The Crusader - Reading Railroad Heritage Museum
The Crusader - Reading Railroad Heritage Museum
The Crusader “Preserving the Past for the Future” January 2011 New Civil War Exhibit Unveiled "The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad and the Civil War - Pulling for the Union" opened with a crowd estimated at over 125 on Saturday, January 15th. Included among our guests were PA Sen. Pat Browne, PA Sen. David Argall, and PA Rep. Jerry Knowles. The temporary exhibit shows the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad’s involvement with the Civil War and also has many items from our collection and on loan to show the history of the P&R. This was the first exhibit to be shown in our brand new, state of the art gallery, created through the dedicated efforts of the following volunteers: Karen Confer, Rick Bates, Paul Troutman, Dale Woodland, Bill Stafford, Jeanne Adams, Bill Sharman, John Funk, Wendell Brown, Carol Adams, Jim Adams, John Corbit, Sam Bolton, Rick Dash, Randy Mengel, John Stoudt, Pete Urbaitis, and Mike Stehman. The evening began with the presentation of a United States flag and standard for our auditorium by The Patriotic Order Sons of America. They then presented a replica flag showing how the flag looked during the Civil War. This was immediately hung in the exhibit. Charles Adams III was the guest speaker. "The voice of Berks County" presented several fascinating stories of the P&R railroad and some little known facts. Our auditorium was overflowed. Refreshments served by Greg and Barb Goodrich (excellent as usual) which rounded out the event. This exhibit will run until October 30, 2011. The next exhibit in this gallery will open on November 19, 2011. It will be "Safety on and Around the Rails." Top Photo: Shows the informational panels of he new exhibit. Above Photo: Paul Troutman, PA Sen. Pat Browne, PA Rep. Jerry Knowles, and PA Sen. David Argall. Photos submitted by Jim and Carol Adams RCT&HS CORPORATE MEMBERS RUSSELL & JULIA ANGSTADT; BETHLEHEM CAR WORKS, John Greene, CEO, Telford, PA (215) 721-3006; CENTRALIA COAL SALES CO. ,Wilkes-Barre, PA (570) 822-4135; MUNICIPAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, Annapolis, MD (410) 226-910; G&K HOBBIES, Bill Krug CEO, Reading, PA (610) 374-8598; HEALTH INSURANCE SOLUTIONS, INC., Tom and Nanette Poserina, Health Brokers (215) 721-2220; “It’s All the Rage” Hair Designs, In memory of Charles W. Moyer, Jr., 1213 Penn Ave., Wyomissing, PA (610) 375-0816; JONATHAN L. SHALTER III, Conservationist-Naturalist-Historian, Temple, PA; LANCASTER CHAPTER, NRHS, Christiana, PA (610) 593-4968; OUTER STATION PROJECT, Benjamin Bernhart, historian, author, publisher; PENNVIA PRIVATE RAILCARS, INC., Passenger Dome car charters in the US and Canada, West Lawn, PA (610) 678-3604; R. HARRIS RUSSO, MD, Neurological Surgery, Kalamazoo, MI (269) 343-3939; RABENOLD, KOESTEL, AND SCHEIDT, Attorneys at Law, Wyomissing, PA (610) 374-2103; READING AND NORTHERN RAILROAD, CO., Andy Muller Jr., CEO, Port Clinton, PA (610) 5622100; RICH YODER MODELS, Richard Yoder, O-Scale Brass Importer, Wyomissing, PA (610) 678-2834; SMS Rail Lines Bridgeport, NJ; TOWN & COUNTRY NEWSPAPER, Pennsburg PA, (215) 679-5060 RCT&HS 1 The Crusader JANUARY 25th GENERAL MEETING Vice President John Brown called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. there were 5 officers and 37 members. A motion to accept the December 2010 minutes as printed was made by Tom Brown and seconded by Don Davis. The motion passed. EXECUTIVE BOARD Duane Engle 610-929-5661 The January meeting of the BOD was held at 7PM on January 4th at the Engle residence in Laureldale, PA. Topics of discussion and motions carried are as follows: Financial – 2010 donation report and inventory Museum – site development, auxiliary heating project, and donations. The board approved a motion to spend up to $6500 for the installation of auxiliary gas heat for the archive and exhibit rooms. Other – the dispute with the scrappers over various issues, 1189 acquisition project, and passenger operations The next general meeting of the Executive Board will be held at 7PM at the Adams residence in Mohnton, PA on February 1st. BUDGET & FINANCE / FUND RAISING COMMITTEE TREASURER’S REPORT John Brown 717-426-2238 JWBROWN929@AOL.COM Thank you everyone for your continuing support of RCT&HS. The "thank you" letters for your 2010 donations were mailed the last week of January. The annual inventory of our store items for resale was completed during January. Thank you to everyone who helped with the inventory. Jim Adams 610-777-3764 Rick Bates asked John Brown about the possibility of forming a budget. John replied that we need to start by sending financial committee