The Undercroft – Volume 2 Issue 3


The Undercroft – Volume 2 Issue 3
This is a Harm Reduction Based Program
and in no way encourages the use of any
substance or actions. But if you're going to
do it... Please do it safely.
produCtion Of this ~magaZine has bee,nmade-posS-ible through -a financial contribution from Hea'tth -Canada.
The views expressed in
this magazine do not nec­
essarily represent the
views of POSSE project
staff, partners and collabo­
rative members.
The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent the views of
Heal th Canada
"where minds- meet,
I-I "
VOL. 2/155. 3
s,{tt s,lItt 11_8_ Sf ~fI~ unDERCRon IUBmllllonl Inro
We always welcome any free writing and art submissions for
our magazine. Be sure to either e-mail your submissions to or by mail to 47 Mill St. East
Acton Ontario L7J 1H1. You can even call (519) 853- 5908 to
arrange for a submission pickup!
If that doesn't please you, then feel free to drop your submis­
rtelular COIIcIo.a. CcIIorns *~
TUXedo ~
sions at any of the following locations:
-The Altered Native in Georgetown
-St. George's Church in Georgetown
(beside the high school)
-Off the Wall youth centre in Acton
-Dermagraphics by Paul in Milton
-Needful Things in Milton
~~ _1.11
POSSE Project takes safe sex to a whole new level. We are proud
to offer you a range of condoms to make safer sex a new experience.
Our exclusive products include:
*not all submissions
can be published in The Undercroft, but if your work makes it past the editorial committee, you WILL get paid!
If you are not practicing abstinence, we strongly recommend that
you use a condom during all of your sexual encounters. This is not just
limited to sexual intercourse,. it also includes blowjobs, eating out, etc.
STD's are also transmitted through methods of foreplay.
Feel free to drop by our office for more information or condoms.
Some of our product are also available free of charge at the Altered
Native store in Georgetown.
And while we are on a safer topic, we also have safer
drug use kits available for crack and coke, and
safe piercing kits.
But remember... the saf­
est way is abstinence
So go out....
POSSE would like to thank everyone who
contributed to the production of this
I: I
TO: Chris Golden Maureen Harvey Sean Hansen Catey Saunders Don~a· D8nl.111 Tom Beedham Domenlc Padula Klmm Kent co­
Feature Articles:
What a Trip
Lies Hold Beliefs
Proper Footing
The World is a Sandbox
We Are the Same
Gotta Address It
Weird on Wheels
11-1 2
] 88
The Effects of Multilingualism
The Down Low on Up North Politics
Feat. Band: The Randalls
The Word: Free Verse:
The Eyes of an Author
Featured Artwork :
Cover Art by Chris Van Doorn
Chris Van Doorn
S,10,3 0
7 , 17,31
-. C
Tom Beedham
1 5 ,2 1 ,24,32
Charlotte Tribble
A Mistake . .. or Not
Culture Couture is a Turkey lE
Peer Outreach Support
Services and Education
(POSSE) Project
e ditor: Tom Beedham
IE ditorial Committee:
Chris Golden, Maureen Harvey,
Catey Saunders, Sean Hansen
,Kimm Kent and Domenic Padula.
a: cO,~~
~IM WI ~@i~o; ~~n ' 'f
Do yo
"'t_~'. -. 7
.·~~~n ·
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POSSE Project has a range 0 safer drug use information kits to help recreational and regular drug users make a safer decision. We are now offering free of charge safer drug information kits for Marijuana, Crystal Meth, Crack, Cocaine, IV drugs and also, piercing kits (available in gauges 18 and 16). Each ofour kits is packed with relevant harm reduction tips, a groovy drug information card and different types ofhardware to make 'our use a safer experience. 1~~~ ~~cJ:a
~tPrJI~ ..t
When the Randalls tooR the stage for the 420 concert in support of the Undercroft, it was with the Rnowledge that one quiet but crucial band member was missing. Up to that point, at every single show, the Ran­
dolls had on stage with them a certain, rather unique plant. "We smuggled the fern bacR with us from a trip to Hawaii," laughs vocalist Jonathan Volpe. "It was liRe one of the members of the bond, liRe our mascot..And now, it's dead." The fern may be just a fond memory but the incredible music the Ran­
dolls are producing promises a pretty RicR-ass future as this juggernaut of a band gathers more and more fans in its waRe. Much of their music is based on their own life experiences. "The Trip is about the Hawaii trip we tooR, WalRing Away is based on Alex's mood," says Jonathan. "And Revolver is about a girl - it stands for a lot of girls I Rnow. A girl who will lead you to believe she loves you but
hints differently.... Girls are confusing, period."
. ht): Jonathan
Guitarist Alex just laughs when osRed about the origins of the fan
The Randall s <Ieft t~ (~~eeling). Alex
favourite Last Four Days. "Oh my goodness,» he chucRles, shaRing his
Jared Mec a
h d
M tt Buck.
eo .
Frank and a
Apparently the song is based on a friend's headache. Or more specifi­
cally, the extremes he went to cure the headache. "He had these dog
tranquilizers or painRillers," explains Jonathan. "He had a vial of the things. Four days later they were gone and
so was the headache."
"Driving with him though was an experience," JORes Alex.
The episode was immortalized in the song which begins "The last four days, I haven't been myself, and
I've been hard to taRe..."
ASR the band - which also includes boss player Matt BucR and drummer Jarred McCall - what their
favourite Randalls song is, and the answer is pretty similar.
"I thinR we all really liRe Good Evening 9 am," says Alex. "It's so unique and yet it has our trademarR
sound. It starts with a riff, then it goes to power chords. Then we have ridiculously grungy chords over a sicR boss
line. It's my favourite because it's so unique."
"We wrote some of it under a street light at Mill Pond," recollects Jonathan but adds that "there's a lot
of variety in our songs and that's what I want people to hear."
So what's next for the Randalls.
"Summer fun, lots of music, partying," jOReS Jonathan before adding "There's endless possibilities, we
have lots of ideas."
"We're Writing our material and trying to
get noticed," adds Alex. "We're going to get a
video on Myspace (www. m ys p oce.c om
tnEr ondo lilof m ilto n) and Youtube."
"We want to have people coming to our
shows that we don't Rnow, who have heard of us
and are coming to checR us out."
"Hopefully, good word spreads about us."
DODDa Danielli
'Daf\;eUl Media Pre>durliC>f\s
5pecQI~it)g in ~rkd:it)g;Jt)" promotions (ot
cte}tive people
PHONE: (905) 854-2469
"eell P'are to Pcst? '
by maulee" IlaIVe-y
POSSE is on the look out for advertisers I If you want your ad in the zine or on our site, give us a ringf Z'l\~·.~~~ ........'.:" . :..................": • Full Page: $130 (8.5 x 7 )
' 4 " 4") :
: 1/2 Page: $80 (4" x 8")
•: 1/4 Page Banner OR Box: $50 ••••••••••••••••
(2" x 8' or
• _A link from the POSSE
: Project website to your
: business website: $42 for
: months ($7 a month)
~~~. n~Y~~~!~~~g... :
•• -Sponsor Q web page: $270
: for 3 months ($60 a month) •• :• for 3 months ($90 a month)
• _Sponsor
web page: $180 •
, .......................
: -Links from the POSSE
: P:oject site to your business :
sIte: $60 for 6 months ($10 :
: :a month)
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: -Advertising on the POSSE • : - Advertising on the POSSE •
: Project website: $90 for 3 • : Project site: $150 for 3
• •: months ($50 Q month)
: months ($60 Q month)
From it~ )"..rt in "\\itdJ trial", aero,""", tiH." world, to piJannllet'nticaJ alld I.'Overt govenllJJt"utai expt>riuu~'ut"', to
tbe pbeJlOlJJt"UOIl known as tile p..,y<.'llt'deli(' em, LSD bas playt'd u protom..1 role w both our history ulld our cu)tUft.
Ergot, u flut/luS tlud JlrOWI> ou "}'e ~:ruwl> I.'OlItaws n fOl'lo oflYSE'rgi(' udd tbat <'lUI <'Itl1SE' tlx- ""IDe ,i.'mal ami
umlito,," Juilluriuutious, irmtiollul lx-bullour, anxit"ty uoo euphoria as UII udd trip. Without IOOOt"1"lJ knowl~ of
S<'it"uet', medicine or tilt" I.'OIICt'pt of~')'cbouctil't" I'>'ubs1auet's 1-I,It" t"XJ,laiuM tlx- symptoms oft"rgotism by ('Iaitniug it
wUs dt"wouic l1OsSt"ssioJl or ""it('lx-raft." Sadly, tilt"Nt" miS('OIIet'I,tiOlls brought Iabolit tilt" death ofthousaud'iu)tou
thou,<;IIJlds ofoUlOCt'ut vil'mos wlto bad bt"<'u lUarkt"flus ""itdJt".~." R("('Ords datiUJl ool'k &om tbe 10" Ulld 17" ct"Jltu·
lit"s show tblat UN"IlS wllt"rt" tilt" /It''Ol/:rtl:I,bic lIud climutic (oollditiolls ,,'t>ft o),timal tor tbt' gJ'O,,1b ofdlt" t"1'JtUf fiullt'ls
l.'Oiuddt" "ith areus tlmt hod tilt" gft'tltt's1 t"I,idt"mi(' ofdt'mOlti(' I1OSst"SSion alld slIbst"qaIt"lIt "itclt-ll1lJ1ts.
TIlt'S(' )It'rceptiOIiS shiftt'(I, bowt"wJ' "\\itll tbt" OIlSt"t oftbt" ~ ofRatiolUlliN1O 01 the 1700's. in whidl tht" symp­
toms oft"rgotism uo lougt'l' l1OOltt'd to tltt" dt"viI'!> wor),; blrt ratllt"I' o~ wstaJlet'.~ of religious uwakeubtg alld us We"SSlljI:\'S
from ('-.00. TIlt" tn't' ('OIlSt" oftllt"st" t"pisodt"s wos STIn Uukuo"1lalld tltt" Iniml.beudiUJl t"Ot>cts oflysergic Iwid would 1I0t
be (lis('Ovt"N"d IUltillDOft tJIIlIJ two ct"lJtauit"s lutt"r.
