Term 2 newsletter
Term 2 newsletter
KINROSS COLLEGE Believe • Act • Achieve Edition 2 Volume 12, 2013 Kinross College ANZAC ceremony was held on April 19, the last day of Term 1. Students and staff marked ANZAC Day with a respectful ceremony. Mr Frank Baldry, President of the Quinns Rocks RSL Club, was in attendance. He, along with our Principal, Mr Lloyd Page, held the honour of laying two wreaths at the base of the College flag poles. Our Senior Rangers made us proud with an outstanding formal parade to highlight the significance of the respect owed at this service. Ashton Boobyer and Ellis Kirkpatrick, our College Captains, along with other senior Rangers, ran the assembly in a truly commendable form. Students were quiet and respectful throughout the assembly demonstrating a whole-school commitment and integrity towards honouring our past and present service men and women. After the service floral tributes were placed at the war memorial in Mount Hawthorn. Tina Nottle Inspiration • Ambition • Passion • Integrity Kinross College, Falkland Way, Kinross, WA 6028 Telephone: (08) 9306 6000 Fax: (08) 9306 6011 Kinross.College@education.wa.edu.au www.kinrosscollege.com.au Term 3 Dates for your Diary July August 1 Reports home with students 4 Students finish at 12.00 Parent teacher interviews 5 Session 2 - End of term assembly 5 Last day Term 2 - students and staff 22 Staff Professional Development Day 23 Students’ first day Term 3 P&C Meeting 24-26 Production Camp 29 P & C meeting 31 ICAS English testing 31 Student Council meeting 2 4 - 9 6 - 9 8 9 13 13 - 16 22 23 September Boys primary soccer comp College production ‘Man of Steel’ Aug 4 - 3pm Showing Aug 5,6,8 & 9 - 7pm Showing WAMSE week of testing Yr 8 Lightning Carnival Dental Screening Yr6 & some Yr 10s ICAS Maths testing Yr 7 Camp - Woodman Point Student Council meeting Arts festival 2 4 6 10 12 16 - 27 16 17 20 27 27 P & C meeting Kinross Athletics jumps and throws Kinross athletics track & tab KEA showcase Rangers Cape-to-Cape hike Year 6/7 swimming weeks Student Council meeting Primary inter athletics jumps and throws Inter Athletics track and field End of term assembly Last day of Term 2 Phone: (08) 9306 6000 (8 am - 4 pm) Fax: (08) 9306 6011 Absentee SMS No: 0408 948 286 Session times Student start time Student finish time Email: Kinross.College@education.wa.edu.au Address: Falkland Way, Kinross WA 6028 Website: kinrosscollege.com.au Enrolment Registrar Email Finance Assistant Email Hours Sandra Swan Sandra.Swan@education.wa.edu.au Donna Olsen Donna.Olsen@education.wa.edu.au 8:30 am -12:00 noon Mon-Thu 8:30 am -3:30 pm Fri Uniform Shop Hours Cathy Searson (Manager) 9270 4660 (message service) Mon - 12:30 - 3:30 pm Thu - 8:30 - 11:30 am 8:50 am 3:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Form class 8.50 - 9.00am Session one 9.00 - 10.00am Session two 10.00 - 11.00am Recess 11.00 - 11.30am Session three 11.30am - 12.30pm Mentor (Wed only) Lunch 12.30 - 1.00pm Session four 1.00 - 2.00pm Session five 2.00 - 3.00pm Wednesdays only 8.50 - 9.00am 9.00 - 9.55am 9.55 - 10.50am 10.50 - 11.15am 11.15am - 12.10pm 12.10 - 12.40pm 12.40 - 1.10pm 1.10 - 2.05pm 2.05 - 3.00pm Newsletter Jo Kolb (PR & Marketing) Email Joanne.Kolb@education.wa.edu.au Hours Mon - Wed 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Student Achievement Year 7 student, Miklos Kawana, selected for WA School Sport 12s Soccer Squad In May 2013, trials were held for the School Sport WA 12s Soccer Squad. Out of 50+ boys, Year 7 student, Miklos Kawana, has been offered a position on the state team. ‘Miki’ also plays for local club ECU Joondalup and has been attending Pro Football training for the last We would like to bring your attention to services available to the Kinross College community that may assist our families with the payment of school and uniform expenses…. SAVER PLUS - Sometimes it can be hard to put money away for the future when you’re struggling to make ends meet today. The Smith Family Saver Plus program is a 10 month financial literacy and matched savings program that assists families to gain financial skills, establish a savings goal and develop long term savings habits. Please contact Meagan Parry, your local Saver Plus Worker: 08 9440 4147 / 0438 518 603 or meagan.parry@ thesmithfamily.com.au to discuss your eligibility for this program. Kinross College useful information: College contact details: Finance Matter$ 18 months. Added to his soccer schedule is now the state training sessions every Saturday. ‘Miki’ will now travel with the 12s Interstate team to Queensland in September to participate in the School Sport National Championships. FINANCIAL COUNSELLING - The City of Joondalup provides confidential Financial Counselling for families who are experiencing difficulties. Support is available to assist with budgeting, mobile phone contracts, bills, credit cards etc. If you are juggling finances and feel you could benefit from some support and guidance, please contact the City on 9400 4213 for further information. This service is available