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( 808
(Tho letter *' -I : following a pago num ber denotes a rcforenco to “ Metallurgical
A bstracts.’*)
Abbey, Gordon. Analysis of Sn, Sb, Pb,
Bi alloy, 53, 7104.
Abbott, É. J., and Firestone, F . A. New
profilograph measures roughness of finely
finished and ground surfaces, 53, 6504.
Abdejew, M. A., Ssimukow, K . M., and
Tjulkin, A. A. Book : “ Zinc D istilla­
tion ** (in R ussian), 53, 6824.
Abraham, M. H eating of shoots of “ E lek­
tron AZM ” to remove internal stress,
53, 2124 ; influence of small notches in
shaft of Duralumin rivets, 53, 1004.
Abraham, Martin. Corrosion-resistanco of
aircraft bracing cables with different
ond-connoctions, 53, 2464 ; repeated
ago-hardening of Duralum in rivets and
influence of agoing tem p., 53, 6954.
Ackermann, Ch. As in Pb-base bearing
m etals, 53, 1244.
Ackermann, H. See Ricard, A.
Adams, A rthur S. See Loob, Leonard B.
Adams, C. A. D uctility in m etal struc­
tures, 53, 2194.
Adams, William W. Pam phlet : “ Acci­
dents a t Metallurgical W orks in tho
U nited States during the Calendar Year
1931,” 53, 4204.
Adamson, A. Empirical formulas for rela­
tion between temp, and pressure of
saturated vapour, 53, 4834.
Adcock, Frank. See H aughton, John L.
Adelsköld, V., Sundelin, A., and W estgren,
A. Carbides in C-contg. alloys of W
and Mo w ith Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Xi,
53, 4394.
Ageew, N. W. Book : “ Rontgenology of
Metals and Alloys ** (in Russian), 53,
1734; correspondence on “ An X -Ray
Investigation of tho Coppor-Aluminium
Alloys,” 51, 159; discussion on Smith
and Lindlief’s paper on “ Tho E qui­
librium Diagram of tho Copper-Rich
Copper-Silver Alloys,” 53, 1224 ; re ­
searches of A. W estgren in metallic alloy
chem istry, 53, 6264.
Ageew, N. W., and Kurdjum ov, G. T rans­
formations in outectoid alloys, 53, 2374.
Ageew, N. W., and Shoyket, D. Paper :
“ The Constitution of the Silver-Rich
Aluminium-Silver Alloys,” 52, 119.—
Correspondence : T. P . Hoar, 127; W.
Hum e-Rothery, 127.— Reply to corrcspoiulence, 129.
Ageewa, W. See Scliischokin, W.
Agnew, Paul Göugh. Rôle of trade assoc,
in standardization, 53, 5374.
D ’Agostino, — . Sec Parravano, X.
Agte, Curt. Appn. of hard m etal W idia
in technology, 53, 5324 ; hard metal
W idia in hands of chemist, 53, 2614 ;
m aterials with highest m elting point and
their utilization, 53, 5794.
Agte, Curt, Becker, K arl, and (Frlir.) v.
Goler. System W-Co, 53, 184.
Ahearn, A. j . Effect of temp, on emission
of electron field curronts from W and
Mo, 53, 6124.
Ahlberg, J. Elston. See Simon, Franz.
Ahun, A. I. Standard equipm ent for con­
ta c t elcctrowolding m anuf. by “ Eloktrik ” Works, 53, 6724.
Aitchison, Leslie. Correspondence
“ Tho Fatiguo-Resisting Properties of
L ight Aluminium Alloys a t Elevated
Tem peratures,” 51, 179 ; m odern light
alloys w ith particular referonco to corro­
sion, 53, 3554 ; strong light alloys of
to-day, 53, 5494.
Aizawa, T., W achi, G., and E bihara, T.
Tinning and galvanizing, 53, 5024.
Akerlow, G. W. Fuel comparison for
billot reheating furnaces, 53, 6624.
Akimov, G. Now theory of corrosion of
alloys, 53, 3574.
Akimov, G. W. Atomic hydrogen weld­
ing, 53, 554 ; corrosion a t riveted joints
in D uralum in constructions, 53, 3554.
Akimov, G. W ., and Oleshko, A. S. Struc­
tural corrosion of Al alloys. I.—Elec­
trode potentials of structural constitu­
ents of Al alloys, 53, 6324.
Akimov, P. P. Book : “ Refining of Gold ”
(in Russian), 53, 4204.
Aksenov, G. I. X -ray m ethods of m easur­
ing internal stresses, 53, 2914.
Akulov, N., and Kondorsky, E . Magnetomech. effect, 53, 1194.
Akulov, N., Holfenboin, A., and Byczkov,
N. Effect of elastic stresses on form of
magnetization curve, 53, 1184.
Alabyshev, A. F. Prodn. of motallie Na
and its uso in industry, 53, 1394.
Alber, C. Malcolm. See Calhane, D. F.
Alberti, E. Propn. of A l-B a alloys, 53,
4354 ; therm al analysis of alloys by
differential method in in ert gas a tm o ­
spheres, 53, 5154.
Alberts, J. Grinding of tools w ith W idia
cutting p arts, 53, 2784.
Alexander, E. H igh-vacuum spectrograph
for chem. analysis by X -rays, 53, 5164.
Alexander, Ernst. See v. Hevesy, Georg.
Name Index
255; W. J . P. Rohn, 255; J . D. Grogan,
Alexandrov, W ., and Pantchonko, B.
Method of testing m etals in statical
255 ; S. L. A rchbutt, 256 ; J . C. Chaston,
tension, 53, 38/1.
256.— Reply to discussion, 256.
Alexejenko-Sserbin, T. M. Book : “ M etal­
Allen, Robert J. Metallurgical problems
lurgy of the R are Metals and Their
of Diesol engine, 53, 4 6 6 4 ; see also
M anufacture into Alloys ” (in Russian),
Constant, F . W.
53, 283.-1.
Allen, Robert J., and Applegato, F . 13.
M aterials available for manuf. of equip­
Alford, Newell G. Sec Y eatm an, Pope.
Alichanow, A. I., and Aniimowiö, L. A.
m ent for oil industry, 53, 464.1.
Total reflection of X-rays by th in sheets,
Allen, Robert J., and Constant, F . W.
53, 5474.
Absolute saturation of cubic Co, 53,
Alimov, A. N. Filling of bearings with
Pb-base B abbitts, 53, 6594.
Allen, S. J. M., Korsten, H ., and Maas,
Alkins, W. E., and Cartwright, W. Paper :
Joseph. Crystal structure of electro“ Experiments on Wire-Drawing. Part
deposits from Cu acetate solns., 53,
III.—Annealing of H.C. Copper Wires
Drawn to Varying Degrees of Hardness,”
Allen, Torrey. M atching abrasive grain
52, 221.— Discussion : E . H . Bucknall,
samples, 53, 2804.
240; D. Hanson, 240; H . O’Neill,
Allhausen, H. See Emickc, O.
241; H . W. Brownsdon, 242; J . S. G.
Allison, F. H. Discussion on Krivobok’s
Primrose, 242; H . J . Miller, 242.—
paper on “ F urther Studies on ChromReply to discussion, 243.— Correspotulium -N ickel-Iron and R elated Alloys,”
encc : W. E. Ballard, 244.— Reply to
53, 2964.
correspondence, 245.
Allyne, A rthur B. D istribution system
Allen, G. C. Book : “ British Industries
soil survey, 53, 3 5 7 4 ; modern soil
and Their Organization,” 53, 283.-1.
survey with Shopard rods, 53, 224.
Allen, J. F. Supraconductivity of alloy
Alocco, Giulia. Changes in longitudinal
systems, 53, 699.1.
m agnetization of twisted Ni wires
Allen, Mildred. Effect of tension on
produced by circulating alternating
cloct. resistance of single Sb crystals,
field acting in constant longitudinal
53, 2894.; effect of tension on elect,
field, 53, 1154.
resistance of single Bi crystals, 53,
Alpern, Dwight K. See Fink, Colin G.
225.4.; cffcct of tension on elect, re ­
Alphen, P. M. van. See H aas, W. J . de.
sistance of trigonal crystals, Bi and Sb,
Alter, Chester M. See B axter, G. P.
53, 689.1.
Alterthum, H., and Rompo, R. Advances
Allen, N. P. Discussion on “ Note on the
in field of free alkali motals, 53, 6924.
Influence of Volatile Chlorides on
Altmannsberger, K. Book : “ Der VerMagnesium and on Copper,” 51, 129;
chromungsbotrieb,” 53, 6064 (review);
paper : “ Further Observations on the
Cr plating of light alloys, 53, 2504 ;
Distribution of Porosity in Aluminium
degreasing of m etal p a rts and mass
prodn. articles, 53, 1644; enamel as
and Copper Ingots, with Some Notes on
Inverse Segregation,” 52, 193.— D isprotection against corrosion, 53, 3604 ;
cussion : 11. Sutton, 209; R. Genders,
gas welding of Cu, 53, 3974 ; indium
210; W. Rosenhain, 211; F. Johnson,
in electroplating, 53, 253.-1; now m ethods
212; A. G. C. Gwyer, 213.— Reply to
of surface improvement, 53, 1654 ;
discussion, 213.— Correspondence : O.
surface hardening by Cr plating, 53,
W. Ellis, 216; I . E. Gorshkov, 217;
3 1 1 4 ; throwing powor of chromic acid
S. W. Smith, 218.— Reply to correspond­
baths, 53, 5074.
ence, 219; pa p er: “ The Distribution
Altmayer, M. Recent progress in tecliniquo
of Porosity in Copper Ingots,” 51, 277.—
of Cu prodn., 53, 5974 ; technique of
Discussion: H . W. Brownsdon, 297;
electrolytic Cu, 53, 643.4.
W . F. Brazener, 298; R. L. Gibbins,
Ameline, — . Influenco of im purities on
298; W . Rosenhain, 299.— Reply to
properties of bronzes, 53, 714.
discussion, 300.— Correspoiulencc : I. E.
Amossow, S., Dobronrawow, N., and
Gorshkov, 301, W. H . Hatfield, 307.—
Nelidow, J . Differential method for
Reply to correspondence, 307.
measuring sp. heats, 53, 3724.
Allen, N. P., and H ew itt, T. P a p er: “ The
Amstel, J. J. A. Ploos van. See Ploos van
Equilibrium of the Reaction Between
Amstel, J . J . A.
Steam and Molten Copper,” 51, 257.—
Anastasiadis, L. Arc w’elding of A1 and
D iscussion: D. Hanson, 273; A. G.
some properties of welded m etal, 53,
Rarnsay, 273; C. H . Desch, 274.—
Reply to discussion, 274.— Correspond­
Ancelle, A ndri. Influence of degree of
ence : D. Stockdalo, 275.— Reply to correcold-working and tem p, on moch.
spondeticet 275.
properties of soft steel, Cu, and Ni.
Allen, N. P., and Street, A. C. Paper :
I .- I I ., 53, 6104.
“ An Investigation of the Effects of
Andeger, V. F. Book : “ The Chemistry
of Motals ” (in R ussian), 53, 2204.
Hydrogen and Oxygen on the Unsound­
Anderson, C. W. D etn. of small quant,
ness of Copper-Nickel Alloys,” 51,
233.— Discussion : W. R. Barclay, Ä
of Sb in solder in presence of Fo, 53*
253; S. V. Williams, 254; D. Hanson,
Nam e Index
Arkel, A. E. van. Prepn. of somo raro
Anderson, D. G., and McAuloy, B. F .
Materials handling in small brass foun­
m etals by therm al dissociation, 53, 613/1;
recrystn., 53, 1894.
dry, 53, 412/1, 270/i, 6004.
Anderson, E. A. Life of plated Zn as
Arkel, A. E. van, and Bruggen, M. G. van.
ailected by thickness of coating, 53, 31/1.
Recrystn. and hardoning of A1 duo to
plastic torsion, 53, 2254.
Anderson, G. R. Correspondence on
Thompson’s paper on “ The Caso Against
Armstrong, H. Clifford. Coal nomencla­
Standardization of Chemical Analysis,”
ture, 53, 2734 ; futuro fuel problems in
m etallurgical practice, 53, 454.
53, 315/1.
Anderson, Godfrey Alard. Elected mem­
Arnal, T. Gaspar y. See Gaspar y Arnal, T.
Arndt, H. See Sicglerschmidt, H.
ber, 51, 27.
Anderson, H. A., and Faragher, P. V.
Arnott, J. High duty brass and bronze
Report of ctteo. B -6 of A.S.T.M. on diocastings, 53, 678/1; now demands on
cast m etals and alloys, 53, 1504, 5224.
bronze foundry, 53, 3784, 7154 ; uso of
Si in foundry, 53, 5704.
Anderson, R. J. A1 shoot prodn. X IV .—
Cold-rolling mills, 53, 1624.
Arnould, J. K cstner refractory hydraulic
Anderson, S. Indust, lighting, 53, 5384.
coments and m ortars. I.-XL, 53, 159/1.
Anderson, W. W. Cu-H 2 welding a quan­
Arnoux, M. See Blanchotidro, A.
tity-prodn. process, 53, 5884.
Arnzten, — . Duralumin in moans of
Andersson, E. See Hedvall, J . Arvid.
communication (automobiles, acroplanos,
and airships), 53, 5914.
Andrade, E. N. da C., and Chalmers, B.
R esistivity of polycrystallino wires in
Aronsfrau, Ch. Sec Pinkus, A.
relation to plastic deformation, and
Arrhenius, Sven. Sec K uhn, Heinrich.
mechanism of plastic flow, 53, 74.
Arrowsmith, John C. Now welding pro­
Andresen, E. G. A pparatus for introduc­
cess, 53, 5894.
ing and removing photographic plates,
Arzens, R. R apid indust, m ethods for
into and out of, high vacuum, 53, 2024.
m etallurgical analysis, 53, 200/1; results
Andrew, J. H. Nominated as Member of
obtained in counteracting corrosion of
Council, 52, 14.
ferrous motals, 53, 243/1.
Andrews, Donald. Refractory cements,
Arzimowii, L. A. See Alichanow, A. I.
53, 1584.
Asato, Ju-n. Grain-rofinoment of Cu-rich
Andrews, I. H. Corrosion in Pacific coast
alloys by peritectic reaction, 53, 114.
groundwood mill system, 53, 224.
Aschmann, TJ.
Continuously working
Andrieux, L. Utilization of secondary re ­
oloct. furnaces, 53, 662/1.
actions in igneous oloctrolysis, 53, 344,
Aseev, N. P. Eloct. powor consumption
in m etal industry, 53, 5984.
Anstey, H. C. Cu-ricli alloys, 53, 1824.
Ash, Eugene J. See Saegor, C. M., Jr.
Applegate, F. B. Sec Allen, R obert J.
Ashcroft, Edgar A. Sulphate roasting of
Appleyard, Rolio. Book : “ Charles P a r­
Cu ores and economic recovery of elec­
trolytic Cu from chloride solns., 53, 3634.
sons : H is Life and W ork,” 53, 420/1.
Archbutt, S. L. Discussion on “ An I n ­
Aston, F. W. Iso topic constitution and
vestigation of the Effects of Hydrogen
atom ic weight of P b from difforont
and Oxygen on tho Unsoundness of
sources, 53, 4344.
Coppor-Nickel Alloys,” 51, 256; dis­
Aston, James. Sec Gibboney, J . H .
cussion on H u n t’s paper on “ Somo
Atack, F. W. Book edited by : “ Chem­
Aspects of the Selection of Engineering
ists’ Year-Book, 1933,” 53, 5384.
M aterials,” 53, 4 7 5 4 ; discussion on
Atkinson, J. S. Indust, furnaccs, 53, 661.1.
“ Properties of Somo Temper-Hardening
Atkinson, R. H. Correspondence on “ Woar
Copper Alloys Containing Additions of
in tho Polishing of Plated and Othor
Nickel and Aluminium,” 52, 187 ; dis­
Surfaces,” 52, 108.
cussion on “ Some Effects of tho Addi­
Atkinson, R. H., and Raper, A. R. Election of Tellurium to Lead,”. 52, 86.
trodopn. of Pd, 53, 509/1.
Archer, R. S. Discussion on Dix, Sager,
Atwood, F. C. Relationship between ra d i­
and Sager’s paper on “ Equilibrium
a n t onorgy and paint, 53, 3334.
Relations in Aluminium-Copper-MagAudige, A.. Corrosion. Use of A1 for
nesium and Aluminium-Copper-Magnesliquid fuel containers, 53, 3554.
ium Silicide Alloys of High P u rity ,” 53,
Aulich, P. Practical tests for sands in
foundry, 53, 270/1.
Archer, W. E. Welded A1 tanks, 53, 3974.
Aumann, W. Problem of cold-compress­
Arehipowa, Natalie. Sec Michajlova, Olga.
ing in mnnuf. of scrows, 53, 504 , 7184.
d ’Ardigny, G. Effect of melting loss on
Ausman, Milton A. Processing of tlioricost of Cu alloys, 53, 7154 ; general
atod tungsten filaments, 53, 6924.
romarks on pressure casting, 53, 5724.
Austin, C. R., and Gior, J . R. Modifica­
Arend, R. G. Cu wire scrap, 53, 5744.
tion of Rolin test for investigating creep
Aristov, W. M. Condition of cooling of
of m etals, 53, 5194.
Duralumin forgings, 53, 484 ; rolling of
Austin, C. R., and Halliwoll, G. P. D e­
light alloys in cogging rolls, 53, 3884.
velopm ents in high-temp, alloys in Ni—
Aristov, W. M., and Korneev, N. I. Forg­
Co-Fe system , 53, 1254.
ing and stam ping of Duralumin, (E x­ • Austin, J. B. Vacuum apparatus for
perim ental work), 53, 504.
m easuring therm al expansion a t elevated
Name Index
tem ps., w ith m easurements on P t, Au,
Mg, and Zn, 53, 674.
Averdiek, Robert. See Essor, H ans.
Awbery, J. H., and Griffiths, Ezor. H eats
of combustion of CO in 0 2 and of N20
in CO a t constant pressure, 53, 5764.
Baader, Ernst W ., and Holstein, E rnst.
Book : “ Das Quecksilber,” 53, 5384.
Bachmetew, E. Changes in texture and
mecli. properties of Duralumin duo to
deform ation and subsequent therm al
treatm ent; 53, 30*44 ; structural changes
in D uralum in duo to deform ation ., by
oxtension, 53, 3044.
Bachmetew, E. F., and Gubkin, S. I. D e­
form ation of D uralum in by forging a t
high temps., 53, 504.
Bachmetew, E. F., B otchvar, A. A., Zhda­
nov, G. S., and Umansky, Y. S. Theory
of rocrystallization, 53, 164.
Bachmetew, E. F., Wozdwishenski, M. D.,
Gubkin, S. I., Kossolapow, G. F ., and
llowinski, B. M. Book : “ X -R ay I n ­
vestigation of the N ature of Structural
Changes During Plastic Deformation of
Metals a t H igher Tem peratures ” (in
Russian), 53, 6824.
Backus, H. S. See Swift, E rnest H .
Baden, Anne L. Bibliography on sta n ­
dardization, 53, 5374.
Badger, W alter L. Some phases of history
of chem. engineering, 53, 4764.
Baducci, — . Alloy 43 in architecture, 53,
Bailey, Bruce L. See Ridgway, Raymond
Bailey, Bruce L., and Ridgway, Raymond
R. Dotn. of m axim um current carry­
ing capacity of furnace electrodes, 53,
Bailey, Ivon Arthur. Elected mombor, 51,
Bailey, L. C. Therm al conductivities,
53, 2314.
Baillard, H. Soldor and a r t of wiping
cablo splices, 53, 1004.
Baillie, N. L. Foundry working on rail­
ways, 53, 2044.
Bain, H. F., Eckel, E . C„ Finlay, J . R .,
Frey, J . W., Furness, J . W ., Howefct,
D. F., Julihn, C. E ., Leith, C. K ., Logan,
L., Loughlin, G. F ., McBrido, R. S.,
Road, T. T., Swanson, E. B., Tryon,
F. G., and Bergquist, F . E . Book :
“ Mineral Economics,” 53, 4804 (review).
Baisch, Erich, and W erner, Max. Mechan­
ism of rusting in drops of w ater, 53, 1324.
Baker, E. M., and Merkus, P . J . Pb and
P b-S b anodes for Cr plating, 53, 2524.
Baker, R. E. Aluminium, 53, 1684.
Baker, R. M. Effect of H g vapour on
sliding contacts, 53, 1784.
Baker, Robert. Elected member, 51, 27.
Baker, Robert S. ft to a transform ation
in hot-forged brass, 53, 1234.
Balanescu, Gr., and Motzoc, Maria D.
Dotn. of A1 in presence of H 3P 0 4 by
8-hydroxyquinolino, 53, 3674.
Bales, C. E. P a m p h le t: “ Metal W ear in
th e Refractories In d u stry ,” 53, 4204 ;
w hat m etal wear moans to ceramic
industry, 53, 3 4 0 4 ; sec also Bolo,
G. A.
Balfe, M. P., and Phillips, H . Corrosion
of m etals by ta n liquors. II I.— Corro­
sion of submerged m etals in movement,
53, 224 ; IV ., 53, 6344.
Balke, Clarence W illiam. Eloctod mombor, 51, 26.
Ball, A. S. Selection of alloys of Elektron
typo for casting acroplano parts, 53,
Ballard, Archibald H. See Ridgway, R a y ­
mond R.
Ballard, W. E. Correspondence on “ E x ­
perim ents on Wiro-Drawing. P a rt III .
—Annealing of H.C. Copper Wiros
Drawn to Varying Degrees of H a rd ­
ness,” 52, 244; m etal spraying as pro­
tection against corrosion, 53, 5054 ;
m etal spraying : roviow of process, 53,
Ballay, — . Cu alloys and corrosion, 53,
Ballay, Marcel. Appns. of Ni in elect,
industries, 53, 4 1 7 4 ; eloctrodopn. of
Ni, 53, 5094 ; electrolytic deposits on
A1 and its alloys, 53, 2564 ; scientific
control of oloctro-deposits of Ni and Cr
in industry, 53, 7074 ; spocial cupro­
nickel alloys, 53, 1854; specifications
for electrodoposits, 53, 7 0 9 4 ; ultrarapid Ni plating in Franco, 53, 1374.
Ballay, Marcel, and Lo Thomas, Auguste.
Cu-Ni ulloys containing Si, 53, 1854.
Bally, J. Al cases and boxes, 53, 2774 ;
extra light metallic constructions in light
alloys, 53, 1684; m aterial of textile
industries—bobbins, 53, 4064.
Banco, R. Book : “ Der Magnesit und
seine Verarbeitung,” 53, 4204.
Band, William. Sec Chang, W . Y.
Bandei, G. See Tam m ann, G.
Banerji, D., and Ganguli, Radharam an.
Deposits of m etallic H g by II.-F . dis­
charge, 53, 1784.
Bankwitz, Ernst. Book : “ Die Abhängig­
keit der WerkstofTdämpfung von der
Grösse und Geschwindigkeit der Form ­
änderung,” 53, 614 (review); depend­
ence of m aterial damping on magnitude
und rato of deformation, 53, 2024.
Bär, Otto. Sintered Corundum, 53, 5804.
Barbanel, R. Problem of working Mg
alloys under pressure, 53, 3304.
Barbero, M. Properties of Al castings as
function of casting tem p. Cooling con­
ditions and dissolvod gas, 53, 7144.
Barbour, A. H. E lectricity, gas, and othor
fuels as heating agents, 53, 3834.
Barbour, Percy E. Copper, 53, 4714.
Barchmann, Herbert. See Müller, Erich.
Barclay, W. R.
A utum n Lecture :
“ Twenty-Five Years’ Progress in Metal­
lurgical P lant,” 52, 19; discussion on
“ An Investigation of the Effects of
Hydrogen and Oxygen on the Unsoundness of Copper-Nickel Alloys,” 51, 253.
Name Index
Bardenlieuer, P., and Muller, R. Diffusion
of sprayed-on m etal coatings iiito solid
Fo, 53, 247,1.
Bardin, P, C. Rubbing, polishing, and
buffing m echanically, 53, 1654.
Bardtke, P. Book : “ D arstellung dor gosam ten Schwoisstochnik,” 53, 4294 {re­
Barfield, E. P. Furnaces and kilns, 53,
Bargellesi, G. Protection of metallic sur­
faces against corrosion, 53, 3584.
Barillon, E. G. Mochanics of fluids and
ship propulsion (section on cavitation),
5.3, 2424.
Barker, Pierce. Non-ferrous foundry ingot
shapes.— I., II., 53, 4574.
Barker, V. See W alton, R. H.
Barnard, T. R. Use of A1 in collieries, 53,
Barnes, Edward. Observations on So and
Se02 and oxides of Nj, 53, 3394.
Barnes, Le Roy L. Emission of positive
ions from heated m etals, 53, 232 4 ;
tem p, variation of positive ion emission
from Mo, 53, 2324.
Barnett, S. I . Gvromagnetic ratios for Ni
and Co, 53, 5454.
Baroni, A. Li alloys. I.—Therm al and
X -ray analysis of svstem Li-Sn, 53,
B arrett, Charles S. Discussion on Phelps
and D avey’s paper on “ An X -Ray Study
of tho N aturo of Solid Solutions,” 53,
1 294; naturo of solid soln. of A1 in '
Ag, 53, 4954 ; see also Mohl, R obert F.
Barringer, Lawrence E. Foundry cores
and core binders, 53, 3814.
Barrs, C. E. Discussion on “ Some Effects
of tho Addition of Tellurium to Load,”
51, 84, 85.
Bartells, G. C., and Ekblaw, K . J . T.
Prodn. and use of galvanized roofing
shoots, 53, 5034.
Bartocci, A. See Lucchi, L.
Barton, R. C. See Swift, E rnest H.
Bartunek, E. See Glazunov, Alexander.
Bartuska, R. E. Correspondence on “ Tho
Physical Properties of Zinc a t Various
Stages of Cold-Rolling,” 51, 120.
Bary, J. Cd plating by Udylite process,
53, 274 ; protection of A1 and its alloys
by new “ Protal ” process, 53, 6364.
Basch, D. Six competitive types of cast­
ings, 53, 5704.
Bash, F. E. See H arvey, Doan.
Basil, John L. See Herschmann, H arry K.
Bassett, Albert Edward. Elected member,
51, 313.
Bassett, H. Inorganic chem istry, 53,
1864, 2204.
Bassett, H. N. A1 foil as heat insulator,
53, 6 7 7 4 ; correspondence on ” W ear
in the Polishing of Plated and Other
Surfaces,” 52, 108; heat insulation,
53, 2 7 5 4 ; uses of Cu in buildings.
I.—Cu roofs, 53, 3334.
Bassett, W. H. Be. Developing its use
in industry, 53, 4354 ; see also Yeatm an,
Bastien, Paul. Casting properties of
m etals and alloys, 53, 5394, 6 5 7 4 ;
dissoln. of corrosion products of light
and ultra-light alloys, 53, 6314 ; Mg—
Al-Cu alloys rich in Mg, 53, 5394,
6234 ; see also Portovin, Albert.
Batcheller, J. R. Bridgo method of testing
welds, 53, 3734.
Bateman, G. C. Nickel, 53, 1084.
Bateman, J. W. Manuf. of incandoscont
lamps and their uses, 53, 4604.
Bateman, R. L., and Mathers, F . C.
Eloctrodepn. of Pb from ditliionato
baths, 53, 5624.
Bates, L. F. Correlation of somo therm o oloct. and thormomagnotic d a ta , 53,
Baud, R. V. Tech. m ethods of photo­
elastic research, 53, 2624.
Bauer, 0 . See Masing, G.
Bauer, 0., and H ansen, M. Influonco of
th ird m etals on constitution of brass
alloys. IV .—Influence of Al. Ternary
system Cu—Zn-Al, 53, 1 234; V.—
Influence of Mn. Ternary systom Cu—
Zn-Mn, 53, 1234.
Bauer, 0 ., and Schikorr, G. Action on
Al and its alloys, of fuels contg. alcohol,
53, 2424.
Bauer, 0 ., and Zunkor, P . Effect of temp,
and im purities on rolling of Zn. I .—
Rolling tests on electrolytic and refined
Zn a t different tem ps. II.—Effect of
im purities on rolling of Zn, 53, 2774 ;
effect on donsity of Zn of deform ation
by cold- and hot-rolling, 53, 6124.
Bauer, 0., Vollenbruck, O., and Schikorr, G.
Potential m easurements and dissolution
tests w ith Sn-Cu and Zn-Cu alloys, 53,
Bauer, 0., W eerts, J ., and Vollenbruck, O.
Properties of Monel m etal and similar
Cu-Ni alloys, 53, 1254 , 3474.
Baule, Jam es J. Saving B abbitt by
covering m elting pot, 53, 2684.
Baum, Robert.
Sec Griengl, F ra n z ;
Krem ann, Robert.
Baumann, 0 . Al as cause of cancer, 53,
Baumeister, Leo. Sepn. of Cd from Zn
by H 2S, 53, 354.
Baur, C. H. Vom. Elect, furnace and its
products in U.S.S.R., 53, 5244.
Baur, Herm ann. See Vogel, Rudolf.
Baxter, G. P., and A lter, Chester M.
Atomic weight of Pb from cvrtolito,
53, 4824.
Baxter, G. P., Curio (Mme.) M., Honigschmid, O., Lobeau, P ., and Meyer,
R . J . R eport of atom ic weights com­
mission of International Union of
Chemistry, 53, 1184; th ird roport of
cttee. of atom ic weights of In te r­
national Union of Chemistry, 53, 2304,
Beal, George D., Unangst, R ichard B.,
Wigman, Holen B., and Cox, Gerald J.
Occurrence and detn. of Al in foods.
II.—Al content of foodstuffs cooked in
glass and in Al, 53* 194.
Name Index
Beard, Jam es Willis Nassau. Elected
member, 51, 20; hot brass pressings,
53, 2774.
Bcardman, E. L. See Krivobok, Vsovolod
Beau, Sidy Le. See Kromann, Robert.
Bechard, C. Uso of bimetallic anodes in
electrolytic synthesis of alloys, 53,
Beck, Fred J., Jr., and McKoehan, L. W.
Mono-crystal Barkhausen effects in r o ta t­
ing fields, 53, 1874.
Becker, Erich. B o o k : “ Dio W alzenlager,” 53, 5984 ; manuf. of fine castings
in non-motallic porm anent moulds, 53,
379 4 ; Ni anodes, 53, 8 9 4 ; rollbearings and their manuf., 53, 1484.
Becker, G. Sec Valentiner, S.
Becker, Joseph A. See B rattain, W alter
H ; Sears, R. W.
Becker, K. P a te n t position in field of
hard m etals, 53, 6794.
Becker, Karl. Book : “ Hochschmelzondo
Hartstoffo und ihre technischo Anwondung,” 53, 4264 (review); phys.
properties of refractory compds., 53,
3494 ; see also Agto, Curt.
Becker, M. L. Discussion on “ E xperi­
m ents on th e Effects of V ariations in
Mould and Pouring Tem peratures on
the Macro- and M icrostructures of Somo
Low Melting-Point Motals and Alloys,”
51, 45.
Becker, R., and Orowan, E . Discon­
tinuous oxtonsion of Zn crystals, 53, 764.
Becker, W. A., Gordon, E. E ., and Wissler,
W. A. H aynes Stollito cutting tools,
53, 514.
Beckmann, D. H. H .-F. molting furnaces,
53, 6624.
Bedel, C. H. Magnetic suscoptibility of
ferro-silicons rich in Si, 53, 2374.
P a m p h le t:
“ Alfred
Ivrupp,” 53, 2204.
Beduschi, A. Mazzini. Duralumin or
special steols? 53, 1694.
Beeby, W. L. Handling of m aterials in
mass-prodn. factory, 53, 5374.
Behar, M. F. Book : “ Manual of I n ­
strum entation. P a rt I.— Fundam entals
of Instrum entation,” 53, 2204.
Behre, Chas. H., Jr. Manganese, 53, 4734.
Behrman, A. S., and Gustafson, H . Boliaviour of activated C w ith motallic
water-purification equipm ent, 53, 2924.
v. Beilchert, Wolf. Advances in welding
technique, 53, 5884.
Beilhack, Martin. Repeated im pact tests :
dependence of im pact num ber on falling
weight and height, 53, 2034.
Beischer, D. See Grube, G.
Belaiew, A. P. See Slavinsky, M. P.
Belasio, Riccardo. B o o k : “ Nozioni di
olottrochimica o di analisi olottrolitica,”
53, 5394.
Beldam, W. R. Development of AutoKloan strainers, 53, 4644.
Belfiori, 0 . See Oliviero, A.
Belin, M. Ciisting of brass under pressure,
53, 1514.
N. Book : “ Works*
Methods of Metal Testing ” (in Russian),
53, 2844.
Bell, J. Emission of oloctrons from W
and Mo under action of soft X -rays
from Cu, 53, 6124.
Belladen, L. Cathodic disintegration of
m etallic alloys.— III.-IV ., 53, 1864.
Belov, A. F. Book : “ Somo Proportios
of L ight Alloy Shoots ” (in Russian),
53, 5984.
Belov, A. F., and Repkin, I. S. Effect of
cold-rolling treatm ent on properties of
Duralumin, 53, 2944.
Bencko, V. See Dub sky, J . V.
Bendig, M., and Hirschmüllor, H . Dotn.
of Mn, Fo, and Ti w ith B. Lango’s
photooloct. eolorimoter, 53, 4524.
Bendix, F. Uso of A1 alloys for construc­
tion of stills and rectifying apparatus
for alcohol, 53, 6314.
Benedetti-Pichler, A. A. See W einstein,
Lily I.
Benedicks, C. Superconductivity of alloys
from pliase-thoory point of view, 53,
Benedicks, C., and Sederholm, P . T est of
largo m etallurgical microscope of Carl
Zeiss, Jena, 53, 964.
Bengough, G. D. Corrosion of motals in
salt solns. and sea-wator, 53, 7044.
Bengough, G. D., and W hitby, L. Paper :
“ Magnesium Alloy Protection by Selen­
ium and Other Coating Processes. Part
I I ,” 52, 85.— Discussion : U. R. Evans,
88 ; H . Sutton, 89.— Reply to discussion,
Bengough, G. D., and Wormwell, F.
Theory of motallic corrosion in light of
quant, measurements. V I.—D istribu­
tion of corrosion, 53, 4424.
Bengston, H., and P o ttit, R. E. Alumilito,
53, 6 3 6 4 ; Alumilito process for docorating and protecting Al products, 53,
2454, 3104, 7054.
Benson, C. See Cranston, J . A.
Bent, Henry E. Aro liquid Na amalgams
colloidal ? 53, 4934.
Bentley, H. Dio-castings in Al-bronzo, 53,
5224 ; small-scrow prodn., 53, 6674 ;
usoful hints on drilling m etals, 53, 2164.
Benton, — . H eat-treatm ent w ithout d e ­
trim ental finish, 53, 1604.
Berchen, S. N. See Painton, Edgar.
Berg, P. P. D etn. of degree of dispersion
of clay-contg. moulding sands, 53, 660.4.
Berger, J. Sources of supply for elect,
welding particularly d.c. generators, 53,
v. Bergkampf, Erich Schwarz. See Schwarz
von Bergkampf, Erich.
Bergman, Elmer 0 . See Gilkoy, H erbert J .
Bergmann, A. See Guortler, W.
Bergquist, F. E. See Bain, H . F.
Berl, Ernst, and Lunge, Georg. B o o k :
“ Chemisch-technischo Untorsuchungsmothodon,” 53, 574.
Berndt, G. Book : “ Messwerkzeuge und
Messverfahren für Metallbearbeitende
Betriebe,” 53, 2204.
Name Index
v. Bernewitz, M. W. Metals in Govern­
m ent Printing Offico, 53, 106.1.
Bernheim, Jean Flcury-. See Floury-Bornheim , Joan.
Bernhoeit, Chr. Operation of directly*
driven 1500-ton press a t prossuro of 300
atm .—I .- I L , 53, 51/1.
Bernhoeft, K. Modern plants for wiro
drawing.—I., 53, 718/1.
Bernstein, Lewis. Sonsitivo tost for Bi,
53, 317.4.
Berolzheimer, D. D. See W est, Claronco J.
Berowa, Elena. Thesis : “ Verbindungon
von Goldlogierungon durch Angiosson
und durcli L oten,” 53, 424/1.
Berry, E. F. Model m etal-coating rosearcli
lab., 53, 256/1.
Berry, J. W. Cold-working of motals, 53,
Bersin, Theodor. P p tn . of H aT o04 as
hoxamminechromic salt, 53, 370/1.
Bertella, A. Im pact values of some m etals
as dotorminod on now tentative standard
test-pioco proposed a t Zurich Congress,
53, 143/1.
Berthold, R. Capacity and economy of
X -ray m ethod for testing wolds, 53,
Bertl, Erhard. Elcctrodepositod protec­
tive coatings and their uso in wiro and
cablo industry, 53, 91/1.
Bertrand, E. Reactive paper for detecting
M o; appn. to detection and rapid dotn.
in steels, 53, 318/1.
Bethe, G. Cliom. and phys. characteristics
of photoeloetrically-activo H a content of
P t and Pd, 53, 2274.
Beutel, Ernst, and Kutzelnigg, Artur.
Possibility of following recrystn. of Ag
by surface colouring with FoCI3, 53,
227.4; uso of soa-wator for colouring
metals, 53, 53/1, 719.1.
Bewley, J. P. See Wiley, R . C.
Beyers, E. See John, W. E.
Beynon, C. E. Corrosion fundamentals,
53, 358.4.
Bhatnagar, S. S., and K apur, P yara Lai.
Magnetic properties of solid solns., 53,
Bianelii, C. A1 in equipm ent of varnish
m anufacturers, 53, 5904.
Bibber, Leon C. Experim ental dotn. of
values of fillet wolds in tension, 53, 401/1.
Bibikowa, V. See K ronm ann, E.
Biemiller, Lawrence E. Indust, furnaces
for gas, 53, 444 ; indust, furnaces for
gas. X V II.—Ovens in elect, industry
and for heat-treating, 53, 994.
Bierbaum, Christopher H. Corrosion offects
of lubricants on boaring surfaces, 53,
Bigg, C. W. Sound non-ferrous castings,
53, 1474.
Biggs, H. C. See Hyslop, J . F.
Bigsby, V. L. Efficiency of Rli plating
baths, 53, 447/1.
Bihlmaier, Karl. Correction of Ag baths,
53, 4474 ; uso of denatured salt for
silvering brass, 53, 3 9 5 4 ; see also
Raub, E.
Bilfinger, R., and Elssner, G. W hat is
value of “ Panzer ” Cr bath in Cr plating
tochniquo? 53, 446/1.
Billiter, — . World progross in oloctrolytic
refining of Cu, Ni, Sn, Zn, P b, Na, Al,
and Mg, 53, 1394.
Billiter, Jean. B ook: “ Tochnischo E lek­
trochemio,” 53, 634 (review).
Billiter, Jean, Fuchs, F ., and Pfloidoror, G.
B o o k : “ H andbuch der technischen
Elektrochomio. Vol. 2, P a rt 1. Dio
toclmischo Elektrolyso wässeriger Lösun­
gen. B. Anwendungen in dor Chorni­
schen Industrie. 1. Anorganischer T eil:
Elektrolyse des Wassors gotronnto D a r­
stellung von Chlor und Alkali,” 53, 607/1
Billon, — . See Guichard, — .
Biltz, Heinrich. Simultaneous electrolytic
dotn. of Pb and Cu, 53, 452/1.
Biran, — De. Marino appns. of Al, 53,
Birch, Francis.
Elcct. resistance and
critical point of Hg, 53, 24.
Bircumshaw, L. L. Gases in motals, 53,
Birett, W. Cold Cr plating, 53, 446/1;
hard oloctrodepositod Cr, 53, 8 7 4 ;
m odern Cr plating plant, 53, 1364,
2514, 3104 ; see also Illig, Iv.
Birge, Raymond T. Calculation of errors
by mothod of least squares, 53, 5374.
Birjukow, J. P. Book : “ Technology of
Electrical Materials (M etals)” (in R u s­
sian), 53, 574.
Bitter, Francis. E xperim ents on nature
of forromagnotism, 53, 8 4 ; m agnetiza­
tion of ferromagnetic crystals, 53, 3064 ;
some properties of homogeneously dis­
torted cubic ferromagnetic lattices, 53,
231/1; tropism of crystals, 53, 1924.
Bjurström, R. X -ray analysis of systems
F e-B , Co-B, and N i-B , 53, 6294.
Blackall, A. C. Now bond testing machine,
53, 6534.
Blackwood, R. R. Is high ductility an
im portant property of weld motals?
53, 403/1.
Blades, — . Sound non-ferrous castings,
53, 147/1.
Blain, Roy. Soldering and its importance
to telephone industry, 53, 281/1.
Blair, C. P., and Pond, C. E. Pulverized
coal for forge furnaces is oxcollont and
cheap, 53, 2724.
Blake, F. C. Intensity formula for powder
mothod of crystal analysis, 53, 5544.
Blanc, M. Le, and Erlor, W. Solid soln.
system Au—Ag and its attackability by
H N 0 3, 53, 1844.
Blanchetiere, A., and Arnoux, M. Now
semi-micro- and micro-dotn. of Mg, 53,
Blandy, — • Sound non*forrous castings,
53, 147/1.
Blank, F. Mosaic structure of crystals,
53, 3534.
Blattner, Robert Herman. Elocted m em ­
ber, 51, 27.
Clement. Correspondence
Name Index
Thompson’s papor on “ The Case
A gainst Standardization of Chemical
Analysis,” 53, 315/1; see also W alton,
R. H.
Block, Natalie. Sec Bottgor, W.
Blok, N. I., Naumow, W . A., and llonsliina,
N. M. Book : “ Qimlitativo Analysis ”
(in Russian), 53, 283/1.
Blomquist, H. F. Uso of non-ferrous
service pipes a t present prices, 53, 596/1.
Blue, R. D., and Mathers, F . C. Eloctrodepn. of m etals and alloys from
HCONH2 solns., 53, 511/1.
Blume, H. Sn-bronzes w ith high Pb
content as novel bearing m aterials in
automobilo construction, 53, 414/1.
Blumenthal, B. See Hanson, M.
Blumenthal, B., and Hanson, M. I n ­
fluence of Cd and Pb on properties of
Al, 53, 120/1.
Blumenthal, Herbert. D etn. of Sb con­
ten t of commercial Cu, 53, 452/1.
Boas, W. X -ray dotn. of soly. of Cd in
Zn, 53, 18/1.
Boas, W ., and Schmid, E. Lauo diagram s
w ith largo diffraction angles, 53, 265/1 ;
structure of surface of cut m etal crystals,
53, 189/1.
Bochvar. See Botchvar.
Bock, F. K. Diamond and W idia, 53,
Bodenstein, M., H ahn, O., Honigschmid, 0 .,
and Meyer, R . J . i 1th report of Gorman
commission for atom ic weights, 53,
Bodmer, A., and Nisollo, L. B o o k :
“ Lo Chauffago au Charbon Pulvoris6,”
53, 420/1.
Boehm, Wolfgang. Dotg. Pb in mixod
solder and white m otal residues, 53,
Boehm, Wolfgang, and Jorre, Wolfgang.
Sampling of zinciferous white motals,
53, 94/1.
Martin. Book
“ K altw alzbuch,” 53, 598.4.
Boetticher, Martin. Resoarches on capa­
bility of conduction of heat of magnosito
blocks, 53, 210/1.
Bogoljubow, W. A. Book : “ Docarbonization of Ferromanganese in the Electric
Arc Furnace ” (in R ussian), 53, 598.4;
Bohacek, K arl Albin. Elected member,
52, 15.
Bohn, D. I., and Hoglund, G. O. R e­
sistance welding of Al and its alloys,
53, 587.4, 720/1.
Bohner, H. Autogenous wolding of Al
and its alloys, 53, 331/1 ; behaviour of
Al and its alloys towards m aterials of
chorn. and foodstuffs industries, 53,
631/1 ; mech. and chem. properties of
alloys of Al with Cr, Fo, Mg, Mn, Ti, and
V, 53, 694/1; welding of Al and its
alloys, 53, 586.4.
Bohner, H., and Vogel, R. Rocrystn. and
recovery after cold-working of puro Al
and some age-hardening Al alloys of
Al-Cu base, 53, 128/1.
Hans. Modern
m ethods for increasing purity of Al ;
tech. significance and operation, 53,
643/1 ; normal and invorso segregation
of Al-Cu alloys, 53, 41/1; norm al and
invorso segregation of Al-Cu alloys in
relation to ra te of solidification, 53,
120/ 1 .
Bolchovitinov, N. F. Alloys for pressurocastings, 53, 41/1 ; Al alloys for pistons,
53, 101/1; quostion of bearing alloys,
53, 299/1.
Bole, G. A., and Bales, C. E . R oport of
cttoe. C—8 of A.S.T.M. on refractorios,
53, 524.4.
Bolitho, Hector. Book : “ Alfred Mond,
F irst Lord Melchott,” 53, 684/1 (review).
Bollenrath, F. Measurements of ex­
pansion of Al casting alloys for m otor
cylinders, 53, 618/1 ; now optical
dilatomoter.—I., 53, 650/1.
Bolton, J. W. See Mooro, H . F.
Boltunov, J. A. See Zhukov, I. I.
Bombom, B. Book : “ Die nouo Patontund Gobrauchsmustorrocht,” 53, 598/1.
Bommen, B. W. Sec T ronstad, L.
Bondy, Otto. Now Gorman wolding
symbols, 53, 167/1.
Bonnet, C. F. See McKay, N. H .
Bonnot, Maurice. See Portovin, Albert.
Boon, W. Appn. of pulverized fuel to
foundry industry, 53, 384/1.
Booth, Harold C. Tumbling barrels for
finishing, 53, 165/1.
Booth, Harold Simmons, and Guildfrary,
Sponcor. Bo. IV.—Micro-qual. analysis
of Bo, 53, 319.4.
Borchers, Heinz. Resistance limits in
parting of Au, 53, 139/1; thesis: “ U n­
tersuchung über Beryllium und das
System K upfer-Beryllium ,” 53, 424A*
Borchert, W. Rust-protective m otal coat­
ings, 53, 510/1.
Borgman, C. W. Testing of motallic
coatings, 53, 196/1.
Borin, F. P. See Botchvar, A. M.
Borlinghause, Gustaf. Measuring tem p,
of Zn baths, 53, 145/1.
Borodulin, M. W. Book : “ Motal Colour­
ing ” (in Russian), 53, 283/1; resistance
of m aterials for chem. plant, 53, 139/1.
Borrow, G. N. D istribution of stross in
fillet-welds, 53, 54/1.
Boss, Arno. T h esis: “ Dio doutscho
H üttenindustrie der Metallegierungen.
Entwicklung und volkswirtsclie B edeut­
ung der Industrio der Aufbereitung von
Altmetallen und R ückständen von
Kupfer, Zinn, Zink, Blei und deren
Legierungen,” 53, 425/i.
Bosshard, M. Binary Al-Mn alloys, 53,
10/1, 233/1; conductivity of Al solid
solns., 53, 694.4.
Boston, 0. W. Discussion on Morris’s
paper on “ Machinability of FrooCutting Brass R od,” 53, 215A.
Botchvar, A. A. R ational terminology in
field of heat-treatm ent of alloys, 53,
329.4 ; see also Bachmetew, E . F.
Botchvar, A. A., and Gorew, K . W.
Structure of hyper- and hypo-eutectic
Nam e Index
alloys, 53, 238/1; structuro of some
ternary eutectics, 53, 238/1.
Botchvar, A. A., and Maurakli, A. A.
CoofT. of linear expansion of antifriction
m etals, 53, 439/1.
Botchvar, A. A., and Merkurjow, N. E.
Rocrystn. of Sn-rich solid solns., 53,
Botchvar, A. A., and W elitschko, I. P.
Equilib. diagr. of Mg-Zn alloys, 53,
Botchvar, A. M., and Grazianov, A. K.
Be and its alloys (collection of tran s­
lations of foreign articles), 53, 113/1.
Botchvar, A. M., Borin, F . P., and Yosolovich, M. Prevention of liquation in
white anti-friction alloys by addition of
Ni, 53, 150/1.
Bottema, J. A. See Jaeger, F . M.
Bottema, J. A., and Jaeger, F . M. Law of
additive atom ic heats in intermotallic
compds. IX .—Compds. of Sn and Ail,
and of Au and Sb, 53, 13/1; law of
additive atom ic heats in case of inter­
motallic mixed crystals. X .—Ag and
Au, 53, 14/1.
Bottenberg, W erner. II.-F . induction fur­
nace.—V III., 53, 575/1.
Bijttger, W ., with Block, Natalie, and
Michoff, M. Use of H g cathode, 53,
Bottger, Wilhelm. Book edited by?
“ Physikatische Methodon der analytischen Cliemie,” 53, 283/1.
Boulanger, Ch. Protection of A1 or its
alloys, 53, 23/1.
Bourgeois, — . Some chem. and phys.
phenomena, 53, 22/1.
Bouton, G. M. See Schumacher, Earle E.
Boutte, A. Autogenous welding applied
to Cu loco, fire-boxes, 53, 398.1 ; au to ­
genous welding practice in Franco and
abroad, 53, 219/1.
Bowen, A. R. See Nash, Alfred W.
Bowen, W. Pyrom etric economies, 53,
457/1, 656.4.
Bower, Jam es Graham. Elected mombor,
51, 27.
Bowie, Robert M. See Fox, Gerald W.
Bowman, John J. W elding Ai w ith metallic
arc, 53, 587/1.
Boyd, T. A. Process industries as p u r­
veyors to m otor-car, 53, 597/1.
Boyer, — . Elect, induction furnaco for
heat-treating and reheating, 53, 156/1.
Bozorth, Richard M. Theory of ferrom ag­
netic anisotropy of singlo crystals, 53,
Bozorth, Richard M., and Dillinger, Joy F.
Barkhauson effect.
III .— N ature of
change of magnetization in elem entary
domains, 53, 8/1.
Brace, P. H. Discussion on Constant’s
paper on “ The Electron Theory and
Magnetism,” 53, 231/1.
Bradbury, J. Gas in wire-drawing indus­
try, 53, 154k.
Braddick, H. J . J., and Ditchburn, R. W.
Absorption of light in Cs vapour, 53,
Braddock, H. A. T ernary alloy in R och­
dale, 53, 72/1.
Bradley, Albert James. Elocted member,
51, 26; correspondence on “ The Con­
stitution of tho Aluminium-Rich Alumin­
ium-Copper Alloys above 400° C.,” 52,
Bradley, Albert James, and Ja v , A. H.
L attice spacings of Fe-A l alloys, 53,
Bradley, Albert James, and Jones, Phyllis.
Paper : “ An X-Ray Investigation of the
Copper-Aluminium Alloys,” 51, 131.—
Discussion: C. F . Elam (Mrs. Tipper),
157; (Miss) M. L. V. Gayler, 157; I.
Obinata, 158. Reply to discussion, 158.
— Correspondence : N. Ageew, 159 ; D.
Stockdale, 159.— Reply to correspondence,
101 .
Bradley, F. W. See Yoatm an, Pope.
Bradley, R. S. Methods for servicing noble
m etal thermocouples, 53, 539/1, 569/1.
Brady, George S. Cr plating for abrasion
and corrosion-resistanee, 53, 508.4.
Brady, Jam es J. Photo-elect, properties
of alkali m etal films as function of thick­
ness, 53, 4/1.
Bragg, Leslie B. Short cut to ultim a to
analysis of coal, 53, 384/1.
Brandenberger, E. Material testing with
X -rays, 53, 655.4.
Brandes, H., and Volmer, M. Theory of
crystal growth, 53, 354/4.
Brastow, W. C. See Ogburn, S. C.
Brattain, W alter H., and Becker, Joseph A.
Thermionic and adsorption character­
istics of T h on W, 53, 290/1.
Braunbek, W erner. E lect, conductivity of
H g a t high tem ps., 53, 178/1 ; oloct.
conductivity of H g a t high tem ps, and
pressures, 53, 66/1.
Braund, B. K. Throwing power of plating
solns. with particular reference to certain
Zn-plating solns., 53, 90/1.
Brazener, — . Discussion on oil-fired fur­
naces, 53, 157/1.
Brazener, W. F. Discussion on “ The D is­
tribution of Porosity in Coppor Ingots,”
51, 298; manuf. of Cu firobox plates,
53, 104.4.
Breau, H. Cu and bronze in antiquity,
53, 680/1; varnish, patina, and paint
on Cu, 53, 86/1.
Bregman, Adolph. Metal m anufg. and
finishing industries of U.S.A., 53, 4704.
Brennecke, R. See Dickons, Peter.
Brennecke, R., and Franko, A. Elect,
welding, 53, 589.4.
Brenner, P., Sauerwald, F., and Gatzek, W.
Form ation of blisters during heat-treatm ent of ago-liardenable Al alloys, 53,
329/1, 6954.
Brenner, Paul. B ook: “ Jahrcsbericht
1932 der Stoff-Abteilung der D.V .L.,”
53, 60S4 (review); corrosion and pro­
tection against corrosion, of Al rolling
alloys in construction o f' airplanes, 53,
193 4 ; corrosion testing from point of
view’ of constructor, 53, 133/1 ; corrosion
tests with D uralplat riveted joints, 53,
Name Index
784 ; influence of heat-treatm ent on
corrosion-resistance of Duralumin, 53,
774 ; m aterial questions in construction
of aeroplanes, 53, 1074 ; m aterials for
aircraft construction, 53, 4654 ; stresscorrosion cracks of light metals, 53, 2424.
Brennert, Sven. Corrosion of Sn. “ E tc h ­
ings ” and “ black spots,” 53, 784.
Brett, B. Powell. Modern drop-forging
equipm ent and its services to railway
engineer, 53, 1634.
Brian, James. Choosing A1 fluxes, 53,
Brick, R. M. See Phillips, A rthur.
Brickwedde, F. G. See Silsbee, F . B.
Bridge, Arthur F., and Hough, Frederic A.
Cu pipe for gas distribution, 53, 1704.
Bridgman, P. W. Compressibilities and
pressure coeff. of resistance of elements,
compd8., and alloys, m any of them
anomalous, 53, 2 934; effoct of homo­
geneous mech. stress on elect, resistance
of crystals, 53, 2304 ; effect of pressure
on elect, resistance of 15 m etals down
to liquid 0 2 tem p., 53, 2304, 2924 ;
effect of pressure on elect, resistance of
single m etal crystals a t low tem p., 53,
Briggs, Charles Frederick. Elected student
member, 51, 313.
Brinn, Jam es. Dotn. of Pb, Cu, and Mn
in Mn-bronzo, 53, 7104 ; note for galvanizers, 53, 2464 ; P in red brass, 53,
Brislee, F. J. Corner m etals of elect, dis­
tribution : Cu, Al, and Pb, 53, 3384.
Brissenden, W. E. See Colo, L. Hober.
Britton, Hubert Thomas Stanley. E lectro­
chem istry. Cr plating, 53, 1374.
Britton, Hubert Thomas Stanley, and
W estcott, Oliver Brentwood. Electrodopn. of Cr from tervalent Cr salt soins.
I.— CrCl3 and Cr2(S04)3 baths, 53, 874 ;
I I.—Cr acetate, oxalate, and tartrate
baths, 53, 2504, 5074.
Britton, S. C., and Evans, U. R . Scientific
study of protective painting, 53, 5564,
Britzke, E. V., and K apustinsky, A. F.
Affinity of m etals for sulphur. V.—
General conclusions, 53, 4874.
Britzke, E. V., Kapustinsky, A. F., and
Wesselowsky, B. K. Affinity of m etals
for sulphur. IV.—Dissociation of sul­
phides of Zn and Mn, 53, 4874.
Brock, J. Al p lan t for spirit varnishes
and cellulose lacquers, 53, 1014.
Brock, M. De. Casting heads in bronze
foundry, 53, 2064.
Broniewski, — , and Smialowski, — .
A l-Si allovs.—I., 53, 1 0 4 ; II., 53,
Broniewski, W., and Jaslan, S. Effoct of
0 2 on properties of Cu, 53, 2264.
Broniewski, W., and Lewandowski, — .
Deoxidizing brasses, 53, 5214.
Broniewski, W ., and Smolinski, J . Struc­
ture of F e-N i alloys, 53, 4384.
Brook, Henry Dronfield. Elected student
member, 51, 26.
VOL. L in .
Brooke, F. W. Discussion on C onstant’s
paper on “ The Electron Theory and
Magnetism,” 53, 2314.
Brookes, F. J. Installation and upkeep
of thormo-couplo pyrometers, 53, 984.
Brosius, R. Causos of formation of Zn
dust, 53, 4504.
Brown, D. Dem onstration of eddy cur­
rents in conductors of various shapes,
53, 4884.
Brown, Harold Arthur. Elected member,
51, 27 ; nom inated as Mombor of Council,
52, 14.
Browne, F. L. Al prim er. I.—D urability
of p a in t on longleaf and shortleaf pine,
53, 5924.
Browning, Philip E. E stn. of T1 after
oxidation w ith Br, 53, 2594.
Brownsdon, H. W. Nom inated as Member
of Council, 52, 14; discussion on
“ Experim ents on W ire-Drawing. P a rt
I I I ,—Annealing of H.C. Copper W ires
Drawn to Varying Degrees of H ardness,”
52, 242; discussion on “ Some Effects
of the Addition of Tellurium to Lead,”
51, 87 ; discussion on “ The D istribution
of Porosity in Copper Ingots,” 51, 297;
discussion on “ The Physical Properties
of Zinc a t Various Stages of ColdRolling,” 51, 117.
Brownsdon, H. W., Cook, Maurice, and
Miller, H . J . P a p e r: “ Properties of
Some Temper-Hardening Copper Alloys
Containing Additions of Nickel and
Aluminium,” 52, 153.— Discussion : D.
Hanson, 185; E. Vaders, 186; S. L.
A rchbutt, 187; E. H . Bucknall, 187;
N. F. S. H ubbard, 188; A. J . Murphy,
188.— Reply to discussion, 189.— Cor­
respondence : F. Johnson, 191.— Reply
to correspondence, 192.
v. Bruchhausen, F. Book edited by :
” Anleitung zur qualitativen Analyse,”
53, 2864.
Brückner, Horst, and Seufert, Gert.
Furnaoo for detn. of ash of solid fuels,
53, 2734.
Brüggen, M. G. van. See Arkel, A. E. van.
Brumfield, R. C. Precious m etal alloys
53, 2354.
Brunck, 0 . Gravimetric detn. of Ca and
sepn. from Mg, 53, 6484.
Brüning, Hans, and Sieverts, Adolf.
Elect, resistance between 160° and 310°
C. of Pd wires charged w ith H 2, 53, 2904.
Brunnckow, W. Position and results of
pressure casting method, 53, 6594.