Dr. HoHioau oftht" SllIldoz laboratory w S"itZt"rllllld bejl.lIlJ
t"XJlt"rinlt"utiug "ith IYSE'rlPc odd aud uD it.~ fonns "'i port ofa I't"2
St"ftrc'b pro[tl'llm tbt" Iub ba(llUmt"rtukt"u to iNolate tht" a<'tivt" COlO­
11OIUld,,, w medidual ),lullt.<i. Midwil't"s bad IINM erll:ot pftviotL...." liS
U labollr-oJdlldu/l drug aud so it was w<'ludt'd w tilt' program to
dt"tt"rmiut" ifit bad nu." otJlt"r )tott"utiolll!>e"S. OriJlb!aU" DI·. BoO:
IIDUJ hY)lOtht"sizt"d tbat IYSt"rgic acid wa,' be used to prowott" aud
stiumlutt" bealthy ftS'Pintto,,}' aud circtalato.,' functiou, but aftt"r
tt"stin(t was fOIUld to bt" OIt"OM.-tiVt" for that pllJ")lOSt>. 'ftJt' OIa1y I't"­
(oordt'd t"Ofi-t '''lIS that tht" IIlJilOUls bt"ing IL'it"d to (t',,1 tbt' dMlJls ht"­
<'IlIOt" "ftstlt""'s." TIlt" drllJl·... I".,)'('boa<'tivt" IJropertit"S wmald ftmnw
IwkJloWIJ ...TIO IWtiJ tht" du." UOW ku01\1J as "Bi('ydt" Day," April 19",
194;i. TIlN"t" da."!> ),rior, HoHillll1J workiUJl ....eadily ill tilt" Illb 011 W,~
J."sel'jl;i(' add t"XJK'riUlt"Ut.<i blld fmUid WmSt"lfft'eliujl: fts1Ies.., IIl1d
slijdltl." dizzy. amI for tltt" ("\\'0 honrs foOo"\\iug Itt" wos S'1\'t"I,t odo 0
drt"uJJlolikt"" 11IId t"xpt'rit"JI('t"d It kalt"ld().'i('Ope ofshupt>S, 1.'0101U'I>
olld pi<-tllN"s. Ht" hl't"r rt"Ialized willi' bad callst'd his halhll'WUtiOIl'"
nod d("('idt'(1 to 01/lt"s1wllot Ilt" tbought to be a thN"sbold dos't". HoO:
muu OJ~1ed :l~Oug ofWs :l:;" s)'JJtht"sized vt"rsioll oftht" odd (ht'lIet' tIlt" 1l1I1Ot" LSD·:l~ )... tht" rt"Ill tbrt'sbold doSE'
wOllld IJrovt" to bt" III tbt" Ul"t"ll of:l~ug. HoHinnll rt")tortt"fIIJIII",sil't" tlllditol,' oud ,i"''11111 hollllcwatiolllllJ(1 wns haftl."
tlblt" to "'peak or mow. Ht" wo", t"S('Ortt'd bomt" on bi(·ydt" b." ltis lulloratOl'." m,;sis1aut o..d tliOIt/rlJ HoftirnllJ had said tbllt
bt" fi>lt as tbongh ht" wus "'lOlIblt" to 1I1O"t"" &om his "l1Ot bilS INlrtut"r n,.".,11ft"d lilin tlud tbt'.', hud Jx>e.u mo,iltg vt"ry fus1.
Aftt"r ltis t"IK'OIlOter "itJl tbt" Mill HoHioou wrote, "This self-t"xpt'riult"ut showed tbat L"D·:l~ lx-I","'t'd us a p"ymOR('
tiw S'llbs1011et' "ith t":\Truordiullr~' ),ropertit"s aud )tott"I1<-.". TIlt"I'E' was to my kllowl~ 110 otht"r kno"ll s'llbstuUCt' tllIlt
t"vokt"d s'Iu·l. prot()1UJd IlSy('lti(' t"O(>cts 0. s1)('b t":\'frt'lIlt"ly low dost".o;. thut <'Imst'd sudl dnllllllti(' dJllIljtt"s 01 Inunnll ('()II'
.o;<>ionsllt"ss lIud ollr t"XJJt"rit"IJ('t" o"'''t'' oUJt"r Ulld OIltt"r world.'"
TIus It'd to 1111 ouslon~.jlt ofexpt'riJllt"lIts uud rt"st"all-':'ll b." sc:-it"lItis1s urolUid tltt" world. L"D WllS I'rod~ b."
tilt' SlIDdoz Illb nudt'r tilt' IIUU)(" "Del."sid" IlIlfl "\\'IlS tllOlI,ltht to I,ro,idt" IJJt"lItlll mll'Ultiou Ilud wos u'it"d in seU:
t"XJlt"rOllt"lItntioll by p...y<-ltintris1s liS 0 wa." ....o /Il.'IlW olsi~rht olto tht' world ofidt'1ls alld I>t'llsatious ofmt"lIt81 patit"lItS."
III 1948 tilt" drllj!' l1'1l," lIIl1rkt'tt'd as II ps."('lIologi<'l11 ('tlJ"t"-ftllIUJd wus said to ht'111 all sort,.. oflllt'utaJ I.'OlIditiOIl'" ."l)8U­
Iliuj!: &om Ill<ooholisUl to sdlizoJ,hrt'uiu.
LSD "'l'lwked tilt" idt'll tor oVt"r 1000 s<"it"lItiJi(' IJIl)Jt"rs, doZt'lIs ofltooks, olterllatiolllli ('OttkftUet's lIud wa,,,
prt",o,;c:·.ribC"d to thonSlmdl,; ofIJlltit"uts. Ollt" r.l1ld." It'd b." DI·. Hmlll'ltr,\' Osmolld 01 tht" J9~Os sbowt'd 0 ~O% S'II('Ct'.'iS
rlltt" of sobrit"~, ill II jl:l'OnlJ ofl)t~plt" ill all AI{'OholiC's A)lolI.''Inous lIro/O'll1Jl wllO Wt"ft PI'E',;ollsl." IUlablt" to qnU drillkUlJl
Add' ·0······:;; :'2~:e':d';:'" ;:i L A.l. ..:...
., n... ~...~~ .. ~U~~~Q:~~
vv h
· at a Trip
llftt'r bt"illjl; ltivt'll LSD. AJlotllt'"r slIcb t"l)«'rilll(,lIt ill ] 000 It'd b~' world-."lIowllt'd LSD l"(>S<'ard)(.'r Timoth~' Lt"alr~· •
.....llt'"ut("(Uy s)lowM thllt l.risollt'I·S ltivell psilO('~iJiJl (or ~lIIajl.i(·lIm~broolUs") bnd a 90% Sll~ nltt' ofllot I"t"­
Offt'lI(lilljl:. Hi.......senn-b l.roc\uN'd 110 murdt'...., ~uiddt.>./iO, p!'>),cllotie bl"("ftk,., or bud trills.
El'ell tbe jI;On·rmlH'.lIt ~m t'xpt"rimelltiug ""itll tht' dnljt, oripnllJ)~, liS a IlOtt'lItilllllH'tUIS for mjlJ(l~lItroJ. It
WII~ euUM tilt' MK-tiLTRA Pl'Ojret, nllming from tilt' ]9~Os throllgh to tbt' '70s. Hml()rt"(ls ofllt"Oplt' were giVt'1I
LSI) indmlilljl: emp)oyt"t"s oftilt'" j/:OverWllt'"lIt, tht' IlIIblie, IIlt'"lItIlIINltit.>lIts, Imd !'>'("x tnlde \\'orkt'r... - IUlllly ofwhieb hnd
no idell tlud tbt'~, hlld bei.>n gil'en tbt' dnljt. S<ielltiti(' rest"Urcbt'rl'i lit tbt' tiult' kllt'w tilt' importallet' oflunilljl: II bnllll~"
Sltft' enviJ"\)llmt'lIt
IUld miud-ljf't
bt"ore alld (hO'­
iJljt tilt'" onset of
tilt' dnlg, but
withollt all~' W1t~·
to )Irepare for
tht'ir "trip" IIUIIJ~'
of tilt'" JIIlrtici­
PUlltS offht' !\fli­
I!J..TRA t'XJlt'ri­
mellt ('OIJIJlrittM
!'>'lucidt', wt're
kiDM or were
TIlt' )Iroj("(-t in­
formlltioll bill!
jus1 rt"<'t"utl~·
))t'('OUIt' dt"das...i­
tiM aud IlJlOlo­
git'... lIt'wI~''
to tbe fimrilit'1'i of
tbt' )Nu-tieiJllmts.
tilt' j/:Ovt'rlUnt'lit
dt"CidM tbl" tilt' 'lnlj/: WlIS ofllo uSt" to tbt'JU lind tbut tlK' 01lf<'01IK' Will'; too IK'{tlltiVt' to buvt' tM dMlj/: eireullltiug iu the Imblie IIl1d tilt' lleid-lmr bt"jlUu. Almo!'>1l1U oftIJl' IligIl~' ill'hlt'lltial !'>'('jt'utists UllkM witll V';I) t"lJt"riWellts wt'ft' Rrrt.'!'>1M in tlK' ·60s.
Rt'St"8rdlt'rs Imd !'>1J1(lt'lIh illvoh'("(1 ill tilt' t'XJlt'rimt'ut... bt"guu takiu{l: L"il) r("('l"("fttiollally and throwillj/: "LSD
INlrtjt'S.'" LSD uSt'rs wt're primllriJ~' offill' "Pllt'r nU1jt ofsocit'~' (s1)eh tiS docto...., .o;cientiI>1s, IIml _demi('s) amI it
WIIS oftll("ir Ollillioll tbat tbl' dnIg was too powt'rfitl for widt""llft'lld use Imd thllt arti...1 s. writt'.... aud otlK'r jtI't'Ilt lIlimls
..bould t'XJlt'rit'lJCt' it ~11111f1 filtt'r it dowu tlU'Ongh so<·it'~· . Mo!>1 feh tllllt L"il) was .....Vohltiolla.,· IIml ('Oltldbt" IU{I:hl~'
bt-neti(;al '01' so<'it'~', ilia.. it ('Ould t'lld ('OuOi(o( alJd mnkt'llt.'Il('t'.•Jimi Ht>lIdrh, TIlt' Grntl'fttl Dt'ad, The I)oors, Tbt'
"110, JeDersoll :\'iTIJlnne, TIlt' IklltJt's IIl1d til(" Rollill{l.: Stout's wt're 110 IIflilillt("(1 \lid) tht' 1I(·id lDOvt'lIlt'nt, Prollt'lliDj/:
t'l't'11 fttrtber tlat' )I"blie's intt'rel>1 ill LSI). III fil<'t, tht' hlIJUt' Thl' D()C)rs ('OIIIt.>". from a fiullO"s book b~· Aldolls Hllut'~·.
TlIl'Doorft q!,Perl"l'pfioR, ebroni<"lilJt' lais l'XJlt'ril'lICt'... \litll II!>)'eboll<ofivt' dnlj,."S. 'nit' I.!'»'d)ec\t'li(·l'nl, <"Iost'ly lillkM to
tilt' WII)Jit' lUo~·t'lUent was Ollt' offioft> low, ofpt'll('t', ofim'lliraltioJl. ofhrotllt'rbOOfI Imd si!>tt'rllOOfI, IIIHI ",e)f~XJllorntioll.
