Chronicle October 2011
Chronicle October 2011
OCTOBER, 2011 TheValley of Canton’s Newest 33o Masons Pictured with Ill. James R. Filliez, 33o, Active for Ohio, are the Valley of Canton’s newest 33o Scottish Rite Masons. Left to right, Ill. Michael D. Cecil, 33o, Ill James R. Filliez, 33o, Ill. Gary E Eubank, 33o, Ill. Daniel E Riggle, 33o, who were coroneted at the Supreme Council Session in Chicago on August 30, 2011. ON THE INSIDE • Trestle Board • Reservation Forms • • Membership Column • Secretary's Column • More • MEMBERSHIP FROM THE SECRETARY Our stated meeting program last month was a fitting tribute to the men and women in our armed forces and was presented by one of our newest 33rd degree masons, Ill. Bro. Dan Riggle. Congratulations to him and his fellow classmates Ill. Bro. Mike Cecil and Ill. Bro. Gary Eubank on being coroneted in Chicago in August. Brethren, moving from summer into fall, we can reflect on past successes, remarkable achievements, and dramatic changes while focusing on future efforts to improve the Valley of Canton for the benefit of all of its members. The members’ approval of a gradual dues increase over the next three years signaled approval of the efforts by the Valley’s leadership to promote Inspirational, Convenient and Enjoyable events and confidence in the leadership’s efforts to continue wise stewardship of the Valley’s resources. All of the leaders of the Valley have pledged themselves to sincere, aggressive efforts on behalf of the members and to continue a tradition of innovative and unusual events designed to bring 21st Century technology into all our endeavors to promote the time honored principles of Freemasonry and demonstrate why Scottish Rite is the “Fraternity of Choice.” Congratulations also go out to Ill. Bro. Jim Filliez on achieving Active Emeritus status for Supreme Council. Ill. Bro. Filliez has led this Valley for the last 10 years as an Active member of Supreme Council and resident of the Valley of Canton. Ill. Bro. Frank L Sekeres has been appointed as Deputy’s Representative to the Valley of Canton. Congratulations to Ill. Bro. Sekeres, and we look forward to his continued leadership in the Valley. I mention these changes in leadership for our Valley because I am also shifting roles. I have appointed RWB R. Wesley Webber and WB Dave Newkirk as Co-Chairmen of the Membership Committee and ask that you support their efforts to grow and engage our members in the coming years. At the Supreme Council Session in Chicago, Illinois on August 30, 2011, three brethren of the Valley of Canton received the 33° in an impressive ceremony. When you see them, please congratulate Ill. Michael D. Cecil,33°, Ill. Gary E. Eubank ,33° and Ill. Daniel E. Riggle,33° on their accomplishment. You will also want to congratulate three brethren who have been elected to receive the 33° next August at the Supreme Council Session in Cleveland, Ohio : Bro. Gust Goutras, Bro. Kenneth R. Morris and Bro. R. Edward Trego. All of these brethren have worked tirelessly on behalf of the fraternity and continue to serve in many different capacities. They personify why Freemasonry continues to be an important part of all of our lives and why it will forever be a force for Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth in this world. I must mention in closing that we have an exciting lineup of degrees coming up for our Fall Reunion on Oct. 20, 21 and 22, exciting because “You’ve never seen it done this way before.” Get your candidates here to witness the beauty of the Scottish Rite degrees in a presentation that will be the first of it’s kind ever witnessed! I guarantee you will be most impressed with the new multimedia presentation interwoven with live action. Don’t miss it! Thank you for the opportunity to serve you as your membership chairman and as always, see you soon. Also at the Supreme Council Session in Chicago, Ill. James R. Filliez,33°, who as Deputy’s Representative and more recently as the Active for Supreme Council, spearheaded reforms that propelled the Valley of Canton into a position where it is now one of the premiere Valleys in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, assumed Active Emeritus status. In an eloquent Charge to the 33rds assembled, he movingly articulated his reasons for being passionate about Scottish Rite Masonry and exhorted all present to live up to their responsibility to ensure this fraternity continues to be a viable presence in the future. His remarks evoked two rounds of applause and a standing ovation. Tom White, 33o 232nd AASR Reunion The Fall Reunion on October 21 and 22 honoring Lewis E. Beaver, MSA, promises to be a multimedia event