April 2014 South Towns Builders - Southtowns Builders Association


April 2014 South Towns Builders - Southtowns Builders Association
April 2014
South Towns Builders
Building It Better In The South Towns
Member Services
PO Box 27
Hamburg, NY 14075
The South Towns
Code of Ethics
Devices offer green benefits to water heaters, appliances, showerheads
LISLE, Illinois -- Water softeners can save significant amounts of money
and energy in the home, a major new study by the independent Battelle
Institute revealed.
Softeners help preserve the efficiency of water heaters and major appliances
and keep showers and faucets unclogged, the report found. The study was
commissioned by the Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) in
2009. Battelle Memorial Institute is a renowned independent testing and
research facility dedicated to applied science and technology development.
Among some of the key findings of the study:
Gas water heaters:
Gas storage tank household water heaters operated on softened water
maintained the original factory efficiency rating over a 15-year lifetime.
a. All members shall constantly seek
to provide better values, so that an
even greater share of our people may
enjoy the proper reward.
b. Members shall strive to develop the
efficiency of the home building industry to the end that labor may receive
its just and proper reward.
c. Members shall at all times contribute their knowledge in the home
building to the best interest of those
they serve.
d. Members shall not knowingly enter
into any contract, the terms of which
are designed to imperil the right of
either labor or the suppliers of materials to receive fair return for services
performed or goods furnished.
e. Members shall not obtain any
business by means of fraudulent
statement or by use of implications
warranted by fact for reasonable
f. Members shall comply both in spirit
and letter with rules and regulations
prescribed by law and government
agencies for the health, safety and
progress of the community.
g. Members shall be alert to examine
proposed or enacted state and local
legislation which might be detrimental to social, economic and political
h. Members shall not perform, or
cause to be performed, any act which
would tend to reflect on, or bring into
disrepute, any part of the home building industry.
i. The Association shall be nonpolitical and shall not endorse any political
party or candidate for public office.
Address Correction
PO Box 27
Hamburg, NY 14075
The South Towns Builders Association is a non-profit
organization whose purpose is the enhancement of the
relationship between the consumer and the building industry
and its related counterparts.
Mission Statement
South Towns Builders Association
2014 Board of Directors
On the other hand, hard water can lead to as much as a 48% loss of
efficiency in water heaters.
Bill Schmitz • President
Gernatt Asphalt Products, Inc.
Each five grains per gallon of water hardness causes a 4% loss in
efficiency and 4% increase in cost for gas storage tank water heaters
when using 50 gallons of hot water per day. (On 30 gpg hard water,
that’s 24% less efficient than with softened water.)
John Keem, Jr. • Vice President
Superior Decks & Gazebos
Each five grains per gallon of hardness causes an 8% loss in efficiency
and 8% increase in cost when using 100 gallons of hot water per day
in a gas storage tank water heater. (On 30 gpg hard water, that’s 48%
less efficient than with softened water.)
Karen Trouskie • Treasurer
K&R Day Trucking
Electric water heaters:
Up to 30 pounds of calcium carbonate rocklike scale can accumulate
in these heaters over time, according to the study. The life of the
heating element will be shortened due to scale buildup because of
increased operating temperature of the heating element.
Vicki Weixlmann • Secretary
Lakeshore Savings
Also each five gpg of water hardness causes 0.4 pounds of scale
accumulation each year in electric storage tank household water
heaters. Such scale adversely affects the water heater’s performance.
Stephen Eisenhauer
Ikeco Inc.
Battelle says in the electric storage water heaters operating on
unsoftened water “the life of the heating element can be expected to
shorten due to scale buildup increasing the operating temperature
of the element.”
Lesli Nelson
Ecolo Ionex of WNY
Tankless heaters:
Indoor instantaneous gas water heaters (tankless heaters) operated
on softened water maintained the original factory efficiency rating
over a 15-year lifetime. The study found that tankless water heaters
completely failed to function because of scale plugging in the
downstream plumbing after only 1.6 years of equivalent hot water
use on 26 gpg hard water.
Denver Persinger
Great Lakes Concrete Products
Gary Pollard
Pollard Windows & Doors
Nick Popovski
V I P General Contracting Company
Softened water saves 34% of costs compared to operating on 20 gpg
and saves 47% compared to operation on 30 gpg hard water.
Showerheads and faucets:
Showerheads on soft water maintained a brilliant luster and full
flow. Faucets on softened water performed well throughout the
study; nearly as well as the day they were installed. Showerheads
on hard water lost 75% of the flow rate in less than 18 months.
Faucets on hard water could not maintain the specified 1.25 gallons
per minute flow rate because of scale collection of the strainers.
The strainers on the faucets using unsoftened water were almost
completely plugged after 19 equivalent days of testing.