It qlridJ~' d(,,(·JjuM thOlljl:Jlllflt'r j[I'Oflillg 1It'/.l:lltiVt' S))("('ttllltiolls lloont tilt' dn~, its ('rilDiulllizntion, the Of"urft'uCt' of
-ollshbal<'ks 11m) IJI'OIIIl{tIIIlfIIl lIilll("(1 lit its (liS<'OlItimultioll.
Tht' p...) 'ehMeJje t'm mn~' lit' OWl' bllt L/Oil) is !'>tiJI bt"iult UsM tOfIIl~· . lalll ~OO] ..111f1~· ofOutlll'io "l1l(l("lIt,o,;, 4.~
IIt'J'I:'t'lIt offllt' !>l1ldt'nts reportMlJl>ill1t L!OiI) ill tlat' 1)8~1 yt'IIT. Thflllj,..... LSI) hmm't IIlwnys bei.>lIaJld iSIl't liS widt'," prt'ad as sa~· ('amJlllbis liSt', i.... t'Oects on our sOf'it'~' lire lUldt'IUllblt'. LSI) ft'St"8r<·h lin... 1("(1 to dil'i('Ovt'ri("s aoout s<-itizollbl"t"­
lIillaud otlK'r mt'lltal ('OUditiOllS, IIbo..t altt.>rlllltivt' trelltlllt'llt OlltiOIlS for IlrisOIlt'rs 1I11d 11!'» '<-iliatri('I.utit'utS, gil't'lIIlS
somt' offllt' bt"!'>1 IIll1si(', \\Titilllllmd .wlltimt'llts WE' kllow lIud hll... iufhlt'J)('t"f1 om' ("JJhll'<' lor j[l'1K'natiolls to <"o1I1t'.
"'hilt II trill.
C6 fyef'Y
J: ~a'{~r
~'1'""t'''''' CD"'. c'n'~l"'3
of tlot e,,,,,,.l,",
'P&l'pllLoVVviAvLrus) .. ' ycNITAL WARTS t>t-""
.,WS ,,' "",. f" ""
>tpv (>t""""
,ex w'.tlo few-'''-
~"t"''' ''''" c'"' VleLil 'Protect IjOIA. fyOVVv \-tI V, AIDS, yov-..oyyVleCi , CVlWVVvljo.La, iAV.'" otVler se)(.IA./ALLIj h CiV.SV\J\.Ltte.o. Lv.fectLOv.s . ,
Gotta address it. can't suppress it
can't coddle nor cuddle and squeeze and caress it
'cause that's when it grows, the tingling in your
Trying-to leave your body before the signs start to
That man he took a part of me
That man he took my soul
That man he doesn't know anything about
the eRects of his control
Two packs a day float past those lips,
In those lungs and in that brain
Two packs a day stain those sinful fingertips
like an evil villain, he's cooped up in his lair,
Alone except his sidekick, a 2-4 and a chair
Surrounded by so much lager you'd think he was a
but he's just a petty alcoholic flashing those lifeless
eyes at me
He's sick and sad and lonely and
he'll always be like that
Because he pushed away and pushed around 'til no
one had his back.
The (ye~ uf an !uthur by Sean Hansen
Sincere lies and honest cries. From shadows and flies on the wall. To dip into this. The silent scream of something; something will shake. The grey sky of ash floods with brilliant light Of knowing and holding like the eyes of an author. Tired weighted and blind The thickest part of the book still lies to the right hand side ,
Dreads. the knots within the skull. Tangled. dirty and thick;
Thick with thoughts of the reader.
J~ Who has predetermined to hate.
~ Who has pillows for tired eyes.
The reader who has. but not edited nor revised
The silent scream of something from an author. who has no voice.
But words. \,
./ -. I
With this situation I'm lost in thoughts and going
nowhere fast
I wish someone out there could help me so
that this
feeling wouldn't last
I know I have people that are there to talk to
talk is just so cheap
I wish I could stop thinking of it becouse
it haunts
me in my sleep
I never thought a choice of mine could deter­
someone's life or death
Or how my choice will decide If this person will
their very first breathe
There are reasons why I don't want you but still
are reasons that I do
It's the fact that you'll need me and what if I
pull through
I don't know if I could forgive myself though if I
ever let you go
but I don't think anyone else could forgive me
let everyone else know
I don't think that there's 0 way that letting go of
you will ever feel right
and if I decide to keep you for myself I won't
let you
go without a fight
I'm already changing things in my life for you
though I don't know if you'll stay
I just can't believe It's all my decision I just wish
somebody could take all the pressure away
The Down Low on Up North Politics
by Catey Saunders
...., . .
,., ~
You're eighteen years old. ~
You're legally entitled to
purchase lottery tickets,
buy pornography, rent R­
rated movies, drink legally
in Alberta, Manitoba and
Quebec. You're also old
enough to vote . It is how­
ever important that you do
the appropriate research in
order to make an educated
decision but with more
than 15 Canadian political
parties, keeping track of all
the outrageous promises
and campaign "mumbo­
jumbo" can prove to be
difficult if not impossi­
ble. It is therefore imprac­
tical to list, in detail , all of
the parties, their individual
philosophies, values, and
"guarantees" or how they each plan
to make Canada the best country it
can be. Below is a short and sweet
version on just a few of the contest­
ants in Canada ' s political party ri­
The Liberal Party are descended
from the mis 19th century reformers
and are currently led by Stephane
Dion declare that they believe in
radical change. The liberal party,
during previous periods of power
legalized same sex marriage and the
use of cannabis for medical purpose.
They claim to use the Constitution
and Charter or Rights and Freedoms
as the framework to create a just
society and advocate for the equality
of men and women , individual free­
dom, and human dignity.
The Conservatives are headed by
our very own Prime Minister: Steven
Harper, state that they believe in the
equality of all Canadian citizens,
advocating for the hard working, tax
paying public. Generally, the favour
lower taxes, smaller government,
and more spending on the military.
The party is opposed to the legaliza­
tion of marijuana and the same sex
marriages although not to same sex
civil unions . They claim to use their
belief in the equality and responsibil­
ity of all Canadian citizens as well as
the government to guide them in
their decision making.
Le Bloc Quebecois led by Gilles
Duceppe believe in the liberation and
separation of a French speaking Que­
The New Democratic Party (NDP)
state that they promise to tackle is­
sues such as poverty in Canada, poor
publk healtb care, global warming,
and inaccessible education amongst
other imperfections found in Cana­
dian society. Advocate progressive
issues such as gay rights, peace and
environmental protection. The party
also fight for human rights protec­
tion, elimination of child poverty,
decriminalization of small amounts
of marijuana, and renegotiating the
North American Free Trade Agree­
ment (NAFT A). They also feel that
prosperity and social justice can go
hand in hand. The NDP are piloted
by Jack Layton.
The Green Party has recently been
gaining attention . Led by Elizabeth
May the party is an activist for a
strong and healthy country tackling
issues dealing with the environment
and Global Warming.
As stated before there are more
than fifteen political parties includ­
ing; the marijuana, rhinoceros, com­
munist, and socialist parties. This
article briefly touches on merely four
and more research can be done
through hnp:/.
before coming to any sort of voting
~M~~W~ttIS: m~~ijMt~~ij~M~m~~~I WA~~t~
by Tom 8eedham
£v~ ~4 rt.M~,
-wt Mt ~ ~, WtJ1~t~~,~~~~~~~.
A...I. ~ ~ ~ ~ u.M.,
F<VI. ~ ~ -w~ -wt Mt,
H~ ~ -w~,
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No cars in the city - penitentiaries built and maintained to the standards of country clubs
and golf courses - businessmen wearing clown costumes to work. These platforms might seem
odd to the public, but that's only because they follow the definition more visibly than the domi­
nant parties' ("weird: strange and uncanny or bizarre" - Oxford Study Dictionary, 1996). In
fact, the weirdest part of alJ is the coverage. The media-safe parties (in Canada; the Liberals,
NDP, and the Conservatives; and in the US; the Democrats and Republicans) are more-often­
than-not backed up by some hefty wads of cash to make their campaigns sore to peaks where
outlooks become secondary concern, and popularity; key.
Hunter S. Thompson, inventor of Gonzo Journalism and novelist was not your average
writer. This is the very man that wrote Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - a tale of drug­
induced antics while on assignment in the city of broken bank accounts and all-night boozeries.
If you've read the book or seen the movie, you'll know this is a man who pushes every limit in
site, and when he campaigned for Sheriff of Aspen, Colorado in 1969, there was no exception.
Thompson was a known member of an anarchist group known as the party for Freak Power.
His platform included a legalization of the recreational use of narcotics (while prosecuting prof­
iting dealers harshly to reduce gang activity), to "Sod the streets at once" (The Great Shark
Hunt, Simon & Shuster Paperbacks, 1979) and create large parking-lots on the outskirts of As­
pen in order to reduce pollution and preserve nature, to change the name of Aspen to "Fat City"
by public referendum as to prevent the greedy from capitalizing on the name (for example, titles
such as the Aspen Music Festival would then on be known as the "Fat City Music Festival"),
forbid hwning and fishing in Aspen (or Fat City) to all non-residents, and the ban of weapons in
public for all officers (including Thompson). Of course, Thompson felt it was very important
that Aspen elect a responsible party, and in his efforts, promised his community that ifhe be­
came Sheriff, he'd never eat mescaline while on duty.
Ten years later, Jello Biafra - former Dead Kennedys lead singer and since then solo and
spoken word artist - ran for mayor in San Francisco. What was originally meant to be a prank
soon turned into a serious involvement in local politics and sociai order. His campaign prom­
ised everything from placing a rule that required businessmen to dress in clown attire within
San Francisco to a citywide ban on cars (in an attempt to reduce pollution). But here is where
the media attacks again, showcasing only the bizarre and offering little exposure for the revolu­
tionary. Among his "weird" campaign moves are some plans Jello's argued had too little atten­
tion: he felt that squatting should be legal in abandoned San Franciscan homes; he opted for
elections to decide the occupations and jurisdictions of local police; played for a 50% panhan­
dler commission for all state workers laid off due to deficit-caused staff reductions; and stood
for jails being moved to local golf courses "so [occupants) can enjoy true rehabilitation like the
Watergate criminals" (from an interview with Jools Holland). Despite the fact that he only
won 3% of the votes, Biafra - his real name Eric Reed Boucher - did manage to put a dent in
the politically limited wall of San-Francisco: following the election: no candidate was to run
under any name other than the one given to them at birth.
Despite wacky antics and bold campaign promises, none of these parties went anywhere
past their campaign as far as electorate success sees. The way North Americans and many more
people of the world have been raised is to the understanding that the person who puts the most
of their self into their work is the one that achieves the greatest cookie-jar success: in the case of
campaigning; the more a party spends, the greater their audience becomes. Fairly independent
parties, they don't have the buck for that bang. This is where the track and field of the political
race becomes more about Gatorade sponsorships than the ability to jump higher - run faster ­
throw further - run a country up to speed. It's that kind of corporate funding that clouds the
judgment. It gets people thinking who to vote for - who will cater to their needs in the future
(their needs, their future - not their future's future) - who's drinking the same sports drink as
them - who they should invest in.
