5D™ E M B RO I DE RY S YS TE M 5D™ Embroidery System 5D™ SOFTWARE MAKES YOUR EMBROIDERY ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY! The technically advanced, yet user friendly HUSQVARNA VIKING® 5D™ Software System makes it easy to explore the world of embroideries, and provides you with all necessary tools to make your personal design ideas come to life. The possibility to customize the software appearance to suit your personal taste, work with your own hoops and thread stash, and see exactly what your creations will look like before stitching out, makes you feel right at home! •Create, edit and display all designs in true three-dimensional reality with zoom ability. Make your choice of background color and select from eight different fabric textures. • Design with your choice of over 16000 threads, even specialty threads, from 33 manufacturers or design your personal palettes. Adjust color tone to choose new threads automatically. • Integrated Software Wizards help you create designs and monograms in an instant. • Multiple select allows you to combine, move and adjust several designs at once. • Save your designs in your embroidery machine brand format and select from your own hoops and machine connection settings. • Start all Husqvarna Viking® software modules from the integrated QuickLink toolbar. • Select skins and color schemes for the user interface to create a familiar environment. • Unlimited Undo and Redo in most modules. • Send To options make it quick and easy to send designs to your embroidery machine or media. • Help is always at hand thanks to intelligent tooltips, a printed User’s Guide, Internet FAQs and On-line Learning Center with interactive tutorials. • Smart Update always gives you the latest updates. *Bernina ART (.art version 1, 2 and 3) can only be loaded. 2 Multi-format; load and save most popular embroidery formats. File types: Bernina ART (.art version 1-3), Brother/Babylock/Bernina PEC (.pec), Brother/Babylock/Bernina PES (.pes version 2-9), Compucon/Singer PSW (.xxx), Husqvarna Viking / Pfaff (.vp3, .vip), Husqvarna (.hus), Janome (.jef, .sew), Melco (.exp), Pfaff (.pcs), Tajima (.dst), and Toyota (.10*). * 5d™ card shop, page 11 5d™ stitch editor plus, page 7 5d™ eMBROIDERY eXTRA, page 10 5d™ eMBROIDERY, page 11 5d™ PROFESSIONAL, page 4-9 3 5D™ PROFESSIONAl PlUS The HUSQVARNA VIKING ® 5D™ PROFESSIONAl PlUS is the ultimate embroidery software system. It provides unlimited possibilities to design your ideas! software included in 5d™ professional plus: • • • • • • • • • • • • 5D™ Embroidery Extra 5D™ Cross Stitcher 5D™ Design Creator* 5D™ Vision 5D™ PortraitStitch* 5D™ Family Tree 5D™ Stitch Editor Plus 5D™ Sketch 5D™ Organizer 5D™ Design Aligner 5D™ Font Digitizing* 5D™ Configure * Exclusive modules – only in 5D™ PROFESSIONAl PlUS designs and images included: • 775 designs, including • 75 bonus designs from the HUSQVARNA VIKING® Collection • Over 125 digitized fonts • Over 700 frames and flourishes • Over 275 MiniDesigns • Over 600 motifs • 1750 backgrounds • 325 clipart images Plus: • 5D™ mouse pad • 10 User’s Guides and holder • Dongle name tag 5D EMBROIDERY EXTRA Create embroideries automatically and view your personalized project on a real-life background. •usetheExpressMonogramWizardtocreateone,two orthreelettermonogramsinstantly,andcreatenamesto complementyourmonograms. •CreateletteringfrommostTrueType®andOpenType®fonts onyourcomputeroruseoneof the126digitizedfonts. CustomizethestitchinginyourletteringwithSuperFonts! •Createabeautifulembroideryautomaticallyfromclipart usingtheExpressDesignwizard. •Surroundyourmonograms,namesoranydesignwith over700decorativeframesandflourishes,orcreateaborder automaticallywithmotifsfromyourembroiderymachine. •Traceoutlinesinapictureautomatically,forexampleto createredworkdesigns,withExpressTrace. 