Hughes P.A.C. Technical Rider - the Ocean City School District
Hughes P.A.C. Technical Rider - the Ocean City School District
TECHNICAL RIDER HUGHES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER at OCEAN CITY HIGH SCHOOL (AUDITORIUM) UPDATED: 7-7-16 Key Items of Interest Inside: Room Dimensions Seating Chart Explanation of Technical Operations Fly System Configuration Equipment List Ocean City High School – OCHS 501 Atlantic Avenue Ocean City, New Jersey, USA 08226 +1 609.399.1290 (phone) +1 609.399.1966 (fax) On The Web: This document has been supplied to you in order to provide you with an overview of the technical capabilities available to you inside the Ocean City High School auditorium. LOCATION: th th Our building is located between 5 and 6 streets on Atlantic Avenue in Ocean City, New Jersey. The auditorium th entrance is on the 6 street side and has a loading zone directly outside its main doors where props and other items may be carried in or wheeled up a ramp and into the building. LOAD-IN: th Corridor F can then be used to bring items to stage level upon arrival at our 6 street loading zone. There is a set of double doors, furthest down before the end of the hallway, which brings you to the main backstage entrance off on SR. SPECIFICATIONS: Auditorium Dimensions: (see attached floor plan); 6768 sq. feet General Seating: 740 seats Handicap Seating: 7 seats (5 areas) Optional Removable Orchestra Seating (along front 2 rows to allow for pit expansion): 58 seats Total Number of Seats: 747 Access: - SR Wing via Hallway SL Stage Entrance via Aux. Gym SL Stage Entrance via House Back of House L/R Backstage via TV Studio Backstage via Dressing Rooms/TV Editing Lab Ground-Level Open [free] Plug-In Boxes to Dimmers: - 3 circuits L (back of house) - 3 circuits R (back of house) Open [free] Electrical Plugs: - 6 HL (3 outlets) - 6 HR (3 outlets) - 4 Back of House (1 outlet HR and 1 outlet HL) Intercom: - Plates located in Ticket Booth, HL & HR location plates are identical (back of house) Each plate features (1) A & (1) B single channel tie-in, or selectable A/B dual channel tie-in Orchestra Pit Open [free] Audio Connections: - 8 possible XLR inputs (7 with dedicated patch into IDR rack) Open [free] Electrical Plugs: - 18 (9 outlets) Presentation Video Inputs: - VGA Intercom: - HL, HR, & Catwalk location plates are identical (FOH) Each plate features (1) A & (1) B single channel tie-in, or selectable A/B dual channel tie-in Stage Dimensions: (see attached floor plan); 2000 sq. feet Rigging & Drapery: (49’ 6” from stage floor to ceiling) - Valence (dark red) - Act Curtain (dark red) - 4 Legs SR (black) - 4 Legs SL (black) - 2 Borders (black) - Midstage Traveler (black; doubles as a border) - Cyclorama (white; covers entire width/height of viewable stage) - Upstage Traveler (black) Rigging Notes: Leg Trim = 17’ Proscenium = 17’ Trimmed Opening Width (when legs are used) = 40’ Opening Width of Proscenium between arch = 44’ Batten Length = 54’ Maximum Height Pipes Fly Out to = 39’ Loading Gallery at 37’ Lowest Point: Batten to Floor = 4’ 2” Distance from front edge downstage to white cyc upstage = 29’ Height of the beam that the loft blocks attach to = 46’ Floor: Maple Tongue & Groove (nails, screws, not permitted) Ground-Level Open [free] Plug-In Boxes to Dimmers: - 9 Circuits Backstage - 3 Circuits SL - 6 Circuits SR Open [free] Audio Connections: - Stage Right o 14 XLR Mic. Inputs (2 downstage unpatched and 12 backstage with dedicated patch into IDR rack) o 3 Speakon Monitor Mix Outputs (2 backstage) - Stage Left o 14 XLR Mic. Inputs (2 downstage unpatched and 12 backstage with dedicated patch into IDR rack) o 3 Speakon Monitor Mix Outputs (2 backstage) - Backstage o 2 XLR Mic. Inputs (unpatched) o 2 Speakon Monitor Mix Outputs (2 backstage) Open [free] Electrical Plugs: - Stage Right: 4 plugs (2 outlets) - Stage Left: 2 plugs (1 outlet) - Downstage Left (floor pocket): 2 plugs (1 outlet) - Backstage: 10 plugs (1 outlet SL, 3 outlets