El Semanal - Hoboken Dual Language Charter School
El Semanal - Hoboken Dual Language Charter School
El Semanal 31 de enero 2014 !"#$%&$#%'()$*# Noticias de la semana: rd rd Thanks Lynn Danzker, 3 grade parent, for hosting a pizza party for the 3 graders who collected rd the most coats (48 - wow!) during HoLa’s 3 annual coat drive. Sibling Acceptance Letters: All sibling acceptance letters will be sent home by Monday in older siblings' backpacks. Please let Jen Sargent know if you do not receive the letter: jsargent@holahoboken.org. Support HoLa’s Expansion: Only a few weeks are left before the NJ Dept. of Education decides on th HoLa's expansion to 8 grade. If you know a business owner in town who you think might be willing to sign their name to a supportive letter, please let David Celiberti know at dacnys@aol.com. The more support we get, the stronger our case in Trenton! • Sabor Parent Letter & Auction Forms • NJIT STEM Summer Program Application Clear the Gym by 3:00pm: Please leave the gym promptly after pick-up. HoLa must be out of the gym by 3:00pm to accommodate the Boys & Girls Club staff and students so they can start their program. th PTO Meeting: Join the PTO Board on Weds., Feb. 5 , 7pm, (location TBD). As we celebrate the midyear mark and look forward to a busy winter/spring, we want to say “thank you” to our parents and host a social meeting. We will share updates on fundraising, upcoming events, and more… Refreshments will be served. HoLa Space & Science Vacation Camp: We are pleased to offer a fun-filled, educational Space & Science Camp during winter break (Feb. 17-21). The schedule is packed with field trips and hands-on science experiments, including NY Hall of Science, Mad Science at HoLa (astronomy and technology), Liberty Science Center, and Newark Museum Planetarium. For information and registration go to: http://holahoboken.org/programs/vacationcare or https://campscui.active.com/orgs/HoLaPrograms. Contact Margarita Garcia at mgarcia@holahoboken.org with questions. Special Friends Day: Students can invite a special friend (no more than 2) to join them at school on Fri., th Feb. 14 , 8-10am. Register online at http://holahoboken.org/parents/specialfriends. We need a few parents to help with registration, host/guide, Sabor ticket sales, and photography. Email pto@holahoboken.org if you are available to help during the event. th HoLa’s Got Talent: The talent show will be held on Fri., Mar. 7 in the Rue gymnasium (301 Garden St.). Contact the committee with questions talentshow@holahoboken.org. th • Registration: Register online at http://holahoboken.org/parents/talent - no later than Sat., Feb. 15 . All students are welcome to perform individually, as a group, or with their Enrichment program. Individuals are limited to 2 minutes and groups to 3 minutes (shorter performances are welcome). Additional information will be shared with Enrichment groups shortly. • DVDs & Flowers: Purchase a professional DVD of the show and flowers for your favorite star(s) th online. Order by Weds., Mar. 5 for the $10 rate. http://holahoboken.org/?page_id=5381 WANTED! Photos: The yearbook committee is laying out the yearbook and need more photos. Send pictures from events, field trips, and classrooms to photos@holahoboken.org. th Sabor de HoLa: Save the date – Weds., Mar., 26 at Boa (92 River St.) http://boaaahhoboken.com. th • Food & Sponsors: All food/beverage donations and sponsorships are due by Fri., Feb. 7 . Contact Lexicoen@yahoo.com about food/beverage donations and lori@heidenry.com about sponsorships. • Raffle Tickets: A booklet of “Loco 50 Cincuenta” raffle tickets will be sent home in your child’s th backpack on Fri., Feb. 7 . We are asking all families to sell a minimum of 10 tickets. th • RAFFLE RALLY: To kick-off raffle sales, on Sat., Feb., 8 , HoLa students can work together to sell tickets – buddy up, have fun, and sell, sell, sell! Contact Lori Heidenry lori@heidenry.com if you would like to participate. • Ticket Sales: Invite friends, family and colleagues to attend. Join the event on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HoLaHoboken.org?ref=hl#!/events/573881389371219/. The link to purchase tickets is coming soon! • Auction: Consider relationships you have, as well as where you eat, shop, work, exercise, and play and consider asking for a donation http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D45A5A628A57-auction. Contact Suzanne Heyman with auction questions slheyman@gmail.com. • Committee Meetings: Join the committee on Tuesdays, 7pm at 130 Park Ave., #2B. Mark your th th th th th th calendars: Feb. 4 , Feb 11 , Feb 25 , Mar 4 , Mar. 11 , and Mar. 18 . Bring a friend! th HoLa Basketball Games: Cheer on HoLa’s basketball teams (5 League Team and HoLa Teal) as they play other Hoboken schools. All games are played at Wallace School (1100 Willow Ave.); the schedule is available online http://holahoboken.org/?p=5304. th th 4 & 5 Graders! NJIT Academic STEM Summer Program Now Accepting Applications: The New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is now accepting applications for its Early College