MSc Industrial Communication and Automation


MSc Industrial Communication and Automation
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering
MSc Industrial Communication
and Automation
Duration: 1 year full-time
2 years part-time
Location: Manchester,
All Saints campus
Enrolment: September
Just as IT systems have changed the
way we bank and shop, industrial
networks are transforming the way we
design plants and factories, automate
machines and produce goods for both
mass and niche production.
This course covers the key components
in industrial networking, communication
protocols and advanced automation.
Incorporating expertise in the School of
Engineering gained from close industry
collaboration, you will study technologies
relevant to communications for production
and industry.
You will learn how machines are
networked, how data is stored and how
systems operate. You will make industrial
processes more energy efficient and
optimise them for peak productivity and
This Masters course will provide a
sound understanding of industrial
communications, networks, power
electronics and embedded electronics.
You will engage with the latest industrial
commercial engineering software,
platforms, tools and systems in
coursework and research projects which
will bring together the theories and skills
that the engineering job market demands.
The course offers successful students
the opportunity to be awarded the
following titles in addition to the award
of MSc in Industrial Communication and
•Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
•Certified PROFINET Engineer
•Certified PLCopen Engineer
•Certified AS-i Engineer.
Certified Engineers have the right to
use the Certified Logo on their business
card and be listed on the PROFIBUS
International website at
You will study
Career opportunities
•Fieldbus technologies to understand
intelligent field devices and field-level
An MSc qualification gives you the
edge over other graduates in the job
market and can lead to higher level
employment and opportunities to
apply your advanced skills. Industry
is keen to employ postgraduates who
can learn independently and apply
critical thinking and problem-solving
skills to real world problems. The
job market in the engineering and
technology fields is buoyant with many
sectors maintaining good economic
performance despite changes in the
global economy.
•Industrial ethernet systems and the
design of networked automation
•Object-orientated automation
programming languages to design and
develop control systems which are
portable and easy to maintain
•Electronics and embedded systems
design which will deepen your
understanding of microprocessor
systems such as FPGA for single chip
•Power electronics and related issues
of renewable energy, controlled power
distribution and management and
You will also undertake a research project
on an industry-relevant issue, for example,
energy saving in networked machines; or
the design of an innovative, commercially
viable electronic prototype, for example,
mobile controlled appliances and devices.
Features and benefits
•Gain industry recognised qualifications
and be a Certified PROFIBUS Engineer,
Certified PROFINET Engineer, Certified
PLCopen Engineer and Certified AS-i
Engineer. These qualifications are
recognised worldwide in the automation
industry giving you an extra edge in the
UK and global job market.
All MSc awards require 180 credits. Contact
is divided between formal contact time
(including lectures, practicals and tutorials)
and individual student-centred learning.
You will study 120 credits of taught units
(typically 20 credits per unit) and complete a
60 credit Masters project.
Interim awards
•A Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) can be
awarded to students who successfully
complete a total of 120 credits of the
course (all of the taught units).
Careers in modern engineering require
advanced systems and industrial
IT skills, and as an Industrial
Communication and Automation
postgraduate you can apply your
advanced skills to a range of industries
including the power, petrochemical and
water industries.
•A Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert) in
Advanced Engineering and Technology can
be awarded to students who successfully
complete a total of 60 credits (of taught
Graduates from this course may enter
a wide variety of engineering and
automation careers, for example:
Modes of study
•a ‘chip’ engineer embedding
intelligent microelectronics into
pumps, valves and motors
•a software engineer developing
software applications for devices,
machines and automation systems
•a project engineer designing and
deploying networking infrastructure
for machines and factories.
•Close industry collaboration: the School
of Engineering’s Automation Systems
Centre hosts the Competence Centre for
PROFIBUS International in the UK.
Graduates will also be well placed to
pursue further study such as a PhD or
an Engineering Doctorate.
•Excellent laboratory facilities with
the latest commercial software and
engineering tools.
Facilities and location
There are an estimated 1400 companies
and organisations that are members of
PROFIBUS International that actively
recognise these qualifications. These
potential employers are listed on the
PROFIBUS International website at
Programme content and
We have recently invested £4 million
in a new engineering block offering
state-of-the-art facilities for research
and teaching in surface engineering,
materials, forensics, automotive
engineering, dynamics and new media
Our location at the city centre end of
Oxford Road in central Manchester is
extremely convenient, with frequent
bus services directly outside and a
local railway station nearby. The main
Piccadilly railway station, with national
rail and local tram services, is a fifteen
minute walk away.
•Students can continue and obtain 180
credits for the MSc.
September start – 12 months duration
September start – 2 years duration
Teaching and assessment
Teaching and learning is generally conducted
through lectures, tutorials and laboratory
activities and independent learning.
Students are encouraged to make positive
contributions to tutorial sessions, group
discussions, case studies and team exercises
throughout. You will be assessed through
a combination of written reports, oral
presentations, practical assignments and
written examinations.
Typical entry requirements
Entry will usually require a second class
degree in engineering or science (or
the equivalent for EU and international
students) or an equivalent professional
qualification e.g. Graduateship (or
equivalent) of an appropriate professional
body, or an unclassified degree in
engineering or science with relevant
professional experience. Other equivalent
qualifications will be assessed on merit.
International students will also need to
meet the English language requirements:
IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 575 (TOEFL CBT 233,
More information on the qualifications we
accept, applying to MMU and living and
studying in Manchester can be found at:
or contact our International Office at:
Telephone: +44 (0)161 247 1022
Further information
Dr. Xiu Ji
Manchester Metropolitan University
Faculty of Science & Engineering
John Dalton Building
Chester Street
Manchester M1 5GD
How to apply
Applications for full and part-time courses
should be made by completing the
MMU standard application form. This is
available to download at:
Telephone: +44 (0)161 247 6262
This publication is available in alternative formats.
Please telephone 0161 247 1627
Further information
School of Engineering
Manchester Metropolitan University
John Dalton Building
Chester Street
M1 5GD
You can find further information and a list of frequently asked questions at
This information is correct at time of going to press. For terms and conditions applicable
to the provision of the University’s Educational Services please refer to the prospectus. February 2012.