The Crusader - Reading Railroad Heritage Museum
The Crusader - Reading Railroad Heritage Museum
The Crusader “Preserving the Past for the Future” February 2012 Foundry Building at the RRHM is Being Demolished US Congressman Visits the RRHM Removal of the foundry building has begun! The contractor began to demolish the building on Monday, February 27. The work is expected to be completed in 2 to 3 weeks. The foundry had deteriorated and become a target for vandalism and unauthorized entry. The RCT&HS board found that restoration costs of the building were more than we could expect to finance. Removal of the building will permit Museum expansion in new ways. A new structure that meets our requirements and is easier to finance, secure, heat and maintain may be more easily accomplished than rehabilitation of the old building. Thank you to John Corbit for facilitating and supervising this project. On February 27, the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum hosted the official presentation of a check. Officers of the Federal Home Loan Bank presented the check to Deena Kershner, director of Hamburg’s Our Town Foundation, to be distributed to low and moderate income home owners for home repairs. Congressman Charles Dent, PA Sen. David Argall, development officers from 3 counties, and Hamburg officials also attended the event held in the Museum exhibit room. This was the first RRHM visit by U.S. Congressman Dent and several others, and all expressed their amazement at the work that RCT&HS volunteers have accomplished. The Museum’s exposure was increased by hosting this prominent event which was also featured on Channel 69 News. Above: O’Brien Wrecking gets to work on the foundry building on February 27th. Above: Carol Adams, Charles Dent, David Argall, Deena Kershner Hamburg Museum Track Fund Pay Down the Loan Program Receipts Receipts Current Month: February, 2012 = $341.50 Total: Nov, 2010 thru February, 2012 = $15,856.22 Current Month: February, 2012 = $32.00 Total: May 2007 thru February, 2012 = $30,659.70 Payments Payments Current Month: February, 2012 = $500.00 Total: Nov, 2010 thru February, 2012 = $16,000.00 Outstanding Balance = $81,000.00 Current Month: February, 2012 = $0.00 Total: May 2007 thru February, 2012 = $23,196.15 Current Fund Balance = $7,463.55 RCT&HS 1 The Crusader FEBRUARY 28th GENERAL MEETING TREASURER’S REPORT Jim Adams 610-777-3764 President Duane Engle called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. there were 8 officers, 41 members, and 2 visitors in attendance. Duane welcomed new member Mike Martin to the meeting. A motion to accept the January 2012 minutes as printed was made by Larry Mundell and seconded by Don Crabtree. The motion passed. EXECUTIVE BOARD Duane Engle 610-929-5661 The February 2012 meeting of the BOD was held at 7PM on February 7th at the RRHM in Hamburg, PA. In addition, two special meetings were conducted on January 24th and February 18th. Topics of discussion and motions carried are as follows: Financial – The board approved the purchase of a new liability insurance policy with Scottsdale Insurance as our current policy holder was not offering a renewal. Our annual premium will be $7,848 down from $8000. We will receive less coverage, have a lower deductible, and are limited to train excursions of 10 miles one way. Museum – Based on the recommendation from the Building Committee, the board approved a contract with O’Brien Wrecking Co. for the demolition of the foundry building on the museum site. An asbestos survey will be completed followed by the building being removed down to the slab. Roof repairs will be made where the foundry building and the occupied museum buildings meet. There is no cost to the RCT&HS. Policy Adoption – The following policies were adopted by the board: Code of Ethics, Unlawful Harassment, Nondiscrimination, and Conflict of Interest. A description of the Compliance Officer was also approved and Jim Blake was appointed as the first RCT&HS Compliance Officer. FP7 Locomotives – Based on discussions with the MP&RE Committee, the board recommended that the FP7’s, currently at Steamtown NHS, should be brought to Hamburg. Coach Request – The board approved that we enter into negotiations with Eastern Gateway Railroad for the use of two of our coaches for use on their Boyertown line. Other – Schuylkill Haven property assessment, the web site, and an electrical project update. The next general meeting of the Executive Board will be held at 7PM at the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum in Hamburg, PA on March 6th. BUDGET & FINANCE John Brown 717-426-2238 JWBROWN929@AOL.COM No report. A motion to refer the Treasurer’s Report to the Finance Committee for audit and vote was made by Tom Brown, seconded by John Greene. The motion Passed. RCT&HS 2 The Crusader SALES CURATORS REPORT Duane Engle 610-929-5661 (for mail order questions contact Dave Heffner at 717-290-1493 We had another very good month for sales in the Museum gift shop. I want to thank everyone who has helped with sales in the gift shop at the Museum. We attended 3 shows in February. The first show was the train meet at Timonium MD with the modular on Feb. 4 & 5 where we had $2065.69 in sales. Then we had a Greenberg Show at the Reading Expo Center with the modular Feb. 18 & 19 and did $2171.15 and finally the Spring Thaw train meet at Allentown which is sales only, Feb. 25 & 26 and did $2419.88. All total for the month we brought in over $6600.00. Special thanks to Greg and Barb Goodridge who staffed all three shows. Thanks also goes to the following who also helped with shows this month: Gary and Linda Saggio, Jim and Carol Adams, David Adams and his family, Lee Schultz, Ron and Joan Wolfe, Jeff Smith, Dick Lush, Dick Diehm, Eric Quimby, and Duane and Lynn Engle. Our next show is at our train meet at Leesport April 1 st and then at the Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville April 18 to 22. Anyone interested in helping, please contact me. There are a number of new books and model items on sale, A book flyer is enclosed with this newsletter. Paul Troutman 610-926-4919 The volunteers are working on improving exhibits and creating more interactive spots. We have established a working relationship with the Reading Society of Model Engineers. By working together we can both become stronger. Look for more information about this partnership in the near future. JAMES HOLTON ART EXHIBIT – Original paintings and drawings by Mr. James Holton, artist, author, photographer, and railroad historian. THERE WILL BE OVER 40 ORIGINAL PAINTINGS NEVER BEFORE PUBLICLY EXHIBITED. BENEATH MANY OF THE PAINTINGS WILL BE ARTIFACTS FROM THE READING RAILROAD. THESE WILL RELATE TO SOME ASPECT OF THE PAINTING. In addition there will be a newly created mini art studio that will feature several of the paintings that were not completed prior to James Holton’s death. This will provide insight into the techniques employed in his paintings. EDDIE WISWESSER MODEL EXHIBIT – Hand crafted models made before the advent of kits. A HUGE collection of models made by Mr. Wisswesser and several others will be on display. Mr. Wisswesser also made detail drawings of railroad equipment and is an author and historian. This 3-dimensional art form will explore the challenges FUND RAISING COMMITTEE Jonathan Barket 570-366-1533 No report. TWO SPECIAL EVENTS MEMBERSHIP Melanie Zimmerman 717-445-6301 No report. Friday April 20, 2012 - We will sponsor a special public reception from 7 to 9PM at the museum for the opening of the James Holton art exhibit. Mrs. Holton plans to attend. We will honor her in recognition of her cooperation in creating the Jim Holton Art Exhibit. There will be some surprises. Admission will be $10 (including RCT&HS members). Cheese and punch will be served. Friday June 15, 2012 – we will sponsor a special public reception from 7 to 9 PM at the museum for a talk by Eddie Wiswesser entitled “BUILDING MODELS BEFORE KITS”. If you have any Wiswesser books he will be pleased to autograph them for you. There will be some surprises. Admission will be $10 (including RCT&HS members). Refreshments will be served. LONG RANGE PLANNING TASK FORCE Carol Adams 610-777-3764 An application a grant to repair the Museum façade has been submitted to Hamburg’s Elm Street Program. The grant program supplies up to $3,000 