Common deep-benthic skates (Rajidae) of the northwestern Pacific
Common deep-benthic skates (Rajidae) of the northwestern Pacific
Common deep-benthic skates (Rajidae) of the northwestern Pacific: Basic ecological and biological features by Alexei ORLOV (1), Alexei TOKRANOV (2) & Raf FATYKHOV (3) ABSTRACT. - Deep-benthic rajid skates represent an important component of bottom ichthyofauna of the western North Pacific. In some areas they comprise up to 10% of fish biomass. Skates play significant role in food webs, consuming variety of fish and invertebrates including commercially important species. Russian fishery for skates in the northwestern Pacific is poorly developed due to lack of domestic demand. Though skates are very promising target of inshore fisheries with export to Asian fish markets. Their fishery should be based on intimate knowledge of their ecology and biology, which are still poorly understood even for most common species inhabited the northwestern Pacific. The data on some ecological parameters and biological features of seven most abundant and common species (Aleutian skate Bathyraja aleutica, whiteblotched skate B. maculata, Matsubara skate B. matsubarai, whitebrow skate B. minispinosa, Alaska skate B. parmifera, Okhotsk skate B. violacea, and mud skate Rhinoraja taranetzi) were sampled in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka (47°50’N-52°10’N, depth range 85-850 m) during 1992-2002 bottom trawl surveys and commercial fishing operations. The spatial and vertical distributions are presented, bottom temperature preferences are shown, and dynamics of relative abundance are considered. Data on length frequencies, length-weight relationships, and sex ratios in different size classes are presented. Data on sexual dimorphism in skate sizes are given as well. The study of vertical ontogenetic shifts of skate species considered was attempted. RÉSUMÉ. - Raies (Rajidae) bathyales communes du nord-ouest Pacifique : principales caractéristiques écologiques et biologiques. Les raies bathyales représentent un élément important de l’ichtyofaune profonde dans le Pacifique nord-ouest. Dans certaines zones, elles constituent jusqu’à 10% de la biomasse en poisson. Les raies jouent un rôle significatif dans les chaînes alimentaires, car elles consomment une grande variété de poissons et d’invertébrés, incluant des espèces commercialement importantes. Les pêches russes de raies dans le Pacifique nord-ouest sont peu développées car il n’existe aucune demande domestique. Cependant, les raies sont des cibles prometteuses pour les pêches côtières car elles peuvent être exportées vers les marchés asiatiques. Leur pêche devrait être fondée sur une connaissance précise de leur écologie et biologie, qui sont encore peu connues, même pour les espèces les plus communes du Pacifique nord-ouest. Les principaux paramètres écologiques et biologiques de sept espèces communes et abondantes (la raie aléoutienne Bathyraja aleutica, la raie à points blancs B. maculata, la raie de Matsubara B. matsubarai, la raie à sourcil blanc B. minispinosa, la raie d’Alaska B. parmifera, la raie d’Okhotsk B. violacea, et la raie de vase Rhinoraja taranetzi) ont été déterminés à partir d’échantillons collectés au nord des îles Kouriles et dans les sud-est du Kamchatka (47°50’N-52°10’N, intervalle de profondeurs : 85850 m) au cours de campagnes de chalutages et d’opérations de pêche commerciale effectuées entre 1992 et 2002. Les distributions spatiales et bathymétriques sont présentées, les preferendums thermiques sont mis en évidence, et la dynamique des abondances relatives est analysée. Pour les différentes classes de tailles, les paramètres suivants sont donnés: les fréquences de tailles, les relations taille-poids, et le sex-ratio. Des informations sur le dimorphisme sexuel sont aussi présentées. L’étude des changements bathymétriques en fonction des stades ontogéniques est abordée. Key words. - Rajidae - Skates - PNW - Kuril Islands - Kamchatka - Deepwater - Ecology - Biology . The skates (Rajidae) are an important element of the bottom ichthyocoenes in the North Pacific. They feed on commercial fish species such as the Pacific herring Clupea pal lasii, walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma, flathead sole Hippoglossoides elassodon, yellowfin sole Limanda aspera, northern rock sole Lepidopsetta polyxystra, Atka mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius, Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, shortraker rockfish Sebastes borealis, popeye grenadier Coryphaenoides cinereus, and invertebrates like red squid Berryteuthis magister, octopi Octopoda, golden king crab Lithodes aequispinis, Tanner crabs Chionoecetes spp. and shrimp (Mito, 1974; Brodeur and Livingston, 1988; Livingston and deReynier, 1996; Orlov, 1998a, 2003a; Chuchukalo et al., 1999; Chuchukalo and Napazakov, 2002). In many countries, especially those in Southeast Asia, skates are significant as commercial species in coastal fisheries where their wings are dried up for human consumption while meat is processed into fish meat (1) Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), 17 V. Krasnoselskaya, Moscow, 107140, RUSSIA. [] (2) Kamchatka Branch of Pacific Institute of Geography, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Science (KB PIG FEB RAS), 6 Partizanskaya St., Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683000, RUSSIA. (3) Sakhalin Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (SakhNIRO), 196 Komsomolskaya St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693016, RUSSIA. Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl.: 49-65. ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific jelly (Ishihara, 1990). To some extent, skates are promising for Russian fisheries as well since in some areas they make up about 10% of the total groundfish biomass, with a notable upward trend in recent years (Orlov, 2003b). Skates show some biological characteristics common for most of elasmobranch fishes (slow growth rate, late maturation and low reproductive rate), which make them vulnerable to fishing (Orlov, 2004). Optimum exploitation of stocks of the North Pacific skates is obstructed by the lack of reliable catch statistics and scarceness of data on their biology. Given this background, the increased fishing pressure may affect the stock condition of these fishes. Despite the greater attention given recently to the study of the North Pacific skates, most of publications cover only some aspects of their biology and ecology (Teshima and Tomonaga, 1986; Dolganov, 1998a, 1998b, 1998c, 1998d, 1999a, 1999b; Orlov, 1998a, 1998b, 1998c, 2003a; Fatykhov et al., 2000; Chuchukalo et al., 1999; Chuchukalo and Napazakov, 2002; Ebert, 2005) while the habitat of skates in the North Pacific, trends in abundance variations, and many features of their biology have been studied most inadequately. The purpose of this paper is to analyze spatial and vertical distribution of seven species of skates, which are the most abundant ones in the North Kuril and Southeast Kamchatkan waters of the Pacific Ocean (Aleutian Bathyraja aleutica, whiteblotched B. maculata, Matsubara B. matsubarai, whitebrow B. minispinosa, Alaska B. parmifera, Okhotsk B. violacea, and mud Rhinoraja taranetzi skates) and to consider their distribution depending on the bottom temperature, evaluate the relative abundance of these species in the area surveyed with bottom trawl; analyze the size composition and body length/weight relations, sex ratios in different size groups, sexual dimorphism in size and stomach fullness based on the data sampled during bottom trawl surveys and commercial fishing operations in 1992-2002. Besides, an attempt was made to assess vertical ontogenetic and diurnal migrations. MATERIAL AND METHODS The material for the analysis of the conditions of skates’ habitats, their spatial and vertical distribution and abundance changes were obtained from 19 bottom trawl surveys totalizing 1,480 hauls, made from 1993 to 2000. The biological parameters were examined from the materials collected in 50 exploratory cruises (over 10,000 bottom tows at 85850 m) in April-December, 1992-2002 in the Pacific near the North Kuril Islands and Southeast Kamchatka (47°50’N to 52°10’N) as a joint project between VNIRO (Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow, Russia), SakhNIRO (Sakhalin Research Institute 50 of Fisheries and Oceanography, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia) and KamchatNIRO (Kamchatka Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia). The volume of biological material collected for each species of skate is indicated in table I. The species were identified with the use of available identification sheets and keys (Dolganov, 1983; Ishihara and Ishiyama, 1985; Dolganov and Tuponogov, 1999). Round o’clock tows were made using bottom trawls with vertical and horizontal openings of 5-7 m and c.a. 25 m respectively (trawl opening parameters were monitored instrumentally), the average speed being 3.6 knots. Since the haul duration during cruises varied between 0.5 and 10 hours, all catches were later recalculated for standard one hour hauls. In most cruises, the bottom temperature was measured at each tow. The distribution of each species by depth and as dependent on bottom temperature was analyzed by the frequency of their occurrence (percent) estimated by the mean catches per one hour haul. The ontogenetic vertical migrations were analyzed using distribution data by depths and mean body weight obtained by dividing each total catch weight for the species of skate examined by the number of individuals in the catch at the check-point station of the bottom trawl survey. The analysis of the daily vertical migrations was done by comparing catch rate data at different time of the day using the results of bottom trawlings too. Stomach fullness index was defined according to a 5number scale: 0 = stomach empty to 4 = full stomach. RESULTS Spatial distribution. Skates in question exhibited different