Goeie praktyke in die pakstoor JP van den Berg is Top Moerkweker


Goeie praktyke in die pakstoor JP van den Berg is Top Moerkweker
Vol 28 No 5
September • Oktober 2014
Die enigste tydskrif vir die aartappelbedryf • The only magazine for the potato industry
Goeie praktyke in die pakstoor
JP van den Berg is Top Moerkweker
Blaarmonsters as bestuurshulpmiddel
Inhoud • Content
Blaarmonsters as bestuurshulpmiddel in
aartappelproduksie 108
Aartappellewerings aan varsproduktemarkte –
Julie/Augustus 2014 112
Prokon conducts paper and packaging trial in the
interest of the potato industry 115
Gesprek – Conversation
Nuus – News
International News
Plaaslike nuus - Local news
Bemarking – Marketing
The South African living standards measurement
PMA Fresh Connections - Taking fresh to the next level
Moerhandelaarsforum Seed Potato Traders Forum 118
Dagboek – Diary 120
Uit die argiewe – From the archives 120
Tegniese Nuus – Technical News
Potato production in a changing climate: What is in
store for the Eastern Free State?
Goeie praktyke in die pakstoor om na-oesverrotting te
Chlorine is not effective when used in a tank with
recycled water
The law and usage of disinfectants on table potatoes
Navorsingsimposium - 2014 - Research Symposium Ekonomiese nuus – Economic News
Market monitor
Transformasie - Transformation
PIDT visits North Eastern Cape
Internship programme - Placement of Students
for 2015
Bedryfsdienste - Industry Services
Oos-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder droëlandtoestande
op Warden - 2013/14
Oos-Vrystaat verwerkingskultivarproef onder
droëlandtoestande op Warden - 2013/14
Kommunikasie - Communication
New integrated Potatoes South Africa logo
Potatoes South Africa receives IMASA Shiny red
Apple award
Wenners van Aartappels Suid-Afrika en
VLU-Mpumalanga reseptekompetisie
Johan Liebenberg vereer met Aartappels Suid-Afrika
se hoogste toekenning
Skyfie sê – Skyfie says 120
Market agents 122
Promosie-artikels – Advertorials
Velum®Prime - ‘n Evolusie in aartappelverbouing
Verbeter waterverbruik deur plantvoeding
Syngenta stel sy opgegradeerde Potato PackTM
reeks bekend
New Sakata Onions
Kontreinuus - Regional News
Korkom Algemene Jaarvergadering
Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens –
Potato Certification Service
16de Moerkwekersforum - 16th Seed Growers’ Forum
JP van den Berg is 2014 se Top Moerkweker
Sennah Binneblad voor
Haifa 7
Wes-Vrystaat Aartappelmoerkwekers 8
Uniekum 11
Dormas 15
Goldpack 19
SQM 29
Adama 35
Bayer CropScience 45
ICA 51
Omnia 53
Syngenta 71
M & M Transport 73
RSA Saad Beurs 89
Gerber Paper 89
Kynoch 94
Africa Transport Solutions 110
Ivanhoe 111
Buckle Packaging 111
SA Exporters Forum 111
Moerhandelaarsforum 119
CHIPS (Advertensietariewe) 123
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 3
“Al waaroor ons seker- “The only thing certain
heid het, is verandering” is change”
Die bostaande opskrif is ’n aanhaling uit die pen van
Sokrates. Hy staan bekend as een van die grondleggers
van Westerse filosofie. Meer onlangs is dieselfde sentiment
in baie duideliker taal verwoord deur Henry Ford – die
beroemde stigter van die Ford motormaatskappy en ’n
alombekende geskiedkundige figuur in eie reg: “As jy
nie self veranderings maak nie, sal jy die slagoffer van
verandering word”. Dit is ware woorde wat vandag selfs
nader aan die waarheid blyk te wees as lank gelede toe
dit geuiter is.
Soos alle ander bedrywe, het die landbou met verloop
van tyd diepgaande veranderings ondergaan. Onlangse
voorbeelde hiervan is:
• 1995: Die liberalisering van landbouhandel het die
landboulandskap vir altyd verander, soos duidelik
gesien kan word in die toenemende hoeveelhede buitelandse landbougoedere wat op die plaaslike mark
te koop aangebied word. Suid-Afrika is om die
waarheid te sê, ’n netto invoerder van verwerkte
landbougoedere en die plaaslike pryse van genoemde
goedere hou direk of indirek verband met pryse op die
wêreldmark. Dit beteken dus dat dit ’n yslike fout is om
jou plaaslike buurman steeds as jou grootste
mededinger te beskou!
• 1997: Die deregulering van die landboumark in Suid Afrika het ingrypende veranderings ten opsigte van
landboumarkte in die land meegebring. Veranderings aan die institusionele struktuur van die landbousektor
het ook ’n groot invloed uitgeoefen: landboubemarkings rade is in trusts omgeskakel – of in sommige gevalle na
statutêre heffingsliggame – en verskeie koöperasies het
verander in maatskappye met besigheidsmoontlikhede
wat veel verder as net die landbou strek. Samesmeltings
en verkrygings van ander maatskappye het belangrike
besigheidstrategieë geword waar vertikale en
horisontale integrasie aan die orde van die dag is.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
The above title is derived from a quote credited to
Socrates, known as one of the ancient founders of
Western philosophy. More recently, this same sentiment
was expressed in more eloquent terms by Henry Ford –
the famous founder of the Ford Motor Company and a
renowned historical figure in his own right: “If you don’t
lead change, you will become a victim of change”. These
words of wisdom, first uttered so long ago, ring truer today
than when they were first spoken.
Agriculture, like all other industries, has experienced
profound changes over time. Examples of change include:
• 1995: The liberalisation of agricultural trade changed
the agricultural landscape forever, as evidenced by
the increasing volumes of foreign agricultural goods
on the local market. In fact, South Africa is a net
importer of processed agricultural goods, with domestic
prices of such agricultural goods being both directly and
indirectly derived from the world market. In other words,
if one still considers one’s neighbour to be one’s greatest
competition, then one is sadly mistaken!
• 1997: The deregulation of the agricultural market in
South Africa brought about sweeping changes in terms
of the functioning of agricultural markets in the country.
Changes to the institutional structure of the agricultural
sector have also had a major impact, with agricultural
marketing boards converting to trusts – or in some
instances statutory levy bodies – and co-operatives
converting to companies with business operations
stretching far beyond agriculture per se. Mergers and
acquisitions have become important business imperatives
for growth, with vertical and horizontal integration the
order of the day.
There are many more examples of how agriculture has
been affected by change. The combined impact of
liberalisation and deregulation, to mention but two, has led
Gesprek • Conversation
Daar is nog talle voorbeelde van hoe die landbou
deur verandering beïnvloed word. Die gekombineerde
impak van liberalisering en deregulasie, om maar net
twee te noem, het gelei tot die ondergang van verskeie
maatskappye met ander wat weer groter word, terwyl die
aantal kommersiële boerderyeenhede in Suid-Afrika van
net meer as 60 000 in 1996 gedaal het tot 40 000 in
2007. Die vraag wat nou gevra word, is of die situasie
die gevolg is van of (i) ’n gebrek aan herkenning van
die noodsaak tot verandering, of (ii) onvermoë en/of
onbereidwilligheid om te verander.
Soos mnr. Brand Pretorius, gasspreker by die gala-ete van
die mees onlangse IMASA (Instituut vir Markagente in
Suid-Afrika) Algemene Jaarvergadering, dit gestel het: “As
die tempo van verandering aan die buitekant die tempo
van verandering aan die binnekant oorskry, is dit die begin
van die einde.” In sy toespraak het Pretorius verwys na die
ondergang van die Kodak maatskappy, wat eens op ’n tyd
die grootste foto-afdruk maatskappy in die wêreld was met
sakebelange in meer as 150 lande. Daar is egter nagelaat
om betyds te reageer op die veranderings in digitale
fotografie wat in die wêreld plaasgevind het. Iemand het
soos volg op die gebeure gereageer: “Die maatskappy
was in tyd vasgevang.”
Wat is dan die werklikheid? In die lig van die beperkte
ruimte wat beskikbaar is, word slegs twee voorbeelde
• Tussen 1991 en 2013 het ruilvoet vir die landbou ’n
agteruitgang van 29% getoon. Dit beteken dat die
insetkoste veel vinniger toegeneem het as die pryse van
boerderykommoditeite en produkte. Gevolglik het die
gaping tussen bruto en netto boerderyinkomste in
dieselfde tydperk met ’n massiewe 77% toegeneem, wat
kortliks beteken dat daar steeds groeiende ekonomiese
druk op die landbou is om voedsel te produseer. Dit is
ook duidelik te sien in die relatief lae opbrengskoers op
kapitaal, sowel as die sywaartse beweging, min of meer
ten opsigte van bruto kapitale formasie (belegging) in
primêre boerdery-aktiwiteite .
• Beleidsonsekerheid kom algemeen voor en onlangse
voorbeelde hiervan sluit in die inisiatief om weg te doen
met die Nulkoers-BTW op bepaalde landbouinsette.
Indien dit goedgekeur sou word, sal dit ’n beduidende
invloed uitoefen op die kontantvloeisituasie in die
landbousektor. Rolspelers in die landbousektor, in
konsultasie met die betrokke regeringsentiteite, moes
betekenisvolle hulpbronne in die verband aangewend.
Verder, voorstelle ten opsigte van grondhervorming is
nog nie duidelik nie en dit beïnvloed rasionele
ekonomiese besluitneming op boerderyvlak. Te midde
van al die pratery oor beleid en regulatoriese
onsekerheid, is een ding egter seker: Verandering gaan
plaasvind. Ons kan maar net hoop dat die verandering
to the demise of several companies with others becoming
bigger, while the number of commercial farming units
in South Africa dropped from just over 60 000 in 1996
to below 40 000 in 2007. The question begging to be
answered is whether this situation resulted from either (i)
failure to recognise the need for change, or (ii) inability
and/or unwillingness to change.
As Mr Brand Pretorius, guest speaker at the gala dinner of
the most recent IMASA (Institute for Market Agents in South
Africa) Annual General Meeting, stated: “When the rate of
change outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end
is in sight.” In his speech, Pretorius referred to the demise
of the Kodak company, which at one time was the world’s
largest imaging product manufacturer operating in more
than 150 countries, but failed to respond in good time to
the global changes taking place in digital photography.
This prompted one commentator to state: “They were a
company stuck in time”.
So, what are the realities? Given the limited space
available, here are just two examples:
• Between 1991 and 2013, the agricultural terms of trade
deteriorated by 29 %, meaning that the cost of inputs
increased much more rapidly than the prices of
agricultural commodities and products. As a result,
the gap between gross and net farm income grew
by a massive 77 % during this timeframe, which in brief
means that there is growing economic pressure to
remain in farming to produce food. This is also evident
in the relatively low rate of return on investment, as well
as the sideways movement, more or less, in terms of
gross capital formation (investment) in primary
agriculture .
• Policy uncertainty is the order of the day, with recent
examples including the drive to suspend zero-rated
VAT on selected agricultural inputs which, if approved,
will have a significant impact on the cash-flow situation
within agriculture. Stakeholders in the agricultural
sector, in consultation with the relevant government
entities, have dedicated significant resources to this
issue. In addition, current proposals on land reform are
not clear, which in turn affects rational economic
decision-making at farm level. With all the talk about
policy and regulatory uncertainty, one thing is certain:
Change is coming. We can only hope that such change
will be for the better, as is the case with the current
“Project Rebirth”, aimed at addressing challenges on
the national fresh produce markets and championed
by the Directorate: Marketing of the Department of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
From the above, it is evident that on the one hand we live
in an economic environment that constantly challenges
the ability to engage in sustainable farming, while on the
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 5
Gesprek • Conversation
verbetering sal meebring, soos die geval is met die
huidige “Project Rebirth,” wat gemik is om die uitdagings
op die nasionale varsproduktemarkte aan te spreek
onder leiding van die Direktoraat: Bemarking van die
Departement van Landbou, Bosbou en Vissery.
Uit bogenoemde is dit duidelik dat ons aan die een kant
leef in ’n ekonomiese omgewing wat deurentyd eise
stel aan die vermoë om betrokke te raak by volhoubare
boerdery, terwyl ons aan die ander kant te make het met
’n beleid en regulatoriese omgewing waar beleidmakers
en die privaatsektor nie altyd oor baie van die sake
saamstem nie. Die mees prominente beleidsaak op
die landbouradar, en ’n saak van nasionale belang,
is grondhervorming en die transformasie van die
landbousektor oor die algemeen.
Dit is nie die tyd of die plek om wysneusig te wees
oor die “hoe,” “wie” en “wat” nie, aangesien dit ’n
komplekse saak is. Daar bestaan egter geen twyfel nie dat
grondhervorming en transformasie in een of ander vorm
gaan plaasvind. Sover dit grondhervorming aangaan,
is dit dus belangrik om erkenning te verleen aan die
verantwoordelikheid om sodanige verandering, wat nie
slegs voor die deur van die grondeienaar gelê kan word
nie, te bestuur. Dit is inderwaarheid ’n verantwoordelikheid
wat oor die bedryf heen strek, wat die betrokkenheid
van alle rolspelers in die waardeketting insluit (d.i.
van insetverskaffers en diensverskaffers tot groot- en
kleinhandelaars). Soos gestel deur Brand Pretorius: “Dit is
nie maklik om terselfdertyd te transformeer en te presteer
nie.” Maar dit is presies die uitdaging waarvoor ons staan,
en om na te laat om hierdie uitdaging aan te spreek, sal tot
ons eie nadeel wees. Anders gestel, om gebruik te maak
van Joe Caruso se metafoor van ’n branderplankryer wat
die golwe aandurf: “Jy weet jy het geen beheer oor die
water nie, maar jy kan reageer op die altyd-veranderende
patrone op maniere wat jou in staat sal stel om steeds
groot hoogtes te bereik.”
Ten spyte van die verwysing na “ry op die golwe,” is
daar nie ’n een-grootte-pas-almal-oplossing sover dit die
hantering van grondhervorming- en transformasiekwessies
in verskillende opsette en omgewings in alle
geografiese gebiede van Suid-Afrika aangaan nie.
Aartappelprodusente, markagentskappe en verwerkers, om
maar net ’n paar rolspelers in die aartappelwaardeketting
te noem, moet proaktief en innoverend optree om
verandering in die hand te werk. Ter afsluiting kan die
wyse woorde van Brand Pretorius in gedagte gehou word:
“As besigheidsmense kan mens nie wag dat die storm
verbytrek nie, jy moet leer om in die reën te dans.”
other hand we are faced with a policy and regulatory
environment where policymakers and the private sector
do not see eye to eye on several issues. The most
prominent policy matters on the agricultural radar, and an
issue of national interest, are that of land reform and the
transformation of the agricultural sector in general.
This is neither the time nor the place to be pedantic on
issues of “how”, “who” and “what”, since this issue is
complex in nature. What is certain, however, is that land
reform and transformation are sure to occur, in one form or
another. As such, it is important to recognise that when it
comes to land reform, the responsibility for managing such
change does not lie solely with the land owner, it is indeed
an industry-wide responsibility that requires the involvement
of all role players within the value chain (i.e. from input
suppliers and service providers, to wholesalers and
retailers). In the words of Brand Pretorius: “To transform
and perform at the same time is not an easy task.” But this
is precisely our challenge, and neglecting to address this
challenge will be at our own peril. To put it a different way,
using Joe Caruso’s metaphor of a surfer riding the waves:
“You know you have no control over the water, but you do
have the power to respond to its ever-changing patterns in
ways that will allow you to continue riding high.”
There is no one-size-fits-all solution – whether we are
speaking about “riding the waves” or addressing land
reform and transformation in different settings and
environments in all geographical areas of South Africa.
Potato producers, market agencies and processors, to
mention but a few role players in the potato value chain,
must be proactive and innovative in leading change. In
conclusion, ponder the wise words of Brand Pretorius: “As
business people, you can’t wait until the storm has passed;
you have to learn to dance in the rain.”
Potato greetings
Dr. André Jooste
Hoofuitvoerende Beampte
Dr André Jooste
Chief Executive Officer
Page 6 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Ask for The Best
Top grade fertilizers for high yielding, quality potatoes
Foliar Feeding
Fast and efficient plant nutrient uptake
Multi-K™ – the best potassium carrier for potato
Please contact us for your nearest distributor:
Haifa South Africa
P.O.Box 1409, Brackenfell, 7561, South Africa
Tel: 021 982 0309, Fax: 021 981 7637
E-mail: Gerrit.Burger@Haifa-group.com
Pioneering the Future
Five decades ago, back in 1964, a group of potato seed
growers had the vision to combine skills and expertise
and formed a company to be known as Wes Vrystaat
Aartappel Moerkwekers (Edms) Bpk . Over years the
company has grown to its current status as the largest
supplier of seed potatoes to the South African market.
Something new
is on the rise...
Celebrating 50 years of innovative
growth through genetics
Managing Director:
Gerhard Posthumus - 082 375 1870 (gerhardp@wvmoere.com)
National & Exports:
Marketing Manager: Charl Nel - 082 388 0522 (cnel@wvmoere.com)
Sandveld & Ceres:
Van Zyl du Toit - 082 316 2839 (vanzyldt@wvmoere.com)
Charl de Kock - 082 929 4591 (cdekock@wvmoere.com)
Eastern & North Eastern Cape:
Ettienne Groenewald - 082 948 2821 (ettienne@wvmoere.com)
South Western Free State & Mpumalanga:
Eon Cordier - 082 330 5800 (eon@wvmoere.com)
Western & Eastern Free State:
Dirk Pretorius - 082 579 1841 (dirk@wvmoere.com)
Louwtjie Steyn - 082 564 7770 (louwtjie@wvmoere.com)
Lauwrens Steyn - 083 387 7339 (lauwrens@wvmoere.com)
Gavin Hill - 082 490 9489 (gavin@wvmoere.com)
Limpopo & Gauteng:
Willie Ras - 082 785 4023 (willie@wvmoere.com)
Chris Prinsloo - 082 572 4403 (chris@wvmoere.com)
Gert Delport - 082 567 8080 (gert@wvmoere.com)
Northern Cape & Northwest:
Charl Nel - 082 388 0522 (cnel@wvmoere.com)
Southern Cape:
Charl de Kock - 082 929 4591 (cdekock@wvmoere.com)
Tel: (053) 441 2241/2/3 | Fax: (053) 441 3401 | www.wvmoere.com
CHIPS is die amptelike tydskrif van Aartappels SA.
CHIPS is the official magazine of Potatoes SA.
Gawie Geyer
Gawie Geyer
Sel/Cell: 082 388 0524
E-faks/E-fax: 086 685 6524
Aartappels SA, De Havillandsingel 6, Persequor
Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020.
Tel: 012 349 1906. Faks: 012 349 2641
Potatoes SA, 6 De Havilland Crescent, Persequor
Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020.
Tel: 012 349 1906. Fax: 012 349 2641
Ontwerp en uitleg: Henco Schoeman (HJ Ontwerp)
Gedruk deur Seriti vir die eienaar en uitgewer:
Aartappels SA, Privaatsak X135, Pretoria, 0001.
Design and layout: Henco Schoeman (HJ Design)
Printed by Seriti for the owner and publisher:
Potatoes SA, Private Bag X135, Pretoria, 0001.
Voorbladfoto: Gawie Geyer
40 Goeie praktyke in die pakstoor
106 JP van den Berg is Top
108 Blaarmonsters as bestuurshulpmiddel
Page 10 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Die menings wat uitgespreek word is die menings van die skrywers
en verteenwoordig nie noodwendig die mening van die redaksie van
CHIPS of die mening van Aartappels SA nie. Aartappels SA aanvaar
geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies en artikels
gemaak word nie.
The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and do not
necessarily portray the opinion of the editorial staff of CHIPS or that of
Potatoes SA. Potatoes SA does not accept any responsibility for claims
made in advertisements and articles.
Alle regte voorbehou. Geen gedeelte van hierdie publikasie mag op
enige wyse gereproduseer word nie.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in
any form.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 11
Sprout/-seed potato technology
The idea of sprouts as propagation material was borne
from the need for affordable disease-poor seed potatoes in
Brazil, and the procedure has been developed since 1985.
Low generation seed potatoes are imported from Canada
and the USA. The idea is that the G-0 or G-1 tubers are
left to sprout and the sprouts are removed from the tubers
when they are about 5 cm long. Sprouts are then planted
in insect-free greenhouses for mini-tuber production where
each sprout produces three mini-tubers on average.
Sprouts were imported for experimental purpose for a
few years and recently sprouts were recognised by the
Brazilian Certification Scheme as propagation material.
The authors expect to be able to import the first commercial
consignments in the near future.
Caram de Souza Dias, J; Imark, M; Gagnon, A; Bérube,
L & Jardin, FSF 2014. Advances toward commercial
import-export of sprouts as seed-potato: Brazil- Canada
pioneering on a potential new alternative (pre) basic
seed potato stock supply system. Book of Abstracts –
Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the European
Association for Potato Research (EAPR) 126
Page 12 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Netherlands launches global alliance for
greater food security
By 2050 we will need to feed a world population of 9
billion people. Continuation of the current production levels
will lead to a food shortage of 70%.
The Netherlands used the UN Climate Summit in
New York on 23 September 2014 to launch a global
alliance for greater food security through climate-smart
agriculture. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister
for Agriculture Sharon Dijksma joined forces to launch
the alliance, which is now backed by 75 countries and
organisations such as the World Bank. World leaders
including President Obama and UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon also support this initiative. “It is unacceptable
that there are still close to one billion people going to bed
hungry every night,” Minister Dijksma said. “Agriculture
has the power to be the food engine that changes this,
simply by providing farmers worldwide with the right
knowledge and the right tools. I am therefore proud that
75 countries and world leaders want to join forces to fight
for greater food security.”
The alliance will adopt an approach developed in the
Nuus • News
Netherlands: Climate Smart Agriculture. Agriculture is key
in this approach in continuing to guarantee food security
by drawing on the experience of business, science and
government, in partnership with local farmers, to develop
innovative and sustainable production methods that are
also more resilient to climate change, while at the same
time reducing CO2 emissions.
Several projects have already been set up globally. In
Africa and Asia, in particular, where population growth
rates are highest, the extreme weather with extensive
periods of drought often has a huge impact on agricultural
yields. The alliance addresses this by working with experts
and the business community to set up initiatives such as
training farms and agricultural training programmes.
These initiatives enable potato and wheat farmers, for
example, to employ sustainable production methods that
are more resilient to drought and disease. At present, these
farmers are still using low-quality seeds or varieties that are
outdated or unsuited to the local soil conditions. The result
is low yields and heavy use of expensive crop protection
products. The initiatives also train local farmers how to
plant trees in a smart, climate-resilient manner and how
to recognise plant and crop diseases. Effective storage
methods to combat food waste, efficient logistics and
marketing are also covered.
The intention of the alliance is to expand and intensify the
projects carried out by small farmers, horticultural growers
and fishermen, and to continue to guarantee food safety
through targeted public-private partnerships.
Source: www.government.nl
Demand for innovative solutions for
Sustainable Agriculture drives Bayer
Bayer CropScience is optimistic about the development
perspectives of the agricultural markets and commits to
invest significantly to deliver new solutions for sustainable
agriculture. “We are convinced of the long-term growth
potential of the agricultural markets despite increasing
volatility,” said Bayer CropScience CEO Liam Condon
at the company’s annual press conference in Monheim,
Germany. “We expect the worldwide market for
agricultural inputs of crop protection products, seeds and
traits to grow to around EUR 100 billion by 2020, up from
EUR 50 billion in 2008.”
Intensification and professionalization of agriculture
are among the key drivers for mid to long term market
development, Condon explained, citing a growing need
for sustainable farming solutions. “As Bayer CropScience,
we see our role as a key contributor to enable sustainable
growth of the farming sector that benefits both growers
and society alike.” He stressed: “Helping growers produce
high-quality, safe and healthy food for everybody around
the world and thereby contributing to a better life for all is
our mission.”
In light of the strong demand for their products Bayer
CropScience is expanding their facilities and investments
in R&D. The company has embarked on an investment
program in 2013 that will see capital expenditures of
EUR 2.4 billion EUR through 2016: Out of this, EUR
1.3 billion will be spent in Europe, with EUR 800 million
being planned for Germany alone. Between 2013
and 2016 Bayer CropScience is also planning capital
expenditures of some EUR 700 million in North America
and approximately EUR 400 million in Latin America and
Asia Pacific.
Farmers’ demand for the company’s innovative line of
products, including chemical and biological crop protection
products as well as high-yielding seeds is driving Bayer
CropScience to invest further into its R&D capabilities.
Over the next few years, Bayer CropScience will invest
around EUR 1 billion in R&D annually, helping to fuel the
company’s well-filled product pipeline.
Condon stressed the need for agricultural innovation as
farmers are constantly experience new challenges – threats
to food security worldwide.
A precondition for agricultural innovation to be successful
is a greater level of transparency on what benefits new
solutions bring for society. Bayer CropScience is thus
planning to intensify public dialogue about the need for
and the benefits of science and innovation in agriculture.
“Sustainable agriculture today delivers a level of food
safety and security that is unmatched in the history of
mankind. Many people take abundant food for granted,”
said Condon. “But the system is fragile and it needs
constant innovation and society’s support to ensure that the
world has enough to eat.” Therefore the company wants to
strengthen and expand the dialogue with the public about
modern agriculture, its opportunities and its challenges.
One example is the new online platform “Farming’s Future
Dialogues” (FarmingsFutureDialogues.com), providing a
forum for discussions on agricultural topics. With its new
“Bayer Forward Farming” model farms, the company also
offers the opportunity for deep insights into best-practice
sustainable agricultural solutions.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 13
Nuus • News
Condon stressed that helping feed what will be more
than 9 billion on this planet in 2050 is one of the world’s
biggest challenges. “To help secure the future of food, we
want to engage the leaders of the future”, Condon said.
“That is why we want to inspire young people to learn
about food and farming with an Agricultural Education
The program consists of several projects, including visiting
programs to Bayer CropScience facilities to gain first hand
impressions on what modern sustainable agriculture looks
like in practice. The company also offers scholarship
opportunities designed to support students with pioneering
ideas in agriculture, and organises international exchange
formats for young leaders interested in sharing ideas and
having an open dialogue about agriculture.
Source: modernfarmer.com
Baby carrots that taste like chips
Bolthouse Farms is rolling out kid-friendly items such as
Veggie Snackers, a brightly coloured pack of baby carrots
that comes in a variety of seasoning designed to taste like
chips in an effort to win over children.
‘We believe that stealing a play out of the junk food
playbook is a way for us to make these kinds of foods
more emotive, more reachable, more accessible, more
affordable, and that will increase consumption overall,’
said Todd Putman, the company’s chief commercial officer,
to FastCoExist.
Veggie Snackers, which feature flavours such as Carrot
Meets Ranch and Carrot Meets Chili Lime, are presented
in bold packaging that proclaims ‘Fun to eat!’ and ‘Spicy!’
On one bag, a cartoon carrot sports a cowboy hat,
neckerchief and Western-style boots.
‘The marketing world in produce is very different than
what is typically called the centre of the store,’ added Mr
Putnam, who previously worked for Coca-Cola. ‘In the
centre of the store, there’s a lot of capability and marketing
and innovation that happens on those products. In produce,
you just don’t see the same kind of marketing activation,
the same kind of packaging, the same kind of product
Last month, Bolthouse CEO Jeff Dunn told NPR that Veggie
Snackers are meant to give kids the same satisfaction as
chips with their shake-in seasoning.
‘They give you that crunch and flavour. You’re going to lick
your fingers, and get that same sensory experience you get
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
with salty snacks,’ he said.
(A real chips “piggy-backer”)
Source: dailymail.co.uk
New Kenyan Bill takes on potato
industry cartels
Potato farmers are set to earn more for their crop after the
Government initiated legislation that seeks to dismantle the
cartel-like behaviour that has characterised the Sh60 billion
Through the Potato Produce and Marketing Bill 2014,
the Government has set out a plan to shield farmers from
unscrupulous traders. The law, authored by Nyandarua
Senator Muriuki Karue, seeks to create a regulatory
framework that will enhance production, packaging and
marketing of potatoes.
The framework, Mr Karue said, would be implemented by
a 16-member National Potato Council (NPC) that would
be formed once the Bill is enacted into law. The Bill also
seeks to manage the politics around the marketing of the
crop. For instance, potatoes are largely consumed in
urban centres, but markets in these areas are controlled by
cartels that frustrate the entry of new traders. Karue said the
proposed council would offer guidance on implementing
best practices to ensure a level playing field for all actors
along the value chain.
Source: standardmedia.co.ke
New Holland announces acquisition
of Miller-St. Nazianz, Inc
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI)
announced today that it has entered into a definitive
agreement to acquire substantially all of the assets of
precision spraying equipment manufacturer Miller-St.
Nazianz, Inc. (Miller). The assets of Miller acquired
as part of the transaction will become part of New
Holland Agriculture, a CNH Industrial brand, building
on a successful four year manufacturing and distribution
partnership between New Holland and Miller in
North America that has seen strong acceptance of a
differentiated and best-in-class front boom self-propelled
sprayer offering. “New Holland will bring Miller’s
proven product portfolio directly into our family for
further worldwide distribution which will expand crop
production sales in the key markets of the United States,
Canada, Australia, South Africa, Eastern Europe and
beyond,” said Carlo Lambro, Brand President of New
Holland Agriculture.
“We thank the Millers for their innovation and
partnership these past years and look forward to
welcoming their dealers and employees to the New
Holland and CNH Industrial family of companies,”
said Abe Hughes, Vice President of New Holland
North America. “Their products have been a welcome
addition to our crop production offering and we intend
to further innovate and develop this important product
line in the years to come to continue offering the smart
solutions and innovations for which New Holland has
been known for nearly 120 years,” he added.
The Miller acquisition defines a new chapter for New
Holland’s commitment to the professional and broad
acreage segment of the agricultural industry and
provides a strong platform to grow the self-propelled
sprayer business on a global scale.
Under the terms of the agreement, CNH Industrial
N.V., through its wholly owned subsidiary CNH
America, LLC, will acquire Miller’s business in its
entirety. The agreement is subject to customary closing
conditions, including the expiration or termination of
the waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, with the goal
of closing before the end of the year. C
Plaaslike nuus
Local news
Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act takes effect
The Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 2013
was published on 29 August 2014 and came into effect on
1 September 2014.
The objectives of the amendments to the Basic Conditions
of Employment Act are to address the exploitation of
workers, ensure decent work for all workers, protect
the employment relationship, introduce laws to regulate
contract work, sub-contracting and out-sourcing, address
some problems around labour broking, strengthen the
implementation and enforcement mechanisms of the Act by
increasing fines for non-compliance and to provide for the
labour court to become involved in compliance orders.
The amended Act will also prohibit employers from forcing
employees to purchase goods, services or products from
them, prevent anyone from requiring or permitting a child
under the age of 15 years to work and make it an offence
for anyone to require or permit a child to perform any work
or provide any services that will put the child’s well-being
at risk.
Furthermore, the Act provides for the Minister of Labour
to publish a sectoral determination for employees and
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
employers who are not covered by any other sectoral
determination, an enabling provision for the so-called
national minimum wage. In addition to the power to set
minimum levels of remuneration, the Minister may now
require all workers within a sector to receive a ‘minimum
raise’. This not only affects the minimum wage, but also
the ‘actual’ amount that workers are paid. Therefore, if
a farmer’s senior or skilled workers earn more than the
prescribed minimum wage their salaries will also have to
be proportionally increased if the Minister announces a
minimum increase in a sectoral determination.
Previously, only trade unions that represented the majority
of the employees in a workplace were afforded certain
organisational rights, such as the right to access the
workplace, deduct subscriptions from the employee’s pay
and elect representatives and the right to take leave to
attend to trade union duties and be privy to confidential
information. The new Amendment Act allows the
commissioner to extend these rights to trade unions that
are sufficiently representative, even though they might not
be the most representative trade union in a workplace.
Crucially, however, it does not entitle that trade union to
enter into collective agreements and there is no obligation
Nuus • News
on the owner to bargain collectively with such a trade
union. These rights are still reserved for the majority
trade union. The Minister can also through a sectoral
determination, set a threshold of representivity at which
trade unions will automatically have organisational rights
in the workplace.
The Amendment Act also allows the Minister, through a
sectoral determination, to establish methods whereby the
conditions of service for labour tenants can be regulated.
Source: Agri SA
Application for statutory measures on potatoes published in Government Gazette
Potatoes South Africa’s application for the implementation
of statutory measures in the potato industry for the period
2015/2016 to 2018/2019, was published in Government
Gazette No 37941 45 on 29 August 2014 under General
Notice 711 of 2014.
In terms of the application the proposed levy will finance:
• basic as well as applied research, including cultivar
development and evaluation, and the dissemination of
all relevant technical information;
• the gathering, processing, analysing and compiling of
industry related information, including market statistics,
and the dissemination thereof;
• Marketing, inclusive of the development of foreign
markets for South African potatoes and generic product
• Transformation, inclusive of black economic
empowerment, e.g. by creating market access for
emerging farmers (small and medium scale) as well as
development projects related to the potato production
and marketing chain; and
Directly affected groups (e.g. producers, traders, agents,
processors, exporters and importers) in the potato industry
were requested to submit any comments, in writing,
regarding the proposed implementation of statutory
measures, to the National Agricultural Marketing Council
on or before 19 September 2014, to enable the Council
to finalise its recommendation in this regard for submission
to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for
consideration. C
The proposed levy over the said period in cents per kilogram:
2014/2015 Current levy amount
Table potatoes
Seed potatoes *
Potatoes for
Potatoes for
Imported potatoes
(* The differentiation in the levy payable by the various commodities is based on the services received. For example seed potatoes will not benefit
from generic product promotion and seed producers are therefore exempted from paying for the service.)
BASF South Africa launches Orvego® with Initium® – an innovative new
fungicide formulated to drive successful farming
BASF’s developers have created another innovative new
fungicide. This power-packed combination product –
delivering a double punch with Initium®, a new active
ingredient, and dimethomorph, BASF’s leading local
systemic fungicide – ensures that farmers can count on
consistently increasing yields and boost the quality of their
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 17
Nuus • News
Orvego® is:
• Convenient and easy to use.
• Ideal for resistance management.
• Boasts a very favourable toxicological and Eco
toxicological profile.
