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David Scaffaro S T U D I O D I C O N S U LE N ZA Consulenza normativa, legislativa e di Direzione Company Profile 2015 May “We offer the best consultancy services at affordable costs. Wherever you are.” PRESENTATION We have been present in the market since 2001; we offer consultancy services to companies of all types and sizes. Our clients are represented by more than 15 different business sectors: from engineering and construction, the tourism sector, to biotechnology. We are very flexible and attentive to the needs of each potential client, we offer the possibility of assistance after each certification, and we guarantee an effective and efficient management of their processes and their investments. In addition, we have selected, as partners, the best in excellence in the market, which in fact allows us to introduce ourselves as single partner and supplier, with tangible benefits for our clients. PRESENTATION Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - MISSION Our mission is based on specific pillars, which can be summarized as follows: “Quality at competitive costs”. We offer the best consultancy services at affordable prices. “Honesty and results”. We have always reached the objectives in common with our clients. Concerning certifications, we have a success rate of 100%. “Experience, competence and professionalism”. We are proud of the absolute excellence of our collaborators and partners in the various fields of specialization. “Important References”. We are proud of having prestigious clients in various sectors. “Same level of attention to all our clients”. For us, micro businesses and multinationals are both equally important. “Continued updating”. We are always on the lookout for new regulations and laws. Each year we participate in numerous courses and events, to ensure that our clients receive updated services. MISSION Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - MARKETS We operate at international level. We have always taken special care of two aspects that we consider essential: Diversifying our services and diversifying the markets. We began to develop our activity on a regional basis. We quickly expanded outside the Lazio region to attract clients from almost all the regions of Italy . Continuing with our expansion policy, we have developed strategies destined to establish joint ventures and partnerships with foreign components. Currently, we can offer our services in any country of the world. MARKETS Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CLIENTS We have experience in all sectors. Our clients, in fact, operate in the following areas: - Public Administration - Construction - Technical studies - Electronic design - Mechanic design - Building design - Engineering - Software - Pharmaceutics - Biotechnology - Commercial - Hotel management - Showrooms - Mechanical engineering - Telecommunications - Elevator industry - food industry - Consortia - Services - Industrial cleaning - Street furniture - etc. CLIENTS Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - PARTNERS We have selected the best professionals in the market. The synergy among their diverse and complementary skills guarantees that our clients reach their goals. Currently, our partners (both businesses and professionals) are present in several regions of Italy and in various foreign countries where we offer our services. PARTNERS Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - STRUCTURE In order to offer competitive prices to our clients, we have created an agile organization, without hierarchy, shifting from a concept of “vertical structure” to a concept of “horizontal structure”. In fact, our collaborators are operatively independent and act on our mandate. If needed, projects are assigned to them according to their specialization in one or more areas of activity. STRUCTURE Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - SERVICES AND DIVISIONS Our services are carried out through three divisions: - Marketing - Consulting - Trading MARKETING CONSULTING TRADING Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - MARKETING “We create opportunities so that your business can take off” Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - MARKETING ANALYZING THE MARKET PEST Analysis STEER Analysis SWOT Analysis Sectorial Analysis C.R.A. (Country Risk Analysis) Comparative Analysis Custom Analysis Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - MARKETING ENTERING IN THE MARKET Check of legal requirements Legal assistance (outsourcing service) Preventive audits (partners, distributors, suppliers) Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - MARKETING DEVELOPING THE MARKET Commercial representation Search for distributors, importers, partners Trade missions Participation in trade fairs Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - MARKETING MAINTAINING THE MARKET Planned audits Customer satisfaction monitoring Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING "We help the companies to obtain the tools to compete in the market" Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING QUALITY ISO 9001 ISO 13485 ISO TS 16949 ISO 9100 I.R.I.S. ISO 10005 ISO 10014 Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING ENVIRONMENT ISO 14001 ISO 16001 EMAS Ecolabel FSC, PEFC ISO 50001 ISO 14064 Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING SECURITY BS OHSAS 18001 Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING FOOD ISO 22000, ISO 22005 HACCP BRC IFS FSSC BRC storage and distribution IFS Logistic Globalcap, DOP, IGP Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING ETHICS SA 8000 ISO 26000 AA 1000 Global Reporting Initiative Global Compact (ONU) Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING GOVERNANCE (I.T. Technology) ISO 20001, ISO 27000 (I.T. Technology) ISO 22301, ISO 38500 (Risk Management) ISO 31000 (Risk Management) ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) (Sist. di Gestione Integr.) SGI QA (ISO 9001 + ISO 14001) (Sist. di Gestione Integr.) SGI QAS (9001 + 14001 + 18001) (Sist. di Gestione