Indicator Kriging based on Principal Component Analysis
Indicator Kriging based on Principal Component Analysis
INDICATOR KRIGING BASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT O8 APPTIED EARTH SCIENCES AND THE COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDIES OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAT FUTFITTMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE By Vinicio Suro P6rez December, 1988 ./ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a pleasure to thank Prof. Andre Journel for his guidance, support and helpful discussions. He patiently reviewed each word of this text and his influence can be found on each page. However, I reserve for me the mistakes. I am grateful to Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Mexico) for financial support through an scholarship. Additional funding was provided for the Geostatistics Program at Stanford University and the Environmental Protection Agency through the Project No. cR-814899-01-0. I am indebted to my fellows of the Geostatistics Program for their friendship and all those wonderful discussions about everything and specially to my friend of many years, Luis Ramos, for his constant support and his tennis lessons . Last but not least, I want to acknowledge to my wife Maria T. for her love, patience and tolerance during these two years. Without her help edgement. rll I would not be writing this acknowl- ABSTRACT An alternative to multiple indicator kriging is proposed which approximates the full coindicator kriging system by kriging the principal component variables of original indicator variables. This transformation is studied in detail for the bigaussian model. It is shown that the crosscorrelations between principal components are either not significant or exactly zero. This result permits inference of the conditional cdf by krigtng the principal components then applying a back transformation. A performance comparison based on on a simulated data set with results derived from multiple indicator kriging and multigaussian kriging is presented. lv Contents 1 2 Introduction: 1 1.1 Use of Principal Component Analysis: 2 I.2 Our Goal: 3 The Indicator Kriging Approach: 2.L A Deterministic Interpretation: 2.1.1 2.2 5 6 Bivariate Distribution Model: The Probabilistic Model: 2.2.L Optimality Criteria: 11 Development of the Indicator Kriging Estimator: 2.4 An Alternative Estimator to 2.5 Are the Indicator Crmscorrelations Important? IK: . . 3 13 15 16 2.5.1 The One Sample Example: t7 2.5.2 The Two Sample 18 Case: Alternatives to CoIK: 2.6.1 The Probability Kriging Estimator: 2.6.2 A Simplified Version of the CoIK Estimator: 2.7 , 10 2.3 2.6 ry OtherPerspectives: 20 2L 23 24 Principal Components and the Indicator Approach: 26 3.1 27 Transforming the Indicators: 9.2 The Bigaussian Model: ... 29 3.2.1 Covariance Matrix El(h) 31 3.2.2 33 Eigenvectors of E1(h) 3.3 Computation of the Principal Component Croescovariancee: 36 3.4 Numerical Computation of the Indicator Croosconariances . 37 3.4.L Cautious Romberg Extrapolation 3.4.2 The Composite 3.5 Trapezoidal Rule .. 37 . 39 3.4.3 End Point Singularity 40 3.4.4 Implementation. 4l Examples: 4L 3.5.1 The Three Cutoffs Case: . 42 3.5.2 52 The Five Cutoffs Case: IK based on Principal Component Analysis 61 4.1 An Estimator Based on PCA: 61 4.2 4.3 Unbiasedness:... 63 Estimation Variance 65 Practice of IKPCA: 67 4.4 4.4.1 Declustering 4.4.2 the Univa^riate CDF: Selection of Cutoffs: 68 4.4.3 Computation of E1(h): . . . 4.4.4 Checking for Bigaussianity: 69 4.4.5 7L Order Relations Problems: 4.4.6 Probability Intervals: 70 7L 4.4.7 Optimal Estimates: 72 5 A Case Study 5.1 67 74 Structural Analysis: 74 vl s.l.L Indicator Correlograms and Crossconelogra,ms: 5.L.2 Principal 5.2 Estimation of 5.2.t Component Correlogra,me: Modeling Correlogra.*s: Estimation of L02 .. L02 cdf F*(x; zl(n')): Panels: 128 6.1 128 6.4 6.5 6.6 Bim,riate Distribution: r29 Number of Cutoffs: Inference of Principal Component Correlograms: .. . Indicator Kriging: L29 130 Indicator Kriging based on Principal Component Analysis: Nonlinear Combinations of Indicators: 130 131 Spectral Decomposition of E;(h) L32 A.1 Ilouseholder Transfomations: 133 L.2 134 The QR Algorithm: A.3 The Singular Value Decomposition: C tI7 Conclusions and Recommendations: 6.2 6.3 B 103 LL4 5.3.1 Simple IKPCA and Ordinary IKPCA: 6 75 90 Points: 5.2.2 Performance of the Conditional 5.3 . . . Computation of Indicator Crogsconariances Computation of Principal Component Crosscovariances vll 136 138 L67 List of Tables 3.1 cutoffs L24 5.1 The eelected nine 5.2 Predicted proportions for expreesion (5.4). L25 5.3 Predicted proportions for expression (5.7). L25 5.4 Predicted quantity of metal recovery factor. L25 o.o Predicted tonnage recovery factor. L26 5.6 Comparison between 5.7 Panel Estimation: Comparison between MG,IK, IKPCA and the approximated IKPCA L26 IK, IKPCA and the approximated L26 IKPCA. Panel Estimation: Comparison between ordinary IKPCA and simple IKPCA. L27 vlu List of Figures 2.1 The estimator O*(V; z1) is the best bivariate-type estimator of E[O(I/; zp) | ..... ("')l 12 3.1 The principal component transformation. 27 3.2 Expression 3.37 35 3.3 Indicator Covariance for the cutoff z = -I.0. 43 9.4 Indicator Covariance for the median cutoff z = 0. 43 3.5 Indicator Corariance for the cutoff z = -1.0. 44 3.6 Ind.icator crossco\xariance for the cutoffs z 3.7 Indicator crosscovariance between the extreme cutofis: z 3.8 Indicator crcscova,riance for the cutoffs z = 0.0 an.d z = 1.0. 45 3.9 Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = 'L,0. 46 . = -I.0 ap.d z'= 0.0. = 44 L.0 and' z = -1.0 45 3.10 Indicator correlogram for the median cutoff z :0.0. 47 3.11 Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = 1.0. 47 3.r2 Indicator crosscorrelogram for z 3.13 Indicator crosscorrelogra,m 3.14 Indicator croscorrelogram 3.15 - --L.0 an'd z'= 0.0. for z = 0.A and, z'= 48 48 1.0. for the extreme cutoffs z = -1.0 First principal component correlograrn. 3.16 Second principal component correlogram and. zt= 1.0. 49 50 50 3.L7 Third principal component correlogram 51 3.18 First and third principal component crooscorrelogram 51 lx 3.19 Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = -2.0. 53 z'= -1.0. 3.20 Indicator croescorrelogra,m for the cutoffs z = -2.0 3.2L Indicator crosscorelogra,n for the cutoffs z = -2.0 arid zt = 0.0. 54 3.22 Indicator croescorrelogra,m for the cutoffs z = -2.0 alid. z'= 1.0. 54 3.23 and, Indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the extreme cutoffs z = -2.0 arLd 53 z' -- 2.0. oo 3.24 Principal component correlograms for the five cutofis case. 56 3.25 Principal component crosscorrelograms different from zero. 56 4.1 Choice of synmetric F(z) does not entail symmetric cutofis. 68 4.2 The elements of matrix >/(0) can be read from Fi@). 70 5.1 Exhaustive data set. 75 5.2 Z-Correlogram derived from the exhaustive information 76 5.3 Indicator conelogram for the cutoff z = 'L.28 77 5.4 Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z 77 o.D Indicator crcscorrelogram 78 5.6 Indicator crosscorrelogram 5.7 Indicator crosscorrelogram 5.8 Indicator crosscorrelogram 5.9 Indicator crcscorrelogram for the cutoffs z = -L.28 and z = -0.84. for the cutoffs z = -1.28 and z = -0.52. for the cutoffs z = -L.28 and z = -0.25. for the cutoffs z = -L.28 and z = 0.0. for the cutoffs z = -L.28 and z = 0.25 . - -1.28 and' z 78 79 79 = 0.52 . 80 5.10 Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutofis z -- -t.28 z = 0.84 . 80 5.11 Indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the cutoffs z = -1.28 and z = 1.28 . 81 5.12 Indicator correlogram and' for the cutoff z = -0.84 81 for the cutofis z = -0.84 and z = -0.52. 82 5.14 Indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the cutoffs z 82 5.15 Indicator = -0.52 ar'd z = -0.25. croescorrelogra,m for the cutofis z = -0.25 and z = 0.0. 83 5.13 Indicator crosscorrelogra,m 5.16 Indicator crosscorrelogra'm for the cutoffs z = 0'a and z = 0'25' 83 5.17 Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutofis z = 0-25 and' z = 0.52. 84 5.18 Indicator crooscorrelogr"m for the cutofis z = 0.52 and z = 0.84. 85 5.19 Indicator croescorrelogra,m for the cutoffs z = O.84 anLd z = 1.28. 85 5.20 Indicator correlogra.m for the cutoff z 86 5.2L Indicator correlogram 86 = -0.52. for the cutoff z = -0.25. 5.22 Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z 6.23 Indicator correlogram 87 0.0. for the cutoff z = 0.25. 5.24 Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z 87 A.52. 88 for the cutoff z = 0.84. 88 Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = 1.28. 89 5.25 Indicator correlogram 5.26 = = 5.27 Greyscale map of the indicator crooscorrelogram for the z cutoffz = *1.28 and -- -0.84. 5.28 Greyscale map of indicator croescorrelogra,m for the cutoff 5.29 z= L,28 and. z = 0.84. 90 First principal component correlogra,m 92 5.30 Greyscale map of the first principal component 92 5.31 First and second principal component crosscorrelogram. 93 5.32 First and third principal component crosscorrelogram. 93 5.33 Fimt and fourth principal component croescorrelogram. 94 5.34 First and fifth principal component 94 5.35 First and sixth principal component crosscorrelogram. 5.36 First and seventh principal component crooscorrelogram. 5.37 First and eighth principal component crosscorrelogam. 96 5.38 First and ninth principal component crosscorrelogra,m 96 croescorrelogra.m. 5.39 Second principal component correlogram. 5.40 Third principal component correlogra^m. 5.41 Fourth principal component correlogran. 5.42 Fifth principal component correlogram. 95 .. 95 97 98 98 99 5.43 Sixth principal component correlogre.m. 99 5.44 Seventh principal component correlogram 100 5.45 Eighth principal component correlogram 100 5.46 Ninth principal component correlogram 101 5.47 Third and fifth principal component crossorrelogram. 101 r02 5.48 Fourth and sixth principal component crossonelogtam grey ecale map. 5.49 Data configuration used by IKPCA. 103 5.50 Scatterplot of the predicted and actual proportions 105 5.51 Scatterplot of the predicted and actual proportions 106 5.52 Scatterplot ofthe predicted quantity ofmetal recovery factor and the actual 108 nalues. 5.53 Scatterplot of the predicted tonnage recovery factor and the actual values. . 5.54 Scatterplot of the predicted S(V; z) factore and the MG factors 109 110 5.55 Scatterplot of the IK and MG estimate of r'*(xo; -1.28). 111 5.56 Scatterplot of the IKPCA and MG estimate of F*(x'; -1.28). LL2 5.57 Scatterplot of the approximated IKPCA and MG estimate of .F*(xo; -1.28). tt2 5.58 Scatterplot of the IK and MG estimate of F*(xo;0.0). 113 5.59 Scatterplot of the IKPCA and MG estimate of .F.(xo;0.0). 113 5.60 Scatterplot of the approximated IKPCA and MG estimate of F.(x.;0.0). tL4 5.61 Scatterplot of the IK and MG estimate of r'*(xo;1.28). 115 5.62 Scatterplot of the IKPCA and MG estimate of f'*(xo;1.28). 115 5.63 Scatterplot of the approximated IKPCA and MG estimate of r'*(xo;1.28). 5.64 Data configuration for the estimation of panels. 116 LL7 5.65 Scatterplot of the composite distribution fot z = - 1.28 and the actual value' 118 5.66 Scatterplot of the composite distribution for z = -0.84 and the actual value. 118 5.67 Scatterplot of the composite distribution for z = -0.52 and the actual value. 119 5.68 Scatterplot of the composite distribution for z = -0.25 and the actual value. 119 xll 5.69 Scatterplot of the composite distribution tor z = 0.0 and the actual value. L20 5.70 Scatterplot of the compooite distribution fot z = 0.25 and the actual value. L20 5.7L Scatterplot of the composite distribution fot z = 0.52 and the actual nalue. L2L = 0'84 and the actual value' L2L distribution for z = 1.28 and the actual value. t22 5.72 Scatterplot of the composite distribution fot z 5.73 Scatterplot of the composite 5.74 composite distribution lor z = -1.28 obtained by IK, oIKPCA and SIKPCA. L23 distribution fot z = 0.0 obtained by IK, oIKPCA and SIKPCA. t23 5.76 Composite distribution ftor z = 1.28 obtained by IK, OIKPCA and SIKPCA. t24 5.75 composite xln Chapter 1 Introduction: In Ea,rth Sciences we are dealing most often with problems involving patterns of spatial correlation. Sometimes only one attribute is sampled and at other times a eet of attributes is sampled, but whether using one or several attributes the information is usually spatially distributed, therefore the potential for spatial correlation/crosscorrelation must be investigated. This distinctive feature is the key and justification for a gectatietical approach. Geostatistics typically addresses two classes of problems: estimation (prediction) and simulation. Wheo at each location there are several attributes and the goal is the joint estimation of these attributes, cokriging ie the proper method to account for correlation and crosscorrelation. The price to pay is crooscorra,riances modelling, for instance the case of K attributes implies the modellingof. O(K2) conariances and crosscovariances. Likewise, for joint simulation of several attributes, the number of cova,riances and crosscovariances to model is the main obstacle to practical implementation. In addition, the numerical solution of large cokriging systems is another limiting factor. These two reasons, modelling efiort and computational effort, are a strong motivation to find alternatives for the solution of joint estimation or joint simulation. The proposed alternative should be as simple like as ordinary kriging and at the same time, as powerful as cokriging. The first condition invalidates the use of heavy mathematics and the second condition offers an interesting challenge possibly difficult to achieve. These two conditions CHAPTEN L INTNODACTION: define guidelines for building a new estimator capable to infer accurately conditional cumu- lative density functions (cdf). 1.1 LJse of Principal Component Analysis: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one way to avoid the cokriging system and the required crosscorrelations modelling. This traditional multinariate analysis technique consists = l rt attributes Y" = [ f, in transforming a vector of K correlated attributs ZT transformed vector Y = A.TZ of uncorrelated Zx into Y" ] . Unfor- a tunately, in the case of data spatially distributed this transformation only ensures that crosscorrelations are zero only for attributes located at the same location, Coo(Y;(0),Y;(0)) These crosscorrelations are locations, i. e. : - 0, i # t in general different from zero for attributes located at different i. e. : Coa(Y;(x),Y1(x* h)) l o V i anil i Vh>0 Borgman and Flahme (1976) used PCA for 11 bentonite properties to perform their joint estimation. An additional assumption that all crcscorrelations are zero, i. Coo(Y;(x),Y;(x*h))=0 ,V ili andV h allows to model only 11 cona,riances and reduce the cokriging system (11 11 systems of normal equations e.: x 11) into only ( kriging systems ). To our knowledge this was the first attempt to use principal components in a practical geostatistical application. Bryan and Roghani (1982) and Davis and Greenes (1983), following the Borgman and Frahme line, applied PCA to reduce a cokriging system to a series of normal equations. gimil6fly, Dagbert (1981) and Luster (1985) performed simulations on principal components under the assumption that all crosscovariances are zero. CHAPTEN L INTNODACTION: Matheron (1982), Sandjivy (1983;1984), Wakernagel (1985;1988) and mote recently Ma and Royer (1988) propced using PCA to describe and analyze multivariate information. In their approach, the original attributes ar.e expressed as a weighted sums of factors with weights derived from application of PCA to the va,riance-conariance matrix. Additionaly each factor is decomposed as a linear combination of new faetors obtained by solving full cokriging systems. Therefore, application of such methodology is higlly demanding in terms of computational effort and crosscova,riances modelling. Ilowever, these previous references do not address the problem of estimation of the condi- tional cdf. They all share the assumption that after the principal component transformation the crossco.rrelation is zero which is not necessa,rily true, however the PC transformation idea is valuable and simple. 1,.2 Our Goal: The goal of this research is to infer the conditional cdf using an indicator data. The solution consists in solving an indicator cokriging based on the indicator formalism aystem or a simpler syetem. Thie application is ( Switzer, 1977; Journel, 1982; 1983 ) where any attribute is coded into a vector of0's or l's associated to the location x. This thesis takes a different point of view and uses simple PCA to transform the original indicators. The impact of PCA on crooscorrelations is analyzed and better approximations to infer the conditional cdf are proposed. Important results are derived for the bigaussian distribution which suggest that using PCA is a reliable and efficient technique to infer the conditional cdf. Computational advantages over Indicator Kriging and Colndicator Kriging are demostrated. Chapter 2 presents in detail the theory of Indicator Kriging and discusses how the conditional cdf is estimated. Different exa,mples are elaborated to emphasize the role of crosscorrariances. Probability Kriging and Colndicator Kriging are reviewed, and their practical implementations compared with that of multiple Indicator Kriging. CHAPTER 1. INTNODUCTION: Principal Component Analysis ie introduced in Chapter 3 to orthogonalize the indicator vectors. A general analytical expression for indicator crocscoraxiances is derived for the binormal case. This bivariate distribution is ta,ken as enample to compare the relative levels of indicator crosscorrelation versus direct correlations. Application of PCA under bigaussianity is discussed and the properties of the correeponding principal component crosscorelograms are derived. The binormal case Buggests that working in the space of principal components does solve the problem of reducing indicator cokrigiag into multiple kriging of principal components with minimum assumption about the croeecorrelograms. This new estimator based on principal components and denoted IKPCA is developed and analyzed in Chapter performance 4. Unbiasedness and minimum variance are discussed and its in terms of estimation nariance is compared with tat of Indicator Kriging and Colndicator Kriging. Its practical implementation is reviewed and the checking of its constitutive hypothesis is strongly recommended. Finally, IKPCA is applied on a simulated data set and its performance compared with multiple Indicator Kriging and Multigaussian Kriging. Proportions, quantity of metal recovery factor, tonnage recovery factor are estimated by all three methods and their estimation scores are compared. It is found that, for certain family of bivariate distdbutions, indica- tor transformation via PCA provides a direct and fast technique to estimate conditional distributions. Furthermore, it is shown that starting with K principal component correl- ograms to model, application of IKPCA reduces significantly that number in a significant proportion. Appendices describe the numerical procedure for obtaining the principal components. Commented source codes for calculation of indicator and principal component covariances and crosscova,riances are given. Both programs assume a bigaussian model and with a given the z-correlogram, and provide resulting conariances or crosscornriances. The indi- cator principal component coraniance or crosscovariances z-correlogram input. a^re obtained directly from the Chapter 2 The Indicator Krigittg Approach: The purpose of the Indicator Kriging (IK) approach is to infer a model for the conditional cumulative density function (cdf), r'(x; zl(n)). In mining, for example, it is used to fore- cast the recovered tonnage and quantity of metal above a given cutoff. In Environmental F(x;z | (")) allowe computing the probability of exceedence over a specific threshold which could be the maximum acceptable concentration in a certain Sciences, knowledge of. pollutant. IK is but one method to infer such conditional cdf. Other techniques are Disjuntive Kriging (DK) (Matheron, 1976), Lognormal Kriging (Switzer and Parker, 1976; Journel, 1980), Multigaussian Kriging (Verly, 1983; 1984), Uniform Conditioning (Guibal and Remace,l984) and Bigaussian Kriging (Marcotte and David, 1985) which are based on a parametric approach as oppmed to the nonparametric approach of IK. This single difference reveals a najor philosophical difference: IK relies more on the available data while the parametric techniques capitalize on an implicit or explicit multivariate distribution model. IK from its introduction (Journel, 1982; 1983; 1984a) was devised a,s a nonparametric technique and an alternative method to DK. The main hypothesis of the latter method is that the bivariate marginal cdf for il\ Z(x), Z(x * h) is isofactorial expansion of orthogonal polynomials, and in particular used in the expansion and the corresponding it goodness of and expressed as a finite depends on the number of terms fit. IK expresses the conditional CHAPTEN 2. THE INDICATOR KRIGING APPROACH: cdf as a simple linea,r combination of indicatore aagociated to each cutoff. Notice that any method to infer the conditional cdf relies either on enough data or on aasumptione about the multivariate data distribution. If the data do not honor the hypothesis made about the multiva,riate distribution, there will be a departure from the theoretical formulation whose consequences on the estimated cdf are not fully known yet. How to measure the departure from the models is an open problem in most of the geostatiscal developments. 2.L A Deterministic Interpretation: Given an physical domain A exhaustively sampled, the problem considered is to infer the proportion of point values within A which are below or above a certain threshold 21. This proportion has an exact expression if exhaustive sa,mpling is a€sumed: Q(A;z*)= where | ,a I is the measure of the domain (, d(x;21)={ t # /, lorr*,zy) dx (2.1) and i t".!*)s.'* | otherwise ft=r,...,K 0 is an indicator function of the threshold zs. The evaluation of the integral (2.1) can be accomplished by numerical integration since all indicator values a,re known on the domain ,4, : 6(A;z*)= In the case #"D_r,*,*, (2.2) of a non-exhaustive sampling of A expression (2.2) may not be anymore televant. Clustere and the sa,mples number must be accounted for to obtain an approx- imation to (2.1). The problem is complex because one has to devise some algorithm to solve numerically the integral when the integrand is known only at a finite number of loca- tions nonrandomly sampled. The common techniques for numerical integration can not be CHAPTEN 2. THE Id|{DICATON KRTGING APPROACH: applied directly to our problem due to lack of knowledge of the integrand functional properties and the fact that thee techniques aasume knowledge of the integrand on a regula,r or specified grid. However (2.1) can be approximated by the weighted linear combination: o- if n sa,mples are available @; rx) = over l* i?l P, ur(x')a(:<- ; z6) (2.3) A. The symbol * indicates a particular approximation, and the weights u(xo) are defined according to some criterion. For example the polygonal method or cell declustering nethod (Journel, 1982) can be used to determine these weights. In the first case the weights are proportional to the polygonal area of influence of each In the second case the weights are inversely proportional to the sample location & eamples number in each predetermined cell. Both approaches attempt to approximate a deterministic integral with no probabilistic component. Indeed, the domain A is unique and we can not aasume any kind of repetitivity of it. If the weights u(x.) a,re chosen such i that: ur(xs) o=l = | and ur(:<") € [0,1] this ensures that the estimate 6*(A;26) satisfies: 6*(A; zi < O*(A; zr) Y k' > k 6*(A;zr) e [0,1] Both conditions are similar to conditions required for a function of z6 to be a cdf. Therefore, they allow interpreting the estimate (2.3) as a cdf. This cdf can be interpreted as being the cdf of a random variable Z(x) defined on .4 : CHAPTER 2. TflN INDICATON KNIGI]VG APPBOACH: iD.