Preparatory Summer Programs. The application deadline is Mon., Mar. 24th. For more info, contact the Center for PreCollege Programs at NJIT at (973) 596-3550 or www.njit.edu/precollege.edu. Application attached. Shout Out to Sabor Sponsors & Donors: While you’re out shopping, eating, or walking around town, please thank and support our generous Sabor sponsors an donor. *New this week* SPONSORS: Jill Biggs Group and Tom Chartier. FOOD & BEVERAGE: 10th and Willow www.10thandwillow.com, A&P http://apsupermarket.com, Carmelita's Flan, Clovis Point Vineyard www.clovispointwines.com, The Cuban thecubannj.com, Delite Market (420 Washington St.), Havana Café & Lounge (32 Newark St.), Luca Brasi's www.lucabrasisdeli.com, Little Grocery www.littlegrocery.com, Little Town hoboken.littletown.com, Starbucks www.starbucks.com, Taco Truck www.thetacotruck.com, and Teak www.teakonthehudson.com. +$,-.% • Wed, Feb 5 – PTO Meeting • Wed, Feb 12 – February Birthday Celebrations • Fri, Feb 14 – Special Friends Day (8:00-10:00am) • Mon, Feb 17 through Fri, Feb 21 – NO SCHOOL/WINTER BREAK • Thurs, Feb 27 – Board of Directors Meeting • Fri, Feb 28 – Progress Reports • Tues, Mar 3 – Hola’s Got Talent REHEARSAL • Thurs, Mar 6 – Parent/Teacher Conferences • Fri, Mar 7 – HoLa’s Got Talent • Wed, Mar 19 – March Birthday Celebrations • Wed, Mar 26 – Sabor de HoLa • Thurs, Mar 27 – Board of Directors Meeting • Fri, Mar 28 – Enrichment II Ends • Wed, Apr 2 – PTO Meeting • Mon, Apr 7 – Enrichment III Begins ! ! 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We are excited to announce our fourth annual flagship fundraiser, Sabor de HoLa, and would like to ask you for your support and partnership with us in this endeavor. The Sabor de HoLa will bring both HoLa families and the extended local community together to enjoy the area’s finest Spanish and Latin American flavors. The evening will consist of restaurants showcasing sample portions of their famous dishes and desserts, wine tastings, a silent auction, and live music. Proceeds raised through Sabor de HoLa will support HoLa's Annual Gift Appeal which will furnish and equip our classrooms, further develop classroom technology, enhance our art and music th th program, provide professional development for our teachers and curriculum development for the 6 – 8 grade. Our goal for this year is to raise $150,000! It is sure to be an evening to remember and an excellent opportunity for individuals and businesses to help the newest of Hoboken’s charter schools. What you can do to help: We would graciously accept any gift certificates, products, or services for our silent auction that would appeal to either adults and/or children. When: March 26, 2014 Where: Boa Hoboken, 92 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 Attendees: Approximately 500 attendees consisting of families of HoLa and community supporters We truly appreciate your support ¡Gracias! th Please mail any donation by February 26 to: HOLA PTO Attn: Suzanne Heyman 123 Jefferson Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 Questions? Please contact Suzanne (201) 232-2216 or slheyman@gmail.com Tax deduction: HoLa PTO is a non-profit, IRS 501c3 organization. Donations made after our filing date (September 1, 2010) are retroactively tax deductible. Donations will be acknowledged according to IRS requirements. About Us: The Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (HoLa) is an exciting new dual language charter school that opened its doors to students in grades K-2 in September 2010 (a grade will be added each year until the school reaches K-5). HoLa offers a traditional core curriculum through instruction in both Spanish and English to children of all language backgrounds. The program utilizes the well-established Two-Way Immersion approach to dual language education with a range of opportunities for creative expression and experiential learning. Students become bilingual and biliterate in a culturally diverse and nurturing environment. Sabor de HoLa Auction 123 Jefferson Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 !"#$%&'$("'$#$)*+,$%-. I tem# ____________ . Auction Donation Form 5HWXUQIRUPWRVFKRROE\0DUFKWKLQDQHQYHORSHPDUNHG³+R/D372$WWQ$QGUHD Mayendia´ Detailed Description of Item: (attach an additional sheet if necessary) ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Value: $______________________ Reserve (minimum sale price, if applicable): $_____________________ Expiration date of your item (if applicable) ___________________ Size of item (please circle one): Fits in an envelope / Fits in a shoebox / Fits in carry-on suitcase / Oversized Please specify how you prefer to handle: _____ My item is accompanying this form. 'URSRIIIRUPDQGLWHPWRVFKRROFOHDUO\PDUNHG³+R/D372$WWQSuzanne Heyman´ _____ I will drop off my item before March 14th, 2014. (please contact Suzanne Heyman at slheyman@gmail.com to arrange a drop off appointment). DONOR I NFORMATI ON: (The donor is the person/organization who should receive the thank you receipt in order to claim the charitable contribution deduction on their income tax return.) 