aroma-round bc - British Columbia Association of Practicing
aroma-round bc - British Columbia Association of Practicing
AROMA-ROUND BC British Columbia Association of Practicing Aromatherapists Summer 2012 Director’s Corner This really is the summer edition of our BCAPA newsletter, though looking out the window this morning might make me think otherwise. I hope by the time you are reading this that the sun will have truly arrived and you can enjoy all that this time of year has to offer. I gather you all had a great time at the Spring CE Day with Rhiannon Harris? I heard some wonderful feedback about it, from members and nonmembers alike. A friend of mine, an RMT, attended. This was her first experience going to one of our CE events, and she was very pleasantly surprised at the quality of the workshop, how organized it was, the tasty food, the reasonable cost and the attendees. “What a wonderful group of people you work with,” she said on her return. I absolutely agree, and was sad not to be able to attend this last CE Day. However, my health has not been the greatest so far this year and I have to make that a priority over everything else. I’m not a good patient, and certainly not a patient patient, so it has been challenging! Health truly is wealth, and that is so apparent when it starts to leave us. Thank you all for participating in our recent survey on Survey Monkey, and thanks to Kelly Ablard for putting it together. Some good information always comes out of the surveys, and we are doing our best as a Board to act on what we receive from your responses. I know a lot of you are still concerned that we don’t have a bigger voice on the political scene in BC and would like to work towards having a college again. This is not, however, and has never been, a part of what the BCAPA does. This was always under the authority of the BCAOA, and they tried for a long time to make the dream of a college a reality. However, the political process shut this down, and to my knowledge it will not be easily opened up again. Another common theme of the survey responses was the desire to have aromatherapy recognized under Extended Health Plans. My understanding of this is that the people insured under each plan can personally ask the insurance company for aromatherapy massage to be covered on their plan. If enough people ask, and keep asking, then the insurance companies will consider it. Majority rules on this one! As you will see inside this newsletter, we had a shuffle of our Board members at our Spring AGM. Barbara Power is now Vice President, while Kelly Ablard has stepped into Director at Large, to accommodate her upcoming travels and changes in her life. Casey Mulcaster has joined us in the role of Chapter Coordinator, with lots of fresh ideas to bring to the BCAPA chapters, and Liz Long agreed to stay on as Secretary, a mandatory role on the BCAPA Board and one which would not have been filled without others having to double up on responsibilities. I cannot thank her enough for doing this, as I know how much she deserves a break. Please consider a role on the Board if you have not done it in a while. It’s a small commitment per month, for great rewards, and enables us to stay vibrant as a group. It cannot always be the same people doing all the work. We are happy to share! Our Board (apart from our hardworking and amazing editor, Alison) takes a well deserved month off in June, between CE Days (yes, we are hoping to have a Fall one in Sidney, if it all comes together… it’s in process right now). Then we are back at it in July, hopefully after a few relaxing rays of sunshine. Ah yes, back to that! I had my woodstove going the other night – the first time in as long as I can remember that this has happened in June. Gotta love the Coast! I had company staying for a week from Penticton. They left in disgust, driving as fast as they could back to the sunny desert, vowing not to return for a long time! We are built tougher out here, I guess! Enjoy those sunny moments, no matter what time of year it is. Maureen Curran President, BCAPA Director’s Corner ………………. 1 The Soul—Nature of EOs ..……. 2 New Director’s Welcome ...…… 6 Financial Statements .…...…….. 8 AGM Summary ...…………….. 12 List of Directors ………………. 13 Interview with Marina ………..16 Recipe for Indigestion ……….. 17 Survey Monkey Results ………20 The Soul-Nature of Essential Oils THE SOUL-NATURE OF ESSENTIAL OILS Copyright 2012 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc. By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C. I founded and designed Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) to help an individual overcome the separation from one’s higher self that lies at the core of emotional and physical disharmony. SPE is a synthesis of certain aspects of aromatherapy, herbal medicine and folklore, doctrine of signatures, classical homeopathy, modern physiology, Kabbalah, anthroposophical science, Chinese medicine, depth psychology, gemstone healing and color therapy. In Spiritual PhytoEssencing the blender seeks to identify a person’s unique pattern of deep psycho-spiritual disharmony. Subsequently, a combination of essential oils, each of which correlates with a particular aspect of that pattern, is formulated to act as a mirror-image of this “central disturbance”. When the human soul becomes preoccupied with the daily challenges of life, rational consciousness becomes estranged from the higher self and mired in “stuckness” . Plants are alive, and everything that lives has a soul. The essential oil is the carrier of the soul of the plant. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophical medicine, notes: “Matter is most spiritual in the perfume of the plant…When the spirit most closely approaches the physical earth, then we have the perception of fragrance.” An essential oil, the bonding medium for the soul of the plant, is uniquely suited to act as the physical entity that can facilitate an interface between plant and human souls. The plant soul is not encumbered by ego, so it has the qualities of purity and infinity. Thus, the individualized plant soul combination within the essential oil blend, when proffered to the human soul, is eagerly received and infuses the latter with impetus to move beyond limitation by changing its orientation from the finite to the Infinite. Imaginative consciousness is an important element in SPE. In this reference, imaginative consciousness enables one to go beyond analysis of the physical properties of a given essential oil via a complementary perception of the spiritual roots from which these physical properties arise. While these spiritual roots are beyond the reach of the senses and rational consciousness, they nevertheless are the source of the material nature of an essential oil. Every living cell must be animated by a vital force, or “ensouled”, and it’s this incarnation of higher forces into living tissue that lends each organism its tangible expression. Hence, when using essential oils for psycho-spiritual work, all of the physical features, clinical properties and historical associations, etc. of the plant can be used to develop an understanding of its spiritual roots. In the following discussion, I have combined the conventional properties and indications for rosemary oil with a brief description of the psycho-spiritual themes (as elaborated by the SPE synthesis) specific to it. This psycho-spiritual perspective provides crucial information that allows for precise individualization of the therapeutic use of these oils. Ideally, one should select essential oils that “fit the case” on both physical and psycho-spiritual levels. When this is done, the impression that the oil makes upon the individual is far deeper and longer lasting. Rosemary Oil Properties and Indications: general detoxification; cardiovascular tonic; increases arterial and peripheral circulation; aids degenerative tissue; stimulates circulation and metabolism of skin layers; memory loss; mental strain and fatigue; poor concentration; lethargy; depression; inhibited expression of thoughts and feelings; lack of self-confidence; low self-esteem; poor resolve; negativity; over-thinking; nerve weakness; exhaustion; paralysis; fluid retention; obesity; muscle pains; cramps; sprains; contractures; arthritis; myalgia; varicose veins; damaged skin; cellulite. 2 Aroma-Round BC Soul-Nature of EOs…cont’d Among essential oils, rosemary is one of the highest in hydrogen-content, and this element is particularly influential regarding this oil’s soul-nature. Hydrogen is the most volatile element—it strives continuously to escape from the Earth’s grasp and back to the cosmos from which it came. Hydrogen is the lightest of the elements and highly inflammable. Hydrogen can almost never be encountered on Earth in its free state. As an active gas, hydrogen is bi-atomic (i.e., occurs as H2, meaning 2 atoms of hydrogen bonded together). Essential oils are primarily hydrocarbons; in other words, they are built from hydrogen and carbon. Among other things, carbon serves to anchor hydrogen and prevent its escape from Earth. Astrologically, rosemary is ruled by the sun. Significantly, the sun and other stars consist almost entirely of hydrogen. Rosemary is not only ruled by the sun but requires plentiful sunlight and warmth in order to flourish. The thermo-nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei supplies the universe with its light and heat. Given rosemary’s association with hydrogen, it’s not surprising that one of the central themes of the rosemary oil type is the desire to become unified—she wants all the loose parts to coalesce into harmonious “oneness.” She has a strong desire to experience the world as one total unity—to have a symbiotic relationship with another being and attain unity with God. However, she’s still in touch with the universe, and so, at times may feel as if she’s separated from her body and estranged from her family and/or society. She is prone to feeling betrayed, rejected or abandoned, and her desire for having a total experience of oneness may encourage nervous exhaustion. Ultimately, she has difficulty achieving anything and desperately looks for something to hold on to. She may develop the delusional feeling that she has not fully incarnated into this world. Using this description, we can say that one of the main feelings of the rosemary oil type is the issue of whether “to be or not to be.” In other words, she must make a decision as to whether to commit to material existence with all its degrees of separation and harsh realities or opt for the idealized oneness which only death or a delusional, ethereal, invariably dysfunctional state can sustain. Central themes related to rosemary is: If I can stay warm (on both physical and spiritual levels), remember (what is good in my life and those who have been good to me), be faithful (to my higher self, my family, marriage, ideals) and achieve harmonious “oneness” (within myself, with a partner, the spiritual and natural worlds), everything will be okay. BIO: Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C.