Structural Fabrication - RCP Productions, Inc.
Structural Fabrication - RCP Productions, Inc.
Vehicle Processing Readiness Course Structural Fabrication Instructed by Steve Kane Topics Material Science Shaping/Working Metals Tools Rivets/Bolts Blueprint Reading and Layouts Composites Material Science Solid – a substance held together by electrical interactions between atoms – Two basic forms – amorphous and crystalline Amorphous – formed by sudden cooling from liquid to solid creating random orientations of atoms Glass and plastics are examples of amorphous solids Crystalline – formed when atoms “link up” in specific ways and create lattice structures Metals are examples of crystalline materials Elastic When a load is placed on the material it will deflect a certain amount – Materials exhibit a natural “recovery” mechanism when stressed Stiffness plays a role Inherent with molecular bonds – As long as the molecular bond strength is not exceeded, it will “snap back” or return to its original position Deformation/return is known as “elastic” Plastic flow If molecular bond strength is exceeded however, the material “gives” – Material has reached its “yield point” In metals, the crystal lattice shifts/slides until force is relieved and molecular bonds re-establish This is known as “plastic flow” 80 70 60 Elastic region Force 50 40 Plastic region 30 Yield point 20 10 Strain 0 10 20 Time 30 40 Brittle vs. Ductile Amorphous and crystalline substances exhibit one of two basic conditions: – Brittle – maintain load to yield point, then fracture (crack) Glass, ceramics, some plastics fail by cracking first Little or no warning – Ductile – maintain load to yield point, then “give” Silver, gold, aluminum, even steel “give” before total failure Lose strength but maintain a certain amount of functionality Fracture Mechanisms Factors that cause materials to break: – – – – Stress – load on a given area Strain – amount of deformation Fatigue – cyclic strain (loading/unloading) Splitting – forces “cleave” the inter-molecular bonds – Applies to laminar materials (wood, composites) Cracking – path of least resistance Originates at a fatigue point Follows grain boundaries Stress Internal resistance of a material to deform when subjected to an external force – In normal state, molecular bonds are in their “happy” place Everything’s as it should be Molecular bonds “resist” being moved – Can also be thought of as load on a given area How much force is applied – Not to be confused with strength How much load a material can take before failure Strain Amount of deformation per unit length which results from stress – Cyclic strain (vibration, pressurization cycles, etc.) is a major factor in fatigue failure Aloha Airlines April 1988 Fatigue Occurs in metal and composites – More prevalent in metals – Occurs as a result of: Harmonic vibrations (propellers/rotors) Pressurization cycles (expansion/contraction) Corrosion (corrosion action leaves jagged “pit”) – Breaking points: Fractures – generally occur at the weakest point Known as a “stress riser” Corners of corrosion pits At flaws such as scratches, gouges if metals allowed to “oil can” (cold working) Splitting Forces exceed the strength of intermolecular bonds – Generally applies to laminar materials (wood, composites) – Causes a “tearing away” or “cohesive” failure – Results from excessive transverse or compressive loads Force Force Cracking Common in most materials – More prevalent in metals – Originates at a fatigue point Fatigue/cold-working, i.e. cyclic loading/unloading Nucleus is a flaw of some sort Forces overcome molecular bonds As bonds fail, neighboring bonds can no longer support load and fail successively In metals, follows crystal lattice (grain) boundaries Reason cracks appear jagged Fatigue flaw, corrosion pit, scratch, etc. Crack V Grain Boundaries Crystals (Grains) Stiffness Modulus of elasticity (Young’s Modulus) – Stress/strain = E – How much a material deforms from a given stress Boron Graphite Kevlar E-Glass S-Glass Steel Aluminum Titanium 0 25 50 75 100 Specific Stiffness (GPa) 125 150 175 Stiffness Modulus of some common materials Material Rubber Plastic soda bottle Young’s Modulus (E) 1 200 Spruce wood 2,000 Concrete 2,500 Bamboo fibers 4,000 Bone 6,000 Beer glass 10,000 Diamond 170,000 Loads Aerospace structures are designed to compensate for the maximum anticipated stress (load) and strain (deformation) – Structures function to transfer (spread) loads to adjacent areas – Amount of load a structure can transfer is a function of Material stiffness Material strength Loads Not all loads are created equal Structural design must account for forces from more than one direction – Bending Tension load – Shear Cuts like a knife – Compression Crushing failure – Buckling All the above Aluminum Alloys Modern aerospace structures are constructed from many different metal alloys – Aluminum – Titanium – Stainless steel – Carbon steel Military and aerospace use titanium and other highend metals Most commercial aerospace applications favor aluminum alloys Aluminum Alloys Aluminum alloys are formed when pure aluminum is mixed with other substances – Percentage of other substances will determine material properties Aluminum alloys come in two forms – Wrought – grain structure is