<<B1»13Hec MaT1111Hr co CTPHHBMI/I B p2lMK2lX npoe1<Ta<<Pa3B1»1T1»1e ToproBJ11/1 B 2015 I/IHBGCTI/IpOBHHl/I5I I/I A3m1» I_Ie11Tpa.111>HoiZ1 B I_IeHTpa111>11oF1 A31111 q)I/IHEIHCOBOM I`O,Ily l'Ipl/I 1'1o;:u1ep>1<1<e M1/1111/1cTepcTBa SKOHOMI/IKI/I, ToproBJ11/1 I/I r1po1v1B1111J1eHHocT1/1 }I11o111»11»1» 1 HIIOHCKELSI QCCOLU/IQLIHSI 1. [lem no c Poccl/1e1`71 TOIIJFOBIIC I/I 1/1101151 2015 HHI` (POTOBO) TIQOCKTQ <<B1/131~1ec HBIIHGTCH MaT\11/1Hr co cTpaHaM1»1 I_IeHTpaJ11>Ho171 11ocJ1e,r[y1ou11/1M r1poMB1111J1eHHocT1»1 B l`[pI/I r1o1111ep>1<1<e HTIOHI/IPI c I_[e1~1TpaJ11>Ho1`& A31/11/1 1'IpO€KT3 Ta1<as1 11pe;;11>111y1111/1171 pa3B1/IB1/151 11o1mep>1<1<1»1 IVII/IHI/ICT€pCTB3 BKOHOMI/IKI/I, ToproBI11»1 r1o11,11ep>1<1<1/1 33 CHCT >1<e, 1'1p1»1H111»11'11/1aJ11>Ho <<1`[po1”pa1v1MB1 - BI/I3HCC MaT\11/IHr)» 2003 cTpa1~1ax I_IeHTpam>Ho171 A31/Il/I>>, KOTOpa5l l'IpOBO)1I/ITCSI c POTOBO [I€J'IB}O 1'IpO€KTOM (nance A31/11/1 Kal( y I`IpCIlBIIIyIlI€I`O npoe1<Ta. npennonaran r1poMB1u1J1eH11ocT1/1 :->1<oHoM1»11<1/1 r1epepa6aTB1Ba1o11111x oTpac11e171. pa3B1/1T1»1s1 QTm4L1a1oTcs1 CBOI/IMI/I MeT6J1aM14: HPOCKT cTpy1<TypB1 111»1Bepc1»1<b1/11<a111/11/1 I/I OKHSEIHI/IC OILHHKO, 11115 ILOCTI/DKCHI/IH 1<oHcaJ1T1/111roBB1x 11 BTH CTp2lH LIeJ11> JIHHHOFO l'Ip0CKTBI 11Ba HOCT21BJ`I€HHOI7I mem/1 ycnyr. Ho E!/IBHCC MaT‘-Il/IHI` l`Ip€I[l'IOJ`I3I`36T corJ1acoBa1-11/1e I/IHTCp€COB Me>1<;1y npe;1cTaB1/1TeJ1s1M1/1 ,ue11oBB1x Kpyl"OB 2110111/114 l'IpOl"paMMBI H3 11p1/16111»1>1<eH1~1oi1 I/I mar Olll/IH 1< 3TO A31/II/I. I_IeHTpaJ1B11o13'1 Br1epe;1 or 31<oHoM1/1L1ec1<o171 11Q;u1ep>1<1<1/1 1'1po1/13Bo11cTBeHHB1M1/1 KOMHZIHI/ISIMI/I 11epepa6oT1<e pecypcoB, l'I03BOJI5II-OT O6CCl'IC'»Il/IT Ka'-1ecTBa I/I K cTa11111»1, peaJ1BHoMy 61/I3HCCy. Bl/IBHCC M3T‘II/IHI` H3l'Ip3.BIICH Ha pa3B1/1T1»1e B331/IMOBLIFOIIHBIX KOTODBIC Hporpecc I/I3MCH€HI/IG oTpa>1<aeT I/I I_Ie11TpanBHo171 s111oHc1<1»11v11/1 cr1oco6cTBoBaTB KOM1'I3.HI/II/I I_IeHTpaJ1BHo1`71 A31/11/1, c KOMTIEIHI/IHMI/I 1/1HHoBa111/1>1M A31/II/I B oTHo111e1~11/11`I1 BKJ'I}O"I3$I BBICOKI/IMI/I 1v1e>1<z1y KOMI'I2lHI/II/I no T€XHOJ`IOI`I/IHMI/I, CTp3.H3X-1'I3pTH€p3X. 1`[poe1<T yI1yL1meH1/1e1v1 1r1po113Bo£u»1TeJ11>HocT1/1, T.,II., a SITIOHCKI/IM 1<oMr1aH1/1s1M oT1<poeT HOBBIG Bo31v1o>1<HocT1/1 IIIISI 61/I3H€C3. 2. CxeMa I`IQO€KTa 2-1. BH3Hec Ma'r\mHr: npnem nenerauuu (olcono He;1eJm) 2-1-1) KTO MOXCCT l'IOLl3B&TI> 3a>'1B1<y: Fpyrma ueHTpanL,Hoa3HaTc1<l»1x KOMTIHHHITI, 3aHHMaroLu1/Ixcsl HpoH3Bo;LcTBoM HJH/I Hmerouu/rx oTHomeH1/151 K Hpol/13Bo;1cTBy, Koropme >1<eJ1a1oT HoceT1/ITL HHOHI/II() c Hennro l'IOI/ICK3 ZICIIOBBIX HapTHepoB, npoBe11eHI/H/I ml. * 3asIB.r|eHHe o'r onnoii Hpe3eHTaum3'r H KOMIIEIHPII/l H8 2-1-2) Cr1oco6 Honaqn cbopmy 3as|BKH H3 - r|pHHHMaeTcs1. 