Exclusif: le Che par Perfecto Romero
Exclusif: le Che par Perfecto Romero
9 octobre 2007 : 40ème anniversaire de la mort du Che. Des images exceptionnelles du premier véritable reportage sur Che Guevara d'octobre 1958 à Mars 1959, réalisées par le photographe Cubain Perfecto Romero. - Le Che blessé pendant les dernières batailles de la guerilla cubaine - La rencontre du Che pendant la guerilla avec celle qui allait devenir sa deuxième femme, Aleida March. - Che Guevara en tant que en tant que gouverneur militaire de la forteresse « La Cabana », où ont eu lieu les procès publics des criminels de guerre pendant les premiers jours de la Révolution cubaine en janvier 1959. Exclusif : le Che par Perfecto Romero Reportage ©Perfecto Romero/Jazz Editions/Lightmediation Contact - Thierry Tinacci Agence Lightmediation +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21 thierry@lightmediation.com 1208-03: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-01: Che Guevara on his mule at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. 1208-02: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-03: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-04: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling 1208-02: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-07: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-05: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling 1208-06: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by 1208-07: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-08: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-17: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-09: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. The man on the right is the colonel of Batista's army who surendered. 1208-10: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-11: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-12: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-06: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. Aleida March offers Che a bar of soap after the battle: to the showers! 1208-13: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-14: Che Guevara with Victor Bordon at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. 1208-15: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-16: Army train wreck after the Battle of Santa Clara won by Che Guevara. December 1958. Cuba. 1208-11: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-17: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-18: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-19: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-20: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-18: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-24: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-21: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-22: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-23: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-24: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-05: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-25: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-26: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-27: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-28: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-32: Ernesto "Che" Guevara eats a sandwich. 1959. La Cabana. 1208-35: Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Havana, 1961. 1208-29: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-30: Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-31: Ernesto Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos. 1959. 1208-32: Ernesto "Che" Guevara eats a sandwich. 1959. La Cabana. 1208-33: Che Guevara with Fidel Castro, 1959 in a tourism fair. 1208-34: Ernesto Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Raul Castro and Camilo Cienfuegos. Back from USA. 1959. 1208-64: Guerillero Photographer Perfecto Romero in Cabana fortress with Che Guevara troops. January 1959. Havana, cuba. 1208-63: Perfecto Romero, the first photographer of Che Guevara. Havana, Cuba. 1208-63: Perfecto Romero, the first photographer of Che Guevara. Havana, Cuba. Interview de Perfecto Romero. « A la mi-octobre 1958 , quand la colonne du Che est arrivée dans ma region, la Sierra Escambray, au centre de Cuba, j'avais 22 ans. Avec mes compagnons nous avons escaladé les monts Gavilanes pour essayer de rejoindre les rebelles. Après trois jours de marche, nous avons pris contact avec une avancée de sa colonne "Ciro Redondo". Sous un énorme bombardement, quatre hommes nous conduisirent jusqu'au Che. Vers cinq heures de l'après-midi, le Che, assis sur un tabouret, nous reçut un par un. A ceux qui n'avaient pas d'armes il demandait de repartir pour en trouver une car il n'en avait pas à leur donner. Quand mon tour est venu, il me dit « Tu viens à la guerre sans arme ? » A ce moment-là son regard se posa sur l'appareil photo que je portais en bandoulière. « Qu'est ce que c'est que ça » me demanda-t-il ? je lui tendis pour qu'il puisse l'observer. Il commença alors à me raconter qu'il avait lui-même été photographe au Mexique et que son appareil avait été trempé pendant le débarquement sur les cotes cubaines avec Fidel Castro et seulement 80 hommes, fin 1956. Il m'expliqua aussi l'importance d'avoir un groupe de journalistes pour éditer un journal dans la montagne et me décrivit la façon dont il était en train de mettre en place une imprimerie pour éditer El Cubano Libre. Il m?envoya alors à la ville la plus proche, Santi Spiritus, afin d'acheter du matériel pour monter un labo photo. Mais je ne pus pas acheter grand chose. Le seul et unique journal fut imprimé à Cabaigan. Il ne comportait pas de photos, seulement des textes. La guerre s'accéléra, les soldats n'osaient plus sortir de leurs casernes et le Che mit en marche la dernière offensive qui culmina avec la prise de Santa Clara. En apprenant cette défaite, le dictateur Batista prit la fuite. C'est aussi à cette époque, dans l'Escambray, que le Che a rencontré Aleida March. C'était une jeune rebelle comme nous, appartenant au mouvement du 26 Juillet. Elle fut d'abord l'assistante du Che avant de devenir sa compagne puis sa femme. Les « Barbudos » purent entrer dans la Havane le 2 janvier. Le commandant Guevara fut nommé gouverneur militaire de la forteresse La Cabana. » 2007, 9th 0ctober: 40th anniversary of Che's death. The first reportage about Che Guevara during his guerilla campaign in Cuba and the start of the Revolution. Exceptional images taken by Cuban guerilla-photographer Perfecto Romero from October 1958 to March 1959. Exclusive : the Che photographed by Perfecto Romero Feature by ©Perfecto Romero/Jazz Editions/Lightmediation Contact - Thierry Tinacci Lightmediation Photo Agency +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21 thierry@lightmediation.com 1208-03: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-01: Che Guevara on his mule at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. 