Brunovskii, B. K. See Zviagintzev, O. E.
Bruzzone, T. B o o k : “ II calcolo dei
tempi nolle lavorazione meccaniche,”
53, 4294 (review).
Bryan, J. M. Effect of p h on corrosion
of Sn, 53, 2424.
Bryne, B. R. Possibilities of elect, furnace
in foundry, 53, 6624.
Buchanan, W. Y. Sand testing in foundry,
53, 3274, 3824, 5224.
Bucherer, H. Th., and Meier, F. W. Quant,
detn. of Ca by filtration m ethod 53,
Nam e Index
Buchholz, H. Autogenous welding of
Al and its alloys, 53, 331/1.
Buchkremer, R. See R öntgen, P.
Buchmann, W. See Thum , A.
Buchner, Georg. Gr plating light metals,
especially Al and Al alloys, 53, 252.4 ;
oloctrolytie prodn. of protoctivo oxide
films on Al and its alloys especially for
subsequent colouring, 53, 279/1; Mo
in m etal colouring, 53, 53/1; rustprotecting action of Cd doposits, 53,
87.4; use of sal-ammoniac in m etal
industry, 53, 164.4.
Büchting, — , and Klemperer, H . Opera­
tion and temp, regulation of elect,
furnaces w ith current rectifiers, 53,
Buckingham, F. Effects of frost on watercharged P b and Cu pipes, 53, 338.4.
Bucknall, E. H. Discussion on “ E x ­
perim ents on Wire-Drawing. P a rt III .
— Annealing of H.C. Coppor Wires
Drawn to Varying Degrees of H ardness,”
52, 240; discussion on “ Properties of
Some Tem per-Hardening Copper Alloys
Containing Additions of Nickel and
Aluminium,’* 52, 187; discussion on
“ Some Effects of the Addition of Tel­
lurium to L ead,” 51, 86; discussion on
“ The Application of the Diamond
Pyram id Indentation T est to Coppor
and Copper-Rich Alloys in the io r m
of Thin S trip ," 51, 227; discussion on
“ The Fatigue-Resisting Properties of
L ight Aluminium Alloys a t Elevated
Tem peratures,” 51, 170.
Budgen, N. F. Al and Al alloy founding,
53, 266.4; Al m etallurgy, 53, 377,4 ;
book: “ Aluminium and Its Alloys,”
53, 57/1; trend and progress of Al, 53,
Budnikov, P. P. R efractory fireclay ware
produced by dry pressing a t CliasovY arsk p lant “ Ukrogneupor,” 53, 386,4.
Budnikov, P. P., and E ndovitsky, B. I.
Introduction of secondary kaolin in
firebrick m ix for increasing alumina
content and refractoriness, 53, 387.4,
Budnikov, P. P., and Mandelgrin, L. L.
Cliromite-Dinas brick, 53, 274/1.
Budnikov, P. P., and Müller, W. E x ­
pansion behaviour of regular and black
silica brick, 53, 274,4.
Budnikov, P. P., and Tabakov, Z. Ya.
Magnesite refractories, 53, 580/1.
Bugakov, V. Investigation of “ critical
interval ” in work-hardoning of “ Ger­
m an silver ” and “ alum inium -bronze,”
53, 50A .
Bugakov, V., and Davidenkov, N. Effect
of work-hardening on properties of
brass, 53, 298/1.
Bugbee, Edward E. Book : “ A TextBook of Fire-Assaying,” 53, 598.1;
effect of P t m etals in -asssaying, 53,
Bühl, A., and Coeterer, F . Prodn. of
homogeneous m agnetic fields, 53, 323/1.
Bamrn, H . Sec Döblinger, U.
Bunet, P. Induction, furnaces, 53, 523/1;
induction furnaces (International Con­
gress of Electricity), 53, 271/1.
Bunje, — . F a st light m iisers of recent
construction, 53, 676.'JT
Bunn, C. W. Adsorption, oriented over­
growth and mixed crystal form ation,
53, 630.4.
Burden, B. C. Acid core soldor used in
tolepliono work, 53, 281/i.
Burgers, W. G. Origin of plasticity of
singlo crystals.—II., 53, 613/1; rocrystn. power and shear hardening in
Al single-crystals, 53, 188/1.
Burgers, W. G., and Elonbaas, W. Zonolike structuro of oloctrolytically deposited
N i films, 53, 497,4.
Burgers, W. G., and Ploos v a n Amstol,
J . J . A. R elation between hardoning
and recrystn. properties associated with
plastic deform ation of m etals. IV.—
R ecrystn. of Al single-crystals, 53, 225/1.
Burington, R. S. Book : “ Handbook of
M athem atical Tables and Form ulas,”
53, 598.4.
Burkhardt, A., and Sachs, G. Influence of
small am ts. of impurities on mech. and
chom. (corrosion) properties of Zn, 53,
Burman, J. B. Vote of thanks to, 52, 17.
Burmeister, Werner. See Schlottor, M.
H. B o o k :
“ Special
Stools,” 53, 220.4.
Burns, John L. Sec Sauvour, Albert.
Burrows, G., and Clark, F. L. Mo rosistanco-furnace of now design, 53, 662/1.
Burstyn, W. A pparatus for purification
of Hg, 53, 261/1.
Bushmakin, I. N. See Ryssakov, M. W.
Busse, C. See Siobo, P.
Busse, W. Rontgonographic exam ination
of largo cliem. apparatus, 53, 325/1.
Butcher, W. T. Correspondence on “ Some
Effects of the Addition of Tellurium to
Lead,” 51, 89.
Butler, Raymond R. Eyo protection in
welding operations, 53, 405,4.
Butts, Allison. Book : “ A Text-Book of
Metallurgical Problems,” 53, 223.4 (re­
Butziger, A. Mist romoval from Cr-plating
baths w ith and w ithout oxhaustors, 53,
Byczkov, N. See Akulov, N.
Byers, J. L. Effect of P t m etals in assay­
ing, 53, 94A ; surface effects on assay
bands caused by m etals of P t group,
53, 514A .
Caglioti, V. Sec Parravano, N.
Caglioti, V., and Sachs, G. Prodn. of sp.
tensions by stretching, 53, 229.4 ; roll­
ing texture of Zn and Mg, 53, 130^4.
Caillon, A. See Fleury R. do.
Caillon, A., and Fleury, R .'d e . Melting
Mg : casting in green sand, 53, 149/1.
Calcott, W. S., and Olivo, Theodore R.
Choosing and using m aterials for chom.
p lan t construction, 53, 83^1.
Nam e Index
Caldwell, Frank R. Tlicrmoelect. proper­
ties of P t-R h alloys, 53, 301/1.
Calfee, R. K. See McHargue, J . S.
Calhane, D. F., and Albor, C. Malcolm.
Ta and Nb cathodes versus P t cathodes
for electro-analysis, 53, 310/1, 711/1.
Callendar, G. S. Roduction of P t resist­
ance thormom eters to internat, tomp.
scalo, 53, 98/1.
Callendar, L. H. Correspondence on “ The
Electrical Conductivity of Aluminium
W ire,” 51, 214; dotn. of Si in Al, 53,
30/1 ; paper : “ Graphitic Silicon, HeatTreatment, and the Electrical Conduct­
ivity of Aluminium,” 51, 199.— Discus­
sion : A. G. C. Gwyor, 20G ; T. Turner,
207 ; R. Soligman, 208 ; W. Rosenhain,
209; (Miss) M. L. V. Gaylor, 210.—
Reply to discussion, 210.
Cambi, L. Hoavy non-forrous m otals in
Italy , 53, 4704.
Cambi, L., and Toja, V. Electrolytes for
Zn. I.—Purification from Ni, 53, 139/1.
Campbell, A. B. See Capp, J . A.
Campbell, C. Cr plating, 53, 884 ; tre a t­
m ent of P t - I r scrap, 53, GO14.
Campbell, F. H., and Hook, R. H . R educ­
tion of Fo*" salts by Ilg (Borar’s
m ethod), 53, 3174.
Campbell, H. L. Influence of hum idity
on proportios of dry-sand corcs, 53,
Campbell, W. E. Sensitivo m ethod of
m easuring corrosion, 53, 502/1.
Campbell, William. Book : “ Greek and
Rom an Plated Coins,” 53, 0844 (review).
Campbell, William, and Timm, E. E.
R eport of ctteo. B -2 of A.S.T.M. on
non-ferrous m etals and alloys, 53, 4014,
Canac, François. Method of corrosion and
susceptibility to corrosion of m etals by
diffusod light, 53, 2434.
Candea, C., and Sauciuc, L. I. Detection
and sepn. of chem. elements of second
group (Pb, H g” , Bi, Cu, Cd), 53, 4514 ;
detection and sepn. of chem. elements
of third analytical group, 53, 4514.
Candy, R. H. Prevalence of P b poisoning
in India, 53, 4734.
Canfield, R. H. Internal friction ofe Fo
and Fo alloys, 53, 3034.
Canneri, G. Alloys of P r and Al, 53, 3494 ;
alloys of P r and Mg, 53, 4384.
Canneri, G., and Rossi, A. H e at of form a­
tion of La and Mg, and La and Al
compds., 53, 124/1.
Capello, E. See Sulliotti, G.
Capère, — . Automobilo m achinory in
1931, 53, 4664.
Capp, J. A. R eport of ctteo. B - l of
A.S.T.M. on Cu wire, 53, 3334.
Capp, J. A., and Campboll, A. B. R eport
of soctional ctteo. of A.S.T.M. on Zn
coatings of iron and stool, 53, 2474, 5034.
Carlton, Eric Howard Aston. Elected
membor, 51, 314.
Carlz, J. Franklin. How much does it
cost to train foundry apprentices ? 53,
4 >A.
Carnochan, R. K. See Cole, L. Heber.
Carpenter, (Sir) H. C. H. E gyptian axohoad of great antiquity, 53, 114.4;
metuls in servico of hum an Jife and
industry, 53,, 533.1.
Carr, W. M. Indust, usos for gas, 53, 383-1.
Carrero, J. Gonzalez. See Montequi, R.
Carriga, J . Vasquez-. See Vasquez-Carriga,
Carson, Robert W. See MacGalian, Paul.
Carter, Allen W. Finishing of brass starapings for autom otive hardware, 53, 534.
Carter, F. E. Effect of P t m etals in
assaying, 53, 944.
Carter, Glenn 0 . Phases of gas welding,
53, 4034.
Carter, J. F. Al primer. III .—Mill prim ­
ing and trado promotion, 53, 5924.
Carter, Jam es H. X -ray investigation of
Fo-Cu system. Study of corrosion of
galvanized shoot iron, 53, 794.
Cartland, J. Discussion on H u n t’s paper
on “ Somo Aspects of the Selection of
Engineering M aterials,” 53, 4754.
Cartwright, C. Hawley. R adiation therm o­
piles for uso a t liquid a ir tem ps., 53,
Cartwright, W. Sec Alkins, W. E.
Casberg, Carl H., and Schubert, Carl E.
Investigation of core oils, 53, 3274.
Cashman, R. J., and Huxford, W . S.
Photoelect. sensitivity of Mg, 53, 5454.
Castelain, — . Organization of foundry for
varied small castings in bronze and Fo,
53, 2674.
Cathcart, A. N. Correspondence on “ Noto
on tho Green P atina on Copper. E x ­
amples from E lan Valloy (Wales) and
Dundalk (Ireland),” 52, 99.
Cawood, W ., and Patterson, II. S. Capil­
lary depressions of H g in cylindrical
tubos and somo errors of glass m ano­
m eters, 53, 3734.
Cazalet, Peter Victor Ferdinand. See R us­
sell, Alexander Sm ith.
Cazaud, R. Fatiguo of m etals, 53, 2304 ;
resistance to fatiguo of somo Al casting
alloys, 53, IS 14.
Centnerszwer, M., and Holler, W. Kinetics
of conversion of ions of m otals into
neutral atom s under influence of m etallic
Zn, 53, 214.
Chadwick, Richard. Discussion on “ Tho
Application of tho Diam ond Pyram id
Indentation T est to Copper and CopperRich Alloys in tho Form of Thin Strip,”
51, 228; pa p er: “ The Physical Pro­
perties of Zinc at Various Stages of ColdRolling,’ * 51, 93.— Discussion : H . W.
Brownsdon, 117; W. J . P. R ohn, 117;
C. H . M. Jenkins, 117.— Reply to discus­
sion, 118.— Correspondence : R . E. Bartuska, 120; A. Smekal, 121.— Reply to
correspondence, 121.
Chaintreuil, J. Metallurgical problem s on
naval construction, 53, 4674.
Chalfin, E. W—T h problem. I.—A ctiva­
tion of W contg. Th, 53, 2904.
Challansonnet, Jean. Be and its allovs,
53, 5454.
Name Index
Challen, W alter Bernard. Elected mem­
ber, 51, 313.
Chalmers, B. See Andrade, E. N. da C.
Chalons, — Try-. See Try-Chalons, — .
Chandelle, R. P p tn . of Ca by K 4Fe(CN)e,
53, 515A .
Chang, W. Y„ and Band, William.
Thermomagnetio hysteresis in stool, 53,
Chapiro, J. A., and Vessolovski, — .
Physico-chem. proporties of natural and
artificial graphite, 53, 1584.
Chaplet, A. Cu in refrigerating apparatus,
53, 4134 ; m anuf. of cocks and taps—
use of cupriferous m otals in this
industry, 53, 5934 ; somo vory ancient
formuke for prepn. of Cu alloys, 53,
Chapman, Cloyd M. R apid dotoction of
ratos of corrosion w ith simplified ap p ar­
atus, 53, 5014.
Chapman, Cloyd M., and Hoss, R. E.
R eport of cttoo. E -8 of A.S.T.M. on
nomenclature and definitions, 53, 5364.
Chapman, E. D u c tility : measuro of
cloanlinoss, 53, 2194.
Charrin, V. Alundum, refractory alum in­
ous product, 53, 2104 ,* bauxito and Al,
53, 4714.
Chase, Herbert. Tomp.-sensitivo compds.,
53, 538/1.
Chaston, J. C. Discussion on “ An I n ­
vestigation of the Effects of Hydrogen
and Oxygen on tho Unsoundness of
• Copper-Nickel Alloys,” 51, 250 ; discus­
sion on “ Interpretation of tho Tonsilo
T est (W ith Roforonco to Load Alloys),”
51, 61.
Chaudron, G. See H6ronguel, J . ; Herzog,
Chaudron, G., Garvin, M., and Villachon,
A. A pparatus for testing resistance to
pressuro of refractories a t high temps.,
53, 1594.
Chavy, R. Phys. and mech. properties of
pure Ni, 53, 3384.
Cheitel, — • Detection and dotn. of Pb
in.preserving cans, 53, 7114.
Cheilly, V. Bells, hand-bolls, and carillons,
53, 6584.
Cherry, K. M., and Finlayson, F . E. Con­
struction and appn. of Calrod heating
units. I .- I I .—Calrod unit, 53, 7164.
Chesters, J. H., and Rees, W. J . Refrac­
tory m aterials for induction furnace, 53,
6634 ; use of u n b u m t bricks for linings
of induction furnaces, 53, 273/1.
Chevenard, Pierre. Elect, proporties of
N i-Fo alloys, 53, 3484 ; indust, d ila ta ­
tion pyrom eters, 53, 9 8 4 ; indust.
m echanically recording oxtensometor,
53, 518/1; installation and organization
of m odern m etallurgical lab., 53, 4694.
Chiarottino, A. New colour reaction for
Co, 53, 6454.
Chlopin, N. Y. Potontiom otric detn. of
Cr*’* anhydrido in Cr plating baths, 53,
Chlopin, Vitalius? w ith Polessitsky, A.,
R atner, A,, and Tolmatscheff, P .
Relationship between solid *soIns. and
m ixtures of crystals, and conditions
under which true oquilib. between m ix­
tures of crystals and solns. can bo experi­
m entally realized, 53, 3504.
Chloupek, Jaroslav, and Danes, Vladislav Z.
Universal autom atic filtration apparatus,
53, 6504.
Chodakow, J. W. Book : “ Principles of
E lectrochem istry and Corrosion Studies,”
53, 173/1.
Choubine, M. I. Dotn. of small quant, of
Zn in Al, 53, 2604.
Choulant, H. “ Chrogo U42,” 53, 2424.
Christiansen, V. H ardening of non-ferrous
alloys, 53, 94.
Christie, J. L. Sec W ebster, W. R.
Christman, J. N. H. Experiences w ith
cavitation, 53, 804.
Chrobak, Ludwik. X -ray scattering power
of m etallic Ag for K a Cu radiation, 53,
Churakov, M. V. Rapid method of estim at­
ing Cu in brass, Al alloys, &c., 53, 3204.
Churchill, H. V. Spoctrographic analysis,
53, 4514.
Cialdea, Umberto. R estoration of antique
bronzes, 53, 1084.
Cichocki, Jean. Diffusion of positive ions
of salts through Cu a t high temp.
Analysis of ions em itted w ith aid of
m ass-spectrograph, 53, 664.
Cinamon, Lionel. Commercial R h plating,
53, 304.
Clarens, J., and Lacroix, J . Vol. detn. of
Al, 53, 95/1; vol. detn. of Mg in presence
of frco acid and alkali motals, 53, 259/1.
Clark, Alfred. See Ewing, D. T.
Clark, C. L. See W hito, A. E .
Clark, F. L. See Burrows, G.
Clark, George L. B ook: “ Applied Xrays,” 53, 606/1 (review); decade of
applied X -ray research, 53, 3544.
Clark, George L., and Sm ith, Howard A.
Occurrence of CuAI, in D uralum in, 53,
Clarke, Beverly L. Service of analytical
cliom. to research, 53, 1404.
Clarke, Beverly L., and Wooton, Loland A.
Detn. of Ca in Pb-C a alloys of low Ca
content, 53, 7104.
Clarke, R. R. Fundam entals of brass
foundry practice.— X X V III., X X IX .,
53, 2674.
Clarke, S. G. Detection and significanco
of porosity in oloctrodepositod Cd co at­
ings on steel, 53, 506/1, 706/1; tests of
thickness of protective Cd coatings on
stool, 53, 506/1; see also Macnaugntan,
D. J .
Clasen, Andrew Joseph. E lected member,
52, 15.
Class, George M. Appn. of carbide-alloy
tools to tu rre t lathes, 53, 3914.
Clauder, Otto E. Dotn. of To as crystalline
To and as TeOz, 53, 2594.
Claus, Willi. “ Ageing phenomena ” of
Zn-sprayed castings, w ith special regard
to mech.-tech. properties of cast iron,
53, 5 5 6 4 ; new form of phosphorus
Name Index
deoxidizing agent, 53, 98/1 ; process for
producing high-quality largo castings of
A1 light alloys, 53, 377/1, 714/1.
Claus, Willi, and Goodoritz, A. H . F.
B ook: “ Gogossono Métallo und Logiorungen,” 53, 288/1 (review) ;
“ A l-bronzes,” 53, 233/1.
Clausmann, — . See Guichard, — .
Claussen, R. A., and Olin, H . L. Somo
now organic addition agents for Cd
electroplating, 53, 249/1, 507/1.
Clay, H. H. Drainago and sanitary work,
53, 401/1.
Cleland, William. Obituary notico, 52, 250.
Clément, C. Therm ostatic bim etal, 53,
Clements, F. 0 . L im itation of our funda­
m ental knowledge of properties of
m etals, 53, 434.4 ; resoarch and Am eri­
can Society for Testing Materials, 53,
Clendinning, W. R. Im proving autom atic
control by recorder chart interpretation,
53, 500A .
Clews, F. H., and Groon, A. T. Signi­
ficance of permeability of gases in rela­
tion to texture and indust, usage of
refractory m aterials, 53, 380/1.
Clifton, John Christopher. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 27.
Cloud, W. F. Causes and m ethods of com­
bating tan k corrosion, 53, 81/1.
Clough, Victor. Ni in printing industry,
53, 253/1.
Cochet,— . »SccHardouin,— .
Cochran, Ralf S. Design of heat-rosisting
castings, 53, 020/1.
Cockrell, Wayne L. Lasting alloy for
corrosive service, 53, 493/1.
Coehn, Alfred. Assumption of transport
of electricity by 0 2 in metals, 53, 00/1.
Coehn, Alfred, and Sperling, K urt. Contribution of protons to elect, conduction in
m etals. I I I .—Photographic plate as
indicator, 53, 015/1.
Coeterer, F. See Bühl, A.
Coggon, H. F. Foundry mechanization,
53, 382/1.
Coghlan, Rapier R. Pulverized coal :
significance of its analysis to consumer,
53, 384/1.
Colbeck, E. W. Discussion on Bradloy and
J a y ’s paper on “ The L attice Spacings of
Iron-Alum inium Alloys,” 53, 239*4.
Colby, S. K. Metal industries. Sympos­
ium on their record in 1932 and pro­
spects for 1933.—Aluminium, 53, 470/1.
Colcord, F. F. Discussion on Clark and
Heim rod’s paper on “ Recovery of
Precious Metals from Electrolytic Copper
Refining a t the Canadian Copper R e­
finers P lant, Montreal E ast, Quebec,”
53, 199/1.
Cole, L. Heber, Camochan, R. K., and
Brissonden, W. E. Suitability of certain
Canadian sands for use in sand-blasting,
53, 000/1.
Cole, Sandford S. Relation of crushing
strength of silica brick a t various temps,
to other phys. properties, 53, 211/1.
Coles, Henry L., and W ithrow, Jam es R.
Zr. V II.—Corrosion-resistanco of Zr
alloys, 53, 79/1.
Coles, S. Cowper-. See Cowper-Colos, S.
Collins A. Frederick. B ook: “ The Metals,
Their Alloys, Amalgams, and Com­
pounds,” 53, 004/1 (review).
Collins, Albion George. Elected member,
52, 15.
Comstock, George F. E xperim ents w ith
Zr and zirconia refractories, 53, 210/1 ;
use of Ti in stoolmaking, 53, 079.4.
Comstock, Gregory J. Now developments
in hard carbido m aterials, 53, 391/1.
Cone, Edwin F. H oat-troatm ent of BoCu, 53, 717.4.
Conlon, John F. See Rogers, Raymond R.
Connor, E. D. Relation of phys. tests to
quality and service value, 53, 403.4.
Conover, Julian D. Zn in 1932, 53, 474*4.
v. Conrady, H. Sec Malz, H.
Constant, F. W. Electron theory and
magnetism, 53, 231/1; m icrostructure of
somo magnotic alloys of high P t con­
centration, 53, 351/1; see aho Allen,
R obert J . ; Mooro, D. H .
Constant, F. W., and Allon, R. J . S atura­
tion m agnetization of pure cubic Co,
53, 089*4.
Cook, J. W. See Silsboo, F. B.
Cook, Maurice. See Brownsdon, H . W.
Cook, Maurice, and Larko, E ustace C.
P a p e r: “ The Application of the
Diamond Pyramid Indentation Test to
Copper and Copper-Rich Alloys in the
Form of Thin Strip,” 51, 215.— Discus­
sion : G. A. Hankins, 22G; W . Rosonlm in ,‘227; E. H . Bucknall, 227; R.
Chadwick, 228; Sir H . Fowler, 228.—
Reply to discussion, 228.— Correspondence:
E. Mills, 231.— Reply to correspondence,
Cook, Maurice, and Miller, H . J . Further
correspondence on the paper on “ The
Effect of Different Elements on the
Annealing and Grain-Growth Charac­
teristics of Alpha Brass,” 52, 247.—
Reply to correspondence, 249.
Cook, Raymond. Preheating, 53, 404*4.
Cookson, — . H eat-treatm ont w ithout
detrim ental finish, 53, 100/1.
Coon, E. D., and Daniels, Farrington.
Isotherm al calorim eter for slow reactions,
53, 454.1.
Cooper, Robert William. Elected mombor,
51, 27.
Cooper, W. J. Machine moulding equip­
m ent, 53, 153/1.
Cope, E. T. See Corey, D. H.
Coquelin, — . Retarding ageing of highresistance light alloys, 53, 212*4.
Corbi, D. See Gallo, G.
Corbin, Milford H. Appn. of finishing
m aterials on Zn, 53, 300/1.
Corey, D. H., and Cope, E. T. Sockets of
low-melting alloy best for wire-rope test
samples, 53, 415/1.
Cornelius, Heinz. See Esser, Hans.
Cornell, W illiam Bouck. See Glover,
Jo h n George.
Nam e Index
Corse, W. M. Sends message of grooting,
52, 13.
Cotel, E., and v. P attantyus, I. Calcu­
lation of rolling work, 53, 1614.
Cotrutz, C. Sec Otin, C.
Cotton, F. T. Sec Fanning, R . W.
Cournot, Jean. D etn. of loss in weight
in corrosion tests of metallurgical
products, 53, 6334 ; study of corrosion.
Recent progress in protection of m etals
and alloys, 53, 1344; testing shoot
m otals by cupping, 53, 384.
Courty, A. Casting of Al alloys, 53,
Cousins, C. R. Eloctroplating Cu on
Manganin, 53, 6394.
Couture, M. Gasomotric dotn. of Cr, 53,
Couturier, M. Conventional signs and
symbols in autogenous welding, 53,
4054 ; for teaching autogonous welding
and oxy-cutting, 53, 6744.
Cowper-Coles, S. Modern oloctrodopn. of
motals, 53, 2544
Cox, Charles Raymond. Eloctod member,
52, 15.
Cox, E. G. Bronzo founding industry in
53, 2064.
Cox, Gerald J. See Beal, Goorgo D.
Cox, Gerald J., and Dodds, ^£ary L.
Composite roagont for Ca, 53, 3174.
Craig, G. L., and Klopsch, O. / . Fabrica­
tion and properties of seamless phosphorized arsonical Cu tubing, 53, 2124.
Craig, R. J. Correspondence on T hom p­
son’s paper on “ The Case Against
Standardization of Chomical Analysis,”
53, 3154.
Craighead, C. M. See H artm an, F . V.
Crampton, D. K. Discussion on Malm's
paper on “ V ariations in Microstructuro
inherent in Processes of M anufacturing
E xtruded and Forged Brass,” 53, 1614 ;
discussion on
Morris’s paper on
“ ^lacliinability of Free-Cutting Brass
R od,” 53, 2154 ; lioading properties
of brass wire, 53, 2344 ; see also Mathowson, C. H .
Crampton, D. K., and Croft, H . P . Froocutting brass : m achinability of various
alloys, 53, 1634.
Crane, E. V. Book : “ Plastic W orking
of Metals and Power Press Operations,”
53, 3364 (review).
Cranston, J. A., and Bonson, C. Factors
affocting ratio of adsorption of radium B and radium -C on Ni, 53, 3394.
Crary, A. P. Thormal conductivity of
Achoson graphite, 53, 6624.
Craxford, S. R. Eloctrocapillary maximum
for H g electrode in contact w ith soln.
contg. Hg* ions, 53, 4834.
Creutzfeldt, W. H. Metallic coatings as
protection against corrosion, 53, 1344.
Critchett, Jam es H. Discussion of sym ­
posium on ductility of weld m etal,
53, 2194 ; recent advances and future
expectations of oxy-acotvlene process,
53, 5884.
Croit, H. P. See Crampton, D. K.
Crome, — . H oat-troatm ent w ithout d e tri­
m ental finish, 53, 1604.
Crook, W elton J . Book : “ Table of Arc
Spectrum Linos Arrangod in Order of
W avo-Length,” 53, 5984.
Crossley, M. L. Preparatory stago of
research, 53, 5354.
Crow, — . Discussion on oil-firod furnaces,
53, 1574.
Crow, T. L. Discussion on possibility of
Crowe, John J., Kinzel, A. B., and Millor,
W . B. Wold tests, 53, 4054.
Crowell, Joseph F. Centrifugal casting in
American Navy, 53, 2684.
Crowell, W alter S. See Wiso, E dm und M.
Crown, J. E. Casting bronzo which
retains fluids under high prossuro, 53,
Cruess, W. V. See Mrak, E. M.
Cruise, A. J. Use of gaseous fuel in South
Wales industries, 53, 3834.
Cryder, D. S., and Gilliland, E. R. H eat
transmission from m etal surfaces to
boiling liquids. I.— Effect of phys.
properties of boiling liquid on liquid
film cooff., 53, 4624.
Cunningham, J. Deep-drawing qualitios
of th in sheots, 53, 2134.
Cuno, Chas. W. Pum ps, 53, 4634.
Cuny, L. Quant, dotn. of K tNaCo(N02)*
and use in detn. of K , 53, 3704.
Curie, (Mme.) M. See Baxtor, G. P .
Curtis, Frank W. Milling w ith carbido
insert cutters, 53, 3924.
Curzon, — . Discussion on H u n t’s papor
on “ Somo Aspects of tho Selection of
Engineering Matorials,” 53, 4754.
Cuthbertson, J. W. Eloctrodopn. of Ni
and Cr, 53, 884 , 5584 ; fatigue testing,
53, 5 6 7 4 ; p a p e r: “ The FatigueResisting Properties of Light Aluminium
Alloys a t Elevated Tem peratures,’* 51,
163.— Discussion : D. Hanson, 174;
J . D. Grogan, 175; R . Soligman, 175,
180; E . H . Bucknall, 176; W. C.
Deveroux, 177; W. Rosonhain, 177.—
Reply to discussion, 178.— Correspondence: L. Aitchison, 179; Francis C.
Frary.— Reply to correspondence, 181 ;
see also O’Neill, Hugh.
Cutler, Jam es L. Pb mould used to euro
rubber hoso, 53, 1714.
Cuvelier, B. V. J. Microchom. dotn. of K,
53, 3704.
Daeves, Karl. Effect of compn. and protreatm ont of stools on life of protectivo
coatings, 53, 6384.
Dahl, A. I. See Rocsor, Wm. F.
Dahl, 0 . Process of pptn. of age-hardonablo Si-Ni alloys, 53, 3484.
Dahl, Theodor. See Hoff, H ubert.
Dahlquist, Yngve Esbiörn Arcarlins.
Elected mombor, 51, 27.
Daneä, Vladislav Z. See Chloupek, Jaroslav.
Daniels, Farrington. See Coon, E. D.
Nam e Index
D annatt, C. Enorgy loss testing of m ag­
netic m aterials utilizing singlo strip
specimen, 53, 7114.
Darbyshire, J. A., and D ixit, K. R. N ature
of polish layers, 53, 0924.
d’Ardigny. Sec Ardigny.
Darroch, D. G. Developments in form ula­
tion and testing of p a in t protective
films, 53, 4444.
Dausch, H. See Frick, C.
Davey, Cyril Frederick. Elected member,
51, 314.
Davey, W heeler P. Discussion on E d ­
m unds and Fuller’s paper on “ Relation
of Crystal Orientation to Bonding Quali­
ties of Rolled Zinc Alloy,” 53, 1274;
mechanism of crystal growth, 53, 0284;
see also Phelps, R obert T.
Davey, W illiam Kendall. Eloctod mombor, 51, 314.
Davidenkov, N. B ook: “ The Mechanical
Properties and the Testing of Metals ”
(in R ussian), 53, G824; see also
Bugakov, V.
Davidenkov, N., and Vitman, F. Residual
stross in brass cartridges, 53, 2994.
Davie, T. A. S. See Loveless, A. H .
Davies, C. E. Rolling-mill of futuro, 53,
Davies, Earl Claudius Hamilton. Book :
“ Fundam entals of Physical Chemistry,”
53, 1734.
Davies, W. L. Metallic contam ination in
processing, 53, 3564.
Davis, A. F. Maintenance costs cut by
arc welding, 53, 6 7 2 4 ; repair of A!
crankcases, 53, 7204.
Davis, C. H., and H arder, 0 . E. R oport
of cttoo. E —4 of A.S.T.M. on motallography, 53, 754, 4404.
Davis, H. W. P a m p h le t: “ Platinum
and Allied Metals in 1931,” 53, 4214.
Davis, R. L. Rodosignod pofc improvos
monotypo casting oliicioncy, 53, 1544.
Davis, T. R. Vontilating university lab.,
53, 5664.
Dawidenkow. Sec Davidenkov.
Dayton, Russell W endt. Docarburizing
Fo-N i-C r alloys, 53, 4374, 5394.
De Biran. See Biran.
De Brock. See Brock,
de Dudzeele. See Dudzeolo.
de Fleury. See Floury.
De Golyer, E. See Yeatm an, Pope.
de Haas. See Haas.
de Jessey. See Jossoy.
de Lempdes. See Lompdoa.
de Smet. See Smet.
de Sweemer. Sec Sweemor.
de W iniwarter. See W iniwarter.
Dean, R. S. Sec Gottschalk, V. H.
Dean, R. S., and Koster, J . Disoussion
on Phelps and Davey’s paper on “ An
X -R ay Study of tho N ature of Solid
Solutions,” 53, 1294.
Debacher, M. D. Sec ICloostcr, H . S. van.
Debucquet, L., and Volluz, L. Micro­
analysis of Mg as triple forrocyanido of
Mg, Ca, and hoxamethylenotetramino,
53, 5654.
Decheri, E. Forging and stam ping light
and ultra-light alloys, 53, 667/1 ; forging
and stam ping of light and ultra-light
alloys. I.— Observations on pouring of
m etal (contd.), 53, 214/1, 3904.
Dede, L. Eloctrodo m aterial for spark
spoctroscopy, 53, 552/1; standard and
precision weights of M o-Cr-Ni alloy, 53,
Deem, A. Garrell. See Sm ith, G. Frodorick.
Dehlinger, U. Addendum to : now addi­
tions to rocrystn. theory, 53, 700/1;
laws of transform ation in solid stato of
m etals, 53, 7004 ; moaning of origin of
superconductivity, 53, 6 154; now addi­
tions to thoory of rocrystn., 53, 189/1;
transform ations of solid m etal phasos,
53, 7o4.
Dehlinger, U., and Glockor, R. Existence
of resistance lim its in solid solns. w ith
random atom ic distribution, 53, 1864.
Dehlinger, U., and W iest, P . Doos change
in lattice constants in form ation of solid
solns. depend on grain-sizo? 53, 1914.
Dehlinger, U., Osswald, E ., and Bumm, H .
Transform ation of singlo crystals of Co,
53, 2404.
Deja, Bruno. Investigations on stam ping
tools, 53, 214/1.
del Fresno. Sec Fresno.
Deleuse, A. Methods of testing and con­
trol for moulding sands, 53, 2074.
Delin, J.-R . M anagement and warehous­
ing of foundry sands. Metals and m ate­
rials having good rosistanco to abrasive
action of foundry sand, 53, 2704.
Della Floresta, Ercole Trigona. Eloctod
member, 51, 26.
Deller, Anthony William. Book : “ P rin ­
ciples of P a ten t Law for tho Chemical
and Metallurgical Industries,” 53, 2244
Delon, J. Dovolopmont of underground
H .T . cables, 53, 5334.
Demmer, A. Thesis : “ Dio Lagermotallo
auf Bloi-Zinn Basis,” 53, 4254.
Denecke, W alter. Corrosion research and
new mothods of testing m etals for resist­
ance to corrosion and erosion, 53, 6344.
Deniges, Georges. Appn. of catalysis to
detection of certain cations. Detection
of Ag and Cu. Appns. of m ethod, 53,
5144 ; characterization of clioin. nature
of substanco by its catalytic properties.
Caso of Ag, 53, 3184.
Denina, Ernesto. Representation of polynary systems, 53, 754.
Dennery, Ch. Foundry furnacos fired by
heavy oil, 53, 523/1.
Denny, H. S. Ag—its place as currency,
53, 681/1Deretschej, E. G. Book : “ Production of
Non-Ferrous Motal Alloys ” (in R u s­
sian), 53, 1734.
Derickx, Nestor Aloise Corneille. Elected
momber, 51, 313.
Deright, Robert E. Soly. of Ag in H g .~
II., 53, 551/1.
Desch, C. H. Eloctod Vico-President, 51,
26 ; agoing and ago-hardening in m etals,
Name Index
53, 349*4 ; discussion on “ Experim ents
on the Effects of Variations in Mould
and Pouring Tem peratures on the Macroand Microstructures of Some Low Melt­
ing-Point Metals and Alloys,” 51, 45;
discussion on “ Interpretation of the
Tensile T est (W ith Reference to Load
Alloys),” 51, 62; discussion on “ Some
Effects of the Addition of Tellurium to
Load,” 51, 86, 90; discussioti on “ The
Equilibrium of the Reaction Between
Steam and Molten Copper,” 51, 274.
Desgranges, A. Teaching of autogenous
welding, 53, 6744.
Deshpande, P. Y. See Prasad, Mata.
Detourmignies, — . Bronzo foundry prac­
tice, 53, 5714.
Devereux, W. C. Discussion on H u n t's
paper on “ Somo Aspects of the Selection
of Engineering M aterials,” 53, 475*4 ;
discussion on “ Tho Fatigue-Resisting
Properties of L ight Aluminium Alloys
a t Elevated Tem peratures,” 51, 177;
heat-treating and forging somo light
alloys, 53, 474, 48/1; high-strongth
sand-casting A1 alloys, 53, 3264;
review of recently-introduced Al alloys,
53, 2 3 3 4 : special light alloys for
aircraft, 53, 1214, 5494.
Dhavernas, Joseph. Elocted member, 52,
Diamond, G. S. Tercod— new refractory
brick for elect, furnaces, 53, 5244.
Dick, J. Gravimetric method for dotn.
of As as MgNH4As04,6H50 , 53, 6474.
Dickens, Peter, and Bronnocke, R. Uso of
potentiomotric analysis in steelworks
labs.—V., 53, 2014.
Dickens, Peter, and Thanheiser, Gustav.
Potentiom etric detn. of Fe and V in
ferrovanadium and of Fo and Cr in
ferrochromimn, 53, 5154.
Dickin, J. H. See Field, A. J.
Dickinson, Sheldon James. Elocted momber, 51, 27.
Dierker, A. H. Grain-size and bond
distribution in synthetic moulding sand,
53, 424.
Dietert, — , Dwyer, — , and Handley, — .
R eport on definition of gating terms,
53, 3814.
Dietert, H. W. Appn. of sand testing in
foundry w ith object of ensuring control,
53, 2 0 7 4 : sand control in modern
foundry, 53, 5734 ; tests on permeability
and hardness of moulds, 53, 5734.
Dietrich, Fred C. Gas in Pacific Coast
industries, 53, 454.
Dietrich, Otto, and Lehr, E rnst. Elonga­
tion linos method for detn. of stress
distribution governing safety factor in
alternating fatigue tests, 53, 384,
Digby-Smith, R. Drawing up specifica­
tions, 53, 5364.
Dillinger, Joy F. See Bozorth, Richard M.
Dillon, G. P. Temp, of wiping solder is
m ost im portant, 53, 2814.
Dimon, R. A. Manuf. of phonograph
records, 53, 2564.
Dingwall, Andrew, Zacliarias, Jorrold,
and Siegol, Sidnoy L. Contamination
of Ni crystals grown in Mo resistance
furnaco, 53, 4844.
Dingwall, Eric John. Book : “ How to
use a Large L ibrary,” 53, 4214.
Dinser, W. Cd-Ni and F e-N i accum u­
lators, 53, 1384.
Ditchburn, R. W. Depn. of sputtered
films, 53, 5454 ; see also Braddick,
H. J. J.
Ditt, M. See Funk, H.
Dix, E. J., Jr., Sager, G. F., and Sager,
B. P. Equilib. relations in Al-Cu-Mg
and Al-Cu-MgrSi, alloys of high purity,
53, 1204.
Elected mombor, pi* 27.
Dixit, K. R. Sec Darbyshire, J . A.
Dixon, Alfred F. Im provem ents in rollingmill design, 53, 3884.
Dixon, (Sir) Robert. Elocted Member
of Council, 51, 26.
Dixon, Stanley. Relation of food to
disoaso, 53, 4624.
Doan, G. Discussion of symposium on
ductility of wold m etal, 53, 2194 ;
discussion on Mehl, B arrett, and Rhines’s
paper on “ W idm anstatton Structure.
111.—Aluminium-Rich Alloys of Alumin­
ium w ith Copper and of Aluminium
with Manganese and Silicon,” 53, 1294.
Doan, Gilbert E. Crater formation, 53,
Doan, Gilbert E., and Myer, J . L. R e ­
searches in arc welding, 53, 4014.
Doan, Gilbert E., and Wood, J . Murray.
Motal dopn. in elect, arc welding, 53,
Dobbs, E. J. Discussion on possibility of
standardizing eloctrodeposits, 53, 51*14 ;
symposium on motal-cleaning, 53, 2174 ;
theory of m otal cleaning, 53, 2164.
Dobronawow, N. See Amossow, S.
Dodds, Mary L. See Cox, Gerald J.
Dommerque, F. J. Practising economy in
carrier operation, 53, 1954.
Donau, Julius. Microchom. detn. of Au
in Au alloys, 53, 5644 ; now m icroanalytical, gravim etric procedure, 53,
Ddno, Tsurumatsu. Chem. investigations
of ancient metallic implements in
Orient. I.—Ancient Chinese Cu im ­
plements. I I.—Ancient Chinoso bronzo
implements, 53, 2974 ; Copper Age in
ancient China.—I., 53, 4724 ; II.—
Transitional period between Copper and
Bronzo Ago in Ancient China, 53, 4724.
Dorey, Stanley Fabes. Elected member,
51, 27.
Dorfman, J. Magnetic m oment and chem.
bond in alloys, 53, 744 ; magnotic
properties and chem. compds. in alloys,
53, 6264 ; now work on physics of
m etals, 53, 6944 ; theory of super­
conductivity, 53, 6154.
Dornauî, J. Dio-casting of Silumin, 53,
Dornig, M. Tower 500 m. high, 53, 5904.
Name Index
Doskocil, J. Agglomerated sand cores,
53, 200/1.
Dostal, V. See Dubsky, J . V.
Douglas, John. Elected student member,
51, 313.
Dourdine, A. Mn-Ni alloys.—I .- I I ., 53,
Downer, Thomas B. Protective tre a t­
m ent of ferrous pipe, 53, 638-4.
Downes, Alfred W., and Kahlenberg,
Louis. Chemistry of In, 53, 290/1.
Draper, W. One-pipo system drainage,
53, 462-4.
Dreblow, E. S. See Iiarvey, A.
Dreblow, E. S., and Harvey, A. Control
through spectroscopy, 53, 563/1.
Dreyer, K. L. Changes in structure and
crystal orientation produced by coldrolling, 53, 130-4 : see also Tam m ann, G.
Drier, Roy W., and W alker, Harold L.
X -ray investigation of A u-R h and A gRh alloys, 53, 497/1.
Driggs, F. H. Ti and Zr, 53, 460/1.
Drigo, Angelo. Changos in longitudinal
and circular m agnetization in twisted
Ni and Fo wires produced by super­
imposed constant alternating field, 53,
115.4 ; changes in m agnetic resistance
of Ni after transverso magnetization
a t various temps., 53, 227A .
Drucker, C. Anomalv of elect, resistance
of pure Bi, 53, 113/1.
Drucker, Carl, and Proskauer, Erich.
“ Physikalischchemisches Taschonbuch,” 53, 283/1.
Drury, C. W. Cobalt, 53, 412,1.
Dubercet, — . A rt moulding in N i-brass,
53, 149/1; bronzes, brasses, and atm o­
spheric corrosion, 53, 71/1; contrifugal
casting of non-ferrous motals, 53, 268-4.
Dubois, G. Ham mering and fashioning of
sheet Cu, 53, 390/1.
Dubpernell, George. See Ferguson, A. L.
Dubridge, Lee A. Theory of energy dis­
tribution of photo-electrons, 53, 343/1.
Dubridge, Lee A., and Roohr, W. W.
Thermionic and photoelect. work func­
tions of Mo, 53, 66/1.
Dubsky, J. V., and Bencko, V. 1 : 2-diaminoanthraquinono-3-sulphonic acid as
reagent for detection of Cu, Co, and Ni,
53, 645/1.
Dubsky, J. V., and Dostal, V. W orking
techniquo w ith H ,S in qual. analysis,
53, 646/1.
Dubsky, J. V., and Trtilek, J . Appn. of
m ercurim otry to dotn. of Ag, 53, 049/1.
Ducournau, A. L. Elect, furnace method
for separating Mn from Mn sulphate,
53, 137/1.
Duddridge, Gordon Kenneth. Elected stu ­
dent member, 51, 26.
Dudzeele, G. de. Uso of Pb coating in
cold-working of motals, 53, 49-4.
Duff, R. L. Metallurgy of rofining equip­
m ent, 53, 533-4.
Duff, W alter Norwich. Elected member,
51, 27.
Dukhan, E. Use of alkalino earth B ab­
b itts for filling linings of bearings of
rolling installations a t Petrovsky m etal­
lurgical works, 53, 299/1.
Dulfer, G. See Nieuwenburg, C. J . van.
Dullenkopf, W alter. Thesis : “ Salzartigo
Vorbindungon und intormotallische P h a ­
sen dos N atrium s,” 53, 425/1.
Dunham, A. R. Reducing m etal corrosion
ra te by use of inhibitor, 53, 635/1.
Dunlap, W. M. Uso of Al. W elding of
tanks in Al, 53, 218/1; welding processes
applicable to Al, 53, 53A.
Dunleary, F. Some brass foundry probloms, 53, 457/1.
Dunlop, J. P. P a m p h le t: “ Gold and
Silver in 1930 (General R eport),” 53,
58/1: p a m p h le t: “ Secondary Motals
in 1931,” 53, 421-4.
Dupuy, E. See Guillot. L.
Durau, F. Perm eability of refractory
masses to gas, 53, 37A.
Dureault, H. 72 : 28 cartridge brass, 53,
Duret, C. Cleaning of small m etal objects
coated w ith varnish or oil paint, 53,
During, W illiam J. Widoning field of diocastings, 53, 150/1.
Duschnitz, B. Closed and in term ittent
contacts of light, heavy, and difficultly fusiblo m aterials, 53, 172/1.
Düsen, M. S. Van, and Shelton, S. M.
Therm al conductivity of m etals in range
0° to 600° C., 53, 693.4.
Dusold, Theodor. Book : “ Der Einfluss
dor Korrosion auf die Drohschwingungsfostigkoit von Stählon und Nichteisen­
m etallen,” 53, 603.4 (review).
Dutoit, Marc, and Monnior, Maurice. W ear
of turbines by erosion and corrosion,
53, 80/t.
Dwyer, — . See D ietert, — .
Dwyer, Francis P. J., and Mellor, David P.
Crystal structure of In , 53, 441/1.
Dyakonova, Z. Testing thickness of Zn
on galvanized wire, 53, 705/1.
Eardley-W ilmot, V. L. Abrasives, 53,
Eash, J. T. See W ise, E dm und M.
Easley, M. A. See Forsythe, W. E.
Eastwood, L. W. Book : “ Introduction
to Metallography,” 53, 283/1 ; structure
and origin of Cu-Cu20 eutectic, 53, 700/1.
Eavenson, Howard N. See Y eatm an, Pope.
Ebert, — . Binding m aterials for cores,
53, 574/1.
Ebert, Fritz, H artm ann, Hollmuth, and
Peisker, H ans. a
of Ca, 53, 433/1.
Ebert, H., and Ende, W . Passage of Hg
through narrow capillarios, 53, 326/1.
Ebihara, T. Sec Aizawa, T.
Ebner, Hans. Present position of airshipconstruction, especially of framework
construction, 53, 596/1.
Eckel, E. C. See Bain, H . F.
Eckert, G. Causes of corrosion phenomena
occurring in Al kettles for linseed oil,
53, 77A .
Nam e Index
Eckert, Gustav. P a m p h le t: “ ThoM.B.V.
Surfaco T reatm ent for Aluminium and
I ts Alloys,” 53, 599.1.
Eda, Washiro. See Takahashi, Kiyoshi.
Eddy, C. E. Self-rectifying domountablo
X -ray tube of high power, 53, 142/1.
Eddy, C. E., and Oddio, T. H . Thermal
and olect. conductivities of sevoral motals
between — 183° C. and 100° C.—Appen­
dix to Ivannuluik’s paper, 53, 4884.
Eddy, Corbin Theodore. Elected momber,
52, 15; autom atic apparatus assembly
for thormal analysis, 53, 322/1.
Edmunds, Gerald, and Fuller, M. L. R ela­
tion of crystal orientation to bonding
qualities of rolled Zn alloy, 53, 1274.
Edwards, F. C. Efficient casting design,
53, 6584.
Edwards, Hiram W. Al-Mg m irrors, 53,
5914 ; evaporation of motals in vacuum,
53, 5664.
Edwards, Junius D. Sec Taylor, A. H .
Edwards, Junius D„ and W ray, R obert I.
Painting Al, 53, 3004.
Edwards, Junius D., Tosterud, M artin, and
Work, H . K . Oxide coatings on Al, 53,
Edwards, Leonard W illiam Charles. Elected
member, 51, 26.
Egan, A. J. Communication conduits and
cables, 53, 4644.
Eger, Georg.
Aquoous olectrolysis in
m etallurgy, 53, 137/1 ; electrolytic Cu
refining p lan t of Zinnwcrko W ilhelms­
burg U.m .b.H., a t Harburg-W ilhelmsburg near Ham burg, 53, 344 ; electro­
lytic refining of motals, 53, 5134.
Eger, Georg, Hosenfeld, M., and Schoppor,
W. B ook: “ Dio technische E lektro­
m etallurgie wässeriger Lösungen Gold,
Silber, Kupfer, verschiedene Metalle,”
53, 1764 (review).
Egerton, A., and Ubbolohdo, A. R . T her­
mocouple potentiomoter, 53, 711/1.
Eggenschwiler, C. E. EfToct of Sb on
moch. properties of bearing bronze, 53,
122/ 1.
Eggert, J„ and Schiobold, E . Book edited
by : “ Wochseiwirkung zwischen R öntgenstrahlen und Materio in Theorie und
Praxis,” 53, 6864 (review).
Ehlers, Curt. A ttack by lubricating oil,
53, 2434.
Ehrenberg, R. See Scheibe, Günthor.
Ehrenberg, Wolfgang. New method for detn.
of A120 3 in Al alloys, 53, 2584 , 6464.
Ehret, W. F., and Wostgron, A. X-ray
analysis of Fo-Sn alloys, 53, 3064, 7004.
Ehrlinger, Henry P. Pb-boring beetlos,
53, 531/1.
Eichner, Charles. See Lombard, Victor.
Einecke, Werner. Thesis : “ Das W olf­
ram in der W eltw irtschaft,” 53, 4254.
Ekblaw, K. J. T. See Bartolls, G. C.
Elam, C. F. (Mrs. Tipper). Book : “ Tables
of Cubic Crystal Structure of Elem ents
and Compounds.—Section on Alloys,”
53, 4314 (review) ; discussion on 44 An
X -Ray Investigation of the CopperAluminium Alloys,” 51, 157.
Eldridge, Charles H. Calculation of
ampdro-m inutes in plating, 53, 2554.
Elenbaas, W. See Burgers, W. G.
Eller ton, H. See Greon, A. T.
Ellingham, H. J. Electrolytic extraction
of motals, 53, 5124.
Elliott, Chas. J. Motals usod in cliom.
industry plant, 53, 4624.
Elliott, G. A. Indicators, 53, 365/1.
Ellis, B. A., and Fox, j . J . Analytical
chem istry, 53, 2574.
Ellis, 0. W. Correspondence on “ Furthor
Observations on the D istribution of
Porosity in Aluminium and Copper
Ingots, w ith Somo Notes on Invorso
Segregation,” 52, 216; discussion on
Morris’s paper on “ Machinability of
Free-Cutting Brass Rod,” 53, 215/1;
discussion on Sm ith’s paper on “ Coppor-Boryllium Bronzes,” 53, 122/1;
high-strength brass, 53, 235/1.
Ellis, W. C. See Schumacher, Earlo E.
Ellison, Joseph Harbottle. Elected mom­
ber, 51, 314.
Ellison, R. W . R apid method of estn.
of A120 3 in clays, 53, 1594.
Elsdon, G. D. Foods, 53, 2434.
Elssner, Gerhard. B ook: “ Dio tech ­
nische Elektrom etallurgie wässeriger
Lösungen. Die Galvanotechnik,” 53,
6874 (review); now anodes for Cr
baths, 53, 2514 ; see also Bilflnger, R.
Emicke, 0 . Simplified m ethods of calibra­
tion for rolling of non-ferrous metals,
53, 526/1.
Emicke, 0., Allliauson, H ., and Mauksch,
W. Modern m ethods for dotn. of (true)
rolling-work, 53, 161/1.
Emms, — . H oat-troatm ent w ithout d e tri­
m ental finish, 53, 1604.
Emms, Desmond John. Elected student
member, 51, 313.
Ende, W. See E bort, H .
Endell, K. Magnosito bricks insonsitivo
to tem p, changes, 53, 2114, 5254.
Endell, K., and Müllonsoifen, W. Elastic
distortion and plastic deform ation of
refractory brick a t 20° C. and a t higher
tem ps., 53, 5774.
Enderlein, G. P a m p h le t: “ Sächsische
Zinnbergwerke,” 53, 2234 (review).
Enders, W alter. See Pomp, A.
Endo, Hikozo, and Tagaya, Masayoshi.
Protective films against corrosion formed
on surfaco of Al alloys, 53, 556/1.
Endovitsky, B. I. Sec Budnikov, P . P.
Engel, W. Thoorotical basis of metal
testing a t prosent tim e, 53, 3234.
Engelbertz, Wm. H. Push bench procoss
for m anuf. of soamless tubes, 53, 1624 ;
tube roducing or sinking mill, 53, 1624.
Engelder, Carl J. Book : *• Calculations
of Qualitative Analysis,” 53, 2834.
Engelhard, Charles. P t in 1932, 53, 5324.
Engelhardt, Victor. Book edited b y :
“ Handbuch der technischen E lektro­
chemie.” Vol. I.
P a rt I I : Dio
Lösungen. A.—Di© technische E lektro­
m etallurgie wässoriger Lösungen Gold,
Name Index
Silbor, Kupfer, verschiedene Mo tal lo,
53, 176/1 (review); Vol. I. P a rt I I I :
Dio technische Elektrolyso wässoriger
Lösungon. A.—Dio technische E lektro­
m etallurgie wässorigor Lösungen. Die
Galvanotechnik, 53, 687/1 (review);
Vol. I I , P a rt I. Dio tochnischo
Elektrolyse wässorigor Lösungon. B.
Anwendungen in dor cliomischon I n ­
dustrie. 1. Anorganischor Toil : Eloktroly 80 dos .Wassers gotronnto Darstollung
von Chlor und Alkali, 53, 607/1 (review).
Engelhardt,Victor, and Scliönfoldt, Nikolaus.
Throwing power of oloctrolytio baths,
53, 510/1.
Englert, E., and Schuster, K. Magnetic
change of resistance of Bi wire, 53, 337/1.
Entwistle, Albert Lucas. Elected mombor,
51, 27.
Ephraim ,
H 0 -0 -C -G = N -0 H , 53, 94/1; Cu roagont salicylaldoximo, 53, 95.4 ; now
reagent for qual. and quant, estn. of
Cu, 53, 96.4.
Epik, P. A. Soly. of Sb»S3 and SnS3 in
N H 3 and (NH4)2C 03, 53,“ 35.4.
Eppinger, Herm ann. T h e s is: “ Ange­
bliche Schädlichkeit, des Aluminium­
geschirrs,” 53, 425/1.
Epstein, Paul S. Ferrom agnetism and
related problems of theory of electrons,
53, 8A.
Epstein, Samuel. Em brittlom ont of hotgalvanizod structural steol, 53, 247.4 ;
resistance in oloctrotypo motals, 53,
Erbacher, Otto. Absoluto m agnitude of
m etal surfaces, 53, 68.1, 292.4 ; m echan­
ism of oxchango of motal atom s and noblo
ions, 53, 292.4; method for absoluto
dotn. of activo surface of noblo motals,
53, 292/1.
Erdey-Grúz, T., and W ick, H . Overvoltago of H o, 53, 92/1; potentials of
oloctrodepn. of Hg on foreign electrodos,
53, 88A.
Erichsen, Per. Fabritius. Elected studont
member, 52, 15.
Erickson, C. L. Improvod continuity
tost for onamel insulation on wiros, 53,
E rk, S. See Grober, H . ; Jakob, M.
Erler, W. See Blanc, M. Lo.
E rnst, R. C., and Maim, C. A. Electro dopn. of ternary alloys of Cu, Cd, and
Zn from cyanide baths, 53, 253/1.
Esmarch, W. H .-F. furnaco in theory
and practice for high tem p, uso, 53,
Esser, Hans, and Cornelius, Heinz. In ­
fluence of strong magnetic fields on
hardening of motals and alloys, 53,
Esser, Hans, and Grass, W alter. Calori­
m eter w ith H.-F. m easurement of heat
expansion of metal block into which
specimon is dropped, 53, 546.4.
Esser, Hans, Averdiek, R obert, and Grass,
W alter. H eat content of some m etals
and slag-forming constituents a t temps,
up to 1200° C., 53, 486.4.
Estabrook, G. B. Effect of high oloctrostatic fields on vaporization of Mo, 53,
Eucken, A. Therm al conductivity of
firo-rosisting ceramic m aterial. Calcula­
tion from conductivity of constituents,
53, 275/1.
Eucken, A., and Jakob, M. Book oditod
by :
** Dor Chomio-Ingeniour,” 53,
Evans, B. S. Methods usod in analysis of
certain Pb alloys, 53, 644.4 ; somo
analytical appns. of N a2S20 <. II.—
Sopn. of Sn from Cu, Zn, Pb, &c., and
from H 2C20 4 solns. Dotn. of Sn in
stool, 53, 200.4.
Evans, Enilyn. Elected mombor, 51, 27.
Evans, E. J. See Thomas, W. Rhoinallt.
Evans, Gilbert. Convorting scrap of nonforrous tubo mill into valuable stock,
53, 99.4 ; developments and futuro
tronds of non-ferrous tubo trade, 53,
212.4 ; m anuf. of non-forrous seamless
tubes by piercing and oxtrusion m ethods,
53, 718.4; modern* appns. of heat to
various non-forrous furnaces, 53, 661/1 ;
rotary piorcing and oxtrusion for tubo
m anuf., 53, 389.4.
Evans, Richard W. Sec H urd, Loron C.
Evans, Robley D. Vortical, vacuum,
split-tubo, graphi to-resistance furnace,
53, 523/1.
Evans, Ulick R. Discussion on “ Mag­
nesium Alloy Protection by Solonium
and O ther Coating Processes. P a rt
I I , ” 52, 88; progress in m ethods of
preventing corrosion, 53, 133/1; see
also B ritton, S. C .; H oar, T. P.
Everett, Franklin L. Croop of m etals
in shear a t high temps., 53, 341/4.
Evers, Norman. See Haddock, L.
Ewangulow, M. G. Book : “ The Foundry ”
(in R ussian), 53, 682/1.
Ewing, (Sir) Allred. Book : “ An E n ­
gineer’s Outlook,” 53, 603/i (review).