--registered naturopath, master herbalist, classical homeopath, nationally certified in massage and therapeutic bodywork--is President of Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc., formerly naturopathic advisor to the Institute of Applied Biochemistry and a member of The American Naturopathic Medical Association, The Registry of Naturopaths (UK) and the British Naturopathic Assoc. He is the founder/teacher of both Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) and the Natural Health Science System (NHSS) that he designed during nearly 35-years of research and private practice, and includes traditional naturopathy, herbal medicine, nutrition, essential oils, exercise as well as East/West healing arts/bodywork and homeopathy. Note: To reach Dr. Berkowsky: e-mail: To sign up for Dr. Berkowsky’s free, on-line journals or to learn more about his books, classes, teleseminars, workshop recordings, Spiritual PhytoEssencing Distance Learning Diploma and Master’s Courses and more, visit: or Upcoming classes: SPE Interview Training Webinar 2-Class Series (August 8th and August 15th); the 2012 SPE Fall Training Intensive (8 week webinar based training course) begins in September. Please see ad on the next page for more details. Summer 2012 3 Paid Advertisement Dr. Berkowsky’s Upcoming Webinar Certification Courses Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, the founder/teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE), an art which focuses on deep, psychospiritual healing work with essential oils, is one of the world’s foremost practitioners and teachers regarding the use of essential oils for the resolution of life-long soul-level disharmony. If you really want to develop these rare healing skills, gain access to the inner realm of the essential oils and, in the process, move forward to full presence of being, consider this unique opportunity to train with Dr. Berkowsky in the comfort of your own home. Upcoming Certification Courses: (Attendees in these courses are eligible for both CE credits and Level 1 Certification) 1) SPE Level 1 Client Interview Training Certification Series: 2-class webinar series (August 8th and 15th) during which the students will have the opportunity to observe Dr. Berkowsky performing a live interview for the purpose of developing a custom essential oil blend for the interviewee. Students will also have the opportunity to ask questions. Dr. Berkowsky will also present 2 brief lectures on the art of the interview. In SPE, an interview (called an anamnesis—Latin for recollection) is conducted that enables the practitioner to identify the constitutional themes that characterize the subject’s deepest psycho-spiritual dynamics. Various aspects of these themes are then proficiently matched with corresponding essential oils to create a custom blend that engages with that person’s soul. To learn more about this class, click on the following link: BCAPA Members Page – 2012 SPE Client Interview Training Certification Series 2) 2012 SPE Fall Training Intensive (begins September 12th and ends November 14th): Consists of: seven 2-hour webinar classes.. All webinars will be recorded so those who have scheduling conflicts and miss a class, can review the entire presentation whenever they like, at their own pace. The course features: 1) In-Depth Exploration of the Inner Nature of Three Essential Oils 2) Layered Blending Training Exercise using a set of stellar oils Dr. Berkowsky personally sources and selects based not only upon their growing conditions and scent quality but also upon their depth of soul. 3) Training in the Preparation of a Homeopathic-Style Potentized Dilution of an Essential Oil Blend 4) Case-Study Analysis Training To learn more about the 2012 SPE Fall Training Intensive click on the following link: BCAPA Members Page- 2012 SPE Fall Training Intensive > Special Limited Time Tuition Offer for BCAPA Members < If you register by July 15th BCAPA members are eligible for a special highly discounted, early bird tuition for both of these courses. 4 Aroma-Round BC Paid Advertisement Summer 2012 5 Director’s Welcome New BCAPA Chapter Coordinator and Participation in BCAPA Chapter Meetings for Professional and Personal Growth Dear Colleagues, It is my absolute pleasure to announce that fellow aromatherapist, Mrs. Casey Mulcaster, RA and EOT, is taking over the role of BCAPA Chapter Coordinator! If you do not know Casey you will soon discover her creative energy, teaching and leadership capabilities, her caring, intuitive and talented ways as an aromatherapist and healer, with a sprinkling of humour that is ever present. Casey is also Victoria’s BCAPA Chapter leader, the Chapter to which I belong. Before I switch gears from Chapter Coordinator to my duties as Vice President, I wanted to leave you with something to consider regarding the role a BCAPA Chapter can play in enriching your experience and capacity as a qualified, professional aromatherapist. As it is with a majority of professions in health and social care, there is a requirement to maintain a certain level of qualifications, knowledge and skill, and standards of practice and ethics in order to retain one’s