Vol. 6 Nov/Dec 2006


Vol. 6 Nov/Dec 2006
From the Editor’s Desk
Royal Rendezvous
Aunty Molly’s Kitchen
On The Lighter Side
-’Kayangan’ Launch
-PDK Cahaya Murni
-SPA Family Day
-ARC 25th Anniversary Dinner
-Seremban Half Marathon
Appreciation Dinner
Snazzy Snapshots
From the Editor’s Desk
Hang on to your hats, Reflections isn’t going anywhere just yet! Fresh from our break in November,
we would like to present a fantastic year-end issue that’s chock-full of insightful articles, outrageous
reviews, helpful tips and most importantly – a smorgasbord of PHOTOS!
The theme is going to be Christmas and New Year, and I’m sure many of you are looking forward to
both events. After all, who doesn’t love getting presents (ok, ok.. and giving them)? Who doesn’t love
getting drunk and lying unconscious on the streets after a New Year countdown party (alright,
alright.. or spending time with family)?
Everyone has fun at the end of the year, and this issue will try to capture some of that spirit. First up,
we’ve got an interview with YAM Tunku Naquiyuddin Ibni Tuanku Ja’afar and you can learn more
about the history of the Negeri Sembilan Royal Family, along with his thoughts on life, values,
responsibilities and the lessons he learnt growing up.
Aside from presents, Christmas is also a time for great food. Aunty Molly has been in touch with us
and given us TWO mouthwatering recipes, so be sure to surprise your family and friends with your
newfound cooking skills.
Irfan from Radin Technologies is our featured personality this month. You won’t want to run into this
speedster on the road.
The fun continues with crazy reviews and pictures from the launch of Kayangan, SPA’s Family Day,
ARC’s 25th Anniversary Dinner. There were some truly unforgettable moments.
An extremely funny OFASTITCH article tells you to value your lazy employees, and reward them
It’s All About the Coffee
You’ll also find some insightful stories. Mr. Anthony describes how life is about the coffee, and not
the cup. En. Azrin continues to stress the importance of SOPs within a successful organization.
SOP Story
Finally, Aturan Puncak is back with some new and unique products! Check out their space for some
hot deals.
As we look forward to the New Year, don’t forget to take a moment and reflect on all the things
we’ve achieved as a group in 2006, and all the fun we’ve had along the way. Ok I’m no good with
words of wisdom, so just have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
By M.S. Sasidharan
You know you are in the presence of royalty when you are in the same
room as Y.A.M Tunku Naquiyuddin Ibni Tuanku Ja’afar. Y.A.M. Tunku is a
man who exudes charm that only someone of his stature can.
Smiling radiantly, Y.A.M. Tunku welcomed me to his office and having
exchanged pleasantries, I was ready to find out more and now that I
have, I bring you my rendezvous with Y.A.M. Tunku . . .
On taking on the responsibilities as the eldest son…
In Y.A.M. Tunku’s own words, this can be summed up in the French
phrase “Noblesse Oblige”, which means “benevolent, honorable
behavior considered to be the responsibility of persons of high birth or
“Each of us was brought up to know our roles in the family and what one
should or shouldn’t do, especially when attending official functions and
birthdays. DYMM Tuanku is pretty good in terms of giving out duties for
example, I organise the official birthdays and Y.A.M. Tunku Nadzaruddin is given the responsibility for the design of the royal
mausoleum and refurbishment of the Istana.” Y.A.M Tunku stressed that there is strict adherence to customs and customary
roles especially where royal duties are concerned for example each one has their distinctive position during the ceremonial
procession into the Balai Rong Sri (Throne Room).
“It is a responsibility we were born into and one has to lead an exemplary life as nobility comes with obligations.”
On life as a student in a boarding school…
Y.A.M. Tunku left to study at a boarding school in England at a young age of 7. “At that age, one’s mind is pretty open and
one is able to assimilate better, and the experience had manifested well in both me and Tunku Imran in the way we converse
and manage, having gone through the British value system. It helped us to become independent. No doubt there were
moments of loneliness, but the good point was that we were surrounded by friends 24 hours.”