you will not want to miss. On Friday evening, October 21, we will have a delicious dinner open to the public at 6:00PM, followed at 8:00PM by the Public Introduction to 32° Freemasonry. These events are free of charge, but RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST! Coupons appear elsewhere in this issue of the Chronicle. The Reunion concludes on Saturday, October 22 with a lunch and outstanding ritual work all day long. Remember brethren, for success, we need candidates and attendance by the members. Plans are underway to recognize Jim Filliez’s stellar efforts on behalf of Scottish Rite in a gala celebration at the Canton Masonic Temple at 6:00PM on Saturday, November 12,2011. Please keep your calendar clear for this event. Ill. Bro. Filliez’s assumption of Emeritus status led to the appointment of Ill. Frank L. Sekeres,33°, as Deputy’s Representative for the Valley of Canton. ( Continued on page 4) Deadline for reservations is October 18th 2 A.A.S.R. VALLEY OF CANTON Frank L. Sekeres, 33o, Deputies Representatve to the Valley of Canton James G. Fidler, 33o, Executive Secretary Trestle Board Mailing Address: Publication Staff: A.A.S.R. – Valley of Canton Bill Rodgers, Editor Masonic Temple Phone: 330-833-7236 836 Market Avenue North Canton, Ohio 44702 Phone: 330-455-2321 or 1-877-444-4592 FAX: 330-455-7370 OCTOBER Thurs., Oct. 13 - 7:30 PM AASR Stated Meeting Fri. & Sat., Oct. 14 & 15 - Grand Lodge in Cleveland Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 20, 21, & 22 - 232nd AASR Reunion E-mail: Web Page: Publication Deadlines: 16th of Each Month NOVEMBER Sat., Nov., 5 - 5:00 PM “Shawshank Rejection” at Tadmor Temple to benefit Akron & Canton Learning Centers Thurs., Nov. 10 - 7:30 PM AASR Stated Meeting Fri., Nov., 11 - VETERANS DAY Sat., Nov., 12 - 6:00 PM Dinner Honoring Ill. James R. Filliez, 33o at Canton Masonic Temple Thurs., Nov. 24 - THANKSGIVING DAY RESERVATION COUPON IMPORTANT DATES Thurs., Oct., 13 - 7:30 PM AASR Stated Meeting Fall Reunion Dinner, Friday, October 21 Fri., Sat., Oct., 14 & 15 – Grand Lodge in Cleveland at 6:00 PM Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct., 20, 21, 22 – 232nd AASR Reunion Sat., Nov., 5 - “Shawshank Rejection” at Tadmor Temple to benefit Akron & Canton Learning Centers Reserve ____________ dinners for me and my guest(s) Thurs., Nov. 10 - 7:30 PM AASR Stated Meeting NAME _____________________________________ Fri., Nov., 11 VETERANS DAY There is no charge for this meal, but a reservation is neces- sary. A public Introduction to 32o Freemasonry follows din- ner at 8:00 PM Sat., Nov., 12 - 6:00 PM Dinner Honoring Ill. James R. Filliez, 33o at Canton Masonic Temple To register by mail, send your reservation to: Thurs., Nov., 24 THANKSGIVING DAY A.A.S.R. Valley of Canton Thurs., Dec. 8 - 6:30 PM Quarterly Dinner 7:30 PM AASR Stated Meeting 836 Market ave. North Sun., Dec. 25 CHRISTMAS Canton, Ohio 44702 You may phone the Valley office – 330-455-2321 VETERANS HONOR FLIGHT INFORMATION Veterans interested in applying for a seat on a future Honor Flight from the Canton Akron Airport to Washington DC. should contact Valerie Street Kinney, Executive Director, Honor Flights from Canton/Akron, 567 East Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Akron, Ohio 44319. Veterans are paired with “guardians” who assist in a one-day visit to national memorials. Deadline for reservations is October 18th Have you ever been on a blind date that went well? 3 232nd Reunion – Fall Class (Secretary column continued from page 2) . Ill. Bro Sekeres was installed in an impressive ceremony at the September Stated Meeting. As Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ill. Bro. Sekeres has been an integral part of the advances made by the Valley in the past few years and is a man well positioned by experience, competence, dedication, and clear vision to provide the leadership and guidance needed to ensure the Valley’s continued success in the future. The Lewis E. Beaver, MSA Class Thursday, Oct., 20, 2011 6:00 PM – Candidates meet with Tom White, 33o Friday, Oct., 21, 2011 6:00 PM – Candidates Report 6:00 PM – Dinner – Public Introduction to 32o Freemasonry 8:00 PM - Public Introduction to 32o The Valley of Canton is also fortunate to have Ill. Bros. Thomas J. White and Larry L. Smerglia now serving as, respectively, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees. These two brethren have been part of a team that has brought sound judgement and innovative ideas to efforts to strengthen the Valley of Canton and, no doubt will continue to demonstrate those qualities as the Valley confronts future challenges. And with a Board of Trustees