Comprehensive Colposcopy Skills
Comprehensive Colposcopy Skills
Comprehensive Colposcopy Skills Barbara S. Apgar, MD, MS Candice Tedeschi, RNC, NP Disclosures Barbara Apgar, MD, MS Elsevier: Book co-editor. Apgar B, Brotzman G, Spitzer M. Colposcopy Text and Atlas. 2002, 2008. Co-author. Brotzman G, Spitzer M, Apgar B. Colposcopic Image Library CD. 2004. SABK, Inc. Candice Tedeschi, RNC, NP Nothing to disclose Thanks to Dr. Mark Spitzer and Dr. Alan Waxman for sharing some their slides Objectives At the conclusion of this lecture, one should be able to: Discuss the evidence that has changed our approach to colposcopic practice Discuss tips to improve colposcopy skills Describe the identification of colposcopic lesions Identify colposcopic features that direct the biopsy Colposcopy: The Old Approach • If it’s white, take a bite • If you don’t know what it is, take a biopsy • Take lots of biopsies Colposcopy: The More Modern Approach You can’t biopsy everything so you need to identify the worst area using colposcopic criteria and “grading” Is this applicable in 2016? Multiple Biopsies 408 women from ALTS with satisfactory colposcopy and <CIN 3 on biopsy were diagnosed with CIN 3+ over the 2 years. In 69.9%, the initial colposcopy was "true-positive" (CIN 2+) The sensitivity of colposcopy did not vary by type of colposcopist but was significantly greater when two or more biopsies were taken instead of one (P<.01). In order, taking multiple biopsies: nurse practitioners > general gynecologists > gynecologic oncology fellows > gynecologic oncologists (P<.01). Conclusion: The sensitivity of colposcopy does not differ significantly by type of medical training, but is greater when two or more biopsies are taken. Gage J et al. Obstet Gynecol 2006;108(2):264-72 Number of biopsies taken that lead to ultimate diagnosis of CIN 3+ 2675 women in ALTS with adequate colposcopy on enrollment Success in diagnosing CIN 2 or worse over the course of the study 68.3% (142 / 208) when one biopsy taken 81.8% (108 /132) when two biopsies taken 83.3% (35 / 42) when three or more biopsies taken Gage J Obstet Gynecol 2006;108:264-72 Inter-observer Agreement on Biopsy Placement Jeronimo J; Gage JC; Waxman A ; Apgar B; Brotzman G; Carter S; Gold MA; Krumholz B; Mitchell K; O’Connor D; Papa D; Rubin M; Spitzer M; Tedeschi C; Waage R. Review of 100 images. 3 evaluators per image. 300 pairs of evaluators. Allowed to select multiple areas for biopsy. For the selection of the first choice of biopsy placement, 55.7% of pairs of evaluators marked overlapping areas. Overlapping increased to 97% when the evaluators added an additional area for biopsy. Argument Pro: Endocervical curettage should be performed with every colposcopy. 8497 women in Shanxi provence China 364 with CIN 2,3, or cancer and satisfactory colposcopy The diagnosis of CIN 2,3 was made on ECC alone in 20 (5.5%) Authors recommend routine ECC with all colposcopy exams Pretorius et al Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191:430-434 Argument Con: Endocervical curettage is of limited value. Large Canadian Study N= 13,115 colposcopies ECC alone diagnosed CIN 2+ in 1.01% 99 ECCs needed to find one additional CIN 2+ Utility greatest in women 46 years of age and older referred for high-grade cytology Gage et al Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;203(5):481 Does a positive ECC reliably localize disease to the endocervical canal? in 210 women with satisfactory colposcopy all positive ECCs (9.5%) disrupted an ectocervical lesion 69% of Women with CIN 2+ diagnosed on ECC alone actually had ectocervical lesions on excision. 12.5% had high grade endocervical lesions ECC missed 45% of endocervical lesions later found on conization Spirtos N, Obstet Gyncol. Nov 198770(5):729-33 Moniak CW. J. Reprod Med 2000;45(4):285-92 So when should we do ECC? Maximize the chance of finding disease. ASC-US or worse cytology and no lesion seen on colposcopy HSIL on cytology and excision not planned Unsatisfactory colposcopy and excision not planned AGC / AIS on Pap If follow-up not likely Failure to do an ECC in a Previously Treated Patient The colposcopic principle that there is no such thing as a skip lesion is only valid in a patient who has not been previously treated Once the transformation zone is disrupted by cervical therapy, islands of metaplastic or lesional tissue may be left behind the newly formed SCJ. The colposcopy appears adequate and yet there may be disease in the endocervical canal. Conclusion: Whenever there is an abnormal Pap test in a previously treated patient, ECC should be done. Few tips to help make your colposcopic exam easier Getting an Adequate Colposcopy Do not use a cotton-tipped applicator to manipulate or pry open the cervix at the external os This traumatizes the cervix and may cause bleeding or detach dysplastic epithelium A cotton-tipped applicator should be inserted into the vaginal fornix and pushed inward to cause the cervix to deviate anteriorly or posteriorly. This allows easier visualization of the SCJ Taking a Biopsy We know our patients and which ones may be challenged by the colposcopy, biopsy, ECC. Most patients will manage without anesthesia. Closing the jaws of the biopsy forceps quickly and suddenly startles the patient and she will perceive it as painful Close a sharp biopsy forceps very gradually. Ask the patient to take a deep breath and cough when the biopsy is taken. Taking a Biopsy Small biopsies are all you need; they hurt and bleed less. It may be easier to take a small biopsy by using a portion of a regular Tischler than by filling the jaws of a mini Tischler. Small biopsy forceps will often slip off the intended biopsy site Misdirected biopsy, no biopsy at all or (even worse) damaging or “stripping” the epithelium making it un-interpretable. Colposcopy at a Crossroads Jeronimo, Schiffman. AJOG 2006 • “Historical success of the conventional approach based on cytology, colposcopy and histology in reducing cervical cancer incidence is undeniable.” • Optimizing the accuracy of colposcopy and biopsy is now one of the leading concerns in the cervical cancer screening process. Important colposcopic considerations • Avoid using a single colposcopic sign to formulate a colposcopic impression. –Differentiating the normal from abnormal TZ requires more flexibility in biopsy. • Consider all the colposcopic findings. Colposcopic findings are neither site nor location specific >>> look everywhere! 26 year old with HSIL 1. Normal. 2. Low grade. 3. High grade. 4. Cancer. 25 year old with ASC-H. 1. Normal 2. Low-grade. 3. High-grade. 4. Cancer. 42 year old G5 P5 with LSIL 1. Normal. 2. Low grade. 3. High grade. 4. Cancer. The Last Word Grading when done systematically can help direct biopsies to the lesions most likely to be of higher grade However Even in the hands of expert colposcopists, grading is not a substitute for biopsies The only proven technique available to increase the sensitivity of colposcopy is taking additional biopsies
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