capezio K360 and the rieties there are in tap shoes, the next step is to
Bloch “Jason Samuels-Smith” come made as a decide which one is the best fit for you. One of
standard lace-up oxford shoe, while others like the first things to consider when choosing a tap
shoe is what you will be using it for. What style
of tap dance are you going to be doing? What
classes will you be taking? Does your teacher
have specific requirements? If you’re going to
be working with steps and combinations that
are classical (in the style of Astaire/Rogers or
Broadway based), perhaps a shoe with a high
heel would be more appropriate than an oxfordstyle (flat) pair. If you’re going to be doing fast,
heavy hoofer footwork, an oxford-style shoe
with a heavy build for better sound production is the best choice.
The most important piece of advice one
can take when it comes to choosing a tap
shoe is to try it on before you buy it. You
can like the way a shoe looks as much as
you want, but if it doesn’t feel comfortable
or sound the way you wanted it to when
you put it on and use it, it doesn’t do you
any good. You have to wear this shoe while
stomping and doing toe stands and striking
various hard surfaces for often hours at a
time. You need to make sure the shoes fit
you in every way you need them to, be it
looks, comfort, sound and choreography/
There are so many tap shoes of all different kinds available in the world right
now, possibly too many to even decide between in one store visit. One thing is for certain
though: regardless of what specific needs you
have as a tap dancer, with the seemingly endless variety of tap shoes available on the market
right now, you are very likely to find the right
shoe just for you.
Jenne Vermes
Professor of Tap at Florida School
of the Arts | Dancer/singer for The
Cruxshadows | Dance teacher
and choreographer throughout
Jacksonville, FL,| Fitness and Health
blogger: ·
Certified Zumba and Group Exercise
instructor (AFAA)
Contact me :
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Arts Dance Generation
Pre-Professional Training Program
is pleased to announce that THIS YEAR in August of 2014, we will start a
Pre-Professional Training Program for home schooled students who plan to
pursue a dance career in the future. This program will be the first essential
step towards training young dancers to have a successful dance career.
Along with ballet technique classes, this program prepares students for
company auditions as well as national and international competitions such
as: Young American Grand Prix, Prix de Lausanne and more.
This pre-professional training consists of a five day week with morning
classes such as: Ballet, Pointe, Physical Condition, Variation, Partnering,
Character Dance, Modern and Jazz. All students will have the opportunity to
perform throughout the year.
Students between the ages of 12 and 16 years of age are eligible to sign
up. We accept national and international students; if you are an international
student we can provide a student visa so you can study in America.
Registration is open from March 1st to the end of July for the 2014-2015
school year. Registration is limited as we will only accept 20 students for this
upcoming year.
Bring the following when registering:
- Headshot
- Picture of your first arabesque on pointe
- Video with a Battement Tendu exercise and Adagio exercise at the barre
- Video of a turn exercise, middle jump and big jump in center.
You can send this package to the following address:
Arts Dance Generation Dance Company, 6685 Forest Hill Blvd #6641
Greenacres, FL 33413
Go to website for more information: or call at: (561) 577-5355.
Contributing Writer | Kathleen Davenport
Surviving Your
Your Summer
Summer Program
Surviving Your Summer Program
Even though school and studio
classes are still in full swing, it’s never
too early to start preparing for the
summer dance season. Many dancers
have already chosen a dance program
for the summer. Summer dance programs come in many shapes and sizes
in terms of intensity, duration, location (close to home vs. out of state),
style(s) of dance, hours, and teachers.
However, every summer program has
one thing in common – it’s a change
from your normal routine.
Whenever you have a change in
your routine, your body is always at
an increased risk for injury. The body
adapts amazingly well, but when there
is change there is also opportunity
for injury. Not to discourage summer program participation, on the
contrary. Summer programs can be
valuable in so many ways, in meeting new people, trying new styles of
dance, advancing technique, promoting your career, and so much more.
There are many reasons to participate
in a program this summer. However
while you are dancing at a summer
program, stay aware of your body and
do your best to decrease your risk of
The most important part of surviving your summer program is to warm
up appropriately. Make sure to avoid
the extremes of warm up – either
not warming enough, or overdoing
your warm up. This is important for
both the dancers and the teachers
in summer programs. Warm up is
essential in dancing and is even more
important when you’re asking your
body to perform new movements. You
might need to tailor your warm up for
each different style, but it is also good
to remind your body of some basics.
Also, we all have a tendency to want
to “show off,” especially around a new
group. Make sure you’re not pushing
your extension or movement too far
before you are really warm.
While cross training is essential
for longevity in dance, it needs to be
tailored for your summer program.
If your summer program is more
intense, or more hours, than you usually dance, choose a few cross training items (planks, pushups, therapy
exercises, etc.) and focus on those.
Alternatively, if your summer program
is shorter in duration, or at a more
relaxed pace, then it might be the best
time to try some new cross training
activities (swimming, elliptical, Pilates,
barre work out, etc.). Of course, if you
are taking the summer off of dancing, this is the perfect time to try out
some new movements and activities.
However, just because you are a good
dancer, doesn’t mean your body automatically knows how to do Pilates (or
any other new activity). Be patient and
enjoy learning a new movement pattern. Planning ahead is key for surviving a summer program, so know your
summer dance schedule and plan your
cross training ahead of time.
Don’t forget to get enough sleep!
Summer is almost always a time where
your sleep changes schedule. Whether
you are participating in a summer
program near home or far away, it’s
important to get enough sleep at
night. Sometimes getting enough
sleep is easier over the summer without some of the school demands, but
often it can be harder because you
are in a different routine. Injuries are
much more common when you are fatigued. This can happen at the end of
a long day of dancing and/or because
of lack of sleep. You should balance
pushing yourself while attending to
your body’s fatigue level.
Most of all have fun! Dance is supposed to be fun, and your summer
program should challenge you as well
as give you a new perspective on your
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Personal Fitness |Meditiation & More...
Meditation & More
As many of you already know from reading my column,
I am a plant-based nutritionist and a yoga teacher and
I love ballet, but there are other areas of wellness
that I teach and promote.
Last issue you read about my promotion of 3 essential
oils to keep on hand at home or even in your dance bag
as a way to promote wellness.
I also advocate willpower&Grace® as a cardio exercise, which includes boot camp, pilates and yoga in its
Combining ballet, pilates, light hand weights and a
killer workout is vbarre ®. Yet another group exercise
that is an excellent way to strengthen and lengthen
your body.
The power of gratefulness and positive thinking will
create peace and love in your heart and mind. Try
practicing them throughout your day through positive
affirmations to yourself and by saying thank you and
meaning it.
