kit inbound
kit inbound
Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 __________________, _________ _______________________________ TO: Endereço: Cidade: Cód. Postal: Estado: País: ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE - PLACEMMENT IN NORBREX MULTIDISTRICT Welcome to Brazil Dear _________________, It is a great pleasure to inform that you have been placed in the Norbrex Multidistrict as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. We hope that your Exchange Year in Brazil will be enjoyable and a great experience. Attached this letter you have: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Inbound Student Information Sheet Travel Permission Norbrex Information Guarantee Form/Visa FRN 49/00 - Formulario de Pedido de Visto Declaração de Responsabilidade com Estudante Estrangeiro Visa Form Rotary Club CNPJ School Declaration Norbrex Rules and Conditions for Rotary Youth Exchange Students The document 3, “Travel Permission”, needs to be signed by your parents and you need to give to your counselor during the first week in Brazil. The documents 4 to 9 are necessary to issue the Student Visa to Brazil. Sincerely, Francisco Leandro de Araújo Jr. Multidistrict Chair E-Mail: Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Represent. Distrital: Ocupação e Distrito: E-Mail: Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 Student: INBOUND STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET 1/3 Host District Host Rotary Club: Rotary Club Club President 2007-2008: Endereço: Cód. Postal: Estado: Cidade: País: H. Phone: E-Mail: Club President 2008-2009: Endereço: Cód. Postal: Cidade: Estado: País: H. Phone: E-Mail: Club Youth Exchange Officer: Endereço: Cód. Postal: Estado: Cidade: País: H. Phone: E-Mail: First Host Family: and Endereço: Cód. Postal: Estado: Cidade: País: H. Phone: E-Mail: Counselor: Endereço: Cód. Postal: Cidade: Estado: País: H. Phone: E-Mail: Phone: E-Mail: School: Website: Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 Student: INBOUND STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET 2/3 1. Flights Your flights tickets for arrival and departure should be issued to in Nome do Aeroporto + SIGLA: Airport, Cidade: If possible please arrive between the first and second week of July. This will allow you some learn a little Portuguese before school starts. School will start in the third week of July. If you live in Europe, the best option is the TAP Airlines ( because it has direct flights to cities in the Norbrex Multidistrict: Fortaleza-CE (FOR) – if you go to District 4490 Natal-RN (NAT) and Recife-PE (REC) – if you go to District 4500 Salvador-BA (SSA) – the best connection if you go District 4390 If you will arrive in Sao Paulo (GRU) you have to get your baggage BEFORE you go to Department of Immigration and you will need to do a new check-in to get the next connection flight. Please notify all people in this document of your planned travel arrangements as soon as possible. If there is any possibility that you will not be able to arrange a ticket to the required airport, please contact us to find out about other possibilities. Your parents can check your flight on This page shows all the Brazilians airport terminals arrivals and departures. If there is any flight changes during your journey, or if you need assistance, please call us. In Brazil you may call collect from any public phone by dialing the numbers bellow: Cellular: 9 021 Home Phone: 9 021 Work Phone: 9 021 Cel. de Emergência: Tel. de Emergência: Tel. de Emergência: 2. Student Visa You will need a Temporary Visa I (VITEM I) for 12 months from your departure date. Visa Forms and instructions are enclosed. Usually it is necessary to go through the Embassy or Consulate for the visa to be issued, it depends on the Brazilian Consular authority. Please make sure that your parents have signed all forms before sending so that there will be no delay and the Visa can be issued promptly. The necessary information can be found at: Acesse o site "", localize o consulado vigente e obtenha as informações abaixo: Consulado: Endereço: Cód. Postal: Cidade, Estado: País: Phone(s): Homepage: Jurisdiction: Fax: E-mail: Please contact me immediately if you have any difficulty obtaining the student Visa. Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 Student: INBOUND STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET 3/3 3. First Month in Brazil During the first 30 days in Brazil It is necessary to register with resident at the Federal Police. The documents necessary to register: - Copy of Visa Form (used to issue visa at the Brazilian Embassy) - Passport - Copy of the Guarantee Form - Two 3cm x 4cm picture - Registration fee 4. Norbrex Meetings The “Exchange Student Orientation Meeting” will be in September. All inbounds students have a great opportunity to get to know each other, to know the rules and conditions of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program in Brazil, to learn more about the Norbrex Multidistrict and choose inner-country trips from all across Brazil. The “Christmas Party” will be on second week of December. 