PRELIMINARY PROGRAM NeuroGuide by Applied Neuroscience, Inc. The Most Affordable & Comprehensive Conventional EEG & QEEG Software Available: Power, Coherence, Phase, Dynamic EEG Databases, Discriminants, Statistics, Burst Metrics, JTFA, Batch Processing, Loreta, Instantaneous Coherence & Phase Reset, Phase Lock & Shift Duration, Bi-Spectra & NFB with 3-D Imaging Imports: ANT BESA BioSemi BrainMaster Cadwell Deymed Lexicor Mitsar NeuroScan Nicolet NuAmps NeXus XLTEK + Many More Take a Test Drive - Go to and Download a FREE NeuroGuide Demo Today. For More Information Contact: or Call 727-244-0240 Pre vs. Post Treatment Statistics 1-19 Channel NeuroGuide Neurofeedback Seamless Intergration of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback, including Real-Time Z Scores, Symptom Check List, Surface & 3-D LORETA Z Score NFB & BrainSurfer Network BCI with Intra & Inter Session Progress Charts Collection & Neurofeedback Available for Users of: Neuron Spectrum 2, 3, 4, 4EP, 4P BrainAmp MR (Certain Models) Wearable Sensing DSI-24 NeuroPulse NP-Q 10/20 BIOSIGNAL microEEG BrainMaster Discovery Cognionics Quick-20 DeyMed EEG 32ch ABM B-Alert X24 ANT eegosports NeuroField Q20 NeuroSync NeXus-32 Mitsar Fistar Go to to Learn More about NeuroLink our Self-Assessment Software or Download the FREE NeuroLink Demo Visit to Learn More about the Handbook of QEEG & EEG Biofeedback written by Robert W. Thatcher, Ph.D. Progress Charts Clinically Proven Treatment for Patients with Panic Disorder The Freespira Breathing System addresses an important physiological component for your patients with Panic Disorder. The System trains patients to stabilize their respiratory pattern and normalize their exhaled CO2 level. This changes the body’s chemistry over time and reduces or eliminates the symptoms of Panic Disorder, including panic attacks. P FDA-Cleared P Drug-free P Simple to learn P Easy to teach patients Call to learn more (925) 594-8404 68 % Patients reporting panic-attack free at 12 months* 96 % Patients reported reduction in panic symptoms at 12 months* *Based on Stanford University School of Medicine, Southern Methodist University, etc. clinical trial data MK-3495 November 2015 evol ve. X3000Pl us-Pr ec i s i onpE MF t DCS / t ACST heF ut ur eof T r a ns c r a i ni a l S t i mul a t i on Q20-S t a t eoft heAr tQE E G F i ndusa tourboot h Comel ea r nf r om t hema s t er s T r a i ni ngsa v a i l a bl e L ea r nmor eonl i neorc a l l us 760. 872. 4200 2016T r ai ni ngs ha , NE Apr58 Adv . Oma A, CA J une712 Boot c a mp L s hop, CA S ept1618 Adv . Bi i nda , CA S ept27 Boot c a mp Or s hop, CA Dec79 Adv . Bi Neur oF i el d. c om HEART RATE VARIABILITY SUITE FOR PROCOMP2 SYSTEM Everything you ever wanted to know about HRV but never dared to ask. The HRV suite is an easy solution for clinicians who want to add classical biofeedback techniques to their practice without overwhelming their budget. MAR1069-00 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program 2016 The Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback (AAPB), the pioneering professional society devoted to education and research in this field, will be hosting its 47th Annual Scientific Meeting in Seattle, Washington on March 9-12, 2016 at the Marriott Waterfront. Please save the dates and make sure to attend the entire meeting. You won't want to miss the opportunity to attend practical workshops, learn from leading clinicians and researchers and check out the latest equipment. The goal of this conference is to bring clinicians, physicians, researchers and professionals involved with biofeedback and applied psychopysiology together to exchange information, ideas, scientific data and to share experiences. Biofeedback is a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health and performance. Precise instruments measure physiological activity such as brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity and skin temperature. These instruments rapidly and accurately "feed back" information to the user. The presentation of this information — often in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions and behavior — supports desired physiological changes. Over time, these changes can endure without continued use of an instrument. Hot topics in biofeedback emcompass HRV, Neurofeedback, Optimal Performance. 2016 ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: 4 Keynote Sessions featuring renowned scientists: PRESIDENT'S LECTURE: Psychophysiology of Sexual Arousal and Function: State of the Field and Future Directions Tierney Lorenz, PhD - Research Scientist, Kinsey Institute How to Make Relationships Work Dave Penner, PhD - Clinical Director, The Gottman Institute First EEG Results of the iSPOT Study in Depression: EEG Alpha Asymmetry as a Gender Specific Predictor of Treatment Outcome to Sertraline and Escitalopram Martijn Arns, PhD, Research Institute Brainclinics, The NeuroCare Group & Utrecht University, Dept. of Experimental Psychology Brain-Computer Interfaces, State of the Art and Opportunities Yann Renard, MS - Chief Technology Officer, Mensia Technologies 20 Pre-Conference Workshops on Wednesday, March 9 - Thursday, March 10, 2016 ATTENDANCE IS LIMITED for AAPB’s first ever Sheep Brain Dissection Laboratory and Prosection of the Human Brain as Structuralfunctional Correlates in the Neuroscience Participants will be guided stepwise through the process of dissecting a sheep brain. Concomitant with dissection of the sheep brain, the instructor, Gerald Kozlowski, will prosect a human brain to demonstrate the equivalent human brain structures and their function. Networks and systems as expressed by the various tracts and nuclei of the brain will be described by Cynthia Kerson. Jay Gunkelman will discuss a number of current concepts relative to electrophysiological and functional topics such as, the default mode network, qualitative and quantitative electroencephalography, and a number of clinical disorders. Over 30 Breakout Sessions that include a variety of panels, symposia and lectures Poster Abstract Viewing – A wealth of research will be exhibited onsite Section Meetings to connect you with colleagues in your specialized area of interest. Exhibit Hall and Networking Receptions and a special event benefitting the Foundation for Education and Research in Biofeedback and Related Sciences (FERB) CONTINUING EDUCATION Psychologists: AAPB is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to offer continuing education for psychologists. AAPB maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting offers a MAXIMUM of 31.5 hours. BCIA Recertification: Hour-for-hour attendance in breakout sessions and workshops may be used to fulfill the continuing education requirement for recertification with the certificate of attendance. Physicians: Accreditation Statement: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of Amedco and the Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback (AAPB). Amedco is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Credit Designation Statement: Amedco designates this live activity for a maximum of 30.