(,4; z*) =- Prob(Z(*) 1 zp) = F(r*) (2.4) In expression (2.4) Z(x) is assumed to be stationary over A, thus the cdf (2.4) can be written as independent of the location x. The interpretation (2.4) ol the deterministic integral (2.1) defines the stationary univariate distribution of Z(x) over the domain A. 2.1.1 Bivariate Distribution Model: The question now is to define a birrariate distribution on A following a eimilar procedure The problem is to evaluate the biva^riate cdf of any pair of random variables Z(*), Z(x* h). That bivariate distribution conariance can be ocpreesed as an indicatot noncentered Kr(h; zkrzk,) defined as: Kr(h; zh,zh,) = E[f(x; zp)I(x+ h; zr,)] k,k' = 1,...,K (2.5) x€(4nA-u)cA, x,x*h€A EF(*; z1).t(x + h; zr,)l K - Ptob(Z(x) ( 21, Z(xt h) S zp)) k,k' = L, "',K being the number of cutofis considered, thus the bivariate distribution is discretized by K2 values. The domain The domain .A /-U corresponds to the domain '4, translated by the vector h. n .4-g is unique in the sense that for each h we can form one and only one such domain. Different vectors the bivariate proportion of values h would entail different intersections AnA-y. Consider f(x) S z, z(x+ h) S z'within A which can be expressed as the spatial integral: O(An A-airrizk) - #1; tnno_oi(x;zp)i(x !h;zr,) itx (2.6) CIIAPTEN 2. THE INDICATOR KNIGING APPROACH: assuming that the domain has been sampled exhaustively. The noncentered indicator covariance (2.5) can be identified to the bivariate proportion (2.6): 0@n A-aiz*izp') = Kr(h; zp,zy) (2.7) Since exhaustive sampling is ra.rely arrailable a numerical approximation to the spatial integral (2.6) is required. Again the integrand functional properties are usually not known impeding usage of traditional numerical techniques. An estimate of (2.6) can be the weighted proportion of indicator data values: (2.8) ! u(x')d(x.; z;)f(x' * h;21,) a=l Unfortunately there is not yet any generally accepted procedure to compute the weights 6*(An A-ai"*iz1ot) = directly. Omre (1985) describes an approach where these weights a,re obtained through the knowledge of the univa,riate cdf: a declustering procedure applied at the univariate level is transfered to the biva,riate level. No matter its convenience, this approach is debatable because the correct way is to decluster first at the bivariate level then proceed to the univariate level and not the reverse. For exa,mple the marginal cdf derived from the bivariate distribution: F(r*) = Q*(A; zp) = $*(A; z&, +oo) (2.e) is partially reproduced following the Omre's method since that the formulation consists in minimizing the difference between the resulting declustered marginal distribution (2.9) and the proposed univariate distribution. Notice that in this expression h An A-b= = 0 and therefore A. Consistency: In any practical situation the domain h: ,4, is finite and the subset AfiA-y is diferent for each CHAPTER 2. TIIE INDICA"ON KRIGING APPROACH: An A-6t' An 10 A-y, h # h' This remark has important consequenceo: the definition domain for each bivariate pro- portion t@n A-Ai"*;zs,) being dependent on h, can not ensure consistency different valuea of (2.6) for different h. between The immediate solution ie to force the definition domain to be equal whatever h. Such domain can be defined as: A' = A1'1 A-hr o... fl,4-5, with hi being the vector associated with the ithJag. However such domain would be very small and the corresponding shortage of data would be a problem. In practice consistency of the experimental indicator covariances of type (2.7) is achieved through a time-consuming modeling. This modeling must also ensure the satisfaction of all order relations: O*(An A-y;21,;zp") S O*(An A-6iz1,t;zp,) Yzs ! zp' Yzv 1 23"' (2.10) 0*(An A-y;21,;26,) € lA,Ll Yzp,z1,, In practice the modeling is performed assuming a linear model of coregionalization which ensures the order relations (2.10). This model has limitations since all the direct and crosscona,riances must be proportional to a set of predefined cona,riancee. It may appear that using indicators an'd identifyrng spatial integrals to probabilistic cdf's creates more problems than solutions, but in fact the inference of a spatial continuity me:Lsure (i.e. semivariogram) is an inherent problem to any geostatistical approach and is not particular to the indicator variable. The conditions (2.10) arise from the decision to model from data the bivariate distribution. CEAPTEN 2. TIIE INDICATOB KffGING APPROACH: 11 2.2 The Probabilistic Model: Once the noncentered indicator covariances have been ilIentifid to specific spatial integrals over At-t.A-h one can adress the problem of evaluatinglocal proportions such as the following spatial integral: Q(v with V C.4 and fr ; zr)= (urr*, (2.11) 21,\d,x lV l<<l .4 l. The approximation of (2.11) is likely to be difrcult, since there may not be any sample within V. However, now, several panels V can. be defined over the domain A allowing repetitivity. This characteristic allows randomizing the previous spatial integral into a stochastic integral: tD(V; zp) = h (2.L2) l"I(x;21,)dx where A(V; z*\ is a random variable and I(x; z) is an indicator (binary) random va,riable defined as: f . | kk=r..-. i,l'(x;21) = | rlz(x)<zp = t,...,K t ; oi"r*r"" (2.13) A linear estimator of (2.12) using the indicator data is written: Knt Q.(V; z*) =D | (2.14) .\op-I(xo; zr,) f'=1 a=l with the n' datalocations xo being a subset of the whole data set a. These n'locations need not be within the panel V. Observe that estimator (2.14) does not assume that E[f(x; z3)] is known, thus it is an ordincry kriging-type estimator. This particular estimator requires only knowledge of the bivariate distribution (2.7). trivariate information was available a generalized estimator would be: If CHAPTEN 2. THE INDICATOR KRIGING APPROACH: Kd o**(V; T2 KKln'rrlt zi=D Irl*,I(r.,i21,,)* D I D t \?oo,r,r,,I(4;zp,)I(x."1;zp") (2.L5) kt=t htt=l c=l cr=l &'=1 o=l The problem with this latter estimator is the call for trivariate information, which is extremely difrcult to infer from spa,rse and clustered data. The estimator (2.14) faces the same inference problem but to a much lesser extent. 2.2.L Optimality Criteria: Unbiasedness and minimum nariance are traditional criteria to build statistical eetimators. In the case of the estimator (2.14), minimum variance would entail (Luenberger, 1969): ^Ot({O(Iz; z)-Q'(V;26))}I(:c'; zh)l= 0 Vo- 1,...,n', Y k= 1,..-,K (2.16) The geometrical interpretation of relation (2.16) in terms of the projection theorem is that the difference vector A(Vizp) I(y.*, zr). In terms of equations, - O*(V;z&) is orthogonal to each of the data vectors expression (2.16) are none other than the classical normal equations. It can be shown that the conditional expectation: Ela$;zx) l(n')l (2.17) is the best estimator of A(V;zp) (Rozanov, 1987) in the minimum error variance sense, i.e: ll o(y; z)-Elo(V; z*) | (n')1ll= min ll o(v; zp)-a*(V; .8,. being the space of all measurable functions of Z(a) zp) ll V iD*(V; zp) e En (2.18) e (n). Notice that the estimator (2.L4) is defined in a subspace (.[") oI En. Expression (2.16) entails that Q(V; z6)- EIA(V;rr) I ("')l is orthogonal to any ele- ment of space En. By construction through the minimum variance criterion the difference CHAPTER 2, THE INDICATOR KRIGING APPROACH: ElaV;rrl(n')l Q* 13 (V; zy) Figure 2.1: The estimator O.(V; z;) is the best bivariate-type estimator of E[O(V; ,x) | EIA(V; zx) | (n')l- O.(y; z1) is orthogonal to any element of the subspace ("')) .t" and therefore by perpendicularity the estimator (2.14) is also the best estimator of (2.17) to be found in the subspace Ln. Figure 2.1 shows graphically these relationships. Minimum error variance is thus a mandatory condition for the definition of an estimator, such as (2.L4), for the conditional expectation. There is no other possible criterion to build in Ln a better estimator than (2.14). Minimum error variance is one criterion to define the estimator (2.14), unbiasedness is another, for example: EIA( ; zk)l = E[A. (V ; zp)] (2.le) The left hand expected value can be seen as a deconditioning with respect to the nt data of the conditional expectation (2.17), thus: EIE[a$; z*) | ("')]l - Efa(v;zp)l (2.20) The unbiaseness relation (2.19) entails that the estimator (2.14) is also an unbiased estimator CHAPTEN 2. THE INDICATON KRIGING APPROACH: L4 of the conditional expectation (2.17). Minimum variance and unbiasedness therefore are optimal criteria for the eetimation of the conditional expectation (2,L7). Any other eetimator in Ln based on any other criteria different from minimum error variance would yield a suboptimal estimator \n Ln. 2.3 Development of the Indicator Kriging Estimator: The Indicator formalism amounts to code any randon nariable Z(x) re a series of random bits (2.13). The following stochastic integrals are then seen aa linear operators applied on these random bits: A(V;zr\ = 1l k=L,...,K m Jrl(x;zr)dx (2.2L) with V being the panel over which the proportion (2.21) is to be estimated. The expected value of (2.2L) is written: E[o(v; zk)l= h lc 1, ...,K lrE[I(xiz1)]dx = (2.22) F(r*) ..,K (2.23) ilx= F(zr) V/c: 1,...,K (2.24) Since: EII(x;zp\)= ProblZ(x) S z*l - lc = 1, . the expected value (2.22) is also equal to the univariate cdf F(zy): E[O(V; ,r)l= 1l ffi J"F(r*) A naive estimator of the stochastic integral (2.2L) is written: t O.(V; ll' zi = *D r(*t ,L rr) k = L,...,K (2.25) a=l Note that the estimator (2.25) is difierent from (2.14), because it uses less information than the proposed estimator (2.14). Another shortcoming of this estimator (2.25) is that the -ar CHAPTEN weight 2. TEE INDICATOR KNIGING APPROACH: 15 (#) ir the same for all n' aamples whatever their location & Samplea cloeer with respeci tp V. to or inside the panel V should receive greater weight than the located further away . sa,mples There is therefore a need to improve the previous estimator by ta.king into account some measure of apatial dependence between the samples and the panel I/, which amounts to consider the position/redundancy of the sa,mples with respect to the panel to estimate. An improved eetimator can then be written as: n' O*(V; zr) =DA;.f(xo;21) k = 1,...,K (2.26) o=l The problem now is to determine the weights )po. Assuming that the indicator random variable is second order stationary the unbiasedness condition is devdoped as follows: rrt EIA'(Vi"r)l= ! fs.f1f(:c";zr)l lc o=l Accounting for relation (2.23), it f trl a=1 The estimator (2.26) is unbiased 1, ...,K comes: fLl E[O.(V; zk)l= = .\6F(23) = f'(21)D if f*, & = 1,...,K : nt !)po=1 (2.27) c=l This condition is necessary to ensure a linear unbiased estimator and constitutes a constraint on the weights. The minimum error variance criterion ensures that (2.26) is also an estimator of the conditional expectation EIO(V; z*) | (n')1. The functional to minimize is: E[o(V; z1) - iD*(Vizil2 (2.28) with the constraint (2.27). This minimization problem can be solved clasically by using the Lagrange multiplier technique yielding a system of constrained normal equations: CHAPTDN 2. TflE INDICATOR KRIGING APPNOACfl: 16 fL, DCr(*p - xa; zx)\rp * p(zr) = eilrr..,rv;zk) a = lr...rnt & = 1, ...,K (2.29) 0=L nt Ir*p = P=l 1 where: Cilxp - xai zp) = El(I(xB;zr) - r(21))(I(r.';"r) - r(rr))l and e ilrr.',V;zp) = and. h l"cilx- 4iz1') d'x p(zp) is the Lagrange multiplier. The information required by the system (2.29) consists of K covariances corresponding to the K cutofis zr. Notice that the indicator estimator (2.26) is using only the indicator data at the same cutoff zk,t E opposed to the more complete estimator (2.14). Correspond- ingln in the normal system (2.29) only the direct indicator cova,riances Cr(h; z1) a,re used. Structural information contained by indicator covariances C1(h; zp) at other cutoffs and indicator crosscovariarrces are not used, consequently additional spatial correlation derived from indicator data at other cutoff or from the original data Z(x) itself are being ignored in the expression (2.26). 2.4 An Alternative Estimator to IK: The previous shortcoming of the Indicator Kriging estimator (2.26) has been mentioned by Journel (1983) and Ma,rechaf (1984). As stated above that estimator ignores a lot of information. Such approximation would be fully justified if the indicators originate from a random function such that all direct indicator correlations and crosscorrelations are proportional to each other, i. e. proportional to some basic model of correlation Ks(h) : CHAPTER" where 2. fo(h) TfrE INDICA?OB KRIGING APPROACH: L7 dr(h; zk'zk') = D*YKo(h; (2.30) is a covaxia,nce model and Dlp is a constant, and: Cilhl, zv, zs,) = E[(/(x.; zp) - F(z)Xr(*p; zk') - r(rr'))l is the indicator crcscovariance. If the model (2.30) holds true then it can be shown that a minimum error va,riance estimator of type (2.26) ie identical to the estimator (2.14). However condition (2.30) is very stringent and thus an estimator more appropiate to practical situations should involve indicator crossconariances and conariances at other cutoffs, which is precisely the estimator (2.14) called Colndicator Kriging estimator (CoIK): K O*(V; z*o)= tt' D D \p,ol(to,zp,) (2.31) /c'=l o=1 The appropiate criterion to obtain the weights .lpo is the minimization of the error variance: Efa(;zk) - Q.(V; zr)12 (2.32) subject to the unbiasedness condition: K EIA-(V;z*o\)= rrt t \p'.,Bll(a,.,,zp,)l= F(zro) t c=l &'=1 The following constraint on the weights ,\1,6 provides sufrcient conditions for unbiasedness: ,t' D r*p = d&ro lc = 1, . . ., K with 6ppo (2.33) 9=l being a Kronecker delta. The minimization of (2.32) under the constraints (2.33) yields the following system of equations: K trl t D \*,pCilx.--xpizktzp,)* kt=l p=l tt*=e*or(xo,Vizk,zk') lc = 1,...rK c = 1, ...,tu' (2.34) CIIAPTEN 2. THE INDICA"ON KRTGING APP&OACII: 18 with p; being the Lagrange multipliers and: Cilx, - xp; zp,zp) = .O[(/(>..-; z) - F(zy\(f(*p; zk) - F(zr')) The constrainte (2.33) are sufrcient conditions to erlsure unbiasednese and together with (2.3a) constitute the equations get to determine the CoIK estimator. Thus the total number of equations is K(n'* 1), a number that represents a formidable task in terms of computational work and modelling of O(K') covariances. This high price to pay was the very reason to prefer the more practical estimator (2.26) which ignores all indicator crosscorrelations. 2.5 Are the Indicator Crosscorrelations Important? The last section showed that practicality was the reason to use the reduced IK estimator In the IK (2.26) rather than the CoIK estimator (2.31). approach crosscorrelations are ignored, thus the impact of such decision in any particular application must be appreciated. No general statement is possible because the level and impact of croescorrelations depends on each pa^rticular data set and study goal. A simple approach to this question is propoeed considering a basic example and evaluating the impact of ignoring the crosscorrelations on the stimates. 2.5.1 The One Sample Example: This case represents the most simple estimation problem. Only one sample is used to estimate the conditional cdf and the assumptions are that the variable Z(x) ie a second order stationary random variable and that at the gample location x1 the corresponding indicator sample value for a given threshold zp is 0 and for zya1 is 1. The following probability at the location x is to be evaluated: P(22\ = Prob{Z(x) < 4 | I(x1; zr) = 0, f(x1; z1a1) - 1} = Prob{I(x,2.) = 1 | I(*r; z*) = 0,.I(x1; zj11) = 1} (2.35) CHAPTER 2. THE INDICATON KEIGING APPROACH: 19 According to Bayes'Rule relation (2.35) ie orpreesed as: P('*)= Since f(x,21) is a binary random variable then: Prob{I(xlzr)=L,I(x11zp)=0,f(xr;zr+r)=1}=E[(x;41)f(x1;zr+rXl -f(x1;21))] E[/(x; zp)I(x1irr+rX1- f(xt;rr))] = K{x- xrizhtz*+r) - X{x- x1lzp,,zp) with K{x- :ro; zsr,,z1rn) = Prob{Z(x) 1 z6'rZ(x") 1 zp,,} Prob{I(x1; zr) = 0,.t(x1;2311) = 1} = F(tr+) - F(r*) Thus, expression (2.35) is written: p(rr) - K{x- xr;zL,-z*+t\- {I(x-- n;zn,z*) F(z*+t) - F(r*) Now the estimation of this conditional probability using the P*(zp) = since )s1 Q = 1 by virtue of the unbiasedness conditioa IK eetimator (2.26) (2.36) is: (2.37) (2.27) and .[(x;zp) being equal to 0. Similarly, the CoIK estimator (2.31) yields: P*(zp\ since )11 : 1 and llrar;r = 0. cross-information l(xo; zp,), k' { : g (2.38) Note that the unbiaseness conditions (2.33) cause the k, to be ignored. CHAPTEN 2, THE INDICATOB KRIGING APPROACH: 20 Both estimates are identical and do not reproduce the exact value (2.36). The unbiasedness conditions dominate the estimation proceBs and both IK and CoIK estimators yields the same result regardless of the indicator crosscorrelation. 2.5.2 The Two Sample Case: In this second example two samples (xr, xz) a,rbitrarily located are considered. The following conditional probability at the location x is to be estimated: P(rr)=Prob(Z(x)1zpll(*t;zr)=0,/(xriz*+r)=1,r(xz;z*+r)=0,.r(x2; z*+z)=1) (2.3e) Expression (2.39) is equivalent to: P("*) - E[.t(x;zp) | /(x1;zr) = 0,f(xfizr+r) = 1,{xz; z*+r) = 0,f(x2; zr+z) = Ll {f(*t; z*) = 0,.t(x1; z*+t) = 1} is equivalent to {Z(xr) €]zr,zp.u1l} and U(xz; zr+r) = 0,.(x2; zx+z) = 1) is equivalert to {Z(xz) €fz*+r,z*+zl}. Applyrng Bayes' where the event rule, expression (2.39) is written: P(zp) = P r ob( Z (x) J Pr ob(Z z p, Z (4) (x1) Ej z p, z r a1f, Z (*z) El" * + r, z r+ zl) Clrr, zr+r7, Z (*z) €lar+r, zr+21) or in terms of indicators: ,:r,,_ \ P("r) = E[I(x;zs).I(x1;"r+r)(1 - /(*t; zp))I(x2;rr+r)(L - I(*z;zr+r))] (2.40) The evaluation of this conditional probability involves using trivariate information which expressed in terms of the noncentered covariances is: Kr(hnr ho2i z*, zh+r, zh+2) - Kr(hor ' ' boz't z*t 27q1, zxlt) - Kr(hot, fuzi z*t z*, r*+z) * Kr(hor ' biozi z*, "r, "x+r) (2.41) CHAPTEN 2. 2t THE INDICATOR KRIGING APPROACH: with: Kr( hor, he21 z 1,t, z pn, z yn t) = E[(x; z p') I (x1i z p") I (x2 zp-)J which require knowledge of the triva^riate distribution, and: K ilh;e; zpt, zYt) = E[/(x1 ; zr,)I(x2; zP,)f which requires the bivariate distribution. Therefore the exact expression (2.40) calls for trivariate and birariate information. If the IK estimator (2.26) is used to estimate (2.39) the result is: 2 P*(t*)-t)roi(ru;zr)=0 (2.42) a=l given that both indicators at xl , x2 and for e, a;te null. This result shows that whatever the location of the samples xtr x2 with reepect to x the estimate is zero. Therefore by ignoring information at cutoffs other than 26, the IK estimate can not take a rnlue varying with the position of the informing samples. As opposed to the IK estimator the CoIK estimator does use fully the indicator infor- mation. For example the cokriging estimator (2.31), using only two cutofis zp all.d. zpq1, is: P* 22 (r*) = D,\jof(x.; zk) + c=l D )1r1r1.,/(& i z*+r) (2.43) where the weights a,re determined by solving the following system of normal equations: C1(h;zp, Q zr) Q1(h;zp, 241) 1(h;zp, 21,a1) C1(h;21.r-1, z1a1 ) Lr gT 0r lT 10 01 00 00 )rr C{hot zb zk) )rz Cilhoz; zb zh) llrar)r C{hor;zuz*+t) )1r1r)z Cr(hw;2r, zk+t\ p(zr) 1 p(z*+r) .0 CHAPTER 2. THE INDICATON KRIGING APPROACH: C{h;z;,2;) being the usual crosscovariance matrix dimension n' 22 between the cutoffs zf, and 21, with x n'(i.e. 2 x 2), the vector 1 iE [1 1]" and similarly for the vector All conditioning indicator data at cutofr zk 0. ate equal to 0, thus the CoIK estimate is: 2 P*(r*)= 0 * (2.M) D \**r)od(xo; zr+r) o=l The indicator data.I(xo;21a1) take difierent values, therefore the resulting estimate varies with the sa.mple locations. The CoIK estimate does take into account the spatial correlation and the location of the informing sampleo. Another problem a,rises for both IK and CoIK estimators: any probability estimate must verify the order relations: P*(zp\ e [0,1] and P*(tr)3P*(zp) V zp,)zp These conditions a,re not ensured by either estimators and therefore there will be poten- tial order relations problems to correct when conditional cdf's are estimated by either IK or CoIK. The important point to remember is that crooscorrelations can play a crucial role on the estimation of conditional probabilities. If such crooscorrelations a,re ignored possibly precious information is ignored. The two samples exercise has showed that IK yields an estimate not dependent on data locations, whereas CoIK yields an estimate that depends on the data locations. However, the modelling of a whole set of O(K2\ crosscovariances is not practical, thus alternatives to CoIK using more bivariate information that IK must be proposed in order to improve the estimation of the conditional cdf. CHAPTDN 2. TflE INDICATOR KRTGING APPROACH: 23 2.6 Alternatives to CoIK: The importance of using crossconelations was pointed out in the last section and yet the possibility of using the full Cokriging System (2.30) was rejected based on practical considerations. Therefore there appears a need to find a better estimator that IK still involving less work than CoIK. The CoIK estimator is the most complete biva^riate estimator in the sense that it uses all biva^riate structural information, thus any other bivariate-type estimator using less structural information is necessarily inferior or equal to CoIK . Observe also that all crosscorrelations must satisfu Schwarz's inequalitg consequently their magnitude is lese than that of direct correlations, thus their influence on the final estimate is less important. In any practical situation the crosscorrelations should be computed to check their relative influence . Unfortunately, in the recent literature on application IK there is little if any mention of such checks. of If crosscorrelations are found to be unsignif- icant then one could document trading the simpler IK for CoIK, otherwise a more complete bivariate-type estimator than 2.6.t IK must be used. The Probability Kriging Estimator: The Probability Kriging (PK) estimator (Sullivaa, 1984) recognizes that by ignoring the crosscorrelations biva^riate information is neglected and proceeds in incorporating more bi- variate information through a uniform transform of the original d,ata Z(x"), therefore the PK estimator appears as a simplified version of the general flt iD*(V;zr) = where the random variable Z(xr) ,t' Dlpof(xo;zr)+ ! o=1 CoIK estimator: rr,U(u) k=L,...,K (2.45) o=1 t/(x") is defined as the uniform transform of the original data using the experimental cdf , therefore: u(z(*")) =u(x") -F(z(x)") o= L,...,n' (2.46) CHAPTEN 2. The weights Likewise to TfrE INDICATOB KRIGING APPROACH: 24 determined using an unbiasednees and minimum error va,riance criteria. a,re IK or CoIK the error nariance: ^g[O(Y; 21,) - tD'(Vizi]2 expression which is minimized subject to the unbiasedness condition: tr' .E[o.(V; zk)] = ft' t v6ElU (x)l = r(21) fo=1,r3"a1r(x"; zr)l + a=l with: nl E[o.(V; zk)l=ix*,t1rr)+ a=l tt' i 1 ,r,(f,) o=1 Sufrcient conditions for unbiasedness are: n' nl D'*, f'\po=1 c=l c=1 =o The minimization of the error variance subject to unbiasedness conditions yields a cokrigrng system written in matricial form as: I L C{h;21,,21,) Cru(h;zr,) "i|"' 'li' 1 oI I r I I : liL',!