compressed (sheet, rod, extrusions) – Cast – coarse grain structure (wheels, engine casings) Aluminum Alloys Aluminum alloy characteristics make them a good choice : – Light – Easily formed – Available in a multitude of product shapes Are susceptible to corrosion when alloyed with other materials however – Can be protected: Cladding – adding a thin layer of pure aluminum to each side of the alloy (pure aluminum is corrosion resistant) Conversion coatings and/or paint – anodizing, chem-films such as Alodine, and catalyzed primers/paints (Koropon, enamels, epoxies) Alloy Codes Alloy Designation System Major Alloying Element Alloy Number Pure Aluminum (99.00%) Copper Manganese Silicon Magnesium Magnesium and Silicon Zinc 10XX i.e. 1090 20XX i.e. 2024 30XX i.e. 3003 40XX i.e. 4047 50XX i.e. 5052 60XX i.e. 6061 70XX i.e. 7075 Aluminum Alloys Wrought aluminum is divided into two categories: – Non-heat treatable – Heat treated Non-heat treatable alloys are made with alloying agents that do not respond to heat treatment – Alloys like 1100 (pure aluminum), 3003 (aluminummanganese), 5052 (aluminum-magnesium) are non-heat treatable – Must be strain hardened Also known as cold-working Forces grains closer together (rolling, bending, forging) Aluminum Alloys Heat treated aluminum alloys are commonly used as structural materials – Four stages to heat treatment Heating – furnace or solution Quenching – rapid cooling Aging – holding at high temperature until hardened Cold working – rolling material to further compress grain structure Note: If heat treatment is improperly performed, it can cause Intergranular corrosion Heat Treatment Paths As Fabricated Unstable F Solution heat treated W Stabilized Naturally aged Peak Strength T4 Artificially aged T6 Overaged Stabilized T7 & cold water quenched Cold worked & naturally aged Cold worked & artificially aged T3 T8 Annealed O Stabilized Stabilized Artificially aged Peak Strength Blueprints and Drawings • Working drawings, 3 types: • Detail drawing – single part • Assembly drawing – two or more parts assembled together • Installation drawing – all necessary information for a part or an assembly to be installed Blueprints and Drawings Title – – – – – – – Block: Drawing number Name of the part The scale The date Name of the firm Name of the draftsman Name of the person who checked the drawing – Name of who submitted the drawing – Name of the person who approved the drawing Blueprints and Drawings Orthographic Projection Shows exact size, shape Six views Blueprints and Drawings Tolerance When a given dimension on a print allows variation, the plus (+) figure indicates the maximum and the minus (–) figure indicates the minimum variation allowed. Called the “the extreme permissible dimensions” of the hole or part. Example: Using 0.225” + 0.0025” - 0.0005” The hole could be as large as 0.2275” or as small as 0.2250” Basic Structures Beam Theory: Beams transfer loads between different locations Make up a large proportion of the devices in ordinary life In aerospace structures (such as a wing), the primary beams are ribs and spars Basic Structures Structures incorporate designs to transfer both length-wise and span-wise loads: – – – – Spars – transfer longitudinal (length-wise) loads Ribs – transfer shear, chord-wise (across width) and compression (crushing) loads Stringers – transfer secondary length-wise and width-wise loads between ribs and spars Skins – provide bracing (rigidity) between other members, function to accommodate both longitudinal and chord-wise loads Basic Structures Structural members are mechanically fastened at seams, called “joints – Joints are “overlapped” to provide fastening area Known as “lap” joints – If members can not overlap they must be butted together and joined with a third or “faying” edge (3-way lap joint) Lap joint Fayed edge joint Basic Structures Metal parts are sized by shearing and the fastening areas for joints are formed by bending Material is first cut to size in a shear – Sizes and squares material Bends are then formed with a metal “brake” – – Most common is “box and pan” brake which contains removable segments Forms the fastening area for lap joints Metal Shear Box and Pan Brake Basic Structures Conical structures are formed with a slip roller – – Three rollers connected by gears Turned with a hand crank Slip rollers can be individually adjusted – – Used to make cylinders or ducts Lap joints/toggle joints are formed at each end Slip Roller Basic Structures Files are used to smooth edges and remove burrs – Double-cut, single cut – Flat, mill, round (rattail), triangular, half round, and vixen Most common are the flat, mill, rattail, and vixen Clean all files with a file card File in forward direction only (unless draw-filing) Keep file well oiled Double vs. single cut File Card Vixen File Forming Important to consider what is occurring as metal is bent: – Material on outside of bend stretches – Material on inside of bend compresses – Area unaffected by either strain is “neutral axis” Compresses Stretches Setback Length of the unbent portion – From edge of finished part to position where brake jaws secure material – Factor in bend allowance – Computed by adding bend radius and material thickness and applying the “K-factor” (Setback = K * (BR + MT)) K-factor is computed by dividing any angle by two and finding the tangent equivalent Bend Allowance Amount the metal will stretch when formed around the brake “nose” – Must be subtracted from leg length – Three variables: Radius of bend Thickness of metal No. of degrees of bend Drilling Pneumatic drill motors preferable – More durable – Variable speed – Electrical extension cords may be accidentally cut Battery-powered – – – – offer convenience Less expensive Rechargeable No pneumatic hoses to move around Portable Drilling When drilling metals: – Locate/position hole using center punch – Drill speed is important Slow speed/high pressure/cutting fluid for hard materials (high carbon, nickel, or stainless steels) Do not overheat tip! – For precision holes (high strength applications): Drill pilot hole first (square to material) with one size smaller drill bit (0.0003” to 0.007” undersize) Ream up to size Rotate reamer in cutting direction only! Never “back” reamer when removing Drill Bits Twist Drills – Three main parts: Tip – looks like hourglass when viewed from point Body – composed of flutes and webbing Flutes – valleys between spiral webbing Aid in cooling the tip Provide path for cutting fluid to reach the tip Aid in chip removal Webbing – structure between flutes Shank – portion clamped in drill motor – In aerospace, numbered drill sizes are used and are slightly larger than the fasteners they correspond to (#40, #30, #20, #11) Note: Drill bits to ½ inch have straight shank, over ½ inch, tapered shank Drill Bits Drill bits to use for rivet installations – See “Drill Sizes” #40 #30 #20 #11 drill bit for 3/32” rivet drill bit for 1/8” rivet drill bit for 5/32” rivet drill bit for 3/16” rivet Example: #30 drill bit measures 0.1285” corresponds to 1/8” rivet (0.125”) Lightening Holes Used to reduce weight in aerospace fabrication – Formed with hole saws or chassis punches If hole saw is used, deburring and burnishing is necessary – Must be flanged to return strength and prevent oil canning Rib Flanged Lightening holes Construction Deburring Tool – Removes disturbed edges Microstop – Used when countersinking – Precision depth adjustment Clecos and Cleco Pliers – Used as “clamps” – Color coded for standard drill/rivet sizes Blind Holes Hole Finder – Used to ensure proper hole alignment when drilling “blind” fastener holes – Minimizes oversize or elongated holes Dimpling Thin skins (< 0.032”) cannot be machine countersunk – Must be dimpled – Two methods Cold – less than .040” Hot – thicker sections – Hand rivet squeezer Removable dies Rivet sets Dimpling anvils Countersinking Hold countersink tool at right angle to work – Do not tip – Use of drill press may be preferred – Microstop allows precision adjustment of depth Aerospace Hardware Rivets – Manufactured head – produced during initial fabrication – Shop head – driven (bucked) at unformed end to one-half (1½) times the shank diameter. – Some rivets are ready for use as received and can be driven immediately. Called “field” rivets, fairly corrosion resistant (aluminum 2117-T) – Some must be refrigerated until use and driven within an hour of removal from refrigeration. Known as “icebox” rivets, (Aluminum 2017-T; 2024-T) Solid Shank Rivets Types of solid shank rivets – Universal (AN470 or MS20470) – Round – Flathead – Countersunk (AN426 or MS20426) – Brazier Solid Shank Rivets Head marked to identify specific material: Rivet Measurement Rivet Measurement: – Diameter sized in 32nds of an inch – Length sized in 16ths of an inch Rivet length is different for universal (round head) and countersunk rivets Round head (MS20470) length is measured from underside of head to tip of shank Countersunk (MS20426) is measured from top of countersunk head to tip of shank For example: – MS20426AD-4-8 countersunk rivet: ½” -4 is 4/32 (1/8) inch -8 is 8/16 (1/2) inch MS20426 MS20470 Rivet Installation Lay out rivet pattern: – Edge distance is minimum of 2x rivet diameter Measured from edge of material to center of rivet or rivet center to rivet center – Spacing (pitch) is minimum 3x rivet diameter Use a center punch to mark hole, then drill – Use clecos to clamp material as each hole is completed – Countersink if required Flat rivet set is used for installing countersunk rivets Rivet must be flush with material being riveted – Deburr all holes and remove chips – Length of un-driven rivet protruding through material is 1-½ shank diameter – Driven (shop) end is 1-½ shank diameter when properly installed – Drive rivets in as few blows as possible to minimize coldworking Rivet Removal Center punch rivet to indent head Drill center of rivet with drill bit one size smaller than rivet shank diameter Drill to the base of the rivet head only! Use a pin punch with a rolling motion to pop off the rivet head Knock out the rivet shank with the pin punch Ensures hole maintains same dimensions Do not drill into rivet shank! Special Fasteners Solid Shank Rivets are impractical beyond a certain size – Most made from aluminum – Lose characteristics in larger diameters Hi-Shear Rivets – Built to withstand high shear loads – Two styles Conventional Blind Special Fasteners Conventional high shear – Two main parts Steel stud - same strength characteristics of steel bolts Crushable collar –usually 