free of charge to all residents. http://www.joondalup.wa.gov.au/ Live/FinancialCounselling.aspx Angie Stokes Business Support Officer Enrolments 2014 If you are aware that your child/ren will not be returning to Kinross College next year could you please advise Sandra on 9306 6001 at your earliest convenience. This information assists us in our forward planning for student numbers in 2014. Your assistance in this regard is appreciated. Letter from the Principal .. Dear Parents and Caregivers Welcome to the second edition of our newsletter this year. This term has been a busy and productive one for the students. The highlights have again been the success of the students in the sporting arena with students competing in a number of interschool competitions (secondary state cross country, year level interschool sporting carnivals). A group of enthusiastic students travelled to the southwest for the year 10 Outdoor education camp 6 and 7 June. Early in the term our Academic Education (AE) students attended a student conference. This was followed up shortly after with a visit to the University of WA to study career paths for students wishing to pursue an academic career. In week 6 our Year 10 students sat their English and Mathematics exams at Mindarie Senior College (MSC). This eventuated from discussions with the School Board and P&C who were keen to give the students attending MSC the experience of sitting exams in a formal manner, before they experience such events in Years 11 and 12. By all accounts our students coped very well and are now much wiser for the experience. A final highlight for the term was the combined Kinross Primary, Kinross College professional learning day held on May 31. Feedback from staff has been generally positive and I know both schools are keen to pursue this type of collegial support and professional learning again in 2014. We are well into reporting season and once again I have received permission for the Department of Education to conduct our annual parent teacher reporting day. This will be conducted on 4 July between 1pm and 7pm. We encourage all parents to go online and select an interview time with your children’s teachers. A reminder notice will be sent out from the College covering all important aspects for parents. In conclusion, 0n Friday 21 June our Year 10 students participated in the annual River Cruise and Dance. This is always a most enjoyable event for the students and this year no exception. On Saturday 30 June a large contingent of our Police Rangers and staff are spending 9 days in Queenstown undertaking a range of activities (including skiing) as part of their program. This should be a fantastic experience for all concerned and no doubt the ultimate highlight for many students for Term 2. To the staff, students and parents I wish you all an enjoyable holiday break (8 July - 22 July) and look forward to the events that will unfold in Term 3. A reminder to all parents that students will commence Term 3 on Tuesday 23 July. Lloyd Page Principal subsidised and are run from the Youth Centre in Heathridge, in public space or skate parks etc. The City of Joondalup offers a wide range of programs and services targeting young people aged between 12-18 years. Programs are often FREE or heavily To find out more log onto www.y-lounge. com.au and ‘like us’ on Facebook – City of Joondalup Youth Services. By liking us on Facebook, you will go in the draw to win a $50 ITunes Voucher. Yr 7 Report Cake Decorating - Cake decorating has been great. We have participated in some cake testing and we have tasted lost of yummy cakes. Right now we are in the process of creating our own handbag cake and we are shaping the things you would have in a handbag, out of fondant. We also made some delicious Easter bunny cupcakes for Easter. Introduction to Year 7 has been a Yr 6 Report Throughout the Junior School, we are in full swing structuring our lessons in the Explicit Teaching format. Lessons start with a warm-up which has students reviewing what has already been taught. This is fast-paced and knowledge is moved from short-term memory to long-term memory. Teachers then explicitly teach skills, breaking down these skills and processes into small components to improve students understanding. Results are showing this is an effective way for students to learn. Year 6s have been working hard to produce some amazing results. This term students have been writing poetry, biographies and narratives in English. They were learning and practising reading comprehension skills including ‘finding the main idea’ and ‘recalling facts and details’. Our Science program focused around plants. Students underwent a science investigation to test the effects of sunlight on plants. Plants were grown in the light while others were grown in the dark to test their hypothesis. Over Term 2 and 3 in Society and Environment, students will be learning about government, federation and migration. Class 6.1 and 6.4 set out on an excursion to Parliament House and the Botanical Gardens at Kings Park to