=L c1(tr;zp) '-:''"' (2.47) with C1(hizk,zh) being the indicator corrariance matrix, Cfit(h;zk) the indicator-uniform crosscova.riance matrix whose elements are defined Cnt(h;zt)= E[(/(x + h;zr) - as: F(21,))(U(x + h) - ]l} and Cy(h) is the uniform covariance matrix. Each of these matrices have dimension nt x n', thus the dimension of the left hand side matrix is (2n' * 2) x (2n' + 2). As for the right hand side, Cr(h;21) and Cru(h; zp) arc respectively the indicator covariance vector and the indicator-uniform crosscovariance vector between the informing sarrples and the location CHAPTER 2. TfrE INDICATON KNIGING APPROACH: 25 being estimated. Note that the formulation(2.a7) corresponds to V being a point at location x. Application of PK to the two sa,mples exercise yields an estimate that depends on the data locations. The uniform transform (2.46) by construction defines for each location & a unique uniform rrariable u(:c") difierent from one location to another, thus the PK estimate is: 222 P*("*) t )r,i(xo; "i - a=1 +Dv1,oa(xo) o=l - 1+ D r*"r(r..) o=l the second sum is different from zero in all the cases. If the result of thie sum is positive the PK estimator, just like IK and CoIK, will present order relations problems. However, the use of the uniform transform data improves the estimate resolution and therefore PK has a significant advantage over IK in this particular example. In general, the PK or CoII( estimators because they use more bivariate information can not be inferior to the IK estimator. Sullivan (1984) and Kim (1987) have documented actual studies where the performance of PK was definitely superior to IK. The full CoIK estimator requires the modeling of O(K2) conaria,nces, the PK estimator (2K +7) models and the IK estimator only K models, therefore any improvement represents additional work over IK. In this sense PK can be seen as an intermediate estimator between the full CoIK and the simpler IK. 2.6.2 A Simpliffed Version of the CoIK Estimator: Inspection of the bivariate information used by the PK estimator reveals that the improvement comes from the introduction of one additional va,riable (U(*")) i.e. the introduction of an additional overall joint moment of order 2 (Cu(h)) plus the correponding indicatoruniform croscovariance (Cru(h;zr)) interpreted as a conditional moment of order 1984a): L (Journel, CHAPTEN 2. THE INDICATOR KRIGING APPROACII: 26 CN(h;z2)-E|U(x)I(*;,r)]-"ry+E{|t/(x+h)-U(x)|tr-/(x*h;z1)]{x;zt)} (2.48) Other alternative consists in using a simplified version of the full CoIK estimator. For (K = 2) rather than only one in the case of example one such estimator could use two cutoffs IK. The two cutoffs should be z1 the cutoff being considered for the conditional probability and, zp, the cutoff maximizing the crosscorrelation between l(x;zy) and f(x;21,). Such alternative estimator would be written: tr, This estimator uses ,i n, (2.4e) D v6I(4; zp') D "*) = a=l a=l information in the space of thresholds through the additiona) zp, ,\ro(x.; O.(V; cutofl thus it requires the computation of all + crosecovariances in order to select the value zp maximizing the crosscovariance C1(h; zz,zp). The idea behind this simplification is to use the indicator crosscovadance at zy to screen the influence ofthe other crosscovariances The form of this SCoIK estimator is similar to the PK estimator. Two indicator variables are considered at cutoffs zp, zlrr and the number of covariances to model is 2K. In matricial form the corresponding cokriging system is written: I C{h;z1,,zp) I I C1(h;21,,21,,) C{h;zp,zp') Cr(h; zh,,zk') ltts" LotLr t ol 0 rl 0 0l 0 0J .\ Cy(h;23) v Cl(h; zr,zp') ;l l.t v with the unbiasedness conditions: vt D)*o= a=1 ,7' I'ro a=L = o I | (2.50) CHAPTEN 2. TflE INDICATOR KNIGING APPROACH: 27 2.7 Other Perspectives: IK, PK and SCoIK are bivariate'type estimators trying to approximate the CoIK estimator through a cokriging system reduction. The approximatiou consists in either some screening of the full crosscorrelations pattern (IK, SCoIK) or the introduction of more but not all of the bivariate information (PK, SCoIK). Introduction of more bivariate information requires a growing number of covariances to model and a la,rger computational effort. Consequently any new future estimator will be on the same line, assuming some ecreening on the croesco\lariances or increasing the number of covariances being used. There is no other option as long as one is restricted to a bivariate-type estimator based on indicators, to estimate the conditional cdf. The very nature of the indicator coding of information calls for use of multivariate sta- tistical techniques: at each location there is a vector of K indicator va,riables. The problem is that moot traditional multivariate statistical techniques were developed for applications where spatial correlation is absent or ignored. However some of these techniques could possibly be adapted to the geostatistical context. Multivariate statistical techniques such as Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Prin- cipal Component Analysis, Correspondence Analysis among others consist in either reducing the dimension of the original problem or in creating new variables summarizing information. If the indicator formalism is seen along these lines, it is not different from other multivariate statistical applications, except for the spatial correlation. Another major point is that all previous estimators are based on bivariate information which is inferred and modeled from the data, and therefore the conesponding estimates are linear combinations of biva^riate information. Ilowever, it can be shown that if the conditioning data a,re z', the exact conditional distribution calls for a (n'* 1) multivariate distribution. Thus the solution provided by any bivariate-type estimator attempts to approximate a (z'* 1) multivariate distribution by an estimator that depends exclusively on bivariate information. If trivariate information or a CHAPTEN 2. TfrE INDICA"OR KRIGING APPROACE: 28 term summanizing the whole multivariate information ie added to the present bivariate-type estimators, there is no doubt that major improvement will be achieved. Synthesis of such information could be obtained from non-gaussian simulations or better from actual and exhaustive data sets. The challenge to adapt traditional multivariate statistical techniques and incorporate trivariate information is still open and must be taken to improve the present estimators. Chapter 3 Principal Components and the Indicator Approach: The last chapter described the main features and the major shortcomings of IK. Thie chapter will present an improved approach based on the application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to indicator data. PCA is an algebraic technique allowing to transform a vector into another one. In 2D, PCA can be eeen as a rotation of axie where the rotation angle is chosen such that the spread of the first transformed va.riable along the first axis ie manimum and the apread of the second transformed va,riable along the second axis ie minimum. Figure 3.1 ehowe such transformation. Note that PCA is an orthogonalization procedure which does not require any etatistical hypothesis about the data. A statistical interpretation of such orthogonalization shows that the crosscovaxiance between the transformed nariables ie zero and that the first transformed variable or first principal component has the maximum na,riance, the second principal component the second largest rra,riance and so on. Those properties popula,rized PCA as a way to reduce the dimension of the data by selecting a reduced number of principal components. Such decision is supported by the assumption that the va,riance is the most important aspect of va,riability and that retaining those rnriablee with the largest contribution to that na,ria,nce, would provide concise yet eatisfactory explanation of the source of that variance. The choice of the ra,riance as sole criterion to interprete and rank sources of Eriability is debatable. In geochemistry where the number of va,riables is large, PCA has been extensively ueed to reduce the dimension 29 CHAPTEL 3. P8INCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOR APP&OACH: 30 Y2 Figure 3.1: The principal component transformation can be seen as a rotation of the original a:ris X1 and & into the new a:ris Yr and Yz. of the problem. The price of such transform ig that the components edected must be interpreted, a possibly non trivial task. This chapter describes the application of PCA to indicator vectorg and points out the advantage of such transform in the context of Indicator Kriging. To allow for full analytical developmentr any two random va,riables Z(x) and, Z(x* h) a,re assumed to have joint bigaussian distribution. 3.1 Tlansforming the fndicators: Denote by I(x; z) the indicator vector associated to the location x, whose .[( elements a^re defined as: d(*;16) ]? with: ., t\xizk) = f I ifz(x)!21, &=1,...,K | o otherwise The indicator covariance matrix at h = O is written as: (3.1) CHAPTE& 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONEN?S AND THE INDICATOB APPPcOACH: 3t Cil0;zr,zr) C{0;zz,z2) dr(0; zr,zx) Cr(O; zz,zx) E1(0) = (3.2) eyfnfn. C{0; zy, zy) where: C{0;zr,zpt) = Coo(r(xizp),r(x; zy)) = Prob{z(x) 1 zs,z(x) < zh,}-F(zp)F(zp) (3.3) with: F("*)=Pr&lZ(x)Szr) One way to obtain the orthogonalization or principal componente of the matrix Er(O) is to consider ite spectral decompoeition (Strang, 1980; Anderson,1g84) defined by: >r(0) = where A is an orthogonal matrix AAAT (3.4) such that: r = A"A = AA" (a.5) I is the identity matrix and A is a diagonal matrix. ftuthermore, by virtue of this decomposition the columns of matrix A are the eigenvectors of Er(O) aad tbe elements of the diagonal matrix A are the eigenvaluee of El(O) ordered from the la,rgest eigenvalue to where the smallest ()r > .\z ) ... > .\"Xwilkinson,1965). Once the matrix A has been calculated, it is possible to compute the indicator principal conponents by a simple matrix multiplication: Y(x) = aTt(x;z) Each element of Y(x) is written: K Yr(x)= t &'=l ar,rtl(x;zrt) (3.6) (g.Z) CHAPTER 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TEE INDICATOR APPF:OACH: 32 where a1,pr &rd I(x; zr') a,re elements of matrix A crosscova,rialces for h = and vector I(x; z) respectively. The new va,riables Yp a,re linear combinations of the indicatorg with the property that their O a,re zero. Defining: Cy (hik, k'\ = C oo(Yt(x), Y1,(x f h)) we have due to the orthogonalization: Cr(O;fr,k')=Q, V k*k' (3.8) and the va^riance of Yp is equal to the kth eigenvalue of E1(0): Cy(O;lc,&) = A1, V & = 1,...,K (3.e) The orthogonalization (3.6) does not ensure that the crosscovariancea Cr(h; krkt) are zerc l + 0. If that were the case, the cokriging of Y(x) would be reduced to the kriging of each of its elements Y;(x), since the crosscovariance between fr(x) and Y3,(x * h) would be zero. However since Yp(x) and Y1,(x * h) are uncorrelated at llhll - O their degree of correlation for all other llhll # 0 is expected to be wea,k. The case of a Gaussian random function Z(x) with a known binormal distribution will be considered in order to investigate the behavior of the Y-crosecovaria.nces for llhll I 0. for f f hf 3.2 The Bigaussian Model: Consider a stationary random function standa,rd biva^riate normal distribution Z(x), such that any pair Z(x\rZ(x*h) has a with mean: lt=O (3.10) and cova,riance matrix: Ez(h)= With theee [r,t, 'f,] pa,ra.meters the bivariate normal f (2, z' ;p(h)) = , with lp(h) l< I (3.11) distribution is expressed as (Anderson,1984) *Jfu,*eF#:Wl : (3.12) CHAPTEB 3. PfdNCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOR. APPROACH: 33 where p(h) is the z-conelogra,m defined as: a(h) P\1.) -- coa(?!x\,2{:!D) = E[z(x)z(x+ h)] Var(i,g11 (3.13) Using this standard bigaussian model, Xiao(1985) gave the expressions of the corresponding indicator cornriances: Cilt;; 2",z") = 1 Prctin * J,'' P(h) ",2 eanl-;fr.n Ve (3.14) Generalizing this approach, an qxpresEion for the indicator crosscova,ria[oeE can be given. We proceed first by expressing the non-centered ctoescovarialrce: Kr(h; , z,z'): lz lzt J_* J_*I@,y; p(h))dody (3.15) then the derivative: Q({h;z'z') = 0p I:* Y*ar@'{'{(hD a'au Using Xiao's Lemma comes (Xi-, from the integral (3.16) 198b, p.6), which states 161 9/Gg;aJ$) = (3.16) tJJftffi, it : (3.17) Therefore: oKt(\;z,zt) !(z,z,,p(h)) (g.18) = 0p Now the crossindicator corra,riance is expressed in terms of the noncentered cova,riance Cr(h; z, z') = Kr(h; z, z') - F(z)F(zt) Therefore with relations (3.18) and (3.19) it (3.1e) can be written: (3.20) Integrating (3.20): CHAPTEV 3. PEINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND cr(h; z,z') = "IIE INDICATOB APPBOACII: * !,^"' 7{p*or-n i{-:#;"'tdo + cr 34 (3.21) where Cr ig a,n integration coneta,nt. Thie ercpreeion ca,n be modified considering the change of va,riable o = sin 0z cr(h; z,zt) = * Io*-'"o'o' "rol-" * 4-:?'"'ntldl * ct The constant Cr can be derived considering llhll Cr(h; zrz') .+ 0 , therefore: Cr = * e which entails p(h) (g.zz) - 0 Finally the indicator crosscovariance for the bigaussian random function Z(x) cilh;2,2,) = * * I;'"'"'(ol "rol-" "!:o-'-1''"'o0ld0 0 and (3.23) isz (g.24) When p(h) = 1, d can take the value f , therefore the orponent of eap preeents a singula^rity at this point. The definition of the standa,rd binormal distribution (3.12) is not valid for such \alue (Anderson, f984) but such aingularity ie not on the definition domain of the integrand. Fbom a practical point of view, expression (3.24) can be solved by numerical integration in account the referred singularity. Note that the adrrantage of this latter expression against expressions (3.15) and (3.19) is the reduction of a double integral (fr(h; ,z,zt)) to ta^king a single integral. 3.2.L Covariance Matrix E1(h): Flom expression (3.24) two properties of symmetry for the indicator crogscova.ria,nces can be derived assuming that Z(a) ie a random function with standa.rd bigaussian distribution: Cr(h; z,z') = C{h;z',2) (3.25) and Cilh;z,z') - Cr(h; -2,-z') (3.26) CEAPTE& 3. P&INCIPAL COMPONEIVTS AND TIIE INDICATOR APPROACH: 35 Expreesion (3.25) entails the symmetry of El(h) with respect to the main diagonal and the combination of expreesions (3.25) and (3.26) entaile eymmetry with regard to the other diagonal . This property ie called persymmetry (Golub and Van Loan, 1983) and is only verified if the K cutoffs are chosen such that: zk = -zK-h+r V lc = tr.,,,,K (3.27) This particula,r choice of cutoffs entails that the indicator croascovariances verify the relation: c|(h;zprzp') -- c{h;zy-1r'+rrzK-h+r) v Therefore the na,riance covariance matrix cl,l El(h) &rlc' (3.28) presents the particular form: cr,K-2 cl,2 cr,tr(-r cl,trf c2,K-t Clm-l,'m-l Cm-l,m E;(h) = (3.2e) c^r^ syfnfn. Syrnrn. where ci,i = C{h;z;rz). Thus the matrix El(h) is not only symmetric: Er(h) = EJ(h) but it verifies also the relation (3.30) of persymmetry: rr(h) = EEr(h)E (3.31) with: u= and the vector ef [ ef ef is defined as the ith-column of a form of .E entails that: E=ET--E-r (3.32) K XK identity matrix. This specific 3. CHAPTEE 3.2.2 P&INCIPAL COMPONEN"S AND THE INDICATOL APP&OACH: 36 Eigenvectors of >{h) The symmetry and persymmetry of E1(h) yields specific properties for the corresponding eigenvectors. Lemma L The ith (^t) and K bing an odil number, persymmetric matrix Er(h), ai- Ior,, om.'r,i jth (a;) eigenvutors asseiated with a K x K d^,i om-t,i eymmetric and have the follouing two forms: or,,]t i=2k-lr &=1r...r K +t 2 (3.33) and r ot; = "j [ ^ -am-ri O a,,.-r,i r"-1 1,...,'; -or; J- =2k, 1T j. k (3.34) uherc aa and a1 arc the eigenaetors convepniling to the eigenualues \; and ),; of the matria Er(h). Proof : Consider the spectral decomposition of E;(h) is: >r(h) and with the columns of A - AAA" (3.35) (3.33) and (3.34), expression (3.35) can be written as: at,l E1(h): alm-l,l 0m-1,2 @mrl0 Om-l; -Om-lr2 alJ -Q1,2 Am-lrK &mrK &m-lrK at.K t; .trr CHAPTE& 3. P&INCIPAL COMPONEN?S AND TfrE INDICATOB APP8,OACH: 37 T Om-l; Om-lr2 &m-l,K om,l 0 ... o^rK Om-lrl o1,1 -@m-lr2 Om-lrK -(tr1,2 Ot,K After matrix multiplication, the result eKpressed in terms of a's and in figure 3.2. (3.36) l'c ca,n be obeerved Therefore eigenvector expressions (3.33-3.34) and the spectral decomposition (3.35) are sufrcient conditione for symmetry and peisymmetry of E1(h). The necessa,ry conditions requires to show that )'s a,od c'c can be found such that El(h) can be factorized as (3.37). Accounting for relations (3.33-3.34) the number of different a's in A is r?+t and the number of l's is K. so the total number of unknowns is: ***'{t=ry vKod(t (3.38) El(h) has only ([*f different elements considering its double symmetry. The product AAT, with the columns of A defined by (3.33-3.34), shares the se'ne eymmetries The matrix as well. Therefore, it is possible to formulate a system of nonlinea^r equations as follows: (5+U equations derived from the matricial equation AA" I and = ry: equations by equating terms from the expansion (3.37) with the elements of E1(h). The number of equations corresponds exactly to the number of unknowns. The conditions to get a solution are given by the Kantorovich-Newton Theorem (Dennis and Schnabel, 1983, p.92; Ortega and Rheindbold, 1970, p.42l)z the Jacobian ( J) of the equations system has to be Lipschitz continuous (Atkinson, 19?8) and J-l must exist. Both conditions are satisfied. The first one is satisfied because the elements of J are polynomial-type expressions and by consequence are Lipschitz continuous; the eecond condition is verified because the set of nonlinear equations linea^rly independent since >r(h) is positive definite, therefore J-l orists. CHAPTER 3. P&INCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATO& APP&OACII: 38 nl c.|H---i glt3.S' 5 si;t j...x$ 'I-...5 T i?-l k!r' .i F.t i kI JiY.{h r,.l x.! sI f \ Ht T :.t N Et1 1 g $si { T** i .''>. f <.' AfBa F.r I I Y .l'iV.U r'i Y k.!i^ H Yt 'a i e- t- g c? ca i o k!! ti *X tr @ @ o t A x ra H 6l .: ca o d- H.l rNNl I bo F{ 6:$rF6: c! .lB ,3 :| i {.r.,L .J ^.f drE T :.< g '.tTnT'e T ;t {.if { f..TrT..] €SxSB F s.!! ri F .I 'rR F.! rj F.g /\ /\ !^l l^l tl H F.!! CHAPTEV 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOR APPROACH: 39 Thus the proposed forms for the eigenvectors of a eymmetric and persymmetric matrix are completely defined by expressions (3.33-3.34) .tr 3.3 Computation of the Principal Component Crosscovariances: Expression (3.7) shows that the principal components a,re linear combinations of the original indicators, with the weights corresponding to the E1(0)-eigenvectorg. Hence if f1(x) is the Ith-principal component and Y1(x * h) is the kth-principal component, the crosscova^riance between them can be written as: dy(h;t,k) - Cy(h; alt1z1,a[r1z;; ( >t(0). By matrix manipulation such where a1 and a& are eigenvectore associated with crosscovariance is written as: Cy(h;1,&) = afl>11t;a1 (3.40) Recall that E1(h) is doubly eymmetric and the eigenvectors eatisfy relations (3.33-3.34), hence the product (3.40) is exactly zero for llhll > 0 under the conditions of the following theorem: Theorem 3.t The croeacooatiance o! the principal compnente Vt andY* derioed ftvm the indicator oariable I(x; z) satisfies: cv(hd,&)=o vllhll >0 (3.41) t/ >l(h) is a symmetric and persymmetrtc matria, and the indetea I and k arc an odd number and an euen number rcspectively or uiceoersa, Proof : The covariance matrix Er(h) satisfy the double symmetry (3.33-3.34). According to the previous lemma the eigenvector ag ie written: at = [ ot,r Similarly a3 is written: al,m-t @4m al,m-t or,, f' , Y I odd (3.42) CHAPTEB 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TfrE INDICATOL APPBOACII: 40 Therefore the product aflEr(h) af,Er(h) has the following form: = | o, d^-t d^ d".-t d, l (3.44) and the final product is written: afEl(h)a3 = o (3.45) whatever llhll > This result irnplies that some of the principal component crosscova,riances a,re zero for all h and that the joint estimation of the elemente of Y(x) can be achieved by the solution cokriging system or that cokriging system can be further approximated by kriging each Yt disrega,rding the non-zero crosscovarianceo . Thelast approximation assumes that all the crosscovariances are zero when in fact some of them a,re not. In contrast Indicator Kriging ( II( ) ma,kes similar assumptions but without any knowledge about which crosscona,ria.nces a,re actually zero. The transformation (3.7) on the indicatore ensures that of a epa,rse some crossconariances a,re exactly zero for random function 3.4 all h when bigauesia,nity ie assumed for the Z(r). Numerical Computation of the Indicator Crosscovariances This section is devoted to numerical integration of (3.24)rexpression defining the indicator cova,riances and crosscovariances. The major problem with this integral ie the point at 0 = [, whic.h is a singularity point for the exponent of the integrand. Although ie not contained between the integral limits, that point it ie cloee to the integral limita and therefore (Eisner, 1967). This potential source of enor is the reason to choose a numerical integration technique capable of checking convergence. ca.n cause convergence probleme 3.4.1 Cautious Romberg Extrapolation The basic idea is to approximate the integral Cilh;zrzt) as follows: 3. CHAPTEB ct(h; z, z,) where the PRINCIPAL COMPONEN?S AND THE INDICATOB APPP',OACH: ob' * I:'"* = 1's 4L * '"-::22"'"in|lda s(r)+ Ar.". +. . .*AxflK +o(f*) = "ro1-t' (3.46) are integere, the constants A; a,re independent of t, t ie a \alue linked to the discretization intenal of the integrand and S(t) ie any numerical rule to approximate the integral Cr(h; z, y') such that: I$strl = Ct(h;z,z') (3.47) The numerical rule S(t) to approximate the integral could be, e. g. the Simpson rule, the trapezoidal rule, the composite trapezoidal rule, etc. The simplest idea to evaluate Cr(h; z,/)ie to compute,9(l;) for several t; values and from these S(ti), extrapolate to t = 0. This a,mounts to combine difierent nalues of .9(t;) to get .t(0). For exa,mple, dr(h;z,z') can be approximated by: Cr(h; z,z')= S(2t)+ A1(2t)1t +...+ AK(?I)1K +O(t1K) therefore, subetracting the orpression above from (3.46): K 0 = ^9(r) - ^s(2r) and adding (3.48) to (3.40) with r cr(h; z,z'i) --s(r) + Observe if - z'ti) + o(t'tK) (3.48) I l: ry + i ry + that the first term of the 6um can be made zero if r = cr(h; z,z') =^e(r)+ Thus + !.a;r'1L i=l W -*W !T oQ1,) (3.4e) r 16"o, +oe',h) ( the integral Cr(h; z,zt) is approximated by the two first terms of expression ( Cilh; z, z'\ x,S(t; r) = .t(t) * ry the estimate ,9(l; r) with r = 21 is a better approximation to The error order ie O(ft). (3.51) C{h; zrz') than ^9(l) itself. CHAPTEL 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOR APPROACfr: 42 The previous procedure can be generalized into: .9(t; 11, . . ., rj) : .9(f; ?' . . ., e;-r) rr,. . ., rj-r) - 5(2t; rr,. .. rrl-r) ri-L .9(t; * (3.52) with at each step: "i=?1; d=1r...rK and a much better approximation to Cr(h; zrz') is: Cr(h; z, z') x.9(t; whose order error is 11, . . ., (3.53) ".r) O(tri+r). Thue the cautious Romberg extrapolation increase the pre. cision of ordinary integration rules (de Boor, 1971). However the approximation (3.52) is based on the assumption that the terms Atfl ,. . ., Aitti accountsformostoftheerror[5(t)-Cr(h; z,/)l.If suchassumptionisnottrue,thereisnot wa.rranty that by doing extrapolation the new approximation .9(t; 11, . . ., rj) fo C {h; z, /) is better than .9(t). In order to test convergence Lynch (1967) proved that: R1-{t)= * 2", (3.54) Thus the satisfaction of (3.54) is the requirement to ensure that: I Cr(h; z,z') -.S(t; 11,. .., rr) I < I Cr(h; z, z,) - S(r) | and therefore expression (3.54) is an indication of convergence. 