Blackjack Limits Venetian


Blackjack Limits Venetian
June 23, 2016 – August 18, 2016
SWS – Sisters Who Swing Junior Golf Program is a “Teach, Play and Expose” golf program. Our
weekly summer program is better than any 1 week camp or 1 week academy for young golfers whom
learning the game of golf. We will provide the opportunity for junior golfers to improve their game
through our league play with other juniors in a fun and positive environment. League play will help
golfers develop and prepare for tournament play. From those that want to learn the game, to those
that want to improve to make the game more enjoyable, to excel and compete at the highest level,
our program has something for everyone.
2016 Summer Golf Program
Open for Ages 7 – 16 years of age
9 weeks lessons, 6 weeks league play, local tournaments and Drive, Chip & Putt Contest
Golf Shirt, Golf Hat, Breakfast, Snack, Lunch and Drinks included
Schedule: June 23 – August 18, 2016 (Every Thursday’s)
Drive, Chip, Putting, Golf Rules & Regulations and Etiquette Clinics
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Junior Golf League
Schedule: June 26 – August 24, 2016
Tee times start: 3:00 pm
Tournament Junior Golfers – 9 Holes
Novice/Beginners Golfers Division – 5 Holes
WMGA Junior Golf, Ping Elite Players Jr. Golf Tour, PGA jr. League, and More
Schedule: June 26 – September 30, 2016
August 18, 2016
Clubs provided if needed.
Go online
download the jrgolf package
SWSJG 6378 Patience Court, Alexandria, VA 22315 703-981-0900
SWSJG Code of Conduct
Please read and become familiar with the SWSJG Code of Conduct
SWSJG Code of Conduct: The Sisters Who Swing Junior Golf, (SWSJG) provides worthwhile golf activities that can be pursued
throughout a lifetime and help develop character, sportsmanship and the life values of integrity, honesty, self-discipline and
competitive spirit. In order to make SWSJG activities, events and league play enjoyable for everyone, all junior golfers and their
parent(s)/guardian(s) must adhere to the following Code of Conduct. Its purpose is to help SWSJG participants grow and mature by
understanding and accepting the consequences of their actions. Violation of the Code of Conduct can result in league play and/or
tournaments penalties and/or disqualification and/or suspension of membership. Junior golfers and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are to
observe this Code of Conduct at all SWSJG league play, practice facilities, and similar public events.
Lack of respect to scorer(s), league play or course official(s) or another player.
Failure to abide by the Rules of Golf or a decision by a League Official.
Intentional and/or malicious damage to green(s) or other course property.
Throwing clubs or other golf related equipment.
Obscene or vulgar language and/or gestures.
Use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs (unless medically prescribed) during play.
Player’s failure to observe SWSJG dress code at league play after being warned. The Sisters Who Swing Junior Golf is a
uniform league. SWSJG member shirts and hats are issued to all players prior to check in at the member's first league play.
The cost of the shirts and hats is included in the member's registration fee. The SWSJG hat must be worn facing forward
and the SWSJG shirt must be tucked in at all times.
Any conduct or behavior similar to the foregoing actions.
2. CODE OF CONDUCT VIOLATION PENALTIES: One-stroke penalty for first violation of the Code of Conduct. If the infraction
occurs at a non-league play event, the penalty will be assessed at the next league play. Upon a second infraction at the same league
play/event, or a serious violation of the Code of Conduct, a player may be immediately disqualified from the league play/event at
which the violation occurs and may also receive a suspension of membership. Providing a warning on and/or waiving a violation of
this Code of Conduct will not operate or be construed as a waiver of a later violation. The SWSJG may report any incident to the
course/facility manager and/or the appropriate civil authorities.
Penalties assessed by a League play Official are subject to review by the SWSJG Board member(s) present at that league play.
Suspensions are imposed by the Board of Directors of the SWSJG.
3. LEAGUE PLAY / TOURNAMENT “NO SHOWS”/WITHDRAWAL: The unexcused absence of junior golfer at their scheduled
league play or tournament results in confusion due to pairings being disrupted. The important relationship with the golf course where
the league play is being held is also adversely impacted since the golf course has been closed to other paying golfers and other
special arrangements are made to accommodate an SWSJG league play. As such, whenever possible, junior golfers and their
parents/guardians should give 48 hours’ notice of a “no show” at a league play or tournament by emailing the SWSJG or calling an
SWSJG Board member.
4. LEAGUE PLAY CHECK–IN PROCEDURE AND INCLEMENT WEATHER: The date and starting time of all league play will be
listed under the “League Schedule". All SWSJG golfers are strongly encouraged to check in at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled
start time of league play or tournaments, but entrants must check in at the registration table no less than 15 minutes before the
scheduled start time of a league play or tournaments to confirm tee time/location and to receive their scorecard. USGA Rule 6-3
concerning disqualification may be enforced for late arrivals. In the event of inclement weather, a decision to hold or cancel the event
will be made as soon as possible. Tee times may be delayed up to 1 hour, but the event will be canceled if play cannot be started
within 1 hour. Arrive for your scheduled league play or tournament even if the weather looks bad - it may not be bad at the league
play or tournament site. Play is to be immediately discontinued whenever lightning is present at the league play or tournament location,
as determined by the course manager.
5. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT, SAFETY, CADDIES, PACE OF PLAY: The SWSJG expects parents/guardians to encourage their
child(ren) and to participate in their child(ren)’s progress with the game of golf. However, parents/guardians/siblings who are not duly
appointed league play officials may act only as observers during league play.* *The first incident of a parent/guardian/sibling coaching
a Player during a league play or tournament will result in a warning to both the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the junior golfer. The
second incident will result in a two-stroke penalty being assessed against the junior golfer. (See USGA Rule 8-1) For this reason and
for safety purposes, parents/guardians and other members of the gallery are to remain on the cart path (whenever possible), or in the
absence of a cart path, no less than 50 feet from the junior golfers and their line of play. Parents/guardians are encouraged to help
with pace of play and finding lost balls, but shall defer all rulings to the SWSJG league play officials and/or staff. Pace of play will be
*Beginners / Novice Divisions may receive limited advice from League play Officials to assist in learning the game.
SWSJG 2016 League
Procedures and Golf Bag Equipment
League Procedures: The following items describe how a typical League operates.
• All Leagues are suspended immediately at the first sign of lightning.
• News of delays and cancellations due to inclement weather is accessible by calling - 703/981-0900.
Always check this number prior to going to the course if the weather looks threatening.
• USGA Rules govern play except as amended by any published local rules or decisions made by the
• Players are expected to arrive in uniform and to check-in at the Player Check-In Table no less than 30
minutes prior to the scheduled start of each League play. Players should allow for additional time if
they wish to warm up on the putting green or driving range prior to play.
• Leagues will be structured as "Tee Times" or a "Shotgun Start". Some golf courses
may require us to use tee times. Under a Shotgun Start format, all foursomes tee off at the same
time from different holes.
• When players check-in, they are given a score card, their pairing for the day, and their starting hole
• At the start of each League play round, each player picks a partner from their assigned foursome
with whom to trade score cards. The object of this is explained at the Rules and Etiquette Classes.
• Leagues are played as 9 hole events for ready Junior golfers except in the Beginners / Novice
Division which plays 5 hole Leagues.
• During Leagues, all players are expected to carry or pull their own clubs. Caddies are not allowed.
• Once the players complete their rounds, they return to the clubhouse and sit with their foursome
and the League Official until they have verified and signed their score cards.
• After the score cards are signed and attested, they are turned in to the volunteers at the
Scoring Table for posting on the Leader Board.
• League play results are posted to the SWSJG Website within a couple of days following the League
Golf Bag Equipment:
Although not required, players should carry the following items in their pockets:
• Ball Mark Repair Tool - One is included in you goodie bag and they are also available at all courses.
• Ball Markers - A SWSJG Ball Marker is included in your goodie bag, but you may want to carry a
couple of extra coins.
• Tees - A few are included in your goodie bag, but they are also available at the courses.
Put a couple in your pocket and a few more in your bag.
Players should review the list below and consider carrying the listed items in or on their golfbags:
1. Clean golf clubs - 14 club limit
2. Your SWSJG bag tag
3. USGA Rule Book
4. Club cleaning brush - an old tooth brush works great!
5. Golfbag towel
6. Extra balls
7. Extra tees
8. Bug spray
9. Bandaids
10. Extra ball markers
11. Extra ball mark repair tool
12. A Sharpie for marking your ball
13. A pencil for scoring
14. Extra golf gloves
15. Sunblock - At least SPF 30
16. A water bottle or a sports drink
17. Some light snack that won't melt
18. Umbrella
19. Extra soft spikes and a spike wrench
2 0 1 6 SWS Junior Golf Summer Program R e g i s t r a t i o n
General Information- Page 1 of 3
Fill out the next 3 pages online or mail to SWS Junior Golf. Forms
must be completed before the first day of the program.
Use one set of forms per child.
Golfer’s Name:
Returning Golfer
Age at time of program:
New Golfer
Child’s Skill/ Experience: Beginner
□ Female □
Grade in Sept. 2016:
Shirt Size ______
□ Intermediate □ Advanced □
Does Golfer have his or her own clubs?
Right or Left Handed?
Friend to be grouped with (we’ll do our best)
Parent Name(s):
Home Street Address:_
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
□ SWS Junior Golf website
□ SWS Junior Golf E-mail Blast
□ Friend
□ Banner on Bowie Golf Course
□ Other (please specify)
SWS Junior Golf I 6378 Patience Ct I Alexandria, VA 22315 I Phone: (703) 981-0900 I
2 0 1 6 SWS Junior Summer Golf Program R e g i s t r a t i o n
Session Dates and Payment Information- Page 2 of 3
Please choose your desired program session(s). Payment can be made online, over
the phone, or submitted by mail. If submitting by mail, please complete payment
section at the bottom of this page.