Y.A.M. Tunku further explained how he was unable to take part in sports, especially during the colder days as he was afflicted
with asthma. “But that ended when I turned 18 and from being unable to play sports because of asthma, I took up squash
and ended up captaining the University team.” He further elaborated on how sports has played central part in the family
itself as DYMM Tuanku is an avid sportsman as well.
On a fascinating fact about the Negeri Sembilan Royal Family…
“One of the most historically significant aspects of the family is that my great great grandfather, Yam Tuan Antah.” Y.A.M.
Tunku and I embarked on a journey into history as he elaborated on the remarkable life of the Yam Tuan.
“Yam Tuan resisted the installation of the British Advisor in Negeri Sembilan and we are not just talking about political
resistance, but in actual fact, it became a military resistance with the Yam Tuan heading that resistance at Bukit Putus in
1875.” Yam Tuan Antah, with his warriors put up a valiant resistance but were overpowered by the (then) more powerful
firepower of the British military. In the end, Yam Tuan went into hiding. “It wasn’t long before the Sultan of Johor arranged a
meeting between Yam Tuan and the British Governor General in Singapore.”
The Yam Tuan’s strong resistance and his ability to command his people impressed the Governor General and prompted him
to write to Queen Victoria to allow the Yam Tuan to continue as the head of state of Negeri Sembilan.
“Yam Tuan is the last Malay ruler to have fought the British, literally, and if this had not happened, we may not be here
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
ROYAL RENDEZVOUS continued from previous page
On instilling values in his children…
“I believe in honesty and owning up and being responsible for one’s own misdeeds.” Y.A.M. Tunku further stressed on the
importance of education and that it is not just for children but it is a fact that we should and must continue to learn till the
very end of our lives. “I encourage them to keep an open mind, observe, travel and absorb the richness of other countries
and cultures and to bring back good values and ideas.”
I probed Y.A.M Tunku further if he believed in ‘sparing the rod and
spoiling the child’. “I am fairly moderate, but mind you, I can use my
temper!” He said with a broad smile. “I believe in more of offering the
carrot rather than taking up the stick.”
On issues of the environment…
Y.A.M. Tunku is a keen environmentalist and is one of the 49 top
businessmen and industrial leaders world-wide who presented an
in-depth analysis of how business community can achieve sustainable
development in their business and jointly wrote a book entitled
‘Changing Course: A Global Business Perspective on Development and
The Environment’.
“What is lacking is more education on understanding the environment
and often times the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) studies is
not properly or is poorly done. We must understand the long term
implications of poorly planned development and the long term
impact it has on the environment.”
On his French Connection…
“My love for all things French started during school days when I took up French language up to 6th Form.” Y.A.M. Tunku also
served as a Diplomat in France for 3 years and was the President of the Alliance Francaise for 18 years and continued to
promote strong economic ties between Malaysia and France.
Y.A.M. Tunku is fluent in French and showed me the honours he received, among them were the Ordre National du Mèrite
(Officier) by the French President in May 1988 and Ordre National De La Legion D’Honneur received last year on 30th May.
The French are known for their exquisite taste in gourmet food and it is not surprising that Y.A.M. Tunku continues to be the
Patron of the KL Gourmet Festival. “I just developed a passion for French and it is the same with everything else that one
does, there must be the element of passion.” Y.A.M. Tunku also stated that he speaks a smattering of German and had also
studied Latin, Spanish and Italian as well as Greek. “I could easily pick up an Italian newspaper and understand 65% of it!”
On business and the Growth of the Group…
“One must always have vision and it is important to know where you want to go, and where you go, you must not go with
closed eyes.” Y.A.M. Tunku continued to say that even though there may be stumbling blocks along the way, just like life, we
have to move on. Issues must be addressed or else they will accumulate.
“Synergy is important, and in developing or sustaining businesses, one must do it with passion, which is different from
emotion as using too much emotion will lead to bias. Passion is having the heart to do it and to do it thoroughly and well.”