• Globally registered and import tolerances are
• A premium preventive shield. Outstanding rain fastness
provides protection on leaves even under wet
The power-packed combination
Initium®, which belongs to a new chemical class for
controlling oomycetes, is an innovative mitochondrial
respiration inhibitor that kills pathogens by interfering
with Complex III. It belongs to a new class of chemicals,
pyrimidylamines. It has a high affinity for the waxy surface
layer of leaves, resulting in a stable protective film that
wards off fungal attack. Redistribution under the influence
of moisture such as dew extends protection to areas of new
Dimethomorph (DMM), the leading local systemic
fungicide with good protectant and antisporulant activity,
inhibits the formulation of cell walls in oomycete fungi.
Together, they form a premium preventive shield. They
combine top-level biological performance with state-of-the
art formulation technology to effectively protect crops, keep
plants healthy for longer, and enable them to develop to
their full potential.
Initium®’s key benefits include:
• Reliable and highly active against oomycete diseases
• Excellent control of Potato late blight (Phytophthora
• A new tool in resistance management
• Premium preventive action with high intrinsic efficacy
against infectious stages of oomycetes
• Stable protective shield through adsorption to the wax
layer on leaves
• Redistribution on the leaf under the influence of
• A very favourable regulatory profile as it:
• Is not harmful to mammals after ingestion, dermal
exposure or inhalation
• Not irritating to the skin
• No toxicology risk phrase is triggered
• Exceptionally high Acceptable Daily Intake for
consumers, leads to consumer risk cup filled less
than 1%, taking into account all developed uses.
• Exceptionally high Acceptable Operator Exposure
Level for workers/farmers, leads to high margins
of safety for the operator
• PHI of only 7 days C
Voorgestelde wysigings aan die Wet op Toegevoegde Waarde
kan landbou wesentlik benadeel
In sy begrotingsrede oorsig vir 2014 het die Minister van
Finansies aangedui dat die voorsiening vir die verskaffing
van goedere teen ‘n nulkoers BTW hersien gaan word.
Goedere wat hierdeur geraak sal word, is dierevoer,
dieremedisyne, misstowwe, plaagdoders, plante en saad.
Die betrokke wysigingswetsontwerp is ook reeds op 17
Julie 2014 in die Staatkoerant gepubliseer.
Volgens dr. André Jooste, Hoofuitvoerende Beampte van
Aartappels Suid-Afrika, is die potensiële negatiewe impak
van die voorgestelde gewysigde wetgewing op landbou
die volgende:
• Gebaseer op inligting van 2012/2013 sal die
bykomende koste vir landbou (indien 14% BTW
ingestel word) om misstof te bekom, R882 miljoen
beloop en vir chemikalieë R1.19 miljard meer.
• As aanvaar word dat produsente die bykomende
kontantvloei wat benodig sal word, teen ’n rentekoers
van 8.5% moet leen, sal die bykomende
rentekomponent ten opsigte van misstowwe en
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
chemikalieë respektiewelik R74 miljoen en R101 miljoen
• Wat aartappels betref beloop die totale lopende
koste vir aartappelmoere, chemikalieë en misstof
R2.4 miljard. Indien BTW teen 14% ingestel word, sal
die totale bykomende koste (kontantbehoefte)
met R338 miljoen eskaleer. Dit kan herlei word na ’n
bykomende gemiddelde kontantvloeibehoefte van
R564 047 per aartappelprodusent.
• Ander sake waaraan aandag geskenk moet word, sluit
onder andere in die vermoë van toegang tot
bykomende lenings, die uitwerking op beleggings
(hertoewysing van surplusfondse as
oorbruggingskapitaal), ’n groter koste-prysknyptang en
addisionele druk op administratiewe kapasiteit.
In die lig van die negatiewe impak wat dit vir die
landbousektor inhou het twee vergaderings tussen
verteenwoordigers van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens
asook Tesourie en landboubedryfsbelangegroepe
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plaasgevind. Voorts is memorandums aan die SuidAfrikaanse Inkomstediens, die Tesourie en die Parlementêre
Advieskomitee op Finansies gestuur en openbare verhore
bygewoon om die landbousektor se saak te stel.
Dr. Jooste het aangedui dat die bedryfsbelangegroepe
die belangrikheid van die landbousektor se bydrae tot die
Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP) en sy strategiese rol in
die regering se Nasionale Ontwikkelingsprogram onder
die aandag van genoemde regeringsinstansies gebring
het. Wat laasgenoemde betref is die klem geplaas op
voedselsekerheid, werkskepping, buitelandse valuta
verdienste en landbou se kernrol as die hoeksteen van die
Suid-Afrikaanse platteland.
“In die lig van onder andere die negatiewe finansiële
impak wat die voorgestelde wetgewing op die
landbousektor gaan hê, die ondermyning van die gesag
van die Suid-Afrikaanse Moersertifiseringskema en die feit
dat daar geen waarborg bestaan dat die voorgestelde
wetswysiging sal waarborg dat bedrog nie elders
plaasvind nie, het die landboubedryfsbelangegroepe
versoek dat (i) die status quo vir die huidige gehandhaaf
word terwyl ‘n gesamentlike ondersoek deur alle partye
insake die hersiening van nulkoers op BTW onderneem
word met inagneming van die potensieel onopsetlike
gevolge, of dat (ii) die status quo behou word en dat
alternatiewe opsies oorweeg word om te verseker dat daar
aan BTW-voorskrifte voldoen word”, het dr. Jooste ten
slotte gesê. C
By Michael Cordes
It was an affair to remember. The 69th Annual General
Meeting of the Institute of Market Agents of South Africa,
more commonly known as IMASA, was held recently in
Durban. The popular format of a Panel Discussion on day
one followed by the AGM on day two which was the
norm over the past few years, was replaced by a Strategic
Planning Session for members and a small group of invited
guests on day one.
With a new President (Grant Norman was elected at
the 2013 AGM) setting a cracking pace, supported
by a dedicated Executive Committee and the IMASA
70th birthday looming 12 months away, it was decided
to reposition and refocus IMASA in line with current
developments in the fresh produce sector.
It all started in January when the Executive met in Cape
Town for a full day’s Indaba. These in-depth discussions
evolved into a Strategic Business Plan for the Institute. It
remained only to get the members’ approval at the AGM
in Durban.
This might sound at first seem like a sudden awakening for
IMASA, but in fact, it started a number of years ago as
each incumbent president put the building blocks in place
for what culminated in Durban recently. Deon van Zyl the
previous President, set the ball rolling when Project Rebirth
was launched at the 66th AGM in 2011. It started as a
modest but genuine effort with a task force of three people
who were mandated by the members to identify markets
that were in serious need of help and then to find ways and
means to restore them to what they should be – modern
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
fresh produce commission markets!
Project Rebirth has now become a fully-fledged national
forum for uplifting markets. IMASA handed over the reins
to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
(DAFF) which has a representative Steering Committee
attending to all the markets needing help.
The enormity of this undertaking is perhaps not fully
appreciated by many people and the fact that IMASA
not only initiated Project Rebirth but continues to serve on
the Steering Committee, is testimony to its leadership and
vision. Given IMASA’s reputation (mostly perceived) for
being an outdated old boys club this far-reaching initiative
has brushed away the cobwebs of time and opened market
agents to a new, exciting world. IMASA is now poised
to take its rightful place as a leader in the fresh produce
The Strategic Planning Session held on18 September 2014
repositioned IMASA in relation to other role-players in
the fresh produce sector but also gave the President and
his Executive the ‘teeth’ to go out there and take on the
challenges of the industry.
Amongst the decisions taken was the approval of a value
proposition for members to enhance IMASA’s services
to its members. These would include launching an
IMASA website, use of social media like Facebook and
investigation into the appointment of a full time secretariat.
Other key deliverables in terms of Project Rebirth will be
Nuus • News
the Code of Best Practice for markets and market agents
which is in an advanced stage of development.. Insurance
for produce in a market coldroom or ripening chamber
is currently a vexing issue and this will be addressed with
vigour. And infrastructure upgrades on markets continues
as a top priority. Market agents as role-players as well as
members of IMASA will be seriously involved in all these
Members agreed that strategic alliances are essential in
today’s business environment and IMASA will not only
strengthen existing alliances but will seek new ones which
can be mutually beneficial. It was agreed that IMASA
should apply for membership of Agbiz – Agricultural
Business Chamber – where considerable benefits can be
had as a member. Given the political landscape in this
country it is essential for an organization like IMASA to
have some kind of access to decision-makers in government
and elsewhere. Membership of Agbiz will facilitate this.
be seen at more farmers’ days and be more active at
these events through presentations, distributing information
brochures and displaying banners.
The Executive has been tasked to investigate the whole
question of transformation and attracting the youth to the
markets and market agencies. This goes hand in glove with
existing initiatives from DAFF, APAC and the PMA which
are ongoing and where market agents can derive benefit.
IMASA already plays a key role in the AgriBEE Charter
In keeping with changing times, the President presented
the new IMASA logo at the AGM which depicts the
organization in modern terms using simplicity and attractive
colours to create ‘Brand IMASA’.
The above items are merely a ‘sketch’ of everything that
needs to be done but they do give the reader some idea
of what lies ahead. Each of the issues mentioned is in itself
Those who know the history of IMASA will agree these are a complex organism which requires dedicate people to
Met Kynoch
se innoverende
en pasmaakfar-reaching developments for the Institute and
its administer
and resolve where necessary. IMASA accepts
produkte kan jy bemesting toedien volgens jou
already active role in the fresh produce markets
with certainty because the way forward
aartappelplant se behoeftes en groeistadiums.
MIDDELAs part of building
verseker Kynoch
dat jou
kry wat and ‘Brand IMASA’ is taking the lead.
y of
Kynoch - New shareholder
Kynoch – verbeterde
doeltreffendheid deur innovasie.
KynoPlus™, GreenGold™,
Achillis™, Seniphos,
Nitrabor, Foli-Grande™
en Foli-Plus™:
Gebruik in kombinasie as topbemesting om knolinisiasie en
opbrengs te bevorder.
Veggie Oemff® Starter:
’n Blaarvoeding vir wortelontwikkeling en vestiging
van die jong plant.
KynoPlus™, GreenGold™,
Achillis™, Foli-Grande™,
Foli-Plus™. Bortrac 150,
Stopit, Caltrac BZ:
Gebruik in kombinasie as
topbemesting om opbrengs
en kwaliteit te bevorder.
Farmisco (Edms) Bpk.
h/a Kynoch Fertilizer Reg. Nr. 2009/0092541/07
011 317 2000 | info@kynoch.co.za
Veggie Oemff® Fruit:
Effective from 1 July
the century old South
Southern Africa in providing plant nutrient solutions to
Veggie Oemff® Grow,
KynoPop™ Reg. No: K9101, KynoPlus™ is geregistreer as
vir verbeterdehas
150, Stopit
en company
changed ownership.
at the forefront of new technology
kunsmis groep 1 – Reg. No: K8024, SuperSpud™
Reg. No:
In proses,
Ruby Reg. No: K8047, Topaz™ Reg. No: K8032, Veggie OEMFF® Starter
Caltrac BZ:
wat lei tot beter opbrengs en
Reg. No: K9088, GreenGold™ Reg. No: K8034, Achillis™ Reg. No: K8967,
uppe marketing A10910
g en
hul nodig het, wanneer hul dit die nodigste
het. Boonop het jy gemoedsrus, omdat jy weet,
met Kynoch op jou plaas van meet af aan,
haal jy net die beste uit jou aartappels en is jy
verseker van verbeterde doeltreffendheid in
kwaliteit en opbrengspotensiaal.
Export Trading Group
(Pty) Ltd (ETG), a multinational
and innovation. Kynoch will continue to focus on the
Foli-Grande™ Reg. No: K8045, Foli-Plus™ Reg. No: In proses,
Reg. No: K7682, Nitrabor Reg. enhancement
No: K6395, Veggie OEMFF® Grow
company with a large footprint in Africa hasSeniphos
and efficiency of its fertilizer products and
Reg. No: K9090, Bortrac 150 Reg. No: B3626, Stopit Reg. No: B3625,
BZ Reg. No: B3715, Veggie OEMFF® Fruit Reg. No: K9091.
the Kynoch shares from Farmsecure Holdings.Caltrac
of plant nutrient uptake by crops, thereby
(Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947)
been in business in Africa for 30 years and now active
improving the productivity and profitability of its clients.
in 42 countries world-wide, has as its vision to become
the leading supplier of African agricultural products to
Kynoch has the production facilities, infrastructure and
the world. Furthermore, ETG strives to play a key role
personnel to offer a comprehensive product and service
in enhancing the continent’s growth through the global
offering to farmers in the sub-region. However, the
marketing of its locally produced commodities. To this end,
acquisition by ETG, via its subsidiary ETG Grains, will
ETG not only facilitates the off-take of agro-commodities,
enable Kynoch to utilize the logistics, infrastructure and
but also supplies input commodities to the farmers.
trading synergies in the ETG Group to expand the Kynoch
brand and footprint in South and Southern Africa and
Under the new ETG ownership Kynoch will continue
continue the legacy the company has created over the past
”business as usual” with its vision to be a leader in
century. C
Gebruik in kombinasie na
knolinisiasie vir opbrengs en
aanleg tot beter kwaliteit.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 21
The South African living
standards measurement:
LSM’s What are they?
by Sabine Frielinghaus & Rudolf Badenhorst
Within South Africa marketer’s often refer to the LSM grouping of a certain segment
of the population. But what does LSM really mean?
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Bemarking • Marketing
The South African Living Standards Measurement (LSM) is a marketing segmentation tool that divides the South African
adult population into relatively homogeneous groups. These groups are based on a number of different variables
(currently 29 variables) such as the degree of urbanization and ownerships of major household appliances.
The Living Standards Measurement groups the South African adult (16 years +) population into ten groups, from LSM 1 to
LSM 10.
This tool is often referred to as a measure of consumer wealth based on the standard of living. The Living Standards
Measurement does not establish or segment consumers in terms of their attitude or behavior towards certain products and
services, but rather serves as a foundation to investigate specific consumer target markets in more detail.
The SAARF Living Standards Measurement has been developed by the South African Advertising Research Foundation
(SAARF) over 10 years ago and is measured annually.
Ten Year Trend – Steady decline of the lower LSM groups
Over the past 10 years the relative size of the various LSM groups has changed significantly.
LSM 1-4 has been declining in relation to LSM 5-10. In 2004, 22% of the adult population belonged to LSM 1-2,
whereas in 2013, 10 years later, only 5% of the population make up this group. LSM 6-7 grew from 20% of the total
adult population to over 36%.
In LSM 1, 70 % of the population do not own any appliances such as electric hotplates, gas or coal stoves, thus making
everyday cooking challenging. In LSM 2, only every second home has cooking appliances. In addition, advertisers often
stay away from this market because this market is not very active economically and hard to reach.
LSM by Demographic – Highest LSM Groups live in Gauteng
A vast majority of the lower LSM groups live in the Eastern Cape, while Gauteng is home to most of LSM 6-10.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 23
LSM by Age – Equal distribution among age groups
The total adult population is evenly distributed among all 4 major age groups. However, the lower LSM groups consist of
slightly more people aged 15-24 whereas most people in the LSM 8-10 group are 35 years and older.
LSM by Gender – Equal representation among gender groups
The South African adult population across all 10 LSM groups is evenly represented by male and female.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Bemarking • Marketing
LSM by Language – Many different languages by group
There are many different home languages among the LSM groups. Zulu and Xhosa are mainly spoken within LSM 1-6,
while Afrikaans and English are the main home languages within LSM 7-10.
LSM by Race – Lower income groups are mainly black
The vast majority of South African adults are black people. LSM 1-7 groups comprised mainly of black people. Only
LSM 10 consists mostly of white people.
LSM by Schooling
The level of schooling varies considerably among the LSM groups. LSM 1-6 have mainly achieved some high school, but
not necessarily matric. LSM 7-10 have mostly completed matric. LSM 10 has by far the highest level of schooling.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 25
LSM by Occupation – High unemployment across all groups
The unemployment rate is high amongst all LSM groups. However, not all people are job seekers, as some have the
opportunity to pursue their education while others choose to stay at home as a homemaker. Only LSM 10 has an
occupation rate of above 50%.
LSM by Income – High variable income across groups
Income levels vary significantly among the different LSM groups. LSM 1-2 mostly earn less than R 2 500 per month,
while LSM 7-10 earn over R11 000 per month. The great majority of LSM 10 earns way over R20 000 per month.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Bemarking • Marketing
LSM by Life Stage – Varying life stages among groups
Life stages vary between and within all the various LSM groups. It is interesting to note that the lower LSM groups have
a higher rate of single parenthood than the higher groups. Often within the lower LSM groups one parent stays at home
with the children while the other parent seeks work elsewhere in the country.
LSM by Community Type – Community type correlates to LSM groups
There is a strong correlation between community types and LSM groups. The whole of the LSM 1 group resides in rural
settlements. The same is true for the large majority of the LSM 1-4 groups. LSM 7-10 reside mainly in metropolitan areas.
LSM by Dwelling Type – Lower LSM groups live in huts
Almost everybody from within LSM 6-10 lives in either in a house or a flat. The majority of LSM 1-3 lives either in a
traditional hut or a squatter hut.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 27
Bemarking • Marketing
LSM Household Durables – 70% of LSM1 own none of these
The table illustrates the difference in household durables ownership among the various LSM groups. LSM 1-2 own the
least number of household durables whereas LSM 9-10 own the most.
We trust that the information
above provides insight with
regards to what is meant when
people refer to LSM groupings
and what it entails being part of
each one of these groupings.
Source: MQ Market Intelligence &
South African Advertising Research
Foundation – All media and
products survey
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
PMA Fresh Connections –
Taking fresh to the next level
Article and photos: Gawie Geyer
The 2014 PMA Fresh Connections: Southern Africa
Conference and Expo were recently held in Pretoria.
Two of Potatoes SA’s personnel were invited to deliver
presentations at the conference: Dr André Jooste,
Chief Executive Officer, spoke on informal trading and
opportunities for growth whilst Ms Immaculate Zinde,
Manager: Product Promotion addressed the possibilities of
informal trading networks: Lessons from other sectors.
Informal trading and opportunities for growth
Along with modern retail distribution, there is a strong
informal economy growing within both urban cities and
rural townships across Southern Africa. With a wide range
of economic activity, informal trade is increasingly being
acknowledged as an important delivery channel of goods
to consumers. Few industries have thrived in this informal
economy like the fresh produce industry.
The South African consumer, the fresh produce
chain and the informal sector – Dr André Jooste
Profile of SA Consumer
According to Stats SA South Africa has about 52 million
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
consumers of which 12.3 million reside in Gauteng which
makes it the spending power house of South Africa.
The largest concentration of people is in the cities and
towns jacked-up by the informal settlements surrounding
these cities and towns and which allows for interaction
between the formal and informal business sector. As far as
disposable income is concerned tremendous changes have
taken place with the average household income rising by
113% in nominal terms (Isilumko, 2014). Of significance is
the drastic decline in the number of consumers in the LSM
1 to LSM 4 groups and the growth in the number of middle
class consumers, i.e. people in the LSM 5 to LSM 7 groups
that took place in the last two decades (Vermeulen, 2014).
This naturally leads to higher spending ability and changes
in spending patterns.
Information published by Stats SA shows that total South
African consumer spending amounts to R1 248 058 million
of which food and non-alcoholic beverages (R159 973
million – 12.8%), housing, water, electricity, gas and other
fuels (R399 991 million – 32%) and transport (R213 977
million – 17.1%) are the major expenditure categories. As
far as overall food expenditure patterns are concerned
11% is spent on vegetables by the LSM1 to 3 income
decile groups, 10% by the LSM 4 to 8 income decile
Bemarking • Marketing
groups and 9% by the LSM 9 to 10 income decile groups.
The most money is spent on potatoes followed by tomatoes,
onions, cabbage and carrots.
Fresh produce chain
One of the major channels for fresh produce from the farm
to the consumer is the informal trade, inclusive of the street
vendors, which obtain their fresh produce from the fresh
produce markets and to a lesser extent directly from the
farm. AC Nielsen data shows that as far as the turnover
in the fresh produce marketing channel is concerned the
fresh produce markets stands at R 12.5 billion which is only
slightly lower than the R 12.6 billion of the supermarkets.
55% of all produce sold on the fresh produce markets is
purchased by informal traders which equates to a R6.9
billion trade – a clear indication of the importance of fresh
produce markets in the informal fresh produce marketing
Informal sector
The informal sector contributes between 8 and 10% to
South Africa’s GDP (StatsSA) with some estimates putting
it at as high as 12%. More important is the fact that it
provides more than 3.6 million non-agricultural related
jobs. In addition to providing employment for the informal
trader the average informal economy business creates an
additional 0.98 jobs (Sustainable Livelihood Consultants,
Looking at the proportion of informal enterprises between
the main industry classification, i.e. finance, manufacturing,
transport, construction, community and social services and
lastly trade, the latter is at 46% the biggest contributor by
far Valodia et al. (2005).
As far as price formation in the formal market sector
versus the informal market sector is concerned the primary
difference is that in the formal sector it is not flexible which
brings about higher price stability. In the informal sector
price formation is more flexible which is associated with
more price volatility. The informal sector also reflects low
levels of formalities and less strict requirements.
Of major importance is the fact that the informal business
sector serves a massive market. For example close to
600 000 commuters pass through the Noord Street taxi
rank on a daily basis. In terms of all the major taxi ranks
in and around Johannesburg the informal business sector
has access to an estimated staggering 2.8 million potential
buyers per day.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 31
The informal trade it can primarily be divided into three channels namely:
Fixed location hawkers
Semi-mobile hawkers
Roving hawkers
Partnerships and family alliances
permanently located at roadside stands,
transport nodes (e.g. bus and taxi ranks
and train stations) as well as tuck shops.
Partnerships and family alliances with a
fixed base plus in between stopped traffic and aboard commuter trains.
Partnerships and family alliances using
movable displays such as trolleys, baskets, boxes, bags and hangings.
Source: Louw, 2010 as adapted from Madevu, Louw & Kirsten,
It is important to acknowledge that the informal sector does
not equal inferior.
In terms of the value proposition offered by the informal
sector, it is imperative that cognisance be taken of the
following primary propositions. The informal sector is
(Sources: Skinner, 2013, CTM, several interviews with
Favourable pricing/Sensitive to value for money
• Informal traders have low overheads in relation to their
formal counterparts.
Contribute to food security (Household and community)
• Competitively priced produce to consumers due to high
competition in the sector.
• Easy access for consumers to fresh produce.
Developing the informal trade
It was widely predicted and accepted that with
development the informal trade would disappear, but the
opposite happened with the South African informal sector
being vibrant and growing – BUT it is critical that it be
developed with the assistance of all stakeholders, starting
with addressing the major challenges such as:
• Security of tenure – the right to trade
• Marketing / Selling Space infrastructure:
Essential infrastructure (Water, sanitation, access to
Basic infrastructure (Selling space, storage)
• Logistics and operational materials:
- Transport
- Packaging
• Finance (access to credit)
Important marketing channel for producers
• Informal trade provide an increasingly important
marketing channel for the distribution of fresh produce.
An excellent example is the so-called “bakkie buyers”
who purchase their potatoes on the farm.
• Informal trade is highly sensitive to consumer demand,
thus they are very in tune and responsive to the needs of
their customers.
(Dr Jooste’s presentation served as the basis for a panel
discussion on informal trading and opportunities for growth
the informal sector. The panellists were Mr Grant Norman,
President of the Institute of Market Agents of South Africa,
Ms Simangele Sekgobela, Chief Executive Officer of Joburg
Market, Ms Rosheda Muller, Deputy President of the South
African Informal Traders Alliance and Mr Gavin Hill, a
potato producer from KwaZulu-Natal.)
Create employment opportunities
• Informal trade requires various services such as
transporters, packers and sellers, therefore directly
and indirectly contribute to job creation.
The possibilities of informal trading networks:
Lessons from other sectors
Adaptable and mobile
• Informal traders have an unencumbered logistics chain,
whereby produce is generally fresher upon reaching the
• Informal traders are able to adjust to weather and
transport to reach their consumers.
Provide easy access to fresh produce for lower LSM
groups/Convenience purchase
• Informal traders are positioned nearby transport routes,
homes and workplaces alleviating the need to travel
further for daily requirements.
• Informal traders repackage their produce to meet the
needs of their consumers.
South Africa’s townships provide fertile ground to increase
sales. These townships - both rural and urban - are growing
in income levels and responsiveness to marketing messages.
Driving consumption through the informal trade
– Ms Immaculate Zinde
Informal trade and the townships
The informal traders are the heroes and heroines of the
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Bemarking • Marketing
fresh produce industry based on the volumes of fresh
produce they buy at the fresh produce markets and sell
on the streets, in townships and at transport nodes such as
taxi and bus ranks and at railway stations. The estimated
value of the informal business conducted by these traders
in South Africa is estimated at R150 billion, which is a clear
indication that this sector is offering huge opportunities to
producers, processors and suppliers.
It is not possible to accentuate the importance of the
informal traders without including the consumers living
in the townships that are their main clientele. However,
it would be a fallacy to think that all “townshippers” fall
within the LSM 1 to 4 groups. It is also imperative to take
cognisance of the evolvement of townships as the business
infrastructure now also caters for the top echelon consumer.
The black middle class has grown by 25% over the last
eight year – from 1.7 million in 2004 to 4.2 million in 2013
and with that their spending power has soared to more
than R400 billion, exceeding that of its white counterparts.
As far as the standard of living of the black middle class
is concerned, they are responsible for 1.1 million more
cars being purchased, 65% of their kids are in Model C
schools, 13% own businesses and 40% are employed by
government. The above, without a doubt, makes them the
ideal target market for trade activations.
Informal trade activations
The aim of Potatoes South Africa’s Potato Nation
Campaign was to grow the consumption of potatoes,
primarily by targeting the informal traders and commuters.
The character of the Potato Nation can be defined as
Reflection of who
we are
Embracing our
100% South
African, proud
and sophisticated,
daring, funky and
relevant as well as
Real South Africans living real
Allowing us to
love what we love
most and enjoy it
to the fullest
As far as the priorities of the campaign are concerned it
was segmented into three categories, namely:
GROW the Potato Nation through brand development
and continuous activity marketing.
CONNECT by establishing connections with our
consumers through culinary art, social media, public
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 33
Bemarking • Marketing
relations and related campaigns.
PARTNER by forming strategic alliances and
partnerships with FMCG, fresh produce markets and
complementary products.
CREATE and maintain a brand without a brand.
CHANGE wrong perceptions by dispelling myths and
replacing them with facts.
ESTABLISH potatoes as the Number One vegetable in
South Africa.
The presentation included an overview of the market
activations launch by Potatoes South Africa, the avocado
industry and the mango industry. C
The Produce Marketing Association (PMA) is a
trade organisation representing companies from
every segment of the global fresh produce and
floral supply chain. PMA helps member companies
grow by providing connections that expand business
opportunities and increase sales and consumption.
Through year-round educational events, research
and educational insights, PMA keeps members
in touch with what is new - preparing them to
capitalise on opportunity.
Potatoes South Africa is a member of PMA. In
addition its Chief Executive Officer, Dr André Jooste,
represents the organisation on the PMA South Africa
Country Council.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Hoe word gewasbeskerming gespel?
“Simply. Grow. Together.”
Wanneer dit kom by effektiewe gewasbeskerming is daar een naam wat uitstyg bo die
ander – ADAMA, voorheen bekend as Makhteshim Agan. Hierdie wêreldwye landbou
maatskappy dra trots by tot die sukses van Suid-Afrikaanse landbou. ADAMA se swam-,
insek-, en onkruiddoders is spesifiek ontwikkel om te voorsien in boere se behoeftes ten
opsigte van alle soorte gewasse.
Skakel vandag nog met ADAMA vir nommerpas oplossings ten
opsigte van gewasbeskerming.
Die volgende produkte is geregistreerde handelsmerke van ADAMA SA (Edms) Bpk en geregistreer volgens Wet 36 van 1947:
Cormoran® 180 EC, Sphinx Star® 480 WG, mirador® 250 SC, divino® 250 EC, odEon® 720 SC, SEizEr® 100 EC,
aCEta Star® 46 EC, pyrinEx® 250 CS
ADAMA se omvattende reeks produkte is beskikbaar op ons webtuiste.
AdAmA SA (EdmS) Bpk, REg No. 1992/001741/07
Brackenfell, Kaapstad
T: 021 982 1460 | E: infocpt@za.adama.com
Olifantsfontein, Johannesburg
T: 011 635 4300 | E: infojhb@za.adama.com
Series: Potato production in a
changing climate. III. What is in
store for the Eastern Free State?
Dr Linus Franke, Prof Martin Steyn and Prof Anton Haverkort
In the previous two issues of CHIPS we reported on how
we expect climate change to affect the future climate of
South Africa and how that will affect potato production
in Limpopo (May / June 2014) and the Sandveld (July /
August 2014).
Climate Risks
In brief, climate forecasts suggest that between 1960
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
and 2050 average air temperatures of South Africa are
expected to increase on by 2oC, while atmospheric CO2
levels are expected to increase by about 235 ppm from
315 to 550 ppm. These higher temperatures will likely
increase crop heat stress and evapotranspiration demand,
while the higher atmospheric CO2 levels are expected
to have a strong positive effect on potato yields and
at the same time reduce crop transpiration rate (water
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
In this last article in the series of three,
we report on how climatic conditions
are expected to change in the Eastern
Free State, how that will affect potato
crops and how growers can adjust their
practices to utilise the available growing
season best. We again investigated
how optimal planting dates for potato
may shift as a result of climate change
by looking at the forecasts for yields
and water use efficiencies (WUE) in
a theoretical situation where potato is
planted each month of the year with a
fixed growing period of 120 days.
Suitable growing periods
In the Eastern Free State the number of
hot days (maximum daily temperature
> 35oC) in the growing season will
increase more than threefold between
2010 and 2050 if the crop is planted
in November (Figure 1). Nevertheless,
there will still only be about 15 hot days
in the growing season if planting occurs
in late spring / early summer, compared
with over 40 days in the Sandveld
summer growing season.
No. of days with Tmax>35oC
No. of days with Tmax>35oC
Eastern Free State
Eastern Free State
May Jun
Aug Sep
Month of planting
Jan Feb
May Jun temperature
Jul Aug Sep>35°C)
Oct Nov
Dec a 120-day
Figure 1. Number
of hot
growing period following planting
on the
15th of each month during three periMonth
of planting
ods (1961-1970, 2001-2010 and 2040-2049) in the Eastern Free State.
Figure 1. Number of hot days (maximum temperature >35 °C) during a 120-day growing
period following planting on the 15th of each month in the Eastern Free State.
Eastern Free State
The net effect of climate change on
potato production in South Africa
will depend strongly on the specific
production region and the ability of
farmers to adapt production practices to
changing conditions. We have shown
that in both the Limpopo and Sandveld
regions, summer growing seasons are
expected to become less favourable
for potato production due to heat
stress. As a result, the suitable summer
growing period for potatoes without
excessive heat stress will become shorter.
In Limpopo the risk of winter frost is
expected to disappear and as a result,
potato growers will probably be able
to advance their main potato planting
date to late autumn in order to best
utilise the heat and frost free growing
period. Similarly, early spring planting
dates will give best potato yields in the
Sandveld. Yields for summer plantings
in both these regions are expected to
drop drastically, while winter yields will
increase substantially.
Last day with frost
First day with frost
Figure 2. Changes in the length of the suitable potato growing season in the Eastern
Free State between 1961 and 2050: Dates with the first (x) and last (▲) frost are
2. Changes
in the
the suitable
the EastThe lines
upper line)
and in
ern Free
first towards
(x) and2050,
last (s) frost
lower line).
that the
free period
for crop
growth is(dotted
getting shorter
are indicated.
line) and
harvest dates (solid lower line). The vertical distance between the lines decline
towards 2050, indicating that the cold period unsuitable for potato production is
getting shorter with time.
The increase in temperatures (especially in early spring) is generally
expected to benefit potato production in this region, as the suitable
period during which potato can be grown without substantial risk of frost
is expected to lengthen considerably over time. The cold winter period
(unsuitable for potato production) will become shorter by some 50 days
between now and 2050 and as a result farmers will be able to start planting
earlier and/or harvest later (Figure 2).
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 37
The Eastern Free State is predominantly a dry land
potato production area and therefore crop performance
is highly dependent on total rainfall and seasonal
rainfall distribution. Climate change forecasts of rainfall
are associated with a high degree of uncertainty, but
indications are that the number of dry spells (>10 days
without rain) in the Free State will not change substantially
in future.
Changing yields and water use efficiencies
Crop growth model simulations suggest that potential yields
(highest theoretical yields in any region if no limitations
occur) in the Eastern Free State will increase by 15 to 20%,
but the best planting dates that give highest potential yields
will move earlier from October-November to SeptemberOctober (Figure 3). The reduced risk of frosts and higher
temperatures will allow earlier planting in spring but at
similar temperatures than currently. This benefit will only
materialise in practice if sufficient rainfall occurs early
in spring to allow for earlier planting, or if supplemental
irrigation will be possible. When planting occurs after
October, the increase in warm and hot days will reduce
photosynthetic rate and cancel out the benefit of higher
CO2 levels.
Advancement in the planting date to optimise yield and
avoid hot temperatures will also bring the optimal planting
time closer to the time that gives the highest water use
efficiencies (WUE) for this region. WUE is currently highest
for September plantings and is expected to remain the
month with highest WUE in future (Figure 3).
• The length of the growing season suitable for potato
production during the Eastern Free State summer will
increase substantially due to higher temperatures in
early spring and late autumn.
• Potato producers in the Eastern Free State region can
reap the benefits of increased CO2 levels and
increasing photosynthetic rate through higher expected
yields and lower water requirements by the crop.
• When the crop is grown in mid-summer, however, these
benefits will be counteracted by an increased incidence
of heat stress and increased evapotranspiration
• Producers can respond to climate change by advancing
planting dates to early spring, provided that sufficient
rainfall will occur to allow for earlier planting.
• These cooler periods of the year (early spring plantings)
are expected to increase potato yields and water use
efficiencies due to higher photosynthetic rate, less cold
stress and more rapid early canopy development.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
• Die lengte van die geskikte aartappel groeiseisoen in die Oos-Vrystaat gaan in die
toekoms na verwagting aansienlik verleng
weens hoër temperature in die lente en laat
• Aartappelprodusente in die streek sal
suksesvol by klimaatsverandering kan
aanpas deur vroeër in die lente te plant, met
die veronderstelling dat genoeg reën reeds
vroeg in die lente sal val.