Whole food nutrition, yoga, ballet,‘willpower&Grace®,
‘vbarre®,’ positivity and gratefulness are all ways to a
healthy and loving body.
But one more important wellness element I recommend to my clients is meditation. When practiced routinely meditation will change your life and your mental
14 The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Meditation? Is she kidding? When do I have time to
meditate you might be thinking? You can schedule 15
minutes a day to meditate. The key is consistency and
committing to a daily practice. Meditation is excellent
for mental health and beats paying for psychological
counseling and prescription medication. One might call
meditation a sort of mental medicine. It reduces cortisol levels, anxiety and depression. It lowers blood pressure. Every aspect of our lives can benefit from the
transforming powers of meditation. You will become
authentically you. You will find out the true You inside.
Here’s how you do it.
1. Find a peaceful and quiet place.
2. Set a time and place aside everyday where you
can look forward to meditation.
3. Sit comfortably with your back upright.
4. Place your hands gently on your lap with you
palms up and your thumb and index fingertips
5. Make certain the temperature is comfortable
for you.
6. Turn off your phone or any other distractions.
7. Turn on some calming, repetitive, yet
unrecognizable tunes. (You cannot meditate to
a song whose lyrics you know by heart.)
Diffuse an essential oil, perhaps frankincense
Column Writer | Kate Corallo
in a diffuser or place lavender essential oil on
your temples and bottoms of your feet to find
focus and calming.
Perhaps turn off or lower the lights.
Close your eyes and start to focus and connect on
your breath, inhaling through the nose and
exhaling through the nose.
You can find a mantra, for instance, ‘Om ”or a
positive affirmation, for instance, “I Am,” to
repeat silently to yourself, focusing on what the
affirmation means to you.
Undoubtedly your mind will wonder, just bring it
back to focusing on your mantra.
Journal any of the thoughts that spring up by
recording how you feel after meditating.
will be the focus of my next article.)
Try meditation daily and if you slip out of the grove,
go back to it when you can. Carve out that small block
of time for yourself everyday. If you just can’t concentrate for 15 minutes, take a 5-minute mediation
before yoga class or before your workout. You will feel
more centered and focused because of it.
Concentrate on the best things for you through diet,
exercise, meditation, love and thankfulness.
If you want additional help with meditation, contact
Kate Corallo- CN, RYT
The Vivacious Voracious Vegan Kate
The Plant-Based Nutritionista, Certified Nutritionist, Registered yoga teacher,
Fit Model & Vegan Columnist
For more info check out my website or
contact me directly at kate.corallo@gmail.
com 908-310-9098
I often assist my clients by guiding them through
the meditations, asking them to focus on gratefulness, feelings of love, or perhaps focusing on the 7
chakras or energy centers in the body and focus on
the colors represented by those chakras. (Chakras
November 29, 2013 | 7:30pm
February 14, 2014 | 7:30pm
November 30, 2013 | 2pm & 7:30pm
February 15, 2014 | 2pm & 7:30pm
October 25, 2013 | 7:30pm
December 1, 2013 | 2pm
April 4, 2014 | 7:30pm
April 5, 2014 | 2pm & 7:30pm
May 11, 2014 | 4pm
order tickets | online: | call: 561.207.5900
“ With creativity of this caliber, Palm Beach County can be proud the company has decided to adopt a name
change in its favor. The arts are exploding here.”
-Palm Beach ArtsPaper
Dance. Inspired.
Students Corner | Rizing Starz
Summer Program Do’s and Don’ts:
DO push yourself / DON’T forget to rest your body
DO cross-training / DON’T over-extend your body before you are warmed up
DO drink plenty of water / DON’T eat too much junk food
DO make new friends / DON’T hurt someone’s feelings
DO try new things / DON’T neglect your technique
DO have fun!
How many tap dancers does it take... break a world record? On May 24th,
1998, the greatest ever number of tap dancers gathered for a single routine at the
Stuttgart City Square in Germany. Choreographed by Ray Lynch, the 6,952 dancers
tapped away for 2 minutes and 15 seconds.
The event was organized to commemorate
the birthday of American tap-dance legend
Bill “Bojangles” Robinson. In second place,
as many as 6,000 tap dancers gather in
New York City each year for Tap-o-Mania.
They hoof their way down Broadway as part
of Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day parade.
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Are dancers athletes?
Yes. Dancers are elite
athletes as well as artists. They follow a rigorous training regime and must
stay in top condition, just
like professional athletes
such as basketball or hockey players. Dancers have
extraordinary flexibility,
muscular strength and both
physical and mental endurance. Professional dancers
train and practice every day
for an average of six hours.
Many also cross-train with
cardio, weight lifting, yoga
and/or Pilates to improve
their physical fitness and
Students Corner | Rizing Starz
Who invented
pointe shoes?
Why aren’t there more
men and boys in dance?
Though “toe dancing”
was popular in London
as early as the 1820s, it
is believed that the first
ballet dancer to dance
en pointe with modified shoes was Marie
Taglioni in the ballet La
Sylphide in 1832.
The first pointe shoes
were little more than
soft slippers, heavily
darned at the toes. Today, pointe shoes are
made of multiple layers of burlap, paper
and glue. The hardened
glue gives pointe shoes
their stiffness.
Many people say that this is because western culture
traditionally views dance, and especially ballet, as primarily “feminine” pursuits. Some parents discourage
their sons from taking dance classes even when they
show potential and aptitude. Yet some of the world’s
great dancers have been and are men.
Male dancers, such as Mikhail Baryshnikov, are admired for their strength, grace, agility and musicality,
as well as their masculinity. No one would say that being the only boy in a dance class is easy, but following
one’s passion, regardless of what other people say or
think, is important in developing a rich and satisfying
danc e
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
FEATURE STORY | Robert Hill & Orlando Ballet
Robert Hill
Director Orlando Ballet
Beyond Ballet “We Are A Movement”,
The phrase, Beyond Ballet “We Are a
Movement”, is an apt description of the direction Orlando Ballet has taken under the
Artistic Direction of Robert Hill. Hill is the
“shot in the arm” the company needed to
propel it forward into the future of dance;
a future that’s brought incredible creativity, vision and energy to the company. Established in 1974 as Southern Ballet Theater, Artistic Director Fernando Bujones
changed the name to Orlando Ballet in
2002, prior to his untimely death in 2005.
This is a momentous time for the company. It celebrates both its 40th Anniversary and Robert Hill’s 5 years as Artistic Director during its 2013-2014 dance season.