reports to the committee chairmen. It is a goal of this committee to form a budget for 2012. MUSEUM OPERATIONS Dale Woodland 215-723-5848 The opening of the P&R/Civil War exhibit January 15th was a great success. Thanks to the following for its creation: Karen Confer, Rick Bates, Paul Troutman, Dale Woodland, Bill Stafford, Jeanne Adams, Bill Sharman, John Funk, Wendell Brown, Carol Adams, Jim Adams, John Corbit, Sam Bolton, Rick Dash, Randy Mengel, John Stoudt, and Mike Stehman. Also thanks to Greg and Barb Goodridge for the food. The opening received coverage in the Reading Eagle and Channel 69. Special thanks to Paul Troutman for organizing the flag ceremony and doing the media interviews. We don’t have figures yet on the income from the raffle and donations but we did have $1, 500 in sales that day. We critiqued the opening event and have these suggestions: Opening should have been at 10AM, use a PA so overflow crowd could hear ceremony in Orientation Room (Duane will talk with Ken Riegle about getting PA system for entire museum), and a banner for outside the building. The Venture Scout meeting January 8th was attended by advisors and no scouts. Dale RCT&HS 2 The Crusader contacted Walt Schneider, Boy Scout Council Officer, to see where we go next. According to the one scout who sent his regrets the troop was not active with the former sponsor. We have had three students from Hamburg High School do Community Service volunteer work. A thank you to Stephanie Smith, Barb and Greg Goodridge for the Polar Express parties. Also thanks to Steve Gilbert and Randy Mengel for the creation of the O Gauge layout for Christmas Season. The Polar Express mountain was impressive. Schuylkill Heritage Trail signage is in place at south end of the property. Our nominee for Volunteer of Year Award is Paul Skvarla. Paul put in 254 hours of service as a docent. In 2010 we had 27 volunteers whom gave 1,034 hours. Top five were: Paul Skvarla, Tom Brown, Mike Stehman, Dave Heffner and Dale Woodland. We discussed temporary exhibit ideas. We would like to see common RCT&HS calendar to list all events for the year to avoid duplication of events. Ideally some events could be put on our annual calendar. Dale has created a new Display Yard script for tour guides. The committee would like to improve the uniformity of the Display Yard tours, to that end Dale will shadow tours and offer suggestions. We discussed docents giving indoor tours but rejected the idea because: (a) we don’t have enough help and (b) the committee felt guests would rather take their time looking at the exhibits. Paul has contacted Berks Fire & Water to have a disaster plan created for the museum. We have been invited to the Berks Heritage Center On Sunday May 1, 2011 at 2PM. We would like to take the A5a and some of our children’s activities. We could also show the Orientation video and the RCT&HS power point presentation. Paul talked with the Reading Express about cross promotions with the RRHM. This could involve discounted tickets and advertisements. Dale, Duane and Paul met with a friend of Greg Goodridge to develop a marketing plan for the museum. One immediate suggestion is to reinstitute the feedback form for visitors to fill out. Dale also completed a revision/update of the Docent Guide for the museum. Next Meeting date Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 7 PM. along its portion of the Schuylkill River Trail – one of only 5 communities along the trail to receive this grant. The funding, called “Heritage Towns and Tours”, from William Penn Foundation will be used to develop a plan to increase tourism and outdoor recreation. After the plan is complete, the group will be eligible for $25,000 to implement it. A letter of support from RCT&HS was included in Our Town’s grant application. The Reading Railroad Heritage Museum will participate and benefit from the effort. The Museum has welcomed visitors who found the Museum as a result of its designation by Schuylkill River Heritage Area as a trailhead. Thank you to the docents who make these travelers welcome. Site development: The Berks County Conservation District met with our site contractor and with RCT&HS project coordinator Tom Brown. The District personnel inspected and approved the work. Met Ed has erected the two steel poles just beyond the west boundary of our property and one wooden pole on the south end of our property, as planned. Wires are expected to be added soon. Rick B. asked about what the next stage of development will be? Carol replied that she plans to hold a meeting in March to collect ideas and make decisions in regards to where we go from here. TRACK & GROUNDS / EVENTS Duane Engle 610-929-5661 Track and Grounds This past month