FISHBURN BOOKS | JUDAICA LIST | January 2016 | PH: 44 208 4559139 | FAX: 44 208 922 5008 20 Curiosities including a satirical Bolshevik Talmud, a book of Jewish thoughts in Arabic and the first English edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 1. M ONTEFIORE , S IR M OSES . - L ETTER FROM S IR M OSES M ONTEFIORE T O J ERUSALEM R ABBIS REGARDING F UNDS COLLECTED IN THE USA FOR DISTRIBUTION IN P ALESTINE [Ramsgate] 1873. Letter written in Hebrew on Sir Moses Montefiore Holy Land letter head. The letter is written by a secretary but signed in Hebrew by Sir Moses Montefiore. It is numbered 7410. The letter has been put in a mount with an English translation. It is addressed to four rabbis: Rabbi Abraham Ashkenazi, Chcham Bashi [Chief Rabbi of Palestine]; Rabbi Moses Viniste; Rabbi Osher Mannikshaft and Rabbi Jacob Jehuda Leib Lewe. FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 1 “...... Accept herewith my letter with the enclosed sum of £17 6.0 (seventeen pounds and six shillings) which I received from the wealthy Mr Rosenwald of the Holy Congregation of Baltimore in the United States. It is his wish that the mentioned sum be distributed to the poor brethren who live in the Holy Land. The enclosed donation was collected in the following manner from the Congregation ‘Shevet Achim’ £8, from the Community ‘Sheerit Yisrael’ £2 and 6 shillings and from ‘Chizuk Emunah’ £7.” [ref: 16964 ] £1,400 2. C ATALOGUE OF A NGLO -J EWISH H ISTORICAL E XHIBITION , 1887. R OYAL A LBERT H ALL , AND OF S UPPLEMENTARY E XHIBITIONS H ELD AT T HE P UBLIC R ECORD O FFICE , B RITISH M USEUM , S OUTH K ENSINGTON M USEUM London William Clowes and Sons 1887 Original printed wrappers 22cm, xxi +(3) + 208 pp. Spine is worn away at top and bottom. Some soiling but overall a good copy. An important and early exhibition relating to the Jews in England, and containing Jewish ceremonial objects from other countries, including items from the Strauss Collection The exhibition was divided into 4 sections . (1) Historic Relics and Records. (2) Jewish Ecclesiastical Art (including Synagogue, Home and Personal) (3) Antiquities and (4) Coins and Medals and the supplementary exhibitions. Each section has an introduction. The first public display of Jewish ceremonial art was the exhibition of 82 objects from the Strauss Collection in Paris in 1878 and some of these were included in this exhibition. [ref: 16975 ] £275 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 2 3. H AGGADAH S HEL P ESACH I M O TIOT K EDOLOT Amsterdam Yochanan Levi Ubeno Benyamin Rofe, 1815 Original paper covered boards. 18cm, 40 leaves, some illustrations. Interestingly the illustrations are all decorated first letters of paragraphs. Tear to corner of title page with no loss of text. Some foxing and staining. Yudlov 550, Yaari 386 [ref: 16974 ] £350 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 3 4. T HE J EWISH P ERIL : P ROTOCOLS OF THE L EARNED E LDERS OF Z ION London Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd 1920 First English edition. Original grey wrappers, 95 pp. One of the most notorious works of Anti-Semitism from the 20th Century and a blueprint for all subsequent works of Anti-semitism. Originally published in Russian at the beginning of the 20th Century. It accuses the Jewish people of attempting to gain world domination through control of the press and financial manipulation. [ref: 16971 ] £395 5. M E TAL P LATE WITH IMAGE IN RELIEF OF THE G REAT S YNAGOGUE T EL A VIV . A circular metal plate 32 cm in diameter. It has an image of the Great Synagogue Tel Aviv. Circa 1940s or 1950s . [ref: 16970 ] £295 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 4 6. D AILY M AIL - W EDNESDAY D ECE MBER 3 1947: A RABS WRECK , BURN , LOOT , AND STAB IN J ERUSALEM - HOLY WAR DECLARED - W ORLD CALL TO M OSLEMS London, advance edition 1947 Browned and somewhat frayed to edges and fragile. This was just after the UN vote on the Partition of Palestine which led to the founding of the State of Israel. [ref: 9434 ] £95 7. D ALI , S ALVADOR , M EZUZAH C ASE A bronze Mezuzah Case designed by Salvador Dali. Dali's monogram is on the Mezuzah case and on the original box. The Mezuzah Case measures 215 mm [ref: 4927 ] £475 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 5 8. G OLDSCHMIDT , L AZARUS . T HE E ARLIEST I LLUSTRATED H AGGADAH , P RINTED BY G ERSHOM C OHEN AT P RAGUE Discovered and described by Lazarus Goldschmidt London Bromlea Book Sales Ltd 1940 Original blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine. 