It’s been a time fraught with tremendous
obstacles to overcome for the company
and its official school. Orlando Ballet and
Orlando Ballet School have both pushed
forward with strength, tenacity and perseverance. The historic Dr. Phillips Center,
their home for years, was condemned due
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
to a dangerous mold infestation in August
2013. This called for the immediate evacuation of the building. The company, school
and offices were forced to relocate to new
homes in separate locations. Luckily, the
company was able to move for a time to
the Walt Disney World Resort. “One of our
board members, Terry Dola, a Disney executive, was able to arrange for an immediate temporary space perfect for our purposes,” says Hill. Then the company had
to move again, relocating to The Church
Street Exchange in downtown Orlando.
Hill said, “Moving from place to place has
been challenging, and the dancers have
certainly risen to the occasion. They’ve
been remarkably good soldiers; they’re
just happy to have a place, where they can
dance and be creative. Having the ability to
have class every morning and continuing
to rehearse, for what is a very big season,
has definitely kept their spirits lifted and it
shows in their work.”
Hill’s creativity and talent is taking the
company in new directions, expanding
into new dimensions without the normal
constraints most companies feel to repeat
the same classical product over and over.
Robert Hill, also an amazing choreographer who “thinks outside the box”, has
attracted a strong group of young dancers, both nationally and internationally,
to join him at OB. One of the best ways
to learn about a company is to listen to
dancers’ voices. Sebastian Serra, who your
readership will know from his appearance during season 10 of “So You Think
You Can Dance”, brought national attention to himself and Orlando Ballet. There
he wowed audiences and judges alike.
While at SYTYCD he shared, “I love the
Orlando Ballet. They’re a great company. I
get so many opportunities to dance. It’s a
great place to grow.” He later added, “Making ballet, or dance in general, relevant
in a city like Orlando is not an easy task.
Guest Writer| Olivia Gale
People automatically think just of Disney
and Universal. Robert has spent the last
five years creating a repertoire that mixes
what people know of classical ballet with
modern and sometimes edgy elements,
making the art form more interesting and
relevant to our times; all this in an attempt
to bring in new Orlando audiences that
can appreciate the beauty and athleticism
of the art form. In Robert Hill’s work you
will always find something that makes you
gasp or wonder, ‘How are those dancers
doing this!? I think that’s some of what we
need to get people more interested and involved with the company. As a dancer, it’s
a great opportunity to dance for him and
do his choreography, because his movement is very specific, different and sometimes intricate. So whenever you have to
do other types of choreography, you really feel like you have an edge over dancers in other companies that stick only to
the classics and the usual contemporary
works. It’s great to be part of a company
that’s growing along with Orlando. Robert
has made sure Orlando Ballet takes part in
the transition to metropolis that this city
is going through. And that’s a wonderful
feeling, when you know you are part of the
community; part of something bigger.” To
quote the Orlando Sentinel “The dancers
are dynamite-exhibiting dynamic attack
and real personality.” Company dancer,
Arcadian Broad added, “The Company is
definitely heading in the right direction,
onwards and upwards, with Robert carrying it on his shoulders the whole way.
It’s been tough with the current situation,
but coming from someone who is around
the same people and rehearsing tirelessly
to put an awesome ballet together, it really
does show how talented we all are and how
much love we have for ballet. We have really turned out to be one big happy family. And Robert is the major factor in that
equation. Without him and his guidance
and the immense support of the community, there wouldn’t be an Orlando Ballet!
So thank you to all!”
Robert Hill brings a career filled with
creative artistic achievement to his mission
with the Company. This former principal
dancer with American Ballet Theater became the Artistic Director of Orlando Ballet in 2009. “My vision for the company,”
he stated, “is to make ballet relevant to today’s audiences”. The Florida State Sun observed, “Hill has surprised and delighted
audiences with his ability to showcase the
company’s edgier side.” It didn’t take long
after assuming the leadership role at OB
for Hill to be voted one of the “100 Most
Influential People in Florida” by Florida
International Magazine. In addition to
ABT, Hill has been a principal dancer with
The Royal Ballet and the New York City
Ballet, as well as appearing as guest artist
with numerous companies, including the
Scottish Ballet, the San Francisco Ballet,
and the Australian Ballet. In addition to
his performance career, Mr. Hill has created original works for ABT, Julio Bocca’s
Ballet Argentino, and Ballet de Monterrey
just to name a few. His choreography for
the Ballet de Monterrey gave it a unique
artistic identity, prompting The Newspaper El Norte to recognize the company
under his artistic direction as “one of the
great accomplishments in Monterrey in
2006”. A renowned teacher and coach, Hill
has taught for ABT, Cedar Lake Contemporary Dance, ABT Studio Company, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and for
companies where he creates and stages his
works. He now brings that choreographic
brilliance and creative vision to Orlando
Ballet’s performance repertoire, effectively
moving it “Beyond Ballet”. Besides his own
choreographic works, Hill brings onboard
such renowned artists as Peter Chu to set
pieces on the company as well as other talented choreographers found locally.
Hill has brought some exciting collaborations to the company since becoming
Artistic Director. His “Battle of the Sexes”
ballet series piqued the interest of Cirque
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
FEATURE STORY | Robert Hill & Orlando Ballet
du Soleil; so much so, they began working together on collaborative enterprises.
“Cirque du Soleil® and the Orlando Ballet have presented one-of-a-kind choreographic projects featuring young emerging talent from both companies. Under
the guidance of Hill and La Nouba Artistic Director Daniel Ross, the two groups
presented ‘A Choreographers’ Showcase,
a Project Designed to Stimulate and Encourage Artistic Growth.” He has also increased performance opportunities for
the Company at additional venues such
as “The Abbey” and “ALOFT ORLANDO
Robert Hill has established a strong
working relationship and collaboration
with Orlando Ballet School under the direction of Dierdre Miles Burger , formerly
of Boston Ballet. This collaboration provides a platform for dancers studying in
the school to work toward actually becoming professional dancers in the company.
Miles Burger commented “The collaboration between the school and company
has led to a large number of dancers hired
into the company coming via the school.
Due to this, we are attracting young talent
from around the globe to study in Orlando
with the hope of it eventually leading to a
professional position”. Miles Burger also
shared some of the school’s rich history,
“Orlando Ballet School, like the Company
was started 40 years ago by Barbara Riggins
as the official school of SBT. Over the years
many students have joined Orlando Ballet
as well as many other companies including
American Ballet Theatre, New York City
Ballet, Boston Ballet and Houston Ballet,
among others. Currently, there are a very
high percentage of dancers that have come
through Orlando Ballet II, the Trainee
Program and the school. The school has
adopted the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum and the breakthrough 8-level program combines high
quality artistic training with the basics of
dancer health and child development”
Among the incredible young talent from
the school showcased during Orlando Ballet performances is “wunderkind”, Arcadian Broad who officially became a company
member at age sixteen, the youngest Hill
has ever promoted to that status. Broad’s
talent as a virtuoso pianist has been featured in Orlando Ballet performances
where he both played and danced in the
same piece. Hill gets to know his dancers
well and utilizes all their talents saying, “If
I had a dancer who could break dance, I’d
use that too”.
