años plantando ilusiones
años plantando ilusiones
años plantandoGrupo Rey Ardid ilusiones web´s. www.reyardid.org www.fundaciondelmenor@org www.atenciontemprana.org www.empresasporti.org www.canteriadelsomontano.org www.somontanosocial.com www.artesaniaaudio.com www.cierzoretama.org www.caseronbaruca.es www.residenciauniversitariagoya.es blog´s. http://gritandoenblogbaja.wordpress.com/ http://www.ivoox.com/podcast‐programa‐de‐radio‐gritando‐en‐voz‐baja_sq_f143305_1.html http://visionesdetodos.blogspot.com/ http://crapcalatayud.blogspot.com http://formacionreyardid.blogspot.com.es/ www.enlaescuelataller.blogspot.com http://www.elcaminodelvoluntariado.blogspot.com.es/ you tube. Grupo Rey Ardid. http://www.youtube.com/user/gruporeyardid facebook Grupo Rey Ardid https://www.facebook.com/GrupoReyArdid Espacio Visiones https://www.facebook.com/espacio.visiones?fref=ts Caserón Baruca. https://www.facebook.com/CaseronBaruca?fref=ts Residencia Goya . https://www.facebook.com/ResidenciaGOYA?fref=ts twitter Grupo Rey Ardid http://twitter.com/GrupoReyArdid Caseron Baruca http://twitter.com/CaseronBaruca 20 años dedicados a los más vulnerables. misión Rey Ardid is a group of organizations that develops activities for the attention, care and integration into society of all people excluded or at risk of exclusion, through efficient management of available resources and putting the individual aspects at the center of all activities. visión Our organization wants to be a leader in the provision of services to include people. Also want to be a pioneer in the implementation of new programs and services including through collaboration with the administration and other organizations with common goals values Ethics, transparency and accountability to the people we serve and to society. •People are the backbone of the proceedings. •The commitment, transparency and rigor are essential values of management. •Collaborate with sustainable development and harmonization of economic development and environmental protection. •Contribute to the development and sharing concerns of poverty and inequality. •Become involved in the community by promoting social dialogue in solving problems raised in the community. organization PATRONATO FUNDACIÓN REY ARDID. •Presidente D. Alfonso Vicente Barra. A título particular •Vicepresidente 1º D. Bernardo Jiménez Moreno A título particular •Vicepresidente 2º D. José María Marín Velázquez. En representación de la Confederación Empresarios de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (CEPYME ARAGÓN) •Secretario D. Miguel Alcázar Terrén A título particular •Tesorero D. Javier Sazatornil Ferraz A título particular http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/c ontenido.php?url=organo‐de‐ gobierno‐‐patronato organization MANAGEMENT General Direction. Manuel Hernández Coordirection. Maite Albajez Economics Direction. Rocío Andrés Formation. Begoña Moreno. Integración &laboural aspects Francisco Galán Mental Health Ramón Nadal. Elderly Carlos Iglesias. Youngsters Pedro Coduras. Social Special Entreprises. Eduardo Andrés. Social Firms Miguel Ángel García. organization http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/conte nido.php?url=entidades‐del‐grupo transparency Economical management 2.011 INCOMES 30.893.553,29 Services 27.784.181,64 Grants 2.700.426,48 Others 408.945,17 OUTCOMES 29.953.989,96 Outcomes to direct services 27.491.726,10 (92%) Administratives outcomes 2.462.263,86 (8%) AUDITORIAS Price Waterhouse Coopers Fundación Lealtad ISO‐UNE‐EN 9001:2000, consiguiendo la certificación para la "Gestión de Fondos y/o activos concedidos por Organismos Públicos y entidades privadas". http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/imag enes/documentos/112.pdf people BENEFICIARIES 6.271 Mental Health 431 Elderly people 2.036 youngsters 393 Formation 1.091 Integration 2.020 Employees 661 Mental Health 65 Elderly 306 Youngsters 160 Formation 21 Employers 11 Social Entreprises 77 Central Services 21 Volunteers 84 Mental Health PROGRAMS •Individualized therapeutic programs. Programs alternatives houses. Programs leisure time. Labor integration programs Programs leisure time. Espacio Visiones. Workshops and art exhibitions. http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/conte nido.php?url=Area‐de‐salud‐mental Mental Health Another activities 2.011 “ Gritando en Voz Baja” Radio “ Tecnopoetas” Theater Summer Camps Expositions Elderly PROGRAMS •Care and personal Residences and day centers. •Home care program. •Therapeutic and rehabilitative care. •Leisure and free time for seniors. •Intergenerational activities. •Workshops active aging. •Training of caregivers. http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/conte nido.php?url=area‐mayores Youngsters PROGRAMS •Management of camps and host. •Educational intervention programs. •Social and family programs. •Health programs. •Mental health program. Clinical intervention unit. •Job training orientation programs. •Project: Support Structure Insertion •Workshops, sport, leisure and recreation. •Sheltered housing http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/conte nido.php?url=area‐menores formation PROGRAMS •Training courses and job placement •Teacher training •Adult Education •Professional qualification programs and training and employment •School workshop in La Alfranca •Workshops and Courses for employment and social integration of the immigrant population. •Other vocational training activities (dependent care, introduction to computers, ..) 10.965 Hours in formation http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/conte nido.php?url=cursos Supporters http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/empresas _colaboradoras.php more information www.reyardid.org Memoria 2011 http://www.reyardid.org/nueva/imagenes/documentos/95.pdf