'RQRU¶V1DPH2UJDQL]DWLRQ__________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ CONTACT I NFORMATI ON: (Who should the Auction Committee contact with questions about the donation?) Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATI ON! HoLa PTO is a non -profit organ ization with a 501(c)3; your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed b y the law. Tax ID#27 -3428756 . STUDENT APPLICATION FORM NJIT AND THE CENTER FOR PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS Please check the program(s) you are applying to: One of the nation’s foremost public research technological universities, WOMEN IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVES: New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) prepares students to be leaders in the technology dependent economy of the 21st century. ❏ Environmental Engineering FEMME4 (4th Grade / Female) Founded in 1881, NJIT has a student enrollment of more than 10,000 on its 45-acre campus in the University Heights section of Newark, NJ. ❏ Aeronautical Engineering FEMME5 (5th Grade / Female) ❏ Mechanical Engineering FEMME6 (6th Grade / Female) ❏ Chemical Engineering FEMME7 (7th Grade / Female) ❏ Biomedical Engineering FEMME8 (8th Grade / Female) ❏ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PROGRAM ESEP (4th Grade) ❏ AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM AEP (5th Grade) ❏ PRE-ENGINEERING PROGRAM PrEP (6th Grade) ❏ EXPLORE CAREERS IN TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING ExCITE (7th Grade) ❏ CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM CHEM-ENG (7th Grade) ❏ INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICAL INDUSTRY PROGRAM IChIME (7th & 8th Grade) ❏ MEDICAL ROBOTICS MEDIBOTICS (8th Grade) ❏ BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM BIO-MED (8th Grade) ❏ FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE (9th, 10th & 11th Grades) ❏ CHEMISTRY FPS-C Today, NJIT looks proudly upon its efforts to minimize the United States’ critical shortage of engineers and scientists by reaching out to qualified young people, especially those traditionally underrepresented in the technological fields. Achievement is reflected in the accomplishments of its many pre-college alumni who become teachers showing the way to youngsters; engineers who create technology that allows astronauts to rendezvous in space; scientists researching new avenues to control and cure diseases; and financiers who strive to keep our economy flourishing. The Center for Pre-College Programs was established in 1978 to increase access to scientific and technological fields among traditionally underrepresented populations and to improve the teaching of science and mathematics in elementary and secondary schools. The Center for Pre-College Programs annually serves more than 3,000 elementary and secondary students, their teachers, and parents in a variety of programs. NJIT has great expectations for this century and we have established clearly defined programs to meet the challenges that lie ahead. To be considered for admission students must: Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ First Name Middle Initial Last Name • Maintain a B or better grade average • Complete the attached application and recommendation forms • Submit a copy of your most current report card • Submit a copy of your most recent standardized test scores, achievement scores, PSAT and/or SAT scores • Send a $60.00 non-refundable application fee payable to NJIT Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ No. & Street Apt. or P.O. Box # ___________________________________________________________________________________ City State County Zip Code E-mail Address (Required): _____________________________________________________________ Alternate E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________ Last name on mailbox: ______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (Required): __________ /__________ /__________ Gender: ❏ Male ❏ Female School: ____________________________________________________________________________ Grade: _______________________ High School Graduation Year:_________________________ School City:__________________________________ School County: _______________________ Father’s Full Name: ________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ( ____ ) — ________ — ___________ Cell: ( ____ ) — ________ — ___________ Work Phone: ( ____ ) — ________ — ___________ Mother’s Full Name: _______________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ( ____ ) — ________ — ___________ Cell: ( ____ ) — ________ — ___________ Work Phone: ( ____ ) — ________ — ___________ How did you hear about our programs? ❏ School ❏ Former Applicant CENTER FOR PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS ❏ PHYSICS FPS-P Fill in all items. Please Print. ❏ Internet X ❏ Newspaper ❏ Alumni ❏ Friend ❏ Other:___________________________ Applications should be in our office no later than Monday, March 24, 2014, to guarantee consideration. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Early College Preparatory Programs SUMMER 2014 July 7 - August 7, 2014 The Center for Pre-College Programs offers a series of summer programs for high achieving students from post-fourth to posteleventh grades. These programs are designed to encourage and prepare students to succeed in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. • Women in Engineering & Technology (FEMME Programs) • Environmental Science and Engineering Program (ESEP) Send all application materials including application fee to: NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CENTER FOR PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS Central Avenue Building, 2nd Floor University Heights Newark, New Jersey 07102-1982 For more information please Call (973) 596-3550, Email cpcp@njit.edu or visit our website at www.njit.edu/precollege The Center for Pre-College Programs at NJIT does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, color, disability, veteran’s status, national or ethnic origin, or age in the administration of student programs. Campus facilities are accessible to the disabled. • Aeronautical Engineering Program (AEP) • Pre-Engineering Program (PrEP) • Explore Careers In Technology & Engineering Program (ExCITE) • Chemical Engineering Program (CHEM-ENG) • Introduction to Chemical Industry in Engineering Program (IChIME) • Medical Robotics (MEDIBOTICS) • Biomedical Engineering Program (BIO-MED) • Fundamentals of Physical Sciences (FPS) www.njit.edu/precollege NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CENTER FOR PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS CENTRAL AVENUE BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, NEWARK, NJ 07102-1982 THE EDGE IN KNOWLEDGE RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMER 2014 PROGRAMS Women in Engineering & Technology Initiative (FEMME) ELIGIBILITY: Female students completing 4th through 8th grade The Women in Engineering and Technology Initiative – FEMME Program is a five-week program designed to provide post-4th through post-8th grade girls with opportunities to enhance their mathematics, science and technological academic achievement, develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills and promote self-esteem and self-confidence. The program’s goal is to encourage girls to choose careers in scientific and technological fields in which women are traditionally underrepresented. FEMME provides an intensive five-week summer component for five groups of female students and includes classroom discussions, laboratory experiments, projects, and field trips. Engineering themes include: Environmental – 4th grade Aeronautical – 5th grade Chemical Biomedical – 7th grade Mechanical – 6th grade – 8th grade Introduction to Chemical Industry in Engineering Program (IChIME) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 7th and 8th grades The Introduction to Chemical Industry in Engineering (IChIME) program is a five-week program designed to give post-7th and post-8th grade students an opportunity to increase their understanding, awareness, and participation in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering. The program includes formal classroom work, laboratory activities, projects, and seminar sessions. Participants learn about chemistry and chemical engineering, environmental science, computer programming, and applications. Medical Robotics (Medibotics) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 8th grade Environmental Science And Engineering Program (ESEP) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 4th grade The Environmental Science and Engineering Program (ESEP) is a five-week program designed to provide post-4th grade students with an introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering. ESEP will give the students an opportunity to learn the importance of environmental concerns and the responsibility we all have to ensure a clean and safe environment for future generations. The Medibotics program is a five-week program designed to provide post-8th grade students with an introduction to real-world Biomedical Engineering problems. Students will learn, use, and apply robotics, and Information Technology concepts to medical problems through the programming and design of robots using LEGO® Mindstorms NXT. Biomedical Engineering Program (BIO-MED) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 8th grade Aeronautical Engineering Program (AEP) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 5th grade The Aeronautical Engineering Program (AEP) is a five-week program designed to provide post-5th grade students with an introduction to Aeronautical Engineering. Students learn how aviation improves lives economically, technologically and socially. Through classroom discussions, hands-on laboratory experimentation, computer activities and field trips participants are introduced to Aeronautical Engineering concepts and applications to everyday life. Pre-Engineering Program (PrEP) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 6th grade The Pre-Engineering Program (PrEP) is a five-week program designed to provide post-6th grade students with an introduction to Mechanical Engineering. Students