alfred smith - Papers Past
alfred smith - Papers Past
The Vol. lII.—No. 554 GLASGOW TO OTAGO. WESTPORT, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1869. D O W N E, Late of the A . , ALFRED . WHOLESALE SMITH, AND BETAIL Messrs Henderson and Co's Line Warden's and Resident Magistrate's FAMILY BUTCHER. Under Conof Monthly Packets. Westport. Court, tract with the Provincial Government. Shipping S up plied. SHAREBROKER, MINING, COMIHIS Line comprises the underMISSION, GENERAL AGENT. mentioned ■well-known splendid A. S. Having purchased the London & ships, one of which leaves Glasgow for Otago direct every month Butchery from Mr Wallace "Woolfe, Mining Applications in "Warden's trusts that by keeping only the best kind of meat, he will merit a continuTons Keg. Tons 'Reg. Court, and all orders punctually atVicksbnxg 1240 Caribon 1150 tended to. ance of that support so liberally acViola 1140 City of Dunedin 1085 corded to his predecessor. : B. P. Bouverie 1000 Bea Lomond... 1000 850 Win Davie Helenlsee 800 JaneDavie 100 750 H. Fleming. E. Henderson... 600 Peter Denny 1000 Kesolute IfOO Wave Queen... 850 Helen Burns.... 800 HelenDenny... 750 Ancilla 150 Jane Henderson 600 Parties desirous of bringing out their friends can secure passages on favorable terms, on application to CAEGILLS & M'LEAN, Oamaru and Dunedin. E. T H E, O E P BILLS DISCOUNTED. LONDON BUTCHERY, STREET, PALMEESTON MOLESWORTH STREET. Westport. M'NEE AND CO., THE FREE TRADE BUTCHERY. MANUFACTURERS BISCUIT B U T L E E H. AND CONFECTIONERS, Late Shopman to KOKITIKA. AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS, Gladstone Westport, Street, AND IHPOETEBS, Shipping and Commission Agents, Princes Street, Charleston, Has just received a splendid assortment of BERLIN WOOLS. THE CRUISE Also OF THE ESPLANADE, WESTPORT. lUISTED BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS, WESTPORT BUTCHERY, Gladstone Street. MESSRS ROBERTS AND SIMPSON, • 1 ; „ „ G. TURNBULL & IMPORTERS AND " VISION SPIRIT ASD ; : ROBEETS J. AND H. DRUGGISTS AND PERFUMERS, FOR SALE. THE SHIP AND CASTLE HOTEL, IMTESSRS GREGG AND CO., Wharf Street, Westport. ; Revell Street, Hokitika; and at Greymouth and Charleston. COFFEE AND SPICE nrRnTTT.ATom Tr jp^-py -DU .- N E D I N. THEf MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Eschalots and Early Potatoes on hand. M U N E O NO. AUCTIONE EE, Molesworth Street. OF PRODUCE GROCERIES, FURNITURE AND SUNDRIES, BALES WESTPOET HOUSE. ON The EMI SORT of PITJSH for Addison's Flat has arrived at AND AUCTIONEERS, B E A V E E WATCHMAKEE & , JEWELLEE, Gladstone Street, Westport. J. B. is in receipt by every mail of tbo newest patterns in Jewelry and "Watches by the beat makers. Watches repaired, and Jewelry made to order. SIMON. r XT L E S STOEE. GENEEAL Antibilious Pills (own preparation) Unsurpassed as MESCHANT. Corner of Wallabi andPalmerston-sta., Westport. THE GEOLOGY OF TEOUSEKS. THE most marked epoch of Trouser development, so far as present discoveries warrant a conclusion, was unquestionably that seen in the Peg-top formation, extending as it did over vast tracts of the earth. The eruptions which TJTTON AND CO. beg to return thanks for past patronage, and hope, by keeping a good article at a consistent with the price of our, to merit a continuance of the Family Requisite. GENERAL MERCHANTS, Tea in great varietyTobacco, finest Aromatic, &c. Flour, Adelaide and Provincial Butter, potted and cloth Oats, Bran, and Potatoes And Respectfully wishes PIRIE'S, THE LAEGEST IMPOETEES AND MANUFACTUEEES OF TEOUSEES IN WESTPOET. Kennedy Street. HEEPOET, PAINTER. Work Executed at Nelson Prices. may be suitably met, WHYTE <Sc PIRIE PAINT PRE- ANTI-CORROSIVE PARED. Srice Have always on hand GoodFresh Butter for sale. SUITS MADE CO., BUTTON SCOTCH PIE HOUSE, (Opposite the Bank of New Zealand,) & Westpoet. TO MEASURE, WESTPOET & FITS GUARANTEED, DONE HOUSE. AT THE WE3TPORT TIMES OFFICE, HUNTER'S Ladies' horses, 5s extra. BOOKS STABLES particularise- ... ... STATIONERY mand in use. CIRCULATING- LIBRARY, SALE, in consequence ofother JiiOß J engagements, those centrally situated known : CHARLESTON. Billiard Saloon, with one of Alcock's first-class tables. Wiues, Spirits, and Liquors of the best A superior quality. Main Street, Brighton, Added tc which is the First-class accommodation for Travellers. and Hamilton's Stables, Cobden. tl \ OHN BRIDSON IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STOREKEEPER, recently much enlarged. N.B.—An ALBERT CAR on Hire WALTER BISHOP, for Pic-nie, Wedding, or other Parties Gladstone Street, Westport. Camp Street, Charleston. IHOMAS DOLLMAITi on reasonable terms. URNBULL, REEVES, & CO., IMPORTERS, "WELLINGTON. • B. MARTIN AND CO. IMPORTERS, DUNEDIN. OFFICE «•», Rotten Row, Charleston, comprises every article in daily de- POST HOTEL, premises, as Hunter's Poai Office Hotel, nearest house to the 15s. Post Office. Has been doing very good trade from the first, but other business arrangements compel the 15s. proprietor to sell for cash. Intending purchasers are invited to inspect the Premises. 15b. South Spit, Westport, (Next the Times Office.). EVERT DESCRIPTION OP FOR SALE. REDUCTION OF FARES: and back His selection of too numerous to Wallabi Sxbeet, SEVERAL TONS OF TROUSERS, WELL ASSORTED. & LIYEEY AND BAIT STABLES to Produce ALCORN AND M'FARLAND, IMPORTERS, WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS Princes Street, Charleston. CHIXG HENDERSON. HORSES. direct public From Westport to Charleston attention to hia well-assorted stock 01 From Charleston to Brighton From Charleston to Fonr-mile every conceivable article requisite in Oilmen's Stores, &c. [ Alo> STREET, CHABLESTOIT, is Provisions " to select from a variety "WESTPOET, PRINCES * lame. TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT A & SADDLE STATIONER, and LIGHTNING LINE ISH OP, GLADSTONE STREET, A WELL-ASSORTED GENERAL his trade. STOCK of Groceries TT> TTTT TTTT AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS, WHOLESALE PRICES, The newer and more modified forms and Excellencies in TEOTTSEBS referred to above, are to be had at In order that those anxious ALTEE TTT TTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT Princes Street, Dunedin. IORDER'S BOOKSELLER Are prepared to supply at lowest ing public. & yy IMPORTERS, AND have intervened between that period and this, have shaken Fashion to its centre, and newer and more modified forms in Trousers have been tilted up. The insight which would enable an Owen to construct the skeleton of an extinct animal from the ground-work of a single bone will enable the scientific manufacturer to produce, by the light of a fossil button, a pair of Trousers of the same age as the button itself. This mastery of the subject fits the practical mind to lay hold of any new ideas that crop out, and to secure those rare excellencies in Trousers which are so greatly sought after by a discern- WHYTE LCORN AND M'FARLAND, Licensed to sell Powder and Fire-arms. NOTICE. a TTTT TTTT TTTT TTT TTTT OTAGO STEAM COFFEE MILLS, FINE HEALTHY VICTORIAN LEECHES. TEETH EXTRACTED. " WHOLESALE AND BETAED factory in the Colony. PEESCEIPTIONS ACCCIiATELT SBEPABED. oo CATTLE SALESMEN, C Pefumery and Toilet Requisites. 4 EOBEETSON <fc CO., to their Celebkated Coffees. They conveniences. being the Largest Importers of the Apply to Mrs SAVAGE. Cream of Tartar On the Premises. raw material, and havin« the best MaNitre chinery for the manufacture of the Quicksilver Charleston Advertisements. Nitric Acid same, in New Zealand, are enabled to Sodium-Amalgam J T H E Sodiumised-Quicksilver supply a BETTER article, at a Judsou's Dyes TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Murray's, Dinneford's, and Eruse's LOWER price than any other ManuTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Fluid Magnesias TTT Tartaric Acid Townsend's, Ayre's, Bristol's, and Langton's Sarsaparillas At 2 o'clock, at the Rooms. ESSES leave the draw the attention of the Sale of this SUITABLE AND CENTEAL HOTEL, with its LABGE ACCOMMODATION and numerous Beg to draw the attention of the above Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Jayne's Expectorant Sulphur Bottling Wire, &c. SATUEDAX EVERY SALE Collis Brown's Chlorodyne Bunten and Flcurey's Nervine Cockle's, Holloway's, and Norton's Pills Castor and Olive oils Borax Carbonate of Soda Brewers' Isinglass j Seeds. being about to THE Proprietress Coast, begs to the pnblie to MERCHANTS, GENERAL MERCHANTS, Garden, Flower, Clover, and Grass ' WILLIAMS, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMISTS, CO., SEEDSMAN. BPIEIT SIMPSON, GLADSTONE STREET, WESTPORT & MERCHANTS PEO- Kennedy street, Westport, and •fievell street, Hokitika. STOCK „ " WHOLESALE WISE, & "' " Rand Shipping Supplied. GALATEA. TIT Sole Agent for Westport Times' AND HUMPHREY, and Grey Weekly Argus." IMPORTERS, Advertisements Received, BAILIE 1 N ... & ■WESTPORT. BOOTS!!! »• , POWELL AND CO., BOOTS!! ; Messes. Dick and Seaton, Begs to inform the public of Westport that he has commenced business in TITT BEOTHEES, Westport and Charleston orders the premises lately occupied by Messrs Wholesale and Eetail Freeth and Greig, on the Esplanade. punctually attended to. GEO C E E S P. H. B. trusts that by keeping the Wine, Spirit and Provision Merchants, ALTER BISHOP, best quality of meat, and at the lowest GLADSTONE STREET, WESTPORT, And at Mokihinui. BOOKSELLER market prices, he will merit a share of patronage. AND STATIONER, CO., T> F. SMYTH T ' : s'" A : "DULL AND BOND And to Arrive. Beers, Wines, and Spirits, every deBUILDERS & CONTRACTORS, scription, in Glass and Bulk Wallabi-street, Westport, Sugar, Crushed, Lump, Kegs, and Barrels Have on Sale— Tea, ex Mary," Chests, i-Chests, and T and G Boards Scantling, all sizes WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT IMPORTERS, Boxes Groceries, Provision?, Oilmen's Stores, Rough Boards, any length] GLADSTONE STREET. Dried Fruits, &c. Wide Ridging Consisting of:— Galvanized Iron Tilea S. have much pleasure iu calling the attention of storekeepers and Almonds, Aachovy Pastes, ArrowMouldings the public generally to their splendid new stock of ro t, Blue, Capers, Curry Powder, Bricks Mustard, various brands; Oils, Salad Lime, &c, &c. FASHIONABLE BOOTS. and Castor; and Pickles, Morton's Whybrow's, Copland's, and Crosse NOTICE. Every article sold at tnis establishment will be found to combine quality of and Black well's Cream of Tartar, material with durability of make. Tartaric Acid, and Glass; j Gentlemen's calf* and kip Wellingtons, elastic sides, watertights, Balmoral SHELDON Preserved Fish of all descriptions, 'J and Blucher boots, heavy-nailed watertights, Wellingtons, and TINSMITH, Maccaroni, Tapioca, Vermicelli, nuggets. Gladstone Streeet. Matches, Vestas, Plaids 50's, 100's black Ladies' and bronze kid, cashmere, and Balmoral boots in endless ISO's, 200's, 250's, 500's, and Having given up all thoughts of leaving variety. 