Robert Hill
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Blake, Austen and Brianna
Arcadian, now age 17, has performed
his original contemporary solo “Time”
in multiple Company performances. Hill
commented, “Our work in progress ‘Some
Assembly Required’ to be performed in
March will have other choreographers involved in creating new original works. One
of which is Abdur-Rahim Jackson, a former dancer with Alvin Ailey Company as
well as new work from our very talented
Arcadian Broad and a first company work
by company member, Telmo Moreira.”
Regardless of all the tumult of relocation at the school OBS students are still
performing at the top of their game. At the
YAGP semifinal in January 2014, among
the top finishers were Austen Acevedo,
who won the Junior Grand Prix, the highest award in his age group and Blake Kessler who took first place for both classical
and contemporary dance in the senior men
category. The dancers will advance to the
finals in New York in April. Additionally
outstanding Teacher awards were given to
school director Deidre Miles Burger and
longtime OBS instructor Oliver Munoz.
Hill’s beginnings in dance also prove
to be an inspiration to other young danc-
Guest Writer| Olivia Gale
Orlando Ballet School Students in class.
ers like the ones at OBS. He began his
dance training at age 17 in Merritt Island
Florida because his high school gymnastics coach suggested it to help with
competitions. With a taste for ballet fully
established, and his obvious talents recognized, he then attended the School of
American Ballet after high school, joining ABT 2 years later at age 21. He was
corps for 4 years and soloist for 3; guested
with the Scottish Ballet and joined NYCB
in 1989. It proves that if you have a gift
and a passion you have a chance to follow your dream wherever and how ever
far you choose. His passion and creativity
continue to inspire and push his dancers
and others to new and exciting heights of
Hill stated, “I feel Orlando Ballet has
come a long way in 40 years. There has
certainly been a major growth with the
artistic product in the past 5 years. Feedback from my colleagues in the industry
confirms Orlando Ballet is considered
one of the stronger companies in the
2014 COVER
Dierdre Miles Burger,
Director Orlando Ballet School
country. The School is one of the topranked in the country and one of only
three selected to be certified as a satellite
of the Jackie Kennedy Onassis School of
American Ballet Theater.” Moving forward into this 40th Anniversary year,
Hill says, “I remain true to my original
mission: To continue to make ballet relevant in today’s world. Dance is art in
one of its purest, most raw forms. Movement can express emotions as no words
ever could. For the audience member,
whether they are a dance aficionado or a
brand-new patron, watching this art onstage is always an emotional experience
that touches something in the soul and
makes them feel.” He continued, “My
mission in the next 5 to 10 years is to see
to it that the Orlando Ballet becomes a
cultural ambassador for the city of Orlando on a national and international
scale.” Orlando Ballet is exploding with
infinite possibilities and the excitement
is electric!
Now accepting
for candidates for the
2014 Cover Model
Search Contest.
Photos credit Michael Carins Wed Orange Studio
Olivia Gale
Owner and Artistic Director - On Stage Studios
A dance teacher and choreographer for over thirty years.
She received a BA from Florida State University in
Theater and Dance. She’s a member of Dance Masters
of America since 1983. She has produced, directed
and choreographed for colleges, private and public
schools and professional productions. She taught Jazz
at Orlando Ballet’s Senior Summer Intensive for Nine
Years. She manages The Zebra Room Ballroom Dance
Studio in Orlando.
Go to Website
for more info.
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Accolades | Celebrating our students
Taylor Hardcastle
receives2014 Richard Munro
Memorial Scholarship Fund
BRANDON – Brandon Ballet, a pre-professional
ballet company, located in Brandon, Florida, would
like to congratulate Taylor Hardcastle, age 15, for
winning the 2014 Richard Munro Memorial Scholarship Fund!
The late Richard Munro spent his life nurturing the
art of ballet as a Ballet Master, an Artistic Director
and a ballet academy founder in Kentucky and Texas
before moving to Brandon, where he spend the last
six years of his life teaching, coaching, choreographing and performing for Brandon Ballet. Because
of his tremendous contributions to Brandon Ballet,
the Richard Munro Memorial Scholarship Fund was
established to honor his memory.
The Richard Munro Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship of up to $500.00, is intended to further the recipient’s classical ballet education. One scholarship
winner between the ages of 13 and 18 is selected
based on an audition which was held in January. Any
dancer in the community classically trained in ballet
and meeting the age requirements, is eligible to audition. The recipient may use the scholarship to offset
the cost of any summer ballet intensive program to
which the recipient is accepted during the year in
which the scholarship is awarded.
From L to R:
Taylor Hardcastle,
and Board of Directors MemberSusan Heath.
Photo by Monica
Taylor Hardcastle is currently a 9th grader at Newsome High School and the Florida Virtual School.
Taylor has participated in the Brandon Ballet Summer Intensive Program, and has competed in prestigious ballet competitions such as Youth America
Grand Prix and American Dance Competition. She
is a current student of Brandon Ballet’s Pre-Professional Training Program, and is also a fourth year
Company Dancer of Brandon Ballet. To date, Taylor
has been accepted to both Brandon Ballet and Miami
City Ballet’s Summer Intensive programs.
To dance is to be
out of yourself.
Larger, more beautiful,
more powerful.
~Agnes De Mille
• You can find a listing of
Dance studios in your area
• Locations to pick up a copy
of The Dance Magazine of
• A listing of Dance
Competitions in Florida
• The latest news and
• Articles on health, healing,
injury prevention, nutrition,
and more
• Also more opportunities to
expose your events and
workshops online.
• Don’t forget to subscribe to
our newsletter.
The Dance Society | FYDG
Florida Youth Dance Gala Inaugural Performance
Florida Youth Dance Gala Inaugural performance was an event not to be missed.
A night of beautiful young performers representing all corners of Florida’s dance communities.
Here is a recap of that evening. The pictures speak for themsleves!
And these are just a few of the studios that participated that evening.
