O - Gay Rodeo History
O - Gay Rodeo History
G.S.G.R.A. THE OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP NEWSLETTER GRFA1ERLOSANGELES OF BAY AREA GREATER SAN DIEGO CAPITAL CROSSROADS dlueust 1999 The Golden State Gay Rodeo Association 4226 East 15th Street Long Beach, Ca 90804 (619)293-0666 gsgra@gsgra.org Group South Bay Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Bob Stanfill e-mail:bob@bobslanfill.com http:JiwNw.bobslanfill.com 19200 Stevens Creek Blvd. Ste 210 Cupertino. California 95014 Direct Line: (408) 246-3562 Toll Free : (800) 969-LI ST a move...... . gsgra.org Call Me!!! FREE One Year Home Warrantee for Members ofG.S.G.R.A. WWW.GSGAA.OAG P.O.Box 2407 Long Beach, Ca 90801-2407 (562)498-1675 larodeo.com larodeo@larodeo.com MEMBER BENEFIT: 1439 University Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 RI C K HUNTE R (61 9) 260- 0531 ~ -=-......... CD -:s: ......... CD Bay Area ~ P.O.Box 611033 San Jose, Ca 95161-1033 (415)561-9228 http://users.aol.com/gsgra/bac98.htrnl Capital Crossroads FLORIST & ANTIQUES ..._ CD ;::: Greater San Diego Check it out..... fJh E'J7.Ench 'JfowE7. dllla7.kEt ~ ......... ~ Greater L. A. 3768 30th Street San Diego, Ca 92104 (619)298-4708 gsgra san@aol.com Ca rd Can-ying G.S.G.R.A. M embet·s t·eceive a lO'Yo Discount on all goods and se t·vices with th e exception of o ut of town wire orders. P.O.Box 189305 Sacramento, Ca 95818 (916)451-9439 gsgra_ cc@hotrnail.com httpJ/www.geocities.com/westhollywood/4909/ ---- -= G.S.G.RA. LOCAL CHAPTERS · --- ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl:l ~ CD "'1C:: ~ a:; ~ ~ .::. ~ CD ......... ..._ ~ ..._ ......... -~ ~ to ~ CD ..c: E-ll .n -= - CD "'1C:: ~ .::. CD ..c: E-ll The International Gay Rodeo Association 900 East Colfax Denver, Co 80218 (303)832-IGRA igra@igra.com http://www.igra.com Publised Monthly by The Golden State Gay Rodeo Association Newsletter CoChairs Ruth Hilderbrandt mamarodeo@aol.com and Joseph Olney rodeobrit@aol.com Captial Crossroads PO BOX 189305 Sacramento CA 95818 916.978.4040 http://www.gsgra.org/cc WHAT's THE CHATTER? The CHATTER certainly is getting louder in the Sacramento area. With less than three weeks to go for the Sierra Stampede, the excitement is building. The response is almost over-powering. In the meantime, we have had the pleasure of being invited to "The Summer Party" at Bruce and George's of the Double BRanch, our great host for the Hoedown held in May. It was great to see so many there to enjoy the day and all the fireworks. We were invited to sell tickets for the rodeo, and if all those bodies show up, we are going to have some fun! The Freewheelers also gave us a glimpse of what to expect when they bring their vintage cars to show at the rodeo. We also had a great chapter meeting at Lin's, which lasted about 15 minutes, long enough to elect officers for the next year. The remaining 12 hours the chapter had a chance to experience a lot of horse activity. Some got to learn to lunge a horse and David did a very good demonstration on how different bits affect the mouth and head position and moving a horse with your body position and legs. David also gave some basic riding instructions as he rode with some of the riders. Some members just enjoyed riding as Lin had provided two horses and David made his available. Lin's new colt, "Rib-1", probably had the most fun as every spent some time brushing him. We also had a great time with Duck Herding with a first go and then Lin's demo on animal handling. What a difference! A good thing for us rodeo folk to know in dealing with the animals. We also had Goat Dressing