support class programs. Students enjoyed the opportunity to tour Parliament House and participate in a role play while sitting in the Lower House, also known as the Legislative Assembly. Students enjoyed a morning tea provided by our local representative Albert Jacob. Thank you to Mrs Ewen, who made herself available to help. Classes 6.2 and 6.3 will enjoy this excursion in Term 3. Amanda Robinson Deputy Junior School fantastic year so far with the inclusion of the lightning carnival, enrichment program and also the lunch time 3 vs 3 basketball games. There is a lot to look forward to in the next semester, with the Year 7 camp at Woodman Point, with most of the Year 7s attending, it’s sure to be fun! As well as the enrichment activities returning for the next semester, it looks like it will be a fantastic time for the Year 7s. NAPLAN - A majority performed to the best of their ability to achieve a high mark and please their parents and teachers. They have succeeded this and their teachers are proud. Ancient Times - History becomes the future as Year 7s turn their classes into the ancient times. Each class is learning about a specific ancient world as well as decorating their classrooms to represent these times. 7.1 is learning about ancient China and exploring their culture. Classes 7.2 and 7.4 are discovering the interesting ancient Egypt and going on an excursion to the museum to learn more about the Egyptians. Classes 7.3 and 7.5 are adventuring the wonderful world of ancient Greece. Lightning Carnival - The Year 7’s competed in the carnival on Thursday 13 June in all different sports. They competed against different schools in AFL, league tag, hockey, soccer and netball. Camp - Adventure and fun is on the way as the Year 7 camp draws nearer. Circus/basketball - Diablos are The Year 7s for 2013 are heading to Woodman Point where we will have the opportunity to participate in many fun and challenging adventures. It will be great fun with loads of exciting things to try like the flying fox, rock climbing, raft-building and lots more. There will be lots of team-building exercises in the hope that we can make new friends and get to know people better. Extension Program (KEA) - we are having so much fun this term in KEA!! We are making models of our own creations of a nursing home. We have also had a Master Chef session where we practiced cooking which we hopefully will take to a nursing home. We were then judged on it. Thank you Miss Soliman!! spinning, plates are balancing and goals are being slotted. Ms Boyer, Mr Edwards and Mr Williams are teaching us circus and basketball for enrichment. In basketball, we have Mr Williams teaching us “the moves” to win the game, we even had a professional come and teach us. We are practising on the unicycle, juggling, spinning plates, devil sticks, poise and the diablo with Mr Edwards and Ms Boyer. Media - In Media we have made short films from 5 to 15 minutes duration. Fantasy was the theme with all sorts of props, settings, costumes and more. We had mythical creatures such as unicorns. We have had awesome film directors and will be showcasing our films next week to the class. Craft - In craft we have been creative and used our brains to make origami. Also, we have made a lot of posters which are hanging up in the classroom. At the moment we are in the process of making our own magazine covers. Lots of fun is coming up as we will be starting photography. Thank you to Mr Williams, Miss Boyer, Miss Soliman, Miss Dwyer and Mrs Cosson for outstanding teaching for Semester Two. Thank you to Ms Walia for being our Deputy Principal. Yr 7 students Rangers update S M at ip rt h o s p e p u Fun ation n i rm e t De Team w ork pli e C r a u mp ne nt e dv n i n r gto o M n A Disc i In sp irat ion Mornington Adventure Camp The Kinross College Police Rangers Term 1 Camp was a two-night stay at Mornington Adventure Camp near Harvey. This camp helped to develop unit cohesion and teamwork for our new (probationary) rangers and facilitated student leadership opportunities for our senior rangers. Students participated in a range of outdoor activities at the camp including low ropes, initiative games, crate climb, climbing wall, mid ropes, abseiling and more! It was an awesome first camp enjoyed by the 100+ kids and Instructors! Academic Extension Yr 8-10 Gifted and Talented Student Conference Anzac day march in the city Rangers open day & World Challenge launch Our senior group of Police Rangers worked hard to organise our first ever Kinross College Police Rangers Open Day mid Term 2. We invited parents, siblings and other family members to spend some time with us participating in some fun activities and to enjoy a sausage sizzle. The guys at ‘Ozzie Rider’ came in to set up some awesome equipment (sumo suits, bucking bull, gladiator etc) while the instructors were hard at work cooking a sausage sizzle for over 300 people! We also took this opportunity to launch our 2014 World Challenge Expedition (The Miya Route) to Mexico and Belize in Central America! This expedition