2117T4 aluminum – Two head styles: Countersunk Flat – Set with hand rivet squeezer or pneumatic rivet gun with specially designed set Huck Cherry Special Fasteners Cherry-lock and Cherry-max rivets – Blind rivet used in both high shear structural and general use applications – available in universal (protruding) and countersunk head styles Special Fasteners Hi-lok Fasteners – Two-piece assembly consisting of a threaded pin and an aluminum collar (nut) with a break-away wrenching element Torque limiting feature Screws and Bolts Screws – – – – Usually have lower material strength than bolts Looser thread fit Head shapes are formed to engage a driver Shank may be threaded along its entire length without a clearly defined grip – Available as: Structural screws – fabricated from a material with a high-tensile strength Machine screws - general purpose screws for nonstructural applications. May contain drilled heads for installation of safety wire when used in light mechanical applications Self-tapping screws - tap their own mating thread when driven into untapped or punched holes slightly smaller than the diameter of the screw Sizing For screws under ¼”; part numbers indicate fastener diameter by a number designator followed by a dash and the number of threads per inch – Sized in 0.013” increments beginning at 0.060” for a #0 screw (i.e., #0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc.) – For example, if a screw has a part number “10-32” “10” denotes the screw diameter as 0.190 inch “32” indicates the screw has 32 threads per inch Sizing For ¼” (0.250”) and over, screws are identified similar to bolts, ie., a basic part number, which identifies – – – – – Screw type Diameter Head Thread count Length Example: NAS604-6 = .2500-28 UNJC-3A, machine screw, aircraft, pan head, cruciform recess, full-threaded, alloy steel, .380 inch long Screws and Bolts Bolts – Either general-purpose (AN) or close-tolerance (NAS or MS) – Aerospace bolts are identified by code markings on the bolt heads AN standard steel bolts are marked with either a raised cross or asterisk, corrosion resistant steel is marked by a single dash, and AN aluminum-alloy bolts are marked with two raised dashes + * AN Steel AN Steel _ Stainless Steel - Aluminum – Certain aerospace manufacturers produce bolts of different dimensions or greater strength than standard types. Such bolts are made for a particular application, and it is of extreme importance to use like bolts in replacement! Sizing Bolt construction normally consists of a hex-shaped head, an unthreaded shank portion known as the “grip”, and the shank portion containing threads Sizing Bolt dimensions are also obtained from the fastener part number – For example, if a bolt has a part number “AN3-5A” AN denotes the bolt as built to Air Force – Navy specifications The number “3” indicates bolt diameter in 16ths” (3/16”) A “dash” indicates the bolt is a standard cadmium-plated steel “DD” would indicate an aluminum fastener (AN3DD5A) “C” would indicate corrosion-resistant (stainless) steel (AN3C5A) The number “5” indicates bolt length in 1/8ths, (5/8”) from underside of head to shank tip The “A” denotes an undrilled shank If there were no designator, (i.e., AN3-5) a drilled shank is indicated An “H” indicates a drilled head (AN3-5H) Screws and Bolts Thread protrusion – Three threads engagement in a nut or tapped hole is the accepted value for full bolt strength Three threads may or may not be enough and in general practice, the engagement should at least equal the diameter of the bolt – In order to assure proper fastener strength, the threads of all fasteners should be engaged as required by the applicable specifications and drawings Heli-Coils Damaged threads can be re-threaded with a replacement thread insert called a heli-coil – Heli-coils return threads to same dimensions as original Hole with damaged threads is drilled over size A tap is used to install threads for heli-coil The heli-coil insert is installed with a special driving tool until slightly below surface, then the drive tang is “snapped” off When properly installed, the insert will remain slightly below the surface Torque It is very important each member in a structure carry no more or no less load than the others – In order to distribute loads properly, torque is applied to bolts, screws and nuts – The formula for applying torque to fasteners is: F * L = T Where F = Force applied L = Length of lever (between centerline of drive and centerline of applied force) T = Torque applied Example: Required torque is 100 in/lbs; lever length is 12”; force necessary: F * 12 = 100 F = 100/12 in. F = 8.3333 lbs Torque If an extension is used to reach a fastener not accessible to the drive centerline, the torque setting on the wrench must be recalculated: Tw = Te * A B Where A = Lever length (wrench) B = Lever length + extension Te = Required torque Tw = Torque reading on wrench Example: Required torque is 100 in/lbs; lever length is 12”; extension length is 4”; torque wrench setting: Tw = (100*12)/16 = 1200/16 = 75 in/lbs Safety Wiring Safety wire is installed to prevent bolts and screws from moving in a loosening direction – Safety wire counteracts any loosening tendency through a tightening of the wire – Safety wire can be installed either by