strengthened by the addition of Ill. Thomas W. Miller,33°, the future looks bright for the Valley. Saturday, Oct., 22, 2011 8:00 AM – Candidates Report 8:00 AM – Coffee & Donuts 8:30 AM – 4o 9:00 AM - 5o 10:00 AM – 15o 11:00 AM – 16o 12:00 Noon – Lunch & Class Picture Speaking of the future, at the Stated Meeting on October 13,2011, the brethren will be asked to vote on a set of Proposed Amendments to the Valley’s by-laws first presented at the Stated Meeting in September. These Amendments appear elsewhere in the Chronicle and are designed to enhance administrative efficiency and financial stability in the Valley and facilitate continued efforts to promote inspirational and enjoyable events for the membership. Please make every attempt to attend the Stated Meeting on October 13. 1:30 PM – 29o 2:15 PM – 31o 3:30 PM – 32o Your presence at as many sessions as possible is earnestly requested and will greatly assist in making this an outstanding reunion. Membership Incentive Program The membership committee is constantly looking at ways to reward you for continuing your membership in the Greatest Fraternity in the world. Of course, we also need to constantly work on replacing those who have been called to the Grand Architect of the Universe. Here is a program that addresses both of these areas. The Fall Reunion on October 21 and 22 honoring Lewis E. Beaver, MSA promises to be a multimedia event you will not want to miss. On Friday evening, October 21, we will have a delicious dinner open to the public at 6:00PM followed at 8:00PM by the Public Introduction to 32° Freemasonry. These events are free of charge but RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST! Coupons appear on page 3 of this issue of the Chronicle. The Reunion concludes on Saturday, October 22 with a lunch and outstanding ritual work all day long. Remember brethren, for success we need candidates and attendance by the members. This years incentive program will end with the Fall Reunion. If you are the top line signer on FOUR petitions for this year, you will be awarded one year of paid up dues. If you sign up SEVEN candidates this year, you will be awarded two year’s of paid up dues. If you are the top line signer on TEN petitions for this year, you will receive a life membership in the Valley of Canton. The candidate totals are for one calendar year only. The candidate must attend and complete the full reunion schedule for the top line signer to be eligible for the appropriate award. (Continued on page 5) I know we are all proud of our membership in this fraternity. Sometimes we need a little extra incentive to encourage a brother mason to join the Scottish Rite. This program could be just what you have been looking for; a reminder to ask someone to join and an opportunity to get something in return. All you have to do is ask. Have you ever had an encounter with a celiberty? How did you react? 4 Regional Business Network is Launched North Canton Area Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Department of Development, Small Business Development Centers of Kent State University Stark and Tuscarawas Counties, Stark Development Board, Inc., Stark State College, Sugarcreek Small Business Association, Tuscarawas County Chamber of Commerce, Tuscarawas County Office of Community and Economic Development, Tuscarawas County Port Authority, Twin City Chamber of Commerce, University of Mount Union and Walsh University. By Monica Rose Gwin The Employment Source The Regional Business Network (RBN), a new initiative that will expand and enhance the retention and expansion efforts in Stark and Tuscarawas counties, is up and running. The RBN is a partnership of area organizations committed to local business development which includes chambers of commerce, post-secondary education institutions, economic development, workforce development or government organizations, business associations and other related organizations. For further information call the RBN at 855-NOW 4 RBN (855-669-4726) or log on to their website at Created by a $250,000 state grant awarded to the Workforce Investment Board of Stark and Tuscarawas counties, the RBN is a concerted effort focused on retention and expansion efforts that assist in maintaining the workforce in both counties. It gives employers, network partners, the community and the region the ability to access a comprehensive set of services, programs and organizations through one entry point. (Continued from page 4) As there have been changes in leadership in the Valley of Canton, there will be changes in leadership in the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. when a new Grand Master is installed