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in- 3the- activity. AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program 2016 CONFERENCE TRACKS and LEVELS The meeting sessions are categorized into the following TRACKS, to allow you to select those sessions that are most relevant to you. Basic Science (All Levels) Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback are objective and evidence based fields. They are grounded in an understanding of several related disciplines: neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, cardiovascular physiology, respiratory physiology, public health and others. AAPB supports and encourages research that contributes to the development and growth of applied psychophysiology and biofeedback. These sessions are focused on underlying mechanisms and may be experimental, descriptive or literature reviews. Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance This track is targeted for clinicians. These sessions provide evidence for successful biofeedback training options. Innovative techniques for achieving optimal results will be featured. Hot Topics This track will feature presentations focused on new ideas, technological advances, challenges and new applications. These sessions will provide a venue for more speculative thinking as well as information on developments from other disciplines that could impact the way biofeedback is conducted. All session LEVELS are categorized as Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced and All. Complete information, including session descriptions, learning objectives, presenter bios, associated risks, practice GAP correction analysis and more are available online at, in full compliance with APA and AMA continuing education requirements. VOLUNTEER AS A PROCTOR and ATTEND A WORKSHOP FOR FREE! Anyone interested in volunteering (students are encouraged to participate) as a proctor for our workshops may do so by contacting or (800) 477-8892. Each proctor attends his/her assigned workshop free of charge in exchange for collecting attendee tickets, making announcements and distributing handouts. Help us as a proctor and it will help you offset your meeting expenses To be eligible to proctor, you must register for the full meeting. If interested, please contact AAPB with the following information today: Three workshops, in order of preference, that you would like to proctor Preferred daytime contact information PLEASE NOTE: Proctors will be assigned courses in the order requests are received. -4- 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program MEETING REGISTRATION FEES Full Meeting AAPB Member ISNR/ISMA/IABMCP Member Non-member Student Member Student Non-member By February 10 $435 $435 $535 $95 $95 After February 10 $490 $490 $590 $110 $110 ONE-DAY Rates AAPB Member ISNR/ISMA/IABMCP Member Non-member By February 10 $225 $225 $225 After February 10 $235 $235 $235 Full-day Workshops AAPB Member ISNR/ISMA/IABMCP Member Non-member Student Member Student Non-member By February 10 $240 $240 $290 $120 $145 By February 10 $260 $260 $310 $130 $155 Half-day Workshops AAPB Member ISNR/ISMA/IABMCP Member Non-member Student Member Student Non-member By February 10 $125 $125 $175 $65 $90 After February 10 $155 $155 $205 $80 $105 HOW TO REGISTER Register online with a credit card at Confirmations and receipts will be sent by e-mail. Fax the registration form (as included in this publication) to 720.881.6101 with payment. Mail the registration form with payment to: AAPB, 10200 W. 44th Ave., Suite 304, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. All confirmations will be sent by e-mail. Cancellations received in the AAPB office by February 22, 2016 will be refunded minus a $50 processing fee. Cancellations must be made in writing and faxed to 720.881.6101 or emailed to Fees cannot be refunded for registrations cancelled after the conference begins. -5- 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program SCHEDULE BY DAY TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2016 5:00pm - 7:00pm Registration Open Join Today and SAVE on Registration Costs! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 7:30am - 5:00pm Registration Open 7:30am - 8:30am Workshop Attendee-only CONTINENTAL Breakfast 8:30am - 5:30pm FULL-DAY PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS TICKETED EVENT **8:00am start time WS01 Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback: Principles and Practice Part I Presented by: Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB; Donald Moss, PhD, BCB, BCN CEs: 7.5* TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Introductory *This workshop begins at 8:00 am to ensure 7.5 hours toward completion of the BCIA HRV Certificate didactic requirement. 8:30am - 12:30pm TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT WS02 Sheep Brain Dissection Laboratory and Prosection of the Human Brain as Structural-functional Correlates in the Neurosciences WS03 Clinical Application of QEEG-based Interventions: Live ZScores, sLORETA, ISF and pEMF WS04 Adding Neurotherapy to Your Practice: Basic Neurotherapy, ClinicalQ and Braindriving WS05 EEG Neuroimaging and Linking Symptoms to Networks Presented by: Gerald Kozlowski, PhD; Jay Gunkelman, QEEGT-D, BCN; Cynthia Kerson, PhD; John LeMay, MFT CEs: 7 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Introductory Presented by: Thomas Collura, PhD, LPC, BCN; Mark Smith, LCSW, BCN; Penijean Gracefire, LMHC. BCN CEs: 7 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate Presented by: Paul Swingle, PhD, R Psych, BCN CEs: 7 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Introductory Attendance limited to 30 participants on a first-come, first-served basis HALF-DAY MORNING PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (MORNING) TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT WS06 Resolving Pain, Anxiety and Discomfort with Breathing, EMG, Imagery, Touch & Posture WS07 QEEG Directed Neurofeedback for ADHD and Autistic Spectrum Disorder Presented by: Erik Peper, PhD, BCB CEs: 4 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Intermediate Presented by: Michael Linden, PhD, BCN CEs: 4 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Intermediate -6- Presented by: Robert Thatcher, PhD CEs: 7 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: All 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 12:30pm – 1:30pm LUNCH BREAK (ON YOUR OWN) 1:30pm - 5:30pm HALF-DAY PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (AFTERNOON) TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT WS08 Non-cardiac Chest Pain: Integrating SEMG & Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Biofeedback Investigation and Rehabilitation WS09 BCIA Biofeedback Exam Review Workshop on Instrumentation and A&P Presented by: Richard WS10 Mindfulness and Acceptance Based Biofeedback Presented by: Gabe Sella, MD, MPH, MSc, BCB; Stuart