Ewing, D. T., and Clark, Alfred. Electrodopn. of Sn from solns. of N a2Sn03,
53, 30/1.
Eyles, A. J. T. Depositing oxido film
on Al, 53, 245/1 ; new countorsunk
riveting procoss for sheet motal, 53,
585/1; repair m ethods on damaged allm etal coaches, 53, 587/1 ; soldering,
brazing and welding of stainless steels,
53, 586/1; wolding Al electrically, 53,
397/1, 720/1 ; welding fractured Al alloys
castings, 53, lUO/J.
Fabre, H. Special cores, 53, 206/1.
Faggiani, D. Mech. behaviour of m etals
a t elevated temp3., 53, 341/i ; X -ray
investigation of m otals, 53, 325/1.
Fahey, Francis. Effect of atm ospheric
hum idity in gas calorim etry, 53, 663/1.
Fahrenhorst, W., M atthaes, K ., and
Schmidt, E. Dependence of endurance
Name Index
strength on crystal orientation, 53, 5/1,
Fahrenhorst, Wolfgang. Elected member,
51, 20.
Fakidow, Ibrahim , and Kikoin, J . I n ­
fluence of transverse magnetic field on
resistance of liquid m etals, 53, 015/1.
Fallon, — . Discussion on oil-fired fur­
naces, 53, 157/1.
Fallon, J. Bright-annealing, 53, 100.4 ;
heat-troatm ent w ithout detrim ental
finish, 53, 160/1.
Faraday, Michael. Diary, 53, 58.4 ; electrochem. researches, 53, 501/1.
Faragher, P. V. See Anderson, H . A.
Faris, C. H. Appn. of electro-deposited
m etals to moch. and m arine engineering,
Farnham , Gordon Stuart. E lected m em ­
ber, 51, 313 ; .vee also O’Neill, H ugh.
Farnsworth, F. F. R eport of sub-ctteo.
V I of cttee. A -5 of A.S.T.M. on speci­
fications for metallic-coated products,
53, 240.4, 504.4.
Farnsworth, H. E. Concerning W. T.
Sproull’s article on “ Diffraction of LowSpeed Electrons by a Tungsten Singlo
Crystal,” 53, 101A ; diffraction of lowspeed electrons, 53, 702/1 ; diffraction
of low-speod electron by Au crystal,
53, 305^4 ; electron diffraction by Ag
film on Au crystal, 53, 305.4 ; fine stru c­
ture of electron diffraction beams from
Au crystal and from Ag film on Au
crystal, 53, 440.4.
Farnsworth, H. E., and Roso, B. A.
Measurement of contact p.d. between
different faces of Cu single crystals, 53,
Faulhaber, Frank V.
See Parkinson,
Faulhaber, Thos. F. Lead-in wire for
vacuum tubes, 53, 400/1.
Faust, Charles L. See S tout, Lawrence E.
Federov, 0 . S. See Pamfilov, A. W.
Fedorov, V. S., and Postarnak, N. G.
Welding of drills with alloys “ W okar ”
and “ Pobedit,” 53, 071/1.
Fehse, A., and K indt, B. W orking glass
with W idia tools, 53, 460.1.
Feigl, F. See Mayr, C.
Feigl, F., and Krumholz, P. Analytical
evaluation of catalytic reactio n s; d e ­
tection of P d in presence of other m etals
of P t group, 53, 95.4 ; colorimetric
m ethod fordetn. of traces of W, 53, 515.4.
Feinberg, Henry I. See Stillwell, Charles
Feiser, Jürgen. Use of Preece test espe­
cially for electrolytic galvanizing, 53,
Felchner, F. See Röntgen, P.
Fellows, J. A. See Norton, F. H .
Fenning, R. W., and Cotton, F . T. Bomb
calorim eter detn. of heats of form ation
of N ,0 and CO„ 53, 570/1.
Ferguson, A. L.f and Dubpernell, George.
Overvoltage. VI.—Mechanism of tra n s­
fer of electrolytic H 2 and O, through
th in sheets of P t and Pd, 53, 042.4.
Ferguson, Wm. B. Elect, heat solves
foundry problem, 53, 153.4.
Ferrand, A. Vella-. See Vella-Ferrand, A.
Ferrari, Umberto. E lected member, 51,
Fetzer, B. H ard m etals in operation, 53,
Feussner, Otto. Carrying out of tech.
spectrographic analysis, 53, 503.4 ; new
thermocouples of noble m etals for very
high tem ps., 53, 204/1 ; optical spectrum
analysis, 53, 257/1 ; quant, spectrographic analysis, 53, 304/1.
Fiechter, J. J. Sales advantages of welded
products, 53, 405.4.
Field, A. J. Phys. properties of Al-baso
die-casting alloys, 53, 120/1.
Field, A. J., and Dickin, J . H . Paper :
“ The Electrical Conductivity of Alumin­
ium W ire,” 51, 183.— Discussion :
A. G. C. Gwycr, 200 ; R. Seligman, 208 ;
Itephj to discussion, 214, 309.— Corre­
spondence: L. H . Callendar, 214.— Reply
to correspondence, 214, 309.
Field, E. W. Sec G arnett, J . H .
Field, Samuel. Control of electrodepositing solns. X IV .—Cd soln., 53, 249^4 ;
XV.—Cr soln. (1), 53, 300/1 ; X V I.—Cr
soln., 53, 507.4 ; idealism in electrodepn., 53, 512/1 ; some aspects of throw ­
ing power. Q uant, expression, 53, 198.4.
Fieldner, A. C., Porter, H . C., and Selvig,
W . A. R eport of cttee. D -5 of A.S.T.M.
on coal and coke, 53, 273/1.
Figour, H., and Jacquet, P. Zn or Cd
plating, 53, 254/1.
Filliatre, Louis, and Vcrnotte, Pierre.
Anomalies of elasticity of m etals. D am p­
ing of torsional oscillations, 53, 455.4.
Finch, G. I., and Quarrell, A. G. Structure
of Mg, Zn, and A1 films, 53, 554/1.
Finch, G. I., Murison, C. A., S tu art, N.,
and Thomson, G. P . Catalytic proper­
ties and structure of m etal films. I.—
Sputtered P t, 53, 011/1.
Findeisen, 0 . Development and position
of quant, spectrum analysis. II.—
Spectrographic m etal investigation in
practice, 53, 304/1.
Findlay, Alexander. P a m p h le t: “ Science
and the Community,” 53, 284.4.
Fink, A. D. See H olter, — .
Fink, Colin G. Discussion on C onstant’s
paper on “ Tho Electron Theory and
M agnetism,” 53, 231/1 ; tungsten, 53,
Fink, Colin G., and Alpern, Dwight K.
Cr-So photovoltaic cells, 53, 32/1.
Fink, Colin G., and Kopp, A rthur II.
Ancient Egyptian Sb plating on Cu
objects. Rediscovered ancient E gyptian
craft, 53, 534.4.
Fink, Colin G., and Lam bros, George C.
R h plating, 53, 447.4.
Fink, Colin G., and Wong, Chaak Y.
Cyanide-freo bath for depn. of Cu on
steel, 53, 252/1.
Fink, Max, and Hofm ann, Ulrich. Oxida­
tion of m etals under friction, 53, 340A ;
theory of frictional oxidation, 53, 487/1.
Name Index
Fink, W illiam L., and Freche, H . R.
Equilib. relations in Al-Co alloys of high
purity, 53, 69.4.
Fink, William L., and Van H orn, K ent R.
Equilib. relations in Al-Zn alloys of
high purity, 53, 704.
Finkeldey, W. H. Discussion on Edm unds
and F uller’s papor on “ R elation of
Crystal O rientation to bending Qualities
of Rolled Zinc Alloys,” 53, 127*4 ; report
of sub-cttoo. V I of cttee. B -3 of A.S.T.M.
on atm ospheric corrosion. Atmospheric
corrosion test programmo, 53, 80.4. ;
report of sub-cttee. VI of cttee. B -3 of
A.S.T.M. on atm ospheric corrosion of
non-ferrous m etals and alloys, 53, 500.4.
Finlay, J. R. Sec Bain, H . F.
Finlayson, F. E. See Chorry, K. M.
Firestone, F. A. Sec A bbott, E. J .
Firestone, F. A., and Vincent, H . B.
Inspection of surfaces for minuto
defects, 53, 202.4,.
Firgau, — . Modern degreasing and clean­
ing, 53, 3944.
Firth, Ambrose. Elected member, 52, 15.
Fischer, Hellmut, and Petors, Newton.
Reducibility of BeCl> w ith metallic Al,
53, 689.1.
Fischer, Hellmut, and Schwan, W. Depn.
of Bo on Cu and other m etals in fused
electrolytes, 53, 709-4.
Fischer, J. Galvanic treatm ent of Al,
53, 314.
Fischer, 0 . A pparatus for exam ination
of m aterials by X-rays, 53, 375*4.
Fish, E. R. W hy ductility of wolds is
im portant in welded pressure vessels,
53, 2194.
Fish, W. Modern m ethods of prodn. of
small machined work, 53, 5264.
Fishel, W. P. Sec Oldham, S. E.
Fitterer, G. R. Now thermocouples for
dotn. of temps, up to a t least 1800° C.,
53, 2654.
Fitzgerald, A. E. Developments in u n ­
burned magnesite brick, 53, 474.
Fitzpatrick, G. D. Bo motal from oxido,
53, 4714.
Flamm , P. Measuring and m easure­
m ents in oloct. arc-welding, 53, 1674.
Fleck, H. Ronald, and W ard, A. M.
D etn. of m etals by 8-hydroxyquinolirie.
I.—Effect of p n on pptn. of Mg, Zn, Co,
Ni, Cu, and Mo from acetate soln.,
53, 6484.
Fleischmann, E. W hite bearing metals,
53, 2674.
Fleming, Russell C. Book revised by :
“ The Exam ination of Prospects,” 53,
4804 {review).
Fleury, R. de. Mg : melting, casting, and
uses, 53, 1494 ; security in using
castings, 53, 2054 ; see also Caillon, A .;
Hardouin, — .
Fleury, R. de, and Caillon, A. Flux for
protecting, refining, and eliminating
chlorides in casting Mg, 53, 2684.
Fleury-Bernheim, Jean. Organization of
scientific research in Germany, 53,
Flocke, F. G. See Schooner, J . G.
Flocke, F. G., Schooner, J . G., and McKay,
R. J . Gas welded and brazed joints
for high-Ni alloys, 53, 3994.
Floresco, N. Effect of olomontary I 2 on
metals, 53, 1324.
Florian, Eberhard. Thesis : “ Über dio
elektrolytisch Raffination von A ntim onZinn-Legierungen,” 53, 4254.
Flügge, J. Choice of system in microphotography, 53, 964.
Fonda, Gorton R., Young, Androw H .,
and W alker, Amy. Diffusion of Th in
W, 53, 1794.
Forcella, Pietro. Elected momber, 52,
Forrest, G. See Gough, H . J.
Forrest, H. 0. Sec Roetheli, B. E.
Forsch, Jaim e. Technique of Al manuf.,
53, 5124.
Forster, A. Lindsay. Practico of heat
insulation, 53, 7174.
Förster, Johannes. See Müller, Erich.
Forsythe, W. E., and Easloy, M. A.
Characteristics of General E lectric photo­
flash lamp, 53, 3324.
Foster, Chas. E. Autom atic temp, control,
53, 3264 ; economies of oloct. hoating,
53, 3834 ; pyrom etry in brass foundry,
53, 1454.
Foster, L. V. See Trivelli, A. P . H.
Foster, P. Field. Arasler torsion testing
m achines, 53, 2644 ; fatigue tosting
of m aterials, 53, 2634 ; H aigh alternating
stross testing machine, 53, 2 6 3 4 ;
notched, bar im pact testing, 53,
Fournier, Henri. Cupping test by m othod
of Siebol and Pom p, 53, 4554 ; results
furnished by cupping tests and their
relation to tensile tests, 53, 4554.
Fowler, (Sir) Henry. Elected President,
51, 25; fund in connection w ith Silver
Jubilee, 52, 15; proposes adoption of
R eport of Council, 51, 21 ; discussion on
“ The Application of tho Diamond
Pyram id Indentation Tost to Copper
and Copper-Rich Alloys in the Form of
Thin Strip,” 51, 228.
Fowler, R. H. Elem entary theory of
electronic semi-conductors, and some of
their possible properties, 53, 4884.
Fowler, R. H., and Sterne, T. E. S ta tisti­
cal mechanics w ith particular reference
to vapour pressures and entropies of
crystals, 53, 4984.
Fox, Gerald W ., and Bowie, R obert M.
Now m ethod for dotg. thormionic workfunction of motals and its appn. to Ni,
53, 6904.
Fox, J. J. See Ellis, B. A.
Fox, Jam es. Microstructure of colddraw n brass tubes, 53, 6294.
Fraenkel, W. Conductivity of Al solid
solns., 53, 6944.
Fraenkel, W., and H ahn, R. So-called
period of incubation in ago-hardening
of Duralumin, 53, 6954.
Fraine, W alter. Statuary finishes on
naval bronze, 53, 3954.
Nam e Index
France, E. A., J r. Polishing operations for
A1 ware, 53, 280/1.
France, R. D. See Swangor, W . H .
Franceschini, F. Metal plating of glass
and porcelain, 53, 448.1.
Franchi, E. Compressed gas cylinders in
light alloys, 53, 67L-1.
Francis, Edgar L. W ire-drawing process.
I I I . —Lubrication, 53, 103/1; see also
Thompson, F . C.
Francis, F. R. Non-ferrous m otal mould
castings, 53, 380/1, 458/1.
Francis, W. B. Machining Al, 53, 526.1.
Frank, E. N. Effect of motal in mixing
broad doughs, 53, 595/1.
Franke, A. See Brennecko, R.
Franke, E. Dotn. of initial hardness in
ball liardnoss test, 53, 054/1.
Franz, C. J. See Roetholi, B. E.
Franz, H. Simple m ethods of testing
m aterials for medium-sizo and smallscale works, 53, 97.4 ; see also Meissner,
Frary, Francis C. Correspondence on
“ Tho Fatigue-Resisting Properties of
L ight Aluminium Alloys a t Elovatod
T em peratures,” 51, 179; logical divisions
of research organization, 53, 535.4.
Fraser, John Aird A rthur. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 20.
Fraser, 0 . B. J. Ni and Ni alloys for oilrofinory equipm ent, 53, 532*4.
Frazier, Richard H. Precise detn. of
therm al diffusivity of Zn, 53, 485.4;
p u rity of Zn for which therm al diffu­
sivity recently was reported, 53, 485/1.
Freche, H. R. See Fink, W illiam L.
Freeman, J. R., Jr. Discussion on Morris’s
paper on 4< Seasonal Variation in Rato
of Im pingem ent Corrosion Tost,” 53,
Freeman, W. C. W elding ferrous and nonferrous m etals, 53, 588.4.
Freitag, — . Additions to pickling baths
and disposal of waste liquors in m etal
pickling, 53, 278^1; explosions in
lacquer-drying ovens : relation between
Zn corrosion and tem p., 53, 79.4 ;
spontaneous combustion of metals,
53, 583.4 ; spontanoous ignition of
vapours or solvents, 53, 393.4 ; spotting
of lacquered m etal articles, 53, 135.4.
French, H. J., and Mochel, N. L. R eport
of Jo in t Research Cttee. of A.S.T.M.
and A.S.M.E. on effcct of temp, on pro­
perties of m etals, 53, 115/1; report of
joint cttee. of A.S.T.M. and A.S.M.E.
on effect of tem p, on properties of metals.
Progress report to sponsor societies, 53,
French, R. C. Polish on m etals, 53, 487.4.
French, Sidney J., and H am ilton, John M.
Use of m etallic electrodos as indicators,
53, 317.4.
Frenkel, Gennady. E lected member, 52,
Frenkel, J. Possible explanation of super­
conductivity^ 53, 489/1, 615/1.
Fresenius, L., and Frommes, M. Dotn. of
Be, 53, 647.4,
Fresenius, R. Most im portant advances
in analytical chem istrv in p ast year, 53,
Fresno, Carlos del, and Mairlot, Edmundo.
Potentiom etrie detn. in alkaline soln.
Detn. of Au with vanadyl sulphate, 53,
Freude, F. Special bronzo for tclephono
and telegraph conductors, 53, 71 A .
Freund, Hugo. Book : “ Colorim etry,”
53, 431/1 (review).
Frey, J. W. See Bain, H . F.
Freymann, A. Removal of beer scale from
Al, V2A steel, and other m etals, 53,
Frick, C. Elect.-heated universal furnaces
for continuous heating operations, 53,
Frick, C., and Dausch, H . Book : “ T a­
schenbuch für metallurgische Probierkundo, Bewertung und Verkäufe von
Erzen für Geologen, Borg-, H iitten-Ingeniouro und Prospektoren,” 53, 428/1
Fricke, Werner. Transverse m agnetostric­
tion effect, 53, 180/1.
Friend, J. Newton. Book : “ A Text-Book
of Physical Chemistry,” 53, 58/1 ; dis­
cussion on ** Noto on tho Groon Patina
on Copper. Examplos from Elan Valley
(Wales) and D undalk (Ireland),” 52, 96.
Fries, George A. Pressures required for
heading Duralum in rivots, 53, 217^4.
Fritsche, Oscar. See Wahl in, H . B.
Fritsche, Oscar, W ahlin, H . B., and
Österlo, Joseph F. ThOa, a high-temp.
refractory, 53, 580/1.
Fritz, E. H. Soldered porcelain and glass
in elect, industry, 53, 585.1.
Frobcese, V. Absorption of Pb by to o th ­
pastes from tinned-Pb tubes, 53, 594.4.
Frocht, Max Mark. Appn. of interference
fringes to stress analysis, 53, 569*4.
Fröhlich, K. W. Behaviour of P to Cu
and Ag.—I., 53, 237.4 ; II., 696.4 ; detn.
of sulphate content of Cr-plating baths,
53, 706/1 ; new m ethod of testing plating
baths and its appn. to Ag- and Cuplating, 53, 708-4 ; see also Moser, — .
Fröhlich, W erner. Fluxes in brass m elt­
ing, 53, 458.4 ; m elting and casting of
Al alloys, 53, 146.4 ; m elting and casting
of Pb-rich Cu alloys, 53, 715.4 ; welding
of A l, 53, 669/1.
Frommer, Leopold. B ook: “ H andbuch
der Spritzgusstechnik der Motallogierungen einschliesslich des W arm press­
gussverfahrens,” 53, 287.4. (review).
Frommes, M. See Frosenius, L.
Frost, E. R. Effect of machino rigidity
on m etal flow, 53, 214.4.
Froyman, A. I. See Polibin, P . A.
Frum kin, A. Theory of H , overvoltage,
53, 32.4.
Fruth, Hal. F. Cathode sputtering—com ­
mercial appn., 53, 469/1.
Fry, A. Increasing resistance to corrosion
by alloying, 53, 133*4.
Fry, John. Nom inated as H onorary T rea ­
surer, 52, 14 ; report as H onorary T rea­
Name Index
surer, 51, 22; discussion on “ Sorao
Effects of the Addition of Tellurium to
Load,” 51, 87.
Fuchs, F. Sec Billiter, J.
Führer, A. Manuf. of drum in acid-resist­
ing bronze, 53, 148/1.
Fujii, Kanekoto. Arrange mo nfc of m icro­
crystals in fractured single-crystal A1
■wire, 53, 352/1.
Fujii, Yoshiro. Elected member, 52, 15.
Fujita, Moritarö. Methods of testing cast­
ing sand, 53, 381/1.
Fukuda, S. Sec Shibusawa, M.
Fuller, M. L. See E dm unds, Gerald.
Fuller, M. L., and Rodda, J . L. Segregate
structures of W idm anstätton type d e ­
veloped from solid solns. of Cu in Zn,
53, 188/1.
Fuller, T. S. Discussion on McAdam’s
paper on “ Influence of Stress on Corro­
sion,” 53, 132/1 ; endurance of m etal in
corrosive surroundings, 53, 502/1.
Fuller, T. S., and T our, Sam. R ep o rt of
cttoe. B -3 of A.S.T.M. on corrosion of
non-ferrous m etals and alloys, 53, 80.4,
Fuller, T. S., Mumma, P. F ., and Moore,
H . F . Corrosion-fatigue of m etals, 53,
242/1; sum m ary of presont-day know­
ledge of fatigue phenomena of m etals.
Corrosion-fatiguo of m etals, 53, 229.4.
Fulton, Charles C. #-naphthol reaction for
Cu, 53, 645/1.
Fulweiler, W. H., and Hess, R. E. R eport
of cttee. E - l of A.S.T.M. on m ethods of
testing, 53, 262/1, 516/1.
Fundator, W. I. M aterials for scientific
designing of casting heads, 53, 40/1.
Funk, H., and D itt, M. Quant, detn. of
some m etals by anthranilic acid. I.—
Simple m ethod for quant, detn. of Zn
and Cd, and for sepn. of these m etals
from alkalino earths, 53, 453/1 ; II.—.
Simple method for quant, detn. of Co,
Ni, and Cu, 53, 648.4.
Furm an, N. Howell, and Low, George W.
Use of W —N i olectrode system in neutral­
izations, 53, 367/1.
Furnas, C. C. Sec Newton, R. H.
Furness, J. W. Purchases of 654,890,231
lb. of scrap analyzed, 53, 43.4 ; see also
Bain, H . F.
Furniss, A. Reflection of ultra-violet rays,
53, 120.4.
Futiwara, T. Super-Pormalloy invented
by D r. K. H onda and Mr. T. Masuko,
53, 348.4.
Gable, Howard S. E xtraction of Ge from
Go-bearing spelter re to rt residues, 53,
Gabler, F. New m ethods for detn. of h eat
conductivity of m etals, 53, 231A .
Gaev, A. I. Current efficiency in electro­
lytic prodn. of Cu, 53, 513.4.
Gajew, A. Book : “ Copper Electrolysis ”
(in Russian), 53, 109.4.
Galibourg, J. Agoing of m etals after coldworking by applied tension, 53, 495/1 ;
steel and Ni alloys in naval construction,
53, 417/1 ; steel and Ni alloys in railway
work, 53, 417/1 ; sec also Guillet, L.
Galimberti, P.
Practical m ethod for
analysis of some m etallic powders of
indust, uso, 53, 365.4.
Gall, Carl. Elected member, 52, 15.
Gallo, G., and Corbi, D. Protection of A1
alloys by oloctrolytically-deposited Cr,
53, 88.4.
Gallus, — . H ighly refractory special
m atoriais for high tem ps., 53, 579/1.
Gambioli, G. A. Mario. Cd and Zn plating
of A1 anti Duralumin, 53, 254/1.
Ganguli, Radharaman. -See Banerji, D.
Gann, John A. Development of uses of
Mg, 53, 416.4 ; magnesium, 53, 416/1 ;
see also Johnson, J . B.
Ganner, Oliver Charles. Elected student
member, 51, 27.
Gans, Richard.
Ferrom agnetic single
crystals, 53, 119.4.
Gardam, G. E. See M aenaughtan, D. J.
Gardner, E. P. S. New weld gauge and
scribor, 53, 672.4.
Gardner, H. A. Advantages and d is­
advantages of A1 paints, 53, 102/1.
Gardner, H. A., and H art, L. P. Painting
shoot Cu—Cu and other metallic powders
in paints—Cu stains on w hite paint,
53, 196/1.
Gardner, H. A., and Sward, G. G. Ac­
celerated test for m etal preservatives
for sub-soa-water service, 53, 360.4.
Gardner, H. B., and Saoger, C. M., .Jr.
Effect of S and Fo on phys. properties
of cast red brass (Cu 85, Sn 5, Zn 5,
P b 5), 53, 492.4.
Garnett, J. H., and Field, E. W. Econo­
mic uses of cemented carbide and other
high-duty alloy tools, 53, 668/1, 718.4.
Garre, B. Book : ” Einführung in dio
Praktische Metallographie,” 53, 111.4
(review); relationship between static
and dynamic loading, 53, 651.4.
Garre, B., and Mikulla, H .
Pb alloys
resistant to H ?S 0 4, 53, 442/1.
Garre, B., and Vollmert, F . Hardenablo
P b alloys, 53, 124.4.
Garriga, J. Visquez-.
See VasquezGarriga, J.
Garside, Jam es Eric. Eloctod student
member, 51, 313.
Garvin, M. See Chaudron, G.
Gaspar y Arnal, T. New reagent for Li
in presence of other a lk a lis; sopn. of
Li from M g; quant, detn. of L i ; sopn.
of arsenates from arsenito, 53, 646/1.
Gasquard, L. Excrescences and eruptions
in foundry work, 53, 205/1 ; study of
m oulding sands, 53, 153.4.
Gassner, Otto. Book : “ Auskünfte über
Baum etalle,” 53, 109/1.
Gatzek, W. Sec Brenner, P.
Gayler, (Miss) Marie L. V. Alloys of Fe
research. X I.— Constitution of alloys
of Fo and Mn, 53, 624.4 ; discussion on
** An X -R ay Investigation of the CopporAluminium Alloys,” 51, 157; discussion
on “ Experim ents on th e Effects of
Name Index
Variations in Mould and Pouring
Tempora turos on the Macro- ancl
M icrostructures of Some Low MeltingP oint Metals and Alloys,” 51, 42, 44;
discussion on “ Graphitic Silicon, HeatT reatm ont, and the Electrical Con­
ductivity of Aluminium,” 51, 210;
discussion on the paper by Dix, Sager,
and Sager on “ Equilibrium Relations
in Aluminium-Coppor-Magnosium and
Aluminium-Copper-M agnesium Silicido
Alloys of High P u rity ,” 53, 120A .
Gebauer, Karl. Inform ation on Cr bath
anodes, 53, 251/1.
Gechter, 0 . F., and Laird, H . R. Im ­
proved dovico for recording instan­
taneous tool pressures in m achinability
studies, 53, 37LI.
Gehm, G. Sec Krüger, F.
Geiger, — . W elding of Cu in construction
of apparatus, 53, 166/1.
Geilmann, W., and Wriggo, Fr. W. Detn.
of In and Ga with 8-hydroxyquinoline,
53, 20L4 ; sepn. of So from m etals and
So losses in analysis, 53, 366.4.
Geldbach, Wilh. See H orn, H ans A.
Gelman, A. S. See Hollister, S. C.
Genders, R. Discussion on “ Furthor
Observations on the D istribution of
Porosity in Aluminium and Coppor
Ingots, with Somo Notes on Tnvcrso
Segregation,” 52, 210; standardization
of scleroscopo te st for specification uso,
53, 456-4.
Gentles, Fred. Trimming, fettling, and
sand-blast equipm ent, 53, 152.4.
Genvarskii, A. N. See Vanyukov, V. A.
Georgi, Konrad. Anodic behaviour of Co,
53, 338/1, 425-4.
Gerard, I. J. Mecli. tests of aircraft
structural components, 53, 97A .
Gerbeaux, H. Autogenous welding of
brass, 53, 398-1 ; repairing foundry
castings by autogenous welding, 53,
Gerdien, H. Alumina as highly refractory
m aterial, 53, 525-4 ; alum ina as strong
fire-resisting m aterial, 53, 328-4.
Gerding, H., and Gerd ing-Kroon, R.
Photoelect, offoct a t Mg surfaces, 53,
Gerding-Kroon, R. See Gerding, H .
Gerhardt, Paul. Cd and its appn. in
electroplating practice, 53, 197-4, 445^4.
Gerlach, W. Chem. spectrum analysis,
53, 94-4.
Gerlach, W., and Schweitzer, E. Diffusion
of H g into Sn foil, 53, 690/1.
Gerlach, W alther. Change of elect, re­
sistance due to magnetization, 53, 180-4 ;
spectrograph ic recognition of small
quantities, “ traces,” 53, 710-4.
Gerlach, W alther, and Gerlach, W ernor.
Book : “ Die Chemische Emissions*
S pektralanalyse. Teil I I .—Anwendung
in Medizin, Chomie, und Mineralogio,”
53, 686-4 {review).
Gerlach, W alther, and Riedl, Elso. Spectro-analytical and elect, investigations
w ith very pure P t, 53, 611.1.
Gerlach, W alther, and R uthardt, Konrad.
X I.—
Method of quant, and qual. spectrograpliic analysis, 53, 364-4.
Gerlach, W alther, and Schwoitzor, Eugen.
Book : ** Foundations and Methods of
Chemical Analysis by the Emission
Spectrum ,” 53, 64/1 (review).
Gerlach, W erner. See Gerlach, W alther.
Germeau, G. Elongation after fracturo
in cylindrical tensile tost-pieces, 53,
Germer, L. H. Diffraction of electrons
by m etal surfaces, 53, 353/1.
Gerngross, Otto. See Herzfeld, Hans.
Gerold, E. Shape and arrangem ent of
ferromagnetic segregates by means of
m agnetic balance, 53, 127-4.
Gerstner, F. See Stock, A.
Methods and m aterials, 53, 584/1,
719/1; pre-treatm ent of woven-moulded
brake lining controls quality, 53, 459-4 ;
Zn-base alloy die-castings find steadily
widening fiold of autom otive appn.,
53, 594-4.
Getman, Frederick H. Te electrode, 53,
Gettens, Rutherford J. Compn. of patina
on modern bronze statue, 53, 703/1 ;
mineralization, electrolytic treatm ent
and radiographic exam ination of Cu
and bronze objocts from Nuzi, 53, 307/1.
Geveling, N. V. Tempering of Duralumin
sheet in relation to tim e of heating,
53, 665-1.
Gibbins, R. Lloyd. Discussion on “ The
D istribution of Porosity in Copper
Ingots,” 51, 298.
Gibboney, J. H., and Aston, Jam es.
R eport of ctteo. A -5 of A.S.T.M. on
corrosion of iron and steel, 53, 247/1,
Gibson, F. H. See Selvig, W . A.
Gibson, Jam es E. Service pipe m aterials
and practice in U.S.A. and Canada,
53, 596/1 ; use of non-ferrous service
pipes a t present prices, 53, 596-4.
Gibson, Thos. W. Nickel, 53, 416-4.
Gier, J. R. Sec A ustin, C. R.
Gieth, Johann. H ardness testing of m etal­
lic structural m aterials, 53, 712-4.
Gilbert, H. N., Scott, N. D., Zimmerli,
W. F., and liansley, V. L. Sodium, 53,
Gilbertson, L. I. Method for prepn. of
H 2T c0 4, 53, 365/1.
Gilchrist, Archibald. Obituary notice, 51,
Gilchrist, Raleigh. New detn. of atomic
weight of Os, 53, 179/1.
Gilchrist, Thomas Chalmers. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 27.
Giles, Geoffrey William. Elected student
member, 51, 27.
Gilkey, Herbert J., and Bergman, Elm er O.
Supplementary m ethods of stress an a ­
lysis, 53, 651-4.
Gill, Stanley. Petroleum pays increasing
toll to corrosion, 53, 81-4.
Name Index
Gillett, H. W. M etal wear and ceram ist’s
problem, 53, 340.4; resistance of Cu
and its alloys to repeated stress. I I .—
Effect of im purities in, and additions
to, Cu. Lack of satisfactory accelerated
te st m ethods, 53, 66.4 ; i l l . —Brassos
and N i-brasses, 53, 71.4.
Gilliland, E. R. See Cryder, D. S.
Gillon, J. W arren. See R andall, John A.
Gingerich, E. M. See Rowe, H . J . ; Stay,
T. D.
Ginsberg, H.
Colorimetry of Ti.—II.
(Contribution to general m ethod of
colorimetry), 53, 260-4 ; II I.—General
technique of colorimotry, 53, 453.4»
Girardet, L. F. G. Moulding sands, 53,
Girault, Marcel. Moulding and core sands,
53, 269.4.
Girod, P. Use of graphito and cast-iron
crucibles in A1 foundry, 53, 206.4.
Given, Ivan A. Coal and coke, 53, 273*4.
Glasstone, S., and Reynolds, J . D. In ­
fluence of H .-F. currents on polarized
electrodes.—I., 53, 32.4.
Glasstone, S., and Speakman, J . C. Electrodopn. of Fe-Co alloys.—I., 53, 294,
2524 ; II., 53, 2524, 360.4, 508/1.
Glaymann, J. Protection of m etals against
corrosion. Principles of protection of
m etals, 53, 6364.
Glazunov, A. R apid analysis of alloys
w ithout destruction of samples, 53,
Glazunov, A., and Krivohlavy, J . Quant,
detn. of Ni in N i-steels by electrographic
m ethod, 53, 201/1.
Glazunov, Alexander, and B artunek, E.
Linear ra te of crystn. of cathodic Pb
deposits, 53, 6424.
Globig, W. See Sauerwald, F.
Glocker, R. L attice forccs a n d X -ray
spectrum , 53, 18.4, 241.4; see also
Dehlinger, U.
Glockler, George. New type of crystal
structure model, 53, 702.4.
Glover, John George, and Cornell, W illiam
B ook:
“ Development of
American Industries,1’ 53, 5994.
Gluschakoff, A. J. See Maljaroff, K. L.
Gmelin. Book : “ Handbuch der anor­
ganischen Chemio.” System-Nummer 30:
Barium, 53, 540.4 (review); SystemNum m er 35 : Aluminium. Teil B.—
Lieferung 1, 53, 604.4 (review) ; System Num m er 54: Wolfram, 53, 5394 ;
System -Nummer 58 : K obalt. Teil A,
Lieferung 2, 53, 60.4 (review); SystemNum m er 59 : Eisen. Teil A, Lieferung
4, 53, 427/1 (review); System-Nummer
59 : Eisen. Teil B, Lieferung 5, 53,
604 (review).
Gmelin, P., and Ivrönert, J . Booli : “ Der
Chemie-Ingenieur. Vol. II. Physikal­
ische Kontrollo und Regulierung des
Betriebes. P a rt I : Kontroll- und Rogulieroinrichtungen, Allgemeines und
Gemeinsames,” 53, 4214.
Gmelin, P., Grüss, H ., Sauer, H ., and
K rönert, J . Book : “ D er Chemie-InVOL. L III.
geniour. Vol. II. Physikalische K on­
trolle und Regulierung des Betriebes.
P a rt I V : Physikalisch-chemische A na­
lyse im Betriobe,” 53, 421/1.
Gnesotto, Tullio. Changes in eloct. rosistanco of m agnetostrictive m etals in m ag­
netic fields, 53, 1154 ; changes in tensile
properties of m agnetostrictive m etals
caused b y longitudinal, circular, and
screw-shaped m agnetization, 53, 114.4;
effects of changes in state of tension of
m agnetostrictive cylinders in magnetic
fields, 53, 115.4.
Godfrey, S. F. Principles and appns. of
pyrom otry, 53, 5214.
Godsey, Frank W ., Jr. Cathodic films in
electrolytic condensers, 53, 2564 ; po ten ­
tial gradients in anodic films, 53, 324.
Goederitz, A. H. F. See Claus, Willi.
Goehler, O. E. See H ickm an, K.
Goens, E. Bending and torsion vibrations
of thin cylindrical crystal rod of any
desired crystallographic orientation, 53,
144/1, 4554 ; improved a pparatus for
static detn. of torsion m odulus of crystal
rods and its appn. to single crystals of
Zn, 53, 6534.
Goens, E., and Grüncisen, E . Conduction
of h eat and electricity in Zn and Cd
crystals, 53, 67/1.
Goerens, Paul. Book : “ Einführung in
die Motallographie,” 53, 2874 (review).
Goetz, A. See H o, T. L. ; Wolf, A.
Goetz, A., and Jacobs, 11. B. Effect of
tem p, on reflection of X -rays from Bi
crystals, 53, 554/1.
Goldbach, G. E xperim ents with Magnalium shoots (corrosion tests), 53, 77-4.
Goldmann, F. See v. Schwarz, M.
Goldovsky, (Mlle.) N. See P rot, — .
Goldschmidt, R. “ After-effect losses ” in
ferromagnetic m aterials in weak a lte r­
nating fields, 53, 236/1.
Goldstein, Leonard. See Stout, Lawrence
v. Göler (Frhr.). See Agte, Curt.
Golfler, L. Striking new coinage, 53, 3304.
Gollnow, G. Simple m ethod for detn. of
acidity of electrolytic baths, 53, 362/1.
Golyer, E. De. See Yeatm an, Pope.
González, Fernando. Practical deoxida­
tion of brasses and bronzes, 53, 521/1.
Goodby, H. E. Vote of thanks to, 52,
Goode, E. A. Soly. of P bC r04 in
CH3COO(NH4) and CH3COOH soins, and
detn. of small am ts. of Pb, 53, 321/1.
Gorbunova, K. M. Electrolysis of m etals.
I I I .—Structure of electrolytic deposits
of Ag from molten salts, 53, 640/1.
Gordon, E. E. See Becker, W . A.
Gordon, G. F. C. Book : “ Elem entary
M etallurgy for Engineers,” 53, 4784L
Gordon, Robert M. Modern lubrication on
hot m ills, 53, 3894.
Gorew, K. W. See Botchvar, A. A.
Goriatchev, A. P., and Syrom iatnikov,
R . R. Elect, welding of sheet A1 by
carbon arc, 53, 331/1.
Nam e Index
Goroncy, — , and U rban, — . Electron
Graulich, W. Electrom etallurgical pro*
tube as spark producer in spectrum
lim. refining of precious motal alloys,
analysis of m inute quantities of motals,
53, 5744.
53, 310/1.
Graves, B. P. Dotg. value of tungsten
Gorrissen, Johan. Corrosion of alloys, 53,
carbido milling cutters, 53, 3924.
Grazianov, A. K. See B otchvar, A. M.
Gorschkov, J. Discussion on N orthcott’s
Graziansky, N. N. See Plotnikow, W . A.
papor on “ Veining or Sub-Boundary
Greaves, Richard Henry, and W righton,
Structures,” 53, 2394.
Harold. Book : “ Practical Micro­
Gorshkov, I. E. Correspondence on “ F u r­
scopical M etallography,” 53, 2874
ther Observations on tho D istribution
of Porosity in Aluminium and Copper
Grebel, A. Mochanism of combustion of
Ingots, with Some Notes on Inverso
pulverized coal, 53, 464.
Segregation,” 52, 217; correspondence
Grebmeier, J. See Marks, Graham W.
on **Tho D istribution of Porosity in
Green, A. T. See Clows, F . H.
Coppor Ingots,” 51, 301 ; m oulds for
Green, George Allen. Elected member,
casting of ingots of non-ferrous m etals
51, 27.
and alloys, 53, 2064.
Green, J. C. Refractories, 53, 5244.
Goss, N. P. X -ray diffraction patterns
Green, Thomas E. Porosity, 53, 7144.
show strain in m etals, 53, 764.
Greenall, C. H. Discussion on Sm ith’s
Gossieaux, M. Colouring of Cu and brass,
paper on “ Copper-Boryllium Bronzes,”
53, 3934.
53, 1224. Gottschalk, V. H., and Dean, R . S. Gases
Greenburg, L., and Winslow, *C. E. A.
in m etals, 53, 4864.
D ust hazard in air-pressure abrasive
blasting, 53, 5734.
Gottschall, Wilhelm. Thesis : “ Boitrage
¡sum olektrochem. Vorhalton dor PlatinGreene, L. Wilson, and Leaper, J . M.
m etalle,” 53, 4254.
Faraday. Pure rubberized oil as sub­
Goubkin, S. I. See Gubkin, S. I.
stitu te for linsoed oil in foundry core
Gough, H. J. Discussion on H u n t's
binders, 53, 3274.
paper on “ Somo Aspects of tho Selection
Greene, 0. V. See Luorsson, G. V.
of Engineering M aterials,” 53, 4754.
Greenwood, J. Neill. See Russell, R. S.
Gough, H. J., and Forrest, G. Behaviour
Greenwood, J. Neill, and O’Malley, G. B.
of single crystal of A1 subjoctod to
Factors dotg. properties of white
stressless corrosion in stream of tapbearing m etals, 53, 1854.
w ater followed by test to destruction in
Greer, H. H. A. Nominated as Mombor
air under alternating torsional stresses,
of Council, 52, 14.
53, 2214, 2414.
Greger, Ernst. Wolding of non-forrous
Gough, H. J., and Sopwith, D. G. Paper :
motáis, 53, 6714.
Greger, 0. Interesting destruction pheno­
“ Corrosion-Fatigue Characteristics of
an Aluminium Specimen Consisting o!
menon obsorvod in A1 alloy, 53, 2324.
Two Crystals,’*52, 57 ; relativo tomps. of
Gregg, H. J. Fuels in heat-treating
brass when subjected to roversod diroct
furnaces, 53, 2724.
stresses in vacuo and in air, 53, 6224 ;
Gregg, J. L. B o o k : “ Tho Alloys of
somo comparative corrosion-fatiguo tests
Iron and Molybdonum,” 53, 2864
employing 2 tvpos of stressing action,
{review); properties of m etal foil as
53, 3094, 7054\
insulating m aterial, 53, 4104.
Gould, H. W. Quicksilver, 53, 4164.
Greig, J. W. Discussion on Mehl, B arrott,
Gould, R. Zn in dry batteries, 53, 5954.
and Rhinos’s paper on “ W idm anstatten
Graf, L. Transform ations in system A u Structure. I I I .—Aluminium-Rieh A l­
Cu and their fundam ental importanco
loys of Aluminium with Coppor and of
for transform ations in solid metallic
w ith
phases, 53, 1304 ; see also Schulze, A.
Silicon,” 53, 1294.
Graham, A. Kenneth. Cyanide Zn plating
Greiner, Earl S., Marsh, J . S., and Stough­
baths using A l-H g-Z n anode, 53, 3134 ;
ton, Bradley. Book : “ The Alloys of
m etal industries. Symposium on their
Iron and Silicon,” 53, 6824.
record in 1932 and prospects for 1933—
Grenn, A. T., Hugill, W ., and Ellerton, H .
plating and finishing, 53, 4704.
Disintegration of fireclay products by
Graham, A. Kenneth, Hogaboom, G. B.,
CO, 53, 3864.
and Graham , L. E . xYnodos for Zn
Griengl, Franz, and Baum, Robert.
plating, 53, 4484.
Electrolytic potential of ternary Au—
Graham, L. E. See Graham , A. Konnetli.
Sn-H g alloys, 53, 2994.
Graham, R. W. Chromic acid poisoning,
Griffith, E. Al-bronze parts cast in
53, 5084.
perm anent moulds, 53, 7154.
Griffiths, Ezer. See Awbory, J . H .
Griffiths, W. T. Amor, and continental
Granger, E. R. CJr-plating finds increased
practice in Ni dopn., 53, 6404 j see also
use in textile industry, 53, 294.
Jones, D. G.
Granjon, R. Innovations and tendencies
Grigorenko, G. A. B o o k : “ Bimetals,
in autogonous welding, 53, 6734.
Their Rolling and M anufacture ” {in
Grass, W alter. See Esser, Hans.
Russian), 53, 4224.
Name Index
Grigoriev, A. T. Alloys of Au w ith Sb,
53, 235/1; alloys of Pd w ith Sb, 53,
237/1; alloys of Pd w ith Fo, 53, 120/1,
Grimm, W ., and Wulff, F . Toch. X-ray
pictures and their interpretation, 53,
Grimshaw, Albert H. Cause and pre­
vention of some black spots which
appeared on cloth aftor Kior boiling,
53, 21/1.
Gripenberg, W. S. Se- or selonidorectifior? 53, 419/1.
Grober, H., and Erk, S. Book : “ Dio
Grundgesetze der W ärm eübertragung,”
53, 699/1.
Grodzinski, P. Diamond as tool m aterial,
53, 718.4.
Groenewold, H. J. See Kronig, R. do L.
Grogan, J. D. Discussion on “ An I n ­
vestigation of tho Effects of Hydrogen
and Oxygon on tho Unsoundncss of
Copper-Nickel Alloys,” 51, 255; dis­
cussion on “ The Fatigue-Resisting
Properties of L ight Aluminium Alloys
a t E levated Tomporatures,” 51, 175.
Grogan, J. D., and Schofiold, T. H . Paper :
“ Note on the Influence oi Volatile
Chlorides on Magnesium and on Copper,”
51, 123.— Discussion : N. P. Allen,
129. Reply to discussion. 129.— Cor­
respondence : I. G. Slater, 129.—
Reply to correspondence, 130.
Grohmann, H. Storage of acotylono, 53,
Groshev, M. W. Calculations for annoaling furnaco, 53, 44/1.
Gross, Georg. Brass colouring by pickling,
53, 279/1, 668/1.
Grounds, A rthur. Fuel, 53, 384.4.
Grubb, A. A. Classification of sands, 53,
573/1 ; foundry sand control, 53, 270/1.
Grube, G., and Beischer, D. Eloctrochem. behaviour of Pd. Eloctrodepn.
of Pd and Pd-A g alloys from complox
salt Bolns., 53, 313.4 ; eloctrochom.
bohaviour of P t. I I I . Eloctrodepn. of
P t, 53, 254/1.
Grube, G., and Ilaefner, R. Diffusion of
m etals in solid state. Diffusion of Cu
and Al, 53, 70/1.
Grube, G., and Jedele, A. Diffusion of
m etals in solid state, 53, G/l.
Grube, G., and Vaupel, F . Influence of
prelim, treatm ent on mech. properties
and elect, conductivity of Al contg.
Mg5Si3, 53, 294.4, 343.4, 695/1.
Grube, G., Vasskuhler, H ., and Vogt, II.
Eject, conductivity and constitutional
diagr. of binary alloys. VII.— Li-Cd
system, 53, 72.4.
Gruber, H. Propn. of C-froo Cr alloys from
carbonized ferrochromium, 53, 500/1.
Gruber, H., and Rohn, W. Roduction of
Cr from C r03 by gases, 53, 500/1.
Grubitsch, Heribert. Investigations on
mechanism of process of galvanizing
Fo, 53, 135.4.
Grün, R. Protection of concreto by
metallic coatings, 53, 107/1.
Grüneisen, E. See Goons, E.
Grunert, A. Ageing of Ni-Cr therm o­
elem ents, 53, 266/1.
Grunert, A., Hessenbruch, W ., and Ruf, K.
Resistance alloys for tomps. up to 1300°
C., 53, 550/1.
Grünsteidl, E. K I as spot reagent for
some heavy m etals, 53, 141/1.
Grunwald, Alfred. A pparatus for tem p,
m easurem ent and tomp. regulation, 53,
656/1, 711.4.
Grüss, H. See Gmelin, P.
Grützner, A. Book : “ Eisen- und Stahl­
legierungen. Patontsam m lung geordnet
nach Logierungssystemen,” 53, 541/1
Gruz, T. Erdey-. Sec Erdey-Grûz, T.
Gualtierotti, G. Elect, condonsors using
Al, 53, 530/1.
Gubkin, S. I. Choico of m aterial for
stam ps for Duralum in stampings, 53,
330.4 ; mechanics of plastic deform a­
tion : flow of Duralum in through ori­
fices, 53, 70/1 ; mechanism of plastic
deform ation (extrusion of Duralumin),
53, 48/1 ; theory of difference of p rin ­
cipal stresses in appn. to processes of
drawing and pulling in Dick’s press, &c.,
53, 49/1 ; see also Bachmetew, E . F.
Guenther, A. Quant, optical spectral a n a­
lysis of Pb alloys, 53, 200/1.
Guerillot, A., and Piorson, J . Cr plating
a t low tem ps, and w ith weak c.d., 53,
Guéron, J. Vol. detn. of Zn by K 4Fe(CN)6
and sensitive reaction for Fe, 53, 322/1.
Guertler, W. Developm ent of German
m etal industry with German m aterials,
53, 680/1.
Guertler, W., and Bergmann, A. Ternary
system Al-Sb-M g.—I, II., 53, 343/1 ;
ternary system A g-Cu-N i, 53, 301/1.
Guichard, — , Clausmann, — , Billon, — ,
and L anthony, —. H , content and
hardness of electrolytic Cr, 53, 433/1.
Guidi, G. Compression stressing of rolled
light alloys, 53, 232/1.
Guildfrary, Spencer. See Booth, H arold
Guillery, R. Diamond hardness-testing
machine, 53, 654/1.
Guiilet, Lion. Book : “ Les Méthodes
d’É tudo des Alliages Métalliques,” 53,
477/1 ; im purities in m etallurgical p ro ­
ducts. Their iniluonco on structure and
properties, 53, 117/1; ordinary and
special bronzes, 53, 346/1 ; ordinary and
special bronzes. Alloys of Al and Cu.
II.-JLLL.— “ Al-bronzes,” 53, 620.4 ; ordi­
nary and special bronzes—Pb-bronzes,
53, 346.4 ; ordinary and special bronzes
— phosphor-bronzes, 53, 346/1 ; Z n bronzes, 53, 346/1.
Guiilet, Léon, and Galibourg, J . H alf-cen­
tu ry of research on m etals and alloys.
E xhibit of Scientific Research L abora­
tories a t X H Ith Salon de l'Aéronautique
(18 N ow -4 Dec., 1932), 53, 080/1.
Guiilet, Léon, and Portevin, A lbert. Book :
“ Précis do Metallographie microsco-
Nam e Index
pique eb do Macrographio,” 53, 00*4
Guillet, Léon, Galibourg, J ., and Dupuy, E.
Discussion on Zürich Congress by Asso­
ciation Française pour l’Éssai des M até­
riaux, 53, 97,4.
Guler, K. Light m etal rivets, 53, GG94.
Gulliver, G. H. Book : “ Metallic Alloys,”
53, 2844.
Gunn, Edwin. Corrosion of galvanized Fo
hot-w ater cisterns, 53, 794 ; m etalliza­
tion, 53, 854 ; particular purpose paints,
53, 1304 ; Shcrardizing,53,854 ;Tungum
alloy, 53, 724.
Gunther, C. Godfrey. Book : “ Tho E xam ­
ination of Prospects,” 53, 480/1 (review).
Günther, Georg. Thesis : “ Dio deutsche
Rohalum inium industrie,” 53, 125.4.
Guppy, W. D. Compounding of A1 powder
with rubber, 53, 3334.
Gurevich, E. S., and Gurevich, S. S. Now
inventions, 53, 598.4.
Gurevich, S. S. See Gurevich, E. S.
Gustafson, H. See Behrman, A. S.
Gutair, E. M. Theory of H erbert’s pen­
dulum , 53, 38/1.
Gutberiet, C. See Hough ten, F. C.
Gutin, S. S. Sec Valter, A. F.
Guy er, Edwin Michael. Relative perm e­
ability of Fo, Ni, and Perm alloy in II.-F .
electromagnetic fields, 53, 34.
Guzman, J. Macro-electrolytic analysis
and rapid sepn. of Cu and Ni, 53,
Guzmân, J., and Rancano, A. Macroelectrolytic analysis of Co, Zn, Cd, Ag,
and Hg, 53, 6444.
Guzzoni, G. Corrosion of m etals : causes
and cffocts, 53, 6344 ; mech. properties
of light m etals and criteria for their
uppn., 53, 704.
Gvvyer, A. G. C. Nom inated as VicePresident, 52, 14 ; discussion on F u r­
ther Observations on the D istribution
of Porosity in Aluminium and Copper
Ingots, -with Some Notes on Inverse
Segregation,” 52, 213; discussion on
“ Graphitic Silicon, H eat-T reatm ent, and
the Electrical Conductivity of Alum in­
ium ,” 51, 206 ; discussion on “ The Elec­
trical Conductivity of Aluminium W ire,”
51, 206.
Haas, Paul. E lectrolytic Rh, P t, and Pd
deposits, 53, 30.4.
Haas, W. J. de, and Alphen, P . M. van.
Change of resistance of m etals in m ag­
netic field a t low tem ps., 53, 489.4 ;
magnetic properties of m etals a t low
tem ps., 53, 489.4.
Haas, W. J. de, and Jurriaanse, T. Super«
conductivity of A u-B i alloys, 53, 134.
Haas, W alther. Micrometal trees, 53, 64.
Haase, Gunther. See Muller, Erich.
Haase, L. W. Action of cupriferous tapw ater on Ai, 53, 7034 ; corrosion of Cu.
Oxide protective films in salt soins., 53,
204 ; on question of corrosion. I II.—
Al , Pb, Cu, 53, 1934.
Haddock, L., and Evers, Norman. Detn.
of m inute am ts. of Cu in presence of Fo
and certain other m etals, 53, 36/1.
Hadfield, (Sir) Robert, and Sarjant, R. J .
Furnaco heating practice, 53, 6624.
Hadley, Everett Addison. Obituary notice,
Haefner, R. See Grube, G.
Haehnel, Otto. Resistance of various com­
mon m etals to aggressivo action of
vapours of phenol and cresol, 53,
Hafner, H. Elect, arc-welding with a.c.
of grid frequency, 53, 166/1.
Hagiya, Masami. See Im ai, Hiroshi.
Hahn, Friedrich L. Catalytic m ethod of
detecting Ag in very dilute soln., 53,
3664 ; m icro-test for Al, 53, 366/1 ;
peculiar adsorption- and peptizationreaction of CaCa0 4 ; colour-test for Ca
in presence of Sr, 53, 944 ; pptn. of
hydroxides of Fe, Al, and Cr in pure,
dense, and easily filtered form, 53, 2584.
Hahn, G. See Muller, R.
Hahn, Otto. Chem. elements and atom ic
types from standpoint of investigation
of isotopes, 53, 230/1; see also Bodenstein, M.
Hahn, R. See Fraenkol, W.
Hahn, W alter. Metal spraying, 53, 26/1;
m etal spraying process : appn. and
installation in radio industry, 53, 85/1.
Haigh, Bernard P.
Discussion on
McAdam’s paper on “ Influence of
Stress on Corrosion,” 53, 132.4.
Haigh, Bernard P., and Jones, Brinloy.
Paper : “ Interpretation of the Tensile
Test (With Reference to Lead Alloys),”
51, 49.— Discussion : W. Rosonhain,
60; J . C. Chaston, 61; C. H . Desch,
62; C. H . M. Jenkins, 63.— Reply to
discussion, 63.—Correspondence : H .
O’Noill, and J . W. Cuthbertson, 65;
E. C. Rollason, 67; T. Ver, 68.
Hailwood, Ernest A rthur. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 26.
Halberstadt, Joseph. Diffusion of Ag and
Cu into glass, 53, 2284.
Halberstadt, Siegfried. Use of 8-hydroxy-,
. quinoline for quant, detn. of W, 53,
Hall, A rthur Leslie. Elected member,
51, 26.
Hall, J. A. Design for precision P t
resistance therm om etry, 53, 2654.
Halla, F., Nowotny, H., and Tompa, H .
X-ray investigations in system (Zn,
Cd)-Sb.— II., 53, 629-4.
Halliwell, G. P. See Austin, C. R.
Halls, E. E. B right Cd plating, 53, 87/1 ;
effect of H g in Zn(CN)2 plating solns.,
53, 2544 ; electro-chromium and tool
work, 53, 311.4 ; ensuring clean Cdplated coatings, 53, 557.4 ; lubrication
for deep-drawing, 53, 5824 ; ru st
preventers and slushing m aterials, 53,
26/1; selection of electroplate coatings
for Fe and steel, 53, 641/1.
Hamasumi, Matsujiro. Equilib. diagr.
of Cu-Sn alloys, 53, 550/1.
Nam e Index
Hamburger, L. Grinding and polishing
process, 53, 350-4 ; structure of polished
solids, 53, 16*4.
Hamilton, John M. Sec French, Sidney J.
Hammel, V. F., and Trewin, C. S. R eport
of sub-ctteo. X of cttee. A -5 of A.S.T.M.
on em brittlem ent investigation, 53,
247^1, 504*4.
Hammond, R. A. F. See M acnaughtan,
D. J.
Hamprecht, G., and Schlecht, L. Now
method for tech. working of Ni, 53,
Hampson, R. E. V., and Vowlor, J . N.
General, plant and m achinery, 53, 537/1.
Hampton, W. F., and Monnie, J . H . Sp.
h e at of Monel m etal between — 183°
and 25° C., 53, 300*4.
Hanawalt, J. D. Sec Mo roll, L. G.
Hancock, A. P aints and pigments, 53,
Hand, H. J. See Ivrivobolc, Vsevolod N.
Handforth, J. R. Metallurgical problems
arising from internal combustion engino
valves, 53, 399*4.
Handley, — . Sec D ietort, — .
Hanemann, H., and Schrader, A. Book :
“ Atlas Motallographicus.“
Tafel 73-80;
81-88, 53, G0G.4
Lieferung 12: Tafel 89-90; Lieferung
13: Tafel 97-104; Lieferung 14:
Tafel 105-108, 53, 082/1.
Hanemann, H., and Vogel, R. Rocrystn.
of Al and some ago-hardening Al alloys,
53, 113*4.
Hankins, G. A. Discussion on “ Tho
Application of tho Diamond Pyram id
Indentation T est to Copper and CopporR ich Alloys in tho Form of Thin S trip,”
51, 220.
Hansen, C. Properties of oil-sand cores,
53, 710*4.
Hansen, K arl. A1 foils and plates for
photomoch. impressions, 53, 530*4.
Hansen, M. See Bauer, O ; Blumenthal,
Hansen, M., and Blum enthal, B. Binary
systems of AI w ith Cd, Pb, and Bi,
53, 120A .
Hansen, Werner. New refractory “ Sio*
m ensit,” 53, 328.4.
Hanser, K. Centrifugal casting of nonferrous m etals, 53, 380*4.
Hansley, V. L. See Gilbert, H. N.
Hanson, Alvin W. Elastic constants of
Zn, 53, 092/1.
Hanson, D. Nominated as Vice-President, 52, 14; causes of defects in
Al alloys, 53, 205.4 ; discussion on “ An
Investigation of tho Effects of Hydrogen
and Oxygen on tho Unsoundness of
Coppor-Nickel Alloys,” 51, 255; dis­
cussion on “ Experim ents in WiroDrawing.
P a rt I II.—Annealing of
H.C. Copper Wiros Drawn to Varying
Degrees of H ardness,” 52, 240; d is­
cussion on “ Precipitation-H ardening
Nickel—Copper Alloys Containing A lu­
m inium ,” 52, 185;
discussion on
“ Properties of Somo Tompor-Hardoning
Copper Alloys Containing Additions of
Nickol and Aluminium,” 52, 185;
discussion on “ Somo Effects of tho
Addition of Tellurium to Load,” 51,
85; discussion on “ Tho Equilibrium
of tho Reaction Between Stoam and
Molten Copper,” 51, 273; discussion
on “ Tho Fatigue-Resisting Properties
of L ight Aluminium Alloys a t Elevated
Tem peraturos,” 51, 174.
Harada, Takayasu. Action of chloride
flux on oxides contained in Al, 53, 41.4 ;
C and N 2 in Al, 53, 320*4.
Haraldsen, Haakon. Tonsimetric analysis
of systems A u-P , A g-P, and C u-P,
53, 539/1, G22-4.
Harbaugh, M., and Mathers, F . C. Electrodopn. of Bi from HC104 solns., 53,
Harden, — . Now Al alloys, 53, G9.4.