will learn what engineers do and what it takes to become a practicing engineer. Through classroom discussions, hands-on laboratory experimentation, computer activities, and field trips, participants are introduced to Mechanical Engineering concepts and applications to everyday life. Explore Careers In Technology & Engineering (ExCITE) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 7th grade Explore Careers in Technology and Engineering (ExCITE) is a five-week program designed to introduce post-7th grade students to Civil and Industrial Engineering and the Energy Fields. Students will learn that aspects of everyday life such as power stations that provide electricity, plants that purify drinking water, the roads we drive along and the airports from which we travel abroad are Civil and Industrial Engineering projects. Chemical Engineering Program (CHEM-ENG) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 7th grade The Chemical Engineering Program (CHEM-ENG) is a five-week program designed to introduce post-7th grade students to the field of Chemical Engineering. This thematic focus allows students to view the world through the lens of a chemical engineer. Chemical engineers draw upon the vast and powerful science of chemistry to solve a wide range of problems, and find the best possible way to manufacture products. The Biomedical Engineering Program (BIO-MED) is a five-week program designed to introduce post-8th grade students to the field of Biomedical Engineering. This thematic focus complements students’ natural interest in the fields of health and medicine. Biomedical engineering is a discipline that advances knowledge in engineering, biology, and medicine and improves human health through cross-disciplinary activities that integrate the engineering sciences with the biomedical science and clinical practices. Fill in all items. Please print. Student’s Name: _________________________________________________ The Center for Pre-College Programs at NJIT finds recommendations to be a valuable tool in the final evaluation of an applicant. We appreciate any comments that you can provide regarding the applicant’s academic ability, attention and interest in classes, general behavior and interpersonal skills. Any additional comments are welcome. Mathematics Teacher Recommendation (Please answer all questions) 1. How long have you taught the applicant?_________________________________ 2. Subject(s) _______________________________________________________________________ 3. How would you evaluate the applicant in relation to others in class in the following areas on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest? A. Problem-solving ability _________ C. Grasp of new concepts _________ B. Attention and interest _________ D. Attention to detail _________ 4. Briefly describe the applicant’s behavior in class. _____________________________________ 5. Describe the applicant’s interpersonal skills (e.g., does he/she prefer to work alone or with others, outgoing, shy, etc.). _______________________________________________________ Fundamentals of Physical Sciences (FPS) ELIGIBILITY: Students completing 9th, 10th and 11th grades Fundamentals of Physical Sciences (FPS) is a five-week program designed to prepare post-9th, post-10th, and post-11th grade students for college-level work while they are still in high school. A terrific start for students preparing for college! Academic themes will include: FPS in Chemistry — Students ready to enroll in Chemistry in Fall 2014 FPS in Physics — Students ready to enroll in Physics in Fall 2014 Teacher’s Name __________________________ Signature ________________________________ Science Teacher Recommendation (Please answer all questions) 1. How long have you taught the applicant?_________________________________ 2. Subject(s) _______________________________________________________________________ In addition, all students will receive instruction in advanced mathematics, computer applications, language arts and communications, and develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Academic courses will incorporate modules in standardized test preparation to prepare participants for the New Jersey State Assessments. 3. How would you evaluate the applicant in relation to others in class in the following areas on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest? A. Problem-solving ability _________ C. Grasp of new concepts _________ B. Attention and interest __________ D. Attention to detail _________ 4. Briefly describe the applicant’s behavior in class. _____________________________________ PROGRAM DATES & COSTS ALL PROGRAM DATES: July 7 - August 7, 2014 – 9:00AM to 3:30PM (Monday-Thursday) PROGRAM COST: $60 Non-Refundable Application Fee $1200 Tuition – Includes Academic Materials 5. Describe the applicant’s interpersonal skills (e.g., does he/she prefer to work alone or with others, outgoing, shy, etc.).____________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name __________________________ Signature ________________________________
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