is available for students currently enrolled in Rangers and in Year 9 or above. Morgan, from World Challenge, came in to present a parent information session for families interested in this travel opportunity of a lifetime, and we now have over 20 applicants wanting to be a part of the 2014 World Challenge team. 2013 Queenstown Ski Trip The 2013 Ski Trip to Queenstown, New Zealand is only a few sleeps away! We have some very excited students and 4 brave instructors ready to take on NZ! Stay tuned for some awesome photos in the next newsletter. Kinross Police Rangers had the amazing privilege again this year to join other Ranger units from across the state to march in the ANZAC Day parade in the Perth CBD. This year marked the first exciting opportunity to march directly behind the WA Police in 17th position (as opposed to 160th position in previous years). It was a truly humbling experience to march in honour of all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations and to be part of a community gathering dedicated to remembering the significance of the sacrifice so many people have made for our country. Our Rangers marched very well and made us proud! On Friday 17 May, our Year 10 academic extension students were invited to a Gifted and Talented Student conference. Over 200 like-minded students listened to internationallyrenowned guest speakers give talks to stimulate higher order thinking through the concepts of philosophical doubt, scientific reasoning and ethics. The speakers wanted to instil in students the confidence to think original thoughts and then consider both the possibilities and consequences. A highlight of the day was the talk on nanotechnology using this type of thinking process. Our students could be future leaders in their areas and could be called on to solve many of the world problems we have today. University of WA Tour Mindarie Senior College is just around the corner for our Year 10 students. Many of our academic extension students will continue on to university and it is important for them to have a clear understanding of the courses available at our universities and what the prerequisite subjects are. With this in mind, our Year 10 academic extension students recently visited the UWA campus to find out more about Year 12 ATAR scores and which subjects to select in Year 11. They were able to tour much of the UWA campus and get a good idea of the type of study opportunities available. Visits to other universities are also being planned for later in the year. Optiminds For the first time, Optiminds has come to WA and Kinross College has registered to participate. At present we have many of our academic extension students working in teams to learn and improve on their cooperative, creative and problemsolving skills. In Term 3 they will have six weeks to work on a competition challenge and then they will have to perform their solution as a ten minute play. The students have to work hard to meet their deadlines and accommodate all members of their teams. AE Showcase Next term, on Tuesday 10 September, the Year 8-10 academic extension students will be inviting their parents to share in their experiences from the year to date. Parents will be able to view student work and participate in demonstrations. Please keep this date free. More information will be provided in Term 3. Student awards May 6 2013 ENDEAVOUR English Maths Science S&E LOTE PE T&E Art YEAR 6 Charli Ferris Adam Cowper Astin Barratt Damon Mallows Juan Scheffer Megan Gray YEAR 7 Jack Reilly Sarah Hanifi Charli Wheeler Megan Hall Jessica Schimpf Chantell Fourie Tobias Blane Tahlia Faux YEAR 8 Robyn Neilson Stefan Vranesevic Madison Clement Owen Fretwell Melissa Holodowskyj Richard Moon Rhianna Moule Declan Barker YEAR 9 Blake Peirce Joseph Buss James Craig Grace Romano Brittany Beesley Connor West Eva Brooks Grace Romano YEAR 10 Larissa Leopold Hayley Teeuwissen Steve Shepherd Caitlin Edwards Rebecca Taylor Jacques Hundermark Mikaela Moule Brady Thomas YEAR 9 Karla Edwards Connor Georgiou William FairbairnCampbell YEAR 10 Rachel Day Micaela van Tonder Jack Whitham Amy Tredgett Andre Hosseini Jack Whitham Lauren Collie Larissa Leopold Piper Boobyer Rhianna Moule Brooke Montague Amy Bransby Kirsten Smedley Clare Watson Shay Berecz Jessica Engelbrecht Olivia Taylor EXCELLENCE English Maths YEAR 6 Natasha Harris Elyssa Backshall YEAR 7 Renae Edwards Renae Edwards YEAR 8 Gabrielle Scardigno Alyssa Mendoza Science Bailey Ridden Chantell Fourie Jack Pennings S&E Roald van Tonder LOTE Natasha Harris PE T&E Art Hayley Mack Rachel O’Kennedy Angelique Sardinha Katie McNamara Miya Southwood Careena Bello EXCELLENCE English YEAR 6 Jocelyn Yao YEAR 7 Adele Wyer YEAR 8 Jack Whitham Lauren Lee Stefan Vranesevic Riley Binning Riley Binning Andrew Frame Alyssa Mendoza Tinsey Jones YEAR 9 Clare Watson Brittany Chancellor -Maddison Rita Antonova Tyler Holden Cornell Fourie Emgee Fourie Janine Pearce Sharla Deen Maths Samara Lette Tesny Preston Davon Brown Science S&E LOTE PE T&E Art Community Service Award Riley Castle