See more photos at
Click on client login
Username: FYDG2014
Password: 14648
Karina Felix Fedele, Editor DMF, Mauricio Canete, director FYDG,
Anne Polajenko, So-Danca
Americas Ballet School
St. Lucie Ballet
Boca Ballet Theatre
School of Ballet Arts
The Arts of Calssical Ballet
Palm Beach School of Dance
The Arts of Calssical Ballet
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Special listings | Summer Intensives
Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida
Miami, FL
Director: Vladimir Issaev
Dates: Jun 30-Jul 26
Classes: ballet, character, men’s classes,
modern, partnering, pointe, variations,
Ages: 9-12
Levels: I, A, PP, Pro, T
Scholarship available
Videos accepted
Performance opportunity
Housing available
Conservatory of the Arts
Conchita Espinosa
Miami, Fl
Director: Patricia Strauss
305.227.1149 ext 316
Classes: ballet technique, repertory
classes, workshops, modern dance,
Pilates, dance history, stage makeup,
choreography, anatomy for dancers,
mime, gymnastics, and character
dance. Repertoire from Carmen,
Giselle, Coppelia, Sleeping Beauty
and Swan Lake.
Ages: 8 -14
Levels: intermediate
Audition: Sunday May 18, 2014
Miami City Ballet School
Miami Beach, FL
Director: Darleen Callaghan
Dates: Jun 23- July 25
Classes: ballet, jazz, men’s classes,
modern, partnering, pointe, variations,
repertoire, stretch & strengthening,
weight training, yoga, Pilates
Ages: 12-19
Levels: I, A, PP
Scholarship available
Audition required
Videos accepted
Performance opportunity
Housing available
Dates: Jul 18- Aug 8
Classes: ballet, jazz, modern, pointe,
variations, repertoire, stretch & strengthen, yoga, Pilates
Ages: 9-12
Level: 1
Scholarship available
Audition required
Videos accepted
Performance opportunity
The Art of Classical Ballet
City Pompano Beach
Director:Magaly Suárez, teachers Ibis
Montoto, Alexis Saramite from Paris Opera, Adiarys Almeida, Joseph Gatti, Ana
Sophia Scheller, NYCB, Walter Garcia
and Valerio Figueroa
954 786 060
Dates: June 30th to August 1st
Classes: Ballet , Pointe, Character dance,
Pas de Deux, Repertoire, Modern Dance
and Physical Preparation
Levels: Beginnrers ages 6-8 years,
Intermediate 9-12 years, Advanced 12-16
years and Pre-professional 14 and older
The HARID Conservatory
Boca Raton, FL
Director: Gordon Wright
Dates: Jun 23-Jul 18
Classes: ballet, character, jazz, men’s
classes, modern, partnering, pointe,
variations, repertoire, music, nutrition,
injury prevention
Ages: 13-16
Levels: I, A, PP
Scholarship available
Audition required
Videos accepted
Performance opportunity
Housing available
School of Boca Ballet Theatre
Boca Ballet Theatre
Boca Raton, FL
Director: Jane Tyree
Dates: Jun 30- Aug 3
Classes: ballet, character, hip hop,
jazz, men’s classes, modern, partnering, pointe, variations, Pilates,
dance enrichment | a 5-week intensive
workshop culminating in a full-length
production of Swan Lake with professional dancers
Ages: 13-18
Levels: I, A, PP
Scholarship available
Audition required
Videos Accepted
Performance opportunity
Housing available
That’s Dancing
Lake Worth, Fl
Directors: Andrea LaMaina &
Michele Walsh
Dates: June 18 to July 27
Classes: ballet, pointe, tap,
jazz,modern, Contemporary, Lyrical,
Levels: all
Register online
Paris Ballet & Dance
Jupiter, Fl,
Director: Jean-Hugues Feray
Dates: June 16 Aug 1
Classes: Ballet Technique, Pointe,
Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Variations,
Pilates ...and more
Special listings | Summer Intensives
Shape Up Dance Camp
Dates: August 4 - 15
Classes: ballet, pointe, jazz
Levels: Advanced
School of Ballet Arts Florida
Greenacres, Fl
Director: Deborah Marquez
Dates: TBA
Classes: Ballet, Pointe, Modern,
Variation, Jazz, Partnering, Conditioning
Levels: All
Florida School for Dance Education
Palm Beach Gardens, Fl
Directors: Michele Zehner, Maria
Dates: June 9 - July 18
ballet, pointe, variations, partnering,
contemporary, jazz, modern, dance
history, enrighment, pilates
Ages: 8 - 12 and 13+
Audition: March 9.
Florida Dance Intensive
Directors: Jerry Opdenaker
Dates: July 28 - August 9
Southern Dance Theatre
City: Boynton Beach
Director: Penni Greenly
Phone number: 561-736-9097
Dates: June 30th - July 25th; Audition:
April 12th 4:00-5:30pm
Classes: Progressive Curriculum
includes Ballet, Variations, Pointe,
Modern, Contemporary, Jazz, Leaps
& Turns, Choreography, and Much
Levels: By audition only; Intermediate
- Advanced Students Ages 10 - 18
Florida Dance Theatre
Lakeland, Fl
Director: Carol Erkes
Dates: June 9 - 27
Intro Intensives
Ages: 7-10
Summer Intensives
Ages: 10 - 25
Summer Dance Camp:
For 60 underserved children ages
Dance Olympus
Orlando, FL
Director: Jackie Del Prete
Dates: Jul 7-9
Classes: ballet, character, hip hop, jazz,
modern, tap, variations, lyrical, musical
Ages: 7+
Levels: B, I, A, T
Scholarship available
Performance opportunity
Housing available
Florida State University
School of Dance
Tallahassee, FL
Director: Joyce Fausone
Dates: Jun 15-28
Classes: ballet, jazz, modern, pointe,
Ages: 14-18
Levels: I, A, PP
Audition required
Videos accepted
Performance opportunity
Housing available
University of Florida School of Theatre and Dance
Gainesville, FL
Director: Tiffany Rhynard
com |
Dates:July 7 - August 3
Classes: modern, composition,
Ages 16+
Levels: I, A
Performance opportunity
Housing available
Specials for the next issue.
Next issue will have a special listing available
for first time dance studio advertisers.
Please contact us for more information.
Calendar of Events | March-May 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014 Time: 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 9, 2014. Time: 3:00 pm
Company: Arts Ballet Theatre
Dr. Ouch:
Aventura Arts & Cultural Center
3385 NE 188th Street, Aventura, FL 33180
Phone: 954-462-0222
Tickets: $ 25.00
----Saturday, March 15, 2014. Time: 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 16, 2014. Time: 3:00 pm
Company: Arts Ballet Theatre
Broward Center for the Performing Arts Amaturo Theater
201 SW Fifth Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL
33312, Phone: 954-462-0222
Tickets: $ 25
For more information about any of the
shows of the season, visit, or call (305) 948-4777.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 @ 7:30pm
Company: Boca Ballet Theatre
Event: in concert with the Stars of
American Ballet
Venue/Location: Spanish River High
School’s Countess de Hoernle Theatre
5100 Jog Road Boca Raton, FL 33496
Admission: Tickets are $35. Please
call 561.995.0709 or visit
Info URL:
“Turn-out for the Stars” Benefit Dinner
Immediately following the performance
The Seagate Beach Club, Delray Beach
Tickets for dinner are sold separately.