1000's Japanned Tins; Holloway's Westport, begs to acquaint the inhabiChildren's leather lace-ups, with copper toes, kid and morocco boots, in Pills and Ointment; Soap Powder; tants of Westport and the surrounding all sizes and qualities, both light and heavy. Sauces, assorted and Lea and district, that he is able to supply them R. and S. have reduced their LEATHER and GRINDERY, &c, to the Perrins Vinegar, Bulk at.d Case; with goods at the Lowest Prices, having undermentioned prices, for cash only:— Caudles, Keiller's Confectionery, a large Stock of Tin, Zinc, Black and d. B. d. Galvanized Iron, all sound and clean, <fec, &c. Best Wellington Kip 2 5 per lb Best Stout Sole Leather 1 5 per ft General Goods, Comprising:— direct from the Melbourne Market. Middling Substance Sole Pegs 10 Brushes, Broom-heads, &c; Caustic Chimneys from 255. 14 Leather Hungarian Nails 15 Soda, Cement, Fishing Lines, All other Goods five per cent, below the usual prices. Twines (all sorts), Sheet, Plate, FOR SALE. Bar, Rod, and Galvanised Iron Rivets; Oils, Raw, Boiled, and "VTELSON GROWN KOTE THE ADDEE33 GARDEN Colza; Turpentine, Paints, Hops ±\ SEEDS, and Malt, Woolpacks, Fencing AND Wholesale and Retail. Wire, Brown Paper, Paper Bags, Fruit Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Choice Flour Bags, &c. WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOOT WAREHOUSE, Plants, <fec, &c« Clover and Grass Seeds. Gladstone Street, Westport. W. & G. TTJRNBI7LL & CO. W. HALE, NURSERYMAN, Dunedin, March 1, 1869. Nelson. A remittance is required from unTO MPORTERS, MERCHANTS, known correspondents at the time of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sendo;© Obdeb. AND OTHERS. BOOTS! " W ESTPOET. GLADSTONE STEEET, Price—Sixpence. . > M.E.C.S., Lond. L.S.A. (Registered.) Medical Officer to the Hospital, &c, Wine, Spirit, and Provision Merchants, Times. Westport BOOKSELLER, Letters and Parcels delivered beSTATIONER tween Charleston and Brighton four times a week, and Cobden once fortnight. a (Next & tp NEWS AGENI Camp Hotel,) PiuacEs Street, Charleston. A good Circulating Library. All bridges free from Westport to Applications filledin Letters written A large and extensive stock c* Cobden, Stationery always on hand. EncrligL American, and Colonial Papera°and W. JFORDER, Journals, received ever mail. Proprietor. Agent for Weßtfom Times. 2 THE WESTPORT TIMES, SEPTEMBER SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. cargo was found to be in a wonderfully sound state. The master leaves a wife and family in Dunedin. WESTPOIiT. At the inquiryheld as to the circumstances, the Customs Otticer, Mr Andrews, arrived at HIGH WATER. the following decision That no blame is to be attributed to the master of the Dispatch, Thin Day... -124 a.m., 4.44 pyil.' and that every exertion was used by Captain To-morrow 5.8 a.m., 5.55 p,m. Deare and the crew of the Dispatch to save ARRIVALS. tlie lives of the crew of the Pearl, consistent Sept. 12—Charles Edward, p.s., Palmer, with the security of the Dispatch, and the from Greymoutb. A. W. Bemielt, agent. lives of those on board. That the accident Lyttelton, p.s., from Givymouth. Master, cccinred "by a heavy sea striking the vessel on the starboard side, filling the agent. sails, which Wailabi, s.s., Daniels, from Greymouth. were scandalised ;" that no blame can be JTreeth and Greig, agents. attributed to the deceased Captain Clifford ; Wanganui, s.s., Liuklater, from Wanganui. that he did ill he could to sail the vessel in Thos. Allen, agent. in a 6earnanlike manner." Much of the evidMurray, s.s., M'Gillivray, from Nelson. J. ence at the inquiry went to show that it is prudent for vessels being towed in to have Paid, agent. their canvas stowed. DEPARTURES. —" ; " Sept. 11 —Mary Van Every, schooner, for Picton. Charlotte, putter, for Picton. Si pc. 12— Charles Edward, p.s., for Nelson and Manuka u. Sept. 13 —Lyttelton. p.s., for Nelson. A\ allabi, s.s., for Wanganui. Vv'a'iganui, s.s., for Wellington, Dngn;?.! l, schooner, for Picton. Standard, ketch, for Charleston. Sept. 14—Murray, s.s., for Greymouth. BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. ARRIVALS. Greymouth.—Sept. 11 described. With most people here the wish is father to the thought that Barnicoat, or Gibbs, or Irving—or any man with whose writings or reputation they are partially familiar, through Ida occasional contributions to the Public Press—may probably be induced to stand. Por an indefinite or indescribable reason, the betting is most in favor of Barnicoat, who is, " " perhaps, not more a representative man" of a mining community than is " the present Superintendent; "but what we may speak of as the universal utterance with regard to the present holder of the office is, as we have already said it is—" Take any shape but that." By a few, whose opinions are worthy of respect, it has been suggested that a requisition should be sent to Mr Stafford. Either to him or to Waipara, from Mr Eichtnond. The authors of the suggestion conceive that, though Mr Stafford has been Prime Minister of Sept. 12—John Penn, from Wanganui. the Colony, there would be no incomSept. 13—Charles Edward, from Westport. Lyttklton or indignity in his holding Sept. 11 Beautiful Star, patibility from Dunedin. the really honorary office of SuperinPoor Lhalmeks. Sept. 12 Advance, tendent of the Province in which lie PASSEXGER LIST. barque, from London. Napii;b.—Sept, 12—Wellington, from Wel- resides. Similar arguments are used Per Cliarl' s Edward, from Greymouth— with regard to Mr .Richmond, in proMrs King, Messrs Smith, Memlhelson, lington. portion to his official status and the M'Dowall, Morgan, Erskine, 'Raphael, Dwyer, DEPARTURES. Nicolls, Miss Green, and 35 for Nelson and ianukau. Per Murray.fromNelson—Messrs MTntosh, Mitchell, Bowman, Mrs Cr .'ok and child, Inspector Franklyu, M.ssrs Stevens, Gorring, M'Guire, M'Cleur, Ryan, Driver, Hunter. Per Wanganui, from Wanganui—Messrs Seaton (2), Pell, Coate, and another. IMPORTS. Per Wailabi, from Greymouth—9o tons '600.1- Ilokitika. Kelson.—Sept. 11—Sandfly, from Picton. BANK NOTICE. gentlemen would be found to accept even the offered suffrages of the community while Mr Curtis is a candi( N" and after SATURDAY, ISth date. Of the probabilities in regard to that, we can, of course, say nothing September, the Batiks vtOl Dispro or con ; and it is for the electors to consider whether, in other respects, continue lietoitiog Gold before purthere would be propriety in inviting Mr Stafford to the office. Of chase, and from that date the days of the advantages ofaccept such a change in the of the Superintendent no Melting will be confined to Saturday personality one can have a doubt. Por the discussion of the suggestion, or of any and Monday in each week. suggestion bearing upon the Superintendency, can there be proposed anyITokitika, 21st August, 1569. thing better than a public meeting ? Or is it likely to be the case that gentlemen whose duty and proTO CORRESPONDENTS. mise it was to bo present at a meeting Phrenologist. Your letter is unavoid- recently appointed would again be conspicuous by their absence ? We hope ably held over. not; and we hope that a meeting will Per Lyttelton, from Greymouth— 1 cafe, 2 drapery, Whyte and Pirie 1 case cigars, Schwaer ; 2 eases, Union Bank, Westport ; 1 case, Union Bank, Charleston; 1 keg butter, 1 case eggs, Hay 1 ease eggs, Pickering ; 73 pieces timber, Bull and Bond; 1 case, 1 parcel, Bishop; 18 cases apples, King; 9 casks beer, Orfjau ; 6 reams paper, Eeid and Co.; 1 cas Williams. Per Murray, from Nelson—1 bale leather, 1 trunk boots, Roberts and Simpson ; 1 sack carrots, 1 case turnips, 1 case eggs, Pickering; 1 case drugs, Morton ; 3 cases books, Cooler; 2 trunks boots, Anslow ; 1 parcel, Bishop ; 1 hhd ale, Mjrion; 1 parcel. Price; 1 bag peas, do, 1 sewing machine, Carter; 6 hhds ale, 0 qr-casks ale, Allen; 2 bags bacon, Powell and Co. Per Wanganui, from Wanganui—4S head cattle, 350 sheep, 25 pigs, 80 bags bran, 6 kegs butter, 2 cases eggs, Dick and Seaton. BIRTH. At Molesworth street, on the 11th instant, EXPORTS. Per Charles Edward, for Nelson—2 boxes the wife of Hem-i Pain, of a daughter. and Union Bank. gold (12520zs I4grs), DEATH. trusses ; ; , Sunday, as it commonly is, was a busy day in shipping movements. Three steamers—the Charles Edward, Wailabi, and Lyttelton —arrived from Greymouth, and the Wanga- nui arrived from the port from which she derives her name. The Charles Edward had about fifty passengers, many of them bound for the Manukau, and to the list there was a considerable addition made here, but of the number the majority were booked only for Nelson. She sailed for the north after a stay of only two hours. The steamer Wanganui brought a cargo of stock, which was discharged, as usual, at the South Spit. Among her passengers were some who had come to Wanganui by the steamer John Penn, which had gone there seeking freight. The Penn, on her return to this coast, will resume the trade between the West Coast ports of this Island and the port of Manukau. The cutter Satellite, bound from Nelson to Westport, with produce, has been ordered on At Happy Valley, Nelson, on the 7th inst., Mrs Elizabeth Blanchett, aged G4 years, aa old and respected colonist. The Westport Times. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1869. The approaching event ot the election of the Superintendent of this Province continues to be only a matter of gossip, and can only be referred to in gossipping style. As yet the electors of the Nelson district have given a very uncertain sound as to their choice of a successor to Mr Curtis, and upon their selection of a man must depend to Greymouth. in a great measure the direction of the votes of the electoral body located on Among the departures from Westport yesterday was a new surf-beat, recently brought the Goldfields. Such is the situation round from Dunedin, and intended for —not from any existing sympathy beCharleston, whither she sailed. tween the people of the two districts, An unauthoritative and indefinite rumor about the barque Kate Waters being lost, with but entirely on account of the inevitall hands, has been brought by passengers by able necessities of the case. There are one of the northern steamers, but of its but six hundred voters on the roll in origin or truthfulness nothing can at present this district. This number, at its best, be said. is certainly not more than a third of The steamer Yarra, when returning from an the number on tho roll in Nelson. unsuccessful attempt to get into Okarito, was At least we may accept such as likely Stranded at Ilokitika, much damaged, and to be tho fact from the past fact that, sold to Mr John Cross for £lls. on the occasion of the previous elecThe last, report as to the s.s. Taranaki is : tion, which was contested by Mr —"The fore-must head above water 5 feet; eleven main-mast about 5 feet G inches under water ; Curtis and . Mr Baruicoat, the bow of the vessel is close to the top of the hundred voters went to the poll. water." Auy attempt on the part of the On Tuesday, August 24th, the crew of the West Coast electors to bring forward American