Y.A.M. Tunku also mentioned that adaptability is essential and sometimes it may not be necessary to adhere 100% to rules,
especially where HR is concerned. “It is important for HR not to be a stickler for rules and one must use wisdom when dealing
with our most valued resources, the people. Things now are different then how it was 10 years ago. Rules are important but
sometimes we must use our God given wisdom as well.”
Words of Wisdom…
“One must always respect humanity, and take to heart the poor and underprivileged. Everyone deserves to live a reasonable
life.” The Tunku Naquiyuddin Foundation was set up to do just that and recently made headways when it adopted 12
schools where 48 teachers were thought how to improve teaching among teachers and this had transformed lives of up to
6000 students in rural schools in Negeri Sembilan.
My royal rendezvous ended with a cup of coffee with Y.A.M. Tunku and I must say it was quite an honour.
Reflections wishes to thank Y.A.M. Tunku Naquiyuddin for allowing us to have an insight into his life and passion.
Look out for our coming issues and find out whom we are going to rendezvous with next.
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Aunty Molly’s Kitchen
Christmas Fruit Cake
1. Cream till fluffy 2 pcs of Fernleaf butter (450grams or slightly more if you want the cake
moist) with 1 churn container of sugar (or less if you prefer the cake not too sweet).
2. Add in 11 eggs (one at a time)
3. Add 3 teaspoons of vanilla essence.
4. Prepare 2 ½ churn containers of plain flour and 3 teaspoons of baking powder. Mix well.
5. Cut into tiny pieces 1 packet (340 grams) of pitted prunes.
6. Get 1 packet (375 grams) of mixed fruits and add a little flour to this.
7. Stir in the flour, prunes & mixed fruits alternately into the batter with a wooden ladle.
8. Spoon over 4 aluminium containers evenly.
9. Bake for about 1 hour at 150c in a preheated oven.
Baked Chocolate Cheesecake
1 packet of Chipsmore cookies
75grams of melted butter
1 packet of 200 grams (or 250 grams) cream cheese
200 grams of sugar
4 eggs and 2 egg yolks
100ml of lime juice
Blend the cookies and then put in the melted butter and mix well.
Put this base into a tray (line tray with tinfoil) and press evenly.
Refrigerate in the freezer for a while.
Blend the cream cheese with the sugar, eggs & lime juice until creamy.
Pour onto the choc base.
Bake for 1 hour with the water bath method at 170c.
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
On the Lighter Side
By Vivian Chung
Presenting the most mysterious man ever in SPA, Mohd. Irfan Syzani. Don't be fooled by his youthful
appearance tho! He's a sportsperson at heart, represented Malaysia in Football Under-18 and Sukma
Under 21 and for one so young, he's had his share of working experience, i.e., four jobs before
committing himself to SPA. Get to know more of him here! Oh! If you happen to see a Nissan Skyline
GTR-R34, that's him behind the wheels…
What’s your stress reliever?
8. What’s your favourite line?
2. Three words to describe yourself:
9. 5 years from now, I'm gonna …
Get married and have a family
Farid Kamil
10. I wish I had the answers to …
How To Get Rich Fast
3. Sazzy Falak or Fazura?
Sazzy Falak
11. I can’t say ‘NO’ to …
My responsibilities
4. Any Big Boys’ Toys?
Nissan Skyline GTR-R34
12. Titanic is a …
Big cruise ship
5. What scares you?
Ghosts in front of me
13. You will never see me …
Only at night when you are sleeping
6. Pet peeves?
People making out in public and show-offs
7. Can’t live without?
My car
14. If I were Superwoman …
I will take care of my family and keep them away from bad
15. Draw yourself having fun
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Majlis Pelancaran Filem “Kayangan”
By M.S. Sasidharan
Raden Pictures were the proud hosts of this launch ceremony which was held
recently at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. As expected
of the glitz and glamour of the world of movies and celebrities, the launch of
“Kayangan” saw a bevy of beautiful people dressed to the nines.
The day started out early for me, as the emcee for the evening and together with
my team, we managed to kick things off smoothly. The event was graced by the
presence of their Royal Highnesses, DYMM Tuanku Ja’afar and DYMM Tuanku
Najihah. Guests arrived prior to that dressed in their best ‘baju raya’.