• Produsente gaan verder voordeel trek uit
die verhoogde CO2 vlakke en
gepaardgaande verhoogde fotosintesetempo,
aangesien opbrengs na verwagting gaan
verhoog en waterbehoeftes gaan afneem.
• Indien aartappels egter gedurende
die warm somermaande verbou word, sal
hierdie voordelige effek teengewerk word
deur ’n verhoging in hittestremming en hoër
evapotranspirasie aanvraag.
• Aanplantings gedurende die koeler tye van
die jaar (vroeë lente) sal na verwagting lei tot
hoër opbrengs en waterverbruiksdoel treffendheid vanweë hoër fotosintesetempo,
minder koue stremming en vinniger vroeë
• Om die voordele wat klimaatveranderinge
gaan meebring ten volle te benut, sal
produsente buiten planttye ook addisionele
aanpassings moet oorweeg. Byvoorbeeld
Oos-Vrystaatse produsente kan oorweeg om
in die toekoms langer groeiseisoen kultivars
aan te plant om die langer groeiseisoen
optimaal te benut.
• Om voorsiening te maak vir die verwagte
hoër opbrengspotensiaal, sal aanpassings in
bemesting waarskynlik ook gemaak moet
• Siekte- en pesdruk gaan waarskynlik toeneem
met die verwagte styging in temperature, wat
die koste van gewasbeskerming sal laat styg.
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
The Authors
A.C. Franke1,3, J.M. Steyn2, A.J.
1) Wageningen University and Research
Center, P.O. Box 430, 6700 AK,
Wageningen, the Netherlands
2) Department of Plant Production and Soil
Science, University of Pretoria, Private
Bag X20, Hatfield 0028, South Africa
3) Current address: Department of Soil,
Crop and Climate Sciences, University of
the Free State, P.O. Box 339,
Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa C
Eastern Free State
Fresh tuber yield (t ha-1)
Month of planting
Eastern Free State
WUE (g L-1)
• To capitalise on the opportunities
offered by climate change to increase
yields and lower water use in potato
production systems, not only
adaptation in planting time, but also
in other aspects of the cropping
system is needed. For instance, in
future, longer duration cultivars may
enable Eastern Free State farmers to
take advantage of the longer
growing season.
• Yields can also increase substantially
if supplemental irrigation is applied
during critically dry spells.
• To realise higher yields with
increasing potential yields, changes
in nutrient levels are also likely to be
• The pressure of pests and diseases in
general is likely to increase with
higher temperatures and this may
require additional investment in crop
protection measures.
Month of planting
Figure 3. Calculated potential fresh tuber yield (top) and water use efficiency
(WUE) (bottom) of a 120 day crop planted on the 15th of each month during
three periods (1961-1970, 2001-2010 and 2040-2049) in the Eastern Free State.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 39
Reeks oor na-oesverotting van aartappels
III: Goeie praktyke in die
pakstoor om na-oesverrotting
te bekamp
Dr. Mieke Daneel (LNR Instituut vir Tropiese en Subtropiese Vrugte)
Goeie praktyke in pakstore speel ‘n belangrike rol in die
bekamping van na-oesverrotting. In Suid-Afrika is pakstore
en paklyne nie uniform nie, daarom word basiese riglyne
vir goeie praktyke hieronder gegee. Deur beginsels te
verstaan, kan pakstore, paklyne en hantering aangepas
word om verrotting te beperk.
Verminder organiese materiaal en mikroorganismes in aartappelwassers
Na oes word ongewaste aartappels in waens na die
pakstoor vervoer en in die aartappelwassers oorgedra.
Waens is dikwels vol grond en organiese materiaal wat
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
saam met die aartappels in die aartappelwassers beland.
Waens moet derhalwe gereeld skoongemaak word. Een
of ander proses om die vrag af te spoel voordat dit in die
aartappelwassers beland kan die hoeveelheid grond,
organiese materiaal en mikro-organismes verminder.
Vermy besmetting van die verpakkingslyn
Verrotte- of siek knolle word op die verpakkingslyn
geïdentifiseer en beland moontlik nie in sakkies nie, maar is
’n bron van mikro-organismes wat ander knolle kan besmet.
Hulle besmet ook die verpakkingslyn, rollers en borsels.
Aartappels moet gesorteer word vir vrot voordat dit op die
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
verpakkingslyn beland. Maak dus seker dat daar genoeg
sorteerders aan die begin van die proses is om verrotte
knolle te verwyder om die bron van besmetting te beperk.
Waar knolle net geborsel word voordat dit in sakkies
gepak word, is dit net so belangrik dat die verpakkingslyn
nie besmet word nie. Dit is ewe belangrik om verrotte
knolle aan die begin van die proses te verwyder.
Vervang water in die aartappelwassers meer
as een keer per ’n dag as groot hoeveelhede
aartappels gepak word.
Water dien as reservoir vir bakterieë en ander
kontaminante indien dit nie met ‘n saniteerder behandel
word nie. Hierdie bakterieë soos Pectobacterium
(Erwinia) en ander mikro-organismes kan potensieel
elke aartappelknol wat oor die verpakkingslyn gaan,
besmet. Die saniteerders is kontakmiddels wat teen
die aanbevole dosering en metode aangewend moet
word elke keer wanneer water in die aartappelwasser
vervang word. Saniteerders word op grond en organiese
materiaal ge-adsorbeer wat hul werking verlaag. Omdat
groot hoeveelhede grond en organiese materiaal in die
aartappelwasser beland, moet die water gereeld vervang
word wanneer groot hoeveelhede aartappels gesorteer
Onbehandelde water word dikwels in pakhuise gebruik om
aartappels te was. Bakterieë kan in sulke water aanwesig
kan wees nog voordat dit gebruik word om aartappels
te was. Dit benadruk die belang van die gebruik van ’n
goeie saniteermiddel.
Aartappels moet nie nat wees as hulle gepak
word nie
Verrottingsorganismes gedy onder nat toestande. Sorg dus
dat water van knolle verwyder word voordat dit in sakkies
’n Benewelingsisteem vir ontsmetting van knolle
Oorweeg dit om in ’n benewelingsisteem te belê vir
aanwending van die saniteerder nadat knolle gewas is.
Beneweling het tot gevolg dat die saniteerder aangewend
word teen die regte konsentrasie in ’n klein volume skoon
water. Omdat die water nie hergebruik word nie, word
die saniteerder nie op grond en organiese materiaal
geadsorbeer nie. Beneweling word in verskeie ander
bedrywe met sukses toegepas omdat sanitasie effektief en
koste-effektief is.
Chloor as ’n saniteermiddel
As hipochloriet in byvoorbeeld HTHTM of JikTM gebruik
word as saniteerder, is dit belangrik dat die pH van die
waswater tussen 6 en 7 gehou moet word. Hipochloriet
se effektiwiteit verlaag drasties indien die water se pH
nie reg is nie. Onthou ook dat sanitasie deur hipochloriet
negatief beïnvloed word deur grond en organiese
materiaal in waswater. Sien ook die verslag van Tlangelani
Nghondzweni in hierdie uitgawe van CHIPS.
Verminder meganiese beskadiging
Beskadiging van die skil en kneusing van weefsel is ’n
belangrike faktor wat bydra tot verlaging in houvermoë
van aartappels omdat wonde verrottingsbakterie (en
ander patogene) toegang bied tot die knol. Installeer
absorberende oppervlakke in byvoorbeeld hoë impak
areas en vermy skerp hoeke op die verpakkingslyn.
Hanteer knolle baie versigtig tydens sortering, verpakking
en opberging. Moet nie toelaat dat sakke rondgegooi
word en dat werkers daarop loop nie.
Voorkom toestande gunstig vir verrotting
Voldoende lugbeweging tydens verpakking en vervoer van
aartappels is belangrik om te verseker dat toestande vir
verrotting nie ontstaan nie en verminder verspreiding van
verrotting van een knol na ander in die sakkie.
Berg en vervoer aartappels by lae temperature omdat
hoë temperature bevorderlik is vir verrotting. Onthou
egter dat wanneer knoltemperatuur laer is as 9°C, knolle
makliker kraak as by hoër temperatuur en daardeur wonde
veroorsaak wat verrotting bevorder. Indien moontlik, moet
aartappels nie verpak word as knoltemperatuur so laag is
Was en ontsmet werkoppervlakke en toerusting
Toerusting moet daagliks gewas en ontsmet word, veral
wanneer hoë volumes aartappels gesorteer word, en
wanneer toestande op die land voor en tydens oes ’n risiko
vir besmetting inhou. Was met hoëdrukspuite is effektief
om grond en organiese materiaal van die verpakkingslyn
en aartappelwasser te verwyder ten einde besmetting
CHIPS • September/October 2014
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• Aartappels moet altyd versigtig hanteer word om
beskadiging te voorkom ten einde die toegang van
verrottingsbakterieë in knolle te verminder
• Die verpakkingslyn en waswater moet korrek en
gereeld ontsmet word om dat besmettingsdruk te
• Knolle wat gepak word, moet droog wees.
• Laastens moet die temperatuur tydens hantering,
opberging en vervoer koel wees en goeie ventilasie
moet gehandhaaf word om te sorg dat toestande nie
gunstig is vir verrotting nie. C
Good practices in die pack house to
reduce post-harvest decay
• Reduce organic debris and micro-organisms
dumped in the wash basins as chlorine is
adsorbed by organic material and soil
• Rotten produce should never enter the pack
line as the whole pack line can become
infested by soft rot pathogens.
• Water should be changed several times a day
van skoon knolle te verminder. Wanneer verrotte
aartappels wel op die verpakkingslyn beland het, word
’n skoonmaakbesmettingsmiddel (detergent-disinfectant)
when packing large amounts of potatoes to
avoid infection of tubers by pathogens
originating from a few rotten tubers.
• Potatoes should be dry before packing to
Goeie praktyke begin op die land
Pas altyd goeie veld en oestegnieke toe. Besmette
aartappels kan nie in die pakstoor gesond gemaak word
nie. Goeie praktyke in die pakstoor kan egter voorkom
dat verrotting van besmette knolle na onbesmette knolle
versprei en verrotting kan vir ‘n tyd lank vertraag word,
maar uiteindelik sal verrotting intree en die rakleeftyd
verlaag as die produk wat in die stoor beland het, besmet
reduce the chances of disease development
after packing.
infection by bacteria in wash water and on
Sagtevrot, wat normaalweg deur Pectobacterium species
veroorsaak word, veroorsaak ernstige probleme in die
aartapplebedryf. Daarbenewens versprei Pectobacterium
baie vining via waswater. Ongelukkig is daar ’n beperkte
aantal saniteermiddels wat vir gebruik teen dié organisme
in waswater en tydens verpakking geregistreer is. Daarom
is dit belangrik om seker te maak dat die saniteermiddel
effektief is en optimaal aangewend word.
pack lines.
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• By using a misting system, it is possible to dry
tubers in a relatively short time.
• If chlorine is used as a sanitizer, care must be
taken to maintain the pH at 6-7.
• Reduce mechanical damage to limit the risk of
• Prevent conditions favourable for disease
development by thorough drying of tubers,
low temperature and proper ventilation during
• Good practices start in the field.
Promosie • Promotion
Velum®Prime –
ʼn Evolusie in aartappelverbouing
Die landbouer is deurlopend onder druk om te verseker
dat die produksie van landbouprodukte tred hou met
die groeiende wêreldbevolking en die eise van die
verbruiker en voedselmaatskappye stel vir veiliger voedsel
met die laagsmoontlike impak op die omgewing. Om
hieraan te kan voldoen is onder andere ‘n effektiewe
oesbeskermingsproduk met ‘n meer voordelige
omgewingsprofiel, minder aktiewe bestanddeel per hektaar
en ‘n kort interval tussen toediening en oes noodsaaklik.
Bayer CropScience het hierdie uitdaging aanvaar en het
reeds sy toksikologiese Groep 1 produkte uitgefaseer
en vervang met produkte wat meer aan die verbruikers
se behoeftes voldoen. Die ontwikkeling van nuwe
produkte is daarop gemik om produkte met ’n hoë impak
op grond-ekologie te vervang met produkte met meer
omgewingsvriendelike profiele en selektiewe werking
teen peste en plae. Sodoende word ‘n gesonde ekologie
verseker as deel van Bayer CropScience se fokus op
Science for a Better Life.
Bogenoemde doelwitte het onder andere gelei tot
die ontwikkeling van Velum®Prime vir die beheer
van aalwurm en vroeëroes. Aalwurm is een van die
aartappelboer se grootste kopsere aangesien aalwurm
na raming landbouproduksie wêreldwyd met sowat 11%
In die verlede was aalwurm hoofsaaklik met hoogs toksiese
aalwurmbeheermiddels beheer wat hoofsaaklik tot die
organofosfaat- en karbamaatgroepe behoort. Hierdie
produkte is onder groot druk weens hul toksikologiese en
eko-toksikologiese profiele. Die ontwikkeling van nuwe
molekules word toenemend kompleks aangesien die
regulatoriese vereistes en omgewingsimpak belangriker
raak. Velum®Prime bied egter die oplossing
aangesien dit uitmuntende beheer met ’n veel gunstiger
omgewingsimpak bied. Slegs een kilogram aktief per
hektaar is nodig in vergelyking met tot 25 kilogram en hoër
van ouer aalwurmbeheermiddels.
Wat is Velum®Prime?
Velum®Prime is ‘n unieke suspensie-konsentraat
aalwurm- en swamdoder wat geregistreer is vir die
beheer van aalwurm en vroeëroes op aartappels asook
aalwurm op tabak. Die produk bevat Fluopyram wat
tot die Insekdodergroep 25 en die Swamdodergroep
7 behoort. Dit het ‘n gunstige toksiese profiel vir die
gebruiker en die omgewing. Ander voordele wat dit vir
die aartappelboer inhou is die feit dat dit maklik vervoer
en gestoor word en veilig is om toe te dien. Voorts
bied dit langwerkende aalwurm- en vroeëroesbeheer
teen lae toedieningshoeveelhede wat volhoubare
aartappelproduksie bevorder.
Wat kan die aartappelboer van Velum®Prime verwag?
In die proewe wat in verskeie aartappelproduksiestreke
uitgevoer is, is uitstekende resultate met aalwurmbeheer
en vroeëroes verkry (sien grafieke). Velum®Prime,
CHIPS • September/October 2014
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Promosie • Promotion
aartappelland met ‘n gepaardgaande hoër opbrengste
en meer groot aartappels wat die boer finansieel tot
voordeel strek.
Wortelontwikkeling was ooglopend beter, opbrengste
hoër, eweredige knolgroottes en uitstaande kwaliteit.
Die uitstekende vroeëroesbeheer het gepaard gegaan
met fenomenale loofgroei en gesonde groen blare.
Die insluiting van Velum®Prime het ’n groot verskil
in die aalwurmbeheerprogram gemaak. Aangesien
die produk tydens plantproses toegedien word, bied dit
die aartappelboer bykomende voordele soos
besparing van tyd, arbeid en meganisasiekoste.
Hoe word Velum®Prime toegedien?
Toediening vorm deel van die plantproses en vind in
die plantvoor plaas, hetsy voor knolplasing of direk
daarna wat die boer soos ’n handskoen pas. Sodra
Velum®Prime deur die knol opgeneem is beweeg dit
opwaarts in die lood en na die knolle wat beteken dat die
hele plant beskerm word. Die produk loog ook nie maklik
uit nie.
in kombinasie met Bayer CropScience se pasmaakspuitprogram, bied optimale resultate.
Die aartappelboere op wie se plase die proewe uitgevoer
is, het die volgende voordele uitgelig wat die toediening
van Velum®Prime inhou:
’n Unieke kombinasie van aalwurm- en vroeëroesbeheer
met legio voordele vir die boederybesigheid.
Aartappels in die proefperseel het drie weke langer
gegroei in vergelyking met die res van die
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Die metode van toediening is nie net uiters prakties nie,
maar ook kostebesparend aangesien dit saam Confidor
70WG en Monceren toegedien kan word.
Die beste voordele is verkry waar Velum®Prime
opgevolg word met die Bayer CropScience pasmaakspuitprogram.
Velum®Prime voeg waarde toe op die plaas – Iets
waarna Bayer CropScience streef. C
Promosie • Promotion
CHIPS • September/October 2014
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Series: Post-harvest decay of potatoes
IV: Chlorine is not effective when
used in a tank with recycled water
Tlangelani Nghondzweni, dr. Reinette Gouws, prof. Retha Slabbert (Tshwane University of Technology)
Soft rot reduces marketability
Soft rot, sometimes referred to as ‘post-harvest decay’, is
a wet, mushy rot that progresses rapidly, especially under
warm temperatures and moist conditions. Infected tissues
decay and macerate to a creamy consistence which
turns black in the presence of air (Figure 1), developing
a foul odour when invaded by secondary organisms. The
macerated lesion can spread to the whole tuber and hence
to neighbouring tubers in storage. Soft rot infected potato
tubers are not marketable and therefore reduces yield and
consumer satisfaction.
Post-harvest wash of potato tubers is a priority in the potato
industry to enhance marketability of potatoes. However it is
also known that post-harvest wash of potato tubers triggers
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the activities of soft rot causing bacteria. Post-harvest
decay of potato tubers in storage or in transit is generally
considered to be caused by the bacteria Pectobacterium
spp, and Dickeya spp. (all formerly belonged to the genus
Erwinia). The bacteria can grow both under aerobic
and anaerobic conditions, causing a greater total loss of
produce than any other bacterial disease.
Bacterial numbers on tuber cells can fluctuate depending
on tuber storage conditions, increasing under moist and
decreasing under dry conditions. High temperatures and
the presence of a water film on the tuber surface together
with oxygen depletion due to poorly ventilated conditions,
favours the development of bacterial soft rot in freshly
harvested potato tubers and in potato storage. At the
beginning of tissue maceration the tuber skin may remain
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Hipochloriet is nie effektief in wastenks
waar water hergebruik word nie
Figure 1: Soft rot infected potato tuber tissues becoming
brown-black in colour after exposure to air.
Figure 2: Soft rot infected potato tuber with undamaged skin,
which bends inward due to pressure from other tubers in a
potato bag.
undamaged, making it difficult to identify soft rot infected
tubers in storage. However, the skin becomes taught or
breaks when applying pressure onto the tuber.
Several disease control measures have been studied to
control blackleg and tuber soft rot caused by Dickeya and
Pectobacterium pathogens. However, of these methods only
postharvest chemical treatments have found widespread
application. Chlorine based chemicals are widely used
in the sanitation of fresh produce. Many potato growers
are currently using chlorine in the postharvest treatment of
potato tubers since it is a very economical alternative.
How effective is chlorine when used in a tank
with recycled water?
The efficacy of chlorine in reducing post-harvest decay of
potato tubers was tested on a farm where freshly harvested
potato tubers were washed using a commercial potato
washing machine in a closed water recycling system that
has a reservoir with a water holding capacity of
36 750L. The same wash water was used for a period of
2 weeks. For the purposes of the trial, the existing potato
washing system of the farmer was utilized to make sure of
Na-oesverrotting word hoofsaaklik veroorsaak
die Pectobacterium en Dickeya spp.
Toestande wat die ontwikkeling van die siekte
bevorder is hoë temperatuur, swak ventilasie
en warm weer.
Die gebruik van hipochloriet as
ontsmettingsmiddel in wastenks waar water
hergebruik word, word redelik algemeen
gebruik vir die bestuur van na-oesverrotting.
Waarnemings is in ‘n tipiese kommersiële
pakstoor gedoen om te bepaal hoe effektief
hipochloriet as ontsmettingsmiddel is
Resultate het duidelik getoon dat die
effektiwiteit van hipochloriet wissel,
waarskynlik as gevolg van organiese
materiaal en grond in die wastenk. Die
praktyk kan nie aanbeveel word nie.
the practical applicability of the end results. Four dosages
of HTH chlorine were tested over 8 weeks in 4 different
experiments. The chlorine dosages included: 10 parts per
million (ppm), 50ppm, 100ppm and 300ppm. The first
three dosages (10, 50 and 100 ppm) were each tested
on the first day of the cycle after the system was cleaned
and filled with clean water. The 300ppm dosage was
added on the third day in the same water that was treated
with 100ppm at the beginning of the wash recycling
system. A sample of potato tubers was collected at the
commencement of each trial before adding chlorine into
the wash water. After adding the chlorine the granules
were allowed to dissolve and circulate to mix well in the
wash water for 2 hours before collecting a sample of
tubers. Another tuber sample was collected on the third day
of washing the tubers with the same water. Each sample
comprised of three replicates per treatment and ten tubers
per replicate. Samples were incubated at room temperature
and evaluated over time for soft rot symptoms.
The results indicated that the sample collected from the
tubers which were washed with the water on its second
week of recycling [experiment 1], showed a very high
incidence of soft rot [56.7%] (Table 1). After the system
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Table 1: An illustration of how experimental treatments were
employed and the soft rot incidence that was detected from
each treatment
Experiment 1
Sample drawn at 2nd week of recycling: 56.7% soft rot
Day 1: (no treatment) draw sample: 0% soft rot
Add 10ppm HTH and draw sample: 0% soft rot
Day 3: draw sample: 6.7% soft rot soft
Experiment 2
was thoroughly cleaned and filled with clean water, the
tubers that were washed with untreated clean water as
well as the tubers that were washed under 10ppm chlorine
treatment showed no disease incidence throughout the
evaluation period. However, from the sample that was
collected on the third day of using the same wash water
that was treated with 10ppm, a disease incidence of 6.7%
was detected.
In the second experiment a disease incidence of 10% was
detected from the tubers that were washed with untreated
water. However, adding 50ppm of HTH chlorine into that
highly contaminated water did not reduce the bacterial
populations as a soft rot incidence of 16.7% was detected
from the collected samples. In the third experiment no
soft rot incidence was detected from the sample that was
washed with untreated water. Adding 100ppm in that
water suppressed the disease for 2 days as no soft rot
incidence was detected from both the sample that was
collected 2 hours after treating the water with 100ppm and
the sample collected on the third. As the washing process
continued on the third day with the same wash water
that was treated with 100ppm, an additional 300ppm
of chlorine was added to the wash water and left to
circulate and dissolve for 2 hours. However, the 100ppm
and additional 300ppm dosage did not suppress soft
rot incidence that was already building up as the tubers
samples showed 13.3% disease incidence.
Day 1: (no treatment) draw sample: 10% soft rot
What can we conclude from this study?
Add 50ppm HTH and draw sample: 16.7% soft rot
Experiment 3
Day 1: (no treatment) draw sample: 0% soft rot
Add 100ppm HTH and draw sample: 0% soft rot
Day 3: draw sample: 0% soft rot
Add 300ppm and draw sample: 13.3% soft rot
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The results of this study shows that regardless of adding
various dosages of chlorine in the same recycled potato
wash water, the chlorine is not effective once the inoculum
builds up and the water retains an increasing load of
organic matter. This finding is supported by literature that
states that chlorine and CLO2 have a greatly reduced
bactericidal effect in the presence of soils and organic
matter in wash flumes and dip tanks, consequently limiting
their application as fresh produce sanitizers. We can
conclude that by adding various dosages of chlorine into
wash water that already contains organic matter and then
recirculating the same water there is a build-up of soft rot
inoculum and subsequently no effect on soft rot incidence
on the washed tubers.
Chlorine can be effective in the control of post-harvest soft
rot, given that the treated wash water stays clean or that the
water is replaced frequently before inoculum build-up can
take place.
Chlorine is not registered for use on potatoes for the fresh
market. We subsequently advise against the use of chlorine
to sanitise potato tubers. C
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Series: Post-harvest decay of potatoes
V:The law and usage of
disinfectants on table potatoes
Kobus Serfontein (ICA International Chemicals)
Potatoes, as most fresh fruits and vegetables, are plagued
by post-harvest spoilage diseases. Bacterial soft rot is,
perhaps, the most prominent menace on potatoes and
can cause substantial losses. Although the bacterium
normally enter the packing facility via a few diseased or
rotten potatoes, the potato washing facility often becomes
the main source of post-harvest contamination on a larger
scale. For this reason, disinfectants are used by producers
to sanitize the washing water as well as the surfaces in
the packing facility and the tuber surfaces. On other fresh
produce, disinfection is used to eliminate potential human
pathogens as well.
The potato farmer/packer should, first of all, only use a
product that complies with the law. The choice of product
that complies depends on the purpose of use and efficacy
for the specific purpose. If claims are made on the label
regarding the efficacy of the product for specific uses, the
supplier should be able to back up the claims with trial
data and regulatory approvals.
Act 36 of 1947 does not apply to the registration
and use of disinfectants
If anyone talks about the use of a chemical on a crop, preand post-harvest, one immediately thinks about Act 36 of
remedies fall under this act. An “agricultural remedy” is
defined as “any chemical substance or biological remedy,
or any mixture or combination of any substance or remedy
intended or offered to be used for the destruction, control,
repelling, attraction or prevention of any undesired
microbe, alga, nematode, fungus, insect, plant, vertebrate,
invertebrate, or any product thereof, but excluding any
chemical substance, biological remedy or other remedy in
so far as it is controlled under the Medicines and Related
Substances Control Act, 1965 (Act 101 of 1965), or the
Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act 15 of 1973).” The
claim of such product is, in other words, that its application
will have a direct impact on the incidence or impact of a
disease or pest. A disinfectant does not necessarily
comply with Act 36.
The Act regulating disinfectant and detergentdisinfectants
The use of products to sanitize surfaces, which under
the current regulation will include fruit and vegetables,
(National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications or
NRCS) Government Notice R529 (Government Gazette
19999) of 14 May 1999 under Section 22 of the
Standards Act (Act 29 of 1993). In this Specification,
a disinfectant is defined as: “A chemical agent that kills
most vegetative forms of pathogenic and other microorganisms (but not necessarily all bacterial and fungal
spores, mycobacteria, rickettsiae or viruses) on inanimate
surfaces.” An inanimate surface is defined as: “Any
surface other than live human or live animal tissue.” Under
these specifications, disinfectants are tested according to
prescribed procedures and concentrations and must fulfill
the claims made on the label and registered as such.
The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications
(NRCS) supplies a registration number (example:
Act29GNR529/27555/070/210) for disinfectants that is
compliant to the regulations.
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The farmer/packer must be aware that a sanitizer
(disinfectant) can rarely be 100 % effective. It is thus of
utmost importance to keep the pressure on the sanitizers as
low as possible, by pre-sorting and “helping” the sanitizers
by regular replacement of solutions, as most sanitizers
are inactivated by organic matter. Regular cleaning of
the packing facility, washing and sanitation of surfaces
are important to prevent infection of produce. The correct
handling of the potatoes before the pack house is vital, as
a pack house can never be a “hospital” for “ill” produce.
Responsible suppliers take it a step further
Disinfectants coming into contact with food should
further comply with the South African National Standard
Compliance is currently a standard, and not enforced by
law. However, responsible suppliers of disinfectants that
are used to sanitize fresh produce are making efforts to
comply with this standard to ensure that their products are
safe for use. Products are tested for chemicals/ingredients
potentially harmful to humans and the SABS supplies a
certificate to suppliers of disinfectants that comply with the
Some chemicals used as disinfectants may be harmful,
toxic or carcinogenic and therefore must comply with
the minimum requirements specified in the standard.
If you require specifications on the toxicology and safeness
of a disinfectant, request a copy of the MSDS certificate
from the supplier. C
An example of toxicological information for a popular disinfectant registered in South Africa is given below:
Die Wet en die gebruik van
ontsmettingsmiddels op vars aartappels
• Aangesien besmetting van gesonde knole dikwels
tydens die was- en sorteerproses plaasvind,
word saniteringsmiddels (ontsmettingsmiddels)
algemeen gebruik om aartappels te ontsmet om
na-oesverrotting te beperk.
• Wat sê die Wet oor die gebruik van
ontsmettingsmiddels op aartappels wat bestem is
vir die varsmark?
-Middels wat registrasie onder Wet 36 van
1947 geniet, is nie vir gebruik as
ontsmettingsmiddel geregistreer nie.
-Ontsmettingsmiddels word deur Wet 29 van
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
1993 gereguleer. Sien die Staatskoerant 19999
van 14 Mei 1999.
• Aangesien sommige onsmettingsmiddels nadele
kan inhou vir die mens se gesondheid, behoort
sulke middels te voldoen aan die Suid-Afrikaanse
Nasionale Standaard 1853. Tans is dit nie
verpligtend dat ‘n ontsmettingsmiddel aan die
srtandaard voldoen nie, maar verantwoordelike
voorsieners gaan die moeite en koste aan om te
verseker dat hul middels veilig is vir menslike
• Om seker te maak dat ‘n middel veilig is vir
vars aartappels, vra die voorsienner vir ‘n
“MSDS”-sertifikaat. Sien voorbeeld elders in die
Sporekill® is a registered agricultural disinfectant (Reg. No. ACT29GNR529/27555/070/210 – Compulsory Specification of Disinfectants and
Detergent - Disinfectants) which also have fungicide registrations (Reg. No. L7115 – Act 36 of 1947).
Distributed by:
Sporekill® is a registered trademark of ICA International Chemicals (PTY) LTD. Reg. no. 2001/013319/07.
The patented formulation of Sporekill® contains 120 g/ L didecyldimethylammonium chloride.
Tel: +27 12 545 8000 • www.hygrotech.co.za
Promosie • Promotion
Verbeter waterverbruik deur plantvoeding
Deur dr. Louis Ehlers, Bestuurder: Landboukundige Diensontwikkeling, Omnia Kunsmis
Menige voorspelde scenario’s, hetsy deur akademici
of die populêre media, vir globale klimaatsverandering
dui op ’n toename in droogte en ’n gepaardgaande
watertekort. Hiermee saam word daar beraam dat die
wêreldbevolking na 9.15 miljard teen 2050 gaan verhoog
en dat graanproduksie gevolglik met 43% sal moet
styg (FAO, 2009). Maksimum opbrengs per eenheid
waterverbruik (waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid, WVD)
asook ’n duidelike begrip van die meganismes betrokke
by plantdroogteweerstand sal die basis moet vorm vir die
bereiking van hierdie doelwit.
Die vraag wat dus gevra moet word, is: wat is die
maksimum opbrengs wat met ’n gegewe (en beperkte)
hoeveelheid water behaal kan word? Of anders gestel,
hoe kan produsente ‘n gewas bestuur om te verseker
dat minder water uit die produksiesisteem verlore gaan
en die water wat wel deur plante opgeneem word meer
doeltreffend omgeskakel word in biomassa? In kort, die
doeltreffender gebruik van water om geproduseerde
biomassa om te skakel na werklike oesbare of benutbare
Die antwoord is nie so eenvoudig nie, maar groot
vordering word gemaak met navorsing en ontwikkeling van
tegnologie wat veral fokus op fisiologiese-, agronomieseen plantvoedingbenaderings om WVD te verhoog.
Fisiologiese benaderings sluit aspekte in soos kunsmatige
manipulering van die groei en ontwikkeling van plante deur
die gebruik van sintetiese planthormone, asook tegnieke
soos gereguleerde tekortbesproeiing en profieluitdroging
onder besproeiing. Agronomiese benaderings fokus op
bestuurspraktyke wat daarop gemik is om transpirasie te
verhoog en waterverliese deur verdamping, afloop en
diep dreinering te beperk. Bewaringsbewerkingspraktyke
soos deklaag-, minimum- en geen bewerking is enkele
voorbeelde hiervan.
Daar word al hoe meer bewys gelewer dat die
voedingstatus van plante ’n kritiese rol speel by
die verhoging van die plant se weerstand teen
omgewingstresfaktore en dat behoorlike plantvoeding ’n
goeie strategie is om WVD en produktiwiteit in plante te
verbeter. Gedurende ’n periode van droogtestremming
kan voedingselemente soos stikstof (N) in die vorm van
nitraat (NO3-), kalium (K), magnesium (Mg), sink (Zn),
boor (B) en silikon (Si) die produksie van anti-oksidante
in plante verhoog om sodoende die toksiese effek van
vry-radikale, wat tydens so ’n stremmingstoestand gevorm
word, teen te werk. Ander voedingselemente soos fosfaat
(P), K, Mg en Zn verbeter wortelgroei wat die hoeveelheid
grond wat vir water en ander voedingstowwe ontgin
kan word, verhoog. Mikro-elemente soos B, yster (Fe),
mangaan (Mn) en molibdeen (Mo) verbeter WVD deur
die nadelige uitwerking van droogte te verlig deur sekere
fisiologiese, biochemiese en metaboliese prosesse in die
plant te aktiveer.
Omnia se Navorsing en Ontwikkelingseenheid het ‘n
reeks glashuis- en veldproewe van stapel gestuur om
die uitwerking van verskillende bemestingspraktyke en
stikstofbronne op die WVD van die hoofgraangewasse in
Suid-Afrika vas te stel. Proefresultate dui daarop dat N
wat toegedien is as nitrate soos ammoniumnitraat (ANO
21) en kalksteen-ammoniumnitraat (KAN 28) die WVD van
mielieplante onder optimale sowel as droëgrondtoestande
met tussen 20 en 94% tot op ’n ouderdom van agt weke
kan verhoog, in vergelyking met N in die vorm van Ureum
(46). Die goeie resultate wat reeds in terme van die
verhoging van WVD met die toediening van kalsiumnitraat
gepubliseer is, word ook meer spesifiek ondersoek.
Metings en algoritmes om WVD in die praktyk spesifiek te
meet is ’n hulpmiddel wat gebruik kan word om te bepaal
of gewasproduksie deur watervoorsiening of deur ander
faktore beperk word. Goeie begrip van die invloed van
verskillende bestuurspraktyke op WVD stel produsente
in staat om geleenthede te identifiseer en praktyke aan
te pas ten einde optimale WVD te verseker en sodoende
risiko te verlaag. Die sleutel lê egter daarin dat die WVD
van gewasse slegs verhoog kan word deur ’n kombinasie
van optimale agronomiese praktyke en ’n gebalanseerde
Omnia ag bogenoemde van die hoogste belang en het
onlangs ‘n twee dae konferensie – wat deur mnr. Rod
Humphris, Groep Besturende Direkteur en Voorsitter
van Omnia Kunsmis, geopen is – gehou om spesifieke,
praktiese geleenthede te identifiseer om WVD op die plaas
aan te spreek en te verbeter. Dit is bygewoon deur ‘n
aantal gerespekteerde akademici van verskeie instellings
afkomstig uit verskeie dissiplines. Aksieplanne en projekte
is sedertdien van stapel gestuur om hierdie internasionale
probleem aan te spreek. C
Want by Omnia glo ons: Elke druppel tel.