ship Panther rescued a seaman a man of their own selection would, from the Newcastle (New South Wales) therefore, bo false policy, simply bepoh-e, who had boarded the vessel, and cause it would be futile. If not their forcibly entered the captain's cabin in search of their prisoner. The captain stabbed several feelings, at least the power of the maof the constables, one of whom is dangerously jority must be consulted; and even injured. their feelings would, no doubt, obtain News received at Sydney states that the sympathy to this extent, that as far natives of Erromango had murdered a mate as their aversion to Mr Oswald Curtis and sailor of a South Sea trading vessel. could go, so far would go the same feeling of aversion on the part of the It was CAPSIZING OF THE KETCH PEARL, electors of tho West Coast. in consideration ot these circumstances AT GBEYMOUTH. that the mention of Mr Franklyn's name was received by some with favor. (From I ho Argus.) After being taken in tow, the ketch ran on It was understood that, from the popunicely, with all her sails hanging loose, the lar knowledge and appreciation of him peaks only having been lowered, and the in some of the rural districts near sheets hauled up. While on the bar a series Nelson, he would bo able to poll a of tremendous seas roiled in, on the top of number of votes sufficient, with a one of which the ketch made a run, then came to broadside to the sea, when another good majority of the votes iu this disroller struck her, throwing her over, and the trict, to afiect very favorably the water, flying up from her side, lodged in the chances of his election. But the sails, which caught and held it like bags, the weight capsizing the ketch, and the next sea hopeful anticipations of that genfollowing rapidly rolled her completely over tleman's friends are found, on bottom up. The master had been steering, inquiry, to exceed the reality. Some and two of the crew had been standing up in inquiry on the subject has shown that the r gging. The master came up once, but while he might poll a very respectimmediately sank again, and was not seen minority or a substantial after. When the vessel rolled over the mast able struck the ground, breaking short "ff, and majority in some districts, the total, the t-.vo men came up with the rigging, and as compared with the votes for even wore seen clinging to it for at least ten minthe sitting Superintendent, would be utes, struggling violently for life, as they inconsiderable. Tho question as to wore rolled about in the surf. Everything Mr Pranklyn's compliance with any was dme that, could be under the circumstances by Captain Deare, and the hands on requisition which his friends mav have the Dispatch, but it was impossible initiated may, therefore, be considered that the men could be reached. The seas as at a close ; and. with that close, it were breaking fearfully over the tug, delug- is to be hoped that there will also end ing her fore and aft. The hawser was slipped. As she was rapidly drifting into the strictures in which those who the surf, and could not run alongside the have, we fear, little appreciation of the, ■wreck without the imminent risk of being fortunately, democratic character of seriously injured and thrown up on the North our institutions may have indulged, Beach, she was compelled to make for the river, which was only reached with nvieh and that there will end also the ridiculous insinuation that Mr Frankly n difficulty, without bomg able to render the was only an emissary from the enemy's drowning men the least assistance. About one o'clock the receding tide left camp. At this point of these gossipthehull of the ketch h gh and dry, bottom ping remarks, the reader may, if he up, and lying flat on her dec.I a quarter of a chooses, refer to the Westport Times mile north of the Flagstaff. Operations of and he will there find the Saturday, were at once commenced to save the cargo. A bolff was cut in the vessel's aide, when the circumstances still existent sufficiently *, intimacy of his alliance with the inoutlying districts. It is suggested, per contra, that, apart from other considerations, neither of these LTokitika—Sept. 11—Martha Lavinia, for terests of Melbourne. be called. Mraiyo communities of age and ex- perience, as the mining community ot this district may fairly be designated, have a decided aversion, or a wholeof anything bearing the some name of an assisted Prospecting Party. It is almost axiomatic that the end of all such enterprises is failure. So it may be suggested with regard t& a project nominally of a prospecting character, which has within the past few days been conceived by a few practical minds among us; but we venture to think that the suggestion is scarcely in this case applicable. The proposition is that something more should be doue to develope, or to determine the resources of the district which is now commonly iucluded in the designation The Great North Lead." It is known that terraces exactly similar in character to those which aro named the Caledonian, German, Giles, Hatter's, et hoc, exist for many miles both towards and beyond the river Waimongoroa. There is, indeed, strong reason to believe that, not only iu appearance, but in actual fact, they are similar—that they are the continuation of a proved, proGtable goldfield. But it is also well enough known, and practically appreciated by store-keepers as well as miners, that to reach the auriferous wash, rich as it is when it is reached, is a work attended by the expenditure of a considerable amount of money and time. It is unfortunately the case also that, in this district, the population is so small that enterprises which may be of great pith and moment are neglected. There is no surplus population whose very necessities would induce prospecting and discovery. With few people and their pockets poorly lined, it is not to be wondered at that works which require both capital and labor should remain in abeyance to some distant day. The suggestion is that, what the individual miner, or a single party, may not choose to do, might be done by the combined efforts of the inhabitants. The suggestion is that, at least, one good tunnel, with divergent drives," should be putiu on the most promising of the promising terraces to the north of the Waimongoroa. The suggestion further is that, were this done, Westport, or those representing Westport iu aiding the project, would have no cause to regret, but much cause to favorably remember, the fact of their havingdone so. And, looking at all the surrounding circumstances, ard bespeaking the selection of reliable men as the working party," we venture to think that these suggestions are such as are very likely to meet the approval of the public. "We have not at present space to expatiate upon the meritOrioushess of the enterprise to which we thus briefly and indefinitely refer but we trust that it requires only the mention of a matter holding such hopeful relationship to the advancement of the interests of the district, to secure for it and its promoters respectful attention. " " " " " " " ; We have received a telegram from Lyttelton, from the agents of the Beautiful Star, stating that as only ten tons of cargo have been shipped on board that steamer, at Dunedin and Lyttelton, for this port, she will not proceed on this trip to the West Coast, but will tranship the cargo for the Coast at Nelson. On her next voyage she is expected to come "right through," and is announced as likely to sail from Dunedin on the 30th inst. The cutter Pearl, which drifted out of the Buller during a late heavy fresh in the river, i 3 understood to have made a safe Capt. Leach, land-fall at the Heaphy. the harbor master here, suspected that she would probably go ashore there, and the agent for the vessel, Mr John Hunro, despatched a man to that place, but whether the man reached the spot or not is known to himself. A correspondent of the Nelson Examiner, writing from the Anatori diggings, says A report has reached here of a vessel having floated into the Heaphy, no one on board, anchor sone, cable dragging. Some diggers have taken possession. He states that the vessel's papers have the name of Captain Sims on them." The Union Bank at Westport forwarded 1252 ounces of gold to Nelson by the steamer Charles Edward. A telegram has been received by the Local Education Committee from Mr Greenfield, Provincial Secretary, stating that the Inspector of Schools in Nelson is at present very ill, and that the question of the school-house will require to stand over until the nest meeting of the Central Board. The steamer John Penn, as will be seen by our shipping news, reached Nelson yesterday. She made the passnge from, Auckland round the North Cape to Manukau, and thence came by way of Taranaki and Wanganui. The members, and intending members, of the "Weatport Jockey Club meet this evening. Intending members shov 11 know that the subscriptions do not go to the Club, but towards a general race fund. The Bishop of Nelson, after taking part in the services in the English Church on Sunday m rning, sailed for Nelson by the steamer Charles Edward. The Eev. Mr Mules officiated in both services, and remains to do so next Sunday. The stock received by the "Wallab on her last trip from Wanganui have been sold by Messrs Robertson & Co. The cattle were a finer lot than has been received in Westport for some time, andrealised extraordinary prices, ranging from .