Among the artists present were the main actors, Nur Fazura and Teuku Zacky
along with Dynaz and Julia, Mastura, Dee, Louisa Chong, and child actor Eric.
Cameo actors, film crew, Ajai and VVIPs along with senior management of Antah
Group were all present to witness the launch of Raden Pictures’ very first movie.
Syed Sobri and his wife Azie entertained guests while everyone helped themselves
to a scrumptious Hari Raya spread. An impromptu request from Her Royal
Highness Tuanku Najihah came as a surprise as Her Royal Highness along with members of the Royal family took to the floor
to dance the ‘Poco – Poco’.
All in all, the team involved in organising the launch headed by Y.A.M. Tunku Dato’ Seri Nadzaruddin and Y.M. Tunku Dato’
Seri Mimi Wahida did a splendid job as everyone commented on how they had enjoyed themselves.
Stay tuned for more news on “Kayangan” which is planned for release in May / June of 2007.
The Reflections team would like to take this opportunity to wish Julia a speedy recovery!
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
PDK Cahaya Murni
By Sazali Shahabudin
PDK Cahaya Murni in Pasir Panjang Port Dickson has been one of our social
responsibility projects since late 90s. Antah Heath Lambert has been the major
corporate sponsor of this event since its inception. The school was built for
handicapped children from families staying around the Pasir Panjang area.
Date: 25/11/2006 (Saturday)
Time: 2 - 5pm
2.00pm - Arrival of AHL team
2.30pm - Welcome speech by Chairwoman of PDK (Datin Rohani)
2.45pm - Speech by Encik Haris Tahir (AHL rep)
3.00pm - Prize presentation to children by Puan Arfah (AHL)
3.30pm - Games (participation by children, AHL staff, parents &
- Games prize presentation by Encik Ritzuan Ariffin (AHL)
4.00pm - Special song by children (Namun Ku Punya Hati) joined by all
4.30pm - Good bye...
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
~ Trip To Istana Sri Menanti ~
By M.S. Sasidharan
It was an bright and breezy Saturday morning as 30 of us bundled into a
40 seater bus. We left at 8.30 and I noticed a few new faces as our staff
brought along their spouses and children. The trip was a visit to Kuala
Pilah and in particular to tour Istana Sri Menanti.
Mr. Anthony played the host-cum-tour guide as he took to the mic and
filled us up with information about the trip. The journey did not seem at
all that long as we listened to the soundtrack from ‘Bombay Dreams’.
Soon we left the hustle and bustle of the madness that can only be
known as Kuala Lumpur and hit the hilly, winding roads heading
towards Kuala Pilah. Tranquility of the million year old forest on either
side of us on the journey, without a single concrete structure anywhere
in sight calmed and relaxed us all and we were looking forward to a
great day out.
Before we knew it, we were on the long narrow road heading towards Kuala Pilah and the Istana. I heard about the road
being littered with cow dung, and well, it’s true!
Our visit started with warm greetings from the Istana staff,
chief of whom was Tuan Haji, the Controller. Tuan Haji
invited us to the Balai Rong Sri, a breathtakingly
impressive room dressed in royal colours. We’ve only ever
seen this on television during investiture ceremonies but
being inside the Balai Rong Sri in person was totally a
different experience all together. Tuan Haji introduced us
to Datuk Maharaja who in turn educated us on the history
of the Negeri Sembilan Royal lineage.
We were then cordially invited to have tea at the
Istana. Having planned this trip for quite some time, not
many knew or took me seriously when I told them that we
will be having tea at the Istana. The interior of the palace
and its art décor were exquisite. The tour moved on to the
Royal Banquet hall with its high painted ceilings and huge
portraits of DYMM Tuanku Ja’afar and DYMM Tuanku
Najihah on either side of the hall.
Moving on, we took a short ride back to the old Istana for yet another briefing session by Datuk Maharaja before proceeding
indoors. This architectural marvel was built using no nails at all and the wood was
brought in from Borneo.