under the lights, where we learned not to hold the goat by his feet (ask Marshall). Both events had 5 teams competing. Finally Lin got to go to bed as the last happy camper left at 10:30 p.m. So if the length of time they stayed is any indicator of enjoyment I guess we all had fun. AND of course, the hosts were perfect, and the facilities were impeccable. Congratulations to our new officers: President Vice-President- Administration Vice-President- Rodeo Op. Treasurer Secretary Asst. Treasurer Asst. Secretary Herb Smith Lin Daugherty Mark Marshall Bill Hause Herb "Zack" Kreiter Wes Wilkinson Laurie Cook Thanks to all our past officers for the hard work ! MEMBERS GET YOUR VOLUNTEER INFORMATION IN ASAP! Thanks to: Brian, Jeff, and Bob. You guys did a great job with the hospitality for the State Board meeting. Congrats to: Debbie Andrews Marci Garcia Doug Graff Rudy Olvera Rudy Olvera Doug Graff Todd Grusing Rudy Olvera Bull Riding Buckle at San Jose Chute Dogging- 4 111 place at San Jose Bull Riding- 211(1 place at San Jose Bull Riding - 4'11 place at San Jose Steer Riding- 3'd place at San Jose Chute Dogging - 8' 11 place at San Jose Steer Deco- 4' 11 place at San Jose Steer Deco- 4 111 place at San Jose Debbie Andrews Todd Grusing Rudy Olvera Doug Graff Marci Garcia Doug Graff Doug Graff Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Drag - 6'11 Drag- 6'11 Drag - 6' 11 Drag - 7' 11 Drag - 7' 11 place place place place place at at at at at San San San San San Jose Jose Jose Jose Jose Steer Riding Buckle at Calgary Steer Deco- 5' 11 place at Calgary Fun Things Coming Your Way August 14 - Hot August Nights BBQ Fund Raiser At The Eagle Tavern. Volunteers needed here to! August 20 through 22- Capital Crossroads Sierra Stampede. Don't miss the inaugural rodeo for the Sacramento Chapter! This promises to be a HUGE event. September 24 through 26 - Camping in the woods by the beach. You just know stories are gonna come out of this trip! New Brighton State Beach in Capitola. Contact Craig Rouse or Clint Johnson to sign up. ~ lD BAC Contacts President' Bill Gorman VI' Rodeo Operations: Terrylec Allert Treasurer: Adrian Arteche (llillGBAC@aol.com} Executive VP . (Tcxas7t@aul.com) Secretary. (Adrian_Arteche@yahoo.comMcmbcrship Coor .. Rodeo Event Director: Craig Rouse (ropinridc@aol.com) llAC Website. http://uscrs.aol.com/gsgra/bac98 .html Newsletter. BAC llotlinc· .. Brian Syth Mike Barela Gregg Harvey Jabby Lowe (415) 561-9228 (Oriman1160@aol .com) (MikeGSGRA@aol.com) (gharvey646@aol.com) (Jabbyd@aol.com) crr;!;:::s!:::sr::r:rrsrrssrr.r:rssr::s:rrs:rs:rss~:;s:~r.::rs::r=-~-...~t6'5'3a1- .:r.=rs::ss:rs:~::::rs::r::rs::r:::s::r::~r::rs::ss::s::r:::s::~ <:~...&..L..._., THE GOLDEN STATE GAY RODEO ASSOCIATION A Member Association of the International Gay Rodeo Association GSGRAPINS! APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Membership records are strictly confidential. G.S.G.R.A. is an organization of men and women. Ownership of a horse is not required to be a member Membership fees are for one year from the date of receipt. Family memberships are available to any two IJersons residing at the same address. Members must be at least 18 years of age. Some G.S.G.R.A. events are held in locations with age restrictions that would exclude members under the age of 21. Individual.. ... $40.00 Family..... $75.00 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY PRIMARY MEMBER CHAPTER AFFILIATION NAME t-A _D _ D_ R_ES -S - -+-- -- - - - - -- - - - - - 1 ~---~r---------------~ CITV 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --1 SfATFJZIP Please check the chapter with which you would like to be affiliated. Members that do not indicate a preference will be considered to have selected Member at Large. You wanted GSGRA merchandise - now buy some! Only $6 each ORDER BY MAIL! Number of pins Number of caps @ $6.00* each= @ $6.00* each= Send check for the total made payable to G.S.G.R.A. Your Name -------------------------------Address City, State ------------------ Zip _________ Send order for and check (no cash please) BIRTHDAY I-------11-------------'-Y•.::.