£l2 to £2l ss, or an average of 47s 6d per hundred. The sheep sold at from 28s to 33s Gd, or an average of 31s. The Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court at Hokitika commenced yesterday. The calendar is very heavy, and includes, of course, the case of Winter, the County Treasurer, whose deficiences are said to be ■£2500. The Hokitika Dally "News has ceased to exist, in the ninth month of its publication. It is said that a new and grand theatre is soon to be erected at Shortland. A man named James George M'Donald has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment at Christchurch for vagrancy: He had been soliciting alms on the statement that he was tomahawked across the nose during the engagement in which Major Von Tempsky was killed,whilst itwasproved thathe was suffering from cancer in the face. He had received over £23 by this means, and had squandered it in shouting for people at various hotels in the City. Nathaniel Dorrington, the man who was lately arrested near Auckland, for selling guns and powder to Natives, has been acquitted and discharged. Alfred Dunn Smith, aged 19 months, was drowned at Wellington on Sept. 4. The little fellow let a key drop into a tub of water, and in trying to get it again he toppled over, fell into the water,"and was drowned before aid came. About fifty men have lately deserted from the 18th Koyal Irish Regiment stationed at Auckland. The Sedgwick Arms at "Waipawa, Hawk's Bay, has been consumed by fire. The insurance does not cover the loss by £250. On Thursday afternoon, says the Nelson Mail, one of the inmates of the Lunatic Asylum, who had only arrived from the West Coast on the previous day, succeeded in making his escape from the yard where he had been allowed to go for exercise. He was promptly followed by Mr Butler, who, with the assistance of Mr Percy and two other bystanders, succeeded in capturing him after a severe struggle. It is rumored in literary circles that Mr Marcus Clarke is about to leave Melbourne for London. He is best known as the "Peripatetic Philosopher," through the columns of the Australasian. In writing of some local elections, and the belting thereon, the Greymouth Star tells the following story for the benefit of betting men and unbelievers in advertising:—Whilst on the subject of bets we sb nld like to know why the British public are so fond of betting hats. This question was publicly put lately in Dunedin, when a hot election was being contested, through the medium of an advertisment which ran something as follows:—'• Bet for boots—hat bets are vulgar. Siramonds Bootmaker, Rattray-street." And men took the hint, and the cry through the day was Bet you a pair of elastic's Birch goes in." "Done," said the other, "that he don't, if you make them watertights." ""Watertights they are then." Betting for boots became quite the rage for three days, and Mr Simmonds, who suggested theth'ng, received so many orders for boots that he had to put on a large number of extra hands for the following three weeks. An interesting fact is stated by one of the Nelson newspapers regarding a recent ploughing match there: and that is that one of the ploughs on the ground was the first that broke the soil of NowZealand. It is," says the Colonist, "the property of Mr Willia- Bell, of Waimea West, and belonged to his father, who, in Wanganui district, in the very early days of Wellington, guided the good ploughshare in breaking the virgin soil of that settlement. The plough is 43 years of age, and, as its owner remarked, it was not to be wondered that at its age it should be outstripped by younger competitors." The prospectus of a new paper the Mining Record—has been issued at Auckland. It is to be conducted on the plan of the Victorian papers of a similar nature. At a meeting of the Auckland Institute held on the 16th inst., a paper by Captain Corbett wasread, giving an account of a remarkable phenomenon which he had witnessed near Lake Taupo on the 3rd of January last. He was sleeping in a whare, when, about half-past eleven at night he heard a rushing noise. Going out from the whare he observed a geyser or hot spring throw up a column of steam nearl» to the height of two hundred feet, a dark cloud b ing on the opposite horizon. The moon was shining, and a beautiful lunar rainbow of a pale straw color was visible between the geyser and the cloud. A man named Jasper Crngo has been killed in the streets of Onehunga by being thrown from his horse. His skull was severely fractured. 14, 1869 lie committed the rash act. He wa3 a brare I, and others in the same benighted boatman could understand the English soldier ond not long ago a credit to the condition, language, and all he could say waß, are at a loss to undercolonial service. stand why, when there are no public Come with the man that stands the has reached Intelligence Wanganui from Englese." The town of Rio de Janeiro Taupo, to the effect that four of Wirehana's works of any description being carThe men at Taupo, whilst out pig-hunting, were ried on in the district, ic is necessary has no charms of architecture. surprised by an ambuscade laid by Te Kooti's to keep a staff of officials for the purhouses are high and the streets very men, and shot and tomahawked before any of pose of seeing that those works are narrow—on an average only about theiu could escape. not carried on. I think that the cer11 to 20 feet wide, and looking more " tificate of, say, half-a-dozeti respectable householders of the town ought to be THE BRAITHWAITE amply sufficient to satisfy the heads CASE. of departments inNelson, that no pubDuring the sitting of the Supreme lic money is being spent here in necessary works. If this idea, which I Court at Christchurcb, on the 3rd throw out as a suggestion, were adoptinst., as reported in the Lytfrtlon ed, it would obviate the necessity of Times, Mr Duncan said he wished to keeping a staff of officials for the pura few words with say regard to the pose, and the money so saved could be case Regina v. Braithwaite. The priexpended in carrying out those absosoner had been remanded for trial at esseutial works—the Nelson Nelson. Two witnesses had come to lutely Dry Dock, and the Nelson and CobChristchurcb, and only a portion of den both of which would be their expenses had been paid. They of Railway", inestimably more service to us than had not enough money to pay their any mere local works such as those expenses back, and, under these cir- necessary for the protection of the cumstances, he had telegraphed to the town against the encroachment of the Resident Magistrate at Weatport (Dr sea ou one side and the river on the Giles), from whom he had received a telegram, stating that a mistake had other. Trusting that the Provincial Execubeen made by the Christchurcb Bench, tive will see the advisability of being and that as Nelson had paid the at least consistent in their treatment witnesses' expenses to Christchurcb, of the Coast, and consequently of the Canterbury Government should abolishing the department alluded to their pay passages back. He (Mr Duncan) understood that Braithwaite altogether, —I am, Sir, leos Pes. had been brought up there before Mr "Wcstpcrt, Sept 12. Ollivier and Col. Packe. [Our correspondent's question is His Honor said that a mistake had evidently been committed by Dr Giles. unfortunately as unanswerable as his is The prisoner should not have been re- irony admirable.] manded to Christchurcb. He would suggest that communication should be PROSPECTING THE NORTHERN made with the Provincial Government TERRACES. on the subject. Mr Duncan said he would do so. the Editor (To of the Westport Times.) [The Magistrate had evidently no Sir, —May the miners of the disalternative but to remand Braithwaite to Christchurcb. There was no other trict call your attention to the great way of confronting him with the evi- want that is felt for the developing dence against him. It will be strange of the Northern Terraces? Gold is if the mere sectional division of the known to be there, acd ground sufcountry should end in a defeat of ficient to employ a population of, at least, five hundred men, and unless justice.] something is done by the inhabitants towards retaining the present population, THE WEST WANGANUI RUSH. things must fall to the ground. It is, I believe, in contemplation to form a A correspondent of the Nelson Ex- party to try this part of our coast, and aminer, who writes from Anatori not before time, for a greater calamity Creek, and, who is described as tho- to the district than the departure of its roughly trustworthy, gives the follow- population could not arise. Can ing particulars with regard to the you not, Sir, by your influence assist recent rush to the southward of Cape those who are likewise willing to conFarewell:— tribute their mite? Please give us According to promise, I write to your opinion, and your exertions will you concerning this gold-field, al- never be under-valued by the miner. though I Lave nothing to write worthy —Yours, &c, of notice. I think that there will be a Mailliw. gold-field here for years, but not of [Our correspondent will see that any extent, as the country is very his wishes have been anticipated.] difficult to get about in;—but the Buller, Grey, and other fields in the same direction, were at first quite as THE HOMEWARD VOYAGE OP rough as this is. The gold is of a THE RUAHINE. coarse description—similar to the The following narrative of the inWaimongoroa in its early days, and requires a deal of pounding to free it cidents of the homeward voyage of the from cement and quartz. There are steamer Ruahine, and interesting dea great many out prospecting in all scription of the city of Rio Janeiro, directions—men of the rijjht stamp, are furnished to us by Mr Andrew and if there is anything in the shape Louttit, who was a passenger by the of gold in the country it will be found. Ruahine from "Wellington to SouthA rumour came down from the ampton creek yesterday, that a large nugget The s.s. Ruahine, the last of the now had heen found, but no proof of the defunct Panama Company's ocean assertion has been shown, therefore I steamers, left "Wellington for Southput it down to some idle tale that has ampton at ten o'clock on the night of been circulated, of which, I am sorry the 30th March, and had a fine run of to say, there are too many on gold- 23 days to Cape Horn. The captain fields. Some disappointed intended going through the Straits of loon will circulate reports like this for the Magellan, but, when about a hundred purpose of creating a disturbance. I miles from the entrance to the Straits, have heard that the report about the it came on thick weather, and he imnu<rget ha 3 already gone to Nelson mediately turned the vessel's head to and Westport; but I hope, until you the south to round Cape Horn instead hear from me or some other source, of waiting for the weather to clear up. that you will contradict any false We rounded the Horn in a calm. rumour. The passengers had an excellent view If Nelson wishes to get the trade of the rugged and mountainous coast of this field, she must see to the roads of Terra del Fuego. "We passed to obtain it. There is now a road about five miles from the land, but from Pakawau to Wanganui Inlet, could see no sign of any natives or which, with very little expense, could fires. Saw about a dozen large ships be traversed by drays; thence by all becalmed, and the water was as boat to the store of Mr Eeilly, of smooth as glass. "We passed between Collingwood ; thence, if a road was the main land and Staten Island. made down the Patoroa (which is Whilst off the River Plate the piston very easy), a dray-road could be got of one of the engines broke, but the through to the diggings, for the Ruahine being a twin-screw boat, and greater part is sandy beach and good the weather being so fine, it caused little delay in reaching Rio. Arrived travelling. The question arises, "Who is to make at Rio de Janeiro on the Ist of May, these roads? A Maori chief, named and were there eight days. The pasRewi, claims miners'-rights, money sengers had a splendid opportunity of and business licenses. I, and the seeing this magnificent harbor. Rio de Janeiro is a city containing diggers generally, wish to know what protection we shall have for that five hundred thousand inhabitants. payment, in the event of a dispute The province bears the same name, a?ul arising among the miners respecting is one of twenty in the Empire of claims. It is o matter of serious con- Brazil. It lies between 21.25 and sideration for the Government, as we 23.25 south latitude, aud between 10 58 shall be acting on the principle of and 45.7 longitude west of Greenwich. might is right—the weakest must go The harbor is oue of the finest and to the wall. The diggers are greatly most picturesque in the world. The scenery is of striking grandeur and dissatisfied about it. beauty, and when I first beheld it, I felt repaid by the sight alone for my THE "PUBLIC WORKS" DElong voyage across the ocean. The PARTMENT. circumference of the harbor is about 100 miles, and its average depth from (To the Editor of the West-port Times.) 