The tour ended with lunch at the Sri Menanti Resort where we were served traditional
Negeri Sembilan food. After the meal, we entertained ourselves with a game of
charades and everyone walked away with a gift. Before heading back to Kuala Lumpur,
we stopped over at Kuala Pilah town to enjoy a bowl of refreshing cendol. Our plans to
visit the dragon fruit farm had to be abandoned due to the rain.
At the end of the day, it was a great trip, an educational experience for both adults and
kids and a once in a life time experience of being in a Royal Palace. Thank you to
everyone who participated and most importantly thank you to DYMM Tuanku Ja’afar and
DYMM Tuanku Najihah for opening their doors to us.
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
ARC 25th Anniversary Jubilee Dinner
A Night aboard the Armada
By Daniel Pang
The first thing I did when I crept through the entrance of the Armada was laugh.
What a peculiar scene. Neo, James Bond and Hang Tuah greeted us warmly. A
Sheikh then came up and started peddling cheap oil in a thick, unidentifiable
accent. I walked away, making a note to steal some from the rapscallion later.
Along the way I also caught sight of Cruella de Vil and The Wicked Witch of the
East (or West, whatever), who I expect were plotting to steal a sack of presents
from an overworked and underfed Santa, while he was busy chatting to an, er..
Elvis who was just a tad past his prime.
Upstairs, everyone seemed pleased to see me, probably because I was a cool pirate with a
beard thicker than anyone else’s. I must thank Tinkerbell for that; her fairy magic will satisfy
many a bald man. A jealous Count Dracula dared to call me gay, but he wore glasses so I let
him off the hook.
After all, I’d rather preferred spending time with the gorgeous damsels in the room. Egyptian
princesses, cowgirls, geishas, devils, angels, vampires, punk girls, flamenco dancers,
Tinkerbell, Pocahontas and Cinderella, the list goes on and on. Meanwhile, the Punisher was
showing off his weaponry to Yoda, Darth Vader, King Kong and Phua Chu Kang. A rather
effeminate Bruce Lee came up to me looking for a fight, but I declined because his yellow
jumpsuit was way too tight and his um, bulge was protruding. You can’t fight someone if
you have to avert your eyes every few seconds.
By now I was feeling a bit peckish, so I sat down at a table with Anakin Skywalker, a
pair of ancient Chinese characters, the angel and a few other normal looking people
which was a refreshing change. But they wouldn’t let us eat, because they wanted to
show us a movie. I was a mite upset at first, but it turned out to be a rather am
using story of how 2 hobos came to be the hosts of the party. A rousing speech by a
Bollywood star followed, and then it was time to eat. To be honest, I wasn’t too
impressed with the spread. Reminded me of gruel that used to be served by a cook
who always had his hands in all the wrong places. Ok, where’s the rum? Great,
there wasn’t any. How could a place called ‘Armada’ not serve any rum?? Ridiculous.
After a frenetic search I finally found a boisterous Indian pirate who in-between his
screaming and whooping managed to slip me a glass of whiskey. Wasn’t rum, but it
would have to do. A round of lucky draws followed, where rather unfairly, my
number wasn’t called. Then they announced a singing competition, so I quickly
exited the ballroom for a puff and more photos with stunning damsels. I went back
in and caught the last performance which was by Cinderella and she had a lovely
voice. Even King Kong was impressed so he clambered up on stage to give her a
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
A cowboy waltzed up onto the stage and started giving prizes out to the winners of
some games. James Bond seemed to be winning everything. Maybe they were making
him look good on purpose to help promote his new
movie. After that some people tried to act out scenes
from movies. I got a bit confused seeing cowgirls
wielding lightsabers and watching a gangster woo a
sari-clad lady aboard the Titanic. Finally, our strange
hosts decided to liven up the party with a pair of
belly dancing wenches. The dancers later got off
stage to dance among the guests. This pleased a
lot of the men and made them excited. One of the
dancers seemed to desperately want to get jiggy
with me, so I duly obliged the poor, sweet thing. Both of them would make
excellent additions to the harem I would build on the next island I capture.