•:. . :O~pt.::.io::::na-ll D GREATER L,A. PHONE# to:G.S.G.R.A. 4226 East 15th Street * Prices include shiupping Long Bc~1ch; Ca 90804 and any applicable sales taxes. E-MAIL 1- - - - - ' - -- -- - - - - - - - - -1 DBA y AREA All new members receive an engraved G.S.G .R.A. name badge. Please print here the way you would like us to engrave yours. 1-- - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 DGREATER SAN DIEGO DATE SIGNATIJRE D CAPITOL CROSSROADS FAMILY MEMBER 1- - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 D All new members receive an engraved G.S.G.R.A. name badge. Please print here the way you would like us to engrave yours . BII{JllllAY Year Opt ional f,.MAII . nAn: - - - -- - + - - - - - - - SJGNAltlJU: - - · - - - - - - - -1 MEMBER AT LARGE MAIL THIS COMPLETED FORM WITH YOUR PAYMENT TO: G.S.G.R.A . Membership Committee 4226 East 15th St.Long I3each, Ca 90804 The Golden State Gay Rodeo Association Monthly Membership Statistics Gr·eater L.A. Bay Area San Diego Capital Cr·ossroads Non Aflilated Total Gr·eater L.A. Bay Area San Oiego Capital Crossr·oads Non Aflilated Total Greater L.A . Bay Ar·ea San Diego Capital ( 'r·ossroads Nun ,\flilated Total Start 7/1/99 109 68 85 42 24 328 Expired 7/31/99 New 6 7 8 1 3 25 2 5 2 5 1/1 /99 112 74 2/1 /99 107 105 31 22 344 7/ 1/99 109 6H H5 42 H 32H 69 99 29 18 322 H/ 1199 112 74 84 50 22 342 Renewals Transfers 7 8 5 4 0 24 0 End 8/1/99 112 74 84 50 22 342 3/ 1/99 113 H3 411199 511/99 6/ 1199 9H 103 75 IOH 92 92 36 H9 HH 35 23 325 I 1/ 1/99 41 24 1 15 33 21 342 911199 HO 21 327 10/ 1/99 69 330 1211 199 f) IGreater San Diego Chapter- August 199~ A G'REA T 13IG HOTLINE/ VOICE MAIL (619) 298-4708 FAX: (619) 298-4709 Email: gsgra San@aol.com Web Page: www.gaywired.com/gayrodeo.htm CHAPTER SPECIAL ELECTION BYLAWS Congratulations to Joseph Berry on his election to 1 ~---------l the Executive Board in the position of Secretary. There will be a special As a reminder to those members that are unable to meeting of the membership attend the meetings, your Executive Board con- to vote .an changes/amendments to the Chapter Bysists of the following chapter members. Laws. This Special meetDan Bradford ing will be held after the President: close of the August GenExecutive Vice Robert Kojima eral Membership meeting President Admin: on August 4, 1999. Any Vice President J. J . Jennings Chapter member wishing Rodeo Operations: Joseph Berry to present a change or Secretary: Del Castillo amendment to the Chapter Treasurer: By Laws can submit these We are here to make this chapter and our Rodeo to the membership, in writthe Best it can be. Please contact us with any ing, at this Special meetcomments, questions or concerns that you may ing. have. No matter is to large or too small. CALENDAR Dates for September 1999 Dates for August 1999 Aug 3 Aug 4 7 PM 7 PM Aug 8 Aug 14-15 Aug 14-15 Aug 18 7 PM Aug 20-22 Aug 28-29 Aug29 TBA Sep I Board Meeting Sep 8 General Membership Mtg./ Sep 15 Special By Laws Meeting Hillcrest Street Fair Orange County Pride Albuqueq. & Detroit Rodeos Rodeo Roundtable Mtg. Sacramento Rodeo Chicago Rodeo Chapter Beach Party at The Hole 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM General Membership Mtg. Rodeo Roundtable Mtg. Rodeo Roundtable Mtg. September 16-19 San Diego Rodeo 1999 Mission Valley Marriott Del Mar Fair Grounds WELL V<9NE AND THANK Y<9U TO EVERY<9NE TtlAT flELPEV US PUT <9N <9UR PART <9F TtlE SAN VIEGO P'RIVE. lvfy hat: woff 'to- aLlt ofyOUt who- WUit¥che<i-, v~ co-or~ed;, voLu-nt-ee-red;, ~e¥'t~ }et' up, 'toredown;, ~up,~~ t'~ p~t-CV- pat-edt, wat-ched-orjUfl;~~~ cWout" ~ If YOU!