10 to 15 fathoms. There are numeSir,—As persona in your profession rous small islands in the bay, and some are popularly supposed to be gifted of the passengers spent a very happy with extraordinary, and in some in- day upon one of them. On the oppostances almost supernatural, discern- site side lies Prio Grande, a small ment and meaus information, I village, and in the country beyond are wish to ask if you will, out of the ful- numerous coffeeand cotton plantations. ness of your knowledge, condescend to There is a lighthouse on an island at throw some light, however small, on a the entrance to the harbor, and forts question which has been and is still a on each side of the harbor, and also on hidden mystery to many who are, like some of the islands in the centre. myself, naturally thick-headed, and The passengers landed in front of the who cannot lay claim to those peculiar palace square. "We got from the attributes of mind necessary for the steamer to the shore, a distance of unravelling of such abstruse problems, about two miles, for one mile rae each, with which you are supposed to be which is equal to our eighteen-pence, W:tngamii papers repo»t that on Wednes- endowed. Relying on your superior and thought we got very cheap, but day last Sergeant Patrick Boylen, No. 3 knowledge, and with every confidence the day after six passengers could all division, Armed Constabulary, deliberately that I will receive a satisfactory reply, get off or ashore for the same fare as shot himself. He was under arrest for the I ask for what purpose the office of we paid the day previous, viz., one B.ondor third time for drunkenness when Public "Works exists in Westport? mile rae (one mill ray.) Only one —" : " " BIGAMY : " " like lanes than streets. Some of the cathedrals, although presenting a gloomy appearance outwardly, are Sjorgeously decorated inside, adorned with a profusion of gilding, and containing several private boxes with crimson curtains and in the oratories could be seen a dozen of priests op monks chanting their devotions. As we were walking one day in the Ru Jovodore, a troop of lancers came rushing past at a furious rate, clearing the way for the passage of the Emperor's carriage, drawn by four pairs of mules, driven by two postillions. Don Pedro the Second is a fine-looking man about 45 years of age. lie was passins on to the Custom House. The Botanic Gardens are about seven miles from Rio, and almost at the foot of the Corcorado mountain. They occupy about 50 acres and are accessible by numerous winding walks. In the plots we noticed cinnamon, the red pepper, and the clove, all in fruit. The walks are overhung with the marmosa, the crotou, the dark olive, the mango, and the orange. There are also numerous bowers thickly interlaced with shrubs so as to exclude the sun, where the visitors can rest on a wicker couch and cool themselves. The most magnificent sight of all in the gardens is the row of palms. There is nothing, like it in any other part of the world, and it alone is well worth coming to see. Thero are about two hundred palms, nearly a hundred feet high, placed at an equal distance from each other at each side of the walk in the centre of the gardens, the leaves at the top forming an arch, and in the middle of the walk a very large fountain is continually playing, dashing the silvery water of the Corcorado mountain into a large reservoir, where, from, the sun's rays, can be seen all the colors of the rainbow. It is a beautiful drive to the gardens. You pass Botofogo, a small bay lined with handsome villa residences, and on the road are numerous country seats with magnificent mansions. Coffee is the principal rrticle of export from Brazil, and cotton also is now becoming to be a large article of export. The produce of the country is coffee, cotton, tobacco, sugar, toucheno (or Brazillian bacon), Indian corn, beans, mahogany, &c. The Brazillians speak greatly in favor of the but we found it very hot during the day—9odeg. in the shade. The sea breeze, however, makes the evenings cool, and the nights are very pleasant. The water is unquestionably good and as pure as that of New Zealand. Travelling is done on mules or horses one after the other, similar to your pack-horses on the West Coast. They are used in the country, hringing the produce to market; few waggons or carts are used for this purpose; most, however, is 'done on mules. The town trade is carried on by waggons drawn by a pair of mules, but a great deal is done by slaves. Tou will meet the slaves in the streets carrying largo burdens on their heads, "grunting" all the way under their heavy loads. Slavery is to be abolished in Rio in the course of two years. The Ruahine was coaled by the slaves in the following manner About 50 slaves had a large basket each, which they placed at the heap of coals. The baskets were filled by other slaves, and two slaves stood at each side of the basket to lift it on the heads of the slaves who were to carry the coals to the ship, a distance of about 20 yards, They emptied their baskets in rotation. The slave driver stands in the centre with a long whip, and, if any of them break out of the circle, he gives them a lash which makes them fall in again. The work goes on until the vessel gets its complcment of coals. They have the usual hour for meals the same as the whites. The food they eat is farina and boiled maize. They put 500 tons of coals on in 46 hours. The trreat mass of the laboring classes in Rio subsist on the farina of the latapha plant, made into a coarsp bread called pan de terre caliente." It is manufatcured from the same plant from which tapioca is obtained. This, with the black bean, which grows in great abundance, is with them the staple of life. Meat is very scarce and dear —mutton Is per Jerked beef is imlb, beef lOd to Is. ported from the river Plate in large quantities, and is worth 5d per lb. in Rio. There is a great trade carried on with Europe and Brazil. There are six lines of steamboats toEio, and from Rio to Buenos Ayres there are four lines, and one line—the Royal Mail Company—to Valparaiso vin the'straita of Magellan. The six lines from Eio are two from Liverpool, two from Southampton, one from France, and one from Lisbon, all doing a profitable trade. The steamer Douro, a vessel of 2000 tons, arrived at Eio when the Euahine was there. She had 240 passengers. She left the day after ua, and had to call at Bahia, Pernambuco, St Vincent, and Lisbon, and she nad arrived at Southampton three daya before us. The Douro belongs to the Eoyal Mail Company. The Euahine sailed from Eio on the 9th day of May, reached St Vincent on the 22nd was there one day and a half coaling, and left on the 24th. St Vincent is a desolate and barren island and is only used as a coaling ; : " THE WESTPORT TIMES, SEPTEMBER 14. 1869 J PUBLIC NOTICE. 10 SHIPPERS fbomD UN EBTN. i BILLIARD ROOM, Caledonian Terrace, on September 18th, at 9 p.m., to take into consideration the best THE S.S. BEAUTIFUL STAR means of inducing the Government to make a BeidliE Track from the J. Chistian, Commander, CALEDONIAN to GILESTOWN. All interested please attend. farina. The voyage was one of the finest I Will sail from DUNEDIN to Sept. 11, ISG9. have ever experienced—like a lake all the way. One death occurred—that WESTPORT, calling at intermediate NOTICE. of an infant twelvo months old—two days before entering Eio. "We ar*N consequence of giving up Busi- ports, on rived in Southampton on the 2nd of |_ ness in Westport the undersigned June after a passage of G2 days, including our detention at Rio and coal- requests all accounts to be paid by the THURSDAY, 30th INSTANT. 30th of September. Also all accounts ing at St Vincent due by the same to be presented for The Euahinc now lies safely moored payment. E. P. HOUGHTON, in the Southampton docks beside the The of the Stock will be Jlataura, and both vessels can be had sold remainder cash cheap to purchasers. for half the money they cost. JAMES BAITtD, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, MINING INCIDENTS. Gladstone Stiieet, Westport. KARAMEA. THE The Nelson Mail states that several are preparing to start for the Fpper Karamea diggings, as soon as the snow will allow of their crossing the Mount Arthur range. At the Upper Buller, too, preparations are being made for the coming summer season, by erecting races whereby the water is to be brought on to the ground. The Government have sent out parties of men to work on the road to the Baton, which will shortly be in a state to allow of supplies being taken up there without much difficulty. Earties BAD AMALGAM. The principal business men at the Teviot are stated by a correspondent of the Tuakeka Press to be very unwilling to supply quicksilver, and to purchase amalgamated gold. Tin's is owing to serious frauds having been effected by mixing particles of base metal in the amalgam, in such a manner that it cannot be detected until assayed. It is stated on undoubted authority that in some cases the Banks have lost fully 16 per cent, upon amalgamated gold. As a matter of course, the Celestials are looked upon as the offenders. A pedant remarked to a farmer," I cannot bear a fool." Your mother could was the reply. " Mothir, William M'Kay, Neil Oliver, n. F. (3) r Phillips, J. B. (2) Eobinson, Geo. Bauuders, J. E, Bquire, J. Winfield, H. Solicitor for the above-named Meyrick Jones and John Palmer. FOB SALE. milE VICTORIA. STORE AND ROBERT M'FARLANE, GRANT'S Daly, Jame3 Hoslop, George xsv CHARLESTON Kennedy Street, Sunday „ Otago Oata Gauranteed sound and fresh. JNO. MXTNEO, COLONIAL PRODUCE STOKES, Fbeeman Street, Westport. Auctioneer. EORGE FALLA lias for Sale 30 Tons very superior Taranaki Potatoes, just landed ex Falcon." 5 Tons Carrots 5 Swedish Turnips Farm Cured Bacon and Hams Prime Butter Early Seed Potatoes Do do Peas. JOHN SOUTHERN " HIS JUST RECEIVED „ EX MAID OF ERIN, FEOM MELBOURNE, VAEIETY of NOVELTIES in early known to, and extensively patron- ~ ... ... ... 