patterns of spatial distribution. B. aleutica was most abundant in the area from central part of Shiashkotan Isl. coast to central part of Paramushir Isl. Maximum catches comprised 100-300 specimens per h were recorded at the western slope of underwater plateau and off neighboring seamounts, off the central Onekotan Isl. and opposite the Fourth Kuril Strait (Fig. 1A). B. maculata was the most abundant species in area surveyed with maximum catches up to 1,200 individuals per hour. It was most numerous within the southern part of the study area south of the Fourth Kuril Strait while its maximum catches were registered from southern coast of Shiashkotan Isl. to northern coast of Onekotan Isl. (Fig.1B). B. matsubarai formed most dense aggregations in two areas: north of the First Kuril Strait (southeastern Kamchatkan coast) and south of the Fourth Kuril Strait (from northern coast of Onekotan Isl. to central part of western slope of underwater plateau). In both areas, catches of B. matsubarai comprised up to 250 specimens per Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific Table I. - Some biological features of common skates of the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka (above the line minimum and maximum value of the feature are given, while under the line the average value and standard error are provided). [Quelques caractéristiques biologiques des raies communes des eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchat ka (les minima et les maxima sont au-dessus de la line, les moyennes et les écarts-types sont au-dessous ).] hour but in the southern part of study area abundance of species considered was considerably higher (Fig. 1C). B. minispinosa occurred predominantly in the southern part south of the Fourth Kuril Strait. Maximum catches exceeded 25 individuals per hour (Fig. 1D) were noted at northeastern slope of underwater plateau and between Onekotan and Shiashkotan Islands. B. parmifera was less abundant among species considered. The majority of its catches did not exceed 10 specimens per hour (Fig. 1E). The single catch exceeded 25 ind./h was registered in the area between Shiashkotan and Onekotan Islands. B. violacea occurred mostly within central and northern parts of the area surveyed. It formed most dense concentrations with catches ranged 151-300 specimens per hour opposite the Fourth Kuril Strait and north of northern part of Paramushir Isl. (Fig. 1F). R. taranetzi was most abundant in central part of study area from Onekotan Isl. to the First Kuril Strait (Fig. 1G) though its maximum catches up to 300 specimens per h occurred opposite the First and Fourth Kuril Straits and off central Paramushir Isl. Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. Vertical distribution Our research shows that the B. parmifera, B. violacea and R. taranetzi are the species found at lesser depths; they did not occur at places deeper than 700, 650 and 700 m respectively (Fig. 2). The B. minispinosa and B. matsubarai were most deepwater species since 22.4% and 10.1% of the total number of their individuals were caught deeper 700 m. The vertical distribution of B. aleutica and B. maculata was between the two above groups. Bottom temperature According to our data, between April and December the skates in the Kuril and Kamchatkan waters of the Pacific Ocean are found in bottom temperature range of about 0°C and nearly 4°C, except for B. matsubarai, which occurred near the bottom at up to 5.5°C (Fig. 3). The skates’ mode of distribution as dependent on the bottom temperature has its own features in each species. The relative abundance of B. minispinosa in any temperature range was rather great, though their individuals were at their maximum (48.6%) in 51 ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific Figure 1. - Relative abundance and spatial distribution of B. aleutica (A), B. maculata (B), B. matsubarai (C), B. minispinosa (D), B. parmifera (E), B. violacea (F) and R. taranetzi (G) in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. 1: First Kuril Strait, 2: Shumshu Isl., 3: Paramushir Isl., 4: Fourth Kuril Strait, 5: Onekotan Isl., 6: Shiashkotan Isl., 7: underwater plateau. Thin lines are 100, 200, 500 and 1000 m isobaths. [Abondance relative et distribution spatiale de B. aleutica (A), B. maculata (B), B. matsubarai (C), B. minispinosa (D), B. parmifera (E), B. violacea (F) et R. taranetzi (G) dans les eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatka, 1993-2000. 