In the study, dishwashers and washing machines were operated
for 30 days and 240 completed wash cycles on soft and hard water
sources. The units using soft water were almost completely free of
any water scale buildup. As the report states, they appeared as if
(Continued on page 4)
Calendar of Events
Dinner Meeting
Dog Bar West Falls Hotel
Dinner Meeting
Cooley’s Pools & Spas
Keith Wesolowski will discuss
legalties for small businesses
Golf Outing
Brierwood CC
*See the enclosed flyer for more
Hump Day Picnic and
Pig Roast
Hamburg Moose Lodge - 992
45 Church St., Hamburg, NY
*See the enclosed flyer for more information. Watch your mailbox for tickets
Dinner Meetings
April 21, 2014 • Dog Bar - West Falls Hotel
Keith Wesolowski will discuss legalities for small businesses. Keith is an
attorney who practices privately in WNY and specializes in small
business challenges. Bring your questions on April 21.
We have 4 choices for dinner: 6 oz. Strip Steak, Grilled Sea Bass, 1/4 Chicken Baked and Broiled Seafood Medley (shrimp, scallops
and lobster dainty).
Dinner cost is $25 - with a free drink with dinner - you can’t beat that.
May 19, 2014
Scott Colley invites us to Colley’s Pools on Camp Road for a get together
and tour of their facilities. Please join us as we visit the world of Pools &
Spas. Paul Cooper – Townsquare Media will do a short presentation on
Advertising and Web presence.
Dinner Meeting Recap
March’s Dinner meeting was held at McKenzie’s Bar & Grille on March
24th. We had great attendance for the fact filled presentation offered
by Rocco Lueck about the Affordable Care Act. The staff at McKenzie’s
welcomed our group with friendliness and delicious food. Rocco Lueck
explained many of the ins and outs that small businesses are required to
follow in order to be compliant with the Affordable Care Act provisions. If
you are interested in the services that Rocco provides, you can reach him
at (716) 332-6123.
New Website
We will be unveiling our new website this month! Send Tara your email
address to be on the list for the unveiling.
(Continued from page 2)
they could be cleaned up to look like new with just a quick wipe down. The appearance of the inside of units using
hard water showed the need for deliming and cleaning due to the buildup of scale and deposits.
WQA is a not-for-profit association that provides public information about water treatment issues and also trains and certifies professionals to better
serve consumers. WQA has more than 2,500 members internationally.
Member Spotlight
Superior Decks and Gazebos - John Keem, Jr.
Welcome STBA to Facebook! Please check out our Facebook page at Southtowns Builders Association. Please
show you’re happy to see us by liking our page! Check in for meeting and event reminders, as well as networking
with fellow STBAers!
Superior Decks and Gazebos is owned by John Keem, Jr. The difference between the rest and the best is that we
have experience building decks for over 25 years. This includes a wide variety of decking styles. Owner, John Keem,
Jr. is on-site for every job, there is 2-year warranty, satisfaction guaranteed, and no down-payment until the job
is finished. This ensures that the customer can put their trust in a Superior company. Superior builds decks year
round. What some may not know is that the fall and winter are the best time to build a new deck. This allows the
material to season properly and to not dry too quickly. In addition, consumers can take advantage of the falling
lumber prices that may lead to a substantial amount of savings. For more information, send a request on the
Contact Us page at wnydecks.com or by calling John at (716) 549-4226.
Welcome New Members!
Ecolo Ionex - Lesli and Howard Nelson
ARB Heating & Cooling
Rick Borowski, President
1522 Underhill Road
East Aurora, NY 14052
(716) 805-0122
ARB Heating and Cooling offer HVAC plumbing and electric services in all of Erie County and the Southtowns.
Ecolo Ionex is run by Lesli and Howard Nelson. Leslie’s Dad, DeWayne Hanes started Ecolo Ionex in 1996, though
he started in water filtration in 1963. Leslie and her husband, Howard began the business in WNY in 2006.
DeWayne worked for 2 different Water Softening Companies - Culligan and General Ionex. General Ionex cleaned
the water and softened the water at the same time. This left an impression on him and he studied ways to begin
doing this for individuals and not just large corporations. Lesli and Howard feel clean water should be affordable
to everyone. They work to find greener systems that work in everyone’s budget. They offer water analysis and
options for both individuals and companies. In addition to water softening in homes and they offer water coolers
without the bottles. DeWayne and Howard are both certified water specialist in our business. They keep up with
the latest laws as well as the guidelines set to clean and filter water. They give no-cost assistance for the first year of
an installation. The best way to contact them is by phone at (716) 835-0236, visit their website at
www.ecoloionex.com or Email them at ecoloionexwny@verizon.net.
Capozzi Paving, Inc.
Nicholas Capozzi, III, President
2 Main Street
Depew, NY 14043
(716) 681-3600
Capozzi Paving offers blacktop and concrete driveway services, blacktop sealing, patios, pads and walks. They work in
the Southtowns and Northtowns.
Window Experts & More
Charlie Contrino, Manager
2099 Town Line Road
Alden, NY 14004
Window Experts & More offer replacement windows, new construction windows, sunrooms, roofing, siding and doors.
See Your
Ad Here.