5. Presentation for Rotary Clubs and School During your year here, you will be expected to make a number of presentation about your home country, city and family. Please bring with you any slides in Microsoft Power Point, photographs, tourist material or other items, that will help you with your presentation. 6. Reserve Fund You are expected to bring an amount of US$300.00 as an emergency fund. This should be deposited during your first week with the president of your host Rotary Club. This money is only needed in special cases. When the expenses are your responsibility and cannot be paid from your other allowance. In case the money is not needed it will be returned during the last month of your exchange year. 7. Travels Belo Brasil Tours is the tourism company certified to offer travels to all exchange students in Norbrex Multidistrict. All travels options have special prices to Norbrex Inbounds Exchange students. Open the website “” and see the opportunities of travels and prices. If you choose the Portuguese language, get into the icon “Area Restrita” and if you choose the English language get into the “Members Area” icon and type in the following login and password: Login: rotary Password: belobrasil Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 __________________, _________ To Whom It May Concern Travel Permission for Rotary International Youth Exchange Student __________________________________________, student sponsored by the Rotary Club __________________________, District ______ in ___________________, is a member of Youth Exchange Program of Rotary International hosted by Rotary Club __________________________, District ______ in Brazil, during the _____________ school year While on exchange this students, has our permission to participate in travel that is approved by Norbrex Multidistrict or the host Rotary Club. Such travel may include Rotary sponsored tours, travel with host families, school trips, and any other travel authorized by host Rotary District or the host Rotary Club. __________________________________________ Father: __________________ Date: [dd/mm/yyyy] __________________________________________ Mother: __________________ Date: [dd/mm/yyyy] Parents’ Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Parents’ Phone: (Home) ___________________________ (Cell.) ___________________________ Parents’ e-mails: __________________________________ , __________________________________ Note: Address: If parents wish to provide this “blanket” authorization, this form should be completed and signed shortly before the student leaves home, and the student should give copies to: - the host Club’s Youth Exchange Committee, and - the District Youth Exchange Committee responsible for the student. The student and his or her parents should also keep a copy. Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 A/C: Divisão de Vistos ________________, ____ de _____________ de _______ DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE COM ESTUDANTE ESTRANGEIRO ____________________________________ e _________________________________, brasileiros, casados, residentes no endereço abaixo citado e o o Rotary Club _____________________________ do Distrito Rotario _______, cadastrado sob o CNPJ _______________________, se comprometem em receber, hospedar e assumir todas as demais responsabilidades com ______________________________________, estudante do Programa de Intercâmbio de Jovens do Rotary Internacional (Rotary Youth Exchange). ______________________________________, nascida em _________________________ e filha natural de ________________________________ e ______________________________, permanecerá no Brasil durante o período de __________________ até __________________. ____________________________________ R.G.: CPF: << Colocar o Órgao Emissor ____________________________________ R.G.: CPF: Endereço: Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil << Colocar o Órgao Emissor ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Programa de Intercâmbio de Jovens FORMULÁRIO DE PEDIDO DE VISTO – FRN 49/00 - CNIg Elaborado de acordo com a Resolução Normativa Nr. 49, de 19-12-2000 I – IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO ESTUDANTE (IDENTIFICATION OF THE APPLICANT) Nome/Name (first, middle and family) Data de Nascimento / Date of Birth (day/mo/year) Nome do Pai / Father’s Name Sexo/Sex (M/F) Nome da Mãe / Mother’s Name País/Country Distrito Patrocinador/Sponsor District II – COMPROMISSO DOS PAIS Nós, os pais do (a) estudante acima mencionado (a), nos responsabilizamos com o seguinte: 1) Adquirir uma passagem de ida e volta para o Brasil; 2) Adquirir apólice de seguro-saúde e contra acidente. 