participant handbook
participant handbook
Du 23 au 30 juillet 2016 le rendez-vous espace étudiants Camp militaire de Ger du 1 er RHP (Régiment de Hussards Parachutistes) Quartier Dartencet 64530 GER 43° 14’39.5’’N0°02’29.0’’W PARTICIPANT HANDBOOK Ger camp and C’Space For the 53rd edition, the C’Space tlakes place at the foot of the Pyrenées, on the military camp to Ger - 1st PHR (Parachute Hussars Regiment). The C’SPACE reception desk is opened from 9 am to 7 pm, so you have to arrive at the C’Space within this time slot ! You’ll be given a badge on arrival, so please do not lose it, and wear it visible so the soldiers or the staff of C’Space could check your identity inside the site at any moment. Your car, once discharged, have to remain on the car park located at the Ger camp entrance (outside of the site). You can also get around the site by bike (respecting the traffic laws), or by foot. Once you enter the site, please follow the directionnal arrows. They will head you to the « Bâtiment des clubs » (Clubs building, also called BAF), close to the car park. It’s prohibited to move on the Ger camp after 2 am. During the day, a shuttle service, for suscribers only, is set up to access the launch area, which is about 3 km away from the Life base. First of all, you are obliged to go to the C’SPACE reception [2] to check details and assign your room. The places marked [n] could be found on the last page of this document, on the Life base map of C’SPACE 2016. You will be given a bag containing this participant handbook, paper version, and the C’Space document you will need. Finally, a stall in the Clubs building will be assigned to you at this moment. 1 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 Vos rendez-vous à ne pas manquer Samedi 23 juillet Dimanche 24 juillet Lundi 25 juillet Mardi 26 juillet Cérémonie ouverture Cansat 8h-9h Lancements minifs et Présentation fusex Cansat ACCUEIL Qualification Cansat 10h-12h 15h-16h Your practical information ACCUEIL Qualification Cansat Essai en vol Cansat Lancements minifs et fusex Largage Cansat 17h-18h 18h-19h Résultats Cansat et remise des prix Présentation sécurité pour responsable clubs Présentation sécurité pour tous Lancements minifs et fusex • Premises and equipment : please ensure to give back your room as clean as you found it upon arrival. Especially keep the floor clean and empty the trashes The accomodation buildings [3-4-5-6-7] are located 100 m from the Final Assembly Building (BAF - Clubs building). • The 3 m safety distances around the fences : signs «beware of the dogs» are situated around the camp Every room is composed of 6 beds, and individual lockers. Showers are separated from the rooms and accessible from the corridor. • The formal prohibition of smoking inside the premises Day of departure, sheets, blankets, bolsters , mattress’ mobile pillowcases, mobile pillow bolsters, have to be brought down on the ground floor; the mattress cover have to be left on the mattress. The safety instructions, especially during an evacuation in case of fire, are displayed in each building next the evacuation plans. Please, observe the safety instructions displayed in each building next to the evacuation plans to make this event a success. Concerned for the preservation of the accomodation quality, you have to respect : Lancements minifs et fusex 17 h : Cérémonie d’ouverture Lancements minifs et fusex Accueil VIP Echange en salle de conf. et visite du BAF Lancements minifs et fusex Derniers lancements minif et fusex Lâcher du ballon et visite ZAS avec les VIP Lancements minifs et fusex Débrief. clubs Cansat 19h20h30 DÎNER 20h3000h ACCOMMODATIONS Vendredi 29 juillet DÉJEUNER 12h-14h 14h-15h 16h-17h Jeudi 28 juillet PETIT DÉJEUNER 7h-8h 9h-10h Mercredi 27 juillet Soirée de clôture Ce planning est provisoire, certaines activités peuvent être rajoutées ou remplacées. YOUR ACCESS TO THE RESTAURANT FOR YOUR ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE All meals are taken at the Ger camp restaurant at the following times : Remember your train and airport shuttles practical information for your departure... • Breakfast : 7 am to 8.30 am • Lunch : 12 am to 2 pm • Dinner : 7 pm to 8.30 pm Tarbes train station – GER Camp Shuttles at 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm on Saturday 23rd GER Camp – Tarbes train station Shuttles at 9.15 am and 1.30 pm on Saturday 30th Lourdes/Tarbes Airport - GER Camp Shuttles at 11.30 am and 4.30 pm on Saturday 23rd GER Camp – Lourdes/Tarbes Airport Shuttle sat 10.30 am on Saturday 30th Note : Personne ne sera accepté après 20h30. APPOINTMENTS TO REMEMBER! Monday 25th at 6 pm: Inauguration of the C’Space 2016 outside of the clubs building (BAF [10]). • Be quiet in the rooms and corridors after 10pm Wednesday 27th at 12 am: CanSat’s award ceremony. • The authority of the organizing staff. It will garantee your comfort and safety, so please be cooperative and courteous when it intervenes Friday 29th, from 8 pm: Closing evening on the «Beach» theme. YOU CAN PARTICIPATE TO THE EVENT’S LIFE! An entertainment team is here during all the week to set up various activities, games, and other challenges. You also can participate by contacting our team. Program: awards, best videos of the week, festive meals, music... 2 3 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 The launch area Lighters or other elements generating fire or heat as well as mobile phones (even turned off) must be deposited in the club tent in a box provided for this purpose before entering the pyrotechnic zone. The launch area, located about 3 km from the Life base, is accessible by shuttles, and also by your own by club’s car for the launch date. Rockets launches take place from monday afternoon to friday morning : flights’ schedule is based on the qualifications. The last qualified could be enable to launch, if every other launch window is already taken, especially in case of bad weather. To retrieve the rockets, it will be necessary to wait for the last launch window (if timing and weather permit it), in the presence of at least one person in charge of the Operating pole. BEWARE On the launch area, different security zones are identified. For each area, respect the safety instructions given by the operational teams. 