Very limited seating. Cocktail attire.
Proceeds benefit Boca Ballet Theatre.
Sunday, March 16, 12:00pm - 2:00 pm
Conchita Espinosa Conservatory
Event: Pre-Professional Ballet Master
Class with Jennifer Kronenberg
The CEC Master Classes are for intermediate
and advanced ballet students ages 11 and
up. Girls must have strong pointe work.
There is limited enrollment for the Master
Class Series. Admission is based on meeting qualifications, space availability, and
the approval of the Director of the program,
Patricia Strauss. Pre-registration is required.
Pre-Professional Master Class Application.
To apply for a Master Class, please
email the above application form to or call
Isabel Chao at 305-227-1149 Ext. 316
M-F between 2:00pm and 6:30pm.
Date: March 23, 2014 2:00 PM
Palm Beach Atlantic Univerisity
Event: A Showcase of Dance
A Showcase of Dance: Pieces choreographed and performed by PBA dance
The Dance Magazine of Florida - January/February 2014
April 4 at 7:30pm, April 5 at 2pm and
Company: Ballet Palm Beach
Event: Don Quixote
Venue: Eissey Campus Theatre at Palm
Beach State College
Location: 11051 Campus Drive, Palm
Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Admission: Tickets start at $15
Info URL:
When: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 6:30pm
Company: Ballet Palm Beach
Event: Choreographed in History Enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and
a private tour of the Historical Society
Museum and the Historic Palm Beach
County Courthouse topped off with
dancing by Ballet Palm Beach.
Venue: The Historical Society of Palm
Beach County, 300 N. Dixie Hwy, West
Palm Beach Admission: $25 donation
Info Url:
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014
Time: 7 pm
Company: Bak MSOA
Event: Young Dancers in Concert
Venue: Bak MSOA Mainstage Theatre
Location: 1725 Echo Lake Drive West
Palm Beach, FL
Admission: $5 general admission
Info 561-882-3846, Martha Satinoff
Saturday, May 3 @8pm
Sunday, May 4 @2pm
Company: Boca Ballet Theatre
Event: Dance Fest – A Repertory Concert
Venue/Location: Olympic Heights
Performing Arts Theater
20101 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, FL
Admission: Tickets are $20-$35 for
adults and $10-$25 for children and
seniors. Call 561.995.0709 or visit www. for tickets and more
Info URL:
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Ballet Palm Beach
Tales My Mother Told Me
Celebrate Mother’s Day, with ’s final performance of the season. is a mixed repertoire
program with dances inspired by stories
from our childhood. //www.balletpalm-
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014
Time: 1pm & 5pm
Company: Dance, Music, & Theatre
Event: Recital: “Extra, Extra!”
Venue: Eissey Campus Theatre
Location: 11051 Campus Dr. Palm Beach
Gardens, FL 33410
Admission: $20/$25
Info URL:
Phone: 561-840-7555
Calendar of Events | March-May 2014
March 17 – 21 – Treasure Island Spring Break
Camp, grades K – 5
March 24 – One-day Improv Day Camp,
grades K – 5
June 9 – 27 – Senior Conservatory, grades
6 – 12 – How to Succeed in Business Without
Really Trying
June 30 – July 3 – Magic Camp, grades K – 5
June 30 – July 3 – Dinosaurs! Camp, Pre-K
students ages 4 – 5
June 30 – July 11 – Dance Intensive Camp,
grades 6-12 – Session I
July 7 – 26 - Junior Conservatory, grades 3 –
5 – School House Rock Live! Jr.
July 14 – 25 – Dance Intensive Camp, grades
6-12 – Session II
July 28 – August 1 – Superhero Camp,
grades K – 5
July 28 – August 8 – Dance Intensive Camp,
grades 6-12 – Session III
August 4 – 8 – Shark Week! Camp, grades
Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (grades K-12), 9 a.m.
to noon (pre-K ages 4 and 5); pre-care and
aftercare available
Venue: Maltz Jupiter Theatre Paul and
Sandra Goldner Conservatory of Performing Arts
Location: 1001 East Indiantown Road,
Jupiter, FL. 33477
Admission: $60 - $750.
Info :
Friday, Feb 28, 8:00pm
Saturday, March 1, 2:00pm & 8:00pm
Sunday, March 2, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Monday, March 3, 7:00pm
Sarasota Ballet
Venue: FSU Center for the Performing
Graziano, Ashton & DeMille
Date: Saturday march 1 2014
Time: 6:30pm
Company: Dussich Dance Studio
Event: Imperial dance corps benefit show
Venue:Merritt Island high school auditorium
Location: Mustang way, Merritt Island,
fl 32952
Admission: $13 adults $10 Senior/
Info URL:
Kids helping kids - Part of the Proceeds to
benefit-the haven for Children.
March 13, 14, 15, 2014 at 7:30 pm
March 16, 2014 at 2 pm
Company: Fuzión Dance Artists
“Dance Couture: Art Meets Dance”
Jane B. Cook Theater/FSU Center for the
Performing Arts, Sarasota, Fla.
Tickets $36, student rush $15
Call 941-359-0099, ext. 101 or online at
Date: Saturday March 22, 2014
Time: 6-10pm
Company: Emotions Dance
Event: Flash & Lights Cocktail Benefit
Venue: The Venue
Location: 511 Virginia Drive. Orlando
Admission: $10 presale online’ $15 at the
door . Info URL:
Friday, April 5, 8:00pm
Saturday, April 5, 2:00pm & 8:00pm
Sarasota Ballet
Ashton, Graziano & Tudor
Venue: Sarasota Opera House
Friday, April 25, 8:00pm
Saturday, April 26, 2:00pm & 8:00pm
Sarasota Ballet
Johan Kobborg, Alina Cojocaru & Friends
Venue: Sarasota Opera House
highlighting some of the top ballerinas and
premier danseurs around the world.