we worked on clearing snow numerous times. If anyone can help with snow removal over the winter please let me know. Events - No report. MODULAR Jonathan Barket 570-366-1533 We had a meeting of the modular committee on Jan 15th. Items that were discussed were the new standards that are now in effect, current module progress, new module ideas, and of course our 2011 schedule. As far as the schedule, here is what we have planned for 2011: CURATORS REPORT Paul Troutman 610-926-4919 Thanks to everyone who helped with the new exhibit and making the unveiling party a success. We have been busy working on new projects. Centralia Coal Company agreed to sponsor the new coal display we are constructing. We also plan to build a tunnel portal around the T-1 image, hang tell-tails and show how the concrete date stamp was used. MUSEUM PROPERTY COMMITTEE Carol Adams 610-777-3764 John Corbit is refining the operation of the Museum’s new natural gas-fired auxiliary heating units. Thank you, John. Thank you to all who are helping to clear snow at the Museum: John Stoudt, John Corbit, Duane Engle, and others. Timonium Md. Set up Feb 4th, Show is Feb 5-6 Laurel Mall in Hazelton: Set up is June 15th, Show is June 16th-19th Reading Railroad Days, Strasburg: Set up June 28th, Show is June 30th-July 4th LONG RANGE PLANNING TASK FORCE Carol Adams 610-777-3764 Our Town Foundation of Hamburg has received a $7,000 grant to prepare to promote tourism and recreation RCT&HS 3 Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville: Set up is April 12th, Show is April 13th –17th Iron Horse Heritage Festival, Danville: Set up July 22, Show July 23rd-24th Model Railroad Days, Strasburg: Set up Oct 6th, Show Oct 7th-9th PA Christmas and Craft Show, Harrisburg: Set up Nov 28th, Show Nov 30th-Dec 4th The Crusader Calendar We have decided the Year 2012 calendar theme will be “Steam and Diesel on the Reading Railroad,” and we invite members to submit photos for consideration. What we are looking for are photos showing the transition from steam to diesel locomotive power, and also photos that have some aspect of the usage of both steam and diesel in the same picture (not necessarily in locomotives). For example, a picture of a diesel locomotive hauling steam-heated coaches would qualify for the calendar. Put your thinking caps on and let’s see what other ways we can find where both steam and diesel power were used. Photos should be sharp, properly exposed 8x10 color or black & white prints, or original color slides. We could also work from extra-sharp 5x7 black and white prints (look at them under a magnifier to see if they are REALLY sharp), but please do NOT send 5x7 or smaller color prints, duplicate color slides, or digital pictures printed at home on a laser or inkjet printer. These formats do not reproduce well when published at full-page size as in our calendar. High quality digital scans may be acceptable, but please contact us for more details if you want to submit in this format. Please have your photo submissions to us by March 31. If you haven’t gotten one already, please contact the Sales Committee to purchase a copy of our 2011 calendar featuring the photography of George W. Gerhart II, who grew up in Robesonia and took many excellent pictures in the very early 1950s of the Reading’s steam and diesel locomotives, trains, and structures. We also plan on attending a Greenburg show as well through out the year. That show will be TBA. If any one has any other ideas or suggestions for show locations please let me know. Also, if you want to be included in emails and phone calls for upcoming shows and events for information, please let me know. PASSENGER OPERATIONS The 2011 Steamtown schedule is finalized. FP7’s 902 and 903 will operate as follows: 5/28 Moscow, 6/25 Delaware Water Gap, 7/16 Tobyhanna, 7/30 Tobyhanna, 9/3 Moscow (Railfest), 10/15 East Stroudsburg, and 10/22-23 Tobyhanna. We have also begun discussions with the Eastern Berks Gateway Railroad about future seasonal excursions on the Colebrookdale Branch between Boyertown and Stowe, Pa. – Dale Woodland MOTIVE POWER AND ROLLING EQUIPMENT John Stoudt R.E. 610-775-1197 /Tim Weidner M.P. 610-780-0497 All equipment has been winterized. Due to the winter weather all outdoor projects are on hold. In the spring we plan to paint and letter the 2 bay hopper cars followed by the steam tender and the RS3. Rick Bates suggested that we form a wooden car subcommittee and is looking for volunteers to help. Wood Car Subcommittee (Rick Bates): The two wood coaches (bunk cars) that were brought to Hamburg in 2010 need work done to their roofs and car bodies to stop the water from getting in and further damaging the interiors. If you would like to help