in Cleveland on October 15. Let’s all pledge ourselves to supporting all of our Grand Lodge and Scottish Rite leaders as they strive to promote this great fraternity in the future. “We welcome all businesses to use our partners’ aggregated resources, such as specialized services, staffing options and connection to funding opportunities in order to do business better,” explained Alice Stephens, Executive Director, Workforce Investment Board/The Employment Source. I look forward to seeing you at as many events as possible. Fraternally, James G. Fidler, 33° Executive Secretary “As a consultative network, the RBN works closely with local businesses to find key areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. We match businesses to the resource that will help them best. The knowledge and expertise possessed by the partner organizations makes the RBN uniquely equipped to act as a central hub,” Stephens added. DINNER TO HONOR Ill. JAMES R. FILLIEZ,33° ACTIVE EMERITUS FOR SUPREME COUNCIL In August,2011, after almost 40 years of faithful and dedicated service to Scottish Rite Masonry, including service as Deputy’s Representative for the Valley of Canton and as Active for Supreme Council, Ill. James R. Filliez,33°assumed Active Emeritus status. Here’s how it works. Businesses can contact the RBN at 855-NOW 4 RBN (855-669-4726 and schedule an initial consultation. RBN representatives will assess the company’s needs and priorities during a face-to-face meeting. The RBN will then connect the company with the resources that best meet their needs. To thank Jim for his all of his efforts on behalf of the Valley of Canton and to recognize his many accomplishments, there will be a dinner in his honor at the Canton Masonic Temple beginning at 6:00PM on Saturday, November 12,2011. Please join with your brethren and families that evening in celebrating Jim Filliez’s career and noting the many ways his service has strengthened the Valley of Canton and helped all to better understand why Scottish Rite is the “Fraternity of Choice.” The following chambers of commerce, businesses, economic development, workforce, education and community organizations are partnering in administering the RBN: Alliance Area Development Foundation, Alliance Area Chamber of Commerce, Alliance Career Centre, American Electric Power Ohio, Buckeye Career Center, Canton City Schools, Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, City of Canton-Community Improvement Corporation, City of Alliance, City of Canton, City of Dover, City of Massillon, City of New Philadelphia, City of North Canton, Community Improvement Corporation of Tuscarawas County, Dominion East Ohio, The Employment Source/WIA, FirstEnergy, Frontier Communications, Jackson-Belden Chamber of Commerce, Kent State University Stark and Tuscarawas, Massillon Area Chamber of Commerce, Massillon Development Foundation, Malone University, Newcomerstown Chamber of Commerce, Tickets cost $15 per person and RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. PAYMENT AND RESERVATIONS must be received NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 4, 2011. Please use the coupon on page 7 for reservations. We look forward to your helping us celebrate with Jim. What’s the best way to see America? 5 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Section 4 : The amount of the Supreme Council dues shall be billed as a separate item to a dues paying member, shall have the same status as dues payable to any Body of the Valley, and failure on the part of the member to pay the Supreme Council dues, unless they are remitted by the Valley, shall subject such member to the same penalties as are provided by these Bylaws for nonpayment of dues to any Body of the Valley. TO REGULATIONS OF VALLEY OF CANTON, AASR ARTICLE V: Board of Trustees Section 15: The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees shall consist of the following: 1 Chairman of the Board of Trustees 2 Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees (312)(702) Explanation: Amendment makes clear dues are payable to the Valley, not any Coordinate Body. 3 Three (3) additional members of the Board of Trustees selected by the Chairman, at least one of whom must be a currently serving Presiding officer. Section 8: Any member of a Coordinate Body the Valley whose dues have been paid for thirty-five (35) years or more and who is sixty-five (65) years of age or over, may upon request in writing be exempted by the Trustees from the payment of dues in whole or in part thereafter, including dues imposed by Supreme Council or the Ohio Council of Deliberation.