3as1BneH1/mz )KeJ1aro11u/1171 ,HOJDKGH 3aHonHHTL go 30 molm 2015 - B POTOBO no 9.J1el<'rpoHHoi/‘I nolrre (central-asia@rotobo.or.i_g). ** 1`Ipoe1<'r ,r1on>x<eH 3aBCpIIII/ITBCH H6 Ho3>l<e KOHLI3 MapTa *** Cpox npl/1eMa 3as1Bo1< MO}KCT 6r>m. 33KpBIT paHLu1e **** 335IBJI€HI/I9Ham/IcaHHI>Ie 2-1-3) Hpouecc oT6opa: H Hpmraraemyxo HITOHCKOM, aHrnm7Ic1<oM Hm/1 pycc1<oM YBBIKC H oTr1paBHTL: 3a;rB1<1/1 o pe3ym>TaTax oT6opa 6yJ1yT oT6opa H6 6y11eT PHCKPBITS. Bo3BpauLeHL1. B safuaox 30 mom (cM. 2-1-3). py1<aMI/I HC np!/rHHMaeTcs1. 6yJ1y'r paccMoTpeHL.1 POTOBO no Mepe TIOCTYHJIGHI/IH, YBCJIOMIIQHBI TOIIBKO oTo6paHHI>1e 1<aH,m/u1aT1>1. Hpl/IHHHH KHHJII/I,I[3TaM, H r1pe;LcTaBneHHL1e ILOKYMCHTBI cnyliae ecnu y POTOBO KBHJII/II[3TOB, TO npr/1eM 2016 rona. HC 6y;1yT 6y11eT ,zLocTaToHHoe KOJII/I‘1CCTBO OTO6paHHI>IX MO)KCT 6r>1TL 3E1KpI>IT paHLLue 30-ro I/HOHSI. 2-1-4) HpezLMeTLI rIo,u,rLep>i<l<1/I: Hpegzulararoluaslcsl co cTpaHL1`POTOBO no11;1ep>I<Ka paM1<ax rIporpaMML1s1Bns1eTcs1 cJ1e;1y1oLuHMH: §no1:u1ep>1<1<a 61/13Heca: Hana>KHBaH1/Ie KOHTHKTOB c 5{l'IOHCKl/IMI/I B 1<oMr1aHHs1MH, opraH1/lsamfm Hpe3eHTam/1171, opraH1/maui/m B1/I3HToB Ha 33.BOIIBI, 3aKa3 COOTBCTCTBYIOIHI/IX 1'1epeBo,z1HHI<oB -r1o11,r[ep>1<Ka I/I T.11.; I`IOC3lIKI/I2 6poHHpoBaHHe HOMCPOB rIo,nroToB1<a ;1o1<yMeHToB mm H TpaHcHopTHLIx openers np-; -(bl/IHHHCOBHH no,u,z1ep>l<Ka: cM. 2-1-5. od:>opMneHHs1 5!I`IOHCKOI`/1 BO BIJCMSI HpH6r>1BaHHf1 B B1/1351, HHOHHH H 2-1-5) CDI/IHaHcoBas1 no;U1ep>I<l<a: r1o11,uep>1<1<y B HporpaMMa npe11ocTaBJ1s1eT y'-IZCTHI/IKOB cpl/1HaHcoBy10 cnelxyroumx nyH1<Tax: -r1oJ1Haa Ol'I.l'I8T3 npo>I<1»1BaH14s1 B p3.MK3X oxbmu/1anBHo1`71 nporpan/IMBI -11oJ1Has1 ormaTa TpaHc11opTHL1x pacxoJ1oBB B H1101-II/II/I; npo1“paMMB1 B paM1<ax 01111/Im/1anBHo171 B 5Ir1oH1/mg -nonHB1e pacxonbl Ha ycnym ;1noHc1<o-pyccm/lx -H0111-me pacxonbl H3 opraH1/Isaumo psma queue ycnym I/I 11epeBo;1\m1<oB; BCTpC‘-I r1epeBo,r1a Marepl/1aJ1oB. Ho I/I }IrIoH1/lu, 11pe3eHTaLu»11`71 B pacxonu Ha npr/1eM I/I B TOM Koqoe-6pe17u< (HC rIoI<pB1BaIoTc;1; -llpyme pacxonbl, POTOBO: p83pCII_I€HHI>I€ _ Kpolvle TOPO, 3aTpaTBI H3 r1epcoHaJ1 POTOEO, conpoBo>1<,rLarou1I/1171 rIoceT1/ITeJ1eI7I, 6y,uyT HOJTHOCTBIO l'IOKpBIB3TBC5I 33 C‘-I€T5Il'IOHCKOI`/i CTOpOHBI. **** Bee BB1mey1<a3aHHBIe a B no11;1ep>z<I<1/I ;Lom1<HB1 65111, npeJ1ocTaBneHB1 H6 Haul/IL1HB1M1»1, BI/IIIHX H€O6XOIII/IMBIXycnyr. 