~ hcdfaw ~{Uttt aw I cUd, YOU!~ cv Lvtn& I hope-- youJ ve-- aU..t vt0t- to- wect.t: t"ure<L-to-do-~ ~~for~ Sa-w V~ Rodeo- U\1 Sept'~. COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD GREATER SAN DIEGO CHAPTER OFFICE The Chapter would like to announce to As a heads up to those of you that formation ofthe haven't been able to make it to the meeting lately, here's one of the things that is in the works. PHIL BALDWIN We have a couple of opportunities to COMMUNITY SERVICE improve our office location and AWARD. spaces. It's only in the "works stage" right now, but we need as much input This will be an award similar to the from the ENTIRE chapter to make Ralph Martinez award, but will be sure that we make the best move. give to the person that demonstrate the Contact me, Dan Bradford, on my kind of community spirit and activism Rodeo office voice mail with your for which Phil was well known. Nomi- input, positive or negative. Or come to nations of individuals that you feel fit the meetings and put your face tothe standards that Phil set will be ac- gether with your input. Or just come cepted at the August General Member- to the meeting. It's YOU that we miss. ship meeti~g or may by submitted to any Executtve Board member. Name: in the information requested in the Volunteer Identification section ----------------------------------~ Address: __________________________________~ Please CIRCLE the shift the corresponds with the position and shift for which you are volunte ring. can volunteer for multiple shifts or positions by CIRCLING each one for which you are vo nteering. be aware that some positions or shifts require only a limited number of volunteers. , that number is reached, you may be asked to fill a different position or shift. Please fill in this form return it to the address shown below as soon as possible to insure that you get the position/shift that want. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the Rodeo •Jf,i~ and a voice mail message for one of the Volunteer Coordinators. The phone oumber is (61 9) 298-4708. Voice Mailbox 3272 for Dan B. or select Voice Mailbox 7546 for Roy K. GSGRA San Diego Chapter ATTN: Volunteer Committee 3768 30th Street San Di CA. 92104 City: ---------------------1 State: ----------------------Zip: ----------------------- E-Mail : Or Fax to: (619) 298-470 l ----------------------------------~ Other: HOST HOTEL Marriott Mission Valley Contestan~ - Accounting - - - Fundraising -------- ----- Hospitality -~~---- Registration ------- - ---- Noon- 4 PM 4 PM- 8 PM 9 PM -1 AM 10 AM- 2 PM 2 PM- 6 PM 6 PM -10 PM 10 PM- 2 AM 6 PM- 10 PM 10 PM- 2 AM Arena Crew Chute Crew Roping Crew REQUIRES REQUIRES REQUIRES TWO TWO 6 PM- 10 PM 9 PM -1 AM 4 PM- 8 PM 7 PM -11 PM 9 PM -1 AM 6 PM -10 PM 9 PM -1 AM 4 PM -8 PM 7 PM -11 PM 9 PM -1 AM Secretarial Crew ~~~~~ 7 AM -7 PM TWO 2 PM -6 PM 7 AM -7 PM 7 AM -7 PM 7 AM -11 AM 10AM-2PM 2 PM- 6 PM 7 AM -11 AM 10AM-2PM 2 PM -6 PM 2 PM -6 PM r:: Mar -Ju... 0 fl) C)CJ» 100.00 200.00 200.00 4,640.00 0.00 1,500.00 500.00 50.00 -200.00 19.89 69.00 25.00 -1,500.00 240.00 ~ Ql Total Income 5,843.89 7,140.00 -1,296.11 :::J Expense Buckle Sponsorships Dance Contest Expenses Education Equipment Expense General Administrative Membership Merchandise Professional Fees State Convention Expenses Taxes 200.00 273.80 0.00 0 .00 1,562.50 1,345.56 0.00 0.00 255.03 800.00 400.00 274.00 500.00 1,200.00 2,127.00 1,500.00 100.00 500.00 300.00 800.00 -200.00 -500.00 -1,200.00 -564.50 -154.44 -100.00 -500.00 -44.97 0.00 Total Expense 4,438.89 7,701 .00 -3,264.11 1,407.00 -581.00 1,988.00 C'G Q, E 0 0 -CI)CJ) en "C ... r::mc - - "C ..., ~ C'GCI r:: .c e> e :::J fl) .c r::.c (I) Cl) (.!) $0verBudg ... 150.00 0 .00 219.89 4,709.00 25.00 0.00 740.00 't: (.) Budget Income Dance Contest David Watkins Memorial Fund Interest Income Membership Income Merchandise Sale Reserve Funds State Convention fl) ... u >< ca w:E Cl) Q,'- fl) > Cl) ~ r:: Cl) Net Income > Cl) a:: ~ ~ ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings WFB • David Watkins Fund WFB • General Operating WFB -Savings WFB Rodeo Sanction 498.02 1,672.64 3,817.14 11 ,390.78 Total Checking/Savings 17,378.58 -0.20 l>[D (II 39,890.10 o!!.G) .... m en E' ::J G) :::s n ~ CDCD other Assets Equipment 2,307.28 Total other Assets 2,307.28 Income Interest Income David Watkins Money Market Acct Rodeo Sanction Total Banking wen~ 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY Jun '99 Expense . General Administrative Banking Service Charges Void Checks 22,511 .52 Total Equity June 1999 0 .71 9 .02 43.96 53.69 906.00 42,197.38 - ::J' ~ Internet Charges Telephone Trustee Expenses , ~ «:CD n CDCD <Dr+ 42,392.48 -1,602.10 1,407.00 42,197.38 42,197.38 959.69 Total Income 22,511 .52 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Opening Bal Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Revenue vs Expenses Membership Income Total Accounts Receivable TOTAL ASSETS GSGRA, Inc Totallnterest Income Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Total Current Assets ~ Total General Administrative Membership Name Tags Newsletter Postage Total Membership ~ Taxes State Total Taxes Total Expense Net Income 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 52.77 53.19 195.99 301 .95 111 .04 87.40 200.00 398.44 800.00 800.00 1,500.39 -540.70 Rodeo Bid Delaved Till November Thanks to the support of GSGRA President Craig Rouse and the rest of the State 13oard, our chapter's formal bid to hold the 2000 rodeo has been postponed (at our request) till the November State Board meeting in Sacramento. This will give us time to put together a solid budget -- and P. 0 . Box 2407 Buv - And Sell! - Chapter Raffle Tickets Ticket sales are under way for our L.A. Rodeo Rafllc. Tickets arc $1 each or six for $5, and there arc a number of prizes including a Limited Edition IGRA-13ud Light Jacket, a beautiful $200 13olo Tic, and (from the historic vaults) a Limited Edition IGRA-Millcr Light Dress Shirt and Matching Hat. Ticket-selling began during the IGRA Convention at the end of .July, and we hit up our friends from around the country really we ll. We'l l also sell the tickets during the Sacramento and San Diego rodeos, with the drawing planned for Sunday night during the San Diego rodeo. The ranle is designed as the chapter's , primary fund-raiser for the summer, and we need to make this thing work because of our , financial situation after this year's rain y rodeo. llere's what we need from every one of you : -- We need suitable raf'fle prizes. Do some creative thinking and com..: up with some great prizes that wi ll help make these raf"llc tickets even more popular. -- We need you to help sell tickets' Sec any chapter orficcr to get some of