It appears that wearing rags and not taking baths can actually pay off! I was
nominated for best dressed male, so I stood nervously on stage in front of all the
funny-looking people. Reminds me of the time I was hung from a bowsprit by my
bootstraps. I stood there with King Tut, a chef, Tinkerbell, Pocahontas and the angel. I
could’ve sworn I heard some boos as my name was called out, but that was probably
just the jealous four-eyed Dracula.
Another round of lucky draws followed, and yet again, I didn’t win
anything. All the bigshots and everyone else at my table had already, so I
concluded that the draw was rigged and that the hosts and the cowboy
handing out the gifts didn’t like me. Bloody bilge drinkers. What good’s a
toaster to me anyway? The chef and a mat rempit won a prize for
screaming incoherently at each other earlier, and finally, Cinderella won
the singing competition. I didn’t even have to vote.
Well I won the best dressed male award, which was in the shape of a
Chucky-like doll with a twitchy eye. I almost threw it away, but then decided it
would come in handy the next time I needed to frighten stowaways. Since I
won something, I take back what I said about the hosts and cowboy earlier.
After this a group of men and
women clad in tight black
outfits took to the stage and
started to dance around
acrobatically. Mmmm...tight
End of the party, and wild dancing
ensued. The last time I danced with a
lass she ended up screaming in pain
whilst doing a one-footed jig, and I
wasn’t feeling particularly sadistic that
night so I posed for a few more photos
and then departed the scene. It was a
good night, and I expect to be invited to
the next one. Savvy?
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Seremban Half Marathon Appreciation Dinner
By M.S. Sasidharan
As in years past, sponsors and all those whom have contributed to the success of Seremban Half Marathon were feted to a
dinner held at the Istana Negeri Sembilan in Kuala Lumpur. The success of the 19th Seremban Half Marathon held in July this
year was nothing short of amazing.
The private dinner, in an intimate setting, was graced by their Royal
Highnesses, DYMM Tuanku Ja’afar and DYMM Tunku Ampuan. The
patron of the Seremban Half Marathon, Y.A.M. Tunku Naquiyuddin
was also present.
Sponsors were applauded for their continuing support and were
presented with tokens of appreciation in the form of pewter horse
figurines. The hardworking committee members were also presented
with gifts and certificates for their contribution.
Guests were entertained by the Zazardious Brothers, an excellent
band of two brothers from Malacca who kept the guests clapping
and singing along to a host of songs from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
2007 is set to be a big year with DYMM Tuanku Ja’afar celebrating his
85th birthday and 40 years on the Royal throne of Negeri Sembilan,
20th year of the Seremban Half Marathon and the nations 50th
Independence Day.
See you at the 20th Seremban Half Marathon in 2007!
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Snazzy Snapshots
Brace yourselves.. we’ve got more immortalized moments for you guys to cherish. The following are from the mind-blowing ARC
25th Anniversary dinner.
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Snazzy Snapshots
More from the ARC Annual Dinner and some from the Kayangan movie launch...
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Snazzy Snapshots
Finally, some snaps from the Seremban Half Marathon dinner, and SPA’s Majlis Berbuka Puasa.
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Creating Hardworking Idiots Written by Adrian Savage
By M.S. Sasidharan
The German World War II general Erich von Manstein is said to have categorized his officers into four types. The first type, he
said, is lazy and stupid. His advice was to leave them alone because they don’t do any harm. The second type is hard-working
and clever. He said that they make great officers because they ensure everything runs smoothly. The third group is
composed of hardworking idiots. Von Manstein claims that you must immediately get rid of these, as they force everyone
around them to perform pointless tasks. The fourth category is officers who are lazy and clever. These, he says, should be
your generals. Discovering this information set me to wondering how General von Manstein’s categories might apply to
business organizations today.
Lazy and Stupid
Most organizations have some managers within them who are lazy and stupid—at least, that has been my experience.
Would you agree with the general that you can leave them alone, because they do no harm? I doubt it. Most organizations
claim they try to get rid of any employee who is found to be lazy, let alone stupid as well. Maybe they try, but they don’t
seem to be so successful, judging by the number who are left, some even in fairly exalted positions. Maybe one reason for
this is that lazy and stupid people rarely do much active harm. The harm they do is more often based on missing
opportunities and stifling the creativity of those who report to them. Bad enough, but not always easy to turn into clear
grounds for dismissal—especially if the person in question is protected by someone powerful. Still, my guess is that even
lazy and stupid people today realize that the best route to self-preservation is at least to appear busy and active.