(315) 4 At least one of the five members of the Executive Committee must be a currently serving Presiding officer. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee. The Active Member of the Supreme Council or the Deputy’s Representative to the Valley shall serve ex officio as a non-voting advisory member of the Executive Committee. Explanation: Amendment makes clear dues are payable to the Valley, not any Coordinate Body Section 9: Any Life or Senior Member of any body of the Valley as of July 31,2008 shall not be required to pay Supreme Council Dues or Ohio Council of Deliberation Dues. Any member of any body of the Valley who acquires Senior Membership status after July 31, 2008, or who purchases a Life Membership after July 31,2008, shall be required to pay Supreme Council and/or Ohio Council of Deliberation Dues, and failure on the part of the member to pay the Supreme Council and/or Ohio Council of Deliberation Dues, unless they are remitted by the Valley, shall subject the Life or Senior member to the same penalties provided by these By-laws for non-payment by an annual dues paying Member of Dues owed to Supreme Council, Ohio Council of Deliberation, or to any body of the Valley. Explanation: Deleting the second clause in section 3 eliminates the requirement that the Chairman include a currently serving Presiding officer among his 3 appointments to the Executive Committee. The newly created section 4 prescribes that at least one of the five members of the Executive Committee be a currently serving Presiding officer. Taken as a whole, the amending language preserves the requirement that at least one member of the Executive Committee be a currently serving Presiding officer, while recognizing the possibility that a currently serving Presiding officer might already be serving as the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, thus eliminating the need for the requirement that at least one of the Chairman’s three appointees to the Executive Committee be a currently serving Presiding officer. Explanation: Amendment makes clear dues are payable to the Valley, not any Coordinate Body. ARTICLE IX: Annuity Dues Section 2: All payments made pursuant to Section 1 of this Article shall be placed in a separate fund designated the “Annuity Membership Fund Endowment. A living member’s dues, while his membership continues, may be withdrawn annually, in a sum equal to the annual dues of such member at the time of such payment. ARTICLE VIII: FEES, DUES Section 3: Annual membership dues for each of the Coordinate Bodies The Valley shall be fixed and determined by vote of the members at a stated or special meeting held at least twenty-eight (28) days after the presentation of such proposed dues. This action should be taken at a stated meeting of the members and at least ten (10) days after due notice of such meeting and the dues proposed shall have been given to the members as provided in section 7 of Article VII. This amount will be added to the Council of Deliberation per capita and Supreme Council per capita, and the members will be invoiced for the total.(312)(702) Explanation: Amendment acknowledges change in name of fund . Section 4: Any member of these bodies who has paid his annual dues for thirty-five (35) years or more and who is sixty-five(65) years of age or over may request in writing to be exempted from the payment of dues( but not assessments). Upon approval of such request by the Board of Trustees, the Secretary shall issue to the member an appropriate certificate of exemption. (315) Explanation: Amending language makes it clear dues are payable to the Valley rather than any of the Coordinate Bodies. 6 Explanation: Entire section being deleted because it has nothing to do with the subject matter of Article IX and because it is redundant in view of Article VIII, Section 8. ARTICLE X: Line Officers Section 3: The Secretary, Treasurer, Tyler and Hospitaler may, by vote of the membership of all four coordinate bodies, hold the same respective position in all four coordinate bodies. compiling financial records and preparing tax returns. ARTICLE XIX: Effective Date These regulations shall become effective September 1, 2008 November 1,2011 provided that prior to that date they have been approved by the Deputy for Ohio , the Supreme Council Committee on Constitutions, Laws and Jurisprudence and adopted by vote of the members of this Association. Explanation: The amending language notes the effective Explanation: The amending language adds the Tyler to the list date of these regulations, provided they are approved. of individuals who may hold the same respective position in all four bodies. ARTICLE XX: Repealing Clause ARTICLE XI: Secretary Upon approval