3.4,2 The Composite Tbapezoidal RuIe This pa,rticula,r numerical rule is used in the current implementation to solve integral (9.24). Define the integrand as follows: g(o) = eap[-22 + @l z: - ?1i-Ein(o) l the composite trapezoidal rule can then be defined as: CIIAPTEB 3. P&INCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TfrE INDICATOB APPnOACfr: ,5(t1 = tl2L t{ig(tr\ + }o@)l + !r(cr + dt)} 43 (3.55) ert az being the limite of integration and ,--ff with , being a predefined integer number. As g(0) is continuously difierentiable, the integral (3.24) can be expressed as (Davis and Rabinowitz, 1,975): K Cr(h; z,z')= S(t)+D/.p" *O(t2K'1 (3.56) d=1 Therefore the application of cautious Romberg extrapolation entails that: ^l;=2i d=1r...rK and the order error is O(*). 3.4.3 End Point Singularity of end point singularities in the integrand, Lyners and Ninha,m (1967) have shown that using for numerical rule 5(t) the composite trapezoidal rule, the integral In the Cr(h; presence zr/) can be approximated by: 2K*l-o C{h;z,z')x,S(t)+ where A; and Bi td=l K A;f+,a +ln;t2i *O1tzx+t) c€ [-1,1],#0 are independent of t. This pa,rticula.r FsAo(r) Therefore (3.52) d=l form of C1(h; z, zt) enrlarls that: - 2r+o € [1,4] (3.58) if Ao(t) converges to some number between [1,4], the integrand is suspected of having an end singula^rity point or a simila,r behavior. For the case of (3.24) if cautious extrapolation is applied, the term .r{1lr+o will be the dominant term if t is small. ''Gr CHAPTEN 3. PNINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATON APPNOACII: 44 9.4.4 Implementation by coneidering The programming implementation of cautious Romberg extrapolation sta.rta automaticdly eplite the whole integration interval. If no(t) is not satisfied then the Program the parameter 'L the original interval in two subintervals which a^re stored in a atack; then and etored in corresponding to the number of timee that a eubinterval is split, ie updated is tested: the stack. tbom the stack each particular subintennl is analized and convergence if relatione (8.S4) or (8.58) are not satisfied a flag is set up for that particula^r eubinterval presente two casee and is reported as a subinterval without convergence. The next section results. In where this technique has been used and compares numerical reeulte with ocact all the cases stud.ied, the convergence rclatione (3.54) or (3'58) were satisfied' 3.5 ExamPles: The integrat (g.24) will be ueed to compute the indicator cona.riancea a.nd croesco\ra,ria,nces for a pa,rticular model of the correlogram p(h). Also, the principal component traneforthe mation (3.?) defined on the indicators will be investigated together with its effect on cova,riances and crosscovariances of type (3'40)' Two cases a,re presented considering successively three and five cutoffe. Both consider the isotropic spherical correlogtam defined by: p(h) = 8(+) - +(S)' 'l: l: t cases (3.5e) with range 10 units and unit eiU. The integral (J.24) is numerically solved via cautious Romberg extrapolation yielding indicator covariance and crosscovariance nalues. The numerical integration was checked at result. llt ll = 0, by compa,ring the exact value with the numerical From ecpression (3.3) it is known that: Cr(O; z16,zpt) - Prob{Z(x) S zr, Z(x) < ,*,} - F(zp)F(zp') with Prob{Z(x) < therefore: zp, Z(x) 3 z*'l = F(min{z*,2*,1) CEAPTE& 3. PRTNCIPAL COMPONEN"S AND THE INDICATOB APPBOACH: 45 Table 3.1: zh -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 0 C 1(0; 26, zk, C r(oi zk, zh') C r(0; zk, zh,) -2 0.022280 0.022232 -l 0.019181 0.019140 0 0.011400 0.011375 1 0.003618 0.003609 2 0.000510 0.000517 -1 0.133514 0.133483 0 0.079350 0.079327 1 0.025185 0.025171 0 0.250000 0.249999 zp) = F(minfzp, zk l) - F(zs\F(zp') (3.60) Expression (3.60) can be used to check the numerical integration of (3.24) at llhll = g. The table 1.1 presente this compa,rison, with C{O;zk,zk') being the result obtained by numerical integration. The relative precision is about 0.2% which is acceptable for the purpose of the analysis. 3.5.1 The Three Cutoffs Case: The three cutoffs considered for this example a^re: -1, 0, 1. Figures 3.3 to 3.5 show the corresponding three covariances . It can be observed that due to the symmetry of expression (3.24) the covariances for the first and third cutoff a,re the Barne. Frgures 3.6 to 3.8 show the indicator crosscova,riamces. These figures do not have the same scale hence any direct comparison is difficult. Figures 3.9 to 3.11 show the corresponding indicator conelograms pt(h; z) which present a range (10 units) identical to the z-correlogram range. Define the integral range of the indicator correlogram as: l@ ll0 t,(r) = pt(h; z) dh = p{h; Jo Jo z) dh (3.61) Flom figures 3.8 to 3.10 the following inequality is observed: 61(0)>01(z) V z/0 (3.62) CHAPTENs. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THEINDICATON APPNOACII: - irdaotol. (Lt5 cgvoFlonoa, orrurirg t*roricrity 46 {-b-lL (,.t37S 0.1?5 o.ues tLt o.0875 a{. o.ozs o.06e5 0.05 0.0375 0.o45 o.ote5 ^-o | ? 3 rt 5 6 h Figure 3.3: Indicator Cova,ria,nce for the cutoff a units. 78St0lrla = -1.0. Observe that the range iB indicotor covonionoe, oeruilng binomotiry (O'OL o.4 0.375 &35 0.3a5 (L3 oaTs (Las &aa5 a. o.e 0.175 GTE o.las 0.1 0.0r5 &05 o.025 n -0 | 2 3 4 S 6 h 7 I e l0 Figure 3.4: Indicator Coraniance for the median cutoff z = 0. The range is 10 units. l0 CHAPTER.3. PNINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOR APPBOACH: , 47 hclicoton covorionce' oerurning bholhotitg (blL 0.13t5 olas ores o.l oJ!875 ix o.ozs o.06a5 0.05 o.o375 (L@5 0.0le5 0 Figure 3.5: Indicator Covariance for the cutoff z indicator cova,riance for z = 1.0. = -1.0. Note tbat it ig identical CroBB indicotor covorionce., oeeunhg binornoirg tO,lL OJ o.0s5 0.os o.08s o.o8 0.075 0.07 0.065 o.o5 . A 0.055 o.os o.04s 0.04 0.03s o.o3 0.0e5 o.0a 0.01s oot o.oos oo" I as6 h Figure 3.6: Indicator crogscovariance for the cutoffs z = -1,0 and, z, = 0.0. to the CHAPTER 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TIIE INDICATOB APPROACH: 48 Cnoee indicotor o.04 covorioncc ort;nhg bhonnolitg l-l'lL 0.0375 0.035 0J)345 0.O3 0.047s o.oes 0.oaes 5. {. O.(P oJrl75 0.0r5 o.olas o.0l 0.oo7s o.(x)s o.(xlas o Figure 3.7: Indicator crogscovaria,nce between the extreme cutoffs: z = L.O and z = -1.0 Cnoo irdicotor covckrrcr orcrning binormdrg (-LOL (uFe5 a x o.os 0.0375 o.045 O.Ol?5 0d 3.s8790t0 h ttg| Figure 3.8: Indicator crosscona,riance for the cutoffs a = 0.0 and z = 1.0. This crosocovariance is equal to the crosecova,riance for the cutoffs z = 0.0 and. z = -1.0. CfrAPTEn 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TIIE INDICATON AP?NOACH: Figure 3.9: Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z 49 = -t.0. and: 6r(lzl) > billz'l) V l"l < lr'l (3.63) Relations 3.62 and 3.63 express the destructuration effect of the indicator correlograms as the cutoff z departs more from the median value 0. For z .* * m, the integral range b1(*m) vanishes indicating zero practical autocorrelation of the extreme indicators. For the crosscorrelograms ps(h; z,,zt) of. figures 3.12 to 3.14, significant correlation is present only for the first 4 units, after that distance for practical purposes there ie no correlation. The crosscorrelation at the extreme values (-1r1) showe, dea^rly, the less correlation. Once the indicator corra,riances and crossco\taxiances are known, it is poseible to compute the indicator cova,riance matrix (E(h)) for all h . For h - O it I o.rsea o.o7es o.o2b1 I Er(o) = | 0.0ze3 o.2b 0.0zes I I o.ozsr o.o?e3 o.r$4 l is: (3.64) Observe that E1(0) satisfies the symmetry and persymmetry properties. Thie matrix can be in (3.4) to obtain an orthogonal matrix A, allowing calculation of the principal component covariancee and croescovariancee (3.40). After the cpectral decomporition decomposed as CIIAPTEa 3. P&INCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TfrE INDICATOB APPfuOACII: 50 tndiootor Comctogron Frcurning Binonroitg (zc= O.OL 0.s 0.8 o.7 o.6 3 o.s 0.4 o3 0.e 0.1 t?34 Figure 3.10: Indicator correlogra,m for the median cutoff z = 0.0. Note that pr(h; o) Inclicoror Cometognor Rrr.ning Einornodrg (zc- l.O). 0.9 O.8 o.7 O.6 x3 o.5 o.4 0.3 0.e 0.1 o Figure 3.11: Indicator correlogram for the cutofrz (3.24), p;(h;1.0) = p(h;-1.0). = 1.0. Due to the symmetry of expreseion CfrAPTEn 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONEN"S AIVD TIIE INDICATOB APP&OACII: trrficoron Crorcocrobgnor Fn.ring Binomotitg (zl:-l.Or ta,O.OL (l.e o.8 o.7 o.6 Qo* oa 0.3 o.a 0.t ota?ltl'Fh Figure 3.12: Indicator ctosscorrelogram lot z = -1.0 and z'=0.0. tncJicotor Cnocecomdogron nccr'nirg llhonnotity (zl= 0.0r z?=1.0L 0.9 0.8 o.7 0.6 t 0.s O..l 0.3 0.2 ot Figure 3.13: Indicator crosscorrelogran fot z = 0.0 and / = 1.0. 51 3. CHAPTEN PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TflE INDICATON APPNOACH: (L6 0.4 0.3 oa o.t 0 Figure 3.14: Indicator croscorrelogra,m for the octreme cutoffs z = -L.0 an.d z' = 1.0. The correlation nalues a,re very small and for practical pupooes it is poesible to coneider that the extreme cutoffs a,re uncorrelated. (3.4) the computed matrix A is: | o= | -o.asro -0.82e7 L -0.3e46 0.7071 0.5867 0.0 -0.5580 -0.707L 0.5867 (3.65) This matrix verifies theorem 1.1 and its columns verify lemma 1.1. The columne of A are used to produce the respective cornriances and crosscorrariances (3.40) or correlogta,ms. Figures 3.15 to 3.17 present the principal component correlogra,ms py(h;l). The actual range,like for all indicator correlograms, is l0 units but the practical corelation nagnitude is drastically reduced after 4 units sepa,ration for the second and third principal compG nent. I\rthermore, the correlograrns display a smooth and slow decay for the first principal component progressing towards a Bevere and fast decay for the second and third principal component. Such situation can be expressed in terms of integral range as: llo ay(I)=Jo p(h;l)dh >by(k) ,V k>t In contrast the only nonzero principal component croaacorrelo$a,m (3.66) pr(hilrk) , between 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS CHAPTER AND THE INDICATOR APPROACH: 53 laf. Pri.rcbot Corponrnt Cornobgroa (L9 qe u7 G6 0.5 &4 0.3 O.a 0.t oo h Figure 3.15: First principal component correlogram. Note that Dy(l) > Dy(e) V & and the equality is satisfied only in the case that two or more eigenvaluea are equal. ?nd. Prhcipo Coipon nr Com.bgnoll 0.e aL8 o.7 &G 0.s O.,l o.3 0.e 0.1 0 Figure 3.16: Second principal component correlogran. > 1 CHAPTEN 3. PAINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THEINDICATON APPNOACH: 54 3ad. Princbol Coipon nt CoFr.bgFml Figure 3.17: Third principal component correlogra,n. Note how the correlation nalues decay rapidly for the first two units. tar. ond 3rd. Prlrcbd Conponenr Cor'r'.bgr.on 0.9 0.8 o.7 0.6 o.s €. jL o.4 0.3 o.2 o.t 0 -o.t -o.e rJJ.r.JJ nla 3,f667aglo h Figure 3.18: First and third principal component crosscorrelogIe.m. For practical purposes both va,riables a,re uncorrelated. CHAPTEB 3. PEINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOB APPBOACII; 55 the first and third principal component (figure 3.18), ehows a slight negative correlation for the firet 7 unite dthough of insignificant magnitude when compa,red to the direct correlogfam8. Observe that for this three cutoffs case, with cutoffs symmetric around the median, after the principal component transformation (3.7) only three correlogta,ms need to be considered: indeed the croascorrelation magnitude can be considered null. If the orthogonalization had not been made then six indicator correlograms would have had to be considered. 3.5.2 The Five Cutoffs Case: The number of cutoffs is increased to five by adding the symmetric cutofis -2 and 2. The new cova,riance matrix >I(0) remains symmetric and persymnetric: E1(0) = 0.0222 0.0191 0.0113 0.0036 0.0005 The corresponding orthogonal matrix A= 0.0191 0.1335 0.0793 0.0251 0.0036 A 0.0113 0.0793 0.2500 0.0793 0.0113 0.0036 0.0251 0.0793 0.1335 0.0191 0.0005 0.0036 0.0191 0.0222 is: 0.6966 -0.0602 0.1211 -0.1068 -0.3952 0.6966 -0.5734 -0.1211 -0.8248 0.0000 -0.6963 o.r22L 0.5651 0.0000 -0.0153 -0.3952 -0.6966 -0.5734 0.1211 0.L221 -0.0602 -0.1211 -0.1068 -0.6966 -0.6963 Figure 3.19 shows the additional indicator correlogr"- for the cutoff z equal to its symmetric at cutof z = 2 (3.67) 0.0113 (3.68) = -2 which is . Note that: D1(h; -1) > b1(h; -2) according to relation (3.63). Figures 3.20 to 3.23 show the crossconelation between the inficator a,l z = -2 and all other cutoffs. Obeerve how the correlation decreases as the second cutoffincreases. The lea6t correlation a,ppears for the pair of octreme cutoffe (-2r2) and the correlation levels between CHAPTEB 3. P&INCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOR APP&OACH: I*fir:otor Coir.togror Frtuohg Bhorrotitg lzl=.Zogoz?=. ?.Ol oo ,i'Go &7 &6 t o.s o.4 o.3 0.A (LT o3 h Figure 3.19: Indicator correlogra,m for the cutoff z = -2.0. Indicotor Crotecornetognon Aeauming Binornoitg (zl=-?.Orz?--l.O) (L9 0.8 o.7 0.5 Q o.t &if 0.3 o.2 o.t oo.*t 3as678 h Figure 3.20: Indicator crosscorrelogran for the cutoffs z = -2,0 and. zt = 56 CHAPTEL 3. PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TflE INDICATOR APPROACH: tndcoror Crorcomclogron Frurirg Sirorrcliry (zl--2.orz2' 57 O.Ot o.o 0.8 9.7 O.6 ix 0.s 0.4 o.3 &e 0.t o Figure 3.21: Indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the cutoffB z = -2.0 arrd, / = 0.0. Note that the correlation rmlues a,re decaying in proportion to the sepa,ration of the cutoffs. lnclicotor Croorcorrrtognon Ft&ning Binocnodrg (zt=-a.Orza= t.ol 0.e o.8 o., 0.6 Y 0.5 O.'t 0.3 o.e 0.t n -0te?a567aet0lt h Figure 3.22: Indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the cutoffs z = -2.0 ar'd z' purposes both variables a,re uncorrelated. = 1.0. For practical CHAPTER 3. ?EINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOB APP&AACH: 58 o.6 Q*. &4 llr3 o.2 0.t o Figure 3.23: Indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the extreme cutoffs z = -2.0 and. z' = 2|A. The correlation magnitude is insignificant and therefore both va,riables can be considered uncorrelated. cutoff -2.0 and 0 or *1 a,re small compa,red with the direct correlations. Thus the simple indicator cokriging matrix U can be approximated by ignoring those small correlations and it can be reduced to only six different cova,riance blocks, as sketched below: U_ C-2,-z C-2,-t o00 C-2,-, C-t,-r C-r,o C-r,r o Co,o C-t,o o o 0 00 c_1,0 c_r,_r C-r,o 0 (3.6e) C-r,-r C-r,-t C-2,t Q-2,-z where C";,ri is the block crosecona,riance matrix between indicators at cutoffz; and z;. Note that both symmetries have been accounted for in expression (3.65). Figure 3.24 shows the five principal component correlograms and figure 3.25 those princi- pal component crosscorrelograms diferent from zero. In figure (3,24) there is no distinctive features between the fourth and fifth principal component correlogra,m. The reason of that similssilt being the equality, in absolute value, of the fourth and fifth columns of matrix (3.64). Both columns are the eigenvectors derived from almost equa,l eigenrnalues, which entaile almost identical correlograme for the principal componente. CHAPTEL 3. PLINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND TflE INDICATOB APP&OACII; 59 Cffidogr-o. of the 5 Prhc*d Cofmrntr . o.e 0.9 o.7 o.8 -t' t 0.s o.4 o.3 o.a 0.t 0 Figure 3.24: Principal component correlogre"ns for the five cutofis case. There is no distinction for the fourth and fifth principal component correlogra.m5. Crosscorretogrorns of thr Prhcipot Conponente oiffer-ent froo Zero. o.e 0.8 o,7 0.6 Q 0., O..l 0.3 &a 0.1 Figure 3.25: Principal component crosscorrelograms different from zero. Note the low values of correlation. CHAPTE& 3. P&INCIPAL COMPONENTS AND THE INDICATOB APPBOACI{: 60 As in the three cutoffe case, the magnitude of the crosscorrelograms is small, thus an approximation to the sirnple principal component cokriging system is the kriging of each principal component (Y1). If the significant crosscorrelatione were to be used in the cokriging eyetem, for exa,mple the correlations between the second and fourth principal component and between the third and fifth priacipal component, the corresponding simple cokriging matrix (Uy) would look as followe: Ify = where C;; Ct,t 0 o Cz,z o 0 o Cz,a o o o C2,4 o Csp 0 Ce,s 0C.aA0 Cg,o 0 Cs,s (3.70) is the block crosscovariance matrix between the ith-principal component the jth-principal component (yr). A compa^rison with the cokriging matrix (f;) and derived from the inficators (3.65) reveals that the principal component system requires a lesser number of block corra,riances and therefore lees storage and lees inference. Also an important fact is that the cokriging of the principal components ca,n be separated, i.e. the eimple cokriging system (3.66) can be decomposed in one system corresponding to C1,1 (since Y1 is not correlated with the others principal components) plus two eystems corresponding to the four cowriances, respectively C2,2, C2,4 and Ca,al C3,3 , C3,5 and C5,5 (since Y2 and Ya are spatially correlated but are uncorrelated with Yt, Ys and Ys). Moreover, given the low crosscorrelation levels of the principal components their cokriging eystem can be approximated by a geries of simple kriging syetems. These two exr.mples shown that indicator orthogonalization, assuming that Z(x) and Z(x * h) are jointly bigaussian, presents definite advantages over the traditional IK and CoIK ( Coindicator Kriging ) when used for modeling conditional cumulative density functions. Chapter 4 IK based on Principal Component Analysis The last two chapters have presented the IK theory and the application of PCA to orthogonalize the indicator vectors I(x;z). The bigaussian model was considered as the joint distribution of Z(x), Z(x* h) and indicator covariances and croescovaxiarlces were computed assuming such bivariate distribution . Examples considering three and five cutoffs were shown which indicate that the indicator crossconelations magnitude can not be as- null. They play an important role in the indicator cokriging system. Orthogonalization of .I(x;z) entails that aome of the crosscorrelations between the elements of the transformed vector Y(x) are exactly zero and thoee different from zero are shown to be negligible. This property can be capitalized upon to build an estimator of the conditional distribution with the advantage over IK of considering more bivariate informasumed tion via the transformed vector Y(x). 4.L An Estimator Based on PCA: The Colndicator Kriging estimator (2.31) is the best bivariate-type estimator of the conditional distribution in least squaxes sense. However, practical problems inhibits the modeling of. O (K2) cona,riances. Orthogonalization of the indicator vector /(x; z) assuming a bigaussian model yields a new vector Y(x) which holds the properties of theorem 3.1. A set of n' samples Y(xo) are definined using the transformation (3.6) applied on the original indicator vectors, and the 61 CIIAPTEN 4. tsASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANAI,YS$ IK following average can be defined: o(v;Yr) = hlrYl(r) dx t. 1, = ...,K (4.1) (2.31): Tbis integral can be eetimated by the ttaadard cokriging estimator Kn' o(V;Yro) but from theorem 1.1, it = t D ).'o Yr'(x.) lf=l c=l (4.2) is Lnown that the crasconelrtions: CY(h,k,ls')=$ rV& dd, ht (4.3) cven The other crcscorrelations although different fiom rero are ignored, therefore: Cr(h;&,&') nl 0 , V &, ht coen o? krh' dih (4.4) . direct correlations Thus, eince their nagnitude is relatively small conpa,red with the is pcaible tbrougb rather than using the heavy colriging estimator $.2) e' simplification the krigiug estimator (2.26): trt O'(V;Yr) = and the weights )p e = 1,...,I( (4.5) are derived from the constrained normal equation system (2.29): v' | E l*"Yr(*") c=l Cv(xo - xo,&) * tt* = eY(x"'V; tc) (4.6) 9=l with tbe unbiasedness condition: nt f, l1p = f lc = l,... rlf (4.7\ F=l pl conesPonding to Note that the formulation (a.6) includes a Lagrange multiplier to estimate the assumption that ElYrl is unknown. By considering a local neighborhood the mean nlYrl is allowed to change from one location to another, which is O.(V;yr) with the inconsistent with.the assumption of stationarity. Mor@ver, it is inconsistent would ulique and orthogonal matrix A of orpression (3.6). The straightforward solution given by: be to consider a cimy'e kriging eotimator with the weights llo CHAPTER.4. IK BASED ON PNINCIPAL COMPONENT ANATYSIS 63 ,t' DC"(*B - x',&) -- evQc.,V;k) a 0=l The corresponding simple krigrng estimator ie: nt iD.(V; Yr) = (1 = L,...,tu' (4.8) ,r' - o=l t )r")E[Yr] + D ]r,Yr(xo) (4.e) Unfortunately this approach requires knowledge of Elfi'l which has to be inferred from the data. In presence of data clustering such inference can be difrcult and possibly biased. The estimator based on (4.9) ensures consistency with the orthogond matrix A and stationarity, therefore it satisfieo the theoretical assunptions . On the other hand the estimator based on (4.5) is inconsistent with A and stationa,ritn but presents a definite advantage 4.2 in presence oflocal departure from stationarity. Unbiasedness: Estimators (4.5) and (4.8) are both unbiased etimetors of the stochastic integral (4.1). However the goal is to estimate integral (2.2L)z A(V;zp)= 1f V Juf(x;zp)dx & = 1,...,K (4.10) From (3.6) an inverse transformation can be applied to obtain: A(V;z) = AO(V;Y) (4.11) where the vector O(V;z) is defined as: and vector O(V; Y) A(V;z)=lQ(V121 6(V;zs)lr (4.12) o(Y;Y) = [o(Y;Yr) a(v;Ys)lr (4.13) is: Estimator (4.11) will be called hereafter the IKPCA estimator or Indicator Kriging based on Principal Component Analysis. Observe that this pa,rticula,r estimator is not any CHAPTER 4. IK BASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANAIYSIS more a simple finea.r combination of indicator data associated with a single cutoff. It is a linear combination of indicator data associated with multiple cutoffe. Unbiasedness galls for: E[O(v; z)J = E[AiD.(Y; Y)] (4.14) Using estimator (4.5) and ercpression (2.24), expression (4.14) can be written as: fI=t Ar"Yr(v',) I I r(z)=AEl : L Dl=t (4.15) I )r"rr(x") I where: F(rx)17 [F(") F(z) = The principal components Y;(r.o) are expressed in terms of the original indicator vector I(x";z). Thus relation (4.15) becomes: Il" ff=, Efr )r.a; J(x,; zi) r(z)=AEl L : DL, D[, lroo ;xl(t<-; z) Taking the orpected value and assuming stationarity: ll=tDfr)roo;rF(') I I F(z)=Al : L DL, Df, )roo;xF(d I J Finally by doing the matrix multiplication: Isr(s tal=r )ii=rDf, I F(z)=l L filt : )1.o, osF(Q f I Dl=r D;K=r\t'ox1a51F(z;) ) This expression is simplified by taking in account that the matrix matrix such that: AAT=I A is an orthogonal CHAPTER 4. IK BASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONEN? ANAIYSIS Thus expression (4.14) is finally written as: Dl=t '\1o'F(21) I I F(z)=l r (4.16) I L D:, \v'F(2fl l AO(V; Y) is an unbiased estimator of A(V; z). Similar treatment for estimator (4.9) proves that this estimator is also unbiased. Since the weights )1o satisfy (4.7), 4.3 Estimation Variance The estimation variance of estimator O*(V; Y1) is defined o?xpce= E[a(V;zP) as: (4.17) - aliD*(Y;Y)]2 kth row of the orthogonal matrix A. Without loss of generality, supposee that V ie a point at ,ro and therefore expression (4.17) is written as: where the vector ap is the o?xrce= E[/2(xo; "*)]- e^u[a[Y.(xo)/(xo; "x)l+ r[a[Y.(xo)Y."(*o)"r] (4.18) The first term of expression (4.18) is: ,i]= E[I2(*o; E[/(xs; ,*)i= F(r*) (4.1e) The second term is expanded as follows: KntK -Znla[V*(r.o)I(*o; ,*)l = -2Dt t l=1 o=1 j=l a14a7\151C1(:<o - xo; z1,zr) + F(z;)F(zp)i aplag\1iC1(r.o - and considering orthogonality of A: KntK - Zflla[V*(to)/(*o; "*\] = The third term of (4.18) is: -zDD j=l t l=l a=l xqi zit 21,) - 2F2(zP) (4'20) CHAPTEN 4, IK BASED ON PRTNCIPAL COMPONENT ANAIYSIS KK E[aflY.