1 : Premier détroit des Kouriles, 2 : Îles Shumshu, 3 : Île Paramushir, 4 : 4e détroit des Kouriles, 5 : Île Onekotan, 6 : Île Shiashkotan, 7 : Plateau. Les lignes fines représentent les iso bathes 100, 200, 500 et 1000 m.] the range of 2.5°C and 4.0°C. B. aleutica and B. maculata distribution pattern was rather similar: both species were most numerous within the bottom temperature range of 3.0°C-4.0°C (64.4 and 62.5% respectively). B. matsubarai and B. parmifera were more numerous in two ranges of temperatures: 1.0°C-2.0°C (25.2%) and 2.5°C-3.5°C (46.4%) in the case of the former species, and 1.5°C-2.5°C (32.3%) and 52 3.0°C-3.5°C (27.2%) in the case of the latter one. Unlike them, B. violacea and R. taranetzi had the majority of their individuals concentrate in a narrower temperature range. In the first species, 35.3% was recorded between 3.0°C and 3.5°C while the other species in the same range had over half of the number (54.4%). Three species (B. aleutica, B. violacea and R. taranetzi) are the most stenothermic versus Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific Figure 2. - Vertical distribution of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Distribution verticale des raies les plus abon dantes dans les eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatka, 1993-2000.] the other ones: their temperature ranges somewhat exceeds 3.5°C. Body length and weight B. maculata had the largest length range in the Pacific off the Kurils and Southeast Kamchatka in 1992-2002 (Tab. I). Its individuals in catches ranged between 17 and 134 cm (total length). Though this skate was the longest among all the seven species examined, its average length (62.52 cm) was much lower than that of B. matsubarai (78.61 cm), B. aleutica (82.40 cm) and, especially, B. parmifera (91.44 cm) (Fig. 4). The B. minispinosa and R. taranetzi proved to be the smallest, their average length being 54.59 cm and 51.71 cm respectively. There was a high degree of correlation between the body Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. length and weight in all the skate species examined (R2 > 0.95). The closeness of the linear and power coefficients (Tab. I) in the equations of the dependence considered (2.2 x 10-3 - 5.9 x 10-3 and 3.05-3.24 respectively) makes the curves rather similar (Fig. 5). Our data show (Tab. I) that it was the B. aleutica, which reached the maximum weight of body (14.1 kg). However, in terms of respective average characteristics the leading species was the B. parmifera (5.61 kg) whereas the mean body weight of the B. aleutica was only 4.43 kg. According to the linear size, B. minispinosa and R. taranetzi had the smallest weight of body (the average 1.03 and 1.06 kg respectively). As far as this indicator is concerned, B. violacea was close to those two species (1.18 kg) despite its total length of 60.66 cm, which is much bigger. 53 Deepwater skates of NW Pacific ORLOV ET AL. Figure 3. - Distribution of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka depending on the bottom temperature, 1993-2000 (n = number of observations). [Distribution des raies les plus abondantes dans les eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kam chatka en fonction de la température du fond, 1993-2000 (n= nom bre d’observations).] Vertical migrations There was found that mean body weight of 3 of the 7 skates considered (B. aleutica, B. maculata and R. taranetzi) decreased with depths increasing (Fig. 6). In the other species similar tendency of mean body weight variations was also observed but the range of variations was smaller. Skate catch data in bottom trawl surveys made mostly during summer/autumn period in the light time of the day (03:00-19:00) were analyzed. There is no relationship between the catch size and time of the day in any of the skates studied (Fig. 7). 54 Sex ratios and sexual dimorphism The quite equal proportions of males and females were observed in some skates species inhabiting the Pacific waters off the Kurils and Kamchatka (Tab. I). Females prevailed in catches of literally all species of skates. The females of B. aleutica, B. maculata and B. violacea were only slightly predominant in number (B. minispinosa and B. parmifera provided too little data to be representative), while female B. matsubarai and R. taranetzi were prevalent in catches quite noticeably (1.4 and 1.8 times respectively). Increasing of female proportion with the increased fish Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific Figure 4. - Length frequencies of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Fréquences de tailles des raies les plus abondantes dans les eaux du Pacifqiue au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatka, 1993-2000.] size was observed in R. taranetzi only (Fig. 8). The sex ratio was about equal in the smallest skates < 30 cm, while the proportion of females among the largest individuals was 88%. Females are slightly more numerous among the small individuals of B. aleutica; in larger fish proportion between males and females was almost equal. Data are insufficient for the B. minispinosa and B. parmifera. In the other three Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. species there is an apparent tendency for the sex ratio to change the bigger the fish are: females prevail in the smallsized groups, while males are more numerous among the fish of large size. Stomach fullness In autumn and summer period when most studies of 55 Deepwater skates of NW Pacific ORLOV ET AL. Figure 5. - Relations between total length and body weight