Just like athletes drop sponsors, the sellout parties drop values along the road. Here is
where generations of fence-sitters lose their strength and pick a box that seems familiar, be­
cause too different is too much to handle.
Unlike the cash-driven parties we see, firing different philosophies every other day of the
week, the weird stick to their guns still to this day. Hunter S. Thompson lived by his motto 'til
the day he killed himself; "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro;" he never won any
elections, but his writing still exists just as it did long before his new audiences were even con­
ceived - just as popular, and ifnot, more. Jello's motto, a little different, but just as influential:
"don't hate the media, become the media" - and he's done a good job at that, producing albums
like they're simple stones he only had to pick off the earth.
Become the media. Tum pro. Separate the suit-wearing clowns from the real people, and
take your picking. Think about how satisfying it would be: seeing a clown get a cream pie right
on the nose. Ask the "weird," and they'll probably tell you that this is about all the clowns are
good for: laughs.
For the full interview between Jools Holland and Jello Biafra, check out:
h tl1' \\ \\ \\\O llI Ubc' c(1111 \ \ (l l ch '\ = j \ rT \\-;- \ l l-- n'\ L or go, type ·'.Tello Biafra" in
search, and watch as much as you wish of this political messiah.
(nina's place) The Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre of Halton We're here for you .. .if you have experienced a recent episode of sexual assault (within 72
hours) by a family member, friend or stranger or abuse by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Nina's Place has a team of trained nurses to give you emotional and medical care after an
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transmitted diseases (STDs)
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services in the community
• the collection of forensic evidence if you
choose to involve the police.
This is how it works: you go to your closest hospital (any hospital in Halton) and
they will pay for a cab to get to Nina's Place . Or if you have your own transporta­
tion, go directly to the ED at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital. If you need trans­
portation when you're done, we will make sure you get to a safe place.
THIS IS ALL CONFIDENTIAL! But if you are under 16
the CAS may be contacted to provide you with
additional support.
905-632-3737 ext. 5708 FOR INFORMATION
the world is a sandbox//
by Maureen
M;~detra-r;~tI\ \~ t~l\~ ~\I ~~~l\l Too much drugs will make your unborn children stay that way
Too much drugs will make your unborn son stay that way
Too much drugs will make sweet Johnny cry at night
Too much drugs will never make the pain go 'way
Too much sun will only bring the cancer out
Too much sun will surely bring your cancer out
Too much sun will only make sweet sally cry
Too much sun and drugs and you will pass right out
Too much television will only make your brain go numb Too much television will shrink your brain into a crumb Too much television will make you cry yourself to sleep TV, sun and drugs in vast amounts will make you dumb Too much masturbation and you will end up blind Too much masturbation makes a man go blind Too much masturbation and the wife will cry But just enough can be quite nice I find Too much love can only make a man go wild
Too much love can never hurt an orphan child
Too much love I find will never make a person cry
Too much love is something I could live with for a while
TV, sun and drugs and love and masturbation
are my lonely ego's only guilty compensation
So please dispense with pleasantries,
wordS of comfort, and false pity
Can't a junky score some satisfaction
in this cursed city?
brown below, de.., 'bl~eburl!ed aillethora of pinks and oranges above when the sun
~pilled"o_b 1l'eh~Drizon. O~cas_i,ona!~v. but not :a , often as woul~'seem appropriate. brown 'skelft
tonshufdingJJllwJs ,~ green, sl;r~e for sky, inJerl"upting an open view that intoxicates in its v.ari­
ety~all .the wHileb.tu::konipD 'for the burning gases thitj;ay,fa~ewelnor another tour of duty. "
The~,!!skeletDns :have roots tl1~t hold ground more wildly than that of their metallic counterparts,
Bnd so we cherish. Our feeble,attempts to construct such monstrosity met wUh insults like rust.
Alegitima,te attempt to poi'nt,us from the wrong'direclion: 1eaving the ignorant in a mere Bnd
drunlen stubllDrnness. ; -',
otJ'I' '---b'
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The campfire seem af r ecent repent overwhelms andmlfS8S to the tune of bnokenglass
still we,slt - co~sl;l~~~
e: P!fer
asiiSiattce to
fm.; p1
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~iffei'ent:e. -chasingbold refusiil w.ith warm 'toasts, forgetting the charm of nigM-tiilr.n?
cDnstelhrtions~faster than their jmage travel~ into our view; Stomachs twist a"d',s1lies "
,IDs~ reception to the ~tatic natu'reof th~'Dceans in need,Dfrelease. Wh-en our.p~rsuit
arriV:~$it'is no longer a question qf where to ste,p Dr who to call; the wild offers <
hiding spaces, and like in .tbe days of old thi yshelter us from unwanted weather. , Such
weaiher ~~r ,QnI,'C]oncern; to flee the rein we trample ou~ saviour the only blades we
would let touchou; sk,in - our soles; their souls m~rtyred lor the sake 01 our escape.
•'A l'>
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1twas flO bIRger a question of where Jo step.
Dh yeah. Bush Party.
,r :-,
'i by Sean Hansen C-
-~ !
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It's the truth that quivers the unknown And the lies that stable belief
A river takes time to erode the stone
But the stone lies still and the river runs through
. I
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Sparks still fly from the strike of a match
As a true small stone chips the overgrown
Like the man behind the bat expects the catch
The batter still swings and gives the ball wings
fJ14t1~J+.....t ,j
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The spotlight melts the ice of tableau And there is more to standing blue, frozen cold To front flips and back the speaker chants no High above the stage to him the truth is known To bear the crown, is a power to hold. The comfort of mind defeats the comfort of clothes It takes a strong head to beat discomfort of gold But his head is still there and the power is used. .\
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cUlture couture is' a tU1"key The evidence. It lies "eneath m" toes But "ou covered It with concrete '0 now no"o4" IInow. We linow "outre wron., "OU cant, control the pa.t Stop ..urnlng all our "0011. and we re.pect "our cia .. Throw u. a rag down here in the .utter -wetre the one. with the .ag "ut "ou stili clo.e the shudders Cantt cover us with concrete tcause wetre stili Ilvln•• stili "reathln.; sleepln.; stili eating ttll we die. Go....le,
le, go....le.
Thanllsglvlng t• aw,,,.
.0.. .
by Tom Beedham
Di,unc o':
Amazing, unique, beautiful,
those are some of the things they think.
Bitch, bitter, over-passionate,
these are the things they know.
Weird how the same person,
without change, can change.
Over time they expect for this charade to end,
but this is no charade. I am no game, no image or lie. I am real. What is it that thrills them, then scares them? Is it that I am "too much," as they like to say. Why can't it be, they aren't enough? I am outspoken, passionate to the bone, I am unique and I won't conform. This is that they like, but not what they want. Why is the stronger person, the most secure person, torn from their stands, just to be seen as weak? Sorry I can't be what you want, I am even more sorry that you lost out. I am a fucking awesome womyn! Strong willed and independent. I feel sorry for the womyn you choose, this will only show she is nothing like me. Qualities that every womyn should have, and be proud of!!!!! <
- ...
In today's society and in today's world, many different countries, backgrounds and people have
been amalgamated into one piece of land. The ability to speak one, two or three different languages can
greatly assist today' s business world, continuous war as well as assisting with a stop to racism. Commu­
nication is one of the most important assets in relation to everything.
Multilingualism promotes unity across the globe and should be a com­
pulsory facet of graduating high school students.
Being able to reverb your point across to someone else's ear drums
is an extremely important part of life. Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770­
] 827) one ofthe world's greatest composers grew deaf at an age of
around 50. To enlighten us with his music and to express his opinions
and emotions became very difficult as he still had to fmd another way to
communicate his thought with us. Being deaf; not able to hear your own
music, is equivalent to not being capable of understanding some one
else's thought that may benefit your business, life or political issues such
as racism or war. If students graduate high school with a colourful pallet
of language, one develops an elevated understanding of people with for­
eign ideals, goals and expectations. In any public place we walk with an invisible wall surrounding us .
It can be broken. For instance, in a situation as simplistic as walking through a mall past a group of peo­
ple or family speaking another language can start you thinking "I bet they are talking about me." This
can start a strand of misunderstanding which in time may lead to a racist person; English, French, Ger­
man or Italian. The simple ability to hear can prevent this idiocy from continuing.
It may be too late for some adults who already have a mind set and path chosen. I say hit the high
schools. Math, English and sciences are mandatory because they are full of important concepts we need
to have a prosperous life and job. A good business operates conversing domestically is not difficult.
For instance, Shell Oil Company arrived in Bermuda as a protection for all Shell employees ' pensions .
This international plan provides 75% of subsidiary income for Shell. The ability to communicate with
foreign speaking countries is an important part of running a successful business. The dichotomy quote
from a sales manager representative from Gordon Food Service: "84% - 90% of a business deal is nego­
tiation." Reading that, how far into an important international business deal do you think one could get
without being able to understand the needs, wants and expectations of the account?
Being deaf; just like Ludwig Van Beethoven, we need to be able to communicate in other voices
besides English. Let us hit the high schools allow the future generation to avoid problems that arise
from miscommunication and become one. Understanding is key to e verything; literally. Multilingual­
ism should be as important as math, English, science in the educational system for it does promote unifi­
cation across the globe.
For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals - Sean Hansen
Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination We learned to talk
-- Stephen Hawking -­
Raveled in vines promisine asylum. W rapped in leaves assurine warmth. The wind siehs imperceptible whispers ol true love, Demandine the attentiveness ol all live senses. Branches eraze her ivory skin sendine eentle shivers up an arched spine. The steam ol hot sprines dances, imitatine her sentiments so eloquently. The loe clears openine the skies; revealinB its diamonds. lier delicate hands reach out to erasp the beauty ol what is happenine around her and take hold oj a most beloved.
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It's the odd person who questions,
What is relevant, the proper ordering of priorities,
What exists In the grey area between fight and flight.
" ~
The few,
Who find morals subjective.
the unknown simply unlearned,
and fascination at their own ignorance.
I pity you all.
~ l'~ '"
"!, . ~~
You are miraculous, and I pity you. Poor farmers,
forced to work in the bleating masses of fluff.