Chloe Ewen Chloe Ewen Mitchell Ewen Amanda Edwards Tesny Preston Sam Binning Miklos Kawana Grace Elford Isabelle Rutter YEAR 10 Dayna Ward Thomas Hill Careena Bello Ashton Boobyer Thomas Hill Amelia Lynas Kyhla Malaspina Chantell Fourie Richard Moon Madeline Mullett Ellisha Rapoff Crystal Pearce Student Services Term two has been action packed with many activities and presentations being organised by the student services team. Here are just a few of those activitites. Year 10 Careers Expo From the Yr 10 Coordinator On Thursday 16 June 120 Year 10s attended the Career Expo at the Perth Convention Centre. There were more than 75 exhibitors, including many of the universities, industry providers, large companies and government agencies all offering information on numerous career, training and educational pathways. Not only did many of the students take home a heap of free pens and goodies, but many looked and sounded excited by the possibilities for their studies and learning in the future! From my point of view the best thing about the excursion was the excellent behaviour and maturity demonstrated by students while on the excursion. Well done! Circus Club goes to the Joondalup Festival Performing always gives you butterflies but the excitement of being in the Joondalup Festival Parade was hard to contain. What a great way to show off the fabulous circus skills of our circus troupe as they teamed up with other schools that had made lanterns and puppets. The troupe wandered through the streets of Joondalup to the eagerly applauding crowds who were truly amazed at the skills of our kids. Well done everyone! This performance was followed this term by a brilliant performance given to the Year 6 students. The skills of our troupe are getting better and better and the acts are starting to incorporate a multitude of performing skills. Jesus Racing Team Visits Kinross College The roar of a V8 engine is pretty awesome but when it is a replica V8 racing ute, driven by racing driver Andrew “Fishtail “ Fisher, it is even more exciting. Fishtail gave a great presentation focussing on “being courageous” and what this meant through life and the decisions we make. His account of his own personal struggles with making courageous decisions and the examples he used, were very meaningful. Following his presentation, our students were invited to look over the racing ute, have autographs signed and photos taken. Year 10 “Try a Trade” at Trades North Our Year 10 boys and girls had a fantastic experience in the Try a Trade Program 16 students went to “Trades North” to do brick and block laying, carpentry and tiling. After three days covered in cement sand and dust, the kids learnt some great skills which could be used in home handyman work. This provided them with a good insight into courses run at Trades North. Grant Edwards Manager Student Services RYPEN Camp 17-19 May On Friday 17 May we attended a 3 day camp funded by the Mindarie Rotary District at Point Walter Recreation Centre. We met many other students from around the state and made great memories together. Over the course of the 3 days we learnt to build up our leadership skills, public speaking, debating and gaining viable connections with the rotary members who can help us with our future carreers. We played trust games and participated in many sporting activities. Overall it was a great experience that we will cherish forever. We hope the Mindarie Rotary Club will sponsor some new students next year from Kinross College!!! Jaques Hundermark and Ffion Nutter Yr 10 Cyber Busters - Year 8 Incursion by Class Act Theatre On 25 May, Year 8 students attended the Cyber Busters’ performance. The play explored electronic bullying, prevention, self-esteem and friendship. It combined important messages about cyber safety and relationships, with humour and rap songs. It was a great afternoon filled with information, laughter and fun. Student Feedback: I liked the play because it was funny and I learned about cyberbullying without even realising. It was funny and easy to listen to. There were 2 completely different characters who were in the same situation, which explained that cyber bullying can happen to everyone. I think the majority of students at the College enjoyed it. I thought the presentation was really good. It was set up well and was telling us good ways to stop and deal with bullying. The best part of the presentation was when the guy was rapping. I learnt that there are many ways to stop bullying and deal with it. Year 10 Child Development students receive 30 virtual babies Changing Minds workshop On Wednesday 22 May, representatives from ARAFMI visited Kinross College to conduct a ‘Changing Minds’ workshop with our Year 9 Mentor Groups. Students were presented with an interactive and informative session on Mental Illness. A highlight of the presentation was having people talk to the students about their personal journey with Mental Illness. The Year 9’s gained knowledge of some of the common myths and misunderstandings that exist in the community