of these regulations by the Deputy for Ohio, the Supreme Council Committee on Constitutions, Laws and Jurisprudence, and their adoption by the membership of the Association, the rules and regulations of the Valley enacted November, 1972, as amended May 12, 1986, November 17, 2001 , and August 14,2008 are repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall not affect a repeal of the Explanation: Second sentence is deleted as redundant in view standing rules of the Valley affecting fees and dues. of Article X, Section 3. Explanation: The amending language in this article calls ARTICLE XII: Treasurer for repeal of regulations amended as of August 14,2008. Section 2: The Treasurer of each of the coordinate bodies shall Respectfully submitted by The Committee For Revision of be elected at the Annual Meeting of such body and shall serve a Regulations, term of one year. By vote of the membership the Treasurer of Frank L. Sekeres, 33°, Chairman Emeth Lodge of Perfection shall serve as Treasurer of all of the coordinate bodies. Section 5: The Secretary of each of the coordinate bodies shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of such body and shall serve a term of one year. By vote of the membership the Secretary of Emeth Lodge of Perfection shall serve as Secretary of all of the coordinate bodies. Explanation: Second sentence is deleted as redundant in view of Article X, Section 3. ARTICLE XIV: Financial Affairs Section 1: All funds and moneys received by the Association shall be deposited daily within a reasonable period of time but under no circumstances later than 10 business days from date of receipt in such accounts with such banks and other financial institutions as the Trustees shall from time to time designate. Explanation: The amending language affords some discretion in the timing of deposits rather than mandating daily deposits. Section 9: All moneys received by the Valley designated by the donor to be credited to the Valley of Canton 32° Masonic Learning Center for Children Children’s Dyslexia Center shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of the 32° Masonic Learning Center Children’s Dyslexia Center Board. Dinner Reservation Honoring Ill. James R. Filliez,33° Saturday, November 12, 2011-6:00PM Please send me ____ dinner tickets ($15 per ticket). NAME _________________________________ To register by mail, send your reservation to: A.A.S.R. Valley of Canton 836 Market ave. North Explanation: The amending language notes the new name of the Valley’s center for the tutoring of children with dyslexia. Canton, Ohio 44702 ARTICLE XVI: Fiscal Year Attach a self addressed stamped envelope Section 1: A fiscal year beginning August 1 January 1 and ending July 31 December 31 of each succeeding year for forwarding of tickets. Explanation: The amending language makes the Valley’s fiscal year coincide with the calendar year to facilitate auditing and accounting procedures and reduce expense incurred in 7 Reservation Deadline is November 4, 2011 Changes in the Valley The Important Phone Call At the Supreme Council Session in Chicago, Illinois on August 30, 2011, Ill. James Filliez,33o assumed the status of Active Emeritus which has led to the appointment of Ill. Frank L. Sekeres,33°, as Deputy’s Representative for the Valley of Canton. Ill. Bro. Sekeres was installed by Ill. Bro.Filliez in an impressive ceremony at the September Stated Meeting. As Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ill. Bro. Sekeres has Ill. Frank Sekeres, 33o been an integral part of the advances made by the Valley in the past few years and is a man well positioned by experience, competence, dedication and clear vision to provide the leadership and guidance needed to ensure the Valley’s continued success in the future. Ill. Bro. Filliez is on the phone surrounded by other delegates from the Valley of Canton. They are congratulating three brethren who have been elected to receive the 33° next August at the Supreme Council Session in Cleveland, Ohio : Bro. Gust Goutras, Bro. Kenneth R. Morris and Bro. R. Edward Trego. All of these brethren have worked tirelessly on behalf of the fraternity and continue to serve in many different ways. THE TUSCARAWAS COUNTY SOTTISH RITE CLUB Other changes within the Valley have Ill. Bros. Thomas J. White and Larry L. Smerglia serving as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, respectively. Also RWB R. Wesley Webber and WB Dave Newkirk will be assuming the position of Co-Chairmen of the Membership Committee . We ask that you give your support to these Brothern on the their new positons in the Valley. Invite all Masons and their families to participate in