(0) 11 dI
So I'm at war we's at war, but are we needing war or should we feed tha poor, Just fall back or even the score, those people die or even more, Read some more, see some more, either or, soldiers are leaving tha shore, for Bigger threats than they was seeing before, got weed in my drawer, help me breath in this world, that is eating me whole music feeding my soul, between that and dro, only things left keeping me though, sick of politicians deceiving me more , than somebodY breathing in stones, pick tha meat and leave-m tha bones, stop tax increasing leave-m there homes, got tracks to feed-m when they needing poems, 'cause I feel tha feeling is gone, 'cause only time we seeing bombs is when the T.V. is on or we did a song, or when there weed in a bong, smoking that Cheech and Chong, HOpin' tha reaper don't creep up when we sleep and reach for our own, Gone just like tha breath from, those martyred trYin' to teach a lesson, Protestors keep protestin' keep confessin' keep contestin' don't need aggression Need progression to clean tha mess from previous ones, devious dumb, cheatin' us 'nuff, Can be right wing but need tha left one to fly from these burnt remains, People change to person stains, hurt tha brain end of birth sus­ tained, concerned wit blame not discerning pain ,on these earthly Plaines can't confirm the sane, Even praying brought us further shame, will not turn to the preachers sermon well the altar boy wipes off his spermin' stain,
by Chris Golden
So I'm at war we's at war, but are we needing war or should we feed tha poor, Just fall back or even the score, those people die or even more, Read some more, see some more, either or, soldiers are leaving tha shore, for Bigger threats than they was seeing before, got weed in my drawer, help me breath in this world, that is eating me whole music feeding my soul, between that and dro, only things left keeping me though, sick of politicians deceiving me more , than somebodY breathing in stones, pick tha meat and leave-m tha bones, stop tax increasing leave-m there homes, got tracks to feed-m when they needing poems, 'cause I feel tha feeling is gone, 'cause only time we seeing bombs is when the T.V. is on or we did a song, or when there weed in a bong, smoking that Cheech and Chong, HOpin' tha reaper don't creep up when we sleep and reach for our own, Gone just like tha breath from, those martyred trYin' to teach a lesson, Protestors keep protestin' keep confessin' keep contestin' don't need aggression Need progression to clean tha mess from previous ones, devious dumb, cheatin' us 'nuff, Can be right wing but need tha left one to fly from these burnt remains, People change to person stains, hurt tha brain end of birth sus­ tained, concerned wit blame not discerning pain ,on these earthly Plaines can't confirm the sane, Even praying brought us further shame, will not turn to the preachers sermon well the altar boy wipes off his spermin' stain,
by Chris Golden
Raveled in vines promisine asylum. W rapped in leaves assurine warmth. The wind siehs imperceptible whispers ol true love, Demandine the attentiveness ol all live senses. Branches eraze her ivory skin sendine eentle shivers up an arched spine. The steam ol hot sprines dances, imitatine her sentiments so eloquently. The loe clears openine the skies; revealinB its diamonds. lier delicate hands reach out to erasp the beauty ol what is happenine around her and take hold oj a most beloved.
. ,r.
. ro )
s __ _
' I
. '.,"OS> '."
_ _.
, .,..,.
'"- . . .
.... '...
a~. .
" ~""
) '
.... . .
.. ...
. . ..
It's the odd person who questions,
What is relevant, the proper ordering of priorities,
What exists In the grey area between fight and flight.
" ~
The few,
Who find morals subjective.
the unknown simply unlearned,
and fascination at their own ignorance.
I pity you all.
~ l'~ '"
"!, . ~~
You are miraculous, and I pity you. Poor farmers,
forced to work in the bleating masses of fluff.
(0) 11 dI
In today's society and in today's world, many different countries, backgrounds and people have
been amalgamated into one piece of land. The ability to speak one, two or three different languages can
greatly assist today' s business world, continuous war as well as assisting with a stop to racism. Commu­
nication is one of the most important assets in relation to everything.
Multilingualism promotes unity across the globe and should be a com­
pulsory facet of graduating high school students.
Being able to reverb your point across to someone else's ear drums
is an extremely important part of life. Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770­
] 827) one ofthe world's greatest composers grew deaf at an age of
around 50. To enlighten us with his music and to express his opinions
and emotions became very difficult as he still had to fmd another way to
communicate his thought with us. Being deaf; not able to hear your own
music, is equivalent to not being capable of understanding some one
else's thought that may benefit your business, life or political issues such
as racism or war. If students graduate high school with a colourful pallet
of language, one develops an elevated understanding of people with for­
eign ideals, goals and expectations. In any public place we walk with an invisible wall surrounding us .
It can be broken. For instance, in a situation as simplistic as walking through a mall past a group of peo­
ple or family speaking another language can start you thinking "I bet they are talking about me." This
can start a strand of misunderstanding which in time may lead to a racist person; English, French, Ger­
man or Italian. The simple ability to hear can prevent this idiocy from continuing.
It may be too late for some adults who already have a mind set and path chosen. I say hit the high
schools. Math, English and sciences are mandatory because they are full of important concepts we need
to have a prosperous life and job. A good business operates conversing domestically is not difficult.
For instance, Shell Oil Company arrived in Bermuda as a protection for all Shell employees ' pensions .
This international plan provides 75% of subsidiary income for Shell. The ability to communicate with
foreign speaking countries is an important part of running a successful business. The dichotomy quote
from a sales manager representative from Gordon Food Service: "84% - 90% of a business deal is nego­
tiation." Reading that, how far into an important international business deal do you think one could get
without being able to understand the needs, wants and expectations of the account?
Being deaf; just like Ludwig Van Beethoven, we need to be able to communicate in other voices
besides English. Let us hit the high schools allow the future generation to avoid problems that arise
from miscommunication and become one. Understanding is key to e verything; literally. Multilingual­
ism should be as important as math, English, science in the educational system for it does promote unifi­
cation across the globe.
For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals - Sean Hansen
Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination We learned to talk
-- Stephen Hawking -­
- ...
cUlture couture is' a tU1"key The evidence. It lies "eneath m" toes But "ou covered It with concrete '0 now no"o4" IInow. We linow "outre wron., "OU cant, control the pa.t Stop ..urnlng all our "0011. and we re.pect "our cia .. Throw u. a rag down here in the .utter -wetre the one. with the .ag "ut "ou stili clo.e the shudders Cantt cover us with concrete tcause wetre stili Ilvln•• stili "reathln.; sleepln.; stili eating ttll we die. Go....le,
le, go....le.
Thanllsglvlng t• aw,,,.
.0.. .
by Tom Beedham
Di,unc o':
Amazing, unique, beautiful,
those are some of the things they think.
Bitch, bitter, over-passionate,
these are the things they know.
Weird how the same person,
without change, can change.
Over time they expect for this charade to end,
but this is no charade. I am no game, no image or lie. I am real. What is it that thrills them, then scares them? Is it that I am "too much," as they like to say. Why can't it be, they aren't enough? I am outspoken, passionate to the bone, I am unique and I won't conform. This is that they like, but not what they want. Why is the stronger person, the most secure person, torn from their stands, just to be seen as weak? Sorry I can't be what you want, I am even more sorry that you lost out. I am a fucking awesome womyn! Strong willed and independent. I feel sorry for the womyn you choose, this will only show she is nothing like me. Qualities that every womyn should have, and be proud of!!!!! LIES HOLD BELIEF
,r :-,
'i by Sean Hansen C-
-~ !
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It's the truth that quivers the unknown And the lies that stable belief
A river takes time to erode the stone
But the stone lies still and the river runs through
. I
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Sparks still fly from the strike of a match
As a true small stone chips the overgrown
Like the man behind the bat expects the catch
The batter still swings and gives the ball wings
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The spotlight melts the ice of tableau And there is more to standing blue, frozen cold To front flips and back the speaker chants no High above the stage to him the truth is known To bear the crown, is a power to hold. The comfort of mind defeats the comfort of clothes It takes a strong head to beat discomfort of gold But his head is still there and the power is used. .\
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brown below, de.., 'bl~eburl!ed aillethora of pinks and oranges above when the sun
~pilled"o_b 1l'eh~Drizon. O~cas_i,ona!~v. but not :a , often as woul~'seem appropriate. brown 'skelft
tonshufdingJJllwJs ,~ green, sl;r~e for sky, inJerl"upting an open view that intoxicates in its v.ari­
ety~all .the wHileb.tu::konipD 'for the burning gases thitj;ay,fa~ewelnor another tour of duty. "
The~,!!skeletDns :have roots tl1~t hold ground more wildly than that of their metallic counterparts,
Bnd so we cherish. Our feeble,attempts to construct such monstrosity met wUh insults like rust.
Alegitima,te attempt to poi'nt,us from the wrong'direclion: 1eaving the ignorant in a mere Bnd
drunlen stubllDrnness. ; -',
otJ'I' '---b'
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The campfire seem af r ecent repent overwhelms andmlfS8S to the tune of bnokenglass
still we,slt - co~sl;l~~~
e: P!fer
asiiSiattce to
fm.; p1
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, ,- -..
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~iffei'ent:e. -chasingbold refusiil w.ith warm 'toasts, forgetting the charm of nigM-tiilr.n?
cDnstelhrtions~faster than their jmage travel~ into our view; Stomachs twist a"d',s1lies "
,IDs~ reception to the ~tatic natu'reof th~'Dceans in need,Dfrelease. Wh-en our.p~rsuit
arriV:~$it'is no longer a question qf where to ste,p Dr who to call; the wild offers <
hiding spaces, and like in .tbe days of old thi yshelter us from unwanted weather. , Such
weaiher ~~r ,QnI,'C]oncern; to flee the rein we trample ou~ saviour the only blades we
would let touchou; sk,in - our soles; their souls m~rtyred lor the sake 01 our escape.
•'A l'>
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1twas flO bIRger a question of where Jo step.
Dh yeah. Bush Party.
the world is a sandbox//
by Maureen
M;~detra-r;~tI\ \~ t~l\~ ~\I ~~~l\l Too much drugs will make your unborn children stay that way
Too much drugs will make your unborn son stay that way
Too much drugs will make sweet Johnny cry at night
Too much drugs will never make the pain go 'way
Too much sun will only bring the cancer out
Too much sun will surely bring your cancer out
Too much sun will only make sweet sally cry
Too much sun and drugs and you will pass right out
Too much television will only make your brain go numb Too much television will shrink your brain into a crumb Too much television will make you cry yourself to sleep TV, sun and drugs in vast amounts will make you dumb Too much masturbation and you will end up blind Too much masturbation makes a man go blind Too much masturbation and the wife will cry But just enough can be quite nice I find Too much love can only make a man go wild
Too much love can never hurt an orphan child
Too much love I find will never make a person cry
Too much love is something I could live with for a while
TV, sun and drugs and love and masturbation
are my lonely ego's only guilty compensation
So please dispense with pleasantries,
wordS of comfort, and false pity
Can't a junky score some satisfaction
in this cursed city?
Watergate criminals" (from an interview with Jools Holland). Despite the fact that he only
won 3% of the votes, Biafra - his real name Eric Reed Boucher - did manage to put a dent in
the politically limited wall of San-Francisco: following the election: no candidate was to run
under any name other than the one given to them at birth.