hand or by use of specially-designed safety wire pliers – It is important the wire is not kinked or stretched during installation FAA Advisory Circular AC65-9A, 1976; Internet; Metal Repairs When performing metal repairs, extent of damage must be determined before initiating Application is also important: Low-speed applications or internal repairs – lapped joints, surface patches, universal head rivets High-speed applications (aerodynamic considerations) – flush patches, countersunk rivets Less complicated More complicated Bottom line: Repair must be as small as possible Necessary bearing and shear strength must be obtained Metal Repairs Formulas exist for determining the number of fasteners to use: – To find number of rivets to use: NR = (L * RPI * %) * 2 NR = number of rivets L = length of damage (break) RPI = rivets per inch (found on a chart or table) % is normally 75 (75 % of rivets required for a lap joint) Access cover Lap patch X X X X Flush patch X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Inspection and Testing How do we know a material is strong enough? – – – We have intuition through life experiences We “know” whether a material is strong through its appearance We wouldn’t cross a stream on a rotten log, we’d look for something more “substantial In general practice, material strength is determined through testing Inspection and Testing Destructive vs. Non-destructive Testing – Destructive – part is destroyed during testing to yield ultimate strength Information is applicable to all materials similarly constructed – Non-destructive – material integrity is maintained Information is derived using physical properties of test/mediums to determine characteristics Inspection and Testing Destructive – Coupon testing Information derived from a representative sample Lap shears Tensile testing – Simulation Test fixtures, conditions re-created to simulate or test environmental factors/conditions/material configurations Material analysis Accident/incident reconstruction Destructive Testing Space Shuttle RCC Panel Testing, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), San Antonio, TX May, 2003 Before Simulated Foam Strike: 1.7 lb. Bipod Ramp After Simulated Foam Strike: Inspection and Testing Non-destructive Testing – Three categories Visual – examination of a material through visual observation Limited to accessible areas only Visual and Remote Visual (mirror, borescope) Surface – examination of near-surface and conditions open to the surface Limited to less than approx. ¼” depth Penetrant, Eddy Current Volumetric – examination of conditions deep within a material or volume Areas inaccessible to visual or surface methods Ultrasonic, Radiographic Nondestructive Testing Six traditional (classic) methods: – – – – – Visual Testing – use of light as a probing medium Penetrant Testing – use of a liquid/high contrast Magnetic Particle Testing – use of magnetic lines of force Eddy Current Testing – use of an induced current Ultrasonic Testing – sound waves – Radiographic Testing – differential absorption of penetrating radiation Sub-methods (derivatives of classic methods) – – – Acoustic Emission – use of induced strain to elicit noise Infrared/Thermography – use of heating/cooling Shearography – use of strain and different wavelengths of light Composite Characteristics What Are Composites? A combination of two or more materials working together – Each contributes its own structural properties – Each retains its unique identity Two major components (two-phase material): – Plastic matrix - tough but flexible – Ceramic or mineral fibers- strong but brittle Two-Phase Material Fiber reinforcement is strong component and provides tensile properties Matrix is pliable and provides compressive and shear strength properties + Put = them together and the result is a failureresistant, tough material!! Composites Forms DEFINITION: Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Advanced Composites • Advanced Composites – Higher strength-to-weight ratios than ordinary fiberglass – More expensive than ordinary fiberglass – Properties are usually precisely tailored to achieve a specific objective Fiber Types • Three types of composite fibers comprise the bulk of the composite industry : – Fiberglass – used where economy is a – consideration – Carbon Fiber – used where strength and stiffness – are primary design considerations – Kevlar – used where impact resistance is an – important consideration – Hybrids – combinations of the three major types for specific applications Glass Fiber Two main types: – E-glass – used primarily for secondary structures 500,000 psi tensile strength, 10,500 kpsi modulus of elasticity – S-glass – used in aviation/aerospace as primary structure 665,000 psi, tensile strength, 12,400 kpsi modulus of elasticity Roughly 30% stronger than E-glass, triple the cost – Variations: S2 glass – somewhat better properties Hollex – hollow, approx. same properties as E-glass, 30% less weight Carbon Fiber Generally lighter than fiberglass – At one time, prohibitively priced material – Strength – 470,000 psi tensile strength, 34,000 kpsi modulus of elasticity Higher compressive strength than glass Stiffer than glass with lower impact resistance – Nasty handling characteristics: Breakage of structure