title(s) and right to practice. With some professions, if an individual does not attain his or her required continuing education credits (CEC) in a determined period of time, there is the risk that they will not be able to use their designation and in some cases, lose their ability to practice. That is not the case for aromatherapy in British Columbia, at least, not as yet; however, as members of BCAPA we accept responsibility to be current, and to advance our knowledge and skills to ensure safe and beneficial practice of aromatherapy. We uphold aromatherapy as an effective healing modality. Did you know that the BCAPA is the only provincial aromatherapy association in Canada that supports its membership to gain CECs through Chapter meetings? And the meetings are free! The only real ‘cost’ is the time spent preparing for the meeting and then experiencing the collective wisdom of the group at the meeting. This is my Chapter meeting experience ... Six times a year I get together with a fabulous group of fellow aromatherapists. Every two months we gather at the Chapter Leaders’ house for two hours to share findings and case study knowledge on a predetermined aromatherapy topic. At least, the topic is the ‘point of departure’ for our short time together. What starts as a discussion about an essential oil, hydrosol, carrier oil, disease or condition easily and predictably branches into the wonderment of shared experiences, insight, wisdom, encouragement and recognition. Our time together may have us sitting on the edge of our seats with stories to be told. We’ve had our share of laughter, deep discussion ... even tears have been shed. We represent the young and the not so young, recent aromatherapy graduates through to seasoned practitioners. There is an undeniable energy generated when we get together. There is no shortage of inspiration, guidance and support when we passionate aromatherapists connect. 6 Aroma-Round BC BIO: Casey Mulcaster, RA®, EOT® Who knew that Chapter meetings could hold such opportunity for professional and personal growth, for the enrichment of practice? And to think that our time together has the added bonus of achieving continuing education credits! I encourage you to connect with a Chapter Leader nearest to you. If you do not have a Leader nearby, perhaps there are three or four aromatherapists in your area that would like to establish a Chapter. And for those who are ‘out there’ without colleagues within easy reach, communicate with your new Chapter Coordinator, Casey Mulcaster. She is ready to work with you toward a solution to enable networking and engagement with your colleagues Aromatically yours, Barbara Power BCAPA Vice-President WELCOME CASEY MULCASTER, RTR, RA®, EOT®, Aromatherapy Instructor, Certified Reflexologist, Advanced Sekhem Practitioner I am the owner/operator of Amarna Holistic Centre in Victoria, BC. I am a Registered Radiation technologist with 16 years experience at trauma hospitals in Canada. My eyes were opened to holistic medicine in March, 1994 upon my second visit to the West Indies. While there, I had a consult with a naturopathic doctor that practised TCM, iridology and reflexology. Since then, I have been making my own natural body products and have embarked on several holistic healing courses. The educational journey began in 2003, when I graduated from Healing Scents Holistic Clinic and obtained my Registered Aromatherapist/Essential Oil Therapist designation. I followed immediately with further courses in aromatherapy facials, lymphatic drainage/movement and Indian Head massage. In 2008, I graduated from Rippin Reflexology and obtained my designation as a certified foot reflexologist. The following year, I started my journey into energy healing. I have received my Level 1, Level 2 and Advanced Diplomas from Quantum North in Sekhem Energy Healing. I look forward to my Masters training in the near future. Currently, I am hosting the local BCAPA chapter meetings for aromatherapists in Victoria, BC. I also teach the Aromatherapy Diploma (RA) course and a series of workshops on essential oils. I am an active member of both the BCAPA and the BCAOA. My passion is providing holistic health treatments to achieve preventative results for acute or chronic illnesses and assisting my clients to achieve their greatest well-being. Summer 2012 7 Financial Statements BC Association of Practicing Aromatherapists Balance Sheet as at 10/31/2011 8 BC Association of Practicing Aromatherapists Balance Sheet as at 03/31/2012 Aroma-Round BC Financial Statements… cont’d BC Association of Practicing Aromatherapists Income Statement 11/01/2010 to 10/31/2011 BC Association of Practicing Aromatherapists Income Statement 11/01/2011 to 03/31/2012 Please Note: This statement does not include all CE Day expenses. Summer 2012 9 Paid Advertisement 10 Aroma-Round BC Paid Advertisement Nigel Strike, RA®, EOT® ͽ T: (604)732-7531 ͽ Toll Free 1-800-932-7531 ͽ e-mail: For more info contact: Donna Hernblad, Chilliwack, BC— e: or t: (604) 794-7255 Summer 2012 11 Annual General Meeting Summary Highlights from the AGM held April 14, 2012 at Tsawwassen Inn, Delta, BC Update on BCAPA Activities: Kelly Ablard: Last year the Board focused on continuing education credits. In January these were reduced from 24 credits in a two year period to 12, with the new guidelines posted to the web. The web will also show upcoming events – webinars and seminars. The