the tickets, and sell them to all of your friend s. We need their cash! Outdoor Rodeo Plavdav Planned For October The chapter has planned an outdoor arc. and give them a taste of what our rodeo is like. Then, even if some of the potential rodeo playday for Saturday, Oct. 16 -halfway between the Washington . D.C., spon sors can't make it. we can work the rodeo and the linals rodeo. The event will phones in a big way the next week ("Sorry you couldn't make it, but we stil l would include a barbecue and a variety of tasty beverages. plus rodeo events including horse definitely appreciate your sponsorship ... "). events, some camp events Please mark your calendar now and start ta lking up this event with your fi·icnds. And and steer events. (Details arc still in the even if you're not going to take part as a works, inc luding the location .) competitor in the playday. make sure you The Outdoor Playday will provide a focal point on which we can locus our ciTorts to attend' Thi s is the key event I(Jr us to gain ncw spon sors to help us make the April gain new rodeo sponsors. Let's all get in touch with the various sponsors and ~invite 2000 rodeo take place. (Kudos to St..:ve Creber I(Jr thc great idea!) them to join us at the playday as our guests. We can show them what a •ood •n~1 we Submissions to the newsletter are welcome (subject to editing for space or content) by the 15th of each m o nt~ . Email to newsletler@bidstrup.com or mail to Box 265, Perris, CA, 92572 . All published matenals,_mcludmg the chapter logo , "LA Rodeo" logo and posters, newsletter. "LARODEO .COM" and webs1te contents are Copyright © 1998 GSGRA-LA , a California non-profit corporation . Any use Without pnor permiSSion 1s a v1olat1on of copyright law. L.A. NEWS- AUGUST 1999 enough time to sec how success ful our summer and fall fund-raising cf'forts will be. As you know, thi s year's rodeo lost a significant amount of money bccaus~: of Sunday's rain. and this summer and fall's fund-raising will be critical to the future of the rodeo. Be sure to do your part! Chapter To Have Booth At California Rodeos Volunteers are needed to staff the L.A . Rodeo booth during the Sacramento and San Diego rodeos. We'll sell our raffle tickets (see above!), publicize the rodeo playday (see above!) and distribute business cards with information on our Apri l 2000 rodeo . We need all of our members -- spectators, officials and contestants alike -- to work a couple of hours; to volunteer, contact Mark Jensen by e-mail at larodeo@larodco.com or leave a message on the chapter hotline. Wednesdav Night Bowling Announced Our always busy activities cochairpersons, Sue Downing and Connie Risch, have got yet another fun activity scheduled for us! This time it's bowling at the Brunswick Rossmoor Bowling Center in Seal 13cach. Scheduled for Wednesday, Augu st 18, at 7 PM, it is a weekday activity simpl y because the weekends arc busy with rodeos and other activities. So here's your ch ance to practice your best techniques lor those tough splits - and do it at a subtantial discount! Sue and Connie have arranged for two lanes, which can accomodate lour to six players each . The cost will be between $5 and $7.50, depending on the number of players who show. The location is on Seal Beach Blvd. about a mile north of the 405 freeway . Take the Seal Beach Blvd. exit, go north to 12311 Seal 13each. It's in a smal l shopping center on your lcfl as you're traveling north. sunset Dinner &Horseback Ride Scheduled Connie and Sue have announced that the sunset ride through Griftith Park. proposed in last month's Chute is going to