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Promosie • Promotion
CHIPS • September/October 2014
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– 2014 –
Research Symposium
Artikel: Gawie Geyer en dr. Fienie Niederwieser / Foto’s: Gawie Geyer
Die Aartappelnavorsingsimposium wat op 5 en 6 Augustus
2014 by Khaya Ibhubesi op Parys gehou is, het die ideale
platform geskep vir die aartappelnavorsingsgemeenskap
vir terugvoering insake vordering met navorsingsprojekte,
die uitslae van die proewe wat deur die onderskeie
aartappelwerkgroepe onderneem is, bespreking van die
pad vorentoe en natuurlik skakeling.
opbrengs ook ’n belangrike rol speel, nieteenstaande die
feit dat maksimum opbrengs nie noodwendig maksimum
wins verteenwoordig nie. Mnr. Van der Merwe het ten
slotte die belangrikheid beklemtoon dat daar bepaal moet
watter tonnemaat optimale wins verteenwoordig en dat die
inligting aan aartappelprodusente beskikbaar gestel moet
Landbou in die Wes-Vrystaat - Mnr.
JF van der Merwe, Voorsitter van
die Wes-Vrystaat Gebiedsbestuur
Resultate van die
Aartappelwerkgroepe se
kultivarproewe - Me René Carlson:
Aartappels SA
Aartappels is een van die top nege
gewasse wat in die streek verbou word en
die inkomste wat uit aartappelverbouing gegeneer word,
beloop sowat R750 miljoen per jaar. 1 700 hektaar
aartappels word onder droëlandtoestande verbou en 5
500 hektaar onder besproeiing. Hiervan is 4 600 hektaar
vir die verbouing van moere geoormerk en 2 600 hektaar
vir tafelmark en verwerking.
Wat landbou in die algemeen betref het mnr. Van der
Merwe sy kommer uitgespreek oor die drastiese toename
in landbouskuld wat vanaf R4.8 miljard in 1982 tot R88.8
miljard in 2012 gestyg het. Hy het genoem dat alhoewel
vrese oor grondrestitusie grootliks bydra dat boere hul
geld uit die landbou neem, die strewe na maksimum
Aangesien omgewingstoestande in die
onderskeie produksiestreke verskil word
kultivarproewe in die meete produksiestreke onderneem.
Om die stabiliteit van die kultivars onder die uiteenlopende
omgewingstoestande te kan bepaal word die kultivars
oor meer as een seisoen getoets. Ten einde kultivars te
identifiseer wat sedert 2005 die beste resultate lewer
in terme van opbrengs en stabiliteit is resultate van drie
verskillende scenario’s vergelyk, naamlik waterregime
(droëlandproduksie en produksie onder besproeiing),
groeiseisoen (winter- en somerproduksie) en kultivargroeiperiode (kort, medium en lank).
Resultate word in onderstande tabel opgesom.
Aantal kultivars geproef
Toestande, streke en
Kultivars in volgorde van
Limpopo, Loskopvallei, Oos- Mondial; Valor; Sifra;
Kaap, Mpumalanga, NoordMarkies; Almera
wes, Suidwes-Vrystaat, Ceres,
Oos-Vrystaat, Wes-Vrystaat,
Noord-Kaap, Noordoos-Kaap,
KwaZulu-Natal en Sandveld
(twee lokaliteite)
Oos-Vrystaat (vier lokaliteite)
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Mondial; Up-to-Date; Sifra;
Markies; Valor
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Aantal kultivars geproef
Toestande, streke en
Kultivars in volgorde van
Plantdatum: 1 Maart tot 31
Mondial; Valor; Fianna;
Kikko; Labadia
Mpumalanga, Noordwes,
Suidwes-Vrystaat, Ceres,
Oos-Vrystaat, Wes-Vrystaat,
Noord-Kaap, Noordoos-Kaap,
Weenen (KwaZulu-Natal) en
Plantdatum: 1 Augustus tot 28 Mondial; Sifra; Valor;
Markies; Almera
Limpopo, Loskopvallei,
Oos-Kaap, KwaZulu-Natal en
Kort groeiers
<90 dae
Almera; Lanorma; Harmony;
Marimba; Emergo
Medium groeiers
90 – 100 dae
Mondial; Valor; Sifra; Martkies; Kikko
Lang groeiers
>110 dae
Fianna; Up-to-date; Cella;
Pentland Dell; Eryn
Navorsingstrategie van die SuidAfrikaanse aartappelbedryf: Dr.
Fienie Niederwieser, Aartapppels
Navorsing moet die beperkinge en
geleenthede aanspreek wat ‘n invloed uitoefen op die
volhoubaarheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf.
In ‘n voortdurend veranderende milieu is dit noodsaaklik
dat die aartappelbedryf se navorsingstrategie elke
paar jaar onder die loep geneem word en indien
nodig opgedateer word. Aartappels Suid-Afrika se
navorsingstrategie is gedurende die organisasie se
2013/2014-finansiële jaar gewysig om by die verandere
behoeftes en omstandighede aan te pas. Die nuwe
strategie is die uitvloeisel van besluite wat tydens ‘n
bedryfsverteenwoordigende werkswinkel geneem is en na
konsultasie met aartappelprodusente in die produksiestreke.
(‘n Omvattende verslag insake die gewysigde
Aartappelbedryfnavorsingstrategie het in CHIPS – Mei /
Junie 2014 verskyn – sien pp. 42 tot 44.)
The impact of potato cultivation
on groundwater resources in the
Sandveld – Mr Julian Conrad,
The Sandveld is a major potato production
region. Potatoes are cultivated under irrigation. However,
as the region experiences low rainfall, irrigation water is
mainly derived from groundwater. Based on a four year
rotation cycle approximately 60 Mm3/a of groundwater
is abstracted for the irrigation of potatoes in the broader
The abstraction of groundwater is a sensitive issue in
the Sandveld as groundwater is also supplied to towns
in the region and, in addition, it plays a critical role in
sustaining sensitive ecosystems such as the Verlorenvlei. The
groundwater resources have been monitored for almost 10
years now and the results are becoming meaningful. Results
have shown that the level and quality of gound water have
in general not deteriorated in the testing period. During
cycles with low rain fall in the area, ground water levels
dropped, but after a cycle of good rainfall levels have
generally risen to levels at the beginning of the monitoring
For more information see article in CHIPS – March / April
2014, pp. 32 to 36)
Fasilitering van die implementering
van besproeiingskedulering
vir meer volhoubare
aartappelproduksie: Prof. Martin
Steyn, Universiteit van Pretoria
Die langtermyn doelwit van die projek is om omgewingsen ekonomiese volhoubaarheid van aartappelproduksie te
bevorder deur die wyer fasilitering van die implementering
van besproeiingskedulering.
Die implementering van besproeiingskedulering op
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 55
aartappelproduksie is eerste in die Sandveld geloods
en 18 produsente neem daaraan deel. Dit is in
2013 na die Limpopo uitgebrei. Om die Limpopo
aartappelprodusente by te staan in die gebruik van
kapasitansie-sensors (“probes”) is twee verskaffers van
besproeiingskeduleringstoerusting geïdentifiseer op grond
van hulle produkreeks, diensopsies en belangstelling om
in die streek besigheid te doen. Daar is tans tien Limpopo
aartappelprodusente wat sensors vir besproeiingsbestuur
gebruik. Die vlak van dienslewering word deurlopend
in beide streke gemonitor om te verseker dat die
skeduleringsdienste doeltreffend funksioneer.
Die volgende fase van die projek sal die fokus verskuif na
meer aartappelproduksiestreke.
Hulpbrongebruiksdoeltreffendheid en risiko’s
verbonde aan aartappelproduksie
in Suid-Afrika: Proff. Martin
Steyn en Jacquie van der Waals,
Universiteit van Pretoria
Aartappelproduksie vereis hoë insettevlakke van
onder andere moere, kunsmis, besproeiing, plaag- en
pesbeheer, energie en arbeid wat ‘n wesentlike impak op
volhoubaarheid het.
Die projek wat inligting van meer as 100
aartappelprodusente in die 16 produksiestreke insluit,
was daarop gemik om (i) die verskillende produksiestreke
te assesseer ten opsigte van hulle gebruik van grond,
water, energie, bemesting en arbeid, (ii) die risiko’s van
siektes, peste en weersomstandighede te bepaal en (iii)
ingrypings aan te beveel om hulpbron-intensiewe praktyke
aan te spreek en sodoende omgewings- en ekonomiese
volhoubaarheid te verseker.
Alhoewel die resultate van streek tot streek verskil dui die
resultate daarop dat kunsmis en besproeiing die grootste
energie-insette verteenwoordig, gevolg deur vervoer en
koelopberging. Van die belangrikste aspekte wat volgens
die studie aangespreek moet word, is bemestingspraktyke
en waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid.
Terugvoering ten opsigte van die resultate word in die
produksiestreke gegee ten einde ondoeltreffende praktyke
te identifiseer en te bepaal hoe dit aangespreek kan word,
soos om minder kunsmis en/of chemikalieë toe te dien en
om besluitnemingshulpmiddels te gebruik vir byvoorbeeld
besproeiing en plaagbeheer.
Investigation into the effect of paper colour and
density on greening of stored potato tubers:
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Mr Morgan Naidoo, Cedara KZN
Department of Agriculture - Cedara
Due to the scrapping of the packaging
specifications from the official regulations
applicable to the grading, packing and
marking of potatoes, a number of bags
have been found to be manufactured from inferior quality
paper. This prompted Potatoes South Africa to develop a
guideline paper specification for use in the potato industry
for the benefit and protection of producers and other
stakeholders in the value chain.
The Agronomy Section of Cedara Agricultural College
conducted greening tests on 250 coded bags supplied
by defferent bag manufacturers / suppliers. Although the
basic trends of the paper density on greening have been
identified, it is imperative that the trials should be repeated
under a different data collection regime.
Once the trials have been completed the outcome of the
results will be evaluated and ratified by Potatoes South
Africa with a view to compiling and implementing a
guideline specification.
Profielsamestelling van gebraaide
aartappelskyfies (slaptjips) vanuit
elf kultivars vir die informele
mark: Me. Carmen van Niekerk,
Universiteit van Pretoria
Aangesien die huidige aartappelklassifikasiestelsel nie die
Trots Suid-Afrikaanse produk slaptjips insluit nie, is ‘n studie
onderneem om te bepaal watter kultivarseienskappe ‘n rol
speel wanneer slaptjips op ‘n dubbelbraaimetode gemaak
word. Die hoofverbruikers van slaptjips is die LSM 4 – 7
Die slaptjips van elf kultivars uit die Oos-Vrystaat is deur ‘n
opgeleide sensoriese paneel geëvalueer. Die aartappels
is op dieselfde dag geoes, volgens kleinskaalpraktyke
geprosesseer, dubbelgebraai in sonneblomolie en op ‘n
ewekansige blinde basis aan die paneel voorgesit.
Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat
enige klas aartappel geskik is vir die maak van slaptjips
aangesien persoonlike voorkeure vir spesifieke eienskappe
die verbruiker se keuse bepaal.
Development of descriptive terms for potato
classification: Ms Carmen van Niekerk,
University of Pretoria
The current classification system used for potatoes in South
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Africa groups cultivars in three classes, i.e. waxy, floury
and waxy/floury. Unfortunately these terms mean little to
the consumer and might even elicit a negative connotation.
Consequently a need was identified to investigate
descriptive terms for consumer education and labelling
purposes to provide the consumer with a clear indication
of the characteristics of potatoes, and how it can be used
in meals. It was also taken into consideration that the LSM
4-7 consumer group purchases more than 50% of potatoes
and it is therefore imperative that they can clearly associate
with the description.
Electronic questionnaires were distributed and completed
to determine common words describing potatoes and its
culinary applications. The culinary applications were
further categorised into group categories during focus
group sessions. The focus group members further supplied
descriptive words which they would use on a regular
basis to describe the desired outcomes of each culinary
The descriptive terms agreed upon were Soft, Crisp, Firm
but Soft and Buttery/Creamy. It is felt that these new
descriptive terms will simplify the consumers’ purchasing
decisions and also ensure that consumers purchase the
right potato for the specific cooking techniques.
Evaluasie van verskeie
ontsmettingsmiddels vir die beheer
van sagte vrot veroorsaak deur
Pectobacterium carotovorum
subsp. brasilliense: Me Susan du
Raan, Universiteit van Pretoria
Swartstam en sagte vrot is verantwoordelik vir soveel as
60% van verliese in die land en tydens opberging wat
veroorsaak word deur die groep pektinolitiese bakteriese
patogene in die genera Pectobacterium en Dickeya. Die
hoogs virulente spesie Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp.
brasilliense (Pcb) kom in al die aartappelproduksiestreke
in Suid-Afrika voor en is verantwoordelik vir die meeste
verliese weens sagte vrot. Die gebrek aan chemikalieë
vir die beheer en uitroei van die patogeen bemoeilik die
bestuur van die siekte. Verskeie chemikalieë word tans
gebruik tesame met ander beheerpraktyke om ‘n mate
van beheer toe te pas, hoofsaaklik as oppervlakkige
ontsmettingsmiddels in sanitasiepraktyke van knolle,
masjinerie en opbergingsareas.
Nege verskillende produkte is getoets. In vitro metodes,
insluitend minimum effektiewe dosis (MED) bepaling en
konsentrasie-tyd toetse, is gedoen. Belowende MED
resultate is gebruik in die besluitneming van watter
middels en konsentrasies verder getoets moet word. Die
belangrikheid en voortslepende soeke na moontlike beheer
vir swartstam en sagte vrot regverdig die herhaling en
uitbreiding van hierdie eksperiment.
Developing a sanitation model
to reduce post harvest decay
of potatoes: Mr Tlangenani
Nghondzweni, Tshwane University
of Tecnology
The use of chlorinated chemicals is currently the most
preferred control measure to control post-harvest soft rot
of potato tubers caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum
subsp. carotovorum (Pcc) during storage. However,
chlorine has been reported to have a greatly reduced
bactericidal effect in the presence of soils and organic
matter in wash flumes and dip tanks.
The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of
existing and new sanitation products/protocols to assist
in developing an integrated sanitation protocol that will
successfully and safely reduce post-harvest decay of
potatoes caused by Pcc. The results indicated that Mondial
tubers were significantly more susceptible to soft rot than
Fianna tubers since Mondial tubers showed 100% soft
rot incidence at 35 days of evaluation whereas Fianna
tubers only showed 47% disease incidence over the same
period. It was also shown that treating artificially infected
potato tubers from both cultivars with post-harvest sanitizing
products had a significant effect on post-harvest soft rot
incidence. The findings show that (a) by planting a tolerant
potato cultivar, soft rot incidence can be reduced by up to
53% and (b) by applying an effective post-harvest sanitizer
as a potato wash, disease incidence can be reduced by up
to 43%. In theory we can therefore deduce that combining
the use of a tolerant potato cultivar and effective postharvest treatment, the incidence of post-harvest soft rot can
potentially be reduced by more than 70%.
Evaluation of cultivar susceptibility
of powdery scab in field trials results from five trials: Prof Jacquie
van der Waals, University of
Powdery scab is caused by Spongospora subterranea f.sp.
subterranea (Sss). There are currently no methods available
that can completely eradicate the pathogen from the soil
or seed. Cultivar tolerance to powdery scab is thus one of
the most effective tools in the management thereof. For this
reason, five cultivar trials were planted in commercial fields
naturally contaminated with Sss to evaluate root and tuber
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Results from powdery scab assessments showed no
relationship between root and tuber susceptibility of
cultivars. Most cultivars showed similar susceptibility
to powdery scab in all. This is an indication of the low
genetic variation in the pathogen population and that the
host resistance is probably horizontal, thus allowing the
resistance to be effective under adverse environmental
conditions. The results, although not conclusive, give an
indication of the relative susceptibility to powdery scab
of certain cultivars planted in South Africa and can help
growers make informed pre-plant decisions.
Die rol van inokulum bron van Rhizoctonia
solani in siekte ontwikkeling: Prof. Jacquie van
der Waals, Universiteit van Pretoria
Rhizoctonia solani is ‘n aartappelpatogeen wat
kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe verliese veroorsaak.
Kwalitatiewe verliese is as gevolg van die ontwikkeling van
sklerotia (swart skurf), groeikrake, trompetgate, olifantskil
en misvorming van knolle. Kwantitatiewe verliese vind
plaas wanneer die patogeen wortels of stolons aanval, wat
tot swak plantegroei en verminderde opbrengste lei. Daar
is twee hoofbronne van primêre inokulum, naamlik saad- en
grondgedraagde inokulum. ‘n Studie is uitgevoer in miniplotte op die Universiteit van Pretoria se proefplaas om die
ope vrae oor die belang en invloed van R. solani inokulum
bron op siekte ontwikkeling in aartappels te ondersoek.
Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskille in swart skurf
siekte-indeks tussen die geïnokuleerde behandelings nie,
alhoewel almal hoër was as die kontrole. Soortgelyk het
beide saad- en grond-inokulum die opkoms betekenisvol
verminder in vergelyking met die kontrole, maar daar was
geen verskille tussen die geïnokuleerde behandelings nie.
Daar is bewys dat saadgedraagde inokulum van R. solani
potensieel meer aggressief kan wees as grondgedraagde
inokulum in wortelinfeksies. Hierdie resultate bevestig die
van verskeie ander navorsers wat gewys het dat swart
skurf en ondergrondse simptome verhoog word wanneer
beide inokulumbronne teenwoordig is. Siektevlakke kan
tot ‘n mate verminder word deur die toediening van in-voor
grondbehandelings, maar hierdie behandelings is minder
effektief wanneer saad- en / of grond-inokulumvlakke hoog
is. Dit is daarom belangrik dat al twee inokulumbronne
beheer word vir optimale siektebestuur.
Integrated disease management
for the reduction of common scab
of potato (Streptomyces spp.) in
South Africa: Ms Rendani Murovhi,
ARC-VOPI and Tshwane University
of Technology
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Common scab caused by Streptomyces spp. is a
widespread bacterial disease affecting potato production.
Various management practices have been investigated
aimed towards reducing disease incidence, however, few
have been successful when applied individually. The aim
of this project was to investigate the effect of rotation crops
as part of an integrated management strategy to manage
common scab.
A project at a trial site was initiated at the Agricultural
Research Council-Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Institute
(ARC-VOPI) in long term experimental blocks. During the
first year fifteen Streptomyces spp. isolates (including fissure
scab isolates) were isolated from necrotic lesions of potato
tubers and used to prepare inoculum to artificially inoculate
the field. A susceptible potato cultivar was planted to settle
the inoculum in the soil. The site was then subjected to soil
sampling before and after each follow-up crop. The followup crops were chosen to address specific management
goals such as soil improvement, disease suppression and
representation of a standard cropping rotation system.
Enzyme analysis and biological assays were carried out
on the soil samples. The soil samples were stored in a cold
room for further biological assay on different ISP growth
medium. To evaluate the overall effect of the integrated
disease management program towards reducing common
scab disease incidence, a susceptible potato cultivar BP1
was planted. Preliminary results indivcated that rotation
crops can reduce the scab index on potatoes, but the
treatments need to be repeated one more year before
recommendations can be made.
vir aartappelproduksie in die
Sandveld: Dr. Jacques van Zyl,
Departement van Landbou WesKaap
Bewaringsbewerkingpraktyke wat uit minimum bewerking,
permanente bedekkings en wisselbou bestaan, het die
potensiaal om in samewerking met dekgewasbestuur, die
degradering van grond teen te werk en goeie opbrengste
en ekosisteemstabiliteit te onderhou. Die volhoubaarheid
van gewasproduksie word onderhou en verbeter deur
effektiewe en aktiewe mikro-organismepopulasies.
Hierdie populasies benodig egter ’n hoë organiese
koolstofinhoud in die grond om selfonderhoudend te
wees. Bewerking speel ‘n kardinale rol in die verandering
van die grondstruktuur aangesien dit die verspreiding
van energieryke organiese materiaal in die grondprofiel
beïnvloed en sodoende ook die energievloei en die
dinamiek van grondchemiese prosesse.
Die projek word op die plaas Fisantekraal Aurora
uitgevoer met die doelwit om die effek van
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
bewaringsboerderypraktyke op opbrengs, fisiese,
biologiese en chemiese status van die grond asook om
die waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid in aartappelproduksie
te bepaal. ‘n Verdere doelwit is die ontwikkeling van
bewaringsboerderyriglyne wat geïnkorporeer kan word in
die beste praktyke vir aartappelproduksie in die Sandveld.
In die proef is hawer, rog en ‘n kombinasie van rog en ‘n
graangewas aangeplant. Die dekgewasse skep onder
andere beter toestande vir die groei en ontwikkeling
van wortels, verminder water en gronderosie, verminder
waterdruppelimpak op die grondoppervlak en lei tot
verhoogde humusvorming.
Die resultate van die eerste seisoen was baie insiggewend
en het interessante tendense getoon wat ‘n groot
impak sal lewer indien hierdie tendense herhaal kan
word in die verloop van die proef aangesien dit die
bewerkingsmetode in die toekoms kan verander om
daardeur ‘n meer volhoubare produksiesisteem daar te stel
vir implementering in die Sandveld.
Beduidende verskille is onder andere gevind ten opsigte
van die grondrespirasie en aktiewe koolstofvlakke met die
hoogste waardes in die minimum bewerkte behandelings.
Die plantparasitiese nematodes het in beduidend
hoër getalle voorgekom by die maksimale bewerkte
behandelings. Die opbrengs en grootteverspreiding
het getoon dat die minimum bewerkte persele statisties
die hoogste opbrengste getoon het met die beste
grootteverspreiding. Grond penetrometerlesings is geneem
en beduidende verskille het voorgekom op die onderskeie
(‘n Uitgebreide verslag van die resultate is beskikbaar in
Chips November / Desember 2013, p 34-40)
Die invloed van bewaringsboerdery
praktyke op grond mikrobiese populasies en
grondgedraagde siektes van aartappels: Me
René Carlson, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
Die biologiese gedeelte van die langtermynbewaringsboerdery projek wat in die Sandveld geloods
is, bestudeer die invloed van bewaringsboerderypraktyke op die inheemse mikrobiese populasies en die
voorkoms van grondgedraagde siektes van aartappels
en of daar ‘n korrelasie voorkom. Kultuur-afhanklike en
-onafhanklike metodes is toegepas om die veranderinge
in mikrobiese populasies te meet. Mikrobiese aktiwiteit
is gemeet deur ensiem-aktiwiteit en mikrobiese diversiteit
deur koolstofbronverbruik. Die eerste seisoen se resultate
dui op ‘n positiewe korrelasie tussen bewaringsbewerking
en aktiewe koolstof, grondrespirasie, aartappelopbrengs,
vry-lewende aalwurms, sowel as mikrobiese diversiteit en
‘n negatiewe korrelasie met plant parasitiese aalwurms en
(‘n Uitgebreide verslag van die resultate is beskikbaar in
Chips November / Desember 2013, p 34-40)
Effect of soil health on plant
parasitic nematodes: Mr Edward
Onkendi, University of Pretoria
Plant parasitic nematodes, in particular
the destructive cyst (Heterodera spp.),
lesion (Pratylenchus spp.) and root-knot
nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), play a significant role in
influencing potato production. The prevalence of diseases
and plant-parasitic nematodes in the soil are determined
mainly by soil health. Soil health affects water, air and
the productivity of microorganisms in the soil and crops,
which depend directly on soil life. The abundance and
diversity of different soil organisms act as indicators of the
healthiness of the soil. Moreover, physical attributes of
the soil, for example organic matter content, presence of
living organisms, water retention capacity, soil texture and
aeration often act as parameters for evaluating soil health.
Poor soils often exhibit an increased build-up of plant
parasitic nematodes and a disturbed soil structure. Land use
and management practices have significant effects on the
biological, chemical and physical properties of any given
soil. Negative effects on the three key properties of the
soil often lead to increases in the plant-parasitic nematode
To improve soil heath nematodes densities can be
reduced through cultural pratices, biological antagonists
and organic amendments. It is emperative that new
transmissions be avoided, effective biological methods be
adopted and soils be fumigated and solarized.
Aphid flight patterns in three
seed-potato producing regions:
Prof Kerstin Krüger, University of
Aphid species differ in their ability to
transmit Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and
Potato virus Y (PVY). Virus transmission in the field is further
influenced by aphid flight patterns.
The aim of this study was to compare aphid vector species
composition and seasonal flight patterns in the summer
rainfall region of South Africa. Aphids were collected with
12.2 m high Rothamsted-type suction traps in seed-potato
producing regions in KwaZulu-Natal (three traps), and the
Northern Cape and Western Free State (one trap each).
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 61
The most abundant vector of PVY in recent years in all study
regions was Rhopalosiphum padi (bird-cherry oat aphid).
This species do not reproduce on potato, and also has a
low PVY transmission efficiency. However, it can be an
important vector of PVY when occurring in high numbers.
In addition, Aphis spp. was abundant in the Western
Free State trap and one trap in KwaZulu-Natal. Several
members of this genus not only transmit PVY but also PLRV,
and feed and reproduce on potato. The abundance of
R. padi and Aphis spp. varied between regions. Peaks
for R. padi occurred around October/November and
again around February/March, depending on the region.
In both the Western Free State trap and in one trap in
KwaZulu-Natal, Aphis spp. peaked in February/March.
In recent years Myzus persicae (peach-potato aphid), the
most efficient vector of PVY and PLRV, was recorded in all
regions in low numbers only. Information on aphid species
composition and flight patterns has important implications
for the timing of management strategies to reduce virus
Ondersoek na die invloed van
klimaat op die aktiwiteit en
intensiteit van aartappelvirus
vektore in die winterreënstreek:
Dr Kobus Laubscher, Wes-Kaap
Departement van Landbou
Daar is weer in die Sandveld op die maande Maart,
April en Mei gedurende die 2013-seisoen gekonsentreer
om vektoraktiwiteite met reënval te vergelyk. Resultate
het weereens die invloed van reën op vektordruk en
plantluisaktiwiteite gedurende die bogenoemde maande
van die jaar bevestig. As die druk van die 2013-seisoen
vergelyk word met die 2012-data, is die belangrikste verskil
in die aktiwiteite van vektore gedurende die 2013-seisoen
as gevolg van die wisselvallige reënvalpatroon aan die
begin van die Sandveld se moerproduksieseisoen en
ongeag die afwesigheid van ‘n gereelde reënval patroon,
het die druk bly styg.
In die Koue Bokkeveld is hoër plantluisaktiwiteite
gedurende Oktober (hoofsaaklik aartappelplantluise)
waargeneem en weer vroeg in Januarie waarna dit
toegeneem het tot vroeg in Maart 2014 (meestal as gevolg
van perskeluise). Daar was hoër aartappelplantluisaktiwiteite gedurende die eerste deel van Oktober, maar
dit het gedurende November begin daal en op daardie
vlak gebly tot Januarie. Gedurende hierdie tydperk
(2013), was die aartappelplantluis weer in getalle
teenwoordig tesame met die graanplantluis-kompleks. Die
groen perskeluis het weer gedurende die derde week van
2014 verskyn en getalle het begin verhoog tot op dieselfde
vlak as gedurende die 2012/13-seisoen.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Host plant preference of
Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera:
Aphididae) and its role in selecting
crop border plants to reduce
Potato virus Y (PVY) in seed
potatoes: Dr Michelle Schröder,
University of Pretoria
Alate (winged) Rhopalosiphum padi in search of host
plants transmit the non-persistent Potato virus Y
(PVY) to seed potatoes. Aphids land in high numbers at the
edge of a field, therefore the planting of a non-virus host
plant as a crop border can reduce PVY incidence by acting
as a virus sink.
The present study evaluated R. padi preference for maize
and wheat cultivars compared to potato cultivars in order
to identify a potential crop border plant that is attractive
to aphids for landing, but does not support a high aphid
population density. The information will contribute to the
development of selection criteria for potential crop border
plants. Landing and settling preferences and reproductive
rates of R. padi on three cultivars each of maize, potato
and wheat were compared. The attractiveness to R. padi
of different shades of green (relative to differences in
spectral reflectance of the crop cultivars) was determined,
as well as olfactory responses of this species to the plant
cultivars tested.
The results of the present study suggest that maize ‘6Q121’ could be a suitable crop border plant in seed potato
production regions where R. padi is abundant due to high
aphid landing and low reproduction rates. A suitable crop
border plant should (1) be a preferred host plant species
and a cultivar that attracts, but does not support high
population densities of the dominant aphid vector species
in a specific region, (2) reflect a higher percentage of light
in the green-yellow wavelength region than the main crop,
and (3) not emit volatile compounds known to repel the
aphid vector.
Die bepaling van weerstand van
kommersieël aangeplante SuidAfrikaanse aartappelkultivars
teen PVYNTN: Prof. Dirk Bellstedt,
Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Die PVYNTN ras is die ernstigste PVY ras in Suid-Afrika.
Aartappelkultivars besit verskillende vlakke
van weerstandbiedendheid teenoor PVYNTN. In
weerstandbiedende plante word die verspreiding van
die virus in die plant vertraag. Deur die aanwending van
RT-PCR, is die spoed van verspreiding in aartappelplante
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
bepaal na kunsmatige meganiese infeksie van blare. In
hierdie projek is die spoed van verspreiding van PVYNTN
in ses aartappelkultivars, naamlik Hermes, BP1, Mondial,
Avalanche, Van der Plank en Up-to-date bepaal. G0
miniknolle is in glashuise geplant, meganies met drie
bekende isolate van PVYNTN geïnfekteer, en die verspreiding
van die virus is oor ’n periode van ses weke, weekliks
bepaal. Die kultivar Hermes is as kontrole vir vatbaarheid
gebruik, m.a.w. laagste weerstand teen PVYNTN. Hermes is
bevind om virusverspreiding vinnig in die plant toe te laat,
terwyl die ander kultivars in die volgorde van vinnigste tot
stadigste verspreiding, met ander woorde mees vatbaar
tot minder vatbaar, in die volgorde van Hermes, BP1,
Mondial, Avalanche, Van der Plank tot Up-to-date bepaal
is. Alhoewel die ontwikkeling van knolnekrose baie van
grond temperatuur afhanklik is, is die persentasie van
knolnekrose van elke kultivar bepaal. Van die kultivars het
geen knolnekrose ontwikkel nie, maar ander het so hoog
as 58% knolnekrose vertoon. Wanneer meer kultivars se
virusverspreidingspoed en knolnekrosevlakke bepaal is,
sal data na ’n weerstandsindeks verwerk word wat boere
sal toelaat om kultivars wat meer weerstand bied teen die
nadelige effekte van PVYNTN infeksie te plant.
Die bepaling van die patogenisiteit
van PLRV rasse in Suid-Afrika:
Mr Wiets Roos, Universiteit van
Die genoomopeenvolgings van nege
Suid-Afrikaanse isolate van PLRV van
alle aartappelproduserende-gebiede in Suid-Afrika is
bepaal en geanaliseer deur middel van filogenetiese
en bioinformatika-ontledings. Resultate toon dat SuidAfrikaanse PLRV rasse betekenisvol van oorsese isolate
verskil. Bioinformatika analises word tans voorgesit en
toon betekenisvolle verskille in die mantelproteïengene
en bewegingsproteïengene in Suid-Afrikaanse rasse, wat
moontlik kon lei tot erger patogenese in aartappels wat met
Suid-Afrikaanse PLRV rasse geïnfekteer is.
Die tweede doelwit was om die verspreiding van PLRV
in aartappelplante na te gaan met behulp van ELISA en
RT-PCR in ‘n groeiseisoen. Proewe is op twee kultivars
uitgevoer nl. Avalanche en Mondial. Blaarmonsters
van 20 sigbaar geïnfekteerde en 60 plante sonder
visuele simptome van virusinfeksie is versamel tydens ’n
groeiseisoen gevolg deur die oes van knolle van elkeen
van die geïnfekteerde plante. Knolle by oes en na drie
maande opberging is getoets. In beide proewe is gevind
dat RT-PCR baie sensitiewer was as ELISA in sowel blaar
en knolmonsters en dat die RT-PCR toetsmetode in staat
was om die teenwoordigeheid van virus in knolle by oes
te identifiseer, waar dit met die ELISA-metode nie moontlik
was nie.
Die validasie van virus-spesifieke
in-tydse RT-PCR toetse vir
kommersiële gebruik in die
aartappelindustrie: Me Anel
Espach, Plantovita
Die toelaatbare patogeen- en siektevlakke
vir verskillende generasies moere word in die SuidAfrikaanse Aartappelmoersertifiserigskema voorgeskryf.
Weens beperkinge, hoofsaaklik in sensitiwiteit van die
ELISA toetsmetode, neem dit ‘n minimum van 28 dae
om die virus-spesifieke toetsresultate te genereer. Om
die behoefte van kwekers na toetsuitslae wat vroeër
beskikbaar is aan te spreek, het hierdie projek ten doel om
na validasie (ontwikkeling, optimalisering en evaluering),
‘n kommersiële in-tydse RT-PCR toets beskikbaar te stel
spesifiek vir PVY en PLRV vir kommersiële gebruik en
toepassing in die aartappelbedryf.
Voorvoerders en peilers is ontwerp spesifiek vir beide PVY
en PLRV om uitvoering van ‘n sogenaamde TaqMan toets
moontlik te maak. Kombinasies van hierdie voorvoerders
en peiler toon die effektiewe amplifisering van teiken
patogeenvolgordes. Die eenstap, enkelvoudige formaat
reaksie blyk effektief te wees in die amplifisering van die
virusspesifieke teiken RNA na isolasie uit knolle (vars en
uitgeloop) en blare. Na evaluasie is bevind dat die S.
tubersorum 18s rRNA spesifieke voorvoerders en peilers
gebruik kan word as interne kontrole op ‘n roetine basis. In
‘n poging om koste te verlaag, word daar beplan om die
enkelvoudige formaat uit te brei na ‘n veelvuldige formaat
(sg multiplex). Die magnetiese partikel-gebaseerde
ekstraksie metode met ‘n pre-lise buffer bygevoeg tydens
homogenisering, het die generering van goeie gehalte
RNA op grootskaal tot gevolg.