Hardworking and Clever
Von Manstein’s next group is made up of hardworking, clever people. Organizations mostly want as many of these as they
can get, for obvious reasons. But you’ll notice that the general seems to confine them to the military equivalent of middle
management: jobs that are aimed at making everything run smoothly. I suspect one reason is that such people do make
excellent administrators. They can take orders from above and turn them into practical ways of achieving the desired results.
Some are so useful in these roles that they are never allowed to rise higher. Others maybe want to progress, but lack
something that—at least in von Manstein’s view—is essential to become a good general. That something, it seems, is
laziness. He wants the choice of generals to be made from people who are clever, naturally, but also lazy. Why should that
make them better top executives?
Lazy and Clever
One reason might be that laziness is the principal spur to creativity. Lazy people are always looking for easier, simpler, and
less arduous ways to do things. If they are also clever, the chances are that they will find them, and make them available to
everyone else. Lazy people are also natural delegators, and find it very attractive to let their subordinates get on with their
work without interference from above. Lazy, but bright, generals would be likely to make sure they focused on the essentials
and ignored anything that might make for unnecessary work, whether for themselves or other people. In fact, it’s hard to see
why you would not want your top managers to be as lazy as they are clever. It would indeed make them great strategists
and leaders of people.
Hardworking Idiots
Now to the last group: the ones von Manstein said that you should get rid of immediately. That group is made up of people
who are hardworking idiots, in his words. He says such people force those around them into pointless activities. I don’t know
about you, but I suffered from several bosses I would unhesitatingly put into precisely that category. They were extremely
hardworking—and demanded the same from their subordinates—but what they set others to work on (and what they spent
their own time in doing) was mostly worthless. Maybe they were actually lazy and stupid people trying hard to seem busy,
but too stupid to choose the right things to be busy about. It certainly felt like busyness for its own sake, and it was hateful.
Or were they naturally hardworking idiots? Some probably were, but it’s my opinion that most such people are clever
enough. It is the organization that makes them function like morons.
Today’s fast-paced, macho style of organizational culture creates, and then fosters, the hardworking idiot. Indeed, I think it
takes a great many sound, useful, hardworking, and clever people and turns them into idiots by denying them the time or
the opportunity to think or use their brains. If you don’t look busy all the time, you’re virtually asking for a pink slip, never
mind what it is that you are doing—or whether it is actually of any use to the organization or its customers. It’s all so rushed
and frenetic. If all that matters is “meeting the numbers” and getting things done (whatever those things are), managers will
be forced into working hard at projects that they know make no sense.
The dumbing down of organizations isn’t caused by poor educational standards or faulty recruitment. It’s due mostly to the
crazy pace that is set, and the obsessive focus on the most obvious, rigidly short-term objectives. The result is a sharp
increase in hardworking idiots: people who are coerced into long hours and constant busyness, while being systematically
forced to act like idiots by the culture around them. Don’t ask questions. Don’t cause problems by thinking, or waste time on
coming up with new ideas. Don’t think about the future, or try to anticipate problems before they arise. Just keep at it, do
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
exactly what is expected of you, and always get the most done in the least amount of time and at the lowest cost. If Von
Manstein is correct, the result will be that more and more employees will be used to perform essentially pointless tasks. Isn’t
that exactly what we see?
I think that even a fairly cursory look around most organizations today would confirm the accuracy of this observation.
Consider all the time wasted in unnecessary meetings. The obsessive emphasis on staying in touch, regardless of need. The
torrents of e-mails, most of which are simply copies of documents of no direct relevance to the people to whom they are
sent. The constant collecting of data for no clear reason. Management by numbers and motivation by numerically-based
performance measures. Trust replaced by obsessive control and leadership by forced ranking of subordinates against vague
criteria determined by committees with no idea of the specific circumstances.