(xs)Y.r(r.o)"*] = K lrrt nt D f,1o!,r1'.r wCv(o;l) + mll D I al4asynint +E l=1 a=l p=f l=l j=|,{l (4.21) where: K =la6F(z) (4.22) l=1 Finalln the estimation va.riance is the combination of expressions (4.19) to (4.21). Note rrtr;, that such IKPCA estimation variance depends on the whole set of weights associated to the principal components (Y1) and on both indicator cova,riances and crosecovariances (Cr(h; zlrz*)). Contrarily the IK estimation variance (o?d depends only on the sing[e indicator covariance (Cr(h;zp) and the weights associated to that particular cutoff (zp). This can be seen from the IK estimation variance enpression: n' nt nt o?rc = C{gzp) D )*"1*pC{x'-z[Cr(r.g - &;ze) + t p=l xptzr) (4.23) a=l a=l This difference can be explained, using Projection Theory (Luenberger, 1969), by the fact that each estimator is projected onto difierent linear manifolds. The IKPCA estimator is a linear combination of indicator data corresponding to different cutoffs, while the IK estimator is a linear combination of indicators corresponding exclusively to one cutoff. Therefore the following inequality holds true: o?xpc.n < o?x Q.24) Thus the IKPCA estimator is a better estimator than the IK estimator in the sense of estimation variance. A comparison of the IKPCA estimator with the CoIK estimator shows that notwithstanding the improvement brought by expressing the IKPCA estimator as a linear combination of indicators for difrerent cutoffs, the approximation (4.4) amounts not to use the whole linear manifold as CoIK does. Therefore, the corresponding estimation variance order relations hold: oborK 1o?xpc.e,3 "?x (4.25) CHAPTEN 4, IK BASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONEIVT AIVATYSIS As approximation (4.4) becomes more exact the IKPCA estimator tends towards the CoIK estimator, and their estimation variance become equal. 4.4 Practice of IKPCA: A successful application of IKPCA is based on the assumption that the principal component In the case of a shown in the last chapter crosscorrelations are negligible compa,red with the direct correlations. bigaussian joint distribution ot Z(x) and. Z(x+ h), it has been that the principal component crossconelations are indeed negligible, therefore the IKPCA approach is entirely justified. For biva,riate distributions difierent from the bigaussian, a situation more likely in Earth Sciences, the principal component crosscorrelations should be checked to compare their level with that of the direct correlations. Such check is essential prior to applying IKPCA. This section will focus on the practical implementation of IKPCA and address the problem of checking the previous constitutive hypothesis. The question of checking whether a bivariate distribution is bigaussian or not is discussed and its relevance in the practical implementation of IKPCA is considered. 4.4.L Declustering the Univariate CDF: The IKPCA is based on the orthogonalization of the indicator vector defined for different cutofis. Such orthogonalization is accomplished by multiplying the indicator vector by an orthogonal matrix AT derived from the spectral decompooition of the indicator covariance matrix El(h). For the case of lhl = 0, the elements of the indicator coraniance matrix are given by: C 7 (0; zp, zv,) = F s (min{zp, z k'}) - F2 (zp) Fs(zp') with F2(z) being the Z-univariate cdf. Therefore, knowledge of the univa,riate distribution is a requirement to compute the orthogonal matrix A. From the data an experimental FEQ) can be inferred; unfortunately in presence of clusters that inference of F(z) is not a trivial ta^sk. In such case FEQ) has to be declustered in order to limit the bias introduced by preferential location of the data. This problem is discussed in Journel (1983) and an easy and efrcient solution is proposed. The basic idea is to build cells or blocks, with different size, over the area being investigated. Each sample is weighted in inverse proportion to the CHAPTEN 4. IK BASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANATYSIS 68 /rl '----/ 0.7 0.6 N lJ- - - / - -/t /t /' 0.5 - - -[ , I I t , | 0 | | t I | - flt ' t | 't l' ' , t I -/tt , ' ' lrt t , , | O I I r O.Z 0.4 0.6 O.E I | /, ; ,| / r' t , r l, | I I I t -'l I , , 0.1 1 I | ' | | | I | | | | I I I J 1.2 1.,+ 1.6 1.6 2 2.2 2.1 2.6 2.E J 5.2 5.4 J.6 J.t Figure 4.1: Choice of symmetric F(z) does not entail symmetric cutofis for Z(x). number of samples found in each cell and the corresponding statistics is computed. For example, if the sampling campaign has been preferentially focused towards the high grade6' the declusterd mean would be that which is minimuml the corresponding weights provide a declustered estimate for the cdf F2@). This procedure minimizes the impact of clustering at the univa^riate level but not at the bivariate level. 4.4.2 Selection of Cutoffs: One of the characteristics of the bigaussian distribution is that the indicator matrix covariance E1(h) is symmetric and persfmmsfric, and as a consequence theorem 3.1 indicates that the croscorrelation for certain principal components is zero at all h if the cutoffs correspond to symmetric quantiles. Therefore, the choice of cutoffs a,ffects the structure of the indicator covariance matdx and the correeponding orthogonal matrix A. The decision of choosing symmetric quantiles does not entail symmetric cutoffs on the declustered FEQ), situation which can be observed in figure 4.1. If the main interest lies around the high quantiles, it is necessary to specify enough cutoffs to discretize the local A(V;zr) a,round those high quantiles. If symmetry and persymmetry is to be naintained matrix, sf,mmsfdg quantiles must be considered. Such situation increase the number of cutofis and therefore the number of correlogra,ms to model. in the indicator co\xariance CHAPTEN 4. IK BASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANAIYSIS However at least for the bigaussian case, this problem ie alleviated thanks to condition (3.65) which indicates that the higher the principal component the leeser the direct corre- lation. This result entails that the last principal component correlogra,ms are likely to be pure nugget effect. This condition should be checked to retain only the significant principal component correlations. For those principal components whce correlations are practically pure nugget efiect, an estimate of O(V; Y3) can be obtained by simple arithmetic average of the samples in the neighborhood. 4.4.3 Computation of E1(h): Spectral decomposition of the indicator conariance matrix orthogonal matrix A. lr(O) allows computation of the Numerical description of that procedure is discussed in Appendix A. Note that there is no particular reason to orthogonalize the indicator cova,riance matrix at h = 0, in fact that orthogonalization can be done for any h. Lemma 1.1 and theorem 1.1 do not depend on the choice of a particular h, they depend on the selection of the cutoffs and on the bigaussian hypothesis. For any bivariate distribution, the pa,rticular h should be chosen so as to minimize the crosscorrelation of the resulting principal components. For example, if the average distance between samples is hr then orthogonalization of Ey(h) should be done at lhl = lrr which entails that any principal component crosscorrelation at h1 is exactly zetoi beyond that distance the increase in crosscorrelation is assumed to be negligible. is done at lhl = 0 the principal component crosscorrelation at the If orthogonalization average distance h1 between samples may be difrerent from zero and this could impact the approximation level of IKPCA. All elements of matrix El(O) can be obtained through expression (3.60) once the cutoffs have been selected. There is no need of complex computations to obtain the corresponding values which can be read directly from the plot of the declustered F (r) (figure 4.2). For the case of orthogonalization at lhl I 0 the elements of the indicator covariance matrix can be computed from expression (3.22). CHAPTEN 4. IK BASED ON PBINCIPAL COMPONENT ANAIYSIS 70 o.6 N Y u- o.s 0.1 o 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.E t 1.2 1.+ 1.0 1d 2 2.22.+2.62.8 5 5.2 J.4 5.6 5.E z Figure 4.2: The elements of matrix >r(0) can be read from the declustetd, F|(z). 4.4.4 Checking for BigaussianitY: One easy way is to apply the normal score transformation to the original data and from the normal scores obtain indicator correlations or crosscorrelation for different cutoffs. Dxpression (3.24) gives the analytical exact expression for any indicator correlation or crosscorrelation assuming a bigaussian model. The code to obtain such theoretical covariances and crosscona,riances is given in Appendix B. comparison can then be made between the experimental indicator correlations or crosscorrelations derived from the normal scores and the theoretical correlations and cross- A correlations derived from formula $.2$. In Earth Sciences the most common situation will be a mismatch between theoretical and experimental correlations or closscorrelations, hence the typical answer will be that bigaussianity is not satisfied. It would seem at this point, that any technique based on gaussian hypothesis is hopeless since in Earth Sciences such condition is the exception rather than the rule. However, the point to check is not whether the original distribution is bigaussian or not, the important point is to evaluate the impact of any departure on the estimates or any other goal for the study. Bigaussianity provides a particular case for successful application of IKPCA. The consequences of departure from that bigaussian model are not yet fully appreciated. The IKPCA CHAPTEN 4, IK BASED OIV PRTNCIPAL COMPONEN? ANATYSIS 7I goat is to approximate the CoIK system, therefore the relevant check consists in evaluat- ing the relative magnitude of the principal component crosscorrelations with respect to the direct principal component correlations. ff that relative magnitude is small then IKPCA can be applied safely, whatever the binariate distribution bigaussian or not. If the relative magnitude is la.rge then IKPCA is not recommended. For the cases when the bivariate distribution of Z(x) and Z(x* h) is shown to be close to bigaussianity, techniques like Multigaussian Kriging (Verly 1984) should be considered instead of IKPCA. 4.4.5 Order Relations The estimat e F|(x; "* l(n')) Problems: does not necessarily satisfy the classical order relations: F2@; u* l("')) e [0, U F26;zr l(n')) < r}$;zt+r l(n')) ,Yzr The first condition is not satisfied because the kriging-type estimates a,re nonconvex linea,r combinations of the conditioning data, therefore the weights can be negative and the estimate can be outside of the limits defined by the maximum and minimum of the conditioning data. The second type of order relations problems is due to the fact that F2$;zr,l(n)) is built independently of the estimatot of. F|(x;zr+t l(n')); indeed the two respective kriging systems do not impose any such congtraint. Correction of these order relations can be accomplished in different ways. Sullivan (1934) and Journel (1987) propose different procedures to correct for order relations. The following chapter presents an application of one such correction procedure to IKPCA derived probabitty estimates. 4.4.6 Probability Intervals: Probability intervaJs can be computed from the estimated conditional cumulative density function: Prob{a < z(*) < D l("')} * Fi$;D l("')) - F|(x;o l("')) (4.26) CHAPTEN where 4. IK BASED ON PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANATYSIS F|(l@')) is the estimate of the conditional cumulative density as obtained by IKPCA, and n' is the number of conditioning data. Probability of exceedence of a given threshold c is: Prob{Z(x) > cl (z') } o 1- F26;cl ("') ) (4.27) Note from ocpressions (4.26) and (4.27) that probability intervals and probability of exceedence are independent of the choice of any particular estimate z*(x). Therefore these measureo of uncertainty are dissociated from the estimate z*(x) retained. 4.4.7 OptimalEstimates: Various estimates can be derived from the conditional cumulative density function depend- ing on the criteria of optimality established from a loss function concept (Journel, 1984b). There can be different loss functions and for each one an estimate exists, optimal in the sense that it minimizes the expected value of the loss function. The following expression ahows the functional to minimize loss function in order to obtain an optimal estimate zL(.x) for a given I(.): EIL(z-(x) - z(x))l({l = lo LQ*$) - z(x))dF}(x;zl(n')) (4.28) Minimization of expression (4.28) can be accomplished by numerical optimization (Fletcher, 1988) and its numerical evaluation can be obtained by numerical integration. One simple way to proceed is: K f L(z*(x)-rr(*))lF|(x;zp..1l(z'))-ri(*;zrl(n'))l t: L(z*(x)-z(x))d,F|(x;zl(z'))= r=o G.zg) with z3(x) being an estimate of the conditional class mean, K the total number of cutoffs and: F|(x; zs) FE?;zx+t) FE6;0) = o 1.0 Expressions (4.28) or (a.29) can be minimized to provide the optimal estimate "L(:x) such that: I CHAPTEN 4. IK BASDD ON PRINCIPAL COMPONEIVT ANAIYSIS l* t 1r.1*) - 73 z(x)\d.r1$; rl(n')) (4.30) is minimum. The loss function should be chosen to match the goal of the study. However and traditionally selection of the loss function has been based on simplicity criteria . The numerical optimization (4.29) is possible with solutions independent of the particular form of Fi$; rl(n')) for very specific loos function. Difierent loes functions may entail very different estimated nalues, hence to define ca,refully the loss function to be used. it is important Chapter 5 A Case Study The IKPCA approach will be applied to a data set resulting from a two dimensional noncon- ditional simulation based on the spectral turning bands method (Mantonglou and Wilson, 1981) and a normal score transformation. The epatial correlation considered in the simulation has a geometrical anisotropy of ratio 2 to l, with direction of ma:rimum continuity the z direction and minimum direction of continuity the y direction. Figure 5.1 shows a greyscale map of the 1600 simulated values, where the horizontal to vertical anisotropy is observed. IKPCA is applied to evaluate conditional cdf for point values and composite point conditional cdf within panels. Compa,rison of its performance is made against the IK and MG approaches. 5.1 Structural Analysis: For this particular study, the problem ofinference ofthe aemivariogram or correlogram has been dissociated from the estimation problem. For inference of the spatial correlation struc- ture exhaustive knowledge of the 1600 data points is assumed. The exhaustive correlogram is computed through the classic relation: p(h) = t.o - r tfu N(h) D ("(*. + h) - z(x"))2 (5.1) jv(h) is the number of pairs z(x. + h) found for the separation vector h. "(x') Recall that the mean and variance of the 1600 data points have been standardized to 0 where 74 CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY 40 I E 1.0. 0.0 - 1.0 ffi . u ".1 - Gl.0) 40 Figure 5.1: Exhaustive data set considered to analyze the performance of IKPCA. and 1. Figure 5.2 shows a greyscale map of the z-correlogram. At the center of the map, p(h) = 1.0; the color code gives the value of p(h) t distance lhl away from the center in any particular direction. Spatial variability or correlation along the a direction is largest. The anisotropy is a geometric , with a ratlge of about 12 units in the a direction and 6 units in the y direction. Application of IKPCA does not require the structural analysis on the original Z(x) vaiable, however such analysis is recommended to detect patterns of variability and potential problems on inference of principal component correlograms, e. g. clustering of data. 5.1.1 Indicator Conelograms and Crosscorrelograms: One goal of the IKPCA is to use more bivariate information than the IK approach. Short of a full CoIK, the indicator crosscorrelations are introduced through principal component correlogra,ms. From the exhaustive data set of figure 5.1, nine symmetric quantile cutoffs were selected. Table 5.1 gives the respective cutofis which entail a symmetric and persym- metric indicator covariance matrix. Observe that the quantile-symmetry for this particular case yields symmetry of the cutoff values 21. This situation is only true for symmetric univariate distributions. A total of 45 indicator correlograms and crosscorrelograms were computed from the CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 76 I I W n -29 o 0.6 0,4 - 0.6 0.0 - 0.4 .0.0 20 Figure 5.2: Z-Correlogram derived from the exhaustive information. Observe that the direction of major continuity is along the c a:ris. exhaustive data set. Figure 5.3 presents the indicator correlogram for the first cutoff, then figures 5.4 to 5.11 the corresponding indicator crosscorrelograms between that first cutoff and the eight others. Geometric anisotropy is observed along the r (solid line) and y (dash line) directions in all figures. The magnitude of crosscorrelation diminishes as the second cutoff increases. However, the level of crosscorrelation when compared with the direct correlation of figure 5.3 can not be assumed as null at least until the eigth cutoff. The IK implicit assumption that indicator crosscorrelations are negligible is seen to be not satisfied for this case. Figure 5.12 shows that indicator correlogram at the second cutoff has structure similar to the first one: range and anisotropy remain the same. Figure 5.13 presents the crosscorrelogram between the second and third cutoff. It is observed that the crosscorrelation is not negligible and that the assumption of null crosscorrelation should not be considered. Figure 5.14 to 5.19 shows indicator crosscorrelograms between contiguoue cutofs. There is a persistent and siguificant crooscorrelation which should be incorporated as source of information in the estimation process. Figures 5.20 to 5.26 present the indicator comelograms from the third cutoff to the ninth cutoff. A comparison of the first and last cutoffcorrelogram, figure 5.3 and figure 5.26, with the median cutoff, figure 5.22, shows the destructuration effect: as the cutoff goes away CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY Indicoron Conretognom (21=-1.?81 0.9 0.8 o.7 o.6 0.5 N s- O.4 c) 0.3 O.? 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.a 6 10 h 15 ?O Figure 5.3: Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = -L.28. The solid line presents the correlation along the E.W direction and the dash line along the N-S direction. Indic oton Cros scomef o gnom lzl= -L.?8 tz?= -O,8 4l (LO 0.8 o.7 o.6 RI N N f P {-, 0.s o.4 0.3 o-? 0.1 0 -0.1 4.2 t0 t5 h Figure 5.4: Indicator crooscorrelogram for the cutoffs z that the crosscorrelation is not negligible. = e0 -1.28 a\d z = Observe 5. CHAPTEN A CASE STADY 78 Indicoton Cnoesconnelo gnom (zl= -1.?8 tz3=-0'5?l 0.9 O.8 o.7 (L6 (o N 0"5 N &4 o o.3 s I oa o.l o {Lr {r.e t5 t0 N h Figure 5.5: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z second cutoff increases the crosscorrelation decreases. = -1.28 arLd z = -0.52. As the the Indicoton Crossconnelognom lzl=-I.?8t24=-0.?5) (LE o.8 O.7 (L6 I N&5 N 0..t rI =(L3 t-, o.2 &l 0 -o.t -0€ t0 eo h Figure 5.6: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z = -1.28andz=-0.25. CHAPTEN 5. 79 A CASE STUDY Indicoton Cnossconnelognom (zL=-I.?8 tz5=-0.00) 0.e 0.8 o.7 rtN N .c c, 0.6 &s 0.4 0.3 0.4 (Lt 0 -0.1 4A 0 t0 h Figure 5.7: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z = -L.28 and z = 0.0. Indicoton Crossconnelognom (21=-1.?8126=0.?51 0.0 0.8 O.7 (o 0.6 N (Ls N 0.4 o 0.3 s O.2 0.t 0 -0.1 -0€ t0 n h Figure 5.8: Indicator ctmscomelogram for the cutoffs z -- -L,28 an.d z = 0.25 CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 80 Indicoton Cnossconnelo gn om lzl= -1.?8 tz7 =O.5?l (LC o.8 o.7 |\N 0.6 N o.4 s. (J o.3 o.5 0.4 tLt o -o.t -0.4 t5 l0 0 h Figure 5.9: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z = -1.28 arLd z = 0.52 Indicotor Crossconrelognom (zl='1.?8o28=0.84) 0.0 o.8 o.t (,.6 @ N 0.5 N 0..1 -c. &3 - o o.a 0.r 0 -0.1 -0.? 0 t0 t5 ?o h Figure 5.1.0: Indicator crosscorrelogra^m for the cutoffs crosscorrelation can be considered as pure nugget effect. z= -1.28 and.z =0.84. The CHAPTEN 5. A 81 CASE STADY Indicolol' Ct-osscorrelo gnam lz|= -L'?B tz9=1'?8) 0.9 O.8 o.7 0.5 o) N 0.5 N o.4 o (L3 I s oa 0.1 0 -0.1 {1.? t0 h Figure 5.11: Indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the cutofis crosscorrelation is pure nugget effect. z = -1.28 and z - 1.28. The Indicotor Connelogrom (z?=-0'84) 0.0 o.8 u7 o.6 N 0.5 E O.4 c) o.3 N o.e o.l 0 -0.1 -o.a ; l0 ?o h Figure 5.12: Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = -0.84. Range and geometrical anisotropy are similar to correlogtam of the first cutoff. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY Indicoton Cornelognom (z?=-0.84r z3=-0.54) o.9 O.8 o.7 o.6 (Y) N o.5 (\l N t 0.4 (J o.3 s. o.a 0.1 0 -0.1 {.e 0 10 h Figure 5.13: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs a = -0.84 and z = -0.52. The relative size of the crmscorrelogran respect to the direct correlograrn is not insignificant Indicoton Connelognom (23=-0.5?t z4=-0.e5) ' O.0 o.s o.7 !f o.6 t o.s N 0.{ G) S&3 (J oa O.l 0 -0.1 -ue l0 h Figure 5.14: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z = -0.52 and z = -A.25. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 83 Indicoton Crosscornetognom (24=-0.?5e zS=0.0) o.9 0.8 4.7 0.6 t)N O.5 tf (L4 N 3 o€ c) O.2 o.t o \ -0.1 4A l0 h Figure 5.15: Indicatot crosscolrelograrn for the cutoffs z = -0.25 an:d, 2 = 0.0. Indicoton Crossconnetognom (25=0.0e z6=0.?5) o.9 0.8 o.7 (o N t') N c- (J 0.6 0.5 &tt (L3 o.e 0.1 0 --_x- -0.1 4.e l0 h Figure 5.16: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z : 0.A and. z = 0.25. CHAPTER 5. A CASE STUDY 84 Indicoton CnossconFetognom (26=0,?5r z7=Q.5?) o.e o.8 o.7 1\ o.6 t05 @ N € o O.'l o.3 0.2 o.t o -0.1 -0.4 lo h Figure 5.17: Indicator crosacorrelogran for the cutoffs z = 0.25 and z = 0.52. from the median the correlograms tend towards a pure nugget effect. Bigaussianity: The data set was generated by a gaussian related technique which imposes that the nonconditional simulation presents a multivariate distribution close to the multigaussianity. Verly (1984) discusses several teets to prove multigaussianity and more recently the use of indicator correlogra,ms to test bigaussianity has been recommended. Expression (3.24) indicates that the correlograms of symmetric cutofis for a binormal distribution a,re equal and that the crosscorrelogram between the median cutoff and a pos- itive cutoff is equal to the crosscorrelogram between the median cutoff and the negative of that same cutoff. Figures 5.3 and 5.26 ehow that at symmetric cutoffs correlograms are reasonably similar. Figures 5.15 and 5.16 present similar crooscorrelograrns as expected from a bigaussian distribution. Figures 5.27 afi,5.28 present the crosscorrelogra;ns for the firet and second cutoff, and for the eighth and ninth cutof. The greyscale maps appear to show significant differences, the patterns of anisotropy appear different but only for large dietances, i. e. for low cor- relation values. However, figures 5.4 and 5.19 corresponding to the same crosscorrelograms along the two main directions of anisotropy appear similar, which is the expected result from CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 85 Indicotor Cnossconnelogrom (27=O.S?o z8=0.84) 0.e o.8 O.7 O.6 co N 0.5 N o..t s. o.3 G (J o.a 0.1 0 -o.1 -0.? l0 h Figure 5.18: Indicator crosscorrelogram for the cutoffs z = 0.52 an.d. z = 0.84. Indicoton Crossconnelogrom (28=0.84r zg=1.?8) 0.0 (L8 o.7 o) N q) 0.6 0.5 N 0..1 -c. 0.3 o 0.4 0.t o -o.t -(Le to h t5 a Figure 5.19: Indicator crosscorrelograrn for the cutofis z = 0,84 and z = 1.28. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 86 Indicoton Connelognom (23=-0.5?l o.9 0.8 (L' (L6 6o.s N E o Gl o.3 o.e 0"1 o -0.1 -0.2 st0t5e0 h Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z Figure = -0.52. Indicoror Cornelognom (24=-0.?51 0.0 0.8 o.7 o.6 \t N .c. c) &5 0.4 o3 o.e 0.1 r--\-- 0 -o.1 -0.a E 0 t0 l5 a0 h Figure 5.21: Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = -0.25. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY 87 Indicoton Connelognom (25=0.0) (LE 0.8 O.7 0.6 uN 0.5 -c. 0.4 c) 0.3 0.4 0.1 0 -0.1 -o.a o. Figure 5.22: Indicator correlogram for the cutof z = A.0. Indicotor Conretognom (25=0.?5) 0.0 0.8 O.7 0.5 6N € (J o.S o'4 o.g o.e 0.1 0 -0.1 4.? to h Figure 5.23: Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = A.25. 5. CHAPTEN A CASE STADY 88 Indicotor Conretognom (27=0.52) GE 0.8 O.7 o6 r\ G5 I 0.4 N E (J o3 O.? (Lt 0 -0.1 {LE E 0 t0 h Figure 5.24: Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = 0.52. Indicoton Connelognom (28=0.94) O.9 0.8 O.7 t' o6 @ 0.5 E 0..1 N (J I t 0.3 o.e 0.1 o -0.1 -&a o g10l5e0 h Figure 5.25: Indicator correlolgram for the cutoff z = 0.84. CHAPTER 5. A CASE STUDY 89 Indicoton Connetognom (29=1.?8) &o o.a o.7 o.6 oN s (J 0.5 O.t o.3 oa 0.1 0 -o.l -*r 3 h Figure 5.26: Indicator correlogram for the cutoff z = t.28. I ! o.r' o.r - o.e ffi o.o. o.l n'o.o -2|0 20 Figure 5.27: Greyscale map of the indicator crosscorrelogra,m for the cutoff z z = -0.84. = -L.28 and -il CHAPTER 5. A CASE STADY 90 I I W tr o -zo 0.6 - 0.0 - 0.4 - 0.0 20 Figure 5.28: Greyscale map of indicator crossconelogra.m for the cutoff z = 0.84. z- L.28 an;d a bigaussian model. Fron these latter figures the conclusion ie their departure is small. Note that the analysis based on extreme correlograms could be rnisleading and undeci eive. The decision to reject bigaussianity from only indicator correlogratns can not yet be considered as a reliable way to define if a data set is close to bigaussianity or not. 5.L.2 Principal Component Correlograms: Principal component correlograms are based on the orthogonalization of the indicator covariance matrix El(h) and the matrix multiplication of the indicator vector I(x;z) by the orthogonal matrix A". the covariance matrix: In this exercise, the orthogonalization is done at lhl = 0, i. e. for CHAPTEN 5, A CASE STADY 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.07 0.14 0.2L E1(o) - 91 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.L2 0.10 0.08 0.18 0.15 0.L2 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.03 0.06 0.001 0.04 0.09 (5.2) 0.25 Egrnfn. 0.02 Eymrn. A" is obtained by singular rnlue decompaition (Appendix A). Nine principal components (yr) were obtained at the 1600 locations and their correlogra,ms and The orthogonal matrix crosscorrelograms were computed. Figure 5.29 presents the first principal component conelogram; the original geometric anisotropy is preserved and the correlation magnitude appeare greater than that of any indicator correlogra,m. It seems that the first component synthesizes much of the variability of the indicators. Figure 5.30 shows a greyscale map which appears quite similar to that of figure 5.2 . This fact implies that inference of the first principal component correlogram will have the same advantages and disadlantageo than inference of the Z-correlognm. Theorem 3.1 proves that the crooscorrelognms for even and odd principal components is null for all h if the data set is bigaussian and the cutoffs are quantile'symmetric. Figure 5.31 presents the crosscorrelogram between the first and second principal component with a clear zero correlation level. Therefore, for practical purposeo theorem 3.1 holde for binariate distributions whose departure from bigaussianity is not dra,matic. The IKPCA approach does nol require bigaussianity, it requires that the level of croescorrelations be negligible. Figure 5.32 presents the first and third principal component crosscorrelogram with again quasi zero correlation level. Note that orthogonalization at lhl = 0 entails zero crosscorrelation only at the origin. The crossco:relations between the first component and all other components is practically null, which can be observed in figures 5.33 to 5.38. Figures 5.39 to 5.46 are the principal component correlograns for the second to the ninth principal componente. The second principal component shows the same geometric CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 92 P. C. Connelognom (91) O.9 o.8 O.7 (L5 Ir o.5 -c c) 0.rt o.3 o.? 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.e l0 e0 h Figure 5.29: First principal component correlogram. I 0.6 - W 0.0 - 0.4 E n -20 Figure 5.30: Greyscale map of the first principal component. - 0.0 CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY 93 P. C. Conrelogrom (gL g?) GE (L8 o.7 cl 0.6 fi o.5 fr (L4 s- c) &3 0€ &l o -(Ll {.e o h Figure 5.31: First and second principal component crosscorrelqlram. A null correlation is observed according with theorem 3.1. P. C. Crosscont'elogrom (gL 93) 0.e o€ u7 $6 (Y) f| ().5 fl O..l E o 0.3 o.? 0.1 o -0.1 -(Le t0 ao h Figure 5.32: First and third principal component crosscorrelogram. A null correlation is observed for practical purposes. CHAPTEN 5, A CASE STUDY 94 P. C. Cnosscorrelognom (gL 94) o.O 0.8 9.7 sfl O.6 fl * 0.4 E (J o.3 o.5 0.4 0.1 0 {l.l 4A 0stlrszo Figure 5.33: First and fourth principal componeDt crooscorrelogram. A null correlation is is observed P. C. Cnossconnstognom (glr gS) o.o &8 o.7 (L6 lJl fl l ! (J o.5 0.4 0.3 o.e o.t 0 {r.t {La c 0 l0 h n Figure 5.34: First and fifth principal component crosscorrelogram. A null correlation is is observed 5. CHAPTEN A CASE STUDY 95 P. C. Crossconnelognom (glr 96) 0.0 o.8 o.7 (L6 @ fl 0.5 ) 0.4 I E c) &3 0€ &t o -O.t -O.2 t0 tg n h Figure 5.35: First and sixth principal component crosscorrelogram. A null correliation is is observed P. C. CnosscornelogFom (9L 97) 0.0 o.8 o.7 r\ l 0.6 0.5 Jr 0.'t -c. o.3 o 0.4 (LI 0 -(Ll {.e lsaJ h Figure 5.36: First and seventh principal component crosscorrelogram. A null correlation is is observed CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY 96 P. C. Cnossconnelogrom (gtr 98) ().e &8 O17 o.6 @ t o.s t 0.4 8 0.3 &a (,.I 0 -&t 4A o5lolseo h Figure 5.37: First and eighth principal component crooscorrelogram. A null correlation is is observed P. C. Cnossconrelognom (gL 99) &e o.8 o.7 ofi I - f = t-, 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 o.e 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.a --o 5 l0 15 a0 h I Figure 5.38: First and ninth principal component crosscorrelogram. A null correlation is is observed CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 97 P. C. Conretogrom (g?) (LO 0.8 O.7 o.6 at o.s t 0.4 c) o.3 trr c I I t o.2 0.1 0 {.1 4.? 0 l0 eo h Figure 5.39: Second principal component correlogra,m. A severe destructuration can be observed anisotropy and a shorter practical range than the first component correlogram. From the third to the ninth principal componetrt a strong destructuration of correlograms is observed, as exp€cted from relation (3.66). For practical purposes there is no Bense to consider such corelograms as source of correlation, their magnitudes and their practical ranges are small enough to wa,rrant considering them as pure nugget effect. Verification of the constitutive hypothesis of IKPCA, figures 5.31 to 5.38 have already presented crosscorrelations which are consistent with the constitutive hypothesis, and partial verification of theorem 3.1 is given by figures 5.31 and 5.38. All remaining crosscorrelations show the same pattern of very small correlation level. For exa,mple, figure 5.47 presents the principal component crosscorrelogram for the third and fifth component where the magnitude can be considered as null and, therefore, its effect on the constitutive hypothesis insignificant. As the principal components gets higher the crosscorrelations become almost inexistent. The greyscale map of figure 5.48 shows that the crosscorrelation between the fourth and sixth principal components can be considered as nought. There are not important crosscorrelations between any of the principal components. Thus, the main assumption required for application of IKPCA is seen to be verified to a very good approximation. 5. CIIAPTEN A CASE STADY 98 P. C. Conrelognom (93) o.o 0.8 o.7 o.5 (r) Jl s- (J 0.5 0.'l o.3 O.? (Lt 0 -o.1 {1.? Figure 5.40: Third principal component correlogrrm. A very short practical range is observed. P. C. Connelogrom (94) 0.9 tL8 (L7 &6 *J| I E (J &5 &{ O.3 o.? &t 0 -0.1 -o.e t0 h Figure 5.41: Fourth principal component correlogram which can be considered as pure nugget effect. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 99 C. ConrEtognom (95) o0 o.8 O.7 o.6 a) Eo 0.5 O.4 0.3 &e 0.t 0 -o.t 4.e Figure 5.42: Fifth principal component correlogram which can be considered as pure nugget effect. Connetognom (96) (L9 (L8 O.7 0.6 (o o.5 s. 0.4 L) o.3 fr o.e &l 0 {.t {r.a Figure 5.43: Sixth principal component correlograrn which ca.n be considered as pure nugget effect. CHAPTER 5. A CASE STUDY 100 P. C. Connetognom (97) &o o.8 o.7 o.6 t\fl I .c. (J 0.5 (Lrt &3 oa 0.t 0 -0.1 -o.2 l0 h Figure 5.44: Seventh principal component correlogran which can be considered as pure nugget effect. P. C. Conrelognom (gB) 0.0 &8 o.7 0.6 ol c- o 0.5 O.4 0.3 0.4 &l o -o.t -0.e t0 h Figure 5.45: Eighth principal component correlogram which can be considered as pure nugget effect. CHAPTER 5. A CASE STUDY 101 P. C. Conrelognom (99) 0.9 O.8 O.7 0.6 ct) ) t (J (Ls o.4 0.9 0.a 0.1 0 -0.1 -o.2 t0 h Figure 5.46: Ninth principal component correlogm,m which can be considered as pure nugget efiect. P. C. Cnossconnglognom {g3r 95) o.s o.8 o.7 Lt) ) cf) ) E c) &6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.e o.l 0 -0.1 -&a lo h Figure 5.47: Third and fifth principal component crosEorrelogram which can be considered a^s a null correlation- CHAPTER 5. A t02 CASE STADY I I M n 0.6. 0.4 - 0.6 0.0 - 0.2 .0.0 -20 Figure 5.48: Fourth and sixth principal component crossorrelogram grey scale map. The crosscorrelation magnitude is so small that it can be considered null. 5.2 Estimation of Points: Once the principal component crcscorrelograms have been computed and their level of correlation checked as null, the IKPCA can be applied solving the constrained normal equation system (4.6). According to relation (4.24) its performance should be superior or equal to that of IK at least ia terms of estimation va,riance. IKPCA being a nonparametric technique its effectiveness relies on a good inference of the spatial va.riability (correlogra,m or variogram) .od enough informing data. From the 1600 known locations, 1224 points will be estimated each with an identical configuration of 22locil data. Figure 5.49 shows one point to be estimated and the corresponding 22 d"ata locations. Since the data configuration is the same for all L224 points, only one constrained normal system need to be solved. 5.2.L Modeling Correlograms: Solution of equation system (a.6) requires knowledge of the comelogram function. However, if the exhaustive information is made available (only for the purpose of that inference), there is no need to model it using a positive function. The coefficients of the kriging system can be read directly from the exhaustive correlogram. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 103 X oooo 05 Irrrl Figure 5.49: Data configuration used by IKPCA. all possible separation vectors h was generated. This information is then input into the kriging system (4.6). In order to ensute positive eatimation nariances, the corresponding cora,riance matrix (without the constraint) has been factorized to compute the corresponding eigenrnlues (see Appendix A). It was found that for the chosen configuration (figure 5.49) ail eigenvalues are positive. In the hypothetical case of negative eigenvalues, a modification of the original matrix can be accomplished by ad<ling a diagonal matrix whose norm is minimum (Gill and Murray, A data base of exhaustive correlogra,m values for 1978), preserving almost totally the original structure of variability. 5,2.2 Performance of the Conditional cdf F*(x; zl(n'))z Using the data configuration shown in figure 5.49, the conditional cdf .F*(x; zl(n')) has been estimated at L224 points. Several criteria have been considered to measure the IKPCA performance: reliability of the corresponding estimates of proportions, quantity of metal recovery factor and tonnage recovery factor. The IK and IKPCA estimates of the conditional cdf have been compa,red for the above estimations. Furthermore, a simplification of the IKPCA approach was considered, noting that for the third to the ninth principal component correlogram the direct correlation is negligible. CHAPTER 5. A CASE STUDY 104 Thia approximation is based on the results shown in the last section where the higher the component the leseer the correlation. Consequently, the third to the ninth component were estimated taking an arithmetic average of the corresponding22 samples. Predicting Quantiles: of the L224locations at which the conditional cdf p-quantile q}(x") is retrieved from F*(x";zl(n'\\, such that: For each one .F*(r."; qi(r-)l(n')) = p Since knowledge of the conditional cdf has been estimated, the (5.3) r'*(r."; zl(n')) is limited to only nine cutoffs, the p-quantile qi(xr) need to be interpolated here througb a linear interpolation. The approximation of linea,r interpolation aasumes that the interclase distribution is uniform which is usually not true. However in this exercige that approximation ie applied equally to all different techniquee being compared. Thus the errors introduced by this assumption are shared fairly by all three techniques etudied: IK, IKPCA and the approximated IKPCA. If the measure of uncertainty .F'*(xo; zl(n')) ie reliable then in average over all point xa e (1224) , the actual proportion p* oI values z(u) S qi(*") should be close to p. Therefore: 'p'= 1 t224 *1224 I;(*,;p) (5.4) ?-r should be close to p, with: :/_-._\ r(xa;p) _l = t I n0 [ if z(:<,)3qi(rk) (5.5) otherwise Note that p is the predicted proportion and p* is the actual proportion. Table 5.2 shows the scores (p*rp) for the three estimation algorithms IK, IKPCA and the simplified version of IKPCA assuming negligible correlations for the third to the ninth component. From table 5.2, it is observed that for values of p less than 0.5 all the estimators are overestimating the respective actual proportion. IK slightly is the best estimator. IKPCA and its approximated version that uses only two correlograms a,re almost identical. The situation changes for proportions p greater that 0.5, with all estimators overestimating 5. CHAPTEN A 105 CASE STUDY {'E .lo .* .t I' 3o ,s o.s E Eo l. O.4 lrJ dor 3}.. o.2 cl.t . ' 0.1 'o o o.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0,7 0.1 0.0 P-Actuol Figure 5.50: Scatterplot of the predicted and actual proportion. (*) U( estimator, exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. (+) tne the actual proportion. Figure 5.50 shows a scattergram of the predicted ver€us actual proportions. For this particular case, the use of more biva,riate information does not yield a better estimator of the actual proportion. Note, however, that the simplified version of IKPCA a considerable quantity of computational effort calling only for the solution of two systems and, in a practical situation, the modelling of only two correlograms. The precision 6aves of IK in practical terms is comparable to the precision of any version of IKPCA' therefore the less demanding approximated IKPCA is an excellent alternative to IK. Predicting Proportions: In this second test two quantiles q;r(*") and q|(x") are retrieved from the conditional cdf F'(*o; ,l("'\).The probability for z(x") to be in the interval lqh!r'),qL(:r")] it predicted to be: p=p2-h with: p2--l-m (5.6) CHAPTER 5. A CASE STUDY 106 ,l€ r{o 5 . o.7 L f+o r+ 0.6 8o L o-05 t+o Tl e(J 0.4 {+o E 'E o f o.3 UJ .' . 0.1 o 0 cl- Cl1 0.1 0.2 0.t 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.t o.9 Actuol Proportion Figure 5.51: Scatterplot of the predicted and actual proportion. (*) tr{ estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. The actual proportion of values falling this interval is: f = #'f_r{*,, *Xr - i(*, ; prl Therefore: .t 1224 P- - h,D- tto' 1 t224 d - hF- tt-'*) Table 5.3 present a comparison between the proportions predicted by (5.7) IK, IKPCA and the eimplified version of IKPCA. For thie data set, all estimators are underestimating the actual proportions p*, which is consistent with the last exercise. Figure 5.51 shows a scattergram of actual and predicted proportions. It appears from that figure that the proportions for extreme cutoffs are better estimated than for median cutoffs. The reason is found in figure 5.50: for example, the overestimation in figure 5.51 is maximum when p = 0.5 and that interrral corresponds to p2 = 0.75 and p1 = 0.25 on figure 5.50 where maxima deviations are precisely found. There is no clear advantage to estimate probability intervals using IK, IKPCA or the simplified IKPCA. However, the last and less demanding estimator achieves equivalent CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 107 results. Quantity of Metal Recovery Factor: The point support quantity of metal recovery factor within a domain .4 is defined Q@;")= # I^r, - i(x;z))z(x)dx with the indicator defined traditionally i(x; as: (b.8) as: z)= if z(x) < z { ; otherwise Therefore for this particular case the exact quantity of metal factor is: .t e@; z) = t224 hE a=L tt - r(:<.; z))z(x,) (5.e) and the corresponding estimator of the quantity of metal using an estimated conditional cdf is: 1 Q*(A;";1 = 1224 fuE K D rnl[F*(:r,; zx+il@)) - F"(r..; z*l(n'))] (5.10) :I tc=t with rnl being the true exhaustive class mean for grades valued between [rxrzx+tl. In this exercise there is no need to interpolate the conditional cdf, therefore additional errors due to assumption of an interclass distdbution are not introduced. In practice mk can be estimated from a global or a local measure of class central tendency, e. g. by the local class mean estimated from neighborhood data, or by the global class mean estimated from the entire data set, etc. The decision to ta^ke the exhaustive true class means is particular to this application and those class means are sharing by atl techniques being compared. In practice the rnp, will have to be inferred from the data. IK, IKPCA and the reduced version of IKPCA are compared. Figure 5.41 shows a scattergram ofthe results derived from the three techniques. Again, IK appears to outperform the IKPCA estimators. There are no dra,matic deviations from the true values, and the reduced version of IKPCA is almoot equal to the full implementation of IKPCA using all nine correlograms. Table 5.4 presents the corresponding numerical results. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 108 0..35 0.4 .$; o.35 l! g {.p o.J g E f 025 t o.2 ,{# 0.15 o.l .i# /r {o 0.05 0 0.1 0.15 O.Z 0.25 0.J 0.J5 0.4 o.'tlt Estimoted QMRF Figure 5.52: Scatterplot of the predicted quantity of metal necovery factor and the actua,l values. (*) IK estimator, (+) tle exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. Tonnage Recovery Factor: The tonnage recovery factor is defined as: T(A; z) = 1 - 1l W J^i(x;z)d,x (5.11) or in a discrete form: r (A; z) = #*'fl tt - i(x,; z)l (5.12) An estimator of the tonnage recovery factor based on the inferred conditional cdf is: 1 T*(A;"7 = 1224 fiprtt - F*('<"; ,l("')l (5.13) Figure 5.53 and table 5.5 present the results for the nine cutofis. Note that for this particular test the conditional cdf need not be interpolated. The actual and predicted values are almost equal. The approximated version of the least efiort. IKPCA provides the same score with CHAPTER 5. A CASE STADY r09 ,' a+ , & F E f o.c I o.s ,J o a .o o2 .t6 0.1 .16' L, -o 0 I r,r .' I rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr||.rrilrrrrrr. o.1 0.2 0.J 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.! ..'.. 0.0. Estimoted TRF Figure 5.53: Scatterplot ofthe predicted tonnage recovery factor and the actual values. (*) IK estimator, (+) the exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. A Comparison with the MG Approach: It can be shown that if a data set is multinariate gaussian distributed, the conditional cdf can be obtained, by simple kriging. The conditional distribution would be gaussian with mean and variance provided by simple kriging. For the realization (1600) here studied, it is known that the multiva,riate distribution is close to the multivariate gaussianity . Certainln there is some departure from multigaussianity which is evident from the previous comparison of indicator correlograms, indicator correlograms and satisfaction of theorem 3.1, but this depa^rture is not enough to inrnlidate the multigaussian hypothesis. The MG estimates were obtained by eolving a kriging system with data configuration identical to that used for IK and IKPCA; the exhaustive z-correlogram and mean were used. The performance of MG, IK, IKPCA and the approximated IKPCA are compared for the estimation of the following integral: S(A;z) = whose true value is: lo,l^ i(x; z)dx (5.14) CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 110 9F' # c o 'E L u o.7 + 0.6 o o- o L 0.5 (9 o.4 .5 (L o ,6 r.9 {5 o,1 o o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Estimoted Proportion 0.6 0.9 Figure 5.54: Scatterplot of the predicted S(V;z) factors and the MG factors. estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified vereion of IKPCA. s(A;z) = 1 t224 hf, i(x";z) (*) tr( (5.15) The four techniques eetimate integral (5.16) using the following expression: 1 S.(A; t224 "1= fi,D=, a.(*r zl(n')) (5.16) it is an estimate of the actual which is the composite estimated conditional cdf over A and proportion S(Ai z). Figure 5.54 shows that globally there is no distinction between the four estimators. Table 5.6 presents the numerical results. The approximated version of IKPCA is almost equal to the MG estimator, therefore the global performance of a bivariate estimator is comparable, for this particular test, to the performance of a multirnriate estimator. Figures 5.55 to 5.57 show scattergrams comparing IK, IKPCA and the approximated IKPCA estimates of type (5.15) with the corresponding MG estimates for the first cutoff (z = -1.28). Observe that the IKPCA estimators yield less dispersion around the 45o degrees line. However these regression lines depart from the 45o degrees line, i. e. a conditional bias is apparent for both the higher an lower probabilities. The conditional bias CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 111 * * tr o aL o o o L 0.7 0.6 0.5 (L (, o.4 .*l[ tt*J r*; tiJ *!t "'{*\.*'* * ** **Jl I* *f - ,b-'\ !7.,. t;i- ** * ***tJ*,'T.*i1 Ij**-_*'* , +t].*I li****rr* "l l ,:,*Jj; :+.{$l lI *i-i -' - * 0.4 0.5 0.6 lK Proportion Figure 5.55: Scatterplot of the IK and MG estimate of .F*(:ro; -f .28). of the IK is small and partially hidden by the dispersion. Figures 5.58 to 5.60 present the scattergrams for the median cutoff (z = 0.0). The IK estimates show the same dispersion around the 45o degrees line, and alternate vertical bands can be seen. Sullivan (1984) noted the same banding and explained that for a given data configuration there is a finite number of combinations of Ots and 1's, thus the IK estimates for different locations are likely to be equal. Contra,rilg the IKPCA estimates show lesser dispersion than the IK estimates and do not preoent bands. Recall that the IKPCA estimator is a linear combination of indicators at different cutoffs. Significant conditional bias is not observed for any estimator. Figures 5.61 to 5.63 present the corresponding scattergrams for the extreme cutoff (z = 1.28). The IK estimates show the same dispersion around the 45o line and a conditional bias for the lower probabilities. The IKPCA estimates contain lesser dispersion than the IK estimates, but the conditional bias for the lower probabilities appear€ larger. It seems at this point that the conditional bias is increased as the absolute difference between the cutoff and the median increases. An explanation could be that IK and any form of IKPCA are only bivariate-type estimators and their structural information level is not enough to yield estimates of a full multivariate distribution. Another source of approximation is that the indicator formalism amounts to discretize CHAPTER 5. c o A Ltz CASD STADY 0.9 Il-ri 0.6 f r t't*** tlot f**' * :l-l-.. ** o.7 Eo o o L 0.6 C, 0.4 i--tl *tr *o--rto*{ . *'** -o* -*##;' t* ** * -- 0.5 (L - 0.9 i oa-h-4;. - * o.2 0.1 0 o 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 Exoct IKPCA Proportion Figure 5.56: Scatterplot of the IKPCA and MG estimate of .F*(xo; -1.28). 