and requires that an equal amount be spent on the project by the property owner. Reply is expected in about a month. A special event was held at the Museum on February 27 for the presentation of Federal Home Loan Bank funds to Hamburg’s Our Town Foundation. See article in this newsletter. The event publicized the Museum to the community, the county, the state, and federal officials. Application for NEH funding of archives supplies is being prepared. Both of the above events will benefit artifact conservation and storage. SITE DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE MUSEUM BUILDING COMMITTEE Tom Brown (717) 279 - 6783 No report. John Corbit 610-781-1939 We removed the tow motors and other scrap this month. Demolition of the foundry building has begun. MUSEUM OPERATIONS Dale Woodland 215-723-5848 Thanks to the Goodridge’s we have racks in our gift shop to display items of clothing. Our attendance at the museum has been averaging in the 30’s lately. RCT&HS TRACK & GROUNDS Duane Engle 610-929-5661 Did not do much during the last month due to all of the sales shows we attended. I hope to be able to do some additional track work in the next month. We are also looking 3 The Crusader into more track to remove, some of this work will be done during the week. Anyone that can help with any of this work, please contact me. and we could use help from anyone willing to help research the responses to these inquiries. Publications Computer problems this past month delayed work on the Bee Line, but things are back on track now. We expect the next one to go to the printer soon. For new RCT&HS members, please note that we have been behind schedule in producing the Bee Line magazine for many years. All members will receive the Bee Lines corresponding to the membership years they pay for, plus, as long as you maintain your membership, you will receive any other Bee Lines that are produced while your membership is active. We appreciate your patience, and promise that we’ll eventually get caught up. MOTIVE POWER AND ROLLING EQUIPMENT John Stoudt R.E. 610-775-1197 /Tim Weidner M.P. 610-780-0497 We are working on getting the 5308 in service. The 103 is also being worked on. PASSENGER OPERATIONS Dale Woodland 215-723-5848 We have indicated which of our coaches would be available to the Eastern Berks County Gateway Railroad for periodic excursions on the former Reading Colebrookdale Branch out of Boyertown, Pa. They would make the arrangements for moving the coaches if possible. Stay tuned. Reading FP7’s 902 and 903 will be leaving Steamtown after preparation for movement. They will be coming to Temple, Pa and eventually to Hamburg when the Maiden Creek Bridge is repaired. It has been difficult for the mechanical forces of the RCT&HS and Philadelphia NRHS to get to Steamtown to do the required maintenance on the units. The expense and time involved, a four-hour round trip, has prevented necessary repairs along with the limited window of time available to work on the units inside the park. Calendar The Year 2012 calendar is completed. The theme is “Steam and Diesel on the Reading Railroad.” Please contact the Sales Committee to purchase a calendar. PUBLIC RELATIONS Andew Dietz 914-886-3459 No report. MAILING Ken Riegel 610-777-4555 ACQUISITIONS Steve Schwartz 610-434-1289 Friends at SEPTA are working on saving a Reading Silverliner for us (#9001). It is currently in service. We are also looking for acquisition of parts from the retired cars. There has been Internet news that 2100 is collateral for a loan which has been defaulted on. We are monitoring the situation. No report. MODULAR Jonathan Barket 570-366-1533 We have had a very successful February which included 2 shows. First one was in Timonium MD and the second one was at the Reading expo center. Between the two shows we acquired close to $500 in donations! We had a large amount of great compliments ranging from the layout as a whole to specific scenes and details. I would like to thank everyone who came out and helped with either show. As far as our setup and tear down times, we are now able to get the layout standing and operating within 2 1/2 hours and the same to be packed up