8.45 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 10.15 a.m. 11.0 a.m. 11.45 p.m. 2 Bales Trench ODDFELLOW Trimmings, Laces, Haberdashery, &c. Also est Rates. ' . WORKMEN. Apply Eoberts Simpson, Gladstone Street, West- JAMES K. GRANT, Proprietor. CHARLES "A.M." SEEDS! SEEDS!! LEMPFERT GARDEN SEEDS. Beceived a SPLENDID J ASSORTMENT of SEEDS. The first ever SHIPPED DIRECT 50 Inch Green B.iize 1 from ERFURT in Prussia. Picked C. L. begs to inform his friends expressly for the New Zealand Market, 25 Pieces Biaek & Brown Plush mid the public that he has taken from one of the finest gardens on the the above Hotel, and those who uiav Comment. favour him with their patronage The undersigned recommends an 5 Cases Colonial-made Clothint may depend on meeting with every early rail on account of the great accommodation. demand. Pelt Hats 1 Only the best Wines, Spirits, and A. BROWN, Beer in the market kept on the nre1 „ 72 inch Calico J Proprietor. (Late of Addison's Flat.) "CIST „ ... STORE* CAMP 71MPIRE Li HOTEL GLADSTONE STREET, PAEER JOHN SOUTHERN, BUTCHERS, CATTLE IMPORTERS, AND OTHERS. jPIRAWAITI BRIDGE HOTEL, VICTORIA HOUSE, Advances made EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS in the above Hotel, affording an additional number of bedrooms and other accommodation. THE NEW MASONIC HALL recently added to the other buildings is worthy of the attention of professionals and others, being the most suitable Hall in town for Performances, Balls, Banquets, Public Meetings, and all other publie purposes. The Table, under the immediate supervision of the Proprietors, is supplied with every delicacy the market afords. One of A k-ock's best Billiard Tables carefully attended to. Colonial Ales brewed expressly. Night Watchman on the premises. COBB'S BOOKING- OFFICE, FLOUR. FLOUR. This Hotel is picturesquely situated, one mile north of "Westport—a pleaCOBKEB OF sant walk from town. The grounds adjoining suitable GLADSTONE & FREEMAN-STS. for Picnic parties. A days boating can always hehad on the Orawaiti River. WESTPORT. A Coach Runs between this Hotel and town daily when weather is favoriREETJI & GEEIG, able and inducement offers. The Best Selection of Liquors always SHIPPING COMMISSION on hand. addocksfor Grazing Sheep. addle Horses for Hire. AGENTS. TO ARENAS, Proprietors. Gladstone Street. & MESSRS. TONES AN"D HUGHES respectfully inform the Public that thev have just completed Messrs Rennie Flour and & FLOUR. Macgregor, Barley Mills, Dunedin.. Having used a aENTLEMEN, large quantity of your Flour this season, we have much pleasure in stating that we have found it to be of First-class Quality, and equal, if not superior, to any brand offering in this market for strength, colour, and ilavour. We have also disposed of same in small bags, and our customers unanimously pronounce it most excellent for all purposes. (100. Blythe, Baker Grocer, Walker-street George Shand, do., Princes-street Robert Hay do., George-street & Andrew Mercer, Princes-street do., Millar Anderson do., High-street Thos. S. Sinclair, do., Maitland-st. Proprietor. John Gollar, do., Albany-street St. Andrews-st. GIBSON'S MINERS' REST HOTEL Thos. Sinclair, do., John Collie, do., Cumberland-st. James Hyndman do., Princes-street "WEST-PORT TEA GARDENS, "Walter Wright, Adjoining the Race Course do., Rattray-street C. & J. Taylor, do., Kaikorai more inducement to Alex. Lawson, Grocer, Walker-street pleasure parties and travellers Arch. Moir, Produce Merchant, Princes-at than auv other Hotel in the District. And principal Merchants and Bakers in Visitors can enjoy Cricket, Quoits, and around Dunedin. THOS. JONES, on Consignments for Actual Sale, and on all descrip- 1 K I N S O N, tions of Approved Security. North Spit, Westport, And Gresson Street, Grevmouth. Purchases HIDES, SKINS," WOOL, and TALLOW at highest value in any FREEMAN STREET, WESTPORT. number or quantity offered, for cash. F. P. A. informs whom it may concern, that he is enabled to offer higher rates than any other buyer, without Fishing, Shooting, and Swimmingloss thereby, having the best markets. baths; also Pleasure Boats on a beautiDunedin Flour and Barley Mills. ful Lake. WHOLESALE LEATHER PRODUCE MERCHANTS. Accommodation Paddocks. to the above, DEALER. N.B. —Choicest Liquors and Viands |)EFEEHING Xli RENNIE & MACGREGOR Always on band, or to arrive at Town Prices. NORTH SPIT, WESTPORT. have now the satisfaction of iutimating that their alterations and extensions AND Oats Bacon II E ALBION I HOTEL, are completed, comprising entirely Bran Gresson Street, Greymouth. Butter New Silk Dressing Machinery, Chaff Cheese imported from Glasgow, Gladstone Street, and conELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. Potatoes Cattle structed on the most approved prin(Late G. White's), Carrots Pigs ciples, with all the latest improveFOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. Onions JAMES MILNE, Proprietor. Sheep ments, for thoroughly Cleaning Grain, Lime and Bricks. Dressing Flour, and Making Pearl STORE & ACCOMMODAThe best brands of or.*/ kept. Barlev. TION HOUSE AND FERRY, with a free license, now doing a good GREYMOUTH COAL ALWAYS ON Good Beds, and everj attention paid to parties visiting this hotel. HAND. trade. And TEN ACRES of BUSH E&!f We guarantee all Flour with The table will be found replete with our brand when bought direct from LAND, three of which are cleared Fbeemax Street, all the delicacies of the season, and at our Mills or Store. and one under cultivation, situated at the Waimongaroa River. moderate charges. SatisWestport. factory reasons can by given by the Rennte & Macgregor Cash present occupier for disposing of ATIONAL CONCERT HALL. ROYAL. Buyers of all descriptions are of Farm the above. Gladstone Street. Produce. For particulars apply to MR. THOMAS DICKENSON, OPEN EYERT EVENING FROM SINGING AND DANCING Perennial and Italian Rye Grass, Or Red, White, Yellow, Alsyke Clovers, EVERT EVENING, 8 TO 12 O'CLOCK. and every description of Seeds on. MR GEORGE HAULER, Sale. Commencing at Eight o'clock. J . LARGE STOCK OF HOUSE FURNISHING MATERIALS : HTEAM TO NELSON AND THAMES GOLDFIELDS, Consisting of Union and All-wool Damasks, Furniture Reppes, (Should sufficient inducement offer.) Pekin Cloths, Tammies, Vic- The fast and favorite screw steamer MURRAY, A. M'Gillivray, Commander, "Will be despatched for the above port ON THURSDAY, Mid-day. At For freight J. PAUL, Agent, on Board. rNTEAM toria and Embossed Table- Covers, Sheetings,' Super-White Blankets, Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, Hearth-Rugs, &c, &c. or passage apply to TO THE GOLDFIELDS. THAMES 2 CASES LADLES' & CHILDREN'S THE THEATRE Tobacconist, Gladstone- street. UNDERCLOTHING, . The splendid twin screw steamer JOHN PENN, M. Caret, Commander, Will sail for the MANUKAU, on or about the 12 th September. Further particulars in future adYOUNG LADY is open for an vertisement. Engagement as BAEMAID. JOHN JOHNSON. Apply by letter to at this A PHOTOGRAPHER,' FLOWER AND ESSES SHAW, SAVILLE, CO'S PASSENGERS LINE PACKETS FIRST-CLASS COMPANY, & of Lowest Rates charged for Commiskept. sion and Storage on Consignments. Splendid Band in attendance. Choicest Brands of Liquors only And Something Fresh Every Evening August 30th, 1569. YICTOBIA HOUSE, CORNER OP . Gladstone and Freeman-streets, LONDON TO NEW ZEALAND. The undersigned, agents for the above Line of Ships, are prepared to make arrangements with settlers who may wish to bring their frieuds from England to this Colony, and to receive guarantees for payment of passage money upon arrival, at very reduced rates. NATH.EDWABDS AND CO., WESTPOET. Nelson. Igg Sole Agents for Runciman's Kaikorai Mills Oatmeal, and Woodhaugli Flax and Bone Co.'s Bone Manure, &c. 0 Agent. BOOTMAKEES. the above rooms for : TWO WEEKS. Intending visitors will please call before the 18th. THOS, ED. PRICE, HOTEL OFFERS a W. E. VEALE, TO to AVestport. Gladstone Street, Grey Blankets. COLONIAL PRODUCE STORES, Freeman Street, Westport. Fancy Dresses, Silks, Ribbons, Board and Residence at the Cheap- % COACHES, Saturday HOTEL, STAR Quality, Will leave the Empire Hotel for Charleston as follows: Tuesday 8.0 am. Friday GEORGE CLARK, late of the Oddfellows' Hotel, Gladstone j IStieet, Westport, hereby authorise J. G. HAY, Seedsman, Gladstone Street, to collect all accounts owing to me, and his signature will be sufficient for the same. GEORGE CLARK. On the Premises. "Wine, Spirits, and Ales of First La-w, Thomas Maqeugli, Thomas M'Gnigan, Mr M'lrahow, James Sullivan, Jeremiah. HOTEL, K Gladstone Street. " 150 Ex Maid of Erin, TELEGBAPII LINE OF Wednesday Thursday 100 Bags Otago Bran 6 Hhds Eggs by him on the former principles, so Applicants for any of tho above letters would state that their names appear in the m of this date. T. F. WINSTANLEY. Postmaster. P.O. Westport, July 31, 1860. TpSTPOET Tickets to be obtained through the Committee. NICHOLAS, ARMS „ EDWARD K. TYLER, ) Bradly, James Pleed, John Hielton, Geo. Moss, G. W. M'Carthy, Philips M'lnerany, Michael Sullivan, John Gentlemen's tickets, to include re- freshments, £1 10s Ladies by invitation. BOATMANS* -"- PROPRIETOR, and will be conducted ADDISON'S FLAT. GEO KG E : PRINCE S Sevan, William Smith, Caleb Hart, James Prout, John or A. Sautin, Pietro Waker, G. T. Liquors. undersigned begs inform the TIT Ladies and G-ciitlemen of Westport nnd its vicinity, that he has re-opened > R EOCHFOET. Bartellemv, Mr Kenall, N. W. Petrie, Alex. Watson, Charles White, Pat. The following have been appointed a Committee of Management Wm. J. Moore D. Ballam Win. 11. Forder Wo, G-. Collings Jas. Henderson E. M'Parland R. Denovan J. Edwards J. Mot-daunt D. Henderson W. E. V'eale JAS. CUNNINGHAM, Sec. G. JN'. Respecl fully acquaints the public that he has re-opened the above llolel, and will be happy to see any oi his friends. The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of Wines, Spirits, aud Mult on 21st September. Is again occupied by the ORIGINAL W Watt, W. S. White, Joseph Wav, G. ERIN „ ised by, the Buller public. Treamor, Patrick ANNIVERSARY "BALL and SUPPER of the CharlesJL Lodge ton of the above Order will be held in the CASINO DE VENISE, OF „ Hofer, Godfrey Londer, Thomas M N'Craian, Mr Moose, Alexander O O'Shaughncssy Michael rpilE MAID X LONDON PORTRAIT BOOMS, Molesworth Street, Westport. [ Lewis, Mrs J. NOTICE. „ the Coast, early cpplieation should be made, by private treaty, to Harrison, Hughes, Edwin •M. U., I. O. 0. E. . '■ IST of Unclaimed Letters received at the BAKERY, Jj Post Office, Westport, for the month of lONIAN TeREACE, May, and remaining' unclaimed on the 31st August, 18G9 At present doing a good trade, with A Anderson, John such portions of the stock as may suit Blowey, John Bradley, James the purchaser. C Cummins, Thomas As the proprietor intends leavin Enberg, Edwards LANDING, LODGE, , ~... " Dick, David NOW ESSRS M'MFCKAN, BLACKWOOD AND CO.'S steamers Dancing to commence afc 10 o'clock. je despatched, weather permitting, WESTPOBT JOCKEY CLUB. from Greytnoutb, on or about the IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF following dates:— \ WESTLAND NORTH. MEETING of Members and For Nelson, Wellington, Lyttelton, Westport. i_Jl_ Intending members of the Dunediu, Bluff Harbor, and Mel- Westport Jockey Ciub will he held He METRICK JONES, of Charlesat bourne. 1 ton, Bankrupt. Deerstalkers the POST OFFICE HOTEL, at S Captain ALHAMBRA, J. ""VTOTICE is hereby given that the o'clock on TUESDAY EVENING, 21st M'Lean, September. JLI above-named Meyrick Jones was Board, per week the 14th inst. Crimean Shirts. 