3) Adquirir todo o vestuário necessário, inclusive uniformes escolares, se necessário. 4) Arcar com quaisquer custos adicionais, se necessário. Assinatura do pai/ Father’s signature Distrito Anfitrião/Host District II – PARENT’S GUARANTEE We, the parents of the above named student , agree to the following: 1) Purchase round trip air travel to Brazil. 2) Pay costs for health and accident insurance. 3) Pay for clothing for the applicant’s welfare and any uniforms required. 4) Pay additional costs as circunstances arise. Assinatura da mãe/Mother’s signature Data/Date (day/mo/year) III – COMPROMISSO DO ROTARY INTERNATIONAL O órgão do Rotary International abaixo mencionado compromete-se a providenciar moradia e refeições em lares aprovados, a dar uma mesada de valor equivalente em moeda nacional a US$ e a proporcionar orientação e supervisão necessárias para assegurar o bem estar do (a) estudante acima identificado (a). Rotary Club Órgão do Rotary Anfitrião CNPJ Nome do Presidente do órgão Assinatura do Presidente do órgão Data/Date (day/mo/year) IV – PRIMEIRA FAMÍLIA ANFITRIÃ (FIRST HOST FAMILY) Nome/Name: Pai/Father ou/or Mãe/Mother CPF Endereço/Address Código Postal/Postal Code RG–Identidade/Órgão Emissor Cidade-UF/City-State País/Country Telefone Residencial/Home Phone E-mail or Fax V – CONSELHEIRO DO CLUBE ANFITRIÃO (HOST CLUB COUNSELOR) Nome/Name Endereço/Address Sexo/Sex (M/F) E-Mail Telefone Residencial/ Home Phone VI – ANEXOS/ATTACHED: 1 – Cópia da Ata de Fundação e do CNPJ do órgão do Rotary; 2 – Declaração do Colégio sobre Reserva de Vagas REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL MINISTÉRIO DAS RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES FORMULÁRIO DE PEDIDO DE VISTO VISA APPLICATION FORM DADOS PESSOAIS / PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTOCOLO Nº 01 NOME COMPLETO FIRST/MIDDLE/FAMILY NAME VISTO Nº 02 NASCIDO EM (Cidade/Estado/País) PLACE OF BIRTH (City/State/Country) 04 NACIONALIDADE NATIONALITY FAVOR ANEXAR FOTO TAM. 2 x 2 POLEGADAS AQUI 03 DATA DE NASCIMENTO (d/m/a) DATE OF BIRTH (d/m/y) 05 SEXO GENDER 07 NÚMERO DOC. DE VIAGEM PASSPORT NUMBER OR TRAVEL NUMBER PLEASE STAPLE A 2 x 2 INCHES PHOTO HERE 06 ESTADO CIVIL MARITAL STATUS 08 PAÍS EXPEDIDOR ISSUING COUNTRY 09 EXPIRAÇÃO (d/m/a) EXPIRATION DATE (d/m/y) 10 NOME DOS PAIS PARENTS’ NAME NACIONALIDADE NATIONALITY do pai/father’s: da mãe/mother’s: 11 ENDEREÇO RESIDENCIAL HOME ADDRESS 12 TELEFONE Nº TELEPHONE # 13 PROFISSÃO OCCUPATION 14 ENDEREÇO PROFISSIONAL BUSINESS ADDRESS 15 TELEFONE Nº TELEPHONE # 16 EMPREGADOR EMPLOYER PARA USO OFICIAL / FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A - Consulta à SERE B - Autorização da SERE ______________ Nº _________ DConcessão Denegação Prorrogação H - Observações C - Tipo do Visto ______________ Nº _________ E - Entradas Uma Múltiplas ____________________________ F - Prazo de Estada __________anos/dias G - Data ____ /____ /_______ dia mês ano I - Assinaturas Funcionário Chefia DADOS PESSOAIS / PERSONAL INFORMATION (CONT.) 17 OBJETIVO DA VIAGEM AO BRASIL / PURPOSE OF VISIT TO BRAZIL (PLEASE CHECK AS APPROPRIATE) VIAGEM ESTRITAMENTE DE NATUREZA TURÍSTICA (ATIVIDADES REMUNERADAS PROIBIDAS) MY VISIT WILL BE STRICTLY FOR TOURISM (NO PAID ACTIVITIES ARE ALLOWED). VIAGEM DE NEGÓCIOS I AM GOING TO BRAZIL ON BUSINESS. VIAGEM DE TRÂNSITO I AM IN TRANSIT. PARTICIPAÇÃO EM SEMINÁRIOS OU CONFERÊNCIAS I WILL PARTICIPATE IN SEMINARS OR CONFERENCES. PARTICIPAÇÃO EM PROGRAMAS CULTURAIS/CIENTÍFICOS I WILL TAKE PART IN A CULTURAL/SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM. DESEMPENHO DE ATIVIDADES DE PESQUISA I WILL DEVELOP RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. TRABALHO EM ATIVIDADES DE ASSISTÊNCIA SOCIAL I WILL ACCOMPANY A GROUP OF CHURCH VOLUNTEERS AND/OR TAKE PART IN COMMUNITY SOCIAL WORKS. PARTICIPAÇÃO EM ATIVIDADES ESPORTIVAS E/OU ARTÍSTICAS I INTEND TO PARTICIPATE IN SPORT AND/OR ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES. TRABALHO COMO CORRESPONDENTE JORNALÍSTICO I INTEND TO WORK AS A MEDIA CORRESPONDENT. TRABALHO COM CONTRATO NO BRASIL I INTEND TO HOLD A POSITION UNDER AN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT IN BRAZIL. TRABALHO COMO MISSIONÁRIO RELIGIOSO NO BRASIL I INTEND TO WORK AS A RELIGIOUS MISSIONARY IN BRAZIL. ATIVIDADE EM ÁREAS HABITADAS POR POPULAÇÕES INDÍGENAS I INTEND TO VISIT AREAS INHABITED BY INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS. CURSOS ESCOLARES NO BRASIL I WILL ATTEND SCHOOL IN BRAZIL. VIAGEM EM MISSÃO OFICIAL I WILL TRAVEL IN AN OFFICIAL MISSION. ACOMPANHAMENTO DE PESSOAS EM MISSÃO OFICIAL I WILL ACCOMPANY MEMBERS OF AN OFFICIAL MISSION. SOLICITAÇÃO DE VISTO PERMANENTE I AM APPLYING FOR A PERMANENT VISA. OUTROS (INDICAR) OTHER (EXPLAIN) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18 NOME E ENDEREÇO DA PESSOA, ENTIDADE OU EMPRESA DE CONTATO NO BRASIL NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON, INSTITUTION OR COMPANY WHERE YOU CAN BE CONTACTED IN BRAZIL. or 19 ENDEREÇO NO BRASIL ADDRESS IN BRAZIL 20 TELEFONE Nº TELEPHONE # 21 LOCAL E DATA DE DESEMBARQUE PLACE AND DATE OF ARRIVAL 22 DESTINO DESTINATION 24 JÁ ESTEVE NO BRASIL? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN BRAZIL? 25 EM CASO AFIRMATIVO, QUANDO/LOCAL/DURAÇÃO DA ÚLTIMA ESTADA IF YES, WHEN/PLACE /LENGTH OF LAST STAY SIM (YES) 23 PERÍODO DA ESTADA LENGTH OF INTENDED STAY NÃO (NO) DADOS PESSOAIS / PERSONAL INFORMATION (CONT.) 26 DECLARO SEREM VERDADEIRAS E COMPLETAS AS INFORMAÇÕES CONTIDAS NO PRESENTE DOCUMENTO. I DECLARE THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. NOME / NAME DIA DAY DATA / DATE MÊS ANO MONTH YEAR ASSINATURA / SIGNATURE Applicant Name (D) HOST CLUB AND DISTRICT GUARANTEE Name of Club The Rotary Club of Club ID # will provide room and board in approved homes, provide up to one year R.C. of study at the secondary school level, invite the applicant to participate Club President Name in Rotary club and district events and activities typical of our country, and provide guidance and supervision to assure the applicant’s welfare. The host Rotary club will also give the applicant a monthly allowance in Date (e.g., 01/Jan/2006) the amount of US$ . District agrees to ensure adequate training for host parents and Youth Exchange volunteers and orientation for the student upon his/her arrival. District # Signature Home Phone E-mail Club Secretary / YEO Name Date (e.g., 01/Jan/2006) Signature Home Phone E-mail District Chair Name Signature Date (e.g., 01/Jan/2006) Home Phone E-mail (E) HOST CLUB COUNSELOR (required) Name Address — Street City State/Province Postal Code Country Home Phone Mobile Phone Fax E-mail (F) SCHOOLING GUARANTEE Name of School (To be completed by the school the applicant will attend in host country) The applicant will attend school from date of school start for one school year. Costs of tuition and activities not a part of the normal curriculum must be paid by the applicant or his/her parents/guardians. Affix School’s Stamp or Official Seal Date School Starts Address — Street City State/Province Postal Code Country Phone Name of School Official Title/Position Fax Signature E-mail Date (e.g., 01/Jan/2006) (G) FIRST HOST FAMILY (required) Name of Host Father Name of Host Mother Name(s) and Ages of Other Adult(s) in Home Address — Street City Home Phone State/Province Mobile Phone Postal Code Fax Country E-mail Student: Please submit this form with the rest of the completed application to your local Rotary club or district. Your information will be shared with Rotary International. It will only be used for official RI business and not sold to or shared with third parties, unless required by law to be released. Rotary district/clubs: Please mail completed Guarantee Form to the address below. Youth Exchange Rotary International One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA Rotary Youth Exchange Program: Guarantee -2- Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 NORBREX RULES AND CONDITIONS FOR ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE STUDENTS Dear Incoming Rotary Exchange Student! Greetings from Brazil, your home country for the next year, which will probably be one of the most special periods of time in your life. We do our best to make this year an important and unforgettable period of your life. We hope that Brazil will become your friend, as we hope that your country will have many new friends in Brazil after your stay here. On the following pages we have summarized the Norbrex Multidistrict Rules. These are not new for you, since they are based on the rules set by Rotary International. However, using our experience in Youth Exchange Program we added or adjusted some of the points, or just made more detailed comments. These rules are not against, but for you. The intention is to make adjustment to the Brazilian society, the local community and to the family as easy and quick as possible. We do not expect more from you than we expect from our natural children. We understand, of course, that adapting yourself to a completely new environment can not be done overnight. Please read it through carefully. We wish you a good preparation and pleasant journey to Brazil and you are sure that we do our best to help you in every aspect through your new life in Brazil. SCHOOL • You are expected to follow the regular attendance, course, and behavior guidelines of the school you are enrolled to. • You are expected to attend all