Monsters is getoets met behulp van beide die ELISA en PKR
op dieselfde knolle asook verskillende knolle uit dieselfde
land. Geselekteerde monsters is daarna in ‘n kweekhuis
uitgeplant om die loof te toets ten einde die aanvanklike
resultate te bevestig. Voorlopige uitslae in die vergelyking
tussen die virus-spesifieke ELISA toetse tans in gebruik en
die RT-PCR toets bevestig die beter opsporing van virus
teenwoordig in laer vlakke (soos wat voorkom gedurende
in-seisoen infeksie) vir beide PVY en PLRV. Resultate
van sekondêre geinfekteerde materiaal is vergelykbaar
wanneer die metodes in parallel gebruik word.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 63
Effek van stikstofbestuur op
knolinisiasie van geselekteerde
aartappelkultivars: Me Chantel du
Raan, Universiteit van Pretoria
Die fokus in hierdie studie is om te
bepaal hoe kombinasies van verskillende
hoeveelhede stikstof en toedieningstye, knolinisiëring,
aantal knolle, finale opbrengs, grootteverspreiding en
kwaliteit van drie kultivars beïnvloed.
Moere met dieselfde fisiologiese ouderdom van die
kultivars BP1, Eos en Lanorma is gebruik. Stikstof is teen
drie peile (160 kg/ha N, 240 kg/ha N en 360 kg/ha N)
toegedien met drie toedieningstye (30% met plant en 70%
±3 weke na opkoms; 50% met plant en 50% na opkoms;
en 70% met plant en 30% na opkoms)
Voorlopige resultate het aangetoon dat daar ‘n
betekenisvolle verskil tussen aanvang en duur van
knolinisiasie tussen kultivars was, maar geen beduidende
verskille rakende stikstof toedieningstye nie.
Finale knolopbrengs het beduidend van peile 160 tot
360 kg/ha N verhoog. Die toedieningstye het ook ‘n
betekenisvolle verskil in finale knolopbrengs gemaak.
Die behandeling waar 70% N met plant en 30% ± 3
weke na opkoms toegedien is, het die beste gevaar. Die
bemarkbare opbrengs (medium en groot) is beduidend
deur kultivars, toedieningstye en stikstofpeile beïnvloed.
Daar was deurgaans ‘n tendens dat die hoogste
stikstofpeile by planttyd die hoogste knolopbrengs en
bemarkbare opbrengs gelewer het. Kultivar het ook ‘n
groot effek op SG. Skyfiekleur is weinig deur enige
behandeling beïnvloed, maar wel deur die tipe kultivar,
waar BP1 en Lanorma baie beter gevaar het as Eos.
N toediening van 360 kg/ha, 30% met plant en 70%
±3 weke na opkoms, het die hoogste finale knol en
bemarkbare opbrengs gelewer. Hierdie behandelings
word nie aanbeveel nie aangesien die hoogste stikstofpeil
knolkwaliteit aansienlik benadeel. Dit blyk dus dat
behandelings 240kg/ha N, 70% met plant en 30% ±3
weke na opkoms, die optimale stikstofbehandeling is om
aanvaarbare resultate te lewer. Verdere kwaliteitstoetse en
statistiese analises (vir groei-analise data) moet egter nog
uitgevoer word voor finale aanbevelings of gevolgtrekkings
gemaak kan word.
Kalsium bemestingseffek op knolontwikkeling en kwaliteit: Me
Estelle Kempen, Universiteit van
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
In hierdie projek is reeds gevind dat daar ‘n verband
bestaan tussen die Ca toedieningskonsentrasie,
knolinisiasie, knolgrootte-verspreiding en totale opbrengs.
Daar was ‘n goeie korrelasie tussen die Ca toedieningspeil
en die Ca inhoud van die knolle. Knolle met ‘n lae
Ca konsentrasie in die medulla was meer geneig tot
beskadiging en vrot na oes.
Aangesien die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe vir
die opname deur wortels nie net beïnvloed word deur
die toedieningspeil nie maar ook deur die chemiese en
fisiese eienskappe van die grond, was dit nodig om ook
die effek van verskillende Ca toedieningspeile op knolopbrengs en kwaliteit in gronde met verskillende KUKs te
evalueer. Vier kultivars per grondtipe is geëvalueer en Ca
is toegedien 125 dpm, 200 dpm en 400dpm. Opbrengs
was beïnvloed deur die Ca toedieningspeil sowel as die
grondtipe. Die algemene tendens was dat toename in Ca
toediening asook ‘n toename in die KUK van die grond
aanleiding gegee het tot hoër opbrengste. In die sandleemgrond was ‘n toename in opbrengs opmerklik wanneer
die Ca toedienings peil verhoog is. Die hoogste totale
opbrengs onder hierdie kondisies was verkry van plante
in leemgronde by ‘n Ca toedieningspeil van 200 en 400
dpm. Al die kultivars het laer opbrengste getoon in die
sandgrond in vergelyking met die leemgrond. Knolgrootteverspreiding was beduidend beïnvloed in die lae KUK
grond en lae Ca toedieningspeil (125 dpm) vir al die
kultivars wat geëvalueer is. Dit het vorige resultate bevestig
wat aangedui het dat die beskikbaarheid van kalsium
tydens knolinisiasie, stolonvertakking en die aantal knolle
wat geïnisieer word, kan beïnvloed (aeroponika proewe).
Die chemiese samestelling en na-oes gevoeligheid teenoor
stres is ook gevalueer. Voedingsoplossing wat onttrek
is vanuit die boonste laag, stolonlaag en wortellaag, is
ook gedoen en vergelyk. Geen beduidende verskille
in die pH, EG en Ca konsentrasie van die oplossings in
die verskillende lae is in die sandgrond gevind nie. In
die gronde met die hoër KUKs is ‘n toename in die Ca
konsentrasie asook die totale EG in beide die stolon en
wortellae opgemerk. Alternatiewe metodes om die plant
beskikbare Ca in die verskillende gronde te analiseer is
ook geëvalueer en vergelyk.
Evaluation of alternative systemic
herbicides for volunteer potato
control: Dr James Allemann,
University of the Free State
Control of volunteer potato plants is
both difficult and costly. Presently many
producers use the herbicide picloram to kill volunteers,
but this is a practice that should not be encouraged as this
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
particular herbicide is not registered (Act 36 of 1947) for
use in cropping systems, and can also have unforeseen
consequences in that it has a very long period of residual
activity, and can also end up in the groundwater supply. In
both cases it can cause severe damage to sensitive crops
for years following application.
The aim of this project is to evaluate alternative herbicide
that can preferably be employed pre-emergence to control
volunteer potato plants before they become a problem.
During the past season 12 herbicides and a fumigant
were evaluated for their effect on the potato cultivars
Mondial and Sifra in a glasshouse trial. The majority of
the herbicides (seven) are registered for use in maize
crops, four on soya and other bean crops, and one on
vegetables. Some of these herbicides are registered for
use as either pre-emergence or post emergence treatments,
and in these cases both application times were tested.
Metam potassium (690 g L-1) was the soil fumigant used.
In all cases the application rates used were the maximum
recommended by the companies for the particular soil
being used for pre-emergence (PRE) application or the
maximum recommended for post emergence (POST)
applications. Although initial symptoms were noted with
most PRE applications, plants recovered from most applied
herbicides, with only picloram and mesotrione causing
major damage. Sifra appeared to be more sensitive to
mesotrione as Mondial plants started to recover after four
weeks. Application of Metam potassium resulted in death
of the tubers, with no stems emerging from the soil. POST
applications were made when the plants were in the 6 –
8 leaf stage. Epinasty was noted within two days, and
chlorosis within seven days of fluoroxypyr application.
Bromoxynil – leaf necrosis of top leaves started developing
within two days of application, and necrotic spots started
to develop on leaves of plants treated with oxyfluorfen.
Plants treated with glyphosate started to develop chlorosis
within eight days of application, and started dying within
20 days. The most successful POST treatments were
fluoroxypyr, glyphosate and picloram. In all cases it
appeared as though Sifra plants were more sensitive
to the herbicides than those of Mondial. Mesotrione
appears to be the most successful PRE treatment and will be
investigated in more detail during the coming season.
Although picloram is an efficient herbicide in controlling
volunteer potatoes its use cannot be recommended.
Opsomming van die werkgroep
kultivarevaluasies: Mnr Gert
Bester, Boer van die Oos Vrystaat
Nege kommersiële en vroeë-kultivars is in
2013 in vier produksiestreke aangeplant
naamlik Limpopo, Sandveld, KwaZulu-Natal en OosVrystaat. Mondial is as varsmarkkontrole geplant en
Fianna as kontrole vir verwerking. Die toestande op
die vier lokaliteite het verskil ten opsigte van klimaat en
produksiepraktyke. Toestande was oor die algemeen
gunstig en hoë opbrengste is gerealsieer. In Limpopo was
die plantdatum 18 Junie, in die Sandveld 19 Julie en in
KwaZulu-Natal en die Oos-Vrystaat 23 September.
Evaluasies wat regdeur die seisoen gedoen is, het
opkomsdatum, plantestand, halmtelling en weeklikse
metings van hoogte en deursnit van plante ingesluit. Met
oes is die totale en bemarkbare opbrengs, knoldefekte,
interne kwaliteit, grootteverspreiding, gradering en
algemene voorkoms vir al drie herhalings geëvalueer. Al
vier produsente wat deelgeneem het aan die evaluasie van
die proewe, het ook deelgeneem aan die finale evaulasie
en voorstelle.
Synergy het die hoogste opbrengs behaal gevolg deur
Mondial en Valor. Hoë waardes vir soortlike gewig (SG)
is deurentyd aangeteken vir Fiana en Divaa terwyl lae
waardes vir Synergy aangeteken is. Ten opsigte van
die varsmarkkultivars is relatief hoë waardes vir Triomf
aangeteken. Valor se opbrengs was die stabielste.
Aartappel-pes opname om
die streekgebonde sowel as
die nasionale status van al die
potensiële artropode plae in al
die aartappelproduksiegebiede
van Suid-Afrika te bepaal: WesVrystaat en Noordwesstreke: Dr.
Diedrich Visser (LNR-IGS)
Meer as sestig artropode spesies val aartappels in SuidAfrika aan, maar slegs ongeveer 10% hiervan word
deur aartappelprodusente aangemeld as nadelig vir
opbrengste. Ons kennis aangaande aartappelplae, en
spesifiek waar hulle voorkom en watter plae skadeliker is in
spesifieke gebiede, is egter steeds beperk.
Die doelwit van die opname is om die akkuraatheid van
inligting rakende die pes-status van individuele peste in die
verskillende produksiegebiede te bevestig. In die verslagjaar is die opname in die Wes-Vrystaat en Noordwes
Die belangrikste insekprobleme in die Wes-Vrystaat is
aartappelmot, blaarmyners, nematodes en plantluise. In
Noordwes is die belangrikste probleme aartappelmot
en nematodes. Die Wes-Vrystaat het rooispinmyte, en
Noordwes, blaarmyners, plantluise en rooispinmyte
gerapporteer as peste wat soms oesverliese kan
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 65
veroorsaak. Alle boere gebruik insekdoders om peste te
onderdruk en die algemene gevoel was dat organiese
aartappelverbouing nie op grootskaal moontlik is nie.
Ander inligting sluit in: insetkoste vir pesbeheer beloop
ongeveer R15 000/ha, waarvan die helfte vir nematodebeheer is, en die meeste produsente maak gebruik van ‘n
plaagbeheer landbou-agent vir aanbevelings.
Hierdie en ander inligting sal ontleed word om ‘n breë
oorsig te kry van die plaagkomplekse en beheerstrategieë
van die aartappelboer in Suid-Afrika. Die projek word elke
jaar na addisionele produksie-streke uitgebrei.
In vitro genebank maintenance
of open and sub-license potato
cultivars: Ms Nokuthula Myeza
The in vitro genebank at the ARC-VOPI is
officially accredited by the Independent
Certification Council for Seed Potatoes (ICCSP) to provide
the South African potato industry with potato mother
material. The potato mother material is conserved and
maintained in the form of in vitro plantlets in test tubes,
using a slow growth, medium-term storage method. At
present, the facility stores and maintains eight commercially
grown open and sub-license potato cultivars. Accessions
of these cultivars are maintained in specialised storage
cabinets. For safekeeping, the duplicate set of each
collection is housed in a separate building that has an
independent power supply. Stored plant material is
monitored for contamination and vigor every three months.
In order to avoid somaclonal variation clones of the
cultivars that have reached high generation numbers of 18
in storage, are renewed.
The genebank supplies the South African potato industry
with disease-free mother material from open and sublicense potato cultivars for the production of potato seed
planting material. Accessions of all eight commercially
produced potato cultivars were successfully stored in vitro.
None of the accessions were lost due to contamination,
human error or infrastructure breakdown. True-to-type,
disease-free mother material of BP1, Up-to-date, Hertha,
Van der Plank and Buffelspoort potato cultivars was
supplied to accredited potato tissue culture laboratories for
further multiplication and to the universities and research
institutes for research on potato. Selected new clones
of Hertha, Darius and Buffelspoort were successfully
established in vitro, tested for prohibited bacteria and viral
diseases and were found to be true-to-type through DNA
Page 66 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Verminderde sensitiwiteit in Alternaria alternata
isolate teen ‘n QoI swamdoder, en implikasies
vir bestuur van malroes: Prof. Jacquie van der
Waals, Universiteit van Pretoria
Malroes van aartappels is ‘n nuwe of opkomende
siekte in Suid-Afrika wat oor die afgelope 5 tot 8 jaar
ernstige oesverliese tot gevolg gehad het in verskeie
aartappelproduksiestreke en is aan die toeneem. Malroes
is ‘n loofsiekte wat deur Alternaria alternata veroorsaak
word, een van die mees algemene plantpatogene. Die
siekte kom reg deur die groeiseisoen voor en veroorsaak
simptome wat gereeld verwar word met die van vroeëroes.
’n Populasie studie op A. alternata isolate van aartappels
in Suid-Afrika is uitgevoer om onder andere epidemiologie
en swamdodersensitiwiteit te ondersoek, met die doel om
beter siektebestuursadvies te kan gee. Sensitiwiteit van
A. alternata isolate teen die “quinone outside inhibitor”
(QoI) swamdoder, azoksistrobien, is bepaal. A. alternata
isolate van malroesletsels uit vyf produksiestreke is gebruik
vir die toetse. Aanduidings van verminderde sensitiwiteit
teen azoksistrobien is by 6 isolate gevind. Volgorde
analise van ‘n gedeelte van die Sitochroom b geen het ’n
sterk korrelasie gewys van die verminderde sensitiwiteit
en ‘n basisvervanging van glisien met alanien, wat ‘n
aminosuurverandering tot gevolg het by posisie 143
(G143A). Alhoewel verminderde sensitiwiteit al voorheen
gerapporteer is op ander gewasse waar azoksistrobien
gebruik is om verskeie patogene te beheer, is hierdie
die eerste verslag daarvan in A. alternata veldisolate
vanaf aartappels in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie en soortgelyke
mutasies kan ook verminderde sensitiwiteit teen ander QoI
swamdoders tot gevolg hê.
Die resultate van hierdie studie is nie van toepassing op
A. solani, die veroorsakende agent van vroeëroes nie. A.
solani word tans nog deur QoI swamdoders beheer. Daar
is tans slegs een produk wat geregistreer is vir die beheer
van A. alternata op aartappels in Suid-Afrika.
Die bestuur van malroes berus op geïntegreerde strategieë
wat daarop gemik is om patogeen-inokulum te verminder
en om plante gesond te hou. Gewasrotasie vir ‘n minimum
van drie jaar met nie-gashere; verwydering en verbranding
van geïnfekteerde plante, onkruide en plantreste kan
inokulumdruk verminder. Goeie plaagbeheer is ook
belangrik omdat insekte as vektore kan optree en wonde
kan veroorsaak waardeer die patogeen die plant kan
infekteer. Ander infeksieweë sluit in nutrienttekorte
of -toksisiteite, en water- of klimaatgeïnduseerde
stresse, wat die belang van goeie kunsmis en
besproeiïngsskeduleringsprogramme beklemtoon.
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Diversity of Soft Rot Enterobacteriaceae in
South Africa: Project leader: Dr Lucy N Moleleki
(University of Pretoria) Ntwanano L Maluleke,
Edward M Onkendi (University of Pretoria)
Potato plants are constantly under attack from various
pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and
nematodes. A group of phytopathogens of significant
concern in relation to potatoes are the Soft Rot
Enterobacteriaceae (SRE), formerly called Erwinia, which
cause huge economic losses. SRE are gram-negative
pectolytic bacterial pathogens with a broad host range.
These pathogens were recently reclassified into two
genera, namely the Pectobacterium and Dickeya species.
Members of the SRE cause blackleg symptoms in the
field and soft rot during post-harvest storage. Since the
new names (Pectobacterium and Dickeya) were adopted,
only two Pectobacterium species have been reported
in South Africa (Pectobacterium carotovorum subspp.
brasiliense and Pectobacterium wasabiae), and no Dickeya
species have been identified. Hence there is a very little
knowledge of the presence of many of these species in
potatoes or other crop plants in South Africa.
The aim of this study is to investigate diversity of Soft Rot
Enterobacteriaceae in South Africa using culture-based
and molecular identification techniques. The findings of
this study will be highly significant to South African potato
growers in their attempts to develop strategies to effectively
manage and control the disease. C
Mnr. Johan van den Heever, lid van Aartappels SuidAfrika se direksie en voorsitter van die organisasie
se Navorsingskomitee, het as voorsitter van die
Navorsingsimposium opgetree.
Die Aartappelnavorsingsimposium - 2014 het Aartappelwerkgroepe die geleentheid gebied om verslag te doen oor
die ondergenoemde werkgroepproewe wat in die onderskeie aartappelproduksiegebiede onderneem word:
Samevatting van resultate van werkgroep kultivarevaluasieproewe
René Carlson
Wes-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Bultfontein in 2013
Attie van den Berg,
et al
Wes-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder droëlandtoestande op Kroonstad
in 2012-13
Ceres kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Donderbos in 2013/2014
Inus Oosthuizen,
et al
Limpopo kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Tom Burke in 2013
Schalk Grobbelaar,
et al
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 67
Die Aartappelnavorsingsimposium - 2014 het Aartappelwerkgroepe die geleentheid gebied om verslag te doen oor
die ondergenoemde werkgroepproewe wat in die onderskeie aartappelproduksiegebiede onderneem word:
KZN kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Weenen in 2013
Dániel Möller, et al
Noordoos-Kaap kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Ugie in
Sandveld kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Aurora in 2013/2014
Piet Brink, et al
Suidwes-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Petrusburg in
Suid-Wes Vrystaat plantestandproef op die kultivar Sifra op
Petrusburg in 2013/2014
Suid-Wes Vrystaat plantestandproef op die kultivar lanorma op
Petrusburg in 2013/2014
Fanus van Zyl, et al
Mpumalanga kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Middelburg in
Jaco Botes, et al
Noord Kaap kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Douglas in 2013
Andre Prins, et al
Nasionale vroeë kultivarevaluasie proewe in 2013/2014
Gert Bester, et al
Loskopvallei kultivarproef onder besproeing op Marble Hall in
Albert Boneschans,
et al
Noordwes kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Louwna in
Herman Haak, et al
Oos-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder droëlandtoestande op Warden in
Oos-Vrystaat verwerkerskultivarproef onder droëlandtoestande op
Warden in 2013/2014
Johan van Zyl, et al
Oos Vrystaat kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Oranjeville in
2013/2014 /
Oos Vrystaat kultivar spesifieke N-proef onder droëlandtoestande
op Warden in 2013/2014/
Attie van den Berg,
et al
Page 68 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
And the winners are...
Richard Schulze, BASF’s Commercial Manager, said in his
welcoming address at a most enjoyable BASF Dinner and
Awards Evening that his company is proud of its partnership
with Potatoes South Africa in assisting to build the Potato
Research Symposium as an ideal platform to take research
in potato industry to the next level. “BASF is committed to
serving the potato farmer and has a committed sales team
to do just that. We offer creative, reliable and innovative
solutions backed by excellent service in order that the
farmer can farm sustainably and profitably. This in turn
will create abundance and prosperity for farmers which
will create wealth down the chain as well as ensuring that
sufficient quality crops are produced to feed a growing
world population”, he said.
BASF prize for best presentation by a work
group representative: Schalk Grobbelaar,
Chairman of the Limpopo Potato Work Group, for his
report on the Cultivar evaluation trial at Tom Burke.
Rita van der Merwe, Portfolio Manager at BASF, provided
and overview of Orvego® with Initium®, BASF’s latest
fungicide and said that the company’s developers have
created yet another innovative new fungicide. She added
that “this power-packed combination product – delivering
a double punch with Initium®, a new active ingredient, and
dimethomorph, BASF’s leading local systemic fungicide –
ensures that farmers can count on consistently increasing
yields and boost the quality of their potatoes.”
The following awards were made at event:
• Potatoes South Africa’s prize for best
represented potato work group: Western Free
State Potato Work Group.
• BASF prize for best presentation by a
researcher: Prof Dirk Bellstedt of the Stellenbosch
University for his presentation on his teams study on
Resistance of commercial potato cultivars to PVY-NTN.
Potato Industry Development Trust prize to
the best student presentation: Chantal du Raan,
a master student at the University of Pretoria, for her
report on her study Nitrogen management effects on
tuber initiation on selected potato cultivars. C
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 69
Promosie • Promotion
Syngenta stel sy opgegradeerde
PotatoPack™ reeks bekend
Syngenta is terdeë bewus dat suksesvolle aartappelverbouing afhanklik is van die handhawing van ‘n
balans tussen optimale opbrengs, winsgewendheid en
volhoubaarheid. Gevolglik is Syngenta se strategie daarop
geskoei om deur middel van sy innoverende tegnologie en
reeks produkte die nodige rugsteun te verleen om al hierdie
doelwitte te bereik. Dit is ‘n erkende feit dat die produksie
van meer voedsel met minder hulpbronne een van die
wêreld se grootste uitdagings is en derhalwe groot druk
plaas op voedselsekerheid, veral as die vinnige toename in
die wêreldbevolking in ag geneem word.
Volgens me Van Dyk is die pakke ligter en dieselfde
produkte is saam verpak om gebruik op die plaas te
vergemaklik. Die produkte word nou ook in gekleurde
houers verpak, byvoorbeeld swamdoders in pers bokse,
insekdoders in groen bokse en gemengde produkte in wit
bokse om onderskeid van die produkte vir die plaaswerker
te vergemaklik.
Weens Syngenta se diepgaande kennis van die fisiologiese
prosesse tydens elke stadium van die aartappelplant se
groei weet hulle hoe produkte mekaar aanvul tot voordeel
van die plant. Met hul tegnologiese benadering ten opsigte
van gewasbeskerming kan onkruide, siektes en plae
suksesvol bestuur word om sodoende optimale opbrengste
te lewer. Die fokus is dus op innovasie in opbrengsbestuur
en nie bloot op die tradisionele pes- en plaagbeheer nie.
Die bekendstelling van die opgegradeerde PotatoPack
reeks het deel gevorm van Syngenta se landswye A-Z
Fundi Toer wat daarop gemik was om die jongste tegniese
advies eerstehands aan produsente oor te dra met die oog
op verhoogde opbrengste en gevolglik ‘n beter rendement.
Syngenta het onlangs sy beproefde PotatoPack reeks
opgegradeer om die toediening van die produkte in
die pak deur die aartappelprodusent nog verder te
vergemaklik en om opbrengspotensiaal te optimaliseer.
Al vier PotatoPack weergawes is aangepas om aan die
aartappelprodusent se behoeftes ten opsigte van die
spuitprogram te voldoen.
Tydens die byeenkoms op Frankfort het me. Kerien van
Dyk, Syngenta se Produkbestuurder vir Aartappels en
Vrugte gesê dat PotatoPack as ‘n basis program dien vir
voorkomende beheer van die belangrikste peste en plae
op aartappels. “ Sedert Syngenta in 2005 die PotatoPack
as gewasoplossing mark toe gebring het, is ‘n gemiddelde
opbrengsverhoging van ses ton per hektaar behaal”, het sy
gesê. C
Die opgraderings behels die volgende:
PotatoPack Maxx en PotatoPack Plus - Suntap®
is vervang met Delegate® vir beter blaarmynerbeheer.
Voorts is Agrimec® met Agrimec® Gold vervang om beter
beheer teen blaarmyner verder te verseker. Die voordeel
wat Agrimec Gold inhou is dat die produk ‘n vier maal
gekonsentreerde waterbasis formulasie het wat dit meer
omgewingsvriendelik maak met ‘n gevolglike verlaagde
koolstof-voetspoor. Laastens is Karate® met Karate Zeon®
10 CS vervang wat ‘n dubbelsterkte-formulasie is wat
beteken dat slegs die helfte van die normale dosis benodig
word vir die beheer van aartappelmot.
PotatoPack Opti - Agrimec is vervang met Agrimec
Gold en Karate met Karate Zeon 10 CS.
PotatoPack Edge - Karate is met Karate Zeon 10 CS
Page 70 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
vlnr. Theunis Meiring, Syngenta se Veldkundige: Aartappels
en Vrugte, Kerien van Dyk, Syngenta se Produkbestuurder:
Aartappels en Vrugte en Stephan Fourie van Potato Pride op
PotatoPackTM is ‘n doeltreffende en omvattende program wat deur
kundiges ontwerp is om verskeie siektes en peste in aartappels voorkomend te beheer.
Die program sluit sistemiese- en kontakmiddels in, wat optimaal met mekaar integreer en weerstandsbestuur vergemaklik.
Verskeie PotatoPackTM oplossings is beskikbaar vir gebruik in verskillende SuidAfrikaanse toestande en is al op meer as 35 000 hektaar bewys.
Indien jy dus met minimum risiko en vergemaklikde bestuur jou aartappeloes se volle
potensiaal wil laat realiseer, kontak jou Syngenta-handelaar vandag nog!
Syngenta Suid-Afrika (Edms) Beperk, Privaatsak X60, Halfway House, 1685. Tel. (011) 541 4000.
© Syngenta Ag, 2000. Kopiereg van die dokument is voorbehou.
Alle ongemagtigde vermeerdering word verbied.
Market monitor
Pieter van Zyl
2014 crop year: expected
Volumes sold on fresh
produce markets
Graph 2 indicates the volumes
sold on fresh produce markets
from 2011 until August 2014.
April 2014 realised the highest
volume of potatoes sold for
the month of April on the fresh
produce markets ever.
The reason for the higher
volumes of potatoes sold in April
compared to earlier this year
could be the result of regions
that started marketing potatoes
earlier and also marketing at
a faster pace than last year.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Hectares planted
Graph 1: Hectares of potatoes planted
\\ADMIN-PC\Verbatim\HJ Design\ASA\Chips\2014\CHIPS September Oktober 2014\Chips Sep Okt 2014 Art\15 Market monitor Chips artikel.xlsx
# 10 kg bags
Some regions had good yields
last year. Within the context
of lower yields this year, but
more hectares, there is a
possibility that the total harvest
for 2014 will be slightly higher.
It is anticipated that the total
hectares for 2014 will be a bit
more than last season. See
Graph 1.
4 year ave
Graph 2: Monthly volumes sold on FPMs
R per 10 kg
More than 49 000 hectares
have already been planted or
are currently being planted.
That accounts for approximately
96% of the expected hectares.
Compared to the same time
last year, about 1 100 hectares
more have been planted.
The Sandveld and Limpopo
regions are planting much more
potatoes. Indications are that
these two regions together
may plant up to 1 400 more
Graph 3: Average weekly price on all markets (all classes)
\\ADMIN-PC\Verbatim\HJ Design\ASA\Chips\2014\CHIPS September Oktober 2014\Chips Sep Okt 2014 Art\15 Market monitor Chips artikel.xlsx
Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News
realised during the same period last year. Only the
average price for April was lower than last year due to
record volumes. See Graph 3.
Market prices normally move in a lateral direction during
the winter. This year was no exception. Traditionally prices
start moving upwards during August /September. This year
was no exception.
Currently Limpopo is the main region in marketing. Once
again the Eastern Free State marketed a record crop. The
Western Free State as well as the Northern Cape are
marketing larger crop than last year. The Western Free
Sate and Northern Cape normally market the bulk of their
crop from June to September.
The expected volumes for September will be less than
that of August. October’s volumes will be higher than
Potato prices on fresh produce markets
The average market price (all markets) for January,
February, March, April, May, June, July and August was
respectively R1.11, R4.12, R6.97, -R1.32, R1.20, R0.22,
R0.75 & R4.34 per 10 kg bag higher compared to that
The first 37 weeks of this year realised almost the same
volumes on the fresh produce markets compared to the
same period over the past two years. However, the
average market price for this year was R2.47 (8%) per
10kg bag higher than in 2013 and R8.26 (34%) per 10 kg
bag higher than in 2012.
There may be many reasons for the higher prices and it
may just be that the demand curve for potatoes is shifting
towards the right. This indicates that consumers are
prepared to pay more for potatoes than in the past. It
does not mean that potato farming is currently a profitable
venture when taking into account the recent increase in the
cost of labour, electricity and the fuel price. The production
costs of producers who are currently lifting potatoes
increased by between 6% and 9%. C
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 73
PIDT visits
North Eastern Cape
Article and photos: Gawie Geyer
The trustees of the Potato Industry Development Trust
are not only responsible for funding the implementation
of transformation projects in the potato industry, but
must also ensure that such funds are well spent. In
line with their responsibility the trustees recently visited
the North Eastern Cape potato production region to
make themselves au fait with the progress made with
transformation in the region.
The visit included a visit to the Kei Fresh Produce Market,
visits to two potato producers participating in Potatoes
South Africa’s enterprise development program and
a meeting with two commercial potato producers, Mr
Gary Vorster and Mr Rob Farrington, who are directly
involved in transformation.
Kei Fresh Produce Market
Apart from serving as a sales platform for marketing
fresh produce the market provides storage facilities to
WVAMK for its seed potatoes intended for sale to black
potato producers and to assist such farmers with the
harvesting and packing of their potatoes.
The market has purchased the equipment that is in
turn leased to potato farmers for the harvesting and
transportation of their potatoes. The market has also
installed a modern selection and bagging plant on the
market premises for the benefit of the farmers who do
not have such facilities on their farms. The plant consists
of a washer, sizer and bagger which means that the end
product compares well with the product delivered to the
market by commercial potato producers.
The meeting with the market management was also
attended by representatives of the Eastern Cape
Department of Agriculture which bodes well for future
cooperation between Potatoes SA and the Eastern
Cape Department of Agriculture in terms of rendering
extension services and co-funding potato ventures in the
Enterprise development farmers
Potatoes SA’s enterprise development programme
is aimed at assisting black small holder farmers to
set up viable potato production enterprises with the
primary goal to develop these farmers into commercial
potato farmers. In the programme the emphasis is on
sustainable potato production by optimising the usage
of available land and rendering assistance to gain
maximum benefit from an integrated production system.
Of the 16 black small holder farmers participating in
the enterprise development programme, three farm in
the Eastern Cape Province. During the PIDT tour to
the region visits we paid to two of them, i.e. Mr Siseko
Vikilahle en Mr Vuyani Kama.
Siseko Vikilahle
Mr Siseko Vikilahle farms in the Mthatha area with
various vegetable crops including potatoes. In respect
of the current production year he has planted seven
hectares of potatoes under irrigation. He received
support in the form of seed from Potatoes SA to plant
four hectares and then purchased additional seed for
the remaining three hectares. He sells his potatoes on
the Kei Fresh produce markets and to retailers in East
London. To assist him in making a success of his potato
venture, Potatoes SA has contracted Mr Kleinboet van
Zyl to act as his mentor.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Transformasie • Transformation
Mr Vikilahle is constantly striving to increase his yields
as he believes that he can do much better. As a result of
the progress he has made since entering the enterprise
development programme and Potatoes SA’s belief
in his abilities to develop into a commercial potato
producer, he will receive further seed support to plant
an additional four hectares of potatoes. This is in line
with Potatoes SA’s new strategy to assist farmers already
participating in the programme rather than increasing
the number of participants. At the time of the visit Mr
Vuyani Kama
Vikilahle was in the process of planting seven hectares
of potatoes whilst the additional four hectares will be
planted in January 2014.
Based on what have been experienced, Potatoes
SA’s efforts in respect of transformation in the potato
industry are bearing fruit. In addition the decision by
the organisation to expand the assistance given to small
holder farmers already participating in the programme
rather than increasing the number of participants, will
have a positive impact on pace of development of the
famers in the enterprise development programme. C
Mr Vikilahle has been serving on Potatoes SA’s
Transformation Committee as an observer for the
past year. He has now been formally elected by the
Eastern Cape farmers as their representative and will
consequently become a fully-fledged member of the
Transformation Committee.
Mr Vuyani Kama farms in die Ugie area plants potatoes
and summer grain crops. He cultivates table as well as
seed potatoes under the mentorship of Mr Gary Vorster,
a commercial potato producer from Ugie. As Mr Vuyani
has shown the potential to become a commercial potato
farmer with the emphasis on seed potato production,
which is no easy feat, he will also receive further seed
support to plant an additional four hectares of potatoes.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 75
Oos-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder
droëlandtoestande op
Warden – 2013/14
René Carlson en Attie van den Berg, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
Die proef is onder droëlandtoestande geplant op die
plaas van mnr. Johan van Zyl op Warden in die OosVrystaat produksiegebied. Die plant- en oesdatum was
onderskeidelik 28 Oktober 2013 en 24 April 2014. Die
kultivars met hul groeiperiodes, plantgereedheid, stand en
halmtellings word weergegee in Tabel 1. Dit is belangrik
om daarop te let dat groeiperiodes die oesopbrengs van
kultivars beïnvloed. Die grondontleding word aangetoon in
Tabel 1. Groeiperiode in dae van opkoms tot 100% loofafsterwing1, plantgereedheid van moere2, stand
en halmtellings.
Algemene riglyne
Plantgereedheid van moere: 1 – Vars; 2 – Effens vars; 3 – Plantgereed; 4 – Effens oud; 5 – Oud
Page 76 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Halms per plant
Halms per
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
Tabel 2. Grondontleding
Tabel 2. Die proef is geplant in ’n ewekansige blokontwerp
met drie herhalings en is geoes nadat die proef natuurlike
loofafsterwing bereik het. Die ryspasiëring was 1.75 m
en perseelgrootte 1.75 m by 10 m. Die oppervlakte per
herhaling was dus 17.5 m2. Die plantdigtheid was 19 048
plante per hektaar.