Harder, 0. E. See Davis, C. H.
Hardouin, — , Cocliet, — , and do Floury,
— . Viscosity of fluxos and slags for
Mg m elting, 53, 207/1.
Hardy, Charles. B a and Sr, 53, 411.4 ;
manuf. and use of powdered m etals,
53, 408/1 ; powder m etallurgy, 53,
408/1, 082.4.
Harmash, E. P. See Tananaov, N. A.
Harper, Arthur C. Sec K ottcam p, John
Harper, R. B. Gas flames in conversion to
new gases, 53, 45*4.
Harper, W. R. Somo factors in design
of hot cathodo X -ray tubes for steady
running, 53, 144/1.
Harr, Russel. Throwing power and cur­
ren t efficiency of Ni plating soln. a t
low and high pn, 53, 558/1.
Harrington, Richards H. Present status
of age-hardoning, 53, 028-4.
Harris, A. V. Sec Wisslor, W. A.
Harris, Darwin. Detn. of various m etals
in Cr plating baths, 53, 316.4.
Harris, T. R. Runners and risers, 53,
Harrison, A. P. Descaling Cu surfaces,
53, 472/1.
Harrison, Arthur Gilbert. Elected mem­
ber, 51, 26.
H art, L. P. See Gardner, H. A.
Hartford, Fred D. Careful installation
pays in p lant piping, 53, 403*4.
Hartl, W. Al castings in construction
of Diesel engines, 53, 407/1.
Hartley, William L.
m ethods in foundries, 53, 153/1.
H artm an, F. V. Discussion on Morris’s
paper on “ M achinability of FreeCutting Brass R od,” 53, 215/1.
Hartm an, F. V., and Craighead, C. M.
Riveting and welding Al, 53, 100/1.
Hartm ann, E. C. Design of Al alloy
travelling cranes, 53, 101/1.
Hartm ann, Hellmuth. See E bert, Fritz.
Harvey, A. See Dreblow, E. S.
Harvey, A., and Dreblow, E. S. Spectro­
scopic exam ination of thin metallic films,
53, 044*4.
Nam e Index
Harvey, Dean, and Bash, F. E . R eport
of ctteo. B—4 of A.S.T.M. on elect.heating, elect.-resistance and elect,
furnace alloys, 53, 417/1, 403.4.
Hase, R. Cooling down of white-hot
Silit rods by m eans of photographic
pyrom etry, 53, 145.4.
Haskell, Broderick, Jr. B anker’s view­
point of indust, research, 53, 535/1.
Haskell, 0 . S. Progress in annealing of
wire, 53, 270.4.
Haslam, J. Quant, sepn. of A1 from Fe,
53, 646/1.
Hass, Karl, and Jellinek, K arl. Mutual
soly. of m olten Zn in m olten Pb and
molten Bi, 53, 430.4.
Hasse, Lothar
Luckenmeyer-Hasse, Lothar.
Hatfield, W. H. Correspondence on “ Tho
D istribution of Porosity in Copper
Ingots,” 51, 307.
H atsuta, Kazue. E quilib. diagr. of Cr-C
systom, 53, 233/1.
H atta, Atsuyoshi. See M urakam i, Takej iro.
Hatz, Ella. See Rusznyak, Stefan.
Haughton, John L. Nom inated as Mem­
ber of Council, 52, 14; modifications in
H aughton-H anson therm ostat, 53, 37/1.
Haughton, John L., and Adcock, Frank.
Im provem ents in P rytherch’s capacity
dilatom eter, 53, 454/1.
Hausen, T. Im provem ent of sheet Zn
by electroplating, 53, 312/1.
Hauss, L. See L edrut, J .
H auttm ann, A. Protection of steel a t
high tem p, by Al, 53, 246/1.
Hay, Robert. Review of some main
features in m etallurgical developments
during present century, 53, 108/1.
Hayami, Nagao. See K ato, Yogoro.
Hayden, L. M. Developm ents in m etal
lacquers, 53, 248/1.
Hayden, O. M. S-D -O , new corrosionresisting coating, 53, 26/1.
Hayes, — Refractory m aterials, 53,
Hayward, Carle R. M etallurgy of Cu in
1931, 53, 471/1.
Healey, J. J., Jr. Corrosion looms large
in H*S04 plants, 53, 83/1.
Heaps, C. W. Discontinuities of magnetoresistance, 53, 342/1 ; effect of strain
on m agneto-striction and m agnetization
in Ni, 53, 3.4 ; e.m.f. associated with
Barkhausen discontinuities, 53, 489/1.
H eath (Sir) H. Frank. Book edited by :
“ The Year-Book of the Universities
of the Empire, 1933,” 53, 284.4.
Hebblewhite, W. Rayner. Correspondence
on Thompson’s paper on “ The Case
Against Standardization of Chemical
Analysis,” 53, 315/1.
Heberlein, Max. Removal of Se and To
from Cu electrolysis slimes, 53, 643/1.
Hecquet, André. Vol. detn. of Zn, 53, 260/1.
Hedges, Ernest S. Protection of Fe and
steel from corrosion. I.—Principles of
protection. II.—Practical m ethods of
protection, 53, 134/1 ; theories of
passivity and corrosion, 53, 132.4.
Hedin, R. See H edvall, J . Arvid.
Hedley, Roderick. R ecent developm ents
in design of tan k waggons, 53, 597/1.
Hedvall, J. Arvid, and Hander, F . R e ­
action capacity of alloys and its de­
pendence on molting or on transform a­
tions in solid state. I.— Chem. re ­
actions of Cu-Sn alloys with limo or
quartz in 0 3, 53, 11.4.
Hedvall, J. Arvid, H edin, R ., and Andersson, E . “ T ransform ation points ” of
Bi and Cu, 53, 433/1.
Heer, Heinrich Hermann. E lected m em ­
ber, 51, 26.
Heiderer, G. P. Sec Billiter, J .
Heidhausen, G. Spectrographic analysis,
53, 257/4.
Heidhausen G., and Liebaldt, P. R e ­
activity of foundry coke, 53, 384/1.
Heike, W ., Schramm, J ., and Vaupel, O.
S tructure of N i-Z n alloys.—I., 53, 17.4 ;
II., 53, 700.4.
Heimann, W. Welding in tech. schools,
53, 168/1.
Hein, Louis H. Lubricating 48-in., 3high universal m ill, 53, 2134.
Heindl, R. A. Therm al expansion of
refractories to 1800° C., 53, 578/1.
Heine, H. U ltropak, 53, 202/1.
Heinz, A. Casting largo cover in green
sand, 53, 573/1 ; casting table legs in
brass and N i-brass, 53, 149/1 ; casting
w ater-m eters in wot sand, 53, 41/1 ;
green-sand m etal casting specialist,
53, 572A ; new process for deoxidation
of N i-brass and Ni castings, 53, 379.4.
Held, M. Use of optical pyrom eters in
foundries, 53, 40/1.
Heidt, P. M. M etallurgists’ contribution
to autom otive developm ent, 53, 597/1.
Helfenbein, A. See Akulov, N.
Helfer, H. W ire varnishing, 53, 86.4.
Heller, W. See Centnerszwor, M.
Heller, Witali. Velocity of dissolution of'
Al in aqueous solns. of Fe*-* salts, 53,
Hemrns, — . Discussion on oil-fired
furnaces, 53, 157/1.
Hempel, E rnst. T h esis:
“ Über die
P assivität des Chroms,” 53, 425/1.
Hempel, Max. Behaviour of damping
effect in vibrational tests, 53, 567/1 ;
see also Ivörpen, Friedrich.
Hencky, H. Plasticity, strain-hardening,
and creep, 53, 546/1.
Hendrick, J. E. Method for detn. of Bi
in refined Pb, 53, 710.4.
Hengstenberg, T. F. R apid erosion tests
clarify wear of m etals, 53, 97/1.
Henning, F., and W ensel, II. T. Freezing
point of Ir, 53, 545/4.
Henry, D. E. See Rentsehler, H . C.
Henry P. See Ranque, G.
Hensel, F. R., and Larsen, E. I. Agehardening Cu-Ti alloys, 53, 122/4.
Hensel, F. R., and Tichvinsky, L. M.
Straight C u-Pb alloys versus leaded
solid-soln. bronzes for heavy-duty bear­
ings, 53, 345/1.
Henshaw, C. L. See W aterm an, A. T.
Nam e Index
Hentschel, Paul. Influence of tem p, on
conductivity of Cr baths, 53, 28/1.
Hepburn, W. M. Diffusion com bustion,
53, 46/1.
Herb, Charles 0 . 109° below zero, 53,
Herbert, Edward G. Effect of magnotic
treatm ent on age-hardening of quenched
steels and alloys, 53, 74/1 ; increasing
hardness of m etals by action of rotating
magnotic fields, 53, 230/1 ; now pro­
cesses for treating m etals, 53, 375/1.
Hérenguel, J., and Chaudron, G. Sub­
lim ation of Mg in vacuo and its casting
in atm osphere of argon, 53, 22714, 454/1.
Herfeld, Hans, and Gorngross, Otto. D e­
tection and dotn. of Co w ith 1 : 2-nitronaphthol, 53, 648-4.
Herr, A. R ecent radiological m ethods
w ith special reference to boilers and
built-in apparatus, 53, 144/1.
Herriot, J. Pettitt-. See P ettitt-H erriot, J.
Herrman, H. Economy in various pro­
cesses of aircraft construction, 53, 405/1.
Herrmann, E. L ight alloys of Al, espe­
cially thoso which roquiro no hoat-treatm ent, 53, 616/1 ; protection of Al by
oxidation, 53, 84/1 ; thosis : “ Dio olektrolytische Oxydation des Aluminiums,”
53, 425/1.
Herrmann, Herbert. Wolding of brass and
bronzo shoots, 53, 587/1 ; wolding of Ni
and Ni alloys, 53, 587/1.
Herrmann, W.
H eat-resistant special
alloys of Ni—Cr—Fo group, 53, 236/1 ;
prodn. of romoltod and guarantee Zn
low in Fo, 53, 43/1 ; sec also Thews,
Edm und R.
Herschmann, Harry K., and Basil, John L.
Sn-freo leaded bearing bronze, 53, 620/1 ;
white m etal bearing alloys : mech. pro­
perties a t different tomps. and service
tests, 53, 184/1.
Hervé, Henri. Organization of work in
electrolysis workshop, 53, 642/1.
Herzog, E. Generalization of oloctrochom.
theory of corrosion of metals, 53, 357/1 ;
pamphlot : " Sur l’Oxidation électrochimique e t la Protection du F er e t
des Duralumins dans les Solutions salines
aérées,” 53, 599/1.
Herzog, E., and Chaudron, G. Resistance
to sea-water corrosion of certain Al-Mg
alloys, 53, 490/1.
Hess, F. L. Pam phlet : “ Tungsten in
1931,” 53, 422/1 ; pam phlot : “ V anad­
ium, Uranium , and R adium in 1931,”
53, 422/1.
Hess, R. E. See Chapman, Cloyd M. ;
Fulweiler, W . N.
Hessenbrach, W.
Vacuum-melted Bo
alloys, 53, 618/1 ; see also Grunert, A.
Hessenbruch, W ., and H orst, E . R esist­
ance to intercrystallino corrosion of acidresistant and hardonablo Cr-N i alloys,
53, 633-4.
Hessenbruch, W., and Rohn, W . Highgrade Cr-Ni alloys and life tests thereon,
53, 624/1, 697/1.
Heumann, J. See Thiessen, P . A.
v. Hevesy, Georg. Diffusion in crystals,
53, 546/1.
v. Hevesy, Georg, and Aloxandor, E rnst.
Book : “ Praktikum dor chomischon
Analyso m it R ontgenstrahlen,” 53,
v. Hevesy, Georg, and Pahl, M. R adio­
activity of Sm, 53, 67/1.
V. Hevesy, Georg, Seith, W ., and Iveil, A.
H e at of disintegration of Pb lattico, 53,
Hewett, D. F. See Bain, H . F.
Hewitt, T. See Allen, N. P.
Hewskyj, Dymitr, and Jollinek, Karl.
Metal displacem ent oquilib. of Pb with
Cd or Ag in their molten chlorides,
bromides or iodides, 53, 561/1.
Hey, H. Prodn. of Zn by electrolysis of
ZnSO* solns., 53, 257/1.
Heyde, Heinrich, Meyer auf der. See
Meyer auf der Heyde, Heinrich.
Hibbs, — . Use of non-ferrous service
pipes a t present prices, 53, 596/1.
Hickman, K., Woyerts, W ., and Goehler,
O. E. Electrolysis of Ag-bearing tliiosulphate solns., 53, 314/1.
Hicks, Laurence Clark. Elected member,
53, 27 ; X -ray study of diffusion of Cr
into Fo, 53, 696/1.
Hidnert, Peter, and K rider, II. S. Thermal
expansion of Sb, 53, 289-1; therm al
expansion of Cb, 53, 609/1.
Hidnert, Peter, and Sweeney, W . T.
Thormal expansion of Pb, 53, 2/1, 227/1.
Hiers, George 0 . Block Sn pipe for
draught beer equipm ent, 53, 679-1 ;
facts about soft soldor, 53, 281/1.
Highducheck, J. M. Grinding cemented
W—and Ta—carbide-tipped tools econo­
mically, 53, 527/1; selecting rig h t c u t­
ting tools in modern macliino shop, 53,
HilU E. L. Superconductivity in metals,
53, ISOA.
Hill, F. T. Book : “ M aterials of A ircraft
Construction,” 53, 422/1.
Hiller, R. E. Radiographic exam ination
of pressure vessel wokls, 53, 375/1, 712/1.
Hillier, R. E. See Norton, John T.
Hillman, — . Sound non-ferrous castings,
53, 147/1.
Hillman, H. R. Repairs and adjustm ents
to assay balances, 53, 454/1.
Hills, Franklin G. Quant, sopn. of small
am ts. of Zn from m aterials rich in Fo,
53, 563/1.
Hind, W. Use of modern gas-hoated
oquipmont for various indust, drying
processes, 53, 157/1.
Hinderer, W alter. See Schmidt, Julius.
Hinton, E. Austin. Elected member, 51,
Hinzmann, R. H ot-extrusion of hard
brass “ Ms 58,” 53, 276-4, 390/1.
Hippensteel, C. L. R eport of sub-cttee.
V III of ctteo. B -3 of A.S.T.M. on gal­
vanic and electrolytic corrosion, 53, 80/4.
Hird, John. Experim ents w ith routine
sand testing of green sand, 53, 522A .
Hirone, Tokutaro. See H onda, K otaro.
Name Index
Hirsch, Albert. Ni plating of fabricated
Zn in barrel, 53, 312.4.
Hirsch, Hans. New refractory “ Siomonsit,” 53, 328/1.
Hirschmüller, H. See Bondig, M.
Hisatsune, Chiuyö. Al-rich Al-Cu-Si
alloys, 53, 294.4.
Hitchen, C. Stansñeld. Quant, estn. of
impurities in Sn by quartz spectrograph,
53, 259/1.
Ho, Kai. Sb industry during last 20 years,
53, 534/1.
Ho, T. L., and Goetz, A. Therm al expan­
sion of Bi singlo crystals, 53, 481/1.
Hoar, T. P. Correspondence on “ The Con­
stitution of th e Silver-Rich Alum inium Silver Alloys,” 52, 127.
Hoar, T. P., and Evans, U. 11. Passivity
of m etals. V II.— Specific function of
chromates, 53, 132/1.
Hobart, James F. B abbitt m elting rig,
53, 99/1.
Hobbs, Douglas B. A1 booms and buckets
on Mississippi levees, 53, 530/1; hoattreatm ont of Al alloys, 53, 160/1.
Hobday, C. Discussion on possibility of
standardizing olectrodoposits, 53, 511-4.
Hodgman, Charles D. Book oditcd b y :
“ Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,”
53, 479/1 (review).
Hoefman, H. L. Mech. handling equip­
m ent in small foundries, 53, 270/1.
Hoff, Clayton M. Cleaning in acids before
electrodepn., 53, 709/1.
Hoff, Hubert, and D ahl, Theodor. D yna­
mic extensom eter and oscillographs for
investigating rolling process, 53, 518/1.
Hoffman, R. S. Use of arc-welded alloys
to arrest corrosion, 53, 463/1.
Hoffmann, N. B., and McKnight, Charles.
R eport of cttee. A -9 of A.S.T.M. on
ferro alloys, 53, 461.4.
Hoffmann, Rudolf. M etallurgy of Mg,
53, 199/1.
Hoffmann, T. Properties of Al in ap ­
p aratus, 53, 19.4.
Hofmann, Ulrich. See Fink, Max.
Hofmann, W. Damping of m easuring
instrum ents, 53, 372/1.
Hogaboom, G. B. See Graham , A.
Högel, H. See Röntgen, P.
Hoglund, G. 0 . See Bohn, D. I . ; Nagel,
C. F.
Hohenemser, K., and Prager, W. Fatigue
lim it w ith polyaxial stresses, 53, 712*4.
Höhne, F. Oxide in m etal castings, 53,
266/1, 376.4.
Höifors, R. See Raeder, M. G.
Hoke, C. M. Buying and selling of old
gold, 53, 327/1 ; m etal industries.
Symposium on their record in 1932 and
prospects for 1933.—Jewellery making,
53, 470.4.
Holland, Maurice, and Spraragen, W.
Chem. research in depression, 53,
Holland, R. A., and Raym ond, E. J .
Metallurgical aspects of welding 53,
Holler, —, and Fink, A. D. B o o k :
“ Ausgewühlte Schweisskonstruktionen.
B and 3. Rolirleitungs- und B ehäl­
terbau,” 53, 221/1.
Hollister, S. C. W hat welding industry
m ust do to receivo engineering a c ­
ceptance more rapidly, 53, 403/1.
Hollister, S. C., and Gelman, A. S. D is­
tribution of stresses in welded double
b utt-strap joints, 53, 403.4.
Hollweg, Hugo. Plates, frames, and
cores of Al, 53, 572/1.
Holm, R., and Meissner, W . Measure­
m ents employing liquid He. X III.—
Contact resistance between superand non-super-conductors, 53, 231/1 ;
measurements of pressure-flow of m etals
a t low tem ps., 53, 229/1.
Holm, T. 0 . A. See Krivobok, Vsevolod
Holslag, C. J. D uctility and penetration
— two fallacies, 53, 219/1.
Holstein, Ernst. See Baader, E rn st W.
Holt, M. Leslie, and Kahlenberg, Louis.
Electrodepn. of W from aqueous
alkaline solns., 53, 254/1.
Holweck, M. Radiographic exam ination
of m etals by means of y-rays and
radioactive bodies, 53, 39/1.
Holzer, H. See Strebinger, R.
Holzer, H., and Reif, W. Sensitive
detection of An with a-naphthylam ine
hydrochloride, 53, 451/1.
Hölzl, Franz. B o o k : “ A nleitung zur
Massanalyse,” 53, 284^1.
Honda, Kotaro. Bullet-resisting alloys,
53, 349.fl.
Honda, Kotarc, and Kikuchi, Rimpei.
M easurement of shrinkage of castings
by moans of extensom eter, 53, 205/1.
Honda, Kotaro, and Shimizu, Yosomatsu.
Effect of cold-working on magnetic
susceptibility of m etals, 53, 350/1.
Honda, Kotaro, Nishina, Tam otu, and
Hirone, Tokutarö. Theory of change of
elect, resistance in m etals caused by
hydrostatic pressure, 53, 180.4.
Hönigschmid, 0 . Atomic weights of Se
and Te, 53, 67/1; revision of atomic
weight of Te. II.— Synthesis of Ag,Te,
53, 69 \A ; see also B axter, G. P . ;
Bodonstein, M.
Hönigschmid, 0., and Kappenberger, W.
Revision of atom ic weight of Se.
Synthesis of Ag,Se, 53, 434/1.
Hönigschmid, 0., and Sachtleben, R.
Fundam ental atom ic weights. X II.—
Revision of atom ic weight of K ;
analysis of KC1 and K Br, 53, 611.4.
Hönigschmid, 0 ., Sachtleben, R ., and
W intersberger, K. Revision of atom ic
weight of Te. Analysis of TeBr4, 53,
Hook, I. T. Cu alloy welding rods, 53,
Hook, R. H. See Campbell, F. H .
Hopkins, B. S. Cerium, 53, 289.4.
Hopper, Paul. Fe in Cr bath, 53, 28.4.
Hopwood, Alfred.
53, 715.4.
Name Index
Horioka, M., and Kyogoku, T. Electrolytid corrosion of P b cablo shoa thing.
53, 214, 584.
Horn, Freeman. Al-bronze, 53, 1224;
corrosion research on Iiglit m etals, 53,
3074, 3554, 7044 ; light m otals in
transport engineering, 53, 3314.
Horn, Hans A., and Geldbach, Willi.
W elding of Ni and its alloys, 53, 399.1.
Horn, Hans A., and Tewes, K arl. W eld­
ing of E lektron in aircraft construction,
53, 534 ; welding of E verdur, 53, 3984.
Hornauer, Hans. Ni-Cr plating, 53,
2514 ; N i-Cr plating and its defects,
53, 2514 ; Ni-Cr processes, 53, 2514.
Horner, Fred. Methods of trueing grinding
wheels by diam ond, 53, 393.4.
Horner, R. B. Dem ountable walls for
power p lant construction, 53, 5904.
Horst, E. Sec Hessenbruch, W.
Hosenfeld, M. See Eger, Georg.
Hothersall, Arthur Wesley. E lected m em ­
ber, 51, 27 ; adhesion of electrodeposited
coatings to steel, 53, 5584 ; adhesion of
electrodoposited Ni to brass, 53, 1974 ;
discussion on possibility of standardizing
electrodeposits, 53, 5114.
Hottenrott, Ernst. B o o k : “ Dio Korrosionsschwingnngsfestigkeit von Stahlen
und ihro Erhohung durch Oberfiiichendriicken und Elektrolytischon Schütz,”
53, 4304 {review).
Hough, Frederic A. Sec Bridge, A rthur F.
Houghten, F. C., and Gutberlet, C. H eat
emission from Fo and Cu pipe, 53, 3344.
Houseman, M. R. Sec Keulegan, G. H.
Howard, E. J. L. Somo factors affecting
soundness of bronze castings, 53, 3784.
Howe, W. L., and W indiate, G. H . F.
Economies of elect, heating, 53, 3834.
Howitt, J. Sec Russell, Alexander Smith.
Hubbard, N. F. S. Discussion on “ P re­
cipitation-H ardening
Alloys Containing Aluminium,” 52,
188 ; discussion on “ Properties of Somo
Tem per-Hardening Copper Alloys Con­
taining Additions of Nickel and A lu­
m inium ,” 52, 188.
Hudson, Frank. Al-bronze, 53, 920.4 ;
sand question in regard to light-casting
prodn., 53, 3814.
Hudson, J. C. Discussion on “ Noto on
the Green P atin a on Copper. Exam ples
from Elan Valley (Wales) and Dundalk
(Ireland),” 52, 96 ; experimental m ethods
for study of corrosion, 53, 3584.
Hudson, Ó. F. Paper : “ W ear in the
Polishing of Plated and Other Surfaces,”
52, 101.— Discussion : W. Rosenhain,
107.— Reply to discussion, 107.—Corre­
spondence : R. H . Atkinson, 108 ; H . N.
Bassott, 108.— Reply to correspondence,
109; soft solders and fluxes, 53, 5284.
Huey, C. Trend in naval engineering, 53,
Hug, M. Axle boxes in light alloys, 53,
Huggins, Maurice L. Two rulers for use
in analyzing rotating crystal photo­
graphs, 53, 3234.
Hughes, Grover A., and McBride, R. C.
Research covering a.c. arc welding, 53,
Hugill, W. See Green, A. T.
Hull, Callie. Sec W est, Claienco J.
Hume-Rothery, William. Correspondence
on “ The Constitution of tlio Silvor-Rich
Aluminium-Silver Alloys,” 52, 127;
paper : “ A Graphical Method for Con­
verting the Weight Percentage Composi­
tions of Ternary Systems into Atomic or
Molecular Percentages,” 52, 131.— Corre­
spondence : W. Schischokin, 136.— Reply
to correspondence, 137.
Hummel, Joseph. Eloctod member, 52, 15.
Humpton, W. G., H uston, F. P ., and
McKay, R. J . Ni-clad stool plato work,
53, 5314.
H unt, L. B. Electro-depn. and metallic
state—I., II ., 53, 9 1 4 ; solection of
engineering m aterials, 53, 4754.
Huntzicker, Harry N., and Ivahlenborg,
Louis. Relation of H , to Ni with special
roforonco to catalytic power of latter,
53, 6104.
Huppert, 0 . Researches on Re, 53, 3394.
Hurd, Loren C., and Evans, Richard W.
Dotn. of CV1. Critical study of Evrarcl
mothod, 53, 3684.
Hurst, J. E. Evolution of modern foun­
dry, 53, 984.
Husnot, — . Alloys of Ni in prosthetic
dentistry, 53, 4164.
Huss, Gillis Em. Graphic symbols for
welded joints, 53, 4054.
Huston, F. P. Welding practice for Niclad steel plate, 53, 399.4 ; see also
H um pton, \Y. G.
Huston, J. C. Hard-facing in machine
manuf., 53, 3904.
Hutchings, P. J. Sec Rcscoc, R.
Hutchison, R. C. Detg. effects of rate of
firing and rapid and slow cooling on
phys. properties of fireclay refractorios,
53, 2104.
Huth, Friedrich. Cleaning castings by
w ater-sand m ixtures, 53, 2174 ; fino
finishing of m etal surfaces, 53, 2804.
H utt, Archibald Frank. Elected member,
51, 313.
Hutter, Carl. New aids for supervision of
largo continuously-operating plating
baths, 53, 904 ; use of Cr-plated screws
in chem. industry, 53, 2504.
Hutton, Robert S. Elected Vice-President,
51, 26; nominated as Member of Coun­
cil, 52, 14; discussion on tho possibility
of standardizing electrodeposits, 53,
5 1 1 4 ; Faraday and his eleetrochem.
researches, 53, 5614, 7094.
Huxford, W. S. See Cashman, R. J.
Hypher, N. C. X -ray ins£>ection of A1 alloy
welds, 53, 6554.
Hyslop, J. F., and Biggs, H . C. Corrosion
of rofracteries.— Quant, durability test,
53, 2754.
Iball, John. X -ray analysis of m otals and
alloys, 53, 5634 ; see also Owen, E. A.
Name Index
Iida, H. See Kamoyama, Naoto.
Iitaka, Ichiro. Typo of fracturo of cast
m etals and alloys, 53, 351/i.
Ikeda, Shoji. Rapid m ethod of dotg. onduranco lim it by moasuring oloct. resist­
ance, 53, 324/1.
Ilander, F. See Hedvall, J . Arvid.
Illig, K., and B irett, W. Cr plating in
blown, pressed-glass industry, 53, 360/1.
Im ai, Hiroshi, and Hagiya, Masami. Eloctrochoin. potential in rolation to heattroatm ent and ageing of Duralumin, 53,
212/1, 435/1 ; nature of ^-transformation
in Cu-Sn alloys.— II., 53, 430,1.
Imbusch, E. See Merz, A.
Imhoff, Wallace G. Cd additions to gal­
vanizing baths, 53, 246.4 ; hot-dip Cd,
53, 637/1 ; Sn as m otal addition to hotdip galvanizing baths, 53, 503/L.
Ingalls, W. R. Metallurgy of Zn in 1931,
53, 474/1.
Ingham, Edward. Machinery breakdowns
causod by cracks, 53, 537/1.
IpaviS, H. S-resistant alloys, 53, 625.4 ;
two special analytical m ethods. I.—
R apid dotn. of Ni in heat-resistant alloys.
II.—Dotn. of small quantities of Al
(0-05-0*4%) in heat-resistant alloys, 53,
Ippolitow, G. M., and Kakuschadse, E . P.
Book : “ The Manufacture of Corundum
and Carborundum and their Applica­
tion ” (in Russian), 53, 599/1.
Irey, R. See Wiley, R. C.
Irm ann, — . Area tom welding process, 53,
402/1; woar-resistanco of motals, illus­
trated by somo prolim. researches on
Al alloys, 53, 295/1.
Irm ann, — , and Miillor, W. Corrosion
under prolonged load, 53, 20/1.
Irvin, Nevill Maxsted. See Russell, Alex­
ander Smith.
Irvin, Nevill Maxsted, and Russell, Alex­
ander Smith. Solubilities of Cu, Mn and
somo sparingly solublo m etals in Hg, 53,
Irving, J. S. L ight alloy pistons, 53, 407/1.
Isdale, John S. Recovery of precious
m otals from factory waste, 53, 43/1.
Isenburger, Herbert R. Making radiographic inspections of chom. equipment,
53, 325.4 ; recent developments in X -ray
and y-ray inspection of power-plant
m aterials, 53, 325.4 ; recent progress in
X -ray inspection of wolds, 53, 569..4 ;
X -ray’s plaeo in non-ferrous motal in­
dustry, 53, 456/1; see also St. John,
Isgarischev, N. Book : “ Electrochem ­
istry of the Coloured and Nobio Motals ”
(in Russian), 53, 683/1 ; modern theory
of corrosion, and m ethods of testing
m etals for their resistance to chemicals,
53, 443.4.
Isgarischev, N., and Prede, A. F . Eloctrodopn. of metallic Nb. and sepn. from
T a, 53, 361/1.
Ishim aru, Saburo. Elim inating effects of
P 0 4 radical in qual. analysis.— I., 53,
710/1; method for dotn. of Al in pro-
sonco of Fo, 53, 200/1 ; oximo method
for gravim etric dotn. of various m etals
by thermo-balanco, 53, 36/1.
Isidin, Benedict J. L ight motal alloy pis­
tons and rods in high-speed indust,
engines, 53, 675/1.
Iskoldski, 1.1. Book : “ Thallium ; Chomistry and Technology ” (in Russian), 53,
Istomin, L. P. Increase of resistance of
mild stool to oxidation a t high temps,
by Al coatings, 53, 636/1.
•Ivanov, N. S. Degassing of Ta, 53, 4/1.
Ivanov, S. V. See Valk, I.
Ivanow, Georges. Techniquo of using
extensometer8 in aeronautical structures,
53, 651/1.
Ivison, N. J. Uso of CaO in detn. of S in
coals by Eschka method, 53, 46/1.
Iwam ura, Arata. Quant, spectrum an a ­
lysis. V I.—A ttem pt to determine am t.
of Au in natural ores, 53, 368/1 ; V II.—
Dotn. of ratio of concentration of Au and
Ag in sample, 53, 368/1.
Iwasé, Keizô. Calibration of therm o­
couples a t high tem ps., 53, 40/1.
Iwasé, Keizô, and N asu, Nobuyuki.
Crystal structure of clcctrolyticallydoposited F o-N i alloys, 53, 190.4.
Jackson, J. F. B. See O’Neill, Hugh.
Jacobs, Lewis, and W halley, H arold Konnoth. Phase boundary potentials of
adsorbed films on m otals. II.—Be­
haviour of I , on P t, 53, 487/1.
Jacobs, R. B. Sec Gootz, A.
Jacoby, Konst. See Petrikaln, A.
Jacquart, J. Corrosion of m etals and
alloys, 53, 244.4.
Jacquet, P. Adsorption of colloids by
m etallic surfaces and influence on
adherence of olectrolytic deposits, 53,
313/1 ; protection of steel against o u t­
door corrosion by electrodoposits of Ni,
Cr, or Ni-Cr, 53, 30/1 ; protective pro­
perties of colloids and their behaviour in
electrolytic depn. of m etals, 53, 90/1 ;
see also Figour, H .
Jaeger, F. M. See B ottem a, J . A.
Jaeger, F. M., and B ottem a, J. A. E xact
detn. of sp. heats a t olovated temps.
IV.— Law of N eum ann-Joule-K oppR egnault concerning additivity of atom ic
heats of elem ents in their chem. compds.,
53, 186.4.
Jaeger, F. M., and Rosenbohm, E. E xact
measurement of sp. heats of solid sub­
stances a t high tem ps. X I.—R em ark­
able behaviour of Bo after prelim, h e at­
ing above 420° C., 53, 433/1.
Jaeger, F. M., Rosenbohm, E ., and
Bottem a, J. A. E xact detn. of sp. heats
a t elevated tem ps. I I I .:—Systematic
study of causes of experim ental error in
uso of metallic calorim eter and in
m easurem ent of sp. heats of worked
m etals, 53, 1794 ; exact measurement
of sp. heats of solid substances a t high
tem ps. VI.—Metals in stabilized and
Name Index
non-stabilized condition : P t and Ag.
V II.—Metals in stabilized and non*
stabilized condition : Cu and Au, 53,
3A .
Jaeschke, A. Monel m etal in pickling
installations, 53, 532/1.
Jaffe, —. See Nuck, —.
Jaffe, E. Use of triethanolam ine for de­
tection of traces of Au and Ag and as
characteristic reagent for Mn, Ni, and
Co, 53, 645/1.
Jahn, C. See School lor, W . R.
Jahn, K urt. Fourdrinier wires and cloths.
— II., 53, 213.4.
Jakob, M. See Euclcen, A.
Jakob, M., and E rk, S. Book : “ Dor
Chemie-Ingenieur. Vol. I. P hysikal­
ische Arbeitsprozesse des Betriebes.—
P a rt I : Hydrodynam ische M aterial­
bewegung, W ärm eschutz und W ärm e­
austausch,” 53, 421.4.
Jam es, V. A. Now refinory a t Copper
Cliff, Ontario, 53, 33/1.
Jamieson, A. S. Sand blast for cleaning
m etal surfaces, 53, 669/1.
Jamieson, Jam es. Influence of rate of
shear on shearing strength, 53, 546/1,
Jänecke, Ernst. Melting under pressure.—
I I ., 53, 117/1.
Janitzki, J. See Müller, Erich.
Jannin, Lucien Gustave. Elected member,
52, 15.
Jardine, Jam es M. A rt of painting, 53,
Jarvis, J. H ull and float m aintenance, 53,
Jaslan, S. See Broniewski, W.
Jasper, T. M. Discussion on McAdam’s
paper on “ Influence of Stress on Cor­
rosion,” 53, 132/1.
Jay, A. H. High-tomp. X -ray cam era for
precision m easurements, 53, 650/1 ; in ­
expensive and easily-made lining for
fireclay crucibles for lab. uso, 53, 201A ;
see also Bradley, A. J.
Jedele, A. Solid diffusion of pairs of
m etals A u-N i, A u-P d, and A u -P t, 53,
097/1 ; sec also Grube, G.
Jeffery, F. H. a- and /3-solid solns. of
Cu-Zn alloys and corresponding liquid
solus, in equilib. with them examined
therm odynam ically, 53, 12.4 ; Cu~Mg
alloys examined therm odynam ically, 53,
345/1 ; Pb-rich alloys of system P b-S b
examined therm odynam ically, 53, 14*4.
Jeffreys, Harold. Plasticity and creep in
m etals, 53, 5A .
Jeffries, Zay. Exploiting ideas, 53, 474/1.
Jelen, F. C. See Thompson, M. de Kay.
Jelisarow, P. G., and Shelesnow, A. I.
B o o k : “ Production of Aluminium
Metal (Theory of the Electrolysis of
Alumina) ” (in Russian), 53, 284/1.
Jellinek, Karl. See H ass, K a r l; Howskyj,
D ym itr.
Jenkin, J. W. H eat-treatm ent w ithout
detrim ental finish, 53, 100/1.
Jenkins, C. H. M. Discussion on “ In te r­
pretation of the Tensile Tost (W ith
Reference to Lead Alloys),” 51, 63;
discussion on “ Noto on the Green P atin a
on Copper. Exam ples fron E lan Valley
(Wales) and D undalk (Ireland),” 52, 97 ;
discussion on “ The Physical Properties
of Zinc a t Various Stages of ColdRolling,” 51, 117.
Jenkinson, J. R. Metallurgical aspect of
coal-faco maehinory, 53, 082/1.
Adolph. Blast-furnace
foundry coke, 53, 384/1.
Jennings, Chas. H. . D uctility in arc welds
w ith somo roferenco to strength values,
53, 218/1.
Jennison, H. C. Cu in elect, industry, 53,
Jessey, L. de. Form ation of stresses in
wolds, 53, 401/1.
Jevons, J. D. Grain-sizo m easurem ent,
53, 188*4.
Jilek, A., and K ota, J . Seprt. of Ti from
Al and certain elem ents of analytical
groups I I and I I I by guanidine carbon­
ate in ta rtra te soln., 53, 514/1.
Jilek, A., and RySdnok, A. D etn. of W
with 8-hydroxyquinoline in complex
oxalate soln., 53, 649/1.
Johansson, C. H. See Koesom, W. H .
Johansson, Tryggve. New accurately focussing R öntgen spectrom eter, 53,
John, K. Now Leitz binocular microscope,
53, 96/1.
John, W. E., and Beyers, E. Colorimetric
tests for precious m etals, 53, 95-4.
Johnson, Daniel Cowan. Elected student
member, 51, 20.
Johnson, F. Discussion on “ F urther
Observations on the D istribution of
Porosity in Alum inium and Copper
Ingots, w ith Some Notes on Inverse
Segregation,” 52, 212; discussion on
“ Properties of Somo Tem per-Hardening
Copper Alloys Containing Additions of
Nickel and Aluminium,” 52, 191.
Johnson, F. M. G. See Toole, F. J.
Johnson, J. B., and Gann, J . A. R eport of
cttee. B -7 of A.S.T.M. on light m etals
and alloys, cast and wrought, 53, 282/1.
Johnson, J. B., and Oberg, Ture. Mech.
properties a t — 40° C. of m etals used
in aircraft construction, 53, 295/1,
Johnson, R. E. All-metal planes, 53, 597/1.
Johnson, W arren C., and Piskur, M. M.
Soly. of metallic Li in liquid am m onia a t
low tem ps., 53, 483/1.
Johnston, R. G. Measurement of grain-size,
53, 188.4.
Jolivet, E. See Portevin, A.
Jones, — . H eat-treatm ent w ithout d etri­
m ental finish, 53, 100/1.
Jones, B. Electrolytic sepn. of P b as
peroxide in non-ferrous alloys. I.—
Now' m ethod for detn. of small am ts. of
P b in Cu and Cu-rich alloys, 53, 504.4.
Jones, Brinley. Elected member, 52, 15;
paper : “ Notes on the Preparation o£
Lead and Lead Alloys for Microscopic
Exam ination,’* 52, 73; see also H aigh,
Bernard, P . ; Singleton, W illiam.
Name Index
Jones, D. G., Pfeil, L. B., and Griffiths,
W. T. Paper : “ Precipitation-Harden­
ing Nickel-Copper Alloys Containing
Aluminium,” 52, 139.— Discussion : 1).
Hanson, 185; E. Vaders, 18(5; N. F . S.
H ubbard, 188; A. J . Murphy, 188.—
Reply to discussion, 189.
Jones, G. W., and Kennedy, It. E. Lim its
of inflammability of natural gases
contg. high percentages of CO* and N»,
53, 576/1, 603/1.
Jones, H. Interaction of lattice vibrations
and free electrons in motals, 53, 19/1.
Jones, Harry A. P a m p h le t: “ Metal
W ork for Grades V II, V III, and IX ,”
53, 539/1.
Jones, Leonard George. Elected member,
51, 314.
Jones, Owen C. Pormanonce for roofs,
53, 409*1.
Jones, Phyllis. See Bradley, A. J.
Jones, T. D. Discussion on Clark and
Hoim rod’s paper on “ Recovery of
Precious Metals from Electrolytic Cop­
per Refining a t th e Canadian Copper
Refiners P lant, Montreal E ast, Quebec,”
53, 199/1.
Jones, T. M. Training gas weldors for
job, 53, 405A.
Jones, W. D. Discussion on N orth co tt’s
paper on “ Veining or Sub-Boundary
S tructures,” 53, 239/1.
Jonscher, Gustaw. Appn. of oxy-acotyleno
burner in construction of accumulators,
53, 166.1.
Joos, C. E., and Rohlin, V. A. Combating
corrosion of piping, 53, 310/1.
Jordan, Louis. Sec K ahlbaum , William.
Jorre, Wolfgang. See Boehm, Wolfgang.
Jouauste, R. Plioto-olcct. cells, 53, 323/1.
Jouniaux, A. Therm al variations of
density and molecular weight of molten
Bi, 53^ 65.4.
Jude, — . Discussion on oil-fired furnaces,
53, 157/1.
Judkins, Malcolm F. Cemented carbide
cutting tools, 53, 668.4 ; present status
of cemented carbide tools, 53, 391.4.
Julihn, C. E. P a m p h le t:
Bauxite and
Aluminium in 1931,” 53, 422/1 ; see
also Bain, H . F.
Julihn, M., and Mcyor, H . M. P a m p h le t:
“ Copper in 1930 (General R eport),”
53, 58.4.
Jum eau, L. Intern at. congress of elec­
tricity, 53, 450/1.
Jung-Konig, W ., Linicus, W ., and Sachs, G.
Researches on tube-drawing, 53, 49.4.
Junker, 0 . H oat-treatm cnt of m etal
strip in continuous annealing furnaces.—
II., 53, 276.4, 717/1.
Jurczyk, K. Critical evaluation of bend
te st for welded test-pieces, 53, 653.4.
Juriew, K. M. See Kukanow, L. I.
Juriew, K. M., and Novopavlovskiy, V. A.
Detn. of hardness by method of scratch­
ing as applied to motals, 53, 654.4.
Jurriaanse, T. See Haas, W. J . do.
Justh, Richard. Economic importance of
Cr plate, 53, 311.4 ; grey Cr plating,
53, 311.1; P 3 in plating technique,
53, 313.4 ; practical experience on
importance of H s adsorption in surface
improvem ent of metals, 53, 198/1.
Kahlbaum, William, and Jordan, Louis.
Tensile properties of cast N i-Cr-Fo
alloys and of some alloy steels a t
elevated tomps., 53, 185.4.
Kahlenberg, Louis. See Downos, Alfred
W .; H olt, M. Leslie; Huntzickor,
H a rry N.
Kain, C. H. Discussion on H u n t’s papor
on “ Some Aspects of the Soloction of
Engineering M aterials,” 53, 475-4.
Kaiser, H. Sec Zintl, E.
Kaiser, W. Possibilities in steam turbino
development, 53, 467/1.
Kajiwara, Masaji. Effect of manufg.
process of magnesia refractories on their
hydration, 53, 525.4.
Kakuschadse, E. P. See Ippolitow, G. M.
Kalisch, E. Measurement of weld seams,
53, 166.4.
Kalpers, H. Enam el as protection against
corrosion, 53, 360.4 ; modern furnaces
for drying cores and moulds, 53, 660.4 ;
refining molten A1 and A1 alloys, 53,
Kameyama, N. Electrochem. industry of
Japan, 53, 512.4.
Kameyama, Naoto, and Iida, H. P re ­
vention of injurious effect of Sb in
electrodepn. of Zn and Cu, 53, 641/1.
Kameyama, Naoto, and Makishima, Shoji.
Electrolytic refining of Cu, using com­
plex salt of CuCl. V III.-IX .—Behaviour
of Ag present in crude Cu of anode, 53,
93.1 ; X .—Behaviour of Sb, 53, 93/1 ;
X I.—Behaviour of Bi, 53, 643/1 ; estn.
of small am ts. of Ag in presence of both
Cu and chlorides, 53, 321/1.
Kameyama, Naoto, and Oka, Sojiro.
Electrolytic propn. of heavy seamless
Ni tubes, 53, 509/1.
Kameyama, Naoto, and Onoda, Kei.
Electrolytic refining of Cu using com­
plex salt of CuCl.— VI., 53, 363.4.
Kamo, Masawo. Impressions of develop­
m ent of scientific research in Ni industry
in America, 53, 473.4.
Kampschulte, W. Value of cokl Cr
plating, 53, 446.4.
Kaneko, Seiji. Throwing powor of elec­
troplating solns., 53, 9(M.
Kaneko, Seiji, and Nemoto, Chujiro.
Appn. of solid Cd amalgam in vol.
analysis 53, 257/1; form ation of A l20 3
film and its colouring, 53, 309.4.
Kangro, W alter. Redueibility of BeCl2
w ith Al, 53, 689.4.
Kannenberg, A. Book : “ Production of
T inplate ” (in Russian), 53, 599.4.
Kannuluik, W. G. Conduction of heat in
powders, 53, 536/1; therm al and elect,
conductivities of sovoral motals between
183° C. and 100° C., 53, 488-4.
Kanter, J. J. See Moore, H . F.
Name Index
Kanter, J. J., and Maack, H . W. R equire­
m ents in m aterials for valves and
fittings for high-tem p., high-pressure
field, 53, 464/1.
Kantner, — . X -ray testing stool struc­
tures, 53, 144/1.
Kantor, Theodor. See Schwarz, Karl.
Kanz, Anton. Researches on therm al
conductivity of refractory m aterials,
53, 208.4.
Kappenberger, W. Sec Hönigsehmid, O.
Kapur, Pyara Lai. See Bhatanagar, S. S.
Kapustinsky, A. F. See Britzke, E. V.
Karlik, B. See Knaggs, I. E.
Karlov, K. Detn. of clay content in
moulding sand according to A.F.A.
method (theoretical basis), 53, 600/1.
Karsten, — . T ank cars for chem. and
allied industries, 53, 56/1.
Karsten, A. Most roeont types of lagging
for tank-cars, 53, 459.4 ; recent develop­
m ents of Schoop spraying process, 53,
Kasper, Charles. Structure of chromic
acid plating b a th ; theory of Cr dopn.,
53, 197/1.
Kassler, J. Book “ Die chemische A na­
lyse. X X X I Band. U ntersuchungs­
m ethoden für Roheisen, Stahl und F e r­
rolegierungen,” 53, 599/1.
Katö, Hirondo. Sec Matsui, Mototarö.
Kato, Yogoro. H , overvoltage of P b and
P b-S b alloys.—I., II., 53, 513/1.
Kato, Yogoro, and H ayam i, Nagao. New
m ethod for form ation of strain figures
on Cu surfaces, 53, 290/1.
Kato, Yogoro, and Nakanishi, Iwajiro. H ,
overvoltage of P b-S b alloys.—I., 53,
Kato, Yogoro, and Takase, Risaburo. H a
ovorvoltago of P b and Sb and their
alloys.—II., 53, 362/1.
Kawai, Tadashi. Age-hardoning of coldworked m etals and alloys, 53, 553*4.
Kawakami, Masuo. Electrochem. proper­
ties of light m etals and their alloys.—I..
53, 481/1 ; II ., 53, 483/1.
Kawarski, M. I., Schirokow, P. F ., and
Rutkowskaia, G. M. Book : “ Fabrica­
tion of U ltra-Light Alloys ” Un Russian).
53, 422/1.
Kawasakiya, Tsunezo. Geometrical quan­
tities of parallel isotherm al surface sys­
tem and their graphical representation,
53, 379/1.
Kayser, Heinrich, and Konen, Heinrich.
Book : ■*H andbuch der Spektroskopie,”
53, 58.4.
Kayser, J. Ferdinand. H ardness of m etals
a t high tem ps., 53, 97.4 ; heat-resisting
m etals in pottery industry, 53, 594.4.
Kazakov, I. See Kroenig, V.
Keeney, Robert M. Control of atm osphere
in heat-treatm ent furnaces, 53, 272/1.
Keesom, W. H. Changes in sp. ht. of Sn
in superconducting state, 53, 67.4 ; ex­
perim ents to decrease lim it of temps,
obtained, 53, 476.4.
Keesom, W. H., and Kok, J . A. Change
of sp. heat of Sn when becoming supra-
conductivo, 53, 4.4 ; method for correct­
ing for incomplete therm al isolation in
measurements of sm all heat capacities,
53, 476/1.
Keesom, W. H., Johansson, C. II., and
Linde, J . O. E stablishm ent of absolute
scalo for thermo-elect, force, 53, 293.4.
Keil, A. Sec v. Hevesy, Georg ; Scith, W.
Keinath, Georg. H ighly magnetic alloys,
53, 699.4 ; m aterials for elcct. resist­
ances, 53, 699/1 ; sensitivity of instru­
m ents, 53, 372/1 ; thermo-elements, 53,
713/1 ; tubo protectors for pyrom eters,
53, 713.4; tube protectors for p yro­
m eters : m easurem ent of penotrability
by gases, 53, 713/1.
Keinert, M. System Ag-Cu-Cd, 53, 127/1.
Keler, E. Utilization of Semis-Bugu cor­
undum s for high-grade refractories, 53,
Kelle, Ph. Machine tools for light m etals,
53, 278/1.
Keller, F., and Wilcox, G. W. Polishing
and etching of constituents of A1 alloys,
53, 497/1.
Keller, J. D. Combustible losses in flue
gases, 53, 154.4.
Kelley, Floyd C. Cemented T a carbide
tools, 53, 237/1.
Kelley, Trum an Lee. Book : “ Scientific
M ethod,” 53, 284.4.
Kelly, M. J. See Prescott, C. H ., Jr.
Kelsey, Earl. Sheet welding in prodn.,
53, 674/1.
Kemp, Philip. Book edited by : “ Elec­
trical Machinery and A pparatus M anu­
facture,” 53, 109/1.
Kempf, L. W. Occurrence of CuAI, in
Duralum in, 53, 435/1; therm al expan­
sivity of Al alloys, 53, 181/1.
Kemsies, W. Practical hints for welder,
53, 167-4 ; prevention of accidents in
autogenous welding, 53, 168/1.
Kendrick, Joseph A. Crystallization of
m etals is n o t caused by vibration, 53,
Kennaird, Edgar Ernest. Elected member,
51, 314.
Kennard, R. B. Optical m ethod for
measuring tem p, distribution and con­
vective heat transfer, 53, 20-L4.
Kennedy, R. E. Sec Jones, G. W.
Kennedy, T. R. See Russell, Alexander
Kenny, William R. See La Motto, Frank L.
Kenyon, J. N. Effect of addition of Pb
on hardness of certain Sn-base bearing
alloys a t elevated tem ps., 53, 495/1.
Kerr, Charles, Jr. Heavy elect, traction
progress in America, 53, 56/1.
Kersten, H. See Allen, S. J . M.
Kersten, H., and Lange, W. Method for
preparing crystals for rotation photo­
graphs, 53, 261/1.
Kersten, H., and Maas, Joseph. Ca target
for X -ray tubes, 53, 507/1 ; crystal stru c ­
tu re of black Ni, 53, 17/1 ; crystal stru c ­
ture of pptd. Cu-Sn alloys, 53, 305/1 ;
prepn. of collodion filters for X-rays, 53,
Name Index
Kersten, M. Magnetic analysis of intornal
strains.—IT., 53, 487.4.
Kesper, J. F. Now “ Zinkan ” shoot in
autom obile, m otor, and aero construc­
tion, 53, 594/1 ; soldering glass to m etal,
53, 528.1; “ Zinkan ” as latost m aterial
for mining machinery and apparatus,
53, 613*4.
Kessner, — . Now R W R casting process
of Vereinigte Aluminium-Werke A.-G.,
53, 40.4.
Kester, George. Modorn m etals for deco­
rating a modorn play houso, 53, 462,4.
Ketow, N. Book : “ Guido to Technical
A nalysis” (in Russian), 53, 599.4.
Keulegan, G. H., and Houseman, M. R.
Temp, cooff. of moduli of m etals and
alloys used as elastic olemonts, 53, 302.4,
Keyes, D. B. Co-operative chem. engineer­
ing research in University, 53, 535.4.
Kholodov, A. I. Theory of elect, arc fur­
nace, 53, 523A.
Kieser, August Jean. Book edited b y :
“ H andbuch der chemisch-technischen
A pparate, Maschinellen, H ilfsm ittel und
W erkstoffe,” 53, 175.4.
Kihlgren, T. E. See Pilling, N. B.
Kikoin, J. See Fakidow, Ibrahim .
Kikoin, J., and Lasarew, B. Supercon­
ductivity and H all effect, 53, 615/i.
Kikuchi, Rimpei. Therm al and elect, con­
ductivities of num ber of Mg alloys and
rolation to W iodom ann-Franz law, 53,
185/1 ; see also H onda, Kötarö.
Kimberley, J. L. Discussion on Morris’s
papor on “ M achinability of Freo-Cutting
Brass R od,” 53, 215/1.
K im ura, R en’iti. Elastic constants of
single crystals of Cu, 53, 177/1.
Kindt, B. See Fchse, A.
King, Frank. E lected student member,
51, 26.
King, R. M. See Soler, Gilbert.
Kingzett, C. T. B o o k : ** Chemical E n ­
cyclopaedia,” 53, 112.4 (review).
Kinzel, A. B. See Crowe, Jo hn J .
Kipling, H. S. Uso of now hardness ratio,
53, 568.1.
Kirschfeld, L., and Sieverts, Adolf. Bohaviour of V and V—Fo alloys towards
H ,, 53, 4.4.
Kishline, F. F. Al cylinder heads urgod as
way to better design, 53, 530.4.
Kisliuk, F. E lect, wolding by H .-F. a.c.,
53, 55.4.
Kisser, J. Prepn. of m icrotome sections
of m etals, 53, 75.4.
Kissock, Alan. Molybdenum, 53, 416/1;
Mo. Mining, milling, and uses, 53,
Kittelberger, W. W. See Nelson, H . A.
Kiyota, Hisashi. Electrolytic dopn. of
Zn from acid solns., 53, 2*60/1.
Klein, Julius. B attlo to preservo m aterial,
53, 196/1.
Klein, W. Uso of metallic varnishes in •
drum m etal-coating process, 53, 86.1.
Klemm, W., Schiith, W., and v. Stackolberg, M.
Magnetochem. rosoarclies.
V II.—Magnetism of boridos of rare
earths, 53, 189.4.
Klemperer, H. See Büchting, — .
Klimow, — . Al-bronze cog-wheels m anuf.
a t M arty W orks a t Nikolaov for internal
combustion ongines, 53, 658.4.
Klingenstein, Th. Testing and evaluation
of coro sand and coro-sand binders,
53, 269/1.
Klooster, H. S. van, and Debacher, M. D.
Single crystals of interm ediate compd.
SbSn, 53, 240/1.
Klopsch, 0 . Z. See Craig, G. L.
Kluger, W. Metal as m aterial for collar
and transportation vessels, 53, 462/1.
Knaggs, I. E., and Karlik, 13. Book :
“ Tables of Cubic Crystal Structuro of
E lem ents and Compounds,” 53, 431/1
Knerr, H. C. Resistance to corrosion of
Alclad sheets, 53, 78/1.
Knoppick, E. Dotn. of Zn in brass and
rod brass or other zinciferous alloys by
oxalato-porm anganate method, 53, 260-4.
Knorr, C. A., and Schwartz, E . Relative
conductivity of electrolytes by rosistanco m easurements of H 2-contg.
P d wires, 53, 363/1.
Knowle, W. L. Discussion on Macnaughtan, Clarke, and Prythorcli’s papor on
“ Tho Determ ination of the Porosity of
Tin Coatings on Stool,” 53, 246/1.
Knowles, H. B. Uso of a-benzoinoximo in
detn. of Mo, 53, 201/1.
Koch, Erich. Experim ents for prodn. of
coko useful for sm elters and foundries
by mixing of coals of different qualities,
53, 45.4.
Koch, G. Sec v. Schwarz, M.
Koch, L. See Masing, G.
Koch, W. See Röntgen, P.
Kochendörffer, — . Stress distribution in
welded joints w ith special reforonco to
boilers, 53, 54/1.
Koenig, M. New road vehicles and
coachbuilding in light m etals, 53, 530/1.
Kohl, Hans. “ Sinterkorund ” as re­
fractory for apparatus of high chem.
and therm al resistance, 53, 329/1.
Köhler, H. See Stock, A.
Köhler, R. Structure viscosity of diluto
amalgams, 53, 624/1.
Kohlschütter, H. W. Crystal throads and
fibrous aggregation forms, 53, 76/1.
Kok, J. A. See Keesom, W. H.
Kokubo, Sadajirô. Chango of hardness of
plate caused by bonding, 53, 5/1.
Kolb, H. See W agner, H.
Koldaschew, W. Book : “ Tho Elec­
trolytic Rofining of Copper ” (in
Russian), 53, 599/1.
Kolthoff, I. M., and Lingano, J . J . Vol.
dotn. of U w ith K 2Cr20 7 as reagent and
appn. of method to indirect titration
of m inute quantities of Na, 53, 370.4.
Kolthoff, I. M., and Menzel, H . Book :
“ Die Massanalyso,” 53, 64.4 (review).
Komar, A. P. Uso of X-rays for investiga­
tion of elastic stresses in crystallino
substances, 53, 292/1, 655/1.
Name Index
Komar, E. G. Uso of A1 windings in
rotors of turbo generators, 53, 3324.
Komärek, K. See Tomiöok, O.
Komarowsky, A. S., and Ivoronmann, S. M.
More sonsitivo Co reaction w ith phosphoinolybdic acid and somo cases of Mo
blue form ation in alkaline soln., 53,
Komatsubara, K. H istory of Ni coinago
in Japan, 53, 3484.
Kommers, J. B. Undorstressing and
notch sensitiveness in fatigue, 53, 3734.
Kondo, Seiji, and Mannami, Akitaro.
Therm al oxpansion of refractory bricks,
53, 5254.
Kondo, Seiji, and Yoshida, Hiroshi.
Therm al conductivity of refractory
bricks, 53, 526.4.
Kondorsky, E. Sec Akulov, N.
Kondratjew, A. N. Book : “ Non-Forrous
Metals and Alloys ” (in R ussian), 53,
Konen, Heinrich. Sec Kaysor, Heinrich.
König, W. Jung-. See Jung-König, W.
Konobievsky, S., and Selisskiy, J . Broaden­
ing of Dobyo-Scherror lines in Röntgeno­
grams of m etals w ith cold-working and
annealing, 53, 6314.
Konopicky, K. Sec Staufer, R.
Kopp, Arthur H. See Fink, Colin G.
Koppel, J. Book edited by : “ ChomikorKalendor,” 53, 1754.
Koppenhöfer, A. Development of metal
construction in aircraft, 53, 4644.
Koptzik, A. N. See Zarubin, N. M.
Korber, F., and Ölson, W. Equilibria
P b + SnCl2 ^ PbClj + Sn and Cd -JPbCl2
CdCl2 + P b in liquid state.
(Contribution to quostion of appli­
cability of ideal mass-action law), 53,
Kordes, Ernst. Thermodynamics of conc.
solns. II.—Communication : calcula­
tion of complete curves of crystn. in
binary eutectic systems, 53, 1284.
Korenman, I. M. M ethod of increasing
sensitivity of microchem. reaction for
Cr, 53, 6454 ; microchem. reaction of
Cu salts, 53, 3664.
Korenmann, S. M. See Komarowsky,
A. S.
Korneev, N. I. See Aristov, W. M.