regular classes. Any missed school days will be recorded by the teachers. Legitimate missed days have to be recorded in your school-book by the host parents. Any not legitimate missed days will be reported to the Rotary counselor by the host family. • You are expected stay in the school from start of the classes until the last class finishes. • If you are not going to school repeatedly, the Rotary Youth Exchange Committee will terminate the exchange year. • The Brazilian secondary school system is not a credit system. Most of the classes are mandatory for every student. Some school creates a special curriculum for exchange students, while others require exchange students attending all the classes must participating in. DOMESTIC TRAVEL • Though it is understandable that exchange students want to know the country they are spending their exchange year as much as possible, traveling intensively is not the only means of understanding the country, its people and language. Traveling outside the immediate area of the community where the host Rotary club is located is a privilege and shall not considered as an activity normally accepted. • Restrictions on domestic travel are followings: • You are allowed to travel within the District with the host family or members of the host Rotary Club. It is also allowed to travel to and from Rotary organized functions. However, you must still notify their Youth Exchange Officer and Rotary counselor. • Orientation meeting, Christmas and Conference are mandatory. • Other travel, including staying overnight outside of the home city must be approved in advance and writing by the District Committee the Rotary Counselors and by the host parents. You may travel alone or together with other students only if you are met by a responsible person at their destination. • You may allowed to go on school sponsored trips within Norbrex Multidistrict Region which are supervised. You must have the permit of their District Committee, host family and rotary Counselor. • Please note that the host family may feel offended if you often want to go outside of the community! Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 • Breaking these rules may result immediate termination of the exchange year! TRAVEL OUTSIDE THE DISTRICT • You are not allowed to travel outside alone or with other students. • Visit relatives are not part of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. However, the RYE Committee exceptionally may allow it, provided it takes place during school break when no Rotary or school activity is organized. The rules of travel described below are applied. Visiting relatives during Christmas, New Year and Easter holiday, at host family occasions and in school time is not allowed in any circumstances. • Independent travel with visiting natural parents is usually permitted but should be asked before. • Similarly to frequent domestic travel request, host families may feel offended if you insist in traveling outside the district. 4-D • You are not, under any circumstances, permitted to drive a motorized vehicle of any kind. • You are forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages. Drinking can result immediate termination of the program (unfortunately we had to send home a student last year for this reason!) • You are not permitted to “go steady” with a boy or girl friend • You are not permitted to use any drug, except ones prescribed by a physician. Student using illegal drugs will be sent home at once. Under Brazilian law using drug- regardless the amount – is a criminal act which is always prosecuted! SMOKING • Smoking is discouraged. You are expected to abide by the host home rules, which can forbid smoking INSURANCE • You must have valid health and accident insurance. The insurance shall provide not less than U$ 10.000 or equivalent medical expense coverage, and not less than U$ 8.000 or equivalent accidental death or dismemberment. The insurance should be purchased before coming to Brazil • You must attach copy of your insurance policy when you send back these rules and regulations accepted and signed. RESOLVING PROBLEMS If you have any problem do not hesitate to contact (in this order) • Your host parents • Your Counselor appointed by the host Rotary Club • Rotary Youth Exchange Inboumd coordinator • Rotary Youth Exchange Long Term Chairman • Norbrex Multidistrict Vice-Chairman • Norbrex Multidistrict Chairman TELEPHONE AND INTERNET • You can use the telephone of the host parents as a privilege, and should not abuse this. You must pay for their long distance calls. Please keep in mind, that in Brazil telephone services is very expensive and local calls are charged as well. • In Brazil telephone calls should not be made before 9AM, and you must not call after 10 PM. • You should salute and always introduce