Despite wacky antics and bold campaign promises, none of these parties went anywhere
past their campaign as far as electorate success sees. The way North Americans and many more
people of the world have been raised is to the understanding that the person who puts the most
of their self into their work is the one that achieves the greatest cookie-jar success: in the case of
campaigning; the more a party spends, the greater their audience becomes. Fairly independent
parties, they don't have the buck for that bang. This is where the track and field of the political
race becomes more about Gatorade sponsorships than the ability to jump higher - run faster ­
throw further - run a country up to speed. It's that kind of corporate funding that clouds the
judgment. It gets people thinking who to vote for - who will cater to their needs in the future
(their needs, their future - not their future's future) - who's drinking the same sports drink as
them - who they should invest in.
Just like athletes drop sponsors, the sellout parties drop values along the road. Here is
where generations of fence-sitters lose their strength and pick a box that seems familiar, be­
cause too different is too much to handle.
Unlike the cash-driven parties we see, firing different philosophies every other day of the
week, the weird stick to their guns still to this day. Hunter S. Thompson lived by his motto 'til
the day he killed himself; "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro;" he never won any
elections, but his writing still exists just as it did long before his new audiences were even con­
ceived - just as popular, and ifnot, more. Jello's motto, a little different, but just as influential:
"don't hate the media, become the media" - and he's done a good job at that, producing albums
like they're simple stones he only had to pick off the earth.
Become the media. Tum pro. Separate the suit-wearing clowns from the real people, and
take your picking. Think about how satisfying it would be: seeing a clown get a cream pie right
on the nose. Ask the "weird," and they'll probably tell you that this is about all the clowns are
good for: laughs.
For the full interview between Jools Holland and Jello Biafra, check out:
h tl1' \\ \\ \\\O llI Ubc' c(1111 \ \ (l l ch '\ = j \ rT \\-;- \ l l-- n'\ L or go, type ·'.Tello Biafra" in
search, and watch as much as you wish of this political messiah.
(nina's place) The Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre of Halton We're here for you .. .if you have experienced a recent episode of sexual assault (within 72
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choose to involve the police.
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they will pay for a cab to get to Nina's Place . Or if you have your own transporta­
tion, go directly to the ED at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital. If you need trans­
portation when you're done, we will make sure you get to a safe place.
THIS IS ALL CONFIDENTIAL! But if you are under 16
the CAS may be contacted to provide you with
additional support.
905-632-3737 ext. 5708 FOR INFORMATION
~M~~W~ttIS: m~~ijMt~~ij~M~m~~~I WA~~t~
by Tom 8eedham
£v~ ~4 rt.M~,
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No cars in the city - penitentiaries built and maintained to the standards of country clubs
and golf courses - businessmen wearing clown costumes to work. These platforms might seem
odd to the public, but that's only because they follow the definition more visibly than the domi­
nant parties' ("weird: strange and uncanny or bizarre" - Oxford Study Dictionary, 1996). In
fact, the weirdest part of alJ is the coverage. The media-safe parties (in Canada; the Liberals,
NDP, and the Conservatives; and in the US; the Democrats and Republicans) are more-often­
than-not backed up by some hefty wads of cash to make their campaigns sore to peaks where
outlooks become secondary concern, and popularity; key.
Hunter S. Thompson, inventor of Gonzo Journalism and novelist was not your average
writer. This is the very man that wrote Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - a tale of drug­
induced antics while on assignment in the city of broken bank accounts and all-night boozeries.
If you've read the book or seen the movie, you'll know this is a man who pushes every limit in
site, and when he campaigned for Sheriff of Aspen, Colorado in 1969, there was no exception.
Thompson was a known member of an anarchist group known as the party for Freak Power.
His platform included a legalization of the recreational use of narcotics (while prosecuting prof­
iting dealers harshly to reduce gang activity), to "Sod the streets at once" (The Great Shark
Hunt, Simon & Shuster Paperbacks, 1979) and create large parking-lots on the outskirts of As­
pen in order to reduce pollution and preserve nature, to change the name of Aspen to "Fat City"
by public referendum as to prevent the greedy from capitalizing on the name (for example, titles
such as the Aspen Music Festival would then on be known as the "Fat City Music Festival"),
forbid hwning and fishing in Aspen (or Fat City) to all non-residents, and the ban of weapons in
public for all officers (including Thompson). Of course, Thompson felt it was very important
that Aspen elect a responsible party, and in his efforts, promised his community that ifhe be­
came Sheriff, he'd never eat mescaline while on duty.
Ten years later, Jello Biafra - former Dead Kennedys lead singer and since then solo and
spoken word artist - ran for mayor in San Francisco. What was originally meant to be a prank
soon turned into a serious involvement in local politics and sociai order. His campaign prom­
ised everything from placing a rule that required businessmen to dress in clown attire within
San Francisco to a citywide ban on cars (in an attempt to reduce pollution). But here is where
the media attacks again, showcasing only the bizarre and offering little exposure for the revolu­
tionary. Among his "weird" campaign moves are some plans Jello's argued had too little atten­
tion: he felt that squatting should be legal in abandoned San Franciscan homes; he opted for
elections to decide the occupations and jurisdictions of local police; played for a 50% panhan­
dler commission for all state workers laid off due to deficit-caused staff reductions; and stood
for jails being moved to local golf courses "so [occupants) can enjoy true rehabilitation like the
The Down Low on Up North Politics
by Catey Saunders
...., . .
,., ~
You're eighteen years old. ~
You're legally entitled to
purchase lottery tickets,
buy pornography, rent R­
rated movies, drink legally
in Alberta, Manitoba and
Quebec. You're also old
enough to vote . It is how­
ever important that you do
the appropriate research in
order to make an educated
decision but with more
than 15 Canadian political
parties, keeping track of all
the outrageous promises
and campaign "mumbo­
jumbo" can prove to be
difficult if not impossi­
ble. It is therefore imprac­
tical to list, in detail , all of
the parties, their individual
philosophies, values, and
"guarantees" or how they each plan
to make Canada the best country it
can be. Below is a short and sweet
version on just a few of the contest­
ants in Canada ' s political party ri­
The Liberal Party are descended
from the mis 19th century reformers
and are currently led by Stephane
Dion declare that they believe in
radical change. The liberal party,
during previous periods of power
legalized same sex marriage and the
use of cannabis for medical purpose.
They claim to use the Constitution
and Charter or Rights and Freedoms
as the framework to create a just
society and advocate for the equality
of men and women , individual free­
dom, and human dignity.
The Conservatives are headed by
our very own Prime Minister: Steven
Harper, state that they believe in the
equality of all Canadian citizens,
advocating for the hard working, tax
paying public. Generally, the favour
lower taxes, smaller government,
and more spending on the military.
The party is opposed to the legaliza­
tion of marijuana and the same sex
marriages although not to same sex
civil unions . They claim to use their
belief in the equality and responsibil­
ity of all Canadian citizens as well as
the government to guide them in
their decision making.
Le Bloc Quebecois led by Gilles
Duceppe believe in the liberation and
separation of a French speaking Que­
The New Democratic Party (NDP)
state that they promise to tackle is­
sues such as poverty in Canada, poor
publk healtb care, global warming,
and inaccessible education amongst
other imperfections found in Cana­
dian society. Advocate progressive
issues such as gay rights, peace and
environmental protection. The party
also fight for human rights protec­
tion, elimination of child poverty,
decriminalization of small amounts
of marijuana, and renegotiating the
North American Free Trade Agree­
ment (NAFT A). They also feel that
prosperity and social justice can go
hand in hand. The NDP are piloted
by Jack Layton.
The Green Party has recently been
gaining attention . Led by Elizabeth
May the party is an activist for a
strong and healthy country tackling
issues dealing with the environment
and Global Warming.
As stated before there are more
than fifteen political parties includ­
ing; the marijuana, rhinoceros, com­
munist, and socialist parties. This
article briefly touches on merely four
and more research can be done
through hnp:/.
before coming to any sort of voting
./ -. I
With this situation I'm lost in thoughts and going
nowhere fast
I wish someone out there could help me so
that this
feeling wouldn't last
I know I have people that are there to talk to
talk is just so cheap
I wish I could stop thinking of it becouse
it haunts
me in my sleep
I never thought a choice of mine could deter­
someone's life or death
Or how my choice will decide If this person will
their very first breathe
There are reasons why I don't want you but still
are reasons that I do
It's the fact that you'll need me and what if I
pull through
I don't know if I could forgive myself though if I
ever let you go
but I don't think anyone else could forgive me
let everyone else know
I don't think that there's 0 way that letting go of
you will ever feel right
and if I decide to keep you for myself I won't
let you
go without a fight
I'm already changing things in my life for you
though I don't know if you'll stay
I just can't believe It's all my decision I just wish
somebody could take all the pressure away
The (ye~ uf an !uthur by Sean Hansen
Sincere lies and honest cries. From shadows and flies on the wall. To dip into this. The silent scream of something; something will shake. The grey sky of ash floods with brilliant light Of knowing and holding like the eyes of an author. Tired weighted and blind The thickest part of the book still lies to the right hand side ,
Dreads. the knots within the skull. Tangled. dirty and thick;
Thick with thoughts of the reader.
J~ Who has predetermined to hate.
~ Who has pillows for tired eyes.
The reader who has. but not edited nor revised
The silent scream of something from an author. who has no voice.
But words. ,
Gotta address it. can't suppress it
can't coddle nor cuddle and squeeze and caress it
'cause that's when it grows, the tingling in your
Trying-to leave your body before the signs start to
That man he took a part of me
That man he took my soul
That man he doesn't know anything about
the eRects of his control
Two packs a day float past those lips,
In those lungs and in that brain
Two packs a day stain those sinful fingertips
like an evil villain, he's cooped up in his lair,
Alone except his sidekick, a 2-4 and a chair
Surrounded by so much lager you'd think he was a
but he's just a petty alcoholic flashing those lifeless
eyes at me
He's sick and sad and lonely and
he'll always be like that
Because he pushed away and pushed around 'til no
one had his back.
llftt'r bt"illjl; ltivt'll LSD. AJlotllt'"r slIcb t"l)«'rilll(,lIt ill ] 000 It'd b~' world-."lIowllt'd LSD l"(>S<'ard)(.'r Timoth~' Lt"alr~· •
.....llt'"ut("(Uy s)lowM thllt l.risollt'I·S ltivell psilO('~iJiJl (or ~lIIajl.i(·lIm~broolUs") bnd a 90% Sll~ nltt' ofllot I"t"­
Offt'lI(lilljl:. Hi.......senn-b l.roc\uN'd 110 murdt'...., ~uiddt.>./iO, p!'>),cllotie bl"("ftk,., or bud trills.