our an- nual Pre-Fall Reunion activity. JOIN US FOR AN OLD FASHION FAMILY PICNIC WHEN : SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2011 TIME:1:00pm WHERE: The home of IlL Bro. Kenneth O. Cline 9631 Towpath Road (C.R. 111) Bolivar, OH 44612 (Located 1.5 mi. off of Strasburg / Bolivar Rd. and 2.0 mi. off of Dover/Zoar Rd.) Enjoy an afternoon of good food and fellowship. There will be a hayride, horseshoes and cornhole. For those who like to hike, there is a historical towpath near by to enjoy. PLEASE BRING A COVERED DISH AND SOME FOLDING CHAIRS (Hot Dogs, Hamburgs, Beverages, Napkins and Silverware will be Provided) So we can have an idea on how many to prepare for, Contact: Ill. Bro. Sekeres, Ill. Bro. White and Ill. Bro. Fidler enjoying some fellowship at the Supreme Council Session in Chicago If you could posess any outstanding sports ability, what would it be? 8 Kenneth O. Cline (330) 204-1598 Jed Miller (330) 243-2257 On Friday afternoon, September 9, 2011, a Masonic memorial service was presented by members of William McKinley Lodge 431 at the steps of McKinley National Memorial. Also participating in the service was Niles McKinley Lodge 794. Gust Goutras, Worshipful Master of Lodge 431, and Douglas Nutter, Worshipful Master of Lodge 794, offered the welcome, after colors were posted by the Canton Commandery No. 38 Knights Templar under the command of Robert Habony. William E. Noggle led the pledge of allegiance . Robert Hahn offered the McKinley monument Masonic service opening prayer Then came a number of brief historical accounts of the life of President McKinley. Nutter offered words about McKinley’s early years. Wesley Webber spoke on McKinley as a soldier and Freemason. Jeff Diss discussed McKinley’s life after serving in the Civil War. Robert Smith gave a talk on the Front Porch Campaign. And James Fidler spoke of the red carnation that was McKinley’s symbol and grew to be Ohio’s state flower. The Masonic funeral service was opened by William E. Peters. The reading of the scroll was offered by William Merriman III. Tyler, Daniel Thomas recited the 23rd Psalm. The first prayer was offered by Terry Rundquist and the second prayer by Clyde T. Vickers. The funeral service was performed by Edward King and the apron was presented by Clyde H.Vickers. Friends were addressed by Louis E. Beaver. At the conclusion of the service, Goutras and Nutter dedicated the wreath. The Civil War Honor Guard “According to new polls, 66% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. But the good news is, gas is so expensive and traffic is so bad that we won’t get there for a long time.” Jay Leno The photo posted here, WM Gus Goutras of Mckinley Lodge 431 courtesy of Wm. McKinWM Douglas Nutter of Niles McKinley ley Presidential Library & Museum, shows McKinley Lodge 431 leading the service. as a private after enlisting for Civil War service.) Who finished third in the popular vote in the 1980 U.S. presidential elec- tion? Who was the most decorated U.S. soldier of World War II? 9 COULD WE LOOSE THE MASONIC TEMPLE? My name is Mike Emery. I am the Senior Warden at Canton 60, and I have been elected project manager of the Save the Temple Committee. At first, I did not want the job. I just wanted to make members and our leaders aware that we could lose the building. I have more fundraising experience than most, and having managed more than 100 men at one time, I know how to manage a project. I have had experience merging groups for one common goal and succeeded in everyone being better as a whole and as separate organizations. I decide, ‘Well what the hay, why not try it?’ The first duty of a project manager is to see if the project can succeed. I had no idea what a large building the Temple is, and I had no idea it took so much money to keep it open. Could we really lose it? I wanted to make sure, after all, some said “yes,” some said “no.”Where do you start? First, I looked at the expenses, Taxes, wow who knew? Gas bill, I knew at home it sometimes cost $500. Can you imagine what a building of this size costs to operate? Electric, way too much. How can employees cost this much? Let’s see, three people paid minimum wage is --- oh no, does it cost thousands of dollars? Boiler service and repair. Licenses. Who knew insurance could cost that much? You would think we had thousands of people through here, wait, we do. Before I knew it, the cost was over $150,000 a year to stay open. I was distraught. It seemed there was no way to raise that kind of money. Then, I looked at income. Now I have been around enough to know every organization I belong to as a mason, there is no extra money. And every project we have, we