2 11 5 o For Melbourne direct. this day adjudicated Bankrupt. First Board and Lodging, per week 1 15 0 (By Order.) Captain Calder,2lstSep. OMEO, meeting of Creditors appointed for GEO. LIMB RICK, GOTH EN B U KG.Captain UnderThursday, the 23rd day of September Sec. pro. tern. All old friends are requested to give 28th September. wood, instant, at the office of Francis Harris, Westport, Sep. 7. him a call. Esquire, Court House, Westport, at For freight or passage, apply to eleven o'clock forenoon, and at which NOTICE. GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF WALES HOTEL D. GIRDWOOD & CO., time and place the said Bankrupt is AKD Agents, hereby required to surrender. Mawhera Quay. Dated this 11th day of September, 18G9. SPANISH RESTAURANT, N.B.—Passengers booked through T HEREBY give notice that JAMES (Opposite the Camp,) Be JOBN PALMER of Charleston, to Sydney and Adelaide. FRANCE has no iuterest iu the PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIEEY, Bankrupt. Gladstone Street, AVestport. business carried on by me as Butcher "VTOTICE is hereby given that the S A N West-port, in and that I will not be reJIS above Court did this day apSILK & WOOL SCARFS. point TUESDAY the 12th day of Cafe aud Billiard Saloon, Private sponsible for any debts he may contract Ociober next, at eleven o'clock in the By the Undersigned Sitting Rooms, Bedrooms, &c. in my name or otherwise. forenoon, for the said John Palmer to TIES, COLLAKS, GLOVES, pass his last examination and make Board and Lodgings £2 per week. ALFRED SMITH. application i'or his discharge, on which 20 Tons West Taieri Potatoes Meals on Melbourne principle, from day the said John Palmer intends to BRACES, BELTS, &c, &c. Paluoerston-st., Sept. 8, 18G9. 2s, make such application accordingly. or SOs per week. 4 Chaff Otago Dated this 11th day of September, 1869. NOTICE. " UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST. LOYAL CHARLESTON PUBLIC MEETING will be lield at Mr BRENNAN'S ' 3 BOATMANS* ARMS HOTEL. : It is one of the group of The natives Cape de Verde Islands. here are almost all beggars. From the child two years old to the woman of sixty years they all h' Id their hands They are taught to beg for pennies. from their infancy, and passengers are greatly annoyed with them crowding round them. They go almost naked here and subsist on rice, maize, and \ station. JOSEPH TRIMBLE, SUPERIOR BILLIARD TABLE. Proprietor Choice Wines and Spirits. CTOEIA HOTEL JOHN GOOD BEDS Meals at all hours. JNO. HARRIS, Peopbietob. DRAGIIICAVICH, OFFICE AND JETTY STREET, DEPOT: DUNEDIN. Proprietor. J. D. having opened the ariove hotol trill be happy to see any of his friends. The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of wines, spirits, and malt liquors. A good Billiard Koom is attached to the hotel. DUNEDIN FLOUR BARLEY MILLS, WATER OF LEITH. & 4 THE WESTPORT TIMES, SEPTEMBER 14, 1869 OST-OFEICE HOTEL, WESTPORT, LARGE ARRIVALS OF NEW GOODS (Nearest to all Public Buildings.) toe MELBOURNE HOTEL, Charleston. Office of Cobb Co. SPRING AND SUMMER, & HAMILTON'S HOTEL, COBDEN. Livery Stables and Horses for Hire. SWEENEY'S HOTEL, Greymouth, adjacent to the Wharf. The Proprietors beg to draw the attention of Travellers and others to the unequalled accommodation at each of the above four spacious and comfortable hotels, and to assure them that no exertions will be spared by them to maintain the high character they have hitherto enjoyed. Alcoce's best Billiaed Tables. Night Watchman on the Premises AND 47 CASES, 14 BALES, 61 PACKAGES. FLEMING AND MURRAY, ■WHOLESALE & FRENCH GLADSTONE AND MOLESWOETH-STS,, & EC) OM to their present the acquaints thepublicthathehasremoved to opened a JOHN DERUNGSrespectfully SALE AT "With AT a M TJ U S THE a LAEGE SHOW- BREW JL ING, per Mary and late arrivals, from Melbourne and Duuediu, an assortment of Smith and Wellstood's Cooking and Heating Stoves Consisting of— Economist, Trafford, and Princess Hanges Empress, Victoress, and Countess Cooking Stoves Paragon and Excelsior Heating * Lectures on Sculpture Pictorial Handbook of Geography KrummacLier's Parables Stuart's Antiquities of Athens Ninevah and Its Palaces Craven's Young Sportsman Pottery and Porcelain Elia and Eiiana, by C. T~~ 1 Enquire Within uponL._. The Practical Poultry Keeper Memoirs of Count Grammont Count Hamilton's Fairy Tales Mossman's Heroes of Discovery Baxter's Coming Wonders The Old Picture Bible Slang Dictionary Standard Reciter by Carpenter Public Life of Macauley Scottish Life and Character Gymnastic Exercises, by Howard Fopular Readings in Prose and - G. F. CHESS WAS, HOUSE ' — GLADSTONE STEEET, Verso Hogarth's Works Illustrated Brindley and the Early Engineers, by Smiles , MANUFACTORY. „ GOTCII. STEEETS, WESTPOET 121 Holbohn Hill, London; Stdney \ and at and AND »> DVERTISEMENTS inserted in SOUTHWORTH the WESTPORT TIMES OFFICE » STATIONERY. i tbe 7 •. L 7 and dlfrercllL Bindings * in m „„„„„*. -n i °^ *" T -. generally, quickly and economically executed. lowing postal regulation:— Newspapers for transmission within the colony shall be posted in single numbers, so " put up that the date of publication may be seen. Packages of newspapers consisting of more than one number shall be treated as bookpackages. readily POST OFFICE SAVINGS' BANK. 6. Money may be deposited by or half of minors. Depositors over sevenon bo» of age are treated as persons of full age.years but minors under seven years of age cannot withdraw their deposits until they havereached the age of seven. 7. ApplicHtions to the Chief Office in 1 rovince on the business of Post Office each Sav ings Bauks, ind the replies sent thereto ara free fron ciargc or postage. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. COLONIST, THE TUESDAY FRIDAY. PUBLISHED AT KELSOy Quarter. A Summary for England published every month. NeMOU TTHEELEE'S ADVERTISING AGENCY, DUNEDIN. R. T. WHEELER, Advertising and General Commission Agent and Collector, f Stafford-street, Duncdin. Agent for Westport Times, Hoki. „ > Envelopes, Fancy, Mourning, Commercial. Legal, Official; Cream, Blue, Cloth-lined and Plain • Copying Presses, letter and foolscap sizes Artists' Materials, Customs ; Forms, Bi]ls p We and Eeccivabl prom i FSOry notes and Acceptance forms Elastic Band sizes, Slates and Penci] Steel Pens, Pocket-books and PurscSs Card c Strings and Furniture, Marking and Writing inkS; Blue, Black, and lied, &c, & c. All the Journals and Works of Fiction by the Standard Authors. All MILLER H day, Thursday, leaves the "Times" office for the ahove every Tuesand Saturday mora- . ing, at 5 a.m., arriving at 8 a.m., conveying letters, parcels, &c. Any letters, messages, or parcels, left j>t the Times" office, will ba " attended to. NOTI C E _ assorted" Violin . I,HOMAS DOLLMAN, NEWS AGENT, Pbinces Stbeej Charleston, has been appointed agent for this paper at Charleston. Adver tisements and all kinds of job work received. obtained Agency. Copies of the paper can bo at Thomas Dollmau's News EEID JtiL TJ 25T S O IT EVEBT AND Subscriptions, in advance, 7s 6d pel Land Agent. Alberfc> Queen's, Note, Letter, FoolsPuP ers Hand Jl and Post andf\P^ Machine made _ r, & CO. NOTICE. , IMPOETEE OF BOOKS AND STATIONEEY, GLADSTONE STREET, WESTPOET. Melbourne houses, and Commissions N.B.—UP-COUNTBY OBDEBS PEOMPTLT EXECUTED. ' Crown Grants Uplifted and Registercd. Land bought and sold. Waste Laud Sales Attended. Ad* vances on Land, &c, negotiated. Note the address : WHEELER'S ADVEETISINQ AGENCY, Stafford Street, Dunedin. "WESTPORT TIMES" DAILY EXPRESS TO CALEDONIAN GERMAN, AND GILES' TEBSmall, RACES. Melbourne. English,Continental,& American Newspapers. Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and Have always on hand a Superior Assortment of Cordials, South Australian punctuality, and at the lowest prices. , ANTED known, every descripProprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite and Malt Vinegar. Wines, tion of JOB-PRINTING done at connected with the printing business. Indents through the Sydney and PAIN „ • Bay Daily Times, Lvttelton Times, Nelson Mail, Nelson Examiner,Oamaru Times, Southland Times, Tuapeka Press, Tuapeka Times, Timaru Herald, Panama Star and Herald, Wikouaiti Herald, Wakatip Mail, West Coast Tines, Wairarapa Mercury, Taranaki Herald. R. T. Wheeler, High Rate Household and Domestic Economy Miscellaneous Works of Irving' Bunyan's Holy War, Illustrated English Statesmen, by Kebble Dick's English Drama Bulwer's Dramatic Works Bell's Modern Speaker Hill's Oratorical Trainer Emmerson's Complete Works Eccehomo Freedom and Slavery in America The Search after Livingston Evening Sacrifice Penny Miscellany, Division 12 Chambers's Encyclopedia, 10 vols. ROBINSON, " : tika Leader, Dunstan Times, Hawke's Lawrie's Interest Table &ESERAI DRAPERY, CIOTHIE&, BOOTS, &c, WILLIAM NEWSPAPERS. Forplaees within the colony, the Colonies, and the United Kingdom,Australian v a and Southampton, are chargeable jv<\Ji a Suei rate of one penny. Newspapers foi the United Kingdom, via Panama or Suez, one penny and Marseilles, threepence each. In consequence of newspapers being frequently posted in packages of moro than one number, the same are detained at the Chiei Post-ofllce, and attention is called to the fol- possits. Buchau's Domestic Medicine Manuel for Midwivea The Home Nurso Social Life Among the Chinese Lives of English Highwaymen WESTPOKT. WALLABI ; ; GLADSTONE THOMAS FIELD, AND WHOLESALE AND EETAIL IRONMONGER, KENNEDY STEEET, ... The New Zealand Gazette, of March 25th, Bridges' Phrenology publishes the following regulations foi the banks as above newly established at Dick's British Drama Christ. church, Lyttelton, Kaiapoi, Timaru, Akraoa Hayden's Dictionary of Dates Ilokitika, Greymouth, Waimate, Westport r A'Recket's Comic History of Rome and Charleston. Do 1. Interest at be rate of 4 per cent, pet do do England annum is given on sums less than £2OO Pollock's Course of Time the rate of 3 per cent, per annum on sums Gallery of Geography over .£SOO and in the same proportion foi Smollet's works complete any shorter time on every complete £1 dePhilix Holt the Radical posited, provided that no interest be allowed Timb's Notable Things of our Time on more than £SOO. 2. Depositors in the Post Office Saving's Bain's English Composition Ranks have direct Government Security foi Johnson's Lives of the Poets the prompt repayment of their money. Graham's Domestic Medicine 3. A depositor in any one of the Post Office Dis aeli's Curiosities of Literature Banks can continue his deposits at any othei of such Banks, and can withdraw his money Boccaccio Dccamorou at that Post Office Bank winch is most conJoe Miller's Jest Book venient to him. The Imperial and Royal Fortune 4. The strictest secresy is observed witl Tellers respect to the names of depositors in Post The Book of Elegant Extracts Office Bauks, and the amounts of their de- MUBEAY, VICTOBIA DERATED WATER AND COEDIAL ... " ATTENDED JONES, S " OH AT THE MILLINERY AND UNDERCLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Hokitiea and Nelsov Prices. I.