Kornfeld, Benjamin. Restoration of tooth
structuro w ith Ag alloy amalgam, 53,
Kornfeld, M. 0 . Choico of solder for Al,
53, 6694 ; influonce of temp, regulation
during tinning on resistance of tinned
Cu wiro to corrosion, 53, 6374.
Kornick, — . Al as cause of cancer, 53,
Korobov, N. Sec Raichinschten, Z.
Korostelin, A. S. B o o k : “ The M anu­
facture of Sheet ” (in R ussian), 53, 6834.
Körpen, Friedrich, and Hompol, Max.
P a m p h le t: “ Dauerversuche auf einer
hochfrequenten Zug-Druck-Maschino :
Dio Änderungen den Frequenz bzw.
des E lastizitätsm odulus und deren
Bedeutung für die Spannungserm ittlung
bei verschiedener Schwingungsweite,M
53, 422.4.
Korpiun, Joachim. Sec Schlotter, M.
Koshkin, Simeon J. Book : “ Modern
Materials H andling,” 53, 6884 (review).
Kossolapow, G. F. See Bachmotow, E. F.
Köster, Alfred. Graphical soin, of tech,
molting calculations, 53, 7134.
Koster, J. See Dean, R. S.
Köster, W. Ternary system Co-Cr-W ,
53, 1214.
Köster, W ., and Tonn, W . Binary
systems Co-W and Co-Mo, 53, 2334.
Kostron, Hans. Hardness and stress,
53, 6534.
Kostylev, G. A. Sec Kroonig, W. O.
Kostylew, J. Book :
“ L ight Metal
Alloys ” (in R ussian), 53, 584.
Kota, J. Sec Jilek, A.
Kottcamp, John Paul, and H arper, A rthur
C. Book : “ Strength of M aterials,”
53, 584.
Kraemer, M. H. Induction crucible
furnace and its m etallurgy, 53, 1554.
Krainer, H. Sec Müller, R.
Kramer, J., and Zahn, H . Non-conduct­
ing modifications of m etals, 53, 684.
Krämer, Oskar. Surface improvem ent of
Al, 53, 1984.
K ratky, 0 . S tructure of liquid Hg, 53,
Krau, F. New typo of roll for coldrolling of m etals, 53, 504.
Kraus, R. Holding down costs in prodn.
arc wolding, 53, 4024 ; welding inspec­
tion, 53, 544.
Krause, A. L. Conserving powor by elect,
drag, 53, 3894.
Krause, H. Colouring of Cd-plated
articles, 53, 2794 ; colouring of Cu and
Fo in fused salts, 53, 2794 ; corrosion
tests on colourod Cd deposits, 53, 204 ;
do-nickolling baths, 53, 2534 ; new
electrolytic deposits, 53, 7094 ; Ni
stripping baths, 53, 894 ; ÎvMn04-C uS 04
pickles, 53, 2794 ; requirements for good
electroplating and characteristics of
most im portant plates, 53, 3134 ;
researches on chlorate colouring baths,
53, 5274 , 7194.
Krecek, A. Deep-drawing test, 53, 7124.
Kreiter, W. M. Book : “ Non-Ferrous
Metals of Eastern Siberia (Copper,
Nickel, Load, Silver)” (in Russian), 53,
Krekeler, K. Recommendations for selec­
tion of m etal working oils, 53, 5274.
Kremann, Robert. Sec Lämmermayr,
Ludwig, J r.
Kremann, Robert, and Lammormayr, L ud­
wig, J r. Electrolysis of A l-Sn alloys
contg. Fo, as model for electrolytic puri­
fication of molten AI from Fo, 53, 4494.
Kremann, Robert, Baum, R obert, and
Lammormayr, Ludwig, J r. Electrolytic
potential and constitution of Au am al­
gams, 53, 2354.
Krem ann, Robert, Postemor, Max, and
Schreiner, H ellm ut. Internal friction
of K -N a alloys in liquid state, 53, 734.
Name Index
Kremann, Robert, Schwarz, E ster Ingo, and
Beau, Sidy Le. Electrolysis of molten
binary A1 alloys and dogreo of saly. of
Fo in A1 a t various tomps., 53, 440.4.
Kremski, Hans. Mistakes in pressing re­
fractory bricks, 53, 275/1.
Krestownikow, A. N. Book : “ Cad­
mium V (in Russian), 53, 221/1.
Kretzler, A. Dimensions, m aterials and
lubrication of bearings of rolling mills,
53, 526/1.
Krider, H. S. Sec H idnort, Peter.
Krivobok, Vsevolod N., Beardman, E. L.,
H and, H . J ., Holm, T. O. A., Reggiori,
A., and Rose, R. S. Cr-N i-Fo and re­
lated alloys, 53, 296/1.
Krivohlavy, J. See Glazunov, A.
Kroenig, W. 0 . Influence of Si on inech.
properties of Duralumin, 53, 617/1.
Kroenig, W., and Kazakov, I. Anodic
polarization of A1 and its alloys as pro­
tection against corrosion, 53, 705/1.
Kroenig, W. 0., and Kostylov, G. A. Cor­
rosion of Mg alloys, 53, 442/1; corrosion
of Mg alloys. I.—Protection of Mg
alloys by oxido films, 53, 195/1.
Kroenig, W. 0 ., and Pavlov, S. E. Protec­
tion of cooling systems of internal com­
bustion engines against corrosion, 53,
Kroger, C. See Neumann, B.
Kroll, W. Alloys of Ga, 53, 13/1.
Kroll, Wilhelm. Reducibility of BoO, 53,
1 2 1 / 1.
Kroll, Wolfgang. Theory of therm al con­
duction a t low temps., 53, 614.4 ; theory
of thormo-oloct. ofTect a t low temps.,
53, 119/1.
Kromer, Carl. Direction for running
white motal bearings for machinery ana
motors, 53, 2684.
Kronert, J. Sec Gmolin, P.
Kronig, R. de L. Theory of supercon­
ductivity, 53, 118-4 ; II ., 53, 180/1.
Kronig, R. de L., and Groenewold, H . J .
Lorentz-Lorenz correction in metallic
conductors, 53, 68-4.
Kronmann, E., and Bibikowa, V. Microchem. detection of Re, 53, 3664.
Kronsbein, —. H eat-treatm ent w ithout
detrim ental finish, 53, 1604.
Kroon, R. Gerding-. See Gerding-Kroon,
Krouse, G. N. Sec Moore, H . F.
Kruger, Albert. Some separations of
m etals of (NH4)gS and alkaline earth
groups, 53, 6464.
Kruger, F., and Gehm, G. Changes in
lattico constants and conductivity of Pd
by olectrolytic charging w ith H t , 53,
1904 ; lattico constants and elect, con­
ductivity of electrolytically charged
Pd-A g alloys as function of H - content,
53, 1904.
Krumholz, P. See Feigl, F.
Krunovskii, B. K. See Zviagintzov, O. E.
Krylov, W. M. Suitability of light alloys
for m achinery construction, 53, 2944.
Krynitsky, A. I. Surface tension of molten
metals, 53, 4864.
Ksanda, C. J. Motal X -ray tube for
characteristic radiation, 53, 2614.
Kucevalov, B. Metallurgy of Au in T rans­
vaal, 53, 513/1.
Kudinova, A. See Vernitz, L.
Kühlewein, H. Stress-elongation d ia ­
gram of ferromagnetic m aterials under
vory small loads, 53, 231/1.
Kuhn, Heinrich, and Arrhenius, Svon.
H oat of dissociation of Cd molecule
determined thermo-optically, 53, 5454.
Kiihner, 0 . Machines for hot-pressing of
non-forrous m etals, 53, 330,1.
Kukanow, L. I., and Juriow, K. M. Book :
“ Methods for the Testing of Metals for
Fatiguo ” (in Russian), 53, 4234.
Kunkler, L. E. Machine-gun bullots of
peaco, 53, 26/1.
Kuntze, W. Book : “ Kolnisionsfcstigkeit,” 53, 541/1 (review) ; elastic m easure­
m ents on Cu by Martens m irror, 53,
6534 ; static principles of vibration
fracture, 53, 6524 ; strength of cohesion,
53, 116/1, 117/1; tenacity of polycrystallino m aterials, 53, 2294, 6144.
Kunz, George Frederick. P t group m etals,
Kunz, H. Sec Neumann, B.
Kurbatov, W. J. Influence of non-ferrous
m etals on corrosion of steol, 53, 139/1.
Kurdjumov, G. See Agoew, N. W.
Kurnakow, N. S., and Nomilow, W. A.
Alloys of P t with Cu, 53, 126/1 ; alloys
of P t w ith Ni, 53, 126/1.
Kuroda, Masawo. Effects of Fo on eloct.
conductivity and tensile strength of Al,
53, 343/1 ; tensile properties of Cu a t
low tem p., 53, 1774.
Kurrein, Herbert. Advances in electro­
plating, 53, 90/1, 511/1; do-tinning of
tinplate, 53, 6614 ; importance of c.d.
in Cr plating, 53, 251/1 ; Pb-coated
wires, 53, 135/1 ; modern procedure in
Ni- and Cr-plating, 53, 2534.
Kurz, Oskar. Experiences in construction
of aero engines, 53, 4654.
Kusakin, P. S. See Stoinborg, S. S.
Kussmann, A. See Messkin, W. S.
Kussmann, A., and Seemann, H . F.
Effect of plastic deform ation on super­
conductivity of dia- and param agnetic
m etals, 53, 231/1.
Kussmann, A., Scliarnow, B., and Schulze,
A. Phys. properties and structure of
binary system of Fe-Co, 53, 1824, 436/1.
Kutzelnigg, Artur. Colour of Ag as func­
tion of its surface nature, 53, 674 ;
phenomenon of passivity by soln. of Cu
in m ixture of K N 03 and H 2S 0 4, 53,
2264 ; see also Beutel, E rnst.
Kuzmenko, I. I. Ceramic shops a t m etal­
lurgical plants, 53, 2094.
Kuznetzova, W. W. See Pletenew, S. A.
Kyôgogu, T.
Corrosion of P b cable
sheaths, 53, 5004 ; see also Ilorioka, M.
La Lande, W. A. See Muller, J. H.
La Motte, Frank L., and others. Book :
11Hydrogen -Io n Concentration ,” 53,1754.
Name Index
La Motte, Frank L., Kenny, William R.,
and Reed, Allen B. Book : “ p a and its
Practical Applications,” 53, 599-4.
Laban, N. R. Ni plating of Zn-baso diocastings a t high c.d., 53, 509/1.
Lab6, A. Indust, alloys of Au, 53,
Lacroix, J. Sec Clärens, J.
Laird, H. R. See Geeilter, O. F.
Laissus, J. Rocont progress in metallic
comentation, 53, 2474.
Laissus, J., and Tyvaert, P. Beryllium,
53, 0094.
Lambert, Wesley. Eloctod Mombor of
Council, 51, 2 0 ; manuf. of high-class
marino propellers, 53, 3784, 7154 ;
m etal mixing by analysis, 53, 3264 ;
proof stress : historical note, 53, 5194 ;
relating chom. compn. to m icrostructuro
of complex brass, 53, 4924 ; some special
alloys for non-ferrous m etal mixers, 53,
Lambros, George C. »See Fink, Colin G.
Lamirand, J., and Parisclle, H . Book :
“ Cours do Chimie. Tome I I.—M étaux,”
53, 2844.
Lämmermayr, Ludwig, Jr. Electrolysis of
m oltonBe-Cu alloy w ith 10 percent. Bo,
53, 4494 ; see also Kromann, Robort.
Lämmermayr, Ludwig, Jr., and Kromann,
R obert. Position of Au in potential
series in electrolysis of molten metallic
alloys, 53, 2994.
Lamotte, G. W. P t plating, 53, 304.
Lamoureux, Ernest. Polishing vs. plating
standards, 53, 2794.
Lancaster, H. C. Elected Mombor of
Council, 51, 26; nominated as VicePresident, 52, 14 ; discussion on “ Somo
Effects of tho Addition of Tellurium to
Lead,” 51, 85.
Lancaster, Roderick Locke Hutcheson.
Elected mombor, 52, 15.
Land, S. Lewis. To-day’s opportunities
for welding-trained men in m otal work­
ing trades and industries, 53, 4054.
Landolt, F. H. Casting of 2 largo doors in
bronze, 53, 4574.
Landsberg, W. P a m p h le t: “ Sprache und
Technik,” 53, 5994.
Lane, C. T. Diamagnetism of thin films
of Bi, 53, 1134 ; variation of magnetic
properties of Ba with tem p., 53, 4814.
Lang, — . Pickling shoot m etal and its
control, 53, 3944.
Lang, L. Helumin light motal, 53, 704.
Lang, Max. Theory of technique of temp,
regulation, 53, 5154.
Lang, R., and Reifer, J . Iodomotrio detn.
of Cu, Fo, Zn, and Al in presence of
ono another, 53, 5644.
Lang, Rudolf. Iodomotric detn. of Zn by
forricyanide process, 53, 4534.
Lang, Rudolf, and Mück, Gottfried. Iodo­
motric detn. of Na as NaZn uranyl
acetate, 53, 4534.
Lang, Rudolf, and Zwerina, Josef. Vol.
detn. of Co with arsonious acid, 53,
3204 ; vol. detn. of Pb by N i0 2-arsenite
method, 53, 6484.
Lange, Heinrich. Physics of polymorphic
and magnetic transform ations, 53, 4964.
Lange, M. E. Experim ents w ith cemented
tantalum carbide for tu rret lathe opera­
tions, 53, 3914.
Lange, W. See Korston, H.
Langley, M. Book : 4i Metal A ircraft Con­
struction,” 53, 624 (review).
Langton, John. Making soamloss nock, 53,
Languepin, J.-E . Control of spot welds
and autom atic interrupters, 53, 4014 ;
spot wolding m ethods and arrangements,
53, 4024.
Lanthony, — . See Guichard, — .
Lanzmann, Rudolf. Detn. of S in coal
and coke, 53, 464.
Lapidus, W. A. R epairs of Al accessories
by patented alloy, 53, 3314.
Lapunzova, T. G. Sec Valter, A. F.
Laque, F. L. Corrosion of m etals in
mayonnaise plants. Results of tests
m ade under actual operating conditions,
53, 5004.
Larard, C. E., and Oliver, F. A. W. Effect
of frost on water-charged Pb and Cu
pipos, 53, 3384.
Larke, Eustace C. See Cook, Maurice.
Larsen, E. I. Sec Hensel, F. R.
Lasarew, B. See Kikoin, J.
v. Laue, M. Interpretation of certain ex­
perim ents rolating to super-conduction,
53, 1184.
Lavender, — . Discussion on oil-fired fur­
naces, 53, 1574.
Laves, F. Crystal structuro and m orpho­
logy of Ga, 53, 4404.
Lawrie, H. N. All and Ag, 53, 4724.
Lawson, T. R., and W arwick, C. L. R eport
of ctteo. E-10 of A.S.T.M. on standards,
53, 5374.
Le Beau. Sec Beau.
Le Blanc. See Blanc.
Le Maistre. See Maistre.
Le Rolland. See Rolland.
Le Thomas, Auguste. Manuf. of Ni-Mn
brass, 53, 3784 ; simplified method of
making special brasses, 53, 2354 ; see
also Ballay, Marcel.
Leaper, 'J . M. Faraday. See .Greene, L.
Leask, E. A. Design and operation of
indust, gas appliances, 53, 3834.
Leaute, Andre. Progress in m anuf. and
appn. of H g interrupters, 53, 3234.
Leavey, E. W. L. See Shaw, P. E.
Lebeau, P. See Baxter, G. P.
Ledrut, J., and H auss, L. D etn. of Co
with K M n04, 53, 1414.
Lee, G. W. See Staniland, Geoffrey.
Lee, Oscar Rene Jackson. Elected student
member, 51, 313.
Leemann, J. R epair by welding of cast
Al m otor crankcaso, 53, 7204.
Legros, L. A. Standardization, 53, 5374.
Lehmann, R. B o o k : “ W irtschaftlicher
Billiger Giessen,” 53,
Lehr, E. Technique of vibration m easure­
m ents, 53, 374 ; see also Dietrich, O tto.
Name Índex
Lehrmann, Leo. Pptn. of Cu and Sn
groups using H*S, 53, 367/1.
Leiner, V. I. Theory and practice of
electrolytic Cr plating of m etals, 53,
21A .
Leitgebel, W. Boiling of some m etals
and alloys a t atm ospheric pressure,
53, 553/1 j treatm ent of Al turnings
w ith salt fluxes. Systems K Cl-N aF,
KC1-NaCl-NaF, IvCl-CaF,, and N aClC aï'j, 53, 146/1.
Leith, C. K. See Bain, H . F.
Lempdes, Michel Rochette de. Detn. of
capacity of acetyleno generators, 53,
Lempert, G. See Sauerwald, F.
Lencauchez, M. Indust, brasses, 53,
378/1, 697/1.
Leonard, C. Elect, arc and its appn. to
welding, 53, 55A .
Leonhardt, J. Crystal lographic treatm ent
of wire- or rod-shaped single crystals,
53, 191/1.
Leonhardt, René. Sintered corundum,
53, 581/1 ; surface treatm ent of light
m etals, 53, 527A .
Leonhardt, René, and Steen, P. Au as
corrosion protection, 53, 312/1.
Lepingle, Marcel. Characteristics of some
special refractories.—I., II., I I I ., 53,
578/1 ; galvanization, m eans for pro­
tecting ferrous m etals from atmospheric
corrosion, 53, 638-4 ; relation between
A130 3 content and temp, of incipient
softening (of refractories), 53, 664/1 ;
tem p, of incipient fusion of refractory
products, 53, 209/1.
Leroy, M. Alpax doors in railway con­
struction, 53, 409.4.
Levy, Donald Myer. E lected member,
51, 313.
Lewandowski, — . See Broniewski, W.
Lewin, G. Micropyrometry, 53, 204/1.
Lewin, G., Loebe, W .-W ., and Samson, C.
Micropyrometry, especially on objective
m icropyrom eter, 53, 145/1.
Lewis, Dartrey. y-rays to insure internal
soundness, 53, 520-4.
Lewis, E. J. See P ark, Bartholow.^
Lewis, K. G. See Sidery, A. J.
Lewis, S. Judd. Book : “ Spectroscopy
in Science and Industry,” 53, 686-4
Lewis, W. H. Duralum in applied to
aircraft construction, 53, 676-4.
Li, K. C. Antimony, 53, 4114.
Liberman, L. J. Book : “ CorrosionResistant, Acid-Resistant, and H eatR esistant Alloys ” (in llussiafi), 53,
Lich, Otto. Hot-pressing or m achining?
53, 214,4.
Lichtenberger, Fritz.
and m agnetization of single crystals
of Fe-N i series, 53, 15/1.
Liebaldt, P. Sec Heidhausen, G.
Li esche, Otto. Book : ” Reehenverfahren
und Rcchenhilfsinittel m it Anwendungen
auf die Analytische Chemie,” 53, 64/1
Lihotzky, E. Illum ination in microscopy,
53, 454-4.
Limmer, G. Sec Schcibe, G.
Lind, Sven G. High-percentago tungsten
carbido alloys and their tech. appn.,
53, 15-4.
Linde, J. 0 . Atomic resistance increase
in dilute Au, Ag, and Cu alloys, 53,
697-4 ;
elect, properties of dilute
solid solns. II.—Resistance of Ag
alloys, 53, 15-4 ; lattice constants of
C u-Pd solid solns., 53, 189/1; see ateo
Keesom, W. H.
Lindlief, W. Earl. Melting points of some
binary and ternary Cu-rich alloys
contg. P, 53, 492-4 ; see also Sm ith,
Cyril Stanley.
Linford, Leon B. Recent developments in
study of external photoelect, effect,
53, 548/1.
Lingane, J. J. See Kolthoff, I. M.
Linicus, W. See Jung-K onig, W.
Linstrom, C. F., and Scheibe, G. Use of
photographic plate in quant, analysis
w ith emission spectra, 53, 514/1.
Lippert, T. W. See Pugh, E. M.
Litten, Wolfgang. Manuf. of Zn vessels
for dry batteries, 53, 51/1.
Little, Eugene C. See Wilson, Curtis L.
Little, T. J. Anaconda hollow Cu con­
ductors, 53, 531/1.
Livermore, F. A. W. Brass casting, 53,
206/1 ; design of die-castings, 53, 206/1 ;
die-casting, 53, 572/1 ; foundry sands,
53, 42A.
Llewellyn, F. T. General survey of welding
processes, 53, 54-4.
Loane, Clarence M. P a m p h le t:
Study of the A ctivity of Finely Divided
Metals and Metallic Oxides,” 53, 683/1.
Lobley, A. Glynne. Bright-annealing, 53,
160/1 ; elect, heat-treatm ent furnaces,
53, 272.4 ; heat-treatm ent w ithout
detrim ental finish, 53, 160/1.
Lockyer, Percy Charles. E lected student
member, 51, 26.
Loeb, Leonard B., and Adams, A rthur S.
Book : “ The Development of Physical
Thought,” 53, 539/1.
Loebe, W.-W . See Lewin, G.
Logan, K. H. Protection of pipes against
soil action, 53, 638-4.
Logan, L. See Bain, H . F.
Lohrmann, 0 . See W ever, Franz.
Loiseau, R. Bronzes used in railway
work, 53, 122/1.
Lombard, Victor, and Eichner, Charles.
Diffusion of H 3 through Pd. Effect of
pressure, tem p, and state of purity of
m etal, 53, 484/1.
Longnecker, Kenneth R. Recent develop­
m ents in m etal lacquers, 53, 248/1.
Lops, S., and Manzati, G. Book : “ P ro n ­
tuario del saldatore ossiscetilenico,” 53,
Lorenz, A. F. Tensomoter for measuring
small deform ations, 53, 324/1.
Losana, Luigi. Fluidity and eastability
of ultra-light alloys, 53, 150-4 ; studies
on light alloys, 53, 69/1.
Name Index
Loskiewicz, L. R esults obtained bycem entation m ethod on m etal couples :
Cu—Bo, Cu-Si, Ag-Be, Ag-Si, Au-Be,
and Au-Si, 53, 71*4.
Loskutow, F. M. B o o k : “ M etallurgy
of Lead ” (in Russian), 53, 423/1.
Lotti, E. See Pietrafesa, F.
Lottner, Gottfried. See Sauerbrei, Eduard.
Louglilin, G. F. See Bain, H . F.
Loveless, A. H., Davie, T. A. S., and
W right, W. Corrosion of Pb, 53, 308*4,
Low, George W. See Furm an, N. Howell.
v. Lowis of Menar, A. See Tam m ann, G.
Lu, —. Sec Travers, A.
Lubojatzky, Em. E valuation of process
of desulphurization and dearsenihcation
of Cu in reverberatory furnaces accord­
ing to laws of phys. chem istry, 53, 643.4.
Lucas, —. Sound non-ferrous castings,
53, 147/1.
Lucas, Francis F. Precision high-power
m etallographic apparatus, 53, 649/1.
Lucchi, L., and Bartocci, A. Electrolytic
detn. of Bi in alloys with Pb, 53, 141/1.
Luckenmeyer-Hasse, Lothar, and Schenk,
H erm ann. Soly. of H - in some m etals
and alloys, 53, 496*4.
Liider, Erich. Fluxes for welding and
brazing, 53, 166/1 ; welding rods, hard
solders, and fluxes for non-ferrous
m etals, 53, 396/1.
Ludwik, Paul. Fatigue of m etallic
m aterials, 53, 487/1 ; fatigue strength
and resistance to slip, 53, 263/1.
Lueg, W erner. Stress distribution and
m aterial flow in roll-gap, 53, 718*4; see
also Siebel, E.
Luerssen, G. V., and Greene, O. V. Torsion
im pact test, 53, 652/1.
Lugaskow, A. S. B o o k : “ Magnesium
Alloys, Their Preparation and Applica­
tion ” (in Russian), 53, 683*4.
Lunde, Gulbrand. A1 as can m aterial, 53,
56*4 ; prelim, report on work of packing
industry lab., 53, 56*4.
Lundin, Harald. E lectrolytic Z n : detn.
of sm all am ts. of Ge, 53, 320*4.
Lundquist, Eugene E. Strength test on
thin-walled Duralum in cylinders in
torsion, 53, 9*4.
Lunge, Georg. See Berl, E rnst.
Lunn, Ernest. Pre-qualification tests for
welders, 53, 405*4.
Lurie, H. H., and Sherman, G. W . Flame
tem ps, of combustible g a s -0 3 m ixtures,
53, 576/1.
Lurie, I. I. Detn. of As, Sb, Sn, and Zn
in m inerals and alloys by titratio n with
K I 0 3, 53, 452/1.
Luscombe, E. A. Principles of recupera­
tion applied to indust, gas furnaces,
53, 99/1.
Lykoschin, W. A. See Painton, Edgar.
Lynch, A. D. Keeping clean and orderly
foundry, 53, 659/1.
Lyons, Henry Anthony Montague. See
Russell, Alexander Sm ith.
Lytle, A. R. Principles of bronze-welding,
53, 588*4.
Maack, H. W. See K anter, J . J.
Maas, Joseph. See Allen, S. J . M .;
K ersten, H .
Maass, E., and Seifert, A. Fight against
rust, 53, 310*4.
Mabb, P. Alloys for pressure die-casting,
53, 152/1 ; contact m etals and contact
care, 53, 595A .
McAdam, D. J., Jr. Influence of corrosion
pits, &c., on fatigue, 53, 555.4 ; influence
of stress on corrosion, 53, 132A.
Me Alpine, Roy K., and Soule, Byron A.
B ook: “ Q ualitative Chemical Analysis,”
53, 599/1.
McAulay, A. L., and Spooner, E . C. R.
Unique electrode potential charac­
teristic of m etal and theory for m echan­
ism of electrode potential, 53, 1*4.
McAuley, B. F. See Anderson, D. G.
McAuliffe, Eugene. See Y eatm an, Pope.
McBain, Jam es William. B o o k : “ The
Sorption of Gases and Vapours by
Solids,” 53, 62/1 (review).
McBride, R. C. See Hughes, Grover A.
McBride, R. S. Chem. engineering p ro ­
blems in hardwood distillation, 53,
462*4 ; m arketing and indust. uses of
charcoal, 53, 384*4 ; see also Bain, H . F .
McCay, LeRoy W. Reduction of H 3S b 0 4
in HC1 soln. with Hg, 53, 367/1.
Macchia, 0 . Cr plating in cold, 53,
639*4 ; defective deposits of Cr, 53,
360*4 ; detn. of thickness of Cr deposits,
53, 508*4.
Macchia, Osvaldo, and Pieri, Mario.
Book : “ Crom atura industriale,” 53,
McClelland, E. H. P a m p h le t: “ Review
of Iro n and Steel L iterature for 1932,”
53, 284/1.
McCormick, G. C. Other’s views on
“ modern m etals,” 53, 309*4.
MacCullough, Gleason H. Appns. of
creep tests, 53, 262*4.
McDonald, S. A. Close lim its on machine
forging work, 53, 667*4 ; tapered shell
dies, 53, 214*4.
MacDougall, A. Photom icrography, 53,
MacDougall, Harold Arthur.
member, 51, 26.
MacGahan, Paul, and Carson, R obert W .
Ageing and elastic hysteresis in in ­
strum ent springs, 53, 621/1.
MacGregor, C. W. Form ation of localized
slip layers in m etals, 53, 229/1.
McHargue, J. S., and Caifee, R. K. Detn.
of B spectroscopically, 53, 319/1.
Mack, Edward, Jr. See W arrick, D. L.
McKay, N. H. Cr plating applied to steel
mill rolls, 53, 250/1.
McKay, N. H., and B onnet, C. F. Cr
plating finds new appns. in machine
shop, 53, 508*4.
McKay, R. J. See Flocke, F. G .; H um p,
ton, W. G.
McKay, Robert J., and Searle, H . E.
Report of sub-cttee. V II of cttee.
B -3 of A.S.T.M. on liquid corrosion,
53, 80/1.
Name Index
McKay, Robert J., and W orthington,
Robert. Stable mech. properties for
aircraft design, 53, 418-4.
McKean, John B. Cu rod rolling, wire­
drawing, and annealing, 53, 162/1.
McKee, C. C. Effect of CuS04 on pipe
m aterials, 53, 80-4.
McKeehan, L. W. Magnetic dipole energy
in hexagonal crystals, 53, 441/4 ; m ag­
netic dipole energy in homogeneously
strained cubic crystals, 53, 441-4 ;
m agnetic dipolo fields in dislocated
cubic crystals, 53, 441.4 ; magnetic
dipole fields in unstrained cubic crystals,
53, 441.4 ; magnetic quadruple field
and energy in cubic and hexagonal
crystals, 53, 498-4 ; sec also Beck,
F red J ., Jr.
MacKenzie, Adam. How Carboloy tools
are m ade, 53, 392/1; selecting suitable
wheels for grinding Carboloy, 53, 393/i.
McKeown, J. Discussion on “ Some
Effects of the Addition of Tellurium to
Lead,” 51, 80.
McKnight, Charles. See Hoffmann, N. B.
McKnight, Thomas. Modern H N 0 3 prodn.
demands spocial alloys, 53, 82.4.
McKusick, B. L. See Rootheli, B. E.
MacLachlan, A.
Some heat-troatm ent
problems in autom obile factory, 53,
McLennan, J. C. Elect, supra-conduction
in metals, 53, 118/1.
McMullen, Charles. Newer uses of silicon
carbide, 53, 475-4.
McNair, D. G. Turbine blade deteriora­
tion, 53, 20/1.
Macnaughtan, D. J. E lectroplating in
G reat Britain, 53, 511/1 ; research and
electrodepn. practice.—Presidential a d ­
dress, 53, 511-4.
M acnaughtan, D. J., and Hammond,
R. A. F . Influence of acidity of elec­
trolyte on structure and hardness of
electro-deposited Ni, 53, 136.4.
M acnaughtan, D. J., Clarke, S. G., and
Prytherch, J . C. Detn. of porosity of
Sn coatings on steel, 53, 245/1.
M acnaughtan, D. J., Gardam, G. E „ and
Ham mond, R. A. F. Influence of
compn. and acidity of electrolyte on
characteristics of Ni deposits, 53,
McPherson, Thomas. Elected member, 52,
MacQuigg, C. E. Research and develop­
m ent in m etallurgy, 53, 108/1.
Macrae, A. E. Book : “ Overstrain of
Motals and its Application to the AutoF rettage Process of Cylinder and Gun
Construction,” 53, 478/1 (review).
McVetty, P. G. Discussion on Hensol and
L arsen’s paper on “ Age-Hardening
Copper—T itanium Alloys,” 53, 122.4;
factors affecting choice of working
stresses for high-temp. services, 53,
Madel, H. See Naske, C.
Maeder, R. E. E lectro-tin plating, 53,
Maff, J. How to use metallic inks, 53,
Magee, W. H. Basic principles of educa­
tion and training in industry as they
m ay bo applied to welding instruction
in trade and vocational schools, 53,
Magiya, Masami. See Im ai, Hiroshi.
Magliocco, V. Use of Al alloys, 53, 169.4.
Magri, F. O utput of work in m etallurgical
industries of Groat B ritain, 53, 470/1.
Mahle, E. Alloy iron ring carriers reduce
cylinder wear and give Al pistons longer
life, 53, 680/1.
Mahoux, G. .Electromagnetic surface
hardening of alloys, 53, 74/1; influence
of electro-magnetic waves on hardness
and resistivity of motals, 53, 160/1,
Mahr, C. New method for detn. of Bi,
53, 95.4 ; vol. method for dotn. of Bi,
53, 647.1.
Maier, M. Little-known cause of burningout of oxygen'reducing valves, 53, 404/1.
Maillard, Louis. Cemont moulds in foun­
dry, 53, 522/1.
Mairlot, Edmundo. See Fresno, Carlos del.
Maistre, C. Le. Effect of standardization
on engineering progress, 53, 537/1.
Majer, Vladimir. Disturbing effect of Cl2
and NH4 salts in colorimetric detn. of
small quant, of Hg w ith diphonylcarbazone, 53, 36/1 ; kinotics of depn. of
small am ts. of Hg by Fe and Cu, 53,
561^4; microchem, detn. of m inute
am ts. of Hg, 53, 259.4 ; polarographic
dotn. of alkali motals, 53, 646/1.
Makishima, Shoji. Sec Kam eyama, Naoto.
Makoto, Okoshi. Researches on cutting
forces. II., II I.— Relation betweon c u t­
ting forco of m etal and its mech. pro­
perties. IV.—R elation between cutting
forco acting a t tw ist drill and mech.
properties of working m aterial, 53, 390/1.
Makovver, Anthony. Elected member, 51,
Malin, Ogden B. Variations in microstructure inherent in processes of manufg.
extruded and forged brass, 53, 161/1.
Maljaroff, K. L., and Gluschakoff, A. J .
Soly. of CaC.,04 in some sa lt solns., 53,
Malkovsky, Jaroslav. Bearing m otals and
seatings for aero-engines, 53, 626/1.
Malz, H., and v. Conrady, H , Compara­
tive optical testing of cutting nozzles,
53, 404.4.
Mandelgrin, L. L. Sec Budnikov, P . P.
Manfredini, L. Al industry, 53, 470/1.
Mann, C. A. See E rnst, R . C.
Mann, Fr. J. Silit I I heating rods, 53,
Mann, Helmut. Influence of heat-tro at­
m ent of age-hardenablo Al rolling alloys
on their resistance to corrosion by sea­
w ater, 53, 632/1.
Mannami, Akitaro. See Kondo, Seiji.
Mannhardt, Fred. Metal cleaning and
bake finishing, 53, 164-4.
Manson, Jean. Elected member, 51, 313.
Name Index
Mantelet, — , et al. Standardization of
patterns in foundry, 53, 42*4.
Mantell, C. L. Al and bauxito, 53, 406/1 ;
Book : “ Sparks from tho Electrode,”
53, 599*4 ; dollars and cents—“ tho
operating cost of corrosion,” 53, 83.4 ;
m arch of electrochemistry, 53, 561/1 ;
m otal industries. Symposium on their
record in 1932 and prospocts for 1933.—
Tin, 53, 470/1.
Manthei, W arren F. Monol motal for cor­
rosion-resisting springs, 53, 418*4.
Manzati, G. See Lops, S.
Marchand, J. »See March and, R.
Marchand, R., and Marchand, J . Book :
** La Chimio en Tubos & Essais (Métaux),” 53, 284*4.
Marcotte, Edmond. Researches on buck­
ling, 53, 470*4.
Mardér, M. See Yolmor, M.
Marie, Ch., and Thon, N. Eloctrolytic
dopn. of m otáis on cathodes covered by
insulating films, 53, 199/1.
Mark, H. Corrosion as physico-chom.
problem, 53, 132*4; see also Scheibo,
Mark, H., and von Susich, G. L attice
distortions and detection of internal
stress with X-rays, 53, 655/1.
Marks, Graham W ., and Grobmoier, J.
Autom atic safety dovico for water-cooled
X -ray tubes, 53, 142/1.
Marks, Lord, and Wolstonholmo, R . A.
B ook: “ Tho P atents and Designs A cts,”
53, 539*1.
Marotta, Domenico. Book odited by : “ I
Progressi doll’ Industria Chimica Italiana
nol I o. Decennio di Regimo Facista,”
53, 599*4.
M arran, Vincent P. Qualifications for
weldors, 53, 405/1.
Mars, G. Book : “ Los Aciors Spóciaux,”
53, 222/1.
Marsh, J. S. Discussion on Pholps and
Davoy’s papor on “ An X -R ay Study of
tho N ature of Solid Solutions,” 53, 129.4 ;
see also Greiner, Earl S.
Martell, Lewis George. Elocted student
member, 51, 313.
Martens, L. K. Book : “ Technical E n ­
cyclopaedia ” (in R ussian), 53, 284/1.
Martin, A. C. Book : “ Tho Use of Copper
in Plum bing,” 53, 599/1.
Martin, H. Elect, arc-welding of nonferrous m etals, 53, 167/1; welding of
Cu, 53, 397/1.
Martin, J. F. Maintenance of pyrometers,
53, 266*4.
Martin, Ray C. Modern lacquer finishing,
53, 505/1.
M artin, Samuel, Jr. W elding with atomic
H , 53, 402/1.
Martin, Thomas. Book odited b y :
“ Faraday’s D iary,” 53, 283-4.
Martini, Ardoino. Now microchom. re ­
action for Mo, V, and W, 53, 366*4.
Marzke, Oscar T. P ptn. of a from /?
brass, 53, 184/1.
Mashkilleyson, L. E., and Sokolov, M. S.
Contact unions of Al and Cu, 53, 676*4.
Masing, Georg. Sonds mossago of greeting,
52, 14; book : “ Ternaro Systomo,”
53, 335/1 (review); from ompirical to
basic principles in particular cases of
corrosion, 53, 133/1.
Masing, Georg, and Bauer, O. Gorman
corrosion congress, 53, 244/1.
Masing, Georg, and Koch, L. Pptn.hardoning.
Anomalies in courso of
hardoning during hardening process, 53,
Masing, Georg, and Poclior, Waldomar.
Development of tech. casting process
for Bo-Cu alloys, 53, 658*4 ; tech.
properties of Cu—Ni alloys contg. Bo,
53, 126-4.
Masing, Georg, and Schouer, E. Segre­
gation (liquation), 53, 698/1.
Masiyama, Yosio. Magnetostriction of
Fo-Co alloys, 53, 11/1.
Mason, Ralph B. Therm al insulation
with Al foil, 53, 592*4.
Mason, S. P. Economics of uso of rofractories, 53, 274A .
Masseille, H. Chom. and micro-biological
action of soa-water in causing alterations
of motals, 53, 22*4 ; oxidation of metallic
hulls and moans of preserving them
from rust. Galvanic offects on sterns
of boats, 53, 107/1 ; oxidation of metallic
ships’ bottom s and moans of preserving
them from rust, 53, 85/1.
Masukowitz, H. Short-tim o annealing
Al strip and sheet in continuous elect,
annoaling furnace, 53, 47*1, 329/1.
Masury, A. F. Obituary notico, 51, 358.
Matagrin, Am. Non-metallic protective
coatings for indust. chom. apparatus,
Matano, Chujiro. X -ray studios on diffu­
sion of Cu into Ni, 53, 178/1 ; see also
Tanako, Shinsuke.
Mathers, F. C. See Batem an, R. L . ;
Bluo, R. D . ; H arbaugh, M .; Ovorcash,
D. M.
Mathews, John A. E lect, furnace and
alloy ago, 53, 271*4.
Mathewson, C. H., and Crampton, D. K.
R eport of cttee. B -5 of A.S.T.M. on
Cu and Cu allovs, cast and wrought,
* 53 , 333 * 1, 593 /1/
Mathewson, C. H., and Smith, D. W.
Theory of form ation of segregate
structures in alloys, 53, 128.4.
Mathieu, Marcel. Electric welding, 53,
Matignon, Camille. L ight alloys of Al
and “ A 1-bronze,” 53, 69/1.
Matsui, Mototaro, and Katfl, Hirondo.
Chamber process. X X III.— Phys. and
mech. tests of sheet Pb, 53, 2*4 ; X X IV .
— Corrosion tost of sheet Pb by H ^O ^,
53, 21/1.
Matsukawa, Tatsuo. Equilib. diagr. of
Al-Si-Sn system, 53, 295/i; see also
Saito, Daikichi.
Matsumara, T. New m ethod of testing
hardness, 53, 456/1.
Matsunaga, Yoshiaki. Crystals of Zn
coating surface of Fe plato, 53, 352/i.
Name Index
Matter, Jean. H oat-troatm ont of D ura­
lumin, 53, 582**1.
Matthaes, Kurt. Corrosion-fatiguo and
anodic oxidation, 53, 20*4 ; investiga­
tion of cracked m otor piston, 53, 147/1 ;
static and dynamic testing of somo
light m etals, 53, 1434 ; X -ray exam ina­
tion of aero m aterials by D.V.L., 53,
2654 ; see also Fahronhorst, W.
Matthews, F. J. Dissolved 0 2 and cor­
rosion, 53, 6354.
Matthews, J. A. Discussion on Krivobok’s
paper on “ F urther Studios on Chrominm -N ickol-Iron and Related Alloys,”
53, 2964.
Matthis, A. R. Assay of rubbor-insulated
conductors, 53, 944 ; detg. quality of
tinning on tinned conductor wires
insulated with rubber, 53, 4514 ; polish­
ing of specimens for motallographic
exam ination, 53, 3044 ; testing tinning
of rubber-insulated Cu wire, 53, 6374.
Matthison, A. LI. Book : “ Tinplate
Decoration and the Lacquoring of Food
Containers,” 53, 599.1.
Matukawa, Kyuzi, and Shinohara, Kon’ichi.
Method of obtaining H ull-D eb y eScherror p attern of cathode rays, *53,
Matuyama, Yosiharu. Effoct of magnetic
treatm ent on age-hardoning of quenched
s tools and alloys, 53, 704, 744.
Matveev, N. I. Methods for Cu dotn.,
53, 5154.
Mauksch, W. See Emicko, O.
Manland, T. Fusion of Cu alloys in
cupola, 53, 5714.
Maurah, A. See Sharov, M.
Maurakh, A. A. See BQtchvar, A. A.
Maximenko, M. S. Prospective develop­
m ents of olectrothormal industry in
U.S.S.R., 53, 1394.
May, A. I. See W alerstein, I.
May, W alter J. Surface-hardening Cu,
53, 4724.
Mayr, C. De in. and sepn. of Zn from
m etals of (NH4)2S group as sulphide by
use of chloracetic acid-sodium acetate
buffer, 53, 4534.
Mayr, C., and Foigl, F . Detn. and sepn.^
of Co as cobaltic nitroso-Æ-naphthol,*
53, 3204.
Mears, R. B. Combating rust with
motallic finishes, 53, 3594.
Medwedeff, M. H. W orkability of high
brass sheet, 53, 2774.
Meerson, G. A. Super-hard alloys of
m étallo-ceramic typo (sintered powders),
53, 3024 ; see also Zarubin, N. M.
Mees, C. E. K. Scope of research m anage­
m ent, 53, 5354.
Melil, Robert F. Discussion on Baker’s
paper on “ The B eta to Alpha T rans­
form ation in Hot-Forged Brass,” 53,
1234 ; discussion on Sm ith and Lindlief's paper on “ The Equilibrium
Diagram of the Copper-Rich CopperSilver Alloys,” 53, 1224.
Mehl, Robert F., B arrett, Charles S.,
and Rhines, Frederick N. Widman-
stiitten structure. I I I .—Al-rich alloys
of A1 w ith Cu and of Al w ith Mn and
Si, 53, 1294.
Mehrtens, Job. Exam ining m aterial of
castings, 53, 5 7 0 4 ; m otal pressure
castings, 53, 1504.
Meier, F. W. See Buchorer, H . Th.
Meissner, K. L. D uralplat,
corrosionrosisting light alloy of high strength,
53, 4 9 9 4 ; treatm ent of Duralumin
rivots with solid CO,, 53, 2804.
Meissner, W. A ttainm ent of very low
tomps. by compression of liquid Ho,
53, 5 1 6 4 ; m easurements employing
liquid H e. X V II.—Resistanco of Pb
in m agnetic field a t tem ps, bolow
superconductivity point, 53, 4344;
sec also Holm, R.
Meissner, W., and Schoffors, II. Preciso
dotn. of magnetic momonts of Iv and Li
in relation to magnetic nuclear moment,
53, 2274.
Meissner, W., and Stoinor, Iv. Measure­
m ents employing liquid Ho. X V III.—
Behaviour of superconducting Sn under
incidence of slow-moving oloctrons, 53,
Meissner, W ., Franz, H ., and Westorhoff,
H. M easurements employing liquid He.
X IV .— Systematic rosoarches on super­
conductivity of somo alloy systems, 53,
754 ; XV.—Resistance of Ba, In, Tl,
graphite, and Ti a t low temps., 53, 4334 ;
X V I.— Investigations relating to super­
conduction in case of carbides, nitrides,
borides, and silicidos, 53, 754 ; X IX .—
Researches on alloys of P b-T l and P b-B i
series with respect to superconductivity,
53, 2354.
Meiter, E. G. D ust problem in foundry
industry, 53, 6594.
Melcher, Karl.
Shrinkage stresses in
wolded seams, 53, 1664.
Melchett, Lord. Life of, 53, 6844 (re­
Meller, Karl. Book : “ Elektrisclio Lichtbogenschweissung,” 53, 5424 (review).
Mellor, David P. See Dwyer, Francis P . J.
Mellor, J. W. Book : “ A Comprehensive
Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical
Chemistry. Volume X II,” 53, 4264
Mennesson, Marcel. Method for m easur­
ing length and thickness with high p re ­
cision, 53, 3714.
Mennie, J. H. See Ham pton, W. F.
Menzel, H. See Kolthoff, I. M.
Menzer, G. Precision detn. of lattico con­
stants by powder inothod, 53, 1924.
Merica, Paul D. Age-hardening of motals,
53, 744, 2384, 3494.
Merkurjew, N. E. See Botchvar, A. A .;
Scharov, M.
Merkus, P. J. See Baker, E. M.
Merle, — . See Moustacas, — .
Merrill, Charles W hite. Consumption of
Ag in a rts and industries of U.S., 53,
6784 ; Ag consumption in a rts and
industries of U.S. in 1930 and 1931, 53,
Nam e Index
Merritt, George E. Interference method
of measuring therm al oxpansion, 53,
Merry, Arthur A. W hat can bo accom­
plished w ith modern machino tools and
cemented carbido cutting tools, 53, 527*4.
Merten, W. J. Motal surface finishes for
electrodopn. of protective metallic coat­
ings, 53, 137*4.
Mervine, A. E. Metal industries. Sym­
posium on their record in 1932 and
prospects for 1933.— Zinc, 53, 470*4.
Merwin, H. E. See Posnjak, E.
Merz, A., and Im busch, E. Diffusion of
heavy m etals into ono another and of Al
into Zn, Sn and, their alloys (contribu­
tion to kinetics of soldering process), 53,
Meslier, R. Autogenous welding of Monel
m etal, 53, 218*4 ; comparative study of
oxy-acetyleno and arc-wolding, 53, 073.4 ;
oxy-acetylono welding of Pb, 53, 070/1.
Mesnager, Auguste. Biography, 53, 080*4.
Messkin, W. S. Book : 4Magnetic Alloys
(Collected Papers) ” (in Russian), 53,
Messkin, W. S., and Kussmann, A. Book :
“ Die Forromagnotisehen Legierungen
und ihre Gewerbliche Verwendung,” 53,
01/1 (review).
Metkaî, Henry E. Elect, welding in E ng­
land, 53, 072.4.
Metson, G. H. Spoctrographic analysis of
Pb cable-shoath alloys, 53, 514/1.
Meurice, C. Exam ination of rofractorios,
53, 328*4.
Meyer, A. Diamond tools in machining
of m etals, 53, 278-4.
Meyer, G., and Scheffer, F . E. C. Equilib.
Sn + 2COa
SnO. + 2CO, 53, 07/1.
Meyer, H. M. See Julihn, M. ; Tylor,
Paul M.
Meyer, Herbert. Im provem ent of Zn-Al
alloy of compn. AlsZn3, 53, 70.4.
Meyer, Ingrid. See llo th , W. A.
Meyer, R. J. See Baxter, G. P. ; Boden stein, M.
Meyer, S. Prodn. of polonium from radio­
active P b salts, 53, 179*4.
Meyer auf der Heyde, Heinrich. Durability
of baths for hot-galvanizing and on pre­
venting their corrosion, 53, G37/1.
Meyral, J. Advantages of using Cu and
brass in m etallic cappings. Bad offoct
of rust on p aint work, 53, 077*4.
Michael, Franz. Investigations on aircraft
braking, 53, 100*4.
Michaelis, — . Elect, heating in industry,
53, 524*1.
Michajlova, Olga, Pevsner, Sophie, and
Archipowa, Natalie. Appn. of microchem. m ethods in quant, dotn. of Re in
quantities of about 1 mg. after previous
sepn. from Mo, 53, 370*4.
Michejew, M. N. Influence of elastic
elongation of ferromagnetic m aterial on
magnetic transform ation point, 53, 015/1.
Michoff, M. See Block, Natalie.
Middleton, T. R. Refractories for H .-F.
furnaces, 53, 385/1.
Miehr, W. Effect of temp, on pormoability of gases through pyrometer-protocting tubes, 53, 457/1.
Mies, Otto. Are inclined joints stronger
th an transverse joints ? 53, 400*4 ; from
wolding handicraft to welding technique,
53, 108.4; internal stresses, 53, 1274;
stress distribution in fillet wolds, 53,
Miething, H., and W inkler, C. Measure­
m ent of temps, of Cu and its alloys
during casting, 53, 545*4.
v. Migray, Emod. Vol. detn. of Ca and
Mg in presence of ono another, 53, 319/1.
Mikulla, H. F. See Garre, B.
Milani, G. Refractory brick, 53, 577/1.
Miller, C. Franklin. New roagent for Mg,
53, 317*4.
Miller, E. Holl. Correspondence on T hom p­
son’s papor on “ The Case Against S tan­
dardization of Chemical Analysis,” 53,
Miller, E. P. Demountable m etal X-ray
tube, 53, 507/1.
Miller, H. J. Discussion on “ Experim ents
in Wire-Drawing. P a rt III .—Anneal­
ing of H.C. Copper Wires Drawn to
Varying Degrees of H ardness,” 52, 242 ;
see also Brownsdon, H . W .; Cook, M.
Miller, H. S. See W hitehead, T. II.
Miller, Hugh. Elim inating guesswork in
m aterials of construction, 53, 244.4.
Miller, J. D. Pulp and papor advance in
fight against corrosion loss, 53, 81*4.
Miller, J. R. Im provem ents in cold-work­
ing of metals, 53, 494.
Miller, L. Recent developments in manuf.
of welded structures, 53, 0744.
Miller, W. B. See Crowe, John J.
Milligan, W. 0. Recording photodensitom oter for X -ray powder photographs,
53, 0504.
Millner, Theodor. Dissolution of motallic
W by ammoniacal Cu(OH)2 soln., 53,
Mills, E. Correspondence on “ The Appli­
cation of the Diamond Pyram id In d en ta­
tion T est to Copper and Copper-Rich
Alloys in the Form of Thin Strip,” 51,
Mills, J. C. See Petrie, G.
Mishima, Tokushichi. Influence of C on
annealing brittleness of Ni and its alloys,
53, 2304.
Miskella, Wm. J. Cleaning m etal parts
for finishing, 53, 7194.
Mitchell, R. W. Equipm ent for cleaning
of m etal.— X III., 53, 217/1; X IV .—
XXV., 53, 393.1.
Mitton, Eric John. Elected member,
52, 15.
Mitton, Thomas Evans. Obituary notice,
51, 359.
Miyara, Santos. Indust, profit in tin
cans, 53, 5234.
Miyata, Akira. See Setoh, Shoji.
Mochel, N. L. See French, H. J .
Moegen, Otto. T hesis:
“ Die koloiimetrisclie Bestimmung kleinster Aluminiummengen,” 53, 4254.
Nam e Index
Moeller, K. Precision measurements of
lattico constants by Dobyo-Scherrcr
m ethod, 53, 241/1; suitable standard
substance for precision measurement
of lattico constants by Debyo-Scherrer
m ethod, 53, 24L I.
Moeller, W alter. Book : “ Solbstkostonrechnung einos Workes dor Kupforhalbzeugindustrie,” 53, COO/1.
Moerk, Frank N. Apparatus and pro­
cedure for oloctrolytic estim ation of
As, 53, 647/1.
Moffett, Henry C. Dissertation on nonferrous m etals used for power p lant
piping, 53, 596/1.
Moffett, R. J. Design and construction
of m etal hulls for boat seaplanes, 53,
Moine, Raymond. Uso of pulvorized
coal in foundry, 53, 272/1.
Moissan, Henri. Commemorative volume,
53, 285.4.
Mokeev, B. G. Vol. dotn. of W , 53, 96/1.
Mokienko, I. I. E xperim ents on uso of
CaC.2 as deoxidizer for bronze, 53,
Moldenhauer, Max. Liquation as m etal­
lurgical operation and its aids, 53,
Molinaux, — . Discussion on oil-fired
furnaces, 53, 1574.
Molkov, I. P. See Zarubin, N. M.
Moller, F. See Röntgen, P.
Moller, H. Moasuromont of stresses by
X-rays, 53, 5204.
Moller, Hermann. See Wover, Franz.
Mond, Alfred. See Melchett, Lord.
Monnier, Maurice. See D utoit, Marc.
Montelueci, G. Cd soldering, 53, 281/1.
M onteiui, R., and Carroro, J . Gonzalez.
Simplification of m ethods of Treadwell
and Mayr. Bromometric dotn. of Bi,
53, 647/1.
Montgomery, Carol G., and Ross, William
H . Magnetic suscoptibilitios of Pb, Ag,
and their alloys, 53, 2994.
Moodey, H. S. B o o k : “ Q uantitative
Analysis,” 53, 6004.
Moon, P. B. Emission of positivo ions
from hot W, 53, 674.
Moore, Burrows. Hg purification, 53,
Moore, D. H., and Constant, F. W. D ia­
magnetism and param agnetism in intenso
fields, 53, 693/1.
Moore, H. F. D u c tility : w hat is its
significance ? How test for it ? 53,
218/1; fatigue of motals— its nature
and significance, 53, 2294 ; report of
research cttooJ of A.S.T.M. on fatigue
of m etals, 53, 229/1 ; see also Fuller,
T. S . ; Peterson, R. E.
Moore, H. F., and Warwick, C. L. R eport
of cttoe. E~9 of A.S.T.M. on research,
53, 5344.
Moore, H. F., and W ishart, H . B. “ Over­
night ” test for detg. endurance limit,
53, 5174 , 6524.
Moore, H. F., Bolton, J . W ., and K anter,
J . J . Detn. and significance of “ pro-
portional lim it ”
“ breaking
strength ” in short-tim o high-tomp.
tests, 53, 5194 ; significance of results
of short-tim o high-tomp. tension tests,
53, 5184.
Moore, H. F., Othus, J . C., and Krouso,
G. N. Full-load calibration of 600,000
lb. testing machine, 53, 2624.
Moore, Harold. Nominated as President,
52, 14.
Morcom, E. L. Nominatod as VicePresident, 52, 14.
Morell, L. G., and H anaw alt, J. D. X -ray
study of plastic working of Mg alloys,
53, 174.
Morgan, Gilbert Thomas. P a m p h le t: “ A
Survoy of Modorn Inorganic Chemistry,”
53, 6834.
Morin, L. H. Casting brass in chills undor
prossuro, 53, 267/1 ; cost analysis of
Zn-baso dio-castings vs. machined cast­
ings, 53, 7154 ; design of product to
utilize die-casting instead of machino
parts, 53, 3814 ; sizo lim its of brass and
othor die-castings, 53, 7154.
Morris, Alan. Machinability of freecutting brass rod, 53, 2154, 7194;
II., 53, 2 1 5 4 ; seasonal variations in
rate of impingement corrosion, 53,1324.
Morris, S. B. Use of non-ferrous sorvico
pipos a t present pricos, 53, 5964.
Morrissey, R. B. See Thompson, M. do Kay.
Morth, Hermine. See Pavolka, F.
Moser, H. German standardization of
procious motals, 53, 4194.
Moser, H., Fröhlich, K. W ., and Raub, E.
Ag plating of alloys contg. P. E lectro­
lytic degreasing, 53, 708/1.
Moser, H., R aub, E ., and Vincke, E.
Systom Au-M n, 53, 1244, 2354.
Moser, H. A. See Roeser, Wm. F.
Moser, Max. N otched-bar tests, 53,
2 6 4 4 ; obtaining stoady curvature in
tech. bending tests, 53, 264/1.
Moshaiski, P. I., and Wladimirow, R. S.
Book : “ The Electrolytic E xtraction
of Zinc from Ores ” (in Russian), 53,
Mott, R. A. Advantages of clean coal to
industry, 53, 6634.
Motzoc, Maria D. Sec Balancscu, Gr.
Moustacas, E., et al. Founding of bronzo,
-53, 414.
Moustacas, E., and Merle, — . Studies
on brasses, 53, 1844.
Mrak, E. M., and Cruess, W. V. Corrosion
of Ni and Monol m etal by sulphurod
grape juice, 53, 5554.
Mück, Gottfried. See Lang, Rudolf.
Mühlhaus, H. Elect, rotary drill, 53,
Muhr, — . Metallography, 53, 1284.
Mukoyama, Mikio. Fundam ental prin ­
ciples in designing elect, furnace for
heat-treatm ent, 53, 1564.
Müllenseifen, W. See Endoll, K.
Muller, Bernhardt E. Pb fittings for
modern house, 53, 1714.
Müller, C. Prodn. of thin, freo m etal
films, 53, 3414.
Name Index
Muller, Emil. B o o k :
“ Chomio und
kontinentales P aten trech t,” 53, 600.-1.
Müller, Erich. Book : “ Dio Eloktromotrischo (Potontiomotrischo) Massanalysed’ 53, 479/1 (review).
Müller, Erich, and Barchm ann, Herbort.
Influonco of anions on oloctrodopn.
and soln. of Cd and Zn, 53, 507.1.
Müller, Erich, and Förster, Johannes.
Effect of anions on rate of soln. of Zn
in acids, 53, 131/1.
Müller, Erich, and Haase, Günther.
Dotn. of Cr and Fe in Cr plating bath
by potentiomotric m ethod, 53, 308.4.
Müller, Erich, and Janitzki, J . +E lectro­
m otive behaviour of Ni and Co, 53,
Müller, Erich, and Rossow, Otto. Cr oloctroplating w ith aqueous solns. of chromic
acid contg. H F, 53, 250/1.
Müller, Erich, and Schwabe, K urt. Cur­
ren t lim its of anodic polarization of
m otals in aqueous solns., 53, 555/1.
Müller, G. Use of scrap in castings, 53,
Müller, G., and Zetzmann, II. J . Experi­
m ents w ith registering photo-cell pyro­
m eter, 53, 320.4.
Müller, Hermann. See Wovor, Franz.
Müller, J. H., and L a Lande, \V. A. Pptn.
of rhenium sulphide from ammoniacal
soln. Sopn. of Re and Mo, 53, 451/1.
Müller, R. See Bardenheuer, P.
Müller, R., H ahn, G., and Krainor, H .
Corrosion of Fe, Cr, and Ni. Resistance
alloys of thoso and othor m aterials, 53,
Müller, Robert. Book : “ Allgomeino und
technische Elektrom etallurgie,” 53, 540/1
Müller, Rud. Arc welding of “ Niekolclad ” and “ Monel-clad ” stool sheets,
53, 070.4.
Müller, W. See Budnikov, P. P . ; Irm ann, — .
Müller, W. J. Book : “ Dio Bedockungsthoorio der P assivität der Motallo und
iliro experimentelle Begründung,” 53,
087/1 (review); theory of passivity.