goal is to make obtaining CE credits easier for the membership. Feedback has been positive. Members were asked to submit ideas of what they would like to see. Barbara Power: As incoming Vice President, Barbara outlined her vision for the coming year. She sees a year of energy focused on creating a vibrant professional association - working with the membership to clearly define its continuing education needs and working with the Board of Directors to determine how best to support these needs within the parameters of BCAPA. What benefits can we provide to the membership? She wants to explore opportunities to increase BCAPA's visibility in the province, working more closely with the BCAOA, and forging relationships with like-minded professional health and wellness associations. When was the last time we, as a profession, completed a review of the aromatherapy profession in British Columbia? She feels it would benefit the association to know the 'lay of the land' for aromatherapists in BC. The Board of Directors are fellow aromatherapists, committed to their association, volunteering hours of their time, creativity and expertise to keep the BCAPA operating. She looks forward to serving with fellow Directors, and invited everyone to consider working with the Board as it is a rewarding 'vocation'. General: A general group discussion brought up some of the following issues: (a) What can be done to improve membership? (b) How do we get members involved? (c) Where do we go from here? Various comments/suggestions about increasing the ‘presence’ of the BCAPA: ● Paid advertising with CFA / RMT magazines. (Membership was advised that the spring CE event was advertised in both the CFA and RMT publications; also paid advertising was used for the spring event in Victoria with little tangible results.) ● Trade shows (Some discussion around the cost and volunteers to work). ● In view of the support for aromatherapy in England, can we get more information from there to assist aromatherapists here. ● Using booths for career days in schools. ● Putting the newsletter on-line for the public. Another suggestion was to put ‘teasers’ on the web with the hope that those that wanted to access the newsletter would have to become general members if they did not qualify for other types of membership. Financial Statements See pages 8-9. Election of Officers See next page. 12 Aroma-Round BC NEW List of Directors BRITISH COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION OF PRACTICING AROMATHERAPISTS LIST OF DIRECTORS Effective April 14, 2012 Position Name E-mail Address President Maureen Curran Past President / Secretary Elizabeth Long** Vice President Barbara Power Membership Coordinator / Treasurer Donna Hernblad Continuing Education Coordinator Colleen Thompson Newsletter Editor Alison Legge Chapter Meeting Coordinator Casey Mulcaster Director at Large Kelly Ablard ** When you read this list of directors you will likely be surprised to see my name again listed as Past President/ Secretary. You may recall that I had indicated in our spring newsletter that I was stepping down. At the AGM no one volunteered to step forward to take over the secretarial duties, so rather than see another director take on added responsibilities on top of her current obligations, I allowed my name to be put forward. However, speaking personally of the future, we do need someone to step forward next year as this will definitely be my last year. Summer 2012 13 CEC Guidelines for 2012 BCAPA Board of Directors Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Guidelines 12 CECs need to be accumulated by Professional and Associate Members over each two-year cycle and cannot be carried over. A minimum of 8 CECs need to be obtained from activities within the *“Aromatherapy” category, and up to 4 CECs can be obtained from activities within the “Non-aromatherapy” category. *Credits will not be given for workshops designed that predominantly include material an Associate or Professional member received as part of their formal training. Topics NOT eligible for CEC credits may include, but are not limited to the following: an introduction to aromatherapy, a review of essential oil Latin names, conventional blending techniques, and overall benefits of essential oils. With each annual membership renewal package, members will be asked to submit a CEC activity form that lists their CEC activities, the number of CECs claimed, and copies of the required paperwork as evidence of their attendance. To download CEC forms or to view the CEC Guidelines, check out the following link: CATEGORY: AROMATHERAPY (8 CECs) CE Activity Evidence CE Credits BCAPA events and sponsored workshops BCAPA attendance certificates One full day = 4 BCAPA Chapter meetings Meeting convener will give the names of attendees and notes to the BCAPA Chapter Coordinator One meeting without notes =1 Aromatherapy-based workshops offered by approved instructors or credible industry presenters about aromatherapy and the use of essential oils -attendance certificate OR content outline One full day = 4 Aromatherapy research, writing of relevant book reviews or articles for the BCAPA Newsletter or other professional journals -research protocol and results Min. 500 words (1 page) = 1-2 -review(s) or article(s) Min. 1000 words (2 pages) = 2-4 14 One meeting with notes = 2 Person who compiles notes = 1 bonus CEC -registration/payment receipt(s) Min. 2000 words (max. 6 pages) = 3-6 Credits granted are at the discretion of the BCAPA Newsletter Editor Aroma-Round BC CEC Guidelines…cont’d CATEGORY: NON-AROMATHERAPY (4 CECs) CE Activity Evidence Teaching or training in other modalities such as: hot stone, spa, and yoga therapies, reiki, herbalism, massage, reflexology, traditional medicine/ Ayurveda, acupuncture, naturopathy, energy therapy (light, colour, and/or crystals),visualization, Anthroposophical medicine, and meditation -attendance certificate OR content outline Teaching or training in teacher education, research techniques, or business development (e.g. customer relation, computers, marketing, and management) -attendance certificate OR content outline CE Credits A maximum of 2 -registration/payment receipt(s) Teachers - relevant qualifications/outline of course material A maximum of 2 -registration/payment receipt(s) Teachers - relevant qualifications/outline of course material Volunteer work such as: helping with BCAPA hosted events, or services that lead to a greater awareness of the use of essential oils and aromatherapy in the community (e.g. public workshop and health fair participation) -name, location, day, and time of event A maximum of 2 -description of service -contact information for the volunteer organizer Presenters - content outline BCAPA Director One full year of service A maximum of 1 Do you have a story or case study that you would like to share with fellow aromatherapists regarding the amazing healing qualities of essential oils? *** Contact: to share your findings in a future newsletter. Summer 2012 15 Interview with Marina Mermaid, CAHP, EOT®, RA® Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists Interview (excerpts) By Colleen Thompson with Marina Mermaid August 2011 Marina, when and why did you become involved in aromatherapy? As a kid, I have been fascinated with the smell of frankincense at the Catholic Church ceremony. My grand-maman Yvette took me to church when I was 8 years old and the ritual of frankincense was my favorite moment of the ceremony. As a kid I was always curious to smell soaps and creams especially when we were visiting my paternal grandparents. They had this huge home full or rooms and soaps and this enchanted forest of pine, cedars and I loved smelling the trees. I grew up in Eastern Quebec in Gaspesie on a big land with birch, pine, spruce, cedars and maple trees. When my grand-maman ,Yvette, passed away from breast cancer in 1992, I found a metaphysical store in Montreal near where I lived then and I started to inhale and burn in my diffuser: PINE, SPRUCE,CEDARWOOD, FRANKINCENSE in my little room, trying to understand why my favorite female family pillar of wisdom had checked out on me? My main joy at this time of my life was that I was getting the help from the essential oils to grieve. I started my spiritual Quest with the support of my cherish sisters and soldiers of love THE ESSENTIAL OILS in my twenties. Aromatherapy makes me feel LOVED, SAFE, POWERFULY HEALTHY and CONNECTED with Source. Did you have an “AHA” moment when first introduced to aromatherapy? In my spiritual quest I was an avid inhaler of essential oils, I was HIGH ON THE OILS, and when I was 23 years old I was told by a wonderful Parisian psychic that I was going to move to the west coast and become an ambassador for helping people to connect with their own healing capacities with the help of aromatherapy. I was also told that I would be back in front of the camera with a very laser beam focused message on how to use essential oils in your daily life after I have written a book on it. I was resisting that message for a decade, thinking “Who am I to be exposed again in the media but with a message of health and wellness?” I finally left Quebec in april 1995 and after one year in Banff trying to learn English, life took me to Osaka, Japan for 2 years where I learned English, basic Japanese and shiatsu at the “Corhin Academy of shiatsu of Osaka. I then came to Vancouver to work in the film industry of NORTH HOLLYWOOD, where I learned to open up and offer holistic sessions to cast and crew for many years. In Vancouver I received my first amazing aromatherapy full body session in 1999 and I was hooked. I had been suffering in the past of a scoliosis and my back is 100% now. In 2003, I was introduced to my mentor, Pat Antoniak, who was then teaching at Langara College for the fascinating Holistic Aromatherapy Practitioner Intensive Diploma Program on the West Coast. Her extensive wisdom and respect for nature is very contagious and I thank her from the bottom of my heart. Pat helped me to believe in myself as an Aromatherapist . She calls her students her AROMATHERAPY ANGELS. I am so lucky she was there for me. Also the magic presence of Pat Pogue during the hands on training classes gave me courage to go through the full final push before being certified. Pat Pogue has the hottest healing hands ever. She is also the lovely president of BCAOA. Since 2004 I have been a member of the CFA, BCAOA , and BCAPA alliances for aromatherapists in Canada and British Columbia. Being a member keeps me supported in my sacred circle, as I call it. What advice would you give someone thinking about becoming an Aromatherapist? If you are a consumer of essential oils, you are a messenger of love and healing and you can help yourself and so many others with these natural essences. Make sure you use them safely and get