Weerdata vir die groeiseisoen word in Figuur 1 (reënval)
en Figuur 2 (temperatuur) aangetoon en is afkomstig van
’n weerstasie op Reitz. Die reënval was heelwat laer in
Januarie as die langtermyn-gemiddeld. Die laer reënval
in Januarie het ‘n dienooreenkomstige effek gehad op
temperatuur en temperature was gemiddeld 4°C hoër.
Aangesien die proef geplant is onder droëlandtoestande
kon die laer reënval en hoër temperature opbrengs en
kwaliteit negatief beïnvloed het.
In Figuur 3 word die opbrengsdata saam met die
bemarkingsindeks aangetoon. Die kultivar-effek was
statisties hoogs beduidendend (p<0.001) en die koëffisiënt
van variasie was laag (18.4%). Die proef is dus goed
uitgevoer en resultate is betroubaar. Vir die berekening
van opbrengsdata word die gemiddeld van al die kultivars
as 100% geneem. Die opbrengs van die individuele
kultivars word dan deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel en elke
kultivar se opbrengsprestasie word as ’n persentasie van
die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk. Die kultivar Kikko het die
hoogste opbrengste behaal, en was beduidend hoër as al
die ander kultivars behalwe vir Nectar, Melanto, Electra,
Panamera, Savanna, Grandeur, Everest en Lanorma.
Synergy het in die laagste opbrengstegroep geval, maar
net nie beduidend van Almera, Marimba, Bute, Golf,
Valor, Konsul, Sifra en Labadia verskil nie. Die kultivars
Kikko, Nectar, Melanto, Electra, Panamera, Savanna,
Figuur 1. Totale reënval per maand.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 77
Figuur 2. Minimum en maksimum temperatuur (°C).
Grandeur, Everest, Lanorma, Mondial en Elmundo het hoër
opbrengste as die proefgemiddeld (25.9 ton/ha) behaal.
In Figuur 4 word die grootteverspreiding en in Figuur 5 die
gradering van die opbrengs van die onderskeie kultivars
Ten einde die prestasie van die kultivars in terme van
opbrengs en kwaliteit te bepaal, word die opbrengs,
grootteverspreiding (Figuur 4) en gradering (Figuur
5) gebruik om teen die gemiddelde markpryse vir
die betrokke dag ‘n bemarkingsindeks te bereken.
Die opbrengs vermenigvuldig met prys gee die
bemarkingsindeks. Die data is weereens as persentasie
Page 78 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
van die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk. Die kultivar Kikko het
die hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal as gevolg van hoë
opbrengs, persentasie groot en klas 1 aartappels gelewer.
Die knolvormindeks, kook- en verwerkingseienskappe word
in Tabel 3 aangetoon. Al die kultivars se vleeskleur was
room. Al die kultivars se inwendige voorkoms was egalig.
Geen vaatbundelverkleuring, bruinvlek of holhart het
voorgekom nie.
In Figuur 6 word die drie-jaar data aangetoon. Oor die
tydperk was Lanorma, Electra en Nectar relatief stabiel
gewees. C
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
158.0 a
143.9 ab
134.4 ab
125.2 abc
121.9 abcd
113.1 abcde
109.2 abcde
106.1 abcdef
104.8 abcdef
104.4 bcdef
103.2 bcdef
97.0 bcdefg
95.4 bcdefg
93.2 bcdefg
80.3 cdefg
75.9 cdefg
70.2 defg
64.2 efg
p < 0.001
KBV = 53.2
55.0 fg
KV% = 18.4
44.6 g
Opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks (%)
Figuur 3. Totale opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie
beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie.
Groot medium
Grootteverspreiding (t/ha)
Figuur 4. Grootteverspreiding
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 79
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
Klas 3
Klas 2
Klas 1
Gradering (t/ha)
Figuur 5. Gradering
Opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld
Figuur 6. Prestasie van kultivars oor drie jaar uitgedruk as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%).
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
Tabel 3. Kook en prosesseringseienskappe, knolvorm indeks (uitgevoer deur LNR-Roodeplaat) en inwendige defekte
(uitgevoer deur die Oos-Vrystaat Aartappelwerkgroep).
BM – Baie melerig tot losse tekstuur;
M – Melerig, krummelrige tot los aartappel;
EM – Effens melerige, vry ferm aartappel met fyn tot taamlike fyn tekstuur;
NM – Nie melerige, ferm aartappel met ‘n fyn tekstuur.
Skyfiekleur met waarde >50 en sonder defekte is aanvaarbaar vir die droëskyfiebedryf.
Soortlike gewig van >1.075 is aanvaarbaar vir die prosesseringsbedryf.
Knolvorm indeks: Rond: <1.09; rond-ovaal: 1.10 - 1.29; ovaal: 1.30 - 1.49; lank-ovaal: 1.50 - 1.69; lank: 1.70 - 1.99.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 81
Oos-Vrystaat verwerkerskultivarproef
onder droëlandtoestande op
Warden – 2013/14
René Carlson en Attie van den Berg, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
Die proef is onder droëlandtoestande geplant op die
plaas van mnr. Johan van Zyl op Warden in die OosVrystaat produksiegebied. Die plant- en oesdatum was
onderskeidelik 28 Oktober 2013 en 22 April 2014. Die
kultivars met hul groeiperiodes, plantgereedheid, stand en
halmtellings word weergegee in Tabel 1. Dit is belangrik
om daarop te let dat groeiperiodes die oesopbrengs van
kultivars beïnvloed. Die grondontleding word aangetoon in
Tabel 2. Die proef is geplant in ’n ewekansige blokontwerp
met drie herhalings en is geoes nadat die proef natuurlike
loofafsterwing bereik het. Die ryspasiëring was 1.75 m
en perseelgrootte 1.75 m by 10 m. Die oppervlakte per
herhaling was dus 17.5 m2. Die plantestand was 19 048
plante per hektaar.
Tabel 1. Groeiperiode in dae van opkoms tot 100% loofafsterwing1, plantgereedheid van moere2, stand
en halmtellings.
Halms per plant
Halms per
Algemene riglyne
Plantgereedheid van moere: 1 – Vars; 2 – Effens vars; 3 – Plantgereed; 4 – Effens oud; 5 – Oud
Tabel 2. Grondontleding
Weerdata vir die groeiseisoen word in Figuur 1 (reënval)
en Figuur 2 (temperatuur) aangetoon en is afkomstig van
die weerstasie op Reitz. Die reënval was heelwat laer in
Januarie as die langtermyn-gemiddeld. Die laer reënval in
Januarie het ’n dienooreenkomstige effek op temperatuur
Page 82 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
gehad en temperature was gemiddeld 4°C hoër.
Aangesien die proef onder droëlandtoestande geplant
is, kon die laer reënval en hoër temperature opbrengs en
kwaliteit negatief beïnvloed het.
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
Figuur 1. Totale reënval per maand.
Figuur 2. Minimum en maksimum temperatuur (°C).
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 83
In Figuur 3 word die opbrengsdata saam met die
bemarkingsindeks aangetoon. Die kultivar-effek was
statisties beduidendend (p=0.010) en die koëffisient
van variasie was laag (13.4%). Die proef is dus goed
uitgevoer en resultate is betroubaar. Vir die berekening
van opbrengsdata word die gemiddeld van al die kultivars
word as 100% geneem. Die opbrengs van die individuele
kultivars word dan deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel en elke
kultivar se opbrengsprestasie word as ’n persentasie van
die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk. Die kultivar Markies het die
hoogste opbrengste behaal, en was beduidend hoër as al
die ander kultivars behalwe vir Eryna, Navigator, UTD en
Daisy. Innovator het in die laagste opbrengstegroep geval,
maar het nie beduidend van Pentland Dell verskil nie. Die
kultivars Markies, Eryna, Navigator, UTD en Daisy het hoër
opbrengste as die proefgemiddeld (23.4 t/ha) behaal.
In Figuur 4 word die grootteverspreiding en Figuur 5 die
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
gradering van die opbrengs van die onderskeie kultivars
Ten einde die prestasie van die kultivars in terme van
opbrengs en kwaliteit te bepaal, word die opbrengs,
grootteverspreiding (Figuur 4) en gradering (Figuur 5)
gebruik om teen die gemiddelde markpryse vir
die betrokke dag ‘n bemarkingsindeks te bereken.
Die opbrengs vermenigvuldig met prys gee die
bemarkingsindeks. Die data is weereens as persentasie
van die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk. Die kultivar Markies het
die hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal. Dit word toegeskryf
aan beide die hoë persentasie groot en klas 1 aartappels
wat die kultivar gelewer het.
Die kook- en prosesseringseienskappe word aangetoon in
Tabel 3.
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
115.7 a
112.7 a
111.3 a
104.1 ab
103.1 ab
82.4 bc
p = 0.010
KBV = 23.8
KV% = 13.4
70.7 c
Opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%)
Figuur 3. Totale opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie
beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie.
Groot medium
Grootteverspreiding (t/ha)
Pentland Dell Innovator
Figuur 4. Grootteverspreiding
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 85
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
Klas 3
Klas 2
Klas 1
Gradering (t/ha)
Pentland Dell Innovator
Figuur 5. Gradering
Tabel 3. Kook- en prosesseringseienskappe, knolvormindeks (uitgevoer deur LNR-Roodeplaat) en inwendige defekte (uitgevoer deur die Oos-Vrystaat Aartappelwerkgroep).
BM – Baie melerig tot losse tekstuur. M – Melerig, krummelrige tot los aartappel.
EM – Effens melerige, vry ferm aartappel met fyn tot taamlike fyn tekstuur.
NM – Nie melerige, ferm aartappel met ‘n fyn tekstuur.
Skyfiekleur met waarde >50 en sonder defekte is aanvaarbaar vir die droëskyfiebedryf.
Soortlike gewig van >1.075 is aanvaarbaar vir die prosesseringsbedryf.
Knolvormindeks: Rond: <1.09; rond-ovaal: 1.10 - 1.29; ovaal: 1.30 - 1.49; lank-ovaal: 1.50 - 1.69; lank: 1.70 - 1.99.
Page 86 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Promosie • Promotion
transplants and set production.
Sakata Seed Southern Africa recently launched some new
outstanding onion varieties. These varieties perform well
in all aspects that can enhance the producers marketing
options: better yield and quality, excellent storage ability,
extend the marketing period due to earlier plantings and
disease resistance. The varieties are:
Akamaru is an early to medium maturing F1 hybrid short
day brown onion. The golden brown bulbs are flattened
globe in shape, very uniform and medium to large in
size. Akamaru is slow to bolt and suited to most soil types.
The bulbs are refined with a thin neck and small root
plate. Akamaru is firm with very good scale retention that
indicates very good storage ability. Akamaru has a strong
root system that assists in its high resistance to Pink Root (Pt)
and Basal Rot (Foc). Akamaru is suitable for direct sowing,
Shinju is a very early to early maturing F1 hybrid short
day brown onion. The globe shaped, golden brown bulbs
are uniform and medium to small in size. Shinju is slow to
bolt and suited to most soil types. The bulbs are refined
with a thin neck and small root plate. Shinju is firm with
very good scale retention that indicates very good storage
ability. Shinju matures earlier than Mikado. Shinju has high
resistance to Pink Root (Pt) and Basal Rot (Foc). Shinju is
suitable for direct sowing, transplants and set production.
Ayoba F1 Hybrid is an early to medium maturing variety
with a late short day requirement. The variety has a very
strong growth habit and produces a high percentage
of very uniform globe bulbs, medium to small size, with
golden brown scales. The bulbs are refined with a thin
neck and small root plate. Ayoba is very firm with very
good scale retention that indicates very good storage
ability. Ayoba has a high resistance to Basal rot (Foc).
In addition, it has a well-developed root system that
contributes to the adaptability of the variety. Ayoba is
suitable for direct sowing, transplants and set production.
Please contact the Sakata sales office for more technical information on sowing
periods at (011)548 2800.
DISCLAIMER: This information is based on our observations and/or information from other sources. As crop performance depends on the interaction between
the genetic potential of the seed, its physiological characteristics, and the environment, including management, we give no warranty express or implied, for the
performance of crops relative to the information given nor do we accept any liability for any loss, direct or consequential, that may arise from whatsoever cause. Please
read the Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd Conditions of Sale before ordering seed.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 87
Kommunikasie • Communication
New integrated Potatoes
South Africa logo
Hanrie Greebe, Communications Manager
Potatoes South Africa integrated its former Afrikaans
and English logos into a comprehensive logo which is
representative of the organisation’s growing role as leader
in the South African agricultural landscape.
Cognisance was given to the stubborn misperception
that Potatoes South Africa is still the same organisation
as the former Potato Board. Careful consideration and
due processes were followed for the Board of Directors
to approve the integrated logo on 11 June 2014. This
was followed by consecutive refinement decisions by the
Executive Management Meeting on the implementation of
the integrated logo.
The identity of Potatoes South Africa as a dynamic
service delivery organisation as represented by its logo
• the power of the potato industry;
• the sturdy character of potato producers;
• the essence of the organisation based on excellence in
service delivery to all potato producers, and
• the face of the organisation, which is representative
of young dynamic leadership, backed by passionate
enthusiasm and strive towards stronger cohesion.
timely dissemination of all relevant technical information;
• development and implementation of a marketing plan
to promote the consumption of potatoes in the Republic
of South Africa and abroad; and
• assisting in transformation by developing emerging
farmers with the objective of them becoming commercial
potato farmers as well as creating market access for
these farmers.
Potatoes South Africa is your partner in:
• Management of an industry information system
• Management of research, including the potato breeding
• Management of a market development and product
promotion program
• Transformation
• Provision of industry services
The symbolism of the integrated logo encompasses all of
the above and is set out as follows:
Potatoes South Africa is an association incorporated under
the South African Companies Act No 71 of 2008 whose
main objective is to serve, protect and promote the interests
of the South African potato industry. The organisation is
registered as Potatoes South Africa as well as Aartappels
Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans).
In terms of its role in the potato industry, Potatoes South
Africa operates as an organisation and its structure
represents a network of participating role players and
individuals who have the development and competitiveness
of the industry at heart.
Potatoes South Africa’s primary interest is therefore to build
a viable South African potato industry through the
• gathering, processing and compiling of relevant
information and market statistics, the timely dissemination
thereof as well as rendering an extension service to
• management of basic as well as applied research,
including cultivar development and evaluation, and the
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
The full colour integrated PSA Logo consists of the emblem,
the name “Potatoes”, the name “Aartappels”, with a shared
abbreviated “SA” representing South Africa / Suid-Afrika.
The slogan “pure potato passion / pure aartappel passie”
is retained. It should be noted that the traditional slogan
“gesondheid uit die grond uit / goodness from the earth” is
registered for the exclusive use by Potatoes South Africa.
The application of the integrated logo must be done
in consultation with the Communication Department. A
variation of the full colour logo with golden wording as
well as in solid single colour, implementation guidelines
and color codes are available at request. Enquiries can be
directed to hanrie@potatoes.co.za. C
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 89
Potatoes South Africa receives
IMASA shiny Red Apple award
Article: Hanrie Greebe, Communication Manager / Photo supplied
Fltr Mr Ian Weppenaar (Vice President of IMASA), Mr Ernst Yzel (Chairperson of Potatoes South Africa) and
Mr Grant Norman (President of IMASA). (photo supplied)
The Institute of Market Agents of South Africa (IMASA)
awarded its Shiny Red Apple Award to Potatoes South
Africa (PSA) during the gala dinner of IMASA’s Annual
General Meeting in Durban on 19 September 2014. The
floating trophy is awarded to a fresh produce industry roleplayer in recognition of their leadership and innovation in
Customer Relations and Communications within the fresh
produce sector.
Mr Grant Norman, President of IMASA, presented the
Shiny Red Apple Award to Mr Ernst Yzel, Chairperson of
PSA. The IMASA criteria for Customer Service requires
giving real and meaningful recognition to the two most
important customers on a market: producers and buyers;
providing innovative and effective customer service
solutions in relation to those producers or buyers, and
to have taken active steps to not only retain existing
clients but to also attract new customers. Communication
criteria require practicing effective communication with all
customers and introducing new and innovative techniques
to improve communication with clients. Mr Norman said:
“given the highly competitive nature of fresh produce
marketing, it is generally accepted that better Customer
Relations and Communications are two key elements to
building sustainable markets and businesses”.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Of all the PSA projects and initiatives, Mr Norman focused
on the communication front where PSA has a number of
valuable initiatives, not least of which is PSA’s popular
magazine, CHIPS. He also said: “We at IMASA are
particularly grateful to PSA for their unstinted and generous
support of Project Rebirth shortly after we launched it in
2011. They’ve been loyal supporters of uplifting markets
and their inputs on behalf of their growers are always
positive and enlightened. Their various initiatives directed
at market agents are also appreciated and IMASA is
happy to support them wherever possible”.
According to Mr Norman, PSA is a modern farmers’
organisation which has shown beyond any doubt that they
are leaders in the agricultural sector and that they “are
punching far above their weight.”
This year the IMASA Executive Committee decided that
PSA would be a most worthy recipient. The award might
be a shiny red apple, but it recognises the achievements
of PSA through the internationally recognised symbolism
of a red apple which depicts all that is good about fresh
produce. Mr Norman said that one can be forgiven for
wondering about the connection between a red apple and
potatoes – “except that both are delicious, nutritious and
belong in the world of fresh produce”. C
Kommunikasie • Communication
Wenners van Aartappels Suid-Afrika en
VLU-Mpumalanga reseptekompetisie
Artikel en foto’s: Hanrie Greebe, Kommunikasiebestuurder
Vroue Landbou Unie-Mpumalanga (VLU) het die aartappel
gekies as hul produk van die jaar 2014. Presidente van
Mpumalanga VLU, me. Rina Potgieter, het Aartappels SuidAfrika uitgenooi as vennoot in hierdie aartappelgedrewe
aksie. ’n Aartappelresepte-kompetisie is geloods met die
doel om tradisionele gunstelinge te laat herleef en ook
nuwe innoverende idees aan te moedig wat dan in ‘n
resepteboek saamgevat is.
Ons Eie
VLU- Mpumalanga
2014, is saamgestel
deur Aartappels
SA uit kompetisieinskrywings ontvang.
Navrae kan gerig
word aan VLU
Mpumalanga op hulle
webtuiste by http://
Wenners van die Aartappels SA en VLU Mpumalanga
Aartappelresepte-kompetisie en beste vriendinne, Celia Burger
en Ri-Eth Roos van Oukliptak, Kosmosstreek. Dit is uitsonderlik
dat twee van hulle resepte, Biltong Aartappelhappies en die
wenresep, Lemoen Aartappelkoek anoniem verkies is tot die ses
Die evaluasieproses het behels dat Aartappels SA
inskrywings anoniem aan CTIA verskaf. Name van
deelnemers, foto’s en verhale is verwyder en slegs
die resepte waaraan nommers toegeken is, is aan die
Die kompetisie is geloods met ’n piekniekmandjie
met bybehore ter waarde van R2 500.00, insluitend
’n groot veelkleurige gestreepte piekniekhanddoek
as eerste prys. Slegs lede van VLU Mpumalanga
(www.vlumpumalanga.weebly.com) kon deelneem
en soveel resepte inskryf as wat hul harte begeer. Dit
was wenslik dat elke inskrywing met ’n foto van die dis
asook die verhaal daaragter, vergesel word.
Die resepteboek is saamgestel uit die inskrywings
ontvang. Evaluering van inskrywings is in
samewerking met sjef Nick van der Mescht, Nasionale
Hoof van Opleiding van die Chefs Training and
Innovation Academy (CTIA) in Centurion behartig
Sjef Nick van der Mescht, Nasionale Hoof van Opleiding van
die Chefs Training and Innovation Academy (CTIA) in Centurion
en die paneel beoordelaars tydens die evaluasie van die ses
finalis-resepte wat elk deur ‘n top student van CTIA voorberei is.
(Foto: Hanrie Greebe)
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 91
CTIA voorgelê is. CTIA het ses finaliste geïdentifiseer
waarna ses van CTIA se top studente elkeen van die
finalisresepte voorberei het vir beoordeling deur ’n
paneel van CTIA dosente.
Op 20 Augustus 2014 het Aartappels SA in
samewerking met me. Carmen van Niekerk van
Consumer Education Lamb and Mutton SA, ‘n
aartappelpraatjie tydens die VLU Mpumalanga
Jaarkongres aangebied. Me Van Niekerk,
‘n nagraadse student van die Potato Industry
Development Trust Beursskema, het ‘n historiese
perspektief oor die huishoudelike gebruike van
aartappels gelewer en gefokus op gewilde
aartappelkultivars waarvan die onderskeie teksture
dit geskik maak vir verskillende gaarmaakmetodes.
Die volgende ses finaliste en algehele wenner is
•Andria Hattingh: Aartappel en Kaaspastei
(Fleur-de-Lis, Nelspruit)
•Magda Beneke: Aartappel Poeding (Leeukliptak,
•Ria Roets: Aartappels met Bloukaas en Karamel Uie
(Oukliptak, kosmosstreek)
•Ri-Eth Roos en Celia Burger: Biltong Aartappel
Happies (Oukliptak, kosmosstreek)
•Algehele Wenner: Ri-Eth Roos en Celia Burger:
Lemoen-Aartappelkoek (Oukliptak, kosmosstreek)
•Rina van der Merwe: Aartappel Brood
(Amersfoorttak, Tambukistreek)
Aan al die deelnemers, baie dankie vir julle
entoesiasme en Pure Aartappel Passie vir aartappels!
Ri-Eth Roos en Celia Burger se verhaal
Ons is VLU vriendinne wat baie opgewonde
is oor die Aartappelresepte-kompetisie en het
besluit om tradisionele resepte te laat herleef met
nuwe innoverende idees. Ons het besluit op ’n
teepartytjie tema en het ses resepte gekies wat ’n
heerlike teepartytjie kan bied! Ons het die resepte
beproef en bemeester tot die beste resultate
gelewer is. Sien is glo! Ons teepartytjie is deur
VLU vriendinne bygewoon en hulle het heerlik
geproe en vir ons terugvoer gegee.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Kommunikasie • Communication
Ri-Eth Roos en Celia Burger
6 Eiers, geskei
275 g Strooisuiker
25 ml Vars lemoensap
5 ml Gerasperde lemoenskil
150 g Aartappelmeel
Student Neo besig met voorbereiding van die wenresep,
Lemoen-aartappel Koek (Foto: Hanrie Greebe)
100 g Gewone maaskaas
Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C.
Smeer 2 koekpanne.
Plaas gesmeerde waspapier op bodems.
Klits die eiergele, suiker, lemoensap en skil saam tot dik en
’n ligte geel kleur.
Voeg die aartappelmeel by en klits deeglik.
Klits die eierwitte tot styf en vou in die meelmengsel in.
Voeg die mengsel in die voorbereide panne en bak in
voorverhitte oond vir 35 tot 40 min.
Laat staan op ’n draadrak tot afgekoel.
Klits versiersel en vulsel bestanddele tot glad.
Plaas vulsel tussen 2 lae en versiersel bo-op koek.
Versier met 2 versuikerde lemoenskywe of gedroogde
gerasperde lemoenskil bo-op.
100 g Stork margarien
200 g + Versiersuiker (gebruik tot
semi-stywe vorm)
5 ml Lemoengeursel
2 Versuikerde lemoenskywe of
gedroogte gerasperde lemoenskil
Die ander resepte sal in toekomstige uitgawes
van CHIPS verskyn
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 93
Kommunikasie • Communication
Johan Liebenberg vereer met Aartappels
Suid-Afrika se hoogste toekenning
Artikel: Gawie Geyer / Foto: Johan Engelbrecht
Mnr. Johan Liebenberg, Kaap Agri se direkteur van
menslike hulpbronne en kommunikasie, is tydens KORKOM
se onlangse Algemene Jaarvergadering met Aartappels
Suid-Afrika se hoogste toekenning, die Solanum Tuberosum
Meritum, vereer.
Foto Vlnr. Mnre. Hein Oberholzer Aartappels Suid-Afrika
se Finansiële Bestuurder, Johan Liebenberg en Ernst Yzel,
Voorsitter van Aartappels Suid-Afrika
Met Kynoch se innoverende en pasmaakprodukte kan jy bemesting toedien volgens jou
aartappelplant se behoeftes en groeistadiums.
So verseker Kynoch dat jou aartappels kry wat
hul nodig het, wanneer hul dit die nodigste
het. Boonop het jy gemoedsrus, omdat jy weet,
met Kynoch op jou plaas van meet af aan,
haal jy net die beste uit jou aartappels en is jy
verseker van verbeterde doeltreffendheid in
kwaliteit en opbrengspotensiaal.
Kynoch – verbeterde
doeltreffendheid deur innovasie.
Vir ‘n vinnige wegspring en
KynoPlus™-NPKSplantermengsels soos
SuperSpud™, Ruby of
Plantermengsels met
verhoogde doeltreffendheid
om veral in die vroeë
behoeftes, maar ook in die
latere voedingbehoeftes
van die aartappelplant te
Page 94 •
Dit is slegs die tweede keer dat die Solanum Tuberosum
Meritum aan iemand buite die aartappelbedryf toegeken
word. C
KynoPlus™, GreenGold™,
Achillis™, Seniphos,
Nitrabor, Foli-Grande™
en Foli-Plus™:
Gebruik in kombinasie as topbemesting om knolinisiasie en
opbrengs te bevorder.
Veggie Oemff® Starter:
’n Blaarvoeding vir wortelontwikkeling en vestiging
van die jong plant.
Veggie Oemff® Grow,
Bortrac 150, Stopit en
Caltrac BZ:
Gebruik in kombinasie na
knolinisiasie vir opbrengs en
aanleg tot beter kwaliteit.
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
KynoPlus™, GreenGold™,
Achillis™, Foli-Grande™,
Foli-Plus™. Bortrac 150,
Stopit, Caltrac BZ:
Gebruik in kombinasie as
topbemesting om opbrengs
en kwaliteit te bevorder.
Veggie Oemff® Fruit:
Gebruik gedurende knolgroei
vir verbeterde werkverrigting
wat lei tot beter opbrengs en
Farmisco (Edms) Bpk.
h/a Kynoch Fertilizer Reg. Nr. 2009/0092541/07
011 317 2000 | info@kynoch.co.za
KynoPop™ Reg. No: K9101, KynoPlus™ is geregistreer as
kunsmis groep 1 – Reg. No: K8024, SuperSpud™ Reg. No: In proses,
Ruby Reg. No: K8047, Topaz™ Reg. No: K8032, Veggie OEMFF® Starter
Reg. No: K9088, GreenGold™ Reg. No: K8034, Achillis™ Reg. No: K8967,
Foli-Grande™ Reg. No: K8045, Foli-Plus™ Reg. No: In proses,
Seniphos Reg. No: K7682, Nitrabor Reg. No: K6395, Veggie OEMFF® Grow
Reg. No: K9090, Bortrac 150 Reg. No: B3626, Stopit Reg. No: B3625,
Caltrac BZ Reg. No: B3715, Veggie OEMFF® Fruit Reg. No: K9091.
(Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947)
uppe marketing A10910
Mnr. Ernst Yzel, Voorsitter van Aartappels Suid-Afrika, het
tydens die geleentheid gesê dat die toekenning aan mnr.
Liebenberg gemaak is vir sy regstreekse betrokkenheid
by die herstrukturering van en kultuurverandering in
die organisasie, asook by die aanstelling van twee
hoofuitvoerende beamptes van Aartappels Suid-Afrika.
Kontreinuus • Regional News
Korkom Algemene
Artikel: Gawie Geyer en Suretha Deetlefs / Foto: Johan Engelbrecht
Agter vlnr. Rossouw Cillié, Voorsitter KORKOM, Bernhardt du Toit, ASA Bestuurslid, Ernst Yzel, Voorsitter ASA, Johan
Liebenberg, Kaap Agri, Rudolf Badenhorst, Bemarkingsbestuurder ASA, Omar Allie en Adrian de Villiers, Kaapstad Mark, Inus
Oosthuizen, Onder-Voorsitter KORKOM, Marius Uys, ASD, Tiekie de Kock, Moerekomitee Voorsitter.
Dr. André Jooste, Hoofuitvoerende Beampte van
Aartappels Suid-Afrika, het as gasspreker by die onlangse
Korkom Algemene Jaarvergadering in die Koue Bokkeveld
opgetree. In sy voorlegging het hy ‘n oorsig van die
aartappelbedryf geskets as voorloper tot transformasie
in die aartappelbedryf wat die kern van die voorlegging
gevorm het. Wat transformasie betref het hy gesê dat
dit van kardinale belang is dat die aartappelbedryf alles
in sy vermoë moet doen om binne redelike parameters
transformasie in die bedryf te bevorder dienooreenkomstig
bestaande riglyne soos voorgeskryf deur die Nasionale
Landboubemarkingsraad (NLBR).
Oorsig van die aartappelbedryf
Die aartappelbedryf is uiters arbeidsintensief en maak
gebruik van tussen 65 000 en 80 000 permanente en
seisoenale werkers. Aangesien dit tot inkomsteverdienste
lei, speel die bedryf ‘n prominente rol in die ontwikkeling
van die landelike ekonomieë.
Die veelsydigheid van die produk beteken dat dit
toenemend deel word van die verbruiker se inkopiemandjie. Dit word onderstreep deur die feit dat aartappels
se per capita verbruik bykans verdubbel het in die
laaste 2 dekade. Voorts voldoen die aartappel aan al
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 95
drie pilare van voedselsekerheid, d.i. beskikbaarheid,
bekostigbaarheid en voedsaamheid.
Wat 2013 se produksiesyfers betref is daar 49 942 hektare
aartappels aangeplant en het die oes die ekwivalent van
217 382 945 10 kg sakkies opgelewer. Die Oos-Vrystaat
produksiegebied het die meeste hektare onder droëland
aangeplant gevolg deur die Limpopo produksiegebied met
9 619 onder besproeiing. Wat opbrengs betref het die
Limpopo produksiegebied die ekwivalent van
45 721 646 10 kg sakkies gelewer en die Oos-Vrystaat
produksie gebied 33 106 489 10 kg sakkies.
Om aartappels te verbou is duur en die risiko’s hoog.
Om aartappels onder besproeiing te verbou kos
tussen R100 000 en R130 000 per hektaar en onder
droëlandtoestande tussen R60 000 en R80 000. Dit
sluit egter nie die vestiging van die infrastruktuur, soos
byvoorbeeld ‘n pakstoor en meganisasie in nie. Voorts
moet in ag geneem word dat aartappelverbouing
onderhewig is aan hoë risiko’s en onsekerheid as gevolg
van peste en plae, die impak van klimaatsverandering op
droëlandverbouing, hoogs onbestendige markpryse en
uitdagings wat verband hou met toegang tot befondsing.
Wat vraag en aanbod betref is dit moontlik om in die
toenemende vraag na aartappels en aartappelprodukte
te voldoen as gevolg van verhoogde produksie (hoër
opbrengs kulitvars), beter siektebeheer, verskuiwing in
hektare aangeplant, besproeiing en invoere. Dit is egter
belangrik dat vraag gestimuleer word met inagneming
van veranderende verbruikspatrone, produk-beeldbou,
marksegmentering, produsering van die regte produk en
(Bogenoemde aspekte word aangespreek in Aartappels
Suid-Afrika se gewysigde kernbesigheidstrategieë wat in
2013 van stapel gestuur is.)
Transformasie in die aartappelbedryf
Aartappels Suid-Afrika se transformasieaktiwiteite bestaan uit vier komponente, te
wete die Besigheidsontwikkelingsprogram,
die Kleinboerontwikkelingsprogram, Tersiêre
vaardigheidpyplyn en Plaasgebaseerde opleiding.
Ten einde optimale uitkomste ten opsigte van die
komponente van die transformasieprogram te verseker is ‘n
bestuurstruktuur in plek geplaas.
Voordat enige besigheidsontwikkelingsprogram
geïmplementeer kan word is dit belangrik om te verstaan
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
wat die kwantum daarvan is. Tussen 2013 en 2014 het
die aantal kommersiële produsente in Suid-Afrika gewissel
tussen 600 tot 650. Indien die regering se doelwit van
30% hektare / swart aartappelprodusente nagejaag moet
word sal daar dus 195 swart aartappelprodusente op
15 900 hektaar gevestig moet word. Indien dit oor vier
jaar gedoen word sal dit Aartappels Suid-Afrika in totaal
R119,31 miljoen kos plus ‘n verdere R413,865 miljoen sal
elders verkry moet word om dit te vermag. Selfs ’n 10%
scenario sal Aartappels Suid-Afrika R39.8 miljoen kos
plus ‘n verdere R137.9 miljoen wat elders verkry sal moet
word. Hierdie bedrae sluit nie pakhuiskoste, meganisasie,
die produsente-vergoeding en voorsiening vir die
daaropvolgende jaar se aanplanting in nie. Dit sal dus van
kritiese belang wees om hierdie taak binne die raamwerk
van vennootskappe aan te pak ten einde enigsins ‘n
betekenisvolle verskil te maak.
Aartappels Suid-Afrika is van mening dat dit voordeliger
is om die groei in die aantal swart produsente
wat deelneem aan Aartappels Suid-Afrika se
besigheidsontwikkelingprogram in te perk en eerder
die klem te verskuif na verhoogde hulpverlening aan
bestaande produsente in die program wat die potensiaal
toon om tot volwaardige kommersiële aartappelprodusente
te ontwikkel. 16 swart boere neem tans deel aan
Aartappels Suid-Afrika se besigheidontwikkelingsprogram
en plant altesaam 50 hektaar aartappels met ‘n
gesamentlike opbrengs van 1 631 ton, d.i. ‘n gemiddelde
opbrengs van 32.62 ton per hektaar. Die bestaande
kleinboerontwikkelingsprogram sal dien as primêre
bron vir die identifisering van nuwe toetreders tot die
Om die sukses van die uitbreiding van die
besigheidontwikkelingsprogram te verseker is ‘n
besigheidontwikkelingseenheid gevestig om bystand te
verleen met die identifisering van kandidate wat kwalifiseer
vir uitgebreide hulpverlening en insluiting in die program.