4 •Move,resize,rotate,mirror,addordeleteareasof stitches. •Createrunningstitch,motif,satinborderorappliqué aroundenclosedareasinthepicture,withExpressBorder. •removeoverlapautomaticallywhencombiningorsaving designstoimprovestitch-outquality. •uselettering,motifs,MiniDesignsandframesto personalizeyourembroideries. •Automaticallyrepeatorreflectyourdesignsalong8straight orwavylines,around24differentshapesortoborderyour hoopwiththeEncorefeature. • Select multiple designs and move and adjust them as a group. • View multiple embroideries on real garments, quilt blocks and fabrics. Even add your own backgrounds! Print designs with real-size backgrounds to use as templates. • Once your project is complete, split the large embroidery area (up to 2m!) automatically for your preferred hoop. 5D™ CROSS STITCHER Design beautiful cross stitch embroideries with traditional quality and the speed of a machine. • Create your own cross stitch patterns. Use the pictures as templates or let the Cross Stitcher Wizard create the design for you automatically. • Automatically reflect your design up to eight times with the amazing Multiply feature. • There are over 150 special cross stitches and blackwork fill patterns included. • Choose from 27 elegant cross-stitch fonts, or create monograms from most TrueType® or OpenType® fonts on your computer. After creating your design automatically, view it on the real-life background for your project in 5D™ Embroidery Extra. Traditional cross-stitch borders are easy with 5D™ Cross Stitcher. Create this elegant brooch using the Multiply feature. Customize the stitches by changing fill types in SuperFonts. (Some SuperFonts included; others available from 5DPurchaseCenter.com.) 5 5D™ DESIGN CREATOR Create designs automatically from a picture, then adjust them with wonderful special effects. •Createdesignsinrealworldsizesandviewtheminthreedimensionsinyourhoop. Printabackgroundforyourembroidery,too! •Draworloadrasterorvectorimagesandconvertthemtoembroideryautomatically. •Createbeautifullacedesignsusingthelacetoolsincludingrichelieubarsandcutwork needlelines. •BeautifulspecialtyfilltypesincludeContour,radial,SpiralandShapewith50shape options,motif options,CrosshatchandquiltStipple.MultiWaveFillhelpsyouachieve truethree-dimensionalperspective. MultiWave fill in 5D™ Design Creator provides true three-dimensional perspective. •Embellishyourdesignswithyourownmachinestitchmotifs,ordesignnewones! •Appliquéoptionsforallareas. •Adjustdesignsusingeasyeditingfeatures. •Choosefromover250fillpatternsor makeyourown. 5D™ VISION View multiple embroideries on backgrounds with decorations such as appliqués, beads and sequins. 5D™ Design Creator provides wonderful effects, such as multicolor gradient fill. •SeeSolarActiveandglowintheDarkthreadschange. •Previewspecialtytechniquesusingtwinneedlesanddualthreads. Cutwork and lace designs are at your fingertips with Richelieu bars and Crosshatch fills in 5D™ Design Creator. 6 Preview embellishments such as these sequins with 5D™ Vision. Embroider unique portraits automatically from your own photos with 5D™ PortraitStitch. 5D™ STITCH EDITOR PLUS * Restyle, refine and reinvent your embroideries. • Reshape and restyle your embroideries with object editing features. Convert the selected area(s) to different fill or satin types, specialty fills and so on. • The integrated Control Strip, Ghost Mode and Stitch Player make it easy to select stitches to modify. • Add cutwork needle lines, color changes, stops and trims: add Trim commands automatically or individually. • Add a rectangular basting line automatically around the embroidery to secure the fabric and stabilizer before beginning to stitch. 