with this work, or have any ideas on what can be done, please contact Rick Bates. Eventually we will need folks with woodworking skills to restore these cars, but for now we just want to stabilize things. Cash donations to pay for materials are also needed and appreciated. MAILING Ken Riegel 610-777-4555 No report. MEMBERSHIP Melanie Zimmerman 717-445-6301 As of January 25 we have 14 new members and 574 renewals for a total of 588 members for 2011. The breakdown of members is 391 Individual, 50 Family, 86 Contributing, 43 Sustaining, 13 Corporate and 5 Student. We had 26 new members and 524 renewals for a total of 550 members at this time last year. We currently have 1007 members for 2010. Membership dues are $35 for Individual ($45 outside the U.S.), $43 for Family ($53 outside the U.S.), $15 for Student (Please provide name of Full-time school), $55 for Contributing, $100 for Sustaining and $150 for Corporate. If you misplaced the renewal form that came in your October Crusader newsletter, just write your name and address on a piece of paper. Mail your information with your check or money order made payable to R.C.T.& H.S. Membership Committee to PO Box 15143, Reading PA 19612-5143. If you receive the Crusader by the US Postal Service check your most recent newsletter address label to find your current membership year. Please allow several weeks for us to process your membership if it still shows 2010 and you’ve already mailed your payment. Thank you to all who include donations with their membership renewals. Your generosity is appreciated. Car 15: Car 15 has been winterized. ACQUISITIONS Steve Schwartz 610-434-1289 No report. ARCHIVES / PUBLICATIONS / CALENDAR Rick Bates 610-647-9359 Archives Thanks to the following for donations: paper items from Sue Fisher; paper items from Arlen Lenker; information on the 712th Transportation Railway Operations Battalion from Bill Cauff, Jr.; a collection of microfiche copies of Rdg RR quarter mile sheets from Larry Mundell, and a book on Bethlehem Steel from Eric Quimby. Archive work sessions are scheduled for Saturdays February 12, 19, and 26th, starting at 10:00 AM, weather permitting. All are welcome to help out, even if for only part of the day. Publications Continuing to work on the next Bee Lines. Now that some other projects are out of the way, hoping to make some progress in getting caught up. RCT&HS 4 The Crusader PUBLIC RELATIONS NEW BUSINESS Andew Dietz 914-886-3459 No report. SALES Duane Engle 610-929-5661 (for mail order questions contact Dave Heffner at 717-290-1493 We have some new O and HO models for sale. The HO F-7’s from Intermountain have arrived. The HO C630’s from Bowser and the SW1500’s from PCM are to be released in winter 2011. The following helped with sales and inventory in the past month: Duane Engle, Ken Riegel, Greg and Barb Goodridge, Jim and Carol Adams, Tom Brown and John Brown. Thank you to everyone that helped. MODELING -John Greene 215-721-3006 We have samples of the 16th street tower and are building the model for display. We should have these kits available in a month or two. Branchline Trains has sold their freight and passenger car business to Atlas. Dale Woodland announced that cars for the Greenbrier Express train set will be arriving this week in Pottstown for reconditioning. Dale Woodland announced that three ARHS locomotives (C420, F3B, FA) are currently in transit between South Jersey and Scranton. Bill Krug and Jeff Smith announced that Herron Rail Video has a new DVD out titled Reading Company 1948-1952 Vol. 1. This video taken by George W. Gerhart II features Reading passenger trains. John Brown announced that we were a winner in the Hamburg King frost Parade and received a $75 award. Tonight’s coal bucket contained $167 plus 9 envelopes. CLOSING A motion to adjourn was made by Pete Urbaitis and seconded by Greg Goodridge. V.P. John Brown adjourned the meeting at 8:42PM. TRAIN MEET Dale Miller 610-372-3759 No report. CONVENTION COMMITTEE John Greene 215-721-3006 The 6th annual convention will be held on April 2nd at the American Legion BINGO hall in Hamburg. Doors open at 8:30 and the programs start at 9:00. Lunch will be available if purchased in advance. Please see the enclosed ticket order form for more information. Hamburg Museum Track Fund Receipts Current Month: January, 2011 = $871.00 Total: May 2007 thru January, 2011 = $26,176.00 WEBSITE AND CORRESPONDENCE Tom Jacobs 610-621-4441 Norman O. Mueller 610-446-6651 Mike Sakal 610-777-3268 No report. Payments Current Month: January, 2011 = $0.00 Total: May 2007 thru January, 2011 = $20,997.15 Current Fund Balance = $5,178.85 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Lee Schultz 610-845-2414 and Rick Bates John