0.9 0.E c o o.7 to o o L 0.6 () o.4 o.5 (L 0.3 o.2 0.1 o o 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0'7 0.8 0.9 IKPCA(Reduced) Proportion Figure 5.57: Scatterplot of the approximated IKPCA and MG estimate of F*(xo; -1.28). CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 0.9 o.8 c o o o o l- o.7 .*-.r.$s:ffiil,; 0.6 .il.ffi.; 0.5 (L (J 0./t 0.3 .T'h.tF-- 0.1 o *r*{**"' ** Hr$t';y}f '&#F*'H4. o.2 o 0.3 O./t IK 0.5 ,l 0.6 Proportion Figure 5.58: Scatterplot of the IK and MG estimate of -F*(xo;0.0). - . *t**b'* o.8 ,c :o E L 'oo'o! o.7 {'r[T{,fff'-T 'r:*.MiftI 0.6 * I * "'-f lFr+'I 0.5 O.'t 0.J o.2 i{tr#n.*:' 0.1 0 ^ --;tffi (L () l; ttul 0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Exoct IKPCA Proportion Figure 5.59: Scatterplot of the IKPCA and MG estimate of f'*(:ro;0.0). CHAPTEN 5. A ffi 0.9 i c - 0.E o.7 o 'tL o.G o o- o 0.5 .L (J 114 CASE STADY o.4 *:+f.Tr*i -raT I -T -t .l*H "tffii ? I 0.1 - 0 o o'1 oz ,fi.ot'ilorJJit t?lo"'tl'"" 0'B o'e Figure 5.60: Scatterplot of the approximated IKPCA and MG estimate of .F.(x';0.0). the range of z(x) into a finite number of cutofs, hence its resolution is highly dependent on that number of cutoffe. If the number of cutofis for this exa,mple were increased and a new comparison study done, it ie likely that for the same extreme cutofis (z - * 1.28) the conditional bias will be lesser than using only nine cutoffs. Thus, the problem of number of cutoffs deeerves further study. Regarding this problem, IKPCA offers an excellent solution because the number of cutoffs can be increased without additional work. Yet the will impact the expreesion of the first components. Relation (3.66) ensures, at least for bivariate distributions clo6e to bigaussianity, that the higher principal component correlogram* are likely to be pure nugget effect and therefore, no additional la,rger number of cutoffs computational work or modeling of correlognms is produced. 5.3 Estimation of Panels: This exercise consists in the estimation of the following integral: 6(v;z) = + lri(xiz)dx which represents the true proportion within V of z(x) ! z, (5.17) and V is a square panel of dimensions 8 x 8 units. The entire domain constituted by 1600 points has been divided in CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY 115 o.9 o.6 c .9 L o oo L --1-it1 t "13 -. o.7 o.6 *'i"'* ***1' 0.5 (L C' rr- i'l^L|' 1 *f **.i *l**l*" .* 0.,+ 0.3 o.2 .** ..+ t*** . * ** t*' 0 0.1 tt t1 * * *I*t'* * o * * 0.2 * I * ,* *f o.t 0 * 't * ** * 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6 lK Proportion 0.8 Figure 5.61: Scatterplot of the IK and MG eetimate of F*(xo;1.28). -j: 0.9 o.6 c .9 L o oo o.7 o.6 o,5 (L (, O..t o.J o.2 0.1 0 **'it fi .lt:.t*tli: .+-t t** '+4.Stl* *t* *J*tt *** ** i 0.J 0.+ 0.5 0.6 * * * r 0.7 Exoct IKPCA Proportion Figure 5.62: Scatterplot of the IKPCA and MG estimate of .F'*(:co;1.28). CIIAPTEN tr 'toL o o o l- 5, A CASE STADY ,t':qifTtl o.7 ,1$--i-*- 0.6 t *..*' - li;{- * .' *i '{" o.5 (L () 116 ,,* o.4 *,c{f t ** * 'l * 0.1 o 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 IKPCA(Reduced) Proportion Figure 5.63: Scatterplot of the approximated IKPCA and MG estimate of F*(:<.;1.28). 25 such panels, containing each one 64 points. Recall that IK and IKPCA are methods developed precisely to estimate spatial integral of type (5.17). With the data configuration shown in figure 5.64 and using the nine cutoffs of table 5.1, the integral (5.17) is estimated. The true value is known from the 64 points available within each panel: d(v;z)= #fl i(xo;z) ,vru € v (5.18) Different estimators of (5.17) are built using IK, IKPCA and the approximated version of IKPCA. Table 5.7 shows the average proportion over the 25 panels and compares them, with the true proportions. There is no surprise: IK and IKPCA are globally unbiased estimators. The approximated IKPCA that solves only two systems of equations is also globally unbiased. Note that the data configuration used for this test is difierent from the data configuration used to compare MG with IK and IKPCA where only t224 points were considered, as opoosed to the 1600 pointa defining the 25 panels; thus their gtatistics are difierent. Figures 5.65 to 5.73 show the local performance of each panel compared with the true values. It seems that for all the cutoffs no significant conditional bias is present and that IK, IKPCA and its approximated version give almost identical estimates. The conclusion again CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY LT7 o o o o o o o 0 rrrrl'rr'l o 5 10 Figure 5.64: Data configuration for the estimation of panels. is that the approximated IKPCA achieves results comparable to IK or the exact IKPCA, at a fraction of their cost; thus it can be recommended as a fast and reliable alternative to IK or the exact IKPCA. 5.3.1 Simple IKPCA and Ordinary IKPCA: In the fourth chapter it was said that doing ordinary IKPCA, which assumes that E[I(x;z)] is unknown and varies in space, implies that the indicator covariance matrix >r(h) changes from one location to another, a situation inconsistent with the stationary hypothesis. It was also argued, that no matter the inconsistency OK could be appropriate to account for local depa,rtures from stationarity. This section presents a comparison between the simplified version of IKPCA using the simple and ordinary approaches, as applied to the estimation of integral (5.17). Table 5.8 presents the comparison for the average of 25 panels. Three significant digits are used to emphasize the small differences. Inspection of table 5.8 reveals that there are not significant differences and that both estimators can be considered as equimlents for this case. Recall that the generation of this data set was based on an unconditional simulation with stationary multira,riate gaussian distribution, hence outliers are unlikely and local departure from stationarity not expected. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY 118 0.9 o.6 c o.7 .9 !- o 0.6 o t- 0.5 o- (L E f Ot 0.4 + o 0.J rB o.2 ***&'* p*i 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 . .# 'G!r t 0.J 0.+ 0.5 0.6 0-7 Estimoted Proportion 0.9 Figure 5.65: Scatterplot of the composite distribution for z = -1.28 and the actual value. (*) tr( estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified verrion of IKPCA. 0.9 {O. o.E c o.7 o 0.6 o o+r ' o- o l_ o- E l '1o- 0.5 (* O.,l O 0.3 $r l*{ *l- o.2 0.1 o s6, o* + t- 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Estimoted Proportion 0.t 0.0 Figure 5.66: Scatterplot of the composite distribution fot z -- -0.84 and the actual value. (*) tr( estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. CHAPTDN 5. A CASE STADY 119 *€ 0.9 o. 'e* o.E c o L o oo l- (L E f o.7 o.6 r 0.5 ClOr {.o Q,' *3 + q.' 0.4 o 0.5 ,ryf. o.2 o.l l I 1'ro o o.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.7 Estimoted Proportion Figure 5.67: Scatterplot of the composite distribution fot z = -0.52 and the actual value. (*) IK estimator, (+) tle exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. {. o.9 .E+ O,E c 0.7 .+ .9 b o- { 0.6 t o.g 5 o./t . '*$D t o* . +,frp o .'* o.2 0.1 0 ,d o.t ?' o*l ro + 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Estimoted Proportion Figure 5.68: Scatterplot of the composite distribution lor z = -0.25 and the actual value. (*) tr{ estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY L20 ..*' c .O.7 b o- 0.6 + a .9 '!+ = 5 oro Q*.' o t o.s t' .*e 0.4 o o.2 r+ 1# o***. + + *. +:' o* 0.1 0 0'r o'2 o'trti*1t"oo'irootl*,o.,0't 0'6 0'e Figure 5.69: Scatterplot of the composite distribution tot z -- 0.0 and the actual value. (*) IK estimator, (+) the exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. I 0.9 9o'*q o.6 c o,7 b o- 0.6 r€ or. J Or +9 o t *.P .& *i* + .9 o.s * .*o o.rt r' + () o+ .tE o.2 o.1 o 0'r o'2 o'te"ti*1t"ao'Fropooltio.o't o'E o'e Figure 5.70: Scatterplot of the composite distribution for z = 0.25 and the actual value. (*) IK estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STADY L2L t<) .Q .tt,w 0.9 c ,4 O.7 .9 b o o {"} + .t++ ,*oor 0.6 'Q. t o.s :r 0.4 o* o 4*. .t'; I ro 0.t o o 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0,7 0.6 0.9 Estimoted ProPortion Figure 5.71: Scatterplot of the composite distribution fot z = 0.52 and the actual value. (*) tr( estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. $ ,aff c r+f *'Q ++ .0.7 ,tp' .9 b o- 0.6 i o.s - 0.4 'ot o : O* .7p i *t o o.t o 0 0'r o'2 o'tertifrlt"oo'Fropthio.o't 0'6 0'e Figure 5.72: Scatterplot of the composite distribution for z = 0.84 and the actual value. (*) tr( estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. CflAPTEN 5. A 0.6 O.7 b o- 0.6 i o.s o r {*' + +P. 0.9 tr o L22 CASE STADY {,1€lB-.l_ O .q o.4 () o.2 0.1 o- 0 0'r o'2 o'terti*,1t"ao'iropooftio.o't o'E 0'e Figure 5.73: Scatterplot of the compooite distribution fot z = 1..28 and the actual value. (+) tr( estimator, (+) tne exact IKPCA and (o) the simplified version of IKPCA. Figure 5.741o5.76 show scattergrams of. simpIeIKPCA (SIKPCA) estimateo versus ordinary IKPCA (OIKPCA) for the extreme cutoffs (z = * f .28) and for the median cutoff (z: 0). The estimates of SIKPCA and OIKPCA appear identical without any persistent pattern of overestimation or underestimation. No marked conditional bias is observed. CHAPTEN 5. A CASE STUDY L23 0.9 0.6 s O,7 b o- 0.6 t 0.5 E o..r .9 o+* o a ,6+ t *o. * o o.2 t*,' o.1 0 o.3 0.4 0.s 0.6 0.7 0.E Estimoted Proportion o.9 Figure 5.74: Composite distribution for z = -L.28 obtained by IK, OIKPCA and SIKPCA. (*) tr( estimator, (+) tne appro:cimated OIKPCA and (o) the approximated SIKPCA. o 0.9 0.6 c o.7 o o o 0.6 .o+ o+ .9 t- (L E J .f' .l- ,if o+i e **.' 0.5 0./t ,' o r,S of ++o 0.3 o,2 *r o, 0.1 o+lo ro o 0 0.1 *or {o 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.E 0.9 Estimoted Proportion Pigure 5.75: Composite distribution lor z = 0.0 obtained by IK, OIKPCA and SIKPCA.I (*) K estimator, (+) tne approximated OIKPCA and (o) the approximated SIKPCA. CHAPTEN 5, A L24 CASE STUDY ' wo' c{o *.oo ,t# co 0.7 b o o.o i o.s - *#i ,to o a o : o o.2 0.1 o- o o'1 o'2 o'L.ti$,1t"oo'F.ooth,ono'' 0.6 0.9 Figure 5.76: Composite distribution fot z -- 1.28 obtained by IK, OIKPCA ancl SIKPCA.I (*) IK estimator, (+) tne approximated OIKPCA and (o) the approximated SIKPCA. Table 5.1: The selected nine cutofis. zk -0.84 -0.52 -0.25 0 0.25 0.52 0.84 1.28 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 CHAPTER 5. A L25 CASE STUDY Table 5.2: Predicted proportions for expression (5.4). 0.1 0.056 0.045 0.038 0.2 0.134 0.116 0.1086 0.3 0.237 0.237 0.227 0.4 0.362 0.361 0.363 0.5 0.502 0.500 0.500 0.6 0.643 0.650 0.641 0.7 0.767 0.776 0.783 0.8 0.862 0.884 0.884 0.9 0.930 0.9u 0.950 Table 5.3: Predicted proportions for expression (5.7). P fi* frrn" P";t#'' 0.1 0.156 0.140 0.134 0.2 0.281 0.288 0.277 0.3 0.416 0.4L7 0.424 0.4 0.530 0.539 0.556 0.5 0.641 0.662 0.684 0.6 0.728 0.767 Q.776 0.7 0.814 0.835 0.849 0.8 0.874 0.899 0.910 0.9 0.924 0.943 0.953 Table 5.4: Predicted quantity of metal recovery factor. ;z) -1.28 -0.84 -0.52 ;? -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.52 0.84 1.28 0.11 0.22 0.29 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.29 0.23 0.13 Qir(A; z Aiz iz 0.L2 0.22 0.29 0.33 0.35 0.33 0.29 0.23 0.13 0.13 0.24 0.24 0.30 0.14 0.15 0.31 0.35 0.36 0.35 0.31 0.25 0.16 0.34 0.36 0.34 0.31 0.25 CHAPTER 5. A 126 CASE STUDY Table 5.5: Predicted tonnage recovery factor. A;z -L.28 -0.84 -0.52 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.52 0.84 1.28 0.77 0.78 0.68 0.57 0.47 0.36 0.26 0.17 0.08 0.68 0.57 0.47 0.36 0.27 0.18 0.09 Table 5.6: Comparison between MG, IK, IKPCA and the approximated IKPCA' ir(A;z -1.28 -0.84 -0.52 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.52 0.84 1.28 Si1"*,{Ai z 2 0.11 0.21 0.32 0.42 0.53 0.63 0.73 0.82 0.91 Table 5.7: Panel Estimation: comparison between IKPCA. '(A;z 0. 0.22 0.32 0.42 0.53 0.63 0.73 0.81 0.90 IK, IKPCA and the iz ;2 -1.28 -0.84 -0.52 -0.25 0.1 0.00 0.25 0.52 0.84 L.28 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.29 0.43 0.54 0.09 0.2 0.29 0.43 0.54 0.64 0.64 0.54 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.90 0.72 0.80 0.90 0.72 0.80 0.90 0.2 0.29 0.43 approximated CHAPTEN 5. A L27 CASE STUDY Table 5.8: Panel Estimation: Comparison between ordinary IKPCA and' simple IKPCA. 6:i z -L.28 -0.84 -0.52 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.52 0.84 1.28 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.088 0.199 0.294 0.429 0.543 0.640 0.72L 0.808 0.900 0.196 0.292 0.427 0.5,m 0.636 0.7L7 0.804 0.899 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recornmendations: Indicator Kriging based on Principal Component Analysis, through modelling of principal component correlograms incorporates more biva,riate information than the Indicator Kriging approach. That is precisely the key idea of IKPCA. As IK, CoIK or PK, the IKPCA is a non pa.rametric technique where the bivariate distri- bution needs to be inferred from data and/or ancillary information. Its main hypothesis is the assumption that the principal compouent crosscorrelograms are negligible. Satisfaction of that condition and the availability of. enough data are requirements to apply satisfactorily the technique. 6.1 Bivariate Distribution: This research shows that the bigaussian case is a very favorable bivariate distribution which Howsatisfies the IKPCA constitutive hypothesis to an excellent degree of approximation. to bigaussian ever, this fact does not mean that the application of IKPCA is restricted distributions. Its application is restricted by the assumption that principal component bivariate districgxfcorrelograms a,re almmt null. Checking the performance of IKPCA for :"'iutions strongly different from the bigaussian needs to be done. For distributions without can be applied significant departure from bigaussianity the case study shows that IKPCA with reasonable results. 128 CHAPTEN 6. CONCLUSrcNS AND NECOMMENDATIONS: L29 The exact implementation of IKPCA can be approximated by assuming that the autocorrelation of higher principal components is almost null. This additional hypothesis can and must, in practice, be verified . This second approximation cuts the number of correlograms to model and the computation costs to a fraction of the effort required by the full IKPCA. It is conjectured that this second hypothesis is likely to occur whatever the bivariate distribution. Recall that the first principal component is defined as a variable which contains most of the variability of all indicators at h = O, hence the spatial variability expressed by higher principal component correlogra,ms should be small. This latter approximation also needs further investigation. 6.2 Number of Cutoffs: The performance of IK or IKPCA on a multigaussian field is a,ffected by the number of cutoffs. Increasing the number of cutoffs means increasing the resolution level of the indicator and therefore, increasing the number of correlograms to model and computational costs . Such increase which in theory is possible is not recommendable in practice. However, if a few number of principal component correlograms can express and explain almost totally the spatial nariability of all indicators, the number of cutoffs could be increased without an increment on modelling and computational times. If this is the case, the conditional cdf can be discretized in a large number of cutoffs and the etrors introduced by interpolation of the estimated conditional cdf's would be minimized. 6.3 Inference of Principal Component Comelograms: Practical application of any geostatistical tool relies on inference of some measure of spatial correlation. IKPCA is no exception and requires inference of the principal component correlogra,ms and crosscorrelograJns which appeax as linear combinations of the original indicator correlogra,ms and crosscorrelograms (expression 3.40). For the case here studied there is a strong similarity between the z-correlogram and the of the first principal component correl_fftt"o*ponent correlogram. Thus the inference to'ogrr- will face the sa,me problen than the inference of the z-correlogra,m: in particular spatial clustering. However, a principal component correlogram being a weighted average of indicator correlograms and crosscorrelograms its structure is likely to be better defined. CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSrcNS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recall that the z-cova,riance can be expressed in terms of an infinite gum of indicator covariances and crossconariances (Matheron, 1982; Alabertr 1987). Prior although timited experience (Rossi, 1988; Schofield, 1988) has also sho\pn that a structure observed on the z-correlogram does not entail observation of a eimilax structure on the indicator correlograms: it is possible to observe a reasonable structure on the zcorrelogram and none on the indicator correlogra,ms. Spatial clustering and codification in a finite number of 0's and l's of the original variable are possible causes for such inference problem. The conjecture is that inference of spatial correlation for the principal components should be easier than inference of indicator correlogra,ms. Such conjecture should be verified under diferent conditions ofspatial clustering and for difierent bivariate distributions. 6.4 Indicator Kriging: One of the main insistences along this investigation is that IK is an extreme simplification of CoIK, where the crosscorrelation is assumed null and irrelevant for the goal at hand. For the case study, the performance of II( was surprisingly good for all the tests considered. The assumption of null indicator crosscorrelation although not supported by the data does not yield poor performance. Therefore, for bivariate distributions close to binormality IK appears as an efficient technique. The conditional bias observed for some tests may be explained by the finite number of cuto s, whose importance has been underlined above. Here is precisely the advantage of the approximated IKPCA: increase the number of cutofs and possibly decrease the level of conditional bias. 6.5 Indicator Kriging based on Principal Component Analysrs: There is no question that this approach uses more bivariate information than the IK ap.: performance of IKPCA in estimating .-;;Aioach. The case study has shown a reasonable quantity of metal recovery factor, tonnage recovery factor and proportions. The deviations that occur when quantiles and probability interrals are estimated may be due to the inappropriate linear interpolation, i. e. the assumption of uniform distribution within classes. CHAPTER. 6. CONCLUSrcNS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 131 Estimation of quantity of metal and tonnage factors, which do not require auch interpolation shows excellent performance. Unfortunately, the conditional bias observed for IK remains for IKPCA, when estimating the conditional distribution. The above argument about lack of resolution generating such conditional bias may again apply. One study could consist in increasing the number of cutoffs to check if the conditional bias is reduced significantly. 6.6 Nonlinear Combinations of Indicators: The principal components a,re expresed as linea,r combinations of indicators, with weights ensuring that the crosscovariance is exactly zero for h =0. This property entails that the transformed variables are referred to new a:ris which are straight lines. Applying the same idea, a transformed variable using nonlinear combinations would imply that the new axes are not necessarily straight lines. For the particulat case of indicators, valued as Ots or 1's, nonlinear combinations of indicators yields back linear combinations of indicators: any function , linear or not, of indicator values is a linear combination of same indicators (Journel, 1986). Thus, the idea to use nonlinear combinations of indicator data would not bring additional advantages over the linear principal components approach. However, one may consider improving the estimation by introducing products of two of more indicator data, which would call for trivariate-type covariances. The present frontier of bivariate-type estimators must be broken. Appendix A Spectral Decomposition of E/(h) Principal Component Analysis requiree the decomposition of the indicator cova,riance matrix E1(h) as: Er(h) = AAAT (A.1) with A being an orthogonal matrix whose columns ale the conariance matrix eigenvectors and A a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements a,re the corresponding eigenvalues. Therefore, the numerical problem consists in either the difierent computation of decomposition (A.1) or the computation of the eigenralues of the covariance matrix >r(h). Solution for the eigenvalues need not call for solving the traditional characteristic polynomial: det[D1(h)-.\I]=0 (A.2) with ,\ being an eigenvalue of the conariance matrix. The very reason to avoid equation (A.2) is that whenever its order is greater than 3 its solution calls for iterative methods which can demand la.rge CPU time and possibly without convergence. The solution is to twin the original problem into an easier yet equivalent formulation. This-simplification is achieved through the concept of similarity transformations (Stoer and ,;dulirsch, matrices 1980) where the original matrix T-r and El(h) is premultiplied and postmultiplied by T defined such that the eigenvalues of the new matrix remain the same. The proof consists in showing that the characteristic polynomial of the transformed matrix is equal to that of the original matrix: L32 APPENDIf A. SPECTLAL DECOMPOSffION OF detlT-rly(h)T >t(H) -,\Il = det[T-1(Er(h) - 133 .