exposes hundreds of needle ends Breathing dust from sawing or sanding must be avoided – Three main types Type III – Moderate strength, used for tooling and carbon brakes Type II – High strength, used in various structures and components Type I – High modulus, stiff, used in spacecraft, Space Shuttle Aramid (Kevlar®) Highest strength-to-weight ratio in tension of any commercially available fiber – 430,000 psi tensile strength, 19,000 kpsi modulus of elasticity – 43% lighter than glass; 20% lighter than carbon – Outstanding in tension, not good in compression – Three formulations: Kevlar 49 – used for structures Kevlar 29 – used as protective lamination for protection against puncture Kevlar 129 – used for body armor Polymer Fibers Polyethylene (SPECTRA®) – High tensile strength – Lightweight – Used underwater, in ballistics, and body armor Advantages: – Low moisture absorption – Excellent chemical resistance Disadvantages: – Limited temperature range (< 220º F) Mineral Fibers Boron – Very stiff and strong – Used primarily in aerospace, sporting goods – Seeing some application in metal repairs Advantages: – No galvanic corrosion potential exists – Thermal expansion similar to steels Disadvantages: – Cannot be woven, filaments snap when bent – Matrix does not bond well with mineral fibers – Only available in prepreg unidirectional tape – Single source: Textron Specialty Products, Lowell, MA Mineral Fibers Quartz – High temperature applications – Low dielectric properties – Similar to fiberglass – Used in Space Shuttle thermal insulation Ceramic – Ultra high temperature applications – Used in Space Shuttle thermal insulation Fiber Design All filaments in a strand are taken from the same batch at the same time – A single bundle of parallel untwisted strands is called a “roving” Also known as a “tow” –Rovings are grouped together and twisted with other strands to make yarn Delivered to weavers who manufacture cloth – Rovings are used to manufacture stitch-bonded fabrics Tows normally used in unidirectional products – Roving size is expressed in yield (linear yards per pound) Textile Terminology Warp Direction – Parallel to the “Long” direction of the roll – Also defined as parallel to the “selvage” edge Fill Direction – 90 degrees to the Warp direction – Selvage edge to selvage edge – Sometimes called “Weft” direction Selvage Edge – Tightly woven edge to prevent edge raveling – Parallel to warp threads Bias – A 45 degree angle to the warp threads – Fabric can be stretched along the bias but seldom along warp Textile Terminology Weave Terminology Warp clock - Fiber orientation figure – Very important to consider fiber direction – A component in all composite drawings Counterclockwise – plies viewed from manufacturing standpoint (inside looking out) Clockwise – plies viewed from repair standpoint (outside looking in) -45º 90º 0º +45º 90º Fiber Orientation Advanced Composites are by design – Orientation of fibers is proportional to properties The more fibers in a given direction, the stronger and stiffer Control of fiber angles to +/- 2 degrees Unidirectional (0) degrees for tension, compression, or bending Woven fabrics eliminate crimps (stacked) Biax (+/- 45’s) degrees for shear Triax (0, +45, -45) for tensile strength and shear Fabric Weaves Common weave styles: – Plain – yarns interlaced in alternating fashion – Basket (twill) – double strands interlaced two by two; traditional composite “look” – Crowfoot (4HS) – over three yarns, under one for pliability – Five-Harness Satin (5HS) – over four yarns, under one – Eight-Harness Satin (8HS) – over seven yarns, under one Symmetrical vs. unsymmetrical – Symmetrical weave patterns have an equal number of yarns in both warp and fill directions » Equal strength in both directions – Unsymmetrical weaves have different numbers of yarns in warp and fill directions, different sizes or different materials » Strength not equal in both directions Weave Patterns Weave Patterns Matrix Systems Matrix The “glue” that holds structural fibers together – Transfers loads between fibers – Structural properties: Compression Shear Resistance to delamination • Two categories: – Thermosetting – becomes rigid once cured – Thermoplastic – becomes pliable with the application or reapplication of heat Matrix Types of thermosetting resins: – Epoxy – Elevated temperature curing – Polyester – Low cost, room temperature curing – Vinyl ester – Low-cost, low viscosity, room temperature curing Generally, curing process generates heat “exothermic reaction” which may cause carbonizing (burning) or shrink-cracking if left uncontrolled – Mixing quantities in containers insufficient to dissipate heat generated Matrix Thermosetting resins are two-part systems – Resin – Hardener Proper curing depends on the proper ratio of resin to hardener: – For epoxy matrix systems (most popular), 5 parts resin to 1 part hardener is optimum Too little resin – enhances exothermic reaction; brittleness; insufficient strength Too much resin – excess weight; insufficient strength Optimum ratio: 60% fiber; 40% resin to achieve proper (design) strength Matrix Methods for obtaining proper matrix resin-tohardener ratio: – Scale Zero scale Weigh mixing container Re-zero scale Add one part hardener to five parts resin by weight – Volume