center back, 1 outlet SR) - 200amp, 250V, 3-Phase Sound Connect *use requires prior agreement between venue & house electrical contractors Intercom: - SL & SR & Loading Gallery location plates are identical Each plate features (1) A & (1) B single channel tie-in, or selectable A/B dual channel tie-in Others: - Stage features white fluorescent work light along its perimeters in the wings/backstage Blue running light for visibility during shows involving stage traffic around perimeter Equipment Load-In: Doors (consist of removable center piece) 6’ W x 6’ 7” H Miscellaneous Notes: - Video Playback is achieved via DVD player in SL rack or via laptop connected to presentation system (easiest) 4 Points of Origination for direct video/audio feeds to TV Control Room and audio feed can be accessed via digital network on Allen & Heath GLD console in broadcast control room Activity in general auditorium monitored by surveillance equipment Haze/Smoke is NOT permitted (fire alarms utilize beam sensitivity technology—if laser is broken, alarms sound—if permission is granted, this system must be taken offline) Men/Women’s Dressing Rooms Available w/bathrooms/intercom (lighting dimmer rack is located in women’s dressing & men’s is considerably smaller) On Stage is a Yamaha Baby Grand Piano (tuning should be arranged if necessary) If your event is to occur during a normally scheduled school day, please be advised that state law requires the bell system, noting the change of class, ring in the auditorium as well EQUIPMENT LIST STAGE RIGGING: JR Clancy Fly System with 23 Rails (lit in blues & whites) Order (downstage to upstage in a typical neutral setup but subject to change at times): 1) Valence 2) Act Curtain 3) Movie Screen st 4) 1 Electric 5) Legs 6) [free] 7) Border #1 8) Legs nd 9) 2 Electric 10) [free] 11) [free] 12) Midstage Traveler 13) [free] rd 14) 3 Electric 15) Legs 16) [free] 17) [free] 18) Border (lowered and used to mask cyclorama when white cyc is flown to the out position) 19) Legs 20) [free] 21) [free] 22) Cyclorama 23) Upstage Traveler AUDIO: The auditorium has been acoustically designed, but there are also ample additional sound resources available upon request… Sound System Backstage (located in SR wing rack): o (2) Shure UA870 Directional Antenna o (17) Shure ULX Wireless Receiver o (1) Shure ULXD4Q Quad-Channel Wireless Receiver with Dante o (7) Shure UA844 UHF Antenna/Power Distribution System o (1) ETA PD8L Conditioned Power Distribution w/Lights o (2) Crown K2 Amps (for monitors) o (1) Anchor Audio UHF Hearing Assistance Transmitter o (1) Allen & Heath iDR-48 (48 inputs; 24 outputs) with Dante Card Sound System FOH (located in main auditorium/technical booth): o RCF Stereo Line Array on motorized winch FOH Left: (1) HDL 18-AS (5) HDL 20-A FOH Right: (1) HDL 18-AS (5) HDL 20-A o Allen & Heath iLive – T112 Digital Mixing Console with Dell 17” monitor and console surface lights o (1) Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Headphone o (1) Shure Microflex MX412 Talkback Microphone o (1) Furman PL-Plus D Series II Power Conditioning Monitors: o (1) JBL M410 o (4) JBL SF12M Mics: o Instrumental Mics: (2) Shure SM-94 (drum overhead) (4) Shure SM-57 (all-purpose instrument) (3) Shure Beta 57A (4) AKG SE300 B w/CK 91 (1) AKG C-1000S (1) Shure Beta 52A (kick drum exterior) (1) Shure Beta 91A (kick drum interior) (6) Audix Micro-D (clip-on) o Vocal Mics: (17) Shure ULX1 Bodypack Transmitters with Pyle PMEMS10 Omnidirectional Headset mics (8) Shure ULXD1 Bodypack Transmitters (4) Shure ULXD2 Handheld Transmitters with beta58 head (2) Shure SBC200 Charging Stations (6) Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Batteries for Shure Wireless (3) Shure Beta 58A (8) Shure SM58 (1) Audio-Technica Pro49Q (12) Shure ULX2 Handheld Wireless Transmitters with SM58 Head (20) Shure Gooseneck Tabletop mics (CVD-B base + CVG18 mic) Misc. Equipment & Hardware: o (3) Whirlwind IMP2 Direct Box o (17) Tune Belt Protective Pocket (for wireless