April 25 - 27, 2014
Celebrate Dance
A weekend of Performances and Master
Classes to mark our 20th Aniversary
Master Classes
Saturday, April 26 - Sunday, 27
$20/class or $115/weekend (9c classes)
Venue: Florida Dance Theatre
Community Performance
Sunday, April 27, 6 pm
Venue: Frances Langford Promenade
Date: Saturday, April 26th
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Company: Florida Dance Theatre
Events Name: 20th Anniversary Gala
Celebrate Dance Festival
A full evening of dance featuring the professional company of Florida Dance Theatre
and guest artists including Israel Rodriguez,
Katia Garza, Allison Jay Baber, and more
Price & location: $50 , $25, $15 Branscomb Auditorium on the campus of
Florida Southern College Lakeland, Fl.
Box Office/Contact info:
Date: May 10th, 2014 2:00pm
Company: VSDance
Event “The Library of Dance”. Our 24th
Annual Performance will use famous
literature though time to create thematic
art on the stage! Public is welcome to this
entertaining event that will last approximately 2 hours.
Venue: Curtis Peterson Auditorium at
Lecanto High School
Location: 3810 West Educational Path
Lecanto, FL 34461
Admission: $15.00 at the door
Info URL:
Date: Saturday MAY 10, 2014
Time: 7:30 PM
Company: Galmont Ballet
Event: “Fiesta Spagnola”
Venue: Melbourne Auditorium
Location: 625 E. Hibiscus Boulevard,
Melbourne, Fl, 32901
Admission: $20.00
Info URL:
May 24th, 7:00 PM
May 25th, 2:00 PM
Event:: Shadows of The Mind Dance
Theatre Production
Company: The Academy of Ballet Arts.
Venue: John Hopkins Auditorium
Location: 701 16th Street South, St.
Petersburg, Florida 33705
Admission: Pre Sales - $12 general
admission/$7 students and seniors
At The Door - $15 general admission/$10
students and seniors
Date: March 1 10:00am
Company: 3N Motion Dance Studio
Event: Contemporary master Class with
Alex Blisstein
Venue: 3N Motion Dance Studio
Location: 5 Utility Drive, Palm Coast,
Admission: $70.00
Info URL:
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Universal Ballet Competition
South Florida’s Premiere Ballet
Venue: Miramar Cultural Center
2400 Civic Center Palce, Miramar, Fl,
Date: March 15, 2014 7:30 PM
Company: Dance Alive
Venue: Curtis M. Phillips Center for the
Performing Arts, Gainesville
Admissions: $15 to $40 Available at Phillips Center Box Office, On-line, DANB and
Pofahl Studios
Info: 352-371-2986 or dalive@bellsouth.
When: Monday, March 17, 2014 through
Friday, March 21, 2014
Company: Alius Dance School
Event: Spring Break Dance Intensive:
Community Mash-Up Some of our
instructors that are lined up are Suzanne
Saltmarsh- Contemporary Ballet, AA
Stanford and A Mieses- EBAS and Paige
Ricci- ballet technique among others.
Venue: Alius Dance School
Location: 14181 Beach Blvd Jacksonville
FL 32250
Admission: $250 for whole week
Info URL:
When: Saturday, April 5, 2014
Time: 9:00am- 1100am
Event: EBAS Elemental Body Alignment
System Workshop
Venue: Alius Dance School
Location: 14181 Beach Blvd Jacksonville
FL 32250 Admission: $20
Info URL:
Date: April 25, 2014 8:00 pm
Company: Florida Ballet
Event: Joffrey Concert Group with Florida
Ballet present “A Celebration of Achievement, Laurie Picinich-Byrd”
Venue: Lazzara Performance Hall,
University of North Florida
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Admission: $25-$40
Info URL:
Date: April 26, 2014
Time: All day
Company: Florida Ballet
Event: Joffrey Ballet School of New York
Master Classes
Venue: Florida Ballet
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Info URL:
Date: Saturday April 26th, 2014
Time: 8pm
Company: The Dancer’s Space
Event: Contemporary Choreography
Venue: The Duncan Theatre
Location: 4200 Congress Avenue
Lake Worth, FL 33461
Admission: $20 General Admission, $15
The Dancers’ Space/Duncan Members,
$10 Students
Info URL:
Date: MAY 10, 2014, 7:30 PM
Company: Jacksonville Dance Theatre
Event: 2nd Annual Concert
Venue: Golden Pearl Foundation Stage
Location: Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Admission: Advance Tickets - $8 Senior/
Military/students, $18 General, at the
door - $15 Senior/Military/Students, $25
Date: Sunday, May 25th 3:00pm
Company: Expressions Academy of
Event: ‘Buy Me A Ticket’
Venue: The Palladium Theater at St.
Petersburg College
Location:253 5th Avenue N., St. Petersburg, FL Admission: $22
(727) 392-5678
Fill in the
Calendar of Events Form
on our website and
submit it to us for next
issues events listings.
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Community Resource Guide
Get noticed in our
Community Resource Guide
for just $105.00
Kate Corallo
The Vivacious Voracious Vegan Kate
The Plant-Based Nutritionista
NEXT ISSUE -- May /Ju n e
Recitals &
Camp Special
Deadline Reservations - April 1, 2014
Deadline Artwork Submissions - April 10, 2014
Music Editing & Mixing
Cheryl the
Hippie Chick
Cheryl Dunn Bychek,
Jenne Vermes
Seamless Sound
* Music Editing & Mixing
* Customized Tracks & Mixes
* Specializing in Recital and
Competition Music for Dance
Delicious, All-Natural, Meal Solutions
for Healthy Lifestyles
Krystina Alexis
& Adjudicator
Available for
- Private Instruction & coaching
- Competitive or concert choreography
work in Jacksonville & Orlando regions
- Will travel throughout the states as a
master teacher, competition director,
and adjudicator.
- Worked nationally for conventions,
workshops, and studios.
For booking, please email:
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
For an affordable
monthly rate
enjoy all the
benefits of:
Promotions through our
- Weekly E-blast,
- Social Media,
- Website.
Powered by plants and with the
knowledge that wellness can be achieved
through a plant-based diet, I coach
about making nutrition your
prescription for ultimate health.
For additional dietary coaching
contact me and get “Veg-u-Kated”
Facebook: Kate Celeste Corallo
Twitter: VeganKate
Danny Benz
Free Lance
Editorial Hair &
Makeup Artist
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Contact for more info
Royal Caribbean Productions Studio
2700 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood , FL 33020 US
2929 E. Commercial Blvd. Ste 303,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
1-800-44-DANCE (443-2623)
1 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, #3
Lakeland, Florida 33803
Telephone: (863) 616-1950
Facsimile: (863) 686-2025
1218 East Hartman Ave.Omaha, NE 68110
1014 route 33, suite 7, Freehold, NJ 07728
8050 Fairoaks Court, Jonesboro,
Georgia 30236
Phone: (404) 551-4518 /
Fax: (404) 437-6177 /
PO Box 474, Boston, MA 02127
Tel 781.231.021
11921 South Dixie Highway, Suite 208
Pinecrest, Florida 33156 | 305-582-7877
15939 Biscayne Blvd,
North Miami Beach, FL 33160
(305) 935-3232
7630 Northwest 6th Avenue
Boca Raton, FL 33487
(561) 995-0709
840 E. Oakland Park Blvd. # 108
Broward, Fl.