Integr.) SGI QASE (9001+14001+18001+SA8000) Marcatura CE Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING AUDITING Audit ISO Standards Audit BS Standards Audit SAI Standards Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONSULTING TRAINING ISO 9001 ISO 14001 BS OHSAS 18001 SA 8000 Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - TRADING "We put in contact those who sell and those who buy " Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - TRADING TRADING Food Commodities Colonial commodities Others products Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US The advantages of having a single talking partner. The broad range of services we offer allow our clients to have a single talking partner regarding any need for regulatory, legislative assistance and/or for the provision of services. Having a single talking partner means: - Not having to look for several professionals and/or companies for different needs - Not risking technical or interpersonal misunderstandings among our professionals - Establishing coherent improvement projects among them But above all ... less waste of time and lower costs SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US From micro businesses to multinationals One of the highlights of how our operation is that we provide services to clients from different working environments, from professionals to large consortia, from micro businesses to multinationals. We also work in a great variety of fields, from the industry to services, to trade and Public Administration. All this allows as to immerse ourselves fully in each different field, keeping the adequate resilience and proper approach to each case. For us, each client, whether large or small, represents a vital resource. Accordingly, we strive to meet their demands when they request our services. Some of the clients we worked for at the beginning continue to be our clients. For us, this is the best recognition we could hope for. SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US If you wish, we will follow you into the future. We have a significant rate of client loyalty; our main mission is to satisfy our clients to the fullest. More than 90% of our clients will request assistance and maintenance agreements in the future. More than 85% of our clients have requested advice in one or more cases other than those that originally brought them to us. This is evidence of the degree of confidence and professionalism that distinguishes us and set us apart in the heterogeneous consultancy market. SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US Our offers are very clean For us, transparency in our relations with our clients is essential. For this reason, our offers “have no asterisks”. The costs as indicated include all expenses. More to the point, our offers always include expenses related to: - travel - food - accommodation Also, the largest portion of our offers: - Are summarized in one single page - Contain the description of the contractual clauses - The font size of the clauses is the same used to describe the service. SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US Time is money. For our clients too. Our work is objective-oriented. Therefore, we do not waste our clients' time unnecessarily. Over time we have developed an approach that allows us optimizing, reducing to a minimum the time needed to meet our clients' needs. We know very well that it is useless and harmful to dedicate too many days to a client with the single purpose of increasing our billing hours. The companies interested in consultancy services should add, in addition to the costs set forth in the agreements, the costs of lost days. It is amazing to see how this can increase the global cost of the operation. SOME GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE US Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - OUR STORY: THE BASIC STAGES. Some of the most significant steps. 2001 : Creation of individual company “David Scaffaro” 2001 : Acquiring clients in Rome and its province. 2004 : Acquiring clients in other Italian regions. 2005 : The first partnership in Italy. 2006 : Our clients are present in 14 out of 20 Italian regions. 2006 : Acquiring clients with more than 1,000 employees. 2006 : Acquiring contract Nº 100. 2008 : Acquiring client N° 100 (100 clients in Italy ) 2008 : Acquiring contract Nº 200. 2009 : New partnership. 2010 : Acquiring contract Nº 300. 2010 : Opening to foreign markets. 2011 : 42 Official Partners in 24 Countries 2012 : Acquiring first foreign client 2012 : 57 Official Partners in 29 Countries 2013 : 60 Official Partners in 32 Countries 2013 : Acquiring contract Nº 400. 2013 : 150 Clients in the World 2014 : Our clients are present in over 10 Countries 2014 : 64 Official Partners in 34 Countries 2015 : Worldwide coverage through our "business contact" Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - Organization: some data. 30/04/2015 448 contracts acquired Replies within 24h via email / Skype 172 clients served Clients in over 10 countries more than 19,500 direct Linkedin's contacts O.P in 34 Countries B.C. in +100 Countries Client's Average Life lifecycle: 6.5 years 64 Official Partners Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - Organization: dimensions and diffusion. Albania Algeria Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador England Guatemala Honduras India Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Mexico Nicaragua Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Portugal Dominican Rep. Spain Ukraine Uruguay USA Vietnam 30/04/2015 OFFICIAL PARTNERS 64 COUNTRIES 34 "BUSINESS CONTACTS" > 120 Countries Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - CONTACTS Via Salvatore Quasimodo, 30 - 00144 Roma (Italia) tel. 334/9251259 email: Studio di Consulenza David Scaffaro - email: - Version: May 2015 MARKETING FOOD TRADING ETHICS QUALITY GOVERNANCE ENVIRONMENT AUDITING SECURITY TRAINING “We offer the best consultancy services at affordable costs. Wherever you are.” David Scaffaro S T U D I O DI C O N S U L E N Z A Consulenza normativa, legislativa e di Direzione