\I)T] therefore: d,etlT-rD1(h)T A.1 - )Il = det[T-1]det[(>1(h) - ,\I)]det(T) = derlDr(h) - rll (A.3) Householder Tbansformations: Householder matrices are symmetric and orthogonal, and defined by the following expression: 9 nrorT P=I--;' ura with the vector o being defined to (A.4) ensure: Px = ll*ll"r with q (A.5) being the ith-column of the identity matrix. The goal of transformation (A.5) is to yield some zero entries for a given matrix. This last relation is used to build a similar matrix to the indicator covariance matrix. Premultiply and postmultiply >r(h) by Householder matrix as follows: Pf>r(h)Pr the resultant new matrix is symmetric and its eigenvalues are equal to the eigenvalues of the original covariance matrix. A repeated multiplication and poetmultiplication of E1(h) by Householder matrices yields a triangular matrix H (Stoer and Bulirsch, 1980): H=p!1_r...pJEr(h)pr...px-z z -;; frith K (A.6) being the number of cutofis and Ps the Householder matrix defined by: "-= [tJ ,*-*1 w] (A.7) APPENDIK and Ir A. is the lc x SPECTLAL DECOMPOSITION lc Or >r(H) 134 identity matrix and the vector v is defined such that: I ci(ut zx+t,zx\f ,t. r, I trr-rll -2o" tl I L citt; zKtzk) J where the symbol tion & * Ci$; z*+r, z*) is an element at the posi- ind.icates a nonzero value and * l,lc of the transformed matrix after a (K-2) Householdet transformation. Note that matrix (A.6) presents a structure which is more a,nenable to the extraction of eigenvectors. L.2 The QR Algorithm: This method is an stable and iterative method that uses the Householder'transformations and the concept of similarity to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Convergence and numerical stability have been proved in Francis (1961) and in Wilkinson (1965). The idea of this algorithm is to apply Householder transformations to obtain a triangular matrix. This is done by premultiplying E1(h), (/{ - 1) times as follows: f. Pr-r...Pr>t(h)=l lo i -l *l -l (A'8) The resulting triangular matrix is called R;, being an index referring to the number of iterations. The Householder matrices also define the orthogonal matrix Q;: Qr = Pr-r Since the Householder matrices are symmetric, . .. it Pr comes: Qt=Pr...Pr_r (A.9) Therefore, the QR decomposition of the indicator covariance matrix is: -" .a E}(h) = QrRr where the upperscript on the indicator cova,riance matrix refers to the original matrix can be generalized to obtain relation: matrix. This APPENDD( A. SPECTNAL DECOMPOSffION OF E1(H) 135 >i(h) = Q;Ri (A.10) Ei*t(h) = R;Q; (A.11) and: Both expressions (A.11) and (A.12) define a fa,mily of similar matrices (Francis, 1961)' since: Ei*'(h) = ed>i(h)Qd Applnng backward the recurrence relation (A.11), the following equation is obtained: >i*t(r,) = (er . ..e;)">}(hXer. ..Qr) (A.12) and this last matrix converges to a diagonal matrix whose elements are the eigenvalues. The form (A.12) is similar to the familiar relation: A = A"Er(h)A thus by identification: A?=(Qr...Qr)" and: A=(Qr...Qi) (A.13) Application of the QR decomposition (A.10) and the recurrence relation (A.11) provides the numerical procedure to obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the indicator covariance matrix, and more generally of any covariance matrix. I :Q' APPENDIK A. SPECTLAL DECOMPOSITION OF A.3 The Singular tr(H) 136 Value Decomposition: This decomposition, as the QR factorization, decomposes the indicator corta,riance matrix E1(h) as: >r(h) - Usv" (A.14) with U and V being orthogonal matrices and S a diagonal matrix. This decomposition is related to the spectral decomposition: the elements of S (o;), called singular values, are the nonnegative square roots of the eigenvalues of E?(h). Indeed, from the aingular value decomposition of >l(h) (A.14) the following relation is derived: >?(t') = us2ur (A.15) relation which corresponds to the spectral decomposition of E?(h). The square of the singular values ai correspond to the square of the eigenvalues of that matrix. Therefore: o; = ll;l (A.16) with Ai being the eigenrralues of the original indicator covariance matrix. Note that if the matrix is pooitive definite the singular values a,re equal to the eigenrralues. If the matrix is a non singular matrix, the singular values will be positive even if some of the eigenvalues are negative, therefore these singular values are useful to obtain the orthogonal matrix U but are useless to test positive definiteness. The numerical procedure (Golub and Reinsch, 1970) yields from the original matrix El(h) a bidiagonal matrix Js such that: Jo = where Pr...P1E1(h)Qr...Qr-z P* and Qp are Householder matrices (Golub and Kahan, 1965). Defining: P=Pr...P1 t- a' Q = Qr the following matrix is triangular: ...Qx-z (A.17) APPENDIK A. SPECTLAL DECOMPOSTTION OF >r(H) L37 (A.18) Jf,Js = Q"E?Q This matrix, by an argument of similarity, shows that the singular values of Js are equal to the singular value of the indicator conariance matrix. Again, the Householder transformation has simplified the original problem to a simpler one with a concise structure. The bidiagonal matyrix Js is diagonalized by a,n epecial QR algorith such that the sequence: Ji+r = ClrJiHi converges to a diagonal matrix. Note that the matrices Gi and IIi are orthogonal matrices and i is an iteration index. Thus, the eingular values are the elements of the diagonal matrix J;a1 and the orthogonal matrices U and V a,re: tI = PH,. .. . Hr (A.1e) YT = G1...G,nQr (A.20) with n being the total number of iterations. For the particular matrices U and V are identical. a -; k' case of >r(h) the orthogonal App"ndix B Computation of Indicator Crosscovariances ***:t*tr crl{r,t:irl.:}**:}**:}t********!t:t:}**1.:t:t*************ttt}**t}******t}**t}***:t**tf c c Conputation c of Iudicator Covariancee ald CrogEcovariances assnrning a bigaussian uodel. c c c c Vinicio Suro-Perez. c Applied Earth Sciencee Departnent Stanford UniversitY c c Decenber, 1988 c c c Cr*rl. i.' * rtrt* ri * r***rl *rltt** * **tt * *{.tttt****t}t} ***tt * ***** *** ****ttt*t}*ttt}l"t* * {'* *** ** ti tl * connon/Etrucl/nst, cO, c (4), aa(4), it (4), cosx (3), cosy (3), *anix(4), aniy(4), aniz(4) double precision nam connon iup, iout, teatk, dum,nam, q90 dineneion r(600),y(600),vr(6OO),ok(35,35),okv(35'35) 138 cosz (3), B. APPENDIX COMPUTA?ION OF n{'DICATOR CROSSCOVARII{NCES 139 double precision cov,zl(lO) c 0utput file rith indicator correlogrrrng and croescorr€lograns. c c open(8, fils. t crosscova. nor' ) resind(8) c Input file citb tbe Param€tsrs of tbe z-variogra.m c c open(9,filec t cova.Par' ) recind(9) c Reading aunber c of gtnrcturee and uugget effect. c read(9,r,)nst, c0 c Reading c si1L, rang€, tlpe of nodel and anigotroPy ratioE in r and y. c do 250 k=l,nst read(9,'r)c(t),aa(k), it(k),anix(k),aniy(k) c It iE c congidered onlY the 2D-case. c aniz(k)=1 .0 continue 250 c Anisotropy directiona. c c .? ta' .] read(9,*)(coex(k),k=1,3) read(9,*) (coey(k),|=1,3) : read(9,,r) (cogz(k),h-1,3) c c lfi:mber of cutoffs and number of lags required in your crosscorrelogran. -, :-,| -'i: APPENDD( B. COMPIJTATION OF TXDICATOR" CROSSCOVARIANCES c Spaclng c of lags. c read(9,'t)Dzc, n1ags, dxtl c c That cutoffs. c read(9, *) (21(i), i=1,nzc) r(1)=0. O do 90 11=1'nzc do 95 tl=Il,nzc rrite(8,'r)11,tl do 901 tJhcl,nlage deltasdxxxr,float (kj h- 1 ) x11-r(1)+delta c c Conputing the indicator correlogran or correlogram' c calL cova(x(1),0.0,0.,:11,0.0,0.,cov' 21,I1,k1,1flag) rite(8,902)delta,cov fornat(2(3x'f18.9)) * 902 901 95 90 continue continu€ contiaue stoP end c*****titr** C**rf*****rl**t****!t*****rt************rt************lttlt*tt*****tf -;Zi aubroutine cova (xl,!!,zt,r2,y2,z2 rcovr21,11 rk1, c c covariance betreen tro PoiDtg iflag) 140 APPENDD( B. COMPUTATION OF INDICATON CROSSCOVANT{NCES c c -calculatee covariance betreen tro Pointg given a variogram nodel. c c c c ***input*** c c tt ryL,zt c x2ry2rz2 -real coordinatee of first point -reaI coordinateg of gecond point c corrnon c Btructural variables (eee belos) G c ***output**'r c -calculated covariance c c c :l*rlCOnnOn*,** c c c comnon lstr.;ctl - covariance parameterg c c c Dst c c0 c c(4) c c c c iat' c c c aa(4) it(4) =t =) -nunber of neeted structux€g (nax. 4). -nugget const'nt (ieotropic). -nultiplicative factor of eacb nested Btnrcture. (eill-cO) for spberical,exponential, and gauseian nodele. slope for linear model. -parameter a of eacb nested structure. -typ€ of each nested stmctur€: -apherical nodel o1 3eng€ ai -exponential nodel of paraneter a; 141 APPENDIX B. COMPATATION OF INDICATON CNOSSCOYARIANCES c =3 c c =4 c c L42 i.e. Practical rt?rgs ie 3a -gaussian nodel of Paramet€l a; i.e. practical range ia a*aqrt(3) -pocel nodel of Poner a (a nuet be gt. 0 aad Lt. 2). if llnear nodel, a-1 rc-gIope. c rarniugl liuear nodeL cannot be used for sk or ut of tbe drift c c raruingJ cnar must be eupplied in data Etatement iu eubroutine cova. cmar ie the naximun variogram value needed for kriging rhen uging Poror nodel. c c c c c c gt. 4 or It. 1, then itrY = g. c c c c coer(3) coey(3) cosz(3) -direction cosineg of tbe r€ctangular anix(4) aniy(a) aniz(4) -anisotropy ratios to be applied to each of tbe anisotropy axes and each nested Btructure (can be different for each of the nBt structuree). if no anisotropy needed tben, c c c c c of anieotroPy areE (tbeae coEines are relative to tbe initial ayeten of axes, and are tbe earne for all nat atructures). lf no rotation ia aeeded then: coar(3)= 1. 0. o. coay(3)= 0. 1. 0. coaz(3)= 0.0. 1. ryBtem c c c c cv ;-a-'* c c c anix-aniy-aniz=1 . raraing! the direction of the previous geometric aaiaotropy ie identical for all nst st:ructurea. APPENDIX B. COMPATATION OF INDICATON CNOSSCOVARI{NCES 143 c c c '|'i*norking paranet€!8 not in Comon**** c c dr,dyrdz -compon€Dte of distance betseen pointa along aniaotropy area c c c dx1'dyl,dz1 -componeDtE of dietance after couPensating for geouetrical aaisotropiea c c c cBa:3 -maxiuum variogran value needed for triging rhea ueing Pos€r nodel. ite value ie defined ln a data etatemont c c c c comon/strucl/net, cO, c (4), aa(4), it (4), cosr(3), coey(3), anir(4),aniy(4),aniz(4) 't double precieion rho,cov, z1(1) data cmax 160.0l c c c C**tl*{.rotate axeg c dx= ( x2- r 1 ) r, co e x ( 1 ) + ( y2- y 1 )'r c o Ex (2) + (22- z 1 ) * co E x ( 3 ) 1)+(y2-y1) *co ey(2)+(22-21) *cosy(3) 62-(-2-xL)*coez( 1) + (y2-y1) *co ez(2)+(22-21) *coez(3) dy= (r2-:c1) *cosy( }l=da*da+dy'rdy+dz*dz -;4 ,4. ; - cov=O.0 for very ebort dietances if ( go to 1O C**:f'r*Covariance cov=cO cosz (3), APPENDIX B, COMPATATION OF INDICATON CNOSSCOYARIANCES do 1 i=1,ngt i.t(it(i) .ue. 4) go to 2 cov=cov+cmar gotol 2 1 cov-cov+c(i) continue go to 120 c c'i't*'i{.covariance for longer distancee stnrcture bY Btructure c 10 do tOO i-l,ast c c**'r** stt"uctural distance dxl=dr*anir(i) dyt=dy*aniy(i) dz1=dz*aniz(i) b=sgrt (dr1*dx1+dy1*dy1+dz1rdz1) it(it(t) .ne. 1) go to 20 c c*rl***Bpherical model h=h/aa(i) if (h .ge. 1.0) go to 100 6es=s6vtc(i) * (r . -h*(t . 5-. S*b*h) ) to 100 it(it(i) .ne. 2) go 20 go to 30 c c*****exponential nodeL - 6ov=cov+c(i)'rexp(-hlaa(i)) ,;rt 80 30 .to it(it(i) 1oo .ne. 3) go to c s*****gaussian model 4o L44 APPENDD( B. COMPUTAflON OF TNDICATON CNOSSCOVANIANCES hhE- (h*h) / (aa(i) *aa( i) ) sevl=s(i) r,exp(hh) cov=cov+cov1 go to 100 c c*****porrer model covl-cnax 40 of porer aa(i) - c(i)*(h*,raa(i)) cov=cov*coYl c 100 continue c****'r't'r**** rho(h) L20 rho'cO do 110 isl,agt if(it(i) .eq.4)then rbo=rbo+cmar else rho=rho+c(i) endif continue 110 c c Conputing the z-correlogram. c rbo=cov/rho c c conputiag the indicator covariance or crosscovariance. c call trangcova(2I (11) , z1 (k1) , rho, cov, ifJ'ag) rEturn -, "tti ia" c*:l*****rt****!i*****,1****tl******tt***tltl****tt***tl**tl**tt:l*tl**tt*|}*tt*tt**** c eubroutine transco v a(zL, zn, rho, valuo' if lag) 145 APPENDIX B. COMPT]TATION OF INDICATON CROSSCOVARIANCES 146 c*rtrlrtrl*:t*****ti**rt*rl**rt**tt******rl**r|**********tlrt***t*tr*ti***:l***rttl****tl c Iadicator Covariance or Crosgcovariance. c c c c zlz FirEt Cutoff. c zm2 Second Cutoff. c c rbo: value: c lf).ag: c z-correlogram. Indicator croaacovariaace C(b; zl,zn) if has the value 4 the numerical integration is not reliable, and therefore, the iadicator covarian- c ce aleo c crlrt**lrrl*rtti*rt**rl**r*rl***rl*************tl**tt*tttl******tltl.*tt***tl*tl*****'t***'*tr****:t c c c precision value,b, rho erternal f doubLe b=dasin(rho) c c the function to evaluate integral (3.24) c value= cadre(f 100 , o. OdOO,b, iflag,21, zn, rho) continue l6turn end .ta t* c*,f :l*,1,t*:l****:t*******{.:t*rt****:r**********r}r}r}******t}tt*:t******{'*t}**'r****:r******* c double precision function f (x,z\,zn'rho) APPENDD( B. COMPT]TATION OF INDICATON CNOSSCOYARI{NCES L47 c********r3**:l*rt**rt****rtr|******rt**rt*,lrl***rt*rl*rt**:lrt**tr**tt**tl:l*:lrt*tt**:t*,1******** c of erpreaston Integrand c (3.24) c c I: Indepeadent variable. c zr.; Firat Cutoff. c zmz Second Cutoff. c rho: z-correlogra,B. c **:}***t**t* c***{.rtrtrtr}*r}*:}r}*rtr}**:}rt**r}r}**r}rt***l*r}***rt*rl***:t***r}t}tr*:}***t}*t}***t}**tf inplicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) pi=3.141592654 pL2=(2. *pi) a=dsin(x) c23456?89012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 if ( f= ( 1. d0/pi2) *aerp (- (21* zL (2 . d0* (dcoe +a*a -2. do*a'rzt*a) I (r) )*(dcoE(x)))) eLse f=( 1. d0/pi2) *derp(-(21**2)/ (1.dO+dein(x) )) endif return end c c**,t,t*{.{.***,i*ltrt*******rt******tr*****r}rt**:t*r}rtrt**rt*tftt*************tt**tr***t'****tt'F ca double precision function cadre(f ,e,b,iflag,zl,zrn,rho) c C**,t,1***rr**rt***tt**t c ***tt***tt**tr*******************tl*********tl*************'f *** APPENDD{ B. t{trnericaL iDt€gratloa c 148 COMPATA?ION OF TT,TDICATOR CEOSSCOUANIANCES of (3.24) . c c C f: erteraal function to iDt€grate. c a: c b: iaferior linit. auperior linit. 4 .... l{o convergence on the eolution. f,irgt cutoff. c iflag: c zL: zn: rho: c c eecond cutoff. z-correlogram c c Author: de Boor, C., 1971, Cadre: An algorithm for nunerical quadratute' in llathenatical Softrare, Rice, J.R. (ed.), P.201, Acadernic Prege, t€YrYork,1971. c c c c c c C**:t{.*rr*:}r}**rt*r}*******rtr}:}************************************ttt}*t**tf inplicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dineneion t(10, 10),t(10),ait(10),dif (10),rn(4) dinensiou ts(2049),ibegs (30),begin(3O),finig(30), est(30) double precision lengtb, JunPtl logical Mconv, aitken, rigbt , reglar, reglsv (30) _J?. ':< double precision algalO2 data tohnch, aitlow, tt2tol, aittol, j urnptl, naxts, maxtbl, tnxstgel 2.e-16,1.1,0.15,0.1,0.01,2049,10,30/ data rn/O.7142005,0.3466282,0.8437510,0' 1263305/ . data a1g402 /0.3010299956639795/ aerrO.000000001 rerro.000000000001 cadre=O.0 ****'l*tt*** APPENDD( B. COMPATATION OF TIIDICATAN CROSSCOVANIANCES €rror30.0 iflag=1 length.dabE (b-a) if(length.eq.0) r€tum €rrr3 dninl (0 . 1 , amarl (dabs (rerr) , 10. *tolnch) ) erra= dabE(aerr) st€pnn = dnaxl (IeDgtv2*r.ustge, dnaxl (lengtb, aba (a) , abe (b) ) *tolnch) 8ta8€t0.5 iatage-1 cureet=O.0 fneize=0. O prever=O. O reglar=. false. beg= . fbeg= f (beg,z1 ,a,rbo)12.O te ( 1) =fbeg ibeg=1 end-b fend= f (end,zL,zn,rho) /2. t8(2)r fend 0 iend=2 riglrt-. f aIse. EteP -sa6 -5.* ast€P - dabs(etep) if( go to 950 t(1,1)=fbeg+fend tabs= dabs(fbeg) + daba(fend) I=1 n=1 b2conv=.faIse. aitken=.false. go to 10 149 APPENDIX B. COMPUTATION OF INDICATOR C&OSSCOVANIANCES coDtiDue 9 10 In1 -1 1*1+1 n2= n*2 fn= n2 istep-(iead-ibeg)/n if( go to L2 ii- iend iend= iend + a if( go to 900 Seya-step/fn iii= iend do 11 i=L,r'2,2 te(iii)= ts(ii) te (iii-1)=f (endiii= iii - 2 ii= ii -1 11 i'rbovn,z1,zm,rho) iateP = 2 ietep2- ibeg + LatePl2 L2 gum=O. sumabs=O. do 13 i=ietep2,iend,iatep BuD= Bur + te(i) sumabg= aumabs + aaUE(ts(i)) t(1,1)= t(1-1 ,L)12. + eun/fn tabg = tabal2, + eumabs/fn 13 absi = asteP*tabg n= it= 1.. . D2 1 vint= step*t(1,1) tabtlm= tabs*toltncb fnsize= dnarl (fneize, abs (t(1, 1) ) ) ergoal = drnarl(asteP*tolnch*fnaize' 150 APPENDIX B. COMPUTATION OF INDICATON CROSSCOVANIANCES stag€*dmar1(era,errr*abg(cuteBt + vint) ) ) fextrP - 1. do 14 l-1,1m1 L4 15 16 L7 18 fertrP s fertrP*4. t(i,1)= t(I,i) - t(1-1,i) t(l,i+1) = t(l,i) + t(i,I)/(fextrp -1.) €rrer r aetep*dabe(t(1,I)) if (1.91.2) So to 15 if (dabs(t (1,2)) .le.tabtIn)go to 6o go to 10 do 16 i=2,1n1 diff=O. O if (dabs(t(i-1,1)) .gt.tabtln)diff = t(i-1,Irn1)/t(i-1,1) t(i-1,1n1)= diff if (dabe(4.-t(1,1n1)) .1e.b2toL)go to 20 if (t(1,1n1).eq.0.)go to te if (dabe(2' -dabs(t(1,Ln1) ) )'rt'i'"tFt1)go to 50 if (1.eq.3) 8o to 9 h2conv=.false. if (dabe ( (t ( r, lu1 ) -t ( 1, r-z) ) /t ( 1, lrnl) ) . Ie go to 30 if(reglar) go to 18 if (1.eq.4) go to 9 if(errer.le.ergoal) go to 70 go to 91 if(h2couv) go to 2t aitken=. false. 2L tr:22 h2conv=.true. fextrP= 4. . it= it+1 vint = step*t(I,it) errer=abs(eteP/ (fextrP-1 . )*t(it-1,1) ) if(errer.le.ergoal) go to 80 . aittol) 151 APPENDIX B, COMPT]TA?ION OF TNDICATAR CNOSSCOVARIANCES if(it.eq.1n1) go to 40 if (t(it,1n1).eq.o.)go to 22 if (t(it,1n1) .le.fertrp)go to 40 if (dabE (t(it.,1n1) /4. -fextrp) /fextrP. lt. aittol) fextrp=1631rP*4. to 22 if(t(1,1n1).lt.aitlor) if(aitken) go to at go 30 go to 91 b2conv=.faIse. 31 aitken=.true. fextrP=1 (1-2,ln1) if (fextrp.g!.4.5) go to 2t if( go to St if (dabe (fextrp-t(1-3,In1) ) lt(t,ln1) . gt.h2tol) go to 91 sing = fertrP fe:trn1=fextrp - 1. ait(1)-0. do 32 L=2,L ait(i) =t(i,1) + (t(i,1)-t(i-1,1))/fErtnl r(i)=t(1,i-1) dif(i) = ait(i) - ait(i-l) it=2 33 333 vint= etep*ait(1) errer=€rrer/fextnl if( go to 34 alpha = dloglo(eing)/alg402 iflag= naxO(iflag,2) -a4 '.: to to 80 it=it+1 if(it.eq.1n1) go to 40 if( go to 35 h2next=4. - L. r52 APPENDD(. B. COMP(ITA?ION OF INDICATOR C&OSSCOVARIANCES Bilgnx= 2.*sing 35 if ( fextrP - siugnx go to Se singnr- 2*sing!r to 37 fextrp- h2next h2nert r 4.*h2nert go do 38 i=it,lm1 r(i+1) =0. if(dabg(dif(i+1)).gt. tabtln) r(i+l)= dif(i)/dif(i+1) b2tfet = -h2to1*fertrP if (r(1)- go to 40 if(r(1-1) go to 40 €rrer - ast€p*dabe(dif(I)) fextml= fextrp - 1. do 39 i=it,I ait(i) = ait(i) + dif(i)/fextnl dif(i) = ait(i) - ait(i-l) go to 33 fextrp - dnaxt(prever/errer,aitlow) Pr€ver=€rr9r if(1.1t.5) go to 10 if (f-it. gt.2.and. to if (errer/fertrp**(nartbl-l) .lt.ergoal) go to 90 if( go to 90 SO go to 10 diff=dabe (t(1,1) ) *2. {.fn to 60 80 -go slope- (fend-fbeg) *2. fbeg2= fbeg*2. do 61 i-1,4 dif f =dabe (f (beg+rn ( i) * EteP' 21, zm, rho) -f beg2-rn ( i) * slope) if (diff .gt.tabthn) go to ZZ 153 APPENDIX B. COMPUTATION OF IIIDICATON CROSSCOVARIANCES continue go to 80 slope r (f€Dd-fbeg)*2. fbeg2= fbeg*2. i-1 7t 72 diff=dabs(f (Ueg+6(i)*step,zI,a,rbo) - fbeg2-ra(i)*sJ'ope) err€l = dnarl(errerrastep*diff) if (errer. gt.ergoal)go to 91 i'i+1 if(i.le.4) go to 7L iflag=3 cadre- cadre +vint €rror= 6rror + err€r if(right) go to 85 istage=igtage-1 if ( istage. eq. O) retura reglar=reglsv ( istage) beg=6"t1o(istage) end=finie (iatage) curegt - cureat - eet(iatage+1) + vint iend= ibeg - 1 fend = te(iend) ibeg=ibege (ietage) to 94 curest=culegt+vint go stag€= stag€*2. iend= ibeg ibeg =156gs(istage) end=beg beg=6"tio(istage) fend= fbeg fbeg ='te(ibeg) gotoS 154 APPENDIX B. COMPTJTATION OF INDICATAN CROSSCOYARIANCES 91 reglar*. true. if(iatage.oq.nxstge) go to 93 if(right) 90 950 go to 95 reglev(ietage+1) - reglar begin(ietage)=beg ibegs (ietage) =ibeg atage=Btagel2. right=.tnre. 94 beg= 16"t+end)/2. ibeg= (ibeg+iead)/2 ts(ibeg)= te(ibeg)/2. fbeg= te(ibeg) goto6 95 nnleft= ibeg - ibegs(ietage) 11( go to iii = ibega(istage) ii=lend 96 i=iii,ibeg iigii+1 ts(ii)- ts(i) do 97 i=ibeg,ii ts(iii)= ts(i) 97 111=iii+1 do 96 iend=iend+1 - ibeg= iend - nnleft fend= fbeg fbeg= ts(ibeg) finis (istage) =end end=beg beg=b"t1tt(istage) begin(ietage) =sn4 reglev(iatage)= reglar istage= ietage + 1 900 155 APPENDIX B. COMPUTATION OF INDICATOR CNOSSCOVANT{NCES reglar = r€glsv(istage) est(istage) . vint cur€st=curest + €st(istage) gotos iflag=4 to 999 iflag'5 cadrescuregt+vint go 950 999 return end 156 Appendix C Computation of Principal Component Crosscovariances C*****rt**tttttf * *rt:t rlrr* * *rtl. :t rl r* *!ttt*******t|:t*:t:;**lt*titttl c c c Conputation of Principal Gomponent Covarl.ances. c c c c c c c Vinicio Suro-Perez Applied Earth Sciences Departneat Stanford University c c c December, 1988 c Ct,********!t*rl**rt*********rt***rl*!t***rf *******rtrltt***tr**f connon/etrucl/net, c0, c (4), aa(4), it (+), cosr(3), *anir(4) , aniy(4) , aniz(4) doubLe precieion nam comnon inp, iout, testk, dunrnanrq9O L57 ********:t****:l cosy (3), cosz (3), C. APPENDIX COMPUTATION OF PNINCIPAL COMPONENT CROSSCOVARIANCES1s8 dineneion x(ooo),y(600),vr(600),ok(35,35),okv(35,35) doubLe precisioa z1(10) c c Iuput file cith the paraneter of the z-variogran. c filE= rerind(9) opea(9 , t cova . par' ) c c I{unber of Btructurea and nugg€t effEct. c read(9, *)nst, c0 do 250 k=1,n8t c c SiII, rang€, type of variogram and anisotroPy ratios. c read(9,*)c(k),aa(I), it(k),anir(t),aniy(k) c c It is congidered 2D-case. c aniz(k)=1.0 continue 250 c c Anisotropy directions. c read(9,'r) (cosx(k), k=1, 3) read(9, *) (coey(k) , k=1 ,3) read(9, *) (cosz (k), k=1, 3) c c l{umber of cutoffe, Dunber of lage and spacing betreen 1ags. -.- t read(9, *) nzc, nlag, drxx c c Cutoffs. APPENDIX C. COMPUTATION OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT CROSSCOVARIANCES1s9 read(g, *) (21(i), i-1,nzc) c c Conputation of Principal comPon€nt closacovariancee. c call findo(nzc,nlag,dxxr) stop end c rt*rlr***tl*tt:l*** c*rt*rf r|*rt*rtrt:i*:|*r|**rlrt***rl***rtrt*****rt**trl****r***rl*rlrf c eubroutine f indo (nzc, n1ag, dxrr) tt****tt** C**'t**rt*******rl**rt*lrrtrl***t|******************************tl c c Conputatioa of Principal Component Croeecovarl'anceg. c c c nlzc. nunber of cutoffe. nlag: number of lags. c dxxx: spaciag betreen lage. c c Crl.:l*rirt:t{.*:t**r}*:t**tt***!t* ***** {r * * :t *** * rt * * * *tt tf dineneion x(1),y(1),vr(l),ra(64),ya(64),ta(64), ot(35,35),okv(35,35), 3 diet(4,17),nog(4,17),nho1e(4),dis(30) 4 double precieion uam,tmat(10, 10) double precieion covrnat( 10, 10), covmatl ( 10, 10), covnat2 (10, 10), * vect(10,10) couunon inp, iout, teEtk, dtut, nan, q90 nat,c0,c(4),aa(4),it(4),coex(3),cosy(3), cosz(3),anix(4),aniy(4),aniz(4) 'l double preclsion tnom,tmax,zl(1),tcov(3O,30),cov conmon lerT:ucLl C. COMPATA?ION APPENDIX * OF PNWC.JPAL COMPONENT CNOSSCOYARIANCES16O ,tveco(lo) c c Input file with the orthosonal uatrix c A. c open( 15, file=' covmatgvd. dat' ) resind(15) c c Output fil€ sith the principal comPonent crosscolrelognqe. c opeu( 18 , file= ' crsvd. dat' ) rewind(18) c do 25 11=1,nzc c c Reading the orthogonal Batlir. c read(15, *) (covmat(11,kl),k1=1,nzc) c 25 continue ng=nst crtrt '|*rtrtrt rtrtrt*tri**rf *rl*rl**** ***'t*** *** tt****t***rf *tttt ****{r *****r}{r *:f :t* ctt{.* Loop to conputo the nzc(uzc+t)12 block covariances c c Conputing the 11,k1 block covariance c do 90 l1=1,nzc do 95 k1=1,11 -Eu nrite(18,*)11,k1 c c Conputing the covariance betseen y(:),y(x+h) APPENDIX C. COMPATAflOff OF PNINCIPAL COMPONENT CROSSCOVARI{NCESIGI do 80 kk=l,Dlag delta-dxxx*f, loat (kk- 1 ) ia=in+1 c ca) Conputing Signa natrix c do 70 jtz =t,azc do 65 i-nz=L,jn'z call cova(O.0,0.0,0.,delta, 0.0,O. rcov, zL,jaz,inz, iflag) tnat(inz,jnz)-cov tuat(Jnz, inz).cov c c Testing convergoDce of the numerical iutegration. c if (if1ag. gt. 3)rrite( 14, *)nbl,11,tl, tnz,jnz,iflag 65 70 coatinue continue c c Conputing the principal comPoDent closBcovariance. c c The assunption ie that z(x) is bigaussian. c do 66 =L,ttzc vect ( 1, inz) =s6r,nat (inz, continue 66 c Ln.z l. 1 ) a(1) *SIGI{A c call nat (vect, 1 ,nzc rtnat rnzc, covmatl) APPENDIX C. COMPUTATION OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT CNOSSCOVANIANCEST0? do 67 L\z-L,nzc vect ( inz, 1 ) -covaat ( inz, k1 ) continue 67 c c a(I)'rSIG!tA*a(n) c call nat (conmat1, 1 rnzc, vect, 1, covnat2) c covccovmat2(1,1) c c tlriting the principal comPon€nt covariance. c srite ( 18,73) de1ta, cov fornat(2(3r,f15.7)) 73 80 95 90 continue contiaue continue c return end c C*******t3*f*:l*rl*rlrt**{.******t}***********tt**tl***t}****************** c gubroutine nat (a,m,n,b,n1, c) c********r*****rt***rt****rl*l.rf ***rr**rlrl*****rl**rl**rrrl*****rt**rtrf c c l{atrix l{ultiplication. c c -€ c c c a: m: D: b: natrir rith dinengions m X n number of rose of a. number of colunns of a. natrir sith dinension n I nl ******* APP EN DD( C. CO MPT] TA?ION OF PNIN CIPAL ONENT CNO S S C OYARIANCES163 r€Bult of matrix nultiplicatioa: c'ab c: c C OMP c |t c*****1.*:l********rl*rt*rt***rt*tt**l.rt*****rl*rl*f *rl*******rl****'ltlttltt*tt*c inplicit real*8(a-b,o-z) double preciaion a(10, 10),b(10, 10),c(10, 10) do 100 i=l,m do 2OO 1=1,n1 c 200 100 (i ,1) =o. o continue coatinue do 300 i-1,m do 1100 J-1,4 do 5OO 1=1,n1 c(i,t)=c(i,I)+a(i,J 300 *U(j ,1) coDtinue 500 400 ) continue continue return eud c't*{.*rt**:t**'t**rt**'}***r}:t**!t*r}*****t}***********t}*******t}*******t}*tt*** Bibtiography [1] Alabert, F. G., 1987, Stochastic Imaging of Spatial Distributions using Hard and Soft Information, M. Sc. Thesis, Stanford University, 197 pp. l2l Anderson, T. 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