X V II.— Comparison of now theory of
E . Müller and K . Schwabo w ith cover
theory of W. J . Müllor, with experim ontal results of investigation on pas­
sivity, 53, 92.1 ; tim e factor in anodic
passivation of m etals. Rem arks on
paper of W. J . S hutt and V. J . Stirrup,
53, 32.1.
Müller, W erner. Thesis : “ Zur Passivität
dos Chroms,” 53, 425/1.
Mullins, G. W. Vote of thanks to, 52, 17.
Mumma, P. F. See Fuller, T. S.
Mundey, A. H. Elected Membor of Coun­
cil, 51, 26; die-casting, 53, 152.4, 380.4 ;
discussion on “ Some Effects of the A ddi­
tion of Tellurium to Lead," 51, 84.
Münter, H. Arcogen : combined gas-elect,
welding process, 53, 55/1 ; practical
appn. of Arcogen welding method, 53,
Murach, N. N. Sec Vanyukov, V. A.
Murakami, Takejiro, and H a tta , Atsuyoshi.
Equilib. diagr. of binary system Sb-Mn,
53, 181/1, 344.4.
Muratch, N. N. Smolting of Sn waste arid
eloctrolytic refining of rocovorod Sn, 53,
Muratch, N. N., and Reskow, M. A. Book :
“ Standards of Non-Ferrous Motals and
Alloys ” (in R ussian), 53, 000/1.
Murison, C. A. See Finch, G. I . ; Thom­
son, G. P.
Murmann, Hans. Optical constants of
transparent Ag, 53, 179/1.
Murphy, A. J. Discussion on H u n t’s paper
on “ Somo Aspects of tho Solection of
Engineering Materials,” 53, 475/1; dis­
cussion on “ Procipitation-Hardening
Nickol-Copper Alloys Containing Alu­
minium,” 52, 188; discussion on “ Proportios of Somo Tompor-Hardoning Cop­
per Alloys Containing Additions of
Nickel and Aluminium,” 52, 188.
Murphy, T. S., Jr. Developments in fusion
welding, 53, 401/4.
Murray, J. S. Caro of largo oloct. ap p ar­
atus, 53, 213/1.
Muzalevsky, J. G. Aviol, 53, 018.1; in­
fluence of small quantities of Si on
stronetli and elasticity of Duralumin, 53,
Myer, J. L. Sec Doan, Gilbert E.
Myers, Raymond E. Variable prossuro
regulatocl to provont robound of molten
m etal during casting, 53, 470/1.
Myres, John L. P a m p h le t: “ Science and
tho Hum anities,” 53, 285/1.
Nachtigall, G. Use of Pb and Cu tubes
for drinking-water pipes, 53, 193.4.
Nadai, A. Plasticity and elasticity, 53,
229.4 ; theories of strength, 53, 229A .
Nadson, G. A., and Stern, E. A. Action
of motals a t distance on microorganisms,
53, 614/1.
Nagasawa, Yuji. Proposod motliod for
dotg. fatigue limit, 53, 204.4.
Nagel, C. F., and lloglund, G. O. Develop­
m ents in Al alloys in relation to econo­
mies in aircraft construction, 53, 232/1.
Nain, G. Li and its appn., 53, 415/1.
Nakahara, Masujird. Moch. properties of
Pb. F irst report, 53, 227/1.
Nakamura, Isam u. See Yam aguchi, Koiji.
Nakanishi, Iwajiro. See K ato, Yogoro.
Nakatsuchi, Akira. Metal constituents in
bright Au. I.— Heat-resisting metals.
11.—Fastening effect of Bi. I II.—
Motals other than Bi and Rh, 53, 105/1.
Naphtali, M. Metallization of wood opons
now uses, 53, 409/1.
Nash, Alfred W., and Bowen, A. R.
Mineral oils, 53, 538.4.
Naske, C., Madel, H ., and Siegel, W.
B ook: “ Dor Chemio-Ingoniour. Vol.
P a rt I I : Mechanischo Materialtronnung,” 53, 421.1.
Nasu, Nobuyuki. See Iwas6, Keizo.
Nathan, (Sir) Frederic L. Brief rtsum6 of
information on storago of coal, 53, 40/1.
Name Index
Nathusius, H. Brown -Bovori-Grünewald
bright-annealing apparatus, 53, 155.-1 ;
, description of elect, furnace installations
in AI plant, 53, 716/1.
Naude, S. M. See Nowbory, E.
Nauraow, W. A. Sec Blok, N. I.
Nealey, J. B. A rtists and engineers co­
operate in prodn. of die-casting h ard­
ware, 53, 381.4 ; bright-annealing Cu
wire in atm osphere of steam , 53, 48.-1,
271A ; continuous process plays impor­
ta n t p a rt in manufg. radiators, 53, 396/1 ;
continuous-typo furnaccs employed in
forging Al alloys, 53, 662/1 ; now prin­
ciple applied in bright-annealing Cu wire,
53, 154/1 ; Zn alloys for dio-casting
recently improved, 53, 151/1.
Nelidow, J. See Amossow, S.
Nelson, H. A., and K ittelberger, W. W.
Prepn. of Zn and Zn-alloy surfaces for
coating, 53, 256.4.
Nemes, Jon. Thesis : “ Das Verhalten
verschiedener Leiehtmotallo in der
K älte,” 53, 425.4.
Nemilow, W. A. Alloys of P t w ith Co,
53, 494/1 ; .see also Kurnakow, N. S.
Nemoto, Chüjiro. See Ivaneko, Seiji.
Neskutchaev, W. Structure factor, 53,18.4.
Nettmann, Paul. A ttack by lubricating
oil, 53, 243*4 ; season-cracking duo to
corrosion (corrosion-fatigue as cause of
prem ature wear on cylinders), 53, 635/1.
Neubert, Hans. Analysis of white m etals
and their sm elter products, 53, 258/1.
Neuburger, M. C. Book : “ Kristallchomie
der anorganischen Verbindungen,” 53.
605/1 (review) ; crystal structure and
lattice constant of Hg, 53, 352/1.
Neumann, F. See v. Stackolberp. M.
Neumann, B., Kröger, C., and Kunz, H.
H eats of form ation of nitrides. III .—
H eats of soln. of some m etals and motal
nitrides in acids, 53, 7/1.
Neumann, Kurt, and Völker, E rnst.
Method of measuring very small vapour
pressures w ith torsion balance, 53, 7.4.
Neumayer, Paul. Modern welding m a­
chines and their appns., 53, 56.4.
Neumayr, S. See ZintI, E.
Newbery, E. Metallized glass-H , elec­
trodes, 53, 642/1.
Newbery, E., and Naude, S. M. EI0 2 trolytic refining of Hg, 53, 562/1, 709.4.
Newcombe, R. B. Acid treatm ent for
increasing oil production, 53, 501.4.
Newell, H. D. Discussion on Krivobok’s
paper on “ F urther Studies on Chrom ium -N ickol-Iron and Related Alloys,”
53, 296.4 ; see also Strauss, Jerom e.
Newell, I. Laird. See Skau, E vald L.
Newhouse, W. H. H g in native Ag, 53,
Newitt, D. M. Book edited by : “ Chemical
Engineering and Chemical Catalogue,”
53, 224/1 (review).
Newman, F. H. Cathode sputtering, 53,
Newton, R . H., and Furnas, C. C. Temp,
controller uses photo-elect, cell, 53.
Nicholls, P., and Staples, C. W . Romoval
of soot from furnace and flues by salts
or compds., 53, 383.4.
Nichols, George W. New bath for direct
nickelling of Zn, 53, 559-4.
Nicolau, P. Study of m ethods for con­
trolling foundry products, 53, 202/1.
Nieberding, Otto. High finishing of motal
surfaces, 53, 395.4.
Nied, Kurt. Electrocliem. corrosion and
its provention, 53, 245.4.
Niemann, H. Insulation by m etals, 53,
H. Metal
Symposium on their rocord in 1932 and
prospocts for 1933.—Precious m etals,
53, 470.4.
Niessner, M. Micro-chemistry in science
of motals, 53, 141.4.
Nieuwenburg, C. J. van, and Dulfer, G..
Book : “ A Short Manual of Systematical
Qualitative Analysis by Means of
Modern Drop Roactions,” 53, 600/1.
Niggli, Paul. Stereochemistry of crystal­
line compds., 53, 76.4.
Nightingale, S. J. Soft solder and soldered
joints, 53, 719.4.
Nightingale, Thomas Arthur. Elected
student member, 51, 27.
Nikonov, F. T. Saturation of Fo and steel
by Al in liquid alloys of A1 and Fo in
order to make them heat-resistant, 53,
Nipper, H. Gas contents of Al casting
alloys, 53, 326.4, 658.4, 714.1.
Nishimura, Y. Promotion of skill of
weldors in oloct. arc welding, 53,
Nishina, Tamotu. See H onda, Kôtarô.
Nishiyama, Zenji. Corrections for DebyoSchcrror X -ray photographs, 53, 17/1,
Nisolle, L. Sec Bodmer, A.
Nix, Foster C. Photo-conductivity, 53,
Noble, H. J. Castings of Bo alloys with
several different uses, 53, 344.4, 696/1.
Noddack, Ida and Noddack, W alter. Book :
“ Das Rhenium ,” 53, 477/1.
Noddack, W alter. See Noddack, Ida.
Norris, Lawrence, and W orthing, A. G.
R ate of vaporization of Mo in vacuo,
53, 690/1.
North, J. Prepn. of moulding sand, 53,
North, Sydney H. Book : “ Pulverized
Fuel Firing,” 53, 543.4 (review).
Northcott, L. Veining or sub-boundary
structures, 53, 239/1.
Norton, F. H. Book : ** Refractories,”
53, 62.4 (review) ; refractories for
indust, furnaces.—I., II.—Classifica­
tion of indust, furnaces. I I I .—Selec­
tion of refractories, 53, 385/1 ; refrac­
tories for indust, furnaces.— IV., 53,
Norton, F. H., and Fellows, J. A. New
device for creep testing, 53, 652.4.
Norton, John T. X -ray detn. of stressos
in welds, 53, 325.4.
Name Index
Norton, John T., and Hillier, R. E. Struc­
ture of cold-drawn tubing, 53, 277/1.
Norton, John T., and Ziegler, Alfred.
Sensitivity of y-ray method of radio­
graphy, 53, 6564.
Norwood, C. R. Prodn. of A1 dio-eastings,
53, 209/1.
Notman, A rthur. Cu situation, 53, 108.4.
Nottingham, W. B. W ork-functions and
thermionic constant and constant “ A ”
determined for thoriated W, 53, 339/1.
Novopavlovskiy, V. A. See Juriew , K. M.
Nowell, Charles. Elected mombor, 51,
Nowotny, H. See H alla, F.
Nuck, — , and Jaffo, — . Special pos­
sibilities of arsino poisoning, 53, 473.1.
Nuker, P. Soly. of Ni dimothylglyoxime,
53, 317.4.
Nukiyama, Daiz3. E.m .f. generated by
friction between two metals, 53, 342/1.
Nunez, F. Gonzalez. Now revision of
atom ic woight of Cr. I.—Prepn. and
analysis of C r0 2Cl2, 53, 113/1.
Nyselius, Gustav. Now economies in diecasting, 53, 380.4.
Oberg, Ture. See Johnson, J . B.
Obermüller, H. Making A1 foil, 53, 5264 ;
pouring contrivance for casting ingots
for A1 foil, 53, 376.1.
Obinata, I. Discussion on “ An X-Ray
Investigation of the Copper-Aluminium
Alloys,” 51, 158.
Obinata, I., and Schmid, E. Extension of
Sn crystals, 53, 484/1 ; X -ray investi­
gations on Sb—Pb and Sn-P b alloys, 53,
Obinata, I., and W assermann, G. X -ray
investigation of solid soly. of A1 in Cu,
53, 4974.
Ochotin, V. P., and SytschofT, A. P.
Rapid colorimetric mothod for detn.
of Ni in alloys, 53, 452.4,
Ochs, H. See Thum , A.
Oddie, T. H. See E ddy, C. E.
Oddo, Bernardo. Book : “ Lezioni di
chimica analítica,” 53, 423.4.
Oesterle, Joseph F. Metallurgical proper­
ties of m etals and their effect on wblding
operations, 53, 400.4 ; see also Fritsche,
O scar; W ahlin, H . B.
0 Unger, H. Book : “ Technologisches
Taschenwörterbuch in 5 Sprachen,”
53, 4324 (review).
Ogburn, S. C., and Brastow, W. C. Quant,
detn. of P d by 0 ,H 4, 53, 369/1.
Oka, Sojiro. See Kam eyatna, Naoto.
Okiö, A. Microeloctrolytic detn. of Ag,
H g, and Cd in ammoniacal solns., 53,
Okawa, H ataji. See Saito, Daikichi.
Okuda, Katsumi. See Takabi, Ichitarö.
Öiander, Arne. Crystal structure of AuCd,
53, 174 ; electrochem. investigation of
Cd-Ag alloys, 53, 181/1; graphical
method for converting atom ic per cent,
into weight per cent., 53, 4764.
Olcott, F. B. R eport of sub-cttee. V of
cttoe. A -5 of A.S.T.M. on total immorsion
tests, 53, 5044.
Oldham, S. E., and Fishel, W. P. Some
roactions of VC, 53, 3184.
Oleshko, A. S. See Akimov, G. W.
Olin, H. L. Sec Clausson, R. A.
Oliphant, M. L. E., and Rutherford, Lord.
Transm utation of olements by protons,
53, 5484.
Olive, Theodore R. See Calcott, W. S.
Oliver, F. A. W. See Larard, C. E.
Oliviero, A., and Bolfiori, O. Oxidation
of Zn. I.—Influence of Ni on oxidation
of Zn, 53, 1324.
Ollard, E. A. Depn. of Ni. I.—Goneral,
53, 4494 ; discussion on possibility of
standardizing olectrodeposits, 53, 511/1 ;
micro-organisms in plating solns., 53,
1374 ; practical plating. Dopn. of Ni.
— Solns., 53, 558/1, 7074 ; practical
plating. Plating shop and plant.—I.,
II., 53, 904 ; practical plating. Prepn.
of work. I.—Polishing. II.— Cleaning,
53, 314.4 ; II I.— Pickling, 53, 3624,
.. 449/1.
Olsen, Willy. Basic principles of m etal­
lurgical roactions, 53, 4 9 6 4 ; see also
Korber, F.
Oma, Kazuhiko. See Suzuki, Tsunoo.
O’Malley, G. B. Intercrystallino ombrittlom cnt of metals, 53, 2 4 3 4 ; see also
Grconwood, J . Noil!.
O’Neil, Frank S. D istribution of pulver­
ized fuol for m etal working, 53, 2724.
O’Neill, Hugh. Discussion on Edmunds
and Fuller’s papor on “ Relation of
Crystal Orientation to Bending Qualities
of Rolled Zinc Alloy,” 53, 1274 ; dis­
cussion on “ Experim ents on Wiro-Drawing. P a rt II I.—Annealing of II.C. Cop­
per Wires Drawn to Varying Degrees
of H ardness,” 52, 241 ; discussion or.
N orthcott’s papor on “ Veining or SubBoundary Structures,” 53, 239/1.
O’Neill, Hugh, and Cuthbertson, J . W.
Correspondence on “ Interpretation of the
Tensilo T est (W ith Reference to Lead
Alloys),” 51, 65.
O’Neill, Hugh, Farnham , Gordon S tuart,
and Jackson, J . F . B. Paper : “ An
Investigation of the Heat-Treatment of
* Standard Silver
52, 75.
O’Neill, Hugh, Jackson, J . F. B., and
Farnham , Gordon S tuart. Critical study
of hardness behaviour of Duralumin, 53,
Onitchenko, A. Measurement of throwing
power of plating baths, 53, 7094.
Onoda, Kei. See Kam eyama, Naoto.
Oplinger, F. F. Barrel-plating w ith Duozinc soln., 53, 6414.
Orban, Jean. See W iniwarter, Edmond de.
Ormont, B. F. Kinetics of dissolution of
Mcr and other motals in aqueous solns.,
53, 214.
Orowan, E. Structure of real crystals, 53,
764 ; see also Becker, R.
Orr, T. E. Metal supplants m asonry in
modern construction, 53, 3344.
Name Index
Ôsawa, Atomi. X -ray study of oquilib.
diagr. of Fo-Al system, 53, 6164Oschatz, H. Sec Thum , A.
Osment, C. G. Experim ental radiograpliy
utilizing y rays of Ra, 53, 39/1.
Osswald, E. Tensile tosts relating to Cu—
Ni crystals, 53, 491/1 ; sec also Dohlingor, U.
Ost, H. Book : “ Lohrbuch dor chemischeri Technologio,” 53, 285/1.
Ostwald, C. 0. Fuel probloms, 53, 50LI.
Otani, Buntarô. T ernary alloys of A l-A gMg, “ silvor-Duralum in,” 53, 548.4.
Othus, J. C. See Mooro, H . F.
Otin, C., and Cotrutz, C. Comparative
tests on dotn. of total sulphur in coal
by m ethods of Hackl and Eschka, 53,
Otzen, R. Sonds mossago of greeting, 52,
Overcash, D. M., and Mathers, F . C.
Electrodepn. of Mg, 53, 558.1, 707/1.
Owen, E. A., and Iball, John. Thermal
expansion of Zn by X -ray motliod, 53,
Owen, E. A., and Pickup, Llewelyn. I.—
Relation between moan atom ic volumo
and compn. in Cu—Zn alloys. I I .—
Variation of moan atom ic volumo with
tomp. in Cu-Zn alloys, w ith observations
on ^-transform ations, 53, 297*4 ; rela­
tion between moan atom ic volume and
compn. in Ag-Zn alloys, 53, 349/1 ;
X -ray study of Cu-Cd alloys, 53, 189/1,
Owen, E. A., and Yates, E. L. Crystal
param eters of 4 motals under reduced
pressure, 53, G30/1 ; precision measure­
m ents of crystal param eters, 53, 130/1.
Owen, S. Z. Pb-bath furnaces, 53, 271/1.
Padelt, E. See W itte, R.
Pahl, M. See v. Hovesy, G.
Painton, Edgar T. A1 conductors and
corona, 53, 410/1; steel-cored Al, 53,
Painton, Edgar T., Borclien, S. N., and
Lykoschin, W. A. Book : “ The W ork­
ing of Aluminium and its Alloys ” (in
Russian), 53, 000/1.
Palmer, — . Discussion on oil-fired fur­
naces, 53, 157*4.
Palmer, F. R. Factors th a t affoct macliinability, 53, 583/1.
Pamfilov, A. W., and Fedorov, O. S. R e ­
searches on olectrochomistry of Cr. H I.
— N ature of deposits from tervalent
solns., 53, 250/1.
Pan, L. C. Analysis of freo cyanide in
brass plating baths, 53, 253.4 ; carbon­
ate in cyanide Cu plating, 53, 508/1 ;
concentration of cyanide Cu plating
solns., 53, 509.4 ; freo cyanide in brass
plating baths, 53, 640.4 ; free cyanide
in Cu electroplating, 53, 3 11.4; new
process for colouring Al and its alloys,
53, 395/1 ; throwing power in electro­
plating, 53, 137/1.
Panseri, C. Al fo u n d ry : m othods and
results, 53, 146/1 ; cast alloys of Al in
construction of aoro engines, 53, 407*4 ;
characteristics of cast Al alloys as in ­
fluenced by their compn. and structure,
53, 11/1; moch. and motallographic
characteristics of somo foundry light
alloys, 53, 295*1.
Pantchenko, B. See Aloxandrov, W.
Pariselle, H. See Lam irand, J.
Park, Bartholow, and Lewis, E. J . Estn.
of small am ts. of Sb in Cu, 53, 564/1.
Parke, P. Pullm an Al car, 53, 676/1.
Parkinson, Edgar, and Faulhabor, Frank V.
Successful finishing of die-castings, 53,
Parks, Margaret M. Thesis : “ A Gravimotric Mothod for the Q uantitative D e­
term ination of V anadium ,” 53, 425/1.
Parravano, N., and D ’Agostino, — . R ate
of dissolution of indust, alum ina in
m olten cryolite, 53, 512/1.
Parravano, N., and Caglioti, V. Structure
and chem. compn. of somo metallic
alloys, 53, 240.4.
Parrett, Henry Hilton. Elected mombor,
52, 15.
Parsons, A. B. Sec Y eatm an, Pope.
Parsons, R. W. P in red brass, 53, 267/1.
Partington, E. P. B o o k : “ Chomical
Plumbing, Lead-Burning, and OxyAcotylono W elding for Plum bers and
H eating Engineers,” 53, 430/1 (review).
Paschkis, Victor. Elect, hoat, 53, 207/1;
furnace operation in annealing of motals,
53, 526*1.
Passano, R. F. R eport of sub-cttoo.
V III of cttoe. A -5 of A.S.T.M. on field
tests of metallic coatings, 53, 247/1,
Patat, F. Simple electrolytic micro-dotn.
of Hg, 53, 259*4.
v. Pattantyus, I. See Cotel, E.
Patterson, H. S. Sec Cawood, W.
Patton, Temple C. Nomographic chart
for dotg. hoating un it design, 53, 576*4.
Pavelka, F., and Morth, Hormino. Rapid
mothod for detn. of small quantities
of T1 in prosonce of Bi and Pb, 53,
Pavlov, S. E. Sec Krenig, V. O.
Peace, — . Sound non-ferrous castings,
53, 147/1.
Peasgood, Frank. Electro-plating rheo­
stats, 53, 31/1.
Pedder, I. U. Investigation of Al and
Duralumin tubos, 53, 665/1.
Pehrson, E. W. P a m p h le t: “ Lead in
1931 (General Report),” 53, 423*4;
p a m p h le t: “ Zinc in 1931 (General
R eport),” 53, 423*4.
Peierls, R. Book : “ Elektronontheorio
dor Motallo,” 53, 427/1 (review) ; theory
of diamagnetism of conducting olectrons,
53, 118-4 ; theory of metals, 53, 613*4.
Peirce, W. M. Discussion on Fink and
Frocho’s paper on “ Equilibrium R e­
lations in Aluminium-Cobalt Alloys
of High P u rity ,” 53, 69.4 ; discussion
on R odda’s paper on “ Preparation of
Name Index
Graded Abrasives for Metallographie
Polishing,” 53, 754.
Peisker, Hans. See E bert, Fritz.
Pelou, Maurice. Modern mecli. handling
appliances, 53, 5384.
Pérignon, J. Book : “ Théorie e t tech­
nologie dos engrenages,” 53, 594.
Perkal, S. I. Rofractorinoss and standard
methods for its detn. in Germany,
U.S.A., and U.S.S.R., 53, 2 0 9 4 ; re ­
search work on refractories in U.S.S.R.
during p ast five years, 53, 2094.
Perlenfein, Alfred. Cr plating bath w ith
F ion, 53, 3104, 5394.
Perlitz, H. In which binary intertnotallic
alloy are ß-, y-, and e-lattices to bo
expected ? 53, 0294 ; variations of
interatom ic distances with change from
cubic face-centred arrangem ent to cubic
body-centred or to hexagonal closepacked lattice, 53, 184.
Perrin, R., and Sorrel, V. Induction
furnaces with ferromagnetic muffle and
autom atic tem p, regulation, 53, 2724.
Perring, J. W. Discussion on possibility
of standardizing olectrodoposits, 53,
Perry, E. Foundry coro binders, 53,
Perry, J. A. Selection, utilization, and
distribution of gas m ixtures, 53, 454.
Persoz, L. Breaking specimens in fatiguo
testing machines, 53, 2634 ; fracture
of machine parts by fatiguo, 53, 1164.
Pestelli, V. Detn. of Ni and Cr in alloys
and in cast-iron, 53, 2014.
Pestemer, Max. See Krem ann, R.
Pester, F. Tensile properties of rods and
wires a t low temps., 53, 2384.
Petar, Alice V. Molybdenum, 53, 2274 ;
sec also Tyler, Paul M.
Peters, Cl. Microdokirnastic enrichm ent
and spectrographic detn. of precious
motals, 53, 2584.
Peters, Fritz-Jürgen. Protection of AI
and light m otal alloys by organic coat­
ings, 53, 3584.
Peters, Newton. See Fischer, Hellm ut.
Peterson, R. E. Dynamic testing of
m aterials, 53, 2634 ; stress-concentra­
tion phenomena in fatiguo of rrçetals,
53, 2624.
Peterson, R. E., and Moore, H . F . Signi­
ficance and lim itations of fatiguo test
results, 53, 2304.
Petit, Ralph E. Clear and colour finishes
on Al. Alumilito process, 53, 1654.
Petraschenj, W. I. Book : “ Qualitative
Chemical Analysis ” (in Russian), 53,
Petrie, G., and Mills, J C.
Book :
“ Sherardizing,” 53, 5414 (review).
Petrikaln, A., and Jacoby, K onst. Thermoelect. forces in systems Te-S and Te-Se,
53, 2374.
Pétrot, E. Book translated by : “ Les
Aciers Spéciaux,” 53, 2224.
Pettigrew, J. C. Cold-rolled phosphorbronze for bridge bearing plates, 53,
Pettis, William J. Metal industries.
Symposium on their record in 1932 and
prospects for 1933.—Brass rolling mill,
53, 4 7 0 4 ; non-ferrous rolling mills,
53, 2774.
Pettit, R. E. Al coating th a t is useful in
elect, engineering, 53, 3324 ; sec also
Bengston, H .
Pettitt-H erriot, J. Practical aids to in­
spection, 53, 5674.
Pevsner, Sophie. Sec Miclmjlova, Olga.
Pfaffenberger, J. Magnetic testing of
welded joints and pieces, 53, 6554.
Pfarr, B. Dotoction of lattico distortion
by X -rays, 53, 4984.
Pfeiffer, C. L. Somo resistance welding
problems, 53, 554.
Pfeiffer, H. “ M etaphot ” as universal
instrum ent for microscopic, as woll as
for “ micro- and macro-photographic ”
work in transm itted and reflected light,
53, 9 6 4 ; now universal vortical illu­
m inator of E m il Busch A.-G., 53, 2024.
Pfeil, L. B. See Jones, D. G.
Pfister, W. Elect, lioating in industry,
53, 994.
Pfleiderer, G. See Billitor, J .
Phelps, Robert T., and Davey, W heeler P.
X -ray study of naturo of solid solns.,
53, 1294.
Phelps, Stuart M. Structure of refractories,
53, 3874 ; sec also Swain, Stephen M.
Philipp, Otto. Prepn. and shaping of
refractory m aterials in Germany, 53,
Philipson, E. A. Steam locomotivo d e ­
sign : axlo-boxos, 53, 4134 ; steam
locomotivo design : connecting rods,
53, 4194 ; steam locomotivo design :
piston heads, 53, 4664.
Phillips, A. J. Discussion on Baker’s
paper on “ The Beta to Alpha T rans­
formation in Hot-Forged Brass,” 53,
1234; discussion on Edm unds and
Fuller’s paper on' “ Relation of Crystal
Oriontation to Bonding Qualities of
Rolled Zinc Alloy,” 53, 1274 ; see also
Swartz, Carl E.
Phillips, Arthur, and Brick, R. M. Docs
change in lattice constants in solid
soln. formation depend on grain-size ?
53, 7 0 1 4 ; grain boundary effects as
factor in hoterogoneous equilib. of alloy
systems, 53, 3524.
Phillips, Arthur, and Samans, Carl H.
Diroctional properties in cold-rolled and
annoalod commercial bronze, 53, 2344.
Phillips, H. See Balfe, M. P.
Phragm6n, G. Correspondence on “ Tho
Constitution of the Aluminium-Rich
Aluminium-Copper Alloys above 400°
C.,” 52, 117.
Piccardi, G. Molocular spectra and spoctrographic analysis. IV.—Dotn. of Sc,
53, 2014.
Piccardi, G., and Sbem a, A. Molocular
spectra and spectrographic analysis. II.
— Dotn. of La, 53, 3684.
Pichler, A. A. Benedetti-. See BenedottiPichlor, A. A.
Name Index
Pickard, H. Pyrom etric economies, 53,
Pickier, Hans. Prodn. of dense fireclay
masses by mixing fractions of various
grain sizes, 53, 664.4.
Pickup, Llewelyn. See Owen, E. A.
Pieri, Mario. Sec Macchia, Osvaldo.
Piersol, R. J, Cathode supports for Cr
plating, 53, 508/1; Cr plating of con­
siderable thickness, 53, 706/1 ; current
control in Cr plating, 53, 28/1; factors
affocting bright Cr-plating rango, 53,
136/1 ; influence of dissolved Fo in Cr
baths, 53, 88/1; replating hard Cr, 53,
706/1 ; shading in Cr plating, 53, 706*4 ;
shaped anodes in Cr plating, 53, 706/1;
sulphate control in Cr plating, 53, 28/1 ;
tem p, control in Cr plating, 53, 28.1;
trivalcnt-Cr control in Cr plating, 53,
28-4 ; use of glue for propn. of surfaces
for Cr plating, 53, 252/1.
Pierson, j . See Guerillot, A.
Pietrafesa, F., and L otti, E. Technique
of Cd plating, 53, 445/1, 706/1.
Pilgram, —. D istribution of stresses in
weld soams, 53, 672/1.
Pilling, N. B. Effect of cold-working on
Izod notchod-bar im pact valuo of Monel
m etal, 53, 73/1.
Pilling, N. B., and Kihlgren, T. E. Casting
properties of Ni bronzes, 53, 267/1 ; in­
fluence of Ni on some Cu alloys employed
in foundry, 53, 346-4.
Pillon, J. Study of moulding and casting,
53, 327-4.
Pina de Rubies, S. Analytical or quant,
spectral lines of Re, 53, 364/1.
Pines, B. Inoculated Dinas bricks, 53,
Pinkerton, A. H eat-treatm ent w ithout
detrim ental finish, 53, 160/1.
Pinkus, A., and Ramakers, L. Estim ation
of Mn by Procter Sm ith’s method, 53,
Pinkus, A., Ramakers, L., and Aronsfrau,
Ch. Detn. of Mn by Procter Sm ith’s
m ethod, 53, 369/1.
Piskur, M. M. Sec Johnson, W arren C.
Planck, Max. Book : “ The Mechanics of
Deformable Bodies,” 53, 288.1 (review).
Plant, C. Hubert. B o o k : “ The Metal­
lography of Iron and Steel,” 53, 175-4.
Planz, Nikolaus. See Salmang, Herm ann.
Pleines, Wilhelm. Modem rivoting prac­
tice in foreign aero construction, 53,
Pletenew, S. A., and Kuznetzova, W. W.
Electrodopn. of alloys. I.—Ni-Co alloys,
53, 312.4, 7074.
pletnev, — . Electrolytic prodn. of metallic
Li, 53, 139/1.
Ploos van Amstel, J. J. A. See Burgers,
W. G.
Plotnikovv, W. A., and Graziansky, N. N.
Aluminizing m etal surfaces in A1C13NaCl bath, 53, 249-4.
Plucker, Rudolf. M atting of metals, 53,
Pluinley, Stuart. Selecting and using weld­
ing rods, 53, 403.4, 720-4.
Pocher, Waldemar. Sec Masing, Georg.
Pockels, Agnes. Dependence of w ettabil­
ity of solid substances on duration of
contact, 53, 118/1.
Podolsky, J. P., and Zarubin, N. M. Sulphurization of non-ferrous alloys, 53,
Podszus, E. Colloidal .soins, in metals, 53,
228.4 ; gas-tight welding to fusod SiOo,
53, 650-4.
Poggendorf, A. Sec R upp, E.
Poggiali, Giovanni. Book : “ L ’Alluminio
o lo suo legho,” 53, 600-4.
Pogodin, S. A. Nichromo ribbon inanuf.,
53, 666-4 ; work of S. F. Schcmtschushny
on metal alloys, 53, 108/1.
Pohl, W alter M. Vibrations of structures
and m aterials, 53, 323/1.
Polessitsky, A. See Chlopin, Vitalius.
Polibin, P. A., and Froym an, A. I. Mothod
for obtaining singlo crystals w ith givon
axis orientation, 53, 613/1.
Pollard, A. F. C. Precautions to bo
observed in design of sand-cast and
machined components, 53, 714/1.
Pollock, J. E. Sec Shaffer, S. S.
Pôlzguter, F. H ard metals, their develop­
m ent and importance, 53, 436-1.
Pomeroy, L. H. Relationship between
engineering and foundry trades, 53,
Pomp, A., and Enders, W alter. Acceler­
ated mothod for detg. creep limit, 53,
Pond, C. E. See Blair, C. P.
Pontremoli, P. Casting Al billots for roll­
ing, 53, 7144.
Porter, H. C. See Fieldner, A. C.
Porter, S. R. M. Portable hardness testing
machine with diamond pyramid inden ter, 53, 264.1.
Portevin, Albert. Detn. of loss in weight
in corrosion tests, 53, 633/1 ; factors and
faults in foundry, 53, 266-4 ; M ay Lec­
ture : “ The Phenomena of Quenching
and Tempering in Alloys,” 51, 315;
m etallography and foundry. Introduc­
tion to scientific study of casting, 53,
204-4 ; pam phlet : “ Les Bases scien­
tifiques de la Soudure autogène,” 53,
68/1 ; sec also Guillet, Léon.
Portevin, Albert, and Bastion, Paul. Cast*
ability of alloys. Relation to freezing
range, 53, 714.4; castability of ternary
alloys, 53, 350-4 ; phys. and mech. pro­
perties of Mg-Al-Cu alloys rich in Mg,
53, 300-4 ; principal factors in castability
of metals, 53, 714/1.
Portevin, Albert, and Bonnot, Maurico.
. Constitution of ternary alloys of Mg,
Cu, and Si, 53, 4374.
Portevin, Albert, Bastion, P., and Bonnot,
M. Corrosion of m etals and corrosion
of different alloys of Mg, 53, 500/1.
Portevin, Albert, Protêt, E ., and Jolivet, E.
Alloys hardening a t elevated temps., 53,
Posnjak, E., and Merwin, H . E. D is­
cussion on Mohl, B arrett and Rhinos’s
paper on “ YVidmanstatton Structure.
Name Index
I I I .—Aluminium-Rich Alloys of Alu­
minium w ith Copper and of Alum inium
w ith Manganese and Silicon,” 53, 129.4.
Postarnak, N. G. See Fedorov, V. S.
Potapenko, G., and Sanger, R. Now
method of measuring elect, and magnetic
properties of m etals in region of ultrashort electromagnetic waves, 53, 488.1.
Potchinok, K. N. Oxalate m ethod of
dotg. Sr from point of view of residues
and substitution, 53, 560.4.
Pountney, Cyril Graham. Elected m em ­
ber, 52, 15.
Powell, A. R. See Sclioeller, W. R.
Power, Henry R. Adhesion of gfue and
fused alum ina abrasives.— IV., 53,
395.4; finishing Al, 53, 719.4; “ sand­
blasting ” w ithout sand, 53, 394.4 ;
shape of abrasive grains, 53, 280.4;
sizo control of abrasive powdors, 53,
Pracy, George W. Use of non-ferrous
servico pipos a t present prices, 53,
Prager, W. Sec Hohencmser, K.
Prandtl, Wilhelm. Sepn. of H f and Zr.—
I., 53, 318.4.
Prasad, Mata, and Deshpande, P. Y.
Phys. method of estim ating Fo'* and
Fo“ ’ formed by action of K 2Cr2Q7 and
K M n04 on Fo** salt, 53, 320.4.
Pratesi, P. See Scagliarini, G.
Pratt, R. S. Properties of alloys, 53,
6274 ; see also W ebster! W. R.
Prede, A. F. See Isgarischov, N.
Preisach, Franz. Perm eability and hys­
teresis associated w ith m agnetization
in encrgic preferential direction, 53,
744 , 3504.
Preiswerk, M. Al in central stations—
bars and connecting lines, 53, 6764.
Prescott, C. H., Jr., and Kelly, M. J.
C s-0 2-A g photoelect, cell. ’ Investiga­
tion of relations in composito photoeloct. surface, 53, 2564.
Prestige, Arthur Reginald. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 27.
Preston, F. W. Theory of spalling, 53,
Pretet, E. See Portevin, Albert.
Price, W. B. Discussion on Morris’s
paper on “ Machinability of FreeCutting Brass R od,” 53, 2 1 5 4 ; further
correspotidcncc on “ The Effect of
Different Elem ents on the Annealing
and Grain-Growth Characteristics of
Alpha Brass,” 52, 247.
Priest, H. Malcolm. Qualified welders
m ake joints strong and uniform, 53,
Primrose, J. S. Glen. Discussion on
“ Experim ents in Wire-Drawing. P a rt
II I.—Annealing of H.C. Copper Wires
Drawn to Varying Degrees of H a rd ­
ness,” 52, 242.
Pritchard, T. S. Phys. properties of
motals used in browing, 53, 6134.
Proctor, John David. Electod student
member, 51, 27.
Proskauer, Erich. See Drucker, Carl.
Proskurnin, M. A. Null-point for charges
on Cu and Ag, 53, 14.
Prosser, Roger D. Why are thoro several
grades of W idia cemented carbido
m aterials? 53, 3924.
Prot, — , and Goldovsky, (Milo.) N. New
m ethods of examining motals from
point of view of their heterogeneity
and their resistance to corrosion, 53,
Prytherch, J. C. Sec Macnaughtan, D. J.
Przibram, Karl. Empirical rule on be­
haviour of some plastic bodies under
pressure, 53, 654.
Ptitzyn, S. W. Gases in solid substances,
53, 6144.
Pubellier, — . Protection of light alloys
against corrosion, 53, 2454.
Pubellier, Marcel. Calculations for D ura­
lumin constructions, 53, 5914 ; D ura­
lumin pit cages, 53, 1014.
Pugh, E. M., and Lippert, T. W. Hall
o.m.f. and intensity of m agnetization,
53, 1874.
Pullen, N. D. Anodic treatm ent and
dyeing of AI castings, 53, 4444, 0374.
Pullin, V. E. R a in engineering practice,
53, 7124 ; somo practical appns. of
X -ray analysis, 53, 710.4.
Pulsifer, H. B. Materials for cold-heading,
53, 5834.
Puritz, Fritz. Vibrations in froe tran s­
mission lines and their damping by
resonance vibrators, 53, 533/1.
Puschin, N. A., Stepanoviu, S., and
Stajié, V. Allovs of Ga w ith Zn, Cd,
Hg, Sn, Pb, Bi, and Al, 53, 123.1.
Quarrell, A. G. See Finch, G. I.
Quastler, Heinrich. Increasing accuracy
in m easurement of sm allest visible
m agnitudes with scrow m icrom eter
eyepiece, 53, 96.4.
Quick, Armand J. New reagent for
detn. of Zn, 53, 3714.
Quill, Laurence L. Crystal structure of
Y, 53, 18.1 ; lattice dimensions of Cb,
Ta, and somo niobates and tantalates,
53, 174 ; X-ray investigation of m etallic
La, Ce, and Nd, 53, 174.
Quin, L. H. Book compiled by : “ Quin’s
Metal Handbook and Statistics, 1933,”
53, 2224.
Quinn, E. L. Welding as m aintenance
tool, 53, 5884.
Quinn, J. F. Results obtained by indust,
gas research, 53, 45.4.
Raabe, W erner K. Welding of Al
crank-case of bus, 53, 1664.
Rabat6, H. Al powder and coloured
bronzes in paint industry, 53, 1024,
1694, 4 1 1 4 ; paints for Al and its
alloys, 53, 6394.
Rabinovitsch, M. A., and Rubantchik,
A. S. Cl .-resisting Pb-A g electrodes.—
I., 53, 784.
Name Index
Basiliu. P a m p h le t:
“ Zur Thoorio dor eisenlosen Incluktionsófen,” 53, 110-4.
Raeder, M. G., and Hoifors, R. Elec­
trolytic sepn. of Cu from As and So,
53, 6464.
Raether, H. Electronic interferences on
emeried and polished surfaces, 53,
Rafie, W. G. Metal spraying as finish
for stone and Fe, 53, 1064.
Raichinschten, Z., and Korobov’, N.
Dotn. of Mo and Pb by F a jan ’s method.
. — I., 53, 3214.
Rainer, L. Sterner-. See Stcrnor-Rainer, L.
Rakowski, W. S. See Romanow, W. O.
Ramakers, L. See Pinkus, A.
Ramsay, A. G. Discussion cn “ Tho
Equilibrium of tho Reaction Between
Steam and Molten Copper,” 51, 273.
Ranc, Albert. Organization of scientific
research in France, 53, 5364.
Rancano, A. See Guzman, J.
Rancke, Carl. P atina, 53, 2794.
Randall, J. T., and Rooksby, H . P. D if­
fraction of X -rays by liquid m etals, 53,
Randall, John A., and Gillon, J . W ąrren.
Book : “ Elem ents of Industrial H oat,”
53, 6004.
Ranque, G., and H enry, P. Viscosity of
m etals a t high tem p., 53, 1184.
Ransley, Charles Erie. Elected student
member, 51, 26.
Rapatz, Franz. Metallurgical considera­
tions on welding, 53, 544.
Raper, A. R. »See A tkinson, R . H .
Rassow, B. Book edited by : “ Lchrbuch
der cliemischen Technologie,” 53, 2854.
Rassow, B., «nd Wolf, L. Now form of
electrolytically deposited Cr, 53, 4454.
Rasumow, A. I. Book : “ Vanadium ”
{in Russian), 53, 594.
Ratner, A. See Chłopin, Vitalius.
Raub, E. Correction of sulphate content
of Cr baths, 53, 284, 2504 ; distinction
between rolled Au and electroplated Au,
53, 1884; little-known properties of
m etals, 53, 6924 ; oxidizing melting of
Au, Ag, and Cu residues, 53, 4584 ; see
also Moser, H .
Raub, E., and Bihlmaier, K . Action of
H a0 2 in Cr-platinę bath, 53, 2504.
Ravier, F. Mg industry in France, 53,
Rawson, V. S. See AValton, R. H .
Ray, K. W . Pt-C d alloys, 53, 4944.
Raydt, Ulrich. Elected member, 51, 26.
Raymond, Allen. Book : “ W hat is Tech­
nocracy? ” 53j 2854.
Raymond, E. J. See Holland, R. A.
Read, C. Stanley. Insulating m aterials and
their u tility, 53, 3294.
Read, T. T. See Bain, H . F.
Read, William Thornton. Book : “ Indus­
trial Chemistry,” 53, 6004.
Reardon, W illiam J. W hat is wrong with
brass foundry ? 53, 2674.
Redman, L. V.
Stabilized research—
national research, 53, 5364.
Reed, Allen B. See La Motto, F rank L.
Reed, Brian. Non-ferrous m etals in railway
engineering, 53, 4664.
Rees, W. J. Reversible therm al oxpansion
of refractories, 53, 2084 ; see also Ches­
ter, J . II.
Reeve, Lewis. Im provem ents in vacuum
fusion for detn. of gases in m etals, 53,
Reggiori, A. See Krivobok, Vsevolod N.
Regler, F. Magnetism and crystal lattice
rearrangem ents. X -ray investigations
relating to a-Fo, 53, 5474.
Reich, H. A pparatus for measuring th e r­
m al expansion of refractory m aterials
in temp, rango 0°-1700° C., 53, 2754.
Reichel, W alter. Oils for uso in cutting
and drilling of m etals, 53, 6684.
Reif, W. Sec Holzer, II.
Reiîer, J. Sec Lang, R.
Reiff, D. Appris, of standard alloys of
brass and bronze in German industry
and rôle of Gesam tverband Deutscher
Metallgiessoroien as interm ediary b e ­
tween m anufacturer and consumer, 53,
Reimann, A. L. Clean-up of H* by Mg,
53, 6104.
Reinhardt, H. Tarnishing of Ag and
moans for prevention, 53, 5024.
Reinhardt, J. A., and Woelfel, E. A.
E valuating lacquer finishes, 53, 2484.
Reinhart, Friedrich. Mg orthosilicate as
refractory, 53, 2 1 1 4 ; refractories pro­
duced by molting, 53, 1584.
Reininger, H. Characteristics of sprayed
m etal coatings.— I., 53, 2474 ; II ., 53,
3104 ; possibilities of repairing A1 by
soldering and welding, 53, 1664 ; prodn.,
structural peculiarities, and properties
of sprayed m etal coatings, 53, 4444.
Reisehauer, H., and Sauerwald, F. Cold
deform ation, crystal recovery, and rocrystn., 53, 54.
Reitmeister, — . Appns. of brass and
bronze in Gorman railways and testing
of these alloys in foundry trade, 53,
Remy, H., and Siegmund, R. D etn. of K
and Na in form of sulphates, 53, 6494.
Renaud, F. Book : “ Cours do Fonderie.
Tome I : Notions générales,” 53, 2224 ;
N i in Al alloys, 53, 3444 ; procious
m etal alloys of Au, Ag, and Ni, 53,
1844 ; report on W orld Foundry Con­
gress, Paris, Sept. 13-18, 1932, 53,
Rentschler, H. C., H enry, D. E., and Sm ith,
K. O. Photo-elect, omission from differ­
ent m etals, 53, 1194.
Repkin, I. S. See Belov, A. F.
Reskow, M. A. See M uratch, N. N.
Reymond, Albert. Special elect, furnaces
for annealincr Cu strip in brass works,
53, 1554.
Reynolds, F. W. D etn. of quality as basis
for commodity standards, 53, 5364.
Reynolds, J. D. See Glasstone, S.
Reynolds, Leighton George. Obituary
notice, 51, 359.
Name Index
Reynolds, R. W. Service pipes of various
m aterials, 53, 596/1.
Rhines, Frederick N. Discussion on Phelps
and Davoy’s paper on “ An X -R ay Study
of the N ature of Solid Solutions,” 53,
1294.; see also Melil, R obert F.
Rhodes, J. E. Wynfield. Book : “ Phase
Rule Studios,” 53, 0854 (review).
Ricard, A., and Ackermann, H . Charac­
teristics and conditions of employment
of somo Cu alloys as bearing m etals, 53,
6 7 8 4 ; condition for use of Pb-base
bearing alloys having high Cu content,
53, 4 1 5 4 ; new antifriction alloys of
high Cu content and Pb base. Role of
Cu in these alloys, 53, 3464 ; reciprocal
m iscibility of Cu and Pb and its influence
on quality of Pb-baso anti-friction alloys
contg. high Cu content, 53, 3404.
Ricardo, H. C. New theory to explain
concentrated wear of cylinder boro, 53,
Riccius, K urt. Al as constructional m ate­
rial for transport tanks, 53, 1014.
Rice, H. B. Metal spraying—process and
devicos and influence on welding of somo
recent developments, 53, 3104.
Richards, D. A. Electron diffraction p a t­
terns from platinized asbestos, 53, 7014.
Richards, Edmund T. Molting of brass
swarf in roverboratory furnace, 53, 5714 ;
prepn. of M n-brass, 53, 2064 ; refining
of Ni, 53, 324.
Richter, K. Metallic films and surfaces,
53, 684.
Richter, Max. CC14 as tech. dogroaser, 53,
Rickard, T. A. Book : “ A H istory of
American Mining,” 53, 4804 (review);
book : “ Man and Metals,” 53, 3354
(review); book : “ Technical W riting,”
53, 4804 (review); Au and Ag as monoy
m etal, 53, C804.
Rickett, R. L., and Wood, W. P. Action
of 0 2 and H 2S on Fe-C r alloys a t high
tem ps., 53, Cl94.
Ricketts, L. D. See Y eatm an, Popo.
Rideal, Eric Keightley.
See W halley,
H arold Ivennoth.
Ridgway, Raymond R. H ardness values
for electrocliom. products, 53, 3 7 5 4 ;
see also Bailoy, Bruce L.
Ridgway, Raymond R., Ballard, Archibald
H ., Bailoy, Bruce L. H ardness values
for electrochem. products, 53, 7124.
Ridgway, Robert. Mn : general informa­
tion, 53, 6004, C814; pam phlet:
“ Manganese and Manganiforous Ores
in 1931,” 53, 4234.
Ridlon, H. 0. T. Oxy-acetylono welding
in prodn., 53, 4044.
Riedel, Fritz. Practico of polishing, 53,
Riedl, Else. Spoctrograpliic investiga­
tions. X II.— Dotection of Sb, As, and
To, 53, 3174 ; sec also Gerlach, W altlier.
Riegel, Emil Raymond. B o o k : “ I n ­
dustrial Chemistry,” 53, 6834.
Rieke, R. High-alumina refractory bodies,
53, 2744.
Ries, H. Somo foroign m ethods of testing
foundry sands, 53, 3824.
Rietsch, E.
Modulator process—new
m ethod of seam welding, 53, 6714.
Riley, H. Control of plating solns., 53,
Rimarski, W. Book edited by : “ F o r­
schungsarbeiten auf dom Gebiete des
Schwoissens und Schneidens,” 53, 4794
(review); book edited b y : “ Forschungs­
arbeiten auf dem Gebiete de3 Schwoissens
und Schneidens m ittels Sauerstoff und
A zetylen,” 53, 6004.
Rimbach, Richard. Now gigantic testing
machine, 53, 144.4.
Rimer, B. I. Pan-Union conferenco on
electrochem. and Cl2, 53, 1394.
Rinck, E. Allotropie transform ation of
Ba in solid state, 53, 4814 ; allotropie
transform ation of Ca in 6olid state,
53, 4824 ; oquilib. diagr. of binary,
alkali m etal alloys. N a -K alloys, 53,
Risteen, A. D. Discussion on Fish’s
paper on “ W hy D uctility of W elds is
Im portant in Welded Pressure Vossols,”
53, 2194.
Ritchie, H. W. Temp, control by oil
fuel, 53, 1554.
Ritz, Carl. Autom atic arrangem ents for
carbon arc welding, 53, 6724.
Rivett, A. C. D. Elect, conductivity in
aqueous solns., 53, 4504.
Roark, Raymond Jefferson. Stresses pro­
duced in circular plato by eccontric
loading and by transverse couple, 53,
Roberts, D. E. Somo economic aspects
of wolding Al, 53, 5864, 7204.
Robiette, A. G. Bright-annoaling, 53,
1604; elect, annealing furnaces, 53,
444 ; electricity in heating and melting
of m etals, 53, 1554 ; hcat-treatm ent
w ithout detrim ental finish, 53, 1604.
Robinson, A. H. A. Au in Canada, 53,
Robinson, B. Wheeler. Integrating p hoto­
m eter for X -ray crystal analysis, 53,
6504 ; moving film cam eras in X -ray
analysis, 53, 4544.
Robinson, D. W. Pipo-jointing compds.
and m aterials, 53, 1064,
Robinson, Ernest L. Metals a t high
temp.— test procedure and analysis of
test data, 53, 1434.
Robinson, W alter K. See Stillwell,
Charles W.
Robinson, William Leslie. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 26.
Robson, Stanley. Metallurgy and uses
of Zn, 53, 4734.
Rocha, H. J. See Tam m ann, G.
Rockefeller, H. E. Discussion on Fish’s
paper on “ W hy D uctility of WTelds is
Im portant in Welded Pressure Vessels,”
53, 2194.
Rodda, J. L. Prepn. of graded abrasives
for motallographic polishing, 53, 754 ;
see also Fuller, M. L.
Roehr, W. W. See Dubridge, Lee A.
Name Index
Roeser, Wm. F., and Dahl, A. I. Con­
ditions affecting freezing temp, of Ag,
53, 611 A .
Roeser, Wm. F., and Wensel, II. T.
Reference tables for l5t to P t-R li
thermocouples, 53, 204/1.
Roeser, Wm. F., Schofield, F . H ., and
Moser, H . A. Intern at. comparison of
tem p, scales between 660° and 1063° C.,
53, 569.4.
v. Roessler, C. Measurement of elongation
on bending tests, 53, 202.4.
Roetheli, B. E., and Forrest, H . O.
M aterials used in cliem. engineering
operations, 53, 462/1.
Roetheli, B. E., Franz, C. J ., and McKusick,
B. L. How Cd resists aqueous solns.,
53, 245.4.
Roethig, W alther.
Metal protecting
medium “ P antarol,” 53, 196/i ; “ P a n ­
taro 1 ” as protection against oxidation
of m etals, 53, 443.4.
Rogers, B. A. Magnetic properties of
Fe-C o-W alloys, 53, 491/1.
Rogers, John. Trend of pulverized fuel
practice in U.S.A. and Canada, 53,
Rogers, Raymond R., and Conlon, Jo h n F.
Cr plating from ammonium chrom ate—
sulphale baths, 53, 557/1.
Rohlin, V. A. Sec Joos, C. E.
Rohn, W. J. P. Correspondence on
“ Experim ents on the Effccts of V aria­
tions in Mould and Pouring Tem pera­
tures on the Macro - and Microstructures
of Some Low Melting-Point Metals and
Alloys,” 51, 47; discussion on “ An
Investigation of the Effects of Hydrogen
and O x\^en on the Unsoundness of
Copper-Nickel Alloys,” 51, 255; dis­
cussion on “ The Physical Properties
of Zinc a t Various Stages of ColdRolling,” 51, 117 ; use of small diam eter
rolls and improvem ents in m ultiple
rolling-mills, 53, 213/1 ; see also Gruber,
H . ; Hessenbruch, W.
Rijhrig, H. Akimov’s theory of structure
corrosion, 53, 357.4 ; pptn.-hardening :
m icrography of Al alloys, 53, 70/4.
Rolfe, R. T. Story of early metallurgy.
IX .—Bronze Ago in Europe (contd.),
53, 474.4 ; X .—-Irisli Au, 53, 474.4 ;
trend of m etallurgical research, 53,
220 / 1 .
Rolies, E. M. Book enlarged and revised
by : “ Marlborough’s German Technical
W ords and Phrases,” 53, 544.1 (re­
Roll, F. Influence of Ni and Si on miscibility gap of Fe-Cu system in solid
sta te a t room tem p., 53, 345.4.
Rolland, John. Obituary notice, 52, 259.
Holland, P. Le, and Sorin, P . New method
for detg. modulus of elasticity of
m aterials, 53, 518.1, 712.4.
Rollason, E. C. Correspondence on “ I n ­
terpretation of the Tensile Test (W ith
Reference to Lead Alloys),” 51, 67.
Roller, Paul S. Colorimetric detn. of AI
with aurintricarboxylic acid, 53, 452.4.
Romaine, Millard. Economic factors affect­
ing use of carbide-tipped milling cutters,
53, 392/1.
Romanow, W. 0., and Rakowski, W. S.
Book : “ H ard Alloys and their Appli­
cation ” (in Russian), 53, 000.4.
Rompe, R. See Altcrthum , H.
Ronceray, E. Cooling of castings, 53,
205.4 ; present tendencies in foundry, 53,
Ronshina, N. M. See Blok, N. I.
Röntgen, P. Influence of c.d. and temp,
on tech. electrolysis of Zn, 53, 34/1.
Röntgen, P., and Buchkremer, R. I n ­
fluence of m etallic impurities in tech.
Zn electrolysis, 53, 450/1, 513/1.
Röntgen, P., and Felchner, F. Effect of
colloids on tech. Zn electrolysis, 53, 34.4.
Röntgen, P., and Högel, H . Tech. electro­
lysis of Zn w ith reference to current
relations and compn. of electrolyte, 53,
Röntgen, P., and Koch, W. Influence of
heavy m etals on Al alloys. I.—Form a­
tion of solid solns. in Al alloys, 53, 094/1.
Röntgen, P., and Möller, F. H 2 content
of Zn with especial reference to electro­
lytic Zn, 53, 115/1.
Rooksby, H. P. See Randall, J . T.
Rosbaud, P. Science and technique in
U.S.S.R., 53, 409.4.
Rosch, Samuel J. Special bronzo for tele­
phone and telegraph conductors. I II.—
Wire drawing, dies, and lubricants, 53,
Roscoe, R., and Hutchings, P . J . Rapid
m ethod of detg. crystal axes of single
crystal wires of certain metals, 53, 030/1.
Rose, B. A. Sec Farnsw orth, H . E.
Rose, R. S. See lvrivobok, Vsevolod N.
Rosenberg, Ernst. Thesis : “ U ntersuch­
ung über elektrolyt. M etallabscheidung,”
53, 425.1.
Rosenbohm, E. See Jaeger, F. M.
Rosenhain, W alter. Correspondence on
testing of castings, 53, 510.4 ; diffusion,
53, 6.4 ; discussion on “ Experim ents on
the Effects of Variations in Mould and
Pouring Tem peratures on the Macro - and
Microstructures of Some Low MeltingPoint Metals and Alloys,” 51, 43; dis­
cussion on “ Further Observations on
the D istribution of Porosity in Alumin­
ium and Copper Ingots, w ith Some
Notes on Inverse Segregation,” 52, 211;
discussion on “ Graphitic Silicon, H eatTreatm ent, and the Electrical Conduc­
tivity of Aluminium,” 51, 209; discussion
on 11 Interpretation of the Tensile T est
(with Reference to Lead Alloys),” 51,
60; discussion on “ Some Effects of the
Addition of Tellurium to Load,” 51, 82;
discussion on “ The Application of the
Diamond Pyram id Indentation T est to
Copper and Copper-Rich Alloys in the
Form of Thin Strip,” 51, 227 ; discussion
on “ The D istribution of Porosity in
Copper Ingots,” 51, 299; discussion on
“ The Fatigue-Resisting Properties of
L ight Aluminium Alloys a t Elevated
Name Index
Tem peratures,” 51, 177; discussion on
“ W ear in the Polishing of Plated and
O ther Surfaces,” 52, 107; ferrous and
non-ferrous m etals in foundry, 53, 326/1 ;
paper : “ Some Steps in Metallurgical
Progress, 190S-1933,” 52, 39.
Rosenhain, W alter, and S tott, V. H.
Energy absorbed in cold-working of
m etals, 53, 330/1.
Rosenthal, D. Effect of ductility on secur­
ity in welded connections—m ethods of
measurement, 53, 219/1.
Rosenthaler, L. Short microchem. contri­
butions.—V III, 53, 563.4.
Roskill, 0. W. Parker process íor rust
proofing, 53, 85.4.
Ross, Malcolm. Book edited by : “ P ro ­
fitable Practice in Industrial Research,”
53, 286/1.
Ross, W illiam H. See Montgomery, Carol
Rossi, A. Sec Cannerí, G.
Powdered m etals by elec­
trolytic m ethods, 53, 468/1.
Rossow, Otto. Sec Müller, Erich.
Roth, W. A., Meyer, Ingrid, and Zoumer,
H ans. Atomic heats, heats of fusion,
and heats of transform ation of Ga, In,
and Tl, 53, 690/i.
Roth, W alter. Cooling of ingots in chill
moulds, especially brass ingots in watercooled moulds, 53, 657/1.
Round, A. J. Standards for plated sur­
faces, 53, 90/1.
Rowe, Francis W. Bronze founding indus­
try in 1932, 53, 147/1 ; casting of bronze
gears, 53, 571/1; cause and effect in
bronze founding, 53, 147/1 ; centrifugal
bronzo goar-blunks, 53, 522/1 ; sound
non-forrous castings, 53, 147/1.