Brown read the by laws governing how elections are handled. Pay Down the Loan Program Lee Schultz read the list of the current nominations. John Brown for 1st vice president, Jim Adams for treasurer, Jonathan Barket for director, and Gary Saggio for director. Receipts Rick Bates nominated Tom Brown for director and the nomination was seconded by John Brown. Don Davis moved to close the nominations for director and Don Crabtree seconded the motion. The motion passed. Payments Current Month: January, 2011 = $731.00 Total: Nov, 2010 thru January, 2011 = $4,362.00 Current Month: January, 2011 = $3,298.72 Total: Nov, 2010 thru January, 2011 = $4,000.00 Outstanding Balance = 93,000.00 Dale Woodland moved to close nominations for treasurer and Bill Hodson seconded the motion. The motion passed. RCT&HS 5 The Crusader READING COMPANY TECHNICAL and HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2011 BALLOT Instructions for voting: Voting will be by mail-in ballot only. There is no provision for voting at the general membership meeting nor is there any electronic voting. Only members who have paid their 2011 memberships by March 1, 2011 are eligible to vote. Membership renewals should be mailed to RCT&HS membership, P.O. Box 15143, Reading, PA 19612-5143. Ballots are included in the January issue of The Crusader . Those receiving The Crusader in electronic form will have to print the ballot from their e-Crusader. Ballots must be returned by U.S. Mail and must be received at the Society’s post office box by March 31, 2011. The envelope must be addressed to: RCT&HS ELECTIONS, P.O. Box 15143, Reading, PA 19612-5143 The upper left corner of the envelope (the return address area) must contain your name and member number. Your membership number is on the mailing label of your Crusader. Additional return address information is optional. Do NOT include any other transactions (such as sales orders or membership renewals) in the same envelope with your ballot. Individual Memberships are entitled to one vote only. Family, Contributing, Sustaining and Corporate Memberships are entitled to two votes if more than one adult in the family is enrolled (received a membership card) as a member of the RCT&HS. If two adults are entitled to vote, the two ballots should be returned in the same envelope. Children enrolled as a part of a family membership are not eligible to vote. Children wishing to vote are encouraged to become Student Members. Ballots will be counted by the elections committee and the results will be announced at the April General Membership meeting and reported in the April issue of The Crusader. 1st VICE PRESIDENT ________ John Brown TREASURER ________ Jim Adams DIRECTOR (vote for no more than two) ________ Jonathan Barket ________ Tom Brown (biographies on next page) ________ Gary Saggio *Please return this ballot following the “Instructions for voting” as written above. *This ballot may be duplicated if your membership is entitled to two votes per the instructions above. 1st Vice President John Brown I have been a member of the Society for approximately twenty years. I have served as the First Vice President for the past several terms. Prior to that I was a Director on the Board. I also am Chairman of the Budget & Finance/Fund Raising Committee. Before retirement I owned a computer graphics business. I have been a railroad history buff all my life. I am a member of the Lancaster County Speakers Bureau and have done many speeches on railroad history. I would appreciate your vote for me for First Vice President. Treasurer Jim Adams Treasurer, RCT&HS. Formerly a mathematics teacher in the Reading School District, I spent the last half of my school career as director of the district’s information technology department. I am retired from school administration. I continue to serve as organist and music director for our church. I have been a member of the RCT&HS since 1985 and have served as treasurer since 1989 when the RCT&HS budget was less than $80,000 per year. As membership and museum activity have grown, the yearly income and expenditures have grown to over $250,000 per year. I also volunteer at the Museum and as a member of the sales committee. My wife Carol and I raised 2 daughters and a son and have 4 granddaughters. In addition to volunteering with the RCT&HS, we enjoy family activities, model railroading, gardening, and heritage travel. Director - choose 2 Gary W. Saggio I grew up in Palmer Township near Easton, Pennsylvania. I studied electronics at Easton Area High School before joining the US Navy where I was an electronics technician for twenty years. When I left high school I was determined to never open a book the rest of my life. However, that all changed as