805 Lucerne Avenue, Lake Worth, FL 33460
(561) 588-3828
10357 Ironwood Road,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 630-8235
12975 SW 6th StreetMiami, FL 33184
51 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, FL 33487
Phone:(561) 907-7946
305 W Main St, Lakeland, FL 33815
(863) 802-0399
4100 Pga Boulevard,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
(561) 627-9708
2285 Potomac Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 997-2677
2200 Liberty Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Jerry Opdenaker
861 Jupiter Park Dr, suite F
Jupiter, fl, 33458.
4100 Pga Boulevard,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
(561) 627-9708
Arts Dance Generation
Dance Company
6685 Forest Hill Boulevard, #6685-43
Greenacres, Florida 33413
1203 Knuth Road,
Boynton Beach, Fl, 33436
P: 561-736-9097
6169 Jog Road Lake Worth, FL 33467
(561) 642-9677
413 S Federal Hwy
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
(954) 786-0620
10556 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33174
2137 Partin Settlement Road
Kissimmee, FL 34744
(407) 846-2777
613 Northlake Blvd #3
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408
8433 Southwest 132nd Street
Miami, FL 33156
(305) 255-4367
2309 NW Federal Hwy.
Stuart, FL 34994
658 W. Indiantown rd. ste# 210
Jupiter, Florida 33458
941 S. Military Trail Suite F-9
West Palm Beach, Florida, 33415
8214 Glades Road, S.W. corner
Glades and Boca Rio Road
Boca Raton, FL 33434
(561) 482-7009
320 S Military Trail,
Deerfield Beach, FL
(954) 428-3434
3962 Northlake Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens,
Florida 33403
Phone: (561) 493-8144
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Palm Beach Gardens, Fl
448 Kirk Road, Lake Worth, FL 33461
(954) 661-6345
Performing Arts
701 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm
Beach, FL 33401
(561) 832-7469
Performance at Sea
877-Tvl-Sea (878-5732)
1001 East Indiantown Road,
jupiter, fl, 33477
(561) 575-2672
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
Person of Interest | Tai White
Shadows of The Mind
Academy of Ballet Arts
St. Petersburg, Tampa, Clearwater,
Largo and Venice Florida
Tai White was born in New York and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida were
he started his training as a dancer. A free-lance choreographer for passion and
for hire, Tai has worked with highly acclaimed teachers such as Aubrey Lynch,
Freddie Moore, Troy Powell, Ronald K. Brown, Monica Richardson, Sheryl
Wong and Alenka Cizmesija among others. He has also choreographed various
high scoring works for the Youth America Grand Prix competition.
Tai is a natural born performer, despite his intense training starting in his
mid-20- thanks to Suzanne Pomerantzeff and Ferdinand Dejesus. Through a
local St. Petersburg dance group, he was featured on BET’s 106 & Park. In
addition, Tai is the choreographer, director, and producer of his own production
Shadows of the Mind, and other community and professional projects. He currently is a member of St. Petersburg Ballet Company and is teaching currently
at John Hopkins Middle School Center for the Performing Arts.
This up and coming dancer/producer uses the dance art forms for two
purposes: to entertain and to educate.
He was introduced to dance through community projects such as The
Chocolate Dance Factory and local dance troops such as Dundu Dole, an
Urban African Ballet company. Tai continues his training and mentoring with
Suzanne Pomerantzeff and Ferdinand Dejesus at the Academy of Ballet Arts.
In his upcoming show, “Shadows of the Mind”, his first introduction into
Dance Theatre as a producer, Tai uses his creativity and vision to address a lot
of the social issues that young teens deal with in everyday life, such as teen
age pregnancy, drugs, peer pressure, abuse, self-esteem, and spiritualism,
through dance. Shadows of the Mind is a Dance Theater showcase that utilizes
the inner city novice, pre-professional and professional dance community of
St. Petersburg, Tampa, Clearwater, Largo and Venice Florida. It is a project
used to coach, teach multiple cultures, backgrounds and, various genres and
aspects of dance.
“As we begin life’s journey, we are constantly faced with the ying and yang
of everyday existence. For good there is darkness – bad light. The world is
maintained on a balance that we must navigate daily in order to find life’s true
meaning. Join us as we probe deep with The Shadows of the Mind...”
See Calendar of Events listing for show details.
The Dance Magazine of Florida - March/April 2014
What’s your purpose and mission?
I put this show on for a number of reasons. I see a fire in the dance community where I reside, and I wanted to provide an area of relief; some place that
they can unload all of the passion they have for the art. Where else than the
stage itself.
So many youngsters and young artists are simply getting lazy. I wish to inspire
them to change that mindset. Only once the mindset is changed will the body
reflect that sense of being. It doesn’t matter what the issue is; it could be weight
loss, self-esteem, or any other barrier that stunts their personal growth and
As an artist, I wanted to pour out the things within myself; my experiences, my
view points, and my love for people; for the ideals of valuing one’s self and the
others around them. I want to encourage others to honor life, respect someone’s feelings and well-being, and to appreciate progression, success … etc.
What’s your Motivation and Inspiration
In my first show, I was brand new to the entire process. I was spoon fed knowledge from a few veterans including Ms Pomeranzteff, the Director of my dance
studio, The Academy of Ballet Arts.
I continued to learn by trial and error. I learned how to select a cast of dancers,
how to hone in on the abilities of the dancers and pull out of them things that
they weren’t even sure they could do. I also learned more about how to be a
business man and how to approach a situation with numbers, as well as heart.
The Cast of Shadow
The cast I am using now is a majority of newly casted dancers to whom I
haven’t had the privilege of working with prior to this project. I was scared
about that fact, but have been and continue to be pleasantly surprised with the
results. Most of my former cast has graduated and are pursuing their education
in various areas. The current cast has backgrounds from all over. The competitive dance world, the streets, the technical class, and even the 4 corners of
their room. That’s where I started.
I feel extremely blessed and privileged to be where I am today and completely
overwhelmed by the support I am receiving. My show would not be possible
without the love, care and support of Ms. Suzanne Pomerantzeff and the
Academy of Ballet Arts family.
Visit our NEW Website.