Rowe, H. J. Sec Stay, T. D.
Rowe, H, J., and Gingerich, E. M. P ra c ­
tical foundry m ethods for preventing
unsoundness in Al alloy castings, 53,
205/i, 377/1.
Rowinski, B. M. Sec Bachmetow, E. F.
Rubm tchik, A. S. See Rabinovitsch, M. A.
Rubies, S. Piña de. See P iña do Rubies, S.
Ruck, E. R. Development of elect, spotwelding machines, 53, 671/1.
Rudnitzky, — . Electrolysis of fused
NaOIi, 53, 139/1.
Rueckel, W. C. Metal wear and w hat it
costs, 53, 340/1.
Ruer, R. Transformation of /3-solid soln.
of brass, 53, 297/1.
Ruf, K. W inding machines with constant
tension, 53, 667/1 ; sec also Grunert, A.
Ruff, H. R. Photoelect. cells and their
appn., 53, 469/1.
Rukin, B. F. Centrifugal casting of phos­
phor-bronze, 53, 380/1.
Rummel, Kurt, and Schwiedessen, Hellm uth. Development in tim e and space
of combustion in tech. firing, 53, 575/1.
Rupp, E., and Poggendorf, A. Prepn. of
sodium cobaltinitrito as reagent for K,
53, 36/1.
Russ, E. Fr. B o o k : “ Die Elektrischo
W armbehandlung in der Industrie,” 53,
542/1 (review); elect, furnace for m elting
Al, 53, 458/1 ; simple induction fumaco
for melting Cu alloys, 53, 716/1 ; w hat
is to be considered in elect, melting of
Al? 53, 155/1.
Russell, Alexander Smith. See Irvin,
Nevill Maxsted.
Russell, Alexander Smith, and Lyons,
H enry A nthony Montague. Interm etal lie comgds. formed in Hg. I I I .—Z n-Fe
system and p a rt of Sn—Fo system, 53,
Russell, Alexander Smith, Cazalet, P eter
Victor Ferdinand, and Irvin, Nevill
Maxstod. Interm etallic compds. formed
in Hg. I.— Sn-Cu system, 53, 124/1 ;
I I .—Zn-Cu system, 53, 124/1.
Russell, Alexander Smith, Konnody, T. R .,
H ow itt, J ., and Lyons, H . A. M. Intermetallic compds. formed in Hg. IV.—
Sum m ary of work on Sn-Cu, Sn-F e,
Zn-Cu, Zn-Fe, Cd-Cu, Hg-Cu, Mn-Cu,
and Zn-Mn systems, 53, 1254.
Russell, Frank S. Refractories, refractorers and non-ferrous m etal industry,
53 273/1.
Russell, J. H. lvanthal, 53, 14/1.
Russell, P. A. Sound non-ferrous castings,
53, 147.4.
Russell, R. S. Methods of testing purity
of high-grade Pb, 53, 140/1.
Russell, R. S., and Greenwood, J . Neill.
Influence of im purities on properties of
P b, 53, 114/1.
Russell, T. F. Mecli. testing of metals.
Transverse test, 53, 568/1.
Russell, W. Core and mould drying, 53,
Rusterholz, Alexander. B o o k :
“ Die
Stremmg von Rontgenstrahlen an M etalIon,” 53, 1104.
Rusznyak, Stefan, and H atz, Ella. Now
vol. detn. of small quantities of Na, 53,
Ruthardt, Konrad. See Gerlach, W altlier.
Rutherford, Lord. P a m p h le t: “ The A rti­
ficial T ransm utation of the Elem ents,”
53, 6834 ; see also Oliphant, M. L. E.
Rutkowskaia, G. M. See Kawarski, M. I.
Rutterm ann, Heinr. New anodes for Crplating baths, 53, 294, 2514.
RySanek, A. See Jflek, 4 .
Ryssakov, M. W ., and Bushmakin, I. N.
Corrosion of m etals and m etal alloys
by H 3P 0 4 and P, 53, S24.
Sabatier, P. Ni catalysts in chem. re ­
actions, 53, 4164.
Sacchi, V. Form ation of H 2 and presence
of pinholes in Ni plating, 53, 894.
Sacharowa, M. I. E nrichm ent of Cu with
Cu20 during heating, 53, 1144.
Sachs*, G. General rules of changes of
structure and properties during tran s­
form ation processes, 53, 1 6 4 ; recent
advances in field of Silumin castings, 53,
2954 ; see also B urkhardt, A ; Caglioti,
V .; Jung-Konig, W.
Name Index
Sachs, G., and Woerts, J . Measurements
of elasticity by X -rays, 53, 265-4.
Sachs, S. Influence of quality and q uantity
of binding clay on phys. properties and
especially on mech. properties of fireclay
bricks, 53, 579/1.
Sachtleben, R. See Honigschmid, 0 .
Sack, W. Life of presses, 53, 51/1.
Sadron, Charles. Ferrom agnetic m oments
of elements and periodic sj'stom, 53, 8*4.
Saeger, C. M., Jr. See Gardner, II. 13.
Saeger, C. M., Jr., and Ash, Eugeno J.
Contraction of m etals during casting,
53, 266/1.
Sager, B. P. See Dix, E . H ., J r.
Sager, G. F. See Dix, E. II., Jr.
St. Clair, L. J. Cemented tungsten
carbido for cutting tools, 53, 584.4.
St. John, Ancel, and Isenburger, H erbert R .
R elative m erits of film and paper for
indust. X -ray work, 53, 655/1.
St. John, H . M. Measurement of temp, of
non-forrous alloys, 53, 266/1 ; m etal
industries. Symposium on their record
in 1932 and prospects for 1933.—Brass
foundry, 53, 470/1.
Saito, Daikichi, and Matsukawa, Tatsuo.
Measurement of viscosity of molten
light alloys, Cu alloys and cast irons
a t high temps, by rotating cylinder
method, 53, 435/1.
Saito, Daikichi, and Okawa, H ataji.
Nitriding of m etals, 53, 237/1.
Salauze, J. Action of A1 on solns. of
metallic salts, 53, 337/1; scientific bases
of galvanoplastics, 53, 91/1 ; theoretical
aspocts of electrolytic form ation of
metallic deposits, 53, 641/1.
Saldau, P., and Schm idt, I. Transform a­
tions of 8 -phase in Cu-Zn system, 53,
Saldau, P., and Zamotorin, M. Soly. of
chem. compd. MgZiu in Al in solid
state a t different temps., 53, 616.4.
Salmang, Herm ann, and Plan/., Nikolaus.
Prepn. of articles resistant to slags
from MgO and A120 3, 53, 664/1.
Salvaterra, Heinrich. See Suida, Hermann.
Samans, Carl H. See Phillips, A rthur.
Samson, C. See Lewin, G.
Sandeil, Bert E. Effect of tem p, on
Charpy im pact strongth of die-casting
alloys,' 53, 238/1.
Sanders, A. L. Manuf. of cablo and
overhead equipm ent, 53, 533.4.
Sandstrom, C. 0. Designing heads for
tanks and hoat exchangers, 53, 463.4.
Sanger, R . , See Potapenko, G.
Sanger, Raymund. Frequency dependence
of superconductivity and ferrom ag­
netism , 53, 615-4.
Sanigar, Edward B. p n and its electrom etric detn., 53, 642.4.
Santmyers, R. M. Lead, 53, 473/1.
Santos, J. A., and W est, J . Method of
taking X -ray photographs of crystalline
powder a t temp, of liquid air, 53,
Saraev, V. P. Absorption of gases by
m etallic Mg and Ca, 53, 2/1.
Saran, W alther. Machine for dotg. fatiguo
lim it of m etals, 53, 652.4 ; Schenck
autographic extonsomoter, 53, 568-4;
static and dynamic properties of sandcast light alloys, 53, 233/1.
Sarjant, R. J. Basic principles of selection
of furnaces, 53, 44/1; coko in m etal­
lurgical molting and heating practice,
53, 157.4; factors affecting furnace
practice, 53, 716/1; fluctuating flow of
hoat in furnaces, 53, 154/1 ; use of coal
in melting and heating of m etals, 53,
45-4 ; see also H ad field, (Sir) R obert A.
Sass, Fr. Appn. of I I , brazing m ethod to
manuf. of internal combustion engines,
53, 669-4.
Sauciuc, L. I. Sec Candea, C.
Sauer, H. See Gmelin, P.
Sauerbrei, Eduard, and Lottner, Gottfried.
Method of testing low- and highprossuro hydraulic valves for safety
against back-flow of 0 2 and carryingover of water, 53, 674/1; safety-valves
for high-pressuro acetylene apparatus,
53, 404/1.
Sauerbrei, Eduard, and Scheruhn, W.
Ignition of blowpipes, 53, 404.4.
Sauerwald, F. R ecrystn. phenomena in
synthetic m etal bodies, 53, 487/1;
viscosity of mol ton m etals and alloys.
V.— Outflow viscometer w ith constant
jrcssuro height for substances with
ugh surface tonsion, 53, 202-4 ; sec also
Brenner, P . ; Reisclmuor, H.
Sauerwald, F., and Globig, W. R ate of
softening of cold-deformed m etals by
crystal rocovory and recrystn., 53,
Sauerwald, F., and Schm idt, B. Surface
tension of molten m otals and alloys.
IV.—Change of surface tension w ith
tim e and drop m ethod of m easurem ent
a t olovated tem p., 53, 614/1.
Sauerwald, F., and Teske, W . X -ray
investigation of m olten m otals and
alloys.— I., 53, 630/1.
Sauerwald, F., Teske, W ., and Lem pert, G.
Polynary systems w ith Fe. V.—X -ray
supplements on system s Cr-C and F e Si-P, 53, 233/1.
Saunders, Horace. Elected member, 52, 15.
Saunders, W ., Jr. Sec Saunders, W. M.
Saunders, W. M., and Saunders, W ., J r.
Influonco of heat on perm eability of
natural moulding sands, 53, 573.4.
Sauvageot, M. Interpretation, of hightemp, tensilo tests, 53, 653/1.
Sauveur, Albert. Agoing of m otals and
alloys, 53, 627-1 ; discussion on Krivobok’s paper on “ F urther Studies on
Chromium—N ickel-Iron and Related
Alloys,” 53, 296-1.
Sauveur, Albert, and Burns, John L.
Method for studying strain-hardening
susceptibility and agoing after colclwork deformation, 53, 264/1.
Savelsberg, W alter. Modern Sn refining,
53, 33.4.
Sawifrie, — . Decorative lacquers for
m etal goods, 53, 165.4.
Name Index
Saxton, Blair. Sec Skau, E vald L.
Saxton, Richard. Dies for wire m anuf.,
53, 213/1 ; structural cliango in drawn
wire, 53, 2134 ; wire-drawing dies, 53,
Sberna, A. See Piccardi, G.
Scaff, Jack H., and Schumacher, E arle, E.
Thooretical and practical aspects of
gases in m etals, 53, 228/1, 341/1, 424.4,
Scagliarini, G., and Pratosi, P. Vol. detn.
of V and Mo, 53, 200.1.
Scarpa, Oscar. Elected mombor, 52, 15;
olectrochem. corrosion of motallic struc­
tures, 53, 1334 ; functioning of*entirely
motallic piles in contradiction of law
of oloct. tension in motals (Volta’s
second law), 53, 0284.
Schaarwächter, C. Bohaviour of “ graphi­
tic Silicon ” in Al a t higher temps.,
53, 0944.
Schachow, G. A. Book : “ Metallurgy
of Coppor and Nickol,” 53, 4244.
Schaechterle, K. Detn. w ith modols of
internal stresses in arbitrarily loaded
supporting structures by deformation
gaugo, 53, 0514.
Schäfer, K. Effect of deform ation (pul­
verization) on suporstructuro lines and
lattice constants of Fo-Al alloy, 53,
Schallbroch, Heinrich. T h esis:
“ Das
Sonkon und Reiben von Eisen-, Kupferund Aluminium-Logiorungon,” 53, 4254 ;
sec also Wallichs, A.
Scharnow, B. Sec Kussmann, A.
Scharov, M., and Merkurjov, N. I n ­
vestigation of hoat-troatm ont of “ Y ”
alloy, 53, 484.
Schatzmann, — . X -ray testing of cast­
ings in dock, 53, 7124.
Schaumann, 0 . Cast Al in oloctrotech.
industry, 53, 1094.
Schaumann, R. Al castings in electro
industry, 53, 4104.
Scheerpeltz, O. Now illum inator for
stereo-microscopes of Groonough typo,
53, 3224.
Scheffer, F. E. C. Sec Moyer, G.
Scheffers, H. See Meissner, W.
Scheibe, G. Rôlo of emission spectrographic analysis in motal industry, 53,
2574 ; see also Linström , C. F.
Scheibe, G., and Limmer, G. New
photom eter for spectral linos in visiblo
rogion for rapid analysis of alloys, 53,
Scheibe, G., Mark, H ., and Ehronborg, R.
Book : “ Physikalische Mothoden der
analytischon Chemie. Toil I.— Spektro­
skopische und Radiomotrischo Analyso,”
53, GO14.
Scheller, Ernest. Al paint, 53, 1094.
Schemtschushny, S. F. Sum m ary of his work
on alloys, 53, 1084.
Schenk, Dankwart. R elaxation tim e of
annealed Cu and Al wiros subjected to
torsional oscillations, 53, 1-4.
Schenk, Herm ann. Sec LuckonmeyerHasse, L othar.
Scheruhn, W. Sec Sauorbroi, Eduard.
Scheuch, W. A. Discussion on W yman’s
papor on “ Coppor E m brittlem ent,”
53, 05.1.
Scheuer, E. Shrinkage and gas cavities,
53, 404 ; Na content of Silumin, 53,
0104 ; see also Masing, Goorg.
Schick, Karoly. See Szobellödy, L te lö .
Schidlowskaja, A. N. Book : “ Q uantita­
tive Analysis ” (in Russian), 53, 2804.
Schieblich, Martin. Effect of m etals on
vitam in contont of milk, 53, 107/1.
Schiebold, Ernst. Book : “ Dio Laumothodo,” 53, 59/1 ; sec also Eggert, J.
Schied, Max. B ook: “ Ausschuss in dor
Motallgiosserei,” 53, 001/1.
Schiedt, E. Dissolution experim ents with
singlo crystals of Au-Ag alloys, 53,
Schiel, Karl. Book : “ Dio Formsando
und Formstoffe,” 53, 0884 (review).
Schikorr, Gerhard. Im portance of chem.
roactions in corrosion of motals, 53,
4424 ; sec also Bauer, O.
Schimpke, Paul. Book : “ Technologie
dor Maschinenbaustoffe,” 53, 4284
Schirokow, P. F. See Kawarski, M. I.
Schischokin, W. Correspondence on “ A
Graphical Method for Converting the
W eight Percentage Compositions of
Ternary Systems into Atomic or Mole­
cular Porcontagos,” 52, 130.
Schischokin, W., and Ageowa, W. H a rd ­
ness of low molting point alloys a t
difforont tomps.
II.— Binary alloys
whoso components combine chomicallv,
53, 5524.
Schlapfer, P. Corrosion phonomona in
interior of hot-w ator boilers and pipes,
53, 4424.
Schlecht, L. Sec H am prccht, G.
Schlechtweg, H. Elastic bohaviour of
brittlo polycrystals, 53, 5G 84; origin
of plasticity of singlo crystals.—I., I II.,
53, 0134.
Schleicher, A. Qual. analysis by elec­
trolysis and spectrography, 53, 3044.
Schlippe, — . New and original process
for prodn. of irregularly-shapod pieces,
53, 2104.
v. Schlippenbach, E. B o o k :
“ Über
gewichtsanalytische Bestimmungs- und
Trennungs-Methoden von Antimon und
Zinn,” 53, 0014.
Schlotter, Max. Passivity phonomona in
motals, 53, 512/1.
Schlotter, Max., Ivorpiun, Joachim , and
Burmeistor, Werner. Depn. of Cu and
Ag from solns. of their iodides, 53, 3014.
Schlundt, Herman.
Mesothorium, 53,
Schmal, Leo. Romolting of Ni for prodn.
of com pact pure Ni plates for anodes,
53, 324.
Schmauser, Justus. Refractory of high
sorvico value, 53, 210/1.
Schmid, E. Discussion on Edm unds and
Fuller’s papor on “ Relation of Crystal
Orientation to Bending Qualities of
Name Index
Rolled Zinc Alloy,” 53, 127/1 ; im ­
portance of X -ray interference lines in
study of m etals, 53, 18.4, 130-4 ; see
also Boas, W .; Obinata, I.
Schmid, E., and Siebel, G. Does change
in lattico constants in form ation of
solid solns. depend on grain-sizo? 53,
1914 ; X -ray dotn. of solv. of Mn in
Mg, 53, 235/1.
Schmid, E., and Valouch, M. A. Faultlike translation of Zn crystals, 53,
Schmid, E., and W assermann, G. X -ray
investigations of electrolvtically-oxidized Al, 53, 84/1, 309/1.
Schmid, L. Book : “ D er Bau und
Betrieb der Kupolöfen. Band I. Der
Bau von Kupolöfen,” 53, 2224.
Schmid, R. Low-tension generators for
plating plants, 53, 448.4.
Schmid, W. E. Physics of Röntgen rays as
basis of X -ray testing, 53, 712/1.
Schmidgall, J. R. W elding Al and alloys,
53, 720/1.
Schmidt, B. See Sauerwald, F.
Schmidt, E. Modern resistance furnaces
in industry, 53, 063.4 ; see also Fahrenhorst, W.
Schmidt, Erich K. 0 . Comparative ex­
perim ents w ith Duralumin sheets of
different origin (examination of re ­
sistance to corrosion), 53, 131/1; com­
parison of protective effect of various
m ethods of pickling Elektron sheets,
53, 1344 ; corrosion tests of light
motal plates contg. various bolts and
nuts, 53, 774 ; destruction phenomena
in Elektron sheets under incorrect
pickline; treatm ent, 53, 78/1; exam ina­
tion of Alclad sheets from Ford aero­
plane, 53, 7 8 4 ; exam ination of 2
paints for surface protection of Elektron,
53, 13 54; exam ination of various
m ethods of protecting surfaces of light
m etals in B altic Sea, 53, 844 ; influence
of base on behaviour of •paints, 53,
4444 ; influence of common sa lt solns.
of varying concentrations on course of
corrosive a tta ck in alternating immersion
tests, 53, 1934 ; investigation of paint
films for surface protection of D uralu­
m in sheets, 53, 1354; m ethods of
corrosion testing, 53, 1334 ; resistance
of various unprotected light m etals to
weather, 53, 774 ; resistance to sea­
w ater of electro-deposited coatings on
Fe and light m etals, 53, 2464 ; see also
Schraivogel, Karl.
Schmidt, Erich K. 0 ., and Schraivogel, Karl.
Experim ents w ith KS-Seewasser sheets,
53, 704.
Schmidt, G. G., and W eber, F . J . Eloctrodepn. of Cr from aqueous chromic acid
solns., 53, 874.
Schmidt, I. See Saldau, P.
Schmidt, J. Book : “ Anleitung zur quali­
tativen Analyse,” 53, 2864.
Schmidt, Julius, and Hinderer, W alter.
2 : 7 diamino-fluorene as reagent for Zn,
Cd, and Cu, 53, 954.
Schmidt, Robert. Indust, appns. of X -ray
crystallography, 53, 1924.
Schmidt, W. Electrolytic corrosion of
heating coils in hot plates fitted w ith
unipolar switch os, 53, 6354.
Schmitt, Hans. E lectrolytic oxidation of
Al, 53, 84/1, 245 4 ; electrolytic oxida­
tion process, 53, 7054 ; Eloxal process,
53, 195/1, 636/1.
Schmuckler, Hans. Now instrum ent for
measuring and tracing wold seams, 53,
4034, 6724.
Schneider, Wm. G. U tilization of Cu and
Cu alloys, 53, 4124.
Schneidler, R. Manuf. of olectrocorundum
and silicon carbide, 53, 5814.
Schoeller, W. R. See W aterhouse, E. F.
Schoeller, W. R., and Jah n , C. Analytical
chem istry of Ta, Nb, and their m ineral
associates. X X I.— Reliable method for
quant, sepn. of Ti from Ta and Nb, 53,
Schoeller, W. R., and Powell, A. R. A na­
lytical chem istry of Ta, Nb, and their
minoral associates.
X X III.— Quant,
sepn. of Ta, Nb, Ti, and Zr and a new
analytical grouping, 53, 3194.
von Schoenbeck, — . Book : “ Die U n ­
günstige Lage der Fertigw arenindustrio
in Nicht-Eisen Metallen und ihre
Gründe,” 53, 1114 (review).
Schoener, J. G. See Flocke, F . G.
Schoener, J. G., and Flocke, F. G. W eld­
ing of high Ni alloys, 53, 5874.
Schoenmaker, P. Elastic lim it of nonferrous m etals, 53, 654.
Schofield, Allan. Elected member, 52, 15.
Schofield, T. H. See Grogan, J . D . ; Roesor,
W m. F.
Sctnnfeldt, Nikolaus.
See E ngelhardt,
Schopper, W. Development of electro­
lytic method for extraction of Cu a t
Norddeutsche Affinerio,” Ham burg,
53, 363.4 ; see also Egor, Georg.
Schor, E. How to handle Ni solns., 53,
Schoulgin, I. G. Influence of air quench­
ing on mech. properties of Duralumin,
53, 6174 ; m aterials of connecting rod
forgings of Duralumin for aircraft
motors, 53, 618/1.
Schrader, A. See H anem ann, H.
Schrader, E. Zn in dry batteries, 53, 7044.
Schraivogel, K arl. Com parative experi­
m ents w ith German and Fronch D ural­
um in sheets, 53, 70/1 ; experiments with
Magnalium sheets (tensile tests), 53,
1214 ; investigation of elect, spot-welded
specimens of Duralumin, 53, 1004 ;
tests w ith blistery Duralumin sheets, 53,
774 ; see aho Schmidt, Erich K. O.
Schraivogel, Karl, and Schm idt, Erich
K . O. Experim ents w ith “ C17 ST ”
and Duralumin “ 681 ZB ” sheets. I.—
Moch. tests. II.—Corrosion tests, 53,
704 ; investigations of D uralplat sheets,
53, 694.
Schramm, J. See Heike, W.
Schreiner, Hellmut. See Krem ann, R.
Name Index
Schroeder, A. Book : “ Entwicklung dor
Schleiftochnik,” 53, 222/1.
Schubert, Carl E. See Casberg, Carl H .
Schuch, E. Transform ation and change
of properties of Au-Cu alloy, 53, 6964.
Schuch, K. W hen is Fo dangerous in Crplating bath ? 53, 2514.
Schueler, J. E., and Thomas, R. P . Detn.
of K by Na3Co(N02)j, 53, 5654.
Schuff, W. See Wöhler, Lothar.
Schiile, A. Arrangements for casting bear­
ings in white m etal, 53, 1504.
Schulein, J. Discussion on Constant’s
paper on “ The Electron Theory and
Magnetism,” 53, 2314.
Schultze, W. See Volmer, M.
Schultze, Werner. Hydronalium, new light
m etal alloy with high resistance to cor­
rosion, 53, 6164, 6964.
Schulz, E. H. Corrosion in its techno­
logical relations, 53, 1334.
Schulz, K urt. Book : “ Um die Zukunft
der technischen Fachpresse,” 53, 6014.
Schulze, A. E lect, properties of group of
so-called “ semi-conductors,” 53, 7 4 ;
therm al expansion of Manganin, 53,
2344, 4364 ; see also Küssmann, A.
Schulze, A., and Graf, L. Alleged allotropy of Sb, 53, 1774, 4334.
Schulze, Alfred. Magnetostriction,—III.,
53, 5474 ; new precious m etal therm o­
couples for high tomps., 53, 1454.
Schulze, R. Uso of Sn-bronze with high
Pb content for boarings, 53, 1054.
Schulze, Rudolf. Optical and photoelect,
investigations relating to thin m etal
sheets, 53, 2324.
Schumacher, Earle E. Gases in metals,
53, 6924 ; see also Scaff, Jack H.
Schumacher, Earle E., and Bouton, G. M.
Prepn. of Pb and Pb alloy cable sheath
for microexamination, 53, 1884.
Schumacher, Earle E., and Ellis, W. C. D e­
oxidation of Cu w ith various metals, 53,
1754, 2064 ; discussion on Hensel and
Larsen’s paper on “ Age-Hardening Copper-T itanium Alloys,” 53, 1224.
Schuster, K. See Englort, E.
Schüth, W. See Klemm, W.
Schwabe, K urt. See Müller, Erich.
Schwan, W. See Fischer, H.
Schwartz, E. See Knorr, C. A.
Schwarz, Ester Inge. See Kromann, Robert.
Schwarz, Harvey Gottlieb. Elected student
member, 51, 27.
Schwarz, Karl. Theory of electrolysis
phenomena in m etallic soins., 53, 4494 ;
transport number of Au in Au amalgam,
53, 324.
Schwarz, Karl, and K antor, Theodor.
Potentiom etrie detn. of small quantities
of Hg, 53, 5654.
V. Schwarz, M., and Goldmann, F . R esist­
ance welding of non-ferrous m etals, 53,
v. Schwarz, M., and Koch, G. Peculiar
case of corrosion of Cu sheet, 53,
v. Schwarz, M., and Sommer, P. Testing
of light piston alloys, 53, 5494.
v. Schwarz, M., and Summa, O. Agohardening phenomena in B ritannia
m etal, 53, 3024 ; corrigenda to “ AgeHardening Phenomena in B ritannii
M etal,” 53, 3494 ; crystal structure of
TaC, 53, 7014.
Schwarz, Robert. Character of colorimotric detn. of Ti, 53, 3704 .
Schwarz von Bergkampf, Erich. A nalyti­
cal behaviour of Ga, 53, 3684.
Schweitzer, Eugen. See Gerlach, W alther.
Schwerd, Friedrich. Recent investigations
in theory of m etal cutting, 53, 6684.
Schwiedessen, Hellmuth. Analysis of dry
com bustion gases as basis for tech. firing
calculations, 53, 5764 ; see also Rummel,
K urt.
Schwietzke, —. Development of standard
sheet D IN 1705, 53, 1054.
Schwietzke, Günther. T h esis: “ Über
Porositäts-Erscheinungen und Ursachen
in Nichteisenm etallguss,” 53, 4254.
Schwitter, Martin. Refining P t m etals.—
I .- I I ., 53, 334 ; 1 II.-IV ., 53, 924.
Scott, Alexander.
D eterioration and
restoration with especial reference to
m etallic exhibits, 53, 7044.
Scott, E. Baliol. Tin, 53, 4734.
Scott, Frank W. Vol. detn. of large per­
centages of Mn, 53, 3214.
Scott, H. Therm ostatic m etal—or b i­
m eta l; nature and utility, 53, 4614.
Scott, James. Useful colour-changing
paint, 53, 1364.
Scott, N. D. Sec Gilbert, H . N.
Scott, R. B. See Silsbee, F. B.
Scott, W irt S. Elect, heat for Babbitting
bearings, 53, 3834 ; heat-treatm ent of
A1 castings, 53, 6644.
Searle, Alfred B. Book : “ The Chemistry
and Physics of Clays and Other Ceramic
M aterials,” 53, 6014.
Searle, H. E. See McKay, R obert J.
Searles, Edward. Practical points on weld­
ing Al, 53, 3974.
Sears, R. W., and Becker, J. A. T her­
mionic and adsorption characteristics of
P t on W, 53, 6914.
Sebborn, W. S. N aturo of spongy Zn
deposits obtained by electrolysis of
aqueous solns. of Z nS04, 53, 7084 ;
spontaneous oxidation of Zn and nature
of pyrophoric Zn, 53, 3394, 6924.
Sebelien, J. Analysis of old bronzes, 53,
Sederholm, P. *See Benedicks, C.
Seemann, H. Atomic arrangem ents and
magnetic properties in system s Cu-Au,
C u-Pd, and C u-P t, 53, 2344 ; new
X -ray interference method (object be­
tween two slits), 53, 2614 ; oblique
initial emission of therm o-electrons from
rough crystal lino m etal surfaces, 53,
1194 ; sec also Kussm ann, A.
Seidel, K. Tests for Al foil from viewpoint
of suitability as wrapping m aterial for
c ut bread, 53, 5924.
Seidl, E. Im portance of structure for per­
m anent deform ation of crystals, 53,
Name Index
Seifert, A. See Maass, E.
Seith, W. See v. Hevesy, Goorg.
Seith, W., and Keil, A. Self-diffusion in
solid Pb.—II., 53, 338*4.
Seitz, F. See Wigner, E.
Seligman, Richard. Now method of publica­
tion of In stitu te ’s papers, 52, 15; seconds
adoption of R eport of Council, 51, 21;
discussion on “ Graphitic Silicon, H eatTroatm ent, and the Electrical Conduct­
ivity of Alum inium ,” 51, 208; discus­
sion on “ The Electrical Conductivity of
Aluminium W ire,” 51, 208; discussion
on “ The Fatigue-Resisting Properties
of Light Aluminium Alloys a t Elevated
Tcmporafcuros,” 51, 175, 180; naturo of
m etals, 53, 013*4.
Selisskiy, J. See IConobievsky, S.
Seljakov, N. Mechanism of plasticity
(prelim, communication), 53, 5 4 ; plastic
deformation, 53, 613/1.
Sellerio, A. Force of adhesion accompany­
ing solidification, 53, 2284.
Sellers, Coleman. Can tungsten carbide
to o l8 bo used successfully on planers ?
53, 392.4.
Sellman, N. T. In d u st, gas research and
relation to gas sales, 53, 454.
Selvig, W. A. See Fieldner, A. C.
Selvig, W. A., and Gibson, F. H . Cl,
detn. in coal, 53, 5774.
Selzer, Robert. Evaluation of silica bricks
by their appearance, 53, 2114.
Senn, P. Exam ination of cutting nozzles
by optical means, 53, 6744.
Serdyukov, V. G. T reatm ent of thick Cu
boiler plate and red m erchant Cu, 53,
Setoh, Shoji. Electrolytic oxidation of A1
and its appn., 53, 1344.
S8toh, Shoji, and Miyata, Akira. Anodic
film of Ai. I.—-Effect of concentration
of electrolyte on form ation of anodic
film. I I .—Anodic behaviour of A1 in
aqueous solns. of H sCs0 4, 53, 1944 ;
effects of anodic treatm ent on abrasion
and corrosion of Al, 53, 3584.
Seufert, Gert. See Brückner, H orst.
Sewig, Rudolf. Photoelecfc. cells having
cathodes in form of th in deposits of
alkali m etals, 53, 4694.
Seyl, R. G. See Thompson, M. de Kay.
Shafier, S. S., and Pollock, J . E . Corrosion
in non-pressuro refining equipm ent, 53,
Sharov, M., and Maurah, A. Comparative
investigation of 2 Mg alloys, 53, 3004 ;
Mg alloys of Elektron type for casting.
Methods of propn. and casting. Inves­
tigation of meeh. and casting properties.
53, 3794.
Shaw, Leonard Isaac. Elected member,
52, 15.
Shaw, P. E., and Leavey, E. W. L. Triboelectricity and friction. V II.—Quant,
results for m etals and other solid elements
w ith S i02, 53, 74.
Shea, John R. Sheathing cables with Pb,
53, 1614.
Shelesnow, A. I. See Jelisarow, P . G.
Shelton, S. M. See Dusen, M. S. Van.
Shepherd, Horace Henry. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 27.
Sherman, G. W. Sec Lurie, H . H .
Sliibusawa, M., and Fukuda, S. E lect,
pptn ., 53, 534*4.
Shimba, Hisakichi. P b and its alloys
for cable sheath, 53, 3554.
Shimizu, Yosomatsu. Magnetic suscept­
ibility of several systems of binary
alloys, 53, 1864, 4964 ; see also H onda,
K otaro.
Shimur, S., and T akasu, M. Quant. X -ray
analysis of Fo alloys, 53, 7104.
Shinoda, Gunji. Eutectoid transform ation
of bronze, 53, 4974 ; X -ray analysis of
cast alloys.—III., 53, 2974.
K en’ichi. See M atukawa,
Sholobow, W. W. Influence of therm al
treatm ent on m agnetic properties of
Geissler alloys, 53, 1834.
Shorter, Albert Edward. E lected member,
51, 26.
Shoyket, D. See Ageew, N. W.
Shutt, William James, and W alton, A rthur.
Passivity of Au, 53, 14.
Sidery, A. J., Lowis, lv. G., and Sutton, H .
Intercrystalline corrosion of Duralumin,
53, 6324.
Siebe, P. Manuf. of brass wire, 53, 163*4 ;
prodn. of brass bars and sections, 53,
Siebe, P., and Busse, C. Course of oxida­
tion of liquid Cu contg. small quants., of
Ni, As, Sn, and Sb, 53, 6434.
Siebel, E. Rolling problom, 53, 1614.
Siebel, E., and Lueg, W. Stress dis­
tribution in roll-gap, 53, 2764.
Siebel, G. Sec Schmid, E.
Siegel, H. Refractory linings for coreless
induction furnaces, 53, 7174.
Siegel, Sidney L. See Dingwall, Andrew.
Siegel, W. See Naske, C.
Sieger, G. N. Offset electrodes can bo
water-cooled, 53, 4024.
Sieglerschmidt, H. Influenco of deform a­
tion and annealing on coefT. of therm al
expansion of Cu, 53, 2264.
Sieglerschmidt, H., and A rndt, H . Testing
of amalgams, 53, 4384.
Siegmund, E. Use of light m etals in salt
works, 53, 6754.
Siegmund, R. See Remy, H.
Sieverts, Adolf. See Bruning, H a n s ;
Kirschfeld, L.
Sillcox, Lewis Ketcham. Elected member,
51, 26.
Silliman, Horace F. See Wilson, Curtis L.
Silsbee, F. B., Scott, R. B., Brickweddo,
F . G., and Cook, J . W. Supercon­
ductivity of Sn a t radio frequencies,
53, 6914.
Simon, F. New method of attaining
extrem ely low temps., 53, 3724, 5104.
Simon, Franz, and Ahlborg, J . Elston.
A pparatus for dem onstrating . lique­
faction of He, 53, 5674.
Simpson, Edward S. Correspondence on
Thompson’s paper on “ The Case
Name Index
Against Standardization of Chomical
Analysis,” 53, 315/1.
Simpson, Harold E. Classified roviow
of refractory slag tests, 53, 209.4;
investigation of action of coal-asli slags
on firebrick by microscopic m ethods,
53, 2094.
Sinclair, S. E. See Tucker, W. A.
Singleton, William. Elected mombor, 51,
Singleton, William, and Jones, Brinloy.
Paper : 44 Some Effects of the Addition
of Tellurium to Lead,” 51, 71.— Discus­
sion : J . McKeown, 80; W . Rosonhain,
82 ; C. E. Barrs, 84, 85 ; A. H .M undoy,
84; H . C. Lancaster, 85; D. Hanson,
85; S. L. A rchbutt, 86; C. H . Dcsch,
80, 90; E. H . Bucknall, 86; J . Fry,
87 ; H . W. Brownsdon, 87.— Reply to
discussion, 87.— Correspondence : W. T.
Butcher, 89; C. II. Desch, 90; H .
W aterhouse, 90.— Reply to correspondence,
Sire, G. Sludge pump3, 53, 5964.
Sisson, W. A. Thesis : 44 X -R ay Studios
of Rolling and H eat-Troatm ont of Some
Shoot Metals,” 53, 4254.
Sixtus, K. J. Irregularities in m agnetiza­
tion, 53, 5474 : see also Tonks, L.
Sixtus, K. J., and Tonks, L. Propagation
of largo Barkhausen discontinuities.—
II., 53, 1194.
Skau, Evald L., and Newell, I. Laird.
R apid vol. m ethod for dotn. of S in
coal and coke. Comparison of modifiod
benzidine method w ith standard methods,
53, 5774.
Skau, Evald L., and Saxton, Blair. Somo
errors inhoront in usual detn. of binary
freezing-point diagr., 53, 4404.
Skerl, J. G. A. Somo uses of refractory
m aterial in foundry, 53, 3844.
Skortcheletti, W. W ork of Russian I n ­
stitute of Metals on cliom. resistanco of
alloys, 53, 1394.
Slater, I. G. Correspondence on “ Note on
the Influonco of Volatile Chlorides on
Magnesium and on Coppor,” 51, 129.
Slater, J. C. Electron thoory of m etallic
conduction, 53, 5474.
Slaughter, E. M. Tosts on threaded
sections, 53, 3244.
Slavinsky, M. P., and Bolaiow, A. P.
Prepn. of singlo crystals of Duralumin,
Sn-Bronzo and 44 Al-bronzo ” and study
of their properties, 53, 94.
Slavinsky, M. P., Belaiew, A. P., and
Syromiatnikov, R. R. W orkability of
Cu-Mn alloys of high elect, resistance,
53, 714.
Slendyk, I. Polarographic studies w ith
dropping H g cathode. X X V I.— D e­
crease of H„ over-potential effected by
traces of P t, 53, 3654.
Smallman, H. R. Autom atic pickling
machines, 53, 3944.
Smart, R. A. Modern large-capacity
galvanizing plant, 53, 854.
Smekal, Adolf. Correspondence on 44The
Physical Properties of Zinc a t Various
Stages of Cold-Rolling,” 51, 121 ;
indefiniteness of tensile iimits, 53, 54 ;
thoory of real crystals, 53, 5544.
Smet, Gérard de. Rocoiving and classify­
ing shoot iron, cast iron, and principal
non-forrous m etals, 53, 4704.
Smialowski, — . See Broniowski, — .
Smiriagin, A. P. Manuf. of Sn-bronzes,
53, 6584.
Smith, A. Eric. Instrum ents as aid to
prodn. engineering, 53, 1454.
Smith, A. V. Soil corrosion survoy with
Shepard soil resistivity rods, 53, 3574 ;
soil survey w ith Shepard rods, 53, 3574.
Smith, Alan E. W. P t plating, 53, 5594.
Smith, C. S. Discussion on W ym an’s
paper on 44 Copper E m brittlem ent,”
53, 654 ; interconvorsion of atomic
weight and vol. percontagos in binary
and ternary systems, 53, 6984.
Smith, Cyril Stanley, and Lind lief, W. Earl.
Equilib. diagr. of Cu-rich Cu—Ag alloys,
53, 1224 ; micrographie study of
decomposition of j3-phase in Cu—Al
system, 53, 1874.
Smith, D. M. Book : 44 Metallurgical
Analysis by the Spectrograph,” 53,
Smith, D. W. See Mathewson, C. H.
Smith, Donald P. Elect, conductivity of
Oz occludod by Pd, 53, 664.
Smith, E., and Volardo, C. A. Plating of
cast Al and jointed Al parts, 53, 2564.
Smith, E. W. Lighting of factories and
largo buildings, 53, 5384.
Smith, Ernest A. Book : 44 W orking in
Precious Metals,” 53, 4244 ; now
British standard for Au wares, 53, 1714.
Smith, G. Frederick, and Deem, A. Garrell.
Dotn. of S in coal by perchlorate
m ethod, 53, 464.
Smith, George McPhail. B ook: “ Quanti' tativo Chomical Analysis,” 53, 6834.
Smith, Gilbert E. Metals and music,
53, 534.
Smith, H. 0 . Vote of thanks to, 52, 17.
Smith, H arry L. Widoning scopo of Al
perm anent mould castings, 53, 2684.
Smith, Harry W., Jr. Resoarch on noise
abatem ent in indust. gas burners, 53,
Smith, Howard A. See Clark, George L.
Smith, Irene F. See Sm ith, Julian F.
Smith, J. Lester. See Smout, A. J . G.
Smith, Joseph Kent. Obituary notice,
52, 251 ; Cu-Bo bronzes, 53, 1224.
Smith, Julian F., and Sm ith, Irene F.
Inform ation service in indust. research
labs., 53, 5354.
Smith, K. 0 . See Rentschler, H . C.
Smith, L. A. Pam phlet : 44 Chromite in
1931,” 53, 4244.
Smith, R. Digby-. Sec Digby-Smith, R.
Smith, S. W. Correspondence on 44 Further
Observations on the D istribution of
Porosity in Aluminium and Copper
Ingots, w ith Some Notes on Inverse
Segregation,” 52, 218.
Smith, Sidney. E arly Babylonian jew el­
lery, 53, 4744.
Name Index
Smith, Stanley Hickman. Elected student
member, 51, 27.
Smith, William Thompson. How soil corrosivenesa can bo measured, 53, 133/1 ;
soil studies for existing pipe-line systems,
53, 357/1.
Smithells, Colin J. M etallurgy and elect,
industry, 53, 464.4.
Smolinski, J. See Broniewski, W .
Smoot, A. M. Effect of P t m etals in
assaying, 53, 94.-1.
Smout, A. J. G. Elected Member of Coun­
cil, 51, 26.
Smout, A. J. G., and Sm ith, J . Lester. Bi
in Cu, 53, 452/1.
Smythe, J. A. See W hittick, G. Clement.
Snelling, Robert J. Prodn. of brass plating
contg. Cd, 53, 29.4.
Soderberg, C. Richard. Erosion in steam
turbines, 53, 635-4 ; problems in steam
turbine design, 53, 467.4.
Soderberg, Gustaf. Anodic phenomena in
Cd plating soins., 53, 136,4 ; barrelplating with particular reference to opti­
mum loads and costs, 53, 641/1 ; dis­
coloration of Cd plate and its prevention,
53, 27-4, 706/1.
Sokolov, M. S. See Mashkilloyson, L. E.
Sokolovsky, P. Analysis of ferro-tungsten :
D etn. of W content, 53, 322/1.
Solakian, Arshag G. Now developm ents
in photoelasticity. Purely optical method
of stress analysis, 53, 324/1.
Soldi, A. Protection of m etallic surfaces,
53, 86/J.
Soler, Gilbert, and King, R. M. Study of
heating and cooling rates of checker
brick, 53, 211/1.
Soller, T. See Williams, S. R.
Someren, E. van. Spcctrographic analysis,
53, 451.4.
Sommer, J. Suitability of m etals, alloys,
&c. for varnish-kettlo manuf., 53, 595.4.
Sommer, Paul. E xam ination of light piston
alloys, 53, 344.1 ; see also v. Schwarz, M.
Sonnino, C. Melting of A1 and its alloys.
Elect, or fuel-fired furnace ? 53, 207.4.
Sopwith, D. G. See Gough, H . J.
Sorin, P. See Rolland, P. Le.
Sorrel, V. See Perrin, R.
Sosman, Robert B. Now tools for hightem p. research, 53, 536/1.
Sosnovskii, N. P. Utilization of Cu waste,
53, 523.4.
Soule, Byron A. See McAlpine, Roy K.
Soulier, Alfred. Book : “ T raité de Gal­
vanoplastie,” 53, 697.4 (review).
Spacu, G., and Spacu, P. New rapid
m ethod for macro- and microdetn. of
Bi, 53, 647.4 ; new rapid method for
macro- and microchcm. detn. of Ag, 53,
Spacu, P . See Spacu, G.
Speakman, J. C. See Glasstone, S.
Specht, H. R epair of welded Cu loco, fire­
box by welding, 53, 398.4.
Specketer, Heinrich. O bituary notice, 51,
Speirs, — . Sound non-ferrous castings,
53, 147-4.
Spence, J. L. Appn. of Stell ¡to, 53, 412/1.
Spencer, F. W. Machine and othor forging
m ethods, 53, 390.1.
Sperling, K urt. See Coehn, Alfred.
Spiers, F. W. Diffusion of H g on rolled
Sn foils, 53, 302,4.
Spiers, H. M. Book edited by : “ Tech­
nical D ata on Fuel,” 53, 543-4 (review).
Spooner, E. C. R. See McAulay, A. L.
Spowers, W. H., Jr. Galvanizing fluxes,
53, 637.4 ; new developm ents in gal­
vanizing, 53, 246/1.
Spraragen, W. See Holland, Maurice.
Spratt, H. P. P a m p h le t: “ Scientific
(Technical) Libraries,” 53, 601/1.
Sprenger, A rthur. “ Siemensit ” in con­
struction of furnaces, 53, 580/1.
Sprenger, J. A. Ni-plating of A1, 53, 509/1.
Sproull, W ayne T. Diffraction of lowspeed electrons by W single crystal, 53,
Squiers, Graham. Vote of thanks to, 52,17.
Sserbin, T. M., Alexejenko-. Sec Alexcjonko-Sserbin, T. M.
Ssimakow, K. M. See Abdejow, M. A.
Ssoloweitschik, I. S. Book : “ Protective
Coatings on M etals ” (in Russian), 53,
Stäblein, F. Tech. m aterials of high m ag­
netic softness, 53, 236.4.
Stach, E. Comparison microscope for re ­
flected light, 53, 322/1.
v. Stackelberg, M. See Klemm, W.
v. Stackelberg, M., and Neum ann, F.
Crystal structure of borides of compn.
MoB„, 53, 189/1.
Stadler, J. See Steinhäuser, K.
Staedel, Wilhelm. Book : “ Dauerfestigkeit von Schrauben,” 53, 601/1.
Stiger, H. Researches with oils used in
polishing, 53, 527.4.
Stajiö, V. See Puschin, N. A.
Staley, W. D. New’ m etal for instrum ents,
53, 125.4.
Stamm, D. E., and W eaver, J . C. Acidresisting m etals used for pickler’s racks,
53, 52/1.
Stamm, Rudolf. Cr anodes “ Ibo-A ktiv,”
53, 251.4.
Staniland, Geoffrey, and Lee, G. W. P ro ­
perties and uses of moro im portant
rofractory m aterials, 53, 47A .
Stanley, Robert C. Advances in Ni indus­
try , 53, 416/1.; m etal industries. Sym ­
posium on their record in 1932 and
prospects for 1933.—Ni and its alloys,
53, 470.4.
Stansel, N. R. Book : “ Industrial Elec­
tric H eating,” 53, 286.4.
Stansfield, Alired. Canadian elect, furnace
industry, 53, 383.4 ; discussion on Phelps
and D avey’s paper on “ An X -R ay Study
of the N ature of Solid Solutions,” 53,
Staples, C. W. See Nicholls, P.
Staufer, R., and Konopicky, K. Method
for removal of Fo from ceramic m aterials,
53, 388/1.
Stauffer, K. Heat-resistance of steel
sprayed with Al, 53, 639.4.
Name Index
Stauss, H. E. Discussion on Phelps and
D avey’s paper on “ An X -Ray Study of
the N ature of Solid Solutions,” 53,
Stay, T. D. Finishes for Al, 53, 164*4.
Stay, T. D., Gingerich, E. M., and Rowe,
H . J . Im provem ent of moulding
m ethods in Al foundry, 53, 572A.
Stedman, Ernest W alter/ Elected member,
52, 15 ; engineer’s conception of m atter
and its appn. to m aterials of construc­
tion, 53, 475/1.
Steen, P. See L eonhardt, Ren6.
Steewen, 0 . P. van. Recent workshop
practice, with special roferönce to
optico-mechanical instrum ents for exact
m easurem ent, 53, 37/1.
Steîanovsky, W. Potentiom etrie detn. of
Al, 53, 36.-1.
Steger, W. Testing of refractory m aterials,
53, 717/1.
Stehlik, B. Vol. estim ation of Mo by
potentiom etric oxidation of quinqueto sexavalent state w ith Co(S04)4 or
IvM n04, 53, 369.4.
Steiger, B. See WSibling, H .
Stein, A. Methods for pre-treatm ent of
tungsten steel and other difficultly
workable m otals prior to coating them
with corrosion-resistant m aterials, 53,
Stein, W. T reatm ent of residues contg.
precious m etals, 53, 43.4 ; w hat pre­
cautions should be observed in sampling
alloys contg. precious m etals? 53,
Steinberg, S. S., and K usakin, P . S.
Prodn. of ferro-alloys, 53, 138*4.
Steinberger, R. L. Magnetic properties
of Fe-N i alloys under hydrostatic
pressure, 53, 300/1.
Steinegger, W. See Zurbrügç, — .
Steiner, K. See Meissner, W.
Steinhäuser, — . D etn. of P in Al, 53,
369.4, ; rem oval of gases and other
im purities from Al and its alloys with
AIC1, in com bination with other salts,
53, 714.4.
Steinhïuser, K., and Stadler, J . D etn. of
P in Al, 53, 370.4 ; dotn. of N a in Al,
Steinitz, — . A ttack by lubricating oil,
Stenbeck, Sten. X -ray analysis of alloys
of H g with Ag, Au, and Sn, 53, 629.4.
Stenzel, W ., and W eerts, J . Tempering
effect in quenched Cu—Al allovs, 53,
Stepanov, D. V. See Valter, A. F.
Stepanoviö, S. See Puschin, N. A.
Stepanow, A. W. Mechanism of plastic
deform ation, 53, 614*4.
Stephan, P. See Wiegner, G.
Stephen, R. A. Radiographic exam ination
of welds, 53, 456/1; recovery of steel
after fatigue testing, 53, 455/1 ; Xrays in m etal industries, 53, 456.4.
Stephenson, Cyril Heath. Elected m em ­
ber, 51,314.
Stern, E. A. See Nadson, G. A.
Stern, M. Progress in die-casting, 53,
Sterne, T. E. See Fowler, R. H.
Sterner-Rainer, L. Strength and ductility
of alloys of “ noble ” m etals, 53, 16*4.
Stevens, John L. Disperse: fu e l: tech. and
commercial possibilities, 53, 157A.
Steward, W. Augustus. Goldsmiths’ and
silversm iths’ work : p ast and present.
53, 681/1.
Stewart, C. J. Design, construction and
appn. of aircraft instrum ents, 53, 372.4.
Stich, — . Soly. of P b in municipal water
of Leipzig, 53, 308/1.
Stierstadt, 0. New phenomena in change
of resistance of Bi singlo crystals in
magnetic fields, 53, 290.4 ; now pheno­
m ena rolating to change of resistance
of Bi single crystals in m agnetic fields.
I.—Elect, m ethod of analysis of crystal
structure, 53, 192.4.
Stifter, W. W. See W illiams, S. R.
Stillwell, Charles W. X -ray analysis of
electrodeposited alloys, 53, 255*4.
Stillwell, Charles W., and Feinberg,
H enry I. Structuro of electrodeposited
alloys. I I .—Effect of c.d. and tem p,
of dopn. on structuro of Ag-Cd deposits,
53, 361 *4.
Stillwell, Charles W., and Robinson,
W alter K. N a -P b alloys. S tructure of
compd. Na4Pb, 53, 192.4.
Stillwell, Charles W., and Stout, Lawrence
E. Crystal structures of electrodeposited
alloys. X -ray diffraction study of
Ag-Cd deposits, 53, 361*4, 630/1.
Stillwell, Charles W., and Turnipseed,
Edw ard S. Corrosion of brass. S truc­
ture of corroded surface, 53, 499*4.
Stine, C. M. A. Co-ordination of lab. and
p lan t effort, 53, 535*1.
Stock, A., Gerstner, F., and Köhler, H .
Oxidation of Hg by air, 53, 66/1.
Stock, Alfred. Commercial possibilities of
alloys of Be, 53, 225/1.
Stock, John Thomas. E lected member,
51, 314.
Stockdale, D. Correspondence on “ An
X -R ay Investigation of the CopperAluminium Alloys,” 51, 159; cor~
respondencc on “ The Equilibrium of the
Reaction Between Steam and Molten
Copper,” 51, 275; discussion on Smith
and Lindlief’s paper on “ The E quili­
brium Diagram of the Copper-Rich
Copper-Silver Alloys,” 53, 122A ; paper;
“ The Constitution oi the AluminiumRich Aluminium-Copper Alloys above
400° C.,” 52, 111.—Correspondence:
A. J . Bradley, 117 ; G. Phragm en, 117.
— Reply to correspondence, 118.
Stockton, R. C. B ook: “ The Principles
of Electric AVelding. Metallic Arc P ro­
cess,” 53, 688/1 (review); phosphorbronze, 53, 715.4 ; vertical centrifugal
casting of non-ferrous a ’loys, 53, 571.4.
Stoewer, H. J. Drilling of deep holes in
light m etals, 53, 163.4.
Stolte, Norman H. Raw m aterials for
silica brick m anuf., 53, 47/1.
Name Index
Stone, Irwin. Dimothylglyoxime as test
reagent for m etals, 53, 3174.
Stone, Richard H. Graphite as refractory,
53, 3874 ; m elting equipm ent in nonferrous industry.—I., I I ., 53, 4584.
Stoner, Edmund C. Atomic m om ents in
ferromagnetic m etals and alloys with
non-ferromagnetic elements, 53, 3424.
Stott, Vaughan H. M easurement of
viscosity of m olten m etal by oscillating
disc, 53, 4854 ; see also Rosenhain,
W alter.
Stoughton, Bradley. See Greiner, E arl S.
Stout, Lawrence E. Electrodepn. of alloys,
53, 314 ; electroplating soln. control,
53, 1374, 2554 ; see also Stillwell,
Charles W.
Stout, Lawrence E., and F aust, Charles L.
Electrodepn. of Fe-C u-N i alloys. I I I .—Depn. from sulphate-boro-citrato baths,
53, 6404.
Stout, Lawrence E., and Goldstein,
Leonard. Electrodepn. of tornarj' alloys
of Cd, Zn, and Sb, 53, 2494, 7064.
Strafford, Norman. Detection and detn.
of small am ts. of substances by colori­
m etric m ethods, 53, 3674 ; pam phlet :
“ The Detection and D eterm ination of
Small Am ounts of Inorganic Substances
by Colorimetric Methods,” 53, 6014.
Straumanis, M Electrochem . theory of
corrosion of m etals, 53, 4434.
Straumanis, M., and W eerts, .1. Sopn.
of a-phaso in jfj-brass, 53, 124, 1234 ;
transform ation in Cu-Zn and Ag-Zn
^-alloys, 53, 1234.
Straumann, R. Alloys for springs with
sm all tem p, coeff. of elastic modulus,
53, 6254 ; Be alloys, 53, 1814.
Strauss, J. “ A l-bronze,” 53, 714.
Strauss, Jerome, and Newell, II. D.
R eport of cttee. A—10 of A.S.T.M. on
Fe-C r, Fo-C r-N i, and related alloys,
53, 3334, 4914.
Strauss, S. D. Zinc, 53, 4744.
Strausser, P. Experiences in plating of
sam ples for exposure tests, 53, 6424 ;
progress report on exposure tests of
plated coatings, 53, 1324.
Strebinger, R., and Holzer, H . New
source of error in pptn. of K sPtClfl,
53, 4514.
Street, A. C. See Allen, N. P.
Strom, B. H. Cu product perfected, 53,
Strong, John. E vaporation technique for
Al, 53, 5924.
Stuart, Norman. See Finch, G. I . ; Thom ­
son, G. P .
Stuart, T. C. Arc welding of lugli-conductivity joints in Cu, 53, 2184.
Stiihlmger, — . Metal foil lacquers and
their commercial uses, 53, 264.
Stumer, W. Al paints as m eans of ex­
cluding dam p and of im proving dam p
rooms, 53, 3324.
Stursberg, E. Pioneer work on tech. weld­
ing m ethods in works w ith manual
labour, 53, 4054.
Sueharda, B. See Tomi£ek, O.
Sueda, Hideo. See Uomura, Taku.
Suida, Hermann, and Salvaterra, Heinrich.
Book : “ R ostschutz und Rostschutzanstrich,” 53, 6014.
Sulliotti, G., and Capello, E. Detn. of
fineness for foundry sands, 53, 3814.
Summa, 0. See v. Schwarz, M.
Summerfleld, H. G. Discussion on H u n t’s
papor on “ Some Aspects of the Selec­
tion of Engineering M aterials,” 53, 4754.
Summers, R. E. Sensitive thorm ostat
w ith thermionic relay, 53, 3714.
Summey, David L. Obituary notice, 51,
Summey, Richard Weeks. Elected mombor, 51, 314.
Sunatani, Chido.
General theories of
strain and elasticity, 53, 2624.
Sundelin, A. See Adelskold, V.
v. Susich, G. See M ark, H.
Sutton, — . Discussion on oil-fired fur­
naces, 53, 1574.
Sutton, H. Corrosion of Al and its alloys,
53, 3074 ; discussion on “ F urther Ob­
servations on the D istribution of Poros­
ity in Aluminium and Coppor Ingots,
w ith Some Notes on Inverse Segrega­
tion,” 52, 209 ; discussion on “ Magnes­
ium Alloy protection by Selenium and
O ther Coating Processes, P a rt I I .,” 52,
89 ; inverse segregation.—I., 53, 3504 ;
II., 53, 4964 ; some recent advances in
protective coatings on m etals, 53, 1964 ;
year’s progress in electrodepn., 53, 1374 ;
see ateo Sidery, A. J.
Sutton, (Miss) Lilian Mary. Elected m em ­
ber, 52, 15.
Suzuki, Masuhiro. Breaking of m etal by
fatigue, 53, 2634.
Suzuki, Tsuneo, and Oma, Kazuhiko.
Non-corrosivo organic flux for soldering,
53, 5284.
Svensson, Borje. Magnetic susceptibility
and olect. resistance of Pd-A g and P d Cu solid solns., 53, 154.
Svetchnikoff, V. N. Effect of addition
elements on polymorphism of Fe, 53,
Svida, V. S. Beltram i-H aigh energy theory
of rigidity, 53, 2914.
Swain, Stephen M., and Phelps, S tu a rt M.
Proportioning gra in-size in clay refrac­
tories, 53, 3874.
Swanger, W. H., and France, R. D.
Effect of Zn coatings on steel, 53, 2474.
Swanson, E. B. See Bain, H . F.
Sward, G. G. See Gardner, H . A.
Swartz, Carl E., and Phillips, A lbert J .
Cd—Ni system, 53, 6964 ; comparison
of certain wliite-metal bearing alloys
particularly a t elevated temps., 53, 4954.
Sweemer, A. de. Use of Co(SCN), as
microchem. reagent for Hg, 53, 3664.
Sweeney, W. T. See H idnert, Peter.
Swift, Ernest H., and B arton, R. C.
Various m ethods for sepn. of common
elements into groups. I.—P p tn . by
NH*OH, 53, 3184.
Swift, Ernest H., B arton, R. C., and
Backus, H . S. Various m ethods for
Name Index
sopn. of common dem ents into groups.
II I.—Now mothod for sopn. of Zn, Co,
Ni, and Fo from Al, Cr, and Mn, 53,
Swindell, Floyd. C 0 2 as flamo preventer
in welding, 53, 6754.
Sykes, C. Discussion on Bradloy and J a y ’s
paper on “ Tho Lattico Spacings of
Iron-Alum inium Alloys,” 53, 2394.
Sykes, George. Weldod alloy buckot lips
cut trenching costs, 53, 5934.
Sykes, W. P. Now m otal-cutting alloy
(548), 53, 5844.