You do not need ethical insight or human understanding to operate a machine, and machines are how many of today’s
leaders see their organization: machines for making quick profits, not civilized communities of people working together to a
common end. We can only hope some organizations at least see the error of their ways before the hardworking idiot
becomes the commonest creature in the hierarchy. We are well on the way to that point, which is probably why so many
people cherish dreams of getting out of the corporate rat race. It’s no fun to be forced to deny your own intelligence on a
daily basis. We can still reverse the trend, but only by dropping the current out-dated dogmas, dangerous half truths, and
total nonsense that disfigure management thinking. Let’s do it before it is too late.
It’s all about the coffee
By Anthony Narayanan
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university Professor.
Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the Professor went into the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of
cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking and some expensive and exquisite, telling them to help themselves to hot
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the lecturer said "If you noticed, all the nice-looking, expensive cups were
taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is
the source of your problems and stress. That all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for
the better cups and are eyeing each other's cups."
"Now, if Life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools
to hold and contain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change.
Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in it."
So friends, don't let the cups drive you...enjoy the coffee instead.
SOP Story – READ ME PLEASE !!!!!
By Azrin Kamaluddin, from the Antah Group’s SOP Steering Committee
October’s column was basically an introduction to SOPs. Now that everyone has an idea of what SOPs are and how they
work, this column will serve as an information point on new SOPs released or modified. As always, questions or contributions
on SOPs are not only most welcome but encouraged. While SOPs imply standardization of best practices, by no means
should those best practices remain static. We should all be on the lookout for business process innovation and SOPs should
evolve to reflect the best that we can do at any one time. So if anyone feels that a particular process can be improved
without sacrificing checks and balances, we are all ears. WE NEED YOU. Having an SOP for every important process would
also greatly assist in times of employee turnover or transfer. The new person will have a recipe to follow instead of going
down the trial-and-error route. So just pick a process a week and write your own recipe on how it is currently done or how it
should best be performed.
As an update, the Committee is still in the midst of reviewing HR Policies & Procedures (about 24 of them). New SOPs
released governed Leave Applications and Medical Entitlements. We have also just updated the Petty Cash SOP to limit petty
cash replenishment runs to RM 500.00 (all companies except APV).
SOPs ‘r’ FUN
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Greetings again from Aturan Puncak! We’re bringing you yet another innovative and useful product. Most importantly of
course they’re cheap!
What is it?
If you enjoy taking walks in the park, I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase “GET THOSE MUDDY FEET OFF MY FLOOR!”
being yelled at you by your wife or mother. Well with a shoe brush, you won’t have to worry about that anymore. Just brush
the soil off your soles and waltz right in. Our shoe brushes come in cute animal designs so they make great ornaments as
How much do they cost?
Shoe brushes retail for RM18.80, but Antah Group staff can
purchase them at 20% off.
When and where can I order one?
Shoe brushes are available right now. Just contact Ricky at
012-3332888, Daniel at 012-9717750, or Azmira at
Super Trolley!
And here’s a home.. well, office-made advertisement
depicting some interesting functions of our Super Trolley
(as advertised in the August issue of Reflections).
See how strong they are? Order yours today!
Super Trolley – RM188.00 Retail
The Super Trolley is a must-have for any home. It functions as
a step ladder, a flatbed cart, a hand truck, and a dolly. It’s
amazingly lightweight and folds up for easy storage. Be one
of the first in Malaysia to own one!
Aturan Puncak is offering Antah Group employees the chance to
purchase its products, at a 20% discount off retail price.
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6
Antah Heath Lambert
1. Srimawar – 27th December
2. Mary Modili – 29th December
Millennium Court
1. Sherlyn Yeo – 15th December
Asia-Pacific Videolab
1. Zubir – 3rd December
2. Nissa – 8th December
3. Kai Hsin – 15th December
Syarikat Pesaka Antah
1. Azmira – 13th December
2. Nor’Aini Salleh – 20th December
3. Debbie – 16th December
Abdullah Marwan bin Ahmad – SPA
KK Choo – SPA
Mindy Ng – SPA
REFLECTIONS welcomes editorial and image
submissions to newsletter@antah.com.my
NOV/DEC 2006
VOL. 6