raise hundreds, not thousands, so if we are talking thousands, forget it and lose the Temple. Wait, it may not be that big of a problem. I have made a career of showing people how to cut building overhead. Let me make a list; they’re gone to love my suggestions. So I made suggestions to the board about easy things that others have done. They thanked me and showed me how many of these suggestions were completed over the years to keep the expenses and the Temple open. What I found is they had become proficient in locating savings to keep the losses down. That being said, there are other ways, but it takes capital to save capital. Well, maybe no one wants the Temple to stay open; maybe it does not matter, would anyone really care? I decided I would ask around and even ask different leaders if I could speak to their organizations. What I found is we like the Temple, but don’t ask us for money because we don’t have it or we won’t give it, let us know if we need to look for allocation. So, the answer to the big question is we will probably lose our Temple. After all, it’s costing tens of thousands of dollars more to keep it open than we have. So it would be very easy to close it. We don’t have to do anything more than we have and are doing. Next question, how long do we have? If we do what we are doing now, I think we could get it closed in year and a half. Well, I am the project manager, so let me find if there are other solutions than closing the Temple. I know, I will go to Akron and Cleveland, I have seen their Temples from the outside and they are grand-looking. Surely, they have had the same problems and found asolution. This month, I will visit the Akron and Cleveland Temples and I will report back to you. However, if I am doing all this work for you, it is only fair you do a little work for me. I would like each of you to send me a note or email, my address is Mike Emery, 6173 Isley Rd. NW Canton OH 44718, or Of the ones I hear from, I will make on a chart how many want to keep the Temple open and how many say close it. Those who decide to do nothing, I will naturally assume you want us to do nothing, and close the Temple in 18 months; I will mark you as you prefer to close the Temple. If you feel strongly enough to want to keep the Temple and have suggestions that will help raise capital, send them to me and I will investigate their possibility and give you a call. If you feel you have an experience you can share that will inspire others, please send it along, I will make sure it appears here with your name if you allow it. Those in the know have watched the expenses of the Temple increase every year. As the expenses increased, our membership decreased. Each lodge pays a small amount for each member, which goes to rent. There is a 10-member board, of which I am a member, that oversees the spending of this money to make sure it is spent wisely to pay the utilities, taxes, employee paychecks, maintenance and upkeep of the Temple. It depends on you. Please decide and let me know what you decide. I can say this: if there is a will, there is a way. Thank you Mike Emery Canton Commandry No. 38, Knights Templar 10 11 In Memoriam Don’t be afraid, for I have assured you, I have called you by name, you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not burn up, For I am the Lord your God...don’t be afraid, for I am with you. The Grand Architect of the Universe has received the following into His Presence: With sympathy and sorrow, we share in the loss of our brothers, Donald E. Perry, 33o Lester J. Riegler, Jr. Gerald M. Rowe William W. Steiner Wendell W. Wilber The following have been reported as ill or distressed Robert W Alexander Jim Duitch,33o Fred L. Hocking Wilbur McWilliams Verl M. Shearer, 33o Charles Allen Homer Draber Clark C. Hoehn Richard Manos Owen Schmucker Wayne R. Arbogast James Fugatt Robert A. Hole Donald L. Miller Glen Snyder Ed Baines Carl F. Garnes Ray Hull Dale F. Moss William H. Sollie Alfred M. Biller Neil Garver Don Hurless Glen Motts Patrick Supples Earl R. Blazer, 33o Wendell Graening Daniel F. Iceman, 33o Don C. Nixon Loren Taylor David Brown Robert P. Greenwood Donald Johnson, Jr Robert Rainey Paul Triplet Millard Brush Paul E. Griffin Donald Jones, 33 Nick Resanovich Rev. Raymond Tucker Ivan W. Hall, Jr. Robert L. Jordan Ernest Riddle Clyde H. Vickers, 33o William Caswell Wade Hartzel Paul A. Kliner James Rose William G. Weimer Jack Corns Willis Haughton Chris Krabill Kenneth O. Samsel Earl Woodhull Beecher Cogar Thomas A. Heakin Louis Lautzenheiser James Selig James D. Wrana James F. Doane Richard Hiles John McCalman William J. Severn James D. Young o Richard D. Watkins, 33o