2-2. Bnanec MaT=mHr: oTnpaB.r|eHne 2-2-1) KTO MO)K€T 1'Io}1aBaTB HHOHCKOH 3axB1<y: Jlenerauuu (oxcono Henenn) Tpylma ueHTpanBHoa3vIaTc1<I/rx KOMITQHI/II`/1, SHHI/IMEIIOIIII/IXCH HPOI/ISBOILCTBOM I/UII/I I/IMCI'OIIlI/IX OTHOIlI€Hl/ISI K 1'IpOI/I3BOllCTBy, KOTOpI>IC npnrngcvlrb >1<enaroT r1oTeHu1/1am>HB1x rpynny r1apTHepoB I/lM€}OIILI/IX Bo3Mo>I<HocTB HOCPCIICTBOM ${I`IOHCl'(I/IX ,rum coTpyJ1HwxecTBa, npe,ucTaB1/ITB r1pe11cTaBnsuou1ux I/IJTI/I H€O6XO,I[I/lMI>I€ TCXHOIIOFI/II/I cneuam/IcToB, I/UII/I Hoy-xay CFIOCO6 nollafm 3as1BJ1eHl/Isl: IIPPIHI/IMBBTCSI. )KeJIaroun/1171 11omI<eH <1JopMy 3as1BKu Ha HHOHCKOM, aHrJ1m7IcKoM I/IIII/I pyccKoM sr3B11<e - FIHOHCKI/IX 0060171 l'Ip€3€HT3LII/If/i I/I mn. ***** 3as1B.ueHl»le 01' ozmoii Komnamm H6 2-2-2) 1<oMnaHx/1171, 3anonH1/ITB npl/maraemylo oTr1paB1/ITB: I/I go 30 mmm 2015 - B POTOBO no anekrponuoifi noqre (central-asia@r0t0b0.or.i_Q)_. ****** 1'Ipoe1<T 11oJ1>l<eH 3aBepmI»ITBcs1 H6 H03}K€I<oHua MapTa ******* Cpok * * ** * ** * l'IpI/ICM3 BHSIBOK Mo>I<eT 6BITB 3aI<pLIT 3a51BJIeHI/Ie Ham/IcaHHB1e 2016 rogla. paHBme 30 mom py1<aM1/I HC HPI/IHI/IM3€TC5I. (cM. 2-2-3). 2-2-3) Hpouecc oT6opa: BHSIBKI/I 6yJ1yT paccMoTpeHL1 POTOBO no Mepe r1ocTyr1neH1/151, OTO6paI-IHBIC KZHLII/IIIEITBI. 1'Ip1/1111»1Ha I/I o pe3yJ11,TaTax oT6opa 6y;1y'r yBe;1oMJ1eH1>1 TOIIBKO oT6opa HS 6y11eT pac1<p1,1Ta Bo3Bpa111e1-151. B 1<a1-1J:11»u1aToB, 2-2-4) r1pe;1cTaBJ1eHH1>1e ,ZKOKYMGHTBI HC 6y11yT 11o;1,z1ep>1<1<1/1: ,uenerauun I/I B r111aTa cTpaHy sa pacxonbl, I'IoJ1H1,1e Jlpyme noone I/IIOHH. HCO6XOJ1I/IMBIC IUISI oTr1paBJ1eH1/151 H33H&‘ICHI/ISI, 6y,rLyT TIOKPBITLI s11'1oHc1<o171 CTOPOHOVI, Me>1<11yHapoJ1H1>1e l'lCp€BO1I'~II/IKOBI/I T.;1.. SIITOHCKI/IX 30-ro T0 l'IpI/IGM 33.5IBOK Mo>1<eT 65111, 3E1KpBIT pal-IBIIIC '11»1cI1e TOM I/I 6y;1eT 11ocTaTo=1Hoe KOIII/I‘I€CTBO oTo6paHH1,1x cnyqae ecnu y POTOBO l'IpeJ1MeT1>I 511101-1c1<o171 Kal-U11/I113TaM, aB11a61»1J1eT1>1, npo>1<1»1BaH1/Ie, B ycnym ~ BOBMOXCHBIC Bap1»1aHT1>1 r1o):U1ep>1<1<1»1, TELKI/IE K3K BI>I6Op l'IapTHCp0B, MO1"yT 61>1T1> cooTBeTcTBy1ou11/1x TIYTCM 1'1eperoBopoB 0661/IX cTopoH Ol'Ip€)1€Jl€HI>I flpl/IHSITI/ISI 335IBJ'ICHI/IH. 3. Bonpocbl ECJTI/I 11o'~1Ty Moryr CCTB KHKI/IC-III/160 Bon (central-asia@rotobo.or.jp), 61>1T1» H3111/ICHHBI OCBI, l'IO)K3II 171cTa, oTr1 I/I3 Tpex SIBBIKOB - SIHOHCKI/II7I, ` il’ I/IX Ha 3J'I€KTP 01-IH c IIOMCTKOVI "Bonpoc o BI/I3I-ISC M3T"IPIHI`C". BOfIpOCBI H3 J'I}O6OM pycc1<1/11`71. alsrfre C11ac146o sa BHI/IM3,HI/IC! il? aHrJ11»1171c1<m71 1/1111/1 “Business Matching with Central Asia” Under the Cen tra] Asian Trade & In vestment Promotion Project for 2015 fiscal year; sponsored by the Mnzstry ofEc0n0my; Trade and Industry ofJapan June lst, 2015 The Japan Association for Trade with Russia & NIS (ROTOBO> Purpose of the project The Business Matching with Central Asia (hereinafter