transmitter) o (12) Auray MS-5230T Tripod Mic/Boom Stands o (10) Tabletop Mic Stands o Antari Ice-101 Low Laying Fogger o Jinyu Lighting Limited FM-700 Fogger Available Cable (exact amount may vary): o (30) XLR (various lengths) o (10) ¼” (9 mono; 1 stereo in various lengths) o (7) Speakon (various lengths) o (2) Extension Cord (power) o (3) Power Strips o (2) VGA (with coupler) o (1) 3.5” stereo miniplug to mono ¼” (for use with DI and presentation setup) o (1) Snake (8 XLR inputs 4 XLR / ¼” returns) LIGHTING: Dimming: o Lehigh Electric System Control Module Dimming Rack DX2 o Right Side of Rack for TV Studio; Left Side for Auditorium o Programmable Rack Control 3 Phase o 800 Amps o System is DMX-based w/L5-20 Twist Plug o Plug-in Box Locations to Dimmers: Backstage SR SL Back of House L Back of House R o Automatic Override in case of power failure (preset number of house lights on backup generator) System: o Lehigh Electric Collage CPM Programmable Wall Box Controller System: Up/Down Fader/4 Presets and Off Key o ETC Element 60 Channel Stage Lighting Console (2) Dell 17” LCD monitors Littlelight LI18XRLED console surface light System Notes: o Electrics 1-2 on stage consist of Source Four Jr. Zooms/Leakos/Pars/Strobe rd o 3 Electric has (4) instruments of 3-cell cyc lights (1000W) usually gelled R-G-B o 2 Tree locations; located on HL/HR Walls FOH o House System is Controllable (system with highest intensity level for those lights has control from that point and above so to have full control of house lights on ETC console, turn off the Lehigh Collage system on the wall plate) o Cove is accessible via staircase in SR backstage wing o Rail Lights and Running Blues backstage are generally parked channels o DMX port available backstage by emergency curtain hand crank (SR) o Dimmers are usually 1-1 with these dedicated channel assignments: 1-24 = FOH Cove (generally setup as warm/cool wash) st 25-36 = 1 Electric nd 37-48 = 2 Electric rd 49-60 = 3 Electric 61-66= FOH Tree Position 67-69 = SR Backstage (back wall) [open] 70-75 = SR [open] 76-81 = SL Backstage (back wall) [open] 82-84 = SL [open] 85-90 = FOH Back of House Wall [open] 91 = Rail Lights (white) o 92 = Rail Lights (blue) 99-120 = House Lights 102 = Backstage Running Show Lights (blue) 104 & 105 = Inside Aisles 113 & 114 = Outside Aisles 115 = Stage Stairs 119 = Orchestra Pit (2) Lycian M2 Followspots with Medium Lens Various colors loaded and matching in each (4) AA batteries power LED sight on each spot for precision aiming INTERCOM: Wired: o o o o o Audiocom MS-2002 Base Station (backstage featuring 2 channels) (2) Audiocom SS2002 (in dressing rooms) (6) Telex BP-1002 Single Channel Beltpack Systems (1) Telex BP-2002 Dual Channel Beltpack Systems Wall Plate Locations: Ticket Booth SL SR Orchestra Pit Back of House L Back of House R Catwalk Loading Gallery Wireless: o Eartec ComStar System (2) wireless single ear headsets (1) base station (interfaces with Telex system) o Anchor Audio ProLink 500 System (independent of Eartec and Telex Environment) (4) Dual Ear wireless intercom units 1 unit acts as master for channel assignment PRESENTATION (technology to vary): o o o o (1) Dell Latitude E5530 Laptop Running Windows 7 with Microsoft Office Suite Wireless remote for advancing presentation slides is available upon request Panasonic PV-D4744 DVD/VHS Playback Device NEC GT6000/E Projector (mounted on wall in rear of main hall) Remote for NEC projector is usually kept with the technical crew in the FOH tech booth CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions/Concerns? Your auditorium technician is: Steven Trauger, TV/AV Facility Engineer +1 609.399.1290 ext.4111 If you know your show requires lighting/sound/rigging/projection, be sure to contact him several weeks ahead of time; there is a volunteer crew made up of high school students, but their availability fluctuates based on schedules/interest in the drama program etc.
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