with a good number of members. We continue to work every weekend at Hamburg. We are currently working on the Belt interlocking signal system which I hope to have working for our next show. I also was able to get the signal bridge finished for the East Penn / Capone / Locust interlocking. Several other signals will be mounted and hopefully working by our next show. We are also working on the new lift bridge module. This will be 1 of 5 that will complete our waterfront scene. The module has been partially built and should be ready for track and scenery by the end of the month. The whole scene is taking shape nicely. Another rather large project that we have going is the layout for the museum. Track work has been taking shape and we are now working on beginning the land forms. This layout will be very detail oriented for a museum quality look. It will also feature several push buttons for visitor interaction. We are still looking for monetary donations to help us continue SAFETY Duane Briscoe 610-777-4196 No report. ARCHIVES / PUBLICATIONS / CALENDAR Rick Bates 610-647-9359 Archives We received quite a few donations to the Archives in the past month, plus we overlooked recognizing a few received at the end of 2011, so thanks very much to all of these donors for the following: a box of paperwork from Ellen Allen; a vintage postcards from Eric Quimby and from Jim Brazel; some employee papers from Bill Bubeck; timetables, booklets and other paperwork from Ed Handler; timetables, blank forms and paperwork from Donald Rumbold; a 1939 RDG-CNJ pass from Richard Cogshell; some older employee timetables and other booklets from Richard Williams; a photo of an employee banquet from Thomas Ogden; two cartons of various paperwork and photos from Bob Gottschall; and finally some more railroad books from Paul Kutta. Thanks to the following for Archives sorting work in the past month – Rick Bates, Randy Mengel, Bill Stafford and Rich Nagy. The Archives sorting has reached the point where we are much more able to respond to outside requests for information. However, this takes time, RCT&HS 4 The Crusader WEBSITE building and making improvements to this spectacular museum layout. If anyone would be able to help with this please let me know. Our next show will be April 18th - 22nd at the Fairlane Village Mall in Pottsville. Setup will be on April 17th starting around 6:00 PM and I am hoping we can put the layout up at Center court, but I will let you know. I am hoping to be able to set up 112' this show. I would like to wrap up this report by stating that we are actively looking for new members within the committee. We have so many plans however we are in need of help. The more help we can get with shows, setup and teardowns, upgrading, and of course, financially, the more we can continue providing the layout to the general public and advertising for the museum. Sometimes the best feeling is to watch the kids faces light up as they look at the layout. The schedule for 2012 is listed. Any questions please feel free to contact me or any committee member. AND CORRESPONDENCE Norman O. Mueller 610-446-6651 Mike Sakal 610-777-3268 No report. ENTERTAINMENT Dale Woodland (215) 723-5848 Tonight’s programs are “Reading Steam in the 1930’s” and an 8mm silent movie "The Iron Mule" which was produced in 1925, from Tom Poserina, March – “The PNR” by Dale Woodland, April – “The Reading in the 1960’s and 1970’s” by Jim Herzog, May – open, June – Paul Kutta “The NYO&W, July/August open, September – Paul Kutta “ Cuban Railroads” , October – open, November – “Train Accidents and the Nickle Plate Story” by Tom Poserina, December – “Diesels Down Under” by Dale Woodland. OLD BUSINESS None. Timonium Md. Setup is 2/3 Show is 2/4 - 2/5 NEW BUSINESS Greenburg at Reading Expo Center Setup is 2/17 @ 12PM, Show is 2/18 - 2/19 10PM-4PM Pottsville Fairlane Village Mall Setup is 4/17 @ 6PM, Show is 4/18 - 4/22 Mall Hours Hazelton Laurel Mall Setup is 5/23 @ 6PM, Show is 5/24 - 5/27 Mall Hours Reading Railroad Days at Strasburg Setup is 7/2 at 10AM, Show is 7/3 - 7/8 Museum Hours Danville THIS SHOW HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO 2011 FLOODING Harrisburg PA