the best training available to you. Your certification and your training time are the foundation of your ethic as a professional Aromatherapist and your job is to give yourself the best of the best chances to become a fantastic Aromatherapist. Open your heart and feel the wisdom of the oils. Enjoy the ride. Colleen thank you for your precious time and devotion as a Secretary for the BCAOA, CE Coordinator for the BCAPA and Treasurer for the CFA association. You are an aromatherapy angel! Smell you later!!! Marina Mermaid Vancouver, British Columbia 16 Aroma-Round BC Congratulations on your book, Marina! Here is a recipe from her new book for… INDIGESTION/ ACID REFLUX: Digestive Warrior blend applied by ABDOMEN SOAK You usually feel the burning pain in your chest signifying a mean heartburn, after a meal, once the stomach acid moves up past the sphincter under your sternum. This is called acid reflux, and usually occurs when the muscle tone in the sphincter is lost, causing it to remain open. The best way to treat it ASAP is to rub your upper abdominal area with: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 2 drops Peppermint (Mentha piperita) 1 drop Sweet Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce) 2 drops Mixed with a teaspoon of Jojoba oil. Again, if you do not want to carry these essential oils in your luggage just make sure you bring the already blended Digestive Warrior Abdomen Soak. When you suffer from heartburn, you just have to massage eight drops of the blend on your upper abdominal area (right below your belly button) and apply a warm compress on it for ten minutes. "Be The Pearl In The Seashell Of My Caring Hands" Marina Dufort is a Registered Aromatherapist® CAHP, EOT®, RA® And member of: CFA, BCAPA, BCAOA To purchase her book, check out: Summer 2012 17 NEW Proceedings Manual 2011 The 2011 Proceedings Manual is hot off the presses and now available for you to purchase! These yearly proceedings are a professionally printed summary of all continuing education presentations and chapter meeting from the previous year. This serves as a valuable resource manual and a great way to catch up on any events you missed over the past year. Affordable too — at only $25, which includes $5 shipping and handling. If you purchase directly at one of our CE days, it is still just $20. Please contact Donna Hernblad, to order, and send a cheque to: 49719 Prairie Central Road, Chilliwack, B.C., V2P 6H3. You can also order through our bookstore at and pay by PayPal. 18 Aroma-Round BC Networking If you haven’t already... be sure to try out the latest edition of our networking tool and address finder – the BCAPA Member Directory. Check it out on our website under http:// bcapa-member-directory/. Remember: the password is “mint”. Explore the possibilities with networking! Why do we shed the rose’s bloom Upon the cold insensate tomb? Can flowery breeze or odour’s breath Affect the slumbering chill of death? No, no, I ask no balm to steep With fragrant tears my bed of sleep; But now while every pulse is glowing, Now let me breathe the balm flowing, Now let the rose, with blush of fire, Upon my brow its scent expire. ~ Ode 32, Anacreon Summer 2012 19 Summary of Results from Survey Monkey Thank-you to all members who participated in this survey; your feedback is appreciated. The following survey results are based on a total of 45 responses. Please note that results in bold represent the highest proportions. 1. Would you attend a one day CE event in Sidney in September 2012? Yes: 51.1% (23 responses) No: 22% (22 responses) 2. If you responded that you would not attend a one-day CE event in Sidney in September 2012, please indicate why. Financial: 64.7% (11 responses) Lower continuing education (CE) requirements: 23.5% (4 responses) Prefer a two-day workshop each year: 29.4% (5 responses) Other: (16 responses) 3. Please indicate your level of interest in the topics and presenters listed below. Numbers in (parentheses) within the table indicate number of responses. Not interested Moderately interested Very interested 7.1% (3) 45.2% (19) 47.6% (20) Manual Lymphatic Massage 26.8% (11) 24.4% (10) 48.8% (20) Hydrosols/hydrolats 16.7% (7) 40.5% (17) 42.9% (18) Yoga (use of essential oils in your aromatherapy practice) 34.9% (15) 41.9% (18) 23.3% (10) Business development 39.5% (17) 25.6% (11) 34.9% (15) David Crow (botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare expert) 9.1% (4) 38.6% (17) 52.3% (23) Christopher McMahon (White Lotus Aromatics: expert in India's ancient and modern fragrance industry) 18.6% (8) 44.2% (19) 37.2% (16) Kent McKay (Aromatic Farm Coop: master distiller of community-based cooperative that practices sustainable aromatic plant management and ethical production of organic essential oils) 15.9% (7) 29.5% (13) 54.5% (24) Developing your intuition 20.9% (9) 39.5% (17) 39.5% (17) Marianne Tavares (integrating clinical aromatherapy into hospices in BC) 20 Aroma-Round BC Survey Monkey...cont’d 4. Please indicate whether you would prefer the workshop(s) of interest to be one or two-day events. Numbers in (parentheses) within the table indicate number of responses. One day Two days Marianne Tavares 62.8% (27) 25.6% (11) Manual Lymphatic Massage 48.7% (19) 35.9% (14) Hydrosols/hydrolats 69.8% (30) 16.3% (7) Yoga 47.5% (19) 22.5% (9) Business development 50.0% (20) 15.0% (6) David Crow 55.8% (24) 34.9% (15) Christopher McMahon 56.8% (25) 31.8% (14) Kent McKay 54.8% (23) 35.7% (15) Developing your intuition 60.5% (26) 23.3% (10) Other suggestion(s) given above 31.6% (6) 31.6% (6) 5. Participating in BCAPA Chapter meetings in-person or via Skype is a great way to engage in continuing education activity and to connect with fellow aromatherapists. It is an opportunity for professional and personal growth, for networking and the enrichment of aromatherapy practice. Chapter meetings are hosted by Chapter Leaders 6 times a year, typically every second month. Do you participate in BCAPA Chapter meetings? Yes: 28.9% (13 responses) No: 71.1% (32 responses) 6. If you indicated "yes", how often do you attend? 