Society and Environment Yr 8 “Liveable Cities” design assessment This term, students explored the topic of “Communities.” They looked at the way people use and move around their communities. Students then explored the most “liveable” cities around the world and learnt about the many features which make a community or city simply amazing to live in. Students were given the opportunity to create their own city. They had to map out the plan of their city/community, create a legend with fantastic symbols, provide a “zoomed in shot” of the main street and write a detailed report explaining how their city is “liveable.” The results were outstanding. surrounding mental health and asked thoughtful and insightful questions of the presenter. Graham Gorman Yr 9 Coordinator Yr 9 This term in Society and Environment we have covered several topics. We began the term by looking at Farming and learnt about the history of Agriculture and how it all began. We then moved onto the Factors of Production and we memorised the acronym of C.E.L.L., this means Capital, Enterprise, Land and Labour. We learnt a lot about Chocolate Production and the difference between Fair Trade and Free Trade. all people are entitled to these rights. We finished off the term by sitting an exam. Our in depth studies gave us a greater insight into the world around us. Cole Van Meygaarden We have covered a few areas of Economics including Capitalism, Communism, Imports, Exports and Monopolies. To finish off the term we learnt about levels of Government and their roles, as well as many other aspects of Politics and Law. Term 2 has been an intriguing term and we hope to carry on the great work throughout the year. Briana Dorant Yr 10 In the past term in Society and Environment, the Year 10’s have covered various topics. These have included Global Warming where we learnt seven different actions we can take to assist with Climate Change. When we studied Australian Immigration we looked at Asylum Seekers and Refugees. In Politics and Human Rights we studied the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and The Rights of a Child and how Dinner Dance - students will start their evening sipping fruit cocktails while surrounded by sharks in Australia’s largest aquarium. They will move upstairs to mingle amongst colourful fish and corals before being seated in one of the most spectacular ocean-side venues in Perth. Venue: Date: Cost: AQWA Thursday 21 November 2013 $75 Cost includes buffet dinner, soft drinks package and transport to the venue from the College. Year 10 child development students listened intently as the ladies from Medicare Local presented them with their virtual babies and instructed the girls on how to care for them. The virtual babies come as part of the Medicare program: Baby Think It Over. This program allows young people to explore the demands of parenting and helps young people realise the physical, emotional, social and financial consequences of teen parenthood. The main aims of the program are to increase awareness of the challenges of parenting at a young age, increase participants awareness of issues of becoming sexually active and to improve participants understanding of how to access a GP. Each student kept and cared for a virtual baby for 48 hours, non-stop, including the night shift! The virtual babies are programmed to respond to the care of the owner wearing a programmable electronic wrist band. Shannon Peppercorn & Sarah Le Child Development Fashion & Textiles Year 9 students have created beautiful cushions. They have hand embroidered their favourite designs or sayings. They have all demonstrated excellent hand sewing skills, creativity and fused traditional techniques with contemporary design! The Year 10 Fashion and Textiles students have been working on designing some beautiful ‘avant-garde’ style dresses. Students have been creating innovative fashion forward designs to model in the Showcase fashion parade at the end of Semester 1. Well done Reece Reece Harvey, a year 10 student, (pictured front and centre wearing glasses) has Cystic Fibrosis and this year, on his birthday (28 May), he organised a Cystic Fibrosis fundraising event ‘RED HAIR DAY ‘at the College. Reece is friendly, enthusiastic, always polite and has a great sense of humour. In the three days from when Reece was given the go-ahead for Red Hair Day, Reece managed to motivate students and staff and raise $437.50 for Cystic Fibrosis WA. Red Hair Day was the theme, students and teachers alike got involved by wearing red hair/ accessories or a red item of clothing. Reece’s mum and grandmother came along on the day to support him. Cystic Fibrosis (commonly known as CF) is a genetic condition which affects each individual differently. Reece was diagnosed when he was 10 weeks old and was given a 10% chance of surviving infancy. Reece has gone through some very difficult times but manages to remain a very level-headed, enthusiastic and friendly student. On Red Hair Day Reece visited all classes to introduce himself, explain a little about