5D™ PORTRAITSTITCH Embroider unique color or monochrome embroidery portraits automatically from your own photos. • Improve your photos: Remove background areas and red-eye and use image effects and painting tools to adjust your pictures for the best embroidery result. • Choose from 10 amazing stitch effects. , such as Color Tile for an artistic `pointillist` result. Create your own Impressionist masterpiece! • Frame the portrait automatically with your choice of 225 frames and corners. Alternatively, create a border in one of 50 shapes. • Design Optimizer improves the stitchout of most embroideries, both in speed and quality. • Use the exclusive Emboss features to add beautiful patterns. Use system stamps or create your own! Personalize your embroideries with embossed text from your computer fonts. • Transform your design with the 12 fantastic point and global morphing effects. Morph simple geometric embroideries in 5D™ Stitch Editor Plus to create space fantasy bedlinen. 5D™ FAMILY TREE Create embroidery charts, quilt blocks and album pages automatically from your own family history. • Embroider information and pictures for each person/ family in wonderful PortraitStitch embroideries. • Highlight the most important areas of your photo with the Enhance Focal Area option. • Adjust the density of your portrait for different effects. • Enter your own family details or import gedcom files (.ged) from other genealogy software. Create an embroidery heirloom chart that will be treasured for generations using 5D™ Family Tree. *Also available as an add-on product, see page 11-12 7 5D™ SKETCH Add free motion embroidery highlights and texture to your favorite pictures, fabrics and designs. •Printandembroideryourmasterpieceatthetouchof abutton. •DrawwithyourfavoritemachinestitchesusingtheamazingMotif Motionfeature. •CreatequiltstipplingstitchesinquiltMotionwithperfectlyregulatedstitchlength. •Threadpaintingeffectsareeasywithsmallcirclesof slightlydifferentcolors. 5D™ ORGANIZER Find your designs and pictures easily •Sortbyname,Size,StitchCount, HoopSize,numberof Colors, DateModifiedandsoon. •Printathree-dimensionaldesign worksheetorcatalog. •Convertembroideriesbetween manyformats. All three 5D™ software packages include 5D™ Organizer. Calligraphy stitching in 5D™ Sketch. 8 Create a print and embroidery combination easily with 5D™ Sketch. When you are `5D™ Sketch`ing, your touch decides the number and detail of the stitches, just like free motion embroidery. 5D™ DESIGN AlIGNER lay out large designs for your own hoop. •Splitlargedesignsintomultiplesectionsautomaticallyorwithyourchosensplitlines. •Addalignmentstitchesforeasyre-hooping. •Adjusttheoverlapareasbetweenhoops. •Printtemplatestohelpyoucompleteyourproject. 5D™ FONT DIGITIZING Create your own Fonts to use in the 5D™ EMBROIDERY SYSTEM •Createcomplexfonts,ormodifyfontsproducedinthequickFontWizardfrom TrueType®andOpenType®fontsonyourcomputer. •Adjusttoaddmorethanonecolorpercharacteroramixof fillpatterns. •usethehandyselect,modify,copyandpastefeaturestosavetimewhencreating complexornamentalcharacters. 5D™ Design Aligner allows you to lay out your projects for your desired hoop with your preferred split lines. 9 5D™ Embroidery Extra HUSQVARNA VIKING ® 5D™ EMBROIDERY EXTRA: Create embroideries automatically and view your personalized project on a real-life background. Software included in 5D™ EMBROIDERY EXTRA: • 5D™ Embroidery Extra • 5D™ Vision • 5D™ Organizer • 5D™ Configure Designs and images included: • Over 125 digitized fonts • Over 700 frames and flourishes • Over 275 MiniDesigns • Over 600 motifs • 1750 backgrounds • 325 clipart images • 700 designs Combine and adjust an unlimited number of designs and lettering and see them in three dimensions in your actual hoop. Split your project area automatically for your preferred hoop. Design monograms with a combination of different fonts. Create embroideries automatically with the ExpressDesign Wizard. 