Business Matching) is a succeeding project of The Program for Support of the lndustry Development in Central Asian Countries, which had been conducted from 2003 by ROTOBO sponsored by METI of Japan, with the aim of supporting diversification of economic structure of the Central Asian countries through development of processing industries. The aim of the Business Matching is the same as the former project, however, those two are principally different in the measure; the former was supposed to achieve the aim by consulting, but the Business Matching is supposed to do by matching the needs between business parties in Japan and Central Asia. The change reflects one'step'forward`of the program from the genuine economic support to the stage closer to real business. The Business Matching aims at developing the Win'Win relationships between the Central Asian companies engaged in manufacturing including resource processing and the Japanese companies with high technology which can contribute to innovation in the counterpart country. The project will provide the Central Asian companies with improvement in productivity, quality, etc., and the Japanese companies with the new business chances. 1. 2. Scheme of the project 2-1. Business Matching: Inbound (about 1 week) 2'1'1) Targeti A group of the Central Asian companies engaged in manufacturing or l related business, which Wish to visit Japan to seek for business partners by making presentations, visiting production sites, etc. * An application of a single company is NOT acceptable. 2~1'2) How to applyi The candidate should fill an application form attached either in Japanese, English, or Russian and submit; ' by June 30“1, 2015 to ROTOBO by E-mail (central-asia@rotobo.or.jp). ~ The project should be completed no later than the end of March, 2016. *** The application can be closed before June 30th (see 2'l‘3). ****An application form handwritten is NOT acceptable. ** 2-1'3) Selection processi ROTOBO will examine the applications in the order of arrival, and the result will be notified only to the successful candidates. The reason for selection will not be opened to the candidates, and the documents submitted will not be returned. In case ROTOBO has enough adoptees, the application can be closed before June 3O"‘. 2'l'4) Support items! The supports to be provided by ROTOBO Within the program ` frame Work are as follows; - Business support! to arrange appointments with the Japanese companies, to organize presentation, to arrange visits to factories, to reserve appropriate interpreters, etc. Trip supportf to issue official invitations for Japanese Visa, to reserve accommodation and transportation in Japan, etc. ' i ° Budgetary support! see 2'l'5. 