Use graduated mixing container Add one part hardener to five parts resin by volume – Ratio pump Simplest method Pump chambers designed to deliver proper amounts One full pump resin, one full pump hardener Matrix Epoxy Resins: – Two-part system – polymerized during manufacture Resin and hardener cross-link or form chemical bonds when mixed together – Advantages: Good environmental resistance Wide variety of formulations available for many applications (wet resin, prepreg, adhesive) Matrix of choice for aerospace applications – Disadvantages: More expensive than polyester or vinyl ester Emits toxic smoke when burned Matrix Polyester – Polymerization prevented during manufacture by addition of “inhibitors” Cured by addition of a catalyst Promotors and accelerators can also be added to speed cure – Advantages: Good environmental resistance Inexpensive – Disadvantages: High styrene emissions High shrinkage during cure Emits toxic smoke when burned Matrix Vinyl Ester – Hybrid of epoxy and polyester Polymerization also inhibited during manufacture Cured by addition of a catalyst Promotors and accelerators can also be added to speed cure – Advantages: Better environmental resistance than polyester More strength and fiber adhesion than polyester Less shrinkage during cure than polyester – Disadvantages: High styrene emissions Dangerous to use - Risk of explosion if improperly mixed Emits toxic smoke when burned Matrix Exotic resins: – BMI – Bismaleimide Used in high performance, high temperature applications Expensive – Cyanate ester High temperature, corrosion resistance Expensive – Polyimide Used in thermoplastics Sandwich Structures Sandwich Structures Combination of strong, thin skins, relatively light “core” material – Produces very efficient structures with high stiffness to weight ratios Core chief purpose: – Passes shear forces between the skin surfaces – Allows substantially improved structural properties in thicker sections with only slight increase in weight Sandwich Structures Disadvantages of sandwich construction: – Sandwich structures have thin skins that can be easily damaged Susceptible to moisture intrusion: – Can cause unintentional weight gain – Freezing if subjected to lower temperatures of higher altitudes may cause disbonds – If core becomes contaminated with oil, fuel or hydraulic fluid, it is almost impossible to remove completely Sandwich Structures Core Materials: – Hex core Common hexagonal shape Suitable for flat panels Difficult to bend – Common variations: O-X core – over-expanded Facilitates curving Flex-core Compound curvature Exceptional formability Sandwich Structures Core Materials (cont): – Foam Higher densities than honeycombs Greater crush resistance Do not bond as well to skins – Common varieties: Polyurethane Moderate mechanical properties Structural applications limited to formers to create frames or stringers for stiffening components Widely used for thermal insulation Sandwich Structures Core Materials (cont): – Polystyrene Used extensively in sail and surfboard manufacture Light weight (40kg/m3 ), low cost, easy to sand characteristics Low mechanical properties Cannot be used with polyester resin systems, dissolved by the styrene present in the resin – Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Most common core material for high performance sandwich structures Referred to simply as „PVC foams‟ Sandwich Structures Core Materials (cont): – Wood Described as „nature‟s honeycomb‟ On microscopic scale, similar to the cellular hexagonal structure of synthetic honeycomb – Types Plywood Not widely used - heavy Balsa Excellent material for sandwich structures Popular for marine structures » Can have moisture problems Used less frequently in aviation due to flammability Sandwich Structures Core Materials (cont): – Wood (cont) Wood cores are susceptible to moisture attack Will rot if not well surrounded by laminate or resin – Syntactic core Composite in a sense Microspheres mixed with thermosetting resin Strength and density can be controlled Can be made heat resistant by application of heat resistant resins Can be easily formed into complex shapes Shaping Cores Hot Wire Cutting – Easiest method for closed-cell foams – Care must be taken with smoke Band saw – Can be used to rough shape – Applicable to all types of cores (honeycomb, foam, wood) – Miter/tilt table can be used for angled cuts Razor knife – Can be used with straight edge for thin materials (foam board, wood, nomex honeycomb) – Trim work Shaping Cores Sanding: – Some foam core materials like polyurethane and wood are easy to sand and shape Can be sanded with belt sanders, hand sanders Polyurethane foams can even be sanded with another piece of like foam Safety Considerations When working with composites, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn: – Airborne particulates are generated whenever composite materials are cut or sanded Sanding residue is an irritant and uncured matrix systems are suspected carcinogens Use of shop coats, gloves, dust masks and eye protection is mandatory! Imperative to keep particulate matter out of airways, eyes, pores of skin – Uncured matrix materials cannot be mixed/diluted with water! Must be kept out of drains, sewers Let stand until cured, then can be discarded as