I matured and began to realize the value of an education. Before retiring from the Navy I earned an Associates degree in Mathematics and a Bachelors degree in Occupational Education. After leaving the Navy I worked for Agere Systems (formerly AT&T and Lucent Technologies) in Reading, PA until I retired in 2003. I began my career at Agere as a Training Associate and retired as a Technical Manger in the Quality department. Along the way I also held the positions of Engineering Associate and Member of Technical Staff (engineer). My experiences range from photolithography in the manufacture of Linear IC’s, assembly and testing of high speed lightwave components, Erbium doped fiber amplifies, quality engineering and quality management. In addition to my manufacturing and quality experiences I earned a Masters Degree in Engineering Science from Penn State University. After leaving the Navy my wife, Linda, and I settled in Blandon, PA where we raised our two children. I am active in Trinity Bible Fellowship church where I serve as an Elder and my hobbies are model railroading and fishing. I have been a member of RCT&HS for almost 25 years and have served as member of the modular group, sales committee, mailing committee, car host for rail trips and director. My first term as director (1999 – 2000) was interrupted when Agere Systems me to England for a year. Jonathan Barket My name is Jonathan Barket and I am currently 27 years old. I was born and raised in Lebanon, attended Penn State Berks for Electrical engineering and currently employed by Reading and Northern Railroad. I have been a member for over 11 years and have and am currently the modular committee chairman. As for the society, I am heavily involved in the modular and MPRE. I also assist with sales, museum, and track and grounds. My focus is to reach out and get new, younger members who will be active within the society. I believe we are lacking in the younger volunteer age group. Also we need to get our name exposed more to the general public along with a better reputation. I want to see the museum and the society as a whole develop into a streamlined organization. Tom Brown Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Drexel Institute of Technology; Master of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering from Drexel University; registered professional engineer; retired as a stockholder/owner of Gannett Fleming, Inc. (a 2,000 person engineering company); currently employed part time as the Township Engineer for Uwchlan Township (Chester County); served on RCT&HS Board of Directors for 6 years; serve on Museum Operations Committee since it was created; serve on Long-Range Planning Committee; work as a sales person and docent in our Museum (top 2 in volunteer museum operations hours for 3 straight years); provided construction management services for recent Museum site development/grading project, consulted with the Board of Directors on matters pertaining to the project, and interfaced with the contractor on construction issues; perform quarterly audits of the Society’s financial records; provided consulting services to the Board of Directors on asbestos identification/ removal for the museum development project and the recent metal scrapping project; assist with other activities of the RCT&HS, including sales, archives sorting, and the O-gauge train layout. Interested in and supportive of all of the Society’s endeavors. Favor continued museum development and improvement, finding ways to resume our train trips, work to strengthen the Society’s financial position. Reading Company Technical and Historical Society 6th Annual Convention Saturday April 2, 2011 Featuring: Paul Kutta - A Potpourri of Reading Scenes Mike Smith - A Presentation of Walter Johnson RDG Slides Don Young - A Slide Presentation of His Days at Bethlehem Steel Tom Mclnerney - A Talk on His Days with Alco and the MLW The American Legion BINGO Hall 650 Chestnut St., Hamburg, PA 8:30 AM Doors Open 9:00 AM Programs Start Admission: $20.00 ($10 student) Museum Admission Included Lunch: $10.00 (preorder only) Dealer Tables: $20.00 Admission to the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum Included 6th Annual Convention Tickets $20.00 per person ($10.00 student) Mark Your Calendars February 22nd: General Meeting of the RCT&HS at Trinity Bible Fellowship Church, Rt. 73, Blandon, PA February 26 - 27: Sales at the Allentown Spring Thaw Train Meet April 2nd: RCT&HS Convention at the American Legion BINGO Hall in Hamburg, PA April 3rd: RCT&HS Train Meet in Leesport, PA April 12 - 17: Modular and Sales at the Fairlane Village Mall in Pottsville, PA Save your Redner’s Tapes
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