2'l'5) Budgetary supportf The program provides the adoptees with the financial support in the following items; ' full accommodation fee for official program in Japan, ' full transportation fee for official program Within Japan, full expense for J apanese-Russian interpreters, full expense for organizing some meetings or presentations in Japan, including translation fee of materials, but not including fee for reception or coffee break, ~ - 2 other expenses that ROTOBO admits. Except for the above, the expense for ROTOBO staffs attending the visitors is to be fully covered by the Japanese side. *****Al1 the above is to be provided not in cash, but in kind. ' 2-2. Business Matching: Outbound (about1 week) 2'2' 1) Targeti A group of the Central Asian companies engaged in manufacturing or related business, which Wish to invite a group of Japanese companies which could be potential business partners, or some Japanese specialists who can provide(introduce) necessary technologies or knoW~how via presentation, etc. ****** An application of a single company is not acceptable. 2'2'2) How to applyi The candidate should fill an application form attached either in Japanese, English, or Russian and submit; ' by June 30th, 2015 ' to ROTOBO by E'mail (central'asia@rotobo.or.jpL ‘c later than the end of March, 2016. ******** The application can be closed before June 30” (see 2'2'3). *********An application form handwritten is NOT acceptable. ******* The project should be completed no 2-2-3) Selection processi ROTOBO will examine the applications in the order of arrival, and the result Will be notified only to the successful candidates. The reason for selection will not be opened to the candidates, and the documents submitted will not be returned. In case ROTOBO has enough adoptees, the application can be closed before June 30th. 2'2'4) Support itemsl The full expense required for dispatching a delegation from Japan to the target country is to be covered by the Japanese side, including the fee for international fright, accommodation, interpreters, etc.. The other potential supports, such as selecting the appropriate Japanese counterparts, can be determined by both sides’ negotiation after adoption of the application. 