of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Relations entre la longueur totale et le poids du corps des raies les plus abondantes des eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatcka, 1993-2000.] skates’ feeding were made the stomach fullness by the species examined was rather high (Tab. I). The B. maculata, B. parmifera and B. violacea contained the largest number of individual fish with the maximum fullness of stomachs, and the smallest number of not feeding fish (Fig. 9). Stomach fullness of B. matsubarai and B. aleutica were lesser; a 56 large number of fish had empty stomachs. Virtually all the species studied, except the B. minispinosa, had their females having fuller stomachs than males. While B. maculata and B. matsubarai females and males differed in stomach fullness insignificantly, among B. aleutica, B. parmifera and R. taranetzi those differences were rather considerable. Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific Figure 6. - Relations between mean body weight and capture depth of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Relations entre le poids moyen du corps et la profondeur de capture des raies les plus abondantes das eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatka, 1993-2000.] Dynamics of abundance The results of the bottom trawl surveys made in the area of study in 1993-2000 indicate that there is general growth in the abundance of skates (Fig. 10). The data available allow us to make some conclusions regarding the relative abundance of each of the species examined, and their dynamics during the period of consideration. The results of the surveys show that it is B. maculata that is the most abundant in the survey area. B. aleutica and B. violacea rank second and third, followed by R. taranetzi and B. matsubarai. Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. B. parmifera and B. minispinosa are least abundant species in the area surveyed. The survey results relating to the four more easily identifiable species in catches show that the relative abundance of the B. aleutica and B. parmifera went down in recent years. The number of B. maculata went up notably in 1999 and 2000. In B. matsubarai, despite the increased catches in 2000 against the previous year, the relative abundance shows some decline. 57 Deepwater skates of NW Pacific DISCUSSION Spatial distribution Spatial distribution of the North Pacific skates is studied insufficiently. Patterns of spatial distribution were previously reported in the Pacific waters of the North Kurils and Southeast Kamchatka waters only (Orlov, 1999; Fatykhov et al., 2000). However, the first paper briefly described spatial distribution of six species based on limited data obtained from about 1,000 commercial bottom trawl hauls conducted in 1992-1996, while in the second paper, the spatial distribution of only four largest skates are presented based on data obtained during very short period (1996-1997). Despite the limited data used in both above papers, they show that in general the higher aggregations of skates species studied have been occurred at the same places during the whole period of investigations. ORLOV ET AL. the North Kurils has been reviewed in several papers (Orlov, 1998b; Fatykhov et al., 2000; Moukhametov and Poltev, 2003); but the data are fragmentary. In publications of Orlov (1998b) and Fatykhov et al. (2000), the bathymetrical characteristics were reviewed on the basis of combined data from bottom trawl surveys and commercial fishing tows (in the latter case the initial and final depths of fishing might vary notably) made during a relatively short period of time (1993-1996 and 1996-1997 respectively). Besides, the paper of Fatykhov et al. (2000) considers the vertical distribution pattern of four largest species only: B. aleutica, B. maculata, B. parmifera and B. matsubarai. Moukhametov and Poltev (2003) used the data based on the results of a single survey Vertical distribution Although vertical distribution of the North Pacific skates has been reviewed in a number of papers, it still remains not studied adequately enough. Only depth ranges of some species, and capture depths can be found in some publications (Eschmeyer et al., 1983; Dudnik and Dolganov, 1992; Nakaya and Shirai, 1992; Amaoka et al., 1995; Dolganov, 1999b; Fedorov, 2000; Sheiko and Fedorov, 2000; Parin, 2001; Ebert, 2003). The single paper (Fedorov, 2000) provides the preferred depth ranges for several species. More detailed data on the vertical distribution of some of the North Pacific skates are given in Dolganov (1998b), who reviews the bathymetric features of five species in the western Bering Sea and, moreover, considers them with 200 m increment. The vertical distribution of skates in the Pacific off Figure 7. - Diurnal changes of catch rates of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Variations diurnes des taux de capture des raies les plus abon dantes des eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kam chatka, 1993-2000.] 