1208-02: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-03: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-04: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling 1208-02: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-07: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-05: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling 1208-06: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by 1208-07: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-08: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-17: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-09: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. The man on the right is the colonel of Batista's army who surendered. 1208-10: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-11: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-12: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-06: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. Aleida March offers Che a bar of soap after the battle: to the showers! 1208-13: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-14: Che Guevara with Victor Bordon at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. 1208-15: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-16: Army train wreck after the Battle of Santa Clara won by Che Guevara. December 1958. Cuba. 1208-11: Che Guevara at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-17: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-18: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-19: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-20: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-18: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-24: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-21: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-22: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-23: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-24: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-05: Che Guevara with his future (second) wife, Aleida March, at the end of the guerilla war in 1958, in the Sierra Escambray. It ended by taking the city of Santa Clara in December. Che was injured by falling on a TV antenna on a roof top. 1208-25: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-26: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-27: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-28: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-32: Ernesto "Che" Guevara eats a sandwich. 1959. La Cabana. 1208-35: Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Havana, 1961. 1208-29: Che Guevara in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. This is where the summary judgements of hundreds of Batista's policemen and informers were held. 1208-30: Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos in La Cabana Fortress, Havana, Cuba. January 1959. 1208-31: Ernesto Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos. 1959. 1208-32: Ernesto "Che" Guevara eats a sandwich. 1959. La Cabana. 1208-33: Che Guevara with Fidel Castro, 1959 in a tourism fair. 1208-34: Ernesto Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Raul Castro and Camilo Cienfuegos. Back from USA. 1959. 1208-64: Guerillero Photographer Perfecto Romero in Cabana fortress with Che Guevara troops. January 1959. Havana, cuba. 1208-63: Perfecto Romero, the first photographer of Che Guevara. Havana, Cuba. 1208-63: Perfecto Romero, the first photographer of Che Guevara. Havana, Cuba. Interview of Perfecto Romero (Jazz Editions). "Mid-october1958, I was only 22 years old when Che's column of guerillas arrived in my region, the Sierra Escambray, in the middle of Cuba. With my friends, I climbed the Gavilanes mountains to try to join the rebels. After walking for three days, we contacted an advance party of his column "Ciro Redondo". Under a huge artillery bombardment, four men led us to Che Guevara. Around five o'clock in the afternoon, we met Che one after the other. He was seated on a stool. He asked those of us who had no weapons to leave and look for some as he did not have any to give us. When my turn came, he said to me "You come to the war without a gun?" at that moment he stared at the camera which I carried around my neck. "What is that" he asked ? I handed the camera to him so he could examine it. He then told me that he himself had been a photographer in Mexico and had his own camera that had been soaked during the disembarkation on the Cuban coast with Fidel Castro and the 80 other rebels, at the end of 1956. He also explained to me the importance of having a group of journalists to publish a newspaper in the mountains and described to me the manner in which he was setting up a printing press to publish El Cubano Libre. He gave me a substantial amount of money then sent me to the nearest city, Santi Spiritus, in order to buy equipment to set up a photo lab. But I was not able to buy much? The only newspaper was printed in Cabaigan. It had no photos, only texts. The war intensified, soldiers no longer dared to leave their barracks and the Che began the final offensive which culminated in the taking of Santa Clara. When the dictator Batista heard of this defeat, he left the country. It is during this time, in the Escambray that Che met Aleida March. She was a young rebel like us, belonging to the movement of 26th July. She first worked as Che's assistant before becoming his companion, and later his wife. The "Barbudos" entered Havana on January 2. Commander Che Guevara was named military governor of the Cabana Fortress" (where war criminals were tried)