yourself Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 • • • • Having a dozen telephone calls during the evening is not only very annoying (for the family), but blocks them to use their own phone. The purpose of a telephone conversation is passing over important information, telling news, fixing a program, but not having lengthy conversations. Telephone calls should be short, not more than five minutes. You should limit internet surfing, so you can be with your host family, and so the host family can use their own computer. Accept if the family does not allow it at all. E mail is a convenient way to keep contact with your parents, old and new friends. However, the goal of youth exchange is to have new friends and having the host family as parents. Excessive e mail contact with the home country can make this process much slower, therefore should be limited. LANGUAGE • You are expected to learn Portuguese as quickly as possible. You should aim to understand and speak Portuguese in three to four months • Some families will organize regular language classes • The parents are asked to speak in Portuguese with the students, in the students own interest. VISITING BY NATURAL PARENTS • Your natural parents can visit you during the last three month of your stay. Parent’s visit should be scheduled carefully, since Rotary or schooling activities have absolute priority. COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS AND FRIENDS AT HOME • In order to reduce homesickness, having telephones calls to/ from home during the first three months of the exchange is strongly discouraged. • E mail contact is very easy but it has some bad effects: if your life is monitored from home practically daily, it will not be as successful as could be. While sending an e mail once a week with telling what happened is fine, sending one every day with all the details of the everyday life is unnecessary and can be easily confusing. LAW • You are expected to obey Brazil’s law. In case of violation, there will be no assistance from the Rotary Clubs or from the government of your native country. ROTARY MEETINGS • Attendance on regular Rotary Club meetings is normally required once a month as well as all Rotary sponsored events you are invited. Such events take priority over all other activities. RETURN • The school year in Brazil ends mid June. You should make your travel arrangements for the end of June, beginning of July. Any student who does not live by this guideline will have to accept the consequences; with can include being sent home. HOST FAMILY • You are expected to become an integral member of the host family, assuming duties and responsibilities normal to a student your age and the children of the host family. • The home of the host family is neither a hotel, nor a dormitory. You must follow the customs of the family, having meals together and spending large part of their free time with the family. • You are expected to tell your host parents where and with whom you are going out and when you will be home. This includes both weekday activities and weekend programs Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 • • • • • • During the school week Brazilian students usually stay home and study, unless there is some special event. Typically you should expect to go out after school only on weekends. (A common problem is when a family experiences that their exchange student is going out every afternoon, while their own children are staying home and studying hard. This is a bad example for their children which is hard to justify) If there is a special event on weekdays, you are expected to arrive home latest by 10 PM. Exceptions from this are attending theatre performances, music concerts or cinema, with the prior consent of the host parents. If, by any reason you realize that you would not be at home in time you must call the host family as soon as possible. The hosts are responsible for you socially, spiritually and physically. You should respect their wishes and request. Guidance and restrictions from the parents are not only advisable, but expected. You shall not receive visitors without the prior permission of the host family. You should live as the host family does. Sleeping until late morning while the members of the family are working around the house or being late for meals the family normally has together can result in unnecessary tensions. The basic rule of every exchange program is that the student is expect to adapt the discipline of the host family and not the family to the student Host families expect their exchange student to participate in most family events. If you have something special to do you should be sure to check ahead of time with your host parents. You should not plan any activity outside the family on Christmas, New Year, Easter, birthdays of