58 Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific Figure 8. - Proportion of females within different length classes of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Propor tion des femelles dans les différentes classes de tailles des raies les plus abondantes des eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatka, 1993-2000.] made in February-April 2002. There is no common view regarding bathymetric ranges of skate species in question. Some authors (Sheiko and Fedorov, 2000; Moukhametov and Poltev, 2003) consider all the skates mesobenthic, i.e. occurring mainly in the upper bathyal zone (mesobenthal), namely between 200 and 500 m depth. Orlov (1998b) refers B. matsubarai to bathybenthal species; Dolganov (1998b) includes B. aleutica in the same category. According to our data, B. aleutica should be considered mesobenthic. Off the west coast of the USA, all of captures of this skate were recorded within 438-613 m depth, the average capture depth being 499.5 m (Hoff, 2002). Our research showed that all the species of skates considered belong to the mesobenthal ichthyocoene except B. matsubarai which has to be referred to the bathybenthal grouping since 46.7% of its individuals were recorded within the lower bathyal layer while only 43.7% of the relative abundance was found in the upper bathyal layer. The most Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. skates of the other species were recorded within the mesobenthal layer: 57.5% B. aleutica, 65.0% B. maculata, 51.8% B. minispinosa, 48.6% B. parmifera, 74.2% B. violacea, 84.1% R. taranetzi. Bottom temperature The distribution of the North Pacific skates in relation to the bottom temperature is largely unknown. Dolganov (1998c) indicates the temperature range where various species occur in the West Bering Sea and shows the summer and winter distribution patter depending on the bottom temperature of four species: B. parmifera, B. violacea, B. aleutica and B. matsubarai. The distribution patterns of four largest skates in terms of the bottom temperature in the Kamchatkan and Kuril waters in various time periods of 1996 (May, October) and 1997 (May, August) was analyzed by Fatykhov et al., (2000) using a small set of catch rates of skates in different temperature ranges. 59 Deepwater skates of NW Pacific ORLOV ET AL. Figure 9. - Stomach fullness of the most abundant skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Taux de remplissage des estomacs des raies les plus abondantes des eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatka, 1993-2000.] There are virtually no data on bottom temperatures at which deep-benthic skates occur in other areas of the North Pacific. There are only data available that B. aleutica off the U.S. west coast were recorded within the bottom temperatures of 5.2°C-5.9°C, while the average was 5.47°C (Hoff, 2002). Body length and weight The data on sizes of the North Pacific skates available from the literature is mostly referred to their maximum body 60 length. The following values of maximum length appeared in published sources: 151 cm for B. aleutica (Ishiyama, 1958), 120 cm for B. maculata and 83 for B. minispinosa (Mecklenburg et al., 2002), 77 cm for R. taranetzi (Ebert, 2005), 129 cm for B. parmifera, 126 for B. matsubarai and 84 cm for B. violacea (Dolganov and Tuponogov, 1999). Most of our specimens did not exceed known maximum length, except for B. maculata and B. violacea whose TL reached of 134 and 102 cm respectively. The larger average length of B. parmifera in comparison Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. ORLOV ET AL. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific Figure 10. - Multi-annual changes of relative abundance of skates in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, 1993-2000. [Variations pluri-annuelles de l’abondance relative des raies les plus abondantes des eaux du Pacifique au nord des îles Kouriles et au sud-est du Kamchatka, 1993-2000.] Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. 61 Deepwater skates of NW Pacific to B. maculata and B. aleutica can be explained by the fact that latter two species have the larger amount of juveniles in catches. The lesser number of juvenile skates found in B. parmifera is likely related to their inhabitation at shallower depths. Small number of juvenile B. matsubarai in the catches is probably associated with a more deepwater distribution pattern of the immature individuals in this bathybenthal species. As for the weight and relationships between length and weight of skates, no data were found in literature. The similarity of linear and power coefficients in the length-weight relationships probably shows that in all these species of skates the growth mechanisms are alike. Vertical migrations The knowledge of vertical migrations of the North Pacific skates is scant. Dolganov (1998b) stated that some upper and lower bathyal species migrate seasonally, leaving for greater depths in winter; the magnitude of such migrations in youngs and adults being different. Our