29cm, 61 pp. text, vii plates of facsimiles of the Haggadah. Top edge gilt, tissue guards for illustrations. The Prague Haggadah is one of the rarest and most sought after Hebrew books. This book offers an account of the discovery that there were two editions of the Prague Haggadah. Goldschmidt bought this defective copy of the Haggadah to complete the copy he had in his possession only to discover that this was a different and hitherto unknown edition of the Prague Haggadah. Number 114 of 200 copies. Some marking or staining and fading to cloth, overall a good copy otherwise. Translated from the German manuscript Immanuel Goldschmidt [ref: 16965 ] £125 9. H ERTZ , C HIEF R ABBI J H F ILE - FIKR AL Y AHUDIY [B OOK OF J EWISH T HOUGHTS ] Cairo Dār Majallatī li-al-Ṭabʻ wa-alNashr [1920] Original printed wrappers, 20cm, 445 pp. A copy of Chief Rabbi Hertz’s famous book in Arabic! Originally published in 1917 for the use of Jewish soldiers in the British army and greatly expanded in subsequent years. This edition is in Arabic and published in Cairo which had a significant Jewish population at the time. [ref: 16966 ] £250 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 6 10. K UP PERSTIEN (C OOPERS TIEN ), L EIB [H OLOCAUST ] M EGILLAT S TRUMA [S CROLL , S TORY OF THE S TRUMA ] Tel Aviv Organisation of Oleh Rumania B’Eretz Yisrael 1942 Original wrappers, Text in Hebrew, 134 pp. At the end there is a letter in English addressed to Sir Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of Palestine. The Struma was a ship carrying about 780 Jewish refugees from Roumania to Mandatory Palestine. It is believed to have been torpedoed by a Soviet submarine, and there was only one survivor. [ref: 16976 ] £125 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 7 11. L EVINE , T HE R EV E PHRAIM T HE H ISTORY OF THE N EW W EST E ND S YNAGOGUE 1879-1929 1929 Original wrappers, 21.5cm, 45 pp plus plates (1 internal view of the synagogue and 5 pages of portraits of officiants etc). Some minor soiling and wear to wrappers overall a very good copy. [ref: 10458 ] £85 12. L UZZATTO , S D V IKUACH A L C HO CHMAT H A K ABBALAH V AL K IDMAT S EFER H A Z OHAR - D IALOGUES S UR L A K ABBALE E T L E Z OHAR ET SUR L’A NTIQUITE D E LA P ONCTUATION E T D E L’A CCENTU ATION D ANS L A L ANGUE H EBRAIQUE A Polemic on the Kabbalah and the Age of the Zohar. Gorice (Gorizia) Seitz 1852 Half leather over cloth, wear ad marking to boards and spine. Text in Hebrew with 8 French pages. Title in Hebrew and French. 137 + (1) + 8 pp. Samuel David Luzzatto (1800 – 1865) was one of the most prominent contributors to the Science of Judaism in the 19th Century. This is a polemic on the age of the Zohar which traditionally had been FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 8 attributed to Rabbi Yochan Ben Zackai but more recently attributed to the 13th Century Moses De Leon. [ref: 16972 }] £175 13. M ELAMED , A BRAHAM B EN S HLOMO Z ECHARYIA . - M ASECHET A DMONIM M IN T ALMUD B OLSHOVE , T RACTATE R E DS FROM THE B OLSHEVIK T ALMUD , T ALMUDIC PARODY OF R USSIAN C OMMUNISM FROM 1923 Tel Aviv 1923 Modern cloth, 22cm, 48 pp. The pages are browned. A clever parody of Communism in the form of a Talmudic Tractate. The parody is dedicated to Dovid Ben Rav Shlomo Zalman who was killed by the Communists in 1920. He requested that he be hung first so as not to witness the executions of his companions. The 'Mishnah' begins 'All are Red. There is no difference between Red and White, apart for the name alone. Rabbi Yarkan says the Yerokin (Greens) are included. 'Rashi' says that the Gemara will explain who the Yerokim are. On 3a, for example, we see that 'the Whites call 'Zhid!' loudly, while the Reds say it quietly.' i.e., they are both antisemitic. See [ref: 16967 ] £275 14.[S OVIET J EWRY ] (R. J UDAH L EI B L EWIN , E DITOR ) S IDDUR HA -S HALOM WITH H AGGADAH FOR P ASSOVER Moscow 1968 479 pp., 237:161 mm. A very good copy bound in the original cloth boards. Second edition of the siddur first composed by Rabbi Solomon Schliefer, former rabbi of Moscow. Rabbi Schliefer had received permission from the authorities to print - for the first time under the Soviet regime - a Jewish prayer book (3,000 copies) – arguably as consolation for signing, under pressure, a statement of several prominent Soviet Jews against the "aggression" of Israel during the Sinai Campaign, published in Izvestiya (Nov. 29, 1956). FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 9 The siddur consisted of photostated pages from pre-revolutionary prayer books, from which any reference to wars and victories (e.g., in the Hanukkah benedictions) were omitted. Perhaps sardonically. Schliefer called it Siddur ha-Shalom (Peace Prayer Book) instead of the customary Siddur ha-Shalem, (Complete Prayer Book). In 1957, when Rabbi Solomon Schliefer inaugurated the yeshiva in the Moscow Great Synagogue, and was officially regarded as the ‘Rosh Yeshiva.’ However, he appointed Rabbi Lewin as the principal. Several months after Rabbi Schliefer's death, Rabbi Lewin was appointed his successor, both as rabbi of the Great Synagogue and as the Rosh Yeshiva. (see bio note below). He did his best to fulfill his difficult task to serve as semiofficial spokesman and apologist for the Soviet policy in matters of Judaism and at the same time to be a genuine spiritual leader to his congregation and refrain from acts and statements blatantly contradicting Jewish interests and the real sentiments of Soviet Jewry. The item for sale is R. Lewin's 1968 second edition of the Siddur HaShalom which was produced after a similar compromise between him and the Russian authorities in the wake of the 1967 Israeli - Arab war. [Reference: R. Judah Leib Levin (1894–1971), Russian rabbi. Born in Yekaterinoslav, where his father, Eliezer Shemuel, was rabbi, Lewin studied at the Slobodka yeshiva. During World War I he became rabbi of the Ukrainian town Grishino (now Krasnoarmeisk, Ukraine), and later, for a short period, rabbi of his native Yekaterinoslav. Because of the high taxes imposed on religious clergy and conflicts with the leaders of the congregation he gave up the rabbinate and, returning to Krasnoarmeisk, engaged in the work of a religious scribe for various Jewish communities, particularly in Georgia] [ref: 16968 ] £175 15. [S OVIET J EWRY ] (R. J UDAH L EIB L EWIN , E DITOR ) S IDDUR HA -S HALOM WITH H AGGADAH FOR P ASSOVER Montreal Vaad Ha’Ir D’Montreal 1970 479 pp + 31 year calendar., 170:120 mm., Some wear and soiling to covers, some scribbling on endpapers, and inner hinges shaken. A third edition of the siddur first composed by Rabbi Solomon Schliefer, former rabbi of Moscow. See full description of item above. This little known edition was printed in Montreal in 1970 as a sign of solidarity “with our brethren in the Soviet Union”. It is the same as the previous item except it is physically about half the size and has a 31 year calendar at the end. [ref: 16969 ] £175 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 10 16. S CHILLER , S M- (S CHILLER -S ZINESSY ) "B EFÖRDERT DAS W OL DES V ATERLANDES !" : P REDIGT ÜBER J EREMIAS 29,7 ZUR G EBURTSFEIER S R . M AJESTÄT ... K ÖNIGS F ERDINAND V., K AISERS VON O ESTERREICH , ETC . AM פסח חג אסרו5606 (19. A PRIL 1846) / Leipzig Fritzsche 1846 Wrappers, 20cm, 15 + (1) pp. Text in German. Worldcat lists 2 copies Yale and Bibliotheca Albertina (Univ of Lepizig). Foxed. The sermon relates to the verse in Jeremiah which is seen as source for the prayer for the king or rulers of the land Jews inhabit. The author later became the Jewish Reader in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature at the University of Cambridge. [ref: 16940 ] £175 17. W ISTRICH , R OBERT S. M USLIM A NTI -S EMITISM : A C LEAR AND P RESENT D ANGER New York The American Jewish Committee 2002 Original wrappers, 23 cm., 57 p., text in English, illustrated with examples of antisemitic propaganda in Arab media. Robert Wistrich was one of the most prolific writers on anti-Semitism. Very good condition. [ref: 16953 ] £25 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 11 18. L ORD A NNAN . A NTI -S EMITISM - Z IONISM T HE L INK . A R EPORT OF THE 1984 L ONDON AND O XFORD S YMPOSIUM . London Centre for Contemporary Studies 1984 Original wrappers, 21cm, 32 pp, very good condition. [ref: 8328] £25 19. B OARD OF D EPU TIES OF B RITISH J EWS O PINIONS OF F OREIGN E XPERTS ON THE J EWISH M ETHO D OF S LAUGHTERING A NIMALS - P AMPHLET NO 2 London The Board of Deputies of British Jews c 1914 Original wrappers, 25cm 39pp. Marked proof confidential. Contains quotations from 457 foreign experts. The full texts from which these quotations were taken was in a German booklet published in 1908 by Dr Hirsch Hildersheimer. Good. [ref: 7095] £120 20. J ÜDISCHEN G EMEINDE L UZERN . - G EBETS O RDNUNG IN DER S YNAGOGE DER J ÜDISCHEN G EMEINDE L UZERN Luzern D. Lande 1946 Original wrappers, 21.5cm, 21 pp, very good condition. Text in German and Hebrew. [ref: 7110] £65 FISHBURN BOOKS, January 2016 12