happen! II' you've evcr been on one of Sunset Ranch's famous dinner and horseback !'ides, you know what a fun ridc th is can be. The ride will begin at Sunset Ranch in Griffith Park. It goes up, over the ridgetop, with tcn·ilic views of the ci ty, and then descends into 13urbank at the Equestrian Center. We'll stop for dinner there, then ride back to the ranch. This 1~1mous ride. one of the unique li:aturcs of Griffith Park, is an experience you' ll remember lor many years to come. It's truly an event not to be missed' So put September I I on your calendar, and invite a friend! If you would like to come, but haven't already made your reservation and sent in you r deposit, you' ll need to get in touch with Sue or Connie right away. As many as 25 horses could be availab le to us. but you'll have to let Connie and Sue know . Email Connie and Sue at swfdogs@pacbell.net or call one of the chapter oflicers lor their phone n umb~:r. L.A. NEWS- AUGUST 1999 CALENDAR ==--=== AUGUST August 13-15 ZIA REGIONAL RODEO Albuquerque, NM August 14 4PM CHAPTER MEETING & POTLUCK Thorn Brennan's home 5268 Ellenwood Eagle Rock August 18 7PM BOWLING NIGHT Brunswick Broadmoor Bowl 12311 Seal Beach Blvd . Seal Beach August 20-22 SIERRA STAMPEDE Sacramento, CA Volunteer to man the GLAC Booth! Contact David Medzerian August 27-29 WINDY CITY RODEO Chicago, IL SEPTEMBER Sept. 3-5 SHOW-ME STATE RODEO Kansas City, KS Sept. 11 CHAPTER BOARD MEETING The Center 2017 E. 4th St. Long Beach Sept. 10-12 SOUTHERN SPURS RODEO Atlanta, GA Sept. 17-19 GREATER SAN DIEGO RODEO San Diego, CA Volunteer to man the GLAC Booth! Contact David Medzerian • (0 ===== DIRECTORY PRESIDENT David Medzerian 562-436-1810 davidm@link.freedom.com VICE PRESIDENTS Administration Amy Griffin 323-661-2569 Amy@facap.com Rodeo Operations Steve Greber 562-624-1011 screber@usa .net SECRETARY Lenore Mankoff ComeDancn@aol.com TREASURER Mark Jensen STATE BOARD Representatives Thorn Brennan Kevin Weeks Steve Greber Alternates Ruth Hilderbrandt Steve Leigeber COMMITTEES By-Laws Mike DeYonker Events Sue Downing , Connie Risch Membership Ruth Hilderbrandt Taxes Thorn Brennan Records D.J. Simmons Webgirl Mark Jensen Newsletter Scott Bidatrup newsletter@bidstrup.com RODEO COMMITTEE Logistics Paul Thompson bigpaul@iname.com Rodeo Director Tracy Keiper eatonkeiper@earthlink.net Volunteer Chair Lenore Mankoff Entertainment Chair Scott Hildebrandt L.A. NEWS - AUGUST, 19·99 BAY AREA CHAPTER ~ 1 : f'6,_. ,--· . ' I • SPECIAL NOTICE- CHAPTER MEETING DATE CHANGE!!!! The August meeting has been MOVED to Wednesday the 18th. It's time for elections, so please plan to attend! Tentatively, the meeting is scheduled to be held at the San Jose Hyatt at 7:30PM, but this is subject to change. Please check the HOTLINE for the final word on the time and location. Officer Nominations As of this date, the following people have been nominated for the offices indicated. President Executive Vice President Vice President Rodeo Operations Secretary Treasurer Doug Graff Adrian Arteche Terry Lee Allert Michael Barela Greg Harvey Words from the Pres! BAC Members, IT'S BEEN A VERY EXCITING YEAR FOR ME. I have learned a lot and have met some wonderful people this year. These friendships I will always treasure. Elections are next month. I would encourage everyone to attend this meeting and have your voices heard. I would also encourage anyone who has the time, energy and the desire to run for office to really consider it This is a wonderful organization and has a lot of REAT people in it I wish th e NEXT group of officer's success in the coming year. That shouldn't be to hard to