6 times per year: 4.4% (2 responses); 5 times per year: 6.7% (3 responses); 4 times per year: 8.9% (4 responses); 1-3 times per year: 11.1% (5 responses); Do not participate: 71.1% (32 responses) 9. Would you be interested in a retreat that gave you opportunities to network and earn continuing education credits? Yes: 48.9% (22 responses) No: 53.3% (24 responses) 10. If you indicated "yes", how long you would like the retreat to be? Two days: 77.3% (17 responses) Three days: 27.3% (6 responses) Four days: 4.5% (1 response) Summer 20 12 21 Chapter Meetings UPCOMING 2012 CHAPTER MEETING TOPICS: JULY ~ BLACK SEED (NIGELLA SATIVA) CUMIN ESSENTIAL OIL SEPTEMBER ~ GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER NOVEMBER ~ RED RASPBERRY (RUBUS IDAEUS) SEED OIL Please see the website for more details and ideas on how you can get the most out of your chapter meeting— To Chapter Leaders: If any of your contact information has changed or to volunteer as a Chapter Leader please contact: Casey Mulcaster, our Chapter Coordinator, at The following areas host chapter meetings. These meetings are an excellent venue for exchanging ideas and networking with fellow Aromatherapists and it only takes a few hours of your time every couple of months. They are also a great way of gaining Continuing Education Credits (CEC’s) 2 CECs for each 2 hour Chapter Meeting attended with full notes, or 1 CEC for attending the discussion only. Please contact the Chapter Leader in your area for more details. Please see the website: for more details and meeting times. Skype can be a great way to have meetings without being in person, and notes can be e-mailed in. Stay at home, learn, socialize and get CECs! CITY LEADER CONTACT Abbotsford/Chilliwack Vacant Aldergrove Vacant - Burnaby Vacant - Courtenay Yuko Baardsnes 250-702-4497 Okanagan/Interior Richard Bugera 250-870-6675 Nanaimo Liz Long 250-756-1730 Salt Spring Island Vacant - Surrey/Delta Vacant - Vancouver Betsy De Lucca 604-266-6245 Victoria Casey Mulcaster 250-858-8258 22 NUMBER Aroma-Round BC Aroma-Round BC President: Maureen Curran Tel: (250) 703-0321 Past President/Secretary: Liz Long Tel: (250) 756-1730 Vice President: Barbara Power Tel: (250) 893-8681 Membership/Treasurer: Donna Hernblad Tel: (604) 794-7299 Chapter Coordinator: Casey Mulcaster Tel: (250) 858-8258 NEWSLETTER POLICIES, CONTACT INFO & ADVERTISING RATES The BCAPA Newsletter, Aroma-Round BC, focuses on issues important to the Aromatherapy community. Aroma-Round BC provides an interactive forum for information exchange and welcomes any submissions and contributions that are of benefit to members. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the editor, the BCAPA, its directors, or members. Information provided is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The BCAPA, its directors, and members cannot be held responsible for the misuse of essential oils or any other therapeutic methods presented herein. The BCAPA reserves the right to accept or reject any article or advertisement submitted for publication and does not necessarily endorse any product, company, course, or school mentioned herein. Aroma-Round BC is published quarterly with Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter issues and is distributed to our membership throughout and beyond B.C.. All submissions for the forthcoming issue, including advertising, are kindly requested by the submission deadline noted in each issue. The newsletter is distributed to members approximately 3 weeks after the submission deadline. Submissions should be e-mailed to the Newsletter Editor at Changes of address can be sent to the Membership Coordinator at NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING Newsletter Editor: Alison Legge Tel: (778) 875-9519 Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Business Card CE Coordinator: Colleen Thompson Tel: (604) 888-9514 Submission Deadline for Fall Issue: SEPTEMBER 1st Director at Large: Kelly Ablard: Tel: (604) 215-8784 $40 $30 $20 $10 If you have any great articles you would like published in the newsletter, please e-mail the newsletter editor at Disclaimer: After review of the original article, the newsletter editor has the right to edit the story in any way she sees fit without altering its objective. We look forward to reading about new and interesting topic s! Summer 2012 23 Paid Advertisement 24 Aroma-Round BC Paid Advertisement Summer 2012 25 Happy Summer! Support the growth of aromatherapy across B.C. and become a member of the BCAPA community. BRITISH COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION OF PRACTICING AROMATHERAPISTS 49719 Prairie Central Road, Chilliwack, B.C., V2P 6H3 Phone: 604-794-7255 E-mail:
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