SESSION DATES - June 23 – August 18, 2016
Choose desired session(s):
Summer 9 wks Lessons Only – June 23 – August 18, 2016
Summer 9 wks Lessons/Clinics, League Play & 1 Tournament
Summer 6 wks League Play & SWSJG Invitational
Thursday’s 8:30 – 4:00 pm
Thursday’s & Sunday’s
Sunday’s & Thursday
WMGA 57th Bobby Gorin Memorial July 19-22
Tuesday - Thursday
WMGA 2016 Bob Riley Junior Open July 26-27
Tuesday - Wednesday
WMGA 10th Charley Ridgway Memorial August 8-10
Drive, Pitch & Putt Local Contest
Tuesday - Thursday
August 13
SWSJG Invitational Tournament August 10
9 weeks Lessons/Clinics Only
9 weeks Lessons/Clinics, League Play & 1 Sponsored Local Tournament
League Play and SWSJG Invitational Tournament Only
______ @ $110.00 $_______________
______ @ $200.00 $_______________
______ @ $ 75.00 $_______________
Total $
Circle Method of Payment: Visa • Mastercard • Amex • Check • Cash
Name on Card:
Expiration Date:_
Check #:
Credit Card Number_
Billing Zip:_
Refund Policy — Refunds are available, minus a $50 cancellation fee, if enrollment is cancelled at least one week before program. There will be no
refund or pro-rated tuition for Golfers arriving late or leaving early in the session for which they are enrolled. All refund requests must be submitted in
writing via e-mail and must receive written confirmation from SWS Junior Golf in order to be processed.
General Matters — I agree that SWS Junior Golf League and Golf Courses is not responsible for the loss or damage to my child’s personal
belongings as a result of fire, theft, laundry, gophers, etc. I agree to accept full responsibility, financial or otherwise, for the conduct of my child. In
order to make each Golfer’s participation at SWS Junior Golf League a fun, safe and rewarding experience, we hold high expectations for the Junior
Golfers attitude and behavior. I understand that there is no refund should my child be dismissed from program for behavior or conduct deemed
unsatisfactory by the program directors or if, in the sole opinion of the program directors, a Golfer’s presence is not in the best interest of the
program. All pictures and videos taken at or in connection with SWS Junior Golf Program are the sole and exclusive property of SWS Junior Golf
and may be used by SWS Junior Golf in any program promotional materials and other print media for program purposes.
SWS Junior Golf I 6378 Patience Ct I Alexandria, VA 22315 I Phone: (703) 981-0900 I
2 0 1 6 SWS Junior Summer Golf Program R e g i s t r a t i o n
Medical Information and Permission to Treat- Page 3 of 3
This is the only health form; Golfers will not be allowed to attend if any of
this information is not complete.
Date of most recent tetanus (or DPT) immunization (required by law):
Primary care physician:
Pertinent information on any health conditions including physical, psychiatric or behavioral:
Will prescription medications need to be administered to our student golfer during program hours? Yes
Emergency Contact, when a parent/guardian is unavailable:
Home Phone:
_Work Phone:
Permission to Treat
I request and authorize SWS Junior Golf Program’s staff to administer first aid and/or take my child to a physician or hospital for
emergency treatment in the event it appears necessary and a parent or guardian cannot be contacted in a timely manner, as SWS Junior
Golf Program staff deems appropriate under the circumstances. I give to any physician, dentist, hospital, or other health care provider
consent to perform any x-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment, under the supervision of any
licensed physician or dentist. I agree that I will be financially responsible for the costs of such treatment and transportation.
Informed Consent
In exchange for SWS Junior Golf Program permitting my child to participate in SWS Junior Golf Program, I agree to the terms and
conditions expressed herein. While SWS Junior Golf will make every reasonable effort to keep all students safe from injury, illness, and
harm, accidents do happen. I understand that there may be risks associated with the program, and have had an opportunity to ask
questions and to receive answers concerning those risks. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to evaluate the risks associated
with my child’s participation in this program to determine whether my child should participate, and to discuss these risks with my child. By
signing this document, I agree to release and hold harmless SWS Junior Golf, its officers, trustees, agents, employees, volunteers,
and leaders/chaperones, and agree to indemnify each of them from any and all claims, costs, suits, actions, judgments, and expenses,
upon any damage, loss or injury to my child or damage or loss to my child’s property (including all property of others in my child’s
possession or control) arising out of my child’s participation. These agreements of release and indemnity include claims of
negligence, but not of gross negligence or intentionally wrongful conduct.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
My signature verifies that all submitted information is correct and that I understand & agree to all waivers.
SWS Junior Golf I 6378 Patience Ct I Alexandria, VA 22315 I Phone: (703) 981-0900 I
SWSJG – Sisters Who Swing Junior Golfer Program
One Golfer at a Time