do with the BEST group of people I have ever seen and have had th e plc11 ~ 11r • lo work with. My prayers and thought's are with you. Best Wishes, Bill Gorman Congrats and thanl '! ROADS SIERRA STAMPEDE [ I August20-22,1999 Ullllm r nlu, ( 'A \' uhwh·,·r l{cgistration Form PL EASE I' Ht l\ II ll I I \\: II II 1111 ·. I:O I.LO WIN G IN FORMATI ON : N a m ~.: : Phone (d ay ) _ __ Pho ne Add ress : CAPITAL CROSSROt)DS SIERRA STAMPEDE Dates: Location: August 20-22, 1999 Hotel: Heritage Hotel and Convention Center 800-972-EXPO or 916-929-7900 Rates: Time: Group #52169 ~OLUNTEERSNEEDED Check out the Chute for the form, or contact JeffBosacki on the hotline, or at the website: http://www.gsgra.org/cc (Click on Rodoe '99 - Sierra Stampede, then click on Volunteer form and e-mail to Jeff). Most needed is help with tickets and parking. uRGENT- MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS IWD ~ O IIOTEL DA Y ( 'onh· ~ta nt FlU (5 -9p) Hc ~: is. T ic ket s, Dtwr Entry & Securit y Vui/Vendur· (' heck-in, lnftl desk Ticket & Gate Entry W ANT- TO- BE CONTESTANTS It has come to our attention that many who have not competed before do not know where to obtain the forms for competing. The forms are on the chapter web page under Rodeo '99 - Sierra Stampede - Contestant forms. You may also call the chapter hotline at 916-978-4040. CALENDAR August 3 -- Rodeo committee meeting at Heritage Hotel, Cedar Point Rm ~, 7:00; note time change. 10 --Rodeo committee meeting at Marshall's, 7:30; 916-451-9439 16-18 --Rodeo committee meeting at Marshall's, 7:30; 916-451-9439 September 12 -- Rodeo and Chapter meeting 1p.m. Place to be announced . Bardrs & Bccrpuurer Security & J>arking 'lr I died 6- IOp 10- lp SAT (7-I Oa) FILLED FILLE D FILLED 10- lp FILLED FILLE D FILLED l -4p FILLED '/, till ed 4-7p As of the 20th, the host hotel was nearing being completely filled . Arrangements have been made for a second hotel. This information will be released on the chapter hotline, 916-978-4040, once the Heritage is fully book. Note: This is the Heritage Hotel NOT the Heritage Inn. This information will also be available on the website. _ __ You ca n s1g n-up lo r as man y shift s as yo u like. O ne 3-hour shift gives you free admi ssion to the rodw plus a ll dance ~.:ve nt s at the host ho tel. Yo u will also receive a rodeo vo lunteer pin and Rodeo T-S hirl at th e end of th e ro d~.:o. (Instruction: Place an ");""in the appropriate um·haded box(e~~) $69 for 1-2; $10 ea additional Best time to call is 9am to 5pm, Sat-Wed Reference: (~o: v e ) E-Ma il : _ _ _ _ _ __ FILLED 7-I Op l Op- lam SUN (7- IOa) FI LLED FIL LE D 10- lp '/, tilled l-4p '/ , li llcd 4-7p FIL LE D FII.LE IJ FIL LE IJ FILLEIJ 7-IOp lOp- Ia Please complete and either mail o r fax to the address/fax below, or shift yo urself on o ur website. MAILING ADDR ESS : FA X/PI-lON E/E-MAIL : ON-LIN E: www.gsgra.org/cc Fax to: (603) 806-3074 CAPITAL C ROSS ROA DS C lick on Rodeo 99 Phone : (3 23) 66 7-1763 SIERRA STAMP EDE C li ck: Si gn-up O nLin e ATI'N : JciT 13osacki , Vol. Cha ir !·: mail : rodeovol.ccc@gsgra. org Submit when co mplete PO Box 189305 , Sac ra m ~o: nt o, CA 951! 18 I lOST HOTEL: llcritage llo tel: 800-972-EXI'O o r (91 6) 929-7900 (a irport shuttle avail able) Ask for Capital C ross road rate o r Gro up # 52 169 ($69 for 1-2, $ 10 each addition person) YOUR T-SIIIRT S IZE: Small Medium _Large _ X-Large _ XX-Large G.S.G.R.A.Membership Committee 4226 East 15th Street Long Beach, Ca 90804 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED We have a Capital idea for August Let's have a Sacramento August 20-22 1999