—T\,\vn Lkttes. Posted at any Post-office within the colony from delivery at or from such l'ost-otfice Not exceeding half-an-ounee Onepenny Exceeding half-ail-ounce but not exceeding ohe o-uice Twopence For every ounce or fraction of an ounce ovci one ounce Twopence. 11. Country LerrKks. Posted ut any Post-office within the colony for delivery at or from any other Post-office within the same province— Not exceeding half-an-ounce , Twopence* Exceeding half-an-ounee but not exceeding one ounce Fourpence* For every ounce or fraction of an ounce over one ounce Fourpence 111. InTEKPUOVINCIAL J-CTTEUS. Posted at any Post-office within the colony for delivery at or from any Post-office in ac/ otlier province within the r ilony—Not exceeding half an ounce. Threepence, Exceeding hulf-nu-ouuce but not exceeding one ounce Sixpence* full For every ounce or fraction of aii" ounce over oue ounce Sixpence Webster's "Webster's Dictionary, 4to, 4to, 3000 Byron's Eastern Tales Illustrations. Goldsmith's Works Cobbett's History of the the ReformaRcformaGraglias's Italian and English tion. Spanish and English Irish National School Books, Penny Miscellany, Division 13. Rabeilais' Books. supplies Carpenter's Standard Reciter. Song Books Dictionary. Smith's Smaller Classical Dictionary. Maps mid Atlases of Ancient and Epitomy History, Catholic Prayer Books and Bibles Modern. English Church Services, Prayer Mechanics, Pnumatics, and Optics. Books and Bibles The Roses and Holly Electricity and Galvanism. Chemistry and Chemical Analysis Pictures from the Poets Smile's Self Help. Gems of Literature 100 Songs and Dances, German Josephus's complete works Concertina. Robinson Crusoe Moore's Irish Irish Melodies. Bunyan's Pilgram's Progress Christy Minstrels* Album. Christy Gulliver's Travels Mitchel's History of Ireland. The Seven Champions of Christendom Headings. Carpenter's Penny Readings. Green Flag Songster. The Spanish Gipsy Chambers's Etymological Etymological Dictionary Mansie W'auch by Webster's Dictionary and Key by Tyll Owlglass, adventures of Longmuire The Golden Gift Book Ballad Poetry of Ireland. Melville's White Kose Ogilvie's Student Dictionary. Swift's works complete Stoves Stove and Fire Bricks the opposite side of Gladstone Street, Avery's Platform Weighing Machines, to weigh 4, 5, 6, 7, and having secured the large and conven8 ewt. ient Hotel, THE IMPERIAL, so Tyll Owlglass. Counter and Gold Scales, Agate well known and centrally situaled; Hans Breii man's Ballads. Balance and he trusts, by a continuance 01 and Popular DeExtraordinary and Salter's Circular Balance, 241bs. lusions. attention to the wishes and comforts to 4001 bs Ingoldsby Legends. of his friends and the public generally, Kerosene Counter Stoves P. & M. trust that the same measure of support which has hitherto teen Travels. Livingston's Travels. Portland Cement, Plaster of Paris to merit a continuance of that supDixon's New America. House Bells and Furniture comport and patronage hitherto so liberally accorded to their other Branches will bo bestowed on their new Tim D&olan, the Irish Emigrant. plete accorded him. Bakers Cast up by the Sea. American Geard Meat-cutters Hill's Oratorical Trainer. MILLINERY AND UNDEECLOTHING- DEPARTMENT. Williams' Sausage Fillers Board, 25s per week. Wearing "Wearing of the Green Song-book. Choppers, Knives, and Saws Although wo have added this New Branch to our Establishment, we have Breakfast,ls6d;Dinner2s;Supperls6d Playing Cards. Colonial Ovens, Common and Peripatetic Philosopher. JOHN DERUNGS, Best not neglected our other Departments, which will be found replete with all the Emmerson's Works, complete. American Sack Trucks Proprietor. Gerald Griffin's Poems. Do Churns REQUIREMENTS AND NOVELTIES OP THE SEASON. Guns of of Literature, elegant, real and Milk Dishes, 18 and 20in. suggestive. PUBLIC NOTICE. Do Shimmers and Strainers The Book of Elegant Extracts. Intending purchasers now can have cut lengths at MELBOURNE PRICES. Butter Beaters and Prints ,HE Undersigned, having considerSecond, third, third, and fourth I.N.S. Flat Camp Kettles, nests, 1 to 12 School-books. ably enlarged his warehouses COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY TO. quarts in Kennedy-street, is now prepared to Carpenter's and Mavor's SpellingBound, Oval, and Square Baking book. supply Wholesale Buyers at LOWEST Dishes PRICES, and has in Stock and to Second Sequel and Arithmetics. Cast-irou Pestles and Mortars arrive:— Sinclair's Musical Bijou Buckets Tin Iron-hooped & Cnristmas numbers of All Cnristmas All the Tear Ames' and Day's L.H.R.P., and Stroug Glasgow Buckets square shovels. Round Plain and Moulded Panel Doors Round The Book of Familiar Familiar Quotations Day's, Sanderson, and Ward's Glazed Sashes, Bxlo to 12x18 Wise Sayings of the Great and D.H'd. shovels. Assortment of Johnston's Cutlery, Good Leyden's strap'd spades and Consisting of:— coal shovels. Every Man his own Lawyer Knives, Forks, and Carvers Napoleon's Book of Fate Collins' picks, 3 £- to Slbs. Ivory-handled Dinner and Desert Sluice forks, driving picka. Urville Orville College, Mildred, Arknell, Knives and Lister's and Elster's Folly ; by Mrs Wood Quicksilver, sheet copper, 2 and Bread Knives and Platters Deßonnechose History of France 4 feet wide. Oyster and Glaziers' Knives The Book of Battles Nitric acid in 71b bottles. Sheath and Pocket Knives Manilla rope, fin. to Gin. Chatterton's Poems Razors, Fleams, and Clipping Acton's Cookery Book Europe do, fin to sin Scissors do do do Meg Dud's do Hall's blasting powder in 25fe Paper-hangers', and Tailors' Creasv's 15 Decisive Battles of the kegs. Scissors Bickford's tape fuse. 10 Casks and Crates Earthenware, World O Grain glass, rifle and HF Croker's Killarney Killarney Legends China, and Glass, Grimaldi's Memoirs, Memoirs, by Dickens powder. Consisting of: Charles Dickens' Novels complete, Charles Shot, caps, wads, and gun furniture Plates and Dishes half-bound. Persian and in Cloth half-bound Double and single fowling pieces Cups and Saucers, Bowls, Mugs, Bindings Bindings from £2 to £6. Bar Jugs 8.8.H. bar and rod iron. Gasc's French and English DictionChamber Sets, Basins and Ewers (Opposite the Camp.) Boiler, plate, sheet, and hoop iron. Dinner Sets, Butter Dishes Tinsmiths' iron, block tin and Chambers's German German Dictionary Cream-ewers, and Milk Jugs in Do Latin Do solder. Glass and China Q-. F. C. having purchased the Stock of Divine Teacher Charcoal tin plates, 10, IX., Stone Filters, Bread Pans XX., DX. Duffy's Orators of Ireland Flowerpots, Pickle Jars, Teapots Haverty's History of Ireland Lead and gas pipe, Irin to 2in. A splendid assortment of cut Smiths' bellows, 16 to 40 inches. Enquire Within and pressed Tumblers Do anvils, 12ibs to 4cwt. Scott's, Byron's, Burns, Longfellow, Wine, Champagne, and Claret From Mr JNO. SOUTHERN, lately occupying the premises of the firm Milton's, and Moore's Poems, FullStock and dies, i to l|in. Glasses, &c Tram wheels, 8 to 20in. bound Morocco, beautifully Illustrated The Percy Anecdotes, 2 vols The known as Whim do, Bto 18in. Plutarch's Lives, by Langhorn Hoop iron for tram rails, lxf-. THOMAS FIELD, Smith's Wit and Wisdom Galvanized corrugated iron, 5 to & by Evening and Spurgeon's Evening by 9 feet. Morning by Morning IMPORTER OF BRITISH AND Morning Painted do, 6, 7, and 8 feet. Dr Syntax's Three Tours Corrugated Zinc, Bx3. Respectfully requests the support of the inhabitants of Westportand Thiers' French Revolution Thiers* AMERICAN HARDWARE, Ridging, spouting, nails, and washers. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy Surrounding districts. Doors and sashes. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary KENNEDY STREET, Christmas Books, Book?, Irish Sketch Book, Carpenters' rim and D. Back Esmond Lovell the Widower, and locks, 5 to lOin. WESTPOB.T. Cornhill to to Cairo, by Thackeray Carpenters* tools in great variety. Howitt's Lives of of the Queens of Cross-cut and pit saws, 4 to 7 feet. ENGLISH The Stock is extensive and well-assorted, the whole having been purchased NEAVSPAPERS England gland England Ewbank's patent nails, 1£ to Gin. Cut nails, floorand finishing brads. by Mr CEISWICK, during his late visit to Melbourne. Charles Charles Lamb's complete complete Works BOOKS, MAGAZINES, &o. Lover's Lover's Letter AVriter V. J. Rubber belting, 3 to Sin, Johnston's Johnston's Rassellas The new Proprietor will use his best endeavours to retain any patronage Eassellas DAWSON & SONS, Hemp packing. Lover's Lover's Dictionary Perforated and wire gratings. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL that may be accorded him, by the strictest attention to business and the Lott's Lott's Harem Anti-friction grease and soft soap. Life Lite Booksellers and Newsvenders, requirements and wishes of his customers. M'Laren's M'Laren's Systematic Memory Castor, colza, and neatsfoot oil. 121, Cannon Street, City, London, Westward Ho, and Geoflry Geoffry Hamlyn, Paints, oils, and colors. Westward England. by Kingsly Pitch, tar, oakum, resin, and by (Established 1509.) Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Reader's companion cotton waste. Ash oars, 10 to 24 feet. The L'he Habits of Good Society Orders for English Books, Maga, Maunder's Ladies' and Gents' saddles and Maunder's Treasury of the Bible zines, Periodicals, Newspapers, &c., bridles. Botany punctually attended to; carefully Dray, harness, and pack saddles. Telemaque Teleinaque relemaque packed and despatched by first Mails Chambers's .bamoerss Mathematical Mathematical Tables Milner's safes, copying presses. to all parts of India, China, Australia, rate s Geometry Furnishing ironmongery, splenTate's Tasmania, and New Zealand. did assortment. Chambers's chambers s Algebra A gebra Remittance, or reference in London \ COBNEE OP MOLESWOETH China, glass, and earthenware. Chambers's Mathematics for payment, to accompany all orders Manual of of Commerce .Kerosene lamps, great variety. Manual Caron's .aron s French Grammer GORDON AND BROWN, ' STOEE PALMEESTON STEEET, long-felt want in the Buller district, they have FLEMING IT O GLADSTONE STEEET. Extensive Premises. view of supplying PACKEES r| IHE Undersigned is NOW LAND- BETAIL T> ESPECTEULLY intimate that they have added & SUPPLIED lantle, Millinery, & Ladies' TJnderclotliiiig Room. IMPORTERS OE DRAPERY, CIOTIIM1 BOOTS, Gladstone Stueet. POSTAGE RATES. ... ON EXTENSION OF PREMISES, AND OPENING OF NEW HOTEL, RESTAURANT, THE NEW ... Proprietors. ALLIANCE IB O O IZZ S 7 WESTPOET BEEWEEY EX "AGNES MUIB," DIRECT FROM GLASGOW. HOTEL-KEErEES QILMEE BROTHERS, MPERIAL 2sT E N.B.—ALL BOOKS NOT IN STOCK PEOMPTLT PEOCUEED. _IAJ_ authorised AGENT to receive Advertisements and Collect Account! on behalf of the Westport Times RKID & CO.■jg Printed and Published every Tuesdafi Thursday, and Saturday by JohJ Tyerklj., Wallabi-street.for theProprietor* Rkib and Co, at the V/istpoht Tim* Office, Molesworth-stroet- W'estport Province of Nelson. Xvw Zeahnd.—lue»cbji September 14, ] <3G9.
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