normal trash Manufacturing Processes Manual Wet Layup: – Oldest, simplest composite technique Usually requires use of a “tool” or mold Requires release agent Surface can be wet out/sprayed with resin or a “gel” coat Gel coat allowed to partially cure before addition of fabric Fabric can be applied dry and saturated with resin: Excess resin is removed by hand-working Sprayed with chop gun (chops and mixes continuous fibers with pre-metered resin) Manufacturing Processes Imperfections in surface can be addressed with fillers made from chopped materials mixed with matrix – Two forms: Structural Cellulose fiber (flox) – strength comparable to foam Milled glass – stronger than flox, heavier; nasty handling characteristics Non-structural Micro (glass) balloons – very lightweight filler, easily sanded – Imperfections can be located with a “smudge” stick Made from chalk and a straight edge Rubbed across surface to identify any high or low spots Manufacturing Processes Manual Wet Layup: Source: Manufacturing Processes Vacuum Bagging – Purpose: Apply down force for ply consolidation and force laminate to contour to tool surface Also extracts excess resin, air and volatiles Down force equals 29.92 in. Hg or 14.7 psi at sea level Loses one half pound per 1,000 ft elevation Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Manufacturing Processes Vacuum Bagging Materials and Equipment – Bagging film Can be any plastic film Preferably thermoplastic (Nylon, polyethylene, etc.) – Release film Can be bagging film Teflon coated fabric Superior durability, can be reused “Perf” - release film with holes to allow air/resin to flow out Gives bondable finish to part Minimizes resin bridging, wrinkles removed after cure leaving matte surface ready for paint or bond Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Manufacturing Processes Vacuum Bagging Materials and Equipment, cont.) – Breather Spun polyester mat or batting Allows even air/resin removal – Bleeder Absorbs excess resin Avoids clogging breather Any cheap woven goods Can even be peel ply – Peel Ply Usually Dacron (polyester cloth) Can be unfinished glass cloth Absorbs excess resin, contaminates Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Cures Curing Room Temperature Cure – Most common – Used with wet-layup techniques Materials are assembled, fabric is wet-out with resin, allowed to dry in ambient conditions Typically 4-6 hours to initial gel for epoxies Times can be adjusted for polyesters/vinyl esters 24-48 hours for final cure – Cannot be used with prepregs Curing Typical heated press – Pressure, elevated temperature cure Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Curing Oven with vacuum hook up – Elevated temperature cure – Vacuum source for down force – Can be used for prepregs Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Curing Typical Autoclave – Elevated temperature cure – Can provide several atmospheres of down force to compact thick sections Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Prepregs Prepregs Disadvantages with wet lay-up can be overcome with Prepregs Prepreg fiber is pre-impregnated with resin (hence the name) – – – – – Any type fiber can be used Amount of resin can be controlled Must be frozen below zero Usually only good for a year Oven-cure between 250 to 350 degrees F. Prepregs Advantages: – – – – Little mess or smell Lower exposure to health risks Resin/fiber ratio controlled Many high performance matrix systems available – Easier to cut to shape than dry materials Prepregs Disadvantages: – – – – – – – – More expensive Short shelf life (12 months) Frozen storage required Proper thawing critical to quality of finished part Requires vacuum bagging Thicker laminates require autoclave cure Sensitive to dirt and oil contamination Sensitive to moisture contamination Prepregs Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Prepregs Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Prepregs • Prepreg Machine Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Prepregs Prepreg forms: Unidirectional Fabric Courtesy : Gary Eisenberg; Antelope Valley Community College; Lancaster , CA Curing Prepregs Elevated Temperature Cure – Virtually all prepregs require elevated temperatures to allow the matrix to cure – Most common ways to raise temperature: Oven Virtually any enclosure that can be heated Heated Press Good for high production rates on flat components, common in production settings Autoclave Pressurized oven, expensive, used for thicker sections (more than eight layers) to compress material Acknowledgements: • Maria Clinton and Gary Eisenberg, Instructors, Aerospace Technology; Antelope Valley Community College, Lancaster, CA • Aircraft Sheet Metal; Nick Bonacci, Jeppson Sanderson Training Products, 1987 • Understanding Aircraft Composite Construction; Basics of Materials and Techniques for the Non-Engineer; Zeke Smith; Aeronaut Press; Napa, CA; 1996 • Advisory Circular AC43.13-1b, Chg 1; Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices - Aircraft Inspection and Repair; Federal Aviation Administration; 9-27-2001 • Advisory Circular AC65-9a, Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics General Handbook; Federal Aviation Administration; 1-1-1978
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