Cystic Fibrosis and raise those much appreciated funds. Funds raised will help CFWA to continue providing support in the form of essential services to people living with CF and to their families. If you would like to know more about CF, please visit www. cysticfibrosis.org.au/wa or contact CFWA on 9346 7333. amazing runners – we can’t wait to see what they can do at the Interschool and Champion Schools’ cross country events in Term 3. Physical Education Students at Kinross College have had a massive range of interschool sports and extra curricular activities to get involved in this semester. The Phys Ed Department has had a very hectic start to the year coordinating the many carnivals, competitions and other events on offer here at Kinross. Year 7 Winter Carnival All students in Year 7 were offered the opportunity to compete in either soccer, AFL, netball, hockey or league tag against other schools in our zone. Our students represented the College in an excellent manner, demonstrating great sportsmanship, whilst having a lot of fun. Our teams performed particularly well in AFL, hockey and girls’ soccer, taking out champion school in these sports. Interschool Sporting Competitions Interschool Sporting Competitions This semester, we have had two teams compete in the Champion Schools’ Netball Competition and we currently have a team competing in the WA Junior Boys’ Soccer Competition. The netball girls played with skill and enthusiasm and ranked better than we have done in previous years. The soccer boys are half way through their zone round robin and are looking strong for a place in the next round of competition. On Tuesday 4 June a selected group of Year 7 girls had a personal training session conducted by Nick Suban and Stephen Hill from the Fremantle Dockers. They focused on hand passing, kicking and game strategy and gave the girls some great tips for our up and coming Dockers’ Cup competition. After the training session the girls got the opportunity to ask questions about the players, get photos and get their personal training gear signed. Years 9 and 10 Lightning Carnivals This semester, primary students have tried out for, and competed in, the Girls Glory Cup Soccer and the Primary Basketball Association Cup. The Kinross girls’ soccer team managed to maintain its reputation as tough competitors and good sports and was runner up in this competition. The basketball boys were equally tough competitors and also did a great job representing the College. So far, our Year 10 and Year 9 students have participated in their North Coastal Sports Association Lightning Carnivals. Our students represented Kinross College in an exceptional manner. Their behaviour, sportsmanship, effort and attitude were to a standard that made us very proud! We are looking forward to having our students participate in the Year 8 carnival early next term. Well done to all and good luck to the Year 8’s! Dockers’ Footy Clinic Champion Schools’ Cross Country We had a number of students enter this event as individuals to see how they measured up against other cross country runners their age from across the state. Jessica Claxton won the event for her age group, which is an outstanding accomplishment and testament to her commitment to training and high level performance. Werner van der Westenhuizen, Samantha Van Munster and Kayleigh Fisher also got PB’s and placed very well on the day. This event was also used as a state team selection for the under 12’s, and we had 4 students compete in this state trial. Of the 4, 3 of them finished in the top 30 in the state!! What Phys Ed Studies - Triathlon Phys Ed Studies’ students competed in a mini triathlon as part of their course assessment. The competition consisted of a 200m swim, an 8km bike ride and a 2km run. These students trained hard in all disciplines in preparation for the event and despite some nerves, all successfully completed it on the day. An outstanding effort all round! Website: www.ramayperforming.com.au bile: 0451 016 981 / Email: info@ramayperforming.com.au CONTACT RIXI STANDER ROL NOW FOR 2013 TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT TRAINING IN DRAMA, SINGING AND GUITAR Many students performed really well, completing the 2km run (Yr 6) and 2.5km run (Yr 7), with impressive times. Most students tried their hardest and I’d like to congratulate them for their efforts. I would also like to thank the parents who came down to spectate the race and cheer on the kids. Your support is greatly valued and appreciated! Tina Nottle Head of Phys Ed TINY TOTS SOCIAL ADULT LADIES Website: www.ramayperforming.com.au NK JAZZ (FREESTYLE, ROCK&ROLL, HUSTLE, SLOWDANCE) LOCKING, bile: 0451 016 981 / Email: WACKING) info@ramayperforming.com.au P (LYRICAL, VOGUEING, BREAKDANCING, POPPING, TUTTING, CONTACT RIXI STANDER ELLENT DANCE TRAINING FOR ALL AGES IN: ROL NOW FOR 2013 TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT Students had been completing training runs for three weeks leading up to the event, earning house points (towards the Primary Cross Country