Donaldson, PhD, BCB CEs: 4 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced Sherman, PhD, BCB CEs: 4 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Introductory Presented by: Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB CEs: 4 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Introductory THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 7:30am - 7:45pm Registration 7:30am - 8:30am Workshop Attendee-only CONTINENTAL Breakfast 8:00am -12:00pm Exhibitor Move-In and Set-up 8:30am - 5:30pm FULL-DAY PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS TICKETED EVENT **8:00am start time WS11 Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback: Principles and Practice Part 2 Presented by: Richard Gevirtz, PhD, BCB; Paul Lehrer, PhD, BCB CEs: 7.5* TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Introductory *This workshop begins at 8:00 am to ensure 7.5 hours toward completion of the BCIA HRV Certificate didactic requirement. TICKETED EVENT WS12 Understanding ADHD: Clinical implications of neurofeedback, sleep and QEEG Presented by: Martijn Arns, PhD, BCN CEs: 7 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate TICKETED EVENT WS013 Stress: Its Many Flavors and Colors Presented by: Jan Newman, MD CEs: 7 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate -7- TICKETED EVENT WS14 Stimulation Technologies – the new black: Audiovisual Entrainment, Cranio-electro Stimulation and Transcranial DC Stimulation – Physiology and Clinical Outcomes Presented by: Dave Siever, CET CEs: 7 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate TICKETED EVENT WS21 Motor Control: The Cinderella of Psychology Presented by: Jeffrey Bolek, PhD CEs: 7 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Advanced 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 8:30am - 12:30pm HALF-DAY PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (MORNING) TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT WS15 Benefits of Automated Real-Time Artifact Detection in BCI and Bio/Neurofeedback WS16 Why Patients get Better Using Neurofeedback + Heart Rate Variability Example: Post-concussion Syndrome WS17 From Biofeedback Training to Sensor-Enhanced Psychotherapy Presented by: Yann Renard, MS CEs: 4 TRACK: Basic Science/Hot Topics LEVEL: Intermediate Presented by: Michael Thompson, MD; Lynda Thompson, PhD, BCN CEs: 4 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: All 12:00pm - 2:00pm AAPB Board of Directors Meeting 12:30pm - 2:00pm LUNCH BREAK (ON YOUR OWN) 1:30pm - 5:30pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm Presented by: Aaron Rolnick, PhD, Edna Tune CEs: 4 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate HALF-DAY PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (AFTERNOON) TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT TICKETED EVENT WS18 BCIA Neurofeedback WS19 Compassion as an WS20 Virtual Reality and Review Course Essential Component in SelfBiofeedback; 16 Years of Presented by: Michael Regulation: Applications in Technological Advances Thompson, MD; Lynda Thompson, Personal Wellness and Presented by: Robert Reiner, PhD, BCN Relationship Enrichment PhD, BCN, BCB CEs: 4 Presented by: Urszula Klich, CEs: 4 TRACK: Basic Science; Hot PhD, BCB TRACK: Hot Topics Topics CEs: 4 LEVEL: Introductory LEVEL: All TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Introductory EXHIBITS VIEWING - During the Annual Meeting, be sure to visit the Expo Hall for the latest information on the equipment, products and services you need to practice biofeedback more effectively and efficiently. Don’t miss this opportunity to speak one-on-one with representatives from those organizations that support the field and AAPB. -8- AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program 2016 THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 5:15pm - 5:30pm Welcome & Opening Remarks 5:30pm - 6:30pm Keynote Address: Brain-Computer Interfaces, State of the Art and Opportunities Yann Renard, MS - Chief Technology Officer, Mensia Technologies Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are new means of communication that allows sending commands to a computer or device directly through "thoughts", which is achieved with the detection of subjects' specific brain activity self-modulation. To do so, the user's brain activity must be analyzed and classified in real time, requiring cutting edge analysis of the brain signals to identify and model the features that relate to the intended action. Those must be extracted in a robust, reliable and reproducible way. BCI research has seen a lot of improvements in the late 10-15 years focusing not only on the neuroscience and neuromarkers aspects, but also on the signal processing, machine learning and statistical analysis of the available signals. The talk will start with an introduction and state of the art of BCI research. It will continue with an overview of how mathematics and engineering improved BCI performance. It will terminate with brief opportunities offered by BCI research for other real-time-neuroscience applications. Yann Renard is a world expert in the real-time monitoring of brain activity. Yann joined INRIA in April 2006 as a Senior Engineer after 4 years as an engineer in Virtual Reality start-ups such as SimTeam and Ondim. During his 5 years at Inria, he was an active participant in the OpenViBE project for Brain-Computer Interfaces, both in a scientific as well as technical capacity. Back then, he designed the overall architecture of the OpenViBE software, integrated partners research and released the software to the research community. Yann is now CTO at Mensia Technologies, a French revenue generating, connected-health start-up developing groundbreaking non-invasive solutions leveraging the power of neuromodulation for the care of the Central Nervous System (CNS). 6:30pm – 7:45pm Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall – Join us for hors d’oeuvres, cash bar and networking AAPB Book Store: Consignment Opportunity for Published Authors As a service to our members and in support of the field's published authors, AAPB is sponsoring a Book Store at the 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting. Books published by AAPB will be offered – INCLUDING NEW HOT TITLES in the arena of Neurofeedback, HRV and Evidenced-based practice. Additionally, we welcome authors to supply their books and we will sell them on a consignment basis through the bookstore. Authors can sell their books through the Book Store by: Bringing books to the conference or shipping them so as to arrive NO LATER THAN March 10, 2016. AAPB will display and sell the books, assessing a 25% service fee. AAPB will forward the author's share after the close of the conference, along with official accounting documentation. Authors are responsible for picking up unsold books or arranging for their return. Please contact Peder Fagerholm, PhD, BCB, BCN with any questions or for more information: or 678.939.4216 -9- 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016 