data on changes of body weight with depth show that the large individuals inhabit shallower places than the young fish, and the skates do make ontogenetic vertical migrations. Their egg capsules being attached to the substrate with horny projections and fibrillar filaments (Dolganov, 1998d), they cannot be carried away to deeper layers by currents, thus females have to migrate to spawning sites for laying eggs, while the young have to shift themselves gradually to shallower places with growth. A transport of the hatched embryos from the shelf to bigger depths by the nearbottom currents is not likely since the empty egg capsules are more often found at the concentration sites of the young, i.e. the juvenile skates do not abandon the spawning ground at once and stay for some more time. Such logics disagree with the existing concept of a continuous conveyor method of reproduction of the Far East deep-benthic skates all the year round (Dolganov, 1998d) since otherwise, given this way of breeding, the females would have to migrate from shallow to deeper places several times a year. The incubation period and hatching are unknown in the Far Eastern deepbenthic skates. In some other species of Bathyraja incubation lasts for 6-9 months (Bor, 2002) while the incubation period of the North Atlantic Raja species takes from 9 weeks to 15 months (Wourms, 1977). Based on those data, it could be assumed that the females lay eggs twice a year at the most, hence making as many spawning migrations. The complex population structure of the skate species examined includes individuals of various ages, which probably results from the time difference in laying egg by the females. Therefore, the spawning time disparity in individual females extends the process of spawning among the entire population to the whole year, which given the limited food resource on the continental slope, ensures a better food supply to the 62 ORLOV ET AL. progeny and, as consequence, its improved survival rate. Skates are capable of preying on pelagic prey (Orlov, 1998a,c, 2003a; Chuchukalo and Napazakov, 2002). Epipelagic and even mesopelagic captures of skates have been reported by Shuntov and Bocharov (2003). This shows the ability of skates to migrate vertically into water column, though it was unclear if these migrations are regular (diurnal) or incidental. In our study the captures of skates in midwater layers were incidental; pelagic fish and squids were found sporadically in their stomachs. Sex ratios and sexual dimorphism Dolganov (1998d) suggests about equal ratio between females and males in most populations of skates in the Northwest Pacific with the prevalence of the females in the older age groups only. In the Eastern Bering Sea, proportion of females and males in catches is almost equal in each species except for B. parmifera, where males prevailed 27 times over females (Ebert, 2005). In our study, almost equal sex ratio occurred in the B. aleutica and B. violacea while in other species females were predominant. These differences are probably related to the variation of the sex ratio with depth, latitude, habitat, season, and bottom temperature (McEachran and Musick, 1975; Compagno et al., 1991). Many species are known to segregate by sex, size and maturity status, and this may have some influence on sex ratio (Ebert, 2003). Data regarding the sex ratios of skates considered in different size groups appeared in two recent papers (Dolganov, 1998d; Ebert, 2005). First author noted that the females prevail in the largest skates irrespective of species. Second author showed that almost equal sex ratio occur in all species examined among juveniles in the eastern Bering Sea. Adolescent male B. maculata were caught in greater number than females. Among adults, females of the B. aleutica were notably abundant in catches in comparison to males while in other species males prevailed over females. These data differ somewhat from our observations. These discrepancies may be related to the presence of sexual dimorphism in the body length and weight of the species considered (Tab. I) as pointed out by Orlov (1998a, 1998c, 2003) and by Ebert (2005). Four of the seven species examined (B. maculata, B. parmifera, B. matsubarai and R. taranetzi) had their females of greater length than males. Mean length differences of B. maculata and B. matsubarai were weak (0.2-1.3 cm). In the other species males are greater than females. The body weight differences are observed in some species. For instance, female B. maculata were larger than males in body length, but weighed somewhat less. Conversely, the males of B. violacea were somewhat larger but weighed less than females, in average. As for the relationship of sexual demorphism in sizes of the skates studied and sex ratio in different size groups, we Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. ORLOV ET AL. can make some tentative judgment. As was shown above (Fig. 8), the increasing of female proportion with size increasing was characteristic for