3 3. Ingugy` If you find any questions, please send an E'mail of inquiry to the address of central-asia@rotobo.01‘.jp, with the title of “inquiry about Business Matching”. Either of Japanese, English, or Russian is acceptable. >2f}’T11an]r you for your attention/ 4 ii? H8 yqa CTHG B <rBH.3Hec MaTqHH1'e co cTpaHaMH L[eHTpaJILH01Zr A31414 B 201 51' » ,Hara Hpnem ,n;e.r1erannn Tun npoewra Ornpannenue sznoncrcoi ,uenerannn I/IHdJopMaLu»1s1 0 * 3ar1oJ1Hn're nucbopmaumo * npoewra rpynnm Ha3BaHx»1e Ban1e171 3aHBK3 OT o rpynne Bameil rpynne no Hrmceyrcaaannoix 0,[[I'10171 KOM1'13Hl/IH 1-16 <bopMe l'IpI/IHIf1Ma€TCH. 1/Ulu * Ha11pHMep, ¢fBHaHec Ma TQHHI' B HHOHHH ,zz./M R'a3aXcTaHc1com 1'e_rccTr1J1LHom co1o.3a» Hasnarme x<oMnaH1»11`71'\1J1eHoB rpynnm nepe Ima./mre, * H83B8HIIH Bcex I€0MU8HHP?Bamefi HOME./I_YI?CT2, Ip_Y1I1IhI Henb 3a$1B1(I/I \ * Hanumme Bamy He./IL H 1Ipe,zzBapHTe./ILHLIIT mzang Kaz: MOJKHO 1foHfcpeTHee. I`Ipe;LnoJ1araeML117'1 nepnon OCYIIISCTBJIBHI/IH npoewra CD.I/I. O H.0M1'1aHI/IH HOHTQRTHOB nnuo HOJHKHOCTB HoMep 9JIe1crpoHHa5i Tenednona novrra <No 1'Ipo<1>nm> 1<oMnaH:m`&'=meHoB'rpynn1>1 * Banonuwre, noxcanyilcra, ru-Icbopmaumo o Bcex 1<oMnaH1»mx~\meHax rpynnm B mfmceyxaaannoil cbopme * QKEJIHTSJIBHO IIPI/UIOQKBHI/Ie IfIH(b0pMaI.I.YIOHHbIX MaT9pIfIaJ`IOB 0 ICOMHEIHHPI. Hasnanne IcoMnaH1»11»1 Anpec Be6ca1`71'r Ten./cbalcc ,HOJIQI-CHOCTI: 1'IpeLLc'raB1»1'rem> r1pe;1cTaBm‘eJm ®opMa Fon; ocHoBaHHs1 COGCTBGHHOCTI/I Cdaepa Hponyxnna n;ea'rem,Hoc'r1/I U ROHHHBCTBO YCTQBHOI/I Raul/1'raJ1 co'rpy,11Hm<oB FO11OB0I7I PGKBI/IGI/ITLI o6opo'r I/Izvmopr SKCIIOPT (I‘I1aBH1>1e (rnasuue ux o6'1>eM Topronnu upozgywrbx HPOLLYRTBI H I/IX o6'1=eM 'I‘OpI`OB.TII/I 6aHxa B I/I B nofmapax) nonnapax) fD.I/1.0 ,Hom1cHoc'rL HOHTQKTHOG JII/ILIO Snewrpounan HoMep 'renembona 1'IO‘-IT3. v Application Form for ‘Business M&fCh1l1g with Cen tral Asia ” in 2015 Date Outbound Inbound Type of project Applicant Profile *Please note that an application should be submitted by Title project of a group. An application ofa single company is not acceptable or name ofthe group *exam ple-' ‘Kazakh Textile Union Business Matching in Japan” Names of member companies *Please list all the names of constituent companies. Purpose of application write your *Please purpose and preliminary plan, as concretely as possible. Expected period implementation of name company Contact parson e title phone number E-mail <No Member Company’s Pro'file *Please submit this form for each of vour member companies. *Attachment of information brochures is desirable Name of the Company Address Tel/Fax Website(URL) Representative Representatives title Year of Establishment Ownership form Field Products Number of employees Capital Annual turnover Dealings bank Export (main items and Import amount in $) and amount in $) (main items Dame title Contact parson 'a phone number E-mail
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