family members, etc. FRIENDS • You should choose friends slowly and wisely. Trust host families in developing a respectable circle of friends. • You should not go out with other exchange students regularly. The aim of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program is to understand the language, the people and the culture of the host country. Building friendship mostly with other foreigners will not help to achieve this goal. Our (bad) experience is, if an exchange student starts going out with other exchange students at the beginning of his/her stay, he/she will neither build up a circle of Brazilian friends, or won’t learn Portuguese. Although we understand that it’s easier to communicate with student who are speaking the same language, having the same problems and has already been in the country for a while ( most students are coming in August,), doing it kills the essence of the exchange program. Therefore, during the first three month of the exchange year you are discouraged to meet other inbounds students. Rotary organized programs are obvious exceptions. EMERGENCY FUND • A compulsory emergency fund of US$300.00 (American Dollar) or equivalent is required. This money is primary for emergencies, the fund should be handled to the Youth Exchange District Commission, if the fund is not used, it will be given back to the exchange student. However, this fund must be replenished by the students natural parents should it go below US$100.00. E-MAIL AND WEB • We advise that every exchange student have an e-mail address. This will make communication between the student and the Rotary Youth Eexchange Officer quick and efficient. • All the information concerning to Rotary organized trips, travels, and other events is on the website: REGISTERING CHANGE OF ADDRESS Newly arrived students should register their family, address, contact numbers, counselor, bank account, residence permit and school data. Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 Multidistrict Chair: Francisco Leandro de Araújo Júnior R. Irmã Lúcia, 112 Apto. 2601 Casa Amarela 52070-030 Recife, PE BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 81 3268-5878 C. Phone: +55 81 8814-3298 E-Mail: Inbound Coordinator: Maria Luisa Mendes Carneiro Viniski Rua Manoel de CArvalho 341 Apto. 802 Aflitos 52050-370 Recife, PE BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 81 3427-9905 C. Phone: +55 81 9965-8008 E-Mail: USA and Canada Contact: Emídio Vasconcelos Leitão da Cunha Rua Dr. Seixas Maia, 55 Apto. 206 Manaíra 58038-080 João Pessoa, PB BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 83 3245-7603 C. Phone: +55 83 9988-1880 E-Mail: Asia and Oceania Contact: Adenilson Francisco de Assis Rua Napoleao Dorea, 723 Apto. 204-B Atalaia 49037-460 Aracaju, SE BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 79 3223-4891 C. Phone: +55 79 8101-8612 E-Mail: District 4720 Chair: Fernando Mauro de Toledo Prado Av. Costa E Silva, 5047 Alphaville 78908-340 Porto Velho, RO BRAZL H. Phone: +55 69 3225-3056 C. Phone: +55 69 8418-1500 District 4490 Chair: Amarilio Cavalcante Rua Ana Bilhar, 522 Apto. 1400 Meireles 60160-110 Fortaleza, CE BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 85 3242-2839 C. Phone: +55 85 8828-9966 E-Mail: Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil Secretary: Décima Naide Rosado Maia de Gusmão Avenida Vilmary, 2401 São Cristovao 64051-120 Terezina, PI BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 86 3233-7014 C. Phone: +55 86 3232-7871 E-Mail: Outbound Coordinator: Rivaldo Mendes Albuquerque Rua Francisco da Cunha, 654 Apto. 602 Boa Viagem 51020-041 Recife, PE BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 81 3326-1825 B. Phone: +55 81 3325-2174 E-Mail: Europe Contact: Décima Naide R. Maia de Gusmão Avenida Vilmary, 2401 São Cristovao 64051-120 Terezina, PI BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 86 3233-7014 C. Phone: +55 86 3232-7871 E-Mail: Latin America Contact: Carlos Eduardo Ramos Xavier Rua José Bonifácio, 125 Apto. 1801 Madalena 50710-000 Recife, PE BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 81 3445-1120 C. Phone: +55 81 9912-4831 E-Mail: District 4500 Chair: José de Miranda Esteves R. Ernani Braga, 503 Apto. 1301 Madalena 50610-350 Recife, PE BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 81 3228-2161 C. Phone: +55 81 9972-6425 E-Mail: District 4390 Chair: Olga Simone Almeida de Paulo Lima Rua Eng. Mário de Gusmão, 1204 Apto 1201 Ponta Verde 57035-000 Maceió, AL BRAZIL H. Phone: +55 82 3231-3184 C. Phone: +55 82 9307-0103 E-Mail: Rotary International Youth Exchange Program NORBREX Multidistrict - Districts 4390, 4490, 4500 and 4720 District 4720 District 4490 District 4500 District 4390 Address: Rua Aluísio de Azevedo, 200 - Sala 1108 Santo Amaro 50100-090 Recife-PE Brazil