7:00am - 7:00pm Registration 7:00am - 7:00pm EXHIBIT HALL OPEN 7:00am - 8:00am General Attendee CONTINENTAL Breakfast 8:00am - 9:00am 60-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS - SYMPOSIA BOS01 QEEG and BOS02 Childhood BOS03 PANEL: Sexual Neurofeedback Relationships Are Important Psychophysiology in Women: Approaches for Autistic to Teaching Self-regulation Measuring Female Sexual Presented by: Ethan Benore, Spectrum Disorder Arousal and Function Presented by: Michael Linden PhD, BCN, Michael Thompson, MD; Lynda Thompson, PhD, BCN CEs: 1 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Intermediate PhD, BCB CEs: 1 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate Presented by: Tierney Lorenz, PhD; Elizabeth Bird, MA; Amelia M. Stanton, CEs: 1 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Introductory 9:05am - 9:15am Opening Welcome & President’s Address 9:15am - 10:45am KEYNOTE ADDRESS: How to Make Relationships Work Dave Penner, PhD - Clinical Director, The Gottman Institute In this presentation, Dr. Penner draws upon four decades of break-through Gottman Institute research with more than 3,000 couples and dispels myths about relationships. In this presentation, Dr. Penner discusses: Relationship and divorce prediction: With a three-hour assessment, Dr. John Gottman has been able to predict with over 90% accuracy, which couples will divorce, which couples will stay together happily, and which couples will stay together unhappily The importance of nurturing friendship and intimacy in one's relationship Understanding that a positive perspective occurs when the friendship in one's relationship is strong The importance of managing conflict constructively The significance of creating shared meaning - building a shared sense of purpose and finding ways to make one another's life dreams come true The key ingredients for building trust, loyalty, and commitment and making love last a lifetime. Our newest research reveals the dynamics of betrayal and how to safeguard (or heal) your relationship. Dave Penner is a licensed clinical psychologist and is the Clinical Director of The Gottman Institute. He is the author of the Educator's Manual for Teaching the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, which is based on years of experience teaching John Gottman's Seven Principles book. He has trained therapists in the Gottman Method in North America, Asia and Europe and is the co-developer of the Gottman Seven Principles Educator Program. In his role as the Clinical Director, Dr. Penner oversees clinical aspects of Institute, including providing consultation to Certified Gottman Therapists and clinicians in training; selecting and training consultants for clinicians pursuing certification; training and supervising video reviewers who certify therapists in the Gottman Method; overseeing quality control of new programs and products; training and supervising roving therapists at couples workshops and answering clinical questions from clinicians, - 10 - 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program researchers, the media and the public. Dave has practiced for over 30 years as an individual and couples therapist working in private practice, university, mental health and hospital settings. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016 10:45am - 11:00am Networking Break with REFRESHMENTS & Posters Available for Viewing in the Exhibit Hall 11:00am - 12:30pm BOS05 Biofeedback: the Royal Road to Acceptance 90-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS - SYMPOSIA BOS06 Panel: BOS29 QEEG, BOS07 Exhibit Development and Biofeedback & Demonstration: A Application of AudioNeurofeedback for Wireless, Wearable Presented by: Inna Visual Entrainment Concussions, TBI and EEG Platform for RealKhazan, PhD, BCB; Aaron and Stimulation Dementia time Identification of Rolnick, PhD Presented by: Michael Technologies Emotional DecisionCEs: 1.5 Linden, PhD; George Presented by: David making TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate Siever, CET; Helen Budzynski, PhD; Jean Tang, PhD CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate 11:00am – 12:30pm 12:30pm - 1:30pm Rozelle, Ph.D., Leah Lagos, Ph.D. CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Intermediate ORAL1 Oral Presentations See below for topic and presenter/authordetails CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Hot Topics LEVEL: All Presented by: Thomas Collura, PhD, LPC, BCN; Rogene Eichler West, PhD, BCN CEs: n/a TRACK: Hot Topics LEVEL: All ORAL PRESENTATIONS Quantifying Thigh Artifact During Hand Temperature Measurement Meehan, Z., Bartochowski, Z., West, A., Musenfechter, N., Owen, D., Crawford, A., Gravett, N., Myers, S., Schoetz, J., Shearman, S., Watson, T., Smith, A., Zerr, C. L., Kane, A., Vodopest, T., Hannan, J., & Shaffer, F Large-scale Differences Between Dorsal and Ventral Hand Temperature Sites Meehan, Z., Bartochowski, Z., West, A., Musenfechter, N., Owen, D., Crawford, A., Gravett, N., Myers, S., Schoetz, J., Watson, T., Zerr, C. L., Kane, A., Vodopest, T., Hannan, J., & Shaffer, F. Does hand Position Affect Blood Volume Pulse Amplitude (BVPA) and Skin Conductance Measurements? Meehan, Z., Bartochowski, Z., West, A., Musenfechter, N., Owen, D., Crawford, A., Gravett, N., Myers, S., Schoetz, J., Watson, T., Zerr, C. L., Kane, A., Vodopest, T., Hannan, J., & Shaffer, F. Evidence-based Practice Review of Biofeedback for Hyperhidrosis Shaffer, F.; Mannion, M. Evidence-based Practice Review of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback for Depressive Disorders Shaffer, F.; Zerr, C. L. Mind-Body Medicine Review and Meta-analysis: Interventions for Randomized Controlled Trials in the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Paul Lehrer, PhD; Khushbu Shah, PhD The Utility of EEG/qEEG in Children and Adolescents with ADHD: Replication Study Ronald J. Swatzyna, PhD; Jay Gunkelman, QEEGT-D LUNCH BREAK (ON YOUR OWN) - 11 - 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016 12:30pm - 1:30pm Welcome Lunch for New Members, New Attendees and Students – INVITATION ONLY 12:30pm - 1:30pm AAPB ISMA SECTION MEETING LUNCH: International Stress Management Section Meeting and Lunch with Dr. David Penner, Clinical Director of The Gottman Institute 12:30pm - 1:30pm AAPB Optimal Functioning Section Meeting 12:30pm - 2:00pm FERB Board of Directors Meeting 1:30pm - 2:00pm BCIA101: BCIA Certification 101 with Judy Crawford If you have ever wondered about becoming a BCIA certified practitioner in Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, or Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction Biofeedback, this informal discussion will lead you through the process and requirements and answer any questions you may have. 1:30pm - 3:00pm 90-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS - SYMPOSIA BOS04 Be Inspired by BOS08 Biofeedback BOS09 Breathing – One of the Polygamy: The Psychophysiology Most Important Multiple Relationships Basics: Peripheral & Clinical Interventions in Biofeedback EEG biofeedback; Presented by: Erik Peper, Presented by: Christine Brain/Body PhD, BCB; Christopher Gilbert, PhD, BCB; Bob Whitehouse, PhD, BCB; Peter Litchfield CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: All Moravec, PhD; Lamees Khorshid, PsyD, BCB, BCN; Benjamin Greenberg, PhD, BCB CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate A Tribute to Dr. Michael G. McKee Presented by: Richard Sherman, PhD, BCB; Cynthia Kerson, PhD, BCB, BCN; David Siever, CET CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Introductory BOS10 Point-Counter Point DEBATE: The Beneficial Effects of SMR Training for ADHD Presented by: Martijn Arns, PhD, BCN; Thomas Collura, PhD, BCN; Barry Sterman, PhD; Michael Thompson, MD, BCN; Lynda Thompson, PhD, BCN REFEREED BY: Jay Gunkelman, QEEGDiplomate CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Hot Topics LEVEL: Advanced 2:00pm - 2:30pm BCIA101: BCIA Recertification 101 with Judy Crawford 3:00pm - 3:30pm Networking Break with REFRESHMENTS & Posters Available for Viewing in the Exhibit Hall 3:30pm - 4:30pm 60-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS - SYMPOSIA BOS11 The Daubert BOS12 Update on BOS13 Multi-Cultural Rule of Evidence… What Stress: What’s New and Diversity Does it Take to be an Considerations for and Important Expert? Presented by: Gabriel Sella, MD, MPH, MSc, Ph.D (HC), SFBCIA, FAAFP, FACPM, DAAAPM, BCB Presented by: Jan Newman, MD CEs: 1 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal - 12 - Organizations and Practitioners Presented by: Richard Harvey, PhD CEs: 1 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program CEs: 1 TRACK: Hot Topics LEVEL: Introductory Performance LEVEL: All TRACK: All LEVEL: Introductory FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016 4:45pm - 5:45pm Keynote Address: First EEG Results of the iSPOT Study in Depression: EEG Alpha Asymmetry as a Gender Specific Predictor of Treatment Outcome to Sertraline and Escitalopram Martijn Arns, PhD, BCB,Research Institute Brainclinics, The NeuroCare Group & Utrecht University, Dept. of Experimental Psychology Measures of alpha and theta electroencephalogram (EEG) activity often differentiate patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) from normal controls, and some evidence suggests these measures relate to overall antidepressant response. This presentation will focus on a study aimed to determine whether these measures or EEG abnormalities (epileptiform EEG and slow alpha frequency) would distinguish MDD patients from controls, whether these measures behave as overall and differential predictors of outcome to three antidepressants and to explore the effects of gender. In the international Study to Predict Optimized Treatment Response in Depression (iSPOT-D), a multi-center, international, randomized, prospective open-label trial, 1008 MDD patients were randomized to Escitalopram, Sertraline or Venlafaxine-XR and 336 controls were assessed. Treatment response was established after eight weeks and resting state EEG was assessed at baseline. Results and conclusions will be discussed. Martijn Arns is director and researcher at Research Institute Brainclinics, involved with the NeuroCare group and is affiliated with Utrecht University, department of experimental psychology. Martijn received his PhD at Utrecht University on the topic of 'EEG-based personalized medicine for ADHD and depression' and is specialized in applying brain imaging techniques to determine the appropriate treatment for patients with ADHD and depression (personalized medicine or RDoC). He is specialized in the development and application of neuromodulation techniques such as neurofeedback in the treatment of ADHD, magnetic brain stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment of depression, sleep and chronobiological aspects of ADHD and Depression. In addition, he teaches several (internationally) accredited training courses such as an 'rTMS in Depression' workshop and a 'Neurofeedback in ADHD' training course. 5:45pm - 7:00pm Presidential and Poster Reception in Exhibit Hall 6:30pm - 7:30pm AAPB Council of Chapters Meeting – Invite Only 5:00pm - 8:00pm BCIA Certification Test This 3-hour time slot is reserved for all pre-approved candidates wishing to sit for their certification exams in biofeedback, neurofeedback or pelvic muscle dysfunction. Additionally, one may take their human anatomy/physiology exam as part of the “Study on Your Own” option offered by BCIA. Please be sure that you have filed your application, had it approved, and have submitted your exam registration form at least 1 week priorHave to theyou exam. Please contact for more information or to check status. purchased your copy yet? Available exclusively through AAPBonatyour Discounted members rates apply. 8:00pm - ???? AAPB Student Party – Invite Only The Neurofeedback Book 2nd Edition by Michael Thompson, MD and Lynda Thompson, PhD “I am impressed and AMAZED by the incredible volume of information amassed in the new Neurofeedback Book 2nd Edition. The information is wonderfully laid out and the collection of relevant information is second to none! You have raised the bar so high, that I see your book as the standard of excellence for learning about the brain and methods of correcting a wayward brain & mind, for many years to come. Kudos to you all. I know it was an enormous effort!” - 13 – Dave Siever, CET, Mind Alive Inc. 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 2016 7:00am - 5:00pm Registration 7:00am - 8:00am General Attendee CONTINENTAL Breakfast 7:00am - 8:30am AAPB Past Presidents’ Breakfast 7:00am - 3:00pm EXHIBITS OPEN 8:00am - 9:00am 60-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS- SYMPOSIA BOS15 Biomarkers in BOS28 Implementation BOS16 Results of a Sex Research: of Heart Rate Five-year Two-center Quantifying the Erotic Variability Trial of HRV Presented by: Tierney Biofeedback to Biofeedback to Treat Lorenz, PhD Improve Asthma CEs: 1 Presented by: Paul Psychotherapy TRACK: Basic Science Lehrer, PhD, BCB; Richard Outcome LEVEL: Introductory Presented by: Loise Fidalgo Wheeler; Andrea DeBarros; Tara Austin; Tracy Brown CEs: 1 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate Gevirtz, PhD, BCB, Frederick Wamboldt MD, Karenjot Kaur, Agratta Sharma, Osama Sayed Michael Singer BOS17 Military Culture and the Effect of HRVB on PTSD Attentional Bias Presented by: Urzsula Klich, PhD, BCB; Jack Ginsberg, PhD CEs: 1 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Introductory CEs: 1 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate 9:15am - 9:30am AAPB Awards Presentation and BCIA Francine Butler Scholarship Presentation 9:30am-10:30am PRESIDENT'S LECTURE: Psychophysiology of Sexual Arousal and Function: State of the Field and Future Directions Tierney Lorenz, PhD - Research Scientist, Kinsey Institute Increasingly, behavioral health experts are recognizing the importance of sexual wellbeing for supporting intimate relationships, improving quality of life, and even, perhaps, improving mental and physical health. Accordingly, there is increasing interest in psychophysiological measures of sexual function for research and clinical management of sexual health. This talk will orient attendees to the current state of the field of sexual psychophysiology, introducing the most common methods for assessing sexual arousal in men and women. Dr. Lorenz will outline key theoretical and practical issues faced by sexual psychophysiologists, such as the gender differences in non-concordance between subjective and genital arousal, comparability of sexual arousal measures across sexes, integration of measures across phases of sexual response, and suggestions for improving the potential clinical utility of sexual psychophysiology. Dr. Tierney Lorenz is a Research Scientist at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University Bloomington. Her research examines the interaction between sex and reproduction, mental and physical health in women. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2013, with a thesis on the use of exercise to improve sexual side effects of antidepressants. Dr. Lorenz's other research includes the influence of sexual activity on women's immune function, the sequelae of childhood sexual abuse on adult survivors autonomic and endocrine function, and psychophsyiologic models of vaginal arousal. Dr. - 14 - 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program Lorenz's clinical specialties include promoting sexual wellbeing in survivors of sexual trauma and in women with medical illness, and treatment of reproductive mood disorders. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 2016 10:30am - 11:00am Networking Break with REFRESHMENTS in the Exhibit Hall 11:00am - 12:30pm 90-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS - SYMPOSIA BOS18 Treating Post- BOS19 Transcranial BOS20 Concussion Magnetic Stimulaton PsychoNeuroImmunology Syndrome with and Neuromodulation Basics Presented by: Saad Presented by: Richard Neurofeedback + Shakir, MD Harvey, PhD HRV Training: Why is CEs: 1.5 CEs: 1.5 it Effective? Presented by: Michael Thompson, MD, BCN; Lynda Thompson, PhD, BCN CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Advanced TRACK: Hot Topics LEVEL: Introductory TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Introductory LUNCH BREAK (ON YOUR OWN) 1:30pm - 3:00pm 90-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS - SYMPOSIA BOS22 Heart Rate BOS23 Factors BOS30 Intervention Variability Contributing to Strategies for Biofeedback: The Resilience, Restoring Anxiety Disorders Science and the Health and Using Individualized Applications Biofeedback’s sLORETA Z-Score Presented by: Donald Influence on These Networks Moss, PhD, BCB; Fredric Presented by: Penijean Factors 3:00pm - 3:30pm Presented by: Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Introductory 12:30pm - 1:30pm Shaffer; PhD, BCB; Paul Lehrer, PhD, BCB; Patrick Steffen, PhD, BCB; Richard Gevirtz, PhD, BCB CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate BOS21 Breathing and Overbreathing in Biofeedback, Meditation, and Psychotherapy Presented by: Stephen Sideroff, PhD; Erik Peper, PhD, BCB; Richard Harvey, PhD, Peter Parks, PhD, BCB Gracefire, LMHC, BCN, qEEG-T CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Hot Topics LEVEL: Introductory CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate Networking Break with REFRESHMENTS in the Exhibit Hall - 15 - BOS24 EEG Event Related Frontal Gamma Activation Imaging and Quantification of Human Emotional Decision-making Processes Presented by: Thomas Collura, PhD, BCN, LPC; Ron Bonnstetter. PhD; Carlos Zalaquett, PhD, LMHC; Nancy Wigton, PhD, BCN; SeriaShia Chatters-Smith, PhD CEs: 1.5 TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate 2016 AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program 3:00pm - 4:30pm BCIA Ethics Presentation by Donald Moss, PhD, BCB 1.5 CE credits/TRACK: Hot Topics/LEVEL: Introductory SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 2016 3:30pm - 4:30pm 60-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSIONS - SYMPOSIA BOS25 Borderline Personality BOS27 The Enigma of Disorder and Autonomic Beta/SMR Frequency AudioDysregulation visual Entrainment Presented by: David Eddie, PhD(c) Presented by: Dave Siever, CET CEs: 1 CEs: 1 TRACK: Basic Science LEVEL: Intermediate 3:30pm - 4:30pm ORAL TRACK: Clinical Interventions and Optimal Performance LEVEL: Intermediate ORAL2 Oral Presentations See below for topic and presenter/authordetails CEs: 1 TRACK: Hot Topics LEVEL: Introductory PRESENTATIONS Optimal Performance in Neurosurgery: Comparative Psychophysiological Profiles of Neurosurgeons, Senior and Junior Sommer Christie, PhD Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback in The Workplace – A Randomized Trial Jan Vagedes, MD Track Athletes’ Experiences of a Season-Long Biofeedback Training Program Penny Werthner, PhD From "One-Person Psychophysiology" To “Interpersonal Biofeedback" Arnon Rolnick, PhD 4:45pm – 5:45pm AAPB Distinguished Scientist Lecturer – To BE ANNOUNCED. Recommended by public nomination; approved by the AAPB Awards Committee as part of the highest honor AAPB bestows. 6:30pm – 10:00 FERB Fundraiser: An Evening at Ivar's Acres of Clams A feature of Seattle's colorful waterfront, Ivar's at Pier 54 remains one of the city's most recognized landmarks, specializing in introducing the world to fresh and wild Northwest seafood. Overlooking Elliott Bay, the private Kalakala Room provides one of the most sought after views in Seattle. Tickets are $70 and include dinner and dessert. The event will include a cash bar. Upon registration please note any dietary restrictions. Proceeds will benefit the Foundation for Education and Research in Biofeedback and Related Sciences (FERB). - 16 - AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program 2016 MEETING LOCATION Seattle Marriott Waterfront 2100 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121 Special rates of $175 single/double (plus tax) per night have been arranged for the conference. The special room rate will be available until February 16, 2016 or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. Please call the hotel directly at 1800-455-8254 or click here to make your reservation online. Be sure to request the discounted rate for the AAPB Annual Meeting. By phone: 1-800-455-8254 Online Reservations Deadline: February 16, 2016 Reservation requests received after the deadline date will be based on availability at the hotel's prevailing rates. Guest Room Rates AAPB has reserved a block of sleeping rooms at a discounted rate. This allows AAPB the use of the meeting and exhibit space at a great savings. Your support in staying at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront helps to keep AAPB’s meeting and membership costs down. To receive this special rate, you must identify yourself as an AAPB attendee. Please be sure to book your rooms NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 16, 2016 as we only have a certain number of rooms available at this rate. $175.00 - Single and Double Occupancy Room rates are quoted exclusive of applicable state and local taxes. - 17 - AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program 2016 Check-in: 4:00 pm. Check-out: 12:00 pm. PLEASE NOTE: All conference events will take place at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center, located directly across the street from the Seattle Marriott Waterfront at 2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121. About the Hotel Let this stylish downtown Seattle hotel be your port of call Escape with AAPB to the Seattle Marriott Waterfront and discover luxurious accommodations, high-tech amenities, a renowned on-site restaurant and unparalleled customer service. This Downtown Seattle hotel offers quick access to the city's most famous attractions, including Pike Place Market, the Westlake Center shopping mall and the iconic Space Needle. Pier 91 is just 2 miles away, and SeattleTacoma International Airport is a short 25-minute ride from our front doors. After an exhilarating day of learning and networking, relax in spacious guest rooms offering sophisticated decor, plush bedding, high-speed Internet access and jaw-dropping views. Visit Hook & Plow, the celebrated gastropub, and indulge in flavorful regional fare, craft beers, artisanal wine and creative cocktails. This property also features an indoor/outdoor connecting pool, modern gym. Experience a Pacific Northwestern getaway like no other. GENERAL INFORMATION Overall Conference Objectives: Discuss new psychophysiology and biofeedback methods to evoke human potential and achieve results in a clinical setting. Determine psychophysiology and biofeedback techniques to improve patients’ quality of life. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement: ADA accommodations will be made in accordance with the law. If you require ADA accommodations, please indicate what your needs are at the time of registration. We cannot ensure the availability of appropriate accommodations without prior notification. Product Guidelines: 1) Some of the products exhibited here many not be effective for the suggested applications. 2) Some of the equipment being exhibited may not have been registered by the FDA. 3) An FDA declaration of safe and effective use may not apply to uses being promoted here. Please check with each vendor to ascertain FDA status of any device you are considering. 4) AAPB makes no endorsement, either stated or implied regarding the products. Special AAPB Section Meetings: AAPB currently has seven Special Interest Sections and two Special Interest Divisions. Members elect to join these groups when they pay their annual dues. At the Annual Meeting, each group has an opportunity to meet and collaborate. These meetings can include a special lecture or presentation, panel discussions or a social hour. All AAPB members are invited and encouraged to attend section/division meetings. To join a section or division, contact AAPB at - 18 - AAPB 47th Annual Scientific Meeting Preliminary Program 2016 Tickets Required: Admission to pre-conference workshops is by ticket only. Tickets may be purchased during the registration process or at onsite registration. Tickets purchased onsite will be strictly on a space-available basis. Exhibit Hall and Registration Hours: Exhibit Hours Thursday, March 10 Exhibitor Set-up Exhibits Viewing Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall Friday, March 11 Exhibits Viewing Presidential and Poster Reception Saturday, March 12 Exhibits Viewing Exhibitor Teardown Registration Hours Tuesday, March 8 Wednesday, March 9 Thursday, March 10 Friday, March 11 Saturday, March 12 8:00am to 12:00pm 2:00pm to 5:00pm 6:30pm to 7:45pm 7:00am to 5:00pm 5:45pm to 7:00pm 5:00pm to 7:00pm 7:30am to 5:00pm 7:30am to 7:45pm 7:00am to 7:00pm 7:00am to 5:00pm 7:00am to 3:00pm 3:00pm to 6:30 pm ABOUT AAPB The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) was founded in 1969 as the Biofeedback Research Society. The goals of the association are to promote a new understanding of biofeedback and advance the methods used in this practice. AAPB is a non-profit organization as defined in Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. AAPB's mission is to advance the development, dissemination and utilization of knowledge about applied psychophysiology and biofeedback to improve health and the quality of life through research, education, and practice. The Association is hard at work meeting these objectives: Encouragement of scientific research and expansion of clinical and educational applications of biofeedback and applied psychophysiology. Integration of biofeedback with other self-regulatory methods. Promoting high standards of professional practice, ethics, and education. Increasing member knowledge through events, publications, educational programs, and special interest sections and divisions. Making the public aware of biofeedback. Contact us at: or 800.477.8892. - 19 - REGISTRATION FORM Please use one registration form per attendee. Copy this form as needed. Complete and Return this form with payment to - MAIL: AAPB, 10200 W 44th Ave, Suite 304, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 or FAX to 720.881.6101 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Name:__________________________________________________________________________________ Credentials:__________________________________________ Organization:______________________________________________________________________ License #:__________________________________________________ Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:_________ Zip:______________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________________________Fax:________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name and Phone:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vegetarian Meals? Yes No Special Assistance Required?