10 5D™ EMBROIDERY HUSQVARNA VIKING ® 5D™ EMBROIDERY: Adjust, monogram, personalize and combine your embroidery designs! software included in 5d™ eMbroidery: • 5D™ Embroidery • 5D™ Organizer • 5D™ Configure design and images included: • 700 designs • Over 125 digitized fonts • Over 700 frames and flourishes • Over 275 MiniDesigns • Over 600 motifs Combineandadjustanunlimitednumberof embroideries,andpersonalizethemwithlettering, motifs,MiniDesignsandframes!Seeyourdesignsinthreedimensionswiththehoopof yourchoice onscreen.(5D™EmbroiderydoesnotincludetheExpressDesignWizardwhichenablesyouto createembroideriesfromclipartautomatically,stitcheditingfeaturesortheSplitProjectWizard). 5D™ CARD SHOP Create one-of-a-kind embroidered greeting cards. it’s quick and easy! Selectfromover500unique templateswith40different themes.Availableasfolding, double-sided,orsingle-sided cards.Cardscomeineither portrait,landscapeorsquare orientations.Choosefromfive differentsizes.Includedareover 100newembroiderydesignstohelpyoumakeakeepsakecard foryourfamilyorfriends.Youcanmakecardsthatarefunor elegant,dependingontheoccasion. 5D™ STITCH EDITOR PlUS Restyle, refine and reinvent your embroideries reshapeandrestyleyourembroideries withobjecteditingfeatures.Selecta groupof stitchesandtheobjectswill berecognized.Youcaneasilyreshape andextendsatinorfillareastochange yourdesign.Converttheareaandthe othersimilarareastodifferentfill patterns,specialityfillsandsoon. refinethestitchoutbyaddingtrim commandsandabastinglineautomatically.Convertdesignsfor cutworkneedles.usetheexclusiveEmbossfeaturestoaddyour ownpatterns,andsomuchmore! 11 5D™ SOFTWARE SYSTEM 5D™ PROFESSIONAl PlUS the ultimate software system for embroidery freedom! • 5D™ Embroidery Extra • 5D™ Organizer • 5D™ Vision • 5D™ Family Tree* • 5D™ Cross Stitcher* • 5D™ Stitch Editor Plus* • 5D™ Design Aligner* • 5D™ Sketch* • 5D™ Design Creator** • 5D™ PortraitStitch** • 5D™ Font Digitizing** • 5D™ Configure 5D™ EMBROIDERY EXTRA Create and preview your real-life embroidery project. • • • • 5D™ EMBROIDERY adjust and personalize your embroideries. • 5D™ Embroidery • 5D™ Organizer • 5D™ Configure S YS T E M R E Q U I R E M E N T S A D D - O N P RO D U C TS • Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP • PC with Intel® processor or equivalent (1 GHz or higher) • 1 GB RAM • 2 GB hard disk space for program installation (5 GB for total installation) • Screen resolution 1024 x 768, 16 million colors • Mouse or drawing tablet • DVD-Rom drive 5d™ Card sHop • USB port *additional modules are available via add-on purchase on the internet. **Exclusive modules may also be purchased as part of an upgrade to 5d™ professional plus. www.husqvarnaviking.com www. 5d em b roid er ysys t e m.c o m 5D™ Embroidery Extra 5D™ Vision 5D™ Organizer 5D™ Configure You must accept the license terms before you can use this software. The full license and warranty terms can be found at: www.5DEmbroiderySystem.com/license. This product also requires dongle activation via the Internet. Create one-of-a-kind embroidered greeting cards. (For owners of 5D™ PROFESSIONAL PLUS, 5D™ PROFESSIONAL, 5D™ EMBROIDERY EXTRA or 5D™ EMBROIDERY) 5d™ stitCH editor plus Restyle, refine and reinvent your embroideries. (For owners of 5D™ PROFESSIONAL registered before July 1, 2012 or via Internet purchase for owners of 5D™ EMBROIDERY EXTRA or 5D™ EMBROIDERY) Your authorized HUSQVARNA VIKING® dealer: 105 7079-26B ©2012 KSIN luxembourg II, S.ar.l. All rights reserved.VIKING, KEEPING THE WORlD SEWING and 5D are trademarks of KSIN luxembourg II, S.ar.l. HUSQVARNA is the trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks are used under license by VSM Group AB. All other product and company names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. www.husqvarnaviking.com