El'ell tbe jI;On·rmlH'.lIt ~m t'xpt"rimelltiug ""itll tht' dnljt, oripnllJ)~, liS a IlOtt'lItilllllH'tUIS for mjlJ(l~lItroJ. It
WII~ euUM tilt' MK-tiLTRA Pl'Ojret, nllming from tilt' ]9~Os throllgh to tbt' '70s. Hml()rt"(ls ofllt"Oplt' were giVt'1I
LSI) indmlilljl: emp)oyt"t"s oftilt'" j/:OverWllt'"lIt, tht' IlIIblie, IIlt'"lItIlIINltit.>lIts, Imd !'>'("x tnlde \\'orkt'r... - IUlllly ofwhieb hnd
no idell tlud tbt'~, hlld bei.>n gil'en tbt' dnljt. S<ielltiti(' rest"Urcbt'rl'i lit tbt' tiult' kllt'w tilt' importallet' oflunilljl: II bnllll~"
Sltft' enviJ"\)llmt'lIt
IUld miud-ljf't
bt"ore alld (hO'­
iJljt tilt'" onset of
tilt' dnlg, but
withollt all~' W1t~·
to )Irepare for
tht'ir "trip" IIUIIJ~'
of tilt'" JIIlrtici­
PUlltS offht' !\fli­
I!J..TRA t'XJlt'ri­
mellt ('OIJIJlrittM
!'>'lucidt', wt're
kiDM or were
TIlt' )Iroj("(-t in­
formlltioll bill!
jus1 rt"<'t"utl~·
))t'('OUIt' dt"das...i­
tiM aud IlJlOlo­
git'... lIt'wI~''
to tbe fimrilit'1'i of
tbt' )Nu-tieiJllmts.
tilt' j/:Ovt'rlUnt'lit
dt"CidM tbl" tilt' 'lnlj/: WlIS ofllo uSt" to tbt'JU lind tbut tlK' 01lf<'01IK' Will'; too IK'{tlltiVt' to buvt' tM dMlj/: eireullltiug iu the Imblie IIl1d tilt' lleid-lmr bt"jlUu. Almo!'>1l1U oftIJl' IligIl~' ill'hlt'lltial !'>'('jt'utists UllkM witll V';I) t"lJt"riWellts wt'ft' Rrrt.'!'>1M in tlK' ·60s.
Rt'St"8rdlt'rs Imd !'>1J1(lt'lIh illvoh'("(1 ill tilt' t'XJlt'rimt'ut... bt"guu takiu{l: L"il) r("('l"("fttiollally and throwillj/: "LSD
INlrtjt'S.'" LSD uSt'rs wt're primllriJ~' offill' "Pllt'r nU1jt ofsocit'~' (s1)eh tiS docto...., .o;cientiI>1s, IIml _demi('s) amI it
WIIS oftll("ir Ollillioll tbat tbl' dnIg was too powt'rfitl for widt""llft'lld use Imd thllt arti...1 s. writt'.... aud otlK'r jtI't'Ilt lIlimls
..bould t'XJlt'rit'lJCt' it ~11111f1 filtt'r it dowu tlU'Ongh so<·it'~· . Mo!>1 feh tllllt L"il) was .....Vohltiolla.,· IIml ('Oltldbt" IU{I:hl~'
bt-neti(;al '01' so<'it'~', ilia.. it ('Ould t'lld ('OuOi(o( alJd mnkt'llt.'Il('t'.•Jimi Ht>lIdrh, TIlt' Grntl'fttl Dt'ad, The I)oors, Tbt'
"110, JeDersoll :\'iTIJlnne, TIlt' IklltJt's IIl1d til(" Rollill{l.: Stout's wt're 110 IIflilillt("(1 \lid) tht' 1I(·id lDOvt'lIlt'nt, Prollt'lliDj/:
t'l't'11 fttrtber tlat' )I"blie's intt'rel>1 ill LSI). III fil<'t, tht' hlIJUt' Thl' D()C)rs ('OIIIt.>". from a fiullO"s book b~· Aldolls Hllut'~·.
TlIl'Doorft q!,Perl"l'pfioR, ebroni<"lilJt' lais l'XJlt'ril'lICt'... \litll II!>)'eboll<ofivt' dnlj,."S. 'nit' I.!'»'d)ec\t'li(·l'nl, <"Iost'ly lillkM to
tilt' WII)Jit' lUo~·t'lUent was Ollt' offioft> low, ofpt'll('t', ofim'lliraltioJl. ofhrotllt'rbOOfI Imd si!>tt'rllOOfI, IIIHI ",e)f~XJllorntioll.
It qlridJ~' d(,,(·JjuM thOlljl:Jlllflt'r j[I'Oflillg 1It'/.l:lltiVt' S))("('ttllltiolls lloont tilt' dn~, its ('rilDiulllizntion, the Of"urft'uCt' of
-ollshbal<'ks 11m) IJI'OIIIl{tIIIlfIIl lIilll("(1 lit its (liS<'OlItimultioll.
Tht' p...) 'ehMeJje t'm mn~' lit' OWl' bllt L/Oil) is !'>tiJI bt"iult UsM tOfIIl~· . lalll ~OO] ..111f1~· ofOutlll'io "l1l(l("lIt,o,;, 4.~
IIt'J'I:'t'lIt offllt' !>l1ldt'nts reportMlJl>ill1t L!OiI) ill tlat' 1)8~1 yt'IIT. Thflllj,..... LSI) hmm't IIlwnys bei.>lIaJld iSIl't liS widt'," prt'ad as sa~· ('amJlllbis liSt', i.... t'Oects on our sOf'it'~' lire lUldt'IUllblt'. LSI) ft'St"8r<·h lin... 1("(1 to dil'i('Ovt'ri("s aoout s<-itizollbl"t"­
lIillaud otlK'r mt'lltal ('OUditiOllS, IIbo..t altt.>rlllltivt' trelltlllt'llt OlltiOIlS for IlrisOIlt'rs 1I11d 11!'» '<-iliatri('I.utit'utS, gil't'lIIlS
somt' offllt' bt"!'>1 IIll1si(', \\Titilllllmd .wlltimt'llts WE' kllow lIud hll... iufhlt'J)('t"f1 om' ("JJhll'<' lor j[l'1K'natiolls to <"o1I1t'.
"'hilt II trill.
C6 fyef'Y
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'P&l'pllLoVVviAvLrus) .. ' ycNITAL WARTS t>t-""
.,WS ,,' "",. f" ""
>tpv (>t""""
,ex w'.tlo few-'''-
~"t"''' ''''" c'"' VleLil 'Protect IjOIA. fyOVVv \-tI V, AIDS, yov-..oyyVleCi , CVlWVVvljo.La, iAV.'" otVler se)(.IA./ALLIj h CiV.SV\J\.Ltte.o. Lv.fectLOv.s . "eell P'are to Pcst? '
by maulee" IlaIVe-y
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From it~ )"..rt in "\\itdJ trial", aero,""", tiH." world, to piJannllet'nticaJ alld I.'Overt govenllJJt"utai expt>riuu~'ut"', to
tbe pbeJlOlJJt"UOIl known as tile p..,y<.'llt'deli(' em, LSD bas playt'd u protom..1 role w both our history ulld our cu)tUft.
Ergot, u flut/luS tlud JlrOWI> ou "}'e ~:ruwl> I.'OlItaws n fOl'lo oflYSE'rgi(' udd tbat <'lUI <'Itl1SE' tlx- ""IDe ,i.'mal ami
umlito,," Juilluriuutious, irmtiollul lx-bullour, anxit"ty uoo euphoria as UII udd trip. Without IOOOt"1"lJ knowl~ of
S<'it"uet', medicine or tilt" I.'OIICt'pt of~')'cbouctil't" I'>'ubs1auet's 1-I,It" t"XJ,laiuM tlx- symptoms oft"rgotism by ('Iaitniug it
wUs dt"wouic l1OsSt"ssioJl or ""it('lx-raft." Sadly, tilt"Nt" miS('OIIet'I,tiOlls brought Iabolit tilt" death ofthousaud'iu)tou
thou,<;IIJlds ofoUlOCt'ut vil'mos wlto bad bt"<'u lUarkt"flus ""itdJt".~." R("('Ords datiUJl ool'k &om tbe 10" Ulld 17" ct"Jltu·
lit"s show tblat UN"IlS wllt"rt" tilt" /It''Ol/:rtl:I,bic lIud climutic (oollditiolls ,,'t>ft o),timal tor tbt' gJ'O,,1b ofdlt" t"1'JtUf fiullt'ls
l.'Oiuddt" "ith areus tlmt hod tilt" gft'tltt's1 t"I,idt"mi(' ofdt'mOlti(' I1OSst"SSion alld slIbst"qaIt"lIt "itclt-ll1lJ1ts.
TIlt'S(' )It'rceptiOIiS shiftt'(I, bowt"wJ' "\\itll tbt" OIlSt"t oftbt" ~ ofRatiolUlliN1O 01 the 1700's. in whidl tht" symp­
toms oft"rgotism uo lougt'l' l1OOltt'd to tltt" dt"viI'!> wor),; blrt ratllt"I' o~ wstaJlet'.~ of religious uwakeubtg alld us We"SSlljI:\'S
from ('-.00. TIlt" tn't' ('OIlSt" oftllt"st" t"pisodt"s wos STIn Uukuo"1lalld tltt" Iniml.beudiUJl t"Ot>cts oflysergic Iwid would 1I0t
be (lis('Ovt"N"d IUltillDOft tJIIlIJ two ct"lJtauit"s lutt"r.