_________________________________________________________________________________ First-time attendee? Yes No Are you BCIA Certified? Yes No --- If yes, please indicate for which: General BF EEG PMDB New Member Since March 2015? Yes No For continuing education purposes, please check all that apply: Psychologist FEE SCHEDULE FERB FUNDRAISING EVENT FULL REGISTRATION AAPB Member ISNR/ISMA/IABMCP Member Non-member Full-time Student (enclose copy of Student ID) ONE-DAY REGISTRATION Friday, March 11, 2016 Saturday, March 12, 2016 By 2/19/2016 $435 $435 $535 $95 After 2/19/2016 $490 $490 $590 $110 By 2/19/2016 $225 $225 After 2/19/2016 $235 $235 *Deduct $15 for each additional registration from the same organization, when submitted concurrently. Excludes students and one-day registrations. Registration Fee: $____________ *Discount: $____________ REGISTRATION FEE TOTAL: $____________ WORKSHOPS… PLEASE NOTE: Additional fees required. Workshops indicated on pages 6-8 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 MEMBER By 2/10/16 WS01 8:30 am – 6:00 pm WS02 8:30 am – 5:30 pm WS03 8:30 am – 5:30 pm WS04 8:30 am – 5:30 pm WS05 8:30 am – 5:30 pm WS06 8:30 am – 12:30 pm WS07 8:30 am – 12:30 pm WS08 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm WS09 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm WS010 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm $240 $240 $240 $240 $240 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 $260 $260 $260 $260 $260 $155 $155 $155 $155 $155 $310 $310 $310 $310 $310 $205 $205 $205 $205 $205 NON-MEMBER By 2/10/16 MEMBER After 2/10/16 NON-MEMBER After 2/10/16 $240 $240 $240 $240 $240 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 $260 $260 $260 $260 $260 $155 $155 $155 $155 $155 $155 $310 $310 $310 $310 $310 $205 $205 $205 $205 $205 $205 Thursday, March 10, 2016 WS11 WS12 WS13 WS14 WS21 WS15 WS16 WS17 WS18 WS19 WS20 8:30 am – 6:00 pm 8:30 am – 5:30 pm 8:30 am – 5:30 pm 8:30 am – 5:30 pm 8:30 am – 5:30 pm 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm Physician Event to be scheduled on the evening of Saturday, March 12 Proceeds will benefit the Foundation for Education and Research in Biofeedback and Related Sciences (FERB). $70/ticket (1) Ticket - $70 (2) Tickets - $140 General Donation Total: $________________ FERB Total: $__________ SECTION MEETINGS Friday, March 11, 2016 – 12:30pm-1:30pm Optimal Functioning Section Meeting ISMA Section Meeting Neurofeedback Section Meeting JOIN AAPB! Regular Member - $195 Student Member - $59 Membership Total: $______________ Complete rate info at TOTAL REGISTRATION FEE TOTAL: $____________ WORKSHOP FEE TOTAL: $____________ FERB FUNDRAISER/DONATION: $____________ BIOFEEDBACK DAY TOTAL: $____________ MEMBERSHIP FEE TOTAL: $____________ TOTAL FEES: $____________ INDICATE YOUR INTENT TO ATTEND - Visit for more details and event times Friday, March 11, 2016 (continued) BOS04 Be Inspired by Breathing – One of the Most Important Clinical Intervention BOS 08 Biofeedback Polygamy: The Multiple Relationships in Biofeedback - “A Tribute to Dr. Michael G. McKee” BOS09 Psychophysiology Basics: Peripheral & EEG biofeedback; Brain/Body BOS10 Point-Counter Point Debate: The Beneficial Effects of SMR Training for ADHD BCIARECERT BCIA Recertification101 BOS11 The Daubert Rule of Evidence… What Does it Take to be an Expert? BOS12 Update on Stress: What’s New and Important BOS13 Multi-Cultural and Diversity Considerations for Organizations and Practitioners KEY3 First EEG Results of the iSPOT Study in Depression: EEG Alpha Asymmetry as a Gender Specific Predictor of Treatment Outcome to Sertraline and Escitalopram REC2 Presidential and Poster Reception in Exhibit Hall BCIACERT BCIA Certification Test Saturday, March 12, 2016 Continental Breakfast INVITE ONLY Past President’s Breakfast BOS15 Biomarkers in Sex Research: Quantifying the Erotic BOS28 Implementation of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to Improve Psychotherapy Outcome BOS16 Results of a Five-year Two-center Trial of HRV Biofeedback to Treat Asthma Thursday, March 10, 2016 KEY1 Brain-Computer Interfaces, State of the Art and Opportunities REC1 Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall Friday, March 11, 2016 Continental Breakfast BOS01 QEEG and Neurofeedback Approaches for Autistic Spectrum Disorder BOS02 Childhood Relationships Are Important to Teaching Self-regulation BOS3 PANEL: Sexual Psychophysiology in Women: Measuring Female Sexual Arousal and Function KEY2 How to Make Relationships Work ORAL1 Oral Presentations - Session 1 BOS05 Biofeedback: the Royal Road to Acceptance BOS06 Panel: Development and Application of Audio-Visual Entrainment and Stimulation Technologies BOS29 QEEG, Biofeedback & Neurofeedback for Concussions, TBI and Dementia BOS07 Exhibit Demonstration: A Wireless, Wearable EEG Platform for Real-time Identification of Emotional Decision-making ORAL1 Oral Presentations SEC01 ISMA Section Meeting with Dr. Penner SEC10 Optimal Functioning Section Meeting BCIA101 BCIA Certification 101 with Judy Crawford Saturday, March 12, 2016 (continued) BOS17 Military Culture and the Effect of HRVB on PTSD Attentional Bias PRES PRESIDENT’S LECTURE: Psychophysiology of Sexual Arousal and Function: State of the Field and Future Directions BOS18 Treating Post-Concussion Syndrome with Neurofeedback + HRV Training: Why is it Effective? BOS19 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulaton and Neuromodulation BOS20 PsychoNeuroImmunology Basics BOS 21 Breathing and Overbreathing in Biofeedback, Meditation, and Psychotherapy BOS22 Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback: The Science and the Applications BOS 23 Factors Contributing to Resilience, Restoring Health and Biofeedback’s Influence on These Factors BOS30 Intervention Strategies for Anxiety Disorders Using Individualized sLORETA ZScore Networks BOS24 EEG Event Related Frontal Gamma Activation Imaging and Quantification of Human Emotional Decision-making Processes BCIAETHICS BCIA Ethics Presentation BOS25 Borderline Personality Disorder and Autonomic Dysregulation BOS27 The Enigma of Beta/SMR Frequency Audio-visual Entrainment ORAL2 Oral Presentations - Session 2 DSP Distinguished Scientist Presentation Room Sharing Plan AAPB can assist interested members in identifying shared hotel lodging opportunities at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront for the Annual Meeting. If you plan to attend and are looking for a roommate, please complete this section and AAPB will send you a list with the names of other members who are interested in sharing a room. NOTE: We will contact you by email. Please make sure to include your email address on this form. Male Female Smoker Non-smoker Check-in Date:____________ Check-out Date:____________ Email:_______________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations received in the AAPB office by February 22, 2016 will be refunded minus a $50 processing fee. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GRANTED AFTER FEBRUARY 22, 2015. Cancellations must be made in writing and faxed to 720.881.6101 or emailed to Fees cannot be refunded for registrations cancelled after the conference begins. TOTAL DUE:$________ AMOUNT TO BE CHARGED:$ ________ Check Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number: ____________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________________3-Digit CVV Code: ______________ Name as it Appears on Card: _______________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Email, Mail or fax this form with payment to: AAPB 10200 West 44th Avenue Suite 304 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 PLEASE NOTE: Join AAPB now and use the member-rate registration fees! Full-time students see for workshop discount information. Special Services: If you have a disability which may require special accommodations in order to fully participate in the AAPB Annual Meeting, please contact AAPB headquarters at Phone: 800.477.8892 Fax: 720.881.6101 Email: Questions?