Aspekte waaraan aandag geskenk word, is die geskiktheid
van die gebied vir aartappelproduksie, die beskikbaarheid
van ‘n mentor / veldbeampte / hulpbronne, voldoening
aan die voorgeskrewe interne kriteria en die opstel van ‘n
voorlopige uitvoerbaarheidstudie. Indien die Aartappels
Suid-Afrika direksie en Potato Industry Development Trust
goedkeuring verleen dat projekte geïmplementeer kan
word, word volledige besigheidplanne opgestel.
Die pad vorentoe
Dit is duidelik dat baie gedoen sal moet word om
transformasie in die aartappelbedryf tot ‘n verhoogde vlak
te neem. Ongelukkig beskik Aartappels Suid-Afrika nie oor
genoegsame finansiële vermoëns en menslike hulpbronne
Kontreinuus • Regional News
nie, en is vennootskappe met owerheidsinstansies, nieregeringsinstansies en die private sektor die sleutel tot
bereiking van hierdié doelwit.
aartappelwaardeketting betref, sluit onder andere
aartappelprodusente (mentors. AgriSEB voldoening),
varsproduktemarkte (AgriSEB voldoening) en verwerkers
(AgriSEB voldoening) in.
Wat die betrokkenheid van die rolspelers in die
Korkom aartappelproduksie en bemarking
Ceres se produksie syfers vir die periode 2011 tot 2014
Mnr. Inus Oosthuizen het
in sy voorlegging, die
aartappelproduksie- en
bemarkingsyfers aan die
vergadering voorgehou. Sien
meegaande tabelle.
Wat die 2014/2015-seisoen
betref, dui die Fase 0 opname
daarop dat 1129 hektaar
aartappels aangeplant gaan
Bemarkingsverspreiding vir die periode 2011 tot 2014
Hy het ten slotte gewys op die
belangrike werk wat deur die
plaaslike Aartappelwerkgroep
onderneem word tot
voordeel van al die
in die gebied. Hy het
vervolgens ‘n beroep op die
produsente gedoen om by
die werksaamhede van die
werkgroep betrokke te raak tot
hulle eie voordeel. C
Nasionale Markte sluit lewerings/verkope van Epping Privaatmark van 212,000 sakkies, in. Ceres gemiddelde prys per
Alle klasse
Klas 1 Med
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 97
Artikel: Gawie Geyer en Sanette Thiart / Foto’s verskaf
Die 16de Moerkwekersforum het op 9 September 2014 in
die President Hotel, Bloemfontein plaasgevind.
Mnr. JF van der Merwe, Voorsitter van die Wes-Vrystaat
Gebiedsbestuur het die Forum met skriflesing en gebed
geopen, waarna mnr. Johan Greyling, Nasionale
Moerekomitee- en Raadslid ‘n oorsig oor Wes-Vrystaat,
Noordwes en die Noord-Kaap gegee het. Dit was
geweldig interessant en die area bied verseker baie meer
as wat Jan Alleman ooit van bewus was.
Mnr. Hennie van der Westhuizen het namens die hoofborg,
Bayer CropScience, ‘n praatjie oor hulle nuutste produk
wat vrygestel is, naamlik Velum® Prime, gegee. Dit is ‘n
aalwurmdoder wat ook beheer gee oor Alternaria solani,
vroeë roes. Daar word optimale voordeel gekry indien
die produk met die Bayer Much More Potatoes Program
opgevolg word.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Verslag van die Voorsitter van die Nasionale
Mnr. Tiekie de Kock, Voorsitter van die
Nasionale Moerekomitee, het in sy verslag
aan die Moerkwekersforum verwys na
die skrywe wat vanaf die Suid-Afrikaanse
Inkomstediens ontvang is aangaande die
skrapping van die nul-koers waarteen
bepaalde landbouprodukte aangekoop
kan word, en het in besonder verwys na die impak wat
dit op moerverkope sal hê. Wat na-kontrole toetsing
in ‘n streekslaboratorium betref, het hy genoem dat die
aangeleentheid breedvoerig bespreek is, maar dat daar
besluit is om te volstaan dat na-kontrole toetsing slegs deur
Plantovita as kontrolerende laboratorium onderneem sal
Na aanleiding van ‘n versoek ontvang vanaf KwaZuluNatal-streek rakende die geldigheid van toleransies vir
grond- en knolgedraagde siektes en afwykings, het hy
gesê dat Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens reeds besig is met
‘n ondersoek om die nodige statistieke in te samel. Na
afhandeling van die ondersoek sal daar besin word of dit
nodig is om toleransies te herbesoek. Wat die isolasieafstand van Tabel 1-gewasse vanaf moeraanplantings
betref, is dit bevestig dat daar geen Tabel 1-gewasse binne
50 meter vanaf ‘n moer-aanplanting aangeplant mag word
Hy het ook verwys na die voorkoms van spleetskurf en
aangedui dat daar besluit is om vir die interim dit op
die toleransies van Streptomyces spp. te hanteer. Na
genoegsame data versamel is sal ‘n bepaling van hoe die
toleransies behoort te lyk, bepaal word.
Mnr. De Kock het ten slotte verwys na die eenmalige
verlenging van die planttelersregtetermyn en gesê dat
na deeglike oorweging die Nasionale Moerekomitee
besluit het om die eenmalige verlenging van die
planttelersregtetermyn vir alle variëteite te ondersteun,
ongeag of dit alreeds gelys is ten einde die Suid-Afrikaanse
Regulasies in lyn te bring met internasionale standaarde.
Report by the Chairperson of the Independent
Certification Council for Seed Potatoes
Dr. Dave Keetch, Chairperson of the
Independent Certification Council for
Seed Potatoes (ICCSP), referred in his
report to the occurrence of virus diseases
in seed potatoes and said that over the
past 16 years the average percentage
of PVY-free field samples has varied from
60 to 70%, probably due to fluctuating environmental
factors and/or the annual mix of seed potato cultivars. As
far as Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) is concerned he said
that there has been a steady decline in the percentage of
field samples free from PLRV, from 98% in 1996 to 71%
in 2012. However, the percentage of PLRV free field
samples improved to 80% in 2013 and 2014. “While
this increase is to be welcomed, we still need to treat the
incidence of PLRV in seed potato plantings as one of our
major production challenges as we have seen more in
season (primary) PLRV infection this year.” In respect of
Potato Tuber Necrotic Ring Spot Disease he indicated
that in 2013, symptoms of the disease were found in one
out of 2 740 tuber inspections. Although no symptoms of
Potato Tuber Necrotic Ring Spot Disease have been found
so far this year it is imperative that the industry continue to
be vigilant for the symptoms of this disease during tuber
inspections. As far as Bacterial Wilt Disease is concerned,
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 99
he reported that in 2013 only one case of bacterial wilt
was confirmed and this was from a commercial potato
In respect of scheme matters Dr. Keetch stated that during
the past year the ICCSP has approved the request made by
the National Seed Potato Committee that in the forthcoming
amendment of the Plant Breeders’ Rights regulations, plant
breeders’ rights should be extended to 30 years for all
seed potato varieties irrespective of whether the variety
has already been registered or is a new variety. This
amendment will bring the South African legislation in line
with international standards. He also said that the request
for voluntary downgrading of seed potatoes by more
than one generation was granted by the Registrar: Plant
Improvement Act for a period of two years after which a
final decision will be made as to whether this should be a
permanent amendment of the Scheme.
The ICCSP also considered an incident where crops
listed in Table 1 were planted closer than 50m to a seed
production unit. Initially registration of the unit for seed
production was refused because of the proximity of
known hosts of bacterial wilt to the unit. However, after
further discussion and a legal opinion, it appeared that
the Scheme is not specific on the refusal to register a unit
simply because Table 1 plants occur on a land adjacent
to the unit. To prevent a reoccurrence the ICCSP intends
to amend the Scheme to make it clear that the planting
of Table 1 plants within 50m of a seed potato unit is not
Verslag van die Voorsitter van
In sy voorsittersverslag insake
die werksaamhede van
Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens en die
bestuur van die maatskappy het mnr.
Gerhard Posthumus gerapporteer dat
faktore soos skaalgrootte, ‘n uitdagende
arbeidsomgewing en kostedruk bygedra
het tot ‘n afname in moeraanplantings van ongeveer
20% oor die afgelope twee jaar. “Aangesien die ASDbegroting gebaseer word op opnames van hektare
wat kwekers deurgegee vir aanplant in ‘n boekjaar
van Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens, het die onvoorsiene
vermindering in hierdie hektare ‘n dramatiese invloed op
ASD se inkomste tot gevolg gehad. Tesame hiermee is
ons genoop om te verseker dat kundige personeel behou
word en kundigheidsvlak uitgebrei word ten einde aan
die moerkweker en die bedryf ‘n professionele diens
te kan lewer, maar dit kom teen ‘n prys want wanneer
kundigheidsvlakke verhoog en ervaringsveld uitbrei word
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
dit duurder om die personeel te vergoed en te behou“, het
hy gesê.
In afsluiting het mnr. Posthumus genoem met die
implementering van verskeie kostebesparende inisiatiewe
tesame met innoverende bestuur kon die direksie daarin
slaag om die maatskappy te lei sonder enige werksverliese
en steeds ‘n professionele diens aan ons kliënte verskaf.
Verslag van die Voorsitter van
(Edms.) Bpk.
Mnr. Johan van den Heever het in
sy voorsittersverslag verwys na die
versoek dat na-kontroletoetse in
streekslaboratoriums uitgevoer mag
word en die voortspruitende ondersoek
om te bepaal waarom na-kontroletoetse
slegs by Plantovita uitgevoer moet
word. Hy het onder andere verduidelik dat die
basiese reëls en vereistes vir skemas soos die SuidAfrikaanse Aartappelmoersertifiseringskema wat in die
Plantverbeteringswet opgeteken, gebaseer is op dié van
internasionale skemas van die Organisation for Economic
and Commercial Development (OECD). Ingevolge die
voorskrifte van die OECD word daar vereis dat die gesag,
in Suid-Afrika se geval die Onafhanklike Sertifiseringsraad
vir Aartappelmoere (OSRA), die nodige toetse doen, of,
indien nie self nie, iemand aanwys om dit te doen. Sodra
rolspelers (streke) self hierdie toetse doen, sal dit deel
van hul interne kwaliteitskontrole vorm en sal die doel
en status van na-kontroletoetse verlore gaan. Aangesien
Plantovita, as die kontrolerende laboratorium van ALD, nie
aan ‘n spesifieke streek behoort nie, kan eersgenoemde
geensins by die toetsuitslae baat vind, en is dit deur OSRA
aangewys om die na-kontroletoetse nasionaal te hanteer.
Hy het verwys na die aanvaarding van ‘n gedragskode
vir Aartappellaboratoriumdiens (ALD) na aanleiding
van geïsoleerde insidente in streke waar uitslae van
laboratoriums teen mekaar afgespeel is. “Die gedragskode
bepaal wat ‘n OSRA-goedgekeurde laboratorium mag
toets en is in die amptelike toetsprotokolle van ALD
opgeneem. Die riglyne van die ALD-protokol stel die
Laboratoriumtegnikus in staat om binne goedgekeurde
maatreëls te funksioneer waarvan die doel is om integriteit
aan die Skema te besorg en tot standaardisering van
aktiwiteite van die OSRA-goedgekeurde laboratoriums van
die onderskeie streke by te dra”, het hy gesê.
Mnr. Van den Heever het verder verduidelik dat in die
gedragskode daar tussen Amptelike en Nie-amptelike
monsters onderskei word. Amptelike monsters sluit in,
moermonsters van aanplantings wat vir sertifisering
ingeskryf is, sowel as monsters van aanplantings wat in
terme van die Tafelsisteem geregistreer is. Amptelike
monsters word slegs deur OSRA-goedgekeurde
laboratoriums getoets op voorwaarde dat sodanige
monsters van geregistreerde aanplantings afkomstig
moet wees. Nie-amptelike monsters verwys weer na
blaarmonsters wat as bestuurshulpmiddel vir virustoetse
deur ‘n kweker ingedien word. Diagnostiese monsters
(enkel knolle of plante) ressorteer ook onder nie-amptelike
In alle gevalle word die monsters van alle kliënte
vertroulik hanteer en veilig bewaar en die integriteit van
die monsters word behou. Alle monsters word getoets in
ooreenstemming met protokolle en prosedures ten opsigte
van virus-spesifieke ELISA-toetse vir ALD-laboratoriums.
Hy het ook gerapporteer dat die ouditrondtes vir al die
laboratoriums vir die huidige seisoen voltooi is en dat al
die laboratoriums in die ALD-groep wel OSRA-goedkeuring
geniet. Oudits is strenger as ooit en die ouditverslae word
noukeurig deur die Tegniese Komitee van Plantovita,
Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens en Aartappels Suid-Afrika
geëvalueer alvorens ‘n versoek tot OSRA gerig word vir
verlenging van OSRA-goedkeuring. Dit is egter belangrik
om kennis te neem dat die Hoofuitvoerende Beampte
van Plantovita/ALD, Me. Marieta Botha en die Tegniese
Bestuurder van Plantovita/ALD, Me. Anél Espach, wel
bemagtig is om sover dit die OSRA-goedkeuring van
die laboratoriums aangaan, aan te beveel dat OSRAgoedkeuring geweier word of in ‘n seisoen onttrek
word of uitgestel word wanneer dit weens een van die
voorgeskrewe riglyne op risiko geplaas word:
Mnr. Van den Heever het ten slotte verwys na die
toevoeging van molekulêre tegnologie tot dienslewering
in ALD en gesê dat dit ‘n geweldige stap vorentoe is
Plantovita in staat sal stel om vanaf ‘n gelyke platform
internasionaal te kan saampraat. “Dit was nooit die
gedagte om die ELISA-toets met die PKR-toets te vervang
nie, maar dit is ‘n noodsaaklike toets wat positief
aangewend kan word met betrekking tot ‘n besparing van
tyd (byvoorbeeld in die geval van dispute) en absolute
uitslae (byvoorbeeld ten opsigte van materiaal van die
Genebank en moer-invoere).”
Moerkwekersforum sê sy steun toe aan die
verlenging van die planttelersregtetermyn van
alle aartappelkultivars van 20 na 30 jaar
Die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewer is vanaf 2008 besig met
‘n ondersoek om planttelersregte op aartappelkultivars
te verleng van 20 na 30 jaar. Aartappels Suid-Afrika
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 101
se Kongres en die Moerkwekersforum
het reeds in 2013 namens die tafel- en
moerkwekers hul steun toegesê aan
hierdie verlenging.
Mnr. Daan du Plessis van First Potato
Dynamics het nou egter versoek dat die
Moerkwekersforum sy steun toesê aan die eenmalige
verlenging van die planttelersregtetermyn vir alle
variëteite van 20 na 30 jaar wanneer die verlengde
periode aangekondig word ongeag of dit reeds gelys
is, ten einde die Suid-Afrikaanse Regulasies in lyn te
bring met internasionale standaarde. Hy het bygevoeg
dat internasionale en plaaslike aartappelorganisasies
reeds hul steun aan die voorstel toegesê het. “Wat
internasionale steun betref het Europatat (38 organisasies
in 18 Wes- en Oos-Europese lande is lede van Europatat),
die Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO):
(verteenwoordig 99% van die Hollandse Aartappelbedryf)
en Agrico, C. Meijer BV, HZPC en IPM wat telers en
eienaars is van ‘n groot getal aartappelkultivars, hul
steun daaraan toegesê. Wat Suid-Afrika betref het
NUMPRO (Kernmateriaalprodusente), die Nasionale
Moerekomitee en OSRA (Onafhanklike Sertifiseringsraad
vir Aartappelmoere) reeds aangedui dat hulle die voorstel
Alhoewel daar sommige moerkwekers was wat nie die
versoek gesteun het nie, is daar by wyse van geslote
stemming besluit om die eenmalige verlenging van die
planttelersregtetermyn vir alle variëteite van 20 na 30
jaarte steun wanneer die verlengde periode aangekondig
word, ongeag of dit reeds gelys is, ten einde die SuidAfrikaanse Regulasies in lyn te bring met internasionale
Die voorgestelde wysigings aan die Wet op
Toegevoegde Waarde kan landbou wesentlik
Dr. André Jooste het genoem dat die
Minister van Finansies in sy begrotingsrede
oorsig vir 2014 aangedui het dat die
voorsiening vir die verskaffing van
goedere teen ‘n nulkoers BTW hersien
gaan word. Goedere wat hierdeur geraak
kan word, is dierevoer, dieremedisyne,
misstowwe, plaagdoders, plante en saad. Die betrokke
wysigingswetsontwerp is ook reeds op 17 Julie 2014 in die
Staatkoerant gepubliseer.
Sien artikel onder Plaaslike Nuus op p. 18.
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Raising awareness on phyto-sanitary matters
and the impact it has on international trade
Mr Ernest Phoku, Director, Directorate
Inspection Services from the Department
of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in his
presentation said that invasions by plants,
animals, pests and diseases into non-native
environments pose one of the largest, but
least addressed international threats to
biodiversity, both within natural ecosystems and agricultural
settings. Invasive alien species are ranked, without any
exception, as the greatest environmental threat of the 21st
century. Their introduction and spread has been identified
as one of the six major categories of change that could
potentially alter the world’s biodiversity.
For the agricultural sectors, alien invasive species are
likened to a two-edged sword. On the one hand they are
used in the development of new varieties and products and
on the other hand they have the potential to threaten our
biological diversity, agricultural production, the status of
our natural resources and as a consequence agricultural
economic development. The regulation of the invasive alien
species is entrenched in international standards, national
legislations and policies. The former provides a platform
through which the global village interacts and agree
on common principles to tackle the threat posed by the
invasive alien species.
Mr Phoku explained that the Directorate Plant Health of
the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has
the responsibility to prevent the introduction and spread of
harmful invasive plant pests and diseases. The importance
of this regulatory service is to facilitate trade, increase
exports, protect the export markets, and control imports
and to prevent the degradation of natural resources. The
department must make provision for quarantine measures
and facilities, inspection guidelines as well as for inspection
services at all ports of entry to monitor the movement of
people and cargo through international airports,
seaports and border posts for the introduction of exotic
or foreign plant pests, diseases, insects, nematodes and
weeds. It is a major challenge to succeed in this mission
to identify harmful pests, to assess and manage risk,
while at the same time to make provision for regional and
international trade.
As a signatory member of both the WTO-SPS and the
IPPC, the main objective of South Africa’s plant protection
programme is to prevent the introduction, establishment and
spread of invasive or foreign plant pests. Of importance
to the potato industry, pathogens such as Clavibacter
michiganensis, Dickeya solani, Phytophthora infestans
mating type A2, Potato Spindle tuber viroid, potato mop
top virus and others if introduced in South Africa may
have devastating outcome for local production and market
access. This therefore requires compliance to the import
conditions by importers to reduce the risk of introduction of
the aforementioned pathogens and more.
The Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 makes provision for
reporting occurrence of harmful organisms by the user
of land. This enables the NPPO to act swiftly to apply
appropriate phytosanitary measures to contain, combat
and eradicate. The reporting of the occurrence therefore is
in the interest of industries to protect their markets. Knowing
which pathogens and pests occur in South Africa equips
the NPPOZA during market access negotiations with the
trading partners. It is easier to publish occurrence of the
pathogen or pest than proving their absence in the country,
which often results in loss of market access or questionable
PRA for the imports. The NPPOZA has an obligation to
report the occurrence of pathogens and pests to the
trading partners and the global community through the
IPPC portal. Working together with researchers, NGOs,
and Universities therefore becomes critical for protecting
the integrity of the South African phytosanitary system.
Mr. Phoku also stressed the importance of strict adherence
to import regulations to importers of potato planting
material in order to prevent pests not currently occurring in
South Africa to be introduced. Prevention is always better
than cure!
Waarom kan die aartappelbedryf nie vorentoe
sonder PKR as toetsmetode addisioneel tot die
ELISA nie?
Versoeke van produsente om resultate
van virus-spesifieke ELISA-toetse
vroeër beskikbaar te hê, het gelei tot
die voorstel van die intydse RT-PKR
as generiese metode addisioneel tot
die metodes wat tans gebruik word in
Aartappellaboratoriumdienste. Die
doel van die werk waaroor daar berig word, is die
beskikbaarstelling van kommersiële in-tydse RT-PKR toetse
spesifiek vir PVY en Rolbladvirus vir sertifiseringsdoeleindes
na validasie (ontwikkeling, optimalisering en evaluering)
van sodanige toets/e.
Me. Anél Espach, Tegniese Bestuurder van Plantovita, het
in haar voorlegging gesê dat die aartappelbedryf nie
die toekoms kan ingaan sonder die PKR as addisionele
toetsmetode tot die ELISA nie as gevolg van die legio
voordele wat dit vir die moerbedryf inhou met die klem
op tydbesparing en gevolglik, geld. Sy het onder
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 103
andere verwys na voordele soos die vinniger skuif
van moerlotte, die vinniger toets van materiaal en
monsters wat onder risiko is ten opsigte van verrotting en
agteruitgang, akkurater voorspelling van virusinhoud in
moerlotte en siektedruk. “Dit moet ook aanvaar word dat
die voordele wat PKR vir Aartappellaboratoriumdiens
inhou dienooreenkomstig voordele vir die bedryf, die
moerkweker en die verbruiker inhou.”
Wat die verhouding tussen ’n ELISA- en ‘n PKR-uitslag
betref het sy verduidelik dat die uitslag nie absoluut is nie
en derhalwe nie gekwantifiseer kan word nie. Volgens
haar word die verskille / variasie in uitslae van die twee
toetstegnieke bepaal deur die patogeen, wanneer die
infeksie plaasgevind het, die viruslading, die lokalisering
in die plant en laastens die monsterneming. Voorlopige
resultate van die vergelyking van die virus-spesifieke ELISA
met die nuwe ontwikkelde RT-PKR-toets bevestig die meer
sensitiewe opsporing van virus in laer vlakke (in-seisoen
infeksie) vir beide PVY en Rolbladvirus. Resultate van
sekondêre besmette materiaal is vergelykbaar wanneer
beide metodes van opsporing gebruik word.
Dr. John Purchase van Agribiz het ter
inleiding tot ‘n paneelbespreking gesê
dat die moderne en gesofistikeerde
wêreld landbou-voedselsisteem vinnig
oor die afgelope drie dekades ontwikkel
het van ‘n basies produksiegedrewe
sisteem na ‘n verbruikersgedrewe sisteem.
Deregulasie en liberalisering van voedselsisteme, tesame
met die grootskaalse globalisering daarvan, het die konsep
van mededingendheid van waardekettings sterk op die
voorgrond geplaas. Hierdie waardekettings kompeteer nie
net wêreldwyd op ‘n streeksbasis nie, maar kompeteer ook
op intra-streeksverband met ander waardekettings wat ‘n
substitusieproduk bied.
Die befaamde Skotse politieke ekonoom en filosoof,
Adam Smith, het sovêr terug as die 1700’s opgemerk
dat “Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all
production; and the interest of the producer ought to
be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for
promoting that of the consumer”. Mededingendheid
behels ‘n verskeidenheid van faktore waarvoor
verskillende rolspelers in die waardeketting, ingesluit
regeringsdepartemente, verantwoordelik is. Om
wêreldmededingendheid binne ‘n bepaalde waardeketting
te bereik, sowel as intra-streeksmededingendheid oor
kompeterende waardekettings, vereis derhalwe sterk en
kundige samewerking deur beide regeringsdepartemente
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
en alle rolspelers in die waardeketting.
In Suid-Afrika, gegewe sy geskiedenis, bied hierdie
noodsaaklike samewerking besondere uitdagings
aangesien die regering se doelwitte dikwels nie in lyn
is met die doelwitte van die privaatsektor nie. Om dus
mededingendheid in ‘n minder as ideale omgewing te
bewerkstellig moet die privaatsektor, en meer spesifiek al
die skakels binne dié waardeketting, institusies en strukture
skep om spesifieke oorkoepelende dienste aan die bedryf
te lewer om sodoende mededingendheid te verseker. Hoe
daardie institusies/strukture daarna moet uitsien word direk
bepaal deur die spesifieke behoeftes, aard en grootte van
die betrokke waardeketting en sy spesifieke skakels.
Dit is noodsaaklik dat die verteenwoordigende leiers
van die bepaalde bedrywe, wat as direkteure optree,
verantwoordelikheid moet neem om te verseker dat die
dienste wat gelewer word, koste-effektief is en waarde
toevoeg. Die benadering op hierdie beginsels sal die
kritiese waardeproposisie vir alle geaffekteerde partye
Wat sê die paneel?
Volgens die paneel wat uit mnre. Rudi Heinlein, Johan
Holzhausen, Desmond Hyman en Johan van den Heever
bestaan het, moet die noodsaaklikheid van enige
bedryfsorganisasie gemeet word aan die waarde wat
dit tot die bedryf toevoeg en wat as die fondasie van
die aartappelwaardeketting moet dien. Die siening is
gehuldig dat die dienste wat gelewer word noodsaaklik
moet wees en nie deur die produsent self verrig kan word
nie. Dit is ook genoem dat ‘n boerdery ‘n volwaardige
agri-besigheid is wat dit vir produsent onmoontlik maak om
aandag te skenk aan sake wat die bedryf as geheel raak.
Wat Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens en Aartappels Suid-Afrika
betref is onder andere die volgende gesê:
• Die instansies bied waarde vir geld aangesien dit bydra
tot die volhoubaarheid van die aartappelbedryf.
• Die dienste wat gelewer word hou voordele vir
die totale aartappelwaardeketting in. As voorbeelde
is navorsing genoem asook die betrokkenheid in
die suksesvolle aansoek vir die implementering van die
invoertarief op bevrore aartappelskyfies.
• Die instansies skep ideale platforms vir skakeling tussen
• Aartappels Suid-Afrika speel ‘n kardinale rol in die
transformasie van die aartappelbedryf
• Die streng toepassing van Suid-Afrikaanse
Aartappelsertifiseringskema deur
Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens om te verseker dat kwaliteit
moere aan die tafelprodusent beskikbaar gestel kan
word, kan nie genoeg beklemtoon word nie.
Die Moerkwekersforum is vanuit verskeie oorde weer
eens as ‘n reuse sukses bestempel. Die paneelbespreking
het uitgewys dat die organisasiestrukture binne die SuidAfrikaanse aartappelbedryf ‘n wesentlike rol speel wat
positief impak op die volhoubaarheid en winsgewendheid
van die aartappelbedryf.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 105
JP van den Berg is 2014 se Top
Artikel: Sanette Thiart / Foto verskaf
moerproduksie. Dit maak hom opgewonde om te sien
hoe kenners, wetenskaplikes, kwekers, chemie, innovasie
en samewerking deur alle rolspelers die volhoubaarheid
van aartappelproduksie onder moeilike omstandighede
ondersteun en verseker.
Dr. Klaus Eckstein het ook ‘n boek wat Bayer se
geskiedenis oor 150 jaar uitbeeld aan Sanette Thiart,
Besturende Direkteur van Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens,
oorhandig as blyk van waardering vir die samewerking
oor die afgelope tyd. In antwoord het Me. Thiart haar
dank uitgespreek teenoor Bayer vir hulle insette in die
Moerkweker toekenning. Energie, passie, innovasie en
kwaliteit waarvan gepraat is, is alles faktore wat nodig
is om goeie kwaliteit aartappelmoere te produseer. Dit
is primêr Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens se taak om goeie
kwaliteit aartappelmoere te produseer en ASD is trots op
elke sertifiseringsetiket wat uitgereik word, want daardie
produk is waardig om daardie etiket aan te kry. Sy het
erkenning gegee nie net aan die finaliste nie, maar ook
aan elke moerkweker wat onder moeilike omstandighede
goeie kwaliteit moere produseer.
Mnr. JP van den Berg van die plaas Buttermere in die
Tosca-omgewing is tydens die onlangse Bayer CropScience
glansdinee as Suid-Afrika se Top Moerkweker vir 2014
Bayer CropScience is al 10 jaar die hoofborg van die
Moerkweker van die Jaar-toekenning. Dr. Klaus Eckstein,
Hoofuitvoerende Beampte van Bayer SA, het in ‘n
onderhoud met Mnr. Jan-Harm Schutte, seremoniemeester
tydens die galadinee, gesê dat die samewerking met
Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens is om die moerkwaliteit te
verbeter. Die kwaliteit van die moer is die hoeksteen
of fondament van aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika.
Goeie kwaliteit moere is onontbeerlik in ‘n kompeterende
nasionale en internasionale mark. Kwaliteit is vir Bayer
net so belangrik en daarom sien Bayer uit daarna om nog
lank in die toekoms saam te werk om erkenning te gee aan
goeie moerproduksie. Hy het ook sy opgewondenheid
uitgespreek oor die standaard van moerproduksie in
Suid-Afrika, sowel as die internasionaal vergelykbare
sisteme in plek vir in vitro- en miniknolproduksie
as basis van siektevrye plantmateriaal vir verdere
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Die Moerkweker van 2014 ontvang as geskenk vir hom
en sy gade ‘n oorsese reis na China in 2015 om die
Aartappelwêreldkongres by te woon en Bayer China te
besoek. Die blootstelling en kennis wat daar opgedoen
word, kan dan weer teruggeploeg word in Suid-Afrika.
Mnr. JP van den Berg is onder luide applous as die
wenner aangekondig. In sy toespraak nadat hy sy
trofee ontvang het, het hy gesê dat dit hy nie gewen
het omdat hy of sy pa so goed is nie, maar dat die
kwaliteit van sy aartappelmoere aan ‘n kombinasie
van faktore toegeskryf kan word. Heel eerste het hy vir
Wes-Vrystaat Aartappel Moerkwekers bedank vir die
vertroue wat hulle in hom gestel het. Hy het ook erkenning
gegee aan mede-moerkwekers by wie hy baie kennis
opgedoen het, wat hy steeds elke dag toepas, asook aan
Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens. As die basis reg is, sal die res
Mnr. Neels Marais, Voorsitter van die
Moerhandelaarsforum, het namens hul lede ‘n
kontantbedrag van R10 000 aan die hom oorhandig.
Mnr. Van den Berg het in ‘n onderhoud voor die
aankondiging van Top Moerkweker vir 2014 gesê dat hy
nie sy sukses aan een spesifieke aspek kan toeskryf nie,
maar eerder aan ‘n klomp goed wat in plek val. “Wat
egter vir my tog uitstaan is die feit dat ons bevoorreg is om
net lae generasie aartappelmoere te kan produseer op
Tosca wat bekend is as ‘n gebied met baie lae virusvlakke.”
Hy het verder genoem dat geen moerkweker werklik
suksesvol kan wees hy en sy hele werkspan nie die nodige
toewyding aan die dag lê nie.
Hy het ook sy dank uitgespreek teenoor mnr. Jamie Jansen
van Vuuren van Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens vir die rol wat
laasgenoemde gespeel het in die sukses van die boerdery.
“Ek het oor die afgelope drie jaar gereeld by oom Jamie
om hulp gaan aanklop. Veral op Tosca waar die Internet
bra gebrekkig is, het ek tydens sy besoeke my maar so
dom moontlik gehou om soveel moontlik kennis in te win.
Oom Jamie het immers jare se ondervinding en het al
duisende hektare se moeraanplantings gesien.”
Mnr. Van den Berg het ten slotte gesê dat op Buttermere
hulle nie poog om die wiel te herontdek nie, maar om net
skoon, siektevrye moere te produseer. Dit is vir hom krities
belangrik om teenwoordig te wees tydens die sortering van
die aartappelmoere. Hy sal eerder stop om te sorteer as
dat hy nie teenwoordig is nie.
Wat veral ook tydens die onderhoude met die finaliste
uitgekom het, is nie net die kwaliteit van die moere nie,
maar ook die betrokkenheid van die moerkwekers in
die gemeenskap. Kennis word teruggeploeg in die
gemeenskap, die omgewing word ondersteun en daar
word ‘n standaard gestel wat aan voldoen moet word.
Die belangrikheid van begin met die regte kwaliteit
plantmateriaal, goed opgeleide suiweringspanne en
hoe daar met jou personeel te werk gegaan word,
is alles faktore wat in plek moet wees. Probleme
wat opduik het redelike impak op die res van die
produksieketting en daarom moet enige probleem so
vinnig moontlik aangespreek word. Die voordele wat
die Aartappelmoersertifiseringskema inhou is baie meer
as wat die koste van die Skema is. Die sertifiseringsetiket
gee waarde en geloofwaardigheid aan die produk. Vir
enige besigheid om te werk is passie, toegewydheid
en positiwiteit nodig en dit was verseker sigbaar by die
Nogmaals baie geluk aan die finaliste, Jakkie Mellet van
Potato Seed Production / Beef Section Boerdery en Frans
Engelbrecht met hulle prestasie en veral geluk aan mnr. JP
van den Berg met sy toekenning as Moerkweker van 2014.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 107
Blaarmonsters as bestuurshulpmiddel in aartappelproduksie
Artikel en foto’s: Anel Espach
Sisteem in kort
In die sertifiseringsproses van moere, word
verteenwoordigende knolmonsters van geregistreerde
aanplantings geneem wat geoormerk is vir sertifisering.
Die grootte van die monsters (hoeveelheid knolle) word
bepaal deur die volgende:
• Akkuraatheid waarmee ons die siekte wil voorspel.
• Die siekte waarvoor getoets moet word.
• Die generasie van die dogterknolle wat bemonster
• Koste van bemonstering.
• Hoeveel alreeds bekend is oor die siekte, aanplanting.
• Variasie in die populasie gashere.
• Praktiese uitvoerbaarheid.
Hierdie knolmonsters word getoets by ‘n OSRAgoedgekeurde laboratorium wat ook geregistreer moet
wees by die Departement van Landbou, Bosbou en
Visserye. Toetse wat uitgevoer word in terme van die
Suid-Afrikaanse Aartappelmoersertifiseringskema se
vereistes sluit in bakteriese verwelk- en virusspesifieke ELISA
toetse. Elke generasie moere moet voldoen aan vereistes
beskryf in die Skema, waaronder die persentasie virus
geïnfekteerde knolle een van is.
Sal ’n vroeër indikasie van virusinhoud ’n verskil maak?