Christmas and Craft show - Setup is 11/26 @ 9AM, Show is 11/28 - 12/2, show hours Pottsville Fairlane Village Mall Setup is 12/12 @ 6PM, Show is 12/13 - 12-16, Mall hours MODELING -John Greene 215-721-3006 No report. TRAIN MEET Chuck Race 610-777-2053 The next RCT&HS train meet will be held on April 1st from 9 to 2 at the Leesport Farmers Market. Admission is $4 and children 12 and under are FREE with a paying adult. Tables sell for $20 if you register before the day of the meet otherwise they are $25. Lee Schultz announced a Farewell to the Silverliners trip sponsored by the Philly NRHS Chapter on May 6th. Information can be found at: 20CHAPNEWSRELEASE.pdf . Tonight’s coal bucket contained $159.00 and 11 envelopes. Steve Gilbert announced that he will lead a road trip to tour the Bloomsburg Branch. If interested, please contact Steve at or 610-7812100. Jeff Smith announced that NS will be painting 18 new locomotives this spring into heritage road paint schemes. The Reading will be represented as well as other local roads of the past. You can view images of these units at heritage_images.html CLOSING Larry Mundell made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Bill Hodson seconded the motion. The motion passed and President Duane Engle adjourned the meeting at 8:47 PM. CONVENTION COMMITTEE John Greene 215-721-3006 Our 7th annual convention will be held on April 21 at the Hamburg American Legion BINGO Hall at 650 Chestnut Street. Doors open at 8:30 AM and the programs start at 9:00 AM. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for students. Lunch is available by preorder only and costs $10. Dealer tables are $20. See last month’s Crusader for details. RCT&HS John Funk read a script for the engine crew of the iron horse rambles titled “Whistle, bell and smoke special rules”. Rick Bates said that George Hart wrote the scripts for the Rambles which were approved by the Reading Company. 5 The Crusader Mark Your Calendars March 27: General Meeting of the RCT&HS at Trinity Bible Fellowship Church, Rt. 73, Blandon, PA April 1: RCT&HS Train Meet in Leesport, PA April 18-22: Modular and Sales at the Fairlane Village Mall in Pottsville, PA April 20: Holton Art Exhibit Reception at the RRHM in Hamburg, PA April 21: RCT&HS Convention in Hamburg, PA June 15: Eddie Wiswesser Talk at the RRHM in Hamburg, PA Save your Redner’s Tapes Phone Number _______________________________________ RCT&HS Corporate Members Russell & Julia Angstadt; Bethlehem Car Works, John Greene, CEO, Telford, PA (215) 721-3006; Centralia Coal Sales Co. ,Wilkes-Barre, PA (570) 822-4135; Municipal & Financial Services Group, Annapolis, MD (410) 226-910; G&K Hobbies, Bill Krug CEO, Reading, PA (610) 374-8598; Health Insurance Solutions, Inc., Tom and Nanette Poserina, Health Brokers (215) 721-2220; “It’s All the Rage” Hair Designs, In memory of Charles W. Moyer, Jr., 1213 Penn Ave., Wyomissing, PA (610) 375-0816; Jonathan L. Shalter III, Conservationist-Naturalist-Historian, Temple, PA; Lancaster Chapter, NRHS, Christiana, PA (610) 593-4968; Outer Station Project, Benjamin Bernhart, historian, author, publisher; PENNVIA Private Railcars, Inc., Passenger Dome car charters in the US and Canada, West Lawn, PA (610) 678-3604; R. Harris Russo, MD, Neurological Surgery, Kalamazoo, MI (269) 343 -3939; Rabenold, Koestel, and Scheidt, Attorneys at Law, Wyomissing, PA (610) 374-2103; Rack Ability, Inc. 332 N Reading Rd, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 917-7403; Reading and Northern Railroad, Co., Andy Muller Jr., CEO, Port Clinton, PA (610) 562-2100; Security First Inc., Security, access control, surveillance systems, 107 W. Lancaster Ave., Shillington PA (610) 777-8890; Stackhouse Bensinger Inc.: Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Land Planning Services, Traffic and Planning Engineering, Storm Water Infiltration, Municipal Engineering, Surveying/GPS, and Recreation Planning & Design. Sinking Spring, PA (610) 777-8000; Town & Country Newspaper, Pennsburg PA, (215) 679-5060
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The Crusader - Reading Railroad Heritage Museum
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