House Shield). AND NOW ALSO: The Kinross College Primary Cross Country Championship event was held last term. Primary cross country – house points and place getters House points SOCIAL ADULT LADIES EXCELLENT DANCE TRAINING FOR ALL AGES IN: NK JAZZ (FREESTYLE, ROCK&ROLL, HUSTLE, SLOWDANCE) ge Colle s s o r at Kin SOCIAL ADULT LADIES HIP HOP (LYRICAL, VOGUEING, BREAKDANCING, POPPING, TUTTING, LOCKING, WACKING) CELLENT DANCE TRAINING FOR ALL AGES IN: TINY TOTS Staff and students were again involved FUNK JAZZExcellent (FREESTYLE,dance ROCK&ROLL, HUSTLE, training for allSLOWDANCE) ages in: in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Hip Hop, (Lyrical, Vogueing, Breakdancing, Popping, Tutting, SOCIAL ADULT LADIES Locking and Wacking) fundraising event which took place onEXCELLENTFunk Jazz (Freestyle, & Roll, Hustle, SlowALL dance) AGES IN: TINYRock TOTS DANCE TRAINING FOR Social adult ladies Friday June 7. Tiny Tots P (LYRICAL, VOGUEING, BREAKDANCING, POPPING, TUTTING, LOCKING, WACKING) Jack Reilly Ryan Pritchard Chloe Mountford Charli Wheeler AND NOW ALSO: Taylor Ashworth Werner van der Amanda Edwards Westhuizen Megan Hall Adam Smedley Lilymae Kehoe TRAINING IN DRAMA, SINGING AND GUITAR Year 7 Daniel Organ Tyla Gough CONTACT RIXILADIES STANDER SOCIAL ADULT Brody Groth Hayley Mack Website: www.ramayperforming.com.au AND NOW ALSO: Damon Mallows Jessica Newbold Fourth Website: www.ramayperforming.com.au Year 6 Third TRAINING IN DRAMA, SINGING AND GUITAR R-Up Champion CONTACT RIXI STANDER Champion TINY TOTS place getters AND NOW ALSO: 347 TRAINING IN DRAMA, SINGING AND GUITAR 377 EXCELLENT DANCE TRAINING FOR ALL AGES IN: 347 HIP HOP (LYRICAL, VOGUEING, BREAKDANCING, POPPING, TUTTING, LOCKING, WACKING) Total FUNK JAZZ (FREESTYLE, ROCK&ROLL, HUSTLE, SLOWDANCE) 168 EXCELLENT DANCE TRAINING FOR ALL AGES IN: 186 HIP HOP (LYRICAL, VOGUEING, BREAKDANCING, POPPING, TUTTING, LOCKING, WACKING) 172 FUNK JAZZ (FREESTYLE, ROCK&ROLL, HUSTLE, SLOWDANCE) Year 7 ENROL NOW FOR 2013 TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT 179 TINY TOTS Mobile: 0451 016 981 / Email: info@ramayperforming.com.au Forrest 191 ENROL NOW FOR 2013 TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT Stirling 175 Mobile: 0451 016 981 / Email: info@ramayperforming.com.au Brearley Year 6 AND NOW ALSO: HIP HOP (LYRICAL, VOGUEING, BREAKDANCING, POPPING, TUTTING, And now also: Each year, library staff Kim Flatt (pictured as ‘the King’ - Elvis) TRAINING IN DRAMA, SINGING AND GUITAR LOCKING, WACKING) Training in Drama, Singing and Guitar and Candace Ernst (Britney Spears) coordinate this fundraising FUNK JAZZ (FREESTYLE, ROCK&ROLL, HUSTLE, SLOWDANCE) event. They choose the theme; this year Pop or Rock star. Staff put in a fantastic effort putting costumes together from SOCIAL ADULT LADIES clothing items at home or from the local charity shops. Staff pictured are dressed as Annie Lennox, Suzie Quattro, Diana ENROL NOW FOR 2013 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT TINY TOTS Ross and the Supremes and Cindy Lauper. It was a huge Contact: Rixi Stander ENROL NOW FOR 2013 TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT 0451 016 981 success raising over $1,269.60 for the Cancer Council. A big info@ramayperforming.com.au AND NOW ALSO: CONTACT RIXI STANDER thank you to all students who contributed with the gold www.ramayperforming.com.au coin donation and wore yellow in their hair and to staff who Mobile: 0451 016 981 / Email: info@ramayperforming.com.au TRAINING IN DRAMA, SINGING AND GUITAR contributed to this very worthy cause. Well done! Website: www.ramayperforming.com.au Year 10 Food Production Italian Lunch College staff were treated to a fantastic Italian lunch all produced and served by the Yr 10 food production students. The IA was transformed into a restaurant venue where the students served lunch to twenty plus staff members. Guests were waited on by students and served bruschetta with spanish onion and balsamic vinegar, pizza, spaghetti bolognese, a selection of drinks and Italian cookies to finish. The food was absolutely scrumptious! Home Economics Year 10 Food Production Morning Tea Mrs Downer was very proud of her students who hosted a morning tea for staff. The students were responsible for designing a menu, creating the layout and dividing themselves into two groups - chefs and waiters. Silver service provided fresh scones with jam and cream, gooey caramel slice, fruit and tea/coffee. For Mother’s Day Yr 9 Cake Decorating Students made cupcakes and decorated them with fondant. Ex Kinross College student, Teagan, now a qualified chef at The Beach Shack at Hillary’s, visited the year 10 Food Production class as our guest chef. Teagan spoke of the importance of completing Year 12 and how to sharpen knives. Teagan demonstrated, then students practised how to cut onions, celery, carrots in mirepoix, paysanne and batons. Students then made pipettes, a paper piping bag for chocolate and sugar work. It was a great presentation and very informative class. Michelle Downer Home Economics Teacher