Tydens die produksie van aartappels is dit belangrik dat
die kweker produksiepraktyke moet volg wat bydra tot
pogings om moere te lewer wat aan die vereistes van die
Skema voldoen. Omdat daar egter ’n moontlikheid van
virusbesmetting in ‘n seisoen bestaan, kan moere realiseer
waarvan die virusinhoud hoër as die verwagte is. Die
kweker kan dan eers na generering van die amptelike
landmonstervirusuitslag ’n meer akkurate aanduiding hê
of die moerlot aan die vereistes voldoen, al dan nie. In
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CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
baie gevalle laat dit ’n kweker met beperkte aantal keuses
wat om met ’n lot te doen wat nie aan die vereistes van
die Skema voldoen nie. Om derhalwe besluite rakende
moerlewering voortydig te kan te neem, is die voorspelling
van die virusinhoud van moere ’n baie handige meganisme
tydens produksie aangesien dit die kweker in staat stel om
sy moerproduksie en moerleweringsaksies beter te kan
Soos op verskeie platforms al gerapporteer, word
knolmonsters geneem op die punt in die proses naaste
aan verhandeling aangesien dit die mees akkurate
weergawe van siekte-teenwoordigheid weergee van die
moere wat geplant moet word. Omdat sertifisering op
landmonsteruitslae berus, sal die na-kontrole monster
dus die monster wees wat op hierdie punt geneem word.
Antwoorde op die toetsing op beide hierdie knolmonsters
laat kwekers toe om eers op ‘n gevorderde stadium in die
produksie- en oesproses ’n besluit te kan neem wat om met
moere te doen wat nie aan die vereistes van die Skema
voldoen nie. Vroeë besluitneming is dus, gegewe die neem
en toets van hierdie twee monsters, nie moontlik nie.
Waar pas blaarmonsters in?
In die sertifiseringsproses is daar ruimte geskep vir vroeë
besluitneming in die vorm van die neem en toets van
blaarmonsters vanaf geregistreerde aanplantings. Dit dien
as ’n instrument om kwekers toe te laat om die virusinhoud
van moerlotte voortydig te kan voorspel en sodoende
te besluit hoe produksie en lewering van die opbrengs
van die eenheid moet geskied, byvoorbeeld - kan daar
voortgegaan word met moerproduksie of moet die oes
eerder aan die varsproduktemark gelewer word?
Wanneer blaarmonsters geneem word, is dit
belangrik om die volgende in ag te neem:
• Monsters moet verteenwoordigend wees en
monsterneming moet ewekansig geskied om die mees
akkurate voorspelling van virus-geïnfekteerde plante te
• Die monster moet so na as moontlik aan loofdoding
geneem word, dus terwyl blare nog geen dooie
weefsel het nie. Aktiefgroeiende plante moet dus
bemonster word. Die kwaliteit van loof speel ’n baie
belangrike rol in die generering van betroubare uitslae.
Weefsel wat reeds degenereer kan lei tot vals lesings in
die toets.
• Die eerste volwasse saamgestelde blaar vanaf die
groeipunt moet geneem word.
• Om die gegenereerde resultaat meer te laat
ooreenstem met dit wat tydens landmonstertoetsing
gegenereer word, word aanbeveel dat die grootte
van die monsters ook dieselfde moet wees. Dit is egter
aanvaarbaar indien die kweker sou verkies om altyd ’n
400-blaar monster te neem.
‘n Voorstel van die aantal blare wat geneem behoort te
word op die land vir die indiening van blaarmonsters
(Inligting Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens).
(wat geoes
Aantal blare
• Uitslae van blaarmonsters geneem op die land
(generasie 0 tot generasie 7 geplant) dien slegs as
bestuurshulpmiddel en is dus ’n nie-amptelike uitslag.
Dit vervang dus nie die amptelike knolmonsteruitslag
nie, maar gee slegs aan die kweker ’n aanduiding van
’n verhoogde moontlikheid dat virus-geïnfekteerde
knolle mag voorkom.
Omdat die toestand van die blaarweefsel krities is
in die generering van akkurate toetsresultate, is dit
baie belangrik dat die blaarmonster wat geneem is,
vars en goed verpak word en so gou moontlik na die
naaste goedgekeurde ALD-laboratorium geneem word.
Die voorstel is dat verpakking van die blare in duidelik
gemerkte bruin papiersakke geskied.
Die laboratorium moet vooraf in kennis gestel word van
die versending en ontvangs van die monsters sodat die
nodige voorbereidings getref kan word om die blare so
gou moontlik te toets ten einde vals resultate te beperk.
Die koste van blaarmonsters vergelyk met die van
knolmonsters (land- en stoormonsters) en verskil tussen
streekslaboratoriums. Die norm is dat die koste in ‘n
klein mate laer is as knolmonsters.
Die betrokkenheid van ASD by die trek en versending van
blaarmonsters wissel tussen streke. Indien ASD betrokke
is, gee dit die beamptes die geleentheid om kwekers
by te staan met advies rakende die pluk, verpakking
en versending van blare en dan na die toetsproses, die
interpretasie van uitslae en moontlike latere besluitneming.
Beamptes sal sogenaamde saadlyste opstel wat monster
detail aandui en wat die laboratoriumtegnoloë in staat
stel om die toets uit te voer soos versoek. Uitslae sal dan
vanaf die laboratorium via ASD aan kwekers gestuur word.
Kommunikasie geskied dus via ASD indien ’n beampte by
die proses betrokke is.
Sou ‘n kweker verkies om ’n blaarmonster te neem en te
versend sonder die betrokkenheid van ’n ASD beampte, is
dit belangrik dat die regte prosedures vir monsterneming,
verpakking en versending gevolg moet word.
Dokumentasie moet die monsters vergesel wat minstens aan
die laboratorium inligting sal gee van die identiteit van die
monster, die kweker/persoon aan wie die uitslag gestuur
moet word, die persoon verantwoordelik vir die toetskoste,
die minimum hoeveelheid blare wat getoets moet word en
die patogene wat betrekking het (PVY en/of PLRV).
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 109
Waarom kan blaarmonsters nie as amptelike
monsters gebruik word nie?
Primêre virusinfeksie van aartappelplante geskied via
die plantluisvektore wat viruspartikels tydens voeding op
plante vanaf ’n geïnfekteerde plant na ’n gesonde plant
oordra. Sodra infeksie plaasgevind het, kan die virus begin
vermeerder en na die res van die plant versprei. Primêre
infeksie kan plaasvind tydens enige stadium in die plant se
leeftyd. Selfs ’n bietjie groenigheid aan ’n knol kan luise
lok. Dit impliseer dat virusinfeksie van aartappelplante
tot die oomblik voor loofdoding kan plaasvind. Sou
loofdoding nie gou genoeg geskied nie, bestaan die
moontlikheid dat die virus met tyd na die knolle kan
beweeg na neming van die blaarmonster. Wetenskaplikes
het verskillende opinies oor die tempo waarteen die virus
na die knolle beweeg. Omgewingstoestande, tipe virus en
kultivar is die faktore wat hier belangrike rolle speel. So
’n laatseisoeninfeksie is moeilik om op te spoor as gevolg
van die tyd van infeksie, beweging in die plant en vlakke
van infeksie. Die virus word deur die plantluis op ‘n blaar
gedeponeer waarna dit met die halm af kan beweeg na
die knolle. Die verspreiding deur die plant is daarom ‘n
faktor wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer monsters
geneem word. Alle saamgestelde blare aan ‘n plant gaan
nie virusbesmet wees nie, want alle halms is nie besmet nie.
Gevolglik sal alle knolle ook nie besmet wees nie.
Tydsverloop tussen virusinfeksie, loofdoding en toetsing
bemoeilik opsporing van laat besmettings en kan lei tot
groter verskille tussen die uitslae van blaarmonsters en
Die verspreiding van virusse in die plante tussen blare,
Page 110 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
halms en knolle beklemtoon die belangrikheid om
verteenwoordigende monsters te neem, die blaarmonster
op die regte tyd te neem en deurlopende, effektiewe
plantluisbeheer. Dit verklaar ook waarom daar groot
verskille tussen die uitslae van blaarmonsters en
knolmonsters kan wees. ’n Negatiewe resultaat beteken
nie noodwendig dat die moere virusvry is nie, terwyl
’n positiewe resultaat aanduidend is van ’n groter
moontlikheid dat virusse reeds in die knolle teenwoordig
mag wees.
Blaarmonsters bied aan kwekers die
geleentheid om in-tyd virusspesifieke toetse te
laat doen sodat die virusinhoud van die knolle
voorspel en ’n tydige bestuursbesluit geneem
kan word oor die lewering van moere.
Selfs in die geval van sekondêre infeksie van
aartappels deur virusse, is al die knolle nie
noodwendig geïnfekteer nie en is daar halms
wat simptomaties is terwyl ander virusvry is.
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 111
Gedurende Julie en Augustus 2014 het 15 aartappelproduksiestreke
asook nie-produserende verskaffers aartappels aan die
varsproduktemarkte landswyd gelewer
Page 112 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Mondial (27.67%)
Up-to-date (22.04%)
Valor (16.46%)
Vergroening (26.95%)
Aalwurm (17.97%)
Verbruining (11.59%)
Avalanche (33.30%)
BP1 (31.15%)
Mondial (22.73%)
Bruinskurf (33.58%)
Meganiese beskadiging (18.74%)
Holhart (17.73%)
Vanderplank (92.16%)
Mondial (7.83%)
Verlep (100%)
Mondial (100%)
Mondial (37.22%)
Up-to-date (22.23%)
Sifra (18.19%)
Mondial (61.27%)
Sifra (30.86%)
Aalwurm (59.12%)
Vergroening (15.09%)
Meganiese beskadiging (6.92%)
Vergroening (42.26%)
Poeierskurf (19.66%)
Meganiese beskadiging (16.88%)
Mondial (39.19%)
Avalanche (33.50%)
Valor (12.61%)
Meganiese beskadiging (4.17%)
Vergroening (33.81%)
Bederf (12.89%)
Mondial (71.60%)
Sifra (21.74%)
Up-to-date (1.88%)
Vergroening (55.53%)
Sandspleet (12.01%)
Meganiese beskadiging (8.04%)
Mondial (81.90%)
Up-to-date (14.67%)
Valor (1.04%)
Insekbeskadiging (17.93%)
Meganiese beskadiging (17.25%)
Aartappelmot (17.06%)
Sifra (95.40%)
Mondial (4.59%)
Koue skade (38.09%)
Vergroening (33.33%)
Bruinskurf (14.28%)
Onbekend (39.37%)
Mondial (32.96%)
Valor (17.24%)
Insekbeskadiging (35.14%)
Aalwurm (21.12%)
Grootte (14.69%)
Sifra (64.72%)
Mondial (21.40%)
Fianna (7.68%)
Nerf af/los (53.53%)
Meganiese beskadiging (35.25%)
Vergroening (8.41%)
Mondial (56.84%)
Sifra (21.73%)
Valor (16.88%)
Vergroening (54.53%)
Sandspleet (22.28%)
Meganiese beskadiging (6.42%)
Sifra (22.54%)
Valor (19.66%)
Mondial (19.05%)
Aalwurm (31.34%)
Bruinskurf (16.21%)
Meganiese beskadiging (10.51%)
Mondial (86.44%)
Sifra (6.01%)
Up-to-date (3.95%)
Vergroening (23.76%)
Verbruining (21.34%)
Voorkoms (16.53%)
Relevante statistiek ten opsigte van lewerings gedurende Julie/Augustus 2014 is soos volg:
• 16 145 101 sakkies vanuit 15 streke asook die nie-produserende verskaffers is aan die varsproduktemarkte
landwyd gelewer.
• 187 836 sakkies het nie aan die voorgeskrewe merkvereistes voldoen nie. Dit was 586 946 sakkies minder as
gedurende Mei/Junie waartydens 774 782 sakkies nie voldoen het nie. Met volgehoue samewerking kan die
syfer nog verder verminder.
• ‘n Kommerwekkende 66 207 sakkies het nie die nodige kultivar aangedui nie, wat ‘n aansienlike styging toon van
17 024 sakkies teenoor die 49 183 sakkies vir Mei/Junie 2014.
• Die verslag toon ‘n verlaging in die gemiddelde persentasie afmerkings van 8.16% teenoor die 9.95% vir
Mei/Junie 2014.
Totale aantal sakkies gelewer in
Julie / Augustus 2014 = 16 145 101
Gemiddelde persentasie
afgemerk 8.16%
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 113
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Page 114 •
Prokon conducts paper and packaging
trial in the interest of the potato industry
Article and photos: Etienne Booyens
Prokon visited all the bag manufacturers and extended an
invitation to them to give inputs in respect of the compilation
of the new guideline specification. The different papers
that currently used in the industry were investigated to
understand the wide variety in paper specifications and
the different sources that are currently supplying the South
African potato industry. Different inputs were received
from bag manufacturers and paper suppliers from various
countries supplying the South African market.
All the bag manufacturers were given the opportunity to
submit the paper used by them for analysis during the
trail. Eleven entries were received from the paper suppliers
and bag manufacturers which represented different
constructions and combinations of paper.
Earlier this year Prokon was contracted by Potatoes SA to
conduct paper and packaging trial with the intention to
compile a guideline specification in respect of paper used
for the manufacturing of paper bags. This followed a string
of complaints received from potato famers about the poor
quality of some of the bags. The farmers argued that they
have to have the potatoes re-bagged, costing them money
and delayed sales. In addition the breakages resulted in
product and quality losses which also had a negative on
the overall price they received for their potatoes.
The problem is the direct result of the scrapping of
the packing specification from the official packaging
regulations in 2010. Up until then, the packaging
regulations were monitored by the industry, under the
auspices of the Department of Agriculture Forestry and
Fisheries (DAFF), thus ensuring access to quality packaging
The scrapping of the paper specification from the
regulations allowed for the introduction of paper with
different specifications for the manufacturing of potato
bags. As a result of the complaints the bags were sent
to SABS for testing. The results indicated that numerous
different paper standards/specifications were applied
in the potato bag manufacturing industry. This situation
sparked the need for a specification guideline on paper
being used in the industry for producing potato bags.
250 unbranded and coded empty bags of the eleven
different bag constructions were received by mid-March
The following points and/or criteria were incorporated for
inspection and evaluation of the paper and packaging:
• Paper testing - verification of paper specification
• Pack house on farm
• Loading on farm and transport
• Off-loading at fresh produce market
• Drop tests at market
• Lab tests – opacity test
• Greening test (practical test) at the Cedara Research
• Food safety certification (Independent testing reports)
Food safety certification (Independent testing
Prokon obtained independent testing reports for food
safety certification in respect of the paper tested during
the trail. This is quite significant as some of the prominent
supermarket groups will not pack food in packaging that
has not been approve as being safe for food packaging
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 115
Pack house on farm
All the trial bags were packed on the farm in the Eastern
Free State and transported to a potato warehouse north of
Durban for the analysis of the paper and packaging.
Outer layer
Inner layer
Key 3
Key 6
Key 8
Breakages in Packhouse on Farm
Key 8
Key 6
Key 3
Outer/Inner Layers of Bag
Off-loading at fresh produce warehouse
On arrival the truck was offloaded and every pallet
analysed. This was followed by an inspection of the bags
and documentation of the damage.
Drop tests at market
The drop test is a standard international practice for the
testing of paper strength. Prokon and the SABS selected the
height of 1m for the specific test. The test was repeated to
verify the results.
Drop test
Drops before breakage
Key 3
Key 6
Key 8
Code for different paper
Side/Flat drops
Bottom drops
Greening test (practical test) at the Cedara
Research Facility
This test comprised of recording temperatures and humidity
in order to analyse the different changes through the eleven
constructions. The results primarily proofed that the double
layer brown paper performs better against the greening
effect on potatoes than the white (bleached) paper.
Page 116 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
Greening Test
The outcome of these tests was discussed with the different
bag manufacturers and paper suppliers shortly after the
trial. Potatoes South Africa appointed a committee, which
include a representative from the SABS, to evaluate the
results and make to recommendations to the Board of
Directors of Potatoes South Africa.
The outcome of the trial serves as basis for the
implementation of a guideline paper specification for
the potato industry. All suppliers who comply with these
specifications and sign a Code of Conduct with Potatoes
South Africa will get permission to use a specific logo that
will serve as prove that the bag complies with guideline
Going forward
It is the intention that as from the beginning of 2015 the
guideline paper and packaging specification will be in
place for application by the paper suppliers and bag
manufacturers to ensure their packaging material addresses
the industry’s needs.
Potato producers can also use this guideline specification
when ordering bags by, for example, enquire whether his
supplier’s bags comply with the specification. C
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 117
Seed Potato Traders Forum
Article and photos: Gawie Geyer
Die Moerhandelaarsforum het op 9 September 2014 in
Bloemfontein vergader. Die volgende is van die sake wat
tydens die vergadering aangespreek is:
Moerhandelaars behoort skema-eksamen af te
Ms. Sanette Thiart, Besturende Direkteur van
Aartappelsertifiseringsdiens, het gewys op die
belangrikheid dat moerhandelaars oor die nodige kennis
van die Suid-Afrikaanse Aartappelmoersertifiseringskema
en Protokol moet beskik in die lig van die voordele wat dit
inhou ten opsigte van hulle besigheidsbedrywighede. Sy
het gevolglik voorgestel dat al die moerhandelaars die
Skema / protokol-eksamen aflê.
Moerhandelaars kan die jongste weergawe van die Skema
op www.potatocertificationservice.co.za in die hande kry.
Dit word in die vooruitsig gestel dat die lede van die
Moerhandelaarsforum die eksamen voor die 2015
Moerhandelaarsforum gaan aflê.
Verkoop van ongesertifiseerde moere
‘n Beroep is op moerhandelaars gedoen om slegs in
gesertifiseerde moere handel te dryf. Dit is veral van
belang as die wesentlike langtermyn gevare in ag geneem
word wat die aanplant van ongesertifiseerde moere vir die
voortbestaan van die plaaslike aartappelbedryf inhou.
Die probleem is egter dat daar vir die afgelope twee
jaar nie genoeg gesertifiseerde moere beskikbaar was
om in die vraag na gesertifiseerde moere te voldoen
nie. Dit moet ook in ag geneem word dat daar
aartappelprodusente is wat moere vir eie aanplanting
teruggehou, veral in gebiede waar gesertifiseerde moere
gedurende ‘n sekere tyd van die jaar onverkrygbaar is.
Die algemene gevoel is dat die gebruik van die bestaande
Tafelskema gepromoveer moet word. Dit is egter van
kardinale belang dat die tafelprodusente die gevare moet
verstaan wat die aanplanting van ongesertifiseerde moere
inhou, in besonder vir hul eie boerdery-besighede.
Die saak gaan na die Nasionale Moerekomitee verwys
word vir verdere aandag.
Standaard verkoopsooreenkoms
Die probleme wat deur moerhandelaars ondervind word
Page 118 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
wanneer onder andere bestellings gekanselleer word,
het daartoe gelei dat die moontlikheid van die opstel van
algemene verkoopsreëls oorweeg moet word, soortgelyk
aan die wat met vrug in Europa ingestel is. Dit is egter
belangrik dat alle moerhandelaars sal moet instem tot
die implementering daarvan, maar meer belangrik om
daarby te hou. Die reëls moet ook voorsiening maak
vir ‘n simplistiese pro-forma kontrak wat tussen die
moerhandelaar en die produsent gesluit word wat die
voorskrifte sal stipuleer waaronder moere gelewer sal
‘n Konsep stel algemene verkoopsreëls gaan opgestel
word en aan alle lede van die Moerhandelaarsforum
beskikbaar gestel word vir hul insette. ’n Finale besluit
oor die implementering van die reëls sal tydens die2015
Moerhandelaarsforum geneem word.
Terughou van gelisensieerde variëteite
Die vestiging van nuwe variëteite is ‘n tydsame en duur
proses. Gevolglik is die terughou van gelisensieerde
variëteite deur produsente ‘n groot kopseer vir
lisensiehouers, veral aangesien hulle tantieme aan
die oorsese kultivareienaars moet betaal. Die siening
is uitgespreek dat aangesien daar heelwat minder
tafelprodusente en moerkwekers in die bedryf oor is, die
tyd aangewese is om tafelprodusente wat gelisensieerde
variëteite terughou, te oorreed om ‘n tipe van tantieme op
sodanige variëteite te betaal.
Die betaling van tantieme op gelisensieerde variëteite
wat teruggehou word, gaan deel vorm van die algemene
Die NAK-koelopbergingsfasiliteit op Bethal ervaar
vanjaar meer probleme as ooit ten opsigte van moere
wat by die fasiliteit afgelewer word vir koelopberging. ‘n
Beroep is op moerhandelaars gedoen om ten opsigte van
moerbesendings wat vir die fasiliteit bestem is, aandag aan
die volgende aspekte te skenk:
• Die moere nie op eenrigting-palette verpak word nie.
• Spesiale aandag aan die laaiproses geskenk moet
word aangesien heelwat sakke ontvang word wat
stukkend is en waarvan die inhoud los op die
vragmotor lê.
• Die besendings behoorlik toegedraai (wrapped) word
aangesien palette wat besig is om te kantel baie keer
ontvang word. Dit bemoeilik nie net die aflaai proses
nie, maar ook die koelopberging daarvan.
Vragte, veral wintervragte, moet met ‘n seil bedek
word. Dit het vanjaar gebeur dat onbedekte
besendings wit geryp by die opbergingsfasiliteit
afgelewer is.
Neels Marais herverkies as voorsitter vir ‘n
verdere termyn
Mnr. Neels Marais is herverkies as voorsitter van die
Moerhandelaarsforum vir ‘n verdere termyn.
Wat die ander lede van die bestuur betref is mnr. Theuns
van Rensburg herverkies as ondervoorsitter en mnr. André
Coetzee verkies as die addisionele lid.
Daar is ook besluit om nie weer ‘n tesourier te verkies
nie en die werksaamhede wat met die posisie verband
hou, sal nou deur me. Elsabé Els, sekretaris van die
Moerhandelaarsforum, verrig word.
Moerhandelaars wens Moerkweker van die
Jaar geluk
Mnr. Neels Maris, Voorsitter van die
Moerhandelaarsforum, het tydens die onlangse Bayer
CropScience glansdinee die gelukwensing van die lede
van die Moerhandelaarsforum aan mnr. JP van der Berg
oorgedra met sy aanwys as Top Moerkweker van die Jaar
- 2014. Hy het terselfdertyd ‘n tjek aan mnr. Van den Berg
oorhandig vir die prestasie wat hy behaal het.
vlnr. André Coetzee, Elsabé Els, Neels Marias en Theuns van
Die Moerhandelaars-
forum is gestig om
ordelike bemarking
van moere te
Lede voldoen aan ‘n
Aartappelnetwerk Suid-Afrika BK
Ceres Aartappels
gedragskode en bied
FPD Seed and Development
‘n bemarkingskanaal
GWK Beperk
wat ‘n professionele
bemarkingsdiens aan
Kaap Agri Beperk
die moerbedryf en
Maluti Mini Tubers
McCain Foods SA
Potato Seed Production (Pty) Ltd
Wes-Vrystaat Landboudienste
Vir meer inligting oor die Moerhandelaarsforum se
doelwitte, gedragskode, ens. kontak
dr. Fienie Niederwieser by tel (012) 349 1906
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 119
Dagboek / Diary - 2014
4 Desember/December -
Aartappelbedryfsforum / Potato Industry Forum
Uit die argiewe / From the archives
CHIPS, Julie / Augustus 1994
Naspal, ‘n paletstelsel wat werk
Prokon is met gemengde gevoelens ontvang
Naspal, ‘n nasionale paletstelsel vir varsprodukte, is op 19
Julie 1994 as publieke maatskappy.
“Prokon bied gehaltebeheer oor die bemarking van
varsprodukte wat uiters noodsaaklik is vir ons boere.” teenoor “Prokon speel geen rol by prysbepaling nie.”
Dis nou 20 jaar later en Prokon is steeds daar, inteendeel
die maatskappy is besig om sy statuur in die varsproduktemilieu te verhoog.
“Naspal is lankal nie meer met ons nie en het so bykans die
APO se ondergang beteken.”
Dis seker maar soos wat die lewe is – nie almal haal die
paal nie! C
Skyfie sê / Skyfie says
It’s going very well if the bank’s safe becomes to
It’s going very well with the potato farmers in the Ugie /
Elliott region. One had a call from his bank manager the
other evening enquiring whether it would be OK if he enlarges the bank’s safe as the existing one is no longer big
enough to safely keep all the farmer’s green backs.
JP van den Berg - Moerkweker van die Jaar
Boere is glo afspraak sku
Chemiese verkoopsmanne kla nou die aand steen en been
om die braaivleisvuur omdat hulle nie afsprake met boere
gemaak kry nie. Een sê ook kwansuis.. “Boere maak nie
afsprake nie. Hulle sê net - bel my as jy in die streek is, dan
kyk ek of ek jou kan sien.”
Page 120 •
CHIPS • September/Oktober 2014
“Dis nou vreemd - Daar
is niks in Die Innoveerder
wat sê dat ek vanaand as
Moerkweker van die Jaar
aangewys gaan word
nie.” C
Transformasie • Transformation
Internship programme:
Placement of students for 2015
Article: Nomvula Xaba
Every year Potatoes South Africa offers bursaries to
academic deserving students who want to pursue a career
in agriculture. A number of students are studying at the
agricultural colleges in South Africa, and as a requirement
for their diploma, they need to do an internship program
at a farm or any agricultural company where they will be
exposed to all the operations and therefore be able to
satisfy the requirements of their diploma. Often students
are given a number of assignments which they need to
complete before the end of the year.
are willing to do so. The stipend can be paid directly to the
student or it can be paid to the employer who will in turn
pay the student.
Who can participate in the internship
Potatoes South Africa has twelve (12) interns that need
to be placed by January 2015. If you have an interest in
hosting an intern, kindly contact Nomvula Xaba at 012349 1906 or by email to Nomvula@potatoes.co.za so that
all the necessary arrangements can be made. We would
like to appeal to employers to send their requests by the
end of November 2014 so that there is still enough time to
interview the interns, if there is a need. C
Potatoes South Africa has committed itself to finding
students a place where they can be able to do an
internship programme for a period of a year. We are
therefore appealing to the farmers and agricultural
companies to take this opportunity of hosting the interns in
their farms and companies for a period of a year. Although
the interns still need to learn a lot in order to obtain the
necessary skills, this opportunity will undoubtedly add
value as there will be extra hands that can assist in the
daily operations.
The employer is, however, expected to provide the student
with accommodation if the place of work is inaccessible by
public transport or assist the student in securing a place that
will be convenient for him to get to work in time.
How many interns need to be placed?
What role can I play as an employer?
As an employer, you will be expected to play the following
• Supervise and guide the intern in all the daily
• Interns that still need to complete their assignments will
also require the assistance of their employers for them to
complete the assignments.
• Provide Potatoes south Africa with a progress report of
the students on a quarterly basis
What are the costs associated with hosting an
Potatoes South Africa has a budget that has been set aside
to pay a stipend to the student every month for the duration
if the internship. This means that the employer is not obliged
to pay any stipend or salary to the student not unless they
CHIPS • September/October 2014
• Page 121
Bloemfontein Market Agents
RSA Market Agents
Modise Market Agents
Subtropico Market Agents
Vrystaat Market Agents
Butterworth Market Agents
Botha Roodt Johannesburg Market Agents
Marco Johannesburg Market Agents
C L de Villiers Market Agents
Citifresh Market Agents
City Deep Waatlemoen Market Agents
Dapper Market Agents
Exec-U-Fruit Market Agents
Egoly Market Agents
Metro Market Agents
Pula Nala Market Agents
RSA Market Agents
Subtropico Market Agents
Target Market Agents t/a Trans Africa Market
Wenpro Market Agents
DW Fresh Produce Market Agents
(eThekwini Municipality)
Delta Market Agents
Hanly Market Agents
John Bell & Co Market Agents
Port Natal Market Agents
RSA Market Agents
Wenpro Market Agents
Boland Market Agents
Cape Market Agents
RSA Market Agents
Fine Bros Market Agents
Fox & Brink Market Agents
Fox & Brink Distribution Centre
Rhoda’s Market Agents
Subtropico/Spes Bona Market Agents
W P Market Agents
Boere Market Agents
Maverick Market Agents
Garden Route Fresh Express Market Agents
(Sol Plaatje Muncipality)
Kimberley Market Agents
Subtropico Market Agents
Squires & Sons Market Agents
Samuels & Sons Market Agents
King William’s Town Market Agents
(City of Matlosana)
J Frances & Son Market Agents
Garfield Market Agents
Matlosana Market Agents
Subtropico Market Agents
W.L. Ochse & Kie Market Agents
NELSPRUIT (Mpumalanga)
Laeveld Market Agents
Nelspruit Market Agents (JoxiFox)
(Buffalo Municipality)
AA Market Agents
Border Farmers Market Agents
Martin & Scheepers Market Agents
Subtropico Market Agents
MARKET (Nelson Mandela Metro)
African Market Agents
Lansdell Market Agents
Gouws & Co Market Agents
Noordeinde Market Agents
W Finlayson & Co Market Agents
Algoabaai Market Agents
MARKET (Mzundusi Municipality)
E.M. & J. Peter Market Agents
G.W. Poole Market Agents
Nkosi Market Agents
Natalia Market Agents
Subtropico Market Agents
Boere Trust Market Agents
Botha Roodt Pretoria Market Agents
DW Fresh Produce Market Agents
Du Plessis & Wolmarans Market Agents
RSA Market Agents
Noordvaal Market Agents
Prinsloo & Venter Market Agents
Subtropico/Protea Market Agents
(Ekurhuleni Municipality)
AM Meyer Market Agents
Botha Roodt Springs Market Agents
New Africa Market Agents
Springs Market Agents (Fruit)
Springs Market Agents (Vegetables)
Subtropico Market Agents
UITENHAGE (Nelson Mandela Metro)
G&G Fresh Produce Market Agents
NAK Market Agents
Waspe Market Agents
(Mthatha – OR Tambo Municipality)
Farmers Direct Market Agents
Izilimo Fresh Produce Market Agents
(Sedibeng Municipality)
Botha Roodt Vereeniging Market Agents
Impala Market Agents
Subtropico Market Agents
(Matjhabeng Municipality)
Subtropico Market Agents
Opkoms Market Agents
Botha Roodt Market Agents
(Emalahleni Municipality)
Subtropico Market Agents
Witbank Market Agents
Do you know if your fresh produce agent practise sound financial management? Did your agent received an audit qualification on his last audit report? Does your
agent submit their monthly trust reconciliation timeously and has no trust account shortages?
Ensure that you visit our website monthly as it is updated regularly with information on the financial status of agencies.
TEL: (011) 894-3680 FAX: (011) 894-3761
Advertise in CHIPS to reach
the potato farmer
CHIPS rates 2014
Full page
R9 860.00
Half page (Landscape)
R5 240.00
Half page (Portrait)
R5 240.00
Third page (Landscape)
R3 450.00
Quarter page (Portrait)
R2 830.00
Back cover
R12 350.00
Inside front cover
R11 650.00
Inserts & promotional articles
as for advertisements
Digital advertising material formats
* Rates are subject to change
Advertising specifications
Full page
210 mm x 297 mm
Bleed: 4 mm
Type area: 20 mm
High Res (PDF)
300 dpi (CMYK)
Half page (Landscape)
190 mm (w) x 130 mm (h)
Bleed: no
Type area: no
High Res (PDF)
300 dpi (CMYK)
Half page
90 mm (w) x
267 mm (h)
Bleed: no
Type area: no
High Res (PDF)
300 dpi (CMYK)
Quarter page
90 mm (w) x
128.5 mm (h)
Bleed: no
Type area: no
High Res (PDF)
300 dpi (CMYK)
The following are formats by which the
magazine can accept digital advertisements:
• Document to be set up to advertising
specifications (i.e. Ad specs)
• Emailed advertising material should not be
bigger than 5MB (PDF, Jpeg or Tiff)
• All advertising material to be in CMYK
colour mode and the resolution 300 dpi
• If pictures are sent, save as high resolution
• Logos must be 300 dpi with a CMYK
colour breakdown
• Press optimised PDF's on CD with a colour
proof is also acceptable.
• PDFs supplied should include all fonts and
in CMYK mode.
Inserts & advertorials
The same rate as for advertisements applies
to articles and inserts.
These prices exclude VAT and advertising
agency commission.
Promotional policy
Third page (Landscape)
190 mm (w) x 92 mm (h)
Bleed: no
Type area: no
High Res (PDF)
300 dpi (CMYK)
If six advertisements are placed in six
consecutive issues an advertorial of the same
size may be placed free of charge.
Editor: Gawie Geyer • Advertising: Gawie Geyer
Contact Details:
Mobile: 082 388 0524, E-fax: 086 218 3462, Email: gawie@potatoes.co.za,
Proe die sukses van
Lanorma het sy oorsprong in Nederland gehad en word deur Den Hartigh geteel.
Bydand (moeder) x Ceasar (vader).
GWK is sub-lisensiehouers en het alleen planttelersreg in Suid-Afrika.
Mediumhoogte met `n sterk, regopgroeiende groeiwyse. Plante groei vinnig en
gee `n goeie bedekking met wit blomme wat normaal voorkom.
Kort tot medium groeier en groei ongeveer 80-90 dae tot natuurlike loofafsterwing.
Knolvorm en grootte
Rond tot ovaal met vlak ogies.
Knolle is baie eenvormig en min tot geen klein knolle kom voor.
Die skil vertoon baie glad met `n wit tot effens roomkleurige voorkoms.
Hoë opbrengspotensiaal onder gunstige toestande.
Vinnige uitset van knolle kom voor.
Uiters geskik vir droëland sowel as besproeiing.
Plante is lig tot matig vatbaar vir laatroes.
Knolle toon uitstekende weerstand teen bruinskurf.
Skakel Sallie Herbst by 082 805 5515 vir navrae.
GWK is as toonaangewende agri-onderneming uniek geposisioneer met `n volledige
reeks produkte en dienste, aangebied deur `n gediversifiseerde groep besighede wat
fokus op omvattende oplossings vir moderne besigheid in die hele landbouwaardeketting. Ons kliëntgerigte fokus op volhoubare welvaartskepping vir
vennote in landbou maak dit moontlik om letterlik `n nasie te help voed én bekende, gehalte handelsmerk-produkte plaaslik vir die verbruiker te produseer.
GWK gee om. Daarom innoveer ons landboubesigheid.
innoveer landbou
De Villiersstraat, Douglas
Posbus 47, Douglas,
Tel: 053 298 8200
Faks: 053 298 2445