R. taranetzi only. Females of this species are much longer (by about 6 cm) and heavier (by about 400 g) than males, in average. Given the mean sizes of males and females, it constitutes the difference between them of over 10% in the length and about 38% in the body weight. The prevalence of females in all size groups is likely to determine such a great relative differences. The sex ratio of B. aleutica and B. maculata is about the same in all size groups, and the relative difference in size between males and females is weak. The results obtained in B. matsubarai and B. violacea probably do not reflect the actual situation since the data on sex ratios within larger size groups are very limited. Stomach fullness Despite the large number of publication on food habits of the Far Eastern skates which appeared in recent years (Dolganov, 1998a; Orlov, 1998a, 1998c, 2003a; Chuchukalo et al., 1999; Chuchukalo and Napazakov, 2002) it is the first one that considers, besides diet composition, the intra-annual variations of stomach fullness, and its changes depending on the bottom temperature, though these data were given only in respect of the B. violacea and B. parmifera. The difference in stomach fullness by fish of both sexes may result from their different physiological condition. However, since the life history of the Far Eastern skates has been studied most insufficiently, it would be impossible to determine with certainty the causes for the differences found in stomach fullness of males and females of individual species. Dynamics of abundance Skates are considered as a potential target for Russian fisheries, and some assessment containing TAC estimations began to be generated in recent years. However, the problems of their stock dynamics remain to be unexplored. The data on the total biomass of skates in some parts of the Russian Far Eastern EEZ are found in several papers: Dolganov (1999a) and Fatykhov et al. (2000) provide data on biomass by species. The first paper deals with ten of the most abundant species within the entire Russian Far Eastern zone, by areas; the second paper covers four species in the Pacific off the North Kurils and Southeast Kamchatka. The biomass data result from trawl surveys, but stock dynamics data are not available. Our results disagree considerably with Dolganov data (1999a) that the biomass of B. parmifera off the East Kamchatka and Kuril Islands is the largest, decreasingly followed by the biomass of B. matsubarai, B. violacea, B. aleutica, B. maculata, R. taranetzi and B. minispinosa. This disagreement might result from the smaller area of our study, and Cybium 2006, 30(4) suppl. Deepwater skates of NW Pacific smaller depth range examined (100-850 vs 50-2000 m). The fact that skate species in each haul during our surveys began to be identified in the recent two years only complicates the analysis. Prior to 1999 the species of skates were not identified during individual surveys, or the largest and easily recognizable species were recorded: B. aleutica, B. parmifera, B. maculata and B. matsubarai. That is why in some years B. violacea, B. minispinosa and R. taranetzi were actually not recorded in catches at all. The exclusively high catches of B. minispinosa made in 1996 can hardly be recognized as true. Most likely, they were heavily exaggerated because of the incorrect species identification. Even if the catch data for the current year are excluded, the relative abundance trend generally is pointed upward in a stable way. At present it is difficult to make assumptions regarding the quantity of B. violacea and R. taranetzi since it is only the two recent year’s data that can be recognized reliable for the above reasons. Abundance of some skates species exhibit a similar trend in any other areas of the North Pacific too. For instance, the abundance of B. parmifera and B. aleutica in the Gulf of Alaska increased by many times throughout the period of study according to the trawl survey data of 1984-2003 (Gaichas et al., 2003). Acknowledgements. - Authors would like to express their gratitude to all scientists of VNIRO, KamchatNIRO, SakhNIRO and other institutions who participated in 1992-2002 in sampling of data used in this paper. Special thanks go to our colleagues and friends Yu.N. Poltev and I.N. Moukhametov (SakhNIRO) who provided us with some data on R. taranetzi. We also appreciate valuable comments on the manuscript of anonymous reviewer and Dr. Bernard Séret (Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France) who considerably improved it. REFERENCES AMAOKA K., NAKAYA K. & M. YABE, 1995. - The Fishes of Northern Japan. 390 p. Sapporo: Kita Nihon Kayo Center Co. Ltd. BOR P., 2002. - Egg-capsules of sharks and skates. World Wide Web Electronic Publication. rogtable.html. BRODEUR R.D. & P.A. LIVINGSTON, 1988. - Food habits and diet overlap of various Eastern Bering Sea fishes. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS F/NWC, 127: 1-76. CHUCHUKALO V.I. & V.V. 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