Dr. HoHioau oftht" SllIldoz laboratory w S"itZt"rllllld bejl.lIlJ
t"XJlt"rinlt"utiug "ith IYSE'rlPc odd aud uD it.~ fonns "'i port ofa I't"2
St"ftrc'b pro[tl'llm tbt" Iub ba(llUmt"rtukt"u to iNolate tht" a<'tivt" COlO­
11OIUld,,, w medidual ),lullt.<i. Midwil't"s bad IINM erll:ot pftviotL...." liS
U labollr-oJdlldu/l drug aud so it was w<'ludt'd w tilt' program to
dt"tt"rmiut" ifit bad nu." otJlt"r )tott"utiolll!>e"S. OriJlb!aU" DI·. BoO:
IIDUJ hY)lOtht"sizt"d tbat IYSt"rgic acid wa,' be used to prowott" aud
stiumlutt" bealthy ftS'Pintto,,}' aud circtalato.,' functiou, but aftt"r
tt"stin(t was fOIUld to bt" OIt"OM.-tiVt" for that pllJ")lOSt>. 'ftJt' OIa1y I't"­
(oordt'd t"Ofi-t '''lIS that tht" IIlJilOUls bt"ing IL'it"d to (t',,1 tbt' dMlJls ht"­
<'IlIOt" "ftstlt""'s." TIlt" drllJl·... I".,)'('boa<'tivt" IJropertit"S wmald ftmnw
IwkJloWIJ ...TIO IWtiJ tht" du." UOW ku01\1J as "Bi('ydt" Day," April 19",
194;i. TIlN"t" da."!> ),rior, HoHillll1J workiUJl ....eadily ill tilt" Illb 011 W,~
J."sel'jl;i(' add t"XJK'riUlt"Ut.<i blld fmUid WmSt"lfft'eliujl: fts1Ies.., IIl1d
slijdltl." dizzy. amI for tltt" ("\\'0 honrs foOo"\\iug Itt" wos S'1\'t"I,t odo 0
drt"uJJlolikt"" 11IId t"xpt'rit"JI('t"d It kalt"ld().'i('Ope ofshupt>S, 1.'0101U'I>
olld pi<-tllN"s. Ht" hl't"r rt"Ialized willi' bad callst'd his halhll'WUtiOIl'"
nod d("('idt'(1 to 01/lt"s1wllot Ilt" tbought to be a thN"sbold dos't". HoO:
muu OJ~1ed :l~Oug ofWs :l:;" s)'JJtht"sized vt"rsioll oftht" odd (ht'lIet' tIlt" 1l1I1Ot" LSD·:l~ )... tht" rt"Ill tbrt'sbold doSE'
wOllld IJrovt" to bt" III tbt" Ul"t"ll of:l~ug. HoHinnll rt")tortt"fIIJIII",sil't" tlllditol,' oud ,i"''11111 hollllcwatiolllllJ(1 wns haftl."
tlblt" to "'peak or mow. Ht" wo", t"S('Ortt'd bomt" on bi(·ydt" b." ltis lulloratOl'." m,;sis1aut o..d tliOIt/rlJ HoftirnllJ had said tbllt
bt" fi>lt as tbongh ht" wus "'lOlIblt" to 1I1O"t"" &om his "l1Ot bilS INlrtut"r n,.".,11ft"d lilin tlud tbt'.', hud Jx>e.u mo,iltg vt"ry fus1.
Aftt"r ltis t"IK'OIlOter "itJl tbt" Mill HoHioou wrote, "This self-t"xpt'riult"ut showed tbat L"D·:l~ lx-I","'t'd us a p"ymOR('
tiw S'llbs1011et' "ith t":\Truordiullr~' ),ropertit"s aud )tott"I1<-.". TIlt"I'E' was to my kllowl~ 110 otht"r kno"ll s'llbstuUCt' tllIlt
t"vokt"d s'Iu·l. prot()1UJd IlSy('lti(' t"O(>cts 0. s1)('b t":\'frt'lIlt"ly low dost".o;. thut <'Imst'd sudl dnllllllti(' dJllIljtt"s 01 Inunnll ('()II'
.o;<>ionsllt"ss lIud ollr t"XJJt"rit"IJ('t" o"'''t'' oUJt"r Ulld OIltt"r world.'"
TIus It'd to 1111 ouslon~.jlt ofexpt'riJllt"lIts uud rt"st"all-':'ll b." sc:-it"lItis1s urolUid tltt" world. L"D WllS I'rod~ b."
tilt' SlIDdoz Illb nudt'r tilt' IIUU)(" "Del."sid" IlIlfl "\\'IlS tllOlI,ltht to I,ro,idt" IJJt"lItlll mll'Ultiou Ilud wos u'it"d in seU:
t"XJlt"rOllt"lItntioll by p...y<-ltintris1s liS 0 wa." ....o /Il.'IlW olsi~rht olto tht' world ofidt'1ls alld I>t'llsatious ofmt"lIt81 patit"lItS."
III 1948 tilt" drllj!' l1'1l," lIIl1rkt'tt'd as II ps."('lIologi<'l11 ('tlJ"t"-ftllIUJd wus said to ht'111 all sort,.. oflllt'utaJ I.'OlIditiOIl'" ."l)8U­
Iliuj!: &om Ill<ooholisUl to sdlizoJ,hrt'uiu.
LSD "'l'lwked tilt" idt'll tor oVt"r 1000 s<"it"lItiJi(' IJIl)Jt"rs, doZt'lIs ofltooks, olterllatiolllli ('OttkftUet's lIud wa,,,
prt",o,;c:·.ribC"d to thonSlmdl,; ofIJlltit"uts. Ollt" r.l1ld." It'd b." DI·. Hmlll'ltr,\' Osmolld 01 tht" J9~Os sbowt'd 0 ~O% S'II('Ct'.'iS
rlltt" of sobrit"~, ill II jl:l'OnlJ ofl)t~plt" ill all AI{'OholiC's A)lolI.''Inous lIro/O'll1Jl wllO Wt"ft PI'E',;ollsl." IUlablt" to qnU drillkUlJl
Add' ·0······:;; :'2~:e':d';:'" ;:i L A.l. ..:...
., n... ~...~~ .. ~U~~~Q:~~
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· at a Trip
~IM WI ~@i~o; ~~n ' 'f
Do yo
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POSSE Project has a range 0 safer drug use information kits to help recreational and regular drug users make a safer decision. We are now offering free of charge safer drug information kits for Marijuana, Crystal Meth, Crack, Cocaine, IV drugs and also, piercing kits (available in gauges 18 and 16). Each ofour kits is packed with relevant harm reduction tips, a groovy drug information card and different types ofhardware to make 'our use a safer experience. 1~~~ ~~cJ:a
~tPrJI~ ..t
When the Randalls tooR the stage for the 420 concert in support of the Undercroft, it was with the Rnowledge that one quiet but crucial band member was missing. Up to that point, at every single show, the Ran­
dolls had on stage with them a certain, rather unique plant. "We smuggled the fern bacR with us from a trip to Hawaii," laughs vocalist Jonathan Volpe. "It was liRe one of the members of the bond, liRe our mascot..And now, it's dead." The fern may be just a fond memory but the incredible music the Ran­
dolls are producing promises a pretty RicR-ass future as this juggernaut of a band gathers more and more fans in its waRe. Much of their music is based on their own life experiences. "The Trip is about the Hawaii trip we tooR, WalRing Away is based on Alex's mood," says Jonathan. "And Revolver is about a girl - it stands for a lot of girls I Rnow. A girl who will lead you to believe she loves you but
hints differently.... Girls are confusing, period."
. ht): Jonathan
Guitarist Alex just laughs when osRed about the origins of the fan
The Randall s <Ieft t~ (~~eeling). Alex
favourite Last Four Days. "Oh my goodness,» he chucRles, shaRing his
Jared Mec a
h d
M tt Buck.
eo .
Frank and a
Apparently the song is based on a friend's headache. Or more specifi­
cally, the extremes he went to cure the headache. "He had these dog
tranquilizers or painRillers," explains Jonathan. "He had a vial of the things. Four days later they were gone and
so was the headache."
"Driving with him though was an experience," JORes Alex.
The episode was immortalized in the song which begins "The last four days, I haven't been myself, and
I've been hard to taRe..."
ASR the band - which also includes boss player Matt BucR and drummer Jarred McCall - what their
favourite Randalls song is, and the answer is pretty similar.
"I thinR we all really liRe Good Evening 9 am," says Alex. "It's so unique and yet it has our trademarR
sound. It starts with a riff, then it goes to power chords. Then we have ridiculously grungy chords over a sicR boss
line. It's my favourite because it's so unique."
"We wrote some of it under a street light at Mill Pond," recollects Jonathan but adds that "there's a lot
of variety in our songs and that's what I want people to hear."
So what's next for the Randalls.
"Summer fun, lots of music, partying," jOReS Jonathan before adding "There's endless possibilities, we
have lots of ideas."
"We're Writing our material and trying to
get noticed," adds Alex. "We're going to get a
video on Myspace (www. m ys p oce.c om
tnEr ondo lilof m ilto n) and Youtube."
"We want to have people coming to our
shows that we don't Rnow, who have heard of us
and are coming to checR us out."
"Hopefully, good word spreads about us."
DODDa Danielli
'Daf\;eUl Media Pre>durliC>f\s
5pecQI~it)g in ~rkd:it)g;Jt)" promotions (ot
cte}tive people
PHONE: (905) 854-2469
POSSE would like to thank everyone who
contributed to the production of this
I: I
TO: Chris Golden Maureen Harvey Sean Hansen Catey Saunders Don~a· D8nl.111 Tom Beedham Domenlc Padula Klmm Kent co­
Feature Articles:
What a Trip
Lies Hold Beliefs
Proper Footing
The World is a Sandbox
We Are the Same
Gotta Address It
Weird on Wheels
11-1 2
] 88
The Effects of Multilingualism
The Down Low on Up North Politics
Feat. Band: The Randalls
The Word: Free Verse:
The Eyes of an Author
Featured Artwork :
Cover Art by Chris Van Doorn
Chris Van Doorn
S,10,3 0
7 , 17,31
-. C
Tom Beedham
1 5 ,2 1 ,24,32
Charlotte Tribble
A Mistake . .. or Not
Culture Couture is a Turkey lE
Peer Outreach Support
Services and Education
(POSSE) Project
e ditor: Tom Beedham
IE ditorial Committee:
Chris Golden, Maureen Harvey,
Catey Saunders, Sean Hansen
,Kimm Kent and Domenic Padula.
a: cO,~~
s,{tt s,lItt 11_8_ Sf ~fI~ unDERCRon IUBmllllonl Inro
We always welcome any free writing and art submissions for
our magazine. Be sure to either e-mail your submissions to or by mail to 47 Mill St. East
Acton Ontario L7J 1H1. You can even call (519) 853- 5908 to
arrange for a submission pickup!
If that doesn't please you, then feel free to drop your submis­
rtelular COIIcIo.a. CcIIorns *~
TUXedo ~
sions at any of the following locations:
-The Altered Native in Georgetown
-St. George's Church in Georgetown
(beside the high school)
-Off the Wall youth centre in Acton
-Dermagraphics by Paul in Milton
-Needful Things in Milton
~~ _1.11
POSSE Project takes safe sex to a whole new level. We are proud
to offer you a range of condoms to make safer sex a new experience.
Our exclusive products include:
*not all submissions
can be published in The Undercroft, but if your work makes it past the editorial committee, you WILL get paid!
If you are not practicing abstinence, we strongly recommend that
you use a condom during all of your sexual encounters. This is not just
limited to sexual intercourse,. it also includes blowjobs, eating out, etc.
STD's are also transmitted through methods of foreplay.
Feel free to drop by our office for more information or condoms.
Some of our product are also available free of charge at the Altered
Native store in Georgetown.
And while we are on a safer topic, we also have safer
drug use kits available for crack and coke, and
safe piercing kits.
But remember... the saf­
est way is abstinence
So go out....
This is a Harm Reduction Based Program
and in no way encourages the use of any
substance or actions. But if you're going to
do it... Please do it safely.
produCtion Of this ~magaZine has bee,nmade-posS-ible through -a financial contribution from Hea'tth -Canada.
The views expressed in
this magazine do not nec­
essarily represent the
views of POSSE project
staff, partners and collabo­
rative members.
The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent the views of
Heal th Canada
"where minds- meet,
I-I "
VOL. 2/155. 3