4 5 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 Safety zones respect • Don’t overload electrical outlets : you will use strips with breakers for computers and mobile phones • Wear clothes adapted to your activity • Pay attention to safety officers’ instructions (wearing a yellow armband) and given by the sound system around To respect the environment • Respect the delimitation areas • Observe sorting • Don’t come back or leave an area without being authorized by a security officer (yellow armband) • Disconnect the DIY equipment once the work completed • Public and visitors must stay in the public area, bounded by barriers and construction tape (red and white) • Turn off the lights, computers, printers...after your activities done. • The use of media (mobile phone, radio, walkie-talkies, etc.) s prohibited in the pyrotechnic area. For everybody’s comfort No noise at night : avoid discussions in the corridors and noise during sleeping hours, including between the buildings. Consignes de sécurité Objects • It is strictly forbidden to touch and keep any suspicious object found on the ground. Tell someone who’s wearing a yellow armband SAFETY RULES ON THE LAUNCH PAD SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Only access the areas where you are allowed to go Preventive measure against fire To make the evacuation easier • Avoid open flames • The exits must remain free. Be careful that no material, furniture, objects obstructs an exit • It’s forbidden to drink and eat on your working desk : take a break ! • Inside the rooms, every corridors between beds, chairs and tables must remain free (no furniture, equipment, etc.) In case of fire in a building 1. Keep calm 2. Go to the rassembly point as described on the escape plan, located in each building • No smoking (even with electronic devices) • Be careful of your electrical devices (no auxiliary heating, etc.), use the available electrical connections • Minors must be accompanied by their supervisors The Ger Camp is a military area which has several zones strictly closed to traffic. It is therefore essential to follow the safety rules below. To retrieve the rockets Shifting • Wear your own C’Space badge inside the camp • All recoveries are realized under the accompanist’s responsibility • During your moves (walking or two wheels vehicules) : always stay on marked paths and roads • It is absolutely forbidden to go for a recovery on his own ! • The only motorized vehicles allowed to go to the launch area are the organization vehicles (identified) • It is forbidden to climb/ride on a high support (ladders, trees, etc.). • Park only on the authorized zones 3. Listen to the instructions of the organizing and rescue teams. • You must respect the traffic laws, speed limits, and bans in hazardous areas (even by bike) • Use the ashtrays to throw your cigarette butts To avoid accidents • Throw out your debris and combustible waste (rags, etc.) in the hazardous materials tanks in the Clubs building (BAF [10]) • Observe the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment. • It is forbidden to ride in transport trailers, all loads must be secured. • Avoid to carry heavy loads by yourself : ask for help • Do not leave your devices plugged into the rooms when you are out 6 7 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 8 9 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 Interdit * Interdit * 2. Personnel militaire informé du risque pyrotechnique Cf. conditions requises Interdit * Sur autorisation formelle de la cellule tir. Pour les cas non traités par ce référentiel, les décisions relèvent du CDC après recueil de l’avis du SID Cf. conditions requises Information sur le risque pyrotechnique, conduite à tenir face au danger. Sur autorisation formelle de la cellule tir. Information sur le risque pyrotechnique, conduite à tenir face au danger. Sur autorisation formelle de la cellule tir. Sur autorisation formelle de la cellule tir 1 et 2 Cf. conditions requises Cf. conditions requises Conditions requises Rouge Risque pyrotechnique avéré Cf. conditions requises Cf. conditions requises Cf. conditions requises 1 et 2 1. Personnel militaire spécifiquement qualifié (ex NEDEX, ...) Circulation « hors piste » Circulation sur voirie, piste Cf. conditions requises Interdit * Activités militaires / manœuvres Activités militaires / Tirs 1 Orange Risque pyrotechnique probable ZONES (HORS CAMP BÂTI) Rouge Risque pyrotechnique avéré Personnel militaire *Sauf autorisation express du chef de corps Catégories de personnel Circulation (hors manœuvres) Activités Catégories de personnel PIECE JOINTE N°1 /1er RHP/BOI/INS/GER REFERENTIEL D’ACCES AU CAMP DE GER à la NE n° PIECE JOINTE N°2 à la NE n° /1er RHP/BOI/INS/GER ZONAGE DU CAMP DE GER 10 11 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 Notes Your useful addresses DIY STORES • Bricolage Leclerc CDA SO Route de Pau, 65420 Ibos +33(0)5 62 90 68 40 • SAVFIMA – quincaillerie Rue de la Poste 65420 Ibos +33(0)5 62 90 08 71 • Mr Bricolage Centre Commercial - Route de Pau, 65000 Tarbes - +33(0)5 62 44 09 44 MAGASINS D’INFORMATIQUE • Micro Récup 17 rue du cimetière de la sède, 65000 Tarbes +33(0)5 62 93 76 43 • Équipement informatique 6 rue André Breyer, 65000 Tarbes +33(0)5 62 93 95 74 GRANDE DISTRIBUTION • E. Leclerc Route de Pau, 65429 Ibos +33(0)5 62 90 62 62 12 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 Notes Notes 14 15 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 GUIDE DU PARTICIPANT I C’SPACE 2016 7 Entrée du site 2 8 1 4 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12 14 Poste de contrôle Accueil Hébergement Hébergement Hébergement Hébergement Hébergement 13 11 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Restaurant Salle de contrôles Bâtiment des clubs Salle de vol simulé Espace communication Espace CanSat Parking Numéros d’urgence : 18 6 5 9 10 Pôle multimédia 2016-216 - CNES Toulouse. © Photos : CNES et Planète Sciences Pau Tarbes ou 112 C’Space life base map Accès en zone de lancement