Syromiatnikov, R. R. Ca alloys, 53, 1824 ;
see also Goriatchov, A. P . ; Siavinskv,
M. P.
SytschofT, A. P. Sec Ocliotin, V. P.
Szebell6dy, Liszlo, and Schick, Karoly.
Sopn. and dotn. of Na and K , 53, 3704.
Tabakov, Z. Ya. Sec Budnikov, P. P.
Tadokoro, Yoshiaki. Gas perm eability of
iiro-brick and Fo ores a t high tomps.
I.—Fire-brick, 53, 5794.
Taft, Robert. Theories of addition agont
action, 53, 2554.
Tagaya, Masayoshi. See Endo, Hikozo.
Taguti, RyuzaburS. Two kinds of elonga­
tion discrim inated in plastic doformation, 53, 3404.
Taillander, Ch. A l-Fo-Cr alloys.—II., 53,
Takaba, Ichitaro, and Okuda, Katsum i.
Properties of strain figure and its appns.,
53, 2624.
Takahashi, Kiyoshi, and E da, Washiro.
E lect, resistance of Mg and its alloys,
53, 5514.
Takase, Risaburo. See Ivato, Yogoro.
Takasu, M. See Shimur, S.
Takeda, Shuzo. Equilibr. diagrs. of qua­
ternary systems.—I., II., 53, 4964.
Tallmann, Addison Herbert, Jr. Elected
momber, 52, 15.
Tally, Robert E. Sec Yoatman, Popo.
Talmage, T. DeWitt. Making succcssful
test polo connections, 53, 3964.
Tamaru, Kanzi. Equilib. diagr. of N i-Zn
system, 53, 154, 1854, 3484.
Tammann, G. Recovery from offeets of
cold-work, 53, 2294 ; transform ation in
homogeneous substances, 53, 164.
Tammann, G., and Bandel, G. Change of
thermo-elect, power on recovery of
m etals from cold-work, 53, 1804.
Tammann, G., and Dreyer, K . L. R e ­
covery of elect, resistanco of Cu, Ag,
and Au, and of P t, and Pd from effects
of cold-work, 53, 1774 ; shape and struc­
ture of Pb shot, 53, 2994, 6234.
Tammann, G., and v. Lowis of Menar, A.
B ehaviour of polonium during crystn.
of m etals, 53, 4 4 .
Tammann, G., and Rocha, H . J . D etec­
tion of small quantities of eutectic in
m etals by dotn. of tensilo strength as
function of tem p., 53, 4394.
Tanabe, Tomojird. High-tensile brass.—
I., II., 53, 2984.
Tanaka, Seiji. Metallurgical coke, 53,
Tanaka, Shinsuke, and Matano, Chujiro.
Dotn. of coeff. of diffusion of m etals in
solid state, 53, 3414.
Tananaev, I. Potontiom etric estn. of Zn,
53, 364.
Tananaev, N. A. D etection of Cs, R b, and
T1 by spot tests, 53, 354.
Tananaev, N. A., and H arm ash, E. P.
Detn. of Cs in presonco of R b and other
alkali m etals, 53, 3194.
Tananaev, N. A., and Yassiliova, E . W.
Spot m ethod of approxim ately estim at­
ing Au, 53, 1414.
Tanim ura, H., and W asscrmann, G. Sys­
tem Bo-Cu, 53, 6204.
Tarocchi, G. Moulding sands, 53, 3274.
Task, Edgar P. Proposed 800-ft. A tlantic
liner, 53, 4074.
Tasker, Edward E rnest. Elected member,
51, 26.
Tasker, Hubert Sanderson. E lected member, 51, 314.
Tatu, H. Use of Al in construction of
H 20 2 bleaching machinery, 53, 6754.
Taussig, Rudolf. B o o k : “ Eloktrischo
Schmolziifon,” 53, 6014.
Taylor, A. H., and Edwards, Junius D.
U ltra-violet and light reflecting pro­
perties of Al, 53, 3374.
Taylor, E. R. Book compiled by :
“ Definitions and Formulas for Students,”
53, 4784 (review).
Taylor, F. See W right, L.
Taylor, F. Johnstone. Developments in
gas-fired furnaces, 53, 2074.
Taylor, Nelson W. Solid Cd am algam s;
X -ray proof of compd. Cd3Hg, 53, 6244.
Tchuiko, N. M. H g as dispersion m edium
(colloidal nature of Fo amalgam), 53,
Templin, R. L. Autom atic autographic
oxtonsomoter for use in tension tests of
m aterials, 53, 2644 ; fatigue properties
of light m etals and alloys, 53, 4894 ;
properties of pure Si, 53, 4744.
Tesh, K. S., and W oodward, H . E. Na
am algam form ation from NaCl solns.,
53, 3634.
Teske, W. Sec Sauerwald, F.
Tewes, Karl. Elect, welding or autogen­
ous gas welding ? 53, 5 8 8 4 ; see also
H orn, H ans A.
Thanheiser, Gustav. See Dickens, Peter.
Therkelsen, Eric. Properties of alloys
of Ni with Ta, 53, 4944, 5524.
Thews, — . Casting tem p, and mecli.
properties of Al alloys, 53, 1464.
Thews, Edmund Richard. Al alloys.
Effect of melting and pouring tem ps.,
. 53, 3 774; deoxidation of red brass
with P, 53, 1484 ; fluxes for brass,
53, 2674 ; graphite crucibles, 53, 2104 ;
Mn-bronzc, 53, 1484; melting and
casting of Mg alloys, 53, 3794 ; molting
and pouring white boaring m etals, 53,
1504 ; protection and refining slags for
prepn. of brass alloys, 53, 1484 ; rom elting and refining of old Cu for
Name Index
xnanuf. of rolling ingots, billots, and
plates, 53, 43A ; sampling of secondary
w hite m etals and residues, w ith special
consideration of Amorican methods,
53, 258-4; some new AI alloys, 53,
549.4; special A1 alloys, 53, 11-4 ;
treatm ent of Cu wire scrap, 53, 382-4.
Thews, Edmund Richard, and Herrm ann,
W. E . Prodn. of Fo-poor romelted Zn,
53, 327/1.
E. Automatic
machines by A.E.G., 53, 6724 ; macliino
welding by Arcatom process, 53, 672/1.
Thiessen, P. A., and H eum ann, J . Com­
parison of interm etallic compd. AuC<l3
crystallized from molten alloys with
th a t precipitated from sdln., 53, 130/1.
Thilo, E. Book : “ Die Valenz dor
Metalle Fe, Co, N i, Cu und ihre Ver­
bindungen m it Dioximon,” 53, 427/1
Thomas, D. J. Brazing and welding
technique, 53, 280.4 ; fluxes for brazing,
53, 396/1.
Thomas, H. S. Discussion on Maenaughtan, Clarke, and Prytherch’s
paper on " T h e Determ ination of the
Porosity of Tin Coatings on Steel,”
53, 245/1.
Thomas, K. Now casting process for Al,
53, 714/1.
Thomas, 0 . L. Pickling practice, 53,
Thomas, R. P. Sec Sehueler, J . E.
Thomas, W. Rheinallt, and Evans, E. J.
Hall effect and some other phys. con­
stan ts of alloys. I.—P b-B i series of
alloys, 53, 493/1.
Thomassen, L., and Wilson, J . E . , Broaden­
ing of X -ray lines of cold-worked Al, 53,
Thompson, F. C. Effect of backward
pull on tension roquired to draw wire,
53, 6674 ; now light on wire-drawing,
53, 3894 ; Sn-bronzes, 53, 1224.
Thompson, F. C., and Francis, E. L.
Appendix on wire-drawers’ derm atitis,
53, 1634.
Thompson, G. P. Concerning W. T.
Sproull’s article on “ Diffraction of
Low-Speed Electrons by a Tungsten
Single C rystal,” 53, 7014.
Thompson, G. W. Characteristics of Pb,
53, 1144 ; principles of research lab.
managem ent, 53, 535/1.
Thompson, Guy V. Corrosion prevention
in ice plants, 53, 864.
Thompson, J. Colbond in foundry, 53,
5224 ; oxv-acetylene welding Al crank­
case, 53, 3974.
Thompson, J. G. Phys. properties of
commercial Th, 53, 6114.
Thompson, J. H. C. Theory of visco­
elasticity : thermo-dynamical treatm ent
of visco-elasticity and some probloms
of vibrations of visco-elastic solids, 53,
Thompson, M. de Kay. Adhesion of
metallic electrodeposits, 53, 3 1 4 ; re ­
cent developments in electroplating,
53, 5 1 1 4 ;
recent foreign original
research in electroplating, 53, 2554.
Thompson, M. de Kay, and Jelen, F . C.
Cr plating on Zn, 53, 27/1.
Thompson, M. de Kay, and Morrissey, R . B.
Potentials of ferro—Mn and of forro-Cr
anodes a t different c.d. and hydrate
concentrations, 53, 256/1.
Thompson, M. de Kay, and Soy I, R. G.
Depolarization by graphite anodes in
electrolysis of A120 3, 53, 5604.
Thompson, P. F. Case against standard iza tion of chom. analysis, 53, 3 1 5 4 ;
corrosion of chom. Pb, 53, 1314 ; cor­
rosion of m etals, 53, 133/1; high temp,
experim ental furnace, 53, 3714 ; three
indicators, 53, 3174 : use of KOH as
fusion reagent, 53, 3174.
Thomson, G. P. See Finch, G. X.
Thomson, G. P., S tuart, Norman, and
Murison, C. A. Crystalline state of thin
sputtered films of P t, 53, 305/1.
Thon, N. See Mario, Ch.
Thum, A. Influence of corrosion on
fatigue lim it of Cr-Ni alloys, 53, 6334.
Thum, A., and Buchmann, W. B o o k :
“ Dauerfostigkeit und K onstruktion,”
53, 2224.
Thum, A., and Ochs, H . Prevention of
corrosion-fatiguo by pressure, 53, 22/1.
Thum, A., and y schätz, H. P a th followed
by fatigue fracture in m etal parts, 53,
Thum, E. E. Sec Campbell, William.
Thurow, Willy H. Book : “ E nglischDeutsches und Deutsch-Englisches W ör­
terbuch der Chemie,” 53, 2884 (review).
Tichonov, — . Com parative tests of n itro ­
cellulose lacquer coats on D uralum in and
wood, 53, 5054.
Tichvinsky, L. M. See Hensel, F. R.
Tiemann, Hugh P. B o o k : “ Iron and
Steel,” 53, 6044 (review).
Timofejew, A. I. Book : “ Light Metal
Alloys, Their Applications and P roper­
ties,” 53, 4244.
Tischer, Josef. Colorimetric detn. of Mg
in very sm all quant, in solns. contg.
Mg alone or Mg and Ca, 53, 3694.
Titow, P. S. Book : “ Laboratory Guide
to Electrochem istry ” (in R ussian), 53,
Tjulkin, A. A. See Abdejew, M. A.
TÖdt, F. Corrosion and residual current,
53, 3094 ; Pb poisoning from drinkingwater, 53, 1064.
Together, M. B. H a rd m etals in drilling,
53, 5274.
Togo, Shinji. Coeff. of therm al expansion
of heating wires, 53, 3474 ; elect, resist­
ance of heating wires, 53, 3474 ; forced
life testing of heating wires, 53, 3474 ;
oxidation testing of heating wires a t
high tem p., 53, 3474 ; testing of tensile
strength of heating wires a t high tem p.,
53, 3464.
Toja, V. See Cambi, L.
Tokunaga, Masakatu. H ardness of m etal­
lic elements, 53, 6544.
Tolmatscheff, P. See Chlopin, Vitalius.
Nam e Index
TomiÖek, 0 ., and Komarok, K. Gravi­
m etric detn. of Co with dinitrorcsorcinol,
53, 3684.
Tomiöek, 0., and Sucharda, B. Chlor*
amino as reagent in vol. analysis, 53,
Tomlinson, F. E lected Member of Coun­
cil, 51, 26.
Tompa, H. Sec H al la, F.
Tone, Frank J. H igh-tem p. products of
Si, 53, 4754.
Tonks, L. See Sixtus, K. J.
Tonks, L., and Sixtus, K. J . Propagation
of large Barkhauscn discontinuities.
I I I .—Effect of circular field w ith torsion,
53, 2 3 6 4 ; IV .— Regions of reversed
m agnetization, 53, 440.1.
Tonn, W. See Köster, W.
Toole, F. J., and Johnson, F. M. G. Soly.
of 0 2 in Au and in certain Ag-Au alloys,
53, 4344.
Tosterud, Martin. See Edwards, J. D.
Touchard, R. A1 in central heating, 53,
Tour, Sam. Furnace atm ospheres, 53, 444 ;
see also Fuller, T. S.
Tourneur, E. Removal of sand from cast­
ings, 53, 1524.
Townsend, J. R. Lab. for welding studies,
53, 1684.
Trautm ann, B. Melting and casting Ni
and non-ferrous m otals contg. Ni, 53,
Travers, A., and Lu, — . Vol. detn. of
Pb, 53, 3204.
Trebler, H. A. Use of A1 in dairy equip­
m ent, 53, 5294.
Tregoning, G. E. Discussion on Macnaughtan, Clarko, and P rytherch’s paper on
“ The Determ ination of the Porosity of
Tin Coatings on Steel,” 53, 2464.
Tremayne, A. Discussion on possibility
of standardizing electrodeposits, 53,
Trettin, K. Age-hardening of alloys as
dispersoid-chem. problem, 53, 4394,
Trevis, B. D ust removal from used sands,
53, 2704.
Trewin, C. S. See H am m el, V. F.
Trigger, T. C. Lab. equipm ent for Rental
casting, 53, 2614.
Tritton, F. S. Discussion on N orthcott’s
paper on “ Veining or Sub-Boundary
Structures,” 53, 2394.
Trivelli, A. P. H., and Foster, L. V.
Photom icrography with 365m/x H g arc
lino, 53, 3514.
Tronstad, Leif. Fixed surface film reac­
tions, 53, 3094 ; investigation of thin
surface films by reflected polarized light,
53, 3514 ; m etallurgical microscope
using polarized light, 53, 964.
Tronstad, Leif, and Bommen, B. W. Pene­
tration of non-metallic protective coat­
ings on A1 by halogen ions, 53,
Trtilek, J. See Dubsk£, J . V.
Trumbull, H. L. Direction of investiga­
tion in experim ental stage, 53, 5354.
Trumper, H. B. H ealth of Cr-plating
workers, 53, 2524.
Try-Chalons, — . “ Y ’’-alloy, 53, 6954.
Tryon, F. G. See Bain, H . F.
Trzebiatowski, W. Recrystn. phenomena
on synthetic m etal bodies, 53, 2264.
Tschorn, Gerhart. B o o k : “ W erkstoff­
prüfung in der Eisen- und Stahlgiesserie,” 53, 6854 (review).
Tschurakow, N. W. Book : “ Electrolytic
Chromium Plating on Iron and Steel ”
(in Russian), 53, 2224.
Tucker, W. A., and Sinclair, S. E. Creep
and structural stability of N i-C r-Fd
alloys a t 1600° F. (870° C.), 53, 5504.
Tull, Richard. Recent trends in alloy
steels, 53, 4684.
Tullis, D. R. H eat-treating and forging
some light alloys, 53, 484 ; provontion
of grain-growth in wrought A1 alloys,
53, 5484 ; refining grain in Al alloys,
53, 5704.
Tuplin, W. A. Selection of worm-gearing,
53, 4674.
Turner, George. Elect, furnace heating,
53, 994 ; molting of Al by electricity,
53, 1554.
Turner, T. Discussion on “ G raphitic Sil­
icon, H eat-T reat m ent, and the Electrical
Conductivity of Alum inium ,” 51, 207 ;
discussion on M acnaughtan, Clarke, and
P rytherch’s paper on “ Tho D eterm ina­
tion of the Porosity of Tin Coatings on
Steel,” 53, 2454.
Turner, T. H. R ecent developments in
engineering m aterials, 53, 4754.
Turnipseed, Edward S. Sec Stillwell,
Charles W.
Turpin, Wilfred Surtees. E lected student
member, 51, 26.
Tuzi, Ziro. Photographic and kinem atographic study of photo-elasticity, 53,
Twigger, —. Discussion on oil-fired fu r­
naces, 53, 1574.
Twyman, Rudolf. Book edited by : “ The
Practico of Spectrum Analysis w ith
Hilger Instrum ents,” 53, 6014.
Tyler, Paul M. Arsenic, 53,
hafnium , 53, 6 1 0 4 ; p a m p h le t: “ A n­
timony in 1931,” 53, 4244.
Tyler, Paul M., and Meyer,
H. M.
P am p h let: “ Mercury in 1931,” 53,
Tyler, Paul M., and P etar,
A. V.
P a m p h le t:
“ Cobalt, Molybdenum,
Tantalum , and Titanium in
53, 4244.
Tyrie, Thomas. Elected member, 51, 313.
Tyson, W. Uso of Al and Al alloys in
1933 automobile design, 53, 3314.
Tyvaert, P. See. Laissus, J .
Tzach, Samuel. Scrap and Cu m arket,
53, 5744 ; scrap and Pb m arket, 53,
Tzelikov, N. A. Prodn. of m etallic Na and
its use in industry, 53, 1394.
Tzypurdeev, S. D. Gas porosity in brass
castings, 53, 414 ; use of phosphorbronzo for wire, 53, 6664.
Name Index
Ubbelohde, A. R. See Egerton, A.
U6da, Taro. Effect of torsion on density,
dimensions, and olect. resistance of
metals, 53, 6*4.
Uemura, Taku, and Sueda, Hideo. Stick
Sb electrode for m easurem ent of H-ion
concentration, 53, 1994.
Ulrich, Carolyn F. Book : “ Periodicals
Directory,” 53, 1104.
Umansky, Y. S. See Bachmetow, E. F.
Umhau, John B. P a m p h le t: “ Sum ­
marized D ata of Tin Production,” 53,
Unangst, Richard B. See Beal, George D.
Uno, Denzo, and Yosida, Sadamu. Tem ­
per-hardening of alloys. II.—Abnormal
phenomena w ith Ag-rich Al-Ag alloys
during heat-treatm ent, 53, 5524.
Unwin, T. F. Fuel oil in m etallurgical
m olting and heating practice, 53, 1564 ;
use of fuel oil in furnaces, 53, 1574.
Upthegrove, C. Influence of compn. of
bearing alloys, 53, 2384.
Urban, — . See Goroncy, — .
Urech, P. Analytical detn. of state of Si
in A1 and in A i-Si alloys, 53, 6494.
Urtel, — . P b poisoning and importance
from point of view of Zn industry, 53,
Usov, W. W. Mech. properties of Al
conductors, 53, 2894.
Vaders, Eugen. Discussion on “ P re ­
cipitation-H ardening
Alloys Containing Aluminium,” 52,
186; discussion on “ Properties of
Some Tem per-H ardening Copper Alloys
Containing Additions of Nickel and
Aluminium,” 52, 186.
Valentiner, S., and Becker, G. Heusler
alloys, 53, 6 2 0 4 ; magnotic properties
of system Mn-Cu-Al, 53, 714 ; sus­
ceptibility and elect, conductivity of
Cu-Mn alloys, 53, 2344 , 4914.
Valentini, Ascanio. Book : “ Elem enti di
elettrochim ica generale ed applicata,”
53, 604.
Valk, I., and Ivanov, S. V. Method of
calculating yield of non-ferrous m etals
from scrap in Ü.S.S.R., 53, 2074.
Valouch, M. A. Rolling texture of Zn,
53, 1304 ; see also Schmid, E.
Valter, A. F., Gutin, S. S., Lapunzova,
T. G., and Stepanov, D. V. Elec­
trolytic oxidation of Al by H .-F, a.c.
(prelim, results)» 53, 6364.
van Alphen. See Alphen.
van Amstel, J. J. A. Ploos. See Ploos van
Amstel, J . J . A.
van Arkel. See Arkol.
van Bruggen. See Bruggen.
Van de Loo, Heinrich. T h esis: “ Dor
Einfluss des Beizens und Verzinkens auf
die Festigkeitseigenschaften von gezo­
genem S tahldraht,” 53, 4254.
Van Düsen. See Düsen.
Van Horn, Kent R. Discussion on
M alin's paper on “ V ariations in Microstructure inherent in Processes of
M anufacturing E xtruded and Forged
Brass,” 53, 1614; discussion on Smith
and Lindlief’s paper on “ The E quili­
brium Diagram of the Copper-Rich
Copper-Silver Alloys,” 53, 1224; see
also Fink, W illiam L.
van Klooster. See Klooster.
van Nieuwenburg. See Niouwenburg.
van Someren. See Someren.
van Steewen. See Steewen.
Vanyukov, V. A., Murach, N. N., and
Genvarskli, A. N. Experim ents on
smelting pptd. fine Sn dust, 53, 1394.
Vanzetti, Guido. Elected member, 51, 26.
Vargunin, P. A. »See Voronov, S. M.
Varinois, M. Corrosion and protection of
condenser tubes, 53, 5004.
Varlet, J. Expansion of sand moulds and
cores, 53, 2694.
Varshavski, G. E. Now m ethod of weld­
ing. extra-hard alloy “ Pobedit ”— I.,
53, 6714.
Vasil’ev, A. M. L a in analysis, 53, 3694.
Vasil’ev, K. V. Universal cham ber for
X -ray photographs, 53, 7114.
Vasquez-Garriga, J. New m ethods of
analysis of m aterials used in aviation,
53, 3164.
Vassilieva, E. W. See Tananaev, N. A.
Vasskuliler, H. See Grube, G.
Vasu, Mircea. Thesis : “ Ü ber die olektrolyt. Abscheidung des Zinns aus
alkalischen Lösungen,” 53, 4254.
Vaughan, C. Prodn. of gravity and
pressure dio-castings in AI.—I., II ., 53,
Vaupel, F.
Grube, G.
Vaupel, 0 .
Heike, W.
Velarde, C. A. See Sm ith, E.
J. Detection of Ag in
very dilute solns. by phys. development,
53, 5144.
Vella-Ferrand, A. Forging and stam ping
of Duralum in, 53, 504.
Velluz, L. ¿See Dobucquot, L.
V6r, Tibor. Correspondence on ‘‘In te r­
pretation of the Tensile T est (With
Reference to Lead Alloys),” 51, 68.
Verkhovtzev, M. P. Removal of Cu from
R idder crude P b, 53, 1394.
Vernitz, L., and Kudinova, A. Testing
resistance of m etals under conditions
of CC14 prodn., 53, 5014.
Vernon, M. A. Naeser colour pyrom eter,
53, 2654.
Vernon, W. H. J. P a p e r: “ Note on
the Green Patina on Copper. Examples
from Elan Valley (Wales) and Dundalk
(Ireland),” 52, 93.— Discussion : J . A. N.
Friend, 96; J . C. Hudson, 96 ; C. II. M.
Jenkins, 97.— Reply to discussion, 98.—
Correspondence : A . N. C athcart, 99.—
Reply to correspondence, 99; rocent
investigations on atm ospheric corrosion
of Cu, 53, 204.
Vernotte, Pierre. Fatigue of m etals.
Methods for detg. lim it, 53, 2 6 1 4 ;
practical m ethod of detg. therm al
conductivity of small m etal rods, 53,
5674 ; see also Filliatre, Louis.
Name Index
Verö, J. Equiiib.' diagr. of C u-Sn-P
alloys, 53, 021/1.
Vessolovski, — . See Chapiro, J . A.
Veszelka, Jôszef. Book : “ U ntersuchung­
en über die Gloichgewichtsvorhältnisso
weitorlegierter Bronzen,” 53, 60/1 ;
oquilib. diagr. of P b-S n bronzes, 53,
12.4 ; oquilib. relations of heavily
alloyed bronzes. I.— Cu-N i-Sn system.
II.—Equiiib. diagr. of P b-S n bronzes,
53, 183/1.
Vickers, C. Al-bronzo : influence of Fe
on dimensions of crystals, 53, 233/1.
Vickers, John Bernard. Elected student
member, 51, 27.
Viez, H. Perm eability of foundry sand,
53, 573/1.
Vigoureux, P. A pparatus for comparison
of o.m.f. of standard cells, 53, 454/1.
Villachon, A. See Chaudron, G.
Villemaire, Louis. Book : “ T raité do
Photo-mötallographio,” 53, 6024.
Vincent, H. B. See Firestone, F. A.
Vincke, E. Coloured Au alloys, 53, 13/1 ;
see also Moser, H .
Vitman, F. See Davidonkov, N.
Vivian, A. C. Percentage elongation, 53,
Vogel, Friedrich. Book : “ Neuere Wege
in der Metallurgie der Lager und Wcissmetallo,” 53, 286/1.
Vogel, R. See Bohner, H . ; H anem ann, R.
Vogel, Rudolf. See W inkler, Kazimir.
Vogel, Rudolf, and B aur, H erm ann. Sys­
tem Fe-FeS-M nS,-M n, 53, 493/i.
Vogt, E. Book : “ M agnetismus der m etal­
lischen Elem ente,” 53, 427/1 (review).
Vogt, H. See Grubo, G.
Vogt, John H. Foundry ventilation, 53,
Volker, Ernst. See Neum ann, K urt.
Vollenbruck, 0 . See Bauer, 0 .
Vollmert, F. See Garro, B.
Volmer, M. See Brandes, H .
Volmer, M., and Marder, M. Thoory of
linear velocity of crystn. of undercooled
m elts and of undercoolcd solid modifica­
tions, 53, 354/1.
Volmer, M., and Schultze, W. Condensa­
tion on crystals, 53, 354/1.
Volsi, Natale Li. Book : 4< Guida di analisi
chimica qualitativa,” 53, 683/1.
Vom Baur. See Baur.
von Bergkampf. See Schwarz von Bergkampf.
von Bernewitz. See Bernowitz.
von Bleichert. See Bleichert.
von Bruchhausen. See Bruchhausen.
von Conrady. See Conrady.
von Goler. See Göler.
von Hevesy. See Hevesy.
von Laue. See Laue.
von Lowis of Menar. See Löwis of Menar.
von Migray. See Migray.
von Pattantyus. See P attan ty u s.
von Roessler. See Roessler.
von Schlippenbach. See Schlippenbach.
von Schoenbeck. See Schoenbeck.
von Schwarz. See Schwarz.
von Stackelberg. See Stackelberg.
von Susich. See Susich.
von Zeerleder. See Zeorledor.
Vondracek, R. D otn. of thickness and
quality of protective coatings on gal­
vanized Fe, 53, 23/1.
Voronov, S. M. Methods o f strengthening
Duralum in by therm al tre a tm e n t, 53,
Voronov, S. M., and Vargunin, P . A.
Annealing of Duralum in, 53, 665/1.
Vowler, J. N. See Ham pson, R. E . V.
Vueillenmier, E. A. Peeling of electrodeposited Ni, 53, 253/1.
Vuigner, E. Electrodopn. of Cu, 53, 639/1,
Vyle, (Sir) Gilbert Cristopher. O bituary
notice, 52, 251.
Wachi, G. See Aizawa, T.
Waddington, Alfred Godfrey.
member, 51, 314.
W aehlert, M. Book edited by : “ NickelHandbucli : Nickel-Eisen und andere
Nickel-Legierungen m it besonderen p h y ­
sikalischen Eigenschafton,” 53, 2854 ;
“ N ickel-Kupfer. Teil I.— Legierungen
u nter 50% Nickel. Teil II.—Legierungen
über 50% Nickel,” 53, 285/1 ; 41 N ickelStähle. Baustähle,” 53, 285/1 ; “ Nic­
kel-Stähle. W erkzeugstähle,” 53, 2854.
Wagener, G. H oat-transfer in annealing
furnaces, 53, 3824.
Wagner, Carl. In terpretation of electro­
lytic portion of conduction in amalgams
and other alloys.—II., 53, 4494.
Wagner, H., and Kolb, H . D etn. of Zn
in A1 and A1 alloys, 53, 3224.
W ahl, A. M. Studying how machino
parts act under stress, 53, 2624.
W ahlin, H. B. See Fritsche, Oscar.
W ahlin, H. B., Fritsche, Oscar, and
Oesterle, J . F . Refractory m aterials for
melting pure m etals, 53, 2734.
Waibel, F. Developm ent and position of
quant, spectrum analysis. I.—Phys.
principles and m ethods, 53, 1404.
W ainwright, C. Alloys of Fo research.
X I.—Constitution of alloys of Fe and
Mn. Appendix I.— X -ray Analysis of
Mn-rich alloys heat-treated and quenched
from different tem ps., 53, 6244.
W ake, R. Cause and prevention of cylin­
der w ear in I.C, road engines, 53, 408/1 ;
reconditioning valve seats in I.C. road
engines, 53, 4664.
Waldorf, F. Bearings for rolling-mill gear
drives, 53, 3894.
W alerstein, I., and May, A. I. Construc­
tion of air-cooled electrom agnet, 53,
W alker, Amy. See Fonda, Gorton R.
W alker, Arthur L. See Y eatm an, Pope.
W alker, Harold L. See Drier, R oy W.
W alker, J. C. Use of towns’ gas in melting
and heating of m etals, 53, 1574.
W all, Alfred Osborne. Elected member,
51, 313.
Name Index
Walle, R. Bo-Cu wires a t low tomps.,
53, 344*4.
Wallichs, A., and Schallbroch, H . H a rd ­
ness testing w ith prelim, load (Rockwell
m ethod) in its appn. to standard Brinell
values, 53, 654/1.
Wallsom, H. E. D eterioration of boiler
m etal, 53, 243/1, 359/1.
W alter, C. M. In d u st, uses of tow n’s gas,
53, 663/1.
W alters, Francis M., Jr. Alloys of Fo and
Mn. Transform ations and heterogeneity
in binary alloys of Fe and Mn, 53, 624/1.
W alton, A rthur. See S hutt, W illiam
Jam es.
W alton, R. H., Blazoy, C., Rawson, V. S.,
and Barker, V. Authorized tontative
m othods of sampling and analysis of
Cu, 53, 140/1.
W ard, A. M. See Fleck, H . Ronald.
Ward, Cyril Ewen. Elocted m em ber, 51,
W areham, Herbert. Elected member, 51,
W arner, David M. Special m othods of
testing aircraft m aterials, 53, 373/1.
W arre, N. R. Salving Al castings, 53,
Warrick, D. L., and Mack, Edward, Jr.
Cu m em brane gas-moleculo sieve. Callendar’s theory of osmosis, 53, 677/1.
W arrington, C. J. S. Modern m ethods of
cleaning m etals, 53, 668/1.
W artena, R. See Weiss, P .
Warwick, C. L. See Lawson, T. R . ;
Moore, H . F .
Waschek, Hans. Thesis : “ Das Fliesson
boim Druckversuch,” 53, 602/1.
W ashburn, D. E. Lime in wire-drawing,
53, 213A .
W assermann, G. Discussion on Edm unds
and Fuller’s paper on “ Relation of
Crystal Oriontation to Bending Qualities
of Rolled Zinc Alloy,” 53, 127/1;
heating device for X -ray specimens,
53, 261/1; structure of toch. Zn dust,
53, 191/1; transform ation of Co, 53,
114.4.; see also Obinata, J . ; Schmid, E . ;
Tanim ura, H .
Wastrow, M. Cd as substitute for casting
wax, 53, 411/1.
W aterhouse, E. F., and Schoollor, W. R.
Analytical chem istry of Ta, Nb, and
thoir m ineral associates. X X II.—-Sepn.
of earth acids from m etals of H 2S group,
53, 318/1.
W aterhouse,
H. Correspondence
“ Some Effects of the Addition of
Tollurium to Load,” 51, 90.
W aterm an, A. T. Contact potential
difference, 53, 693.4.
W aterm an, A. T., and Henshaw, C. L.
Extension of Fowler’s theory of photo­
elect. sensitivity as function of tem p.,
53, 548/1.
W atson, E. M., and Zabel, W . P . Im ­
proved comparison source for measuring
furnace tem ps., 53, 40/4.
W attenberg, H. Two m ethods of forming
Na and K nitrides, 53, 73/1.
W atts, Oliver P. Eloctrocliom. theory of
corrosion, 53, 635/1.
Wawrziniok, —*. A ttack by lubricating
oil, 53, 243-4; cause of corrosion of
vehicle p a rts by lubricants, 53, 242/1.
Weaver, Frances D. P a p er: “ Experi­
ments on the Effects of Variations in
Mould and Pouring Temperature on the
Macro- and Microstructures of Some Low
Melting-Point Metals and Alloys,” 51,
29.— Discussion : (Miss) Marie L. V.
Gaylor, 42, 44; W. Rosonhain, 43;
C. H . Dosch, 45; M. L. Becker, 45.—
Reply to discussion, 45.— Correspondence :
W . J . P . Rohn, 47.— Reply to cor­
respondence,, 47.
Weaver, J. C. See Stam m , D. E .
Webber, H. M. Fabricating products by
elect, furnaoe brazing, 53, 585/1; low
cost and high quality in olect. furnaces,
53, 524/1; practical notes on olect.
furnace brazing, 53, 217/1.
Webber, W illiam C. H 3P 0 4 imposes
severe corrosive burden, 53, 82/1.
Weber, F. J. See Schm idt, G. G.
Webster, Frederick Philip. Elected mem*
bor, 52, 15.
Webster, W. L. Phenom ena occurring in
molting of m etals, 53, 4864.
Webster, W. R., Christie, J . L., and
P ra tt, R. S. Comparative properties of
Oj-free high-conductivity phosphorizod
and tough-pitch Cu, 53, 177A .
Weddell, R. R. Boring—ideal appn. of
tungsten carbide, 53, 391/1.
Wedenkin, S. G. B o o k : 44 The Cor­
rosion of Metals and its Prevention ”
(in Russian), 53, 683/1.
Weed, J. Murray. See Doan, G ilbert E.
W eerts, J. E lasticity of Cu sheets, 53,
338.4 ; precision X -ray m ethod in alloy
research, 53, 130/1; transform ation
processes in /3-brass and /3-Ag-Zn
alloys, 53, 12/1, 350*4 ; see also Bauer, O .;
Sachs, G .; Stenzel, W .; Straum anis, M.
Wehner, Gunther. Thesis : 44 Die Umwandlungon in fester Phase beim
System Kupfer-G okl,” 53, 425/1.
Weil, — . Advances in construction of
m achinery for working of shoot, 53,
583/1; shockless jo lt moulding m achine
w ith pneum atic pressing device and for
high lift stroke, 53, 5734, 716/1.
Weil, A. W. Anodic oxidation and dyeing
of Al for decorative purposes, 53,
Weill, A. Dudley* Modern practice in
m etal cloaning, 53, 216/1; symposium
on m etal cleaning, 53, 217/1.
Weill, S. E. Discussion on possibility of
standardizing electrodeposits, 53, 511/1.
Weinstein, Lily I., and Benedetti-Pichler,
A. A. D istillation m ethod for rapid
detn. of volatile constituents in small
samples of Cu~Zn alloys, 53, 140/1.
Weiss, C. R. W ear of m etals due to
abrasion, 53, 117/1, 340/4.
Weiss, Erich. Non-ferrous foundries in
Germany, 53, 52L4.
Weiss, Georg. Annealing box for cold-
Name Index
rolling mills and wire-drawing works,
53, 160.4.
Weiss, L. Reading of rolling prossuro
w ith watt-m etor, 53, 3894.
Weiss, P., and W artona, R . Prossuro
casting of brass, 53, 3274.
Weissenberger, Geo. Uso of A1 in hydro­
genation and p aten t protection of
apparatus, 53, 564.
W ejnarth, Axel. Elect, arc and arc
resistance furnaces and thoir power
factor, 53, 6624 ; molting point dotns.
of some m etallurgical slags, 53, 3764.
Welitschko, I. P. Sec B otchvar, A. A.
Welling, Charles E. Changes in m ass of
anode of A l-Pb coll, 53, 5614.
Wellings, A. W. Direct titration of Mg
and MnSO* using fluorescein as adsorp­
tion indicator and extension of method
to direct titration of other soluble
sulphates and alums, 53, 2594.
Wensel, H. T. See Henning, F . ; Roosor,
Wm. F.
W entz, E. C. Hipernik— its uses and
lim itations, 53, 4184.
Wer, Olga I. Book : “ Problem of the
Chemical Resistance of Alloys ” (in
Russian), 53, 4244.
W erner, Eugen. Im portance of forricyanido tost, 53, 3 0 4 ; structure of Ni
plate, 53, 894.
Werner, Max. Sec Baisch, Erich.
Wernick, S. Cleaning of iron and stool,
53, 2164 ; discussion on possibility of
standardizing oloctrodeposits, 53, 5114 ;
olectrodepn. of Cd from CdS04 solns.—
I., 53, 2 5 0 4 ; symposium on motal
cleaning, 53, 2174 ; Zn or Cd plating,
53, 7084.
Wesselowsky, A. F. Sec Britzke, E . V.
West, C. L. Assembly of steel stampings
by continuous furnaco brazing, 53, 7194 ;
Cu brazing, 53, 5864 ; new develop­
m ents lower coat of continuous-furnaco
brazing, 53, 5864.
West, Clarence J. Book edited b y :
“ Annual Survey of American Chemis­
try ,” 53, 6024.
West, Clarence J., and Borolzlieimer, D. D.
Book : “ Bibliography of Bibliographies
on Chemistry and Chemical Technology.
Second Supplement 1929-1931,” n 53,
4804 (review).
West, Clarence J., and H ull, Callie. Book
compiled by : “ International Critical
Tables of Numerical D ata, Physics,
Chemistry, and Technology. Index Vol­
umes I-V H ,” 53, 4234.
West, J. See Santos, J . A.
Westbrook, Francis A.
m etals in railway electrification, 53,
W estcott, Oliver Brentwood. See B ritton,
H ubert Thomas Stanley.
Westcott, Victor Reginald. Elected m em ­
ber, 51, 26.
Westerhoff, H. See Moissner, W.
Westgren, Arne. Structure analogies of
alloys, 53, 3044 ; see also Adelskold, V .;
E hret, W. F.
W estman, Leroy E . Elected member, 51,
Wever, F. Discussion on Edm unds and
Fuller’s paper on “ R elation of Crystal
Orientation to Bonding Qualities of
Rolled Zinc Alloy,” 53, 1274.
Wever, Franz, and Lohrm ann, O. P re ­
cision moasuromonts of lattice constants,
53, 764.
Wever, Franz, and Muller, H erm ann.
Precision detn. of lattice constants by
reflection m ethod, 53, 4244, 7024.
Weyerts, W. See Hickm an, K.
Whalley, Harold Kenneth. See Jacobs,
Whalley, Harold Kenneth, and Rideal, Eric
Koightloy. Phase boundary potentials
of adsorbod films on m etals. I.—Bohaviour of Os on Au. I I I .—E xam ina­
tion of interaction of Cu and I , vapour
by m ethod of surface potentials, 53,
W helan, Charles. Al p aint as prim er for
woodwork, 53, 1694.
Whitby, L. Atmospheric corrosion of Mg,
53, 7034 ; dissolution of Mg and Mgbase alloys by natu ral and artificial sea­
waters, 53, 3564 ; dissolution of Mg in
aqueous sa lt solns. I.—Effect of im ­
purities, 53, 3564 ; II., 53, 7034 ; see
also Bengough, G. D.
White, A. E. Engineering Research a t
Michigan, 53, 5974.
W hite, A. E., and Clark, C. L. Comparison
of single-stop long-timo creep results
with H atfield’s tim e-yield stress, 53,
6514 ; creep characteristics of m etals
a t olevatod tem ps., 53, 2914.
W hite, A rthur Southan. E lected member,
51, 27.
W hite, H. Vance. Surface tension of typo
m otal alloys, 53, 5514.
W hite, Harold E. Discussion on R odda’s
paper on “ Preparation of Graded A bra­
sives for Motal lographie Polishing,” 53,
7 5 4 ; elect, resistivity of specialized
refractories, 53, 2084.
W hite, Joseph E. Development of gas as
indust, fuel, 53, 3844.
White, W alter P. Thermol technique, 53,
Whitehead, T. H., and Miller, II. S.
Shorter m ethod for dotg. Cu iodometrically, 53, 3684.
Whitehouse, Frank. Greon-sand cores, 53,
6604 ; hand-moulding and core-making
equipm ent, 53, 1534.
Whitelegg, John R. Al in cotton and wool
industries, 53, 5904, 6754 ; new uses
for Al in textile industry, 53, 4064.
W hiting, W. R. G. Metals in ships. 53,
W hitmore, M. R. A ircraft finishes, 53,
W hittemore, H. L. Growing im portance
of tests—w hat they m ean to welder and
to welding industry, 53, 4054.
W hittick, G. Clement. Rom ano-British
pigs of Pb, 53, 6024 , 6104 ; Shropshire
pigs of Rom an Pb, 53, 6024 , 6104.
Name Index
W hittick, G. Clement, and Sm ythe, J . A.
Exam ination of Rom an Cu from W ig­
townshire and N. W ales, 53, 0024,
Wichers, Ernest. Freezing point of Ir.
Appendix on prepn. and purity of Ir,
53, 5454.
W ick, H. See Erdey-Grüz, T.
W ick, R. M. Decompn. of cyanide solns.,
53, 6414.
Wiedenhoff, A.
Prodn. of cylindrical
pieces in brass, 53, 2144.
W iederholt, W. Behaviour of m etals in
buildings, 53, 4614.
Wiegner, Alfred. Thesis : “ Über das Ver­
halten von Carbiden und Silicidon in
Legierungen bei der Zersetzung durch
Säuren,” 53, 4254.
Wiegner, G., and Stephan, P . B o o k :
“ Technische Physik,” 53, 4244.
W iesenthal, Heinrich. M etal and gelatin
foils, 53, 6794.
W iest, P. Age-hardening processes in A gCu single crystals, 53, 6974 ; develop­
m ent of X -ray m ethod for testing m ate ­
rials, 53, 1444 ; lattice constants and
grain-size in A u-A g alloys, 53, 2404 ;
relation between mochanism of pptn. in
single crystals and polycrystalline aggre­
gates, 53, 1914 ; see also Dehlinger, U.
Wiggin, T. H. Use of non-ferrous service
pipes a t present prices, 53, 5964.
W igman, Helen B. See Beal, George D.
W igner, E., and Seitz, F . Constitution of
m etallic Na, 53, 3524, 7014.
W ilbert, H. Modern machines for elect,
resistance welding, 53, 6714.
Wilcox, G. W. See Keller, F.
Wildbore, H. J. W. B o o k : “ Patonts
Explained,” 53, 6024.
Wiley, R. C., Bewloy, J . P ., and Irey, R.
D etn. of A s : iodometric acidimetric
m ethod, 53, 3194.
Wilkes, Gordon B. Therm al conductivity
of magnesito brick, 53, 3874.
Wilkins, R. A. Herculoy—C u-Si-Sn-Z n
alloy, 53, 6214.
W illard, C. F. R ubber-A l heat-resisting
paint, 53, 1034.
W illiams, Albert Leslie. Elected member,
51, 26.
Williams, C. Edward. Non-ferrous m etals
in foundry, 53, 7134.
Williams, Clyde E. Use of m etals a t
olevated tem ps., 53, 2304 ; use of m etals
in firing processes of vitreous enamelware, 53, 4884.
Williams, E. L. Cluster mills, 4-high mills
and trend of rolling m ill design, 53,
Williams, G. K. Continuous Pb refining
a t works of Broken H ill Associated
Sm elters Proprietary L td., P o rt Pirie,
S. A ustralia, 53, 3144.
Williams, Geo. Galvanized railway m ate­
rials, 53, 854.
Williams, H. R. Case for standardization
of analytical m ethods, 53, 1404.
Williams, I. V. Music wire springs, 53,
Williams, J. D. W hat to look for in
selecting tolephono cords, 53, 5934.
Williams, P. S. Cooling of crystals for
X -ray scattering measurements, 53,
Williams, Robert R. Functions of lab.
organization, 53, 5354.
Williams, S. E. Photographic m ethod of
deriving optical constants of m etals,
53, 1184.
Williams, S. R. Joule m agnetostrictive
effect in group of Co-Fo alloys, 53,
1214 ; moch. hardness influenced by
magnetism, 53, 2934.
Williams, S. R., Stifler, W . W ., and
Soller, T. Sm all experim ental electro­
m agnet, 53, 1434.
Williams, S. V. Discussion on “ An
Investigation of the Effects of Hydrogen
and Oxygon on th e Unsoundness of
Copper-Nickel Alloys,” 51, 254.
Williams, U. Discussion on M acnaughtan,
Clarke, and P rytherch’s paper on “ The
D eterm ination of the Porosity of Tin
Coatings on Steel,” 53, 2464.
W illink, A rthur. Base m otals used in
indust. Cr-plating appns., 53, 294.
W ilmot, V. L. Eardley-. See EardlcyW ilm ot, V. L.
Wilson, A. H. Theory of metals.-—I., 53,
Wilson, Curtis L., Sil liman, H orace F.,
and L ittle, Eugene C. R ate of pptn.
of Ni silicido and Co silicide in hardenablo C u-N i-Si and Cu-Co-Si alloys,
53, 1834.
Wilson, J. E. See Thomasson, L.
Wilson, Thomas A. Crystal structure of
U, 53, 3064 ; unit cell of U calculated
from X -ray powder m ethod data, 53,
Windiate, G. H. F. See Howe, W . L,
W iniwarter, Edmond de, and Orban, Joan.
Characteristics of bath for hard Cr
plating, 53, 1364.
W inkler, C. See Miething, H .
W inkler, Kazimir, and Vogel, Rudolf.
Equilib. diagr. of F e-N i-W system, 53,
W inkler, P. Ed. Vol. detn. of Sn. Appn.
to sepn. of Sb from Sn, 53, 2604.
Winslow, C. E. A. See Greenburg, L.
W inter, Alfred. Economical use of old
m achinery w ith help of special a d ap ta ­
tions, 53, 524.
W interburn,
McCrow. Elected
student member, 51, 27.
W intersberger, K. See Hönigschmid, O.
Wintersberger, Paul Friedrich. , D etn. of
o u tp u t in electroplating practico with
special reference to Ag, 53, 2544.
W irshing, R. J. Plating of Zn-base diecastings, 53, 314.
Wise, Edmund M. Discussion on E d ­
m unds and Fuller’s paper on “ R e­
lation of Crystal O rientation to Bending
Qualities of Rolled Zinc Alloy,” 53,
1274 ; discussion on McAdam’s paper
on “ Influence of Stress on Corrosion,”
53, 1324 ; discussion on Morris’s
Name Index
paper on “ Seasonal Variation in R ate
of Im pingem ent Corrosion T est,” 53,
1324 ; discussion on R odda’s paper on
“ Preparation of Graded Abrasives for
Metallographie Polishing,” 53, 7 5 4 ;
m arch of P t in industry, 53, 5324.
Wise, Edmund M., and Eash, J . T. Role
of P t m etals in dontal alloys. I I I .—
Influence of P t and P d and hoat-treatm ent on m icrostructuro and con­
stitution of basic alloys, 53, 3014.
Wise, Edmund M., Crowell, W alter S.,
and Eash, J. T. Role of P t m etals in
dental alloys, 53, 674.
W ishart, H . B. Sec Moore, H . F.
W illiam
McKee. Obituary
notice, 51, 360.
Wissler, W. A. See Becker, W. A.
Wissler, W. A., and H arris, A. V. H ardfacing in indust, fields, 53, 544.
Withrow, Jam es R. Sec Coles, H enry L.
W itte, R., and Padelt, E. Book : “ Der
Chemie-Ingenieur. Vol. I I .—Physikal­
ische K ontrolle und Regulierung des
Betriebes. P a rt I I : Mengenmessungen
im Betriebo,” 53, 4214.
Wladimirow, R. S. See Moshaiski, P . I.
Woelfel, E. A. See R einhardt, J . A.
Wogrinz, A. Correction of acid Cu and
Ag baths, 53, 2534 ; electrolytic Au
baths, 53, 2534 ; electroplating wiro,
53, 1374.
Wöhler, Lothar, and Schuff, W. Silicides
of alkaline earth motals, 53, 164.
Wöhr, F. Electrolytic oxidation of A1 by
polarized a.c. up to high frequencies,
53, 854.
Wölbling, H., and Steiger, B. Dithizono
(diphenylthiocarbazono) reactions, 53,
Wolf, —. Non-ferrous m etals in Germany,
53, 6804.
Wolf, A., and Goetz, A. Magnetostriction
in Bi single crystals, 53, 4814.
Wolf, L. See Rassow, B.
Wolff, Jam es Daniel. E lected member,
52, 15.
Wolff, Otto. Procedure in indust, use of
gas, 53, 2074.
Wolff, Pierre. R ubber and its appn. in
foundry, 53, 1534.
Wollan, E. 0 . X -ray scatterin g 1 and
atom ic structure, 53, 194.
Wolstenholme, R. A. See Marks, Lord.
Wong, Chaak Y. See Fink, Colin G.
Wood, Leo Kellett Donaldson. Elected
student member, 51, 27.
Wood, R. F. Effect of P t m etals in
assaying, 53, 944.
Wood, R. W. Rem arkable optical pro­
perties of alkali m otals, 53, 3394.
Wood, Thomas E. F urther development
w ith luminous flame burner, 53, 1544.
Wood, W. A. Effect of lattice distortion
and fine grain on X -ray spectra of
m etals, 53, 1924 ; lattice distortion in
nitrided steels and theory of hardness,
53, 6 1 4 4 ; selective lattice distortion
in wires under torsion, 53, 3534.
Wood, W. P. See R ickett, R. L.
Woodward, H. E. See Tesh, K . S.
Wooten, Benjamin Allen. Lab. in stru ­
m ent for stu d y of rigidity in twisting,
53, 3714.
Wooten, Leland A. See Clarke, Beverly L.
W ork, Harold K. Electroplating Zn on Al,
53, 2544, 4484 ; practical probloms
involved in commercial electroplating
on Al, 53, 5104 ; see also E dw ards,
J . D.
Wormer, Grace. E lected member, 51, 26.
Wormser, F. E. Metal industries. Sym ­
posium on their record in 1932 and
prospects for 1933.—Lead, 53, 4704.
Wormwell, F. See Bengough, G. D.
W orthing, A. G. Effect of high electro­
static fields on vaporization of m otals,
53, 4864 ; sec also Norris, Lawrence.
W orthington, Robert. Cu-Ni tubes ; their
advantages for steam condensers, 53,
5314 ; ton years’ progress in Cu-Ni
condenser tubes, 53, 6774 ; sec also
McKay, R obert J .
Wotsche, Johannes. Book : “ Grundlagen
des elektrischen Schmelzofens,” 53,
Woyski, Bruno. E lected m em ber, 52, 15.
Wozdwishenski, M. D. Book : “ The
E xam ination of Motals and Alloys by
Means of X -R ays ” {in R ussian), 53,
6834 ; see also Bachmotew, E. F.
W ray, Robert I. Al primer. I I .—W hy
m ill prim e ? 53, 5924 ; see also Edwards,
Junius D.
Wrigge, Fr. W. See Geilmann, W.
W right, L. Discussion on possibility of
standardizing oloctrodoposits, 53, 5114.
W right, L., and Taylor, F . Electrodopn.
of Sn from alkaline soins., 53, 1984 ;
plating of Zn and Zn-base die-castings,
53, 5104.
W right, Thomas A. Effect of P t m otals in
assaying, 53, 944 ; m etal industries.
Symposium on th eir record in 1932
and prospects for 1933.—Secondary
m etals, 53, 4704 ; secondary m etals, 53,
W right, W. See Loveless, A. H .
W righton, Harold. See Greaves, Richard
H enry.
Wulff, F. See Grimm, W.
W yatt, Reginald Jam es. Elected momber,
52, 15.
Wyman, L. L. Cu em brittlem ent.—II I.,
53, 6894 ; discussion on R odda’s paper
on “ Preparation of Graded Abrasives
for Metallographie Polishing,” 53, 754.
Yamada, Ryônosuké. R elation between
stress and strain in im pact tost, 53,
Yamaguchi, Keiji. Etcliod figures of abrass, 53, 3514 ; fibrous structure of
cold-worked m otals, 53, 3534 ; grain
boundary of aggregates of m etallic crys­
tallites, 53, 2394.
Yamaguchi Keiji, and Nakam ura, Isam u.
S tructure of some tornarv alloys of Al,
Cu, and Fo, 53, 3434.
Nam e Index
Yamins, H. Or. See Zisman, W. A.
Yap, Chu-Phay. Discussion on Phelps and
D avey’s paper on “ An X -R ay Study
of the N ature of Solid Solutions,’* 53,
1294.; influence of surface energy in
disporse systems, 53, 4404.
Yates, E. L. See Owon, E. A.
Yeatman, Pope, Tally, R obert E., Bradley,
F . W ,, Golyer, E. Do, Eavenson, Howard
N., R icketts, L. D., W alker, A rthur L.,
B assett, W. H ., McAuliffe, Eugene,
Alford, Newell G., and Parsons, A. B.
Book : “ Choice of Methods of Mioihg
and Metallurgy,” 53, 4804 {review).
Yensen, T. D. Discussion on Phelps and
D avey’s paper on “ An X -R ay Study
of the N ature of Solid Solutions,” 53,
Yokota, Seinen. Stresses in plate with two
holes and exam ination of cognate prob­
lems, 53, 4764.
Yoselevich, M. See B otchvar, A. M.
Yoshida, Hiroshi. See Kondo, Seiji.
Yosida, Sadamu. See Uno, Denzo.
Young, Andrew H. See Fonda, Gorton R.
Young, Edward R. New tests for sand
cores, 53, 5734.
Young, Horace J. Corrosion—accelerated
wear, 53, 5554.
Young, W. W irt, Jr. Largo-scale brass
annealing in gas-fired muffles, 53, 454,
2714 ; using gas in brass industry, 53.
Zabel, W. P. See W atson, E . M.
Zabivaev, E. Scientific achievements in
field of electrodepn., 53, 2524.
Zacharias, Jerrold. Temp, dependence of
Young’s modulus for Ni, 53, 4834 ; see
also Dingwall, Andrew.
Zahn, H. See K ram er, J.
Zakharova, M. Diffusion of Cu in Fo in
connection with manu£, of bimetals, 53,
Zalesinski, Edward. Elected member, 51,
Zam aron, J. Action of acids on Fo and
Cu, 53, 6324.
Zamotorin, M. See Saldau, P.
Zarges, W. Tech. and constructive tre a t­
m ent of light m etals, 53, 6754.
Zarubin, N. M. Metallographic investiga­
tion of bimetal, 53* 3 0 3 4 ; m ethods of
m etallographic testing of W and Mo,
53, 3034 ; see also Podolsky, J . P.
Zarubin, N. M., and K optzik, A. N. Appn.
of W wire in elect, industry and prin­
ciples of its heat-treatm ent, 53, 5824.
Zarubin, N. M., and Meerson, G. A.
Colour-etching of m etal surfaces, 53,
Zarubin, N. M„ and Molkov, I. P . Prodn.
of com pact W , 53, 1084.
v. Zeerleder, A. Corrosion of Al and its
alloys, 53, 1314 ; m elting and annealing
furnaces for Al and its alloys, 53, 444 ;
research labs, of Aluminium Industrie,
A.G., Menhausen, 53, 4714.
Zegzhda, V. Influonco of size of load
on deform ation of rofractorios a t high
tem ps., 53, 2094.
Zeidler, A. A. B o o k : “ Metallurgy of
Tin ” (in R ussian), 53, 1104.
Zellner, Heinrich, Al as cause of cancer,
53, 5294.
Zeltzer, S. Polarographie studios with
dropping H g cathode. XXV.— Solns. of
Ga, Ti, V, Nb, and Ta, 53, 3654.
Zetzmann, H. J. See Müller, G.
Zeumer, Hans. See R oth, W . A.
Zhanov, G. S. See Zhdanov, G. S.
Zhdanov, Or. S. Statistical anisotropy in
distribution of m icrocrystallites, 53,
3044 ; see also Baclimetow, E. F.
Zhivotinsky, P. B. Cl2-resisting Pb-A g
electrodes.—II ., 53, 784 ; two types of
lab. pum ps for pum ping Hg, 53, 2024.
Zhukov, I. I., and Boltunov, J . A. Uso
of Sb and Mn electrodes for detg. H-ion
concentration, 53, 1384.
Zickrick, Lyall. Effect of small percent­
ages of certain m etals on compressibility
of Pb a t elevated tem p., 53, 2274.
Ziegfeld, Robert L. P b “ burning ” or
welding, 53, 3994.
Ziegler, Allred. See Norton, John T.
Ziegler, N. A. Im proved m ethod for
analysis of gaseous elements in metals,
53, 1414.
Zieler, W. D ark field illum ination adds
contrast and resolving power, 53, 1424.
Zielinski, Emil. T h e sis: “ D er E rfor­
schung der Bedingungen für die chlorie­
rende Verflüchtigung von M etallen,” 53,
Zimmerli, W. F. See Gilbert, H . N.
Zinberg, S.
System atic analysis of
“ W idia ** m etal, 53, 3164.
Zink, Julius. Soly. of P b in wator, 53,
Zintl, E., and Kaiser, H . Capacity of
elements to form negative ions, 53,
Zintl, E., and Neumayr, S. Alloy phases
of type N aPb3, 53, 2404 ; crystal struc­
ture of j8-La, 53, 2404 ; lattice structuro
of In, 53, 2404.
Zisman, W. A. Im proved a pparatus for
m easurem ent of Poisson’s ratio, 53,
4544, 6504.
Zisman, W. A., and Yamins, H . G. Con­
ta c t potential of Zn crystals, 53, 1794.
Zorn, E. Oxy-acetylone welding blow­
pipes w ith several flames for hand opera­
tion, 53, 6744.
Zucchi, Adalberto. Book : “ Manualo di
chimica analitica pura ed applicata. I I.
—Analisa quan titativ a,” 53, 2864.
Zunker, P . See Bauer, O.
Zurbrügg, — . Corrosion researches on
pure Al and Al alloys in contact w ith
different heavy m etals in 3% NaCl soln.,
53, 194 ; directions for cleaning archi­
tectural Anticorodal, 53, 1644.
Zurbrügg, — , and Steinegger, W. A nti­
corodal cattle-truck doors, 53, 774.
Zürrer, Th. T h e sis: “ Ein Beitrag zur
Leichtm etallelektrolyse,” 53, 6024.
Name Index
Zviagintzev, 0 . E. Book : “ Metallurgy
and Technology of Platinum and its
Associates,” 53, 4 2 4 4 ; m aterials in
analysis of P t m etals. IV.—Analytical
sepn. of Cu from Kh, 53, 35.4 ; osmiridium.—I., 53, 352.4.
Zviagintzev, 0 . E., and Brunovskii, B. K.
Osmiridium. I I.—X -ray investigation,
53, 3524.
Zwerina, Josef. See Lang, Rudolf.
Zwicky, F. Co-oporativo phenomena, 53,
3064 ; energy changes related to secondary structure of crystals, 53, 3 5 4 4 ;
plasticity of crystals, 53, 3544.
Zwieg, W. Destruction of Pb cables, 53,
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